• Forecasting


Trip Generation Review: Multifamily Housing Land Use

By   Mike Spack

May 1, 2018

By Max Moreland, PE

In the current 10 th edition of ITE’s Trip Generation Manual, the categorization for a number of land uses has changed from previous editions. One of those changes is for multi-family housing. I thought I would take a closer look at the new ITE multi-family housing land uses to see how it compares to local data we have collected.

In previous versions of ITE’s Trip Generation manual, apartments and condominiums/townhomes were separate from one another and the classification is further broken into various classifications such as height, rental versus owner and luxury versus standard. In the 10 th edition, apartments and condominiums/townhomes have been combined under the same umbrella of multifamily housing.

Multifamily housing in the ITE Trip Generation Manual is now broken up into:

  • #220 – Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise) – containing one or two floors
  • #221 – Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise) – containing three to ten floors
  • #222 – Multifamily Housing (High-Rise) – containing more than ten floors

At TripGeneration.org, we also collected data at multifamily housing locations for the last few years. Our data has been categorized as either Townhomes or Apartments. All the townhomes we collected data at have either one or two floors and all the apartments we have collected data at have between three and ten floors.

Comparing the data we collected locally in the Minneapolis, Minnesota region for TripGeneration.org against the ITE data, our Townhome data fits neatly in the Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise) category and our Apartment data fits neatly in the Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise) category.

The following charts compare our local Townhome and Apartment data against the three new ITE Multifamily categories.

As shown in the charts, our local rates for Townhomes are in line with Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise) in the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, but the local rates are lower for the daily trips. For Apartments, our local data is in line with Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise) in the p.m. peak hour, but the local rates are lower for the a.m. peak hour and daily trips.

[Download Free Trip Generation Data – TripGeneration.org]

While the locally collected data does not line up 100% with the ITE data, the trend is still the same between the two: as the buildings get taller, the trips per unit get smaller. The reasons behind this are multiple and varied and would take another blog post to get into, so rather than get into that, I will repeat myself because it is fun to rhyme:

As the buildings get taller, the trips per unit get smaller.

Of course, there are many factors that impact trip generation data for each of the new land uses, which is why we encourage everyone to collect trip generation for there region when preparing traffic studies.

What’s your experience? How does your regional data compare to the numbers in ITE’s Trip Generation Manual? Add your thoughts in the comments below.

Free Trip Generation Data at TripGeneration.org

At  Spack Consulting , we collect local data on many, if not most, of our traffic studies. And we make this professionally collected data for free. Our document includes over 13,500 hours of data and allows you to see the full 24-hour data collected. Go to  TripGeneration.org  to download the raw data we’ve collected. Check out our free parking generation data as well!

I would be interested in your opinion regarding the new ITE category of high-rise residential with ground floor commercial. As an initial observation, it appears that in this new category, the inclusion of commercial does not result in a higher number of trips (or at least not significantly higher) compared to a similar high-rise without commercial.

I am also interested in the inclusion of this in the ITE manual as it is something that is becoming more and more common here in Minnesota. Comparing the data, you are correct that at the high-rise buildings the addition of ground floor commercial does not appear to have much impact on vehicle trips. However, there does seem to be more of an increase on vehicle trips for the mid-rise buildings. For both mid-rise and high-rise buildings, the addition of ground floor commercial causes an increase in person trips.

Definitely something that could use more looking into.

In the locations where you collected local counts, what do you expect the percentage of non-vehicle modes accessing those sites? Are they in areas that are well connected to transit, bike routes, etc.?

We have a large range of areas in the dataset, so there is a range of non-vehicle trips being made at the sites.

Gents- Do you have any data on trip generation for short term vacation rentals STVR)? Interested in seeing how single family or multi-family low-rise would compare to STVR and what the best way to compare would be by bedroom or unit?

Sorry – we don’t have data on short term rentals such as AirBNB. My hunch is that it can vary wildly based on context (heavy rental car area or no rental car area). Mike

Are your trips one way or round trip? Please include units in your work.

A trip by definition one way. Round trip equals two trips.

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ite trip generation townhouse

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1.4 “Desk Reference” means the Trip Generation 10th Edition Desk Reference whether in electronic or hardcopy, published by ITE. The Desk Reference provides detailed descriptions of the new urban and person-based data, key instructional information, sample plots and identifies significant changes from the previous edition.

1.5 “Disclosing Party” means a party disclosing Confidential Information;

1.6 “Documentation” means any documentation (whether in electronic or printed or printed form) developed by Transoft and provided to or made available to the End User by ITE or through Transoft for the purposes of identifying the terms and conditions of access, use or operation of the Software, explaining or describing the Software, providing instructions as to the manner of permitted access or use of the Software, assisting the End User with problems or corrections to the Software or otherwise intended to assist the End User in the effective and permitted access, use and operation of the Software, and includes but is not limited to user guides, manuals, Help Menus and text, FAQ (frequently asked questions) files, license files, license specifications and details but documentation does not include the ITE Products which are provided by ITE to the End User by way of separate agreement or purchase..

1.7 “License Term” is the term of this Agreement referred to in Section 3.1;

1.8 “ITE Data” means the trip generation data that forms the basis of the TGM, and as it pertains to this agreement includes 10th Edition trip generation data (including the 10th Edition Supplement);

1.9 “ITE Products” means the Desk Reference, the ITE Data, TGH, TGM and TGM plots

1.10 “Licensed Products” means the Software and the Documentation;

1.11 “License Fee” means the fee plus all applicable taxes payable by the End User to ITE as a condition of the End User’s use of the Licensed Products during the License Term.

1.12 “Login Details” means the details required to login and use the Licensed Products, such as a username and password;

1.13 “Recipient” means a party receiving Confidential Information;

1.14 “Software” means the online web application known as “ ITETripGen ” that will interface with ITE Data, be capable of supporting three databases (being all United States and Canada data, United States data only, and Canadian data only) and include features to look up specific data in either imperial or metric units, plots of vehicle and person trips in two-dimensional coloured graphs, and export such graphic plots in high-quality PDF ;

1.15 “TGH” means the Trip Generation Handbook, whether electronic or hardcopy, published by ITE from time to time which is currently in its 3rd Edition providing guidance on proper techniques for estimating person and vehicular trip generation rates; guidance for the evaluation of mixed use developments and the establishment of local trip generation rates; and pass-by trip and truck trip generation data.

1.16 “TGM” means the Trip Generation Manual , whether electronic or hardcopy, published by ITE from time to time and which is currently in its 10th Edition (including the 10th Edition Supplement), including land use descriptions, trip generation rates, equations and data plots and which are prepared, gathered, assembled and formatted by or on behalf of ITE from time to time for reference and use by transportation professionals conducting site impact studies, determining on-site circulation patterns, performing access management studies, determining traffic signal timing, conducting environmental assessments and other transportation related uses and activities;

1.17 “TGM plots” refers to the full set of data plots for all land uses distributed, published by ITE in electronic format. Subsets of the TGM plots, referred to as “Land Use Packages” are also published by ITE in electronic format.

