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Mission Impossible: Mayor in Norway admits he secretly kept Tom Cruise’s stunt bikes

Mayor kept mangled motorbikes from death-defying cliff stunt in ‘dead reckoning’, article bookmarked.

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A mayor in Norway , who was supposed to destroy motorbikes used in the latest Mission: Impossible movie, has admitted he set out on a cheeky mission of his own – to keep the bikes as mementos.

Mayor Jan Ove Tryggestad has been kept two of the mangled bikes secret for almost three years, after they were used in a death-defying stunt in Dead Reckoning that involved franchise star Tom Cruise riding a motorbike off a cliff, soaring off the bike and parachuting to the ground.

The stunt was filmed on the Helsetkopen mountain in Stranda in September 2020, and used a total of eight motorcycles.

Tryggestad was meant to destroy the bikes after the shoot, but he never did.

“A mayor in Stranda can’t always be the one who follows rules and regulations,” came his mischeivous explanation in an interview.

Mission: Impossible star explains 27-year absence before Dead Reckoning return – ‘I burned that bridge’

Cruise reprises the role of ace spy Ethan Hunt in the blockbuster sequel, which is out in cinemas now and also stars Hayley Atwell and Vanessa Kirby.

In a four-star review of the film for The Independent , critic Clarisse Loughrey mentioned the cliff stunt, writing: “The action sequences are consistently dynamic, and always adapted to their environment: a shoot-out in a sandstorm focuses on stealth and precision, while a Vespa chase down Rome’s many staircases is all cartoon chaos.

“It all culminates in an absolutely insane stunt in which Cruise drives a motorcycle off a cliff and then parachutes down onto a moving train.

“You will leave Dead Reckoning the same way you always do: wondering how Cruise could possibly outdo himself in the next one – until, inevitably, he does.”

Cruise and Atwell in ‘Mission Impossible’

Speaking to The Independent about working with Cruise and director Chris McQuarrie in a recent interview, Atwell described creating her character – a master thief called Grace – as a genuinely collaborative process .

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“Even the way they phrased it: ‘We’re looking for an actor to work with’ rather than ‘We’ve written this character’,’” she said.

“You go, ‘Your language is always giving me back power and agency. You want things for me and not from me?’ It’s beautiful parenting!”

She said that Cruise and McQuarrie like to “be surrounded by really strong, intelligent women”, adding that they “love seeing women thrive and be in their own power, so if I ever tried to play small or flirtatious, or play damsel, they would probably be like, ‘What are you doing? That’s not you!’”

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Tom Cruise just performed his most dangerous stunt yet – riding a motorcycle off a cliff and BASE jumping

By Caitlin O'Kane

December 21, 2022 / 10:00 AM EST / CBS News

Tom Cruise has performed another daring stunt for the "Mission: Impossible" film series. 

He called this one the most dangerous thing he's ever attempted. Shot in Norway, the stunt required Cruise to ride a motorcycle off a cliff and BASE jump — something he said he's wanted to do since he was a kid. 

Cruise, 60, is currently working on the two-part "Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning" film. He's known for performing his own stunts, but this one took years to plan, he said in a video shared on Twitter. 

So excited to share what we’ve been working on. #MissionImpossible — Tom Cruise (@TomCruise) December 19, 2022

In the video, writer and director Christopher McQuarrie said Cruise put together a "master plan" using experts to help execute the stunt.

He had a year of sky diving training, during which he was doing 30 jumps a day – more than 500 skydives, said Wade Eastwood, the film's stunt coordinator. He also had motocross training, doing over 13,000 motocross jumps. Once he got those skills down, the production team created 3D models to try and predict how Cruise would fly through the air during the stunt so they could film it.

Then, it came time for Cruise to execute the stunt — driving a motorcycle up a long ramp, which lead to a cliff, launching off of it and BASE jumping to the bottom. Cruise first jumped out of a helicopter over the cliff to practice, before attempting the full stunt for the cameras.


"The only things you have to avoid while doing a stunt like this are serious injury or death," BASE jumping coach Miles Daisher said. "You're riding a motorcycle, which is pretty dangerous, on top of a ramp that's elevated off the ground, so if you fall off the ramp, that's pretty bad. You're falling, so if you don't get a clean exit from the bike and you get tangled up with it, or if you don't open your parachute, you're not going to make it."

The behind-the-scenes video show Cruise not only execute the stunt once, but six times in one day. 

"Pretty much the biggest stunt in cinematic history," said BASE jumping coach John DeVore. Viewers can see the final product when part one of the film premieres July 2023. The "Mission: Impossible" series is from Paramount Pictures. (Paramount is also the parent company of CBS.)

Cruise has performed countless hair-raising stunts, including jumping off of scaffolding while filming "Mission: Impossible 6" in —  a stunt that left him injured and limping. 

Cruise has been in Europe filming the seventh and eight "Mission: Impossible" films for several years. The seventh movie was scheduled to premiere in November 2021, but the COVD-19 pandemic shut down production and was pushed to May 27, 2022,  according to Variety . The date was pushed several time after that, and the film will now premier next year. 

While shooting in the U.K. last year, Cruise, who was traveling by helicopter, needed a place to land,  BBC News reports.  He ended up landing in a family's backyard, and then let their kids go for a ride in the helicopter, making headlines.

Caitlin O'Kane is a New York City journalist who works on the CBS News social media team as a senior manager of content and production. She writes about a variety of topics and produces "The Uplift," CBS News' streaming show that focuses on good news.

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Tom Cruise har aldri gjort et mer avansert stunt enn han gjorde i Norge

Hoppet fra Helsetkopen på motorsykkel er det farligste Tom Cruise har gjort. Nå er det to bare måneder igjen til fansen får se hele stuntet, og en ny trailer fyrer opp stemningen.

tom cruise stunt norge

"Filmhistoriens største stunt" kaller filmskaperne det selv. Traileren for den nyeste Mission Impossible-filmen til Tom Cruise er full av klipp og stunt filma i Møre og Romsdal. Se selve hoppet lengre nede i saken.

Vi rapporterer fra Ålesund

Artikkelen er mer enn ett år gammel.

I snart tre år har fansen ventet på å få se fullversjonen av det halsbrekkende stuntet som ble filmet på Sunnmøre.

Med maks fart på motorsykkelen dundrer Tom Cruise mot kanten av fjellet Helsetkopen, treffer en rampe og stuper utfor. Motorsykkelen ramler rett ned, mens actionhelten flyger gjennom lufta før fallskjermen åpner seg.

I den andre traileren for filmen Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning, som nylig ble sluppet, får fansen igjen se smakebiter fra scenen.

