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bike tour engelberg

Essen & Trinken

bike tour engelberg

Vom Bahnhof Engelberg, dem Startpunkt der 4-Seen Biketour fahren Sie zur Talstation der Bergbahn TITLIS und links weiter über die geteerte Gerschnistrasse (auf der Strasse muss mit Werkverkehr gerechnet werden) Richtung Untertrübsee. Vorbei an der Alp Untertrübsee biegt nach rund einem Kilometer links ein Kiesweg ab. Ab da sind starke Beine gefordert. Der grobe Kies stellt hohe Ansprüche an Kondition und Fahrtechnik. Die Aussicht auf den Titlis und das Wissen, dass es oben mit der Sesselbahn weitergeht, lassen Sie die Strapazen vergessen. Die gut 400 Höhenmeter vom Trübsee auf den Jochpass lassen sich mit der Sesselbahn bewältigen. Ab hier geht es über einen wunderschön angelegten Singletrail (1 Meter Wegbreite) dem Engstlensee entgegen.

Kurze Pause fällig? Eine Abkühlung bietet das glasklare Gletscherwasser. Haben Sie den See passiert folgen Sie einer Strecke von ca. 600m entlang der Spycherflue hoch bis Tannalp. Nun geht es auf einer breiten Teerstrasse dem tiefblauen Tannalpsee und schönen Alpweiden entlang, gemütlich abwärts dem Melchsee entgegen. Auf der Melchsee-Frutt angekommen fahren Sie über die Melchtalerstrasse nach Stöckalp. Diese Strasse ist abwärts nur zu den ungeraden Stunden befahrbar (z.B. 11.00-11.40 Uhr). Durchs Melchtal von St. Niklausen bis nach Kerns fahren Sie auf der Hauptstrasse. Im Dorfzentrum von Kerns folgen Sie der Strasse Richtung Stans. Angekommen in dem idyllischen Dorfkern von Stans geht es mit der Zentralbahn (stündlich immer xx.24) zurück nach Engelberg dem Ausgangspunkt der Tour.

Technische Details

Auf der Strasse zwischen Gerschnistrasse und Untertrübsee muss mit Werkverkehr gerechnet werden.

Die Melchtalerstrasse die nach Stöckalp führt ist abwärts nur zu den ungeraden Stunden befahrbar (z.B. 11.00-11.40 Uhr).

Die Sportshops in Engelberg bieten ein umfangreiches Angebot an Bikes und Zubehör zum Mieten und Kaufen. Auch für Reparaturen und Ersatzteile lohnt sich das Vorbeischauen.

Kaufen Sie sich für die Bahn-/Zugbenützung ein Kombiticket.

Railaway Angebot

Gut zu wissen

  • Mountainbike Verhaltenskodex
  • Bikeschulen und Guiding
  • Bikefreundliche Betriebe
  • Bike Transport

4-Seen Bike Tour

Glasklare Bergseen, sprudelnde Bäche, majestätische Gletscher die Kulisse für Mountainbiker zwischen Engelberg und Melchsee-Frutt ist Weltklasse. Und auch die Trails können sich sehen lassen. Die Vier-Seen-Tour verbindet grossartige Kulisse mit grandiosen Flow-Erlebnissen.

wunderschöne Berglandschaft entdecken & geniessen!

  • Teilstrecken können auch mit der Bergbahn zurückgelegt werden
  • Rücktransport via Zentralbahn
  • Bike Shuttle Service
  • individuelles Programm für grössere Gruppen möglich


Du hast bereits Erfahrungen im Gelände gesammelt, kennst die Grundlagen und möchtest jetzt eine einfache bis mittlere Tour erleben.

Kondition 2/4

solide Fahrtechnik S2

Der Kurs wird ab 4 Teilnehmern durchgeführt.

Schwierigkeit mittel/ S2 Strecke 53.1 km Aufstieg 1.422 hm Abstieg 1.982 hm höchster Punk 2.207 hm tiefster Punkt 445 hm

Mountainbiken in Engelberg

Biken in Engelberg

Die  Bergwelt um Engelberg bietet abwechslungsreiche Bike Trails für jeden Fahrstil. Je nach Gusto stehen gemütliche Bike Touren, flowige Trails bis hin zu anspruchsvollen Enduro Touren zur Auswahl. Hier findest du alles zum Thema „Biken in Engelberg“!

bike tour engelberg

Engelberg Titlis

Du suchst den perfekten Ort für alpine Erlebnisse, nach dem «Place to be» für dein nächstes Outdoor- und Bergsport Abenteuer? Willkommen! Engelberg ist schlicht und einfach der ultimative Platz für einzigartige Bergerlebnisse, für das Gefühl des perfekten Glücksmoments, der sich gross anfühlt und dich wie kein anderer fasziniert.

bike tour engelberg

Der Trudy Trail – nach der Hüttenwartin am Jochpass benannt – ist die anspruchsvollere Strecke im oberen Teil des Jochpasses. Auf dem Weg liegen einige schwierige Passagen, Steilwandkurven und Hindernisse. Perfekt für Downhill-Geniesser. 

bike tour engelberg

Spassiger Naturtrail von der Gerschnialp, oberhalb Engelberg, durch den Gerschniwald hinunter bis zur Bänklialp.

bike trail zentralschweiz

Der Jochpass Trail ist ein Flowtrail vom Jochpass nach Trübsee und ist so gebaut, dass Anfänger und geübte Biker Spass haben können. Die verschiedenen Elemente und Kurven können mit unterschiedlicher Geschwindigkeit befahren werden.

bike tour engelberg

Die 4-Seen Biketour begeistert mit grandioser Aussicht auf das Bergpanorama und mit glasklaren Bergseen, die nach dem konditionell anspruchsvollen Aufstieg zur Pause einladen.

bike tour engelberg

Schöne, leichte Biketour mit herrlichem Weitblick ins Engelbergertal. Diese Tour ist auch bestens geeignet für sportliche Familien.

bike tour engelberg

Biken auf der Sonnenseite von Engelberg, das ist auf der Route zur Walenalp möglich. Die technisch leichte aber konditionell anspruchsvolle Tour bietet mit dem herrlichen Blick ins Engelbergertal und der schönen Feuerstelle am Ziel die perfekte Bikeroute für sportliche Familien.

bike tour engelberg

Diese Tour führt die Biker in eine andere Welt. Ruhig und fast etwas geheimnisvoll führt das Niedersurenen-Tal der Engelberger Aa entlang Richtung Surenenpass. Immer die massiven Spannörter mit ihrer speziellen Form vor Augen.

bike tour engelberg

Biken auf der Sonnenseite von Engelberg, das ist auf der Route zur Brunnihütte SAC möglich. Das Highlight dieser Tour ist der Blick auf den Titlis. Von nirgend wo anders sieht man den Gletscher so gut wie von da aus. Am Ende der Tour wartet der Herzlisee mit dem Kitzelpfad auf müde Bikerfüsse.

bike tour engelberg

Die Trail-Arena kannst du perfekt mit dem Gerschni-Trail verbinden, welcher seit letztem Herbst komplett vom Wanderweg getrennt wurde.

bike tour engelberg

Wenn die Sterne noch leuchten, fahren wir von Engelberg aus mit elektrischen Mountenbikes durch die Dunkelheit in den Tag. Sobald die ersten Sonnenstrahlen die Berge erwärmen, machen wir Halt und geniessen einen fantastisches Frühstück bei einer urchigen Alphütte.

bike tour engelberg

Von Frauen für Frauen. Eine coole Ausfahrt unter Ladies bringt dich auch technisch eine Stufe weiter. Frauen könnens einfach besser und unsere Bike Guidin bringt dich sicher an die schönsten Orte im Engelberger Tal.

bike tour engelberg

Mit der Sonne und den wunderschönen Farben in den Tag hinein fahren. Wir stärken uns mit einem high end BBQ oder Pic Nic auf einer Alp um dann ins Dorf zurück zu fahren.

