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Free Minor Travel Consent Form

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A minor travel consent form is a legal document, signed by a child's parents and/or legal guardians, granting permission for the child to travel with another adult . Any time a child travels abroad without both parents and/or legal guardians, U.S. Customs and Border Protection requires the child to have this written permission.

This document is particularly important in international travel situations. It can be used to establish guardianship whether the child is traveling abroad with only one parent or with another trusted adult, such as a family member, friend, or educator.

In today's world, where concerns about child safety are paramount-especially when it comes to child abduction, custody disputes, and human trafficking-a minor travel consent form serves as a protective measure. It provides clear, legally binding, written permission that can be verified by immigration officials, airline staff, or travel companies, to make sure that the child's travel is both safe and authorized.

Without this form, travel may be delayed or denied. Domestic and international authorities need to be able confirm the child's guardianship and obtain the necessary permissions before allowing the child to travel onward.

How to Use the Minor Travel Consent Form

The form available below is a comprehensive template, designed to be easily copy/pasted and adapted in a word processor like Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

Given the critical nature of this document, we also provide a downloadable minor travel consent form in PDF format for your convenience.

It's important to note that while this sample form is a valuable starting point, it should be tailored to fit the specific details and circumstances of your child's travel.

Also be advised that this form does not replace a legal power of attorney document that could be used to make critical medical care decisions on behalf of a child.

This form is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that this form remains current with travel and child safety best practices, reflecting our commitment to providing reliable and authoritative travel resources.

Screenshot of the free minor travel consent form from U.S. Passport Service Guide

The Legal Implications of Traveling Without a Minor Consent Form

While the minor travel consent form is not a universally required legal document, a child traveling without one can lead to serious complications in many countries. Different nations have their own regulations regarding child travel. Being uninformed or unprepared can quickly lead to distressing situations for both you and your child.

1. International Legal Considerations:

  • Country-Specific Requirements Vary: Each country has its own set of rules regarding minors traveling without their parents. For instance, some countries in Europe may require additional documentation, such as a birth certificate or a parental authorization letter, in addition to the travel consent form. You need to be sure your child and their traveling companion(s) comply with all of the requirements for each country they plan to travel to and through.
  • Risk of Travel Disruption: Without a consent form, minors traveling abroad may face delays or even denied entry at border control checkpoints. This can lead to missed transportation departures and costly changes to your travel itinerary.
  • Embassy and Consulate Involvement: In cases where a minor is detained due to lack of proper documentation, the local embassy or consulate of the child's home country may need to be involved. This can lead to complex legal situations that take significant amounts of tame and/or money to solve.

2. Domestic Legal Implications:

  • Airline and Transportation Policies: Within the United States, airlines and other transportation services have specific policies regarding unaccompanied minors (more on this later). Lack of a consent form, even for domestic travel, can result in the child being denied boarding.
  • Legal Custody Disputes: In cases of separated or divorced parents, traveling without a consent form can raise legal issues related to custody agreements. It's crucial to understand and adhere to the legal requirements stipulated in custody arrangements to avoid legal repercussions.

A minor travel consent form can help you avoid many of these situations. Before traveling, be sure to research the specific travel requirements of the destination country regarding minor travel. In addition to the resources provided on this site, this can also be done through a country's embassy website or by consulting with travel experts like registered passport expediting services .

In complex situations, such as shared custody or special travel circumstances, consulting with a legal expert can provide clarity and ensure compliance with both domestic and international laws.

Minor Travel Consent Form Notary Requirements

We strongly recommend that you have any child travel consent form notarized. This can prevent issues establishing the authority and credibility of your documentation.

It can be challenging to find and secure the services of a notary in person. Thankfully, it is possible to use an online notary service to notarize your minor travel consent form. This can save you serious time and stress.

We recommend using NotaryLive , a fully-secure, online notirization platform with an "Excellent" rating from TrustPilot . NotaryLive is fast, affordable, and fully compliant with state law, so you can be sure your notarized minor travel consent form is both legal and valid.

Unaccompanied Minors

Airlines have general rules about the ages and circumstances where children can fly alone, too. There are also usually additional fees that come with buying a ticket for a minor that will be traveling without an adult. As part of that extra cost, many airlines offer some additional supervisory and support services to be sure the traveling child is safe and comfortable while traveling on their own.

For more, check out our guide to unaccompanied minors traveling internationally . There, you will find details about the considerations, accommodations, and policies that apply to kids traveling internationally without an adult parent or guardian.

More Tips for Parents of Minors Traveling Abroad

Besides proper documentation, there are other ways to help a child have a safe international trip. Any time your child is traveling without you, give yourself peace of mind by taking these proactive steps.

Be Proactive In Shared Custody Situations

Parents who share custody of their children should each carry copies of the legal custody documents. You can also contact the embassy of the country or countries the minor child will be visiting to confirm travel entry requirements. This proactive step can help avoid issues at border crossings and during the child's stay abroad.

