
Durrells’ Tour In Corfu


The tour is based on a true story…

One can say with certainty, that the Island of Corfu is a magnificent place.”The paradise” that Durrells’ family fell in love with when they moved in back in the 1930’s still exists here and will be revealed to you as an alternative approach, away from the areas of mass tourism. Whether you are a fan of The Durrells’ TV show or the Durrell brothers’ writing, and you decided to visit our island because of them, amongst other reasons, do not miss this unique private tour where Durrells’ life will unravel before your eyes!

In this exquisite tour, we offer you the chance to live a memorable experience in our beautiful Ionian island following the famous family’s footsteps while you witness all these things that inspired the producers of the television show of this famous family. Almost a century later, nature landscapes remain unchanged. Home of Lawrence and Nancy Durrell, the so called ”The White House”, is readily recognizable to date, between olive groves and cypress trees above the sea bay of ”Kalami” shore. Even though, nowadays, Strawberry-Pink Villa may look different from the books’ descriptions, ”Annemoyani Villa” also known as Daffodil Yellow Villa still holds this haunting feeling of the past. As this three-floor Venetian mansion, with its tall walls, its wide verandah and overgrown garden have remained unchanged since the days of the Durrells.

Follow our specialized tour guide in a fascinating experience to all Gerald Durrell’s favorite places when he was a child. Besides the houses where the family used to live, you will have the opportunity to visit the gorgeous secluded north-eastern bays and hidden coves which so beautifully depicted by Gerald in his books. You will walk in ”Pontikonisi”, a small island which Gerald and his sister Margo both loved to visit. You will look at the Chessboard Fields at ”Chalikiopoulou Lake” a place that the young naturalist Gerald described as his playground.

We, the locals, know that for the Durrells, the beauty of the island was not hidden only in the hydrologic sites, flower-filled olive groves, mountain walks and pebbled coves with crystal clear water. It was also in the Old Town of Corfu one of the most loved places of the family. So take the chance and enjoy privileged insights into the life regarding detailed information about the family as you walk through medieval streets, the so-called ”Kantounia”, filled with churches and imposing architecture. Right where the Durrells used to walk. Then we will stop for a relaxed coffee break where they used to drink their coffee, and you will recognize the busts of Lawrence and Gerald Durrell, at ”Boschetto” park, which were created in honour of our island’s famous residents.

Make the most of this amazing tour by taking photographs of the monuments of the Old Town, the palaces of Saint Michael and George and Mon Repo Palace ( where Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, was born), places that were the ideal settings for the needs of the filming of the popular television show.

For centuries, this unique island of the Mediterranean excites with its irresistible natural beauty, its visitors and all those who lived or live here. We created this great private tour for you who want to experience Corfu of Gerald Durrell.  Meet the beauty of the landscape and embrace the hospitality and generosity of the locals, which was experienced by the Durrells in the 1930’s and still remains intact even today.

Additional Info

  • This tour is designed to last 4 hours (but can be customized depending on your available time).
  • It is ideal for cruise ship passengers.
  • For cruise passengers, we can adjust the start time according to the arrival time of the ship on our island

This tour is available only upon request. Contact us for more info.

  • Meeting Point At your desired meeting place
  • Starting Time 9:00 am
  • Local specialist tour guide
  • Transfer by luxury private vehicle
  • Walking tour at an easy pace
  • Move to and from your hotel
  • Enjoy Greek coffee or natural juice at a magnificent location
  • Personal Expenses
  • Meals and drinks other than those listed above

la excursion gerald durrell

Reseñas y Podcasts sobre Literatura

La excursión – Gerald Durrell

  • 21 de enero de 2014

La excursión – Gerald Durrell

Last Updated on: 21st diciembre 2017, 04:25 pm

dorset england

La excursión es el primer texto en el que Durrell cuenta una horrorosa excursión en la costa de Dorset, en Inglaterra, y en la que su hermano Lawrence –escritor, amigo de Henry Miller y autoexiliado en Francia y Grecia– visita la casa de su madre para viajar por la campiña británica en un viaje de risibles consecuencias. Dice Juan José Millás que la sátira, en su origen, es un «género» didáctico, cuya función, por tanto, consiste en enseñar mostrando en toda su ridiculez los defectos y vicios sociales . La familia Durrell se convierte así en un retrato de todas las familias: ese cúmulo de obsesiones y extravagancias que posee cualquiera pero que, al ser magnificadas, se convierten en una epístola de la ridiculez humana.

El viaje inaugural , por su parte, continua con la misma fórmula, aunque añade un elemento paralelo a las extravagancias de su familia: un viaje en un barco griego por el mediterráneo.  Todos sabemos cómo son los barcos griegos , dice uno de los hermanos al respecto del viaje que están a punto de iniciar: el trayecto está plagado de absurdos y situaciones dignas de un sitcom. En este punto del libro la lectura es harto disfrutable: los dos relatos funcionan como divertimento y como parodia familiar, cercana a todos nosotros.

