Train Paris - Saint-Tropez prix à partir de 65,80 €

Trouvez le billet le moins cher pour votre voyage.

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Le trajet Paris - Saint-Tropez en train

Le trajet de Paris à Saint-Tropez par train est de 704,18 km et prend 5 h 19 min. Il y a 10 connexions par jour, avec le premier départ au 06:03 et le dernier au 16:10. Il est possible de voyager de Paris à Saint-Tropez par train pour aussi peu que 65,80 € ou jusqu'à 215,70 €. Le meilleur prix pour ce voyage est 65,80 €.

Horaires du Train de Paris à Saint-Tropez

De paris à saint-tropez en train.

La durée moyenne d'un trajet en train de Paris à Saint-Tropez est de 5 h 19 min. Le nombre de trains reliant Paris et Saint-Tropez est d'environ 10 par jour. Le billet de train le moins cher entre Paris et Saint-Tropez coûte environ 65,80 €.

Si vous voyagez de Paris à Saint-Tropez en train, vous partirez de Paris Gare de Lyon. Celle-ci est connectée à la gare de Saint-Tropez. Il se peut qu'il n'y ait pas de connexion directe entre toutes les stations des deux endroits, mais Virail vous indique à la fois tous les itinéraires directs et tous les services de correspondance que vous pouvez prendre pour vous rendre de Paris à Saint-Tropez . Et n'oubliez pas d'y aller 30 minutes avant le départ de votre train afin d'y accéder dans des conditions optimales.

Le transport est assuré par la compagnie ferroviaire SNCF et il y a plusieurs types de trains possibles à prendre tel que TER.

  • Vous pouvez accéder gratuitement au service Wi-Fi à TER (disponible uniquement sur les nouveaux trains).
  • Les prises sont disponibles uniquement des versions modernes ou multi-usages sur les trains TER.
  • Dans les trains TER, vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner des places.
  • Les bagages n'ont pas de limite de taille dans les trains TER, à condition qu'ils puissent être transportés seuls et tiennent dans les espaces bagages désignés de votre train, tandis que votre vélo peut être transporté avec vous gratuitement, mais sans réservation.
  • Le service de restauration ou de bar n'est pas disponible sur les trains TER.

Le train entre Paris et Saint-Tropez est l'un des moyens les meilleurs et les plus confortables pour voyager à Saint-Tropez . Et aussi, le train est l'un des modes de transport les plus durables pour vos déplacements. Saint Tropez est un charmant petit village de la Côte d'Azur. C'est une destination idéale pour les amateurs de soleil, de fête et de style de vie de la jet-set. Vous pouvez explorer le charmant centre-ville historique, flâner le long du port et découvrir les boutiques haut de gamme. Les plages telles que Pampelonne et Tahiti offrent un cadre idyllique pour se détendre et bronzer. Les amateurs de gastronomie peuvent déguster des plats locaux tels que la bouillabaisse et le rosé de Provence.

Si vous prévoyez de voyager de Paris à Saint-Tropez en train, laissez-nous vous aider à planifier. Nous vérifions des milliers de destinations en train, en bus et en avion pour vous aider à trouver le meilleur prix. Si vous souhaitez voir les meilleurs prix sur tous les modes de transport entre Paris et Saint-Tropez, vous pouvez parcourir notre calendrier de prix pratique ci-dessous et trouver l'option qui correspond à vos besoins.

Comparez les prix et les billets de Paris à Saint-Tropez

Réservez à l'avance et économisez.

Si vous recherchez la meilleure offre pour votre voyage de Paris à Saint-Tropez, réserver vos billets de train à l'avance est un excellent moyen d'économiser de l'argent. Cependant, gardez à l'esprit que les billets à tarif réduit ne sont généralement pas disponibles avant 3 mois de la date de votre voyage.

Restez flexible avec vos horaires de voyage et explorez les trajets en dehors des heures de pointe

Planifier vos voyages en fonction des heures creuses ne signifie pas seulement que vous pourrez éviter la foule, mais cela peut également vous faire économiser de l'argent. Être flexible avec votre horaire et envisager des itinéraires ou des horaires alternatifs aura un impact significatif sur le montant d'argent que vous dépensez pour vous rendre de Paris à Saint-Tropez.

Vérifiez toujours les offres spéciales

Vérifier les dernières offres peut vous aider à économiser beaucoup d'argent, ce qui en vaut la peine de prendre le temps de parcourir et de comparer les prix. Assurez-vous donc d'obtenir la meilleure offre sur votre billet et profitez de tarifs spéciaux pour les enfants, les jeunes et les personnes âgées, ainsi que des réductions pour les groupes.

Débloquez le potentiel des trains plus lents ou des correspondances

Si vous prévoyez un voyage avec un peu de temps flexible, pourquoi ne pas opter pour l'itinéraire pittoresque ? Prendre des trains plus lents ou des correspondances qui effectuent plus d'arrêts peut vous faire économiser de l'argent sur votre billet - cela vaut certainement la peine d'y réfléchir si cela s'inscrit dans votre emploi du temps.


