Attorney-Approved Washington Trailer Bill of Sale Document

The Washington Trailer Bill of Sale form is a legal document used to record the sale of a trailer from one party to another in the state of Washington. It ensures the transaction is documented and both the buyer and the seller’s interests are protected. For those looking to buy or sell a trailer, filling out this form correctly is a crucial step. Click the button below to learn more about how to fill out the form properly.

Attorney-Approved Washington Trailer Bill of Sale Document

Common mistakes

Documents used along the form, similar forms, dos and don'ts, misconceptions, key takeaways.

In the state of Washington, engaging in the sale or purchase of a trailer involves several key steps to ensure the transaction is legally recognized and binding. A crucial document in this process is the Trailer Bill of Sale form, which serves as a concrete record of the sale, detailing the agreement between the buyer and seller. This document not only captures essential information such as the make, model, and year of the trailer, but it also includes the sale price and the date of the transaction. Its primary purpose is to safeguard both parties' interests by providing proof of ownership transfer from the seller to the buyer. Moreover, the Washington Trailer Bill of Sale form is vital for the buyer during the registration process of the trailer, as it is often required by the Department of Licensing (DOL). Completing this document accurately is paramount, as it ensures the legality of the sale and protects both parties in the event of future disputes or inquiries regarding the trailer's ownership.

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Washington Trailer Bill of Sale Template

This document serves as a bill of sale for a trailer in the state of Washington. It certifies that the seller has legally transferred ownership of the trailer described below to the buyer. This form adheres to the requirements set forth by the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) , ensuring compliance with state laws regarding the sale of trailers.

Date of Sale: ___________________________________

Seller's Full Name: _______________________________

Seller's Address: __________________________________

City, State, Zip: ___________________________________

Buyer's Full Name: _________________________________

Buyer's Address: ____________________________________

Trailer Information

Make: ___________________________________________

Model: __________________________________________

Year: ___________________________________________

VIN: ____________________________________________

Trailer Type: ___________________________________

Color: _________________________________________

Sale Information

Sale Price: $____________________________________

Payment Method: ____________________________

The seller certifies that the information provided in this Bill of Sale is true and correct to the best of their knowledge and that the sale of the trailer is conducted in accordance with the laws of the state of Washington.

The buyer accepts the trailer "as is," acknowledging that no warranties are made by the seller regarding the trailer's condition or fitness for a particular purpose.

Seller's Signature: _______________________________ Date: ______________

Buyer's Signature: ________________________________ Date: ______________

Acknowledgment of Notary Public

In some cases, Washington state law requires the acknowledgment of a notary public. If applicable, have a notary public complete this section.

State of Washington

County of: ________________________________________

On __________________ (date), before me, ___________________________________ (Name of Notary), personally appeared _______________________________ (Name(s) of the Signer(s)), known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he/she/they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.

Notary's Signature: _______________________________ Date: ______________

Commission Expires: ______________________________

Form Specifications

Detailed steps for filling out washington trailer bill of sale.

Filling out the Washington Trailer Bill of Sale form is a crucial step in the process of a trailer sale transaction in Washington. This document serves as proof of purchase and can be helpful for registration, taxation, and personal record-keeping purposes. It's essential to fill out this form accurately to ensure that all parties involved have a clear understanding of the sale details and to comply with Washington state regulations.

  • Start by entering the date of the sale at the top of the form.
  • Next, write the full legal name of the seller(s) in the designated space.
  • Fill in the complete legal name of the buyer(s) in the provided section.
  • Enter the sale price of the trailer in the space provided.
  • Describe the trailer in detail, including the make, model, year, and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
  • For additional information regarding the trailer, such as its color and any unique features or conditions, provide this in the space allocated for additional details.
  • The seller should carefully read the certification statement. If they agree, they must sign their name to certify that all the information provided is accurate to the best of their knowledge.
  • After the seller signs, the buyer should then sign their name, indicating they accept the terms of the sale and the information provided.

Once the form is fully completed and signed by both the buyer and seller, the transaction is officially documented. This form may need to be presented for various reasons, such as registering the trailer under the new owner's name. Always check with local Washington state requirements to ensure all necessary steps are taken following the completion of this form.

Understanding Washington Trailer Bill of Sale

What is a washington trailer bill of sale.

A Washington Trailer Bill of Sale is a legal document that evidences the sale and transfer of ownership of a trailer from the seller to the buyer in the state of Washington. It provides important information about the sale, including details about the buyer, seller, and the trailer itself.

Why do I need a Washington Trailer Bill of Sale?

  • It serves as a receipt for the transaction.
  • It is often required for the registration of the trailer with the Washington Department of Licensing (DOL).
  • It provides legal protection for both the buyer and the seller.
  • If any disputes arise about the ownership or terms of the sale, the bill of sale can be used as evidence in court.

What information should be included in a Washington Trailer Bill of Sale?

  • Date of the sale
  • Names and addresses of the buyer and seller
  • Description of the trailer (make, model, year, VIN)
  • Signature of both the buyer and seller
  • Notarization, if required

Is notarization required for a Trailer Bill of Sale in Washington?

Notarization is not mandatory for a Trailer Bill of Sale in Washington. However, having the document notarized can add an extra layer of legitimacy and may help prevent legal issues in the future.

