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Top 15 places to visit in ladakh that will leave you spellbound.

ladakh trip places

Ladakh, also known as the “Land of High Passes,” is a region located in the northernmost part of India, a Union Territory, which was previously a part of Jammu and Kashmir. Ladakh is famous for its rugged terrain, stunning natural landscapes, and unique cultural heritage. The region is surrounded by some of the world’s highest mountain ranges, including the Himalayas, Karakoram, and the Ladakh range. It’s a land of the coldest deserts in the world; it is a land to be lost in the beauty of rugged terrains and click awesome pictures; seeking solace in numerous Gompas and satisfy your adventures soul by indulging in various adventure activities like trekking , rafting, paragliding, mountain climbing, biking etc.

You will also encounter various remotest villages and get fascinated by their rustic life as Ladakh is also home to a diverse population that includes Tibetans, Muslims, and Buddhists. The region’s strategic location at the crossroads of Central Asia, India, and Tibet has shaped its unique culture, architecture, and cuisine. The traditional Ladakhi way of life is centred around farming, trading, and livestock rearing, and the locals have developed a close relationship with their environment.

The place has a rich cultural heritage and an awesome palace – Leh Palace. The list is endless and this is just the tip of an iceberg. Ladakh Tourism Map is filled with numerous beautiful places to overpower your soul with delight. Ladakh will never be monotonous as it has so much to offer to a tourist. And, that’s why, Ladakh is unquestionably one of the best places to visit in India for a vacation.

In this blog, we will mention the top 15 best tourist places in Ladakh to help you plan your trip to this beautiful and fantastic world of bliss.

Also Check Out Some of the Most Popular Leh Ladakh Tour Packages

Pangong Lake – Color Changing Lake

Pangong Lake Ladakh

Situated at the height of 4350 m in the Himalayas, Pangong Lake is the world’s highest salt water lake.  Picturesque mountains in the background, landscaped vistas and tranquil blue waters of the lake would teleport you into the world of fantasy. It is one of the most popular points of tourist interest in Leh Ladakh. Pangong Lake got its name from a Tibetan word ‘Pangong Tso’ which means ‘High Grassland Lake’. The most interesting fact about this lake is that it changes its color, appearing blue, grey, green or red at different points of time. You can only feel its true bliss, if you visit here once.

Highlights – May to September is the best time to visit Pangong Lake.

Also Check Out: Popular Lakes in Ladakh

Lamayuru – Moonland of Ladakh

Lamayuru Ladakh

Have you ever seen a moonlike landscape for real? No? Then Lamayuru in Leh is a place to be in. It is often called a ‘Moonscape for tourists. It was founded in the 11th century by Mahasiddacarya Naropa. The landscape of Lamayuru is surreal, sublime, moonlike and divine.

Lamayuru is known for its rugged landscape, odd geographical formations, picturesque views and Lamayuru monastery which is situated at a height of 3510 meters. If you are looking for a beautiful place to click some awesome pictures then Lamayuru is one of the most popular tourist destinations to visit in Ladakh.

Highlights – Yuru Kabgyat is the annual festival of Lamayuru Monastery which is the center of attraction of this monastery. The famous mask dance performed by Lamas is the best part of this festival.

Also Read: Must Visit Monasteries in Ladakh

Zanskar Valley – Valley of secluded serenity

Zanskar Valley

Zanskar is one of the best tourist attractions to visit in Leh Ladakh. If you are in a need of solace and serenity then this desolated Himalayan range will definitely soothe your mind and soul. It is less crowded and beautiful which would be a perfect destination to spend some moments of peace. Glittering blue of the skies, snow covered steep terrains, awesome weather and mind – boggling water bodies will be the perfect landscape to disappear in the folds of time to dance and dream.

Highlights – June to September is the best time to visit Zanskar Valley. Trekking adventure, Paragliding, water rafting in Zanskar Valley are some of the best things to do in your Ladakh trip.

Also Read: Incredible History of Ladakh

Kargil – Adventure Hub

Kargil War Memorial

Your Holidays in Ladakh are incomplete without visiting Kargil. Kargil is one of the top tourist attractions in Ladakh. It is situated on Srinagar- Leh highway. If you are a thrill seeker, you must not miss Kargil because it is a hub of adventure sports like trekking, camping, river rafting and mountaineering etc.

The most interesting part is the Line of control which is just 11km away from Kargil. It divides India from Pakistan. It is also a tourist paradise as many beautiful and old gompas and monasteries, scenic valleys and stunning mountain ranges will come in your way when you wander like a wanderer in its lanes.

Highlights- Sumdo chinmu village to Alchi, Zoji, Padum to Lamayuru are some of the best trekking adventures you can enjoy in Kargil, during your Ladakh trip. May to July is the best time to visit Kargil.

Also Read: Popular Adventure Sports Activities in Ladakh

Khardung- La Pass- Scenic Motorable Pass

ladakh trip places

Welcome to the highest motorable passes in the world. What? You haven’t visited Khardung- La Pass yet? Really? Then you must visit this place once in your lifetime as it is one of the must visit tourist destinations in Ladakh.

Khardung – La Pass is a gateway to Nubra and Shyok valleys. It is an endless world of scenic vistas. The thing of beauty and bliss is here forever. For a thrill seeker, nature lover, solace seekers, Khardung – la pass is one of a kind. You will never be able to forget its charm if you visit here once.

Highlights – May to September is the best time to visit Khardung- la Pass. It is the best place for adventure bikers.

Also Check Out: Other Popular Mountain Passes in Ladakh

Magnetic Hill – Place Where Gravity Fails

Magnetic Hill Ladakh

It is one of the most popular Ladakh Tourist attractions in Ladakh. I am sure you would definitely want to see a place where science takes a backseat and gravity has no meaning. There is a yellow sign board in Magnetic hill which says ‘The phenomenon that defies gravity’.

It instructs you to park your vehicles at the base with a white point on the road, which is also known as magnetic road and when you park your vehicle at that spot, your vehicle will automatically move forward. Isn’t it interesting? This place should definitely be on your list of top places to visit in Ladakh.

Highlights- May to September is the best time to visit Magnetic Hill. The best thing you can do here is photography of the scenic vistas.

Also Read: Religious Tourism in Ladakh

Spituk Gompa – Seek the Divine Grace

Spituk Gompa Ladakh

Travelling to Ladakh would elevate your travel experience to a higher level if you visit some sacred places to seek solace.

Spituk Gompa is one such place to be in. It is also one of the most popular destinations in Ladakh. The gompa is located at the top of the hill and the scenic views from the hill would overpower your mind with delight.

The Gompa was established in the 11th century by Od- De.  It houses the divine image of Mahakaal which is only shown in the annual festival of Spituk in January.

Highlights- Spituk Monastery’s Museum has a rich collection of ancient masks, Thangkas and antique items. May to September is the best time to visit Spituk Gompa but if you want to enjoy the Spituk Festival then visit in January. 

Also Read: Arts & Culture of Ladakh

Hemis National Park & Wildlife Sanctuary – Say Hello to the wild world

Hemis National Park

How many of you are fond of exotic and rare wildlife species, endangered flora and pristine wilderness? I am sure all of you would love to visit Hemis National Park Wildlife Sanctuary in Ladakh . It was named after Hemis Monastery in 1981.

Your experience of witnessing this nature’s wonder would be interesting if I tell you that this wildlife Sanctuary is full of alpine vegetation like Veronica, Anemone, Gentiana, Lloydia etc and animals like Snow Leopard, wild sheeps, shapu, ibex and goats, bharal, dholes etc. would blow your heart away.

Don’t forget to look for 70 different species of birds like Throated thrush, Robbin acceptor, Himalayan whistling Thrush etc.  This place is one of the best places to explore in Ladakh.

Highlights – May to October is the best time to discover Hemis Wildlife Sanctuary in a Jeep Safari.  Do visit Hemis Monastery, it is very famous for its mask festival.

Also Read: Ladakh Wildlife Information

Tso Moriri Lake – Hidden beauty of Ladakh

Tso Moriri Lake Ladakh

If you are exploring Ladakh then Tso Moriri Lake should be the place you must not forget to be in. It is one of the offbeat destinations to explore in Ladakh. Located in Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary, Tso Moriri Lake is a piece of heaven for the people who love calm and scenic places.  It is not wrong to call it one of the most beautiful places in Ladakh to enjoy your day. It is 4000 meters above sea level, decked with snowcapped mountains all around, beautiful migratory birds and rare Tibetan wolves.  For honeymoon couples, this place would be an absolute bliss because of its picturesque setting which gives a romantic feel.

Highlights – May to August is the best time to visit Tso Moriri Lake.  During January to March this lake remains frozen. It is located near the Line of actual control. You Need an Inner Line Permit to visit this place.

Also Read: Best Time to Visit Ladakh

Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary – Preserving Wild Wonder

Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary Ladakh

A protected area located in the Leh district of Ladakh covers an area of 4,000 square kilometres, Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary is home to a wide range of flora and fauna. It is situated at an altitude of 4,500 metres above sea level and is known for its high-altitude lakes, including the famous Pangong Tso. Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary in Leh is the best place to spot several endangered and rare species of animals, such as the snow leopard, Tibetan wild ass or Kaing, Tibetan argali, and the black-necked crane. Other species found here include the Tibetan wolf, Eurasian brown bear, marmot, and several species of birds, such as the bar-headed goose, Himalayan snowcock, and the great crested grebe.

The sanctuary is a popular tourist destination and is visited by wildlife enthusiasts and adventure seekers from all over the world. Visitors can go on guided treks, wildlife safaris, and bird watching tours to explore the sanctuary and its rich wildlife.

Highlights: May and September is the best time to visit Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary as the weather is relatively milder this time.

Also Read: Summer Weather in Ladakh

Leh Palace – Regal Beauty Preserved

Leh Palace

Leh Palace, also known as Lhachen Palkhar, is a magnificent structure situated in the city of Leh. Perched on a hill overlooking the city, providing a breathtaking view of the surrounding Himalayan mountains, Leh Palace is an iconic landmark of the region, and it is a must-visit destination for anyone travelling to the region. The palace offers a unique blend of history, culture, and architecture, making it a fascinating place to explore and learn about the rich cultural heritage of the region. The construction of the palace dates back to the 17th century when King Sengge Namgyal, the ruler of the Namgyal dynasty, commissioned its construction. The palace was built as a royal residence for the king and his family and also served as the administrative centre of the kingdom. The palace has nine stories, and its architecture is a blend of traditional Tibetan, Indian, and Islamic styles.

The palace has been converted into a museum that showcases the rich history and culture of the region. The museum exhibits various artefacts, including thangkas (Tibetan Buddhist paintings), old photographs, traditional costumes, and other objects that give visitors a glimpse into the lives of the royal family and the people of the region.

Highlights: Leh Palace remains open from 8 AM to 5 PM everyday and morning is the best time of the day to visit the palace to avoid crowds.

Also Read: Information About Stock Palace

Thiksey Monastery – Serene Spirituality Awaits

Thiksey Monastery Ladakh

Thiksey Monastery , also known as Thiksey Gompa, is a Tibetan Buddhist monastery located approximately 19 kilometres east of Leh, in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is situated on a hilltop overlooking the Indus Valley and is considered one of the most beautiful and largest monasteries in Ladakh. It is an architectural masterpiece and is famous for its resemblance to the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet. The complex comprises several temples, halls, and chambers, which are adorned with beautiful murals, thangkas, and statues of various deities. The main prayer hall is adorned with a 15-metre-high statue of Maitreya Buddha, which is the largest of its kind in Ladakh.

Apart from the main prayer hall, the monastery also has a nunnery, a library, a museum, and a school for young monks. The nunnery houses nuns who follow the Gelugpa order, and the school provides education to young monks from various parts of Ladakh. One of the interesting facts about it is, the complex also has a set of buildings which accommodate female renunciates.

Highlights: Thiksey Monastery is also famous for its annual festival, which takes place in the eleventh lunar month (October or November) and is celebrated with great pomp and show.

Also Read: Information About Matho Monastery

Nubra Valley – Nature’s Tranquil Escape

Nubra Valley

Nubra Valley is a breathtakingly beautiful destination located in the northernmost part of India, in Ladakh. It is a high-altitude cold desert that is renowned for its mesmerising landscapes, picturesque villages, ancient monasteries, and unique culture. The valley is situated at an elevation of about 3,000 metres above sea level and is surrounded by majestic snow-capped mountains that make it a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. The valley is accessible via the Khardung La Pass, which is one of the highest motorable roads in the world, and offers a thrilling experience for those who dare to take the journey.

Nubra Valley is also famous for its double-humped Bactrian camels, which can be seen grazing on the sand dunes in the region. Visitors can enjoy a camel safari and explore the valley’s remote corners, visiting ancient gompas and remote villages. The valley is also a popular trekking destination, with several trails offering stunning views of the mountains and valleys.

Highlights: The best time to visit Nubra Valley is between May and September, when the weather is mild and pleasant. However, visitors should be prepared for sudden changes in temperature and weather conditions, as the region can be quite unpredictable.

Also Read: Information About Hunder Sand Dunes

Alchi Village – A Peaceful Oasis

Alchi Village Ladakh

Alchi is a small village situated in the Leh district of the Ladakh region in India. It is located on the banks of the Indus River and is famous for its ancient Alchi Monastery , which is over a thousand years old. The village is surrounded by stunning landscapes of snow-capped mountains, lush greenery, and the glistening river, making it a popular destination for tourists. The monastery houses some of the most beautiful and well-preserved murals, sculptures, and artefacts that offer a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Ladakh.

Apart from the monastery, Alchi village is also known for its vibrant and colourful markets, where one can buy locally produced handicrafts, clothes, and souvenirs. The village is also home to several small cafes and restaurants, serving delicious traditional Ladakhi cuisine. The locals of Alchi are warm and welcoming, and their traditional way of life is still preserved in the village. Overall, Alchi is a must-visit destination for anyone travelling to Ladakh, offering a unique cultural experience amidst breathtaking natural beauty.

Highlights: Food is one of the main reasons to visit Alchi. Some of the must have dishes of Alchi are walnut salad, mok-moks (momos), Kashmiri pulao, baril, paba, tangutur, etc.

Also Read: Popular Festivals of Ladakh

Chadar Trek – Once in a lifetime experience

Chadar Trek

What could be the experience of trekking in a frozen lake? Have you ever thought about that? Well, if you want to experience something like this, Chadar Trek would be one of the best things to do on your Ladakh Trip.

Holidays in Ladakh without trekking aren’t fun. So, one must take part in adventurous trekking for once in a lifetime. It is a popular river in Zanskar valley which remains frozen in winters. It resembles a Chadar i.e. blanket of ice. Its beauty is always at its peak which is best for clicking awesome pictures for wonderful moments and memories. If you are visiting Ladakh, you must do Chadar Trek, it will make your trip wonderful.

Highlights- Best time to do this trek is between January to February.

Also Read: Best Season for Trekking in Ladakh

I know that this list is not enough to explain the beauty of Ladakh. There are other numerous beautiful places to visit in Ladakh which I will cover in my next blog. The places I mentioned come in the list of top 15 places to visit in Ladakh. I hope this will definitely help you in planning a wonderful vacation in Ladakh.  Ladakh is a place one should definitely visit if they truly want to know the meaning of beauty and adventure.

Other Important Ladakh Tourism Information Links

  • Popular Short Treks in Ladakh
  • Best Ladakh Tour Packages
  • Things to Do in Ladakh

Frequently Asked Questions

Do we need permits to visit nubra and pangong.

Yes, special permits will be needed to visit Nubra and Pangong.

What is the best way to travel to Ladakh, by air or by road?

It totally depends on your preference. Ladakh is a very scenic location. If you want to enjoy picturesque views then traveling by road is the best option for you. However, a road trip is a long journey. There are two routes for Ladakh by Road, one is through Manali and the other is through Srinagar. By Air is the best option for those who want comforts and want to reach Ladakh in a hurry and then enjoy the scenic spots. Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport located in Leh is the nearest airport which is connected with the major cities. Travelling by air will save a couple of days and there is no need to take a Rohtang Pass Permit.

Is Ladakh a safe destination to travel with small kids?

Ladakh is safe to travel with family or small kids but with some precautions.

  • If you are travelling with an infant or a small kid then do not plan your trip to a high or low altitude place. It's not safe for health purpose.
  • Weather might not be suitable for small kids, so keep warm clothes.
  • Keep your and your kids body hydrated.
  • If the kid is not physically fit then a trip to Ladakh is a big NO.
  • Newborns will be sensitive to everything. Be it weather, sunlight, snow etc. So, travel when they are at least 7 to 12 months old. It is not medical advice but precaution is always necessary.

What are some of the most essential things to carry on a Ladakh Trip?

  • All the important travel documents and Id card, driving license, Aadhar Card etc. is essential to carry in Ladakh.
  • Passport size pictures
  • Medical insurance
  • Comfortable footwear and warm clothes. Pair of socks, mufflers, gloves and caps.
  • Necessary medication to prevent altitude sickness
  • Camera, because you will come across beautiful locations.
  • Power bank, spare battery, extra memory card and charger

What type of clothes should I carry on a Ladakh Trip?

Ladakh’s weather conditions will be harsh, depending on the time you are travelling. Always carry heavy woolen clothes, comfortable footwear, thermals, gloves, socks, jackets for your comfort. In summer, you can carry light cotton T-Shirts and light jackets. If you are travelling in Rainy season then carry a raincoat, a pair of shoes and light clothes.

How is the mobile and internet connectivity in Ladakh?

Post -paid connections work well in Ladakh. At a few places Airtel connection would work but BSNL will not function properly. You have to get a BSNL or MTNL postpaid connection. In major cities your internet will work well but you will get the facilities of internet not more than 3G. At some places there is no connectivity.

How is the ATM facility in Ladakh?

In Leh market ATM facility is available but at another places ATM is hard to find. So, please carry enough cash, as small shopkeepers will not accept cards.

Are there any direct flights for Ladakh from Delhi & Mumbai?

Yes, if you are travelling to Ladakh from Mumbai then Go Air, SpiceJet operates flights from Mumbai for Leh. It is a very convenient option. From Delhi also Indigo and Go Air offer flights to reach Ladakh. Depending on the time you are going, prices of flights will be raised or reduced.

Published: 15 Mar, 2023 | Last Updated:  05 Feb, 2024

About the author

Pallavi Roy

Pallavi Roy

She is a candle who burns and melts in the chaos of infinity, from where her visceral whistles and leaves an imprint of desire in her heart to know the map of an Island where there are different sunrises and sunsets. Her curiosity brightens to conquer the hearts unrelieved and sometimes mysterious. Her name is - Pallavi Roy - A traveller by soul and a writer by Profession.

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Leh Palace.

Getty Images/Lonely Planet Images

Spectacularly jagged, arid mountains enfold this magical Buddhist ex-kingdom. Picture-perfect gompas (Tibetan Buddhist monasteries) dramatically crown rocky outcrops next to fluttering prayer flags and whitewashed stupas, while prayer wheels spun clockwise release merit-making mantras. Gompa interiors are a riot of golden Buddhas and intricately colourful murals and home to red-robed monks. It's a little corner of Tibet marooned in the furthest reaches of India.


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20 Places To Visit in Ladakh

Visiting Ladakh is an adventure of a lifetime. This destination is the dream destination of every traveler. After all, it’s a land of high passes. When people visit this place, they often miss out on the best places to visit in Ladakh . There’s a lot to explore at this breathtaking destination. 

Ladakh in itself is a very big union territory. Every place you visit at this destination will leave you spellbound. Here, we’ll tell you about 20 such places in this rugged terrain that you must explore.

20 Must Visit Places In Ladakh

Most travelers get to travel to Ladakh only once in a lifetime. Let’s admit it! It’s a far-away destination and you need to make a lot of preparations to reach Ladakh. 

For example, you’ll need to pack a lot of warm clothes and jackets, make yourself comfortable with the low oxygen levels, and much more! Let’s not forget about the challenging terrains you have to navigate to witness some of the most beautiful landscapes. 

But where’s the fun if you don’t know what’s the best time to visit Leh Ladakh and spend most of your time traveling and exploring different terrains to reach Ladakh? That’s what makes traveling adventurous, isn’t it?

Well, since you might get only one chance to explore this place, make sure you cover every attraction. Here’s a list of the 20 best places to visit in Ladakh. 

ladakh trip places

1. Nubra Valley

Dubai isn’t the only place where you can witness the best sand dunes. If you don’t believe us, just visit the amazing Nubra Valley. This valley has stunning sand dunes that make a perfect backdrop for pictures. 

You’ll also find the beautiful and clear Shyok River in Nubra Valley . Let’s not forget to mention the Bactrian camels that you can ride here. 

2. Diskit Monastery

When you’re in Nubra Valley, you can also visit Diskit Monastery . This monastery is one of the best places to visit in Ladakh because of its historical significance. Diskit Monastery is one of the oldest monasteries here. 

This place is worth visiting because of the meditative atmosphere it offers to the visitors. You’ll experience peace and serenity when you visit this place. 

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It wouldn’t come as a surprise to know that you’ve never heard about these places. Well, it’s not your fault since Panamik and Turtuk are the two hidden gems in Nubra Valley.

These destinations are a paradise for trekkers. So, if you are in for some trekking adventure, you can definitely add Panamik and Turtuk to your to-do things in Ladakh!

Leh is going to be the starting point of your vacation. When you reach Leh, spend some time acclimating yourself to the atmosphere. 

Your vacation’s starting point will offer you a lot of adventure activities. For example, you can enjoy river water rafting, mountain biking, etc., in Leh. 

5. Pangong Lake

Pangong Lake has gained a lot of popularity and you’ll also find this lake featured in many movies. Believe us: This lake deserves the hype! The crystal-clear water at this lake will leave you mesmerized. 

It’s one of the best places to visit in Ladakh for birdwatchers. You can also set up your camp near the lake and sleep under the stars.

6. Tso Moriri

We bet that you’ve heard about only one beautiful lake in Ladakh – The Pangong Lake . But there’s one more lake that you should explore. Tso Moriri is a clean and beautiful lake located at a high altitude in Ladakh. 

The snow-capped peaks that surround this lake make it look even more breathtaking. If you are a wildlife lover, visiting this lake is even more fun since you might get to spot some rare Himalayan species. 

7. Magnetic Hill

Everyone has heard of Magnetic Hill in Ladakh. When you visit this hill, you’ll notice something unusual. Your car would move uphill without power. Magnetic Hill defies the law of gravity and creates illusions for the people. 

ladakh trip places

8. Gurudwara Pathar Sahib 

Here’s another place that you can add to your places to visit in Ladakh list. Gurudwara Pathar Sahib was constructed in the memory of Guru Nanak Singh when he visited Leh. 

You can visit this Gurudwara when you explore Magnetic Hill. The distance between the two destinations is not much. 

9. Khardung La

If you skip visiting Khardung La , we’d say that you wasted your trip to Ladakh . Traversing Khardung La in Ladakh is the dream of every biker or person who loves off-roading. You’ll realize what we mean when you witness the natural beauty that awaits you here. 

ladakh trip places

Khardung La is the highest motorable road in the world and the views that you’ll see here are unparalleled. 

10. Hemis Monastery

Hemis Monastery is an architectural beauty in Ladakh. Also, it’s known to be one of the wealthiest monasteries here. On visiting this monastery, you can learn about its historical significance. 

If you’re lucky, you might get to witness Hemis festival where Ladakhis perform masked dances, plays, etc. This monastery is one of the best places to visit in Ladakh if you love to meditate or introspect.

11. Zanskar Valley

Zanskar Valley is an isolated area but it’s literally a paradise that you must explore. The crazy thing about this place is that as soon as it snows heavily, it gets cut off from the rest of the region. 

There are many high-altitude treks in Zanskar Valley. So, make sure when you visit Ladakh, you enjoy your piece of adventure in this valley. 

12. Chadar Trek

If you’re brave enough to survive almost inhospitable conditions for 6-7 days, try Chadar Trek in Ladakh ! As you trek through the frozen Zanskar River, you’ll see a lot of natural wonders. But let’s warn you! Don’t begin this trek if you are faint-hearted. 

Chadar Trek

Chadar Trek is the best for experienced trekkers. The temperature at this place can drop as low as -10 degrees Celsius. If you go on this trek, it’s going to be one of the best experiences of your life. 

13. Shey Palace

Shey Palace is the summer capital of Ladakh and one of the top places to visit in Ladakh.

Shey Palace has a stunning architectural beauty. You’ll love its beautifully carved interiors, murals, Buddha statues, and whatnot! Another thing you’ll like about visiting this palace is the panoramic views you’ll witness. This palace provides you with some of the most beautiful picture-perfect spots. 

14. Alchi Monastery

There’s no shortage of monasteries in Ladakh. All of the monasteries here are remarkably beautiful. One such monastery is the Alchi Monastery . It’s famous for its unique Kashmiri-style art and sculptures. 

As you explore this monastery, you’ll discover Thangka paintings. The paintings and murals at this monastery will allow you to delve deep into Buddhist mythology.

15. Spituk Monastery

If you want to revive your soul, we recommend you attend a prayer session at the Spituk Monastery . Spituk Monastery is a religious institution and one of the best places to visit in Ladakh. 

ladakh trip places

You can also attend the Spituk Gustor Festival here if it coincides with your visit. You’ll definitely love the Ladakhi culture and their way of celebrating important festivals. 

16. Shanti Stupa

The Shanti Stupa in Ladakh is the symbol of peace. It’s also a spot where you can meditate and enjoy a peaceful environment. 

We recommend you visit Shanti Stupa at the time of sunset or sunrise. This place offers some of the most stunning views during these times. 

17. Chang La

Khardung La isn’t the only mountain pass that’s worth visiting. You can also add Chang La to your list of places to visit in Ladakh. This pass is at an elevation of 5,360 meters. 

As you reach the top, you’ll see two of the most beautiful lakes – Tso Moriri and Tso Kar. Don’t forget to stop for a cup of tea at any small tea stall at Chang La. 

18. Hall Of Fame

Hall Of Fame is a museum that pays tribute to the Indian Armed Forces. You’ll learn about some of the most heroic deeds of the armed forces as you visit this museum. ‘

ladakh trip places

The Hall Of Fame is well-known to pay Homage to the heroes who protect the nation. 

If you’re traveling to Ladakh via Srinagar, you can also explore Kargil en route. This destination is often overlooked but it’s just as beautiful as Leh. 

In ancient times, Kargil was a part of the Silk Route. The Kargil War of 1999 was also fought here. While in Kargil, you can also explore the Kargil war memorial in Dras. At this memorial, you will find photographs, equipment, and stories of valor from the war. 

20. Suru Valley

While visiting Kargil, you can also explore the Suru Valley . You’ll find some of the most beautiful and lush green fields here. The rivers in Suru Valley are crystal clear. 

This valley is also home to beautiful villages. Unlike the rugged terrain of Ladakh, Suru Valley offers a serene contrast. Also, you’ll find some great trekking destinations in this valley. 

It’s A Wrap!

You might have spent a couple of months planning your vacation to Ladakh. But if you don’t explore all the places there, it would be a waste of a trip! So, take note of these 20 places to visit in Ladakh. 

Make sure that you cover all these places to make your vacation wholesome. Every destination in this list has a beauty of its own! So, keep a list of these places handy before you hop on your bike or get into your car to reach Ladakh. 

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A Complete 10-Day Leh Ladakh Itinerary

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A trip to Ladakh is undoubtedly on many intrepid travellers bucket lists. The mystical Indian Himalayan region is still one of the most underrated places on earth. Despite it being a very remote corner of the Indian subcontinent, you’ll be surprised that you can see a lot in a short time with this Ladakh itinerary.

Over 10 days, you can visit the famous Pangong Lake, ancient monasteries of Hemis and Lamayuru, the former Silk Road trading route of Nubra Valley, and crumbling palaces with panoramic views over the arid, snow-capped landscape. This itinerary I’ve put together covers the best things to do in Ladakh over 10 days based on my multiple trips to the region.

Whether you fly into Leh for a short trip or incorporate this into a longer North India adventure travelling by road, your time in Ladakh will undoubtedly be something you’ll never forget. Buckle up for some long drives, and you’ll be blown away by the incredible land forms and ancient history awaiting in Ladakh.

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I get a commission if you buy a product through my link at no extra cost to you. By doing so, I can keep this blog going and continue to create helpful guides for you. Read more:  Privacy Policy

When to Visit Ladakh

The best time to visit Ladakh is from mid-May until end of September . This is when the region sees its best weather with warm days and relatively mild nights. The roads and trekking routes are also guaranteed to be clear of snow during these summer months, making places easier to access.

Ladakh itinerary pin

Where to Stay in Leh

Leh is the main town and base for exploring Ladakh. The town has hundreds of accommodation choices, from homestays and hostels to high end hotels. I’d recommend picking somewhere that is comfortable for you and your budget, as you’ll be spending most of the time in this Ladakh itinerary based in Leh. Here are my top picks:

Budget:   Raybo Hostel

Budget:   Peace Guest House

Midrange:   Chandan Guest House

Midrange:   Rock Castle Residency

High-end:  Grand Dragon

Read more:   Best Places to Stay in Leh, Ladakh For All Budgets

Basgo Monastery

How to Get Around Ladakh

Travelling by road is one of the best parts of any Ladakh trip. The scenery from the various road trips in the region offer jaw dropping views that you’ll want to savour every minute (even if some of the drives are long, bumpy and windy).

There are a few ways to get around Ladakh to the various sights and day trips in this itinerary. Which way you choose will depend on your budget and comfort level. However, for this 10 day itinerary, I would recommend a combination of taxis for day trips and a shared group tour for the trip to Pangong Lake and Nubra Valley (unless you want to arrange a private tour).

Here’s more specific information for each transport option:

Public bus: Public transport is a little limited in Ladakh. You’ll need a lot of time and patience if you plan on using local buses to get to all the best places. If you only have 10 days, this is not ideal. But if you have more than 10 days, check out my guide to Leh for more information on the public transport options in the region.

Driving to Lamayuru

Taxi: This is very ideal for day trips. You can easily organise taxis in Leh to take you to Thiksey, Lamayuru, Hemis, Alchi and more. A popular day trip combining Shey, Thiksey and Hemis costs around 3700 INR (AU$70) for the day as an example. You’ll have to budget more for the drive to Alchi and Lamayuru.

Group tours: Joining group tours to Pangong Lake and Nubra Valley is a popular option. In high season from June until August, you’ll find groups leaving every day in shared taxis for 3-4 days. You can easily organise this upon arrival in Leh.

Private tours: If you want to organise all your Ladakh trip in advance, then I suggest arranging a 10 day tour through a local company in Leh. They can help arrange taxis for day trips, and a private car for Pangong Lake and Nubra Valley. I highly recommend Gonbo of Lungta Travel . He’s also the owner of Rock Castle Residency Guesthouse in Leh and can help with arranging all of this for you.

For more detailed information on these options: Comprehensive Travel Guide to Ladakh

View of Stok Kangri

Overview of this 10-Day Ladakh Itinerary

Day 1: Fly from Delhi to Leh

Day 2: Acclimatise in Leh

Day 3: acclimatise and explore leh town.

Day 4: Day trip to Thiksey, Hemis and Shey

Day 5: Day trip to Lamayuru and Alchi

Day 6: road trip to nubra valley via khardung la, day 7: drive to pangong lake and stay the night, day 8: return to leh, day 9: relax in leh (optional visit to stok village), day 10: fly back to delhi.

View from Shanti Stupa

Detailed 10 Day Ladakh Itinerary

Here’s how I would spend 10 days in Ladakh, if you’re prepared to take some long driving days and want to see as much as you can in a short time.

Day 1: Delhi to Leh

If you’re opting for a quick 10-day trip to Ladakh, then it’s likely you’ll be flying into Leh from Delhi. There are frequent flights every day from Delhi to Leh, mostly in the morning hours. It’s widely considered one of the most beautiful flights in the world.

Flights are run by Air India, Vistara, SpiceJet, and IndiGo. The flight time is around 1.5 hours and can cost anywhere from 3000INR (AU$60) to 9000INR (AU$180) one way.

If you prefer to travel to Leh, Ladakh by public transport , then you can also come via Manali or Srinagar, depending on how much time you have and your trip plans. Read my guide on getting to Leh by public transport for more information.

Once you arrive in Leh, you’ll want to head straight to your accommodation and rest for the remainder of the day. The altitude will likely hit you after about 2-3 hours of being in Leh, so it’s best to relax and stay hydrated for the afternoon to adjust slowly.

Read more: 20 Best Things to Do in Delhi

Leh bazaar

Your first full day in Leh should also be considered an acclimatisation day. You may wake up on this day with a headache, shortness of breath, and fatigue, which are common symptoms when arriving in Ladakh from Delhi.

The best way to avoid getting sick and easing into the altitude is to rest as much as possible , stay hydrated, and eat regular, small meals to maintain energy.

Try not to do too much on this day, unless you’re coming from somewhere else that is around 2000m or higher. You could walk somewhere into town for dinner, if you’re feeling up to it.

View from Central Asian Museum

You’ll still be acclimatising for at least 48 hours after arriving, so on day three you shouldn’t try to overexert yourself too much. But, you’re probably keen to get out and start exploring this beautiful mountain town. Here’s how I recommend you spend your day:

Morning: Breakfast at your guesthouse or a cafe in the main market area (my top picks include Bodhi Terrace, Bon Appetit, or Asian Corner Restaurant)

Mid-morning: Explore the Central Asian Museum and then wander around the main market

Lunch: Taste the local Tibetan food at Tibetan Kitchen

Afternoon: Explore Leh Palace and Tsemo Maitreya Temple

Dinner: Chopsticks or Wanderers Terrace

Read more: 25 Best Things to Do in Ladakh

Thiksey Monastery

Day 4: Day trip to Thiksey and Hemis Monasteries (plus Shey Palace if you have time)

Get ready for a day trip out to the east of town to some of the most impressive monasteries and villages of the Ladakh area. If you have patience you could get to Thiksey Monastery and Shey Palace by bus, or take a taxi for the day and visit all three places including Shey Palace.

Hemis Monastery is one of the most important in the region. It was originally established in the 17th century and is tucked into a gorge in Hemis National Park. The most impressive part of the complex is the museum, holding the most important Buddhist relics and artefacts of India.

Thiksey Monastery is an imposing monastery built in a similar style to the Potala Palace in Lhasa. The temples at the top of the gompa hold some beautiful Buddhist statues and monuments, plus the view over the valley is incredible.

View from Shey Palace

Another day trip, this one longer than the day before, the drive to Lamayuru is one of the most beautiful in the region. You’ll wind through incredible moonscapes and small villages, with dramatic mountain peaks and raging rivers on either side. After about three hours, you’ll arrive in Lamayuru , the oldest monastery in Ladakh.

Built over several levels across the rocky landscape, it’s easily one of the most impressive sights. Plus, if you time your visit for the midday puja, you can sit with the monks and listen to their their chanting prayers.

On the way back to Leh, stop in at Alchi to visit the unique 1,000 year old Buddhist murals and shrines hidden off the main highway. There’s also some delicious local restaurants there, the standout being Alchi Kitchen, if you time it for a lunchtime meal.

Khardung La Road

Another few days of long drives ahead, but the scenery makes it all worthwhile. Either join a group tour or hire a private driver to take you to two of the most famous sights in Ladakh: Nubra Valley and Pangong Lake.

On this day, you’ll leave Leh and drive first up to Khardung La pass . Connecting Leh with Nubra Valley, Khardung La sits at 5,360m and was once the highest motorable road in the world (now overtaken by another road in India). It’s an essential photo op, before descending down towards Nubra Valley, the Shyok River and the Karakoram Mountains.

Double humped camels in Nubra Valley

Once part of the old Silk Road trading route across Asia and connecting Pakistan with Tibet, Nubra Valley is a stunning place. Visit Diskit Monastery and it’s Maitreya Buddha statue, sitting high above the valley floor, with panoramic views across the eastern Karakoram Mountains.

Then, head to the village of Hunder to take a look at the double humped camels or Bactrian camels roaming the mountain backed sand dunes.

Stay overnight in either Hunder or Diskit.

Where to stay in Diskit?  Ama Guesthouse or  Himalayan Regal House Where to stay in Hunder?   Hunder Stay and Camp  or  Hunder Haven

Jeep tour to Pangong Tso

From Diskit or Hunder drive back through the valley, and towards Pangong Lake. While the drive is quite long and arduous in some parts, keep soaking up the incredible mountain views out the window.

Pangong Lake is one of the world’s highest saltwater lakes sitting at 4,250m. It’s a sacred site for Buddhists, with almost 2/3 of the lake actually lying across the border in Tibet. It’s bright blue colour shimmering against the arid, desert-like mountains makes it an otherworldy sight that draws many visitors each year.

Stay the night on the shores of the lake. The most popular place is  Spangmik , a cluster of glamping style tents and small hotels. However, the overcommercialisation of this village has led many people to continue further to  Man  or even further to  Merak . You’ll find more laidback tents and homestays in the latter villages.

Where to stay?   Nirvana Resort  in Spangmik or Pangong Travel Camp in Man

Pangong Lake

The final long day of driving, as you head back to Leh via Changla Pass at 5,360m. You’ll likely need to relax in the afternoon in Leh after all that driving or head to one of the cafes in Leh to eat good food.

On your final day in Leh, you may not feel like driving anywhere! You can hang around the town of Leh and do some shopping in the main market area instead.

If you want to do some extra sightseeing, head to Stok village , just a half an hour drive from Leh. At the base of Stok Kangri, Stok was home to the royal family of Ladakh, the Namgyals, after they fled during the invasion of the Dogras. Check out the 71-foot Gautama Buddha statue and monastery above the village, or arrange to have lunch at Gyab-thago Heritage Homestay, where you can try a traditional Ladakhi meal in a family home.

Shanti Stupa view of Leh

I highly recommend heading out to Shanti Stupa for sunset, as the perfect ending to this Ladakh itinerary. Shanti Stupa is the white peace pagoda you can see north-west of the Leh bazaar on a small hilltop. It was built in 1991 with funds from the Japanese, and it offers an impressive panoramic view of town.

Flights back to Delhi from Leh tend to leave early in the morning.

Hiking up to a pass on the Sham Valley trek

Want to Go Trekking in Ladakh?

You’ll need to allow a minimum of two weeks in Leh if you want to add a trek to this itinerary. Otherwise, you could skip the day trips to Lamayuru and Hemis if you were really short on time.

The Sham Valley Trek is a three day moderate trek that could be easily added onto this itinerary. The highest point of the trail is just under 4000m, so it’s doable for those with limited time.

If you preferred something longer and more challenging, the Markha Valley Trek is a five day trek that goes over 5000m. I’d recommend undertaking this trail after spending a week in Ladakh or longer, to ensure you’re properly acclimatised.

More Essential Reading for Ladakh

  • Comprehensive Travel Guide to Ladakh
  • Ultimate North India Itinerary: 1 Month in Kashmir, Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh
  • Best Places to Stay in Leh, Ladakh For All Budgets
  • 25 Best Things to Do in Ladakh
  • How to Get to Leh, Ladakh By Public Transport ‘

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[…] Read more: A Detailed 10 Day Leh Ladakh Itinerary […]

Thank you author for your blog. Keep it up.

how much would be approx budget for this, assuming we start from mumbai and not delhi, and stay in budget hotels + group trips instead of prrivate

I have a budget breakdown on my Ladakh Travel Guide, so you can find prices for everything there. Accommodation can be 800-1000inr per night, three day tour to pangong and nubra can be 4500inr per person. Also depends whether you’re flying into Leh or driving.

[…] Detailed 10 Day Leh Ladakh Itinerary […]

I absolutely loved reading “A Complete 10-Day Leh Ladakh Itinerary”! Your blog perfectly captures the adventure, culture, and breathtaking beauty of this incredible region. As a fellow blogger who has also visited Leh Ladakh, I could totally relate to your experiences—the stunning landscapes, the rich culture, and the unmatched peace of the mountains. Your detailed itinerary is super helpful, and the way you’ve described each place makes me want to revisit soon. Thanks for sharing such a well-crafted guide, and keep inspiring others with your amazing journeys!

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  • 40 Best Things To Do In Ladakh That You Can’t Afford To Miss In 2024!

Ladakh is known for its unique culture and awe-inspiring landscapes. The snow-clad high peaks, cold deserts, and massive glaciers define the topography of the region. And then there are some breathtaking lakes and rivers that captivate the visitors and offer ample opportunities for rafting. Other than river rafting and taking a sightseeing tour of the beautiful places to visit in this region, there are some of the things to do in Ladakh that you simply cannot miss. These tourist attractions and activities ensure a joyful and exciting trip to Ladakh.

40 Best Things To Do In Ladakh In 2024

Planning a Ladakh trip can be exciting and challenging at the same time. What to do, where to do, how to do? And probably a bunch of questions are added to the mind. So, if you’re going to Ladakh for the first time, make sure to indulge into these fascinating activities and explore the culture and traditions of the place.

  • Hemis Festival – Interesting Interactions
  • Hemis National Park – Spot A Snow Leopard
  • Hunder – Try Bactrian Camel Safari
  • Khardungla Pass – Visit Highest Cafeteria In The World
  • Yak Cheese – Try Yak Cheese Momos
  • Buddhist Monks – Hang Out With The Monks
  • Hemis Monastery – Peaceful Morning Expeditions
  • Adventurous Roads – For Fun Seekers
  • Hot Butter Tea – Local Brew Chang
  • Locals – Interact And Stay
  • Old School Mills – Peep Into The Past
  • Spituk Gompa Trek – Adventurous Expeditions
  • Zanskar Valley Tour – For Daredevils
  • Tso Moriri – Chill And Rejuvenate
  • Magnetic Hill – Startling Experience
  • Namgyal Tsemo Monastery – Cultural Insight
  • Lamayuru – Perfect For Stargazing
  • Chadar Trek – Trekker’s Delight
  • Local Food – Grab The Scrumptious Delights
  • Nubra Valley – Glance At The Beauty
  • Donkey Sanctuary – Take A Stroll
  • Drang Drung Glacier – For Thrill-Seekers
  • Chemrey Monastery – Visit The Illuminating Spot
  • Shanti Stupa – Religious Visit
  • Gurudwara Pathhar Sahib – For Some Peace
  • Main Bazaar – Shop For Souvenirs
  • Pangong Tso – Truly Breathtaking Sunrise
  • Ladakh Harvest Festival – A Cultural Triumph
  • Matho Nagrang Festival – Witness Buddhist Celebrations
  • Stok Palace Museum – For Culture Lovers
  • Hall Of Fame – Pay Tribute For A Soldier’s Sacrifice
  • Zorawar Fort – Visit The Majestic Fort
  • River Rafting – Satiate The Inner Thrill-Seeker
  • Leh Palace – Witness The Royal Life
  • Camping –  A Stay Under The Starry Sky
  • Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary –  Travel In A Jeep
  • Lehchen – A Peek Into The Nightlife
  • Destination Wedding – Get Hitched
  • Landscape Photography: For Your Instagram
  • Cycling : For The Thrillseekers

1. Hemis Festival – Interesting Interactions

ladakh trip places

One of the best things to do on a Ladakh trip is seeing the Llamas perform the colorful Chhams. You haven’t felt the spirit and true magnetism of Ladakh if you haven’t seen the dance drama flaunting vibrant clothes and formidable masks. Attend the Hemis Festival of Ladakh Festival to be mesmerized by the colorful dances. 

