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The Ultimate Mount Rinjani Trekking Guide (2024 Update)

Picture of Jane And Stephen

  • Last Updated: December 12, 2023

A Mount Rinjani trekking tour is not for novice hikers or casual travellers. But if you’re ready for an epic 3-day journey to the summit of the second highest volcano in Indonesia, here’s everything you need to know before you go in our guide.

At 3,726 metres above sea level, Mount Rinjani looms large over the entire island of Lombok in Indonesia.

Of the 130 volcanoes in the country, Rinjani is the second-highest (topped only by Mount Kerinci on Sumatra).

Rinjani’s ominous silhouette is a constant reminder of the powerful forces rumbling just beneath the surface of the earth.

That power is what draws hundreds of intrepid hikers to Rinjani every day.

Mount Rinjani Trekking

Table of Contents

Why Do a Rinjani Trek?

Could you handle a rinjani trek, sembalun or senaru: where to start, how many nights on rinjani, what’s the food like on a rinjani trek, where do you sleep on rinjani, what does a rinjani trekking tour cost, how to choose the best rinjani trekking service, what’s included on a mount rinjani tour, tips for trekking mount rinjani, rinjani trekking packing list, save this pin for later.

The tough hike to the crater rim is rewarded by absolutely magnificent views.

Rocky black soil at the summit drops off into a lush valley filled with purples so deep and greens so bright they don’t look like they should exist in nature.

Lake Segara Anak, nestled in the bottom of the gaping crater, is a deep turquoise, echoing the spectacular colour of Lombok’s seas.

On the edge of the lake sits an active volcano, Mount Barujari, which steadily spews threatening clouds of smoke into the air.

Mount Rinjani Trekking

And at night, the sky is blanketed with stars so thick they look painted on.

While the views inspire awe, the most compelling reason to trek Mount Rinjani is to challenge your body and your mind, leap firmly out of your comfort zone, and be able to shout “Hell yes, I did it!”

If that sounds good to you, read on for everything you need about…

How to Plan Your Epic Mount Rinjani Trekking Adventure

I’ll admit, we went into the Mount Rinjani trek with a bit of a cavalier attitude. Sure, we’d read the stories about how hard it was supposed to be, but we’re experienced trekkers with decades of challenging mountain hikes behind us.

We’ve trekked all over Canada, Europe, and even in Vietnam .

How much harder could trekking Mount Rinjani possibly be?

As it turns out, trekking Rinjani is hard. Really freaking hard.

The Rinjani trek starts with a climb of 1500 m over 8 km. Most of that elevation change takes place during in the final 4 km, which take about 4 hours.

Yep, that’s just one measly kilometre an hour.

To make matters more difficult, there is next to no trail maintenance, so the route is sandy, slippery, and ridiculously steep.

Unless you’re a trail running hero or an actual superhero, be prepared to have your will and your body pushed to their limits on your way up Mount Rinjani.

And that’s just the first day.

The second day starts in the middle of the night, so hikers can summit for sunrise. To get the summit, there’s another 1000 m of elevation gain, along a narrow trail of slippery loose scree.

It’s cold up there, too. Even in August, the temperature hovers around freezing.

After all the climbing, the descent should be a relief. Instead, it seems to go on for days, requiring every ounce of hamstring strength you can muster, plus knees of steel, and an excellent sense of humour.

Trekking Mount Rinjani

If you come away without any scraped knees or sore muscles, you’re definitely part mountain goat!

So, could you handle trekking Rinjani?

If you’ve read all of this and you’re thinking “Hell, yeah! Bring it on!” then keep reading.

If you’re still not sure, check out my 7 Essential Tips For Surviving A Mount Rinjani Trek →

What Are The Options For a Rinjani Trekking Tour?

There are two main points of entry to Rinjani National Park.

You can ascend from the village of Sembalun or from Senaru. On three- and four-day hikes, you depart from one village and descend to the other.

We highly recommend starting in Sembalun because of the way the trails are configured.

The first day of ascent from Sembalun is steep and sandy. It looks like it would be absolutely brutal going in the opposite direction.

Likewise, the descent to the crater lake is so steep and rugged, that it would be a real leg-breaker going the other way.

If you want a more off-the-beaten track experience, book a private tour and ask about one of the less-used routes, like the trails from Aik Berik or Torean. We wish we had known about them before our trek!

Three Days, Two Nights

The most popular option (and the one we recommend) is the 3-day, 2-night trek . This gives you just enough time to climb to the summit and also visit the crater lake and hot springs.

If you’re in no rush, consider the 4-day, 3-night option , which goes to the same locations but provides a little more free time to relax and enjoy Mount Rinjani.

Two Days, One Night

The 2-day, 1-night tour from Sembalun includes the option to summit at sunrise. If you’re in amazing shape and love to punish your machine, go for it!

Otherwise, take pity on your poor body and give yourself more time on the mountain.

The 2-day, 1-night trek from Senbaru takes trekkers to the crater rim opposite the summit. This is the easiest (not to say that it’s easy) of the Mount Rinjani trekking options.

You don’t get near the summit or the lake but it does provide incredible views of the crater. If you think you can’t handle a longer trek but still want to experience Rinjani, this is probably the best option.

If you book the full 2-day, 1-night tour on Klook they will pick you up from anywhere in Lombok and provide everything for you.

BONUS –  Booking ahead of time ensures you won’t miss out on the tour, and get the best price too! And just for NOMADasaurus readers, if you use the Klook discount code  “NOMADS10”  on the website when checking out, you’ll get $10 off your first booking!

Mount Rinjani Trekking

Be aware that “one night” or “two nights” refers to number of nights on the mountain. Most Rinjani trekking companies encourage you to spend a night in Senbaru before the tour to get an early start. This hotel is often included in the price, but be sure to check!

Private Tours and Hiking Rinjani Without A Guide

While it is technically possible to trek Mount Rinjani without a tour or a guide, it is actively discouraged both by the government and the community. Unless you are an extremely experienced hiker and have hiked in the tropics before, don’t even consider it. If you’re injured on the mountain without a guide or porters, you’ll be in some serious trouble.

If you do decide to trek Rinjani independently, please sign in at the park office and pay the entrance fee. Though it’s questionable whether the fees are used to maintain Rinjani, signing in is for your own safety.

On our day-one lunch break, we were astonished to see full-on camp kitchens being set up by all the guides and porters on the mountain.

In Canada, you’re lucky to get a squashed peanut butter sandwich for lunch on a long hike.

On Rinjani, you get a heaping plate of fried vegetables, tofu and tempeh, a pile of freshly cooked rice crackers, all the rice you can eat, plus a massive fruit plate for dessert. And that’s just the vegetarian option!

Mount Rinjani Trekking Meals

This meal was not unusual. Everything we ate on Rinjani, and everything we saw being served to fellow trekkers, was freshly cooked and plentiful. There was so much food, we were rarely able to finish our meals.

You’ll sleep snuggled in a tent at a campsite on the crater rim or by the lake.

Our tent was clean and modern, if a little bit short for our long bodies! The sleeping bags had been freshly laundered and the camp pillows were also clean.

You won’t find much solitude at your campsite though, since hundreds of other trekkers will be camping right alongside you.

There’s a huge range of prices for trekking Rinjani, depending on which company you go with, where and when you book, and which tour option you choose. I saw prices quoted anywhere between $80 and $450 US for similar tours.

Avoid the cheapest companies, as many don’t provide essential services like an experienced guide, good sleeping bags, garbage pack-out, and a toilet tent.

You can save money by booking once you’re already on Lombok. Just make sure you know which Rinjani trekking company you’re going with so you can ask the essential questions and check their reviews.

If you don’t have time to wait around on Lombok looking for a tour with availability, it is best to book ahead . Check out some of the tours I’ve linked to on this page.

Rinjani Trekking Porters

Budget a little extra for tipping. After you see how hard your porters and guide work, you will be happy to supplement their incomes.

A minimum of 100,000 IDR (around $8 US) per guide/porter from each hiker is a good guideline.

Choose your Mount Rinjani trekking package carefully. Yes, you can pick up el cheapo tours after you arrive in Lombok but you tend to get what you pay for on Mount Rinjani.

I recommend ignoring the cheapest options and spending a little more to ensure you are comfortable and safe on the mountain.

Hajar Trekking took excellent care of us during our Mount Rinjani tour. We can enthusiastically recommend them.*

Hajar grew up in Senbaru and he cares deeply about the mountain and the future of tourism there. Our guide, Adi, was funny, informative, and always put our safety first.

He has been up the mountain hundreds of times, knows every rock and tree root on the trail, and was patient with our endless stops for photos and videos.

Mount Rinjani Trekking

The two porters who took care of us were just amazing, too, working their butts off to lug our camping gear and food up the mountain and to get our campsite set up and perfect before we arrived.

These are the things that should be included in your Rinjani trekking package. If they aren’t, look for another company.

  • One English-speaking, licensed, experienced guide
  • One porter per person in your group
  • Meals, snacks, soft drinks and water
  • Tent and sleeping bag
  • Transportation to and from any town on Lombok
  • Transportation between Senbaru and Sembalun
  • Hotel stay in Senbaru the night before the trek

Some companies provide a few nice-to-have extras. This is what we got:

A toilet tent allowed us to do our business in private and to bury our waste. Without a toilet tent, you take your chances in the bushes where privacy is very hard to come by.

A camping pillow which helped us get a better night’s sleep.

Two camping chairs that kept us out of the thick Rinjani dust at mealtimes.

Winter jackets to keep us warm at the top of the mountain. Even in August, the summit was around 5 degrees celsius! Brrrr.

We recommend having a good backpack for hiking as well .

Rinjani Trekking

Headlamps to make the ascent to the Rinjani summit possible. A headlamp leaves your hands free to carry trekking poles or help you scramble up the steepest sections.

Trekking poles to save your knees on the steep descents and give you extra ability to balance on the often treacherous trails.

Other Essential Questions To Ask About Your Rinjani Trekking Package

What do the porters carry? Usually, hikers carry all their personal items (clothes, toiletries etc) and the porters carry food, water and camping equipment.

What is the group size? We were on a private tour, but if you go with a group, be sure to ask about the group size. The larger groups on the trail tended to be noisy and experience more delays.

What do they do with garbage? You are going to go through a lot of food and water on the trail. Make sure your tour company pays their porters to carry your garbage out, instead of dumping it or burning it on the mountain. There is a lot of garbage on Rinjani – please don’t add to it!

Who runs the company? What is their story? We love to travel with private companies run by local people. They tend to care deeply about the environment and the longevity of their business and less about earning a quick buck.

Request trekking poles. We had never trekked with poles before but they were indispensable for this trip. They’ll help keep you upright through the sandy, slippery slopes and will save your knees after hours of steep descents.

Be prepared. The trail will probably be harder than you think. Take your time, stopping every few steps to catch your breath if you need to. If you just keeping taking the next step and then the next, you will eventually make it to the top. Read up on our top hiking tips for beginners for more help.

Be OK with not summiting. Don’t be ashamed to say “no” to the sunrise summit trek. Plenty of people don’t go up! If the first day nearly killed you, stay in your tent and rest. There is plenty of exciting hiking to come without risking injury or exhaustion just to see the summit.

Don’t get too cocky on the descent. The trail down is steep and precarious. It’s easy to slip and fall and even easier to injure your knees. Just because the porters are running down the trail in flip-flops doesn’t mean you have to do it too!

Be respectful. Try to stay aware on the trail, even when you’re exhausted. Let faster hikers go by you and always move over for porters. Remember, they are working while you are there for fun!

Don’t add to the Rinjani litter problem. It’s no secret that there is a lot of garbage on Mount Rinjani. Bring a ziplock bag with you and please pack out your own toilet paper, baby wipes, cigarette butts and other personal garbage. If you want to do more, bring a garbage bag and pick up rubbish along the trail.

Bring as little as possible. If you think you’ll survive without something, leave it behind! You’ll regret the extra weight when you’re on your 1200th metre of ascent for the day!

  • Hat, gloves & scarf (it’s very cold at the top)
  • Good hiking shoes (running shoes are not grippy enough)
  • Headlamp (for the night hike to the summit)
  • One/two sweat-wicking t-shirts
  • One pair of shorts
  • One pair of long pants
  • Toothbrush & toothpaste
  • Sun hat (if you don’t have one make this easy DIY hat )
  • Lip sunscreen (our lips got burned – not a good look)
  • Socks & undies
  • ID and cash for tipping

Optional items:

  • Base layer (it gets freaking cold at the summit)
  • Baby wipes (if you pack them in, pack them out)
  • Soap or hand sanitizer

That’s everything you need to know before you book your Rinjani trekking tour. If we missed something or if you have questions, ask away in the comments section below!

Disclaimer: We were guests of Hajar Trekking for our Rinjani trip. But we would never recommend something we didn’t love ourselves and you know Jarryd and Alesha wouldn’t let us get away with it either!

Mt Rinanji Pinterest Image

Jane And Stephen

Hi, We’re Alesha and Jarryd!

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Wow, this guide is incredibly detailed and informative! I’m planning to tackle Mount Rinjani in 2024 and this guide has already helped me so much in planning my trip. The route descriptions and tips on acclimatization are especially useful. Thank you for sharing your expertise!

The track to Rinjani is getting more and more difficult, bro, after a fairly large earthquake in Lombok, several trekking routes, especially from the lake to the Senaru Crater, were damaged and you need to be careful when climbing because rocks often fall.

thank you for promotion mount rinjani in lombok we hope many hiker come to rinjani.

We are currently in Lombok to do the hike. We went to the park office without guide, they refused to sell tickets. At least now you have to book a guide to enter.

Great post! I did the 27K race of the Rinjani 100 a few months ago. It’s pretty much the same thing only that you race up from Sembalun all the way to the crater rim and back with a cut-off time of 9 hours. It was one tough but incredible adventure! Love the blog, keep it up, guys.

Great article. Having hiked Gunung Rinjani back in my twenties (late 1990’s) with 4 experienced local friends it was interesting to read this report. Back then , we did not encounter a single “western” tourist (only 3 or 4 groups of religious pilgrims) or a single piece of rubbish throughout the 4 days (it was probably off season). We carried all the cooking gear and basic fishing equipment ourselves and had to rely on our most experienced group member to find the few scatterered water holes for our drinking water. Most of us were wearing flipflops though I think – and yes it was pretty hard, but youthful enthousiasm and maybe some guardian angels, made that everything went well and the sore muscles just ignored. With one of the guys I even made the sunrise summit hike, barefoot – too slippery for anything else. We spent a day or two resting and fishing carp until we couldn’t eat any more. The lake is considered sacred and so is a nearby mystic cave – I dearly hope they are still being taken care of….and it has not drowned in rubbish and disrespect. On the end of the last day, we did get a big scare: one of our friends had disappeared – with the owner of the very first and lonely litlle warung, I headed straight back to look for him as it was getting dark. Luckily we found him after about half an our, resting next to the path and suffering from exhaustion. In the end everything turned out fine. I have not been since, but reading this article, I would strongly recommend sticking to the recommendations of the article and please be respectful of this place – it is still considered a sacred place by many and who knows, leaving a silent private little prayer just for yourself will pay off more than leaving rubbish or nad vibes.

P.S. Unfortunately I have lost contact with my Chinese/Indonesian friends from Mataram – IF you are reading this by some huge coincidence, PLEASE contact me by email….

This article very helping. Thank you very much for share

We as Lombok people are very grateful for your advice to give tips to the porters. Their task is very heavy not comparable to their daily wages.

Mount rinjani Reopen Again Sice Mart In Same Time With Event Motogp In Lombok Indonesia, In This April are Many Trekker Do. Just We Share The Tips For You. If you would like To Hike You Have To Book Your Trip In Advance. Cause This yeas used Quota.

I missed so much the MIGHY RINJANI, Did summited twice, solo in 2017 and with my Girlfriend in 2018 as she wanna experienced it. and supposed to return again bringing a few gang in MAY 2020 but had to cancel due to covid.

Where does your luggage stay during the hike, at the hotel you stayed at the night before the hike or?

Hi JP, thanks for your comment. This is a guest post from our friends over at My Five Acres.

I am gathering that is what happens. You can arrange for you luggage to be stored there as long as you book a night there when you return from the hike. This is what has happened with other hikes we have done in other places. Sorry we can not help you more. Please let us know what your outcome is.

All the best.

I hope I will be there some day.

We hope so too. 🙂

This is Really Help full for me thanks A million

Glad the article was helpful. 🙂

Hi, any idea if mt rinjani is open to climb this year particularly in june?

Hi Joven, we are not too sure. Please contact the tour companies. They will be able to assist you. All the best

hi, have you got the certain information for rinjani open day, our schedule is June 1

Hi Sky, we are not too sure. Please contact the tour companies. They will be able to assist you. All the best

Wow, I did not know this place until I read this article. It makes me want to try.

Glad Jane and Stephen could help. 🙂

I plan to climb Rinjani this April, but I check the National Park website, they say they are still closing the climb until the time that has not been determined, I think this has something to do with the earthquake last July.

Maybe it might be or for the rainy season. Hope you get to climb Rinjani another time. 🙂

THANKS TO THIS POST I was able to do my hike to Mount Rinjani, I recently did a 2 days 1-night hike from the aik berik route(1 of the 4 legal routes), it was only a crater rim trek but its worth every second of it. it was a really spectacular experience!

We got the track and cloud forest waterfalls for ourselves because everyone still doesn’t know about it! the Aik Berik route is still ‘virgin’, clean, and not crowded.

Note: Aik Berik Village is the only available route until 2020, and the route will be closed from January to March, so you only have ONE MONTH to go before the mountain closed due to heavy rains.

FYI Aik berik is the only route you can enjoy on mount Rinjani, it’s not possible to reach the summit and the lake but still, you can enjoy Rinjani from a completely different angle. it is already opened on 19th November 2018 and I suggest you go trekking with an eco-friendly company such as since this new company has a mission to alleviate poverty around mount Rinjani. They took care of me and my friends from start to finish, they cook the most delicious Indonesian food! check them out.

Thank you so much for sharing. It sounds like you have a blast. Thanks for all the information.

Thank you very much for share the great article for Mount rinjani Trekking Information, Is very helpful and informative.

Glad the article was helpful. Thank you. 🙂

is the trek open at the begining of october?

Sorry not too sure Alina. You will have to contact the companies. This is a review on a tour one of our writers went on. All the best

Hi there, thanks for the informative article! I’m thinking of doing the Mt Rinjani hike in late October, would it be too cold up there? Also, I’m arriving in Bali on a Wednesday and leaving again on a Sunday. Would that be too little time to get to Lombok, do the trek and get back to Denpasar? Cheers, Angie

Hi Angie, That is exciting for your up coming trip. We are not to sure as we have not done this hike. Please contact Jane over at My Five Acres and she’ll be able to help. Thanks.

I appreciate your post – it really helped me prepare for doing it. I just got back, and while this is fresh in my mind, here are a few things you left out/glimpsed past that may help others:

-Bring a gaiter/handkerchief/face mask if you can – its lightweight but will protect against the insane amount of dust that will get into your mouth/eyes. I had black boogers every night, someone in my group got a piece of debris in her eye, and my throat was perpetually dry from all of the dust. I’d recommend the gaiter+handkerchief combo to battle sweat and dust. -The porters work so hard. I only know the figure for the guides – 35€/trip (3D/2N). The porters definitely make less. TIP YOUR PORTERS AND GUIDES. Yes, I get it, “well, I paid 1.X million and that should be enough”, and “well, they’re used to this”, is bullshit. The money means so much more to them than it does to you – back at home you’d not flinch at the idea of ordering a cup of coffee for 5€, so why not help a human being who is keeping you safe? -Bring a plastic bag to carry your/other rubbish with you. Especially the last day of the 3D/2B you’re only going down and it’s relatively easy (after your legs are jelly, granted) – if we all pitched in and helped pick up stuff and bring it down, the mountain would be so much cleaner. -Take your time and POUND water. For altitude poisoning, you usually take acetazilomide (diamox) to combat it (that’s what I did for my salkantay trek to machu picchu) but the Indonesians are not as aware – I couldn’t find it anywhere in the country. A natural way to help is to breathe deeply, take your time, and drink water like there’s no tomorrow. It’s not a race – it’s a test of will power!

Thank you so much for your tips and advice for future trekkers. 🙂

hi, thanks for the blog, loved to read it 🙂 I did the 4 day/3 night in 2006, just me and a guide plus a porter, starting from senaru going up the rain forest and coming down again through the savana to sembalun. It was an absolute awesome experience but I wish I had prepared better lol It was early in may and def the wrong time as the nights were brutally cold and the sleeping bag to thin to sleep on the bare ground of the tent. Luckily, I had brought some small heating pads which I put on my belly at night and a survival silver foil, otherwise I would not have made it. Another thing I didn’t know was the heavy rainfall up there at that time of the year, meaning being soaked was the norm starting on day 2 on the climb down the crater… it was always a big challenge to get my sneakers dry again and on the final descent on day 4, I simply gave up and did it in my flip flops like the guys. It rained and I had walk very carefully on the slippery grass that’s why it took us 7 hours to get down! Anyhow, it was a worthwhile experience and I hope to do it again, only this time better prepared. What worries me a bit is that there seems to be a run on rinjani in these days… that’s really bad news, when I went there were hardly any other people… so maybe the wrong time was the right time in the end 🙂

So glad you had a great time. Sounds like you had a great adventure. 🙂

I am going to this Mt. Rinjani trekking on this Saturday, 7th July 18 and this is my first time on trekking. Thanks for your useful information and would prepare for it. Anybody can advice, is there any telecom service provider (mobile phone line) during the journey to the summit?