Eine Tagestour mit E-Bikes zu den schönsten Alpenseen der Zentralschweiz.

bike tour engelberg

Reserviere deine gewünschte Bike Ausrüstung bequem und einfach online.

bike tour engelberg

Bei uns findest du alles, was du brauchst. Kinderfahrräder, Stadträder, E-Bikes (25km/h & 45km/h) und Mountainbikes mit und ohne Motor.

bike tour engelberg

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bike tour engelberg

  • Regions  
  • Switzerland  
  • Canton of Obwalden  

Cycling routes in

Find the right bike route for you through Engelberg, where we've got 224 cycle routes to explore. The routes you most commonly find here are of the hilly or downhill type. Most people get on their bikes to ride here in the months of July and August.

Find cycle routes in Engelberg:

Flat routes | Hilly routes | Uphill routes | Downhill routes | Quick rides | Long tours | Top rated routes

Top user routes in Engelberg

Ausfahrt durch Engelberg

  • 183 m
  • 178 m

Engelberg, Canton of Obwalden, Switzerland

4-Seen Biketour in Engelberg

  • 1,468 m
  • 2,019 m

Biketour Surenenpass

  • 1,329 m
  • 1,857 m

Hells-Bells Trail Engelberg

  • 277 m

Hells-Bells Trail Engelberg

Find the perfect cycle route in Engelberg that suits your bike

Routes from engelberg.

Engelberg - Wien

  • 883 km
  • 4,054 m
  • 4,874 m

Brunnihütte SAC

  • 871 m
  • 870 m

Snow Shoe trail in Engelberg

  • 537 m

Engsteln - Schwarzental

  • 919 m
  • 1,043 m


  • 330 m
  • 1,977 m

Routes to Engelberg

Dead End: Engstlenalp

  • 1,089 m

Meiringen, Canton of Bern, Switzerland

Kerns - Engelberg

  • 631 m
  • 167 m

Kerns, Canton of Obwalden, Switzerland

SUSTENPASS (por Innertkirchen)

  • 1,680 m


  • 1,727 m


  • 2,143 m
  • 1,129 m

Disentis, Grisons, Switzerland

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Are you ready for the full cycling experience.

Mountainbiker vor mächtiger Bergkulisse in Engelberg.

MTB Destination Guide: Engelberg

Die 10 besten bikeparks in der schweiz, top trails in engelberg.

Der Jochpasstrail bietet Flow ohne Ende.


  • Charakter: Perfekter Trail für Einsteiger, auf dem sich aber auch erfahrene Biker super Einfahren können.
  • Singletrailskala: S0/S1
  • Anfahrt: Variante 1: von Engelberg mit dem Titlis Xpress bis zur Bergstation Trübsee. Von dort fünf Minuten am See entlang zum 4er-Sessellift Jochpass. Variante 2: Mit der Titlis Bergbahnen via Untertrübsee zum Trübsee.
  • Ticketkosten: MTB-Tageskarte CHF 42,- (ab 16 J.), CHF 21,- (6-15 J.), Gültig für die Bergfahrten Engelberg-Trübsee-Jochpass-Engstlenalp.
  • Mehr Info:

Abfahrt mit Aussicht auf dem Hells Bells Trail

  • Charakter: Breiter Trail mit genialer Aussicht nach Melchsee-Frutt
  • Singletrailskala: S1/S2 Anfahrt: Von Engelberg mit dem Titlis Xpress nach Trübsee, dann am See entlang zum Sessellift Jochpass. Der Trail startet neben der Bergstation des Engstlensessellifts.
  • Charakter: Durch anspruchsvolle Passagen im oberen Teil sicher nix für Anfänger.
  • Singletrailskala: S2/S3
  • Anfahrt: Von Engelberg mit dem Titlis Xpress nach Trübsee, dann am See entlang zum Sessellift Jochpass. Der Trail startet am Berhaus Jochpass.
  • Charakter: Spassiger Naturtrail
  • Singletrailskala: S1/S2 Anfahrt: Von der Talstation der Titlisbahn auf der Gerschnistrasse hinauf Richtung Untertrübsee/Alpkäserei und weiter auf einem Waldweg am Gasthaus Gerschnialp vorbei zum Gerschniwald. Hier startet der Trail.
  • Ticketkosten: keine

Top Touren in Engelberg

Die Belohnung für die Strapazen sieht so aus.

  • Charakter: MTB-Extremtour
  • Singletrailskala: S1/S2
  • Anfahrt: Start und Ziel der Tour ist der Bahnhof in Engelberg.
  • Ticketkosten: keine (ggf. CHF 5,- für Fürenalpbahn)

Die Vier-Seen-Tour ist landschaftlich ein absolutes Highlight

  • Charakter: Biketour mit Seilbahnunterstützung und grandiosem Panorama
  • Singletrailskala: S0/S1 (Express-Variante: S2)
  • Anfahrt: Start am Bahnhof in Engelberg. Vom Ziel in Stans geht es mit dem Zug zurück nach Engelberg. Die Route kann auch umgekehrt gefahren werden.
  • Ticketkosten: CHF 5,- für den Sessellift vom Trübsee zum Jochpass plus Zugticket von Stans nach Engelberg. Es werden auch Kombitickets(Lift- und Zugticket) angeboten.


Bars & restaurants:, schlechtwetter-programm, beste reisezeit.

Flowtrail-Extase in Engelberg

Kontakt der Bergbahn

Finde deinen flow, engelberg: mitten in der schweiz und dennoch ein …, mathilde gremaud: "ich dachte bloss noch: shit, shit, …, mehr zum thema.

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Mountainbiketour in Engelberg (Aussicht auf den Engstlensee)

Mountain biking trails in Engelberg


LogoEngelberg-Titlis Tourismus

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The 10 most beautiful mountain biking trails in Engelberg


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bike tour engelberg

The best MTB trails around Engelberg

There are some great mountain biking routes around Engelberg — but how do you know where to go? Well, we’ve reviewed our full collection of mtb routes around Engelberg to bring you the best. Explore them all below.

