The best things to do in Mexico: 19 unmissable experiences

Phillip Tang

Oct 7, 2023 • 14 min read

A woman sitting near the main pyramid at Chichen Itza in Mexico

Get to know the country with these top things to do in Mexico, from visiting ancient pyramids to swimming in underground cenotes © Oleh_Slobodeniuk / Getty Images

Mexico is a wonderland. One moment, you're sipping smoky mezcal, and the next you're floating in the bluest of natural pools or being serenaded by mariachi singers while Frida Kahlo peers down from a mural.

Things feel even more fantastic when you find the tastiest food while discovering plumed serpents, pyramids and millennia of history around the next corner. No matter how many times you visit, Mexico 's stunning nature and its vibrant towns let you find an everyday life steeped in surrealism, natural wonders and incredible history.

Here are the best things to do in Mexico.

1. Admire the monumental power of a pyramid

Pyramids humble you. Gaze skywards at the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacán , and it’s easy to feel tiny. It’s the third-largest ancient pyramid in the world, bringing the ancient priests closer to the heavens at its summit. No wonder the pyramids at Teotihuacán were chosen as temples for human sacrifices to the gods.

The Aztecs did the same at the fascinating Templo Mayor at the heart of their empire, Tenochtitlán, modern-day Mexico City.

Other pre-Hispanic civilizations, such as the engineering Maya, constructed pyramids to also be the center of public life. At Chichén Itzá and Palenque , they buried their powerful leaders inside them and used the monumental structures, which push above the forest canopy, to navigate their lands.

Similarly, in Tulum a Maya pyramid squats over the turquoise waters and was used as a lighthouse.

Yet Mexico has even mightier pyramid, the largest by volume in the world. The Pirámide Tepanapa is bigger than the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Outside, it looks like a grassy hill, which fooled the Spanish conquistadors, sparing its destruction. Inside, it takes 15 minutes to walk through the cool tunnels crossing through the Pyramid of Cholula. With each tight turn, you feel minuscule.

2. Learn about Mexico's artisan traditions

Gorgeous Mexican artesanías (handicrafts) charm you with their sweetness. When you hold up a piece at a workshop, you are also grasping centuries of skill and traditions.

A psychedelic beadwork mask might leap out at you. The pulsing colors carry on the mythology of the Huichol of Jalisco. Or look into Taxco silverware, which shimmers with history, first as silver gifts to Aztec gods and then ransacked for Spanish pockets.

The kaleidoscopic work of generations of embroiderers, pre-Hispanic weavers, Oaxacan potters and metalsmiths tells Mexico's diverse story. Pick up a piece from an artisan to contribute to their stories.

People ride bicycles on Reforma Ave in Mexico, Mexico

3. Cycle Mexico City’s leafy neighborhoods

Bike lanes are plentiful across some of  Mexico City's best neighborhoods , including Condesa, Roma and artsy Coyoacán. Archways of trees guide you down streets lined with elegantly tiled houses and boutique stores. Parks are alive with young families or teenagers practicing dance moves, while around their edges, the well-dressed lounge about at cafes.

Planning tip: Join Mexico City's free Sunday bike rides , when the main avenues of the country’s capital turn into a car-free zone. Cyclists go for pleasure rides, and you can be part of the action at any time with a free or low-cost bike rental.

4. Learn to dance the salsa and  danzón

Mexicans have the music in them, and just trying to dance is a part of the Mexico experience. Dressed in hats and heels or casual clothes, couples take to the outdoor Plaza Ciudadela in Mexico City every Saturday to dance, mingle, and learn to salsa and do the danzón .

It’s open to the public, but if you need some courage, there are also bars around town to learn to dance for the cost of a tequila. Mama Rumba turns out a show with its live big band. 

Planning tip:  If you want to seriously move, Salón de Bailes Los Ángeles is part school, part legendary venue. It's where stars of Mexico’s Golden Age of cinema, such as Cantinflas and María Félix, went to boogie.

A woman standing near a cenote, a subterranean swimming hole, looking up at the natural walls around her in Mexico

5. Float in subterranean cenotes

To the Maya, cenotes were a portal to speak to the gods, so they built villages around them. For a visitor today, cenotes, natural limestone swimming holes , are wondrous hidden pools to cool off in the jungle. Cenotes are created by the collapse of porous limestone bedrock, forming pools that are filtered to crystal clarity. The majority of cenotes are found in the  Yucatán Peninsula .

Underwater photographers, cavers and snorkelers revel in the clear cenotes, as do swimmers who want a peaceful swim shielded by the glorious tree canopy.

Unlike seawater, the turquoise water in cenotes is fresh and wonderfully mineral-rich. Floating in these still waters feels like slipping into prehistory. Look up at the columns of vines and the shafts of sunlight drifting through. Hummingbirds zigzag by, and it seems like little has changed since the Maya were here.

Planning tip: Take cash to pay entrance fees, plus a day-pack with all your supplies, including shoes you can get wet to protect your feet and reef-friendly chemical-free sunscreen. 

6. Eat your fill of Mexican street food

Want to know where to get the best tacos? It’s not in a white-tablecloth restaurant. It's on the street.

There is something special about feeling the red-hot embers on the pyramid of chargrilling pork that makes tacos al pastor tastier at places like El Vilsito . It could be the sizzling hot plate that gives handmade quesadillas stuffed with zucchini flowers or nopales (cactus) the perfect bite. Or the tubs of self-serve salsas that make sopes (tortillas sprinkled with white panela cheese and lettuce) and tlacoyos (diamond-shaped blue-corn parcels of beans and meat) much feistier (and tastier) than you had intended. It’s definitely the freshly cut limes and impromptu chats that give eating Mexican street food that extra zing.

Mexican foodie capital Oaxaca squeezes some of the best street food into market stands at Mercado 20 de Noviembre , or check out Los Cucuyos and vegan eats at  Por Siempre Vegana Taquería in Mexico City.

Local tip:  To find the freshest and tastiest street food, pause at a stand and observe. The best have a hissing comal (hot plate) where even the smoke smells alluring.

A trajinera boat on the canals and floating gardens of Xochimilco in Mexico City, Mexico

7. Glide along the canals of floating Aztec gardens in Xochimilco

Xochimilco , south of Mexico City, is the only remaining part of the country's pre-Hispanic waterways. Colorful wooden trajinera boats glide across the canals, passing chinampas (floating gardens). Fruits, vegetables and flowers grow atop garden beds constructed from reeds.

More than 500 years ago, the mighty Aztec city of Tenochtitlán ruled from an island in interconnected lakes. The Aztecs balanced a complex system of brackish and fresh water. As you float by, imagine Xochimilco in Aztec times, with gardeners tending to the plots of green bean vines, furry purple amaranth, and plump chilis and tomatoes to feed the city, as they still do today.

8. Sip artisanal mezcal

Mezcal is a smoky, rich elixir drunk in warmly lit bars by dreamers, artists and the heartbroken. The older sibling of fast-living tequila, mezcal is distilled from the same agave plant but is hand-roasted under volcanic rocks. For a long time, visitors to towns in Oaxaca would smuggle back flasks of the potent stuff from mom-and-pop farms.

Now mezcal has hit the heights in the cities, and small artisanal distillers are revered in mezcalaría bars like Mexico City's hidden Bósforo and Mano Santa with its tasting flight of drinks. You can learn all about the agave drinks at Museo del Tequila y el Mezcal in the capital.

Most mezcal is created in small batches and available only in Mexico. Artisanal producers with further reach are the upmarket and impressive Los Danzantes . Oaxaca is the capital of mezcal. 

Local tip:  A perfect mezcal day starts with a guided distillery visit, taking you through the process of slow cooking the agave piñas (hearts) in a volcanic rock pit with the smell of roasting catching the air. Continue at one of the many tasting rooms. Drink the traditional way with a slice of orange sprinkled with sal de gusano (agave worm salt with mild chili) on the side. 

A man stands in front of a shaman in a jungle setting while smoke is wafted over his head during a temascal ceremony in Mexico

9. Experience a 3000-year-old temascal ceremony

A temascal is more than a sauna; it’s an ancient Maya-Zapotec ritual that uses 3000 years of indigenous cultural knowledge as medicine. A shaman guides you through a ceremony inside a dome while you sit in a circle, giving you the kind of experience that people swear is life-changing.

In the semi-darkness, the shaman throws an herbal infusion sizzling on the pit of hot rocks at the center. The dialogue begins between the shaman and other participants, thanking the earth and acknowledging our connection to the villages of animals and nature. Sometimes the guide intones words in the indigenous Náhuatl language.

This is no touchy-feely session. Warriors endured this ritual before battle to steel them. After 90 minutes of building resilience and releasing toxins, both physical and mental, you emerge and dip into cold pools, cleansing yourself. 

Planning tip:  For a real temascal experience (not just a sauna), follow spirituality seekers to Tepotzlán  or get the full picture of the Zapotec civilization in Oaxaca. We love Xquenda in Huatulco for its full pre-Hispanic ceremony and mural.

10. Tap into the songs of Mexico with a mariachi performance

Mariachi bands have a song for every mood and life milestone. Happy? More trumpet. Somber? More strings and a heartfelt bolero style. Mexicans hire these singing troupes for big events, including birthdays, weddings and funerals. They are not a mere tourist attraction but a way to tap into the songs of Mexico. You’ll find them roaming around major plazas from Mérida to Cuernavaca.

A top choice is Mexico City’s Plaza Garibaldi , which has been bringing together restaurants and music since 1925. Get serenaded in mariachi's heartland in Guadalajara , which holds the world's largest mariachi festival each September at the Encuentro Internacional del Mariachi y la Charreria .

Visitors wait outside the Blue House (La Casa Azul), Frida Kahlo Museum in Mexico City, Mexico

11. Get insight into Frida Kahlo’s artistic life

Bottles filled with paint glisten in their tray next to an easel. It feels like the artist has just stepped out.   Handicrafts – clay fertility figures, papier-mâché skeletons and dangling cherubs – from across Mexico sprawl out across the rooms.

The  Blue House  is where Frida was born, lived and spent her last days, with everything as she left it. The artist’s silver jewelry, short bed, crutches, wheelchair and prosthetic leg are here. Kahlo had a lifelong disability and channeled her physical and emotional pain into her art while showcasing pre-Hispanic art and traditions.

Kahlo famously wore traditional dresses and shawls from Oaxaca to summon the female power of the women of her mother’s hometown. Mexico City has other interesting places to find Frida  and trace her life. But to stand in her house and its courtyard of volcanic stone is to feel her passion for Mexico and its people. This museum is an unmissable insight into her life and her art.

12. Travel through Mexican history at a museum

Mexico City alone has more than 150 museums, beating New York City and Paris. Some of them are makeshift and obscure – torture museum , anyone? – but all of Mexico's history can be found in its museums, from indigenous handicrafts to revolution , human rights and tequila .

The headline act is Museo Nacional de Antropología , which is one of the best in the world, with a dramatic giant water feature at the center of its Maya-inspired courtyard. 

Mexico's top male painters are known as the "big three" muralists. Made to be seen by the average Mexican worker, murals by Diego Rivera , José Clemente Orozco and David Siqueiros grace many public buildings. All three daub the patio walls of Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso and inside the splendid Palacio de Bellas Artes , notably Diego Rivera’s monumental El hombre en el cruce de caminos (Man at the Crossroads). 

Other museums cater to specific tastes, like the Museo del Calzado shoe museum, which displays the trainers of Mexican fútbol heroes and replicas of Neil Armstrong’s lunar boot.

Three friends with painted faces laugh together at the Día de los Muertos Festival in Oaxaca, Mexico

13. Mark Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

Once a year, the spirits of the dearly departed can follow a path of marigold petals back to their loved ones. Altars are piled with their favorite dishes and objects, and photos of the deceased are lit by candlelight and shrouded in incense smoke.

Far from a withdrawn sad time, Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a time of remembrance through joy. It’s been this way for more than 3000 years, and the tradition can be traced back to Aztec customs and the even more ancient Olmecs.

Visit Mexico at the end of October, and you’ll see the nights turn festive as people crowd the squares, with businesses and museums to judge the best-decorated altars. In towns like Naolinco, Pátzcuaro and Mixquic, mass processions drift to the cemeteries for a night of drinking and singing.

Local tip:  Tagging along at a respectful distance is accepted, and the sight of thousands of candles and marigold flowers glowing orange into the night is a true Mexico experience.

Chef making a mole amarillo (yellow mole) quesadilla in Mexico

14. Devour some mole

Of all the attention-grabbing Mexican dishes, mole is the most intriguing for its complex mix of herbs and spices. Cocoa and three kinds of chilis give the sauce a chocolatey warmth, but mole contains a checklist of more than 15 ingredients, including sesame seeds, aromatic herbs, peanuts and cumin. In Puebla , it is eaten in restaurants tiled in hand-painted blue talavera .

Planning tip:  Oaxaca is known for its seven multicolored moles . The star is mole negro , a smoky "black" sauce that differentiates itself with a hit of hoja santa  or "sacred leaf," which tastes somewhere deliciously between licorice and eucalyptus. Mole is best smothered over chicken or enchiladas (tortillas filled with cheese or chicken).

15. Experience everyday Mexican life in a market

Boisterous piñatas dangle above you. Flowers and mangos perfume the air, while fat sacks of spices and mounds of dried chilis beckon you.

On a balmy day, the cool of a Mexican market is an inviting wonderland of fruit salad stands, old-world barber shops, and storekeepers touting woven baskets and Virgin candles. A mercado (market) is where everyday Mexican life happens without the airs and graces, no matter if you’re in an upmarket neighborhood or a mountain village.

In one market, you might smell wafts of incense floating on the air and pork crackling glistening under heat lamps. Eat alongside families or get nuts and chili-lime grasshoppers for the road. Taste delicious Mexican fruit like honey-almond flavored mamey  and tuna (prickly pear fruit) blended into juice. Every walk through a Mexican market is an adventure.

16. Learn history through botany in Oaxaca

History is palpable at the Jardín Etnobotánico . You can stain your hands bright red with cochineal from the prickly pear cactus. At its height, the smooshed-bug blood was used to dye garments for Europe’s elite, giving the Spaniards wealth second only to silver.

The storyteller guides at the garden explain how indigenous people used plants for clothing, shelter, food, rituals and medicine. A fascinating story brings to life Maya mythology, which saw the ceiba tree as the universe itself, with its roots in the underworld and the peculiar thorns on the trunk representing the people.

17. Visit a magic town

Mexico has more than 132 pueblos mágicos , and they truly feel like "magic towns." In each place, you can experience the beauty of traditional Mexican life.

Many of the towns have a leafy zócalo piazza or square at their center where families and lovers laugh, whisper and enjoy a weekend or long summer evening outdoors. What makes them "magical" is not just that they’re lookers – most are – but they maintain some natural or historical charm.

For example, in Taxco, where silver was mined by the Aztecs and Spaniards, all-white retro VW taxis crisscross its cobblestones. In lovely Papantla, people come for the spectacle of seeing the voladores whirl around a maypole, attached only by their feet.

Young woman running happily into the water on a beach in Tulum, Mexico

18. Lounge on beaches without the crowds

If you want to swim alongside Mexicans, not just tourists, head to the coast of Oaxaca. Huatulco has 36 golden-sand beaches to enjoy in peace. In Puerto Escondido,  Playa Carrizalillo beach is a jewel in a sheltered cove, reached by steep steps to deter most tourists.

Maybe it just has to be the Yucatán Peninsula's Riviera Maya. We get it: the clear blue ribbon of water and white sand is enticing, and you can still escape the crowds.

If you’re stuck in the overdeveloped parts of Cancún and Tulum , follow the locals to a spacious public beach. At Playa del Carmen , the beach runs adjacent to "5th Avenue," where all prices are in US dollars, yet step a mere two blocks back from the souvenir strip, and life seems preserved from another era. Eat at an unpretentious garden restaurant, drink at a wooden shack bar and stroll across squeaky sand into the warm arms of the Caribbean.

19. Enjoy a steaming hot tortilla at a tortillería

One of Mexico's simplest pleasures is hearing the squeak of a neighborhood tortillería (tortilla maker). Mesoamericans unlocked the secret of nixtamalization more than 3500 years ago, ramping up the nutrition and turning corn into tortillas. For passersby, the magic is seeing the steaming hot tortillas parade down the conveyor belt before being bundled up in paper for a waiting line of locals. Most neighborhoods have  tortillerías every few blocks.

Planning tip:  You can count on a mercado (fresh produce market) to have at least one tortillería  on the streets immediately around it, such as Mexico City's  Mercado Medellín , where you'll find several.

This article was first published Sep 7, 2021 and updated Oct 7, 2023.

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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

36 Best Places To Visit in Mexico in 2024

Written By: The Planet D

Updated On: April 3, 2024

We have often considered settling down in Mexico when we retire. Each time we visit México, we love it! We haven’t visited everywhere in the country but love to add a new destination each time we go down. So we combined our extensive travels with Nathan of The TRVL Blog to showcase the best places to visit in Mexico.

Table of Contents

Top Places to Visit in Mexico

Best Places to Visit in Mexico

Mexico is a country made up of 758,000 square miles and 31 states. Bordering the United States and the Latin America countries of Belize and Guatemala, Mexico is a land of pyramids, jungles, beautiful beaches, and sprawling resort towns.

From the bustling capital city, Mexico City, to the quiet towns of Baja California Sur , Mexico gives you all the variety you need. Mexico is diverse and on our list of must-visit places in Mexico, we’ve included a variety of destinations to suit all tastes. So sit back and start planning your trip to Mexico today.

1. Yucatán Peninsula

best places to visit in mexico yucatan peninsula

When exploring the Yucatan, there are so many destinations that it is best to settle on one place as your base so that you can go back again and again. Consisting of the Mexican States of the Yucatan, Quintana Roo, and Campeche chances are you are going to visit the Yucatan Peninsula.

Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula is by far one of the most popular places to visit in Mexico. Jutting out between the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea this beautiful peninsula is the most popular tourist destination in Mexico. It houses some of Mexico’s top attractions and destinations. It houses the popular beach towns of Cancun, Cozumel , Playa Del Carmen and so much more. At 197,000 square km (76,300 square miles) there is a lot to see and do here.

Book this whale shark adventure (that we booked as well) from Cancun . Whale shark tours occur in the Yucatan from May to December. Get Your Guide is the company we went with and they have free cancelation within 24 hours of the tour.

Best Places to Visit in Mexico Cancun

Cancun is the most famous of all the cities in the Yucatan Peninsula. This resort town is party central and a popular tourist destination for students on Spring Break. It was the first place we visited in Mexico and probably the first stop for most people and with good reason.

A lot of people will say not to go to Cancun, but we still like it. We’ve been back a couple of times and Cancun makes for a great base to explore the Mayan Riviera. Read everything to do in Cancun at Best Things to do in Cancun, Mexico

best places to visit in mexico cancun hotel zone

There are plenty of resorts to suit all budgets and types of travel including all inclusive resorts that cater to couples-only and adults-only resorts for a quieter more romantic escape. The last time we visited Cancun we stayed on the Cancun Riviera at The Excellence in nearby Puerto Morales and loved the luxury all-inclusive escape.

From Cancun, there are countless day trips, water sports, adventures, and Mayan ruins to explore. So don’t let its reputation turn you off, it’s popular for a reason. The long stretch of sandy beach along turquoise waters of the Hotel Zone is second to none and the place to stay. Read more: The Best Cancun Day Trips

Best Places to visit in Mexico Cancun

Our favorite hotels in Cancun are:

  • Cancun Excellent Riviera – Adults-Only hotel on the Cancun Riviera. Great food entertainment and luxury rooms. See our video tour here.
  • Cancun Moon Palace – Fun atmosphere on Cancun’s South Shore, luxury accommodations yet laid back vibe.
  • Hyatt Zilhara Cancun – Adults-only all-inclusive in the heart of the hotel zone of Cancun. We love Hyatt Zilharas throughout the Caribbean
  • Read more at: Where to Stay in Cancun: Best Hotels and Areas For Every Budget

Best Places to Visit in Mexico Tulum Ruins

Famous for the ancient ruins of Tulum Tulum is located in the south of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.. While these ruins aren’t our favorite in Mexico, they do have the most awe-inspiring setting of all the Mexican ruins .

Sitting atop high cliffs on the Caribbean Sea, the ancient Mayan city of Tulum had the best view in the house. What makes Tulum popular to tourists besides day trips to the ruins, is its stretch of white sandy beaches. Read more: The Best Tulum All Inclusive Resorts

Where to Stay in Tulum

best places to visit in mexico tulum

  • Generations Riviera Maya Resort  is one of the best all-inclusive resorts if you want to be situated right on the coastline.
  • Kore Tulum Retreat  is a stunning adults-only resort amid Tulum’s Hotel Zone. When we say central, we mean it; you are just steps away from Tulum’s archaeological sites. 
  • Bahia Principe Grand Tulum  is one of the best all-inclusive resorts in Tulum. Its all-inclusive resort package includes all meals – giving you a definite head start on saving money when staying in Tulum.