Where: Hemis Monastery

When: 11th July to 12th July

Highlight: the Chham Dance is quite famous; people dance wearing masks and the dance is symbolic of good winning over bad

Time required:  3-4 hours

Average cost:  N/A

Must Read: 38 Most Colorful Places In India

2. Hemis National Park – Spot A Snow Leopard

ladakh trip places

There is nothing as breathtaking as looking at a Snow Leopard seen in only a few places in the entire world. Spot the beautiful animal on the snow leopard trek in one of the popular Ladakh attractions – the Hemis National Park , home to more than 200 snow leopards which can be seen only in the winter. As wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers, one of the thrilling things to do in Leh Ladakh in May is to step into Hemis National Park. 

Where: Hemis National Park

When:  During summer

Highlights:  Hemis National Park

Average cost:  INR 500

3. Hunder – Try Bactrian Camel Safari

ladakh trip places

Image Credit: John Hill for Wikipedia Commons

A ride on the double-humped Bactrian Camels at the sand dunes of Hunder is number three on our list of things to do in Ladakh for its terrain along the breathtakingly beautiful Shyok and Nubra River. This is an integral part of the caravans that used to travel on the ancient trade route. Thus, experiencing the thrill of camel ride is among the ultimate  things to do in Ladakh in June .   

Where: Hunder

When: during the summer months of June to September

Highlight: the scenic beauty that you’ll witness during your ride from Hunder to Turtuk

Time required:  2-3 hours

Average cost:  INR 200

Suggested Read: Adventure Holidays In India For Summer

4. Khardungla Pass – Visit Highest Cafeteria In The World

ladakh trip places

One of the unique Ladakh attractions is the Maggi point at the highest cafeteria in the world. You may have eaten this noodle everywhere possible, but you have not truly enjoyed it till you savor the 2-minute noodle overlooking the Himalayan ranges at Khardung La Pass, one of the highest motorable passes in the world.

Where: Khardungla Pass

When: the best time to visit Khardungla Pass is from April to June as well as September to October

Highlight: the fact that Khardungla Pass is the highest motorable road in the world is enough to give you a reason to visit this place

Time required:  5-6 hours

5. Yak Cheese – Try Yak Cheese Momos

ladakh trip places

The wish-granting yak gives the nomads milk, butter, and meat for the table, and in absolutely no other part of the country are you going to get the chance to try out cheese made from the milk of Yak. Also called Chhurpi, try it in its local form or as the delicious Yak cheese momos. This definitely has to be on your list of things to do in Ladakh.

Where: Gesmo restaurant, Opp. Hotel Yak – Tall Fort Road Leh Jammu and Kashmir, 194101

When:  Throughout the year

Highlights:  Delicious Yak cheese momos

Time required:  2 hours

Average cost:  INR 400

Suggested Read: 10 Offbeat Trekking Spots in The Himalayas

6. Buddhist Monks – Hang Out With The Monks

ladakh trip places

While connecting with the tourists and the locals on your trip is fun, but nothing can beat the magical aura of these Buddhist monks in the valleys of Ladakh who can be seen roaming around and meditate at the monasteries. Hung up on a monk strolling at a monastery and stay set to interact with him on his wise, divine experiences.

Time required:  N/A

7. Hemis Monastery –  Peaceful Morning Expeditions

ladakh trip places

Don’t just visit the popular Ladakh attractions but also make sure to visit the beautiful Buddhist monasteries, instead stay overnight at the one! Enjoy a stay at Hemis monastery overnight which enables you to attend early morning prayers, a moving rejuvenating experience and we strongly recommended it.

When: 8:00 AM

Highlight: Morning prayers will be a mesmerizing sight to see and will prove to be a great experience

Average cost: N/A

Suggested Read: 12 Festivals Of Ladakh

8. Adventurous Roads – For Fun Seekers

ladakh trip places

To all the adrenaline junkies out there, a bike ride on the narrow & rocky terrains has to be on your list of adventurous things to do in Ladakh. Your trip is incomplete until you have driven the lonely but beautiful roads on a motorbike with nothing but the clouds above and the formidable mountains around. And if you are really in the spirit then drive to the Khardung-La pass, which at an altitude of 5,602 m is one of the highest motorable passes in the world. All in all, bike riding and car drives are among the exciting  things to do in Ladakh in August. 

Where: Khardung-La pass

When: if you want to experience the best of this pass, then make sure you plan your visit here in the months of April to August and September to October

Highlight: it is considered to be the world’s highest motorable road

Time required:  1-2 hours

9. Hot Butter Tea – Local Brew Chang

ladakh trip places

You might have had chai on every other place in the country, but when in Ladakh you have to try out the local Butter tea, and if you are in for a good time then try out Chang, the local brew made in a cylindrical porcelain pot by fermenting miller. For tea lovers, this is a must thing to taste while in Ladakh.

When: Throughout the year

Highlight: the best thing about the two beverages is that they give you a fair idea about the local culture of Ladakh

Time required:  1 hour

Average cost:  INR 100

Suggested Read: 29 Best Adventure Destinations In India

10. Locals – Interact And Stay

ladakh trip places

Hotel stays are great but it isn’t a trip to Ladakh if you don’t experience life in the mountains. Get a whiff of the local culture first hand as you stay with a native Ladakhi family. Feast on the Ladakhi cuisine prepared right at home for an unparalleled experience.

Highlight: if you’ll stay with the locals, you’ll get a better idea of their lifestyle and their place will be like a home away from home.

11. Old School Mills – Peep Into The Past

ladakh trip places

See how one the most expensive handlooms in the world – the Pashmina is crafted only at these old school mills in Ladakh. You can haggle over prices in your city but this is one of the places you can actually see the magic at work. Extra points if you can find a Pashmina goat to pet. You will wish you could take one home.

Highlight: a Pashmina will give you an idea about the history as well as the artistic aspect of Ladakh. It will also throw light on the skills of artisans that live here.

Suggested Read: Wildlife Experience India

12. Spituk Gompa Trek – Adventurous Expeditions

ladakh trip places

Spituk Gompa is a magnificent ancient monastery resting at the top of a hill. One of the unique monasteries in Ladakh, it is quite a great place to explore by adventurous souls. This location looks quite a vantage point along with the uneven mountains surrounding the place.

Where: Leh, Jammu and Kashmir 194104

Highlight: standing here one can enjoy a beautiful view of the entire landscape while enjoying the silence in the air.

13. Zanskar Valley Tour – For Daredevils

ladakh trip places

 Image Credit: Jochen Westermann for Wikimedia Commons

This valley lies in the secluded region of Ladakh and is one of the most-visited places owing to its breathtaking view. This valley is considered to be a part of the Tethys Himalayas. There are cave monasteries and trekking trails enveloped within an awe-striking natural setting. You can even come to this site for enjoying thrilling river rafting.

When: The best time to visit Zanskar Valley is considered to be July to September.

Highlight: Come to this valley if you want to undergo an unparalleled sightseeing experience.

Time required:  4-5 hours

Average cost:  INR 1,000

Suggested Read: 8 Tourist Circuits Of Ladakh

14. Tso Moriri – Chill And Rejuvenate

view of grass, lake, and mountains

If you’re looking for a place where you can just sit and chill and enjoy the breathtaking views around, then picnicking at Tso Moriri can be a great idea. This lake is not that popular amongst the lakes of Changtang Wildlife Sanctuary. However, it is considered to be quite similar to the much-famous Pangong Lake. This lake is around 100 feet deep and is surrounded by majestic hills.

When: During the winters, this lake freezes, and therefore the summer months of May, June, July, and August are considered the best for visiting this lake.

Highlight: Apart from the hills, you can witness some unique species of flora and fauna here.

15. Magnetic Hill – Startling Experience

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Image Credit: Vikrantdhiman189381 for Wikipedia Commons

The Magnetic hill in Ladakh is famously considered as the anti-gravity hill, as you’ll see that the vehicles don’t seem to move according to the force of gravity at this place. If you want to see the proof, park your vehicle and watch it move uphill on its own. Leh is at a distance of 30 kilometers from this hill and it is a must-visit when you’re out to explore the magnificent tourist attractions!

When: the best time to visit this place is considered to be between the months of July and September

Highlight: there are some mythical stories attached to this hill which makes it all the more worthy to explore

Time required:  3 hours

Suggested Read: 10 Hotels In Leh Ladakh

16. Namgyal Tsemo Monastery – Cultural Insight

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Image Source: Kmohankar for Wikimedia Commons

If you want to get closer to the spiritual aspect of Ladakh, then a visit to this monastery is a must. Traveling to this monastery is itself an experience you will cherish. On your way, you’ll witness the beautiful mountains, making the whole experience more mesmerizing. Many people come to this monastery to seek knowledge of Buddhism.

Where: Leh district, Ladakh

Highlight: the vibes at this monastery are quite amazing, making it one of the best places to visit

17. Lamayuru – Perfect For Stargazing

ladakh trip places

If you want to watch the stars twinkling while sitting amidst the beautiful mountains, then this is the place for you. Popular by the name, Moonland of Ladakh, Lumayuru is a hamlet that lies at the Srinagar to Leh highway, at a distance of 100 kilometers from Leh. This place is essentially famous for the Tibetan Buddhist Monastery. This is the place where you’ll see nature at its best. People from different regions come to this spot to enjoy nature’s best gifts. Also, some of the best Ladakh resorts are situated in the vicinity.

When: You can visit this village in the summer as well as monsoon months. However, it is suggested that you must stay careful during the monsoons as the chance of landslides is quite high.

Highlight: Stargazing at this point would be a delight and an experience that you’ll never forget.

Suggested Read: Shopping In Chandni Chowk

18. Chadar Trek – Trekker’s Delight

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Image Credit: Sumita Roy Dutta for Wikimedia Commons

Are you interested in walking across frozen sheets of ice? If yes, then take the Frozen River trek while holidaying in Ladakh. Being one of the most popular things in Ladakh, the experiences of this trek are spellbinding. You will also be capturing panoramic sights of frozen valleys while strolling here and the serene ambiance will surely make you fall in love with this place. This is one of the best activities to do in Ladakh.

Where: Chadar

When: In the month of December

Highlight: Frozen river and serene ambiance

Time required:  6-8 hours

Average cost:  Cost of supplies for the trek: INR 1,000

19. Local Food – Grab The Scrumptious Delights

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Image Source: Shutterstock

The place is known for offering multi-cuisine food items including Indian, Tibetan, Korean, and Chinese. You must surely try Thukpa, Tsampa, and Skyu here to get the best taste of Tibetan cuisine. Apart from other delightful items to eat you must surely sip Chang, a local alcoholic drink before leaving Ladakh! 

Highlight: Must try Thukpa, Tsampa, Skyu, and Chang

Average cost:  INR 800

Suggested Read: Shopping Destinations In India

20. Nubra Valley – Glance At The Beauty

ladakh trip places

Another interesting thing to do here is heading to Nubra Valley. Located at a distance of nearly 140 kilometers from Leh, the place is known for its scenic beauty and adventurous expeditions. You will be crossing the thriving Shyok and Nubra rivers to reach the valley which is also home to numerous beautiful monasteries. The area is under military supervision because of its proximity to Siachen Base camp. The place is also known for interesting Bactrian camel rides. 

Where: Nubra Valley

When: Between June to September

Highlight: Scenic beauty, Bactrian camel rides, and treks

21. Donkey Sanctuary – Take A Stroll

ladakh trip places

Isn’t is surprising to visit Donkey Sanctuary on your vacation? However, it may sound funny, but the place offers numerous interesting reasons for you to explore the place. The sanctuary offers care to the old and sick donkeys of the regions and provides them the geographical conditions required for a healthy living. 

Where: Khakshal Village, Leh Ladakh

When: Between June to October

Highlight: The place gives you a chance to be friendly with animals, who are usually mocked. 

Suggested Read:  New Year In Ladakh

22. Drang Drung Glacier – For Thrill-Seekers

ladakh trip places

Another awesome thing to do in Ladakh is taking a trek to Drang Drung Glacier located in Suru Valley. The glacier extends from Kargil to Panzella and the region is believed to be the most fertile in the Ladakh region. Don’t forget to visit Panikhar and Parachik on your way to Drang Drung glacier for the best experience. This is one of the most exciting activities to do in Ladakh.

Where: Suru Basin, Leh Ladakh

When: During summers

Highlight: Scenic beauty, adventurous expeditions

23. Chemrey Monastery – Visit The Illuminating Spot

ladakh trip places

Chemrey Monastery in Ladakh is an impeccable Buddhist monastery that was established nearly 400 years ago. Located at a distance of nearly 40 kilometers from Leh, the prime highlights of this monastery is the enormous statue of Padmasambhava and the ancient scriptures with text embedded in gold and silver letters. It was founded by Lama Tagsand Raschen and is known for its serene ambiance. 

Where: Chemrey

Highlights: Statue of Padmasambhava and ancient scriptures

Suggested Read: 11 Adventure Sports In Ladakh

24. Shanti Stupa – Religious Visit

ladakh trip places

Shanti Stupa in Leh is amongst the most popular Tibetan structures that is known for its architecture and beauty. Its white-dome structure is truly mesmerizing and the place offers panoramic sights of the surrounding area. The place will surely give you a perfect chance to revive your soul amidst the peaceful ambiance of this stupa. The stupa was established by a popular Japanese Buddhist, Bhikshu Gyomyo Nakamura in the year 1991. 

Where: Shanti Stupa Rd, Leh

Highlights: White-dome structure and serene ambiance

25. Gurudwara Pathhar Sahib – For Some Peace

ladakh trip places

Gurudwara Pathhar Sahib comes on the way from your travel to Sham Valley from Leh. If you’re in luck and time, you will be able to taste the delicious food from the langar. The place is Devoted to Guru Nanak Dev Ji and is a sacred place built beautifully to commemorate his visit to Ladakh. The place is also flocked by Tibetans as they worship the presiding deity of Guru Gompa Maharaj.

Where: NH 1D, Phey, Jammu and Kashmir 194101

When: May to September (make sure the roads aren’t closed)

Highlight: Sometimes, the Indian army personnel get to serve delicious meals. You’d be lucky if you witness that.

Suggested Read: 10 Homestays In Ladakh

26. Main Bazaar – Shop For Souvenirs

ladakh trip places

Wondering what to do in Ladakh? Engage in shopping extravaganza at the Main Bazaar, which is a sprawling marketplace in Leh. Get a whole range of affordable items like apparel, accessories, Tibetan jewelry, and more. The locals as well as the tourists visit the markets in abundance. With a multitude of shops, you can expect a whole lot of bargaining. 

Where: Main Bazaar Road, Leh

When: Evening and Night

Highlight: High end items at a pretty moderate budget

27. Pangong Tso – Truly Breathtaking Sunrise

ladakh trip places

One of the wondrous things to do in Ladakh is observing the sunrise at Pangong Tso or Pangong Lake. It is a supreme spectacle located at an elevation of 14,270 ft. above sea level. With an estimated depth of 300 ft, a major portion of the lake lies in the Tibetan Autonomous Region. A breathtaking sight and true craftsmanship of nature. You will observe an eye-catching blue sky which is tranquil, and cold. This is one of the truly amazing Ladakh lakes that you can find.

Where: Leh-Ladakh

When: Early Morning

Highlight: The turquoise blue waters and sights make it an awe-inspiring spectacle. No particular place to stay here except surrounded by Mother Nature. 

Time required:  4 hours

Suggested Read: Trekking In Ladakh

28. Ladakh Harvest Festival – A Cultural Triumph

ladakh trip places

This is an annual event that continues for two weeks and usually falls in September. The festival witnesses a vibrant procession that starts from Leh and continues to move till Polo ground. It is an immense celebration full of ceremonial costumes, music, and cultural performances. What’s even better to watch are the lamas of the sacred monasteries performing masked dances. Explore a multitude of contests including wedding celebrations, archery, and polo contests.  Celebrating here can be considered as one of the top things to do in Ladakh.

When: September

Highlight : Catch the color of Asian, Tibetan and North Indian traditions that capture its customs through theater shows, folk dances, and music.

29. Matho Nagrang Festival – Witness Buddhist Celebrations

Festival in matho nagrang

Another famous festival in Ladakh is the Matho Nagrang Festival where you get to capture the true essence of Buddhism. Also, called the festival of the oracles, it is celebrated on the 15th day of the 1st month of the Tibetan calendar. The monks perform masked dances with colorful silk robes depicting various Gods. The oracles predict the future, of the locals as well as the tourists. Witnessing the festival is one of the top things to do in Ladakh.

When : February

Where : Matho Monastery

Highlights : Two oracles, who after a full month of meditation and isolation make an appearance in the main courtyard with masked dancers.

Suggested Read: Delhi To Jammu Trains

30. Stok Palace Museum – For Culture Lovers

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Image Credit: Susheel Verma for Wikipedia Commons

Get to understand the history and culture of the valley in this museum. Located within the residential compound of the royal family, this huge museum has only a tiny portion available for tourists. One can find precious artifacts and relics which are heaven if you are a history lover. Other displays include royal seals, jewelry, photographs, and costumes. The war memorials are exhibited in a separate area which includes bows, swords, shields, and arrows. This is one of the top things to do in Ladakh. In fact, the museum is awfully close to one of the most famous treks called Stok Kangri Trek .

When : Throughout the year

Where : Stok, Jammu and Kashmir 194101

Highlights : An intriguing collection of the region’s history built in a huge palace

31. Hall Of Fame – Pay Tribute For A Soldier’s Sacrifice

ladakh trip places

Visiting this majestic region, although, at the center of Indo-Pak conflicts and not getting into a war museum is an activity you should try and add to your list. The Hall of Fame museum has been constructed by the Indian Army to remember the martyrs of several Indo-Pak wars over the years.  The museum is divided into 2 regions, one where the arms, ammunition, and weapons are displayed while the other region has the apparel and amenities used by the army during the wars.

Where : Leh, Jammu and Kashmir 194101

Highlights: The displays give you chills and make you realize the sacrifices of the soldiers for the country.

Time required: 1 Hour

Suggested Read: 9 Best Places To Visit Near Humayun Tomb

32. Zorawar Fort

Aerial view of a Fort

Image Credit: Deeptrivia for Wikimedia Commons

If you are visiting Leh, a visit to Zorawar Fort would give you access to a majestic view of the entire city. It was built in the 1830s when the Dogras and Sikhs took control of the valley. Under the recent renovation process, there has been an addition of a museum to explore. This fort stands as a pride for the entire region and is made up of local clay, sun-dried bricks, stones, and wooden frames.

Where : Skara Rd, Leh, 194101

Highlights: Witness the struggles that the fort went through during its conflicts with the Chinese  

33. River Rafting – Satiate The Inner Thrill-Seeker

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Image Source: babasteve for Wikipedia Commons

Get ready to channelize your inner adventure junkie by indulging in one of the best things to do in Ladakh. River rafting is a popular activity that all thrill-seekers find quite enticing and to satiate your souls, Ladakh has trails like Phey to Nimmo that will surely blow your mind away. Witness the beauty of this region while you cross quaint villages and stunning monasteries for which Ladakh is famous all around the world. Follow all the instructions given by your guide and try and keep safe on the boat!

When: June and August

Where: Phey to Nimmo

Highlights: The monasteries and villages that you will cross are the highlights of your journey.

Suggested Read: River Rafting In Ladakh

34. Leh Palace – Witness The Royal Life

ladakh trip places

Constructed by Sengge Namgyal, the king of Ladakh in the 17th century, Leh Palace is one of the most visited tourist attractions in India. If you want to experience the way Royals lived, then Leh Palace should be on your list This palace has nine stories and the uppermost story accommodated the royal family and the other stories were used as storage and as stable. The museum inside the palace has a collection of royal ornaments, jewelry, and ceremonial dresses.

When: 7 AM – 4 PM

Where: Namgyal Hill, Leh, Jammu and Kashmir

Highlights: The museum inside the palace that has all the royal jewelry and dresses.

35. Camping – A Stay Under The Starry Sky

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Image Credit: McKay Savage for Wikimedia Commons

Travelers prefer staying in camps rather than hotels and if you are one of them then one of the best things to do in Ladakh is to stay in a camp. There are a plethora of camp setups in Ladakh and all you need to do is to choose the perfect location and book your stay. Pangong Retreat Camp is one of the most famous camps as it offers all travelers a view of the serene Pangong Lake. Other camps that you can stay at are Double Humped Camp Hunder, 100 Sky Camp, and Nomadic Life Camp. If you are seeking  offbeat things to do in Ladakh, go camping at hidden gems.

When: May to October

Where: There are different locations like Pangong Lake and other lakes.

Highlights: The fun activities arranged by the camp owners and the sky full of stars.

Time required:  Overnight

Average cost:  INR 1500 – 3000

Suggested Read: 9 Places To Visit In Nubra Valley

36. Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary – Travel In A Jeep

ladakh trip places

Image Source: Vinay Goyal, Ludhiana for Wikipedia Commons

Situated in Ladakhi Changthang plateau, Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary is known for its rich flora and fauna. While you are planning to visit this sanctuary try doing it in a jeep and make your journey full of thrill and amazing view. You can spot a lot of animals like snow leopard, wild yak, Tibetan wolf, and brown bear. This wildlife sanctuary is spread across an area of 1,600sq.km and is home to 200 species of wild plants that you must have a look at. Travel in style and hire a jeep to reach this monastery! Hence, exploring Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary is among the best things to do in Ladakh in May.

When: May and December

Where: Ladakh, Jammu, and Kashmir

Highlights: Snow Leopard

37. Lehchen – A Peek Into The Nightlife


Ladakh doesn’t have a lot of bars and clubs where you can dance and party. This region has a lounge and bar setup called Lehchen and you can grab a refreshing cocktail or two at this place. Order tandoori momos and the cocktail that suits your taste and enjoy the mesmerizing view this place has to offer. Hangout with the locals and start a conversation to know more about their culture and traditions. Experiencing the nightlife is one of the top things to do in Leh. Do try the Lamb strips and yak cheese served at this terrific lounge and restaurant! 

When: 8 am – 10:30 pm

Where: Zangsti Rd, Leh, Jammu, and Kashmir

Highlights: Cocktails and Tandoori Momos

Average cost:  INR 1000

Suggested Read: Ladakh In May

38. Destination Wedding – Get Hitched

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Image Source: Damionmower for Wikimedia Commons

The best among the things to do in Ladakh is yet to come and it is undoubtedly planning a destination wedding in this beautiful region. Plan your escape with your friends and family and get hitched in Ladakh to make your wedding day memorable and unforgettable. Become the trendsetter in your family and either do a pre-wedding shoot or just get married in the valleys of Ladakh. You may not do it in the traditional way but the whole experience will be fantastic. There are luxurious hotels in Ladakh where you can stay and do make your booking at least 6 months before.

When: September – October

Average cost:  Variable

39. Landscape Photography: For Your Instagram

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Image Credit: Harvinder Chandigarh for Wikimedia Commons

When you are in a destination like Ladakh, disconnecting from the virtual world seems appropriate but there is no harm in taking your camera/mobile phone once in a while to shoot some of the thrilling landscapes that you will come across very often. Ladakh is a paradise for photographers and even if you are just a hobbyist, there is the chance to get some amazing shots for sharing with your loved ones. 

When: 24 hours

Where: Everywhere in Ladakh

Highlights: Instagrammable travel photography

Suggested Read: 7 Valleys In Ladakh

40. Cycling: For The Thrillseekers

ladakh trip places

Besides being one of the most popular ways of exploring Ladakh, it is also a popular choice among thrill-seekers who are willing to ditch the comfort of being driven to their location. If you want to enjoy a more grounded view of this place can either rent a bike from a local vendor or bring your own to ride on the main roads or motorable trails. It also gives you a chance to stop and explore many offbeat places on your way.

When: All year round

Highlights:  The chance to explore on the go

Average cost:  INR 1,000 (If renting the bike)

Further Read: 16 Most Beautiful Villages In India That You Must Visit

So, hurry up, it’s Ladakh calling! If you can’t keep your adrenaline rush at bay and want to experience the best sightseeing around this pristine land, then make sure to indulge in these things to do in Ladakh. The most pristine highlands with vibrant cultural aesthetic awaits. So, plan your trip to Ladakh today.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Things To Do In Ladakh

What are the top attractions to visit in Leh?

Some must-visit attractions of Leh include: 1. Thiksey Monastery 2. Pangong Tso Lake 3. Khardung-la Pass 4. Markha Valley 5. Nubra Valley 6. Tso Moriri lake 7. Hemis National Park 8. Diskit Monastery

What are the most popular things to do in Ladakh with children?

Activities that you can enjoy with children in Ladakh include: 1. Visit Hemis National Park 2. Explore all the monasteries 3. Witness the culture at Stok Palace Museum 4. Enjoy camping 5. Witness the confluence of the Indus and Zanskar Rivers

What should I shop for in Ladakh?

There are numerous things to shop in Ladakh. Some must-buys include Tibetan handicrafts and wares, silver and stone jewellery, pashmina shawls, other woollen items, and Kashmiri carpets.

What is famous in Ladakh?

Ladakh is famous for its scenic beauty, Buddhist monasteries, unique culture and exciting adventure spots. It is also known for its amazing trekking routes. Leh, Ladakh’s administrative capital, is also popular among tourists because of its beautiful surroundings and monasteries.

Which is the best time to visit Ladakh?

April marks the start of the tourist season in Ladakh and it is the best time to visit Leh Ladakh. However, June is also considered one of the best times of the year to visit Leh by bike. Visiting Leh Ladakh is still a cherished trip for many. If you wish to see the snowy roads and mountains this is the best time to go for a holiday. By mid-June, the snow begins to melt and therefore some of the most beautiful lakes in Ladakh are a treat to the eyes.

What attracts tourists to Ladakh?

The several places to visit in Leh Ladakh is surely an experience of a lifetime. The beautiful landscape, and the monasteries, Buddhist culture attracts tourists from all across the globe. Adventure activities like skiing, trekking and more also attract travellers from far off.

What food is famous in Ladakh?

Thukpa, Chutagi, and Tapu are some of the famous food in Ladakh. These are the signature dishes of Ladakh which are worth drooling over.

What are the main activities in the Ladakh region?

Ladakh is famous for its adventure activities. It offers an incredible opportunity for white water river rafting, camping, trekking, and exciting motorbiking experiences. The Buddhist monasteries reflect the rich art and culture of the region and are one of the must-visit in Ladakh.

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23 Most Beautiful Places To Visit In Ladakh

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Whether you’re looking for places to visit in Ladakh in July or places to visit in Ladakh in November, Ladakh is a backpacker’s haven, with emerald lakes, trekking trails, and valleys which is also known as the land of monasteries and monks, beautiful villages tucked away in picturesque landscapes, there is a lot to experience here even if you’re looking for places to visit in Ladakh for honeymoon.

Ladakh offers everything. But now it’s time to find out the best places to visit in Ladakh and Leh, so let’s find out now.

Here are the 23 Most Beautiful Places To Visit In Ladakh:

1. Tso Gompa

Namgyal Tsemo Monastery

Founded in 1430 by King Tashi Namgyal of Ladakh, it has a three-story high gold statue of Maitreya Buddha and ancient manuscripts and frescoes.

Tso Gompa  is located on a hill right above the Leh Palace. This mud-brick monastery, built in 1430, houses an 8m-high statue of Maitreya Buddha (the future Buddha). It can be accessed on foot from Leh Palace and there is also a road up to the gompa.

The monastery offers a panoramic vista of the flowing Indus River, the snow-capped Zanskar range, and the surrounding countryside. Besides offering mesmerizing views in its vicinity, the Tso Gompa also sites sacred scriptures and artistic watercolor paintings within.

The monastery also has sculptures of Alokistesvara (also known as Padmapani) and Manjushri, both of which are revered elements of the Buddhist faith. This stunning monastery is a must-visit whenever you’re in Leh.

Check out 5 Beautiful Places To Visit In Leh

2. Yarab Tso Lake

Yarab Tso Lake, Ladakh

Tucked away in the Nubra Valley, there is beautiful  Yarab Tso Lake in the backdrop of snow-capped mountains and extensive plains, which give blue skies a very panoramic view.

Yarab Tso Lake is Ladakh’s best-kept secret that is situated some 15 km from Diskit Region and is believed as a sacred place in Ladakh. It is a high-altitude lake that is hidden in the Sumur Village and can only be reached by trekking uphill for 20 minutes.

The charming lake with perfectly clear water, set in the midst of the contrasting rocky surroundings makes it a genuinely awesome site. Tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the feeling of tranquility experienced on visiting Yarab Tso Lake compensates for the fairly troublesome climb.

But remember, this lake is regarded as one of the holiest and high altitude lakes in the Nubra Valley, Yarab Tso Lake is highly revered among the locals of the region. It is advised not to wash your feet or try to swim in this enrapturing lake. So, try to simply sit by the rocks, breathing in the unpolluted mountain air, relishing the sight of colorful prayer flags fluttering around the crystal clear aquamarine water, and experience the sense of calmness it brings.

If you are planning a trip to Ladakh, then the beautiful lakes here cannot be missed at any cost. These lakes are an integral part of the landscape here especially this pictorial lake holds crystal-clear water, and is still untouched by the outer world.

Panamik Village, Ladakh

Famously known for its therapeutic hot springs, the  Panamik is the last destination for tourists traveling across Ladakh which is a beautiful scenic village in the Nubra valley.

The hot water springs of Panamik are enriched with a high amount of Sulphur. A dip in these Sulphur hot springs is believed to cure various health ailments. Owing to the health benefits of these hot springs, the Panamik village is visited daily by the people from neighboring villages.

But this uninterrupted destination in Ladakh creates a heaven on earth ambiance. With the snow-clad peaks and rich green valleys, a visit to Panamik Village will truly amaze you. With the shadows formed by fluffy clouds above, you can see them pass you as you walk around the charming village.

As the region lies on the Indo-Tibetan border, it serves as a base for the trek to Ensa Monastery, which is famous for Buddhist murals. The tiny hamlet is also known for the Pashmina goats and the Bactrian camels which have two humps and were a great mode to transverse in the silk route.

Although everything about this place is captivating, the view of the sun-capped peaks and green valleys is truly mesmerizing. The panorama is more enchanting during the month of September and October when the trees turn yellow with a tinge of red. So, don’t miss it.

Check out The 7 Amazing Places To Visit In Nubra Valley

4. Khardung La Pass

Khardung La Pass, Ladakh

Khardung La is a mountain pass that local pronunciation is “Khardong La” or “Khardzong La” but, as with most names in Ladakh, the romanized spelling varies. The pass on the Ladakh Range is north of Leh and is the gateway to the Shyok and Nubra valleys.

Located at an altitude of 18,380 ft, Khardung La falls on an extremely scenic route in Ladakh that is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Ladakh, and for good reason. It is the highest motorable road in the world after all that offers astonishing views of the twisting roads up the mountain and the awesome valley.

This pass promises an escape from the regular destinations and it provides splendor sites for the naked eye. Alternatively known as the ‘Pass of Lower Castle’, Khardung La is the inspiration of motorbike, automobile, and mountain biking expeditions. This makes it an adventure aficionados’ paradise indeed.

A visit to Khardung La Pass is one of the must things to do in Ladakh. The picturesque panoramas and pure air lure tourists from every nook and corner of the world.

Besides, how can you not admire the colorful prayer flags that simply add an added charm to your highway to glory?

Check out the 3 Spectacular Places To Visit In Khardung La Pass

5. Pangong Lake

Places to visit in Pangong Lake

The word Pangong is derived from the Tibetan word Banggong Co which means “long, narrow, enchanted lake”. Pangong Lake is an endorheic lake in the Himalayas situated at a height of about 4,350 m (14,270 ft).

Pangong Tso is geographically situated in a disputed territory, claimed both by India and China. The eastern end of the lake is in Tibet and is not claimed by India. The western end of the lake is not in dispute.

This beautiful multi-shaded ocean-like lake is about 5 KM wide at its broadest point and about 134 KM long with about 60% of the length extending into Tibet.

But if you remember the scene from the Bollywood movie “3 Idiots” when Kareena Kapoor comes riding on a scooter to meet Aamir Khan, then you have already seen the scenic beauty of the picturesque Pangong Tso or Pangong Lake.

Pangong Tso-lake in Changthang region of Ladakh has emerged as one of the most wanted places to visit among domestic tourists in recent times especially after the Bollywood blockbusters “3 idiots” and “Jab Tak Hai Jaan”.

The beauty of Pangong Tso cannot be described but can only be experienced. The lake mesmerizes one and all with its shimmering beauty. In simple words, we can say Pangong Lake is “Turquoise Blue Paradise” that you would not like to miss at any cost while traveling to Ladakh, and also it is one of the best places to visit near Ladakh.

Check out 3 Best Places to Visit in Pangong Lake

6. Panikhar

Panikhar Village, Ladakh

While most of the villages in Ladakh are known for their extremely enticing beauty and charm,  Panikhar  totally steals the show which is located 26 km from the village of Sankoo.

Panikhar is a captivating village in the Suru Valley of Ladakh, this magnificent hamlet is among the best maintained and serene villages which you will find during your trip to Ladakh.

Panikhar is only 75 km from Kargil and can be reached in less than 3 hours by hiring a cab. Untouched by the hands of commercialization, Panikhar has endured and also showcases its bountiful beauty with full glory. With the Suru River following the trails that lead to this bewitching village in Ladakh, the beauty and splendor get further adorned with greeneries on both sides.

This serene village is ideal for enjoying the scenic views. It is the best place to get a view of Nun mountain. You can also visit the nearby Parkachik Pass. You can stop at Panikhar to witness the simple lifestyle of the inhabitants here who are quite hospitable.

And if you happen to visit Panikhar during the winters, you will be welcomed by captivating views of snow-capped peaks with its pearly-white meadows casting their spell on you! On the other hand, summers are marked by a magical change that converts the entire village into fantasy land!

All you can witness during the summers is colorful flowers throughout the village; which is also known as the ‘Valley of Flowers’ of the Trans-Himalayan region. I am pretty sure after reading this, you won’t like to miss this magical village for sure on your trip to Suru valley.

7. Kun Peak

Kun Peak, Ladakh

Located in the upper Suru Valley,  Kun Peak  is the second-highest peak of the Nun Kun massif. Kun was the first to be conquered in 1913 by the Italian mountaineer Piacenza, while Nun, the highest summit of the massif, was first scaled by the Swiss climber, Madame Claude Kogan in 1953.

The Nun Kun Massif is a very popular climbing area of the region that is booked out from months ahead, sometimes years, by climbing expeditions, therefore advance arrangements are a necessity. It offers an opportunity for climbers to scale one of the highest peaks of Ladakh (7, 077 m), and higher than any other peaks in the world outside the great Himalayas!

Climbing Kun Peak will bring you a once-in-a-lifetime experience of conquering Mount Kun peak, and thereby the experience to conquer yourself. So, don’t miss climbing this Himalayan mountain if you love to climb but remember it is considered one of the most challenging climbing destinations in the Great Himalayas.

Check out 4 Beautiful Places to Visit In Ladakh’s Suru Valley

Rangdum, Ladakh

Located midway between Padum in the scenic Zanskar Valley and Kargil,  Rangdum  is one of the most beautiful places to visit during your trip to Ladakh. Being one of the most extreme and isolated, Rangdum is an oblique extended plateau encompassed by breathtaking hills on one side and encrusted rocky mountains on the other.

This gorgeous valley in the pictorial valley of Ladakh is adorned by fascinating and colorful peaks on one side and stunning glaciers along with rugged mountains on the other side.

The chief attraction of this place is a massive 18th-century monastery ‘Rangdum’ which houses as many as 40 monks. It is perched atop of a centrally rising mound and ensconced by a separated route of a mountain stream that creates an aura of age-old fortification protecting a mystical mountain.

Secluded from the humdrum of city life, Rangdum is the ultimate place to wind up, relax, and get rejuvenated while having a tryst with the enchanting beauty of nature. In addition to this, visiting Rangdum will also get you the opportunity to witness and enjoy the contrasting sides of the Ladakh region.

While you enjoy the stimulating views of the rugged mountains where you can revel in the astounding views and charm of several vibrant mountains around the valley.

So don’t miss it because along with the snow-clad peaks that depict the unique charm and aura of a Ladakh trip, there are the verdant meadows that will make your stay in Rangdum an extremely soothing affair!

Padum, Ladakh

Padum , named after Padmasambhava and known as the second Buddha is the only town in Zanskar and one of the two main capitals of the erstwhile Zanskar Kingdom. It is the most populated town of Zanskar that is inhabited by around 2000 people.

The traditional heart of the village is below the gompa where two large chortens stand above old buildings. Padum is the base for many difficult treks such as Padum to Darcha via Shingo La, Padum to Lamayuru via Singge La, and Padum to Leh via Cha Cha La, Rubrang La, and the Markha Valley.

Around Padum, you can visit the Starrimo Monastery, which houses about 30 monks, and Pibiting village, with its dominating hilltop monastery. Bardan, about 12 km from Padum on the trekking route to Darcha, has a 17th-century gompa, which is worth visiting.

A favorite among photographers, the town of Padum is scenic and known for its Spartan splendor. The fields that acquire different hues with the change of season and the close view of the Drang-Drung glacier’s long and winding river of ice and snow create an almost magical image to be captured.

Check out 4 Beautiful Places To Visit In Ladakh’s Zanskar Valley

10. Tiger Hill

Tiger Hill, Ladakh

Tiger Hill traditionally known as Gangz La (also called Point 5062) is a mountain in the Drass-Kargil area which is one of the highest peaks in the area and was the subject of a battle during the 1999 Kargil War.

Since Tiger Hill is the highest peak in the sector, it overlooks National Highway 1D, a road that connects Srinagar to Kargil, and is the main supply route of the Kargil sector.

The main tourist attraction of this hill is trekking where you can climb up to the viewpoints to get a panoramic view of the surrounding area. You can consider camping there to enjoy an outdoor evening.

There is a Kargil War memorial on the highway road. You can get a good view of the hill from the memorial on a clear day. Inside the Kargil War memorial or the Drass War Memorial, you can find a memorial sandstone wall with the names of the soldiers who died during the battle.

Another notable point of elegance here is the beautiful natural beauty of Tiger Hill, which is covered in mild verdant foliage paired with sublime clouds in the background. The fresh morning air as you make your way to the summit is a refreshing experience away from the banter of city life.

11. Suru River

Suru River, Ladakh

The  Suru River is a 185 km long river tributary of the Indus River that flows entirely through the Kargil where the Penzella glacier near Pensi La is the main source of the Suru River.

The Suru River forms the western and northern boundary of the Zanskar Range.  The river flows westwards, along with the Kargil-Zanskar Road, from its source and forms the Suru valley, which is towered by the massif of Nun Kun mountain.

It drains the Nun Kun mountain massif of the Zanskar Range in the Suru valley and is joined by a tributary “Shafat Nala” at the pastures of Gulmatango. The Suru River has extensive possibilities for rafting and it is practiced during the summer.

The Suru Valley is the starting point for rafting trips, and it also provides a base for mountaineering expeditions to the Nun Kun mountain massif.

Check out The 5 Beautiful Places To Visit In Kargil

12.  Mushkoh Valley 

Mushkoh Valley 

Located about 8km from Drass,  Mushkoh Valley is a glacial paradise, mostly known for its remarkable wildflowers that bloom in the summer months whose trekking trails offer the most surreal experiences.

It is considered to be glaciated and unsuitable for human habitation that is situated at an elevation of around 11,000 feet is just eight kilometers from the main market in Drass.

The valley has a population settled in a beautiful highland village surrounded by mountains and meadow on all sides that has a breathtaking landscape as Dras River also flows through it.

From Mushkoh, you can also trek to Tilail in Gurez (Bandipore) in few days which passes through many meadows. The meadows are dotted with different varieties of flowers. The mountain slopes in the Mushkoo Valley are filled with flowers giving the village a breathtaking beauty. So, if you’re an adventure enthusiast, a trek here is highly recommended.

13. Minamarg

Minamarg Valley

Located at a distance of 30km from Dras and lying on one of the trails of Amarnath Yatra,  Minamarg  is known for its scenic hills and valleys and Machoi glaciers.

Surrounded by the pristine Machoi Glacier – a place where the Drass river originates from and brimming with lush vegetation and exotic flora, Minamarg is a true paradise for all nature lovers. You need to visit this place for the most spectacular view of the Drass Valley.

So, If you’re looking for a slightly more immersive experience in Drass then look no further than Minamarg, a charming and unexplored valley that will take your breath away.

Check out The 4 Amazing Places to Visit In Drass Valley

14. Alchi Monastery

Alchi Monastery

Located in the Alchi Village of Ladakh,  Alchi Monastery is a complex of Buddist temples of which Alchi Monastery is the oldest and most famous.

It is regarded as one of the most important Buddhist centres in Ladakh and also as one of the monastic jewels of Ladakh that dates back to nearly one thousand years and so the effect of the Tibetan influence can be seen in the local culture.

Cemented on a flat ground unlike other monasteries in Ladakh, the traditional architecture of the monastery is a monastic complex that has 3 separate temples, known as Dukhang, Sumstek, and the Temple of Manjushri. Dukhang, the assembly hall, is the largest and the oldest preserved part of the monastery. The walls of the assembly hall are full of ancient paintings that depict different forms of Buddha and goddesses.

Sumtsek, the three-story temple is popular for its four-armed big Bodhisattva statue which occupies two floors of the temple. On the ground floor, there is a Maitreya Buddha along with a figure of white Avalokiteshvara and Manjushri.

The Temple of Manjushri is also known as Jampe Lhakhang. Along with images of Manjushri, the temple has a sculpture and a painting of Rinchen Tsangpo.

Apart from the historical and cultural factors, Alchi Monastery is also a place for adventure lovers. Rafting is a popular choice among people who visit this monastery due to its location being close to the Zaskar River, which is an added advantage for the rafters.

Check out 3 Beautiful Places To Visit In Alchi

15. Shyok Valley

Shyok Valley, Leh

Shyok Valley which is close to Nubra is a valley of the Shyok river, which originates from the Rimo glaciers and is at an elevation of 10,500ft. Rising from the Khumdang glacier, the Nubra and Changchenmo rivers fill the waters of the Shyok river.

The Khardung La pass, the highest motorable road in the world, on the Ladakh Range which is on the north of the town of Leh is the gateway to the Shyok Valley.

Shyok Valley is a paradise for those who yearn to witness the greener side of Ladakh Valley. Away from the humdrum of a typical tourist destination, this valley is the ultimate destination to laze around while doing nothing but enjoying the pristine beauty of nature.

The towering ranges of the valley are a visual delight with vegetation on its borders. Shyok river is also known as the river of death, probably because its route is a difficult one, not opted by many. This river is a tributary of the river Indus. Untouched by the hands of commercialization, a visit to Shyok Valley is a must while planning a trip to Leh.

