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Adventure Magic (H5)

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Adventure Magic is a school of magic appearing in Heroes of Might and Magic V .

Adventure Magic spells are spells to be used on the world map. A hero does not need to be versed in a specific school to learn them, i.e. no magic skill is required, but they need to be at a specific experience level. They can be learned in any Magic Guild built to sufficient level. In Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East , Barbarians need to buy talismans to use Adventure Magic spells.

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Instant Travel - Useless?

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Unread post by KiOwA » Sep 14 2008, 20:48

Unread post by blizzardboy » Sep 14 2008, 20:51

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Unread post by Asheera » Sep 14 2008, 21:15

Unread post by blizzardboy » Sep 14 2008, 21:31

Unread post by Asheera » Sep 14 2008, 21:37

Unread post by Kristo » Sep 15 2008, 14:21

Unread post by konfeta » Sep 16 2008, 21:00

Unread post by John.Galt » Sep 16 2008, 21:15

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Unread post by aaelgr » Sep 17 2008, 11:19

konfeta wrote: Remember "Mire" from HoMM 4? Now imagine if you could deny your opponent the ability to teleport, or use ships with a spell. Slow down the enemy hero, etc. These elements have been scattered all over the series, but they could be turned into something that is so much more.

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Unread post by Metathron » Sep 17 2008, 11:30

Unread post by blizzardboy » Sep 17 2008, 17:33

Unread post by Asheera » Sep 17 2008, 18:01

Unread post by blizzardboy » Sep 17 2008, 18:38

Asheera wrote: Well I don't take Logistics all the time

Unread post by Asheera » Sep 17 2008, 19:42

Unread post by Lord Lakely » Sep 17 2008, 21:10

Asheera wrote: To be honest, for Dungeon there are a lot of other interesting choices than Logistics. I know Swift Mind is nice, but you need the useless Arcane Intuition for it (and semi-useless Scouting)

Unread post by Asheera » Sep 17 2008, 21:18

Unread post by blizzardboy » Sep 17 2008, 23:56

Unread post by KiOwA » Sep 18 2008, 7:05

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Heroes 3.5: In the Wake of Gods Portal > Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 RC19d update improving the campaigns and gameplay on random maps

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Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 RC19d update improving the campaigns and gameplay on random maps

instant travel heroes 5

Author: Liso1 July 15, 2024 0 Comments

Heroes 5.5 team release patch RC19d, this patch is mostly for improving the campaigns and game play on random maps. There are a few balance changes included as well.

Heroes 5.5 RC19d changelog:

  • fixed instant travel being available in many missions where it wasn’t supposed to, if the spell was learned on a save file, it cannot be unlearned, therefore this change will only be effective when starting a new chapter, unless a main hero had not learned it yet.
  • restored ‘destroy magic wall with catapult’ fight sequence in C6M5, which was omitted in older H55 releases because related files were missing or broken in Tribes of the East. Also reverted some buffs to the boss battles that existed in rc19c to compensate for having to win less battles in total.
  • fixed an enemy hero in C1M3 sometimes spawning with only one imp.
  • changed weekly spawning sylvan stacks in C2M3 to grow in size at a less insane pace on higher difficulties.
  • removed a ‘die without town for 7 days’ trigger on necroboss hero in C5M3.
  • fixed a timer activating on a shadow dragon fight in C5M5.
  • fixed nikolai sometimes receiving less experience than his secondary heroes in C5M5.
  • removed bonus creatures from necro town in C6M1 that can make modified AI very overpowered.
  • fixed zehir getting a +2 spellpower bonus at the start of C6M1.

instant travel heroes 5

ARMG and adventure map

  • fixed graves and wagon type objects always assuming a minimum guard growth of 8 days passed
  • dimension doors refund movement points lost when cancelling an active visit of a town by revisiting the door.
  • the chance for a win in Casinos is now equal to 47% + 3% per luck of the hero instead of always 47%.
  • added many new army combinations with larger tier gaps that previously could not spawn like t5+t1 or t6+t2 or t7+t3.
  • raised thresholds for druid + wolf and druid + hunter army combinations to spawn.
  • fixed thresholds for a lot of haven army combinations being too low.
  • fixed thresholds for a lot of stronghold army combinations being too high.

Added new ARMG template 2P-LoopAlt-L for testing in multiplayer based on idea from trollbolt this templates is different from 2P-Loop-L in following ways:

  • heavily guarded portal to middle zones is now in the ‘bunker’ zone 1, not zone 2.
  • zone 3 has no rare resource mines, instead it has an extra wood and ore mine and 2 more battle sites.
  • there are no rare resource mines in any zone, but there are a bit more resource piles in later zones.
  • tier 6 military posts swapped for tier 5 military posts.
  • hero combat damage against tier 1,2 and 3 is ~5% higher
  • ballista damage is ~5% lower (-2 Attack)
  • increased mana cost of arcane crystal to 12
  • neutral mages start with 12 mana instead of 17 (or less when split)
  • neutral battlemages start with 13 mana instead of 12 (or less when split)
  • Lava Dragons +2 Attack
  • clarified descriptions of mass spell effect in skillwheel
  • fixed descriptions of shadow image and slave market
  • added explanation for new players in ATB value tooltip
  • removed a handholding text from the original game from the battle frenzy perk.

instant travel heroes 5

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Cheat Pages Navigator

Miscellaneous modifications, adding experience (disabled in 1.2).

