tas tepeler tours

How bread came to mankind: It's a long story but.......

There are parts of the world where the mystical and sacred intersect with the mundane and profane , which gently exhale a sacred breath and while they attract veneration and respect from different peoples and cultures through time, they quietly endure. Anatolia, especially south east Anatolia, is such a place. Its subtle, sometimes barely visible, network of myth, legend, faith and sanctity goes back to the dawn of time before agriculture, before writing and before bread and it’s not until you disturb the dust of today that you start to see the deep roots of this place and the amazing antiquity of what is here. It is not just the stunning sites of Göbekli Tepe , Karahan Tepe or the other sites now emerging in the Tas Tepeler region and which go back 12,000 years or more.

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You can find one here, outside the ancient city of Mardin , hidden beneath the Syriac Monastery of Deyrul Zafaran, also known as the Saffron Monastery. As Christianity expanded and supplanted the old religions, it took on the sacred sites of ancient custom and veneration. The Monastery is located on the site of a temple dedicated to the Mesopotamian sun god Shamash, which was then converted into a citadel by the Romans. After the Romans withdrew from the fortress, Syriac Christians transformed it into a monastery in 493 AD, but an important part of the temple remains.

tas tepeler tours

Shamash, sometimes known as Utu, was believed to see everything that happened in the world every day. Because he saw everything he was considered responsible for justice and the protection of travellers. As a divine judge, he was also associated with the underworld.

tas tepeler tours

To reach the temple, one descends beneath the monastery building into what looks at first glance to be a cave or cellar with a low stone block ceiling. This is the oldest part of the structure here today and it goes back possibly as far as 1,000 BC.

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Article continued below…..

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The faithful Sun worshippers were known as Shamsi or Shamasi, and followed a monolatric path. In other words, while they accepted the existence of many Gods, they acknowledged the primacy of one and worshipped that God alone.

The space that is the temple is disturbingly low and there is an unsettling sagging bulge along the ceiling’s centre line. However it has been there for at least 3000 years, and with about 3 metres of soil, compacted overburden and then the monastery building itself above, it is safe to assume that the structure is sound.

The secret, which you will only see as you descend the stairs and turn to enter the space can be observed in the structure of the ceiling. It is all held up by what is called a Jack Arch.  Unlike regular arches, jack arches are not semi-circular in form. Instead, they are flat in profile and while they work to the same principles as a regular arch, are used in the same way lintels are used.

tas tepeler tours

Unlike lintels, which are subject to bending stress, jack arches are composed of individual masonry elements cut or formed into a wedge shape that use the compressive strength of the masonry and supports on either side. Like regular arches, jack arches require a mass of masonry on either side to absorb the considerable lateral thrust created by the arch. They look wrong, but with the side supports they are very strong and this Temple to Shamash, is supported on either side by the earth itself and is oriented to the east and the rising God himself.

The chamber has a window to the outside wall facing eastward, where the sun rises and would prompt the Shamsi to begin their daily ritual as the God’s first rays  broke the horizon and flooded the chamber with light.

Article continued below….

tas tepeler tours

But what of Shamash, or Utu? While the Shamsi worshipped Him alone, in the broader context Shamash was a personality in a Mesopotamian and Anatolian Pantheon populated with many Gods taking many forms and names. There are no known myths focusing on Him alone, but clearly He is important. He often appears in other myths as an agent of important events or as an ally of other figures in both Sumerian and Akkadian compositions. For example, in various versions of the Epic of Gilgamesh and in earlier Gilgamesh myths, he helps the eponymous hero defeat the monstrous Humbaba.

In the myth “Inanna and An”, he helps his sister, Inanna, acquire the temple of Eanna. Located in Uruk and known as “The house of Heaven” Eanna was the earthy residence of Inanna and An. Inanna is an important figure. She has a wide and encompassing portfolio in the Pantheon of Mesopotamian Deities as the Goddess of love, beauty, war, and fertility.

tas tepeler tours

She is also associated with Divine Law, sex and political power, an intriguing and potent combination. Originally worshiped in Sumer as Inanna, but later on as Ishtar by the Akkadians, Babylonians and Assyrians, she features in the Hittite Rock Sanctuary of Yazilikaya as Ishtar and Venus.

There is an intriguing link with the prehistory of this area in Shamash’s enabling role in the story “How Grain Came to Sumer”, where he is invoked to advise the divine brothers Ninazu and Ninmada. Ninazu was a Sumerian god of the underworld. He was also associated with snakes and vegetation, and with time acquired the character of a warrior god. The god Ninmada, was also associated with snakes and was called the “snake charmer of An”. The God was incarnated with both Female and Male personalities. The female Ninmada was a divine snake charmer,  the male Ninmada was called the “worshiper of An” and was regarded as a brother of the snake god Ninazu. However, in the myth “How grain came to Sumer” the brothers gift grain and flax to mankind. The story says:

“Men used to eat grass with their mouths like sheep. In those times, they did not know grain, barley or flax. An brought these down from the interior of heaven. An piled up the barley, gave it to the mountain. He piled up the bounty of the Land, gave the innuha barley to the mountain……… Let us go to the mountain, to the mountain where barley and flax grow; …… the rolling river, where the water wells up from the earth. Let us fetch the barley down from its mountain, let us introduce the innuha barley into Sumer. Let us make barley known in Sumer, which knows no barley.”

What we have here is a vibrant, if often confusing, complex corpus of mythology and legend that invokes prehistory in this region, long before literacy was known and created as a repository of culture. Not far from Mardin to the North West is Karacadağ where the first domesticated wheat emerges from its wild form, einkhorn. Also to the West are the Taş Tepeler Neolithic sites featuring among them Göbekli Tepe with its profusion of snake imagery. Emerging out of all of this is the Shamaran, half human, half snake, and a visible presence in the lives of people to this day. Enter a shop or a home and you will see an image of the Shamaran as a protector and guide of people living or working there.

tas tepeler tours

The Shahmaran’s current incarnation is as a mythical and mystical half-woman and half-snake living in a mysterious subterranean garden. Many versions of her have been featured in various legends and the stories are to be found across different cultures from Turkey to Syria, Iraq, Iran, the Caucuses and into Central Asia.

