10 Influencer Outreach Email Templates That Actually Get an Answer

Remember what asking someone on a date was like before dating apps? Not knowing how to start, not finding the right words, and that crippling fear of saying something awkward.

That’s exactly what influencer outreach feels like to beginners.

Luckily, you’re on the right page. A solid influencer outreach email template and the right mindset can maximize your outreach efforts.

inBeat constantly uses these tactics to beat the 21.5% average open rate and the 1-5% response rate :

Email Response Rate

If you want to see similar results, keep reading below.

  • Influencer outreach can be daunting, but the right email template and approach , coupled with the capabilities of the best email platform , can significantly improve open and response rates.
  • A successful influencer outreach email contains five key elements: targeting the right influencer, personalizing the message, offering a unique value proposition, having a clear call to action (CTA), and fostering relationship building.
  • The email subject line is crucial. It should be short, personalized, intriguing, and free from spammy appearances. Emojis, open questions, and brand-associated colors can be beneficial if used judiciously.
  • Increase response rates by optimizing the timing and frequency of follow-up emails (3-7 days after initial outreach is ideal). Seek genuine relationships with influencers, show authenticity and trustworthiness, provide clear next steps, and make it easy for the influencer to respond.
  • Utilizing the right tools, such as an all in one CRM system and email hosting service , Google Sheets for tracking, and reliable influencer discovery platforms, can amplify outreach efforts.
  • Schedule a free strategy call with our full-service influencer marketing agency if you’re looking for professional marketing help.

5 Key Components of an Effective Influencer Outreach Email

The ideal outreach email encompasses the five elements below:

1. Finding the Right Person

Imagine writing an influencer outreach email to Björn Müller . This content creator presents himself as a digital creator for fitness, fashion, and travel.

Most of his sponsored posts look like this:

Influencer Björn Müller

If you’re representing a high-profile fashion, fitness, or travel brand, Björn will likely respond to your email. He may also accept your subsequent proposal.

However, Björn may not accept your offer or even reply to your outreach message if you’re marketing cleaning supplies.

This influencer would be a much better choice:

Influencer simplecleanfit_whit

Insider tip: One reason for inBeat’s high open rates and low bounce rates is that we choose relevant influencers for all our campaigns.

Here’s our process:

  • Audit the company, competitors, and target audience.
  • Prepare a well-written influencer brief based on these insights.
  • Find the right types of influencers for your affiliate program, making sure they can follow the brief.

Pro tip: This influencer discovery platform helps you narrow down the right creators because it has a lot of keywords and filters. Choose the right hashtag, keywords, follower count, language, and social channel.

inbeat Influencer Discovery Platform

  • Look at their engagement rate, impression metrics, and how their likes and comments oscillate.
  • Compare collaboration cost estimates to ensure these fees fit your advertising budget.
  • Make a list of influencers for your influencer marketing campaign

Pro tip: If you rely on another influencer discovery tool that doesn’t show these in-depth metrics, use separate calculators to ensure your creators are legit.

2. Personalization

Customizing your cold outreach email is essential because it makes it seem less cold. In other words, you’re letting the influencer know:

  • You researched their profile.
  • You appreciate their work.

The creators you reach out to feel more valued and, therefore, more inclined to reply.

So send an email warmup such as “I browsed your TikTok profile – great work outlining [relatable insight X] in [post y]. I think that would make you perfect for our upcoming [Brand’s name] campaign.”

3. Value Proposition

The value proposition is something that makes your offer unique. And influencers, like any target audience, need that hook to decide faster.

Here’s an example from one of our outreach campaigns:

Influencer Outreach Email Templates Sample

In this case, the hook is the offer to work with one of the biggest hair vitamin brands online.

But your hook can also be:

  • Representing a value/ cause your potential influencers support
  • Being recommended by a mutual connection
  • A larger marketing budget
  • And so forth

4. Call to Action

The email template above shows you a potential CTA: “reply to this email.” Yours can also be:

  • Click on this link
  • Sign this Typeform
  • Subscribe here

A CTA is essential because it shows the influencer which action you want them to take. That streamlines your communication and avoids misunderstandings.

Take this example:

Including a link without the express request to click on it may confuse the creator. Instead, they may reply to your email, which can unnecessarily delay the whole influencer onboarding process.

5. Relationship Building

Some influencer marketing experts recommend building relationships with influencers before contacting them. This involves:

  • Connecting with them on their social media platforms
  • Interacting with them around their posts Instagram Stories
  • Sending them a direct message with a useful link or idea

You can even send a direct message asking them if they want to receive an onboarding email.

If you have a small campaign with a longer timeline, this approach can increase the answer rate considerably.

However, that strategy may not be feasible with larger social media campaigns.

Insider tip: Build relationships through polite, valuable communication.

In other words, don’t try to trick your influencers with marketing jargon or gimmicks.

Content creators as well as influencers use social media for a living.

Remember: To decrease your bounce rate and increase reply rates, compose a clear, no-nonsense, human-sounding email.

That’s why so many sources recommend a 75-100-word initial email.

Here’s another way to look at it:

Put yourself in an influencer’s shoes, who likely gets tens of “here’s an offer you can’t refuse” outreach emails. Would you respond to another boastful one, or are you more inclined to reply to a natural-sounding email?

We bet on the second option – and that’s why our open & reply rates are high.

10 Influencer Outreach Templates You Can Use Right Now

Now that you’ve read the mindset section above, it’s time to copy some influencer outreach email templates.

  • Adapt these sample templates based on your advertising campaign’s details, creators’ profiles, deliverables, and influencer marketing budget.
  • If your sign-up or response rate is below your expectations, change your pitch to make it more appealing to potential influencers.
  • A shorter, clearer pitch, around 75-100 words, is better.

1. General Collaboration Email Template

Hi {{first:there}},

My name is [Name], and I’m reaching out to you on behalf of [Brand Name].

We’re looking for some awesome creators to collaborate with on a paid project, and we think your content is perfect for it!

All we need is [X deliverables] posted on [social channels], and we’re good to go.

If you’re interested, just hit reply and I’ll send you our casting form.

Can’t wait to hear back from you and hopefully work together!

2. Brand Ambassador Email Template

Dear [Name],

I’m [Your Name], [Position] of [Brand Name]. We’re looking for enthusiastic creators to become ambassadors for our company.

I recently saw your work on social media and think you would be a great fit for our brand because [reasons why]. Your help would be essential to spread the word about our brand/product.

If you’re interested, reply to this email, and I’ll give you more details.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

[Your Name]

3. Giveaway Collaboration Email Template

I’m [Your Name], [Position] of [Brand Name]. I saw your work on social media and think you would be an ideal partner for our upcoming giveaway.

Our collaboration will surely create a unique experience that both our audiences will love! And you can [explain the benefit for your content creators].

Send me a quick reply, and I’ll give you all the necessary details.

4. Product Review Request Email Template

I’m [Your Name], [Position] of [Brand Name]. I saw you’re interested in [niche X] and love your reviews for [products X in that category].

I was just curious if you had the chance to try our [similar product Y in the same niche].

I’d be more than happy to send you a free [product Y] that you can test. I’m sure a blog post about it will help [target audience] with [key benefits].

Looking forward to your reply.

5. Sponsored Content Request Email Template

I’m [Your Name], [Position] of [Brand Name]. I follow your [social media X] profile and love your content about [X and Y].

Our [product Z] is in the same niche, and I’m sure your followers will love hearing about it. More importantly, we support [value/cause X], which is essential for both our audiences.

Can you help me spread the word with a sponsored post on [social media channel X]?

Reply to this email, and I’ll send you all the info.

6. Interview Request Email Template

I’m [Your Name], [Position] of [Brand Name]. I followed your [social media X] profile and saw you’re an expert in [matter Y].

I’m actually doing an expert roundup on [matter Y] right now, and I wanted to see if you’re interested in an interview. I’m sure both our audiences will benefit from this meeting. Our followers will love to see your insights about [X] and [Y].

If you’re interested, reply to this message so we can set everything up.

Looking forward to your response,

7. Event Invitation Email Template

I’m [Your Name], [Position] of [Brand Name]. I follow your [social media X] profile and think you’d love our [Event Name] on [date].

[Event Name] will be a great opportunity for [explain benefits; i.e., networking, trying out new products/services, having conversations with inspiring people]. We’ll have some amazing speakers, delicious food and drinks, and heaps of fun activities.

Reply to this email, and I’ll give you all the details.

8. Product Sampling Email Template

I’m [Your Name], [Position] of [Brand Name]. I follow your [social media X] profile and saw you’ve been talking quite a lot about [Need X].

Our [product Y] is actually designed to alleviate [Need X]. Some of its features include [list features that make your product stand out].

I think it will help you quite a lot.

If you’re interested in receiving [product Y], send me a quick reply.

9. First Follow-Up Email Templates

Just wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to read my last email.

If you’re interested, we have a bunch more projects coming up and I’d love to chat about them with you!

Let me know if you have any questions.

10. Second Follow-Up Email Template

Hey {{first:there}},

Apologies for the follow-up, just checking in one last time. We’d really love to get you on this project.

Would you be open to chatting more about it? Let me know and we can take it from there. I’ve attached detailed project documentation to give you more information about it.

Get the most out of influencer marketing with our influencer-centric focus group agency

10 Tips for Crafting a Compelling Email Subject Line (With Examples)

The influencer outreach templates above are straightforward and no-nonsense, so creators are likelier to respond. Besides, they also encourage ongoing collaboration.

There’s a problem:

A poor subject line may deter influencers from opening your emails. And that means they won’t read your compelling outreach messages.

Here are ten tips to avoid that situation:

  • Keep it short and sweet: Shorter subject lines are easier to read in one second. If you’ve also chosen the right influencers, as we previously advised, they are more likely to open your email.
  • Personalize it: Use the influencer’s name or an offer that speaks to their interests.
  • Create curiosity: An interesting enough subject lines pique the creator’s interest.
  • Offer value: Use keywords that express a unique selling point.
  • Tap into keywords: Relevant keywords can direct attention to your outreach emails and decrease spam labeling.
  • Use emojis: Emojis can make your email stand out from the crowd in a busy inbox. Just make sure not to overdo it.
  • Use open questions: These questions create curiosity and help your email stand out.
  • Use colors: Again, a colored subject line is great for attention-grabbing. But more than that, you can use specific colors associated with your brand or a particular cause.
  • Make it professional: Don’t use too many exclamation points or “spammy” words that could send your email to the spam folder.
  • Leverage creative punctuation: Some punctuation marks can emphasize a point, attract interest, or elicit curiosity.

Good Examples

Here’s an example we have successfully used in one of our outreach campaigns:

“Paid TikTok Collaboration with a Hair Vitamin Brand”

This subject line is:

  • Short enough to be read quickly
  • Tailored to TikTok influencers
  • Curiosity-eliciting because the hair vitamin brand isn’t disclosed in the subject line
  • Professional
  • Value-oriented because the influencer grasps the unique benefit immediately

Potential modifications: “Interested in a TikTok collaboration with a hair vitamin brand ?”

Adding the question mark and the brand colors can make this subject line pop more.

Poor Examples

  • “The Benefits… Unlocked! *key emoji*”

This title is short and intriguing. It also leverages emojis and punctuation. However, it’s a poor example because it’s vague and looks spammy.

  • “Collaborate with Brand X”

This subject line is better because it’s more professional and highlights the unique value point. However, a more specific and attention-grabbing phrasing would be better.

  • “WANT 2 JOIN US?”

This subject line also looks spammy, and it’s written in all caps. Besides, it lacks a unique selling point, professionalism, and specificity.

5 Strategies for Increasing Influencer Response Rates

A good influencer outreach email template and subject line can increase your response rates considerably. Here are five other elements that maximize your outreach efforts:

1. Timing and Frequency of Follow-Up Emails

Sometimes influencers don’t respond to your emails because:

  • Those messages got into the spam email folder.
  • The influencers are creating content as a side gig.
  • They were taking a weekend detox from social media.
  • Your email got accidentally ignored or deleted.
  • The influencer wanted to reply but forgot.

Therefore, follow-up emails entail striking a balance between being:

That’s why the best time to send the first follow-up email is 3-7 days after your outreach message. If they still don’t reply, send your second follow-up email 3-7 days later.

Remember: If there’s still no reply, call it a day.

2. Seek Relationships

Don’t be too pushy or aggressive in the email. Instead, seek to build professional influencer relationships by being upfront and honest.

As we said before, you don’t necessarily need to become friends with a creator before sending them an outreach message.

Insider tip: Always leave a door open for other potential collaborations.

That’s why our first follow-up email template looks like this:

I wanted to gently bump up my previous email. Let me know if you have any questions; I’m here to help!

We constantly have more projects if you’re interested!

3. Show Authenticity and Build Trust with the Influencer

Here’s how to build trust with potential influencers:

  • Avoid spammy-sounding lingo that creates a feeling of dishonesty.
  • Be polite and natural. Imagine you’re sending this offer to one of your work colleagues or neighbors.
  • Answer any questions the influencer may have.
  • Ask for their feedback and express genuine interest in their ideas.
  • Always keep them in the loop for any changes or important updates.
  • Make them feel part of your campaign.

4. Provide Clear Next Steps

If the influencer wants to take you up on your offer, they need clear steps in the outreach email. Creators also need specific details in the subsequent emails.

Here’s a neat example from our portfolio:

inbeat Subsequent Email Template

5. Make It Easy for the Influencer to Respond

That means:

  • Outlining your expectations
  • Offering clear indications of how to respond
  • Not burning any bridges

Remember to be polite, show your enthusiasm, and make the influencer feel like they’re important to this campaign. A clear CTA doesn’t hurt, either.

Get More Answers from Your Influencer Outreach Campaign

You now have all the tools you need to implement your outreach campaign. You know that choosing the right influencers is essential, but only after conducting market research.

You also know the importance of a well-crafted subject line and a solid influencer outreach email template.

Insider tip: Use the right tools to maximize your response rate.

You need a good small business CRM system for communications and plain old Google Sheets to keep track of your outreach efforts. A social collaboration tool or VoIP phone service will also help streamline communication for your marketing teams.

Remember to also use:

  • A reliable platform for influencer discovery
  • An engagement rate calculator
  • A fake follower checker to shortlist solid potential collaborators.

If you need more help in your influencer campaign, let’s schedule a free strategy call , and we’ll optimize all your marketing efforts.

Want more examples of successful influencer marketing campaigns ? Check out case studies of our influencer marketing agency in Toronto !

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11 Best Influencer Templates to Manage Outreach in 2024

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

February 13, 2024

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Influencer marketing has become a key way for businesses to build brand awareness and connect with their target audiences. But partnering with influencers takes a lot of work—from your influencer outreach strategy to the implementation of your marketing plan .

Not only do you need to connect with the right influencer for your brand, but you also need to maintain a productive and professional relationship along the way.

Use these influencer templates to refine your marketing strategy and cut down on the time it takes to launch a successful influencer marketing campaign .

What Is an Influencer Template?

What makes a good influencer template, 1. clickup influencer contract template, 2. clickup social media content plan template, 3. clickup agency client health tracker by zenpilot, 4. clickup advertisement template, 5. clickup campaign brief template, 6. clickup campaign tracking template, 7. clickup content marketing template, 8. clickup marketing proposal template, 9. clickup start a social media marketing agency template, 10. clickup social media advanced template, 11. clickup social media strategy workflow, how to increase influencer outreach response rate.

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An influencer template is any document that you use to streamline and standardize your interactions with influencers. Instead of starting from scratch every time, you can simply personalize your outline or template for each potential influencer you contact.

Some of the most common influencer templates include:

  • Influencer outreach email template : Use this template to initiate contact with an influencer for the first time. If you’ll be reaching out to them via direct message, create a DM template instead of an email template
  • Follow-up email template : Use this template to follow up with influencers you haven’t heard back from or who have expressed interest in your project
  • Influencer campaign brief template: A campaign brief explains the scope, purpose, and timeline of your campaign to prospective influencers
  • Influencer contract template: Your influencer contract template should spell out the terms and conditions of your influencer partnership, such as the number of social media posts you’ll expect them to create each week or month 📅
  • Social media content plan template: This type of template helps to keep you and your particular influencer on the same page as your campaign moves forward

A good influencer marketing template should include key information while still being easy to tailor to each influencer you contact. For example, you can include the same info about your business in each email but personalize the subject line and influencer name.

