The Seven Best South Africa

The Seven Best African Train Journeys For 2024

When it comes to travelling Africa, we don’t typically think of the train as a reliable transportation method. With that being said, there’s something pretty majestic about sitting on an old-fashioned train with a glass of wine, taking in the African landscape and watching the world go by. Perhaps it’s time to consider an alternative way to travel and here at The Seven Best, we think this might just be the way to go. So, without further ado, here are some of the best African train journeys to do in 2022:

1. Tangier to Casablanca, Morocco, Al Boraq

unsplash morocco casablanca landscape

Courtesy of Unsplash

Known as the first bullet train of Africa, the Moroccan Al Boraq train is a real bucket list item. Travelling between the coastal city, Tangier and business hub of Casablanca, Al Boraq covers this typical five-hour journey in just 90 minutes. First-class cabins are all designed with modern finishes in place, along with air-conditioned cabins and plenty of legroom, making for a thoroughly enjoyable – and easy – train ride through the everchanging landscapes of  Morocco; and one of the best African train journeys to experience.

To book a ticket:

2. Metlaoui to Seldja Gorge, Tunisia, Red Lizard Train

red lizard train gorge Best African Train Journeys

Courtesy of Mosaic North Africa/Red Lizard Train

If you’re visiting Tunisia, it’s a great idea to make a trip on the Red Lizard Train a must-do. Departing from Metlaoi three times a week, this train takes you on one of the best African train journeys through breathtaking scenery and dusty, mountainous valleys, instilling some nostalgia due to its feature in the movie: “ Indiana Jones, The Last Crusade.”  The Red Lizard has been tastefully restored, reminiscent of antique French decor to offer its guests a truly memorable adventure through the red rocks of the Seldja Gorge; a national Tunisian treasure.

Book a ticket:

3. Nairobi to Mombasa, Kenya, Jambo Kenya Deluxe

jambo kenya train interior

Courtesy of Jambo Kenya Deluxe

When most travellers recall the route from Nairobi to Mombasa, cramped buses or noisy planes filled with eager travellers to reach their destination quickly come to mind. You’ll be delighted to know there’s a third – and unique – option; the Jambo Kenya Deluxe ! Taking its passengers from Kenya’s capital on a relaxed overnight train journey to the coast, this train is a far more favourable option if time is on your side. The added bonus? Spend your time on one of the best African train journeys spotting zebras, giraffes and ostriches across the Savanna; whilst delighting in some luxury cuisine and top-quality wines.

Book a ticket:

4. Livingstone to Victoria Falls Bridge, Zambia, Royal Livingstone Express

girl looking out of a train

Courtesy of Bush Tracks Africa/Royal Livingstone Express

Take a trip back in time to when steam trains were at their finest with an unforgettable experience on board the Royal Livingstone Express. This nostalgic train has been restored to the best quality, with five carriages of high-quality leather and brass finishes, ready to satisfy any traveller. Get on board in Livingstone, watch the sunset on the Zambezi River Valley as you pass through the ever-changing Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park whilst sipping on a glass of local wine. Here you’ll reach the Victoria Falls Bridge, where you’ll dine in style under the stars. Enjoy your dinner on one of the best African train journeys whilst listening to (and witnessing) one of the most mesmerizing waterfalls in the world; Victoria Falls.

Book a ticket:

Check out The Seven Best Reasons To Visit South Africa here

5. Pretoria to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Rovos Rail

rovos rail train to zimbabwe Best African Train Journeys

Courtesy of Rovos Rail

Rovos Rail is possibly the most well-known luxury train franchise in Africa, and for good reason. With trains visiting Southern African countries on a regular basis, along with a 15-day itinerary to Tanzania, Rovos Rail are experts at providing a memorable train experience. The four-day trip from South Africa’s capital, Pretoria to the Zimbabwean side of Victoria Falls is the perfect introduction to luxury train travel, with quintessentially restored coaches, along with a one-of-a-kind dining area. A ticket on any of their trips includes accommodation, meals and beverages – even alcohol! Although, the views are by far the best part of one of the best African train journeys around.

Book a ticket:

6. South Africa to Namibia, Southern Africa, Shongololo Express

double room on the shongololo express

Courtesy of Shongololo Express

If you’re looking for a more opulent train experience, the Shongololo Express through Southern Africa is the train for you. Ranging from 12 to 15-day itineraries, the Shongololo Express offers travel across South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Eswatini (Swaziland) and Zimbabwe. With a total of 72 guests allowed on board, the train offers guests Emerald or Gold en-suite cabins, with just a slight difference in what each option offers. The African Trilogy trip from South Africa starts in the capital, Pretoria, travels through the plains of eSwatini (a former province of South Africa-come-independent-country) and ends in the whale-spotters dream of Walvis Bay, Namibia.

Book a ticket:

7. Cape Town to Pretoria, South Africa, Blue Train

blue train south africa

Courtesy of The Times UK

Last but certainly not least on the best African train journeys to experience is the iconic Blue Train; South Africa’s luxury train experience. Dating back to 1923, the Blue Train has received frequent facelifts to keep with the times – and its luxurious indigo status. Travelling between Cape Town and Pretoria, this elite train includes two lounge carriages, a dining and observation carriage, with some of the better en-suite cabins complete with a full-sized bath… To soak up the scenery with, of course! Dubbed as a five-star hotel on wheels, the Blue Train is kitted out with some of South Africa’s top chefs serving you award-winning cuisine as you observe the wild African landscape pass you by from your gold-rimmed window.

Book a ticket:

There we have it! The best African train journeys the continent has to offer. Let us know your favourite train experience in the comments – we’d love to hear about it!

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The Most Scenic Train Journeys Across Africa

Traveling Across South Africa, Cameroon, Egypt, and More

great african rail journeys

Cammaert / Flickr / CC BY 2.0

Train travel is an option that may not be favored by everybody, but when you compare it to flying, you will certainly get more beautiful views when you travel by railway than you will high above the ground.

Trains also provide a good way of getting from place to place without having to go through customs and the usual security checks. Not to mention, they usually provide a more relaxing travel experience than flying.

On these train trips in Africa, not only will you get to travel between the country's destinations, but you will have some wonderful views to enjoy from the window as you travel.

Johannesburg to Cape Town, South Africa

Neil Austen / Getty Images

While the Blue Train may be the most famous train in South Africa , you don't need to pay the big bucks to enjoy this scenery. The Shosholoza Meyl trains follow the same lines, are much more affordable, and still perfectly safe. The iconic views of Table Mountain are just a part of the attractions here, with the beautiful wine region around the Cape offering some lovely scenery to enjoy too.

Yaounde to Ngaoundere, Cameroon

This is quite a long journey that takes around 17 hours when running on time, and reveals some of the fascinating cultures around trains, with the vendors carrying trays of fruit and food on their heads at each stop. The route passes through some beautiful scenery, with rolling hills and the greenery of the forests along much of the route. While it may not be the most modern of trains, it is undoubtedly the best way to carry out this journey.

Cairo to Aswan, Egypt

Rudolf Baumann / Flickr / CC BY 2.0

This is a stunning line that follows the route of the Nile for much of the way, and the views of herds of camels , along with the stark contrast between the greenery around the Nile and the desert elsewhere, makes for a visually stunning trip. The one hiccup with this route is that tourists cannot purchase tickets for the daytime trains at the station, only for the more expensive overnight sleeper train. This meaning you either have to be purchased online in advance or purchased from the conductor on the train.

Umgeni Steam Railway, South Africa

Marion Boddy-Evans

This preserved railway has been running in the KwaZulu Natal National Park for over 25 years, and it is certainly one of the most interesting ways to see the superb scenery of this national park. The train is pulled behind a historic steam engine and runs from the station at Kloof to Inchaga. There are some very steep sections along the line as it climbs through the 1000 Hills region, and you can see the train having to work to pull the vintage coaches up the hills.

Nairobi to Mombasa, Kenya

sharjah / WikiMedia Commons / CC BY 2.0

Few journeys have such a contrast between the two destinations like this one, as you drop over 5,000 feet from Nairobi in the mountains to the tropical heat of Mombasa, which lies at under 100 feet above sea level. Along the route, the train passes through beautiful open areas, and it is common to spot giraffes, ostriches, impala, and so many other species as you travel.

Bulawayo to the Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Louise Grubb / Getty Images

This train runs with some historic rolling stock from the 1950s. It does show some of the neglect caused by the economic situation in Zimbabwe. First-class sleeping compartments are quite affordable for most international visitors.

It is the experience that makes this route special, and as it is an overnight train, the sunrise as you travel across the plains towards the falls is sensational. You can spot all kinds of wildlife while also seeing the spray of the falls rising on the horizon.

Metlaoui to Redeyef, Tunisia

felinebird / Flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

This is a seasonal train that travels a stunning route through the Selja Gorge and includes plenty of wonderful views of the Atlas Mountains too. The train was once the property of the Bey of Tunis but has now been adapted to hold tourists. Tourists flock to this line precisely because of the beautiful views throughout the route. Originally built to transport phosphates from these mountains, it now offers a very different service.

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This Luxurious African Train Trip Takes You From South Africa to Zimbabwe on Vintage Railcars — Here's What It's Like

Rovos Rail has a fleet of six full trains traveling 11 different itineraries throughout Africa.

Chris Wallace is a New York-based writer and photographer. He recently published his first book, "Twentieth-Century Man," about the late artist Peter Beard. His work has been featured in The New York Times, The Financial Times , and other publications.

great african rail journeys

Courtesy of Rovos Rail

That first morning aboard the Rovos Rail, opening the blinds of my cabin to see nothing but bush as far as the hills on the horizon, is something I will never forget. As thrilling as was the process of boarding, with all of the brass-band-festivity at the company’s Pretoria station in South Africa (complete with sparkling wine and a bevy of resident peacocks swirling around to see us off), it was this sensation of crawling awake — maybe it was the sounds of a wizened old acacia tree scratching by, or the rhythmic shunt of the track that did it — to find that we were fully on safari, on a train, that stayed with me throughout the journey.

Like any good Agatha Christie novel, my trip started at a grand hotel in town, in my case, the Four Seasons Westcliff, in Johannesburg, where we met the suspects or other travelers bound for the train. Sitting on the hotel’s deck overlooking the city's trees, all rusting into gold with the autumn, and spying on elephants at the zoo, the game of guessing at the backstories of your fellow travelers began in earnest. And this is one of my favorite parts of traveling, I must say, the sly way of soft-meeting people, just by being in their company, in a casual but concentrated way, getting to know their behavior, their likes and dislikes and things, before you’ve even properly met.

The next stage, of course, is the introduction at the station in Pretoria, amid the peacocks and Champagne and the hustle and bustle of porters loading our luggage into compartments. Soon after, though, I was utterly lost in the experience of the train itself, in the nostalgically rickety-ness of locomotion, in the feeling of being in a rolling reenactment of "Out of Africa." The tartan upholstery on the couches in the lounge cars and the slightly frilly, chintzy decor make the communal areas feel a bit like gentlemen’s clubs of yore; the daintiness of the dining cars, like something out of a doll house kit or a film set — which is to say, 100 percent my jam.

Once on board, of course, there is a bit of a frenzy — for me, anyway — to sort of mentally map the train, to walk its length, explore all the nooks and crannies, to get a sense of its movement, the physical and structural narrative of the train, if you will, and how and when each of the vignettes might best be seen, when they might come to life, or fall comfortingly quiet.

The first gathering for aperitifs is always quite fun because of the overwhelming excitement in the air and the sort of brittle energy as people bounce off walls and furniture, having the best time of their lives with the whole trip ahead of them. It is fun to reflect on this moment once we have all learned to sway and dance with the train's rhythm, when the edges of our anticipation have smoothed, and we are all on the same tune.

I watch with growing warmth a family of particularly rigid and cantankerous riders, at first alarmed and angered at every shunt and jostle of the train’s movement, gradually go to jelly over the first couple of days, finally moving through the cars like happy Jamiroquai.

Rovos Rail was started by (and named for) Rohan Vos, who built the first series of cars in 1987 as a personal caravan, with room for an office and a gym, and cabins for his family as they moved around Southern Africa. Financial and transit necessity compelled him to make the train available for paying passengers shortly after and, as the company celebrated its 35th anniversary at the time of my ride, there are six full trains (which can accommodate up to 72 passengers), making 11 different itineraries, spanning 10 countries.

The cars making up each of the trains were mostly built between 1911 and 1938. Though they have been elaborately refurbished and modernized (including USB ports), the vintage romance of train travel is at the heart of the company’s mission.

As Vos’s daughter, who now runs the company, told us as she welcomed us onboard and reminded us of the dress codes, cell phones, and other electronics were not allowed in communal areas, as the idea was to connect with the experience and disconnect from... everything else. (I think it was only me (making videos of the train with my phone) who flagrantly broke the prohibition — everyone else willingly gave themselves over to the spellbinding enchantment of the ride.)

