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du 26 au 29 Septembre 2024

CDN Tours

Théâtre Olympia Saison 24/25

Opéra de Tours.png

Nouvelle Saison à l'Opéra de Tours 

de la rue aux jeux

De la rue aux jeux

20, 21 et 22 Septembre 2024 Monts




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Retrouvez ici les sélections de sorties du week-end, de la semaine et les incontournables du mois.

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Une sélection de sorties à faire chaque semaine en Touraine !

programme culturel tours

Une sélection de sorties à faire week-end en Touraine ! Retrouvez Sarah de PROG! tous les vendredis à 16h15 sur France Bleu Touraine.

Découvrez les agriculteurs, producteurs et artisans, acteurs du circuit court en Touraine

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Formulaire de recherche

Vous êtes ici.

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Journée Découverte de la Country


programme culturel tours

Festival l'été indien

Littérature saint-etienne-de-chigny.

programme culturel tours

Séance de Yoga

Jeune public tours.

programme culturel tours

Repair Café

Ateliers et stages joué-lès-tours.

programme culturel tours

Conférence Consonances baroques

programme culturel tours

Yoann Launay Chanson • Tours / Le Mans

Musique tours.

programme culturel tours

Partage de lectures

Littérature luynes.

programme culturel tours

A l’écoute du brame du cerf

programme culturel tours

Sheryfa Luna, présenté par ISIS Production

Journée du patrimoine, littérature savonnières.

programme culturel tours

La Plume et l'épée : 11ème salon de l'histoire militaire la défense et la sécurité

Littérature tours.

programme culturel tours

Marathon Touraine Loire Valley

Compétition tours.

programme culturel tours

Visites de villes Tours

programme culturel tours

Journées Européennes du Patrimoine au Prieuré

Musique la riche.

programme culturel tours

Les Journées Européennes du Patrimoine

Animation dans les monuments villandry.

programme culturel tours

Journées du Patrimoine - Jardin du Manoir des Basses-Rivières

Parcs et jardins rochecorbon.

programme culturel tours

Journées européennes du Patrimoine

Animation dans les monuments joué-lès-tours.

programme culturel tours

Exposition « Tours Libérée-1944 »

Expositions tours.

programme culturel tours

Exposition RonsART "Ronsard et les arts, du 16ème siècle à nos jours"

Expositions la riche.

programme culturel tours

Hors du cadre. Quand les costumes s’extraient des cadres !

programme culturel tours

Tournoi Jeux vidéo Overcooked

Compétition joué-lès-tours.

programme culturel tours


programme culturel tours

We hate you please die + Birdstone + Cucamaras

programme culturel tours

Concert Consonances baroques entre Italie et France

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Ciné-débat autour du film « Illettré » de Jean-Pierre Améris

Cinéma joué-lès-tours.

S'abonner à

Tours et culture

Tours et culture

Webzine culturel en touraine (loches, tours), festival d'avignon, blog de voyages (italie, canada, espagne, portugal, londres, berlin, saint-petersbourg, pays-bas, autriche, bruges, provence, bretagne, paris, marseille, bordeaux, chamonix… ), théâtre, opéra, lecture, cuisine…, que voir: théâtre et opéra de tours saison 2022 2023 (et agglo) .

Il y a la rentrée scolaire, la rentrée littéraire, mais la rentrée au théâtre approche aussi ! Petit tour d’horizon des programmations de saison 2022-2023 des salles de Tours et son agglo, côté théâtre et opéra pour commencer l’agenda spectacles en Touraine !

Au fil de l'article sur Tours et Culture

Quels spectacles en priorité en 2022 2023 ?

programme culturel tours

Saison 2022 2023 au CDNT théâtre Olympia de Tours

Une saison prometteuse pour fêter en beauté les 20 ans du théâtre Olympia l’été prochain!

programme culturel tours

On y retrouvera avec plaisir plusieurs des artistes associé(e)s au lieu ces dernières années, ainsi, Vanasay Khamphommala présentera Écho , une nouvelle variation iconoclaste des Métamorphoses d’Ovide (après par exemple Vénus et Adonis )avec entre autres Natalie Dessay (grand souvenir de Und BARKER / VINCEY/ DESSAY .) Caroline Guiela Nguyen présentera quant à elle Fraternité, conte fantastique après le marquant Saigon . Camille Dagen, Eddy D’aranjo et Emma Depoid interrogeront les souvenirs, avec l’ensemble artistique du TO à partir de rencontres avec cinq enfants de sept ans et cinq personnes âgées de la région de Tours, dans la vie dure (105 minutes) . Après Part-dieu, chant de gare, Entre ses mains ( de Julie Rossello-Rochet, mise en scène Julie Guichard) nous plongera cette fois au coeur du monde hospitalier tandis qu’Alexis Armengol avec K explorera le parcours d’un jeune autiste.

D’autres spectacles sont assurément à ne pas manquer cette saison comme Le Crocodile trompeur , d’après l’opéra de Purcell ( Molière du meilleur spectacle de théâtre musical 2014) ou encore le Richard III de Shakespeare mis en scène en 1995 par Mathias Langhoff et recréé par Marcial Di Fonzo Bo. J’avais beaucoup aimé Une femme se déplace l’année dernière, alors notons la nouvelle création de David Lescot avec la même troupe : La Force qui ravage tout . Et bien d’autres encore à découvrir !

Pour retrouver toute la programmation et les infos sur chaque spectacle, suivez les liens: (MAJ , je complèterai avec mes articles au fur et à mesure des spectacles vus.

Et pour le festival WET, c’est ici : Que voir au festival WET ° à Tours ? avec SIRÈNES Hélène Bertrand Margaux Desailly Blanche Ripoche , POIL DE CAROTTE, POIL DE CAROTTE et WELCOME  Pauline Bigot Sophie Lèbre Joachim Maudet

MAJ avec les articles au fur et à mesure des chroniques

A voir à l’opéra de Tours saison 2022-2023

programme culturel tours

MAJ : les liens renvoient au fur et à mesure vers les comptes-rendus de spectacles

Côté opéra, il y aura pour ouvrir la saison : WERTHER JULES MASSENET , pui s Ô MON BEL INCONNU de REYNALDO HAHN en décembre avant de finir l’année avec un beau programme sud américain dirigé par la jeune et talentueuse GLASS MARCANO. De nombreux autres concerts sont également proposés ainsi qu’une belle offre jeune public qui commence très tôt avec les concerts bébés!

La deuxième partie de saison (janvier-juillet) mettra à l’honneur Donizetti avec « Lucie de Lammermoor », et le rare «  Deux Hommes et une femme » de 1841, qu’il ne put jamais voir sur scène de son vivant, avec Patrizia Ciofi, Jodie Devos, Dietrich Henschel, Florian Sempey…

Roberto Alagna, le parrain de la saison, donnera un récital au mois de juin 2023 autour d’airs d’opéras français et italiens.

Quels spectacles voir à l’Université de Tours ?

