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Ballet "Master and Margarita" to music by Alfred Schnitke and Milko Lazar will take place at the  Small Stage  of Bolshoi Theatre on  27-29 October 2023 .

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Ballet  "La Sylphide"  will take place at the  New Stage of Bolshoi Theatre  on 24 and 25 October 2023.

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"La Bayadere"  (ballet in 3 acts) will take place at the  Main stage of Bolshoi Theatre  on 21-22 October 2023 .

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Opera  "Il Barbiere di siviglia"  by  Gioacchino Rossini  will take place at the  New Stage of Bolshoi Theatre  on 18-22 October 2023 .

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  • The Top 10 Things To...

Top Things To Do And See In Novosibirsk, Russia

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After the world-famous St Petersburg and Moscow , Novosibirsk is Russia ‘s third most important city. Off limits to foreigners during Soviet times, this beautifully historic town is only just being discovered by outsiders and its unspoiled nature makes Novosibirsk the ideal place to gain a true and authentic taste of Russia.

The state art museum.

Novosibirsk’s Art Museum is one of the most extensive art galleries in the whole of Siberia. This cultural capital of the Siberian region houses everything from sculpture, to ancient local crafts, to fine paintings, to exquisite Russian Orthodox icons, to the most cutting edge of Russia’s modern art, and with over 10,000 exhibits, there’ll be no end of masterpieces to explore. The immense, grey art deco building is one of the city’s most striking sights and a must-visit for any art buffs travelling the Siberian region.

The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Completed in 1898, this historic cathedral was one of the first buildings in Novosibirsk to be made of stone. The immense domes, sweeping arches, and superb brickwork are characteristic of the Neo-Byzantine style of Russian architecture at the time and the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is one of the finest examples of this style. The gleaming gold dome still retains all the glory of its past and the peaceful interior of the cathedral itself acts as a wonderfully tranquil hideaway from the hustle and bustle of Novosibirsk’s main streets.

The Lenina Square

The beating heart of Novosibirsk: this square is a center of activity, culture , and local life. Lenina Square is home to many of the city’s most important buildings and also acts as an exhibition of some of the city’s most spectacular architecture. The square is a perfect place to soak up the unique architecture, bustling atmosphere, and fabulous culture of Novosibirsk. The Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra, the State Concert Hall, the city hall, and the humongous Opera and Ballet Theatre, are all to be found here, radiating out from the square’s focal point: an enormous statue of leader of the Russian Revolution and Russia’s most infamous socialist, Vladimir Lenin . Many lush green parks are located just a stone’s throw from Lenina Square.

Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre

Inaugurated in 1945, the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre is famous both across Russia and the world for hosting world-class performances of opera and ballet . The repetoire is chock-a-block with masterpieces and the building itself is a sight to behold. The theater is famed for being the largest in Russia, larger even than Moscow ‘s celebrated Bolshoi Theatre. With its three halls, the largest seating around 2,000 people, the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre has a simply huge capacity. Due to its size and grandeur, many have dubbed it the ‘Siberian Coliseum’.

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Novosibirsk Zoo

This world-famous zoo is home to over 10,000 different exotic animals, around 150 of these from the World Red Book of Threatened Species . Its idyllic pine forest setting makes it a wonderfully natural getaway from the city center, but at only a 10 minute bus ride from Novosibirsk’s centre, the zoo remains a very accessible attraction. The Novosibirsk zoological gardens play a vital role in protecting wildlife across the world and saving endangered species from extinction. Almost 40 different captive breeding programs here ensure that exotic species are preserved and allowed to thrive in as natural an environment as possible. In 2012 the zoo was the site of the birth of a hugely rare liger cub, with a male lion and female liger (half lion, half tiger) for parents.

Try Siberian cuisine

A natural haven, the wildlife of the Siberian region is some of the rarest and most iconic on earth. This has hugely impacted the Siberian cuisine which is one of the most interesting in the world. The fabulous restaurants here offer unparalleled opportunities for trying rare meats and fish. Siberian pelmeni (traditional dumplings) are a delicacy across Russia and certainly worth a try. The freshness of the produce in this city makes Novosibirsk one of the best places to try traditional Russian delicacies such as caviar. Novosibirsk’s food scene is one of the best and most varied in Russia.

