customer journey map template on a Miro board

Customer Journey Map Template

Map your customer journey and help your customers successfully get from A to B. Understand the reasoning behind their choices and design the best product experience and meet your customer's needs.

About the Customer Journey Map Template

A customer journey map, also known as a user journey map, is a visual representation of how customers experience your brand and company across all its touchpoints. In a customer journey map template, interactions are placed in a pre-made timeline to map out the user flow.

Since customers are the backbone of your business, it is important to understand their pain points, desires and needs so that you can create a customer-centric experience for them.

Many teams use customer journey mapping tools to visually represent customers' thought processes and emotions from their initial interaction until the end goal. This practice enables businesses to assess whether they are meeting their objectives. Doing so can improve their conversion rates and enhance the overall customer experience.

How to use Miro’s customer journey map template

Here are 6 steps to create a successful CJM using the customer journey mapping template. In each section, we will dive a little deeper, but remember, every customer journey map is different, so you may spend more time on one step compared to another.

1. Set clear objectives for the map

Identify your goal for the map. Identifying your ideal outcome will help set the foundations for a successful project.

Ask yourself some of these questions:

Why are you making a customer journey map?

Who is it specifically about?

What experience is it based upon?

Based on this, you may want to create a buyer persona. This is a fictitious customer with all their demographics and psychographics representing your average customer. Having a clear persona is helpful in reminding you to direct every aspect of your customer journey map toward them.

2. Identify your user personas and define their goals

Use the Game-Changer container on the template to identify your persona.

Answer these three questions:

What are their key goals and needs?

What do they struggle with most?

What tasks do they have?

Conduct user research to help you in this process. Survey customers to understand their buying journey, or ask the sales team or customer service representatives for feedback or the most frequently asked questions. You would want to hear the experience of people who are interested in your product and who have interacted with it to understand their pain points and what can be done to improve.

3. Highlight target customer personas

Once you’ve discovered all the different buyer personas that interact with your business, you will need to narrow the list down and select one or two to focus on.

A customer journey map is a specific journey one customer takes, so having too many personas on one map will not be a precise indication of their journey and not a reflection of their true experience.

4. Identify all possible customer touchpoints

Based on your research, you can now use this information to map out all the possible customer touchpoints your customer will face. Use the User Journey Map Template to add the outcomes you want your customer to achieve, and then map all the steps they need to take in order to achieve these outcomes.

List out all of the touchpoints your customer currently has, and then make another list of where you would like your customers to have additional touchpoints. Then check if there are any overlaps.

This step is vital as it can show you whether you have too few or too many touchpoints and gives you a rough idea of your current customer journey experience.

Touch points are not limited to just your website. Look at other areas such as:

Social media channels

Email marketing

3rd party reviews or mentions

Pro Tip:  Run a quick Google search of your business and identify all the pages that mention your brand. Verify this using Google Analytics to see what brings in the most traffic.

This step is very important as it can help you understand things like, are the lack of touchpoints the reason why my customers are turning away? If there are more than expected, are they getting too overwhelmed?

5. Build the customer journey map and try it yourself!

Once you have gathered all the necessary information and identified all the touchpoints your customer will experience, it will finally be time to start building your own customer journey map.

Ensure that you note down every point your customer will touch your business. Remember to add their actions, needs, pains, and feelings to your customer journey map.

Creating the map alone isn’t the end of the process. You will need to go through the journey yourself and analyze the results. By going through the journey first-hand, you will see the areas where expectations might not have been met.

For each persona, go through every journey from beginning to end and take notes.

6. Adjust as needed

Once you have gone through each persona map, you will get a clearer understanding of what your customers are experiencing.

Ensure that all the needs are met and pain points are addressed. No matter how big or small the changes are, every single change has an impact. And this small impact could be the deciding factor for purchase, signup, or download.

Add all the opportunities and improvements you could introduce to your User Journey Map Template . Brainstorm with your team ideas to implement changes, and make sure you assign the right team members to each process.

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What should be included in a customer journey map template?

Every customer journey map will be different. No map is linear, so it is okay not to have a direct A to B Journey. Below we have compiled a number of points that may be included in a customer journey map template:

1. Significant milestones

In order to begin with a successful customer journey map, it is important to draft a path your customer will be journeying through to reach your business’s goal. This step is also useful as you can preemptively identify potential hiccups that might ensue here.

