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25 Best Things to Do in Warsaw (Poland)

It is not hyperbole to say that Warsaw is a city that has risen from the rubble. In 1945 85% of the city was irretrievably destroyed. But you could now walk the streets of the Old Town without comprehending the carnage that took place during the German invasion of 1939, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943 and the general Warsaw Uprising a year later.

The human impact is harder to mend, and Warsaw has museums and monuments that give unflinching accounts of one of the darkest periods in European History. But there are also memories of the splendour of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the Early Modern Age, when Warsaw was the capital of Europe’s largest empire. To see it, take the Royal Route, which threads through royal properties like Łazienki Park, a little world of palaces and pavilions in the middle of the city.

Let’s explore the best things to do in Warsaw :

1. Old Town

Old Town, Warsaw

When you tour a historic city centre you’re normally out for genuine, untouched architecture and monuments.

But after Warsaw’s experiences in the 20th century, the magic of this quarter is in the detailed and faithful reconstruction carried out up to 1962. After almost nine tenths of the city was wiped out, the Old Town’s rebirth was an incredible feat that has earned it Old Town UNESCO World Heritage Status.

As you pick your way along alleys and passageways, past guildhalls, churches and burgher houses you’d never imagine that this was all just a pile of debris 70 years ago.

A couple of sights that we haven’t included on the list below are Canon Square, a triangular plaza enclosed by tenements that once houses canons of the Warsaw Chapter, and St John’s Archcathedral, holding the tomb of Stanisław II Augustus, the last King of Poland.

Available tour : Warsaw Old Town 1.5-Hour Segway Tour

2. Royal Route

Adam Mickiewicz Monument Along The Royal Route, Warsaw

It happens that nearly all of Warsaw’s historic landmarks are on a single axis beginning at the Castle Square and continuing south for 15 kilometres or so before arriving at Wilanów Palace.

On this line are churches, parks, palaces, academic institutions and plush townhouses.

The three residences that give the route its “royal” title are the Royal Castle at the top, Łazienki Palace in its stunning eponymous park, and Wilanów Palace at the southern terminus.

All three are absolutely essential, resonating with the wealth and might of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the Renaissance and Baroque periods.

3. Łazienki Park

Łazienki Park, Warsaw

Warsaw’s largest park is an anchor on the Royal Route and is an excursion of choice for families and couples on the weekend.

The park started out as the royal baths (Łazienki translates to “baths”) and was enriched in the 18th century by a grand plan during the reign of King Stanisław II Augustus.

In these 76 leafy hectares are palaces, pavilions, two orangeries, an amphitheatre, a planetarium, follies, promenades, water features and monuments of national standing.

Hopping from one villa to the next, marvelling at the sumptuous Łazienki Palace, pottering around four museums or just relaxing in the greenery; a whole day could float by here in no time.

Maybe the most prestigious of the monuments is for the composer Frédéric Chopin, designed in 1907 in the Art Nouveau style, but delayed by the First World War and erected in 1926.

4. Old Town Market Place

Old Town Market Place, Warsaw

Up to the creation of Stanisław II Augustus’ New Town at the end of the 18th century, this square was the epicentre of commercial life in Warsaw.

It is the most historic part of the Old Town and is enveloped by tall Renaissance and Baroque merchants’ houses in a spectrum of colours.

All of these buildings are post-war replicas of what came before, as the square was first bombed by the Luftwaffe and then blown up by the Germans at the end of the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. Immediately after the war the square was rebuilt as it had been, including the bizarre but charming vertical extensions that cap some of the houses.

The mermaid figure on the fountain in the centre holds special meaning for Warsaw, while in summer you can park up at a restaurant table and watch the city going about its day.

5. POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews

Seven years in the making, this museum fully opened in 2014 and documents the millennium-long history of the Jews in Poland.

POLIN is at the northern part of the former Warsaw ghetto in Muranów, and was designed by Finnish architect Rainer Mahlamäki.

In eight galleries, the core exhibition uses a mixture of genuine artefacts, reconstructions and interactive displays to explain how Poland became home for Europe’s largest Jewish community.

You can see a prayer book from 1272 with an early sentence written in Yiddish and find out about the golden age of religious tolerance in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Later comes the Holocaust, and in the gloom are stories about the heroic efforts of the Oyneg Shabbos group to archive the truth about the Warsaw ghetto.

Suggested tour : Warsaw Polin Museum Guided Tour

6. Royal Castle

Warsaw Royal Castle

At the southern entrance to the Old Town you’ll be met by the 90-metre facade of the Mannerist and Baroque castle, the seat of the Polish monarchs for hundreds of years.

The castle has come through an eventful 700 years involving two demolitions, one by the Swedes in the mid-17th century and another by the Germans in the Second World War.

Since the last reconstruction in the 1980s the castle has been a museum, where you can view the apartments of the 16th-century King Sigismund II Augustus, and visit the House of Parliament, the fountain-head of Polish democracy and where amendments made to the Polish-Lithuanian constitution ushered in unprecedented religious tolerance.

There’s also a collection of paintings from the 16th to the 18th century by masters like Rembrandt, van Dyck, Joos van Cleve and Gainsborough.

Book online : Tour of the Royal Castle in Warsaw

7. Castle Square

Castle Square, Warsaw

When Poland’s capital moved from Kraków to Warsaw in 1596 the square beside the castle became the cornerstone of the largest Empire in Renaissance Europe.

The man who brought about this switch was Sigismund III Vasa, who is commemorated by a bronze statue atop an 8.5-metre column.

This was first raised in 1644, but was toppled by the Germans in 1944 and its original red marble was replaced with granite.

There are still fragments of the marble column by the castle walls.

Some events that shook Poland have taken place here, like a bloody riot during the period of Martial Law in 1982, a massacre by the Russians during an uprising in 1861 and a speech by Bill Clinton welcoming Poland into NATO in 1997. Whether it’s a rally or concert there’s often something going on at Castle Square in summer.

8. Warsaw Uprising Museum

Warsaw Uprising Museum

This museum of the Warsaw Uprising of August to October 1944 is in the converted former tramway power station in the Wola district.

On entering you can use pre-War telephone receivers to listen to the memories of participants in the uprising.

Among the many clever installations is the Kino palladium, a cinema showing the footage collected by the insurgents and screened at the Warsaw Palladium during the uprising.

There are also replicas of the sewers that the fighters used to get around, while ‘before and after’ photographs of the city bring home the ruthlessness of the German backlash.

9. Copernicus Science Centre

Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw

Poland’s top science museum opened in 2010 and has more than 400 interactive exhibits across six zones, each tackling a different field, from the Roots of Civilisation to the Lightzone, investigating the nature of light.

The World in Motion for instance has an earthquake simulator to try out as well as a moving model that showing a human skeleton on a bicycle.

At the Humans and the Environment zone you can find out about urban ecosystems, contruction technology.

There are also webcams beaming footage directly from a falcon’s nest at the Palace of Culture and Science, and the gorilla enclosure at the Warsaw Zoo.

The centre also has a state-of-the-art planetarium with a 3D sound system, screening shows about the cosmos, but also nature and human cultures.

10. Palace of Culture and Science

Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw

Whatever your opinion on this enormous building, it is practically ever-present in Warsaw.

At 237 metres the Palace of Culture and Science is the tallest building in Poland, and on its 42 floors are four theatres, a multi-screen cinema, two museums, the 3,000-seater Congress Hall, government offices, academic institutions and private companies.

Taking cues from Art Deco skyscrapers and Polish Historicism, this immense Stalinist complex was a ‘gift from the Soviet Union to the people of Poland’ in 1955, and that’s just one of the reasons it evokes mixed feelings.

If an international event is taking place in Warsaw there’s a good chance it will go down at the Congress Hall, while there’s an observation terrace on the 30th floor open 10:00-20:00 for the ultimate panorama of the city.

11. Łazienki Palace

Łazienki Palace

On the artificial island in the lake at Łazienki Park is the sublime Classical palace conceived in the 18th century for King Stanisław II Augustus.

The property is a conversion of a Baroque bathing pavilion for Count Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski from the century before, and has kept some of the architecture from that first building.

The north facade has a portico at the shore of the lake, while the main entrance is in a recess with powerful Corinthian columns, while the roof is hemmed by a balustrade carrying statues of mythological figures.

The ground floor has lavishly decorated salons (The Solomon Room is a stand-out), and the Lower Gallery, has paintings by Jacob Jordaens, Rembrandt and Rubens.

Upstairs is the Upper Gallery, as well as the King’s splendid cabinet and bedchambers.

Included in this tour : Warsaw Half–Day Highlights Tour

12. Wilanów Palace

Wilanów Palace, Warsaw

The palace at the southern end of the Royal Route came through the Second World War without a scratch.

So Wilanów Palace is a rare glimpse of the majesty of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth before Poland was annexed by Prussia and Russia in the late-18th century.

This palace was intended as a summer escape for King Jan III Sobieski towards the end of the 17th century, and has all the hallmarks of Baroque palace architecture, including a parterre with two terraces boasting topiaries, broderie and statues symbolising love.

The exterior is laden with medallions, busts, statues and other Baroque ornamentation, while interior decor abounds with stuccowork, striking trompe-l’œil frescoes and chinoiserie.

High points are the sumptuous White Hall, traced by mirrors, the King’s Library, the King’s Bedroom and the North Gallery, flanked by statues and with magnificent ceiling frescoes.

13. Krakowskie Przedmieście

Krakowskie Przedmieście

The most prestigious street in Warsaw makes its way southwards at the beginning of the Royal Route from near the Castle Square.

You’ll see palaces, dignified monuments and eminent Polish institutions like the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw University and the Presidential Palace.

Across from the entrance to Bednarska Street is Warsaw’s second oldest standing monument, the Madonna of Passau.

This dates from 1683 and is a votive offering in thanks for King Jan III Sobieski’s role in the defeat of the Turks at the Battle of Vienna, in which he led the largest cavalry charge in the history of warfare.

14. National Museum

Warsaw National Museum

Warsaw’s biggest museum is also one of the largest in Poland and has a huge assortment of historical artefacts from many places and eras.

The collection of antiquities is noteworthy, made up of some 11,000 Egyptian, Greek and Roman pieces.

Also set aside an hour or two to see everything in the Faras Gallery.

This is furnished with Nubian early Christian frescoes, friezes and architectural elements brought here from the Egyptian-Sudanese border before the construction of the Aswan High Dam flooded the valley.

In the collection of Polish Medieval art from the 14th and 15th centuries are works produced for churches and cathedrals, including devotional paintings, altarpieces and sculptures.

And there’s also lots of art from the Early Modern Age and 19th century, by well-known names like Lucas Cranach the Elder, Brueghel the Elder, Rembrandt, Courbet and Renoir.

15. St Anne’s Church

St Anne's Church, Warsaw

One of the oldest landmarks in the city, St Anne’s Church on Krakowskie Przedmieście was founded in 1454. In the 17th century the church had to be rebuilt no fewer than four times, until receiving its final Neoclassical facade in 1788. In the niches between the columns and pilasters are statues of the Four Evangelists below a massive pediment.

The interior has kept hold of its theatrical Baroque design from a little earlier, and has spectacular frescoes on its barrel vault and has a nave edged by Corinthian pilasters with gilded capitals.

There are also regular organ recitals at St Anne’s, well worth catching.

16. Taras Widokowy na Stare Miasto (Viewing Platform in the Old Town)

View from Bell Tower, Warsaw

St Anne’s Church has a stand alone bell tower, which will provide you with another vantage point over the city.

In fact, this tower may even be better than the Palace of Culture and Science, as it’s planted on the edge of the Old Town and has regal Baroque architecture.

If you can brave the 147 steps you’ll be rewarded by a bird’s eye view of the Castle, Castle Square, the Old Town to the north and Krakowskie Przedmieście to the south.

17. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Warsaw

In Piłsudski Square, the largest in Warsaw, is a monument for unidentified soldiers who have died fighting for Poland.

The tomb dates to 1925, and contains the body of a soldier who fell in the Battle of Lemberg of 1918-1919 between Poland and the West Ukrainian People’s Republic.

The monument housing the tomb is a fragment (three arches) from the arcade that once belonged to the Saxon Palace, demolished after the Warsaw Uprising.

Under the central arch is the tomb and eternal flame, watched by the Representative Honour Guard Battalion of the Polish Armed Forces.

At the stroke of every hour 365 days a year the guard is changed.

The monument and square are the focus of ceremonies for the Polish Armed Forces Day every 15 August.

18. Jewish Ghetto Memorial

Jewish Ghetto Memorial, Warsaw

By the Museum of the History of the Polish Jews is a monument to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943. On the square below the wall is a circular plaque inscribed with the message: ” Those who fell in the unprecedented heroic struggle for the Dignity and Freedom of the Jewish people, for Free Poland, for the liberation of man – Polish Jews”, in Polish, Yiddish and Hebrew.

This was unveiled in 1946 and is encased in red sandstone to symbolise the bloodshed.

The wall behind came later, in 1948, designed by Natan Rapaport and intended to resemble Jerusalem’s Western Wall and the wall of the Warsaw Ghetto.

On the eastern side of the monument a bronze bas-relief depicts Jewish children, women and elderly being driven by German soldiers.

On the west side the monument shows the uprising of April 1943 with a relief titled “Fight”.

Recommended tour : 3-Hour Tour of Jewish Warsaw

19. Okopowa Street Jewish Cemetery

Okopowa Street Jewish Cemetery

At 33 hectares this Jewish burial ground, dating back to 1806, is one of the largest in the world.

There are over 250,000 marked graves at Okopawa Street Cemetery, as well as several mass graves for those who were killed during the Warsaw Ghetto.

Nature has taken over large swathes of the site, which, along with the Art Nouveau and Historicist monuments, makes the cemetery equal parts beautiful and poignant.

Something interesting about this place is that it was drawn up for Jewish people of all affiliations, so there are allocated areas known as “Quarters” for military burials, Orthodox burials (for men, women and holy scriptures), reform Judaism and children.

After the Second World War a small corner of the cemetery was reopened for Warsaw’s returning Jewish population.

20. Zachęta

Zachęta, Warsaw

At Plac Małachowskiego is a solemn gallery built in 1900 and dedicated to modern and contemporary Polish art.

Since its foundation in 1860 the Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts has had the job of promoting fine art in Poland.

In its early years some of the nation’s most celebrated painters like Jan Matejko and Wojciech Gerson staged exhibitions Zachęta.

And in the same vein, it remains a shortcut to Poland’s art scene via temporary exhibitions for up-and-coming talent and established names like Katarzyna Kozyra and Krzysztof Wodiczko.

In the permanent collection are pieces by leading post-war artists like the painter and set-designer Tadeusz Kantor and the Surrealist Jewish sculptor Alina Szapocznikow.

21. Nowy Świat Street

Nowy Świat Street

Also on the Royal Route, this one-kilometre artery leads southwards from Krakowskie Przedmieście down to Three Crosses Square.

Nowy Świat Street’s origins lie in the 16th century when it was first used by the upper class to reach their properties in the countryside south of the old town.

As Warsaw grew, the city’s wealthier and aristocratic residents built homes along the street.

And by Napoleonic times these were remodelled from half-timbered buildings into fine Neoclassical mansions and villas.

The thoroughfare has cafes, upmarket shops and international retailers like Sephora by day, and lots of nightspots with international clientele when the sun goes down.

22. Copernicus Monument

Copernicus Monument, Warsaw

The monument for the trailblazing Renaissance astronomer and mathematician stands proud in front of the Polish Academy of Sciences at Stazsic Palace.

The work shows Copernicus with a compass and armillary sphere and was fashioned by Bertel Thorvaldsen, maybe the leading sculptor in Europe of the day.

It was presented to the public in 1830 and had an uneventful first century until the Second World War.

Not long after entering the city in 1939 the German authorities replaced the Latin and Polish inscriptions with a one in the German language, leading to a tit-for-tat campaign between the Polish resistance and the occupiers.

After the uprising in 1944 it was removed to the city of Nysa to be melted down, but by then the German army was in retreat and the statue could be rescued and returned to its rightful place.

23. Holy Cross Church

Holy Cross Church, Warsaw

Another of the head-turning sights on Krakowskie Przedmieście, the Holy Cross Church is a Baroque monument built in the first half of the 18th century to a design by the royal court architect Józef Szymon Bellotti.

The church was badly damaged in the Warsaw Uprising and was later blown up by the German army in 1945. And when it was rebuilt right after the war the design was simplified and didn’t include the frescoes and polychrome statues that came before.

But there’s still a very good reason to pay a visit: In accordance with his will, Frédéric Chopin’s heart was brought to this church by his sister in an urn, and embedded in a pillar in one of the chapels.

24. Warsaw University Library Garden

Warsaw University Library Garden

A few steps back from the Vistula River, Warsaw University’s library is strange to behold from ground level: There’s a long and austere stone facade and a blue scaffold-like porch that could be from the Pompidou Centre.

But up the exterior stairway is one of the largest roof gardens in Europe.

Open from March to November, this one-hectare space is a little dreamland of fountains, streams, pergolas, arbours and lawns, while the library’s windows and skylights add a touch of the surreal.

This is all the work of landscape architect Irena Bajersaka and opened in 2002. The city views are also fantastic, encompassing the Vistula, the recent PGE National Stadium and the Copernicus Centre.

25. Saxon Garden

Saxon Garden, Warsaw

When Saxon Garden off Piłsudski Square opened its gates to the public in 1727 it became one of the first public parks in the World.

It had been landscaped in the 17th century for the Saxon Palace, which was lost in the Second World War, along with the Rococo Brühl Palace that also backed onto the park.

In its first century Saxon Garden was a Baroque parterre in the style of Versailles, but has been an English landscape park since the 19th century.

Seek out the park’s sandstone allegorical sculptures, fashioned in the mid-18th century.

Twenty remain from an initial 70, and you can try to work out what each one symbolises (Intellect, Justice, Astronomy, Painting and Poetry are all pretty easy to decipher).

25 Best Things to Do in Warsaw (Poland):

  • Royal Route
  • Łazienki Park
  • Old Town Market Place
  • POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
  • Royal Castle
  • Castle Square
  • Warsaw Uprising Museum
  • Copernicus Science Centre
  • Palace of Culture and Science
  • Łazienki Palace
  • Wilanów Palace
  • Krakowskie Przedmieście
  • National Museum
  • St Anne's Church
  • Taras Widokowy na Stare Miasto (Viewing Platform in the Old Town)
  • Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
  • Jewish Ghetto Memorial
  • Okopowa Street Jewish Cemetery
  • Nowy Świat Street
  • Copernicus Monument
  • Holy Cross Church
  • Warsaw University Library Garden
  • Saxon Garden

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17 Top Tourist Attractions in Warsaw, Poland

By Spencer Leasca · Last updated on May 4, 2024

It has taken a while for Warsaw to get back on its feet after the devastating effects of World War II. However, the transformation is now complete.

Nestled along the banks of the Vistula River, Poland’s capital city is one of the most dynamic in Europe. Its charming old town – a UNESCO World Heritage site – features quaint cobblestone streets that accommodate beautiful medieval architecture and lively market squares.


However, there are so many more things to do in Warsaw than just its historic past. It also has a thriving art scene, diverse culinary offerings (with many foreign influences), and plenty of bustling neighborhoods that champion modernity.

In short, Warsaw is a fascinating melting pot of creativity, innovation and resilience that will blow your mind. The best way to experience Warsaw is to embrace it with open arms.

17. Warsaw Barbican

Warsaw Barbican

One of your first ports of call in Poland’s capital should be The Warsaw Barbican.

Built in the 16th century, this impressive defensive structure formed part of the fortifications surrounding Warsaw’s Old Town. It comprises thick walls and a series of watchtowers, that remain one of Europe’s last remaining preserved examples of such military architecture.

The structure also features turrets and a distinctive red-brick facade, which showcases Gothic and Renaissance architectural elements. It can be reached by traversing the iconic bridge that leads to it.

Inside the Barbican is a museum with exhibits that detail its history and significance. It provides a good insight into the city’s resilience and enduring spirit.

16. St Anne’s Church

St Anne's Church

Poland is one of the world’s most religious countries and it houses several centuries-old cathedrals and churches. One of the best of them is St. Anne’s Church.

Founded in the 15th century, the church incorporates both Baroque and Gothic designs. It also features a striking facade that instantly captivates with intricate sculptures, reliefs and other ornate details.

If you like the outside of the church, you should find its interior just as compelling. The remarkable altarpiece and its intricately carved wooden decorations are just two of the features that dominate its layout. Come as soon as it opens to appreciate them at the quietest time.

Moreover, it’s worth climbing to the top of the church’s tower. From there, you’ll get superb panoramic views of Warsaw’s skyline – which you can take plenty of beautiful photos of.

15. Zlote Tarasy

Zlote Tarasy

Złote Tarasy is one of Warsaw’s premier complexes for shopping and entertainment. So, if you fancy some retail therapy or want to watch a performance of note, this is the place to come.

Opened in 2007, this architectural marvel is renowned for its undulating glass roof, which is reminiscent of sea waves. It integrates seamlessly with the surrounding urban landscape and accommodates various shops, restaurants and entertainment venues. It also hosts a multi-screen cinema and a fitness center for those who fancy a workout.

As it is near the Warsaw Central Station, the Złote Tarasy is easily accessible. Its design, which features a mix of contemporary and innovative materials, reflects Warsaw’s dynamic spirit of renewal.

14. Chopin Monument

Chopin Monument

One of Poland’s most famous sons is the composer Frédéric Chopin. If you are a fan of his classical music or happen to be in the lush surroundings of Łazienki Park, it’s worth checking out the Chopin Monument.

This poignant tribute takes the form of a bronze statue that captures Chopin in a contemplative pose. It was sculpted by Wacław Szymanowski and first unveiled to the public in 1926. Surrounding the sculpture is a circular stone bench where you can sit and enjoy the serenity of his music. If you happen to do this around sunset, it is a magical experience.

Having survived the ravages of World War II, the monument has become an endearing symbol of Warsaw’s cultural identity and resilience. In the summer, regular open-air concerts are held here.

