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19 900 000 UZS

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  • Arabian Park Hotel 3*

3 500 000 UZS

  • Coralsea Holiday 5*

8 000 000 UZS

  • White Harp Beach 4*

16 000 000 UZS

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Marmaris Tour

UZS 3,500,000.00

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Orient Palace Hotel

Turistik eslatma..

Kerakli sayohat hujjatlari mavjudligini tekshiring:

  • xalqaro pasport (pasportning amal qilish muddati butun sayohat davomida amal qilishi kerak);
  • xalqaro pasportning fotokopisi (xalqaro pasport yo'qolgan taqdirda va kutilmagan vaziyatlarda foydali bo'lishi mumkin)
  • aviachiptalar yoki marshrut/elektron chipta kvitansiyalari;
  • tibbiy sug'urta polisi.

Esda tutingki, turistning o'zi shaxsiy hujjatlarni rasmiylashtirish uchun javobgardir: xorijiy pasport; vizalar; to'ldirilgan bojxona deklaratsiyasi; xalqaro standartdagi haydovchilik guvohnomasi (agar siz mashinani ijaraga olishni rejalashtirmoqchi bo'lsangiz); voyaga etmaganlar uchun sayohat hujjatlari.

Rossiya Federatsiyasidan tashqariga chiqayotgan 14 yoshdan boshlab barcha bolalar o'zlarining tegishli pasportiga ega bo'lishi kerak. Istisno - 2010 yil 1 martgacha (pasportlarning amal qilish muddati tugagunga qadar) berilgan ota-onalarning pasportlariga kiritilgan bolalar. Agar bolalar ota-onalardan birining pasportiga kiritilgan bo'lsa, ota-onalar va voyaga etmagan bolaning familiyasi bir xil bo'lsa ham, munosabatlarni tasdiqlovchi hujjat bo'lmasa, bolaga Rossiya Federatsiyasidan chiqish rad etiladi.Agar 18 yoshga to'lmagan bola ota-onasi hamrohligisiz sayohat qilsa, u holda u voyaga etmagan fuqaroning Rossiya Federatsiyasidan chiqib ketishiga ota-onasining notarial tasdiqlangan roziligi bo'lishi kerak, bunda amal qilish muddati va u qilmoqchi bo'lgan davlat (davlatlar) ko'rsatilgan. tashrif buyuring.

Sug'urta polisi.

Sug'urta polisi quyidagi xizmatlarni tashkil etish va to'lashni o'z ichiga oladi: tibbiy xarajatlar; tibbiy transport xarajatlari; Sug'urtalangan shaxs vafot etgan taqdirda jasadni vataniga qaytarish; favqulodda vaziyatda sug'urtalangan shaxsni muddatidan oldin qaytarish zarurati; Sug'urtalangan shaxsga hamroh bo'lgan bolalarni evakuatsiya qilish zarurati; ma'muriy yordam ko'rsatish: sug'urta hodisasi yuz berganda favqulodda xabarlarni uzatish; tibbiy ma'lumotlarga ehtiyoj.

har ikki yo'nalishda ketadigan har bir kishi uchun. Uchishdan oldin jo'nash aeroportini tekshirishni tavsiya qilamiz, to'g'ri parvoz raqamlari va jo'nash sanalari.

Mehmonxonada turar joy vaucheri.

Ketishdan oldin mehmonxona nomi, turar joy turi, ovqatlanish va qo'shimcha buyurtma qilingan xizmatlar to'g'ri ko'rsatilganligini tekshirishingizni tavsiya qilamiz.

Ro'yxatdan o'tish va parvoz.

Aeroportga ketishdan kamida 2 soat oldin kelishingiz kerak. Eslatib o'tamiz, ro'yxatdan o'tish jo'nashdan 1 soat oldin yopiladi. Belgilangan soatda aeroportga kechikmasligingizni so'raymiz. Siz olgan chiptalar qayta yozilmaydi yoki qaytarilmaydi. Ro'yxatdan o'tish va parvoz hamrohsiz, pasport va shaxsiy chiptadan (blankada yoki elektron) foydalangan holda amalga oshiriladi. Chiptada mahalliy bo'ylab ketish vaqti ko'rsatilgan.

Viza olish.

O‘zbekistonga sayyohlik tashrifi uchun viza talab qilinadi. Ayrim davlatlar uchun vizasiz tashriflar boʻyicha ikki tomonlama kelishuv mavjud, bular Rossiya, Ukraina, Belarus, Fransiya, Qirgʻiziston, Qozogʻiston, Ozarbayjon va boshqa 10 ta davlatlardir. Ushbu davlatlarning fuqarolari pasportga ega bo'lishi kerak. Boshqa barcha mamlakatlar fuqarolari uchun viza talab qilinadi.

Veterinariya nazorati.

Hayvonlar veterinariya ko'rigidan o'tkaziladi. Agar siz hayvonlarni eksport qilsangiz, ularning sog'lig'ini tasdiqlovchi hujjatlar to'plami bo'lishi kerak. Qoida tariqasida sizda quyidagilar bo'lishi kerak: veterinariya pasporti, sog'lig'i to'g'risidagi guvohnoma (har qanday davlat veterinariya klinikasi tomonidan berilgan, sertifikat yoshga qarab emlashlar to'g'risidagi ma'lumotlarni ko'rsatadi), SCOR yoki RKF klubidan sertifikat (sertifikat itning naslchilik qiymatiga ega emasligini ko'rsatadi, boshqa klublarning sertifikatlari bojxonada savollar tug'diradi), quturishga qarshi emlashni ko'rsatadigan veterinariya guvohnomasi (Ispaniyaga 3 oygacha bo'lgan mushukchalar va kuchuklarni olib kirishda shart emas).

Parvozga chiqish uchun sizga kerak:

  • bojxonadan o'tish;
  • reysni ro'yxatdan o'tish stolida ro'yxatdan o'tkazing va bortga chiqish talonini oling (ro'yxatdan o'tish stolining raqami sizning parvoz raqamingiz qarshisidagi ma'lumot panelida ko'rsatilgan);
  • chegara nazoratidan o'tish;
  • chiqish yo'li orqali samolyotga o'ting, ularning soni bortga chiqish talonida ko'rsatilgan.

Bojxona qoidalari.

Mamlakatga kirishda siz ikki nusxada bojxona deklaratsiyasini to'ldirishingiz kerak. Deklaratsiyada barcha qimmatbaho narsalar (zargarlik buyumlari, foto va videokameralar), naqd pul bo'lishi kerak. Import qilishga ruxsat etiladi: - o'z ehtiyojlari uchun qiymati 1000 AQSh dollaridan oshmaydigan tovarlar; - bojxona deklaratsiyasida majburiy yozma ariza bilan cheklanmagan miqdorda naqd xorijiy valyuta; - 2 litr miqdorida spirtli ichimliklar; - 10 ta paketdagi tamaki mahsulotlari; - 5 dona miqdorida, lekin 30 grammdan ortiq bo'lmagan zargarlik buyumlari; - shifokor tomonidan belgilangan va ko'rsatilgan miqdorda dori-darmonlar.

O'zbekiston haqida

Umumiy ma'lumot.

Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Amudaryo va Sirdaryo oraligʻida joylashgan boʻlib, 448,9 ming kvadrat metr maydonni egallaydi. km. Respublika hududining uzunligi gʻarbdan sharqqa 1425 kilometr, shimoldan janubgacha 930 kilometrni tashkil etadi. Hudud shimol va shimoli-sharqda Qozogʻiston, sharq va janubi-sharqda Qirgʻiziston va Tojikiston, gʻarbda Turkmaniston, janubda Afgʻoniston bilan chegaradosh. Oʻzbekiston poytaxti Toshkent shahri.

Valyuta ayirboshlash.

Milliy valyuta - SUM. Valyuta kursi http://www.cbu.uz/ru Har qanday xorijiy valyutani milliy banklarda, shuningdek, maxsus ayirboshlash shoxobchalarida almashtirish mumkin. Afzal valyutalar - AQSh dollari va evro (naqd pul).

  • Banklar: ish vaqti: 09:00-16:00

Yopiq: shanba, yakshanba va milliy bayramlar

  • Davlat tashkilotlari: ish vaqti: 09:00-18:00

O'zbekistonda ro'yxatdan o'tish.

Har bir chet el fuqarosi Oʻzbekiston hududida roʻyxatdan oʻtish tartibidan oʻtishi kerak. Mehmonxonalar ro‘yxatdan o‘tish kuponini taqdim etishi kerak, bu kupon chet el fuqarolari mamlakatda bo‘lish muddati davomida, mamlakatdan chiqib ketayotganda pasport nazoratidan o‘tgunga qadar saqlashi shart. Kuponni to'ldirganda, keyingi qayta rasmiylashtirishda qiyinchiliklarga yo'l qo'ymaslik uchun kiritilgan ma'lumotlarning to'g'riligini tekshirish kerak..