How do I register a trailer with a Bill of Sale in Washington?

  • The completed Trailer Bill of Sale
  • A valid form of identification
  • Payment for the registration fees

Can I write my own Trailer Bill of Sale for use in Washington?

Yes, you can write your own Trailer Bill of Sale for use in Washington. Ensure it includes all the required information listed above for it to be considered valid. It's also advisable to check if there are any specific formatting or notarization requirements in Washington to ensure the document's acceptability.

What if the trailer I'm buying or selling is from out of state?

If the trailer is from out of state, you should still complete a Washington Trailer Bill of Sale. Additionally, you may need to provide evidence that any applicable out-of-state taxes have been paid and comply with any specific requirements for out-of-state trailers, such as inspections or additional documentation.

Do both the buyer and the seller need a copy of the Trailer Bill of Sale?

Yes, both the buyer and the seller should keep a copy of the Trailer Bill of Sale. Having a copy ensures both parties have proof of the transaction details and ownership transfer, which can be crucial for registration, tax purposes, or resolving any future disputes.

When filling out the Washington Trailer Bill of Sale form, people often make several common mistakes. Recognizing and avoiding these errors can ensure the process is completed successfully and without unnecessary delays.

Not providing complete information on both the buyer and seller, such as full names, addresses, and contact details. This is crucial for establishing the identities of both parties involved in the transaction.

Failing to accurately describe the trailer. It is essential to include details like the make, model, year, VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), and any distinguishing features to ensure the trailer is correctly identified.

Leaving the sale price blank or not specifying if it includes applicable taxes. Clearly stating the sale price avoids any future disputes or misunderstandings regarding the financial aspect of the deal.

Omitting the date of sale can lead to confusion about the transaction's actual completion date, impacting transfer of ownership documentation and timeline.

Not specifying the payment method (e.g., cash, check, trade) could cause misunderstandings regarding how the transaction was settled.

Skipping the signature and date lines or only having one party sign. The form requires both the buyer's and seller's signatures to be legally binding.

Ignoring to acknowledge or disclose any existing liens on the trailer can lead to legal complications. It's important to disclose this information upfront.

Forgetting to make or distribute copies of the completed form to all involved parties, including a copy for the buyer, seller, and for record-keeping purposes, can create issues if the sale is later questioned or needs to be verified.

To enhance the form’s accuracy and validity, all involved should double-check the provided information before submitting the document. Proper attention to detail ensures that the bill of sale effectively reflects the agreement between buyer and seller.

When selling or buying a trailer in Washington, a bill of sale is a crucial document that officially records the transaction between the buyer and seller. However, this form is just one piece of the puzzle. There are other forms and documents often used alongside it to ensure a smooth and legally compliant transfer of ownership. Let's explore some of these important documents that play a supporting role in the process.

  • Certificate of Title : This document is essential as it proves ownership of the trailer. It needs to be transferred from the seller to the buyer to finalize the sale.
  • Registration Form : To legally tow the trailer on public roads, the buyer must register the trailer with the Washington State Department of Licensing. This form initiates the registration process.
  • Odometer Disclosure Statement : For trailers that come with their own odometer, this statement is required to ensure the buyer is aware of the accurate mileage.
  • Sales Tax Payment Receipt : This receipt is proof that sales tax on the transaction has been paid. In Washington, sales tax is applicable on the sale of most vehicles, including trailers.
  • Release of Interest : If there is more than one owner or if a lender has a security interest in the trailer, this document releases those interests in the trailer upon sale.
  • Warranty Document : If the seller is offering any type of warranty on the trailer, a document detailing the warranty terms should be provided to the buyer.
  • Lien Release : If there was a previous lien on the trailer, this document shows that the lien has been satisfied and released, clearing the title for transfer.
  • Permission for Minor to Drive

Together with the Trailer Bill of Sale, these documents provide a comprehensive framework to ensure that the transfer of a trailer in Washington is conducted properly and legally. Buyers and sellers should be diligent in completing and obtaining all relevant documents to protect their interests and to comply with state regulations. Remember, each transaction may have its own unique aspects, so it's a good idea to consult with a professional if you're unsure about the specific requirements for your situation.

The Washington Trailer Bill of Sale form is similar to other types of bills of sale used for the purchase and sale of personal property. Essentially, this form serves as a legal document that records the transfer of ownership of a trailer from the seller to the buyer. It provides essential details about the transaction including the sale price, information about the trailer (like make, model, year, and VIN), and the details of both parties involved. Comparable documents include the Vehicle Bill of Sale and the Boat Bill of Sale, among others.

Vehicle Bill of Sale: This document is particularly similar to the Trailer Bill of Sale in that it is used for the sale of a motor vehicle. Like the Trailer Bill of Sale, it includes important details such as the make, model, year, and VIN of the vehicle, as well as the names and addresses of both the buyer and seller. It also records the transaction date and the sale price, providing a legal record of the transfer of ownership. The Vehicle Bill of Sale is necessary for the buyer to register the vehicle in their name and may be required for tax purposes.