Glad we could help. Jane wrote a great article for us. Not too sure about the telecom service. Maybe drop Jane any email over at My Five Acres. All the best

Extremely helpful article, many thanks guys.

I am traveling in August to Lombok and for sure will try with Mt Rinjani, and will definitely contact Hajar.

The only thing we’ve been told it’s full of trash….such a pity

Hi Alvin, could you please let us know how it was at this time of the year? I like to know about temperatures at night and how many people there were. Thanks in advance

Thanks for the information! I am traveling through Indonesia for two months (so my bagpack is VERY big!). Do you know if it is possible to leave some things at the hostel in Sembalun or I will have to carry my entire bagpack to Mt Rinjani?!?!

There definitely would be Maria. If not at your accommodation, I am sure you will be able to leave it at the tour company’s shop.

KINGS of the MOUNTAIN! Rinjani Trekking Club recently experienced the challenging climb to the top of the Rinjani mountain and would like to salute the fantastic supports extended by porter who help tourist and visitor achieve new heights.

Their incredible fitness allows them to climb, bare feet or with flip flops, and even sometimes run, with heavy loads of equipment and food to ensure the best comfort for visitors. When in difficulty in the last few hundred meters to the top, they patiently wait for you; when hungry, they cook for you; when tired they prepare your camp so that you can rest.

When you came across some groups of courageous climbers not using the support of the porter, you can be assured that their experience of the Mount Rinjani is much more demanding and somehow less enjoyable, since they do not have the comfort of climbing unloaded nor the company of truly warm and welcoming sasak people.

Hello, I’m Jamal

Thank you so much for your information for the trekking , its was helpful article for other climbers ,

Thanks again hope you’re well and good day

Glad we could help. Thanks

Very helpful article. Thank you so much Alesha & Jarryd 🙂 I’m going on 23-28 JUNE 2018. Coming sooooon~so nervous and excited now!!

So awesome. Have a great time. 🙂

Nice information on Rinjani. I don’t think you can get 80 USD for a 3D2N trek in Rinjani, maybe 2D1N to crater rim or something is possible.

Lovely article, very helpful!!

I’m dying to this hike; hopefully I’ll get to it this spring.

What do you reckon is the earliest the hike can be done after the rainy season?

Thanks so much for ready Ester. Our friend Jane wrote this article for us. It does sound like a wonderful hike. Your best option is to message her on Facebook . She’ll be happy to answer you questions. Happy travels. 🙂

Hi I’m Ronie From Rinjani – Lombok Mount Rinjani, Lombok’s highest peak ( 3726 m asl or 12,200 ft. ), draws religious pilgrim and adventure tourist alike. its crater frames a lake, which is 5 miles wide and known as segara anak, which means the lake of child. this crater also contains an active volcano, Gunung Baru.

Thank you for the information Ronie. 🙂

I was lucky enough to hike it in 1997 before the hoards of tourists discovered it. Spent one night in Senaru and went up from there. With no previous hiking experience, just a friend and one guide that we hired, it was physically challenging but SO worth it! I was lucky enough to hardly see many people on the mountain. I don’t think I’d like to do it now.

Wow Julie, what an experience. So happy you got there in the early years. Thank you for your comment. 🙂

Thanks you for sharing your experience. One day I will hike mount rinjani too.

Us too Mickel. It looks amazing. Jane and Stephen wrote a great article for us.

wooow….!That is a wonderfull experienced trek in rinjani Mountain and is a perfect information about All of Rinjani Trekking activity.

I’ve read all the climbers blogs that have been to Rinjani but the most complete info I’ve seen is on this blog. congratulations and success for you.

Thank you so much. Glad this post could help Herman. Jane and Stephen had a great time. Happy travels

Waow really nice article and good experienced. Thank you for your sharing

This looks like a great hike. I recently did a fantastic hike around the crater lake of Quitaloa in Ecuador; an exhilarating adventure in which I also had the chance to soak up plenty of local culture and knowledge.

It does doesn’t it. Jane and Stephen had a blast. We can not wait to trek it now. Your hike in Ecuador sounds amazing. We were in South America for most of the year but unfortunately didn’t see anything of Ecuador. We will have to go back. Happy travels Mark.

This was a brutal hike, but definitely worth it. I actually got a black eye on the hike down. 🙁 It was also before a 3-day music festival, so not a good look! haha

Oh no. How did you get a black eye? We are looking forward to trekking Mt Rinjani one day. Hope you had a blast at the music festival. Lest the trek wasn’t after the festival. 🙂

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The First Guiding Service on Rinjani

Licensed Mount Rinjani Trekking Guide and Tour Organizer

Thousands of people have stood on the summit of Mount Rinjani with us. We provide the highest quality service at a reasonable cost.

Mount Rinjani National Park

Every year, over 20,000 people just like you come to Lombok island to climb Mount Rinjani 3.726 m above sea level, the 2nd highest volcano in Indonesia. On the top of the volcano is a 6-by-8.5-kilometer caldera, which is filled partially by the crater lake known as Segara Anak or Anak Laut (Child of the Sea) due to the blue color of the water lake as Laut (Sea). This lake is approximately 2,000 meters above sea level and estimated to be about 200 meters deep; the caldera also contains hot springs. Sasak tribe and Hindu people assume the lake and the mount are sacred and some religious activities are occasionally done in the two areas.

Climbing Mount Rinjani does not require any technical skills or special equipment. However, the challenge is not to be taken lightly. You need to understand what lies ahead. You have a seemingly endless number of questions. Rest assured, you will find the answers to all your questions here – at Rinjani Trek Company , your Mount Rinjani trekking specialist.

We are, quite simply, the first guiding service on the mountain. As the best Rinjani tour operator, we provide the highest quality service at a reasonable cost. That is why over 500 people climb with us annually, and why past clients refer us to their friends and family. Thousands of people have stood on the summit of Mount Rinjani with us. Won’t you join us on the summit of Lombok island?

Rinjani Trekking

Via senaru ascent route.

This is by far the most used route as it allows the (relatively) less strenuous trek to the crater rim only. You start at an elevation of 600 m in Senaru village, normally in the late morning or early afternoon and make the 6 hour ascent to the crater rim before dark. First part of the trek is through tropical rainforest. Look and listen out for the lutung, or black monkey, swinging through the trees in the late morning. They are extremely shy, unlike for the common macaques which may gather near rest stops waiting for scraps. The route passes through POST II at 1,500 m, breaches the treeline at 2,000 m (POST III) and then it is a bit of slog up gravel paths to the camp site just below the crater rim at 2,600 m. There is no clear path at the last section nearing crater rim, at an incline of 45 degrees. There is a POST Extra after POS 3, but it is pretty much gone, and the remaining bits have been chopped up by porters as firewood.


2 Days 1 Night Trek to Crater Rim

Rinjani Trekking Package to Crater rim 2 days 1 night package start from Senaru village to the crater rim, and the second day return to Senaru village. This program is suitable for beginner climbers and for those of you who want to enjoy

Hot Springs

3 Days 2 Nights Trek to Crater Rim – Lake

Trekking Rinjani to Crater rim Senaru and Segara Anak Lake 3 days 2 nights package start from Senaru village to the crater rim Senaru, Segara Anak Lake and return to Senaru village.


4 Days 3 Nights Trek to Crater Rim – Lake

Rinjani Trekking package to summit Rinjani via Senaru 4 days 3 nights start from Senaru village to the crater rim Senaru, Segara Anak Lake, summit Rinjani and down to Sembalun village. This program is suitable for beginner climbers


2D-1N Senaru 2nd Summit Rinjani 3.126m

Rinjani Trekking Package to Crater rim Senaru and 2nd Summit 3.126 masl for 2 days 1 night package start from Senaru village to the crater rim, 2nd summit ( Mount Sangkareang ) and return to Senaru village at the next day.

via Sembalun Ascent Route

Starting in the morning from the Rinjani Trek Centre in the village, the climb to Pelawangan II at 2,638 m will take about 8 hr via POST I (1,300 m), POST II (1,500 m) and POST III (1,800 m). Starting altitude is1100 m, so there are no humid conditions to deal with. First half or more of the trek is literally a breeze. The trek through savannah grassland is windy and easygoing, with gentle ups and downs, and the only obstacle to look out for are the “cow pats” deposited by the villagers’ cows along the way. Rolling hills and amazing scenery help to ease the tiredness, unlike the enclosed tropical rainforest of Senaru route.


2D-1N Summit Mount Rinjani

Rinjani Trekking Summit 2 days 1 night package start from Sembalun to the crater rim Sembalun, summit and back to Sembalun. This program for experienced climbers or for trekker in good level of fitness and able to walk up and down for an average of 8.5 hours per day


3D-2N Summit and Lake

Rinjani Trek 3 days 2 nights Summit and Lake Segara Anak package starting from Sembalun to the crater rim Sembalun, summit, Lake and down to Senaru village. This program is suitable for experienced climbers or for you are able to walk up and down the hill for an average of 8 hours per day


4D-3N Summit and Lake

Rinjani Trek 4 days 3 nights Summit and Lake Segara Anak starting from Sembalun to the crater rim Sembalun, summit, Lake and descend to Senaru village. This program is suitable for beginner climbers and for those of you who want to enjoy all the natural beauty of the mountain Rinjani

Local Senaru Tours & Soft Trekking


Senaru Panorama Walk

Led by local women guides, this easy half-day walk explores the foothills of spectacular Rinjani volcano in Lombok’s northern district of Bayan. Starting near the border of Gunung Rinjani National Park, your route follows old


Pergasingan Hill Sembalun

Hiking and trekking for two days-one night, incredible experience over Pergasingan Hill near Sembalun Village, bamboo garden, traditional house of Sembalun, Gunung Selong


Visit Mount Rinjani



Why choose us.

  • Best Service: We respectfully provide our best service during your trips, since your satisfaction is our top priority
  • Convenient Transportation: Our car is equipped with air conditioning and an experienced driver.
  • Professional and Reliable: Our team works incredibly professionally and responsibly for your climb!
  • Best Hotels: We provide comfortable hotels that are near to the natural landscapes that you may tour before climbing.
  • First Party Company; We are a company based on the island of Lombok that will coordinate your tour without the involvement of the second or third parties. 
  • Best Service, Friendly Prices.


trip ke rinjani

Senaru Crater Rim (2 Days 1 Night Package)

trip ke rinjani

Summit Program (2 Days 1 Night Package)

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Full Trek (3 Days 2 Nights Package)

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Extra Time (4 Days 3 Nights package)

The drone package.

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The map of Mount Rinjani

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#1 Rinjani Information & Trekking Partner

Intinya kalau milih Trekking Organizer itu tanya berapa banyak porter dan Guidenya. Semakin banyak porter tentu pendakian kalian lebih mudah, Aman dan keselamatan kalian terjamin! 😆. Kalau pesertanya 60 orang tapi porter cuman 5 orang dan guidenya 1. Siap-siap masuk berita National 🤣🤣. Entah terlantar atau kelaparan judul beritanya Slide berikutnya jadi pelajaran untuk para pendaki agar memilih Trekking Organizer dengan Bijak. Oya 1 lagi jangan tergiur dengan harga murah, biaya mendaki Rinjani itu mahal! Ga usah bacot itu fakta. #visitmountrinjani #mountrinjani

trip ke rinjani

Intinya kalau milih Trekking Organizer itu tanya berapa banyak porter dan Guidenya. Semakin banyak porter tentu pendakian kalian lebih mudah, Aman dan keselamatan kalian terjamin! 😆. Kalau pesertanya 60 orang tapi porter cuman 5 orang dan guidenya 1. Siap-siap masuk berita National 🤣🤣. Entah terlantar atau kelaparan judul beritanya Slide berikutnya jadi pelajaran untuk para pendaki agar memilih Trekking Organizer dengan Bijak. Oya 1 lagi jangan tergiur dengan harga murah, biaya mendaki Rinjani itu mahal! Ga usah bacot itu fakta. #visitmountrinjani #mountrinjani ...

Everyone can climb a mountain, but not everyone can reach the summit. Only those who don’t give up can get there. #mountrinjani #visitmountrinjani

Everyone can climb a mountain, but not everyone can reach the summit. Only those who don’t give up can get there. #mountrinjani #visitmountrinjani

Everyone can climb a mountain, but not everyone can reach the summit. Only those who don’t give up can get there. #mountrinjani #visitmountrinjani ...

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Waterfalls you can visit before trekking Mount Rinjani. #sendanggilewaterfall

Waterfalls you can visit before trekking Mount Rinjani. #sendanggilewaterfall

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Nothing is impossible as long as you keep fighting. The summit of Mount Rinjani awaits those who never give up. #visitmountrinjani #rinjani3726mdpl

Nothing is impossible as long as you keep fighting. The summit of Mount Rinjani awaits those who never give up. #visitmountrinjani #rinjani3726mdpl ...

Enjoying breakfast while gazing at the beauty of Segara Anak Lake from Pelawangan Senaru. #mountrinjani #senaru #visitmountrinjani

Enjoying breakfast while gazing at the beauty of Segara Anak Lake from Pelawangan Senaru. #mountrinjani #senaru #visitmountrinjani

Enjoying breakfast while gazing at the beauty of Segara Anak Lake from Pelawangan Senaru. #mountrinjani #senaru #visitmountrinjani ...

Standby at the VIP Parking Area of Lombok Airport. Today, we are picking up nine international tourists from Singapore 🇸🇬 #visitmountrinjani

Standby at the VIP Parking Area of Lombok Airport. Today, we are picking up nine international tourists from Singapore 🇸🇬 #visitmountrinjani ...

The best views of Mount Rinjani can be seen in the full video on the Visit Mount Rinjani YouTube Channel. #visitmountrinjani #mountrinjani

The best views of Mount Rinjani can be seen in the full video on the Visit Mount Rinjani YouTube Channel. #visitmountrinjani #mountrinjani

The best views of Mount Rinjani can be seen in the full video on the Visit Mount Rinjani YouTube Channel. #visitmountrinjani #mountrinjani ...


Our trekking packages include pick-up services and accommodation at one of our best accommodations in Senaru.

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The Ultimate Mount Rinjani Trek Guide: 4 Days, 3 Nights!

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Writen by rinjanii

Rinjani trekking package.

Mount Rinjani Trekking 4-day, 3-night trip to Mount Rinjani is a popular option for those interested in hiking and climbing the volcano. The trip typically begins with a drive from the city of Sembalun to the starting point for the hike, which is located at an elevation of 1,150 meters (3,773 feet) above sea level. From there, hikers will begin the ascent up the mountain, passing through a variety of different landscapes, including forests, grasslands, and sandy slopes. Along the way, they will have the opportunity to see stunning views of the surrounding area and take in the fresh mountain air.

Here are the details of the adventure that you can see if you climb this trekking package

Table of Contents

Mount Rinjani 4 day 3 night  – Quick Fact

In this article you will learn (and see).

  • All about Mount Rinjani
  •  Difficulty of the hike
  • The route overview
  • What to wear and what to bring
  • Best time to hike

Other pro tips

This trekking will suit hikers who enjoy:.

  • peace and quiet situation on mountain
  • open landscapes and big views from the top
  • Soak in natural Hot spring
  • Swim at Segara Anak Lake
  • Amazing view with green valley and river from camping spot

All about Rinjani mountain

According to the Indonesian Volcanology site , Mount Rinjani is the third highest mountain after Puncak Jaya Wijaya and Mount Kerinci in Java, with a landscape that invites many tourists to want to climb Rinjani. And in fact the number of climbers for the 2022 period is increasing.

Volcano which is located at an altitude of 2000 meters is surrounded by a crater filled with water of lake Segara Anak, a few dozen meters from the side of the lake facing north there are several hot water pools that come out of active rock, on the east side of the mountain slopes are dominated by weeds and the other side is heavy overgrown by forest with medium canopy cover.

Rinjani Trekking 4 day 3 night-Difficulty of the hike

To discover Mount Rinjani is bodily demanding, the steep climb makes mountaineering very excessive on all sides, with a whole distance of 33 km. in summer season the terrain is dry and slippery at some points, as properly as in the wet season muddy roads are regularly determined alongside the way up and down the mountain.

Warning: the trekking route through torean is quite narrow, be careful on hiking and always watch on where you step on it.

Rinjani 4d3n The route overview

The route throughout Rinjani is very complex, starting from the ground, sandy and rocky so you have to prepare trekking equipment especially shoes, shoes have a very important role for the success of your trekking. The journey will start from the east route, which is precisely in Sembalun village and end on the west side in torean village

Rinjani 4d3n – What to wear and what to bring during trekking

While it can get pretty cold in night time, you’ll start to feel hot as you hike, so layers of light clothing your best option.

You’ll need light layers that you can remove and carry with easy because you don’t want to be carrying around a heavy winter jacket and not end up needing it.

The only in night you need a warm cloth

Don’t worry about night cold we will prepare your camp with good tent, sleeping pad, and bag

And we suggest you to bring some bug spray, if you are want stay calm

Make sure you choose a good trekking organizer, because they definitely have a team such as expert guides and porters for your comfort and safety during climbing, Rinjaniism is one of them if you intend to use our services, then we will make sure you will be with the best team to climb Rinjani , a team called black cobra is ready to accompany you during the climb.

Trekking Rinjani 4 Day 3 Night itinerary

Day 1. pick up at your arrival point.

Our driver will pick you up at Lombok International Airport or any other area in Lombok, transfer direct to Senaru Village. From airport will take about 3 hours to get to Senaru Village. Check in at Home Stay. If still enough time you can have a Senaru waterfall tour. Senaru’s best known attraction is the Sendang Gila waterfall which attracts many thousands of Indonesian and foreign visitors annually.

Located at about 600m above sea level, the waterfall is an easy 20 minutes’ walk down a graded trail and steps from Senaru Village, a pleasant alternative return route winds along the edge of the steep valley, following the irrigation canal. For the more adventurous, Senaru’s “second waterfall” Tiu Kelep is another hour’s walk upriver from Sendang Gila. The scramble over rocks through the tropical forest is rewarded by the beauty of the waterfall and a swim in its deep pool.

(NOTE: Waterfall Tour is not included)

Day 2 Hiking up

Our driver will pick you up at hotel lobby at 07.00 AM (After Breakfast then transfer to Sembalun Village. Before start trekking, you are mandatory to do final registration and scan the barcode of your Trekking Pass at Rinjani National Park Registration Office in Sembalun Lawang (1,156 m). Please make sure you already have the trekking pass, you can ask our staff or download from your dashboard; prepare your passport for verification too.

The trek at sembalun will start with the gentle ascend walking through the village, farm area and the open grassland (Savanna) used as cattle grazing by local people. You can see and enjoy the hills of Sembalun and the body of rinjani while your walking.

ATTENTION: Walking through open grassland, sun heat will rise the temperature quickly; please use sunblock and hat. Walking will be more comfortable using short than long pant.

About 2 hours from the gate, you will arrive at Post I (Rest area – Pemantauan – 1.300 masl). Less than another one hour, you will arrive at Post II (Lunch Point – Tengengean – 1.800 masl); here you will enjoy the view while having the lunch.

Post III (Rest area – Padabalong – 1.800 masl) will be about 1,5 hours walk from Post II. and need other 3 -3.5 Hours walking trough steep trail inside the cemara (pine-Casuarinas species) forest before arrive at Pelawangan (Crater Rim Sembalun) Camp area (2.639 masl). Expecting to arrive before sunset; you can enjoy sunset with a cup of coffee or tea while crew preparing your dinner.

After dinner, you can have nice sleep; reload energy for early morning (2 am) walk up before summit attack the next day.

Day 3 Summit attack, visiting hot spring and camp on edge of lake

You have to be ready at 2 am for the summit attack. It’s taken 3-3,5 Hours to climb Summit of Mt. Rinjani (3726 m). Once you get there, enjoy proud feelings of satisfaction and the amazing sunrise views across the Wallace Line to Bali, Mt. Agung and Sumbawa Island. Taking photograph about 1 hours and back descend down for for 2 hours to the camp area.

Return down the ridge passing numerous edelweiss plants (Bunga Abadi) to the camp for a well-deserved breakfast.

After breakfast you will start descend down to Segara Anak Lake. It’s taken about 2-3 Hours to the lake. you will enjoy the view of the valley and the great Mt. Sangkareang on west of Rinjani National Park. Once you get there; Porter will be preparing your lunch while guide will take you to the Hot Spring Water. Swimming and soak your body at hot springs, believed to have healing powers. Nature relaxation to bring your power and mood back for the next trip. Lunch will be at Lake side about 12:00-13:00. Enjoy lake with the great view of active volcano (Mt. Baru) in the middle of the lake while having lunch. 

Overnight at Segara anak lake, we continue the journey next day

Day 4 Leave Lake to tontinue camp at propok valley

After having a lunch proceed to descent to provok valley distance approximately 3.5 KM on the track estimate about 3.5 hours you will be amaze with attracting landscape by green valley combine with hill and riveralong the way to the camp.

overnight at Provok Camp spot.

