Memory Alpha

Una Chin-Riley

Lieutenant Commander Una Chin-Riley , commonly known professionally as Number One , was a female Illyrian Starfleet command division officer who lived during the mid- 23rd century . Through the 2250s , she served aboard the USS Enterprise as Christopher Pike 's executive officer and helmsman . ( TOS : " The Cage "; DIS : " An Obol for Charon ")

  • 1 Early life
  • 2.1 Starfleet Academy
  • 2.2 Early postings and assignments
  • 3.1 Hobbies
  • 4.1 La'an Noonien-Singh
  • 4.2 Christopher Pike
  • 5 Alternate timelines
  • 6 Awards and honors
  • 7 Key dates
  • 8.1 Appearances
  • 8.2 Background information
  • 8.3 Apocrypha
  • 8.4 External links

Early life [ ]

Una and her parents

Una and her parents in their youth

Chin-Riley was born on Illyria in the early 23rd century. As a member of the Illyrian species, Chin-Riley was genetically-engineered before birth , as it was part of her family tradition and heritage. ( SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera ") Her physical strength was greatly improved, allowing her to carry a grown person with no visible effort, while her immune system would also glow , and as well, could burn out infectious agents from her body without having to rely on antibodies . ( SNW : " Ghosts of Illyria ", " Ad Astra per Aspera ")

Chin-Riley grew up on a Federation colony in the Vaultera Nebula . She had one brother . ( SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera ")

In her personnel file, Chin-Riley was said to have been born on Illyria or on Colony 9-A. However, a notation to her file stated that verification of her being born on this colony was pending and that the information came from an unreliable source.

Additional notations to her file state that Chin-Riley's parents and brother were possibly deceased. Like her dob (date-of-birth), the verification of this information was pending and that the information came from unreliable sources.

When she was five or six years old, encountered Starfleet crew that visited her planet. According to her, " They were all so... different from one another. So many crew members from so many planets. It was beautiful. I thought if all those people from all those worlds can work together, side by side, maybe I could, too. Maybe I could be a part of something bigger than myself. " ( SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera ") Her dream of joining Starfleet, however, due to the Federation ban on genetic engineering, she had to hide her true nature and history. ( SNW : " Ghosts of Illyria ")

Later, she fractured her leg after she attempted to stop a fight at school, which had broken out after one boy had accused another of being an Illyrian. In spite of the break being a simple fix with modern medicine , her parents wouldn't take her to a hospital out of fear of being arrested. In spite of her modifications, the leg became infected , and she nearly died, until she was able to be treated by a Illyrian doctor who visited her family in the middle of the night. ( SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera ")

Starfleet career [ ]

Starfleet academy [ ].

Captain Robert April sponsored Chin-Riley's application to Starfleet Academy . ( SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera ")

She first met Christopher Pike following an inspiring speech he gave at the Academy. ( SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera ")

She had Pelia for an Instructor for Starship Maintenance 307 and was given a "C" on her final paper, a "C" Pelia felt was sloppy but well deserved. ( SNW : " Lost in Translation ")

Early postings and assignments [ ]

In 2234 , Chin-Riley began her Starfleet career. ( SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera ")

In her personnel file, it was stated that she was a member of the graduating class of 2335.

As an ensign , was assigned to the USS Martin Luther King Jr. During her assignment aboard the " King Junior ", she was involved in the rescue of La'an Noonien-Singh . ( SNW : " Strange New Worlds ")

While questioning Ensign Zier , Chin-Riley sympathized, saying that she, too, was once an ensign, and understood being nervous. ( SNW : " Spock Amok ")

At some point in her early career, Chin-Riley served aboard the USS Antares , the USS Chatelet , and the USS Aryabhatta , all ships that her future commanding officer Christopher Pike also served on. ( DIS : " Brother "; SNW : " Memento Mori ", " Ad Astra per Aspera "; display graphic )

According to Pike, Chin-Riley had a habit of jumping from department to department, although she claimed that it only happened once. ( SNW : " Children of the Comet ")

On her personnel file, the name of one of her postings is redacted, with the information about it being restricted.

Service aboard the Enterprise [ ]

Una Chin-Riley, 2253

Number One on the bridge of the USS Enterprise

Upon her assignment as science officer to the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain April, she witnessed a triple-mode high-amplitude Delta Scuti star on her first deep-space cruise that took her within a half light year of 99 Pegasi . ( ST : " Q&A "; SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera "; display graphic )

In 2248 , Captain April recommended to Starfleet Command that Una Chin-Riley receive the Starfleet Medal of Gallantry for her actions during the Marcel disaster . ( SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera ")

In 2250 , Chin-Riley was assigned as the first officer of Enterprise under the command of Captain Pike, also serving as the ship's helmsman . She went professionally by the name "Number One". ( TOS : " The Cage "; ST : " Q&A "; SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera " display graphic ) Before she took up her new position, Chin-Riley spent a week shadowing Pike, a week she later believed made all the difference in her performance as first officer. ( SNW : " Subspace Rhapsody ")

Una and Spock in the turbolift

Lieutenant Una Chin-Riley and Ensign Spock in 2253

In 2253 , Number One greeted Ensign Spock on his first day aboard the Enterprise after departing from Starbase 40 . She encouraged him to barrage her with questions, which he returned in kind. While talking, however, the two were trapped in a turbolift , where they bonded and Una gave advice to the young officer before they were rescued by Lieutenant Amin . ( ST : " Q&A "; SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera ", " Among the Lotus Eaters " display graphic )

By 2254 , she was considered one of the most experienced members of the crew. According to the Talosian magistrate known as The Keeper , she had "the superior mind and would produce highly intelligent children", adding that, " Although she seems to lack emotion, this is largely a pretense. She has often had fantasies involving [Pike]. " ( TOS : " The Cage ")

Number One, Pike, Colt, and Vina imprisoned

Number One with the captives on Talos IV

With Pike kidnapped by the Talosians, Number One led the effort to rescue him, first by unsuccessfully attempting to use a laser cannon to blast open an entry to a Talosian underground lair where Pike was being held, and then by using the transporter in an attempt to infiltrate this lair. Number One was subsequently kidnapped, along with Yeoman Colt , for the purpose of providing Pike with a mate with whom he could procreate. In response to this, Una set her laser pistol to overload, telling the Talosian Keeper that it was wrong to keep a colony of Humans as slaves, and that they would rather die. This, combined with an examination of the Enterprise 's historical records, convinced the Talosians that Humans' unique hatred of captivity made them nonviable subjects, and they were subsequently allowed to return to the Enterprise . ( TOS : " The Cage ")

Footage of her experience aboard the Enterprise under Captain Pike during the original visit to Talos IV, from thirteen years prior, was transmitted from that planet during Spock's fictional court martial aboard the same ship in 2267 . ( TOS : " The Menagerie, Part I ", " The Menagerie, Part II ")

Like most of the Enterprise crew, Number One sat out the Klingon War which, like it did to everyone else aboard the Enterprise , took its toll on her. ( DIS : " Brother ")

Pike and Number One

Una lends a hand to Pike aboard Discovery

In 2257 , Chin-Riley remained with the ship while it underwent major repairs, only briefly visited Pike aboard the USS Discovery to provide him with information on Spock's recent escape from Starbase 5 . The two officers sat and talked briefly in the mess hall. During their conversation, Una admitted that she went through unofficial channels to obtain the information, noting that the entire situation was extremely odd. Una stated plainly that she was not going to let Spock go without a fight and Pike noted that as usual they both were in agreement. Before they parted she warned Pike to be careful and Pike told her the same. She returned to the Enterprise shortly thereafter. ( DIS : " An Obol for Charon ")

Number One, 2258

Lt. Commander Una Chin-Riley in 2258

In 2258 , following the mission to get a time crystal from the monastery on Boreth , Captain Pike asked Lt. R.A. Bryce to send a message to Chin-Riley, to have the Enterprise rendezvous with the Discovery to take on the Discovery 's crew. ( DIS : " Through the Valley of Shadows ")

During the Battle near Xahea , Chin-Riley manned the helm of the Enterprise , and later worked with Admiral Katrina Cornwell in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to disarm an undetonated photon torpedo that had lodged in the saucer section 's hull .

After the disappearance of the Discovery , Pike, Ash Tyler , and Chin-Riley were debriefed at Starfleet Command in San Francisco . Following the debriefing, Number One and the others who knew of the Discovery 's fate were sworn to never speak of the Discovery or its crew again.

After a hundred and twenty four days of repair, Commander Chin-Riley was still aboard the Enterprise as it traveled to Edrin II . ( DIS : " Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 ")

In 2259 , the Enterprise returned to Earth for scheduled maintenance. Because she did not deal well with downtime, Chin-Riley was assigned to command the USS Archer to initiate a first contact mission to Kiley 279 after Starfleet detected signs of warp drive on the planet. However, the Kiley had in fact developed a warp bomb based on observations made from the battle near Xahea . The Kiley reacted negatively towards the first contact overtures and Number One, as well as the two other members of the Archer 's crew, were wounded and captured by the Kiley.