As a personal aside, it seems weird to say, but without cell service, internet, emails, and Instagram, and that constant wave of anxiety and information coming out of them, I realized just how tired I was (always am?), and slept like the dead on the train.

Not that it was all on the train! My journey from Pretoria to Victoria Falls made many stops for excursions and activities, including incredible game drives through Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe and the cartoon landscape of giant granite boulders in Matobo National Park before rolling into the legitimate wonder of the world that is Victoria Falls.

Once I arrived there, in Livingstone, I traveled across to the Zambia side of the falls and checked into the absolute fantasia that is The Royal Livingstone Hotel, where giraffes walked with me to the gym, and zebras milled about by the pool and looked back at my notes for the trip.

All of them are about the same as this, from the last afternoon aboard the train:

I just want to remember this moment. Reading "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" in the bar car of the Rovos Rail, chugging along toward Vic Falls, drinking a Negroni, snacking on chili biltong in my linen suit and Kim Jones shirt. A life highlight. How does someone get so lucky?

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Rovos Rail, Outeniqua Mountains

Great African Rail Adventure

24 day city, rail & beach holiday – from £6029, with flights from £7209.

A truly unique African adventure, traversing South Africa and Zimbabwe by train before flying to Kenya for a rail safari and Indian Ocean beach stay.


  • Explore the city sights of Cape Town
  • Travel on the luxurious Rovos Rail to Pretoria, then Victoria Falls
  • Visit two Kenya National Parks on the Madaraka Express
  • Look out for the ‘Big Five’ on Hwange, Amboseli and Tsavo game drives
  • Enjoy a private tour of Victoria Falls and intimate Zambezi sunset cruise

Your Itinerary

You can customise your holiday by adding extra nights or destinations. Just let us know what you would like to do.

Clifton Beach, South Africa

Day 1 to 3 – Cape Town

On arrival into Cape Town you will be met and transferred to the luxurious Table Bay Hotel for a three night stay. Enjoy the hotel’s excellent location amongst the popular Victoria & Alfred Waterfront area with its many shops, restaurants and other attractions.

You will have plenty of time over the coming days to explore the ‘Mother City’ with its scenic Table Mountain backdrop. For some ideas of what to do see and do in this beautiful city and its region, see our South Africa experiences page.

Table Bay Hotel

Traversing Hex River Valley

Day 4 – Cape Town

Your 1,600 kilometre journey commences this afternoon from Cape Town, a city cradled by the iconic Table Mountain. The journey continues through spectacular mountain ranges and lush vineyards of the Western Cape. Passing through Worcester in the Hex River Valley, the train climbs over 750 metres up the face of the escarpment, before passing through a series of tunnels on the pass, the last being an impressive 13 kilometres long.

Matjiesfontein Rovos Rail excursion

Day 5 – Matjiesfontein

After breakfast, arrive in the historic village of Matjiesfontein where there is an opportunity to take a stroll through the quaint village with historic buildings including the Lord Milner Hotel. There is also a museum on the platform with a collection of historic cars and railway carriages.

Continue through the stark and barren beauty of the Great Karoo, a semi-desert region that was once an enormous inland sea.  Enjoy the company of your fellow guests amidst the elegant surrounding of your Rovos Rail train.

Lounge Car, Rovos Rail

Day 6 – Karoo & Kimberley

This morning, arrive at Kimberley where you will enjoy a visit to the Diamond Mine Museum and the Big Hole. Capital of the Northern Cape, the town is well known for the discovery of diamonds that led to its establishment in 1871. The Big Hole to this day remains as one of the world’s largest man-made excavations.

Lunch is served as the train continues north-east towards klerksdorp and the broad grassland plains of the Highveld that were once the centre of South Africa’s goldrush.

Your chosen Pretoria hotel

Pretoria City

Day 7 – Pretoria

Arrive into Pretoria, one of South Africa’s capital cities and have the rest of the day to relax and enjoy the facilities of your hotel.

Rovos Rail in North West Province

Day 8 – Pretoria & Limpopo Province

This morning depart Pretoria on your northbound journey aboard Rovos Rail. Travel through the towns of Warmbaths, named after its mineral waters and then Nylstroom, which was once believed to be the source of the Nile by the Voortrekkers. Passing along the escarpment of Limpopo Province, the train then crosses the Tropic of Capricorn towards the Zimbabwean border.

Deluxe Suite, Rovos Rail

Day 9 – Zimbabwe

Your luxury rail journey crosses the South Africa – Zimbabwe border at Beitbridge and continues through the Zimbabwean landscape towards Bulawayo for its overnight stop.

Elephant, Hwange National Park

Day 10 – Hwange National Park

Experience one of the world’s longest stretches of straight railway line as you skirt the eastern edge of the famous Hwange National Park between Gwaai and Dete. This afternoon, enjoy an exciting game drive to seek out the park’s prolific game which includes impressive elephant herds, prides of lion and a wild dog population.

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Day 11 to 13 – Victoria Falls

Arrive into Victoria Falls station, where you will be transferred to the historic Victoria Falls Hotel for a three night stay.

A private tour of the Falls has been included where you will be amazed by the sheer volume of water plunging into the gorge below, then enjoy an unforgettable Zambezi sunset cruise on the small and intimate Ra Ikane boat.

Victoria Falls Hotel

Zebras In Front Of The City, Nairobi

Day 14 – Arrive Nairobi

Transfer to the airport for your flight to Nairobi which will take you from Southern to Eastern Africa. On arrival, transfer to your Nairobi hotel which begins the Kenya Rail Safari .

Eka Hotel, Nairobi

Madaraka Express Train Mtito Andei

Day 15 – Amboseli

This morning transfer to the modern Nairobi Terminus Station on the outskirts of the city for the 0820 departure aboard the Madaraka Express train.

Inaugurated in 2017, this modern rail service travels along the new Nairobi to Mombasa standard gauge rail line. You will travel in the comfort of First Class with recliner seats and plenty of leg room and there is an informal dining car where snacks and drinks can be purchased. The journey to Emali takes around 1.5 hours so you can sit back, relax and enjoy the Kenyan countryside as it rolls past. A vehicle from  Serena Amboseli Lodge  will be waiting at the station to transfer you into Amboseli National Park.

Lunch is served at the lodge, before heading off on an exciting game drive to seek out the large herds of elephants with the ever present scenic splendour of Mt. Kilimanjaro forming a backdrop. Return to the lodge as the sun sets where this evening you will enjoy a bush barbeque dinner.

Amboseli Serena Lodge, Amboseli

Elephants, Tsavo East National Park

Day 16 – Tsavo

There is another chance to spot some wildlife on a morning game drive, before transferring by road to Tsavo West National Park, arriving in time for lunch at the  Kilaguni Serena Lodge . Enjoy some time to relax, before an afternoon game drive. Tsavo has an impressive variety of wildlife including the Big 5 and numerous bird species and a visit will be made to Mzima Springs where you may see hippos in the lagoon and other game.

Kilaguni Serena Lodge, Tsavo West

Diani Beach, Mombasa

Day 17 to 23 – Mombasa

Your Kenya Rail Safari finishes this afternoon with a transfer from the station to your luxury Mombasa beachfront Hotel. The Serena Beach Resort will provide a relaxing place to unwind after your rail adventure with its excellent range of facilities and superb service.

Serena Beach Resort

Snorkel On The Beach, Mombasa

Day 24 – Farewell

Today, enjoy the beach one last time before transferring to the airport for your flight home.


Karoo & kimberley, pretoria & limpopo province, hwange national park, day 11 to 13, arrive nairobi, day 17 to 23, this holiday includes, flights & more.

Ask your FREEDOM Consultant to include Economy, Premium or Business Class flights for a complete ABTA and ATOL protected package.

They can also add extra nights and experiences in places you choose, to create the exact holiday you are looking for. Popular options include:

  • Extra nights in Cape Town, Victoria Falls or by the Indian Ocean
  • A day tour to the Cape of Good Hope or Robben Island

Please get in touch with our Africa Experts to start planning your holiday. You’ll have a single point of contact from your first enquiry through booking.

Guide prices shown are per person based on two people sharing standard accommodation and include full ABTA/ATOL protection. Prices vary according to season and standard of accommodation chosen.

Great African Rail Adventure Map

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Welcome to Rovos Rail

Great southern africa train adventures.


Since its establishment in 1989, Rovos Rail has earned an international reputation for its truly world-class travel experiences. Bespoke train safaris through the heart of Africa combine magnificent scenery with the glamour and excitement of the golden age of leisure travel. In a series of journeys lasting from 48 hours to 15 nights, Rovos Rail links some of the continent’s greatest destinations with a variety of off-train excursions. The beautifully rebuilt wood-panelled trains, which may be hauled by diesel or electric locos, each carry a maximum of 72 passengers in 36 superbly appointed suites and are also available for charter , while the Events Train caters for up to 250 guests and is suitable for daytime journeys. Create itineraries by combining our short and long journeys and receive discounts or explore our specials and collections that link our journeys with other entertaining products.

We look forward to welcoming you on board.


Rediscover the old pioneering trail of the Karoo on this 3-night journey

Durban Safari

Venture into the heart of the South African bushveld on this 2-night safari

Victoria Falls

A 3/4-night meander to see one of the natural wonders of the world

Golf Safari

An exciting 9-night kaleidoscope of golf and scenic beauty (and non-golfing)

Namibia Safari

Explore untamed deserts and the wild Atlantic on this incredible 11-night safari

Southern Cross

An 11-night panoramic journey through South Africa, eSwatini, Mozambique and Zimbabwe

African Collage

A 12-night tapestry of landscape, game, history and culture covering South Africa

African Trilogy

A spectacular 15-night meander across the continent from the mountainous east to the deserts of the west

Dar es Salaam

Embark on this epic 15-night voyage across Southern Africa

Copper Trail

14 nights uniting a natural wonder of the world with the famous copper trail

Trail of Two Oceans

A pioneering 15-night east-west African adventure


Create extraordinary itineraries combining our short and long journeys


Discover our variety of special collections for guests travelling Southern Africa

Private Hire

See our bespoke offerings for private and corporate train safaris


© Rovos Rail. 2024. Built & maintained by TYL

Call Us: +44 (0)20 8191 0620   |  Email Us: [email protected]

The Luxury train Travel Company

Luxury Africa Train Holidays & Train Tours in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania & Namibia

Explore southern africa by luxury train.

We think there are few more romantic or exotic luxury rail experiences that cruising through the vast scenery of Africa from the comfort of a luxurious cabin. Our African rail tours combine this experience with stops at some of the continents most famous safari parks making these journeys unique.

Do something wonderfully unique and nourish your soul in the sheer opulence afforded you on a South Africa train holiday in 2024. These magnificent South Africa rail holidays take in South Africa, Tanzania, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Zambia, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean, allowing for lifelong memories to be created on the best luxury trains South Africa has. From deluxe suites and excellent service to excursions and overnight stays, African train trips offer a fantastic experience for everyone!

Southern Africa Rail Tours

Just click on any of the tours listed below to open up or download a PDF file with the tour’s full details including dates and pricing.

● Please remember that booking as far ahead as you can in advance is essential for these trains ●

13 Nights From UK £ 6,710 / US $ 9,400

Contact us for quotes in other currencies


2 Nights From SA Rand ZAR 40,035

Pretoria ● Kimberley ● Cape Town

Cape Town ● Kimberley ● Pretoria

14 Nights From US $ 13,600

Eastbound | Lobito In Angola To Dar Es Salaam In Tanzania Via Democratic Republic Of Congo & Zambia

Westbound | Dar Es Salaam In Tanzania To Lobito In Angola Via Zambia & The Democratic Republic Of Congo

15 Nights From US $ 13,600

Cape Town In South Africa To Dar Es Salaam In Tanzania Passing Through Botswana, Zimbabwe & Zambia En Route

16 Nights From US $ 16,500

Dar Es Salaam In Tanzania To Cape Town In South Africa Passing Through Zambia, Zimbabwe & Botswana Along The Way

14 Nights From US $ 14,950

Back for 2025, travel the Copper Trail route from Lobito in Angola to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe passing through the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia along the way.

Superb adventure back for 2025 from the impressive Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe to Lobito in Angola following the Copper Trail through Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo.