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The USSR Museum

This fascinating museum prioritizes interactivity to draw visitors right into the world of the Soviet Union . Crossing the entrance way, you’ll feel as though you’ve been transported back in time to a world of Socialism, monumental architecture, and 20th century culture. The space is designed to resemble a typical family home during the Communist period and gives visitors an intriguing snapshot of Russia’s Soviet past . Rumor has it that the building itself was a former headquarters for the KGB. The USSR Museum is a true treasure trove of vintage clothes, busts of Soviet leaders, historic toys, and other curiosities that are sure to keep you entertained for hours on end.

The Museum of Regional Studies

This museum is home to numerous exhibits on local history and nature and is one of Siberia’s most important museums. With around 200,000 artifacts and exhibits spanning around 150,000 years of Siberia’s history, the collection here is simply staggering. Discover the fascinating facts and enthralling details of the native people and local cultural of this world-famous region. Siberia’s inhospitable climate caused the local population to evolve its own, very distinctive culture and way of life which makes the area feel almost like a nation of its own, far removed from modern, European St Petersburg and Moscow.

The N. K. Rerikh Museum

Nicholas Rerikh , also known as Roerich, was one of Russia’s most influential painters as well as being a writer, philosopher, and archaeologist. The N. K. Rerikh Museum is dedicated to the life and work of this fascinating man who was, on numerous occasions, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Many of the artist’s stunning paintings are displayed alongside artifacts from his life and details about the man himself. His five-year trek around the Himalayas and Central Asia is often featured in Rerikh’s landscapes – famed for their breathtaking beauty and striking colors. Free classical concerts are held here on the third Saturday of every month.

The Novosibirsk Planetarium

Only unveiled in 2012, this new addition to Novosibirsk’s excellent array of attractions has already earned itself a fine reputation across the entire country. This planetarium , the fourth largest in Russia, was named in 2015 the best social infrastructure in the country. You won’t need to be an astronomy buff to appreciate the beauty and scale of the solar system through Novosibirsk Planetarium’s observatory and star hall. The center is stunningly located overlooking a natural plateau and surrounded by an astronomically themed park. The park’s lush green alleys are dotted with representations of the sun, planets, and many comets. Observations often coincide with important astronomic events and the center is also home to a café and Foucault tower with a pendulum that demonstrates the earth’s rotation.

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Libretto by Yuri Grigorovich after the fairy-tale of the same name by Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, ideas from the scenario by Marius Petipa used

Choreographer: Yuri Grigorovich Designer: Simon Virsaladze Music Director: Gennadi Rozhdestvensky 

Presented with one interval.

Additional information

Characters and performers  .

Guests are gathering for a Christmas party at the Stahlbaum home. Among them are Drosselmeyer, godfather to Marie and Fritz, the Stahlbaums’ children. He has brought them a wonderful present: a funny Nutcracker.

The children wait with impatience for when at long last they will be shown the Christmas tree and the presents. The long awaited moment comes: the handsomely adorned Christmas tree is presented to the assembled company.

Drosselmeyer suddenly appears disguised as a magician: he is not recognized by the children. Their unknown guest’s ability to make their toys come alive delights the children but, as everything that is clad in mystery, it involuntarily arouses their fear. In order to calm them down, Drosselmeyer takes off his mask and the chil­dren now recognize their beloved godfather. Marie wants to play with the wonderful dolls which have come alive, but they have already been tidied away. To comfort Marie, Drosselmeyer gives her the Nutcracker-Doll. Marie takes a great liking to this awkward, funny creature.

Marie’s brother Fritz, who is a great tease and very naughty, acci­dentally breaks the doll. With great tenderness, Marie comforts her injured Nutcracker and rocks it backwards and forwards. Fritz and his friends now put on mouse masks and tease poor Marie.

The guests appear from an adjoining room. After the final, ceremonial Grossvater dance, they all leave.  At night the room where the Christmas tree stands is bathed in moonlight. It looks mysterious and full of magical secrets. Overcoming her fears, Marie has come to the room to visit her ‘sick’ Nutcracker-Doll. She kisses the doll and rocks it.