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Alpenrösli – Restaurant Stäfeli loop from Engelberg

Jochpass – trübsee loop from engelberg.

bike tour engelberg

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Alp rigidal – härzlisee loop from engelberg, engstlensee – jochpass loop from engelberg, alpenrösli loop from engelberg, restaurant stäfeli – surenen pass loop from grafenort, sign up for free to see 28 more rides around engelberg..

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Popular around Engelberg

bike tour engelberg

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Explore the most popular tours around engelberg.

bike tour engelberg

Hiking around Engelberg

bike tour engelberg

Cycling around Engelberg

bike tour engelberg

Road Cycling Routes around Engelberg

bike tour engelberg

Running Trails around Engelberg

bike tour engelberg

Mountain Hikes around Engelberg

bike tour engelberg

Gravel biking around Engelberg

Discover the most popular attractions around Engelberg

bike tour engelberg

Attractions around Engelberg

bike tour engelberg

Huts and Cabins around Engelberg

bike tour engelberg

Peaks around Engelberg

bike tour engelberg

Lakes around Engelberg

bike tour engelberg

Mountain Passes around Engelberg

Explore more of Obwalden : Browse the best MTB Trails in other regions.

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  • Lucerne Region - Lake Lucerne
  • Region Eastern Switzerland / Liechtenstein
  • Ticino region
  • Valais region
  • Zurich region
  • Avalanche course
  • Bungee jumping
  • Carriage rides
  • Chocolate factory
  • Competition
  • Cooking course
  • Cross country skiing
  • Eating with locals
  • Escape room and games
  • Exhibitions
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  • Ice climbing
  • Indoor amusement park
  • Lift tickets
  • Llama and alpaca trekking
  • Monster Scooter
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  • Mountain tour
  • Natural attractions
  • Night sledding
  • Paragliding
  • Photo course
  • Private Car Tour
  • Racing simulator
  • SBB Day Pass
  • Scenic flight
  • Scenic train
  • Shooting and Throwing Sports
  • Ski touring
  • Snowboard Rental
  • Snowboarding
  • Snowshoeing
  • Stand up paddle
  • Summer tobogganing
  • Swiss Rail Passes
  • Trail running
  • Train ticket
  • Travel preparation
  • Via ferrata
  • Virtual Reality Games
  • Virtual Travel Companion
  • Wakeboarding and Wakesurfing

Engelberg freeride with skier in the air, mountain landscape in the background, winter conditions.

24 Things to Do in Engelberg 2024

Engelberg is located at 1013 meters above sea level and was built around a Benedictine abbey. It is the largest summer and winter destination in Central Switzerland. The village is connected with two large excursion areas. On the one hand, the Rotair cable car leads to the three-thousand-meter mountain peak Titlis in the south, and on the other hand, the sunny Brunnige area is easily accessible in the north. In winter Engelberg is known for its freeride routes and in summer hiking, mountaineering, climbing, golfing and biking are very popular. Skiers and snowboarders will find 90 kilometers of slopes here in winter. (Photo: Schweiz Tourismus, Ruedi Flueck)

8 Activities

Rotair cable car at Titlis with snow-capped mountains under a blue sky.

Mount Titlis or Trübsee ticket from Engelberg

Travel from Engelberg to Mount Titlis at over 3000 meters or to Trübsee. The cable car "Titlis Xpress" and the impressive revolving cable car "Titlis Rotair" take you up to the heights.

Validity: All day

Paragliding over Engelberg-Brunni with snow-covered mountains and a blue sky.

Engelberg Brunni paragliding tandem

Enjoy paragliding in tandem over the sunny side of Engelberg. You discover the beautiful landscape and feel a lot of adrenaline. Feel the thermals and the upswing on a paragliding top-fly.

Duration: 15 minutes, 30 minutes or 40 minutes

Paragliding in Engelberg over the Zurich landscape

Brunni Engelberg paragliding tandem

Discover the area of Engelberg Brunni from the bird's eye view. Feel pure adrenaline and enjoy the unforgettable feeling of weightlessness.

Ice Flyer: Gruppe geniesst den Sommer in den Titlis-Bergen mit Blick auf atemberaubende Natur.

Titlis Return Ticket incl. Ice Flyer

First, take the cable car up to Titlis and then glide over the glacier with the Ice Flyer. You cross huge snowfields with the wide chairlift and gaze into blue glacier crevasses. The high-speed chairlift takes just over 2 minutes.

Paragliding in Engelberg mit herrlichem Blick auf die Alpen und die Stadt, ideal für Abenteurer.

Engelberg paragliding tandem flight

Experience a tandem flight over Engelberg. Get away from the usual dimensions with your pilot and soak up the unforgettable impressions of nature.

Duration: 2 hours

Titlis: atemberaubende Landschaft mit Bergen, Wiesen und einem blauen Himmel während der Sommermonate.

Glacier adventure on the Titlis

On this excursion to the Titlis, you don't have to worry about a thing. Your guide will pick you up in Engelberg and explain everything worth seeing on and around the Titlis. For example, he will show you the glacier grotto, the Cliff Walk and Trübsee.

Duration: 3 hours or 6 hours

Brunni: Panoramablick auf die Alpen, blühende Wiesen und majestätische Berge im Sommer.

Guided hike along the Brunni panorama path

You start your guided hike along the panorama path at the Ristis mountain station. The easy hike takes you to the popular Härzlisee. The panoramic view along the way also allows you to wonderfully see the Hahnen (2606 m above sea level).

Duration: 3 hours

Brunni Gondel: panorama ausblick auf die alpen, ideal für abenteuer und gruppenaktivitäten.

Engelberg-Brunnihütte ticket from Engelberg in summer

In summer you take the cable car from Engelberg to Ristis one way or return. In addition, you get a one-way or return ride with the chairlift to Brunnihütte at Härzlisee.

Rotair cable car at Titlis with snow-capped mountains under a blue sky.

Use your phone or print out the voucher

No booking fees

Free cancellation

booked 1,761 times

Paragliding over Engelberg-Brunni with snow-covered mountains and a blue sky.

German, English

booked 13 times

Paragliding in Engelberg over the Zurich landscape

English, German

Brunni Gondel: panorama ausblick auf die alpen, ideal für abenteuer und gruppenaktivitäten.

Discount: Halbtax | Swiss Half Fare Card

Best attractions close to Engelberg

Truebsee: Kajakfahren auf dem ruhigen See, umgeben von Bergen und Natur. Perfekt für einen Familienausflug.

Brunni Engelberg

Titlis Cliff Walk: spektakuläre Aussichten und Wintererlebnis in Engelberg.

Titlis Cliff Walk

Titlis Rotair hovers over snow-covered mountains in Engelberg

  • Mount Titlis

CabriO Stanserhorn-Bahn: Aussicht auf die Berge und Natur bei einer aufregenden Bergfahrt.


Trift Bridge Grimsel World with Surroundings, Water and Mountains.