The story of the Shamaran, and her message, is about love, betrayal, forgiveness and faith but it’s also a warning against the perils of greed.

tas tepeler tours

For fans of fantasy drama, check out the new Netflix series Shahmaran, we’ve put the links here for you.

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From Sun Temples to Mystical Gods and Beyond. Your next adventure is waiting for you. Thank you for reading our travel journal. We would love to hear from you if you have experiences of this amazing place or you would like to find out more or book your next holiday with us. Come to Turkey, the birthplace of agriculture and where bread is BIG 🙂 Sally and Nick.

Treasures of Eastern Turkey – Turkey Tour Agency (easternturkeytour.org)

What is the Silk Road – The Silk Road across Turkey (easternturkeytour.org)

Eastern Turkey Excursions – The Grand Tour of Eastern Turkey (easternturkeytour.org)

Regions of Turkey map

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Viaje Göbeklitepe, Taş Tepeler, Monte Nemrut - 3 Días - 2 Noches

  • Información

Day 1 : Göbeklitepe - Museo Arqueológico de Şanlıurfa - Tas Tepeler

Después de llegar al aeropuerto GAP Urfa con un vuelo temprano por la mañana, nuestro guía lo recibirá a la salida y nos dirigiremos a un restaurante local para un rico desayuno que consiste en delicias locales. (no incluido)

Después del desayuno, visitaremos la mezquita Halil-Ür Rahman , la mezquita Rızvaniye, la mezquita Mevlid-i Halil, el lago Ayn-el Zeliha y el lago Balıklıgöl , Halil-Ür Rahman, donde se dice que el profeta Abraham fue arrojado al fuego. y los leños ardientes se convirtieron en peces, mientras que el fuego se convirtió en agua. También visitaremos la cueva donde nació el Profeta Abraham. Otros lugares históricos para visitar en Urfa son el Bazar Sipahi, Mercado Kazzaz,  Bazar Hüseyiniye, Bazar Naccar, Tarihi Gümrük Inn y Ulucami (Gran Mezquita). Luego, visitaremos el Museo de Arqueología de Urfa y el Museo del Mosaico Haleplibahçe , donde se exhiben muchos artefactos históricos de las civilizaciones de Anatolia en un área interior de 29,000 metros cuadrados.

Almorzaremos en un restaurante local y visitaremos Göbeklitepe, ubicado en la región de Taş Tepeler , el templo más antiguo del mundo con una historia de 12.000 años, que se remonta a la Edad de Piedra. Se cree que Göbeklitepe , uno de los descubrimientos arqueológicos más importantes de nuestro tiempo, es el primer centro de peregrinación del mundo, ya que reescribe la historia.

Durante nuestro recorrido aquí, nuestro guía responderá las siguientes preguntas sobre el área: ¿Quién construyó Göbeklitepe hace 12,000 años y por qué? ¿Por qué Göbeklitepe, el templo más antiguo del mundo, fue abandonado y enterrado con tierra a propósito? La tecnología y el conocimiento matemático utilizados para construir el Templo con megalitos de roca que pesan 16 toneladas sigue siendo un misterio.  Al final del recorrido, iremos a nuestro hotel y realizaremos el check-in. Alojamiento en hotel Sanliurfa . ( Cena )

Tradicional Urfa Sıra Gecesi : En nuestros viajes a Urfa, asistimos a Noches de Sıra (Sıra Gecesi), que es un entretenimiento a la hora de la cena con música y bailes que es sinónimo de Şanlıurfa.

Day 2 : Paseo en barco Halfeti - Mounth Nemrut – Adıyaman

Hoy, después del desayuno, visitaremos Halfeti, fundada por el rey asirio Salmanasar III en 855 a. C. Esta antigua ciudad fue gobernada por muchas civilizaciones a lo largo de su historia, incluidos Hititas, Asirios , Meds, Persas, Seléucidas, Hititas,  y Partos. Muchas partes de la antigua Halfeti, la única región del mundo donde se cultivan rosas negras, han sido inundadas por la presa de Bilecik. Durante nuestro viaje en bote por el lago, veremos, Rumkale (Castillo Romano), que se cree que es el lugar donde el apóstol de Jesús, Johannes, reprodujo copias de la Biblia. Las ruinas de Rumkale tienen características tardorromanas y medievales. La propia Rumkale presenta una vista magnífica con los restos de antiguas cisternas de agua, la iglesia de St. Nerses y el monasterio de Barşavma. Terminaremos nuestro recorrido en barco después de ver el minarete hundido y el pueblo y nos dirigiremos hacia el monte Nemrut de Adıyaman . Almorzamos en restaurante local.

Monte Nemrut donde se encuentran el túmulo del rey Antiochus I de Commagene y las enormes estatuas de cabezas. Este lugar será uno de los aspectos más destacados de todo el viaje. Con la narración de nuestro guía, admiraremos la historia de la región. Veremos el Túmulo Karakuş y el Puente Cendere en el camino. Después de un poco de escalada llegamos a la cima del monte Nemrut. Veremos las esculturas de Zeus , Apollon, Heracles, Antiochhos Commagene, Eagle y Lion en la terraza este de la cumbre de Nemrut. El túmulo del rey Antíoco I de Commagene está en la parte superior. También veremos los altares y esculturas en la terraza occidental. Es imposible no dejarse impresionar por la magnífica vista y la belleza de las colosales estatuas en la cima del Monte Nemrut . Estamos viendo la magnífica puesta de sol en una atmósfera mística entre las estatuas de Dios. El final de la gira de Nemrut Mounth.  Estamos viendo la magnífica puesta de sol en una atmósfera mística entre las estatuas de Dios. Llegada y alojamiento en Adiyaman. (Desayuno - Cena)

