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redspokes Adventure Tours

+44 (0) 1463 417707

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Chile & Argentina: Patagonia & the Lake District

red spokes bike tours

Chile & Argentina Patagonia & the Lake District

red spokes bike tours

Chile & Argentina: Conguillio National Park

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Chile & argentina cycling holiday, patagonia & the lake district, tour overview.

redspokes Patagonian Lake District cycling holiday is a journey through one of the most magnificent landscapes in the world.  This spectacular area, featuring both strong European influences and indigenous cultures, spans 300 km from north to south and overlaps the dramatic Andean Mountain range between Chile and Argentina.

The ever-changing scenery has been shaped by millions of years of volcanic activity. Smouldering peaks dominate the skyline alongside snow-capped mountains and towering granite summits along our cycling route.  The lower slopes of the Andes are blanketed with ancient rainforest and lush vegetation. Deep valleys are filled with icy fjords, emerald lakes and tumbling waterfalls in a landscape of outstanding natural beauty. What better vantage point could there be than the saddle of a bicycle?

From Puerto Varas we cycle along the shores of the Llanquihue Lake with views of Osorno, Puntiagudo, Tronador and Calbuco Volcanoes. Crossing the border into Argentina, our holiday continues as we mountain bike on to Bariloche, the adventure capital of the Patagonian Lake District, for a rest day with the option of tackling the famous circular cycle route. From here we embark on the stunning Seven Lakes Route (one of the most scenic in Argentina) to San Martin de los Andes with its breath-taking lakeside setting.  Crossing back into Chile riding along the Huahum path, we cycle through the Villarrica national park to Pucón, the main adventure tourism hub of the Chilean Lake District, with Volcán Villarrica as a simmering backdrop. Our holiday ends at Parque Conguillio.  Chile’s first geo park is home to underground lakes, deep water lagoons and South America’s most active volcano: Llaima. Encompassing some of the most awe-inspiring panoramas in South America, redspokes Chile Argentina cycling holiday offers an array of contrasts and will leave you with lasting memories.

If you need assistance or wish to discuss the tour, please feel free to call us on +44 (0) 1463 417707 .

Alternatively, you can email us on [email protected] for more information on this adventure holiday.

Tour Features

  • Frutillar: Chile's first Unesco Creative City of Music.
  • Ride along Lake Llanquihue to Osorno Volcano.
  • Simmering Volcan Villarica.
  • Cycle the 'Seven Lakes Road'
  • Boat and Catamaran crossing: Chile to Argentina.
  • Bariloche: Chocolate and adventure capital.
  • Parque Conguillío Chile's first geopark.

Photos from our Chile & Argentina Cycling Holiday

Customer Testimonial

"A really special holiday! Stunning scenery, challenging but rewarding cycle routes, a fantastic team taking care of us, and a great group of fellow travelers from the UK and the..."

Violando and Richard Percival

Read the full testimonial

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Red Spokes Adventure Tours

October 14, 2016 By gbd-admin No comments yet

Red Spokes Adventure Tours goes on the the highest adventures of any tour company that we've come across. They specialise in remote regions including Laos, Nepal, the Himalayas, Vietnam, Lebanon, Kyrgystan, Syria, Peru ... basically if it's remote and there are places to cycle, they go there!,Starting in 1990 as a collective of cyclists who specialized in riding remote roads in secluded areas of the planet, Red Spokes is now a UK centered touring company with over 40 trips planned each year. From their site: "we are committed to ensuring that our tours not only support the local economies but also respect the local cultures. We do this by employing local guides and drivers, staying mostly in family run accommodation and where possible building relationships with the local communities."

Regional Notes:

  • Operator Type : Regional Operator
  • Website : https://www.redspokes.co.uk/
  • Price Tier : $
  • Country : Argentina, India, Pakistan, Scotland, Syria, Thailand, Vietnam

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red spokes bike tours

redspokes Adventure Tours


Taking cyclists to the more remote and spectacular regions of the world

redspokes Adventure Tours specialise in bicycle holidays, taking small groups of cyclists to the more remote and spectacular regions of the world. These bicycle holidays include cycling the grand Himalayas on theit Indian Himalayas trip, the Andes with their tours to South America, the Karakoram Highway, the precious jungles of South East Asia, the broad steppes of Central Asia and the green glens of Scotland and Ireland.

_redspokes began life in 1990 as a collective of cyclists who specialize in cycling remote and spectacular roads in secluded areas of the planet. As a direct result of these experiences we decided to start taking small groups of friends and acquaintances to areas that offer not only fantastic cycling, but also significant cultural interest.

The success of these tours prompted us to start a small company with the aim of bringing this type of exciting and rewarding trip within a price range that we, as seasoned travellers, think is reasonable. Without cutting any corners on safety or (where possible) comfort, our tours are informal, and designed to cover areas that we as cyclists, have enjoyed immensely._

Uzbekistan The Silk Route

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Tour Operator:  redspokes Adventure Tours


  11   days   (Bike: 7 days)

  560   km   (~ 80 km  per day)

Prices from

  Tour Operator   redspokes Adventure Tours

Uzbekistan has much to offer the adventure traveller from ancient history, culture and traditional bazaars, to beautiful landscape

At the heart of the ancient Silk Road from China through the Middle East to Rome, redspokes cycling tour re-traces the footsteps of travellers and traders from a time when Uzbekistan was a well-trodden path. From Tashkent to Bukhara we travel through a desert landscape to Djizakh town. From here we cycle to Lake Turzkan and along the Pistalitau mountain ridge. Our route continues through scenic valley, passing stone and mudbrick houses towards beautiful Sob gorge before we tackle the toughest mountain climb of our trip to reach Fazilman Lake. At the end of our cycling we transfer to historic Bukara, with a rest day to enjoy the sights and the opportunity to visit magical Samarkand as we return to Tashkent by train. You have the option to travel on to Khiva on our extended itinerary. 

Uzbekistan can truly be described as a nation of contrasts. The double landlocked country is surrounded by other landlocked countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan). There are huge expanses of desert, pockets of verdant fertile valley and semi-arid grassland; the snow-capped Tien Shan mountains marking the south and eastern borders. In the 13th Century the country fell under Mongol rule, followed by a period of independent emirates and khanates of Bukhara, Kokand and Samarkand before becoming a part of Russia in 1865, and then the Soviet Union, most recently emerging as an independent nation in 1991.

There is little in the way of rain fall, summertime is very hot (+40), and winters extremely cold (-5). Spring and Autumn are the best times to visit. The redspokes Uzbekistan cycling tour is timed to run during optimal climactic conditions for adventure cycling.

On the redspokes Uzbeksitan cycle tour you will experience mesmerizing scenery, diverse historic and modern architecture, from the columns and intricate patterns of mosques and madrassahs to Christian churches and temples, and enjoy classic Uzbekistan cuisine.