Day 5 Descend down to torean Village

After breakfast start descend down to torean village (601 m) for 9 km in 4 hour descent through jungle, Rest stop are taken along the way, on normal condition, lunch will be preparing on Post 1 Extra,  the trek ends at Office in Senaru, where the car is waiting to transfer you to your next destination.

  • This itinerary is a rough guide and the actual time and distance may vary depending on factors such as weather, trail conditions, and individual pace.
  • It is important to be well-prepared and properly equipped for this trek, including necessary permits, proper footwear, clothing, and camping gear.
  • Its important also to consider your own physical fitness, and to consider hiring a guide to help with the trek.

Rinjani four day trekking packages price

What’s included in Rinjani Package Price

1. Rinjani guide, that speaks English to show you the way, help you if you needed and arrange everything during journey 2. Porter to carry all the food and equipment all the way on mountain 3. Tent 4. Mattress and sleeping bag 5. Drinking water 6. 3x hot meals per day on the mountain (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) 7. Hot drink (tea and coffee) 8. Cooking equipment carried by porter to cook all the food 9. Toilet and tent for the group 10. Land transportation to and from your initial location in Lombok 11. Entrance fee for the Rinjani National Park (RTC) 12. Trek insurance

What not included in rinjani trekking package price

1. Tips to the guide and porters 2. Trekking shoes, pants and jacket 3. Head lamp 4. Other personal expenses

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Rinjani Trekking

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Unveiling the jewel of lombok:.

mount rinjani trekking 12

Mount Rinjani rising 3,726 meters above sea level, Mount Rinjani is the second-highest volcano in Indonesia, located on the picturesque island of Lombok. Its mesmerizing landscapes include lush rainforests, pristine lakes, and hot springs, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts and avid trekkers. The trek to the summit is a test of physical endurance and mental resilience, offering a unique opportunity to witness the raw power of nature up close.

Subscribe for Rinjani Trekking Rinjani Hiking Rinjani Info Rinjani Trail |

Explore with us, our packages, 2d/1n rim via sembalun, 3d/2n summit via sembalun, 4d/3n full trip via sembalun, 2d/1n rim via senaru, 3d/2n summit via senaru, 4d/3n full trip via senaru, hiking pergasingan hill, tour komodo 4 days 3 nights, mount rinjani wild life.

Rinjani National Park lies within the major transition zone(Wallaceae) where the flora and fauna of South East Asia makes a dramatic transition into that which is typical of Australasia. The Park has a rich variety of plants and animals, although they can be hard to spot due to the terrain and rainforest cover. Sometimes seen early in the mornings is the rare black Ebony leaf monkey, known locally as Lutung.

The annual Hindu ceremony of Mulang Pekelem Mount Rinjani, a heritage event in Lombok that dates fromthe 18th century invasion and subsequent settlement of the island by Balinese from the kingdom of Karangasem, always attracts hundreds of celebrants.

From Mount Rinjani POS 2 to POS 3, the climb is still manageable. The challenge for Sembalun route is from POS 3 to POS Extra, as the uphill gradient can be 50 degrees at times. Young children will find this section challenging as some steps are set quite far apart. Cooler weather up here may give the impression that the body does not need fluids, but do drink more to prevent altitude sickness setting in. Strangely, there is a guy selling cold drinks (Pocari sweat, Coke etc) here at the campsite at exorbitant prices (40000 Rp per drink) for those who crave it. Overnight at the campsite here and go for the summit starting at 3AM the next day. 

Why Choose Us?

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Eki Wirayatma

Owner rinjani trekking.

Welcome to Rinjani Trekking Service, your trusted partner for unforgettable trekking experiences in the breathtaking landscapes of Mount Rinjani, Indonesia’s second-highest volcano. At Rinjani Trekking Service, we are dedicated to providing you with a seamless and enriching adventure that combines nature, culture, and the thrill of exploration.

Client Testimonials

Rinjani Trekking Club Senaru

Mount Rinjani Trekking In Lombok – A Complete Guide

Mount Rinjani Trekking begins in Senaru Lombok, a small mountainside village at the base of Indonesia’s second-largest active volcano, which is a whopping 3,726 meters above sea level.

I have put together this complete guide to hiking Mount Rinjani including how to get there, where to book a Rinjani trekking tour, and my personal experience on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure!


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Table of Contents


Arriving by boat from Bali to Bangsal Harbour in North Lombok is the easiest jump-off point to then make the journey from Bangsal to the base of Rinjani in Senaru, the main hub for anyone wishing to take on this challenge.

Get your ticket:  Fast boat from Bali to Lombok

It’s very easy to find a private taxi or a motorbike to rent at Bangsal Harbour.

Expect to pay around 400,000 IDR total for a private taxi to Senaru. You can also rent motorbikes/scooters in Bangsal for approximately 60,000 IDR per day.

The distance from Bangsal Harbour to Mount Rinjani jump-off point in Senaru is 60km and it’s approximately a 2-hour drive.

mount rinjani map


Blue Mountain Cottage is a small homestay in Senaru village which is the beginning point of the Rinjani trekking tour.

The a/c rooms are only 100,000 IDR per night. With two people to a room that’s the same price as a coffee where I am from!

The owner of the homestay was rather humorous and was tremendously helpful in organizing our Mount Rinjani trekking. At this point, I was super excited about our incoming adventure!

Screen Shot 2021 02 04 at 3.10.59 pm


There are dozens of tour companies that can organize the Mount Rinjani trekking located in the main towns on Lombok including Sengiggi, Mataram, Senaru, and Kuta Lombok.

However, from my experience, it’s best to organize your trip well in advance and the best option is to book online with a professional and experienced tour operator and guarantee a fixed price for your trek.


  • Return transfers by air-conditioned coach
  • Entrance fee to Gunung Rinjani National Park
  • Licensed English-speaking mountain guide
  • Local porters
  • 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner), snacks, fruits, and unlimited water
  • All camping equipment (double size tent, sleeping bag, air bed mattress, etc.)


  • Personal expenses
  • Domestic/international flights
  • Meals before and after the trek departure
  • Helicopter in case of an accident
  • Tips and gratuities

The Mt. Rinjani trek requires you to have a good level of fitness and the ability to walk long distances. It’s also strongly recommended to have travel insurance that covers high-altitude hiking.


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Have you got travel insurance for your trip?!

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We all know accidents can happen and having Heymondo Insurance will save you thousands of dollars if something goes wrong.

Heymondo offers low-cost Travel Insurance to keep you covered on all your adventures.


The Mount Rinjani adventure began early morning when a driver and our guide met us at the homestay in Senaru to take us to the starting point.

We piled into the back of his ute and drove through some villages for around an hour before arriving at the official entrance office of Mount Rinjani National Park.

We had to provide our names and passport number as a safety requirement so everyone was accounted for at the end of the trek. And then we were off. With a clear view of the volcano in the distance, I was anxious to see what surreal landscapes lay ahead.

The first three hours of the trek were quite mellow, and some thick fog made its way up the mountainside, cooling us down with its breeze. We stopped to rest for an hour while the porters were quick to whip up a big serving of nasi goreng for lunch!

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It was a further three hours of trekking through some slightly harder terrain before reaching the Mount Rinjani crater rim. This is where we set up camp for one night. Well, by we I mean the porters since they insisted on setting up our tents and preparing dinner for us!

We wandered down a ridge trail to find a good viewpoint for sunset overlooking Mount Rinjani and we were spoilt with an incredible view of the lake and another volcano inside the lake – volcano inception!

Related Article: 15 Things To Do In Lombok

The sun was setting behind the opposite ridge from where we were standing, saturating the sky with bright reds and warm, delicate oranges.

Looking back at the campsite was an unreal sight of colorful tents perched on the Mount Rinjani Crater Rim. Talk about a room with a view!

Our guide informed us that we were to start the trek to the summit of Mt Rinjani at 2:30 am the next morning. So, we enjoyed the meal the porters prepared for us and then made our way to the tents to rest up for the big finale.

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Before I knew it I was being woken up by our guide, handing me a banana pancake through the zipper of my tent. It was 2 am and time to start the hike to the summit for sunrise.

One hour in and the five of us had already managed to split up. I must admit, it was not an easy climb. The temperature was below freezing and the wind was howling across the narrow ridge that we had to walk across.

There were lava tubes and large rocks to take cover out of the wind to warm up. The last kilometer to the summit of Mount Rinjani was the most challenging as the ground surface was covered in loose rocks… I was literally taking one step forward, then sliding back down two steps.

The sun was just poking up over the horizon as I reached the summit three hours later. My fingers were frozen and I was struggling to take photos, hoping for the sun to warm me up soon. The five of us regrouped at the summit and we climbed down into the Mount Rinjani crater to get some shots.

It seemed the majority of other trekkers had already started to descend as the cold temperatures and strong winds were almost unbearable. We were the last group to descend from the summit of Mount Rinjani… but it was definitely worth spending more time at the top to witness the sheer beauty as the sun lit up the inside of the volcano.

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We arrived back down at our campsite on the crater rim at around 9 am. We had to eat breakfast quickly before making our way down into the crater towards the lake.

At this point, my leg muscles were tightening up, which was not a good feeling knowing we had another full day’s hike ahead.

2 to 3 hours later we made it down to Mount Rinjani Lake where there is a natural volcanic hot spring. We spent some time here to recharge our batteries and to shower off the sweat!

Our porters once again prepared us some mie goreng noddles for lunch and then we set off to climb to the crater rim on the opposite side of Mount Rinjani lake.

The views on this side of the crater were spectacular. The blue lake was glowing and the dense jungle created a naturally moody scene. It’s hard to believe there was another volcano… growing inside a larger volcano… which was then surrounded by a lake. I felt like I was on a Jurassic Park movie set!

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We made it to the top of the Mount Rinjani crater rim 2 to 3 hours later, which is where we thought we were camping for the night… but it so happened our porters had continued on walking down to another campsite to set up.

We were pretty disappointed because we wanted to see the sunset from the Mount Rinjani crater rim, but we didn’t have much choice but to follow our guides to the next camp.

We trekked down for another 1.5 hours before reaching the campsite. Upon arrival, I was absolutely exhausted, so I skipped dinner and went straight to bed.

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The following morning was the last day of the trek and it was a beautiful walk down through the shaded forest. I spotted lots of monkeys swinging around impressively from tree to tree, wishing I could swing around with them!

The end of the trek ended at the road that lead us down to our homestay. We were all so hyped to have accomplished the 3-day Mount Rinjani trek and we tipped our guide and porters for their efforts!

Trekking Mt. Rinjani is one of the hardest but best adventures I have been on to date and it was a truly unforgettable experience!

mount rinjani trekking, mt rinjani trek, mount rinjani trek, mount rinjani tour, mount rinjani, mount rinjani lombok, rinjani trekking, mt rinjani, waterfall lombok, lombok waterfalls, lombok waterfall, lombok travel, lombok waterfall tour, lombok tour, tiu keep waterfall, lombok indonesia, lombok island, lombok bali, things to do in lombok, lombok, lombok attractions, lombok trip, lombok map, lombok trip blog, bukit selong, tiu kelep waterfall, tiu kelep, sendang gile waterfall, senaru, sendang gile and tiu kelep waterfall, air terjun tiu kelep, senaru waterfall, rinjani waterfall, benang stokel, air terjun benang stokel


What to pack for lombok.

When visiting Lombok, here is a list of items I highly recommend bringing with you:

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4 thoughts on “Mount Rinjani Trekking In Lombok – A Complete Guide”

Hi thanks for your visit to lombok I am ADI trekking agency in senaru village.

Hi Adi! Thanks very much 🙂

Okay I better start training. Thanks for the advice and I reckon the slower option best for us. Your photos are amazing!!

Thanks Evie. I wish you all the best on the trek. I am sure it will be an unforgettable experience for you also!

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Trekking Rinjani Adventures

Welcome to our Trekking Rinjani Adventures website! We are a team of passionate adventurers with a deep love for the breathtaking landscapes of Mount Rinjani in Indonesia. Our mission is to provide you with an unforgettable trekking experience that combines thrilling challenges, natural wonders, and cultural immersion.

With years of expertise and a profound knowledge of the region, our experienced guides are dedicated to ensuring your safety and satisfaction every step of the way. They possess a deep understanding of the local terrain, flora, and fauna, enriching your journey with fascinating insights. From the moment you embark on your trek, you'll be accompanied by our friendly and knowledgeable team, who are committed to creating an environment of camaraderie and support. At Trekking Rinjani Adventures, we believe in responsible and sustainable trekking practices. We respect and appreciate the pristine beauty of Mount Rinjani, and we strive to leave minimal impact on the environment. We collaborate with local communities, promoting cultural exchange and supporting their livelihoods. With a focus on eco-consciousness, we encourage our trekkers to minimize waste and leave no trace, ensuring the preservation of this magnificent natural landscape for future generations.

orange and gray tent on green grass field near brown mountain under blue sky during daytime

​Your Gateway to Rinjani Trekking Adventure

body of water under blue sky and white clouds during daytime

Rinjani Mount

Start Your Epic Journey

Trekking with Confidence

Explore with licensed & experienced team guides and porters

person carrying basket with plastic bottles surrounded by trees

happy customers

Packages already sold.

Amazing tour guide! smiling, always nice to talk with, they always have the best advices for you, adapted to your needs! Absyah • Morocco
From start to finish, they were extremely professional, friendly, helpful and easy to do trekking with. Very happy with the experience and the people. Erik • Germany
Tour guides with knowledge of survival things is important! I warmly recommend them! Jeane • Singapore
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  • Rinjani trekking: a complete guide to Mount Rinjani hike

view summit mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

This is post 12 of 15 in the series “Indonesia”

Indonesia is a large country most famous for the island of Bali, which I’m also guilty of only visiting. Whether it’s climbing volcanoes or spending a week in a yoga retreat, Bali is an island that it’s hard to get tired of! Here are some of my top tips:

  • Nusa Penida tour: 2 days in Bali paradise
  • Things to do in Bali Seminyak in 36 hours: a shop + eat guide
  • Mount Batur Sunrise Trekking: a volcano hike
  • Bali on a budget: a Price Guide for Shopping, Eating, and Accommodation
  • Bali itinerary: 10 days of adventure for first time visitors
  • Ijen Bromo tour: a 3 day adventure to Mount Bromo and Ijen to Bali
  • Bali Glamping: an eco stay near Ubud with Sebatu Sanctuary
  • Ubud Yoga Retreat: a week with Shanti Toya Ashram
  • Bali waterfalls: 7 best waterfalls in Bali
  • North Bali things to do: 1.5 days around Bedugul Bali
  • 24 things to do in Ubud Bali
  • Bali to Gili Islands: a transport guide + overview
  • Things to do in Gili Trawangan
  • 11+ Things to do in Lombok

Are you planning to go Mount Rinjani trekking? A Mount Rinjani hike is a must when you visit Lombok, not to mention it’s only a short flight away from the ever-popular Bali. There are many Rinjani trekking packages online and from tour operators all over Bali and Gili Islands, and most of the time you don’t get all the information you want. I know that I certainly could do with more info before I go up!

me and sunset campsite sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

So this is where I – a veteran hiker in Southeast Asia – come in with my super informative guide on hiking Mount Rinjani for you:

  • If you are interested in more cool hikes, see my epic hikes page
  • For something easier, check out Mount Batur in Bali , and Bromo and Ijen in Java
  • Heading to Bali before or after? Check out my Bali guides .

Trekking Rinjani Essential Information

morning crater lake view senaru route campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Do you want to hike Mount Rinjani? A lot of the blog posts, articles, and vlogs I find online don’t give me enough information on what trekking Mount Rinjani is like. This is where I come in! If you want to know all about hiking Rinjani, keep on reading: 

Geology of Mount Rinjani

Mount Rinjani is the active volcano that has given rise to the island of Lombok. It lies on the divergent (moving apart) boundary of Indo and Australia plates which give rise to many other volcanoes in Indonesia and around.

crater lake view mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

It is a relatively young volcano compared to others in its region, with rocks dating back to the Mesozoic era. The caldera, which is the depression that allows the crater lake to form, happened in 1257. 

When was the last Rinjani eruption?

2018 earthquake features pos 2 to pos 3 sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Mount Rinjani last erupted in 2010, although other types of volcanic activities were more recent. The earthquake in 2018 changed the hiking route and some of the landscape. If you find information pre-2018, chances are that things look quite different now.

What is Mount Rinjani known for?

Mount Rinjani is known for being the second-highest and most active volcano in Indonesia. Its highest point stands at 3762 m above sea level and the crater lake and rim are also beautiful.

Is Mount Rinjani worth it?

view of campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

While Mount Rinjani isn’t as easy as Mount Bromo or Kawah Ijen , it is a more challenging and off-the-beaten path hike with amazing crater lake views. I enjoyed the hike, but it is not for those who had not prepared physically and mentally, even with the help of the porters and guides!

I’d recommend doing the 2D1N route if you’re not sure if you can complete it as day 2 for the 3D2N tour is brutal!

How to prepare for Mount Rinjani?

Most people with a good level of fitness should be able to make it to the crater rim campsite, providing they have a pair of good trainers. However, if you are doing 3D2N and want to make sure that you won’t be struggling every step of the way, here are some suggestions:

  • Hike more in your home country/town before your trip. If you’re in Hong Kong, I’ve many hiking recommendations .
  • Try a less difficult mountain before. Here is how I rank some of my big treks: Mount Olympus, Greece -> Mount Fuji, Japan (very similar terrain) -> Mount Kinabalu, Malaysia .
  • Make sure you have hiking poles and the right shoes!

When to hike Rinjani?

Mount Rinjani is generally open from April until the end of December, with January being the month that would definitely be closed. This is due to the rainfall from the rainy season, making the trails slippery and unstable.

pos 4 to campsite sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat-5

It is best to hike Mount Rinjani from June – August when visibility would be good. However, these are also the hottest months, which makes climbing harder.

How long does it take to hike Mount Rinjani?

Mount Rinjani National Park covers a huge area, and it depends on the route you take. You need to do an overnight tour in order to summit Rinjani, although you can hike to the crater rim and back down in one day.

Those who are very fit can likely do the trek in one day. However, no one-day tours are available, and given that this is an active volcano and in the tropics on a less-developed island, it’s best to take a tour.

Mount Rinjani Routes explained

There used to be only one route to hike Mount Rinjani, but nowadays, there are two starting points. This means you no longer have to do a loop trail and the 3D2N hike would take you from Sembalun to Senaru.

briefing hajar trekking mount rinjani senaru lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Senaru was the only official starting point but now there’s the addition of Sembalun which goes to the base camp for the summit faster. That is now the default route for all summit hikes.

There are 2 routes down with a new middle route that opened in 2021 that serves as a pilgrimage route for locals. Now it’s open to foreign tourists as a backup for coming down during bad weather or late descent option. It has many waterfalls, but given that it requires additional transport arrangements and is a similar time span to reach the Senaru crater rim. It is not something that most people take up unless absolutely necessary.

Can you swim in Mount Rinjani?

crater lake mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

If you take the 3 day 2 night tour, you will have lunch at the crater lake on day 2. There is a hot spring nearby but you can also swim in the crater lake if you want.

However, this is a crater lake of an active volcano rich in sulfur. I would recommend not swimming there but going to the hot spring instead.

Can You Fly a Drone on Mount Rinjani

Yes, at least in Dec 2022 it is still allowed for us to fly our drone. That said, please exercise caution as the area can be busy and the signal weak on the summit.

There are risks associated with flying at high altitudes. 

Mount Rinjani Trekking Tour

There is no shortage of Mount Rinjani trekking tours online and also from local tour agencies in Bali, Gili Islands, and Lombok. In general, they offer more or less the same packages with very little price difference:

  • 2D1N or 3D2N tours
  • A guide and porters who will lead you, cook, and make a tent for you

motorbike taxis sembalun start mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Extra info: tour companies are allowed to bring two groups up per week, so it’s important to book in advance if you have a tour company you want to go with.

Hajar Trekking

We went with Hajar Trekking for our Mount Rinjani Trekking Tour. It is one of the best-rated in Lombok and runs by the Lombok native Hajar.

hajar trekking mount rinjani senaru lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Hajar himself started as a hiking guide in 2000, but trekking up Rinjani didn’t become popular until 2006. It really become something to do in 2010 but with the earthquake in 2018 and then the pandemic in 2020, things have slowed down a lot.

For the two of us, we have one guide and two porters: here’s our team photo

team photo gate senaru route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Our guide is Adi who is really funny. He started as a porter in 2008. The porters are Adi 2 the bodybuilder and Anton the sprinter.

How much does it cost to climb Mount Rinjani?

Considering that we have our camping gear taken up and all our meals cooked, it is surprisingly cheap. With Hajar Trekking, the cost for 2 people trekking 3D2N is 255 USD. But if you have 10+ people, it’s 215 USD.

You can see the full price list here . The cheapest option is a 2D1N hike up to the crater rim from the Senaru route, which is 195 USD for 2 people.

The tour is probably cheaper if you book locally, but it’s hard to vet the tour companies you would end up with.

Can you climb Mount Rinjani without a guide?

From what I understand, you can technically hike Mount Rinjani without a guide. However, it is difficult to do so as a foreign tourist and not recommended. While the trail is relatively established and hiked, there are still parts that are still not the safest. The tropical climate means there are bugs, plants, and wildlife that aren’t the friendliest.