13. Castle Square

Castle Square

Situated right in front of the Royal Castle is Castle Square. Locally known as Plac Zamkowy it serves as a starting point for exploring the historic Old Town. At the same time, it is a popular meeting place for locals and tourists.

Surrounded by colorful townhouses, the square dates back to the 17th century. Although it was heavily damaged during World War II, both the square and the castle have been painstakingly reconstructed.

Overall, the square is a vibrant hub of charming cobblestone streets, buzzy cafes and interesting souvenir shops, which makes it a pleasant place to explore. At the center of it is Sigismund’s Column, a prominent landmark that pays homage to King Sigismund III Vasa.

12. Warsaw Uprising Monument

Warsaw Uprising Monument

Another intriguing monument to see during your time in the city is the Warsaw Uprising Monument. It provides a solemn tribute to the resilience and sacrifice that the Polish people made during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944.

The bronze memorial was unveiled in 1989 on the 45th anniversary of the uprising. It was created by Wincenty Kućma and honors the brave men and women who fought against Nazi occupation. To see it, you’ll have to make your way to the southern end of Krasinski Square.

The memorial site also includes an underground museum that provides more information about the finer points of the uprising. Whilst there, visitors can witness the stark reality of wartime struggles and pay respects to those who endured unimaginable hardships.

11. Chopin Museum

Chopin Museum

As well as the Chopin Monument, it is worth checking out The Chopin Museum if you are a fan of classical music.

This brilliantly thought-out and well-maintained museum takes you on a captivating journey through the life and works of this genius composer. It is housed in the Ostrogski Palace and opened its doors in 2010 after an extensive renovation.

The museum features interactive exhibits that provide an immersive experience to visitors. They allow them to explore Chopin’s world through multimedia displays, original manuscripts and even his personal belongings.

Showcasing the composer’s life from childhood to his international acclaim, the museum offers a profound insight into his creative process and the cultural context of his time.

Thanks to innovative audio-visual installations and touch-sensitive screens, you should get a really good understanding of the man and his music.

10. Krakowskie Przedmieście

Krakowskie Przedmieście

Connecting the historic Old Town with Wilanów Palace, Krakowskie Przedmieście forms part of the northern section of the famous ‘Royal Route’. It is renowned for its regal history and incredible architecture, including a parade of aristocratic residences, palaces, churches and elegant townhouses that exude a timeless charm.

For centuries, this grand boulevard has been a focal point of Warsaw’s cultural and social life and you get a real sense of this as you traverse the street. Notable landmarks like the Presidential Palace, the University of Warsaw and St. Anne’s Church can all be easily visited. Don’t be surprised if you spend a lot of quality sightseeing time here.

9. Copernicus Science Centre

Copernicus Science Centre

If you are into science, you’ll want to visit The Copernicus Science Center. This cutting-edge institution is named after the renowned astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus and is dedicated to promoting scientific curiosity and education.

The center boasts modern architecture that features a distinctive spherical structure. It also houses more than 450 interactive exhibits that span various scientific disciplines.

Wandering through the center, visitors can engage in hands-on experiments, explore the wonders of physics, biology and technology and participate in live demonstrations. The center is particularly family-friendly and encourages visitors of all ages to discover the joy of learning through play.

The planetarium and robotic theater are two must-visit destinations at the center.

8. POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews

One of the most fascinating attractions in Warsaw is The POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews.

Located on the site of the former Warsaw Ghetto, the institution is the first and only one of its kind in the country. It focuses on honoring the memory of the community created by Jews in Poland. It opened in 2013 and is notable for its unique design, which resembles an open book that symbolizes a dialogue between past and present.

Once inside the museum, you’ll find immersive exhibitions that trace the history of Polish Jews from medieval times to the present day. They highlight the contributions, struggles and cultural richness these people brought.

Overall, the multimedia displays, artifacts and interactive installations provide a comprehensive and emotionally evocative experience for the visitor. The museum also hosts cultural events, lectures, and workshops regularly throughout the year.

7. Palace of Culture and Science

Palace of Culture and Science

Dominating the skyline in Warsaw is the Palace of Culture and Science, which just happens to be the second tallest building in the country.

Completed in 1955 the structure was designed by Soviet architect Lev Rudnev, who blended various architectural styles, including Socialist Realism. Its design was inspired by the high-rise Art Deco buildings of America and historical Polish architecture.

It was previously known as ‘Joseph Stalin’s Palace of Culture and Science’, however, this name was later dropped during the time of destalinization.

Today, it houses various cultural institutions, theaters, museums and conference halls which you can visit. Tourists can also ascend to its panoramic terrace to enjoy breathtaking views of Warsaw.

6. Warsaw Uprising Museum

Warsaw Uprising Museum

If you know your World War II history, you will understand how important the Warsaw Uprising Museum will be to visit. If you don’t, then that is all the more reason to go there.

As its name implies, the museum pays a poignant tribute to the heroic spirit of the Polish resistance during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. It is housed in a former tram power station and features exhibits that depict the daily life, struggles, and sacrifices of the insurgents.

Through multimedia displays, personal testimonies, and a replica of the underground city where the resistance operated, you’ll gain a good understanding of their experiences.

Visitors can explore an extensive collection of artifacts, including weapons, documents and photographs. At the same time, a reconstructed B-24 Liberator bomber aircraft is a notable highlight.

5. Wilanow Palace

Wilanow Palace

Nestled in the Wilanów district of Warsaw resides one of the country’s most significant historical buildings – Wilanów Palace.

Commissioned by King John III Sobieski in the late 17th century, the palace served as a royal residence and embodied the splendor of Poland’s golden age. It is beautifully set among stunning gardens and parks replete with fountains, sculptures and manicured lawns that are an attraction in themselves.

What makes Wilanów Palace immediately stand out is its seamless blend of Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassical architectural styles. You’ll want to snap plenty of photos from different angles to capture its true beauty.

Once inside, you’ll see an impressive collection of art, furnishings and period artifacts that offer a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of Polish royalty.

4. Nowy Swiat

Nowy Swiat

Dating back to the 17th century Nowy Świat is one of the main thoroughfares in Warsaw. Its name translates to ‘New World Street’ in English and it connects Castle Square with Charles de Gaulle Roundabout.

Noted for its historic buildings, boutique shops and inviting cafes, Nowy Świat boasts a cosmopolitan atmosphere. It also provides a picturesque route to navigate your way through the heart of the city.

Surviving wars and countless reconstructions, the street possesses an architectural diversity that features styles from different periods. It also has many restaurants that provide excellent opportunities to try local delicacies like Kopytka (dumplings) and Gulasz (stew). In addition, you’ll find plenty of shops that will enable you to do a bit of retail therapy.

3. Royal Castle

Royal Castle

Perched atop Castle Square in the heart of the Old Town is Warsaw’s famous Royal Castle. Originally built in the 14th century, it stands as a symbol of Poland’s regal heritage and resilience.

Over the years it has witnessed centuries of Polish history, serving as the residence of monarchs and as a political center. Unfortunately, it was severely damaged during World War II. However, it has been meticulously restored to its former glory, thanks to reconstruction efforts.

Tourists can explore opulent chambers, like the Great Apartment and the Throne Room, which are adorned with period furnishings and artwork. They can also enjoy the castle’s impressive collection of paintings, sculptures and royal memorabilia that relate the story of the city’s cultural legacy.

2. Lazienki Park

Lazienki Park

Warsaw doesn’t just have splendid architecture, it also accommodates beautiful greenspace too. One of the finest examples is Łazienki Park, which resides in the Downtown district, just off of Ujazdów Avenue.

Also known as ‘Royal Baths Park’, it is the largest park in the city and is celebrated for its scenic beauty and cultural significance. It was originally designed in the 17th century and later transformed into a summer residence for King Stanisław August Poniatowski.

The park encompasses the neoclassical Palace on the Isle, a picturesque amphitheater and charming pavilions scattered amidst lush landscapes. It also hosts outdoor concerts, cultural events and the annual Chopin Concerts – which take place at the foot of the monument which resides within it.

1. Old Town Market Square

Old Town Market Square

For most visitors to Warsaw, the Old Town Market Square (Rynek Starego Miasta) is somewhere they will spend quite a bit of time.

This remarkable square bristles with charm, historical and cultural significance. Originally it was constructed in the 13th century, but much of the city was destroyed during World War II. However, the area has been so well restored it’s almost impossible to tell it was previously damaged.

The square is surrounded by colorful townhouses and boasts a lively ambiance with outdoor cafes, restaurants and various street performers. It also features the imposing Warsaw Mermaid statue and is home to landmarks like the Adam Mickiewicz Museum and the Historical Museum of Warsaw.

While the square is buzzy all day, it is worth heading down there in the evening, as that is when things really liven up.

Best Time to Visit Warsaw

Straddling the Vistula River, Poland’s capital Warsaw enjoys a continental climate with cold, cloudy winters and relatively warm, sunny summers. May to September is the most popular time to visit when temperatures average from 18 to 24°C (64 to 75°F).

While July and August are the busiest, most expensive months, there are lots of fun events like the Warsaw Summer Jazz Days and Chopin Summer Concerts to attend. The whole city has a lovely vibe with its numerous parks and green spaces looking their best.

Either side of summer, Warsaw is still very pleasant to visit though huge crowds still throng about the center. As October sees the prestigious Warsaw Film Festival take place, it is only in the much-colder November that the city finally falls quiet.

December, however, immediately sees a return to business as people flock here for its cozy, traditional Christmas market – one of the biggest and best in Poland. The city then slumbers until spring when the fresh flowers make its river and parks very pretty to walk about again.

Where to Stay in Warsaw

Polonia Palace

When it comes to finding somewhere to stay in Warsaw, there are plenty of options available to you.

But if it is your first time in the city, you should base yourself in Śródmieście, or more specifically the Old Town. This area is the heart of Warsaw and you’ll be close to lots of art galleries, theaters, museums, restaurants, shops and some of the city’s main attractions.

The historic Hotel Polonia Palace is a terrific accommodation choice in this area. It is located directly opposite the Palace of Culture and Science and features an excellent restaurant that serves European and Polish cuisine. It also has comfortable rooms and a nice lobby bar to relax and unwind.

Not far from the Hotel Polonia Palace is the Hotel Metropol . This budget option is just a 5-minute walk from the Palace of Culture and Science. It is known for its superb breakfasts and dinners which you can get from the on-site Metro Jazz Bar & Bistro Restaurant. It also has rooms with ensuite bathrooms.

How to get there

Warsaw Tram

Like most capital cities in Europe, Warsaw is a relatively easy destination to get to via air and rail.

Warsaw Chopin Airport is the primary international gateway to fly into. It is situated about 10 km southwest of the city center and receives multiple flights a day from Europe, the USA and Asia.

American Airlines, British Airways, Lufthansa and Qatar Airways are some of the many airlines that fly there. Additionally, for budget carriers like Easyjet and Ryanair, Modlin Airport is another point of entry – about 40 kilometers north of Warsaw.

If you would prefer not to fly, the city is well-connected by an extensive train network. Warszawa Centralna (Warsaw Central Station) serves as the major hub for domestic and international rail travel.

Map of Tourist Attractions in Warsaw

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Reader interactions.

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December 15, 2019 at 4:43 am

What bout Warsaw and its nightlife? I’ve been to Warsaw twice and it was the most crazy time in my life! I can recommend you mazowiecka street and new orleans in the centre!

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Warsaw   Travel Guide

Courtesy of jacek_kadaj | Getty Images

tourist things to do in warsaw

9 Best Things To Do in Warsaw

Updated Jan. 11, 2024

If you're not a history and culture buff, consider vacationing elsewhere. Poland's capital city is filled with educational attractions, most of which are museums. Some (like the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews and the Warsaw

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tourist things to do in warsaw

Old Town (Stare Miasto) Old Town (Stare Miasto) free

Warsaw's central Old Town neighborhood is one of the city's most popular areas and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This historic district, which was rebuilt after bombings from World War II destroyed most of it, is filled with restaurants, art galleries, shops and cafes housed in structures designed to replicate the region's former 14th- to 18th-century buildings. Old Town is also where attractions like The Royal Castle in Warsaw - Museum and the King Zygmunt III Waza Column, among other landmarks, reside.

Travelers love Old Town's lively atmosphere and charming buildings, adding that the neighborhood is a prime spot for shopping, people-watching and getting your caffeine fix. However, the area is often packed with tourists, so expect higher prices at the restaurants lining the square. If you don't want to rub elbows with other visitors, consider arriving early (before 10 a.m.).

tourist things to do in warsaw

Lazienki Królewskie Museum (Muzeum Lazienki Królewskie) Lazienki Królewskie Museum (Muzeum Lazienki Królewskie)

The 188-acre Lazienki Królewskie Museum is one of Warsaw's most scenic locales. Here, you can go for a leisurely stroll through gardens, explore former palaces, admire various works of art or even catch a free piano concert (by the attraction's Frédéric Chopin monument). You'll also find amenities like a restaurant, gift shops and an amphitheater on-site.

Recent travelers raved about the Lazienki Królewskie Museum, citing its "lovely park" and "impressive" palaces – especially the Palace on the Isle – as highlights. However, several cautioned that the property can get crowded on weekends, so claim your spot early if you plan on attending one of the free piano concerts, which take place at noon and 4 p.m. every Sunday from May through September.

tourist things to do in warsaw

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews (POLIN Muzeum Historii Zydów Polskich) POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews (POLIN Muzeum Historii Zydów Polskich)

Though several Warsaw sights (think: the Warsaw Uprising Museum and the Warsaw Uprising Monument ) pay homage to Polish Jews who lost their lives during World War II, one of the city's best attractions for learning about the country's Jewish population is the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews. Inside, travelers will see collections about Poland's earliest Jews, the Holocaust and more. Temporary exhibits that focus on everything from the meaning of blood in Jewish culture to the Jewish community's impact on popular music are occasionally offered as well.

According to previous visitors, no trip to Poland would be complete without checking out the POLIN Museum. Many said that this attraction's main exhibit is "superb" and "in-depth," although some felt overwhelmed at times by the amount of information provided. Others appreciated the property's design and layout but wished it didn't take hours to get through.

tourist things to do in warsaw

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The Royal Castle in Warsaw - Museum (Zamek Krolewski w Warszawie - Muzeum) The Royal Castle in Warsaw - Museum (Zamek Krolewski w Warszawie - Muzeum)

One of Old Town 's most recognizable buildings is The Royal Castle in Warsaw - Museum. This former royal residence and administrative center, which was bombed during World War II and reconstructed in the '70s and '80s, now houses an impressive collection of Oriental rugs, coins and paintings (including two by Rembrandt). Travelers can also tour the former apartments of Polish royals like King Stanislaus Augustus and Prince Joseph Poniatowski.

Past visitors described this castle as "excellent" and "surprisingly awesome," adding that its refurbishment is so well-done that the structure looks original. Additionally, many appreciated the property's less crowded atmosphere and low entry fees, and some suggest paying an extra 5 Polish zloty (or about $1.50) to rent an audio guide.

tourist things to do in warsaw

Warsaw Uprising Monument (Pomnik Powstania Warszawskiego) Warsaw Uprising Monument (Pomnik Powstania Warszawskiego) free

Monuments and memorials can be found throughout Warsaw, but one of the city’s most memorable is the Warsaw Uprising Monument. This 33-foot-tall bronze sculpture was created to commemorate the thousands of Poles who fought against Nazi Germany (which occupied the region during World War II). And the sculpture’s location is just as meaningful as the monument. The site once featured an entrance to a canal that was used by Polish fighters to escape from the Germans. As such, one part of the sculpture depicts fighters crawling out from underneath a bridge, while the other shows them heading into the canal.

Recent visitors enjoyed checking out this attraction, calling it impressive and very moving. However, a few said that the information provided at the monument is not enough to gain a full understanding of what occurred during the Warsaw Uprising, so they suggest visiting the Warsaw Uprising Museum or doing some research before you arrive. Others also recommend saving time to admire the architecture at the adjacent Supreme Court of Poland.

tourist things to do in warsaw

Krakow Suburb Street (Krakowskie Przedmiescie) Krakow Suburb Street (Krakowskie Przedmiescie) free

One of Warsaw's most popular thoroughfares is Krakowskie Przedmiescie, or Krakow Suburb Street. This street was once the start of a route that connected Warsaw with Kraków  (hence the name). Now, the road connects Zamkowy Place in Old Town to Nowy Swiat’s (New World Street's) shops and restaurants. It is also known for its abundance of sights, including Czapski Palace (where Polish composer Frédéric Chopin once lived), the 17th-century Presidential Palace and monuments for notable Polish figures like Adam Mickiewicz and Nicolaus Copernicus.

Although one visitor described the street's restaurants as "a bit expensive" and "not as good" as other Warsaw eateries, many highly recommended taking a leisurely stroll here. But remember to wear comfortable shoes, since this road is more than a half-mile long.

tourist things to do in warsaw

Warsaw Uprising Museum (Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego) Warsaw Uprising Museum (Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego)

To gain a better understanding of how Poland gained independence, visit the Warsaw Uprising Museum. This attraction, which sits in a former tram power station in the Wola district, is home to nearly 1,000 exhibits that touch on the country's occupation by Nazi Germany and the post-war years. The museum also features Freedom Park, where a memorial with the names of more than 10,000 insurgents who died during the Warsaw Uprising is located.

Past visitors said this museum as a "must-see" for history buffs. Many were impressed with its interactive, kid-friendly exhibits but cautioned that the property can get crowded and hot inside, no matter when you visit. For temporary respite from the attraction's hordes of tourists, consider grabbing a snack at the cafe. Some travelers also suggest renting an audio guide for 10 Polish zloty (about $3) to help you better navigate the museum's confusing layout.

tourist things to do in warsaw

Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów (Muzeum Palacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie) Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów (Muzeum Palacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie)

Warsaw is home to many historic structures (think: The Royal Castle in Warsaw - Museum and Old Town ), but only a few buildings are exactly as they were before World War II, and this museum is one of them. The former palace of King John Sobieski III, a baroque-style property built in 1677, now welcomes visitors to explore its royal apartments, chapel, library and galleries. And surrounding the museum are manicured gardens filled with rose bushes, lemon trees, tulip bulbs and other colorful plants.

Visitors describe the Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów as a "pretty palace" with "beautiful and great art." Many also rave about the property's gardens, though a few say some of the palace's rooms could do with fewer paintings. Nature enthusiasts should consider visiting in spring when the museum's flowers are in bloom.

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Copernicus Science Centre (Centrum Nauki Kopernik) Copernicus Science Centre (Centrum Nauki Kopernik)

Named for Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, the Copernicus Science Centre is where budding scientists can learn more about topics like electricity, light and engineering. In addition to hands-on activities, 20-minute workshops that focus on everything from building a fire without modern equipment to writing hieroglyphs are provided daily. The museum also features a rooftop garden, a theater, a planetarium and a park with additional interactive exhibits.

Families will enjoy visiting this science museum. Various gadgets and experiments throughout the center entertain and educate children of all ages, but the property fills up fast (and occasionally sells out of tickets before closing for the day), so visitors recommend arriving early or buying passes in advance on the museum's ticket page (which is in Polish). Also, travelers who want to visit the Buzzz! gallery will need to pick up a timed ticket when purchasing museum passes. If you're not traveling with kids, many reviewers suggest you skip this attraction.

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The 13 best things to do in Warsaw

The best things to do in Warsaw include food halls, forts filled with art, bars dedicated to Depeche Mode and more

Natasha Wynarczyk

Poland ’s sprawling capital has a chequered history, including brutal Medieval warfare and occupation during World War II—and you can explore all that and more when tackling each one of the best things to do in Warsaw. This is reflected in the city's architecture, from Gothic churches to tall Soviet skyscrapers. Cooler than the more touristy Krakow , Warsaw has undergone a major foodie revival in recent years and has also developed a thriving art scene in the warehouses littered throughout the city. Budget airlines offer direct flights here for as little as £35 return— and, as it's Eastern Europe, you can expect to actually come home with leftover spending money despite living like a king while in town.

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Best things to do in Warsaw

1.  praski park.

Praski Park

What is it? A large park in the east of the city, dating back to the nineteenth century.

Why go? On first glance, this might seem like a regular park. But there's a surprising difference. Real life brown bears have been living on the concrete island of Praski Park (which is also called Praga Park) since 1945. There are currently three beasts living there  – Tatra, Mała and Sabina  – but although they look cuddly, don't be lured into the enclosure for a bear hug. People have been mauled in the past.

2.  Muzeum Neonów

Muzeum Neonów

What is it? A gallery showcasing a large collection of neon signs dating from 1950 to the 1970s.

Why go? Located in trendy artists' hub the Soho Factory, in the east (of course) of Warsaw, this Instagram-friendly warehouse is packed full of neon advertising signs from the shops, bars and restaurants of Cold War-era Warsaw that were saved and restored following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

3.  Hala Koszyki

Hala Koszyki

What is it? A giant indoor complex comprising of 18 restaurants and several street food stalls.

Why go? This Art Nouveau market was refurbished and reopened two years ago as a gastronomic paradise. You can eat a meal in one of the numerous restaurants that serve up anything from Italian to Hawaiian cuisine or buy fresh produce and prepare dinner at home. With martinis for just £3.50 it would be rude to not stop off at the bar.

4.  Beirut Hummus & Music Bar

Beirut Hummus & Music Bar

What is it? Grazing plates and colourful cocktails are the order of the day at this neighbourhood bar.

Why go? Middle-Eastern food is very popular in Poland, and there are loads of kebab shops around the city. If you're looking for somewhere a bit more lively, Beirut Hummus & Music bar is a local favourite, where you can share platters of hummus, falafel and halloumi burgers while listening to indie hits from the 2000s.

5.  Kraken Rum Bar

Kraken Rum Bar

What is it? Just next door to Beirut is Kraken Rum Bar, another small establishment where you can try Polish rum.

