Open Road Odysseys

38 Excellent Road Trip Tips For Couples To Have The Best Vacation Ever

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If you’re ready to hit the open road with your significant other, you might be looking for some great road trip tips for couples to help you have a fantastic journey.

Being cooped up in a car for a long time with another person can end up being a good or a bad experience depending on how you handle certain situations and how you coordinate your trip.

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You obviously want your road trip to go smoothly and you want to have fun, but what things should you do (or not do) to ensure the experience is memorable and positive?

Here’s the ultimate guide of 38 excellent travel tips to help you have a great couple’s road trip!

Road Trip Tips For Couples: Your First Trip Together

If you are taking your very first road trip with your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse, you might not know what to expect.

Are they an early bird and like to hit the road before the sun is up?

Do they like to stop and stretch every hour?

Does the thought of listening to an audiobook for 8 hours make their skin crawl?

Here are some great suggestions to help couples who haven’t traveled together before get ahead of the game and make a successful road trip more likely.

1. Make sure you like each other

This should be obvious, right? I mean, if you are dating and planning to travel together, you probably like each other.

But here’s the thing: you might NOT like the person after being in an enclosed space with them for 6+ hours if you’ve never done it before.

You’ll probably discover there are things about them you didn’t notice before…and those things annoy the crap out of you.

This happens with every couple as your relationship progresses, but a road trip is NOT the place you want to learn that your girlfriend chews gum all day and REALLY loudly, or that your boyfriend refuses to listen to anything except rap in the car…EVER.

Before committing to go road tripping together, make sure you actually really like this person and that you are willing to put up with their quirks and things that rub you the wrong way for the duration of the trip (because trust me: it WILL happen) .

2. Start with a shorter road trip

If your road trip is going to be for at least a few days, get your feet wet with a shorter version to see how you fare together.

related: how long is too long for a road trip?

Take that 3-hour drive to the beach and test out how things go. Or make a date of it and plan out a whole day of driving and hit up a bunch of places to see and restaurants to eat at. See if there are any issues that arise and address them early.

3. Set intentions for the trip

What do you want to get out of your road trip together? I mean, I’m sure you want to have a good time and explore some new locations, but what can you be intentional about in your relationship?

Maybe you want to be intentional about being present and staying off your phone so you can spend more time talking and getting to know one another.

Or maybe, if you tend to plan everything to a T and leave little wiggle room in your itinerary for any deviation (hello, it’s me), you will be more intentional about being spontaneous and just going with the flow more.

Whatever you decide, make your intentions known to each other (or pick one together) and help one another out so you can both succeed.

It's important to listen to each other so you know what the other person needs

4. Listen to each other

At the beginning of any relationship, you don’t always know the other person’s cues for when they are tired or hungry or stressed.

In order to make sure you don’t misunderstand anything, take the time to listen to the other person when they tell you something and try to understand them, even if it doesn’t make sense to you.

Listening is so incredibly important , and when you take the time to try and understand what they are saying, it shows you care about them and want to help however you can.

5. Solve disagreements as quickly as possible

There is a very high probability that you will get into some sort of argument or disagreement on your trip, even if it’s something trivial.

Don’t let a disagreement simmer to the point of boiling. When you are unhappy about something, you should bring it up as soon as you are able and try to solve it quickly.

Nothing ruins a trip faster than a disagreement that swells into a full-blown fight simply because you let something sit for too long and now it’s a much bigger problem than it ever should have been.

6. Know how the other person destresses/diffuses tension

Going along with the above suggestion, you should ask and learn how the other person deals with tough situations and what they like to do to calm down when they are upset.

If they like to go for a run, find a park and let them blow off steam if they need to.

If you cool off (literally and figuratively) while eating ice cream, let your partner know and ask to stop for a treat when you need to destress.

Be willing to help them relax when needed and share with them when you need a break as well.

7. Communication is key

Basically, most of the tips above can be summarized with one word: communication.

Be open, be honest, listen to each other, don’t let conflicts escalate, and you’ll be on your way to a great, memorable road trip and also a great relationship.

An important road trip tips for couples is to plan the journey together

Road Trip Tips For Couples: Planning

8. plan it together….

Whether you are a natural planner or not, when you travel with another person, there are certain things you are going to want and need to plan together to have a great trip.

First, you’ll want to plan the route/destination together and figure out the places you want to stop and explore along the way. Having fun things to do on the journey makes it so much more exciting and gives you something to look forward to if you have a long driving day.

Deciding together what kind of music/audiobooks/podcasts you want to listen to will help prevent tension or arguments on entertainment during the road trip and it will also give you something to look forward to on the journey.

You also can’t forget the snacks and drinks! Figuring out what you want to buy ahead of time will not only save you money on your road trip , but you’ll already have it with you so no one gets hangry (this is 100% me…I get hangry very easily).

You’ll also want to search for some nice restaurants to eat at or types of local food you want to try along the way or at your destination.

And don’t forget places to stay! Knowing where you’ll be sleeping each night prevents a lot of stress and helps plan out your road trip budget (more on that later).

There is lots of proof that planning for and anticipating a vacation is just as much if not more fun than the actual trip itself. Don’t deny yourself the enjoyment of planning together and getting excited about your road trip.

There are so many benefits to planning out aspects of your trip in order to hype up the excitement and also relieve some of the stress that will inevitably occur while traveling.

9. …But be willing to be spontaneous

I am guilty of planning a little TOO much and then getting really uptight if my husband wants to do or see something that is not on my perfectly curated list. FOMO is real for me, y’all.

I need to get better at this, and I’m sure I’m not alone.

Being flexible and willing to be spontaneous and deviate from the plan a bit can lead to some surprisingly great memories that never would have happened otherwise.

If you have a partner who is not a planner and likes to fly by the seat of their pants, compromise a bit and let them take the lead when something strikes their fancy.

Or if you and your partner both like to plan and have a schedule, promise each other you’ll loosen the reins a bit and look for opportunities to branch out and try something not on the itinerary if it looks like fun.

10. Don’t pack too much into each day

It’s going to be hard to be spontaneous and just wing it if every single hour of your day is scheduled out.

Plan some of your activities, such as the ones that require advanced tickets or need a little more structure, but leave the rest of your day free to be able to see and do what you feel like in the moment.

My husband and I plan a lot of our trips around hiking and outdoor activities, but if we have bad weather or are too sore or tired to hike, we often have to find something else to do.

You can still have a list of things you’d like to experience, but don’t put the pressure on yourself and your partner by deciding exactly what you’ll do each day. Have a list to choose from so you can pick what you’d like based on the weather and your mood that day.

Plus, if you tell yourself you have to see these 5 things and you end up exhausted and grumpy at the end of the day because you packed too much in, you probably didn’t enjoy yourself as much as you would have if you had gone at a slower pace and enjoyed each activity more.

It's important to compromise when planning a road trip with your significant other

11. Compromise… 

Let’s face it, there are going to be things that your partner wants to do that you don’t and vice versa. You are two different people with different likes and dislikes.

Some people like to visit museums while others shudder at the idea of walking around exhibits for hours.

Others want to spend as much time hiking as possible, and some people consider that torture.

If you want to create a road trip that is memorable for both of you, you’ll each need to compromise a bit and do things the other person wants to even if you think it’s silly or a waste of time.

Being agreeable and willing to try things that aren’t your cup of tea is very important in planning a road trip and also in relationships as a whole.

12. …But understand and respect boundaries

While it’s important to do things that the other person wants to do, everyone has boundaries and these should be respected too.

If your significant other is deathly afraid of water, don’t force them to do a kayaking expedition or snorkeling. Or maybe your spouse hates heights and really doesn’t want to go for a hot air balloon ride or a helicopter tour.

If your partner says they really don’t want to do something, respect that decision and pick something else. It’s not worth stressing them out or causing a panic attack and ruining the vacation. Plan to do that excursion another time by yourself or with someone else.

13. Drive your own car or a rental?

Depending on where you are going, you might have the option to either drive the road trip in your own vehicle or rent one.

related: what is the most comfortable car to rent?