I en video fra Paramount Pictures forteller filmskaperne om alt arbeidet som ligger bak stuntet.

Cruise skal ha gjort 500 fallskjermhopp og 13.000 motorsykkelhopp for å forberede seg på stuntet på Sunnmøre.

– Dette er uten tvil den farligste tingen vi noen gang har forsøkt, sier regissør Christopher McQuarrie i dokumentarfilmen han har laget om sin egen film.

tom cruise stunt norge

Rampen på toppen av Helsetkopen som Cruise skulle hoppe ut fra tok flere måneder å bygge, forteller regissør Christopher McQuarrie i dokumentarfilmen.

Premieren er 12. juli. Julia Eidskrem (11) har store forventninger.

–Jeg elsker filmer som Mission Impossible.

Hun forteller at familien hennes eier hytter i Valldalen der filmstjernen bodde på da filmen ble spilt inn.

Julia Eidskrem får ikke sett den nye Cruise-filmen på kino helt enda, men hun gleder seg veldig.

– Jeg fikk ikke møtte dem, men det fikk broren min.

Les også «Mission: Impossible»-stjernene hyller den norske naturen: – Som et maleri

Mener filmer er uslåelig reklame.

– Når det blir høydepunktsscener som blir sendt over hele verden – det er ingen som kan kjøpe reklame på alle verdens kinoer, liksom, sier Per Henry Borch.

Han er produsent i Truenorth, et selskap som legger til rette for filmproduksjon, og var delaktig i å få Mission Impossible-filmene til Norge.

– Vi forbrukte i Møre og Romsdal 175 millioner kroner på tre uker. Under covid. Så jeg tror vi reddet et par bedrifter der, for å si det sånn, sier Borch og ler litt.

Han er sikker på at filmer ikke bare legger igjen penger mens de lages, men også senere, som ved turisme.

Han trekker fram den forrige Mission Impossible-filmen som hadde en hovedscene på Preikestolen i Rogaland .

I tillegg til denne som er filmet på Sunnmøre og i Romsdal, er nok en Tom Cruise-film allerede produsert i Norge – med hjelp fra Borch.

Han tror alle filmene vil sette flere deler av Norge på turisme-kartet.

– Jeg må si vi får god PR av dette.

tom cruise stunt norge

Tom Cruise og Esai Morales slåss oppå et tog på Raumabanen. Kylling bru i Romsdalen får også skjermtid før den blir sprengt i fillebiter. (Ser du ikke videoen, skru av batterisparing på mobilen).

En heftig innspilling

– Nå har vi venta i mange år på denne filmen. Vi har store forventninger, spesielt når det er spilt inn i nærområdet og er en stor Hollywood-satsing, sier Beate Kvalsvik Breivik, kinosjef ved Odeon Ålesund.

Kollegaen Asle Hansen var faktisk med på innspillingen for tre år siden som sjåfør av filmmateriale mellom Åndalsnes og Oslo.

– Jeg var innom settet flere ganger. Jeg så på da de forberedte seg og de sloss på togene. Det var heftig, sier Hansen.

Han gleder seg til å se hvor mye av Møre og Romsdal som faktisk blir med på filmen, og mener det kan være alt fra 20 sekunder til flere minutter.

– Dette er en stor film, spesielt fordi den er filma i nærområdet. Og så forventer vi at den kommer til å bli sett av mange, sier Hansen.

– Vi håper billettene får bein å gå på og at vi får solgt ut. Jeg tror det er stor interesse rundt filmen og at det er mange som ønsker å se den på kino, sier Beate Kvalsvik Breivik.

Asle Hansen sier han allerede har et nært forhold til filmen, enda han ikke har fått sett den enda. Fulle kinosaler regner han med det blir.

Ja, og så var det det stuntet du ble lovet:

tom cruise stunt norge

Stuntet skal være det største Tom Cruise noensinne har gjort. Det er over 1000 høydemeter fra Helsetkopen til vannet nederst i dalen. Cruise gjorde hoppet uten annen sikring enn fallskjermen på ryggen. (Ser du ikke videoen, skru av batterisparing på mobilen).


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Tom Cruise did that motorcycle stunt in ‘Mission: Impossible’ on Day 1 — here’s why

An actor in a gray vest and white shirt, driving a black sports car without its doors.

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More than half a year before the release of the upcoming movie “Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One,” Paramount Pictures made sure audiences got to see Tom Cruise once again risking his life.

Cruise’s mind-blowing stunts have become a signature of “ Mission: Impossible ” films, each one seemingly topping the next. The key stunt in the franchise’s seventh installment involves Cruise driving a motorcycle off the edge of a cliff, dismounting and parachuting into a Norwegian valley. With the drop of its behind-the-scenes footage in December , the studio billed it as “the biggest stunt in cinema history.”

Though the moment has already been watched on YouTube more than 13 million times, and 30 million more times in the film’s trailers, it’s among the film’s most anticipated scenes. After all, we still don’t know how the stunt fits within the plot — What could be so dire that agent Ethan Hunt must jump off a cliff?

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While answers won’t come until the movie’s theatrical release July 12, we now know that the risky stunt was the first thing Cruise did on Day 1 of filming, which began in 2020. And it was all about risk assessment.

In a recent interview with “Entertainment Tonight,” Cruise said they started with the scene, in part, to allow the cast and crew to see whether he would be able to star in the $290-million film. After all, he could either get injured or die — or both.

“Well, we know we’re either going to continue with the film or not,” Cruise said, letting out a laugh. “Let’s know Day 1, what is gonna happen: Do we all continue, or is it a major re-run?”

Cruise added that he wanted to make sure his mind was clear enough to focus solely on the stunt.

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“You have to be razor sharp for something like that; I don’t want to drop that and shoot other things and have my mind somewhere else,” Cruise said. “You don’t want to be waking up in the middle of the night, ‘It’s still, I still, I still,’ and it has that effect.”

Cruise is no stranger to aerial stunts with a high probability of death. The “Top Gun” actor said preparing for the recent stunt “was years of planning,” a culmination of all the training he’s done with motorcycles, cars and aerobatics.

In the franchise’s last film, “Mission: Impossible — Fallout” (2018), Cruise jumped into a helicopter in midflight , taking the controls to chase another helicopter. In the same movie, he parachuted from a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III from 25,000 feet, close to five miles up, becoming “the first actor” to do so in a major motion picture, according to Paramount (most skydiving attempts occur at 10,000 feet).