Tajikistan & Kyrgyzstan - The Pamir Highway

    Kyrgyzstan &   Tajikistan

  19   days   (Bike: 14 days)

  910   km   (~ 65 km  per day)

An epic, high altitude cycle ride through spectacular remote mountains in one of the least visited countries in the world

At the cutting edge of adventure cycling, this journey offers a fascinating insight into ex-Soviet Central Asia.

Our cycle tour starts in Dushanbe, Tajikistan's sleepy capital; we transfer by vehicle up the Obkinghou Valley and over the spectacular 3,200m Khaburabot Pass. A precipitous cycling descent takes us into the deep cleft of the Pyanj valley where the massive Pyanj River marks the border with Afghanistan. Cycling through small villages, we follow the river upstream to Khorog, oasis capital of the Pamirs.

From Khorog, we set out riding along the Pamir Highway, cycling the pretty Gunt valley to the summit of the Koi Tezek Pass (4,200m). From the pass we descend onto the empty Pamir plateau, a Tibet-like region of snow-capped peaks and eerie turquoise lakes. Threading our way through the mountains we ride on to reach the small town of Murgab, not far from the Chinese border.

Leaving Murgab our Pamir Highway cycling route continues north. We ride up the 4,655m Ak Baital Pass, the highest point of the cycle tour. On the far side of the pass, cycling through a remote valley we reach the hauntingly beautiful lake at Kara Kul. From here, we ascend the Kyzl Art Pass and enter Kyrgyzstan. A very rough descent from the pass takes us out into the wide grassy Alay valley, studded with the traditional yurts of Kyrgyz nomads. Across the valley are spectacular views of the 7,000m summits of Pik Lenin and Pik Kommunizma.

We transfer from the Alay valley to Osh, Kygygzstan's second city. From here we take a flight to Kyrgyz capital Bishkek, where redspokes’ Tajikistan to Kyrgyzstan cycling holiday ends.

  • Dushanbe: capital of Tajikistan.
  • Khaburabot, Koi Tezek, Baital mountain passes.
  • Pyanj valley, Gunt valley and Pamir Plateau.
  • Khorog: capital of the Pamirs.
  • Lake Kara Kul: highest Pamir plateau lake.
  • Osh: the oldest city in Kyrgyzstan.

Indian Himalayas Manali to Leh

  16   days   (Bike: 10 days)

  650   km   (~ 65 km  per day)

One of the most demanding mountain bike tours in the world, offering extreme challenges and rewards through the very heart of the Himalayas

redspokes Indian Himalayas cycling holiday from Manali to Leh begins in Delhi. We transfer by vehicle via Mandi to reach Manali in the verdant Kullu Valley. We spend a couple of days here acclimatising. Manali is an interesting hill station in the mountains of Himachal Pradesh Situated at 1,950m (6,398 ft) and a popular tourist destination during the summer months.

After time to acclimatise our cycling begins with a ride out of Manali; we cycle through an evergreen area of pine and deodar trees, tackling the first set of many hairpin bends and switchbacks on our way to the Rohtang pass. Over the pass our surroundings become more barren as we continue cycling into more remote areas with just a few sheep dotted here and there. On the horizon you will see the bleak, magnificent spectacle of the Higher Himalayan ranges as we traverse a high-altitude desert to reach the isolated mountainous Ladakh region, so remote and stark it is barely populated.

Riding mountain passes and river valleys we are soon tackling the twenty-one zigzag Gata Loops 15,030ft up the canyon wall to reach the Lachulung La, the second highest pass on the Manali to Leh road at 5059m. After passing the Tso Khar salt lake we tackle the world's second highest pass, the Taglang La at 5,328m. Over the pass we descent entering more verdant terrain with a few more climbs and downhills to reach Leh. We have a rest day to draw breath and explore the sites such as the Leh Palace or the Sakar Gompa monastery. Our cycling route from Manali to Leh in Ladakh covers 476km (296 miles) over 8 days and includes five major passes. The Manali to Leh road is an old trading route and although described as a highway, is extremely narrow in places. For much of the year it is closed due to extreme weather conditions.

You will encounter sacred and spiritual landmarks in this celestial landscape on some of the finest roads an adventure cyclist could wish for, riding switchback after switchback for hours on end, ascending into the thin air at an altitude of 5,000 m.

Scotland - Highlands and Islands

    United Kingdom

  8   days   (Bike: 6 days)

  384   km   (~ 64 km  per day)

This cycling holiday from Ardrossan to Inverness includes Hebridean islands, the Kintyre Peninsula and scenic riding alongside sea lochs

We visit Fort William, the Great Glen and Caledonian Canal cycling all the way to Inverness. You will enjoy traditional Scottish hospitality whilst taking in outstanding natural beauty, historic castles, ancient Celtic history and marvel at the wonders of Scottish engineering working in harmony with nature.

We begin with a Hebridean Island hop, enjoying the outstanding natural surroundings that have provided inspiration to the whisky islands for their varied flavours and character.  The Ardrossan ferry takes us to beautiful Arran. We cycle the Isle and catch another boat to the Kintyre peninsula, then cycle on as far as Tarbert. Curving around the west side of Kintyre with idyllic views of Jura we cut back to follow Loch Gilp and then cycle alongside the Crinan Canal. Heading inland we cycle past ancient ruins at Kilmartin Glen before riding the Road of Kings through beautiful Glen Lonan.  From Oban we set sail again to Mull circuiting the west side of the island cycling through a scenery of clear blue loch waters and deep green fields. We take a water taxi across the Sound of Mull to reach the Morvern peninsula.

A rest day at Ardtornish Estate gives us the opportunity to enjoy wildlife, adventure activities from kayaking to diving, or more cycling in the local area. Back on the bikes, we follow Loch Linne cycling to reach Fort William. From here we join the Caledonia Way riding the Great Glen, passing majestic Ben Nevis.  We ride on minor roads, canal towpath and forested paths to Fort Augustus.  Following the east side of the great Loch Ness we take a lesser known route on quiet back roads to reach our final destination, Highland capital city Inverness where redspokes HIghlands and Islands cycling holiday ends.

Sri Lanka - Undiscovered North East to Classic South

    Sri Lanka

  14   days   (Bike: 10 days)

  800   km   (~ 80 km  per day)

Sri Lanka is a fantastic cycling destination, with well-surfaced roads and diverse, beautiful natural surroundings

From ancient religious and cultural sites to rain forests, national parks, mountains, wildlife and stunning coastline, there is so much to enjoy and no better way to explore than by bicycle. For centuries adventurers and traders have been drawn to this jewel in the Indian Ocean. The island has been an inspiration to many adventurers from Marco Polo to Paul Theroux. Renowned for a rich variety of terrain and wild life within a small land space, species native to the island include monkeys, crocodiles elephants leopards and exotic peacocks. Moving forwards from a 30-year civil war which ended in 2009, Sri Lanka is fast becoming a popular area of the world for a cycling holiday.