 16. Stok Kangri 

Stok Kangri, Leh

Located in Hemis National Park, 12 km southwest of the trailhead in the village of Stok and around 15 km southwest of the city of Leh, Stok Kangri is the highest mountain in the Stok Range of the Himalayas. Stok Kangri (6,121m), in the Zanskar mountain range, is the most accessible, and one of the most popular climbs.

It is a non-technical climb, and on a good day, you can make it to the summit and back to the base camp, on the same day. The peak provides stupendous views of the Indus valley and the Karakoram mountain range.

A paradise for those who desire to have a tryst with the snow-clad peaks and mountains in Ladakh, Stok Kangri is definitely one of the most enthralling tourist attractions in Ladakh! Reaching a maximum height of 20,182ft, this soaring mountain is the highest peak in the Stok Range of the great Himalayas in the entire Ladakh Valley.

Among all the treks, the Stok Kangri Trek that usually originates from the base of Stok Village and winds upon reaching the peak is the most sought-after trek in Ladakh. It is often compared with the thrill and adventure of the poised Roopkund Trek and requires an ardent trekking experience along with proper acclimatization. But the view from the top of Stok Kangri is simply one of the best in the Himalayas. You can enjoy great views of the Zanskar and Karakoram ranges including the second highest peak in the world from here.

17. Tso Moriri Lake

Tso Moriri Lake

Also known as Mountain Lake, Tso Moriri Lake  is a spectacular site amidst mountain ranges in Leh. Tso-Moriri or Lake Moriri is a High Altitude Lake that is officially named as Tso-Moriri Wetland Conservation Reserve which is located in the Changthang area with an altitude of 4,595 m (15,075 ft).

This lake measures about 28 km in length from north to south and about 4-6 km in breadth and about 100 feet on average in-depth. The maximum depth of Tso-Moriri Lake is 248 feet.

This beautiful lake is surrounded by barren hills, with the backdrop of beautiful snow-covered mountains. Tso-Moriri is a mind-numbingly beautiful, calm, and sacred lake for the local people of Ladakh. The water is crystal clear and of deep blue color.

However, since Tso-Moriri Lake has no outlet, its water is consequently brackish, although not very detectable to the taste. Tso-Moriri is slightly higher than Pangong Tso and the water is far less brackish supporting more birdlife. In fact, Tso-Moriri Lake was once a popular source of salt.

In reality, this place is extremely harsh and difficult to survive especially in winters but this eye-soothing lake is the Divine Destination in Ladakh.

18. Rupshu Valley

Rupshu Valley

Rupshu is a small valley in the midst of mountains that is actually a western extension of the Tibetan Plateau. The Rupshu Valley lies southeast of Ladakh on the road from Manali to Leh which has some of the most amazing scenic panoramas that are found in Ladakh.

This pretty valley is inhabited by a small population of ‘Changspa’, who are nomadic shepherds. It is an abode of different sects of the Indo – Tibetans that reflects from cloister to cloister, a terrain that changes its color at every turn, and a cascade of mountains which is captured from high altitude passes, Rupshu Valley perks you to discover a potpourri of culture and nature.

So, don’t forget to explore Ladakh’s remote Rupshu district, home of nomadic tribes, hidden forts, high passes, and majestic yak.

19. Tso Kar Lake

Tso Kar Lake

Being very popular with bird watchers, Tso Kar Lake  is surrounded by the marshlands that host amazing birdlife which include Brahmni ducks, bar-headed geese, and the great crested grebe.

The Tso Kar Lake is also known as ‘White Lake’ is one of the three high-altitude saltwater lakes in Ladakh. It is known as ‘White Lake’ because of the white salt of the water deposits all over the lake shores.

Tso Kar Lake is the smallest lake among the three important lakes in Ladakh that is situated in Rupshu Valley, about 250 km southeast of its principle town, Leh at an altitude of 4660m/15280ft in the Changthang region of South Eastern Ladakh. Tso Kar Lake is at a distance of around 50 km from Tso Moriri Lake. Besides birdwatchers, Tso Kar also attracts a lot of wildlife lovers.

Surrounded by hills and mountains on all sides, the lake itself gives a wonderful scenic and amazing view. The views at Tso Kar, just as breathtaking as they are during the day and can be even more exciting during the night, with the mountains around shining in the glow of moonlight. The lake looks up to an endless sea of mountains. The Lake has bewitching beauty that keeps you hooked all your life.

20. Magnetic Hill

Magnetic Hill

Located at a height of 14,000 feet above sea level, Magnetic Hill also known as gravity hill and sometimes called mystery hill or a gravity road, is a place located on the Leh-Kargil-Srinagar national highway, about 30 km from Leh.

To the eastern side of the hill flows the Sindhu River, originating in Tibet and goes to Pakistan. The layout of the surrounding land produces the optical illusion that a very slight downhill slope appears to be an uphill slope. Thus, a car left out of gear will appear to be rolling uphill.

Magnetic hill near picturesque Leh has magnetic properties that attract metallic objects, making vehicles move up at a speed of about 20 km per hour with their engines off.

Did you know? The local administration has put up a billboard near the “Magnetic Hill” for tourists stating that if a vehicle is placed on a particular spot on the road and the engine is switched off, it would not slide down but move up.

So, don’t miss visiting this hill that has magnetic properties and is one of the several unique places which you can find in Ladakh.

21. Uletokpo


Located 70 km west of Leh on the Leh–Srinagar Highway, Uletokpo  is an enchanting village at an altitude of  10,000 ft (3040m).

Being the central hub in the city, Uletokpo is an ideal stopover for acclimatizing to Ladakh’s climate and altitude.

Uletokpo is world-famous for outdoor activities, like camping and trekking, as it offers a perfect blend of vast terrains and ultimate natural beauty where you can also explore some of the famous monasteries, like Lamayuru, Alchi, and Rizong, which are situated in Uletokpo.

Uletokpo is a bed of narrow and deep valleys that makes it perfect for trekking. Trekking provides adventure enthusiasts an amazing experience of walking up and down the high peaks, along with a chance to enjoy the mesmerizing beauty of villages and lush landscapes.

The trek routes you may access in Uletokpo are Leh-Spituk-Alchi-Uletokpo, Uletokpo-Lamayuru-Leh. This place also has a rich heritage of ancient Tibetan art and sceneries.

The summer season is the best time to visit Uletokpo to experience trekking. The season extends from early June to mid of October. So, don’t miss visiting this amazing landscape while traveling to Ladakh.

22. Lamayuru

Places To Visit In Lamayuru (Ladakh)

Founded in the 11th century by Mahasiddacarya Naropa,  Lamayuru is on the Leh – Srinagar Highway and can be visited from Leh.

Lamayuru is a tiny village that’s popularly known as the Moonland of Ladakh. Lamayuru is immensely popular for housing one of the oldest and largest monasteries in Ladakh.

However, its claim to fame is accredited to the surreal breathtaking view of moonlike landscapes carved into the mountains. A large lake long ago dried up, and the protrusions looked like the surface of the moon.

While in Leh, you can take a day trip to Lamayuru, known for its Lamayuru Monastery and a stretch of land borrowed from the moon.

Visit the monastery to witness the frescos and paintings it houses and the Moonland, for something a bit beyond extraordinary. So, don’t miss visiting Lamayuru because people from various places visit this relatively serene destination to immerse themselves in this scenic beauty.

Check out 4 Best Places To Visit In Lamayuru

places to visit in sarchu

Located in the Himalayas on the Leh-Manali Highway, between Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh,  Sarchu  is also known as Sir Bhum Chun and is an important halt point with tented accommodation.

It is situated between Baralacha La to the south and Lachulung La to the north, at an altitude of 4,290 m. Sarchu comes into the center of attention from May to September every year when the snow thaws on this route thus making the place a transit campsite in the Himalayas on the Leh-Manali Highway.

Sarchu also becomes the starting point for treks to Zanskar in Ladakh. The route is popular with trekkers and high altitude climbers as one has to deal with hostile conditions and difficult terrain.

But ever wondered why Ladakh is also called the  ‘Land of High Passes ’? And every time you cross one at an altitude greater than you have ever done before in Ladakh, it adds to a sense of achievement.

Sarchu also resembles Ladakh with its barren splendor which is a beehive of activity between June and September when the snow melts and the Leh-Manali highway is open for traffic.

Check out 4 Amazing Places To Visit In Sarchu

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21 Best Places to Visit in Leh Ladakh

Leh Ladakh is a beautiful destination known for its stunning landscapes, ancient monasteries, rich Tibetan culture, and thrilling adventures. In this article, we’ll explore the 21 best places to visit in Leh Ladakh that showcase the unique charm and experiences of this extraordinary region. Get ready to discover Leh Ladakh like never before!

1. Pangong Lake

A motorcycle parked near a serene lake with majestic mountains in the background.

Pangong Lake is perhaps the most iconic destination in Leh Ladakh , famous for its ever-changing shades of blue. Situated at a breathtaking altitude, this saline water lake stretches from India to Tibet, offering mesmerizing views that attract visitors from all over the world. It’s undoubtedly one of the top tourist places in Ladakh and a must-visit for couples seeking romance amidst stunning natural beauty.

2. Nubra Valley

A cozy house nestled in a picturesque valley, surrounded by nature's beauty.

Nubra Valley is a desert-like expanse nestled between the Ladakh and Karakoram ranges. Famous for its sand dunes, double-humped camels, and picturesque monasteries like Diskit Gompa, it’s a top place to visit in Leh Ladakh for those exploring the region in one day due to its proximity to Leh and unique landscapes.

3. Leh Palace

A serene monastery nestled amidst towering mountains, exuding tranquility and spirituality.

Dominating the skyline of Leh town, Leh Palace offers a peek into the rich cultural heritage of Ladakh. Built in the 17th century, this nine story palace provides panoramic views of the town and surrounding mountains. It’s one of the best places to visit in Leh Ladakh in summer when the weather is pleasant for sightseeing.

4. Magnetic Hill

A deserted road stretching into the distance, surrounded by vast emptiness.

A phenomenon that defies gravity, Magnetic Hill pulls vehicles uphill when parked in the marked spot, creating an illusion of magnetic force. It’s a popular stop for tourists traveling along the Leh-Kargil-Srinagar highway and counts among the best places to visit in Leh Ladakh for couples seeking unique experiences.

5. Thiksey Monastery

The Potala Palace in Tibet, a majestic architectural wonder, stands tall against a clear blue sky.

Thiksey Monastery , resembling the famed Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet, is one of the largest and most architecturally impressive monasteries in Ladakh. It’s a top place to visit in Leh Ladakh for its serene atmosphere and cultural richness, ideal for a day trip from Leh.

6. Khardung La Pass

A scenic view of mountains and a road winding through a picturesque valley.

As one of the highest motorable passes globally, Khardung La Pass offers spectacular views of the snow-capped Himalayas. Adventure enthusiasts flock here for biking expeditions and to enjoy the chilly mountain air, making it a top place to visit in Leh Ladakh for thrill-seekers.

7. Hemis Monastery

The serene courtyard of a mountain monastery, surrounded by lush greenery and peaceful solitude.

Known for its annual Hemis Festival, celebrating the birth anniversary of Guru Padmasambhava, Hemis Monastery is the largest and wealthiest monastery in Ladakh. It’s a top tourist place in Ladakh for its vibrant cultural performances and historical significance.

8. Zanskar Valley

A river flowing through a mountain valley, surrounded by lush greenery and towering peaks.

Zanskar Valley is a remote, untouched paradise known for its raw beauty and challenging trekking routes. It remains isolated for most of the year due to heavy snowfall, but during summer, it’s one of the best places to visit in Leh Ladakh for adventurers and nature lovers.

9. Spituk Monastery

A serene monastery atop a towering mountain, offering breathtaking views and a peaceful retreat.

Perched atop a hill overlooking the Indus River, Spituk Monastery is renowned for its ancient artifacts, Buddhist relics, and stunning views of the surrounding landscape. It’s a serene retreat and a top place to visit in Leh Ladakh for those interested in Buddhist culture.

10. Shey Palace and Shey Monastery

The entrance to a building with a balcony and stairs leading up to it.

Once the summer capital of Ladakh, Shey Palace and Shey Monastery are notable for their historical significance and picturesque setting. The monastery houses a giant copper statue of Shakyamuni Buddha that’s a sight to behold and a top place to visit in Leh Ladakh for history buffs.

11. Alchi Monastery

A Buddhist temple with a yellow roof and a white building, surrounded by lush green trees.

Dating back to the 11th century, Alchi Monastery is well-known for its exquisite frescoes and ancient sculptures. It’s a cultural gem and one of the best places to visit in Leh Ladakh in summer , away from the crowds of Leh town.

12. Lamayuru Monastery

Three stupas nestled in the mountains, surrounded by lush greenery, stand tall near a winding road.

Lamayuru Monastery , perched atop a hill amidst moon-like landscapes, is one of the oldest and largest monasteries in Ladakh. Its annual Mask Dance Festival draws devotees and travelers seeking spiritual enlightenment, making it a top tourist place in Ladakh .

13. Tso Moriri Lake

1. Scenic landscape with mountains and water in a field, showcasing the beauty of nature.

Lesser-known but equally stunning, Tso Moriri Lake is a high-altitude lake surrounded by snow-capped peaks and vast expanses of barren land. It’s a haven for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts, ideal for those exploring Leh Ladakh in one day trip.

14. Likir Monastery

A large building with many windows perched on a mountain peak, overlooking a vast valley below.

Known for its imposing 23-meter-high statue of Maitreya Buddha, Likir Monastery offers breathtaking views of the Indus Valley. It’s a peaceful retreat and one of the best places to visit in Leh Ladakh for couples seeking tranquility and spiritual connection.

15. Stakna Monastery

Stakna Monastery perched atop a hill overlooking the Indus River, is famous for its stunning location and vibrant Buddhist murals. It’s a lesser-known gem that offers tranquility and spiritual solace, perfect for a summer visit to Leh Ladakh .

16. Phyang Monastery

Colorful walls in a spacious room, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere.

Surrounded by rugged mountains and lush green fields, Phyang Monastery is renowned for its annual festival and ancient scriptures. It’s a cultural hub and a top place to visit in Leh Ladakh to experience local traditions.

17. Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary

 Mountain range surrounded by calm waters and lush green grass.

Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary is a high-altitude sanctuary known for its various flora and fauna, including the elusive snow leopard. It’s a paradise for wildlife lovers and photographers, adding to the allure of Leh Ladakh top places to visit .

18. Hall of Fame

A man sitting on the steps of a hall of fame building, contemplating the achievements and legacies of those honored inside.

Hall of Fame is a museum and memorial dedicated to the Indian Army soldiers who lost their lives in various wars and operations in Ladakh. It showcases artefacts, weapons, and stories of bravery, offering insight into the region’s history and a must-visit in Leh Ladakh .

19. Shanti Stupa

A white pagoda nestled in the heart of a mountain range.

Shanti Stupa , a white-domed Buddhist stupa perched on a hilltop, offers panoramic views of Leh town and the surrounding Himalayan ranges. It’s a peaceful place for meditation and introspection, ideal for a summer visit to Leh Ladakh .

20. Leh Market

ladakh trip places

A bustling hub of activity, Leh Market is where travelers can shop for Tibetan handicrafts, jewelry, and souvenirs. It’s also a great place to savor local delicacies and interact with friendly locals, a top place to visit in Leh Ladakh for cultural immersion.

21. Leh Old Town

ladakh trip places

Leh Old Town is a labyrinth of narrow alleys, traditional Ladakhi houses, and ancient temples. It offers a glimpse into the region’s rich cultural heritage and is perfect for leisurely strolls, making it a top place to visit in Leh Ladakh for history enthusiasts.

Best Time to Visit Leh Ladakh

The best time to visit Leh Ladakh is during summer months from June to September when the weather is pleasant, and most of the passes and roads are open for travel. Winter months are extremely cold, with many passes closed due to heavy snowfall.

Final Thoughts

With its awe-inspiring landscapes, ancient monasteries, and warm hospitality, Leh Ladakh beckons travellers seeking adventure and serenity. Whether you’re exploring the iconic Pangong Lake or discovering hidden gems like Likir Monastery , each place offers a memorable experience into the cultural tapestry of this Himalayan region. Plan your visit wisely, and you’ll be rewarded with memories that last a lifetime.

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A 7-Day Leh Ladakh Trip Itinerary For First-Time Visitors

We sent Chandrika on a once-in-a-lifetime Ladakh trip. She came back to tell us how everyone can make it happen.

A land many have heard of, but only the ones with adventure in their hearts have dared to venture to. A land of rugged mountains that coexist alongside the mystical chants of Buddhist prayers – the recently declared Indian Union Territory of Ladakh is this and so much more! 

Located in the northern part of the Indian sub-continent bordering Tibet, Ladakh is shrouded in a certain mystery, despite having gained a lot of popularity in the past few years.

Filled with adrenaline-inducing twists and turns, high mountain passes, and some of the most beautiful mountain ranges in India, a trip through Ladakh is the perfect way to get an introduction to the Himalayan region. 

ladakh trip places

Ladakh is a high-altitude region, meaning, no matter which part of Ladakh you are at, you’ll find yourself at a minimum altitude of 3000 meters (9800 feet) above sea level. This is important to mention here because this is considerably higher than most people are used to and the high altitude affects many aspects of travel in this region.

To help you execute that dream Ladakh trip, this 7-day itinerary designed by India Someday and Unplugged Life will take you through some of the biggest highlights of the region, while giving you a sense of what it means to be traveling in a destination as unique as this.

How to get to Ladakh

Before we dive deep into the specifics of the itinerary, it’s crucial to plan your arrival in Ladakh. The best way to reach Ladakh is to fly in. The biggest town in Ladakh is Leh, which is connected by air with India’s capital city, New Delhi.

Daily direct flights are running between Delhi ’s Indira Gandhi International Airport and Leh’s Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport, run by 3 Indian airlines – Air India, SpiceJet, and GoAir. If you are traveling from another country or Indian city, you’ll first have to get to Delhi to catch the 1.5-hour flight to Leh.

Although there are multiple flights available daily, do keep in mind that the weather in Leh largely determines flight schedules. Turbulent weather is pretty common in this region so flights taking off an hour early or an hour late is not unheard of. Having said that, we have to admit that the destination is worth all that trouble!

Leh Ladakh 7-day itinerary

Day 1 – land in leh and rest.

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The erstwhile capital of the Himalayan kingdom of Ladakh, Leh is perched at an altitude of 3524 meters (11562 feet) and is home to some of the most popular attractions in the region.

The landscape in Leh is rugged, with a backdrop of barren mountains, while the weather is generally dry and very hot during the day and slightly chilly at night, depending on which month of the year you visit.

Most flights to Leh land sometime in the morning or early afternoon, so you can expect to have more than half a day to spare. But this is a day to take it easy. Remember you’ve just landed at a high altitude destination practically from the sea level (Delhi lies at an altitude of roughly 200m above sea level) and that means your body needs time to acclimatize to this drastic change.

The process of acclimatization can take a while, about 24-48 hours for most people. But no matter how you feel on day 1 (we know you’re excited!), you must take as much rest as you can and keep yourself hydrated. This is a day of barely any physical activity, so go ahead and enjoy the views from your hotel and indulge in the local Ladakhi food to gear up for the next day.

Where to stay in Leh : Gangba Homestay

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A picture-postcard-like setting with a traditional Ladakhi-style building, an apple orchard, and a view of snowy peaks in the distance – Gangba Homestay is truly a home away from home.

ladakh trip places

Run by a local family, they are the warmest, most welcoming hosts you could ask for in Leh! To top that, the food served in the homestay is delicious and homely, while the rooms are very spacious, well-equipped, and comfortable. But what sets Gangba Homestay apart is their hospitality and the staff’s mindset to always go the extra mile to care for their guests.

Day 2 – Leh city tour

Your second day in Ladakh will also be spent in Leh to continue with the acclimatization process. However, on this day you’ll be taking a tour of the beautiful city and its surrounding areas. 

Confluence (Sangam) of the Indus and Zanskar Rivers

ladakh trip places

Located around 35 Km away from Leh town, the point of confluence of the mighty Indus and Zanskar Rivers is your first stop for the day. The different shades of green of the two rivers’ water are distinctly visible with bare eyes, making it a place worth visiting during your stay in Leh.

You can either choose to drive down to the exact point of confluence, maybe enjoy the view with a cup of steaming hot tea, or you could also get a bird’s eye view of the confluence from a vantage point. Depending on which time of the year you visit, you’ll notice how different both rivers look individually, leading up to their meeting point.

Magnetic Hill

ladakh trip places

A very popular tourist attraction in Leh, Magnetic Hill is technically a small stretch of road on the Leh-Kargil Highway. It is popularly known to be a spot where gravitational forces can be defied, due to a so-called magnetic pull from the surrounding mountains. Although this spot has maintained its popularity among tourists, there is not much truth to what happens here.

The landscape of the surrounding mountains and slopes is such that, to our eyes, it looks like the road is sloping uphill, but in reality the road slopes downhill making cars roll down even on neutral gear. But having said that, it’s a great spot to stop by for a while and get a good look at the stunning landscape.

Lunch at a local Tibetan restaurant

Ladakh is not only well known for its natural beauty, but for its delicious local cuisine too. With heavy influences from the neighboring Tibetan cuisine, you’d be missing out on an important cultural element if you don’t give Ladakhi food a try.

Head to Tenzin Dickey Tibetan Restaurant , located less than a kilometer from Leh’s main market, for a sumptuous lunch of local dumplings, noodles, soups, and an assortment of drinks. The restaurant is unassuming and cozy and the food makes you feel right at home.

ladakh trip places

Belonging to the Namgyal dynasty of Ladakh, Leh Palace is the former residential palace of the royal family. Perched on top of a hill, the palace overlooks Leh and has now been converted into a museum for visitors to get a glimpse of Ladakhi royal heritage.

A tour of the 9-storeyed palace takes you through almost 450 years of artifacts belonging to the royal family. Although the palace is still under renovation, it is worth a visit for the incredible bird’s eye view of the city it offers.

Leh main market

ladakh trip places

Leh’s main bazaar is a colorful, bustling market in the city center and the perfect place to spend a leisurely evening strolling through its narrow alleys. The market is home to shops selling all kinds of local products – from fresh produce to souvenirs and handicraft items.

Pick up Tibetan prayer flags and wheels or silver jewelry, taste local dry fruits like apricots, figs, and walnuts, and end the day with a meal at one of the many cafes lining the street.

Day 3 – Drive to Nubra Valley via Khardung La

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On your third day in Ladakh, it’s time to venture out of the city into the mountains!

The curvy roads of Ladakh can be unforgivable so it is important to be accompanied by an experienced local driver. Some stretches of road are steep and bumpy and you need a good car for better comfort. You can hire a private car but keep in mind that the cost of transport is quite high in Ladakh.

A good option for solo travelers and couples is to use shared taxis that are available for all kinds of tours in Ladakh , including the 3-day Nubra-Pangong tour. This helps saving money by sharing the cost of transport with other travelers. Sharing a car also helps to reduce the number of vehicles on the road, and therefore, the pollution.

The drive from Leh to Nubra Valley takes approximately 5-6 hours. But the biggest highlight of the drive is climbing up to the Khardung La (La is the Ladakhi word for a mountain pass) and crossing it to get to the other side of the Ladakh mountain range.

The pass is situated at an altitude of 17,582 feet (5359m) and is considered to be one of the highest motorable passes in the world.

ladakh trip places

The winding mountain road leading up to Khardung La is spectacular and is a treat in itself. Once at the top of the pass, spend 15-20 minutes exploring the surroundings without exerting your body too much.

It is important to remember that there is very little oxygen available to breathe at such high altitude, so take it easy and enjoy the breathtaking views of the snow-covered mountains.

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Once you cross Khardung La and start driving towards Nubra Valley, the landscape changes dramatically. The drive past Shyok River towards the lush green valley of Nubra is worth keeping your eyes peeled for!

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By the time you get to your hotel in Nubra Valley after several pit stops on the way, it’ll probably be late afternoon.

Read more: 8 Snowy Destinations in Asia for Mountain and Winter Lovers

Complete your check-in formalities and head to the famous Hundar dunes to catch the sunset, with herds of Bactrian Camels for company. The Bactrian Camels are native to this region and are known for their ability to withstand high altitudes and extreme cold.

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To say the least, the landscape here is equally fascinating, with rolling sand dunes as far as the eyes can see, enclosed by towering rocky mountains on all sides.

Where to stay in Nubra Valley – Stone Hedge Ladakh

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A gorgeous property located just 10 minutes away from the Hundar sand dunes, Stone Hedge is one of the most luxurious hotels you will come across in Ladakh.

ladakh trip places

Like a little oasis in the desert, with a natural spring flowing in the backyard, a lush garden whichever direction you look, and warm and cozy interiors, Stone Hedge sets the bar high.

Their rooms are exceptionally well-furnished with perfect mood lighting, elegant wood furniture, a room heater (rarely found elsewhere in Ladakh), and a lovely balcony that opens up to the backyard.

Day 4 – Drive to Pangong Lake

Check out from your hotel in Nubra Valley this morning and head back to the dunes once again if you want to see it in daylight. The difference is stark and worth another visit. Alternatively, you can directly head to Diskit Monastery in Nubra Valley before starting the drive towards Pangong Lake. 

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The Diskit Monastery is the oldest and largest monastery in Nubra Valley. The iconic statue of the Maitreya Buddha stands tall here at a height of 32 meters and overlooks the vast plains of the Shyok River flowing nearby. 

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After a tour of the monastery, it’s time to get on your way to Pangong Lake. The drive is roughly 6 hours long and takes you through picturesque mountain roads.

Flanked by the Shyok River on one side for most of the journey, this drive takes you from an altitude of about 10,000 feet (3048 meters) to 14,270 feet (4350 meters), where Pangong Lake is located.

ladakh trip places

Pangong Tso (Tso is the Ladakhi word for lake) is a saline water lake that spreads across India and Tibet. In fact, 60% of the lake lies in Tibet. But given its massive length and width, it would take roughly 3 hours to drive along its coast only on the Indian side.

ladakh trip places

Popular for its stunning turquoise blue water, Pangong Tso is one of the biggest attractions in all of Ladakh. However, do keep in mind that the appearance of the lake largely depends on which time of the year you visit.

The lake is completely frozen in the winter while the peak summer months from June to August are when it reveals all its colors.

ladakh trip places

Once you reach Pangong Tso, check into your accommodation for the night. After that, you’ll have the evening free to either take a stroll near the lake or sit at one of the small restaurants, enjoy the view while sipping hot tea.

Do keep in mind that as the sun sets, it tends to get chilly in this part of Ladakh, the extent of which again depends on the season. So get ready to layer up some warm clothes and snuggle in for the night!

Where to stay in Pangong Tso – Native Huts

ladakh trip places

There are no permanent hotels near Pangong Lake, so be prepared for a night of adventure staying in these wooden huts specially constructed for tourists while the travel season lasts. The huts come with an attached western toilet and have basic amenities like fresh towels, warm blankets, and charging points (operational from 6 pm to 11 pm).

The owners of these huts are very helpful and accommodating so if you want more blankets or hot water, just let them know. They also arrange fresh, hot meals for guests in a separate dining space inside another hut, and that food at the end of a long, cold day truly warms the heart.

Read more: 10 Awesome Treks And Hikes In India

Day 5 – Drive back to Leh via Chang La

This will be the last day of driving through Ladakh, but expect it to be no less exciting than the previous two days!

The journey from Pangong Lake back to Leh takes close to 6 hours and will take you via Chang La, a mountain pass situated at an altitude of 17,590 feet (5360 meters).

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The drive to Chang La is relatively bumpier than what you would have experienced while driving to Khardung La, but the experience of getting to the top of the pass is incredible. 

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On the way from Chang La to Leh, make another stop at the famous Hemis Monastery. With a long and rich history, the monastery also houses a museum that showcases artifacts from the museum’s heritage.

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Considered to be one of the largest monasteries in Ladakh, the highlight of visiting Hemis is the huge statue of Guru Rinpoche and the monastery’s unique architecture.

Day 6 – Explore Leh

Spend your final day in Ladakh seeing more of Leh and wrapping up your visit. This would be a good day to revisit the local market to pick up souvenirs to take home, in addition to visiting the following places.

Thiksey Monastery

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Start your day early with a visit to the Thiksey Monastery to witness the morning prayer chanting session. Get there by 7 am so you can get in the prayer hall in time without disturbing the monks. It may seem way too early, but the experience is magical!

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As the sun rises and illuminates the surrounding snow-capped peaks, the monks begin their day together by rhythmically chanting Buddhist prayers – an experience not to be missed in Leh.

Shanti Stupa

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Constructed as part of a Peace Pagoda Mission, the Shanti Stupa was built jointly by the Buddhist community of Japan and Ladakh. While the iconic white dome sits at the top, the Shanti Stupa houses the relics of the Buddha at its base.

Visited for its religious as well as architectural value, there’s a certain air of calm surrounding the Stupa, as it sits looking over the vast expanse of Leh.

Stok Palace

ladakh trip places

Located on the western bank of River Indus, the Stok Palace was originally built as the summer home of Ladakh’s royal family. Currently, this is where the royal family resides all year long.

The palace also has several museum rooms that display lots of ancient artifacts belonging to the royal family- from precious jewelry and royal attires to weapons and items of daily use.

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A part of the Stok Palace has now been transformed into a heritage hotel and opened up to travelers who want to experience the royal way of living for a few days.

Lunch in the orchard at Chulli Bagh

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After a tour of the Stok Palace, head to the nearby Chulli Bagh, which is essentially the royal family’s orchard, with apricot and walnut trees dominating the scene.

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Settle down for a luxurious lunch amidst the lush greenery of the meticulously maintained orchard and enjoy a delicious meal accompanied by freshly plucked fruits from the garden.

Ladakhi cultural show

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Now that it’s almost time to wrap up your final day in Leh, head back to the hotel to watch a vibrant cultural show displaying the beautiful dance forms and music of Ladakh.

Ladakh has a rich culture comprising beautiful folk dances native to different parts of the region, performed by both men and women, depending on the dance form.

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Decked in traditional costumes and jewelry, it’s a real treat to watch the locals match steps while humming Ladakhi songs. 

Day 7 – Depart from Leh

This is a day of no activity since you have to catch a flight out of Leh back to Delhi. Depending on your flight time, you may be able to squeeze in a couple of hours in the morning to visit the local market or the village if you want, for a final glimpse of life in Ladakh!

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Ladakh is vast and a one-week trip may not entirely do justice to its beauty. But if this is all the time you have, this itinerary is a good place to start planning your trip.

In case you want a curated, personalized itinerary, connect with India Someday and Unplugged Life for an unparalleled experience of Leh and Ladakh after checking these tips to spice your travel itinerary up !

Read the author’s honest review of both companies .

Contributing members are responsible for the accuracy of content contributed to A World to Travel.

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Leh Ladakh Tourism: Packages, travel information & trip planner

Leh Ladakh Tourism: Packages, travel information & trip planner

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Leh Ladakh Travel Essential Information



Getting your body acclimatized to the altitude and lack of oxygen is one of the most important things to keep in mind while planning your Ladakh Trip.

Innerline Permits

Innerline Permits

Know everything about the inner line permit before heading to Ladakh because a lot of things have changed since 2017.

Best Time to Visit

Best Time to Visit

Know more about the best time to visit Leh-Ladakh for enjoying your time better in the land of high-passes.

Ladakh By Road

Ladakh By Road

There are two highways that make Ladakh accessible by road. One from Srinagar and the other one from Manali. Know everything that will help in your planning.

Festivals of Ladakh

Festivals of Ladakh

Want to check whether you will be able to become a part of Ladakh during your visit? We have information that might help you.

How to reach Ladakh

How to reach Ladakh

One of the most vital things about Ladakh is knowing the different ways to reach here. We have an entire guide to help you with “How to reach Ladakh”.

Want Something Different?

Are you planning a trip to Ladakh? There are a lot of things that have to be kept in mind during the visit. Let us take up all the hassles from your shoulders so that all that’s left for you is ENJOYMENT and MEMORIES.

Events & Festivals in Ladakh

Saka Dawa Festival

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Frequently Asked Questions on Ladakh Tourism

How much will a trip to ladakh cost.

It highly depends on the mode of your travel but the average cost remains somewhere around 30,000 INR per person. The cost fluctuates based on your accommodation choices, the number of days you will be spending, and a few more.

How do I plan a trip to Ladakh?

Planning a trip to Ladakh is a bit tricky and complicated because you will have to take care of a lot of things. Right from the road conditions to accommodation that you will be booking. From the inner line permit to other important things that are connected to the Ladakh, you will have to keep a tab of everything.

Therefore, it is better to get a customizable package from our website and enjoy the chance to get everything that you want with a single click. Our experts have tailored a lot of packages for many people and it will be easy for them to do the same for you. More importantly, it will take away all the hassles and stress from your shoulders.

Which is the best month to visit Leh Ladakh?

April to July and from mid-September to October are considered as the ideal time to visit Leh Ladakh. In these months, the weather remains pleasant and soothing for sightseeing and outdoor activities. However, if someone wishes to go for the Chadar trek then January is the best time to visit Ladakh. During the winter season, the region is covered with snow, and the region experiences unbearably cold weather. The high altitude passes covered with snow and makes the Ladakh inaccessible due to blockage.

How many days are enough for Leh Ladakh?

8 to 10 days are enough for the Leh Ladakh trip. This is a perfect span to explore the major destinations of Ladakh and enjoy the road trip. However, if you wish to partake in adventure activities and trekking then you may require more days.

Is Ladakh expensive?

When it comes to connecting the overall expense of Ladakh with the things like its overall experience, the number of places you will be visiting, and other things- it might not look expensive to you. But yes, it also highly depends on the accommodation type you pick and the mode of your travel.

How can I plan a budget for Leh Ladakh?

To plan your rough budget, you will have to consider the accommodation options, the number of days you will travel, attractions to cover, and a few more. The best way to plan your budget for the trip can be done by iterating the entire trip. That will give you an overall idea of the trip cost.

Which bike is best for a Ladakh trip?

For the Ladakh trip you need a reliable, powerful, and comfortable bike that has the good ground clearance and long-travel suspension. Here are some of the best bikes for the Ladakh trip:

  • Royal Enfield Himalayan
  • Royal Enfield Interceptor 650
  • Royal Enfield Bullet 350/ Classic 350
  • Bajaj Dominar
  • Bajaj Avenger

How far is Ladakh from Delhi?

There are two ways by which you can travel from Delhi to Ladakh . One is from Manali which will be 1011 km from one side and the other one is via Srinagar which will be 959 km from one side. This does not include the internal circuit traveling.

What is the temperature of Ladakh?

Ladakh is a high-altitude region, which is dry and arid. It experiences extreme weather in the winter season and remains inaccessible by road for almost 6 months. In summers, the temperature in Ladakh ranges from 3⁰ C to 20⁰ C. It is the best time to visit Ladakh as the calm climatic conditions make the sightseeing tour comfortable. The temperature hovers around 8⁰ C to 22⁰ C in the monsoon season from July to mid-September. From the second half of September, winters come in full swing in Ladakh till February, and the region experiences temperature from -12 C to 2 C.

Is there snow in Leh in May?

You will not get snow in Leh in May . Though, you will get ice walls on both sides of the road while coming to the capital city.

Is Ladakh worth visiting?

Yes, Ladakh is worth visiting. Ladakh is a dream destination for avid travelers and adventure lovers. The ancient monasteries, fluttering flags, and the snow-clad Himalayas dominate the picturesque landscape of Ladakh. The cultural diversities, geographical marvels, and serene environs make Ladakh worth visiting. Trip to Ladakh is a once in a lifetime experience.

Is Ladakh good for a honeymoon?

First of all, Ladakh is not a honeymoon destination. It is an adventurer’s paradise. Although there are a lot of adventurous couples who have started the trend of celebrating their honeymoon in this destination. You still have to consider that this place is highly challenging.

How far is Pangong Lake from Leh?

Pangong Lake is situated almost 223 km from Leh. It is located at 4,350 m above sea level and it is the world’s highest saltwater lake. You can board a bus from Leh to reach there or hire a private cab. Shared taxis also ply regularly from Leh, which you can board to reach Pangong Lake.

Is Ladakh safe for couples?

Yes, Ladakh is safe for couples. Moreover, it is equally safe for everyone. It is among the best tourist places to visit for couples. There are a plethora of things to do in Leh and several places to explore during the trip. Couples can also partake in adventure activities and they can enjoy leisure vacations here.

How far is Ladakh from Manali?

Ladakh is a province and Leh is its capital, which is situated 427 km from Manali. You can board a bus from Manali to Leh. The ordinary bus of Himachal Pradesh Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) and the deluxe bus of Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (HPTDC) runs from Manali bus stand for Leh. You can also hire a private cab, board a shared taxi, or rent a bike from Manali.

I am a foreigner, do I need to apply for a permit to visit Ladakh?

You do not require a permit to visit Leh. However, if you wish to visit the restricted or protected areas of the Ladakh region then you have to obtain a Protected Area Permit (PAP), which is different from the Inner Line Permit (ILP) required by domestic tourists.

How many days are enough for the Leh-Ladakh trip?

What are the bikes that can be considered for the ladakh road trip.

If you are planning a road trip to Ladakh and want to consider hiring or taking a bike to this place; you have multiple options. Although adventure junkies have ridden the high-altitude lands of Ladakh on multiple bikes there is one most important thing to note- your bike should have good ground clearance. Here are some options that can be the best for your trip:

  • Royal Enfield Classic 350
  • Royal Enfield Interceptor

Is Ladakh safe for tourists?

Yes, Ladakh is safe for tourists. The region is extremely safe for tourists and no one needs to worry in case security. However, due to rugged terrains, high altitudes, and cold weather in Ladakh may cause difficulty for tourists. However, all these things can be tackled by a well-planned itinerary. Tourists may need a few days to get acclimatized and then they will have a lifetime experience.

Which airport is near Ladakh?

Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport in Leh is the primary airport of the Ladakh region, which connects it from the rest of the country. There are regular flights from Delhi, Chandigarh, Jammu, and Srinagar for Leh airport. The cabs are available outside the airport with which you can explore Ladakh.

to Ladakh by car?

Yes, you can go to Ladakh by car. You can drive your own car or rent a car from any city in India and drive to Ladakh. There are mainly four places from where people start their journey to Leh namely Delhi, Chandigarh, Jammu, and Srinagar. You can reach Ladakh by Manali – Leh highway or by Srinagar – Leh highway. However, if you will rent a car from any city of India other than the Ladakh region then you are not allowed to do sightseeing in Ladakh including Pangong Lake, Tso Moriri, and Nubra Valley.

How can I reach Leh by flight?

Leh has its own airport named Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport, which has direct flights from Delhi, Chandigarh, Jammu, Srinagar, and Mumbai. Traveling by flight is the easiest and best way to travel to Leh. International tourists can board a flight from the major cities such as Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai to reach Leh.

Is there an oxygen problem in Ladakh?

Leh is situated at an altitude of 3,500 m above sea level. The higher the altitude the lesser the oxygen. So, yes, there is less oxygen in Ladakh as compared to the plains including Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, and Gujarat. Low oxygen levels and a decrease in air pressure are harmful to people who suffer from asthma, respiratory problems, and senior citizens. Thin air results in breathing problems and Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), which cause headache, fatigue, stomach problems, nausea, dizziness, and even vomiting. To prevent these problems you should allow your body to get acclimatized to the surroundings. People with medical problems should carry their medicines.

Why is Ladakh famous?

Ladakh is famous for breathtaking landscapes, scenic vistas, ancient monasteries, high altitude mountain passes, and azure lakes. Thrilling adventure activities and monastic festivals add charm to the immense natural beauty of this wonderland. It is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure fanatics. Ladakh is the dream destination for bikers and avid travelers. The diverse and vibrant culture along with the warm and hospitable environment attracts tourists from all over the world.

What attracts tourists to Ladakh?

Ladakh is a fascinating place with jaw-dropping locales and blessed with exceptional beauty. It is home to ancient Buddhist monasteries, glacier lakes, high altitude mountain passes, and lofty Himalayan peaks, which leave everyone spellbound. Ladakh is an absolute delight for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts.

Is a passport required for Leh Ladakh for Indians?

No, a passport is not required for Indians to visit Leh Ladakh. However, it is essential to carry at least one photo identity proof issued by the government with you during the Ladakh trip. Indian tourists require an inner line permit to visit various regions of Ladakh including Pangong Lake, Nubra Valley, Chumathang, and Tso Moriri. Due to security reasons, they are required to show their original photo identity proof at the check posts while visiting these regions.

Can we stay at Pangong Lake?

Yes, you can stay near Pangong Lake. There are several camps nearby the lake where you can stay at night. There is one government-run hotel near Pangong Lake as well where you can stay. It is advisable to book your stay in camp or resort in advance as the chances of getting accommodation on the spot in the peak season are fewer.

Is liquor allowed in Leh Ladakh?

Yes, liquor is allowed in Leh Ladakh and you can find liquor in a few bars and restaurants in Leh. However, it is advisable not to drink alcohol at such a high-altitude as alcohol dehydrates the body, which does not help in acclimatization.

How do I apply for inner line permits?

There are two modes of applying for an inner line permit (ILP) – online and offline mode. You can apply for the permit on the official website of LAHDC (Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council) http://lahdclehpermit.in/ and then you have to visit the DC Office in Leh to get the permits stamped in-person. Otherwise, you can directly go to the DC Office, fill the forms, pay the fees, and get the permit stamped. Indian citizens require them to provide valid identity proof. The Inner Line Permit is mandatory for those who wish to visit the restricted areas of Ladakh including Pangong Lake, Tso Moriri, Nubra Valley, Chushul, Nyoma, Khardung La, and Hanle.

What is a protected area permit?

Foreign nationals are not allowed to visit areas that are falling between the ‘Inner Line’ that is defined by the government and the International Border of the state that is declared as the Protected Area. However, to promote tourism, the government notified some areas that can be visited by the foreign nationals after obtaining the necessary permit. That type of permit is known as Protected Area Permit (PAP) or Restricted Area Permit (RAP).

The permit is valid for a group of tourists consisting of two or more persons and the permit is valid for a specific tourist circuit with the exact entry/ exit points. No area other than the ones indicated in the permit shall be visited. The tourists are not allowed to stay in the restricted/ protected area after the expiry of the permit.

How do I apply for a protected area permit?

The Protected Area Permit (PAP) is issued only for a group with four or more foreign tourists. To obtain the permit, it is also mandatory to go through a registered travel agent. He will also help you group together with others in case you are traveling solo or as a couple so that your permit can be issued without hassle. (You don’t need to travel in the same group or with the same travel agent mentioned in the permit.)

The foreign nationals that are coming as group tourists can submit an application for the grant of Protected/ Restricted Area Permit to the Indian Mission in their country before coming to India. And the foreign nationals that are already in the country and desire to visit any restricted area as group tourists then they are required to submit a required application to any of the authorities whom the powers to issue such a special permit have been delegated. The Protected Area Permit is issued for a maximum of seven days.