La saison culturelle est ouverte à tous et la salle Thélème refaite il y a peu accueille d’intéressantes propositions tout au long de l’année : voir ici comme par exemple : De Bejaïa à Tours de Claire Diterzi autour de l’immigration algérienne, ou encore l’adaptation théâtrale d’un roman que j’ai beaucoup aimé : Encabanée de Gabrielle Filteau-Chiba par Émilie Beauvais le 9 mars

Vous pourrez également y retrouver DÉSOBÉIR Julie Berès dont je garde un très fort souvenir ou Les femmes de barbe bleue, vu au festival d’ Avignon

Que voir à l’escale de Saint-Cyr sur Loire ?

Une salle où je retrouve avec plaisir plusieurs de mes coups de coeur du festival d’Avignon !

Une programmation à découvrir : ici

Je vous conseille tout particulièremen t La femme qui ne vieillissait pas avec Françoise Cadol ainsi que Tchaïka festival d’ Avignon , à ne pas manquer!

programme culturel tours

A voir également sans hésiter : La promesse de l’aube, Franck DESMEDT ainsi que Le Visiteur festival et avec les plus jeunes vous pourrez y retrouver : Ravie Compagnie Möbius-Band et découvrir Un flocon dans ma gorge de Constance Larrieu , un spectacle à retrouver également à La Riche, à Luynes, Lucé, Amboise, Abbaye de Noirlac, Vernouillet… Il fait également partie de la programmation de Scène O centre SCIN jeune public.

Saison culturelle 2022 2023 Nouvel Atrium Saint Avertin

Deux spectacles à vous y conseiller déjà 37 heures Elsa Adroguer et Le Petit Coiffeur de Jean-Philippe Daguerre et beaucoup d’autres à découvrir : ici

Quels spectacles voir à l’espace Malraux de Joué les Tours ?

Humour, danse, musique, cirque, la programmation touche à tous les arts!

A voir : ici ; n’hésitez pas à l’explorer

Côté théâtre, j’ai noté pour l’instant Simone Veil  –  Les combats d’une effrontée , d’après Une vie, de  Simone Veil , avec Cristiana Reali , ou encore la comédie CHERS PARENTS d’Emmanuel et Armelle Patron. Mais aussi pourquoi pas FALLAIT PAS LE DIRE avec le duo Évelyne Bouix / Pierre Arditi.

Bref, à vos agendas!

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J’aime ça :

Articles similaires, 6 commentaires.

[…] MAJ pour la saison 2022 2023, c’est ici : Que voir: théâtre et opéra de Tours saison 2022 2023 (et agglo) ? […]

Coucou, Avec la rentrée, il y a énormément de nouveautés. J’en ai repéré plusieurs sur Paris. J’ai hâte de m’y rendre. Merci pour cette sélection. Belle journée

J’avais bien aimé Le crocodile trompeur (en revanche le spectacle de la même troupe n’était pas terrible du tout). J’ai moi aussi réservé quelques places pour des spectacles, surtout de la danse contemporaine, mais à Marseille/Aix.

« le spectacle suivant », pardon.

Je pense que Le crocodile… va bien commencer la saison!

[…] Que voir: théâtre et opéra de Tours saison 2022 2023 (et agglo) ? […]

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Festival / Fête

Illustration Festival Jazz en Touraine 2024


Illustration Crêpes Party

Santé / Bien-être

Illustration Atelier Enneagramme

Visite / Balade

Illustration Balade gourmande en bateau au coucher du soleil

Pour les petits

Illustration Helldebert

Vide grenier

Illustration Grande Braderie de Loches

Spécial Halloween

Illustration Halloween au Château du Rivau (37)

Page d'accueil

programme culturel tours

  • Toutes les actualités
  • Paroles d'acteurs
  • Information Travaux
  • Tours Magazine
  • Programmations de saison
  • Guides Pratiques
  • Lettres d'information
  • Espace Presse
  • Le Maire et les membres du Conseil municipal
  • S’installer à Tours
  • Démarches en ligne
  • Offres d’emploi
  • Administration et état civil
  • Action sociale
  • Offre culturelle
  • Activité commerciale
  • Déplacement
  • Environnement
  • Famille et scolarité
  • Propreté / Proximité
  • Sports et Loisirs
  • Vie Associative
  • Annuaire des services municipaux et métropolitains
  • Archives et délibérations
  • Bilan carbone et Rapport de développement durable
  • Marchés publics
  • Arrêtés de stationnement et de circulation et communiqués travaux
  • Tours en quelques chiffres
  • Recensement de la population
  • Données ouvertes
  • Tours cultive les alternatives
  • Tout l'agenda
  • Musées et expos
  • Patrimoine - Histoire
  • Réseaux et projets
  • Votre séjour à Tours
  • Balades et visites

Activités et animations sportives

  • Pratiques libres
  • Lieux et équipements sportifs
  • Tous nos sites
  • Une métropole du Grand Ouest
  • Au cœur du jardin de la France, la biodiversité et l’eau reprennent leurs droits
  • La ville des courts chemins : tout ce dont on a besoin à portée de main
  • S’épanouir, s’émanciper à chaque instant
  • Une ville où fleurissent les alternatives
  • Un patrimoine et des savoir-faire reconnus qui se transmettent
  • Un territoire de la transition écologique, porté par la connaissance et l’intelligence collective
  • Tours, riche de son histoire, de son patrimoine et de ses personnalités
  • Carte d’identité de Tours
  • Secteur Tours Nord-Ouest
  • Secteur Tours Nord-Est
  • Secteur Tours Centre-Ouest
  • Secteur Tours Centre-Est
  • Secteur Tours-Sud
  • Assemblée des jeunes citoyennes et citoyens
  • Autres instances citoyennes
  • Édition 2023
  • Édition 2022
  • NPNRU Sanitas
  • La future cuisine centrale
  • Réhabilitation de la friche Saint-Gatien
  • Le projet Lignes2tram
  • Le Haut de la Tranchée
  • Le Haut de la rue Nationale
  • Développement de l’axe Maginot
  • Le quartier des Deux-Lions
  • Extension du restaurant scolaire de l’école Jules Ferry
  • Les Casernes Beaumont-Chauveau
  • L’école Jean de la Fontaine
  • Le projet du futur CCNT
  • Requalification de la place du Grand Marché
  • Autres projets
  • Plan local d'urbanisme métropolitain
  • Projet éducatif de territoire
  • Agenda des concertations
  • Devenir mécène
  • Les mécènes et partenaires
  • Groupes politiques
  • Séances du Conseil Municipal et questions citoyennes
  • Transparence et déontologie des élu.e.s
  • Plan d’apaisement 2024 -2028
  • Écoles en transitions
  • Engager Tours dans la transition écologique
  • Se battre pour la dignité et la justice sociale
  • Faire vivre la citoyenneté et le Vivre Ensemble
  • Budget et finances locales
  • Le sport, facteur d’inclusion
  • Demande de subvention
  • Les délibérations du Conseil Municipal
  • Les arrêtés municipaux et décisions du maire
  • Les représentations des élus
  • Les arrêtés de déport des élus locaux
  • Les arrêtés de circulation et de stationnement
  • Devenir commerçant solidaire
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  • Nuit de la solidarité
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  • Offres d'emploi
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  • Lettre d’information
  • Publications
  • Cartographie générale
  • Politique de protection

Mise en avant

programme culturel tours

Ateliers - Spectacles - Cinéma - Sport - Guinguette

Un été au Sanitas

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Programmation estivale itinérante

Tours sur Loire

Tours intense, votre agenda.

programme culturel tours

Du 17 Sep. au 15 Nov.