Adds however much experience you specify.

So, for example:

gives your selected hero 22 000 xp.

Changing Hero Stats

For example:

... adds 15 to the Spell Power of the Sylvan campaign hero Findan.

Note: It used to set the value to 15, not add 15, prior to the 1.1 patch.

So, the code is:

The other stats you can edit are (with their numerical equivalents for the two # code variant):

Note 1: yes, it's STAT_DEFENCE with a capital C.

Note 2: even by modifying your Move Points (or Mana Points ) to something like 9999, it will only be filled up to max. You will only be able to travel as far as your hero can normally travel before you're empty again. To travel further, you'll have to input the command again, the quickest way being the up arrow key, which cycles through your most recent commands in the console.

Also, to effectively use this code, you will likely have to refer to the Hero Names Chart.

Clearing Resources (disabled in 1.2)

Who knows? It may come in handy...or not. All your resources are set to 0.

Adding Gold Only (disabled in 1.2)

Note: Your current gold is set to this value, but all your other resources = 0.

Adding Gold and Resources (disabled in 1.2)

This sets all your resources to 100, and your gold to 100 000.

Note: This does not add to your total. If you have more than 100 resources and 100 000 gold, the quantities are lowered to this amount.

Adding Specific Gold and Resources

This sets one specific type of resource for a specified player to reflect your given value.

...gives red player 50 mercury.

The first # variable determines whose resources you are modifying (see the list of players codes below). The 0-6 variable corresponds to the type of resource you want to set (see the list of resources codes below). The last # variable is your given amount — however much wood, ore, mercury, crystal, sulfur, gems, or gold you want.

In single player scenarios and campaign missions, you are always PLAYER_1, regardless of colour. Here is how the colours correspond to player numbers in the game, for your single player, custom games:

Here are the resources codes in the game:

Seeing Movement Points

The following command has been disabled in version 1.2, but there is a workaround.

This shows your hero's movement points, the number and amount of points it takes to travel your current path (if you've set one).

You can also use this more complex @command variant, which still works in version 1.2:

Revealing the Map

... reveals the above ground map for red player in a custom, single player game that is not a scenario. In single player scenarios and campaign missions, you are always PLAYER_1, regardless of colour.

... reveals the underground map for PLAYER_1�the changed variable is the last of three 0s.

Here is how the colours correspond to player numbers in the game, for your single player, custom games:

Instant Win and Lose

These are self-explanatory, and no, it's not a typo--it is indeed spelled "Loose."

You can discuss this guide and ask more about the cheats in the Heroes Community dedicated forum.

Thanks to Curio for creating these pages!

instant travel heroes 5

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Heroes 5 walkthrough | Campaign 1 - Haven | Mission 5 - The Fall of the King

Other walkthrough

Godric should just follow the road to the north (if you start with resources, you'll be able to buy a minor artifact at the artifact merchant's along the road), capture the town and free Lady Isabel from the prison nearby.

The Inferno heroes (with armies of various rosters and strenght) will keep spawning mostly in the south, with your only town as their highest priority (only one demon lord strayed from his path in order to wander in the east). Demon lords usually arrive through two one-way portals (one in the south, the other in the east).

Therefore in the beginning always keep Isabel near the town. Build up according to the resources you got (I played at normal difficulty and was able to claim most of the mines too).

The creatures guarding the neighboring mines and resources won't put up much of a fight, not even several Bone Dragons guarding the gold mine just a few steps northwest of your base.

There are two subterranean gates (the southern one guarded by a stack of infamous Death Knights), but the underground is insignificant story wise. While Isabel could easily claim the treasure, Godric as a scout would merely waste his time.

I also revisited the artifact merchant to buy a few random artifacts for Isabel, but the purchase proved to be of no importance.

Grail - Tear of Asha - Expand to regular size.

The text message says you should send Godric to meet King Nicolai alone (while Isabel would keep defending the town), but that might be a mistake. In my game a week of the Devil occured and a stack of two Devils blocked the path in the southern mountains. Luckily, I had sent Isabel to clear the road.

In addition, the Inferno is close here and two weak demon lords would have attacked Godric later on as well. I guess I should have given him an army, but decided to keep all the vital forces (aside from two stacks of Assassins and Hunters that had joined me) with Isabel. Thus it was she who flagged the garrison in the lower right corner of the map...