Bovat Bill of Sale: Similar to the Trailer and Vehicle Bills of Sale, the Boat Bill of Sale documents the sale and purchase of a watercraft. It captures key information about the boat, including its type, make, year, hull identification number (HIN), and the engine make and serial number if applicable. The document also lists the names and addresses of the seller and buyer, the sale price, and the date of the sale. The Boat Bill of Sale is crucial for the buyer to register the boat in their name, ensuring it complies with local and state regulations.

General Bill of Sale: This is a more versatile document that can be used for the sale of various types of personal property, not limited to trailers, vehicles, or boats. It may be used for the sale of items like furniture, electronics, or even animals. The General Bill of Sale typically includes a description of the item being sold, the sale price, and personal details of the buyer and seller. Although it is more generic, it still serves the essential purpose of documenting the agreement between two parties and the change of ownership, similar to the Trailer Bill of Sale.

When filling out the Washington Trailer Bill of Sale form, it's important to approach the task with attention to detail and accuracy. Below are essential dos and don'ts that will guide you through the process.

  • Ensure all the information you provide is accurate and current. This includes the full names and addresses of both the buyer and the seller, as well as the detailed description of the trailer (make, model, year, and vehicle identification number).
  • Include the sale date and the total purchase price. Clearly state the amount agreed upon by both parties.
  • Review the form for any specific requirements unique to Washington State. These could be regarding notarization or additional documentation that needs to be attached.
  • Keep a copy of the completed form for your records. Both the buyer and seller should have a copy to prevent future disputes or for reference in legal matters.
  • Leave any sections of the form blank. If a section does not apply, write “N/A” (not applicable) to show that you did not overlook it.
  • Forget to verify the buyer’s and seller’s information. Mistakes in names or addresses can lead to legal complications down the line.
  • Rush through the process. Take your time to fill out each section thoroughly to avoid errors that could invalidate the form.

When dealing with the Washington Trailer Bill of Sale form, a range of misunderstandings often surfaces. These misconceptions can cloud judgment and lead to mistakes in the transaction process. By clarifying these points, individuals can navigate the sale or purchase of a trailer in Washington with greater confidence and legal precision.

  • It's optional to use a Trailer Bill of Sale in Washington. Many believe that this document is merely a formality and not legally required. However, the Washington Trailer Bill of Sale form is a critical document for both parties. It serves as a legal proof of the transaction, providing a record of the sale's details, ensuring both the buyer's and seller's rights are protected.
  • Any bill of sale form will work. A common mistake is assuming that any bill of sale form found online is adequate for the transaction. In reality, Washington State has specific requirements that may not be met by generic forms. It’s essential to use a form that is tailored to Washington laws to ensure the sale is legally binding.
  • The Trailer Bill of Sale is the only document you need to register a trailer in Washington. While important, the Trailer Bill of Sale is just one of several documents required for trailer registration in the state. The Department of Licensing in Washington also requires a title transfer and might request additional documents, such as proof of sales tax payment or a certificate of inspection.
  • Signing the Washington Trailer Bill of Sale form immediately transfers ownership. This misconception can lead to misunderstand eTransactions significantly. Even after signing the bill of sale, the transfer of ownership is not official until the title is transferred and all filing is completed with the state's Department of Licensing. The bill of sale is a necessary step in this process but not the final one.
  • There's no need to notarize the Trailer Bill of Sale in Washington. While notarization is not always mandatory, it can add a layer of security and authenticity to the document. Some situations may require a notarized bill of sale to complete the registration or sale process, depending on the circumstances of the sale or the specific requirements of a financial institution.
  • A Trailer Bill of Sale does not need to detail the condition of the trailer. Providing detailed information about the trailer’s condition on the Bill of Sale is crucial for an honest transaction. Although it might seem like an unnecessary detail, disclosing the condition helps avoid future disputes by ensuring the buyer is fully informed before purchasing.

Understanding the true requirements and legal implications of the Washington Trailer Bill of Sale form can significantly smooth the process of buying or selling a trailer. It ensures that all parties are informed, the sale is conducted legally, and the rights of both the buyer and seller are adequately protected.

When dealing with the Washington Trailer Bill of Sale form, there are several key points to keep in mind to ensure the process is smooth and legally compliant. These takeaways are crucial for both buyers and sellers to understand and follow:

  • Complete accuracy is a must when filling out the form. Every detail, from the full names of both the buyer and the seller to the exact make, model, and year of the trailer, should be accurately recorded.
  • The form requires the trailer’s vehicle identification number (VIN) . This unique code is crucial for identifying the trailer and must be entered correctly.
  • It’s important to specify the sale price clearly . This information is not only necessary for the bill of sale but also for future registration and tax purposes.
  • The date of sale should be recorded. This date indicates when the ownership of the trailer officially transfers from the seller to the buyer.
  • Signatures from both parties are essential. The form is not considered legally binding without the signatures of both the buyer and the seller.
  • Witnesses or a notary public may need to sign the form , depending on local requirements. This step adds another layer of legality and authenticity to the document.
  • For added security and legal protection, create copies of the completed form for both the buyer and the seller. It’s crucial to maintain a record of the transaction.
  • The buyer should use this form for registration purposes . Having a properly filled out bill of sale makes the process of registering the trailer much smoother.
  • Finally, it’s essential to check any additional requirements specific to Washington state or local jurisdictions that might affect the sale or registration of the trailer.