1.18 “Transoft” means Transoft Solutions Inc. 350-13700 International Place Richmond, BC, Canada V6V 2X8, the owner and developer of the Software and the Documentation.

1.19 “Value Added Taxes” means such sum as will be levied upon the License Fee or any other fees payable pursuant to this Agreement by the Federal or any Provincial or Territorial Government and is computed as a percentage of the fees and includes Goods and Services Tax, Harmonized Sales Tax and any similar tax, the payment or collection of which, by the legislation imposing such tax, is an obligation of ITE.


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3.1 Term. The term of this Agreement will commence on the Commencement Date, and will remain in effect until the release of TGM Edition 11 or August 31, 2021 whichever comes first.

3.2 Termination. ITE will have the right to terminate this Agreement:

(a) Immediately upon written notice; or

(b) Immediately upon written notice at any time if:

(i) the End User is in material breach of any warranty, term, condition or covenant of the End User pursuant to this Agreement and fails to cure that breach within 5 days after written notice of that breach and of ITE’s intention to terminate;

(ii) notwithstanding paragraph 3.3(b) (i), and without limiting any of the other the rights of ITE pursuant to this Agreement or at law, if the End User fails to pay any amount owing to ITE in accordance with the terms of this Agreement or otherwise, within 15 days after written notice of that failure to pay and of ITE’s intention to terminate; or

Termination under paragraph 3.2(b) (i) and 3.2(b) (ii) above will in the absence of a cure become effective automatically upon expiration of the cure period set out in the applicable paragraph.

3.3 Upon termination of this Agreement:

(a) the End User will immediately cease using the Licensed Products and the sub-license herein and all rights to use the Licensed Products will expire; and

(b) the End User will immediately pay to ITE any amounts owing to ITE by the End User pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

3.4 Deletion of Data and User ID. Within 30 days of expiry or termination of this Agreement for any reason ITE will have the right to delete the End User’s ID profile and all of the End User’s data (if any) stored on any storage systems of ITE or its subcontractor Transoft.


4.1 Additional Services. Services outside of the scope of the description in this Agreement (the “Additional Services”) will not be included in the License Fee. Upon request for Additional Services by the End User, ITE will (or will request that its subcontractor Transoft) provide a quote for the cost for such Additional Services based on the hourly rates chargeable by ITE or Transoft, as the case may be, at the time of the request. ITE will perform the Additional Services on the written request of the End User, and the End User will pay for the Additional Services plus Value Added Taxes, if applicable within 30 days of receipt of an invoice for such Additional Services.

4.2 Interest. Any amounts not paid when due to ITE or Transoft, as the case may be, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement will bear interest at a rate of 24% per annum.


5.1 Limited Warranty. ITE (and by extension Transoft as the developer of the Software) warrants that the Software will perform substantially in accordance with the description set out at http://www.ite.org/tripgeneration/appdescription.pdf (the “Performance Description”). The End User will within 30 days of commencing use of the Software, give written notice to ITE of any perceived inconsistency with the Performance Description. ITE will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct any defects or deficiencies in the Software resulting in inconsistency with the Performance Description for which it has received notice in accordance with this paragraph 5.1. This limited warranty is void if a defect or deficiency has resulted from:

(a) use of the Software by the End User in any manner not contemplated in this Agreement;

(b) alteration, modification, or misuse of the Software by the End User or its agents or employees;

(c) damage or deficiencies caused by:

(i) malfunction of the End User’s equipment or operating system; or

(ii) software not developed by ITE in conjunction with its subcontractor Transoft.

5.2 Acknowledgement. The End User acknowledges and agrees that except for the limited warranty pursuant to paragraph 5.1, the Software is provided “as is” and each of ITE and Transoft makes no warranty, representation or guarantee, expressed implied or statutory, with respect to the Software whether as to the accuracy, reliability, suitability, function, absence of errors, or otherwise whatsoever and each of ITE and Transoft specifically disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

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5.4 Limitation. Without limiting the generality of Sections 5.2 and 5.3, under no circumstances will ITE, Transoft or any of the Representatives become responsible for any costs, payments, claims or damages, other than to refund to the End User.

5.5 Access. Without limiting the generality of Section 5.3, the End User acknowledges and agrees that the Software may be unavailable from time to time as a result of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance or other circumstances beyond the control of ITE and Transoft.

5.6 Data. Without limiting the generality of Section 5.3, the End User acknowledges and agrees that the results produced by the Software is compiled from the ITE Data. Each of ITE and Transoft makes no representation as to the accuracy or reliability of the data or information produced by the Software. If at any time there is a discrepancy between the data produced by the Software and the ITE Data, the ITE Data will prevail.


6.1 Confidentiality. Each party agrees that, it will:

(a) keep the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information in complete secrecy; and

(b) except with the written consent of the other party not use or disclose the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information for any purpose.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, neither party will not use or attempt to use the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information in any manner which may injure or cause loss either directly or indirectly to the Disclosing Party or its End Users or suppliers.

6.2 Survival. The provisions of this Article 6.0 will survive termination of this Agreement.


7.1 Notice. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement will be in writing, and be delivered to the address first above written or such other address as the parties may, from time to time, designate. Notice will be delivered by personal delivery, courier, registered mail, via facsimile transmission or via confirmed electronic mail. The delivery of a notice will be deemed effective upon receipt, if delivered personally or by courier, or five (5) business days from sending, if delivered by registered mail or the date of transmission, if delivered by facsimile or upon acknowledged receipt by the recipient if delivered by electronic mail.

7.2 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties respecting the subject matter, and supersedes all other agreements whether written, or oral between the parties, it being expressly understood that there are no other representations, terms, warranties, conditions, guarantees, promises, agreements, collateral contracts or collateral agreements express or implied, or statutory, other than those contained in this Agreement and that this Agreement represents the whole of the Agreement between the parties, and no alteration, modification or amendment hereof will be binding unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto.

7.3 Additional Acts. The parties will do such additional acts and execute and deliver such further documents as may be requisite to give full effect to the terms of this Agreement.

7.4 Severability. The invalidity of any particular portion, section or paragraph of this Agreement will not affect the validity of any other provision herein and, in such event, such invalid provision will be severable from this Agreement and the remainder of this Agreement will be construed as if such invalid provision was omitted.

7.5 No Waiver. No waiver by any party hereto of any breach of any covenant, representation, warranty, proviso, condition or stipulation herein contained whether express or implied or negative or positive in form by any other party hereto will have any effect or be binding upon any party hereto unless same will be in writing and under the authority of such party, and any waiver whatsoever will extend only to the particular breach so waived, and will not limit or affect the right of any party with respect to any other or further breach.

