travel insurance for kiwis

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What Is The Best Travel Insurance For New Zealanders in 2020?

published by Bren

Last updated: May 15, 2023

This article is a part of my travel tips series for New Zealand travellers. If you’re not from NZ, this post won’t apply to you. You can see the rest of the Kiwi traveller guides by clicking  here .

My travelling whanau.

What’s up?

Today we’re talking about travel insurance .

As with most things, this aspect of travel is a little different for us New Zealanders. In fact, travel insurance has different rules/limits/prices in pretty much every country around the world. Like my previous guides on Schengen travel for Kiwis and banking for Kiwis , I’m going to grind down our options to see what is truly the best Kiwi travel insurance for us New Zealanders on the road.

Why you need travel insurance

I’ve noticed a lot of Kiwis tend to skip over this part of travel.

Nah bro, it’ll be sweet. 

Nek minnit you’re in a Thai hospital with a broken arm and $5,000 of medical bills at your bedside.

This is why even on the smallest of trips, you need to get insured.

Bali for a week? You need insurance. Big six month trip after graduation? Yes, insurance. Even if you’re just heading to Aussie for a weekend? Insurance insurance insurance.

I would even go so far as to say it is the most important thing to buy when you travel.  Yes, more important than your passport. Forgetting your passport can’t kill you. Not having travel insurance can.

Let me tell you why.

Not all countries are like New Zealand. Back home, if you get in a car crash on the way to Rotorua the ambulance will pick you up and take you straight to the hospital. They’ll fix your broken leg. Go home and rest. No need to pay a cent. Back to work next week.

Most of the world is not like this. 

In other countries, accidents cost money, especially when you’re a foreigner. If you fall down a mountain while hiking in Nepal, the bill to airlift you out of there and get you to an emergency room could be close to $50,000. If you need extended care, some hospitals can cost up to $10,000 per night. These are not bills you want to be left with after your holiday. Can you imagine coming home from a trip $100,000 in debt? 

Those are extreme (but possible) scenarios, however travel insurance will also cover you for things like car accidents, missed flights if you get sick/injured, missed tours and hotel rooms you’ve prepaid for, even stolen baggage and electronics if someone jacks your bus or train. 

The best part is, most good travel insurance policies will only cost you $3-$4 per day. For that price travel insurance is always worth it.

Now of course, there are several choices when it comes to buying insurance. The policy you decide to go with should depend not only on price, but also what kind of coverage they offer. Let’s go through the things you should be looking out for: 

Absolutely essential:

These are the things that are non-negotiable. Your insurance policy must have the following:

  • Accident and sickness medical:  This includes hospital and specialist care, dental care, surgery, post injury care, ambulances, and medical evacuation. Look for coverage of at least $500,000.
  • Emergency medical:  This relates to times where you’re stuck on a mountain or in the jungle, or in a country that doesn’t have appropriate medical facilities to treat you. It should include emergency evacuation by plane or helicopter. As you might guess, this is expensive. It should also cover transport of your remains home in the event of your death (this is important – it will be very expensive for your family to fund this). Look for coverage of at least $500,000.
  • Personal liability:  This covers situations where you’ve caused damage to people or property and are at risk of being sued. This will cover your legal fees and any compensation you’re required to pay. Look for cover of at least $500,000.

Other important things:

These things are not life-or-death, but will still be important to have.

  • Trip cancellation:  If your trip is cancelled for any reason (like the All Blacks lose and you kick a pole and break your leg), you’ll get reimbursed for all the expenses you’ve already paid. That includes flights, accommodation, tour fees etc. At least $5,000 coverage is ideal.
  • Trip interruption and changes:  If you have a serious injury on the road and you’re in hospital for a week, you might still want to continue your travels but things would’ve changed. You would have missed flights, missed tour dates, you might have been evacuated to a different country. With this coverage your insurance company will cover the costs of all these changes. Look for coverage north of $2,000.
  • Baggage and personal effects:  If your camera, laptop or phone gets swiped on the train, travel insurance should cover the cost of replacement. What is covered will depend between companies. Look for standard coverage of at least $2,000.

Depending on the type of trip you’ve planned, it could also be important to seek special coverage, like a specific sport or activity you plan on doing. If you’re going on a surf trip, double check that you get full coverage while you’re in the ocean (some companies won’t cover certain activities).

Everything else

Most companies will offer coverage for a few other things, like your rental car deductible, missed concert or event tickets etc, but the ones listed above are the essentials. Make sure the coverage is rock solid on each of them. The other stuff will be mostly a bonus.

What are the travel insurance options in New Zealand?

There are a many options for you to consider in New Zealand. I don’t have time to investigate them all (pretty much every bank and insurance company will offer something), but I have chosen six of the most popular providers to look into. Of course, feel free to research a few more if you feel the need.

In the summary below, I’ll compare each of them on the provisions I consider most important, including price, and hopefully I’ll be able to give you a recommendation on who is best and who to avoid. Here’s who we’ll look at:

Southern Cross : A popular Kiwi insurance company that is a familiar name to many of us.

World Nomads : Global insurance company with flexible policies and very popular among backpackers.

1cover : Multinational company with a New Zealand arm that has good, affordable policies.

STA Travel : NZ Travel agency that caters to students and budget travellers

American Express : Big American company that offers policies in New Zealand.

AA : Another Kiwi brand that most will feel comfortable insuring with.

I haven’t looked into every single aspect of their policies, but I have rounded up the most important things: Medical, emergency medical, dental, cancellation, personal belongings and personal liability, among others. Here’s how they stacked up:

Basic travel insurance plans

First, we’ll look at the basic, entry level plans . These are the plans that cover just the essentials.

The below table summary is based on a one week trip to Europe for a single, 30 year old traveller:

Note: Some of these numbers might not be 150% accurate, because each company has different names for things so it was difficult for me standardise it. But I’m confident the numbers above are pretty close to what you’ll get.

Too many numbers? Here’s the short version:

1cover is the clear frontrunner on price, but the policy is really thin – it literally covers only medical and personal liability.

However I’d be happy with that as long as I wasn’t going anywhere crazy and not planning on doing anything crazy (like a trip to Aussie, maybe).

STA travel has the best coverage but super expensive, more than double the price.

Who you choose totally depends on where you’re going. For me personally, I’d probably go with 1cover or American Express .

Comprehensive plans

Next up are the premium plans. These are the plans that cover the essentials such as medical and personal liability, but also cover all the other little things like personal items, loss of income etc etc.

Not all policies are the same though, so make sure you read each policy carefully before you buy. Here’s what the numbers look like:

To me all these policies look pretty similar across the board. I don’t think it would matter too much which one you choose – meaning the deciding factor for me would be price. I’d go with the cheapest –   1cover . The policy is great and covers all the essentials. 

One word of caution here though: Going with the cheapest isn’t always the best option . Let me explain:

Why not just choose the cheapest plan?

First of all, no two companies are the same. For example, 1cover might be the cheapest for a one month trip but it might not be the cheapest for a one year trip. Therefore it’s important to check out the prices for your exact travel dates and determine what is actually the cheapest.

Secondly, you should choose the policy that best suits you. If you are carrying a lot of expensive camera equipment, each company will charge a different premium for the extra cover. You’ll need to get in touch with each company and get a quote for your personal situation. Likewise with the activities you’re planning to do. If you’re climbing in the Himalayas, some companies may not be willing to cover that. You’ll need to check who is happy to cover you for the travel plans you have.

The above rates are also based on a single traveller. Perhaps you are travelling as a couple or a family – that’s going to change things. Some companies will be tailored more for families and some tailored more for single backpackers, so make sure you check. Some companies will offer better cover for your family at a higher price, which could be important for you.

As you can see there’s many reasons why the cheapest company may not be the best for you. Before you pay anything for travel insurance, double check the policy and make sure it covers everything you need it for. If you cannot tell from the policy statement, call and ask! A policy is worthless if it doesn’t cover everything you’re at risk for.

Check if you’re already insured

Do you have a credit card? Perhaps you’re already insured.

If you have a free or low-fee credit card, it’s almost certain you won’t have travel insurance included with it. However, if you have any kind of platinum credit card, there’s a good chance you’re already insured.

Many banks in New Zealand offer you free travel insurance for short trips (usually up to 30-60 days) if you have a premium credit card. Call your bank or credit card company and ask.

Sometimes it’s even worthwhile to just upgrade to platinum before your trip to get the free cover. Since the annual fee on a platinum card is usually only $100 or so, if your travel insurance is going to cost more than that you might as well just upgrade your card instead.

Also check any family or business insurance policies you have. Many have travel insurance written in and you may already be covered under a policy that a family member has.

I recommend getting an Airpoints credit card, so you can earn points for free flights. Many of the platinum cards offer free travel insurance too. I have a breakdown of all the Airpoints credit cards in New Zealand here .

What to do when shit happens

The first thing you should do if something happens overseas is call your insurance company. Every travel insurance company will have a 24 hour number you can call. Not only is it important to call and get their advice on what to do, they have contacts and can connect you to the right doctor/hospital/lawyer.

The exception is when you’re in an emergency. If you’ve been in a bad car crash and you’re losing blood and your vehicle is in flames, just call the police and get to the hospital. Hopefully that’s just common sense, but ensure your safety first. You can sort out the insurance details later.

This should also be obvious, but make sure you keep all your receipts and invoices. Take photos of them and store them online somewhere as well, your email or Dropbox is a good place. You will need all these documents when it comes time to make a claim.