La entrada , sin embargo, es un cuento cuya factura es muy distinta a los otros dos, representa un juego de espejos en el que “algo” repta detrás de los espejos. La historia se desenvuelve en tres planos: el lector del mundo físico que observa una cena de amigos en la que se le entrega al personaje un manuscrito con una historia terrorífica. El personaje comienza a leer la historia y se convierte en otro lector, lo que en cierto sentido lo convierte en nosotros. El narrador, entonces, se traslada al personaje que escribió dicho manuscrito: un hombre condenado a muerte por una suerte fantástica que implica un rito con el diablo y una inscripción extraña: Soy tu siervo. Aliméntate y libérame. Yo soy tú .

Fue entonces cuando miré casualmente al espejo que tenía enfrente y advertí que, en el reflejo, la puerta del salón que había cerrado cuidadosamente estaba ahora entreabierta. Sorprendido, giré en redondo y miré hacia la puerta verdadera, para descubrir sólo que estaba tan perfectamente cerrada como la había dejado. Volví a mirar al espejo y me aseguré de que mis ojos –ayudados por el vino– no me estaban jugando una mala pasada. Pero no cabía duda alguna: en el reflejo, la puerta aparecía ligeramente entreabierta.

El descubrimiento es monstruoso y el efecto es perfecto: Durrell construye en La entrada un excelente cuento de terror en el que el personaje, presa de sus miedos, corre para salvarse. Ante lo que sucede, el lector –que es tanto nosotros como el personaje inicial– no puede sino sentir angustia:

De repente se me heló la sangre en las venas, pues me di cuenta de lo que eran. No eran orugas, sino dedos de un amarillo desvaído rematados con largas uñas negras y curvadas, como gigantescas espinas deformes de rosal. En el preciso momento en que advertí esto apareció la mano entera, que palpaba flojamente la alfombra mientras avanzaba. Era la mano de un esqueleto, cubierta de amarillenta piel apergaminada de la que sobresalían como nueces nudillos y articulaciones. Buscó a tientas por la alfombra, mostrando la descarnada muñeca de la que brotaban los dedos como tentáculos de alguna extraña anémona marina, una anémona surgida de las profundidades en cuya perpetua oscuridad se había vuelto pálida. Luego se retiró lentamente tras la puerta. Me estremecí al pensar qué clase de cuerpo iría unido a aquella horrible mano. Esperé durante cosa de un cuarto de hora, espantado de que pudiera aparecer de repente tras la puerta del espejo, pero no sucedió nada.

La trama, como es de esperarse, avanza para descubrir el misterio. El final, sin embargo, es difuso, y acaso esa sea la falla que podría recriminársele: no hay indicios que sustenten por qué sucedió lo que sucedió, ni hipótesis que conecte distintos aspectos del relato, más que acaso una leve sospecha. El desenlace, sin embargo, recuerda esa cita de Borges en  Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius: l os espejos y la cópula son abominables porque multiplican a los hombres.  Para leer este último cuento, den click al siguiente enlace .


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Excursión, la

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Excursión, la Tapa blanda – 1 enero 1987

Opciones de compra y complementos.

  • Idioma Inglés
  • Editorial Salvat Editores, S.A.
  • Fecha de publicación 1 enero 1987
  • ISBN-10 8434586126
  • ISBN-13 978-8434586123
  • Ver todos los detalles

Detalles del producto

  • Editorial ‏ : ‎ Salvat Editores, S.A. (1 enero 1987)
  • Idioma ‏ : ‎ Inglés
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 8434586126
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-8434586123
  • Peso del producto ‏ : ‎ 500 g

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La excursión

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La excursión Paperback – 1 Jan. 1987

  • Language English
  • Publisher Salvat.
  • Publication date 1 Jan. 1987
  • ISBN-10 8434586126
  • ISBN-13 978-8434586123
  • See all details

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Salvat. (1 Jan. 1987)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 8434586126
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-8434586123

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  • Temàtiques

Excursión, la

Excursión, la

Traducció: Santos, Juan Antonio

Editorial: Alfaguara

Pàgines: 160

EAN: 9788420439105

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Altres títols de Gerald Durrell

Mi familia y otros animales


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  • Ciències, Filosofia i Religió
  • Antropologia, Geografia i Història
  • Infantil i Juvenil

Més autors

  • Durrell, Gerald
  • McDowell, Michael
  • Mendoza, Eduardo
  • Auster, Paul
  • Enriquez, Mariana
  • Ford, Richard
  • Solà, Irene
  • Murakami, Haruki
  • García Márquez, Gabriel
  • Guerriero, Leila
  • Labatut, Benjamín

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The Durrells

Discover Corfu, using the Durrells as an inspiration, see Corfu through their eyes and follow in their footsteps.