The redspokes Sri Lanka North to South adventure begins in Colombo. We take a train to Jaffna and have time to explore the town and local islands. Dotted with deserted buildings and temples, we are surrounded by white sands, sea views, lagoons and an array of birdlife including Brahminy kites, flamingos and herons. Our next stop is Killinochchi; from here we cycle the eastern shores of Sri Lanka to Nilaveli. Prior to the civil war and tsunami this was a popular resort and the beautiful 4km stretch of golden sands is now enjoying a renaissance. There is time here for swimming, snorkelling and to visit the Pigeon Island national park.

We head inland towards Habanara in Sri Lanka’s cultural triangle, cycling through Kaudulla National Park: a wild life haven. A rest day in Habanara gives us time to visit the nearby extraordinary Sigiriya fortress with its series of moats, ramparts and water gardens. Moving on to Polonnaruwa we have more time to explore this cornerstone of the cultural triangle, discovering medieval ruins and sacred temples. Cycling through more beautiful scenery we reach Mahiyanganaya at the foot of the Knuckles mountain range.  We head into the highlands reaching the temperate climes of tea plantations and areas characterized by colonial British culture, on a journey through hillsides blanketed in green with stunning views. Our Sri Lanka: North to South cycling tour ends in Kandy, the island’s second largest city and capital of the last Sinhalese kingdom.

Chile & Argentina: Patagonia & the Lake District

    Argentina &   Chile

  700   km   (~ 70 km  per day)

A journey through one of the most magnificent landscapes in the world

This spectacular area, featuring both strong European influences and indigenous cultures, spans 300km from north to south and overlaps the dramatic Andean Mountain range between Chile and Argentina.

The ever-changing scenery has been shaped by millions of years of volcanic activity. Smouldering peaks dominate the skyline alongside snow-capped mountains and towering granite summits along our cycling route.  The lower slopes of the Andes are blanketed with ancient rainforest and lush vegetation. Deep valleys are filled with icy fjords, emerald lakes and tumbling waterfalls in a landscape of outstanding natural beauty. What better vantage point could there be than the saddle of a bicycle?

From Frutillar we cycle along the shores of the Llanquihue Lake with views of Orsorno, Puntiagudo, Tronador and Calbuco Volcanoes. Crossing the border into Argentina, our holiday continues as we mountain bike on to Bariloche, the adventure capital of the Patagonian Lake District, for a rest day with the option of tackling the famous circular cycle route. From here we embark on the stunning Seven Lakes Route (one of the most scenic in Argentina) to San Martin de los Andes with its breath-taking lakeside setting.  Crossing back into Chile riding along the Huahum path, we cycle through the Villarrica national park to Puc√≥n, the main adventure tourism hub of the Chilean Lake District, with Volc√°n Villarrica as a simmering backdrop. Our holiday ends at Parque Conguillio.  Chile’s first geo park is home to underground lakes, deep water lagoons and South America’s most active volcano: Llaima. Encompassing some of the most awe-inspiring panoramas in South America, redspokes Chile Argentina cycling holiday offers an array of contrasts and will leave you with lasting memories.

The Andean Dream

  15   days   (Bike: 11 days)

  770   km   (~ 70 km  per day)

A spectacular way to discover the 'real Peru'; a unique and fascinating country

Our Peru cycling holiday begins in beautiful Arequipa. Peru's second city, Arequipa is also known as La Ciudad Blanca - the White City - for its gleaming colonial buildings built of sillar: a shining volcanic rock. The town is set in stunning mountains and overlooked by the snow-capped El Misti Volcano. As we enjoy teh start of this challenging Peru Cycling Tour from Arequipa to Cusco you will experience close encounters with wildlife and travel through colourful, bustling market towns.

We Cycle along, leaving Arequipa with a dramatic descent of 2,100m, mountain biking down El Misti, a breathtaking cycle ride along the Colca Canyon (reputedly the deepest in the world), unforgettable scenery and glimpses of a way of life that has barely changed in the last 500 years. You will cycle more peruvian trails and visit thermal hot springs, the dramatic salt plains of Salinas, and the fascinating town of Cusco. The final days of our Peru Cycling Tour provides an opportunity to ride right off the beaten track to the high Andes and witness the lifestyle of Peru's indigenous people, which has remained the same for centuries.

For those who wish to dismount the bike and trek the 4 day Classic Inca Trail or the Salkantay Trek we can put you in contact with a local agency to arrange this. Please note permits for the Classic Inca Trail for May are usually fully allocated by January of the same year so it is important to book early.

Sri Lanka - Classic

  14   days   (Bike: 11 days)

  572   km   (~ 52 km  per day)

Negombo - Udawalawe - Belihuloya - Galle

Sri Lanka is a fantastic cycling destination, with well-surfaced roads and diverse, beautiful natural surroundings. From ancient religious and cultural sites to rain forests, national parks, mountains, wildlife and stunning coastline, there is so much to enjoy and no better way to explore than by bicycle. For centuries adventurers and traders have been drawn to this jewel in the Indian Ocean. The island has been inspiration to many adventurers from Marco Polo to Paul Theroux, renowned for a rich variety of terrain and wild life within a small land space. Species native to the island include monkeys, crocodiles elephants leopards and exotic peacocks. Moving forwards from a 30-year civil war which ended in 2009, Sri Lanka is fast becoming a popular cycling holiday destination.

The redspokes Sri Lanka Classic bicycle tour begins in West coast Negombo with beaches and sea views. We travel through ancient capital city Kurunegala, surrounded by imposing mythological 'animal rocks' and on to the extraordinary Sigiriya fortress with its series of moats, ramparts and water gardens. We explore the cultural triangle, the ‘King's Land’ of the ancient Sinhalese by bicycle, discovering medieval ruins and sacred temples.  Our cycling tour continues on into the highlands through cloud forest and hill stations arriving at Udawalawe National Park.

We ride on to reach the southern tip of Sri Lanka, arriving at Mirissa, a coastal resort and fishing port with idyllic palm fringed beach. After making a stop in historic Galle, you will be transferred back to Negombo where the tour ends.

Burma - Mountains, Beaches and Stupas


  14   days   (Bike: 6 days)

  456   km   (~ 76 km  per day)

redspokes Mountains Beaches and Stupas, Burma cycle holiday combines the highlights of Myanmar's cultural and geographical wonders.