15 Nights From ZAR Rand 206,000

Pretoria To Walvis Bay | Luxury Rail Journey Through South Africa & Namibia

11 Nights From ZAR Rand 165,000

Pretoria To Walvis Bay | South Africa & Namibia – Etosha Pan & Sossusvlei

Walvis Bay To Pretoria | Namibia & South Africa – Etosha Pan & Sossusvlei

11 Nights From ZAR Rand 135,000

Northbound | Pretoria To Victoria Falls Through South Africa, Mozambique & Zimbabwe

11 Nights from ZAR Rand 135,000

Southbound | Victoria Falls To Pretoria Through South Africa, Mozambique & Zimbabwe

12 Nights From ZAR Rand 138,000

Eastbound | A Journey Through South Africa From Cape Town To Pretoria * Includes Golfing options *

Westbound | A Journey Through South Africa From Pretoria To Cape Town * Includes Golfing options *

9 Nights From ZAR Rand 91,000

Westbound | A Round trip Journey from Pretoria and back designed for golfers and non-golfers.

3 Nights From ZAR Rand 44,300

From Pretoria to the spectacular falls including a Safari in Hwange National Park.

4 Nights From ZAR Rand 44,300

From Pretoria to the spectacular falls including Safaris in Hwange National Park and Matobo Hills.

From the spectacular Falls to Pretoria including a Safari in Hwange National Park.

Westbound | From the spectacular Falls to Pretoria including Safaris in Hwange National Park and Matobo Hills.

3 Nights From ZAR Rand 34,500

Southbound | Journey across South Africa from the Capital to Cape Town via Kimberley Diamond mines.

Northbound | Journey across South Africa from Cape Town to the Capital via Kimberley Diamond mines.

2 Nights From ZAR Rand 31,200

Southbound | Journey across the high veld including a game drive before reaching the coast at Durban.

Northbound | Start on the coast heading north to the capital of Pretoria with a game drive and more along the way.

Be Amazed by the Sheer Decadence of our Luxury South Africa Train Tours for 2024 & 2025

All of these luxury train trips in South Africa provide guests with the peak of extravagance and comfort while on board. Savour South African train trips from your deluxe air-conditioned suite with an en suite bathroom with a separate shower. Rejuvenate from double or twin beds, order room service, and take in the rolling hills and spectacular scenery as you meander across the continent, reminiscent of a bygone era on these South Africa luxury train journeys.

Immerse yourself in the journey of a lifetime on one of our meticulously curated train vacations in South Africa. With hand-picked itineraries and sumptuously appointed trains, including the Rovos Rail , the Shongololo Express, and the African Explorer , a train holiday in South Africa will take you through incredible parts of this continent. You can absorb the atmosphere and beauty from the observation car while sipping a glass of champagne and relax in luxury with Rovos rail holidays.

Africa Regional Highlights

The following highlights of the Southern Africa region can be visited on our luxury rail tours and offer world class experiences.

south africa cape town


One of the world’s most stunningly located cities and the start or finish of many of our African luxury train adventures.

nambia etosha pan

Prolific wildlife can be seen at this world renown National park in Namibia famous for its watering holes that abound with game.

nambia fish river canyon

Namibia’s answer to America’s Grand Canyon – epic landscape makes Fish River Canyon one of the spectacles of the world.

nambia namib desert

Stark beauty abounds in the vast Namib desert. Vast landscapes and a surprising amount of wildlife can be seen from your train.

nambia sossusvlei

A surreal landscape in the desert where the star is a forest of long dead trees that provide endless photographic opportunities.

nambia windhoek

Namibia’s Capital city has some interesting architecture and museums and is compact enough to walk around in the centre.

Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Tanzania’s main city and most important train terminus. Also the start point for a trip to the island of Zanzibar as an add-on.

Selous Reserve Tanzania

Vast Reserve in Tanzania and one of the world’s last great wildernesses for game. Bisected by the Tzara Railway.

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe Zambia


The greatest waterfall sight in the world straddling the Zambezi river with Zimbabwe to the south and Zambia to the North.

Pretoria South Africa

One of South Africa’s 3 capitals (others are Cape Town and Bloemfontein) and the base for many Rovos Rail tours.

Kruger Park South Africa

Kruger is South Africa’s most famous National Park and the best place to see the big five up close on your safari.

Hwange Park Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s most famous National Park and a great place to see elephants in large numbers as part of a safari stopover.

Durban South Africa

Large and cosmopolitan city on the coast of South Africa and a popular place for tourists to visit. Included in some Rovos Rail tours.

South Luangwa Park Zambia

Remote National Park in Zambia with a selection of high end lodges and a vast amount of game to be seen.

Lobito Angola

Rarely touristed port city used as the start and finish point of our Rovos Rail trips as it is the terminus of the Benguela Railway.

The luxury train travel company

Contact us about african rail tours.

We look forward to hearing from you and are happy to answer any questions you have – just email or call us or use the form below.

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How Can We Reach You?

How can we help, which region(s) are you interested in, which train(s) are you interested in, how did you hear about us, a wide selection of luxury train holidays in south africa, each offering a unique experience.

We offer a wide selection of train journeys in South Africa that give the intrepid adventurer plenty to choose from when weighing up which South African luxury train to book. North to south, South to the north, east to west, or west to east. Luxury train travel in South Africa with Rovos Rail offers so many permutations that it can be challenging to select one above the other confident that you’ve made the correct decision.

Is it your first South Africa train tour, or have you done it before? Do you want to coast and see the Atlantic and Indian Oceans? Whichever train journey in South Africa you set out on, one thing is assured, absolute luxury. Train journeys in South Africa with Rovos get curated to the highest standards. Everything about these luxury South African train journeys is of the highest order, from itineraries and the train carriages to the Rovos staff, dining car, scenery and excursions.

Each of Our Luxury African Train Tours is Packed with Colourful and Unique Off Train Excursions

From the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean South Africa rail holidays. Or from Tanzania’s capital, Dar es Salaam heading south towards Cape Town. Luxury train trips in South Africa offer guests an abundance of off-train activities to keep them entertained, amazed, and enthralled by this beautiful continent. A train holiday in South Africa will provide something to suit all tastes, from stunning fine dining meals to breathtaking excursions.

Determined by which train tour in South Africa you were to choose, you can enjoy bush walking at Chisimba Falls or touring the diamond town of Kimberly. Game drives or safaris can be a part of African train holidays. Guests can spend the night at the Victoria Falls Hotel on arrival in Zimbabwe and indulge in world-class meals. A train safari in South Africa itinerary is brimming with off-train excursions that permit patrons to take in new experiences with Rovos Rail tours.

Looking for the Best Luxury Train Travel South Africa Offers? Look No Further than our Curated Rovos Rail Tours!

Rovos Rail is a privately owned rail company that operates out of Capital Park Station in Pretoria. Rovos Rail holidays and South African train trips have been running since 1989 and are widely recognised worldwide as being the height of luxury and comfort. The Luxury Train Travel Company is proud to offer these wonderfully curated train journeys in South Africa, allowing guests to step back into a bygone era and experience true luxury and style.

Passengers aboard one of these luxury trains in South Africa will receive first-class service and customer care while travelling on these train tours. South Africa has so much to offer as a continent and the individual countries you can visit, such as Namibia, Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Angola, Tanzania, Botswana, and South Africa. The Luxury Train Travel Company has the perfect itinerary for your dream train tour in South Africa to create lifelong memories.

Unmatched in Quality and Price, Our 2024 Luxury Train Holiday Packages in South Africa Can’t Be Beaten!

Many people worldwide spend years dreaming of meandering through the mountains and plains of African nations on luxury trains. South Africa and the other countries that make up the wonderful continent provide spectacular sights and sound you can’t capture elsewhere. For many, train vacations in South Africa are a once-in-a-lifetime trip, and ensuring that all the boxes get ticked concerning the quality of the experience is what we do best at The Luxury Train Travel Company.

The attention and detail applied to our 2024 curated itineraries are unparalleled to ensure every guest on a South African train holiday has the most incredible experience from the first point of contact to returning home at the end of the South Africa train holiday. We want our customers who dream of Africa train holidays to prosper from these outstanding curated itineraries while benefiting from unmatched prices and the best value South African train trips.

See Africa Like Never Before with a Multi-Country Luxury South Africa Train Tour!

South Africa’s Port Elizabeth, Table Mountain, Drakensberg Mountains, or Leopard Creek. The Victoria Falls and Zambezi River in Zimbabwe, or the largest game reserve on the African continent, Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania. The Luxury Train Travel Company has curated train vacations in South Africa and the surrounding countries to ensure guests get the best possible experience from African train tours. These multi-country Rovos Rail tours promise new adventures to add to your life story.

A city tour of Lubumbashi in The Democratic Republic of Congo, see the South Luangwa National Park in Zambia or travel along the Cassai River in Angola on a South Africa train holiday. There are many options for train holidays in South Africa, and you’ll be able to experience these beautiful countries on this magical continent when you indulge yourself on luxury train holidays in South Africa. Train vacations in South Africa should be on every bucket list, and we can ensure those dreams become a reality.


Luxury train tours south africa faqs, what is the luxurious train in south africa.

Rovos Rail has been operating African train tours since the company was founded in 1989. It is a family-owned business that employs some 210 staff in total. The trains are the Rovos Rail, Shongololo Express, and the African Explorer.

Is the Rovos Rail train the world’s most luxurious train?

We firmly believe that Rovos Rail trains offer you the most luxurious rail journey. You can relax in a deluxe suite with an en suite bathroom, including a Victorian bath, or enjoy the minibar. Mingle with other passengers in the lounge and observation cars to enjoy game viewing and each country’s magnificent views. Southern Africa is an incredibly majestic part of the world. You can enjoy the rolling hills and vast plains from a comfortable sofa seat without the modern-day distractions of TV or radio. These South Africa luxury train journeys are like a step back in time, and the opulence and charm of Rovos Rail tours will consume you.

What African countries can Rovos luxury trains in South Africa travel to?

We curate luxury train holidays in South Africa that take in many of the continent’s gems. Angola, DRC, Zambia, Tanzania, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa can all be experienced on a South Africa train holiday. You can sleep soundly at night in the Pullman suite, Deluxe suites, or Royal suites. You can enjoy incredible meals in the dining cars or using room service. These trains are like a high-end hotel on rails, and you’ll experience many fascinating and spectacular countries during South Africa luxury train journeys.

Do I need to book in advance for your South Africa train holidays?

The demand for luxury train holidays in South Africa is very high, so we suggest you plan as far ahead as possible to avoid disappointment. Many people save for years or have this intended as a retirement trip, so getting an itinerary and travel plans nailed down well in advance of any South Africa rail holidays is always going to serve you well.

Can I visit safari parks while on a South African luxury train journey?

Take one of the Copper Trail train holidays in South Africa, and you’ll have the opportunity to visit South Luangwa National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where you’ll get the chance to do a game drive and a walking safari. We also offer a South Africa train tour with an incredibly incredible itinerary for passengers looking for a train safari in South Africa. The journey starts in Cape Town and takes you to Victoria Falls, Hwange National Park, Matopos National Park, Kruger National Park, Drakensberg Mountains, and Pretoria.

explore the world of luxury trains

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Explore Our Range of Luxury Rail Tours Across the Globe. Learn About The Different Luxury Trains We Can Offer. View Our Tours by Region & Destinations. View our train departure Calendar.

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South Africa Train Journeys

Be transported to a more glamorous era while travelling on our selection of luxury trains across the spectacular landscapes of southern africa. choose from the blue train, rovos rail or the shongololo express..

Experience the elegance of a bygone era, where rail travel was a luxury accessible only to the fabulously wealthy.

For a few decades before World War II, trains were the most exclusive mode of transport available to a very select number of well-to-do clientele. The addition of dining cars and sleeper coaches eventually allowed travellers to make their way between countries non-stop, whilst enjoying a level of indulgence on board similar to that found at a world-class luxury hotel.

South Africa’s Rovos Rail and The Blue Train offer some of the planet’s most extraordinary rail journeys, ranging from an overnight trip to an epic 15 day safari covering over 6,000 kilometres and visiting five countries between Cape Town to Dar es Salaam. Aboard premium trains, expect old-fashioned butler service, fine dining and the opportunity to dress up for dinner. On the Shongololo Express, passengers enjoy a more casual atmosphere, with meals an informal affair.

Off-train excursions are available on most journeys, ranging from short refreshment stops in charming Victorian towns to game drives in famous wildlife reserves.

great african rail journeys

  • Experience the romance and glamour of 1920s rail travel
  • Journey aboard painstakingly restored locomotives
  • Enjoy quality meals and fine wines in an elegant dining carriage
  • Go on exciting off-train excursions
  • Sleep in plush cabins with private ensuite facilities

Our trains operate all year round, with departures throughout the year. Please ask our agents for more information about the journeys we offer.

Be transported to an earlier, more glamorous era while travelling by train across the spectacular landscapes of southern Africa. Our award-winning luxury trains boast comfortable guest cabins, exceptional cuisine, old-fashioned service and itineraries with outstanding off-train excursions.

Experience the extravagance of Victorian and Edwardian-era train travel on a journey aboard one of Rovos Rail’s gleaming, gloriously restored vintage trains.