Day 3 : Gaziantep - Museo del Mosaico de Zeugma – Salida

Después del desayuno continuamos Gaziantep. Al llegar a Gaziantep, haremos una pausa para el almuerzo para disfrutar de los deliciosos platos regionales. Luego, visitaremos el segundo museo de mosaicos más grande del mundo, Zeugma Mosaic Museum , donde los mosaicos desenterrados en la antigua ciudad de Zeugma en el Éufrates, el mundialmente famoso mosaico Gypsy Girl y la estatua del dios de la guerra, Ares, se exhiben. La antigua ciudad de Zeugma en el Éufrates, que vivió su apogeo alrededor del año 256 d.C. durante el período romano, fue completamente destruida por los sasánidas. Los otros lugares históricos que visitaremos en Gaziantep son el castillo de Antep, Zincirli Bedesten, el antiguo bazar de caldereros, Gümrük Han y la cafetería más antigua de la región de Tahmis, donde daremos un café. Mientras tanto, puede comprar; te recomendamos que pruebes el favorito de Antep, Baklava con relleno de pistacho. Al final de nuestro recorrido por Gaziantep, será trasladado al aeropuerto de Gaziantep . (Desayuno)

  • Private Prices

15 April - 15 November Gold Package

Traslados privados al aeropuerto, 2 noches de alojamiento en régimen de alojamiento y desayuno, todos los tours según itinerario., entradas a museos y áreas de excavación., guía turístico profesional durante la duración del recorrido., vehículo privado climatizado con conductor experimentado., cena nocturna sıra en urfa, gastos personales, desayuno el día de llegada, boletos de vuelos domésticos, seguro de viaje, propinas para el guía y conductor ( no obligatorio ).

HOTELES Hoteles Paquete Oro Şanlıurfa (1) - Nevali Hotel 5* Adiyaman (1) - White Star Hotel 4*

Paquete Plata Hoteles Şanlıurfa (1) - Grand Gulizar Hotel 4* Adiyaman (1) - White Star Hotel 4* Nota: Los hoteles de muestra se confirman en la fecha de reserva en caso de disponibilidad. De lo contrario, se reservan hoteles similares. ____________________________________

Política de cancelación - Para cancelaciones realizadas 30 días antes del tour, devolución del 100%. (Excepto Comisión Bancaria) - Para cancelaciones realizadas 29 - 15 días antes del tour, devolución del 50%. (Excepto Comisión Bancaria) - Para cancelaciones realizadas 14 – 11 días antes del tour, devolución del 30%. - No se realizarán devoluciones en reservas realizadas 10 días antes del tour. %100 Penalización aplicada. ____________________________________

Observaciones - El seguro médico de viaje es obligatorio. - Los hoteles de muestra se confirman en la fecha de reserva en caso de disponibilidad. De lo contrario,   se reservan hoteles similares. - En caso de mal tiempo, escasez de tiempo, embotellamientos y situaciones similares, el Guía podrá realizar cambios en el programa del tour. - Las ubicaciones dadas en el itinerario se pueden cambiar con otros lugares si están cerrados. - Durante los recorridos, caminará aproximadamente 2 km todos los días en caminos irregulares y    superficies de adoquines, inclinaciones y escalones. - Es obligatorio llevar ropa cómoda, zapatos planos para caminar, gorra, anteojos de sol y bloqueador solar. en los meses de verano y chubasquero, ropa de abrigo, calzado de invierno, paraguas, etc. en invierno. - El orden de los sitios visitados puede cambiar para evitar las aglomeraciones. - Deberá tener su pasaporte en el momento del check-in para todos los vuelos nacionales. - Los vuelos domésticos son en clase económica. Límite de equipaje 15 Kg.

DESTACADOS Sanliurfa Gobeklitepe Taş tepeler Karahantepe Museo Sanlıurfa Lago del profeta Abraham Mezquita Halil ul Rahmen castillo de urfa Gaziantep Halfeti Museo del Mosaico Zeugma Monte Nemrut Adiyaman

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  • Tour Code : ES-087
  • Duration : 3 Días
  • Start : Şanlıurfa, Türkiye
  • End : Gaziantep, Türkiye
  • Tour Season : 15 March - 15 November
  • Transfer : Vehículo
  • Distance : 650 Km

Tour de Senderismo Capadocia Turquía - 8 Días

Tour de Senderismo Capadocia Turquía - 8 Días

Tour privado de día completo a Éfeso - 1 Día

Tour privado de día completo a Éfeso - 1 Día

Tour de Turquía por el Mar Negro - 8 Días

Tour de Turquía por el Mar Negro - 8 Días

Tour de Estambul  / 4 Días - 3 Noches

Tour de Estambul / 4 Días - 3 Noches

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Turkish Airlines Partners with Taş Tepeler Project for Archaeological Exploration

Friday, May 17, 2024

Turkish airlines

Tags: Airline News , Archaeological , Ministry of Culture , Research Center , Taş Tepeler , Tourism of Türkiye , Travel news , Turkish Airlines , Türkiye Travel News

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Taylor Swift Brings ‘Eras Tour’ to Dublin: Which Surprise Songs Did She Perform During Acoustic Set?

Feature Taylor Swift Brings Eras Tour to Dublin Which Surprise Songs Did She Perform During Acoustic Set

Taylor Swift ’s highly anticipated acoustic set did not disappoint when her Eras Tour arrived in Dublin.

The singer, 34, is performing three shows at Aviva Stadium in Ireland on Friday, June 28, Saturday, June 29, and Sunday, June 30, in the midst of the European leg of her record-breaking tour.

While most fans have memorized the run of the show, the acoustic section gives Swift an opportunity to keep the audience on their toes by pulling from her deep catalog of songs throughout her nearly two-decade career. Even famous Swifties get a kick out of guessing which tracks the pop star will select, as Erin Andrews revealed earlier this month.

The sportscaster, 46, shared during the Tuesday, June 25, episode of her “Calm Down” podcast that she tried to get inside information on the surprise songs while attending one of Swift’s London shows.

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Related: A Guide to All of Taylor Swift's 'Eras Tour' Surprise Song Mash-Ups

“ Kylie [ Kelce ] and I are sitting there and I’m like, ‘Oh, my God, it’s gotta be ‘Black Dog.’ It’s gotta be ‘Black Dog.’ I feel like it is because ‘So Long, London’ I feel like she would’ve done last,” Andrews recalled of predicting songs from Swift’s latest album, The Tortured Poets Department .