7.6 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed, governed, interpreted, and applied in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to the principles of conflict of laws. In the event that any action is filed in relation to this Agreement, the party which does not prevail in such action shall pay the reasonable attorneys’ fees and other costs and expenses, including investigation costs, incurred by the prevailing party in such proceedings.

7.7 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original, but all of which together will constitute one and the same document.

7.8 Gender. Whenever the singular or the masculine is used herein, same will be deemed to include reference to the plural, feminine and body corporate as necessary.

7.9 Binding Effect. This Agreement will ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns.


BEFORE YOU USE OR SIGN UP FOR THE USE OF ANY PORTION OF THE LICENSED PRODUCTS, YOU MUST ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT BY CLICKING “I AGREE” By communicating to ITE Your acceptance of this Agreement when You use or sign up for the use of the Licensed Products, You are entering into a legal and binding contract with ITE and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of a company or other legal entity, your acceptance represents and warrants that you have the authority to bind such entity to these terms, in which case the words “End User”, “You”, or “Your” shall refer to such company or other legal entity. If you do not agree with this Agreement, or if you do not have the authority to bind your entity, then you, the “End User” and “You”, will not be authorized to use the Licensed Products.

1.3 “Confidential Information” means data, information, documents, knowledge, designs, products, services, systems, programs, plans, inventions, research, discoveries, developments, strategies, trade secrets, processes, technical information, production methods, marketing activities, personal information, or any information concerning the organization, business, finances, transactions, affairs of the Disclosing Party which may come to the Recipient’s knowledge pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, Confidential Information does not include information that:

(a) is already in possession of the Recipient or any of its parent, subsidiary or affiliated companies and was obtained without an obligation of confidence;

(c) is or becomes publicly available without breach of this Agreement;

1.4 “Disclosing Party” means a party disclosing Confidential Information;

1.5 “Documentation” means any documentation (whether in electronic or printed or printed form) developed by Transoft and provided to or made available to the End User by ITE or through Transoft for the purposes of identifying the terms and conditions of access, use or operation of the Software, explaining or describing the Software, providing instructions as to the manner of permitted access or use of the Software, assisting the End User with problems or corrections to the Software or otherwise intended to assist the End User in the effective and permitted access, use and operation of the Software, and includes but is not limited to user guides, manuals, Help Menus and text, FAQ (frequently asked questions) files, license files, license specifications and details but documentation does not include the ITE Products which are provided by ITE to the End User by way of separate agreement or purchase..

1.6 “License Term” is the term of this Agreement referred to in Section 3.1;

1.7 “ITE Data” means the trip generation data that forms the basis of the TGM, and as it pertains to this agreement includes Edition 11th trip generation data.

1.8 “ITE Products” means the ITE Data, TGH, TGM and TGM plots

1.9 “Licensed Products” means the Software and the Documentation;

1.10 “License Fee” means the fee plus all applicable taxes payable by the End User to ITE as a condition of the End User’s use of the Licensed Products during the License Term.

1.11 “Login Details” means the details required to login and use the Licensed Products, such as a username and password;

1.12 “Recipient” means a party receiving Confidential Information;

1.13 “Software” means the online web application known as “ ITETripGen ” that will interface with ITE Data, be capable of supporting three databases (being all United States and Canada data, United States data only, and Canadian data only) and include features to look up specific data in either imperial or metric units, plots of vehicle and person trips in two-dimensional coloured graphs, and export such graphic plots in high-quality PDF ;

1.14 “TGH” means the Trip Generation Handbook, whether electronic or hardcopy, published by ITE from time to time which is currently in its 3rd Edition providing guidance on proper techniques for estimating person and vehicular trip generation rates; guidance for the evaluation of mixed use developments and the establishment of local trip generation rates; and pass-by trip and truck trip generation data.

1.15 “TGM” means the Trip Generation Manual , whether electronic or hardcopy, published by ITE from time to time and which is currently in its 10th Edition (including the 10th Edition Supplement), including land use descriptions, trip generation rates, equations and data plots and which are prepared, gathered, assembled and formatted by or on behalf of ITE from time to time for reference and use by transportation professionals conducting site impact studies, determining on-site circulation patterns, performing access management studies, determining traffic signal timing, conducting environmental assessments and other transportation related uses and activities;

1.16 “TGM plots” refers to the full set of data plots for all land uses distributed, published by ITE in electronic format. Subsets of the TGM plots, referred to as “Land Use Packages” are also published by ITE in electronic format.

1.17 “Transoft” means Transoft Solutions Inc. 350 - 13700 International Place, Richmond, BC, Canada V6V 2X8, the owner and developer of the Software and the Documentation.

1.18 “Value Added Taxes” means such sum as will be levied upon the License Fee or any other fees payable pursuant to this Agreement by the Federal or any Provincial or Territorial Government and is computed as a percentage of the fees and includes Goods and Services Tax, Harmonized Sales Tax and any similar tax, the payment or collection of which, by the legislation imposing such tax, is an obligation of ITE.

2.1 Software and Services. Pursuant to ITE’s license agreement with Transoft, ITE grants by way of a limited sub-license to the End User, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement the non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable and non-sublicensable right to use the Licensed Products during the Term for the purpose of its business. ITE, through its subcontractor Transoft will host the Software, including providing data support, backup, and recovery and access to the Documentation. ITE will provide to you the ITE Products by way of separate agreement and purchase arrangements directly with ITE.

2.4 Reservation. Each of Transoft and ITE reserves all rights not expressly granted to the End User under this Agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the End User acknowledges that the Licensed Products and the ITE Products contain trade secrets and agrees that the End User will not do or permit to be done any of the following in relation to the whole or any part of the Licensed Products ot ITE Products:

(b) modify, adapt, translate or alter them or otherwise create derivative works;

2.5 Restrictions. Notwithstanding the generality of this Agreement, the End User will not, and will not permit others to, transmit, convey, license, sublicense, distribute, sell, resell, transfer or otherwise dispose of the Licensed Products or the ITE Products to any other persons or organizations. The End User further agrees that the Software will not be accessed or used in any manner prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act or any other United States laws or any applicable national or international export laws, restrictions or regulations (collectively, the “Export Laws”). In addition, if the Software is identified as an export controlled item under the Export Laws, the End User represents and warrants that it is not a citizen of, or located within, an embargoed or otherwise restricted nation and that the End User is not otherwise prohibited under the Export Laws from receiving the Software. All rights to use the Software or the ITE Products are granted on the condition that such rights are forfeited if You fail to comply with the terms of this Agreement.

3.1 Term. The term of this Agreement will commence on the Commencement Date, and will remain in effect until December 31, 2025. Existing TGM 10th Edition users will have access extended to December 31, 2022.