Obviously, if you are going overseas or need to fly to get to the destination first, you’ll need to rent a car, but maybe you are going somewhere within driving distance, or it’s much easier/more convenient for you to drive than fly.

There are pros and cons to taking your own vehicle vs renting one, and those will be different for every trip and for every person.

Sit down and discuss with your partner what option works best for you and then plan accordingly.

If renting a car seems like the best choice for you, use Discover Cars to book your rental. They search 1500+ rental car companies to find you the best price, have 24/7 customer service, and always offer free cancellation in case your plans change (or you find a better deal).

Another road trip tips for couples is to get the car maintained and checked out before hitting the road

14. Prepare your car

If you are renting a car, you won’t have to do much prepping since it should be good to go when you pick it up.

However, if you are taking your own vehicle, there are some things you should do ahead of time to make sure your car is set for the journey .

Take the car to a mechanic

If you are taking a longer trip, I’d highly recommend getting an oil change and tire rotation before leaving and also having all the fluids topped off. The mechanic can also let you know if there are any issues that should be addressed or recommendations before you set off.

If it’s a short trip, at the very least I’d double-check the tire pressure and top off the fluids so you don’t have to worry about those things.

Have a roadside emergency kit

Even if your car is pretty new and in good shape, things happen and I’m sure you’d rather be prepared than caught unaware.

Consider having these items in your car for those “just in case” situations:

  • Jumper cables or portable car battery
  • Spare tire and jack
  • Portable air compressor (not necessary but SUPER nice to have)
  • Flare/cones & reflective vest
  • Flashlight with spare batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Blanket or emergency thermal blanket
  • Extra food and water
  • Ice scraper, shovel, hat & gloves (for winter travel)

Get a AAA membership

I think AAA is a great roadside service membership that gives me peace of mind and also has tons of other fantastic benefits, such as attraction discounts, rental car discounts, passport photos, and so much more.

15. Download offline maps

Even if you aren’t planning to travel to really remote locations, cell phone service is not guaranteed and cell towers do go out occasionally.

You can download maps on Google Maps for offline use and then use them to navigate when you don’t have service. I do this for every trip I go on so I know that I can get where I’m going.

While navigating with your phone is pretty reliable these days, I still recommend having an atlas or a road map just in case your phone dies/breaks or stops working.

Creating a budget and sticking to it is another great road trip tips for couples

Road Trip Tips For Couples: Money

16. create a budget and stick to it.

Money is a huge trigger point for a lot of couples, and this can certainly be true when it comes to spending money on road trips and vacations.

When you are in the planning phase of your trip, determine your budget and stick to it! Being able to afford your trip and not having to stress about whether or not you have the money to do certain things will make the trip better for both of you.

Make sure you account for all the major categories, such as flights (if applicable), accommodations, car rental (if applicable), gas, parking/tolls, food, attractions, etc.

If you want to read more about determining how much a road trip will cost, check out this post .

17. keep track of money spent

So what’s the easiest way to keep track of the money you are spending while on vacation?

If you like to use your phone and apps, there are plenty out there that will get the job done. I’ve used Wanderlog and Wanderlust Travel Budget and Expense Tracker in the past and they both work great.

If you’re a pen-and-paper kind of person like me, check out my road trip planning workbook . Not only does it have a sheet for expense tracking, but it also comes with dozens of other great planning resources for your next trip.

18. Set aside extra money

One of the categories I always include in my travel budget is “Miscellaneous.” Basically, I allocate a certain amount of money for any unforeseen expenses so that if and when something pops up that I wasn’t expecting to pay for, like a crazy high parking fee or an extra night in a hotel, I’m not freaking out about how I’m going to pay for it. It’s already in the budget!

19. Have some cash on hand

While credit and debit cards are widely used in many parts of the world, cash is necessary for a lot of situations, and it’s always good to carry some on you.

Cash is good to have in case your card gets declined, you want to tip your tour guide, or you see a souvenir at a stall at the farmers market and they only take cash.

Basically, you never know when you might need some, so make a habit of carrying a little bit on you while you are traveling.

I recommend setting up a specific travel checking account with a bank that has no ATM or foreign transaction fees and no minimum balance or monthly fees. I love Charles Schwab for this. I only put enough money into it that I plan to use while traveling, and I can get money out of any ATM in the world and pay no fees.

20. Decide how you will split expenses

If you and your partner aren’t married or don’t have shared finances/bank accounts, you should determine ahead of time who is going to pay for what.

Maybe you decide that you will pay for the accommodations and your boyfriend will foot the bill for the gas and food.

Or maybe you want to split everything in half, which then means you’ll need to keep track of who paid what and who owes whom.

However you decide to do it, discuss this ahead of time and agree on a plan so there’s no confusion during the road trip and no one gets mad because there was a misunderstanding.

Create a packing list so you don't forget anything for your road trip

Road Trip Tips For Couples: Packing

Ah, packing for a vacation…you either love it or you hate it (I personally love it).

Regardless of which group you fall into, it’s something you have to do, so why not make the most of it? Here are some tips for what and how to pack for a road trip for couples.

21. Create a packing list

I know some of y’all wake up the morning of, grab the first clothes you see, toss them into a bag, and call it good.

And hey, no judgment here. This is pretty much how my husband packs and despite all my efforts, he rarely packs more than 12 hours before we leave, so I’ve just learned to let it be.

However, I do think it’s important that at least one person creates a packing list and makes sure you have all the important stuff . Otherwise, you might end up having to spend some of your miscellaneous budget money on toiletries or a rain jacket or something else that could have been avoided if you had created a packing list.

related: what to pack for a road trip: the ultimate list

Everyone’s packing list is going to look different depending on where you are going, the weather and temperature, where you are staying (camping vs hotels), your planned activities, if you have to fly to get there (weight and size limits on luggage), and other factors.

Take some time a week or so before your trip and start jotting down items you don’t want to forget. The reason I like to do this a little early is so that as I think of things throughout the week, I can write them down in case I don’t think of them the day I’m packing.

22. Bring snacks and drinks

No road trip is complete without some snacks and drinks.

Even if you plan to eat out at restaurants the entire journey, having something to munch on will really be a lifesaver in case you have trouble finding a place to eat and you can feel the hanger setting in.

Sometimes things happen and you might end up staying longer at an attraction than you meant to, or you get stuck in a traffic jam, or you have been driving for a while and can’t find any good food options.

Keep some non-perishable road trip food options in your car throughout the trip so you always have something to eat.

23. Keep blankets/bedding in the car

This is an item that is recommended to always keep in your roadside emergency kit, but I wanted to mention it because having some nice blankets and pillows in your car can not only be helpful in case you get stranded but also for making the drive itself more comfy and enjoyable.

If you are one of the lucky ones who can sleep in a vehicle (man, I envy you!), cuddling up with a blanket and pillow could be the difference between getting some quality sleep and not. Or if your boyfriend has the A/C cranked up and you are freezing, a blanket will be your saving grace.

They could also come in handy if you want to have a picnic or even if you want to sit around a campfire at night. There’s something romantic about cuddling up together around a fire and making s’mores. At least, I think so. Anyone else?

24. Pack a spare car key

I mention this one because it’s not something that most people think to pack but it could make a huge difference if you accidentally lock your keys in the car or even lose your keys.

If you are renting a vehicle this might not be an option, but if you are taking your own, I highly recommend packing a spare key for emergencies.

Make sure you plan fun things to see and do on your road trip

Road Trip Tips For Couples: Things To Do

25. discuss and plan your must-see places.

There will probably be certain places and things that you both are excited to do on your road trip, but there’s a good chance there will also be things that one person wants to do that the other may not consider a high priority.

As I mentioned earlier, compromising and planning to do activities that you each want to do will help make the vacation memorable for both of you.

In order to make sure that you see the things that are the most important to each person, create a list of the must-sees for each of you and make it a priority to get to those places.

Even if you can’t hit everything you want to (and you probably won’t), knowing that you saw the most important choices for each of you will ensure you both have a memorable trip.

26. Plan a fun date night (or two)

“But Stef,” you say, “isn’t the entire road trip a date if it’s just the two of us?”