Des champignons du néolithique à nos jours

programme culturel tours

Les Beaumonts : le tiers-lieu

Du 17 Sep. au 05 Oct.

Horaire mardi 17 Sep, 14h00

programme culturel tours

Restaurant le Kiosk

Du 17 Sep. au 30 Sep.

Horaire mardi 17 Sep, 10h30

programme culturel tours

Un été au Sanitas : une vraie métamorphose

Du 17 Sep. au 29 Sep.

Horaire mardi 17 Sep, 10h00

programme culturel tours

La Guinguette de Tours

Horaire mardi 17 Sep, 11h00

programme culturel tours

Le Bal des Demoiselles

Du 17 Sep. au 26 Sep.

Horaire mardi 17 Sep, 00h00

programme culturel tours

Séance de Yoga pour adulte

Du 18 Sep. au 18 Sep.

Horaire mercredi 18 Sep, 18h00

programme culturel tours

Ateliers Santé

Du 18 Sep. au 18 Déc.

Horaire mercredi 18 Sep, 14h00

Temps forts

programme culturel tours

L'agenda des sports

programme culturel tours

Plan d'apaisement 2024 - 2028

programme culturel tours

Festival Peuple de Loire

Paroles d'acteurs.

Portrait de Peter Fish La première gorgée de paysage Architecte-paysagiste le jour, peintre-paysagiste la nuit, Peter Fish – son nom d’artiste – s’applique à réaménager le territoire de ses rêves à la lumière de ses pinceaux. Tours en fait partie. Texte : Benoît Piraudeau

Musées & expos

programme culturel tours

Juliette AGNEL - Pierre, feuille, silex

Exposition du Jeu de Paume

En ce moment.

Exposition au Château de Tours

Exposition “Mānouches”

Agenda sportif, équipements sportifs, découvrir tours.

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Retour en haut

programme culturel tours

Le Festival des Langues 2023 encore une fois une réussite !

Une nouvelle fois, le Festival des Langues 2023 a été une belle réussite, qui souligne encore et toujours, l'intérêt qui est porté aux langues, aux pays du monde et à leurs multiples cultures qui donnent vie à notre joli festival.

Merci à tous d'y avoir participé et nous vous donnons de nouveau rendez-vous en 2024 pour de nouvelles découvertes!

Téléchargez dès à présent le programme 2023 en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous. "



Le festival des langues.

Venez faire de belles découvertes au Festival des Langues aux Halles de Tours, avec plus de 80 pays, leurs langues et leurs cultures.

Des exposants, des cours de langues, chants, danses et des représentations vous attendent.

notre Association

Si vous souhaitez soutenir les différentes activités de Linguafest37 vous pouvez devenir adhérent à plusieurs titres: membre actif, membre bienfaiteur, membre associé, membre usager (pour 10 Euros), ou tout simplement nous verser un don (matériel ou pécuniaire). Contactez-nous !

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Linguafest37 [email protected]

Association loi 1901.

Mentions Légales

  • Switzerland
  • New Zealand
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

programme culturel tours

Cultural tours

Achieve your travel dreams with an Explore small group tour. On one of our cultural tours you'll get to see the highlights, and get off the beaten track to discover more than the average tourist. Our trips are designed to make sure you experience the culture, history and sights of every destination.

Places to go for Discovery

South america, central america, middle east, north america, australasia, about our small group cultural discovery tours.

We offer hundreds of cultural discovery trips to extraordinary destinations all over the world; from bucketlist favorites like  India  and  Italy  to more unusual, less-visited destinations like  Kazakhstan  and  Lebanon . They're designed to fully immerse you in the culture of your destination, as well as include the must-dos, like visits to key landmarks, walks and wildlife spotting. And alongside the essential things to see, we work hard to add in extraordinary experiences you wouldn't otherwise get, like meals with locals and unique  accommodation  like home stays.  

Our Discovery tours allow you to get under the skin of your destination and fully explore. The average group size on these small-group tours is just 11, meaning you'll have like-minded travelers with you, but not too many to disrupt your trip.

On a Discovery tour you'll be led by a local  tour guide . These tour leaders have expert knowledge about the areas you'll travel and will make sure your trip is not only safe and comfortable but unforgettable in all the right ways. 

First time traveling with Explore? We've answered some of the  most-asked questions  about our small group Discovery trips. 

Our most popular Discovery tours

Simply japan.

Feefo logo

Malta and Gozo Discovery

Feefo logo

Botswana Wildlife Safari

Feefo logo

Costa Rica Wildlife Tour

Feefo logo

India's Golden Triangle

Feefo logo

Inside Vietnam

Feefo logo

What to expect on a cultural discovery tour

Types of discovery tours.

Included in our cultural discovery tours are our  festival departures . Visiting a festival is one of the best ways to immerse yourself in the culture of a destination. We run trips to unusual and less-known festivals like the festivals in Bhutan  or festivals in Tibet .

Many of our destinations are home to fascinating wildlife species, and so we include wildlife-spotting activities like game drives and visits to nature reserves in our itineraries. We also offer dedicated wildlife tours , which have a focus of seeing the animals and birdlife of a destination. From Africa safaris to Galapagos tours, bear watching in Europe to Amazon rainforest stays, our wildlife tours offer you the best opportunity to spot the stars of the animal kingdom. 

Food and drink is also a big part of our Discovery vacations. We aim to include the opportunity to try local food and drink on all our discovery tours, but if this is a particular focus for you we've got some trips specifically designed to include  food and drink experiences . From sampling cheeses and wines in Italy to making tamales in Mexico, you'll get to sample all the best cuisine from your destination.    

Frequently asked questions about our Discovery trips

Learn more about our Discovery tours in our  7 questions answered about your first Discovery trip  blog.

An adventure travel company you can trust

Unforgettable experiences.

From big wows to hidden gems, our tours leave you feeling that you've really explored.

Expert tour leaders

Chosen for their great knowledge of your destination and a passion to make your trip extraordinary.

Small group tours

Average groups of 11; solos, couples and friends, united by a desire for authentic experiences.

Responsible at heart

How we operate sets us apart; our flexible booking policy, our loyalty scheme & sustainable approach.

Need some inspiration for your Discovery tour?

programme culturel tours

7 questions answered for your first small-group adventure tour

programme culturel tours

First solo trip with Explore? Top 7 questions answered

See All Discovery destinations

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • El Salvador
  • Ivory Coast
  • North Macedonia
  • Philippines
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Africa
  • Turkmenistan

programme culturel tours

Cultural Tours & Travel Packages 2024/2025

Our 12,355 most popular cultural trips. compare tour itineraries from 919 tour companies. 44,853 reviews. 4.7/5 avg rating., popular cultural tours.