Taylor Swift Brings Eras Tour to Dublin Which Surprise Songs Did She Perform During Acoustic Set

Andrews then consulted Kylie, 32, whose brother-in-law Travis Kelce has been dating Swift since last summer. “I was like, ‘Kylie, do you know what they are?’ And she said, ‘I don’t,’” she explained.

When Kylie was unable to give Andrews the scoop, she turned to Travis, 34. “So I said, ‘Travis! Do you know what they are?’ And he was great, whether he had a poker face or not, but he was like, ‘I think it’s an old one and then one of the new ones,’” she said.

Andrews described the moment as “adorable,” adding, “He goes, ‘And the bridge leads to this.’ I just looked at him and go, ‘The fact that you just said bridge blows my mind.’”

Every Time Taylor Swift Eras Tour Became the Errors Tour

Related: Every Time Taylor Swift’s ‘Eras Tour’ Became the ‘Errors Tour’

“I was like, ‘What about that 3-4 defense?’” she quipped. “But it was adorable. Very sweet.”

Attendees of Swift’s Sunday, June 23, concert got an additional surprise when Travis joined her on stage for her “I Can Do It With a Broken Heart” costume change. In an Instagram post the following day, she gushed that she was “still cracking up/ swooning over ” her boyfriend’s Eras Tour debut.

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Keep scrolling for a breakdown of every surprise song Swift performed at her Eras Tour shows in Dublin:

‘State of Grace’ x ‘You’re on Your Own Kid’/ ‘Sweet Nothing’ x ‘Hoax’

Swift began the surprise song section of the June 28 concert with Red’s “State of Grace” before eventually transitioning into the bridge of her fan-favorite Midnights song, “You’re on Your Own Kid.” She then made her way over to her piano, where she performed another Midnights track, “Sweet Nothing,” as the song references Wicklow, a county in Ireland. She mashed the song up with Folklore’s “Hoax.”

‘The Albatross’ x ‘Dancing With Our Hands Tied’ / ‘This Love’ x ‘Ours’

During Swift’s Saturday, June 29, concert, she proclaimed that she was excited about her guitar selection since she had never played it live before. “The Albatross” appears on April’s The Tortured Poets Department . During the live rendition, she combined it with the Reputation track. On the piano, Swift mashed up “This Love” and “Ours,” from 1989 and Speak Now , respectively.

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Proposed Itinerary: subject to change

We begin our journey meeting in Istanbul. Pick up at airport & to hotel. In the evening Orientation and “Origins of Turkish Civilization” presentation by Andrew Collins. We will visit the Sultanahmet district, called the “historical peninsula”. First we will visit Ottoman ruins and after that the Blue mosque , the most important mosque in Istanbul with its more than 20,000 handmade ceramic tiles and 200 stained glass windows. Visit Byzantine monuments including the St. Sophia Museum (Hagia Sophia, the former Byzantine Church) – the greatest example of Byzantine architecture. Then we will see the Basilica Cistern , which was the main water provider for “Constantinople”, and we will also see the Byzantine Hippodrome where we will view beautiful obelisks and columns from the Egyptian, Greek, and Roman periods .

In Ankara we visit the Anatolian Civilization Museum , and see artefacts and reconstructions from Neolithic sites such as Catal Hoyuk. We also explore the Hittite capital of Hattusa , c. 1800-1200 BC. Visit the massive city walls, Sphinx entrances, polygonal walls and polished green nephrite naval stone in the Great Temple dating from the age of the Hittite Empire (time for meditation at site). Hattusa was once the centre of the Hittite Empire, dating back to the late Bronze Age. Set in what were once rich agricultural fields and among scenic, rolling hills, the city has some fine examples of early ancient architecture. Originally the inner city was a vast array of temples and monuments, overlooked by the royal residence on the acropolis. An architectural masterpiece in its time, the city gateway was once adorned with reliefs of warriors, lions and sphinxes, framing four temples, each of which had their own courtyard. The city was destroyed, along with the Hittites themselves, in the 12th century BC. By the 20th century, the principal remains of Hittite inscriptions were found on over 10,000 tablets.

We will visit the magnificent ruins of Alaca Hoyuk , a Hittite city with origins dating back to the Chalcolithic or Copper Age. We will visit the museum, and see the extraordinary polygonal walls, like those in Peru, Easter Island and ancient Egypt.

In Cappadocia we explore the Red Valley , followed by Ortahisar Castle which offers a magnificent panorama over the fairy chimneys of Hallacdere and the snowy peak of Mt. Erciyes. Visit Uchisar natural castle and finally Goreme open air museum, capital of Turkey’s eastern province of Cappadocia , with its lunar landscape dominated by conical rock towers known as Fairy Chimneys . These fairy chimneys were formed where the resistant rock remains protecting the underlying rock directly beneath it from erosion. The mineral-rich volcanic soil is excellent for growing fruit and vegetables, making Cappadocia a rich agricultural region. It has always been one of Anatolia's prime grape-growing areas, and still boasts many productive vineyards and wineries. The Bible's New Testament tells of Cappadocia, but in fact this part of central Anatolia has been important since Hittite times, long before the time of Jesus. W e visit the enigmatic underground city of Derinkiyu , constructed perhaps as early as the last Ice Age. Derinkuyu Underground City is an ancient multi-level underground city of the Median Empire. Extending to a depth of approximately 60 m, it was large enough to shelter approximately 20,000 people together with their livestock and is the largest underground city in Turkey.

We will visit the Selime Rock Cathedral & Monastery en route to Konya. We continue on a drive towards Konya . Çatal Höyük, The worlds oldest city, and a tour around its archaeological museum, with its spectacular Çatal Höyük exhibition are included in the tour.