Here are four things to include in influencer outreach messages:

  • Subject line: The more popular the influencer name, the more email they receive. Use an engaging subject line to get the influencer’s attention and increase open rates
  • Brand values : Social media influencers like to partner with brands that align with their values. Increase your chances of success by highlighting how your product or business is a match for their audience
  • Free sample : If your brand name isn’t widely known, offer to provide free product samples so they can see for themselves what your product is about 🎁
  • Media kit: If your influencer is a blogger or reviewer, provide a media kit with all of your promo materials so they don’t have to go digging them up

11 Influencer Templates to Use in 2024

Chances are you’ll need to contact multiple influencers before establishing a successful partnership for your brand. These free templates will save you time at every step of the way, from initial outreach to creating a social media content calendar .

Simply download the templates you need and customize them for each new marketing strategy.

Influencer Contract Doc Template by ClickUp

Use this ClickUp Influencer Contract Template to document a formal agreement with an influencer or content creator. Start by filling in the influencer name, contact details, and home address. Then, fill out the table with their handles on each social media project management platform (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and so on), along with their follower count.

Once you’ve created the contract, you can email it to them for review, and both parties can sign the document digitally. Export your influencer outreach strategy as a PDF for easy record-keeping.

Not only does it serve as a binding agreement, but you’ll find it easy to keep track of all the influencers you’re working with, thanks to the profile pic and social media handles shown right on the front page.

Influencer template: ClickUp Social Media Content Plan Template

This ClickUp Social Media Content Plan Template helps you track all your social media campaigns in one place, even if you’re working with multiple influencers.

Each task gets a due date and assignee, so you can assign an Instagram story to your Instagram influencer and a TikTok post to someone else. You can also use the Priority column to highlight time-sensitive tasks with a red or orange flag.

Do you have other people involved in your influencer marketing campaign, such as an editor, designer, or copywriter? Add them to one of five custom fields for improved collaboration.

Whether you’re planning a new product giveaway or a sneak peek of an upcoming release, this social media content plan template will keep you organized and productive.

ClickUp Agency Client Health Tracker by Zenpilot

Working with influencers is becoming increasingly popular for businesses, but managing these relationships can be challenging. That’s where the ClickUp Agency Client Health Tracker from Zenpilot Template comes in. This customizable template allows agencies to track the health of their client relationships all in one convenient location, making it easy to manage influencer info and maximize impact.

With the ClickUp Agency Client Health Tracker, agencies can track important data points such as influencer satisfaction levels, touchpoints, and feedback. By logging this information businesses can gain a better understanding of their influencer relationships and optimize their strategy accordingly. This allows them to maintain strong partnerships and drive greater business success.

By incorporating the ClickUp Agency Client Health Tracker into your influencer management process, you’ll be able to streamline your workflows and stay on top of any issues that arise.

Influencer template: ClickUp Advertisement Template

This ClickUp Advertisement Template can help you develop a new ad for your digital marketing campaign from start to finish. Start by identifying the marketing objective, marketing materials, and marketing status (such as “In Development”).

Then, break up the development process into stages, such as “First Draft Completed,” “Final Draft Completed,” and “Approved by Legal.” Once your ad is approved by your exec team, legal team, and marketing team, you can send it off to your social media influencers and other affiliates to kick off your marketing efforts.

This advertisement template can be used for most influencer marketing campaigns, as well as affiliate programs and brand ambassador programs.

Influencer template: Campaign Brief Template by ClickUp

Before entering into an influencer marketing partnership, use a ClickUp Campaign Brief Template to get everyone on the same page and coordinate your outreach efforts.

Fill out the table with the Driver, Contributors, and Approvers of the project (using their social media handles so you can easily find them online). Include the product name, tagline, and description of the product that you want to advertise.

This template also includes a section for Messaging where you can describe your call to action (CTA). Is your product a perfect fit for families with kids or for pet owners? Add an image of your ideal customer in the Target Audience section.

The Budget section helps you break down your campaign budget into components like copywriting, video production, and analysis, while the Milestone section helps you stay on track with due dates for each step in your campaign.

Finally, wrap up your influencer marketing with a section for Key Deliverables and Additional Resources for your team to consult.

Influencer template: ClickUp Campaign Tracking Template

This ClickUp Campaign Tracking Template helps you keep track of how your influencer marketing campaigns are doing. From email marketing to affiliate marketing, use this template to view all of your ongoing campaigns in one place.

Set the Campaign Launch Status to “Scheduled” or “Launched,” and add an Assignee and Campaign Manager to each task so you know who’s responsible for it. Use handy tags like Podcast, Website, Ads, and Social Media so you know which platform each marketing campaign is appearing on.

Once your campaign has launched, track the Budget, Spend, Impressions, Clicks, and Conversion metrics. Switch between List view, Board view, Calendar view, and more depending on how you want to visualize your data.

Influencer template: ClickUp Content Marketing Template

Content marketing requires coordination between your marketing team, influencers, and other stakeholders. Use the ClickUp Content Marketing Template to streamline content creation, whether that’s videos, articles, blog posts, or infographics. 📹

Use fields like Effort and Output Quality to determine which types of content will be the most cost effective, and mark tasks as Complete, Discarded, or To Do.

This is a great opportunity to ask potential influencers to participate in a product review, giveaway, or another type of marketing campaign.

Be sure to mention it in your influencer outreach email templates so they know what to expect from the collaboration.

See how AI marketing tools can streamline your influencer marketing workflow!

ClickUp Marketing Proposal Template

This ClickUp Marketing Proposal Template can be used by solo marketers or influencer marketing teams to pitch their services to potential clients. The front page contains the company name and a brief description, followed by a section introducing the team members and their respective roles.

After the About Us page comes the Proposal itself, along with a Process Walkthrough that describes what it would be like to work with you.

You can use this marketing proposal to pitch an idea for relevant influencers and their content, a hashtag for a social media campaign, or any other content marketing idea.

It’s similar to an influencer outreach email and collaboration template in that its goal is to introduce your team, your skillset, and your vision in a clear and engaging way.

ClickUp Start a Social Media Marketing Agency Template

The ClickUp Start a Social Media Marketing Agency Template is a powerful tool to help you ramp up your social media agency from the ground up. This intermediate template is compatible with ClickUp Spaces for even more advanced collaborative features.

You can build a comprehensive dashboard with multiple view types, including Board, List, My tasks, and Due this Week. Make use of 30 color-coded statuses, such as In Review, Active, On Hold, Published, Needs Revision, and more.

You’ll also have access to 12 different ClickApps, which cover everything from Time Tracking and Sprints to Priorities, WIP Limits, and Dependency Warnings.

With so many features, it’s easy to move tasks from the idea or suggestion stage all the way through to publication. Keep track of multiple clients and influencers with the same template by tagging each task by client, channel, and content type.

Social Media Advanced Template by ClickUp

The ClickUp Social Media Advanced Template is an advanced template that can help you level up your social media campaigns. It comes with 16 different status types, such as Design, Posted/Live, Update Required, and Post Withdrawn, so you can keep track of recent posts and upcoming posts at the same time.

Start by creating a list of upcoming content, such as a blog post or an Instagram story. Add a due date and assignee for each task, and use color-coded labels to identify the social media channel and the content category (such as News, Tips, or Tutorial).

Once the post is live, upload the content files and add a link to the live URL so you can review or update it at any time. You can use the same template to track posts made by micro influencers or even a brand ambassador on their own social media profiles.

Not a fan of Kanban boards? Don’t worry: You can easily switch to Schedule view so you can see your upcoming posts on the marketing calendar .

Try out marketing calendar software !

Social Media Strategy Workflow Template by ClickUp

The ClickUp Social Media Strategy Workflow is an intermediate template that simplifies the planning process for social media marketers. Break everything down into tasks and subtasks, and label them with color-coded statuses like Complete, Blocked, Needs Revision, Needs Approval, or In Progress.

In the Role column, identify the team members who are involved in each task, such as Social Media Manager, Marketing Manager, and Content Strategist.

Once your workflow is set up, toggle between the Creation Stage, Mood Board , Branding Guidelines , and Social Media Strategy Steps.

This ClickUp template takes the guesswork out of social media strategy so you can get through your to-do list one task at a time. Don’t forget to include influencer outreach to get more eyes on your marketing campaign! 👀

One of the biggest challenges in influencer marketing is getting a response from potential influencers. With so many brands vying for their attention, it can be hard to stand out and get noticed.

But don’t worry! We have some tips to help you increase your influencer outreach response rate:

  • Personalize your messages: Don’t just send a generic email to every influencer on your list. Take the time to research each influencer and personalize your message to them. Mention their recent work or something you admire about their brand.
  • Offer value: Influencers are more likely to respond if they see that working with you will benefit them in some way. Whether it’s offering free products, a paid collaboration, or exposure to a new audience, make sure to communicate the value they will receive from working with your brand.
  • Keep it short and sweet: Influencers are busy people and get a lot of emails daily. Keep your initial outreach message short and to the point. Save the details for later in the conversation.
  • Follow up: If you don’t hear back from an influencer after your initial message, don’t be afraid to follow up with a friendly reminder. Sometimes their inbox can get cluttered and they may have missed your first message.
  • Build relationships: Don’t just reach out to influencers when you need something from them. Take the time to build genuine relationships by engaging with their content and supporting their brand. This will make them more likely to respond when you do reach out for a collaboration.

Build Brand Awareness with ClickUp Influencer Templates

The right influencer is someone with a built-in audience whose image aligns with your brand values. But the best influencers are in demand, so it may take time before you hear back from them.

Keep your emails short and snappy to improve your response rate, and use email templates to save time in the drafting process.

By ClickUp templates for outreach emails, follow-up emails, influencer contracts, and campaign briefs, you’ll always have the documents you need ready to go. Plus our collaborative tools make it easy to share information with other members of your marketing team so you know who’s responsible for which tasks.

From influencer outreach to social media strategy, ClickUp has you covered.

Visit the ClickUp Template Library for even more marketing tools to grow your business.

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Craft the perfect pitch: 7 influencer outreach email and DM templates

Written by by Jamia Kenan

Published on  July 2, 2024

Reading time  8 minutes

Table of Contents

You’ve created an extensive list of people you want to work with for your influencer marketing campaign and now it’s time to start sending out emails. But with so many people to connect with, influencer outreach is time-consuming, especially if you’re manually drafting emails from scratch. That’s why we recommend using influencer outreach email templates to shave off drafting time in your inbox and increase your chances of forming new relationships.

In this article, we’ll show you how to use an influencer outreach email template and best practices to follow before you send your pitch. And we’ll share several templates you can use to speed up your outreach process.

What is an influencer marketing template?

An influencer marketing template is a pre-formatted, reusable framework used to streamline communication between brands and influencers. Influencer outreach email templates are common, but direct messages are standard as well.

Templates reduce the effort of writing from scratch without sacrificing authenticity. Instead of writing a message from nothing, you’re building off a template and tailoring it to the specific influencer and campaign. The primary goal of an influencer marketing template is to facilitate cohesive, compelling communication during the outreach process.

How to use influencer marketing templates

Influencer outreach templates are your secret weapon for maintaining a consistent message, tone and style across your communications with influencers. By establishing a professional and consistent approach, templates help enhance brand perception and reinforce a positive image, strengthening brand recognition and trust.

Influencer outreach templates also give you a strong foundation, enabling you to focus on personalization for more effective outreach and better engagement. For example, sharing the specific reason you’re reaching out shows you value the influencer’s expertise and work, making it more likely that they’ll agree to collaborate with you.

But to enjoy the benefits of influencer marketing templates, you need to know how to find the right influencers before pursuing any outreach. Narrow down your search by using tools that provide influencer databases like Tagger, Sprout Social’s influencer marketing platform.

What to do before sending an influencer outreach email or DM

Let’s review the four must-do steps to complete ‌before sending an influencer outreach email or DM.

1. Update your brand profiles

Would you reach out to an influencer that hasn’t posted in a year or doesn’t maintain their presence on social media? Probably not. The same goes for influencers accepting brand partnerships. The 2024 State of Influencer Marketing Report found that most influencers (93%) agree the quality of a brand’s existing social content impacts whether they agree to collaborate. Make it easy for influencers to identify valuable opportunities to work together by keeping your brand accounts up to date.

2. Get to know the influencer’s content

Do your due diligence by researching influencers and getting familiar with their content.

How does their content and audience align with your brand? What kind of content do they typically post? What are their values and passions? During your research, pay attention to their previous collaborations and sponsored posts to get an idea of their past work and performance. Once you have a good understanding of the influencers you want to work with, you can tailor your email to their interests and make a connection that feels genuine and authentic. Influencer-brand partnerships are evolving, and showing you value their work and expertise can increase your chances of them agreeing to partner with your brand.

3. Engage from your brand accounts

Instead of going straight for a cold call, start with a warm up by engaging with the influencer’s content from your brand accounts. Doing this will get your business on their radar and plant a seed for initial outreach.

4. Read over the available partnership information

Influencers–especially macro and mega influencers—usually have a preferred method of communication. Determine if you need to send a DM or email to the influencer directly, or if you need to contact their management company or agent—you can find these by looking at their website or social bio. Using their preferred communication type makes sure your outreach gets to the right recipient.

7 influencer outreach templates

Here are five customizable influencer outreach templates that can be tailored to various platforms and industries. Some of the templates are written for email, but can be repurposed for DM as well by removing the subject line and email signature. You can also adjust them to address their management instead of the influencer directly.

1. General influencer outreach template

Subject line: Explore Paid Opportunities with [Brand Name]

My name is [Your Name] from [Name of Brand]. Our team has been following your social media for a while now and I’m so impressed by your [personalized compliments about their content with a specific example.]

I’m seeking influencers to collaborate with for paid opportunities and you’d be a perfect fit based on your content. If you’re interested, reply to this message and I’ll share more details. Looking forward to hearing from you!

[Your Name + Email Signature]

2. General Instagram influencer outreach template

Hi [Influencer’s name],

I’m [Your Name], [Role/Title] at [Brand Name]. I’ve been following your work on social media for some time now. I admire your [personalized compliments about their content with a specific example].

I’m reaching out because I think you’d be a great partner for our brand. I can share more information if you’re interested, but think: sponsored content, brand ambassadorship and/or other paid opportunities.

If you’re interested in learning more about collaborating with [Brand Name], reply to this DM and I’ll send over details and next steps. Talk to you soon and thanks!

3. Giveaway collaboration pitch email template

Subject line: Giveaway Collaboration with [Brand Name]

I’m [Your Name], [Role/Title] at [Brand Name]. I’ve been following you on social for a while and love your recent post about [Insert Topic of Post]. I think you would be a great partner for our upcoming giveaway.

We’d provide you with [Insert Product or Services] to enjoy and have you host [number of giveaways] for your followers. The rules to win would be, [insert giveaway rules]. If you’re interested, respond to this message and I’ll shoot over more details about the collaboration. Thank you!

4. Product review request email template

Subject line: Product Review Proposal for [Brand Name]

Hi [Influencer’s Name],

I’m [Your Name], [Role/Title] at [Brand Name]. I’ve been following your social media for some time and I’m a huge fan of your authentic product reviews and recommendations, especially for [product niche or category]. We know how much your opinions matter to your audience, and we’d love for you to share your thoughts on our [mention product or service].

We’ll provide [Insert Product or Services] for you to enjoy and experience so you can let your audience know what you think. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll follow up with more details and next steps. Thanks!

5. Brand event invitation email template

Subject: You’re Invited: Join [Brand Name] for an Exclusive Event!

Hello [Influencer’s name],

I’m [Your Name] from [Name of Brand]. We admire your creativity and engagement across your social media accounts—especially [personalized compliments about their content with a specific example].

We’re thrilled to invite you as a special guest for our upcoming gathering, [Insert Event Name, Date and Time]. The goal of this event is to bring together influential minds and changemakers in [specify industry] to explore [Details and Goals of Event, including any deliverables]. We’d be honored to have you as a guest and for that reason we’ll provide [details about event coverage].

Please confirm your attendance by responding to this message by [RSVP date]. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Thank you!

Best wishes,

6. Affiliate marketing template

Subject: Become a [Brand Name] VIP: Brand Ambassadorship Proposal

I’m [Your Name], [Role/Title] at [Brand Name]. As a follower, I’ve been a fan of your social media content and of course, I love your posts about [Brand Name or Topic]!

I want to invite you to join our brand ambassador program. As an ambassador for us, you’ll partner with us for social media campaigns and content. And you’ll receive an affiliate code so you can be compensated for your work and influence. If you’re interested, reply to this message and I’ll follow up with more details. Thanks!

7. Influencer marketing campaign email template

Subject: Join Our Movement: [Brand Name] Influencer Campaign Proposal

I’m [Your Name], [Role/Title] at [Brand Name]. I have been following your content and am truly impressed by your genuine influence in the [Specify Industry or Niche] community. Your dedication to providing value to your audience aligns with our mission of [mention brand mission].