Summary for those who were too lazy to read the article

*Based on a one week trip to Europe for a single, 30 year old traveller:

  • Cheapest basic insurance: 1cover
  • Cheapest comprehensive insurance: 1cover
  • Most expensive insurance: STA Travel closely followed by  AA
  • Cheapest insurance to get if you’ve already left home:  1cover  
  • Before you buy a policy, call your bank or credit card company – there’s a chance you’re already insured.
  • Make sure you keep all documents like receipts and invoices for claims.
  • Call your travel insurance as soon as any incident happens overseas – they can advise you on what to do. 

Safe travels!

P.S. The only insurance companies above I have actually purchased policies with myself are World Nomads and Southern Cross. Both were great. I cannot vouch for the others.

P.P.S. If you’ve had experiences with the above companies or any other NZ companies, leave them below and let us know about it. I can’t dig into every single insurance company in NZ, but any experiences you share will be helpful for others!

Disclaimer: World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers in over 100 countries. As an affiliate, we receive a fee when you get a quote from World Nomads using this link. We do not represent World Nomads. This is information only and not a recommendation to buy travel insurance.

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Thank you for this … i first read your blog about the Schengen visa which was really helpful … I’m a Kiwi too and I’ve been travelling for 14 months the now and just renewed with 1cover a month ago

Nice, good choice! If you make a claim come back and let us know how it goes 🙂

southern cross is the best always.

Have used Southern Cross for years and happy. However, switched to 1Cover this year as they offer cover for motorbikes over 250cc as long as you have a current licence to operate one over that cc rating. This has made my husband very happy. It definitely pays to check each time you travel as policies change with age, medical conditions and the companies’ change their policies.

Insightful blog post. Something else worth bearing in mind is how each insurance company determines the value of your possessions. Most, including Southern Cross, factor in depreciation. This means that if your $3,000 Macbook you bought 3 years ago gets stolen, you may only get 25% of the value back – $750. This wouldn’t be anywhere near the cost of replacing the laptop. Others, we found Allianz, will offer the lesser of either a full replacement (probably $2-3,000) or the price you originally paid ($3,000) – this is much better value.

Good point!

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Compare Travel Insurance | Expert Analysis & Top Picks for 2024

Travel Insurance Compared NZ

  • ​Travel insurance is an insurance policy that is intended to cover medical expenses, lost luggage, flight accident and other losses incurred while travelling. Many travel insurance companies offer a range of policies, but our research confirms that price doesn't automatically mean better cover. 
  • We suggest you consider buying a policy when you book your tickets so you don't forget (and be sure that the policy includes cancellation cover, which will help if you something happens before you plan to fly).
  • Many New Zealanders are confused about credit card travel insurance. While it's free as part of your annual card fee, many policies have exclusions and caps on travel days. If you're going to use it, make sure you  read the policy from start to finish  to avoid any nasty surprises.

Best Travel Insurance For A Single Traveler, 25 Years Old

  • Best travel insurance for Couples, 35 years old
  • Best travel insurance for Families 40 year old parents and 2 dependents
  • Best travel insurance for Couples, 65 years old
  • Best travel insurance for Couples, 75 years old
  • We have published this guide to explain the ins and outs of travel insurance. We explain how travel insurance works , what you need to consider when buying a policy and what to watch out for . 
  • We have shortlisted the best travel insurance policies for travel in A ustralia, the Pacific Islands, Asia, Europe and North America for different age groups.
  • While we have taken the utmost care in putting together this guide, you use it at your own risk, and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented. We recommend confirming policy terms and conditions directly with any travel insurance company before purchase, and make sure you understand your policy and are aware of all exclusions.

What information do I need to get travel insurance quotes?

  • Your travel dates (include the day you arrive back into New Zealand when you price policies)
  • The ages of anyone travelling with you , and any pre-existing medical conditions they may have
  • A list of valuables you plan to bring , such as cameras, laptops and other high-value items. Some policies may require additional cover fees for them to be included.
  • The amount you are prepared to pay for a claim - this is called the "excess". The higher the excess, the cheaper the policy. But if you don't want to pay, for example, a $250 excess for a claim worth $400, consider paying a little more upfront to lower the excess to perhaps a more manageable $100. 

Do travel insurance policies cover COVID-19 illness-related costs?

1. travel insurance must-know facts.

  • Higher Excess: If you opt for a higher excess, the insurance company’s potential payout in case of a claim is reduced, which usually results in a lower premium for the policy. It's a way to share risk between the insurer and the insured.
  • Lower Excess: Conversely, a lower excess means the insurance company would potentially pay out more for a claim, so the premium is typically higher. This offers you less out-of-pocket expenses when you claim, in exchange for paying more upfront for the policy.
  • What it means:  This coverage provides unlimited financial protection for hospital, medical, surgical, nursing, ambulance, and emergency dental expenses incurred overseas due to sickness or injury. This is arguably the most important benefit of travel insurance, and if disaster strikes and you get sick or injured, you'll be fully looked after until you recover. All significant claims on travel insurance policies concern medical expenses. 
  • Cover preference:  The best policies will have unlimited medical coverage.
  • What it means:  This coverage provides financial protection for additional accommodation and transportation expenses resulting from unexpected events such as sickness, natural disasters, severe weather, loss of travel documents and strikes. It's useful when you incur out-of-pocket expenses due to things not going to plan. 
  • Cover preference:  The best policies will have unlimited additional expense coverage; the reality is that, in practice, you'll be able to claim for any costs that cause your trip to be disrupted in a significant way. 
  • What it means:  This coverage provides financial protection for rearranging or cancelling your trip due to unforeseen circumstances outside your control, such as illness, accidents, or extreme weather conditions.
  • Cover preference:  The best policies will have generous amendment/cancellation costs.
  • What it means:  This coverage protects lost, stolen, or damaged luggage and personal items. There are limits to the coverage amount for certain items, such as cameras, laptops, and other items, and a maximum amount payable per item. 
  • Cover preference:  The best policies will cover $3,000 or more per item rather than a $500 or $750 cap per item, which can leave some people out of pocket when the value exceeds the lower limits.
  • What it means:  This coverage provides financial protection for essential emergency items of clothing and toiletries purchased when a transport provider delays your luggage for more than 6-24 hours (depending on the policy).
  • Cover preference: A good insurance policy will reimburse you around $200 for a 12 hour delay in recovering your luggage.
  • What it means:  This coverage provides financial protection for money accidentally lost or stolen from your person.
  • Cover preference:  A decent amount; around $250 to $500 is reasonable. Post-COVID-19, fewer people are carrying cash as cards are widely accepted. However, anyone carrying perhaps 200 euros in cash and having their wallet stolen will benefit from cover that's $300+, and these claims are not uncommon. 
  • What it means:  This coverage provides financial protection for the excess payment you become liable to pay due to damage to, or theft of, a rental car. Many rental car companies encourage you to 'buy out the excess' at a surcharge per day, which means you'll pay nothing if your rental car is damaged. However, the costs of buying out an excess can be $30 or even $50+ per day on top of the rental costs. For this reason, a travel insurance policy that takes care of the excess is favourable to avoid the upfront 'buyout' costs. However, you'd need to charge the repairs/excess fee to your card and claim from the insurer. Our guide to rental cars has more details.
  • Cover preference:  At least $4,000. Most car rental excesses will be at least 2,000 Euros, US$ 2,000 or £1,500 when you're overseas. If something bad happens to your car, you need cover to ensure there's no shortfall between the excess you've paid to the car rental company and what you get back from the insurer. ​
  • What it means:  This coverage provides financial protection for additional accommodation expenses if your scheduled transport is delayed for more than 6 hours. This usually benefits people who find their flights delayed or cancelled and need to book a hotel and pay for meals.
  • Cover preference:  Per event, e.g. delay, an amount of $1,000 is reasonable, given delays don't last that long. 
  • What it means:  This coverage provides financial protection for the cost of returning overseas if you have to return to New Zealand early due to the ill health of a relative or partner in New Zealand.
  • Cover preference:  The costs of resuming travel can be high -the best cover will be at least $50,000.
  • What it means:  This coverage provides financial protection for the cost of alternate public transport services to catch up on your planned itinerary if you miss a connection due to unforeseen circumstances outside your control. 
  • Cover preference: A good policy should cover you for up to $15,000 in the event of a missed connection.
  • What it means:  This coverage provides financial protection for costs due to unforeseeable circumstances outside your control that result in you being unable to arrive in time to attend a special event, such as a wedding, funeral, conference, concert, music festival, or sporting event. 
  • Cover preference: A good policy should cover you for around $5,000 in the event of a being unable to attend a special event.
  • What it means:  This coverage provides financial protection if you cannot return to your work in New Zealand due to an injury sustained during your journey. 
  • Cover preference:  A benefit of $4,500, up to $500 per month, is reasonable, as it provides adequate protection for potential loss of income while you recover. 
  • What it means:  This coverage provides financial protection for an injury that causes permanent total loss of sight in one or both eyes or the permanent loss of use of one or more limbs within 12 months of the date of the accident. 
  • Cover preference:  Travel insurers seldom offer generous disability coverage, as the policies are not designed to offer income protection or permanent disability. For this reason, a cash payout of $5,000 or $10,000 is reasonable.
  • What it means:  This coverage provides financial protection to your estate if you die within 12 months from an injury that occurred during your trip.
  • Cover preference:  Travel insurance is not designed to act as a life insurance policy, so the benefits paid for accidental death are usually $20,000 to $50,000.
  • What it means:  This coverage provides financial protection for your reasonable legal expenses if you are falsely arrested or wrongfully detained by any government or foreign power. However, it won't cover legal expenses if you commit a crime (such as driving over an alcohol limit) or anything else. 
  • Cover preference:  A coverage limit that is adequate to cover reasonable legal expenses is reasonable. 
  • What it means: This coverage provides personal liability cover if your negligent act or omission during the journey causes bodily injury or damage to the property of other persons, and you are legally liable to pay compensation. 
  • Cover preference:  Travel insurers are often generous with their benefits, knowing it's rarely claimed. A limit of $2,500,000 is reasonable should, in rare cases, you need to claim.