After Number One and the Archer crew were rescued by Pike and an Enterprise away team, Number One returned to her post as first officer of the Enterprise . ( SNW : " Strange New Worlds ")

When the Enterprise was infected by a light virus , Una proved to be the only person immune to it, due to her undisclosed status as a genetically modified Illyrian . With Captain Pike trapped on the surface of a former Illyrian colony , Una assumed command and initiated a ship-wide lockdown . While she could not pass antibodies on directly to the crew to cure the contagion , she was able to engineer a situation where she could induce the same antibodies in La'an Noonien-Singh , which could then be used to save the others. When the crisis had passed Una disclosed her genetic identity to Pike and offered her resignation, but he refused to accept it as he considered Una 'the best first officer in the fleet'. ( SNW : " Ghosts of Illyria ")

Una was seriously injured during a surprise attack by the Gorn , sustaining shrapnel wounds to her abdomen that could not be treated conventionally due to battle damage. With dwindling medical supplies available, Una ordered that the last remaining supply of blood plasma be given to another injured crewmember that needed it. Christine Chapel was able to treat her wounds with her knowledge of archaeological medicine , and Joseph M'Benga donated his own blood to aid Una's recovery, ignoring the stigma that existed at the time regarding Humans and Illyrians sharing blood. ( SNW : " Memento Mori ")

When an alien consciousness from the Jonisian Nebula brought the fairy tale The Kingdom of Elysian to life on the Enterprise , Una was used for the character of Z'ymira the Huntress. Una had no memory of the events after the ship was returned to normal. ( SNW : " The Elysian Kingdom ")

While Captain Pike resolved to protect her from Starfleet, Una was arrested a few months later when her illegal genetic status was revealed. When a team of officers from the USS Cayuga arrived to arrest Una, Pike physically intervened on her behalf. Una warned him not to fight back, as she had known that such an outcome was likely. As she was beamed away, Captain Pike vowed that he would fight on her behalf. ( SNW : " A Quality of Mercy ")

Una's commendations, by the time of her arrest, included Starfleet Award of Valor , Medal of Excellence , Order of Tactics , Legion of Honor , and Medal of Commendation . ( SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera " display graphic )

Una remained in Starfleet custody pending trial for concealing her genetic heritage, while Captain Pike attempted to secure her a good lawyer. ( SNW : " The Broken Circle ")

Before her court martial , Una was offered a deal by Captain Marie Batel where Una would go free in exchange for a dishonorable discharge , but she refused the deal. Subsequently and in retaliation, two sedition charges were added (falsifying her records and violating Starfleet's code against genetic engineering ), leaving Una facing twenty years in a Federation penal colony .

Pike was able to secure Una the help of her former best friend Neera Ketoul , who used Una's trial as a platform to overturn the genetic modification law, and to broadcast her hatred of Federation policies regarding Illyrians. Katoul had Una retell the history of discrimination and persecution that she had faced, eventually admitting that she had turned herself in, as she was tired of living a lie. Katoul argued that, in essence, Una had sought asylum with Starfleet from the hardships she faced for being an Illyrian, and that Pike had exercised his judgement and granted it to Una after she had revealed herself to him .

Although the Federation wasn't willing to change their laws regarding genetic engineering for the time being, Una was acquitted, officially granted asylum and allowed to return to duty as first officer of the Enterprise . Una reconciled with Katoul, who saw Una's exoneration (and being allowed to openly serve as an Illyrian commander on a Federation starship) as a first step towards change. ( SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera ")

Una Chin-Riley's recruitment poster

A Starfleet recruitment poster featuring Una Chin-Riley

Despite Starfleet's attempt to use Una as a scapegoat for their anti-Augment stance, Una would go on to be remembered as one of the finest first officers in Federation history. By 2381 , recruitment posters featuring Una were widely distributed, with Ensign Brad Boimler keeping one in his bunk onboard the USS Cerritos , citing it and her as his inspiration for joining Starfleet. Una was initially horrified to learn of her status as a 'pin-up' from Beckett Mariner , but was deeply moved upon learning the full context, particularly due to the poster's use of Starfleet's "Ad Astra per Aspera" motto. ( SNW : " Those Old Scientists ")

Personal interests [ ]

Hobbies [ ].

Chin-Riley secretly enjoyed the music of Gilbert and Sullivan . When trapped in a turbolift with Spock on his first day on the Enterprise , she sang " I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General ", but ordered Spock to forget it. ( ST : " Q&A "; SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera ")

She also enjoyed spicy food. When she met Pike on Discovery , she ordered a cheeseburger and french fries with habanero sauce . ( DIS : " An Obol for Charon ") Her comfort food, however, was strawberries . ( SNW : " Ghosts of Illyria ")

Relationships [ ]

La'an noonien-singh [ ].

Una and La'an met when Chin-Riley met when she was an Ensign aboard the USS Martin King, Jr. . The two would strike up a friendship that would last for a long time. La'an would affectionally call Una "Chief", and Una would come to act as a mentor for her. ( SNW : " Strange New Worlds ")

Christopher Pike [ ]

Pike and Una hug

Pike and Una hugging

Una and Christopher Pike first met when he gave a speech to her Academy class about a test mission he had flown. Following Pike's speech, Chin-Riley approached him and pointed out a flaw he had made during reentry. He found it bold and annoying but recognized that she was correct. Over the years, the two would be assigned to several vessels including the USS Enterprise . When Pike was made captain of the Enterprise he promoted Chin-Riley to First officer. ( SNW : " Strange New Worlds ", " Ad Astra per Aspera ")

When Pike learned of Chin-Riley's Illyrian heritage, he told her that he didn't care and that he would deal with fallout with Starfleet. ( SNW : " Ghosts of Illyria ")

Una would keep a photograph of the two of them in her quarters aboard the Enterprise . Upon her return to the ship following her exoneration, a visibly relieved Pike hugged Una before regaining his composure. ( SNW : " Ad Astra per Aspera ")

Alternate timelines [ ]

In an alternate timeline where Pike was able to avoid his crippling fate, he asked La'an Noonien-Singh about Una. La'an told him that Una wasn't allowed to have contact with anyone. Spock later revealed that in this timeline, Una had been locked up in a Federation prison colony for nearly seven years for her illegal modifications. ( SNW : " A Quality of Mercy ")

Awards and honors [ ]

Key dates [ ].

  • 2234 : Begins her Starfleet career
  • Assigned to the USS Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Assigned to the USS Antares
  • Assigned to the USS Chatelet
  • Assigned to a classified vessel
  • Assigned to the USS Enterprise as science officer under Captain Robert April
  • 2248 : Awarded the Starfleet Medal of Gallantry during the Marcel disaster
  • 2250 : Promoted to first officer under Captain Christopher Pike
  • 2256 – 2257 : Along with the rest of the Enterprise crew, sits out the Federation-Klingon War
  • 2257: Travels to the USS Discovery to update Captain Pike on the status of Spock and the Enterprise
  • 2258 : Takes part in the Battle near Xahea
  • Assigned to the USS Archer
  • Reassigned back to the Enterprise as first officer
  • Arrested by Captain Marie Batel after it became known she was Illyrian.
  • Cleared of all charges and resumes her duties aboard the USS Enterprise

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " The Cage "
  • " The Menagerie, Part I " (archive footage)
  • " The Menagerie, Part II " (archive footage)
  • " An Obol for Charon "
  • " If Memory Serves " (archive footage)
  • " Such Sweet Sorrow "
  • " Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 "
  • " Q&A "
  • " Ask Not "
  • " Strange New Worlds "
  • " Children of the Comet "
  • " Ghosts of Illyria "
  • " Memento Mori "
  • " Spock Amok "
  • " Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach "
  • " The Serene Squall "
  • " The Elysian Kingdom "
  • " All Those Who Wander "
  • " A Quality of Mercy "
  • " The Broken Circle "
  • " Ad Astra per Aspera "
  • " Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow "
  • " Among the Lotus Eaters "
  • " Charades "
  • " Lost in Translation "
  • " Those Old Scientists "
  • " Under the Cloak of War "
  • " Subspace Rhapsody "
  • " Hegemony "
  • LD : " I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee " (image on poster)
  • VST : " Holiday Party "

Background information [ ]

Number One, 2254

Number One's original portrayal by Majel Barrett

Number One was originally portrayed by Majel Barrett in the Star Trek pilot, "The Cage", but credited as M. Leigh Hudec for her subsequent archival appearance featured in both episodes of "The Menagerie". When her character was reintroduced for Star Trek: Discovery , and its subsequent spin-offs, she was portrayed by Rebecca Romijn . Additionally, Anna Claire Beitel portrayed Una as a child in "Ad Astra per Aspera".

In the original version of the series outline Star Trek is... (as reprinted in The Making of Star Trek , pp. 22-30), Number One was initially described as "a glacierlike, efficient female who serves as ship's Executive Officer." ( The Making of Star Trek , p. 24) A more detailed description of the character from exactly the same document stated;

In the scripts of "The Cage", Number One was described as " Female, slim and dark in a Nile Valley way, age uncertain, one of those women who will always look the same between the ages of twenty and fifty [....] Almost glacier-like in her imperturbability and precision. From time to time we'll wonder just how much female exists under that icy facade. " She was also scripted to be slightly more wary of J.M. Colt than she is in the final version of the episode, such as being initially reluctant about allowing her to join a landing party assigned to rescue the captain. [1]

Number One was dropped from the series as NBC executives did not respond well to her character. Reactions to her in the screen test of "The Cage" were also poor (by the women more negatively than the men, according to Gene Roddenberry ). Her highly logical, steel-trap mind was given to the character of Spock in " Where No Man Has Gone Before " and maintained there onward.

Although Majel Barrett-Roddenberry was credited as Majel Barrett in the unaired episode "The Cage", she was credited as "M. Leigh Hudec" – Barrett's birth name – in the televised two-part episode " The Menagerie, Part I " and " The Menagerie, Part II ", because the production team was endeavoring to hide from NBC the fact that the actress, not to be signed for either the second pilot or the regular show as had been demanded by the network, had actually returned to Star Trek: The Original Series as the recurring Nurse Christine Chapel by Gene Roddenberry's doing. ( Inside Star Trek: The Real Story , 1997, pp. 223-224; These Are the Voyages: TOS Season One , 1st ed, pp. 25-27) An unintended ironic twist in Star Trek history was that when Roddenberry surreptitiously brought the natural brunette Barrett back on the Original Series , he had her also disguised as a blonde to mislead the NBC network executives, who adamantly did not want her back on the show, whereas the natural blonde Romijn had to have her hair dyed to have her appear as the brunette Number One in Discovery .

In " The Cage ", Number One was referred to as "lieutenant." Within Starfleet, it was rare for a lieutenant to serve as the first officer of a starship. The likely reason she was originally assigned this rank was that, when Gene Roddenberry first created Star Trek , the rank structure he employed was based on that of the 18th and 19th century Royal Navy, in which a ship's second in command was generally a first lieutenant , rather than the ranks used by the 20th century United States Navy we have come to associate with Starfleet. George Kirk is the only other known instance of a lieutenant serving as a ship's first officer.

In Number One's subsequent appearances in Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Short Treks , her rank insignia is indicates she was a lieutenant, although she was identified as a lieutenant commander on a PADD in " Q&A ", which takes place before "The Cage". By Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , Chin-Riley wore the insignia of lieutenant commander and has been repeatedly identified as such in the show. There was at least one instance, however, where, in an apparent art design error, she is clearly listed as "Lt. Una" on an internal communication in the episode " Subspace Rhapsody ".