Well, I suppose it could be, but I think anyone who’s been together for a long time knows that spending time together doesn’t necessarily mean you are on a continuous date.

Dates take intention. Maybe this can be one of the intentions you set for the road trip.

Make a point to plan an actual date with your significant other. Maybe it’s a fancy restaurant that you wouldn’t normally choose, or maybe you do the penny date where you flip a coin and turn right or left a certain number of times and then have a picnic there.

Whatever you decide, be intentional about it and let it be a part of the road trip that you really look forward to.

27. Consider spending some time apart

This suggestion throws a lot of people off.

Why would I spend any time away from my spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend when I’m on vacation with them?

There are a few reasons why I think this is a good idea.

First, there may be a couple of places that you each want to explore that the other person really doesn’t want to, and instead of compromising and going together anyway, you compromise by splitting up and doing it alone.

Another reason is that you may realize you are getting a little annoyed with each other and need to recharge or take a break. Take an hour or two and spend some time apart, whether you each go somewhere separate or one of you stays in the hotel and the other wanders around.

Last, I think being independent of your partner is really important, and you shouldn’t rely on them for everything. Even if you are going to be spending a lot of time together while driving and do thoroughly enjoy each other’s company, you shouldn’t feel obligated to spend every waking minute with them.

Be OK with doing some things on your own and respect your partner if they express the desire to spend some time alone.

A good road trip tips for couples is to take frequent stops so you can rest

Road Trip Tips For Couples: On The Trip

So you’ve planned out your route, budget, things to do, and packing list – now it’s time to hit the road!

Here are some things for couples to keep in mind while on the road trip.

28. Take frequent breaks

I’ll admit I’m guilty of not doing this. I’m one of those people who like to go for as long as I can without stopping so I can make good time.

However, frequent stops are important because they allow you to stretch your legs, go to the bathroom, fill up the gas tank, get something to eat or drink, and just take a mental break. Driving can definitely be mentally draining, and you also need to stretch your muscles and keep yourself from getting stiff.

It’s important to keep yourself hydrated too, so I make a point to try and drink enough water so I have to go to the bathroom every hour or so. It makes me need to stop and then I can’t justify why I should keep going longer. 

29. Fill up gas at half tank

This is another suggestion that I personally have trouble following. I’m definitely that person who waits until the last minute to fill up and then panics if I can’t find a gas station. You’d think I’d learn, but I don’t.

Make a point to start looking for a gas station when you have a half tank of gas. This will make sure you can find a place without running too low on fuel, and then you’ll never have to stress about whether you have enough gas to make it to the next fill-up.

30. Switch drivers often

Assuming that both of you have your driver’s license, I recommend taking turns behind the wheel. This ensures that the driver stays alert and it allows you to take turns navigating and being in charge of the entertainment system.

When my husband Sam and I travel, I’m the morning driver because I’m much more awake first thing and don’t need caffeine to function. Sam usually sleeps or drinks coffee while I drive the first few hours, and then we take turns until night when he drives because I can’t see well in the dark.

related: is it better to drive long-distance at night or day?

Use GPS to navigate when taking a road trip as a couple

31. Use a GPS

While I definitely recommend having a physical map or atlas in case your GPS fails, I think it helps to let the GPS navigate so there is no fighting about the right route to take and who knows best.

Let the GPS decide, and then if the GPS messes up, you can complain together about how awful it is and you won’t get mad at each other.

I’d also recommend turning the volume up so you can both hear the directions and don’t miss your turn because you are deep in discussion (this has happened to us quite a few times).

32. Avoid sensitive/trigger subjects

A road trip is not the best time to bring up topics that might get heated or will make your partner uncomfortable. Arguing is going to make the road trip miserable and you won’t be able to easily get away from each other if you need some time apart.

Even if it’s something that you do need to talk about, leave the sensitive or trigger subjects for another time if possible.

33. Be present

Road trips are a great way to get to know each other and have fantastic discussions. With how busy life gets, it may have been a long time since the two of you actually talked about anything meaningful. Make the most of it!

Make a point to stay off your phone or computer as much as possible and spend some quality time together. If the road trip happens to be a work trip or you do need to do some work, communicate expectations with each other and try to have separate work and couple time.

A road trip tips for couples is to have plenty of driving entertainment

34. Have driving entertainment

If you will be putting a lot of hours behind the wheel, having something to listen to or do is a great way to make the time go by and still spend time together.

Here are some great ways to keep yourselves entertained on a road trip:

  • Listen to podcasts
  • Listen to an audiobook
  • Listen to music (put together a fun road trip playlist)
  • Play road trip games
  • Ask each other road trip questions ( here’s a great list of suggestions! )

For even more ideas, check out this post on ways to make your road trip not boring .

35. Stay organized

Keeping the car organized will make it much easier to find what you need when you need it. It’s also a good idea to have a designated trash bag or can to throw away your garbage so you can dispose of it quickly and easily.

36. Check the weather

While you probably can’t change your plans too much even if the weather is crummy, knowing what to expect will allow you to make any adjustments that you can and will give you a heads up that you may need to allocate a little extra driving time.

37. Be flexible

It’s highly likely that some things will not go your way and that plans will have to be changed. Maybe the museum you really wanted to see is closed for renovations, or the hiking trail you wanted to walk is off-limits because of bear sightings.

Don’t let it ruin your trip. Be flexible and make adjustments as needed. Find something else and who knows? It may end up being the highlight of your trip.

38. See mishaps as part of the adventure

Oftentimes the things that go wrong on a trip are the things you laugh about later and remember the most.

Like the time Sam and I got locked out of our super sketchy hotel room and had to climb in through the window to get our stuff. 

Or the time we had to completely change our destination and itinerary because the city we were driving to was getting pummeled with a blizzard that dropped 3 feet of snow.

At the time, these things were frustrating and weren’t exactly fun. But we shrugged it off, figured it out, and made it work. And now those memories are some of the ones we remember and talk about the most.

Be willing to see the adventure in the mishaps and roll with it.

See the adventure in the mishaps of a couples road trip

Conclusion: Excellent Road Trip Tips For Couples

Taking a road trip as a couple can be an amazing chance to spend time together and get to know each other even better.

I hope these tips gave you some excellent ideas on how to make the most of your journey together!

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the best road trip tips for couples to have the best vacation ever

Stefanie Henne is an experienced road trip travel blogger who specializes in helping others plan their dream vacation, no matter their budget or time restraints. Go here to read more about Stef's story. If you want to send Stef a message, visit her contact page here.

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Back Road Ramblers

America’s 7 Most Romantic Road Trips for Couples

By Author Tara Schatz

Posted on Published: January 8, 2024

Categories Destinations , Get Outside , road trips , United States

Is there anything as romantic as an epic road trip with the one you love by your side?

On a road trip, there are no “honey-do lists,” only bucket lists. And instead of stressing about getting it all done, you’ll be enjoying sunset picnics, secluded hot springs, and long stretches of back-road rambling. 

Tioga Pass in Yosemite National Park.

Road tripping as a couple is about overcoming obstacles, strengthening your relationship, and discovering the world together.

This means, that just about any stretch of beautiful highway will do, but there are some ingredients that make for more romantic road trips than others — Beautiful scenery. Opportunities for solitude. Great lodging and dining. Out-of-the-ordinary experiences.

With that in mind, we’ve collected our most memorable and romantic road trips across America. If you’re planning your next romantic getaway and aren’t sure where to go, the following road trips have never let us down.

Also Read: 7 Reasons Why a Couples Road Trip Will Improve Your Relationship

Table of Contents

Coastal Fun on Oregon Coast Highway 101

Oregon coast sunset in Brookings.

What could be more romantic than a coastal road trip with gorgeous views around every corner? The Pacific Coast in Oregon is known for its wild shoreline, gravity-defying cliffs, and quirky coastal towns.

There’s no shortage of tiny restaurants near the shore where you can sip a glass of wine as the sun sinks into the ocean.

Five days on the Oregon Coast Highway may convince you that it’s one of the most beautiful and romantic road trips in the entire world.