Besides, without the porters, it would be difficult to carry everything up and also cook all your meals!

How much do you tip Rinjani?

porter sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

You are expected to tip the porters and guide at the end of the trip. This hugely depends on your experience but the minimum suggested amount is 100k per person. We tipped more especially since it was 3D2N and we had a great time with our tour company.

Getting to Lombok and Mount Rinjani

For packaged tours, generally includes pick up and drop off at the port or airport. Here is how to get to Lombok and Senaru:

Flying to Lombok

flying over lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Lombok has an international airport. You can get a flight from Singapore, Jakarta, or Bali fairly easily.

We made our way over from Bali, where the domestic airport is next to the international airport. It’s about 10 mins walk on the nicely paved ground if you ended up getting dropped off on the international side.

domestic airport lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

We flew with Citilink, a budget airline with a propeller jet which was fine. Although we could only purchase 15kg of luggage instead of 20.

domestic airport lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat-2

The Hajar Trekking tour driver picked us up at the exit by the taxi and Grab Lounge and it was a roughly 3 hours drive to Senaru. You will be swamped by drivers trying to get your attention and business. But just hold your ground and refuse firmly.

Boat to Lombok

Alternatively, you can take the boat from Bali to Lombok. However, crossing can get quite tough during the rainy season. Most boats stop by Gili Islands as well, so it’s much easier to get a flight if you can.

Note: your tour company should keep your luggage for you and return it to you at Senaru on departure day.

Mount Rinjani Trekking Packing List

This is my packing list for 3D2N, with all the camping need taken care of by the tour company we went with:

mount rinjani hike packing list senaru lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

  • Hiking poles – they are an absolute lifesaver. Mine are Lafuma’s but these are similar .
  • Hydration bladder – seriously useful because you can drink water without having to open your bag. I generally had 1.5 L of water on me for the day.
  • 25-35L backpack, preferably with back ventilation. My sister used the Osprey 24L but the 30 L is also great. I carried a 28L Lafuma backpack .
  • Heat tech thermal layers for sleeping. Mine are from Uniqlo, but something like this works perfectly too.
  • Waterproof jacket. Mine is Lafuma, and my sisters was Black Diamond’s . I also saw people with ponchos so that works too!
  • 1 pair of shorts and 1 pair of leggings (I wish I had another pair of leggings but it was difficult to pack!)
  • 2 t-shirts and one long-sleeves
  • 4 pairs of socks
  • Hat and cap
  • Wet wipes and toilet roll
  • Knee brace – due to knee injury
  • Head torch for ascent and at night. And a tent light if you have the room.
  • Hiking shoes – it’s better to have ankle support

I also brought my camera gear up:

  • Dji Mini 3 Pro Drone – flying it around both campsites is amazing
  • Fuji X100V Camera – best travel camera and super compact
  • GoPro – for timelapse and action shot

This would be difficult with a 25-30L bag, so you either need someone to help you carry some of it, or have a 40-45L backpack.

What should I wear to Mount Rinjani?

mount rinjani hike outfit senaru lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Mount Rinjani isn’t as cold as other hikes. I felt much colder in Mount Kinabalu and Mount Fuji. Day 1 and Day 3 are doable in shorts, but I do recommend having thermal layers for sleeping, and also fleece for the summit.

I ended up wearing too much on the summit hike as I expected it to be super cold, but even in December it was okay since we were moving. However, it is still cold at night!

Mount Rinjani Trekking Experience

Now that we have covered the essential information, it’s time to share my experience of hiking the second most active volcano in Indonesia.

Day 0: Arrival in Lombok and Senaru

Yes, the Mount Rinjani trip starts with day 0 – aka the arrival day. We landed in Lombok in the early afternoon and were able to find our driver, who had our name on a sign.

From the airport, it’s a 2.5-3 hour drive to Senaru. There is signal all of the way and we saw some lovely views of the sea and rice paddies.

Hajar himself was waiting for us in Senaru, specifically Pondok Senaru Cottages where we would stay the night. There is no Wi-Fi, but it is a nice basic simple room with a great view and places to charge our devices.

welcome drink Pondok Senaru Cottages hajar trekking mount rinjani senaru lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

He gave us a briefing on what to expect, although there is no elevation information… I’ll be giving you those!

After a welcome drink and settling in, we went out for dinner, which is not included in the tour package.

Dinner at Cafe Rifka

Cafe Rifka senaru lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat-2

Cafe Rifka is just across the road from the cottage and one of the highest-rated places to eat in Senaru. The prices were around 20-50 000 rupiah with Indonesia and international food choices.

We spent 140k for two, getting a large bottle of water for 8k.

We went to bed at 9 pm after packing our bags.

Day 1: Sembalun to Rim

We woke up at 6 am to finish packing and went up to get breakfast at the cottage. They had a good selection of food and we ordered banana pancakes and omelets respectively. There was also ginger tea!

breakfast Pondok Senaru Cottages senaru lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Our guide Adi arrived while we were having breakfast and introduced himself. We made sure to use the bathroom before leaving our luggage and hopping on the open back trunk.

Set off to Sembalun

transport and team mount rinjani trek senaru lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

It takes an hour to get from Senaru to Sembalun, so it’s best to settle in for the ride with a shirt or jacket. Adi had already proven to be hilarious and we got to know the porters as well on the ride.

Sembalun ascent route takes us much closer to the summit and the village itself is higher in elevation.

medical check mount rinjani trek senaru lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

You need to get a medical check and then sign in at the geopark office before heading to the official starting point. Our guide did all the registration and check-in for us. And we managed to use the bathroom at the medical check location.

Sembalun Trail Start

entrance sembalun start mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

We arrived at the starting point at roughly 8:30. There is a big sign and we can see the plain rising up to the peak of Mount Rinjani in front. It was quite sunny and I was happy to be in shorts.

entrance to bridge sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

The hike for the first hour is relatively flat and nice. We went down for a little bit and also through some forests. We paused at a bridge where a dry river gets very full during the wet season peak.

entrance to bridge sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat-4

It didn’t take us long to reach pos 1 after.

pos 1 to pos 2 sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

We also saw quite a few motorbike riders taking people up. This seems to be a popular option with domestic tourists.

pos 1 to pos 2 sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat-4

You can only take it as far as Pos 2 where there is a river to cross on foot.

starting point to pos 2 Sembalun Route Mount Rinjani trekking Lombok Indonesia

Pos 2 Lunch Stop

cooking stations pos 2 sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

We got to pos 2 at 10:30 and most if not all of the porters have already arrived and started cooking. It really felt like a giant picnic but with a full meal. Our guide and porters secured a corner of a pavilion for us and we chatted with a fellow hiker as we waited for our food.

monkey at pos 2 sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

There are a lot of monkeys around waiting to snatch food (or scrapes) from us. Our hiking poles came in very handy to scare them off!

lunch pos 2 sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

It took an hour before we got any food but it was well worth it. We had fried chicken, tempeh, prawn crackers, stir-fried vegetables, and egg with rice. And also fruits and tea.

toilet block pos 2 sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Note: there is a bathroom section but you have to pay 5k rupiah to use it.

Pos 2 to Pos 3

pos 2 to pos 3 sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

We departed at 12 and continued to pos 3. There is a Pos 2.9 and Pos 3 was only 25-30 mins from pos 2. There is a cute gorge nearby and it has two pavilions.

pos 2 to pos 3 sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Pos 3 to Pos 4

pos 3 to pos 4 sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

From pos 3 to pos 4 is tougher but still not too bad. It is steeper but most of the footing is ok.

pos 4 sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

We got to pos 4 just before 2 pm and took a 15 mins break.

Pos 4 to Campsite

pos 4 to campsite sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Pos 4 to the campsite is the longest and hardest part with a rickety ladder involved. The final stretch is foresty but it’s still really steep and the footing is a lot less sure.

pos 4 to campsite sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat-4

Most hikers arrive around 4 pm. We arrived at 3:30ish and it was completely foggy. This is the most popular campsite so there were many many hikers.

campsite sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Generally, the tents are for hikers and porters and guides stay in a green cover thing. 

pos 2 to campsite Sembalun Route Mount Rinjani trekking Lombok Indonesia

Sunset and Dinner

We had free time to unpack and unwind in our tent or around the campsite. The signal reception comes and goes there, but I actually managed to Facetime for a while.

campsite sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat-2

The tent is also very comfortable. It was spacious for two with a sleeping mat, sleeping bag, and pillow. The only thing they don’t have that we’d like is a camping light. But we used our headtorch which works just as well.

sunset panorama campsite sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

All of the hikers camp along this ridge so it is quite crowded. The view is not guaranteed during the rainy season, but it is cleared for sunset for the most surreal view.

drone shot sunset campsite sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Our dinner that night was also fantastic – a coconty tofu curry with rice.

dinner campsite sembalun route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

We went to bed at around 7pm but the campsite was slightly noisy so it was not as easy to sleep. 

Day 2: Summit Ascent, Senaru Rim camp

Early morning ascent.

The usual wake-up time is 2 am. But to be on the safe side, we got up at 1:30 am after a discussion with Adi the night before.

ascent summit breakfast mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Breakfast was a nice cheesy and egg toast and some ginger tea, then we set off at 2:13 am. We had to go up a ridge, then horizontally slightly inclined up, then up to the peak.

campsite to summit mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Don’t underestimate the difficulty, though it was less cold than expected given we had to hike up a steep incline. The first part was brutal as we passed by more campers and then up very steep volcanic ash terrain. 

campsite to summit mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat-3

There were people who woke up later and earlier than us, and we got to the first unofficial rest stop at 4:11. That was probably the start of the flatter ridge.

But the ascent up to the peak was equally brutal and the sky slowly lighted. We got to the peak at just past 6 am.

Mount Rinjani Summit

photo at view summit mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

The peak isn’t a huge area but it does offer a 360-degree view. Most people are by the crater lake view, but the sunrise is actually on the other side.

view summit mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat-3

There was no sunrise for us. It simply got lighter because the sun was up behind the clouds. But it is still a pretty epic view of just clouds.

sunrise direction summit mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Note: I tried to fly my drone but it couldn’t find any satellite. It was also a bit chaotic as more people arrived so I decided to abandon the thought.

trip ke rinjani

Fun (or rather shocking) fact: according to our guide Adi, only 50% of people actually summit. Most people decided to quit on the way up.

The descent back to campsite + breakfast

We started the descent at 6:30 am, staying the recommended 30 minutes (preferably less). Now that it is completely bright, we can actually see the way up including the crater lake.

summit back to campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

The volcanic ash might be hell to come up, but going down is much easier. The trick is to use the poles, dig in with your heels, and let yourself slide down.

summit back to campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat-4

I kept stopping here and there to take photos because the view is just incredible. The way down was longer than I remember, which might be why they make you go up in darkness. That way, you won’t know how long you have to go!

summit back to campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat-4

There is a part at the beginning of the ascent aka the end of the descent that I hated, which is below pictured with Adi.

summit back to campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat-8

We got back to the campsite at 8:27 am where our breakfast burger with *gasps* fries was waiting for us. It was absolutely delicious.

full breakfast campsite sembalun mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

It took me a little longer to pack than I’d liked. We didn’t start going down to crater lake until 9:32 am. A lot of people have opted to go down to Sembalun instead of carrying on for the 3D2N hike. It is an option that you best decide then.

Descent to Crater Lake

campsite sembalun to crater lake mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

The descent to crater lake was right on the route that went up to the summit. It is steeper than I expected but the view was still clear for the while.

campsite sembalun to crater lake mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

The trail was a mix of rocks, dirt, and some steps here and there. We even had to use the ropes at one point.

campsite sembalun to crater lake mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

There are some bridges and rock rivers to cross, and overall it was a bit hard on the knees but not too exhausting.

campsite sembalun to crater lake mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

We made it to the crater lake shore just before noon.

campsite sembalun to crater lake mount rinjani trekking lombok indonesia

There is a hot spring area close by about 10-15 minute walk. But be warned that it is also up and down plus smells strongly of sulfur. It started raining just as we got there so it did not turn out to be the most relaxing visit.

lunch at crater lake mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat-2

We return to the lake shore where our lunch is now under the green tarp. It was hot noodles with vegetables and egg plus fruits.

We ended up setting off at 2:21 pm – I really would have skipped the hotspring and gone up earlier.

Ascent to Crater Rim Camp 2

crater lake to senaru route campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

The ascent starts with us walking along the lake shore which is a bit more adventurous than expected. The rain did not help.

crater lake to senaru route campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Then it was up through a boulder river that turns into a dirt trail. While it is only a 2.5-3.5 hours hike up, don’t underestimate the tiredness and steepness since you’d have hiked 8 hours or so by then.

crater lake to senaru route campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

It’s essential (and best) to get up before sunset as there is a metal ladder and chances of falling rocks. But we do know of a group who had to do 20 minutes in darkness.

crater lake to senaru route campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

We arrived at 5:53 pm where our tent was already set up. The campsite is at 2643+ m with a more direct view of the smoldering volcano in the crater lake and of the summit.

crater lake to senaru campsite mount rinjani trekking lombok indonesia

Dinner and sleep

We got our amazing Nasi Goreng (fried rice) dinner at 7 pm, ate, and promptly went to sleep. If the weather is nice (during the summer season it should more or less be), it’s a good view from here and probably good to fly your drone or take photos.

nasi goreng dinner senaru route campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

The campsite is a lot quieter since most people have opted out of 3D2N or are only on 2D1N. The highest hill has a direct view of the smoldering caldera, but otherwise, the trees do sort of block it.

Day 3: Descent to Senaru

Breakfast and departure from camp.

senaru route campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

We woke up around 6 am to find that the rain has stopped! We had breakfast and I quickly flew my drone for a nice view.

day 3 breakfast senaru route campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Campsite to Pos 4

We began a descent at 7:07 am. We had to go slightly up around a hill with a view of Bali from afar before descending.

view of bali senaru route campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

The initial downhill stretch was very rocky with difficult footing, then it gave way to a dirt path which really isn’t too bad.

view of bali senaru route campsite mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

The Senaru route is not as gentle as the Sembalun route with an overall higher elevation. But it also has different rest stops – pos 1 – 4.

Pos 4 to Pos 3

pos 3 to pos 4 senaru route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Note: there are many leeches that pop out after rain so watch your footing.

Pos 3 to Pos 2

pos 3 to pos 4 senaru route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

We even saw the remnant of a pavilion that has slid into the jungle during the 2018 earthquake!

pos 3 to pos 2 senaru route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Pos 2 to Pos 1

pos 2 to pos 1 senaru route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Pos 1 to Gate

pos 1 to gate senaru route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

Depending on your guide and porters, and also the groups in front and behind you, your lunch spot would be close to the gate.

We actually ended up eating lunch in front of the gate after signing out of the park. There is a bathroom but it is sort of grimey.

Our porters were already preparing our food and we arrived at the gate at 11:23 am. Our final meal was Mi Goreng – fried noodles – with tempeh, fried chicken, prawn crackers, and egg rolls.

lunch at gate senaru route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

And fruits, of course.

Departure to Senaru

Usually, the pick-up will come all the way to the gate. However, because of the heavy rain, we had to walk out.

final exit senaru route mount rinjani trek lombok indonesia - laugh travel eat

This part of the road was actually quite slippery so I did end up slipping. But Adi helped me out and we were on the way to Senaru to pick up our luggage in no time.

Leaving Senaru

The driver who picked us up at the airport was waiting for us. We had time to change quickly after reuniting with our luggage.

We decided to stay in Lombok for two more nights to rest and it was a 2 hours drive to Sengitgit. Most people also opt to go to Kuta, a surf town on the other side of the island which was a 4 hours drive.

  • Generally, people arrive at the gate between 12-3pm. This really depends on how fast you hike.
  • Between picking up your luggage and transfer, it can be difficult to take the ferry to Bali (via Gili islands). So you should stay on Lombok or at most to Gili Islands. Although if you are not sure how fast you can finish the hike, I would not aim to get to Gili on the same day.

Looking to trek Mount Rinjani on Lombok? It's right next to Bali and the second most active volcano in Indonesia with a stunning view. But if you want to hike it, you need to be prepared and I'll tell you how: #mountrinjani #hiking #indonesia

Hi, my name is Nam. I am 24 and spent half my life in Hong Kong and the other half in UK. I believe there's endless experience and beauty in the world and this is me chronicling how to experience the best at the best price.

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trip ke rinjani


The Mighty Mount Rinjani

The mighty Rinjani mountain of Gunung Rinjani is a massive volcano which towers over the island of Lombok . A climb to the top is one of the most exhilarating experiences you can have in Indonesia. At 3,726 meters tall, Gunung Rinjani is the second highest mountain in Indonesia. The climb to the top may not be easy but it’s worth it, and is widely regarded as one of the best views in the country.

Within the mountain is a crescent shaped lake, the breathtaking Segara Anak which is a spiritual place. The Balinese come here each year and perform a ceremony to the mountain spirit. The Wetu Telu people also regard the lake as holy and come here to pray on full moon nights. This lake of sulfur is located 600 meters below the crater rim. Rising from the waters of this lake is a new volcano, Mt Baru, which is a result of a series of eruptions during the 1990’s.

Mt Rinjani lies within the Gunung Rinjani National Park. The park covers 41,330 hectares and sits inside a major bio-geographical transition zone (Wallacea). This is where the tropical flora and fauna of South East Asia meets that of Australasia. This National Park was established in 1997 and is one of over 40 throughout Indonesia.

Three-day Rinjani route from Senaru to the crater rim, down to the Crater Lake then on to Sembalun Lawang, is considered one of the best treks in South East Asia. More adventurous trekkers may want to head all the way to the summit of the volcano. This is best reached from Sembalun Lawang and takes four days, finishing up in Senaru.

The most popular way to climb Rinjani is through a four or five day hiking expedition, starting at Senaru and finishing at Sembalun Lawang. Trekkers begin from Senaru hiking to the stunning crater rim, down to the incredible crater lake and then onto Sembalun Lawang.  More information about trekking up Mt Rinjani is available at the Rinjani trekking club website. 

Senaru and Sembalun Lawang Villages are the two starting points to climb Gunung Rinjani. Senaru Village is a three hour drive north of Mataram, while Sembalun Lawang Village is approximately a four hours drive to the east of Mataram.  You can get to Senaru by taking public transport to Bayan and then walking. 

And, here is to create more magical moments in Lombok. Book now !

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Rinjani Trek: A Beginners Guide to Hiking Mount Rinjani

One of the best and most challenging hikes we’ve ever done is the Rinjani Trek in Lombok, Indonesia. Trekking Mount Rinjani, or Gunung Rinjani as locals call it, is not for the faint of heart, but if you are up for it, we have the ultimate beginners guide to get you prepped and ready to trek Rinjani!

Jump Ahead To:

Why Hike Mount Rinjani?

Besides the breathtaking views and an epic sunrise? The freaking rewarding feeling and sense of accomplishment you’ll get from climbing the second largest mountain in Indonesia !

If that still doesn’t do it for you, imagine sweeping views of stunning vistas from above, a star filled sky you get to sleep under and seeing Lake Segara Anak and her beautiful turquoise waters.

Seriously, it’ll be a trek your body and mind won’t soon forget!

If all of this sounds good to you then keep on reading because we have your complete guide and everything you’ll need to know to make do the Rinjani Trek.

Where Is Mount Rinjani Located?

Mount Rinjani is an active Volcano located on the Northern side on the Indonesian island of Lombok . It rises 12,224 feet (3,726 meters) from the earth, making Mount Rinjani the second largest mountain in Indonesia.

Pretty badass right? Yeah, yeah and you’re going to climb it!

Mount Rinjani Facts

Mount Rinjani isn’t just an exciting mountain to climb. This mountain is also quite interesting. Here are a few fun facts to know before you decide to climb mount Rinjani:

Mount Rinjani Is an Active Volcano

The Rinjani mount is an active volcano. In fact, this is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. It is the second highest volcano in Indonesia and is known as a stratovolcano, as it is built-up of layers of lava and ash. The first recorded eruption for this mountain was in 1847. Before this time, this region of the world wasn’t thoroughly explored by westerners.

Through the years, this volcano have become active several times. In May 2009, the volcano erupted with smoke and ash that drifted 8,000 meters into the sky. Then again in February 2010, the mountain erupted with a column of smoke that rose 100 m from the volcano before it erupted yet again in May of that same year, which resulted in 1,600 meter tall smoke and ash eruptions. The biggest eruption occurred a second time in May 2010 when an ash plum rose 5.5 km from the mountain.

The latest volcanic action occurred in August 2018 when a 6.4 magnitude earthquake caused landslides on the north of the island. Since then, the volcano has been mostly quiet.

The Volcano Is Closely Monitored

Despite all of this volcanic activity, you shouldn’t be too worried about climbing Mount Rinjani. The volcano is closely monitored through the Gunung Rinjani Observation Post in the village of Lawang and warnings are sent out whenever activity is detected.

To be safe, just be sure to check in with the observation post before you begin your hike.

The Mountain Is a National Park

In 2008, the Indonesian government proposed that mount Rinjani become one of the official geoparks and this motion was soon approved by UNESCO. Mount Rinjani National Park now consists of 66,000 hectares of protected forest.