In 2011 for “ Ghost Protocol ,” the “Jerry McGuire” actor climbed along the exposed walls of the world’s largest building, the Burj Khalifa of Dubai. And in 2015 for “Rogue Nation,” Cruise hung off the side of an Airbus A400M Atlas as it was taking off, a stunt that veteran stunt coordinator and frequent Cruise collaborator Wade Eastwood called “a stressful experience.”

tom cruise stunt norge

The recent motorcycle stunt, which Cruise had apparently repeated six times, was no exception. Though the film’s computer-generated images make Cruise appear to be jumping off the rocky surface of the cliff, the scene required a large ramp to be built.

While Cruise is seen atop the motorcycle in the behind-the-scenes video, accelerating off the ramp, a helicopter and drone fly overhead to gather footage. The film’s crew, including director Christopher McQuarrie, are huddled in a nearby tent, faces glued to a set of monitors. After he abandons the bike and hangs in the open air, Cruise releases his parachute and the crew erupts in cheers.

“The only thing you have to avoid when doing a stunt like this are serious injury or death,” Eastwood, who has managed stunts for the last three “Mission Impossible” films, said in the BTS video. “You’re falling. If you don’t get a clean exit from the bike and you get tangled up with it, if you don’t open your parachute, you’re not gonna make it.”

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See Tom run. See Tom jump.

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The scene wasn’t the only stressful one to shoot: Cruise said he also worried about a car chase that involved him handcuffed to a small car, steering with one hand while drifting along the cobblestone streets of Rome, with his co-star Hayley Atwell in the passenger seat.

“It’s plenty of challenges,” Cruise said with a wide grin, laughing once again.

“Dead Reckoning” had its world premiere Sunday at the Auditorium Conciliazione in Rome with Cruise and other cast members, including Atwell and Vanessa Kirby , in attendance. “Part Two” is expected to be released in June 2024. Filming wrapped in September for what has been rumored to be Cruise’s final appearance in the “Mission: Impossible” franchise.

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Jonah Valdez is a former reporter at the Los Angeles Times on the Fast Break entertainment news team. Before joining The Times as a member of the 2021-22 Los Angeles Times Fellowship class, he worked for the Southern California News Group, where he wrote award-winning features. His work can also be found at his hometown newspaper, the San Diego Union-Tribune, Voice of San Diego and San Diego Reader.

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Mission Impossible 7: Tom Cruise’s shocking motorbike stunt in Norway

Tom Cruise’s latest stunt sees the star soaring from a Norwegian mountain top off a motorbike in footage not for the faint hearted.

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Tom Cruise is at it again with the jaw-dropping motorcycle stunts.

Cruise, 58, who is returning to the role of Ethan Hunt for the seventh film in the Mission: Impossible franchise, has been doing his own stunt work for years.

By the looks of it, they’ll be as impressive and terrifying as ever.

With each new Mission: Impossible movie, Ethan Hunt must go to greater and greater lengths in order to achieve the impossible, so it’s only natural Cruise’s latest shoot involved an insane feat from the top of a mountain in Norway.

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Tom Cruise’s latest stunt will make you dizzy. Picture: AFP.

The actor wowed onlookers after completing four jumps with a motorcycle from a huge ramp on the Helsetkopen mountain top.

In a video posted on the Cinema Magic Instagram page, Cruise is seen flying through the air, then parachuting down the steep mountainside before landing safely on the ground.

He was snapped filming a similar stunt in the UK last month , following reports that production would face further delays after filming in Italy was halted back in March due to the coronavirus outbreak because a stuntman’s bike exploded while filming.

The UK stunt filmed for the movie was estimated to have cost $3.6 million, one of the most expensive of its kind performed in Britain.

Trials by stuntmen saw the set go up in flames – showing just how dangerous these stunts can be. Nobody was hurt in the accident.

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Cruise in mid air after flying off a ramp in Norway. Picture: Instagram

Flinging himself off ramps into the sky isn’t the only death-defying act Cruise has performed for the film. Another witness saw the actor leap from a helicopter 3000m in the air.

Cruise recently told The Daily Mail that he will put a stop to his stunt work when he turns 60, a milestone that he will reach in July 2022.

That leaves one more instalment of the movie, the eighth and final Mission Impossible .

“There is no way that Tom won’t do his trademark stunts for the last film, but he doesn’t want to do it past 60 so is keen to get it all wrapped up by the time he reaches his big birthday,” an insider said.

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Cruise relocated to England in February to escape the pandemic, and has been there ever since. The actor seems to be enjoying his time in the UK, keeping fit by running through the streets of London every day and hanging out with co-star Simon Pegg at Soho Farmhouse, an exclusive members’ club in Oxfordshire.

Cruise has long insisted on doing his own stunt work. Picture: Getty Images.

Cruise is known for arriving at the club in style in his $4.5 million matte black helicopter.

“He uses that helicopter like a train. He is really enjoying the British countryside, as well as the London parks,” a source said.

“It is hard to see him leaving the UK at the end of all this filming. He has really begun to find himself at home here.”

The Mission Impossible franchise has so far grossed almost $5 billion worldwide since it began in 1996.

Throughout the films, Cruise has swung from Dubai’s Burj Khalifa building, clung to the side of a plane as it took off, and famously held his breath underwater for six minutes.

Meanwhile, one of Cruise’s former co-stars has revealed the A-list actor had an unusual rule for his films , apparently forbidding his fellow actors running with him on-screen.

Thandie Newton once described Tom Cruise as “very dominant” on set. Picture: AFP.

Actress Annabelle Wallis, who co-starred with Cruise in 2017’s reboot of The Mummy , made the admission in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter this month.

“I got to run on-screen with him, but he told me ‘no’ at first. He said, ‘Nobody runs on-screen (with me),’ and I said, ‘But I’m a really good runner,’” Wallis said. “So, I would time my treadmill so that he’d walk in and see me run. And then he added all these running scenes. So, that was it.

“It was, like, better than an Oscar. I was so happy. I was so happy that I got to run on-screen with Tom Cruise,” she said.

She may have had a better time than another former Cruise leading lady. In July, Cruise’s Mission: Impossible 2 co-star Thandie Newton revealed the difficult times she had on set with her “very dominant” lead some 20 years ago.

“He was a very dominant individual. He tries super hard to be a nice person. But the pressure. He takes on a lot. And I think he has this sense that only he can do everything as best as it can be done,” Newton said.

Mission: Impossible 7 will star Cruise alongside Rebecca Ferguson, Nicholas Hoult, Hayley Atwell, Simon Pegg and others, and is set to be released in November 2021.