2. User engagement

This element is where you map out the details of how your customer will interact with your site or product. Think of how you would like this to be in order for you to achieve your goal.

3. Emotions

As we seek positive experiences, it is also important to ensure our customers feel relief, excitement, and happiness. Therefore, to mitigate any negative emotions, ensure you have a clear and concise process with appropriate branding to avoid creating negative opinions.

4. Pain Points

When your customers are experiencing a negative emotion, there is a reason why. Adding pain points to your customer journey map will help you identify the reasons behind them and come up with a solution to fix them.

5. Solutions

And finally, add solutions. Once you and your team have identified the pain points, brainstorm and implement solutions to improve your user experience.

How do I use a customer journey map template?

You can create your CJM with Miro’s free Customer Journey Map Template and customize it according to your brand or product needs. When using your own CJM template, remember to define the scope, what touchpoints you want to analyze, and who inside your organization has ownership of which step.

What are the benefits of customer journey mapping?

Using a user journey map template can be key to better understanding your customers. Customer journey mapping puts you and your team in the mind of the customer and helps you to visualize what they are experiencing at each stage and touchpoint with your business or product. Outlining the stages of interaction, while keeping the customer front and center, allows you to identify any pain points that could be improved. This will better not only the customer experience but will help with customer retention in the long run.

What is a touchpoint in a customer journey map?

A touchpoint in a customer journey map is an instance where your customer can form an opinion of your business. Touchpoints can be found in places where your business comes in direct contact with potential or existing customers. A display ad, an interaction with an employee, a 404 error, and even a Google review can be considered a customer touchpoint. Your brand exists beyond your website and marketing materials, so it’s important that the different types of touch points are considered in your customer journey map because they can help uncover opportunities for improvement in the buying journey.

How often should you update your customer journey map?

Your map should be a constant work-in-progress. Reviewing it on a monthly or quarterly basis will help you to identify gaps and opportunities for streamlining your customer journey further. Use your data analytics along with customer feedback to check for any roadblocks. It would also be helpful to schedule regular meetings to analyze any changes that might affect the customer journey.

Do all businesses need a customer journey map?

Customer journey mapping is important for businesses of all sizes. From SMBs to Enterprise. It is also important for all functions. From sales and marketing to customer service. There is no one size fits all for customer journey maps. Therefore, it is important to take time to personalise your own customer journey map to fully understand your own process and identify your own pain points.

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Customer Journey Map

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The Discovery Interviews Template is a powerful tool that allows you to delve into a topic from different angles and gain a deeper understanding of different perspectives. By conducting interviews using this template, you can uncover valuable insights and uncover new information that can help you make informed decisions. Whether you are a researcher, product manager, or simply curious about a specific topic, the Discovery Interviews Template is an essential resource for anyone looking to explore a subject in depth.

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Research Template

Education, Desk Research, Product Management

Teams often need to document findings from usability testing sessions and customer interviews into a systematic, flexible user research template. Collecting everyone’s observations into a centralized location makes it easier to share insights company-wide and suggest new features based on user needs. Research templates can be used to record quantitative or qualitative data.. When it’s your job to ask questions, take notes, learn more about your user, and test iteratively, a Research Template can help you validate your assumptions, find similarities across different users, and articulate their mental models, needs, and goals.

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User Research Kick-off Canvas

The User Research Kick-off canvas aims to open the research conversation to create alignment, input, collaboration and engagement with stakeholders early in your research journey, paving the way for some awesome and impactful user research.

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Customer journey map templates to visualize your buyer’s point of view.

Use FigJam’s online whiteboard to plot your ideal customer journey from first to final touchpoints.

Customer journey map example

Bring over existing journey maps from Figma

If you already have a team library of journey map components and styles inside Figma, copy and paste them into FigJam to build out new maps faster. Curated tools and styling in FigJam let you edit most layers that you bring over.

No one journey is the same

Customer journey maps illustrate a buyer’s actions, emotions, and barriers as they interact with your brand, on a diagram. With FigJam you can:

Capture your customer personas: Create and import tabular data on target audiences directly into your FigJam workspace.