Oʻzbekiston iqlimi keskin kontinental. Bu kecha va kunduz, yoz va qish haroratining keskin amplitudasi bilan tavsiflanadi. Yil vaqtiga qarab haroratning farqi juda sezilarli. Yanvarning oʻrtacha harorati -6°S gacha pasayadi, iyulniki +32°S gacha koʻtariladi. Tekisliklarga tushadigan oʻrtacha yillik yogʻin miqdori 120 – 200 mm, togʻli hududlarda 1000 mm. Yog'ingarchilik kam, shuning uchun qishloq xo'jaligi ko'proq sug'orishga bog'liq. Eng yirik daryolari - Amudaryo va Sirdaryo. Amudaryoning umumiy uzunligi 1437 km, Sirdaryoning uzunligi 2137 km. Oʻzbekiston daryolarining aksariyati oʻz oqimida quriydi, faqat Amudaryo va Sirdaryo Orol dengiziga yetib boradi. Tekisliklarda choʻl oʻsimliklari, togʻlarda dashtlar, oʻrmonlar va togʻ oʻtloqlari ustunlik qiladi. Mamlakat faunasi juda xilma-xil: cho'lda uzunligi 1,5 m ga yetadigan kamdan-kam uchraydigan sayg'oq va monitor kaltakesak bor.Tog'larda qor qoploni va tog' echkilarining noyob turlari yashaydi.

Davlat tili oʻzbek tilidir. 1989-yilda oʻzbek tili davlat tili sifatida qabul qilindi. Oʻrta Osiyo turkiy tillari guruhiga kiradi. Hozirgi adabiy oʻzbek tili Fargʻona shevasi asosida yaratilgan boʻlib, 20-asr boshidan qoʻllanila boshlandi. 20-asr boshlariga qadar Oʻzbekiston hududida fors va eski oʻzbek yoki chagʻatoy tillari adabiy til boʻlgan. Og'zaki til juda ko'p turli xil dialektlarga ega. 1928 yilgacha oʻzbek tilining asosi arab alifbosi boʻlgan. Va 1928 yildan 1940 yilgacha - lotin. Kirill alifbosi 1940 yildan 1992 yilgacha ishlatilgan. 1992-yilda o‘zbek tili yana lotin tiliga o‘tkazildi.

Oʻzbekistonda hukmron din sunniylik boʻlib, unga mamlakat aholisining 93 foizi eʼtiqod qiladi, Buxoro va Samarqandda istiqomat qiluvchi 1 foiz shia musulmonlari bundan mustasno. Dindorlar soni bo'yicha keyingi din xristianlik va uning ikkala yo'nalishi: ham pravoslavlik (4%), ham katoliklik (3%).

Toshkent shahridagi jamoat transporti quyidagi jamoat transporti turlari bilan ifodalanadi: avtobuslar, tramvaylar, qatnovchi taksilar va metro. Shahar avtobuslarida (yo'nalishli taksilardan tashqari), tramvay yo'nalishlarida va metroda - 1700 so'm, shahar ichidagi shahar atrofi yo'nalishlaridagi avtobuslarda - 1700 so'm, qatnovchi taksilarda - tariflashma bo'yicha yo'l haqi. Metro: Toshkent metrosi Markaziy Osiyoda yagona. Hozirda 3 ta metro liniyalari: Oʻzbekiston yoʻnalishi, Chilonzor yoʻnalishi va Yunusobod yoʻnalishi mavjud. Metro har kuni soat 06:00 dan 24:00 gacha ishlaydi. Toshkent shahridagi metro bekatlari ichida suratga olish va videoga olish taqiqlangan. Havo transporti: Ichki qatnovlar “Oʻzbekiston havo yoʻllari” milliy aviakompaniyasi tomonidan amalga oshirilib, mamlakatimizning deyarli barcha yirik shaharlari: Namangan, Fargʻona, Samarqand, Buxoro, Qarshi, Termiz, Urganch va Nukus shaharlarini Toshkent bilan bogʻlaydi. Temir yoʻl transporti: Respublika boʻylab temir yoʻl harakati toʻrt yoʻnalishda cheklangan: Toshkent – Buxoro, Toshkent – Urganch, Toshkent – Andijon va Toshkent – Termiz. Samarqandga tezyurar markali tezyurar poyezdlar bor (yo'lda 4 soat). Barcha holatlarda, yo'l haqi past, ikkinchi holatda esa, engil kechki ovqat yoki nonushta ham kiradi.


  • Oʻzbekiston uchun telefon kodi +998.
  • Toshkent: 71 (xalqaro), 371 (ichki);
  • yong'indan himoya qilish - 01;
  • politsiya - 02;
  • tez yordam mashinasi - 03;
  • avariya gaz xizmati - 04;
  • temir yo'l vokzalining ma'lumotlar bo'limi - 005;
  • Toshkent shahar Favqulodda vaziyatlar boshqarmasi – 050;
  • ma'lumotnoma xizmati - 009.

O‘zbekiston mobil operatorlarining SIM-kartasini faqat pasport bilan, doimiy ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan holda sotib olish mumkin. Sayyohlar SIM-kartalarni faqat uyali aloqa operatorlarining markaziy ofislarida xarid qilishlari mumkin. mahalliy uyali aloqa arzon; Tog'larda va cho'lda aloqada uzilishlar bo'lishi mumkin; Shahar qanchalik katta bo'lsa, undagi Internet shunchalik yaxshi bo'ladi. Chekka qishloqlarda bunday bo'lmasligi mumkin. Ko'pgina mehmonxonalar o'z binolarida bepul Wi-Fi taklif qiladi. Internet-kafelar shaharlarda keng tarqalgan

Bayramlar va ishlamaydigan kunlar:

  • 1 yanvar (Yangi yil),
  • 8-mart (Xalqaro xotin-qizlar kuni),
  • 21 mart (Navro'z),
  • 9-may (Xotira va qadrlash kuni),
  • 1 sentyabr (Mustaqillik kuni),
  • 8 dekabr (Konstitutsiya kuni),
  • shuningdek, sanasi o'zgarib turadigan diniy bayramlar: Ramazon Hayiti va Qurbon Hayiti.

Sug'urta ishi.

Agar safar davomida shifokorga murojaat qilishingiz kerak bo'lsa (ya'ni sug'urta hodisasi yuz bersa): Sug'urta kompaniyasining xizmat ko'rsatish markaziga qo'ng'iroq qiling (uning telefon raqamlari har bir sug'urta polisida ko'rsatilgan). Dispetcherga sug'urta polisining raqami, muammoning mohiyati, joylashuvingiz va aloqa telefon raqamingiz haqida xabar bering. Vaziyatga qarab, sug'urta kompaniyasi klinikaga tashrif buyurishni rejalashtiradi va uning koordinatalari haqida xabar beradi yoki sizga shifokor yuboradi. Ko'rsatilgan xizmatlar uchun barcha to'lovlar sug'urta kompaniyasi tomonidan amalga oshiriladi. Sug'urta kompaniyasi va turoperator sug'urta kompaniyasining xizmat ko'rsatish markazi bilan kelishilmagan xarajatlar uchun javobgar emas.

marmaris tour tashkent



100019 , Uzbekistan, City: Tashkent , District: Almazar , baypass street Nurafshon , 4/11

  • www.marmaristour.uz
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Contact information of the organization/company MARMARIS TOUR. TRAVEL AGENCY - Tashkent (phone numbers, location, working hours, activities and other useful information). If this data helped you to contact this organization, please let them know that you found their contacts on the website of the business directory of Uzbekistan: Golden Pages - Uzbekistan

Products / services - MARMARIS TOUR. TRAVEL AGENCY

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  • Travel agencies in Tashkent
  • Travel agencies in Uzbekistan
  • Travel services in Uzbekistan
  • Vizas- visa support, legalization, registration



MARMARIS TOUR. TRAVEL AGENCY location on Tashkent city map

Distance from marmaris tour. travel agency to nearby 20-ty landmarks within 3 km.

  • Tashkent map.
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MARMARIS TOUR. TRAVEL AGENCY is often found for the following searches:

MARMARIS TOUR. TRAVEL AGENCY is located at the address: Uzbekistan, 100019, Tashkent, Almazar district, Nurafshon baypass street, 4/11

You can call MARMARIS TOUR. TRAVEL AGENCY at (+99893) 1009933; (+99893) 1009944; (+99893) 1009955

You can build a route to MARMARIS TOUR. TRAVEL AGENCY using the map on our website


  • Mo: ⌚ 09.00 - 19.00
  • Tu: ⌚ 09.00 - 19.00
  • We: ⌚ 09.00 - 19.00
  • Th: ⌚ 09.00 - 19.00
  • Fr: ⌚ 09.00 - 19.00
  • Sa: ⌚ 09.00 - 19.00
  • Su: ⌚ 11.00 - 18.00
  • GP Business
  • Exchange Rates
  • Turkish Riviera
  • Marmaris Full Day Scuba D...

Marmaris Full Day Scuba Diving Two Dives With Lunch Hotel pickup


About the Activity

  • Pricing and Availability

Inclusions & Exclusions

More activities in marmaris, meeting and pickup, additional information, language and guide, ticket details, cancellation & refunds, reviews from travelers, availability and prices.


Travel Itinerary

Activity locations, pickup details.

  • Travelers CANNOT choose a custom pickup or meeting location.
  • Most of the hotels in Marmaris region has got high privacy rules. Please meet us at the main entrance gate of your hotel not the reception.
  • Travelers will be picked up 30 minutes before departure time

Pickup points

  • Not recommended for travelers with spinal injuries
  • Not recommended for pregnant travelers
  • Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels

Tour Guide Available In

  • Mobile or paper ticket accepted
  • One per booking

Ticket Redemption

  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
  • Suplier may cancel the activity on account of bad weather conditions.
  • Suplier may cancel the activity due to too few participants.
  • Cancel at least 1 day before activity starts in Europe/Istanbul time to receive 100% refund.