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What happens when Tom Cruise jumps off a cliff in Norway. No, that's not a setup for a joke, it's one of the notoriously dedicated action star's most dangerous stunts in the long-awaited upcoming Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One . Paramount Pictures has just released a new behind-the-scenes featurette taking a look at the making of one of Cruise's most daring stunts to date. The new stunt was created for the long-awaited film, which is set to be released to theaters on July 14, 2023.

The featurette starts with an ominous overhead shot rolling over a cliff in Hellesylt, Norway. A long ramp curls up over the rocky edge, looking over a deep plummet. "This is far and away the most dangerous thing we have ever attempted," Cruise says in voice-over. Cruise then goes on to detail the exact set-up of the stunt, and that this particular scenario has been in the works for several years. The stunt is complex, involving a motorcycle chase over a cliff, which then terminates in a jump. All of this is to happen over some of the most dangerous and beautiful terrain on earth.

The featurette then rolls into the signature Mission: Impossible theme and the process of bringing about this dangerous but thrilling new stunt is revealed. And it looks like Cruise has taken the driver's seat when it comes to stunt coordination. The film's director, Christopher McQuarrie , noted that Cruise was responsible for bringing together the experts needed to pull off such a high-risk act.

'Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning' Director Christopher McQuarrie Shares a High-Flying Behind the Scene Image

The featurette does not shy away from Cruise's dedication to his stunt work. From gauging his motorcycle's speed by ear to flying over quarries filled with cardboard with nothing but a wire to keep him aloft, it's clear that Cruise's dedication is more than just talk. "It all comes down to one thing," Cruise says, "the audience." And the audience will soon be able to see the fruit of the film crew's labor, as the new film will finally be coming to theaters four years after it was originally announced.

Cruise, of course, stars in the new film. And he is again joined by costars Simon Pegg and Vanessa Kirby among others. Filming for the movie was complicated not just by elaborate stunt work, but also by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it looks like even with all of those extenuating circumstances, Cruise and his crew have managed to do the (mission) impossible.

Check out the featurette below:

  • Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (2023)

Tom Cruise films M:I-7 stunts in Norway

Monday 7 September 2020 21:03, UK

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In Hellesylt, shooting for Mission: Impossible 7 involved a motorcycle, a helicopter and a huge ramp running off a mountain.

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Tom Cruise jumped a motorcycle off a cliff in Norway, but what bike was it?

The action star was in norway filming a stunt for next year’s 'mission impossible 7'.

Fox News Flash top entertainment headlines for September 8

Fox News Flash top entertainment headlines for September 8

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Tom Cruise can fly, and not just when he’s making “Top Gun” movies.

The action star was in Norway this past weekend filming a stunt for next year’s “Mission Impossible 7” that involved riding a motorcycle off a gigantic ramp built on top of a mountain and parachuting from the bike as it fell to the ground.

The 58-year-old wasn’t wearing a helmet and repeated the feat four times, according to the Associated Press. But what about that bike was he riding?

GEIR OLSEN/NTB Scanpix/AFP via Getty Images

GEIR OLSEN/NTB Scanpix/AFP via Getty Images

It’s hard to tell at the distance he was photographed from, but he previously practiced for the stunt on smaller setup in August in the U.K. while attached to safety lines, with photos revealing that he was riding a lightly modified red white and black Honda CR450R.

He also tried out one painted silver , and when you zoom in on the shots from Norway, that appears to be what he was on.

GEIR OLSEN/NTB Scanpix/AFP via Getty Images

The CR450R is primarily used for motocross and supercross racing and more than capable of jumping off a ramp, if not landing at the bottom of a cliff, while a street legal version with lights called the CR450L is also available.

tom cruise stunt norge


Tom Cruise's First Scene of New 'Mission: Impossible' Movie Was His Most Dangerous Stunt Ever (Exclusive)

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It's no secret that Tom Cruise is serious about his stunt work, and in Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One , he wasted no time taking on a death-defying scene!

Cruise sat down with ET's Nischelle Turner in Rome this week to preview the upcoming action flick, and he shared an interesting fact about the production, revealing that the  most dangerous stunt of his career -- a motorcycle jump off of a cliff into a base jump -- was the first-ever scene filmed for Dead Reckoning Part One .

"Well, we know either we're gonna continue with the film or we're not," Cruise said with a laugh of planning the death-defying stunt. "Let's know day one... Do we all continue, or is it a major rewrite?"

In all seriousness, the actor added, it all came down to focus. "It was years preparing. I mean, I've been riding motorcycles since I was a little kid, raced cars and spent a lot of time just with aerobatics, airplanes, helicopters and parachutes... It all kind of came to that moment."

"You have to be razor sharp when you do something like that, so it was very important as we were prepping the film that that actually was the first thing [to shoot], because I don't want to drop that and go shoot other things and then have my mind somewhere else," he continued. "Everyone was prepped, let's just get it done."

And it wasn't just the one stunt that Cruise was hyper-focused on throughout the film's production. He did his own stunt driving for an intense chase scene throughout the streets of Rome -- while his character was handcuffed to franchise newcomer Hayley Atwel l, no less -- saying the challenges he takes on as a performer are indicative of his devotion to the action-packed franchise.

"Mission: Impossible is the first film I ever produced," he recalled of the impact the films have had on his career, dating back to the 1996 original. "There's certain things that I felt that we could tell with motion, with action and with stories and to be able to travel the world, that I really wanted to- I hoped that I could be able to accomplish with Mission: Impossible."

" I really always wanted to travel the world and be part of that community and then celebrate that community," he added. " Mission: Impossible allows me to do that."

Cruise's legacy as a box-office star is without question, and he hit a new major milestone last year, when Top Gun: Maverick became his first film to bring in over a billion dollars, bringing his career total box office to over $10 billion.

"You know, it was important last summer because of what we went through in [COVID shutdowns]," he noted. "For me, I love movies on the big screen and we have, you know, our families, how it spreads out to the other platforms, I understand that, but the way that I make movies, what I love about films is -- and I've always been someone who's promoted the big screen experience -- I make movies for audiences and to see how much they enjoyed it."

"To see [ Maverick ] open up the way it did, it meant a lot to me in so many ways," Cruise continued. "I mean, for me, when we're in Cannes, I was looking at all of [the cast]. I was like, I want you to have this experience. I wanted them to have that kind of experience, that we all worked hard and we all created this together. It was very special."

And, no surprise, he's not planning to slow down anytime soon. While Cruise and Mission: Impossible writer-director Christopher McQuarrie still have some work to do on Dead Reckoning Part Two --  due out in June 2024 and set to be Cruise's final bow as Ethan Hunt -- the actor said they're already planning for what comes next.