By keeping these points in mind, both parties can ensure that the transfer of ownership for the trailer is conducted properly and in accordance with Washington state laws.

Create Other Forms for Washington

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  • Bill of Sale /

Washington Bill of Sale Forms

washington state bill of sale for travel trailer

Email Delivery

A Washington bill of sale form implements the transfer of goods or personal property between the previous and new owner. Both parties list the terms and conditions of the sale in the document. This process establishes a record of their agreement in writing. With this information, either person (or a third party) can later reference the bill of sale to learn more about the deal’s specifics.

washington state bill of sale for travel trailer

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washington state bill of sale for travel trailer

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washington state bill of sale for travel trailer

Signing Requirements

What is a washington bill of sale.

A Washington bill of sale outlines the promise between a buyer and seller to transfer an item of value in exchange for money or another object. It ensures that neither party plans to scam the other out of money or property. Instead, it concretes the sale by including a description of the item, sale price, and mode of payment transfer.

State law requires the buyer and seller to sign the form. It is not mandatory to notarize the bill of sale; however, taking this action gives it more leverage. Therefore, both parties often decide to sign in front of a notary public to protect themselves from legal conflicts.

The downloading of a bill of sale most frequently happens when carrying out a private sale since dealerships often have the document on file. Nonetheless, a dealership can use the form and complete it electronically or by hand with the customer. Both parties must fill out additional forms for a dealer sale regardless of whether it is a new or used item. Taking these measures protects the dealer from lawsuits and ensures the safety of the new owner.

Registration Forms: Boats

Contact a department of licensing office to make an appointment for vessel registration. 

Additional (Optional) Documents

  • Declaration of Buyer and Seller Regarding Value of Used Vehicle Sold (Form REV 32 2501) – Completed by the buyer and seller to confirm the boat’s value and condition upon selling.
  • Registration & Title – Only required for vessels with an out-of-state registration and/or title.
  • Vehicle/Vessel Declaration of Value for Excise Tax Form (Form TD-420-737) – For boats not listed in the excise tax fee schedule.

Registration Forms: Firearms

Firearm registration is not mandated, and gun owners do not need a permit to buy or openly carry a firearm. However, individuals wanting to concealed carry must obtain a license by providing the required information to their nearest jurisdiction ( § 9.41.070 ). 

Registration Forms: Vehicles

Locate a licensing office to apply for registration in the state of Washington. 

  • Declaration of Buyer and Seller Regarding Value of Used Vehicle Sold (Form REV 32 2501) – An agreement of value and condition for a car between a buyer and seller.
  • Odometer Disclosure Statement ( § 46.12.665 )- For cars ten (10) years or newer only. Owners must obtain the form at a licensing office.
  • Vehicle/Vessel Declaration of Value for Excise Tax Form (Form TD-420-737) – To value unlisted cars that do not fall under an excise tax bracket.
  • Washington Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney – Gives someone the ability to temporarily replace the owner by making decisions in their place.

Registration Forms: Trailers

Get in touch with a department of licensing location to obtain a trailer registration. 

  • Bill of Sale »

Trailer Bill of Sale Form

washington state bill of sale for travel trailer

A  Trailer bill of sale form produces a viable paper transcript illustrating the details appertaining to the sale of a non-powered utility transport that is to be used in tow or to tow another vehicle. This form entails material facts on the purchaser and seller, the trailer, date of sale and signature for authentication of purchase. It may also be used for proof of ownership for registration, titling and tax necessity.

Does a Trailer Need a Bill of Sale?

Taking the necessary steps to secure a bill of sale when transferring to a new owner is a sound business decision even if it may not be required in your state of residence. However, many U.S. States do require a bill of sale to legally illustrate the vehicle changing hands and the corresponding details involved. Some states may mandate it to be signified on the bill of sale for another vehicle that includes a trailer. For example, if the purchase of a watercraft included a boat trailer, the trailer information must be listed as well to title and register appropriately. It is just a smart way to ensure transparency within the sale, record the accompanying specifics and present evidence of a legitimate exchange, should it ever come into question.

How to Sell a Trailer

Fix any significant issues.

When selling an item, the better condition it appears to be in, the higher the yield will be. Wash your trailer and pay attention to problem areas that may accrue dirt, mud or dust easily. Check your trailer for any damages that may need repair, as visible issues can signal to a buyer that they can find a better product elsewhere or fuel negotiations for a reduction in price. Check for any areas where rust presents itself, check tire air pressure, coupling brakes and lights to confirm it is in safe running condition and make any adjustments as needed.

Set an Appropriate Sales Price

When it comes time to establish a price to sell for, you want to do your research. You can inquire about the used book value on  for a general idea of its worth. Couple that with an investigation into what similar year, make and models are selling for within your region and online. Obtaining prices for at least three comparable trailers for sale can also give you an edge when a potential buyer wishes to question your evaluation in pricing.