Why go? This dive joint specialises in rum, of course  – and a must-try is the spirit made especially for the bar by the brewers at Artezan, Poland's smallest brewery. Kraken also serves up seafood at bargain prices. You can get a seafood platter and a cocktail for £9 here, which is surely some sort of record.

6.  Klub Hydrozagadka

Klub Hydrozagadka

What is it? This small nightclub in an arch hosts regular gigs by local bands and 1980s electronica nights.

Why go? Two things are exceptionally popular in Poland: getting trashed on vodka and dancing to 80s’ synth dinosaurs Depeche Mode. Luckily, you can do both these things at the same time at Klub Hydrozagadka, a trendy joint where locals party the night away in quirky warehouse surroundings.

7.  Bar Bambino

Bar Bambino

What is it? A traditional Warsaw 'milk bar' where you can sample traditional Polish cuisines, such as perogies, stodgy dumplings filled with fillings such as meat and spinach.

Why go? Milk bars have a bit of a misleading name  – they aren't the ones you'd find Alex and his droogs from ‘A Clockwork Orange’ plotting their wicked ways in, they're actually low-priced cafeterias selling dairy-based Polish food. Bambino is known as being the best. If you don't speak Polish it's worth asking for the English-speaking menus they keep behind the counter.

8.  Bazar na Kole

Bazar na Kole

What is it? Bazar na Kole is a flea market open Saturdays and Sundays from 6am to 3pm, where it's rumoured you can literally buy anything.

Why go? Whether you're looking for old photographs, interesting furniture, traditional Polish handicrafts or vintage clothing and bags, you won't be disappointed by the bargains on offer at this bi-weekly market. Even if you're not planning to part with cash, a stroll in the fresh air rummaging through the stalls will cure you of your vodka hangover in no time.

9.  Chopin's Heart

Chopin's Heart

What is it? The heart of famous Polish composer Frédéric Chopin, interred away from his body in a monument inside Warsaw's Holy Cross Church.

Why go? Chopin died in Paris in 1849. Before his death he made the gruesome request that his heart be taken from his corpse and sent back to his home country. His sister Ludwika complied, smuggling it back to Warsaw in cognac before it was interred in this city centre church. The monument became a rallying point for nationalists during the German occupation and was even stolen by the Nazis before being returned after the war.

10.  Galeria Forty/Forty

Galeria Forty/Forty

What is it? A hidden art gallery in an abandoned Warsaw fort.

Why go? This spot can be tricky to find  – but it is well worth it when you do. The walls of this abandoned fort, dating back to the 1880s, are open 24/7, and are covered in images, text and installed art by Polish artists. Works created by those invited to the project are mixed with graffiti spontaneously added by uninvited artists, giving it an unusual appearance.

11.  Gestapo HQ (Mausoleum of Struggle and Martyrdom)

Gestapo HQ (Mausoleum of Struggle and Martyrdom)

What is it? The former headquarters of the Gestapo when the Nazis occupied Poland, this is now a poignant memorial to the thousands of Poles who passed through its doors to be interrogated and tortured.

Why go? Now a Polish government building, this was the scene of war crimes undertaken by the German secret police during the 1940s. After the war ended, it was decided that the jails where people were held should remain untouched, in tribute to the brave souls who were taken there. It is a harrowing look at not-too-distant-history.

12.  Keret House

Keret House

What is it? The narrowest house in the world, this art installation is meant to represent elements of Warsaw's history.

Why go? This unusual structure was conceived by renowned Polish architect Jakub Szczesny, and is now open for ticketed tours inside. Be warned, however, it is a very tight squeeze, measuring at just over 3ft at its thinnest point and almost 5ft at its thickest. The house is named after an Israeli writer of Polish descent, Etgar Keret, who was invited by Szczesny to live there.

13.  Bubbles


What is it? Boozing in Warsaw is not all vodka, as this popular bar specialising in fizz proves.

Why go? A short walk away from the Gothic Old Town, this restaurant and bar has a vast selection of champagne and prosecco, with prices starting from a mere £1.50 a glass. There's also an interesting  – and cheap  – menu to compliment your drinks, including raclette, caviar, blinis, and beef tartare. Proof you can live a champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget after all.

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Everything you should see and do on a trip to Warsaw

Simon Richmond

Oct 31, 2019 • 7 min read

tourist things to do in warsaw

Explore Warsaw's amazing architecture © Krystian Pawlowski / 500px

With the Foster + Partner designed 310m Varso Tower set to be completed in 2020, Warsaw is on track to displace London as home to the tallest building in the European Union. Closer to the ground, a youthful energy is also transforming this 700-year-old survivor into an ideal location for a central European city break.

Crowds of people enjoy a sunny day in front of the colourful buildings of Warsaw.

A respect for history

Eighty years ago Nazi Germany aimed to wipe Warsaw from the face of the earth – a goal that was very nearly achieved by the end of WWII. However, Varsovians are nothing if not tenacious, and out of the rubble and ashes it is miraculous what has survived – some of which is now preserved in the city’s top museums.

Start in the Old Town, itself a remarkable reconstruction of how this part of Warsaw looked in the 17th and 18th centuries. Here, the innovative Museum of Warsaw displays thousands of eclectic objects, each illuminating different aspects of the city’s history. The museum has several other branches scattered around the Old Town that are worth searching out as well as the equally impressive Praga Museum of Warsaw over on Warsaw’s east side across the Vistula River.

A historic wall is lined with artwork.

Next, deep dive into the city’s darkest days at the exceptional Warsaw Rising Museum . Housed in a former tram power station, this museum forensically covers the heroic but doomed uprising against the German occupation in 1944 via an immersive range of interactive displays, including archival films and personal accounts.

Also leaving practically no stone unturned on a millennium of Jewish life in Poland is the award-winning POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews . The multimedia permanent exhibition shows how much Jewish culture enriched Poland, before Europe's largest Jewish community was practically annihilated during WWII. The museum’s stunning contemporary building, designed by Finnish architectural firm Lahdelma & Mahlamäk, is a sight in its own right and stands amid a park at the heart of the former Jewish ghetto.

warsaw scenery.jpg

Amazing architecture

From medieval churches and revamped art nouveau market halls such as Hala Koszyki , to a flying saucer shaped former railway ticket office that’s now a cafe , Warsaw puts on quite the architectural show. Many of the city's most historic buildings, including the Royal Castle , are restorations or total recreations, but they are no less impressive for that.

A low-angle view of a large Gothic building in Warsaw.

During the Communist era socialist realist style went off the scale for the Marszałkowska Residential District (MDM) with its chiselled heroic worker reliefs and giant pair of candelabra on Plac Konstytucji, as well as the monolithic Palace of Culture & Science, a 1950s 'gift' from the USSR to Poland. To see some of the vast complex’s grand interior architecture, join the guided tour offered by Creatours whose booth is next to the ticket office for the observation terrace.

In recent years trendy café/bar/theatre and gallery Studio Teatr­ga­le­ria has spearheaded a cultural project to make better use of part of the somewhat forlorn Plac Defilad that surrounds the complex. Between May and August, in front of the Palace's main eastern entrance, events such as film screenings and concerts are mounted. In winter rent ice skates and work your way around the ice rink that is set up in front of the northern entrance.

Other noteworthy contemporary buildings include the Copernicus Science Centre , a fun and hugely popular interactive learning experience; and Warsaw University Library , with monumental copper panels on its facade symbolising the pages of books. In summer the library also offers a rooftop garden from which to relax and take in the views.

The great outdoors

Since 2014 Warsaw has run an architecture award ; the 2018 winner was the Vistulan Boulevards , an imaginatively landscaped promenade that has refocussed attention on the river that splits the city. On the Vistula’s east bank footpaths lead through riverside woods to Rusałka Beach , a favourite spot for Varsovians to relax and work on their tans in the warmer months – and one of several beaches along the river.


The former royal hunting ground of Łazienki Park has been transformed over the centuries to include themed gardens, palaces, an ornamental lake and an amphitheatre. It’s home to the Chopin Monument , a fabulous art nouveau bronze statue beside which free piano recitals by award-winning musicians are held every Sunday between mid-May and September.

Another pleasure for nature lovers is the 45-hectare Wilanów Park surrounding Wilanów Palace , 12km southeast of the city centre. Baroque Italian gardens, a Renaissance-inspired rose garden and an English-style landscape park are all part of Wilanów’s design. Even in winter the park is still worth visiting as it is transformed nightly by coloured illuminations.

Historic posters stand in a line.

Art and design

While out at Wilanów don’t miss the Poster Museum in the palace’s renovated stable block. Polish poster designers have gained international acclaim for their original works: some wonderful examples are displayed in the regularly changing exhibitions here, and you can buy classic images in its shop. Back in the city centre, Galeria Plakatu Polskiego has the best selection of original and reproduction posters for sale.

Several centuries of outstanding Polish art and design are on display at the National Museum . The eye-popping collection here covers everything from Medieval religious icons to dazzling decorative arts. The museum’s Polish Design Gallery displays iconic pieces such as Ćmielów porcelain, 1960s fabric prints and Teresa Kruszewska's 1973 'Tulip' armchair;

Art is not restricted to galleries in Warsaw – it can be found in the form of giant Communist era mosaics that decorated the side of the buildings, as well as the contemporary counterpart of painted murals. The old industrial buildings and tenements of Praga, in particular, have become a favoured canvas for street artists, thanks to events such as Street Art Doping . Preserving another Varsovian art form is the Neon Museum , a vibrant retirement home for iconic communist-era neon signs.

The Museum of Modern Art is also doing its bit to make sure art has a profile outside of formal gallery walls. While the institution awaits its permanent home to be built on the north side of Plac Defilad, it has a temporary exhibition space at the Museum on the Vistula : the exterior of this pavilion is covered by 1600 sq m work by Sławomir Pawszak, Poland's largest painting. Another of the museum’s projects is Bródno Sculpture Park , which brings to Warsaw’s north eastern suburbs contemporary works by the likes of Paweł Althamer, Youssouf Dara and Olafur Eliasson.

Pork goulash in bread and a beer sit on a table.

Eat, drink and be merry

Having fed your mind and soul with the best of Warsaw it’s now time to feed your stomach. Whatever your budget you won’t be disappointed. Milk bars (bar mleczny) are super cheap, self-service canteens that are a hangover from communist times. These serve hearty Polish food, mainly vegetarian or dairy-based, hence the name. The best of these operations, such as Prasowy , have given their proletarian decor a contemporary makeover.

If you’re in town on a weekend get over to Hala Gwardii . This 1902 art nouveau market hall once hosted boxing matches; it’s back to selling food and drink, though now in the shape of hipster street-food outlets, craft beer bars and third wave coffee kiosks.

A bowl of dark soup with oatmeal and cherries.

If you’d prefer a traditional style Polish restaurant, romantic Dom Polski in chic Saska Kępa is a great example. For something more contemporary, and to experience local chefs working at the top of their game, book ahead for Bez Gwiazdek or Zoni both of which offer menus that provide give historical and regional Polish recipes a modern twist.

Zoni is part of Koneser , a multiple use complex that’s the latest chapter in the hip revamp of Praga. Top brands of Polish vodka were once produced in the handsome red brick buildings here, as you’ll discover at the interactive Polish Vodka Museum . Take the tour here and you learn all you need to know about the spirit – finishing up, of course, with a tasting of three types of vodka: na zdrowie (cheers)!

Produced by Lonely Planet for Warsaw Tourism. All editorial views are those of Lonely Planet alone and reflect our policy of editorial independence and impartiality.

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My Path in the World

40+ Incredibly Cool Things to Do in Warsaw, Poland

I admit it, I didn’t know what to expect from Warsaw. On the one hand, I remembered it as grey and boring from one day on a bad high school trip years ago; on the other hand, I read about so many amazing places and cool things to do in Warsaw while I was planning my trip.

I’m happy to say that Warsaw is worth visiting , and I think it is a remarkable destination for a city break (you can enjoy it in 2-3 days, but I recommend spending 4 days here), though you can also add it to a longer Central Europe itinerary .

Surprisingly, it’s also an amazing winter break in Europe and a girls’ trip destination ! From museums and historical monuments to bustling modern streets and trendy cafes , this historic city has it all.

It also made me want to visit other cities in Poland like Wroclaw, Gdansk, and Poznan (a total visit-worthy hidden gem ). To help you make the most of your time in this lovely place, here is my epic Warsaw bucket list.

* This post may contain affiliate links from which I earn a commission (for more info, read my disclosure ). As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

* I try to keep the information on this blog as updated as possible, but I still recommend consulting the latest prices, opening hours, and other details on the official website of each site, hotel, and tour, as well as checking the updated public transport routes and timetables.

Wondering what to do in Warsaw Poland? Here are the best things to do in Warsaw including must see places, what to eat and other travel tips.

My favorite carb in Warsaw: Pierogi and potato pancakes at Zapiecek (on Nowy Świat 64, although it has several locations).

Planning a last-minute trip? Check out: Highly-rated accommodations in Warsaw: 1. Warsaw City Center Rooms (budget) 2. Warsaw Heritage Apartment (mid-range) 3. MONDRIAN Luxury Suites UNESCO Old Town (luxury)

Top experiences in Warsaw: 1. Polish dumpling cooking class (with vegetarian and vegan options) 2. Chopin concert in the Royal Castle with a glass of wine 3. Polish food tour

Top day tours from Warsaw: 1. Auschwitz-Birkenau tour with lunch 2. Treblinka day tour 3. Wolf’s Lair day tour

Table of Contents

Cool Things to Do in Warsaw for History and Culture Lovers

Take some unique free tours.

There’s no shortage of fascinating free walking tours to take in Warsaw, including:

  • Free tour of the old town , a UNESCO site
  • Jewish history of Warsaw free tour (one of my favorites!)
  • Free tour of the intriguing Praga district (another experience I loved)
  • Communist Warsaw free tour
  • WWII free tour

Visit the Wilanow Palace and Gardens

Being one of the few famous landmarks in Warsaw that have survived WWII, you can understand the importance of the Wilanow Palace.

This royal palace was built in the 17th century for King John Sobieski the 3rd, and with every new owner, it was enlarged and redecorated.

Apart from its beautiful yellow front facade and art-packed interiors, the palace also has impressive wide gardens and a lake. I recommend getting there right when it opens so that you can take some pictures before the crowded hours.

If you’re visiting Poland in winter or fall, you can also enjoy the Royal Garden of Light , an event in which the complex is magically decorated with thousands of twinkling lights forming unique displays.

Opening hours and prices: Consult them here . Notice that on Thursdays there’s free admission for a limited number of entries.

If you want to explore the palace with a guide, book a private guided tour here .

Getting there: Buses 116, 180, and 519 go from the city center to the palace.

best places in Warsaw - Wilanow Palace

See Sigismund’s Column and Castle Square

Sigismund’s Column is one of the most important monuments in Warsaw as King Sigismund Vasa the 3rd was the one to move Poland’s capital from Krakow to Warsaw.

The memorial stands in the historic Castle Square, which is one of the most famous squares in the city.

The square has gone through some difficult times throughout Polish history, and during WWII, it was destroyed. Nowadays, it is reconstructed and surrounded by beautiful townhouses.

Must see places in Warsaw - Castle Square

Tour the Royal Castle

If there’s one thing you cannot miss when you’re in Castle Square, it’s the Royal Castle, which used to be the official residence of the Polich monarchs.

After a long and challenging history including reconstruction after WWII, it is now listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site (as a part of the historic center), making it a Warsaw must-see.

Apart from its gorgeous facades, you can visit the museum inside it, which includes its luxurious rooms and art galleries. Consult prices and opening hours here (note that on Wednesdays, you can enter the castle for free).

You can also book a guided tour of the Royal Castle. Extra tip: The castle also hosts Chopin concerts , which you can book here.

Royal Castle Warsaw

Enjoy the Views From St. Anne’s Church’s Bell Tower

Located near the Royal Castle, head to St. Anne’s Church for some scenic views of Castle Square. If you’re up for the challenge, climb over 145 stairs to get to the bell tower’s balcony and admire the colorful scenery.

The church itself dates back to the 15th century and is one of the few buildings that weren’t completely destroyed during WWII.

Wander Through the Old Town

Fun fact about Poland : It’s home to 17 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and the Historic Centre of Warsaw is one of them. The Polish capital’s Old Town (Stare Miasto) was reconstructed after WWII while trying to resemble its previous architectural look.

Where to visit in Warsaw - streets in Old Town

The main thing to see in the Old Town is the Old Town Market Place, one of the most beautiful squares I’ve ever seen.

Each building in the square has a different color and unique embellishments, and with the medieval architecture, the entire area boasts an irresistible charm.

Also, in the square and the colorful streets surrounding it, you’ll find many restaurants, cafes, and shops. Although the area is not that big, take your time and explore this magical piece of history.

To learn more about Warsaw’s Old Town, take a FREE walking tour or book this highly-rated segway tour !

Warsaw Old Town Square

Feel the Powers of the Wishing Bell

Dating back to the 17th century, this bronze bell statue is located in Canon Square in the Old Town. If you want to feel its magical powers and make a wish, I’ve read a few versions of what you need to do.

The basic one says to think about your wish and circle the bell. The second version says that you also need to touch it as you go around it.

My favorite, of course, is the one that states that you need to touch it and jump around it on one leg. If you are looking for unusual things to do in this city, there you have it.

Admire the Warsaw Barbican

Dating back to the 16th century and restored after WWII, the Warsaw Barbican is one of the few remains of the city’s system of fortifications.

Today it’s more of a tourist attraction in Warsaw, but since it looks like it belongs in a fairytale, I’m okay with that.

Warsaw Barbican

Visit the Chopin Museum

By Rai from A Rai of Light

The Chopin Museum is an opportunity to get a taste of the life of Poland’s most famous composer, Frédéric Chopin.

This multimedia museum (located within the Ostrogski Palace) houses the collection of Chopin’s work, some of his belongings, his piano, and even a handful of old photographs and letters.

Although lacking organization and information is often presented without context, the museum has a range of interactive activities to better understand his life, work, and travels.

What I particularly enjoyed was the listening room where you can sit and listen to Chopin’s masterpieces.

Consult prices and opening hours here (note that it offers free admission on Wednesdays.

To learn even more about the famous composer, take a guided Chopin tour (that also includes a visit to the museum).

Admire the Krasinski Palace

Also known as the Palace of the Commonwealth, this 17th-century Baroque palace is a non-touristy place in the heart of Warsaw.

The Krasinski Palace’s front facade, along with the surrounding gardens and park, make it a wonderful photo spot in the city.

Tour the Palace on the Isle (Lazienki Palace)

Another landmark from the 17th century that survived WWII is the Palace on the Isle in the famous Lazienki Park. The uses this building has had over the years are a bathing pavilion, a royal summer residence, and barracks.

Nowadays, it is one of the top things to see in Warsaw, and you can either visit the museum inside it or just admire its exterior. Consult prices and opening hours here .

Palace on the Isle

Walk the Royal Route

The Royal Route is a famous route in Warsaw that connects three former royal residences: Royal Castle, Palace on the Isle, and Wilanow Palace.

It includes some of the places I’ve mentioned, but the full route covers 11 km and passes alongside a variety of streets, museums, palaces, and churches. For more info about the full route, read here.

See the Miniature Park at śWiętokrzyski Park

If you like miniatures and architecture, this is the place for you. The goal of this museum is to showcase some of Warsaw’s important buildings that were not restored after the war.

I expected the museum to be a bit bigger, but I still think that the concept is cool and essential to the city’s historic preservation.

Miniature Museum

Visit the National Museum in Warsaw

Boasting a collection of about 830,000 works of Polish and foreign art, the National Museum in Warsaw is one of the largest and oldest art museums in Poland.

From paintings to sculptures to photographs, there’s so much to see in this impressive museum. Consult opening hours and prices here.

Take a Free Tour of the Praga District

You might not expect this from Warsaw, but it’s home to some spectacular street and urban art. Most of it can be found in the Praga district which is on the other side of the city’s river.

I took this free walking tour to learn about the local street art scene and Praga, and it was extremely interesting because this district was curious and unusual.

I love seeing the alternative side of a city, and Praga ticked that box for me.

best things in Warsaw - street art in Praga

Explore More of Praga

As I’ve mentioned, Praga is one of the most intriguing places to see in Warsaw. But did you know that during WWII, 80% of Warsaw was destroyed, but only 20% of Praga was destroyed?

One of the most interesting things about the tour I talked about was seeing the contrast between modern pastel residential buildings and authentic pre-war architecture that has survived.

Old buildings with bullet holes in them alongside new colorful townhouses are not a usual thing to see, so I recommend exploring more of this fascinating area.

Cool places in Warsaw - Praga district

Visit the Warsaw Uprising Museum

By Kami from My Wanderlust

Warsaw Uprising Museum is one of the most interesting  museums in Warsaw and a must-visit. It’s dedicated to the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, a tragic 63-day event during WWII.

It was one of the most important events in the history of Warsaw when the local people tried to fight the Nazi occupant. The fall of the Uprising led to the total destruction of the city.

You can learn all about the Warsaw Uprising, the events leading to it, and the exact course at the museum.

It’s a very interactive and interesting place, and even if you are not an expert in Polish history, you will surely enjoy your visit. You should also go to the lookout towers that offer nice views of the neighborhood.

Address : Grzybowska 79. Consult prices and opening hours here (free to visit on Mondays).

Visit the Palace of Culture and Science

The Palace of Culture and Science is one of the top sights in Warsaw and a prominent Polish landmark that you can see from many spots in the city.

It is the tallest building in Warsaw and is home to museums, libraries, theatres, and the main tourist information office (and many other cultural facilities).

Besides its impressive exterior, you can buy a ticket to take the lift and see the views of the city from above (or take a guided tour that includes access to the terrace ).

Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw Poland

Take a Free Jewish History Walking Tour

I have visited many cities that had a connection to my Jewish heritage (mostly in Spain but also in other countries).

However, a lot of Warsaw’s Jewish history is obviously much more famous and closer to our present time. That’s why taking a walking tour seemed like a must-try free activity in Warsaw .