The Blue Train

The multi award-winning Blue Train first launched in 1946 and today remains synonymous with the highest standards in luxury train travel.

South Africa Itineraries

The following itineraries are just some of the many experiences that we can design for you. All of our tours are private, independent and tailor-made to your personal travelling requirements. Please contact us to begin customising your personalised South Africa experience.

Find out more about our tailor made African safaris. Get in touch with one of our Destination Specialists.

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Classic escorted tours.

  • 11-day The Golden Triangle & Ranthambore Tour
  • 14-day Golden Triangle & Goa Tour
  • 14-day Splendours of Kerala Tour
  • 17-day Indian Wildlife Adventure Tour
  • 19-day The Very Best of Southern India Tour
  • 25-day Grand Tour of India Tour
  • 13-day Temples & Tigers Tour
  • 16-day Highlights of Southern India Tour
  • 17-day Temples, Tigers & Goa Tour
  • NEW! 23-day A Journey Through India Tour

Private Tours

  • 14-day Deccan Odyssey’s Grand Heritage Tour
  • 16-day Deccan Odyssey’s Cultural Discovery

River Cruise

  • 17-day The Brahmaputra River & Darjeeling Tour
  • 17-day The Very Best of Sri Lanka Tour
  • 14-day Treasures of Sri Lanka Tour

Holiday Extension

  • 3-night Sri Lanka Beach Stay
  • 19-day Essential Australia Tour
  • 24-day Wonders of Australia Tour
  • 26-day Christmas & New Year in Australia Tour
  • NEW! 27-day Australia’s East Coast Jewels
  • 29-day Treasures of Australia Tour
  • 29-day The Very Best of Australia Tour
  • 24-day Magnificent New Zealand Tour
  • 24-day Natural Wonders of New Zealand Tour
  • 27-day New Zealand by Rail, Road and Sea Tour
  • 28-day The Very Best of New Zealand Tour
  • 31-day Highlights of Australia & New Zealand Tour

Combination Tours

  • 44-day to 61-day Australia & New Zealand Combination Tours
  • 20-day The Very Best of Japan Tour
  • 23-day The Very Best of China Tour
  • NEW! 15-day Classic Vietnam & Cambodia Tour
  • 15-day Highlights of Vietnam Tour
  • 22-day The Very Best of Vietnam & Cambodia Tour
  • NEW! 18-day Discover Vietnam & Cambodia
  • 3-night Mekong Delta
  • NEW! 3-night Luang Prabang, Laos

Vietnam & Cambodia

  • 14-day Grand Canadian Rockies Tour
  • 21-day Grand Canadian Rockies & Alaskan Cruise Tour

Holiday Extensions

  • 4-night Knight Inlet Tour
  • 18-day Spectacular South Africa Tour
  • 18-day Spectacular South Africa including Rovos Rail
  • 25-day The Very Best of South Africa Tour
  • 17-day African Rail Adventure
  • NEW! 17-day Namibian Rail Safari
  • NEW! 17-day South African Rail Discovery

Small Group Safari

  • NEW! 13-day In Search of the Big Five
  • 3-night Cape Town Tour
  • 3-night Victoria Falls Tour
  • 3-night Chobe National Park Tour
  • 6-night Victoria Falls & Chobe National Park Tour
  • NEW! 16-day The Very Best of Kenya Tour
  • 5-night Diani Beach, Mombasa

New Zealand

Australia & new zealand, canada & alaska, south africa.

  • 17-day African Rail Adventure Tour
  • NEW! 17-day Namibian Rail Safari Tour
  • NEW! 17-day South African Rail Discovery Tour
  • 18-day Spectacular South Africa including Rovos Rail Tour
  • 25-day Very Best of South Africa Tour
  • 17-day The Brahmaputra River & Darjeeling
  • NEW! 18-day Discover Vietnam & Cambodia Tour
  • Private Tours of China
  • Private Tours of India
  • Private Tours of Sri Lanka
  • Private Tours of Vietnam & Cambodia
  • Private Tours of Kenya

It’s Your Time to Explore

It’s hard to sum up everything you’ll experience on a Distant Journeys holiday, but here we’ve tried to inspire you. With who you will become, what you will discover and, most importantly, the memories you will treasure forever.  It’s Your Time to become…

  • an Adventurer
  • a Historian
  • a Storyteller

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We are celebrating 10 years of Distant Journeys. Since 2014, we have been designing and delivering an exciting style of touring holiday that meets exceptional standards and offers unbelievable value. Operated at a leisurely pace and providing unrivalled flexibility, our itineraries are perfectly tailored to the tastes of UK travellers.

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African Rail Adventure

17-days from only £7,795 per person.

BTA 2023 5 Winners


Save £150 per person on South Africa tours departing from September 2025 when you book by 30th November 2024. Request a brochure

African Rail Adventure Tour

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Our 17-day African Rail Adventure is the perfect holiday for anyone looking to combine exploration and excitement with the romance of railways.

Step aboard Rovos Rail, ‘the most luxurious train in the world’ and be transported to a bygone era of travel, where ever-changing landscapes unfold beyond the windows of the elegant wood-panelled carriages and where adventure-filled days give way to convivial evenings as the striking of a gong heralds dinner and the sounds of chatter fill the air.

Our two-week adventure between Pretoria and Victoria Falls traverses South Africa, Mozambique, the Kingdom of eSwatini and Zimbabwe; four unique countries which offer up diverse landscapes, fascinating histories and a plethora of wildlife. See some of Africa’s most celebrated game viewing national parks as we go in search of the Big Five during excellent off-train excursions.

As always, when travelling with Distant Journeys we see all the well-known highlights including Victoria Falls and Kruger and Hwange National Parks. We also explore must-see gems such as the Great Zimbabwe Monuments and Matobo National Park. On board Rovos, all meals and selected drinks are included.

Chobe National Park is a relatively short drive from your final stop, Victoria Falls. So why not complete your exploration of Southern African with our three-night Chobe National Park holiday extension? With Africa’s largest elephant population and the Chobe River a focus for wildlife activity, or visit Cape Town with a three-night stay experiencing pristine beaches to rugged mountains, world class cuisine and an incredible waterfront, the perfect addition to your African adventure.

SAVE £150 per person!  Book one of our South Africa tours departing from September 2025 and save £150 per person.  Offer ends 30th November 2024.

  • Dates & Prices
  • Freedom Days

Observation Rovos Rail

Your flight will depart from London Heathrow, with complementary regional connections from Manchester, Newcastle, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen or Belfast.

Included meals:

In-flight meals and drinks

Pretoria, Overnight

mandela statue pretoria

We land in Johannesburg, where our waiting coach will take us to the delightful Irene Country Lodge , Pretoria. The day is ours to relax in the beautiful surroundings of our hotel.

Pretoria and Soweto

Lady looking out of Rovos Rail train window

Following breakfast, we transfer to Rovos Rail’s private railway station, with its leather chesterfield sofas and glamorous decor, where we complete our check-in formalities and meet fellow guests for our forthcoming rail adventure. Settle into our suites as our journey on the ‘most luxurious train in the world’ begins. Enjoy lunch in the dining cars and become acquainted with our surroundings. This evening, after donning our finest attire, enjoy exquisite cuisine accompanied by fine South African wines in the elegant surroundings of the dining car.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner PLUS selected on-board drinks

Panorama Route

View of the Bourkes Luck-Potholes_Blyde-River-Canyon_Panorama-Route_South-Africa

Enjoy breakfast prior to today’s exploration of the spectacular Panorama Route. Beginning our day at Pilgrim’s Rest, we visit the area where gold was discovered in 1873. Once a lively town full of prospectors, Pilgrim’s Rest has been wonderfully preserved. Next on our route is Bourke’s Luck Potholes, in the Blyde River Canyon. Viewed via bridges and walkways, these wonderful geological cavities were formed by eddy-erosion from the Blyde and Treur Rivers. Our lunch stop is in Graskop, where we descend in a viewing lift to the forest, taking in the spectacular views of the gorge as we go. Once in the forest, wooden walkways will guide us along a 600 metre trail. We continue to Nelspruit, where our luxury train will be waiting.

Kruger National Park

Rhinoceros crossing path with tourists in the background watching

Tour Highlight

An exciting day lies ahead with a visit to one of South Africa’s biggest and most well-known safari areas, Kruger National Park. Following an early breakfast, we head into the park for a full day safari. Home to the Big Five – leopard, lion, rhino, buffalo and elephant, we hope to spot these magnificent creatures alongside cheetah, hippo, zebra and a vast array of other mammals, reptiles and birds that can be found in the park. After an exhilarating day on safari, we return to the comfort of our train, where the friendly staff will greet us with a glass of sparkling wine and a refreshing cold towel, and continue our journey to Mozambique. Following dinner, retire to the Lounge Car, with its elegant wing back chairs and comfy sofas, for a nightcap and recall the highlights of the day with your fellow passengers.

Couple Rovos

We awake to find ourselves in Mozambique, on Africa’s east coast. With a heady mix of African, Portuguese and early colonial architecture, Maputo is the country’s capital and a city of contrasts. Enjoy a tour of the city to discover the influences of Maputo’s past as we explore the Catholic churches, Victorian mansions and mosques sitting side by side. We take lunch in Maputo and return to the train later in the afternoon. Enjoy high tea in the comfortable lounge or observation cars as we journey towards the tiny Kingdom of eSwatini (formerly Swaziland).

Swazi dancers in traditional dress

A day of discovery in the Kingdom of eSwatini (meaning “place of the Swazi”) lies ahead. Our first stop is Swazi Candles, where we have the opportunity to see beautiful candle-making alongside wood carvings, textiles and basketwork from local craftspeople and artists. We continue to Mantenga Cultural Village for an insight into the Swazi way of life and its traditions dating back to the 1800s. This living museum has a number of fascinating traditional artefacts on display. Lunch is taken at Mantenga Lodge before we return to the comfortable surrounds of our waiting train. Take time to relax in the lounge with a refreshing cocktail, or witness the ever-changing landscapes from the observation car as we return to South Africa.

Kapama Private Game Reserve

Lion sitting in the safe in the African bush

We depart early for our game drive in the Kapama Private Game Reserve. Situated in South Africa’s province of Limpopo, and spanning over 15,000 hectares of African bush, over 40 different species of mammals, including the Big Five, and 350 species of bird can be found here, in their natural habitat. We round off our morning with a visit to the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre. This unique African wildlife facility focuses on conservation and sustainability of rare, vulnerable and threatened species. We return to our train where we spend an afternoon relaxing and enjoying the elegant and atmospheric surroundings onboard one the finest trains in the world.

Limpopo Province

Couple looking out from the Observation Car onboard the Rovos Rail Train

A leisurely day to relax and unwind onboard, as we traverse the Limpopo Province towards Zimbabwe. From the comfort and convenience of the train, we enjoy the beautiful scenery of the province including semi-desert, bush, tropical forests and spectacular mountains.

Great Zimbabwe Monument

Rovos Rail Train at dusk

Today, we travel to the Great Zimbabwe Monument, an imposing former city, built between the 11th and 15th century, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We explore the remains of this ancient city as we learn about the history of the Rozwi people who lived here. We return to the train late in the afternoon and continue our journey through Zimbabwe.

Antelope Park

Antelope park

After a restful night’s sleep and a sumptuous breakfast, we take a coach to spend our day in Antelope Park – home to many species of animals and birds, as well as the African Lion and Environmental Research Trust (ALERT), which introduces the offspring of lions bred in captivity back into the wild. During our free time, there is a selection of optional activities available including canoeing, bird-watching cruises, game drives and elephant interaction to make our visit here even more memorable. Back on board Rovos, enjoy a cocktail in the lounge as we await the call of the evening gong.

Matobo National Park

Matobo Hills Zimbabwe

Located in southwest Zimbabwe, Matobo National Park is best known for the Matobo Hills, a region of spectacular granite rock formations created around two billion years ago! It is at Matobo Hills that Cecil John Rhodes is buried in a granite tomb overlooking the beautiful Matopos region. His resting place is aptly named ‘World’s View’ and it was personally chosen as he loved the view from the top of the outcrop. The park is also home to many animals including endangered black and white rhinos and birds such as the black eagle. We also visit bushman’s cave to view its impressive rock paintings and carvings.

Hwange National Park

Rhinos South Africa

Today’s excursion takes us to Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe’s largest national park, boasting the highest diversity of mammals of any National Park in Africa – so get your cameras to the ready! Following our full day of game viewing we return to our train for our final night onboard Rovos Rail. Once the traditional evening dinner gong is struck throughout the carriages for the final time, enjoy and reflect on some of the most incredible experiences of the past week and a half, over a wonderful dinner accompanied with fine wines and, of course, new-found friends.