Naehen in einer hellen Werkstatt mit Nähmaschinen und buntem Material für kreative Projekte

In our travel guides Titlis and Brunni Engelberg you can read detailed descriptions of these mountain peaks. You can reach both directly from Engelberg comfortably with the mountain railroads.

  • 9 Highlights Engelberg
  • The Titlis (3239 m above sea level) is located south of Engelberg. It can be reached in less than half an hour by cable car from Engelberg.
  • The Titlis glacier also offers winter adventures in summer.
  • The glacier lake Trübsee (1764 m above sea level) attracts especially families for summer fun.
  • World Cup ski jumping regularly takes place in Engelberg on the weekend before Christmas
  • Brunni (1850 m above sea level) is a sunny mountainous area north of Engelberg. Especially popular are the Brunni Härzlisee and the Brunnihüttli.
  • In Brunni, people hike in summer and in winter it turns into a sunny winter sports area.
  • 82 kilometers of slopes are offered by the skiing area at Titlis, 8.5 kilometers of slopes are offered at Brunni
  • the longest downhill run in the Titlis ski area stretches over 12 kilometers and 2000 meters of altitude.
  • Engelberg is only 43 minutes away from Lucerne by train

Engelberg Brunni Härzlisee

Engelberg excursion destinations

Only 43 minutes by train separate the alpine resort of Engelberg from Lucerne. Today Engelberg is a popular excursion and tourist destination.

  • Titlis south of Engelberg

In the south of Engelberg, the three-thousand-meter Titlis and its glacier are reached via the Rotair gondola lift. Summer and winter alike, a wide variety of activities are possible on the Titlis and at the glacier lake Trübsee.

Approach from Engelberg

From Engelberg you can reach the Titlis mountain station in 22 minutes. Even the journey with the Titlis Rotair mountain railroad is an experience in itself: it turns around itself during the journey. This gives every guest the opportunity to experience all sides of the glacier. The Ice Flyer chairlift takes you directly to the glacier.

From the top station of the Ice Flyer you can directly reach the Titlis Cliff Walk. This is a suspension bridge that allows you to walk above the glacier at an altitude of 3,041 meters.

Glacier Grotto

You can reach the Glacier Grotto from the top station of the Rotair cable car. It leads ten meters below the surface of the glacier. The passage is 150 meters long. The ice in the cave is up to 5,000 years old, and the temperature is a constant minus 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Glacial Lake Trübsee

The Gletschersee Trübsee is especially popular with families. They come here not only for swimming, hiking and fishing. Around the lake, the Trübsee Adventure Park, the Smuggler & Mule Trail and the Zipline Trübsee Flyer offer additional fun.

Engelberg Titlis Trübsee

  • The Brunni north of Engelberg

The Brunni in the north of Engelberg is reached via the cable car to the Rustis midway station at 1600 meters above sea level. Here there is a summer toboggan run and a children's playground. If you take the chairlift from Rustis, it will take you to the Brunni Härzlisee. Here you can also find the Brunnihüttli of the Swiss Alpine Club. The Brunni with its southern slopes is also called Engelberg's sunny side

Directions from Engelberg

From Engelberg you first take the cable car to Ristis. Here you change to the chair lift to the Brunnihütte. The Härzli lake is right next to the mountain station. It is also easily accessible as a hiking destination from Engelberg or Ristis

Brunni Härzlisee with tickle trail

The Härzlisee is idyllically situated at Brunni at 1.861 m above sea level. It got its name because its shape reminds of a heart. Families like to walk around it and enjoy the mountain panorama during the leisurely hike. Around the lake there are five fireplaces with seats. Here you can barbecue yourself. If you don't want to do that, there are two huts with catering at the Härzli lake: Brunnihüttli and Chruiter Hüttli.

Next to the small mountain lake there is a so-called tickle path. This barefoot path is 220 meters long. Pebbles, sand, wood chips and water massage the feet. It begins and ends at the herb hut (Chruiter Hüttli) and is open from June to October. In addition to the tickle trail, a barefoot hiking trail has also been created that leads to the Hüttismatt above Ristis.

The Härzli lake was artificially created and serves as a water reservoir. It provides the water that is needed in winter for snowmaking on the ski slopes.

Bannalp and Lake Bannalp

The Bannalpsee is a reservoir at 1586 m above sea level, located in the north of the mountain range. You can reach it on hiking routes like the Walenpfad, which connect Brunni and Bannalp. The mountain routes via Rot Grätli and Rugghubelhütte to Engelberg (or vice versa) also lead past Bannalpsee. The Bannalp itself is a pre-Alpine high valley. It lies at 1600 to 2800 m.a.s.l. near Oberrickenbach Wolfenschiessen.

Engelberg Brunni Härzlisee Kitzelpfad

Swiss Activities Tips Engelberg

We have collected these insider tips for you during our research.

In Engelberg, a free bus runs to the mountain railroad stations and the Engelberg train station. You can get on at various bus stops. So your vacation without a car will be completely stress-free. The bus runs in several lines and short intervals both in summer and winter.

  • quiet Bannalp

The Bannalp as a pre-Alpine high valley is rather quiet and still an insider tip for those seeking relaxation in summer as well as in winter.

  • Trübsee adventure for active families

Lake Trübsee at the Titlis middle station is a paradise for active families. The Zypline, the Adventure Park with Jump Tower and Trampoline offer lots of fun. The smuggler's path around the lake (3.4 km) is especially suitable for smaller children. You can also walk it with a stroller. At the last station (Säumerlager) you will find several picnic areas.

  • Activities in Engelberg for families

Engelberg Brunni Bannalp Walenpfad

Activities Engelberg

Around Engelberg you have a lot of possibilities to be active all year round. Some activities you can even do all year round.

Some activities you can do all year round:

  • Bettlerstock climbing garden
  • Paragliding at Brunni
  • Bettlerstock climbing garden near Engelberg

The Bettlerstock climbing garden (2100 m above sea level) can be reached from the top station of the Brunni chairlift. It takes about 30 minutes to get there via the white-blue marked hiking trail. The climbing garden has two routes, both of which are open from January to December.

The south route with a 70 meter high pillar made of rough limestone is considered very difficult. However, it warms up quickly even in winter when exposed to sunlight. The west route is easier with a height of 20-25 meters.

There are three take-off points for paragliding at Brunni. They can be reached via the aerial cableway and the chairlift. Due to the Titlis massif, the Engelberg valley is sheltered from the wind. Therefore, weather and flying conditions are excellent here on an above-average number of days.

  • Paragliding in Engelberg

Engelberg Tandemflug Brunni

Summer activities in Engelberg include:

  • Hiking and mountain walking
  • Trübsee Adventure and Smugglers & Muleteers
  • Zipline Trübsee Flyer
  • Summer toboggan run with alpine playground at Brunni
  • Mountain biking, Trotti Bike or Devil Bike
  • Via ferrata, climbing gardens, climbing stick Graustock
  • Rowing and kayaking on Lake Trübsee
  • Hiking and mountain walking in Engelberg

In summer, the area around Engelberg is a huge hiking area. A new barefoot hiking trail has been laid out at Brunni on the stretch between Hüttismatt ob Ristis and Härzlisee. It contains eleven spots that have been set up for barefoot walking. However, you will still need hiking boots for the connecting stretches. The walking time is 30-45 minutes.