Conseil Virail Pro ✌: Réservation 10 jours à l'avance économisez 10% en moyenne

Meilleur moment pour réserver des billets de train pas chers de Paris à Saint-Tropez

Les billets de train Paris - Saint-Tropez les moins chers peuvent être trouvés à partir de 33,00 € si vous avez de la chance, ou 60,34 € en moyenne. Le billet le plus cher peut coûter jusqu'à 100,04 €.

Trouvez le meilleur jour pour vous rendre à Saint-Tropez en train

Lorsque vous voyagez vers Saint-Tropez en train, si vous souhaitez éviter la foule, vous pouvez vérifier la fréquence de voyage de nos clients au cours des 30 prochains jours à l'aide du graphique ci-dessous. En moyenne, les heures de pointe pour voyager se situent entre 6h30 et 9h le matin, ou entre 16h et 19h le soir. Veuillez garder cela à l'esprit lorsque vous vous rendez à votre point de départ car vous pourriez avoir besoin d'un peu plus de temps pour arriver, en particulier dans les grandes villes !

Transporteurs sur cette route

Obtenez plus d'informations sur les transporteurs sur cet itinéraire.

En 2013, la compagnie ferroviaire nationale française SNCF a lancé OUIGO pour offrir des options de voyage TGV à petit prix. Vous pouvez choisir entre l'ultra-rapide OUIGO Grande Vitesse, atteignant des vitesses de 300 km/h, ou l'OUIGO Classique plus tranquille, offrant une expérience de voyage en train nostalgique.

SNCF, la compagnie ferroviaire nationale française, propose TER, un service de train régional complet. Les trains TER (Transport Express Régional) relient les villes et les villages au sein des régions de France, offrant un moyen de transport local pratique aux navetteurs et aux touristes qui explorent la culture régionale, le paysage et les attractions grâce à son vaste réseau de lignes régionales. Les trains TER sont plus lents que les trains à grande vitesse, mais ils offrent une alternative plus abordable et confortable pour les trajets plus courts à l'intérieur des régions

Types de billets et service à bord de Paris à Saint-Tropez

Comparez les différents types de billets et les services à bord fournis par OUIGO et TER lorsque vous voyagez de Paris à Saint-Tropez.

Standard Class / Classical

Standard class / tgv, description de l'installation.

Découvrez les différentes installations disponibles à bord avec chaque transporteur sur cette route.

Dans les trains OUIGO, seules les places situées à l'étage supérieur de certains wagons disposent de prises de courant. Prenez en compte que ces places peuvent engendrer des frais supplémentaires, tandis que le pont inférieur n'en est pas équipé du tout.

En France, les services classiques d'OUIGO offrent un service de collation à la place, mais ce service n'est pas proposé dans les trains à grande vitesse. Pour ceux qui voyagent en Espagne, le OUIBAR situé dans l'autocar 4 offre une variété de boissons et de collations

OUIGO vous autorise à emporter gratuitement deux petits bagages à main ou un seul bagage de 36 x 27 x 15 cm, ainsi qu'un bagage cabine de 55 x 35 x 25 cm, sans limite de poids. Pour des articles plus encombrants, un supplément de 5 € est appliqué pour les réservations en ligne faites à l'avance, et ce montant peut s'élever à 20 € si le paiement est effectué directement à la gare.

Pour les voyageurs à mobilité réduite, TGV INOUI met à disposition le service « Accès Plus ». Ce service offre une assistance personnalisée depuis l'entrée de la gare jusqu'à votre siège dans le train. Il est recommandé aux passagers de solliciter « Accès Plus » une fois leurs billets obtenus et de veiller à ce que les arrangements soient finalisés au moins 48 heures avant le départ prévu

Vous envisagez d'emporter des objets encombrants tels qu'un vélo, un scooter, des skis ou un instrument de musique? En réservant en ligne à l'avance, le coût n'est que de 5 €. Cependant, si vous optez pour un paiement directement à la gare, les frais peuvent s'élever jusqu'à 20 €.

Les trains TER sont actuellement dépourvus de service WiFi.

Les trains TER modernes sont équipés de prises de courant.

Les trains TER n'imposent aucune restriction quant à la taille des bagages. Toutefois, assurez-vous qu'ils soient gérables par vous-même et qu'ils puissent être rangés dans les espaces à bagages prévus à cet effet.

Les trains TER ne proposent pas de restauration à bord ; pensez à apporter vos rafraîchissements.

Voyager avec un vélo dans les trains TER est gratuit, il suffit de l'accrocher ou de le ranger dans des emplacements désignés selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi, sans réservation possible.

Accès TER' propose une assistance spécialisée aux passagers handicapés ou à mobilité réduite, garantissant une expérience de voyage fluide.

Paris à Saint-Tropez Émissions de CO2 par Train


Y a-t-il quelque chose que nous pouvons améliorer ?

Train Paris - Saint-Tropez prices from $66.71

Find the cheapest ticket for your trip.

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Paris to Saint-Tropez by train

The journey from Paris to Saint-Tropez by train is 437.56 mi and takes 5 hr 17 min. There are 11 connections per day, with the first departure at 6:03 AM and the last at 4:10 PM. It is possible to travel from Paris to Saint-Tropez by train for as little as $66.71 or as much as $221.38. The best price for this journey is $66.71.

