tours wtc bruxelles

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Les tours WTC à Bruxelles sont tombées : retour sur le fiasco du projet Manhattan et de ses 54 gratte-ciel

A gauche, ce qu'il reste aujourd'hui des tours WTC I et II. A droite, le projet tel qu'imaginé dans les années 60.


Bétonnées, les cages d’ascenseurs s’élèvent vers le ciel. C’est tout ce qu’il reste des tours WTC I et II, dans le quartier nord. A la place, doit voir le jour en 2023 un gratte-ciel de 110.000 mètres carrés comprenant des bureaux, un hôtel, des commerces, de l’horeca, du logement. Un projet mixte porté par le promoteur Befimmo et baptisé Zin , quasiment neutre d’un point de vue environnemental, exemplaire au niveau de sa conception. Coût : 375 millions d’euros.

Le projet est à l’image des ambitions de Bruxelles en matière climatiques. Mais il doit surtout effacer l’échec du méga projet Manhattan, imaginé dans les années 60 par deux hommes : Paul Vanden Boeynants et Charly De Pauw.

Le premier est échevin des Travaux et de l’Urbanisme à la Ville de Bruxelles, le deuxième  est un promoteur immobilier , inspiré par l’urbanisme et les tours interminables de la plus grande place financière du monde, New-York. Charly De Pauw a fait fortune dans les parkings (son surnom sera "King Parking") et la construction. Lorsque Bruxelles change de visage avec l’Exposition universelle de 1958 , il entend poursuivre la transformation de la ville.

Un WTC à 28 tours

Sa cible : le quartier Nord, à cheval sur Bruxelles, Saint-Josse et Schaerbeek. Non loin, y a déjà poussé la tour Martini, venue fracasser l’ancienne gare du Nord avec l'accord d'une autre figure politique, le bourgmestre de Saint-Josse, Guy Cudell. Le quartier Nord est un quartier populaire, aux bâtisses dégradées… S’y côtoient bistroquets, espaces de prostitution mais aussi des habitants (environ 10.000) qui vont être expropriés (chassés) pour laisser place aux délires architecturaux des autorités locales, Charly De Pauw et de CDP, sa Compagnie de Promotion.

L'idée : bâtir 54 tours, 750.000 mètres carrés au total, sur 53 hectares ! C’est le projet Manhattan, comme le célèbre arrondissement new-yorkais. Au cœur, un World Trade Center composé de huit tours de 28 étages et 100 mètres chacune, futur centre d’affaires international. Il se situera au croisement des actuels boulevard Simon Bolivar et du roi Albert II, ancien boulevard Emile Jacqmain prolongé .

Originalité du projet destiné aux financiers du monde entier : les tours sont reliées par des passerelles piétonnes surplombant les voiries à 13 mètres de haut. Les premiers plans imaginent aussi une connexion autoroutière directe, depuis Liège et Gand (E40) mais aussi Anvers (E19). De la pure folie pour les détracteurs !

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Tours WTC à Buxelles: pose de la première pierre en juin 1971

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Charly De Pauw s’associe au Groupe Structures. Tout sourit au promoteur à la moustache blanche, le collectionneur de belles voitures et de peintures de Brueghel. En 1969, un arrêté royal approuve son plan d’aménagement . En juin 1971, les officiels dont le ministre national des Travaux publics Jos De Saeger , l’homme des viaducs Hermann-Debroux, Reyers et du réseau autoroutier belge, participe à la pose de la première pierre. C’est un grand moment ! Inauguration du complexe prévue dans sept ans.

En 1973, la première tour, WTC I, aux vitres dorées, est ouverte. La deuxième, la WTC II, est finalisée en 1974. Les socles ont été prévus dans le cadre des futures connexions suspendues. Mais la réalisation de la troisième tour est fortement ralentie en raison de la crise pétrolière et des difficultés financières rencontrées par Charly De Pauw. La suite n’est que succession d’échecs, d’abandons et de retards administratifs. Schaerbeek et son bourgmestre populiste Roger Nols ne jouent pas le jeu selon CDP . La WTC III ne pointe son nez qu’en 1983 !

La même année, Charly De Pauw accueille une équipe de l’émission "A suivre" de la RTBF . Au menu, visite des tours, de la galerie commerçante, des bureaux du patron et présentation de ses ambitions à la lumière de la nouvelle donne économique.