In southeast Anatolia we will visit the stunning Sanliurfa Archaeological Museum to see display of compelling exhibition of artefacts from Göbekli Tepe, Karahan Tepe and Nevali Cori, including the mysterious bone plaque with an artistic image of Gobekli Tepe discovered on our tour in September 2015, pictured below ( see video here ). We also see a full size reconstruction of the original site on display.

One of the most important parts of the museum is the Nevali Çori reconstruction, that was completly transported stone by stone from its original location to the museum. Also on display is the famous carved head with a Vedic looking serpent on the back of the head. See the Megalithomania film about the site below, that includes a visit to its original location, that has now been completely flooded by the Ataturk Dam.

We will explore the Tektek Mountains where we will visit Karahan Tepe , Göbekli Tepe's sister site, where some of the most extraordinary discoveries anywhere in the world are being made at this time. We explore its astronomically aligned stone enclosures and see its estimated 250 T-shaped pillars. Many of the site's more portable carvings are now on display at Sanliurfa's archaeological museum. Hugh and JJ discovered a remarkable Winter Solstice Sunrise Alignment and you can watch the video here .

Both Hugh Newman and Andrew Collins have been visiting Karahan Tepe for many years and have developed a strong knowledge of its Pre-Pottery Neolithic culture. Now that it has been excavated, there are revelations here that could rewrite history. If possible we will visit the nearby Keceli Hill , where Hugh and Andrew have previous investigated hypogeum caves and rock-cut features. Haverbetsuvan (a Tas Tepeler site near Karahan Tepe) where T-shaped pillars have been unearthed.

Visit Göbekli Tepe, the world’s oldest stone temple complex , constructed nearly 12,000 years ago, making it the oldest megalithic site on the planet. See its extraordinary rings of T-shaped standing stones with carved reliefs of birds, animals and other abstract forms. Learn its history and place in the origins of civilization.

Göbekli Tepe, the oldest place of worship in the world, is an archaeological site without equal. Prior to its discovery in 1994 and its subsequent excavation it was widely believed by anthropologists that religion evolved as a result of living in larger communities which was itself the result of the change from foraging to agriculture. However Göbekli Tepe has turned our theories of our own evolution on their head. The vast religious site dates from the hunter gatherer period and there is no evidence of any agriculture or even human habitation suggesting that it may have been the emergence of religion that lead us to civilisation and thus to agriculture. It is hard to overestimate the significance of this finding. The site contains a vast array of circular structures and huge pillars, some with beautiful limestone carvings of lions, foxes, snakes and birds, believed to be gatekeepers of the entrance to the next world. There are striking similarities to sites in Peru, Bolivia and Easter Island that Hugh has written about in an article on Graham Hancock's website ( read article here ). To date less than ten percent of the site has been excavated.

We will also take a pilgrimage to the ancient city of Harran , once the centre of Egypt’s Hermetic tradition. See its ominous Astronomical Tower , citadel and local village, and take in one of the most atmospheric sites anywhere in the world. Mentioned in the book of Genesis, Harran is believed to have once been home to the Prophet Abraham. The site of the first Islamic university in Anatolia, Harran also boasts the remains of an 8th century mosque, a citadel and some 300 year old beehive mud homes.

We will also visit the Pools of Abraham , and the birthplace of the great prophet . Urfa (a.k.a. Sanliurfa, “the prophet’s city”, or Edessa in ancient times) is the most spiritual city in East Turkey. It is a major centre for pilgrimage and its traditions are very much alive and well. The “Sanli-“ part of its name (meaning “great” or “dignified”) was awarded by the Turkish legislature in 1984 in recognition of the city’s pivotal role in the Turkish war of Independence. Of particular note for visitors are Urfa castle (the current walls were constructed by the Abbasids in 814AD), the Pool of Sacred Fish where Abraham was thrown into the fire by Nimrod, the park of mosques, the market area and Urfa museum.

If possible we will visit two more pre-pottery Neolithic sites which are part of the 'Tas Tepeler' complex, Kurt Tepesi and Sefer Tep e both where T-shaped pillars have been found and are still under excavation.

In Mardin , this is where we visit various sites of historical and mystical importance. It will be a chance to comtemplate and reflect on what has been seen and experienced across the past two weeks before finally heading out to Bonkuklu Tarla and Kortik Tepe , two very important Tas Tepeler sites in the area which we will visit if they are open to the public.

We have arranged a specifially timed sunset visit to Nemrut Dag (Nimrod’s Mountain) , but on the way stop at Karakus Timulus and Cendere Bridge. Cendere Bridge is one of the world’s oldest bridges still to be in use, constructed during the empire of Septimus Severus. Composed of 92 stones, each weighing around 10 tons, it is thought to be the second largest Roman bridge still in existence, spanning an impressive 122 metres. The bridge today appears as a simple, unadorned arch, but was originally decorated by four Corinthian columns dedicated to Septimus Severus and his wife. Mount Nemrut is the site of the original Tower of Babel and Mountain of God of biblical tradition. Gaze out over the terrestrial Paradise as enjoyed by the biblical patriarchs of the book of Genesis that is the perfect place to experience a sunrise or sunset. One of East Turkey’s most spell-binding attractions at the peak of this mountain (at over 2000m) sit enigmatic statues of a pre-Roman king, Antiochus I Theos of Commagene , and the various gods he believed to be his ancestors. The views from the summit are sublime. (NOTE it is a 20-30 minute walk up steps to reach the summit).

On the last day we fly back to Istanbul Ataturk Airport arriving at 3pm.

PLEASE NOTE THE ABOVE ITINERARY WILL NOT BE IN THIS ORDER . Email us for a detailed up-to-date schedule.