On and around the Titlis, in addition to four official hiking trails, 20 official mountain trails are listed. Their length varies from one to almost nine hours. The path from the Ristis mountain station to the Brunnihütte at the Härzlisee is one of the easy hikes. You can even walk it with a stroller.

A particularly difficult hike, on the other hand, is the glacier ascent from Trübsee to the Titlis summit. It is best to do the tour with a mountain guide. Crampons and ice axe are required.

You'll find the Trübsee Adventure at the middle station of the Titlis Achter gondola lift. Until mid-October, activities such as BagJump, Trampoline2Bag, bouncy castle, slackline and Bike Pump Track take place here. Guides are available to assist you in the Adventure Park.

The Smugglers & Muleteers Adventure World at Lake Trübsee can be walked through in about an hour. It includes a smugglers' playground, a muleteers' camp with barbecue area and riddles to be solved on the way around Lake Trübsee. The comfortable trail is also passable with strollers or wheelchairs.

The 500 m long zipline takes you from the Berghaus Trübsee down to the lake in the afternoon. You are strapped in and overcome 40 meters of altitude.

  • Engelberg Hiking

Engelberg Titlis Trübsee Slackline

Summer toboggan run with Globi's Alpine playground at Brunni

The 660 m long summer toboggan run in Ristis is open daily on dry days from spring to autumn. The entry point is at the Berglodge Ristis. The toboggan run circles the 3000 m2 alpine playground. Children from the age of eight may ride alone, younger children need an escort of at least 12 years old.

In Globi's alpine playground there are for the children for example:

  • a Murmeli tunnel slide and two other slides
  • a small rope park
  • a trampoline
  • a climbing wall
  • three seesaws
  • three swings
  • an alpine hut and a milking cow
  • Globi's wild water world with pumps and tilts
  • two carousels and a climbing carousel
  • a large climbing and balancing landscape

Within the playground you will find three fireplaces with ten seats each. Wood is available. Globi is the mascot of Brunni Engelberg. Globi figures are present at Brunni as helpers for the children.

  • Swimming, rowing and kayaking near Engelberg

Lake Trübsee and Lake Brunni Härzli invite you to swim, row and kayak. At the boathouse Trübsee you can get helmets and life jackets. Here you can also book a guide. So you can go kayaking on the lake and enjoy the mountain scenery. Don't forget your swimsuit and a change of underwear.

Engelberg Brunni Globi Alpenspielplatz Wasserspiele

Mountain bike tours are very popular both on the Titlis and in the Brunni area. Mountain bikes are rented in Engelberg in the village and at the Titlis mountain station.

At Titlis, the mountain bike may be transported on the mountain railroad. Here there are at least fifteen tours of varying difficulty. The tours are rideable from June to October.

At Brunni you can do some tours by mountain bike, but also by bike or e-bike. The approach from Engelberg to Rigidalalp via Ristis is easy. This route is available as an asphalt road. From Rigidalalp a partly difficult gravel road continues. The last part before the Brunni hut becomes very steep. The Brunni gondola lift takes folded bikes. With the chairlift, however, no transport of bikes is possible.

Four popular tours:

  • 4-Lakes Tour Engelberg : Engelberg-Trübsee-Jochpass-Engstlenalp-Tannalp-Melchsee-Frutt, 32 km in length, difficult, 920 meters in altitude
  • Arnialp-Engelberg : 6 km length, easy, 343 vertical meters
  • Brunni Hut Trail : Brunni Hütte SAC-Engelberg, 13.3 km, moderate, 862 vertical meters
  • Stäfeli Trail : Brunni Hütte SAC-Engelberg, 9 km, moderate, 394 vertical meters

On the Titlis you can also ride downhill with the Trotti-Bike (mixture between bike and Trottinette). Helmets are compulsory, the helmets will be lent with the bike. You can rent scooters at the intermediate station Gerschnialp or at the restaurant Untertrübsee. After the ride you return them at the valley station of the TITLIS mountain railroads. The ride is 3.5 km long and covers 260 meters in altitude. Trottibikes are rented daily (only in dry weather) between May and October.

A Devil Bike or Monster Bike has extra wide tires and goes down faster. You can rent them for the stretch from Jochpass to Trübsee. The ride takes 15 min and overcomes 410 meters in altitude.

Engelberg Trotti Bike

  • Via ferrata, climbing gardens, boulder spots

Around Engelberg you will find 8 climbing gardens, 6 via ferratas, various bouldering spots and countless alpine climbing routes.

A partly difficult via ferrata is the Klettersteig Graustock on the Titlis. It starts at the Berghaus Jochpass at 2222 meters above sea level and takes you to the 2661 meter high summit of the Graustock. From here you have a good view of the Titlis. The via ferrata is only accessible in summer until about October, after which the wire ropes are removed.

The Klettergarten Äbnet is very suitable for families and beginners.

For bouldering there are 15 boulders with 170 routes in the Surenental. Climbing is also possible in the Sportingpark and the Seilpark Engelberg. The Rope Park is located at the valley station of the Fürenalp.

Difficulty level for climbing gardens, via ferrata and bouldering routes around Engelberg

The via ferratas Fürenwand and Brunnistöckli are rated with a different scale in Engelberg.

The Klettersteig Brunnistöckli is rated with a difficulty of K2 (easy) on the scale from K1 to K5. It is suitable for beginners and families and includes a suspension bridge as a highlight: 1.4 km in length, 171 meters in altitude, 1:10 hours. Above this via ferrata begins the Klettersteig Rigidalstock , rated K3 as moderately difficult.

The Klettersteig Fürenwand is rated K4 to K5 (difficult) on this scale. Beginners should only climb here with a mountain guide: 6.2 km in length, 775 meters in altitude, 4:40 hours.

The climbing equipment can be rented in Engelberg in the village center or at the valley station of the Titlis Xpress.

Engelberg Klettersteig

  • Ski resorts near Engelberg

The ski area at Titlis lies at altitudes between 1003 and 3020 meters above sea level, at Brunni between 1050 and 2040 meters above sea level.

Acrivities in the ski resorts:

  • Skiing and snowboarding (on Titlis until the end of May), Globis Winterland Klostermatte and Yetipark on Brunni
  • tobogganing, Trübsee slide park, TitlisSnowXPark
  • Cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and winter hiking
  • Avalanche Training Center and SnowEpic at Titlis
  • Skiing and snowboarding, Klostermatte and Yetipark

In winter you can enjoy over 82 kilometers of slopes on the Titlis. In some places it is even possible to ski until the end of May. The longest run goes over twelve kilometers and 2,000 meters of altitude down to Engelberg. For children and the inexperienced, there are about 23.5 kilometers of easy runs on the lower slopes around Untertrübsee, Gerschnialp and Trübsee.