Several endangered fauna species are protected in this park. Animals like the rusa deer, the Indian muntajac, the sucunda porcupine, surili monkeys, helmeted friar birds, cockatoos, and many others live peacefully and safely in this national park and all fall under the protection of the local government.

Volcano Height and Size

To reach the summit of this mountain, you need to climb up to 3,726 meters high. The mountain is a tough climb and very few actually reach the summit. Most people stop at about 2,700 meters, at the crater rim, because the views are still excellent and the climb is manageable up to this point. The last 1,000 meters to the top is a lot steeper and requires a lot more finesse and climbing skill.

The Rinjani National Park consists of 41,330 hectares within the park boundaries and 66,000 hectares of natural forest surroundings.

Lots of Waterfalls to Behold

While you are visiting Mount Rinjani, you can also explore some other scenery. In the rainy season, Rijani National Park has many beautiful sights to seek out such as hot springs, the Sembulan crater, the Senaru crater, and various waterfalls. Each of these scenes and locations are absolutely brilliant and worth the journey.

Mount Rinjani, How To Get There By Plane

If you are a ways away from the island of Lombok, the easiest way to get to Mount Rinjani is to fly into the airport located on Lombok (Airport Code: LOP).

From here, expect a 2.5 – 3 hour drive north to get to the villages (Senaru or Sembalun) that surround Mount Rinjani.

These villages are where you will want to stay the night prior to your trek.  

Mount Rinjani, How To Get There From Bali or The Gili Islands

If you are close by, say on Bali or the Gili islands, a fast boat / ferry is a great option.

If you are on the island of Bali you can get to your Mount Rinjani trek by catching a fast boat to Lombok . There are plenty of tour companies on Bali that you’ll be able to book a fast boat to Lombok through.

Consider booking a fast boat with either a tour company or through your accommodation a day or two prior to your desired departure date. Also, be sure to arrive to your reservation on time.

When planning your route, understand that there are three departure town ports…

  • Padang Bai (most common)

Choose which is most convenient for you in terms of logistics and price.

From The Gili Islands

If you are on the Gili Islands, you can take a ferry from the Gili Islands and get dropped off at Teluk Nare Harbor, which is located in Senggigi on Lombok.

The boat ride from Gili T takes about 15 minute + a 2 hour cab ride north from Sengigi to the villages of Senaru or Sembalun.

Regardless of where you are coming from by boat, once you arrive onto Lombok, make your way by car/taxi to the villages of Senaru or Sembalun .

These two villages are the jumping off point for your Rinjani Trek.

Mount Rinjani, When To Go

When planning your Mount Rinjani trek, it’s best to pay attention to the rainy seasons. Understand that Indonesia is hit with two different monsoon seasons and to make your Rinjani trek the best it can be, you’ll want to avoid the rainy seasons.

The best time to trek Mount Rinjani is from May to November . During these months, the weather is dry but this also means these months are peak season which means more tourists on the mountain.

The times to avoid trekking Rinjani are January – March . Heavy rain hits Lombok during these months making the Rinjani trek super dangerous.

Mount Rinjani National Park typically closes during these months due to the unpredictability and safety issues in climbing Rinjani. Not only is it dangerous to literally trek the paths during the rainy season, but rock and mudslides are common.

Is Mount Rinjani Hard To Climb?

We’re not going to sugarcoat this… yes, Mount Rinjani is hard to climb . Like, frustratingly hard. But even so, this mountain is still fairly easy and safe to climb compared to other, higher mountains in the world.

We went into the Rinjani hike thinking “pshhhh, we’re two fit humans who have hiked loads of times at high altitudes, we got this.” Well, Rinjani laughed in our faces.

We’ve hiked in the Himalayas and to the summits of some of the tallest points in the United States and we will say, Mount Rinjani kicked our butts.

Why is The Rinjani Trek so Difficult?

Two words – the elevation and the terrain ….ok, that’s four words, but you get it.

Over the course of 8kms (5 miles) you have a 1500m / 4,922 feet climb – and that’s a up, up, up hill climb. The hardest and most steepest part are the last 4kms which takes around 4 hours to climb.

Correct, one Kilometer per hour. You read that right.

The reason why it takes so unbearably long is because of the incline and the unmanaged trails . The trail terrain is loose rock and dirt, so it’s hard to keep your footing at some places, the worst being the ascent to the top for sunrise.  

It goes without saying but proper footwear is key for this hike. Aka, no sandals like Tevas or Chaco’s. The loose rocks and dirt will fill them and make the climb unbearable. Proper trail runners or hiking boots are a must! Don’t skimp out on quality either.

For more details around what to pack for Mount Rinjani, give our packing guide a read.

Where to Stay Near Mount Rinjani: Sembalun Or Senaru?

Sembalun and Sanaru are the two villages closest to Rinjani and the the two main points of entry to Rinjani National Park.

Our recommend, and where we stayed, is Senaru. Senaru has more accommodations, trekking companies and places to eat than Sembalun. Plus, it has a two waterfalls, Sendang Gile and Tiu Kelep, that you can check out!

Check out the latest places and prices here to secure the best Rinjani accommodations

Whichever village you decide to start the trek in, bear in mind, you’ll finish in the other village. Do your best to plan your accommodation in the village you are finishing in.

For us, and for reference, we started in Sembalun and finished in Senaru and Senaru is where are accommodation was.

Where to Start The Rinjani Trek: Sembalun Or Senaru?

We highly recommend starting your Rinjani Trek in the village Sembalun . It’s the easier and better side of the mountain to start the trek off from.

Most companies start the trek from the Rinajni Trek Centre at Sembalun, but some do not. If you are set on making Sembalun your starting off point, make sure you request this route with your trekking company ahead of time.

We stayed in Senaru the night prior to our trek. Most of the tour companies have offices in Senaru so if you are looking to book a trek in one of the two villages, make sure you head to Senaru.

If you stay in Senaru, your trekking company will pick you up the morning of your trek. It’s a 1 hour car ride to Sembulan where you’ll start your Rinjani ascent on foot.

If you start from Sembalun, your trek will end at Senaru. It’s super convenient because then you’ll be able to retrieve your bags from your accommodation and head onto your next destination or chill in the village for another night.

Rinjani Trek Costs

Mount rinjani trek entrance fee.

Regardless if you go solo or with a tour company, an entrance fee must be paid to enter Rinjani National Park.

You’ll check in at the Trek Center prior to the start of your hike and pay the 150,000 IDR ($10/$11 USD) per person per day. Not a bad price to visit one of Indonesia’s top spots.

However many days you are in the park will determine your final entry fee cost.

Mount Rinjani Trek Tour Company Packages

The typical length of the tour packages for Rinjani are listed below. The packages below are pretty standard regardless of what your company you choose to go with.

2 Days  / 1 Night

Climb up to the crater rim for sunset. Camp at the crater rim for the night. Wake up early and hike to the  summit for sunrise. After you summit for sunrise, you’ll begin your trek back down to the entrance where your transportation will be waiting for you.

This option is the most rushed and most strenuous on your body . Your two days are jam packed with long, difficult ascents and descents on very little sleep. However, if you are up for the challenge, this option is the most budget friendly. We recommend a longer trip though if you want to get the most out of this experience.

3 Days / 2 Nights (MOST POPULAR)

Climb up to the crater rim for sunset. Camp at the crater rim for the night. Wake up early and hike to the  summit for sunrise. After sunrise, descend to the lake and swim in the hot springs prior to beginning your climb up the other side of the crater rim for sunset. Camp here for the night and then climb back down the next morning.

4 Days / 3 Nights

Same as the 3 day / 2 night package except you camp at the lake on Night 2, check out a cave, and enjoy some free time. This option is definitely not as rushed as the others listed above but it’s also the most expensive and time consuming option. If you really want to get the most out of your trip, this is the best option.

TIP: Please make sure you allot one extra night to each of these options shown above as you’ll need to stay the night in Senaru or Sembulan prior to your hike the next morning.

For more details around the 3 day / 2 night Rinjani Trek, give our trek overview a read.

Trekking Rinjani Without A Guide

While hiking Mount Rinjani without a guide is possible , we’d like to convince you not too. For most of the guides and porters, this is their full time job.

Being your porter and guide is how they feed their families and make a living.

Also, hiking without a guide and porter can be extremely dangerous . If you get hurt or lost, you’ll be in some serious trouble and there’s no guarantee anyone will find you.

Hiking Rinjani is no walk in the park by any means. It’s inclines and elevations are demanding and the terrain can be unforgiving.

In addition to your personal belongings, you’ll have to rent gear from Senaru like tents, sleeping bags, etc and carry all your food and water for the duration of your hike as well as all your trash.

There are no shops in along the way so if you run out of something or forgot something, your shit out of luck.

If you do decide to trek Rinjani without a guide, you’ll still need to pay the park entrance fees . In addition, please sign in at the park office and let someone know your intended route and how long you will be gone for.

This way, if something does happen to you, people will have a general idea how long you’ve been “missing” and where to look for you.

Mount Rinjani Trek Tour Company Prices

The prices of a Rinjani tour vary widely and unfortunately it’s not a one size fits all answer for you.

The tour package pricing depends on a few things…

  • How many days/nights you want to trek
  • Which type of trek you choose – Private or Group
  • The trekking company itself – Each company offers different prices based on their offerings
  • Where and when you book

Expect to pay in the range of $90 – $500 . Avoid booking your trek with the cheapest companies. These companies don’t provide essential services like an experienced guide, decent meals, a good sleeping bag, garbage disposal and a toilet tent.

To give you a reference point, we paid $150 per person for our 2 night / 3 day trek . However, the $150 per person did not include tipping .

Please, please, PLEASE budget a little extra and tip your guides and porters after your hike is complete.

After you see all the hard work they just put in to make your hike the best it can be, you will be happy to throw them a few bucks. A suggested tipping amount is 100,000 IDR – about $8 USD.

TIP: If you are looking to save money on your tour package, book once you arrive in Lombok. HOWEVER, please make sure to read review prior to confirming any booking with a tour company. We want you guys to be safe, not get screwed and have an amazing time!

What’s Included on a Mount Rinjani Tour

When deciding which tour company to book with for your Rinjani Trek, the list below should be included in the price they give you.

  • An english speaking, licensed  guide
  • One porter for each person in your group
  • All your meals + snacks
  • Lots of water
  • Tent, sleeping bag, etc.
  • A toilet tent  
  • One night accommodation before the trek
  • Transportation (if needed) to the entry point to the park
  • Transport to your next destination

Always, always, ALWAYS ask prior to booking any tour what is included in the package.  You definitely don’t want to deal with hidden fees . And you also don’t want to expect one thing only to find out it’s not included.

In addition to the above bulleted list, a few good questions to ask the company are below…

  • Does the company takes out all their trash? Trash is a huge problem on Rinjani.  
  • Is the park entrance fee included in the trek cost?
  • What is the group size? You shouldn’t have more than 6 trekkers per guide.
  • Confirm where you are starting your trek. You should start at Sembulan.
  • How long have they been in business / doing the Rinjani package you choose? The key here is that you want an experienced and reliable company.

Choosing The Best Rinjani Trekking Company

First, understand that there are loads of companies to choose from. It can be overwhelming but you really should pay attention to who you are agreeing to climb to the summit with.

Picking the cheapest tour company, while saves you some cash, usually amounts to a load of headaches and a bad experience.

Just remember, you pay for what you get.  

The trekking company we used when we hiked Rinjani was Rinjani Lombok Trekking and we can’t recommend them enough! Prior to us departing for the trek, we did a “trek briefing” the night before so we knew exactly what to expect for the next three days.

The guide and porters were fantastic, friendly and really did a great job taking care of us! From pitching our tent, to cooking our meals and making sure we drank plenty of water, Rinjani Lombok Trekking took great care of us.

We booked our trek with them a few days before while we were on the Gili T. From Gili T we made our way to Lombok where we met our guides at Arenel’s Cafe in Sengiggi, Lombok.

Should You Get Travel Insurance For The Mount Rinjani Trek?

Yes. 100% yes. We bought travel insurance before we set off on our 8 month backpacking trip around Southeast Asia and we can’t tell you how thankful we were that we had it.

From a few hospital visits that could have easily cost of hundreds to thousands of dollars of our own money, our travel insurance through World Nomads saved our butts big time.

Accidents happen and are unpreventable. When climbing an active volcano like Rinjani, truly anything can happen.

Look at what happened in 2018 when an earthquake rocked Lombok. Some hikers were injured due to the quake. You really never, ever know what’s going to happen and it’s always worth it to be better safe than sorry.

Get that travel insurance. If anything, it’ll give you some peace of mind.

Where To Stay Near Mount Rinjani Before/After Your Climb

For The Budget Conscious: If you are on a budget but are looking for clean comfortable rooms, Tiu Kelep Homestay is your place! The location is great, close to waterfalls and offers amazing views of Rinjani, plus you can book your Rinjani trek directly with the owner.

For The Luxury Inclined: Rinjani Lighthouse , a cozy bungalow in the jungle with all the amenities is waiting to you. To it’s friendly staff to its comfortable serene environment, Rinjani Lighthouse is the perfect place to rest up before and after your Rinjani trek.

For Something In Between: With a garden and a terrace, Ila Homestay provides clean and comfortable accommodations for any Rinjani trekker. Plus, the friendly staff cooks up some amazing food for you to refuel.

For more places to stay in Senaru, you can check out the latest places and prices here .

Welp, that’s everything. In addition to our Rinjani Trekking: Packing List & Trek Overview , you are ready to rock this hike! Happy trekking and let s a great big “whoooooo” for us when you reach that summit 🙂


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For more travel tips, guides and awesome travel shots, be sure to poke around our site, follow us on Instagram  @wanderingstus ,  Pinterest  and on  Facebook . Oh, and if you have any questions, let us know in the comment section. We’re happy to answer. Or, just leave us a positive note!

Happy Travels,

– Lauren & Jesse Stuart (The Stüs)

We're Lauren & Jesse, the creators behind Wandering Stus! We've been traveling for decades, exploring and experiencing the very best this world has to offer. Whether we're roadtripping the U.S. in our camper, hiking through National Parks, or jet-setting to different countries around the globe, we write detailed travel guides to help you plan one amazing (and unforgettable) adventure!

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Rinjani trekking tour

Mount Rinjani Itinerary – Top 5 Trekking Package

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Mount Rinjani Trekking Itinerary

We design different trekking packages with different itinerary to mount Rinjani to meet your need, budget and how much time you have. You may choose one of them that suits your expectations.

Top 5 Mount Rinjani Trekking Package  with best itinerary proudly brought to you to meet your adventurous expectation. Each trekking package is designed differently depending on your level of fitness and experience, maximum budget, time you have, taste and goal. Whatever package you take, our commitment is to provide the best service for you.

The top 5 Mount Rinjani Trekking Packages itinerary in this page is a summary of all of our services most taken by majority of our customers. This is the result of our learning process through years of experiences being tour and trekking agency assisting hundreds of travelers from all over the world.

Top 5 Mount Rinjani Trekking Itinerary

Following is the list of our top 5 mount Rinjani trekking package. Please take time view each of them and then click the bottom GO TO THE TOUR for details of itinerary and pricing.

  • Mount Rinjani Trekking Package 2D1N for Beginner to Senaru Crater Rim

This is the shortest package available which is best if you are beginner

Trekking Highlight Senaru Village – Crater rim 1 Senaru – Senaru Village

Trekking Package Description Senaru crater rim offers almost 70 percent of the best view in Gunung Rinjani. If you are a beginner or have a very short time of staying in Lombok, this mount Rinjani trekking package might be a smart option. The hike begins in Senaru village to Senaru rim and the next morning decent through the same way to Senaru.

Trekking Rinjani Rim 2 Days Itinerary

  • 07:00 Your Rinjani Guide pickup service at your hotel Senaru
  • 07:30 Check in at Rinjani National Park Office, registration and trekking begins.
  • 12:00 Lunch at Pos 2 16:30, arrive at Rim 1, sunset, camp dinner and overnight
  • 07:00 Breakfast.
  • 07:30 Descend to Senaru village
  • 11:30 Lunch at Post 2
  • 14:30 Arrive at Senaru village. Direct transport to your next destination.

Mount Rinjani Trekking Package 3D2N to Summit

The most wanted and the most popular package. Best if you are physically fit.

Trekking Highlight Sembalun Lawang – Rim 2 Sembalun – Rinjani Summit – Crater Lake – Hot spring Rim 1 Senaru – Senaru Village

Trekking Description This three day-climb to the summit of Rinjani and crater lake is the most popular package among climbers. It allows you to walk in exotic savanna in the east and through typical rainy forest in the west. Climbing the challenging summit and visiting hot spring pools nearby the lake are some of the important points. Taking this trip absolutely requires good level of fitness and hiking experiences.

Trekking Rinjani Summit 3 Days Itinerary

  • 07:00 After breakfast, pick up at hotel lobby, drive to Sembalun village.
  • 08:00 Check in at Rinjani National Park Registration Office, trek begins.
  • 12:00 Lunch at Pos 2.
  • 17:00 Arrive at Rim 2 Sembalun, dinner, camp and overnight
  • 02:00 Light supper
  • 02:30 Climb the Rinjani summit.
  • 05:30 Arrive at summit (before sunrise).
  • 07:00 Back to camp area (Rim 2), breakfast.
  • 10:00 Start descent down to Lake Area.
  • 12:30 Arrive at the lake, take shower at hot spring water. lunch.
  • 14:00 Start ascent to Rim 1 Senaru
  • 16:30 Arrive at Rim 1, taking pictures, camp, dinner and overnight.
  • 06:30 Breakfast.
  • 07:30 Start decent to Senaru village
  • 11:00 Lunch serves at Pos 2
  • 14:00 Arrive at Senaru village, and transport to your next destination.

Mount Rinjani Trekking Package 2D1N to Summit

Best if you are limited by time. Make sure you are a real climber

Trekking Highlight Sembalun Lawang – Rim 2 Sembalun – Rinjani Summit – Sembalun Lawang

Package Description Mount Rinjani trekking package to summit 2 days 1 night is aimed for experienced climbers only who want to climb the summit of Mount Rinjani in a shorter time without going to the crater lake Segara Anak. The trekking program starts in Sembalun village to the crater rim 2 and after a hard climbing to the summit at the next day, participants will descend through the same route to Sembalun village.

Trekking Rinjani Summit 2 Days Itinerary

  • 06:30 Breakfast at your hotel in Senaru
  • 07:00 Transfer direct to Sembalun village
  • 08:00 Check in at Rinjani National Park Registration Office,
  • 08:30 Trekking begins.
  • 12:00 Lunch at Pos 2
  • 16:00 Arrive at crater Rim 2 Sembalun, dinner, camp, and overnight.
  • 02:30 Wake up and light supper
  • 03:00 Climb the Rinjani Summit.
  • 06:00 Arrive at summit before sunrise. Taking photos.
  • 07:00 Back to camp area at crater rim, breakfast.
  • 09:00 Start descent down back to Sembalun village, lunch will be served at pos 2.
  • 15:00 Arrive at Sembalun village and transfer directly to your next destination.

Mount Rinjani Advance Trekking Package 4D3N

Best if you have enough time, a large group, beginner, family with kids or want to walk in a shorter distance a day

Trekking Highlight Sembalun Lawang – Rim 2 Sembalun – Rinjani Summit – Crater Lake Segara Anak – Hot Spring – Rim 1 Senaru – Senaru Village.

Trekking Description This mount Rinjani advance trekkinging package to summit takes 4 days 3 nights on the mountain. Its itinerary is the same as three day-trekking from Sembalun with an extra night camping at the lake side. It is a longer trekking tour to suit a large group, family with children and participants who wish to hike in a shorter distance a day.

Trekking Rinjani 4 Days Itinerary

  • 07:00 Pickup at hotel lobby and transfer direct to Sembalun Village
  • 08:00 Check in at Rinjani National Park Registration Office.
  • 08:00 Trek begins.
  • 16:00 Arrive at Crater Rim 2 Sembalun, dinner, camp, and overnight.
  • 02:30 Wake up and light supper.
  • 03:00 Climb the summit.
  • 06:00 Arrive at summit before sunrise.
  • 07:00 Back to camp area at Rim 2 Sembalun.
  • 09:30 After breakfast commencing descent to crater lake area.
  • 12:30 Arrive at the lake. Take shower at hot spring. Lunch.
  • 18:00 camp, dinner and overnight.
  • 07:30 Breakfast. Free Program
  • 13:30:Start ascent to Rim 1 Senaru.
  • 15:30 Arrive at Rim 1. Overnight
  • 07:30 Start descent to Senaru village.
  • 11:30 Lunch at Pos 2.
  • 14:00 Arrive at senaru village, transport direct to your next destination.

Mount Rinjani Trekking Package 3D2N to Crater Lake and Hot Spring

Best if you won’t climb the summit. It takes you to explore Segara Anak crater lake and hot spring pools

Trekking Highlight Senaru Village – Rim 1 Senaru – Segara Anak Crater Lake – Hot Spring – Senaru Rim – Senaru Village.

Package Description This Mount Rinjani trekking package designed to let you explore Rinjani rim and the crater lake Segara Anak with its hot springs nearby. The tour begins in Senaru heading up to crater rim 1, the next morning decent down to crater lake visiting some hot springs. In the late afternoon ascent up to camp site at the rim 1, stay here for one more night and the last day down to Senaru following the trail through a heavy tropical forest. Trekking trip ends in Senaru village.

