Exploring ‘uncomfortable’ Oxford

A social enterprise, set up by Oxford University graduate students, is bringing uncomfortable aspects of Oxford’s history and society to public audiences in the city.

Uncomfortable Oxford started by organising public walking tours which introduced people to hidden and uncomfortable aspects of the city’s past and present. Based on rigorous academic research, the tours looked behind the obvious facades and landmarks to explore the networks of power, privilege and wealth that have formed Oxford over centuries – and influence it today.

“Oxford usually attracts around nine million visitors a year,” says Paula Larsson, co-director of Uncomfortable Oxford . “But it’s hard for them to access the university’s research, really understand the history of the place, or even meet a student! We wanted to do something which would open up the university and the city to everyone.”

“Whilst traditional tours highlight jovial student pranks and college rivalries, ours explore Oxford’s difficult relationship with imperialism, the slave trade, wealth creation, violence and prejudice,” explains co-director Olivia Durand. “The tours are researched by academic experts from authoritative sources and delivered by trained specialists.”

The original tour reflects on the politics of ‘Memory and Memorialisation’ and explores aspects of the city such as: statues (who they are, where they are positioned, who put them there?); street names (who is represented, who is missing?); and buildings (where did the money come from, who used them, who was excluded?).

Other tours include: Oxford and Empire; Follow the Money; Uncomfortable Literature; Uncomfortable Ashmolean; and Hidden Histories. The literature tour explores how works of fiction highlight Oxford's uncomfortable relationship with power, wealth, and traditions of class gate-keeping, such as in Hardy's Jude the Obscure; the Ashmolean tour looks at the ethics of how and why the collections came to Oxford and the politics of how they are displayed.

The mission of Uncomfortable Oxford is to challenge and shift attitudes – thus creating lasting change. “We try to encourage open discussion and conversation,” says executive secretary Waqas Mirza. “Participants are usually eager to learn and open to reevaluating their own views. When there are disagreements, guides are trained to question inflammatory statements and emotional responses, and to steer people towards respectful disagreement.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented both challenges and opportunities for the enterprise. Whilst walking tours have been put on hold, on-line activities have expanded and Uncomfortable Oxford have developed a history podcast, virtual walking tour, and new online events.

Uncomfortable Oxford Map by designer and illustrator Kati Lacey.

The surge of interest in Black Lives Matters has also increased interest in the issues they deal with. “People have a real appetite to understand the role of the UK in building and perpetuating empire, slavery, and inequality. The academic research we’re doing in Oxford throws light on all of these issues and we are keen to share it with others,” says Paula.

Uncomfortable Oxford ’s activities have attracted an enthusiastic and growing following. In 2019, the enterprise welcomed more than 3,000 people to their tours and events. In 2020, they reached even greater audiences with nearly 8,000 people from over 80 countries attending events or downloading the podcast. Bespoke events have also been delivered for organisations such as the Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities, The Weston Library, and the SKOLL World Forum, and collaborations have been established with both local schools and community organisations. The enterprise receives frequent requests to extend its activities in Oxford, and expand them to other academic institutions, cities, and even countries.

Waqas reflects, “All of us at Uncomfortable Oxford have got so much from being involved. For me, it’s deepened my approach to making teaching accessible and interesting for students and encouraged me to re-explore my own family history. We are all committed to developing and expanding our activities – opening up these difficult but compelling issues to an even wider range of people.”

Paula Larsson is co-founder and director of Uncomfortable Oxford, Doctoral Researcher at the Centre for the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, and a member of New College, Oxford.

Olivia Durand is co-founder and director of Uncomfortable Oxford, Doctoral Researcher at the Centre for Global and Imperial History at the Rothermere American Institute, a Librarian at the Vere Harmsworth Library, and a Senior Scholar at Pembroke College, Oxford.

Waqas Mirza is executive secretary of Uncomfortable Oxford, Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Medieval and Modern Languages, a Junior Teaching Fellow for the Ashmolean Museum’s Krasis Program, and a Teaching Assistant & Senior Scholar at Lincoln College, Oxford.

Funders: AHRC-TORCH Graduate Fund 2018, AHRC-TORCH Graduate Fund 2019, Oxford Hub - Social Enterprise starting grant.