Our blog is a great resource for supporting you on your very own Durrell journey. Enjoy!

A family as rich in characters as Corfu itself!

To many people, they are the most famous family associated with the island of Corfu,  the Durrells, of course!

In the 4 short years they were here, they found paradise on this Ionian island. The family made friends with the locals, found literary inspiration and lived a splendid life surrounded by the nature and hospitality of Corfu. Then brothers, Gerald and Lawrence, went on to tell the world about this island idyll. Gerald published the hugely popular, My family and Other Animals to help fund his conservation projects, while Lawrence wrote the literary gem, Prospero’s Cell based on his time on the island.

The three other houses occupied by the Durrell family in the 1930’s are now private homes. Only The White House, the former home of Lawrence and his wife, Nancy, is open to the public.  The White House is special in that it is little changed and is instantly recognisable as the solid, square house “…set like a dice on a rock already venerable with the scars of wind and water.” It is here where Lawrence and Nancy lived and loved. It is where the other members of the family came to visit, to swim and to sit on the rocks in peaceful Kalami Bay.

The uniqueness of this building also drew in the crew of the 1987 British TV series “My Family and Other Animals”. They chose The White House as location for many of the scenes, had countless dinners at The White House restaurant. They became friends of the house and the family, as well as, dedicated fans of the beautiful landscape and the people of Corfu.

Now, following on from the hugely successful series, “The Durrells”, The White House is, once again, centre of attention for its link to this eccentric and endearing literary family.

Live like the Durrell Family

The home that gave so much inspiration to Lawrence Durrell can be your inspiration when you stay here.

We are now opening The White House on certain exclusive dates so you can come inside see Durrell memorabilia, walk through the rooms lived in by Lawrence Durrell and enjoy the very same views the Durrell family enjoyed on their visits to the White House.

la excursion gerald durrell

Follow in the steps of Gerald Durrell and his family by joining us on a trail that leads you through the natural environment that was a lifelong inspiration for Gerald and his later life as writer and conservationist.

la excursion gerald durrell

1.500 feet asc/desc

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The durrells in corfu- the real durrells family and series filming locations.

  • The Durrells in Corfu

At the end of 2018,  Corfu won the EUFCN Location Awards competition, being recognized as the Best European Film Location . This award was in recognition of its key role in the filming of the successful British TV series ''The Durrells'' (2016-2019) – bringing our delightful Greek island to everyone’s attention! The tremendously popular series undoubtedly sparked an increased interest in Corfu, with many fans flocking to the island every year, in the hope of discovering the Durrells favorite spots,  and recreating the magic of the series. But who were the real Durrells family and how did they end up living in Corfu? What are the most popular filming locations of the series and where did the family actually live on the island back in the 1930s?  Let's take a  journey into the fascinating world of the Durrells family !

Who were the Durrells in real life?

la excursion gerald durrell

Durrells is probably the most popular family associated with Corfu! This hugely successful TV series is an adaptation of  Gerald Durrell's trilogy of autobiographical books  about the four years when he lived in Corfu with his family in the 1930s. In real life, the Durrells were an English family living in India, consisting of Louisa Florence Durrell, her husband Lawrence and their  four children Lawrence, Leslie, Margot and Gerald . After the unexpected death of the Father in 1928, the widowed mother and her three children moved to Bournemouth, England to join Lawrence, the oldest son, who was already attending a boarding school there. In 1935, the Durrells family decided to  relocate from Bournemouth to the sun-soaked island of Corfu,   following Lawerence who had already moved to the island together with his wife, Nancy earlier on that year.

The family found a  ''little paradise on the island'' ,  as Gerald Durrell quotes in his books: '' Gradually the magic of the island [Corfu] settled over us as gently and clingingly as pollen. '' The Durrells really enjoyed living in Corfu's more relaxed lifestyle, being surrounded by the island's wonderful nature, while also receiving a warm hospitality from the locals, with many of whom they developed very close friendships! Now, we bet that you might be wondering  ''Was there a real Spiro in the Durrells lives? ''  And the answer is yes! Spiros Halikiopoulos, one of the first people that the family met on the island, soon became one of their closest friends, who helped them settle well in to their new home. Another close friend of the family was  Theodor Stefanides,   the local doctor, writer, poet and naturalist, who also became a great mentor for Gerald Durrells, igniting his enthusiasm about nature and wildlife. It was in Corfu that Gerald Durrell, the well known British botanist, naturalist and writer, developed his love about the natural world and started gathering a collection of wild life and endangered animals to create '' a little zoo'' at home.  Life in Corfu influenced Gerald so much and was his inspiration for writing his best sellers  ''My Family and Other Animals' ' , the ''Birds, Animals and Relatives'' and the ''The Garden of the Gods''.  Lawrence’s Durell  ''Prospero’s Cell''  was also inspired by the family's life in Corfu. 