(a) the End User will immediately cease using the Licensed Products, the ITE Products and the sub-license herein and all rights to use the Licensed Products and ITE Products will expire; and

4.1 Additional Services. Services outside of the scope of the description in this Agreement (the “Additional Services”) will not be included in the License Fee. Upon request for Additional Services by the End User, ITE will (or will request that its subcontractor Transoft) provide a quote for the cost for such Additional Services based on the hourly rates chargeable by ITE or Transoft, as the case may be, at the time of the request. If ITE accepts the End User’s request to perform Additional Services, ITE will perform the Additional Services and the End User will pay for the Additional Services plus Value Added Taxes, if applicable within 30 days of receipt of an invoice for such Additional Services.

5.2 Acknowledgement. The End User acknowledges and agrees that except for the limited warranty pursuant to paragraph 5.1, the Software is provided “as is” and each of ITE and Transoft makes no warranty, representation or guarantee, expressed implied or statutory, with respect to the Software whether as to the accuracy, reliability, suitability, function, absence of errors, or otherwise whatsoever and each of ITE and Transoft specifically disclaims any warranty of merchantability, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose.

5.4 Limitation. Without limiting the generality of Sections 5.2 and 5.3, under no circumstances will ITE, Transoft or any of the Representatives become responsible for any costs, payments, claims or damages, other than to refund to the End User amounts paid by End User under this Agreement.

7.1 Notice. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement will be in writing, and be delivered to the address first above written or such other address as the parties may, from time to time, designate. Notice will be delivered by personal delivery, courier, registered mail, via confirmed facsimile transmission or via confirmed electronic mail. The delivery of a notice will be deemed effective: (i) upon receipt, if delivered personally or by courier; (ii) or five (5) business days from sending, if delivered by registered mail; (iii) or the date of transmission, if delivered by facsimile or upon acknowledged receipt by the recipient if delivered by electronic mail and a confirmation copy is sent by first class mail.

7.6 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed, governed, interpreted, and applied in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia, without giving effect to the principles of conflict of laws. Any dispute relating to this Agreement shall be resolved in the municipal and federal courts serving the District of Columbia. and each party hereto waives any objection to venue and hereby submits to the personal jurisdiction of such courts.

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If you have any questions related to the purchase of the Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition:

Contact Person: Frances Bettis Institute of Transportation Engineers 1627 Eye Street, NW, Suite 600 Washington DC 20006 USA Phone: 202-785-0060 (149) Fax: 202-785-0609 Email: [email protected]

If you have any questions related to content of Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition or ITETripGen Web Application:

Contact Person: Lisa Fontana Tierney Institute of Transportation Engineers 1627 Eye Street, NW, Suite 600 Washington DC 20006 USA Phone: 202-785-0060 (116) Fax: 202-785-0609 Email: [email protected]

If you have any questions related to the installation of or need technical support for ITETripGen Web Application:

Transoft Solutions Inc Suite 350 – 13700 International Place Richmond, BC, Canada, V6V 2X8 Phone : 888-244-8387(US & Canada) Fax : 604-244-1770 Email: [email protected]

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Notable Changes in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (10th vs 11th Edition)

  • February 21, 2022

ITE Trip Generation Manual

What is the ITE Trip Generation Manual?

The ITE Trip Generation Manual is a nationally recognized source for determining the anticipated number of trips for a diverse set of land uses and associated sizes/densities.

It is a summary of trip generation data compiled from studies throughout the United States and Canada that were voluntarily collected and submitted.

traffic lights

Each iteration of the manual seeks to expand its database, reclassify land uses, and modernize its approach to estimating vehicle and multimodal trips to reflect our ever-changing world.

ite trip generation townhouse

What are some notable changes from 10 th to 11 th Edition?

This edition features changes to single-family housing , multifamily housing, medical-dental offices, and gas station/convenience market land uses. The table below sheds some light on some notable additions and updates to existing land uses.

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How does this apply to me?

Jurisdictions across the country are starting to adopt the 11 th Edition and will be requiring its use to determine the site-generated impacts of development projects.

Doing work in the Austin, Texas area? The City of Austin has already adopted this version of the manual as of January 1, 2022, and requires its use on all COA Traffic Impact Analyses . Travis County will be following suit beginning April 1, 2022.

Confused about these changes or want to know how to maximize your density potential while staying under TIA thresholds?  Our experts have the answers! Contact us before starting your next project!


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Using the Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition

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A Legacy of Innovation. A Bright New Future

Innovation Townhomes are an extraordinary collection of brand new 2-3 bedroom residences in the heart of St. Petersburg’s bustling development hub, the Innovation District.

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Concrete block, all floor plans are named with nods to great innovators such as Ben Franklin and Leonardo da Vinci. Starting in the $700,000’s, Innovation Townhomes provide comfort and convenience for live, work, play and everything in between.

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St. Petersburg, FL townhomes for rent