Drosselmeyer now appears. But instead of her kind godfather, he has turned into a wizard. At a wave of his hand everything around them is transformed: the walls of the room slide back, the Christmas tree starts to grow. And all the toys come alive and grow together with the tree.

Suddenly, mice creep out from under the floor­boards, led by the Mouse King. The dolls are panic-stricken and thrown into confusion. The Nutcracker’s quick wits and bravery save the day: lining up the lead soldiers, he boldly leads them out to do battle with the mice forces.

However, the forces are unequal, the advantage is on the side of the evil mice. The Nutcracker is left alone to face the Mouse King and his suite. Marie is out of her mind with worry over the danger that threatens her doll. At this very moment, Drosselmeyer hands her a lighted candle and she throws it at the mice who scurry away helter-skelter.

The battle field empties. The only person left here is the Nutcracker who lies without moving on the floor. Marie, together with the dolls, hurries to his rescue. And now a miracle occurs…Before Marie stands a handsome youth, the Nutcracker-Prince. He walks forward to meet her.

The walls of the house disappear. Marie and her friends are standing under a star-studded sky, by a fairy-tale Christmas tree. Snowflakes go round in a magical dance. Marie and her Nutcracker-Prince, beckon, as if to a beautiful dream, to the twinkling star at the top of the Christmas tree. They climb into a magic boat and set off for the top of the tree. The dolls follow behind them.

Marie and Nutcracker-Prince are sailing in their magic boat through the Christmas tree kingdom. There are their friends, the dolls with them. The shining star is getting closer and closer. They are just about to reach the top of the tree when they are suddenly attacked by the mice and the Mouse King who have crept up behind them. Once again, the Nutcracker-Prince goes boldly into battle. Horribly frightened, Marie and the dolls watch the fight. The Nutcracker-Prince vanquishes the enemy. Joyous victory celebrations are underway. The dolls dance, the candles burn even brighter, the Christmas tree comes alive. The evil mice have been defeated. Marie and the Nutcracker-Prince are radiant with happiness - they have reached the kingdom of their dreams! But it appears all this was just a dream. Christmas Eve is over and with it all wonderful reveries. Marie, still in the thrall of the fabulous dream, is sitting at home by the Christmas tree, with the Nutcracker-Doll on her lap.

Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without The Bolshoi Ballet's  The Nutcracker . Come and enjoy Mary and Franz's wonderful adventures as they meet a magician with strange secrets, join an army of valiant toy soldiers to fight a villainous Mouse King and take a trip to a land where everything is made of sweets. This really is an evening of magic: classical ballet at its most visually entrancing, with something to appeal to everyone, young and old. Tchaikovsky's sparkling, effervescent score contains a wealth of famous melodies, and the production is a visual delight from start to finish. Come and experience some special magic this Christmas and into the New Year.