Victoria Falls, 2 nights

Victoria Falls

Rovos Rail rolls into Victoria Falls Railway Station, bringing an end to our spectacular rail journey. Our waiting guide takes us on a walking tour of Victoria Falls town followed by a visit to the spectacular Victoria Falls. This awe-inspiring natural wonder, made up of five separate waterfalls, spans 1.7km across Zimbabwe and Zambia. We finish our day with a sunset cruise on the mighty Zambezi River, where we hopefully catch a glimpse of the crocodiles, hippos and elephants which live along this beautiful river. We spend our final two nights at either the delightful Insika Lodge Hotel , or the wonderful Ilala Lodge Hotel .

Breakfast and lunch

Victoria Falls Freedom Day

African Rail Adventure Day 15

A Freedom Day in Victoria Falls to spend as you please. Embark on a Game Drive in Chobe National Park , offering an opportunity to explore the magnificent Chobe River, famous for its huge herds of elephants. Perhaps enjoy a wonderful insight into Zimbabwean rural life with an excursion to a local village . Or alternatively, relax in the surroundings of your hotel.

Depart Victoria Falls

Rovos Rail Station

Following our spectacular journey traversing the African continent aboard the elegant Rovos Rail, we travel to the airport midmorning for our flight to Johannesburg. Our onward flight to London Heathrow departs this evening.

Breakfast, in-flight meals and drinks

Why not extend your Southern African holiday with our magical three-night holiday extension to Chobe National Park , or visit Cape Town with a three-night stay experiencing pristine beaches to rugged mountains, world class cuisine and an incredible waterfront.

Zebras hugging south africa

Our direct British Airways flight from Johannesburg arrives into London this morning and our African Rail Adventure comes to an end. Connecting flights to regional UK airports will connect at London Heathrow.

Departure dates & prices

* These dates operate in the reverse. Starting in Victoria Falls and finishing in Pretoria.

Prices Prices are per person based on two people sharing a twin or double room.

Single occupancy supplement Pullman Suite: £2,595 Deluxe Suite: £3,695

Deposit: Pullman suite: £2,000 per person if travelling economy class, £2,950 if travelling World Traveller Plus, £4,750 per person for Club World.

Deluxe suite: £2,500 per person if travelling economy class, £3,450 if travelling World Traveller Plus, £5,250 per person for Club World.

Flight upgrades: British Airways upgrade to World Traveller Plus from £1,395 per person, or Club World from £3,895 per person.

Visa information Mozambique. A visa is not required for Mozambique if staying for less than 30 days. A entry fee of 650 Mozambican meticais is payable to enter the country. Rovos Rail will handle on your behalf for an estimated cost of R200 per person.

Zimbabwe a visa is required. Rovos Rail will help facilitate whilst travelling onboard. NOTE: If you are planning to take our Chobe National Park holiday extension you will require a double entry visa for Zimbabwe.

For more information on applying for your visa and the associated costs, please refer to our FAQ’s  page.

Important information Our holiday prices are subject to fuel surcharges and the availability of flights in the lowest fare booking class. The correct price will always be confirmed to you before you book, and once you have booked, our Price Promise will guarantee there will be no further increases.

For full booking conditions see our booking conditions   page.

So much included

Our African Rail Adventure has so much included. Scheduled international flights, overseas transfers, daily breakfast, 11-nights all-inclusive on the luxurious Rovos Rail train and amazing excursions.

Flights with leading scheduled airlines

  • Return economy class flights with British Airways from London Heathrow with regional connecting flights available at no extra cost from Manchester, Leeds Bradford, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen or Belfast City Airport.
  • All airport charges, security charges and any applicable fuel surcharges
  • UK Air Passenger Duty

Carefully selected hotels

  • First class hotels in Pretoria and Victoria Falls
  • All hotel porterage
  • Applicable hotel taxes
  • Daily breakfast

All-inclusive on the Rovos Rail

  • 11-nights onboard Rovos Rail
  • All meals on board
  • Selected alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, on board

Unforgettable experiences

  • Sightseeing tours in Maputo, eSwatini (Swaziland), Great Zimbabwe Monument and Victoria Falls
  • Game drives in Kruger National Park, Kapama Private Game Reserve and Hwange National Park
  • Tour the scenic Panorama Route
  • Discover Antelope Park
  • Explore the unique history of Matobo National Park
  • Sunset River Cruise at Victoria Falls

On the ground

  • All overseas transfers

100% confidence

  • Your holiday is covered by our Price Promise
  • Your holiday is fully ATOL protected

Hand-picked hotels

All the hotels on our tours to South Africa are carefully selected by our travel experts to ensure they meet their high standards. On our African Rail Adventure, you will delight in two excellent hotels in Pretoria and Victoria Falls and enjoy the delights of Rovos Rail, with 11-nights onboard this luxurious train.

Irene Country Lodge Hotel, Pretoria

Ilala lodge hotel, victoria falls, insika lodge, victoria falls.


When it comes to exploring your destination and discovering new things, it’s important to find the right balance between ensuring you see all the best bits, and still finding time to do the things that interest you. That’s why you have Freedom Days – days which you can spend as you please, with a range of activities to choose from.

And you don’t have to decide everything before you leave the UK – you can choose many of the excursions as late as the day before, and your local Tour Manager will make all the arrangements for you.

  • Victoria Falls


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Victoria Falls Horse Safari

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Traditional round Zimbabwian Huts in Matobo

Victoria Falls: Local Village Tour

This tour offers a wonderful insight into Zimbabwean rural life and a chance to interact with people of a different culture. This fascinating tour takes us a world away from...

Stay a little longer

Chobe National Park is renowned for it’s population of elephants and the herds of wildlife that congregate in and around the banks on the Chobe River. Why not extend your African Rail Adventure with our three-night Chobe National Park holiday extension, or visit Cape Town with a three-night stay experiencing pristine beaches to rugged mountains, world class cuisine and an incredible waterfront, the perfect addition to your African adventure.

Elephants crossing the Chobe River in Botswana, with tourist boat watching

Chobe National Park Tour

3 nights from £1,395pp

Find out more >

Cape Town

Cape Town Extension

3 nights from only £645pp

Customer reviews  

This is a new tour with customers travelling with us currently. This page will be updated with reviews as soon as our returning customers are contacted by the independent reviews company Feefo. In the meantime, please feel free to look at the reviews for some of our other tours to South Africa – we’re sure you will be impressed with the service our guests receive and the great reviews they kindly give us!

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African Travel Canvas

Everything You Need to Know About Rovos Rail

Jan 17, 2023 | Rail Journeys

Blonde woman with camera looking outside of Rovos Rail train window

Rovos Rail is well-known for being the most luxurious train in the world. From the moment guests enter the headquarters, it’s as if they have travelled back in time to an opulent and elegant era.

With incredible attention to detail, lavish offerings, an incredibly warm atmosphere and enlightening guided tours along the way, it’s easy to see why rail journeys aboard the Rovos Rail are such popular and highly sought-after travel experiences.

In the following post, we discuss Rovos Rail, sharing the brand’s fascinating history as well as an overview of the experience on board.

The Most Luxurious Train in Africa

The history of rovos rail.

The story of Africa’s finest vintage train begins at an auction in 1985.

Rovos Rail founder, Rohan Vos, a successful mechanical businessman together with his wife Anthea had attended an auction of old coaches. They had an intention of restoring four carriages and taking them to South African Railways (SAR) as a family caravan. Several coaches were purchased, one of them being, Private Saloon 15063 that is still in service today.

After the purchase of several coaches, Rohan took a big leap and purchased a 1938 locomotive from a scrap yard. This was rebuilt and named Bianca after one of his daughters. The idea of long-distance train travel as a business venture came to life, and Rohan was permitted to run his Rovos Rail train in December 1986.

With the business growing alongside the family, all of the engines have been named after Rohan and Anthea’s children; Brenda, Bianca, Tiffany and Shaun.

Rovos Rail accommodation

Life on board the Rovos Rail is a grand affair with the most excellent finishings and exceptional attention to detail. There are three different cabin types:

  • Pullman Suites (±7 sq metres)
  • Deluxe Suites (±10 sq metres)
  • Royal Suites (the most spacious, measuring ±16 sq metres)

The deep wood panelling, richly coloured carpets and beautifully restored carriages hint at the Victorian era of luxury train travel. The cabins are equipped with a double or twin-style bed with soft down duvets and plush pillows. There is a lounging area to read, relax and soak up the passing scenery.

Each cabin comes complete with a private bathroom and flushing toilet. The Royal Suites include a Victorian-inspired bathtub while the other cabins – Deluxe and Pullman Suites – include a shower.

Hot-water bottles and electric blankets are provided during the colder months. There is nothing quite as relaxing as being wrapped up in the best linen with a good cup of coffee while watching Southern Africa’s glorious scenery pass by.

Wining and Dining on the Rovos Rail

A journey aboard Rovos Rail is a gastronomical utopia.

For international travellers, it’s an enchanting “first date” with South Africa’s most classic flavours and signature dishes.

Meal times are a ceremonious occasion on Rovos, set in an Edwardian style manner, with a warm and romantic atmosphere. Four-course menus boast world-class wine and delicious cheeses prepared with a modern twist.  

Guests are urged to dress up for the affair , adding to the celebratory feel of the evening. Tables are meticulously set with crisp white linen tablecloths, gleaming silver and sparkling crystal glasses add to the ambience of the celebration.

Meals on all the various rail journeys are served at set times:

  • Breakfast takes place between 07h00 and 10h00. Guests can choose from a selection of delicious breakfast options from the a la carte menu.
  • Lunch and dinner is a formal affair with a four-course menu. Including starters, mains, cheese platters and desserts, each course is paired with a perfect South African wine.

Dietary requirements are attentively taken care of.

As well as the breakfast, lunch and dinner services, there is a daily High Tea served at 16h30. Here, scrumptious spreads of sweet and savoury snacks are served either in the Lounge Car or the Observation Cart. Afternoon tea is served with an array of cakes, fresh fruit, savoury snacks and a selection of teas, coffee, wine and cocktails.

Couple looking out of observation cart of Rovos Rail

Rovos Rail routes

The most luxurious train in the world, Rovos Rail offers a series of luxurious train journeys that last anywhere from 48 hours to 15 days.

Rovos Rail links some of Africa’s most fabulous destinations, from bustling cities, extraordinary game reserves, desert landscapes, quaint towns, historic sites and lush, scenic attractions into a grand long-distance voyage, reminiscent of the old days.

The private train service is an opulent extravaganza adorned with captivating art, vintage decor, exquisite vintage coaches, and incredible cuisine.

Depending on the Rovos Rail journey route and itinerary, the train will stop at various points so that passengers can explore the surrounding environment. All of the off-train excursions are guided, promising guests a truly informative and engaging experience at each destination.

If travelling on the famous Cape Town – Pretoria journey, guests will have the opportunity to explore the local attractions such as the Victorian town of Matjiesfontein and the historic village and Big Hole of Kimberley. If guests are travelling outside of South Africa, excursions may include an extraordinary safari experience or a visit to one of the natural wonders of the world; The Victoria Falls .

Rovos Rail train crossing bridge between Zambia and Zimbabwe at Victoria Falls

Rovos Rail Tours and Itineraries

Below are a selection of the popular Rovos Rail itineraries:

  • Cape Town Journey (3 Days): The popular train route between Cape Town and Pretoria is the perfect journey from the famous Mother City to the country’s Capital city, showcasing South Africa’s gems in between.
  • Victoria Falls Journey (4 Days): Embark on a magical trip through to Zimbabwe, with a visit to one of the seven natural wonders of the world, Victoria Falls.
  • Durban Safari (3 Days): Travel through the spectacular scenery of Natal Midlands and Drakensberg Mountains, into the heart of the African bushveld for a magical affair experience.
  • Golf Safari (9 Days): Play at a selection of the most beautiful golf courses in South Africa.
  • Namibian Safari (9 Days): An epic journey from the savannahs of the Highveld through historic Kimberley to the Fish River Canyon, Etosha Pan and the deserts of Namibia.
  • Dar es Salaam Journey (15 Days): This trans-African safari carries explorers between Cape Town and Dar es Salaam on one of the most memorable train rides in the world.

Couple looking at steam train in station

Why You Should Book a Rovos Rail Journey

A luxury rail journey is an excellent way to escape the fast-paced lifestyle of the 21st century and travel back in time to a nostalgic and elegant era.

Long-distance luxury train travel is an opportunity to slow down and soak in the incredible natural beauty that surrounds us. Rovos Rail provides travellers with a ‘digital detox,’ and there are no televisions or radios on board. There is also no Wifi abroad the train, and guests are requested to only use screens in their cabins.

A trip aboard the Rovos Rail is the perfect opportunity to switch off from the internet and reconnect with the incredible surroundings and scenery of Southern Africa.

The train, the service, the food and wine are all proudly South African and run by the Vos family, who have a passion and love for what they do.