Difficulty of the 82 kilometers of slopes on the Titlis

At the Brunni the 2 km from Klostermatte are easy. The Klostermatte is also the leading ski practice area in Central Switzerland. The Yetipark is located behind the Restaurant Ristis. It is a practice area for skiing and sledding for children.

Difficulty of the 8.5 km of slopes at Brunni

  • Ski ticket from Engelberg to the Titlis
  • Ski school in Engelberg

Engelberg Skifahren Skischulen Klostermatte Kinder us)

  • Tobogganing, Trübsee slide park, TitlisSnowXPark

On the Titlis, a 3.5 km-long toboggan run leads 250 meters downhill. Starting at Gerschnialp, it leads through the snow-covered Gerschni Forest and ends in Engelberg.

At Brunni you can start your tobogganing tour directly at the Brunnihütte. Two toboggan runs lead from here 2.5 km down to the Ristis. The route via Rinderbüel is easier to ride.

In the Yeti children's park you can rent classic toboggans, skigibles and airboards incl. pads and helmets. You can also rent toboggans at the top station of the chairlift at the Brunnihütte.

The Trübsee slide park also offers balancers, snowtubes and bobsleds, and at the neighboring SnowXPark you can try out one of the six e-snowmobiles.

  • SnowXpark snowmobiling Engelberg Titlis

Engelberg Titlis SnowXpark Snow Mobile

From Engelberg, cross-country skiing is possible on several trails in the valley. On the Titlis, the Gerschnialp trail is a popular cross-country skiing tour. It is eight kilometers long and is classified as an easy to medium tour. At Furggelenstock, two Brunni cross-country trails are popular, each taking about 3.5 hours to complete. They are six and nine kilometers long respectively.

You can rent snowshoes and cross-country skis in Engelberg at the valley station Titlis and in the village.

There are two official and avalanche-safe snowshoe trails at Brunni: Schönenboden trail Brunni: from Berglodge Ristis to Ristis, 3.5 km, 2 hours, 170 vertical meters Riedalp-Trail: from Ristis via Ruchweg and Riedalp back to Ristis, 2.9 km, 1:30 hours, 130 vertical meters There are also two official snowshoe trails on the Titlis:

  • Gerschnialp-Untertrübsee trail: parallel to the cross-country ski trail, the trail is well marked, 4.2 km, 1:20 hours, 138 vertical meters
  • Obertrübsee trail: from Berghotel Trübsee in the direction of Engelberg, Älplerseil and back, arrival and departure are via the TITLIS-Xpress cable car between Engelberg and Trübsee, 5.5 km, 2 to 2.5 hours, 252 vertical meters
  • Winter hiking

The summer hiking trails can often also be walked in winter. In any case, these include the hiking trails between Ristis and Brunnihütte as well as Ristis and Engelberg. On the Titlis and around Engelberg there are about 50 kilometers of winter hiking trails.

Special winter hiking trails at Brunni and Titlis:

  • Panorama trail Rigidalalp with view of Titlis and Hahnen: 3 km, 1 hour, 265 meters altitude difference
  • Schneetandliweg Brunni: from Berglodge Ristis along the pink trail signs to Ried and back to Ristis mountain station, 2.4 km, 0:45 hour, 130 vertical meters.
  • Gerschnialp-Untertrübsee: from Hotel Bänklialp to Gerschnialp and down to Untertrübsee, 4.2 km, 1:45 hours, 304 vertical meters ascent, 57 vertical meters descent.
  • Trübsee circular trail: from the middle station of the TITLIS Xpress cable car along the pink signposts, 3.2 km, 1 hour, 28 meters of altitude gain
  • Avalanche Training Center at Titlis

In winter, an avalanche training camp is offered free of charge at Trübsee. On Schlächtismatt (Trübsee), participants can practice searching with an avalanche transceiver under realistic conditions.

  • Ski tours from Engelberg

Engelberg Titlis Schneeschuhlaufen

  • Events Engelberg

There is always something going on in Engelberg.

Night skiing on the Klostermatte, night sledding and a night cross-country skiing: the evening atmosphere is unforgettable. Mountain railroads and huts are of course open for this. You can also go snowshoeing, snow tubing or winter hiking.

On Trübsee the regular Trübsee Saturday Night Event is already legendary. Between Christmas and Easter it takes place every Saturday evening. The cable cars between Engelberg and Trübsee then travel in convoy, always 12 gondolas in a row. The Trübsee slide park opens, as does the Lago Torbido restaurant, the Fonduestübli and the Trübsee Bar.

Whether Mafia Dinner at the Hotel Terrace, Early-Bird, game watching, StrongMan Run by Fisherman's friend or the annual concert of the music society: there is always something to experience in Engelberg.

Engelberg Titlis Events

Hotels Engelberg

For overnight stays in Engelberg you can find several hotels and guesthouses, but also vacation apartments. Even a religious hotel can be found in Engelberg. The Hotel St. Josefshaus is located in the village center of Engelberg and is owned by the Benedictine monastery.

  • Yurt Mountain

How about an overnight stay in a yurt including a hot outdoor bath? Yurt Mountain offers overnight accommodation for one to two people in a yurt. This includes a breakfast basket and, if desired, a dinner. In winter, fondue or raclette is also served.

  • Berglodge Ristis

The Berglodge Ristis is only accessible by cable car from Engelberg to Ristis. The big advantage: it is located in the middle of the hiking and skiing area Brunni at 1600 m.a.s.l. You can admire the beautiful view of the Titlis and the rest of the surrounding mountains in the morning or at sunset. The ski and toboggan slopes as well as the Yeti park for children are in the immediate vicinity of the lodge. In summer you have to walk only a few steps to the summer toboggan run and the children's playground. The via ferratas also start in the immediate vicinity. The lodge is primarily suitable as group accommodation. There are 2 four-bed rooms, 3 five-bed rooms and two dormitories with shared bathrooms. In the evening the restaurant is opened exclusively for overnight guests or registered groups.

Engelberg Brunni Berglodge Ristis

Restaurants Engelberg

Besides the restaurants in the village of Engelberg, almost every hotel has its own restaurant. In addition, you will find some mountain huts on the Titlis and on the Brunni, which mostly offer smaller meals as catering on the mountain.

  • Brunnihüttli at the Härzli lake of Brunni

The Brunnihüttli is reached directly by chairlift. It has a large outdoor terrace. You can also spend the night here. It is closed during the maintenance times of the Brunni lifts, but the shelter is always open. It belongs to the Swiss Alpine Club and offers 32 sleeping places. In winter, this is the center of winter sports, especially since winter sports equipment is also available for rent. A sledding trail starts right at the hut. In the other months you can hike here, go around the Härzli lake or walk the tickle trail. Not far from the hut there is also a starting point for paragliders in winter. In summer, several high-altitude trails and climbing tours start here.

  • Chruiter Hüttli (herb hut) at Lake Härzli

The Kräuter Hütte is also located at Lake Härzli. It is open daily in summer from 08:30 to 17:00. At the snack stand you can get snacks and drinks (cold and hot). Sausage and bread for grilling are also sold here. Climbing sets can be rented here.