Covering about 340 miles, you can certainly cover this road trip in a weekend, but we’re proponents of slow travel, and five days gives you lots of time to explore while spending three to four hours in the car each day.

The trip begins on the northern border in the town of Astoria, where three rivers converge with the Pacific Ocean. From there, you’ll begin a leisurely drive southward, stopping at ocean overlooks, coastal hiking trails, and tiny surf shops.

Be sure to explore the galleries and boutiques in Manzanita, sample ice cream at Tillamook Creamery, and tour the Cape Meares Lighthouse.

Check out the route on Google Maps

Where to stay : So many choices! In Astoria, stay at Atomi c Motel for cute, affordable rooms in a great location. Heading south to Manzanita, the Inn at Manzanita is just a stone’s throw from the beach. The Landmark Inn in Florence is a seven-minute walk to shops and restaurants and just a short drive from Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area.

Best time to take this road trip: Summer or early fall would be ideal!

Sound like a perfect romantic adventure? We’ve got a full five-day itinerary for this Oregon coastal road trip .

A Romantic Road Trip through Vermont and New Hampshire

A couple stands on Artists Bluff in the fall.

You can’t get much more romantic than a road trip through the mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire, where you’ll discover tidy villages, rugged mountain peaks, more craft beer than you can possibly drink, and creaky rocking chairs on the front porch of every general store.

The mountains in New England are ancient and forested, and the back roads lead to all kinds of surprises that haven’t even been discovered on Instagram yet.

We recommend five to seven days for this 460-mile loop that begins and ends in Portsmouth, one of New England’s oldest settlements. If you’re craving sea breezes or seafood, spend a few days in Portsmouth before driving north into the White Mountains.

One of the most enticing stretches of pavement on this New England journey is the 34-mile Kancamagus Highway that connects Conway and Lincoln, New Hampshire . This area is a wonderful jumping-off point for exploring waterfalls, trails, and picnic areas.

Next, drive through a beautiful stretch of rural Vermont (look out for moose!) and land in the mountain village and ski town of Stowe.

In Stowe, you can spend the day hiking, take the gondola to the top of Mount Mansfield at Stowe Mountain Resort , enjoy craft beer and a stellar meal at Idletyme Brewing , and spend a day exploring cute shops and gorgeous views.

From Stowe, drive south, stopping in Vermont’s capital city and spending at least a day in Woodstock, where you can explore Vermont’s only National Park and another adorable downtown. Grab a romantic dinner at the Prince & the Pauper.

Continue south to the vibrant arts community of Brattleboro, Vermont , before heading east and back into New Hampshire. If you have time, hike to the top of Mount Monadnock, the second most-hiked mountain in the world (after Mount Fuji).

Where to stay: In Portsmouth, we can’t say enough about the Water Street Inn . It’s within walking distance of downtown and beautiful. In Lincoln, New Hampshire, check out RiverWalk Resort at Loon Mountain . There’s a heated outdoor pool and hot tub, a spa, and an onsite winery. In Stowe, stay at Talta Lodge , where you’ll have your own outdoor seating area and access to the river and rec path. Finally, check out the Monadnock Inn near Jaffrey, New Hampshire, which is very close to Mount Monadnock.

Best time to take this road trip: October is phenomenal for fall foliage, but you will want to book lodging well in advance as it’s a busy time to visit.

Explore Coastal and Interior Maine

An aerial view of Bar Harbor in Maine, one of the most romantic road trips in New England.

Maine is a big state, and while lots of people combine a Maine road trip with nearby New Hampshire and Vermont, we think it deserves a trip all its own.

Most people think of the rocky coast, lobster, and LL Bean when they think of Maine, but spend a day or two in the interior, which is gorgeous and wild, with lots of opportunities for solitude and romance.

This romantic Maine road trip is just shy of 560 miles, starting in the busy seaport of Portland and traveling up the coast to Acadia National Park and the tiny town of Lubec before heading inland to explore a few small towns. Give yourself a week to explore Maine on this beautiful road trip.

In Portland, meander around Old Port and the West End, stopping for a drink and dinner at one of the many waterfront cafes. Hike around the Portland Head Lighthouse at sunrise before heading north on Route 1.

They say that there is more coastline in Maine than any other state, and once you start driving, you’ll understand why – there are so many inlets and peninsulas jutting out into the Atlantic Ocean, that you could spend a lifetime exploring them. 

Detour to the touristy Boothbay Harbor, Pemaquid Beach , and Camden Hills State Park before spending a few days in Acadia National Park .

The town of Lubec is the easternmost point in the United States. There are some nice hiking trails and beautiful views near the West Quoddy Head Lighthouse .

Interior Maine is a choose-your-own-adventure type of place, with secluded ponds and lakes, small farming communities, and tiny villages.

Rent a cottage in the Belgrade Lakes Region in the Kennebec Valley, a chain of seven lakes that are perfect for all kinds of water-based activities.

Check out this road trip on Google Maps

Where to stay: In Portland, check out The Westin, a hip hotel with a rooftop bar in a restored 1927 building. In Boothbay Harbor, splurge on a romantic stay at Tugboat Inn , a waterfront property within walking distance to downtown. There are many amazing spots to stay in Bar Harbor, but one of our favorites is Yellow House Inn , which has delightful rooms and an amazing breakfast. The Keeper’s Cottage in Lubec is near the West Quoddy Lighthouse and sleeps four.

Best time to take this road trip: Summer is gorgeous in Maine, but it also gets really crowded, so I suggest visiting between September and October so you can focus on your romantic road trip and not on traffic jams.

A Camping Road Trip on Highway 12 in Utah

A winding road through the red rocks on Highway 12 in Utah.

It’s no secret that I adore Utah, and this route is one of the most beautifully romantic road trips around. Imagine long desert sunsets, secluded canyons, and endless acres of public lands.

If you are looking for one of the best road trips for couples — one that features awesome national parks, great camping, and endless opportunities for outdoor adventures, stop what you’re doing and plan a Highway 12 road trip through southern Utah.

This one-way road trip is 123 miles of the most stunningly beautiful scenery in the southwest. We’ve done this trip as a family and as a couple, and I imagine we’ll keep on exploring it for decades to come.

This route makes a lovely weekend getaway, but I’d also recommend spending several days in both Bryce Canyon and Capitol Reef National Park, extending your trip to five days.

The trip begins in the town of Panguitch and travels through the Red Canyon before entering Bryce Canyon National Park . Pitch your tent at Sunset Campground, take in the hoodoo views, and hike some trails with the one you love.

Continue east and stop at Kiva Koffeehouse for pastries and caffeine. For a romantic night that doesn’t involve pitching a tent, book a night in Kiva Cottage . This is such a dreamy spot! We didn’t stay there, but we checked out the spot and the views just don’t stop!

Capitol Reef National Park is the most underrated of the five national parks in Utah. A historic orchard is open to the public for picking in late July, and you can score a fresh-baked cherry pie and homemade ice cream at the  Gifford Homestead   store.

a screenshot of a map featuring the route on Highway 12 in Utah.

Where to stay: Camp at Sunset Campground in Bryce Canyon , and book a night at Kiva Cottage if you can. If you want to spend time exploring Capitol Reef National Park, but don’t want to camp, consider  Capitol Reef Resort , which is close to the park entrance, features amazing views, and you can choose from a standard hotel room, a teepee, or a covered wagon for your lodging. There’s also a casual restaurant on site, an outdoor pool and hot tub, and a fitness center.

The best time to take this road trip: is April or October to beat the heat and the majority of crowds.

Sound like a perfect adventure? Here’s an overview of our summer road trip on Highway 12 in Utah .

Wine and Waterfalls in the Finger Lakes

Ithaca Falls in Ithaca, Vermont

What happens when you combine five state parks, five wineries, and 50+ amazing Finger Lakes waterfalls into a five-day road trip? A kind of crazy, but oh-so-fun Finger Lakes vacation in Western New York — one of the most romantic road trips we can think of!

The Finger Lakes region is just four hours from Manhattan, but you might as well be on another planet. No other area east of the Mississippi can boast of more wine-sipping and gorge-hiking goodness than Western New York. Throw in more than 150 waterfalls and a few perfect spots to spend the night, and you’ll want to pack your bags before you finish reading.