Best of Switzerland

Best of Switzerland

  • 1 Welcome Reception (WR)
  • 8 Breakfast (B)
  • 1 Be My Guest (BMG)
  • 1 Dinner (D)
  • 1 Farewell Dinner (FD)

Nile Cruise

Nile Cruise

  • Visit the pyramids
  • Explore ancient temples and tombs
  • Cruise on the Nile
  • Enjoy the laid-back atmosphere of Aswan
  • Option to add on the magnificent Abu Simbel temple

Country Roads of Switzerland (Summer, Classic)

Country Roads of Switzerland (Summer, Classic)

  • Stanserhorn: Journey to the top of Mount Stanserhorn on a panoramic, open-top cable car powered by solar energy, and enjoy spectacular views from the summit.
  • Lucerne: During your orientation with your Travel Director, see the emotive Lion Monument, Jesuit Church and Chapel Bridge.
  • Bern: Your exploration with a local historian through Switzerland's capital includes seeing the floral displays, Cathedral of St. Vincent, Federal Palace, clock tower and Ogre Fountain.
  • Gruyères: Travel along valley floors covered with rich meadowland, to the pretty town of Gruyeres. Your Travel Director leads an orientation tour where you will see the main street and 13th century castle.
  • Montreux: At the foot of the Alps this town boasts one of the most beautiful walks along Lake Geneva, join your Travel Director for an orientation before there is free time to explore.

Irish Elegance (Summer, Small Groups)

Irish Elegance (Summer, Small Groups)

  • Dublin: See Custom House and travel along the River Liffey. See the Guinness Brewery, Christchurch Cathedral and St. Patrick's Cathedral.
  • Cashel: See the Rock of Cashel where St. Patrick preached.
  • Killarney: Enjoy hearing of the history of Killarney during your city orientation.
  • Ring of Kerry: Venture into a world of towering cliffs, lush lakelands, beaches, fields dotted with sheep, rocky coastline, remote villages and historical sites, as you journey the magical Ring of Kerry. This 111-mile circular route is the best place to admire Ireland's scenic beauty and truly one of the most beautiful drives in the world.
  • Shannon: Cross the Shannan Estuary by ferry. This large estuary is where the River Shannon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

New Zealand: The South Island

New Zealand: The South Island

  • Prepare to be dazzled by the staggering beauty of the South Island’s glittering lakes, lush forests, fertile farmlands, and alpine peaks.
  • Hike up a valley carved by the retreating ice of Franz Josef Glacier.
  • Spend a day at a wilderness resort, enjoying kayaking, canoeing, hiking—and perhaps strolling to a colony of glowworms.
  • Experience life on a working ranch and savor a home-cooked meal during a visit to a sheep and cattle station.
  • Sample local vintages during a wine tasting at a local estate.

Highlights of Albania

Highlights of Albania

  • Travel through Albania while discovering its fascinating history and culture
  • Discover Butrint, one of the greatest archaeological sites in the Balkans
  • Stroll along UNESCO-Listed towns and visit hilltop castles

Glaciers, Falls & Tango

Glaciers, Falls & Tango

  • Tour both sides of Iguazú Falls’ majestic waterfalls and wander the national park split between Argentina and Brazil.
  • Walk alongside Patagonia’s Perito Moreno Glacier, one of Argentina’s cultural staples,in cosmopolitan Buenos Aires.
  • Best time to travel: From October to April

Irish Highlights (Summer)

Irish Highlights (Summer)

  • 6 Breakfast (B)
  • Wicklow: Traditional Irish fare with an Italian twist is served up at Glenealy House near Dublin with the charming Fulvio family on hand to share their story.

All Cultural , expedition cruises, self guided adventures and vacation packages. Find the best guided and expert planned vacation and holiday packages. Read more about Cultural

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Small Group Cultural Tours

Small Group Cultural Tours

A Week in Jordan

  • Discover the secrets of Petra with two full days exploring the Red Rose City
  • Experience Bedouin life at our private desert camp in Wadi Rum
  • Stroll through the ancient Roman streets of Jerash
  • Float in the tranquil waters of the Dead Sea, an unmissable experience
  • Visit Mount Nebo, said to be the burial site of Moses

Mexico Unplugged

Mexico Unplugged

  • Visit the community of San Pedro Tlahuac, home to Nahuatl descendants who practice traditions like chinampa farming, fiestas and ancient ceremonies.
  • Wander the stalls, snap some photos and pick up traditional handicrafts at the markets in Mexico City and Puebla.
  • Escape the Mexican heat in the highlands of San Cristobal de las Casas and explore surrounding villages where traditional customs and roots are thriving.
  • Explore the stunning Mayan temples of Palenque dating back to AD600 and stroll through Chichen Itza, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.
  • Finish off your epic journey and recharge with a little beach time in the beachside hub of Playa del Carmen.

Greek Island Wanderer

Greek Island Wanderer

  • Island hopping between the Cyclades Islands of Syros, Paros, Santorini and Naxos
  • Visit gleaming waterfront harbours, rocky coves and sandy beaches
  • Explore the historic capital city of Athens with the chance to visit the Acropolis

Tour du Mont Blanc Hotel Trek

Tour du Mont Blanc Hotel Trek

  • Stay in a variety of small, friendly hotels and pensions
  • Walk in the shadow of Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in western Europe
  • Enjoy the spectacular scenery of this world-famous route
  • Three rest days to explore the alpine towns of Courmayeur, Les Contamines and Chamonix.

Malta and Gozo Discovery

Malta and Gozo Discovery

  • Highlights tour of Malta and Gozo exploring these Mediterranean islands
  • Explore Malta's capital of Valetta and its fortifications, churches, Grand Harbour
  • Discover the oldest freestanding structures in the world including the temple of Ggantija

Best of Alaska

Best of Alaska

  • Head out on an Alaskan safari for a unique chance to see moose, caribou, grizzly bears, Dall sheep and wolves in their natural habitat in Denali National Park.
  • Take a boat cruise on Resurrection Bay to Kenai Fjords and look out for orca whales, porpoises and puffins before enjoying some free time to hike or relax.
  • Discover Seward, one of Alaska's oldest and most scenic communities, then take a short hike to the tongue of Exit Glacier in Kenai Fjords National Park.
  • Sit back and take in stunning views along the dramatic coastlines of the Turnagain Arm from Anchorage to Homer, then from Seward to Denali National Park, while someone else does the driving.
  • On the way to charming Talkeetna, take a breath in Girdwood, where you’ll hop on the Alyeska Aerial Tram to the top of Mt Alyeska and see some incredible views of seven glaciers and the valley below.

Best Cultural Tours by Duration

Tours, Cruises & Private Trips

Best Cultural Tours by Price

Top Cultural Attractions

  • Visiting ancient temples such as  Angkor Wat , Angkor Thom and Ta Phrom in Cambodia
  • Watching early morning ritual performance in  Ganges River
  • Visiting archaeological sites and museum collection in  Greece  to learn about ancient Greek culture
  • Discovering monuments of Roman Empire in  Italy
  • Visiting the Meiji Jingu Shrine in Tokyo,  Japan
  • Watching the monks chant prayers in Taktsang Palphug Monastery also knows as “Tigers Nest,” in  Bhutan

Cultural Tours & Travel

Cultural Attractions & Landmarks Guide

Cultural tours can take many forms: art, architecture, music, and literary tours being perhaps the most common. But cultural tours might also involve interactions with indigenous tribes in South America or visiting villages to learn about daily life in Fiji. While many tours contain major cultural components, some make it their primary focus.