I took a free walking tour that included several points of interest in Warsaw like the Nozyk Synagogue, the area where the bridge between the Small Ghetto and the Large Ghetto had stood, and the Ghetto Heroes Monument.

The tour talked about centuries of Polish Jewish history (not only the Holocaust), so it was even more informative and intriguing than I had expected.

Get all the details of this free Jewish history walking tour and reserve your spot . You can also book a private Warsaw Ghetto walking tour.

synagogue in Warsaw Poland

Head to Mila 18

Mila 18 was the address of the main bunker of the Jewish resistance force in the Warsaw Ghetto. During WWII, a few weeks after the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising had started, the bunker was found by the Germans.

Instead of surrendering, the 300 people who were in the bunker decided to end their lives so they could die as heroes and not as victims.

Today, there is a small monument and a commemorative stone in Mila 18, and personally, I think everyone should visit it.

A big part of traveling is getting to know local history and other cultures, and it’s not always happy or easy to deal with. But we need to learn about these things anyway, so we can honor others and step outside of our own bubbles.

Mila 18 memorial plaque in Warsaw Poland

Visit the Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews

The POLIN Museum is located where the Warsaw Ghetto used to be, and it showcases the whole history of Jews in Poland.

It is one of the largest museums of Jewish history in Europe, containing eight galleries, each dedicated to a different historical era. It is the last stop of the free walking tour I mentioned, so you can visit it right after.

Skip the lines, and get your ticket to the POLIN Museum in advance , or visit for free on Thursdays.

Take a Free Warsaw in Wwii Tour

80% of Warsaw was completely destroyed during WWII, and much like many other cities in Europe, it is inconceivable what happened here in these six years.

So if you want to dive into that time in history and learn more about Warsaw during WWII, take this free tour .

Cool things to do in Warsaw

Wander the Open-Air Tibetan Gallery

Situated in the Wola district, this unique urban art gallery, Galeria Tybetańska, started taking shape after the Dalai Lama visited Warsaw.

It is filled with paintings showcasing the Tibetan struggle to get autonomy from China and is an unusual colorful corner in the city.

Photograph Some Cathedrals

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw some of Warsaw’s religious buildings like St. Florian’s Cathedral, Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Mary Magdalene, and St. John’s Cathedral. If you love architecture, I’m sure you’ll appreciate them as well.

St Florian Cathedral Warsaw

Take a Free Communism Walking Tour

With how modern Warsaw seems today, it’s easy to forget that up until 30 years ago, there was still a communist regime in Poland.

If you want to know what it was like to live under communist rule, hear some intriguing urban legends , and see a few landmarks connected to that time, this tour is for you.

Visit the Neon Museum

Another thing to do in Praga is to visit the Neon Museum. It is dedicated to the preservation of the neon signs of the communist era in Poland.

Here you can see different neon signs from that time that were saved from destruction and learn about their history. Consult prices and opening hours here.

To be honest, it sounds good on paper and looks super cool in the photos, but I thought it would be bigger and a bit more impressive.

Neon Museum, Warsaw Poland

Want to see more of Poland? Check out this incredible Krakow itinerary !

Best Things to Do in Warsaw for Foodies

Eat pierogi.

When visiting Poland, eating pierogi is a must! These dumplings from Central and Eastern Europe are filled with all kinds of savory or sweet fillings and served with some toppings like onions.

The famous Polish restaurant Zapiecek (which has several locations in Warsaw) offers a large variety of pierogi, and I highly recommend eating there.

In some cases, the famous establishments are overrated, but I loved the food at Zapiecek so much! With perfect flavors, many vegetarian options, and even sweet pierogi for dessert, I would gladly go back there for one more bite.

Eat at a Milk Bar

Milk bars are traditional Polish diners serving hearty Polish food at ridiculously low prices.

They were first founded in the late 19th century and served only dishes made from dairy, but today, they serve all types of local traditional food.

I tried Rusalka (Florianska 14) in Praga, and it was the perfect comfort food lunch.

a meal at a milk bar

Eat Potato Pancakes

Also served as both savory and sweet, potato pancakes are another great Eastern European delight you need to try.

At Zapiecek, I ate them with cream and mushroom sauce, but you can find them in cafes or even some ice cream shops served with berries and whipped cream.

Eat Some Paczki (Polish Donuts)

I didn’t expect to see so many bakeries and patisseries in Warsaw, and one thing that stood out was Polish donuts. They are impossible to miss and are served in almost every bakery and cafe.

Indulge in Hot Chocolate at E. Wedel

I am a total sucker for hot chocolate, and E. Wedel (Szpitalna 8) could not have been a more perfect place to savor a cup.

E. Wedel is actually a well-known company that produces high-quality chocolates and sweet snacks, but they also have chocolate lounges in cities like Warsaw and Krakow.

Apart from the neverending menu (which is impossible to choose from), the cafe itself looks like a palace and is absolutely beautiful!

I would happily go back for another cup of their perfect thick hot chocolate and enticing elegant atmosphere.

Hot chocolate at E Wedel

Explore Warsaw’s Indoor Food Markets

Warsaw is home to a few indoor markets, including Hala Mirowska (a more traditional market), Hala Gwardii, and Hala Koszyki (which are both quite trendy).

Their buildings are worth visiting just for the architecture, but while you’re there, have a little stroll and grab a bite.

Other Fun Places to Visit in Warsaw

Lazienki park.

After mentioning its most famous monument, it’s impossible not to write about Lazienki Park itself. It is the largest park in Warsaw and is just a beautiful place where you can easily spend a few hours.

The park houses many other monuments like the Chopin statue (on Sundays during the spring and summer, you can enjoy a free Chopin concert near it), but the main ones that also require a ticket are the Palace on the Isle, the Old Orangery, and the Royal Theatre.

Consult their prices and opening hours here .

University of Warsaw Botanic Gardens

Located in the northern part of Lazienki Park, the botanical gardens are a feast for the eyes.

At first sight, it seems like another pretty garden, but after only a few minutes it becomes so much more. With so many different species, some parts look like a colorful house garden, and some look like a giant forest.

It is quite a big place, so don’t rush it and take your time while exploring this stunning site. See prices and opening hours here .

Warsaw botanical gardens

Copernicus Science Center

By Karolina from Lazy Travel Blog

The largest science center in Poland, the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw is a place that you should not miss.

Whether you are a full-on geek, a kid-at-heart, or someone who’s never been interested in science, the museum’s stunning exhibits will give you a good show with their concerts and laser shows.

A perfect place to go if you are on a family or a  romantic trip to Warsaw , Copernicus Science Centre is a space where curiosity and love of learning are cultivated with its exhibits and experiments.

Consult prices and opening hours here .

Pinball Museum

If you’re looking for quirky attractions in Warsaw, head to the Interactive Pinball Museum, where you can be a kid again and enjoy more than 80 pinball and arcade machines.

For a fixed one-day entrance fee, you can play as many times as you want without having to use any coins/chips to turn on the machines. Browse the latest opening hours and prices.

University Library Gardens

These gardens on the University of Warsaw Library roof are one of the most beautiful places in Warsaw. The gardens include two sections – the lower part and the upper part where each has different characteristics.

In the gardens, you’ll see ponds, granite sculptures, and many varieties of vegetation, all combined in a mesmerizing decor.

Although the upper part is only open from April to October, the lower part is open all year round. Plus, the entrance is free !

Address:  Dobra 56/66.

best places to see in Warsaw - University Library Gardens

Saxon Garden

One of the most famous parks in Warsaw, the Saxon Garden (Ogród Saski) is an unmissable place in the Polish capital.

Dating back to the 17th century (when the royal Saxon Palace was standing next to it), it’s the oldest public park in Warsaw and one of the first in the world.

While some parts of it are prettier than others, it is a nice place for a stroll, and it’s also home to the famous Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a monument dedicated to unidentified fallen soldiers.

The Presidential Palace

Originally built in the 17th century, the Presidential Palace is, as the name suggests, the official residence of Poland’s president.

Though it’s not open to the public, you can admire it on the outside while you stroll along Krakowskie Przedmieście street.

Nowy Swiat Street

Nowy Swiat is one of the main streets in Warsaw. After being almost completely destroyed in WWII, it is now fully reconstructed.

It’s a great area to stroll around since it’s packed with restaurants, cafes, shops, beautiful buildings, and an inviting atmosphere.

Enjoy a Night Out at Pawilony

If you’re looking for fun things to do in Warsaw at night, this is a great one. Pawilony or The Nowy Swiat Pavilions are a group of 25 small bars and pubs located right next to each other.

This unique area offers all kinds of bars (cocktail, shot bars, craft beer pubs, etc.) and a good atmosphere, making it popular all week long.

Website: .

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About Or Amir

Hey, I'm Or! I'm a passionate traveler with a severe coffee, chocolate, and pastry addiction (or any other carb for that matter). I'm always planning my next trip to Spain, Italy, or any other country in Europe, and my goal is to help you make the most of each destination.

17 thoughts on “40+ Incredibly Cool Things to Do in Warsaw, Poland”

It is best about Warsaw I have ever read I am Warsaw citizen for over thirty years and I still don’t know some of these places I am very experienced travelled so I can compare Warsaw to many capitals in the world And I know I live in great very quick changing city Thank you very much for great advertisement of Warsaw I am impressed

Thank you, Robert! That means a lot. I’m curious to know what places you didn’t about!

Great article! I loved Warsaw so very much. Old Town, Wilanow Palace, The Warsaw Zoo, and a street art tour of the Praga district were some of the highlights from my trip. Not to mention the food. I loved the milk bars and delicious pierogi!

Thank you! It really is a great destination!

Thanks for the great guide. I recently spent a week in Warsaw and fell in love with the city. From Wilanow Palace to E. Wedel, the city is one of my favorites in Europe.

I’m glad this was helpful! It’s a wonderful city to explore.

Warsaw is now on my bucket travel list for when we can get back on traveling, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!

You’re welcome, Valentina! I’m sure you’ll love it 🙂

Such a helpful guide to Warsaw! I’ve only been to Krakow but would love to visit Poland again, the food was so good. I never visited a Milk bar but I need to try it.

Thank you! Poland is worth exploring and you’re right about the food 🙂

Amazing post! I only had about 2 days in Warsaw and didn’t get to see near enough of it. But loved the Old Town area and ate some amazing pierogies!

Thanks so much! Pierogis are paradise 🙂 2 days are definitely not enough – I was surprised too by all the things you can do in Warsaw 🙂

wow, very informative. Thank you so much. Your article has helped me a lot for my plan to Warsaw this july.

I’m happy you find it helpful! Enjoy your trip to Warsaw and let me know if you have any questions 🙂

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Hi, I'm Or!

I'm a passionate traveler obsessed with traveling in Europe and discovering hidden gems in each place I visit. For me, it's not about ticking destinations off the bucket list but experiencing each one of them to the fullest. Read more about me and my story.

tourist things to do in warsaw

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The 15 Best Things to do in Warsaw, Poland

Best Things to do in Warsaw, Poland

Take a stroll through historic sites in the Old Town or walk beneath the modern skyscrapers and brutalist buildings in central Warsaw. Then try to imagine the Polish capital as a tiny fishing village on the banks of the River Vistula. It’s impossible to see it so today, but until Warsaw’s big break came in 1596, it was little more than an insignificant mark on the map.

Things changed when King Sigismund III, who ruled over much of present-day Poland, Lithuania, Sweden , and Finland , transferred his seat of power from Krakow to Warsaw, transforming a trading outpost into a royal capital in an instant. The king began building the palaces, churches, and fortifications you’ll see today in Warsaw’s restored Old Town, and Warsaw quickly became a center for religion, culture, and the arts in eastern Europe.

Fast forward to 1944, and it’s equally difficult to imagine how Warsaw was almost erased from the map entirely. Prolonged years of German occupation, followed by the Warsaw Uprising toward the end of World War II, led to the systematic destruction of the city. 

You can learn more about this harrowing era at the Warsaw Uprising Museum or POLIN: Museum of the History of Polish Jews. But from the ashes, Warsaw rose again, and the Polish capital was rebuilt through the communist decades that followed.

Today, Warsaw is one of Europe’s largest and most exciting destinations. Discover Polish history, explore the legacy of famous Poles like Copernicus and Chopin, and explore alternative districts like Praga, where beer and vodka flow freely until the early hours of the weekday mornings. 

With so many things to see and do, you might not know where to begin. So we’ve compiled our list of the absolute best things to do in Warsaw for you. Stick to these fun and unique Warsaw bucket list recommendations, and there’s no doubt you’ll have an amazing time exploring the gorgeous Polish capital!

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase or booking through one of our links we may earn a small commission (don’t worry, it’s at no extra cost to you).

15 Fun and Unique Things to do in Warsaw

1. start with a walking tour of warsaw’s old town.

tourist things to do in warsaw

Warsaw’s Old Town is a testament to the city’s past and present. This is the oldest part of Warsaw, and the history has been recognized not only by the vast number of tourists you’ll see here but also by the area’s listing as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Many of the oldest parts of the city wall date back to the 13th century when Warsaw was just a little fishing and trading community. The Royal Palace was added later and became the home of King Sigismund III when he made Warsaw his capital in 1596. The best way to explore the cobblestone streets is on a walking tour, and you can meet your guide by Sigismund’s Column right in the middle of Castle Square.

The real heart of the Old Town is Market Place, where you’ll see the 15th-century town hall. It’s here where you’ll learn how Warsaw’s Old Town was completely razed during the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. Angered by the Polish resistance, the German occupiers set about destroying the cultural legacy of Warsaw, and they started with Market Place. 

Unique Things to do in Warsaw, Poland: Old Town

On your walking tour, though, you’ll also learn how the Old Town was painstakingly rebuilt from the rubble. Original plans were followed as bricks were salvaged from the destruction, and today, the Old Town is as much a signifier of the city’s resolute will to survive as it is a historical attraction. 

There are multiple walking tour companies offering tours of the Old Town, with daily departures all throughout the year. We recommend joining a “Free Walking Tour” if you’re in any doubt since you only pay what you feel the experience was worth at the end of the tour. 

Book an Old Town Walking Tour

2. Reach into Regal History at the Royal Castle 

tourist things to do in warsaw

A visit to the Royal Castle is one of the best things to do in Warsaw. While you’ll see the castle’s fabulous exterior on your walking tour of the Old Town, come back later to see the inside. 

The Royal Castle is one of Warsaw’s oldest sights, with parts of the towers and walls dating back to the 14th century. Take a tour of the castle or stroll around its ramparts, and you’ll learn that the stately rooms and grand regal chambers were built by none other than Sigismund III from 1596 onwards (who else?). The king needed a new royal castle worthy of his ambitions, and the Royal Castle in Warsaw became the seat of Poland’s monarchy for centuries to come. 

Fun Things to do in Warsaw, Poland: Royal Castle

Successive rulers added their mark, with the distinctive Baroque elements being added in the 1700s. The German army blew the palace up in 1944, and everything was rebuilt brick by brick from the pile of rubble left behind. Today, you can explore the rebuilt royal apartments, stroll through the landscaped royal gardens, and visit the Lanckoroński Collection, a donated art collection that includes a Rembrandt. 

Book a Royal Castle Guided Tour

3. Escape to the Palace on the Isle in Warsaw’s Łazienki Park

tourist things to do in warsaw

Although the Polish monarchy was abolished in 1795, Warsaw has preserved a surprisingly large number of royal relics. If you’re into your regal history, then make your way to Łazienki Park, where you can escape to the Palace on the Isle.

Łazienki Park is Warsaw’s largest public park, with 76 hectares of greenery, trees, and historic monuments and palaces for you to explore. The park is located right in the center of Warsaw, because, originally, it was set aside as a private park for the Polish monarchy. 

Warsaw, Poland Things to do: Lazienki Park

Also known as Royal Baths Park, Polish kings had elaborate bathhouses and palaces built here for their personal enjoyment. The largest bathhouse was extended into a regal palace, which you can visit today. The original marble bathhouse was constructed in the 17th century, and the baroque palace was built around this a century later. 

Surprisingly, the Palace on the Isle survived World War II intact, although the interiors were looted and burned by the retreating Germans. Take a tour of the palace, enjoy magnificent views from its waterfront location, then visit sights like the Chopin Monument in the surrounding park. 

Lazienki Park & Palace Tour and Cruise

4. Take the Elevator to the 30th Floor of the Palace of Culture and Science

tourist things to do in warsaw

Visit Warsaw’s modern city center, and you can’t miss the brutalist skyscraper rising high above the city. This distinctive building, with its tall and rectangular shape, is the Palace of Culture and Science , and it was built in 1955 to emulate the style of socialist realism inspired by Stalin.

The Palace of Culture and Science stands 237 meters tall, and it’s currently the second-tallest building in Poland. It’s a stark reminder of the country’s communist era and is often described as an “unwanted gift” from the USSR. Regardless, the tower is here to stay, and visiting the 30th-floor observation deck for sweeping views is one of the best things to do in Warsaw. 

Best Things to do in Warsaw, Poland: Palace of Culture and Science

True to its name, the Palace of Culture and Science continues to be an important cultural attraction. Inside the brutalist skyscraper, you’ll find cinemas, conference halls, and even a swimming pool. 

Book a Palace of Culture and Science Tour

5. Jump in a Retro Van for a Communist Tour of Warsaw 

tourist things to do in warsaw

Want to learn more about Poland’s communist past? Then jump in a retro van for a communist tour of the city. 

Adventure Warsaw operates unique tours in the back of a communist-era Nysa 522, a classic minivan that once plied the streets of Poland. This is one of the top things to do in Warsaw, and you’ll be whisked around the city’s major communist sights as you learn about the country’s 20th-century history. 

The tour ends at the Museum of Life Under Communism , where you’ll chat with locals who lived under communism. You’ll also get to try some Polish vodka – because this is Poland, of course. 

If you don’t like the idea of a retro van tour, then you can also consider joining communist walking tours. These take you to many of the major sights and provide an insight into what life was like behind the Iron Curtain until the fall of communism in Poland in 1989.

Experience a Private Tour by Communist Van

6. Explore Art and History at the National Museum in Warsaw

The National Museum in Warsaw is home to some of Poland’s greatest historical and cultural treasures, and it’s a must-see attraction when you’re exploring the nation’s capital. This is the largest museum in Warsaw, in fact, and you can easily spend hours delving into the extensive art history collections arrayed across its multiple floors and galleries.

The National Museum in Warsaw was originally founded in 1862 as a fine art museum, but its remit has expanded greatly since then. Today, you can see a famous collection of art created by early Nubian Christians almost 2,000 years ago. Ancient Greek and Roman sculptures are even older, while the medieval and modern galleries are not to be missed.

7. Find Chopin’s Heart in Warsaw 

tourist things to do in warsaw

Frederic Chopin is one of Poland’s most famous sons. The 19th-century musician was one of the finest composers and pianists of his age, but he was forced to spend much of his life in exile.

Although he was born and raised in Warsaw, Polish nationalist uprisings against the Russian Empire saw Chopin moving to Paris when he was 20. He died young of tuberculosis, although you’ll hear in Warsaw that he died of a broken heart, longing to see his beloved Poland once more. 

Must do things in Warsaw, Poland: Chopin Heart

Rather strangely, Chopin asked that his heart be cut from his dead body, as he feared being buried alive. Eventually, his pickled heart found its way back to Poland, where it now rests in the Church of the Holy Cross in Warsaw. You can go and find it, if you’re feeling macabre. 

Alternatively, you can visit the Museum of Frederic Chopin to learn more about the life of Poland’s famed composer. The museum is located in the house where Chopin was born, and it’s one of the must-do things in Warsaw for music lovers. 

8. Get Interactive at the Copernicus Science Center

tourist things to do in warsaw

For kids, families, and lovers of science, one of the best places to visit in Warsaw is the Copernicus Science Center .

The center is, of course, named for Nicolaus Copernicus, another of Poland’s most famous sons. Copernicus was a renaissance era astronomer, and he famously developed a theory that the earth revolved around the sun and not the other way around.

What to do in Warsaw, Poland: Copernicus Science Center

Inside the Copernicus Science Center, you’ll find an entire floor dedicated to the stars and astronomy. But the Planetarium is just one of the exhibitions you can get interactive with at this huge science museum. 

The permanent exhibitions include over 400 interactive exhibits, which explore everything from the beginnings of human civilization to science experiments, robotics, and much, much more. 

9. Delve into World War II History at the Warsaw Uprising Museum 

For history lovers, one of the best sights in Warsaw is the Warsaw Uprising Museum . Warsaw spent long years under German occupation during the Second World War, but as the Soviets advanced across eastern Europe in 1944, the time finally came for the city to rebel.

Visit the excellent Warsaw Uprising Museum, and you’ll learn how the city fought back for 63 days. The Warsaw Uprising began on August 1, 1944, and bloody fighting rocked the city until the rebel army surrendered on October 2, 1944, before the Soviets reached them.

After the defeat, Warsaw was systematically destroyed, and little remained once the Germans eventually retreated. The event scarred Warsaw forevermore, and inside the museum, you can delve deeper into the individual human stories of those who fought in the battle and the Allied leaders who strategized and argued as Warsaw burned. 

After your trip to the museum, make sure to visit the moving Warsaw Uprising Monument, which is a lasting tribute to those who lost their lives in the fight. 

10. Uncover the Origins of Vodka at the Polish Vodka Museum 

tourist things to do in warsaw

If you’re looking to enjoy a few lighthearted hours in the city, then one of the best places to visit in Warsaw is the Polish Vodka Museum .

Vodka is Poland’s national drink, and the humble spirit distilled from grains is said to date back to at least the 14th century. The origins are disputed, with many surrounding nations claiming vodka to be theirs, but you can see the Polish side of the story at the museum.

The Polish Vodka Museum is located in an old red brick factory that used to distill vodka. You’ll learn the centuries-old history of this fiery alcoholic tipple, see the different ways it can be distilled, and explore the different ingredients that can be used to make it.

You can then try your hand at preparing your own vodka recipes before enjoying a tasting session in the bar. There is even an on-site restaurant where you can try local Polish dishes while sampling more vodkas from around the country. 