"A few days ago, I turned to McQ like, you know, we've got to start thinking about what we're gonna do next summer when we're done with this," he shared with a laugh. "This is what I do, I make movies... I absolutely love it."

Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One is in theaters July 12.


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  • Mission Impossible

Tom Cruise Pulled Off The Biggest Stunt In Cinema History in ‘Mission: Impossible 7’

"You know the only thing you have to avoid while doing a stunt like this is serious injury or death..."

Tom Cruise Pulled Off The Biggest Stunt In Cinema History in ‘Mission: Impossible 7’

Image: Paramount Pictures

Tom Cruise’s latest movie Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One has received widespread acclaim since it premiered worldwide this week, with Cruise upping the stakes for the seventh instalment in the Mission: Impossible franchise. But ahead of release to the general public, there’s one unbelievable stunt that has left everybody wondering… ‘How did they do it?!’

One cold September day in 2020, on Norway’s picturesque Helsetkopen mountain range, the ripples of a modified Honda CRF 250 motorbike engine cascaded across the vast glacial scene, as Tom Cruise and a Hollywood film crew put years of preparation into practice, to undertake the biggest stunt in cinema history.

The stunt was filmed on the first day of principal photography, “in classic Mission form,” says director Christopher McQuarrie, in which Cruise would charge a custom-built motorcycle over a sheer mountain edge and freefall almost 4000 feet before deploying a parachute canopy before certain death.

To pull something off of this magnitude required years of meticulous planning and training to achieve perfect execution. “There’s a lot going into this stunt. So Tom put together this master plan to coordinate all of these experts in each of the particular disciplines involved, to make this whole thing happen.”

WATCH Tom Cruise’s biggest stunt ever below.

“Don’t be careful. Be competent.” Tom Cruise

Hollywood’s movie maverick Tom Cruise is well known for his daring on-screen stunts, whether it’s climbing a 2000-foot cliff in the opening scene of  Mission: Impossible II ; hanging onto the edge of a huge Airbus A400M plane as it takes off in  Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation ; or ascending 1700 feet up the tallest building in the world with no more than a harness for  Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol , Cruise is the king of on-camera chaos, bringing the Mission: Impossible story to dizzying new heights with each subsequent flick – literally.

The preparation for such a stunt was immense that Cruise had to master a year of BASE training and advanced skydive training, doing 30 jumps a day and 500 skydives to perfect his canopy skills and spacial awareness, tracking, freefalling and positioning.

This continued with specialised motocross training, carrying out over 13,000 individual jumps to determine the perfect speed, distance and overall trajectory of the final stunt. This is a feat in itself, not considering the fact that Cruise’s bike had no internal speedometer, so with each successive launch, he had to become so perfectly aligned with the determining factors of his jumps, using no more than his body to land effectively and safely.

“The key is me hitting certain speeds and being consistent with that. There’s no speedometer, so I do it by sound and feel of the bike. And then as I depart the bike, I’m using the wind that’s hitting me here and I’m cupping my chest. That will give me lift,” Cruise explains.

tom cruise stunt norge

In Norway, where the final stunt was to take place for Mission: Impossible 7 , a swarm of helicopters were brought in to expertly assemble the “masterful” track and ramp. Following years of precise preparation, the conditions were right for the real thing.

Defying gravity, fear and limitations require a specific piece of kit. For his death-defying stunt, Tom Cruise’s goggles in Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning – Part One were Oakley’s one-of-a-kind ECLP23, featuring High-Speed Protection, an expanded field of view and Zero Gravity making sure that the eyewear was a perfect fit for his face, leaving no room for error as Cruise freefalls over a cliff edge with no stunt double in sight.

RELATED :  Tom Cruise Touches Down In Sydney Wearing A Lowkey $200,000 Watch

Cruise would perform the final stunt a total of eight times off the sheer edge of the Helsetkopen mountains, at a height of 4,000 feet into a jagged and unforgiving ravine. “Every time I went off the ramp, it was dangerous,” explained Cruise. “It was risking my life. And we wanted to keep that to a minimum.”

The final cut is pure cinematic perfection; an addictive action sequence that raises the stakes in this latest saga of Ethan Hunt’s adrenaline-filled anthology. So there’s no surprise then that Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One has received a score of 98% on Rotten Tomatoes and is set to be the highest-rated movie of the Mission: Impossible franchise.

As director, Christopher McQuarrie says: “This is far and away the most dangerous thing we’ve ever attempted. The only thing that scares me more is what we have planned for Mission 8 …”

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How Tom Cruise Executed His 'Most Dangerous' Stunt in 'Mission: Impossible –Dead Reckoning Part One'

The death-defying moment in the franchise's seventh installment involves Cruise driving a motorbike off a cliff

Collection Christophel/Alamy

Tom Cruise  turned up the action for Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning   Part One .

While the film marks the seventh installment in the highly successful franchise, Cruise, 61, made the occasion even more special by challenging himself to perform one of his most dangerous stunts yet.

The death-defying moment involved Cruise driving a motorbike off a cliff, fly off the bike, and parachute to the ground. While fans got a glimpse of the stunt through the film's action-packed trailer in May, Cruise, along with writer-director  Christopher McQuarrie , first teased the big moment in 2021 at CinemaCon.

The pair explained in a special behind-the-scenes video at the event that the stunt took 500 hours of skydiving training and 13,000 motorbike jumps to get it just right. The stunt involved Cruise being attached to a set of wires as he rides a speeding motorcycle off of a large ramp before he throws himself from the bike, backed by the safety wires attached to his back.

Speaking about its execution, McQuarrie, 54, explained in the video that it was "by far the most dangerous stunt we've ever done." The clip then ended with Cruise performing the stunt himself, with a crew member saying, " Tom Cruise  rode a motorcycle off a cliff six times today."

McQuarrie "tried to kill me," joked Cruise at the New York City premiere.

Christian Black/Paramount Pictures

The film's long-awaited release comes after multiple delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic . According to an official synopsis, it finds Cruise's Ethan Hunt as he and his team are tasked with tracking down "a terrifying new weapon that threatens all of humanity before it falls into the wrong hands."

During its world premiere in June , Cruise gave a speech about his passion for the franchise and filmmaking. He said in part, "It’s something that I grew up with, that made me and inspired me to dream and want to travel the world. My goal since I was little was to make movies and travel. And not just be a tourist but work in that world and understand their culture."

"Through my movies, I’ve been able to have that because everyone here has allowed me to entertain them," he continued. "It’s a privilege that I have never taken for granted."

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Mission: Impossible   - Dead Reckoning Part One is out now.

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Norway Adventures

  • Mission Impossible 7 Filming Locations tour

Have a taste of the adrenaline filled adventures inspired by Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible 7. Cycling, hiking, driving, rafting, climbing: action guaranteed.