3. Travel Insurance Comparison by Age Group and Destination

  • Comprehensive cover for more than just medical - we analysed in detail, beyond the cheap policies offering nothing but accident cover. We looked for policies labelled as "comprehensive", offering reasonable levels of medical cover, and decent reimbursements for travel delays and lost or stolen personal items.
  • Low excess - Excesses vary, but most insurers have policies with $100 excesses so this is the benchmark we used except when not offered (TINZ and Mixandmatch).
  • Zero excess on essentials - some policies don't charge an excess on certain events - delays and hospital cash being some examples, which means you can claim without being out of pocket for the excess.
  • Value for money - We ordered our results by price, from lowest to highest and indicated if the insurer offers additional discounts for existing policyholders (the price quoted does not include the possible discount).
  • To obtain our quote data, we used a number of different ages as specified below, travelling to various popular destinations
  • We evaluated comprehensive policies offered by 17 insurance companies, for both single trips and annual policies (also called multi-trip or frequent traveller policies)
  • In most cases, travel insurance quotes rarely move "within the range", so if you and your children are of a different age to what we used, the quotes will still be similar to what we have given  below,  the age of school-aged children is not a significant factor for policy prices and are often covered until the age of 18 (but check the insurer's policy).
  • Individual : one 25-year-old
  • 35 year old couple :   two 35-year-olds
  • Family : two 40-year-olds and two children aged 8 and 10
  • ​ 65 year old couple : two 65 year olds
  • 75 year old coupl e: two 75 year olds
  • Australia : 8 days
  • Fiji : 8 days
  • Bali (Indonesia) : 15 days
  • Japan : 15 days
  • Europe : 29 days
  • USA : 14 days
  • Mexico : 15 days
  • Most travel insurance sold in New Zealand by brands such as State, AA, 1Cover and Air New Zealand is underwritten by major insurers. ​This means the policy has strength and you are not relying on the solvency of your provider to pay out any claim.
  • You'll see statements that say the policy is underwritten by Allianz, Cover-More, Chubb, Southern Cross  and Tower for example, and we have noted the underwriter with every insurance provider.
  • Australia :  8 days
  • Fiji :  8 days
  • Bali (Indonesia) :  15 days
  • Japan :  15 days
  • Europe :  29 days
  • USA :  14 days
  • Mexico :  15 days
  • Travellers:  Single traveller, 25 years old
  • Single trip quote:  Comprehensive cover, $100 excess unless otherwise stated
  • Multi-trip quote:   Comprehensive cover, $100 excess unless otherwise stated, 60 days maximum length unless otherwise stated.
  • Travellers: Single traveller, 25 years old
  • Single trip quote: Comprehensive cover, $100 excess unless otherwise stated
  • Multi-trip quote: Comprehensive cover, $100 excess unless otherwise stated, 60 days maximum length unless otherwise stated.
  • Multi-Trip trip quote: Comprehensive cover, $100 excess unless otherwise stated, 60 days maximum length unless otherwise stated.

Best Travel Insurance for Couples, 35 Years Old

  • Travellers:  Couple, two 35 year olds travelling together
  • Multi-trip quote:  Comprehensive cover, $100 excess unless otherwise stated, 60 days maximum length unless otherwise stated.
  • Travellers: Couple, two 35 year olds travelling together
  • Travellers:  A family travelling together: parents (40 years old) and 2 children (8 and 10 years old)
  • Travellers: A family travelling together: parents (40 years old) and 2 children (8 and 10 years old)

Best Travel Insurance for Couples, 65 Years Old

  • Travellers:  Couple, two 65 year olds travelling together
  • Travellers: Couple, two 65 year olds travelling together
  • Travellers:  Couple, two 65 year olds travelling together

Best Travel Insurance for Couples, 75 Years Old

  • Travellers : Couple, two 75 year olds travelling together
  • Travellers: Couple, two 75 year olds travelling together

4. Best Travel Insurance Policies - Single Trip and Multi-Trip:

  • Webjet : Webjet has a strong market presence, offering travellers competitive prices with standard excess amounts.
  • Southern Cross : With competitive pricing and a 5% discount for existing policyholders, Southern Cross consistently provides travellers with affordable coverage and lower excess costs.
  • TINZ and Mixandmatch : These providers often top the rankings of our travel insurance analysis. It must be noted that their excess is higher than other providers TINZ at $200, Mixandmatch at $150, while all others are $100. However, they both offer good value for budget-conscious travellers.
  • Worldcare , while not as prominent as Webjet or Southern Cross, Worldcare offers competitive rates that could be appealing to travellers considering a lower excess liability.
  • Southern Cross : With competitive pricing and an additional discount of 5% for existing policyholders, Southern Cross consistently provides travellers with affordable coverage and lower excess costs.
  • Tower : Offering good value and with a reputation for providing robust customer service and support, Tower is a good option when considering annual travel policies.
  • 1Cover : Their multi-trip insurance is appreciated for its comprehensive protection, and it’s a very good choice if you’re planning on driving while abroad as their policies come with a $5,000 rental vehicle excess cover at no additional cost.
  • Mixandmatch : This insurer often appears on the top of our table as providing very good value but it must be noted that as with their single trip policies, the lowest excess they offer is $150, while the other insurers evaluated have an excess of $100.
  • 1 Cover Travel Insurance
  • Air New Zealand
  • American Express
  • Mixandmatch
  • Southern Cross Travel Insurance 
  • Worldnomads

5. Credit Card Travel Insurance vs Buying a Standalone Policy

Before relying on credit card travel insurance, we suggest considering the following potential limitations:.

  • Coverage Limits:  Most credit card travel insurance policies have caps on coverage. What's offered will vary depending on the specific card and policy; reviewing the policy details is important to understand the limits and whether they're realistic for your plans.
  • Duration of Coverage:  Credit card travel insurance policies may only cover trips up to a certain number of days, which may not be sufficient for longer trips.
  • Pre-Existing Medical Conditions:  Credit card travel insurance policies may exclude coverage for pre-existing medical conditions, so reviewing the policy details is essential if you or someone travelling with you would fall into this category.
  • Activation of Coverage:  To activate coverage, you may need to pay for all or a portion of your travel expenses with the credit card that offers the insurance. This may be paying for half of the trip, the flights or something else. If you don't qualify, the policy won't be valid.
  • Coverage for Travel Companions:  Some credit card travel insurance policies may provide coverage for your travel companions, while others may not. If you have a group, then it's unlikely you'll be covered.
  • Coverage for Adventure Sports:  Credit card travel insurance policies may exclude coverage for adventure sports and high-risk activities, but in some cases, you may pay to add this. Whether this is cost-effective depends on the credit card's insurer and your plans.
  • Coverage for Lost or Stolen Items:  Credit card travel insurance policies may include coverage for lost or stolen items, such as luggage, but the coverage  limits may be lower  than what you would get with a standalone travel insurance policy.
  • Understand the Claim Process:  It's important to understand the claim process for the credit card travel insurance policy, including the documentation required and any time limits for submitting a claim. You should also be aware of any deductibles or excesses that may apply.
  • Consider Supplementary Coverage:  If the credit card travel insurance policy's coverage is insufficient for your needs, you may want to consider purchasing additional coverage to supplement the policy.

6. Making a Travel Insurance Claim

Why do i need travel insurance, what type of travel insurance is the best for my holiday, what does travel insurance usually cover.

  • Cancellation and travel delays: This includes pre-departure cancellations due to illness, delayed flights and delayed luggage
  • Medical expenses: The costs of visiting a doctor and/or having medical treatment, and all related medicines
  • Personal liability:  This is to cover damage you cause to a person and/or property
  • Emergency evacuation : If you need medical treatment or aftercare back in New Zealand, this is the cost of flying you home. 
  • Baggage and personal belongings : This covers you if your bags or items are lost, stolen or damaged. 

Do I need travel insurance when visiting Australia?

Do i need travel insurance if i'm on holiday in the pacific islands, what should i consider when shopping for a travel insurance policy.

  • Credit Cards That Provide Travel Insurance
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  • Best Foreign Currency Debit and Credit Cards
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Please Note - If you are cruising around Australia you need to select Pacific. With Regions, variances can apply for Bali, Indonesia, Japan and Middle East. You are not required to enter stop-over countries if your stop-over is less than 48 hours.

If you don’t know where you’re traveling to within the next 12 months, choose Worldwide to ensure you’re covered no matter where you go. If you’re travelling to multiple countries choose the region that you are visiting that is furthest away (excluding stopovers less than 48 hours). In most cases you will be covered for the closer regions as well. For example, if you choose Europe, you will also be covered in the Middle East, Asia and Pacific.

Worldwide means anywhere in the world

Americas means USA, Canada, South America, Latin America, Hawaii and the Caribbean

Europe means all European countries, including UK

Middle East refers to the area from Syria to Yemen; Egypt to Iran

Asia generally means Asia and the Indian subcontinent. For some insurers this excludes Japan*

Pacific means the South West Pacific, Australia and Indonesia/Bali*. Select Pacific for domestic cruises in New Zealand waters

New Zealand means domestic travel within New Zealand only

*Note: Variances apply for Bali, Indonesia, Japan and Middle East. Check that your destination is covered once directed to your chosen insurer’s site.