The Durrells stayed in Corfu for 4 years until 1939 when the  beginning of World War II  forced mother Louisa, together with Gerald, Leslie and the family’s maid, to leave the island and  move back to the UK . However, Margo decided to stay on the island for some more time sharing a small home with some local friends. Later, she fell in love with a Royal Air Force pilot named Jack Breeze, with whom they moved to South Africa in 1940. Lawrence and his wife also stayed in Corfu before being forced to escape to Egypt together with their newborn daughter in 1941 because of the war. Although the Durrells Family left the island and never went back to live there again, Corfu  a lways held  a special place in their heart  and some of the members of the family kept visiting the island in the following years.

The Durrells in Corfu filming locations

la excursion gerald durrell

After four successful seasons, fans reluctantly said farewell to the cast of  the Durrells  in 2019, and ever since Durrells enthusiasts have been visiting Corfu seeking out to discover as many as  Durrells filming locations  as possible. But where was the Durrells filmed? The filming of ''The Durrells'' or ''The Durrells in Corfu'', as the popular ITV series is known in the United States took place in a variety of idyllic locations around the island, including well-known areas but also off-the beaten track locations.  Corfu Town , a UNESCO World Heritage Site and undoubtedly one of the most beautiful parts of the island, served as  one of the main film locations . Do you remember the scene where Louisa Durrell visits the Bank to check if their money has arrived from England? This scene was filmed in the entrance of the  Museum of Asian Art,   exclusively dedicated to the art and antiquities of the Far East and India and the only one of its kind in Greece. The Museum of Asian Art is housed in the  Palace of Saint Michael and Saint George,  one of the largest and most significant buildings of the British rule period in Corfu. Also, the taverna where Captain Creech meets Larry for the first time is the  Contra Fossa , the artificial moat underneath the Old Fortress of Corfu Town. Corfu Town is widely considered one of the most beautiful towns of Greece, boasting fascinating architecture and an  impressive multicultural heritage  from the Venetians, British and French who all occupied the island at different periods. Take time to wander around the scenic, cobblestone streets of Corfu Town and discover beautiful mansions, interesting museums, quaint shops and cafés and of course more filming spots.

In the suburbs of Corfu Town, the exterior of the  Mon Repos Palace  doubles as the  home of Countess Mavrodaki  in the series. The Palace is also surrounded by extensive gardens, where you will also find a beautiful bay and a wooden Venetian pier, which was a  favorite swimming s pot of the Durrells  in the series! The Mon Repos Palace was originally built for the British Commissioner Frederik Adams and was used as a summer residence of the Greek royal family for many years. It is also the  birthplace of Prince Philip , husband of Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Mon Repos is now operating as a museum, hosting among others  significant ancient ruins  that have been excavated by archaeologists in this area.

A big part of the outdoor scenes of ''The Durrells'' was shot in Danilia Village, or "the Bouas Village" , near Kontokali, in the northeast of the island. This is a  replica of a traditional 1930s Corfiot village  that was created by the Corfiot Bouas family in the 1970s. Some of the scenes that were filmed here include the vibrant market where Louisa attempts to sell her English food to the locals, the café where Larry sits when he leaves the family home, and the police station. An interesting, perhaps little-known fact, is that this village was also featured in the  James Bond movie ‘’For Your Eyes Only’’  that was also filmed in Corfu in 1981. Danilia village is home to two open air village squares, a beautiful church, a traditional café, and taverns. Since 2002 the village has been under the hands of Grecotel group, one of the biggest hoteliers groups in Greece and it is only accessible to guests staying in one of the three Corfu Grecotel hotels.

An important part of every episode is of course the Durrells home - an old home with green shutters and wonderful views out to the sea. We bet that you will now be wondering '' where is the house in the Durrells series located? ''  The   TV stand-in,  for the Durrells home ''Daffodil Yellow Villa'' or ''Anemoyani Villa'' in real life, ' is located in Kontokali, a village on the north east of the island, approximately 7 km from Corfu Town. The home is privately owned and can therefore not be visited. This building was used only for the exterior scenes while the interior scenes were shot in studios in the UK.

Of course, there are hundreds of  other filming locations, dotted around Corfu’s beautiful, lush countryside.  Sven's farm house is located in Poulades,  while the area where Margot was sunbathing, shocking a greek priest is Agni Bay. Apart from the filming locations, the unique natural beauty and relaxed charm of the island which inspired Gerald and Lawrence and the whole family – still exists today and can be experienced by everyone who visits Corfu! 