4. Rio Secreto Cenote

Best Places to visit in Mexico Cenotes

The resorts along its turquoise waters are quieter than the other resort areas making for a more off-the-beaten-path vacation than the busier city of Cancun. If you want to explore Cenotes, this is the place to do it, Tulum has a high concentration of these breathtaking underground sinkholes. Read more: Cenotes in Photos – Discover Mexico’s Extraordinary Underground Caves

Cozumel Best Places to Visit in Mexico

One of our first proper scuba diving trips was to Cozumel and with good reason. This island off the east coast of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula in the Caribbean Sea, Cozumel a popular tourist destination for divers drawing visitors to explore its waters from around the world to view its marine life and coral reefs. This island has some of the best scuba diving on earth within its waters. Don’t worry if you are not a diver, you can go snorkeling as well.

Many people visit Cozumel on a day trip from Cancun or Playa del Carmen, but staying on this island truly has a Caribbean vibe. There are all-inclusive resorts on Cozumel, some small Mayan ruins, and plenty of beautiful beaches. The downtown markets are a fun place to shop and like many Mexican tourist destinations, there’s plenty of nightlife and dining. Read more: The Best Cancun Day Trips

Where to Stay in Cozumel

best places to visit in mexico cozumel beach

  • Presidente InterContinental Cozumel Resort & Spa : Located on a half-mile of private beach, this luxury resort is a paradise for water sports enthusiasts, particularly divers and snorkelers, with the island’s best coral reefs nearby.
  • Hotel B Cozumel : Combining traditional Mexican design with contemporary style, this boutique hotel offers a unique, artsy vibe. With a location right on the Caribbean Sea, it features a private beach area, a seaside hot tub, and opportunities for snorkeling.
  • Secrets Aura Cozumel : This adults-only all-inclusive resort is perfect for couples looking for a romantic getaway.

6. Riviera Maya

Best Places to in Mexico Mayan Riviera

This stretch of resort area spans from just south of Cancun to Punta Allen which is south of Tulum. The Riviera Maya, (or Mayan Riviera as we like to call it) in southern Mexico houses the best resorts of Cancun , Playa del Carmen , and Cozumel. Chances are if you are looking for an all-inclusive resort, you will set your sights on the Riviera Maya.

This stretch makes for a great base as most tours pick you up right at your hotel and hotels have shuttles to major attractions. Plus, with its location on the Gulf of Mexico, the waters are warm and calm with coral reefs right off the shore making for the perfect beach vacation. Check out: Rio Secreto Cenote – Mexico’s Magical Underground Caves

7. Isla Mujeres

Best Places to visit in Mexico Isla Mujeres

Isla Mujeres, “The Island of Women” is mostly visited on a day trip from the mainland but there are resorts on the island where you can stay in paradise.

With white sand beaches, clear turquoise waters, and an abundance of marine life, it’s perfect for water sports, scuba diving and snorkeling or swimming with sea turtles. it is a quieter place in Mexico for a vacation. (unless you stick around the beach where daytrippers come in to party).

The small island is easy to get around by motorscooter or bicycle making for the perfect laid-back vacation. Isla Mujeres is the jumping-off point for whale shark tours and this once-in-a-lifetime tour is something everyone should do when visiting Mexico. Read more: Swimming with Whale Sharks Cancun – A Massive Adventure

8. Chichen Itza

Best Places to visit in Mexico Chichen Itza

We were lucky during our visit to the ancient city of Chichen Itzá so many years ago that we could still climb to the top of the Grand Pyramid El Castillo at this UNESCO World Heritage Site then. While you can no longer go up, it is still worth visiting as one of the new 7 Wonders of the World.

This ancient Mayan city is the mother of Mayan Ruins in Mexico with impeccable grounds that have been well preserved.

This is one of the most popular day trips in Mexico and can become very crowded, so if you really want to explore Chichen Itza, consider spending the night nearby so you can get there early to avoid the tour buses. If you want to book a day trip to see it, make sure to combine it with a dip in one of the nearby Cenotes. Read more: 7 Wonders of the World – the New, The Natural, and the Ancient

9. Playa Del Carmen

best places to visit in Mexico Playa Del Carmen

Playa del Carmen is another famous Mexican beach destination. Located an hour south of Cancun on the Riviera Maya, this is a lovely beach town with plenty of nightlife, shopping, and dining. All of the day trips and activities that you do from Cancun can be done from here and tour operators will pick you up from your hotel.

This resort town has grown a lot over the years and it is no longer the sleepy town we first visited in 1998, but there are still quiet portions. We recommend booking a vacation rental when visiting Playa del Carmen so you can enjoy the beach and the nightlife like a local. Search for places to stay in Playa del Carmen with TripAdvisor.

Where to Stay in Playa del Carmen

best places to visit in mexico playa del carmen apartment

  • Barcelo Maya Palace – Beautiful all-inclusive luxury resort for families.
  • Excellence Riviera – Adults Only hotel with free shuttles.
  • Search for more Playa Del Carmen Hotels on

10. Los Cabos – Cabo San Lucas

best places to visit in mexico cabo san lucas

Located on the west coast of Mexico on Baja California Sur, Los Cabos is one of the most popular places to visit in Mexico for those living on the West Coast of North America. Los Cabos is a municipality that actually consists of two towns, San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas.

The resort strip of Cabo San Lucas lies between the two towns and is filled with all the activities one would expect on a Caribbean Vacation. Albeit, this body of water is on the Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Ocean. Cabo San Lucas is a touristy town where you’ll find partying and nightlife whereas the beach town of San Jose del Cabo has a more authentic feel where you can get a taste of true Mexican culture.

Todo Santos and San Jose del Cabo are great alternatives with plenty of accommodation options. Read more: Sea Kayaking Baja Mexico – A Remarkable 10 Day Journey

Where to Stay in Cabos San Lucas

best places to visit in mexico cabo san lucas hotels

  • The Resort at Pedregal : This luxury resort offers an exclusive and secluded setting on a private coastal bluff. It features plunge pools in every room.
  • ME Cabo by Melia : Located on Medano Beach, this stylish, modern resort is known for its vibrant pool scene and proximity to downtown Cabo’s nightlife.
  • Pueblo Bonito Los Cabos Blanco Beach Resort : This all-inclusive resort offers a family-friendly environment with a prime location on El Médano Beach, one of the most swim-friendly beaches in the area.

11. Chiapas

Best Places to Visit in Mexico Chiapas

Chiapas is the southernmost state in Mexico and we were completely blown away by the beautiful scenery, Mayan Ruins, and the beautiful colonial town of San Cristobal de Las Casas. Make your base in San Cristobal de Las Casas for an out-of-the-ordinary Mexican vacation. The historic center feels as if you have stepped back in time with cobblestone streets weaving through churches and Spanish architecture. The Indigenous People wear their traditional dress as they do their business in this charming town of southern Mexico.

Visit the Mayan ruins of  Palenque and climb its pyramid in solitude and hike through Canyon del Sumidero. The canyon is as old as the Grand Canyon and reaches 300 meters (1000 fett) into the air. Explore its caves and waterfalls and spider monkeys play overhead.

Where to Stay in Chiapas

best places to visit in mexico chiapas ruins

  • San Cristóbal de las Casas : This charming colonial city in the highlands of Chiapas is full of color, culture, and history.
  • Palenque : If you’re interested in Mayan history, consider staying in or near the town of Palenque, which is close to the famous Palenque archaeological site.
  • Tuxtla Gutiérrez : As the capital city of Chiapas, Tuxtla offers a variety of accommodations to suit different budgets and preferences.

best places to visit in mexico izamal yellow city

Izamal is a charming small town located in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico, known as the “Yellow City” because of the color of its buildings, particularly the impressive Convento de San Antonio de Padua, a massive 16th-century Franciscan monastery built on top of a Mayan pyramid.,

The Yellow City is built on and around several ancient Mayan pyramids. The most significant of these is Kinich Kak Moo pyramid, one of the largest in Mexico, which visitors can climb for a panoramic view of the City of Hills.

Izamal is one of Mexico’s “Pueblos Mágicos” or “Magic Towns,” a designation given by the Mexican government to towns that offer unique cultural and historical significance. It’s one of the oldest cities in Yucatán and was an important religious center in the ancient Mayan civilization.

Where to Stay in Izamal

  • Hotel Rinconada del Convento : Situated in a beautiful colonial building, this charming hotel offers spacious rooms arranged around a tranquil central courtyard. With its close proximity to the Convent of Saint Anthony of Padua.
  • Hotel San Miguel Arcangel : This boutique hotel boasts a blend of colonial and modern styles. Its comfortable rooms, beautiful gardens, and swimming pool provide a relaxing retreat after exploring the city. Located near the city center, it’s an excellent base for exploring Izamal’s main attractions.
  • Macan ché Bed & Breakfast : This eco-friendly B&B offers a unique, peaceful setting with lush tropical gardens. Macan ché emphasizes sustainability and local culture, serving homemade breakfasts featuring local ingredients. It also boasts two pools, hammocks for lounging, and is just a short walk from Izamal’s main sites.

13. Copper Canyon

Best Places to Visit in Mexico Copper Canyon Grand Canyon of Mexico

Speaking of canyons, Copper Canyon in Northern Mexico is larger than the Grand Canyon in Arizona! Consisting of six canyons it is a popular place in Mexico to explore by train. Hop aboard the Copper Canyon Railway (The Chihuahua-Pacifico Railway) and take the scenic route from Chihuahua to Los Mochis. Instead of just taking the train, make sure to stay overnight in a hotel overlooking one of the deepest canyons on earth. There is plenty of adventure to be had at Copper Canyon from zip lining, hiking, and horseback riding.

Copper Canyon, or Barranca del Cobre, is located in the southwestern part of the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. It’s often compared to the Grand Canyon in the United States, although Copper Canyon is actually larger and deeper. Copper Canyon provides a blend of natural beauty, cultural immersion, outdoor activities, and culinary exploration, making it a unique destination in Mexico.

14. San Miguel de Allende

Best places to visit in Mexico San Miguel de Allende

One of the most popular places in Mexico for ex-pats is the beautiful colonial city of San Miguel de Allende. It attracts those who wish to enjoy its laid-back lifestyle on an extended trip. For a vacation in Mexico, it isn’t at the top of the list, but for someone traveling around or looking to spend the winter in the country, this is an excellent choice. If you have explored most of the hot spots in Mexico, San Miguel de Allende is the place for you.

This charming town is located just 170 miles from downtown Mexico City, its historic center is filled with rich history and beautiful Spanish-colonial architecture, and the neo-gothic church of La Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel stands proud at its heart.

Where to Stay in San Miguel de Allende

  • Rosewood San Miguel de Allende : This luxury resort beautifully captures the charm of the city’s rich cultural heritage.
  • Hotel Matilda : A boutique hotel that seamlessly combines traditional Mexican architecture with contemporary design.
  • Casa de la Noche : This bed & breakfast is located in a historic former bordello, adding a touch of intrigue to your stay.

Located just 2 hours from Mexico City in central Mexico, Puebla is another captivating destination in Mexico that is beloved for its culinary scene and stunning colonial architecture. The city’s Historic Centre is a UNESCO World Heritage site, with beautiful buildings and streets filled with colourful tiles (talavera).

Puebla is renowned in Mexico for its cuisine. It’s the birthplace of mole poblano, a rich and complex sauce often served over chicken, and chiles en nogada, a stuffed pepper dish that reflects the colors of the Mexican flag.

It is home to the Puebla Cathedral, a Roman Catholic church in the city’s Historic Centre that’s notable for its stunning architecture and the nearby Chapel of the Rosary (Capilla del Rosario) is considered a masterpiece of Mexican Baroque architecture.

Just outside Puebla, you’ll find the Great Pyramid of Cholula, which is considered the world’s largest pyramid by volume. It’s a must-see for anyone interested in pre-Columbian history.

16. Puerto Vallarta

best places to visit in mexico puerto vallarta square

I first heard of Puerto Vallarta on the Love Boat when Captain Stubing took his passengers on a Mexican cruise during one of its special episodes. It only took about 30 years to finally make it there, but we thoroughly enjoyed one of the earliest resort areas in Mexico. Located on Mexico’s Pacific Coast, Puerto Vallarta is a beach town that has been a top draw for tourists for decades.

With all-inclusive resorts similar to the likes of Cancun, visitors can indulge in food and nightlife, beautiful beaches, and watersports. The colonial town of Puerto Vallarta sits among the jungle mountains reaching up from the sea and it is one of the premier places on earth to see humpback whales as they migrate through from December to March. Go horseback riding on the beach or scuba diving off its shores. Puerto Vallarta is a place for relaxation or adventure.

Where to stay in Puerto Vallarta

best places to visit in mexico puerto vallarta los arcos

  • Garza Blanca Preserve Resort & Spa : This luxury resort is set within a nature preserve, offering a blend of beachfront relaxation and adventurous activities.
  • Hotel Playa Los Arcos : Located in the Romantic Zone of Puerto Vallarta. It features three pools, including one for adults only, and offers nightly entertainment. Its location is excellent, within walking distance of the city’s popular beach, Playa Los Muertos, and numerous shops, restaurants, and bars.
  • Casa Kimberly : This boutique hotel is the former home of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. It offers a glamorous and romantic setting with suites named after Taylor’s films, a stunning pool with a jacuzzi, and a rooftop restaurant.

17. Riviera Nayarit

best beaches in mexico playa de los muertos

Located a little farther up Mexico’s Pacific Coast from Puerto Vallarta is Riviera Nayarit. Less visited than the likes of Puerta Vallarta, the beach town of Riviera Nayarit has been a popular surfing spot for years. Sayulita has been a secret to ex-pats and bohemians who enjoy the artistic lifestyle, pristine beaches, and world-class surfing. Explore its fishing villages and enjoy the laid-back beach life as you relish the slow pace of its relaxing beach vibe.

Explore Parque Nacional de la Tovara which is fed by the Pacific Ocean as you enjoy some of the best bird watching in the country. Keep an eye out for crocodiles, and turtles as you enjoy a boat trip through this scenic park. Enjoy the port city of San Blas and stay in a small boutique resort to enjoy its many amazing beaches and colonial history. Or enjoy the authentic Mexican charm of the quiet fishing village of Bucerías:

18. Tecaté – Rancho La Puerta

Places to visit in Mexico Tecate

Tijuana may be the more famous town on Mexico’s northern border, but nearby Tecate is where we took a quiet retreat at Rancho le Puerto. This wellness retreat is a sanctuary in the mountains and has consistently been named one of the best spa destinations in the world by Condé Naste Traveler. Located just outside the small town of Tecate, we crossed the border from San Diego to explore this lesser-visited place in Mexico. Tecate is the gateway to Mexico’s wine route and to the state of Baja California.

19. Mexico City

Mexico City Is a cool place to visit in Mexico

What can I say about the Mexican capital city of Mexico City?  It’s impossible to pinpoint one sole aspect of Mexico City, as to why it deserves its name on this list. Is it the food, architecture, museums, art galleries, bars, or shopping? The city center, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is filled with significant historical buildings, like the Metropolitan Cathedral and the National Palace.

Mexico City is home to a staggering number of museums (over 150), including the world-renowned National Museum of Anthropology, Frida Kahlo Museum, and the Museum of Fine Arts. The city’s culinary scene is one of the best in the world, offering everything from street food stalls to high-end restaurants. It’s the perfect place to sample authentic Mexican cuisine like tacos, tamales, and enchiladas, as well as regional dishes from all over the country.

Just outside Mexico City, you can visit the ancient city of Teotihuacan, home to some of the largest pre-Columbian pyramids in the Americas. Read more and start planning your visit with 10 Best Things to do in Mexico City for an Epic Trip

Where to Stay in Mexico City

best places to visit in mexico mexico city street

  • Four Seasons Hotel Mexico City : This luxury hotel, situated on the grand boulevard of Paseo de la Reforma, offers spacious rooms with views of the courtyard or streetscape.
  • Hotel Carlota : A trendy boutique hotel in the Cuauhtémoc neighborhood, Hotel Carlota is a stylish choice for design lovers.
  • Gran Hotel Ciudad de Mexico : Overlooking the Zócalo, this historic hotel is known for its stunning Art Nouveau stained glass ceiling and early 20th-century Parisian-style decor.

Places to visit in Mexico La Paz

The Baja California Sur capital is a charming city with creative street art and strong coffee with the Sierra Madre Mountains looming in the distance. This charming beach town is known for its gorgeous beaches most notably, Balandra Beach. Think white sands and crystal clear waters hidden away within a bay. Within the bay the water doesn’t rise above your legs, making it possible to walk all the way to a deserted castaway-style beach on the opposite side.

Development is forbidden around the area of Balandra Beach, so there are no ugly resorts lining the beach. In fact, there are no buildings for miles. Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? Not only is Balandra Beach the best beach in Mexico, but it’s also one of the most gorgeous beaches in the world. Read more and start planning 19 Best Things to do in La Paz, Mexico

Where to Stay in La Paz

best places to visit in mexico la paz beach

  • CostaBaja Resort & Spa : This upscale resort overlooks the Sea of Cortez and is adjacent to Mexico’s only Gary Player-designed golf course.
  • Hotel Catedral La Paz : Located in the heart of La Paz, this boutique hotel combines modern comforts with touches of traditional Mexican design.
  • Hyatt Place La Paz : This hotel offers a balance of comfort and convenience. With its spacious rooms, outdoor pool, fitness center, and complimentary breakfast, it’s a solid option for both business and leisure travelers.

21. Oaxaca City

What to see in Oaxaca Mexico

If you’re a foodie, you’ll be right at home in Oaxaca City. Nestled at the base of the Sierra Madre Mountains, Oaxaca City Around every corner in this bustling city, you will find local Oaxacan delights to stuff your face with. If you’ve never tasted Oaxacan cheese, now is your chance. Mole is also the thing to try here. Mole comes in many different flavors, so prepare for a serving of hot chicken smothered in a flavorsome thick sauce.

As with many Mexican cities, the colonial architecture will keep you occupied for hours upon hours. When you’ve finished eating your way through and exploring Oaxaca City, take a day trip to Hierve el Agua. Roughly translating to ‘the water boils’ Hierve el Agua is the site of natural springs, where solidified minerals cascade down the cliff’s edge to look like waterfalls. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

22. Puerto Escondido

best places to visit in mexico puerto escondido

Puerto Escondido, located on the Pacific coast of Oaxaca and is a popular destination in Mexico known for its beautiful beaches. It is particularly known for its surfing at Zicatela Beach, known as the “Mexican Pipeline.” It’s one of the best surf spots in the world, attracting professionals and serious amateurs. There are also beaches with calmer waters suitable for beginners. and surfing.

In addition to Zicatela, there are several other gorgeous beaches to explore, such as Playa Carrizalillo, Playa Manzanillo, and Playa Principal. These beaches are great for relaxing, swimming, and snorkeling.

The area around Puerto Escondido is rich in biodiversity. Laguna de Manialtepec, a few kilometers north of the town, is famous for its bioluminescent plankton. There are also opportunities for wildlife spotting, including birds, turtles, and whales. Puerto Escondido is known for its sea turtle conservation efforts. Visitors can participate in release programs, where baby sea turtles are released into the ocean.

Oaxacan cuisine is one of the most renowned in Mexico, and Puerto Escondido is no exception. You can find delicious seafood dishes, traditional Oaxacan mole, tlayudas (Oaxacan pizza), and mezcal, a traditional Mexican spirit. And this city has excellent nightlife with beachfront bars, clubs and live music venues.

23. Ensenada

If you adore food, especially seafood, you will love Ensenada. Every corner in Ensenada is home to no-frills food stands serving up simple-yet-delicious deep-fried prawn or fish tacos.

A soft flour taco, topped with deep-fried prawns, shredded crunchy lettuce, zesty lime juice, a squirt of sour cream, and fiery chili sauce. What more could you ask for? It doesn’t stop there, Ensenada is home to an award-winning ceviche stand. La Guerrerense is the award-winning stand in question. The awards are well deserved. There’s not a day that’s passed where I haven’t thought about that mixed ceviche taco I devoured from La Guerrerense.

24. San Augustinillo

top areas to visit in Mexico San Augustinillo

On the Pacific coast of Mexico lies the small fishing village of San Augustinillo. The neighboring towns Mazunte and Zipolite often get the acclaim for this area of the Oaxacan coast, but I’d recommend making a beeline straight to San Augustinillo and forgetting about the more popular and built-up neighboring towns.