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  • Destinations & Attractions
  • Activities & Tours



  • Things to Do
  • Attractions
  • Excursions in Marmaris
  • Excursions in Icmeler
  • Excursions in Turunc
  • Water Sports
  • Restaurants
  • Airport Transfer
  • Mobility Scooter

Top 40 Excursions in Marmaris

Ultimate guide for popular daily marmaris excursions - prices, detailed info & tickets..

Marmaris Yuvarlakcay Tour

Marmaris Yuvarlakcay Tour

Marmaris White Tour

Marmaris White Tour

Marmaris Turkish Bath

Marmaris Turkish Bath

Marmaris Jeep Safari

Marmaris Jeep Safari Tour

Swim with Dolphins in Marmaris

Swim with Dolphins in Marmaris

Marmaris Ephesus Day Trip

Marmaris Ephesus Day Trip

Marmaris Akyaka Tour

Marmaris Akyaka Tour

Marmaris Fethiye Tour

Marmaris Fethiye Tour

Marmaris Pamukkale Tour

Marmaris Pamukkale Tour

Marmaris All inclusive Boat Trip

Marmaris All inclusive Boat Trip

Marmaris Turtle Beach

Marmaris Turtle Beach Tour

Day Trip to Rhodes from Marmaris

Day Trip to Rhodes from Marmaris

Marmaris Horse Safari

Marmaris Horse Safari

Marmaris Balloon Tour

Marmaris Balloon Tour

Marmaris Quad Safari

Marmaris Quad Safari

Marmaris Scuba Diving

Marmaris Scuba Diving

Marmaris Rafting Tour

Marmaris Rafting Tour

Cleopatra Island Marmaris

Cleopatra Island Marmaris

Marmaris Booze Cruise

Marmaris Booze Cruise

Sultan Bath Marmaris

Sultan Bath Marmaris

Kervansaray Marmaris Turkish Night

Kervansaray Marmaris Turkish Night

Marmaris Istanbul Tour

Marmaris Istanbul Tour

Marmaris Cappadocia Tour

Marmaris Cappadocia Tour

Marmaris Moonlight Cruise

Marmaris Moonlight Cruise

Marmaris Atlantis Waterpark

Atlantis Waterpark Marmaris

Marmaris Boat Trips

Marmaris Boat Trips | Lazy Day

Ephesus & Pamukkale Overnight Trip from Marmaris

Ephesus & Pamukkale Overnight Trip from Marmaris

Aqua Dream Marmaris

Aqua Dream Marmaris

Meet the Dolphins in Marmaris

Meet the Dolphins in Marmaris

Aegean Islands All Inclusive Boat Trip

Aegean Islands All Inclusive Boat Trip

Meet the Dolphins in Marmaris

Watch the Dolphins in Marmaris

Marmaris Paragliding

Marmaris Paragliding

Marmaris Fishing Tour

Marmaris Fishing Tour

Mugla Market

Mugla Market

Marmaris Village Tour

Marmaris Village Tour

Dalyan Koycegiz Tour

Dalyan & Koycegiz Tour

Marmaris Buggy Safari

Marmaris Buggy Safari

Mamaris Snorkeling Tour

Marmaris Snorkeling Tour

Marmaris Pirate Boat

Marmaris Pirate Boat

Marmaris Canyoning

Marmaris Canyoning

Marmaris Talk of the Town

Marmaris Talk of the Town

Marmaris Go Kart

Marmaris Go Kart

Marmaris Mega Diana

Marmaris Mega Diana

Marmaris Barbossa Pirate Boat Trip

Marmaris Barbossa Pirate Boat Trip


Excursions in Marmaris – Unravel The Mysteries of Marmaris

By demonstrating a unique blend of lavishing and laid-back atmosphere, and by showcasing an impeccable combination of characteristics, the city of Marmaris achieved to be listed as one of the most frequently chosen destinations in Turkey. It is true that this seaside resort has a unique aura and is able to upgrade your holiday’s experience to a whole new level. Millions of visitors from all around the world visit Marmaris every year to enjoy a true summer experience. You can find many different Excursions in Marmaris that  you need for pleasurable, joyful and exciting vacations of high quality.

Sightseeing, deep rooted culture, welcoming people, and a variety of upgraded tourist service are among the key elements making your holidays in Marmaris special. Your holidays’ bucket list should include of course excursion and activities around the city. In fact, by joining such activities you are able to explore the basic and important aspects of the city and unfold its hidden charm. The vast variety of excursions in Marmaris includes options for all age groups and covers a plethora of interests and preferences.

The infamous Aegean waters

Washed by the calm, tranquil and crystal clear waters of the Aegean Sea, Marmaris provides the perfect ground for spending some quality at the beach. The coastline is characterized by an exceptional natural beauty with multiple bays where you can enjoy the Mediterranean sun and swim into the refreshing waters.

Exploring the bays around Marmaris is one of the most popular types of excursion one can join. Due to the beauty of the sea, there are multiple available options ranging from fun boat trips, evening party boat trips and to thematic activities such as fishing or scuba diving. For instance, if you are interested in exploring secluded bays and unspoiled islands around the coast, you can join the Aegean Islands Boat Trip. Sandy coves, picture-perfect beaches and turquoise waters are among the things you should expect when joining such boat trip. The Aegean Sea is famous for the variety of fishes that hosts and for the beautiful reefs. Scuba diving, snorkelling and fishing trips can fill you with unique emotions while exploring the richness of the sea.

Nature at its finest

What really makes Marmarisan interesting place is that it combines the tranquillity of the sea with the serenity of the mountains. The city is surrounded by imposing mountains with forests and lush vegetation. Most importantly, in these mountains there are multiple spots of impeccable natural beauty such as waterfalls, rivers and valleys. There is a special category of excursions that allows you to explore this majestic and breath-taking scenery. Choose between half or full day experiences and set yourself free to enjoy nature at its finest and revitalize your senses. Options are many and include among others, Jeep Safari , Horse Riding, Canyoning and Rafting . In Marmaris you may also join full day excursions that take you towards natural wonders in other regions if you wish to embrace your inner explorer and adventurer.

Fun and entertainment

Of course your holidays in Marmaris should be all about fun, entertainment and joyful moments. For this reason, there are specially designed activities and excursions that give you the chance to spend some time full of laughter and excitement with your loved ones. Waterparks, aquariums and night shows are popular excursions to join as they provide the perfect conditions for creating long lasting memories. Experience the real atmosphere of the city, party with the vibrant nightlife and entertain yourself with some fun splashes at the waterparks.

Safety first

The variety of excursions in Marmaris aims in offering you a great time, fun memories and quality time. Furthermore, the excursions are able to upgrade your holidays by providing the necessary relaxation and rejuvenation. However, in order to release the pressure and enjoy every moment of the excursion, safety should come first. For this reason, we have designed every activity and excursion very carefully having your safety as a priority. In almost every excursion there is a professional local guide, responsible for providing assistance and to make sure that you are having a smooth experience. Moreover, in certain activities certified instructors are in charge to provide detailed descriptions and let you know how to use properly the safety equipment. The members of our team are available on a 24/7 basis to assist you and ensure that your excursion meets your expectations and standards.

Competitive prices

Avoid the crowds and the queues by booking your excursions online with an easy to use reservation system and ensure that you get the most competitive prices on the market. The online booking can make your holidays easier and much more fun as it can save you time and money. Except from the high competitive prices, there are also other amazing deals in case you are a group or in case you wish to book several excursions. The first-class service, the high safety standards and the wide range of tours at amazingly low prices will surely make your vacations memorable and joyful.

We offer Marmaris Travel as our new sponsor for excursions and tours from Marmaris. Please check All Excusions in Marmaris page from this link to see all available tours from Marmaris. You can book online and pay with your credit card. Excursion Mania is also offering %10 special discount for our followers. Book your excursions from Marmaris now !!!

Beautiful coastlines, vibrant night scenes, yummy local food, long hot summers and well-planned excursions; what more of a reason do you need to plan your next trip to Marmaris, the most beautiful resort town in Turkey. If you’re tired of beach hopping and shopping, why not try something different and action packed? Excursions in Marmaris offer you a chance to experience the true Marmaris. Here are some of the special tours designed exclusively for you.

Daylan Turtle Beach

Plan a day trip to Dalyan Turtle Beach from Marmaris . The cruise takes about an hour and a half to one of the rarest corners in the world. Here you will explore the channels to see loggerhead turtles, who lay their eggs here in June. Make your way to the therapeutic mud baths famed for its powerful healing abilities. Mud Bath is fun and rejuvenating. Another point of interest in the Rock Tombs standing several feet into the sky and offers great views of the surrounding areas.

Daily Boat Trip

Your holiday to Marmaris will be incomplete without enjoying an All Inclusive Boat Trip From Marmaris . It is a treasure chest of caves, bays beaches, and inlets. Indeed, it is a sure-fire way to relax and unwind. The magnificent scenery makes the trip worthwhile. Also, you’ll get a perfect chance to sunbathe, swim and dive in the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean. A BBQ lunch will be served at one of your rest stops. An All Inclusive Boat Trip from Marmaris gives you an ample opportunity to explore nature at its very best and observe places without people.