A simple notarized statement, such as the one below, should suffince in most cases.

"I, [PARENT NAME] acknowledge that [SPOUSE NAME] is traveling out of the country with my [SON/DAUGHTER] whom we share custody of. This authorization gives [SPOUSE NAME] my full permission to do so.

Use a GPS Tracker to Keep Track of Your Child While Abroad

GPS technology makes it possible to pinpoint a person's exact location, anywhere in the world. If your child is traveling without you, it makes sense to keep a GPS tracker on their person so that you know where they are. You can also use additional trackers to help keep tabs on your child's luggage or other valuables.

  • Apple AirTags are small, inexpensive GPS tags that can be purchased individually or in packs of 4 . They use bluetooth connectivity and the vast number of Apple users across the globe to create a reliable GPS tracking network. Using your iPhone or Apple device, you can ping any AirTag that is linked to your AppleID and locate it quickly. Thanks to its small size, an AirTag can easily be tucked into luggage, sewn into a child's clothing, or stashed in a travel wallet.
  • JioBit is an all-in-one GPS tracking system specifically designed for tracking your child. While it is more expensive than Apple AirTags, JioBit is a durable and secure alternative-particularly useful for those who don't already have an Apple device.

Use a Parent-Controlled Debit Card

Traveling costs add up. Everything from food, transportation, lodging, and fun comes with a price. If your child is traveling without you, you want to be sure they have the money they need, but also that it is being protected.

There are a number of debit cards that allow parents to keep an eye on their child's spending as well as their remaining balance. Should your child and their card become separated, you have the ability to prevent unauthorized purchases and possibly even get a replacement sent to wherever your child is staying.

Traveling with minors requires careful planning and a strict adherence to both American and international laws. This guide and the minor travel consent form we have shared are designed to provide you with the necessary information and tools to ensure a smooth and stress-free journey for your child. Whether your child is traveling with a guardian, as part of a group, or alone, the right preparation can make all the difference.

Remember, the safety and well-being of your child are paramount. By staying informed about the latest travel regulations and using our resources, you can confidently prepare for your child's next trip. If you have any further questions or need personalized advice, our team of travel experts is always here to assist you. Safe travels!

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Legal Templates

Home Child Travel Consent

Minor (Child) Travel Consent Form

Use our child travel consent form to prove that a child can travel without their parents or guardians.

child travel consent form

Updated July 10, 2024 Written by Sara Hostelley | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A minor (child) travel consent form grants permission for a minor to travel alone or with someone other than their legal guardian or parent.

What Is a Child Travel Consent Form?

When to use a child travel consent form, if a child travels alone, if a child travels with one parent, if a child travels with a legal guardian, how to write a child travel consent form, considerations when traveling with children, child travel consent form sample.

A child travel consent form is a legal document providing written permission for a minor to travel without a parent or legal guardian. The form is primarily for when a child travels domestically or internationally with a club/group, school, or an adult, like a family friend or relative.

It aims to ensure the child’s safety and well-being by providing evidence of parental or guardian consent for the trip.

It can be beneficial to use this form when a child under the age of 18 is traveling:

  • With a group, such as a religious, musical, sports, or school group.
  • With only one legal guardian or parent (instead of their entire family unit).
  • In the care of a family friend or relative.
  • In the care of a daycare provider .
  • By themselves.

It’s important to have a minor travel consent form in multiple scenarios. For example, suppose you and your spouse left the country together with your child. If only one parent later returns to the country with their child due to another commitment by the second parent, the parent with the child should have a consent form showing the other parent has agreed to this arrangement.

Child travel consent forms promote children’s safety and prevent international child abduction. They can also stop parents from taking a child due to an unfavorable custody dispute.

If a child needs to travel alone, they must follow different protocols depending on whether they’re traveling domestically or internationally:

  • Depending on the airline, children between the ages of five and 14 (or five and 12 if the airline has less strict requirements) must follow the airline’s unaccompanied minor procedures. These procedures may involve the provision of consent forms and a personnel escort to the gate.
  • Children under five are not allowed to travel alone. Any child under five must typically be accompanied by another individual who is at least 12 years old (or 18 years old, depending on the airline).
  • International Travel: A child traveling alone internationally needs a passport . They may also need a visa and other travel documents, like a parental consent form. Please determine what documentation your child needs before planning their trip, as countries have varying requirements.

Here are some instances when a child may travel with just one parent:

If You’re Separated or Divorced

If you’re legally separated or divorced , you can review your custody agreement to determine if there are any child travel restrictions or requirements. For example, the custody agreement may limit international travel or demand the traveling parent to provide a certain amount of notice to the other party.