Publicize the Trailer

When advertising the trailer make sure you include all the essential information in your ad description, such trailer type, year, make, model, size, load capacity, and style. Photos are a vital element to marketing your trailer, make sure to focus on many different angles and include close-ups of any moving parts or areas exhibiting rust or damage. If there are areas that are damaged, you will want to point it out in your ad or decide if you wish to list as an “as is” sale. Provide any contact information you would like to disclose to those with a potential interest in buying such as a phone number and email. To attain as many potential buyers as possible, you can explore various avenues to promote the sale. Park the trailer in front of your residence with a “for sale” to entice a sale from passersby. List an ad in your local newspaper, community flyer, or to reach a broader audience online, market it on craigslist or eBay . For websites explicitly geared for selling trailers, you can also look to TrailerTraders or Trailer Shopper to list an online classified or Trailers for Less if you are looking for an option to have someone else conduct the sale for you.

Manage the Sale of the Trailer

When you have found a possible buyer for the trailer, you will want to meet in a public place to have them inspect the vehicle and negotiate the details for purchase. Once both the buyer and seller have agreed upon a reasonable purchase price, you will want to meet again to sign the bill of sale and exchange the cash for the vehicle. An ideal setting to carry out the transaction would be at a local bank to verify that the money is authentic tender before handing over the trailer. Complete the sale and provide the buyer with the title, registration, keys and any materials associated with the vehicle.

Registering Your Trailer

To utilize your trailer on public roads, it must be registered by your state of residence. The particular process for doing so will depend on your state’s policy, but many states require that you complete the procedure within the first 30 days of the purchase. To do so you will need to produce the bill of sale, a signed-over title, a completed and signed trailer registration application, valid identification, and proper payment for fees and taxes. You may also be required to provide active trailer liability insurance as well as previous registration. Contact your local DMV or state transportation agency to confirm exact details.

Complete the Trailer Bill of Sale Form

Step 1 – Download the file in Adobe PDF .

Step 2 – Seller Information – Fill out all required seller information prompted on the form:

  • Seller’s Name
  • Seller’s License Number
  • Seller’s Address (street address, city, state, zip code)
  • Seller’s Email Address
  • Seller’s Phone Number

Step 3  – Buyer Information – Complete the same information for the seller in the next segment of the form:

  • Buyer’s Name
  • Buyer’s License Number
  • Buyer’s Address (street address, city, state, zip code)
  • Buyer’s Email Address
  • Buyer’s Phone Number

Step 4  – Vehicle Information – Input the requested information on the trailer involved in the sale as follows:

  • Vehicle Identification Number
  • Description

Step 5  – Indicate by selecting the proper box, which type of trailer the sale is concerned with.

Step 6  – Submit the full purchase price the aforementioned trailer will be sold for, along with the date of the sale.

Step 7 –  Have the buyer and seller each endorse the document, print their full name and date according to the specific day the signatures were recorded.

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Washington Vehicle/Vessel Bill of Sale

washington state bill of sale for travel trailer

Your Bill of Sale Document is Attached

The Washington Department of Licensing Vehicle/Vessel bill of sale , known as Form TD-420-065, is required to be used to transfer title and ownership from one party to another. Upon the signature of the buyer and seller will the document become considered final.

Notice of Sale

Must be submitted within fifteen (15) days from the Date of Sale:

  • Vehicles – The seller will be required to submit the Vehicle Notice of Sale ( Form TD-420-062 ) or File Online .
  • Vessels – Submit the Vessel Notice/Report of Sale ( Form TD-420-063 )


An applicant will need to bring the following documents to a Vehicle License Office or Quick Title Office .

  • Vehicle Bill of Sale (Form TD-420-065)
  • Vehicle Certificate of Ownership ( Form TD-420-001 )
  • Blank Check for Fees
  • Title from previous owner. If no title is available, the Affidavit of Loss ( Form TD-420-040 )
  • *Power of Attorney ( Form 420-05 ) – To be used when another person is used to handle the sale of the vehicle.
  • *Certificate of Fact ( Form TD-420-043 ) – If Applicable
  • Clark County
  • King County
  • Pierce County
  • Snohomish County
  • Spokane County

View All Dept. of Licensing Forms

To be returned to a Vessel Licensing Office .

  • Vessel Bill of Sale (Form TD-420-065)
  • Title Application ( Form   TD-420-289 )

After obtaining the decals from the Vessel Licensing Office it is required to apply them to the boat immediately ( See Instructions ).

Washington State DMV Bill of Sale

Washington State DMV Bill of Sale

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Legal Templates

Home Bill of Sale Trailer Washington

Washington Trailer Bill of Sale Template

Washington Trailer Bill of Sale screenshot

Updated July 26, 2023 Written by Sara Hostelley | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A Washington Trailer Bill of Sale is a document that enables the transfer of trailer ownership from the seller to the buyer.

Washington requires all trailers, including travel and tent trailers, to be registered with the state. Utility trailers under 2000 pounds, also called “intermittent-use” trailers, are not titled but require license and registration to be used on public roads.

Bed-mounted campers are considered separate units from the truck they are mounted in, even if they are permanently welded to the truck, and must be titled and licensed separately from the vehicle.


Bill of Sale: Required Registration: Required Title: Not Required Insurance: Not Required Signing: Buyer and seller

Statutes : § 46.04.620, § 46.16A.428, § 46.61.625

Registering a Trailer in Washington

Washington trailer bill of sale sample.