Uncomfortable Oxford is an independent organisation and not part of Oxford University.

 For more on Uncomfortable Oxford , including booking tours and events, accessing free learning resources, and to discuss potential collaborations, visit their website

‘If this tour doesn’t get you thinking, nothing will. A brilliant 90 minutes.’

 Chris Harvey, Organisational Development and Learning Manager, Oxford City Council

The Original Uncomfortable Oxford™ Tour

The Original Uncomfortable Oxford™ Tour

Carfax Tower

  • University Church of St. Mary the Virgin
  • All Souls College
  • Weston Library
  • Sheldonian Theatre
  • Balliol College - Admission not included
  • Faculty of History, University of Oxford - Admission not included
  • Westgate Oxford

How to get there?

Queen Street, Oxford, OX1 1ET

Select date and session

No booking fees

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oxford uncomfortable tour

Tour Descriptions

Our tours are a unique and engaging way to discover Oxford.

​We run several tours on different themes, check them out below! 


Original Uncomfortable Oxford Tour™

The perfect introductory tour of Oxford, covering its main sites and complex history.

Haunted Oxford - Ghost Tour

Haunted Oxford - Ghost Tour

Join us for a tour of Oxford's ghost tales and learn why the past still haunts us today.

Follow the Money - Walking Tour

Follow the Money - Walking Tour

Can money ever be 'clean'? Unpack the ongoing controversies surrounding Oxford's wealth.

Hidden Histories - Walking Tour

Hidden Histories - Walking Tour

Discover the diverse heritage of the City of Dreaming spires.

History of Medicine - Walking Tour

History of Medicine - Walking Tour

Dissect the long history of medical research and practice in Oxford.

Uncomfortable Ashmolean - Museum Tour

Uncomfortable Ashmolean - Museum Tour

Explore the 'uncomfortable' side of the Ashmolean Museum.

Curiosity & Colonialism - Museum Tour

Curiosity & Colonialism - Museum Tour

Unravel the imperial entanglements between museums, knowledge, and power.

Medieval Oxford - Walking Tour

Medieval Oxford - Walking Tour

Go back in time to explore Oxford's origins as a medieval town.

Bespoke Tours

Have a special project or event in mind? Send us an enquiry with a brief description and we will get back to you soon!

Thanks for contacting us! We will aim to respond within a few days.


The Uncomfortable Oxford Tour

Uncomfortable Oxford logo

The streets of Oxford were filled with curious activities during the Ideas Festival that ran from October 12-22, 2018. One event that truly stood out was ‘The Uncomfortable Oxford Tour’ - an initiative by two Doctor of Philosophy candidates in the Department of History. Olivia Durand and Paula Larsson met this summer at the TORCH-led Public Engagement with Research Summer School and they developed a plan to implement walking tours in Oxford that raised ‘uncomfortable’ discussions about the built urban landscape and its connection to imperialism, colonialism, and global histories of oppression and inequality. Although some uncomfortable tours already exist in Liverpool, Bristol, and London, they remain a rare feature in the United Kingdom and had yet to be given on the streets of Oxford.

The tour’s premise was “Oxford is a place of knowledge, and therefore it is a place of power.” Rarely has power not been accompanied by violence and exploitation, and with the global prominence of the city and University, it is unsurprising that this violence must be conceptualised on a global scale. The tour lasted for two hours and was designed to raise topics in Oxford’s history which are often ignored in the regular walking tours that engage Oxford’s annual influx of tourists. It began with the founding of the city, tracing the history from its earliest military invasions, the establishment of the University, and the power struggles that helped define the transnational relationship Oxford established with the wider world. It raised questions about memorialisation and the politics of memory in the built environment, and ultimately asked participants - how should we engage with these histories in the public space?


Questions about Oxford’s imperial past have made headlines many times in the past few years. The Rhodes Must Fall campaign was a powerful voice calling for change in how the University of Oxford and its constituent colleges address their storied past. 'The Uncomfortable Oxford Tour' took a different approach – instead of calling on the University, it looked towards the public. The public was not defined simply as the body of students and researchers from the University. It was the population living in the city itself, as well as visitors and tourists interested in undertaking a tour in which their personal input would be part of the learning process. The city is a public space that extends beyond the walls of the University - this fact often gets overlooked when discussions are undertaken about decolonisation of the city. By running the tour as an open, free walking tour, engagement between locals, tourists, and University members developed into a powerfully engaging discussion about our shared history.