Book a Polish Vodka Museum Tour

11. Learn about Poland’s Neon Love Affair at the Neon Museum

tourist things to do in warsaw

Visiting the unusual Neon Museum is one of the coolest things to do in Warsaw. Located in the city’s alternative Praga District, the Neon Museum has been wowing visitors with its garish collection of neon artworks and advertising signs since it first opened in 2012.

Yes, the concept does seem highly irregular, but you’ll be instantly drawn to the fascinating story of Poland’s love affair with neon lighting the moment you walk through the doors.

Neon signs were popular during the communist era, and while they didn’t necessarily advertise products as you’d expect them to in capitalist countries, they were a fixture of streets across Warsaw. Their role was often to inform rather than sell products to potential customers. 

The Neon Museum saved many from being lost when the country transitioned to capitalism, and it now holds 200 nostalgic neon signs on display in an old factory in Praga. It’s a fascinating look at communist history through a unique lens and easily one of the best things to do in Warsaw. 

12. Explore Warsaw’s Alternative Side in Praga 

tourist things to do in warsaw

Cross over the Vistula River from Warsaw’s Old Town, and you’ll find yourself in Praga. The eastern bank of the river is home to the city’s alternative district, where you can not only find the Neon Museum but the Museum of Praga , Warsaw Zoo , Praga Park, and many more top Warsaw attractions.

Take a walking tour, and you’ll learn how Praga was a separate city from Warsaw for much of its history. Divided by the river, Praga was an independent entity with its own character, government, and institutions. Praga survived World War II almost untouched because of this, and it’s fascinating to compare both sides of modern Warsaw during your stay.

Today, Praga is home to many of Warsaw’s best underground clubs, craft beer bars, and independent cinemas, making it an excellent alternative base in the city (it’s a great place for a night out!).

13. Learn How to Cook Pierogi in Warsaw 

tourist things to do in warsaw

A cooking class is one of the most fun things to do in Warsaw, and nothing quite beats learning (or trying to learn) how to make pierogi when you’re in the Polish capital. 

Pierogi are dumpling-like parcels of delicious joy, and you’ll find them on menus all over Poland. They’re a national favorite, and they can be filled with sweet and savory delights ranging from sweet cheese to potatoes and sauerkraut.

Must do things in Warsaw, Poland: Cook Pierogi in Warsaw

Join a cooking class, and you’ll learn how to roll out the dough (prepared using flour, water, and possibly egg) before cutting it into dumpling-sized portions. You’ll then wrap up your fillings, crimp the edges, and then boil or pan-fry the pierogi to perfection. Add a dollop of sour cream, and you’ve got yourself a feast to enjoy! 

14. Visit POLIN, the Museum of the History of Polish Jews 

tourist things to do in warsaw

One of the most important Warsaw attractions is POLIN , or the Museum of the History of Polish Jews. This excellent and, at times, emotional museum takes a staggeringly deep dive into Jewish history, and it’s a must-visit when you’re in the city.

POLIN is an ambitious project that attempts to tell centuries of history as you walk through its informative yet moving exhibition floors. The museum itself is located on the ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto, where the city’s Jewish population was mercilessly quartered during the German occupation in World War II. 

As you arrive at the museum, you’ll see the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Memorial, a lasting tribute to the Jewish fighters and civilians who died in an ill-fated rebellion launched in 1943. But the story begins long before this, as you start by learning the origin stories of Poland’s Jewish population, who are said to have migrated here from the 10th century onwards.

Best Things to do in Warsaw, Poland: POLIN

The museum explores the different eras that followed, showing how the Jewish population was continually persecuted throughout history, even as they rose to contribute greatly to Polish society. It culminates with an exhibition showing how Poland’s Jews were almost entirely wiped out during the Holocaust, and it was only in 2007 that a museum was founded to tell their story. 

If you’re interested in learning more after POLIN, then you may want to consider taking a Jewish Walking Tour of Warsaw or visiting the Jewish Cemetery. 

POLIN Museum Ticket

15. Take a Moving Tour of Treblinka

tourist things to do in warsaw

After even a few days in Warsaw, you’ll start to realize just how much Poland suffered during World War II. Just a 90-minute drive from the city, you can see where the Nazi’s brutal policies came to a nasty pinnacle with a trip to Treblinka.

Treblinka was a Nazi death camp, and hundreds of thousands of people (the vast majority of them Jewish) lost their lives here between 1942 and 1943. In the short span of time it was open, it’s estimated that as many as 700,000 people were killed here (second only to Auschwitz).

Warsaw, Poland Bucket List: Treblinka

The Nazis tried to cover up their atrocities, and it wasn’t until the 1960s that the first memorial was built here. Join a day tour from Warsaw, and you’ll learn more about the dark history of the camp and see the monuments that mark this dark era in European history.  

Treblinka Concentration Camp Tour

There you have it! The 15 best things to do in Warsaw. What’s your favorite thing to do in Warsaw?

Planning a trip to Poland? Check out our favorite books and travel guides!


Best Things to do in Warsaw, Poland

Richard is an award-winning travel writer based in Southwest England who’s addicted to traveling off the beaten track. He’s traveled to 75 countries and counting in search of intriguing stories, unusual destinations, and cultural curiosities. Richard loves traveling the long way round over land and sea, and you’ll find him visiting quirky micronations and breakaway territories as often as he’s found lounging on a beach (which is a lot). When he’s not writing for BBC Travel, National Geographic, or Lonely Planet, you can find Richard writing for the Wandering Wheatleys or updating his off-beat travel blog, Travel Tramp.

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70 Fun & Unusual Things to Do in Warsaw, Poland

things to do in Warsaw, Poland

  • 13 Pinterest

The bustling, built-up, beautiful capital of Poland, Warsaw is truly a city of contrasts. It has modern business districts, yet remains deeply traditional with its historical architecture and monuments. It’s cosmopolitan, but also home to many charming cobbled streets that are perfect for exploring and people-watching. It’s refreshing and green, but also full of energy with amazing — scratch that, wild — nightlife.

This is the kind of place where you can spend one day immersed in centuries-old architecture, and the next diving into art and science at some amazing museums.

Or absorb some history as you retrace the steps of some of the city’s most famous residents, from Chopin and Copernicus to Marie Curie.

And if you venture a little bit outside of town, you will find everything from somber historical sites and palatial residences to waterparks and outdoor adventures.

As you’ll quickly discover, whether you’re an art aficionado or a beer-drinker, a museum-goer (add Wilanów Palace to the list), or an adventure enthusiast (check out Rope Park), the collection of exciting things to do in Warsaw never ends!

1 – Kickstart your trip with a tour through Old Town

Old Town, Warsaw

A quintessential destination for any visitor to the city , old or young, the famous Warsaw neighborhood of Old Town was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1980 and has been welcoming travelers ever since (and long before, in fact).

Depending on your preference, you can walk, bike , scooter , or segway your way through the narrow cobbled streets and marvel at architecture dating back to the 13th Century.

Camera at the ready, because highlights include the baroque style Cathedral of John the Baptist and the famous Sigmund’s Column located in Castle Square, the former home of the Polish monarchy.

After checking off all the historic sites, the area boasts no shortage of good restaurants and cocktail bars ideal for people-watching!

  • Old Town tours

2 –  Gaze at the monuments of Łazienki Park

Lazienki Park, Warsaw

Łazienki Królewskie (otherwise known as Royal Baths Park to travelers) is the beloved site of a bathhouse used by 17th-century Polish nobleman Stanisław Lubomirski — and many famous and non-famous folk since.

These days, you can now roam the grounds and take in the breathtaking art and architecture like Lubomirski’s magnificent Palace of the Isle (Pałac Łazienkowski) or the impressive bronze monument of Frédéric Chopin.

Before you leave, be sure to also check out the Zamek Ujazdowski Center for Contemporary Art (the Zamek Ujazdowski building itself is actually a castle) and the Royal Łazienki Museum.

3 –  Climb to the observation deck of St. Anna’s Taras Widokowy

St. Anna’s Taras Widokowy, Warsaw

A short walk up to the historic bell tower of the Church of St. Anna brings you to its famous “ Taras Widokowy ”, or observation deck. Here, you can take in breathtaking panoramic views of the city and its ever-lively crisscrossing streets below.

Depending on the time and day, the crowds may lengthen your wait time, but visitors agree it’s well worth the 150-step stair climb to get a bird’s eye view of Old Town!

4 – Celebrate the cause at the Warsaw Uprising Museum

Warsaw Uprising Museum, Poland

In August of 1944, Poles launched an insurrection attempt to seize back control of Warsaw from the Nazi army. The Uprising Museum was opened sixty years later to commemorate the events.

During visits to this moving, powerful museum, guests are guided through the stages of the Uprising with over 800 exhibit items, approximately 1,500 photographs, and films and sound recordings spanning over 32,000 square feet.

  • Warsaw Uprising Museum tickets

5 – Visit the Museum at Wilanów Palace

Wilanów Palace, Warsaw

A unique insight into local culture and history, Polish patriotism and tradition are celebrated at Wilanów Palace , a former residence of the revered Polish monarch King Jan III.

Opened originally way back in 1805, it’s one of the oldest museums in the nation, displaying a riveting collection of Royal valuables and collected artworks dating back centuries.

Hot tip: The museum is free of charge on Thursdays, but securing a ticket ahead of time is still recommended.

6 – Defend the city at Warsaw Barbican

Warsaw Barbican, Poland

A postcard-worthy attraction in every sense of the term, The Warsaw Barbican is one of few remaining relics of the complex network of historic fortifications that once encircled Warsaw.

Designed and built by an Italian Renaissance architect in the year 1540, the 4-tower barbican fortress was instrumental in a major redesign of the city’s 14th century barricade walls.

Today, on self-guided or locally-led tours, visitors can get a real sense of what the palatial city perimeter once looked like.

Directions on Google Maps

7 – Explore the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw

One of the essential things to do in Warsaw, this museum celebrates 1,000 years of the history of Polish Jews, whose contributions to Polish life and culture are seemingly endless.

Curious guests can immerse themselves in this important story through a dazzling arrangement of eight galleries packed with artifacts, paintings and interactive installations — all combined, it’s guaranteed to quench your thirst for local historic knowledge.

  • POLIN Museum tickets

8 – Take a hop-on hop-off bus tour!

hop-on hop-off bus tours in Warsaw

Whether you’re feeling lazy or just efficient, why walk when you can hop on or off a double-decker bus that brings you to every major tourist hot spot in the city?

With tour bus passes that last 24, 48, or 72 hours, you can spend as much time as you want at any of the near-dozen major sights including Warsaw City Hall, the Church of Artists, the Chopin Museum, and Bank Square.

  • bus tours in Warsaw

9 – Behold the mighty Modlin Fortress

Modlin Fortress, Warsaw

If you’re looking for truly impressive things to do in Warsaw, take in the monumental structure that is Modlin Fortress.

Just over 30 miles north of Warsaw proper, this towering fortification was built by the French between 1806 and 1812 on the orders of none other than the one and only Napoleon Bonaparte.

Once you find your way there by hiking through a forest (note: wear comfy shoes), you can imagine yourself as royalty within your very own grand fortress and admire spectacular views of the Narew river and its enchanting surrounding woodlands.

10 – Take in a concert at Multimedia Fountain Park

Multimedia Fountain Park, Warsaw

Touted as one of “the most important tourist attractions in Warsaw,” Multimedia Fountain Park features two spectacular water fountains from which up to 30,000 liters of water per minute are poured out through 367 nozzles; a sight made even more dazzling at night when lit with 295 LED floodlights — as you can tell, there’s a lot of moving parts here, combining for one seriously impressive choreographed display.

Moreover, the park serves as a venue for concerts, live shows, and exhibits from May through September every year!

11 – Support a local small business at Rynek Starego Miasta

Rynek Starego Miasta, Warsaw

At the center of one the oldest part of Old Town, you’ll find the charming Old Town Marketplace.

With every step, you’ll feel as though you’ve been transported back in time — as the area is not only packed with local street vendors, cafes, shops, art galleries, and restaurants but is also surrounded by gorgeous seventeenth and eighteenth-century late-Renaissance and Baroque-style merchant homes.

For the ultimate in-depth experience, walking tours are also available.

  • walking tours in Warsaw

12 – Check out the impressive Palace of Culture and Science

Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw

With a towering height of 778 feet, this grand art deco building holds the claim to fame of being the second tallest in Poland and one of the tallest buildings in all of Europe.

The colossal structure houses offices, movie theatres, restaurants, conference and concert halls, and even a swimming pool; meanwhile, beautiful marble and mosaics decorate the interior.

Hot tip: Climb to the 30th-floor terrace to behold some truly spectacular panoramic views of the entire city.

  • Palace of Culture and Science tours

13 – Test your wits and logic in an escape room

escape rooms in Warsaw

Consider yourself somewhat of a next-generation Sherlock Holmes? Then prove it.

Fun for a romantic couple or even a family with kids, Quest Hunt Escape Games is one of Warsaw’s fine escape room venues, where groups of two to five people work together to decipher clues and solve puzzles in one of several themed challenges.

So, will you be smart enough to solve the mysteries that await you before the clock runs out?

14 – Pay your respects at the Auschwitz & Treblinka Concentration Camps

Auschwitz & Treblinka Concentration Camps tours from Warsaw

Not for the faint of heart, the Auschwitz and Treblinka Concentration Camps — each very different yet each incredibly sobering — serve as a memorial to more than 800,000 Polish Jews lost at these sites, and a reminder to never let history repeat itself in what was the most significant horror or the modern era.

Sure to evoke emotions no matter how thick your skin, you can take a private tour of these important landmarks, learn World War II history, and hear the powerful stories of survivors.

  • Auschwitz day trips from Warsaw

15 – Celebrate science at the Copernicus Science Centre

Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw

One of the largest science centers in all of Europe, Copernicus Science Center is, of course, named after the famous Polish polymath and astronomer.

With over 450 interactive exhibits, visitors can roll up their sleeves and perform real-time scientific experiments, discovering the fascinating laws of science for themselves.

Don’t forget to stop into the venue’s planetarium and immerse yourself in the world of astronomy!

16 – Challenge your agility at Rope Park Warsaw

Rope Park Warsaw

A much more lighthearted activity, and one that the whole family is sure to love, a ropes course is a fun and exhilarating way to strengthen your personal development and team-building skills.

So strap on a helmet and harness and swing, climb, and zip your way through challenging rope-based obstacle courses.

Conveniently located just a 15-minute walk from Old Town, at the Rope Park , adults and children even as young as four years old are welcome to work through courses of varying skill levels.

17 – Chow down all over town with some Food Tours

food tours in Warsaw

If you want to get a real taste (literally) for the city during your visit, then check out some food tours!

Make the rounds of different markets and restaurants, sampling local delicacies like pierogies, meats, and soups.

Along the way, you’ll be able to see some of the city’s iconic attractions, and learn all about the dynamic culture from your local guides.

The only problem with these tours? You’ll never want to stop eating!

  • food tours in Warsaw

18 – Float over Warsaw in a hot air balloon!

hot air balloon rides in Warsaw

One for the thrillseekers, outdoor lovers, and romantics, take to the skies and get a bird’s eye view of the capital city with a hot air balloon adventure!

A short ride outside the city brings you to your launch site, and from there, your pilot will be your guide on a one-hour journey through the clouds over central Poland.

Depending on your adventure, you might touch down at one of two attractions: The lush Narew National Park or the quaint town of Tykocin, known for its baroque-style synagogues.

  • hot air balloon rides in Warsaw

19 – Stroll through the Krakowskie Przedmieście

Krakowskie Przedmieście in Warsaw

Make no mistake, fans of beautiful architecture could spend a whole day in Krakowskie Przedmieście (or Kraków suburb) and still want to come back for more.

Admire cathedrals like the Neoclassical St. Anne’s Church and Carmelite Church, or the Baroque style Holy Cross Church. And, once you’re done, there’s also the ornamental Rococo of Czapski Palace and the residence of Poland’s head of state, the opulent Presidential Palace .

20 – Walk the ‘Royal Route’

Royal Route, Warsaw

The Royal Route was once a communication route between the Royal Castle and the personal residence of King Jan III — these days, walking tours of the route are the most efficient way for time-saving tourists to visit the aforementioned Krakowskie Przedmieście, making your way through it on your way to Wilanów, the King’s residence.

Along the way, expect to check out numerous cathedrals, palaces, and historic monuments, with a notable stop is Lazienki Park, where you might hear a Chopin concert if you’re visiting in summer!

21 – Step inside the Holy Cross Church

Holy Cross Church, Warsaw

One of the most notable Baroque-style churches in Warsaw and a landmark doused in history and stories, construction of the iconic Holy Cross church began way back in the 17th century on a site where Roman Catholic worship had already been taking place for hundreds of years.

Like much of the city, the structure incurred major damage during World War II — with that in mind, its current reconstructed façade stands as a testament to Poland’s resilience.

22 – Float along the Vistula River on a Boat Tour

boat tours in Warsaw

A wonderful way to soak in the sites and skyline from a different perspective, set sail down Warsaw’s beautiful Vistula River on a daytime or evening river cruise.

Relax and feel the breeze as you drift past major landmarks like Lazienki Palace or the Copernicus Science Center, and, depending on your boat, perhaps explore the canals of Łazienki Park too.

While several boat types and packages are available, if you’re more of a socialite, it’s hard to go past the evening tours that include drinks and music.

  • boat tours in Warsaw

23 – Get wild at Warsaw Zoo

Warsaw Zoo, Poland

Straddling the banks of the river, Warsaw Zoo is one of those essential things to do in the capital city if traveling with youngsters. Since opening its gates nearly a century ago, the zoo has now become one of the busiest in Europe, serving to help protect nature and all of Mother Earth’s beautiful creatures in collaboration with other wildlife parks around the world.

Boasting more than 500 species from alpacas to zebras and everything in between, no animal lover could resist a trip to this house of natural wonder.

24 – Take a day trip to Krakow

Krakow day trip from Warsaw

A terrific change of pace, why not leave Warsaw for the day to experience Krakow, the second-oldest city in Poland?

Full of color and charm, its Old Town boasts the honor of being the first UNESCO World Heritage Site in the world. Throughout the day (or a couple of days, if you prefer), you’ll wander past beautiful architectural structures that date back centuries, learn the history of the region, which can be traced back to the Stone Age, dig into some handmade ice cream, and probably catch a few street performers in the Rynek Główny (town square).

Feeling fancy? Tours are available for up to six people to travel in style in a luxurious Mercedes with a private driver to boot.

  • Krakow day trips from Warsaw

25 – Pay tribute to brave soldiers at Pilsudski Square

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Pilsudski Square in Warsaw

A locale overflowing with tales of conflict, victory, and so much more, this spot simply can’t be missed by true history buffs.

This revered city square is named for Marshal Józef Piłsudski, who played an instrumental role in the restoration of Polish statehood after World War I. Then, after World War II, the square served as a tribute to the Allied Victory.

To top it off, it houses Poland’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and, as a fun fact, none other than Pope John Paul II popped by in 1979.

26 – Salute national heroes at the Polish Army Museum

Polish Army Museum, Warsaw

Count this as another one of those unmissable things to do in Warsaw for history buffs.

As one of the largest museums across the country, the Army Museum is dedicated to collecting, researching, and showcasing artifacts deemed to be of significant historic value — spanning 1000 years worthy of Polish military history, from the 10th century up to the Second World War.

With real suits of armor, plus crossbows, muskets, giant tanks, and so much more, it’s sure to pique some interest for an hour or two.

27 – Make a splash at Moczydło Water Park

Moczydło Water Park, Warsaw

An ideal spot for those sizzling summer days, this water-themed fun park is sure to be a hit with kids as it offers swimming pools, water curtains, drenching overflow buckets, a paddling pool, a turtle-shaped slide, (should we keep going?) water volcano, and a safe mini playground.

The most popular attraction at Moczydło Water Park , however, is arguably the artificial wave pool — a surefire hit for adults and kids alike.

Hot tip: Before drenching yourself, consider a stroll through the nearby Park Edwarda Szymańskiego — a wonderful slice of greenery and fresh air.

28 – Go rack in time with a ‘Retro Tour’

Retro Tours in Warsaw

For an opportunity to ​​explore the UNESCO World Heritage site that is Old Town in a way most travelers totally overlook, hop into a vintage Fiat 125p or a Communist-era Zuk van and tour the city, old-school-style!

Go cruisin’ down the Royal Route, see the illustrious Castle Square and other architectural beauties, visit the historic Praga district where you can sample authentic Polish delicacies, pastries, vodka, or beer, and so much more.

  • retro tours in Warsaw

29 – Visit the Zachęta – National Gallery of Art

Zachęta – National Gallery of Art in Warsaw

The word “zachęta” means encouragement, and, fittingly, the Zachęta National Gallery of Art is dedicated to encouraging the appreciation and support of Polish contemporary art and artists.

Founded, remarkable, all the way back in 1860, the works displayed are those of outstanding Polish and foreign artists — all up, the fascinating collection comprises some 3600 objects including paintings and videos, and around 100 sculptures and quirky installations.

30 – Take a walk through the Saxon Garden

Saxon Garden, Warsaw

Nature lovers, rejoice!

At the Saxon Garden, a peaceful oasis with tree-lined pathways, Baroque sculptures, and a 19th-century fountain, there’s no shortage of colors to appreciate or spots to throw down a picnic blanket.

As one of the oldest parks in the world (and officially the oldest in the city), it’s an excellent public park for some outdoor exercise or some sunny relaxation — be sure to check out the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the 19th-century sundial while you stroll around!

31 – Wander around Wieliczka Salt Mine

Wieliczka Salt Mine, Warsaw

Looking for a unique attraction that promises jealousy-evoking social media snaps? Then look no further than the UNESCO-listed Wieliczka Salt Mine!

The natural wonder draws visitors from all over the world and for a good reason: 700 years of history are packed away in this underground mine.