Trailer and camper registrations are done through the state’s Department of Licensing. Registration may be done online or in the county where the owner resides. You can find your nearest county office here .

New residents have 30 days to obtain a Washington driver’s license and then title and register their vehicles. You have 15 days after a private sale to transfer the title to your name. Trailers purchased from a dealer will have the title paperwork handled by the dealer.

The seller is required to submit a report of sale to the Department of Licensing. Whether the trailer or other vehicle was sold, donated, or given to another individual, this must be done.

What Paperwork Is Required To Register a Trailer in Washington?

Trailers over 2000 pounds scale weight, travel trailers, and bed-mounted campers must all be registered and titled. You can complete both documents at the same time. You should have all documents assembled before making any appointments to visit the county office. You will need the following:

  • Washington trailer bill of sale, signed by both parties
  • Vehicle Title Application . It must be notarized if this is not signed at the licensing office.
  • The current title, assigned to the new owner
  • Registration fees. You will need to contact your county office for payment amounts.

In Washington, the new owner is responsible for transferring the title. If there is no title available from the seller, usually because the state of origin did not title trailers, the owner should contact the Department of Licensing office to ask about the next steps to take.

Homemade and “unidentifiable” trailers must be inspected before registration and licensing. You will need an appointment with the State Patrol for inspection and verification.

Trailer Registration Fees

Registration fees and use taxes are calculated by the county and sometimes the municipality. You can find tax and fee calculators here .

Title for Trailer

Trailers under 2000 pounds are not titled but must be registered for use on public roads. Slide-in campers must be titled and registered separately from the vehicle they are attached to, even if the owner has permanently attached the camper shell.

Motorhomes have separate titling and registration requirements from trailers and campers and are not considered to be either a trailer or a camper. Owners of motorhomes should consult the web page for motorhomes before titling or registering these vehicles.

Washington does not have a specific insurance requirement for trailers or campers. RVs and motorhomes must be insured like other vehicles. Drivers with tow-behind trailers must have at least basic liability insurance. It is recommended that trailer owners consider more than basic coverage if they use their trailers regularly.

Washington has no exemptions for trailers other than those under 2000 pounds.

Download a Washington trailer bill of sale template below in PDF or Word format:

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washington state bill of sale for travel trailer

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Washington free trailer bill of sale form.

Utilize our Trailer Bill of Sale to document the sale of a trailer, ensuring protection for both the buyer and the seller.

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What Is a Trailer Bill of Sale?

Why you need a trailer bill of sale, selling a trailer: a step-by-step guide, how to write a trailer bill of sale, frequently asked questions.

  • Are there legal requirements when selling a trailer bill of sale Georgia?

Can I sell a trailer "As Is"?

Do i need a notary for the bill of sale, how to get a trailer title with a bill of sale, do you need a bill of sale for a trailer, trailer bill of sale sample.

A Trailer Bill of Sale is a vital legal document that facilitates the seamless transfer of ownership of a trailer vehicle from one party to another . This document not only serves as proof of the transaction but is also a prerequisite for registering the trailer with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

Both buyers and sellers benefit from a Bill of Sale for various reasons:

  • Proof of ownership: A Bill of Sale acts as tangible evidence of ownership, a crucial requirement for DMV registration.
  • Legal protection: Sellers are protected in the event of disputes regarding ownership or the condition of the trailer.

Step 1: Clean and Prepare Before listing your trailer, ensure it's in optimal condition. Clean thoroughly, make necessary repairs, and document its current state with high-quality photos.

Step 2: Determine Market Value Research the market value of similar trailers in your area to set a competitive yet fair price. Professional appraisal may also provide an accurate valuation.

Step 3: Advertise the Trailer Utilize online marketplaces, social media, and local classifieds for maximum exposure. High-quality photos, detailed descriptions, and contact information enhance your listing.

Step 4: Screen Potential Buyers Ensure potential buyers are serious by requesting a deposit or proof of funds before scheduling showings.

Step 5: Meet with Potential Buyers Schedule in-person viewings for serious buyers, allowing them to inspect the trailer. Negotiate the sale price and terms.

Step 6: Prepare the Trailer Bill of Sale Once a sale is agreed upon, create a comprehensive Bill of Sale to prove ownership transfer.

Step 7: Fill Out and Sign the Bill of Sale Include crucial details such as the sale date, buyer and seller information, trailer description, VIN, sale price, and any included warranties. Both parties should sign the document.

Step 8: Transfer Ownership Buyers must take the signed Bill of Sale to the DMV, along with proof of insurance and payment for taxes and fees.

Legal Requirements

Adherence to legal requirements is paramount when selling a trailer, with variations by state:

  • Provide a Bill of Sale (notarization may be required in some states).
  • Provide the buyer with a title or registration document.
  • Some states may require a trailer inspection before sale.
  • Additional regulations may apply for trailers exceeding 4,500 pounds.

It is crucial to consult your state’s DMV for specific requirements.

Step 1: Gather Details of the Parties Collect buyer and seller information, including contact details.

Step 2: Check State Requirements Research and adhere to state-specific requirements for transferring the title.

Step 3: Fill in Trailer Information Include make, model, year, VIN, and trailer condition details.