Feedback from May 2023 Tour

"The Megalithomania Turkey tour has given me the best opportunity to discuss ancient civilization theories and ideas with like-minded people for almost two weeks, visiting sites I’ve only ever seen in videos and read about in books. With expert guides who promote and inspire guests to view these sites through a different set of eyes and with an open mind, this tour is unlike any other tour in this magnificent country. The bus rides through the vast historic countryside provided a wonderful backdrop to the fascinating conversations. This has been the best tour of my life. Thank you!" - G. Haynes, Australia

“The Megalithomania Turkey Tour is a once in a lifetime trip, not to be missed. Every day was filled with mind-blowing visits ranging from highly anticipated sites such asks Goebekli Tepe to unique surprises off the beaten path. The research, raucousness and rock n roll of the Mega Holy Trinity (Andrew, Hugh and JJ) combined with the passion and knowledge of our Kurdish guide Saba created a history journey of our dreams…on steroids. To top it off, we found ourselves in the delightful company of fascinating and accomplished seekers from all over the world. An experience that has reshaped our perspective on the origins of civilization and many other aspects of life.” Michelle Bouchard, UK

"I have thoroughly enjoyed this tour. It was much, much more than expected. Andrew, Hugh and J.J. are each experts, excellent resources, friendly and comfortable to be with. I was afforded the special honor and privilege to meet the Yazidis as well and I will never forget it. I will always cherish my memories of this unique adventure. I couldn’t have had a better experience in Turkey with anyone else". Jodie Rowe, USA

Feedback from 'Origins of Civilization' Turkey Tour 2013 with guest host Graham Hancock

"It was a great trip"- Graham and Santha Hancock, UK

"It was a fabulous journey with the best of company!" - Anu Nagappa, India

"What a fabulous trip - one which we will be integrating into our minds for some time." - Terry Fitzsimmons, USA

"Thanks for a great Megalithomaniac Tour! The whole group gelled together with a great positive energy in this wonderful adventure." - Robert David, USA

"Had a great though exhausting time on the tour. It was wonderful to meet Graham and Santha and hear his lectures, also to have the opportunity to share Andrew's passion for and knowledge of so much of interest to me. Others on the tour were very interesting and such good company - it's so good to travel with like-minded souls. So impressed with Arda' efficiency and patience!! It was all really well organised and I'm sure everyone enjoyed it all." - Christine Levy, Australia

Feedback from 'Gobekli Tepe Mini-Tour' in September 2015

"Pat and I loved the Tour. We've never done anything like that before." - Harold White, USA

"Thank you Hugh and Andrew for a fabulous tour. The thing i liked best was the quality time we got at Gobeki Tepe and with each of you sharing your extensive knowledge. It warmed my heart to see how utterly enthralled Andrew is with Gobekli Tepe e as if he had lived there in a prior life and was coming home. It is one thing to enjoy and appreciate a historical site, but Andrew is in rapture. And his enthusiasm enhanced my appreciation too. My sister and I look forward to another tour with your team." - Colleen McGuire, USA

"Fantastic trip! Well organized with great guides and an fun group." - Bob Patterson, USA

"Many thanks to You and Andrew for a great trip." - Anthony Deleo, USA

Conditions: 1) All Paypal fees and international bank costs must be taken care of by the buyer. These will be added on final payment. We cannot take on these costs as we are keeping the prices right down to create an affordable tour. 2) Megalithomania cannot refund from 60 days before start of tour if you cancel. 3) Megalithomania will refund 50% if you cancel up until 60 days prior to the tour (this does not include deposit). 4) Megalithomania cannot refund deposits up to three months (90 days) prior to tour. Before that we can refund only 50% deposit if you cancel. 5) Megalithomania cannot be held responsible for any injury, accident or stolen goods - please get travel insurance and relevant visas before booking this tour and have a passport with at least 3 months past the end date of the tour. 6) Full payment and passport details must be received by March 1st 2024 7) Roommates: We are happy to try to and match our guests with a suitable roommate for those who are traveling alone. If we are unable to do this, you will be responsible to pay for the single supplement. Early registration will facilitate this process. 8) Please hold off booking your international flights, until the tour is confirmed in writing via email. We cannot be held responsible for any costs incurred. Please email for further details - [email protected] 9) Itinerary may be subject to change if circumstances arise beyond reasonable control. 10) Megalithomania accepts no responsibility for losses or incidental expenses due to delay or change in schedules, hotel booking irregularities, defaults, accidents, sickness, quarantine, emergency, weather, strikes, war, travel restrictions, pandemics, or other causes. All such losses are the sole responsibility of the participants. Please make sure you have travel insurance to cover all this. 11) Force Majeure: Megalithomania LTD is not accountable; nor legally responsible, will not pay you any reimbursement if our obligations have been affected by any unforeseen circumstances that we are not able to avoid. Hereunder; we will list examples but not limited items of the force majeure cases: War, threat of war, terrorist activities, virus outbreaks, quarantine, pandemics, civil discord with its consequences or the risk of such activity, riot, airport closure, natural or atomic disasters, fire, chemical or biological disasters and adverse weather, sea, ice and river conditions, and/or similar occasions.

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How Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's Eras Tour Performance 'Hints at What Their Future Might Hold'

Taylor swift surprises fans by bringing travis kelce on stage for london eras tour night 3, zac efron reveals behind-the-scenes secret about viral 'hsm 2' golf course performance, kendall jenner makes controversial fashion choice at louvre, jon bon jovi joins millie bobby brown and jake bongiovi's honeymoon in italy, emily osment dishes on 'young sheldon' spinoff 'georgie and mandy's first marriage' (exclusive), lizzy musi, 'street outlaws' star, dead at 33 after stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis, andy cohen on his interview regrets and which celeb guest he’s still ‘pursuing’ | retrospective, how elton john found out he was an egot winner (exclusive), watch troye sivan and ross lynch recreate sexy music video on stage, 'queer eye's jonathan van ness breaks silence on 'rage issues' allegations, prince william reacts to king charles' joke about his grandchildren, 'bridgerton's nicola coughlan releases viral 'housewives'-inspired song 'shoes... more shoes', teri hatcher reveals why she was kicked off this dating app (exclusive), will smith abandons classic dance music for emotional new single, 'owning manhattan': ryan serhant on moving on from bravo and his season 2 hopes (exclusive), derek hough says he could 'barely watch' celine dion doc after wife hayley's seizure, elton john and husband david furnish on chappell roan, sabrina carpenter & more women ‘killing it’, 'rhonj's margaret josephs breaks down jackie goldschneider feud, reacts to teresa giudice 'takedown', 'mama june: family crisis’: june gets roasted by daughter anna over her feet (exclusive), how justin timberlake and jessica biel are handling his arrest (source), 'bridgerton's sam phillips and bessie carter are dating, taylor swift recently delighted her fans by bringing her boyfriend, travis kelce, onstage at her eras tour..