The Arts & National Consciousness

Throughout time, the arts have been a unique and powerful tool. They are used for portraying both political dissonance and dissatisfaction. They are intrinsically linked to the outlook of a nation. They are a great equalizer - whether you “like” a piece of art or not, is irrelevant. All humans create art, and have for thousands of years. It’s one of the quickest avenues to discovering more about a country’s culture.

It’s guaranteed that a cultural tour will incorporate a deep look at the arts - from film, painting, and music, to artifacts and architecture. 

Native Traditions

Learning about the traditions and cultures of native peoples can be a glimpse into the ancient world. Often more closely connected to their culture as a way of life, in some places native populations are struggling to maintain their traditions in a rapidly closing in modern world. Many tours will showcase local artists, visit native villages, present traditional foods, and you may learn a word or two in their language!

Trip Reviews

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Very well organized and an excellent tour guide and bus drivers.

Sudarshan Upadhya

The itinerary was very well planned. More than that, the Travel Director, Mr. *********, made this trip memorable. Our previous trip with Trafalgar lacked a Travel D...

Taren Carroll

This trips packs a lot into 8 days. We definitely felt the full flavour of Switzerland. Our tour director ********* was fantastic! He was a wealth of information, c...

This was our first international trip as a family (2 adults, 2 teens). Our travel director was awesome. He managed time well by providing insight to the Swiss cult...

Judith Carroll

What a glorious trip! The mountains, the lakes & the valleys make it one of the most beautiful places on earth. From boat cruises on the lakes to the breathtaki...

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Bradford City of Culture 2025: events programme unveiled

Bradford’s UK City of Culture 2025 programme offers an exciting opportunity for international visitors to experience the city’s rich cultural heritage, diversity and dynamic arts scene. With a year-long calendar of events, including immersive light shows, dance performances, music festivals and film screenings, Bradford has set itself firmly on the map as a destination to experience in 2025.

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Night time in City Park square

Bradford 2025 has unveiled the first events of its UK City of Culture programme, promising a vibrant year-long celebration of the city’s rich cultural heritage and dynamic arts scene. Designed to reflect Bradford’s multicultural spirit and industrial legacy, the programme includes a diverse array of events, performances and exhibitions, from major public art installations to community-led projects targeted at audiences of all ages and backgrounds.

Opening the celebrations will be the outdoor spectacular  RISE (10-11 January), created by award-winning theatre director Kirsty Housley in collaboration with Bradford-born magician Steven Frayne (formerly known as Dynamo). Other highlights include  Memories of the Future   (5 July), a new project from renowned dancer-choreographer Akram Khan and Akram Khan Company, and a three-day contemporary-classical music festival,  New Music Biennial 2025 , featuring both local talent and international stars (6-8 June).  The Turner Prize , which showcases new developments in British art, will be hosted at  Cartwright Hall Art Gallery from September 2025. Additionally, there will be pop-up exhibitions at  Salts Mill , theatre performances in historic venues, and an outdoor art exhibition titled  Wild Uplands , set in the moorlands of Penistone Hill Country Park, near Haworth.

Bradford’s UNESCO City of Film status will also shine through as part of an eclectic film programme including open-air film screenings, workshops and collaborations with global filmmakers. Highlights will include a screening of Mathieu Kassovitz’s classic La Haine  with a live performance of the score by the Asian Dub Foundation (15 January). Film director   Clio Barnard ( Ali & Ava ,  The Selfish Giant ) will curate a  series of films from working-class northern women at  Pictureville , Yorkshire’s biggest independent cinema (dates tbc).

Introduced in 2009, the UK City of Culture scheme is designed to promote cultural regeneration and economic growth in cities across the UK. Every four years, one city is chosen to hold the title, with the aim of boosting tourism, investment, and community engagement. Taking the mantle from Coventry, Bradford was selected given its rich cultural diversity, historical significance and its growing reputation as a creative hub. 

Things to do in Bradford

Bradford offers a wealth of experiences beyond the UK City of Culture 2025 events, giving visitors a chance to see the city from new perspectives. From the historic architecture of Little Germany to the serene beauty of Lister Park, once crowned Britain’s Best Park, the city boasts plenty of sights and activities. 

Film and heritage

Dive into Bradford’s industrial heritage at the  Bradford Industrial Museum , where the city’s textile, steam-power and engineering legacies are brought to life.  The National Science and Media Museum showcases world-class exhibitions celebrating film, photography, and broadcasting. Film buffs can also follow the Bradford Movie Trail , a self-guided walk to film locations and places of film history around the city centre.

Foodie delights and underground bars

Bradford’s culinary scene is a melting pot of international flavours. Food lovers can indulge in everything from traditional British fare to globally inspired dishes. Opening in spring 2025,  Darley Street Market is set to become a top foodie destination, offering three floors of all-day entertainment and a food hall with 13 street food vendors. Visitors will be able to enjoy dining on an outdoor balcony overlooking the city square.

Alternatively, venture underground to Sunbridge Wells , a hidden gem of subterranean drinking and dining. This unique underground arcade in restored historic tunnels is home to a long cellar bar, pubs and street food stalls. Visitors can tuck into wood-fired pizza, sip ale at one of Bradford’s oldest pubs or watch a gig at Wallers Brewery. 

Outdoor adventures 

For those seeking outdoor thrills, Bradford is a gateway to adventure. Hire a bike and explore the Great Northern Railway Trail , a scenic route that passes iconic landmarks like the Alhambra Theatre and takes cyclists into the tranquil countryside. For those that prefer walking, the circular Eccleshill Railway Walk follows a former railway line through the countryside, or head further out and hike through the breathtaking rural scenery of the Yorkshire Dales and Brontë Country, the region that inspired novelists Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë. North of Bradford, visit UNESCO World Heritage Site, Saltaire , a Victorian model village built in the late 19th century. At its heart is the Salts Mill , a historic building turned hip arts space and destination for fine dining and shopping.

Press images:

For press images, please contact the ‘Bradford 2025’ media library: https://bradford2025.co.uk/press-and-media/

Notes for editors:

Dates are correct at the time of publication; however, dates are subject to change after the time of posting.  Supporting assets can be found in the VisitBritain image library . Please register to get access.  For further information contact the Visit Britain press team at [email protected]

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TOURS, Cité internationale de la Gastronomie

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Tours Evénements, acteur majeur du tourisme d'affaires et de l'événementiel en Val de Loire

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Tours Événements et le Convention Bureau étaient présents au salon Heavent Meeting de Cannes.