How do you apply for a permit for Rohtang Pass?

There are two ways to apply for Rohtang Pass – online and offline mode. You can apply for the permit online at https://rohtangpermits.nic.in/. Pay the fees and take the printout of the permit. Otherwise, you can visit the SDM Office or Tourist Information Centre in Manali to obtain the permit for Rohtang Pass. The vehicles are not allowed to visit Rohtang Pass on Tuesdays as this day is reserved for the maintenance of the Rohtang Pass.

Which is the best time to visit Ladakh?

The best time to visit Ladakh is between May and September because by October many regions of the union territory start to feel the cold breeze and by November light snow showers happen in higher altitudes. Between May and September, the climate remains comfortable and visitors can enjoy their time a lot throughout their day.

Do I need a permit to cross Rohtang Pass by car or motorcycle?

Yes, it is compulsory for vehicles to obtain a permit to cross Rohtang Pass. For that, you need a valid government-issued photo identity proof, a Pollution Under Check (PUC) certificate, and a vehicle registration certificate (RC) to issue a permit. Vehicles having wrong information on the permit as compared to the valid proofs will not be allowed to cross the barrier.

How far is Leh from Pangong Lake?

The distance between Leh and Pangong is roughly 156 km. And it can take up to 6 hours or more to traverse the trail.

Ladakh Tourism: Guide for Ladakh Trip

Are you planning a trip to Leh Ladakh or looking forward to exploring high passes, Buddhist monasteries, scenic hamlets and local culture of Ladakh? Do you wish to be a part of the delightful festival of Tibetan Buddhists? Does living on the edge of thrill and excitement fascinate you? If yes, then you have arrived at the right place. Here is the complete Ladakh Travel Guide and detailed information about ‘India’s Own Moonland’!

LehLadakhIndia.Com is a popular Ladakh travel agency which provides you with a one-stop solution for all your inquiries about this paradise. The information includes history, culture, mountain passes, lifestyle, local lifestyle, shopping opportunities, wildlife excursions and other trivia like how to reach Leh, the best time to visit Leh Ladakh, how to plan a road trip in Ladakh and getting inner line permits.

We have also introduced a new section called “Try Our Trip Wizard” where you can plan out an itinerary of your choice and our team of qualified professionals will do their best to meet your expectations. We have tour packages beginning from 3 nights and 4 days up to 21 nights and 22 days. Besides Ladakh tour packages, you can also check out our list of accommodation options available in Ladakh.

We are a popular Ladakh tour operator and offer an extensive range of choices that can make the most discerning traveller reconsider their choice. Our years of association with direct vendors allow us to quote rates that are hard to match and ensure the best deals for our clients.

Leh Ladakh India is the business division of Indian Holiday Private Limited, a leading Indian tour operator for more than 34 years now. The company has got recognition from the Ministry of Tourism, India and international travel bodies such as PATA, ASTA, IMTA and IATO. Here is the breakdown of services offered by LehLadakhIndia.com

  • Segregation of tour packages as per different categories
  • Lowest possible rates for the Ladakh hotels
  • Airport/Railway Transfers
  • Facility to plan your own itinerary
  • A comprehensive travel guide for information about Ladakh

Keeping in mind the current foreign exchange rate, travelling in India is quite a reasonable deal for overseas travellers. Within a reasonable budget, you can explore Ladakh region to the fullest. Furthermore, with LehLadakhIndia.Com in the scene, rest assured that you’ll get much more than the money spent by you.

The best time to visit Ladakh is between June and October. This is the perfect time for partaking in adventure activities among which Trekking in Ladakh is one of the most popular activities. The sightseeing of Ladakh also includes a trip to lakes in Ladakh like Tso Moriri and Pangong Tso. This spectacular lake earned much of the fame after the shooting of super hit Bollywood movie 3 Idiots starring Amir Khan and Kareena Kapoor. Mountain biking is also popular among travellers.

For adventure enthusiasts, embarking a bike trip to Ladakh is a dream come true. Every year, thousands of bikers arrive in Leh from as far as Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai by crossing high altitude mountain passes. The thrill of riding across Khardung La which is believed to be the highest motorable pass in the world is beyond description. For bikers, July – August is the most appropriate time as all the routes and passes are open. You can travel to Ladakh by air as well. There are regular flight services from Jammu, Srinagar, Delhi and Chandigarh. flight services from Shimla take only 40 minutes to reach this wonderland. A trip to Ladakh requires comprehensive planning. But, with LehLadakhIndia.Com you can make the most of your holidays without any hassle.

How To Reach Leh Ladakh By Road

There are two routes to reach Leh by road. One is from Srinagar, it is around 434 km away. The road leading to Leh remains unblocked from June to November for the tourists. Another way to tread up the place is via Manali. The Manali-Leh road stretches around 485 km and is open from July to October.

Sightseeing Map of Ladakh

50 best places to visit, use this interactive ladakh tourist map to find the top attractions and plan the best sightseeing itinerary for your road trip in ladakh . click on each marker on the map to see the attraction name, gps coordinates, photo and description. you can view the map in full screen mode by clicking on the icon on the left, the description of each tourist attraction will be directly displayed on the map. this ladakh tourist map will help you to identify the best places to visit and the most popular attractions in each area of ladakh. on this interactive map, leh area is shown in red , the indus valley area towards hemis and chemrey is shown in orange , the indus valley area towards lamayuru is shown in light green , the nubra valley area is shown in purple , the pangong lake area is shown in blue , the tso moriri lake, tso kar lake and manali area is shown in dark green , the kargil and srinagar area is shown in dark red and the zanskar valley area is shown in yellow . ladakh’s top sights, must-see tourist attractions and other places of interest are represented on the map by markers. there are 50 markers in total on this interactive ladakh tourist map, enough to keep you busy travelling in ladakh for weeks once you have selected the places that you want to visit , we will arrange a car with a ladakhi driver for your trip. you can choose between a private taxi (car will be just for you) and a shared taxi (so that you can share the cost with other travellers)., namgyal tsemo gompa, shanti stupa, gompa soma (chokhang vihara), hall of fame, indus valley (east) to hemis and chemrey, shey palace, thiksey monastery, stok palace, stakna monastery, hemis monastery, chemrey monastery, indus valley (west) to lamayuru, spituk monastery, phyang monastery, gurdwara pathar sahib, magnetic hill, sangam (confluence of indus and zanskar rivers), basgo monastery, likir monastery, alchi monastery, rizong monastery, lamayuru monastery, nubra valley, khardung la pass (5,602m), diskit monastery, hunder sand dunes, sumur, samstanling monastery, yarab tso lake, panamik hot spring, pangong lake, chang la pass (5,360m), pangong lake, spangmik, shayok valley, tso moriri lake, tso kar lake, manali, tso moriri lake, korzok, tso kar lake, thukje, tsaga la pass (4,660m), chumathang hot springs, puga hot springs, taglang la pass (5,328m), leh-manali road: pang, sarchu, jispa, rohtang la pass (3,978m), dha-hanu, kargil, srinagar, dha-hanu valley, mulbek rock carving, shargole cave monastery, zoji la pass (3,528m), srinagar dal lake, zanskar valley, phuktal monastery, singe la pass (5,057m), lingshed monastery, karsha monastery, zangla palace & monastery, stongde monastery, bardan monastery, sani monastery, zongkhul monastery, pensi la & drang drung glacier, rangdum monastery, parkachik glacier & nun kun peak, suru valley, private taxi, shared taxi, map of ladakh, hotels in ladakh, sightseeing tours, tour packages, travel itineraries, practical info, ladakh travel guides, client reviews.

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Leh Ladakh Itinerary 5 Days

Leh Ladakh Itinerary 5 Days: Ultimate Itinerary (+ Guide)

Discover the stunning beauty of Ladakh in this short Leh Ladakh Itinerary 5 Days.

Undoubtedly, Ladakh is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Located in the northern-most portion of India, Leh Ladakh is a place ripe with unique experiences, must-do activities, incredible sights & astonishing scenery.

Ladakh is a hot summer destination in India . The place gets maximum attention during April and June, with families, teenagers, and road-trippers all making their way to experience one of the best trips in India. Its dramatic landscape is its single biggest draw, with snow-clad mountains and glistening lakes boasting their charm. Likewise, Ladakh’s diverse topography makes your entire trip worthwhile. No matter where you go or which place you visit, you ought to come across valleys, rustic villages, and peaceful Gompas.

Along with Leh Ladakh’s landscape, its tourist destinations such as Tso Moriri , Nubra Valley , Leh City , Siachen Glacier , and Pangong Lake cultivate a lively sense of tourism. The culture, the traditions, and the local customs create a beautiful blend of harmony to enrich your overall Ladakh tour experience .

With so much to see and do around, we thought of creating the best itinerary for Leh Ladakh that can help you nail your first-ever trip. In this guide, we created a schedule that includes terrific places, top experiences, and must-do tours/activities .

So, without further ado, let’s get started with our Leh Ladakh tour itinerary.

Overview of Leh Ladakh Itinerary 5 Days

The itinerary designed for this Ladakh trip is curated for 5 days. The tour will start and end in Leh .

While not many people visit Leh Ladakh on such a short break, there’s a significant portion of travellers who prefer 5-6 days duration. To cater to these tourists, we created a perfect Ladakh itinerary consisting of all the niche experiences & activities .

Although a 5 Day Leh Ladakh itinerary sounds short, it is still packed with good sightseeing spots , road trip journeys, and must-do activities. Even if you’re a first-time traveller, this 5 day itinerary for Ladakh will come in handy to plan your first ever trip!

The trip can be customized entirely according to your style and preference. Thus, you can include or exclude any destination from the journey as you’d like.

Schedule of Leh Ladakh Trip Itinerary

Day 1 : Arrive in Leh – Sightseeing Tours Day 2 : Leh – Nubra Valley (Khardung La Pass – Diskit – Hunder) Day 3 : Nubra Valley – Pangong Lake (Sumur – Shayok – Tangtse) Day 4 : Pangong Lake – Leh (Chang La – Chemrey – Hemis) Day 3 : Depart from Leh

Essential Planning Tips for 5 Days in Ladakh

These are some vital planning tips one should consider before planning their 5 days trip to Ladakh.

Take a Flight

Since our Leh Ladakh trip is only for 5 days, it makes sense to travel via flight. We won’t recommend a road trip journey to & fro Ladakh , as this is not a feasible option for a shorter travel plan. A minimum of 7-9 days is required to plan a full-fledged road journey to Leh Ladakh. Also, ensure that you arrive in Leh a day before your actual trip. This way, you can also take care of getting acclimated to the altitude of Ladakh.

Pre-Plan your Ladakh Tour

We recommend planning your Leh Ladakh trip at least six months before your actual departure . Considering the summer season in India (April to June), most travellers often book their Ladakh tour to avoid hiked hotel prices & airfare tickets.

Secondly, you’ll need to get your Inner Line Permit arranged. This is only applicable to foreigners (non-Indian residents). An Inner Line Permit is basically a ticket that grants you access to enter the protected areas of Ladakh. These places include visiting Nubra Valley , Pangong Lake , Turtuk , Khardung La , and Tso Moriri . One can get their permits sorted by directly  visiting this website .

The charges for these permits are as follows  –

Environmental Fee : INR 300 Inner Line Permit : INR 20 per day per person Red Cross Fund : INR 100

Note : The above prices can change. Please  visit the website  to stay updated on the latest pricing.

Travel Q – Do you need an Inner Line Permit in Ladakh? No. Inner Line Permit is no longer required for Indian citizens. Earlier, you had to compulsory book the pass to visit the protected zones of Ladakh. However, now the government has scrapped the idea of improving logistical tourist routes.

Book Your Transport

The second most important thing for your Leh Ladakh itinerary is to book internal transpor t . For this 5 day tour, we recommend booking a private vehicle for your entire Ladakh trip. Riding a motorcycle can be difficult, especially when you’re just getting acclimatized.

You can directly book a taxi from the airport to the hotel journey from the airport itself. To explore Leh Ladakh’s sightseeing, you’ll need to arrange transport in advance. We recommend Expedia for the rental car service, as they tend to provide affordable rates for their private vehicles.

Altitude Sickness  in Ladakh

Many people ignore the altitude sickness problem in Ladakh and then often waste their sightseeing schedule. The best precaution against AMS (acute mountain sickness) is ample rest. At the same time, it may sound like a ridiculous thing to do, especially when you’re travelling to a beautiful region – getting rest is crucial before you start your sightseeing in Leh Ladakh.

Not doing so will only cause you more problems throughout the trip. If you have any medical conditions, please consult a doctor before this trip. It’s best to clarify your fitness levels before you travel to Leh Ladakh.

Moreover, to help you avoid AMS in Ladakh,  read this guide  as an additional resource. It details some steps to handle altitude sickness in Ladakh.

Cost of Leh Ladakh Tour Itinerary

Ladakh is an expensive region to travel to. Significantly, after COVID-19, many hotels and tour operators have hiked their rates to match their daily expenses. On average, a 5-day trip to Ladakh can cost anywhere between INR 12000 – INR 15000 , which excludes to & fro flights and sightseeing entrance fees. Considering flights, expect the price to increase to INR 28000 – INR 32000.

Note – The above prices are an indicative number based on the history of previous tours/packages. You can explore the below packages to find your perfect Leh Ladakh tour –

5D/4N Leh Ladakh – Explore this tour to book a similar version of this itinerary. 7D/6N Ladakh Sightseeing – Book an all inclusive tour for Ladakh via Delhi.

Detailed Leh Ladakh Itinerary 5 Days

Day 1: arrive in leh.

Leh, the city of adventures, is a bustling cold desert town filled with glorious tourist attractions. It isn’t a developed city boasting great amenities and accessibility; it still marks a vital destination to promote adventure tourism.

The rugged roads, dramatic landscapes, snowcapped peaks, bells of the monasteries, and the deserted cold wind makes you feel alive when you’re in the city of Leh. It isn’t only the attractions that drive most tourism, but its unique blend of Indian and Tibetian culture tends to bring out energetic vibes.

Leh City | Leh Ladakh Itinerary 5 Days

Once you reach Leh, the first thing you need to do – is get acclimatized.

Due to Leh Ladakh’s altitude, oxygen levels are minimum – causing you breathing and exertion problems. To avoid any health-related issues, it’s best to recommend giving yourself the time to get acclimatized to Leh’s atmosphere.

Note : You can spend more than a day in Leh to cover most of the city’s major sightseeing. If you take a day off to get acclimatized to the surroundings, it’s recommended to add an extra day to your Leh Ladakh itinerary to visit its important landmarks.

On this day, you can opt to visit Leh Ladakh’s top most attractions including – Shanti Stupa, Leh Palace, Magnetic Hill, and Hall of Fame. To add more sightseeing excursions to your Ladakh trip, you can book a full-day guided tour of the Leh City. This way you can maximize your travel for inner region travel.

Apart from the attractions listed above, there’s plenty to see and do in Leh Ladakh. You can add these places to your Leh Ladakh itinerary – Shey Palace ,  Shey Monastery ,  Gurudwara Patthar Sahib ,  Stok Palace ,  Likir Monastery , and  Thikse Monastery .

Day 2: Leh to Nubra Valley (Drive)

Approx Distance from Leh to Nubra Valley  – 4hr 40mins (160km)

If there’s anything that a traveller might dream of on their Leh Ladakh road trip, it is this journey –  Leh to Nubra Valley . It’s one of the bucket-list activities many adventurers plan for a good reason!

The scenic drive from Leh to Nubra is packed with astonishing scenery, barren landscapes, mighty Himalayas, and the beautiful Zanskar and Karakoram range . These natural settings make the road trip quite memorable!

Nubra Valley | Leh Ladakh Itinerary 5 Days

Visiting Nubra Valley is a must on a Leh Ladakh tour . Every biker dreams of seeing the place and traversing the region to explore its stunning beauty. The valley houses many attractions such as Diskit , Turtuk , Panamik , and many other unspoiled areas. The locals who live here showcase their lively traditions to fascinate tourists from all over the world.

To reach Nubra Valley, you’ll need to start early in the morning. You’ll travel via the Khardung La, which is approximately 38kms from Leh and will take you around an hour to reach. There’s a canteen around the place to stop by and get some refreshments.

Road Tripping across the Nubra Valley

Continue your journey from Khardung La to reach Diskit for some sightseeing tours. The town is famous for its landmark – the  Diskit monastery , which is considered the largest gompa ( Tibetian temple) in  Nubra Valley. Nearby the hill lies another milestone of Diskit –  the statue of Maitreya Buddha . Bactrian camel rides and Hunder dunes also remain popular sightseeing tours of Nubra Valley.

You can spend the night at Hunder Village, located 10kms from Diskit. For more hotel recommendations around Nubra Valley, explore this page .

Day 3: Nubra Valley to Pangong Lake (Drive)

Approx Distance from Nubra Valley   to   Pangong Lake  – 6hr 20mins (140km)

Like the other road trips in Leh, the journey from Nubra Valley to Pangong is one of the scenic drives in the country. Every year, many tourists flock to the region of Ladakh to experience the road trip vibes of the Nubra and Pangong. Especially if this is your first-time exploring Leh Ladakh, you shouldn’t miss out on a trip to these places.

Pangong Lake is one of the gorgeous, most beautiful lakes in India. The expansive views of the contrasting blue lake make the waters look adorning to the backdrop of the rugged mountains. During the winters, the temperatures in the area fall below -20°C causing the lake to get frozen completely. Moreover, the lake’s elevation makes the surrounding scenes truly captivating, making you fall in love with Pangong Lake’s beauty.

Pangong Lake in Ladakh

Travel Q :  Is camping at Pangong Lake allowed? Considering the imbalance in the ecological fragility of the lake, the Government of India has decided to stop overnight camping around Pangong Lake. The sustainability issues made the authorities declare a ban, thus preserving the beauty of the lake. For alternatives around Pangong, check this page.

There are multiple ways to reach Pangong Lake from Nubra Valley. One is via Shyok , where the roads are comprehensive and extensive, and the other via Wari La , which is more of an off-beat experience. Nowadays, most travellers opt to take the Wari La route to explore the mountainous region, and it isn’t the easiest path to drive on and will require profound driving experience to complete the stretch.

Distance from Nubra Valley to Pangong Lake via Shyok route : 140kms (6hr 20mins) Distance from Nubra Valley to Pangong Lake via Wari La route : 375kms (9hrs)

Looking for accommodation near Pangong Lake? Find out the resources below –

Hotels near Pangong Lake : Explore this page to find best hotel stays & deals near Pangong Lake. Campsites near Pangong Lake : The Nature’s Nest Camp near Pangong is the closest you can get to Pangong Lake.

Day 4: Pangong Lake to Leh (Drive)

Approx Distance from Pangong Lake to Leh  – 5hr 30mins (222.9km)

Before returning to Leh, stroll around Pangong Lake to admire the scenic sunrise. You’ll even spot many bird species around the lake, as Pangong is a popular breeding site for migratory birds.

On your way back, you’ll be taking the  Chang La pass . You can visit several attractions here, such as  Chemrey monastery  and  Hemis monastery . The Hemis Gompa is Leh Ladakh’s largest monastery, boasting beautiful shrines and an 8-meter Padmasambhava statue. Before reaching Leh, you’ll also find the famous monastery of  Thiksey . It’s known for its impressive architecture and decorated interior work.

Famous Gompas in Leh

The rest of the day is free for you to explore Leh’s surroundings. Furthermore, if you had spent day one getting acclimatized to Leh’s climate – this is the perfect day to enjoy the serene beauty of Ladakh’s amazing sightseeing spots.

Day 5: Departure

This marks the end of your Leh Ladakh Itinerary for 5 days. You can extend this itinerary to 7 or 9 days, depending on your schedule, and visit places like  Zanskar Valley ,  Kargil ,  Hemis National Park ,  Moonland , and  Tso Moriri Lake .

Accommodation for Leh Ladakh Itinerary 5 Days

When planning your Leh Ladakh tour, accommodation becomes a crucial factor. Firstly, it’s essential to understand that Leh Ladakh isn’t a developed region compared to other metropolitan cities. It boasts many luxury hotel stays, guesthouses, and hostels – but you shouldn’t expect great amenities in places like Nubra Valley and Pangong Lake.

Most of the inner sub-regions feature rustic accommodation with basic amenities & facilities – which is still considered a favorable option amongst travellers who enjoy rustic stays.

For our Leh Ladakh itinerary trip itinerary, we categorized hotels into several price ranges. This will help you select the right hotel for the right price during your stay in Ladakh.

Please find the below resources for the hotel stays in Leh Ladakh  –

Budget Hotels in Ladakh  – Explore this page to find budgeted stays & rental apartments in Leh Ladakh. Mid-range Hotels in Ladakh  – Looking for good amenities? Check this page to find mid-range hotels across Leh. Luxury Hotels in Ladakh  – Fancy a luxurious stay in Ladakh? Check this page to find more.

Recommended : Read this guide to find out the top 5 luxury stays in Ladakh .

FAQs for Leh Ladakh Itinerary 5 Days

How many days are enough for Leh Ladakh? You’ll at least need 10-12 days to cover major sightseeing spots of Leh Ladakh. Considering the distance between Nubra Valley, Pangong Lake, and Leh, you should give yourself the time to soak in Ladakh’s serene beauty.

Are 5 Days enough for the Leh Ladakh tour? Factually, a 5 day trip to Ladakh isn’t a sufficient period to admire Leh Ladakh’s scenery. With so many attractions & experiences, a tour of a minimum of 7-9 days is required. However, if you’re short on time and need a quick breakthrough to fizz past Ladakh’s sightseeing, a 5-day tour is worthwhile.

How much does a Leh Ladakh trip cost? Many tour operators across India will charge different prices for their services & sightseeing add-ons. It ultimately comes to the duration you choose, places you visit, and some off-beat experiences. However, an average 5D/4N Leh Ladakh package costs INR 13,000 (excluding flights). You can check these tours here.

What is the best time to visit Leh Ladakh? Indian summers are the best period to enjoy Leh Ladakh’s mild temperatures. The region   attracts most of the crowd between April and July and is the busiest period to travel within Leh. You can expect temperatures ranging between 15°C – 30°C during this season.

Are Ladakh roads safe? The roads in Leh Ladakh are pretty rugged, featuring  steep cliffs , unpaved lanes, traffic jams, and rocky terrains. The highways in Ladakh aren’t the most drivable paths but certainly, boast incredible scenery and amazing landscape.

Further Readings & Resources

Coorg, India – 15 Absolutely Best Things to Do in Coorg, India Ooty, India – 15 Stunning Places to Visit in Ooty in 2 Days Iceland – 12 Stunning Things to Do in Iceland in October

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Experiential Europe  –  10 Day Europe Trip: Germany, Belgium & France to Ireland Magical Europe  –  London Paris Amsterdam Itinerary: Epic 10 Days in Europe Discovery Europe  –  London Paris Barcelona Itinerary: Ultimate 10 Days in Europe


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Best Time For Leh Ladakh Tour

Ladakh is a year-round tourist destination with each season offering its own experiences. However, the best time to book Leh Ladakh tour packages and visit this stunning destination depends entirely on your interests and preferences.

1. Peak Season - From June to September, Ladakh enjoys the peak season during the summer season. During this time, the temperature ranges between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius, and the weather remains warm to explore the attraction comfortably. It is the perfect time to visit monasteries like Stongdey, Likir, Shey, and Thiksey and enjoy the marvellous experience of the Magnetic Hill. You can also attend festivals such as YuruKabgyat and Hemis to add cultural richness to your entire experience in Ladakh.

2. Shoulder Season - The shoulder season in Ladakh falls during the winter season between September and February. At this time, the temperature diminishes to 0 degrees Celsius and up to -10 degrees Celsius at night. The chilling weather provides a unique experience of enjoying snowfall and attending the famous Chadar trek. You can attend festivals like SpitukGustor and Stok Monastery Festival during this period to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Ladakh.

3. Waning Season - The period between July and August during the monsoon season experiences the waning season. Despite short-lived rains, the crisp air at this time makes outings refreshing. It is an ideal time for adventure enthusiasts to enjoy white water rafting on the Indus and Zanskar rivers. This season is also suitable for trekking activities, including the Kang Yatse trek and Markha Valley trek.

How to Reach Leh Ladakh

Ladakh, a gem nestled in the trans-Himalayan region of India, is a haven for wanderers. Its unparalleled beauty and cultural richness draw everyone from around the world. Nestled amidst the mighty Karakoram and the Himalayan ranges, Ladakh is an ethereal spectacle, sitting at an altitude of about 9,800 feet above sea level. Its remoteness adds to its charm and the journey to  reach to Ladakh  is a riveting experience in itself. There are several different ways in which you can reach this mountain destination after availing of the Ladakh trip packages, including: 

1. By Flight:  Leh's Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport is a domestic unit situated merely 3.8 kilometres from the city, is the highest commercial airport in India. Major airlines like Air India, GoAir, and Jet Airways operate regular flights connecting Leh with cities such as Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Srinagar, and Jammu. Upon landing, cabs are readily available outside the airport for transfer to various parts of Ladakh. For international travellers, direct flights can be boarded from major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata to Leh.

2. By Road:  Another exhilarating way to reach Ladakh is by taking a bus ride and exploring the winding roads. Two primary highways lead to this rugged paradise. The first is the Manali-Leh Highway, stretching across 473 kilometres, usually open from mid-June to early October. The second is the Srinagar-Leh Highway, which covers a total distance of 434 kilometres and is open between the months of July to November. State bus operators like the Himachal Pradesh Tourism (HRTC) and the Jammu and Kashmir State Tourism (SRTC) also operate their buses on both of these routes on a regular basis. The bus journey from Manali-Leh takes about 19 hours, and Srinagar-Leh approximately 17 hours, including an overnight halt.

3. By Train:  You can also reach Ladakh via a train ride. The closest railhead to Ladakh is Jammu Tawi, situated approximately 708 kilometres away. This station enjoys seamless connectivity with major cities like Delhi, Kolkata, and Chandigarh. On reaching Jammu Tawi, you can hire a taxi or hop aboard a bus and take a 15-hour journey to get to Ladakh. Chandigarh and Pathankot also have railway stations relatively close to Leh.

4. By Bike:  One of the most popular routes that you can take while biking to Leh is the Manali-Leh Highway, which spans around 490 kilometres. This route takes you through several mountain passes, including the Rohtang Pass, Baralacha La, Lachung La as well as  Tanglang La . Another popular route for biking is the Srinagar-Leh Highway, which is 434 kilometres long. This is a relatively less challenging route and takes you through stunning locales, including the Drass War Memorial, Zoji La Pass and the  Lamayuru Monastery . For an even more unique route, you can bike all the way from Pathankot to Leh, on the Pathankot-Leh Highway. This route is 1,235 kilometres long, and you can cover it in around 3 days. 

5. By Car:  You can also set out on a self-drive journey to Ladakh by car, for a unique experience. Reaching Ladakh by car is an adventurous journey, usually taken via two main routes - the Srinagar-Leh Highway and the Manali-Leh Highway. The Srinagar-Leh Highway, open from May to October, is a scenic route that takes you through Zoji La Pass, Kargil, and Alchi. The Manali-Leh Highway, open from June to September, is a more challenging but exhilarating route, taking you through Rohtang Pass and several high-altitude passes. Getting to Ladakh by car allows you to traverse at your own pace, soaking in the panoramic vistas, halting at quaint roadside cafes, and experiencing the local culture up close. 

Places to Visit on Ladakh Trip:

Things to do on ladakh trip:, cuisines of ladakh:, tips to know before travelling to ladakh:, things to carry on ladakh trip.

  • Woollen clothes such as jackets, pullover, thermal wears, jeans, mufflers, woollen socks, etc.
  • Sunglasses to save your eyes from the sun’s heat at such a height
  • Sunscreen lotion of more than 40 SPF to protect your skin from the scorching sunlight during Ladakh summer.
  • Medical kit in case you or someone else suffers from acute mountain illness or God forbid, any accidents. Some of the things to carry in the kit are medicines for dizziness, headache, stomach ache, earache, band-aids, Moov, medicine for motion sickness, Dettol, Disprin, Paracetamol, etc. 
  • Lip balm or Vaseline
  • Extra bag for shopping 
  • Water bottle
  • Snacks such as chocolates, nuts, chips. Please note that eating at regular intervals helps in dealing with acute mountain illness
  • Toiletries which can include face wash, paper soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturizer, comb, tissue papers
  • An ID card or any other source of identification 
  • Phone charger/laptop charger
  • Extra battery
  • Memory cards for your camera
  • A good camera because the views of Leh and Ladakh will leave you mesmerized
  • Power bank 
  • Map of Ladakh (carry it in your phone for the emergency situation)
  • Enough money in cash

Most Popular Ladakh Tour Packages

Quick navigation.

Pangong Lake, Leh

Incredible Leh & Ladakh | Journey to the Land of Lamas

Aerial view of Thiksey Monastery

Adventurous Ladakh | Group Tour Package

People enjoying near Pangong Tso

Best Selling Leh Ladakh Tour Packages

Leh ladakh from delhi | with flights.

Nubra Valley

About the tour :

Imagine embarking on a Leh Ladakh Tour Package by Air from Delhi and landing in the serene landscapes of Leh, Ladakh. As you step off the plane, you'll feel the crisp mountain air, ancient monasteries, and welcoming locals. The journey continues to the world's highest motorable pass, Khardungla. Nubra Valley attracts you with its sand dunes and majestic Bactrian camels, while Pangong Lake's azure waters will steal your heart. Crossing Chang-la Pass, you'll be captivated by the pristine beauty surrounding you. At last, but not least, Stok Village, where you'll experience Ladakhi culture up close.

Quick Info :

  • Route:  Leh-Sham Valley, Khardungla, Nubra Valley, Pangong, Chang-la, Stok Village, and Leh.
  • Duration:  7 Days and 6 Nights 
  • Start point:   Leh Airport
  • Endpoint:  Leh Airport

Note: The mentioned tour package price is dynamic and will vary according to the flight charges and date of travel. In order to get the best price, reach out to us by filling out the 'Send Enquiry' form.

Leh Ladakh Bike Trip | FREE Excursion to Chang-la Pass

Pangong Lake, Ladakh

Get ready to make your dream of riding in Ladakh come true in the action-packed bike trip where one would be experiencing the fusion of thrill, serene beauty, and culture of the "Land of High Passes". The tour offers you a stay amidst a beautiful valley of mountains and a starlit sky at night. The unique thing about the Ladakh terrain is that it has mountains, forests, deserts, lakes, rivers, and waterfalls in one beautiful and dynamic geography.

Route: Leh - Sham Valley - Khardungla - Nubra Valley - Pangong - Chang La - Leh

  • Duration: 6 Days and 5 Nights
  • Start Point: Leh Airport

Endpoint: Leh Airport

Leh Ladakh Expedition

Pangong Lake, Leh

The unique thing about the Ladakh terrain is that it has mountains, forests, deserts, lakes, rivers, and waterfalls in a beautiful and dynamic geography. On a journey to the top of the world, Leh-Ladakh features most of the world’s highest motorable passes and the spectacular beauty of snow-capped mountains. Admired for its unparalleled scenic views, pristine icy lakes, and swirling roads, Ladakh is becoming the most Instagrammed place in India and is on everyone’s bucket list. It offers you a stay amidst a beautiful valley of mountains and a starlit sky at night.

  • Route: Leh - Sham valley - Khardungla - Nubra Valley - Pangong - Chang la - Leh

Leh Ladakh Adventure with Pangong Lake

Pangong Lake, Ladakh

About the Tour :

Get ready to make your dream of going on a road trip in Ladakh come true, where one would be experiencing the fusion of thrill, serene beauty, and culture of the "Land of High Passes", as the entire tour is exclusively chosen by Thrillophilia's outdoor experts. A wonderful drive through Leh-Ladakh, a land covered with snow-capped mountains and the highest motorable passes, makes you feel at the top of the world. The unique thing about the Ladakh terrain is that it has mountains, forests, deserts, lakes, rivers, and waterfalls in one beautiful and dynamic geography.

  • Duration: 5 Days and 4 Nights

Manali Leh Srinagar Bike Adventure

Bike Adventure in Ladakh

About the Tour :  

Get ready to make your dream of riding in Ladakh come true in the action-packed bike trip where one would be experiencing the fusion of thrill, serene beauty and culture of the "Land of High Passes", as the entire tour is exclusively elected by Thrillophilia's outdoor experts. This circuit features some of the world’s highest motorable passes with the spectacular beauty of snow-capped mountains, Lakes, rivers on their side while covering these breathtaking destinations, Solang valley, Gata Loops, Zojila pass, Kargil, Magnetic hill, Confluence of Indus, And Zanskar river, Dal lake and much more waiting on the way!

Quick Info:

Route: Delhi - Manali - Jispa - Sarchu - Leh - Nubra via Khardung La Pass - Pangong Lake - Leh - Lamayuru - Kargil - Zojila Pass - Sonamarg - Srinagar.

Duration: 12 Days & 11 Night 

Start Point: Delhi

Endpoint: Srinagar

Passes Covered: Khardung-la (18,000 ft), Chang-la (17,688 ft), Rohtang Pass (16,051 ft), Lachung La(16,600 ft), and Baralacha la ( 16,000 ft)

Ladakh Highlights | Private Leh Ladakh Adventure

Shanti Stupa, Leh

Leh region gives you the experience of the highest motorable passes in the world along with the incomparable beauty of the mountains covered with snow. Admired for its unparalleled scenic views, pristine icy lakes, and swirling roads, Ladakh is becoming the most Instagrammable place in India and is on everyone’s bucket list. It offers you a stay amidst the beautiful valley of mountains and a starlit sky in the night. Don't forget to explore the white-washed majestic monasteries that add to the divine energy of this cold desert.

Route:  Leh - Sham Valley - Khardungla- Nubra Valley - Pangong - Chang-la - Stok village - Leh.

Duration:  7 Days & 6 Nights 

Start Point:   Leh Airport

Endpoint:  Leh Airport

Passes Covered:  Khardung-la (18,000 ft) and Chang-la (17,688 ft)

Note: Customisation available on request. Please hit the 'Send Enquiry' button to get in touch with the destination expert.

Women Special | Leh Ladakh Group Tour

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A journey to the highest mountains in the world with the coolest group of girls is what makes this tour a great attraction featuring the world’s highest motorable passes with the spectacular beauty of snow-capped mountains. Admired for its unparalleled scenic views, pristine icy lakes, and swirling roads, Ladakh is becoming the most Instagrammable place in India and is on everyone’s bucket list. It offers you a stay amidst the beautiful valley of mountains and a starlit sky in the night.

Route: Leh - Sham Valley - Khardungla - Nubra Valley - Pangong - Chang-la - Stok Village - Leh

Duration: 7 days & 6 nights 

Start point:  Leh Airport

Passes covered: Khardung-la (18,000 ft) and Chang-la (17,688 ft)

Leh Bike Tour Adventure with Camping: Flat 35% off

Leh Bike Tour Adventure with Camping: Flat 35% off

Price Variants

About the Destinations:

This Leh Ladakh bike trip package takes you to the enchanting lands of Leh, one of the most coveted and booming destinations in the Indian tourism sector. Sitting graciously at a height of 11,562ft, this pictorial region boasts of its alluring charm, towering peaks, snowy outlook and the serenity that prevails in almost every bit of it.

While the lofty peaks of Leh enchant visitors from all the corners of the globe, its enthralling charm and appeal entice mostly the adventure seekers. And when it comes to thrill and adventure, biking proves to be the best way to pump in some adrenaline in this heavenly region. In fact, biking is slowly becoming the favorite way for many travelers. Join this 7 days bike trip to Leh, ride through some of the scenic marvels and get acquainted with the pristine beauty of Leh.

As you sort through all our Ladakh tour packages to choose the perfect one for you, make sure to cover all the popular destinations like monasteries, old town Ladakh and a must road trip to Ladakh.

About the Tour:

Leh Ladakh Group Adventure | With Turtuk Village

Enjoy a memorable Leh Group Tour and explore the famous Turtuk Village

Situated right on the border on the northwest edge of Ladakh is Turtuk which was once a part of Pakistan till the 1971 Indo-Pak war to be specific. With this 7 days tour to Ladakh, enjoy a journey to the top of the world featuring most of the world’s highest motorable passes with the spectacular beauty of snow-capped mountains. Admired for its unparalleled scenic views, pristine icy lakes, and swirling roads, Ladakh is becoming the most Instagrammable place in India and is on everyone’s bucket list.

Route:  Leh - Sham Valley - Khardungla - Nubra Valley - Turtuk - Pangong - Chang-la - Leh

Passes Covered: Khardung-la (18,000 ft) | Chang-la (17,688 ft)

Himalayan Expedition | Srinagar And Leh Ladakh COMBO Deal

Diskit Monastery, Nubra Valley

Explore the beautiful Lakes of Srinagar, thrilling routes of Ladakh, and beautiful Valleys of Himachal, all in a single tour. This circuit features some of the world’s highest motorable passes with the spectacular beauty of snow-capped mountains, serene lakes, and gushing rivers covering breathtaking destinations like Solang valley, Gata Loops, Zojila pass, Kargil, Magnetic hill, Confluence of Indus, And Zanskar river, Dal lake and much more waiting on the way! Admired for its unparalleled scenic views, pristine icy lakes, and swirling roads, Ladakh offers beautiful views of valleys & mountains and a starlit sky at the night.

Route: Srinagar - Sonmarg - Zojila Pass - Kargil - Lamayuru - Leh - Nubra via Khardung La Pass - Pangong Lake - Leh - Sarchu - Jispa - Manali - Delhi

Duration: 10 Days & 9 Night 

Start Point: Srinagar

Endpoint: Delhi

Glimpse Of Leh Ladakh | Private Adventure

Take in the beautiful views of the Himalayan range from the khardungla Pass

About the Tour:  

A visit to the top of the world, Leh-Ladakh features most of the world’s highest motorable passes with the spectacular beauty of snow-capped mountains. Admired for its unparalleled scenic views, pristine icy lakes, and swirling roads, Ladakh is becoming the most Instagrammable place in India and is on everyone’s bucket list. Adding to its exceptional beauty are the ancient Buddhist monasteries mostly nestled in the mountains and from thousands of years. 

Duration: 5 Days & 4 Night

Passes Covered: Khardung-la (18,000 ft) and Chang-la (17,688 ft)

Manali to Ladakh Bike Trip from Delhi | Book Now & Get 3000 Cashback

Manali to Ladakh Bike Trip from Delhi | Book Now & Get 3000 Cashback

Quick Facts:

Temperature:  Day: 8°C to 15°C and Night: -5°C to 3°C

Maximum Altitude:  5,328 m (17,480 ft) at the Taglang La mountain pass.

Difficulty Level: Moderate 

Railway Station: Nearest is the Jammu Tawi Railway Station (700 km)

Airport: Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport, Leh

ATM: On a bike tour to Leh Ladakh through the Manali to Leh route, you will find only one ATM at Keylong, but later there are several ATMs at Leh. Stay during your Manali to Leh Bike Trip Accommodation on double (for couples) and triple (for others) sharing basis in Guesthouse/hotel/Camp Meals during your Manali to Leh Bike Trip: Day 2: Dinner Day 3- Day 11: Breakfast Mode of transport during your Manali to Leh Bike Trip: AC Semi sleeper tickets from Delhi to Manali and return (depending on the variant selected) The bikes are provided with fuel from day 2 to day 11  350cc Royal Enfield motorbike for Single riders  500cc Royal Enfield for Double riders

Variants of the package

Cost without Bike & Fuel: INR 35300/- per person Double Rider RE 500cc with Fuel & Helmets: INR 42300/- per person  Single Rider RE 500cc with Fuel & Helmets: INR 48900/- per person

Thrilling Leh Ladakh Bike Adventure | KTM 390 Edition

KTM 390 Bike Adventure, Ladakh

Get ready to embark on the adventure of the powerful KTM 390 as you explore the mesmerizing landscapes of Leh, Sham Valley, Khardungla, Nubra Valley, Pangong, and Chang La. Starting in Leh, from conquering the heights of Khardungla to experiencing the serenity of Pangong Lake, every moment through the KTM 390 is an exhilarating ride. This tour is for those who crave adventure, have a passion for riding, and want to connect with the raw beauty of Ladakh. So, saddle up, throttle on, and let the KTM 390 Edition elevate your adventure to a whole new level

  • Route: Leh - Sham Valley - Khardungla - Nubra Valley - Pangong - Chang La - Leh

Manali Leh Manali Jeep Safari

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About the Tour : 

Experience the amazing adventure with this round trip to Leh-Ladakh. Starting from Delhi, this tour takes you to amazing destinations like Manali, Jispa, Sarchu, Leh, and many more. Drive through the highest motorable passes while enjoying the beauty of snow-capped mountains, lakes, amazing experiences, and much more. Ladakh is known for its breathtaking landscapes, crystal clear skies, the highest mountain passes, thrilling adventure activities, Buddhist Monasteries, and festivals. Experience the divine energy at the majestic monasteries that adds to the scenic beauty of the cold desert.

Route: Delhi - Manali - Jispa - Sarchu - Leh - Nubra via Khardung La - Pangong Lake - Tso Kar Lake - Jispa - Manali - Delhi

Passes Covered: Khardung-la (18,000 ft), Rohtang Pass (16,051 ft), Lachung La(16,600 ft), and Baralacha la ( 16,000 ft)

Leh Ladakh Getaway | With Siachen Base Camp

The beautiful Siachen peaks and base camp are a sight to behold

With a journey to Siachen, the Highest Battlefield in the world, Leh-Ladakh features most of the world’s highest motorable passes with the spectacular beauty of snow-capped mountains. Admired for its unparalleled scenic views, pristine icy lakes, and swirling roads, Ladakh is becoming the most Instagrammable place in India and is on everyone’s bucket list. The unique thing about the Ladakh terrain is that it has mountains, forests, deserts, lakes, rivers, waterfalls in one beautiful and dynamic geography.

Route:  Leh - Sham Valley - Khardungla - Nubra Valley - Siachen - Pangong - Chang-la - Leh

Leh Ladakh Srinagar with Pangong Lake

Lamayuru Monastery

Starting from Leh, this tour gives you a boost with the beautiful lakes, views, and soothing air. Enter into two completely different worlds - beautiful Srinagar and thrilling Ladakh . Ladakh, the Land of High Passes, wins hearts with its simplicity and rugged natural beauty. Spectacular landscapes, enfolded by serrated mountains, give the region its unique character. The pristine natural heritage of this fabled realm can be seen in its picturesque lakes, unspoiled by human civilization.