Where did the Durrells live in Corfu in real life? Can you visit the Durrells house in Corfu?

When the Durrells first moved to Corfu, they first stayed in Villa Agazini, dubbed as ''Strawberry Pink Villa' ' in Gerald Durrell's Books. The  Strawberry Pink Villa, which is set on the road above Perama, just 7 km south from Corfu Town, has been renovated and can now be rented as a  holiday home. The second villa where the Durrells resided on the island, was Villa Annemoyani or the ''Daffodil Yellow Villa'' as Gerald named it, located in the village of Gouvia, approximately 10 km northeast of Corfu Town.  When in 1936, Lawrence and his first wife Nancy decided to leave the ‘’Daffodil Yellow Villa’’ , they moved to the ''The White House' ', a small fisherman cottage set in the peaceful, seaside village of Kalami, approximately 30 km north from Corfu Town. The White House has been renovated and it is now operating as a summer holiday home and restaurant. The last home of the Durrells family in Corfu was the ''Snow White Villa'' in the area of Cressida near Lake Halikiopoulou. The White House is the only one of the real Durrells' homes that is now open to the public – their other homes in real life are privately owned and therefore cannot be visitied,

If you want to get a glimpse of the real life of the Durrells in Corfu and discover some of the filming locations, check out our Private Tour ''In the Footsteps of Durrells in Corfu' ' which can also be offered as a shore excursion.

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In ‘The Whispering Land,’ a British naturalist collects travel tales — and animals with tails — in Argentina

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The second in an occasional series about the books that spurred our love of travel.

On every trip that involves wildlife, I have a secret urge to pocket the animals and take them home. I know this is wrong on so many levels, which is why, when I first read “ The Whispering Land ,” I identified with Gerald Durrell: The author is my id.

“Keeping the torch beam firmly fixed on his eyes, so that he could not see what I was doing, I gently brought up my other hand and then, with a quick movement, I threw the cloth I carried over him, and grabbed,” he writes in his memoir, which was published in Great Britain in 1961 and in the United States the following year.

Durrell had a valid reason for snatching the pygmy owl from its attic perch, one of dozens of critters captured during an eight-month expedition in South America. As I learned in the prequel, “ A Zoo in My Luggage ,” the British naturalist was building a zoo on Jersey, in the Channel Islands, and needed residents. Since he couldn’t very well order the animals from a Sears catalogue, he traveled to their habitats and scooped them up like a fashionista shopping on Rue Saint-Honoré. In his first book, he ventures to then-British Cameroons; in the second installment, he journeys to Argentina, the land of peccaries, tapirs, seriemas and other fascinating fauna.

I am fully aware that, in most cases, removing animals from their natural environment is unethical. Yet, more than 20 years after discovering “The Whispering Land” in a Harvard Square bookstore (I liked the cover), I remain an eager passenger on Durrell’s wild ride. For one, his excursions predate the Age of Enlightenment for wildlife protection and conservation. Two, his heart is in the right place: He dedicated his life (1925-1995) to protecting endangered animals and ensuring their future through his Jersey Zoo, which he founded in 1959, and the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust , which works in nearly 20 countries. And finally, he is a charming and witty fella. Imagine if “Fawlty Towers” had aired on Animal Planet, or if David Attenborough were Monty Python’s seventh troupe member.

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Case in (third) point: After an evening spent under a Land Rover in Patagonia — always the gentleman, he had insisted that the three female members of his party sleep inside the vehicle — he awakens to find a stranger in his midst. “He wore the supercilious expression of his race, the faint aristocratic sneer, as if he knew that I had slept in my clothes for the past three nights,” he says of the bedroom-crashing guanaco. The shaggy cousin of the llama burps. “He paused for a moment, glaring at me, to make sure that his comment on my worth had made me feel properly humble.” The animal trots off, and Durrell awaits the arrival of dawn swaddled like a baby in blankets, puffing away on cigarettes — another time-stamped habit.

In “A Zoo in My Luggage,” Durrell spends most of the nearly 200 illustrated pages collecting and anthropomorphizing around Bafut, a mountain kingdom in the West African country. (Ralph Thompson contributed the inky drawings for both books.) Among his finds: Cholmondeley St. John, a chimp with a posh demeanor; Ticky, a black-footed mongoose; and Georgina, a baboon who runs amok in a British department store a la Curious George. In “The Whispering Land,” Durrell starts in Buenos Aires, swoops south to Patagonia and then boomerangs back north to Calilegua, now a national park. His story opens and closes with a bureaucratic roundelay that many travelers, including those who are not transporting traps or a puma, may find relatable.