Capture and document customer’s touchpoints: Out-of-the-box shapes and connectors snap right into the grid for a visual representation of your buyer’s current and future states.

Organize, test, iterate: Widgets let you add branches to map customer interactions along the different stages of a user journey.

Customer journey map block

Chime in to bring this shared vision to life

The customer journey is something everyone should feel connected to and a part of. With audio for live conversations, cursor chats, stamps and emotes, and observation mode real-time collaboration is easier than ever. With Open sessions anyone can join your FigJam space for 24 hours—no new account required.

Get started with diagramming templates

Start diagramming with any of these free diagramming templates. Or, if you want to see how other teams jam with FigJam, head over to our Community.

Free fishbone diagram template

Fishbone diagram

Spark ideas, create a visualization, and get to the root cause of an issue.

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Free Affinity Diagram Template

Affinity Diagram

Explore ideas, identify opportunities, and create solutions together with this affinity diagram.

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Free mind map diagram template

Better products start with better ideas. Brainstorm ideas with this mind map.

What is a customer journey map?

A customer journey map is a visual representation of the steps a customer takes when interacting with a product, service, or company. Journey mapping should include every individual touchpoint to fully understand the buyer persona, customer needs, and potential pain points. It's an effective tool for a variety of stakeholders, including customer service, marketing, product, and design teams dedicated to creating an optimal user experience.

Click here to learn more about how to make an effective customer journey map.

How do you create a customer journey map?

Our free template helps teams map out the entire customer journey.

Start by identifying your target customer - develop a buyer persona to understand their needs, pain points, and goals. Map out their journey, making sure to include every customer touchpoint. Identify key actions within each touchpoint, and evaluate if there are opportunities to optimize that customer interaction.

Further customize your customer journey map with specific details, especially after gathering data from multiple sources (including feedback forms, customer service data, and more). Test and validate your map as needed to ensure accuracy.

What are the benefits of using a customer journey map template?

Customer journey map templates help teams better understand customer behavior at each key touchpoint. In doing so, teams can address needs, create solutions for potential pain points within the buying process, and support overall customer retention efforts.

What are some tips for creating an effective customer journey map?

As part of this mapping experience, your goal should be to create an optimal customer experience. Some other tips include:

  • Use multiple sources of data (qualitative and quantitative) to accurately portray customer behavior. Review market research, social media comments, customer service queries, and more.
  • Get customer feedback to understand specific thought processes and feelings throughout different parts of their journey.
  • Review the map regularly and make updates as needed to reflect existing and potential customers (especially if your product or service offering has changed significantly).

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Customer journey map template

Think critically about your users' needs and motivations

customer journey map template free

Use the customer journey map template to better understand customer touchpoints, needs, motivations, and obstacles by illustrating the customer journey from start to finish. When possible, use this map to document and summarize interviews and observations with real people rather than relying on your hunches or assumptions.

Customer journey maps are a visual representation of a customer’s experience with a brand, product, or service. Journey maps often include key steps a customer takes, their interactions, goals, positive moments, negative moments, and more.

Journey maps are crucial for understanding the customer experience, allowing teams to understand what pain points users or customer experience, create better solutions for the end-user, reduce frustrations, and make areas of opportunity clear from the onset.

Customer journey maps help teams:

  • Step into a customer’s shoes and understand their perspective
  • Gain empathy to understand customer needs, perceptions, and overall experience
  • Identify problems and roadblocks that a customer may experience
  • Align with other team members and stakeholders to solve cross-functional problems

How to use the customer journey map template

Follow these step-by-step instructions to build a robust customer journey map from the template.

1. Establish your customer scenario

Choose a customer persona or segment that you want to understand, and decide on a specific scenario that your customer would find themselves in (i.e.: browsing, booking, attending, and rating a local city tour).

If possible, choose a user persona informed by customer data and user research. This prevents teams from making incorrect assumptions and ensures that your target audience benefit from any changes in the customer journey.

2. Define the steps your customer or buyer persona takes

What steps does the customer persona take during the scenario you defined? List out each step and describe any smaller steps that are involved. Think about what someone may experience during this step and what the desired future-state of that experience would be. 