Paris to Saint-Tropez Train Times

Traveling from paris to saint-tropez by train.

Embarking on a train journey from Paris, the heart of French culture and sophistication, to Saint-Tropez, a symbol of Mediterranean luxury and charm, offers an enchanting experience of France's diverse landscapes and lifestyles. This journey typically involves a high-speed TGV train to Saint-Raphaël and a regional train or bus to Saint-Tropez. The TGV, known for its speed and comfort, covers the distance in just a few hours, offering amenities like spacious seating, power outlets, and free Wi-Fi. Large windows in the train allow passengers to enjoy panoramic views of the French countryside, transitioning from lush fields to the stunning Côte d'Azur.

Onboard dining services on the TGV provide a variety of meals and beverages, showcasing the rich culinary traditions of France. After reaching Saint-Raphaël, a short connecting journey brings travelers to the picturesque town of Saint-Tropez. This final leg of the trip offers a glimpse into the charming coastal life of the French Riviera.

Things to Do in Saint-Tropez:

  • Explore the old port of Saint-Tropez, bustling with yachts and lined with cafes.
  • Visit the Musée de l'Annonciade, showcasing an impressive collection of modern art.
  • Stroll through the cobblestone streets of the old town and discover its hidden gems.
  • Relax on the famous Pampelonne Beach, known for its clear waters and vibrant beach clubs.
  • Enjoy the vibrant nightlife with a range of exclusive clubs and bars.
  • Experience the local market at Place des Lices, offering various regional products.
  • Take a boat trip around the Gulf of Saint-Tropez for breathtaking coastal views.
  • Discover the Citadel of Saint-Tropez, a historic fortress with a maritime museum.
  • Savor the local cuisine, including seafood dishes and the iconic Tarte Tropézienne.
  • Visit the surrounding vineyards and taste the renowned Côtes de Provence rosé wines.

What to Eat in Saint-Tropez:

  • Tarte Tropézienne: A famous dessert, a brioche filled with cream.
  • Bouillabaisse: A traditional Provençal fish stew, rich in flavors and fresh seafood.
  • Ratatouille: A vegetable stew that epitomizes the flavors of Provence.
  • Seafood: Fresh from the Mediterranean, including oysters, mussels, and sea urchins.
  • Rosé Wine: Sample the light and refreshing local wines, a region staple.
  • Salade Niçoise: A classic salad featuring tuna, eggs, olives, and anchovies.
  • Pissaladière: A savory tart with onions, olives, and anchovies, resembling a pizza.
  • Aïoli: A garlic mayonnaise, often served with vegetables and fish.
  • Socca: A simple, savory pancake made from chickpea flour, a street food favorite.
  • Daube Provençale: A hearty beef stew, slow-cooked with herbs and wine.

Day Trips from Saint-Tropez:

While Saint-Tropez offers many attractions, the surrounding region is also ripe for exploration. Here are some recommended day trips:

  • Port Grimaud: Often referred to as the "Venice of Provence," this charming town is known for its canals, colorful houses, and unique architecture.
  • Gassin is a picturesque hilltop village offering stunning views of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez and a quaint, peaceful atmosphere.
  • Ramatuelle: Another hilltop village near Saint-Tropez, famous for its vineyards and beautiful beaches like Pampelonne.
  • Hyères: Known for its palm trees and sandy beaches, Hyères also boasts a charming old town and the beautiful islands of Porquerolles.
  • Le Lavandou: A seaside resort town known for its beautiful beaches and as a gateway to the Golden Islands.
  • Bormes-les-Mimosas: Renowned for its floral displays and medieval heritage, this village offers a journey back in time with its ancient streets and buildings.
  • The Massif des Maures: For nature lovers, this mountain range provides hiking trails, panoramic views, and a chance to escape into nature.
  • Cannes: Famous for its film festival, Cannes also offers beautiful beaches, luxury shopping, and a vibrant cultural scene.
  • Nice: Explore the vibrant city of Nice, known for its Promenade des Anglais, old town, and rich artistic heritage.
  • Verdon Gorge: A bit further afield, the Verdon Gorge offers breathtaking landscapes and opportunities for hiking, kayaking, and rock climbing.

Travel Tips for Saint-Tropez:

While exploring Saint-Tropez, comfortable walking shoes are recommended due to its hilly terrain and cobblestone streets. The town is small enough to explore on foot, but renting a bicycle or scooter can be fun to see the surrounding areas. Summers are busy and lively, so booking accommodations and restaurants in advance is advisable. The shoulder seasons of spring and autumn offer a more relaxed atmosphere. Remember to carry sunscreen and a hat for protection against the Mediterranean sun. Embrace the laid-back yet sophisticated lifestyle of Saint-Tropez, immersing yourself in its art, history, and culinary delights.

If the allure of a train journey from Paris to the sun-kissed shores of Saint-Tropez captivates you, let Virail guide your travels. With a commitment to providing personalized travel experiences, Virail ensures a smooth and memorable journey, combining the efficiency of French rail travel with the charm of the Riviera.