We compare quotes from heaps of travel insurance brands in New Zealand. Do your comparison online to save time, worry and loads of money.


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Need some help? Use the search box below to find answers to all those tricky questions. We’ve got heaps of travel insurance tips to help you get the best policy for your upcoming holiday!

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Travel Insurance  Frequently Asked Questions

Does travel insurance cover coronavirus(covid-19).

It depends! Unfortunately, the answer isn't a straightforward one. There are some situations where cover is available, and others where it is an exclusion. It largely depends on which insurer you bought your policy with ; when you bought it; where you're travelling to; when you're travelling; and, the reason for your claim. One thing that is for certain - you're unlikely to be covered for claims relating to the coronavirus for future travel if you haven't yet purchased a travel insurance policy as this is a known event.

Which is the best travel insurance in New Zealand?

The best travel insurance for you depends entirely on your planned trip and your circumstances. If you're a backpacker on a tight budget, you might want a no-frills medical-only policy. Whereas, if you're heading on a once in a lifetime cruise, have outlaid a lot of money in upfront deposits or if you have health conditions, a comprehensive policy might be best for you. While there's no single best travel insurance that's right for everyone, finding a policy that works for you is easy when you use our quote comparison to start comparing prices and features. With Compare Travel Insurance, you can also read up on travel insurance reviews from customers to learn about their customer service and importantly, claims experience.

Is it too late to buy cover?

It's better late than never. We recommend buying a policy as soon as you've booked and started paying deposits for flights, accommodation and tours, but you can buy travel insurance at any point. Even if you forgot and are already overseas . Exclusions may apply though, so be sure to check the PDS and eligibility criteria before you buy.

Can I get cover for my medical conditions?

Cover is available for most medical conditions. Whether or not you need to declare your conditions and whether an additional charge will apply depends on the condition, its stability, current treatment, the recency of the diagnosis and your age. Minor conditions such as allergies, cataracts, and certain diabetes are often covered free of charge. However other medical conditions such as arthritis, any kind of cancer, heart conditions and hip & knee replacements require medical screenings and additional charges are likelt to apply. Today, most insurers use online medical screening software which makes it easy to declare your conditions and get covered in minutes. Although finding cover for terminal illnesses in New Zealand is difficult. Learn more about covering your conditions with our guide on declaring your medical conditions .

Can I purchase travel insurance at the airport?

Yes, you can. Generally speaking, you can purchase travel insurance up to a year before your trip, right up to boarding at the airport. With comprehensive travel insurance, you are covered for cancellation benefits from the moment you buy your policy, so we recommend buying it as soon as you start paying for flights, tours and accommodation.

Can I get travel insurance if I'm already overseas?

You can buy cover if you are already overseas, although each travel insurer has different rules on age limits and waiting periods. Check out our already overseas travel insurance guide to learn more.

Does travel insurance cover pregnancy?

You can buy travel insurance to cover you when you're pregnant, but different brands will have different rules around how many weeks gestation they will provide cover up until. Terms may also vary on whether you've had complications, have a multiple pregnancy, conceived via IVF and whether you're looking for cover in case of emergency birth. Check out the handy table in our pregnancy guide for more information.

Do I need cover in New Zealand?

Unexpected events can happen anywhere. It is just as important to have domestic cover when travelling around New Zealand as it is when travelling overseas. If you're a New Zealand resident, a domestic policy covers you for cancellations, luggage cover and often rental vehicle excess. Medical coverage is not included, but you'll be eligible for publicly funded health care services. For non-residents visiting New Zealand, discover International visitors to New Zealand are currently not required to have travel insurance by law, but it is highly recommended to protect you from eye-watering medical bills and more.

Which is the cheapest policy?

The cost of travel insurance depends on a range of factors including your destination, duration of travel, age of travellers, planned activities, whether or not you have any medical conditions and the type of cover you choose (medical only, mid-range or comprehensive). The cheapest travel insurance is generally to less risky parts of the world - places with cheaper healthcare and less risk of injury, illness or theft - and policies which offer less coverage - so ones without benefits for adventure activities or pre-existing conditions. To get cheap travel insurance from New Zealand for your upcoming trip, create a quote and compare prices, but remember that the cheapest isn't always the best. You should consider your trip and what you require cover for.

Why should I buy travel insurance direct online?

Comparing prices and features online makes it easier to find the policy that's right for you and your circumstances. With , the price you see is the same price direct from the insurer. Sometimes you're not after the best policy but rather the best bang for your buck and comparing prices and features online can save you time, worry and loads of money.

Trending Tips And Guides

adventure activities travel insurance

What activities are covered?

Are you a self-confessed adrenaline junkie? If you’re planning on doing some risky activities on your trip make sure you know if they’re covered, as not all of them are!


Pre-existing medical conditions

Having pre-existing medical conditions doesn't mean you can't get cover or that it has to be expensive. It simply means that you need to dig a little deeper when doing your research.

coronavirus covid-19 travel insurance

coronavirus and travel insurance

The rapid spread of covid-19 around the globe has thrown the international travel industry into chaos.  Find out what's covered if you're travelling during the coronavirus outbreak.

Why Buy Travel Insurance?

We’re not silly, we know that plenty of New Zealanders go on holiday and have an amazing time exploring new and exciting places without buying travel insurance. But taking a gamble on your much needed break can be risky. Here’s why!

Exxy Medical Costs

If you buy a policy for just one reason this is it! Falling ill or being injured while travelling overseas can be extremely costly. Hospital costs in the USA can reach up to $10,000 per day, while emergency transport home for treatment can easily exceed $100,000! Ouch!

Disasters Can Strike

The excitement of getting on that plane has you knotted up like a pretzel. Picture your dismay if you had to cancel last minute. Worse still, imagine you’re mid-martini when bad news breaks. Should you need to return home, you’ll be covered for unforeseen events like injury or illness of a close relative.

Your stuff is important

Loss, theft or damage to your prized possessions can be a common, yet gut-wrenching experience. If your personal belongings go AWOL while you’re away the right policy will pay to replace or repair them. Win!

For your peace of mind

Travel insurance will take a load off so you can get some R&R. A comprehensive policy will cover you for an array of sticky situations while you're travelling within New Zealand, or overseas.

Because You Have To

Still not convinced? We hate to be the fun police, but some countries simply won’t let you in without cover! For example, it is mandatory to take out travel insurance when travelling to Thailand or Cuba.

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Not sure which policy to pick? Our travel insurance reviews are here to help! Thousands of Kiwi's have reviewed their travel insurers to give you the inside story on everything from claims handling to customer experience.

Or perhaps you want to have your say? Whether you love or loathe your travel insurer rate and review them today to help other savvy shoppers with their travel insurance.

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CoverDirect NZ Limited (INC 3526051) owns and operates this website.

Our comparison is a free service that makes it easy for users to compare multiple quotes, saving both time and money. Our comparison ranks quotes according to price and is limited to those insurers that have agreed to participate on the site. CoverDirect NZ Limited does not hold a financial services licence. The comparison does not take your personal circumstances into account; as such, all information provided should be considered general and should not be considered as advice or a recommendation. Whilst we take all reasonable care when preparing this information, we do not warrant its accuracy. Pricing information is supplied by the insurance providers and ALL policy details should be verified with the before you purchase. This site links users to the website of the insurance provider to verify quotes and access the relevant PDS to understand what is, and is not, covered by a policy prior to purchase. We do not issue insurance. Users purchase directly from the travel insurance provider.

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Travel insurance for the Pacific Islands

Each year thousands of Kiwis fly to popular Pacific Islands such as Tonga, Fiji, Rarotonga, Samoa, Tahiti, Vanuatu, and Niue for fun, sun, sea and seclusion. If you’re planning a winter getaway or a school holiday break, there are many island destinations that offer the perfect beach holiday – but don’t forget your travel insurance.

It’s important to remember that although only hours away by air, the tropical Pacific Islands are not like home, and there are some unexpected natural hazards that you should to be aware of. Many of these islands, especially the smaller islands in the archipelago groups are remote, and health services might be less sophisticated and slower to respond than here at home. Even simple coral cuts and small insect bites can cause problems if not treated immediately.

Generally speaking, the Pacific Islands are more limited than New Zealand when it comes to medical resources, so it pays to get good insurance to safeguard yourself against the unexpected. For example it’s not uncommon for travellers to be air evacuated to a larger island or even back home to New Zealand where healthcare services aren’t available locally. This is when costs can start to ramp up for you if you don’t have adequate cover. For example an air evacuation often starts at around $50,000, and depending on the location can be a lot higher. This is easy to avoid however with the right travel insurance.

Tropical weather might also affect holiday plans, and insurance can protect you against the costs of flight delays and cancellation and interruptions to your journey. Holidays take energy to plan and lots of your hard-earned money to purchase, so get Southern Cross Travel Insurance as soon as you pay your deposits - and make sure your trip is a good one!

What you need to know

This page includes some information about our products but, as with all insurance policies, terms and conditions apply. For our terms and conditions (including information about exclusions, excesses and sub limits) we recommend you read the relevant policy documents to ensure our travel insurance products are right for you.

You can find the relevant documents for all our policies here:  International Comprehensive , Annual Multi-trip ,  International Medical Only ,  Domestic ,  Working Overseas ,  Visiting New Zealand ,  International Student  

We're here to help

We know how important it is to be able to talk to someone when you need help, that’s why we are available via email, phone and live chat Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 7pm and Saturday, 9am to 6pm,  excluding public holidays. And if you find yourself in a medical emergency our Emergency Assistance team are available 24/7 to help, wherever you are in the world.

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Get in touch with the team and we'll be happy to help.