I’m excited to extend to you an invitation to join [Brand Name] in an influencer campaign. Our vision is for a multi-platform collaboration with you at the forefront of advocating our brand to your followers. In previous campaigns, we have worked with [Insert list of Influencers and brands]. We’d love to add you to our list of influencers who have helped us drive successful campaigns.

If you’re interested, we’d love to discuss campaign guidelines, deliverables and compensation. Let me know if you’re up for partnering with us and I’ll share more details. Thank you!

What to do if an influencer doesn’t respond to your outreach

It’s standard to follow up on initial outreach communications if you don’t receive a response. But, it’s also important to respect the influencer’s time and not be overly persistent or assume they are ignoring you. The influencer might be traveling or managing multiple commitments. Maybe they forgot to respond or they’re taking a break from social media. If you find yourself without a response, consider these best practices:

Be patient and evaluate the best time to follow up

Before you send a follow-up email or DM, consider waiting three to seven days. If they don’t reply in that timeframe, send your second outreach communication. If they still don’t respond, stop your outreach for the time being. You don’t want to be that person who floods an inbox because of over-persistence. Save time and effort reaching out to other people.

Keep your follow-up message brief

Respect their time by keeping the follow-up message concise and simple. Include a few lines to jog their memory and share the most relevant information from your initial email or DM. Emphasize the benefits of partnership. Close out by letting them know you’re open to answering any questions and can share details to answer anything they might be wondering about.

Reach out on another platform

If your initial contact was through email and you haven’t gotten a response, consider reaching out via DM on the influencer’s most active platform. This approach may increase the likelihood of your message being seen, as many influencers check their social media accounts more often than email.

Ask about their network

Sometimes people don’t respond because they don’t think they’re the best fit for the opportunity or they can’t commit because of other obligations. If they aren’t available, ask if they can recommend someone else. For example, saying something like, “I think you’re ideal for this opportunity, but if you aren’t available this time around, do you have any friends you would recommend?” goes a long way. The Sprout content and social teams have successfully used this tactic to support securing subject matter experts and partnerships.

Develop stronger partnerships with influencer outreach templates

Influencer outreach templates standardize essential elements so you can save time drafting from scratch. Influencer outreach email and DM templates also provide a solid foundation so you can focus on personalizing your messages, increasing your chances of success. But templates are just one mechanism to support your influencer marketing campaigns. Use our influencer marketing toolkit to set ‌yourself up with the resources you need to build your strategy.

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15 Email templates for influencer outreach

Oct 27, 2023

influencer outreach

Successful influencer collaborations often begin with an impactful outreach message. Reaching out to an influencer unfamiliar with your brand can be daunting.   

You need to introduce your brand, ignite the influencer's interest in your products, and persuade them to endorse an item they've never encountered — all within a brief email or DM.   

It's challenging, but we're here to assist.   

Here, we offer some exclusive email and DM templates you can use to streamline your outreach. These templates can be customized to your requirements, saving you time and effort.   

Let's have a look at them. 

Influencer Instagram DM Template

Direct messages can be a highly effective way to approach influencers, offering a personal touch and an immediate connection.  

However, the key to success lies in crafting a message that not only grabs the influencer's attention but also speaks to their interests and aligns with their brand image. The following is a concise, adaptable template designed to enable you to do just that.

DM Template #1

Dm template #2, influential customer template.

Influential customers are valuable assets as they often promote brands organically due to genuine appreciation. Here are two Influencer outreach email templates tailored for influential customers.

Template #1

Template #2.

Both templates emphasize recognition and appreciation, offering value back to the influential customer and opening the door for potential deeper collaboration.

Influencer Product Gifting Email Template

Gifting is a fantastic way to introduce influencers to your product and potentially foster a longer-term relationship. Here are two outreach templates tailored for product gifting to influencers:  

Both templates prioritize genuine appreciation for the influencer's content and present the product gifting as a gesture of admiration. This ensures that the influencer doesn't feel pressured to promote the product in return.

Influencer Giveaway Pitch 

Influencer giveaways can be an effective method to increase brand awareness and engagement. Here are two Influencer outreach templates tailored for pitching a giveaway collaboration to influencers.

These templates highlight the mutual benefits of the giveaway, emphasizing the value it would bring to the influencer's community while also introducing them to the brand in an engaging manner.

Affiliate Program Invitation Template 

An affiliate program invitation should emphasize the mutual benefits and potential earning opportunities for the influencer. Here are two influencer outreach templates for you. 

Both templates focus on the earning potential, mutual benefits, and the alignment of the influencer's content with the brand, aiming to make the proposition enticing for the influencer.

Paid Collaboration Email Template

Here are two Influencer outreach email templates tailored for proposing a paid collaboration with influencers.

Price Enquiry Template

When inquiring about an influencer's pricing, it's essential to be respectful, clear, and genuine in your approach. Here are two email outreach templates tailored for inquiring about influencer collaboration pricing.

Both templates prioritize clarity, mutual respect, and understanding, ensuring the influencer feels valued and appreciated.

Brand Ambassador Collaboration Template 

When reaching out to potential brand ambassadors, it's important to communicate the mutual benefits, expectations, and the value the influencer would bring to the brand. Here are 2 influencer outreach email templates you can use. 

travel influencer email template

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Apr 13, 2021

How to write influencer outreach emails – with examples

Doing influencer outreach doesn't have to be a headache – these best practices and examples help you write outreach emails to influencers with ease.

Blog writer

Jessi Christian

Table of contents

When you want to send your first email to an influencer, it can feel overwhelming and bring up quite some worries: How do I address them? What if they never reply? And: What if they hate the product? But there is no need to agonize over an  outreach email . 

If you follow our best practices and influencer outreach email examples, you will write an inspiring collaboration email that convinces the recipient to work with your company.

Here's how fast and easy it is to send outreach emails at scale using Flowrite:

Why collaborate with an influencer?

According to  Mediakix , 89% of marketers say that ROI from influencer marketing is comparable to or better than other marketing channels.

Let that sink in for a moment. The vast majority of marketers say that working with an influencer brings a similar or even better return on investment than other marketing channels. The risk you are taking in by trying out influencer marketing for your business is relatively low, and the reward can be high if you know how to do it right.

It's one of the reasons why influencer marketing is on the rise. The influencer marketing industry is on track to be worth  up to $15 billion by 2022 , up from $8 billion in 2019. To join that trend, you can start by working with the right influencer for your business.

How to write an email to an influencer – the best practices

1. find the right influencer for your marketing goals.

Not all influencers are created equal. There are beauty , fashion , or traveling influencers and marketing, parenting, or even farming influencers. You want to find an influencer that is a fit for your company. 

First, you have to decide what  goal you want to achieve with this collaboration . Is it meant to increase reach & engagement, raise brand exposure & awareness or boost sales?

As a second step, you want to  choose the platform  that fits your ideal customer profile. Every social platform attracts influencers to some degree, but Instagram is by far the most popular one.  Nearly four in five (79%) brands predominantly use Instagram for influencer campaigns , compared with Facebook (46%), YouTube (36%), Twitter (24%), and LinkedIn (12%).

Ultimately you are looking for an influencer that works on the platforms your audience is on. There's no point in advertising on Instagram if your ideal audience mostly consumes Youtube.

Third, you want to be clear on  why you want to partner with this particular influencer.  To decide which person is perfect for you, think about the following.

Are they relevant to your audience? An influencer can have millions of followers, but if the followers are not your ideal audience, you won't get the ROI you want. Similarly, if a person has low rates for their services, but your ideal customers don't follow them, there is no point in investing in a cheaper option.

Follower size

Which follower size is "enough" can vary from brand to brand. Social media influencers can be divided into five different tiers: nano-, micro-, mid-tier, macro, and mega-influencers (from smallest to biggest). While the follower size is the deciding factor for these groups, there is also a difference in engagement and reach.

Nano-influencers can be an exciting option for companies. Despite the low follower count, they often have  high engagement levels , especially within their local community. They know most, if not all of their followers, which leads to high levels of trust. If the followers trust the influencer, they will also trust their recommendation of your product. 

Ideally, you want an influencer who isn't green. Spare yourself from the constant back and forth and unclear collaboration terms, partner with someone who knows what they are doing.

Lastly, you want to decide what kind of collaboration you want to offer. Should the influencer post a photo of your product, give a detailed product review, or are you interested in a giveaway for their followers? Once you know the terms, you can write your influencer outreach email with clarity and ease.

2. Start with a catchy subject line

‍ 47% of email recipients open an email  based on the subject line. There's some heavy inbox competition when you write to an influencer, so your subject line will make or break your outreach.

A busy person who gets more emails than they can read only opens messages that are truly important or come with an enticing subject line. 

While it's key to spend some time crafting the email body and closing , your subject line is the most important aspect of the email format . The subject line is what decides if you are in and out.

Don't write something as dull as the following examples ❌

  • Collaboration offer 
  • Partnership possibility! 
  • Want to cooperate with us?

These subject lines indicate that this is a mass email sent to many influencers, and you only bothered to change their name in the greeting. Instead, you want to encourage the influencer to check what's inside of the email. Please do not mention monetary rewards in the subject line. It will make your email look more like spam and will likely make you end up in the promotion, if not the spam folder. To ensure that your email will not get flagged as spam, you can test your message in various programs.

Try to personalize the subject line by showing that you know them ✅

  • Lauren, I adore your dance videos!
  • Your followers will love this iPhone case
  • Bamboo or recycled plastic - which toothbrush would your audience prefer?
  • Peter, looking for your advice on charcoal grills

3. Speak their language

If you want to collaborate with an influencer, make sure to speak their language. This is the key in making a successful request .

Don't turn your message into a college essay to convince the recipient or use too  formal greetings . Speak the language the influencer also uses in their content.

However, you want to take this tip with a grain of salt because your words still need to sound authentic and fit your overall brand voice. If you're selling high-end watches, you might not want to reach out saying, "your videos are lit."

Try to use language playfully. If you find it hard, stick with a more  professional approach  before it gets cringe-worthy. Despite trying to speak their language, make sure to take the influencer seriously in your outreach.

They are, after all, your potential business partner and should be treated with the same respect as any other partner.

4. Personalize your email to the influencer

Influencers help you build trust for your product because their audience trusts their opinion. But to get them to work with you, you also have to create trust with them. Social media influencers want to feel appreciated, and they want to see that you did your research (see #1).

Your email needs to show that it's tailored towards one particular influencer. That starts with a personalized subject line, greeting and a quick introduction , but you set yourself up for failure if you don't customize the entire message.

You'll have way more success if you focus on sending a few personalized emails instead of sending out the same message en masse.

After a personalized greeting, your first line needs to show the influencer that you know them. You can refer to the content they recently created, collaborations they have going on, or even products or freebies you have used.

If you met them at a conference or joined one of their workshops, even better – mention which event you attended and what you learned from them. Express that you like their content, style, and approach. After all, that's why you want to work with them.

5. Create a unique pitch & don't use influencer outreach email templates

There are many influencer outreach email templates online, and most are free to use. But   since they are out there and easy to find, you will be using the same template as other brands.

As tempting as it can be, it's more beneficial to draw your company's attention with a unique pitch. Influencers can see when you're a copy-cat, and it's not a good look.

While it seems easier to use a one-size-fits-all approach that supposedly works for others, it might not work for you. You want to explore what kind of pitch fits your brand voice, company, and product.

6. Be concise and get to the point

Always assume that your target is busy: just like any other entrepreneur, influencers have a full schedule and prioritize their time for what makes sense for their business. They don't want to search through an email to find the most critical info. They want a message that is easy to scan to see what is relevant for them.

So don't waste their time with complicated formulations or metaphors: Be concise and get straight to the point with what you want from them. While it's great to start your email with a personalized compliment (see #4), don't spend the entire email telling them how amazing they are. It's frustrating and does not have the positive effect you were hoping it would.

Here are the most important elements that you need to include in an influencer outreach email

Introduce your company & yourself.

Marketers tend to share too many details about the brand. Just mention the absolute necessities to start a conversation – the industry you work in, (potentially) the product you sell, and your mission.

Connect your brand values with the values of the influencer

You want to work with this influencer for a reason. It's good to share how this person is a perfect fit for your brand and how your values align. You can use some of their content that resonates with your brand as an example.

Be clear on your offer

Explain what you are offering them quickly. Is it a collaboration, free products, or an affiliate program? Don't mention monetary compensation because the influencers know that they will be compensated. If they are interested, move to talk about their rates.

7. Create value to the influencer

Ask yourself: What is in it for them? While the influencer needs to know your business goals for the collaboration to put their best foot forward when working with you, you need to entice them with a unique collaboration offer that stands out from the masses.

The larger the influencer, the more offers they get from brands daily. You want to come up with an unusual proposal that goes the extra mile. You can offer them something that other brands can't or won't provide, such as support for their content creation by hiring a local photographer or an exclusive invite to an event or concert.

Some of the most common examples of opportunities that go beyond the monetary compensation are:

  • Gifts for followers
  • Ambassador status
  • Exclusive membership
  • Access to new products that are not yet on the market
  • Promoting them in your channels

Of course, the benefits depend on the size of your marketing budget, the follower size of the influencer, and the type of partnership you're looking to have with them.

8. Provide freedom to create

Influencers want to create content in the way they like. After all, they chose to run their own business all-around content creation, and they have been successful at doing it. Don't limit their creativity by giving too strict prerequisites on what the content has to be like.

Assure the influencer that you trust them entirely and that you won't intervene in content production. Social media influencers know their audience better than you: they are the experts on what content the audience prefers and what kind of brand collaborations work.

If you chose the right influencer (see #1) to contact, you can trust that you will get quality content that fits your brand.

9. Format your email to perfection

Even with a classic email, there are many ways to use formatting for your benefit. You can utilize the white spaces, bolding, and paragraphs to make your email easy to read.

You want your layout to be clear and establish a visual hierarchy that makes it easy to scan the text and find the essential information. A professional signature is a great way to end the email and to quickly explain who you are and what your company does in a few words.

10. Send follow up email to the influencer

One of the biggest mistakes many marketers make is not following up. According to  Propellercrm , sending more follow-up emails can triple your response rate. Often, the influencer won't read your first email in any case.

If they haven't replied within 24 hours, you want to follow up with another email at least 3-7 days after your initial email. You can send a reminder or even ask if they got your previous email.

Depending on the social media platforms they are on, you can also send a DM with the same offer. After all, your email might have ended up in spam or promotions. While you want to be eager and check in every once in a while, you never want to spam or stalk them.

When you send an outreach email matters a lot, and that's why you should test the timing when you are how to send follow-up emails . The best day for following up is often considered Tuesday, while weekends are not recommended.

And when you finally get a response, don't forget to say thanks !

Is it hard for you to find time for influencer outreach? Supercharge your daily communication by turning short instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages with Flowrite .

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How to write influencer outreach emails: Templates and examples

influencer outreach emails

December 6, 2023

Before we get into the “how” to write an influencer outreach email, let’s have a quick recap of the “why.” It wouldn’t be amiss to say that influencer marketing has gained popularity faster than any other marketing trend in recent history:

  • For every dollar spent on influencer marketing, brands can earn $5.78
  • 63% of consumers  say they trust what influencers say about your products more than what you say about them
  • The global influencer marketing industry had a market value of  $16.4 billion , as of 2022

Such numbers are possible as consumers continue to engage with influencers on a daily basis, often across multiple platforms. This level of engagement helps brands promote their products and services to consumers faster and more effectively.

Finding the perfect influencers to partner with is the first step, then comes the challenging part of getting in touch with them and ensuring a positive reply that leads to a successful collabaration.

So, how do you do it? There’s two main ways to go about it. Either you or your team can send a personal message on social media or reach out to them through email. The ideal way would be to do both, but email is a far more reliable way of getting a reply. When drafting your outreach emails, remember that an influencer receives dozens of emails daily so your message might get lost.

You need to make sure you cut through the noise by writing an email that immediately catches their attention. With that in mind, we’ve compiled this guide of the best strategies and templates you can use to write influencer outreach emails that elicits a positive response.

How to write a perfect influencer outreach email

Influencer outreach email templates, save time on your influencer outreach emails with ai.

Follow these five simple steps to master your influencer outreach email(s) that guarantee a positive response.

1. Know your goals

What do you expect to achieve from the collaboration? Is it increasing brand engagement and reach or increasing brand awareness? Why do you want to partner with this particular influencer? What do you want the influencer to do for your brand? Give free giveaways, a product review, or post photos or videos of your products?

By answering these questions up front, you’ll be able to articulate your ideas and write an influencer outreach email that encourages your prospect influencer to work with your brand.