The well-known sights of the city – in particular Cecil Rhodes’ statue, the Codrington library, the Rhodes House – were featured in the tour, but it also went deeper into the narrative by incorporating stops at Bonn Square, the Indian Institute, the Natural History Museum, and the Weston library. The alternance of explanation, questions, and open discussion ensured that the public felt involved throughout the process. The goal was to start a conversation, and to engage with the difficulty of providing definitive answers.

Public enthusiasm for the tour was seen in the participation of over 300 people by the end of the festival. Larsson and Durand choose to donate all tips received during the tour to support the local charity Homeless Oxfordshire . Homelessness, and the city’s history of wealth, privilege and inequality, was one of the last topics covered in the tour. A total of £750 in donations was raised, which according to the charity, will help it in its mission to provide more than 150 beds to the population of Oxfordshire currently experiencing rough sleeping or precarious situations.

'The Uncomfortable Oxford Tour' has now been officially founded as the Uncomfortable Oxford Project [UnOx Project] . It is an open working group for anyone who wishes to help create and engage with similar initiatives. The progression of the project and the collaboration between local Oxford residents and University members from a variety of academic institutes is an important display of the benefits of removing symbolic boundaries which often create barriers to discussion. The group has already established relationships with the Pitt Rivers Museum, and the Oxford University-based groups Race and Resistance, and Common Ground, to discuss how best to collaborate and combine their activities. The UnOx Project held its first meeting on Nov. 27, 2018, at the History Faculty, to share ideas on expanding the existing tour through subject-focused itineraries. Additionally, the UnOx Project has already put in place special events for the first semester of 2019.


Future plans include collaboration in January 2019 with a visiting graduate group from New York University, on ‘Anti-racism and decolonial practice.’ The day will feature a shortened version of the tour, followed by a roundtable discussion. At the end of January, UnOx will bring in speakers for a half-day ‘Teaching Public History’ workshop for interested doctoral students who want to help run the project, and generally want to get a better understanding of what makes public history engaging. UnOx will host a lecture event in collaboration with the Geography Department on the imperial legacy of Halford John Mackinder, whose name is still associated today with the Chair of Geography.

In June 2019, the Pitt Rivers Museum will bring in members of UnOx to run a daily exhibit tour during its ‘Refugee week’ in the context of its forthcoming exhibition on the ‘Jungle’ of Calais. UnOx will link today’s immigration and refugee movements with the colonial and imperial past as represented by the collection of objects inside of the museum.

Finally, UnOx aims to be involved with education, access, and outreach in a number of other events throughout 2019. It will host engagement activities throughout access week and is developing a collaboration with the locally based Oxford Hub. It also plans to host a discussion on wealth and inequality, in partnership with the Homeless Oxfordshire charity Durand and Larsson have already worked with.

The short-term goal for the UnOx Project is to establish the tours on a semi-permanent basis in Oxford, as well as bringing together individuals who are interested in Oxford’s uncomfortable past, or are researching it within and beyond the University. By involving diverse groups of students and members of the public, the hope is that the project will outlast the time its founders are spending at the University for their doctorate and will become an enduring and engaging feature of Oxford as a public and historical space.

For more information, please email: [email protected]  

Our website: The Uncomfortable Oxford Project

Follow us on Facebook and talk to us on Twitter: @UnOxProject


Odyssey Magazine

Oxford: Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour

Set out on an eye-opening exploration of Oxford’s obscured narratives with the ‘Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour’. This intriguing experience unearths untold stories of the city’s past, shedding light on uncomfortable truths.

Led by knowledgeable guides, you will navigate through Oxford’s historic streets, uncovering hidden layers beneath its picturesque facade. From the echoing halls of prestigious colleges to the bustling market squares, this tour offers a fresh perspective on the city’s rich heritage.

Curious to discover more about Oxford’s complex history?