Dig Deep: For each of the following sections, ask the following questions:

  • Entice : How does somebody initially become aware of this process? Where is the starting point?
  • Enter : What do potential customers experience as they begin the step or process?
  • Engage : In the core moments in the process, what happens?
  • Exit : What do people typically experience as the process ends?
  • Extend : What happens after the experience is over?

3. List the different interactions customers might have

Mention what interactions users face during each step of the process. This includes the people they see or talk to, where they are, and the digital touchpoints or physical influences used to move them into the funnel.

This could be anything from learning about a new product from a promoted social media post, to contacting customer support for an issue the user faces. Keep in mind that interactions and touchpoints can and should be different depending on where someone found you, or how they got to your website. 

4. Think about the customer’s goals and motivations

Step into the customer's shoes. For each step, what is the customer's primary goal or motivation? What can you do to fulfill their needs? For an emphasis on how your customer or user is feeling during the journey, an empathy map can help you tap into their thoughts and emotions.

5. Highlight the customer’s positive moments

List the steps users found enjoyable, productive, or motivating. Take inspiration from positive moments to improve weak areas. Positive moments can help you to gain a deeper understanding of your customers and how to communicate with them on other channels.

6. Consider a customer’s negative moments

List which steps the user found frustrating, angering, or time-consuming. Identifying pain points, in particular, helps to make changes and improve the user experience.

For more instructions, check out our guide to creating customer journey maps .

Tips for creating better customer journey maps

  • Use market research to guide your assumptions : Conduct surveys or interviews that ask customers how they came to learn about your company and how they interact with your brand. You may be surprised. Real customer interactions will make your journey map more accurate and successful.
  • Revisit and optimize the customer journey map : Your customer journey map will likely need to be updated and adjusted over time. Just as customers' wants, needs, and expectations change, so must your strategy.
  • Share the customer journey map with involved stakeholders : The user journey will likely span multiple efforts in your organization, so be sure to let stakeholders know if they can help make the buyer journey more customer-focused. ‍
  • Get real customer feedback : While you should be creating your customer journey map based on interviews and real-world data, try validating your assumptions by getting feedback from a customer on how accurate the user experience matches the different stages in your finished map.

How to create a Customer journey map template

Features to help you seamlessly map out your customer touchpoints.

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What is a customer journey map, what are some benefits of customer journey mapping, when would you want to create a customer journey map.

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Customer Journey Map Template

Free Resource

Feat Image - Customer Journey Template thumbnail

Outline your company's customer journey and experience with these 7 free customer journey map templates. 

This download includes 7 free customer journey map templates:.

  • Buyer's Journey Template
  • Current State Template
  • Lead Nurturing Mapping Template
  • Future State Template
  • A Day in the Customer's Life Template
  • Customer Churn Mapping Template
  • Customer Support Blueprint Template

LP Image 1 - HubSpots Customer Journey Map

Free Customer Journey Map Templates

Salespeople, marketers, and customer support professionals all benefit from better understanding their customers and buyer personas. One of the most effective ways to do that is with customer journey maps. 

Customer journey maps are an outline of a customer's experience and how your product incorporates into their lives. 

Given this new understanding, you can figure out where to make improvements to your product , marketing, and support process for a better customer experience.

Download the templates today to start mapping out your customer's experience with your product or service. 

What is a customer journey map?

A customer journey map, or journey map, is a visual representation of interactions people have with your brand. A good journey maps highlight moments of delight or pain customers of a brand experience pre and post sales. Using a templated customer journey map helps standardize how businesses can measure how different customer journeys can be improved.

How do I create a customer journey map template?

How to create a comprehensive customer journey map.

Start with your buyer persona. HubSpot provides a free "Make My Persona" tool if you don't have one. Map out buyer touchpoints with your business. This starts from how they found your business to how they left reviews. Analyze customer pain points. This could be through customer interviews or online negative reviews. Assign priorities to addressing customer pain points. Measure the impact of solving the customers' problems.

What are the elements of a customer journey?

Key elements of customer journey maps.

We created free templates that address personas, timelines, touchpoints, and other elements of great customer journey maps:

Why do I need to fill out the information requested?

We will always keep your personal information safe. We ask for your information in exchange for a valuable resource in order to (a) improve your browsing experience by personalizing the HubSpot site to your needs; (b) send information to you that we think may be of interest to you by email or other means; (c) send you marketing communications that we think may be of value to you. You can read more about our privacy policy  here .