607 88th Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33702

  • 992 sqft 992 square feet

4354 Tyler Cir N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33709

  • 1,455 sqft 1,455 square feet

722 Pinellas Bayway S Apt 105, Tierra Verde, FL 33715

  • 1,510 sqft 1,510 square feet

737 Pinellas Bayway S Apt 201, Saint Petersburg, FL 33715

  • 1,600 sqft 1,600 square feet
  • Pets OK pet friendly policy

839 Calla Ter N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701

  • 1,700 sqft 1,700 square feet

557 Pinellas Bayway S Apt 114, Saint Petersburg, FL 33715

  • 2,315 sqft 2,315 square feet

6490 Cape Hatteras Way NE Unit 5, Saint Petersburg, FL 33702

  • 1,610 sqft 1,610 square feet

637 Pinellas Bayway S Apt 105, Tierra Verde, FL 33715

  • 1,650 sqft 1,650 square feet

5123 5th Way N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33703

  • 1,200 sqft 1,200 square feet

430 Date Palm Ct NE, Saint Petersburg, FL 33703

  • 1,942 sqft 1,942 square feet

4334 Tyler Cir N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33709

  • 2,100 sqft 2,100 square feet

4916 Milano Ct NE, Saint Petersburg, FL 33703

  • 1,635 sqft 1,635 square feet

11416 Bay St NE, Saint Petersburg, FL 33716

  • 990 sqft 990 square feet

823 Calla Ter N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701

  • 1,500 sqft 1,500 square feet

3122 37th Ln S Apt A, Saint Petersburg, FL 33711

  • 1,100 sqft 1,100 square feet

628 3rd Ave S, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701

  • 1,889 sqft 1,889 square feet

334 Surfside Ave NE, Saint Petersburg, FL 33716

  • 1,895 sqft 1,895 square feet

3850 Pompano Dr SE # 3, Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

  • 2,491 sqft 2,491 square feet

5246 Neil Dr, Saint Petersburg, FL 33714

  • 1,713 sqft 1,713 square feet

4800 Brittany Dr S, Saint Petersburg, FL 33715

  • 1,220 sqft 1,220 square feet

105 5th Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701

  • 2,376 sqft 2,376 square feet

1501 Beach Dr SE, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701

  • 900 sqft 900 square feet
  • Dogs OK dog friendly policy

6290 Bahia Del Mar Cir Apt 15, Saint Petersburg, FL 33715

  • 1,390 sqft 1,390 square feet

2557 11th Pl N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33713

  • 1,990 sqft 1,990 square feet

132 1st St E Apt 103, Tierra Verde, FL 33715

  • 1,300 sqft 1,300 square feet

237 Seahorse Dr SE Apt B, Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

  • 858 sqft 858 square feet

6322 Palma Del Mar Blvd S, Saint Petersburg, FL 33715

  • 1,250 sqft 1,250 square feet

3100 36th St N Apt 1, Saint Petersburg, FL 33713

  • 564 sqft 564 square feet

3846 Mandalay Dr, Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

  • 1,345 sqft 1,345 square feet

678 51st Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33703

  • 1,480 sqft 1,480 square feet

536 Black Lion Dr NE, Saint Petersburg, FL 33716

  • 1,453 sqft 1,453 square feet

266 8th St N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701

  • 1,868 sqft 1,868 square feet

6497 Cape Hatteras Way NE Unit 2, Saint Petersburg, FL 33702

  • 1,582 sqft 1,582 square feet

5613 Escondida Blvd S, Saint Petersburg, FL 33715

  • 1,670 sqft 1,670 square feet

11311 Beach Walk Way NE, Saint Petersburg, FL 33716

  • 1,879 sqft 1,879 square feet

5180 Coquina Key Dr SE, Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

  • 1,437 sqft 1,437 square feet

827 Calla Ter N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701

  • 3,293 sqft 3,293 square feet

120 Main St N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33716

  • 2,528 sqft 2,528 square feet

169 Pompano Dr SE # 1, Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

  • 1,176 sqft 1,176 square feet

Homes for sale in St. Petersburg, FL

4125 Park St N Lot 348, Saint Petersburg, FL 33709

  • 650 sqft 650 square feet

2001 83rd Ave N Lot 1240, Saint Petersburg, FL 33702

  • 1,766 sqft 1,766 square feet
  • 0.3 acre lot 0.3 acre lot

5045 32nd Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33710

  • 1,177 sqft 1,177 square feet
  • 8,438 sqft lot 8,438 square foot lot

270 8th St N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701

  • 1,839 sqft 1,839 square feet
  • 871 sqft lot 871 square foot lot

1317 Essex Dr N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33710

  • 776 sqft 776 square feet
  • 7,436 sqft lot 7,436 square foot lot

5034 Burlington Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33710

  • 1,012 sqft 1,012 square feet
  • 5,584 sqft lot 5,584 square foot lot

1320 James Ave S, Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

  • 942 sqft 942 square feet
  • 1,926 sqft lot 1,926 square foot lot

3120 6th Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33713

  • 902 sqft 902 square feet
  • 6,029 sqft lot 6,029 square foot lot

2753 52nd Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33714

  • 890 sqft 890 square feet
  • 3,367 sqft lot 3,367 square foot lot

4000 24th St N Lot 418, Saint Petersburg, FL 33714

  • 1,174 sqft 1,174 square feet
  • 4,796 sqft lot 4,796 square foot lot

3126 57th Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33714

  • 1,009 sqft 1,009 square feet
  • 6,678 sqft lot 6,678 square foot lot

3510 4th Ave S, Saint Petersburg, FL 33711

  • 802 sqft 802 square feet
  • 5,001 sqft lot 5,001 square foot lot

2526 Dartmouth Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33713

  • 1,106 sqft 1,106 square feet
  • 5,715 sqft lot 5,715 square foot lot

6450 Shoreline Dr Apt 9405, Saint Petersburg, FL 33708

  • 1,205 sqft 1,205 square feet

3100 Hartford St N Apt 125, Saint Petersburg, FL 33713

  • 755 sqft 755 square feet

10034 64th Ave N Apt 12, Saint Petersburg, FL 33708

  • 1,185 sqft 1,185 square feet

8198 Terrace Garden Dr N Unit 403, Saint Petersburg, FL 33709

  • 1,440 sqft 1,440 square feet

Find your ideal rental in St. Petersburg, FL

St. petersburg, fl rental property types, apartments by price in st. petersburg, fl, apartments by number of bedrooms in st. petersburg, fl, apartments for rent in florida, facts about st. petersburg, fl, schools in st. petersburg, fl.

  • Bay Vista Fundamental Elementary School
  • View nearby rentals
  • Pasadena Fundamental Elementary School
  • Shore Acres Elementary School

Rentals for neighborhoods near St. Petersburg, FL

  • Downtown St. Petersburg Rentals
  • Historic Old Northeast Rentals
  • Coquina Key Rentals
  • Historic Kenwood Rentals
  • Bartlett Park Rentals
  • North Kenwood Rentals
  • Melrose - Mercy Rentals
  • Palmetto Park Rentals
  • Lakewood Estates Rentals
  • Historic Uptown Rentals
  • Euclid Place - St. Paul Rentals
  • Lakewood Terrace Rentals
  • Greater Woodlawn Rentals
  • Lake Maggiore Shores Rentals
  • Highland Oaks Rentals
  • Old Southeast Rentals
  • Wildwood Heights Rentals
  • Harbordale Rentals
  • Thirteenth Steet Heights Rentals
  • Bayou Highlands Rentals

Bedrooms near St. Petersburg, FL

  • St. Petersburg, FL Studio Apartments for Rent
  • St. Petersburg, FL 1 Bedroom Rentals
  • St. Petersburg, FL 2 Bedroom Rentals
  • St. Petersburg, FL 3 Bedroom Rentals
  • St. Petersburg, FL 4 Bedroom Rentals
  • St. Petersburg, FL 5 Bedroom Rentals

Rentals for cities near St. Petersburg, FL

  • Clearwater Rentals
  • Largo Rentals
  • Palmetto Rentals
  • Apollo Beach Rentals
  • Ruskin Rentals
  • Pass A Grille Rentals
  • Pass A Grille Beach Rentals
  • St Petersburg Beach Rentals
  • Seminole Rentals
  • Rocky Point Rentals
  • Pinellas Park Rentals
  • St. Pete Beach Rentals
  • West Lealman Rentals
  • Treasure Island Rentals
  • Gulfport Rentals
  • Madeira Beach Rentals
  • Lealman Rentals
  • Safety Harbor Rentals
  • South Pasadena Rentals
  • Indian Rocks Beach Rentals

Rentals for zips near St. Petersburg, FL

  • 33706 Rentals
  • 33708 Rentals
  • 33707 Rentals
  • 33709 Rentals
  • 33703 Rentals
  • 33702 Rentals
  • 33715 Rentals
  • 33705 Rentals
  • 33710 Rentals
  • 33713 Rentals
  • 33701 Rentals
  • 33711 Rentals
  • 33714 Rentals
  • 33777 Rentals
  • 33704 Rentals
  • 33782 Rentals
  • 33616 Rentals
  • 33760 Rentals
  • 33712 Rentals
  • 33773 Rentals

Renting tips and advice


What Is Section 8 Housing? Help Paying Rent (and Not Just in Low-Income Neighborhoods)

What is Section 8 Housing? Also called the Housing Choice Vouchers Program, this government program gives assistance to people struggling to pay rent.