This trip covers about 145 miles (depending on where you begin) in five days. Each day features a hike in the morning and wine tasting in the afternoon, followed by a night either camping or glamping (we provide a few hotel options as well).

Check out this route on Google Maps

Best time to take this road trip: Definitely summer. There are endless patios to relax on and rivers to swim in!

Sound like a perfect adventure? We have a complete five-day itinerary for exploring wine and waterfalls in the Finger Lakes, complete with where to stay each night.

Find Love on the Blue Ridge Parkway

The Blue Ridge Mountains at sunset.

The 469-mile Blue Ridge Parkway has been called America’s favorite drive. Meandering through the mountains from Rockfish Gap, Virginia south to Cherokee, North Carolina, you’ll no doubt kindle a bit of romance on the Blue Ridge Parkway, and you may become a dedicated road-tripper if you aren’t one already.

As long as you pay attention to your mileposts, traveling on the Blue Ridge Parkway and finding attractions, hikes, and vistas is easy. The numbers start at 0 at the northern entrance in Waynesboro, Virginia, and end at milepost 469 in Cherokee, North Carolina at the southern entrance. There are plenty of places to get on and off the parkway along the way.

You may have already noticed that we’re fans of easy hikes, waterfalls, and camping, and you’ll find plenty of that stuff on your journey, but you’ll also discover cool historic sites, wineries, small towns, and lots of mountain music.

Give yourself five to seven days to drive the whole Blue Ridge Parkway, one of the best road trips for couples in the USA! If you have time, stay a few days in Roanoke, Virginia , which is one of our favorite small cities in America.

Use this interactive Blue Ridge Parkway map to plan your trip.

Where to stay: There are nine designated campgrounds on the Blue Ridge Parkway, so your trip can be affordable and romantic if you don’t mind roughing it a bit. If you crave comfort, we’ve got suggestions for glamping on the Blue Ridge Parkway too!

Sound like the perfect adventure? Here are seven fabulous things to do on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Best time to take this trip: May through October is great for camping on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Hot Springs and Hiking in California and Nevada

Hot Creek Geological Site in California.

Lonely desert highways, weird roadside attractions, and a nice mix of thrilling outdoor adventures that you won’t find anywhere else. Welcome to the quiet side of California and Nevada, one of the most romantic road trips we can think of for lovers of solitude.

Actually, this ten-day California and Nevada road trip starts in the crazy-busy, must-visit Yosemite National Park and heads off the beaten path from there.

I will not tell you that this road trip has something for everyone because that would be a lie. Instead, it’s got secret aliens, weird clowns, hidden hot springs, ancient petroglyphs, and trees hanging with shoe ornaments. Intrigued?

This is the ultimate quirky, but scenic route that starts in the Sierra Nevada mountains and ends in the intimate metropolis of Reno, Nevada. While the vast desert landscape often looks the same for miles and miles, there are enough cool spots to keep things interesting. 

Give yourself at least 10 days to explore everything on this 1,200-mile road trip, or make adjustments based on the time you’ve got.

Best time to take this road trip: September or October for cool temps and fewer crowds.

Sound like the perfect adventure? Check out the complete 10-day itinerary, which includes hikes, attractions, and lodging.

Have you taken any of these romantic road trips with the one you love? Share your favorite in the comments!

Follow us on social media for more road trip ideas!

A collage of photos featuring romantic road trips in the United States.

Tara Schatz is a freelance writer and travel blogger with a passion for outdoor adventures. She is the co-author of AMC’s Best Day Hikes in Vermont and currently blogs at Back Road Ramblers and Vermont Explored , where she shares travel tips, adventure destinations, and vacation ideas for the wanderer in everyone.

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10 Most Romantic American Road Trips for Couples

Spend quality time together discovering the best of what roadside America has to offer.

road trip tips for couples

Nothing brings two people together quite like going on a road trip. Romantic destinations are plentiful in the U.S., where couples will love discovering America's most beautiful attractions side by side. Luckily, the nation is home to thousands of miles of scenic roadways with numerous national parks, beaches, and mountain vistas to enjoy along the way.

Daniel Gorostieta/Travel + Leisure

For the ultimate bonding experience, gather your favorite road trip snacks, sync your playlists, and embark on one of these romantic road trips for couples.

New England: Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont

Start your journey in Maine at Acadia National Park , where you'll find 47,000 acres of wilderness, including hiking and biking trails. Then, head to Camden — the so-called "Jewel of the Maine Coast." Here, you can shop downtown, picnic at the beach, and see marvel at scenic lighthouses. Next up is Portland, where you'll want to check out the breweries, art galleries, and of course, more lighthouses. Start with the historic Portland Head Light along the shores of Fort Williams Park in Cape Elizabeth.

Afterward, head west to the White Mountains in New Hampshire, where you can spend the night at the Omni Mount Washington Resort . This property is located within Bretton Woods, New Hampshire's largest ski area and a favorite New England retreat for presidents, artists, and celebrities seeking a peaceful mountain getaway. Finally, cruise over to Waterbury, Vermont, where you can tour the Ben & Jerry's factory and share a pint of ice cream.

Los Angeles to San Luis Obispo, California

Kick off your trip in glamorous Los Angeles and spend the day exploring iconic landmarks like the Hollywood Sign before taking Highway 101 up to Ventura. Here, try your hand at surfing, or ride the ferry to Santa Cruz Island, one of California's Channel Islands , to hike and explore. From Ventura, you'll hug the coastline up to Santa Barbara, where you can check out the Funk Zone neighborhood and its urban wine trail. Spend the night at the historic Hotel Californian and depart the next morning to drive down Route 154, which winds through the mountains and vineyards of the Santa Ynez Valley.

Make a detour to the quaint Danish town of Solvang and enjoy authentic European pastries like homemade ebelskivers (fried pancake balls). On your way back to Highway 101, stop at OstrichLand to feed and interact with giant flightless birds. From here, you'll travel up through Los Alamos and the Santa Maria Valley vineyards, passing through the shoreside city of Pismo Beach. Finally, end your road trip in romantic San Luis Obispo for a variety of outdoor adventures like surfing and kayaking.

Western National Parks

Irjaliina Paavonpera/Travel + Leisure

Begin your adventure at Yellowstone National Park , where more than 10,000 hot springs and geysers, including the famous Old Faithful , can be found. Following Yellowstone, stop at Grand Teton National Park in northwestern Wyoming, which boasts a majestic mountain landscape, stunning alpine lakes, and vast grassy plains. Spend a night at Lost Creek Ranch & Spa to experience the romanticism of the Old West against the backdrop of Teton views. Here, rustic-luxe log cabin accommodations are coupled with classic ranch activities like horseback riding.

Next up on the itinerary is Utah. On your way from Yellowstone, you can spend a night in Salt Lake City at the centrally located Kimpton Hotel Monaco before continuing to Arches National Park . Here, you can take pleasure in the 36-mile out-and-back scenic drive and over 2,000 distinctively named arches, including the iconic Delicate Arch. Last on the list is Canyonlands National Park — just a half hour's drive from Arches — which includes three major areas for all adventure levels: the less accessible, backcountry Needles region; the isolated, off-road Maze section; and easily reachable Island in the Sky, with a paved road featuring views of buttes, fins, and water-carved canyons.

The Kancamagus Highway: New Hampshire

This 34.5-mile scenic drive along Route 112 in northern New Hampshire is best known for its spectacular fall foliage , but it's an idyllic adventure any time of year, especially when the snow blankets the ground and transforms the mountains into a winter wonderland. On this journey, you'll have the opportunity to explore the breathtaking White Mountain National Forest , Swift River, Sabbaday Falls, Lower Falls, and Rocky Gorge.

The Kanc, as it's affectionately known by locals, rises to an elevation of nearly 3,000 feet. Its highest point brings you to Kancamagus Pass on the flank of Mount Kancamagus near Lincoln, New Hampshire. Start your road trip in Conway and stop at the Saco Ranger Station just west of town to pick up a map and plan your points of interest. Key attractions include the Albany Covered Bridge, built in 1858, and picturesque Sabbaday Falls. The romantic route will end in Lincoln, where you can stay overnight at The Mountain Club on Loon , which is open year-round and perfect for ski season.