Is this really free?

Absolutely . Just sharing some free knowledge that we hope you’ll find useful. Keep us in mind next time you have marketing questions!

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Easily create great, effective landing pages for free

Customer Journey Maps: How to Create Really Good Ones [Examples + Template]

Aaron Agius

Updated: April 17, 2024

Published: May 04, 2023

Did you know 70% of online shoppers abandoned their carts in 2022? Why would someone spend time adding products to their cart just to fall off the customer journey map at the last second?

person creating a customer journey map

The thing is — understanding your customer base can be very challenging. Even when you think you’ve got a good read on them, the journey from awareness to purchase for each customer will always be unpredictable, at least to some level.

Download Now: Free Customer Journey Map Templates

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While it isn’t possible to predict every experience with 100% accuracy, customer journey mapping is a convenient tool for keeping track of critical milestones that every customer hits. In this post, I’ll explain everything you need to know about customer journey mapping — what it is, how to create one, and best practices.

Table of Contents

What is the customer journey?

What is a customer journey map, benefits of customer journey mapping, customer journey stages.

  • What’s included in a customer journey map?

The Customer Journey Mapping Process

Steps for creating a customer journey map.

  • Types of Customer Journey Maps

Customer Journey Mapping Best Practices

  • Customer Journey Design
  • Customer Journey Map Examples

Free Customer Journey Map Templates

customer journey map template free

Free Customer Journey Template

Outline your company's customer journey and experience with these 7 free templates.

  • Buyer's Journey Template
  • Future State Template
  • Day-in-the-Life Template

Download Free

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Click this link to access this resource at any time.

The customer journey is the series of interactions a customer has with a brand, product, or business as they become aware of a pain point and make a purchase decision. While the buyer’s journey refers to the general process of arriving at a purchase, the customer journey refers to a buyer's purchasing experience with a specific company or service.

Customer Journey vs. Buyer Journey

Many businesses that I’ve worked with were confused about the differences between the customer’s journey and the buyer’s journey. The buyer’s journey is the entire buying experience from pre-purchase to post-purchase. It covers the path from customer awareness to becoming a product or service user.

In other words, buyers don’t wake up and decide to buy on a whim. They go through a process of considering, evaluating, and purchasing a new product or service.

The customer journey refers to your brand’s place within the buyer’s journey. These are the customer touchpoints where you will meet your customers as they go through the stages of the buyer’s journey. When you create a customer journey map, you’re taking control of every touchpoint at every stage of the journey instead of leaving it up to chance.

For example, at HubSpot, our customer’s journey is divided into three stages — pre-purchase/sales, onboarding/migration, and normal use/renewal.

hubspot customer journey map stages

3. Decision Stage

In the decision stage, customers have chosen a solution and are ready to buy.

During this stage, your brand should deliver a seamless purchase process to make buying products as easy as possible. I wouldn’t recommend any more educational or product content at this stage — it’s all about getting customers to make a purchase. That means you can be more direct about wanting customers to buy from you.

Decision-stage content may include:

  • Free demos.
  • Free consultations.
  • Product sign-up pages.
  • Pricing pages.
  • Product promotions (e.g., “Sign up now and save 30%”).

Decision-stage content may be delivered via customer touchpoints such as:

4. Retention Stage

In the retention stage, customers have purchased a solution and will stay with the company they purchased it from instead of switching to another provider.

During this stage, brands provide an excellent onboarding experience and ongoing customer service to ensure customers don’t churn. During the retention stage, you can rely on solicited data from customer surveys and questionnaires to continually refine and improve the customer experience and your customer journey map.

Retention-stage strategies may include:

  • Providing a dedicated customer success manager .
  • Making your customer service team easily accessible.
  • Creating a knowledge base in case customers ever run into a roadblock.

Retention-stage strategies may be delivered via customer touchpoints such as:

  • Live chat .
  • Social media .

5. Loyalty Stage

In the loyalty stage, customers not only choose to stay with a company but actively promote it to family, friends, and colleagues. This stage can also be called the advocacy stage.

During this phase, brands should focus on providing a fantastic end-to-end customer experience. This should span from your website content to your sales reps, your social media team, and your product’s UX.