Act I Guests are gathering for a Christmas party at the Stahlbaum home. Among them are Drosselmeyer, godfather to Marie and Fritz, the Stahlbaums’ children. He has brought them a wonderful present: a funny Nutcracker. The children wait with impatience for when at long last they will be shown the Christmas tree and the presents. The long awaited moment comes: the handsomely adorned Christmas tree is presented to the assembled company. Drosselmeyer suddenly appears disguised as a magician: he is not recognized by the children. Their unknown guest’s ability to make their toys come alive delights the children but, as everything that is clad in mystery, it involuntarily arouses their fear. In order to calm them down, Drosselmeyer takes off his mask and the chil­dren now recognize their beloved godfather. Marie wants to play with the wonderful dolls which have come alive, but they have already been tidied away. To comfort Marie, Drosselmeyer gives her the Nutcracker-Doll. Marie takes a great liking to this awkward, funny creature. Marie’s brother Fritz, who is a great tease and very naughty, acci­dentally breaks the doll. With great tenderness, Marie comforts her injured Nutcracker and rocks it backwards and forwards. Fritz and his friends now put on mouse masks and tease poor Marie. The guests appear from an adjoining room. After the final, ceremonial Grossvater dance, they all leave. At night the room where the Christmas tree stands is bathed in moonlight. It looks mysterious and full of magical secrets. Overcoming her fears, Marie has come to the room to visit her ‘sick’ Nutcracker-Doll. She kisses the doll and rocks it. Drosselmeyer now appears. But instead of her kind godfather, he has turned into a wizard. At a wave of his hand everything around them is transformed: the walls of the room slide back, the Christmas tree starts to grow. And all the toys come alive and grow together with the tree. Suddenly, mice creep out from under the floor­boards, led by the Mouse King. The dolls are panic-stricken and thrown into confusion. The Nutcracker’s quick wits and bravery save the day: lining up the lead soldiers, he boldly leads them out to do battle with the mice forces. However, the forces are unequal, the advantage is on the side of the evil mice. The Nutcracker is left alone to face the Mouse King and his suite. Marie is out of her mind with worry over the danger that threatens her doll. At this very moment, Drosselmeyer hands her a lighted candle and she throws it at the mice who scurry away helter-skelter. The battle field empties. The only person left here is the Nutcracker who lies without moving on the floor. Marie, together with the dolls, hurries to his rescue. And now a miracle occurs...Before Marie stands a handsome youth, the Nutcracker-Prince. He walks forward to meet her. The walls of the house disappear. Marie and her friends are standing under a star-studded sky, by a fairy-tale Christmas tree. Snowflakes go round in a magical dance. Marie and her Nutcracker-Prince, beckon, as if to a beautiful dream, to the twinkling star at the top of the Christmas tree. They climb into a magic boat and set off for the top of the tree. The dolls follow behind them. Act II Marie and Nutcracker-Prince are sailing in their magic boat through the Christmas tree kingdom. There are their friends, the dolls with them. The shining star is getting closer and closer. They are just about to reach the top of the tree when they are suddenly attacked by the mice and the Mouse King who have crept up behind them. Once again, the Nutcracker-Prince goes boldly into battle. Horribly frightened, Marie and the dolls watch the fight. The Nutcracker-Prince vanquishes the enemy. Joyous victory celebrations are underway. The dolls dance, the candles burn even brighter, the Christmas tree comes alive. The evil mice have been defeated. Marie and the Nutcracker-Prince are radiant with happiness — they have reached the kingdom of their dreams! But it appears all this was just a dream. Christmas Eve is over and with it all wonderful reveries. Marie, still in the thrall of the fabulous dream, is sitting at home by the Christmas tree, with the Nutcracker-Doll on her lap.

© Bolshoi Theatre

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  1. Bolshoi Theatre • Official website

    It will be broadcast to the Bolshoi's home address — Theatre Square, as well as Khokhlovskaya, Trubnaya, Bolotnaya Squares and the capital's Pushkin public garden, at the Moscow cinema Oktyabr, and in more than a hundred cinemas across the country and on the theatre's official account on the VKontakte social network. 2024-07-22.

  2. Bolshoi Theatre • Tour in the Yasnaya Polyana estate

    Tour in the Yasnaya Polyana estate Ballet Company Soloists and artists and Orchestra 8 & 9 July 2023 Stage:

  3. Bolshoi Ballet schedule

    Tickets to the Bolshoi Ballet and Opera Theatre (Russia). Online booking and payment (Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay).

  4. Bolshoi Theatre schedule

    Tickets to the Bolshoi Ballet and Opera Theatre (Russia). Online booking and payment (Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay).

  5. May 2023

    May 2023. Tickets to the Bolshoi Ballet and Opera Theatre (Russia). Online booking and payment (Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay).

  6. Bolshoi Theatre • Season

    Don Quixote Ludwig Minkus 8 - 9 October 2024 6+ Ballet in three acts

  7. Bolshoi Ballet and Opera Theatre, Moscow, Russia

    The schedule (playbill) for Bolshoi Theatre from 01 May 2024 to 31 May 2024Bolshoi Theatre from 01 May 2024 to 31 May 2024

  8. December 2023

    Schedule and tickets Company About the theatre News Help My cart My Account Sign in

  9. Buy tickets online

    Сайт просмотра репертуара спектаклей и концертов Большого Театра с возможностью покупки билетов онлайн. Website to view the repertoire of performances and concerts of the Bolshoi Theatre with the possibility of buying tickets online.