Rovos Rail is a luxurious and unforgettable experience that is sure to make you feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

What to wear on Rovos Rail

The dress code on the Rovos Rail is smart-casual. You’ll get away with a more casual look during the day, especially on excursion days where you’ll want to be comfortable. However, evenings are a fancy affair.

Dinner has a cocktail dress code with men expected to wear a jacket and tie, while the ladies should wear elegant cocktail dresses and heels (pumps or dressy flats are also fine). The evening dress code really adds to the sophisticated ambiance – so don’t be afraid to dress up a little!

Each suite can easily accommodate several suitcases, so don’t be afraid of overpacking!

Here’s a few more tips for packing for a Rovos Rail trip:

  • For the men, opt for a classic fitted blazer that you can also wear on a night out in Cape Town or while going for dinner in Victoria Falls.
  • To prevent wrinkled suits/blazers while traveling, make sure to pack your suit in a bag that folds over itself. Here’s a great bag by David King & Co.
  • For the ladies traveling with an evening gown, you may also want to protect it with a protective garment bag, like this one .
  • Don’t forget about your jewellery, keep it all organised in this luxury jewellery travel case .
  • Keep your make-up organised with this three-piece travel make-up bag .
  • Don’t forget to pack comfortable shoes, a hat and sunscreen for the daytime excursions.

Are children allowed on the Rovos Rail?

Rovos Rail does accommodate children above the age three. However, they ask parents to be sensitive to the adult atmosphere of the train. 

The trips are more geared to adults, with no facilities for babies, toddlers or older children aboard. Excursions are also more suited to adults and there are no outdoor areas or indoor activities for kids to play around in. If your kids are extremely active, then these are things to keep in mind. If, however, they love getting lost in their book for hours, then a trip aboard the Rovos Rail may just be their dream.

Long journeys are not recommended for children under 13. Children over the age of five will also be required to have their own cabin/suite, as a maximum of two guests are allowed per suite/cabin. If you aren’t comfortable with this, then one parent can share with the child.

Rovos Rail prices for children:

  • 3-9 years:  pays 75% of the adult per person sharing rate.
  • 10+ years: pays full rate.

Experiencing the Cape Town to Pretoria Rovos Rail journey

We recently experienced the luxury of Rovos Rail and spent two nights aboard the train, travelling from Cape Town to Pretoria. If you’re curious about our experience, read about our luxury rail vacation on Rovos Rail .

The dining cart of Rovos Rail

Are you ready to go on a Rovos Rail journey?

If you’d like to book an incredible rail journey on the world’s most luxurious train in the world, contact African Travel Canvas and we’ll create a unique itinerary for your unforgettable experience in Africa.

Get in touch with us at [email protected] for a Rovos Rail price list.

30th Anniversary Celebrations!

To commemorate their 30th anniversary, Rovos Rail released an incredible film that showcases the full story behind the brand. If you love locomotives and rail travel watch this fascinating film about Rovos Rail.

This post was first published in October 2019, updated March 2021.



Price list please

African Travel Canvas

Hi Themba, Thanks for enquiring, we’ll send you a price list to your email address. Thanks!

Mary Halton

2023-2024 Price list please

Hi Zoliswa, check your emails 🙂


I would like to get price list for Rovos train

Hi Nomsa! We’ll send the info via email!

Alan Svoboda

May I get the price list too?

Mapitso Mohapi

Looks beautiful and satisfying. Please email me your price list

Hi Mapitso, great, we’ll send you a mail with the price list. Chat soon!


Hi. Could you please forward me a price list of all the tours the train does please. Regards Henning Horn

Hi Henning,

We’ll send you prices to the email you’ve shared here. Look out for our mail!

Doreen Petersen

Please send me a pricelist? Interested in the Cape Town to Pretoria and back, tour.

Appreciated, thank you.

Hi Doreen, fabulous, we will email you via the address provided. Thank you.

Lettie Steyn

Will mail you the price list to your address shortly!

Fausto Pelayo

viajaré Sdq. a África en febrero y marzo del del 2024 quisiera saber si es posible, recorridos, tiempos y frecuencia de viajes entre cataratas Victoria y ciudad del Cabo, así como los precios por favor? Gracias. Fausto Pelayo

Hi Zoliswa, we’ll send you an email!

Cindy Smith

Good Morning, I saw on your Facebook page that there is a trip into Kruger in February 2021. Kindly email me the details and price list. Regards

Hi Cindy, Great, we’ll email you via the address provided. Thanks for contacting us!


Good day, Please can you provide me with a time table with destinations and price.

Thank you in advance

Regards Matt

Great, we’ll send you a mail with the price list. Chat soon!


Prices if you please

Hi Robert, sure, we will email you a pricelist now. Thank you for your enquiry 🙂

Peter Gumede

I have had lovely reading about the Ravis train and planning to go on one of the excursions.

Fantastic! We can’t recommend it enough!


Is it child friendly? Is there any age restriction?

Ndjamila Chilunda

Is it child friendly? Is there any age restriction? Please provide price list.

Hi Ndjamila,

Children between 0 – 2 years are not permitted. We’ll send you an email with the price list and more info on the child policy!


Hi there, can you please advise travel timetable for Victoria falls 3 day journey? If like to give this to my fiance as a wedding gift.

Hi Carolyn,

What a fantastic gift! We will email you at the address provided. Look out for us in your inbox@


Kindly send me your travel dates, times and prices for all your destinations.

Great, we’ll send you a mail to the address provided 🙂

Ernest arnold

Everything is here besides a price list

Hi! Yes, we’ll email the pricelist to you 🙂

Riaan Coetzee

Hi, can you please forward me the price list to all destinations?

Thank You very much Riaan

Hi Riann, of course. We will email you via the address provided. Thank you.

Everett Royal

I would like the price of the African rail trip starting at Cape Town


Kindly send me your travel prices for all your destinations.


Hi that sounds interesting price list please My email [email protected]

Tracie Howard Dickerson

Please send pricing to: [email protected]

Dr Friedel Mulke

I would like to make contact with Rohan again. I was involved in the 1990s with Rohan when he bought Steam locos and carriages from Spoornet at the time. Please send me his contact particulars.

Dr Friedel Mulke

Linda Williams

Hi can I please have a price list Thank You

Hi Linda, we’ll send you an email!

diana bargate

Is Rovos Rail still running. I was in SA recently and sad to hear that the blue train is not in service. Does this train run from Cape Town to Durban and what is the cost.

Hi Diana! Rovos Rail is still very much in action! We’ll send you an email with rates! There is no route between Cape Town and Durban specifically, however there’s a route between Pretoria and Durban, as well as several routes beginning or ending in Cape Town.

Marty l

Price list and dates for 2025 please


  • Toto je ten najluxusnejší vlak, akým sa môžete odviezť: Cena lístka vás prekvapí, no núka lepšie ubytovanie ako hotel | - […] Rovos Rail má človek pocit, akoby cestoval v čase do elegantných viktoriánskych čias, píše African Travel Canvas. Každá kabína…

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The World Bucket List

Top 10 LONGEST train journeys in the WORLD

Katie Morris

These train journeys hold records as the top ten longest in the world. Read on to learn more about these mammoth treks across the land.

Top 10 longest train journeys in the world.

In this article, we invite you to join us on an extraordinary exploration of the planet’s top ten longest train journeys. These remarkable odysseys span continents, cross borders, and reveal the breathtaking beauty of diverse terrains.

From luxurious expeditions to rustic adventures, these train journeys offer a unique lens through which to view our world.

The World Bucket List’s top tips for booking the world’s longest train journeys:

  • These journeys often require a lot of planning. Secure your tickets early, as they can sell out quickly.
  • Research the best time to travel based on weather and scenery. Some routes are more picturesque during specific seasons.
  • Decide between standard and luxury class. Luxurious options offer more comfort but often come at a much higher cost.
  • Bring plenty of entertainment for the journey, like books, music, or movies, to pass the time during long stretches.
  • Consider travel insurance for unexpected events or delays.
  • Check visa requirements for countries you’re passing through or entering.

10. Blue Train: Pretoria to Cape Town (South Africa) –  a luxury train journey

Top 10 longest train journeys in the world.

The Blue Train is celebrated as one of the world’s most luxurious and extensive train journeys. It transports travellers on a two-night adventure across South Africa.

Passengers are pampered with plush accommodations, exquisite fine dining experiences, butler service, and even Cuban cigars.

The train’s golden-tinted picture windows offer passengers breathtaking views of the diverse African subcontinent, showcasing picturesque farmlands, lush forests, and verdant vineyards.

This journey traverses 1,600 km (994 miles), takes two days, three hours, 40 minutes, and costs 10,120 South African Rand ($548.38).

9. Eastern and Oriental Express: Bangkok to Singapore –  one of the world’s longest train routes

Eastern and Oriental Express goes from Bangkok to Singapore.

Embark on a three-night odyssey aboard the Belmond Eastern and Oriental Express, a journey renowned for its opulence. Travelling from Bangkok to  Singapore , this train offers an enchanting blend of ancient wonders and modern cosmopolitan cities.

Richly adorned accommodations beckon solo travellers and wanderers seeking adventure. Passengers can experience afternoon tea while basking in lush jungle landscapes and quaint villages.

This journey traverses a distance of 2,019 km (1,254 miles), takes two days, 16 hours, 40 minutes, and costs up to $3,121 (£1,560) per person.

8. The Ghan: Darwin to Adelaide (Australia) –  an unforgettable journey

Top 10 longest train journeys in the world.

The Ghan, a legendary train journey, provides a gateway to the best of  Australia ‘s tropical north and south while lavishing passengers with regional-inspired menus and fine wines.

The itinerary includes an exploration of historic legacies and unique environments, with key stops at Alice Springs and Katherine. These pristine wilderness destinations offer an opportunity to become enchanted by Australia’s remarkable beauty.

The journey covers a distance of 2,979 km (1851 miles), takes two days and six hours and costs $1,919.

7. Paris-Moscow Express: Paris to Moscow –  reasonable train tickets

The Paris-Moscow Express runs from Paris to Moscow.

The Paris-Moscow Express embarks on the longest trans-European train route, journeying from the heart of Paris through  Germany , Poland, and Belarus, concluding in Moscow.

A unique aspect of this journey is the train’s transition at Brest, where its wheelsets are changed to accommodate the shift from standard European track gauge to Russian gauge.

While sipping hot coffee or tea, passengers can gaze out at the enchanting beauty of the ever-changing Trans-European landscapes on one of the longest train journeys in Europe , featuring endless panoramas and awe-inspiring views.

The journey covers a distance of 3,483 km (2163 miles), takes one day, 14 hours, 47 minutes and costs between €313 and €1145.

RELATED READ : Top 3 best European interrailing routes: explore Europe by train .

6. California Zephyr: San Francisco to Chicago (USA) – experience the beauty of the Utah Desert

The California Zephyr runs from San Francisco to Chicago.

The California Zephyr is a captivating North American train journey, offering travellers the opportunity to traverse the scenic landscapes from San Francisco to Chicago.

The journey takes passengers through captivating locales like Reno and Sacramento, eventually leading to Denver and the vast plains of Nebraska.

Along the route, passengers can witness the snow-capped Sierra Nevada and traverse through the heart of the Rockies. The train journey also unveils the vivid hues of the Utah Desert, providing a splendid way to experience the true majesty of America .

It covers a distance of 3,924 km (2,438 miles), takes two days, three hours, 40 minutes, and costs between $134 and $235.

5. Vivek Express: Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari (India) –  covering a huge distance 

The Vivek Express runs from Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari.

The Vivek Express takes passengers on a mesmerizing journey spanning more than 4,200 km, making it  India ‘s longest train journey.

The route stretches across seven Indian states and offers an array of accommodations, including AC coaches, sleeper coaches, unreserved coaches, and catering facilities.

The journey begins in Dibrugarh in the northeastern region of India and concludes in Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip of the country, where the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean converge.

Along the way, passengers have the opportunity to experience the hidden beauty of India in daylight and observe the country’s rich cultural diversity.

This journey covers a distance of 4,219 km (2,621 miles), takes three days, 12 hours, and five minutes and costs between 2810 Indian Rupees and 730 Indian Rupees ($22.76 and $8.77).

4. Indian Pacific: Sydney to Perth (Australia) –  a remarkable voyage

The Indian Pacific runs from Sydney to Perth.

The Indian Pacific takes passengers on a mesmerizing transcontinental journey, traversing the vast expanse from Sydney to Perth.

The journey includes traversing the awe-inspiring Blue Mountains, the arid regions of New South Wales, and the unique desert landscape of Broken Hill. An hour-long tour in Broken Hill offers a chance to explore the Living Desert Sculptures and the Pro Hart gallery.

This journey covers a distance of 4,352 km (2,704 miles), takes five days and six hours, and costs $1,819.

