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Building A React Native Travel App

When I was planning my trip to Japan with some friends, I thought why not to use this opportunity to make a ReactNative mobile app to help you plan and execute your travel itinerary.

This Cross-Platform MobileApp is made with ReactNative and designed to be a tool for planning a trip with your friends. It gives you:

  • Access to your itinerary via calendar view
  • Access to your list of planned activities
  • An integrated to-do-list and a map for the area
  • A quick lookup on the stuff you researched, including travel destination articles and translations for words from the local language to English

I made this app in ReactNative. ReactNative is a game changer.

It makes the barrier of entry low to make a cross-platform mobile app. The hallmark of Mobile Travel App I made (see react-native-travel-app repo) is that it took full advantage of the ReactNative open source ecosystem. There is a component for everything you need.

React Native Travel App a mobile app for you to plan your next trip with your friends

Often times in the javascript ecosystem, you are dealing with a lot of little libraries and you are bringing them together to form a framework that makes sense for your application. So it’s helpful to know what all these little libraries do. Many of them are very simple. But at the end of the day, it’s your job as the developer working in this ecosystem to mix and match them and put them in a composable fashion that makes sense for the application that you are trying to build.

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Project Idea | (Trip Planner)

This project is basically an application which helps friends, colleagues or relatives who live at far off places (generally in another country) plan a trip together to a place in optimal budget.

Use Case One friend lives in Delhi and another in London. They aspire to go for a vacation to a 3 rd city. So they put in the details of their respective current locations into the application along with the starting date and duration of the trip. On click of Submit, they are presented with options like “Paris”, “Dubai”, “Abu Dhabi”etc. sorted according to the total budget. The budget includes the costs of their respective flights to and fro, accommodation, average food costs etc.

  • The factors to be included in calculating the budget can be customized. For example, in addition to already mentioned costs, other costs like international calling card’s cost, Airport pick and drop taxi cost etc. can be added.
  • Once the user decides upon the trip to go for, the user will be presented an option to book flight tickets directly from the application.
  • The application can act as single solution to cater to all needs of the trip like booking the taxi for pick and drop, buying calling cards, booking the hotel, Visa information, weather details etc.
  • Feedback about the trip can be taken after the trip from the user which can be shown to future users for their ready reference.

Technologies: For Web application, the front end can be developed using any JavaScript/HTML based framework like Ext JS, Angular JS. In case of android app, Java is the only option. For backend, PHP can be used to interact with Database.

Research More options can be provided to the users like integration with social networks. For example checking the recently visited places by friends on Facebook to get the first hand trustworthy feedback about the planned trip. Also different algorithms can be developed to design the travel itinerary.

About the author:

“Harshit is a technology enthusiast and has keen interest in programming. He holds a   B.Tech. degree in Computer Science from JIIT, Noida and currently works as Front-end Developer at SAP. He is also a state level table tennis player. Apart from this he likes to unwind by watching movies and English sitcoms. He is based out of Delhi and you can reach out to him at

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Travel and Tourism Website with Python

Table of Contents


The travel and tourism industry has been revolutionized by the advent of technology. Gone are the days of tedious planning, as today’s travelers demand convenience and efficiency. In this context, Python-based tourism website projects are reshaping how we think about travel planning.

mini project travel planner github

Why Python for a Travel and Tourism Website?

Python, when coupled with Django, offers a robust foundation for creating a versatile travel and tourism project. Not only does it enable quick development, but its libraries and frameworks also provide a multitude of functionalities to facilitate real-time communication and centralized data handling.

User and Admin Roles

The system is designed with two primary entities: the User and the Admin.

  • Admin : After successful login, the admin gains complete control over the system. They can manage flights, hotels, and even view user activity, ensuring optimal operational efficiency.
  • User : A user-friendly interface with a built-in chatbot guides users in booking hotels, flights, and travel packages. The system simplifies the process, making it easy even for people who are not tech-savvy.