In Yangon we begin with a sunset trip to the splendid Shwedagon Pagoda. Locally known as Shwedagon Zedi Daw the shimmering golden temple is 99 meters high and can be seen from most areas of Yangon, day and night. Travelling north we visit Inle Lake in the Shan Hills, enjoying a memorable boat trip. The lake is famous for its floating villages and gardens and minority communities. You will witness the unique Intha oarsmen navigating their traditional leg-rowed boats and encounter Pao hill tribes who come to the area to trade their wares. Our cycling begins with a ride along picturesque road. We visit the Pindaya Caves; a magnificent Buddhist pilgrimage site with over 8 000 statues, located within limestone ridge. Many legends are told about the caves, including a tale of seven princesses bathing in a lake, who were captured by a giant spider and trapped in the cave only to be rescued by Prince Kummabhaya of Yawnghwe. Our holiday continues as we cycle along a rural inland route through forested areas of banana and coconut trees and farmland with a wide variety of crops from rice fields to peanuts, sesame and peas to reach the mighty volcanic Mount Popa. You can ascend all 777 steps to the summit to experience panoramic views, sacred symbolism as you mingle amongst pilgrims and encounter the local population of monkeys. We cycle on to reach the ancient holy city of Bagan. Set on the banks of the Irrawaddy River over 2000 temples spread across the plain.  Dating back to the 11th Century, Bagan is one of the world's most significant historic and religious sites and the former capital of the ancient Kingdom of Pagan. Here you can explore the many stupas, the old town, Nyaung Oo Market and the shimmering Shwezigon Pagoda. As we head on to the west, we fly to beautiful Ngapali Bay. Located on the Bay of Bengal, Ngapali has a relaxed fishing village atmosphere and unspoiled white sand beaches, framed by coconut tree palms that look out at cobalt blue seas. We have a few days to relax and explore the area around Ngapali. We return to Yangon for the penultimate day of redspokes Mountains Beaches and Stupas, Burma cycling holiday. There is time this afternoon to see more of the city. You will be left with lasting memories of Myanmar culture, rural landscapes and intriguing cities.

Lhasa to Kathmandu with Everest Base Camp

  26   days   (Bike: 19 days)

  1330   km   (~ 70 km  per day)

Cycling the Tibetan Plateaus from Lhasa to Kathmandu is an awe-inspiring experience and a must for adventure cyclists

Our Tibet cycle tour travels between two of Asia's most exotic cities. We ride 4 major passes above 5,000m and traverse a distance of 1,000km over the backbone of the Himalayas. Starting in Nepal, after a couple of days exploring Kathmandu we take a dramatic flight across the great Himalayan range to Lhasa, capital of Tibet. This is one of the most interesting, remote and spectacular parts of the world. We have three days of sightseeing and acclimatising before cycling across a beautiful landscape of snow-capped summits. All around us are signs of religious devotion; prayer flags fluttering on the tallest mountain passes and processions of devout pilgrims travelling to the numerous monasteries and temples. Riding to Everest Base Camp is a spectacular feature of our tour and a major cycling challenge, as the road climbs almost fifty hairpin bends over the Pang La Pass. Here at 5,205m we see the magnificent views of the Himalayas and of Mt. Everest itself. Finally reaching Base Camp is an experience few will ever forget. From here our journey continues as we return to Nepal completing a marathon downhill cycle in the world.  redspokes Tibet cycling holiday offers great physical challenges: extreme mountain biking through breath taking scenery as you cycle the "Roof of the World".

While great care has been taken to show full and correct tour details, unfortunately transcription errors do occur and, although we continually seek to eliminate these, we apologise for any mistakes. Plans or bookings should not be made exclusively based on information shown on this website but must be confirmed with the tour operator.

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by shinsplints .
  • Has anyone been on holiday with Red Spokes?

I’m considering doing their 17 day cycle tour from Manali to Leh in the Indian Himalayas and I was interested to hear anyone’s feedback before I do.

So has anyone been on a holiday/ tour with Red Spokes and what was your experience like?

Two trips – Tajikistan last summer, and Vietnam over easter this year. Two very different trips – but both fantastic fun and wouldn’t hesitate to do another of their tours. Don’t expect luxury – by the very nature of the places they go to there often isn’t much “tourist” infrastructure (thank god) – but you’ll certainly have a memorable time. Should say that Dermot (Red Spokes boss) was the tour leader on both trips and the local guides and drivers were real characters.

Thanks tonyplym.

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At BSpoke Tours it is our mission to create the very best cycling holidays. We believe that not only is cycling the greatest way to travel, but the ultimate way of discovering a destination. Our lives have been shaped by some truly amazing experiences by bike and we’re driven by a passion to share these with you.

From leisurely cycling through the lavender meadows of Provence to tackling some of the most spectacular roads on the continent in Catalunya, there’s the perfect BSpoke cycling holiday for everyone. Why not escape to the country on one of our UK cycling tours . Experience the picturesque English regions of Sussex or the Cotswolds. Featuring beautiful hotels in beachfront locations, vineyard tours and plenty of riverside cycling paths. These scenic cycling tours really do serve up the very best of British.

Be confident that you’re travelling with the experts. Pre-trip, our cycle specialists can offer you personal advice on which type of tour will best suit your group – based upon first hand knowledge and experience of the destination. Once in country you’ll be in the safe hands of our local team with great bikes, hand-picked accommodation and personally designed routes which will take you to the best places the region has to offer.

  “Your bike is discovery; your bike is freedom. It doesn’t matter where you are, when you’re on the saddle, you’re taken away.” – Doug Donaldson

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  • Departure: Las Vegas, NV
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Red Rock Road Biking with Escape Adventures

Since 1992 Escape Adventures has pioneered bike touring at Red Rock.

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Half-Day Red Rock tours run from 8:00am to 12:00 noon, and from 1:00 to 5:00pm

Tours include shuttles to/from the Strip, bike rental, helmet, water, and guide.

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Recently featured in Forbes!

Red Rock Scenic Loop All Seasons, Paved Road Guided, All Levels Self-Guided, Intermediate

Guided: 12 miles, for the casual cyclist – van supported This scenic one-way park road loops and winds around the hilly valley of Red Rock Canyon, past the coral mounds and along the base of the Wilson cliffs. Transportation from the Strip included as well as entry fee into the Scenic Drive. Half-day, Guided: $149.99

Self Guided:  10-30 miles, for the intermediate to advanced rider-no van support. This option allows you to see the canyon at your own pace.  We provide you with the bike and information to do your own bike ride. Transportation included from the Strip out to Red Rock area but does not include entry fee into the Scenic Drive (Additional $5). Half-day, Self-Guided $139.99 

Also availalble as an eBike Tour

We also offer single-and half-day bike tours, as well as mountain bike or eBike tours. If your preference is to walk rather than pedal, we stage daily hiking trips. All tours set off from our Las Vegas based Escape Adventures Tour Center, which shares space alongside our award-winning bike shop–Las Vegas Cyclery.

While every Escape Adventure trip is designed to appeal to active adventure seekers, and in many cases, particular skill levels, there is always a different idea of what that exactly means. That is why we have designed the chart below to help make sure you join the proper tour. We know your pace may vary from one day to the next—and your traveling companions’ may differ as well. We present a range of mileage options on each tour as well as provide support vehicles as much as possible. That way you can take a break and do as little or as much as you would like each day.