Most importantly, customers become loyal when they’ve succeeded with your product — if it works, they’re more likely to recommend your brand to others. Loyal customers will also likely provide feedback and other solicited data to enrich your customer journey mapping strategy.

Loyalty-stage strategies may include:

  • Having an easy-to-navigate website.
  • Investing in your product team to ensure your product exceeds customer expectations.
  • Making it easy to share your brand with others via a loyalty or referral program .
  • Providing perks to continued customers, such as discounts.

Loyalty-stage strategies may be delivered via customer touchpoints such as:

  • Your products.

As a former customer support engineer at HubSpot, I can attest to the effectiveness of outstanding support in bolstering customer loyalty and moving customers from the retention to the loyalty stage. In my experience, one of the most gratifying experiences of working in support is knowing you’ve transformed a regular customer into a brand advocate by providing top-tier support and helping them succeed in their business goals using your product.

To find out whether your customers have reached the loyalty stage, try a Net Promoter Score survey . This simple question asks: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend?” You can use customer feedback software like Service Hub to deliver this survey.

Customer journey mapping is the process of creating a customer journey map — the visual representation of a company’s customer experience. It compiles a customer’s experience as they interact with a business and combines the information into a visual map.

This process aims to provide insights that help you understand how your customers experience their journeys and identify potential bottlenecks.

It’s also important to note that most customer journeys aren’t linear. Instead, buyers often experience a back-and-forth, cyclical, multi-channel journey.

Let’s look at the stages you should include in any customer journey.

What's included in a customer journey map?

  • The Buying Process
  • User Actions
  • User Research

1. The Buying Process

Stages of the buyer’s journey - awareness, consideration, and decision

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Outline your company's customer journey and experience with these 7 free customer journey map templates.

Service Hub provides everything you need to delight and retain customers while supporting the success of your whole front office

Edit a Customer Journey Map

Free Customer Journey Map Templates

Create customer journey maps to analyze the purchase path of your customers with the templates and examples of the online editor

Create a map to analyze, understand and communicate your customer's customer journey with editable online templates from

Customer Journey Map template example to edit online

What is a Customer Journey Map?

It is a visual scheme that serves to visualize the steps that your clients follow from when they discover your product or service until they are regular clients and even recommend it to other people.

It is very useful to see what contact points there are and therefore take them into account for possible analysis and improvement.

A Customer Journey Map consists of 3 very important initial phases (plus 2 other phases after the acquisition of your products or contracting your services):

  • Awareness (discovery). It is the moment when the potential customers discovers the existence of your product or service, which solves their problem or responds to their need.
  • Consideration. It is the phase in which the person evaluates and compares your proposal.
  • Acquisition (decides to purchase or not). It is the stage where he buys your product or hire your service (or decides not to and you lose this sales opportunity).
  • Service (experience) or consumption. The customer makes use or consumes what is purchased.
  • Loyalty or Advocady (retention and recommendation). The consumer repeats his experience, he is a satisfied customer and also prescribes your products and services to others like him.

Free customizable Customer Journey Map template with phases and touchpoints

Create a Customer Journey to analyze the contact points with your customers

Would you like to improve the shopping experience of your customers? Creating a Customer Journey Map will help you to be more aware of how many points of interaction with your company there are in each phase, with the aim of optimizing, modifying, eliminating or taking the appropriate action, with the objective to improve sales or the customer or user experience (UX).

The visualization of this map is a representation of the touchpoints with your company, and can be positive or generate friction.

To register the customers feedback for each touchpoint of the map is very practical to detect areas for improvement.

Do you want to create your own Customer Journey? Use the templates of our graphic editor to create how many versions you need for your startup or business. We explain as below.

Customer Journey Map editable template example for a restaurant

How to design an editable journey map

In a few minutes you can have your own personalized Customer Journey downloaded to your device.

Follow these steps:

  • Click on any image in this article to enter the editor
  • Select the Customer Journey Map template you want to edit
  • Customize the touchpoints and its text fields
  • Save changes online
  • Download your free custom graphic in JPG, PNG or PDF

Buyer customer map to edit online with touchpoints

Use editable Customer Journey templates to improve your marketing

What is a Customer Journey Map for? The key to this diagram is that you can activate it, it is to decide, it is a reflection of reality and therefore you can do tests by modifying the contact points.