2. Write a catchy subject line

Digital celebrities are busy people, who receive multiple emails a day. If you want them to read yours, your outreach email needs to have a catchy subject line that draws attention.

Put across the main idea of your email in one short sentence or phrase. Seven or so words, or around 41 characters, is the ideal length for your subject line. Examples of a punchy subject line for your influencer outreach emails include:

  • [Name], we want you as [brand name]’s VIP ✨
  • Love your Instagram aesthetic, [name]! 😍
  • Looking for a new collab, [name]? 🤝🏼

Keep in mind that your subject line is like your “resume,” so to speak. If you don’t make an impression with it, the chances of your email getting opened could be slim — a third of recipients will open an email based on the subject line alone! So don’t underestimate the power of a strong subject line and give it a lot of thought to create a few versions before you finalize one.

3. Personalize your messages

Make sure you tailor every outreach email to each specific influencer you message. Personalization should begin with the subject line itself and should most certainly reflect in the greeting, and then must be spread across your email content where possible. Always use the influencers name to your advantage and these opportunities where you can add a touch of personalization to your outreach emails:

  • Express admiration for the content the influencer generates. Be specific and share a link to a post that the influencer has published, and talk about what you love or appreciate about it
  • If you or a colleague has met the influencer in person, make it a point to say so in the email
  • If anyone from your brand has participated in an event/activity hosted by the influencer, don’t forget to mention this in the email
  • If you’re reaching out to an influencer from a different country, try to speak their language. You don’t need to write the whole email in their language, but the greeting, subject line, or a few words here (“Bonjour!” instead of “Hello!”) and there make a strong impression. But make sure the usage is accurate — consult with someone who speaks the language or make sure you verify what you’ve written is accurate

4. Keep your email short and to the point

Influencers have busy schedules and other priorities ahead of reading outreach emails. If you want your email to be read, make it easy for them to scan it. Be concise and to the point. Although personalization in the email is essential, don’t overdo it to a point where it gets too lengthy:

  • Introduce yourself and your company : Let them know about the brand and industry you work in, your mission, and the product or service you offer
  • Connect your brand values to the values of the influencer : Tell them why they’re a perfect fit for your brand. Use some of their content that resonates with your brand to establish a connection where possible
  • Let them know the offer : Give details about what you’ll offer, whether it’s free products, collaboration, or an affiliate program. Only when they show interest in your offer, talk about the monetary compensation

5. Give them creative freedom

Influencers run their business the way they want it and they’re successful at what they do. Give them the freedom to create content the way they like it. Don’t give them strict prerequisites that limit their creativity, as this will likely turn them off and make them not consider associating with you.

With the above points in mind, you’re all set to start drafting your own influencer outreach emails. But to help you further, here’s a few influencer outreach email templates for different business scenarios for you to copy and paste.

Example #1: The first outreach email

The first email is to figure out the influencer’s interest in collaborating with you. In this email, state the purpose and make it clear that collaboration is mutually beneficial. Take a look at this example:

Example #2: Brand ambassador pitch email template

If you want an influencer to work with you for the long term as a brand ambassador , follow this example:  

Example #3: A new product launch   

Influencers can generate a huge buzz online for your new products or your latest features. This example is perfect for your prospective influencers:

Example #4: Free samples template

Influencer outreach emails don’t have to be focused solely on collaborations. It’s also a good idea to reach out to influencers and let them know that you’d be sending your products for them to talk about if they’re interested and like your product. Consider this direct, short email example:

Example #5. The affiliate marketing template

Affiliate programs are payment or commission-based programs that depend on the number of leads the influencers pass on to you. Here’s an excellent template of an email for that purpose:

These tips and influencer outreach email templates are an easy way for you to get started on your influencer marketing strategy. But there’s an easier way too — letting AI do it for you.

With Bazaarvoice affable.ai , you can reach multiple influencers at once using several ready-to-use influencer outreach email templates, saving you and your team substantial time and effort.

travel influencer email template

Andrew Brzezicki

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Influencer Email Template: How to Skyrocket Your Open Rates

David Morneau

By David Morneau 18 min READ | Apr 8 2024

Influencer Email Template: How to Skyrocket Your Open Rates

Table of contents

The average email open rate for 2023 is 17% .

By this standard, a mere 25% is considered good.

*Insert meme of dog smiling in a room set on fire*

Here’s how one of the influencer outreach experts in our inBeat team defines this challenge:

“Most people suck at cold email, and most influencers get spammed a lot and don’t care about outreach.”

You’re on the right page, though.

We’ll show you how to transform that challenge into an opportunity with our honed influencer email template.

This template and the insider tips we’ll share below helped us zap right by the meager open rate average.

Not to brag, but here are our usual stats (notice the 92% open rate):

typical influencer campaign at Inbeat

So let’s get you that winning influencer outreach email template that helps you to avoid getting your email blacklisted.

TL;DR - Influencer Email Template

  • Current Email Open Rate : The average open rate in 2023 is 17%; achieving 25% is considered good.
  • Challenge : Many fail at cold emailing , and influencers get lots of spammy outreach.

Templates Provided :

  • Initial Outreach Email : Clearly introduces the collaboration and what's expected.
  • First Follow-Up Email : Friendly reminder without sounding pushy.
  • Second Follow-Up Email : A last attempt to catch the influencer's attention, keeping it short and light.
  • Personalized subject lines boost open rates.
  • Tailor the email template to fit the specific campaign and influencer.
  • Emails should align with an overarching strategy.

Steps to Effective Outreach :

  • Find the Right Influencers : Use an influencer database like inBeat to identify the right fit.
  • Determine Goals : Clear goals aid in crafting precise and effective emails.
  • Before Writing the Email:
  • Craft the Outreach Email : Use the provided templates and personalize them as needed.
  • Rinse and Repeat : Establish a routine for outreach and follow-ups, and track your communications.

Dos and Don’ts :

  • Do : Use a professional email, personalize content, keep it concise, and be clear.
  • Don't : Over-glamorize, sound pushy, or get discouraged by non-responses.

Final Takeaway : Effective influencer outreach requires clear goals and tailored communication. Working with an influencer marketing agency can significantly aid in the process. Remember, influencers value genuine and clear offers.

Influencer Email Template That You Can Grab Today

We’ll show you three templates for the initial email and two follow-ups.

Bonus: We’ll include modifications for all these templates so you can use them in your affiliate program as soon as possible.

1. Initial Outreach Influencer Email Template

Subject: Paid Collaboration - [Brand Name]

Message: Hi {{influencer’s name}},

My name is [Name], and I’m reaching out to you on behalf of [Brand Name].

We’re currently casting creators for a paid collab. We think your content aligns exactly with what we’re trying to create!

The collaboration will only ask you to create [X deliverables] posted on [social channels].

If you’re interested, reply to this email & I’ll send you our casting form.

Looking forward,

Insider tip 1: Make the subject line clear and catchy.

Studies show that a personal subject line can increase open rates by a statistically significant margin. Also, 35% of email recipients open your emails because your subject line sounds catchy.

Insider tip 2: Adjust this influencer email template to fit your brand’s personality, campaign, and influencer profile.

Here’s an example* of how we modified this outreach template in one of our social media campaigns:

*We removed all sensitive info, but you get the gist.

Subject: Paid TikTok Collaboration with a [Industry Name] Brand

Message: Hey {{first:there}},

I’m [Name] from inBeat Agency. I’m reaching out to you on behalf of our client [insert hyperlink], one of the biggest [industry name] brands online.

We saw your TikTok profile and would like to present it to the client for paid brand collaboration, but only if you are interested in being a part of the brand’s journey!

Can I count you in? If yes, reply to this email & I’ll send you our onboarding form.

Looking forward to working with you,

Lessons learned:

  • Include the brand industry but not the company’s name in the subject line: “Paid TikTok Collaboration with a Hand Cream Brand” instead of “Nivea” elicits more curiosity, which increases your email open rates.
  • Insert a hyperlink to the company in the body: This strategy decreases bounce rates because content creators can easily click to find more info.

2. First Follow-Up Influencer Email Template

If the first collaboration email didn’t have much success, you could use this follow-up email:

Message: Hi again!

Just following up to see if you’ve had the time to read my last email.

We constantly have more projects if you’re interested! Let me know if you have any questions.

Remember: This is just a sample template you can adjust for your needs.

Here’s a potential version that sounds more friendly:

Subject: Paid TikTok Collaboration with a Skincare Brand

I wanted to gently bump up my previous email. Let me know if you have any questions; I’m here to help!

We constantly have more projects if you’re interested!

  • Keep things short but friendly.
  • Avoid sounding pushy.
  • Ask the content creator if they need help or have questions.
  • Remind the creator that you have multiple other projects.

3. Second Follow-Up Influencer Email Template

The second follow-up template should be even shorter than the previous two messages:

Subject: Just catching up

Sorry to bother you again, but I thought I’d try my luck one last time. We’d really love to get you on this project!

Fingers crossed.

  • Remind them that you’d love to work with them without seeming desperate.
  • Use the phrase “last time” to let them know you won’t become a stalker.
  • Try to be at least a little funny.

Insider tip: Even an ideal influencer collaboration email can’t increase email open rates by itself. You need a solid strategy first.

Imagine writing an email to a restaurant to book a table.

Chances are someone will at least open it.

Now imagine writing that same email, but this time your subject line says “Dinner reservation for $10,000 menu.” The open rates will be much higher, and you’ll get more replies.

And now picture sending the same emails to a flower shop.

Your open rates will decrease dramatically.

That’s strategy, and that’s what we’ll discuss below.

The Best 5-Step Outreach Strategy [From Our Influencer Platform]

These influencer email templates only work if you’ve found the right potential ambassadors or influencers for your campaign.

Here’s how you can do that, following our influencer platform’s tried-and-tested methods.

Step 1: Find the Influencers

Finding the right influencers to pitch to ensures high open rates, positive responses, and most importantly, a successful collaboration.

If you’re sending the right message to the right people, click and reply rates will skyrocket, too.

Insider tip for finding the best content creators: At inBeat, we only do influencer onboarding after building the creative brief first.

That means we first:

  • Audit our clients.
  • Get insights from their competitors’ strategies.
  • Analyze their audience.

Based on these analyses, we establish influencer campaign goals and KPIs and craft the creative brief.

We then try to find creators who fit this brief—not the other way around.

Here’s how to find these influencers:

  • Heed your clients’ requests if they have specific conditions in mind. For example, they might want a particular type of social proof or an ongoing collaboration.
  • Leverage an intuitive influencer database. Use the right keywords and filters according to your goals, KPIs, and target audience. *Alternatively, use an Instagram or TikTok email finder .
  • Compare these content creators using engagement rate calculators and fake follower checkers.

Let’s say you want to find a gaming influencer for your new mobile app.

1. Head to the inbeat.co platform and create a campaign:

travel influencer email template

2. Set your keywords:

travel influencer email template

3. Set filters like follower count, language, and engagement ratee:

travel influencer email template

4. Analyze influencers’ profiles. Look at their engagement rates and estimated fees.

travel influencer email template

Pro tip: inBeat lets you see all this data from the platform, but another influencer sourcing software may not show comprehensive data.

In that case, you’d have to use multiple tools to check engagement and calculate your budget.

Use our free fake follower checker to ensure your creators are legit.

Here’s how stats look for @amoureuxdumonde:

travel influencer email template

5. Shortlist your potential influencers.

Pick relevant influencers for your potential collaborations after analyzing their social media posts, engagement rates, and profile scores.

Bonus: Mistakes to Avoid in Influencer Discovery

When analyzing potential partnerships for your influencer or ambassador program, consider the mistakes below:

1. Unnatural Follower / Following Growth

Unnatural followers and/or following growth typically come in two flavors: automation and purchased followers (bot farms).

  • Automation: Software that automates account behavior, such as following and unfollowing profiles, can be detected by looking at the follow/unfollow curve on Social Blade .

travel influencer email template

  • Purchased Followers: Websites specialize in selling real followers for cheap. You can detect this by seeing a spike in followers on Social Blade.

2. Disproportionate Likes to Followers Ratio

Some Instagram profiles participate in engagement pods (or groups) to boost their likes and comments per post.

An engagement rate above 15% is a warning sign and should be double-checked for authenticity.

Pro Tip: Before working with an influencer, ask them to share a screenshot of their audience insights.

Fraudulent profiles will have an uneven location distribution in their audience insights.

travel influencer email template

Fraudulent profiles will have an uneven location distribution in their audience insights (i.e. 80% of profiles in India or Russia).

3. Fake Comments

Engagement groups allow for cross-commenting, where members comment on each other's pictures.

The easiest way to recognize a fake comment distribution is to look at the commenters' follower count.

If every comment on a post is made by someone with over 2000 followers, that is a significant red flag.

4. Collaboration Overload

Some influencers collaborate with brands every other post, which can lead to audience burnout and loss of trust in the influencer.

Example: A content creator with 4 paid partnerships with 3 different brands in their last 6 posts can make their followers conclude that they are always promoting content, making them less trustworthy.

5. Lack of Creative Direction

Some influencers don't have a relevant creative direction for your product, leading to impersonal and unengaging posts.

Example: The post below about an anti-aging serum that lacks personality and reads like a pre-chewed write-up can be pale and carry no weight for your brand.

travel influencer email template

Step 2: Determine What Your Goals Are

You can’t write an email pitch if you’re unsure of what you want to achieve first.

So, you’ll need to have a clear picture of:

  • Your expected deliverables (e.g., guest posts, TikTok videos, Instagram Reels, product reviews, expert advice pieces, etc.)
  • Social media channels

You also need to know:

  • How many content creators you need to achieve your current advertising goals
  • The influencers’ profiles

Pro tip: That’s why we advise you to perform comprehensive research and create a brief before choosing influencers.

How does knowing your goals help?

  • You can craft a clear, persuasive subject line that increases open rates.
  • You will stay on point and showcase clear expectations, thus increasing click rates and decreasing bounce rates. Plus, you need to use email verification to make sure your emails reach real people, improving engagement and delivery.

Let’s review our initial outreach message again:

Subject: Paid Instagram Collaboration with a Skincare Brand

I’m [Name] from inBeat Agency. I’m reaching out to you on behalf of our client [Insert hyperlink], one of the biggest skincare brands online.

We saw your Instagram profile and would like to present it to the client for paid brand collaboration, but only if you are interested in being a part of the brand’s journey!

Pro tip: Knowing the goal of this collaboration helps you craft a clear and compelling subject line.

The content creators immediately know you need a paid Instagram collaboration with a famous skincare brand, so:

  • They open your email if they’re interested and:
  • They’re interested because you found the right influencers following the previous step.

Step 3: Prepare to Write Your Outreach Email

In influencer marketing, preparation is key to an outstanding first impression. Avoid feeling compelled to contact influencers immediately after selecting them.

Instead, observe their social media activity, tone of voice, and creative content. Learn about their behavior and read comments from their followers.

Analyze how well they fit into your campaign and identify the right influencers for your specific niche.

So before you hit "send," ask yourself the following questions:

  • What language style should you use when contacting an influencer?

Look for the influencer's favorite expressions, quirks, inflections, and so forth. Mirror the language of the influencer to build familiarity and trust.

Understanding the tone of voice of the influencer and how well it fits your brand is vital to the success of your influencer marketing campaign.

  • How can you make your offer compelling?

What's in it for the influencer? Influencer marketing is becoming one of the most viable marketing strategies, so the demand for influencers is high. Having a great product is not enough.

The perks may include access to exclusive products or services and contest give-aways. You can offer insider information and inspiration for engaging content to help them gain more followers.

Step 4: Write an Outreach Email

The influencer outreach templates above will help you be more persuasive when you contact influencers.

Here are its main steps, just to recap:

  • Express your appreciation of social media influencers' work. For example: "My team and I have been following your profile on (Instagram, YouTube, TikTok...) and love your posts on your favorite makeup routine" .
  • Use a couple of sentences to introduce yourself and your brand. Focus on your product's value proposition and unique features: "At X company, we make organic cruelty-free makeup products that help fight poverty and unemployment."
  • Explain why you reached out to this social media influencer and why you've picked him or her in two lines or less: "We think that you are a great advocate of organic cruelty-made makeup. Your beliefs align with our company's mission and values to help women look beautiful with products made with nature in mind."
  • End by making an offer. Outline the collaboration benefits to the influencer. For example: "In exchange for the collab, we are glad to offer X number of free products." Or: "Our budget for this influencer marketing campaign is $X. If you are interested, please reach out to me at X email. I would love to chat with you to go over the details."
  • Modify the email pitches based on the brand’s campaign details like brand info, what product/s the influencers should promote, the deliverables, budget, etc.
  • A shorter and “clearer” pitch is best.
  • If you get fewer sign-ups or responses than anticipated, strategize on improving the pitch.