Find out more about Choosing a Tour .

All-Inclusive Prices

Every day tour includes transportation, water, and a professional guide.

Also Included on This Tour:

Make your trip as comfortable as possible on the body, as simple as possible for traveling, and hassle free on tour. On every road bike tour, we will fit you with the newest, highest quality gear in the industry. Escape Adventures provides only high-end bicycles from Specialized. We replace our rental fleet each season to ensure all our bikes meet our high standards. All of our bikes are equipped with carbon fiber frames and disc brakes designed for a smooth, comfortable ride. For those who are touring with a companion who may not be as fit or need a little help up the hills, we now have e-bikes (electric pedal assist) available on select tours.

Nite Ize Wraptor Smart Phone Mount

Nite Ize phone holder

NiteRider Lumina Micro 650 and Sabre 80 Combo

NiteRider Lumina Micro 650 and Sabre 80 Combo | Escape Adventures

Specialized Roubaix Disc (Included)

Specialized Roubaix Road Bike Rentals

Specialized has perfected the road bike. Ride confidently and comfortably for longer distances on any of our trips around the world. All of our bikes are equipped with the latest components and our 2019 models include disc brakes.

Specialized Sirrus Hybrid (Included)

red spokes bike tours

Specialized hybrid bikes are the most comfortable bikes available. Our most popular bike for multi-sport and moderate road bike tours is the proven Sirrus. This bike is suited for a wide range of cyclists. This bike sits upright, is equipped with a very comfortable seat, and the gearing has a wide range of speeds.

Specialized Tero Hybrid E-Bike (Included)

Specialized Tero Hybrid E-Bike

For those of you who have always wanted to join a bike tour but feared your fitness would hold you or the group back, fear no more. Our incredible e-bike option allows you to do more, go twice as fast and far. The all new Specialized Turbo has one goal and one goal only—to inspire you to get out, get moving, and to have some fun along the way. E-bike available on most casual and luxury inn trips for an additional price.

Specialized Turbo Creo E-Bike ($100/day)

Specialized Turbo Creo

Take a deep breath, turn on the power and enjoy a beautiful adventure on the all new Escape Adventure’s Electric Road Bike. The new road e-bike from Escape Adventures now allows you to travel further distances and explore new areas. The pedal assisted technology also allows beginner and novice riders to join in on more challenging routes and terrain.

Family Road Bikes

Specialized allez 24” road bike (included).

Specialized Allez Jr. Road Bike Rental

The Allez Junior is specifically designed for younger riders looking to keep up (or pass) mom and dad. The Allez gives young riders all the performance they need to look, feel, and go fast! Your tour price includes bike rental.

Specialized Hotrock 20” and 24” Kids Bike (Included)

Specialized Hotrock Road Bike Rentals Escape Adventures

Escape Adventures is one of the only tour companies to provide a specific selection of kid’s bikes for touring. Even though it is a “kids” bike, the performance of the bicycle is not compromised in any way. Optional 20 and 24 inch wheels are configured to fit any size youngster. Our professional bike shop staff will fit your child to the correct bike (and color) once you have reserved your tour. Your tour price includes bike rental.

Burley Encore, WeeHoo, and Adams Trailer (Included)

Family Bike Trailer Rentals | Escape Adventures

Our Family trailers are ideal for those little ones on tours who are not quite ready to ride but want to hang with mom and dad. These trailers are optional on all Family Getaway Tours at an additional cost. Burley Trailer seats up to two kids and converts to stroller.

Why travel with Escape Adventures?

Our commitment to you.

For over 25 years, the hallmark of an Escape Adventures tour is personalized, hands-on service. Before, during, and after each trip. We are a company of honesty and integrity and we stand behind our product 100%. From the moment you learn of our trips, to the time you return home and start planning your next trip, we are here to bring you the best possible experience. From our Guaranteed Trip Departure Confirmation Policy, making sure your trip is never cancelled*, to our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Policy, backing the unrivaled consistent quality of all our tours, our commitment to you is never compromised.  * Scheduled Domestic trips only.

Our Commitment to the Environment

Our environmental commitment is second to none. We run our tours the same way we run our company, with an eye on the triple bottom line: People, Profit & Planet. At Escape Adventures, we elected to pursue a more comprehensive approach to actually reduce our carbon footprint, rather than just offset it. We overhauled our entire operation — from our vehicles, to our buildings, to our procedures — to become an outdoor industry leader in the charge to help our people and our planet.

Exceptional Service and Exceptional Guides

Leading tours naturally followed from our passion of exploring our favorite places with our friends. Our support staff includes our reservation team who is there to answer your questions about the tours, our service team who prepares your bike and gear for the tour, and our guide team – the ones who take you into the great outdoors. The highest level of responsibility, good nature, integrity, and dedication are standard traits of all those who work at Escape Adventures. We our proud of it and we think you should know it.

The Best Support Vehicles

Having custom-made vehicles allows us to take you to places few other outfitters can, or will go. Every Escape Adventures tour is accompanied by at least one support vehicle, trailer, and in some cases a second and third transfer van. After purchase, we custom engineer our trucks, vans, and trailers by our on-staff mechanic to meet the unique needs of different tours. For example, certain vehicles are specifically designed for the Canyonlands region of Utah, while others are designed for The Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. Each of our Trip Leaders is required to be trained in safe vehicle operation, 4X4 driving, and basic maintenance. Our experienced Trip Leaders make it look easy, transporting you and up to 12 guests, along with their bikes, fresh food, gear and plenty of drinking water to any location.

The Best Bicycles and Gear

Make your trip as comfortable as possible on the body, as simple as possible for traveling, and hassle-free on tour. By choosing to rent a bike from us, we will fit you with the newest, highest quality gear in the industry. Escape Adventures provides only high-end bicycles from Specialized. We replace our rental fleet each season to ensure all our rentals meet our high standards. All of our bikes are equipped carbon fiber frames and disc brakes designed for a smooth, comfortable ride. For those who are touring with a companion who may not be as fit or need a little help up the hills, we now have ebikes (electric pedal assist) available on select tours.

Scheduled Departure Dates

These tours leave daily from our Las Vegas based Escape Adventures Tour Center, which shares space alongside our award-winning bike shop–Las Vegas Cyclery.

Private & Custom Tours

The idea of taking your friends or family somewhere cool and amazing is actually pretty easy. Tell us what you’re thinking. We’ll make it happen.

Any trip in this catalog, any specific time frame, any group size, we can custom-fit if not comfortably accommodate. A Custom and Private Escape Adventures trip affords the ultimate bonding, or team-building experience for:

  • Clubs and co-workers
  • Family reunions
  • Corporate retreats

To shape a Custom or Private Trip, we begin a dialogue: first, to develop a group specific itinerary, tailored to respective abilities and preferred tempo. Next we schedule, bookmarking and working in your optimum or ideal getaway dates. Size-wise, we can build a multi-day trip for as few as two people, scaled up to as many as 30 plus. Contact us today to start the custom trip building process.