  • Alpstübli at Trübsee Titlis

The Alpstübli is located directly at the Trübsee and has a large sun terrace. Here you will primarily find Swiss specialties, but also homemade cakes. This is particularly popular. The Alpstübli opens in summer until 17:15. During the rest of the year it is generally closed. In winter, however, you can get a homemade cheese fondue in the Chässtübli.

Engelberg Alpstübli Titlis Trübsee

Arrival Engelberg

Engelberg is centrally located in Switzerland. The place is easily accessible from everywhere, whether by public transport or by your own car.

  • Arrival by public transport

The journey to Engelberg takes about 43 minutes on the Zentralbahn from Lucerne. From Zurich it takes about an hour longer by train. A nice variant is the combination of ship and bus or train. For this you take a boat from Lucerne to Beckenried. From there you take the bus 311 to Stans. From Stans you take the train/bus to Engelberg.

Within Engelberg there is a free bus that takes you to all valley stations of the railroads or to the train station. It is called Dorf Express, but six other bus lines also take you there for free in winter and summer. Here you can find the current timetable.

  • Arrival by car

If you are coming by car, it will take you about one hour and ten minutes from Zurich via Lucerne on the A4, A14 and A2. Leave the freeway at the Stans exit and continue on the cantonal road. Parking spaces are available in Engelberg for a fee.

  • Rail tickets Titlis or Trübsee

Engelberg Zentralbahn

Table of contents

  • Summer toboggan run with Globi's Alpine playground at Brunni

Which excursion destinations and sights are there in Engelberg?

The former monastery village Engelberg is the largest summer and winter destination in Central Switzerland. The most important excursion destinations include the Titlis mountain peak in the south and the Brunni area in the north. A popular excursion destination is also the Trübsee between Engelberg and the summit of the Titlis. At Brunni, the Härzli lake is very popular. Another excursion destination from Engelberg is the Bannalp with the Bannalpsee

What activities can you do in Engelberg?

The Bettlerstock climbing garden and paragliding at Brunni are very popular all year round. The Trübsee at the Titlis middle station is a Dorado for active families in summer. The Zypline, the Adventure Park with Jump Tower and Trampoline offer a lot of fun. At Brunni, besides hikes, bike tours are the order of the day. Besides the mountain bike you can also rent a Trotti bike or a Devil bike. In winter the TitlisSnowXPark is very popular. There are also long freeride routes and toboggan runs.

Top Destinations

  • Lauterbrunnen
  • Brienzwiler
  • Château-d'Oex

Top Activities

Top attractions.

  • Harder Kulm
  • Jungfraujoch
  • First Cliff Walk
  • Museum of Transport
  • Lake Lucerne
  • Schynige Plate
  • Lake Geneva
  • Eiger Glacier
  • Glacier Gorge Grindelwald
  • Lake Brienz
  • Chillon Castle

Take a bike tour without breaking a sweat? E-bikes make this possible and promise pure driving pleasure. Explore the beautiful mountains around the monastery village on our e-bike routes.

  • Via ferrata / climbing
  • Trailrunning
  • Water sports
  • Recharge batteries
  • Little Patagonia
  • Holiday Tips
  • More Summer activities

Bookable experiences

Group experiences, hiking highlights.

  • Ridge hike Stanserhorn-Engelberg
  • Alpine cheese trail
  • Buiräbähnli Safari
  • 4-Lakes Trail
  • Walenpfad trail

All year around

  • TITLIS Highlights
  • Culture & Traditions
  • Sportingpark
  • Benedictine Monastery
  • Horse-drawn carriage rides
  • Bad weather program
  • Lake Lucerne Region
  • All year activities
  • Hiking & Snowshoe Tours

Ski Tours & Freeride

  • Ski & Snowboard
  • Cross-Country Skiing
  • All Winter activities

bike tour engelberg

Packages & Deals

bike tour engelberg

All lodging

  • Group Accommodation
  • Youth Hostel "Berghaus"
  • Apartments on request
  • Mountain Lodges
  • Private Rooms
  • Bed & Breakfast

bike tour engelberg

  • "Buiräbähnli" Cable ways

Prices & Tickets

  • Prices Winter
  • Prices Summer
  • Webshop Destinations Abos
  • Buy Skitickets
  • Webshop Titlis Tickets
  • Webshop Brunni-Tickets
  • Further passes/tickets

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  1. EMTB E Bike Trail Tour Engelberg Schweiz

    bike tour engelberg

  2. Engelberg, TITLIS in Switzerland. Summer bike trail "Trudytrail

    bike tour engelberg

  3. Basic Tour Engelberg

    bike tour engelberg

  4. Trail Arena Engelberg

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  5. Mountainbiking Engelberg: MTB Trails und Touren Guide

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  6. Biken in Engelberg

    bike tour engelberg


  1. 4-Lakes MTB Tour

  2. Course Preview Engelberg 2024


  4. ÖKK Bike Revolution Engelberg Track Recon

  5. ÖKK BIKE REVOLUTION: U19 Women Highlights

  6. Unwetter Engelberg 10.10.11


  1. Engelberg Titlis: Biking

    The Engelberg-Blackenalp e-bike tour offers pure nature and a magnificent mountain panorama. On the way, small mountain restaurants and alpine cheese dairies invite you to make a stop. ... The 4-lake bike tour delights with magnificent views of the mountain panorama and crystal-clear mountain lakes, which invite you to take a break after the ...

  2. Engelberg Titlis: 4-Lakes Bike Tour "Tour

    The long tour with the conditionally demanding climbs is something for insatiable bikers. difficult. Distance 72.6 km. Duration 9:10 h. Ascent 1,983 m. Descent 1,976 m. Highest point 2,207 m. Lowest point 445 m. From Engelberg railway station, the starting point of the 4-lake bike tour+, you go to the valley station of the TITLIS mountain ...

  3. Engelberg Titlis: Bike

    Engelberg hat sich in den letzten Jahren als die Bike-Destination in der Zentralschweiz etabliert. Das Hochtal und die fantastische Bergwelt bieten abwechslungsreiche Trails für jeden Fahrstil. Je nach Gusto stehen dir gemütliche E-Bike-Strecken, flowige Trails bis hin zu anspruchsvollen Cross-Country- oder Enduro-Tagestouren zur Auswahl.

  4. Cycling in Engelberg: the best bike routes

    The 10 most beautiful cycle routes in Engelberg. Mountain Biking · Switzerland. 4-Lakes MTB Tour. Top S2 moderate. 1. 53.1 km. 6:30 h.

  5. 4-Seen Biketour+

    4-Seen Biketour+. Die 4-Seen Biketour begeistert mit gradioser Aussicht auf das Bergpanorama und mit glasklaren Bergseen, die nach dem konditionell anspruchsvollen Aufstieg zur Pause einladen. Vom Bahnhof Engelberg, dem Startpunkt der 4-Seen Biketour+ fahren Sie zur Talstation der Bergbahn TITLIS und links weiter über die geteerte ...