...but only Godric can trigger the final event and win the scenario.

I won't tell you the end, of course.

Written by Vlaad

| 1-50 | 51-71 |

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  2. Adventure Magic (H5)

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    Heroes of might and magic 5: Tribes of the East, guide by Informed_User. ... To be able to cast instant travel you need a level 3 talisman from the walker's hut in a stronghold. You can start attacking the enemy towns during the first week if you use instant travel. Start with the necroplis then head west to capture the academy and haven towns.

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  10. Flying to the Rescue

    Heroes 5 section of Age of Heroes - Heroes of Might and Magic 5 latest news, info, images, reviews and discussion. AOH Headlines: 5 Oct 2016: Heroes VII development comes to an end.. - read more. ... Learn the Instant Travel spell Most of the portals here are one-way, which makes things difficult for Zehir. If he learns the Instant Travel spell ...

  11. HOMM5 random map generator : r/HoMM

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  12. Disable instant travel?

    19 Feb 2016: Heroes 5.5 RC6, Heroes VII patch 1.7 are out! - read more. 13 Jan 2016: Horn of the Abyss 1.4 Available for Download! - read more. ... Disable instant travel? I know it's possible to disable DV completely, so I believe making a mod banning Instant Travel would not be a problem.

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  14. Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 mod

    MMH5.5: Discord. Campaign-fixed instant travel being available in many missions where it wasn't supposed to, if the spell was learned on a save file, it cannot be unlearned, therefore this change will only be effective when starting a new chapter, unless a main hero had not learned it yet. ... MMH5.5 brings Heroes 5 at another level. Best ...

  15. Cheat Codes

    Heroes 5 section of Age of Heroes - Heroes of Might and Magic 5 latest news, info, images, reviews and discussion. AOH Headlines: ... Say you want the spell Instant Travel, and try to input this name in caps with the above code. Strangely, you'll fail, and the console tells you that such a spell doesn't exist! ...

  16. Heroes 5 Maps

    Heroes 5 Maps. The Biggest collection Maps for Heroes of Might and Magic 4(IV), Heroes 5(V) and Heroes 3(III). Latest news, cheat codes, screenshots, walkthroughs, hints, downloads and articles in English and Russian languages. Heroes5. ... Instant travel is banned, all other spells in game

  17. Instant Travel

    The Instant Travel type spells (e.g., Dimension Door and Town Portal) have been overpowered in every Heroes game so far. This time around it sounds like they nerfed it too far. ... That's why I think it would be better in heroes 6 to just take logistics out and use some other means to incorporate logistics in the game. And yea, the prereq's for ...

  18. Heroes 5.5 RC19d update improving the campaigns and gameplay

    Heroes 5.5 RC19d changelog: Campaign. fixed instant travel being available in many missions where it wasn't supposed to, if the spell was learned on a save file, it cannot be unlearned, therefore this change will only be effective when starting a new chapter, unless a main hero had not learned it yet. restored 'destroy magic wall with ...

  19. Increasing AI turn speed : r/HoMM

    Simple answer - cheat engine. Both players (or more) need to have it opened and working at the same time (or else one player disconnects). So you need to run Cheat Engine and set Speedhack at max 50. This is using simultaneous turns**. There are two ways to do it. At the end of the turn, both players turn on speedhack for the duration of the AI ...

  20. Cheat Codes

    Note 1: yes, it's STAT_DEFENCE with a capital C. Note 2: even by modifying your Move Points (or Mana Points) to something like 9999, it will only be filled up to max.You will only be able to travel as far as your hero can normally travel before you're empty again. To travel further, you'll have to input the command again, the quickest way being the up arrow key, which cycles through your most ...

  21. Missions IV, V

    One of the 10-level heroes should collect the undead army from the enemy cities and follow Findan. For now, this army can help you finish off lesser bests on your way, so you don't have to risk Sylvan units' loss. When in the dungeon, defeat the garrisons guarding the dwarfish artifacts (A). These are: Dwarven Mithril Cuirass, Greaves of ...

  22. Heroes 5 walkthrough

    The Heroes 5 expansion: Hammers of Fate has been released!! Heroes 5 - Dwarven racial skills and abilities. Heroes 5 Patch 1.4 - download now !!! Heroes 5 - Tapani's random map generator. Heroes 5 - Fortress Heroes biographies. Heroes 5 Fortress - Dwarves Faction. Heroes 5 Patch 1.3 download here - with Heroes 5 Map Editor

  23. MMH5.5: Release Notes (RC17) news

    MMH5.5 is an unofficial expansion pack for HOMM5 Tribes of the East (standalone) or HOMM5 Complete. The pack will include many new adventure objects, new larger battlefields, new heroes, new classes, new specializations, new skills, new artifacts, new adventure spells, new HD textures and a greatly improved RMG with more than 60 'visualized' Templates.