Oxford: Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour - Key Points

  • Immersive exploration of uncomfortable histories in Oxford
  • Engaging content led by expert researcher
  • Interactive learning journey challenging perceptions
  • Significant locations visited shedding light on challenging narratives

Here's some more nearby activities we've reviewed

  • Oxford University Walking Tour With University Alumni Guide
  • Oxford Official University & City Tour
  • Downton Abbey and the Cotswolds
  • Oxford Sightseeing River Cruise Along The University Regatta Course

Tour Details

Oxford: Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour - Tour Details

The Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour offers an immersive experience delving into uncomfortable histories , lasting 1.5 hours and priced from Kč 578 per person.

Engaging content is a cornerstone of this tour, providing participants with a deep dive into the historical context surrounding Oxford’s past. Visitors can expect to explore the tensions between town and gown while engaging with an expert researcher throughout the journey.

The tour not only takes guests to iconic city sights but also uncovers uncomfortable histories of empire, inequality , and discrimination . By intertwining historical narratives with present-day relevance, this tour offers a unique and thought-provoking experience for those seeking to understand Oxford’s complex past in a more profound way.

Activity Description

Oxford: Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour - Activity Description

Uncovering the uncomfortable histories of empire, inequality , and discrimination , the Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour offers participants an engaging and immersive 1.5-hour experience priced from Kč 578 per person. This interactive learning journey takes visitors through significant locations such as Carfax Tower, Rhodes Statue , All Souls College , and more , shedding light on the deep-rooted complexities of Oxford’s past. Engage with a trained tour guide who will provide insights into the tensions between town and gown, while exploring iconic city sights. Participants will also receive a souvenir sticker and a reading list curated by University experts for further exploration. The tour promises to challenge perceptions and spark meaningful conversations about the city’s history.

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Meeting Point & Logistics

Oxford: Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour - Meeting Point & Logistics

Located at the base of Carfax Tower on Queen Street, participants of the Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour will find their guide in a bright blue vest and an Uncomfortable Oxford branded tote bag, ready to lead them on a thought-provoking journey through the city. Directional signage around the meeting point will assist in locating the group easily.

It’s recommended to arrive at least 10 minutes early for group coordination . The walking distance is less than 2km, but be prepared for some uneven pavement and city center crowding. The guide will ensure a smooth experience, but participants should stay alert for any safety instructions during the tour.

With efficient logistics and a knowledgeable guide, attendees are set for an enlightening exploration of Oxford’s uncomfortable histories.

Important Information

Oxford: Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour - Important Information

For a comfortable and enjoyable experience on the Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour, participants should remember to wear comfortable shoes and dress appropriately for the weather. This will ensure they can fully engage with the tour insights and cultural impact presented by the expert guide.

The tour covers 2km, including street crossings and cobblestones, so comfortable footwear is essential. Despite the weather conditions, the tour runs rain or shine, allowing visitors to explore uncomfortable histories of empire, inequality, and discrimination.

Customer Reviews

Oxford: Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour - Customer Reviews

Travelers have consistently praised the Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour for its unique and interactive approach to exploring uncomfortable histories and tensions within the city.

The tour’s focus on interactive engagement allows participants to delve deeper into the historical exploration of empire, inequality, and discrimination. Customers appreciate the opportunity to engage with an expert researcher while visiting iconic city sights like Carfax Tower, Rhodes Statue , and Balliol College.

Reviews highlight the tour’s ability to provoke thought and discussion, making it a valuable experience for couples, groups of friends , solo travelers , and families. The positive feedback underscores the tour’s effectiveness in shedding light on challenging historical narratives and prompting meaningful reflections on Oxford’s complex past.

Oxford: Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour - Directions

Exploring the heart of Oxford’s historical sites, visitors embarking on the Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour can expect an insightful journey through the city’s complex past starting from the base of Carfax Tower. Navigational tips and local landmarks play a crucial role in enhancing the tour experience. Below are some key directions to guide participants through this immersive exploration:

Here's a few more nearby tours and experiences we have reviewed.

  • Private Oxford Walking Tour With University Alumni Guide
  • Oxford Bike Tour With Student Guide
  • Oxford Scenic Cycle Tour- 2 Persons Minimum Summer Season
  • Afternoon Tea Sightseeing River Cruise in Oxford
  • Private Harry Potter Film Locations Walking Tour
  • Short Oxford Family Friendly Tour

Additional Information

Oxford: Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour - Additional Information

Upon arrival at the meeting point near Carfax Tower, participants of the Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour can expect to receive detailed information about the tour’s itinerary and key highlights. Further insights into the uncomfortable histories of empire, inequality, and discrimination will be provided, allowing participants to delve deeper into the historical context of Oxford.