Compare prices and tickets from Paris to Saint-Tropez

Book in advance and save.

If you're looking for the best deal for your trip from Paris to Saint-Tropez, booking train tickets in advance is a great way to save money, but keep in mind that advance tickets are usually not available until 3 months before your travel date.

Stay flexible with your travel time and explore off-peak journeys

Planning your trips around off-peak travel times not only means that you'll be able to avoid the crowds, but can also end up saving you money. Being flexible with your schedule and considering alternative routes or times will significantly impact the amount of money you spend on getting from Paris to Saint-Tropez.

Always check special offers

Checking on the latest deals can help save a lot of money, making it worth taking the time to browse and compare prices. So make sure you get the best deal on your ticket and take advantage of special fares for children, youth and seniors as well as discounts for groups.

Unlock the potential of slower trains or connecting trains

If you're planning a trip with some flexible time, why not opt for the scenic route? Taking slower trains or connecting trains that make more stops may save you money on your ticket – definitely worth considering if it fits in your schedule.


Virail Pro Tip ✌: Booking 10 days in advance save 10% on average

Best time to book cheap train tickets from Paris to Saint-Tropez

The cheapest Paris - Saint-Tropez train tickets can be found for as low as $33.87 if you’re lucky, or $61.93 on average. The most expensive ticket can cost as much as $102.68.

Find the best day to travel to Saint-Tropez by train

When travelling to Saint-Tropez by train, if you want to avoid crowds you can check how frequently our customers are travelling in the next 30-days using the graph below. On average, the peak hours to travel are between 6:30am and 9am in the morning, or between 4pm and 7pm in the evening. Please keep this in mind when travelling to your point of departure as you may need some extra time to arrive, particularly in big cities!

Carriers on this route

Find out more about the carriers on this route.

In 2013, the French national railway company SNCF introduced OUIGO to offer budget-friendly TGV travel options. Choose between the lightning-fast OUIGO Grande Vitesse, reaching speeds of 300 km/h, or the more leisurely OUIGO Classique, which offers a nostalgic train ride experience.

SNCF, the French national railway company, offers TER, a comprehensive regional train service. TER (Transport Express Régional) trains connect cities, and villages within regions of France, offering local transportation for commuters and tourists as they explore the regional culture, landscape, and attractions through its vast network of regional routes. TER trains are slower than the high-speed trains but offer a more affordable and comfortable alternative for shorter journeys within the regions.

Ticket types and facilities from Paris to Saint-Tropez

Compare the different ticket types and the facilities provided by OUIGO and TER when traveling from Paris to Saint-Tropez.

Standard Class / TGV

Standard class / classical, facility description.

Find out more about the different facilities available onboard with each carrier on this route.

Paris to Saint-Tropez CO2 Emissions by Train


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From Paris to Saint-Tropez: 4 Best Ways to Get There

Written by Lisa Alexander Oct 31, 2022

Saint-Tropez provides travelers with a glimpse of two iconic French regions, as its location overlaps the glitzy Côte d'Azur and the sun-drenched countryside of Provence , where sunflower fields and olive groves flourish.

A trip to Saint-Tropez enhances any France travel itinerary and is a perfect complement to visiting Paris. Among its many tourist draws , Saint-Tropez features picturesque Mediterranean scenery and sandy beaches ; this makes the southern French seaside town a perfect contrast to the bustling urban energy and cultural attractions of Paris .

It's a long journey from Paris to Saint-Tropez, which makes the logistics slightly cumbersome. The drive is quite long, so this option is best for those who plan to make stops along the way.

Since the train routes from Paris to Saint-Tropez are not direct, it may be more efficient to fly from Paris to Toulon and then take a taxi to Saint-Tropez .

On This Page:

  • From Paris to Saint-Tropez by Train
  • From Paris to Saint-Tropez by Plane
  • From Paris to Saint-Tropez by Bus
  • From Paris to Saint-Tropez by Car

1. From Paris to Saint-Tropez by Train


Most travelers choose to take the train to get from Paris to Saint-Tropez. The frequent scheduling of trains from Paris to the Saint-Tropez area (the closest station is Saint-Raphaël) makes this a convenient form of transportation. Trains depart from a station in central Paris, which means travelers can skip the inconvenient trip to the airport and the time spent going through airport security.

The SNCF operates train routes daily from the Gare de Lyon station in Paris to Saint-Raphaël Valescure station, which is 37 kilometers away from Saint-Tropez. The quickest train service provided by SNCF is the direct route on a high-speed train, TGV ( Train de Grande Vitesse ), that takes just under five hours. If there is a connection, the journey takes around six hours.

Train fares are similar for the regular SNCF train and the more rapid TGV train, so it makes sense to take the TGV train if possible. Prices vary depending on the day and time and availability.

Once travelers arrive at the Saint-Raphaël Valescure station in Saint-Raphaël, they can pick up their pre-arranged ride or hail a taxi (which are usually readily available at the station's taxi stand). The taxi ride from Saint-Raphaël Valescure station to Saint-Tropez takes about 50 minutes.