Marmaris Pirate Boat Trip

Are you bored of the usual lazy day boat trips? Try the Marmaris Pirate Boat Trip . It is just perfect for the entire family looking for some fun and action. Enjoy a cruise on the seven seas in a real pirate boat of Marmaris. This tour can be named as one of the best Excursions in Marmaris . Onboard you will get all inclusive drinks, and open buffet lunch with all-round entertainment activities, foam party, game painting and much more that will keep everyone fully entertained. Discover nature at its finest and get away from the hustles and bustles of city life.

Jeep Safari Excursion

Explore the Marmaris Mountain and surrounding villages on a Jeep Safari excursion . Indeed, it is a great way to escape the stress of city life for the tranquillity of the countryside. This excursion features frequent swimming breaks in the bays and crystal clear waterfalls. See all the sights and villages and take in the piece of the local culture.

Marmaris Excursions

On our web site you can find all detailed information about daily Marmaris Excursions to the full details, each tour explained with pictures, a map and full information. For any further questions, you can give us a phone call, mail us or by using the make reservation button you can make your reservations online.

Tours from Marmaris

Marmaris has a very lucky location between Aegean and Mediterranean sea, here are many different option for boat trips in Marmaris. Also just 45 km away from Marmaris there stands the island of Rhodes that you can pay a visit on a day trip. Such well known places like Ephesus & Pamukkale are only couple of hours away from this beautiful holiday town.

Excursions in Marmaris

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Address: str.Nodirabegim 6/22, 140103, Samarkand, Uzbekistan We are next to Kapitalbank. Parking space is available in front of the building. Office Hours: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm from Monday to Saturday


Marmaris Hotel

Marmaris hotel in tashkent.

Marmaris Hotel on the map:

Marmaris Hotel has free bikes, shared lounge, a terrace and restaurant in Tashkent. Among the facilities at this property are an ATM and a concierge service, along with free WiFi throughout the property. The property has free shuttle service, room service and currency exchange for guests.

At the hotel the rooms include air conditioning, a seating area, a flat-screen TV with cable channels, a safety deposit box and a private bathroom with a hairdryer and slippers. Every room is equipped with an electric tea pot, while selected rooms also feature a kitchen with a fridge and a minibar. At Marmaris Hotel each room includes bed linen and towels.

Buffet and halal breakfast options are available each morning at the accommodation.

Free private parking and a business center are available, as well as a 24-hour front desk.

The nearest airport is Islam Karimov Tashkent International Airport, 9 km from Marmaris Hotel.

Book 2 or more nights and get free one way Airport transfer

Our contacts for booking: Phone: (+998 94) 180-00-01 (WhatsApp, Telegram), E-mail: [email protected]

Price includes: Breakfast, all taxes and charges.

  • Check-in: 14:00
  • Check-out: 11:00
  • Early check-in from 08:00 to 14:00 + 50%
  • Early check-in till 08:00 + 100%
  • Late check-out from 11:00 to 18:00 + 50%
  • Late check-out after 18:00 + 100%

18.08.24 Uzbekistan Stopped E-visa for Bangladesh Citizens

04.05.24 Tajikistan introduced a unilateral visa-free regime for 25 countries

02.01.24 Forbes included Uzbekistan in the list of the best travel destinations

20.12.23 Sentyab is Among the 10 Most Beautiful Villages in the World

28.12.22 Uzbekistan Establishes Visa-Free Regime for Citizens of Saudi Arabia

Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service Reserve now

Lock in a great price for Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service – rated 8.9 by recent guests!

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Value for money

You might be eligible for a Genius discount at Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service. Sign in to check if a Genius discount is available for your selected dates.

Genius discounts at this property are subject to booking dates, stay dates, and other available deals.

Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service has free bikes, shared lounge, a terrace and restaurant in Tashkent. The property has a 24-hour front desk, airport transportation, room service and free WiFi throughout the property. Selected rooms also feature a kitchen with a fridge and a minibar. The hotel offers a buffet or halal breakfast. The nearest airport is Islam Karimov Tashkent International Airport, 5.6 miles from Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service.

Distance in property description is calculated using © OpenStreetMap

  • Indoor swimming pool
  • Airport shuttle (free)
  • Fitness center
  • Family rooms
  • Free parking
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Room service
  • Excellent Breakfast

Property highlights

Breakfast info.

Halal, Buffet

Free private parking available at the hotel

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Property practices

Categories:, guests who stayed here loved.

marmaris tour tashkent

Hotel area info

Restaurants 1 restaurant on site.

  • Cuisine Turkish
  • Open for Breakfast • Brunch • Lunch • Dinner • High tea
  • Ambience Family-friendly
  • Dietary options Halal

Amenities of Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service Great facilities! Review score, 9

  • Bicycle rental
  • Kid-friendly buffet
  • Breakfast in the room
  • Accessible parking
  • Invoice provided
  • Private check-in/out
  • ATM on site
  • Baggage storage
  • Currency exchange
  • Daily housekeeping
  • Suit press Additional charge
  • Ironing service Additional charge
  • Dry cleaning Additional charge
  • Laundry Additional charge
  • Fax/Photocopying
  • Fire extinguishers
  • CCTV outside property
  • CCTV in common areas
  • Smoke alarms
  • Security alarm
  • Key card access
  • Shuttle service Additional charge
  • Grocery deliveries Additional charge
  • Shared lounge/TV area
  • Designated smoking area
  • Air conditioning
  • Smoke-free property
  • Packed lunches
  • Facilities for disabled guests
  • Airport shuttle
  • Bathroom emergency cord
  • Lowered sink
  • Toilet with grab rails
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Open all year
  • All ages welcome
  • Kids' pool Additional charge
  • Locker rooms
  • Public Bath
  • Turkish/Steam Bath Additional charge
  • Fitness center Additional charge
  • Sauna Additional charge

House rules Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service takes special requests – add in the next step!

Child policies.

Children of all ages are welcome.

To see correct prices and occupancy info, add the number and ages of children in your group to your search.

Crib and extra bed policies

Cribs and extra beds aren't available at this property.

FAQs about Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service

What is there to do at marmaris hotel free airport service.

  • Turkish/Steam Bath
  • Swimming pool

Is Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service popular with families?

Yes, Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service is popular with guests booking family stays.

How much does it cost to stay at Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service?

The prices at Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service may vary depending on your stay (e.g. dates, hotel's policy etc.). To see prices, enter your dates.

How far is Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service from the center of Tashkent?

Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service is 5 miles from the center of Tashkent. All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary.

What are the check-in and check-out times at Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service?

Check-in at Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service is from 2:00 PM, and check-out is until 12:00 PM.

Does Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service have a pool?

Yes, this hotel has a pool. See details about the pool and other facilities on this page.

What kind of breakfast is served at Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service?

Guests staying at Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service can enjoy a highly-rated breakfast during their stay (guest review score: 8.6).

What type of room can I book at Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service?

The best of tashkent.

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marmaris tour tashkent


  • Dalyan Tour from Marmaris
  • Ottoman Turkish Bath in Marmaris
  • Tour to Pamukkale from Marmaris
  • Cleopatra Island Tour from Marmaris
  • Tour to Istanbul from Marmaris
  • Cappadocia from Marmaris
  • Tour to Fethiye from Marmaris
  • Excursion to Dalyan from Marmaris
  • Tour to Aegean Islands from Marmaris
  • Diving in Marmaris
  • Armutalan Hammam (Turkish Bath) in Marmaris
  • Atlantis Waterpark in Marmaris
  • Horse Riding in Marmaris
  • Turkish night in Marmaris
  • Jeep Safari in Marmaris
  • Marmaris Pirate Yacht
  • Turkish Hamam VIP (all inclusive)
  • Rafting in Marmaris
  • Marmaris Quad safari
  • Buggy Safari in Marmaris
  • Marmaris fishing tour
  • Waterpark Aqua Dream in Marmaris
  • Marmaris night foam party on a yacht
  • Dolphin swimming in Marmaris
  • Dolphinarium in Marmaris
  • Karting in Marmaris
  • Snorkeling in Marmaris
  • Paragliding in Marmaris
  • Marmaris Yacht Charter
  • Merger of the two seas in Marmaris
  • Ferry to Rhodes from Marmaris
  • Excursion to Ephesus from Marmaris
  • Tour to Rhodes from Marmaris
  • Ephesus-Pamukkale from Marmaris

Excursions in Marmaris

Marmaris Excursions offer an array of adventures for travelers seeking to explore this enchanting Turkish destination. From scenic boat tours to exhilarating day trips, our agency, My Marmaris Tours, curates unforgettable experiences. Enjoy the beauty of Marmaris with our meticulously planned excursions. Whether you're drawn to the historic landmarks, vibrant culture, or stunning landscapes, there are endless things to do in Marmaris. You must see ancient ruins, start on thrilling outdoor activities, or simply unwind on pristine beaches. Let us handle the details of your Marmaris tour organization, ensuring seamless day tours and excursions from Marmaris to nearby attractions. Travel the heart of Turkey's coastal gem with our expertly crafted Marmaris trips.