Step 4: Provide Terms of the Sale Specify sale terms, value, and any warranties. Clearly state whether the sale is a gift.

Step 5: Sign the Form Both parties should sign the form, and if required, have a witness or notary present.

Step 6: File With the DMV Follow state guidelines for filing the Bill of Sale with the DMV or other relevant agencies.

By following these steps and adhering to legal requirements, you can ensure a smooth trailer sale transaction. Understanding the nuances of the Trailer Bill of Sale is key to a successful and legally sound process.

Are there legal requirements when selling a trailer?

Yes, legal requirements vary by state. In general, a Bill of Sale is required, and in some states, notarization may be necessary. Sellers may need to provide a title or registration document, and inspections might be required for certain trailers.

Yes, most transactions involve selling the trailer "As Is," meaning the buyer assumes responsibility for any repairs or maintenance after the sale. However, exceptions can be made in the Bill of Sale, providing warranties on specific parts or conditions.

Some states may require notarization of the Bill of Sale. Even if not required, having a notary present during the signing can add an extra layer of authenticity and legal validity to the document.

To get a trailer title with a bill of sale:

  • Check state requirements.
  • Complete a detailed bill of sale.
  • Gather necessary documents.
  • Visit the DMV.
  • Submit the application and pay fees.
  • Complete any required inspections.
  • Wait for processing.
  • Receive the trailer title in your name.

The requirement for a bill of sale for a trailer can vary depending on the jurisdiction and local regulations. In many places, a bill of sale is not legally required for a trailer, especially if it is a smaller or non-motorized trailer. However, having a bill of sale can still be a good practice as it serves as a written record of the transaction and helps establish proof of ownership.

For larger trailers or those used for specific purposes, such as commercial trailers, it may be more common or even necessary to have a bill of sale as part of the documentation for the sale and transfer of ownership.

  • Horse Bill of Sale : Use our Horse Bill of Sale to record the sale of a horse and protect both buyer and seller.
  • Lawnmower Bill of Sale : Utilize this lawnmower bill of sale document to formalize changes or additions to an existing lawnmower sale agreement that is already in effect.
  • Motorcycle Bill of Sale : Utilize Our Motorcycle Bill of Sale for a Secure Motorcycle Sale Transaction.


  1. Washington Trailer Bill of Sale Template

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  2. Free Washington Bill of Sale Forms

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  3. Printable Rv Bill Of Sale

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  4. Free Printable Printable Bill of sale for travel trailer Form (GENERIC)

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  5. Washington RV Bill of Sale Template in PDF, Word, Google Docs

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  6. Washington State Bill Of Sale Template

    washington state bill of sale for travel trailer


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  1. PDF Vehicle/Vessel Bill of Sale

    Buyer. To apply for a new title, take the Certificate of Title and this Bill of Sale to any vehicle licensing ofice and pay all fees and taxes. You must apply within 15 days of acquiring the vehicle/ vessel or you may pay a late fee. Late transfer fees start at $50 and increase to a maximum of $125. NOTE: Depending on your specific situation ...


    Trailer Bill of Sale (Rev. 1343EFB) Certification The Seller certifies to the Buyer that the Seller is the legal and rightful owner of the Trailer and has full right and authority to convey the same. The undersigned Seller declares under penalties of perjury that the statements herein contained

  3. Forms

    Vehicle/Vessel Bill of Sale (Vietnamese) Vehicles & Boats. Title & registration. Use this form to gather necessary information when you sell your vehicle or vessel.

  4. Free Washington Trailer Bill of Sale Template

    A Washington Trailer Bill of Sale is a document that enables the transfer of trailer ownership from the seller to the buyer.. Washington requires all trailers, including travel and tent trailers, to be registered with the state. Utility trailers under 2000 pounds, also called "intermittent-use" trailers, are not titled but require license and registration to be used on public roads.

  5. Access Washington Trailer Bill of Sale Template

    The Washington Trailer Bill of Sale form is a legal document used to record the sale of a trailer from one party to another in the state of Washington. It ensures the transaction is documented and both the buyer and the seller's interests are protected. For those looking to buy or sell a trailer, filling out this form correctly is a crucial step.

  6. Free Printable Washington Trailer Bill of Sale PDF & Word

    The Washington Trailer Bill of Sale can be used to document the transfer of ownership of a used trailer from the Seller to the Buyer. This form is specifically worded for the sale of a trailer, the type towed behind a vehicle. We offer other specialized bill of sale forms for a boat trailer, horse trailer, and travel trailer.If you're selling a mobile home, which is often called a trailer ...

  7. PDF Washington vehicle bill of sale

    Federal and state law require the mileage of the Vehicle to be provided upon transfer of ownership. Fail-ure to complete this or providing a false statement may result in fines and/or imprisonment. The Seller State of _____ Rev. 1348B23 WASHINGTON VEHICLE BILL OF SALE Model Make Year Price _____ _ _____ _

  8. Free Printable Washington Travel Trailer Bill of Sale

    The Washington Travel Trailer Bill of Sale documents the transfer of ownership of a used travel trailer from the Seller to the Buyer. This form is specifically worded for the sale of a travel trailer, often called a camper. We offer other specialized bills of sale such as the RV bill of sale, camper bill of sale, horse trailer bill of sale, and utility trailer bill of sale.