For those who prefer to rent a car and drive to Saint-Tropez, the Saint-Raphaël Valescure station has several rental car agencies, including Avis rental cars, Budget rental cars, Sixt rental cars, L'Agence ANA, and ADA rental cars.

2. From Paris to Saint-Tropez by Plane

Aerial view of Saint-Tropez harbor

Some travelers prefer to fly from Paris to Saint-Tropez instead of taking the train, because the actual flight time is shorter than the train ride. However, the journey requires two or three different legs of travel (taxi to the airport in Paris; flight; and bus or taxi to Saint-Tropez) and overall takes about the same amount of time as getting there by train .

It's recommended to take one of these two options when flying from Paris to the Saint-Tropez area: Fly from Paris Orly airport (ORY) to the Toulon Hyères airport (TLN), or fly from Paris Charles de Gaulle airport (CDG) to the Nice airport (NCE).

The direct plane flight from Paris Orly airport to Toulon Hyères airport takes one hour and 35 minutes. Air France offers at least one and sometimes two or three ORY to TLN flights a day, with the earliest departure around 6am and the latest departure around 7:30pm. Morning flights are not available on Sundays.

From the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport to the Nice airport, the direct flight takes 90 minutes . This may be the more convenient option, since Air France runs CDG to NCE flights frequently from around 7am until about 9:30pm in high season (or until around 4pm off season). Flights are available almost hourly, with at least five flights a day and up to eight flights on certain days.

One disadvantage of flying from Charles de Gaulle airport is the higher cost, sometimes double the price compared to the flights from Orly airport.

One thing to keep in mind: From central Paris, the Charles de Gaulle airport is more easily accessible by public transportation than Orly airport. The RoissyBus shuttle picks up travelers at the Paris-Opéra bus stop in Paris (near the Palais Garnier opera house) and takes 60 minutes to reach the Charles de Gaulle airport. RoissyBus shuttle service is available every 15 minutes throughout the day and every 20 or 30 minutes at night.

It's a more complicated journey by public transportation to arrive at Orly airport. The Métro plus connecting RER train ride from central Paris to Orly airport takes over one hour; this journey requires changing stations.

It's hard to say which form of transportation (train versus plane) costs less, since train fares and flight prices vary depending on demand. In many cases, the overall cost of traveling by plane (including bus/taxi rides) is less expensive than the overall train + taxi travel costs.

Once travelers arrive in either Toulon-Hyères or Nice airport, it's easy to find a taxi at the airport. The Toulon-Hyères airport is actually in the town of Hyères, about 20 kilometers from Toulon. From Hyères, the taxi ride takes about 25 minutes. The taxi ride from Nice to Saint-Tropez is quite a bit longer (around 100 kilometers); the drive takes about one hour and 30 minutes without traffic. Expect a slower drive during high season.

Taxi service is available outside the terminal of Arrivals at both Toulon-Hyères and Nice airports. Travelers who like to plan ahead may pre-arrange a ride with a chauffeur service. The Nice airport offers a "Meet & Greet" private shuttle service; when travelers book this private transfer service, their shuttle driver will be waiting to greet them at Arrivals.

The Toulon-Hyères airport has public transportation options for getting to Saint-Tropez, but the bus travels extremely slowly (with many stops), and some routes require a transfer in Hyères. ZOU! operates direct bus routes from Toulon-Hyères airport to the center of Saint-Tropez. The bus journey takes two hours, so this option only makes sense for travelers on a very tight budget.

For those who prefer to drive, car rental agencies are available at both airports. Rental agencies that have offices at Toulon and Nice airports include Avis, Europcar, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Hertz , and SIXT. Toulon airport also has Budget, Thrifty Car Rental, Virtuo, and ADA rental car agencies. Nice airport also has Advantage, Firefly, and Goldcar rental agencies.

3. From Paris to Saint-Tropez by Bus

View of Saint-Tropez Old Town

Only the most budget-conscious travelers opt for taking the bus from Paris to Saint-Tropez . Traveling by bus to Saint-Tropez is a long journey and requires a change of transportation in Toulon, but compensates for the excessive travel time and inconvenience with affordable fares. Bus fares are sometimes half the cost (or even less) compared to train fares.

FlixBus offers an overnight bus route from Paris to Toulon that takes 11 hours and 35 minutes. The bus departs from Bercy Seine station in Paris at 1:10am and arrives in Toulon the next day at 12:45pm. This FlixBus route is available on a daily basis. The bus arrives at the Boulevard de Tessé in Toulon.

The next leg of the journey requires finding another bus station in Toulon. Local bus company ZOU! operates bus routes from Toulon to Saint-Tropez. The ZOU! buses depart from Campus Porte d'Italie in Toulon (about a 20-minute walk from the FlixBus station on the Boulevard de Tessé). It takes just over two hours for the ZOU! bus to reach the Gare Routière in Saint-Tropez which is in the center of Saint-Tropez near the Vieux Port.

4. From Paris to Saint-Tropez by Car

Detour en Route from Paris to Saint-Tropez: Burgundy Region, Castle near Cluny

In terms of travel time, it takes longer to get from Paris to Saint-Tropez by car than by train or by plane. The drive (without stops) requires around 10 hours , about double the five-hour journey on a direct TGV train from Paris to Saint-Tropez.