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Call us Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 7.00pm.

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You can reach our team on: +64 9 979 6593

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Travel Insurance

Existing State customers get a 10% discount.*

Use Promo code: STATECUST

Award winning Travel Insurance

State is proud to have been recognised as one of New Zealand’s most trusted travel insurers. 

2024 Reader's Digest Trusted Brand Award for Travel Insurance

*Discount applies to existing State customers and to premiums for the standard policies net of Government levies and GST (if applicable). Discounts do not apply to premiums for cover additional to standard policies or to any minimum premium.

Important information: The  Policy Wording  includes specific information on how State Travel Insurance will respond to claims related to Covid-19.

A range of options for your domestic or overseas travel

travel insurance for kiwis

Overseas cover & annual multi-trip cover

Your back up when going across the ditch or further afield.

Our cover includes medical and dental expenses* loss or theft of luggage, delayed travel and more. You can also select cover for travel related expenses if you need to change or cancel your trip.

Travel a lot? Take out our annual multi-trip option and you’re covered for as many trips as you like, for 12 months.**

See for the latest government advice regarding overseas travel.

travel insurance for kiwis

Anywhere in NZ

Domestic cancellation.

Covers changes and cancellations outside of your control before you leave and extra expenses due to unforeseen circumstances while you're away. You choose the cover amount.

Domestic Plan

Comprehensive cover that also includes lost luggage, medical and dental expenses, and rental vehicle excess cover.

Inbound Cover Visiting NZ

If you are a non-resident visiting NZ our Inbound policy can cover medical and dental expenses, luggage and travel documents, rental vehicle insurance excess and personal liability.

travel insurance for kiwis

Travel Cover During Covid-19

Travelling Overseas? Check out our handy scenario-based FAQs explaining how we could cover you if Covid-19 plays havoc with your trip: State Travel Cover and Covid-19 FAQs

Know before you go – our Covid-19 Benefits Destination Guide explains how State Travel cover applies when travelling to different international destinations: Covid-19 Benefits Destination Guide

*Medical cover will not exceed 12 months from onset. Medical and dental expenses cover is limited to $1,500 for treatment provided in New Zealand. This $1,500 sub-limit does not apply to the Inbound Plan.

**For 12 months, over 100km from home, including domestic travel, up to maximum number of days per journey as selected by you.

Get more from your travel insurance

24-hour assistance.

24/7 access to a team of experts with a global network of doctors, nurses, and logistical staff. Cover for emergency accommodation and transport expenses if a disaster like a volcano, tsunami, earthquake, or flood disrupts your journey.

Overseas medical cover

Includes hospital, medical, surgical, emergency dental and ambulance costs. Plus help to arrange treatment and medical evacuation.

Get 10% off when you buy online

*Discount applies to existing State customers and to premiums for standard policies net of Government levies (if applicable) and GST. Discounts do not apply to premiums for cover additional to standard policies or to any minimum premium.

Quick online claims

You can claim  online  while you are travelling.  Find out more

The policy type you choose changes what you are covered for.

Select cover option:


Single Trip or Annual Multi-Trip

Limit per adult unless stated otherwise

Up to $1,500 for emergency dental expenses

Up to $1,000 per month

This is only a summary of the benefits provided. Please refer to the Policy Wordings for details of the cover provided.

Limit per adult

Up to $2,500 for personal vehicle insurance excess

Up to $250 per month

Single Trip

Limit per person

(choose the amount of cover that suits, on a per person basis)#

Not included

If you or your travelling companion are diagnosed with Covid-19 by a qualified medical practitioner and are unable to travel, you can claim cancellation or amendment costs for your prepaid trip up to a benefit limit of $10,000 per policy on an International Plan or $5,000 per policy on a Domestic Plan or if applicable, up to the level of cover purchased for cancellation (whichever is lower). There is also no cover if symptoms or diagnosis occurred prior to buying your policy. See the Policy Wording .

*Medical and dental expenses cover will not exceed 12 months from onset of the medical condition. Medical and dental expenses cover is limited to $1,500 for treatment provided in New Zealand. This $1,500 sub-limit does not apply to the Inbound plan.

^ Cover chosen applies per policy. See the Policy Wording .

• Item limits applies for anyone item, set or pair of items including attached or unattached accessories. You may increase these item limits if you wish. See the Policy Wording .

No cover for trip cancellation costs for trips commencing within 21 days of policy purchase date if you test positive to COVID-19 and cannot travel. If your COVID-19 related cancellation claim is approved, then the maximum we will pay per policy is $5,000 for international trips and $2,500 for Domestic trips. See the Policy Wording .

# You can choose $200, $400, $800, or $1,500.

~ The maximum liability collectively for Sections 14, 15, and 16 is $15,000 International Plan, and $10,000 Domestic Plan.

This is only a summary of the benefit provided. Please refer to the Policy Wording . For details of the cover provided. Please read the entire document carefully to understand what the relevant policy covers. Importantly, please note that conditions, exclusions, limits and sub-limits apply, and this summary of benefits table may change at any time.

Our State Travel Insurance  contains benefits relating to the Covid-19 pandemic. While your Policy Wording  may respond, your claim remains subject to the terms and conditions, limitations and exclusions set out in the Policy Wording . Please ensure you familiarise yourself with these in the Policy Wording before taking out travel cover. For Covid-19 cover to apply, you must not travel to a destination on the "Do not travel" list issued by .

Domestic Policy FAQ's

Why buy state domestic cover why buy state domestic cover.

Our Domestic and Domestic Cancellation plans are for New Zealand residents travelling within New Zealand.

More than one third of domestic travellers experience an unexpected circumstance that can leave them out of pocket.

It doesn’t matter if you are travelling to Auckland or Amsterdam, if your child becomes unwell and you need to cancel your trip, it’s good to know you’re covered.

Specific terms, conditions and exclusions apply to Covid-19. See our State Travel Policy Wording for full details.

Here are some examples of real-life stories

  • An airline lost a customer’s suitcase and the items were not recoverable Luggage Value: $2,500
  • A customer’s rental vehicle was written off after a third-party collision Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess: $4,000.

Here are some examples of types of claims

Medical claims*

  • Sprained limbs or broken arm, leg, wrist due to outdoor activities
  • Asthma, seizure, stroke, heart attack
  • Swimmer's ear/ear infection.

*Pre-existing medical conditions must be declared, and extra cover purchased under Domestic Plan prior to departure

Your cancellation costs prior to travel

  • Prepaid deposits on motorhome rentals, scenic train, or ferry tickets
  • Prepaid fares for rail trips, adventure holidays and cruises
  • Costs for cancellation due to redundancy, illness, injury, and medical operations.

Cancellation prior to departure will result in the loss of deposits paid and in other instances full cancellation fees often apply.

Delayed travel

  • Travel delays due to weather e.g. snowstorms and fog delaying connecting flights.

Luggage claims

  • Broken cameras, smartphones and electronic items
  • Lost spectacles, hearing aids and damaged dentures.

What Domestic options are available? What Domestic options are available?

We offer 3 Domestic plan options to choose from and these can be purchased quickly and easily on our website.

Domestic plan (Single Trip Policy or Annual Multi-Trip Policy)

Our Domestic plan (Single Trip Policy and Annual Multi-Trip Policy) is our most comprehensive domestic plan.

The Domestic plan Annual Multi-Trip Policy is sometimes a more suitable option for those travellers who are planning to travel more than twice this year and for no longer than 30 days at a time within New Zealand.

Domestic Cancellation plan Single Trip Policy

Our Domestic Cancellation plan covers domestic travellers for cancellation cover only and you choose the cancellation cover limit to best meet your needs when you purchase your policy.

What activities are covered? What activities are covered?

There are plenty of fun activities to do around New Zealand year-round, and we have a comprehensive list of activities which are covered under our Domestic plans (excludes Domestic Cancellation Plan).

Our plans automatically include:

  • Bungy Jumping
  • Horse Riding
  • Jet Boating
  • Paragliding
  • Parasailing
  • Snorkelling
  • White Water Rafting

Other activities may be covered as an add-on to your Domestic plan (excludes Domestic Cancellation plan). See our State Travel Policy for full details.

What cover is available for Skiing and Snowboarding? What cover is available for Skiing and Snowboarding?

Because being on the snow and participating in winter sports activities often increases the risk of injuries or incidents, you'll need to ensure you amend your Domestic plan (excludes Domestic Cancellation plan) to include snow activities like skiing and snowboarding by purchasing a winter cover (snow sports) upgrade. This can help protect you against unforeseen costs should you have a mishap on the slopes and need medical assistance. Sporting and ski equipment are not covered whilst in use and if you are a New Zealand citizen, ACC may cover some costs due to injury caused by an accident.

You will only be covered if you have purchased the Domestic Plan with the winter cover (snow sports) upgrade and:

  • You are skiing, snowboarding or snowmobiling on-piste, or cross-country skiing;
  • You are not participating in a Professional capacity; and
  • You are not racing.

Note: sporting and ski equipment are not covered whilst in use.

What if I travel frequently in NZ, do you have a multi-trip option? What if I travel frequently in NZ, do you have a multi-trip option?

Multi-trip travel insurance may save you time and money. If you are planning to travel more than twice this year and for no longer than 30 days at a time within New Zealand, consider our Domestic Plan Annual Multi-Trip Policy.

Can you explain the rental vehicle insurance excess? Can you explain the rental vehicle insurance excess?

This benefit applies to our Domestic Plan (excludes Domestic Cancellation Plan) and covers the rental vehicle excess if your rental vehicle is stolen, or damaged while you are driving. You will still need to take out rental vehicle insurance.