Non, non, je n’ai pas abandonné, pas du tout !

" Non, non, pas du tout ", coupe-t-il quand on lui demande s’il a renoncé, comme le suggère la rumeur, au projet Manhattan. " Vous savez, les 'on dit', faut être prudent ! Au contraire, nous allons faire un musée de l’Automobile au Nord, à la place Rogier, qui ouvrira à la fin de cette année (NDLR : l’Autoworld parti ensuite au Cinquantenaire ). Evidemment, il faut toujours trouver de nouvelles promotions de manière qu’une ville reste vivante. Et nous sommes tout de même une ville moyenne. On ne peut pas concurrencer des villes comme Paris, Londres, New-York, Rio de Janeiro, le Mexique… "

tours wtc bruxelles

En 1983, Charly De Pauw fait visiter les tours WTC du projet Manhattan

Bruxelles, où le mètre carré de bureau est moins cher, présente " une bonne dimension ". Le projet Manhattan est audacieux, reconnaît l’homme d’affaires qui se présente en pourvoyeur massif d’emplois. " Mais il était prévu dans les années 60. Et dans les années 60, tout le monde a cru que l’Occident allait vers un infini de progression. Et ça s’est arrêté en 1974 et on ne s’y est pas attendu. On a vu grand, c’est vrai. "

Trop grand même ! Le progrès a ses limites. Les terrains rasés, au grand dam des riverains, deviennent des friches, au grand regret de Charly De Pauw décédé en 1984. " Je ne suis pas responsable des expropriations, je ne suis venu qu’à la demande de la ville ", dit-il dans "A suivre".

Un quartier qui revit

Dans les années 90 et 2000, les autorités publiques , un peu plus soucieuses de la qualité de vie des habitants face aux appétits des magnats de l’immobilier, tentent de rattraper les erreurs du passé, avec le concours des héritiers De Pauw, Alain et Patrick.

Déjà défiguré, le quartier Nord, baptisé Espace Nord, doit poursuivre sa mue. Mais on oublie les huit tours reliées par des passerelles. Les plans de 1969 seront respectés moyennent adaptations. La voie centrale est embellie avec une promenade arborée et ponctuées d’œuvres d’art modernes. Naîtront tout le long des immeubles de bureaux comme les tours jumelles Belgacom en 1996, les tours jumelles North Galaxy en 2004, la tour Zénith en 2009, l’immeuble Engie boulevard Bolivar…

Les transformations se poursuivent actuellement avec les tours Moebius I et II bientôt entièrement occupées et la tour Zin en cours d’érection et déjà saluée. L’an dernier, celle-ci a reçu le prix Be. exemplary de la Région bruxelloise, soulignant la volonté des concepteurs " de  promouvoir une architecture et un urbanisme de qualité ".

Le WTC IV, qui n’a jamais vu le jour après 50 ans, pourrait finalement atterrir. Mais pas pour y accueillir du bureau. Befimmo, qui a racheté toutes les tours WTC, envisage un projet plus proche de Zin que des rêves dépassés de Charly De Pauw.

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Emission "Ne perdons pas le Nord"

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  • Infos locales
  • Saint-Josse
  • World Trade Center

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Must-see attractions in Brussels

11 March 2022

Are you a first-timer in Brussels? Don’t worry, then: you're in good hands. We've put together a list of must-see attractions for you. This way, you can discover our capital through its best-known and most valuable treasures. An excellent introduction to the city!

An absolute must: the Grand Place, and the neighbouring galleries

Visiting Brussels without spending some time in the Grand Place is simply unthinkable. Here you’ll see the town hall (one of the most beautiful in the country), the Maison du Roi , which is home to the Brussels City Museum, and a series of private houses built at the end of the 17th century. The architectural richness of this square is simply overwhelming.

Just a stone's throw away from the Grand Place are the Royal Galleries , one of the oldest covered galleries in Europe, as beautiful by day as by night.

Manneken Pis: it’s not the size that matters

Since the 15th century, the  Manneken Pis  sculpture has adorned one of the public fountains that supply the city with drinking water. Over time, this wee little man became a kind of mascot, with the people of Brussels seeing him as a symbol of the local temperament, a unique combination of mischievous, irreverent and droll. A much coveted symbol, since the present statue is a copy. The original, which has been stolen several times, is now safely housed in the Brussels City Museum . Nearby, you can discover the vast wardrobe of Manneken Pis at the GardeRobe MannekenPis Museum.