The advantage of driving is the flexibility. Travelers can leave at anytime that suits them and stop at interesting places along the way. Driving from Paris to Saint-Tropez allows travelers to expand their vacation itinerary with sightseeing excursions in the French countryside or in cities along the route.

An excellent detour is the Burgundy region , a rural area dotted with ancient castles and quaint villages, almost halfway along the route from Paris to Saint-Tropez. Highlights of this region are Dijon , which has a UNESCO-listed city center; the charming historic town of Beaune ; the lovely hilltop village of Vézelay ; and the medieval Abbaye de Cluny , which was founded in the 10th century.

Just over halfway from Paris to Saint-Tropez is one of France's most important cities , Lyon , which brims with cultural attractions . Visitors enjoy visiting the museums, sampling the local cuisine at traditional bistros called bouchons , and wandering around the city's UNESCO-listed historic neighborhoods.

Tips for Travelers : Rental cars are readily available in central Paris at the main train stations (Gare Saint-Lazare and Gare Montparnasse), as well as at Charles de Gaulle Airport. To rent a car, travelers must have an international driver's license. It's also a good idea for visitors who rent a car in France to have some familiarity with French road signs and to feel confident driving in a foreign country.

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France Travel Guide

About Trains to La Plagne

Trains in Saint-Tropez

Discover & book Saint-Tropez train services

Travelling by train is perfect for those who want to sit back, relax and see a bit more of the countryside and the region that surrounds Saint-Tropez.

train station sign for saint raphael

Nearest train station to Saint-Tropez

Saint Tropez is not connected to the train system in France. The closest train stations are St Raphael and Les Arcs Draguignan, both of which are around 40 km away. You can take a bus from both these towns to Saint Tropez.

About Trains to, from and around Chamonix

Travelling by train in France

SNCF (Societé Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français) is France's national railway company, owned by the French state, operating throughout continental France and Monaco. There are over 32,000 kilometres of railway laid all across the country, a good chunk of them sustaining high-speed services, the world-renowned TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse) which reaches average speeds of around 320km/h. Trains connect cities and towns all around France and even cross the border into Spain, Italy, Switzerland and Belgium. Many routes will begin in Paris, stopping at convenient stations throughout the country before arriving in Saint-Tropez. The SNCF website has information for TGV and national rail service timetables. TGV train tickets must be bought in advance and there are a whole host of special offers available for families, seniors, and groups throughout the year. Tickets can be purchased online or at any train station in France.

Eurostar ski train tickets on sale for 2019/20 season

London to Saint-Tropez by train

If you are coming from the UK, Eurostar is the high-speed passenger train from London to Paris & London to Brussels, which travels via the Channel Tunnel. Not to be confused with Eurotunnel, the company which owns the Channel Tunnel whose car-carrying trains shuttle road vehicles across the Channel. Eurostar carries passengers, not cars. Their direct summer train from London to Lyon, Avignon and Marseille, which operated between one and five times a week all year round has been cancelled in 2020 and 2021.

Eurotunnel provides a quick and simple method to get you and your car from England to France. From Folkestone to Calais in only 35 minutes, it is the fastest way to get across (or under) the English Channel. There are around four departures every hour - and as always you should book early to get the best rates.

Travel luggage for Saint-Tropez

Luggage allowances on trains to Saint-Tropez

Whether you're travelling with a single carry-on bag or several large suitcases, your luggage is a part of your journey. There is no restriction on the weight or amount of luggage you bring on board, however, if you are travelling with a bicycle then it should be no larger than 90cm x 120cm. If it is larger than this then you'll need to remove the wheels and pack them in a carrying bag along with the frame. Either way, your bike will travel for free.

A door-to-door luggage service is available in continental France, Germany, Luxemburg and Switzerland. The SNCF will collect your luggage from you and deliver it to the address of your choice the next day, allowing you to travel luggage-free.

the grimaud tourist train

Tourist trains in Saint-Tropez

You can discover the neighbouring hilltop village of Grimaud by Petit Train during the summer months between April and mid-October. Enjoy the panoramic views over the Gulf of Saint-Tropez that this fun tourist train offers.

There is also a Petit Train in the town of Saint-Tropez that you can catch at the port, ask at the tourist office for more details. The Petit Train des Pignes takes you around the town of Sainte Maxime which lies directly opposite Saint Tropez on the Gulf of Saint-Tropez.

a tgv train in station

Train timetables in Saint-Tropez

The local train service is run by SNCF-TER (Transports Express Regionaux), search for PACA region on the SNCF-TER website (PACA is Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur) for up-to-date timetables. To view the local network, use this map of the train services showing the stations and routes available.

About Trains in

Pets & animals on trains to Saint-Tropez

To ensure that man's best friend can join you on holiday, trains in France allow your pets to travel with you. With most rail providers, pets under 6kg in weight can travel for free as long as their bag or basket does not exceed 45cm x 30cm x 25cm. Larger animals may be permitted at an additional charge. You should check with your rail provider in advance. Guide dogs can travel for free.