"Lieutenant Commander Una"

Did I mumble?

In an interview with TrekCore, the co-writer of " Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 " and Star Trek: Discovery third season co-showrunner Michelle Paradise confirmed that Christopher Pike called Number One "Una" in that episode. [2] This is one of several names which had been used for this character in non-canon material. Subtitles on Netflix and the second season Blu-ray release misspelled it as "Noona" (the Netflix subtitles have since been corrected), while the CBSAA captions say that he merely said "and, uh..." while transitioning to a question directed at Admiral Cornwell. Dialogue and PADD graphics in the Star Trek: Short Treks episode " Q&A " definitively confirm that Number One's name is "Una," and that she insists on being addressed as "Number One".

According to The Autobiography of Mr. Spock , Una's full name is Una Chin-Riley, a fact later revealed in the Strange New Worlds premiere episode "Strange New Worlds".

Apocrypha [ ]

In the Marvel Star Trek: Early Voyages comic book series, this character was named Lieutenant Commander Robbins. Her first name was interrupted by other dialogue, but starts with "Eure-."

The novel Vulcan's Glory , by Star Trek: The Original Series writer D.C. Fontana , suggested this character's moniker was not simply a nickname or title – she was an Illyrian who was called "Number One," as the best intellect among her generation. The novels The Children of Kings and Child of Two Worlds explain that Number One does have a given name, but it's difficult to pronounce for non-Illyrians; the former suggests that she liked to be called by this name rather than her own as it enabled her to maintain a professional relationship with her captain. The novel The Enterprise War describes her as having been raised in Illyrian colonies and thus, while not actually being Illyrian herself, having adapted much of that species' emotional self-control. Her actually being Illyrian and raised in an Illyrian colony was confirmed canon in SNW : " Ghosts of Illyria ".

In the novel Captain to Captain she is referred to as "Una". The novel explained that she had adopted the name Una as far back as her Academy days, due to her real name being all but impossible to pronounce. The name "Una" was also used in the Star Trek: Discovery novel Desperate Hours and was subsequently used in DIS : " Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 " and ST : " Q&A ".

Star Trek II: Biographies gives her real name as Leigh Hudec (after "M. Leigh Hudec", the name under which Majel Barrett was credited in The Cage ).

Peter David 's New Frontier series of novels had a character named "Morgan Primus" who was an immortal like Flint (from TOS : " Requiem for Methuselah ") and was the mother of Robin Lefler . It is hinted that she and Number One are the same person.

In the Captain's Table novel Where Sea Meets Sky , Number One was given the last name "Lefler" (an allusion to Robin Lefler ).

The early days of Number One were chronicled in the IDW Publishing miniseries Star Trek: Crew .

In the IDW Publishing comic Star Trek: Romulans - Schism , she is a commodore in command of the USS Yorktown testing the cloaking device stolen from the Romulans during the events of " The Enterprise Incident ". No name is mentioned.

In the miniseries Star Trek: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor , Number One was promoted to admiral in the 2270s and continued to command the Yorktown .

In the first issue of the 2013 comic series Star Trek: New Visions , Kirk, Spock, and McCoy report to a commodore who is not named but is clearly Number One and Spock did say it was pleasant to see her again.

In Who's Who in Star Trek , Number One is said to have been descended from colonists on a planet inhabited by telepathic humanoids who are peaceful. She is described as having entered Starfleet after saving the life of Earth's leader when his shuttle crashed on her planet, he having waived all psychological and physical testing on her behalf. She is also described as having suffered severe injuries just prior to the end of Pike's tenure as captain of the Enterprise , forcing her to retire from exploration and become an instructor at Starfleet Academy .

External links [ ]

  • Number One at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Morgan Primus at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Number One at Wikipedia
  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Klingon augment virus

A Short History Of Number One In The Star Trek Universe

Commander Una strides in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

If you're exploring the cosmos and going where no one has gone before, it makes sense to have someone reliable at your side. In "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds," Captain Christopher Pike commands the classic Enterprise with Lieutenant Spock as his third. His second-in-command is the steadfast Number One.

But "Number One" is just a nickname. The character's real name is Commander Una Chin-Riley, with Rebecca Romjin reprising the role after her appearances in "Star Trek: Discovery." Like Pike himself and the ship's medical officer, Doctor M'Benga, "Strange New Worlds" has the chance to finally add some more color and life to characters that had only brief appearances in the original "Star Trek".

Trapped in the Cage

Majel Barrett as Number One in the pilot of Star Trek

Number One first appeared in the original pilot episode of "Star Trek." Entitled "The Cage," the pilot introduces us to the crew of the starship Enterprise, though it's a slightly different iteration from the one most people know. At the helm of this ship is Captain Christopher Pike and his first officer a woman simply known as Number One.

The character was played by actress Majel Barrett, who would transition over to the original series as a different character, Nurse Christine Chapel. In the pilot episode, Number One is a stoic figure, betraying very little emotion and focusing entirely on the business at hand. When Pike is kidnapped on a mission to Talos IV, Number One elects to be a part of the landing party that goes to find him.

Things don't go as planned and Number One becomes kidnapped by the Talosians as well, with the aim of providing Pike with a selection of potential mates. The leader of the Talosians, the Keeper, even notes that Number One's professional demeanor is a shield over her feelings for Pike. Ultimately, Number One sets her weapon to overload in an attempt to stop the Talosians' plans.

Number One was never seen again in the original continuity, as Barrett was now playing Nurse Chapel. There's no indication whether she had a further career with Starfleet after the mission shown in "The Cage." Barrett would later marry series creator Gene Roddenberry, becoming Majel Barrett Roddenberry, and appear as Lwaxana Troi in "Star Trek: The Next Generation."

Discovering a new side of yourself

Number One commands the Enterprise in Star Trek: Discovery

Number One returned later in "Star Trek: Discovery" and the adjoining "Short Treks" mini-series. In the "Short Treks" episode "Q&A," the newly-assigned Ensign Spock finds himself trapped in a turbolift with the Enterprise's first officer, giving him a chance to ask her about the Captain and the rest of the ship. It's a light episode, mostly played for laughs.

Writer Michael Chabon told Syfy Wire that he also used the episode to explain the differences between the more emotive Spock in the pilot and his later characterization in "Star Trek." The answer? He took after the first officer he met on his first day on the Enterprise — the impassive Number One.

Number One guest-starred on "Discovery" when Pike took over as Captain for the Discovery in season 2. In the episode "An Obol for Charon," the Enterprise itself is disabled and in spacedock, giving Number One and Pike the chance to discuss murder allegations against Spock. Number One comes across as fiercely protective of Spock, even noting that she did some sanctioned digging to find information about the case.

Number One appears again in the season finale for the second season of "Discovery," welcoming Pike and Spock back to the ship.

More than just a number

The command crew stands ready in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

In "Strange New Worlds," Number One is finally given her full name: Una Chin-Riley. And as we see in the new Paramount+ show, Commander Una is a first officer who is more than willing to take charge of a situation. She's sadly missing for most of the first episode however, as her capture during First Contact is what gets Pike back onboard the Enterprise.

Still, the series now has a chance to define Number One far beyond her brief appearance in the pilot episode. And Rebeccca Romjin gets the chance to show why Pike calls her "the best first officer in the fleet."

Commonly known as "Number One", Una Chin-Riley was a Starfleet officer in the 23rd century. Some time prior to 2254 she was assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise as a lieutenant in the command division, serving under the command of Captain Christopher Pike as both first officer and ship's helmsman. Her actual name was not revealed in official material until Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , with all prior works referring to her Number One due that that term's origin as a naval slang for first officers. "Strange New Worlds" also revealed that she was not Human as generally believed, but Illyrian .

numero 1 star trek

External Links

  • Una Chin-Riley at Memory Alpha
  • Pages using DynamicPageList parser function
  • Appears in The Original Series
  • Appears in Discovery
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Published Mar 20, 2019

What Does it Take to be 'Number One?'

Hint: Grit, discretion, and a cool head on your shoulders are a great place to start.

Number One Pips

"Number One." This simple nickname used by many captains when referring to their first officers, is deceptively descriptive. The second-in-command ranks "number one" for multiple points of contact, ranging from being the first person subordinate contacts if they have an issue with a superior, to being their captain's closest confidant when guidance is needed during a difficult mission.

The first officer carries out their captain's orders, suggests alternative strategies, deploys personnel effectively, spearheads away teams, and even handles crew evaluations and transfers. Captains may set the destination, but first officers ensure safe arrivals. Being able to handle that type of pressure takes a special person with a few essential qualities that every first officer needs.

1. Protect Your Captain

Spock and Kirk

Whether dangers manifest themselves as physical threats or emotional strains, a first officer's duty is to know how to prevent those hazards from harming their senior officer. As their landing party surveyed Gamma Trianguli VI in " The Apple ," Spock noticed that a deadly plant with the ability to launch poisonous thorns targeted Captain Kirk. Spock maneuvered swiftly, pushing Kirk to safety just in time for the fatal projectiles to strike the Vulcan instead. Fortunately, Dr. McCoy's medical treatment revived Spock, who had been prepared to die to shield his captain from harm.

2. Place Your Loyalty to the Crew Over Your Own Well-Being

Scene from The Pegasus

Circumstances in which a Number One's duty clashes with their reputation may arise, prompting them to decide whether or not they should compromise their morals to protect themselves. Forced to choose between obeying Admiral Pressman and saving the U.S.S. Enterprise-D 's crew from Romulan imprisonment in Star Trek: The Next Generation 's " The Pegasus ," Commander Riker willingly divulged the illegal cloaking technology he and Pressman recovered, preferring to risk a court martial rather than jeopardize his colleagues. In the revelation's aftermath, Captain Picard supplied this sage advice to Riker: "You chose to tell the truth and face the consequences... I will still be proud to have you as my first officer."

3. Don't Criticize the Captain in Public

Data and Worf

An executive officer must show respect for the command structure, and support their captain in front of the crew. This fosters trust among the lower ranks and reinforces the notion that the commanding officer reserves the right to a final say in an y situation. Michael Burnham erred when she openly challenged Captain Georgiou's judgment to avoid conflict with the Klingons in Star Trek: Discovery 's "The Vulcan Hello." When Picard and Riker were otherwise occupied in " Gambit, Part II ," Data and Worf acted as their temporary replacements. Worf breached etiquette by questioning Data's decisions on the bridge, leading Data to privately brief Worf about a true Number One's adherence to protocol.