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Jane's Addiction cancels reunion tour after on-stage band fight

Dace Navarro, left, plays guitar while Perry Farrell sings on stage

The remainder of the reunion tour by the original lineup of Jane’s Addiction , the group’s first in 14 years, has been canceled. While a general statement issued under the band’s name collectively did not lay blame, guitarist Dave Navarro laid it squarely at singer Perry Farrell‘s feet in a separate statement issued on his own social accounts and co-signed by the other two band members, saying Farrell is experiencing mental health issues and saying they “hope he finds the help he needs.”

It’s a development that came to seem inevitable after the world witnessed footage of an on-stage melee that saw Farrell taking a punch at guitarist Navarro, followed by bassist Eric Avery going after Farrell as he and two crew members struggled to get the singer off-stage.

A brief statement posted under the band’s name on social media Monday morning read, “To all the fans, the band have made the difficult decision to take some time away as a group. As such, they will be cancelling the remainder of the tour.” The announcement goes on to say that refunds for the cancelled dates will be “issued at your point of purchase — or if you purchased from a third-party resale site like StubHub, SeatGeek, etc, please reach out to them direct.”

But Navarro posted a more detailed statement on behalf of himself and two other members of the group, writing, “Due to a continuing pattern of behavior and the mental health difficulties of our singer Perry Farrell, we have come to the conclusion that we have no choice but to discontinue the current US tour. Our concern for his personal health and safety as well as our own has left us no alternative. We hope that he will find the help he needs.”

Navarro continued, “We deeply regret that we are not able to come through for all our fans who have already bought tickets. We can see no solution that would either ensure a safe environment on stage or reliably allow us to deliver a great performance on a nightly basis. Our hearts are broken.” The statement is signed “Dave, Eric and Stephen (Perkins).”

Altogether, 15 dates are being canceled — less than a month after Live Nation announced that seven dates were being added to the end of the tour, which also featured Love & Rockets as co-headliner. The canceled shows were in Bridgeport, Toronto, Rochester Hills, Milwaukee, Chicago, Indianapolis, Huntsville. St. Louis, Denver, Sandy, Seattle, Portland, Reno, San Francisco and Los Angeles. The final show was to have taken place Oct. 16 at L.A.’s YouTube Theater, where the tour already touched down for one date earlier this summer. The band played 17 shows before calling it quits, including the fateful, aborted gig Friday at Boston’s Leader Bank Pavilion.

Previously, the band had only canceled its show Sunday in Connecticut in the wake of their on-stage physical altercation in Boston. But reports had emerged that band members had already flown separate ways over the weekend, and Dave Navarro had gone on his Instagram account to post a photo of himself holding a guitar with the Jane’s Addiction logo that bore the simple caption “Goodnight.”

Navarro was not the only one citing alleged mental health issues being at play on Farrell’s part. The singer’s wife, Etty Lau Farrell, had issued an Instagram statement that was generally defensive of her husband in the stage melee, but later Saturday, she added in a comment that Farrell was “spinning out” and said that his current state represented “the most devastating mental health of all” that she had seen since being with him since 1997.

The confrontation between Farrell, Navarro, Avery and crew members near the planned climax of a concert at Boston’s Leader Bank Pavilion was caught on video by dozens of audience members, and widely shared on social media, shocking even some veteran observers who’ve witnessed their share of intra-band tension over the years.

The group’s first official response after the fracas had been to issue an apology on Saturday and announce the cancellation of the next show, which was to take place Sunday night in Connecticut, with no mention at the time about whether the rest of the 14 tour dates left on the itinerary would proceed or not. But Navarro seemed to indicate which way things were going to go, when he took to his own Instagram account on Sunday afternoon and simply posted the word “Goodbye…” as a caption to a pensive photo of himself bearing a guitar with a large Jane’s Addiction logo on the back.

Most of the footage shared on social media from Boston Friday night began with the band well into a performance of the 11th song in the set, “Ocean Size,” with Navarro taking a guitar solo and Farrell fiercely grunting at the audience. It soon became apparent in the videos that Farrell was genuinely enraged — although about what, it wasn’t clear from the footage — as he turned toward Navarro and continued with the same grunting, in his bandmate’s face. He then aggressively slammed his shoulder into the guitarist’s, and although Navarro kept soloing for a moment, he soon put up a hand to try to maintain some distance between himself and his angry bandmate. At that point, Farrell was seen throwing a punch at Navarro, though it wasn’t clear from the footage whether it really landed.

As soon as that punch was thrown, three men stepped in to subdue Farrell, including two who entered from the wings, plus Avery. The footage grew murkier at that point, as the stage lights were turned down. Navarro gently put his guitar down onto the stage while the three men grappled with Farrell. Once the agitated singer was forcibly removed from the stage, the other three members stood and made silent, sentimental gestures to the cheering audience, hugging one another and giving the peace sign before making an exit.

In her initial Instagram post Saturday, Etty Lau Farrell offered a detailed explanation of why, in her mind, her husband had a reason to be upset — it had to do with sound issues letting the band drown out his vocals, she said — and why she blamed Avery for “winning the fight,” in her words, by escalating it. In her accounting, Avery took advantage of the situation by putting the combative singer in a headlock and punching him three times in the stomach. That is something that is difficult to confirm definitively just from watching the fan-shot video, but it hasn’t kept fans from vigorously debating whether Avery overreacted, as Etty maintains, or was within his rights to finish a band fight that Farrell started.

In the immediate aftermath of the fight, some fans who had been in attendance at the fateful show correctly predicted that they had just seen the abrupt end of the tour, if not of Jane’s Addiction for the rest of time.

For all the joking comparisons with the newly reunited Oasis, many were taking seriously whatever personal demons may be bedeviling band members to have turned the reunion so sour, with nearly half of the tour still to go at the time it was canceled. More than one review of Jane’s Addiction concerts this month had used the word “chugging” in describing Farrell’s wine consumption on stage, both at the good and not-so-good shows.

Etty Lau Farrell insisted that alcohol was not the real issue. “Unfortunately, that bottle of wine is more of a prop nowadays. I have gotten angry at him multiple times, that he would leave a beautiful bottle of wine 3/4 full on the stage, when I would’ve loved a glass after the show.” It was then that she offered her alternate explanation: “Spinning out. The most devastating health of all (since she was first) with him since 97.”

In her initial post, Etty wrote, “Clearly there had been a lot of tension and animosity between the members… the magic that made the band so dynamic. Well, the dynamite was lit. Perry got up in Dave’s face and body checked him… Perry’s frustration had been mounting, night after night; he felt that the stage volume had been extremely loud and his voice was being drowned out by the band. Perry had been suffering from tinnitus and a sore throat every night. But when the audience in the first row started complaining up to Perry, cussing at him that the band was planning too loud and that they couldn’t hear him, Perry lost it.”

She continued, “The band started the song ‘Ocean’ before Perry was ready and did the count-off. The stage volume was so loud at that point that Perry couldn’t hear pas(t) the boom and the vibration of the instruments and by the end of the song, he wasn’t singing, he was screaming just be to be heard.” Etty mentioned the “body check” by her husband against Navarro, although not the punch. After asking the rhetorical question “who won the fight?,” she answered: “Why, Eric Avery of course. While Dave was keeping Perry at arm’s length to de-escalate the situation, Dan rushed over to de-escalate as well by holding Perry back. Dave walked away to take his guitar off. Eric walked up to Perry, upstage, in the dark, behind Dan, put Perry in a headlock and punched him in the stomach three times. Kevin, crew member with long hair, pulled Eric away. Then Eric nonchalant(ly) walked off to the front of the stage to apologize to audience for the show end(ing) early.”