There are minimal hotels, cabanas, and restaurants lining the beach in San Augustinillo, so there are no crowds of tourists here. The chances are you’ll have a large area of the beach to yourself. If your thing is relaxing on the beach or catching some waves with the surf or bodyboard, the charming village of San Augustinillo is the place for you.

25. Tequila

visiting Tequila town in Mexico

Could any trip to Mexico be complete without visiting the home of tequila, Tequila? OK, this could get a bit confusing. Tequila the drink is named after a town in central Mexico named Tequila. This traditional Mexican town is where the drink tequila is produced. Too much tequila? Get used to it, the one and only theme of your day in Tequila will be drinking lots of tequila.

There are distilleries spread across this town, so head for one and learn how the humble agave plant transforms into one of the world’s most popular drinks and of course, sample their own style of tequila. One place that you cannot miss while you’re in the town of Tequila is La Capilla, named in the top 100 bars in the world.

26. Bacalar

Visit Bacalar in Mexico

Often referred to as the “Maldives of Mexico” because of its stunningly clear, blue lagoon Bacalar is an incredible place to visit in Mexico. lso known as the Lake of Seven Colors, Laguna Bacalar is the second largest natural freshwater lake in Mexico and is known for its stunning blue and turquoise colors. This lagoon is perfect for swimming, kayaking, sailing, and paddleboarding.

Compared to more popular destinations like Cancun or Playa del Carmen, Bacalar is a quieter and less crowded place, which makes it an excellent location for a peaceful and relaxing getaway. Plus, it has a reputation for being eco-friendly with a focus on sustainable tourism. This approach has helped preserve the natural beauty of the area.

I’ve seen some stunning lakes in my time, but the bright blue waters of Bacalar Laguna knock every one of them out of the park. Bacalar is one laid-back place, so it’s nice to kick back and relax for a couple of days.

Don’t spend all your time chilling out and relaxing by the tranquil Laguna though, there are 16 square miles of lake to explore. Rent a kayak and explore the lake yourself. The water is nice and calm, ensuring the perfect conditions for kayaking. Also, take a speed boat tour and spend the morning exploring the cenotes around the lake.

27. Guanajuato

Places worth visiting in Mexico Guanajuato

The first word that springs to mind when I think of Guanajuato is colorful.  If there’s one thing they do well in Guanajuato, it’s sprucing up their buildings with bright colors.  Located in central Mexico, Guanajuato is full of culture, history, and unique attractions. Guanajuato’s city center is a UNESCO World Heritage site, known for its beautifully preserved Spanish colonial architecture and cobblestone streets.

One of the unique features of Guanajuato is its subterranean network of tunnels, originally created for flood control, which now helps manage the city’s traffic. Walking through these tunnels is an adventure in itself and make sure to visit Alley of the Kiss (Callejón del Beso) a narrow alleyway famous for a tragic love story akin to Romeo and Juliet.

Guanajuato is conveniently located in the heart of Mexico, within easy reach of other notable destinations like San Miguel de Allende and Querétaro, and Mexico City.

28. Querétaro

Querétaro is a vibrant city located in the central part of Mexico. It is renowned for its well-preserved Spanish colonial architecture and excellent wine. Querétaro is considered one of the best places to visit in Mexico because of its historic center which is a UNESCO World Heritage site due to its beautifully preserved colonial architecture. The city’s baroque buildings and narrow cobblestone streets are among the most impressive in Mexico.

One of Querétaro’s most iconic landmarks is its massive aqueduct, built in the 18th century. It consists of 74 tall stone arches that stretch across a distance of 1.3 kilometers, offering a remarkable sight.

Querétaro is considered one of the safest cities in Mexico, which makes it an attractive destination for travelers. Plus, Querétaro’s central location makes it a convenient base for exploring other parts of central Mexico. It’s within easy reach of Mexico City, San Miguel de Allende, and Guanajuato.

29. Valladolid

best places to visit in mexico vallidolid

There are a few places on the Yucatan Peninsula that I couldn’t possibly leave off this list. The town of Valladolid is beautiful.  There’s a central plaza overlooked by a stunning cathedral with plenty of bars and restaurants housed in pastel-colored buildings, serving up local specialties.

Having said that, the main reason Valladolid makes this list is down to the cenotes which you’ll discover around the outskirts.  Rent a bike and cycle to Cenote X’Keken and Samula. Take a dip in the refreshing waters of the limestone cave cenotes and marvel at the endless stalactites hanging down above you.

30. Isla Holbox

Best Places to visit in Mexico Isla Holbox

If you haven’t heard of Isla Holbox yet, where have you been? The popularity of this Mexican island has rocketed in the last few years and it’s easy to see why. People are flocking from all corners of the globe to Isla Holbox. At the moment, the island isn’t as developed as the likes of Isla Mujeres. However, who knows in the future?

The main draw of Isla Holbox is the opportunity to get up close and personal with whale sharks from June-September. As well as swimming with whale sharks visit the ecological reserve Yum Balam, kayak in the mangroves, go flamingo spotting, grab yourself a beer at a beach bar, or spend the day floating around in the crystal-clear waters.

best places to visit in mexico merida

Being the capital city of the Yucatan Peninsula and the cultural hub of Mexico, Merida is often hailed as one of the best places to visit in Mexico because of its cultural heritage. But it also has a warm and welcoming atmosphere, delicious local cuisine, and close proximity to significant archaeological sites.

The city is known for its colonial architecture, colorful streets, and historic landmarks, it is a city of beautiful. With art galleries and fine cuisine It’s also a gateway to some of the most important Mayan archaeological sites, such as Uxmal and Chichen Itza. It is close to the beautiful Yucatan Peninsula, with its cenotes (natural sinkholes), wildlife, and beautiful beaches. It’s a short drive from the city to Progreso, a port city known for its beach and seafront promenade.

Plus, Merida has a reputation for being one of the safest cities in Mexico, which makes it a comfortable and welcoming place for tourists. The locals are known for their friendliness and hospitality.

Where to Stay in Merida

  • Casa Lecanda Boutique Hotel : This small luxury boutique hotel is located in the heart of Mérida.
  • Rosas & Xocolate Boutique Hotel + Spa : This award-winning boutique hotel on the prestigious Paseo de Montejo is renowned for its unique pink façade.
  • Hotel El Conquistador : Located near Mérida’s historic center, this hotel offers comfort and convenience. It features a swimming pool, an on-site restaurant, and spacious rooms.

32. Guadalajara

Guadalajara is the second largest city in Mexico after Mexico City and the capital of the state of Jalisco. One of the best places to visit in Mexico for culture, Guadalajara is the birthplace of mariachi music, a symbol of Mexican culture. The city hosts the International Mariachi Festival annually, with performances, parades, and competitions.

Just outside Guadalajara is the town of Tequila, where the world-famous spirit is produced. You can take a tour of the tequila distilleries, see the blue agave fields, and learn about the process of making tequila. The city also has a thriving arts scene, with numerous galleries, street art, and local crafts.

The city also has and impressive architectural heritage, from the grand Guadalajara Cathedral and the Hospicio Cabañas (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) to the modernist buildings in the Colonia Americana neighborhood. Guadalajara is home to several beautiful parks, including the Guadalajara Zoo, one of the most important zoos in Latin America, and the Barranca de Huentitán, a stunning canyon on the outskirts of the city.

33. Acapulco

Acapulco is located on Mexico’s Pacific coast and is a renowned beach resort city that has long been a favorite destination for both domestic and international tourists. It is most famous for its golden sandy beaches. The city’s bay is lined with high-rise hotels and restaurants, and the beaches, such as Playa Condesa and Playa Icacos, are perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports.

The city is known for its party atmosphere, with plenty of places to dance and enjoy music into the early hours of the morning. One of Acapulco’s most iconic attractions, the La Quebrada Cliff Divers are a group of professional divers who perform daring jumps from cliffs as high as 35 meters into the ocean below, a must-see spectacle for any visitor.

Despite being a modern city, Acapulco has some interesting historical attractions. The 17th-century Fuerte de San Diego, for example, is a star-shaped fortress that now houses the Historical Museum of Acapulco, offering insights into the region’s history. From the Chapel of Peace (Capilla de la Paz), located at one of the highest points in the city, you can enjoy stunning panoramic views of Acapulco Bay.

Where to Stay in Acapulco

  • Banyan Tree Cabo Marques : Located on the cliffs of the Pacific Ocean, this luxury resort offers private villas with plunge pools, some with ocean views.
  • Las Brisas Acapulco : This iconic hotel located on a hillside offers a unique experience with private casitas, each with its own or shared pool.
  • Hotel Emporio Acapulco : Located on the main tourist strip of Acapulco, this hotel offers a range of amenities including several outdoor pools, restaurants, a fitness center, and a spa. Its location right on the beach, and proximity to shopping, restaurants, and nightlife, make it a convenient choice for many travelers.

34. El Cuyo

El Cuyo is a sleepy fishing village located on the Yucatan Peninsula’s north coast, in the Yum Balam Biosphere Reserve. Although not as widely known as some of Mexico’s other beach destinations, it’s a place of unspoiled beauty that offers tranquility and an authentic local experience.

Unlike more crowded destinations like Cancun and Playa del Carmen, El Cuyo offers long stretches of relatively untouched and uncrowded beaches, providing an ideal setting for relaxation and escape from the hustle and bustle. Located in the Yum Balam Biosphere Reserve, El Cuyo offers excellent opportunities for wildlife spotting. The area is known for its flamingo colonies and is home to a wide variety of other bird species. Depending on the time of year, visitors may also witness the nesting of sea turtles or catch sight of dolphins in the sea.

As a small fishing village, El Cuyo provides a taste of authentic Mexican life that’s harder to find in more touristy destinations. Visitors can enjoy fresh seafood, interact with the friendly locals, and immerse themselves in the laid-back lifestyle.

35. Monterrey

Monterrey, located in northeastern Mexico, is the country’s third-largest city and one of its most important economic centers. Monterrey is known for its modern skyline, featuring skyscrapers such as the Torre Ciudadana and the Pabellón M. The Faro de Comercio, a striking green laser monument in the city’s Macroplaza, is also a notable sight.

Speaking of the Macroplaza, it’s one of the largest city squares in the world and houses important buildings such as the Metropolitan Cathedral of Monterrey, the Government Palace, and several museums.

Despite being a bustling city, Monterrey is located near impressive natural attractions. The Cumbres de Monterrey National Park includes the iconic Cerro de la Silla mountain, and the Grutas de Garcia are stunning caves accessible by a scenic cable car ride.

36. San Luis Potosí

San Luis Potosí, both a city and a state in central Mexico, played a crucial role in Mexico’s independence and revolution. As a result, it boasts numerous historical monuments, buildings, and museums that chronicle the country’s past.

The city’s historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is filled with well-preserved colonial buildings. Highlights include the ornate Cathedral of San Luis Potosí, Government Palace, and Plaza de Armas.

It’s home to the Huasteca Potosina, a region boasting lush jungle, waterfalls, caves, rivers, and the surreal landscapes of the Las Pozas garden in Xilitla.

Make sure to visit Real de Catorce. Located in the state of San Luis Potosí, this old silver mining town is now a “Pueblo Mágico” (Magic Town) and a popular tourist attraction. It’s known for its well-preserved colonial architecture and spiritual significance, as many believe it to be a place of energy and healing.

San Luis Potosí’s central location makes it an excellent base for exploring other regions of Mexico. It’s a short distance from several other major cities, such as Guadalajara, Monterrey, and Mexico City.

Mexico has Variety

best Places to visit in Mexico Ruins

Variety is Mexico’s middle name. After a day lounging on a pristine beach , you may find yourself tucking into fresh ceviche from a modest food stand on the side of the street or hitting the clubs for an exciting night out. Another day you’ll be wandering around the narrow streets of a city discovering colonial churches amongst the brightly painted buildings. The possibilities in Mexico are endless. So are you ready to choose one of these best places to visit in Mexico on your next trip? Start planning today!

Picturesque beaches are found north, south, east, and west of Mexico. What’s that I hear you say, you want more than beautiful beaches? From Cancun to Tulum and La Paz to Isa Mujeres, the beautiful beaches of Mexico are endless soft white sand that you can walk for days upon.

Don’t worry, the architecture in Mexico’s colonial towns and cities will have you occupied for days. Also, there’s the food, how could I go this long without mentioning Mexican cuisine? The variety of local dishes across the country will have you tucking into something new each meal.  Forget about the Tex-Mex restaurants in Cancun and Puerto Vallarta, get some traditional Mexican food down you at all of these other places to visit in Mexico.

Frequently Asked Questions about Places to Visit in Mexico

best places to visit in mexico cabo san lucas beaches

Where is the nicest place in Mexico?

best places to visit in mexico deb and dave

This largely depends on what you’re looking for. For beach lovers, places like Cancun, , Tulum, and Puerto Vallarta offer stunning shorelines. For cultural enthusiasts, cities like Mexico City, Guanajuato, Oaxaca, and San Miguel de Allende are rich in history, architecture, and local traditions. Nature enthusiasts might enjoy the natural beauty of Chiapas or the Copper Canyon in Chihuahua.

What did Mexico used to be called?

Before it was known as Mexico, the area was home to numerous indigenous civilizations, including the Aztecs and Maya. The Aztecs called their homeland “Anahuac.” After the Spanish conquest, the territory became known as “Nueva España” or “New Spain.” It wasn’t until the country’s independence in 1821 that it became “Mexico,” named after the Mexica people, the indigenous group known as the Aztecs.

What is the most American City in Mexico?

This could be interpreted in different ways. If you’re referring to a city with a significant American expatriate population, cities like San Miguel de Allende, Puerto Vallarta, and Lake Chapala are known to attract many American retirees.

If you’re referring to cities with a lot of American cultural influence, cities closer to the border like Tijuana, Monterrey, and Ciudad Juarez have more American businesses and cultural influences due to their proximity to the United States.

Where in Mexico do the most Americans live?

The highest concentrations of American expatriates in Mexico are found in Mexico City, Guadalajara, San Miguel de Allende, the Lake Chapala area, and various cities in Baja California and along the Riviera Maya, which includes Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Cabo San Lucas and Tulum.

Places to Visit in Mexico – Map

best places to visit in mexico map

And these are the best places to visit in Mexico. Where is your favorite?

Plan Your Next Trip to Mexico with These Resources

  • 10 Best Things to do in Mexico City for an Epic Trip
  • 15 Fun Facts About Mexico
  • Best Things to do in Cancun, Mexico
  • 19 Best Things to do in La Paz, Mexico
  • Amazing Things to do in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula
  • Rio Secreto Cenote – Mexico’s Magical Underground Caves
  • 20 Most Beautiful Caribbean Islands to Put on The Bucket List
  • Amazing Things to Do in Belize

This post was originally written by Nathan of The TRVL Blog. His website is no longer active and it has now been updated by The Planet D.

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Book Your Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner. We have used them for years and have found that they have the best flight deals.

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Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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13 thoughts on “36 Best Places To Visit in Mexico in 2024”

Thanks for the travel inspiration and comprehensive guide. Can’t wait to plan my Mexican getaway and tick off some of these amazing spots!

Nice to see Bacalar mentioned. Spent two weeks in 2006 and fell in love with the people and town.

There is a lot to see in Mexico, without a doubt a lot of culture and magical places to visit and enjoy. I recommend you to take the time to visit all the towns and cities you mention.

ENSALADA! love love love it

My husband and I have vacationed in Mexico numerous times with the help of our travel service elite1500. We absolutely loved Holbox and are hoping it doesn’t get developed too fast!! And yes, swam with the whale sharks and it’s an incredible experience. Still haven’t made it to Mexico City but it’s definitely on the bucket list.

Thanks for your sharing, I plan to go to Mexico next year. But my question is: can people in Mexico speak English? My Spanish skills are limited so I was wondering if you guys could speak fluently while in Mexico and if not, do people speak English? I really want to talk everybody here, but that might be difficult if we don’t have a common language…

Thank you for sharing information. I visited Holbox through “Oscar Cancun Shuttle”, but due to time short, I was unable to visit other popular places.I wish plan and visite again.

Very nice when you got travel to Mexico !

Great article..! It looks like Mexico is one of the most amazing place to visit..Balandra beach looks gorgeous and

Bacalar blue lake is awesome to see…! Hoping to visit soon. Thank you for such a beautiful article.

OMG 🙂 I was there once, but now I see I need to go back asap! Thanks for sharing :)))))) Praying for Mexican people after earthquake.

We will be visiting Holbox for the first time in February. I’m looking forward to it!

Love this article. Read lots of blogs about Mexico as I contemplate where to go and what to do..and this one has came up with new and interesting ones that truly inspire me. Thank you.

WOW! Really wonderful information…

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The 10 Best Beach Destinations in Mexico

top places to visit on mexico

Mexico has a multitude of beautiful beach destinations. Some were Mexican towns gradually gaining popularity as tourist hotspots, and others were conceived as resort towns from the outset. These popular Mexico beach destinations offer powdery sand and crystalline water and an abundance of tourist amenities and attractions.

Cancun can't be beaten for the sheer variety of resorts, nightlife, shopping, and activities. It's got some of the most picturesque beaches in the country (some say in the world!). While some travelers may avoid it because of its reputation as a party destination and spring break-type revelry, families with children will also find plenty of options. Many beachfront resorts are all-inclusive, which may tempt you to stay on-site for your entire stay, but you shouldn't miss out on visiting some of the local attractions by going on a few day trips around Cancun .

Playa del Carmen

Located about 35 miles south of Cancun,  Playa del Carmen  has in the past twenty years or so undergone a radical transformation from a fishing village with hippie appeal to a lively cosmopolitan city. "Playa," as it's called by locals and visitors alike, offers an array of diversions and accommodations which range from laid-back to sophisticated. The pedestrian street Quinta Avenida ("5th Avenue") is one block west of the beach and runs parallel to it. This is the main promenade, and after the sun goes down, it's always bustling as tourists flock to its souvenir shops, bars, dance clubs, and restaurants or just for a stroll along the lively walkway that stretches along some three miles.

Just a bit farther south of the town of Playa del Carmen, there's an upscale tourist development called Playacar, where most of the area's all-inclusive resorts are located. Travelers wanting to visit Isla Mujeres or Cozumel Island for a day trip or a more extended stay can catch the ferry at the Playa del Carmen ferry pier.

Puerto Vallarta

TripSavvy / Ana Alarcon 

First brought to the world's attention in the 1960s by Hollywood stars Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Puerto Vallarta maintains a strong appeal among vacationers. The city's choice location on the picturesque Bahia de Banderas and its cobblestone streets, white-walled houses, wrought-iron balconies, and red-tiled roofs give the city its signature look. There are many things to do in Puerto Vallarta , from zip-lining through the jungle to visiting beautiful botanical gardens, taking a stroll along the Malecón (beachfront promenade), and enjoying the spectacular sunsets. This is a perfect destination for a romantic getaway and one of Mexico's top dining destinations, with a reputation for great restaurants .

TripSavvy / Ana Alarcon

Located on the southern tip of Baja California Sur, where the Sea of Cortez meets the Pacific Ocean,  Los Cabos  comprises the two cities of Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo and the 20-mile corridor between the two. This is a favorite getaway of Hollywood stars and celebrities who enjoy the gorgeous landscape and ultra-luxurious resorts. Only a few of Los Cabos' beaches are suitable for swimming, but plenty of other activities keep you entertained, such as whale watching, sportfishing, and golfing. You can even  ride a camel ! Cabo San Lucas has many restaurants, resorts, and nightclubs, whereas San Jose del Cabo is a charming town with many art galleries and boutiques. Take a walking tour of San Jose del Cabo to get a feel for its history, architecture, and monuments.

Mexico's most stunning beach is located in the heart of the  Riviera Maya . Tulum comprises a  fascinating archaeological site , a hotel zone, and the town of Tulum . Accommodations in Tulum range from rustic cabanas to hip boutique hotels and grand all-inclusives. Those looking for a romantic beach getaway will find some lovely spots for a romantic retreat, and you won't break the bank if you decide to honeymoon here.

Tulum is an excellent destination for those interested in taking part in eco-adventures. It's got nearby cenotes , and the archaeological site of Cobá is not far, so you'll find plenty to keep you busy, although we certainly won't blame you if you can't tear yourself away from the beach.

Mazatlán is a well-established tourist destination on Mexico's Pacific coast in Sinaloa that maintains its Mexican traditions and atmosphere. Visitors can experience an authentic mix of culture and history within a modern destination. Stroll around old Mazatlan to get a feel for the history of the place, then head to the Golden Zone to see some beautiful beaches, hip restaurants, and nightclubs. Known worldwide as a sportfishing destination, visitors can enjoy surfing, horseback riding, mountain biking, bird watching, and golf in Mazatlan, as well as sunning and swimming along its 16 miles of golden beaches. This is an important cruise ship port of call on the Mexican Riviera , but it's certainly worth coming and staying for a long while.