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from 11200 Nok p.p.

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2 - 8 people

tom cruise stunt norge

June - September

  • Film Inspired Tours In Norway

Highlights – Mission Impossible 7 Filming Locations Tour

Have a taste of the adrenaline-filled adventures inspired by the stunts Tom Cruise did. Explore the Mission Impossible 7 Filming locations while cycling, hiking, driving, rafting and climbing. If you are up for action and adrenaline, this is the tour for you.


  • Epic drives in the famous fjords of Norway also including the renowned Norwegian Scenic Route Trollstigen
  • Explore the area around the famous Mission Impossible 7 filming location where Tom Cruise jumped off Helsetkopen with his motorbike
  • Boat tour through the Geirangerfjord, a unique UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Adrenaline filled activities like: white water rafting and climbing
  • Stay at a small scale family run mountaineering hotel
  • Go see for yourself how impressive the mountain Troll Wall (Trollveggen)towers over the valley
  • Visit the Kylling bridge, where Tom Cruise loved to ride his motorbike, again and again, over the path under the bridge through the canyon.
  • City visit in coastal city Ålesund with beautiful art nouveau architecture

On this tour, you will explore the famous Mission Impossible 7 filming locations. The itinerary will take you to: Ålesund – Stranda – Hellesylt (Helsetkopen) – Geirangerfjord  – Valldal –  Rauma (Trollwall) – Ålesund

With our planning and detailed road book , you can travel safe and without any practical concerns . You will get all the insider tips and we will make sure to include our favourites. Contact us for a travel proposal

Rafting Valldal Photo by Uteguiden


What to expect.

  • A great tour when you are up for action and adrenaline
  • Many activities are included, but can be changed if you prefer
  • Visit some of the highlights of Fjord Norway like: the Geirangerfjord, Eagle Road, Trollstigen and Romsdalen valley
  • Charming 3* accommodation in small scale and family driven hotels and guesthouses
  • With our planning and detailed roadbook, you can travel safely and without any practical concerns. You will get all the insider tips and we will make sure to include our favorite hikes in each area you visit.

The price starts from 11200 NOK, per person (approx. 980 GBP).

This estimate is based on 2 adults sharing a double/twin room. 

The final price and availability are subject to price and availability upon the time of booking.

The price includes VAT according to the 2021 regulations. If the Norwegian Government decides to change the VAT regime, the price might increase.

Exact prices depend on the date, amount of people, and a few choices you can make. Contact us and we are pleased to send you an offer.

On all our tours our terms & conditions apply.

Included & not included

The above mentioned price estimate includes:

  • 1 night, standard room, shared bathroom, guesthouse in the mountains, including breakfast
  • Half day e-bike rental
  • Car package Geirangerfjord ferry
  • 1 night, standard room, 3* fjord lodge, Valldal, including breakfast
  • 4-hr guided white water rafting, as part of a group, including all equipment
  • 2 nights, standard room with garden/mountain view, 3* historic hotel, Romsdalen, including breakfast, lunch pack, snack, 3-course dinner
  • 1 night, standard room, 3* city centre hotel, Ålesund, including breakfast
  • Telephone assistance 7 days a week for urgent matters while traveling in Norway
  • All services provided by Norway Adventures and our suppliers will be in English
  • Transaction fee for using the online, secure, payment platform

The above mentioned price estimate does not include:

  • All items not specifically mentioned under ’included in the price’
  • International nor domestic flights
  • Airport transfers
  • Car rental (which we can arrange for you later), petrol, parking, toll, small ferry costs
  • Entrance fees, activities, museums etc., if not specified under ‘included in price’
  • Optional activities if not specified under ‘included in price, such as gondola, Via Ferrata, train excursion (described as options on day 4 and 5)
  • Meals unless stated otherwise
  • Insurance (we advise all our guests to buy travel insurance)
  • Personal expenses
  • Visa fees (if applicable)
  • Other options and extensions

Possible add-ons

This ‘Mission Impossible 7 Filming Locations’ tour in Norway can be tailored exactly to your wishes, including adding extra activities or longer stays in certain cities or areas. If you would like more information about the possibilities, feel free to contact us and ask for a tailored proposal .

For tips for travelling in Norway, click here

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us  or send an email to [email protected]

Scenic drive to Stranda

Upon arrival in Ålesund, pick up your rental car and head off for your adventure. On today’s easy drive along the fjord, the craggy peaks of the Sunnmøre Alps will slowly come into sight and give you a taste of what the next days will bring.

Stay at a small family-owned B&B on a farm with a mountain view and get a good night’s sleep. For those who play golf, this is your chance to hit the ball on the nearby beautifully situated 9 hole course.

Hellesylt Ebike

Today is the day to head towards Hellesylt, the village under the mountain Helsetkopen. This mountain is one of the famous Mission Impossible 7 filming locations.  From here Tom Cruise did, possibly the most challenging stunt in his career, jumping off the mountain cliff on a motorbike releasing a parachute and landing on the fields down below. We suggest you leave that stunt to Tom Cruise, and rather e-bike in the valley under the steep mountains to really take in the spectacular sight and enjoy the salmon jumping in the river alongside the road. 

Continue your journey and cruise the famous Geirangerfjord by ferry. Drive the curvy Eagle Road towards the adventure valley of Valldal. This is the area where Tom Cruise stayed in a cabin while preparing for filming the stunts in Hellesylt. Let’s see if you are brave and swim in the fjord like he did. You will stay here for one night in a charming B&B.

Rafting Valldal Photo by Uteguiden

Today is the day for some real adrenaline. Go on a white water rafting tour with a skilled guide that makes sure you will get the excitement you are after.

Continue your journey by driving one of the most scenic roads in Norway: The Trollstigen. Crossing the mountain pass with high alpine terrain you can enjoy the sights of the canyon, river, mountains, waterfalls, bridges and hairpin turns that will take you to the Romsdalen valley.

You will stay for two nights at a small scale historic hotel that has served as a hotel for mountaineers for ages. Enjoy the hospitality of the truly passionate hosts and their team, and great local food during your stay.

Via Ferrata Photo by Julie

There are so many things to do in the Romsdalen valley in Rauma, and you can pick the adventure that fits you. We will give you many suggestions in our roadbook.

Drive to Åndalsnes and hike Rampestreken up, for a great view over the village, the fjord and mountains. Maybe you rather want to do an advanced hike over Romsdalseggen ridge. The gondola can take you back down again, to spare you for the steep descent. You can also do an easy hike from Vengedalen where you after only 30 minutes get a great view towards the famous mountain Troll Wall (Trollveggen), one of the Mission Impossible 7 filming locations. Are you up for even more adventure?  You can challenge yourself and climb the Via Ferrata. 