The tour aims to uncover tensions between town and gown, exploring iconic city sights such as Carfax Tower, Rhodes Statue, All Souls College, and more . Plus, a reading list by University experts will be given post-tour for those interested in expanding their knowledge further. This additional information enhances the experience by offering a comprehensive understanding of Oxford’s complex history.

Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby

  • Discover Oxfords Timeless Tales: In-App Audio Tour
  • Oxford: Self-Guided Highlights Walking Tour With Mobile App
  • Private Oxford Cycle Tour 2.5-3 Hours (Min 2 People))
  • Oxford: Town & Gown Walking Tour
  • Oxford: Self-Guided City Sightseeing Treasure Hunt
  • Oxford University: Guided Small Group Walking Tour
  • Morse, Lewis and Endeavour Walking Tour of Oxford
  • Oxford: University Walking Tour With Christ Church Visit
  • Cirencester’s Tall Tales and Hidden History: A Self-Guided Audio Tour
  • Oxford, Blenheim Palace & Bicester Village: Luxury Day Tour
  • Oxford: River Cruise With 3-Course Meal

Oxford: Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour - Last Words

Experience Oxford in a whole new light with the Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour. Explore the city’s complex past, uncovering uncomfortable histories of empire and discrimination.

With expert researchers leading the way, you will explore iconic landmarks and gain a unique perspective on Oxford’s heritage.

Don’t miss out on this thought-provoking journey that promises to challenge your perceptions and spark important conversations.

Lace up your shoes and get ready to confront Oxford’s challenging narratives on this enlightening tour.

New Tour Launch: Unnatual Histories

Join us for a unique tour of the Natural History Museum in Oxford! We'll explore how human influence and selective choice shape the narrative of natural history museums, offering an 'unnatural' perspective on their historical and ideological foundations.

Private Tours

Small private tours for friends, families, or company events up to 8 people read more.

  • Accessibility
  • Cancellation

Book a private tour for your friends, family, group, or company outing. Select your preferred time and day that works best for your schedule.

All our tours are led by University researchers who have completed our official Uncomfortable Oxford training programme. Our guides combine expert knowledge and performance, ensuring each tour is a fun and educational experience.

All of our tours can be booked privately for small groups (up to 8 participants) and large groups (up to 20 participants).


We believe in promoting equality and ensuring that all our services are fair and sensitive to the needs of all participants. Our guides undertake rigorous accessibility training and are ready to adapt content and itineraries as needed to accommodate participants of all abilities.

  • All tours are wheelchair accessible, but please note some mildly uneven pavement and crowding in the city centre, especially on weekends.
  • Service animals are welcome on all tours.
  • Caregivers and accessibility aids are welcome to attend tours for free, with no need to register.
  • The total distance walked during each tour is less than one mile. Each tour includes moments for sitting/leaning against walls, and toilets are available at certain points along the routes.
  • We do not usually use amplifying audio equipment, but can arrange to do this upon request and with advance notice. Please inform your guide if any visual or hearing accommodations are needed and they will keep this in mind throughout the tour.

Please let us know of any accessibility requirements when you book.

Read our full accessibility policy .

Private group bookings can be cancelled for a full refund up to 72 hours or 3 working days before the scheduled tour time. After this, refunds or rescheduling will be provided at the discretion of the company and cancellations will forfeit the booking fee in full.

Private Bookings

Our city tours.

An Uncomfortabble Oxford Guide stands in front of the Cecil Rhodes statue and talks to tour attendees.

The Original Uncomfortable Oxford™ Tour


History of Medicine Tour


Follow the Money Tour


Hidden Histories Tour


Mediaeval Oxford Tour

A dark and cloudy night in front of the Radcliffe Camera Library with a ghostly moon in the background.

Haunted Oxford Tour

Our museum tours.


Uncomfortable Ashmolean Tour

Unnatural-Histories-Tour People looking over artefacts in an Oxford Museum

Unnatural Histories Tour

We offer private booking for all of our tours. Check out our tours page for more information about the options available.