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Saint Tropez to Baie des Canoubiers Boat Trip exterior

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Pearls of the East

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Uzbekistan's desert and cupolas


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Saint-Pétersbourg - Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur-sur-le-Sang-Versé © Shutterstock

TSAR VOYAGES Paris 58 rue du Paradis 75010 Paris Monday-Friday 9 am - 6 pm Saturday 10 am - 2 pm Phone: +33 1 75 43 96 77


voyage train paris saint tropez


  1. How long is the train ride from Paris to St Tropez?

    voyage train paris saint tropez

  2. paris saint tropez train temps

    voyage train paris saint tropez

  3. From Paris to Saint-Tropez: 4 Best Ways to Get There

    voyage train paris saint tropez

  4. train to St. Tropez from Paris : r/EmilyInParis

    voyage train paris saint tropez

  5. Gares SNCF

    voyage train paris saint tropez

  6. Nice to Saint Tropez. How to get to St Tropez: train, bus, helicopter

    voyage train paris saint tropez


  1. Hôtel Byblos Saint-Tropez

  2. En attendant le TGV, le premier train de nuit Berlin-Paris fait son retour à Strasbourg

  3. [Rare !] Train Spécial / Special Train Paris Saint-Lazare

  4. Train TGV To Paris

  5. SNCF TGV INOUI Duplex

  6. Le voyage de Paris à Venise en 30 minutes a bord du train de nuit Thello


  1. Trains Paris Saint-Tropez

    trains pas chers depuis Paris vers Saint-Tropez. Afin de profiter de billets de train les moins chers possible Paris Saint-Tropez, réservez à l'avance et évitez de voyager aux heures de pointe. Le prix moyen d'un billet Paris Saint-Tropez acheté le jour même est de 109€.

  2. Paris to Saint-Tropez train tickets from $38 (€33)

    You can travel by train between Paris and Saint-Tropez with TGV INOUI, SNCF Intercités de nuit and SNCF | TGV INOUI for as low as $35 (€30). When you search for schedules and tickets, Omio will show you the best journey. The SNCF TGV is a high-speed train service operated by the French national railway company, SNCF.

  3. Paris to Saint-Tropez

    TGV inOui operates a train from Paris Gare de Lyon to St Raphael Valescure 3 times a day. Tickets cost $150-250 and the journey takes 4h 52m. SNCF also services this route once daily. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Paris, Quai de Bercy (Bercy Seine) to Gare Routiere via Fréjus Gare Routière and Gare Routiere in around 14h 32m. Airlines.

  4. Train Paris

    Le trajet de Paris à Saint-Tropez par train est de 704,18 km et prend 5 h 17 min. Il y a 10 connexions par jour, avec le premier départ au 06:03 et le dernier au 16:10. Il est possible de voyager de Paris à Saint-Tropez par train pour aussi peu que 65,80 € ou jusqu'à 215,70 €. Le meilleur prix pour ce voyage est 65,80 €.

  5. Train Paris

    The journey from Paris to Saint-Tropez by train is 437.56 mi and takes 5 hr 18 min. There are 10 connections per day, with the first departure at 5:58 AM and the last at 10:10 AM. It is possible to travel from Paris to Saint-Tropez by train for as little as $52.65 or as much as $96.99. The best price for this journey is $52.65.

  6. Paris to Saint-Tropez (Station)

    TGV inOui operates a train from Paris Gare de Lyon to St Raphael Valescure 3 times a day. Tickets cost $150-250 and the journey takes 4h 52m. SNCF also services this route once daily. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Paris, Quai de Bercy (Bercy Seine) to Saint-Tropez (Station) via Fréjus Gare Routière, Gare Routiere, and Gare Routiere ...

  7. Trains Saint-Tropez Paris

    Aperçu Train depuis Saint-Tropez vers Paris. Trains depuis Saint-Tropez vers Paris parcours 703 kms itinéraire Le trajet prend environ 4 h 27 min ; avec nos partenaires de voyage comme TGV INOUI, SNCF | TGV INOUI et SNCF Intercités de nuit. Il y a des services de train disponibles Vous pouvez avoir votre billet de train le moins cher pour ...

  8. Paris to Saint-Tropez train tickets from £29

    Find ticket. £66. Average. £79. The best way to find a cheap train ticket from Paris to Saint-Tropez is to book your journey as far in advance as possible and to avoid travelling at rush hour. The average ticket from Paris to Saint-Tropez will cost around £79 if you buy it on the day, but you can find cheap train tickets today for only £66.

  9. Paris to Saint-Tropez from $38 (€33)

    The cheapest way to travel to Saint-Tropez from Paris is a bus with an average price of $38 (€33). This is compared to other travel options from Paris to Saint-Tropez: A bus is $47 (€40) less than a flight with an average ticket price of $85 (€73) from Paris to Saint-Tropez. Taking a bus costs $6 (€5) less than taking a train, which ...

  10. Saint-Tropez to Paris train tickets from $25 (€22)

    27. View timetable. Distance. 703 km. Cheap train tickets from Saint-Tropez to start from $71 with an average ticket price of $75. The fastest train from Saint-Tropez to takes 4h 48m in comparison to an average duration of 6h 19m and covers a distance of 703 km. 27 trains that leave Saint-Tropez for every day with 5 travelling directly.