5 star rating

Tour Photos

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A word from our founders.

Jared and Heather Fisher, Escape Adventures Founders

For those who have yet to tour with us, we appreciate the opportunity to introduce you to our family-run company and guiding principles of sustainability and adventure. Our portfolio specializes in Western North America and is rapidly growing internationally. Building on over 100 destinations, we cater to the full spectrum of active traveler, respective to fitness level and activity type. From road cyclist to mountain biker to electric biker, hiker, and multi-sport enthusiast, and from first-timer to friends and family groups of all ability levels, on behalf of our Escape Adventures family, we look forward to many new and exciting adventures with you.

With much gratitude, and happy trails,

Jared and Heather Fisher

Founders and Owner-Operators Escape Adventures

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After 31 years, the RedSpoke bike tour takes its final ride

After 31 years, RedSpoke, the annual five-day, 300-mile bike tour from Redmond to Spokane, will come to an end.

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On Sunday, July 22, approximately 40 cyclists from all over Washington will celebrate their completion of RedSpoke, the annual five-day, 300-mile bike tour from Redmond to Spokane. It’s the last time they’ll make the journey. After 31 years, RedSpoke is ending, marking a milestone for longtime participants, some of whom have cycled in almost every RedSpoke ride since it began in the late ’80s.

Tim Arnold, a RedSpoke committee member and former president of the Redmond Rotary, which organizes the ride, bought his first roadworthy bike specifically for RedSpoke back in 1988, when it was founded by Rotary member Tom Radley. Arnold has participated in the ride in some capacity every year since.

“This was probably going to be my last year anyway on riding,” said Arnold. “I would probably still support the ride, but it’s too difficult at my age to train for it anymore.”

He whispers his age: “seven zero.”

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Arnold has understandably mixed feelings about the tour’s final year. “Two things. One of them is it takes a lot of effort to put it on, and our club is struggling to have the number of people that it takes to put it on. I’m struggling because I’m getting old and it gets harder to ride every year,” he said.

RedSpoke 2018 chairperson Deana Hale echoed Arnold’s statement about the amount of effort required to host the ride, saying it was one factor in the decision to end the rides. “Club leadership has decided that the manpower that we have used to support RedSpoke for five days across the whole state could be better spent in our local community,” said Hale.

According to Hale, the day after RedSpoke 2018 ends, a committee of Redmond Rotary members and RedSpoke organizers will get together to discuss what’s next. With a focus on the local Redmond community, Hale says that Redmond Rotary leadership have discussed everything from book drives to local wine tastings and even the possibility of a “RedSpoke 2.0.” Though the current incarnation of RedSpoke is on its way out, the club is open to organizing a shorter, local ride of 1-3 days that would require fewer resources to organize.

Over the years, RedSpoke has raised between $35,000 and $50,000 in support of organizations like HopeLink and Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center . With only 40 members, the Redmond Rotary club requires all of its members to help out with the event. Hale said that planning would begin in August the year before each event. The club would also find corporate sponsors, work with local vendors to provide meals for riders and arrange campsites at each stop along the way.

Working with local communities has also allowed RedSpoke organizers and riders to cultivate strong relationships with organizations like the Kiwanis club in Wenatchee, which has provided dinner and breakfast for riders during the ride’s tenure. And in Davenport, elected royalty from the town’s annual Pioneer Days celebration would host dinner for the RedSpoke riders each year.

“You just meet people along the way that are amazing, and you get a little piece of small town USA,” Arnold said.

But this year’s final ride won’t be a mournful goodbye.

“We’re celebrating as we go across the state this year. We’re celebrating all of the communities that have supported us every year. We hope to maintain those relationships,” said Hale.

This year’s ride will take place from July 18 to July 22. Cyclists can sign up for the ride online . The registration deadline is July 13.

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RedSpoke: 5-Day 300-mile recreational ride across WA state

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Details from RedSpoke :

red spokes bike tours

RedSpoke is a  5-day recreational touring bicycle ride . You are encouraged to go at your own pace and stop when you want to enjoy the sights and attractions along the way. Leave your daily routine behind for five days of bicycling fun from Redmond to Spokane on a fully supported bicycle tour presented by the Redmond Rotary to support its  charitable activities . Known as the Cadillac of bicycle tours, RedSpoke starts with a fully catered breakfast at the  HYATT house Redmond . From there we take excellent care of you by transporting all your belongings to the night’s destination in Skykomish ,  Lincoln Rock (Wenatchee),  Coulee City and  Davenport .

You’ll arrive in  Spokane on the final day wishing you could keep riding! We provide hearty breakfasts, dinner and snacks throughout the ride. Enjoy the nightly entertainment at pre-arranged camping venues or take advantage of a list of optional hotels. Either way showers await you. A local expert mechanic is available before, during and after each day’s ride to be sure your bicycle is in peak working order. Mechanic services provided by  R+E Cycles .

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Baptist Health Paducah to host Spokes for Strokes bike tour July 13

PADUCAH, KY (June 18, 2024) -  Baptist Health Paducah will host its 13th annual Spokes for Strokes bike tour on Saturday, July 13, to raise stroke awareness, along with funds for life-saving technologies and expanded stroke care services. Registration is now live at this link: Spokes for Strokes 2024.

Spokes for Strokes will begin at 7 a.m. with registration at Baptist Health Imaging Center on the west end of campus at 2705 Kentucky Ave., and the tour will begin at 8 a.m.

Registration options include $25 for individuals, $40 for couples and $50 for a family of four. Individuals can then choose which bike tour they would like to participate in: 10, 20, 35 or 65-mile rides through southern McCracken, Marshall and Graves counties. See maps of these bike routes at this website . Support vehicles will follow all rides and helmets are required.

“We will continue to focus on public education, so people of all ages know they should call 9-1-1 immediately if they see anyone experiencing signs of a stroke,” said Joseph Ashburn, MD, stroke center director. “Time saved is brain saved, so if they seek immediate treatment, the effects of stroke may be reduced or even reversed.”

In 2022, Baptist Health Paducah celebrated 12 years as a leader in stroke care. The hospital became the region’s first certified primary stroke center in 2010, and t he Baptist Health Paducah stroke program received The Get With the Guidelines ® Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award three years in a row for meeting national guidelines for stroke care, as defined by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.

According to the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, stroke is the No. 5 cause of death and a leading cause of adult disability in the U.S. On average, someone in the U.S. suffers a stroke every 40 seconds and nearly 795,000 people suffer a new or recurrent stroke each year.

The acronym B.E.F.A.S.T. is a good way to learn stroke symptoms.