To book a private tour, please click here.

Our tours are designed by academic researchers to be uniquely fun and engaging experiences which provide an overview on specific topics. We spend months researching, designing, and training guides on each tour before its launch for a public audience.  We do not recommend altering the content or route, because there is a risk of weakening the structure of the itinerary and the core pedagogical purpose of the tour. However, if you wish to make adjustments or request customisations, please contact us here and we can discuss particular details.

We do not have any company vehicles or bicycles for pick up.  As each tour starts at a different meeting point, the best option is to meet the guide directly at the meeting point so that there is enough time for the tour.

All our tours last between 1 to 1.5 hours. You can request a longer or shorter tour if you like, by getting in touch with us here .

Our tours are offered in English only, although you are welcome to bring a translator along for private bookings and the guides know to pause when needed to allow time for interpretation.

We allow up to 8 people on our small private tour bookings. However if you have a larger group you can instead book a group tour on our group bookings page.

For private or group bookings, we allow for cancellation with a full refund up to 72 hours before the scheduled start of the tour. Any cancellations after this time will result in a forfeiture of the booking fee.

We appreciate at least one week’s notice for private bookings, but can sometimes handle last minute requests.

We are a small business and do not have a full time customer support phone number. To get in touch, please email us at [email protected] , or send us a message through social media on our facebook or twitter page. One of our staff members will endeavour to respond within 24 hours.

You can read reviews from participants on our Trip Advisor listing or on our Google profile .

Subject —Please choose an option— Tour bookings Refunds or rescheduling Collaborations & Partnerships Media & interview requests Other

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  1. Uncomfortable Oxford Tours

    Our tours of Oxford aim to shed light on the lesser-known aspects of history, bringing attention to uncomfortable truths or historical figures that are often overlooked or forgotten in modern narratives. We ask questions about the landscape and its beauty, as well as who gets to be represented in its statues, street names, and memorials.

  2. Public Tours

    We take you on a unique journey through the historic city centre, offering an engaging and rich walking tour on the complex history that helped shape the beauty and grandeur of the Oxford landscape. Our tours provide newcomers with a good introduction to the city while going beyond the traditional narratives, highlighting histories of race ...

  3. The Original Uncomfortable Oxford™ Tour

    All our tours are led by University researchers who have completed our official Uncomfortable Oxford training programme. Our guides combine expert knowledge and performance, ensuring each tour is a fun and educational experience. Tour recommended for children age 12 and older. Please note that the itinerary can vary slightly depending on time ...

  4. 2024 (Oxford) The Original Uncomfortable Oxford™ Tour

    Oxford University Walking Tour With University Alumni Guide. from. $32.14. per adult. Private | Oxford Uni Walking Tour w/opt New College Entry. from. $321.50. per group (up to 6) Tours of Oxford private walking tours for the Discerning Traveler.

  5. Home

    Uncomfortable Oxford Walking Tours. HISTORY WALKED DIFFERENTLY. Discover the stories beneath the spires, uncovering the unheard voices from Oxford's past. In our unique walking tours, we will take you beyond traditional narratives, highlighting histories of race, gender, class, and legacies of empire. Founded by history students, our tours are ...

  6. Exploring 'uncomfortable' Oxford

    Uncomfortable Oxford started by organising public walking tours which introduced people to hidden and uncomfortable aspects of the city's past and present. Based on rigorous academic research, the tours looked behind the obvious facades and landmarks to explore the networks of power, privilege and wealth that have formed Oxford over centuries - and influence it today.

  7. Tour Schedule

    See the full schedule of our upcoming tours, including our signature Original Uncomfortable Oxford Tour.

  8. The Original Uncomfortable Oxford™ Tour (Oxford) Tickets

    Get your tickets for The Original Uncomfortable Oxford™ Tour! Highlights 🚶 Dive into Oxford's hidden histories of empire, inequality, and discrimination on a thought-provoking 1.5hr walking tour. 🏛️ Explore stunning landmarks and colleges while uncovering the legacy of race, class, and gender issues in Oxford.

  9. Oxford: Original Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour

    The perfect introductory tour of Oxford, this tour engages with the politics of memory in the city and university. It covers histories of empire, inequality, and race, class, and gender discrimination, highlighting how these legacies have an enduring impact on our modern lives.