4. Tell the Captain Exactly What Is on Your Mind

Chakotay and Janeway

While captains do not wish to be contradicted before crew members, they do want their Number One to confide in them and offer strong opinions in a private setting. Commander Chakotay held significant reservations about Captain Janeway's proposition to ally with the Borg Collective in order to repel Species 8472 in Star Trek: Voyager 's " Scorpion, Part I ." Chakotay relayed his concerns in a one-on-one discussion with Janeway while reinforcing his intention to follow her directives despite his disagreement. The first officer purposely refrained from voicing his dissent in front of the bridge crew, demonstrating his regard for her rank.

5. Have Trust in Your Capabilities and in Your Subordinates

Saru and Burnham

Responsibilities abound in a first officer's daily routine, and a Number One needs to have confidence in themselves and in those that report to them. Number Ones oversee department heads who are specialists in their fields, requiring them to temper their own approach to problems with the expertise provided by their subordinates. Commander Saru doubted himself when the Klingons captured Captain Lorca in " Choose Your Pain ," allowing his emotions to run wild and hamper him from heeding crucial opinions about the tardigrade from Burnham, Paul Stamets, and Dr. Culber. Stamets gambled with his life to safeguard Ripper, provoking Saru to rethink his choices upon Lorca's return. Realizing his errors, Saru opened up to Burnham, permitted her to release the tardigrade, began believing in himself to a greater extent, and acquired valuable command experience in the process.

6. Always Be Ready to Take the Center Seat

Riker sits in the captains chair on the bridge.

From shore leave to a sudden death, various events can cause a first officer to sit in the big chair. Usually brief, these situations inevitably place the burden of command firmly on a Number One's shoulders. The most extreme example occurred during the Borg incursion depicted in the TNG two-parter " The Best of Both Worlds ." With Picard assimilated by the Collective, Riker took charge over in unenviable conditions which entailed defeating the Borg, and facing off against the tactical knowledge the Borg absorbed from his mentor. After receiving advice from Guinan, Riker employed an unorthodox scheme that harnessed Picard's awareness of their previous plan to fool the Borg and successfully retrieve the captain. Riker magnificently adapted to the evolving hostilities and proved more than worthy to continue as the Enterprise-D 's executive officer.

Jay Stobie is a freelance science fiction writer who contributes articles to the official Star Trek website and Star Trek Magazine . He can be found on Twitter at @CaptStobie and Instagram @JayStobie.

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Is Number One an alien? Strange New Worlds writer explains Illyrian canon

Illyrians have a long, and odd history with Star Trek canon. Here's what it all means.

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Number One has a secret. In episode 3 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds — “Ghost of Illyria” — Una Chin-Riley (Rebecca Romijn) reveals that she’s a member of a genetically modified group called the Illyrians. While this information is a shock to Captain Pike and the crew, hardcore Trek fans have known since 1989. But which Illyrians are we talking about? Inverse checked in with Bill Wolkoff, who co-wrote “Ghosts of Illyria” alongside Akela Cooper, for all the details about Number One, the new Illyrians, and the other Illyrians who appeared back in 2004. Spoilers ahead.

Strange new Worlds

Dr. M’Benga (Babs Olusanmokun) and Number One (Rebecca Romijn) in “Ghosts of Illyria.”

Is Number One an alien?

Although Una’s Discovery appearance suggested she was human, what we learn in “Ghosts of Illyria” is that she’s been hiding the fact she’s genetically modified, and a secret member of the Illyrians. But what is an Illyrian?

“Una is not human,” Bill Wolkoff tells Inverse. “ She just looks human. Illyrians are an alien species. In Una’s case, she’s an Illyrian who passes as a human... She’s forced to hide that part of her identity, a part of herself.”

In the episode, we learn there are several different Illyrian colonies scattered throughout the galaxy, which makes the exact colony that Una is from still a mystery. Will that mystery be solved? Speaking to Wil Wheaton on the official Star Trek after-show, The Ready Room , Rebecca Romjin said that this storyline will continue to “play out in a pretty intense way.”

“Here’s what we know,” Wolkoff says. “After she glowed, Una researched records of Illyrian genetic modifications related to disease control, specifically files relating to the ‘original settlement’ on the Vaultera Nebula. She later told Captain Pike she is from an Illyrian colony far away. Take from that what you will.”

Strange New Worlds

Majel Barrett as Number One in the first Star Trek pilot episode, “The Cage.”

The origin of Illyrians

In 2017 — before Una was confirmed for Discovery Season 2 — the character was described as being an Illyrian in the first-ever tie-in Discovery novel, Desperate Hours by David Mack. But this wasn’t the first time Number One had been classified as part of the elusive Trek species. As Wolkoff confirms, the inspiration comes from even deeper Trek lore.

“ Vulcan’s Glory is the novel we talked about,” Wolkoff says. This 1989 book, which details Spock’s first mission with Captain Pike and Una, was written by one of the most influential writers on The Original Series , “the great D.C. Fontana.”

 D.C. Fontana  Star Trek

The late D.C. Fontana, a classic Star Trek writer of episodes like “This Side of Paradise.” She also wrote the 1989 novel Vulcan’s Glory , in which Number One was dubbed an Illyrian.

The notion that Illyrians are “an alien species that genetically modifies themselves,” wasn’t wholly invented by the Strange New Worlds writing team either. The 2015 Greg Cox novel Child of Two Worlds suggested that the Illyrians practiced selective breeding, which could be interpreted as genetic engineering. “It puts them at odds with Starfleet, an institution with anti-genetic alteration laws that dates back to the Eugenics Wars,” Wolkoff explains. “We thought that was a rich place to draw from to tell her big story.”

The “other” Illyrians

Although “Ghosts of Illyria” finally reconciles Una’s backstory with Star Trek books of the past, a species called Illyrians did appear in a 2004 episode of the prequel series Enterprise. “ Damage” was set in 2154, putting it 105 years before the events of Strange New Worlds . The Illyrians in “Damage” are neither human-looking like Una, nor are they the genetically modified fire ghosts who save Pike and Spock in “Ghosts of Illyria.”

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Casey Biggs as an Illyrian captain in the 2004 Enterprise episode “Damage.”

So what’s the deal? Are the Illyrians in Enterprise — the people with bumpy foreheads — the same Illyrians from Strange New Worlds ? The short answer is yes. Here’s how Wolkoff says it all works:

“I think that’s consistent with what happened in the episode. There is another scene where Una researched potential Illyrian modifications, and on the viewscreen we caught a glimpse of what some of those look like. I saw one Illyrian with webbed hands and feet, another with spiky eyebrows… I’d certainly believe Illyrians could have bumpy foreheads too! And if Una had researched long enough, she might have found a file on those Illyrians.”

So there you have it. An Illyrian can look like Rebecca Romijn. An Illyrian can have webbed hands. An Illyrian can turn into a fire ghost or have a bumpy forehead. As Una tells La’an, the Illyrians genetically modify themselves to adapt to the environments of specific planets. Which means the next time a Trek alien seems to be perfect for their planet, it’s possible it could be an Illyrian.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds airs new episodes on Paramount+ on Thursdays.

Phasers on Stun!: How the Making — and Remaking — of Star Trek Changed the World

This article was originally published on May 24, 2022

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Interview: Rebecca Romijn On Number One’s Secret And Why ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Is For Moms

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| April 20, 2022 | By: Anthony Pascale 41 comments so far

TrekMovie joined a group press interview with Rebecca Romijn to talk about her role as Number One (Una Chin-Riley) in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds . The actress revealed how this character which, previously only appeared in “The Cage”/”The Menagerie” before Romijn took on the role in season two of Star Trek: Discovery , is being fleshed out in the new series.

Note: The interview contains some minor spoilers and has been edited for brevity and clarity. 

What excited you about what Number One gets to do and her arc over the first season?

Well, she was a blank slate of a character who was introduced in the original rejected pilot of Star Trek , and we didn’t even know she had a name. She does have a name now: Una Chin-Riley. So that was exciting, getting to have a name. She’s very, very good at her job. And I think what we see in the development, is we learn a secret about her in episode three. I think we find out that that’s why she’s so good at her job. She sort of hides behind meticulous work and she is slightly intimidating to the rest of the crew to keep her distance so that nobody finds out the secret that she’s hiding. So it’s a fun layer to play. The writers floated this idea to me pretty early on and I just thought it was such an incredible layer to the character. And we were going to keep exploring that in a pretty major way throughout the season.

You’ve talked about how Una is a blank slate character, but what of that original performance and original character do you want to endure? What do you see as quintessential to Number One?

Her fastidious, meticulous nature. She is very, very, very good. And no one loves Starfleet more than Una. That is the North Star for Una. No one loves the stars more than Una. No one loves Starfleet more than Una and she is extremely good at what she does. And in what we learn about her in episode three, we find that she’s hiding something and she keeps her distance to protect what she’s hiding.

What kind of backstory were you given on the relationship between Number One and La’an ?

That La’an was like a protégé… You’re going to see more about La’an’s backstory and I think Una is very protective of La’an. And she knows that La’an had this really horrible childhood and wants to help her find levity. She wants to help her find some light in the universe. So she’s sort of taken her on as a lifelong personal project. I think she adores her.

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Rebecca Romijn as Una

It’s been three years since the season two finale of Discovery and so you’ve been part of Star Trek fandom for a while. What’s the most striking thing that has happened to you or someone said to you since joining the franchise?

We’re now past the middle of our second season. We’ve made 16 episodes, and we love them all. We’re so excited to finally introduce this show. It’s like the longest pregnancy in history. I haven’t done too many of the conventions. I just went to [Star Trek: Mission Chicago] last weekend. And it’s nice. I was introduced to Star Trek by my mom at the age of eight, to The Original Series . And I think a lot of us were. I know Anson [Mount] was also introduced to Star Trek: The Original Series at the age of eight by his mom.