  9. Washington Motor Vehicle / Vessel (DMV) Bill of Sale Form

    The Washington vehicle or vessel bill of sale form is a concrete piece of confirmation documenting the transfer of a vehicle and/or vessel in exchange for a monetary payment.This form is required to subsequently transfer the title of the vehicle/vessel and register within the state of Washington. Washington State provides an official form for use that contains compulsory information ...

  10. Free Washington Bill of Sale Forms

    Registration Forms: Vehicles. Locate a licensing office to apply for registration in the state of Washington. Bill of Sale (Form TD420-066) - Designates the buyer as the new owner of a car. Vehicle Title Application (Form TD-420-001) - Provides the necessary information for a car title and registration.

  11. PDF Trailer Bill of Sale

    The undersigned Seller affirms that the above information about the trailer is accurate to the best of their knowledge. The undersigned Buyer accepts receipt of this bill of sale and understands that the above trailer is sold on an "as is, where is" condition with no guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied. 7.

  12. Trailer Bill of Sale Form

    Complete the Trailer Bill of Sale Form. Step 1 - Download the file in Adobe PDF. Step 2 - Seller Information - Fill out all required seller information prompted on the form: Seller's Name. Seller's License Number. Seller's Address (street address, city, state, zip code) Seller's Email Address. Seller's Phone Number.

  13. Washington Vehicle/Vessel Bill of Sale

    An applicant will need to bring the following documents to a Vehicle License Office or Quick Title Office. Vehicle Bill of Sale (Form TD-420-065) Vehicle Certificate of Ownership (Form TD-420-001) Blank Check for Fees. Title from previous owner. If no title is available, the Affidavit of Loss (Form TD-420-040)

  14. Registering travel trailers

    Cargo extensions must meet the following criteria: Must have an axle with 2 wheels, acting as a tag axle, to safely carry the weight of the cargo. Must be equipped with mounted rear tail lamps, fenders, covers, flaps or splash aprons. Cannot be a trailer that pivots on a hitch. Does not allow a trailer or secondary cargo extension to be ...

  15. Washington Bill of Sale Form & Requirements

    Keep reading to learn more about bill of sale requirements in Washington, Washington Bill of Sale Requirements. Your completed Washington state bill of sale must include the following: Vehicle: Make. Model. Year. License plate and registration number. Vehicle identity number (VIN). Date of sale. Sale price. The names, addresses, and signatures ...

  16. Washington Bill of Sale for Trailer

    Description. This form is a generic Bill of Sale of a trailer. The description of the trailer can be modified as needed. No warranty is being made as to the condition of the property. The Washington Bill of Sale for Trailer is a legal document that serves as proof of ownership transfer for a trailer in the state of Washington.

  17. PDF Vehicle/Vessel Bill of Sale

    Buyer. To apply for a new title, take the Certificate of Title and this Bill of Sale to any vehicle licensing ofice and pay all fees and taxes. You must apply within 15 days of acquiring the vehicle/ vessel or you may pay a late fee. Late transfer fees start at $50 and increase to a maximum of $125. NOTE: Depending on your specific situation ...

  18. Washington Trailer Bill of Sale Template

    A Washington Trailer Bill of Sale is a document that enables the transfer of trailer ownership from the seller to the buyer.. Washington requires all trailers, including travel and tent trailers, to be registered with the state. Utility trailers under 2000 pounds, also called "intermittent-use" trailers, are not titled but require license and registration to be used on public roads.

  19. Free Washington Bill of Sale Forms

    Vessel Title Application - Used by boat owners to title a boat.; Washington State Department of Licensing - A list of the offices where individuals can file their boat registration and titling paperwork.; Use Tax - Information about the Washington use tax and how it can be paid after purchasing a motor vehicle or vessel.; Registration Fees - A platform to calculate boat registration fees.

  20. PDF Vehicle/Vessel Bill of Sale

    Buyer. To apply for a new title, take the Certificate of Title and this Bill of Sale to any vehicle licensing ofice and pay all fees and taxes. You must apply within 15 days of acquiring the vehicle/ vessel or you will pay a late fee. Late transfer fees start at $50 and increase to a maximum of $125. NOTE: Depending on your specific situation ...

  21. Transfer title: Buying from private party

    After you buy or receive a vehicle as a gift, you have 15 days to transfer the ownership into your name. If you don't transfer within 15 days you'll have to pay penalties: $50 on the 16th day, or. $2 per day after the 16th day (up to $125) If you buy from an out-of-state dealer, you may need to take care of the transfer.

  22. Washington Bill of Sale of Trailer

    Washington Bill of Sale of Trailer is a legal document that serves as proof of ownership and transfer of a trailer in the state of Washington. It outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, including the purchase price, condition of the trailer, and any warranties or guarantees. This document is crucial for both the buyer and the seller to ...

  23. Download Washington Trailer Bill of Sale Documents

    Step 6: Prepare the Trailer Bill of Sale Once a sale is agreed upon, create a comprehensive Bill of Sale to prove ownership transfer. Step 7: Fill Out and Sign the Bill of Sale Include crucial details such as the sale date, buyer and seller information, trailer description, VIN, sale price, and any included warranties.