A $4,000 rental vehicle excess cover can save you money if you need to make a claim.

Note: that your rental agreement may still require you to take out rental vehicle insurance.

If you are driving your personal vehicle on your domestic holiday there is bonus cover of $2,500 for your comprehensive vehicle insurance excess.

What does the medical cover provide for? What does the medical cover provide for?

Our Domestic Plan D *(excludes Domestic Cancellation Plan) can provide you with cover for unexpected medical and dental expenses up to $1,500. This is for treatment provided in New Zealand.

It only applies up to 12 months from when you suffered a disabling injury, sickness, or disease. Travel insurance protects you from unforeseen events. Routine medical or dental treatments, prenatal visits and continuation of treatments are not covered.

What existing medical conditions are covered? What existing medical conditions are covered?

We automatically cover a range of existing medical conditions (EMC) under the Domestic plan (excludes Domestic Cancellation Plan). Automatically covered conditions include - asthma, epilepsy, gastric reflux and more! Read the State Travel Policy Wording for a full list of the conditions we automatically cover. If your existing medical conditions are not all automatically covered, you may complete an online medical assessment to determine if cover is available. Other travel insurance benefits unrelated to your EMC still apply, even if cover cannot be provided for your specific condition/s.

*Medical cover will not exceed 12 months from onset. Medical and dental expenses cover is limited to $1,500 for treatment provided in New Zealand. This $1,500 sub-limit does not apply to International or Inbound Plans.

Before you travel

Travel safety.

Find out more information about events that may affect you when you travel.

Travel tips

Our team of intrepid Kiwi travellers have come up with a list of handy travel tips to help make your holiday even better.

Limits, sub-limits, conditions, and exclusions apply. Standard excess may apply. State Travel insurance is administered by Cover-More NZ Ltd, underwritten and issued by Zurich Australian Insurance Limited (ZAIL) incorporated in Australia, ABN 13 000 296 640, trading as Zurich New Zealand. For further information see Zurich New Zealand’s financial strength rating . Any advice is general advice only. Consider the State Travel Policy Brochure and wording therein before deciding to buy this product. IAG receives a commission for the issue of State branded travel policies arranged through Cover-More (NZ) Limited ("Cover-More"). IAG New Zealand Limited ("IAG"), of which State is a business division, is not the insurer. IAG does not guarantee Zurich New Zealand or Cover-More.

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Because life's a trip

Trip Details.

Type to select country destinations

Type the countries you are travelling to or select from popular destinations below.

  • Cook Islands
  • New Caledonia
  • New Zealand
  • Philippines
  • South America
  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • South Africa
  • Middle East
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Domestic Cruise
  • Cruising New Zealand

Please Note: You do not need to include stopovers less than 48 hours, except for USA and Canada.

  • Depart Return

Are all travellers under 19 your children or grandchildren?

Dependants are defined by TINZ as your children or grandchildren, not in full time employment, who are under the age of 19 and travelling with you for 100% of the journey. Before proceeding, please confirm that all travellers under 19 are dependants of the adult travellers. If the child is not classified under the above terms then please treat them as an adult traveller within this policy.

The Already Overseas plan is appropriate for New Zealand residents who are already overseas and need travel insurance cover because they have either forgotten to purchase before they left New Zealand or, their existing travel insurance policy has expired.

Please read our conditions of purchase carefully. We can only provide cover provided that you satisfy the following conditions at the time of purchase:

  • You are aged 64 or under; and
  • You have a permanent residential address in New Zealand and will be returning to resume residence in New Zealand at the end of your journey; and
  • You intend to return to New Zealand on the date your policy ends; and
  • You purchase your policy within 30 days from either the date you departed New Zealand; or the expiry of any other travel insurance policy; and
  • Your period of overseas travel does not exceed 18 consecutive months in total from the date you originally departed New Zealand;

Please note:

  • For this plan “journey” means the time from when the policy is issued while you are overseas and ends when you arrive at any immigration counter in New Zealand.
  • Journeys can be up to a maximum of 90 days.
  • Purchasing an Already Overseas policy is limited to one journey every 12 months.
  • There is no cover provided for the first 72 hours from the start date of your certificate of insurance.

Age limit exceeded.

We are sorry.

We are unable to provide cover for this trip. Travellers aged over 80 years and over can only purchase travel insurance for a maximum duration of 6 months.

Please visit our partner website to purchase travel insurance for this trip.


Single Trip | Annual Multi-Trip

Travel alerts: view the latest travel information  that may affect your trip. , travel insurance, get a quote.

Booked a trip? TINZ are a specialist New Zealand Travel Insurer offering cover to Kiwis for unforeseen events during travel. 

24/7 emergency assitance


At TINZ your health is our number one priority. Our emergency assistance experts are just a phone call away 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

cancellation cover


Don’t lose out if you have to cancel your trip. We offer cover for cancellation costs if you can no longer travel or have to return home early due to unforeseen events.

travel delays


Airport delays are a common frustration when travelling. Our travel insurance provides you with compensation if you’re delayed for more than six hours.

terrorism cover


 If you’re caught up in an act of terror, we’ll pay for your flight home, cover medical costs and in some cases provide you with reimbursement for trip cancellation.

riding a motorbike


You’re covered on two wheels, so long as you’re wearing a helmet and the driver holds a valid licence recognised in the country you are travelling.

gadget cover


No doubt you’ll be taking a few gadgets away with you. Our plans provide different levels of cover for phones, iPads, cameras and laptops.

choice of cover


Whether you’re after the bare essentials or fully comprehensive cover, TINZ offers a range of options to suit all types of travellers and budgets.

cruise insurance


Planning a cruise?  We’re on board with you and don’t charge any extra if you’re heading on a cruise. With TINZ, you’re covered from ship to shore.


Get cover for the things you love. Whether you’re travelling in New Zealand or overseas, you're an avid skier, an adrenalin junkie, a gadget freak or a high-end holidaymaker, TINZ has the extra cover you’re looking for.


There are always risks when you travel, even in your home country. Protect your New Zealand holiday with domestic travel insurance and get cover for rental car excess, luggage, personal effects, lost deposits and more.


ski insurance


adventure activities


Are you travelling with a group of friends, school or club? TINZ offers special rates that can save you significant time and money!


high value items


Don’t let a pre-existing medical condition get in the way of your travels.  We cover 35 existing medical conditions automatically for free. You can also apply to cover additional conditions by assessment.


Travel insurance - the complete guide.

You've been dreaming about your holiday, the perfect break, the dream trip, what could go wrong? The truth is, on holiday, things often do. Perhaps the airline loses your luggage, or you're unlucky enough to get injured or become sick. Either way, taking the time to choose the travel insurance is a worthwhile investment. Our complete guide to travel insurance has you covered!


It's not just our customers that love us, our travel insurance products have been independently rated with  five stars by Canstar.

Cancellation cover can trip up many a conscientious traveller. Keep reading to get the low-down on TINZ's cancellation cover .

Most travel insurers exclude terrorism. However, Travel Insurance New Zealand covers you for cancellation, medical expenses and more. 


We understand that travel insurance can be confusing, here are some of our most common questions.

Q. Can I buy a policy if I have already departed New Zealand?

Q. i am currently still on my trip and my policy ended, can i extend my policy, q. does tinz cover natural disasters, q. am i covered for riding a motorbike overseas.

  • Yes, you’re covered to ride a motorbike provided that: - You are licensed to ride a motorbike in New Zealand. - You hold a valid motorbike licence for the country you are in. - You wear a helmet at all times while riding. You can ride a motorcycle that is the same capacity you are licensed to ride in Australia. If your licence restricts the engine size you can ride, then you will need to stick to that when you are away. Learn more in our guide to riding motorbikes and scooters overseas.

Q. What doesn’t travel insurance cover?

  • It's important to be aware that all travel insurance policies have 'exclusions'. So, there are some things that we just can't cover you for. These certainly aren’t secret and can be found in our policy wording, but we want to highlight some of the things you’re unlikely to be covered for so that you can make smart decisions when heading on holiday. - You are generally not covered for reckless behaviour or deliberately putting yourself in harms way. - Not taking care of your personal belongings, such as leaving your things behind in public places. - You’rer not covered if you were drunk and the consumption of alcohol contributed to your loss. As for illegal recreational drugs, you're definitely not covered. - We have a general exclusion in relation to pandemics and epidemics. - You are not covered for pre-existing medical conditions that you failed to tell us about or take cover for. - You are not covered for events already known in the mass media at the time of purchasing your policy. Even though our policies have these exclusions, all TINZ customers are entitled to lodge a claim for review, which would be assessed based on individual facts and circumstances.

Q. Does TINZ cover pre-existing medical conditions?

  • Yes, don't let an existing medical condition get in the way of your travels. We cover 35 medical conditions automatically for free. Any other conditions need to be declared through our easy online medical assessment. See more information about pre-existing illnesses here.

Q. Am I covered for a family emergency?

  • Both TINZ’s Comprehensive & Comprehensive plans cover for additional travel expenses such as your return flight to New Zealand if a relative of either you, or travelling companion requires hospitalisation or dies unexpectedly. (no excess applies)

Q. What sports activities are covered by TINZ travel insurance?

  • TINZ gives you the freedom to take that heart-pounding leap - worry free! Our optional Sports & Activities Cover provides you with cover for a range of more adventurous activities not covered under a standard policy. We cover things like cycling, snorkelling (depth limits apply) and water skiing for free. We offer extra cover for activities like canyoning, abseiling, trekking above 3000 meters. See our sports adventure activities page for more information.