We recommend that you make a new version every time you make a change in your company. Measuring the results will let you know which version works best. For example, you can create satisfaction surveys, or measure the results of sales conversion or even the evaluation of the consumer experience and thus know if it is improving or not.

Enter now the online editor and create your personalized Customer Journey Map for your business.

See the designs

Edit a Customer Journey Map

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Customer Journey Map Templates

Stunning customer journey map templates that can attract audiences

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What is Customer Journey Map?

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customer journey map template free

Fully Customizable

Customer journey map illustrates the relationship of a customer with a business over a period of time using storytelling technique and visual cues. Story are being told from the perspective of customer, which provides insights of the total experience from the customers, helping your get a better understanding and addresses customers' needs and pain points as they experience your product or service.

Visual Paradigm Online helps you design professional journey maps. All you need to do is to select a suitable certificate template and enter your own content! Worry about journey maps being borded and not modern enough? Don't worry! Visual Paradigm Online's Customer Journey Map maker provides a wealth of journey map templates and easy-to-use drag-and-drop design tools. You can quickly create journey maps you want even without any experience!

Visual Paradigm Online allows you to customize your own journey map template, too. The Visual Paradigm Online asset library contains millions photos, icons, shapes, clipart and other graphical assets that are in high quality yet free! There are also hundreds of fonts to choose from.

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3 Steps of a successful Customer Journey Map – free template included


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If you’re in the 50% of the organizations planning to invest more in customer experience innovations, the first step is identifying the key touchpoints on your customer’s journey. Once you’ve identified those touchpoints, you can analyze each of them, identifying room for improvement to ultimately boost your customer retention.

Understanding the customer journey becomes much easier when laid out visually . This is where a customer journey map template comes into play. Use our free template and read on for a simple guide on how to complete it online.

What is the Customer Journey? [2023 updated]

A customer journey is a roadmap that highlights all the experiences a customer has when interacting with your company. This journey documents the full experience of being a customer. It starts with initial awareness all the way through to post-purchase retention and every side-step, backtrack and hurdle in between.

Generating a positive customer experience boils down to ensuring that they have an equally positive experience at every moment. Just one negative experience can undo other positive experiences throughout the journey.

What is a customer journey map?

The customer journey map is a visual story-telling aid that maps the experience of customers. Gain a better understanding of the buying experience by visualizing it through the eyes of your customers.

Use the map to illustrate the customer’s attitudes and feelings at each touchpoint. This information can be sourced from customer satisfaction surveys, customer support tickets and emails, product or feature requests, group discussions, or from staff who deal with customers regularly.

How to create a customer journey map using a template

There are a few important steps you need to take before you start filling in the template, to ensure your map is as accurate as possible.

Use template

Step 1: Information Gathering

Gather information you’ve already gathered through user research or feedback surveys. If you find that your data is lacking, delay your mapping until you have collected some more relevant, complete data through surveys or staff feedback.

This data is used to:

  • Identify the main touchpoints at each of the five stages
  • Gain preliminary insights and feedback
  • Create a list of actions performed by your customer at each stage

Step 2: Create a user persona

A user persona is a fictional character that represents the goals and behaviors of your average user. If you haven’t created one yet, t his article will guide you through the process. You should include basic demographic information, as well as a description of their needs and goals, uses of your products, and pain points.

Step 3: Begin mapping

Now it’s time to open the customer journey map template and begin filling it in.

Sections of the customer journey map template

We’ve created a simple, easy-to-use collaborative template that you can use to create your own customer journey map.

The template is broken down into the five key stages on the customer journey:

  • Awareness: advertising, social media, blogs, and emails.
  • Consideration: website, FAQs, sales
  • Acquisition: homepage layout, customer service, product range, photography quality, 
  • Service: personalization, chat-bot interactions, load speed, payment options, packaging, postage, product quality and price.
  • Retention: product quality, follow-up offers, loyalty memberships, returns process, reviews.

Pro tip: Run a quick Google search of your business to see all the pages that mention you. Then check your Google Analytics to see where your traffic is coming from.

Within each of these stages, you should consider the following questions in order to fully understand your customers.

Customer goals

What do users want to accomplish in this stage?

Customer actions

Describe which actions users need to do to reach the goals.