In the first half of the book, Durrell behaves like a (mostly) typical wildlife enthusiast, observing with his eyes and keeping his grabby hands idle. (One exception: an Aesop-slow tortoise they helped cross the road by throwing him into the back of the car. They later christened him Ethelbert.) When his team locates a colony of roughly a million penguins, his excitement is palpable. “In among these craters waddled the biggest collection of penguins I had ever seen, like a sea of Pigmy headwaiters, solemnly shuffling to and fro as if suffering from fallen arches due to a lifetime of carrying overloaded trays. … It was a breathtaking sight.”

After describing their arduous trek to sea, he turns his lens on a family he names the Joneses and a chick from next door who is always popping by their nest for free food. The scene plays like a sitcom. “The parent Jones, being harried by its gaping-mouthed brood, its mind fully occupied with the task of regurgitating a pint of shrimps, did not seem to notice the introduction of a third head into the general melee that was going on around it.”

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On wildlife-viewing trips, I try to emulate Durrell in the field, especially his patience, curiosity and unbridled sense of wonder. This has paid off. On Sea Lion Island in the Falkland Islands, a Gentoo chick approached me and yanked on a Velcro strap on my coat. Then it regurgitated all over both of us. I was honored. The penguin, according to my unscientific interpretation, was trying to share its seafood meal with me, like splitting a cookie with a friend. In the Galápagos, I was swimming off a beach on San Cristóbal Island when I noticed a pair of birds darting around underwater like battling submarines. They were Galápagos penguins. I swam with them, beneath a searing sun, and gave myself heat stroke. I dragged myself onto the beach and had to drink copious amounts of coconut water to recover. I imagine Durrell would have poured himself a glass of wine and jumped back in the water. I am clearly still a rookie.

The second half of the book focuses on rounding up animals, or “bichos,” for his Jersey venue. (In “A Zoo in My Luggage,” he and the locals refer to the wildlife as “beef,” as in “Good morning. You bring beef?”) When I first read the book, I found these anecdotes as entertaining as Doctor Dolittle’s escapades, but I didn’t pick up on the greater importance of Durrell’s work until years later. When I cracked the book open again, I was more informed about wildlife conservation issues and eco-tourism. This knowledge helped deepen my admiration for his writings and mission. As he explains in the prologue to “A Zoo in My Luggage,” “To me extirpation of an animal species is a criminal offence, just as the destruction of something else that we cannot recreate or replace, such as a Rembrandt or the Acropolis, would be.” In his view, the tortoise is as sacred as, say, the Taj Mahal, a position I support. Ditto for some of his collecting practices.

To amass his animals, Durrell employs locals, providing them with another source of income. Once word gets out that a British man is interested in buying bichos, villagers start showing up at his doorstep like UPS drivers. He also buys wild animals kept as pets, such as a foulmouthed Tucumán Amazon parrot and a maltreated ocelot in critical condition. At his temporary digs in Calilegua, he administers a shot of penicillin, dresses the ocelot’s wound and sets out food — both reader and writer cross their fingers. “Then, while I held my breath, she leant forward and lapped experimentally at the raw egg,” he writes. “Within thirty seconds the plate was clean, and Luna [his guide] and I were dancing a complicated tango of delight round the patio.”

Durrell expresses a similar level of exuberance for humans. He is accompanied by an engaging cast of characters, including the aforementioned Luna, who is the Robin to his Batman, and Edna, who keeps his gin glass full and feeds his animals whenever he is away from the estancia. He dedicates an entire chapter to an airplane seatmate named Rosa Lillipamplia, who has a “lava-flow of chins.” The pair bond over a Proustian remembrance of praying mantises. “So, for ten minutes or so, we played with the insect, making it run up and down each other’s arms, and laughing immoderately, so that all the other passengers obviously doubted our sanity.” Note to post-pandemic self: Be more open to chatting with other passengers; you might meet someone who also raced hermit crabs as a child.

Durrell closes with a quote from Darwin that is surprisingly not about animals but about the generosity of strangers. He adds that the zoo is private but open to the public. “So come and see us,” he says invitingly. I will when I can, though I can’t promise that I won’t think about swiping its residents.

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la excursion gerald durrell


On our clear or coastal kayaks.

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Come join us on St Pete's best guided kayak tour to Shell Key, launching from Tierra Verde. You'll get the finest kayaking tour around the Shell Key nature preserve, exploring Mangrove tunnels from either a Clear transparent kayak or from one of our traditional Coastal kayaks. From either Clear or Coastal kayak, you'll get a memorable experience as your professional guide gives you a fascinating narration on the background and the biology of the 1,800 acre preserve, including the fascinating Mangrove tunnels of the Shell Key preserve. At Shell Key, you get an opportunity to see dolphins, manatees, rays, horseshoe crab, and a variety of shore birds. St Pete Kayaking offers the finest Clear and Coastal kayaking tours in St Pete! All of our kayaking tours launch from beautiful island of Tierra Verde. Only we let you choose between single kayaks and double kayaks. 