Tours In Marmaris 2024

marmaris tour tashkent

1. Dalyan Tour from Marmaris

Excursion to Dalyan from Marmaris includes Fish and crab catching it also change your idea of relaxation. You will touch the historical antiquities, take mud baths, in rhodon springs, catch blue crabs, visit the largest beach in Turkey, see giant turtles. And that's not all.

marmaris tour tashkent

3. Tour to Pamukkale from Marmaris

By choosing Tour to Pamukkale from Marmaris you will visit in an atmosphere of parallel reality, feel yourself on another planet and discover many useful things that you will remember for life. This extra ordinary journey with a clear tour organization will be the perfect complement to your holiday.

marmaris tour tashkent

4. Cleopatra Island Tour from Marmaris

A tour to Cleopatra island from Marmaris will open for you the legendary monuments of the ancient era, white sandy beaches, beautiful landscapes of the Gulf of Gekova. You will experience the delight of the clear and warm water with a turquoise hue in the stunning bays where you will

marmaris tour tashkent

5. Tour to Fethiye from Marmaris

On Tour to Fethiye from Marmaris you will visit the butterfly Valley, here you will walk through the picturesque of Saklikent Canyon, rest on Oludeniz beach, take a dip in the warm waters of the Aegean Sea and feel free while enjoying the wildlife of the reserve accompanied with the best guide.

marmaris tour tashkent

6. Tour to Istanbul from Marmaris

Impeccable reputation and great experience in organizing different tours. Clear organization and order online, without prepayment. Paying for the tour on the spot without additional fees. Only all the most interesting and useful for people of different ages. We focus on the wishes of each guest. Our goal is to make your trip the most pleasant and unforgettable.

marmaris tour tashkent

7. Cappadocia from Marmaris

Two day tour to Cappadocia from Marmaris is the discovery of 8 wonders of the world, where you will see unearthly landscapes, ancient cave and underground cities, participate in a parade of hundreds of bright balloons and make a unique flight (optional).

marmaris tour tashkent

8. Excursion to Dalyan from Marmaris

Excursion to Dalyan from Marmaris is a unique opportunity to combine the pleasant with the useful. You will visit the Iztuzu beach, see giant turtles in the natural environment, walk along masterpieces of ancient architecture, take rejuvenating graceful baths and swim in mineral springs

marmaris tour tashkent

9. Tour to Aegean Islands from Marmaris

The Aegean Islands Tour from Marmaris is an opportunity to feel like the main character of adventure films. You will visit six of the most unusual islands, including Camellia Island, Tooth, Maiden Kos, Aquarium Bay and the confluence of the two hisaronu Bay seas.

marmaris tour tashkent

10. Diving in Marmaris

Diving in Marmaris includes two dives in the brightest places of the Mediterranean sea away from civilization. Experienced instructors will take care of your safety, psychological training, smooth adaptation to being under water. Rapture and a sea of positive impressions are guaranteed.

marmaris tour tashkent

11. Armutalan Hammam (Turkish Bath) in Marmaris

Armutalan Hammam (Turkish Bath) in Marmaris is a visit to the largest Turkish bath, where you will have 2 wellness sessions of massage-foam and relaxing with olive oil, peeling with (kese).You will feel a surge of energy and energize for the whole period of rest.

marmaris tour tashkent

12. Atlantis Waterpark in Marmaris

Atlantis Waterpark Tour in Marmaris is a great Chance to combine a beach holiday with fun and extreme water attractions for the whole family. We will provide you with comfortable Transfer from any hotels in marmaris, Icmeler or Turunc, insurance with Entrance cheap price ticket for the whole day.

marmaris tour tashkent

13. Horse Riding in Marmaris

We invite you to a cozy ranch in the Turkish outback on Horse Riding in Marmaris. Your interesting Trip will begin through a deep stream which will lead to vast expanses of amazing landscapes. You will feel free and omnipotent. You will be fascinated by the kindness and friendliness of the horse.

marmaris tour tashkent

14. Turkish night in Marmaris

Turkish night in Marmaris is the best evening show with belly dancing, representation of monarchs-dervishes, and entertainment events. For you, we prepared the best seats near the stage and the opportunity to take part in the show. The program includes a dinner of national dishes and drinks.

marmaris tour tashkent

15. Jeep Safari in Marmaris

Come with us on an amazing Jeep Safari tour in Marmaris. We will ride through all the most beautiful surroundings of Marmaris, arrange a shootout from water pistols, take cool pictures of walking on water on the Maiden Spit, stop by the cascade waterfall Turgut, ride along the shores of the Aegean Sea.

marmaris tour tashkent

16. Marmaris Pirate Yacht

Feel like a pirate for a day with a pirate yacht tour in Marmaris. You will go to the open sea on a ship with animators. that will give you the image of a sea robber. You will find a show program, diving from the deck, swimming in the bays, foam party, lunch in the restaurant and many surpris es.

marmaris tour tashkent

17. Turkish Hamam VIP (all inclusive)

Turkish hammam VIP (all-inclusive) is a paradise delight in the best traditions, which, together with body peeling, foam and relaxing massage includes rejuvenating face masks, wellness massage of the head and legs, peeling with the help of small fish, foot treatment, rest in the CPA.

marmaris tour tashkent

18. Rafting in Marmaris

Rafting in Marmaris is the best way to diversify the beach holiday, feel like a real athlete, boldly overcoming the obstacles of the mountain river Dalaman. You will not only get the aesthetic pleasure of the picturesque canyons, also a flurry of bright positive emotions. Alloy duration - 4 hours.

marmaris tour tashkent

19. Marmaris Quad safari

Experience the drive and delight of the Marmaris Quad safari. It is a 2-hour route through hills, winding mountain roads, forest trails through rocky gorges, thickets and small bodies of water in the most beautiful surroundings.

marmaris tour tashkent

20. Buggy Safari in Marmaris

Buggy Safari in Marmaris is a fun journey along a scenic route. On an open all-terrain vehicle, without a roof, doors and glass - you cannot help enjoying the chic views of nature. Before choosing your car, you will be able to take a test drive.

marmaris tour tashkent

21. Marmaris fishing tour

Marmaris fishing tour is a journey to spots where you can catch tuna, sea bass, dorado, mullet, squid and octopus. On such a sea fishing go as a family. For 4 hours on the boat tour in Aegean sea you can sunbath and swim, enjoying the picturesque coast.

marmaris tour tashkent

22. Waterpark Aqua Dream in Marmaris

Aqua Dream Waterpark in Marmaris is a 24 multi-directional roller coaster for all ages, a wave pool, billiards, children's game world, incendiary melodies, foam shows, motorboat competitions, and more awaits you at the high-rise amusement park overlooking the entire coast.

marmaris tour tashkent

23. Marmaris night foam party on a yacht

Foam party at night on a yacht in Marmaris is a sea of positivity and foam on a pirate ship, which offers the best view of the night Marmaris. In Marmaris boat party there are only best hits, a variety of drinks and a fun crew that will serve you.

marmaris tour tashkent

24. Dolphin swimming in Marmaris

Swimming with dolphins in Marmaris is 30 minutes of pleasant communication with intelligent and caring marine animals. You will be fascinated by their sincere friendliness and ingenuity. They are always happy for the person they consider their friend.

marmaris tour tashkent

25. Dolphinarium in Marmaris

Our tour to the Dolphinarium in Marmaris provides an opportunity to relax your soul and feel oneness with the sea animals, feel like a child again, get a fountain of the brightest impressions, recharge with positive energy and a wonderful mood.

marmaris tour tashkent

26. Karting in Marmaris

Feel like a Formula One race with our Carting Tour in Marmaris. Speed, excitement and competition in racing cars will shake both professionals and fans of bright rest with family and friends. You have to go through 20 winding circles with sharp turns in the open arena.

marmaris tour tashkent

27. Snorkeling in Marmaris

Snorkeling in Marmaris with our team is all the colors of the underwater world in the free access. You will have full equipment and an instructor nearby. In Marmaris snorkeling You will visit the brightest places. During the tour there will be two stops near the rocks and grottoes.

marmaris tour tashkent

28. Paragliding in Marmaris

Paragliding in Marmaris is a delightful 30 minute flight over the coast and mountains in tandem with a professional instructor. The Marmaris paragliding take place in the international paragliding center 15 km from Fethiye city from sites of different heights, reaching 1900 meters. You will enjoy this Parachute activity. Skydiving is quite breathtaking and gives you a refreshing, incredible perspective on the world. Dreams Come True!

marmaris tour tashkent

29. Marmaris Yacht Charter

Marmaris Yacht Charter renting a boat is your chosen route with a visit to the most beautiful places of the coast, swimming in picturesque bays, fishing at will, freshly prepared lunch or dinner on board.

marmaris tour tashkent

30. Merger of the two seas in Marmaris

The confluence of two seas in Marmaris is a 7-hour all-inclusive cruise. You will swim in amazing bays with turquoise water, visit a paradise island, splash out your emotions at a foamy disco, see the best sights of the region and have a lot of fun.

marmaris tour tashkent

31. Ferry to Rhodes from Marmaris

The ferry to Rhodes from Marmaris is a one-day yet very eventful journey to the land of Olympic winner Diagoras of Rhodes with a visit to the legendary old town and the valley of the butterflies.

marmaris tour tashkent

32. Excursion to Ephesus from Marmaris

Excursion to Ephesus from Marmaris is a journey into the past, which will give you a huge store of knowledge on the history of antiquity and many vivid impressions. The tour includes a walk with a guide by a historian and a lot of useful information, breakfast, lunch, transfer in both directions.

marmaris tour tashkent

33. Tour to Rhodes from Marmaris

Tour to Rhodes from Marmaris is a dream of many travelers, which will come true in one day. You will stroll through the old city, see the main attractions of the era of the Knights, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Swim in the purest turquoise waters surrounding the islands.

marmaris tour tashkent

34. Ephesus-Pamukkale from Marmaris

Ephesus Pamukkale from Marmaris is unique historical monuments and interesting facts from our guide. The cosmic landscapes of the cotton castle are mesmerizing with their beauty. Rejuvenating baths in Cleopatra's pool and vivid impressions from the tour will be remembered for a lifetime.