Want a Bargain on Your Beach House Rental? These Are the Cheapest—and Priciest—Months

When renting a beach house for a weekend or longer, you can save significant money if you time your trip strategically. Here's what to know.

Moving cost calculator

Townhomes for rent in st. petersburg, fl.

Townhomes for rent in St. Petersburg, Florida have a median rental price of $2,400. There are 59 active townhomes for rent in St. Petersburg, which spend an average of 62 days on the market. Some of the nearby neighborhoods near St. Petersburg are Downtown St. Petersburg , Historic Old Northeast , Coquina Key , and Historic Kenwood . You may also be interested in townhomes that are for rent in the nearby ZIP codes of 33706 , 33708 , or in neighboring cities, such as Clearwater , Largo , Palmetto , or Apollo Beach .

  • Meeting Types / Resources
  • Guidelines for PDHs
  • Offering CM Credits

Sponsorship Best Practices

Exhibitor best practices.

  • IBOD and Leadership ITE Joint Meeting Opportunities

Meeting Types

District meetings.

District Annual Meetings are commonly larger events which include many elements of an International Annual Meeting. These require greater attention to contracting and space requirements due to their financial implications. Nearly all District Meetings are jointly hosted by the District and local arrangements committee from the local Section. Having procedures for these meetings is a District responsibility. They involve complexities that are expensive to address: audio visual, wifi, exhibit hall set-up, power, food & beverage, room attrition, deposits, liquidated damages, etc.

Each of our Districts hosts one (or more) meetings per year and we try to coordinate ITE International and Executive Committee involvement with each of them. Districts are asked to stay within a window of time so as not to overlap with one another.  Information on the District windows and 2025 meeting dates is available here . Guidance may be available on you District website. 

Section Meetings

Section meetings are commonly lunchtime events often hosted at restaurants or hotels. Some are held at agency, consultant or university sites to reduce costs by bringing in take-out food. Finding speakers is a key role for Section leadership. Many Sections program their meeting presentation content prior to the coming year in a strategy session with the officers. Topics can be aligned with developing trends or emerging initiatives of ITE. Virtual meetings allow a wider range of potential speakers. If leaders struggle to identify topics or speakers, they can reach out to District officers, International officers or ITE Council and Standing Committee chairs for ideas and speakers or use the ITE Speaker Directory listed below.

Joint Meetings with International

International ITE Annual Meetings involve collaboration with Districts and Sections and Districts who do a joint meeting with International, do not have a stand alone District meeting in that year.  International Directors will typically bring the request from a District to the International Board of Directors by completing this packet . 

Call for Abstracts and Technical Program Development for Joint District and International Meetings

ITE opens Call for Abstracts for the Annual Meeting and Exhibition in October of each year. At that time, you are invited to submit an abstract in support of the upcoming Annual Meeting and Exhibition. ITE seeks abstracts that address the broad range of issues that underlie transportation's transformative role in building vibrant, livable, and healthy communities.  

In developing your abstract, we encourage you to thoughtfully consider the conference theme and purpose of the meeting and shape your proposed presentation appropriately. An attendee needs to come away from your presentation with immediately applicable tools and/or skills or a clear vision how what you presented will shape the future of transportation.

If you have any questions regarding the Call for Abstracts, you should contact Matt Hardy, ITE Deputy Executive Director & CTO at  [email protected] .

Note: The LAC for the district jointly hosting the annual meeting will be asked to provide volunteers to review the abstract submissions.

Revised Joint Meeting Road Map:

  • 2025: Florida/Puerto Rico - Orlando
  • 2026: Great Lakes - Detroit
  • 2027: Canada - Calgary
  • 2028: Mountain - City TBD
  • 2029: Texas (requested 75 th  anniversary)
  • 2030: Mid-Colonial - Pittsburgh (requested)

Annual Meeting Planning Guide for Local Arrangements Committees:

Annual meeting site selection guide template:, useful resources:.

  • Speaker Directory
  • ITE Events / Meetings
  • DSC Meeting Vendors

Code of Conduct and Event Conduct Statement:

  • ITE Code of Conduct
  • ITE Event Conduct Statement

The International Board approved these two pieces in April of 2024 and they are applicable to all of ITE, Districts, Sections, and Chapters as far as conduct of all participants at any ITE related event. 

In addition to providing guidelines related to conduct, these also provide reporting recommendations, including the use of the ITE Report an Incident portal. 

Districts, Sections, and Chapters are encourage to add and/or link the Code of Conduct to your website and to make the Event Conduct Statement accessible to meeting registrants and attendants. This could mean printing it in any on-site materials, adding it to a meeting app, or making sure it's linked in confirmation emails. 

Local Meeting Delivery Assistance

ite trip generation townhouse

In 2019, ITE began holding quarterly webinars for DSC members planning meetings/events. Each webinar focuses on a topic determined by questions submitted by DSC members. There is also a time for open discussions and Q&A. If your meeting managers are interested in joining the webinars, please have them email Adam Martin to be added to the email list. 

Adam is available to review your venue and third-party contracts as well. You can email the contracts to his requesting review. Please allow 48 hours for review. 

Meeting Resources

  • Freeman Hybrid Event Checklist
  • Resources for In-Person Meetings
  • ITE Event RFP Template
  • ITE Event Space Scheduling Grid Template
  • ITE Onsite Emergency and Security Plan Template
  • Sample timelines for ITE International Meetings

Differential Pricing for Members and Non members

Individuals who choose to join ITE as members should receive clear financial benefit from supporting the organization at all levels – International, District, Section/Chapter.  This serves as an important incentive for non-members to join ITE.

At the International level we have adopted a policy of providing members with a minimum of a 33% discount for all paid conferences, professional development and publications. For example, a product that is priced at $150 for a non-member will be priced at $100 for a member.  At times we may decide to provide a product to members for free.  When we do so we continue to charge non-members the full value of that product.  The only time we provide a product for free to members and non-members is when the delivery is fully subsidized by USDOT or a private sector entity.

We believe a similar approach must be implemented at the District and Section/Chapter levels.  In-person events should have differential pricing for members and non-members. We recommend the 33% discount as a starting point, but recognize that depending on the nature of the event and the pricing structure there will be variation.  In general, even when the Districts and Section/Chapters choose to offer events for free to members, non-members should be charged (at least nominally). General sponsorship support should accrue to members over non-members. When a sponsor is funding a specific event the District or Section/Chapter may choose to make it free for both members and non-members.  

Discounted or free pricing can also be used to attract key target audiences.  At the International level, former affiliate members have been offered the opportunity to join for free for the first year and at a 50% discount for the second.  Meeting pricing has been discounted for groups of public agency participants (regardless of membership status) that register.  Public agency members are offered free access to certain webinars sponsored by the private sector.  Similarly, a District or Section/Chapter may choose to offer free or discounted pricing to public agency non-members or give non-members free access to a product or service for a limited time as an incentive to join ITE.