Raumabanen Kylling bru Photo by Johan Berge and Visit Norway

On the last full day of your trip, there is still time to explore this exciting area more. Tom Cruise was very impressed by the Kylling bridge, and he loved to ride his motorbike, again and again, over the path under the bridge through the canyon. You can either drive there or do a train ride as a half-day excursion out and back. This ride is also described as one of the most beautiful train rides in the world. On the train, you will pass the spectacular Trollveggen Wall, Kylling Bridge and the wilderness area of Reinheimen (home to the reindeer) National Park. After a stop in the charming village of Les ja, you will take the train back to Ånd alsnes. You will see that the ride back will offer you different views again. 

Drive back to Ålesund, along the fjords, for your last night and enjoy a good dinner in one of the many good restaurants in the city.

This morning you can enjoy exploring the cosy little town of Ålesund with its beautiful art nouveau architecture, situated on the edge of the North sea. Enjoy a stroll through the city and along the harbour or walk up to Aksla the city’s viewpoint.

Drive to the airport, only 30 minutes, and look back on an adventurous mission. We are sure you want to come back.


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12 day Active family vacation Norway

Small Group Tour

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VIDEO: Tom Cruise performs crazy stunt during filming of Mission: Impossible 7

VIDEO: Tom Cruise performs crazy stunt during filming of Mission: Impossible 7

Day 1 of filming!

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Tom Cruise completed a crazy stunt in Norway today during the first day of filming of Mission: Impossible 7 . As you can see in the video below, the shot includes Cruise riding a motorcycle off an elevated ramp on a cliff, letting go of the motorcycle and skydiving to the ground before opening his parachute to land safe and sound. Tom Cruise is known for doing his own stunts — check out some of the crazier ones here .

New video of Tom Cruise pulling off a massive stunt during the filming of ‘Mission: Impossible 7’. (via @Tom_Cody_SP ) — Lights, Camera, Barstool (@LightsCameraPod) September 7, 2020
TOM CRUISE NORWAY 2020. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 7. #TomCruise #Norway #MissionImpossible7 #MisionImposible7 — Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part Two (@Ethan77079079) September 7, 2020

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Mission: Impossible 7 trailer teases Tom Cruise's biggest stunt yet – watch it here

After leaking online, the trailer has been officially released

The first trailer for Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning: Part One has officially released online – and it's every bit as thrilling as we'd hoped.

The two-minute promotional spot, which was initially screened at  CinemaCon  last month, leaked to social media for several hours on May 21, though Paramount Pictures has now shared the footage worldwide. 

You can check it out via the video link above.

Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning: Part One (or Mission: Impossible 7) is scheduled for theatrical release on July 14, 2023, with its sequel, Dead Reckoning: Part Two, slated to follow on June 28, 2024. 

Frequent series director Christopher McQuarrie returns to the helm on both projects, with Hayley Atwell, Rob Delaney and Indira Varma among those joining existing cast members Rebecca Ferguson, Vanessa Kirby, Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames and, of course, Tom Cruise, on the Mission: Impossible 7 call sheet.

Both movies will mark the  last in the series for franchise talisman Cruise  – though judging by the event's of this first trailer, the veteran actor won't be showing any signs of slowing down.

The footage kicks off with a montage of various exotic locales set to the ominous narration of Henry Czerny's Eugene Kittridge: “Your days of fighting for the greater good are over,” we hear him tell Cruise's Ethan Hunt.

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“This is our chance to control the truth, the concepts of right and wrong for everyone for centuries to come,” the original Mission: Impossible character continues. “You’ve been fighting to save an ideal that doesn’t exist, [that] never did. You need to pick a side."

We then see a series of shots showing Hunt on horseback in the desert, smashing through the streets of Rome in a rather expensive BMW, evading capture in a bright yellow Fiat 500, running through a candle-lit cathedral... you get the idea. 

The trailer really ups the ante, though, in its final moments, when we see Cruise performing a much-hyped motorcycle stunt from a particularly high cliff-edge in Norway. In a 2021 interview with Deadline , the actor said of the sequence: “This is far and away the most dangerous thing I’ve attempted,” adding that the stunt is something he’s “wanted to do since [he] was a little kid.” 

By the looks of things, Cruise certainly wasn't lying. 

As mentioned in our previous story on the trailer's leak, fans have been quick to proclaim their excitement for Mission: Impossible 7's roof-raising action. "[A] major side effect of watching the Mission: Impossible trailer is that I am no longer looking forward to any other movie this year and now want to fast forward to 2023,”  one Twitter user wrote , while another said that the footage "makes the last Bond film look like a commercial for watches." Ouch. 

It's certainly frustrating that we'll have to wait until next year for the return of Ethan Hunt and company, though Cruise fans have a perfect distraction to ease the pain in the form of Top Gun: Maverick (which we awarded five-stars in our review ).

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Axel is TechRadar's UK-based Phones Editor, reporting on everything from the latest Apple developments to newest AI breakthroughs as part of the site's Mobile Computing vertical. Having previously written for publications including Esquire and FourFourTwo, Axel is well-versed in the applications of technology beyond the desktop, and his coverage extends from general reporting and analysis to in-depth interviews and opinion.  Axel studied for a degree in English Literature at the University of Warwick before joining TechRadar in 2020, where he then earned an NCTJ qualification as part of the company’s inaugural digital training scheme.

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tom cruise stunt norge

Tom Cruise, 58, Flies Through The Air On A Motorcycle While Filming ‘Mission: Impossible’ Stunt — Pic

Hard at work! Tom Cruise really went for it while filming an action scene for 'Mission: Impossible,' which featured him flying off a ramp while riding a motorcycle, on Sept. 6.

tom cruise stunt norge

Tom Cruise famously does his own stunts, and he was at it once again while filming the seventh  Mission: Impossible movie in Norway. The 58-year-old rode a motorcycle off of a long ramp and went flying into the air for the stunt, which definitely looked to be quite dangerous. Eventually, he jumped off the motorcycle, flew in the air and to the ground with help from a parachute.

tom cruise

Despite being just two years away from 60, Tom is truly showing no signs of slowing down when it comes to going all-out for his action films. Back in 2017, he broke his ankle while jumping between buildings for a stunt on the  Mission: Impossible — Fallout set, and fans were worried that it meant he’d be taking it easier in the future. However, these photos definitely prove that Tom is still at it for the next installment of the franchise!

tom cruise

The first  Mission: Impossible movie premiered back in 1996, followed by the first sequel,  Mission Impossible 2 , in 2000. After that, there was  Mission: Impossible III in 2006,  Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol in 2011,  Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation in 2015 and  Mission: Impossible — Fallout in 2018.