Q. What is TINZ’s terrorism cover?

  • While many travel insurers exclude cover for cancellation fees and lost deposits in the event of terrorism, under our Frequent Traveller and Comprehensive Plus plans we allow you to cancel in the event that MFAT travel warnings restrict you from travel. We provide $10 million worth of medical cover if you’re injured in a terror attack. Conditions apply. See more information about our terrorism cover here.


Extortionate overseas medical fees, missed flight fails and holidays hurdles - these travel facts will convince you to never go abroad without a travel insurance policy again!


$50,000 is what it costs for 14 days of medical treatment in Thailand

missed flight

25% of travellers admit to missing a flight


112,000 Kiwis chose to cruise each year


60% of travellers say they gain at least two kilos on holiday

missed flight

28% of people fail to protect themselves on holiday

Because life’s a trip


Before You Buy

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Travel Insurance

Travel a little freer knowing we're on the journey with you

15% AA Member online exclusive discount

15 offer August 500x500 Italy girl

Financial Strength Rating

The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd ABN 78 090 584 473 (Incorporated in Australia), ("Hollard"), has been given a financial strength rating of A (Strong) issued by Standard and Poor's. View the full details on the  Financial Strength Rating .

An overseas policyholder preference applies. Under Australian law, if The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd is wound up, its assets in Australia must be applied to its Australian liabilities before they can be applied to overseas liabilities. To this extent, New Zealand policyholders may not be able to rely on The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd’s Australian assets to satisfy New Zealand liabilities.

Financial advice

The New Zealand Automobile Association provides general information about AA Travel Insurance products and services so that you can make a choice that best meets your needs. Information provided does not take into account your personal circumstances, needs or goals and is not intended to be financial advice. If you'd like to receive financial advice, you can get professional advice from a registered financial adviser.

More information

Contact us Policy Wording Make a claim Terms and conditions AA Traveller Member Benefits

* AA Members can receive an online exclusive 15% discount on AA Travel Insurance.  10% AA Member discount still available through AA Centres and over the phone. Simply provide each traveller’s valid AA Membership number on application. Discount applies to Base Price, including any additional pre-existing cover, but does not apply to additional cover for high value items. Discount does not apply in respect of policies purchased through quotes generated outside the relevant promotion period. View the full  T&Cs .

What’s the difference between Disruption Protection and travel insurance?

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Increase in scam activity

We're seeing a rise in scams, including emails and phone calls pretending to be from Kiwibank and other reputable businesses. See latest scams .

Travel insurance with your credit card

You may be eligible for overseas travel insurance through your Air New Zealand Airpoints™ Platinum Visa.

Cover is provided by Tower Limited and managed by AWP Services New Zealand Limited trading as Allianz Partners.

Benefits at a glance

Covers up to 40 days away. If you need cover for longer call 0800 876 541 before you go away.

Cover your spouse and dependent children if they’re travelling with you.

24-hour worldwide emergency assistance.

What you’re covered for

  • Medical expenses if you’re injured, have an accident or become ill
  • Loss or damage to your things or travel documents
  • Unforeseeable cancellations, delays and loss of deposits
  • Rental vehicle excess
  • Pre-existing medical conditions are not automatically covered. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, you might be able to arrange cover for an extra premium. Call 0800 845 010 to find out more.
  • Selected cover for epidemic and pandemic diseases including Covid-19 * .

Terms, conditions, limits, sub-limits and exclusions apply, as stated in the Policy Wording .

How to get overseas travel insurance

Overseas travel insurance will be activated if you use an eligible credit card to pay for at least one of these things: overseas travel tickets, one or more nights of pre-paid accommodation, a pre-paid rental car, pre-paid scheduled transport ticket or a pre-paid guided tour.

You have to be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, be under 80 years old, be returning to New Zealand at the end of your trip, have an active Platinum Visa or Air New Zealand Platinum Visa for the duration of your trip.

Business trips are covered under some circumstances, call 0800 845 010 to find out more.

Important update to overseas travel insurance

Overseas travel insurance now includes selected cover for epidemic and pandemic diseases such as Covid-19 * . If you test positive for Covid-19 while you're away and require overseas medical care and/or if you need to change your plans, cover's in place. Selected cover for epidemic and pandemic diseases is detailed in the Supplementary Policy Wording and this is to be read in conjunction with the Policy Wording, found in the Travel Insurance for Kiwibank Credit Cards Policy Wording .

If you're a Kiwibank Platinum Visa or an Air New Zealand Airpoints Platinum Visa cardholder, you may be eligible for overseas travel insurance providing you meet the terms and conditions within the Travel Insurance for Kiwibank Credit Cards Policy Wording .

There's no cover for lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, changes in government alert levels, quarantine, or mandatory isolation that applies generally, or broadly to some or all of a population, vessel or geographical area, or that applies based on where you're travelling to, from, or through. As with any travel insurance, deciding not to travel due to fear or change of mind is not covered.

There's no cover directly or indirectly arising from or caused by you commencing your travel against the New Zealand government’s advice or against local government advice at your overseas destination. We strongly recommend you check the Safe Travel website to confirm whether your travel destination is safe.

If you already have travel insurance through your Kiwibank Credit Card, are currently overseas and need help call Allianz Partners on +64 9 486 6868 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Find out more by calling 0800 876 541 .

How to make a claim

Please contact us as soon as you can after something goes wrong.

  • Within New Zealand: call 0800 876 541 between 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Complete a claim form

Download and complete the online travel insurance claim form on the Tower website .

Important information

Travel Insurance for Insured Cards is underwritten by Tower Limited and managed by AWP Services New Zealand Limited trading as Allianz Partners. If you arrange your insurance through Kiwibank, you need to know that Kiwibank Limited doesn’t guarantee the obligations of, or any products provided by Tower Limited or AWP Services New Zealand Limited.

*Important terms, conditions, limits, sub-limits, and exclusions apply, and these are set out in the Travel Insurance for Kiwibank Credit Cards Policy Wording .

View information about Tower's financial strength rating and solvency margin on their website at .

Kiwibank holds no responsibility for the content on third party websites and make no representations as to the accuracy of the information provided on those websites.

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travel insurance for kiwis

Already with AMI? Take 10% off your travel insurance.*

*Use promo code AMICUST

Discount applies to existing AMI customers and to premiums for the standard policies net of Government levies and GST (if applicable). Discounts do not apply to premiums for cover additional to standard policies or to any minimum premium.

Great options to suit your travel within New Zealand or overseas

travel insurance for kiwis

Overseas cover & annual multi-trip cover

Our overseas travel covers medical, dental and hospital treatment*, lost luggage, and personal liability, and can get you and your family home in certain emergencies.

Travel a lot? Take out our annual multi-trip option and you’re covered for as many trips as you like, for 12 months.**

travel insurance for kiwis

Domestic Cover

If your plans while travelling in New Zealand change unexpectedly, we can cover the cost of cancelling or amending your flight, accommodation or rental car bookings and other expenses, up to $10,000.

Inbound Cover - Visiting NZ

Are you a non-resident visiting friends and family in NZ, or on a working holiday? Our Inbound plan can cover medical and dental expenses, luggage and travel documents, rental vehicle insurance excess, personal liability and more!

travel insurance for kiwis

Travel Cover During Covid-19

Planning an adventure? Check out our scenario-based FAQs explaining how we could cover you if Covid-19 plays havoc with your trip:  AMI Travel Cover and Covid-19 FAQs

Find out before you go – our Covid-19 Benefits Destination Guide explains how AMI Travel cover applies when travelling to different international destinations:  Covid-19 Benefits Destination Guide

*Medical cover will not exceed 12 months from onset. Medical and dental expenses cover is limited to $1,500 for treatment provided in New Zealand. This $1,500 sub-limit does not apply to the Inbound Plan. **For 12 months, over 100km from home, including domestic travel, up to maximum number of days as selected by you.

Still unsure? Ask us a question

Compare our Travel Cover Plans


Single Trip or Annual Multi-Trip Maximum benefit limits (per adult) unless stated otherwise

Up to $1,500 for emergency dental expenses

Up to $1,000 per month

Up to $2,500 for personal vehicle insurance excess

Up to $250 per month

Domestic Cancellation

Single Trip Maximum benefit limits (per person)

(Choose the amount of cover that suits, on a per person basis)  #

Policy benefits

This is only a summary of benefits provided. Please refer to  AMI Travel Policy Wording  for full details of the cover provided. Please read the entire document carefully to understand what this policy covers. Importantly, please note that conditions, exclusions, limits and sub-limits apply.

Specific terms, conditions and exclusions apply to Covid-19. See the  policy wording  for the most up to date information.

* Cover will not exceed 12 months from the onset of the illness or injury. Medical and dental expenses cover is limited to $1,500 for treatment provided in New Zealand. This $1,500 sub-limit does not apply to our Inbound Plan. ^ Cover chosen applies per policy. See the  policy wording . • Item limits apply for any one item, set or pair of items including attached or unattached accessories. You may increase these item limits if you wish. See the  policy wording . # If you or your travelling companion are diagnosed with Covid-19 by a qualified medical practitioner and are unable to travel, you can claim cancellation or amendment costs for your prepaid trip up to a benefit limit of $10,000 per policy on an international Plan or $5,000 per policy on a Domestic Plan or if applicable, up to the level of cover purchased for cancellation (whichever is lower). There is also no cover if symptoms or diagnosis occurred prior to buying your policy. ~ The maximum liability collectively 14, 15, and 16 is $15,000 International Plan, and $10,000 on a Domestic Plan

This is only a summary of the benefit provided. Please refer to the  policy wording . For details of the cover provided. Please read the entire document carefully to understand what the relevant policy covers. Importantly, please note that conditions, exclusions, limits and sub-limits apply, and this summary of benefits table may change at any time.