  6. 4-Seen Biketour in Engelberg

    4-Seen Biketour in Engelberg. Bike und Velo Route Mountainbike-Tour. Länge 53.1 km. Dauer ca. 6 ½ h ... Bahnhof Engelberg Ende der Tour Stans Schwierigkeit Mittel Kondition 3 / 6 Aufstieg 1422 m Abstieg 1982 m Beste Jahreszeit Juli, August, September, Oktober Wegbeschreibung

  7. 4-Seen Bike Tour

    Bikeschule Engelberg Dorfstrasse 41, 6390 Engelberg T +41 41 639 54 54 [email protected] 4-Seen Bike Tour Glasklare Bergseen, sprudelnde Bäche, majestätische Gletscher die Kulisse für Mountainbiker zwischen Engelberg und Melchsee-Frutt ist Weltklasse.

  8. THE BEST Engelberg Bike Tours (with Prices)

    2. LeRipp - Unique Mountain Bike Adventures in the Swiss Alps, Engelberg. Sep 7, 2024 - What better way is there to get an introduction to Engelberg than by bike. See reviews and photos of top-rated bike tours on Tripadvisor. You'll be amazed by how much territory you can cover on these bike tours of Engelberg.

  9. 4-Seen Biketour «Tour +» in Engelberg

    Touren Schweiz Jungfrau Region 4-Seen Biketour «Tour +» in Engelberg. Die 4-Seen Biketour begeistert mit gradioser Aussicht auf das Bergpanorama und mit glasklaren Bergseen. Die lange Tour mit den konditionell anspruchsvollen Aufstiegen ist was für unersättliche Biker.

  10. Top 10 Bike Rides and Cycling Routes around Engelberg

    Wolfenschiessen - Brücke über Engelberger Aa Loop from Engelberg. Difficult. 02:24. 34.7 km. 14.5 km/h. 570 m. 570 m. Expert bike ride. Very good fitness required.

  11. Biken in Engelberg

    Biken in Engelberg. Die Bergwelt um Engelberg bietet abwechslungsreiche Bike Trails für jeden Fahrstil. Je nach Gusto stehen gemütliche Bike Touren, flowige Trails bis hin zu anspruchsvollen Enduro Touren zur Auswahl. Hier findest du alles zum Thema „Biken in Engelberg"!

  12. Engelberg Titlis: 4-Seen Biketour in Engelberg

    Strecke 53,1 km. Dauer 6:30 h. Aufstieg 1.422 hm. Abstieg 1.982 hm. Höchster Punkt 2.207 hm. Tiefster Punkt 445 hm. Vom Bahnhof Engelberg, dem Startpunkt der 4-Seen Biketour fahren Sie zur Talstation der Bergbahn TITLIS und links weiter über die geteerte Gerschnistrasse (auf der Strasse muss mit Werkverkehr gerechnet werden) Richtung ...

  13. Cycling routes in Engelberg

    Find the right bike route for you through Engelberg, where we've got 224 cycle routes to explore. ... Quick rides | Long tours | Top rated routes 15,248 km Mapped Ways. 224 Cycle Routes. 4,001 Population. Top user routes in Engelberg Ausfahrt durch Engelberg ...

  14. Top 14 Most Beautiful Road Biking Routes around Engelberg

    Explore the Top 14 most beautiful road biking routes and trails around Engelberg and browse other cyclists' personal tips and photos. ... Bike Touring Collection by komoot. Mountain Hikes around Engelberg ... Find the perfect Tour. Discover More Tours around Engelberg. in. Search. Explore the most popular Tours around Engelberg. Hiking around ...

  15. Mountainbiking Engelberg: MTB Trails und Touren Guide

    MTB Destination Guide: Engelberg. Spannende Trails für alle Level inmitten einer beeindruckenden Kulisse: In Engelberg findet wirklich jeder Biker für sich das Richtige. Die Bikeregion Engelberg ...

  16. The Top MTB Rides in Engelberg: find your trail

    4-lake Bike tour «Express». Top S2 moderate. 2. 43 km. 5:00 h. 1,904 m. 1,904 m. Crystal-clear mountain lakes, gushing streams, majestic glaciers - the backdrop for mountain bikers between Engelberg and Melchsee-Frutt is world class. And the trails are also worth seeing.

  17. Engelberg Titlis: bike routes

    The region's clearly marked mountain bike tours offer thrilling expeditions through beautiful natural landscapes for cyclists of all abilities. There are tours that include cable car trips, trails offering plenty of flow, and routes with challenging ascents. However you prefer to ride, the Engelberg region has the ideal tour for you.

  18. Top 20 Most Beautiful MTB Trails around Engelberg

    Eugenisee - Versteckter Wasserfall loop from Engelberg. Intermediate. 02:47. 29.4 km. 10.6 km/h. 740 m. 730 m. Intermediate mountain bike ride. Good fitness required.

  19. 24 Things to Do in Engelberg 2024

    At Brunni you can do some tours by mountain bike, but also by bike or e-bike. The approach from Engelberg to Rigidalalp via Ristis is easy. This route is available as an asphalt road. ... Four popular tours: 4-Lakes Tour Engelberg: Engelberg-Trübsee-Jochpass-Engstlenalp-Tannalp-Melchsee-Frutt, 32 km in length, difficult, ...

  20. 15 Awesome things to do in Engelberg (plus itineraries)

    BONUS: Untertrübsee to Engelberg with Trotti Bike: 20 minutes. The Trotti Bike ride is available for children from the age of 10 and a minimum height of 130 cm. You can rent the bike at the Untertrübsee restaurant at the end of the Sbrinz Weg. Enjoy the 3.5-kilometre ride through forests down to the valley station of the TITLIS cable cars.

  21. Bike tour Surenenpass

    The region's clearly marked mountain bike tours offer thrilling expeditions through beautiful natural landscapes for cyclists of all abilities. There are tours that include cable car trips, trails offering plenty of flow, and routes with challenging ascents. However you prefer to ride, the Engelberg region has the ideal tour for you.

  22. Engelberg

    SCOTT Experience Tour ENGELBERG, Switzerland — 29.05.23 - 30.05.23. Experience Tour; Engelberg; TEST RIDE. ... Lunch and Tech Talk & bike fitting for group 2. 14:00 - 16:00. TEST RIDE | GROUP 2. Second test ride of the day (Group 2) GET IN TOUCH. Contact your local dealer. Check out our Dealer Locator to find your closest authorized SCOTT Dealer.

  23. Engelberg Titlis: E-Biketours

    Take a bike tour without breaking a sweat? E-bikes make this possible and promise pure driving pleasure. Explore the beautiful mountains around the monastery village on our e-bike routes. ... ENGELBERG-TITLIS TOURISMUS AG. Direktion, Finanzen, Marketing Klosterstrasse 3 Postfach 149 CH-6391 Engelberg. SOCIAL ENGELBERG. Discover and follow us on ...