3. Shanghai to Lhasa (China) –  the longest train journey in China

Top 10 longest train journeys in the world.

Also known as Z164, the Shanghai to Lhasa train journey ranks not only as the longest in China but also as one of the world’s most extended train trips.

Spanning across eight provinces, the Shanghai-Lhasa train passes through mountainous terrains, offering breathtaking scenic beauty. The train’s itinerary features one of the most scenic train journeys globally, starting from the lower plains and ascending to higher plateaus.

Passengers can enjoy captivating views of the Qinghai Lake, Tanggula Mountains, and Nagchu Grasslands during the voyage.

It covers a distance of 4,373 km (2,717 miles), takes three days and six hours, and costs between 1,310.5 Chinese Yuan and 402.5 Chinese Yuan ($178.70 and $55.22).

2. The Canadian: Toronto to Vancouver (Canada) –  magnificent views

Top 10 longest train journeys in the world.

The Canadian is a trans-continental train journey celebrated as one of the world’s most incredible travel experiences. This epic journey spans four nights, taking passengers from  Toronto  to  Vancouver .

The train journey unfolds the stunning beauty of  Canada , featuring diverse landscapes encompassing endless prairies, the magnificent Rockies, and the tranquil West Coast.

Whether sipping fine wines or savouring the world’s finest coffees, passengers can gaze out at enchanting views, from endless blue skies to golden fields of canola and serene coastlines along the Vancouver shoreline.

This journey covers a distance of 4,446 km (2,762 miles), takes three days and 12 hours, and costs between $4,655 PP and $444.

1. Trans-Siberian: Moscow to Vladivostok (Russia) –  the longest train journey in the world

Top 10 longest train journeys in the world.

The  Trans-Siberian  is celebrated as the longest passenger train journey globally. This extraordinary journey serves as an exceptional way to explore the vastness of the world’s largest country, Russia. 

Passengers are treated to an ever-changing tableau of landscapes that unfold across Russia, China, and Mongolia, revealing the endless beauty of Siberia.

The epic adventure includes crossing 16 major rivers, 497 bridges, 87 major cities, 876 stations, three countries, and two continents. Passengers cross an impressive eight time zones, effectively travelling backwards in time while progressing from east to west.

This mammoth journey covers a distance of 10,214 km (6,343 miles), takes seven days, 20 hours, and 25 minutes, and costs between $805 and $1,600.

Your questions answered about the longest train journeys in the world

The California Zephyr runs from San Francisco to Chicago.

Which is the longest train journey route in the world?    

The longest train journey route in the world is the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Vladivostok. 

What is the longest distance travelled by train?    

The longest distance travelled by train on a single journey is approximately 10,214 kilometres (6,343 miles) on the Trans-Siberian Railway. 

What is the longest train journey in the US?

The longest train journey in the United States is the California Zephyr, which runs from Emeryville (San Francisco) to Chicago.

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Katie Morris is the Editor of The World Bucket List. She has a degree in English and French which has given her the opportunity to teach English across the world. Having worked in Thailand for over two years, Katie has a keen interest in the unbelievable travel opportunities Asia has to offer. Katie currently lives in her hometown of Belfast and loves discovering all the new and exciting things to see and do all over Ireland. She has written and edited articles for a diverse range of sites, from travel around Ireland and the rest of the world to satire and news sites.

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  • Finland – Rovaniemi Winter Experience 2023/24 – 5 Days
  • Norway – Magic of the Fjords 2024 – 7 Days
  • Norway – Vision of the Fjords 2024 – 7 Days
  • Finland – Helsinki, Northern Lights & Igloo Experience 2023/24 – 7 Days
  • Norway – Fjords Charm and Traditions 2024 – 8 Days
  • Baltics to Finland 2024 – Vilnius to Helsinki – 10 Days
  • Finland – Wild Brown Bear Adventure 2023 – 4 Days
  • Finland – Helsinki Tour – 4 Days
  • Cycling Tour Baltics 2024 – 11 Days
  • Baltic Highlights 2024 – Lithuania/Latvia/Estonia – 8 Days
  • Latvia – Riga Tour 2023 & 2024 – 4 Days
  • Baltic Experience Tour 2023 – Tallinn To Riga – 11 Days
  • Estonia – Tallinn Tour 2023 – 4 Days
  • Lithuania – Vilnius Tour 2023 – 4 Days
  • Latvia & Estonia – Riga and Tallinn Tour 2023 – 7 Days
  • Latvia & Lithuania – Riga and Vilnius Tour 2023 – 7 Days
  • Baltics – Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn Tour 2023 – 10 Days
  • Coast Express 2024 – Ljubljana/Split – 4 Days.
  • Coast Express 2024 – Ljubljana/Opatija – 4 Days.
  • Venice Coast Express 2024 – Venice/Split – 4 Days.
  • Venice Coast Express 2024 – Venice/Opatija – 4 Days.
  • Zagreb Coast Express 2024 – Zagreb/Split – 4 Days.
  • Zagreb Coast Express 2024 – Zagreb/Opatija – 4 Days.
  • Međugorje Pilgrimage 2024 – Split/Dubrovnik – 4 Days.
  • Croatia Cruises 2024 on Select-a-Cruise
  • Krakow Tour 2024 – 4 Days
  • Classical Romania & Bulgaria Tour 2023 – 12 Days
  • Romania – Classical Tour 2023 – 8 Days
  • Romania – Transylvania & Painted Monasteries 2023 – 8 Days
  • Georgia Explorer Tour 2023 – 9 Days
  • Discover Armenia & Georgia 2022 – 8 Days
  • African Explorer 2023 – Cape Town to Windhoek by Rail – 14 Days
  • Moscow to Vladivostok – Private Journey – 13 Days – Currently Suspended
  • Vladivostok to Moscow – Private Journey – 13 Days – Currently Suspended
  • Moscow to Beijing via Mongolia – Private Journey – 14 Days – Currently Suspended
  • Beijing to Moscow via Mongolia – Private Journey – 14 Days – Currently Suspended
  • Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Mongolia, Beijing – 16 Days – Currently Suspended
  • Beijing, Mongolia, Irkutsk, Ekaterinburg, Moscow – 15 Days – Currently Suspended
  • Tsar’s Gold Private Train: Moscow to Beijing – 16 Days – Currently Suspended
  • Tsar’s Gold Private Train: Beijing to Moscow – 15 Days – Currently Suspended
  • Deluxe Private Tour Moscow/St Petersburg – 8 Days – Currently Suspended
  • Deluxe Private Tour St Petersburg – 5 Days – Currently Suspended
  • Deluxe Visa Free St Petersburg – 5 Days – Currently Suspended
  • Russia’s Golden Ring 2022 – 2, 3, or 4 Days
  • Deluxe Private Tour St Petersburg – 5 Days 2022
  • Moscow Explorer 2022 – 4 Days
  • Visa Free St Petersburg 2022 – 5 Days
  • Russia – Currently Suspended
  • Ukraine – Kiev City Break – 4 Days – Currently Suspended
  • Ukraine – Lviv City Break – 4 Days – Currently Suspended
  • Ukraine – Odessa Private Journey – 4 Day – Currently Suspended
  • Moscow and St Petersburg – Currently Suspended
  • St Petersburg – Currently Suspended
  • Moscow – Currently Suspended
  • Moscow’s Golden Ring – Currently Suspended

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Great African Rail Journeys

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Our customers come from many different countries and meet like-minded travellers for the experience of a lifetime. Our tours do not include flights, allowing you the flexibility to include our tours in your longer touring programme. Just book your own flights and we’ll do the rest!

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great african rail journeys

Zagreb to Dubrovnik Tour – Croatian Rhapsody

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Cycling Tour Baltics Lithuania – Latvia – Estonia

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Discover Armenia and Georgia Tour – 8 Days

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Discover Georgia Tour – 9 Days Private Journey

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Wild Brown Bear Watching

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Romania – Classical Tour 2023

Most popular tours.

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Croatia Tour – Venice Coast Express

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Magic of the Fjords of Norway – 7 Days

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Vision of the Fjords Norway 2024

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Rovaniemi Tour – Winter Experience Finland

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Helsinki and Northern Lights, Igloo Experience

Norwegian fjords charm and traditions.

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Slovenia to Croatia – Coast Express Tour – 4 Days

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Ljubljana to Split Tour – Coast Express Tour – 4 Days

African Train Tours

African Explorer – Cape Town to Windhoek by Rail

What previous travellers say.

Russia Tours - MS Rostropovich

We really enjoyed our cruise from St Petersburg to Moscow. The MS Rostropovich has been tastefully refurbished and everything on board was very comfortable. The crew were friendly and professional. Our guide/s were knowledgeable and helpful. Such clever young women! Dining was a pleasure with a delightful waitress (Irina) who smiled and giggled her way through our attempts at speaking Russian. The food was excellent, beautifully presented and plenty of it. Our shore excursions (included) were really interesting and we visited some very unique and special places. On-board entertainment was varied and the musicians were brilliant. Russian classes were fun. We had a relaxing time on the still waterways and enjoyed watching the varied scenery from our balcony. Everything was very well organized, communication was excellent and everything we did was smoothly and efficiently transacted. The whole experience was wonderful and we’d thoroughly recommend it.

We would certainly recommend using Select-A-Cruise – Becky, whom we dealt with was just superb in all respects.

Thank you so much for the trip of a lifetime

Russia Tours - Visa Free St Petersburg

Our visit to St Petersburg was most enjoyable. Good comfortable cabin on the voyages from Helsinki and back. Good choice of restaurants and cafes on board.

In St P we were very happy with our guide who was a History graduate with excellent English. Very friendly and informative. Also gave us good advice about visiting Peterhof palace and gardens in our spare morning. She also arranged us a discount on our entry tickets.

In the Hermitage museum she wafted us past the queues. She told us fascinating backgrounds and history about key paintings and sculptures.

Our driver was very polite and drove safely through St P’s challenging traffic, always finding a park close to our destinations.

The hotel was comfortable and a good standard. It was reasonably located just off Bolshoi Prospect, not too far from the centre.

Avoiding the need for a Russian visa was a boon. Before discovering Select a Cruise we had investigated applying for a visa and had been overwhelmed by the bureaucracy, and decided not to go.

Thanks, a great trip and memorable experience.

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great african rail journeys

Top 10 World’s Longest Train Journeys

If you are not in a hurry to reach your destination and want to slow down the time, then the world’s longest train journeys are your cup of tea. These are the perfect way to learn about the culture as well as traditional diversity of any country and in some cases, topographical diversity also.

Traveling for days and at a slow pace will definitely test your patience, but, in the end, it will leave you with memories of a lifetime. You will live through many stories, which you might narrate throughout your life. The journey through the extreme coldest regions to the hottest ones are not for the faint-hearted.

However, if you are up for any kind of adventure, then don’t hesitate to look at the list of the longest train trips in the world. Here you go with the countdown of these longest train trips.

10. Blue Train: Pretoria to Cape Town (South Africa)

Blue Train: Pretoria to Cape Town (South Africa)

One of the most luxurious and longest train journeys in the world, Blue Train travels in South Africa. During the 2-night journey on this luxury train, tourists can enjoy the comfortable accommodation as well as excellent fine-dining along with the butler service, Cuban Cigars, and gourmet dinners.

With the golden tinted picture windows, you can witness the breathtaking scenery of the diverse African sub-continent. This train is more like a fast-moving five-star hotel, which allows you to treat your eyes to spectacular farmlands, lush forests, and vineyards.

  • Route:  Pretoria – Kimberley – Cape Town
  • Key Stops:  Open Mine Museum
  • Distance Covered:  1,600 km
  • Travel Time:  2 days, 3 hours, 40 minutes
  • Train Fair:  10,120 Rand

9. Eastern and Oriental Express: Bangkok (Thailand) to Singapore

Eastern and Oriental Express: Bangkok (Thailand) to Singapore

Discover the meaning of luxury travel during this extravagant train journey. This 3-night voyage aboard Belmond Eastern and Oriental Express is a great option for solo travelers as well. A trip from Bangkok to Singapore amidst the richly decorated accommodation is among the top 10 longest train journeys in the world. It takes you through the different worlds of ancient wonders and cosmopolitan cities.

Get a glimpse of lush jungles, quaint villages, and breathtaking landscapes while enjoying the afternoon tea or listening to a tinkling piano amidst sumptuous surroundings. This train ride is truly a unique way to experience the remarkable wonders of the route.

  • Route:  Bangkok – Kanchanaburi – Kuala Kangsar – Singapore
  • Key Stops:  River Kwai Bridge, Thai-Burma Railway Museum, Labu Kabong
  • Distance Covered:  2,019 km
  • Travel Time:  2 days, 16 hours, 40 minutes
  • Train Fair:  US$ 3,121 PP and £1,560 PP

8. The Ghan: Darwin to Adelaide (Australia)

The Ghan: Darwin to Adelaide (Australia)

This is a legendary train journey, which offers an amazing opportunity to explore the best of Australia while enjoying all the luxuries. A regionally-inspired menu along with fine wines, The Ghan allows you to delight in the spectacular beauty of the tropical north to the tropical south of Australia.