  • B – Balance: Is balance off, or are they experiencing dizziness or headache?
  • E – Eyes: Is vision blurry?
  • F - Face Drooping : Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile.
  • A - Arm Weakness : Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
  • S - Speech Difficulty : Is speech slurred, are they unable to speak, or are they hard to understand?
  • T - Time to call 9-1-1 : If the person shows any of these symptoms, even if the symptoms go away, call 9-1-1 and get them to the hospital immediately.

Additional stroke signs include sudden severe headache with no known cause, sudden confusion, trouble understanding, or numbness to the face, arm or leg.

For more information about Spokes for Strokes, phone 270.575.2871 .

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Justin timberlake ‘pressing forward’ with world tour after dwi arrest.

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The show must go on.

Justin Timberlake is “pressing forward” with his Forget Tomorrow World Tour after being arrested for drunk driving in Sag Harbor, NY, Page Six can confirm.

A music insider tells us that the pop star will “continue promotion for his album [ ‘Everything I Thought It Was’ ] as planned, which, of course, includes his tour dates.”

Justin Timberlake

Timberlake, 43, is scheduled to resume the global trek Friday at the United Center in Chicago, where he will also perform Saturday.

The “Cry Me a River” singer will then return to New York for back-to-back shows at Madison Square Garden next Tuesday and Wednesday.

The tour, which began on April 29, is currently set to run through Dec. 20, including a European leg later this summer.

Timberlake’s rep did not respond to Page Six’s request for comment.

Justin Timberlake

The Grammy winner was arrested early Tuesday and charged with one count of driving while intoxicated. He was also cited for two traffic violations: failure to stop a stop sign and failure to keep right.

Timberlake  posed for a mugshot  with visibly bloodshot eyes before being released without bail later that morning.

While the former *NSYNC member has yet to publicly address the bust, his lawyer, Edward Burke Jr., told Page Six exclusively Wednesday that he “looks forward to vigorously defending” his celebrity client in court.

Justin Timberlake

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“He will have a lot to say at the appropriate time,” Burke teased. “He is currently awaiting full discovery from the DA’s office.”

The arrest came shortly after Timberlake left dinner with friends at the American Hotel in Sag Harbor, where an eyewitness saw him looking “wasted” and drinking other people’s cocktails Monday night.

After being pulled over, the “Mirrors” crooner failed a field sobriety test and repeatedly refused to take a breathalyzer test .

Justin Timberlake

A criminal complaint obtained by Page Six stated that Timberlake  claimed to have consumed only one martini  at the posh Hamptons hotel, but the arresting officer noticed he had “bloodshot and glassy eyes” in addition to “a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage” on his breath.

We also exclusively reported that the “Trolls” voice actor seemed concerned about the fate of his tour during the investigation.

“The cop didn’t know who he was at first,” a source told us. “Justin said under his breath, ‘This is going to ruin the tour.’ The cop replied, ‘What tour?’ Justin said, ‘The world tour.'”

Justin Timberlake

After being released from custody, Timberlake had a driver take him from Long Island to New York City , where his wife, Jessica Biel, has been filming the Amazon Prime Video series “The Better Sister.”

A source told People Wednesday that the actress, 42, was “not happy” about her husband’s arrest but “loves” him and “will always be by his side.”

The couple, who married in 2012 , share two sons : Silas, 9, and Phineas, 3.

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Biking Through Southern France, and History

The Canal du Midi traverses the Occitanie region and gives cyclists of all skill levels access to parts of France that are rich in lore, yet sometimes passed over by visitors.

A bike path is flanked on either side by tall trees with mottled white and brown trunks. Two bicyclists are riding along the path and to the right of the photo is a body of green water.

By William Fleeson

The Canal du Midi, entirely hand-dug and hailed as an engineering marvel on completion in 1681, offers a refreshing alternate take on French travel: a bikeable path through the towns and landscapes of the country’s south. Traversing Occitanie, the canal gives cyclists of all skill levels access to parts of France that are rich in history, yet sometimes passed over by visitors with (only) Paris on their mind.

When I discovered that the canal was manageable for nonserious cyclists like me, I was hooked. Stretching from the city of Toulouse to the Mediterranean port town of Sète, the 150-mile waterway offers mostly flat cruising for the thousands of riders who take to its towpaths every year.

For nearly a week in July, I cycled upstream from Sète as far as Toulouse. I rented an electric bike and other gear from Paulette , a rental company that focuses on canal tourists . The rental totaled about $400. I also took advantage of the group’s super-convenient send-ahead luggage service. That lightened my load to take on the canal, its large and small towns, and its historical undercurrents. I wanted to see its famous écluses , or oval-shaped locks, and the idyllic country scenes on the way. I didn’t really plan ahead — as a novice, I didn’t know how far my legs could take me. Given my fluid schedule, I opted to find accommodation via the canal’s abundant tourist offices after arriving wherever I chose to stay the night.

Up a canal with a rented bike

The road from Sète starts at the sea. The former fishing town, where I picked up my bike as well as side bags for the essentials I wasn’t sending onward, ranks as a low-key favorite among French and foreign visitors. I pedaled southwest out of town on a Saturday morning, the shimmering Mediterranean to my left.

Starting at one end of the original canal helped me appreciate the ambition of the waterway’s visionary builder. Pierre-Paul Riquet, born in nearby Béziers in the early 1600s, conceived of the Canal du Midi as just one section of a Canal des Deux Mers — a “two-sea canal” — connecting the Mediterranean with the Atlantic, and stretching from Sète as far as Bordeaux.

Joining the two coasts would open up a lucrative alternate trade route to sailing around Spain and Portugal, and would develop French inland commerce in the process — mostly for the region’s salt, wheat and wine. But how to build a body of water from scratch? Riquet’s “canal of communication,” as he called the full project, would draw waters flowing south from the Montagne Noire, on France’s central uplands, and north from the foothills of the Pyrenees mountains that border Spain.

After years of planning, and an early, self-funded demonstration project, Riquet persuaded King Louis XIV to back the Canal des Deux Mers, with the Canal du Midi ending in Toulouse and the Canal de Garonne running from there to the northwest. It would become the largest construction zone in 17th-century France, after Versailles .

My first day on the canal, after clocking 28 miles and an embarrassing handful of wrong turns, I stopped for the night in Villeneuve-lès-Béziers, amid the start of Europe’s “ Cerberus ” heat wave. The town, heavy on Spanish influence, was holding a bull festival, with an event running the animals down the main thoroughfare. The stop showed me cultural elements from across France’s nearby border — an exchange the Canal du Midi has accelerated over three and a half centuries.

On Thomas Jefferson’s trail

Picking up the canal the next morning, I rode through 24 miles of vineyards, sunshine and more heat. If I was freewheeling in a literal sense, I was also mindful not to push too far, too hard, without firm plans for accommodation, given the sacrosanct weekend hours of a French summer Sunday.