Route: Leh - Sham Valley - Khardung La - Nubra Valley - Pangong - Chang La - Leh - Kargil - Srinagar

Duration: 8 Days & 7 Night

Start Point:   Leh Airport

Endpoint: Srinagar Airport

Passes Covered: Khardung-la (18,000 ft) | Chang-la (17,688 ft) | Zojila pass (11,500 ft)

6 Days Ladakh Backpacking Tour

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About the destination :

A journey to the top of the world, Leh-Ladakh features most of the world’s highest motorable passes with the spectacular beauty of snow-capped mountains. Admired for its unparalleled scenic views, pristine icy lakes, and swirling roads, Ladakh is becoming the most Instagrammable place in India and is on everyone’s bucket list. It offers you a stay amidst the beautiful valley of mountains and a starlit sky in the night. The unique thing about the Ladakh terrain is that it has mountains, forests, deserts, lakes, rivers, waterfalls in one beautiful and dynamic geography.

Quick info:

Route: Leh - Sham Valley - Khardungla- Nubra Valley - Pangong - Chang-la - Leh.

Duration: 6 days & 5 nights 

12 Days Leh Ladakh | Fuel Included

The Confluence – Indus & Zanskar - At times, at the Sangam, the Indus River can be seen as shiny blue while the Zanskar river is dirty green.

Start point: Delhi

Passes covered: Khardung-la (18,000 ft), Chang-la (17,688 ft), Rohtang Pass (16,051 ft), Lachung La(16,600 ft), and Baralacha la ( 16,000 ft)

About 12 Days Manali Leh Srinagar Sightseeing Tour :  

With this incredible trip, you get the chance to visit Kashmir, Ladakh, and Himachal Pradesh—the three most stunning regions—all at once. The route includes some of the highest motorable crossings in the world, stunning lakes, snow-capped mountains, incredible camping opportunities, and much more! Ladakh, which is on everyone's bucket list and is fast becoming India's most Instagrammable location, is admired for its unmatched picturesque views, pure frozen lakes, and winding roads.

Leh Ladakh Honeymoon Package from Delhi | Book @ Flat 33%

Leh Ladakh Honeymoon Package from Delhi | Book @ Flat 33%

About the Leh Ladakh:

Ensconced in the picturesque state of Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh or the land of high passes has always been regarded as an exotic tourist destination filled with visual delights, mystery and intrigue. With Leh Ladakh honeymoon package from Delhi now you can head out for an amazing vacation with your beloved. Boasting of majestic snow-capped mountains, gurgling streams, deep mountain passes, exotic valleys and mystical ancient monasteries, our Ladakh tour packages have it all.

Spend some time exploring the beauty of this region and then head out for a camping under the billions of stars. Find a plethora of vibrant colours, that will take your breath away and in winter it gets transformed into a white wonderland, often cut off from the rest of the world. Click some memorable pictures with her as you enjoy a delicious cup of tea while enjoying the view of the mountains. 

About the Leh Ladakh Honeymoon Package from Delhi:

Leh Ladakh Bike Tour Packages

Leh ladakh bike tour.

Leh Ladakh Bike Tour

About the Destination:

The Himalayas and the Karakoram ranges cradle in their midst a gem of a destination, called Ladakh- ‘The Land of High Passes’. Nowhere else would you find a region so rich with diversity! The landscapes here are always bedecked in all of nature’s finery. Somewhere they are dressed in the greens of the meadows, somewhere they take up the azure blues of the Pangong Tso Lake, some where they are embellished in sliver of the mountains and yest somewhere else they take up the arid, brown colour of the desert!

The only way to truly know the beauty of Ladakh and its capital city, Leh is to ride through its rich and varied landscapes. Embark on this once in a lifetime chance, drop everything and just hit GO!

Manali Leh Manali Bike Adventure | With Hanle & Tsomoriri

Gear up for an adventurous road trip from Manali to Leh on a bike

About the Tour:  

Explore the adventurous side of your personality while enjoying this thrilling road trip to Ladakh from Manali via various exciting destinations and twisty roads. Cover the breathtaking destinations during your road trip like Solang valley, Gata Loops, Manali, Pang, Magnetic hill, Confluence of Indus And Zanskar river and so much more!

Admired for its unparalleled scenic views, pristine icy lakes, and swirling roads, Ladakh is becoming the most Instagrammable place in India and is on everyone’s bucket list, it offers you a stay amidst the beautiful valley of mountains and a starlit sky in the night. Experience the divine spiritual energy by visiting the old monasteries and temples.

Route: Manali-Jispa-Sarchu-Leh-Nubra via Khardung La Pass-Pangong Lake-Tso Kar Lake-Jispa-Manali

Duration: 11 Days & 10 Night 

Start point: Manali

Endpoint: Manali

Passes covered: Khardung-la (18,000 ft) | Rohtang Pass (16,051 ft) | Lachung La(16,600 ft) | Baralacha la (16,000 ft)

Bike Trip from Leh to Srinagar

Nothing equals the sheer pleasure of riding a bike

About the destination:  

One of the most popular and beautiful places in India, Leh serves as the small paradise on earth. With high altitude and numerous passes, Leh offers you to ride a bike across the city and explore its heavenly surroundings. With this 8 days-tour, you’ll not only get the chance to discover Leh but also Srinagar.

Get ready to make your dream of riding in Ladakh come true in the action-packed bike trip where one would be experiencing the fusion of thrill, serene beauty and culture of The "Land of High Passes", as the entire tour is exclusively elected by Thrillophilia's outdoor experts.

Srinagar is located on the banks of River Jhelum and shares its boundaries with Jammu & Kashmir. Famous for its stationary houseboats and colorful Shikaras in Dal Lake, Srinagar provides you a mesmerizing view of verdant mountains and serves as the home to exquisite Mughal-age gardens. Grab this golden opportunity to ride across these 2 alluring cities and explore the top attractions of the two places. 

Route: Leh - Sham valley - Khardungla - Nubra Valley - Pangong - Chang la - Kargil -Srinagar

Duration: 8 Days & 7 Night 

Passes covered: Khardung-la (18,000 ft), Chang-la (17,688 ft), and Zojila pass (11,500 ft)

Bike Trip Srinagar Leh Manali

Imagine riding your bikes on these beautiful empty roads!

Get ready to make your dream of riding in Ladakh come true in the action-packed bike trip where one would be experiencing the fusion of thrill, serene beauty, and culture of The "Land of High Passes", as the entire tour is exclusively elected by Thrillophilia's outdoor experts

This circuit features some of the world’s highest motorable passes with the spectacular beauty of snow-capped mountains, Lakes, rivers on their side while covering these breathtaking destinations, Solang valley, Gata Loops, Zojila pass, Kargil, Magnetic hill, Confluence of Indus, And Zanskar river, Dal lake and much more waiting on the way!

Admired for its unparalleled scenic views, pristine icy lakes, and swirling roads, This circuit is becoming the most Instagrammable place in India and is on everyone’s bucket list, it offers you a stay amidst the beautiful valley of mountains and a starlit sky in the night.

Route: Srinagar-Sonmarg-Zojila Pass-Kargil-Lamayuru-Leh-Nubra via Khardung La Pass-Pangong Lake-Leh-Jispa-Manali

Start point:  Srinagar

Passes covered: Khardung-la (18,000 ft), Chang-la (17,688 ft), Rohtang Pass (16,051 ft), Lachung La(16,600 ft), Baralacha la ( 16,000 ft), and Zojila pass (11,500ft)

Leh Ladakh Bike Adventure | With BMW G310 GS

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No other motorcycle has more adventure than the GS. Riding a BMW GS motorcycle is not just an experience; it’s a way of life where adventure awaits around every corner.

Get ready to make your dream of riding in Ladakh come true in the action-packed bike trip, on the beast BMW G310 GS where one would be experiencing the fusion of thrill, serene beauty and culture of The "Land of High Passes", as the entire tour is exclusively elected by Thrillophilia's outdoor experts.

On this Bike tour of Leh-Ladakh on the adventure friendly BMW G310 GS, one will get to explore the lively mountain range of the Ladakh region. Feel the victory by winning the battle with the highest motorable passes in the world like Khardung-la and Chang-la on a BMW superbike. On this bike one can truly sense the comfort of riding on a long plain track and can trip on the offroading thrill as well!

Route: Leh - Khardungla Pass - Nubra Valley - Diskit Monastery - Hunder - Shayok Route - Pangong Lake - Durbuk - Changla Pass - Thiksay Monastery - Leh

Duration: 6 Days & 5 Night 

Leh Ladakh Bike Adventure from Delhi | Fuel Included

Enjoy a bike ride and this beautiful location

Get ready to make your dream of riding in Ladakh come true in the action-packed bike trip where one would be experiencing the fusion of thrill, as you show off your riding skills on the most adventurous and thrilling routes in India. Ride your bike via beautiful valleys in Himachal, to the most thrilling routes of Ladakh.   Starting from Delhi, this Ladakh bike trip takes you to amazing destinations like Manali, Jispa, Sarchu, Leh, and many more. Drive through the highest motorable passes while enjoying the beauty of snow-capped mountains, lakes, amazing experiences, and much more.

Route: Delhi - Manali - Jispa - Sarchu - Leh-Nubra via Khardung La Pass - Pangong Lake - Leh

Duration: 10 Days & 9 Night

Endpoint: Leh

Leh Ladakh Tour Package from Srinagar

Enjoy the rugged terrains of Ladakh on your bikes

Experience the beauty of the Himalayas with the Leh Ladakh Tour Package from Srinagar! This 11-day adventure takes you through the mesmerizing landscapes of Leh Ladakh and offers a glimpse into the region's rich cultural heritage. Marvel at the historic Kargil War Memorial and soak in the scenic views from Tiger Hill. Explore the stunning Basgo Palace and witness the tranquility of the Pangong Tso lake. Immerse yourself in the serenity of the Diskit Monastery and take a camel ride to explore the vast expanse of sand dunes. The tour is perfect for those seeking an unforgettable travel experience amidst the breathtaking natural beauty of India.

Srinagar Leh Manali | Fuel Inclusions

They say you never forget how to ride a bike. Let's find out if that's true

Get ready to make your dream of riding in Ladakh come true as you ride the circuit featuring some of the world’s highest motorable passes with the spectacular beauty of snow-capped mountains, serene lakes, gushing rivers, lush forests and barren lands. as you explore the breathtaking destinations like Solang valley, Gata Loops, Zojila pass, Kargil, Magnetic hill, Confluence of Indus and Zanskar river, Dal lake and much more. This circuit is on everyone’s bucket lists as it offers you a stay amidst the beautiful valley of mountains and a starlit sky in the night.

Route: Srinagar - Sonmarg - Zojila Pass - Kargil - Lamayuru - Leh - Nubra via Khardung La Pass - Pangong Lake - Leh - Sarchu - Manali - Delhi

Start Point:  Srinagar

Passes Covered: Khardung-la (18,000 ft), Chang-la (17,688 ft), Rohtang Pass (16,051 ft), Lachung La(16,600 ft), Baralacha la ( 16,000 ft), and Zojila pass (11,500ft)

Leh Ladakh Jeep Tours

Manali to leh jeep expedition with tso moriri lake.

Manali to Leh Jeep Expedition with Tso Moriri Lake

Fixed departure dates:  Multiple dates open to Join a Group departure in June, July, August and September and can be customized on request for separate group also.

About the Activity: 

  • From the pleasantly hospitable town of Manali, the Manali to Leh Jeep expedition takes you on a roller coaster drive through distinct geographies portraying diverse geographies. From hill town to high altitude arid desert, this safari is one mega experience.
  • The Manali to Leh by road traverses over five high altitude Himalayan passes such as Rohtang (3,978m), Keylong (3,350m), and Tanglang La (17,585ft) showcasing an ever changing dynamic landscape that alters from barren lands to lush green pastures. With our Ladakh tour packages, you can head out for an amazing vacation with your gang.
  • Tsomoriri Lake is the one attraction that demands all your attention during this jeep ride which is now Tso Moriri Wetland Conservation Reserve. It is the largest of the high altitude lakes entirely within India at an altitude of 4522 meters.
  • Interact with the amazing landscapes beautified by the natural formations throughout the journey. You will come across the undeniable beauties of Khardung La Pass, Pangong Lake, Deskit, Hundar, the confluence of Zanskar and Indus Rivers, Nubra Valley etc. which all are covered in this Ladakh tour packages.
  • These places have been occupied by multitudinous mountains, valleys, small streams, rock formations, monasteries, gompas and what not.
  • By the end of the journey multi-hued prayer flags, Tibetian chortens, and friendly locals would be etched in your memories for a very long time to come.
  • Number of PAX       Standard               Deluxe                 Super Deluxe
  • Min 02 pax               Rs. 37470            Rs. 38090                Rs. 39660
  • Min 03 Pax               Rs. 28530            Rs. 29260                Rs. 30620
  • Min 04 pax               Rs. 24950             Rs. 25280                Rs. 27140
  • Min 05 Pax               Rs. 22090             Rs. 22780                Rs. 24220
  • Min 06 Pax               Rs. 20780              Rs. 21400                Rs. 22970
  • Min 07 Pax               Rs. 22540             Rs. 23220                 Rs. 24700
  • Min 08 Pax                Rs. 21500            Rs. 22130                  Rs. 23700
  • Min 09 Pax                Rs. 20300            Rs. 20960                  Rs. 22460
  • Min 10 Pax                Rs. 19690             Rs. 20320                  Rs. 21880
  • Min 11 Pax                 Rs. 18870             Rs. 19520                 Rs. 21040
  • Min 12 Pax                  Rs. 18480            Rs. 19100                 Rs. 20670
  • Extra Bed Child            Rs. 8800             Rs. 9800                    Rs. 10700

Leh Ladakh Jeep Safari Package from Manali

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Known as the most beautiful destinations in the world, Ladakh had been attracting a lot of tourists.   Leh Ladakh jeep safari package is the perfect one for the adventure seekers where they can explore the beauty of region while driving through the barren roads. Each day will hold something new for you during this incredible journey. Soak in the beauty of the region with the mountains, valleys, scenic monasteries etc.

Not just this you also get a chance to learn about the rich culture and traditions of this region. Meet the local people and enjoy a cup of hot tea with them. Visit some of the places like Thiksey Monastery, Shey Monastery, Leh Palaces etc. Don't miss your chance to enjoy the wonderful camping by the Pangong Lake and feel the thrill as you ride through Khardungla, highest motorable road in the world.

Srinagar Leh Sightseeing Tour

Lamayuru is one of the largest and oldest gompas in Ladakh, with a population of around 150 permanent monks resident. It has, in the past, housed up to 400 monks, many of which are now based in gompas in surrounding villages

Starting from Srinagar, this tour gives you a boost with the beautiful lakes, views, and soothing air. Enter into two completely different worlds - beautiful Srinagar and thrilling Ladakh . Ladakh, the Land of High Passes, wins hearts with its simplicity and rugged natural beauty. Spectacular landscapes, enfolded by serrated mountains, give the region its unique character. The pristine natural heritage of this fabled realm can be seen in its picturesque lakes, unspoiled by human civilization.

Route: Srinagar - Kargil - Chang La - Pangong - Nubra Valley - Khardung La - Sham valley - Leh

Start Point:  Srinagar Airport

Leh Ladakh Sightseeing Packages

Manali leh srinagar car trip with tsomoriri and hanle.

a drive through the valley of snow capped mountains and alpine lakes !

Explore the beautiful valleys of Himachal, along with the adventurous routes of Ladakh and the delightful lakes of Srinagar. This circuit features some of the world’s highest motorable passes with the spectacular beauty of snow-capped mountains, Lakes, rivers on their side while covering these breathtaking destinations, Solang valley, Gata Loops, Hanle, Tso Mori Ri, Zojila pass, Kargil, Magnetic hill, Confluence of Indus And Zanskar River, Dal lake and much more waiting on the way!

Route: Manali-Jispa-Sarchu-Tsomoriri-Hanle-Pangong Tso-Nubra Valley-Leh-Kargil-Sonamarg-Srinagar.

Start point:  Manali

Passes covered: Khardung-la (18,000 ft), Rohtang Pass (16,051 ft), Lachung La(16,600 ft), Baralacha la ( 16,000 ft), and Zojila pass (11,500 ft)

Wonders of Ladakh | FREE Inner Line Permits

Pangong Lake, situated at a height of almost 4,350m, is the world's highest saltwater lake. Its water, which seems to be dyed in blue, stand in stark contrast to the arid mountains surrounding it.

Get ready for the most adventurous drive-through of your life. This tour lets you explore both the beauty of Manali and the thrills of Ladakh, and going through the cultural side of Leh makes the tour even more interesting. The unlimited fun activities in Manali, driving through the hairpin bends of the route, and exploring the heart of Ladakh; are the experiences that make this tour full of crazy and unique experiences.

Route: Delhi - Manali - Jispa - Sarchu - Leh - Nubra via Khardung La Pass - Pangong Lake - Leh

8 Day Ladakh Sightseeing Tour with Stay at Tso Moriri

8 Day Ladakh Sightseeing Tour with Stay at Tso Moriri

  • The trip begins with your arrival at Leh airport
  • You will be visiting the local sights of the city as well as the attractions of the Sham Valley
  • The highlights there are the mysterious Magnetic hill and the beautiful confluence of the rivers Zanskar and Indus
  • The trip also takes you to the famous Nubra valley and the famous Pangong Tso Lake which are the most admired places among the people opting for Ladakh Tour Packages.
  • From Pangong, you will be driving to the Tso Moriri, which is a beautiful Lake and a breeding ground for many migratory birds
  • You will also be staying in camps at various locations, the best part about which is the unending views of stars and galaxies in the clear nights
  • Enjoy this tour of 8 days and cherish it forever

Leh Sightseeing Tour with Stay at Pangong

Leh Sightseeing Tour with Stay at Pangong

About the Activity:

  • Make your vacation a special one with this exciting 7 days 6 nights sightseeing tour in Ladakh.
  • Ladakh, a muse for writers, a haven for bikers and a perfect getaway for the experience loving travellers! 
  • Experience one of the best Ladakh tour packages while you're cuddled in the laps of the mighty Himalayan and Karakorum ranges, it is a destination that is beautified by contrasts!
  • During the course of this tour, you will get to explore Sangam, Gurudwara Pathar Sahib, Nubra valley, Leh and Pangong Tso lake. 
  • Explore the amazing beauty of the region with the valleys and the serene surroundings.
  • Experience the joy of riding in a double hunk camel in the Nubra valley and enjoy the beauty of the Pangong Tso lake as it slowly changes its colour.
  • This Ladakh tour package boasting this destination is deservedly among the gorgeous natural spectacles in the world!
  • Conclude your tour after getting transferred to the airport and head back home with wonderful memories from this Ladakh trip.

Duration of the Tour:  7D/6N

Highest Altitude: Khardung La Pass (18,380 feet)

Group Size: 6 PAX

Tour Type: Group Departure

8 Days Leh Ladakh with Manali | Free Excursion to Rancho School

With a view like this, You'd never wish to leave!

Starting from Leh, this tour features the most amazing journey, which covers both the beautiful valleys of Manali and the adventurous routes of Ladakh. Explore the adventurous side of your personality while enjoying this thrilling road trip to Ladakh from Manali via various exciting destinations and twisty roads. Cover the breathtaking destinations during your road trip like Solang valley, Gata Loops, Manali, Pang, Magnetic hill, Confluence of Indus And Zanskar river and so much more! 

Route: Leh - Sham valley - Khardung La Pass - Nubra valley - Pangong Lake - Leh - Jispa - Manali - Delhi

Duration: 9 Days & 8 Night

Start Point:  Leh

Passes Covered: Khardung-la (18,000 ft), Chang-la (17,688 ft), Rohtang Pass (16,051 ft), Lachung La(16,600 ft) and Baralacha la ( 16,000 ft)

Leh Ladakh Trekking Packages

Chadar trek, ladakh - frozen river trek.

Chadar Trek in Leh

About Chadar Frozen River Trek :

The Chadar Trek, also known as the Zanskar River Chadar Trek, is a thrilling winter adventure over the frozen Zanskar River in Ladakh, India. This spectacular journey takes trekkers through breathtaking landscapes of icy cliffs and snow-covered mountains. Starting near the village of Chilling, the trek unfolds the mystery of the Himalayas as adventurers navigate the frozen river, experiencing the unique challenges and beauty of the region. With temperatures dropping significantly, the trek requires careful preparation and endurance but rewards participants with an unforgettable experience amidst the untouched wilderness of the Zanskar region.

Departure Dates:

  • Jan '24: 7th, 8th, 10th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 26th, 29th.
  • Feb '24: 1st, 5th.

Chadar Trek Quick Facts:

  • Chadar River Trek Duration: 9D/8N
  • Chadar Trek Distance:   62 km
  • Maximum Altitude:  11,123ft
  • Difficulty Level:  Difficult 
  • Chadar Trek Temperature:  -5 to -15 degrees (during the day) and -15 to -25 degrees (during the night)
  • Chadar Trek Best Time: Early January - Early February.
  • Start and End Point of the Trek: Guest House in Leh.
  • Nearest Airport: Leh airport. (Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport)
  • Last ATM: Leh Market and Airport.

How to Reach Leh :

By Air: The most convenient way to reach Leh is by taking a direct flight to Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport from New Delhi. This journey can take around 1 hour and 15 minutes and is offered by various airlines including SpiceJet, Air India, and IndiGo.

By Road: Delhi is approximately 930 kilometres and it takes around 24 hours to reach depending on the road conditions. You can take an HRTC bus from Delhi to Leh via Manali which takes approximately 30 hours to reach. Similarly, you can opt for a road trip to Leh from Delhi via NH 3 which can take around 25 hours depending on the route and halts.

Markha Valley Trek, Ladakh

trek to Thochutse

About Markha Valley Trek:

An arid cold desert trekking area that offers the best views of Ladakh and Zanskar Ranges has admirers worldwide. It is also known as a tea-house trek, as it is filled with the local culture of Ladakh. Witness the 21000 feet Kang Yissay and 20086 feet Stok Kangri peaks also while embarking on this trek.

Hemis National Park and Gandala La and Kongmaru La are the promising attractions one gets while taking the Markha Valley trek route. Another factor that makes this trek amusing is the waist-deep river crossing which helps us to cross the Markha River to reach the trails to Buddhist villages and rock structures. Markha Valley is in very close proximity to Leh which makes it more accessible for trekkers.

Quick Facts About Markha Valley Trek:

Duration: 9D/8N

Markha valley trek altitude: 17100ft

Markha valley trek Difficulty level: Difficult

Trek distance: 75kms

Temperature: During the day: 20°C - 30°C and During the night 0°C - 10°C

Best Time To Travel: July to Mid September

Airport : Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport, Leh

Basecamp: Leh

Atm:  The last ATM where the travelers can withdraw cash is at Leh

Start point / End Point: Leh

Kashmir Great Lakes Trek

View of Gangabal and Nundkol Lake

About Kashmir Great Lakes Trek:

The Kashmir Great Lakes trek is a life-changing journey through the most scenic trail of the country. This trek takes you through the turquoise lakes, alpine meadows and lush valleys of Kashmir. Thrillophilia’s Kashmir Great Lakes trek packages allow you to embark on this trek and come with every travel necessity starting from meals, accommodations, transfers, and guides.

We work with a wide network of trusted tour operators who make the journey secure. The guides are local residents and often end up taking you through detours to hidden spots, offering the best views. 

Kashmir Great Lakes’ best time is between July to September with pleasant weather and meadows in full bloom. The trek spanning 7 days and 6 nights, leads you through five different valleys of the region and six alpine lakes. You cover a distance of 75 km in a duration of 6 days starting from Sonmarg and ending at Narang Village. 

On the first day of the Kashmir Great Lakes trek, you’ll journey to Nichnai followed by the second day of your trek, when you’ll reach the twin lakes of Vishansar and Krishansar. The next day involves crossing the challenging Gadsar Pass. As you continue your trek, you’ll pass through the beautiful Satsar Lakes, a series of seven interconnected lakes. The final stretch of the journey takes you to the Gangbal and Nundkol Lakes and concludes with a descent to Naranag. 

So, book your packages from Thrillophilia to leave all your worries behind and embark on this once in a lifetime experience.

Kashmir Great Lakes Trek Quick Facts:

Duration: 7D/6N

Trekking distance:  72km

Maximum Altitude: 13,800ft

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Kashmir Great Lakes TrekTemperature: 17°C-20°C (Max. During Day Time) to 3°C-4°C ( Min. During Night Time)

Best Time to do Kashmir Great Lake Treks: July to September

Railway Station: Jammu is the nearest railway station 

Airport: Srinagar Airport

End Point: Srinagar

Stok Kangri Trek, Ladakh

The Ulmighty Stok Kangri Peak

About Stok Kangri Trek:

The ascents make Stok Kangri an enduring challenge. The Stok Kangri peak provides you an entire view of the Zanskar and the Indus Valley. This entire region looks amazing because of the deserted surroundings and the trails with plenty of ridges. Through the entire trek, you will experience many magnificent views starting from Leh where you get the perfect combination of natural aesthetics with cultural beauty till the whole path to the Stok Village, full of natural majesty and dark green trees. The route will take you through glaciers and steep slopes until you reach the summit ridge. You will be trekking on an average of 7-13 hours each day for fulfilling the dream trek to Stok Kangri peak. This out-of-the-ordinary trek to Stok Kangri will be one of the greatest moments to cherish, in your life.

Quick Facts About Stok Kangri Trek:

Stok Kangri Trek Duration: 9D/8N

Stok Kangri Trek height 20180 Ft.

Trek Grade: Difficult

Mt Stok Kangri Trek Ladakh Trekking distance: 40 km

Temperatures: Day- 18° C to 10° C & Night 6° C to -5° C

Best Time to do Mt Stok Kangri Trek Ladakh: July to Mid September

ATM: ATMs are available at Leh

Start & End Point: Leh

Leh Ladakh Honeymoon Tour Packages

Leh ladakh honeymoon package 2023 | flat 18% off.

Leh Ladakh Honeymoon Package 2023 | Flat 18% off

Blessed with the beauty of the invigorating mountains, scenic valleys and the spiritual monasteries, Ladakh is a dream destination for all. Leh Ladakh honeymoon package is the perfect package which allows you to spend some quality time with your beloved. Inviting couple from all around the world, lately, this has become a honeymoon destination as well.

What could be a better way to spend your honeymoon while enjoying the view of the mountains from your balcony with your partner! Visit some of the popular attractions like monasteries, high altitudes lake and enjoy some lavish romantic dinner. Click some memorable pictures as you ride through the highest motorable road Khardungla and enjoy camping with your special one under the billions of stars.

About the Leh Ladakh Honeymoon Package

Leh Ladakh Group Tour | FREE Camp Stay

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Travel to the top of the world and gather an experience of the most thrilling tour of your life. S pend some quality time, and gather beautiful memories at Leh-Ladakh, which features most of the world’s highest motorable passes with the spectacular beauty of snow-capped mountains. Admired for its unparalleled scenic views, pristine icy lakes, and swirling roads, Ladakh is becoming the most Instagrammable place in India and is on everyone’s bucket list. It offers you a stay amidst the beautiful valley of mountains and a starlit sky in the night. The unique thing about the Ladakh terrain is that it has mountains, forests, deserts, lakes, rivers, waterfalls in one beautiful and dynamic geography.

Route: Leh - Sham Valley - Khardungla- Nubra Valley - Pangong - Chang-la - Stok village - Leh.

Leh Ladakh Cycling Packages

Manali to leh cycling tour.

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Ladakh is the emergent favorite of travelers, not just from India, but from the entire world. Surrounded by snow-capped mountains on all sides, the beauty of this place is unparalleled, and you will agree to that as soon as you set foot here. And despite being so far off and on the rain shadow side of the Himalayas, Ladakh is very well connected, especially the capital city of Leh. Apart from the main airport in the capital, you can arrive in Ladakh via road too, with highways coming in from Srinagar and from Manali, the latter being one of the most beautiful highways in the country.

And this is another reason why Ladakh is a favorite of adventure junkies. You can ride a bike till here, or can even cycle up to this beautiful land of Leh, some 11,400ft above sea level.

Quick info about Manali To Leh Cycling Tour :

Route: Manali - Marhi - Sissu - Jispa - Patseo - Sarchu - Pang - Tsokar - Rumptse - Leh - Khardung-La - Leh

Duration: 13 Days & 12 Night 

Passes Covered: Rohtang La (3879m), Baralacha La (4892 m), Nakli La (4800m), Lachalung La (5100m), Tanglang La (5350 m), and Khardung La (5602 m)

Manali to Leh Cycling Trip

Manali to Leh Cycling Trip

  • Explore the breathtaking Himalayas atop two wheels on this enthralling cycling trip across Manali and Leh.
  • Start your trip from Manali and make your way across 5 passes with a maximum altitude of Khardung La (5602 mts).
  • Pass by Rohtang Pass, Bara Lachha La, Naki La & Lachu lung La and many more. 
  • Cycle through loopy passes, high altitude peaks, cold deserts and breathtaking snow filled landscapes. 
  • Conclude your 11 day tour by arriving at your stunning destination of Leh.

Attractions of Ladakh

Pangong lake day tour from leh.

Pangong Lake Day Tour from Leh

If you are visiting this exotic land of Ladakh than this lake is a must-see destination for you. Also, known as Pangong Tso, this lake is an endorheic lake which is located at the Himalayas and is 134 km long. This lake is a must see place in your Ladakh holiday package . The lake is identified as a wetland under the Ramsar Convention. Get mesmerized by the lake as it slowly keeps changing its colors. 

The scintillating water of the lake is very famous among the people who come to visit here. Spend some time enchanted by the breathtaking view of the lake and don't miss the opportunity of camping around Pangong Tso . The lake covers around one-third area within our country and the other two third portion lies with Tibet and is controlled by China.

Places to stay: Here are the best hotels around Pangong Lake for a perfect stay.

Also, check out our guide of Leh to Pangong Lake that will give you detailed information about the journey.

You Can Also Book:  Burj Khalifa Tickets                                     Leh Ladakh Group Tour Packages

Top Experiences To Do in Pangong Lake

Manali Leh Manali Jeep Safari | Book Now @ Flat 15% off

Magnetic Hill Tour from Leh

Magnetic Hill Tour from Leh

A gravity-defying patch of road located at a distance of about 30 Km from Leh city is a fascinating attraction for people coming on their Leh Ladakh tours. It is a must visit destination for you during  your Leh Ladakh trip . It has a yellow box painted on the road in which you are instructed to park your vehicle. After you park it, you will see that it will start moving uphill at an approximate speed of 20 Km/hr. This is due to the hill nearby having a strong magnetic force that pulls the vehicles towards it that are within its range.  Apart from the captivating attraction, the magnetic hill also has a view of the flowing Sindhu river, making it a perfect pit stop for travellers. But remember, there are no eating joints here as it is located on the barren Leh-Kargil Highway. Also Checkout:  Singapore Flyer Tickets

Top Experiences To Do in Magnetic Hill

Leh Ladakh Tour Package from Delhi 2022 | Flat 14% off

Zanskar Valley Tour from Leh

Zanskar Valley Tour from Leh

Roosted at a tallness of 13,154 ft, Zanskar Valley is a semi-dry locale settled in the northern flank of the Great Himalayas. The center of attraction here is the snow-covered mountains, charming climate, Zanskar's shimmering water bodies and a rich scenic view.  The valley lies 105 km away from Leh and is a focal point for experience sports like trekking, paragliding, water boating. During winters, the temperature can plunge to a fierce - 30 degrees celsius. One can just venture out to Zanskar between  June to September as in winters this place is covered with thick snow making it difficult to pass, one of the famous places to be included in your Leh Ladakh tour packages.  One can find here a no of monasteries, nunnery, padum, Pensi La & Drang Drung glacier along your way.

Nubra Valley Tour from Leh

Nubra Valley Tour from Leh

Encircled by snow capped Himalayan reaches the valley is known for its plantations, picturesque view of Bactrian camels. Nubra Valley lies in the northernmost tip of  Jammu and Kashmir. Arranged around 150 km from Leh, In present time Nubra Valley is known as the Orchard of Ladakh and in earlier times it was called as Ldumra which implied the valley of blossoms.  During winter, the entire valley seems a scene painted in white due to heavy snow and in summer it’s loaded with greenery.  To arrive at Nubra valley, you should cross the highest motorable pass on the planet Khardung La.  Every bike lover has Nubra valley as a priority in his Ladakh trip itinerary.

Top Experiences To Do in Nubra Valley

Manali Leh Srinagar Tour with Hanle & Tsomoriri

Lamayuru Monastery Tour

Lamayuru Monastery Tour

Shey Monastery Tour

Shey Monastery Tour

There is another place in your Ladakh packages which is must visit for you, Shey monastery is situated at a single hillock at a separation of 15 km away south of Leh. This cloister is likewise called Shey Palance which was at one time the living arrangement of the imperial family which was got built by the principal ruler of Ladakh, Lhachen Palgyigon. 

Principle fascination in Shey Monastery is twelve feet Shakyamuni Buddha's statue. It is made by embellishment copper and is the biggest statue in the district. It was worked by Deldan Namgyal in 1633 as a funerary remembrance of his dad, lord Singee Namgyal. There is another towering statue of the Buddha. 

Wee have got you the best hotels to stay in Leh  that will make your stay peaceful and memorable.

Gurudwara Pathar Sahib Day Tour

Gurudwara Pathar Sahib Day Tour

Hall of Fame Tour

Hall of Fame Tour

Add some patriotism to your Ladakh trip by visiting the famous Hall of Fame, a museum maintained by the brave Indian army. The museum was built in the loving memories of all the soldiers who were martyred in the historic Kargil war. Divided into two sections you will be taken onto their journey, showcasing the original photographs taken during the war. On the first floor, one can witness the initially armed weapons used during the war along with the arms and ammunition captured by the Indian Army during the Kargil war.

Your Ladakh tour package will be incomplete without witnessing the real artefacts from the famous ‘Operation Vijay’, on which the movie ‘Shershah’ is based. The original documented letter written by the cadets will help us understand their point of view. Along with the letter, there is a documentary area, where clips from the operations are shown to the public so that they can get a glimpse of soldiers' lifestyles. There is a 30-minute film on the Kargil war that is also shown in their spacious stadium.

Apart from that, the museum also tells us about the history, culture, vegetation, and animal life of the area, making it a major information source on your Leh Ladakh trip. It also consists of a souvenir shop, selling t-shirts, cups, coffee mugs, pashmina shawls, etc.

Sangam Point Tour

Sangam Point Tour

With the word “Sangam” itself meaning “the Confluence”, the name does justice to the place. One of the must include destinations in your Ladakh Packages, the Sangam Point is the spot where the streams of river Zanskar and river Indus converge into one. One might have seen a picture or a video of this place on various social media platforms since the view is truly amazing. 

This visual feast however can be enjoyed from several points of view, but the best location to do so is from the corners of the steam. To enjoy this fascinating view, you can include a stop at Nimmu Village in your Leh Ladakh trip plan. Every lover of natural beauty will surely enjoy visiting here and watching the confluence of deep blue coloured & rustic brown coloured streams. While many people come here for the rustling sound of the flowing water hitting the rocks below it, many consider this place as a perfect spot for clicking some memorable pictures. 

Including the Sangam Point in your Ladakh trip packages will surely give you a perfect backdrop for some adorable photos. To get the best view, you can visit this spot during the months of December to January when both the rivers freeze completely white. 

Rancho School Visit

Rancho School Visit

Namgyal Tsemo Monastery Tour

Namgyal  Tsemo Monastery Tour

Dating back to the early fifteenth century, the Namgyal Tsemo Monastery is counted as one of the oldest and highest monasteries in Leh Ladakh India. The monastery is a part of Tsemo Castle whose whole architecture is worth a glimpse, hence making your Ladakh holiday packages worthy. Founded by King Tashi Namgyal, this Buddhist Monastery consists of a humongous gold statue of Maitreya Buddha, which can be seen from far away. 

Other than offering some of the most mesmerizing views of the surroundings, this monastery is home to numerous age-old relics and water color paintings. It is at all times advised to make your visit here at least 3 to 4 hours long if you wish to fully explore the pagoda. Being one of the must-include places in a Ladakh trip packages, the Namgyal Tsemo Monastery will fill your heart with its pious aura and quaint setting. 

Inside the Monastery, you will find a prayer hall filled with monks who have made it their home. During the morning and evening prayers, one can watch them opening the doors and chanting the hymns as a collective. If you are a lover of natural beauty and wish to include some solace in your Ladakh Package then make sure that you take a tour of Namgyal Tsemo Monastery and add them in your ladakh trip itinerary 

Shey Valley Tour

Shey Valley Tour

Sitting on the upper side of Indus Valley, Shey Valley was the older capital city of Ladakh region. Famed for its beautiful scenery and vast spanning panoramas, the valley is gifted with scenery worth every ounce of effort used to reach here with your Ladakh trip packages. Situated between the famous Hemis monastery and Leh, this valley is a perfect place to start your trip to Leh Ladakh.  Offering numerous attractions one can start their journey from the royal Shey Palace, which was constructed by the royal family of Namgyal. Built in 1665 AD, this place is currently used as a center of Buddhism, and is known as the new house of the exquisite Shey Monastery.  Home to the largest golden Buddha statue, tourists from all over the world add this palace into their Leh Ladakh tour packages. 

Tourists can click beautiful panoramic pictures from the monastery’s complexes,  enhancing their social media gallery.  A few miles from the palace there is a village featuring the famous Druk Padma Karpo Institute, a major tourist attraction that became famous after the success of 3-idiots, and is now known as Rancho’s school. If you are a Bollywood lover then this place should definitely be on your Leh tour package.

Tso Kar Lake Tour

Tso Kar Lake Tour

2 Days Kargil Tour from Leh

2 Days Kargil Tour from Leh

Most of you might have already heard about the amazing beauty of Kargil . So this time on your Ladakh package get a chance to explore the beauty of this region. Kargil is a locale of Ladakh division in the Indian condition of Jammu and Kashmir. It is the second biggest town in Ladakh after Leh. It is said that it was the time of Ali Sher Khan Anchan, the renowned leader of Skardu, in the late sixteenth and mid-seventeenth hundreds of years which impacted the territory. 

While you are going to Kargil additionally visit The Suru valley. This valley acts as a natural barrier between Kargil and the Zanskar valley. Fed by the Suru river, which flows through it, the valley remains surprisingly verdant despite its altitude exceeding 3000 meters. Renowned as the lushest valley in the Greater Himalayas, it's a must-visit on any Leh Ladakh itinerary.

Check out our guide of Kargil to Leh  that covers all the major about information the tour and make your trip memorable.

2 Days Drass Tour from Leh

2 Days Drass Tour from Leh

Essential Information

Frequently asked questions about leh ladakh trips.

Frequently Asked Questions about Leh Ladakh Trips

Q) How are the road conditions in Leh Ladakh?

A: During your road trip or while traveling by road, you will be passing through 30% road and 70% off roads.  After crossing Manali you will reach Leh, then onto Pangong and Nubra which is a mixture of both roads and off-road. Also, you will find sections of asphalt and areas with huge stones in the way. The best part is that your whole adventure will be mostly on the off-road. Q) Can I do Manali to Leh with 1 stop at Sarchu?

A: Although this is possible on your trip I would suggest you shouldn’t. Leh trip is mostly about experiencing scenic views and its stunning surroundings. So while you are driving down the roads from Manali to Leh it is always better to make 2 stops. You might be a bit late but the joy of experiencing the natural beauty will let you feel more relaxed. As you make the stops you will have some time to adjust your body to acclimatize to the high altitudes, reducing chances of getting AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness). Though there are some beautiful campsites at Sarchu where you can have a comfy stay. Q) Can I go to Nubra valley and come back in the same day?

A: Well, if you see theoretically it will be a yes and practically it will no. For reaching Nubra valley you will be passing through Khardungla, the highest motorable road in the world. And it’s not a good idea to pass such a high altitude twice. As Nubra Valley is known for its beauty and the magnificence, spend some time enjoying the serenity of this region. Q) Can I go to Pangong Tso Lake and come back in the same day?

A: Well, if you see theoretically it will be a yes and practically it will no. Panging Tso Lake is quite far away to cover in just one day. Also, you will be passing through the third highest motorable pass in the world, Chang La. As for the one who loves to explore the natural beauty Panging Lake is one of the most enchanting in the entire trip.  Another interesting thing is that you will be camping here for the night. Spend the night under the sky and staring at the lake as it glitters in the moonlight. It will be totally worth it. Q) Can I do Leh to Srinagar in one day?

A: Yes, this is possible in one day. The road which you will pass here is very good. Only a few sections are bad roads around Zojila pass and Sonamarg. You might also face the rain in between your trip and the roads might get a bit slippery. You can also take a stop at Kargil where you can enjoy the beauty of the place and also visit the Kargil war memorial. Q) Is there any lack of oxygen in Ladakh?

A: If you are traveling at  1000 above sea level will find difficulty in breathing or is likely to fall prey to altitude sickness. It happens due to the low level of atmospheric oxygen. Q) What are the symptoms of High Altitude sickness? How long does it take to get acclimatize in Ladakh?

A: Few of the symptoms of high altitude include giddiness, loss of appetite, lack of sleep and difficulty in breathing. The best way to get acclimatize in Ladakh is a natural rest for at least 48 hours. Q) Is there an ATM at Leh, Nubra & Pangong, Can we use Credit Cards?

A: A very few operator and hotels accept credit cards here and there will be a service charge of 2%. You will find ATM’s of Jammu and Kashmir Bank, State Bank of India, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank and Punjab National Bank in Leh city. Outside Leh city, there are no ATMs. Q) Do credit cards work in hotels and restaurants?

A: Yes, credit cards are accepted in a few hotels in Leh . There are some restaurants too that accept the credit cards but they charge 2% service tax. Q) What permits do I need for a complete Ladakh trip?

A:   Ladakh region requires some inner line permits across few places such as to cross Rohtang pass, Nubra Valley and Pangong Lake. If you cross Rohtang early in the morning, chances are that there might be no one to check your permit. But it is better to get your permits. For Nubra and Pangong, you need 2 permits each.

Q) Which is the best time to visit Ladakh?

A:  The best time to visit Ladakh is between May and September when the weather in Ladakh is the warmest. Ladakh doesn't experience rain like elsewhere in India, so the monsoon season is the perfect time to travel to Leh. Q) Can we Visit Ladakh with Kids?

A: Ladakh is best for group tours and bike tours. It is not sensible for the kids. If you are traveling with kids you should be wary of all the conditions. It is advisable for tourists to not take children below the age of 5 years, as they may face acclimatization issues. Q) What kind of accommodation is available in Ladakh?

A: While visiting Ladakh you will find that there are four different categories graded to a hotel- A, B, C, D.  When it comes to A class hotels, their facilities and services are simply comparable to any 3-star hotel. Each hotel in Ladakh is designed with the traditional architecture of the region and feature oversized rooms equipped with modern amenities. These rooms are furnished with Ladakhi and Tibetan décor. Q) How many minimum days are required to explore Ladakh?

A: You will need at least a minimum of 15 days to explore the amazing Ladakh including the monasteries, villages, and forts. You first two days will be acclimatization days. You might also take some extra time if you are planning to head out for a mountain trek. Q) What kind of clothes should we bring there?