Features and Advantages

  • Interstation Communication : Real-time communication between different segments of the website.
  • Centralized Data : All data is stored centrally, ensuring consistency and reliability.
  • Time and Cost-Efficiency : The system reduces the time consumed in booking and lowers the cost by eliminating middlemen.
  • Computerized Record-Keeping : Digital record-keeping minimizes manual errors and enhances efficiency.
  • User-Friendly Chatbot : Provides instant assistance, making the user experience pleasant and efficient.

Building Blocks of the System

Creating such an advanced system requires a comprehensive set of tools and technologies. Django serves as the backbone, while Python’s various libraries offer functionalities like real-time chat, data storage, and more. These are complemented by HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which take care of the frontend.

Travel and tourism are sectors ripe for disruption through technology. A Python-based website not only meets the demands of modern users but also offers scalable solutions for the future. From reducing costs to enhancing operational efficiency, the advantages are numerous.

Sample Code

Create a new Django project and a new app.

Register the app in ‘ ‘

Create models

Run the following command to apply these changes to the database:

Create Views

URL Mapping

Make sure to include these in the project’s ‘ ‘.

HTML Templates

Create HTML templates (‘ home.html ‘, ‘ flights.html ‘, ‘ hotels.html ‘) under a ‘ templates ‘ folder in your ‘ main ‘ app to display the data.

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Posted on Mar 16, 2023

Responsive Travel website using HTML, CSS and Javascript

In this article, you will learn to create this awesome fully responsive travel website using only HTML, CSS and Javascript. It is fully responsive and has animation on scroll, smooth scrolling, tile animated background images slider and a lot of stuff.

You can download the code .

So without wasting time let's see how to code this.

Video Tutorial

Video tutorial if you like to watch a video and follow along.

So to start coding or following this article. First you need to setup the folder.

For this project, we will use Google Fonts , AOS library for animations and Fontawesome for icons.

So you can either add CDNs manually or you can download the start files from this repo

Github Repo

Repo also includes all the images

So I hope you have the starting files now. Let's start with our navbar first.

To create navbar we need to make a header and that header will contain the navbar, as well as the main section.

The value of href of links are id of the sections that we will create next. Giving ids as a link will take you to that section after clicking on the link.

But to add a smooth scrolling effect to the navbar links. Make sure you give scroll-behaviour to the html.


Hero Section

Now to create hero section we will use main tag inside header after nav .

If you notice, i used data-aos attribute in code. This attribute is custom provided by AOS library to add sroll animations. In this case, I am adding fade-up effect. To make it work though. you have to put AOS.init() in app.js along with the CDNs provided in the github repo.

Make sure you download the repo to start

Hero Section

Now the best part of this whole website, the background image slider.

Image Slider

To create Image Slider, first we will create a img below the content and then above img we will create 6 divs of background black in a grid. Those divs will cover whole image when needed. So basically, we will show those divs and hide them and in between we will change the background image using JS.

For this make .background div inside main before hero-section-content

And give some styles.

If you see above code, I used ::before and ::after to create some linear gradients over the image to create the depth. The variables I used are in the CSS file of repo.

Background Image

Now to make this slider working. Just add this simple JS code inside app.js file

After adding this, the slider will work. In above code we are basically using timeout to hide and show the 6 divs and in between changing the src of the image.

Explore Section

To create next section which is "explore section" Its actually simple. Just add this in index.html file.


If you see your output, you'll notice that the navbar and explore sections are overlapping and navbar is not fully readable. To fix that, we need to add background to the navbar after a certain amount of scroll using JS.

and after adding this, you'll see after 188 of scrollY navbar changing its background color.

Service Section

In this section, for icons I am using fontawesome, so make sure you have its CDN to be able to see the icons in your code.


Book Section and footer

And the last but not least, book now and footer.

last section

So we are done, now to make this website responsive. Just use media-query of CSS like this.

And the website is done. Its fully responsive now too.

So we are done, we made this awesome responsive travel website. If you stuck anywhere or run into some error, feel free to leave a comment or DM me on instagram .

I hope you like this article, you like the website design and the tutorial. If this helped you in someway make sure you follow me on my instagram and youtube .