And I think that that’s not by accident. I think moms want to introduce their kids to Star Trek because when you look into your child’s eyes – and I can say this as the only mom on our cast, I have kids – you see curiosity. You see a need for exploration. You want your kids to think universally and think totally outside the box. And that’s what The Original Series did. It sparked a lot of conversation between my mom and me about whether or not we’re the only ones in this universe, about acceptance, about people from all different backgrounds coming together and working in harmony, and about exploration and curiosity. These are all things that mothers foster in their children. When I said that at the convention in Chicago, all day long, everybody I passed said, “My mom introduced me to Star Trek.” … I just kept hearing that over and over and over again, and I just love that. I hope we do that for a new generation of Star Trek fans.

Were you surprised at how much of a reception people gave to Una after just a few episodes in Discovery ?

Again, she was never developed. So our writers are incredible. And we’ve all been having such a fun time fleshing her out. And it’s just been this great opportunity. And Star Trek is such a great platform for storytelling. And because we’re standalone episodes, each episode is a different opportunity to tell a new story with important messaging. Yeah, Una was kind of a real mystery until now. So yeah, it’s been a blast. Also, I feel very protective of her. The Star Trek fans are very protective of this canon and of these characters. And so I think I’m a caretaker. We’re caretakers. We’re custodians, taking care of these beloved characters.

Going back to your Short Treks episode “Q&A,” and Una’s connection to Gilbert and Sullivan. Did her secret talent become common knowledge?

No, I made him swear to secrecy that he would never let anybody know that Una loves Gilbert and Sullivan. Una’s got lots of secrets. You just reminded me that Unu’a got all these crazy secrets. The truth is, I as in me Rebecca, I was in the Gilbert and Sullivan troupe as a kid. I was in like six different Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. So I actually knew that song before we even shot that Short Treks . But yeah, it’s a funny connection with Spock and Una that they have that little shared memory together.  

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Rebecca Romijn as Una, Anson Mount as Pike and Ethan Peck as Spock

All three of the roles played by Majel Barrett in The Original Series (Number One, Chapel, and the Enterprise computer) are in Strange New Worlds . Was there any preliminary discussion of you taking on more than just Number One?

It never came up, but that’s a hilarious question. I appreciate the question, but that never came up, though.

You have been lucky enough to be involved in a lot of projects from X-Men , Chuck , and the DC cartoons. And now you’re in Star Trek. Do you seek out these more nerdy roles or is this just something that’s brought to you?

I would say I definitely have an inner nerd that I embrace. I don’t necessarily seek them out. Except I will say that the more fulfilling female characters are usually within that genre… Especially as the mother of daughters, those are the roles that are more interesting to me to play.

More to come

TrekMovie will have interviews with more of the Strange New Worlds cast including Anson Mount, Ethan Peck, and others in the coming days, so stay tuned.

The first season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds will arrive on May 5.

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Strange New Worlds poster

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geez, even in a neutral body position the costumes are puckering in the field of the piece of fabric and along the seams… for cryin’ out loud Paramount, you can’t fix everything in post – especially in HD!!

You know, their are times when I question the sanity of some Star Trek fans.

Same here. There is nothing wrong with these uniforms. They’re cool-looking and flattering.

I start questioning the sanity all the time after reading the comments. It’s difficult to actually find something positive in all the negative comments. And the comments are SO repetitive too. I didn’t think it was possible, but it seems Star Trek fans have actually got worse than the complaining of Star Wars fans.


I don’t really see it myself. To me it just seems that a few Picard maneuvers are needed.

Well, yeah.

That’s what happens when you put actual cloth costumes that aren’t skin-tight on human bodies. :)

no, this is what happens when you don’t fabric that is heavy enough for a camera-ready costume. Dragon-con proves this every year…

I could sit here and talk about how folds and “puckering” are good and make costumes look more real, and when costumers on TV shows try too hard to avoid folds it’s both unnecessary and ugly.

But at the end of the day, the truth is that nobody cares about what you’re talking about. Move on.

I’m really happy for you that you’ve found something to complain about. You do you! :)

Heavy fabric under bright lights = sweaty, uncomfortable actors. I’d much rather have a little puckering along the seams. :-)

I’m shocked you didn’t count her arm hairs.

I think the costumes are pretty good, considering they’re probably trying to be different than the TOS versions. But I don’t understand why these uniforms can’t fit as well as the 1960s versions. The TOS versions seemed to fit better. Fabric?

The TOS versions were cut very tightly. Which cut down on wrinkles, but was very unforgiving when it came to carrying a few extra pounds. (*cough cough Bill Shatner cough*) :)

The original TNG ones were so bad for being overly tight they had to replace them with looser fitting ones to avoid injuring the actors.

Right. And the original Discovery uniforms didn’t look like a picnic to wear either.

yes, the fabric was heavier, put the costumer and seamstresses also knew the difference between a costume and a shirt – – that’s why you can actually see the stitching on the uniform hems – the Captain’s is actually puckering along the hem – how do you dry-clean that 3 or 4 dozen times in a season of shooting?

I just can’t imagine how this stuff will look reaching, running, and scuffling with the baddy of the week.

They should have hired one of the terrific costumers that outfit the best uniforms at Dragon-Con every year.

Costumes at dragon con are fine for cosplay. I’ve been there. Impressive stuff for fan made attire. Keep them away from Trek.

I’m actually surprised at how much I like the costumes. After really disliking the DSC uniforms (which again, is nitpicking, if the show were better I could easily overlook them), these are both excellent updates to the classic uniforms while still somehow looking like they belong next to the Discovery costumes.

Very impressive work. Hoping we see an update to the captain’s green tunic and we’ve already seen the away jackets, which are a nice touch.

She is a Gilbert and Sullivan fan… my interest has shot up. That’s super cool.

Same, we need more Gilbert and Sullivan in Trek again :)

“Mr. Worf, do you know Gilbert and Sullivan?” “No sir, I have not had a chance meet all the new crew members since I have been back.”

Q & A is a good watch in preparation for SNW’s….

I’m actually thinking about doing a Pike mini-rewatch. I’ll start with The Cage first obviously and then some of the Discovery episodes. Brother for sure, If Memory Serves (works great for both Pike and Spock) and the final three episodes of season 2 followed by the relevant Short Treks. Not sure I will yet and if only I can make the time.

I have always been a fan of Rebecca’s, since the first X-Men film. So,LET’s GO!

I have no idea if this show will be any good, but that lady is smokin’ hot. That is all.

A redone TOS era show with awesome people exploring space is def the way to bring in people vs complex Time loop Trek the fourth generation combined with the second next generation or whatever..

Also don’t know why but reminds me when my gf (wife now) heard stories of how I was a super Trekkie as a kid and got me a TNG gift and could tell I was just pretending to like it. So I explained how Time Trek TNG isn’t the Trek I liked. Anyway she researched it and then wore a TOS uniform for Halloween… the ST II TWOK maroon uniforms are no longer my favourite Star Trek uniforms lol

My mom introduced me to Trek as well. TOS. I was *much* younger than 8. :)

Anthony, make sure to ask Ethan about what’s up with the sideburns. And other important issues like that. ; )

Her Number One was a hit the minute she transported on the Discovery lol. It’s amazing what fans gravitate too so quickly. But she definitely fits the role and certainly looks like she will be a lot of fun to watch. And I like when she says how devoted to Starfleet the character is. Most Starfleet officers seem to view Starfleet and the Federation as almost a religion but it’s something many were all born into I guess and literally willing to sacrifice their lives for it, so not a shock. I did like shows like DS9 and Voyager because they had characters who questioned the great Federation for a change but even many of those came around in the end. It is like root beer after all! ;D

Let me solve this one for you. The fans immediately liked Number One character and Pike on DSC because, unlike other characters on board the Discovery, they acted in a collected, professional way. They didn’t shout, cry, cheer, swear, run, dance, stutter, mutiny. In other words: they behaved like highly trained Starfleet officers, like ambassadors of Earth and the Federation.

I didn’t say it was a mystery. I liked her immediately too.

And some characters you just have an instant liking for. I knew I was going to love Janeway 30 seconds into her first scene. And 25 years later, still do!

My Mom introduced me to Star Trek when I was a kid too. But only because she know I was a TJ Hooker fan lol.

Hope this ends up a largely family friendly show, unlike S1 of Discovery and all of Picard to date. Kids need some Trek optimism and inspiration right now just like us adults…

Just out of curiosity, would you consider DS9 “family friendly”?

I always find it very odd the way people single out Disco as not catering to the “family” audience when it’s actually no darker than what’s come before it. I just finished a rewatch of DS9 and was amazed at how I’d forgotten about what an incredibly dark and brutal turn the stories took during the end of the Dominion War (think the female changeling ordering the extermination of the entire Cardassian population).

It’s hard to really put my finger on it, and I’m not saying you’re doing this, but I think a lot of people confuse “family friendly” with “meant for kids”.

I would consider DS9 “family friendly”. It certainly isn’t “kid” friendly, but DS9 was something designed for practically all audiences.

I was 9 when the show premiered and was watching it from the start. Some of the deeper/darker themes of the earlier seasons were lost on me at that age, but it’s stories and conflict were something I could enjoy alongside my parents and my sibling, and I found greater appreciation for the stuff I missed as a kid watching the show.

I’d say that DS9 was handled more *maturely* than Discovery or Picard have been handled.

The themes of DS9 could be dark, but the show wasn’t brutal, at least compared to the kind of pervasive brutality that has appeared in Secret Hideout Trek. I’m not personally phased by violence or language or an overly depressing tone, but there’s a time and place for all of that. Trek shouldn’t be the place to show Icheb getting his eye removed from it’s socket or continually trying to humanize Empress Space Hitler. There’s a lack of optimism that is pervasive in Discovery and Picard that is off-putting to a lot of the detractors. More people should be concerned that production has been floating the idea for 4+ years about creating a show centered around a truly detestable (and evil) Starfleet organization.

It appears that Discovery S3 was meant to set up the S31 show, but look what happened instead!

I’m actually much more concerned that the Trek fanbase can no longer even agree about what Trek means, or is supposed to mean, at all. I’ve been a fan since the Seventies, and that wasn’t the way it was back then.

On the TNG blu ray extras the writers did talk about a strain of negative fans even back then. Almost all the writers quit after season 3 because of it. Not sure how prevalent it was I didn’t talk to other fans back then just enjoyed the show.