Comic Strips in the streets: the Comic Strip trail

Brussels is the undisputed capital of the comic strip. The ninth art can be found everywhere, in shops, galleries, flea markets, festivals and more. And since 1991, the city's walls have been gradually covered with frescoes that pay tribute to the authors and their many heroes. You can turn down a street and come face to face with Tintin , Cubitus, Billy and Buddy , Blake and Mortimer or Corto Maltese . In all, there are more than 80 murals immersing locals, visitors and tourists alike in the wonderful world of comics.

An 18th century masterpiece: the Royal Quarter

The Place Royale, which was built on the ashes of the Coudenberg Palace , has retained its historical function as the “executive power district”. You’ll find the Royal Palace , the “office” of the Belgian King, at the Place des Palais, bordering the Place Royale. Opposite is the Parc de Bruxelles or Royal Park. The streets bordering the park are also part of the same neoclassical ensemble. For instance, on the other side of the park, you will see the  Palace of the Nation , the seat of the Belgian Parliament. At the Place Royale, with the statue of Godfrey of Bouillon at the centre, you’ll discover the Church of St. James on Coudenberg that resembles a Greco-Roman temple and a series of similar, harmonious mansions.

Culture with a view: the Mont des Arts

The Mont des Arts is the junction between uptown and downtown Brussels and offers a delightful view in all seasons. Below, you can sit in the sumptuous gardens that lead to the statue of Albert I. The “knightly king” faces his love, Queen Elizabeth, whose statue stands on the small Place de l'Albertine on the other side of the road.The Mont des Arts is home to the KBR , the country's main library, and the KBR Museum , which houses the library of the Dukes of Burgundy and the Archives & Museum of Literature (AML). On the other side of the Mont des Arts you’ll find the Brussels Congress Centre Square . Within walking distance you’ll also find major museums and cultural institutions such as Bozar , the BELvue museum and the Museum of Musical Instruments (MIM), to name but a few.

Spotlight on the masters: the Royal Museums of Fine Arts

As beautiful from the outside as it is from the inside, the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium is a treasure trove of art. In fact, it is the most visited museum in Brussels. Its pluralised name reflects the fact that it contains several sites, covering a variety of periods and themes. Near Place Royale, you can visit the Old Masters Museum , dedicated to European painters from the 15th to the 18th centuries, and the popular Magritte Museum . Not far away, in Ixelles, you can admire the Wiertz and Meunier museums.

The Marolles district: authentic and diverse

This district is arguably the most authentic part of Brussels. Here, you can often still hear the Brusseleir dialect being spoken. The Marolles have it all, from traditional cafés to trendy bars, family-run establishments to stylish new art galleries. Place du Jeu de Balle is the beating heart of this quarter, where the " Vieux Marché ", a gigantic flea market, is held every day.

When size does matter: the Palace of Justice

The colossal Palace of Justice was inaugurated in 1883. It was designed by the architect Joseph Poelaert, and towers over the working-class district of the Marolles at a location where, for centuries, death sentences were carried out. At the time of its construction, this monument of 40,000 m2 of usable space was the largest building ever built and it’s still one of the largest courthouses in the world today. However, restauration works have tarnished its visual spectacle since the 1980s, to the point that scaffolding had to be erected to ensure the renovation... of the scaffolding already in place! (currently not accessible)

The Atomium: the landmark

Created for the 1958 World Fair, the Atomium with its 9 balls represents an iron crystal magnified 165 billion times!  (It is often mistakenly thought to represent an atom, but in fact each ball represents an atom of iron). The significance of this construction is to celebrate scientific discoveries and breakthroughs. Inside, you will find exhibitions and, most importantly, a stunning view of the Brussels-Capital Region from the top ball. Only a short walk away, embark on a tour of all Europe’s wonders in miniature, thanks to  Mini-Europe . Design lovers won’t want to miss the  Design Museum Brussels  only a stone’s throw away, born following the Atomium’s acquisition of a private collection.