Shell Key Kayak Tour

Clear Kayaks in the Mangrove Tunnels

Shell Key Kayak Tour

Coastal Kayak in the late afternoon

Shell Key Kayak Tour

Coastal Kayak greeted by a Manatee

Our guided kayak tours to shell key can accommodate from 2 persons to 32 people, and are approximately 3  hours long, depending on conditions, and the pace of the group.  the tours launch from tierra verde, and paddle through the protected waters and mangroves tunnels of the shell key wildlife preserve in pinellas county. an 1,800 acre preserve, these waters are well traveled by dolphins, manatees, rays, as well as a variety of shore birds, including pelicans, egrets, herons, cormorants, osprey, and sometimes roseate spoonbills. as a guided kayak eco-tour, our tour guides will provide narration to our guests, highlighting the natural beauty of the shell key preserve. just as we do from our boat tours..

Shell Key Kayak Tour


St Pete Kayak Tour Shell Key


Island ferry tour guides have all of these traits and more. above all else, our tour guides thrive on passing on their experiences to our customers, and helping create memories that will last a lifetime. they carry certifications in wilderness first-aid, river rescue, and more., expectations.

Please be advised that kayaking is a physically strenuous activity. This tour is a 4-mile paddle, and you must at least be in moderate physical condition to complete the tour.

Don't forget to bring water.

This is a tour of a nature preserve, away from civilization. If you are averse to mud, ants, insects, or wild brush, this tour is NOT for you.

Minimum age is 8+ years old. Children 14 and under must ride tandem with an adult. 

Because of limited capacity of the kayaks,  there is a weight limit of 250lbs (113k) per individual.

What To Bring

Bring plenty of bottled water.

Wear your swimsuit, or anything that is comfortable when wet.

Water shoes or flip-flops. ​

Sunscreen, hat, and glasses.

A towel to keep in your car for afterward.

$54+tax per person for Coastal Kayaks.

$59+tax per person for Clear Kayaks.

Trips run 7 days a week, 2 daytime trips, and a sunset tour late in the day. Call ahead for exact departure times.

FREE parking at our launch site in Tierra Verde. ​

We supply life jackets and dry bags

Trip duration is approximately 3 hours.

You can purchase tickets online or by phone!

Cancellations: No refunds for cancellations less than 48 hours before your scheduled departure. No refunds for "no shows".  We give FULL refunds if Island Ferry cancels for inclement weather.

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The first tram of St. Petersburg was invented and demonstrated in action by the engineer Pirotsky F.A. in August 22, 1880. Pirotsky made the moving tram car, equipped with an electric motor and supplied electricity across the rails.

However, long-term contracts with the owners of “Conca” according to which the land of all of the main streets in the city was rented out to them hindered the emergence of trams on the streets of St.Petersburg .

Only in 1885 the tramway tracks were maintained across the Neva river on the ice."Ice" trams served in winter time and linked the city centre with Vasilevsky Island, Vyborg and Petrograd side.

In 1902, when eventually the city government bought out the rights for the transport communication from the private owners the work of the best minds of Russia started on the project of the city tram. The project was prepared in 1904 and in the autumn of 1905 its implementation was started.

American electrical company "Westinghouse" became the general contractor of the project. 190 carriages "Brush" were manufactured in Britain, 195 - at the Mytishchi and Kolomna plants in Russia. Putilov factory refitted horse-drawn carriages into the trams.

The opening of the St. Petersburg tram service was held in 1907 September, 29.

Tram system immediately became the most popular kind of public transport. In 1908, the trams were transporting 230 thousand passengers along 9 routes.

In 1911 the construction of the second tram line was started but because of the war since 1914 the process was gradually suspended in 1916. The Military Revolutionary period after 1917 became quite difficult for the tram services. At that time, in addition to its regular service transporting passengers trams also were transporting military supplies, food, fuel and others.

After 1922 the new city government began the restoration of the tram network, carriages and opening of new tram parks. In 1928, 1000 carriages were operating daily along 274 km of the route.

Three and a half million people used the tram daily in 1940. The length of the tramway tracks at that time reached 529 km.

Since the beginning of the WW2 the rolling stock and equipment was actively used for military purposes like transportation of ammunition, food, soldiers. The production of military equipment, some spare parts for tanks and ammunition was started in some tram parks.