An island off of the Riviera Maya that is just 30 miles long and 10 miles wide, Cozumel is Mexico's premier diving destination , as well as Mexico's most visited port of call by cruise ships. The warm, clear turquoise waters and abundance of coral reefs and sea life attract divers worldwide. This Caribbean island also has several nature preserves: the Cozumel Reefs National Park, Chankanaab Park and Lagoon, and Punta Sur Ecological Reserve. Plus, there's more to do in Cozumel than just diving.

There are only a few all-inclusive resorts on the island. Iberostar Cozumel offers laidback comfort and diving excursions off its pier.

Huatulco is a beach destination on Mexico's Pacific coast in the state of Oaxaca, with nine bays and 36 beaches, many of which are protected as part of the Bahias de Huatulco National Park. Most of the beaches have calm blue-green waters. Tangolunda Bay is where travelers will find top-of-the-line resorts such as Las Brisas Huatulco and one of the best golf courses on the Pacific Coast. Its biodiversity and pristine landscapes make Huatulco a superb place to observe flora and fauna on land and in the sea. This was one of the destinations selected for tourism development by the Mexican government. Still, for some reason, it hasn't been as developed as some others, so you'll find many virgin beaches and natural areas to explore.


The resort town of Ixtapa in Guerrero was founded in the early 1970s by FONATUR (the National Fund for Tourism Development). Zihuatanejo, Ixtapa's sister city, is located only 4 miles south and retains the feel of an authentic small Mexican fishing town. These twin destinations share a beautiful setting, with the crashing waves of the Pacific to the west and the Sierra Madre mountain chain to the east. However, Ixtapa has a modern vibe, whereas Zihuatanejo has an old-Mexico feel. Some of the more popular activities in this area include scuba diving, surfing, and deep-sea fishing. Ixtapa has many large resorts to choose from, and in Zihuatanejo, accommodation runs the range from budget digs to ultra-luxurious boutique hotels such as the ​Thompson Zihuatanejo.

Acapulco was Mexico's foremost beach destination from the 1950s until Cancun surpassed it in the 1980s. It has a nostalgic appeal, as folks remember the Hollywood stars who used to vacation here and the Elvis Presley movie Fun in Acapulco. This remains one of Mexico's most popular resort areas and a favorite destination of spring breakers. With non-stop nightlife, great shopping centers, and restaurants, this vibrant port city is bustling 24 hours a day. However, there's more to do than enjoy the beaches and clubs. You can see the now-iconic cliff divers perform their death-defying jumps from La Quebrada or learn about the area's history as an important port during the colonial period at the Fuerte San Diego.

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37 Best Places to Visit in Mexico You’ll Love

By: Author Amanda OBrien

Posted on Last updated: 16/02/2024

Nestled in the southern portion of North America, Mexico is a long-standing favourite vacation destination. This vibrant country is home to rich culture with an intriguing mix of native traditions and Spanish influences.

In Mexico, you’ll come across an abundance of stunning scenery, beautiful beaches, awe-inspiring architecture, cultural attractions, and historical landmarks. There is so much to explore in the country, but a few spots certainly deserve to be on your bucket list.

To help you compile the perfect travel itinerary when touring Mexico, I’ve highlighted the best destinations for an unforgettable trip. From resort towns to natural attractions, you can find them all below.

37 Best Places to Visit in Mexico

Whether you’re looking to visit a breathtaking beach vacation spot or explore a historic city, you’ll find a variety of diverse destinations in Mexico. Here are the top spots that you should visit.

1. Mexico City

Mexico City is one of the most popular travel destinations in the country. If you’re a culture-loving adventurer looking for an affordable trip, visiting this capital city would be perfect for you.

Tourists flock to the city for its lively atmosphere, renowned arts, delicious cuisine, and vibrant cultural scene. A stroll in the downtown area will allow you to experience the city’s colonial-style architecture and intriguing past.

Mexico City Cathedral

Some of the top attractions and famous landmarks in the city include the Frida Kahlo Museum, Museo Nacional de Antropologia, and Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral. Another must-visit location is the Palacio de Bellas Artes. It is a notable cultural centre in the city that has hosted esteemed events in music, theatre, dance, opera, and literature.

Located on the Caribbean coastline of Yucatán Peninsula, Tulum is a must-visit location. This ancient city boasts well-preserved Mayan ruins and beautiful white sand shores with turquoise waters.

After soaking up the sun at the beach, you can tour the Tulum Archaeological Site, where you’ll learn more about the area’s fascinating history. For more spectacular experiences in the area, check out Playa Paraiso, Cenote Calavera, Coba Ruins, and Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve.

things to do in tulum

Tulum offers spectacular experiences with a range of accommodation options. Whether you want to stay at a 5-star resort or beachside bungalow, there are plenty of options to fit your taste.

Don’t Miss my Post on 33 Fantastic Things to do in Tulum .

3. Cabo San Lucas

Cabo San Lucas is one of the top beach destinations in Mexico. This resort city is situated on the southern tip of the stunning Baja California Peninsula. Here you’ll come across several beautiful beaches and scuba diving locations.

Some of the marine life you can expect to see in the dazzling waters include striped marlin, stingrays, and mahi-mahi. When visiting, be sure to check out the Arch of Cabo San Lucas, El Medano Beach, Playa del Amor (Lovers Beach), and Mt. Solmar for a fun outing.

Cabo San Lucas

In Cabo, you’ll also find numerous world-class resorts and deluxe villas. A few of the best resorts include the Villa del Palmar Beach Resort , Hotel Tesoro Los Cabos , and Riu Palace Cabo San Lucas .

Oaxaca is a vibrant destination that offers a taste of the real Mexico. It comprises a fascinating mix of native Indian and Spanish elements and has remained mostly untouched throughout the years. As such, it has maintained much of its natural beauty.

Monte Albán

This unspoiled city is home to plenty of captivating old architecture. Here you’ll also come across several weekly markets, colourful fiestas, and a vibrant art scene. Other must-see attractions include the UNESCO-listed Historic Centre of Oaxaca and the nearby Monte Alban.

Don’t Miss my post on 23 Must-See Landmarks in Mexico .

5. Copper Canyon

If you’re looking for a destination that’s rich in biodiversity and cultural history, the Copper Canyon is certainly worth visiting. Nestled in northern Mexico, you can find this group of deep canyons in the Sierra Madre Occidental mountains.

Copper Canyon

This renowned natural attraction gets its name from the distinctive copper-green colour of the canyon walls. When visiting this scenic destination, you can enjoy several activities, including hiking, zip-lining, and horseback riding.

One of the best ways to explore the area is aboard the Ferrocarril Barrancas del Cobre (Copper Canyon Railway). On this scenic trail ride, you’ll have stunning views of tropical valleys, alpine forests, and rocky landscapes of the canyons.

You might enjoy reading my article on Mexico Fun Facts.

6. Cancún

Cancún is a lively resort and beach destination located on the eastern edge of the Yucatan Peninsula. The bustling city attracts countless travellers each year and is a popular spring break holiday destination among university students.

cancun hotel zone

There are plenty of fun things to do in this city, including snorkelling, jet skiing, and swimming among reefs and tropical fish. Another exhilarating experience is exploring the Cancún Underwater Museum . Here you’ll come across a stunning collection of sculptures submerged in water that will leave you in awe.

7. Guanajuato

Nestled in central Mexico, Guanajuato is renowned for its silver mining history and stunning colonial architecture. The historic city was founded in the early 16th century and became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988.

Today, it’s a charming vacation spot that offers spectacular experiences. If you’re looking for a central location to tour the city, the Jardin de la Union plaza is ideal. It’s the perfect location to explore the winding lanes and tunnels on foot.


You’ll also find numerous fine art galleries, intriguing museums, and an abundance of architectural gems. Some notable attractions to check out include the Museum of the Mummies of Guanajuato, Juarez Theater, and the Basilica of Our Lady of Guanajuato.

8. Puerto Vallarta

Located on the Pacific coast in Jalisco state, Puerto Vallarta promises exceptional experiences for those looking for a beach holiday. There are plenty of enjoyable water activities for every kind of traveller.

Puerto Vallarta

Whether you want to swim with the dolphins or relax on a luxury yacht sightseeing tour , adventure is abundant in the sparkling sea. In addition to the city’s stunning shores, you’ll find several boutique stores and a range of restaurants along the cobblestone streets. When touring the city, be sure to visit the Puerto Vallarta Pier, Los Muertos Beach, and Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.

Cozumel is a popular Mexican island located just off the Yucatan Peninsula. It is an ideal destination for sun-seekers wanting to explore the magnificent marine life found in the Caribbean Sea.


Cozumel is renowned for its scuba diving spots around its coral reefs. You’ll also find diverse marine life such as manatees, sea turtles, and dolphins in the glistening waters.

A few of the top beaches on the island include Palancar Beach, Paradise Beach, and Playa Punta Morena. Other notable attractions in the area are Zona Arqueológica San Gervasio, Discover Mexico Park, and Punta Sur Ecological Beach Park.

If you want to discover the magnificent Mayan sites in Yucatan, Merida is the place to be. In the city, you can easily access historical attractions such as the Chichen Itza and Tulum.

This capital city is one of the most outstanding old colonial areas in Mexico. Merida is known as the “white city” due to its collection of white stone mansions. While it is called the white city, Merida is a truly colourful and vibrant place, filled to the brim with rich culture and history.


You’ll find eye-catching European influences with French architecture in the area. And there are plenty of admirable places to visit, such as the Mayan World Museum of Merida, Paseo de Montejo, and Plaza Grande.

11. Chichen Itza

The spectacular Chichen Itza is one of the most visited archaeological sites in Mexico. You’ll find this massive and well-restored site situated on the Yucatan Peninsula.

The ancient city is home to magnificent structures that have been around for thousands of years. Chichen Itza thrived from around 600 A.D. to the 1200s. Today, it is visited by countless travellers seeking to experience the rich Mayan culture.

chichin itza yucatan peninsula mexico

One of the most popular points of interest in the area is the massive step pyramid, El Castillo (Temple of Kukulkan). Many travellers enjoy a Chichen Itza day trip to this magnificent location during their stay in Merida, Cancun, or Playa del Carmen.

12. San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel de Allende is a colonial-era city nestled amongst central Mexico’s Sierra Madre Mountains. It is known for its Colonial and Spanish architecture and visual arts.

This city features a romantic atmosphere and is perfect for couples. It’s also a top spot for travellers looking to explore the thriving art scene, music, food, and culture festivals.

San Miguel de Allende

In the historic city centre, you can enjoy strolls through the 500-year-old narrow walkways. Along the way, you’ll find plenty of artisan shops that sell stunning jewellery, crafts, and handmade accessories. Other top spots to visit include the Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel, Fábrica la Aurora, and Charco Del Ingenio.

13. Morelia

Located in the central state of Michoacán, Morelia is a delightful place to explore in Mexico. Here you’ll find more than 200 well-preserved historic buildings from the 17th and 18th centuries.

Additionally, the colonial city’s downtown area has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The picturesque Plaza de Armas is a great starting point to explore the city on foot.


In this large public space, you can easily access several restaurants, cafes, and shopping spaces. There are also spectacular sightseeing opportunities, from statues of revolutionary heroes to scenic gardens.

14. Acapulco

Acapulco is a renowned beach resort town situated on the Pacific coast. In the 1950s, it was a popular getaway destination in Mexico. And today, this iconic spot is making a comeback with increasing popularity as a vacation destination for travellers seeking a lively atmosphere.


Acapulco is best known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant nightlife. So, if you’re a beach bum or party lover, this epic location is certainly worth visiting. It is also a popular getaway for spring breakers and those looking to indulge in international cuisine.

15. Guadalajara

Guadalajara is a fun city located in western Mexico. It is the capital of the state of Jalisco, where mariachi music and tequila were born. Guadalajara is the second-largest city in the country, and there are plenty of exciting things to do here.


The city’s historic centre is filled with colonial plazas and famous landmarks, including the Teatro Degollado, Palacio del Gobierno, and the Baroque Guadalajara Cathedral. Additionally, you can discover the vibrant Mexican culture all around the city. From the mariachi music to the delicious foods, Guadalajara offers an enjoyable experience for all.

Situated in east-central Mexico, Puebla is renowned for its colonial architecture, pottery, and culinary history. Here you’ll come across an extensive display of awe-inspiring pre-Hispanic art that includes mural fragments and ceramics.

If you’re looking for a getaway filled with rich traditions and eye-catching arts, exploring Puebla is a great choice. There are several attractions in the area that are worth visiting such as the Zona Arqueologica de Cholula, Catedral de Puebla, and Museo Amparo.


Puebla is also well-known for its sweet and spicy cuisine. One of the top dishes to try is Mole Poblano. This traditional Mexican dish is made with delicious ingredients, including chocolate, chilis, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

17. Zacatecas

If you’re looking for a Mexican getaway with fewer crowds, Zacatecas is the perfect place to visit. This spectacular state is located in north-central Mexico. It is home to a rich heritage that you can experience through the local foods and captivating cultural sites.


A notable landmark in the area is the La Quemada archaeological site. At this massive pre-Columbian hilltop settlement, you’ll come across a magnificent museum, pyramid and columns. More must-visit attractions for art enthusiasts are the Museo Pedro Coronel and the 16th-century mine, El Eden.

18. San Cristóbal de las Casas

San Cristóbal de las Casas is situated in the state of Chiapas. It features a combination of Mayan culture and colonial architecture.

San Cristóbal de las Casas

The highland town features a combination of Mayan culture and colonial architecture, which includes the yellow San Cristobal Cathedral. When touring the downtown area, be sure to check out the Centro de Textiles del Mundo Maya. At this striking museum, there are several breathtaking displays of colourful, traditional textiles and historical exhibits.

19. Todos Santos

Todos Santos is located at the foothills of the Sierra de La Laguna Mountains on the Pacific coast of Baja California Peninsula in Mexico. This charming vacation spot offers both warm hospitality and weather for a well-deserved getaway.

Todos Santos

Todos Santos is a haven of natural beauty and an excellent option for adventure-seeking travellers. Many individuals are attracted to this location for its arts, healthy lifestyle, and surfing opportunities.

You’ll find many beautiful beaches in the town as well as art galleries. Some of the top spots to visit include Los Cerritos Beach, Punta Lobos, and Casa de la Cultura Profr Nestor Agundez.

20. Cabo Pulmo

Cabo Pulmo is one of the best places to visit in Mexico for epic scuba diving experiences. This protected National Marine Park is located on the east coast of the Baja California Peninsula, spanning between Pulmo Point and Los Frailes Cape.

Cabo Pulmo

At Cabo Pulmo, you can rediscover the dazzling beauty of the underwater world. You can expect to see an abundance of horse-eye jacks and triggerfish, as well as black coral bushes. Larger marine life that you might spot includes whale sharks and spy hammerhead sharks.

21. Costa Maya

If you’re seeking an intimate holiday with quiet beaches, Costa Maya promises a peaceful stay. This stretch of the Caribbean coast is situated on the eastern Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Here you’ll find quaint fishing villages, spectacular scenery, and a laid-back atmosphere.

costa maya

There are also exceptional diving sites for those looking for some extra adventure. Some of the best places to visit in the area include Mahahual Beach, Costa Maya Port Mexico, and Maya Lost Mayan Kingdom.

22. Riviera Nayarit

The Riviera Nayarit is a nearly 322 kilometre stretch of sandy shores and charming villages north of Puerto Vallarta.  Natural beauty is abundant in Riviera Nayarit, making it one of the top places to visit in the country. The most popular cities in Riviera Nayarit include Sayulita, Bucerias, and Nuevo Vallarta.

Riviera Nayarit

If you want to catch some waves or watch the best sunsets , there are plenty of breathtaking beaches in the area. Some of the best unique beaches to visit are Sayulita Beach, Playa San Pancho, and Nahui Beach.

23. The Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve

The Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, or Reserva de la Biósfera Santuario, is a beautiful nature preserve in Mexico. You’ll find this breathtaking biosphere within the rugged forested mountains northwest of Mexico City. It supports the wintering habitat of the gorgeous monarch butterfly.

Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve

This picturesque site is a must-see for outdoor enthusiasts, especially during the annual migration and overwintering of the monarch butterfly. Popular months to visit to witness these phenomenal golden-orange butterflies are between mid-November and mid-March.

24. Volcan Paricutin

If you’re looking to climb a volcano, Paricutin is certainly worth checking out. It is a cinder volcano in the state of Michoacan. Paricutin is the youngest volcano in the world and gained popularity after it surged in 1943.

Volcan Paricutin

This dormant volcano stands at around 2,800 metres in elevation and offers an exhilarating climb. Here you’ll walk through the scenic forest before making your way over a sea of lava rocks. Once at the top, the stunning vistas will leave you in awe.

25. Isla Espiritu Santo

Isla Espiritu Santo is a stunning island that offers a relaxing escape in Mexico. You can find this protected ecological reserve located in the Gulf of California off Baja California Sur. A day trip to the island promises a spectacular experience.

Isla Espiritu Santo

Here you can enjoy several water activities, including kayaking, snorkelling, and diving. It is also an excellent spot for wildlife watching. Some of the species that you can expect to see include sea lions, corals, starfish, manta rays, blowfish, and hawksbill sea turtles.

26. Pico de Orizaba

If you want a thrilling trek, visiting Pico de Orizaba would be worthwhile. Pico de Orizaba, also called Citlaltepetl Volcano, lies on the border of Veracruz and Peubla in south-central Mexico. At 5,636 metres in elevation, it is the highest mountain in the country and the third highest in North America.

Pico de Orizaba

If you’re ready to get your hiking boots dirty, this hike will not disappoint. You’ll have breathtaking views of the surrounding mountainous terrain as well as the domes and bell towers of historic churches in the distance.

27. Isla Mujeres

Isla Mujeres is a small Mexican island off the coast of Cancun. It’s an ideal destination for a Isla Mujeres catamaran tour exploring the Caribbean Sea. The island is known for its crystal-clear waters, where you can enjoy snorkelling, diving, and swimming with whale sharks.

Isla Mujeres

As Isla Mujeres is relatively small, it’s easy to explore nearby attractions on foot. Additionally, you can rent a golf cart, bicycle, or scooter to get around on the island. A few notable points of interest on the island include Playa Norte, Garrafon Natural Reef Park, and Avenida Miguel Hidalgo.

28. Huasteca Potosina

Huasteca Potosina is situated in San Luis Potosi in central Mexico. The remote region offers an idyllic escape surrounded by tropical gardens. It is also home to an impressive network of rivers and cascading waterfalls.

Huasteca Potosina

From admiring tropical flowers to exploring the caves, there are plenty of enjoyable activities for all. In addition to the breathtaking scenery, you can also discover the rich culture of local Huastec people in the region. Top attractions in Huasteca Potosina include the Bridge of Gods, Media Luna Swimming Park, and Tamasopo Waterpark and Waterfalls.

29. Isla Holbox

If you want a peaceful island getaway, a trip to Isla Holbox is a great option. It is located in Quintana Roo State, north of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Isla Holbox is also an excellent choice for a day trip if you want a break from the bustling city of Cancún.

Isla Holbox

The island features colourful Caribbean houses, a lack of cars, and a laid-back atmosphere. Although the seawater is not as clear as other areas in Yucatan, visitors can swim alongside sea turtles and whale sharks during summer.

The island is also home to more than 150 bird species, including pelicans, white ibis, pink spatulas, and flamingos. When visiting Isla Holbox, be sure to check out the Punta Mosquito, Playa Holbox, and Playa Punta Cocos.

Nestled in Yucatan, Izamal is one of the most photogenic towns that you’ll find in Mexico. This small town is nicknamed “Ciudad Amarilla” which means “Yellow City” in English.


In this magical town, you’ll find countless buildings painted in yellow. This bright colonial city is certainly worth visiting, even just for a day trip from Merida. And you definitely wouldn’t want to forget your camera to get those Instagram-worthy pictures.

In addition to the striking buildings, there are several historical sites to see in Yellow City. Some of the top sights include the Kinich Kakmo Pyramid, the Archaeological Zone of Izamal, and Convento de San Antonio de Padua.

31. Palenque

Palenque was a Maya city-state in Southern Mexico. It was anciently known as Lakamha and perished in the 7th century. Today, you can discover the rich history in a scenic setting at the Palenque Archaeological Zone.


The Mayan ruins at Palenque are just as remarkable as those of Chichen Itza. The ruins are positioned in the middle of the jungle which is filled with mahogany, cedar, and sapodilla trees, as well as gorgeous waterfalls.