A cultural crossroads: the European Quarter

Far from being a neighbourhood of grey and austere offices, the European Quarter combines European institutions with community life, parks, museums and more. In this district, you can attend plenary sessions in the Parliament's hemicycle and learn more about the Union thanks to the Parlamentarium , the House of European History and Experience Europe . You can also stroll through Léopold Park , a green space that recalls the days when the bourgeoisie moved in en masse from the bustling heart of the city. The district is also a landmark for fans of contemporary and Art Nouveau architecture.

Triumphal splendour: the Cinquantenaire

Built in 1880 to celebrate Belgium's 50th birthday, the Cinquantenaire attracts locals who appreciate its formal garden , history buffs who visit the Art & History Museum , car fans who flock to Autoworld and curious minds who are amazed by the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History . The latter, an often underestimated attraction, also offers access to the arches for a 360° panoramic view of the city.

Once upon a time: the Institute of Natural Sciences

The Institute of Natural Sciences tops the list of the world's best dinosaur museums, which is hardly surprising given that it houses Europe's largest dinosaur gallery. With rooms covering all aspects of life on earth, the evolution of human beings, urban species and the creatures of the seabed, the Museum has something for visitors of all ages. You can even take a behind-the-scenes look at the scientific institute to which it belongs.

Dinosaur skeleton at the Institute of Natural Sciences

The Horta House: quintessential Art Nouveau

Between 1898 et 1901, the architect Victor Horta built Horta House , which consisted of two buildings: his office and his personal home. This prolific pioneer of the Art Nouveau style was responsible for many architectural gems in Brussels. In his own house, which has been converted to a museum, you’ll find all the hallmarks of the Art Nouveau style. The house, now a museum, is one of the many Art Nouveau gems dotted along the streets of the capital .

The Koekelberg Basilica: house of the holy

Legend has it that the idea of building a national basilica in Brussels came to King Leopold II after a visit to the construction site of the Sacré-Cœur in Paris. The construction of the basilica started in 1905, only to be completed in 1970. Some see it as the largest Art Deco church in the world, others as an excessive and ostentatious folly. We’ll let you decide for yourself.

The basilica seen from above

Brussels’ culinary specialities

Brussels waffles, stoemp, waterzooi… the capital of Europe’s culinary specialities are a must when you visit the Brussels-Capital Region.

Gaufre de Bruxelles

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Check out all our addresses!


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Top 10 best spots for prawn croquettes in Brussels: edition 2023

Shrimp croquettes are veritable icons of Belgian gastronomy, and are a real “must” when you visit Brussels.

Wolf Food Market

Our itineraries

Are you done visiting the must-see attractions? The exploration continues. Visit our itineraries page for a more profound introduction to Brussels through its quarters or by various themes.

10 must-visit Art Nouveau houses and mansions in Brussels

Along the streets of Brussels, numerous houses and mansions bear witness to the emergence and blossoming of the iconic Art Nouveau style.

Hôtel Tassel - Tasselhuis

UNESCO heritage in Brussels

Qu’est-ce que le Taj Mahal et les Pyramides d’Egypte ont en commun avec la Grand-Place et d’autres lieux exceptionnels à Bruxelles ? Ils sont tous reconnus par l’Unesco. Bruxelles est admirée pour la richesse de son patrimoine, témoignage de son histoire quasi millénaire, ce qui n’a pas échappé à l’UNESCO, l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture.

Grand-Place UNESCO

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Are you coming to Brussels and need some inspiration for your visits? Join us to discover the capital's unmissable museums and attractions, thanks to our list of the most popular, in terms of visitor numbers.

Espace Vanderborght

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Discover our top 10 masterpieces to behold in Brussels with the Brussels Card.

Villa Empain - Boghossian Foundation

Brussels Tours & Trips

Brussels Tours & Trips

  • Choose from 8 Brussels tours
  • 39 verified reviews from TourRadar travelers
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The best Brussels tour packages

Compiled by

Brussels travel expert at TourRadar

Melissa Brussels travel expert at TourRadar

Amsterdam and Paris

6 day belgium including brussels, luxemburg, and amsterdam, the treasures of north - through two extraordinary countries: belgium and the netherlands, discovering belgium, epic of amsterdam to paris (via belgium), prime amsterdam to paris 6 days, an exclusive cruise to top sites in northern europe (port-to-port cruise), 6 day amsterdam and beyond self-adventure.