During the voyage, you will get a glimpse of the remotest reaches of South Australia as well as explore the historic legacy and its unique environment. One of the world’s longest train route maps comprises Alice Springs and Katherine in it. The pristine wilderness of these places can leave you captivated and enchanted.

  • Route:  Adelaide – Manguri – Marla – Alice Springs – Katherine – Darwin
  • Key Stops:  Katherine, Alice Springs
  • Distance Covered:  2,979 km
  • Travel Time:  2 days, 6 hours
  • Train Fair:  $1,919 PP

7. Paris-Moscow Express: Paris (France) to Moscow (Russia)

Paris Moscow Express

Paris-Moscow Express travels on the longest trans-European route. The train starts from the French capital, Paris, and along the way, it passes through Germany, Poland, Belarus, and arrives at the Russian capital, Moscow. This train is jacked up at Brest to have its wheel-sets changed from standard European track gauge to Russian gauge, which is an incredible experience.

The train comprises the regular sleeping cars, luxurious VIP deluxe sleeping cars, and a restaurant car. While sipping the hot coffee or tea, you can gaze at the enchanting beauty of Trans Europe. It is one of the longest train journeys in Europe that offers endless panoramas and jaw-dropping views.

  • Route:  Paris – Berlin – Warsaw – Brest – Minsk – Moscow
  • Key Stops:  Berlin, Warsaw, Minsk
  • Distance Covered:  3,483 km
  • Travel Time:  1 day, 14 hours, 47 minutes
  • Train Fare:  €313 PP (2nd class sleeper), €1145 PP (Business class sleeper)
  • Note:  You will require a transit visa from Belarus and a tourist visa from Russia to travel on this train.

6. California Zephyr: Emeryville (San Francisco) to Chicago

great african rail journeys

One of the most beautiful and longest train rides in North America is next on our list that can take you through Reno and Sacramento. Then crosses the Denver and enters into the plains of Nebraska. California Zephyr offers enchanting views of the upper Colorado River Valley and the Western Slope of the Colorado canyon. Along the journey, you will cross the snow-capped Sierra Nevada and climb through the heart of the Rockies.

During the journey of the longest train ride in the USA, you will be able to spot the never-ending beauty of Bonneville Salt Flats, the northern edge of the Ruby Mountains, and the endorheic landform of the Goshute Valley. While savoring the toothsome meals or reading your favorite book, you will get to listen to the gushing Colorado River, Truckee River, and Yuba River. You can marvel at the vivid hues of the Utah Desert. California Zephyr is the best way to experience the true majesty of America.

  • Route:  Emeryville – Salt Lake City – Denver – Omaha – Chicago
  • Key Stops:  Reno, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Denver, Glenwood Springs, Burlington
  • Distance Covered:  3,924 km
  • Train fare:  $134 PP up to $235 PP

5. Vivek Express: Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari (India)

great african rail journeys

The next on the list is the Vivek Express, which can take you from the northeastern region of India, Dibrugarh to the southernmost region of the country, Kanyakumari. With the 80-plus hours of the trip, Vivek Express is the longest  train journey in India . Travels through 7 Indian states, Vivek Express comprises AC coaches, sleeper coaches, unreserved coaches, and catering facilities.

During the train journey, you travel through the sweeping villages, varied landscapes, and the coastal region of the country. The journey starts in Kanyakumari, which is also known as Cape – the southernmost tip of India where the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean meet. You can experience the hidden beauty of India in the daylight and get a glimpse of the cultural diversity of the county along the journey.

  • Route:  Dibrugarh – Dimapur – Guwahati – Kokrajhar – New Jalpaiguri – Malda Town – Asansol – Cuttack – Bhubaneswar – Visakhapatnam – Rajahmundry – Vijayawada – Salem – Coimbatore – Ernakulam – Kollam – Trivandrum – Kanyakumari
  • Key Stops:  Guwahati, New Jalpaiguri, Bhubaneshwar, Vijayawada, Coimbatore, Trivandrum
  • Distance Covered:  4,219 km
  • Travel Time:  3 days, 12 hours, 5 minutes
  • Train Fare:  INR 2810 PP (for 2nd AC), INR 1935 PP (for 3rd AC), INR 730 PP (sleeper class)

Note:  Only major destinations of the route are mentioned. There is a total of 57 halts on the train journey.

4. Indian Pacific: Sydney to Perth (Australia)

Indian Pacific: Sydney to Perth (Australia)

Indian Pacific makes it on the list of the world’s longest train journeys. Traveling from one coast to another and making an epic transcontinental crossing, the Indian Pacific train offers you a fabled journey. This eastbound voyage transforms the majestic views of your window from skyscrapers to the forested valleys, sandstone cliffs, and to spectacular landscapes. You will cross the stunning Blue Mountains, the arid region of South Wales, and a desert landscape of Broken Hill. Also, explore the Living Desert Sculptures and Pro Hart gallery during the one-hour tour in Broken Hill.

Savor the regionally inspired meals and enjoy the luxurious journey onboard. Marvel at the remotest landscape of Rawlinna and Barossa Valley while enjoying the culinary delights of Hahndorf. Indian Pacific is a ‘bucket list’ experience, which one must take once in a lifetime.

  • Route:  Sydney – Broken Hill – Adelaide – Cook – Rawlinna – Perth
  • Key Stops:  Broken Hill, Barossa Valley, Nullarbor Plain
  • Distance Covered:  4,352 km
  • Travel Time:  4 days, 30 hours
  • Train Fare:  From $1819 PP

3. Shanghai to Lhasa (China)

Shanghai to Lhasa (China)

Renowned as Z164, Shanghai to Lhasa train is not only the longest train ride in China, however, it is one of the longest train trips in the world. Traveling across eight provinces of China, the Shanghai-Lhasa train travels amid the mountainous terrains and allows you to marvel at the scenic beauty of this vast country. Delight in the awe-inspiring landscapes while savoring the traditional Tibetan and Chinese cuisines is an experience on its own.

This is one of the most scenic train journeys in the world, which runs from the lower plains to higher plateaus. You can enjoy the breathtaking view of the Qinghai Lake, Tanggula Mountains, and Nagchu Grasslands during the voyage. The train is also equipped with an oxygen supply system as the high-altitude region like Lhasa has a lower oxygen level as compared to the plains.

  • Route:  Shanghai – Suzhou – Wuxi – Nanjing – Bengbu – Xuzhou – Zhengzhou – Xi’an – Lanzhou – Xining – Delingha – Golmud – Anduo – Nagchu – Lhasa
  • Key Stops:  Suzhou, Xi’an, Lanzhou, Golmud, Nagchu
  • Distance Covered:  4,373 km
  • Travel Time:  2 days, 30 hours
  • Train Fare:  CNY 1,310.5 (Soft sleeper), CNY 841.5 (Hard Sleeper), CNY 402.5 (Hard Seat)
  • Note:  Tibet Travel Permit is mandatory for international as well as domestic passengers.

2. The Canadian: Toronto to Vancouver (Canada)

The-Canadian-Toronto to Vancouver

One of the greatest train journeys across the globe, The Canadian is one of the longest train route in the world. This trans-continental train takes 4 nights to reach Vancouver from Toronto. Traveling on the historic route of Canada and passing through the endless fields of prairies, beautiful carves of Rockies, and serene West Coast.

Take a sip of your favorite wine or the world’s finest coffees and gaze at the enchanting view of the blue skies, bright yellow fields of canola, or placid coastlines of Vancouver. This train journey is the perfect way to get a glimpse of the true beauty of Canada.

  • Route:  Toronto – Sudbury – Sioux Lookout – Winnipeg – Saskatoon – Edmonton – Kamloops – Jasper – Vancouver
  • Key Stops:  Winnipeg, Edmonton, Jasper
  • Distance Covered:  4,446 km
  • Travel Time:  3 days, 12 hours
  • Train Fair:  $4,655 PP (Prestige), $1,785 PP (Sleeper plus Class), $444 PP (Economy)

1. Trans-Siberian: Moscow to Vladivostok (Russia)

Trans-Siberian: Moscow to Vladivostok (Russia)

Traveling more than 10,000 km in nearly a week and crossing time zone after time zone, Trans-Siberian is the longest passenger train journey in the world. This is an extraordinary journey and absolutely a great way to explore the vastness of the largest country in the world. Constantly changing landscapes of Russia, China, and Mongolia as well as the endless beauty of Siberia will leave you spellbound. This epic adventure will surely test your patience but if you are open to this incredible adventure, then it will be a ride of a lifetime for you.

While traveling across the Trans-Siberian route, the train crosses the 16 major rivers, 497 bridges, 87 major cities, 876 stations, 3 countries, and 2 continents. You will cross a whopping number of 8 time zones while traveling on this route. This train journey is a time machine, while traveling from east to west, you will be traveling backward in the time zone.

  • Route: Moscow  – St. Petersburg – Perm – Yekaterinburg, Omsk – Novosibirsk – Krasnoyarsk – Irkutsk – Ulan De – Naushki (Russian Border) – Suhe Bator (Mongolian Border) – Ulan Bator – Dzamin Uud (Mongolian Border) – Erlian (Chinese Border) – Zabaikalsk (Russian Border) – Manzhouli (Chinese Border) – Harbin – Beijing – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok
  • Key Stops:  Perm, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ulan Bator, Beijing, and Khabarovsk.
  • Distance Covered:  10,214 km
  • Travel Time:  7 days, 20 hours, 25 minutes
  • Train Fair:  $805 PP (2nd Class Bunk), $1,600 PP (1st Class)

Isn’t this list of longest train rides in the world interesting? So, what are you waiting for? Fly to your favorite country, book the train tickets, and embark on the journey of a lifetime. These are once in a lifetime experience, which can surely give you a bucket full of memories that you can cherish always.

Which one of them looks most fascinating to you? Share your type of dream train trip with us!

Written By – Thusharika, Source – indianluxurytrains.


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    10. Blue Train: Pretoria to Cape Town (South Africa) - a luxury train journey. 9. Eastern and Oriental Express: Bangkok to Singapore - one of the world's longest train routes. 8. The Ghan: Darwin to Adelaide (Australia) - an unforgettable journey. 7. Paris-Moscow Express: Paris to Moscow - reasonable train tickets. 6.

  18. The Blue Train

    The Blue Train harks all the way back to the 1920s where it has its origins in two separate trains, known as the Union Limited and the Union Express. Both were steam trains which travelled along the Great African Railway, past the Zambezi river and the glorious Victoria Falls. With the South African gold and diamond boom, the wealthy visitors ...

  19. Select A Tour

    Select A Tour - Guaranteed Departure Tours and City Breaks, plus Rail Journeys. Great Value Tours from 4 to 16 Days - Book 2024 NOW !! [email protected] ... Rail Journeys. African Explorer 2023 - Cape Town to Windhoek by Rail - 14 Days; Moscow to Vladivostok - Private Journey - 13 Days - Currently Suspended ...

  20. The 25 greatest train journeys in the world

    The Epics. 11. The Trans-Siberian. The ultimate for lovers of epic train journeys, the Trans-Siberian Railway is a 5.753-mile steel artery across Russia from Moscow to Vladivostok, crossing eight ...

  21. The Pride of Africa

    About the tour. Join us on an unforgettable rail journey across five magnificent African countries, discovering the gems of Tanzania, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa. On our epic journey aboard the luxurious 5-Star Pride of Africa train, we travel 5,500 kilometres of Africa's vast continent, passing sub-tropical mountain terrain ...

  22. Top 10 World's Longest Train Journeys

    1. Trans-Siberian: Moscow to Vladivostok (Russia) Traveling more than 10,000 km in nearly a week and crossing time zone after time zone, Trans-Siberian is the longest passenger train journey in the world. This is an extraordinary journey and absolutely a great way to explore the vastness of the largest country in the world.

  23. Trains From Great Yarmouth To London Victoria

    Save money when you travel to London Victoria by train. Railcards offer value for money if you travel by train, saving you at least 1/3 on most rail fares. With a bit of planning, buying tickets in advance can save you a pretty pound, and if the travel bug has you travelling a lot then a Railcard might be worth your while!. The Railcards available include:

  24. Rovos Rail

    Join Great Rail Journeys for a luxurious adventure aboard the iconic Rovos Rail. Enjoy the picturesque landscapes unfold beyond your window. 01904 521 936 ... Or, for the ultimate adventure, embark on an epic 3,500-mile odyssey across the African continent. Starting in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, you'll traverse Zambia, pass by the breathtaking ...