In the aftermath, she wrote, “Dave still looked handsome and cool in the middle of a fight. Perry was a crazed beast for the next half an hour — he finally did not calm down, but did break down and cried and cried. Eric, well, he either didn’t understand what de-(es)calation meant or took advantage of the situation and got in a few cheap shots on Perry.” At the end of her post, she added hashtags that read, in part: “A man can only be pushed so far.” “Dave took the high road.” “Cheap shot.” “Mother eagle.”

Clearly there’s much more to the story to be told, even if Farrell’s wife account is largely accurate, as she left unanswered questions like Farrell went directly after a surprised-looking Navarro if he was upset about sound issues that the guitarist presumably didn’t control.

But fans discussing the band breakdown on Reddit and in other forums have been piecing together clues from watching footage of songs the band performed earlier in the night in Boston, at which point tensions were already clearly developing, as well as from concerts earlier in the tour. Many believe that the band members had been out of synch at different points in the Boston gig, with Farrell possibly losing his place in songs and Navarro seeming to come over to him to signal that he was about to go into a solo. Some of these fans believe that Navarro’s guitar solo during what turned out to be the final song of the night came as a surprise to Farrell, and that this may have been the reason for his rage.

A review of the band’s Tampa show earlier this month in  Creative Loafing  may have offered a hint of where some other tension between Farrell and Navarro might have been found. The Florida critic reported: “Farrell launched into many nonsensical rants about cow pastures, mushrooms, surfing, living in Florida, and arguing with his brother about politics, among other undecipherable comments” while “chugging from a full bottle of wine throughout the performance. … At one point, during one of his ramblings, Navarro deliberately cranked out a loud, piercing chord on his guitar, as almost to silence Farrell and get the show back on track.”

And then in New York City, two concerts at the Rooftop at Pier 51 presented two very different levels of performance. The first night of the group’s two-night stand went poorly — according even to the band itself. “Ladies and gentlemen, I have to be honest with you. Something’s wrong with my voice,” Farrell said. “I just can’t get the notes out all of a sudden.” The next day, Avery posted to Instagram: “Looking forward to getting another crack at this spectacular rooftop venue tonight. I’m optimistic we will be better.”

On Wednesday night in New York, things indeed took a turn for the better, according to a  reviewer for JamBase who wrote, “I had seen the reports of Farrell’s condition on Tuesday, so I had trepidation as Jane’s Addiction came on. All my fears quickly eased away as my first Jane’s experience was a great one. Farrell sang well, Perkins crushed it behind the kit, Navarro shredded and Avery anchored the band with his steady work on bass. … Some of (Farrell’s) stories were engaging and others rambled as he chugged from a bottle of wine. … However, when it came to singing the songs, Farrell nailed most of them.”

The tour by Jane’s Addiction was a co-headlining one shared with another veteran ’80s/’90s band, Love & Rockets. Their outing began Aug. 9 in Las Vegas and was scheduled to wrap up at L.A.’s YouTube Theater on Oct. 16, where the band already performed one successful show.

Jane’s was said to have an album mostly completed, and there’s no word yet on whether the record will still come out. A single was released, “Imminent Redemption,” that was said to be the band’s first recording with all of its original members in 34 years.

The rundown of canceled shows:

Sun Sep 15 — Bridgeport, CT — Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater

Wed Sep 18 — Toronto, ON — Budweiser Stage

Fri Sep 20 — Rochester Hills, MI — Meadow Brook Amphitheater

Sun Sep 22 — Milwaukee, WI — BMO Pavilion

Tue Sep 24 — Chicago, IL — Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom

Thu Sep 26 — Indianapolis, IN — Everwise Amphitheater at White River State Park

Sat Sep 28 — Huntsville, AL — South Star Music Festival*

Sun Sep 29 — St. Louis, MO — Evolution Festival*

Wed Oct 02 — Denver, CO — Fillmore Auditorium 

Fri Oct 04 — Sandy, UT — Sandy Amphitheater 

Tue Oct 08 — Seattle, WA — WAMU Theater 

Wed Oct 09 — Portland, OR — Veterans Memorial Coliseum 

Fri Oct 11 — Reno, NV — Grand Sierra Resort and Casino 

Sun Oct 13 — San Francisco, CA — The Masonic 

Wed Oct 16 — Los Angeles, CA — YouTube Theater

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  1. Agenda des spectacles

    Agenda CHERCHEZ, TROUVEZ ! Découvrez les spectacles et événements à venir : concerts, festivals, théâtre, humour, salons... SÉlection. Concert Spectacle Festival Salon. Thank you! Your submission has been received! ... 26 boulevard Heurteloup 37000 Tours, France [email protected] (+33) 2 47 70 70 70.

  2. Où sortir à Tours ? Les événements à venir ce soir et ce week-end

    Les événements à venir ce soir et ce week-end. Sortir à Tours est le guide des concerts à Tours proposant des idées de sorties culturelles pour ce soir ou cette semaine. Consultez l'agenda des événements dédiés au spectacle à Tours en plus des dates de concert présentées dans des salles comme le Palais des Congrès de Tours.

  3. Événements 1 à 12 sur 577 au total

    Événements 1 à 12 sur 524 au total - Ville de Tours. Tours Actualités. Ma Mairie. Arrêtés de stationnement et de circulation et communiqués travaux. Tours intense. Au cœur du jardin de la France, la biodiversité et l'eau reprennent leurs droits. La ville des courts chemins : tout ce dont on a besoin à portée de main.

  4. Aladebauche

    L'agenda des événements pour Sortir à Tours et dans le 37. Sortir à Tours. et dans le 37. Que faire à Tours et en Indre et Loire ? À La Débauche vous propose des idées de sorties culturelles, les trucs à faire en Touraine, les bons plans, tous les événements à ne pas manquer.

  5. Agenda Culturel de l'Indre-et-Loire 2024 et 2025

    Retrouvez le programme des lieux culturels de l'Indre-et-Loire comme le Palais des Congrès de Tours et l'Espace Malraux à Joue les Tours pour sortir à Tours ou trouver des idées de sorties culturelles à Joue les Tours. Parcourez l'agenda du 37 pour découvrir plus de 1547 dates d'événements culturels dans l'Indre-et-Loire.

  6. Théâtre Tours 2024 et 2025 programme et billetterie

    Découvrez du théâtre à Tours: spectacles et pièces de théâtre à Tours avec les représentations ce soir, en septembre, octobre, novembre en 2024 et 2025.Retrouvez le programme des théâtres à Tours avec les dates de Palais des Congrès de Tours et Comédie de Tours. Les spectacles Paul de Saint Sernin, Edgar-Yves, Solide, Tournée, Bernard Mabille dans Loin des cons !, Un ado peut en ...