“We had an excellent trip overall. The guides did their best to ensure comfort.” Baishali Chakraborty, traveled in June 2024

Amsterdam and Paris

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Coach / Bus
  • Christmas & New Year
  • Sample local cuisine in Paris
  • Take a stroll on the famous Champs-Elysees
  • See the Royal Palace in Amsterdam
“We had a fantastic trip. We loved having Belgium as our base and taking day trips to different areas.” Ginger Healy, traveled in April 2024

6 Day Belgium including Brussels, Luxemburg, and Amsterdam

  • Visit Luxembourg and the historic town of Dinant
  • Explore medieval Brussels and the Atomium
  • Discover Dutch culture and Amsterdam's highlights
“The boat was beautiful, room clean and comfortable. The food was excellent and unlike what we have here in the States.” Marlene Rogers, traveled in October 2019

The Treasures of North - Through two extraordinary countries: Belgium and The Netherlands

  • River Cruise
  • Explore Brussels on a guided city tour
  • Discover The Hague and Amsterdam's canals
  • Cruise the scenic Scheldt River to Rotterdam


  • Ghent: Step into the medieval allure and winding canals of Ghent. Indulge in a delectable Captain's dinner onboard for an enchanting experience.
  • Rotterdam: Marvel at Rotterdam's architectural wonders and vibrant culture. Explore art at Boijmans van Beuningen and Kunsthal, Netherlands' most famous museums.
  • Brussels: Dive into the unique charm of Brussels. Don't miss tasting authentic chocolate or opting for a craft beer to elevate your visit

Epic of Amsterdam to Paris (Via Belgium)

  • Sightseeing
  • Explore Zaanse Schans' windmills and canals
  • Take a boat trip from Volendam to Marken
  • Enjoy a panoramic tour of Amsterdam
“Every aspect of the tour was meticulously planned and executed flawlessly.” Takiya, traveled in April 2023

Prime Amsterdam to Paris 6 Days

  • Boat trip from Volendam to Marken
  • Stroll through Brussels and photograph the Atomium

An Exclusive Cruise to Top Sites in Northern Europe (port-to-port cruise)

  • Discover Antwerp's medieval fortress and historic center
  • Visit the impressive Delta Works flood protection system
  • Experience Bruges' romantic charm and historic brewery

6 Day Amsterdam and Beyond Self-Adventure

  • Explore Amsterdam at your leisure
  • Discover Dutch heritage in Zaanse Schans and Edam
  • Visit Madurodam and climb the Euromast Tower

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2020 – 2023 | Brussels North

The future is HERE

ZIN is the project to transform Towers 1 & 2 of the WTC complex in the North area of Brussels. After dismantling, the existing towers are being interconnected by a new volume of 14 floors of double height.

In this way, the ZIN project combines different functions in a highly innovative way. Housing, working and living are accommodated in one building. The functions are intertwined like the stripes of a zebra; therefore we talk about the ‘zebra concept’.

With this mix of functions the building will always be full of life, seven days a week.

ZIN is a multifunctional project that combines various functions in an innovative way, will be fully integrated into the existing urban ecosystem, and will be open to the city. ZIN is a real reference, a new way of making city . In the areas of architecture, design with respect for the environment , and circularity , the standards have been set very high.

Inside the project


Apartments on the intermediate floors to the east, alternating with offices.

Corner Hotel

Hotel on the intermediate floors to the west, alternating with offices.

Office View

+/- 75,000 m² of offices on 14 double-height floors with a panoramic view of the city that extend into the towers and alternate with the other functions (hotel and apartments).


4,565 m² of office space with private entrance and terraces with peaceful views over the park. In addition, it is possible to provide a retail space of 716 m².

hotel rooms

Latest news.


ZIN goes green

Thanks to an innovative green concept in collaboration with design studio Plant & Houtgoed and architects Jaspers-Eyers, 51N4E and L’AUC, […]

Strong (circular) together!

Strong (circular) together!

Inspired by the strict requirements of the Flemish government for the office section, Befimmo extended the circular approach for the […]

07 7725

A pilot in the city

Everything is risky, nothing is easy. You really have to be precise and know what you are doing. Because any […]

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Project Update

Frontal South

Gradual relocation of the Flemish Government

About befimmo.

ZIN is a project by Befimmo . Befimmo is a Specialised real estate investment fund (FIIS/GVBF). Befimmo is specialised in office buildings, meeting centres and coworking spaces. These environments are located in Brussels, the main Belgian cities and the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.