32. Manzanillo

Located in the state of Colima, Manzanillo is a popular place to visit for sun-seekers and sea lovers. It’s a Pacific Ocean port city and resort that features two bays, Bahía de Manzanillo and Bahía de Santiago.

Bahia de Santiago is well-known for its stunning shores, such as Playa La Boquita and Playa La Audiencia. The beautiful beaches bustle with water sports and offer calm waters, perfect for beginners.


The waters off the coast are great for exploring the captivating coral reefs, dive sites, and shipwrecks. There is also plenty of marlin in the sea. As such, the area is also a popular deep-sea sportfishing site.

33. Sumidero Canyon

If you’re visiting the state of Chiapas, taking a trip to the Sumidero Canyon should certainly be on your itinerary. Located in the city of Chiapa de Corzo, this natural beauty is a major tourist attraction.

Sumidero Canyon

Sumidero Canyon is a deep and narrow canyon that offers a picturesque setting for outdoor adventures. Here you can enjoy several activities, such as picnicking, swimming, hiking, and camping.

You can also enjoy the stunning views with a thrilling Sumidero Canyon tour along the river between the canyon’s walls. And if you’re an extreme sports enthusiast, the area is excellent for rock climbing as well as mountain bike rides.

Akumal is a stunning coastal resort on Riviera Maya, on the Yucatan Peninsula. In the Mayan language, Akumal means “Place of the Turtle”. It is also a popular nesting ground for sea turtles.

Akumal is also a renowned snorkelling destination. So if you’re exploring the sparkling waters, you might just find a sea turtle beside you.


Other marine life that you may see include coral reefs, stingrays, and tropical fish. In addition to Akumal Beach, other top attractions in the area include Aktun Chen, Yal-Ku Lagoon, and Akumal Monkey Sanctuary.

35. Mazatlan

Mazatlan is a resort town located along the Pacific shoreline in Sinaloa, Mexico. It is home to numerous historic sites, intriguing museums, and golden beaches. The area is also famous for big-game fishing. So if you’re an eager angler, it would be a great spot to visit.


In Mazatlan, you’ll find spectacular historical landmarks such as the Teatro Angela Peralta and Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. Other points of interest include the Plaza Machado, Acuario Mazatlan, and Parque Acuático Mazagua.

36. Gran Cenote

Gran cenote is a popular tourist attraction situated just outside Tulum. A cenote is a natural sinkhole created by a collapse of limestone bedrock that uncovers the groundwater. This large cenote has relaxing mineral-rich waters for swimming, a massive cave, and plenty of wooden platforms to relax in nature.

grand cenote

The Yucatan Peninsula is home to many cenotes. Of course, the Gran Cenote would be a top choice if you’re visiting Tulum or nearby areas. Other famous cenotes in Mexico include Cenote Azul and Cenote Yokdzonot.

37. Agua Azul Waterfalls

Last but certainly not least is the picturesque Agua Azul Waterfalls. It is a series of waterfalls situated in the state of Chiapas in southern Mexico that’s certainly worth visiting.

Agua Azul Waterfalls

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Here you’ll find a magnificent stretch of shallow canyons and cliffs where you can admire the bright blue water thundering down into natural pools. The spectacular Agua Azul is in the heart of the jungle. So, you can expect to see a variety of native flora and fauna as well.

Ready to Explore the Best Places in Mexico?

A trip to Mexico would not be complete without visiting one of these spectacular destinations. The endless sunshine, sand, and sea provide the perfect combination for a relaxing getaway.

Whether you’re looking to explore the Mayan ruins or soak up the sun on the white sand beaches, there is a suitable place for every kind of traveller. Regardless of the destination you visit, all offer epic experiences with a vibrant atmosphere.

Looking for more places to explore in North America? Check out this guide on the most beautiful US states .

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Amanda O’Brien is the creator and editor of The Boutique Adventurer. She has visited 80 countries and is a member of the British Guild of Travel Writers as well as the IFTWTA. She is passionate about wine had has just completed Level 3 of the WSET. Born in Australia, she lives in London.

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The Verdict Is In: These Are the Best Places to Visit in Mexico

Best places to visit in mexico.

Mexican Caribbean beach

As the 13th largest country in the world, Mexico has it all. Want to lie down on the sand or go surfing? You have both the Caribbean and the Pacific. Feeling like escaping to a mountain town where they distill tequila? No problem! Itching for culture in a city with millenary history? You'll find several. 

In truth, few places on Earth can compete with this incredibly beautiful, wonderfully friendly and unfailingly fun country. The biggest dilemma every traveler faces is choosing where to go. To help you out, U.S. News released its 2023 rankings of the best places to visit in Mexico. 

Try to go to each of these 15 amazing Mexican destinations at least once.

15. Punta Mita

Fshing boats in Punta Mita Mexico

Located in Mexico's Nayarit Riviera, Punta Mita is a wonderful gateway into the country's Pacific Coast. It's a quieter and more laid-back alternative to nearby Puerto Vallarta. 

The town is known for its luxurious spas and resorts, but there are also affordable and beautiful accommodations near the sea. Life here revolves around the water, so you'll definitely want to participate in watersports and indulge in fresh seafood. The absolute best thing to do, however, is to take a boat trip to the Marieta Islands, where you'll find the most beautiful beach in all of Mexico .

*Note: This list comes from  U.S. News and World Report's 2023-24 report .

14. Playa del Carmen

Playa Del Carmen Beach Tourist District at Mayan Riviera, Mexico

On the other side of the country, hugging the Caribbean Sea, you'll find Playa del Carmen. A popular destination for international tourists, this city is known for beaches, shopping and nightlife.

It's also close to some of the Yucatan Peninsula's coolest spots, like Xcaret's eco-parks and several cenotes.

Cathedral of Puebla

Though it receives a healthy dose of national tourism, Puebla is still somewhat hidden from the international eye. That's all the better for those who make the three-hour drive from Mexico City to this colonial town.

Built around the Puebla Cathedral, the historic center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. While walking around, try some of the city's famous foods, like mole poblano and cemitas. Also, set aside a day to visit the Pyramid of Cholula, whose base area is the largest in the world.

12. Mexico City

Independence Monument Mexico City

Even city haters can't resist the allure of Mexico City. Sure, it's loud, there's pollution, and the crowds are unbelievable. But none of that matters when you're walking around one of the most exciting places on the planet. 

Spend time in the large Chapultepec Park, an impressive urban green space that also hides several museums, including the world-renowned National Museum of Anthropology. Catch the Mexican Ballet at the Fine Arts Museum, see the works of Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera and other important Mexican artists, and spend time at the Zocalo, the heart of the city. 

Merida, Mexico street scene

The capital of the Mexican state of Yucatan, Merida might be one of the country's most neglected cities. People love its colorful streets and the buzz of urban life that brings with it chaos, diversity and excitement. 

But the best part about Merida is that you can easily escape to see ancient Maya ruins, cenotes and quiet fishing villages.

10. Guanajuato

Aerial view of guanajuato, Mexico

Guanajuato is truly one of the prettiest colonial cities in the entire world. The hilly streets abound in color, and cars pass through small tunnels in order to get from one part of the city to another. In the backdrop, the imposing mountains provide scenic views. 

Its city center is another UNESCO site, housing landmarks like the Juarez Theater and the Basilica of Our Lady of Guanajuato. For an impressive panorama over Guanajuato, take the funicular up to Monumento al Pipila. And for something truly unique, go to the Mummy Museum, where you'll see local mummies that were naturally preserved by the geological conditions of the area.

Cancun beach with boat

Mexico's party town par excellence is not a place you'd go to for peace and quiet. The city is big, loud and rowdy, offering some of the best nightlife in the country. Expect over-the-top night shows, gigantic clubs and bars in every corner. 

But while you party your vacation away, don't neglect to enjoy Mexican culture. Within Cancun's Hotel Strip, you'll find El Rey, ancient Maya ruins as well as the Maya Museum. You'll also be close to some of the Yucatan Peninsula's most interesting spots (some of which also appear on this list). Break off an entire day to go to Chichen Itza, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World that's a must-visit archaeological treasure.

8. Manzanillo

Manzanillo, Mexico

With whitewashed houses piled on top of each other, Manzanillo looks as if it belongs on the Mediterranean. Instead, you'll find it on the Pacific, attracting people who want to see a less touristy side of Mexico. 

The vibe is laid back, the seafood is delicious, and the people are friendly. And if you love the world hidden underneath the ocean, you'll be delighted to find shipwrecks and coral reefs that welcome both snorkelers and divers. 

7. Sayulita

Sayulita, Mexico's Pacific coast

Located near Puerto Vallarta and Punta Mita, people come to Sayulita for its strong surfer culture. The high waves of this Pacific town bring in surfers from all over Mexico — as well as the world. Although the spot has become increasingly popular, it has managed to retain its chill atmosphere and stay true to what made it so charming in the first place.

You can also visit the magical Marieta Islands from here or (in the right season) do whale-watching tours. Outside of the water, you can learn about the Huichol people, who are native to the area and who sell their art around town.

6. Isla Holbox

Tropical beach setting on Isla Holbox, Mexico

If you want to see what the Yucatan Peninsula was like before it was overtaken by mass tourism, go to Holbox. About 2.5 hours away from Cancun, this island is cut off completely from the mainland, meaning that you have to take a ferry to get there. This guarantees that only dedicated travelers get here, which keeps it a true island paradise. 

Since Holox is part of the Yum Balam Nature Reserve, you'll have the chance to see some of the Gulf of Mexico's most magnificent wildlife, including sea turtles, flamingos and whale sharks, the largest fish in the entire world.

5. Isla Mujeres

Beach at Isla Mujeres

Another one of Yucatan's treasures, Isla Mujeres is located right off Cancun and is accessible by ferry on a 20- to 40-minute ride. You'll find a completely different vibe from the city and a decidedly wealthier (and older) crowd. 

This is the best spot in the Mexican Caribbean for a luxury vacation, filled with time on gorgeous beaches and visits to the spa, just letting the hours melt away.

Parasailing in Ixtapa, Mexico

Ixtapa is Cancun's twin on the Pacific Coast. Although decidedly less rowdy, the city is marked by a string of large hotels, international restaurants and golf courses. Visitors love to take boats out onto the water or do extreme water sports like parasailing. 

If you're into diving, you absolutely have to book a tour to Los Morros de Potosí, where granite rocks make a habitat for various fishes. Of course, you'll also want to try to catch the sunset every single day.

Punta Sur Eco Beach, Cozumel, Mexico

Like Isla Mujeres, Cozumel is an island off the coast of Cancun. But because it is a very popular stop for Caribbean cruises, it tends to be much more crowded and busy. Not that that should deter you from visiting. After all, the island is popular for a reason. 

Whether you come on a day trip or stay longer, get out to the ocean, where you'll find coral reefs teeming with life. You can also take a jeep tour through the inland jungle or visit the Mayan Ruins of San Gervasio, dedicated to Ixchel, the Maya goddess of love and fertility.

Mayan Ruins of Tulum, Mexico

Years ago, Tulum was the perfect foil to the buzz of Cancun and Playa del Carmen. Today, the once-sleepy town has a boho-bougie vibe that attracts a young crowd with its green-and-beige palette. But despite its change, Tulum is an amazing destination, especially because of its seaside Maya ruins . 

While here, make sure you also explore the treasures of the area, particularly the cenotes (underground sinkholes) that were sacred to the Maya and that now provide incredible spots for swimming and diving.

1. Zihuatanejo

Zihuatanejo, Mexico

If Ixtapa is too busy for you, head a bit farther south to the fishing village of Zihuatanejo. This relaxed spot on the Pacific is known for its seafood, particularly its delicious fish tacos. In the city center, you'll find local markets where you can savor regional food and buy local art and crafts. 

The town's most popular beaches are Playa la Ropa and Playa las Gatas, but there are also smaller beaches where you can enjoy some sun and sand. As in most other places along the Pacific Coast, Zihuatanejo offers great spots for snorkeling, diving, kayaking and boating.

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The 20 Best Places to Visit in Mexico

The 20 Best Places to Visit in Mexico

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Be it windswept tropical beaches, charming cobbled towns, or the welcoming nature of its culture that has a way of drawing visitors in, Mexico delights as one of the top travel destinations in the world. According to Mexico’s Ministry of Tourism, from 2020 to 2021 alone tourist rates to the country grew a staggering 28.1 percent to round out at 31 million visitors in 2021—and with this year’s numbers set to outpace the last, it suffices to say that interest in Mexico is only set to increase.

During a visit, you will likely begin your trip in Mexico City , the country’s thriving capital where some of the country’s top boutique hotels, architectural wonders, and eateries await. From there, even more regional destinations await, from La Paz, a relaxed coastal town on the languid Sea of Cortez, to Chiapas, a mountainous region in southern Mexico overflowing with Maya archaeological sites and Spanish colonial architecture.

For inspiration to plan your next trip, we’ve rounded out the top 20 destinations in Mexico to explore.

San Miguel de Allende

A view of Plaza de la Soledad in San Miguel de Allende.

A view of Plaza de la Soledad in San Miguel de Allende.

Known for its thriving arts community and colorful façades, the cobbled town of San Miguel de Allende in the country’s central highlands is welcoming a wave of development geared to a younger artistic generation. During a visit, opt for a stay at the private and intimate oasis Hotel Amparo , a renovated 300-year-old, five-room property, or next door at Casa Hoyos , where you can find the best rooftop bar in the city, Bekeb . While you’re in town, be sure to explore the area’s natural wine scene during a tasting at Octagano , the only label in Mexico to produce natural wine in clay vessels, and the boutique winery Cava Garambullo , where you can try French-oak-aged orange wine made from chardonnay grapes.

Mexico City

The interiors at Octavia Casa in Condesa.

The interiors at Octavia Casa in Condesa. 

Perhaps the most enticing destination in the entire country, Mexico City is becoming increasingly admired as one of the world’s foremost capitals of creativity and culinary pursuits. New to the city are boutique hotels such as the minimalist Octavia Casa , a seven-room bed-and-breakfast in Condesa, and the 19-suite Casa Polanco , a renovated 1940s mansion in Polanco. During a trip, be sure to visit the new Lago Algo cultural space and restaurant set before the Chapultepec lake in the city’s main green space. Plan ahead for some of the city’s most coveted new restaurants, including the Japanese bistro Koshó , set in the renovated Pasaje Parián passageway in Roma Norte, and Hugo el Wine Bar , an ideal Condesa eatery for small plates like fried calamari and sourdough toast with tangy boquerones.

A panoramic view from a suite at The Cape A Thompson Hotel.

A panoramic view from a suite at The Cape, A Thompson Hotel.

5 Notable ’90s Hairstyles That Still Turn Heads Today

Set on the southernmost tip of the Baja California Sur peninsula, Los Cabos is comprised of the sister cities of Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo. Luxury travelers and nightlife aficionados will gravitate to Cabo San Lucas for a stay at hotels like The Cape, A Thompson Hotel, home to the upscale eatery, Manta , which offers contemporary Mexican cuisine by chef Enrique Olvera. The more laid-back, surf-centric crew will likely gravitate to the historic center of San Jose del Cabo. Located in the downtown area is Drift San Jose , a boutique property conveniently located near some of the town’s top restaurants, including the top brunch locale, Pez Gallo , and the indoor-outdoor café, Lab Baja . For a dose of the area’s festive ambiance, a visit to Hotel El Ganzo is in order, while at Crania (the property’s outdoor venue) expect a rotating calendar of concerts and DJ sets.

The historic center of Morelia.

The historic center of Morelia. 

Set in Western Mexico, Morelia, the capital of the Michoacán state, is a gateway to exploring this region’s rich Prehispanic traditions and colonial architecture. In the city’s downtown center is the rose-hued Morelia Cathedral, which is located near myriad new restaurants, including the elegant La Conspiración de 1809 helmed by chef Cynthia Martinez, who specializes in regional dishes from Morelia. Next door is Café Michelena , a relaxed eatery where guests can enjoy the afternoon while lounging in white-and-red rattan chairs and chatting over cappuccinos and blueberry tarts. From Morelia, other well-known towns are easily accessible, including San Clara del Cobre , home to the country's best coppersmiths, and Patzcuaro, best known as the foremost location of Mexico’s traditional Día de Muertos festivities.

The Baja Club Hotel in La Paz.

The Baja Club Hotel in La Paz.

This relaxed coastal town in Baja California Sur is a springboard to some of the region’s most thrilling ocean explorations. With Baja Club as your home base—a sleek and contemporary 32-room boutique hotel set within a renovated Spanish colonial villa—you’ll be within easy reach of adventures to nearby beaches such as Playa Balandra, home to an iconic mushroom-shaped rock feature. Be sure to book a few days at Camp Cecil by Todos Santos EcoAdventures , a tented camp on Espíritu Santo island that offers adventures like boat tours to swim with sea lions, kayaking excursions to see colonies of blue-footed boobies, and the chance to snorkel with whale sharks, which are usually most prominent from January to April.

Oaxaca City

Image may contain Patio Plant Porch Vase Pottery Potted Plant and Jar

A garden room at Escondido Oaxaca.

Whether you spend the afternoon eating cheese-stuffed and bean-lathered tlayudas at Mercado de La Merced or partaking in a mezcal-infused happy hour at the city’s sleekest bar, Selva , there’s plenty of reason to love Oaxaca City. In this cobbled town, boutique hotels are numerous, including the brutalist-style Escondido Oaxaca and Hotel Sin Nombre , set in a restored 17 th -century building. While you need to book advance reservations for restaurants like Criollo (by chefs Enrique Olvera and Luis Arellano) or Alfonsina , a family-run restaurant known for its delicious mole, you can more casually dip into Onnno for cold brews and Boulenc for fresh-made sourdough. Save time for more far-flung explorations like visiting master textile artisans in the town of Teotitlan del Valle or swimming in the pools of a calcified waterfall at Hierve el Agua.

Puerto Escondido

A view towards the sea from Hotel Terrestre.

A view towards the sea from Hotel Terrestre. 

The coastline near Puerto Escondido is full of surprises, from harboring top-notch surf breaks like those found at Playa Zicatela and Playa Carrizalillo to offering some of the most breathtaking examples of modern Mexican architecture. A visit here is all about discovering the right beach enclave for you. In Mazunte, dirt-track roads lead to bohemian smoothie shops and laid-back bungalows, while San Agustinillo offers jungle abodes like Monte Uzulu and one of the most walkable beaches in the region. Then there’s Zipolite, host to the area’s main nude beach as well as the top cocktail bar, Mezcaleria GotaGorda . Finally, there’s Punta Pájaros, set about 30 minutes northwest of Puerto Escondido. Relaxed yet luxurious, this area is home to design villas by some of the world’s top architects, as well as new boutique hotels like Hotel Terrestre .

The lobby of Banyan Tree Puebla.

The lobby of Banyan Tree Puebla. 

Set two hours southeast of Mexico City, this conservative colonial town is known as one of Mexico’s epicenters for historic churches and vibrant architecture, with façades covered in the region’s famed hand-painted Talavera ceramic tiles. At its center is the zócalo, or the main downtown square, where you can glimpse one of the city’s finest examples of Baroque architecture: the Puebla Cathedral, completed in the 1640s. Bridging the old and new is the International Museum of the Baroque, designed by Japanese architect Toyo Itō, while the Museo Amparo offers fine examples of Prehispanic artifacts. To keep exploring the area, opt for a stay at the new 78-room Banyan Tree Puebla or La Purificadora , an industrial-leaning boutique hotel with a rooftop offering sweeping city views.

Image may contain Plant Grass Lawn Park and Outdoors

A view of the Uxmal ruins in Yucatán, near Merida.

This colorful, cobbled town is not only the capital of the Yucatán state, but it’s also a gateway to exploring the region’s rich arts culture and the living legacy of the Mayas. Stay in a tranquil wellness oasis at Coqui Coqui L’Epicerie Mérida , or opt for a room at the renovated Casa Puuc , where an outdoor garden and refreshing pool await. While in town, be sure to browse the locally-made linens and perfumes at the concept shop Casa Tho (and stay for a cocktail at the Tho Aperitivo ) before dropping into the chic cantina Salón Gallos for dishes offering a contemporary take on classic regional cuisine, from pork tacos topped in garlic-spiced mole to empanadas served with a hearty Yucatecan stew. Save time for more excursions to discover the region’s culture, including a visit to Uxmal ruins, a revered Maya suite known for its Puuc style of architecture: arched doorways and decorative geometric blocks support its many vaults.


The pool area at Cala de Mar Ixtapa.

The pool area at Cala de Mar Ixtapa. 