Guidelines for Issuing PDHs for Sessions at ITE District, Section or Chapter Meetings

Beginning in 2023, we are able to better support our Districts and Sections by helping to track PDHs for their events, for free.

The following information outlines ITE’s guidelines for issuing professional development hours (PDHs) for Districts, Sections and Chapters hosting  local meetings. This service is provided for ITE programs only.

  • Two weeks prior to the event date, the following materials must be electronically submitted to ITE

using this form:  https://forms.office.com/r/wPkeXqQ0vy  

The information we need includes: 

  • Meeting program/agenda
  • Presenter/Speaker resume or CV for each session presenter
  • Session Learning Objectives
  • Review technical program and determine qualifications for PDH.
  • Respond to your request with the number of PDHs that have been approved and provide the PDH link and instructions on how attendees can acquire their PDHs.
  • Event Coordinators should distribute the PDH link and instructions to their event attendees.

All meeting attendees will have 60 days to complete the evaluation provided and receive their certificate. After 60 days, the evaluation will not be available.

*For New York State: Sign-in sheets for each session must be submitted to ITE at the conclusion of the meeting.

Please note:

  • There should be one contact person to work with ITE staff.
  • PDH units will be rounded to the nearest half hour and no activity under a half hour will be accepted as qualifying for PDH credit. For technical tours, please subtract travel time.
  • Credit Calculation Formula: 1 contact hour = 1 PDH (minimum of 55 minutes to earn 1 PDH) This calculation does not include breaks.

Questions? Please feel free to contact Eunice Thoya, ITE Membership Associate, [email protected]

Offering CM Credits for AICP Certification

We recommend reviewing the AICP CM Providers Toolkit  to see if your programming meets the qualifications for providing CM credit. 

If your District or Section wants to apply to be a CM provider, we have this information to share related to pricing and the application process including examples of ITE International's programming that has been approved for CM credits, so you can view examples: CM Provider Information

However, the toolkit listed above and the CM Provider FAQ that APA makes available here:  https://www.planning.org/cm/provider-faq/  are the most reliable and up to date references.

Should you have questions, please contact Colleen Agan, ITE Deputy Executive Director/Chief Membership Officer, at  [email protected]

  • Offer variety: It is important to offer a mix of sponsorship opportunities – from the traditional badge holders and lanyards – to new, digital opportunities like mobile apps. Different organizations look for different things when securing a sponsorship.    
  • Sponsorship Tiers. ITE International’s sponsorship program includes both tiers with set sponsorship benefits and a la carte options. This helps capture those organizations which want to show their commitment to ITE and the transportation industry but do not want to sponsor a specific activity. Other sponsors prefer to put their name to a specific opportunity.   
  • The price is right: Pricing sponsorships can be dicey. Here are some considerations when pricing a sponsorship: 1) for an item such as bags, the pricing should cover the cost of the production plus a small profit margin; 2) do not over price sponsorships for the what prospective organizations are willing to spend; and 3) make sure to offer a range of low-cost options so that you can capture some smaller organizations. Exclusive sponsorships should have a higher fee than those that allow multiple sponsors.  
  • Right of first refusal. ITE strongly recommends that sponsors be offered the first opportunity to renew their sponsorship for the following year. Doing so helps build a relationship.  
  • Update sponsorship listing with “pending” or “sold”. Keeping your list of sponsorship opportunities up to date creates a sense of urgency and competition.  
  • Hold some sponsorships back. There will be times when an organization wants a “special” or “unique” opportunity. By having one or two of these types of sponsorships in your back pocket will help attract these organizations. However, these sponsorships need to be truly special and unique. If you do not have these opportunities, discuss with the prospective sponsor what types of opportunities they have supported in the past and be willing to put something together.  
  • There cannot be enough recognition. Sponsorship recognition is critical and makes sure sponsors know that they are appreciated. Recognition should be both passive (logos on signage and in marketing materials) as well as active (the opportunity to make brief remarks and invitation to exclusive events). Social media is a great way to recognize sponsors. Thanking them by tagging them in a social media post shows appreciation to the sponsoring organization and signals their competitors, which could result in them reaching out.  
  • Treat sponsors as partners. One of the best ways to lose a potential ongoing sponsor is to treat them as only an organization that is providing you with money. Cultivating a relationship with a sponsor can ensure they come back year and year again. Learn what is important to the sponsoring organization and reach out to them with opportunities that meet their goals. 
  • Make the exhibit space a destination. Both attendees and exhibitors are looking to create a more vibrant environment within the exhibit hall to make it a place that people want to visit rather than feel compelled to do so. Ideas to create a destination include holding networking events in the area, allowing exhibitors to offer food and/or beverages from their space (this will need to be coordinated with the hotel), seting up lounges where exhibitors and attendees can talk and discuss products and services, host exhibitor tours, and give exhibitors the chance to present.  
  • Non-compete time. Exhibitors will expect that there is time in the schedule that is exclusively for people to visit the exhibit hall and where no other activities are taking place.  
  • Pricing. Pricing should include as many of the costs associated with the exhibitor’s space as possible. Do not nickel and dime exhibitors. If you are using pipe and drape, try to negotiate a booth package that includes a draped table, chairs, and waste basket, and if appropriate the carpet along with the cost of the pipe and drape. Also include fees related to exhibitors attending the conference or being part of the booth. Exhibitors will appreciate understanding what they are paying for and that there will not be additional costs.  
  • Offer educational opportunities to exhibitors. Exhibitors are looking for opportunities to connect with attendees. Consider opportunities for exhibitors to present case studies, incorporating public agency partners, to demonstrate real world applicability of the products and services. This helps transition a sales pitch into an educational opportunity. 

International Board of Direction and LeadershipITE Joint Meeting Opportunities

In addition to joint Annual Meeting opportunities, there is also the opportunity to host the International Board of Direction and LeadershipITE in conjunction with your District Annual Meeting. You can find the requirements here .


  1. Trip Generation Review: Multifamily Housing Land Use

    In the 10 th edition, apartments and condominiums/townhomes have been combined under the same umbrella of multifamily housing. Multifamily housing in the ITE Trip Generation Manual is now broken up into: #220 - Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise) - containing one or two floors. #221 - Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise) - containing three to ten ...

  2. PDF ITE Trip Generation

    Note: All land uses in the 800 and 900 series are entitled to a "passby" trip reduction of 60% if less than 50,000 ft2 or a reduction of 40% if equal to or greater than 50,000 ft2. * Approximated by 10% of Weekday average rate. 940 Bread / Donut / Bagel Shop with Drive-Through Window 1,000 SF 18.99 937 Coffee / Donut Shop with Drive-Through Window

  3. PDF Single-Family Attached Housing (215)

    IteTripGen Graph. Person Trip Ends vs: Dwelling Units On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. Setting/Location: General Urban/Suburban. Number of Studies: 6 Avg. Num. of Dwelling Units: 67 Directional Distribution: 75% entering, 25% exiting.