Travis Kelce 's Eras Tour debut marked a big milestone in his relationship with  Taylor Swift . In the wake of Kelce's onstage cameo in London, a source tells ET that "it was so much fun for Taylor and Travis to be on stage together at her show."

"It was definitely a new, defining point in their relationship and they had a blast getting the chance to [share] a personal side of themselves with the world," the source says. "They are so happy with how everything turned out and loved seeing all the fan reactions."

Leading up to the epic surprise, the source says Swift and Kelce "had a great time practicing together behind the scenes and were so cute and sweet with each other."

"They are a naturally bonded pair," the source notes of the couple. "It was a very special experience for them and also hints at what their future might hold together."

Kelce's big moment came during Swift's June 23 stop of her Eras Tour at London's Wembley Stadium . Kelce, matching Swift's dancers in a tuxedo and top hat, carried his girlfriend onto the stage. He proceeded to watch the dancers strip Swift, fanning himself as a white, two-piece set was revealed.

Before exiting the stage and letting Swift belt out "I Can Do It With a Broken Heart," Kelce adorably pretended to apply makeup to Swift's face as she pretended to be over the whole situation. 

Afterwards, Swift wrote on Instagram that she was "still cracking up/swooning over @killatrav's Eras Tour debut," adding that she's "never going to forget these shows."

Shortly thereafter, a source told ET how the fan-favorite moment came to be.

"Taylor and Travis have recently discussed Travis making an appearance onstage at the Eras Tour, when timing was right, and they finally made it happen," the source said. "Travis was so excited to support Taylor onstage, and Taylor couldn't be happier to feature him, especially during such a fun, pivotal scene in the show."

"Travis only had one night of rehearsal, the evening before he performed onstage, and didn't miss a beat," the source added. "Taylor was beaming from ear to ear as Travis took on the dapper role. The two are hoping he can make a cameo again in the future."

Kelce discussed his public support for his girlfriend on the  Bussin' With the Boys  podcast, explaining, "You want to keep things private, but at the same time, I'm not here to hide anything," he said. "... That's my girl, that's my lady, I'm proud of that."

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tas tepeler tours

  • Taylor Swift
  • Travis Kelce


Travel & Tours

tas tepeler tours


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  2. Tour de Göbeklitepe, Taş Tepeler y Zeugma

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  3. Taş Tepeler projesi nedir, Gmbeklitepe, Karahantepe nerede? (2023)

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  4. Tour de Göbeklitepe, Taş Tepeler y Zeugma

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  5. Ancient settlements that challenge traditional thinking 'Karahantepe

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  6. Warisan Neolitik Tas Tepeler Tempat Menarik Turkish Tourism

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  2. Harbetsuvan Tepesi

  3. TRACES ''Boncuklu Tarla'' Documentary Drama

  4. Easter in the Land of the Rising Sun: Tas Tepeler, March 29th

  5. Ardahan Tepeler Köyü Tepelerköyü Konk

  6. Las Colinas de Piedra Turcas #trailer #short #historia #civilizacionesantiguas


  1. Tastepelerreisen

    Taş Tepeler Travel OT ERLING/Pfahlweg 11 Andechs, 82346 Deutschland/Germany. [email protected]. www.tastepelerreisen.com.

  2. Tours & Travels

    HOW TO REACH US…. 004915773684838. Taş Tepeler Travel OT ERLING/Pfahlweg 11 Andechs, 82346 Deutschland/Germany. [email protected]. www.tastepelerreisen.com.

  3. Homepage

    TAŞ TEPELER. Şanlıurfa Neolithic Research Project, also known as Taş Tepeler, focuses on the period starting from the very beginning of settled life to the complete adaption of farming societies characterized by sedentism and food production. The primary aim of the project is to create an inventory of settlements, campsites, hunting grounds ...

  4. Gobekli Tepe & Ancient Turkey Tour September 2022

    Haverbetsuvan (a Tas Tepeler site near Karahan Tepe) ... Feedback from 'Origins of Civilization' Turkey Tour 2013 with guest host Graham Hancock "It was a great trip"- Graham and Santha Hancock, UK "It was a fabulous journey with the best of company!" - Anu Nagappa, India

  5. Taş Tepeler

    The Taş Tepeler ( Turkish, literally 'Stone Hills') is an upland area in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey, near the city of Şanlıurfa. The area has a number of significant prehistoric archaeological sites, [1] including twelve sites with the characteristic T-shaped obelisks well known from Göbekli Tepe, a UNESCO World Heritage ...

  6. Karahan Tepe Revisited

    Karahan Tepe Revisited. Karahan Tepe is one of the Pre Pottery Neolithic Sites emerging in what is known as the Taş Tepeler Region of Southeast Turkey in the Province of Şanlıurfa. Taş Tepeler simply means stone hills and is an apt description of a region producing numerous sites characterised by T shaped anthropomorphic pillars of the type ...

  7. Göbeklitepe, Urfa, Taş Tepeler, Mardin Tour 3 días -2 Noches

    Turkey Tour Days. 1 Day Turkey Tour ; 2 Days Turkey Tour; 3 Days Turkey Tour; 4 Days Turkey Tour; 5 Days Turkey Tour ; 6 Days Turkey Tour; 7 Days Turkey Tour; 8 Days Turkey Tour; 9 Days Turkey Tour; 10 Days Turkey Tour; 11 Days Turkey tour; 12 days Turkey tours; 13 days Turkey tours; 14 Days Turkey Tour; 15 - 20 Days Turkey Tours

  8. Travels & Tours

    Home Travels & Tours. TRaVELS & TOURS. From €2,399.00. Destination Anatolia, Şanlıurfa 10 Days 9 Nights. Ostern im Morgenland: 9-Tage Göbekli Tepe & Taş Tepeler Intensiv: 18. — 27. ... Taş Tepeler Travel OT ERLING/Pfahlweg 11 Andechs, 82346 Deutschland/Germany. [email protected]. www.tastepelerreisen.com.