A: If you are trekking 4000 meters above sea level, you need warm woolen clothes. Rain and snowfall can take place in June and July and therefore windcheaters and raincoats are good. If you are into trekking, a pair of waterproof shoes are a must. T-shirts and shorts can do during the daytime but after evening the climate gets chilly and one requires a jacket and pullover. Q) What kind of tourist vehicles are found in this region?

A: While you are Leh you will find different kinds of tourist vehicles like Toyota Qualis and Mahindra Scorpio vehicles. You will not find auto rickshaws here.

Offbeat Things to do in Leh Ladakh

Offbeat Things to do in Leh Ladakh

1. Experience Chumathang Changthang Hotspring: Take a dip in the soothing hot springs of the cold desert Chumathang. When here, you can feel the spine chilling breeze and cool environs and a dive in the hot springs is just an unmissable part. This unique experience is not that common and most of the Ladakh holiday packages are not inclusive of such expeditions. 2. Meet the Tibetian Nomads at Tsokar: Our lives are pretty easy, but this is not for everyone. At Tso Kar, you can come across various nomads who keep wandering and have a lot of stories to tell, as their life is nothing less than an engaging tale. 3. See Marmots in Ladakh: Though it's a little difficult to find one, but this cute creature is unique to Ladakh. This species of the squirrel family is difficult to spot and even if you find them they run away as soon as they hear the footsteps approaching. 4.  Visit SECMOL and understand the reforming of the educational system: As said, knowledge can never be bound and trapped inside a few pages, you need to walk, the walk of life to gain it all. Holding on to this motto, this school reforms the education system for the students who are not good with letters and numbers, but are masters in implementation work. 5. Visit one of the highest observatories in the world: Hanle Observatory: Located at an elevation of 4,500 m this is one of the highest observatories in the world and is the site for gamma, infrared and optical waves. This optical telescope extends spectacular displays. 6. Visit the Donkey Sanctuary in Leh: Wish to know where the homeless donkeys went? Well, all of them are at the Donkey Sanctuary. Since ages, they have been working hard for their masters, and to provide them a home, this place came up. 7. Meditate with Monks at Diskit Monastery: A large number of Ladakh holiday packages cater to this bizarre experience. When at Diskit Monastery, you can relax and unwind from the chaos and meditate along with the monks. 8. Watch melting Glacier while traveling on roads: Such a view when the snow starts melting and the region transforms its colors from white to brown, is a treat to the eyes. This can be witnessed in the months when the winters fall off and summers begin. 9. Stargazing while you go for a night camp: The carpets of the star-studded sky is a view, which will promisingly melt your heart away. With an array of Ladakh travel packages which provide this experience, you can easily witness the surreal. 10. Cross chilling water as your vehicle will get stuck in it:  Unique experiences make the journey unforgettable, and when embarking on a Leh Ladakh trip, this is an indispensable aspect. Including this experience allows you to venture off the conventional path and indulge in off-roading adventures amidst icy cold waters. It's an essential element of any Leh tour itinerary, promising excitement and memories to cherish.

11. Ride a double-humped camel in white sands of Nubra: Wish to ride the double-humped camel? Book a Leh Ladakh package, as quite a lot of them cater to this activity. Go bumping around on the white sands of Nubra valley. 12. Learn Ladakhi Dance from Locals: The best way to know about the culture is to interact with the locals, be it learning the Ladakhi dance form or their traditions, they can teach everything. 13. Know the local flavors with Ladakhi Lunch at Stok Village: If your buds are always craving for culinary delights, then an exotic lunch at the Stok village is the thing for you. Serving platter of all of the local delicacies, this is a combination of all the home-cooked delights. Quite a lot of Leh Ladakh packages victual to this dining experience.

Famous Camps to stay in Ladakh

Famous Camps to stay in Ladakh

1. Pangong Retreat Camp: Curtail your Ladakh tour package cost and stay at the camps, which give you picture-perfect views right in your lap. Whether you wish to stay at the comfy rooms or you want to stroll along the Pangong lake, here you can witness both of them. Additionally, these camps have each and every luxury you could wish for in a camp.

2. Camp Redstart: With a trail of 10 running camps, here you can opt for a dwelling you wish for. When you hear the word camp, the first thing that might strike your mind is closeness to nature, and this tent is an excellent example of it. Ranging from the basic amenities to the jaw-dropping backdrops this place is one spot for all.

3. Nomadic Life Camp: Located in Korzok, this camping site is built elegantly to extend a blend of modern amenities and bounties of nature. Staying true to its name this camp is perfect for the Nomadic and if you go for options like this, then you can cut short  Ladakh tour package cost. With colorful Tibetian flags and trails of greens, this camping site is the first pick of many travelers and should be part of your leh tour packages

4. Camp Martsemik La: Wondering to opt for this camping experience? Located right next to the Pangong lake, this place not only caters to a bag full of ultra-modern amenities but also provides ultimate comfort. When touring Ladakh, you should always take care of relaxation as the terrains are quite rugged, and this site is a pioneer in providing this aspect. Certain Leh Ladakh packages, provide accommodation at this campsite, as it is one of the best camping sites in here.

5. Nubra Ethnic Camp: Covered by the lush green carpets and contrasting with pretty white tents! This setting is a choice with no regrets! When here, you can listen to the whisper of the soothing air, and embrace the beauty of the picture-perfect backdrops make sure to include them in your leh packages. Be it the well-fitted washrooms or the lip-smacking delights, at these camps, you can have all of it. Another key point of Nubra Ethnic camp is its location, which makes the camping experience even more enticing!

People Also Ask About Ladakh

What is ladakh famous for.

Usually called "Little Tibet", Ladakh is a dramatic desert region surrounded by barren mountains, picturesque monasteries, and colourful prayer flags. Here are a few hotspots for which Ladakh is famous- 1. Pangong Tso Lake : This azure blue lake has been made famous by the Bollywood movie, "3 Idiots". Have an enthralling experience of camping under the starry skies, right beside the enchanting lake. 2. Nubra Valley : While on the way to Pangong Tso, you will come across a lovely desert called Nubra valley, which is right in the middle of the snow-capped hilly terrains. Here you will be able to witness and ride the famous two-humped camels as well.  For all adventure seekers, this is a must visit place to add to your Leh Ladakh packages. 3. Zanskar Valley : This popular yet secluded destination in Ladakh is a special place where you will be able to witness the lofty mountains, deep gorges, and stunning panoramic views of the Zanskar river flowing right in the middle. It is only open for a minimum period in the whole year and is pretty famous among trek enthusiasts. Add this experience to your Leh Ladakh packages , and make the best of your Ladakh trip. 4. Magnetic Hill : this destination is one of the most beautiful and fascinating tourist places in Ladakh. It gives an illusion of the vehicle going uphill on a downhill road. Magnetic hill holds a definite spot in almost all of the Leh Ladakh tour packages.   5. Khardungla Pass : A must-include in your Leh tour packages, Khardung La is the highest civilian motorable road in the entire world. It offers you a fantastic panorama of the rugged terrains and lovely valleys.

How much it will cost to visit Ladakh?

What are the best places to stay in leh ladakh.

1. The Druk Ladakh:  It is a luxurious escape in Leh Ladakh road trip packages as the hotel is loaded with all modern facilities. It houses 2 Suites, 42 deluxe rooms, and 28 standard rooms, along with a garden, restaurant, and more. 2. Gangba Homestay:   It is a homestay located in famous monasteries and stupas of Ladakh and houses facilities like a dining hall, 24 hours running water, and more. 3. Hotel Lasermo:  The place houses a multi-cuisine restaurant, terrace, gardens, parking, pool table, and more. You can choose from 5 VIP Suites and 33 Rooms to stay. , it is indeed a good option to stay while on a Ladakh trip. 4. Hotel The Zen Ladakh:   44 beautiful rooms built in cottage and suite-style, this is one of the most luxurious hotels in Ladakh. Offers Outdoor Pool, terrace, garden, Spa, and more. 5. Reeyork Homestay:  Located in Central Leh at Chubi, this place is loaded with hospitality and modern facilities of Television, generators, and more, make sure to include this place in your Leh Ladakh tour packages

6. The Grand Dragon:  This luxurious destination offers a stunning vista of both desert landscapes and majestic mountains. Included in Leh Ladakh packages, guests can indulge in an array of amenities such as an outdoor fireplace, picnic area, terrace, garden, coffee house, restaurant, and more.

7. Hotel Silver Cloud:  You will get to experience Ladakhi culture at this boutique hotel. Offer all the modern amenities along with outdoor activities like bike tours, hiking, and more.

Is it safe to travel to Leh Ladakh?

Yes, it is entirely safe to travel to Leh Ladakh, and the tourists are given tremendous respect there. Since the altitude is high and the temperature is low, you have to acclimatize to enjoy the sheer beauty of this magical place on your Ladakh tour packages.

Is Ladakh safe for tourists?

Is there an atm at leh, nubra & pangong, can we use credit cards, does leh have snow, how can i reach leh from delhi.

There are numerous ways to reach Leh from Delhi . Leh tour packages booked by several groups are usually inclusive of private transportation. If you are travelling on your own, you have a convenient choice to take a direct flight from New Delhi to Leh. Another option is to take a bumpy bus ride via Srinagar by Zojila Pass and another route via Manali to Leh, which would take approximately four days from Delhi. Suppose you are planning to travel by train. In that case, you can travel to the nearest station, Jammu Tawi, approximately 700 km from Leh. After that, you can hire a taxi or a JKSRTC to reach Leh. Other than these ways, a bike trip is an exciting and adventurous way to reach Ladakh by road .

What permits do I need for a complete Ladakh trip?

What should we not do in ladakh.

1. Don't skip the acclimatization process: Acute Mountain Sickness can hit anyone even if they are the fittest of the fit. So after reaching Leh, give your body some time to get used to the high altitudes and low levels of oxygen and temperatures. 2. Don't go without a plan:  Going to Ladakh without proper planning is a bad idea. You might also be stranded in the middle of nowhere and have no one to rescue you out. That's why a Ladakh tour plan is a must. Moreover, visiting Ladakh and several nearby regions needs permission in advance and can only be gained with proper planning.   3. Don't Litter: Littering in such a mesmerizing place should be avoided at all costs. Instead, you must help the government and locals to keep it clean. 4. Don't be overconfident on the road: Do not try to do any stunts if you travel Ladakh by bike. The streets are risky, and doing so can turn out to be fatal. 5. Fussing about food and accommodation: Please keep in mind that this region is located at high altitudes of more than 10,000 feet. Do not expect to get a 5-star quality treatment where even the living conditions are difficult. 6. Avoid wearing short clothes or sleeveless tops in Buddhist Gompas.

How are the road conditions in Leh Ladakh?

Which are the best monasteries to visit on the ladakh tour.

  • Thiksey Monastery : Known for its grand architecture and the Maitreya Buddha statue, Thiksey Monastery offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes,   a must-inclusion in your Leh Ladakh packages
  • Hemis Monastery : Famous for its annual Hemis Festival, this monastery is the largest and wealthiest in Ladakh, housing numerous sacred relics and thangkas (scroll paintings).  For those seeking Ladakh trip packages, a visit here promises a rich cultural experience
  • Diskit Monastery : Located in the Nubra Valley, Diskit Monastery is famous for its towering Maitreya Buddha statue and provides breathtaking views of the desert-like landscapes.
  • Alchi Monastery : Renowned for its ancient frescoes and detailed woodwork, Alchi Monastery is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an excellent place to witness exquisite artwork.
  • Lamayuru Monastery : Believed to be one of the oldest monasteries in Ladakh, Lamayuru Monastery captivates visitors with its unique lunar-like landscapes and vibrant festivals.
  • Spituk Monastery : Situated near Leh, Spituk Monastery houses various temples and offers a picturesque view of the Indus Valley.

Can I go to Nubra valley and come back in the same day?

What is the temperature in ladakh, can we visit ladakh with kids, can i go to pangong tso and come back on the same day.

If you see, theoretically, it will be a yes, and practically it will be no. Pangong Tso Lake is quite far away to cover in just one day. Also, you will be passing through the third highest motorable pass in the world, Chang La. As for the one who loves to explore the natural beauty, Pangong Lake is one of the most enchanting in the entire trip. Another exciting thing is that you will be camping here for the night. Spend the night under the sky and staring at the lake as it glitters in the moonlight. It will be worth it. You can Also Book:   Leh Ladakh Packages For Couple

What kind of accommodation is available in Ladakh?

Which month is best for leh and ladakh, how many minimum days are required to explore ladakh, how much will a ladakh trip cost, can i do leh to srinagar in one day, can i do manali to leh with 1 stop at sarchu.

Although this is possible on your trip, we would suggest you shouldn't. Leh trip is mostly about experiencing scenic views and its stunning surroundings. So while driving down the roads from Manali to Leh , it is always better to make two stops. You might be a bit late, but the joy of experiencing the natural beauty will let you feel more relaxed.

Which are the best places to visit on a Ladakh tour in Winters?

What kind of tourist vehicles are found in this region, how to travel to ladakh on a low budget, do credit cards work in hotels and restaurants, is leh ladakh union territory, which are the famous attractions of ladakh to explore in summers.

2. Leh Palace:  Located above the city of Leh, Leh Palace is a historical marvel with a fascinating story to tell. Constructed in the 17th century, the palace offers an impressive architectural glimpse into Ladakh's rich past and for those considering Ladakh trip packages. Summers bring vibrancy to the palace with clear views of the surrounding Stok Kangri and Ladakh mountain ranges. As you explore the nine-storied structure, you will also find artefacts and relics that offer insights into the region's cultural heritage. The palace's strategic location also rewards visitors with panoramic views of the city and the surrounding mountains.

3. Magnetic Hill: Another popular attraction that you must include in your summer Leh Ladakh trip is the Magnetic Hill. This is a place where vehicles seem to defy gravity and move uphill without any engine power when parked at a marked location. The unique phenomenon has garnered numerous legends and stories, adding to the allure of the place. While science explains the magnetic effect, experiencing it in person remains an unforgettable adventure. Magnetic Hill is a place where gravity plays tricks, making it an unmissable stop on your Ladakh summer trip.

4. Thiksey Monastery: Perched majestically on a hilltop, Thiksey Monastery is an architectural masterpiece and a significant Buddhist centre. The monastery's striking resemblance to the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet, adds to its grandeur. In addition to being one of the largest monasteries in all of Ladakh, it also houses a 15-metre-high statue of the Maitreya Buddha. While exploring the monastery, you can also discover a large collection of Buddhist art, including thangkas, sculptures, and murals and enjoy a spiritual and cultural experience here. The early morning prayer ceremony fills the air with chanting, creating a serene and soul-stirring atmosphere. 

5. Royal Leh Palace:  Also known as 'Lachen Palkhar,' the Royal Leh Palace is ranked among the top places to explore during a Leh Ladakh tour in the summer. The former royal residence of the Ladakhi monarchs, the Royal Leh Palace stands as an imposing symbol of Ladakh's royal past. Its strategic location on Tsemo Hill grants visitors panoramic views of Leh town and its picturesque surroundings. Although partially in ruins, the palace's architecture and intricate details still evoke a sense of regal splendour. The museum inside the palace showcases artefacts and relics, allowing visitors to delve deeper into Ladakh's history. 

Is there any lack of oxygen in Ladakh?

Can we go to ladakh in a small car, what are the symptoms of high altitude sickness how long does it take to get acclimatize in ladakh, can we go to leh ladakh in november, how good is a jeep ride from manali to leh, is it safe to drink alcohol in leh, is ladakh expensive, is leh ladakh suitable for a honeymoon, what mainly attracts tourists to ladakh, is the khardung la pass open throughout the year, is kargil safe for tourists, what should i buy in leh, are rented bikes allowed in leh, how do i plan a trip to leh ladakh, how far is ladakh from delhi, what clothes to wear in leh in september, is there a breathing problem in leh, what should i carry for the ladakh trip, what is the road condition to leh from manali, how far is ladakh from leh, how can i hire a bike in leh.

Here are the steps to hire a bike in Leh:

1. Research thoroughly about hiring the bike at the time of your Ladakh trip planning

2. Find a tour operator or company which gives bikes for hire.

3. Take a walk around Leh, and you will find many operators.

4. It's recommended to book a bike by personally visiting the store rather than booking via phone.

5. It depends on which bike you would like to rent for your trip. Even so, a day's rent varies from INR 800 to INR 1600.

6. You can also consult about renting to companies that provide Leh tour packages, especially for the bikers.

Which airport is near Ladakh?

Which network is available in leh, is it reasonable to visit leh in may, what is the difference between leh and ladakh, is ladakh open in october, is there snowfall in ladakh in october, is there any airport in leh, how far is ladakh from chandigarh, what is famous in leh, can we visit ladakh in december, is passport required for ladakh, which bike is best for ladakh trip, how can i plan a trip to ladakh, how can i plan a budget for a leh ladakh trip, which car is best for a ladakh trip, where should i stay between manali and leh, why is ladakh called a cold desert, which month is best for a ladakh road trip, is 3 days enough for ladakh.

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Trending in Ladakh

Biking in ladakh.

Nothing equals the sheer pleasure of riding a bike

Ladakh Top Attractions


Heaven, Peace, Silence, and Tranquility at one place? Come and spend a few hours at Pangong Lake in Ladakh! A pristine place in Ladakh marked by subtle to high peaks around, crystal blue waters and the vast expansion catches the eye so much, so long as if a magic is happening right in front of the eyes. Let our Ladakh holiday packages transport you to this mesmerizing destination, where nature's grandeur unfolds in every corner.Pangong Lake, also known as Pangong Tso, lies calmly at a breathtaking elevation of 14,270 feet. Interestingly, the lake is 12 km long and marks itself between the laps of India and China. Rather, 60% of the portion is stretching in the neighboring nation and this excites every traveler to be here.The surreal clean blue waters are actually brackish or salty in nature and this feature doesn’t let any aquatic life survive in the same. Moreover, the temperature range between -30 to -10 degrees make even this salty lake freeze with thick ice sheets, which is quite opposite in case of salt ridden water bodies.This picturesque landscape location enhances its beauty with the arrival of migrating birds every year and attracts many travelers in search of adventure, photographs, bird-watching and chilling experience. Pangong has another unique and catchy feature; when it acts like a chameleon and changes its color from blue to green to even grey at times. The brackish water of Pangong attracts the migratory birds every year during winters in Ladakh.

Nubra Valley

One of the most beautiful parts of the moonscapes of Ladakh, Nubra Valley is a deep-cut gorge created by the combined effects of Shyok and Nubra (Siachen) rivers. A high altitude cold desert, Nubra Valley is actually an extension of the Tibetan Plateau (Qing-Zang Plateau) that starts in China and extends up to Ladakh. This valley in the plateau separates the Ladakh Range from the Karakoram Range. But more than anything, Nubra Valley is the most beautiful region in all of Ladakh. Home to wonders like the Diskit Monastery,Hunder Sand Dunes, Samstanling Gompa, Yarab Tso Lake, and the villages of Turtuk and Panamik.Located about 160 km from Leh, the capital of Ladakh, Nubra Valley is a great attraction to all those who come here. The gateway to the upper reaches of the country, especially Siachen, Nubra Valley has an oasis of a town in the heart, Diskit, making a great place to stop you and reflect at the beauty around. And while you are at it, take a short detour to the famous white sand dunes of Hunder. The shapes and forms that these dunes take during different times of the year mesmerize every visitor who comes here. To make it further interesting, there are the double-humped Bactrian Camels, offering rides through the dunes.And when it turns dusky, head to the Diskit Monastery and visit the towering statue of Maitreya Buddha which looks over the entire valley and blesses it for another day to come.Planning a Trip to Ladakh, Experience of Chadar Trek - The Frozen River Trek

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Things to Do in Leh Ladakh for an Action-Packed Fun Trip

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Top things to do in Leh Ladakh

Here is the list of 41 things to do in leh ladakh for an action-packed fun trip, 1. take a tour of the enchanting zanskar valley.

Take a Tour of the Enchanting Zanskar Valley

The large mountain ranges of Zanskar and Ladakh will be your companions through most of your trip to Ladakh. They may even be intimidating at times. These huge mountains can make anyone feel small. However, the key is to enjoy the beauty that these mountains have to offer. The steep terrains covered with snow reflect the heavenly skies. The loud rivers rush through these mountains making for an absolutely beautiful combination of view and sounds. Every point here is an echo point so if you find yourself in a safe area, you may want to risk a shout to hear the echos ricocheting from the hills.

2. Revel in the Beauty of the Pangong Tso Lake

Revel in the Beauty of the Pangong Tso Lake

Remember the breathtakingly beautiful lake from 3 Idiots where Chatur lost it all? It’s the Pangong-Tso lake that traverses through the international boundary that stretch from India to Bhutan. The lake offers awesome site for camping and is the current hotspot for all people traveling to Ladakh. The rules do not allow boating on Pangong-Tso Lake but when the lake freezes in the winters, if you’re feeling too brave, you might want to ice skate at just the bank of the lake.

3. Relax and Rejuvenate by the Stunning Tso Moriri Lake

Relax and Rejuvenate by the Stunning Tso Moriri Lake

The place is a canvas colored with the blue-white skies, blue-green mountains with white tops, the calm blue water of the lake and lush green pastures. Who needs any place better than this? The Tso Moriri lake is probably not as famous as the Pangong Lake but it is still a must place to visit in Leh Ladakh for anyone taking a trip in this region. Be sure to include visiting here in your top list of things to do in Leh Ladakh.

4. Experience the Exciting River Rafting in Zanskar River

Experience the Exciting River Rafting in Zanskar River

One of the most exiting things to do in Leh Ladakh is experiencing the river rafting. The white waters of the mountain rivers in Ladakh including Zanskar are considered to be one of the best rafting destinations in India. However, do not be fooled by the fact that it is only done in summers. The water will still be cold enough to freeze you should you fall in. Only if you’re planning to have some extreme adventure sports in Ladakh, should you take up this ride down the river.

Leh Ladakh Travel Packages

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Leh Ladakh Tour Package for 6 Night 7 Days

Leh ladakh tour package for 5 night 6 days, shimla to jammu ultimate tour package for 12 night 13 days, ladakh the land of lamas 6 night 7 days package, 5 nights 6 days ladakh package with pangong stay, srinagar ladakh adventure tour package, 5. experience the thrilling chadar trek.

Experience the Thrilling Chadar Trek

The Chadar Trek as it is popularly known as is basically trekking over the frozen rivers. The trek over the Zanskar river is the most popular one and is often undertaken in large groups by adventure enthusiasts. The Chadar trek is generally taken in November when the river is frozen and safe to trek on while the rest of the surroundings are still friendly enough to let you survive. This is one of the toughest and most adventurous treks.

6. Drive at the Highest Civilian Motor Road- Khardung La Pass

Drive at the Highest Civilian Motor Road- Khardung La Pass

It might not look like much of a road but it’s the best that there is. Managed by the Border Roads Organization, Kardung-la Pass is the gateway to the north and can be considered by many as a tourist spot in itself. However, being at such a height, one has to take extreme care of health while traveling through the pass. On the fun side, the numerous Tibetan flags that are said to ward off bad spirits and keep you safe set up a beautiful contrast with the white snow.

7. Relish the Mouth-Watering Local Food

Relish the Mouth-Watering Local Food

Leh is a multicuisine city serving Indian, Tibetan, Chinese and even Korean. The cuisine here exhibits tints of these foreign influences. Visitors must try out the local dishes which almost define the cuisine here such as Thukpa, noodle soup;Tsampa, known in Ladakhi as Ngamphe (roasted barley flour), and Skyu which is a heavy pasta dish with plenty of veggies as well as the very popular and delicious Momos which are steamed dumplings stuffed with vegetables or meat. Drinks include Tea, coffee, beer and Chang which is an alcoholic beverage drunk especially on festive occasions.

8. Bask in the Beauty of the Desert in the Hills- Nubra Valley

Bask in the Beauty of the Desert in the Hills- Nubra Valley

A desert is probably the last thing one expects while planning a trip to Ladakh but there it is. The sand dunes of the Nubra Valley offer the tourists a very much Arabian Nights like experience. The famous two-humped camels are also found in the region and are often the highlight of the trip for those interested in animals. The origin of the desert is supposed to be from the Tethis Sea from the depths of which the Himalayas are said to have risen.

9. Witness the Anti-Gravity at Magnetic Hill

Witness the Anti-Gravity at Magnetic Hill

The science behind the phenomenon is unknown but it has been observed that if you leave your vehicle at the base of the hill with the brakes unlocked, it will start moving uphill slowly on its own. Magic? Definitely not. It’s simply the superpowers you get when you reach this place ;)

10. Trek Up to the High Altitude Spituk Monastery

Trek Up to the High Altitude Spituk Monastery

Ladakh is known as the land of the monks and monasteries and rightly so. Spituk is one of the many monasteries in the region. This is famous for its beautifully carved location at the top of a hill. With nearby mountains being much taller, the location is not exactly a vantage point but the view from the monastery is still pretty amazing. The winds at the night however may chill you to the bones.

11. Experience the Bactarian Camel Safari

Experience the Bactarian Camel Safari

How about getting allured by a camel ride amid marvelous sand dunes?! These camels are not even the usual ones that you must have seen in Rajasthan or in pictures. These are bactarian camels, having two humps and were the major mode of transport to travel to silk route. The ride starts from Hunder to Turtuk and the timings are 9:00 Am to 12:00 Pm and 3:00 Pm to 6:00 Pm. The activity is one of the exotic things to do in Leh Ladakh.

12. Visit the Unique Donkey Sanctuary

Visit the Unique Donkey Sanctuary

It might come as a surprise to even some of the most hardcore animal rights enthusiasts but there exits such a thing as the Donkey sanctuary. It caters to the old and sick donkeys in the region that are always needed by the locals owing to the geographical conditions but left when sick or old. The place in Leh Ladakh is a very lively barn and will probably set a smile on the face of children and adult alike with its witty posters and graffiti.

13. Witness Tibetan Culture at Namgyal Tsemo Monastery

Witness Tibetan Culture at Namgyal Tsemo Monastery

Namgyal Tsemo Gompa or the Namgyala Monastery is particularly famous for the Buddha statue it hosts. It has previously also been visited by the Dalai Lama himself. Monks and Buddhism enthusiasts flock from all over the country to spend a few days here. Like most monasteries in Ladakh, it allows volunteers to stay and help with the daily chores at the Gompa while enjoying a few peaceful days here.

14. Stargaze from the Lamayuru Monastery

Stargaze from the Lamayuru Monastery

Ever wondered why the sky looks so beautiful when seen in movies but not from your home? This places shows you how being in the lap of nature and away from all the hustle of the city can let you have one of the best nights of star-gazing in your life. If you want to have the maximum from The Lamayuru monastery, plan your trip to Ladakh in sync with the time of shooting stars in the area.

15. Trek to the Drang Drung Glacier in Suru Valley

Trek to the Drang Drung Glacier in Suru Valley

Ladakh is an ideal region for all mountainous adventure sports. The trek through Suru Valley to the Drang Drung glacier is one of the best in this aspect offering a mix of all the possible things one may do on the mountains. The trek is among one of the tough ones in the region and is only taken up by the experienced trekkers.If you an adventure enthusiast, you should definitely include visiting here in your top list of things to do in Leh Ladakh.

16. Admire the Majesty of Chemrey Monastery

Admire the Majesty of Chemrey Monastery

Chemrey Monastery, a 400-year-old yet unexplored Buddhist monastery, is located approximately 40 kilometres (25 mi) east of Leh, Ladakh, northern India. It belongs to the Drugpa monastic order and was founded by the Lama Tagsang Raschen and dedicated to King Sengge Namgyal in 1664. The major highlight of this grand edifice is the high statue of Padmasambhava. The other notable item at Chemrey Monastery is the huge collection of ancient scriptures with the text emboldened in gold letters with the titles in silver. The two major highlights, along with the dazzling view of the surrounding areas make Chemrey Monastery a well-known and visited attraction in Leh Ladakh region.

17. Marvel at the Architecture of the Shanti Stupa

Marvel at the Architecture of the Shanti Stupa

What better place to invoke some thoughts from within to asses yourself in life. One of the many reasons why people take a trip to Leh-Ladakh is to find some time to take a break from the everyday schedule and re-assess their lives. Shanti Stupa offers the perfect location for the same. The nighttime view is even better and a little meditation besides the Stupa might help you get what you came here for. It is one of the magnificent Tibetan structures that has ever been built. The architecture and the beauty of this place are unexplainable.

18. Explore the Royal Ruins of Leh Palace

Explore the Royal Ruins of Leh Palace

The ancient Leh Palace might have lost its grandeur but the wood and stone ruins are still a must visit for anyone who is interested in the historical architecture of the area. The palace was built by the Namgyal king in the 17th century and is 9 stories high. The building is under the control of Archeological Survey of India (ASI) and offers a panoramic view of the Stok Kangri and Zanskar ranges across the Indus Valley.

19. Attend the Masked Parade in Hemis Monastery

Attend the Masked Parade in Hemis Monastery

Hemis Gompa is the biggest monastery in Ladakh. The annual Hemis festival that takes place in July is visited by people in large numbers. The masked parade is the highlight of the festival and is said to be one of the most sacred rituals here. Every year, on the 10th day of Tibetan Lunar month called as Tse Chu, the Monastery holds this two-day celebration to commemorate the birth anniversary of Guru Padmasambhava who is often said to be a reincarnation of Buddha.

20. Spot Snow Leopards at Hemis High Altitude Wildlife Sanctuary

Spot Snow Leopards at Hemis High Altitude Wildlife Sanctuary

The close vicinity with raw nature means the Ladakh region is very rich in flora and fauna. Wildlife particularly has adopted greatly to the climatic conditions and has made a distinct space of its own. Snow Leopard is a specialty of the area; although you might not want to meet it in person in the wild. The local zoos will offer you the best experience in terms of wildlife and is a must-do-activity for anyone visiting Ladakh.

21. Jeep Safari at Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary

Jeep Safari at Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary

At an altitude of about 4000 to 9000 feet, Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary is a world away from the world offering its visitors something extraordinary from the wildlife reserves one usually sees. You can spot rare wildlife like the black necked crane and the Tibetan Wild ass and roam around a host of lakes and marshes. The sanctuary is frequented often for the Pangong Lake that it houses, which is quite a highlight of Leh's tourism scene.

22. Peek into the Buddhist Culture at Phugtal Monastery

Peek into the Buddhist Culture at Phugtal Monastery

The Phuktal or Phugtal Monastery is an isolated monastery situated in the south-east part of Zanskar region in Ladakh. The Gompa owes its legacy to the renowned preachers and scholars who in ancient times resided in this cave. It has been the place for meditation, teaching, learning, and enjoyment. Phuk means "cave", and tal means "at leisure" in Zanskari dialect. The Phugtal monastery, which once was a retreat, looks like a honeycomb from a distance, hence giving it the name. The 2250 years old monastery is the only one that can be reached by foot. Trekking lovers would find this as a great getaway full of enchanting sights and sounds.

23. Admire the Carvings at the Likir Monastery

Admire the Carvings at the Likir Monastery

The beautiful wood work is probably the best non-Buddhist thing about this Monastery. The museum that caters to the history of the Ladakh region comes a close second. The picturesque surroundings come third and the list is unending. Visiting here is one of the topmost things to do in Leh Ladakh.

24. Spot the Stars in the Milky Way

Spot the Stars in the Milky Way

Leh-Ladakh, as already mentioned earlier, is a must visit place for all photography lovers – especially, Astro-photographers! The Major reason why Ladakh is a favourite among astrophotographers is because it provides clear night skies to complement the scenic beauty. Cities don’t generally have such pellucid skies owing to the pollution around.

25. Backpacking Across Ladakh

Backpacking Across Ladakh

The roads in Ladakh are a necessity for effective safety at the border. This means they are always kept in the best possible condition and offer perfect opportunity for a bike trip into the unknown territories. Bikes are easily available on rent as well in Ladakh and surrounding areas. The bikes usually scale these roads smoothly. However, the roads might become treacherous at times so its better to keep some necessary backup items.

26. Interact with the Local People and Experience the Culture

Interact with the Local People and Experience the Culture

Ladakh is a very friendly place and you’ll find many people willing to share their own experiences and stories of Ladakh with you. The monks and children are particularly helpful and will go out of their way to get you accustomed to the culture of Leh and make you feel at home. This is one of the top touristy things to do in Leh Ladakh.

27. Shop for Souvenirs from Local Markets

Shop for Souvenirs from Local Markets

For all those who like to fill their bags with souvenirs and local produce, the market offers beautiful Tibetan jewellery, motifs, decorated carpets and woolen clothes which are sure to fulfill your shopping appetite. From pocket-friendly tokens to pieces of sartorial luxury, and adornments for home, there is much for everyone's taste while shopping Ladakh. Market Browsing is one of the topmost things to do in Leh Ladakh.

28. Ride a Bike at the Umling La Pass

Ride a Bike at the Umling La Pass

Umling La Pass is the most famous highest motorable roads situated at an elevation of 19,300 feet in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. If you are a motorbike enthusiast, you would be surprised to know that Umling La is the world's highest motorable road filled with a lot of adventure and thrill. This fascinating pass stretches over a distance of 86 km connecting two quaint villages lying on the Indo-China border namely Chisumle and Demchok. Apart from its altitude, the reason that makes Umling La Pass special is the fact that this place is devoid of civilization and lies completely barren.

29. Trek the Picturesque Trails

Trek the Picturesque Trails

Known for its majestic and moon shaped terrains, Ladakh is visited by nature lovers and adventurous enthusiast. Sitting in the lap of the mighty Himalayas, trekking in Ladakh is an experience with countless thrilling and exciting trekking routes and trails. From traversing over a glacier, climbing long stretches of mountainous terrain, and manoeuvring their way through a long and steep ridge, Ladakh treks have easy to difficult challenges, even for professional trekkers. A myriad of beautiful and serene high altitude passes, valleys, flora and fauna make Ladakh a dream vacation destination.

30. Visit the Splendid Stok Palace

Visit the Splendid Stok Palace

Located close to the Indus river, it was built in 1825 AD by King Tsespal Tondup Namgyal. Well known for its architecture and design, beautiful gardens and amazing views, the palace presents a collection of royal attires, crown and other royal materials. Easily reachable through jeeps and shared taxis, the palace is a worth seeing place. Spituk Monastery is a nearby attraction to visit.

31. Soak in the Serenity of Tso Kar

Soak in the Serenity of Tso Kar

Tso Kar is a fluctuating salt lake in scenic Ladakh Valley. Popular as the white lake, and unlike its counterparts Tso Moriri and Pangong Tso, Tso Kar Lake is the most peaceful and calm of them all and also the smallest of the three. There are only a few yak sheds, a monastery and a couple of nomadic families in the surrounding. An overnight camping expedition is recommended as the experience is unlike any other. Tso Kar also has a large variety of birds for bird lovers as the marshlands surrounding the lake supports an amazing array of birdlife.

32. Experience the Thrilling Mountain Biking

Experience the Thrilling Mountain Biking

Often termed the paradise of mountain bikers, Leh Ladakh has thousands of tourists coming in every year to experience the thrill of driving on its steep slopes and adrenaline gushing paths. For adventurous daring mountain bikers, Leh-Manali highway is spectacular road while enjoying the picturesque landscapes. Mountain Biking in Ladakh is best possible or opens in late May and closed by September end when the snowfall reclaims the high passes.

33. Admire the Architectural Finesse of Sankar Gompa

Admire the Architectural Finesse of Sankar Gompa

Sankar Gompa is well known for its excellent styles and elements architecture and is an official residence of Kushok Bakul, the head of one of the Buddhists sect, Gelug-pa sect. It shares its walls with the monastery and is an important tourist spot in the city.

34. Visit the Local Tribes at Dha Hanu

Visit the Local Tribes at Dha Hanu

The villages of Dha (also called as Dah), and Hanu are amongst the only few villages that are home to the Drogpa tribe of Leh. The tribe, which is different from the Ladakhi tribe found in the rest of the area are quite hospitable people. The Drogpa are culturally, racially and linguistically different from the rest and are said to be the only living descendants of the original Aryan (Indo European) race.

35. Visit the Hall of Fame Museum

Visit the Hall of Fame Museum

Located at approximately 4 km from Leh, the Hall of Fame Museum was built in memory of the brave soldiers who lost their lives fighting for India at the Indo-Pakistan war. Maintained by the Indian Army, the museum showcases seized arms and amenities of Pakistani Army, pictures and biographies of brave soldiers. A section of the Hall of Fame Museum also displays Siachen area, exhibiting apparel and amenities used by the Indian Army in the region. Apart from this, one can also witness items related to Ladakhi culture, history, vegetation and wildlife found across the globe.

36. Walk by the LOC Kargil

Walk by the LOC Kargil

Kargil lies near the Line of Control facing Pakistan-administered Kashmir's Baltistan to the west, and Kashmir valley to the south. Zanskar is part of Kargil district along with Suru, Wakha and Dras valleys. Kargil was at the center of a conflict between India and Pakistan in 1999.

37. Experience the Darcha Padum Trek

Experience the Darcha Padum Trek

An amazing experience that all the trekkers yearn for, Darcha Padum Trek is one of the popular treks which lead to the Zanskar Valley. Situated in Himachal Pradesh, the trail continues to lead through Zanskar and several monasteries there. In fact, the trek from Darcha to Padum has magnificent views of scenic beauty from Manali to Leh. The beauty of the pastoral mountains as you head towards Leh is unparalleled and glorifying. The ancient villages and inhabitants of the villages have a rustic feel to them displaying their beautiful culture and traditions.

38. Visit the Beauteous MoonLand

Visit the Beauteous MoonLand

A peculiar landscape near Lamayuru on Leh-Kargil Road is the MoonLand. It is called so fondly, because the landscapes here are said to be like that of the moon. It has also been said often, that on a full moon night, the area is an extraordinary sight to behold, something one doesn't get see everyday, making it a must visit area of the town.

39. Visit the Mighty Maitreya Buddha

Visit the Mighty Maitreya Buddha

Near the Diskit monastery stands a 32 meter tall statue of Maitreya Buddha facing towards the Shyok river. This statue has been recently built, with 8 Kg gold which was donated by the head of Gompa and was sanctified by H. Dalai Lama on 24th July 2010. It is said that this statue was built to protect the village from wars and to promote world peace.

40. Shop at the Handicrafts Industrial Cooperative Shop

Shop at the Handicrafts Industrial Cooperative Shop

This place is good to buy souvenirs for friends and family. Wooden choktse tables carved with images of mythical beasts are available from the Handicrafts Industrial Cooperative Shop.

41. Watch a Chhams Performance

Watch a Chhams Performance

One of the most exotic things to do in Leh Ladakh is to watch the Llams perform the Chhams. The performance involves a dance drama executed by the Llams in colorful costumes. The whole event is filled with euphoria and is a delight to witness. These performances get especially popular during the Hemis Festival or the Ladakh Festival.

This post was published by Aqsa Aleem

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Airtel enhances network coverage across Leh and Ladakh, ahead of summer vacation rush

• Seamless connectivity on the highest mountain passes including Chang-la and Khardung-La

• Key tourist locations like Pangong lake and Turtuk - Nubra are now connected with Airtel 5G exclusively.

Leh and Ladakh, April 24, 2024: Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications service providers, today announced the expansion of its network across the picturesque regions of Leh and Ladakh. This development comes just in time for the upcoming travel season, encouraging travelers to enjoy unlimited 5G service across the region.

Airtel's network footprint now encompasses 40+ zones within Ladakh, ensuring that residents and travelers alike to enjoy reliable connectivity throughout their journeys. This is in line with Airtel’s commitment to provide seamless connectivity in India’s picturesque regions of Leh and Ladakh that is enjoyed by thousands of travelers.

Commenting on the expansion Adarsh Verma, COO- Jammu & Kashmir, Bharti Airtel, said “We are thrilled to enhance our network experience for the customers in the Leh and Ladakh region. We are certain that this travel season, our customers will enjoy the power of ubiquitous access to high-speed data that will open up a wide range of new opportunities and experiences in these iconic locations.”

After ramping up the telecom infrastructure in the Zanskar Valley, Airtel introduced its ultra-fast Airtel 5G service in select areas of Leh, setting a new benchmark for connectivity standards in the region. Key tourist destinations in Leh, including Durbook, Tangstae, Pengong Lake, Hall of Fame, Magnetic Hill, Sangam (Indus and Zanskar River), Diskit, and Turtok are now equipped with Airtel's state-of-the-art infrastructure, providing visitors an unparalleled access to high-speed internet amidst breathtaking landscapes. Also, a strong network presence of Airtel at Chang-La-Pass , Gurdwara Pathar Sahib, Lamayuru Monastery, Moon Land, Alchi & Likir Monastery, Khardung-La-Pass, Hunder etc., where travelers can enjoy with social buzz.

With the rollout of 5G, travelers can now experience unlimited 5G data whether while embarking on the renowned Chadar Trek or simply immersing themselves in the region's natural beauty.

About Bharti Airtel:

Headquartered in India, Airtel is a global communications solutions provider with over five hundred million customers in 17 countries across South Asia and Africa. The company ranks amongst the top three mobile operators globally and its networks cover over two billion people. Airtel is India’s largest integrated communications solutions provider and the second-largest mobile operator in Africa. Airtel’s retail portfolio includes high-speed 4G/5G mobile broadband and Airtel Xstream Fiber that promises speeds up to 1 Gbps with convergence across linear and on-demand entertainment, streaming services spanning music and video, digital payments and financial services. For enterprise customers, Airtel offers a gamut of solutions that includes secure connectivity, cloud and data centre services, cyber security, IoT, Ad Tech and CPaaS (Airtel IQ). For more details visit www.airtel.com

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Airtel continues its 5g growth streak with 50 million unique customers on its network, bharti airtel voted most outstanding company in india by asiamoney.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications services provider, has emerged as the...

Wynk Studio wins music distribution rights to Kay Kay Menon’s starrer “Love All”

Wynk Music, India’s number 1 music streaming app by downloads and daily active users, today...

Airtel to source 23,000 MWh of renewable energy by Q4 FY 23-24 for six Nxtra data centers

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications service providers, today...

August 2023

Airtel’s wynk music and dolby bring dolby atmos to music lovers.

Wynk Music, India’s leading music streaming app, and Dolby Laboratories, a leader in immersive...

Airtel launches Xstream AirFiber – India’s 1st wireless home Wi-Fi service powered by 5G Plus

Bharti Airtel, one of India's leading telecommunications service providers, today, announced the launch of Airtel Xstream AirFiber...

Airtel launches Airtel IQ Reach – India’s first-of-its-kind self-serve marketing communications platform

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications service providers, today, announced the launch...

Airtel prepays Rs. 8,024 crores to clear high cost deferred liabilities for spectrum acquired in 2015

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications service providers, today said that it has prepaid ...

Airtel Business becomes India’s first enterprise to power over 20 million connected devices

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications service providers, today, announced that Airtel...

Airtel Business announces changes to its leadership team

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications services providers, today announced changes to it...

Matter Motor Works partners with Airtel Business for its AERA motorbikes

Matter Motor Works, a technology-led innovation start-up, and Bharti Airtel, one of India’s leading telecommunications...