Due to its immense size, only 2% of the mine is actually available to view. Still, there’s plenty of room to admire the beauty of the salt maze, crystal grottos, chapels, and sculptures that make this place truly out of this world. All up, it consists of 9 levels, the deepest point being a whopping 327 meters deep.

Located close to Krakow, about 3 and a half hours drive from Warsaw, it makes for a great day or two-day trip.

  • Wieliczka Salt Mine tours

32 – Smash some pinatas at Fun Park Digiloo!

Fun Park Digiloo, Warsaw

If you’re on the hunt for a fun way to wear out the kiddos, let them loose at Fun Park Digiloo !

There is undoubtedly something for everyone here, with laser paintball, smashable pinatas, climbing walls, and a playroom with slides, balls and blocks. There’s also a toddler’s corner for the youngest of the bunch.

With so much to do, they’re sure to sleep the whole way home!

33 – Soak in the history at the Frédéric Chopin Museum

Frédéric Chopin Museum, Warsaw

Any music lovers or pianists in your travel group? If so, the Frédéric Chopin Museum is one of the unmissable things to do in Warsaw. With over 7,500 objects linked to the composer’s life, including personal items and a collection of his works, the exhibits truly honor the legacy and impact he imparted.

Inside of this beautiful building, you’ll find musical manuscripts that to this day are incredibly valuable due to the documentation of his creative process.

34 – Learn about Jewish Heritage and the former Ghetto

Jewish Ghetto and Heritage tours, Warsaw

Prior to WWII, Warsaw was a center for Jewish culture. During the German occupation, however, a ghetto was created to hold all Jewish persons and separate them from the rest of the city by an ominous 10-foot wall.

If you’re interested in learning more about the history, a historian-led tour of the former Ghetto, which tells the story of the Ghetto Uprising, and includes stops at the Jewish Ghetto Memorial, Mila 18 (the former headquarters of the ŻOB, a Jewish resistance group), and plenty more.

Be sure to visit the Jewish Cemetery as well — the resting place of over 200,000 people, many of whom were the nameless victims of the tragic ghetto.

  • Jewish Ghetto tours

35 – Admire The National Museum in Warsaw

The National Museum, Warsaw

The National Museum in Warsaw is one of the oldest art museums in the country, with beginnings that date all the way back to 1862.

Surviving many phases, along with political unrest and war, this institute has strived to maintain a place to hold Polish legacy and history.

Boasting a massive encyclopedia collection and over 830,000 exhibits from all over the world, this is the perfect place for art and history buffs alike.

36 – Watch a game at the PGE National Stadium

PGE National Stadium, Warsaw

This modern, multi-functional facility has truly seen it all: from football championships and indoor windsurfing to the COP-19 Climate Summit, there is always something going on, no matter the season.

So, why not take an impressive tour to learn about all the ins and outs that make this one of the most modern and visited arenas in Europe – or even watch a game at the PGE National Stadium !

37 – Step into the Future at Melt Museum

Melt Museum, Warsaw

Dive into Poland’s first immersive multisensory space at Melt Museum . This unique venue spans 600 square meters with 11 rooms that blend interactive multimedia and reality for a transformative experience.

Created by the innovative duo behind MELT IMMERSIVE, the museum offers a 45 to 90-minute journey that challenges your perceptions of reality.

Open from 12:00 to 20:30 on weekdays and 10:00 to 21:00 on weekends, with tickets starting at just 39 zł, this multisensory adventure promises an unforgettable dive into the future of art and interaction.

38 – Admire the Royal Castle

Royal Castle, Warsaw

Live like royalty for the day and wander the castle that Polish monarchs roamed for centuries!

The Royal Castle stood firm against many armies but after the invasion in 1939 and the Warsaw Uprising in 1944, it was almost completely destroyed after being burned and looted.

Luckily for modern tourists, it was rebuilt in the 70s and 80s and is now a protected UNESCO World Heritage Site, highlighted by its Rembrandt exhibit and peaceful gardens

  • Royal Castle tours

39 – Go canoeing in the Masurian Lake District

canoeing in Warsaw

For a bit of tranquility in the midst of your trip, head out to the Masurian Lake District for some canoeing!

Located just a few hours from the city, this beautiful area is home to a variety of plants and animals, and features some truly gorgeous bodies of water.

Grab your paddle and explore this lush region, following peaceful river routes past small villages, lush forests, and beautiful flocks of birds.

It’s a perfect way to enjoy the unique wilderness!

  • canoeing in Warsaw

40 – Ride carousels at Pepeland

Carousel Park Rozrywki Pepeland

One of the most enjoyable things to do in Warsaw for families, Pepeland is the ideal spot for a picnic, a few rides, and a great day out.

This fantastic amusement park will keep both the young and old busy, with a mini petting zoo, horseback riding, dinosaur exhibits, playgrounds, and sports fields to boot.

Play around the Monkey Grove with swings and slides, or jump on the professional trampoline for a flipping good time!

41 – Experience the rare Warsaw Fotoplastikon

Warsaw Fotoplastikon, Warsaw

The oldest of its kind in Europe, surviving multiple wars and entertaining visitors of all ages since the early 1900s, the Warsaw Fotoplastikon is a stereoscopic theater — a medium that’s largely died out in modern times.

Note: Unfortunately, as of late 2021, the Warsaw Fotoplastikon is temporarily closed. Keep an eye out to see when it reopens, because its historical value and unique entertainment experience is an otherwise must-see, considering the rarity of the technology these days.

42 – Admire the Miniature Park Region Mazowiecki

Miniature Park Region Mazowiecki, Warsaw

Architecture buffs, take note: this one is just for you.

Built by a group of history and architecture enthusiasts, this park seeks to restore the memory of Warsaw prior to the effect of WWII. Inside exists a truly unique exhibit of detailed miniature buildings that have proved critical throughout Warsaw’s history.

Both sobering and awe-inspiring, Miniature Park Region Mazowiecki demonstrates not only the destruction of history but the beauty of what was and still exists.

43 – Learn a thing or two at the Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum

Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum, Warsaw

Science lovers, we’re looking at you for this one!

For students and scholars alike, this museum acts as an interactive biography of Maria Skłodowska-Curie ; as one of the most influential female scientists, she discovered polonium and radium, changing the direction of chemistry and physics.

An easy way to kill a couple of hours, this museum offers both educational and cultural exhibits, as well as films explaining her work.

44 – Wander around the Praga District

Praga District, Warsaw

A rare part of Warsaw that wasn’t destroyed during World War II, the Praga District is one of the city’s charming regions that remain authentic, diverse, and full of historic landmarks.

On guided tours through the area, led by friendly and knowledgable locals, expect to stroll past temples of the variety of religions that have found a home here, before visiting the Praga Museum to learn more about the history.

Finally, take a walk along the quaint streets and finish the stroll at the Neon Museum to see a handful of unique, Cold War-era neon signs.

  • Praga District tours

45 – Step inside St. Florian’s Cathedral

St. Florian’s Cathedral, Warsaw

With two mighty towers standing at 75 meters tall, the stunning St. Florian’s Cathedral  located in the Praga district is a sight to see and a living history museum.

Built back in the 19th century as a form of protest and to maintain Catholic tradition in the area, it was deliberately made to stand out. However, after WWII, it was left in ruins because it had been a hiding place for Jewish persons in the community.

Eventually, it was rebuilt and opened to the public in 1972, drawing visitors from all over.

46 – Take the kids to AIRO Park

AIRO Park in Warsaw

If you’re looking for some family fun, look no further than AIRO Park !

This park boasts many different activities so you can jump around to your heart’s desire: race with other kids on the mini karts, play with an interactive sandbox in the game’s room, defy gravity with a wall run, try your hand (read: feet) at slacklining, or grab a partner and battle on the beams to see who can keep their balance the longest!

47 – Squeeze inside the Keret House

Keret House, Warsaw

An artistic concept turned into reality, the slender Keret House is the narrowest house in the world – the widest point stretch a mere 122 centimeters.

That may sound a little claustrophobic, but the semi-transparent walls allow ample natural light in, making this small space not feel so cramped. As it exists between two buildings, this fully functional space was built with the idea of combining the present and future with a complicated past.

48 – Eat way too much at Specjaly Regionalne

Specjaly Regionalne

With hundreds of excellent reviews, the Specjaly Regionalne is the perfect spot to experience authentic Polish cuisine. Combining healthy, locally sourced ingredients with authentic tastes, you can find all kinds of delightful dishes.

Can’t decide what to order? The beloved eaterie is well-known for its roasted duck and pierogies, so pick either of those and you’ll be sure to leave with a full belly.

49 – Hit some targets on a shooting range

shooting ranges in Warsaw

For anyone looking to learn a new skill, pick up a new hobby, or relieve some stress, a shooting range might be the thrill you need.

Unlike a lot of other countries and cities over in Western Europe, in Warsaw, you can try your hand at shooting a variety of firearms, with some ranges even offering automatic weapons.

Thankfully, besides the target shooting, you’ll also learn everything about safety and handling with individual or group instructors.

  • shooting range in Warsaw

50 – Admire nature’s wonders at the University of Warsaw Botanic Garden

University of Warsaw Botanic Garden

Need a break from the busy city? Then grab a book and head on over to the botanic garden for the afternoon.

With shade-covered benches and thousands of different species of plants, not to mention a small chapel built in the 1700s, there’s plenty of beauty to marvel at in this small but diverse garden.

51 – Level up at the Interactive Pinball Museum!

Interactive Pinball Museum, Warsaw

One for the gamers and retro-lovers, why not spend an evening at the Pinball Museum to enjoy a game night with family and friends?

With more than 60 pinball and arcade games, this museum draws game lovers from all over the city with its vintage selection.

The best part? Once you pay the entry fee, you can re-enter throughout the day with the bracelet and don’t need coins to play the games, unlike most other arcades.

52 – Get cultured at the Modern Art Museum

Modern Art Museum, Warsaw

The ideal spot for a rainy day — or any day if you’re a fan of Warhol and that ilk — the Modern Art Museum is an excellent place for art lovers with a more experimental and contemporary taste.

This museum focuses on film as a medium for art and holds collections from the late 1990s to the present, tallying up over 700 films from local artists — plus plenty of more traditional styles too, of course.

53 – Take a cooking class!

cooking classes in Warsaw

Whether you want to be able to impress your friends back home with your new cooking skills or simply enjoy a lip-smacking meal, a cooking class is one of the more fun and immersive things to do in Warsaw.

Taught by local chefs, you’ll get stuck into making authentic Polish pierogies and learn about Polish liquor tastings and traditions. For the extra thirsty, there are even a few liquor-making classes that include a few take-home bottles!

  • cooking classes in Warsaw

54 – Explore the Warsaw University Library Garden

Warsaw University Library Garden, Warsaw

Not to be confused with the nearby Botanical Gardens, Warsaw University Library Garden is small but perfectly formed garden, a hidden gem for those wanting to get off the beaten track and discover more of Warsaw’s natural side.

Built across two levels on the roof of a new Library building, away from the streetside tourists, this oasis of calm is truly one to behold, with its greenery, bridges, streams, and offers a nice breath of fresh air.

55 – Try traditional Polish dishes at the Stary Dom restaurant

Stary Dom restaurant, Warsaw

Who’s hungry?

This top-class restaurant is a true landmark of Warsaw, with its high ceilings, sophisticated decor, and expansive wine list, conjuring up a wonderful, historic, and friendly atmosphere.

While not centrally located by any means, the beloved eaterie is easily accessible by public transport and, thanks to its huge portions, is well worth the trip to Stary Dom .

56 – Run around the city with a scavenger game!

scavenger games in Warsaw

Everyone loves a good scavenger hunt, so why not try one in Warsaw, operated conveniently from your very own phone?

With all sorts of themes and variations on the traditional game, you’re sure to find something for your group: from historical hunts around Old Town to tours of original graffiti spots or even pub crawls with puzzles thrown in along the way — there are plenty of ways to keep everyone entertained.

  • scavenger games in Warsaw

57 – Take a hike at Kampinos National Park

Kampinos National Park, Warsaw

For those who want to enjoy the great outdoors without necessarily roughing it, Kampinos, a UNESCO-listed Biosphere Reserve, is one of Poland’s best national parks for organized or solo trips.

With its low-level walking trails that are easy on inexperienced legs and a range of activities including kayaking, cycling, horseback riding, and skiing trails, you can discover the beauty of this park on your own terms.

Despite being a national park, it’s only 35 minutes away from the city center by car.

58 – See a show at Teatr Dramatyczny

Teatr Dramatyczny show in Warsaw

Created in 2013 with a combined influence of two performing arts institutions, this stunning building acts as a cultural hub for Warsaw, showcasing influential performances as well as historical plays and concerts.

No matter what you see, you’re guaranteed to get lost in the story with top-notch acting — just check the website to see what’s on during your visit to Teatr Dramatyczny .

59 – Say “​​Na Zdrowie” on a Polish vodka tour

Polish vodka tours in Warsaw

An experience that promises to be both a cultural insight and a jolly good time, a dedicated vodka tour is a wonderful way to break the ice and get to know a few fellow travelers.

We all know that Poland is known for its vodka, but to find the best in the land, you need to know where to look — and that’s where a guided tour comes into play!

But if nightlife isn’t your scene, you can always take a tour of the Polish Vodka Museum to learn the ins and outs of distilling (plus enjoy a tasting session).

  • polish vodka tours in Warsaw

60 – Walk around Skaryszew Park

Skaryszew Park, Warsaw

One of Warsaw’s largest parks, found on the eastern side of the Vistula in the Praga-Południe district, the picturesque Skaryszew is a great spot for picnics and peaceful strolls.

Covering over 58 hectares, the park also contains lakes ideal for kayaking, a handful of walking trails, and no shortage of friendly wildlife (ducks, squirrels, and birds, to name but a few).

61 – Sit front row for a Chopin concert

Chopin concerts in Warsaw

For those wanting to experience the magic of music in historic surroundings, Warsaw is home to a number of unique concert halls.

The best-known and most popular (not only among tourists) is the Fryderyk Concert Hall in Old Town; but if you want something even more intimate, a range of restaurants and theaters put on more low-key, VIP performances.

Combine a listening session with a Chopin-themed walking tour, museum visit, hearty dinner, or, go full romantic and book a private Chopin serenade for you and your special someone.

  • Chopin Concert in Warsaw

62 – Get lost in Mokotów Field (Pole Mokotowskie)

Mokotów Field (Pole Mokotowskie), Warsaw

This beautiful green space is a popular spot for both locals and tourists.

The park, which covers an area of over 180 acres (nearly one quarter the size of New York’s Central Park), features ponds, wild fields, lakeside pathways accessible by foot or bike, vast grassy expanses perfect for picnics, and a children’s play area.

The park is also home to the famous Polish National Library, a handful of bars, and a two-kilometer educational trail.

63 – Dine at the best restaurants

best restaurants in Warsaw

If you’re looking for a more straightforward dining experience, there are tons of world-class eateries to choose from!

Alewino blends excellent drinks and savory food into one unforgettable meal, while Concept 13 offers creative takes on Polish and international cuisine.

Mokotowska 69 is perfect for some upscale meals like fried foie gras and Wagyu beef, while Rozbrat 20 offers unique dishes made with local ingredients and innovative pairings.

These delicious spots will have you begging for seconds!

64 – Cheers with locals on a beer tasting tour

beer tasting in Warsaw

If you’re a beer lover, then a tour of Warsaw with one of the handful of organized, locally-led beer adventures is an absolute must.

Centered around the city’s fantastic microbreweries and brewpubs, as well as commonly-known beers like Zywiec Biale and Okocim, these two-to-three-hour fun-filled guided tours run year-round (though at different times depending on season or preference).

The informative Eastern European food & drink tours are run by beer aficionados who love to share their passion for great IPAs, ales and lagers, and are all about pairing delicious dishes with equally tasty tipples.

  • beer tasting in Warsaw

65 – Grab a bite and a beer at the Night Market

Night Market, Warsaw

To experience some of Warsaw’s finest street food, visit the popular night market (Nocny Market).

Though it’s not exactly hidden away, the stalls are set up on the platform of a de-commission train station (Warszawa Główna), largely out of sight from major roads and therefore with a wonderful, calm, yet still vibrant atmosphere.

Open for several hours every Thursday through Sunday, there’s plenty of beer, burgers, and sweet treats to get stuck into.

66 – Relax for the day at Wodny Park

Wodny Park in Warsaw

If, after a couple of days of hectic sightseeing and lots of walking, you simply need a moment to relax, then take that moment at the unique Wodny Park complex in the city’s south.

Housing an Olympic swimming pool, recreational swimming pool, slides, fitness classes, squash courts, and a children’s area (not to mention a solarium if you want to work on the tan) there’s some kind of activity for every energy level.

After playing around and getting a good workout, check out one of the many saunas or get a relaxing massage!

67 – Enjoy cocktails and amazing views

cocktails in Warsaw

Known as Warsaw’s highest bar, the Panorama Sky Bar is a must-do for any type of traveler: the drinker wanting signature cocktails, the tourist wanting spectacular views, or the luxury-seeker wanting high-class service.

Located on top of the Warsaw Marriott Hotel, the esteemed bar boasts panoramic views over the city and beyond from its 40th-floor location — perfect for drinks before dinner!

True to its name, The Roof SkyBar offers plenty of great scenery, and some excellent beverages to match. Try the fun and colorful cocktails and listen to some lovely live music, while the lights up around you.

Or stop by Loreta Bar , with its classy drinks and relaxed vibe. Perched atop the Puro hotel, this charming spot is known for its weekly musical events, including vinyl record nights and DJ sets.

68 – See a show at the Grand Theatre (Teatr Wielki)

Grand Theatre (Teatr Wielki) shows in Warsaw

A staple of any theater or opera-lover’s itinerary, the coveted Grand Theatre is a must for all Warsaw visitors.

Built in 1833 by famed neoclassical Italian architect Antonio Corazzi, it boasts an eye-catching façade and a magical main auditorium.

Located in the historic Theatre Square opera complex, this stunning venue is one of Europe’s most famous opera houses and an essential stop for culture vultures, especially considering the fact that the Polish National Ballet performs here too.

69 – Make some new friends on a pub crawl

pub crawls in Warsaw

One of the most popular ways to get a taste of Warsaw’s nightlife is by going on one of their famous pub crawls!

These booze-filled tours take you around the city’s best bars and clubs — exploring areas like Saska Kępa, up-and-coming Praga, or Pawilony (where bars are stacked side by side in a Nowy Świat street courtyard), giving visitors an opportunity to meet other tourists, hear live music, while getting plenty tipsy along the way!

While each adventure is different, all the crawls usually include food and drink, transport between bars (if needed), and entry fees.

  • pub crawls in Warsaw

70 – Dance the night away in a rooftop bar

rooftop bars in Warsaw

Sitting atop Warsaw’s iconic Spectrum Tower, this 32d-floor rooftop club and lounge near Grzybowski Square is dubbed one of, if not the best nightclubs in the city.

With a DJ spinning tunes from 10 pm till 4 am on Fridays and Saturdays, The View Warsaw Rooftop Bar it’s an ideal spot for drinks, dancing, and getting a little rowdy.

If you want to keep the party going, head over to Level 27 !

This boisterous club is known for its spectacular lineup of live events, as well as a dance floor and some truly awesome aesthetics.

Surrounded by industrial chic and mossy decor, with the sounds of the hottest DJs pulsing around you, you’ll soon see why this spot has been ranked amongst the best clubs on the planet!

How to get to Warsaw?

With its centralized location, Warsaw is reachable by train from much of Europe.

But many visitors find it easier to take a plane, arriving and departing from Chopin Airport.

If you’re flying, arrange an airport transfer for convenient access to the city, with options for every budget, you can avoid the hassle and get started on your vacation!

Where to stay in Warsaw?

InterContinental Warszawa will make you feel like a high-roller, with its spacious wellness center and glamorous pool that offers panoramic views while you swim.

Novotel Warszawa Centrum is right in the midst of things, surrounded by the Central Railway Station and the Palace of Culture and Science; but it offers plenty of comforts inside as well, including a sauna and an excellent bar.

NYX Hotel Warsaw by Leonardo Hotels provides easy access to the shops and entertainment in town – and even a car rental if you want to venture further!

Hampton by Hilton Warsaw City Centre boasts modern designs, a delicious buffet breakfast, and convenient proximity to all of the action – not to mention some transit hubs!

And at Hotel Gromada Warszawa Centrum , you can pop out for souvenirs at Złote Tarasy Shopping Center or stroll down Nowy Świat Street and people-watch, before coming back to work out or relax in the lounge.

  • best hotels in Warsaw

Visiting Warsaw on a budget?

From decadent pre-war buildings and Communist structures to historic Jewish neighborhoods and LGBTQ-friendly communities, Warsaw’s free walking tours provide great context for the city’s past – as well as its fascinating present.

Along with getting unique vantage points from passionate local guides, you’ll be able to save tons of money; but be sure to bring cash for tips!

Where to go next?

Krakow offers another perspective on Polish life and history, with its towering castles, powerful World War II monuments, and lovely natural scenery.

Don’t overlook Wroclaw , the “Venice of Poland” with its charming bridges and islands. Explore its vibrant market square, Gothic landmarks, and whimsical dwarf statues.

Or pop over to Germany for a taste of Berlin , the hip and happening city with a flair for the unique.

Head North East and discover the medieval Old Town of Vilnius , Lithuania’s capital .

Looking for a seaside destination? Discover the stunning city of Gdanks and enjoy the Baltic coast.

In the Czech Republic, Prague beckons, with its remarkable architecture, wonderful dining scene, and rich culture that ranges from upscale museums to vibrant clubs.

Meanwhile, Hungary offers up Budapest , where the picture-perfect scenery is only matched by its unique cultural excursions, intriguing museums, and soothing natural spas.

And don’t miss out on Bratislava , the capital of Slovakia, which is packed with quirky shops, striking scenery, and delicious craft beers ripe for tasting.

There are also tons of great multi-day trips from Warsaw itself, where you can encounter striking landscapes, charming cities, and even wild bison!

Still feeling adventurous? Check out some of the other best places to visit in Europe !