  9. Monte Nemrut, Göbeklitepe, Taş tepeler, Mardin Tour

    Después del desayuno, nos dirigiremos a Urfa (aprox. 110 km). A nuestra llegada, visitaremos Göbeklitepe y Taş Tepeler el templo más antiguo del mundo con una historia de 12.000 años, que se remonta a la Edad de Piedra. Se cree que Göbeklitepe, uno de los descubrimientos arqueológicos más importantes de nuestro tiempo, es el primer centro de peregrinación del mundo, ya que reescribe ...

  10. Tours

    home; the tepes. gÖbeklitepe; karahantepe; sayburÇ; sefertepe; gÜrcÜtepe; taŞlitepe; harbetsuvan hill

  11. Tour de Göbeklitepe, Taş Tepeler y Zeugma

    Almorzaremos en un restaurante local y visitaremos Göbeklitepe, ubicada en la región de Taş Tepeler, el templo más antiguo del mundo con una historia de 12.000 años, que se remonta a la Edad de Piedra. Se cree que Göbeklitepe, uno de los descubrimientos arqueológicos más importantes de nuestro tiempo, es el primer centro de ...

  12. 2DaysTours

    The next morning, we make our way to Tas Tepeler which means "stone hills." This area marks the beginning of civilization and is where we find the worlds first village, Karahan Tepe. The next stops on the tour are Sogmater; the city of ancient star worshipers, the well of Moses, and the ancient city of Harran.

  13. Gobekli Tepe, Karahan Tepe and Eastern Turkey Tour September 2024

    We will get the chance to see newly opened 'Tas Tepeler' sites, and experience an atmospheric sunset at Nemrut Dag (Nimrod's Mountain), ... Fe edback from 'Origins of Civilization' Turkey Tour 2013 with guest host Graham Hancock "It was a great trip"- Graham and Santha Hancock, UK "It was a fabulous journey with the best of company!" - Anu ...

  14. How bread came to mankind: It's a long story but

    It is not just the stunning sites of Göbekli Tepe, Karahan Tepe or the other sites now emerging in the Tas Tepeler region and which go back 12,000 years or more. You can find one here, outside the ancient city of Mardin , hidden beneath the Syriac Monastery of Deyrul Zafaran, also known as the Saffron Monastery.

  15. Taş Tepeler (@tas.tepeler) • Instagram photos and videos

    0 Followers, 7,844 Following, 272 Posts - Taş Tepeler (@tas.tepeler) on Instagram: "UNESCO Dünya Miras Listesi Şanlıurfa TAŞ TEPELER #TaşTepeler"

  16. Viaje Göbeklitepe, Taş Tepeler, Monte Nemrut

    Montaña Nemrut - Adıyaman. Montaña Nemrut - Adıyaman. Montaña Nemrut - Adıyaman. Montaña Nemrut - Adıyaman. Karakuş Tümülüs - Kahta, Adıyaman. Puente Cendere - Kahta, Adıyaman. Baklava de pistacho de Gaziantep. Karahantepe, Taş tepeler en Şanlıurfa - Turquía. Tour Code : ES-087.

  17. Taş Tepeler, a History changing heritage site.

    Taş Tepeler lies on the mesmerising hills of Mesopotamia, encompassing 10+ iconic sites. Taş Tepeler is a large archaeological zone that covers Göbeklitepe, Karahantepe and their sister excavation areas. Tas Tepeler area is thought to cover a time span of 1500 years and estimated to be spread around an area of 200km.

  18. Turkish Airlines Partners with Taş Tepeler Project for Archaeological

    As Türkiye's most valuable brand, Turkish Airlines continues to support archaeological endeavors to uncover the nation's cultural heritage, proudly representing Türkiye's flag and promoting its heritage globally. The global carrier has assumed the role of Main Sponsor for the Taş Tepeler Project and Naming Sponsor for both the Welcome Center and Research Center from 2024 to 2029.

  19. Anasayfa

    TAŞ TEPELER. Şanlıurfa Neolitik Çağ Araştırmaları Projesi, diğer adıyla Taş Tepeler, yerleşik yaşamın başlangıcından, yerleşik ve besin üretimine dayalı çiftçi yaşamın bütünüyle benimsendiği döneme odaklanan bir araştırma projesidir. Projenin öncelikli hedefi yaklaşık olarak MÖ 10. bin yıl ile 7. bin yıl ...

  20. Our Team

    HOW TO REACH US…. 004915773684838. Taş Tepeler Travel OT ERLING/Pfahlweg 11 Andechs, 82346 Deutschland/Germany. [email protected]. www.tastepelerreisen.com.

  21. What Surprise Songs Did Taylor Swift Perform at Eras Tour in Dublin?

    Taylor Swift performed three 'Eras Tour' concerts in Dublin on Friday, June 28, Saturday, June 29, and Sunday, June 30. ... Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management.

  22. Gobekli Tepe & Ancient Turkey Tour May 2024

    We will get the chance to see newly opened 'Tas Tepeler' sites, and experience an atmospheric sunset at Nemrut Dag (Nimrod's Mountain). Your hosts Andrew Collins, Hugh Newman and JJ Ainsworth will be presenting evening lectures throughout the tour and discussing theories and new research on site.

  23. Trips

    004915773684838. Taş Tepeler Travel OT ERLING/Pfahlweg 11 Andechs, 82346 Deutschland/Germany. [email protected].

  24. How Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's Eras Tour Performance 'Hints at

    Kelce's big moment came during Swift's June 23 stop of her Eras Tour at London's Wembley Stadium. Kelce, matching Swift's dancers in a tuxedo and top hat, carried his girlfriend onto the stage.

  25. Travel & Tours

    home; the tepes. gÖbeklitepe; karahantepe; sayburÇ; sefertepe; gÜrcÜtepe; taŞlitepe; harbetsuvan hill