Historic Route 66: Chicago to Los Angeles

Stretching from Chicago to the end of the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles, this 2,400-mile route is often called the "Mother Road" — a nickname coined by author John Steinbeck. The ultimate American road trip experience, this drive can be turned into a romantic week-long trip filled with fascinating stops along the way. Start your journey in Chicago , where you can share a deep-dish pizza and admire the masterpieces at the Art Institute of Chicago before heading to Tulsa, Oklahoma, to visit the Blue Dome District , a nine-block area with trendy eateries, pubs, boutiques, and nightlife venues. Another highlight here is the revitalized Blue Dome building, a former 1920s-era Gulf Oil station that occasionally hosts festivals.

Next, stop at the graffiti-covered Cadillac Ranch art installation in Amarillo, Texas (don't forget your spray paint!), and in New Mexico, soak in Albuquerque's unique vintage shops, stopping at the historic Route 66 neon sign for a photo op. In Arizona, check out the Petrified Forest National Park , but don't take any of the rocks or wood — legend says it could be bad luck for your romance. Finally, end your journey in sunny California at the Santa Monica Pier. Now that you've made it to the Golden State, reward yourself with a luxurious stay at Santa Monica Proper , which epitomizes the quintessential, laidback Californian lifestyle.

Oregon’s Scenic Coast

While driving up Highway 101 along the Oregon coast, your first stop will be the picturesque Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor . Here, 12 miles of lush forest meets untouched beaches, massive jagged rocks, and blue water. Visit Arch Rock Picnic Area and Natural Bridges before stopping at the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area . Stay overnight at Hallmark Resort in Newport, where rooms come with oceanfront balconies. The property also has a public path that leads directly to the beach.

Next, drive the Three Capes Scenic Loop and admire Haystack Rock, an impressive 235-foot sea stack formation on Cannon Beach. Then, visit Ecola State Park before holding a romantic bonfire at Cannon Beach. End your journey in the resort city of Seaside and enjoy its historic arcade, old-fashioned carousel, bumper cars, and indoor miniature golf. The loser has to buy the winner some signature Seaside saltwater taffy.

The Overseas Highway: Miami to the Florida Keys

The Overseas Highway from Miami to Key West offers a drive like no other. Suspended over water nearly the entire time, this 113-mile roadway crosses 42 bridges from Miami to the southernmost point of the U.S. (You'll be closer to Cuba than you are to Miami by the end of this road trip.) Romantic duos will first hit Key Largo, home to John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park . You can enjoy a view of the reef from a glass-bottom boat tour or get a closer look by scuba diving or snorkeling at this underwater playground.

Next up is Marathon, where you can meet rescued and rehabilitated marine mammals at the Dolphin Research Center and explore the 1,000-acre Curry Hammock State Park . Then, you'll drive over the Seven Mile Bridge — the longest bridge in Florida — before arriving at Big Pine Key. Here, you can catch a glimpse of the elusive Key deer and spend the night at Little Palm Island Resort & Spa , just off Little Torch Key. Now, you're only around 45 minutes north of Key West, but you'll want to stop at Mangrove Mama's , a landmark restaurant on Sugarloaf Key serving fresh local seafood. End in Key West at Mallory Square, just in time for the romantic Sunset Celebration , a nightly event with live music, street performers, and local vendors.

Montana’s Glacier Country

Mountain biking, hiking, and some of the world's best skiing are just a few of the offerings in Big Sky Country. Begin your romantic road trip in Missoula, Montana's cultural hub and home to the University of Montana. Relax in the nearby natural hot springs or float down the river while sampling local craft beer with River City Brews Rafting Tours .

After that, drive up to Flathead Lake, the largest natural freshwater lake west of the Mississippi, with over 200 square miles of water for sailing, fly-fishing, and waterskiing. For remarkable views of Flathead Lake, spend the night at Mountain Lake Lodge in Bigfork. Continue another 40 miles north to Whitefish, which offers prime hiking and skiing opportunities. You can also enjoy a coffee roasting tour at Montana Coffee Traders . Cap things off with a hike surrounded by majestic mountains and lakeside scenery in Glacier National Park .

Utah’s Scenic Byway 12

Scenic Byway 12 in Utah presents 120-plus miles of designated " All-American Road ." At its summit of 9,000 feet, you can appreciate sweeping vistas of the Henry Mountains, Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument , and the shimmering red rocks of Capitol Reef National Park . Begin your drive in Panguitch and explore the scenery of Red Canyon and Bryce Canyon National Park .

Next, take in the views at Kodachrome Basin State Park before spending a night at glamping destination Escalante Yurts. The stars in the light-pollution-free Utah sky are undeniably romantic. Make a point to visit the Escalante Petrified Forest State Park and grab an espresso and pastry at Kiva Koffeehouse . Before concluding your journey, spend an afternoon exploring Capitol Reef National Park.

Pacific Coast Highway: San Luis Obispo to San Francisco

Valerie de Leon/Travel + Leisure

Nothing says California dreamin' like seaside scenery combined with the tranquil atmosphere of Big Sur. Start in San Luis Obispo , heading up Highway 1 through the seaside town of Morro Bay . Watch sea otters at Morro Rock and stop for vegan and vegetarian fare at Shine Cafe or a latte at the dog-friendly Top Dog Coffee Bar .

Farther up the coast is Ragged Point, where you can catch a glimpse of the awe-inspiring Big Sur coastline. Spend the night at Ragged Point Inn and Resort and hike down Ragged Point Trail for unparalleled views of the sea and a hidden waterfall. Enjoy the atmosphere of this laidback, two-lane highway and make stops at McWay Falls and Pfeiffer Beach , where the sand sometimes turns purple after the rain. Leaving Big Sur, you'll hit Monterey County, where you can walk along Cannery Row in Monterey and check out Carmel's historic antique shops. Then, embark on the scenic 17-mile drive in Pebble Beach for more incredible coastal views. Bonus points if you can hit Santa Cruz and its sturdy redwood forests and Half Moon Bay's tide pools before reaching the final destination on your road trip. Romantic views of the Golden Gate Bridge from the adjacent Marin Headlands await in San Francisco.

road trip tips for couples

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13 Road Trip Tips for Couples (More Fun, Less Drama!)

There are things you need to know and things you need to bring along with you to make that road trip a dealmaker, not a dealbreaker.

I’m not a relationship expert by any means, but my husband and I have taken  a lot of road trips , and we’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t .

Check out these road trip tips for couples to survive a long car trip, no matter where you’re going. You want this to be the start of something awesome, right?

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Best Road Trip Tips for Couples

There are things to know before, during, and even after your road trip. If you’re going on a road trip, here are my best tips to ponder before taking the plunge on that first long road trip.

1. Make sure you really like each other first.

A man kisses his partner on the cheek. Here's one of the best road trip tips for couples: Make sure you like each other before you hit the road.

I jumped right into travel with my now-husband with a complicated Peru trip . All kinds of things went wrong, but it was because of that trip that I knew we could handle whatever came our way.

A road trip would then be less dramatic for us.

You’re going to be spending a lot of time together, just the two of you, in a confined space. Even if you’re not doing the RV thing, you’re still going to be with your partner 24/7 while on your road trip.

Ideally, your relationship has been tested and you’ve spent enough time together that you know some of each other’s quirks. You should like spending time with each other.

I’m not talking about watching Netflix for six hours in a row and not speaking to one another. Maybe you’ve already done some weekend getaways or already live together. You just know that you enjoy spending time with this human.

You shouldn’t be planning a road trip together if you’re not sure whether you like a person is what I’m saying. This doesn’t need to be your test.

2. Plan a road trip that’s not crazy long.

If you’ve never been on a road trip with your partner, this is especially important.

You don’t need to plan a weeks-long trip across the country if you’re not quite sure how your partner will handle themselves across the situations I’m describing here.