If one lawful custodial parent needs to travel with the child, the traveling parent should obtain written consent from the other custodial parent. [2]

If You Have Sole Custody or Decision-Making Authority

If you have sole decision-making authority or custody of your child, the other parent may still have visitation (access) rights. However, the parent without full custody won’t have to provide a consent letter. Instead, the parent with full custody can carry a copy of the court custody document when they travel alone with the child. [3]

If you’re the sole parent because your spouse is deceased, you can carry a copy of their death certificate. This way, you can show authorities you’re the only parent responsible for your child.

Legal guardians have parental rights, so they likely won’t need a consent form. They have the authority to make decisions for the child and accompany them while traveling. Some cases may require the guardian to have a child travel consent form:

  • If the guardian is traveling without the child’s other legal guardian
  • If the guardian has a different last name than the child
  • If a court order or custody arrangement restricts the legal guardian’s authority
  • If an airline or relevant authority has its own requirements

Legal Guardian vs. Attorney-in-Fact

An individual who has been deemed an attorney-in-fact for a child via a minor power of attorney may have specific decision-making powers, but they won’t have the same broad scope of authority as a legal guardian.

Review a summary of how to write a child travel consent form:

Step 1: Provide your child’s basic information, including their name, birthdate, birthplace, passport details, and birth certificate details.

Step 2: Write your information as the parent or guardian, including your address, phone number, and address. Input the information of both parents and guardians, if applicable.

Step 3: Include the name of the person traveling with the child, including their name, relationship to the child, and passport information.

Step 4: Provide the trip details. Clarify the accompanying person, travel destination, travel dates, travel purpose, and address at the destination.

Step 5: Explain if the accompanying person has the right to seek medical attention or make medical decisions for your child. You may complete a separate child medical consent form to be more thorough.

Step 6: Provide the information of an emergency contact person, including their name, phone number, and email. Consider electing a second emergency contact person.

Step 7: Include your child’s medical insurance and health information so the accompanying person can seek medical attention and make informed decisions if you give them the authority.

Here are some considerations when traveling with children:

Check with the Embassy

Check with the US embassy for the country of your child’s destination to determine the travel requirements. Some countries won’t allow children to travel unaccompanied. The embassy can also clarify the entry and exit requirements, ensuring the child can efficiently and safely enter and leave.

If the child travels with one custodial parent or a trusted adult who isn’t a legal guardian, the country may have certain notarization requirements for the travel consent form. Ensure you know all regulations before allowing the child to travel.

Confirm Airlines’s Requirements

For domestic travel, some airlines may have specific requirements for children traveling without both custodial parents. Children may need to present a notarized letter or other documentation to avoid being seen as unaccompanied minors.

Ensure You Bring Supporting Documentation

Traveling with children can be more seamless when you bring adequate supporting documentation.

When writing your child’s travel consent form, remember that US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) requires a passport for any US citizen re-entering the country by air. The CBP highly recommends children traveling without their parents or legal guardians carry a copy of their birth certificate to help ease travel through customs [4] .

If you can’t provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate, you can have them carry a driver’s license if they’re of driving age.

Prepare for Medical Decision-Making

Medical emergencies may arise while your child travels without you. Ensure you complete a child medical consent form to grant their fellow traveler the authority to make medical decisions on their behalf.

Communicate with All Guardians/Parents

Maintain open communication with all guardians and parents. Solidify your agreements on your child traveling with a parenting plan , and be willing to make adjustments as necessary.

child travel consent form

Legal Templates uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we keep our content accurate, reliable and trustworthy.

  • US Department of Transportation. When Kids Fly Alone.
  • International travel documents for children.
  • US Department of Homeland Security. Travel Overseas.
  • US Customs and Border Control. Documents You Will Need Before Your Trip.
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The document above is a sample. Please note that the language you see here may change depending on your answers to the document questionnaire.

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  1. Free Minor (Child) Travel Consent Form - PDF | Word – eForms

    A child travel consent form allows a minor to travel alone or with another person or group. It is written by one or both parents and can be used for domestic or international travel.

  2. 45 Printable Child Travel Consent Forms (Word & PDF)

    Writing a letter of permission for your child to travel is different from writing a child travel consent form. This letter might be needed to send your child on an international trip with a school or with someone of authority that will already have travel documents in hand for the trip.

  3. Free Minor Travel Consent Form - U.S. Passport Service Guide

    Any time a child travels abroad without both parents and/or legal guardians, U.S. Customs and Border Protection requires the child to have this written permission. This document is particularly important in international travel situations.

  4. Minor (Child) Travel Consent Form - Legal Templates

    Use our child travel consent form to prove that a child can travel without their parents or guardians. A minor (child) travel consent form grants permission for a minor to travel alone or with someone other than their legal guardian or parent.

  5. Writing a Child Travel Consent Letter – Samples

    The following free sample letters aim to assist you in articulating your consent for your child to travel without you. Use these samples as a foundation to construct letters that reflect specific situations, concerns, and any additional information relevant to the travel arrangement.


    I authorize my child to travel to the following location _______________________ during the period beginning on _____/_____/_____, and ending on _____/_____/_____.