  10. Uncomfortable Oxford Tours

    The Original Uncomfortable Oxford™ Tour. 63. Historical Tours. 90-100 minutes. Uncomfortable Oxford takes a unique approach to the walking tour format - both fun and thoughtful, we encourage analysis…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 95% of travelers. from. $23.

  11. 2024 The Original Uncomfortable Oxford™ Tour

    The Original Uncomfortable Oxford™ Tour. 5. The Original Uncomfortable Oxford™ Tour provided by Uncomfortable Oxford Tours. Oxford. Oxford Tourism Oxford Hotels Oxford Bed and Breakfast Oxford Vacation Rentals Flights to Oxford Oxford Restaurants Things to Do in Oxford Oxford Travel Forum Oxford Photos Oxford Map.

  12. Tours

    Join our Original Uncomfortable Oxford Tour today! Discover the stories beneath the spires, uncovering the unheard voices from Oxford's past. Join our Original Uncomfortable Oxford Tour today! top of page. This site was designed with the .com. website builder. Create your website today.

  13. Uncomfortable Oxford

    Uncomfortable Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire. 3,679 likes · 5 talking about this. Uncomfortable Oxford runs walking tours on the 'uncomfortable' aspects of Oxford's past - Join us

  14. About

    Choosing an Uncomfortable Oxford Tour offers a unique and thought-provoking experience that challenges your perspective, promotes empathy, and fosters a deeper understanding of important social issues. While traditional tours often focus on the highlights and beauty of the city, our uncomfortable tours aim to shed light on the lesser-known ...

  15. Uncomfortable Oxford

    Uncomfortable Oxford. Uncomfortable Oxford LTD is a social enterprise and tour guide organisation operating in the city of Oxford, England, with sister branches in York and Cambridge. Founded in 2018 by Oxford University DPhil history students, the goal of the tours was to highlight the history of imperialism, gender and class inequalities ...

  16. Oxford: The Uncomfortable Oxford™ Tour

    The perfect introductory tour of Oxford, this tour of the city centre engages with historical memory in the city and university.

  17. The Uncomfortable Oxford Tour

    The Uncomfortable Oxford Tour. The streets of Oxford were filled with curious activities during the Ideas Festival that ran from October 12-22, 2018. One event that truly stood out was 'The Uncomfortable Oxford Tour' - an initiative by two Doctor of Philosophy candidates in the Department of History. Olivia Durand and Paula Larsson met this ...

  18. The Original Uncomfortable Oxford™ Tour

    The tour's itinerary offers a captivating journey through Oxford's historical landmarks and thought-provoking sites. Visitors explore the city's past, exploring perspectives and historical controversies. Carfax Tower: Gain an overview of Oxford's historic divide.; University Church of St. Mary the Virgin: Explore controversies surrounding the statue of Cecil Rhodes.

  19. The Original Uncomfortable Oxford™ Tour from US$23.23

    Overview. Uncomfortable Oxford takes a unique approach to the walking tour format - both fun and thoughtful, we encourage analysis and discussion about uncomfortable subjects within the city. This walking tour engages with the politics of memory in the city and university. It covers histories of empire, inequality, and race, class, and gender ...

  20. Oxford: Uncomfortable Oxford™ Walking Tour

    Buckle up for a thought-provoking journey through Oxford's hidden narratives, where uncomfortable truths await at every turn.

  21. Private Tours

    Book a private tour for your friends, family, group, or company outing. Select your preferred time and day that works best for your schedule. All our tours are led by University researchers who have completed our official Uncomfortable Oxford training programme. Our guides combine expert knowledge and performance, ensuring each tour is a fun and educational experience.

  22. Uncomfortable Oxford: Hidden Histories Tour

    Uncomfortable Oxford is an organisation that employs Oxford University students to lead walking tours and educate people about the town's uncomfortable history. The organisation also highlights those whose accomplishments have been overlooked. On March 5th, I went on Uncomfortable Oxford's "Hidden Histories" tour and heard several ...

  23. Oxford: Original Uncomfortable Oxford Walking Tour

    Step into the vibrant city of Oxford and embark on a thought-provoking adventure with the 'Oxford: Original Uncomfortable Oxford Walking Tour.'