  7. Accueil

    PROG! vous propose toutes les sorties culture, expos, jeune public, nature, tourisme et sport de la touraine ! Aller au contenu principal ... Découvrez les concerts à Tours, les spectacles en Touraine dans l'agenda PROG !

  8. Agenda

    Agenda. le 14 sep. Atelier créatif - Allons voir si la rose Ateliers et stages Joué-lès-Tours Pour fêter le 500ème anniversaire de la naissance de Pierre de Ronsard, un atelier créatif est proposé autour des roses épanouies, de l'amour et de la poésie ! Tous les moyens sont permis : illustration et mise en valeur de textes ou ...

  9. Idées de sorties à Tours

    Maison De La Culture Clermont Ferrand ; Defonce De Rire ; La Puce A L'oreille ; Casino Partouche Royat ; Vulcania ; La Comédie des Volcans; Toutes les salles à Clermont-Ferrand; ... Cupidon Tour : un show puissant et émouvant dont seul Slimane a le secret. 13/09/2024 ─ 09/01/2025 37 Événements. Voir les 37 Événements. Tours, ven. 08/11 ...

  10. Tous les concerts à Tours

    Maison De La Culture Clermont Ferrand ; Defonce De Rire ; La Puce A L'oreille ; Casino Partouche Royat ; Vulcania ; La Comédie des Volcans; Toutes les salles à Clermont-Ferrand; ... Cupidon Tour : un show puissant et émouvant dont seul Slimane a le secret. 19/09/2024 ─ 09/01/2025 36 Événements. Voir les 36 Événements. Tours, ven. 08/11 ...

  11. Que voir: théâtre et opéra de Tours saison 2022 2023 (et agglo)

    Au fil de l'article sur Tours et Culture. Quels spectacles en priorité en 2022 2023 ? Saison 2022 2023 au CDNT théâtre Olympia de Tours. A voir à l'opéra de Tours saison 2022-2023. Que voir à l'escale de Saint-Cyr sur Loire ? Saison culturelle 2022 2023 Nouvel Atrium Saint Avertin.

  12. Palais des Congrès de Tours

    Retrouvez le programme complet des évenements de Palais des Congrès de Tours et réservez vos places au meilleur prix sur Fnac Spectacles ... Maison De La Culture Clermont Ferrand ; Defonce De Rire ; La Puce A L'oreille ; Casino Partouche Royat ... The 10 Tour. à partir de 41,00 € à partir de 41,00 € Réserver 18 oct. 2024 ven. 20:00 ...

  13. Aladebauche

    La Fan Zone Ride & Beer - PARIS-TOURS 2024. La Fan Zone Ride & Beer - PARIS-TOU... Rochecorbon


    Ville de Tours. Adresse: Du lundi au jeudi de 8h30 à 17h00 vendredi 8h30 à 16h30 - Adresse 1 à 3 rue des Minimes 37926 - TOURS CEDEX 9 Nous contacter : 02 47 21 60 00

  15. Théâtre Olympia, cdn de Tours

    Théâtre Olympia, cdn de Tours, Tours, France. 4,799 likes · 59 talking about this · 1,614 were here. Théâtre Olympia / Centre dramatique national de Tours — direction Bérangère Vantusso 7 rue de Lucé,

  16. Concert Tours 2024 et 2025 programme et billetterie

    L'agenda des concerts à Tours présente les dates de concert au Palais des Congrès de Tours pour aujourd'hui, cette semaine et tout au long de la saison culturelle 2024 et 2025. Parcourez le programme musical des salles de concert à Tours dans des lieux comme Parc des expositions Tours, la SMAC le petit faucheux ou encore l'Opéra de Tours.

  17. Home [www.linguafest37.com]

    Le Festival des Langues. Venez faire de belles découvertes au Festival des Langues aux Halles de Tours, avec plus de 80 pays, leurs langues et leurs cultures. Des exposants, des cours de langues, chants, danses et des représentations vous attendent. Dates et programme.

  18. Cultural Tours

    We offer hundreds of cultural discovery trips to extraordinary destinations all over the world; from bucketlist favorites like India and Italy to more unusual, less-visited destinations like Kazakhstan and Lebanon.They're designed to fully immerse you in the culture of your destination, as well as include the must-dos, like visits to key landmarks, walks and wildlife spotting.

  19. Top Cultural Tours & Vacations 2024/2025 [reviews & photos]

    Top Cultural Attractions. Visiting ancient temples such as Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom and Ta Phrom in Cambodia. Watching early morning ritual performance in Ganges River. Visiting archaeological sites and museum collection in Greece to learn about ancient Greek culture. Discovering monuments of Roman Empire in Italy.

  20. Bradford City of Culture 2025: events programme unveiled

    Bradford 2025 has unveiled the first events of its UK City of Culture programme, promising a vibrant year-long celebration of the city's rich cultural heritage and dynamic arts scene. Designed to reflect Bradford's multicultural spirit and industrial legacy, the programme includes a diverse array of events, performances and exhibitions, from major public art installations to community-led ...

  21. Organisez votre événement à Tours

    Au cœur des châteaux de la Loire, à 1h de Paris, Tours est le lieu d'accueil idéal des congrès, conventions, séminaires et salons. Destination idéale pour les amoureux de patrimoine historique, naturel et culturel, le Val de Loire, inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco, est apprécié dans le monde entier pour sa beauté et sa douceur de vivre.

  22. Spectacles : une saison 2024-2025 dense et éclectique au bateau Ivre à

    C'est une saison encore marquée par le mélange des genres et une programmation riche et variée qui s'annonce au Bateau Ivre, la mythique salle de concerts tourangelle.

  23. Chez Latie

    Bar Culturel. Chez Latie, Tours. 1,134 likes · 3 talking about this · 87 were here. Bar Culturel ...

  24. Tous les lieux culturels de Tours

    Tous les lieux culturels de Tours. La liste des lieux culturels à Tours dans l'Indre-et-Loire regroupe les salles de concert à Tours comme le Palais des Congrès de Tours et le Parc des expositions Tours, ainsi que les salles de spectacle à Tours et le Comédie de Tours. Retrouvez également un annuaire des musées à Tours comme le Musée ...

  25. Jane's Addiction cancels reunion tour after on-stage band fight

    The remainder of the reunion tour by the original lineup of Jane's Addiction, the group's first in 14 years, has been canceled.While a general statement issued under the band's name ...

  26. Chappell Roan: Singer's Manchester concert was more than a pop show

    The American singer is already an icon to some as she embarks on her UK tour.

  27. Palais des Congrès de Tours 2024 information salle et Programme

    Le Centre de Congrès de Tours accueille de multiples événements et programme aussi les plus grands artistes, en accueillant les plus grandes pièces de théâtre, spectacles de danses et concerts de la Région. Le lieu est ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9H à 12H30 et de 14H à 17H30. Accès : En train : Gare de Tours.

  28. Eugene Onégin: Mary McCabe's Tatyana is a tour de force, Yuriy Yurchuk

    Mary McCabe's Tatyana is a tour de force, always confident, moving from innocence and first love in her dramatic and sensitive Letter Scene, through lovelorn rejection by Onégin, to become the ...