Before you travel

Travel tips.

Our team of intrepid Kiwi travellers has come up with a list of handy travel tips to help make your holiday even better.

Limits, sub-limits, conditions, and exclusions apply. Standard excess may apply.

AMI Travel insurance is administered by Cover-More NZ Ltd, underwritten and issued by Zurich Australian Insurance Limited (ZAIL) incorporated in Australia, ABN 13 000 296 640, trading as Zurich New Zealand. For further information see Zurich New Zealand's  financial strength rating .

Any advice is general advice only. Consider the  AMI Travel Policy  Brochure and wording therein before deciding to buy this product. IAG receives a commission for the issue of AMI branded travel policies arranged through Cover-More (NZ) Limited ("Cover-More").

IAG New Zealand Limited ("IAG"), of which AMI is a business division, is not the insurer. IAG does not guarantee Zurich New Zealand or Cover-More.

travel insurance for kiwis

Quick and easy claims

We're here for you if something disrupts your trip. Save time and submit your claim online.

Global Wings Travel

Travel Insurance with Kiwi Holiday Insurance

As Kiwis, we love to travel! Even the most carefully planned travel experiences can go unexpectedly wrong. Regardless of how careful you are, it is important to prepare for the unforeseen so that despite what happens, you can get on with enjoying your trip, knowing that help is only a phone call away.

International Travel

Kiwi Holiday Insurance has two options for international travel + frequent travellers.

The Basic plan: lower benefit limits

The Comprehensive plan: Higher limits and extended benefits

Multi-Journey options also available for frequent travellers (Domestic and International)

International policies offer the following standard policy features:

Selected cover* for epidemic and pandemic diseases such as Covid-19

Cover for medical and repatriation expenses

Emergency assistance provided 24 hours/7 days a week

Dependent Children under 21 years covered at no additional charge

Rental vehicle excess cover

Additional options available:

Increased cover for specified high-value items

Cover for pre-existing medical conditions - your request will be subject to assessment, and if accepted, an

additional premium may be payable.

Domestic travel

Kiwi Holiday Insurance offers three domestic plan options:

Plan C Domestic

Basic Domestic

Plan F Domestic Advance Purchase – provides limited cancellation cover for domestic journeys

The Plan C Domestic and Basic Domestic policies offer the following standard policy features:

Cancellation of Journey

Personal Baggage

*There is no cover for claims directly or indirectly arising from or caused by you commencing your travel against the New Zealand Government’s advice or against local government advice at your overseas destination.

*There is no cover for lockdowns, changes in government alert levels, quarantine or mandatory isolation applying to a population or part of a population. As with any travel insurance, disinclination to travel due to fear or change of mind is not covered.

You should consider the full Policy Wording before making any decisions about this travel insurance policy. Terms, conditions, limits, sub-limits, and exclusions apply, and these are set out in the Policy Wording. It is your responsibility to read and understand the Policy Wording prior to buying your insurance with us. Click here to view the Policy Wording .

The Policy Wording details the benefits, terms, conditions, limits, sub-limits and exclusions available under each plan option. The New Zealand Government recommends that all travellers obtain comprehensive travel insurance. Click here for further details .

travel insurance for kiwis


  1. Travel insurance offers travel insurance from AXA or Travelex for different nationalities. Learn how to add, claim, cancel or change your insurance plan and what it covers.

  2. Travel insurance for Kiwis

    World Nomads offers simple and flexible travel insurance for international trips, with cover for 220+ adventure activities and 24/7 emergency assistance. Get a price and buy online for your destination, or extend your policy while travelling.

  3. Travel Insurance From The Experts

    Award-winning travel insurance trusted by Kiwis for over 40 years. Get comprehensive travel insurance for your next trip with SCTI. Quick Links. Cancel Policy. Make a claim ... Travel insurance is designed to better protect you from these unexpected events, from the moment you book your trip to the day you return home. Whether you have an ...

  4. What Is The Best Travel Insurance For New Zealanders in 2020?

    1cover: Multinational company with a New Zealand arm that has good, affordable policies. STA Travel: NZ Travel agency that caters to students and budget travellers. American Express: Big American company that offers policies in New Zealand. AA: Another Kiwi brand that most will feel comfortable insuring with.

  5. Compare Travel Insurance

    Travel insurance for New Zealanders can be expensive, but saving money on your next policy is easy with our complete guide. With one in six Kiwis flying out of New Zealand without travel insurance per 2019 research, taking a risk could be costly.If you have booked a trip but not bought travel insurance, we strongly suggest considering it.

  6. Save money on flights and the unexpected

    AXA travel insurance has you covered up to the amount paid for flights and subsequent services, up to €2,000. For the majority of travelers with, this should be more than enough. With the Travel Plus option, you also get compensation for flight and baggage delays. And in case you oversleep or get stuck in traffic and just flat-out ...

  7. Travel Insurance

    Find the best travel insurance policy for your trip with our free comparison tool. Compare prices, cover options and reviews from top brands like 1Cover, Amex and Zoom.

  8. Travel insurance for the Pacific Islands

    Each year thousands of Kiwis fly to popular Pacific Islands such as Tonga, Fiji, Rarotonga, Samoa, Tahiti, Vanuatu, and Niue for fun, sun, sea and seclusion. If you're planning a winter getaway or a school holiday break, there are many island destinations that offer the perfect beach holiday - but don't forget your travel insurance.

  9. Travel insurance

    Choose the right travel insurance. Learn what to look for in a policy, and compare cover and premiums for 15 comprehensive policies. ... looked at cap cover for individual items. Although you may have paid $3000 for a smartphone, 1Cover, American Express, Kiwi and Tinz insurers will only pay out $1000 if it gets stolen. Usually you can upgrade ...

  10. Travel Insurance

    Our team of intrepid Kiwi travellers have come up with a list of handy travel tips to help make your holiday even better. ... Limits, sub-limits, conditions, and exclusions apply. Standard excess may apply. State Travel insurance is administered by Cover-More NZ Ltd, underwritten and issued by Zurich Australian Insurance Limited (ZAIL ...

  11. Travel Insurance

    Kiwi Holiday Insurance - Get an Instant Quote. Instant Quote. Welcome to Kiwi Holiday Insurance. Kiwi Holiday Insurance Ltd specialises in worldwide travel insurance for New Zealand residents travelling internationally or domestically. We also provide travel insurance for non-residents of New Zealand travelling to and within New Zealand..

  12. TINZ Travel Insurance

    TRAVEL FACTS. Extortionate overseas medical fees, missed flight fails and holidays hurdles - these travel facts. will convince you to never go abroad without a travel insurance policy again! $50,000. is what it costs for 14 days of medical treatment in Thailand. 25%.

  13. AA Travel Insurance

    AA Travel Insurance. Travel is part of the Kiwi DNA, but even the best laid travel plans can go unexpectedly wrong. That's why we offer AA Travel Insurance plans - so you can travel a little freer here in NZ or overseas, knowing help is only a phone call away. ... To understand what cover AA Travel Insurance provides for epidemic and pandemic ...

  14. What's the difference between Disruption Protection and travel insurance?

    Disruption Protection is a unique service we offer to protect you in case of significant schedule changes or cancellations caused by the carrier — it doesn't apply when you can't travel for another reason. Depending on the type of Disruption Protection you have, we'll either book you an alternative trip, send you instant Credit ...

  15. Travel insurance for your credit card

    Overseas travel insurance will be activated if you use an eligible credit card to pay for at least one of these things: overseas travel tickets, one or more nights of pre-paid accommodation, a pre-paid rental car, pre-paid scheduled transport ticket or a pre-paid guided tour. You have to be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, be under ...

  16. How Kiwis can get the most out of their travel insurance

    Read more: Travel insurance data reveals Kiwis snapping up trips abroad. Southern Cross, NZ's largest travel insurer, saw policy sales to neighbouring Fiji soar 2,000% month-on-month after the ...

  17. Travel Insurance

    Our team of intrepid Kiwi travellers has come up with a list of handy travel tips to help make your holiday even better. Find out more. Limits, sub-limits, conditions, and exclusions apply. Standard excess may apply. AMI Travel insurance is administered by Cover-More NZ Ltd, underwritten and issued by Zurich Australian Insurance Limited (ZAIL ...

  18. Kiwi Holiday Insurance Plan A Super

    Neither traveller wants additional cover for adventure activities, nor rental vehicle excess beyond what's built into the policy. Both travellers opted for the excess closest to $100. Both travellers want at least $5000 of pre-departure cancellation cover (except for their one-week break in Australia, where they want a minimum of $2000).

  19. World Nomads Travel Insurance Review 2024

    Pros. Covers activities many insurers will not, such as scuba diving, rock climbing and skydiving. $500,000 in coverage for emergency medical evacuation available with the Explorer plan. 24/7 ...

  20. Kiwi Holiday Insurance

    Kiwi Holiday Insurance offers three domestic plan options: Plan C Domestic. Basic Domestic. Plan F Domestic Advance Purchase - provides limited cancellation cover for domestic journeys. The Plan C Domestic and Basic Domestic policies offer the following standard policy features: Selected cover* for epidemic and pandemic diseases such as Covid-19.

  21. Travel insurance

    Get access to compare Clear all. 1Cover Travel Insurance Travel Insurance Comprehensive. AA Travel Insurance International Leisure Cover Comprehensive. Air New Zealand International Comprehensive Single Trip Plan. American Express Single Trip Travel Insurance. Cover-More Options Travel Insurance Plan I. Kiwi Holiday Insurance Plan A Super.