Airtel powers 5G access to the Kochi water metro route

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications service providers, today, announced that its...

Airtel surpasses the 2 million customer mark on its 5G network in Bihar and Jharkhand

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications services providers...

Airtel surpasses the 2 million customer mark on its 5G network in Uttar Pradesh East

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications services providers, today, announced that it...

Airtel Business partners with the Ministry of Education to power Government of India’s Ed-Tech platform – DIKSHA

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications service providers, today, announced that it has won...

As the travel season peaks, Airtel experiences a surge in demand for International Roaming Packs in Delhi

Bharti Airtel, one of India's leading telecommunications service providers, has witnessed a growth of 108% in the subscription...

Airtel surpasses the 2 million customer mark on its 5G network in Tamil Nadu

5G service available in 500 towns/ Villages in the state...

Airtel Xstream augments content portfolio with addition of FanCode

India’s fastest growing OTT aggregator now offers 19 platforms with single log-in at one price...

Airtel surpasses the 2 million customer mark on its 5G network in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications services providers, today, announced that...

Airtel celebrates 2 million Mumbaikars on its 5G network

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications service providers, today, announced that it has welcomed...

Dialog, Axiata Group and Bharti Airtel sign binding term sheet to combine operations in Sri Lanka

Dialog Axiata Plc (“Dialog”), Axiata Group Berhad (“Axiata”) and Bharti Airtel Limited (“Airtel”) (collectively “the Parties”), have entered into...

Airtel launches new partnership with Bridgepointe Technologies under Global Channel Partners Programme

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications service provider, today, announced its ...

Airtel 5G Plus is now available across 3000 cities and towns in the country

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications services provider, today, announced thas...

Airtel partners with Secure Meters to deploy 1.3 million NB-IoT powered smart meters in Bihar

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications services providers, today, announced its...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in Ladakh

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s leading telecommunications services providers, today, announced the launch of its cutting edge 5G services in the Union Territory of Ladakh...

Airtel and India Post Payments Bank launch WhatsApp Banking Services

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), a leading telecommunications service provider in India and India Post Payments Bank..

Airtel 5G Plus now live in Port Blair

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider, today announced that its ultra-fast 5G service...

Airtel 5G Plus is now available across 500 cities in the country

Airtel 5g plus now live in kolkata.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider, today announced the ...

Airtel launches an introductory ‘Unlimited data’ offer for its 5G customers

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider, today announced the launch of unlimited...

Airtel wins Dun & Bradstreet award for ESG Excellence

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider, today announced the launch...

Airtel announces its largest ever 5G roll-out in 125 cities

Airtel surpasses 1 million customer mark on its 5g network in mumbai.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced that it has crossed...

February 2023

Airtel 5g plus now live in 13 cities of jammu & kashmir.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced the launch...

Airtel surpasses 10 million unique customers on its 5G network

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced that it has crossed the...

Airtel deploys AI-powered speech analytics solutions for customer service transformation with NVIDIA

Bharti Airtel, India’s leading telecommunications service provider today announced that it has built an AI-based solution...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in Chandigarh Tri-City

Airtel invites customers to experience the power of 5g at its stores.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider has created 5G experience zones across all its retail...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in 2 cities of Uttarakhand

Airtel 5g plus now live in 8 cities of rajasthan, airtel 5g plus now live in 16 cities of west bengal, airtel 5g plus now live in 14 cities of bihar, airtel 5g plus now live in 13 cities of odisha, airtel 5g plus now live in all north-east states of india, airtel 5g plus now live in 10 cities of haryana, airtel 5g plus now live in 4 cities of himachal pradesh, airtel announces strategic partnership with vultr to deliver cloud solutions to enterprises.

Partnership will offer Vultr’s unrivaled Cloud Compute, Cloud GPU, and Cloud Infrastructure services to India’s digital ecosystem...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in 5 cities of Gujarat

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced the launch of its cutting edge...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in Madhya Pradesh

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced the launch of its cutting edge 5G services in Bhopal...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in 8 cities of Odisha

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced the launch of its...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in Itanagar

Airtel 5g plus now live in 2 cities of chhattisgarh, airtel 5g plus now live in 4 cities of kerala.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced the launch of its cutting...

January 2023

Airtel 5g plus now live in 3 cities of telangana, airtel 5g plus now live in 7 cities of andhra pradesh, airtel 5g plus now live in seven cities of jammu & kashmir, airtel 5g plus now live in 5 cities of tamil nadu, bharti airtel appoints naval seth as head of investor relations.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading communications solutions provider, today announced the appointment of Naval Seth as the Head...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in 4 cities of Odisha

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading leading telecommunications services provider today announced the launch of its cutting edge 5G...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in Agartala

Airtel 5g plus now live in dehradun.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced the launch ...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in 5 cities of Delhi NCR

Airtel 5g plus now live in 3 cities of rajasthan, airtel 5g plus now live in 7 cities of uttar pradesh, airtel 5g plus now live in shillong, airtel 5g plus now live in 4 cities of bihar.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced the launch of its cutting ...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in 2 cities of Jharkhand

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced the launch of its cutting edge 5G ...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in Kochi

Airtel 5g plus now live in bhubaneswar, cuttack and rourkela, airtel 5g plus now live in 4 cities of haryana, airtel 5g plus now live in indore, december 2022, airtel 5g plus now live in jammu and srinagar, airtel 5g plus now live in pune, 5g in healthcare airtel, apollo hospitals, aws carry out india’s first 5g driven, artificial intelligence guided colonoscopy trial.

Bharti Airtel, India’s premier communications solutions provider and Apollo Hospitals, Asia’s foremost trusted...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in Vizag

Airtel 5g plus now live in ahmedabad and gandhinagar, airtel 5g plus now live in imphal, airtel acquires strategic stake in technology start up lemnisk.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider today announced that it has acquired a strategic...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in Shimla

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced the launch of its ...

Airtel announces winners of First “Airtel IQ Hackathon”

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider today announced winners of first ever ...

Airtel partners Tech Mahindra to deploy captive private network at Mahindra’s Chakan Facility

Bharti Airtel ("Airtel"), India's premier communications solutions provider and...

Hyderabadis to enjoy ultrafast connectivity On-the-Go with Airtel 5G Plus

Wynk rewind is now live; take a look at india’s favorite music in 2022.

Wynk Music, India’s number 1 music streaming app by downloads and daily active users today introduced Wynk...

Airtel and Meta collaborate to accelerate India’s digital ecosystem

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier digital communications solutions provider, and Meta Platforms, Inc. ...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in Lucknow

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced the launch of its cutting edge 5G...

Airtel launches ‘World Pass’ – One pack for travel across 184 countries

As the worst effects of the COVID-19 pandemic ebb, we are beginning to witness a massive surge in ...

November 2022

Airtel business wins iot solution mandate for smart meters from tata power western odisha distribution limited, (tpwodl).

Bharti Airtel (Airtel), India's premier communications solutions provider, today announced that it has won a cellular IoT solution mandate ...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in Patna

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced the launch of its cutting edge 5G services in Patna...

Airtel powers Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport with ultrafast Airtel 5G Plus

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications service provider today announced the deployment of its...

Nxtra by Airtel commences construction of its largest Data Centre in East India

Nxtra Data Limited (“Nxtra by Airtel”), a subsidiary of Bharti Airtel (Airtel) started the construction of its new hyper-scale data...

Airtel powers Lal Bahadur Shastri International Airport, Varanasi with ultrafast Airtel 5G Plus

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications service provider today announced the deployment of its cutting-edge...

Airtel powers Pune Airport with ultrafast Airtel 5G Plus

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications service provider today announced the deployment of its cutting edge...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in Guwahati

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced the launch of its cutting edge 5G services...

Airtel 5G Plus now live in Gurugram

Airtel 5g plus now live in panipat, airtel powers the swanky new terminal in kempegowda international airport bengaluru with ultrafast airtel 5g plus.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications service provider today announced the launch...

Airtel surpasses 1 million customers on it 5G network

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider today announced...

October 2022

Airtel launches “always on” iot connectivity solution, airtel 5g plus launched today.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India's premier communications solutions provider, today provided more detail on the...

Airtel Ads demonstrates India’s first immersive VR advertisement powered by 5G

Integration of VR advertisement format on Airtel Thanks app opens new avenues for brands to engage with consumers...

Revolutionizing Travel: Airtel and Nokia join hands to bring alive the Grandeur of Kashi Vishwanath temple and Statue of Unity at the India Mobile Congress

Bharti Airtel ("Airtel"), India's premier communications solutions provider and Nokia have joined hands ...

September 2022

Airtel launches xsafe ─ an advanced home surveillance solution.

Promises a convenient, hassle free and complete end-to-end home surveillance solution including installation, connectivity, app support...

Airtel and WhatsApp launch ‘Airtel IQ Hackathon’ inviting start-ups to build new age business solutions on WhatsApp

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider and WhatsApp, today announced the launch of first ever...

Airtel and IBM to Work Together to Bring Secured Edge Cloud Services to Indian Enterprises

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”) today announced that its subsidiary Nxtra Data Limited (“Nxtra”) has partnered with...

Nxtra by Airtel to Become the First Data Center Company in India to install Fuel Cell Technology to provide Clean Energy

Pepsico india partners with airtel, offers recharge coupon with beverage brand.

Ahead of the festive season, PepsiCo India and Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading provider of telecommunications services ...

Airtel introduces Edge CDN ahead of 5G Launch; plans specialised Cloud products for multiple business segments

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier digital communications solutions provider, today announced multiple new product ...

August 2022

Airtel pays rs 8312.4 cr for 5g spectrum to dot; instalment for 4 years settled ahead of schedule with a view to free up cash flows for 5g roll out.

: Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier digital communications solutions provider, today said that it has paid ...

Introducing Wynk Studio, India’s largest music distribution ecosystem for independent artists

Wynk Music, India’s number 1 music streaming app by downloads and daily active users today introduced...

Airtel to commence 5G Deployment from August 2022, signs 5G network agreements with Ericsson, Nokia and Samsung

Bharti Airtel (Airtel), India's premier communications solutions provider, today announced that it has signed 5G network...

Airtel set to lead India’s 5G revolution

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier telecommunications services provider, today announced that it is set to lead...

Airtel deploys India’s first private 5G network at BOSCH facility

Bharti Airtel ("Airtel"), India's premier communications solutions provider today announced successful trial of India’s first 5G...

Airtel Xstream Fiber expands FTTH network to India’s farthest corners

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today announced the launch of its...

Airtel launches India’s first multiplex in the Metaverse

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today unveiled India’s first multiplex...

Airtel Xstream achieves the 2 Million paid subscriber milestone and is now India’s fastest growing OTT aggregator app

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider today announced that its...

COMPLETE ENTERTAINMENT: Airtel Xstream Fiber unlocks its NEW All-in-One plans

In urban India today, both home internet and home entertainment are seeing rapid growth, accelerated by consumers...

Airtel to set up digital technology hub in Pune, looks to hire 500 people for the facility

As part of its growing in-house digital engineering capabilities, Airtel is looking to set up a new technology center in Pune...

Airtel, Apollo Hospitals, and Cisco join forces to demonstrate the Future of Healthcare with 5G Connected Ambulance

Use case showcases how 5G technology virtually transports doctors to the Ambulance to provide critical care enroute to the Hospital...

Airtel acquires stake in Cloud Network Solutions provider Solutions provider Cnergee Technologies

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, has acquired a strategic minority stake...

Airtel and Tech Mahindra announce partnership to grow India’s digital economy

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, and Tech Mahindra, a leading provider...

Airtel prepays INR 8,815 crores to clear deferred liabilities for spectrum acquired in 2015

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier digital communications solutions provider, today said that it has paid INR 8,815 crores...

Airtel showcases the exciting future of immersive video entertainment on 5G

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today showcased 5G’s high-speed...

Data centres to enable India’s trillion-dollar digital economy growth

Nxtra by Airtel – JLL research forecasts sizable growth for India data centre sector...

Airtel’s Self Optimising Network solution wins the Innovative Mobile Service and Application Award at GTI Awards 2022

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today said that its A-SON (Self Optimising Network) solution...

AI focused Nuronics Labs is the winner of Airtel’s Startup India Innovation Challenge

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today announced the winners of...

Airtel and Axis Bank announce partnership to bolster India’s digital ecosystem

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, and Axis Bank, India’s third-largest private ...

February 2022

Statement from airtel on agreement with vodafone for stake acquisition in indus towers.

The telecom market structure has started to stabilise on account of the efforts of the Government of India including the recent relief package. We support the Government’s desire...

Airtel acquires strategic stake in blockchain technology startup Aqilliz

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, announced that it has acquired a strategic stake in Aqilliz – a Blockchain as a Service Company...

Airtel joins SEA-ME-WE-6 undersea cable consortium to scale up high speed network for India’s emerging digital economy

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today said that it has joined thes...

Airtel Deploys Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications to Accelerate Digital Transformation Across Its Supply Chain and Finance Processes

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today took a giant leap towards...

Airtel launches Xstream Premium - India’s largest collection of entertainment content in a single app

January 2022, airtel acquires ~25% strategic stake in sd-wan startup lavelle networks.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today announced an agreement...

Airtel and Google partner to help grow India’s digital ecosystem

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), one of India’s premier communications solutions providers, and Google today announced that...

Airtel strengthens its green energy footprint with the commissioning of 21 MW Solar Power Unit in Maharashtra

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today announced the commissioning of a new 21 MW solar power..

Hughes and Airtel Form Joint Venture to Provide Satellite Broadband Services in India

Combined India VSAT operations of both companies to offer wide range of satellite and hybrid network solutions to business and government customers...

Statement from Airtel: Update on the scheme of arrangement for new corporate structure

The seminal telecom sector reforms package announced by the Government of India has significantly boosted the outlook and investor confidence for the industry...

December 2021

Airtel and tcs demonstrate 5g based remote robotic operations and artificial intelligence driven quality inspection for factories of the future.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today announced the commissioning of a new 21 MW solar...

Airtel hosts the India edition of O-RAN ALLIANCE Global PlugFest 2021, demonstrates the growing maturity of O-RAN 5G ecosystem

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, hosted the O-RAN ALLIANCE Global...

Airtel pre-pays INR 15, 519 crores to clear all deferred liabilities for spectrum acquired in 2014

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier digital communications solutions provider, today said that...

Airtel and Capgemini to collaborate on 5G-based solutions for Enterprises

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications and solutions provider...

Airtel deploys Avanseus’ AI-based predictive maintenance solution

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, and Avanseus,...

Airtel launches Startup Innovation Challenge in partnership with Invest India

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today announced the launch...

November 2021

Airtel conducts india’s first 5g trial in the 700 mhz band in partnership with nokia.

Nxtra by Airtel, the data center subsidiary of Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), today launched its new hyperscale data center park in Chennai...

Nxtra by Airtel launches new 38 MW Hyperscale Data Center in Chennai

Airtel announces revised mobile tariffs.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”) has always maintained that the mobile Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) needs to be at Rs 200 and ultimately...

Airtel institutes ESG Committee of Board of Directors

Bharti Airtel Limited (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today announced that it has formed...

Airtel and Oracle Double Down on Partnership to Accelerate India’s Digital Economy

Oracle and Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, have extended...

Airtel rolls out #5GforBusiness to demonstrate 5G use cases for enterprises

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, has rolled out #5GforBusiness initiative...

October 2021

Airtel launches ‘airtel iq video’ – a cpaas solution to democratize video streaming in india.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communication solutions provider, today announced the launch of its Video Platform as a Service (CPaaS) – ‘Airtel IQ Video’. The solutio...

Airtel announces Rs 6000 cashback on purchase of smartphones from leading brands

As part of its Mera Pehla Smartphone program, Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”) today announced yet another innovative...

Airtel takes another step in delivering the best network for customers in Bihar and Jharkhand

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today said that it has upgraded its mobile network...

Airtel conducts India’s first Rural 5G trial in partnership with Ericsson

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”) and Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) have conducted India’s first 5G network demonstration in a rural...

Airtel appoints Rajiv Sharma as Head – Investor Relations

Bharti Airtel Limited (“Airtel”) today announced the appointment of Rajiv Sharma as Head of Investor Relations with effect...

Airtel enhances network experience in Tamil Nadu with LTE 900 technology

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”) has further upgraded its high speed data network in Tamil Nadu to boost indoor...

September 2021

Airtel to invest rs 5000 crores to scale up its data centre business.

Bharti Airtel Limited (“Airtel”) today unveiled a refreshed brand identity ‘Nxtra by Airtel’ for its data centre business and outlined...

Airtel rolls out Made-in-India DTH Set Top Boxes for Customers

Airtel Digital TV, the DTH arm of Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”) today said that it has introduced Made-in-India..

Airtel boosts 4G network coverage with LTE 900 technology in Kerala

Bharti Airtel Limited (“Airtel”), India’s leading provider of telecommunications services today said..

Airtel joins global efforts to combat climate change

Bharti Airtel Limited (“Airtel”), India’s leading provider of telecommunications services, today announced its commitment ...

Airtel Payments Bank launches ‘Rewards123Plus’ Digital Savings Account

Subsequent to the launch of its flagship Rewards123 savings account, Airtel Payments Bank today announced the launch ...

Airtel and Disney+ Hotstar bring the best of digital entertainment to customers

Bharti Airtel Limited (“Airtel”), India’s leading provider of telecommunications services, is making the digital ...

Bharti Airtel welcomes Government of India’s seminal reforms for the telecom industry

Bharti Airtel today welcomed the path breaking policy directions and interventions announced by the Government ...

Retailers using digital technologies to deliver immersive, OmniChannel customer experience to win in the emerging 5G era, says Airtel Business.

Airtel Business, the B2B unit of Bharti Airtel Limited (“Airtel”), today released the second edition of its Insights Report under the aegis...

Airtel demonstrates India’s first Cloud Gaming experience on a 5G network

Marking yet another industry first on 5G, Bharti Airtel Limited (“Airtel”), India’s leading provider of telecommunications services,...

August 2021

Airtel partners with google cloud and cisco to launch ‘airtel office internet’ to accelerate digital transformation of small businesses.

As per Frost & Sullivan’s Mobile Services Report Q4 FY21, Airtel IoT had the highest revenue share of 45.5% in the Enterprise M2M ...

Airtel IoT is the market leader in India’s Enterprise Connectivity Segment

Kaspersky and airtel join forces to make online journeys more secure for customers.

Airtel customers now purchase Kaspersky security solutions for PC and Smartphones via Airtel Thanks app...

Airtel upgrades its Prepaid plans to offer more value to customers

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today announced revisions to its Prepaid plans....

Airtel upgrades its Postpaid Plans to serve evolving customer needs

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today announced new postpaid plans ....

Airtel and Intel announce collaboration to accelerate 5G in India

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today announced a collaboration ....

Airtel Business and Cisco launch next-gen SD-WAN connectivity solutions for enterprises

Bharti Airtel ("Airtel"), India's premier communications solutions provider, and Cisco today announced the launch....

As cyber-threats surge, Airtel Xstream Fiber launches ‘Secure Internet’ for its Customers

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today announced the launch of its latest innovation Airtel Black – India’s first all-in-one solution for homes....

Airtel boosts indoor coverage of high speed data services in Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh with superior 900 MHz deployment

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today said that it has augmented...

Airtel launches ‘Airtel Black’ – India’s first all-in-one solution for Homes

Airtel boosts indoor coverage of high speed data services in himachal pradesh with superior 900 mhz deployment, airtel upgrades high speed network in andhra pradesh and telangana to deliver the best network experience to customers.

Deploys 900 MHz spectrum for 4G using the advanced L900 technology, which will significantly boost indoor coverage ...

Airtel takes another step in delivering the best network for customers in Uttar Pradesh (East) Circle

Airtel appoints amrita padda as chief people officer.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today announced the appointment ...

Airtel deploys additional 21.6 Mhz spectrum to deliver the best network experience for customers in Bengal

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today said that it has upgraded ...

Airtel and Tata Group/TCS announce collaboration for ‘Made in India’ 5G

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider and Tata Group, today announced...

Airtel deploys additional 30 MHz spectrum in Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh to boost network capacity

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today said that it has upgraded...

Airtel deploys additional 17.4 MHz spectrum in Himachal Pradesh to boost indoor network experience

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today said that it has upgraded it...

Airtel takes another step in delivering the best network for customers in Odisha

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today said that it has upgraded its mobile network in Odisha ...

Airtel’s new brand campaign reinforces India’s preference for network quality

As per TRAI, 2 in every 3 new mobile customers in India chose Airtel during September 2020 – February 2021...

Airtel deploys additional 20 MHz spectrum in Haryana to boost network capacity and best-in-class experience to customers

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today said that it has upgraded

Airtel takes another step in delivering the best network experience for customers in North East

Deploys additional 10 Mhz spectrum in 2300 band that will boost network capacity for high speed data services...

Airtel takes another step in delivering the best network experience for customers in Assam

Airtel takes another step in delivering the best network experience for customers in gujarat, airtel takes another step in delivering the best network for customers in kerala.

Deploys additional 15 MHz Spectrum – 5 MHz in 1800 band and 10 MHz in 2300 band that will boost network capacity for high speed data services...

Airtel takes another step in delivering the best network for customers in Tamil Nadu

Deploys additional 5 Mhz spectrum in 1800 band that will boost network capacity for high speed data services....

Airtel takes another step in delivering the best network for customers in Karnataka

Deploys additional 11.2 Mhz spectrum in 1800 band that will boost network capacity for high speed data services....

Airtel announces benefits worth Rs 270 cr to help 55 million low interest on deposits over Rs. 1 lakh

Airtel Payments Bank today said that its customers will get an increased interest ....

Airtel rolls out Covid support services on its digital platforms Integrates easy to access Covid resources on Airtel Thanks app Enables businesses to set up FREE helpline for employees with Airtel IQ

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider....

Airtel Payments Bank launches DigiGold – a digital platform for customers to make investments in gold

As part of its growing bouquet of digital services, Airtel Payments Bank today launched DigiGold ....

Airtel Payments Bank announces 6% p.a. income customers to tide over the impact of Covid-19

Airtel announces spectrum trading agreement with jio.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”) today announced an agreement with Reliance Jio Infocomm (“Jio”) to transfer the ....

Airtel joins hands with Apollo 24/7 to enable customers to access healthcare services digitally from the safety of their homes

Apollo 24|7, the fastest growing health App in India is extending complimentary ....

Airtel expands Green Energy footprint

Commissions captive solar power plant for its Data Centres in Uttar Pradesh...

Airtel launches ‘Airtel IoT’ – a 5G Ready Platform for the World of Connected Things

: Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, today launched ‘Airtel IoT’ – an integrated platform that enables....

Airtel receives CERT-IN empanelment for Cyber Security Services

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, has joined a select group of companies ...

Hyper Localisation and Hyper Personalisation will drive customer engagement in a digitally connected world, says Airtel’s Business Insights Report

Airtel Business, the B2B unit of Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), today released its first Business Insights report under the aegis of its...

Airtel fortifies its strong spectrum portfolio Acquires 355.45 MHz spectrum for Rs. 18,699 Crores

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier digital communication solutions provider, today said that it has acquired...

February 2021

Bharti airtel announces successful pricing of its $1.25 billion dual-tranche senior 10.25 year and perpetual 144a/regs us$ bond offering.

Largest issuance by any Indian Investment Grade issuer since January 2019...

Airtel enters the Ad Tech industry with Airtel Ads

Enables brands to engage with over 320 mn quality customers Prioritises Quality over Quantity, Real Impact over Vanity Metrics...

Airtel and Qualcomm to collaborate for 5G in India

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, and Qualcomm Technologies, Inc...

Airtel to acquire 20% stake in Bharti Telemedia from Warburg Pincus

Consideration to be substantially discharged through the issuance of Airtel shares via preferential allotment at a price of INR 600/share...

January 2021

Airtel announces 5g ready network.

In a major landmark, Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India's premier communications solutions provider, announced that it has become the country's first telco to successfully...

Launch of ‘Airtel Safe Pay’ - India's safest way to pay digitally

‘Airtel Safe Pay’ protects customers from payments frauds by ensuring money never leaves their accounts without consent...

Airtel Xstream Fiber launches the Gigabit Wi-Fi Experience

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications services provider, has kicked off the New Year with some exciting news for customers with the launch of hyper-fast Wi-Fi experience...

Amazon launches its worldwide first mobile-only video plan in India: Prime Video Mobile Edition

Joins hands with Airtel for the first roll-out of Prime Video Mobile Edition, making high quality entertainment accessible to hundreds of millions of Airtel customers...

NSIC and Airtel join forces to accelerate Digital Transformation of Indian MSMEs

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier communications solutions provider, is stepping up initiatives to accelerate the digital transformation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in India ...

Airtel appoints Pradipt Kapoor as CIO

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India's premier communications solutions provider, today announced the appointment of Pradipt Kapoor as Chief Information Officer (CIO)...

December 2020

Airtel business launches customer advisory board to co-create its product innovation roadmap.

Airtel Business, the B2B unit of Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), today announced the launch of its Customer Advisory Board with the objective...

November 2020

Airtel and vedantu empower millions of school children with affordable access to quality education on their home tv screens.

Vedantu Masterclasses DTH channels will air on Airtel Digital TV at Rs 4/day to offer high-impact, interactive learnings to Class 6 - 12 students...

Airtel hosts India's First O-RAN ALLIANCE Plugfest

Demonstrates cutting-edge technology use cases with Altiostar, Altran, ASOCS, Mavenir, NEC, STL, VIAVI Solutions, VVDN and Xilinx...

‘Nxtra by Airtel’ to set up two data centre campuses in Maharashtra

The future ready facilities to come up at Mumbai and Pune to serve the growing demand for secure data centre services...

October 2020

Airtel enters the $ 1 billion indian cloud communications market with airtel iq.

Airtel IQ will help businesses drive deeper customer engagement through seamless and secure communication delivered over cloud...

Wynk Music announces first of its kind ‘Navratri Nights’ Online Concerts

Celebrate the goodness of musical Navratri celebrations from the comfort of your home with nine power packed LIVE online concerts...

Airtel brings premium Edutech content to its DTH platform

Launches India's First dedicated TV channels for JEE, NEET preparation in partnership with Aakash Institute...

September 2020

Airtel launches airtel secure to help businesses tide over rising cyber threats.

Airtel SECURE is India's most comprehensive suite of cyber security services. Brings cutting-edge solutions to customers through partnerships with global leaders...

Airtel onboards Waybeo to its Startup Accelerator Program

To enable the cloud analytics startup fast-track its growth by leveraging Airtel’s global scale cloud stack...

Airtel changes Entertainment forever; Launches the Airtel Xstream Bundle

To change entertainment forever, Airtel today announced the launch of its new Airtel Xstream Bundle...

August 2020

Airtel is the first mobile operator to launch ‘ultra-fast 4g’ services in andaman and nicobar.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”) congratulates the Department of Telecommunications on the inauguration of the undersea optic fiber link between Chennai and Andaman and Nicobar by...

Airtel and AWS join hands to accelerate digital transformation of business in India

Collaboration to boost Airtel's Cloud offerings in the fast growing Indian market...

Airtel appoints Ganesh Lakshminarayanan as CEO-Enterprise Business

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest integrated telco, today announced the appointment of Ganesh Lakshminarayanan as CEO-Enterprise Business...

Airtel renews Pan India Managed Services Partnership with Ericsson

Agreement covers nationwide AI-driven managed services, network and IT automation for Airtel’s India mobile operations...

Verizon and Airtel Partner to Bring Secure Enterprise-Grade BlueJeans Video Conferencing to India

As part of its integrated B2B play, Airtel is partnering with Verizon to offer “Airtel BlueJeans,” a range of secure...

Airtel launches NEW Prepaid Packs with Premium Content from ZEE5

NEW Rs 289 bundle offers Unlimited Calling, 1.5 GB/day along with full access to the entire ZEE5 catalogue...

Airtel steps up the Experience for its Platinum customers Promises Faster 4G speeds to Platinum customers through Network Preference

Platinum customers also get preferential care with dedicated customer care...

Airtel deploys India's largest open cloud-based VoLTE network with Nokia software products

As part of its cloudification strategy, Airtel will deploy Nokia’s CloudBand Infrastructure Software...

Carlyle to acquire approximately 25% stake in Airtel’s Data Centre business at a valuation of US$1.2 billion

Underscores the significant growth potential in an emerging Digital India...

Airtel Promises to go the Extra Mile for its Customers

Declares war on service failure and targets resolution ofevery customer query...

Airtel adds Edtech to its digital portfolio with stake acquisition in kids learning startup - Lattu Kids

Enables Airtel to bring premium digital learning content over its network to make learning fun for millions of kids across India...

Airtel Payments Bank launches Suraksha Salary Account solution for India's MSMEs

The innovative savings account offers FREE dual insurance benefit of Fixed Allowance on Hospitalization and Personal Accident Cover to the account holder...

Nodwin Gaming and Airtel announce partnership to take Esports in India to the next level

Launch ‘Airtel India Esports Tour’ - the first national ranking of Esports players in the country...

Airtel Payments Bank and Mastercard to develop customized financial products for farmers and SMEs in India

Aim to deepen penetration of financial services in underbanked and unbanked regions...

To offer the best-in-class service experience to its customers, Airtel acquires strategic stake in Conversational AI focused Startup – Voicezen

Will give Airtel early access to cutting edge technologies being developed by Voicezen...

Airtel launches ‘Work@Home’ - India’s First Enterprise Grade Work From Home Solution for Businesses

Enables a fully secure and seamless ‘office like experience at home’ by offering world-class Connectivity, Collaboration tools and Security as an integrated solution...

Airtel Selects IBM and Red Hat to build Open Hybrid Cloud Network

Platform to ready Airtel’s network for emerging technologies such as 5G and Edge Computing, enable its partners to deploy advanced B2B & B2C applications...

Zee5 and Airtel deepen strategic collaboration

All Airtel Thanks customers to get FREE unlimited access to ZEE5’s premium catalogue...

Airtel and Nokia sign multi-year deal to boost network capacity and customer experience

Airtel to deploy Nokia’s Single Radio Access Network (SRAN) solution to enhance network capacity in world’s second largest telecoms market...

Airtel and Apollo Hospital Group join forces to help India Break the COVID-19 Chain

Apollo 24|7 AI based COVID-19 test with Airtel Thanks app, enabling millions of Airtel customers across India to assess their risk profile...

Airtel Digital TV launches Exclusive CuriosityStream Channel

In an industry first, over 16 million DTH customers of Airtel can now enjoy award-winning factual entertainment from CuriosityStream over the Free to Air TV channel...

Airtel announces measures to shield over 80 million low-income mobile customers from the impact of COVID-19 crisis

Unrestricted Incoming services till April 17th and Rs 10 talk time for all low income users...

Bringing back the Joy of Reading: Airtel and Juggernaut announce FREE access to thousands of e-books on Juggernaut Books

With India staying at home, Readers can break the monotony with titles from top authors across multiple genres with the innovative #readInstead campaign...

As Fitness becomes mainstream in India, Airtel to power youth-first digital platform for fitness content

Airtel acquires strategic stake in Spectacom, the newest offering from the creators of the Devils Circuit, under the Airtel Start-up Accelerator Program...

Binge on Super Content over the Holi Weekend on Airtel Xstream

Airtel customers can choose from 10,000+ Indian and global movies, shows as part of their exclusive Thanks benefits...

February 2020

Airtel and nokia to collaborate on industry 4.0 applications for enterprises.

Companies to offer industrial-grade LTE private wireless solutions for industrial automation for enterprises in BFSI, ITES, manufacturing and distribution...

Airtel redefines International Roaming (IR) – Now Power lies in the hands of the customer!

Track Usage Real Time and Enable / Disable IR service with one click on Airtel Thanks app...

January 2020

Airtel and google cloud partner to boost collaboration, productivity and digital transformation in india.

G Suite to form part of Airtel’s integrated B2B connectivity solutions for businesses...

Airtel launches NEW Rs. 179 Prepaid Bundle with built-in life insurance cover of Rs. 2 lakh

Introduced in partnership with Bharti AXA Life Insurance, the prepaid bundle offers unlimited calls, data & life insurance cover to customers...

‘Airtel Wi-Fi Calling’ crosses One million users

Service Now LIVE across India. Works over any Wi-Fi connection...

Airtel expands high speed 4G network to the remotest corners of India

Becomes the first operator to launch 4G in 26 villages located in tough terrains of upper Ladakh...

December 2019

Airtel payments bank enables 24x7 neft transfers.

In-line with the Reserve Bank of India’s guidelines, Airtel Payments Bank customers will now be able use the National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)...

Airtel expands ‘Airtel Wi-Fi Calling’ footprint – service goes LIVE in Mumbai, Kolkata, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu

Airtel’s Voice Over Wi-Fi service to dramatically improve indoor calling experience...

Airtel and Lionsgate Strike Strategic Alliance, Launch Lionsgate Play in India

Partnership Gives Airtel Customers access to Premium Content including Blockbuster Film Franchises, New and Recent Theatrical Releases and Deep Library...

Airtel launches ‘Airtel Wi-Fi Calling’ India’s first Voice over Wi-Fi service

Will significantly enhance indoor voice calling experience for smartphone customers...

Airtel discontinues 3G services in Maharashtra (excluding Mumbai) and Goa

Re-farms 3G spectrum to further augment its existing high speed 4G network to improve network quality and serve customers with world-class services...

Airtel announces Revised Tariffs for Mobile customers

New Delhi, December 01, 2019: Further to its statement dated November 18, 2019, Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest integrated telecommunications company...

November 2019

Wynk music is now india’s #1 music app by daily active users.

Industry leading personalization and content library drive user preference for Wynk Music...

Airtel bolsters Airtel X labs portfolio with acquihire of Quikmile

Will add to Airtel X Lab’s innovation pipeline for Digital India...

Now purchase FASTag at Airtel Payments Bank and enjoy exciting benefits

FASTag makes road travel frictionless by enabling automatic cashless payments at toll plazas across India, thereby, reducing the traffic congestion, transit time and pollution...

Airtel partners with CuriosityStream to bring award- winning factual entertainment to Indian customers

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest integrated telecommunications services provider, is today announcing...

Media Statement from Bharti Airtel

We understand that TRAI is likely to initiate a consultation for bringing rationality in pricing in the Indian mobile sector which has been operating at prices that have been eroding the...

Airtel launches Enterprise Hub, a one-stop digital self-care portal for enterprise customers

Airtel Business customers can now seamlessly access a host of services including bill payments and complete account management on a single interface with a single sign-in...

Airtel Home Broadband gets a new brand identity with ‘Xstream Fibre’

Airtel Xstream Fibre plans offer FASTER SPEEDS, MORE DATA and Airtel Thanks benefits to serve the evolving needs of Smart Homes...

October 2019

Airtel launches unique program to support start-ups and accelerate their growth.

Acquires stake in Vahan – the Bengaluru based startup focused on enabling jobs for the next billion internet users...

Airtel shuts down 3G network in Punjab, upgrades customers to high speed 4G network

Deploys 3G spectrum to further bolster its 4G network and serve customers with world-class high speed network....

Airtel chosen as Network Solution partner for Faridabad Smart City project

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest integrated telecommunications services provider, today said that it has been chosen as the strategic Network Solution partner by Faridabad Smart City Limited (FSCL) to transform....

September 2019

Airtel payments bank partners with hdfc ergo, launches innovative mosquito disease protection policy.

At just INR 99 per annum the policy provides cover against seven common mosquito-borne diseases...

Airtel partners with Bharti AXA Life to launch an innovative prepaid bundle with inbuilt insurance cover of Rs 4 Lakh

Airtel's new Rs 599 pre-paid bundle offers 2 GB/day, Unlimited Local/STD Calls, 100 SMS/day for 84 days along with term insurance of Rs 4 lakh...

Airtel Payments Bank Launches ‘Bharosa Savings Account’

With a minimum monthly balance requirement of just Rs 500, ‘Bharosa’ account offers free accident cover of Rs Five Lakhs...

Airtel Outlines Its Digital Entertainment Vision with the Launch of First-of its-Kind Converged Platform – ‘Airtel Xstream’

Rolls out a range of Airtel Xstream devices, applications and services for a rising Digital India ...

Airtel launches 1Gbps ‘Airtel Xstream Fibre’ with unlimited ultra-fast broadband at just Rs 3999

Airtel's latest offering to unlock the Airtel Xstream digital entertainment experience in connected homes...

August 2019

Airtel appoints rajesh tapadia as ceo of nxtra data.

New Delhi, August 19, 2019: Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest integrated telecommunications services provider, today said that it has appointed Rajesh Tapadia as Chief Executive Officer of its data centre and cloud business - Nxtra Data...

Airtel builds the Backbone for Digital Uttar Pradesh

UP State Wide Area Network 2.0 goes live. Integrated solution comprising of 885 PoPs with MPLS bandwidth will connect State, District, Block and Tehsil Headquarters across the state...

As part of #AirtelThanks benefits, Airtel now offers FREE access to renowned online courses from global ed tech Shaw Academy

Airtel Platinum customers to get FREE access to one year courses worth Rs 6000 as part of their plan benefits...

Airtel bags top honors at the Frost & Sullivan ICT Awards

Wins “Enterprise Data Service Provider of the Year” award and “Enterprise Telecom Service Provider of the Year” award in the large enterprise segment...

Airtel Payments Bank ties up with Bharti AXA Life Insurance to offer Bharti AXA Life POS Saral Jeevan Bima Yojana

Bharti AXA Life POS Saral Jeevan Bima Yojana provides pure term insurance cover of up to Rs 5 lakh at affordable premium rates...

Joint Press Statement from Bharti Airtel and Tata Teleservices

This announcement is regarding the merger of the Consumer Mobile Businesses of Tata Teleservices Limited (TTSL) and Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited (TTML) into Bharti Airtel Limited...

Airtel shuts down 3G network in Kolkata

Re-farms 3G spectrum to further bolster its high speed 4G network and serve customers with world-class services...

Airtel rolls out exclusive #AirtelThanks benefits for ‘V-Fiber’ Home Broadband Customers

Offers access to premium content from Netflix, Amazon, ZEE5 and much more with home broadband plans of Rs 1099 and above...

Airtel Thanks its Mobile Customers with FREE Hello Tunes

As part of the exclusive rewards under #AirtelThanks, customers can now set their favourite songs as Hello Tunes for FREE through Wynk Music app...

Airtel Payments Bank launches ‘Atal Pension Yojana’ for its customers

First payments bank in India to offer Government of India backed Atal Pension Yojana...

Airtel gives Lakshadweep its First 4G network

Lakshadweep archipelago now connected with mainland India through a digital superhighway as part of Government’s Digital India vision...

Airtel augments 4G network in Jammu & Kashmir with LTE 2100 technology

Deployment of 4G on the 2100 Mhz band will significantly enhance 4G capacity, improve network quality and enhance...

Airtel upgrades 4G network in Delhi NCR, deploys LTE 900 technology to boost indoor coverage

Will enhance indoor network experience for smartphone customers

OYO Hotels & Homes and Airtel Partner to launch OYO Store on Airtel Thanks App

Now book and pay for affordable and quality accommodations seamlessly via OYO Store on Airtel Thanks App

Airtel Payments Bank enables BHIM Airtel Payments Bank enables BHIM UPI based payments at over 500,000 merchants

Consumers can make instant cashless payments at these merchants by using any BHIM UPI enabled bank or Payments app...

Airtel upgrades the wide range of exclusive benefits under #AirtelThanks

Airtel Platinum customers will now get unlimited access to the full ZEE5 catalogue as part of their monthly plans...

Airtel augments 4G network in Haryana with LTE 2100 technology

Deployment of 4G on the 2100 Mhz band will significantly enhance 4G capacity, improve network quality and enhance the experience of smartphone customers...

Airtel partners with HDFC Life to build a Financially Secure India, make insurance Affordable and Accessible for all

Launches India’s First Prepaid bundle @ Rs 249 with unlimited calling, 2GB per day and built-in LIFE INSURANCE COVER of Rs 4 lakhs...

Airtel boosts 4G network coverage in Himachal Pradesh with LTE 900 technology

The introduction of 4G on the superior 900 Mhz band will significantly enhance indoor network coverage and add to the experience of smartphone customers...

The new #AirtelThanks – differentiated services & exclusive experiences for Airtel customers

New #AirtelThanks – Enhanced program with Silver, Gold, Platinum tiers. Benefits offered customized to each customer, and higher tiers keep opening bigger and more exciting benefits for our customers ...

Hughes and Airtel to combine their India VSAT operations

Bharti Airtel Limited (“Airtel”), one of the world’s leading integrated providers of telecommunication services, and Hughes Communications India Ltd. (HCIL), a subsidiary of Hughes Network Systems, LLC (HUGHES)...

Airtel launches ‘Wynk Tube’ to bring Digital Entertainment to the next 200 million smartphone users

Built for India’ by Airtel’s in-house team to serve the growing demand for digital entertainment on smartphones in Tier 2, 3 towns and villages...

Airtel and Zee bring the best of Indian theatre to the TV screen

New Delhi, April 23, 2019: Airtel Digital TV, the DTH arm of Bharti Airtel, and Zee Theatre, the popular theatre segment of Zee Entertainment...

Get all the election season action in one place: Airtel TV app rolls out Special ‘Election 2019’ Section

The section curates LIVE election news, updates and analysis from multiple platforms across India and brings it to...

Airtel boosts its digital content portfolio - launches ‘Airtel Books’ to bring an exciting reading experience to smartphone users

Available as an OTT app, Airtel Books currently offers 70,000 plus e-books from top Indian and international authors...

Airtel and FICCI Ladies Organisation launch Women’s Safety app – My Circle

The OTT app, available as a free download on iOS and Android, is open to users of any mobile network...

Airtel and Cisco announce strategic alliance to bring advanced connectivity solutions to enterprise and SMB customers

Airtel to offer Managed SD-WAN and Cisco Webex solutions to Indian enterprises and SMBs...

Airtel Further Simplifies Tariffs with New Calling Rates for Bangladesh and Nepal

Airtel prepaid mobile users can now make calls to Bangladesh at just Rs 2.99/min and to Nepal at Rs 7.99/min...

Airtel 4G now covers 297 towns and 35,674 villages across Rajasthan

As part of Project Leap, Airtel has committed significant investments to expand its network across the state to serve the fast growing demand for high speed data...

Airtel collaborates with Zoom to launch India’s first high quality Unified Communications Solution for Businesses

Offers businesses enhanced agility with ability to connect employees over video, audio and web over range of devices from any location across the world...

February 2019

Airtel customers can enjoy 100% more data and other exclusive benefits on the new xiaomi redmi note 7 series.

Bharti Airtel, India’s leading telecommunications company, today announced special offers with larger data bundles and other exclusive benefits...

Airtel 4G now covers 427 towns and 85,336 villages across Bihar and Jharkhand

As part of Project Leap, Airtel has committed significant investments to expand its network across the two states to serve the fast growing...