One of the best road trip tips for couples is leaving room for road stops like this one in Marfa, Texas.

A weekend away on your first road trip route is likely sufficient to get a handle on what you’re dealing with here.

You’ll also be closer to home in case things get really bad and you want to bail. I don’t wish that for you, but you don’t want to be a 26-hour drive away when you realize this person you’re sharing a small space with is a loser or worse.

Note: When I say “plan,” I really do mean “plan.” Your first road trip with a boyfriend isn’t the plan to go off the cuff and go with the flow. More on that below.

3. Choose a road trip route with some variety.

If you’re still getting to know one another, trip itineraries with some variety will allow for some additional talking points, e.g. “Look at that giant thermometer over there. It’s so…BIG!”

Fun fact: The tallest one is in Baker, California, by the way.

Staring out at miles and miles of flat prairie can get quite monotonous. The thrill of the open road wears off quickly.

If you haven’t yet honed your couples’ road trip skills, you want to keep things exciting. Anything along the coasts is a great idea.

I have a pretty sweet California road trip itinerary for you if you want to go that route.

One of the best road trip tips for couples is to enjoy views like this one of coastal California.

Whatever you plan, consider the mileage between stops, particularly if one of you is doing most of the driving. A tired driver doesn’t make for a fun road trip buddy.

4. Share the driving.

If it’s a short trip, I’ll admit that Brian does a bulk of the driving. He tends to enjoy it more, especially if we’re abroad .

On longer trips, though, we share the driving responsbilities. Depending on where you’re going, driving can be monotonous and tiring. Don’t expect your partner to handle it all unless they express how much they love driving in an explicit way.

You don’t want them exhausted upon arrival at your final destination. That won’t be fun for anyone.

A couple stands at a national park site with an imposing rock behind them. Here's one of the best road trip tips for couples: Leave room for spontaneous stops.

5. Identify stops ahead of time.

I’m not talking about gas stations here, although it’s always good to know well ahead of time when you’ll be refueling next.

I’m talking about the things you’re excited about. Make a plan to make all of those things happen. Mark them on your Google maps if you’re not as intense about it and have an itinerary printed out.

Consider whether the places you want to stop on your road trip have hours associated with them.

If you’re really interested in some burger place, that’s awesome. You just don’t want to arrive there at 8am. They’re likely not open yet, and even if they were, I’m not sure you want that in your belly with your new mate.

One of the best road trip tips for couples is making sure you know about your partner's preferred stops, even if it's just burgers like this one.

You may need to buy tickets in advance for attractions you’re interested in. Get those ahead of time, so that you’re not stuck in line or, worse yet, faced with a big sold-out sign once you get there.

Whatever can be planned ahead should be planned ahead of time, particularly if you’re in the early stages of your relationship. It’ll lead to fewer possible hiccups for you.

6. Make your priorities known.

This one is something I highlight in my relationship guide-style travelogue on a decade’s worth of travels:

An image of a book cover: Traveling With Your Significant Other

The last thing you want is for your road trip to lead to any resentment because you got to see all the stops you wanted to see, but your partner missed out on some bucket list thing they were excited about.

Conversely, you don’t want to be all cool in the planning process but wish you did one thing or another. This is a fun thing for you to do in your relationship, but it’s also likely your vacation. You want to use your budget and your time away from work in a way that you’re happy with, too.

If your partner is really all about checking out the best breweries along your route, plan a few stops that highlight those. It doesn’t need to be  just about breweries if that’s not your scene, though.

If it is, sounds like compatibility is high there. Just make sure you’re sharing those designated driver duties.

Note: You also don’t need to feel bad about not sharing every single interest area with your partner. No couple I know has hobbies that are completely aligned.

Brian loves to golf , so we often plan an afternoon where he’s able to do that, particularly if we’re driving through some well-known courses. I like wine and cheese, often together, so we make sure to identify spots to consume both when we’re on the road.

I also don’t need to join him on his golf adventures. I ride along sometimes, but I’ve also hung back and explored whatever town we were in, or found a nook to catch up on the latest book I’m into.

A woman poses in a golf cart with an annoyed look on her face. One of the best road trip tips for couples is this: You don't need to do everything together!

Even on a road trip, it’s not a sign of trouble if you don’t spend every moment together.

7. Pack lots of snacks.

Wondering what to bring on a road trip with your boyfriend? It has to start with snacks.

I cannot tell you how many misunderstandings can be avoided on a road trip or really any trip just by keeping one another well-fed. Hanger is real, people.

You don’t need to pack an entire cooler of stuff, especially if you’re driving through a part of the world where food stops will be an important part of your itinerary. Some protein and some sweets are always on our road trip food list .

A man eats jerky in his car. One of the best road trip tips for couples is making sure you have enough snacks.

It’s even more fun if you’re road-tripping abroad and have some international snacks to choose from while you’re driving.

Stay well-hydrated, too. It’s just generally a good thing to do for our health, but you’ll also force bathroom stops. It’s important to stretch those legs and get some air from time to time.

8. Craft a budget and stick to it.

If you’re not married, or even if you are and still keep separate finances — I’m not judging you! — you’ll need to figure out who’s paying for what or whether you’re splitting everything down the middle.

It all comes from the same place for us, so we just spread out the credit card purchases as best we can.

If we’re traveling in a group of people , we use Splitwise. That’s an easy way for couples to keep track of shared expenses, too. You want to avoid as much resentment as possible on a road trip.

Have those awkward conversations ahead of time so that it doesn’t blow up in your faces while you’re out on the road.

You’ll also make any budget expectations known if you’ve booked accommodations ahead of time, too. It’s hard to find good deals on bookings on the fly, especially if where you’re traveling to is fairly remote.

It’s even harder if you’re headed to popular destinations at high season, e.g. summer in the national parks .

You’ll need to plan out summer accommodations in those situations well in advance and can take care of who owes what before your trip even begins.

It’s also important to talk about what your expectations are in terms of how much you’ll be spending on things like food stops or excursions along the way. Plan out your stops, even food places you want to try, so you know what you’re dealing with.

You shouldn’t be finding out that your partner’s only into fine dining when you’re already on the road.

9. Bring things along that will keep you busy.

Whether it’s the latest murder podcast or comedy special, or some easy planned road trip games, bring a few things along that will keep the both of you busy on a long road trip.

When I’m talking about road trip games, I’m not saying you should expect the driver to make some moves on a Monopoly game board.

I’m thinking you play road trip games along the lines of 21 Questions or the Alphabet Game, where you take turns naming something letter by letter within a specific category.

I can’t read in the car if I want to avoid motion sickness, so we’re usually just listening to something we brought along.

Sometimes we even save things we know will be really good like the latest murder podcast or a new album from an artist we both like for upcoming road trips. That’s just so we have something to occupy us on the road.

I usually curate a hot road trip playlist, too, which is usually a point of pride for me.

A woman strikes a pose with a jungle behind her. Here's one of the best road trip tips for couples: Have a sense of humor about it!

The point is, you should plan to bring some things along or have things planned that will eat up some of the long hours of driving in a fun way. It’s important to chat about what you’re both into ahead of your trip, too.

Fun fact: Brian doesn’t have the attention span to keep the thread of an audiobook so that’s not usually our jam, but I know plenty of people who are into that.

Make sure you agree on these things so you don’t bring an entire playlist of Pink songs and expect your partner to be into that for hours on end.

That’d be me. I don’t like Pink. Leave me alone about it.

10. Lean into that sweet silence.

I saw a tip on another post about staying off of your phones over the course of a road trip.

How am I going to let all my social media peeps know that I just had the largest corn dog in Nebraska?

Seriously, though, you don’t need to talk the ENTIRE time. It doesn’t mean you guys aren’t compatible. It means you’re so comfortable with each other that even your silence is comfortable.

I hate when I see things about people “running out of things to talk about” as a signal that their relationship is doomed. I think filling space with small talk is a signal that you’re doomed.

OK, that’s a little harsh.

It could just mean that a high level of intimacy isn’t there yet. You know, the kind of intimacy where you can sit on your phones and not speak to each other for hours on end. That’s the life.