Once a sleepy fishing village situated on Mexico's central Pacific Coast, Zihuatanejo received an uptick in development when its next-door neighbor, Ixtapa, became a resort hotspot. Evidence of this can be found at the chic 59-suite Cala de Mar Ixtapa , an intimate, wellness-focused property perched on a cliff overlooking the coast. Back in Zihuatanejo and set within easy distance from the downtown center is the Thompson Zihuatanejo, a contemporary respite set along the shores of Playa La Ropa with suites boasting private infinity plunge pools. More under-the-radar and intimate, Musa , set an hour south of Zihuatanejo, offers a relaxed seaside stay with five ocean-facing contemporary suites. With surf accessible directly in front of the hotel, it’s easy to stay secluded in this tranquil spot for days on end, especially when the communal areas include an infinity pool and thatched-roof palapa bar.

Riviera Maya

The setting of Etreo in Riviera Maya.

The setting of Etéreo, in Riviera Maya.

This stretch of Caribbean coastline along the Yucatán Peninsula is one of the country’s most concentrated tourist destinations. Beginning south of Cancun and extending to the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve in Tulum, the area offers plenty to explore, from hidden limestone cenotes, or freshwater swimming holes, to tucked-away ruins like Coba, a site with the region’s highest temple and oldest network of stone causeways in the Maya world. Some of the area’s top resort stays include Etéreo , a 75-room luxury hotel set along a protected stretch of white-sand shoreline, and Palmaïa , a secluded sanctuary set south of Playa del Carmen that’s revered for its plant-based cuisine and jungle spa. Further south in Tulum, top stays include the private and relaxed Olas Tulum , an all-suite property, and Sanará , a wellness-centric property with the plant-focused kitchen, Real Coconut.


Image may contain Nature Outdoors Human Person Animal Mammal Horse Soil Countryside Rural Farm Road and Land

Not only is Guadalajara the land where mariachi music hails, but it’s also the undisputed origin of the Mexican charro , or cowboy. It’s where tequila became tequila , and it’s even the region that produced Luis Barragán, revered as the country’s pioneer of modern Mexican architecture. Though rich with tradition, today Guadalajara is becoming more known for its hip cafés, upscale restaurants, and craft breweries. Base yourself at the city’s original boutique property, Casa Habita , a 37-room hotel with a rooftop pool. From here, it’s easy to arrive at restaurants like Xokol for an upscale presentation of traditional corn-based dishes like tacos and tlacoyos and El Terrible Juan , an all-day café and brew bar. And don’t leave town without a visit to the lienzo , or arena, of the Charros de Jalisco, to see a classic charrería , a rode-style competition that’s also the country’s national sport.

Riviera Nayarit

An ocean cliff villa at the OneampOnly Mandarina.

An ocean cliff villa at the One&Only Mandarina.

Set on Mexico’s Central Pacific Coast and hugged by towering Sierra Madre mountains, the wild coast of Riviera Nayarit offers a surprising mix of small towns and luxurious resorts. For a dose of the area’s relaxed, laid-back roots, opt to visit the beachside towns of Sayulita and San Pancho, where a smoothie bar and hip café are always within reach. For more lofty stays, there’s the 1,500-acre Punta Mita peninsula, an exclusive gated community with somewhat of an arid climate that’s home to resorts like the Four Seasons and St. Regis . Further north and with a verdant jungle ecosystem rife with tropical foliage and towering mountain peaks is Mandarina, a resort development best known for the One&Only Mandarina . At this ultra-luxurious property, each private villa stay comes equipped with a dedicated butler.

Image may contain Nature Outdoors Water Cliff River Scenery Ocean Sea Promontory Shoreline Mountain and Human

The Sumidero Canyon in Chiapas.

In the southernmost bounds of Mexico, Chiapas, a mountainous region that borders Guatemala, offers a vast rainforest landscape where the country’s coffee and cacao plants flourish. To explore the area’s vast system of Maya archaeological sites and Spanish colonial architecture, most travelers base themselves in one of two cobbled towns: San Cristóbal de las Casas or Chiapa de Corzo. Perhaps the best-known cultural site in Chiapas is Palenque, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with over 200 architectural structures and a verdant ecosystem of streams and waterfalls. For the adventurous set, a boat tour of the Sumidero Canyon grants up-close access to the site’s vertical walls, some rising more than 2,500 feet.

Valle de Guadalupe

Image may contain Nature Outdoors Building Countryside Housing Shelter Rural Banister Handrail Hut and House

The unique cabins at Encuentro Guadalupe.

About an hour south of Tijuana, where the towering peaks of the Sierra de Juárez mountains merge with the Pacific Ocean, is the arid wine-growing region of Valle de Guadalupe. Myriad boutique stays are available like Encuentro Guadalupe , a hotel with rectangular eco-pods spread across a 40,000-acre ecological reserve, as well as Casa 8 , private suites located in the heart of Bruma’ s 225-acre vineyards and near the famed restaurant Fauna , by chef David Castro Hussong. The area’s wine route is host to numerous vineyards and fine-dining outposts, including the family-run winery Aborigen , where the natural wine label, Piel de Luna, is produced, as well as restaurants like Deckman’s en El Mogor , a ranch-style eatery with house delicacies like smoky barbecue and fresh Kumiai oysters.

A view of El Tepozteco a small Aztec pyramid above Tepoztln.

A view of El Tepozteco, a small Aztec pyramid above Tepoztlán.

Located about two hours south of Mexico City, Tepoztlán is a pueblo mired in legend and lore. Not only is it believed to be the birthplace of the feathered serpent Aztec god Quetzalcóatl, but it’s also home to the Tepozteco pyramid, a site dedicated to Tepzēcatl, the god of fertility. The mysticism of the town runs through its boutique hotels, including Amomoxtli , located on the outskirts of town and known for its lush gardens and tranquil outdoor pool. In downtown, Casa Fernanda offers a more central stay and is host to Toci Spa and its own on-site temazcal sweat lodge. Within walking distance is Margarita Concept , a greenhouse-style cocktail bar set within the grounds of the hilltop boutique hotel, Posada del Tepozteco .

The village of Bernal in Quertaro.

The village of Bernal in Querétaro.

Considered Mexico’s premier up-and-coming wine region, Querétaro (and its neighboring state of Guanajuato) is beloved for its ever-evolving natural vineyards. One of the top to visit in the area is Tierra de Peña, located in Valle de Colón. Founded by architect-turned-vintner Luis Aburto, the brand is known for its spicy tempranillo and its passionfruit-noted sparkling pet-nat. Querétaro’s growth also includes concepts like Hotel Hércules , housed in a textile production plant first built in 1846. Now, after an extensive renovation, the building will open its doors this July with an indoor beer garden, as well as independent studios by the likes of the design firm Caralarga and the architecture group Goma , which led the hotel renovation, which includes a luxury spa and social club.

An aerial view of the Bacalar Lagoon.

An aerial view of the Bacalar Lagoon.

In the southern stretch of Mexico’s Quintana Roo state is the freshwater lagoon town of Bacalar, one of the fastest-growing pueblos in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. While this destination was once overlooked by the likes of Playa del Carmen and Tulum, it’s now even more coveted thanks to its laid-back appeal and crystal-clear waters. Plenty of eco-conscious boutique hotels are available for a waterfront stay, including Habitas Bacalar , Naya Bacalar , and the forthcoming Boca de Agua , designed by the famed Mexican architect Frida Escobedo. In the downtown area, visitors will find the area’s best spa at Casa Hormiga , as well as top eateries such as Nao Sushi and Macario .

Todos Santos

A beach near Todos Santos.

A beach near Todos Santos.

Located between Los Cabos and La Paz along the Pacific Coast of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula, this diminutive desert town is now officially on the map of travelers everywhere. Not only is it beloved by surfers for its point break at Los Cerritos and its myriad cliffside desert trails with views of the Pacific Ocean, but it’s also a haven for design lovers thanks to its myriad boutique stays, including Hotel San Cristobal and the newer Paradero , both luxury properties. New to town is the natural wine bar, La Confianza, a complement to tried-and-true eateries such as Barracuda Cantina , offering the best shrimp tacos in town, as well as The Green Room , where visitors and locals alike gather to enjoy margaritas and tostadas during sunset.

An infinity pool overlooking Costa Careyes.

An infinity pool overlooking Costa Careyes.

This seaside enclave on Mexico’s Pacific coast first gained notoriety as a hotspot for models and jet setters of the 1980s. Today, the town—set along the south coast of Jalisco and about a 90-minute drive from the Manzanillo airport—is more known for its wellness and architectural offerings. Founded by Gian Franco Brignone in 1968, Careyes is marked by a cliffside with 65 colorful villas cascading towards the water. More expansive homes are available for rent, too, including the royal blue-hued Tigre del Mar and the bright gold Sol de Oriente , as well as homes designed by the beloved Mexican architects Luis Barragán and Diego Villaseñor. During a visit, travelers can enjoy boating to sea caves and white-sand beaches and dining at the seaside Playa Rosa Beach Club and the omakase-style Shio Sushi at the El Careyes Club and Residences .

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top places to visit on mexico

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Home » Travel Guides » Mexico » 15 Best Places to Visit in Mexico

15 Best Places to Visit in Mexico

Pueblos and palm trees, Pacific beaches and Carib charm, potent tequila and taste-bud-tingling margaritas all meet between the borders of Mexico; a land of passion and beauty, where sprawling mega cities rub shoulders with the ruins of ancient Maya and the like.

Here, we take a look at 15 of the top spots that should be on the itinerary of any traveler making their way to this bucket list country of Central America .

Let’s explore the best places to visit in Mexico :

1. Mexico City

Mexico City

A sprawling, seething mass of more than eight million people, Mexico City is the beating urban heart of Central America.

It bursts forth from the Valley of Mexico right in the middle of the country; a patchwork of barrios and shanty towns, gilded historic centers and – more recently – shiny blocks of business high-rises.

In the midst of the Centro Historico, the great Zocalo (the third largest city square in the world) spreads out close to sights like the Templo Mayor (raised atop ancient Aztec ruins) and the sun-splashed stones of Madero Street.

Archaeological museums abound, while Chapultepec is green and leafy, and Condesa comes complete with more international eateries and stylish cocktail bars than you can shake a Mexico City burrito at!

2. Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Seen by many as the veritable jewel of the Pacific Coast, Puerto Vallarta sits nestled beautifully between Mexico’s Sierras Cuale, the rugged Sierra Madre Occidental and the shimmering rollers of the ocean.

For decades it’s drawn jet setters and sunbathers and fashionistas to its shores, and these folk can still be seen flitting between the beaches of Banderas Bay, the golfing resorts of the Mayan Palace and the wealth of fine-art galleries that pepper the old town heart of El Centro.

However, Puerto Vallarta has taken on a more adventurous edge in recent decades, offering trekkers and horse riders routes through the wild Sierra Madre, surfers some of the top left-to-righters in the country, and whale watchers plenty of humpbacks out at sea.


The sleepless party capital of Mexico makes its home on the sun-splashed coast of the Yucatan, where the tropical jungles of Mesoamerica give way to the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea.

The city is one of two halves, spread out between the historic, Spanish-infused old center and the bustling super-resorts of the so-called Hotel Zone.

Of course, the beaches are top-notch, running north to south from popular Pearl Beach and Isla Mujeres to the lively bar-backed Blue Seagull Beach.

After a long day of sunning yourself, Cancun’s clutch of hedonistic cocktail joints and clubs takes over; the likes of Senor Frog’s and Basic Discotheque offering Spring Break-style blow outs the likes of which you’ve never seen!

4. San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel de Allende

A popular out-of-town weekend spot for day-trippers coming from Mexico City and one of the country’s most eye-wateringly wonderful colonial centers for sure, San Miguel de Allende rises in a patchwork of pristine Spanish-style churches and sun-splashed piazzas redolent of Andalusia from its place in the midst of Guanajuato.

A little ironically, this European-infused city was actually one of the powerhouses of the Mexican revolution back in the 19th century, giving the nation the revered national hero of Ignacio Allende (now its namesake). Be sure to case out the beautiful Plaza de Armas and its manicured laurel bushes, before wandering between the tight-knit cobbled streets and spying out the pink-hued El Jardin and San Miguel’s many international eateries and galleries.

5. Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is a bucket list topper for sure.

Raised from the 7th century onwards, this crumbling cluster of ruins and colossal megalith structures was once one of the nerve centres of the great Mayan civilisation.

Visitors come by their thousands to spy out the soaring pyramid temples and UNESCO-attested ruins, flitting in guide groups between the likes of the Temple of the Warriors and the eerily titled Platform of the Skulls, the observatory tower of El Caracol and the haunting Cenote of Sacrifice.

The piece de resistance though? Well, that only comes twice a year, when the serpentine stairs of the soaring Pyramid of Kukulca reflect the low rays of the sun and cast mysterious shadows over the Mayan rockwork.

6. Valladolid

Valladolid, Mexico

Surrounded by the totemic ancient and pre-Columbian sites of the Yucatan Peninsula, Valladolid is a charming colonial city that oozes Spanish charm from every one of its ochre-hued, neo-classical facades.

Nestled just a short drive from both Chichen Itza and party-mad Cancun, the spot is gilded with the gorgeous Catedral de San Gervasio and the Mayan relics of the Museo de San Roque.

But the rich history of this aged and fading conquistador’s city aside, travelers who do linger here will also discover a laid-back café culture booming from between the tree-lined boulevards and streets, while the sparkling waters of Cenote Dzitnup beckon on the edge of town.

Tulum, Mexico

Perched high above the glimmering waters of the Caribbean Sea just a little jaunt down the coast from lively Cancun, the ruins at Tulum continue to vie with Chichen Itza for the place of Mexico’s most famed Mayan site.

Tulum certainly wins on the looks front – that’s for sure.

Its lichen-spotted temple tops come encircled by groves of swaying palm trees, ringed by powdered sands, while the Pyramid El Castillo is a wonder to behold and the remaining rocks of the God of Winds temple stand firm above the ocean.

Tulum is also beloved of beach bums and kite surfers, cenote seekers (check out the awesome El Gran Cenote) and luxury lovers (there are oodles of top-notch hotels on the shores).

8. Santiago de Queretaro

Santiago de Queretaro

Santiago de Queretaro is considered one of Mexico’s safest and prettiest towns.

Since 1996 it’s been tagged with that much coveted UNESCO World Heritage epithet.

And boy is it deserved! Bougainvillea blooms spill out from the low-rise pueblo cottages in the historic center, casting shadows across the Spanish cobbles.

Then there’s the former home of the Spanish viceroyalty of the city, and the legendary Theater of the Republic – the very spot where Mexico’s onetime foreign ruler – Maximiliano – was found guilty at the hands of Benito Juarez.

Steeped in history and charming to the hilt, Queretaro’s a real must on any Mexican trip!

9. Oaxaca City

Oaxaca City

Enfolded by the rising foothills of the Sierra Madre in the deep south-western reaches of Mexico, Oaxaca City is kissed by mountain breezes and adorned with glorious traces of colonialism to boot.

At its very heart, the UNESCO-tagged Zocalo square gives way to a curious medley of the Gothic, Baroque and Art Nouveau.

From here, visitors can opt to hit the stretches of the pedestrianised Andador Macedonio Alcala and spy out contemporary MACO and the Casa de Benito Juarez to name just a few of the artsy and historical musts.

On the fringes of the city stand the World Heritage ruins of Monte Alban too; an enthralling look into the lives and traditions of the mysterious pre-Columbian Zapotec peoples.

10. Cozumel

Cozumel, Mexico

A fragment of Caribbean paradise set just off the much-trodden shorelines of the Yucatan Peninsula, Cozumel reigns as one of Mexico’s supreme tropical destinations.

It comes with countless beaches and stretches of pearly-white, powdery sands, along with its own share of pre-Columbian ruins at the dusty excavations of San Gervasio and the El Caracol lighthouse.

Family-friendly San Miguel is a great place to sample the fiery tacos and bean stews of the Mexican Caribbean too, and the city is replete with oodles of tour providers offering one of Cozumel’s top activities: diving.

This takes place all around the rugged coves of the coast, delving into the coral gardens and marine parks and seeking out turtle nests and eagle rays along the way!

11. Guadalajara

Guadalajara, Mexico

The great unending capital of Jalisco is a cocktail (no pun intended) of all things Mexican, from tongue-tingling margaritas (this is the home of tequila after all!) to the rhythms of mariachi.

It’s also the country’s second biggest metropolis, and has routes going all the way back to the times when Spanish conquistadores roamed Mesoamerica.

Travelers should be sure to see the gorgeous and much-rebuilt façade of the Guadalajara Cathedral, and the enchanting, sombrero-spotted square of Plaza de los Mariachis.

Meanwhile, the district (actually a separate city altogether) of Zapopan offers lively cantinas and bars, and Tlaquepaque has the flavour of an old Mexican pueblo.

12. Zihuatanejo

Zihua Beach

Made famous by the dreams of one Andy Dufresne in the classic prison escape film The Shawshank Redemption, you could be forgiven for thinking that the paradisiacal beach-side strips of Zihuatanejo are inhabited mainly by ex-cons and fugitives from north of the border.

They aren’t though, and instead this beautiful seaside spot is home to makeshift cabanas that spill onto the sands in a medley of margaritas and sun umbrellas, the bobbing boats of local fishermen and the sparkling waters of the Pacific, forever lapping against the rocks and tideline.

Just to the northwest is where travelers will find the real tourist boom – if that’s your sort of thing – between the condos and golf courses of Ixtapa.

13. Cabo San Lucas

Cabo San Lucas

Set between the chiselled cliffs and rugged bulwarks of rock that define the very tip of the Baja California peninsula, the famed resort town of Cabo San Lucas is a place that continues to defy expectations.

Yes, it’s packed with Spring Breakers out of the US, and comes with the legendary bars of Senor Frog’s and Cabo Wabo (owned by none other than Sammy Hagar of Van Halen fame), but there’s also a refined edge to the town.

For example, the Shoppes At Palmilla strip offers swish boutiques and art galleries, while there are more five-star hotels peppering the clifftops of the Baja than you can shake a platter of Tex-Mex at.

Put simply, this one’s a great, all-rounder on the Mexican line-up of beachside resorts.

14. Chihuahua

Chihuahua, Mexico

Not the most historically rich of towns, nor the most energetic, Chihuahua fuses heritage and authentic northern charm between its smatterings of preserved colonial relics.

It’s also famed as the onetime burial spot of the revered holy man come revolutionary Miguel Hidalgo.

Visitors who opt to stop off here, between the cacti-spotted deserts just south of the US border, can enjoy the lively El Palomar Central Park, where festivals erupt ad hoc throughout the year, and a series of beautifully preserved Spanish-style mansions.

Beware: Chihuahua’s unique culinary output is not for the faint hearted – we’re talking about the chiles rellenos, which packs one serious capsicum punch!

15. Acapulco

Sunrise at Acapulco Bay

Perhaps the most famous balneario (beachside resort town) in all of Mexico and now a name synonymous with Pacific relaxation and recreation, Acapulco once led the way for partying and hedonism in these parts.

Its palm-fringed sands and boulder-strewn coves were first discovered in the 1940s and fast became a magnet for gringos and celebs, who came in their droves to raise condos and villas along the sun-splashed shore.

However, a tumultuous gang war has since diminished the easy-going rep and Acapulco now takes a backseat, in favour of spots like Cabo and Puerto Vallarta.

Those who do come can expect beautiful promenades bustling with cantinas, pristine beaches and some seriously dramatic cliff diving from the heights of La Quebrada.

15 Best Places to Visit in Mexico:

  • Mexico City
  • Puerto Vallarta
  • San Miguel de Allende
  • Chichen Itza
  • Santiago de Queretaro
  • Oaxaca City
  • Guadalajara
  • Zihuatanejo
  • Cabo San Lucas

Mexico City   Travel Guide

Courtesy of Torresigner | Getty Images

top places to visit on mexico

16 Best Things To Do in Mexico City

top places to visit on mexico

Mexico City, officially known as Ciudad de México (CDMX), is a growing and vibrant metropolis nestled in the heart of Mexico. The capital city of Mexico offers a blend of history, culture and gastronomy that attracts millions of annual visitors. From

  • All Things To Do

top places to visit on mexico

Museo Nacional de Antropología Museo Nacional de Antropología

Located within the sprawling Chapultepec Forest , the Museo Nacional de Antropología (National Museum of Anthropology) showcases artifacts from Mexico's pre-Columbian era, dating from about 100 B.C. to A.D. 1521. Housed within the facility’s 22 rooms are artifacts, including the famous Aztec Calendar Stone, known as Piedra del Sol, as well as the ancient statue of Xochipilli, the Aztec god of art, games, beauty, dance and maize (among others). The museum offers a look at how tradition, culture and life were formed in all regions of Mexico, and it also educates visitors on how Mexico’s indigenous descendants live today. 