Final thoughts

While it doesn’t always get the same attention as its neighbors, the number of incredible things to do in Warsaw make it a must-see!

Whether you want an action-packed trip, a history-filled ramble, or a nice round of people-watching, it’s the kind of city that welcomes and challenges in turn.

Take in the serious, the silly, and the scrumptious – it’s all part of the fun in this town!

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The Simple Travel

The Top 14 Tourist Attractions in Warsaw: From Old Town Charm to Modern Marvels

Warsaw is a city that never ceases to amaze me. It has almost everything under the sun! Sparkling skylines, tall skyscrapers, and bustling streets coexist with peaceful green lawns and gardens, ancient palaces, and Gothic architecture is all that Warsaw is about.

Tourist Attractions in Warsaw : Tourists come in droves to see the Jablonowski Palace, the Old Town Market Square, and other attractions. Warsaw is rich in culture and history, as evidenced by its tourist attractions, including galleries, palaces, and museums.

Warsaw has something for everyone, whether you like history, classical music, contemporary art, or fitness.

During my four days visit, I have gathered some beautiful memories to share with you. In this detailed guide, I will help you to meet the some of the most favorable attractions in Warsaw.

So, pack our bags, and let’s see what attractions in Warsaw has for us.


Exploring the Unmissable and best attractions in warsaw.

1. unlock the secrets of warsaw’s renowned chopin museum.

Attractions in Warsaw: Chopin-Museum-Warsaw

The Chopin Museum is a museum in Warsaw, Poland dedicated to the life and works of the famous Polish composer and pianist, Frédéric Chopin. The museum is located in the Ostrogski Palace, which is a historic 17th-century mansion that has been renovated and adapted to house the museum’s exhibitions.

The museum’s exhibits include artifacts related to Chopin’s life, such as personal items, manuscripts, and musical instruments. The museum also features multimedia installations, interactive exhibits, and audio guides that provide visitors with an immersive experience of Chopin’s music and legacy.

One of the highlights of the museum is a special audio-visual presentation that allows visitors to listen to Chopin’s music while viewing projected images of the places and landscapes that inspired his compositions. The museum also hosts regular concerts, lectures, and other events related to Chopin’s life and music.

The Chopin Museum is a must-visit attractions in Warsaw for anyone interested in classical music, piano, or Polish culture. It provides a fascinating insight into the life and work of one of the greatest composers of all time and offers a unique opportunity to experience his music in a historic and atmospheric setting.

Address: Pałac Gnińskich, Okólnik 1, 00-368 Warszawa

Opening Hours: Daily 11:00 am to 7:00pm (Times maybe change during winter)

Entrance Fee: Tickets is just 11.00 PLN depending on the day and time.

2. Wilanow Palace – An Introduction to Poland’s Cultural Heritage


Wilanów Park is a historical park located in the Wilanów district of Warsaw, Poland. It is known for its beautiful gardens, scenic landscapes, and historic buildings. The park was created in the late 17th century by King John III Sobieski as a private garden and hunting ground.

Today, Wilanów Park covers an area of 45 hectares and features a variety of gardens, including a Baroque garden, an English landscape garden, and a rose garden. There are also several ponds, fountains, and sculptures scattered throughout the park.

One of the main attractions in the park is the Wilanów Palace, which was built in the late 17th century and served as the summer residence of King John III Sobieski. The palace features a rich collection of paintings, furniture, and decorative arts, and is open to the public as a museum.

Wilanów Park is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, offering a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city. It is also a popular venue for cultural events, including concerts, festivals, and exhibitions. It’s one of the best attractions in Warsaw.

Address: Stanisława Kostki Potockiego 10/16, 02-958 Warszawa

Opening Hours: Daily 9:30 am to 9:00pm (Times maybe change during winter)

Entrance Fee: Regular 20 PLN Full list of ticket & reservation

3. Exploring Warsaw’s Old Town Square

Warsaw Old Town Square

The Warsaw Old Town Square is a historic square located in the heart of the Old Town of Warsaw, Poland. The square is a popular tourist destination and is known for its charming atmosphere, stunning architecture, and rich cultural history.

The Old Town Square is surrounded by colorful buildings with Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque architecture, which were meticulously restored after being destroyed during World War II. The square is also home to the iconic Sigismund’s Column, a bronze statue of King Sigismund III Vasa, who moved the capital of Poland from Krakow to Warsaw in the late 16th century.

The square is bustling with activity and is home to many cafes, restaurants, and souvenir shops. In the summer months, visitors can enjoy live music performances, street vendors, and outdoor seating areas.

The Old Town Square is also the site of many cultural events and festivals throughout the year, such as the Warsaw Old Town Festival, which celebrates the history and culture of the Old Town. Overall, the Warsaw Old Town Square is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in history, culture, and architecture. It’s one of the best attractions in Warsaw.

4. Exploring the Rich History of Warsaw’s Royal Castle


The Royal Castle of Warsaw is a magnificent landmark located in the heart of Warsaw, the capital city of Poland. The castle was originally built in the 14th century and served as the residence of Polish monarchs until the end of the 18th century. Throughout the centuries, the castle was modified, renovated and expanded many times, which resulted in the creation of a unique blend of architectural styles, ranging from medieval to baroque and neoclassical.

During World War II, the castle was severely damaged and almost completely destroyed. However, in the post-war period, it was meticulously reconstructed, using original building plans and historical descriptions. Today, the Royal Castle is one of the most important cultural institutions in Poland, hosting a variety of events, including exhibitions, concerts, and official ceremonies.

The Royal Castle is also home to several permanent exhibitions, showcasing the castle’s history, art collections, and interiors. Visitors can admire the castle’s Throne Room, the King’s Apartments, the Canaletto Room, and the Great Assembly Hall, among other impressive chambers. The castle’s collection of art includes masterpieces by famous Polish and European painters, such as Rembrandt, Rubens, and Canaletto.

Overall, the Royal Castle of Warsaw is a must-see attraction for anyone visiting Warsaw, not only because of its historical significance and architectural beauty but also because of the invaluable cultural treasures it contains.

Address: plac Zamkowy 4, 00-277 Warszawa

Opening Hours: Daily 11:00 am to 5:00pm ( Times maybe change during winter)

Entrance Fee: Regular 30 PLN Full list of ticket & reservation

5. Exploring the Beauty of Warsaw Lazienki Park


Łazienki Park, also known as the Royal Baths Park, is one of the largest and most beautiful parks in Warsaw, Poland. The park covers an area of over 76 hectares and includes a number of gardens, monuments, palaces, and lakes.

The park was established in the 17th century as a private garden for King Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski, and it was later expanded and redesigned by King Stanisław August Poniatowski in the 18th century. The park was open to the public in the 19th century and quickly became a popular destination for Warsaw residents and visitors.

One of the most famous attractions in the park is the Palace on the Water, a neoclassical palace located on an artificial island in the middle of a lake. The palace was originally built in the 17th century and was extensively renovated and expanded in the 18th century. Today, it houses a museum with a collection of royal portraits and other works of art.

Other notable features of the park include the Amphitheater, the Old Orangery, the New Orangery, and the Myślewicki Palace. The park is also home to a number of beautiful gardens, including the Chinese Garden, the Rose Garden, and the Modernist Garden.

Łazienki Park is not only a beautiful and peaceful place to walk and relax but also an important cultural center, hosting numerous concerts, festivals, and exhibitions throughout the year. One of the most popular events is the Chopin Concerts, which take place in the park during the summer months and showcase the music of Poland’s most famous composer, Frédéric Chopin.

6. Visit Krakowskie Przedmiescie one of Warsaw’s Essential Streets


Krakowskie Przedmieście is one of the most famous and historic streets in Warsaw, Poland. Located in the heart of the city, it stretches from the Royal Castle to the University of Warsaw and is lined with stunning historical buildings, monuments, and landmarks.

The street has a rich history dating back to the 15th century when it served as the main road connecting Warsaw to the royal capital of Krakow. Over the centuries, many important figures have lived and worked on Krakowskie Przedmieście, including scientists, artists, and politicians.

Today, the street is a popular destination for both tourists and locals, offering a wide range of attractions and activities. Some of the most notable landmarks on Krakowskie Przedmieście include:

  • The Royal Castle: Located at the northern end of the street, the Royal Castle is one of the most important historical buildings in Warsaw.
  • The Presidential Palace: Located in the middle of the street, the Presidential Palace is the official residence of the President of Poland.
  • The University of Warsaw: Located at the southern end of the street, the University of Warsaw is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Poland.
  • The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier: Located in front of the Presidential Palace, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a monument dedicated to the soldiers who died fighting for Poland.

Krakowskie Przedmieście is also home to a number of museums, art galleries, cafes, restaurants, and shops, making it a great place to spend an afternoon or evening exploring

7. Exploring the Museum of the History of Polish Jews


This museum offers a variety of educational materials about the history of Polish Jews . The museum also has a library and archive where tourists can learn about the past.

This museum’s design will teach you about the Jewish faith and culture in eight galleries, demonstrating that Poland had more Jews than any other country. Nonetheless, the site will weave you into the history of Poland in this way.

It preserves and exhibits a Jewish heritage collection dating back to the Middle Ages. Offering various programs focusing on Jewish history and culture will take you back to the medieval era.

Address: Mordechaja Anielewicza 6, 00-157 Warsaw

Opening Hours: Wednesday to Tuesday 11:00 am to 5:00pm (Times maybe change during winter)

Entrance Fee: Regular 30 PLN

8. The Grandeur of Poland’s Palace of Culture and Science

Palace of Culture and Science

The Palace of Culture and Science is a prominent building in Warsaw, Poland, and is one of the city’s most recognizable landmarks. The building was completed in 1955 and was a gift from the Soviet Union to the people of Poland.

Designed by Soviet architect Lev Rudnev, the Palace of Culture and Science is a striking example of Socialist Realist architecture, characterized by its grand scale and ornate decorations. The building stands at over 230 meters tall and contains a wide range of facilities, including offices, conference rooms, theaters, cinemas, museums, and a swimming pool.

The Palace of Culture and Science has a complex and controversial history. During the Soviet era, it was seen by many Poles as a symbol of Soviet domination and was the subject of much criticism and controversy. After the fall of communism in Poland in 1989, there were calls to demolish the building, but it ultimately remained standing and was instead repurposed for a variety of cultural and commercial uses.

Today, the Palace of Culture and Science is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. It houses several museums, including the Museum of Technology and the Museum of Evolution, as well as a number of theaters and cinemas that show both Polish and international films. The building also offers stunning panoramic views of Warsaw from its observation deck, which is located on the 30th floor.

Address: plac Defilad 1, 00-901 Warszawa

Opening Hours: Daily 10:00 am to 8:00pm ( Times maybe change during winter)

Entrance Fee: Observation deck PLN 20 ticket & reservation

9 A Look Inside the Stunning Architecture of the Warsaw Holy Cross Church

Holy Cross Church

The Holy Cross Church is a historic Catholic church located in the center of Warsaw, Poland. Originally built in the 17th century, the church has undergone several renovations and restorations over the years, including a major reconstruction in the 18th century that transformed it into a Baroque masterpiece.

The Holy Cross Church is perhaps best known for its association with the composer Frédéric Chopin, who spent much of his life in Poland and is considered one of the country’s greatest cultural icons. Chopin’s heart was interred in the church following his death in 1849, and a plaque in his honor can be found on the church’s exterior. The church also houses a museum dedicated to Chopin, which contains a collection of his personal belongings, manuscripts, and other memorabilia.

Aside from its association with Chopin, the Holy Cross Church is renowned for its stunning interior, which features elaborate Baroque decorations, gilded altars, and intricate frescoes. The church also boasts a remarkable collection of religious art and artifacts, including a reliquary containing the remains of Saint Clement and a 15th-century Gothic crucifix.

In addition to its historical and cultural significance, the Holy Cross Church is an active place of worship and serves as a center of spiritual life for Catholics in Warsaw. Daily masses are held in both Polish and English, and the church hosts a variety of religious and cultural events throughout the year.

Address: Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-047 Warszawa

Opening Hours: Daily 06:00 am to 8:00pm ( Times maybe change during winter)

Entrance Fee: Free

10. Unique Experiences at the Warsaw Fountain Park


The Warsaw Fountain Park is a public park located in the Old Town district of Warsaw, Poland. It is also known as the Multimedia Fountain Park, as it features a fountain that is synchronized with music and lighting effects to create a spectacular multimedia display.

The fountain itself is made up of over 300 water jets that can shoot water up to 8 meters high. The jets are synchronized to music and lighting effects, which change according to the theme of the show. The park also includes a large amphitheater for concerts and events, as well as walking paths and green spaces for visitors to enjoy.

The Warsaw Fountain Park is open during the summer months and is free for visitors to enjoy. The multimedia shows typically run in the evenings, with multiple shows per night. The park has become a popular attraction for tourists and locals alike, offering a unique and entertaining experience in the heart of Warsaw’s historic Old Town.

Address: Skwer 1 Dywizji Pancernej WP, 00-221 Warszawa

Opening Hours: 24 hours

11. Check out St. John’s Archcathedral


St. John’s Archcathedral is one of the most popular tourist destinations and is known for its impressive architecture. This imposing structure is one of the city’s most photographed and well-known landmarks.

 It’s also home to some of the city’s most famous Catholics. As the witness of World War II, this archcathedral was renovated and built several times.

It has a unique style and is one of the most prevalent tourist attractions in the city. Take a walk or ride to St. John’s Archcathedral and admire its beautiful architecture. The cathedral is a key tourist spot in the city, and it’s easy to see why.

With its soaring spires and intricate designs, the cathedral is a sight to behold. You’ll find beautiful architecture here, as well as some impressive artwork. Plus, it’s easy to get around, and you are in front of this intergalactic sight.

12. Experience the Heroes of the Warsaw Uprising at the Museum


The Warsaw Uprising Museum is a museum that tells the story of the 1944 Polish uprising against the Nazi occupation.

Founded in 2006 and located in the Warsaw district of Toruń, it has a collection of over 500 items, including artifacts from the uprising and related events.

It commemorates the events that took place during the Warsaw uprising of 1944. It is open to the public and visitors all the time. The uprising was a successful attempt by the Polish people to overthrow their Soviet-backed government.

It was one of the largest and most successful military uprisings in history. It offers a unique insight into life for ordinary people during the struggle for freedom and democracy.

13. St. Anne’s Church Observation


The observation of St. Anne’s Church in Warsaw, adjacent to Poland, is one of the best beautiful places in Warsaw. The church stills stand with pride as one of the oldest churches in Leominster.

It is also one of the most popular tourist attractions in the town. St. Anne’s Church, located in Burlington, offers an observation deck that is perfect for taking in the sights and sounds of the city.

The deck is open from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m.–3 p.m. on Saturdays, as well as during special events such as festivals or market days.

There are also interpretive signs around it that explain the history and its role in the community- the most incredible thing you’ll ever meet.

14. Spend sometimes in The Jewish Cemetery


The Jewish Cemetery is a burial ground for Jews in the city of Warsaw, Okopawa Street. It is where mourners can visit the graves of family members who have passed away, as well as friends and colleagues who have died before them.

It was built in the early 1800s to accommodate the growing population of Tel Aviv. The cemetery has over 11,000 graves and includes a Holocaust memorial. The cemetery also contains a wealth of Holocaust memorabilia and survivors’ art.

It has been in operation since the first century AD. It is one of the most important tourist attractions in Jerusalem. The cemetery contains many famous Holocaust victims, including Jean-Claude van Damme and Yoko Ono.

Best time to visit Warsaw.

The best time to visit Warsaw is during the summer months of June to August, when the weather is warm and there are plenty of outdoor events and festivals.

However, if you’re looking to avoid crowds and save money, consider visiting in the shoulder seasons of spring (April to May) or fall (September to October). Winter (December to February) can be cold and snowy, but it’s also a magical time to visit with Christmas markets and winter sports.

Getting to Warsaw

Warsaw is relatively easy to reach. It has two airports: Chopin Airport and Warsaw Modlin Airport. There are also three rail stations, one for international trains and one for domestic trains. Long-distance buses arrive at Warsaw’s bus stop, Dworzec PKS Warszawa Zachodnia.

You can take anyone. If you prefer cars, there are plenty of options for you to use cars in rent. Rental cars can help you in the process.

Getting around Warsaw

Transport in Warsaw is dominated by trams, buses, and the metro. In the city, there are over 1,500 buses. There are also night buses, which are denoted by the letter N and a two-digit number.

If you want to travel while skipping the less important stops, you can take the Fast Buses, which are denoted by red digits. Tickets are valid for all three modes of transportation (bus, tram, and metro) and can be purchased from RUCH-branded kiosks.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs):

What is warsaw best known for.

Warsaw is best known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and cultural attractions such as the Royal Castle, Old Town Market Square, and the Warsaw Uprising Museum. It is also known for its vibrant nightlife, delicious cuisine, and beautiful parks and gardens.

What must do in Warsaw?

Some of the must-do attractions in Warsaw include visiting the Old Town, exploring the Royal Castle, checking out the Warsaw Uprising Museum, taking a stroll in Lazienki Park, and enjoying the panoramic views from the Palace of Culture and Science. Other popular activities include trying traditional Polish cuisine, visiting the Copernicus Science Centre, and taking a day trip to the nearby town of Zelazowa Wola, the birthplace of composer Frederic Chopin.

What are 2 tourist attractions in Poland?

Two popular tourist attractions in Poland are the historic city of Krakow, known for its stunning architecture and rich cultural heritage, and the Wieliczka Salt Mine, a UNESCO World Heritage site that features underground chambers, lakes, and sculptures made entirely of salt.

Is Warsaw worth visiting?

Warsaw is worth experiencing for its historical legacy and attractions. With its rich history and architecture, Warsaw has something for everyone to enjoy.

Is Warsaw a cheap city?

While you could easily spend a week exploring all that Warsaw has to offer, two days is enough time to see the highlights. With careful planning and prioritizing, you can visit top attractions like the Old Town, Palace of Culture and Science, and Łazienki Park, as well as sample some of the city’s delicious food and drink.

Do they speak English in Warsaw?

Yes, many people in Warsaw speak English, especially those working in the tourism industry. However, it’s always a good idea to learn a few basic phrases in Polish as a sign of respect and to make your interactions with locals more enjoyable. Some popular attractions in Warsaw include the Old Town, the Royal Castle, and the Warsaw Uprising Museum.

How far is it from Warsaw to Auschwitz?

The distance between Warsaw and Auschwitz is approximately 300 kilometers (186 miles). It takes about 4 hours to drive there, or you can take a train or bus which will take around 5-6 hours. It is recommended to book a guided tour in advance if you plan to visit Auschwitz.

Do they use Euro?

No, Poland does not use the Euro. The currency used in Warsaw and throughout Poland is the Polish złoty (PLN). It is recommended to exchange currency at a bank or exchange office for the best rates.

Final Words

Warsaw is a city that has been around for centuries, and its history reflects this. Its importance to Poland and the world has made it a destination for tourists and immigrants alike, and its location makes it an ideal city to live in.

I hope this guide help you to get the sneak peak of most favorable attractions in Poland. So, how about plan your next trip to Warsaw now?

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One Day in Warsaw Itinerary: Explore Warsaw in a Day

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With eclectic Vistula River views and a rich history that few cities can compare to, Warsaw is a gem of central-eastern Europe. As the capital city of Poland, it’s a destination brimming with activities, so if you are short on time, planning a one day in Warsaw itinerary is an absolute must.

When we first decided to include Warsaw in our recent European travels , we didn’t expect much, but we were glad we spent a few days there and extended our trip to one full week, as we enjoyed it so much. 

From walking The Royal Route to visiting the bountiful list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Warsaw pleasantly surprised us, and we are sure your time in the city will be memorable, just like ours!

One Day in Warsaw Itinerary: Top things to see and do

tourist things to do in warsaw

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Here is a glance at the things to do in Warsaw in one day. We’ve also included a Google Map and some planning tips to help you navigate this iconic city:

  • Have breakfast at To Lubie
  • Join a free walking tour of Old Town Warsaw
  • Walk/cycle The Royal Route (Many of the stops in this itinerary are along this route)
  • Visit the Royal Castle of Warsaw
  • Enjoy the views from St. Anne’s Church
  • Explore the Warsaw Barbican
  • Feel the energy of the Old Town Market Square
  • Explore St. John’s Cathedral
  • Wander along the Vistula Boulevards
  • Walk through the Saxon Garden
  • Dine at Zapiecek
  • Enjoy a Chopin Concert

Planning your trip: How to get to Warsaw’s Old Town

We flew to Warsaw from Lisbon , Portugal, where we have been living for a while. If you are flying into the city from North America, you will arrive at the Warsaw Chopin Airport (WAW). 

Old Town Warsaw

From the airport, it is about a 30-minute car ride to the Old Town, also known as Castle Square. You can either book an airport transfer or rent a car.

PS: Renting a car is an excellent option if you extend your time in Poland. You can compare rental car prices here.

If you prefer public transport, bus, and train services are available in Warsaw. However, train services go to the city center rather than Old Town, so the bus will be a better option if you follow this itinerary. 

Warsaw Public Transport System (trams, trains and buses)

You’d need to take Bus 175 from the airport and get off at the last stop at Pl. Piłsudskiego. Trips take around 30 minutes. If this is your preferred mode of transportation, you can view the tickets and tariffs here .

You can also join this full-day city tour to explore Warsaw without worrying about transportation and timing hassles. This is the most convenient way to get around but is the pricier option.

Warsaw sightseeing on a horse-drawn carriage

During our visit, we stayed in the centre at the Radisson Blu Sobieski and loved it – the central train station was just a 15-minute walk away, and from there, we also utilized hop-on and hop-off bus tours to get to various sites in Warsaw. 

For this one-day Warsaw itinerary, we recommend sticking to the Old Town attractions only for easy navigation and comfort.

One Day Warsaw Itinerary: The best things to see and do

It’s time for us to show you the ultimate way to spend a day in Warsaw. We have organized the day so that there isn’t too much unnecessary traveling so that you can make the most of your day.