You can checkout my youtube channel, I create lots of content like this including fullstack ecommerce website and fullstack blogging website.

You can download the code . Thanks for reading 👋

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Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use.

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You are awesome. Thank you :-)

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Thanks for sharing this, it's really helpful..

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Thanks this is great

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Plan your next adventure with me, your AI travel assistant


Travel planner.

Project Image

Lets choose the best deal to the destination that give you the best feel!

Table of Contents

Description, author info.

The objective of the Travel and Tourism Management System Project is to develop a system that automates the processes and activities of a travel and tourism agency. The purpose is to design a system using which one can perform all operations related to traveling and sight-seeing. The system allows one to easily access the relevant information and make necessary travel arrangements. Users can decide about places they want to visit and make bookings online for travel and accommodation. Java Swing along with AWT is used to give the smooth interface of the webpage. MySQL Java Connector is also used to connect our front-end to the database.

Some of the features of this Web-Application:

  • Add personal details tab.
  • Forget Password tab.
  • New User Login.
  • Hotel Details tab.
  • Hotel Booking tab.
  • Open different systems applications like: Calculator, notepad etc.
  • Payment tab (PAYTM)
  • Vacation Package Details tab.
  • Vacation Package booking tab.
  • View booked hotel tab.
  • View booked package tab.
  • View personal details tab.

Languages and Technologies:

  • NetBeans(8.0) [you can also use any of your preferred one.]

Back To The Top

UI of the webapp resembles general ticket or hotel booking webpage like oyo-rooms or goibibo etc. The images are taken from free image providing websites like unsplash and pexels.

First Window

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2021 Sushant Gaurav

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • Twitter - @imsushant12
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A benchmark for real-world planning with language agents -->.

mini project travel planner github


We introduce TravelPlanner: a comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate the planning abilities of language agents in real-world scenarios across multiple dimensions. Without losing generality, TravelPlanner casts travel planning as its test environment, with all relevant information meticulously crafted to minimize data contamination. TravelPlanner does not have a singular ground truth for each query. Instead, the benchmark employs several pre-defined evaluation scripts to assess each tested plan, determining whether the language agent can effectively use tools to create a plan that aligns with both the implicit commonsense and explicit user needs outlined in the query (i.e., commonsense constraint and hard constraint). Every query in TravelPlanner has undergone thorough human verification to guarantee that feasible solutions exist. Additionally, TravelPlanner evaluates the language agent's capability by varying the breadth and depth of planning, controlled through the number of travel days and the quantity of hard constraints.

MathVista Dataset

Travelplanner dataset.

geometric reasoning

Examples of our newly annotated datasets: IQTest, FunctionQA, and PaperQA.


Dataset distribution of TravelPlanner.

Examples in train set:

Easy Level & 3-day

Easy Level & 5-day

Easy Level & 7-day

Medium Level & 3-day

Medium Level & 5-day

Medium Level & 7-day

Hard Level & 3-day

Hard Level & 5-day

Hard Level & 7-day


Experiment Results

Results on existing large language models and planning strategies.

One example for each reasoning skill required in MathVista


Main results of different LLMs and planning strategies on the TravelPlanner validation and test set. The best results are marked in bold.


Constraint pass rate of GPT-4-Turbo on test set. The results of sole-planning mode are based on Direct strategy. Note that plans failing to meet the "Within Sandbox" or "No Missed Key Information" criteria are excluded from the hard constraint pass rate calculation. This exclusion is due to the fact that information beyond the sandbox's scope or key details that are missed cannot be effectively searched or evaluated.


Comparison of the numbers of different tool uses between agent (GPT-4-Turbo) and reference. The results of agent are based on the number of entries written into the "Notebook".


GPT-4-Turbo + ReAct in tool-use scenario.


GPT-4-Turbo + Reflexion Planning in sole-planning scenario.


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Folders and files, repository files navigation, travel journal project.

This project is created to learn more about using react and ts

  • TypeScript 67.0%
  • JavaScript 22.4%


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