Touchpoints and channels

How do users get information to make a decision or reach goals?

Customer thoughts

What are users thinking or expecting during these actions?

Overall customer experience

What are the users’ feelings in this stage? (e.g.: happy, frustrated)

Pain points

What are the problems or negative experiences that users are facing in this stage?

Opportunities to improve

How can we help users to reach the goal? Identify opportunities that could be improved or insights.

Understanding the typical customer journey and being able to communicate it visually will greatly improve not only the experience of the customer but also your products and services.

Example of a customer journey map

Using the customer journey map template, we’ve created an example of the typical customer journey in an e-commerce store. Check it out below and use it to inspire your customer journey.

Customer Journey Map with example

Now you’ve created your customer journey map in Conceptboard, share it with your marketing and sales departments, customer service staff, managers and key stakeholders. Anyone who is involved with customers has the ability to act on this information to improve your customers experience .

Keep learning

If you’re interested in learning more about customer experience, read about the Customer Persona ,  Customer Empathy Map and the Value Proposition canvas .

Conceptboard is the perfect canvas for your team to collaborate together on, wherever you are in the world. Give it a try for free today.

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5 Comments . Leave new

Thank you. Customer Journey map is great tool. How can I get this map as template in Conceptboard?

Hi there, I am glad you found this article very useful! Unfortunately, I cannot make this board public, so you cannot use this as a template. Definitely a good idea to keep in mind for future articles. Thanks!

I just wanted to let you know that this board can now be found as a template. Check out the Mapping out a Customer Journey: Part 2 + Template blog post and find the template! Try it out and let me know what you think!

Thanks a lot for posting this. I found this very informative. Excellent job.

Very insightful as well as reflective. Well said and very helpful tips.! Thank you so much!

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Customer journey map

This basic customer journey map template can help you:

  • Visualize the journey a customer takes with a product or service.
  • Map out different customer touchpoints.
  • Collaborate with colleagues.

Open this template to view a detailed example of a basic customer journey map that you can customize to your use case.

Customer journey map example

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  1. What is a Customer Journey Map? [Free Templates]

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  3. Customer Journey Map Template

    Create a visual representation of how customers experience your brand and company across all its touchpoints. Use Miro's free template to map out user personas, goals, touchpoints, emotions, pain points, and solutions.

  4. Free Customer Journey Map Template

    Use FigJam's online whiteboard to plot your ideal customer journey from first to final touchpoints. Capture your customer personas, touchpoints, emotions, and barriers with shapes, connectors, widgets, and audio tools.

  5. FREE Customer Journey Map Template (with guide and examples)

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  7. Customer journey map template

    Use this template to create a visual diagram of your customer's experience with your brand, product, or service. Learn how to define customer scenarios, steps, interactions, goals, and moments with tips and examples.

  8. Free Customer Journey Map Template [Download Now]

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  10. Free Customer Journey Map Templates

    Create and customize your own customer journey maps with editable online templates from Learn what a customer journey map is, how to design it and why it is useful for your business.

  11. 150+ Best Customer Journey Map Templates and Examples

    Find the perfect template for your customer journey map from over 150 options, organized by type and use case. Learn what a customer journey map is, how to create one, and see examples of different formats and styles.

  12. Free Customer Journey Map & Persona Templates

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  13. 11 Free Customer Journey Map Templates

    These templates can help businesses better understand their customer's experience, and make data-driven decisions to improve it. Because every business's customer journey will look a bit different, we've rounded up 11 of our favorite journey templates for various use cases. 1. ClickUp Customer Journey Map Template.

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  15. Free Customer Journey Map Templates

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  16. 8 Free Customer Journey Mapping Templates and Examples

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  17. Customer Journey Map

    Sections of the customer journey map template. We've created a simple, easy-to-use collaborative template that you can use to create your own customer journey map. The template is broken down into the five key stages on the customer journey: Awareness: advertising, social media, blogs, and emails. Consideration: website, FAQs, sales.

  18. Customer journey map

    This basic customer journey map template can help you: Visualize the journey a customer takes with a product or service. Map out different customer touchpoints. Collaborate with colleagues. Open this template to view a detailed example of a basic customer journey map that you can customize to your use case. Use this template.

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  20. Customer journey map template

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