1. Breakfast at To Lubie (or many others in Old Town)

As most free walking tours only begin at 10:00 AM, you may get a hearty breakfast. While there are many cafés around Castle Square in Old Town, To Lubie is the pick of the bunch.

From freshly squeezed juices and flavor-filled coffees to hearty breakfasts, there’ll be something on the menu to tickle your fancy. While they specialize in cakes and pavlova, there’s a vast selection of savory breakfasts.

Head to Warsaw Old Town for breakfast

You can sip on your morning tea or coffee inside, but there is an outside section where you can watch the city come to life.

Top Tip : You will also find a McDonald’s at Plac Zamkowy or Historic Castle Square in Warsaw, which is the entrance to the city’s Old Town (aka Stare Miasto).

2. Warsaw Old Town Free walking tour

Once you’re filled up and ready to go, you can join a short, free-walking tour of Warsaw. There are various tour options, but we recommend joining the tour of Warsaw’s Old Town. 

Girl with coffee enjoying walking tour in Warsaw

Most tours last two hours, so we found it the perfect way to start the day. From overlooked historical buildings to a local’s insider information, these tours offer a lot you may miss if you just explore independently.

There are many companies, but Free Tour Warsaw and Guru Walk offer the most comprehensive experiences. 

Top Tip: Remember to tip your tour guide. Although the tours are free, tipping is a great way to show your appreciation for their time and effort.

We joined the Free Tour Warsaw, which walked us through some of the most incredible spots in Old Town. This helped us navigate and learn about the Old Town attractions, and we later returned for photos at our favorite sites. 

Sigismund's Column (dedicated to Sigismund III Vasa, who moved the capital from Kraków to Warsaw. Originally built in 1644, rebuilt after the World War II)

It is important to know that most of Warsaw, including much of the city’s Old Town, was destroyed in the Second World War. The Royal Castle, Sigismind’s Column, and many of the buildings surrounding the main square were left damaged. The walking tour shares the history of destruction and the rebuilding process that began in the 1970s.

If you are interested in visiting the museums (like us), remember that the walking tours will only briefly stop at the site, so you must come back and then visit the museums. Old Town museums will only take about 30 to 45 minutes each.

3. Cycle or walk The Royal Route

After exploring Old Town Warsaw, it’s time to cycle or walk The Royal Route. We’ve made the rest of the itinerary follow along this path. So, you can stop at each location as you go down the route.

Go biking on the Royal Route

This is an 8.4-mile long route, starting at the Royal Castle of Warsaw and ending at the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace in Wilanów. We’ve reduced your route, ending at Presidential Palace, making it a much more manageable half-mile journey. 

If you want to venture to King Jan III’s Museum, you can, but it will consume much of your day. 

Top Tip: Veturilo is a super affordable bike-sharing service with plenty of drop-off and pick-up stations across the city. If you prefer a guided bike tour, here is a top-rated experience to book

4. Royal Castle of Warsaw

The next stop is at the Royal Castle of Warsaw, the official start of The Route Route. You’ll be able to explore the royal apartments and the throne room, all of which exude opulence. 

Royal Castle of Warsaw

It’s one of the city’s most historic buildings and a memorable site thanks to its turquoise roofing and burnt orange facade. Once you step inside, you’ll be met by gold-lined ceilings, frescos, expansive rooms, and noteworthy artwork. 

You’ll see works by Rembrandt, Bernardo Bellotto, and many more throughout the building. In true royal style, there’s also the terraced garden at the back, which you can wander through at leisure.

Informative boards at the Royal Castle

The Royal Castle impressed us the MOST. As mentioned, most of Warsaw (including the castle) was destroyed during the Second World War. The castle was rebuilt between 1971 and 1980, incorporating the remnants of the originals wherever possible. 

The castle’s work was so wonderful that it was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980. As the name suggests, the Royal Castle was the former home of the Polish royalty; today, it is home to a state museum and is recognized as a national historical monument.

Inside Warsaw Royal Castle

We recommend spending 1-2 hours at the castle complex.

Note: You must purchase tickets at the kiosk to enter the premises.

5. St. Anne’s Church

The Royal Route awaits, but first, you must admire Castle Square from above. The best to do so is from the top of the bell tower at St. Anne’s Church. You can only pay for the ticket in cash, costing $1.53 (6 PLN) per person.

St Anne's Church

Before heading up, check out the church’s stunning rococo-style relief sculptures and golden altar. After climbing up 150 stone steps, the stellar vistas of the Old Town present themselves. 

Sigismund’s Column takes center stage, while the colorful buildings in the distance set the perfect photo opportunity. 

6. Warsaw Barbican

Just northwest of the Old Town Market Square, the Warsaw Barbican is a historic military fortification that captures your imagination and serves as a poignant reminder of the city. 

Warsaw Barbican

It was nearly destroyed during World War II and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1944. Fortunately, several parts of the Barbican and its city walls have been restored with traditional mortar and terra cotta tiling. 

Top Tip: When looking north towards the New Town District, the Barbican acts like a frame, showing the unique blend of the city’s old and new architecture.

7. Old Town Market Square

Once you’ve enjoyed a trip back in time at the Barbican, it’s time to soak up the charming Old Town Market Square atmosphere. 

Old Town Warsaw Market Square

You’ll notice the quaintly decorated Burgher Houses that line the square, some adorned with frescos and other gorgeous decorations. The most notable is the “House Under the Lion,” with magnificent frescoes by Zofia Stryjenska.

From the cute Polish souvenir shops and cafés to the statue of Syrenka, there’s plenty to enjoy in the town square. 

If you’re hungry, you can always visit the city’s oldest restaurant, number 27, in the square, U Fukiera . We enjoyed cups of mulled wine and cheese while soaking in the vibes of the market square.

Top Tip: Warsaw is one of the best places to spend Christmas in Europe . The Old Town Market Square is beautifully lit and hosts a lovely market throughout December. During our spring trip, the square was equally decorated in festive colors!

8. St. John’s Cathedral

St. John’s Cathedral, dating back to the 14th century, is a historic ode to the city’s resilience. Although 90% of the building was destroyed during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1944, the Gothic-style cathedral was reconstructed.

St. John's Cathedral

It’s been the location of several historic moments. Some examples include the swearing of the first constitutional act in Europe in 1791, which is the burial site of many Warsaw Archbishops.

With so much history stored in a tiny building, it’s worth a stop. Be sure to snap some lovely photos outside the building’s iconic honey-mustard and white facade.

Next Read: Look at our top one-week European itineraries , which include Warsaw.

9. Vistula Boulevards

Vistula River is a European hidden gem that few truly get the chance to enjoy. So, it only makes sense to visit the Vistula Boulevards, which are a short 7-minute cycle from St. Anne’s Church. Here, you’ll be able to appreciate Warsaw’s cityscape from its vibrant promenade. 

tourist things to do in warsaw

The area is well known for its popular riverside walking routes, terraced cafès perfect for people-watching, and soft-sand beach featuring ocean-inspired sculptures.

Top Tip : If you have time, consider joining a Galar ship cruise in the area.

10. Presidential Palace and Saxon Garden

Along the Royal Route is the Presidential Palace, the official residence of the Polish head of state and president. We recommend this as a quick stop when in Warsaw for a day instead of spending a few hours (however, if interested, free guided tours are available). 

Presidential Palace Warsaw

After an 11-minute walk or a 3-minute bike ride from the area around the Presidential Palace, you’ll find one of the oldest public parks in the world. Despite facing severe damage in WWII, the beautiful park was restored to its classic English style after the war. 

It’s more than just a park, though, as it has some distinct landmarks worth visiting. From the 1863 sundial to the massive fountain designed by Marconi in 1855, there’s plenty to see. 

Some more historic sites include the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the memorial created in honor of Warsaw residents who passed away during WWII. Simply put, the park is an excellent place to relax before heading to the following location.

11. Zapiecek

After admiring stunning views of Warsaw’s cityscape, it’s time to sit down for a hearty meal of Polish delicacies. The best place to do so is a 20-minute walk or a 7-minute cycle from Vistula Boulevards to the Zapiecek restaurant at Krakowskie Przedmieście 55.


Here, you can enjoy popular local food at an affordable price! You must try pierogi , a type of Polish dumpling, or get a platter of pierogies with multiple fillings. Bison vodka and special drinks are also worth a try. 

Zapiecek Bison vodka

We ate at Zapiecek at various locations in Warsaw, and the one at nowy Świat was particularly charming. Having said that all Zapiecek locations were very warm and inviting (red-colored interiors). On some days, live music was also being played inside the restaurant. 

Alternatively, you can try out one of the restaurants near the Presidential Palace — the halfway point between Vistula Boulevards and the Saxon Garden. 

12. Chopin Concert

To wrap up a fantastic day in Warsaw, grab your Chopin concert ticket and prepare to be amazed. 

Choplin Concert in Old Town Warsaw (by the Royal Castle)

Back at the heart of Old Town Warsaw (a 5-minute cycle or 15-minute walk from the Saxon Garden), you can indulge in a glass of Polish honey wine while a pianist performs Chopin’s classic pieces.

The concert takes place in the left wing of the Royal Castle, where the moody Gothic interior sets the stage. As the evening passes, you can relax and listen to timeless tunes. It is the perfect way to cap your day in Warsaw.

Warsaw in the evening

Top Tip – Warsaw nightlife : If you still have some energy left for the day you can join this Warsaw pub crawl to explore the city’s beer culture and enjoy the nightlife. 

More great things to see and do during your trip to Warsaw 

If you plan to spend more than one day in Warsaw, here are some other noteworthy attractions. 

1. POLIN Museum and the History of Polish Jews

Discover a millennia’s worth of Jewish history within Warsaw at the POLIN Museum. From the wooden synagogue of Gwozdziec with its painted ceilings to the large-scale work following the life of the yeshiva in Volozhin, there is plenty to see.

POLIN Museum Warsaw

Itinerary Tip : We spent almost an entire day here at the POLIN Museum and highly recommend visiting it if you are interested in Jewish history. 

To include this in one day, we recommend checking off the Old Town highlights (with the free walking tour) first, then using the hop-on and hop-off services to explore the various city neighborhoods, and later ending the day at the POLIN museum (plan to spend at least 4 hours, though). 

POLIN Museum Warsaw

The permanent exhibit is set up chronologically, starting from the Middle Ages. 

The Holocaust Gallery offers a deep dive into the experiences of the Shoah, while several interactive video installations also help showcase Jewish life throughout the centuries. Get your tickets here .

2. Frederic Chopin Museum

Next, an extended visit to Warsaw wouldn’t be complete without spending time at the Frederic Chopin Museum . Throughout the three floors, you’ll get an insider’s glimpse into the revolutionary musical works of Chopin. 

The first floor covers his time in Warsaw and the environments, locations, and people that inspired his works during this period. The same can be seen on the second level, which consists of pieces associated with his time in Paris, the most noteworthy being Chopin’s Pleyel grand piano. 

The third and final floor consists of all of Chopin’s works, which you can listen to at leisure.

3. Polish craft beer

The best way to enjoy the eclectic atmosphere of Warsaw is by bar hopping and trying the city’s top craft beers. While there are loads of bars and beer houses throughout the city, here are our top recommendations:

  • Jabeerwocky Craft Beer Pub — They have a fantastic selection of 16 craft beers on tap.
  • Cuda Na Kiju — As Warsaw’s first registered tap bar, it’s an absolute must-visit.
  • Browar Warszawski — A classy option with 18 craft beers to choose from.

4. Jewish Cemetery

One of the most eerie parts of the city to visit is the Jewish Cemetery . Dating back to 1806, this ancient cemetery is more of a forest than anything. Large trees and moss-covered gravestones fill the 83-acre piece of land.

Jewish Ghetto Memorial Warsaw

From burial sites of prestigious Polish Jews to mass graves during the German occupation in WWII, this cemetery is a poignant reminder of Warsaw’s history.

5. Warsaw Uprising Museum

Another historic location worth visiting is the Warsaw Uprising Museum . It is a tribute to the underground resistance who fought and died for Polish independence during WWII. 

Warsaw Uprising Museum

The most notable feature of the museum is the Warsaw Uprising Monument. It’s a large bronze sculpture, with the first section depicting a battle between insurgents and the German military. The second element of the sculpture is an abstract interpretation of a collapsing building.

Yet another part of Warsaw showcasing the city’s history is worth visiting, even if it’s for a short time.

6. Palace of Culture and Science

The magnificent Palace of Culture and Science is located near Świętokrzyski Park. The structure is stunning, and although the construction started in 1952, this architectural feat was only completed in 2020. 

tourist things to do in warsaw

The palace is located near the Central Train Station, and if you use hop-on and hop-off services, you will find this attraction a convenient pick-up point. 

Atop the palace, you’ll find the clock tower, now the second-largest in Europe, only behind the church clock of St. Peter’s in Zurich. The building has an astounding 3,288 rooms, from offices and theaters to museums, shops, and restaurants. 

The palace’s interiors are breathtaking, but its true calling card is the viewing deck on the 30th floor Viewing Terrace. 

Top Tip: Take this short guided tour to explore the building and, if interested, get skip-the-line tickets to the observation deck.

7. Lazienki Park

Lazienki Park is a nice place to get a glimpse into Warsaw’s eclectic range of architectural inspiration. Remember that the park is away from the Old Town (about a 10-minute drive), and for attractions like these, availing of hop-on and hop-off services (or using Uber) is very convenient as they drop you at the gate.

As you explore the park, look out for its stunning landmarks. You have to see the Palace on the Island, a 17th-century building built as a private bathhouse. Other notable attractions include the classic arena, Old Orangery, and the Art Nouveau-inspired Chopin Monument.

Your Warsaw One Day itinerary map

Here is an interactive map you can use to help navigate the city during your trip.

tourist things to do in warsaw

Read Next : Warsaw three day itinerary.

Where to stay for your one-day in Warsaw: Hotels Guide

You must spend a night in Warsaw to enjoy a full day’s exploring. Here are our top recommendations for every budget.

Hotel Verte, Warsaw, Autograph Collecti on

If you’re looking for a truly memorable night in Warsaw, look no further than Hotel Verte. This hotel has everything, from golden finishings and rooms with city views to the onsite Restauracja KuK and a sauna to melt all your problems away.

Check prices and book your stay at Hotel Verte here

Old Town Heart VII – TheBarbican

The Old Town Heart VII is an excellent option for something in the heart of Old Town that still offers a luxury stay at an affordable price. The simple white palette and wooden finishings add a touch of class, while the self-catering kitchen is fit for a master chef. It’s also situated along Krakowskie Przedmieście, so you’re never far from the city’s top attractions.

Check prices and book your stay at Old Town Heart VII here .

Radisson Blu Sobieski  

Consider staying at the Radisson Blu Sobieski —an excellent option for mid-budget travelers. We stayed there, and their hospitality was outstanding. The suites were clean and luxurious (and many had city views). 

Radisson Blu Warsaw

Click to view availability at the Radisson Blu Sobieski

Duval Apartme nts

If you’re traveling on a budget, the Duval Apartments will provide a comfortable stay near Old Town’s top attractions. Each room has unique finishings, and while the kitchenette is reasonably basic, there are some lovely restaurants downstairs, such as Same Krafty . 

Check prices and book your stay at Duval Apartments here

Tips for your one-day trip to Warsaw

To help ensure you have a great time in Warsaw, here are some of our top travel tips for the city:

Museums in Old Town Warsaw

1. Many museums offer free entry on selected days, so visit their websites to determine when.

2. Walking or cycling through the city is the easiest way to get around, especially if you just intend to explore the Old Town Market Place.

3. Prepare for unpredictable weather and pack warm and cool clothes. 

4. The country’s currency is the Polish Zloty, but you can use your credit card everywhere.

5. Tipping is not obligatory, but it is greatly appreciated. 

FAQs about spending One Day in Warsaw

Before sending you off on your next adventure, here are some popular questions and quick answers. 

What is the best time of year to visit Warsaw?

The warmer months between April and July are great, but they are the peak tourist times for Warsaw. A great alternative is over Christmas, as the Old Town sparks life with festivities, and there are fewer tourists, and lodgings are cheaper. 

How long should you spend in Warsaw?

We’ve created this one-day itinerary to make the most of a short trip to Warsaw. However, spending two to three days in the city is ideal. 

tourist things to do in warsaw

With three days in Warsaw, you can use this itinerary to explore Old Town, set aside another day for Jewish Quarters and important museums, and utilize the third day to visit parks, pub crawls, and shopping!

Which is better, Krakow or Warsaw?

Krakow offers a more traditional experience and a young ambiance through its big university presence. On the other hand, Warsaw is packed with history and provides a slightly more cosmopolitan ambiance. 

Warsaw has more to do, but it depends on what you’re looking for in your Poland trip.

Wrapping up your epic one-day Warsaw trip

So there you have it, a comprehensive guide to the best possible day in Warsaw. The itinerary is filled with historical intrigue, eclectic experiences, and some much-needed downtime now and then.

As we’ve included a few extra activities at the end, you can mix up the itinerary, but we have created it to maximize your time in the city. No matter the case, Warsaw is bound to be one of the most memorable visits during your travels across Europe.

Top Tip: Learn where Warsaw ranks on our best European winter destinations list.

Pin: One day in Warsaw Poland

tourist things to do in warsaw

Mayuri is the founder & editor of ToSomePlaceNew. An Indian-Canadian globetrotter, she has traveled to over 100 cities and 40+ countries.

Mayuri has a graduate degree in History and is an MBA. She loves traveling the world particularly Europe, capturing historical nuances, and discussing that over a cup of coffee with her husband, Salil. 

She has lived in Portugal, Canada and India.

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Entertainment | Chopin lovers can’t meet their hero, but this…

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Entertainment, entertainment | chopin lovers can’t meet their hero, but this pianist got to do the next best thing, the winner of the 2nd frederic chopin competition on period instruments all but traveled through time to commune with the romantic-era piano virtuoso and composer on the day marked as his birthday.

Canadian pianist Eric Guo plays Frederic Chopin's Concerto in F minor on a replica of a 1830 Pleyel piano during a concert marking the 19th century piano virutoso and composer's 214th birthday, in Warsaw, Poland, on Friday, March 1, 2024. Guo won a quintannual competition to play Chopin on period instruments organized by the Fryderyk Chopin Institute. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)

On March 1, the day celebrated as Frederic Chopin’s birthday, the 21-year-old Canadian played one concert at the birthplace of the Romantic-era piano virtuoso and composer, on a piano built during his lifetime. Then he went into town for a second performance, during which he used a piano that once belonged to Chopin.

“You cannot get more connected to Chopin than being in his birth place,” said Guo.

A student at the The Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto, Guo was invited to give the special performances to mark Chopin’s 214th birthday after winning the second Frederic Chopin Competition on Period Instruments . He gave a pair of recitals on the day, one at the manor house in Zelazowa Wola where Chopin was born in 1810, now a museum, and the other at the National Philharmonic in Warsaw.

“It’s probably exactly the same room he was born in, so, it’s, you know, spiritual connection,” Guo said. “I really feel one with Chopin.”

Poland’s Fryderyk Chopin Institute — which uses the Polish spelling of the composer’s name — began the period instrument competition in 2018 to promote historically informed performances of Chopin’s music that use 19th century pianos or modern reproductions. It’s held every five years.

It’s part of a wider trend toward period instruments, as experts and audiences try to figure out what the music pieces sounded like to their own composers. Some claim that changes in how instruments are designed and played nowadays have erased subtleties in the music; others just enjoy a new spin on familiar classics.

Pianos made in the 18th and 19th century were simpler, lighter and smaller than modern instruments, with narrower keys and lighter strings. The result is they play more softly than modern pianos.

“These period pianos, they all have the ability to play as soft as possible and I think still there’s something there, there is still a core inside,” Guo told The Associated Press last weekend.

In a period instrument “I like the colors that it can create and the sound is, you know, out of this world,” said Guo. Modern pianos, by contrast, tend to prioritize strong, powerful sound, he said.

Contemporary grand pianos are reinforced with metal to withstand the force of much tauter and thicker strings and larger and more complex hammers mechanisms, for a sound that carries well in large concert halls, but also has a different quality.

Guo enjoys playing both. “It works both ways: the period helps the modern and vice versa.”

In Warsaw, Guo performed a solo version of Chopin’s Concerto in F Minor on a contemporary replica of an 1830 Pleyel piano made by Paul McNulty, and the Preludes on Chopin’s last piano, an 1848 Pleyel . Chopin’s own piano, Guo said, has a “velvet” sound and makes it possible to get the “kind of touch that Chopin would have really sought.”

Chopin’s music demands subtlety from both instrument and performer, Guo said. “He always emphasized that everything should be with ease and always free, and never to produce a hard sound, and never for the sake of virtuosity. Virtuosity, technique serves the music.”

That’s not to say the music is easy. “Chopin knew about the piano and he wrote for the piano” and a lot of his work is “just technically taxing, exhausting, he really demands a lot,” Guo said.

Whether Chopin was actually born on the day he celebrated as his birthday is a matter of some dispute among his biographers. His birth certificate bears the date Feb. 22, 1810, but his family celebrated on March 1.

Chopin was considered a musical genius from an early age, and in 1830 left Warsaw for Vienna to broaden his education and his audience. He eventually settled in Paris, giving concerts, teaching the piano and composing music, some based on Polish dances like the polonaise and the mazurka. He died on Oct. 17, 1849 and was buried at the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris. His heart is at the Holy Cross Church in Warsaw.

Guo said people in the tumultuous 21st century need music more than ever.

“All those wars going on, fights: music really bonds us, unites us as a humanity and society. Kind of heals us, cures all the stresses and all the challenges.”

Following his competition win in Warsaw in October, Guo’s schedule is busy with concerts from Japan to European countries, to the United States. He’s hoping to finalize plans for concerts in China, his family’s ancestral home, this fall.

“Schedules are quite packed and yes, more than before, but I’m still who I am, you know, I’m still living, surviving, and I’m human still, despite everything.”

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