Trams stopped operating on the 8th of December in 1941 due to electric power outage. Some carriages were dropped and remained on the streets for the whole winter time. The trams began their function again on the 15th of April 15 in 1942.

During the Siege of Leningrad because of the bombardments and air raids tram service suffered heavy losses: 13% of tracks, 153 carriages were completely destroyed, 1065 cars were damaged and needed repair. The restoration of the tram parks was completed by 1947.

Leningrad tram reached its peak in the 80th of the 20 century. In 1990, the city had 10 tram parks, 2200 carriages and the length of the tramway track was 700 km. It was possible to transport 950 million people in a year. In the 90th of the 20 century the construction of new tramway lines was stopped due to the shortage of money after the disitagration of the Soviet Union but however the tram park of Saint-Petersburg still remains one of the largest in the world.

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  2. La excursión de Gerald Durrell en PDF, MOBI y EPUB gratis

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  3. La excursión. gerald durrell

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  4. Excursion, la (Alfaguara Juvenil) : DURRELL, GERALD: Amazon.es: Libros

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  5. La Excursion- Gerald Durrell Alfaguara Juvenil- 1987

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  6. La excursión

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  1. Durrells' Tour In Corfu

    The tour is based on a true story…. One can say with certainty, that the Island of Corfu is a magnificent place."The paradise" that Durrells' family fell in love with when they moved in back in the 1930's still exists here and will be revealed to you as an alternative approach, away from the areas of mass tourism.

  2. La excursión

    Gerald Durrell fue un naturalista británico, mejor conocido por sus expediciones a África y su trabajo con la BBC.Tuvo, como su hermano Lawrence, una veta literaria que exploró en relatos, crónicas autobiográficas e investigaciones a partir de sus viajes por el mundo.En La excursión, título que Alfaguara en su momento utilizara para compilar tres cuentos, Durrell nos ofrece dos estampas ...

  3. La excursión: Durrell, Gerald: 9788434586123: Amazon.com: Books

    La excursión [Durrell, Gerald] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. La excursión

  4. The Picnic and Suchlike Pandemonium by Gerald Durrell

    1,311 ratings122 reviews. If you loved My Family and Other Animals and can't get enough of the Durrells after the Corfu series, this is the book for you. It constitutes a series of anecdotal snippets and short stories including 'The Picnic', a laugh-out-loud account of an ill-fated Durrell family excursion, which should have been a relaxing ...

  5. Gerald Durrell

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  7. Excursión, la : Gerald Durrell: Amazon.es: Libros

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  8. La excursión: Durrell, Gerald: 9788434586123: Books

    La excursión: Durrell, Gerald: 9788434586123: Books - Amazon.ca. Skip to main content.ca. Delivering to Balzac T4B 2T Update location Books. Select the department you want to search in. Search Amazon.ca. EN. Hello, sign in. Account ...

  9. La excursión: Amazon.co.uk: Durrell, Gerald: 9788434586123: Books

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    Gerald Durrell nos presenta tres relatos: La excursión, El viaje inaugural y La entrada. El autor pone a su familia como protagonista de las historias, en un juego satírico, mostrando unos cuadros llenos de humor y creando situaciones que rayan lo absurdo. Los acontecimientos parten de situaciones sencillas y sirven al autor para entretejer ...

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    Durrell, Gerald;Santos, Juan Antonio La excursión ; El viaje inaugural ; La entrada. Alfaguara. To increase the resiliency of Anna's Archive, we're looking for volunteers to run mirrors. ... Spanish [es], .mobi, 🚀/lgli, 0.3MB, 📕 Book (fiction), La Excursion - Gerald Durrell.

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    Visit the Durrells Exclusive open house hours. We are now opening The White House on certain exclusive dates so you can come inside see Durrell memorabilia, walk through the rooms lived in by Lawrence Durrell and enjoy the very same views the Durrell family enjoyed on their visits to the White House. 1 hour. 3,00€. Read.

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    Our guided kayak tours to Shell Key can accommodate from 2 persons to 32 people, and are approximately 3 hours long, depending on conditions, and the pace of the group. The tours launch from Tierra Verde, and paddle through the protected waters and mangroves tunnels of the Shell Key Wildlife Preserve in Pinellas County. An 1,800 acre preserve ...

  21. City Break Tours St Petersburg

    City Break Tours St Petersburg - Shore Excursions & Tours, Saint Petersburg, Russia. 2,974 likes · 2 were here. City Break Tours is a company of professional guides, drivers, and administrators who...

  22. Saint Petersburg Tram

    The opening of the St. Petersburg tram service was held in 1907 September, 29. Tram system immediately became the most popular kind of public transport. In 1908, the trams were transporting 230 thousand passengers along 9 routes. In 1911 the construction of the second tram line was started but because of the war since 1914 the process was ...