With its subsidiary Silversquare (pioneer and market leader in coworking spaces), Befimmo aims to develop a BeLux network of interconnected and flexible work environments.


ZEN @ZIN – new offices available

Discover more about Befimmo’s newest office building!


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  4. Walking Tour in Brussels, Belgium

  5. Nouvel ordre mondial (partie 2/11) Le 11/9/2001 au World Trade Center

  6. BRUSSELS Belgium 🇧🇪


  1. Welcome to Tour & Taxis

    welcome to tour. &. taxis. Situated in the heart of Brussels, Tour & Taxis is more than just a historic landmark. It's a crossroads of experiences, art and discoveries. Once a central customs facility, this iconic site has been reinvented to offer visitors a deep dive into Brussels culture. From art exhibitions and local markets to gourmet ...

  2. Homepage

    welcome to tour. &. taxis. " Situated in the heart of Brussels, Tour & Taxis is more than just a historic landmark. It's a crossroads of experiences, art and discoveries. Once a central customs facility, this iconic site has been reinvented to offer visitors a deep dive into Brussels culture. From art exhibitions and local markets to gourmet ...

  3. World Trade Center (Bruxelles)

    Le "World Trade Center" bruxellois se dresse au centre d'un quartier de tours à proximité de la Gare du Nord. La conception en est due au bureau d'architecture Groupe Structures. Le projet initial visait à construire 7 tours, mais seules 3 furent construites. Les tours 1 et 2 sont démolies en 2020-2021 pour faire place à un ensemble mixant ...

  4. The future is HERE

    The future. is. HERE. Regardez la vidéo. ZIN est un projet de réaménagement des tours 1 & 2 du complexe WTC dans le Quartier Nord de Bruxelles. Après démantèlement, les tours existantes seront connectées par un nouveau volume de 14 étages sur une double hauteur. Le projet ZIN réunit différentes fonctions d'une manière extrêmement ...

  5. Votre visite

    Rue Picard 13 - 1000 Bruxelles. Ouvert 24h/24, 7j/7. Souterrain - 680 places. 40 stations de recharge électrique. Hauteur maximale 2m05. 22€/voiture/jour ou 3€/h. Important à savoir. La Région de Bruxelles-Capitale est une zone à faibles émissions (LEZ). Si vous venez en voiture ou en camionnette, vérifiez sur.

  6. Les tours WTC à Bruxelles sont tombées

    Bétonnées, les cages d'ascenseurs s'élèvent vers le ciel. C'est tout ce qu'il reste des tours WTC I et II, dans le quartier nord. A la place, doit voir le jour en 2023 un gratte-ciel ...

  7. Tour & Taxis

    The historical logistics platform of Tour & Taxis presents a number of buildings of exceptional size and architectural value: the Royal Depot, the Sheds, the Hôtel des Douanes, the Hôtel de la Poste and the Gare Maritime. A modern interpretation is given to the historic buildings on the Tour & Taxis site, with great respect for their ...

  8. Tour & Taxis

    Game & Entertainment Centers. Open now. 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM. Write a review. About. Situated in the heart of Brussels, Tour & Taxis is more than just a historic landmark. It's a crossroads of experiences, art and discoveries. Once a central customs facility, this iconic site has been reinvented to offer visitors a deep dive into Brussels culture.

  9. Your visit

    If your vehicle is registered abroad, registration is free and compulsory before driving in the LEZ. Tour&Taxis is located in a paid parking zone, in the yellow zone. This means that parking spaces in neighboring streets are mainly reserved for residents. Yellow zones are pay zones from Monday to Saturday: 15 min free, 1h:1€, 2h:3€,….

  10. World Trade Center (Brussels)

    The World Trade Center (WTC) is a complex of skyscrapers at the corner of the Boulevard du roi Albert II / Koning Albert II-laan and the Boulevard Simon Bolivar / Simon Bolivarlaan in the Northern Quarter central business district of Brussels, Belgium.Its three towers are among the tallest buildings in Belgium.. The complex was originally planned to have eight towers, all around the corner of ...