At lunchtime I stopped in Le Somail, a hamlet that once served as a stop for canal travelers. Over a stone bridge made bright with flower boxes, I noticed a plaque in honor of Thomas Jefferson. The founding father traveled the canal as part of a three-month trip through France and Italy, stopping in Le Somail in May of 1787. In his notes from the journey, the 44-year-old Jefferson expressed a preference for solo travel. “One travels more usefully when they travel alone, because they reflect more,” he wrote. I was hoping for my own modest dose of Jefferson’s reflections.

The tourist office at Le Somail, with a surprisingly well-done adjacent exhibit on the canal, recommended the bed-and-breakfast Le Neptune , a few hundred yards away. Run by Dirk and Inge Demeulenaere — a retired Belgian couple who spoke Flemish to each other between conversations with guests — Le Neptune provided tasteful, 19th-century digs with funky modern accents, like Beatles posters and a bead screen with a likeness of Salvador Dalí. The couple served me breakfast on their verdant outdoor patio, then saw me off personally. I was glad to have stopped in Le Somail, as much for Jeffersonian surprises as for the unexpectedly sweet hospitality I received.

Castles and Cathars

The 34-mile ride from Le Somail to the next large city, Carcassonne, brought the trip’s most challenging terrain: hills, rough gravel and long stretches made narrow by weeds and overgrowth. In places the canal doubled back on itself, winding hairpins through fields and throwing off stop-and-gawk views from the waterway’s raised embankments. Despite the hard slog, the arrival in Carcassonne, and the medieval castle from which the town has enjoyed centuries of fame, made the difficulty worthwhile. The castle’s towers proved as dizzying as the day’s 99-degree high.

A settlement predating France’s Roman era, Carcassonne expanded during the 12th and 13th centuries via massive fortification projects, a response to wars between the kingdom of France and outsiders like the Albigensians and the Aragonese. The walled medieval city, whose old town is still inhabited, benefited from major conservation efforts in the 19th century. The result obliges every castle cliché, with teeth-like crenelated ramparts and towers with roofs shaped like witches’ hats. Costumed tour guides enhance the effect.

The development of Carcassonne’s castle also stems from the city’s role as a flashpoint in the religious history of southern France, notably through the Cathar religious movement, considered outside the bounds of traditional Catholicism. The 13th century brought to a head tensions between Cathars and local Catholic populations, resulting in sieges and executions across the region. Carcassonne and its castle counted among Cathar strongholds before French kings gradually absorbed the region into their sphere of control. I left Carcassonne with a fresh understanding of French history and places well outside the country’s more-touristed zones.

A quest for cassoulet

The next day required a shorter, 25-mile ride to the town of Castelnaudary. I had motivation to get there quickly: “Castel,” as locals call it, is home to cassoulet, France’s peerless pot of pork, duck, sausage and steaming white kidney beans. Between a lock keeper outside town, and the attendants at Castel’s tourist office, a restaurant called Chez David came recommended twice in an hour. I knew where I was headed for lunch.

The restaurant’s head chef, David Campigotto, could be dubbed the Guy Fieri of cassoulet: with a rock ’n’ roll aesthetic of piercings, tattoos and a goatee, his style is as bold as his gastronomy. I arrived at the restaurant as raucous blues music was playing from speakers overhead. Photos of guitars hung on the walls. Each table’s water jug was a repurposed bottle from Kentucky’s Bulleit bourbon distillery.

When my cassoulet came, the waiter ran down a well-polished summary of the dish’s process and ingredients. Even before the cooking begins, he said, the kidney beans soak in bouillon overnight. The pot then matures in the oven for six hours — “at least,” Mr. Campigotto told me, in a conversation after my meal. The meats and beans stew in their own juices and bring the dish to a coherent, and transporting, unity of flavors. The chef and some of his staff travel to Chicago most years for events with the prominent local chef and restaurateur Paul Kahan . Mr. Campigotto said he loves the city, where he plays the part of gastro-diplomat to scores of Chicagoans. He travels with his own kidney beans.

Toward the “Pink City”

Leaving Castelnaudary, the bike felt heavier. (Or was it just the cassoulet?) I rolled through sunflower fields and cooler weather on my final day, combined with a quick train ride — regional lines accommodate bikes and weary cyclists — for the final 39 miles to Toulouse. Along the way lay a geographic wonder: the Threshold of Naurouze , the dividing point between the Atlantic and Mediterranean watersheds. There, about 600 feet above sea level, the Canal du Midi’s water flow changes directions. A feeder stream from the Montagne Noire keeps the water even on either side. The last lock before Naurouze is the écluse de la Méditerranée; the first after it, the écluse de l’Océan, meaning the Atlantic. In this way the Canal du Midi captures a sense of France’s geography, and its breadth, between two seas.

Called the “Pink City” for its red stone and brick buildings, Toulouse, France’s fourth-largest city, often goes overlooked, perhaps given its distance from Paris. For cyclists from the canal or elsewhere, Toulouse is an eminently bikeable town: dedicated lanes for vélos run everywhere, with myriad signs and arrows to help. Paulette’s Toulouse office accepted my bike earlier than scheduled, with no fee or questions asked.

Now bike-free, I took in Toulouse for its sunny — and indeed, pink — splendor. The narrow rue Saint-Rome greeted pedestrians with brick facades and pastel-painted shutters. The Place du Capitole hosted restaurants and grand cafes, and had a street market on the day I visited. The Capitole building itself, with its red stone and white columns, houses the mayor’s office as well as the Toulouse opera.

Walking the city that evening, I saw in a state of happy fatigue the brilliant Capitole and other buildings. Toulouse, and the points of interest since my start in Sète, made cycling the Canal du Midi worth every pedaled mile.

Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram and sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to get expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation. Dreaming up a future getaway or just armchair traveling? Check out our 52 Places to Go in 2024 .

A photo caption with an earlier version of this article misidentified a bicycle parked outside the Le Neptune bed and breakfast. It is a VéloSoleX gas-powered bike, not an ebike.

How we handle corrections

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Ljubljana, Slovenia:  Stroll along the river, explore a contemporary art scene and admire panoramic views in this scenic Central European capital .

Cities With Great Beaches:  Already been to Miami, Honolulu and Sydney? These five other coastal destinations  are vibrant on land and on the water.

Southern France:  The Canal du Midi traverses the Occitanie region and gives cyclists of all skill levels  access to parts of France that are rich in lore .

Port Antonio, Jamaica:  The D.J. and music producer Diplo recommends spots in a city he loves  on Jamaica’s northeast coast. A dance party makes the cut.

New Mexico:  Visiting the vast and remote Gila Wilderness, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary, is both inspiring and demanding .


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  15. Has anyone been on holiday with Red Spokes?

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    For nearly a week in July, I cycled upstream from Sète as far as Toulouse. I rented an electric bike and other gear from Paulette, a rental company that focuses on canal tourists. The rental ...