Every since SNW was announced with that title–no “Enterprise” or “Pike” in sight–I’ve hoped that when canon no longer allows Spock, Pike, and the Enterprise to be the focus that we get Captain Chin-Riley own her own ship, exploring even more strange new worlds… And heck, now we’ve got a Kirk, so we could have guest appearances of the ship and crew of Kirk’s Enterprise! There’s plenty of space between TOS episodes to allow for other “previously unseen” adventures for them. I know, I know, THIS show has to happen first…but I like the idea that things could continue on beyond the constrains of the timeline, and I think she’d be a great one to lead the way.

That would have been pretty cool if they had had her play both Number One and Nurse Chapel.

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Biography [ ]

Early life [ ].

Number One was born on the planet Illyria in the early 23rd century . ( TOS novel : Vulcan's Glory ) She was Illyrian, but later claimed to be a Human raised on Illyria, due to the stigma attached to Illyrian genetic engineering . ( DSC novel : Desperate Hours ; SNW episode : " Ghosts of Illyria ")

During her formative years, Number One was raised in the Illyrian colonies alongside her brothers, Hudek and Leighton . With her given Illyrian-birthname considered to be all but impossible for outsiders to pronounce, she adopted the name "Una" (signifying the concept of "one") at least as far back as her Starfleet Academy days, always having been first in her class regarding academics, athletics, intellect, and accomplishments, subsequently being dubbed "Number One" as a variation on this by her classmates. ( TOS novel : The Children of Kings , TOS - Legacies novel : Captain to Captain )

In the late 2230s , Number One studied at the Illyrian Cultural Academy in order to be invested as a citizen of Illyria. Following her graduation as first in her class in 2240 , she was awarded a plaque recognizing her achievement, at a ceremony which was attended by her brothers. ( TOS novel : The Children of Kings )

Starfleet career [ ]

Starfleet academy [ ].

By 2245 , Una had entered Starfleet Academy , and had specialized in engineering . In this year, Chin-Riley and a large group of cadets were assigned to the newly-built Constitution -class starship , NX-0002 , which would become the famous USS Enterprise , for her shakedown cruise , under the command of Admiral Charles Rasmussen . For the duration of the cruise, Una Chin-Riley was assigned to engineering, under the direction of Lieutenant Cho . ( EV - Crew comic : " Shakedown ")

USS Fortune [ ]

In the mid-to-late 2240s , Una Chin-Riley, with the rank of ensign , served aboard the USS Fortune in the engineering department. During an attack by an unknown alien vessel, she was instrumental in saving 27 of the crew from the ship's destruction while in orbit of Tau Alpha III . ( EV - Crew comic : " The Bottle ")

USS Ventura [ ]

By 2248 , Una had been promoted in rank to lieutenant, junior grade , and was serving aboard the USS Ventura . Following a mission to Beta Eridani III , she accepted a transfer to the Enterprise and a promotion to lieutenant . ( EV - Crew comic : " Ghosts ")

USS Enterprise [ ]

Almost as soon as she arrived on the Enterprise , Una came to Captain Robert April 's attention and earned herself a position as part of a landing party , led by Lieutenant Commander Christopher Pike , to planet Alpha Tau IV . ( EV - Crew comic : " The Ends of Eternity ")

Sometime prior to 2249, she was taken hostage on a space station by Suliban terrorists . She threatened to destroy the station with everyone aboard in order to bluff the terrorists. ( TOS - Legacies novel : Captain to Captain )

In October 2249 , a routine followup survey expedition to the Libros star system by the Enterprise discovered an extradimensional incursion by a hostile alien species (the Jatohr ) who had enslaved the indigenous population of planet Libros III (called "Usilde" in the native tongue). A disastrous landing party expedition commanded by Una resulted in the entire party (except for Una) being sent into a parallel universe with little hope of rescue, although the Ptaen incursion was repulsed, and the sluglike-aliens likewise exiled back to their native-reality. However, a piece of technology known as the Transfer Key was recovered by Captain April, and Una resolved to eventually rescue her comrades, despite potentially taking decades to do so. ( TOS - Legacies novel : Captain to Captain )

By 2250 , Una Chin-Riley was the Enterprise's helmsman , and part of the senior staff . She had served aboard the Enterprise for three years, refusing every promotion that was offered to her. ( EV - Crew comic : " Shadows of the Past ")

USS Yorktown [ ]

In 2250, she was posted to the USS Yorktown as executive officer, under Christopher Pike, who called her "Number One" as a sort of joke; it being an old term for executive officer . ( TOS episode : " The Cage ") She transferred with him to the USS Enterprise in 2251 , even though she had hoped for command of a science vessel or medical frigate ( EV comic : " Flesh of My Flesh ").

Further service aboard the Enterprise [ ]

Early 23rd century EV suits

Number One leading the rescue party aboard the Ngultor ship

In 2254 , following an attack by a mysterious alien race, the Ngultor , Number One led a landing party to rescue Captain Pike from Ngultor captivity. ( EV comic : " Flesh of My Flesh ") On the Enterprise 's next mission, in the Marrat Nebula , Number One led another landing party, this time to investigate a loss in communications at Starfleet's Project Pharos . Shortly after beaming down, the party came under attack from Klingons , Number One used the transporters to beam in behind the Klingon attackers and neutralize them before rescuing a team of Starfleet engineers the Klingons had been holding captive. ( EV comic : " The Fires of Pharos ")

Following a disastrous visit to Rigel VII , Number One and the Enterprise found themselves visiting the mysterious planet Talos IV where Captain Pike was taken captive by the native Talosians . Determined to rescue the Captain, Number One once again led a rescue party. Unfortunately the Talosians were able to manipulate the Enterprise 's transporters delivering only Number One and Yeoman Colt into the Talosian habitat. The entire party later escaped. ( TOS episode : " The Cage ") Very shortly following the Talos IV incident, the Enterprise was sent to a rift that opened every 33 years into the Gamma Quadrant of the galaxy. The starship received brand-new, highly-advanced computer voice modules, with her own voice-patterns subsequently imprinted upon the Enterprise 's computer, which led to her voice being used in future years. ( TOS novel : The Rift )

The Enterprise was then recalled back to Earth for a debrief and crew restock. While passing by Jupiter, Pike confided in Number One regarding his doubts about remaining a captain before a Halogian ship was detected, firing a beam of intense heat into Jupiter. Leaving Number One to engage them ship-to-ship, Pike led an away team aboard the alien craft, successfully sabotaging its systems and destroying it. ( TOS comic : " Captain's Log: Pike ")

Not long after, Pike left Number One in command of the Enterprise while he led a landing party to Darien 224 . She was forced to take the starship into battle when they were attacked by the USS Cortez , which had been commandeered by a group of hostile Vulcans. The Enterprise stopped at Deep Space Station K-12 to receive repairs following the incident, and Number One was left in charge again when Pike left for Earth after hearing his father was ill. However, it soon became apparent that the message had been faked; unfortunately, the message was too degraded to track it to its point of origin. Fortunately, someone sent a screened untraceable message to the Enterprise informing them of Pike's location, and Number One was able to take the Enterprise to rescue him from his Klingon adversaries who had set the trap. ( EV comics : " Cloak and Dagger ", " The Flat, Gold Forever ")

In 2255 , the Enterprise crew became stricken with Rigelian fever , with Captain Pike ordering the starship to Cypria III , location of the rare substance ryetalyn , the only known curative. However, en route , the ship intervened in a pursuit involving the adopted Cyprian daughter of a Klingon general, which threatened to bring down a sizeable military response against both the Enterprise and Cypria III. Planetside, Number One was forced into action to rescue her landing party from a hostile population riled up by opportunistic politicians against them, resulting in a diplomatic incident. However, Number One succeeded in saving her crewmembers and returning to the Enterprise , and both the Rigelian fever and the Klingon situation were soon resolved. ( TOS novel : Child of Two Worlds )

She was offered command of the USS Nelson in 2255, but turned it down, preferring to remain under Pike on the Enterprise . ( EV comic : " Futures, Part One ")

In 2256 , war broke out between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. The Enterprise however was so far from the front lines that were ordered to remain on their exploration mission, being kept in reserve as a last ditch weapon. The Enterprise finally returned in 2257 , once the war had ended. While on the return trip, the Enterprise detected seven red bursts but attempting to scan one led to the holographic communications system inflicting a catastrophic systems failure on the ship, crippling it. To continue the mission, Pike was transferred to the USS Discovery while Number One oversaw Enterprise 's repairs. ( DSC episode : " Brother ")


Number One in 2257

While repairs progressed, Number One called in a number of favour to ascertain the cause of Spock's disappearance from Starbase 5 , transporting onto Discovery to personally deliver the information to Pike. While aboard, she informed her captain that Chief Engineer Louvier had found the holographic communicators to be the root cause of the system failures with Pike ordering their removal. ( DSC episode : " An Obol for Charon ")

In her travels, the Discovery had come across an alien lifeform known only as "the Sphere " which had imparted onto the ship the sum total of its knowledge. This knowledge however attracted the attention of the rogue A.I. Control who sent the entirety of the Section 31 fleet after Discovery to claim the data. Unable to delete the date, Pike was forced to destroy Discovery , calling in Number One to bring the Enterprise as an evacuation ship. ( DSC episode : " Through the Valley of Shadows ")

While Discovery was successfully evacuated, the Sphere had taken control of the ship's systems, cancelling the self destruct and raising the shields to protect itself from the Enterprise 's weapons. At a staff meeting, it was determined that the only way to keep the Sphere data from control was to take Discovery to the future. When a fifth red signal was detected at Xahea , Number One warped the Enterprise to the planet. When they arrived, only minutes before Section 31, Pike re-assumed command of the Enterprise .

During the course of the battle, an undetonated photon torpedo lodged itself in the Enterprise's saucer section. With the repair drones unable to remove the torpedo, Number One joined Admiral Cornwell in trying to disable it only to find its secondary detonation systems had already activated, Pike forcing her to swap places with him. When Pike returned, he ordered Number One to pilot the Enterprise between the Discovery and the Section 31 drones, allowing the Crossfield -class ship to travel into the wormhole to the future. With Control gone, the drones shut down, leaving the Enterprise to limp back home.