Excursions from Marmaris 2024

Excursions Marmaris

Marmaris is located at the confluence of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. The resort has become a Turkish Ibiza with European style and quality of relaxation. The city, which passed military tests and cataclysms, now radiates pleasure and pleasure from life in all its manifestations. This is a huge open-air museum that houses the sights of a thousand-year history. The favorable geographic location of the resort on the shores of an attractive bay makes it even more attractive for outdoor activities and new acquaintances. Our excursions in Marmaris will complement your vacation with vivid impressions of discovering the world around you and yourself in new opportunities.

Excursions in Marmaris from the organizer

Excursions in Marmaris

My Marmaris Tours has been organizing excursions from Marmaris for over 20 years. We continue to improve and delight our beloved guests with rich tours and programs. Detailed feedback using social networks and instant messengers makes the service even more perfect thanks to you. Pleasant reviews are the best reward for stimulating development. My Marmaris Tours is the leader in family travel. Upon arrival in Marmaris, do not be disturbed by the questions: what excursions to go to Marmaris and what are the prices for excursions in Marmaris in 2024. These issues are decided by the organizer of the excursion in the My Marmaris Tours region. Trust your vacation to professionals.

Excursions in Marmaris with children

Excursions in Marmaris with children

We use our systems in such a way that they are interesting and useful for all family members. By contacting us, you get bright, informative and safe excursions. We carry out compulsory insurance of guests from the reputable group from Germany Allianz. The presence of a license from the Turkish Association of Travel Agencies TURSAB, many years of experience and your wishes allow us to use your best vacation in Marmaris at an affordable cost both in group and individual tours. With our excursions, your vacation will be unforgettable. While you are relaxing, we have prepared entertainment for your children in Marmaris.

My Marmaris Tours: One of the main reasons to choose Marmaris for your vacation!

Information blog about marmaris, best hamam in marmaris.

How to choose the best hamam in Marmaris and get the most out of visiting a real Turkish bath

Best Hamam in Marmaris

Marmaris turtle island

In Marmaris, Turtle Island is the famous turtle beach on the Iztuzu sand spit in the village of Dalyan, where you can go on an excursion and have a great time

Marmaris turtle island

How to get from Marmaris to Ephesus

You can get from Marmaris to Ephesus by a rented car, by bus or as part of an excursion in 2.5-3 hours

How to get from Marmaris to Ephesus

Nimara cave Marmaris how to get

Nimara Cave in Marmaris is located on a paradise island, which can be reached by pink dolmus. Sounds fabulous! But, the fact is that the minibus runs every 20 minutes from the Tansas supermarket to the Yalancı boğaz terminal station

Nimara cave Marmaris how to get

Orhaniye Marmaris

The picturesque Orhaniye Bay is located 30 km from the resort of Marmaris. It adorns Hisaronu Bay with an azure water surface and a long sandy road Maiden's Spit

Orhaniye Marmaris

The ancient city of Amos Marmaris

The ancient city of Amos is located in the vicinity of the resort of Marmaris, near the village of Turunc, on Cape Asardzhik, which offers a stunning view of the Kumlubuk Bay and the Aegean Sea

The ancient city of Amos Marmaris

Turgut waterfall Marmaris

Turgut waterfall is located 35 km from Marmaris in the village of the same name. How to quickly get to it and why it is so attractive to tourists, see the blog

Turgut waterfall Marmaris

What to see in Icmeler

You can see the main sights of Icmeler and its surroundings on your own. There are many interesting places within walking distance

What to see in Icmeler

Excursions in Marmaris in autumn

To spend your vacation as brightly as possible, it is enough to book excursions in Marmaris in the fall. This is the best time to relax

Excursions in Marmaris in autumn

Turunc what to see

Here you will find what to see and where to go in Turunc. The main sights and places that will be interesting to visit

Turunc what to see

Excursions in Turkey

Excursions in Turkey are hundreds of different destinations and leisure options. The country is endless in its beauty and entertainment. But, if you are limited in time, then we tell you what to visit first

Excursions in Turkey

Where to go in Marmaris with a child

A blog for family tourists! Here you will find out what to see, how to entertain and where to go in Marmaris with your child

Where to go in Marmaris with a child

What to see in Marmaris with children

Have come to rest with the little tomboys!? Find out what to see in Marmaris with children and how to have a good rest for adults

What to see in Marmaris with children

Marmaris mountain excursions

In Marmaris, excursions to the mountains are wildly popular. After all, the resort itself is located in the mountains.Here we will tell you where you can walk in the mountains on your own and what tours there are

Marmaris mountain excursions

What to see in Marmaris

Marmaris is a warm resort with a turquoise coast, pebble beaches and a cozy promenade. Here you will find out what to see in Marmaris and its surroundings.

What to see in Marmaris

From Marmaris to Fethiye

The trip from Marmaris to Fethiye takes about 1.5 hours by road, which is relatively short. But, and this time can be spent usefully. We will tell you how.

From Marmaris to Fethiye

Longest Embankment in Turkey

You can ride a bike, a scooter or rollers on the promenade. The local cafes are delicious to dine with traditional and European cuisine, dance and freshen up in the clear sea. Forget about all household problems, enjoy the moment, be here and now.

Longest Embankment in Turkey

Symbol of Marmaris

In all guidebooks and pictures at the request of the name of the city appears the same sculpture. It depicts a pearl, which is conveniently located in the ajar half of the globe.

Symbol of Marmaris

Just Take And Make a Proposal on a Yacht in Marmaris

Is it that simple? Any girl, of course, waits for her lover to say the main question, to which she will answer "Yes!" For a young man everything is much more complicated, because most often it is he who makes the first step, it is on his shoulders falls all responsibility and preparation.

Just Take And Make a Proposal on a Yacht in Marmaris

Birthday On Yacht in Marmaris

Birthday on a yacht in Marmaris will be remembered forever. To do this, our managers will choose the ideal option, based on all the wishes of the client.

Birthday On Yacht in Marmaris

How to Get In Dalian From Marmaris Independently

The excursion to Dalyan from Marmaris and catching crabs is one of the most interesting in the opinion of our guests. Numerous archaeological finds and monuments attract history buffs who can simultaneously take a walk along the river and admire what we have inherited from ancient times.

How to Get In Dalian From Marmaris Independently

Tour In Cappadocia From Marmaris

10 million years ago, volcanoes were actively erupting in this place. The tuf bases were filled with magma, which froze and turned into solid monoliths. Nature did a good job on them. Wind and water gradually destroyed volcanic rocks, turning them into stone pillars.

Tour In Cappadocia From Marmaris

Maiden on a Yacht in Marmaris

For those who think how unusual it is to hold any celebration, so that it will be remembered for life renting a yacht with a captain in Marmaris will help to implement this idea. And if this holiday is called a bachelorette party, then you have definitely come to the right place.

Maiden on a Yacht in Marmaris

Open Air Dolphinarium

Dolphins are some of the most amazing creatures on our planet. They are smart, friendly, playful, easy to contact. To see the "people of the sea" in their natural habitat is a great success and, unfortunately, a rarity.

Open Air Dolphinarium

Lost Paradise Near Marmaris

8 kilometers west of Marmaris is the most romantic village of the city - Ichmeler. It translates as "lost paradise" and literally from the first minutes of being in it you realize that it fully lives up to its name.

Lost Paradise Near Marmaris


You should start exploring the Turkish Pearl from Sedir Island or Cleopatra Beach, where the ruins of the city of Kedrai are located. The beach is covered with unique golden sand from Tunisia, which is not found on any other Turkish coast. Alleys and paths surrounded by bushy greenery are ideal for romantic walks. Here all day you can admire beautiful landscapes, often sunbathing and swimming in the clear sea.

- Nimara Cave, which is used 8 km from the city at the top of the paradise island. Here, according to legend, lived a Goddess named Leto, who was the wife of Zeus, who gave birth to Apollo. The cave is united by many stalactites and stalagmites, there are recreation areas nearby.

- The Marmaris Promenade is a bright, fun walking path that stretches for 4 km along the best restaurants and clubs in the city.

- Netsel Marina - parking for the most luxurious yachts - international yachting center.

- The Marmaris Municipal Museum is located in the Kalesi fortress in the center of the old city. Rooms with exhibits and ancient treasures found in the excavations will delight history buffs. The magnificent view of the city and the coast enchants all travelers.

- The dancing fountain in Marmaris delights guests on hot days. Illuminated in the evening, sings and dances to the beat of the music

marmaris tour tashkent

  • +90 552 665 37 80

Marmaris tours and excursions

Marmaris tours offer a kaleidoscope of experiences for adventurers and leisure seekers alike. Our Marmaris tour organization ensures seamless journeys with a plethora of options. From captivating Marmaris excursions to invigorating day trips, we curate unforgettable experiences tailored to your preferences. Enjoy the enchanting landscapes and vibrant culture with our meticulously crafted tours from Marmaris. See hidden paradises and must-see attractions the myriad of things to do in Marmaris. Whether it's cruising along the azure waters or delving into historical sites, Marmaris beckons with endless possibilities. Trust Tour Maris travel agency to navigate you through the myriad activities in Marmaris, ensuring every moment is filled with wonder and excitement.