Trekking Rinjani Without Summit Itinerary

  • 07:30 Our guide and porter will pick you up the hotel lobby.
  • 08:00 Transfer to Rinjani National Park Office, registration and trekking begin.
  • 16:30 Arrive at RIM 1, sunset, camp, dinner and overnight
  • 08:00 Start descent down to Segara Anak Lake
  • 10:00 Arrive at Segara Anak lake, explore Rinjani hot spring.
  • 12:00 Lunch and free time
  • 14:00 Commencing to Senaru rim
  • 18:00 Dinner, camp and overnight
  • 07:00 Breakfast
  • 08:00 Start descent to Senaru village
  • 12:30 Lunch at Pos 2
  • 15:30 Arrive at Senaru village. Transport direct to your next destination.

Who Can Join Mount Rinjani Trekking Package?

We do not have any restriction – whoever can join our mount Rinjani trekking package, no matter if you are beginner, experienced, teenager or elder hiker as long as you are good in health status.

It is highly recommended that all hikers should have themselves medically checked before attempting any mountain climb. If you are pregnant or have a history of suffering from the following ailments, it is highly recommended that you should refrain from climbing: Hypertension, Diabetes, Palpitation, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Severe Anemia, Peptic Ulcers, Epileptic Fits, Obesity (Overweight), Chronic Asthma, Muscular Cramps, Hepatitis (Jaundice); or any other disease which may hamper the hiker. You know your body best!

Benefits to Book our Mount Rinjani Trekking Package

We committed to make your trekking trip as save and as enjoyable  as possible, therefore we will give you our best assist from pick up service to drop off.

All foods and drinks are provided and are cooked for you. Foods are served warm and fresh. We always care of hygiene. Having allergy of some types of food? Vegetarian? Just let us know soon.

Camping Equipment Provided. Our porters will load all of camping equipment; tent, mattress, toilet tent, warm sleeping bag, and cooking gears. You only need to carry your own warm clothes packed in a small backpack.

Transportation and Accommodation Provided.  Our guide will warmly greet you wherever you are in Lombok and drive you to our base where we provide an accommodation for free to let you recharge energy before commencing the trek.

Booking Mount Rinjani Trekking Package

Interested to use our service? Please don’t be hesitate to contact us through Customer Service below this website. You may fill booking form, send us a message via E-mail or WhatsApp, or make a direct call.

Have enjoy a trek! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Rinjani trekking tour

trip ke rinjani

Sembalun Route

  • Cal/WA: +628193317145

Rinjani Trekking Tour Company: The Best Lombok Volcano Trek

  • Harga/ Biaya Paket Mendaki Gunung Rinjani

Harga sebenarnya atau biaya pendakian Gunung Rinjani murah dengan pelayanan yang terbaik

Berapa biaya untuk mendaki Rinjani, dan fasilitas apa saja yang akan Anda dapatkan? Harga untuk trekking gunung Rinjani sangat bervariasi. Untuk mendaki Rinjani dikenakan biaya mulai dari 2.250.000 rupiah hingga 4.900.000 rupiah untuk minimal 2 orang peserta untuk selama 2 hari hingga 4 hari pendakian.

biaya mendaki rinjani

Harga di atas untuk Pendaki dengan KTP Indonesia

Mount Rinjani Trek Prices 2024

Semua harga Trekking Gunung Rinjani diatas sudah termasuk:

Untuk private paket:.

  • Penjemputan dari lokasi manapun di Lombok dan transfer dengan kendaraan pribadi ke Senaru dan Sembalun
  • Akomodasi di hotel yang nyaman satu malam sebelum memulai perjalanan Anda di pondok Pondok Senaru atau Bale Sebaya atau Rinjani Light House atau Pondok Guru Bakti di Kamar Superior
  • Perlengkapan camping berkualitas : tenda, alas tidur tebal 6-7 cm, sleeping bag, bantal gunung, meja dan kursi camping, dan tenda toilet
  • Pemandu atau guide yang berpengalaman dan porter profesional
  • Kunjungi air terjun Sendang Gile pada hari kedatangan atau hari terakhir perjalanan setelah dari gunung (jika Anda punya cukup waktu)
  • Tiket masuk ke taman nasional dan ke air terjun Sendang Gile.
  • Makan 3 kali sehari, 3 liter air mineral sehari, makanan ringan, buah-buahan, dan minuman selama pendakian Anda, dan makan malam pada hari kedatangan
  • Transfer dengan kendaraan pribadi di akhir perjalanan Anda di dalam pulau Lombok.
  • Transfer ke Gili ( Trawangan, Meno atau Air ) setelah dari gunung dengan Glass bottom boat atau suttle boat
  • Tongkat gunung dan Asuransi Perjalanan

Untuk Standar dan Group Paket :

  • Akomodasi di hotel yang nyaman satu malam sebelum memulai perjalanan Anda di Pondok Guru Bakti atau Anak Rinjani atau Homestay Shambhala Rinjani
  • Perlengkapan camping berkualitas: tenda, alas tidur tebal 4-5 cm, sleeping bag, kursi camping, tenda toilet, dan bantal gunung.
  • Tiket masuk ke taman nasional dan ke air terjun Sendang Gile
  • Makan 3 kali sehari, sebotol besar air mineral sehari, makanan ringan, buah-buahan, dan minuman selama perjalanan Anda, dan makan malam pada hari kedatangan
  • Transfer dengan kendaraan pribadi di akhir perjalanan Anda di pulau Lombok.
  • Transfer ke Gili ( Trawangan, Meno atau Air ) setelah dari gunung dengan public boat.
  • Asuransi perjalanan

Apa yang harus di bawa :

1. Sepatu hiking yang bagus dan kaos kaki ekstra 2. Sebuah lampu kepala 3. Pakaian tahan air 4. Pakaian hangat 5. Beanie, syal, dan sarung tangan 6. Topi lapangan, tabir surya, dan kacamata hitam 7. Alat Mandi (jika Anda berencana untuk berenang di sumber air panas) 8. Beberapa baju ganti dan handuk kecil

  • Kami berikan harga diskon khusus untuk Paket Private atau Standar untuk 3 peserta atau lebih
  • Kamar hotel dan tenda untuk maksimal 2 orang, untuk lebih dari 2 orang atau satu orang berdasarkan permintaan..
  • Makanan dan minuman khusus ( Diet, Vegetarian, dll) tersedia berdasarkan permintaan.
  • Kami menawarkan paket layanan terbaik untuk Anda menikmati petualangan dan keamanan untuk layanan paket Private atau Grup. Lihat ulasan tamu kami di Trip Advisor di sini

Pesan paket atau dapatkan Harga Trekking dari Gunung Rinjani silahkan kunjungi Halaman Pemesanan disini.

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Remember Me

  • 2D-1N TrekSembalun Crater Rim
  • 2D-1N Climbing Summit Rinjani
  • 3D-2N Trek Rinjani Summit & Lake
  • 4D-3N Trek Rinjani Summit & Lake
  • Trekking Rinjani 4 days 3 nights hiking via sembalun and finish via torean
  • One Day Trip Crater Rim Senaru
  • 2D-1N Hiking Crater Rim Senaru
  • 3D-2N Hiking Segara Anak Lake
  • 4D-3N Hiking Lake and Summit
  • 3D-2N Trekking Summit & Lake
  • Senaru Village Tour
  • Pergasingan Hill Sembalun 2 Days
  • Tour, Camping, Snorkeling Gili Kondo
  • Mendaki Rinjani Plawangan Sembalun 2 Hari
  • Mendaki Puncak Rinjani 2 Hari
  • Program Trekking Rinjani Puncak Danau 3 Hari
  • Paket Mendaki Rinjani Puncak Danau 4 Hari
  • Trekking Gunung Rinjani Sembalun Torean 4 Hari 3 Malam
  • Mendaki Rinjani Satu Hari Ke Plawangan Senaru
  • Trekking Pelawangan Senaru 2 Hari
  • Mendaki Rinjani ke Danau Segara Anak 3 Hari
  • Paket Trekking Rinjani Danau & Puncak 4 Hari
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Mount Rinjani via Torean Route – Open Trip

Mount Rinjani via Torean Route – Open Trip

Specific Tour

Bahasa Melayu, English

About this trip

Having a height of 3,726 meters above sea level, Rinjani is lined up as the second-highest volcano in the world. So, did you know that since April 1 2021, the Mount Rinjani National Park Center has added two official climbing routes: Tete Batu and Torean. Completing the four official hiking trails that already existed: Sembalun, Senaru, Aik Berik, and Timbanuh. Between the two official routes which were only inaugurated a few months ago, Torean is predicted to be the favorite route for climbers to descend from the top of Rinjani and spend the night at Segara Anak Lake.

Meetup location

Bandar Udara Internasional Lombok

Available Date 

  • 31 May – 4 June 2024
  • 1 – 5 June 2024
  • 23 – 27 Aug
  • 30 Aug – 3 Sept
  • 13 – 17 Sept
  • 3 – 7 Oct
  • 27 – 31 Oct

For more info, Click HERE to chat

Booking terms

Booking must be made at least 14 days before trip

Refund and cancellation

Non refundable unless the trip is cancelled

  • Trip organiser will add you into Whatsapp group for ease of communication.
  • There might be participants from other group will join in this trip
  • Please purchase your flight ticket before or after you book this trip


  • Transport (Van in Lombok)
  • Accommodation
  • Guide/Porter (Group)
  • Shelter/Carrymat/Sleeping Bag
  • Meals during trekking
  • Personal expenses
  • Meals outside trekking
  • Travel Insurance

Full Itinerary

05:30 pm: Arrive at Lombok Airport (Transfer to Sembalun Base Camp, 3-4 hours)

09:00 pm: Sembalun Base Camp / Check-in at Homestay Sembalun

08:00 am: Briefing

09:00 am: Start hike

11:00 am: Pos 1

12:00 pm: Pos 2

02:00 pm: Pos 3

06:00 pm: Plawangan Sembalun campsite 2641m (Camping)

02:00 am: Summit attack

06:00 am: Peak 3726m

09:00 am: Return to Plawangan Sembalun campsite

11:00 am: Rest & Lunch

12:00 pm: Descend to Danau Segera Anak

04:00 pm: Camping at Danau Segera Anak (Camping)

06:00 am: Breakfast

07:00 am: Depart via Torean

11:00 am: Gua Susu / Gua Taman intersection

03:00 pm: Sungai Kokok Putih

04:00 pm: CP Air Terjun Penimbung

05:00 pm: Pos 1

06:00 pm: Arrive at Dusun Torean / Transfer to Senaru

07:00 pm: Check-in at Homestay Senaru

07:00 am: Trekking to Tiu Kelep Waterfall

09:00 am: Check-out from Homestay and Transfer to Airport (3-4 hours) / Shopping in Lombok

12:00 pm: Arrive at the airport or drop within Mataram

  • Suggested Flight Times:
  • Flight 2:05 pm KL - LombokFlight 5:45 pm Lombok - KL

Suitable For

Tour's location.

Mount Rinjani via Torean Route – Open Trip


Mount Rinjani via Torean Route – Open Trip

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Rinjani trekking package.

This Rinjani Trekking package has been designed specifically for those of you who want to explore Mount Rinjani’s natural beauty in a more comfortable manner.

We’ve put together entire packages that include trekking gear, meals, guides, and porters. All you’ll need is a tiny daypack for your personal belongings.

The trekking packages listed below are private and do not include other people. If you’re looking for an open trip package, go to this link: Rinjani Open Trip .

Book a Rinjani hiking package with us, one of the island of Lombok’s Rinjani Trekking Organizer! Select your chosen hiking package from the list below!

Rinjani Trekking Package Options

Rinjani Trekking Via Sembalun 3 Days 2 Nights

Rinjani Trekking Package 3 Days 2 Nights Via Sembalun

Summit of 3726 Meters Above Sea Level

Start IDR 2.240.000 Per Person

Rinjani Trekking Via Sembalun 4 Days 3 Nights

Rinjani Trekking Package 4 Days 3 Nights Via Sembalun

Summit & Segara Anak Lake

Start IDR 3.020.000 Per Person

Rinjani Trekking Via Sembalun 5 Days 4 Nights

Rinjani Trekking Package 5 Days 4 Nights Via Sembalun

Summit & Segara Anak Lake (More Relaxed Journey)

Start IDR 4.250.000 Per Person

Rinjani Trekking Via Aik Berik 3 Days 2 Nights

Rinjani Trekking Package 3 Days 2 Nights Via Aik Berik

Rinjani Via Anti Mainstream Route

Customer Testimonials

Lombok tour package options.

In addition to the Rinjani Trekking Package that we provide above, we’ve included a list of other tourism alternatives on Lombok’s island.

Lombok Open Trip, Lombok 1 Day Tour Package, Lombok Honeymoon Package, and Regular Lombok Tour Package are just a few of the options available.

Gili Trawangan Tours

Gili Trawangan Tour Package

Lombok Tours Group

Lombok Tours Special Group

Lombok Open Trip

Lombok Open Trip

Lombok Honeymoon Tours

Lombok Honeymoon Package

Lombok 1 Day Tours

Lombok Daily Tours

Lombok Tours

Lombok Tour Package

Lombok Adventure Tours

Lombok Adventure Tours

Jasa Transportasi Lombok

Personal Transportation and Shuttle Service Tariffs In Lombok

Mount rinjani overview.

There are four official climbing routes to choose from to take in Mount Rinjani ‘s stunning scenery, including:

1. Rinjani Trekking Via Sembalun, East Lombok

Paket Tour Lombok dan Sumbawa oleh The Langkah Travel

Because the track is not too physically demanding when climbing, it is a favorite of rookie climbers.

The path is rather gentle from Pos 1 to Pos 3, with a large expanse of savanna typical of rising via Sembalun.

“ Bukit Penyesalan ” appears exclusively on the third through third posts of the game. To get to Pelawangan Sembalun, you’ll need to do some serious physical and mental training.

In addition, if you want to reach Mount Rinjani’s top, which is 3726 meters above sea level, the ascending path via Sembalun is the main way.

2. Rinjani Trekking Via Senaru, North Lombok

This route can be said to be often traversed by foreign tourists. Very little bonus during the climb. From Post 1 to Plawangan you will be invited to continue to climb.

The difference with Sembalun, if you pass through the Senaru route you will find a tropical forest atmosphere typical of the mountains along the way.

If you hike through this route and arrive the day before the ascent, take the time to visit two cool waterfalls near the basecamp, namely Sendang Gila Waterfall and Tiu Kelep.

3. Rinjani Trekking Via Aik Berik, Centre Lombok

The hiking trail Via Aik Berik is a new recognized climbing route. Within walking distance of the Benag Stokel Waterfall and Benang Kelambu.

We recommend taking a motorcycle taxi from basecamp to the climbing entrance because the distance is rather long.

The Aik Berik Trail is well-known for its plentiful water supplies. If you take this path, you won’t have to worry about running out of clean water.

Despite the fact that you can’t reach to the peak by this route, the Pelawangan view is guaranteed not to make you regret passing it.

4. Rinjani Trekking Via Timbanuh, East Lombok

This hiking track is also a new hiking trail that was established by the Mount Rinjani National Park and is located in Timbanuh Village, Pringgasela District, East Lombok.

People’s plantations may be seen as you pass through Post 1. You’ll also see a magnificent stretch of Edelweiss Flowers on your way to Pelawangan Timbanuh.

This trail is not advised for accessing the lake due to its steep gradient of about 80 degrees.

5. Rinjani Trekking Via Torean, North Lombok

Torean Village, North Lombok Regency, is home to the hiking trail via Torean. This is the seventh trail in Mount Rinjani National Park to be formally designated as a registered track, and it has quickly become a popular climbing route.

The Torean Line was a customary path that was regularly used by local folks for treatment at Segara Anak Lake before it became an official route. Hindus utilize this route to perform the Mulang Pekelem Ceremony once a year.

Climbers typically utilize the Torean Trail as a descent route. Up through Sembalun to the summit, then to the lake, and then down through Torean from the lake.

We stated at the outset that this route is wonderful since the scenery encountered along the way is highly different.

Mount Rinjani Climbing Quota

You can get information about the climbing quota by downloading the e-rinjani application. The Mount Rinjani climbing quota is divided into two types, namely the general quota and the trekking organizer (TO) quota.

Until now, the Mount Rinjani National Park Manager only provides climbing quotas with the following details:

  • General quota is limited to 60 people per day
  • TO quota is limited to 120 people per day

When it comes to general quotas, if you don’t register well ahead of time, you’ll frequently run out of quota. Every day, a large number of individuals go hiking. Backpacker climbers, young people, and nature lovers, on the whole, book the general quota.

For those of you who utilize the Rinjani Organizer Trekking service, the climbing quota is almost always available every day, according to our experience as an official TO, so you don’t have to worry about running out of quota.

The rate set by the manager is IDR 5000 per day on weekdays and IDR 7500 per day on holidays or red dates if you order a climbing quota using the e-rinjani application.

Only domestic tourists are eligible for the above ticket pricing. The daily tariff for foreigners reaches Rp. 150,000.

Tips for Climbing Mount Rinjani

After Mount Cartenz in Papua and Mount Kerinci in West Sumatra, Mount Rinjani is Indonesia’s third highest peak.

With a height of 3726 meters above sea level, you must, of course, plan your climb carefully. Here are some helpful suggestions to consider before climbing Mount Rinjani:

1. Please Warming-Up!

Before climbing, don’t overlook the importance of physical preparation. We strongly advise every guest we work with to warm up at least seven days before to the climbing program, including at least 30 minutes of running each day.

This is done to maintain stamina and prevent the body from being “shocked” when climbing. It’s second nature to your muscles.

Muscle cramps are the most common problem that climbers face if they don’t warm up, and they can be excruciating during the climb. Due to muscle cramping, many people eventually give up and opt not to continue climbing.

2. Complete Your Equipment!

Never undervalue the equipment you bring up the mountain; use it to the fullest! For climbing, carry a regular tent, a mattress, sleeping bag, thick jacket, and a change of clothes.

Trekking shoes should also be considered. Socks should be worn with footwear that fits well. Wearing shoes that are too big or too small is not a good idea. Climbing the mountain becomes uncomfortable if it is too large. And if it’s too little, you’ll run the danger of blistering your feet.

If you choose a Rinjani trekking organizer, ensure sure the TO provides you with the necessary equipment.

3. Use Porter!

Using a porter will be quite beneficial, especially for inexperienced climbers. Your luggage will be carried by the porters, making your journey easier.

If you don’t utilize a porter, the most critical factor to consider is the coherence of your climbing group. Make sure your climbing party includes people who are both experienced and knowledgeable about the path, as well as a wise leader.

4. Use the official Rinjani Organizer Trekking Service

Choose an official TO that has been registered at the Mount Rinjani National Park Office if you employ the services of a trekking organizer. Download the e-rinjani app from the Google Play Store to see a list of official TOs.

The official trekking organizer has been trained and understands the need of providing good, comfortable, and safe service!

Order the Rinjani Trekking Package Now!

Paket Tour Lombok dan Sumbawa oleh The Langkah Travel

The Langkah Travel offers entire Rinjani climbing programs with full service for all of the above routes.

We provide climbing packages starting at 2 days 1 night, 3 days 2 nights, 4 days 3 nights, and much more for those of you who wish to linger to experience the natural beauty of Rinjani.

Because these two routes cannot penetrate the lake, the Rinjani Trekking Package through Aik Berik and Timbanuh is only accessible for two days and one night.

Our Rinjani Tour Packages include everything from transportation to guides, porters, climbing equipment, food and drink during the climb, and lodging before the climb.

PT Langkah Liburan Bersama

© 2024 PT Langkah Liburan Bersama

  • Sembalun. Lombok Timur NTB Indonesia 83656

Royal Rinjani Tour

  • About Royal Sembahulun
  • Trekking Sembalun Crater Rim Over The Moon 2D 1N
  • Trekking Rinjani Aik Kalak Hot spring 3D 2N
  • Exploring Mount Rinjani 4D 3N
  • Unforgettable Rinjani 7D 6N Tour
  • Senaru Crater Rim Wonders 2D 1N Trekking
  • Trekking Mount Rinjani via Tetebatu 2D 1N
  • Payment Options
  • Pencarian untuk:

Royal Rinjani Tour



Royal Rinjani Tour is a professional company engaged in Tour and Travel since 2010. Location in Sembalun Village, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province.

This business departs from the social and economic conditions of the people in Sembalun in particular and in general in Lombok. trying to find a solution to solving the problem of youth unemployment who needs work other than the agricultural sector which has been passed down from generation to generation for those who have land for farming … continue


Providing the best service is a must for us because your satisfaction when using our services is our top priority.

trip ke rinjani

Mount Rinjani Trekking Packages

2 days 1 night to the crater rim and suitable for beginner hikers


Sembalun crater rim over the moon 2d 1n 

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with our Mount Rinjani Summit trekking package. Conquer the majestic peak and soak in breathtaking views along the way. Book your trekking experience today for an exhilarating journey to remember.


Senaru Crater rim wonders 2D 1n

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with our Trekking Senaru Crater Rim Mount Rinjani Package. Discover breathtaking views, immerse yourself in nature, and create lasting memories. Book your trekking experience today!