Past visitors said this is a must-see if you’re interested in the ancient cultures of Mexico/Mesoamerica. Reviewers appreciated that the explanatory text features English translations. The museum is so extensive that many travelers said you can spend a whole day exploring the many collections and exhibits and recommend giving yourself plenty of time to visit. As one of the largest and most visited museums in Mexico, the grounds are also home to a gift shop, a cafeteria and the National Library of Anthropology and History. 

top places to visit on mexico

Bosque de Chapultepec Bosque de Chapultepec free

The main park in Mexico City, Bosque de Chapultepec (Chapultepec Forest) was once the temporary home of the Aztec empire after its citizens migrated to modern-day Mexico City in the 13th century. Today, the 1,600-acre Chapultepec is Mexico City's largest park and is popular among families seeking respite from the busy and crowded city.

Divided into three sections, the park is home to many cultural interests, such as the presidential residence, the former presidential palace, a zoo and several museums (including the highly recommended Museo Nacional de Antropología ). The park also hosts numerous military monuments and effigies of Aztec kings, as well as restaurants and playgrounds, plus lots of green space for stretching. What's more, the park features a large lake, where visitors and locals alike can rent pedal boats to cruise around the water (a particular highlight for kids). On the weekends, local vendors fill the park and sell everything from souvenirs to art to snacks.

top places to visit on mexico

Palacio de Bellas Artes Palacio de Bellas Artes free

Considered the cultural center of Mexico City, the Palacio de Bellas Artes (Palace of Fine Arts) is a must-visit. The exterior of this 20th-century palace showcases art nouveau and art deco-style architecture, while the inside features marble floors and vaulted glass windows. 

In addition to its architectural grandeur, the building hosts cultural events in the national theater, including music, dance, theater, opera and literary performances. The museum at the palace also houses several famous murals, including the work of the famous Mexican muralist Rufino Tamayo. On the top floor, you'll find the National Museum of Architecture, which showcases the work and lives of famous Mexican architects, and multiple art museums and galleries. 

top places to visit on mexico

Popular Tours

Hot Air Balloon Flight over Teotihuacan, from Mexico City

Hot Air Balloon Flight over Teotihuacan, from Mexico City

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Balloon flight + Breakfast in a cave + Pyramids + Pick up in CDMX

Balloon flight + Breakfast in a cave + Pyramids + Pick up in CDMX

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Balloon flight + Breakfast in cave + Pyramids + Pick up CDMX.

Balloon flight + Breakfast in cave + Pyramids + Pick up CDMX.

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from $ 137.29

top places to visit on mexico

Zócalo (Plaza de la Constitución) Zócalo (Plaza de la Constitución) free

U.S. News Insider Tip: The Zócalo attracts throngs of visitors and locals, so visit in the early morning or afternoon during a weekday to avoid the heaviest crowds. – Kayla Hui

Officially known as Plaza de la Constitución, El Zócalo is the main public square and one of the most recognizable places in Mexico City. It’s also one of the world’s largest city squares. It contains a giant Mexican flag at its center and has been the centerpiece of public gatherings since the days of the Aztec empire (it was considered the ceremonial center of Tenochtitlán). The site also hosts annual, widely attended religious events during Holy Week and for Corpus Christi, as well as fairs, concerts, and parades. Several historic buildings also border the square, including the city's national cathedral , the National Palace  and federal buildings.

top places to visit on mexico

Museo Frida Kahlo Museo Frida Kahlo

One of the best-known museums in Mexico City exhibits the life and work of its most famous artist: Frida Kahlo. The museum, located in the Coyoacan suburb, is also known as La Casa Azul (The Blue House), and was Kahlo's former residence. It hosts some impressive examples of her works, but travelers say that the best part of visiting the house is seeing where the artist lived and painted with her husband, artist Diego Rivera. Along with paintings by both artists, folk art, photos, documents, books and furnishings, the house also displays personal objects.

Recent visitors to the property said it's a must-see for fans of the artist, saying it shows her life and work in a very personal light. Reviewers were particularly impressed with the display of her clothing and dresses. If you want to take photos, there is an additional modest “permit” fee. 

top places to visit on mexico

Basílica de Santa María de Guadalupe Basílica de Santa María de Guadalupe free

U.S. News Insider Tip: During the summer months, pack a hat and water bottle (there is little shade within the complex). If you plan to use the bathroom on site, bring a couple of pesos with you to use the bathroom and buy toilet paper. – Kayla Hui 

The Basílica de Santa María de Guadalupe (Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe) is an important religious site in Mexico City. Construction for the first shrine built to honor the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe started in 1695 on Tepeyac Hill. However, nearly 300 years' worth of construction and environmental damage threatened the integrity of the basilica, so a new basilica was built on the same plaza in the 1970s.

top places to visit on mexico

Templo Mayor Templo Mayor

Before Spanish colonization, Templo Mayor served as the religious center for the Aztec people. When Spanish conquistadors arrived in the early 16th century, the temple was among many structures that were destroyed and a new cathedral was built on top of the ruins. It wasn't until 1978 that the temple dedicated to the Aztec gods Huitzilopochtli and Tláloc (gods of war and water) was unearthed in the heart of Mexico City. Today, the area remains an active archeological site and the adjoining museum houses thousands of  artifacts, including 2,500 wooden objects from the site. 

Recent visitors said it's fascinating to see the ancient ruins that are tucked away in the center of the city. Many said it's worth spending time in the museum as well, but the site and scale can't match up to the massive Museo Nacional de Antropología . Still, the whole complex has been deemed a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of Mexico City's most popular attractions. If you’re visiting during the summer months, travelers suggest you time your visit for the morning to avoid the sweltering midday heat. Reviewers also warn that most of the information is listed in Spanish only.

top places to visit on mexico

Museo de Arte Popular Museo de Arte Popular

U.S. News Insider Tip: Ditch the large bags and water bottles prior to your visit as you may be denied entry. – Kayla Hui

This folk art museum features handicrafts from all across Mexico and details the country's history and its many cultures. If you want to find out more about the country’s indigenous communities, this is the place to go, according to travelers. Exhibits include glasswork from Tecali, pottery from Michoacán, masks from Chiapas and alebrijes , the colorful painted animal figures from Oaxaca, among other treasures. Make sure to take time to admire the building itself – the 1920s art deco building was the former headquarters of the fire department.

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Full-Day Tour Exploring the Waters of Tolantongo

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Lucha Libre Tickets & Tacos & Beer & Mezcal - BEST NIGHT EVER!

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Balloon Flight + Cave Breakfast + Teotihuacan Tour + Pickup CDMX

Balloon Flight + Cave Breakfast + Teotihuacan Tour + Pickup CDMX

(87 reviews)

from $ 138.62

top places to visit on mexico

Chalpultepec Castle Chalpultepec Castle

U.S. News Insider Tip: Sundays are free for all residents of Mexico and expats living in Mexico, so try to avoid visiting that day if you can. It can get crowded, so it’s recommended to go in the morning when the castle first opens. – Kayla Hui

Constructed beginning in 1725, Chalpultepec Castle has served many purposes in its centuries of use; it was a military academy, an observatory, and the only castle in North America to house rulers, including Emperor Maximilian I and his wife Empress Carlota. It would later be established as the National Museum of History by Lázaro Cárdenas in 1939, which would open the castle to visitors. Located at the entrance of Chalpultepec Park , it’s a historical site that can’t be missed on your next visit to Mexico City. 

top places to visit on mexico

Catedral Metropolitana Catedral Metropolitana free

Mexico's national cathedral – the vaulting, austere, ornate church on the Zócalo' s north end – was once the site of an ancient Aztec precinct, so it has housed the city's spiritual core for centuries. The cathedral was built between 1573 and 1813 after the Spanish conquest of Tenochtitlan and is considered one of Mexico City's many must-see attractions. What’s more, the cathedral is one of the largest churches in Latin America. It’s believed that the materials used to construct the church were taken from the destroyed pyramids and structures belonging to the Aztecs. Highlights of the massive cathedral include five naves, 14 chapels, two of the largest 18th-century organs in the Americas, 150 windows and a painting by famed Spanish artist Bartolome Esteban Murillo.

Depending on your interest in Mexican history and architecture, you could spend anywhere from an hour to a half a day at the cathedral (it’s free to enter). Past visitors recommended paying to take a tour of the interior with a member of the cathedral’s staff, who reviewers say offer a wealth of information about the cathedral’s far-reaching history. According to recent visitors, tours cost approximately 100 Mexican pesos (about $6). Recent visitors said the massive structure is stunning to behold, and even if you don't want to take the time to explore the inside, it's worth the photo-op of the exterior. The cathedral is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and admission is free. Many of the best Mexico City walking tours make stops here, which can be another way to hear an in-depth retelling of the cathedral’s history and significance.  For more information, including Mass times, visit the cathedral's website (in Spanish).

top places to visit on mexico

Museo Soumaya Museo Soumaya free

From exceptional architecture to more than 66,000 featured works, Museo Soumaya is one of Mexico City’s most iconic museums. Established in 1994, Museo Soumaya’s main goal is to preserve and exhibit Mexico and Europe’s artistry. Currently, it houses the largest collection of works by Auguste Rodin outside of France, in addition to artwork by Diego Rivera, Titian, Picasso, Monet and more. 

Beyond the art, the architecture alone is worth seeing. The exterior of the six-story building is wrapped in mirrored hexagons, and the building is the brainchild of Mexican architect Fernando Romero. Recent travelers say Museo Soumaya is reminiscent of New York City’s Guggenheim (both museums are architecturally stunning and feature a circular interior with each floor organized by art type). Some reviewers recommend starting your visit at the top and winding your way down. 

top places to visit on mexico

Palacio Nacional Palacio Nacional free

The National Palace holds the federal executive branch of the Mexican government and sits along Mexico City's main public square, El Zócalo . The palace itself is a massive, ornate building that contains several gardens, murals and fountains in the Spanish Renaissance architectural style. Its highlights are several Diego Rivera murals painted in panoramic style across the palace's walls, which past visitors say are a must-see. These murals depict the stages of Mexican history, from pre-Columbian days to the current age.

Because the Mexican president lives and works within the palace, visitors can only access the site on a guided tour. Tours are free, but can’t be booked in advance online. According to recent visitors, you must go to the ticket office at the Museum of Art of the Ministry of Finance & Public Credit, where you can inquire about tour availability and make reservations in person (this is also where tours depart from). Some reviewers reported success booking tickets in advance by emailing [email protected] with information about the preferred tour date and number of people attending. Along the approximately hourlong tours, you’ll see the Rivera mural collections and the courtyards. You may also get the chance to glimpse the exterior of the legislative chambers. 

top places to visit on mexico

Museo Casa Luis Barragán Museo Casa Luis Barragán

Luis Barragán was a prominent Mexican architect renowned for his modernist style, and his former home – which was first constructed in 1947 and now functions as a museum – is one of the finest examples of his work. The museum is an off-the-beaten-path attraction that travelers say will please all, even those not schooled in architectural history. The house is known for its vivid colors, brilliant use of natural light and its impressive garden with a maze of corridors and trees. In 2004, it was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

Recent visitors said the history of the house, in addition to its interesting architecture, is captivating. However, a handful of recent reviewers were disappointed with the ticket reservation process. To visit, you must book a self-guided or guided tour (available in Spanish and English). Self-guided visits are only available on Thursdays at select times. Tickets for self-guided tours cost 450 Mexican pesos (about $26) per person (note that children 12 and younger are not permitted in the house). Guided tours are available at select times Monday through Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Tickets for guided tours cost more. Tickets are released every Tuesday at noon (Mexico City time).  

top places to visit on mexico

Teotihuacan, Guadalupe Shrine, Tlatelolco & Tequila Tasting

(8592 reviews)

from $ 57.00

Tickets to the Frida Kahlo Museum

Tickets to the Frida Kahlo Museum

(505 reviews)

from $ 37.99

Xochimilco, Coyoacán & Frida Kahlo Museum

Xochimilco, Coyoacán & Frida Kahlo Museum

(5867 reviews)

from $ 43.00

top places to visit on mexico

Torre Latinoamericana Torre Latinoamericana

Open since 1956, Torre Latinoamericana, the 44-story skyscraper in Centro Histórico, is the place to go if you want the best views of the city. Similar to the Empire State Building in New York City , this tower offers visitors jaw-dropping views from its observation deck and restaurant, making it the perfect opportunity to pull out your camera for that Instagram-worthy picture. 

Recent visitors recommended heading up to the top of the tower during sunset to admire the shifting light as it illuminates buildings like the neighboring Palace of Fine Arts. Travelers also warned that if smog levels are high, you won’t be able to see much from the tower’s peak. Some reviewers recommend spending time in the on-site museum, which details the history of Mexico City and the construction of the tower. 

top places to visit on mexico

Teotihuacán Teotihuacán

U.S. News Insider Tip: There is no shade inside the archeological site, so you’ll want to wear a hat. It’s also helpful to have a small backpack to hold a water bottle, sunscreen and toilet paper to use in the washrooms at the site. – Kayla Hui

One of many UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Mexico City region, Teotihuacán ( teh -o-tee-wa- can ) contains some of the largest pre-Hispanic pyramids in all of Mexico. The site contains many popular constructions, including the Palace of the Plumed Butterfly, which showcases various columns of winged creatures, and the awesome Pyramid of the Sun, which sits at the heart of the small city. The nearby museum, Museo de la Sitio, also holds many artifacts from the period.

top places to visit on mexico

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) free

The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (Central University City Campus of the National University of Mexico) includes 32 academic programs, the Mexican Olympic stadium, a Mexican cultural center, a nature preserve and the city's Central Library. The main campus is now designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The city's famous muralists have made their mark on the campus, and travelers recommend you check out the work of famous painter David Alfaro Siqueiros at the Rectorate Tower or the work of Juan O'Gorman at the Central Library. The campus also holds the University Museum of Contemporary Art, an excellent spot for viewing Mexico's more recent cultural offerings. The sculpture garden at the art museum is a particular highlight for past visitors, as is the botanic garden.

top places to visit on mexico

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top places to visit on mexico

10 Places in Mexico Where the Locals Love to Go

Quiet beaches, stunning wine regions, and secluded mountain towns top the list.

Amazing beaches, relaxing settings, natural landscapes, and great food — these are some of the key ingredients Mexicans look for when planning a vacation in their own country. Mexico has many travel destinations that attract travelers from around the world, but for locals, beach towns like Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo and Huatulco and the wine region of Valle de Guadalupe are among the top places to go.

  • Best tourist destination: Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo
  • Underrated hidden gem: Cuernavaca
  • Best for families: Puerto Vallarta
  • Best for couples: Valle de Guadalupe
  • Best for solo travelers: Tulum

Read on for more destinations in Mexico that attract the most local travelers year after year.

Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Guerrero

The neighboring towns of Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo are considered one destination, with Ixtapa being more focused on large resorts and Zihuatanejo having a more bohemian vibe. Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo and Acapulco are always competing to be the favorite vacation spot for Mexicans in Guerrero. They share some of the best reasons to visit: warm waves and year-round great weather.

Las Gatas Beach has crystal clear water, making it a favorite place to go snorkeling. And for those looking to explore someplace new, a water taxi from Playa Linda can take you to Ixtapa Island. After the 10-minute boat ride, you reach a green and golden island with beautiful beaches and not a single car or hotel. Head to one of the beaches, where you'll find restaurants serving fresh fish, coconut shrimp, cold beers, and ceviche.

Cuernavaca, Morelos

About 50 miles from Mexico City, this is a favorite spot for city travelers looking for a place to get away. Cuernavaca is known as the "City of Eternal Spring" for its warm weather all year and the colorful flowers that adorn its streets. Whether you rent a house or stay in a hotel like Las Mañanitas or Hotel Sumiya , large gardens and heated pools are a must.

The historic center, with steep streets and stone buildings, is a lovely place for a stroll; people enjoy discovering local shops, colonial buildings, and quaint parks. This is also where many historic attractions can be found, including the cathedral, Cortés Palace, and the Plaza de Armas, where you'll often find food and craft vendors.

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

This resort city is a popular destination for Mexicans as it has miles of beaches and is surrounded by natural landscapes to explore. You'll find murals, sculptures, and art performances along the Malecón (boardwalk). This is a great place to eat with panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, as is the yacht-filled Marina Vallarta, with its iconic lighthouse and pier.

The beach is a popular destination all year long, and in winter, visitors may see humpback whales that come to the Bay of Banderas to give birth. Sea turtles visit the beach in Puerto Vallarta from August through December to lay their eggs. Since turtles return year after year, the city has developed one of the country's most successful conservation programs, including protected nurseries placed at top hotels. Once the turtles hatch, volunteers release them while teaching visitors about the ecosystem and the importance of protecting these animals.

If you get enough of the beach, the mountain range that surrounds the town is a haven for adventure lovers. Here, you can hike next to waterfalls, mountain bike, or explore the suspension bridge, El Jorullo.

Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California

Great food and fantastic wine? This is the place to go for a trip of indulgence. There are over 150 wineries in the region, producing almost all of the wine in the country. Many of them are open for tours, like L.A. Cetto , Monte Xanic , or Vinícola Bruma . You can enjoy tastings, and some have restaurants offering pairing dinners to highlight the flavors of the Baja cuisine.

Lately, Guadalupe Valley has grown as a gourmet destination, with some top restaurants like Fauna and La Esperanza BajaMed drawing foodies from all over Mexico.

If you want to fully immerse yourself in the wine scene, spend the night at El Cielo , a luxury resort and winery that doubles as a luxury resort. Encuentro Guadalupe is another unique accommodation option, with minimalistic rooms on platforms that appear to "float" on the rocky mountain. Campera Bubble Hotel offers glamping in clear-topped "bubble domes" beside a vineyard, perfect for stargazing.

Tulum, Quintana Roo

The archaeological zone of Tulum is unlike any other, as the pre-Hispanic ruins are located on top of a cliff overlooking the turquoise sea of Paradise Beach. Many locals visit Tulum to enjoy the stunning white beaches and explore nature. One of the main draws is the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage site, which includes coral reefs, jungle, mangroves, and cenotes that you can tour .

Many hotels, like Azulik or Papaya Playa Project , offer sustainable experiences, such as spa treatments based on local customs and ingredients. There are also numerous opportunities to connect with nature on a deeper level, like bike tours through the jungle, glamping, or taking a yoga class on the beach.

Valle de Bravo, Estado de México

Valle de Bravo's proximity to Mexico City makes it a popular weekend destination for locals who want to disconnect from urban life. It has the refreshingly slow pace of a small town but offers the amenities you look for in an indulgent vacation. If you want to get off the grid, head to the mountains, where several rental cottages located deep in the forest promise evenings next to the fireplace.

Set on the banks of Lago Avándaro, the picturesque town center is full of restaurants, bars, and shops selling clothing from emerging fashion brands and crafts like blown glass, pottery, and wooden sculptures. The lake is always busy, either with water sports like kayaking and waterskiing or with floating restaurants and bars that take the party to the water. During the winter, visitors head to the Piedra Herrada Sanctuary, where millions of monarch butterflies arrive after a long flight from Canada and the northern United States.

Huatulco, Oaxaca

Mexicans love a good beach, and the 36 beaches of Huatulco are beautiful, framed by a backdrop of green mountains. Water sports like kayaking or sailing are popular, and many visitors enjoy scuba diving through the coral reefs or just sipping mezcal in the shade. Huatulco National Park is the protected area surrounding the nine Huatulco bays, where the tropical forest meets the marine world. It's the perfect place for passionate hikers who want to discover waterfalls, scenic vistas, and wildlife like ospreys and roseate spoonbills.

Learn about the rich culture of Oaxaca by visiting the Museum of Oaxacan Handicrafts . Unlike a traditional museum, the galleries display the work of local community members that's available for purchase. You can visit with craftspeople and shop for rugs with traditional Zapotec techniques and motifs, black clay pottery, clothes with colorful embroidery, or alebrijes (colorful animals made from wood or papier-mâché).

For a worry-free experience, Huatulco has huge resorts in Tangolunda Bay, most all-inclusive, that take care of every detail.

Related: The Best Beaches in Mexico — From Quiet Paradises to Surfing and Party Hot Spots

Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo

Tulum is where Mexicans go to recharge, but Playa del Carmen is where they go to party. This small beach town, with soft sand and turquoise waters, has a vibrant energy. Exclusive resorts and small boutique hotels offer under-the-sun options like water sports and day clubs. Book a day pass at the iconic Mamita's Beach Club or the chic Coralina Beach Club , which offer upscale amenities like beach loungers with waiter service.

The Quinta Avenida (Fifth Avenue) is the main pedestrian street with restaurants, bars, and shopping, from crafts to luxury brands. The street is full of music and action at night, especially on the weekends.

The options for foodies are endless, from typical seafood like that served at Los Aguachiles to eclectic options like Alux , which serves Mayan and Mexican food in an underground cavern. For a truly unique experience, make new friends in a five-course communal dining experience at The Traveler's Table .

Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit

This long strip of beautiful golden beaches is a trending destination spot for Mexicans as it has luxury hotels with infinity pools that overlook the ocean and spas that mix modern treatments with ancient knowledge from Indigenous communities. Se Spa at Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit , for example, offers a massage with obsidian stones as well as chocolate body and face masks.

Vacationers also come for the calm sea in the Bay of Banderas, with several marinas offering slips for small boats up to larger yachts. Snorkeling excursions are popular for those looking for a day on the water. If you prefer a land-based activity, the PGA Championship golf course El Tigre Golf Club is a draw for visitors looking to practice their swing.

To learn about the area's nature conservation efforts, visit the El Cora Crocodile Sanctuary . Some tours even include feeding the crocodiles — but only for the brave!

Oaxaca, Oaxaca

Mexicans travel to this beautiful city rich in culture to enjoy its food, experience the art of making mezcal, and enjoy some of the local traditions. Oaxaca is a constant celebration — in July, there's the Guelaguetza Festival with parades around the city and dance and arts presentations, and in late October and early November, Día de los Muertos — Day of the Dead — takes over.

Exploring the city on foot is a must. You can start by visiting the church of Santo Domingo, featuring architecture from the Baroque period, and then head next door to the  Jardín Etnobotánico , which displays hundreds of Oaxacan plant species. Nearby are craft stores and art galleries where you can buy traditional pieces like alebrijes , or you can visit a mezcalería and learn about the process of preparing mezcal, have a tasting, and choose your favorite to take home.

Oaxaca has a vibrant restaurant scene with spots like Casa Oaxaca and Criollo serving up exquisite creations, but for those looking for a more "local experience," there's nothing like the markets. At the Mercado 20 de Noviembre you can find all the food you can imagine, from an aisle dedicated to meat to another with only chocolate. Some stands have grasshoppers to enjoy on top of tlayuda (a crunchy tortilla topped with refried beans and meat that's the iconic dish of Oaxaca), and then there's dessert, either a refreshing fruit sherbet, like mango or mamey, or a tejate drink made of maize and cacao.

There aren't big hotels or resorts here; it's mostly quaint boutique hotels like Casa Oaxaca , Hotel Azul , or Hotel Los Amantes , where visitors get pampered with wonderful service.

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10 Places in Mexico Where the Locals Love to Go

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Top 10 Must-Try Restaurants In Roswell, New Mexico

Published: September 18, 2024

by Germana Brice


Planning a trip to Roswell, New Mexico? You might know it for its UFO history, but did you know it also has some amazing places to eat? Whether you're craving classic American dishes, spicy Mexican flavors, or something a bit more unique, Roswell has it all. From cozy diners to upscale eateries, this town offers a variety of options that will satisfy any palate. In this guide, we'll highlight the top 10 must-try restaurants in Roswell, New Mexico . Get ready to discover where you can enjoy the best meals while soaking in the local culture. Your taste buds are in for a treat!

Exploring Roswell's Culinary Scene

Roswell, New Mexico, is famous for its UFO sightings, but there's more to this town than extraterrestrial tales. Its culinary scene is diverse, offering everything from classic American dishes to unique Southwestern flavors. Let's dive into the top 10 must-try restaurants in Roswell.

Best Breakfast Spots

Start your day right with a hearty breakfast. These places offer delicious morning meals that will fuel your adventures.

Big D's Downtown Dive Known for its quirky decor and friendly atmosphere, Big D's serves up some of the best breakfast burritos in town. Don't miss their green chile sauce!

Stellar Coffee Co. This cozy cafe offers a variety of coffee drinks and pastries. Their homemade quiches and breakfast sandwiches are perfect for a quick, tasty start to your day.

Top Lunch Destinations

When lunchtime rolls around, these spots offer a variety of options to satisfy your midday cravings.

Peppers Grill & Bar A local favorite, Peppers offers a mix of American and Mexican dishes. Their green chile cheeseburger is a must-try.

Cattle Baron Steak & Seafood Known for its salad bar and hearty entrees, Cattle Baron is perfect for a filling lunch. Try their prime rib sandwich for a real treat.

Dinner Delights

As the sun sets, Roswell's dinner scene comes alive. These restaurants offer a range of cuisines to end your day on a high note.

Farley's Food , Fun & Pub This lively spot offers a variety of American dishes, from burgers to steaks. Their fun atmosphere makes it a great place for families and friends.

Los Cerritos Mexican Kitchen For authentic Mexican cuisine, Los Cerritos is the place to go. Their enchiladas and tamales are crowd-pleasers.

Sweet Treats and Desserts

No meal is complete without something sweet. These dessert spots will satisfy your sugar cravings.

Cowboy Cafe Known for its homemade pies, Cowboy Cafe offers a range of flavors from apple to pecan. Their desserts are the perfect way to end any meal.

Sweet Baby J's Bakery This charming bakery offers a variety of cakes, cookies, and pastries. Their red velvet cupcakes are a local favorite.

Unique Dining Experiences

For those looking for something a bit different, these restaurants offer unique dining experiences you won't forget.

The Liberty Part music venue, part restaurant, The Liberty offers a unique dining experience with live music and delicious food. Their menu features a mix of Southern and Southwestern dishes.

Chef Toddzilla's Gourmet Burgers & Mobile Cuisine This food truck turned restaurant offers some of the most creative burgers in town. Their "Toddzilla" burger, topped with green chile and bacon, is a must-try.

Roswell's culinary scene is as diverse and intriguing as its history. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty breakfast, a satisfying lunch, or a unique dinner experience, this town has something to offer every palate.

Savor the Flavors of Roswell

Roswell offers a diverse culinary scene that caters to all tastes. From authentic Mexican cuisine at Los Cerritos to the unique fusion dishes at Big D’s Downtown Dive, there's something for everyone. Don't miss out on delicious steaks at Cattle Baron or the fresh seafood at Peppers Grill & Bar. For a cozy breakfast, Martin’s Capitol Café is a must-visit. If you crave Italian flavors , Pasta Café Italian Bistro won't disappoint. For a sweet treat, head to Stellar Coffee Co. or Cowboy Café. Each restaurant provides a unique dining experience that reflects the rich culture and history of Roswell. Whether you're a local or just visiting, these top 10 restaurants will leave you satisfied and eager to return. Enjoy your culinary adventure in Roswell!


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Best Places to Visit in Milan: Top 12 Attractions & Sights

Best Places to Visit in Milan: Top 12 Attractions & Sights

WeRoad Team

Italy is one heck of a stylish country, and Milan just might be its most stylish city. It’s an absolute must-visit destination for any budding fashionista, but even if you can’t tell your Dolce from your Gabbana, Milan has plenty of other things to see and do. Here are some of our favourite places to visit in the city.

Table of Contents

The Duomo Milan

The Duomo has to be number one on any Milan list. It’s actually the third biggest church in Europe , beaten only by Spain’s Seville Cathedral and a little place in Rome you might have heard of called St Peter’s Basilica . An enduring symbol of Milan, the Duomo is a true Gothic masterpiece. Even if you’re not much of a fan of religious buildings, we strongly recommend spending a couple of hours exploring this magnificent cathedral.

When work began on the Duomo in the late 14th century, nobody could have predicted that it would take a full 500 years to build — even by a builder’s standards, that’s a bit late. It was worth the wait, though. Admire the ornate stonework on the façade, and take your time to look at the 3,500 statues inside. The cathedral also boasts 135 spires . Today, there are lifts that will take you up for a closer look at them in comfort, but you can always climb the 256 stairs if you fancy a workout.

While you’re in the neighbourhood, take your time to explore the Milano Duomo square that surrounds the area. The Piazza del Duomo is one of the coolest places of interest in Milan, with street performers, amazing architecture and lots of places to dine. The eateries here come with hefty price tags, though. As far as we’re concerned, there are much better places to eat out in Milan, like…

The Duomo Milan

The Navigli District

Here’s a free Italian lesson for you: navigli means canals. The city used to be built on dozens of canals, a little like Venice. Today, most of the waterways have vanished, but a few still remain — and the last two canals in the city can be found in the Navigli District, one of the best places to visit in Milan. Stroll along the banks of the canals and cross the historic bridges. It’s almost like being in Venice, but you won’t need to elbow coach loads of tourists out of the way.

This is our choice if you want things to see and do in Milan after dark, as it has some of the best nightlife in the city . It’s also our choice for some of the most impressive restaurants in Milan. Make like a local and order the Milanese specialities — and sorry, that means no pizza! This is rice country, so risotto is always on the menu. Osso buco is another tasty local treat, a rich, meaty dish of veal shanks that’s perfect for the Milanese winter. Eat it with a bowl of polenta for the ultimate northern Italian comfort food. Who needs pasta?

Navigli district

The Bosco Vertical Forest

Italy is a country steeped in history, so most of the best places to visit in Milan date back hundreds of years. Well, not this one. In fact, the Bosco Verticale was only completed in 2014, making it a rare example of a 21st-century Italian building that holds its own in a sea of ancient monuments.

The name Bosco Verticale means vertical forest , and that’s exactly what this is. It’s an impressive pair of towers covered in thousands of trees and shrubs, showing how humans and nature can coexist. The nearby Biblioteca degli Alberi , or Library of Trees, continues the theme. Take a stroll through this city park, which boasts a striking, geometric layout, and admire the hundreds of varieties of trees on display.

The Bosco Verticale is one sight to admire from the outside because you can’t go in. Amazingly, these buildings are residential homes . If you want to move in and enjoy the coolest address in Milan, a Bosco Verticale penthouse apartment will set you back around €16 million. One to save up for, then…

The Bosco Vertical Forest

La Scala Theatre

For more than 200 years, the Teatro della Scala has been known as the home of opera . It’s still in use today, and if you fancy a night at the opera, there’s no better place to go. This is truly one of Europe’s finest theatres. Its sumptuous red velvet and gold interior will make you feel like royalty, even if you’re heading for the cheap seats.

Now, we know that opera isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but La Scala is still very much an opera house . If you’d rather see pop, rock or death metal, then you might want to skip the evening performance. La Scala is all opera, all the time. There are special family-friendly performances designed to introduce kids to this art form, with children’s tickets available for just €1. Adult tickets start at €5.

If you’d rather poke out your eyeballs than wait for the fat lady to sing, then head for the La Scala Museum . This tells the history of the theatre without making you sit through a show. You’ll still be able to admire that world-famous decor, and you’ll learn about how La Scala became a proud symbol of Italian resistance to the Austrian Empire. It’s honestly fascinating, and it rightly earns La Scala a place on our list of the best places to visit in Milan .

The Scala Theatre

The Brera District

The Brera District is known as Milan’s Artists’ Quarter . In a country like Italy, imagine just how artistic the artists’ quarter must be! In fact, the Brera District is one of the hippest parts of the city, with its charming cobbled streets and gorgeous boutique shops. The contemporary art galleries are a must for art lovers. You could easily spend a day gallery-hopping, taking in the Pinacoteca di Brera, the Galleria Antonio Battaglia and the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera.

Dedicated shoppers can’t miss the Brera Market , which takes place on the third Sunday of every month . This is a remarkable market. The focus is on antiques, but it’s a vibrant, colourful street fair with buskers, street performers and mysterious fortune tellers. Don’t expect bargain prices —Milan is not known for its cheap shopping, after all— but come anyway, because the atmosphere is unbeatable. It’s one of the quirkiest and most enjoyable Milan things to see and do.

Coming to Italy to visit Chinatown? Yes, it may sound a little backwards, but thanks to the garment industry workers, Milan has one of the most vibrant Chinatowns in Europe. If you’re —whisper it— starting to get sick of Italian food, come to Via Paolo Sarpi , the pedestrianised street that’s the heart of Chinatown. It’s lined with traditional tea houses , dim sum restaurants and funky, modern eateries serving fusion cuisine.

A major highlight of Milan’s Chinatown is the Fabbrica del Vapore , a cultural centre with a rolling rotation of contemporary art exhibitions. This is something of a hidden gem, but we reckon it’s one of the best places to visit in Milan. The exhibitions here focus on different cultures, and there is often an emphasis on things originating in China and other parts of Asia. In fact, when statues from the Terracotta Army came to Milan, this was chosen to house them.

Via Paolo Sarpi

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

Start saving now because Italy’s oldest shopping centre is not a place for bargain hunters. You’ll need to raid your piggy bank if you want to actually buy something — but even if you don’t, this landmark shopping centre definitely earns a spot on the Milan top attractions list.

Built in 1961, the Galleria was an instant hit in this fashion-mad city. The window displays in its haute couture shops will take your breath away. Not a fan of fashion? Just admire the incredible glass-domed roof and chic architecture. If only all shopping centres were built like this — it would certainly make a trip to the shops a bit less of a chore.

Inside, you’ll find many of Milan’s oldest shops and restaurants. Marchesi 1824 is a 200-year-old pastry shop selling exquisite sweet and savoury treats. You’ll need to reserve in advance if you want a seat by the window, where you can people-watch to your heart’s content. The Biffi Caffè , founded in 1867 by the royal pastry chef, offers the finest local cuisine. If you want to pick up some headwear, the legendary Borsalino hat shop , dating back to 1883, is definitely worth a visit. These stylish old shops and eateries are among the coolest things to see in Milan.

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

Sforzesco Castle

Castello Sforzesco is one of the best places to visit in Milan for any fan of history. In the 14th century, the powerful Visconti family established this castle, but they didn’t have much time to enjoy it. Francesco Sforza ousted them, took control of Milan, and turned the castle into the masterpiece that we see today. Over the following decades, as Francesco’s descendants consolidated power, the castle grew even grander and more impressive.

Today, the Duchy of Milan may be a distant memory, but the castle is still worth a visit. It houses an impressive 12 museums . You probably won’t have time to visit all of them, but don’t miss the Rondanini Pietà Museum , which contains works by Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo .

Sforzesco Castle

Via Monte Napoleone

Via Montenapoleone Milan is a street lined with shops, but as far as we’re concerned, it’s strictly window shopping only. That’s because this is the second most expensive shopping street in the world , beaten only by New York’s Fifth Avenue. It’s the kind of place where even a tote bag requires you to remortgage your house.

This street is home to some of the world’s most recognisable designer brands, including Gucci , Armani , Versace and Prada . However, we’re more interested in the handcrafted shoe stores , where Italian artisans have worked their trade for centuries, painstakingly producing flawless shoes from the finest leather. If you happen to win the lottery and you fancy a pair of made-to-measure boots, this is the place to go. Until then, it’s still one of the best places to visit in Milan, although you’ll probably be limited to strolling along and admiring the luxury from a safe distance.

Via Monte Napoleone

Cenacolo Vinciano

There are very few paintings in the world that boast an entire museum dedicated to them — but that’s exactly what Cenacolo Vinciano is. This museum is all about Da Vinci’s Last Supper . If you want to see the painting, you’ll need to be very organised. The whole thing is operated with remarkably un-Italian precision. You’ll have to book well in advance, and each group is only allowed in for 15 minutes at a time.

The spectacular mural is housed in the place where it was painted, the Santa Maria delle Grazie church. There are a few other works on display, including Donato Montorfano’s depiction of Christ’s crucifixion. As well as the paintings, the museum holds some exhibitions about Da Vinci’s life and works.

The Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio

While the Duomo is the most important religious building in Milan, this basilica has earned second place. From the outside, the red brick walls of the church may not seem as exciting as the Duomo. But just like your mother used to tell you, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. And what’s on the inside of the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio is truly astonishing.

Inside, you’ll find an incredible collection of frescoes and mosaics dating back centuries. Best of all is the  12th-century altar made of solid gold — yes, really. Sant’Ambrogio (Saint Ambrose), the patron saint of the city, lies embalmed underneath the altar. Not bad for a final resting place.

The Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio

Stazione Centrale

Yes, we’re adding the central railway station to our list of the best places to visit in Milan. In fact, this humble train station is one of the most interesting sights in the city for history buffs. It was built during the dark days of the Mussolini regime, and its original architecture reflected fascist principles. In fact, one of the original waiting rooms —now inaccessible to the public— featured a design with swastikas embedded into the floor.

During the Holocaust , unofficial trains transported Jewish resistance fighters to concentration camps from the secret Platform 21. Today, the Memoriale della Shoah , a tribute to those who lost their lives, marks the spot where the platform once stood.

In the 21st century, local politicians have worked to separate the modern station from its fascist past. It has been extensively renovated, transforming it into a far more pleasant place. One of the highlights is the Mercato Centrale . A new market where travellers can enjoy a wide range of local dishes before catching their train.

With its inspiring history, jaw-dropping art and timeless fashion, Milan is one of the hottest destinations in Italy . Our Milan Express trip is a great way to get a feel for the city. In an action-packed four days, you’ll explore Milan as well as the gorgeous Lake Como. Don’t fancy a trip to Milan this time? Take a look at our Italian itineraries and find a group trip that suits you.

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I’m a Patagonia Travel Expert — and Here Are 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Visiting This Remote Part of the World

Whether you're traveling solo or with family or friends, Patagonia offers something for everyone.

iStockphoto/Getty Images

Outdoor adventurers dream of spotting iconic wildlife and trekking among soaring glaciers in Patagonia. But when visiting remote natural wonders with varying landscapes, it’s important to be prepared. As a Patagonia travel specialist for the past 15 years, I know every jaw-dropping nook and cranny, along with the best ways to explore.

Here are 10 common planning mistakes to avoid, so your trip is unforgettable for all the right reasons. 

Planning Without an Expert

Patagonia is divided between Chile and Argentina, which makes it enormous in scale. For this reason, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the numerous search results that appear when planning a trip here. Avoid this by working with a local travel expert who can provide first-hand knowledge. Not only does this make the planning easier, but it's also the best way to take part in experiences that not everyone has access to, like heli-rafting to a nearby remote island where you can have a picnic. 

Underestimating Travel Time

Many visitors underestimate travel times — not only in getting there, but also between remote destinations upon arrival. Going from New York City to Patagonia, for example, takes more than a full day. And once there, you’ll enjoy magnificent landscapes on every long drive, so it’s important to time your itinerary right.

Skipping Cultural Experiences

With so many captivating backdrops for trekking, kayaking, and wildlife spotting, many travelers miss the rich cultural attractions on their way to their next adventure. Trips handcrafted by local travel experts help you delve into the various lifestyles of the place you're visiting. One way we do this is by inviting travelers to experience the Patagonian gaucho (or “cowboy”) lifestyle by staying at a cattle ranch within Perito Moreno National Park . 

Not Eating Local Food

Argentinian cuisine is one of a kind. Whether it’s juicy guanaco steaks, grilled jabali (wild boar), or trout straight from the river to your plate, sampling delicious dishes made with local ingredients is key when visiting Patagonia. 

Forgetting Your Sense of Adventure

When visiting Patagonia, it’s important to not be afraid of journeying off the beaten path — it’s where you’ll find some of the region's most awe-inspiring landscapes , along with the joy of being one of a few travelers lucky enough to witness them. One experience I recommend is mountain biking along the Lago del Desierto. Here, you can admire the scenery of beach forests, mountains, crystal-clear rivers, and glaciers. It’s important to avoid driving or exploring on your own in remote places with limited reception, so hire a trusted local guide for peace of mind. 

Thinking Patagonia Is Only for Extreme Adventures

From ice hiking to whitewater rafting, there’s no doubt Patagonia delivers unbeatable outdoor thrills. But if you’re not a fan of extreme sports, there’s still plenty to do. An exciting itinerary might include a relaxing whale-watching cruise and staying overnight at a working estancia. 

Leaving the Kids at Home

Getting up close to penguins and sea lions in the wild is among the many incredible experiences for kids in this family-friendly destination. Don’t worry, a knowledgeable Patagonia specialist can design an itinerary to suit children of all ages for stress-free travel with local guides at the helm.

Packing Incorrectly 

It’s possible to experience all four seasons in one day in Patagonia. The weather is unpredictable, and this means packing can make or break your trip, so it’s important to come prepared. Most importantly, pack layers to dress for all weather conditions, and make sure your hiking shoes are worn in and ready to go.

Rushing the Journey

When visiting a place like Patagonia, many people often try to fit everything into one trip. Instead,  indulge in slow travel by choosing a few experiences you and your group really want to enjoy. If you try to fit too much in, you may miss out on the moment right in front of you.

Not Being in the Moment

As you connect with the landscapes and soak up fascinating cultural sights, you learn to disconnect from your devices. If you find this hard to do, spotty reception in many places will help you leave the world behind as you venture into the Patagonian wilderness.

Jeaninne Sanz Bernay is a member of Travel + Leisure's A-List, and specializes in creating unique, private journeys to South America. You can create an itinerary that fits your needs with Santz by contacting her at [email protected].

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