Marmaris tours and excursions 2024


Paragliding in Marmaris

Skydiving in Marmaris is a unique opportunity to see all the beauties of the region from a bird's eye view. We offer you an excellent opportunity to v ...


Aqua Dream water park in Marmaris

Aqua Dream water park in Marmaris is perfect for those who like a lot of adrenaline rush. Well, and where, if not in the water, you can freshen up eve ...


Atlantis Water Park in Marmaris

Atlantis Water Park in Marmaris is the best choice for outdoor enthusiasts. We present to your attention the Atlantis Water Park tour in Marmaris. Thi ...


Buggy safari in Marmaris

Buggy Safari in Marmaris is a great way to spend a weekend. Buggy safari is ideal for those who lacked new sensations and a quick off-road trip in the ...


Diving in Marmaris

Scuba diving in Marmaris is for you if you are a lover of new and exciting experiences. This excursion is perfect for lovers of the marine flora and f ...


Dolphin show in Marmaris

The Dolphin show in Marmaris is an adventure that will give absolute delight not only to children but also to adults. We all know about the wonderful ...


Jeep safari in Marmaris

Jeep safari in Marmaris is very popular among tourists. The whole jeep safari trip lasts about seven hours but will be very fun and exciting. This tri ...


Quad bike safari in Marmaris

Quad bike safari in Marmaris are the best way to diversify your fun vacation and get to know the beauties of Turkey's nature while driving a powerful ...


Night foam disco on a yacht in Marmaris

Night foam disco on a yacht in Marmaris is the incendiary chords of modern European music, a light show and a charge of fun that everyone definitely n ...


Ferry to rhodes from Marmaris

Ferry to Rhodes from Marmaris - an excursion that will allow you to feel the culture and customs of Greece. Touch history, ancient myths, and legends ...


Pirate yacht in Marmaris

Pirate yacht in Marmaris is ideal for lovers of sea trips. Our animation team will create an atmosphere of lightness and fun for you. The huge vessel, ...


Swimming with dolphins in Marmaris

Dolphin therapy has an unusually miraculous effect on the human body. Swimming with dolphins in Marmaris is always ready to receive guests who love ne ...


Horse riding in Marmaris

Horse riding in Marmaris is one of the most popular excursions in Marmaris. While riding horses, you will enjoy communicating with these amazing anima ...


Rafting in Marmaris

Rafting in Marmaris will help everyone to challenge themselves and test the strength of their willpower. Memories of the trip will remain in your memo ...


Fishing in Marmaris

Fishing in the Aegean Sea is one of the most popular and interesting activities for outdoor enthusiasts. While spending your holidays in Marmaris, we ...


Merging of the two seas in Marmaris

The union of two seas in Marmaris is a great option for those who have always dreamed of visiting one of the most amazing places in Turkey. Spend your ...


Snorkeling in Marmaris

Marmaris snorkeling is an excursion that will give you a lot of positive emotions and impressions. All you need to snorkel in Marmaris is the desire a ...


Tour to Rhodes from Marmaris

Rhodes from Marmaris is a great trip that will brighten up your holiday. During the excursion to Rhodes from Marmaris, you will be able to choose a re ...


Turkish bath in Marmaris Ottoman

The Turkish bath in Marmaris is a must for every tourist if you want to get to know the cultural traditions of Turkey. We offer you a Turkish bath tou ...


Turkish night in Marmaris

Show Turkish night in Marmaris is a great start to get acquainted with the culture of our country, an opportunity to get closer to the people and get ...


Vip hamam in Marmaris

The VIP-hamam program differs from the usual one in the first place, by a huge number of additional procedures. After the main massages, you are given ...


Hamam in Marmaris

Turkish bath in Marmaris is a must visit for every tourist who wants to relax body and soul. We bring to your attention Hamam Armutalan in Marmaris. T ...


Aegean Islands from Marmaris

The Aegean Islands will be a good option to diversify your holiday in Marmaris. During the whole walk you can enjoy wonderful views of the sea and nat ...


Excursion to Dalyan Köyceğiz from Marmaris and crab fishing

A tour to Dalyan from Marmaris and crabbing has always attracted all tourists with its extraordinary archeological monuments and crystal clear beaches ...


Dalyan tour from Marmaris

Tour Dalyan from Marmaris will be a great opportunity to get acquainted with the nature of Turkey. A pleasant climate, picturesque landscapes and comf ...


Marmaris to Cappadocia

Excursion from Marmaris to Cappadocia is perfect for you if you really want to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Turkish culture and histor ...


Pamukkale from Marmaris

Pammukale from Marmaris is an excursion that will give you a lot of positive emotions, a boost of strength and vivacity. You will pass to the snow-whi ...


Istanbul from Marmaris

Excursion to Istanbul from Marmaris will begin with a visit to memorable places such as the palace of Sultan Mehmed, which in ancient times of the Ott ...


Fethiye from Marmaris

An excursion to Fethiye from Marmaris and the Valley of the Butterflies from Marmaris will not leave anyone indifferent, because it includes a visit t ...


Ephesus from Marmaris

Ephesus tour from Marmaris is ideal for history buffs. Among the well-preserved sights of Ephesus, we recommend that you pay your attention to the Tem ...


Cleopatra Island from Marmaris

Cleopatra Island excursion, which takes place on a huge yacht with outdoor areas, tables and sunbeds. The yacht will take you straight to the island. ...


Ephesus and Pamukkale from Marmaris

Ephesus-Pamukkale from Marmaris is a two-day excursion that is perfect for anyone who is interested in the history and nature of Turkey. The advantage ...


Rent Yacht in Marmaris

A private yacht in Marmaris provides an amazing opportunity to feel truly free and explore the unexplored corners of nature that hides the fabulous Ae ...


Go Karting in Marmaris

Marmaris karting excursion is suitable for any tourist age group. In order for you to find the control of the car, you absolutely do not need a driver ...

THE TOP Marmaris Tours

Marmaris local travel agency Tour Maris has created this website to help any tourist find a suitable excursion in Marmaris and perfect their vacation in our city. We wish you all a pleasant stay in Marmaris Turkey!

Boat trips in Marmaris from the organizer

If you adore the sea, which beckons with its beauty and freshness, then sailing on a yacht or a pirate ship is perfect for you. Don't miss the chance to enjoy excursions in the Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea in one day

Private excursions in Marmaris from Tour Maris

An individual excursion will be a good option for couples or family holidays because it will be selected especially for you. The tour program is made in your opinion. All excursions in Marmaris with affordable prices

Excursions by plane from Marmaris.

Excursions by plane from Marmaris, A tour to Istanbul will be a great way to diversify your stay in sunny Turkey. In just one day, you can see all the beauty of this city and see a huge number of historical sites. In the morning you will be picked up directly from the hotel and taken to the airport, upon arrival our professional Russian-speaking guide will meet you and accompany you throughout the trip. In Istanbul, you can visit Sultan Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, and much more. Choosing excursions from Tour Maris you will always be provided with everything you need and the trip will be as comfortable as possible. With prices for an excursion to Istanbul, you can in the goods tab or write to our manager

Overnight excursions from Marmaris

Overnight excursions from Marmaris, An excellent option to get to know the natural beauty of the Turkish region would be a tour of the amazing Cappadocia. Our company will provide everything you need for your comfort and safety. You will be picked up directly from the hotel by comfortable transfers and we will set off on our journey. The tour price will include breakfasts, lunches, dinners, accommodation in beautiful hotels, guide services, and of course your health insurance. Also, for a separate cost, you can give yourself the most unforgettable flight in a bright hot air balloon. We strongly recommend that you visit a colorful excursion to Cappadocia with an overnight stay from Marmaris.

Private yacht tour in Marmaris

private yacht tour in Marmaris will be one of the best memories of your life. A beautiful yacht will take you on a wonderful Mediterranean cruise. You can arrange a pleasant date for your significant other or have a noisy birthday party. We will prepare everything, especially for you, taking into account any preferences. Also, to arrive on the yacht, a VIP class car will pick you up and deliver you directly to the pier. The yacht itself has everything for the most ideal holiday: a huge number of sun loungers, a bar, and any kitchen you like. The route will be designed according to any of your preferences, we will be able to visit a huge number of picturesque bays, where you can dive directly from the yacht.

Payment on the day of the tour. Our excursions from Marmaris will give you a great mood!

Marmaris Haco Tour

(+90) 501 324 4048

marmaris tour tashkent

All Marmaris Excursions

"more than 40 best excursions", popular marmaris tours.



Marmaris all inclusive boat trip is great attraction for sun and sea lovers and also one of the most popular trip in Marmaris.

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-06 at 09.32


If you are looking for sandy beach, nature, history, thermal activities, and much more , you are in correct place.



Would you like to add a different fun and excitement to your Marmaris holiday besides the sun and the sea?



Surprise activities in our park, which is the biggest and the most ambitious in the field of children’s slides, continue from 10.00 to 18.00 in the evening.



Water, soil, mud, fun, excitement … If these words are appealing to you, the Quad & Buggy safari, an off-road tour with ATVs and Buggies, is just for you.