  11. Voyage Paris

    Voyager 703 kms en bus, train ou avion depuis Paris vers Saint-Tropez. Les compagnies comme BlaBlaCar, easyJet ou TGV INOUI qui déservent cette itinéraire sont parmi les plus populaires. Les voyageurs peuvent choisir un bus, avion ou train direct depuis Paris vers Saint-Tropez.

  12. Paris à Saint-Tropez par Train, Bus, Covoiturage, Voiture ...

    Il y a 10 façons d'aller de Paris à Saint-Tropez en train, bus, covoiturage, voiture, avion ou ferry. ... Rome2Rio facilite votre voyage entre Paris et Saint-Tropez. Rome2Rio est un moteur de recherche d'informations et de réservation pour les voyages en porte-à-porte, vous aidant à vous rendre n'importe où dans le monde. Trouver toutes ...

  13. Train Options From Paris To St Tropez

    In summary, the duration of the journey from Paris to St Tropez can vary depending on the train options chosen. High-speed trains offer the fastest travel times, allowing you to reach your destination in just a few hours. On average, it takes approximately 6 to 7 hours to travel between these destinations by train.

  14. From Paris to Saint-Tropez: 4 Best Ways to Get There

    The SNCF operates train routes daily from the Gare de Lyon station in Paris to Saint-Raphaël Valescure station, which is 37 kilometers away from Saint-Tropez. The quickest train service provided by SNCF is the direct route on a high-speed train, TGV ( Train de Grande Vitesse ), that takes just under five hours.

  15. Options de train de Paris à Saint-Tropez

    Voyager en train de Paris à Saint-Tropez peut être une aventure passionnante. Pour garantir un voyage fluide et sans tracas, il est important de planifier à l'avance et de faire les préparatifs nécessaires. Voici quelques conseils pour vous aider à profiter au maximum de votre voyage :

  16. Trains in Saint-Tropez

    Tourist trains in Saint-Tropez. You can discover the neighbouring hilltop village of Grimaud by Petit Train during the summer months between April and mid-October. Enjoy the panoramic views over the Gulf of Saint-Tropez that this fun tourist train offers. There is also a Petit Train in the town of Saint-Tropez that you can catch at the port ...

  17. Saint-Tropez to Paris

    TGV inOui operates a train from St Raphael Valescure to Paris Gare de Lyon 4 times a day. Tickets cost $150-250 and the journey takes 4h 52m. SNCF also services this route once daily. Alternatively, FlixBus operates a bus from Le Lavandou to Paris, Quai de Bercy (Bercy Seine) 4 times a week. Tickets cost $70-100 and the journey takes 12h 25m.

  18. Voyage en Russie : Moscou et Saint-Pétersbourg

    Circuits individuels/en groupe Moscou Saint-Pétersbourg, Baïkal, Altaï, croisières, Transsibériens et visas. QUI SOMMES-NOUS ? ... TSAR VOYAGES Paris 58 rue de Paradis 75010 Paris Horaires d'ouverture : ... TRAIN DES TSARS. Transsibérien et trains russes. TSAR VOYAGES CAUCASE. Géorgie, Arménie, Azerbaïdjan.

  19. Voyage Saint-Tropez

    Réservez vos billets Saint-Tropez Paris dès 22€ avec Omio. Comparez les offres de train, bus, vol et ferry avec plus de 1000 partenaires. ... Voyager en train, bus ou vol vers les meilleurs destinations. Billets vers Paris. Vols vers Paris. Bus pas cher vers Paris. Trains pas cher vers Paris.

  20. Russian Railways

    Buy Russian train tickets online Check timetables, maps, fares and discounts Best customer service Low prices, Fast booking & Safe payment. Group travel; Trans-Siberian; ... (for some popular trains between Moscow and Saint Petersburg - 120 days before the departure). Tickets for every international train except the routes between Russia and ...

  21. Trains de Paris à Moscou

    Si vous avez un voyage de Paris à Moscou, prendre le train est toujours une excellente idée! En plus d'être l'un des moyens de transport les plus rapides, le train est également parmi les plus confortables. Tous les trains desservant la voie ferrée Paris à Moscou sont modernes, sûrs et bien équipés.

  22. Vol depuis Paris vers Saint-Tropez, à partir de 33€ avec easyJet

    Vols depuis Paris vers Saint-Tropez parcours 703 kms itinéraire Le trajet prend environ 1 h 20 min ; avec nos partenaires de voyage comme easyJet, Air France, Transavia France, Ryanair et Lufthansa. Il y a des services d'avion disponibles Vous pouvez avoir votre billet d'avion le moins cher pour itinéraire à partir de 73 €, mais le prix ...

  23. Voyager de Paris à Moscow en train

    Le voyage en train de Paris à Moscow dure environ 1 jour, 12 heures et 36 minutes, quel que soit le moment où vous partez. Quels sont les horaires de train de Paris à Moscow? En semaine, le seul train à Moscow quitte habituellement Paris vers 16:55. ... De St Petersburg à Moscow De 48,53 ...