Airtel and Ciena to Build One of the World's Largest Photonic Control Plane Networks for delivering Ultra-fast Data over 4G, 5G and FTTH

Network to span 130,000 kms and connect 4000+ towns across India...

The all new Samsung Galaxy S10 series is now available on Airtel Online Store at a down payment starting at just Rs. 9099

Customers can pre-order the Samsung Galaxy S10+ and S10 on Airtel Online Store starting today and the smartphones will be delivered ...

Airtel launches its Next-Gen stores in Kolkata

Designed on the theme of creating excellence and wining customers for life, the Next-Gen Airtel stores set a new benchmark in customer engagement and experience...

Airtel boosts 4G network coverage in Punjab with LTE 900 technology

January 2019, airtel boosts 4g network coverage with lte 900 technology in andhra pradesh and telangana.

India’s leading mobile network – Airtel today said that it has further upgraded its 4G network in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana with the deployment of LTE 900 technology...

Airtel puts Andaman and Nicobar on the digital superhighway – becomes the first operator to launch 4G services in the islands

Bharti Airtel Limited is a leading global telecommunications company with operations in 18 countries across Asia and Africa...

November 2018

Airtel and hoichoi partner to bring exciting hoichoi content on the airtel tv app.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider, today announced that it has entered into a partnership with hoichoi.....

Gopal Vittal appointed as Board member of GSMA

Gopal Vittal, MD & CEO (India and South Asia), Bharti Airtel has been elected to the Board of GSMA for the 2019-2020 term.....

Airtel expands 4G footprint in Odisha with launch of services in Patnagarh

Airtel 4G now available in over 100 towns and 20,000 plus villages across Odisha.....

October 2018

Airtel 3.0 – an exciting digital future gets unveiled @ imc 2018.

Bharti Airtel, India’s leading telecommunications services provider, today showcased a range of futuristic digital technologies and exciting products at the India.....

This festive season Airtel offers its customers cashback of Rs 2000 on purchase of any 4G smartphone

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s telecommunications service provider, resolution to their frequent account related queries through the Google Assistant.....

Airtel launches Google Assistant based Digital Customer Care

Iphone xr arrives on airtel online store.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s telecommunications service provider, today announced that iPhone XR has arrived on its Online Store ....

Google Pixel 3 and 3XL come to Airtel Online Store

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider, today announced that the Google Pixel 3 and Google Pixel 3XL have arrived on its Online Store....

Airtel launches Airtel Thanks to delight customers with exclusive benefits

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider, today launched #AirtelThanks – its biggest digital program to delight its valued customers....

Airtel VoLTE is now live across Bengal & Sikkim

Bharti Airtel (Airtel), India’s leading telecommunications service provider, today announced the launch of its Voice over LTE (VoLTE) services across Bengal....

Airtel strengthens Artificial Intelligence portfolio

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecom services provider, today announced an acquihire deal with AuthMe ID Services (“AuthMe”), a Bengaluru based start-up focused....

September 2018

Iphone xs and iphone xs max arrive on airtel online store.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications service provider, announced that starting today customers can pre-order iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max....

Vivo V11 Pro now available on Airtel Online Store at a down payment of just INR 4299

Bharti Airtel (Airtel), India’s leading telecommunications service provider, today announced the availability of the all-new Vivo V11 Pro an affordable....

Airtel introduces new simplified combo recharge packs for its prepaid customers

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading mobile operator, today launched a new range of convenient combo prepaid recharge packs that are aimed....

Over 200 4G smartphone models now support Airtel VoLTE

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider, today announced that over 200 4G smartphones now support its Voice....

August 2018

Airtel announces massive expansion plans for its future-ready network in rajasthan.

Airtel and Netflix today announced an expansion of their partnership in India through which subscribers of select Airtel Postpaid and V-Fiber....

Airtel And Netflix Announce Strategic Partnership

Airtel upgrades mobile network to step up voice experience in odisha.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s leading telecommunications services provider, today said that it has upgraded its mobile network in Odisha....

Airtel Launches Foreign Pass International Roaming Voice Packs for Prepaid Customers

Airtel (“Airtel”) today launched affordable international roaming voice packs, ‘Foreign Pass’, for prepaid customers in India.....

Thank You Punjab says Airtel as it crosses 10 million mobile customers mark in the state

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications service provider, today said that it has become the first mobile operator in Punjab....

One million Airtel customers avail Amazon Pay Gift Card in less than 5 days

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), today announced that over one million of its customers availed the Amazon Pay Gift Card in less than 5 days of its roll out....

Airtel Payments Bank and Bharti AXA Life Insurance announce first of its kind alliance to offer ‘Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana’

Airtel Payments Bank becomes the first payments bank in India to offer the Government of India backed life insurance scheme....

Media Statement from Airtel on relief measures for Kerala Floods

Airtel’s network teams and partners to continue making efforts to ensure the network is up and running despite the challenge of lack of power supply....

Airtel Thanks its Smartphone Customers with a Special Amazon Pay Gift Card

New Delhi, August 14, 2018: As part of its 23rd anniversary celebrations, Airtel is rolling out an exciting gift for its smartphone customers in partnership with Amazon Pay....

Airtel and Telecom Egypt announce strategic partnership for global submarine cable systems

Cairo/ New Delhi, August 6, 2018: Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), a leading global telecom services provider, and Telecom Egypt, Egypt’s first integrated telecom operator,......

Airtel strengthens its 4G network in UP (East) - adds 5 MHz spectrum to boost its data network and voice services

The deployment will significantly enhance indoor and outdoor coverage and deliver a superior high speed and voice experience to customers.....

Airtel rolls out Bandwidth on Demand Platform for Businesses across the Globe

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, today announced the launch of Bandwidth on Demand platform for customers across the globe.....

Airtel announces massive network expansion plans for Odisha

To make significant investments to rollout 4,400 new mobile sites across the state to augment its high speed network footprint....

Airtel announces massive network expansion plans for West Bengal

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications service provider, today said that it will make significant investments to expand its high speed network....

Airtel announces senior leadership appointments for its B2B unit

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, today announced senior leadership appointments for its B2B unit – Airtel Business.....

Google Pixel 2 range comes to Airtel Online Store - down payments start at just Rs 10,599

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, today said that Google Pixel range of smartphones is now available on the Airtel....

Did Airtel really bow down to a discriminatory request? Maybe you should read this

Monday was simply a case of two dedicated professionals, Shoaib and Gaganjot, following a dutiful course in their regular work shift....

India’s fastest network - Airtel to further strengthen its network footprint in Mumbai

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services service provider, today announced massive network deployment plans for Mumbai...

Airtel launches India’s first Quad-Play platform - ‘Airtel Home’

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services service provider, today announced of ‘Airtel Home’, India’s first-of-its-kind digital quad-play platform...

Nokia 8, Nokia 7 Plus and Nokia 6.1 now available on Airtel Online Store with down payments starting at just Rs. 3799

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications service provider announced that Nokia’s premium smartphones – Nokia 8 Sirocco, Nokia 7 Plus, and Nokia 6.1...

Airtel and Amazon India join hands to introduce a range of affordable 4G smartphones at an effective price starting at only INR 3399

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications service provider and Amazon India, today announced a strategic partnership with an aim to jointly...

Apple Watch Series 3 with built-in cellular arrives at Airtel – India’s fastest mobile network

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services service provider, today announced that it has begun selling Apple Watch Series 3...

Airtel announces massive expansion plans for its future-ready network in Maharashtra & Goa

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services service provider, today announced it massive network roll-out plans for FY 2018-19 to further expand...

Bharti Airtel rolls out first-of-its-kind Carrier Digital Platform for Wholesale Voice Business

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services service provider, today announced the launch of a first-of-its-kind carrier digital...

Airtel gears up for massive expansion of its future-ready network in Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh in FY 2018-19

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services service provider, today announced it massive network roll-out plans for FY 2018-19...

Airtel makes it easier for customers to upgrade to a 4G smartphone

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, today rolled out another special initiative to help more...

Airtel introduces new 300 Mbps Home Broadband plan for superfast data enthusiasts

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, today said that it has introduced an all new superfast Home broadband plan...

Airtel and ALTBalaji join hands to offer exciting digital content

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, and ALTBalaji, a wholly owned subsidiary of Balaji...

Airtel offers the Samsung Galaxy S9 range starting at Rs. 9900

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecom services provider, today introduced the much awaited Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus...

Airtel acquires the India leg of GBI’s India–Middle East–Europe submarine cable

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications service provider, and Gulf Bridge International (“GBI”), a global cloud...

Airtel launches VoLTE services in Kolkata

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications service provider, today announced the launch of its VoLTE...

February 2018

Airtel and motorola partner to offer 4g smartphones starting at rs 3999.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, and Motorola Mobility India, today...

Airtel and HMD Global partner to offer affordable 4G smartphones

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, and HMD Global today announced a partnership...

Airtel and Hotstar announce strategic partnership

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, and Hotstar, India’s largest premium streaming...

January 2018

Airtel and amazon join hands to offer one year of amazon prime membership with airtel....

Prime membership benefits include unlimited free fast delivery on eligible items from India’s largest online selection...

Airtel and Samsung join hands to transform India into a smartphone nation

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, and Samsung, India’s No. 1 smartphone...

December 2017

Airtel rolls out new version of the airtel tv app.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider has launched a new version of its Airtel TV app with a wider content ...

Airtel puts India’s northern frontier on to the digital superhighway

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, today became the first operator to launch ...

Airtel and Intex join hands to launch a range of affordable...

Airtel further expands device ecosystem under its ‘Mera Pehla Smartphone’ initiative, which has received an extremely positive response from customers ...

Airtel Acquires Strategic Stake in Juggernaut

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications service provider, today said that it has acquired a strategic stake...

November 2017

Airtel launches volte services in karnataka.

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications service provider, has expanded its VoLTE (Voice over LTE)...

Tata Teleservices mobile customers to start transitioning to the Airtel network

Will be able to enjoy world-class services on India’s largest network with their existing SIMs and same plan/packs benefits

Airtel and Karbonn strengthen their partnership under the ‘Mera Pehla Smartphone’ initiative

Launch two new 4G smartphones at the price of a feature phone. All devices under the Airtel-Karbonn partnership will also be available on Amazon India.

Airtel launches India’s first Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Community Lab

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, today announced the launch of India’s first Telecom...

Airtel introduces new Postpaid and Prepaid innovations

Now offers Unlimited Calls with Free National Roaming, 20 GB data, Device Protection and exciting Digital Content at just Rs 499 with ...

Now Airtel Broadband customers can carry forward unused data

Airtel introduces ‘Data Rollover’ for its home broadband customers

iPhone X, the future of smartphone, is coming to Airtel’s Online Store

Goes on sale on November 3 exclusively for Airtel postpaid customers; early birds to get cashback of Rs 10,000

October 2017

Airtel partners with celkon to offer 4g smartphone.

The ‘Celkon Smart 4G’ comes with a four inch touch screen, dual SIM slots and access to all popular apps like YouTube, WhatsApp and Facebook

Airtel launches VoLTE services in Gujarat

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, today announced the launch...

Airtel offers iPhone 7 at just Rs 7777

Launches Online Store to bring a range of premium devices at affordable down payments and bundled monthly plans

Airtel partners with device manufacturers to offer 4G smartphones

At an effective price of Rs 1399, brings 4G smartphone bundled with an attractive monthly recharge pack and cash back benefits

September 2017

Airtel launches 'gst advantage' for small businesses.

Now companies can file GST Returns in an accurate, secure and seamless manner, totally free of cost.

Airtel deploys Massive MIMO India's first 5G capable technology

New technology will expand existing network capacity by 5-7 times, leading to much faster data speeds and better customer experience

Airtel launches VoLTE services go LIVE in Mumbai

The company plans to roll out VoLTE across the country over the next few months...

Airtel Payments Bank and HPCL announce strategic partnership...

Airtel Payments Bank customers will be able to make secure and convenient digital payments for fuel purchases at over 14,000 HPCL fuel stations...

August 2017

Airtel and symantec announce strategic partnership to offer leading cyber security....

First-of-its-kind partnership to leverage Airtel’s extensive reach in B2B segment and Symantec’s Integrated Cyber Defense Platform to bring...

Airtel releases 2017 India Sustainability Report

New Delhi, July 17, 2017: Bharti Airtel (Airtel), India’s largest telecommunications company, has released its 2017 India Sustainability Report that outlines its approach towards...

Airtel announces ‘Project Next’ its digital innovation program...

Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, today announced the launch of Project Next - its digital innovation program...

Airtel Business launches first of its kind Digital Platform to offer integrated solutions...

The platform will offer connectivity solutions to Emerging Businesses by leveraging Airtel’s wide product portfolio and network presence across India...

Government of Telangana launches Hyderabad City Wi-Fi Project

India’s first biggest free public Wi-Fi initiative towards an empowered Digital India. Hyderabad goes Hy-Fi with over 3000 Wi-Fi hotspots to be provided within the capital city...

Airtel launches *121# Digital Care for Prepaid Customers in Hindi and 10...

Makes it even more convenient for customers to quickly resolve basic queries like balance, validity etc. without having to call customer care or visit a retail store...

Airtel offers up to 100% more data across high speed broadband plans to drive India’s...

Following its rollout of ‘V-Fiber’ superfast broadband to serve the exploding demand for reliable high speed data solutions in Indian...

Bharti Airtel announces consolidated Ind-AS results for the fourth quarter...

Airtel strengthened its leadership in India with all time high revenue market share. Full Year Consolidated Revenues at Rs 95,468 crore,...

Airtel and Amazon announce partnership to enable a superior online content experience...

Customers can enjoy 100 GB free high speed data on Airtel Home Broadband/Airtel 4G...

Enjoy the ‘Baahubali’ experience on Airtel – India’s Fastest Mobile Network

Airtel announces strategic partnership with ‘Baahubali-2’ to rollout special products...

Airtel Builds a Future Ready Network Doubles Mobile Sites in Just Two Years

In one of the largest network rollouts globally deploys 180,000 mobile sites in the last two years, which is same as total...

Airtel’s 4G website wins at the prestigiousInternational Davey Awards

We are delighted to announce that Airtel’s 4G website - www.airtel.in/4G has won the Silver Award for its creative design...

Airtel launches 'Internet TV' for Digital Homes

Airtel launches ‘Internet TV’ for Digital Homes India’s first Hybrid DTH Set-top box, powered by Android TV...

Airtel Rated as India’s Fastest Network by Ookla

Yet another recognition for India’s Best Smartphone Network...

Airtel launches 4G in Jammu & Kashmir

Rolls out services in 25 towns across Jammu region; customers can now enjoy high speed mobile broadband on India’s best smartphone network...

Airtel is the fastest mobile network in India?

The Airtel Girl and her friends will answer it in a brand new campaign, which goes on air today...

Bharti Airtel to acquire Tikona Networks’ 4G Business

To add 2300 MHz spectrum to its portfolio in five circles. Acquisition to further bolster Airtel’s...

Bharti Airtel completes secondary sale of 10.3 stake

Proceeds to be primarily used to pare debt...

Airtel Payments Bank enables 100 villages across Tamil Nadu

Takes banking services to the last mile and builds a rural ecosystem for digital payments to make villages less reliant on cash ...

Airtel Payments Bank adds Spencer’s Retail to its digital payments ecosystem

Its customers can now make convenient digital payments over their mobile phones at all Spencer’s...

Airtel acquires strategic stake in FinTech Startup Seynse

New Delhi, Feb 22, 2017: Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”) today said that it has, through its subsidiary Bharti Airtel Services, acquired a strategic equity stake...

War on Roaming declared

Death of National Roaming – Airtel announces Free Incoming calls/SMS and No Premium on Outgoing Calls while Roaming across India; no more data roaming charges...

Airtel crosses two million home broadband customers mark

Rolls out ‘Airtel Surprises’ for all home broadband customers to mark the milestone ...

Airtel rolls out future ready 4G network across Maharashtra and Goa

Expands 4G footprint to over 400 towns across the two states...

Airtel Payments Bank crosses One Lakh Savings Accounts

60% of the accounts opened in rural areas, contributing to financial inclusion in the State...

Airtel Payments Bank crosses 150,000 savings accounts mark in West Bengal

Announces tie ups with leading retail outlets/ chains like Spencers, Khadims, Manyavar,...

Airtel launches V-Fiber in Bhopal to deliver superfast broadband...

'V-Fiber' will enable data speeds of up to 100 Mbps over Airtel’s existing broadband network and deliver superior experience in a multi-device environment...

Airtel launches V-Fiber in Bengaluru to deliver superfast broadband...

V-Fiber’ will enable data speeds of up to 100 Mbps over Airtel’s existing broadband network and deliver superior experience in a multi-device environment...

Airtel launches V-Fiber in Hyderabad to deliver superfast broadband...

‘V-Fiber’ will enable data speeds of up to 100 Mbps over Airtel’s existing broadband network and deliver superior experience in a multi-device environment...

Airtel Upgrades Mobile Network in Delhi-NCR

Deploys additional spectrum and state of the art ‘Dual Carrier’ technology in the 2100 MHz band to deliver 4G like data speeds even on 3G...

Airtel appoints Badal Bagri as Chief Financial Officer - India & South Asia

New Delhi, January 11, 2017: Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, today announced the appointment of Badal Bagri...

Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley launches Airtel Payments Bank

Will take digital banking services to the doorstep of every Indian, particularly in unbanked rural areas, and contribute to the Government’s vision of Digital India...

Airtel appoints Raj Pudipeddi as Director - Consumer Business & Chief Marketing Officer

New Delhi, January 18, 2017: Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider today announced the appointment of Raj Pudipeddi as Director...

Airtel invites customers to experience India’s fastest 4G network

Offers free data for 12 months to customers who switch to Airtel 4G This offer is open only till February 28, 2017...

Airtel launches 4G in Durgapur

Airtel's 4G network in Durgapur is Carrier Aggregation ready from day one, enabling mobile data speeds up to 135 Mbps...

Airtel offers free voice calls to anywhere in India

Introduces two new bundled packs offering great value with best-in-class mobile experience...

Bharti Airtel enters into an exclusive agreement with Orascom to acquire ...

The proposed deal to further strengthen Airtel’s global capacity footprint and will help serve customers with superior services...

Airtel launches ‘V-Fiber’ in Ahmedabad to deliver superfast broadband...

Airtel payments bank rolls out pilot services in andhra pradesh ....

Over 15,000 neighborhood Airtel retail outlets in towns and villages across Andhra Pradesh and Telangana will also act as banking points and offer convenient banking services...

Airtel Payments Bank Announces Initiatives to Drive Adoption of Digital Payments

To contribute to Government’s Digital India vision and the country’s transition to a cashless economy...

Airtel launches ‘V-Fiber’ in Mumbai to deliver superfast broadband...

Airtel launches ‘v-fiber’ in pune to deliver superfast broadban, airtel payments bank rolls out pilot services in karnataka.

Over 12,000 neighborhood Airtel retail outlets in towns and villages across Karnataka will also act as banking points and offer convenient banking services to customers...

Airtel appoints Sunil Taldar as CEO & Director – DTH

New Delhi, December 5, 2016: Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, today said that it has appointed Sunil Taldar as CEO & Director - DTH....

Bharti Airtel enters into an exclusive agreement with Orascom to acquire MENA-SCS

Airtel payments bank crosses one lakh savings accounts milestone in less than two weeks....

Pilot in Rajasthan receives extremely positive customer response 70% of the accounts opened in rural areas, contributing to the Government’s vision...

Airtel launches 4G in Assam

Introduces exciting 4G offer for Pre-paid customers: Now enjoy 10 GB 4G data for just Rs 249 with any new 4G mobile handset...

Airtel launches ‘V-Fiber’ in Ahmedabad to deliver superfast broadband

Airtel payments bank announces additional benefit on savings deposits.

For every Rupee deposited in a Airtel Payments Bank savings a/c, customers will get one minute of talk time on their Airtel mobile number...

Over 10,000 customers open savings accounts with Airtel Payments Bank within first...

Airtel Payments Bank is the first Payments Bank to go LIVE in the country with the roll-out of pilot services in Rajasthan...

India’s first Payments Bank goes LIVE-Airtel Payments Bank starts pilot...

Over 10,000 Airtel retail outlets in towns and villages across Rajasthan will function as banking points and offer convenient banking services to customers...

Airtel achieves 74% reduction in emissions per terabyte on its network

Outlines 360 degree Sustainability Vision and key achievements for India operations in its India Sustainability Report 2016...

Airtel appoints Vani Venkatesh as CEO - Retail

New Delhi, November 8, 2016: Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s largest telecommunications services provider, today announced the appointment of Vani Venkatesh as CEO – Retail....

Airtel deploys 4G Advanced in Tamil Nadu to deliver...

Customers in Chennai, Madurai, Hosur, Vellore, Pondy, Trichy, Coimbatore, Salem & Tiruppur can now enjoy a superior 4G experience....

Airtel partners with TSRTC to offer Wi-Fi services on buses in Hyderabad

Launches Wi-Fi to help commuters stay connected in one of Hyderabad’s busiest route. 115 luxury AC buses running on busy city routes will provide complimentary Wi-Fi on Airtel’s 4G network...

Airtel launches 4G in Sikkim

Airtel’s high speed mobile broadband network now LIVE in Gangtok. Airtel’s 4G network in Gangtok is Carrier Aggregation ready from day one, enabling mobile data speeds up to 135 Mbps...

Airtel launches 4G in Jabalpur and Satna

Expands 4G network in Madhya Pradesh. Introduces exciting 4G offer for Pre-paid customers: Now enjoy 10 GB 4G data for just Rs 249 with any new 4G mobile handset...

Airtel launches 4G services in Rajkot & Bhavnagar

Expands 4G footprint in Gujarat. Introduces exciting 4G offer for Pre-paid customers: Now enjoy 10 GB 4G data for just Rs 249 with every new 4G mobile handset...

Airtel launches 4G in Uttar Pradesh

Rolls out high speed mobile broadband services in Lucknow, Kanpur, Gorakhpur, Varanasi, Allahabad, Agra, Bareilly & Meerut. Introduces exciting 4G offer for Pre-paid customers: Now enjoy 10 GB 4G data for just Rs 249 in UPW and 255 in UPE with every new 4G mobile handset...


First Indian to chair the prestigious telecom industry Board. Mittal leads GSMA Board delegation in a meeting with the Indian Prime Minister...

Airtel fortifies its strong spectrum portfolio

Acquires 173.8 Mhz spectrum in 1800/2100/2300 Mhz bands through auction for Rs 14,244 cr...

Airtel launches 10 Day packs for International...

Starting at just Rs. 1199, the 10 day packs also offer bundles of data and India calling minutes...

Airtel expands 4G footprint in Gujarat Launches...

Introduces exciting 4G offer for Pre-paid customers: Now enjoy 10 GB 4G data for just Rs 249 with every new 4G mobile handset...

Airtel launches 4G in Jaipur

Expands 4G footprint to 27 towns across Rajasthan. Airtel 4G now also available in Didwana, Fatehpur, Ladnu, Makrana, Tonk, Rajsamand, Nathdwara, Bundi and Dungarpur...

Airtel launches 4G in Bihar

Rolls out high speed mobile broadband services in Patna, Gaya, Siwan, Motihari & Bhagalpur...

Airtel launches 4G in Chhattisgarh Rolls out high speed mobile...

Airtel expands 4g footprint across gujarat.

Launches 4G services in Vadodara and Anand Introduces exciting 4G offer for all its customers: Now enjoy 10 GB 4G data for just Rs 249 with any new 4G mobile handset...

Airtel launches 4G services in Gwalior & Ashok Nagar

Introduces exciting 4G offer for Pre-paid customers: Now enjoy 10 GB 4G data for just Rs. 249 with every new 4G mobile handset...

Airtel expands 4G footprint across Madhya Pradesh

Launches 4G services in Bhopal, Raisen and Vidisha. Introduces exciting 4G offer for Pre-paid customers: Now enjoy 10 GB 4G data for just Rs 249 with every new 4G mobile handset...

Airtel unveils a new digital gateway with its MyAirtel App

One app for all apps - MyAirtel App brings the best of the web under a single interface with a curation of popular apps. Enjoy the best of music, movies games, LIVE TV, e-books; chats and much more in one place...

Airtel launches 4G services in Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh

In an industry first, Airtel 4G in Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh to be rolled out on 10 MHz spectrum in 1800MHz band using the FD LTE technology. Announces exciting 4G offer for Pre-paid customers: Now enjoy 10 GB 4G data for just Rs 249 with every new 4G mobile handset...

Airtel launches 4G services in Gujarat

Rolls out services in Ahmedabad Announces exciting 4G offer for Pre-paid customers: Now enjoy 10 GB 4G data for just Rs 249 with every new 4G mobile handset...

Airtel launches ‘V-Fiber to deliver superfast broadband to ‘Digital Homes’

V-Fiber’ will deliver superfast data speeds over Airtel’s existing broadband network and enable a great online experience in a multi-device environment...

Airtel announces Free Incoming Calls on International Roaming

Take your Airtel number wherever you go - Airtel’s new IR packs offer big bundles of data, free India calling minutes, free incoming calls and free texts...

Airtel rolls out 20,000 units of Aadhaar based e-KYC solution across India

Positive response: Over 50,000 subscribers per day activating their Airtel mobile SIMs in a matter of few minutes Airtel plans to have the solution in over 500,000 stores...

Airtel rolls out 4G in North Bengal, launches services in Siliguri

Siliguri becomes the first town in North Bengal to have 4G services...

Airtel deploys 4G Advanced Carrier Aggregation technology in...

Will enable 4G data speeds of up to 135 Mbps on commercially available handsets...

Airtel gears up for launch of 4G services in Assam...

Invites customers to upgrade their existing SIMs to 4G ready USIMs free of cost The launch will be a part Airtel’s network transformation initiative – “Project Leap”...

Bharti Airtel launches ‘India with Airtel’ – a bouquet of end-to-end...

‘India with Airtel’ will enable faster business roll-outs and offer joint go- to-market solutions with Airtel...

Customers contribute to Airtel’s ‘Open Network’ initiative...

Airtel’s unique network initiative has received positive response from customers, who have shared feedback and suggestions and provided leads for putting up network sites...

Verizon Digital Media Services partners with Airtel to further...

verizon Digital Media Services partners with Airtel Business to expand footprint with four new points of presence in India, including: Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore and New Delhi...

Airtel deploys 4G Advanced Carrier Aggregation technology...

Airtel’s latest prepaid innovation – ‘mega saver pack’.

Now enjoy 1GB 4G/3G prepaid data for Rs. 51. Airtel introduces two new 4G/ 3G data packs that offer great value to data users – the more you recharge, the more you save...

Airtel rolls out Aadhaar based e-KYC solution

A simple and convenient Aadhaar based digital verification process will facilitate instant activation of Airtel mobile connections...

Airtel launches 4G services in Kharagpur

Kharagpur becomes the second town in the state of Bengal to have 4G services...

Airtel broadband homes now get free additional data ...

In an industry first, Airtel rewards all its broadband homes with 5GB free additional data for every Airtel postpaid and/or digital TV (DTH) connection in their home/family. The more connections you have the more free data you get...

Wynk Music is the most downloaded music app on Play Store

The popular music app has seen the highest* downloads on Play Store month on month since December 2015 Over 25 million downloads till date; plays over 15 million songs every day...

Airtel expands 4G footprint in Kerala, launches...

Airtel 4G is now LIVE in 200 towns across Kerala offering superfast 4G speeds at the price of 3G. The launch is part of Project Leap - Airtel’s nationwide network transformation initiative...

Airtel enhances 4G network capacity in Bangalore - rolls out ...

Airtel already offers 4G in the city using TD LTE in the 2300 Mhz band. Combination of TD and FD 4G technologies to deliver a superior mobile broadband experience to customers. The roll-out is part of Project Leap - Airtel’s nationwide network transformation initiative...

Airtel drops pre-paid data tariffs

Increases data benefits on pre-paid packs by up to 67% Added data benefits on monthly packs to boost data consumption amongst existing users by offering more value; Sachet Packs to drive affordability and help bring first time users online...

Airtel gears up for launch of 4G services in Gujarat

Invites customers to upgrade their existing SIMs to 4G ready USIMs free of cost. The launch will be a part Airtel’s network transformation initiative – Project Leap...

Airtel expands its footprint in Arunachal Pradesh

Launches 2G and 3G services in Lumla, Nafra and Longding...

Airtel announces open network initiative under project leap

In a paradigm shift, the company makes public its entire network coverage information through an interactive online interface; asks customers for feedback to help it improve its network...

Singtel and Airtel announce a strategic alliance to provide...

New combined network is among the largest global IP VPNs offering seamless data connectivity to over 300 cities across the world Multinational corporations can leverage new network to manage their global operations using high bandwidth applications...

Airtel rolls out Platinum 3G network for customers...

Platinum 3G offer significantly enhanced indoor coverage, better voice clarity, and faster internet speeds...

Airtel launches 4G services in Sivakasi...

The launch is a part of Airtel’s ongoing Network Transformation Program - Project Leap...

In an industry first, Airtel announces self-regulation...

To implement 25% more stringent mobile call drop benchmark of 1.5% versus 2% prescribed by the TRAI...

Airtel launches Platinum 3G services in Assam

3G services using dual spectrum band - 900 MHz and 2100 MHz - to offer superior customer experience through faster internet speeds, better indoor coverage and voice clarity...

Airtel Offers Double Data for Prepaid Customers

With new data packs customers get extra mobile data at night to effectively double their data limits...

Airtel rolls out Platinum 3G network for...

Boosts network quality and offers superior voice & data experience for customers in the city...

Airtel launches 4G services in Cuddalore & Ambur

The launch is a part of Airtel’s ongoing Network Transformation Program - Project Leap. Tamilnadu’s First 4G network was launched by Airtel in Chennai in June, 2015...

GBI and Airtel Business announce partnership

May 1, 2016, New Delhi: Airtel Business and GBI, a global service provider that owns and operates a multilayer carrier neutral network connecting the world to the Middle East...

Airtel expands cloud services portfolio with launch of ‘Connexion’

Connexion’ leverages Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute to deliver secure, scalable and seamless private connection for enterprises...

Airtel expands 4G services to 40 towns in...

Airtel launches 4g in shimoga expands 4g footprint to 110..., airtel’s baisakhi gift for punjab – high speed platinum 3g.

To roll out Platinum 3G on the efficient 900 MHz band spectrum in all major cities...

Airtel launches 4G in Guruvayoor & Kottayam, expands 4G footprint

Airtel rolls out platinum 3g network for customers in hyderabad.

As a part of Project Leap, Airtel modernizes its 3G network in these cities for a world-class voice and data experience for customers...

Airtel launches 4G services in Chidambaram-Sriperumbudur and Karaikudi

Airtel launches 2g jackpot in rajasthan.

Prepaid customers stand a chance to get Jackpot benefits upto 10 GB on every 2G data recharge of INR 225...

Airtel launches 4G services in Bhiwadi and Neemrana

Superfast 4G speeds now available at the price of 3G...

Airtel rolls out Platinum 3G network in Imphal and Churachandpur...

Boosts network quality and offers superior voice & data experience for customers in the region...

Airtel’s 2G is the best network in Maharashtra and Mumbai – TRAI

Mumbai, March 7, 2016: Bharti Airtel Limited (“Airtel”), India’s no. 1 operator and the third largest mobile services provider...

Bharti Airtel launches Wi-Fi service in Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata

Kolkata’s landmark destination to have Wi-Fi service enabled by Bharti Airtel...

Airtel launches 4G services in Goa

Superfast 4G services available at 3G prices Customers can now enjoy 4G with immediate SIM swap and home delivery...

Airtel launches 4G in Jharsuguda, expands 4G footprint to 8 towns...

The launch is a part of Airtel’s ongoing Network Transformation Program - Project Leap Odisha’s first 4G network was launched by Airtel in Bhubaneswar...

Airtel expands its 4G services in Karimnagar

Enables customers of Karimnagar to enjoy the benefits of a high-speed mobile broadband...

Solan to now experience Airtel 4G in Himachal Pradesh

Becomes 4th town in HP after Shimla, Baddi and Mandi to experience the power of blazing 4G speed...

Mandi to now experience Airtel 4G in Himachal Pradesh

Becomes 3rd town in HP after Shimla and Baddi to experience the power of blazing 4G speeds...

Airtel expands its 4G services in Kakinada

Becomes the first operator to enable customers of Kakinada to enjoy the benefits of a smart city seamlessly...

Airtel rolls out Platinum 3G network in Agartala under “Project Leap”

Airtel expands its 4g footprint in rajasthan.

Kota becomes the third city after Ajmer and Udaipur to experience Airtel’s superfast 4G speeds...

Airtel launches 4G in Kannur, expands 4G footprint to 100 towns in Kerala

Airtel rolls out platinum 3g network in itanagar under “project leap”, bharti airtel's focus on green network initiatives transforms 40,000....

Under its network transformation program "Project Leap", Airtel plans to reduce its carbon footprint by 70 percent...

Airtel rolls out Platinum 3G network for customers in Vijayawada & Vishakhapatnam

Airtel transforms retail experience for customers with brand new retail store.

Launches its 15th company-owned-company-operated retail store in Rajasthan Furthers commitment to delivering the best customer experience...

Airtel Expands its 4G Footprint Across 15 towns in Punjab for Mobile Customers

-Customers to now experience fastest internet on the move Launches 4G services in 6 new towns...

Airtel launches 4G services in Hosur

Following a compelling response in Chennai, Pondy, Vellore, Trichy, Madurai, Coimbatore, Tirupur, Tirunelveli, Salem...

Airtel launches Rajasthan’s first 4G service in Ajmer

Superfast Airtel 4G speeds to be available for customers across the state Superfast 4G speeds now available at same price as 3G...


  1. Visit Ladakh on a trip to India

    ladakh trip places

  2. How to Plan a Trip to Leh Ladakh (Travel Tips, Advice, and FAQs

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  3. How to Plan a Trip to Ladakh in July

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  4. 46 Places To Visit In Leh Ladakh (2018) > Best Tourist Places & Sightseeing

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  5. Best Place to Visit in Ladakh

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  6. Ladakh : History, Sightseeing, How To Reach & Best Time To Visit

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  5. Ladakh bike trip#ladakh #biketrip #ladakhtrip #ladakhmotovlog#nubravalley #viralvideo

  6. Top Visit Places in Ladakh 🫰❤️💘 #leh #ladakh #loveforroads902 #travel #travel #viralvideo


  1. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Ladakh (UPDATED 2024)

    Places to visit in Ladakh. THE 30 BEST Things to Do in Ladakh, India. Places to Visit in Ladakh. Check out must-see sights and activities: Pangong Tso, Khardung La, Sacred & Religious Sites, Points of Interest & Landmarks.

  2. Places To Visit In Ladakh

    Places To Visit in Ladakh . The Chumathang Hot Spring is a hot sulphur spring situated in a small hamlet along the Indus River called Chumathang about 138 km from Leh, Ladakh. The spring originates quite close to the river itself and is believed to have medicinal properties. Many believe that the mineral-rich water can cure one of skin diseases.

  3. 15 Best Places to Visit in Ladakh

    The places I mentioned come in the list of top 15 places to visit in Ladakh. I hope this will definitely help you in planning a wonderful vacation in Ladakh. Ladakh is a place one should definitely visit if they truly want to know the meaning of beauty and adventure. Other Important Ladakh Tourism Information Links. Popular Short Treks in Ladakh

  4. 25 Best Things to Do in Ladakh

    Mulbekh Monastery. 25. Mulbekh Monastery. Sitting 600 ft above the Leh-Srinagar Highway in a village called Mulbekh, Mulbekh Monastery is one of the most unique things to do in Ladakh. Home to a stunning 30-ft tall Buddha statue carved into the rock, it's unlike anything else in the region.

  5. 19 Places to visit in Ladakh

    Dating back to the 11th century, Lamayuru monastery was founded by Mahasiddhacharya Naropa and belongs to Red-Hat sect of Buddhism. Stok Kangri is the highest mountain in the entire Ladakh Region situated in the Zanskar valley. From the summit of this mountain, one can view the entire valley and surroundings.

  6. Ladakh travel

    Ladakh. India, Asia. Spectacularly jagged, arid mountains enfold this magical Buddhist ex-kingdom. Picture-perfect gompas (Tibetan Buddhist monasteries) dramatically crown rocky outcrops next to fluttering prayer flags and whitewashed stupas, while prayer wheels spun clockwise release merit-making mantras. Gompa interiors are a riot of golden ...

  7. 20 Places To Visit in Ladakh

    Here's a list of the 20 best places to visit in Ladakh. 1. Nubra Valley. Dubai isn't the only place where you can witness the best sand dunes. If you don't believe us, just visit the amazing Nubra Valley. This valley has stunning sand dunes that make a perfect backdrop for pictures.

  8. Comprehensive Travel Guide to Ladakh in North India

    Here are the essential places to visit during your time in Ladakh: Leh Market. The main hub and tourist centre of Leh is the market. The main thoroughfare is Leh Bazaar Road, which is a wide pedestrian market and shopping street. Filled with souvenir shops, book shops, general stores, trekking gear stores, tour agencies, cafes and banks, you ...

  9. A Complete 10-Day Leh Ladakh Itinerary

    Overview of this 10-Day Ladakh Itinerary. Day 1: Fly from Delhi to Leh. Day 2: Acclimatise in Leh. Day 3: Acclimatise and explore Leh town. Day 4: Day trip to Thiksey, Hemis and Shey. Day 5: Day trip to Lamayuru and Alchi. Day 6: Road trip to Nubra Valley via Khardung La.

  10. 40 Things To Do In Ladakh (With Photos) One Must Experience In 2023

    15. Magnetic Hill - Startling Experience. Image Credit: Vikrantdhiman189381 for Wikipedia Commons. The Magnetic hill in Ladakh is famously considered as the anti-gravity hill, as you'll see that the vehicles don't seem to move according to the force of gravity at this place.

  11. Tourist Attractions in Ladakh

    Pangong Tso is one fine place to visit. Location: It falls in the Leh district and about 230 km from Leh City. Tso Kar. A high-altitude saltwater lake that's located in Ladakh; Tso Kar is a very beautiful place to visit. With serenity all around the place, Tso Kar is also popular for its mesmerizing vistas.

  12. Most Beautiful Places To Visit In Ladakh

    Check out 4 Beautiful Places To Visit In Ladakh's Zanskar Valley. 10. Tiger Hill. Tiger Hill traditionally known as Gangz La (also called Point 5062) is a mountain in the Drass-Kargil area which is one of the highest peaks in the area and was the subject of a battle during the 1999 Kargil War.

  13. 21 Best Places to Visit in Leh Ladakh

    Thiksey Monastery. Thiksey Monastery, resembling the famed Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet, is one of the largest and most architecturally impressive monasteries in Ladakh. It's a top place to visit in Leh Ladakh for its serene atmosphere and cultural richness, ideal for a day trip from Leh. 6. Khardung La Pass.

  14. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Ladakh (2024)

    Laddakh is a place where every one must visit once in a life time. High mountains, beautiful monasteries, terrific lakes,cool weather & scenic beauty make Laddakh most visited places in the world. If you want to visit Laddakh with Family then must go through via good travel agent. I recommend RB Viaje from which I go there.

  15. A 7-Day Leh Ladakh Trip Itinerary For First-Time Visitors

    Day 1 - Land in Leh and rest. The erstwhile capital of the Himalayan kingdom of Ladakh, Leh is perched at an altitude of 3524 meters (11562 feet) and is home to some of the most popular attractions in the region. The landscape in Leh is rugged, with a backdrop of barren mountains, while the weather is generally dry and very hot during the day ...

  16. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Leh (UPDATED 2024)

    Private 6 Days Tour Visit to Ladakh with Meals Included. 27. Bus Tours. from ₹58,000. per adult (price varies by group size) Tour of Zanskar Valley. 2. 4WD Tours. from ₹70,297. per adult. ... Overall a must visit place in leh. Read more. Review of: Gurdwara Pathar Sahib. Written 9 July 2024.

  17. Ladakh Tourism: How to Plan your Leh Ladakh Trip

    If yes, then you have arrived at the right place. Here is the complete Ladakh Travel Guide and detailed information about 'India's Own Moonland'! Offering Leh Ladakh Travel Information e.g. attractions, Ladakh by road, climate, permits, festivals & maps along with Leh Ladakh tour packages.

  18. THE 10 BEST Ladakh Tours for 2024 (from ₹ 419)

    5. Kashmir Ladakh Tour. 12. Bus Tours. 3+ days. A Kashmir Ladakh tour is a popular itinerary for travelers who want to explore the beautiful northern regions of India. …. Free cancellation. Free Cancellation up to 7 days in advance. Recommended by 100% of travellers.

  19. Map of Ladakh (50 best places to visit) • Interactive Map 2024

    50 best places to visit. Use this interactive Ladakh tourist map to find the top attractions and plan the best sightseeing itinerary for your road trip in Ladakh. Click on each marker on the map to see the attraction name, GPS coordinates, photo and description. You can view the map in full screen mode by clicking on the icon on the left, the ...

  20. Leh Ladakh Itinerary 5 Days: Ultimate Itinerary (+ Guide)

    Discover the best of Ladakh trip in this guide. Explore places, must-do activities & niche experiences with our Leh Ladakh Itinerary 5 Days. TRAVEL REALMS. TRAVEL REALMS ... a 5-day trip to Ladakh can cost anywhere between INR 12000 - INR 15000, which excludes to & fro flights and sightseeing entrance fees. Considering flights, expect the ...

  21. Leh Ladakh Tour Packages: Upto 50% Off Early Summer SALE

    Places to Visit on Ladakh Trip: Here are some of the best places to visit in Ladakh: 1. Pangong Tso: The breathtaking Pangong Tso is one of the best places to visit during a Leh Ladakh tour. This high-altitude saltwater lake is situated at an elevation of 4,350 metres, and stretches from India to Tibet, attracting visitors with its abundant ...

  22. Planning The Perfect Road Trip Through Ladakh

    Another exhilarating road trip through Ladakh is the journey from Nubra Valley to Pangong Lake, a demanding route that takes you over rocky paths and even riverbeds. Eventually, when you reach Ladakh's most iconic sight, you will be blown away by the shimmering blue waters set against a barren backdrop.

  23. Things to Do in Leh Ladakh for an Action-Packed Fun Trip

    Here is the list of 41 Things to Do in Leh Ladakh for an Action-Packed Fun Trip. 1. Take a Tour of the Enchanting Zanskar Valley. 4.4 /5 View 7+ photos. The large mountain ranges of Zanskar and Ladakh will be your companions through most of your trip to Ladakh. They may even be intimidating at times.

  24. Airtel enhances network coverage across Leh and Ladakh, ahead of summer

    Leh and Ladakh, April 24, 2024: Bharti Airtel ("Airtel"), one of India's leading telecommunications service providers, today announced the expansion of its network across the picturesque regions of Leh and Ladakh. This development comes just in time for the upcoming travel season, encouraging travelers to enjoy unlimited 5G service across ...