  11. Tour & Taxis

    Tour & Taxis (French: Tour et Taxis; Dutch: Thurn en Taxis) is a large former industrial site in Brussels, Belgium.It is situated on the embankment of the Brussels Canal in the City of Brussels, just north-west of the city centre.The location is immediately adjacent to Laeken and Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, and about 1 kilometre (0.62 miles) west from the city's Northern Quarter business district.

  12. THE 10 BEST Brussels City Tours (with Prices)

    Historical Tours. 90-120 minutes. Experience the hidden side of Brussels at your own pace with Derek, an experienced writer and journalist eager to share …. from. $8. per adult. 23. Brussels City Tour: Day Trip from Amsterdam. 4.

  13. Must-see attractions in Brussels

    The Place Royale, which was built on the ashes of the Coudenberg Palace, has retained its historical function as the "executive power district".You'll find the Royal Palace, the "office" of the Belgian King, at the Place des Palais, bordering the Place Royale.Opposite is the Parc de Bruxelles or Royal Park. The streets bordering the park are also part of the same neoclassical ensemble.

  14. THE 10 BEST Brussels Tours & Excursions

    16. Brussels Chocolate Walking Tour and Workshop. 140. Food & Drink. 3-4 hours. Become a chocolate connoisseur on this tasting tour and chocolate-making workshop in Brussels. Visit some of the best chocolate…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 95% of travelers.

  15. Agenda

    Place de la Musique Avenue du Port 86C, Bruxelles, Belgium Realty Summit 2024 ... will take place from October 3 to 6, 2024, in an exceptional setting: the Gare Maritime at Tour & Taxis. Art […] 3 October @ 11:00 - 6 October @ 19:00. €8 - €15 Wedding Fair

  16. THE 30 BEST Brussels Tours & Excursions (from £2)

    per adult. 2. Hungry Mary's Famous Beer and Chocolate Tour in Brussels. 1,221. Food & Drink. 4-5 hours. Belgium is known for being the home of delicious chocolate and great beer, so save time and enjoy a tour that introduces…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 99% of travellers.

  17. THE TOP 10 Brussels Tours & Excursions in 2024

    Walking Tours. Bus Tours. Historical Tours. Cultural Tours. Sightseeing Tours. Chocolate Tours. Beer & Brewery Tours. The Belgian capital of Brussels is a sophisticated and modern international city that also has a rich history—and Brussels tours embrace both. Expert-led excursions include top attractions like art museums, churches, whimsical ...

  18. 8 Best Brussels Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    8 best Brussels tour packages. Compiled by. Melissa Brussels travel expert at TourRadar. Amsterdam and Paris. DISCOVERING BELGIUM. Prime Amsterdam to Paris 6 Days. 6 Day Belgium including Brussels, Luxemburg, and Amsterdam. Epic of Amsterdam to Paris (Via Belgium) 6 Day Amsterdam and Beyond Self-Adventure.

  19. About Us

    About Us. Tour & Taxis is a remarkable destination in Brussels that embodies the perfect blend of history, culture, and innovation. With a captivating industrial heritage seamlessly merged with modern design, it offers diverse spaces for extraordinary events and gatherings. From expansive exhibition halls to picturesque outdoor areas, our venue ...

  20. The BEST Brussels Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    The tour is structured this way to help you better understand the origins and historic development of Brussels. Highlights on your tour of the Lower City include the Grand Palace, the Everard t'Serclaes monument on Charles Buls street, the Manneken Pis and Grands Carmes street, Marché au Charbon street, the Covering of the Senne, Riches ...

  21. THE 10 BEST Brussels Walking Tours (with Prices)

    2-3 hours. We will take you for a walk and talk about the history of Brussels while at every stop you will taste famous Belgian chocolates…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 99% of travelers. from. $78. per adult. 4. Brussels: Historical Walking Tour with Chocolate & Waffle Tasting.

  22. Interactive Map

    Embark on an unforgettable adventure through Tour & Taxis with our detailed map as your guide. From hidden gems to architectural marvels, our comprehensive guide will lead you effortlessly through this captivating destination. Discover vibrant cultural hubs, indulge in culinary delights, and confidently make the most of your visit.

  23. The future is HERE

    The future. is. HERE. Watch the video. ZIN is the project to transform Towers 1 & 2 of the WTC complex in the North area of Brussels. After dismantling, the existing towers are being interconnected by a new volume of 14 floors of double height. In this way, the ZIN project combines different functions in a highly innovative way.