Trekking mount rinjani tetebatu crater rim 2d 1n

Trekking to Plawangan Timbanuh 2650 masl and south peak 3500 masl start from Timbanuh and return to Timbanuh in 2 days 1 night


3 – 6 days trip to summit and Segara Anak lake for advanced hikers


trekking aik kalak hot spring 3d2n

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with our Mount Rinjani Summit 3 days 2 nights  trekking package. Explore breathtaking landscapes, challenge yourself with a thrilling ascent, and create lasting memories at one of Indonesia’s most iconic destinations. Book your adventure today!


Unforgettable exploer rinjani and lombok tour 7d 6n

Embark on a 7-days adventure exploring the breathtaking Mount Rinjani and Lombok with our exclusive package. Immerse yourself in nature’s beauty and experience unforgettable moments. Book your journey now!

hot spring

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with our 4-day Mount Rinjani package. Discover the beauty of Indonesia’s second-highest volcano with expert guides and comfortable accommodations. Book your journey today and experience the wonder of Mount Rinjani.


Special trekking package start Sembalun and finish at Torean village


Rinjani Climbing Sembalun Tour – Torean 4-Days 3-Nights

The Torean hiking trail is the newest route to Mount Rinjani in the northern part of Lombok Island which is included in the administrative area of North Lombok Regency. This route is usually passed by pilgrims to Lake Segara Anak, both Hindus and Muslims. The torean track is the gentlest path to Lake Segara Anak, departing from a height of 750m asl (start trekking point) to Lake Segara Anak at 2000m asl. Since it was inaugurated, this path is the most favored route by climbers, especially when coming down from the lake.

Below is information that you should read before coming to climb Mount Rinjani:

How To Reach Mount Rinjani?

Mount Rinjani is an inactive volcano located in Lombok. The easiest way to reach Mount Rinjani is to fly directly to Lombok. Air transportation route, namely the Lombok International airport in Praya, Central Lombok district (Airport Code: LOP) and then travel to Sembalun to be precise, at the east foot of Mount Rinjani or to Senaru village to the north of Mount Rinjani

Travel route options to Mount Rinjani from Lombok International Airport:

  • Sembalun, takes about 2 – 2.5 hours to pass through the eastern side of Mount Rinjani with the Praya-Kopang – Masbagik – Aikmel route and then arrives at Sembalun village on the east side of Mount Rinjani (the closest climbing route to the summit of Mount Rinjani).
  • Senaru, takes about 2.5 – 3 hours, passing through Mataram and around half of Lombok island before arriving at Senaru village, the hiking trail to Rinjani from the north.
  • Torean, Torean is a route that has just opened and was inaugurated in April 2021. Through this route, you can stay overnight at Sembalun or Senaru, specializing in the route to Lake Segara Anak.

If you can’t fly directly to Lombok, the best way is to transit via Jakarta or fly to Bali and take a fast boat to Lombok . . .  continue

Mount Rinjani Lombok

It has an altitude of 3726 meters above sea level and is the second highest volcano in Indonesia after Mount Kerinci. Mount Rinjani which is located on the island of Lombok, for the Lombok people, the Sasak tribe and the Balinese, this mountain is a holy place, where the peak of Rinjani is where the holy people live and Lake Segara Anak is where the Balinese perform the Mulang Pakelem religious ritual.

The large crater of Segara Anak or Segara Anak located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level is not only considered sacred by Balinese Hindus, but the Sasak tribe also undertakes an annual trip to climb through steep slopes to do Mount Sembek or Foster Mount with the aim that Mount Rinjani does not endanger the surrounding community.

In the Segara Anak caldera there is an active volcano, namely Mount Baru Jari, this mountain is believed to be the breath of Mount Rinjani. In the area around Mount Baru Jari there are also many hot springs which local people believe can cure various kinds of diseases so that sometimes they are desperate to approach the core zone which they should not visit.


Current Weather Forecast on Mount Rinjani Lombok details information 


Route Options to Top of Rinjani

Impressive mountain climbing is an unforgettable experience. The starting point for climbing to the top of Mount Rinjani can start from Sembalun or Senaru and Torean from northern Lombok.

However, if you ask which route is the easiest to reach the top of Mount Rinjani, then the answer is the Sembalun route. Apart from the distance from the climbing door to the closest peak, the Sembalun route also has the best and safest access.

However, if you want to climb Lake Segara Anak first, then you can climb via the Torean route in the north. Apart from Torean, if you want to go to the new lake to the top then choose the Senaru route and this route is cooler than Sembalun, but you need at least 3 days of travel to reach the top.

The best time to climb Mount Rinjani

The best time to climb Mount Rinjani starts from April-November. to avoid dust, it’s best to hike in April and May but it still has the potential to rain.

While in June-October the Sembalun hiking trail is quite dusty but avoids the potential for rain, while in November and December it has started to rain but it is still safe to climb.

Hiking trails are generally closed during the rainy season from January to the end of March. In recent years the early months of the ‘dry season’ have become more prone to rain and you should be prepared for heavy rain and low visibility with slippery tracks and heavy fog especially in the afternoon.

Cost of Climbing Mount Rinjani

The cost of climbing Mount Rinjani is not cheap, namely between 2.5 and 4.5 million rupiah per person. We prioritize good and maximum service, so it requires quite a large fee.

This is to provide a sense of security and satisfaction for every tourist who uses our company’s services, the price problem for each company must have different prices, as well as the problem of service and equipment obtained must also be different or in simple language prices will never lie.

By setting prices above the average of other tour operators, we guarantee you will get the best service.


Climbing Rinjani in Lombok is usually done at least 2 days and can be done up to 5 days. Before climbing, of course you need accommodation in the form of a homestay, bungalow or hotel. When you take the package, we will provide lodging for you for one night before climbing, or you can order it yourself according to your individual tastes.

List of Items to Bring

It is recommended to bring a certain number of items during the Rinjani trip program, all items will be packed in a small backpack no more than 10 kg:

  • Quick-drying synthetics: Shirt (can be short or long sleeve) as a base layer, a good quality fleece/wool jacket as the middle then and a thick windproof jacket as an outer layer. Waterproof and windproof outdoor pants and a pair of woolen gloves, headgear and scarf for additional cold protection.
  • Mountain Shoes: The preferred shoe is a medium-cut shoe for better ankle grip and to prevent soil from getting into the shoe.
  • Trekking Poles : Highly recommended for climbing the summit as the terrain leading to the summit is very steep and consists of very fine and loose volcanic soil which can cause one to slip easily.
  • Hadlamp: this is important because you need it when climbing to the top of Mount Rinjani.
  • Medicines: for those of you who have a history of allergic diseases, we suggest bringing your own medicine.
  • Others: Water bottle, flashlight, toiletries, sun block / lotion, hat, glasses, muscle spray / balm, insect repellent, camera, cell phone and power bank.

The equipment list above assumes you are going with a guide and the porter brings all camping equipment (tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat and toilet tent), cooking equipment, water and food.

Guide and Porters

Speaking of guides and porters, we guarantee that the porters on Rinjani are the best porters on Mount Indonesia. they don’t only carry things, but they also cook and prepare everything you need during the climb.

The guides/guides and porters come from native Sembalun residents who are mostly licensed and experienced in guiding guests to climb Mount Rinjani.

As a Tour & Travel Agent, we have our own guides and porters who certainly have good skills and experience in guiding guests to climb Mount Rinjani.

Guides and Porters will do the best possible service they can do for guest satisfaction and in the hope of getting some good tips and reviews for our company from guests.

For bookings or more complete information about climbing packages to Rinjani and tours in Lombok, please contact us via e-mail or to the contact below.

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IDN Times

  • Destination

Info Rute, Harga Tiket, dan Tips Liburan ke Gunung Rinjani di Lombok

  • 13 Aug 21 | 09:18

Info Rute, Harga Tiket, dan Tips Liburan ke Gunung Rinjani di Lombok

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Gunung Rinjani merupakan gunung berapi tertinggi kedua di Indonesia dengan ketinggian 3.726 meter di atas permukaan laut. Gunung ini berada di Pulau Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat.

Gunung Rinjani menjadi salah satu gunung favorit para pendaki. Keindahan alam Gunung Rinjani menjadi salah satu yang terbaik. Gak heran kalau para wisatawan, baik lokal maupun mancanegara, berbondong-bondong datang ke sini.

Kalau kamu berencana mendaki Gunung Rinjani Lombok, ada baiknya simak dulu informasi wisatanya berikut ini.

1. Rute perjalanan

Info Rute, Harga Tiket, dan Tips Liburan ke Gunung Rinjani di Lombok

Ketika sudah berada di Lombok , terdapat pilihan rute yang bisa kamu pilih untuk menuju Gunung Rinjani. Berikut di antaranya:

  • Dari Terminal Mandalika Mataram: dari terminal ini, naiklah mobil engkel atau sejenis Elf menuju Pasar Aikmel. Waktu tempuhnya sekitar satu jam. Dari pasar itu, naik mobil menuju Sembalun (lokasi Gunung Rinjani) dengan estimasi dua jam.
  • Dari Bandara Udara International Lombok: naiklah bus Damri tujuan Terminal Damri Mataram sekitar satu jam. Dari terminal ini, kamu bisa jalan kaki ke Terminal Mandalika, lalu lakukan sama persis dengan rute perjalanan seperti pada poin pertama, sama-sama menuju Sembalun.

2. Lokasi, jam operasional, dan harga tiket

Info Rute, Harga Tiket, dan Tips Liburan ke Gunung Rinjani di Lombok

Lokasi: Lombok Utara, Pulau Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia

Jam operasional: setiap hari, 24 jam

Harga: WNI seharga Rp5.000 pada hari biasa dan Rp7.500 saat hari libur. Sedangkan WNA, Rp150 ribu pada hari biasa dan Rp250 ribu saat hari libur

3. Jalur pendakian

Info Rute, Harga Tiket, dan Tips Liburan ke Gunung Rinjani di Lombok

Ketika mendaki Gunung Rinjani, kamu akan dimanjakan dengan hamparan padang savana serta hutan belantara. Ada empat jalur pendakian, berikut di antaranya:

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  • Jalur pendakian via Sembalun: dari Sembalun menuju Plawangan dan berakhir di puncak. Atau setelah sampai di Plawangan, kamu bisa menuju ke Segara Anak, lalu ke puncak.
  • Jalur pendakian lewat Senaru: dari Senaru menuju ke Plawangan, lalu ke Segara Anak, kamudian ke puncak.
  • Jalur pendakian lewat Timbanuh: dari Dusun Djati langsung menuju ke puncak bagian selatan.
  • Jalur pendakian melalui Aikberik: dari Berik langsung menuju ke puncak.

Baca Juga: Info Wisata Monkey Forest Ubud: Rute, Harga Tiket, dan Tipsnya

4. Ada apa aja sih di Gunung Rinjani?

Info Rute, Harga Tiket, dan Tips Liburan ke Gunung Rinjani di Lombok

Hal utama yang bisa kamu lakukan ketika mendaki Gunung Rinjani yakni menikmati keindahan alamnya yang bak potongan surga. Salah satu keindahan alamnya berada di Danau Segara Anak yang danaunya berwarna amat biru seperti air laut.

Menariknya di sini, ada acara dan ritual khusus setiap tahunnya di sini. Terlepas dari itu, keindahan danau ini akan benar-benar memanjakanmu.

Info Rute, Harga Tiket, dan Tips Liburan ke Gunung Rinjani di Lombok

Terdapat pula Gua Susu atau Gua Payung Mas yang memiliki beberapa pemandian air panas. Kamu bisa sejenak sembari berendam di sini.

Ada satu ruang sauna alami di dalam gua, tapi akses masuknya cukup menantang, karena banyak lumut yang membuat jalanan sangat licin. Sepanjang perjalanan, kamu akan dimanjakan dengan bukit-bukit dan sungai kecil yang menawan.

5. Tips mengunjungi Gunung Rinjani

Info Rute, Harga Tiket, dan Tips Liburan ke Gunung Rinjani di Lombok

Gunung Rinjani sempat ditutup pada Agustus tahun lalu, karena gempa. Setelah dibuka kembali pada 14 Juni lalu, ada beberapa aturan yang harus kamu perhatikan. Berikut rangkumannya:

  • Pastikan kamu sudah mendaftar secara online . Kunjungi situs atau melalui aplikasi e-Rinjani yang bisa diundur melalui Playstore . Isi data diri kalian beserta tanggal keberangkatannya.
  • Masing-masing jalur pendakian memiliki kuota. Jalur Sembalun sebanyak 150 orang, Jalur Timbanuh sebanyak 100 orang, Jalur Senaru 150 orang, dan Aikberik sebanyak 100 orang.
  • Patuhi rambu-rambu yang ada. Warna merah untuk daerah berbahaya atau rawan, rambu kuning artinya boleh singgah sebentar, tapi tak boleh berlama-lama. Terakhir, rambu biru yang berarti lokasi tersebut aman dan bisa untuk berkemah.

Itulah beberapa informasi wisata di Gunung Rinjani Lombok yang bisa jadi panduan liburanmu. Jadi, kapan nih mau ambil cuti untuk mendaki Rinjani?

Baca Juga: Info Wisata Gunung Semeru di Jawa Timur: Rute, Harga Tiket, dan Tips

  • Destinasi Wisata
  • tempat wisata
  • gunung rinjani
  • Info wisata
  • wisata indonesia
  • wisata gunung
  • wisata lombok

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Open Trip Rinjani 2024 Via Sembalun – Torean. Pasti Jalan!

Rupiah / Orang

  • 4 Hari / 3 Malam
  • Trip Sharing

Slot Terbatas! Paket Open Trip Rinjani 2024 4 Hari 3 Malam pasti jalan ini kami hadirkan untuk bisa melakukan pendakian dengan biaya yang lebih terjangkau.

Sudah termasuk transportasi dari bandara ke   Desa Sembalun dan dari sembalun ke kota mataram/senggigi. 

Penginapan di sembalun ( hari pertama ) juga sudah tercover dalam paket open trip ini.

Manfaatkan program cashback Rp. 200.000/orang bagi yang mendaftarkan minimal 4 Orang sekaligus dengan full payment di depan untuk jadwal open trip minimal 5 bulan ke depan. 

Jadwal Open Trip Rinjani 2024 Terbaru

Segera pilih tanggal yang sesuai dengan hari liburmu, sebab kuota sangat terbatas.

  • 12-15 April 2024
  • 23-26 Mei 2024
  • 13-16 Juni 2024
  • 11-14 Juli 2024
  • 15-18 Agustus 2024
  • 13-16 September 2024
  • 17-20 Oktober 2024
  • 14-17 November 2024
  • 26-29 Desember 2024

Itinerary Open Trip Rinjani 2024

Itinerary open trip rinjani ini berlangsung selama 4 Hari 3 Malam ( 3 Hari 2 Malam Pendakian ) start via sembalun dan finish via torean. 

Pastikan anda memilih penerbangan sepagi mungkin sebab penjemputan di bandara sebagai meeting point hanya sampai Pukul 12:00 Wita. Perjalanan menuju desa Sembalun hanya membutuhkan waktu paling lama 3 jam saja. Dilanjutkan dengan checkin penginapan. Silahkan beristirahat atau nikmati pemandangan sekitar.

Kita akan mulai pendakian sepagi mungkin agar punya cukup banyak waktu untuk menikmati keindahan panorama selama pendakian rinjani. Butuh waktu 2 jam untuk sampai ke pos 1 rinjani. Di sana kita akan beristirahat sejenak sambil menikmati pemandangan sekitar sebelum melanjutkan pendakian menuju pos 2 Ketika siang hari kira-kira pukul 12.00 sampai 13.00 waktu setempat sampailah di pos 3 . Silahkan melakukan peregangan sembari menunggu guide dan porter kami menyiapkan hidangan makan siang dan minuman hangat. Dari pos 3 saatnya lanjut ke pelawangan sembalun ( Punggungan Rinjani ) yang membutuhkan waktu sekitar 3 jam. Di pelawangan sembalun porter dan guide kami mendirikan tenda dan mempersiapkan makan malam. Di tempat ini anda bisa menyaksikan kecantikan danau segara anak dan anak gunung rinjani dari ketinggian. Ketika malam hari kami sarankan untuk segera istirahat untuk pendakian menuju puncak rinjani yang lebih berat.

Sekitar pukul satu dini hari, guide kami akan membangunkan anda untuk memulai pendakian ke puncak rinjani 3726 MDPL. Sekitar pukul lima atau enam pagi anda sudah bisa berada di puncak gunung rinjani disambut oleh golden sunset yang mewah. Kembali lagi ke pelawangan sembalun untuk mengisi perut sebagai bekal perjalanan menuju danau segara anak yang bisa menghabiskan waktu kurang lebih 3 Jam lamanya. Sekitar pukul dua belas siang sudah bisa sampai di segara anak dan mendirikan tenda di pinggir danau segara anak. Ada banyak aktivitas yang bisa dilakukan di danau segara anak seperti memancing, mandi air hangat, membakar api unggun sambil bakar ikan, melihat bintang-bintang yang tampak sangat jelas dan dekat bersama milkywaynya.

Ini adalah saatnya kembali namun melewati jalur yang berbeda yaitu jalur torean. Tentunya dengan pemandangan dan pengalaman baru berupa keindahan lembah-lembah disertai kabut-kabut tipis serasa berada di new zealand.

Setiba di pintu gerbang jalur torean, tim kami sudah siap menjemput anda dan mengantarkan anda menuju hotel di sekitar kota mataram atau senggigi.

Ketentuan Open Trip Rinjani

  • Down Payment Sebesar 50% untuk mengunci slot dan pelunasan H-7 Sebelum tanggal trekking yang dipilih.
  • Down Payment akan dikembalikan seutuhnya ( 100% ) jika terjadi keadaan force majeure seperti gunung meletus yang mengakibatkan pendakian harus dibatalkan. Namun Tidak ada pengembalian untuk pembatalan sepihak dari peserta
  • Trip berakhir di hotel/homestay anda di kawasan Kota Mataram. 
  • Tidak memungkinkan untuk mengejar penerbangan di hari terakhir.
  • Harap booking penerbangan di minimal h+1 setelah trip selesai.
  • Hotel atau homestay di hari terakhir tidak termasuk dalam paket ini.
  • Jika pendaftar hanya 1 Orang, maka transportasi menggunakan Sepeda Motor.
  • Promo Cashback akan dibayarkan setelah trip selesai
  • Anda boleh mencari peserta pengganti jika memang tidak memungkinkan untuk mendaki.
  • Jika pembatalan terjadi karena Force Majore atau karena dibatalkan sendiri oleh pihak kami, maka DP peserta akan kami kembalikan 100%.
  • Porter hanya membawa perlengkapan team, tidak untuk membawa perlengkapan pribadi peserta
  • Kami menyediakan matras dan sleeping bag, namun membawanya menjadi kewajiban peserta.Kami menyediakan toilet tenda untuk group, Tapi mohon jangan berharap lebih dengan fasilitasnya karena kita sedang berada di alam. Anda perlu menggali tanah & membawa air sendiri atau Tisu.
  • Bersedia untuk berada dalam satu tenda dengan peserta yang lain.
  • Dengan mengunci slot anda telah menyatakan untuk setuju pada syarat dan ketentuan di atas.

Paket Termasuk

  • Transportasi Pickup Bandara
  • Transportasi Drop Off Hotel Sengigi / Mataram
  • Sehari Menginap di Homestay
  • Trekking Gear (tenda, sleeping bag, matras, toilet tent dan nesting)
  • 8 Kali Makanan Sehat & Bergizi
  • Raincoat Plastik

Paket Tidak Termasuk

  • Penginapan di hari terakhir
  • Obat-obatan Pribadi
  • Pakaian Hangat dan Windbreaker
  • Sun protector dan UV filter dan Alat Mandi Lainnya
  • Sepatu Gunung & Sendal gunung
  • Kaos Kaki, Sarung Tangan, Kupluk & Topi
  • Headlamp/Senter

Barang Yang Wajib Dibawa Oleh Peserta

  • Kartu identitas seperti KTP, Paspor, atau SIM untuk keperluan administrasi izin pendakian.
  • Tas Carrier min 45 Liter
  • Sepatu dan sendal trekking
  • Jaket gunung dan pakaian hangat
  • Pakaian Ganti
  • Sarung Tangan
  • Tisu basah untuk MCK
  • Obat-obatan jika memiliki riwayat penyakit tertentu

Harga Paket Open Trip Rinjani

Cukup dengan  Rp. 2.400.000/orang anda sudah dapat menikmati sebuah trip dengan fasilitas setara Rp. 4.000.000/Orang. .

air terjun penimbungan torean rinjani

Berenang Bersama Hiu Paus di Perairan Teluk Saleh

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Jasa Tour Lombok Terpercaya 10+ Tahun

Layanan Utama

  • Paket Wisata Lombok
  • Paket Trekking Rinjani
  • Open Trip Rinjani
  • Fotografer Gunung Rinjani
  • Live Streaming di Lombok
  • Dokumentasi di Lombok
  • Sewa Drone di Lombok
  • Sewa Mobil di Lombok
  • Sewa Motor di Lombok

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6 Paket Open Trip Rinjani Terbaik, Harga Mulai 1 Jutaan

trip ke rinjani

Saat ini sudah semakin banyak tipe traveling yang biasa dilakukan oleh orang Indonesia salah satunya yaitu open trip.