Side note: Some sources claim you should build business relationships with influencers before sending them the first outreach email. That means:

  • Following them on social media
  • Engaging with them on their blog posts
  • Helping them with suggestions or improvements via direct message

That strategy allows you to be more persuasive when sending an outreach email. But that strategy is time-consuming when you have a large campaign with 1,000 affiliate partners.

Insider tip from inBeat’s influencer outreach experts: Build long-term relationships through effective communication.

A clear, polite, no-nonsense email is an excellent foundation for a great relationship.

Even if it’s a cold email.

Remember: Influencers use social media platforms for a living. They can sense BS from the first star or bling you use in a subject line.

inBeat can help you craft the right outreach and follow-up emails for the right influencers.

Step 4.1. How to Contact Instagram Influencers

There are at least two ways to contact Instagram influencers: by sending a direct message or by email.

Most Instagram influencers have their email address in their bio, but you can also use Instagram email scrapers .

travel influencer email template

If you decide to reach out via direct message, be short, brief, and straight to the point.

You need to grab the influencer's attention immediately to make them want to respond to your message.

Let them know about you and your company and show that you are interested in getting them involved in your social media marketing.

Bonus: A Direct Message Template to Contact Instagram Influencer:

Here is the template that you can customize and contact the Instagram influencer via a direct message:

"Hey, Annie,

I loved your post about your favorite skincare essentials. At company X, we create organic skincare products for environmentally conscious women. We'd love to send some of our new products to you to give it a try and if you like them - to share it with your audience!

Let's chat if you are interested – thanks!

Step 4.2. How to Contact TikTok Influencers

travel influencer email template

Once you have found the right TikTok influencers and know their usernames, there are a few ways to contact them.

You can search for the influencers' Instagram or YouTube account to get their email address from there.

In fact, when TikTok influencers want to be contacted for collaborations, they link all their social handles on their TikTok page.

You can also contact TikTok influencers via the comments section. But, as with the Instagram influencers, avoid using comments for sales pitches .

Step 4.3. How to Contact YouTube Influencers

Contacting YouTubers may be easier than other social media influencers.

Most YouTube influencers who are open to new partnerships and collaborations have their email address in the "About" section:

travel influencer email template

Follow the same principles with YouTubers as with Instagram influencers.

Prepare a brief, put toghether an attractive proposal and state a clear purpose of collaboration.

Step 5: Rinse and Repeat

Writing the first compelling email is the hardest.

Once you hone your standard operating procedures, things will go much faster.

  • Set a daily and weekly goal of how many influencer outreach emails you must send.
  • Use an Excel sheet to keep track of your communication.
  • Send the first follow-up message three days after not receiving a response.
  • Wait for another three business days to send the second follow-up email.
  • Don’t send more than two polite follow-up emails in case of not get a response.
  • Use CRM software like Mailshake to automatize your outreach process.

Importance of Follow-Up with Influencers

Once you contact the influencer, you may not get a response for a while.

There may be multiple reasons for that.

The influencer may be contemplating your offer or has not read your message yet.

So, following up and sending gentle reminder emails is an integral part of contacting influencers.

Tips for following up with influencers:

  • Wait for a couple of days before sending a follow-up message. Give the influencer enough time to learn more about your brand before responding to you.
  • Highlight your offer and benefits to the influencer. Include a call to action.
  • Do not send more than two follow-up messages. Coming across as annoying can damage your brand's reputation.

Influencer Outreach Emails: Dos and Don’ts

After getting through this much information, you’re almost ready to start your influencer outreach campaign. You only need to consider a few dos and don’ts before beginning.

Of course, we’ll keep things specific, tapping into our personal work experience:

Outreach Email Do’s

  • Create a professional email address else than creating multiple new Gmail addresses for this outreach process.
  • Warm it up first so your messages don't end up in the spam folder.
  • Send only personalized emails because you want authentic partnership opportunities.
  • Keep your email content short. Emails with 75-100 words have the highest response rate.
  • If you must write a longer email, use bullet points.
  • Maintain a conversational tone.
  • Write the goal of your collaboration in the subject line.
  • Make your collaboration email subject line stand out with colors, questions, and the brand’s industry.
  • Present yourself and your company from the get-go.
  • Be clear and specific because influencers are busy people. Explain whether you want content creation, direction, or other essential elements.
  • Include incentives, such as organic product samples and competitive commission rates.
  • If you already know the influencer or someone recommended them, mention this relationship.
  • Add a CTA to increase conversion rates.
  • Include clear contact preferences.
  • Choose the right communication channel to stand out and receive a response. Email is the most professional way to contact influencers.
  • You can also use business phone systems, email providers, video chat apps or a VoIP phone service to communicate closely once you've got a positive reply.
  • Follow-up if you don't receive a response within a couple of days. But don't spam an influencer with too many emails or direct messages.
  • Check your email for typos.
  • Ensure you found the right influencer email address.

Outreach Email Don’ts

  • Don’t lose hope if an influencer doesn’t reply. Instead, send two follow-up emails.
  • Don’t include your influencer marketing budget in the first email.
  • Avoid cold outreach. Instead, contact them on social media first, mentioning their favorite items or some exciting news.
  • Avoid too much marketing glam because your mail will sound spammy.
  • Don't send your email during holidays.
  • Avoid sounding pushy or robotic.
  • Don't pitch to the influencer by commenting on their social media posts. Comments are the wrong place for a sales pitch. Comment on an influencer's post only if what you write is relevant to their content.
  • Don't spam the influencer with emails from different people in your company. You will only annoy them and turn your influencer marketing campaign into a PR crisis, like in this example:

travel influencer email template

  • Don't ask for freebies. For many influencers on Instagram, YouTube, and other platforms, their social media accounts are their career.

Start Your Influencer Outreach Process

A solid influencer outreach strategy helps you get your desired results for your digital marketing campaign.

Remember that you need clear goals and a solid brief before beginning anything.

Next, use the three collaboration email templates we added above.

Here’s a final insider tip:

Influencers are people, too. And just like everyone, they won’t care if your outreach email template is average as long as you make a good offer.

So, select the right content creators and phrase that offer as best you can.

Remember to use inBeat to maximize your outreach efforts.

Tap into our free influencer discovery platform, fake follower checker, and all the other tools in free influencer marketing toolkit .

Pro tip: If you need to fast-track your campaign, let’s schedule a free strategy call . We’ll lend you our experience so your open rates will break that 17% open-rate average in no time!

inBeat, for free

Get your influencer campaign started..

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12 Influencer Outreach Email Examples + Instagram DM’s

  • September 5, 2023

Picture of Edgar Abong

Remember the rush of adrenaline right before sending a note to your high school crush?

Now, imagine feeling that every time you’re about to hit “send” on an influencer outreach email.

Yep, nail-biting, palm-sweating, and maybe even a little pep talk in front of the mirror.

But what if we told you there’s a way to channel that nervous energy into crafting influencer outreach email that are nothing short of epic?

Dive in with us as we demystify the art and science behind winning influencer hearts (or at least, their inboxes).

Ready to make that inbox magic happen?

Let’s slide into the world of influencer collaborations with style and swagger .

Influencer Outreach Demystified

Influencer outreach can seem like a maze, but let’s demystify it together. When you start to think about how to email an influencer, it’s all about crafting a message that resonates .

Whether you’re drafting an influencer collaboration email or pondering over how to email influencers to promote your product, it’s essential to embed your brand’s essence .

Sure, there are brand emails for influencers and even specific PR emails for influencers, each with its flavor and intent. But remember, each influencer email you send should feel genuine , and not just a generic influencer outreach email template .

Tailoring your outreach, like using a template for reaching out to influencers for a personalized touch , can make all the difference. So next time you’re looking up an influencer email address, take a deep breath; you’ve got the tools to make a real connection!

Masterclass: Crafting the Perfect Influencer Email

Stepping into the influencer realm is thrilling, and crafting the perfect influencer email is your gateway. Let me guide you through this masterclass.

You know, it’s more than just jotting down words and sending them to an influencer email address.

Here’s a simple roadmap for you:

  • Start by understanding the essence of an influencer outreach email template.
  • Keep personalization at the forefront, especially when figuring out how to write an email to an influencer.
  • Dive into the specifics , be it for an influencer collaboration email or when you're keen on how to email influencers to promote your product.
  • Always ensure your brand's voice shines through every influencer email.

With these steps, you’re not just reaching out; you’re building relationships. So, gear up and let your emails do the talking in the influencer universe!

12 Must-Use Influencer Outreach Email Formats

Navigating the influencer landscape? Well, you’re in luck! The “13 Must-Use Influencer Outreach Email Formats” is the toolkit every brand needs. Each format is crafted to help you nail your influencer email strategy.

Influencer Introduction Email

Introducing your brand effectively can pave the way for a successful collaboration . In this format, the focus is on making a memorable first impression.

It’s all about showcasing your brand’s ethos, a hint of its backstory, and expressing genuine admiration for the influencer’s work. A well-crafted introduction can form the foundation of trust, which is essential for any lasting collaboration.

Here’s an email template:

Subject: Hello [Influencer’s Name], [Your Brand] Loves Your Work!

Hi [Influencer’s Name],

I’m [Your Name] from [Your Brand], and we’ve been huge fans of your work on [platform]. Your content about [specific topic they cover] truly resonates with our brand ethos.

We’d love to explore potential ways to collaborate. Let’s create something amazing together!

Warm regards, [Your Name]

Sample Introduction Email to Influencer

Product Promotion Pitch

Products come alive when showcased correctly. In this format, the emphasis is on vividly presenting the product’s features, benefits, and its unique selling points .

By aligning your product with the influencer’s audience interests and showing its relevance, you’re making a compelling case for why the influencer would want to promote it. This format also touches upon potential rewards for the influencer , be it monetary, giveaways, or exclusive access.

Subject: Exciting Collaboration Opportunity with [Your Product Name]

I’m reaching out to introduce our latest product, [Product Name]. Given your expertise in [relevant niche], we believe it aligns perfectly with your audience.

We’d be thrilled if you’d consider showcasing it. Of course, we have some exciting perks to offer!

Best, [Your Name]

Sample Email to Influencer for Product Promotion

Brand Story Email

A compelling narrative can captivate anyone. The brand story email is structured to intertwine your brand’s origin, its journey, successes, challenges, and aspirations. By letting influencers in on your story, you’re not just sharing information; you’re sharing emotions, building rapport, and painting a bigger picture of your brand ethos.

Subject: Dive Into [Your Brand]’s Journey

Hello [Influencer’s Name],

We thought you’d appreciate the story behind [Your Brand]. From our humble beginnings to our aspirations, our journey has been incredible.

We’d love for you to be a part of our next chapter.

Cheers, [Your Name]

PR Announcement Email

Exciting news should be shared with flair. Whether it’s the launch of a groundbreaking product or an exclusive event, this format ensures influencers feel the excitement .

It’s structured to provide all the essential details while building anticipation, ensuring influencers would want to hop on board and be a part of your brand’s milestone moments .

Subject: Exclusive Sneak Peek: [Your Brand]’s Big News!

Hey [Influencer’s Name],

Something big is on the horizon at [Your Brand]. We’d love for you to be among the first to know and share this excitement with us.

Stay tuned, [Your Name]

Initial Outreach Template

Stepping into the influencer space requires tact. This format ensures you come across as genuine and well-researched. By touching upon the influencer’s past work that aligns with your brand and expressing a desire to collaborate, you’re laying the groundwork for future interactions .

Subject: [Your Brand] x [Influencer’s Name]: A Match Made in Heaven?

We’ve been following your journey on [platform] and are consistently impressed. Think there might be synergy between us?

We’re excited about potential collaborations.

Collaboration Proposal

A clear-cut collaboration is a two-way street. This format dives into the nitty-gritty of a potential partnership. From the scope of work, expected deliverables, timelines, to compensation structures, it’s designed to present a complete picture ensuring transparency and alignment .

Subject: Exploring a Partnership: [Your Brand] x [Influencer’s Name]

We have an exciting collaboration idea that we believe would be mutually beneficial. Let’s discuss deliverables, timelines, and how we can make this a win-win.

Regards, [Your Name]

Influencer outreach email template

Formal Letter to Influencer

Certain collaborations call for a touch of formality. This format is elegantly structured, blending professionalism with personal touches . It’s ideal for high-profile influencers or intricate campaigns that require detailed communication.

Subject: An Exclusive Invitation for [Influencer’s Name]

Dear [Influencer’s Name],

We at [Your Brand] hold your work in high esteem. We are reaching out to discuss a unique collaboration opportunity that aligns with your esteemed brand. Let’s explore this further.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Collaboration Pitch Guide

Making a mark requires strategy. This guide walks you through crafting pitches that resonate. It offers tips on personalizing outreach, understanding an influencer’s audience, showcasing mutual benefits , and presenting your brand in the best light .

Subject: A Unique Collaboration Pitch Just For You

Having followed your work, we believe we’ve crafted a collaboration idea tailored to your style and audience. Eager to share more. Let’s chat!

Warmly, [Your Name]

General Outreach Template

Being adaptable is the key. This template serves as a flexible base , allowing you to mold your message based on the influencer and the situation . Whether you’re seeking feedback, suggesting content, or offering exclusive content, this format has your back.

Subject: Let’s Make Magic Together, [Influencer’s Name]

We love your perspective on [specific topic]. We have some ideas that could align well with your content. Open to chatting?

Streamlined Collaboration Template

When you know what you want, be direct. This concise format outlines your collaboration idea clearly, letting influencers know exactly what you’re envisioning. It’s efficient and ensures clarity from the onset .

Subject: Straight to the Point: Let’s Collaborate!

We envision a partnership around [specific campaign/idea]. We believe it’s a perfect fit for both of us. Keen to explore?

Sample Streamlined Email to Influencer

Holistic Engagement Email

Relationships go beyond business. This template is all about nurturing your connection with influencers. Whether it’s sending festive wishes, sharing insightful articles, or simply expressing admiration for their recent work, it emphasizes genuine engagement .

Subject: Celebrating Your Recent Achievement, [Influencer’s Name]!

We couldn’t help but admire your recent work on [specific project/content]. Just dropping a note to say, keep up the fantastic work!

Advanced Product Showcase Strategy

Elevate your product game. This format delves into advanced tactics like storytelling, leveraging user-generated content, and creating buzz through exclusivity . It’s designed for brands looking to push the envelope in influencer product promotions.

Subject: Elevate [Your Product Name] With Your Unique Touch

We’ve got [Product Name] launching soon, and with your creative genius, we believe it could shine even brighter. Let’s discuss how we can take this to the next level!

Sample Email to Influencer with Free Product Samples

Influencer Outreach Instagram DM Templates

Navigating the world of Instagram outreach can be a bit like solving a puzzle. But guess what? With the right influencer outreach Instagram DM templates, you’ve got the secret sauce to ace your game.

Whether you’re introducing your brand, pitching a product, or extending a formal collaboration invitation, the right DM can make all the difference

Brand Introduction

When introducing your brand on Instagram, you’re essentially giving a glimpse of your brand’s soul in a few lines. Summarize your brand’s core values and ethos . Specifically, pinpoint what mesmerized you about the influencer’s content.

By intertwining their content with your brand’s journey, you create a hook that piques their curiosity .

Here’s an Instagram DM template:

“Hey [Influencer Name] 👋! We’re [Your Brand], driven by [Core Value/Ethos]. We’ve been so captivated by your [Specific Content or Style] and feel there’s synergy. Fancy diving deeper into our story together?”

Product Pitch

Every product has its tale, and when reaching out to influencers, your goal is to intertwine their narrative with yours. Highlight the product’s key features , but more crucially, emphasize how it aligns with the influencer’s brand and audience .

Paint a picture of how the influencer can add value while benefiting from the collaboration, ensuring it feels like a win-win.

“Hello [Influencer Name] 🌟! We’ve launched [Product Name], and it feels like a narrative you’d tell beautifully. Given your knack for [Specific Content Type they do], think we could create some magic together?”

Formal Collaboration Call

For more structured collaborations, the tone might lean towards the formal , but it shouldn’t lose its warmth. Start with genuine commendation for their unique work.

Then, segue into the collaboration details, making sure to offer a clear overview of what you envision. Stress on the partnership being a fusion of mutual respect , shared goals , and potential growth .

“Greetings, [Influencer Name]. I represent [Your Brand]. We’ve admired your [Specific Work or Campaign] and are keen on a formal collaboration. Envisioning a partnership rooted in shared goals and mutual growth. Shall we discuss?”