  10. The Bolshoi Theatre Official Website

    Chamber Stage The Fables of the Vixen, the Duckling and Balda. Opera in five acts 6+. Historic Stage Ruslan and Lyudmila. Musical comedy in three acts 12+. Chamber Stage Moscow, Cheryomushki. Ballet in two acts 12+. Historic Stage The Sleeping Beauty. Opera in four acts with a prologue 12+. New Stage The Tale of Tsar Saltan.

  11. Schedule

    Tickets to the Bolshoi Ballet and Opera Theatre (Russia). Online booking and payment (Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay).

  12. 2023 News

    Ballet "Master and Margarita" to music by Alfred Schnitke and Milko Lazar will take place at the Small Stage of Bolshoi Theatre on 27-29 October 2023. See performance details. Read more. ... Now you are participating in the drawing of amazing Bolshoi Backstage Tour for 2!

  13. Bolshoi Theatre • Season

    Season 2024-2025 Premieres Opera Ballet Concerts Tours Guests on our stages Go to the old version of the site Season 2024-2025 What's on Artists & staff News Plan your visit In russian Address

  14. Russia's Bolshoi, shunned in West, heads to Beijing for first tour

    Moscow's Bolshoi Ballet, grounded by COVID-19 and then shunned in the West since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, returns to international touring next week for the first time since the pandemic with ...

  15. A Guide To Bolshoi Theatre

    Take a trip to Russia and experience the grandeur and history of Bolshoi Theatre. Learn more about the opera and ballet with a guide to Bolshoi Theatre.

  16. Top Things To Do And See In Novosibirsk, Russia

    The repetoire is chock-a-block with masterpieces and the building itself is a sight to behold. The theater is famed for being the largest in Russia, larger even than Moscow 's celebrated Bolshoi Theatre. With its three halls, the largest seating around 2,000 people, the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre has a simply huge capacity.

  17. Bolshoi Theatre • Season

    Go to the old version of the site. Season 2024-2025 What's on Artists & staff News. Plan your visit. In russian. Address. Teatralnaya sq., 1. Ticket office. +7 495 455-55-55 [email protected]. Ticket Sales Questions.

  18. Bolshoi Ballet schedule

    Tickets to the Bolshoi Ballet and Opera Theatre (Russia). Online booking and payment (Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay).

  19. THE BEST Novosibirsk Private Tours (Updated 2024)

    Explore Novosibirsk the way you want to with your own private tour guide! Forget about getting flustered with maps. For lifelong memories of Novosibirsk tailored to you, book a private tour effortlessly online with Tripadvisor.

  20. Peter Tchaikovsky "The Nutcracker" (ballet in two acts)

    Christmas Eve is over and with it all wonderful reveries. Marie, still in the thrall of the fabulous dream, is sitting at home by the Christmas tree, with the Nutcracker-Doll on her lap. The Nutcracker is a two-act ballet, originally choreographed by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov with a score by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

  21. Beijing waits in anticipation for the Bolshoi Ballet

    2023-07-25. After a five-year gap, the Bolshoi will once again perform in China. Artists of the ballet troupe are going on tour: four performances of the ballet Don Quixote and two gala concerts will be given on the stage of the Opera Hall of the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing, a wonder of contemporary architecture.

  22. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Novosibirsk (UPDATED 2024)

    THE 30 BEST Things to Do in Novosibirsk, Russia Places to Visit in Novosibirsk Check out must-see sights and activities:

  23. Bolshoi Theatre • Tour in Beijing

    The program is subject to change. Part I. Pas de deux from the ballet The Talisman. R. Drigo, choreography by M. Petipa. Anastasia Stashkevich. Vyacheslav Lopatin. Duet from the ballet Romeo and Juliet. S. Prokofiev, choreography by L. Lavrovsky. Eleonora Sevenard.