Back on Earth, all involved agreed to testify that Discovery had been destroyed, Spock convincing the admiralty to cover up the ship's existence completely. In 2258 , 124 days after the battle, the Enterprise returned on its exploration mission, setting a course for a new moon found orbiting Edrin II. ( DSC episode : " Such Sweet Sorrow ")

In 2264 , Pike was promoted fleet captain with Number One agreed to remain behind and continue as first officer under James T. Kirk . Days before the change-of-command ceremony, however, Number One had an accident in the ship's cargo hold , where a cargo container fell onto her and crushed both her legs. Though she received prompt medical treatment from Dr. Phillip Boyce , but her long recovery meant that she couldn't serve as Kirk's first officer, the post being given to Spock. ( TOS comic : " All Those Years Ago... ")

Following her recovery, Number One received a command of her own. ( TOS novel : Enterprise: The First Adventure )

Commanding the Yorktown [ ]

By a different account, Number One still serving as Captain Pike's executive officer in the autumn of 2263 , but was taking shore leave when the Agni conducted a series of incursions into Federation space, during which the Enterprise intervened during her absence, resulting in a significant loss of Starfleet personnel and starships. She would then be given command of the USS Yorktown either late in the year 2263 or by the fall of 2264. ( TOS novel : The Captain's Oath )

In 2267 , following the return of Captain Kirk and his crew from the Mirror universe , Una finally discovered the means to reactivate the Transfer Key device (from the ill-fated Usildar mission of 2249 ) and rescue her former Enterprise crewmates from a hellish alternate universe.

TOS Number One

Number One with Captain Kirk and Spock on planet Usilde, in 2267 .

However, this was attempted by Una stealing the Key from Kirk's quarters under the pretense of a friendly ship-visit — Number One fleeing the starship aboard a high-speed courier vessel; the Enterprise pursuing her back to the Librosian star system, now claimed by the Klingon Empire. Planetside, Una escaped from hostile native clutches, only to be saved by Kirk and Spock when attempting to enter the abandoned Jatohr citadel there. With Klingons closing in, Number One used the Transfer Key to enter the home dimension of the Jatohr in an attempt to bring her missing crewmates home; Kirk and Spock barely escaping back to the Enterprise in the nick of time. ( TOS - Legacies novel : Captain to Captain )

Upon arriving in the alternate universe, Una journeyed across a massive, burning desert where she ultimately encountered her stranded crewmates from decades earlier. However, in order to attempt an escape from the dimension, an expedition to the Jatohr capital city was necessary to prevent the slug-like aliens from interdicting the Enterprise 's extraction-efforts in two months' time, and this resulted in the capture and interrogation of Una, Tim Shimizu , and Lieutenant Commander Raul Martinez by the Jatohr leadership. ( TOS - Legacies novel : Best Defense )

At some point after these events, Number One was eventually promoted to the rank of commodore , and resumed command of the USS Yorktown , when, in 2270 , she was sent by Starfleet Command to the Romulan Neutral Zone using a cloaking device , under orders to engage the Romulans. While in the Neutral Zone, her ship had power trouble with the cloaking device, and came under attack from Captain Koloth 's ship. During the engagement, Number One and the Yorktown successfully disabled the enemy vessel.

The Yorktown was then confronted by a Romulan Warbird . Luckily, she was able to escape by using a plasma field. However, the Yorktown came under fire from a Klingon-Romulan fleet under Romulan Praetor Gaius and Capt. Koloth. Number One, along with members of her bridge crew and Koloth and his bridge crew, were beamed aboard Gaius' ship. On board the Keras , Number One and one of her officers were brutally interrogated by the praetor for information on Captain James T. Kirk and the USS Enterprise . She was then transported aboard the USS Constitution , of which she then took command. She encountered the Organian Ayelborne , who forced the Romulans to abide by the terms of the Organian Peace Treaty . ( TOS comic : " Romulans: Schism ")

Number One was promoted to admiral in the 2270s , and continued to command the USS Yorktown . ( TOS comic : " Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor ")

By the 2380s , Chin-Riley was still one of the finest Starfleet officers. Her image along with her quote, were used on Starfleet recruitment posters. Officers such as Jack Ransom and Brad Boimler were inspired by her the poster to join starfleet. Boimler would keep the poster in his bunker aboard the USS Cerritos .( LD episodes : " Those Old Scientists ", " I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee ")

Relationships [ ]

In 2254, her father died; she was consoled by Spock . [ citation needed ]

She harbored fantasies for Pike for some time, and these were exposed to him by the Talosians in 2254. ( TOS comic : " The Cage ")

Normally, however, Number One was strictly logical, masking her emotions. One area of obsession for her was computers. In 2254, she assisted Lieutenant Spock in installing upgrades to the computer that made it voice-interactive. Her voice was used as a base pattern, something which later carried over to all Starfleet computers well into the late 24th century . ( TOS novel : The Rift )

The Name [ ]

Since the character of Number One was never given a "real name" in "The Cage", what her name is has remained a point of inconsistency in the fiction. Several alternatives exist:

  • Vulcan's Glory states that she is from Ilyria and she is designated "Number One" as the best of her breed. The Children of Kings and Child of Two Worlds explain that Number One does have a given name, but it's difficult to pronounce for non-Illyrians.
  • In The Rift , Pike states her name to be "unpronounceable".
  • According to Greg Cox ' recollection David Mack came up with the name Una when they worked on the Legacies trillogy. In these three books Una is used like a family name: Lieutenant Una, Captain Una etc. They were surprised to learn that this name became canon, having a Hikaru Sulu moment . [4]

Morgan Primus

Morgan in 2379

  • The Star Trek: New Frontier character of Morgan Primus , an immortal being, appears to be Number One (ie. Primus = One) . The resemblance was hinted at several times by Peter David in the novel series, as well as in NF comic : " Double Time " (in which Morgan's face is hidden, teasingly, by a hand mirror). The resemblance is visually confirmed by Morgan's identical appearance to Number One in NF comic : " Turnaround, Part I ".
  • Morgan Primus was revealed as the mother of Robin Lefler in New Frontier . Jerry Oltion's stories, Where Sea Meets Sky and " Conflicting Natures ", although set in a much earlier timeframe, identify Number One as using the surname "Lefler" in reference to the New Frontier series, although his stories predate the relationship with Robin Lefler's father, Charles .
  • According to the Star Trek: Early Voyages comics, her last name is "Robbins". In the first issue Pike starts to say her first name once, but is interrupted, getting as far as "Eure--."
  • Conflictingly, in the TOS 50th Anniversary Legacies novel Captain to Captain , Number One's Illyrian birth name is considered to be impossible for outsiders to pronounce, hence her choosing the easier name of "Una" (signifying the concept of "one") during her Starfleet Academy years, followed by her classmates dubbing her "Number One", due to her top-ranking performances in all intellectual and athletic areas at the Academy.
  • Star Trek: Discovery has Pike refer to her as Una in the second part of " Such Sweet Sorrow ".
  • The Star Trek: Strange New Worlds episode " Ghosts of Illyria " establishes her full name as Una Chin-Riley and her species as Illyrian.
  • According to author Brad Ferguson 's original manuscript for A Flag Full of Stars , the character of Admiral Timothea Rogers was intended to be Number One, although this is not directly stated in the published version of the novel.
  • In the short story Chaotic Response , the character used the name to constantly remind herself how far she had to go in the chain of command, having come on board the Enterprise using the name "Number Five". However, as this part of the story was a part of Spock 's dream sequence, it may not actually be applicable to the character at all.
  • In the John Byrne's Assignment: Earth comic mini-series, there is a woman called Diana Winters, who works as agent "Number One" to forces unknown, and she looks similar to our Number One.
  • In Star Trek II Biographies by William Rotsler , Number One is given the name "Leigh Hudec". This is, of course, Majel Barrett 's birth name (Majel Leigh Hudec), under which she was credited for playing Number One in " The Menagerie ".

Alternate timelines [ ]

In an alternate timeline, Number One died tragically in 2254 , injured so badly she could not even beg to be put out of her pain. ( Star Trek: Myriad Universes novel : A Less Perfect Union )

In another alternate timeline created when Yeoman J. Mia Colt was sent forward in time from 2254 to 2293 after her tricorder scans released the tachyon energy contained in an Algolian artifact known as a Keepsake, Number One had become captain of the USS Excelsior by 2293 . Spock succeeded her as first officer of the Enterprise , continuing to serve in that position aboard the USS Enterprise -A . In 2293, the Excelsior was ordered to prevent the Enterprise -A from entering the Klingon Neutral Zone . However, when she made contact with Pike and learned that he intended to bring Colt to Algol II in Klingon space so that she could return to her own time through the Well of Tomorrows , she allowed him to proceed to the planet. ( EV comics : " Future Tense ", " Futures ", " Now and Then ")

Starfleet service record [ ]

Appendices [ ], appearances [ ], references [ ].

  • ↑ SNW episode : " Strange New Worlds ".
  • ↑ TOS - Legacies novel : Captain to Captain .
  • ↑ SNW episode : " Ghosts of Illyria ".
  • ↑ The Young, Rash, Impetuous Russian

External links [ ]

  • Una Chin-Riley article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Una Chin-Riley article at the Star Trek Timelines Wiki .
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 Achilles class
  • 3 Odyssey class

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Void Configurations (formerly known as void tokens) are special tokens essential for advancing through certain mission flows and progressing to new level ranges.

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The upcoming new NOVA series, featuring an “ensemble of young leads,” will likely introduce the character of Richard Rider, who wields the Nova Force after the Nova Empire’s destruction in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017).

Winderbaum opens up about the future of this new sci-fi-style series set within the MCU and states that “we want to get it right”:

We’re not gonna go on a show until we’re happy with a pilot, happy with a bible.

Brandon Davis of Phase Zero continues, asking how the “cosmic” side of the MCU will be explored in the new Marvel Television world and the “further out parts of the universe.” Winderbaum had this to say:

I mean, I’ve been really inspired by what Trek is doing over the last few years; I think their shows are incredible. That’s why we hired Terry to do Vision Quest with us.