Best Practices in Reaching Out to Influencers

Navigating the world of influencer outreach can feel like walking a tightrope. You’ve got to strike the right balance to ensure your email to influencers stands out from the crowd.

Top 3 Influencer Outreach Email Must-Haves

It’s not just about sending an influencer email; it’s about crafting a connection. From how to write an email to an influencer to perfecting the influencer outreach email template, there are a few golden rules you should never ignore.

Here’s a quick rundown:

Personalize Your Outreach

In the age of automated messaging and copy-paste culture, a personal touch goes a long way. When you tailor your influencer emails based on the recipient’s specific content, niche, or achievements, it demonstrates genuine interest and effort .

For instance, referencing a recent post or project they worked on can instantly set your email apart. It’s a subtle nod that says, “I’ve done my homework, and I truly value your work.”

Clear Subject Line

Your subject line is the gatekeeper to your email content. It determines whether your email gets opened or lost in the digital abyss.

Instead of generic headlines like “Collaboration Request,” opt for more engaging ones such as “[Your Brand] Loves Your Work on [Specific Topic]!” A compelling subject line creates curiosity and showcases the relevance of your message .

Offer Mutual Benefits

A successful influencer collaboration is built on mutual benefits . It’s essential to showcase not just what you want from the influencer but also what they stand to gain.

Whether it’s exclusive access to products, monetary compensation, or potential exposure to a broader audience, make sure the influencer can clearly see the value in partnering with you .

Be Transparent

Transparency builds trust. Right from the get-go, be clear about your expectations , the scope of the collaboration, and any terms associated.

Whether discussing promotional strategies, the use of affiliate links, or the dynamics of a giveaway, laying everything out in black and white minimizes misunderstandings and fosters a transparent working relationship .

Short and Sweet

Influencers, especially the sought-after ones, receive dozens, if not hundreds, of emails daily. A lengthy email can quickly become overwhelming. The trick is to convey your message concisely , without missing out on essential details.

Break up your content with bullet points or short paragraphs, making it easy for the reader to grasp the key points at a glance.

Follow-up Wisely

While it’s essential to send a follow-up if you don’t hear back, there’s a fine line between being persistent and being pesky. It’s advisable to wait for a week or two before sending a gentle reminder .

Moreover, when you do, ensure it’s respectful , referencing your initial email, and expressing genuine interest in a potential collaboration.

Influencer outreach email structure

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Influencer Outreach

Navigating the world of influencer outreach can feel like treading on a tightrope. But with the right strategies and a keen eye on pitfalls, you can ensure your outreach is effective and well-received . Here’s a heads up on some common slip-ups to watch out for:

  • Generic Pitches : Nothing turns off an influencer faster than a copy-pasted message. Tailor your influencer emails to show you genuinely value their unique style and audience.
  • Vague Proposals : Clarity is key. Whether you're discussing a product pitch or a formal collaboration call, ensure you’re upfront about expectations and benefits.
  • Skipping Research : Not doing your homework shows. Before hitting send on that influencer outreach email, dive deep into their content to understand their tone, audience, and niche.
  • Overlooking Follow-Ups : Sometimes, your email or DM might get lost in a sea of messages. While spamming is a no-go, a respectful follow-up can work wonders.
  • Not Respecting Boundaries : Influencers, especially the top-tier ones, value their space. Avoid bombarding them with messages or being overly persistent.

With these points on your radar, you’re well on your way to mastering the influencer outreach game. Steer clear of these pitfalls, and you’ll forge meaningful and mutually beneficial collaborations.

Frequently Asked Questions on Influencer Outreach Email Examples

Diving into influencer outreach can often feel like uncharted territory, right? It’s no surprise then that there’s a flurry of questions buzzing around, especially when it comes to crafting that pitch-perfect influencer outreach email. Let’s clear up some of that fog for you.

How long should my influencer outreach email be?

In the world of influencer emails, brevity often wins the race. You want to capture attention without overwhelming it. Generally, keeping your email between 100 to 200 words is a good rule of thumb.

However, it’s crucial to ensure every word counts. Concisely touch on who you are, why you’re reaching out, and what’s in it for the influencer. Remember, it’s all about creating a connection , not just making a pitch.

When is the best time to send an influencer outreach email?

Timing can significantly impact the visibility and response to your influencer email. Research indicates that sending emails between Tuesday to Thursday, especially in the early morning or late afternoon, yields higher open rates.

But here’s a pro-tip: sneak a peek at the influencer’s social media. If they’re active and engaging with their audience, it might be a good window to shoot that email.

Should I include attachments in my initial email?

Tread cautiously here. While you might be tempted to attach your brand’s lookbook or a detailed product guide, attachments can sometimes trigger spam filters.

Instead, in your influencer outreach email, provide intriguing teasers about your product or brand and offer to share more detailed information or attachments if they express interest. This approach not only keeps your email light but also paves the way for a follow-up conversation.

Key Takeaways on Influencer Outreach Email Examples

Navigating the intricate dance of influencer outreach can be a game-changer for brands looking to amplify their message .

In our deep dive, we’ve uncovered the essence of crafting compelling emails and DMs tailored for influencers. It’s not just about shooting a message; it’s about creating connections , respecting the influencer’s craft, and fostering mutual growth.

Some golden rules to remember? Always tailor your message, clarity is your best friend , and research can be the difference between a message that’s ignored and one that sparks a collaboration .

And while the journey might seem daunting, with these insights in your toolkit, you’re poised to master the influencer outreach arena. So, go forth, reach out, and let authentic partnerships blossom!

To achieve the best results with email outreach, we recommend using a professional email automation software

13 best cold email platforms rated and compared

Picture of Edgar Abong

Edgar Abong

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Last Updated on September 5, 2023 by Edgar Abong

6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach

The influencer outreach process sets the tone for your collaborations. Use these influencer outreach email templates and DMs for a stronger pitch!

instagram influencer outreach messages

We get it: influencer outreach is a huge hurdle for brands. 

Because you only have one shot to make a fabulous first impression.

You don’t want to sound clingy or desperate in the DMs. You also don’t want your influencer outreach emails to get buried in a “spam” folder or left unread. 

That’s why it’s so important to level up with a proven pitching strategy and outreach templates.

Not sure how to nail your pitch or make your messages land? We’ve got you covered!

Below are six influencer outreach email templates to set a positive tone for your partnerships. Keep in mind that you can adapt all of these messages for Instagram DMs, too.

We also break down best practices for reaching out to influencers with examples of successful brand pitches to inspire you!

Email vs DMs for Influencer Outreach: Read This Before Pitching!

Is it better to email influencers for collaboration or DM (direct message)? Short answer: it depends!

Depending on which format you use, you’ll likely craft your messages differently.

Emails can be longer and more detailed than DMs. Use emails to give a more in-depth explanation of your brand or products. Explain the campaign you’re running and why you think an influencer would be a good fit.

Instagram DMs allow you to be more casual and direct. DMs should be short, sweet and to the point. Be clear about your intention to collab. Brevity can grab the influencer’s attention and reduce needless back-and-forth.

Keep in mind too the way the creator wants to be pitched. Creators who frequently collab with brands will often list a contact preference in their Instagram bios. If they specify wanting a DM vs an email request for collabs - take your cue from that.

With that out of the way, let’s dive into our influencer outreach email templates and DMs!

General Collaboration Pitch Templates

These outreach templates are intended for general outreach to creators about products. This includes requests for product feedback and reviews. These influencer outreach templates are intentionally on the shorter side so you can get to the point faster.

1. General Collaboration Email Template

 general collaboration email template in use, 2. general collaboration dm template , general collaboration dm template in use , brand ambassador pitch templates.

These influencer outreach templates can help you recruit influencers for your brand ambassador program . Be sure to review your program’s perks and benefits before reaching out.

3. Brand Ambassador Email Template

Brand ambassador email template in use , 4. brand ambassador dm template, brand ambassador dm template in use, giveaway collaboration pitch templates.

These influencer outreach templates can help you promote your next Instagram giveaway . Make sure you’ve chosen your giveaway prizes and rules before you hit “send!”

5. Giveaway Collaboration Pitch Email Template

Giveaway collaboration pitch email template in use, 6. giveaway collaboration pitch dm template, giveaway collaboration pitch dm template in use, 16 real influencer pitches that actually got an answer (and some that didn't).

Need more inspiration for your messages?  Don't sweat it!

We've put together a list of sixteen real influencer outreach pitches that can help.

New call-to-action

Sample Subject Lines for Influencer Outreach Emails

Subject lines are crucial when it comes to email outreach .

Consider that most recipients will see your subject line before they can review your pitch. Fact: one-third of recipients will open an email based on the subject line alone. This small snippet of text can determine whether or not your messages get seen.

Also, consider that influencers on Instagram get bombarded with email outreach messages daily.

That's why it's so important to put your subject lines under the microscope before sending a single influencer outreach email. The goal of your subject line is two-fold:

  • Grab your reader's attention ahead of other emails and collab requests in their inboxes
  • Make your recipient feel like your message is personalized and written just for them

Below are some sample influencer collaboration email subject lines you can swipe. 

  • [Name], we love what we’ve seen on Instagram! 👀
  • [Name] — Want to be a [Brand Name] VIP?💎 
  • We want you to be [Brand Name]’s featured creator! ✨
  • Loved your latest Instagram post, [Name]! ❤️
  • [Name] x [Brand Name] collab? 🤝

Personalization is key here. Consider how referring to the influencer by name or using emojis can have a positive impact. These details give your influencer collaboration emails a much-needed sense of authenticity and personality. 

FAQ for Brands Conducting Instagram Influencer Outreach

Figuring out how to ask an influencer for a collaboration goes far beyond what you write. There are so many other factors that impact whether your pitches actually land.

But given how much legwork it takes just to find Instagram influencers , anything you can do to increase your chances of a successful collab is a plus. 

To wrap things up, we’ll answer some of the most common outreach-related questions we get. 

“How Do I Decide Between Emails and DMs for Influencer Outreach?”

Again, the "right" answer here isn't one-size-fits-all.

Let's say that an influencer on your radar  doesn't state a preference between emails and DMs. What should you do? Refer to the table below:

Most creators have a preference in terms of how they’re contacted. Then again, some don’t.

influencer bio contact preference example

Source: @pixelhearts

Consider that you might end up using emails and DMs during outreach. That’s okay! 

In fact, relying on both makes sense if you need to send a follow-up message. Covering both channels ensures that your messages are can’t-miss. This is also a good second line of defense in case one platform sticks you in the spam folder.

“How Long Should My Collaboration Messages Be?”

When in doubt, keep your messages short and sweet.

Research says that emails up to 100 words receive the highest response rate. Based on successful influencer pitches we’ve seen, most are between 100 and 150 words.

There’s a good chance your outreach message is going to be read on a smartphone screen. This is another reason why brevity is important. Messages that require recipients to scroll are too long.

Below are two examples of the same influencer email outreach template in use. The left was sent via email and the right was adapted and sent via DM. 

mobile outreach email example

For reference, this outreach message is ~150 words. This is pretty much the maximum word count before your message cuts off.

“What Should I Do if an Influencer Won’t Respond to My Messages?”

There are plenty of potential reasons why influencers don’t answer your emails .

Don’t assume the worst, though! Just because an influencer doesn’t message you back doesn’t mean your partnership is doomed. Not by a long shot.

Remember: many creators treat influencer marketing as a side hustle. Some might set aside a certain time per day or week to reply to brands. In that case, you’ll just need to be patient.

Wait a week or two after your initial outreach message. If you haven’t received a reply, follow up with a short check-in message. Response rates during outreach campaigns can vary wildly. That’s why brands should try to cast a wide net of relevant influencers.

“Where Can I Find Influencers’ Email Addresses?”

So much of how to ask about a collaboration on Instagram is doing so on the creator’s terms.

influencer email in bio on instagram

Source: @absoblondie

Want to message a creator but don’t know their email address? You likely don’t have to look hard.  Here’s our recommended order of operations:

  • Look at their bios . This information is often found front and center.
  • Review their bio links and social media landing pages (like Linktree)
  • Check to see if they have an active “Email” button on their profile (see below)

contact button on instagram

Source: @itsellawalton

Influencers typically aren’t shy about sharing their email addresses. If you can’t find one, stick to DMs.

"How Many Influencer Outreach Emails Should I Send?"

This really depends on your bandwidth and goals.

Do you want to reach a few specific influencers? Or do you want to send PR packages to dozens of creators? Assuming you’re personalizing your emails (and you should be!), pitching will take time.

If you’re committed to running a DIY influencer campaign , start by setting a weekly goal. For example, “I’m going to reach out to 20 creators this week.” 

Then, see how long it takes you to craft your messages. Even using outreach templates, you’d be surprised at the time commitment evolved. Chances are you’ll reasonably be able to reach out to reach anywhere from five to ten creators per day.

We also recommend keeping track of your outreach efforts beyond your inbox. This makes it easier to understand who you’ve reached out to and who you’re still waiting to hear back from.

Here’s an example of how to track messages and follow-up emails in an influencer spreadsheet :

influencer outreach tracking spreadsheet example

How to Nail Your Instagram Influencer Outreach Faster

Reaching out to influencers can be daunting. Using a template can give you a solid starting point for ramping up your outreach.

That said, reaching out to influencers one by one isn't exactly the best way to scale if you want to earn hundreds of posts from authentic and relevant influencers.

That's where Statusphere can help, though.

Our micro-influencer marketing platform eliminates the need to send outreach emails. That's because we match brands with influencers from our vetted creator community using 250+ first-party data points. Our software helps brands earn authentic content at scale with no manual influencer outreach required.

Targeting Compressed

In fact, we've already generated 75,000+ posts on behalf of 400+ consumer brands.

Want to learn more about how our platform works? Chat with one of our experts to see how we can help your brand get rights-ready content at scale in a fraction of the time.

This article was first published in July 2019. It was last updated July 21, 2024.

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  • Email Marketing

How to Write an Influencer Outreach Email? (Templates)

  • September 28, 2023

Let’s be honest – reaching out to someone new can be intimidating, whether a new coworker in person or an online influencer. You might wonder how to address them, worry about getting no response, or fear they might not like your product. You want to get those words just right. But that’s where templated influencer outreach emails come to the rescue.

They provide a starting point, saving you from staring at a blank screen. Once you find a few that work, your confidence in reaching out to creators will soar.

So, explore some of our top Instagram influencer outreach messages that your creators will adore.

What is The Purpose of Influencer Outreach?

Influencer outreach is about reaching out to people with many followers and influence in a certain area, like on social media. The goal is to connect with these influencers so they can help promote things, like products or ideas, to a bigger group of people.

These influencers have the power to influence others’ opinions and choices. By partnering with influencers, they hope to reach a wider audience and build trust with potential customers. Influencers can create content about a product or service, and their followers are likelier to trust their recommendations.

So, influencer outreach is a way for businesses to tap into this trust and boost their visibility and sales.

Main Components of a Good Influencer Outreach Email

So, you’re gearing up for your influencer outreach campaign, all set with your goals and a list of potential influencers. But before you hit that send button, there are some essential things you need to know about connecting with your target audience.

1. Subject Line

Get Their Attention: Think of the subject line as the opening line of a conversation. It’s your chance to make a strong first impression. Picture the influencer’s inbox as a bustling street, and your subject line is the eye-catching signboard that makes them stop and take notice.

The opening sentences of your email should be captivating and engaging. Instead of diving straight into business details, consider starting with a personal connection or a relevant complement. This helps establish a friendly rapport and captures the influencer’s interest right away. Just ensure it doesn’t come across as spammy – keep it real and intriguing.

Related: Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Open Rates!(Examples)

2. Greetings

Make a Friendly Introduction: Your initial greeting sets the tone for the entire email. Begin with a warm and engaging salutation. Address the influencer by their name, and if applicable, mention something specific you appreciate about their work. This shows that you’ve taken the time to research and connect with them.

Starting your email with a warm and friendly tone is like giving a friendly nod to someone you admire. Begin by addressing the influencer by their name, if you can. This small gesture shows that you’ve put in the effort to know who they are. An excellent first impression is the key!

Be Clear About Your Intent: The foundation of any influencer outreach email is a clear and well-defined purpose. Before reaching out to an influencer, you must precisely understand why you’re contacting them. Are you seeking a product review, a mention on their social media channels, or a more extensive collaboration?

Provide all the necessary details if you’re requesting a product review or any other specific action. Include information about your product or service, relevant deadlines, and what you expect from the influencer. Make it easy for them to understand your offer and requirements.