Mission Impossible 7 is expected to premiere on November 19, 2021. This is four months later than the original projected release date of July 2021, which was pushed back due to unexpected production delays. Filming for the movie was set to begin in Feb. 2020 in Venice, but production was suspended because of the coronavirus outbreak in Italy at the beginning of the year.

Finally, in July 2020, the crew was given permission to begin filming again in the U.K. By August, filming was also allowed to resume in Norway. Preventative measures have been put in place to try and avoid any further setbacks from the virus.

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  • Tom Cruise's Latest Motorcycle Stunt In Norway


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1 mins read

Published on September 16, 2020

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  • Footage from latest Mission Impossible film shoot shows another stunt
  • Tom Cruise may be doing the motorcycle stunt himself
  • The footage is from Norway showing a motorcycle flying off a ramp

Tom Cruise is at it again! And he's seen filming a spectacular motorcycle stunt, this time in Norway, for the latest Mission Impossible film. Last month, Cruise was seen in the UK, jumping off a Honda CRF 450 from a ramp, while flanked by drones to capture the action. And the latest stunt shot in Norway seems to be a follow-up to the stunt shot in the UK, in the backdrop of some spectacular scenery in the Norwegian fjords of Hurtigruten. A video from the location of the shoot shows Cruise jumping off from a ramp above a sheer drop, where he proceeds to parachute to safety.

Also Read: Tom Cruise Shoots Motorcycle Stunt In Latest Mission Impossible Movie

From the video, it's not clear what motorcycle Cruise is riding, but it could well be a Honda CRF 450, like the one Cruise is seen taking off from the ramp during the shoot in the UK. Footage from that shoot are likely to be used together with the latest footage from Norway, and considering the UK shoot was estimated to be done for 2 million GBP, it just shows how much resources are being used to shoot just one action sequence. From the latest video, drones and even a helicopter is seen shooting the footage, and from the looks of it, once again, it may be Cruise himself doing his own stunts!

Also Read: Tom Cruise Spotted Pulling Wheelies On BMW G 310 GS

Several spy shots from shooting locations of the latest Mission Impossible film show Cruise riding motorcycles, as well as stunt doubles. Tom Cruise himself has been spotted pulling wheelies on a BMW G 310 GS at a former RAF base in Surrey. Clearly, the next instalment of the Mission Impossible film will likely showcase several motorcycle action scenes, and from the looks of it, it's going to be quite a watch, with Cruise and the motorcycle stunts promising a lot of two-wheeled excitement!

Last Updated on September 16, 2020

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12 Most Dangerous 'Mission Impossible' Stunts For Which Tom Cruise Actually Risked His Own Life

T om Cruise is an adrenaline junkie and a thrill seeker. Even as a kid he loved bike racing, fast cars, motorcycles, hiking, climbing and other adventures. He does death-defying stunts in his films and doesn't even use a body double. He does them all by himself. The only stunt for which Cruise has used a double-double was the one where he had to kick a female actor in the stomach. 

Here are some of the most dangerous stunts for which Cruise risked his life because he loves the adrenaline rush!

1. hanging on a moving plane.

In  Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation , Tom Cruise's Ethan Hunt runs across a moving plane as it speeds down the runway. He hangs on it trying to open the door, which obviously is shut. So what does he do next? He hangs on it while the plane takes off. 

2. Free fall from an aircraft aka Halo jump

In Mission Impossible: Fallout, he did the impossible halo jump. Cruise himself said, "We were told on numerous occasions that it's impossible ... and it's never gonna happen." But he did it. He jumped from a moving aircraft at 200 miles per hour from an altitude of 25,000 feet. On his way down, he deals with lightning and revives August Walker (Henry Cavill) before pulling his parachute for landing.

3. Climbing the Burj Khalifa

In  Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol , Cruise climbed the world's tallest building with an incoming sandstorm and his malfunctioned high-tech climbing gloves. He was 829 meters above the ground. 

4. Drove a motorbike off a clip

In his film  Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One which has been released in India today, he drove a motorbike off a clip leaving himself to free fall before pulling out his parachute for a rough landing. This was the first stunt he shot for the film. He called it the most deadly stunt he ever performed. 

5. Held his breadth underwater for six long minutes

For Mission: Impossible — Fallout, Cruise trained himself extensively to hold his breath for six minutes. He increased his lung capacity and slowed his heart rate for the underwater stunt. The stunt required him underwater for four minutes but for safety reasons, he learnt to hold his breadth for six minutes. 

6. Leaped from one building to another - broke his ankle

For another stunt in Mission: Impossible - Fallout, what his fans feared had happened. He injured himself. While leaping from one building to another, he broke his ankle but didn't leave the scene incomplete. He performed it in pain and the scene made the final cut. 

7. High-speed motorbike chase

In  Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, the high-speed motorbike chase has all the thrill - from gunfire to exposions and crashes. In the scene, Cruise has his knee scraping the road before he overtakes the truck. 

8. Chases scene in narrow streets of Paris

In  Mission: Impossible — Fallout , Cruise drives a motorcycle in the narrow streets of Paris amid many hurdles and vehicles. The scene is also proof that Cruise has amazing riding skills and the ability to handle dangerous situations.  

9. The train chase scene

This one is from the first Mission Impossible movie. In this one, Cruise climbs on top of the moving train and hooks the chopper to one of the carriages moments before the train enters the tunnel and he flings on it. 

10. Free climbing

Cruise is not only a good driver, pilot and even a good climber. He took leaps across the rock and even dangles one-handed. The scene didn't add to the plot but it did keep viewers on the edge of their seats. 

11. Shanghai skyscraper swing

In Mission: Impossible III, Cruise's Ethan Hunt takes a massive leap from the top of a skyscraper. He then swings from a metal cable, detaches in mid-air and then on the slanted glass surface of another second building, and then he slides down several stories. 

12. Helicopter chase

In this stunt, Tom Cruise dangles beneath a helicopter using a rope to climb up to the cockpit and then climbs aboard, defeats the pilot, and flies the helicopter himself. So, not just in Top Gun Maverick, he has displayed his pilot skills in this one as well. 

For more news and updates from the world of  celebrities  from  Bollywood  and  Hollywood , keep reading  Indiatimes Entertainment .

 12 Most Dangerous 'Mission Impossible' Stunts For Which Tom Cruise Actually Risked His Own Life


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