Continuing about Nova specifically, Winderbaum adds:

But the Nova that’s being developed with now, it is really like, it’s an amazing ensemble piece. I shouldn’t say too much. It’s like, it’s a great cast of characters that like are you know, in a … it’s got shades of Trek, shades of Battlestar but also has like, it also feels like… If you know the comics you know how… heated let’s say that Richard Rider kind of world can get, and it certainly embraces all of it.

Richard Rider, introduced in The Man Called Nova #1 (1976), is a high school student who inherits powers from a dying Nova Corpsman (already seen in previous Guardians  films), gaining abilities like flight, super strength, and energy projection.

Sam Alexander, introduced in Marvel Point One #1 (2011), plays significant roles in storylines like “Annihilation” and “The New Warriors” after discovering his father’s old Nova Corps helmet and gaining similar powers. He has since featured in series such as “Nova” and “Champions.” With rumors circulating that Ryan Gosling may join the MCU as Nova opposite Chris Pratt’s Star-Lord, excitement is building, and such a casting move would certainly draw major attention.

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Nova, whether as Richard Rider or Sam Alexander in the Marvel comics, plays a pivotal role in the MCU’s upcoming NOVA project. Given his complex relationship with Peter Quill—who was last seen in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023) — it’s likely that Chris Pratt’s Star-Lord will be brought back into the fold.

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The Toyark - News - Welcome to The Toyark!

Nacelle to Make Star Trek Toys

By Tony_Bacala on September 26, 2024 at 1:43 pm under Star Trek Toy News

star trek nacelle

Star Trek has a new home for action figures with news that Nacelle , who recently put out figures for Biker Mice from Mars, The Expanse, a relaunched Robo Force, Sectaurs and more – will be producing Star Trek items.   The license covers what looks to be most of it, including ToS and the movies.  They’ll be doing 1/12 aka 6 inch figures spanning the decades including never before done characters and outfits.  Read on for the full promo from

Nacelle (The Center Seat: 55 Years of Trek, The Toys/Movies That Made Us, Disney’s Behind the Attraction) has struck a deal with Paramount to create a new line of action figures based on the iconic Star Trek franchise. Nacelle’s Star Trek is inspired by some of the most beloved, fan-favorite characters and moments from Star Trek shows and films over its iconic run of nearly 60 years available as 1/12 scale action figures, with a focus on characters never before available, as well as roles in outfits never before produced. Covering the era from The Original Series, to Star Trek: Enterprise, and the films, the franchise is known for celebrating the beauty of exploration and analyzing ethical dilemmas largely based on societal issues. The trailblazing Star Trek franchise portrays unity and collaboration amongst hundreds of different cultures in their interpretation of a future universal society. With Star Trek’s rich cast of beloved characters, cameos and unforgettable moments, there will be future waves of releases that will include characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, Star Trek: IV: The Voyage Home, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek Generations, Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Insurrection, Star Trek Nemesis, and more. In addition, Nacelle is soliciting ideas from Star Trek fans on which characters they would like to see in future waves to complete their collections. “As a lifelong Star Trek fan who somehow made it through Chekov’s Ceti Eel scene at the ripe old age of six (thanks mom!), who would go on to name his company after a term every Trek fan is familiar with, I’m starting to think I’m in the best holodeck program ever made — this has all been so surreal! I promise all the fellow fans out there that we will deliver the deep cuts we’ve been waiting decades for, and keep the surprises coming too! Warp engines are standing by!” said Brian Volk-Weiss, founder of The Nacelle Company.

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An optimistic ode to humanity, Star Trek may look dated, but its gadgetry and solid storytelling solidify its place as one of pop culture's most enduring franchises.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Rebecca Romijn, Anson Mount, Ethan Peck, and Celia Rose Gooding in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022)

A prequel to Star Trek: The Original Series, the show follows the crew of the USS Enterprise under Captain Christopher Pike. A prequel to Star Trek: The Original Series, the show follows the crew of the USS Enterprise under Captain Christopher Pike. A prequel to Star Trek: The Original Series, the show follows the crew of the USS Enterprise under Captain Christopher Pike.

  • Akiva Goldsman
  • Alex Kurtzman
  • Jenny Lumet
  • Anson Mount
  • Christina Chong
  • 1K User reviews
  • 39 Critic reviews
  • 11 wins & 35 nominations total

Episodes 31

Melissa Navia Wants to Know Why You Aren't Watching Her on "Star Trek"

Top cast 99+

Anson Mount

  • Captain Christopher Pike …

Ethan Peck

  • La'an Noonien-Singh …

Melissa Navia

  • Lt. Erica Ortegas …

Rebecca Romijn

  • Una Chin-Riley …

Jess Bush

  • Nurse Christine Chapel

Celia Rose Gooding

  • Nyota Uhura …

Babs Olusanmokun

  • Dr. M'Benga

Alex Kapp

  • USS Enterprise Computer …

Dan Jeannotte

  • Lieutenant George Samuel 'Sam' Kirk

Bruce Horak

  • Jenna Mitchell

André Dae Kim

  • Captain Batel …

Carol Kane

  • Admiral Robert April

Paul Wesley

  • Captain James T. Kirk …

Gia Sandhu

  • T'Pring
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

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  • Trivia Bruce Horak , the actor who plays Hemmer, is legally blind, just like his character's species, the Aenar, who are also blind.
  • Goofs There are some rank insignia mistakes. Number One is introduced as "Lieutenant Commander Una Chin-Riley" yet she is wearing the rank insignia of a full commander: two full stripes. A Lieutenant Commander's rank insignia is a full stripe under a thin stripe (in TOS it is a full stripe and a staggered stripe). It is not uncommon for a ship's first officer to be a Lt. Commander if they have not been in the position long. Spock at this point is a Lieutenant but he is wearing Lieutenant Commander's stripes; a Lieutenant just has one stripe. La'an is the ship's chief of security and the ship's second officer. She is also wearing Lt. Commander stripes but is addressed as a Lieutenant, but it would make more sense for her to be a Lieutenant Commander. Either way both of their rank insignia are not matching the rank they are addressed by. Ortegas is addressed as a Lieutenant but is wearing Lieutenant Commander's strips. A Lieutenant Commander may be addressed as a Commander or Lieutenant Commander but never as just a Lieutenant, so either her rank insignia or the manner she is addressed by the rest of the crew is in error.

[opening narration]

Captain Christopher Pike : Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

  • Connections Featured in Nerdrotic: Woke Hollywood is FAILING, and That's a Good Thing (2022)

User reviews 1K

  • May 5, 2022

Technical specs

  • Runtime 52 minutes
  • D-Cinema 48kHz 5.1
  • Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Atmos

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Rebecca Romijn, Anson Mount, Ethan Peck, and Celia Rose Gooding in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022)

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Star trek: tng had a forgotten janeway appearance.


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1 Star Trek: Voyager Episode Borrowed 2 Terrifying Things From TNG

Why a controversial star trek: tng season 3 episode was banned in the uk, why star trek: the next generation's enterprise had a rarely-seen second bridge.

Star Trek: The Next Generation included a forgotten appearance by someone named "Janeway" in season 6. The name Janeway in the franchise is most closely associated with Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) , the first female Captain ever featured in a lead role and the star of Star Trek: Voyager . Janeway remains one of Star Trek 's best and most important characters , with additional appearances in modern franchise shows like Star Trek: Prodigy . However, Kathryn wasn't actually the first Janeway Star Trek introduced .

The name Janeway was first mentioned in the Star Trek: TNG season 6 episode "Man of the People." During the episode, a Lumerian ambassador named Ves Alkar (Chip Lucia) caused havoc on the USS Enterprise-D while he was being escorted to a diplomatic mission. After the death of his supposed mother, Ves Alkar singled out Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis ), performing a ritual with her under false pretenses that ultimately turned her into a vessel for his negative emotions . This corruption caused Troi to act erratically, including lashing out at an Ensign with a familiar name during a counseling session.

Ensign Janeway On TNG Predated Star Trek: Voyager’s Captain

Ensign janeway appeared in the tng episode "man of the people".

The Ensign Troi berated in "Man of the People" was named Janeway (Lucy Boryer), marking the name's first appearance in the Star Trek franchise. Ensign Janeway was only seen for one scene in Star Trek: The Next Generation , and wasn't even given a first name during her time on the show. Janeway was also the victim of Troi's altered state thanks to Ves Alkar, causing Troi to be rude to her during their session and offer bad advice. Although the scene is ultimately an innocuous part of "Man of the People," Ensign Janeway's inclusion is significant for her name alone.

An unsettling Star Trek: Voyager episode from season 4 was actually an amalgam of two different equally creepy Star Trek: TNG episodes.

Star Trek has never indicated whether Ensign Janeway and Captain Janeway were related. In fact, Ensign Janeway's name only holds significance in retrospect, since Captain Janeway wasn't even created for Star Trek: Voyager until long after TNG had been off the air. Still, the Ensign's existence is an interesting Easter egg that the franchise has left open to interpretation. She may have been a relative of Captain Janeway's or the name might have been entirely a coincidence. Without official confirmation from the franchise, there's simply no way to know.

Captain Janeway Never Set Foot On Any Starship Enterprise

Most enterprise versions predate janeway's appearances in star trek.

Outside of her name's first appearance, Captain Janeway was not involved with Star Trek: The Next Generation , and this included never setting foot on any ship named Enterprise. Besides a brief appearance in the TNG movie Star Trek: Nemesis , the majority of TNG projects predated Janeway's creation . Although she would likely have been involved with Starfleet when TNG took place on the Star Trek timeline , Janeway's backstory during Voyager established that she was never involved with any of the USS Enterprise-D or E's adventures.

With Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) now in command of the USS Enterprise-G, Star Trek might still have a chance to show Janeway aboard a ship named Enterprise.

What is less clear is whether Janeway ever boarded the USS Enterprise-F. The ship was part of the Frontier Day celebrations in 2401, and Star Trek: Picard established that Janeway was instrumental in the planning of Frontier Day, so it's possible she set foot on the Enterprise-F at some point. However, Picard never showed Janeway doing so, making this speculation unconfirmable. With Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) now in command of the USS Enterprise-G, Star Trek might still have a chance to show Janeway aboard a ship named Enterprise, bringing her connection to Star Trek: The Next Generation full circle.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation

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  3. Star Trek's Rebecca Romijn: Strange New Worlds' Number One Explained

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  4. Who is Number ONE?

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  7. Number One

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