4. Signature

Leave a Professional Mark Your email signature might seem minor, but it’s essential to your email. It’s similar to leaving your business card after a meeting. Keep it concise and relevant, including your name, position, company name, and maybe even website URL. You can also include your phone number if you think it’s appropriate. This adds a professional touch and makes you easy to contact.

5. Set the Right Tone

Influencer outreach emails should be genuine, personal communications rather than automated, formal ones. The tone you set in your email can significantly impact how an influencer perceives your brand or proposal.

If you were speaking face to face, would you speak in a robotic or overly formal manner? Most likely not. Your email should mirror a friendly and approachable conversation. Use a conversational tone that reflects authenticity and relatability.

Demonstrate genuine enthusiasm for the potential collaboration. It will likely be reciprocated if you’re excited about working with the influencer.

6. Personalization

Go Beyond the Basics Personalization is about making the influencer feel special. It’s not just about using their name; it’s more like remembering someone’s favorite food and surprising them with it.

Different influencers may have varying preferences when it comes to communication style. Pay attention to the influencer’s content and communication patterns. Tailor your tone to match their style and preferences, whether casual, professional, humorous, or informative.

Show them that you’ve done your homework. Mention recent activities they’ve been involved in or something they like. This demonstrates that you value them as individuals, not just as a means to an end.

7. Get Straight to the Point

Don’t beat around the bush after the warm introduction. It’s like conversing – once you’ve exchanged pleasantries, you dive into the main topic. Share the most important details of your campaign or collaboration.

As you wrap up your email, add your name and position. This is akin to a friendly goodbye after a productive chat. Conclude your email with a courteous and appreciative closing. Express gratitude for the influencer’s time and consideration. A polite sign-off goes a long way in leaving a positive impression. It adds that professional touch and makes your email feel complete.

Avoid anything that looks like spam, and ensure your goals align with the influencer’s interests. With these tips, you’re ready to create a compelling outreach email that stands out.

How To Write The Perfect Influencer Outreach Email? (Steps)

Influencer outreach may sound fancy, but it’s all about connecting with the right people and getting your message across. Let’s break it down into simple steps.

Step 1: Identify The Right Influencer

Think of influencers as your business partners. You wouldn’t team up with just anyone. So, first, identify the influencers who align with your brand. Make sure their audience is interested in what you offer. It’s like selling eco-friendly beauty products – you wouldn’t partner with someone who supports animal testing, right?

Check their reach – how many followers they have – and their engagement – how active their followers are. Smaller influencers might work better than big celebrities. They often have more engaged audiences.

Step 2: What Message Do You Want To Convey

Before you write that outreach email, know what you want to say. What’s your goal? What’s in it for the influencer? Are you offering discounts, shout-outs, or even commissions?

Think of it like making a deal. What’s in it for both sides? Be crystal clear about your campaign goals and what the influencer gets out of it. Clarity avoids misunderstandings.

Now, let’s write that email. Start with an attention-grabbing subject line. Make it short and simple, and add a dash of humor or curiosity if it fits your brand.

In the email, keep it short and sweet. Influencers are busy, so get to the point in less than 100 words. Start by explaining what’s in it for them. Then, personalize your message. Mention why you like their content and think you’d make a great team.

Remember, authenticity is key. Be real, show genuine interest, and make it easy for them to say yes.

Related: 7 Tips & Tricks For Sending Outreach Emails That Get Replies!

Step 3: Send a Follow-Up When They Get Don’t Back

It’s common for influencers to receive a high volume of emails, and not getting an immediate response to your initial outreach is quite normal. However, your efforts shouldn’t end with the first email.

Don’t rush into sending a follow-up too soon after your initial email. Give the influencer a reasonable amount of time to respond, typically around one to two weeks, depending on the nature of your proposal and any stated deadlines. Being patient shows respect for their busy schedule.

Craft a Polite and Concise Follow-Up . Your follow-up email should be polite and concise, with a friendly tone. Acknowledge that you understand they might have a busy schedule and might have missed your previous message. Restate the key points of your initial email briefly and express your continued interest in collaborating or connecting.

Persistence is key in influencer outreach, but it should always be paired with respect. The influencer may be genuinely busy, and your email got lost in their inbox. Think of it as a challenge – if one method doesn’t work, try something different.

While persistence is important, knowing when to move on is crucial. If you’ve sent multiple follow-ups and engaged through various channels without any response, it may be a sign that the influencer is not interested or unavailable. Respect their decision and focus your efforts on other potential collaborations.

Step 4: Choose The Right Template That Works For You

Using templates can be a valuable time-saving strategy when conducting influencer outreach, especially for multiple influencers. Templates provide a structured format that ensures you cover all essential points in your outreach while maintaining consistency in your messaging.

While templates provide structure, it’s crucial to customize them for each influencer to make your outreach more personalized and engaging. Tailor the template by:

  • Inserting the influencer’s name and any relevant personal details.
  • Mentioning specific aspects of their content or work that resonate with your brand or proposal.
  • Including details that are unique to the collaboration you’re proposing.

Various types of templates are available for influencer outreach, depending on your goals and the nature of your collaboration. Some common template types include:

Template 1: Collaboration Email Template

Subject: , Let’s Create Something Awesome Together! 🌟

I’ve been admiring your content on for a while now, and I must say, it’s impressive! Your passion for shines through.

I’m representing . At , we’re all about .

I couldn’t help but notice how well your content aligns with our brand’s values and mission. That’s why I wanted to reach out and see if you’d be interested in collaborating with us. We’d love to send you our for you to try and share your thoughts with your audience.

If this sounds exciting, please let me know, and I’ll provide you with all the details!

Looking forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards,

Template 2: Product Review Request Email Template

Subject: , Share Your Expertise with Your Audience!

I hope this message finds you well. I’ve avidly read your reviews and expertise in . Your insights have been precious to your audience.

I’m representing . We’ve recently launched , which I believe would greatly interest your followers, especially given your interest in .

We’d love to send you a complimentary for you to review and share your honest thoughts with your audience. Your feedback can make a real difference to those looking for trusted recommendations in this space.

Please let me know if you’re open to this collaboration, and we’ll arrange the details. Your expertise means a lot to us!

Thank you for considering this opportunity.

Warm regards,

Template 3: Event Invitation Email Template:

Subject : Join Us for an Exclusive Event, !

I’m , thrilled to introduce you to . Your content has caught our attention, especially the way you .

At , we’re hosting an exclusive event called on , and we believe it’s something you’d genuinely enjoy. This event promises .

We’d be honored if you could join us and share your experience with your followers. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect, explore, and create memorable content.

If this piques your interest, let’s schedule some time this week to chat further. I can provide all the event details and answer any questions.

We look forward to having you at !

While templates are helpful, customize them to add a personal touch. Authenticity goes a long way in influencer outreach.

So, choose the template that suits your goals and connect with influencers like a pro!

Final Thoughts

Influencers are just like us, so when you craft your outreach message, read it aloud. Does it sound like a friend chatting, or does it appear overly formal? Inject personality and authenticity into your messages – the keys to winning partnership requests.

So, take these tips and make them your own in your outreach emails. Perfection isn’t the goal; getting the job done truly matters. Now go, reach out, and build those influencer connections!

Further Reads:

10 Email Preheader Best Practices To Boost Open Rates!

Newsletter Subject Lines: How to Write Them, Examples & Tips!

Win-Back Email Campaigns: Make Your Customers Fall in Love Again!

9 Best Email Newsletter Software You Should Know About in 2023

how to write an effective influencer outreach email -pinterest banner

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Influencer Outreach Templates: Email and TikTok DM Examples for Recruitment

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Chrissy Kammerer

Director of Content

https://partnerize.com/resources/blog/13-ways-to-accelerate-influencer-growth-with-partnerizeInfluencer recruitment has become a key part of marketing. Effective influencer outreach campaigns involve reaching out to influencers to collaborate and then following up with the influencer after the initial outreach message has been sent.

Whether you want to increase brand awareness, engagement, or sales, your ability to recruit the right influencers can make or break your campaign. This post has examples and best practices for writing both emails and TikTok DMs for your influencer recruitment campaigns.

Start By Knowing What Goal You Want to Accomplish

Before you reach out to influencers, you need to know what your goals are. Are you looking to increase brand awareness among men between the ages of 18 to 25? Or are you targeting women between the ages of 25 and 35 and into yoga in order to try to increase engagement on your social posts?

By knowing your target audience and your goals, you will be able to craft your messaging better, find the right potential influencers, and get a better result all around.

Make a Compelling Email Subject Line

The subject line of your email is the first thing an influencer will see, so it has to grab their attention. A good subject line can make the difference between your email being opened or ignored.

Here are a few examples that will likely get ignored:

“Join Our Campaign: Let’s Work Together!”

“We Love Your Content! Want to Partner?”

“Exclusive Opportunity: Be Our Influencer!”

So what can you do?

A pro tip is to use AI to help you draft the subject line idea. You can use either Google’s Gemini or Bing’s Copilot for free to help you do this.

The general format for the AI prompt would look like this.

I am trying to recruit ________ (who is a ___) as an influencer for my brand _____. Can you help me draft 5 enticing subject lines for the recruitment email? Can you help me draft 5 enticing subject lines for the recruitment email? Can you keep it between 30 and 50 characters or limit it to 4 to 7 words?  

My example might look like this if I were trying to reach Michael Jordan for my hypothetical basketball brand, we would call it “Shoes2Hoops.”

“I am trying to recruit pro basketball player Michael Jordan as an influencer for my brand Shoes2Hoops. Can you help me draft 5 enticing subject lines for the recruitment email? Can you keep it between 30 and 50 characters or limit it to 4 to 7 words? “

The AI came back with these influencer outreach subject line examples.

MJ + Shoes2Hoops: A Slam Dunk

Air Jordan Lands at Shoes2Hoops

The GOAT x Shoes2Hoops (20 characters) – GOAT stands for “Greatest Of All Time.”

Partner with His Airness

Shoes2Hoops: Inspired by MJ

Any of these will work because they are personalized and interesting enough to click. (Even if we both know I have no shot at convincing Michael Jordan himself to work with me.)

Remember to Personalize All of Your Messages

Personalization shows influencers that you’ve taken the time to understand their brand and audience. It’s important to start with their name, then reference specific content they’ve created and explain why they’re a good fit for your campaign.

The main point is that personalization builds a real connection and increases the chances of a positive response to your outreach message.

Keep the Email or Message Short

Influencers get messages daily, so brevity is going to be your key.

Keep all of your emails and DMs concise and to the point.

You are basically explaining who you are, why you’re reaching out, and what you’re asking from them.

It’s important to note that short messages are more likely to get read and be responded to.

Remember to Give Influencers Creative Control

Influencers know their audience best, so giving them creative control will lead to more authentic and engaging content. While it’s important to outline your campaign goals and guidelines, you ultimately need to let the influencer add their style and finesse to the promotion.

Influencer Outreach Templates Examples for Emails

Here are a few influencer outreach email templates you can use to get started.

Email Example 1

Subject Line: “Join Our Campaign: Let’s Work Together!”

Message: Hi [Influencer Name],

Hope you’re doing well! I’m [Your Name] from [Your Brand]. We love your content, especially your recent [specific content]. We think your brand and audience are a great fit for our upcoming campaign to increase brand awareness among [target audience].

At [Your Brand], we are excited to introduce our brand and explore potential collaborations with influencers like you.

Would love to talk about a collaboration and hear your ideas. Are you free to chat this week?

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

Email Example 2

Subject Line: We Love Your Content! Want to Partner?

Message: Hey [Influencer Name],

I’m [Your Name] from [Your Brand]. We’ve been following your awesome content on [platform] and think you’d be great for our new campaign to [specific goal]. Your recent post about [specific content] was really cool.

Let’s chat about a partnership. Can we schedule a time to talk?

[Your Name], [Your Position] at [Your Brand] [Your Contact Information]

Email Example 3

Subject Line: Exclusive Opportunity: Be Our Influencer!

I’m [Your Name] from [Your Brand]. We love your work, especially your posts on [topic]. We’re launching a new campaign to [specific goal] and think your voice would be great for it. This email is to explore how we can collaborate effectively.

Let’s chat about how we can work together. Are you free to chat this week?

Thanks, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

Influencer Outreach Template Examples for TikTok DMs

Here are a few direct message (DM) templates you can use to get started with your influencer outreach over on TikTok.

TikTok DM Example 1

Opening Line: “Hey [Influencer Name],”

Message: I’m [Your Name] from [Your Brand]. We love your TikTok videos, especially the one about [specific content]. We think you’d be a great fit for our campaign to [specific audience].

Can we chat?

TikTok DM Example 2

Opening Line: “Hi [Influencer Name],”

Message: I’m [Your Name] with [Your Brand]. Your TikTok is awesome. We’re launching a campaign to [specific goal], let’s work together.

Let’s chat.

TikTok DM Example 3

Opening Line: “Hello [Influencer Name],”

Message: I’m [Your Name] from [Your Brand]. Your recent TikTok about [specific content] was great! We’re launching a campaign to [target audience] and think you’d be a good fit.

Let’s chat!

Influencer Recruitment Best Practices

Consistency is the key: Remember to follow up regularly without being annoying or pushy. Sometimes, a simple gentle nudge keeps your proposal top of mind.

Be respectful: Be clear and concise. Influencers love brevity and respect for their time.

Understand the big picture: Focus on building real relationships with influencers. Long-term partnerships tend to produce better results than one-off collaborations. Even after you’re done working together, it is incredibly important to stay in touch.

How to Measure Your Influencer Campaign

Key Metrics: Monitor engagement rates, reach, conversion rates, and ROI to measure your influencer campaigns.

Tools: Use Google Analytics, social media insights, and influencer marketing platforms to track and analyze your campaign.

Influencer recruitment can increase your brand’s visibility and engagement. By setting clear goals, writing good subject lines, personalizing your messages, keeping them short, and giving influencers creative freedom, you can create great recruitment emails and DMs. Try these out, and you’ll be on your way to building influencer partnerships.

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The Ginger Wanderlust

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How to Get FREE Hotel Stays (with e-mail template!)

A lot of beginner travel bloggers and influencers dream of travelling for free. A part of this is collaborating with hotels in exchange for free stays. This might seem like a far away dream, but with this post I hope to share all the secrets with you on how to get free hotel stays , so you can start reaching out to hotels and combine work with leisure!

I have worked with many hotels and resorts and have had good success with it. However I constantly hear about other bloggers and influencers failing to score free accommodation, and I’m not surprised as there definitely is an art to it.

Colony Hotel-2

This strategy can be applied to ANY collaboration you’d like to do as a blogger or influencer! I use a combination of my instagram  and blog influence, coupled with my photography skills, to work with brands. Learn more about how to grow and monetize your instagram .

Before contacting hotels you should consider creating a media kit , this is a document where you can showcase all of your information and stats.

How to Get FREE Hotel Stays – download the email template


Step 1: Reflect upon why hotels should work with you

Before reaching out to any hotels you should first consider WHY hotels should work with you. What do you have to offer? A relevant, engaged audience? Modelling skills? Photography skills? This is what you’ll need to highlight when reaching out.

infinity pool-1

Step 2: Choose the right hotel for your audience


In order to successfully collaborate with hotels you also need to pick resorts that you know will interest your audience. There’s no point promoting luxury hotels if your followers are primarily teenagers, in this case hostels or campsites might be more relevant.

A hotel is more likely to work with you if they believe that the audience or services you provide are of value to them.

So think about the value you can provide when choosing a hotel to work with:

  • Are you a couple? Can you provide romantic photos for a hotel?
  • Or maybe you’re a family? Perfect for taking photos to promote a family resort
  • Do you have a niche? Maybe in Boutique hotels? or food photography?
  • Are you able to promote them on multiple platforms?

Step 3: Consider why  hotels reject collaborations

In order to successfully work with hotels you need to consider all of the reasons why they might reject a collaboration with you.

Your audience isn’t suited to them If you haven’t spent the time researching a hotel to see if it’s the right fit for you you might end up being rejected. However sometimes even after researching them and highlighting all your strengths they still might not work with you as they only collaborate with influencers who have over 100k followers for example. If you have an exceptionally high reach or engagement rate make sure you highlight this in your email.

They’re fully booked Try to sort out collaborations 2-3 months in advance. You also need to consider the dates of your proposed stay. Hotels are more likely to say no if the collaboration is during their high season. Flights will also be cheaper off season.

They don’t work with influencers Not every hotel will work with influencers. They might have their own marketing strategy or not know much about the power of social media. There isn’t much you can do in this case other than initially show them how much you could benefit them.