  4. Trip and Parking Generation

    The ITE Trip Generation Manual presents a summary of the trip generation data that have been voluntarily collected and submitted to ITE. The trip generation database includes both vehicle and person trip generation for urban, suburban and rural settings. A Trip Generation web app—ITETripGen allows electronic access to the entire dataset with ...

  5. ITETripGen Web-based App

    ITETripGen provides access to the entirety of the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition. The app enables development of estimates of motor vehicle, pedestrian, transit user, bicyclist, and truck trips, generated by a land use based on its characteristics and setting. The app offers a functionality to filter data records by their age, the ...

  6. Trip and Parking Generation Resources

    In September 2021, ITE released the 11th Edition of the transportation profession's leading source of trip generation information--Trip Generation Manual (TGM). This new edition updates and enhances the 10th Edition by providing the latest multimodal trip generation data for urban, suburban, and rural locations. Oct 1, 2021. Oct 1, 2021.

  7. PDF Multifamily Trip Generation Research Summary

    and encourages users to collect local data, when practical, to supplement ITE data. LOW-RISE 1-2 stories MID-RISE 3-10 stories HIGH-RISE 11+ stories DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY 9.54 7.32 5.44 4.45 TRIPS PER DAY MULTIFAMILY Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition Figure 1: ITE Trip Generation per Dwelling ...

  8. PDF Formerly Appendix M

    the proposed development is based on the guidance provided in the latest ITE Trip Generation Manual - Volume 1: User's Guide and Handbook. 150 - Apartment Units (ITE 220) - Use equation: 6.06(150)+123.56 = 1,033 Trips 60 - Townhouse Units (ITE 230) - Use equation: Ln(T) = 0.87Ln(60)+2.46 = 412 Trips

  9. PDF Characterizing The Trip Generation Profiles Of Multifamily Housing

    Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Handbook, has left planners with little guidance for these new challenges. This study aims to examine the limitations in the dominant approaches to understand how they may misguide the planning process for multifamily housing development. Specifically, we aim to examine the vehicle and

  10. Trip Generation

    Trip Generation - Looking Back, Moving Forward. Since 1976, ITE has been the go-to source for trip generation data and tools. We have come a long way, particularly in the last five years. The First Edition of Trip Generation was less than 200 pages and included only approximately 50 land uses. Today, we provide a Web-based App allowing access ...

  11. PDF Major Changes in Trip Generation for Large-scale Residential Projects

    A comparison of the residential trip generation rates from the ITE Manual and those collected in the field is shown in Table 3. As seen in the table, the daily trip generation rate for the two large-scale developments in the Tucson metropolitan area is 40% lower than the ITE rate for single-family detached

  12. PDF ITE Trip Generation Manual 11 Memo

    In September 2021, ITE released the 11th Edition of the Trip Generation Manual (ITE TGM11). With the release of the 11th Edition of the Trip Generation Manual, ITE introduced several significant changes in content when compared to the 10th Edition (ITE TGM10), including the addition of new land use codes, the combination or elimination of some ...

  13. PDF Trip Generation, 10 Edition. Institute of Transportation Engineers

    SME Interoffice Memo. March 27, 2020. MAX-2016018.00. Meeting House Way, LLC c/o Mr. Sean Murphy, Esquire 282 Upper Main Street P.O. Box 1270 Edgartown, Massachusetts 02539. SUBJECT: Updated Trip-Generation Letter Proposed Residential Development 139 Meeting House Way Edgartown, Massachusetts. Dear Mr. Murphy:

  14. PDF Trip Generation: Overview and Updates

    Pass-By Site Trip Distribution is the percentage of existing vehicles on the roadway that would stop at the site along their normal route. Commonly occurs at most retail uses. Duration of a pass-by trip is usually short. ITE Trip Generation Handbook outlines the procedure to generate pass-by trips. Come from the existing volume on the roadway.

  15. Notable Changes in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip

    The ITE Trip Generation Manual is a nationally recognized source for determining the anticipated number of trips for a diverse set of land uses and associated sizes/densities. It is a summary of trip generation data compiled from studies throughout the United States and Canada that were voluntarily collected and submitted.

  16. Using the Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition

    Associated with All Member Forum. ITE has recently released the 10th Edition of the Trip Generation Manual. This new resource includes ITETripGen - a new web based app that provides many new capabilities for filtering the data based on age, geographic region and size. Join this webinar to learn more about the applications of the powerful new tool.

  17. Display event

    Whats New in Trip Generation, 11th Edition. Webinar Description: The webinar presents the key elements of ITE's Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition. The topics covered include an overview of the significantly expanded database including person, walk, bicycle, transit, motor vehicle, and truck trip generation and characteristics associated ...

  18. ITE Trip Generation Manual: (230) townhouses/condominiums

    Engineers apply the knowledge of math & science to design and manufacture maintainable systems used to solve specific problems. AskEngineers is a forum for questions about the technologies, standards, and processes used to design & build these systems, as well as for questions about the engineering profession and its many disciplines.

  19. Innovation Townhomes

    Crafted For a New Way of Living. Innovation's 26 townhomes are built for a new generation of living; designed for freedom, ease, and growth in one of St. Petersburg's hottest areas. Minutes from downtown, Beach Drive, Grand Central District, and the Arts District, residents are moments away from endless shopping, the best dining and local ...

  20. St. Petersburg, FL townhomes for rent

    Property detail for 4358 Tyler Cir N Unit 4358 Saint Petersburg, FL 33709. For Rent - Townhome. $2,749. 3 bed. 2.5 bath. 1,455 sqft. Pets OK. 4358 Tyler Cir N Unit 4358. Saint Petersburg, FL 33709.

  21. ITE Trip Generation Data Submission Portal

    Maximum file size: 20-25MB. File 1 ∗. File 2. File 3. If you prefer, hard copy submittals are also accepted using ITE's standard trip generation data collection form. You can complete the form and email it to [email protected]. Submit Data. By submitting on this portal, you agree that you have read and will follow the following terms and ...

  22. Townhomes For Rent in Downtown Saint Petersburg

    - Townhouse for rent. Show more. 48 days ago. 628 3rd Ave S, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701. $3,700/mo. 2 bds; 3 ba; 1,889 sqft - Townhouse for rent. Show more. 50 days ago Apply instantly. 126 9th St N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33705. $5,700/mo. 3 bds; 4 ba; 2,450 sqft - Townhouse for rent. Show more. 62 days ago

  23. Meetings

    Adam Martin, ITE's Director of Meetings, serves as your primary contact for meeting and event related information. He can be reached at [email protected] or 202-464-6234. In 2019, ITE began holding quarterly webinars for DSC members planning meetings/events. Each webinar focuses on a topic determined by questions submitted by DSC members.