Aktivitas ini dianggap lebih seru dibandingkan solo trip atau bakcpackeran, dimana selain bisa mengenal teman baru, kamu pun tidak perlu repot menyusun rencana perjalanan sebab sudah disediakan itinerary lengkapnya juga.

Nah kali ini kami akan berikan beberapa referensi paket open trip untuk kamu yang berniat untuk liburan ke Rinjani dalam waktu dekat ini.

1. ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Kemang Raya Nomor 15, Bangka, Mampang Prpt., Kota Jakarta Selatan 12720 Map: Klik Disini No. Telp: 0813 1907 2987 WhatsApp: 0878 8078 7522 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.700.000,-

Opsi pertama yang bisa dipilih adalah dengan budget biaya open trip mulai dari 1,7juta start Lombok.

trip ke rinjani

Selain Lombok, kamu pun bisa pilih start point dari Jakarta, Surabaya dan Bandung. Harga tersebut sudah termasuk tiket pesawat Lombok PP, transportasi antar jemput, tenda, sleeping bag, konsumsi, peralatan masak, dokumentasi, dll.

2. The Langkah Travel ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Hijrah, Gang Ganista 1 Nomor 2, Kelurahan, Brang Bara, Unter Iwes, Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat 84314 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp: 0821 4435 6010 WhatsApp: 0821 4435 6010 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.850.000,-

The Langkah Travel juga menawarkan open trip trekking Rinjani dengan budget mulai dari 1.850ribu nih.

Durasi perjalanan yang ditawarkan oleh The Langkah Travel ini adalah 4D3N dengan beberapa pilihan destinasi. Minimal keberangkatan open trip Rinjani ini adalah 10 orang. Tertarik?

3. Ime Summits ❤️

Alamat: Ketabang, Genteng, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60272 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp: 0822 3532 5545 WhatsApp: 0822 3532 5545 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.350.000,-

Masih belom cocok dengan harga kedua paket diatas? Paket open trip dari Ime Summits ini mungkin bisa jadi solusi terbaikmu nih sebab budget yang diperlukan yaitu hanya 1.350ribu saja.

Dengan budget segitu kamu bisa mengunjungi beberapa destinasi seperti Sabana Sembalun, Puncak Rinjani, Jalur Senaru, Danau Segara Anak dan Aik Kalak Hotspring.

4. ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Cililin Nomor 11, Petogogan, Kebayoran Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan 12170 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp: 021 7279 2903 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.350.000,- pun bisa kamu andalkan untuk dijadikan sebagai kawan setia perjalananmu ke Rinjani. Open trip yang ditawarkan oleh ini yaitu mulai dari 1.350ribu saja per orangnya.

Beberapa aktivitas yang akan kamu nikmati jika open trip bersama diantaranya ada beach exploring, backpacking, culinary dan hiking.

5. Lombok Journey ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Tambora Nomor 2, Gomong Square No. 9, Dasan Agung Baru, Selaparang, Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat 8312 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp: 0822 1199 9323 WhatsApp: 0822 1199 9323 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.000.000,-

Paket open trip Rinjani selanjutnya bisa kamu dapatkan juga dari Lombok Journey nih. Bersama mereka kamu bakal diajak mendaki ke Rinjani selama 2 hari 1 malam dengan budget mulai dari 1jutaan saja.

Harga tersebut sudah termasuk guide & porter trekking, homestay sembalun, perlengkapan camping, konsumsi, transport, foto dokumentasi, dll.

6. Eka Lombok Tour ❤️

Alamat: Permata Regency, Jalan Gili Lawang C-01, Pagutan Barat, Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat 83117 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp: 0812 3640 8208 WhatsApp: 0812 3640 8208 Harga Mulai: Rp 2.840.000,-

Opsi terakhir ada Eka Lombok Tour yang siap menemanimu explore Rinjani. Paket open trip dari Eka Lombok Tour ini berdurasi 4 hari 3 malam.

Beberapa highlight paket yang diberikan diantaranya ada Sembalun, Vegetable Garden, Puncak Rinjani, Danau Segara Anak dan Senaru Rim Crater.

Itulah beberapa referensi paket open trip Rinjani yang bisa kamu pilih untuk mengisi agenda liburanmu nanti.

Lombok Green Nature

  • Royal Sembahulun Story
  • Lombok Green Nature Story
  • Pergasingan Hill Sunrise Trip
  • Daily Tour Lombok Attraction – Pergasingan Hill
  • Camping on pergasingan hill and hiking on tiu kelep waterfall
  • Hiking and camping on Pergasingan Hill and Gili Kondo
  • Hiking in Kondo Hill and exploring Ancient Caldera Propok
  • Daily Tour Pink Beach Lombok
  • Tandem Paragliding In Kuta
  • Paragliding flight tandem in Sembalun
  • 2D-1N Rinjani Trek Summit
  • 3D-2N Rinjani Summit and Lake
  • 3D-2N Sembalun – Torean: Hiking Mount Rinjani Package
  • 4D-3N Rinjani Summit and Lake
  • 4D-3N Sembalun – Torean: Climbing Mount Rinjani Package
  • 2D-1N Senaru crater Rim Wonder
  • 2 Days-1 Night Crater Rim Tetebatu
  • 2D-1N Crater Rim Timbanuh
  • Mount Tambora Trek
  • Mount Kerinci Trek
  • Mount Semeru Trek
  • Mount Ijen Trek
  • Mount Agung Sunrise Trekking
  • Booking Rinjani
  • Booking Rinjani Start Sembalun Finish Torean
  • Booking Tour & Soft Trekking
  • Booking Paragliding

Adventure , Blog , Indonesia , Tips

Anggaran biaya mendaki gunung rinjani 2024.

Anggaran biaya mendaki Rinjani

Apakah anda  berencana Mendaki ke Gunung Rinjani?  jika iya, maka anda membuka situs yang tepat yaitu informasi lengkap terkait anggaran biaya mendaki Gunung Rinjani mulai dari mengambil paket full service sampai pada paket sesuai kebutuhan anda.

Informasi Trekking Rinjani

Paket Rinjani Open Trip 2024




Untuk info lebih detail apa saja yang termasuk paket silahkan hungungi kami via email atau watsap yang tertera di website ini.

Kami menyarankan bagi anda yang berencana  mendaki ke Gunung Rinjani agar selektif dalam menyerap informasi terkait biaya pendakian. banyak pihak yang menawarkan peket tour ke Gunung Rinjani dengan harga yang sangat murah bahkan harganya tidak masuk di akal karena jauh dari biaya  operasional pendakian itu sendiri. beberapa kali kasus terjadi  pada peserta open trip mulai dari penelantaran pendaki, penipuan sampai pada evakuasi akibat tidak makan karena kehabisan bekal. salah satu  pendaki tidak dapat bergerak dan tidak sadarkan diri di pelawangan Sembalun akibat dari kekurangan makanan sehingga tidak makan beberapa hari. hal ini terjadi karena tidak profesionalnya tour agent  didalam merencanakan biaya tour sehingga berdampak kepada peserta tour itu sendiri. ini terjadi tidak hanya seklai namun sangat sering dimana para peserta open trip selalau mendapat masalah dilapangan dan beberapa kali di lakukan evakuasi korban disebabkan rata-rata kekurangan makanan.  karena itu, sayangi diri dan nyawa anda dengan tidak mengambil tour yang biayanya murah namun keselamatan tidak terjamin.

bagi anda yang ingin Mendaki di Gunung Rinjani tentunya dapat melakukan bookingan jauh-jauh hari sehingga tdak  kehabisan quota ticket pendakian mengingat jumlah kuota pendaki terbatas.

trip ke rinjani

Bagi anda yang ingin Mendaki Gunung Rinjani, kami menyediakan jasa booking tiket online dan paket pendakian dari berbagai jalur resmi.

Anggaran biaya mendaki gunung Rinjani di pulau Lombok Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat tahun 2024 naik dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya, hal ini  di sebabkan oleh kenaikan harga kebutuhan pokok, transportasi, akomodasi dan juga biaya jasa Pemandu serta Porter di Sembalun, Tetebatu di kabupaten Lombok Timur maupun di Senaru dan Torean di kabupaten Lombok Utara.

Rincian anggaran biaya mendaki gunung Rinjani tahun 2024 ini kami susun dari pengalaman pribadi belanja keperluan  mendaki gunung Rinjani di akhir 2024.

anggaran biaya mendaki gunung rinjani

Perkiraan biaya mendaki gunung Rinjani tahun 2024 untuk biaya 2 orang pendaki yang mengambil program 3 hari 2 malam dan Program 4 hari 3 malam dengan perhitungan pengeluaran biaya : transportasi di pulau Lombok menuju Sembalun, Tetebatu atau Senaru pulang pergi, biaya makanan dan minuman untuk mendaki gunung Rinjani, sewa peralatan mendaki gunung, biaya jasa Porter dan Pemandu, tiket masuk Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani, akomodasi satu malam di Sembalun, Tetebatu atau di Senaru dan biaya biaya lainnya.

Perkiraan anggaran biaya mendaki gunung Rinjani tahun 2024 sebgai berikut :

  • Biaya pembelian makanan, minuman dan sewa peralatan mendaki gunung Rinjani untuk 2 orang.

Biaya diatas akan berkurang jika anda membawa peralatan sendiri dan makanan minuman untuk 4 orang termasuk 1 orang guide dan 1 orang porter.

  • Biaya transportasi ke Sembalun, Tetebatu atau Senaru untuk 2 orang pp.

Biaya transportasi dengan menggunakan kendaraan carter (full ac). 3. Biaya jasa Pemandu dan Porter gunung Rinjani.

Biaya di atas belum termasuk biaya guide yang menemani ke puncak, jika menggunakan 1 orang guide Rp. 275.000 dan 1 org porter Rp. 250.000.- 4. Biaya akomodasi di Senaru atau di Sembalun dan Tetebatu.

Biaya akomodasi relatip sama di ke tiga lokasi pintu pendakian ke gunung Rinjani, untuk informasi hotel di Sembalun disini , untuk informasi hotel di Tetebatu disini

Dari data data di atas perkiraan biaya mendaki gunung Rinjani sbb : – Program 3 hari 2 malam sekitar Rp. 3.800.000.-/orang – Program 4 hari 3 malam sekitar Rp. 4.400.000.-/orang

Anda juga bisa memesan Transportasi, Guide atau porter tanpa mengambil full paket.

Keterangan : – Biaya belum termasuk harga tiket masuk Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani yang saat ini masih Rp.5.000./orang (Indonesia).– Biaya Tips untuk guide dan porter. – Biaya akan berkurang jika anda mendaki gunung lebih dari 2 orang atau jika menggunakan transportasi umum. – Biaya akan jauh berkurang jika anda membawa peralatan mendaki gunung sendiri dan jika belum memiliki bisa membeli dengan harga terjangkau dan peralatan berkualitas di sini

Biaya mendaki gunung Rinjani jika menggunakan jasa tour operator

Dibawah ini adalah rata rata biaya mendaki gunung Rinjani dari beberapa trek organizer yang ada di Sembalun maupun di Senaru.

Jika anda tidak mau repot untuk mengurus semua kebutuhan mendaki gunung Rinjani di atas bisa menhubungi kami. silahkan cek Harga Paket Murah Mendaki Gunung Rinjani.

Kami menyediakan pelayanan bagi anda yang mau mengambil paket perjalanan pribadi atau ingin memesan porter, logistik, penginapan, transportasi atau kebutuhan lainya terkait dengan perjalanan anda.  Semoga bermanfaat dan kami tunggu anda mengontak kami segera.

Other Tour Information



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  2. 2 Days Mount Rinjani Trekking Tour Indonesia, Indonesia

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  3. Guide To Trekking Mount Rinjani In Lombok With Pro Tips

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  4. Beli Tiket Virtual Tour Gunung Rinjani

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  1. Seorang Napi Berusaha Menjadi Yang terbaik untuk istrinya #bantusubcribe #kumpulanpresetalightmotioj

  2. Abang Trip

  3. Abang Trip

  4. Trip Mt. Rinjani 28/5/23

  5. PENDAKIAN GUNUNG RINJANI SEMBALUN -TOREAN 4D 3N part#1 #gunungrinjani #lombok #sembalun


  1. Paket Trekking Rinjani

    The Langkah Travel menawarkan paket mendaki Rinjani komplit untuk semua jalur diatas dengan service lengkap. ... Rinjani via Aik Berik dan Timbanuh hanya tersedia selama 2 hari 1 malam karena kedua jalur ini memang tidak bisa tembus ke danau. Paket Tour Rinjani yang kami tawarkan merupakan full service mulai dari transport, guide, porter ...

  2. The Ultimate Mount Rinjani Trekking Guide (2024 Update)

    A Mount Rinjani trekking tour is not for novice hikers or casual travellers. But if you're ready for an epic 3-day journey to the summit of the second highest volcano in Indonesia, here's everything you need to know before you go in our guide. At 3,726 metres above sea level, Mount Rinjani looms large over the entire island of Lombok in ...

  3. Mount Rinjani Trekking Tour Guides

    via Sembalun Ascent Route. Starting in the morning from the Rinjani Trek Centre in the village, the climb to Pelawangan II at 2,638 m will take about 8 hr via POST I (1,300 m), POST II (1,500 m) and POST III (1,800 m). Starting altitude is1100 m, so there are no humid conditions to deal with. First half or more of the trek is literally a breeze.

  4. Visit Mount Rinjani: #1 Rinjani Information and Trekking Partner

    VISIT MOUNT RINJANI. Visit Mount Rinjani is one of the trekking companies to Mount Rinjani whose staff has more than 20 years of experience. During your expedition journey to Mount Rinjani, the staff will assist you in creating numerous unforgettable memories. Our company offers the most popular Mount Rinjani trekking itineraries on the island ...

  5. The Ultimate Mount Rinjani Trek Guide: 4 Days, 3 Nights!

    Mount Rinjani Trekking 4-day, 3-night trip to Mount Rinjani is a popular option for those interested in hiking and climbing the volcano. The trip typically begins with a drive from the city of Sembalun to the starting point for the hike, which is located at an elevation of 1,150 meters (3,773 feet) above sea level. From there, hikers will begin ...

  6. Mount Rinjani Trekking

    2023-09-12. 2N/3D package. A Sweet and Sweaty adventure I chose the 2Nights/3Days adventure, i reached the summit of the spectacular Mt. Rinjani, the crater Lake watching the Anak gunung volcano. I wold say that just the Sembalun and Senaru crater rims make it worth it. IMPORTANT: wile the Sembalun, the lake and the Senaru trekking are intense ...

  7. Mount Rinjani Trekking In Lombok

    Mount Rinjani Trekking begins in Senaru Lombok, a small mountainside village at the base of Indonesia's second-largest active volcano, which is a whopping 3,726 meters above sea level. I have put together this complete guide to hiking Mount Rinjani including how to get there, where to book a Rinjani trekking tour, and my personal experience ...

  8. Home

    Mount Rinjani is an active volcano located on the island of Lombok in Indonesia. It is the second highest volcano in Indonesia, standing at an impressive elevation of 3,726 meters (12,224 feet). Mount Rinjani is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, diverse ecosystems, and challenging trekking opportunities.

  9. Rinjani trekking: a complete guide to Mount Rinjani hike

    Hajar himself started as a hiking guide in 2000, but trekking up Rinjani didn't become popular until 2006. It really become something to do in 2010 but with the earthquake in 2018 and then the pandemic in 2020, things have slowed down a lot. For the two of us, we have one guide and two porters: here's our team photo.

  10. Mount Rinjani Open Trip 2024 Via Sembalun

    Rinjani Open Trip Itinerary. This Rinjani open trip itinerary lasts for 4 Days and 3 Nights (3 Days and 2 Nights of Trekking), starting via Sembalun and finishing via Torean. We have designed this Rinjani itinerary to the best of our abilities for your satisfaction. However, if you desire any changes during the trek, please consult with our guide.

  11. Hiking Mount Rinjani: The Essential Guide (updated for 2023)

    The cost of a Mount Rinjani trek ranges from around $210 (2 day / 1 night package) to $380 (4 day / 3 night package). Some local travel agencies and touts will sometimes advertise Mt Rinjani treks for cheaper, but generally speaking the budget operators are unlicensed, over-load their porters, and leave rubbish on the mountain.

  12. Mount Rinjani

    The mighty Rinjani mountain of Gunung Rinjani is a massive volcano which towers over the island of Lombok. A climb to the top is one of the most exhilarating experiences you can have in Indonesia. At 3,726 meters tall, Gunung Rinjani is the second highest mountain in Indonesia. The climb to the top may not be easy but it's worth it, and is widely regarded as one of the best views in the country.

  13. Rinjani Trek: A Beginners Guide to Hiking Mount Rinjani

    Rinjani Trek Costs Mount Rinjani Trek Entrance Fee. Regardless if you go solo or with a tour company, an entrance fee must be paid to enter Rinjani National Park. You'll check in at the Trek Center prior to the start of your hike and pay the 150,000 IDR ($10/$11 USD) per person per day. Not a bad price to visit one of Indonesia's top spots.

  14. Mount Rinjani 2024

    Towering at 12,224 feet on the island of Lombok, Mount Rinjani is one of the highest volcanoes in Indonesia. Rarely do trekkers get to trek to a volcano and witness a natural wonder as striking as this. As you climb over the ridges, you get to see an active volcano—the rarest of rare sights. Puffs of smoke spew out of the volcano as you trek ...

  15. Mount Rinjani Itinerary

    Following is the list of our top 5 mount Rinjani trekking package. Please take time view each of them and then click the bottom GO TO THE TOUR for details of itinerary and pricing. Mount Rinjani Trekking Package 2D1N for Beginner to Senaru Crater Rim. This is the shortest package available which is best if you are beginner.

  16. Harga/ Biaya Paket Mendaki Gunung Rinjani

    Untuk mendaki Rinjani dikenakan biaya mulai dari 2.250.000 rupiah hingga 4.900.000 rupiah untuk minimal 2 orang peserta untuk selama 2 hari hingga 4 hari pendakian. Syam Trekker menawarkan harga trekking Gunung Rinjani untuk semua paket petualangan melalui jalur pendakian Sembalun dan Senaru dengan informasi detail fasilitas yang termasuk dan ...

  17. Mount Rinjani via Torean Route

    Having a height of 3,726 meters above sea level, Rinjani is lined up as the second-highest volcano in the world. So, did you know that since April 1 2021, the Mount Rinjani National Park Center has added two official climbing routes: Tete Batu and Torean. Completing the four official hiking trails that already existed: Sembalun, […]

  18. Rinjani Trekking Package

    Mount Rinjani Overview. There are four official climbing routes to choose from to take in Mount Rinjani 's stunning scenery, including: 1. Rinjani Trekking Via Sembalun, East Lombok. Because the track is not too physically demanding when climbing, it is a favorite of rookie climbers. The path is rather gentle from Pos 1 to Pos 3, with a large ...

  19. Rinjani Trekking Package, Lombok Mount Rinjani Trek

    Travel route options to Mount Rinjani from Lombok International Airport: Sembalun, takes about 2 - 2.5 hours to pass through the eastern side of Mount Rinjani with the Praya-Kopang - Masbagik - Aikmel route and then arrives at Sembalun village on the east side of Mount Rinjani (the closest climbing route to the summit of Mount Rinjani). ...

  20. Gunung Rinjani Lombok: Info Rute, Harga Tiket, dan Tips

    Gunung Rinjani menjadi salah satu gunung favorit para pendaki. Keindahan alam Gunung Rinjani menjadi salah satu yang terbaik. Gak heran kalau para wisatawan, baik lokal maupun mancanegara, berbondong-bondong datang ke sini. Kalau kamu berencana mendaki Gunung Rinjani Lombok, ada baiknya simak dulu informasi wisatanya berikut ini.

  21. Open Trip Rinjani 2024 Via Sembalun

    Itinerary Open Trip Rinjani 2024. Itinerary open trip rinjani ini berlangsung selama 4 Hari 3 Malam ( 3 Hari 2 Malam Pendakian ) start via sembalun dan finish via torean. Hari 1, Penjemputan Dari Bandara ke Sembalun. Pastikan anda memilih penerbangan sepagi mungkin sebab penjemputan di bandara sebagai meeting point hanya sampai Pukul 12:00 Wita.

  22. 6 Paket Open Trip Ke Rinjani 2024 Murah Dari Jakarta Bandung

    Paket open trip Rinjani selanjutnya bisa kamu dapatkan juga dari Lombok Journey nih. Bersama mereka kamu bakal diajak mendaki ke Rinjani selama 2 hari 1 malam dengan budget mulai dari 1jutaan saja. Harga tersebut sudah termasuk guide & porter trekking, homestay sembalun, perlengkapan camping, konsumsi, transport, foto dokumentasi, dll. 6.

  23. Anggaran Biaya Mendaki Gunung Rinjani 2024

    Biaya akomodasi relatip sama di ke tiga lokasi pintu pendakian ke gunung Rinjani, untuk informasi hotel di Sembalun disini, untuk informasi hotel di Tetebatu disini. Dari data data di atas perkiraan biaya mendaki gunung Rinjani sbb : - Program 3 hari 2 malam sekitar Rp. 3.800.000.-/orang - Program 4 hari 3 malam sekitar Rp. 4.400.000.-/orang