Pamukkale, which is on the UNESCO list of natural riches of the world, awaits you with its unique travertines.


marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris All Inclusıve Boat Trip

EVERYDAY 10:00 - 17:00

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Cleopatra Island and Gokova Bays

EVERYDAY 09:30 - 17:00

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Private Boat Trip


marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Pirate Boat Trip

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Turtle Beach & Koycegiz Lake (with crab hunting)

EVERYDAY 08:00 - 18:30

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Turtle Beach By Boat

EVERYDAY 08:30 - 18:30

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Aegean Islands Boat Trip

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Diving Activity

EVERYDAY 09:30 - 16:30

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Jeep Safari

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Quad & Buggy Safari

EVERYDAY 10:00 - 12:00 -14:00 - 16:00

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Horse Safari

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Rafting Tour

Please Ask Tour Days 07:00 - 19:30

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Pamukkale Tour

Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Saturday 06:30 – 19.00

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Ephesus & Virgin Mary House

THURSDAY-SUNDAY 06:30 - 19:00

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Fethiye & Blue Lagoon

TUESDAY-SATURDAY 08:00 - 18:30

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Village Tour


marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Ephesus & Pamukkale 2 Days Trip

THURSDAY - SUNDAY 06.30 - 19.00

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris White Tour Salda Lake & Pamukkale

TUESDAY - SUNDAY 04.30 - 19:30

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Fethiye Paragliding Tour

EVERYDAY 07:00 - 18:30

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Pamukkale Balloon Tour

EVERYDAY 04:00 - 16:00

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Aqua Dream Waterpark

EVERYDAY Open:10:00 - 18:00

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Atlantis Waterpark

EVERYDAY Open: 10:00 - 18:00

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Glass Bottom Boat Trip

EVERYDAY 09:00 - 16:30

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Turkish Bath &SPA

EVERYDAY 10:00 - 18:00

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Water Sports

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Fishing Activity

EVERYDAY 10:00 - 14:00

marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris City Tour


marmaris tour tashkent

Marmaris Gokart Activity

EVERYDAY OPEN:10.00 - 18.30


  1. Туры на отдых в Мармарис 2023 из Ташкента, цены на путевки все включено

    marmaris tour tashkent

  2. Marmaris Tour

    marmaris tour tashkent


    marmaris tour tashkent

  4. Marmaris Walking Tour, Türkiye, Summer 2022

    marmaris tour tashkent

  5. Marmaris tour

    marmaris tour tashkent

  6. Marmaris Gourmet, Tashkent

    marmaris tour tashkent


  1. Marmaris Turkey Jeep Safari Full Tour

  2. Welcome To Marmaris

  3. Marmaris

  4. Marmaris Turkey Walking Tour 2023

  5. Marmaris Summer Walking Tour

  6. Турция, Мармарис / Башня


  1. Marmaris Tour

    4/11, улица Себзар, Алмазарский район, Ташкент(Напротив Riviera Makro) [email protected]

  2. Marmaris Tour

    Toshkent sh., Chilonzor tumani, Nakqo'shlik ko'chasi, 11 va 12-uylar oralig'ida. 8.7. dan 393328 UZS

  3. MARMARIS TOUR. TRAVEL AGENCY in Tashkent: contacts, address, map ⇒

    marmaris tour. TRAVEL AGENCY is located at the address: Uzbekistan, 100019, Tashkent, Almazar district, Nurafshon baypass street, 4/11 Phone number MARMARIS TOUR.

  4. Marmaris City Tour

    The Marmaris City Walking Tour is one of the most interesting private tours you can join during your holidays. By joining this tour you are able to explore the main attractions and monuments of the city of Marmaris with a private tour guide. Walking around the charming streets of the city offers you the opportunity to feel the real vibes of the ...

  5. Marmaris Full Day Scuba Diving Two Dives With Lunch Hotel pickup

    Marmaris Diving Tour is a must for those who seek adventure, relaxation and alternative tourist activities. This full-day scuba diving adventure includes a boat trip, lunch and 2 dives that can be conducted by both, beginners and experienced divers. For safety reasons, the dives that you are going to do have a maximum duration of 20 minute each

  6. Top 40 Excursions in Marmaris

    Such well known places like Ephesus & Pamukkale are only couple of hours away from this beautiful holiday town. Top 40 Excursions in Marmaris designed exclusively for you. Ultimate Guide For Popular Daily Marmaris Excursions - Prices, Detailed Info & Tickets.

  7. The best of Marmaris walking tour 2024 on Cool Destinations

    2024 Walking & Biking Tours in Marmaris: Check out reviews and photos of the The best of Marmaris walking tour. Book now from US$84.20! See reviews and photos of the The best of Marmaris walking tour. 2024 Walking & Biking Tours in Marmaris. Call Us; Text Us; Live Chat; Specials; How It Works; Groups; About; Contact; Search Things To Do. Account.

  8. MARMARIS HOTEL (AU$94): 2023 Prices & Reviews (Tashkent, Uzbekistan

    From AU$94 per night on Tripadvisor: Marmaris Hotel, Tashkent. See traveller reviews, 5 candid photos, and great deals for Marmaris Hotel at Tripadvisor.

  9. Awesome day out

    Excursiongo Marmaris: Awesome day out - See 2,717 traveller reviews, 8 candid photos, and great deals for Marmaris, Turkiye, at Tripadvisor.

  10. Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

    Info & prices. Facilities. House rules. Guest reviews (124) Airport shuttle. Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service. улица Гавхар, дом 164-165-166, 100185 Tashkent, Uzbekistan - Good location - show map - Railway access. +37 photos. Show on map.

  11. Marmaris Hotel in Tashkent

    At Marmaris Hotel each room includes bed linen and towels. Buffet and halal breakfast options are available each morning at the accommodation. Free private parking and a business center are available, as well as a 24-hour front desk. The nearest airport is Islam Karimov Tashkent International Airport, 9 km from Marmaris Hotel.

  12. Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

    Airport shuttle. Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service. улица Гавхар, дом 164-165-166, 100185 Tashkent, Uzbekistan - Good location - show map - Train Access. +37 photos. Show on map. You're eligible for a Genius discount at Marmaris Hotel FREE Airport Service! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in.


    Book Marmaris Hotel, Tashkent on Tripadvisor: See traveler reviews, 6 candid photos, and great deals for Marmaris Hotel, ranked #161 of 211 hotels in Tashkent and rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor. ... Tours Add a Place Travel Forum Airlines Travelers' Choice Help Center $ USD. United States

  14. Marmaris excursions, day trips with travel agency ...

    Atlantis Waterpark Tour in Marmaris is a great Chance to combine a beach holiday with fun and extreme water attractions for the whole family. We will provide you with comfortable Transfer from any hotels in marmaris, Icmeler or Turunc, insurance with Entrance cheap price ticket for the whole day. Details. price: 23€.


    Book Marmaris Hotel, Tashkent on Tripadvisor: See traveller reviews, 6 candid photos, and great deals for Marmaris Hotel, ranked #160 of 209 hotels in Tashkent and rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor. ... Tours Add a Place Travel Forum Airlines Travellers' Choice Help Centre £ GBP. United Kingdom

  16. MARMARIS HOTEL (Tashkent)

    Marmaris Hotel, Tashkent: See traveller reviews, 6 user photos and best deals for Marmaris Hotel, ranked #160 of 210 Tashkent hotels, rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor. ... Hotels near Karavan Verblyudov Sculptural Ensemble Hotels near Combi tour Uzbekistan Astour Hotels near Gallery 81 Hotels near Tavaksay Hotels near The Ban Telmana Hotels near Spa ...


    Book Marmaris Hotel, Tashkent on Tripadvisor: See traveler reviews, 6 candid photos, and great deals for Marmaris Hotel, ranked #160 of 210 hotels in Tashkent and rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor. ... Hotels near Karavan Verblyudov Sculptural Ensemble Hotels near Combi tour Uzbekistan Astour Hotels near Gallery 81 Hotels near Tavaksay Hotels near ...

  18. Best daily Marmaris tours and excursions in Turkey

    Marmaris tours and excursions by Tour Maris travel agency offer an array of activities in Marmaris. You must see the best things to do, day trips, and places to visit in Marmaris, Turkey. English English Russian | +90 552 665 37 80; Home (current) Attractions; About us; Contacts; Marmaris tours and excursions ...

  19. MARMARIS GOURMET, Tashkent

    Marmaris Gourmet, Tashkent: See 15 unbiased reviews of Marmaris Gourmet, rated 3.0 of 5 on Tripadvisor. ... Discover. Trips. Review. USD. Sign in. Tashkent Hotels Things to Do Restaurants Flights Vacation Rentals Cruises Rental Cars Forums. Asia. Uzbekistan. Tashkent Province. ... Tours Add a Place Travel Forum Airlines Travelers' Choice Help ...

  20. Marmaris Haco Tour

    MARMARIS PAMUKKALE TOUR. Pamukkale, which is on the UNESCO list of natural riches of the world, awaits you with its unique travertines. Show More. ALL MARMARIS EXCURSIONS. £ 18 - 25. Marmaris All Inclusıve Boat Trip. EVERYDAY 10:00 - 17:00. SHOW MORE. £ 25. Marmaris Cleopatra Island and Gokova Bays. EVERYDAY 09:30 - 17:00.