Step 4: How to approach hotels for a collaboration

When you’re starting out the best way to receive complimentary products or hotel stays, is to reach out to them. A lot of brands and hotels will have a certain budget each year set aside for influencer marketing. You might get plenty of rejections, but it will be worth it for that one successful collaboration!

I first started reaching out and getting complimentary hotel stays when I had around 12k followers on  Instagram (but I know influencers who only had 6k when they had their first free hotel stay).

Once you know who you are approaching you should contact them by email, make sure you include:

  • Introduction to yourself and your blog/social media
  • Something personalised about their hotel
  • How your audience is applicable to them
  • What the collaboration will be

I usually include my media kit to give them more information on my stats and past collaborations, as well as making me seem more professional.

Check out my email template to see exactly what to put in your email.

Moding Munduk-58

Step 5: Don’t forget to follow up

If you don’t have a response after a week, send them a follow up email to ensure they received your email and to put yourself at their disposal to answer any of their questions.

In conclusion…


Remember that when you work with a hotel you are not only representing yourself but the blogging community as a whole. Please make sure you remain professional, and that you only work with hotels when you have an authentic audience and are able to produce quality content.

Another great way to to work with brands is via influencer marketing networks . If you want more information on how to work with brands, check out my ebook on how to grow and monetize your instagram .

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About The Ginger Wanderlust

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travel influencer email template

Great article. As an owner of a chic, modern vacation rental I appreciate inquiries from travel bloggers regarding a collaboration for a free stay.

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12 Brand Pitch Email Templates to use in 2024

If you’re an influencer or blogger who is ready to monetize your following, brand pitch emails are your go-to. They’re likely to be your first real introduction to a brand – it’s your moment to sell yourself and show them what you can do. When a brand pitch email is done well, it can mark […]

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If you’re an influencer or blogger who is ready to monetize your following, brand pitch emails are your go-to.

They’re likely to be your first real introduction to a brand – it’s your moment to sell yourself and show them what you can do.

When a brand pitch email is done well, it can mark the beginning of a mutually beneficial partnership that boosts the company’s sales while allowing you to make a living from your passion.

But get it wrong, and you may find that brands in your industry are reluctant to partner with you.

With this in mind, we’ve created twelve templates for influencers and bloggers to use when pitching to brands for the first time.

1. Brand Pitch for Influencers

Hey [contact name],

As an avid traveler, I’ve been using your hiking gear for a couple of years now, and it is hands down my favorite – it’s helped me out of too many tricky situations to count. In particular, I love your 60L backpack as it has so many more compartments than other backpacks of the same size.

I know my audience of travelers also love your products, as I’m always fielding questions about where I bought them, and how good they are for different kinds of trips.

My blog [link to blog] sees over 100,000 page views per month, with a high 35% engagement rate. I have 500,000 followers on my dedicated travel Instagram page [@Instagram name and link], with an average 30% engagement rate.

I’ve worked with a number of travel brands in the past and boosted sales for them by up to X%. I’ve attached screenshots and results of some of these campaigns, so you can get an idea of what I can bring to your brand. You’ll also see my media kit attached in this email.

As it’s nearing peak backpacking season, I know many of my followers are on the lookout for products like yours, and it would be great to be able to point them in the direction of my favorite brand by sharing some of my favorite items with them.

I’d love to partner with you guys – and I hope you feel the same!

2. Brand Pitch for the Beauty Industry

Hi [brand contact],

I’ve used [brand name] eye shadow palette for years now, after having experimented with various brands and finding that yours has the highest pigmentation and leaves the least mess. As a makeup artist, the quality of your product has allowed me to create some incredible looks throughout my career, so first of all, thank you!

I often show off my makeup skills on my blog [link to blog] and my Instagram page [@name, link to Instagram], where I do everything from glam beauty tutorials to eye-catching costume makeup. You might have seen my recent red carpet look, which went viral, garnering X likes, and X shares, and got coverage in [publication, link], [publication, link], and [publication, link].

My blog has an incredibly high engagement rate of 30%, and gets approximately 100,000 page views per month, while I have 300,000 followers on Instagram.

I only work with tried and tested brands and products I really believe in, which is why I’m approaching you. I’d love to partner with [brand] and share your products with my beauty-obsessed followers.

In the past, I’ve worked with [X brand], [Y brand], and [Z brand]. In my campaign with [X brand], I drove a 30% click through rate and made $3,000 in sales in the first week. I’ve attached more details on the content and results of those campaigns, along with my media kit.

I hope you’re as excited to work together as I am!

3. Brand Pitch for the Travel Industry

Hi [hotel],

I’m a travel influencer with 100,000 followers on Instagram [@name, link], and my blog [name, link] gets 30,000 page views per month. My media kit is attached.

I’ll be in Bangkok from [date] to [date], and I would love to feature your hotel on my blog and social media – I’ve heard amazing things about your [restaurant name] and [spa name], and have previously stayed at your sister hotels in Hanoi and Yangon.

Would you be interested in partnering with me?

4. Brand Pitch for the Fitness Industry

Hi [brand],

First of all, let me just say I am obsessed with your leggings! They have the perfect amount of stretch, don’t fall down, and I love the pastel colors. Since discovering them, I’ve genuinely not worn another brand. So thank you for that!

I’m a fitness influencer with 300,000 followers on Instagram [@name, link], and my blog [name, link] gets 90,000 page views per month. My audience is 90% female, and I share live workouts, tips for getting fit, and recipes for my favorite healthy food.

I’d love to direct my followers to my favorite leggings brand – would you be interested in partnering with me? I’ve attached my media kit.

Hope to hear from you soon!

5. Cold Brand Pitch

I’m a vegan beauty blogger with 90,000 followers on Instagram [@name, link], and my blog [name, link] gets 20,000 page views per month. My media kit is attached.

I’ve used your products for years, with your overnight moisturiser and lip balm being my two favorites. I also remember that you were promoting vegan and cruelty-free products before anyone else, and I really respect the integrity of your brand, as does my audience.

I’d love to help promote your brand. Would you be interested in partnering with me?

6. Follow-up Brand Pitch

Hi [contact],

I emailed you last week about a potential brand collaboration with me: [@Instagram handle, link], [blog name, link].

Is this something you’d be interested in? I’ve re-attached my media kit in case you’d like to give it a look over.

7. Tech Brand Pitch

Hey [contact],

As a lifelong techie, I have been using your gadgets for several years now. Your brand is no-doubt my favorite. It helped me a lot when I was in a pinch.

And I am confident that my audience of tech-lovers would also go crazy over your products. They are always asking me questions about where I get my stuff.

My blog has over (#) page views every month, and my engagement rate is (%). In addition, my instagram has over (#) followers.

I have worked with different tech brands over the years and helped them boost sales by as much as X%. Please see some screenshots I attached for proof.

If you’d like to partner with me, feel free to check out my media kit, which is also attached. It’s nearing the holiday season, so I know my followers are going to be primed for some awesome tech gear soon.

I would love to send my followers to the best brand, so let me know if you’re interested!

8. Course Brand Pitch

As an avid learner of [course skill], I’ve been reading your newsletter for several years now. I especially loved the one where you taught your readers how to [learn skill].

My personal blog has over X readers, and the engagement rate is X%. Furthermore, my Instagram page has X followers with a X% engagement rate.

Now that you have launched a course, I see it is a perfect opportunity. I can direct my followers to your course so that they can learn this new skill from the very best!

Let me know if you’re open to such a partnership.

9. Supplement Brand Pitch

Hey [contact]

As a health junkie, I’m always finding ways to improve by energy levels! I’ve been using your products for 5 years now and I am in love!

As a fitness blogger, my reach is well over 100,000 visitors per month. And on IG I’ve got 200,000 followers.

You might have guessed it by now, but I was thinking a potential partnership would be awesome! If you’re up for it, let me know. We can set up a quick chat this week.

10. Sports Brand Pitch

Dear [brand]

Every time I hit the court, I’m rocking at least one (if not two) items from your brand. For instance, I was wearing your awesome headband and knee brace this weekend when I met some buddies to shoot around.

Anyway, if you’re not familiar with me, I have a sports blog with over X visitors daily. And my engagement rate is around X% month after month.

In addition to that, I’ve grown a sizable audience on Instagram as well as over X followers, with even higher engagement at X%.

I can prove any of these numbers if you’d like. I guess what I’m getting at is that a partnership would be something I would love to do!

Thankfully I already love and use your products all the time, so my loyal followers would really benefit from being connected to your brand’s products too!

Shoot me a message if you’re on board :)

11. Influencer Promo Pitch #2

I noticed your company is growing fast! I’ve been a big fan of [company] since your inception.

Now that my [@name, link to Instagram] account is flourishing, I thought maybe there was a way to collaborate.

Surely there’s a win-win approach to promoting [brand] in a way that’s mutually beneficial. Looking forward to chatting more soon.

12. Compliance Pitch

As compliance experts, we help brands in the [niche] industry all the time. And I see that your [social media account] has been skyrocketing recently!

At [your company], we want to congratulate you on all the success. Of course, with big results also comes additional scrutiny from regulatory bodies.

If you’d like, we can set up a quick call to make sure you remain in compliance and avoid any costly penalties going forward.

What To Include In Your Brand Pitch Template

Here are some of the crucial elements to have in any brand pitch template you create:

  • A Strong Hook – Every reader should be pulled in immediately to your email. Start off with a strong angle.
  • Reason to Keep Reading – Offer your prospect a reason to continue interacting with your message. Hint at a big payoff, or interesting challenges ahead.
  • Specific Information – Offers stats, research, or data. Include the opinions of experts to make your claims more credible.
  • Customization – Don’t just hit send to a mass list. Make sure you at least tweak your template to include specific business names, contacts, or relevant info.
  • Call To Action – Tell the recipient what you want them to do. This could be to click on a link, subscribe, or even purchase a service.

Bloggers and influencers need to send a high volume of emails to bag the best collaborations, which can be very time consuming. Imagine how many partnerships you’d close if you could exponentially increase your manpower.

Investing in an email tool like Right Inbox is a great way to do just that. Right Inbox gives you access to email sequences and email templates that makes reaching out to brands easy and efficient.

travel influencer email template

Interested in using Right Inbox email templates for your brand pitches? Get for FREE here

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David Campbell

David Campbell is the editor of the Right Inbox blog. He is passionate about email productivity and getting more done in less time.

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How to Ask for a Raise via Email (with Templates to Use)

How to Write an Invoice Email (With Templates)

How to Write an Invoice Email (With Templates)

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  1. Travel Influencer Email Template

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  2. Plantilla de Travel Influencer Blog Email Header

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  3. 15+ Handcrafted Travel Email Templates For Tourism Agencies

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  4. Travel Influencer Media Kit Template in Publisher, Word, InDesign, PSD

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  5. Travel

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  6. 23 Travel Email Templates Pack Travel Agent Email Templates

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  1. 10 Influencer Outreach Email Templates That Actually Get an Answer

    5 Key Components of an Effective Influencer Outreach Email. The ideal outreach email encompasses the five elements below: 1. Finding the Right Person. Imagine writing an influencer outreach email to Björn Müller. This content creator presents himself as a digital creator for fitness, fashion, and travel.

  2. Crafting The Perfect Influencer Outreach Email (+ Free Templates)

    Template 1: The Free Sample Template. As discussed above, it can be a good idea to lead your email with what your influencer could get in return for giving you some exposure. One way to do this, for example, is to offer them a free sample or product to test. Below is an example from Aaron Agius of Louder Online.

  3. 11 Best Email Influencer Templates to Manage Outreach in 2024

    1. ClickUp Influencer Contract Template. Craft your next contract with the Influencer Contract Doc Template by ClickUp. Use this ClickUp Influencer Contract Template to document a formal agreement with an influencer or content creator. Start by filling in the influencer name, contact details, and home address.

  4. 6 Influencer Outreach Email Template to Use in 2024

    Just paste their or their company's website in the domain field and click on Find. It'll show you a list of email addresses associated with that website. If you're sending out a cold email at scale, there's a quicker alternative. Compile a list of influencer names and their managers, if any, in a Google Sheet.

  5. 12 Best Influencer Outreach Email Templates + Instagram DMs

    Introduction + Paid Partnership Offer. This template is an outreach template used by brands to reach out to potential influencers and offer them a paid partnership opportunity. This template's objective is to highlight the company and its products while emphasizing how the influencer's audience may benefit from them.

  6. 7 Influencer Outreach Email Templates for Brands

    Here are five customizable influencer outreach templates that can be tailored to various platforms and industries. Some of the templates are written for email, but can be repurposed for DM as well by removing the subject line and email signature. You can also adjust them to address their management instead of the influencer directly. 1.

  7. 15 Email templates for influencer outreach

    Both templates focus on the earning potential, mutual benefits, and the alignment of the influencer's content with the brand, aiming to make the proposition enticing for the influencer. Paid Collaboration Email Template. Here are two Influencer outreach email templates tailored for proposing a paid collaboration with influencers. Template #1

  8. How to write influencer outreach emails

    How to write an email to an influencer - the best practices. 1. Find the right influencer for your marketing goals. Not all influencers are created equal. There are beauty, fashion, or traveling influencers and marketing, parenting, or even farming influencers. You want to find an influencer that is a fit for your company.

  9. Travel Influencer Email Template

    Use these 3 email templates and stand out in their inbox: Outreach Email to introduce yourself, capture their attention, and outline the project.; Follow-up Email to highlight the benefits, remind them of opportunity, and land the partnership.; Thank-you Email to show appreciation, share the campaign results, and leave the partnership open-ended for another project.

  10. How to write influencer outreach emails: Templates and examples

    Example #1: The first outreach email. The first email is to figure out the influencer's interest in collaborating with you. In this email, state the purpose and make it clear that collaboration is mutually beneficial. Take a look at this example: Subject line: [name], we love your TikTok content! 👀.

  11. Influencer Email Template: How to Skyrocket Your Open Rates

    So let's get you that winning influencer outreach email template that helps you to avoid getting your email blacklisted. TL;DR - Influencer Email Template. Current Email Open Rate: The average open rate in 2023 is 17%; achieving 25% is considered good. Challenge: Many fail at cold emailing, and influencers get lots of spammy outreach ...

  12. 12 Influencer Outreach Email Examples + Instagram DM's

    Here's an email template: Subject: Hello [Influencer's Name], [Your Brand] Loves Your Work! Hi [Influencer's Name], I'm [Your Name] from [Your Brand], and we've been huge fans of your work on [platform]. Your content about [specific topic they cover] truly resonates with our brand ethos.

  13. 6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach

    Emails can be longer and more detailed than DMs. Use emails to give a more in-depth explanation of your brand or products. Explain the campaign you're running and why you think an influencer would be a good fit. Instagram DMs allow you to be more casual and direct. DMs should be short, sweet and to the point.

  14. 7 influencer email templates to boost your outreach

    Save time by using the right influencer marketing email template that matches your type of campaign: affiliate, brand ambassador and more!

  15. 11 Outstanding Influencer Outreach Email Templates

    October 9, 2017. Outreach email templates are the messages that you mass email to the leads listed in your outreach campaign. These messages should explain the purpose of your outreach, whether it's to get a backlink, product review, guest post, or other. For these messages to be effective, they should be clear, concise, relevant, and persuasive.

  16. How to Write an Influencer Outreach Email? (Templates)

    Template 3: Event Invitation Email Template: Subject: Join Us for an Exclusive Event, ! Hi , I'm , thrilled to introduce you to . Your content has caught our attention, especially the way you . At , we're hosting an exclusive event called on , and we believe it's something you'd genuinely enjoy. This event promises .

  17. Influencer outreach email template: 6-step formula

    Learn everything you need to master influencer outreach, plus two free influencer outreach email templates to get you started!

  18. Influencer Outreach Templates: 3 Email and TikTok DM Examples for

    Influencer Outreach Template Examples for TikTok DMs. Here are a few direct message (DM) templates you can use to get started with your influencer outreach over on TikTok. TikTok DM Example 1. Opening Line: "Hey [Influencer Name]," Message: I'm [Your Name] from [Your Brand]. We love your TikTok videos, especially the one about [specific ...

  19. How to Get FREE Hotel Stays (with e-mail template!)

    Step 2: Choose the right hotel for your audience. Once you have thought about why hotels should work with you, it will be easier to know which hotels to reach out to for a potential collaboration. In order to successfully collaborate with hotels you also need to pick resorts that you know will interest your audience.

  20. 12 Brand Pitch Email Templates to use in 2024

    12 Brand Pitch Email Templates to use in 2024. If you're an influencer or blogger who is ready to monetize your following, brand pitch emails are your go-to. They're likely to be your first real introduction to a brand - it's your moment to sell yourself and show them what you can do. ... I'm a travel influencer with 100,000 followers ...