Also, if you’re talking over my murder podcast on that country road I might get a little murdery myself.

Sometimes you’re just awed into silence on your road trips by what’s happening outside your window. Those moments are awesome.

A man looks outside his window to see a bison. One of the best road trip tips for couples is this: Enjoy the view!

11. Have a plan for tackling arguments.

We’ve gone into how to make a road trip fun . Now let’s talk about when it’s not so fun. You’re going to get into it at some point. That’s inevitable.

You’re in a confined space and you’re likely tired. Maybe you forgot to snack every three to four hours and you’re hangry.

You might snap at your partner, or vice versa. Maybe you didn’t know giving your partner driving tips was a trigger.

Actually, that one’s a trigger for a lot of people. It’s best avoided.

It’ll be OK, I promise. Take a deep breath, and consider whether this argument is worth more breath.

Sometimes you need to be the bigger person and apologize for whatever’s going on, especially if your partner is the hangry one and won’t be listening to reason until they’ve had some jerky.

It’s best if you understand your communication styles before the road trip. That includes your fighting style. I don’t care how perfect you think you are as a human being. Everybody fights.

Maybe one of you drops a hot dad joke on the argument to diffuse the tension. Maybe you both need to sit in silence for a few so you don’t say something dumb and make things worse.

Here’s another hot relationship tip: It’s OK to go to bed angry.

People who force conversations on partners who aren’t ready aren’t going to get anything good in return. Trust me.

12. Allow for some spontaneity.

It’s important to be flexible on any road trip. Things can — and likely will — go wrong while you’re on the road. You don’t have to have a Plan B for every possible scenario.

First of all, that’s impossible. I’ve tried.

Second, it doesn’t leave room for spontaneous spots along the way. You might drive past a vista that looks appealing for an impromptu picnic. Maybe there’s a unique rest stop just up there that you hadn’t planned for.

One of the best road trip tips for couples is leaving time for views like this bridge in Yachats.

Don’t plan so aggressively that your road trip feels like a homework assignment. I need to remind myself of this one all the time.

13. Don’t put so much pressure on it.

It can be stressful planning a road trip with a new flame, especially if it’s your first one. Try not to let that get in the way of the potential for a very fun time on the road.

If things go wrong, that’s a story in itself. If they go VERY wrong to the point of questioning the relationship altogether, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Maybe the road trip will serve as a reminder that you dodged a bullet once you’re done smarting over the loss.

Maybe you won’t grieve that relationship at all.

Assuming things go well, though, it could be the start of something awesome. The best road trip for couples is the one you come out of wanting another.

A couple poses for a selfie. Here's one of the best road trip tips for couples: Make sure you enjoy the moment!

Couples Road Trips: FAQs

How can i be romantic on a road trip.

You can be romantic on a road trip by surprising your partner with their favorite snacks, planning stops at scenic spots, and creating a playlist of songs that will get your partner in the mood.

What do you talk about on a road trip with your boyfriend?

You can talk about all kinds of things on a road trip with your boyfriend. If it’s a new relationship, ask road trip questions about their favorite things, like movies, books, or latest TV show binges. For couples who have been together for a while, share childhood memories or plan future adventures. Keep the atmosphere in the car light but engaging.

What should I wear on a road trip with my boyfriend?

You should wear what you’re comfortable in on a road trip with your boyfriend. Even if it’s new, you really don’t want to set the precedent that you’re all glam on every road trip. Bring along layers no matter the season, especially if you think the air conditioning might be blasting. Pack sunglasses while you’re at it.

What are some cheap road trip ideas for couples?

Cheap road trip ideas for couples include camping adventures in nearby national or state parks, scenic drives to the countryside or along the coast, and visiting smaller towns with historic sites.

What are some road trip questions for couples?

If you’re worried about the awkward silence despite what I told you about that being perfectly fine, you can come prepared with some road trip questions for couples.

Here are a few:

  • If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
  • What’s your favorite memory from a past road trip?
  • What kind of music or podcasts do you like to listen to in the car?
  • What’s one thing you’re excited to see along the way?
  • What’s your favorite road trip snack?
  • What’s your favorite road trip memory from childhood?
  • If we could take a spontaneous detour right now, where would you want to go?
  • What’s your favorite part of being on the road?
  • If you could only visit one destination for the rest of your life, where would you choose and why?
  • What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do on a road trip but haven’t had the chance to yet?

Are road trips good for relationships?

Road trips are very good for relationships. Shared experiences can make any relationship stronger. The adventures you’ll have and the time spent together can deepen your emotional connection and create lasting memories.

It can also reveal challenges in your relationship, especially if you don’t come with tools like patience and compromise. That’s still a good thing when it comes to the longevity of any relationship.

Ready for a Successful Road Trip?

Your Rental Car: You’ll need a vehicle to get from Point A to Point B on the best road trips for couples. I usually use an aggregator like Hotwire or Priceline to find the best deal on rental cars, as I don’t feel a loyalty to any one car rental company.

If you have to fly in from somewhere first before taking a trip with your boyfriend, it’ll be most efficient to just rent a car right from the airport of wherever you’re flying into.

Flights : I use a variety of tools to find cheap airfare, but if you’re looking to book flights during a particular period of time, especially during busy times across the United States (e.g. school breaks), you should use Skyscanner . It’s a great tool for when you’re more flexible, too, as it allows you to compare travel based on length of travel, departure date, etc.

Love deals? Subscribe to  Going , formerly Scott’s Cheap Flights, and get them straight to your inbox on a regular basis.

Your Accommodations: I usually recommend sites like and for your accommodation needs. Both offer loyalty programs, and now offer listings that are more of the home or condo rental variety, which is great.

My favorite Airbnb alternative these days is Vrbo . Seeking even more wallet-friendly accommodations? Try  Hostelworld . Their picks are heavily vetted and reviewed to offer you a safe experience on a budget.

Etc.: For general travel goodies, visit my Favorite Things page. For more information on planning your travel, visit my Travel Tools page.

Love road trips and these tips? Pin it for later!

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  • Childhood Road Trip Stories: We All Have ‘Em!
  • To Cruise or Not to Cruise? That Is the Question
  • All the Reasons Why Travel Is Important
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Agnes Groonwald

8 thoughts on “13 Road Trip Tips for Couples (More Fun, Less Drama!)”

Great post. There is lots to think about before you leave on a road trip particularly when you are travelling with other people.

Definitely! Not all travelers are compatible!

Such great tips! I remember my first trip with my then boyfriend (now husband) and it was stressful! You learn so much about each other very quickly and you definitely have to compromise and work out how you are going to meet in the middle!

But then if it works out, you have a travel buddy for life!

Love tip #1! It’s so much harder to figure out that your SO isn’t your person once you’re stuck with each other!

For sure! It’s the ultimate test.

You had me laughing at “make sure you like each other first!” Completely fitting here. I am hopeful a central California coast trip will still happen this fall!

It’s important! :) We’ll be traveling here in Cali well before any international travel, so I hope you can make it happen, too!

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road trip tips for couples

Couple Road Trip (21 Ways To Have A Romantic Road Trip)

Are you planning a road trip with your partner? Road trips can be the most challenging activities to plan, especially as a couple. Disagreements between couples are worrisome factors while traveling. That being said, the drive can also give you a sweet feeling if you prepare the right way. 

We created this article with insightful tips to help every couple have a great road trip experience. We also packed it with numerous road trip ideas to give you a bubbling experience. There’s also some prudent advice to help you and your partner travel in harmony and get the best out of every moment. If you want to have the best trip yet, continue reading and be enlightened.

Table of Contents

21 Ways To Do A Couple Road Trip

1. use navigation apps.

use navigation apps

Using satellite navigation for your journey is an intuitive way to avoid getting lost and prevent arguments from stirring up. A road trip can be adventurous for couples, but it can also cause several fights when there's a mix up with directions, and both of you get disoriented. It's best to use satellite navigation for convenience to avoid having back and forth conflicts on paths to take. 

The great thing about using applications for journeys is that you can conveniently set your destination and allow the application to do its job. Nonetheless, we also advise you to have some prior knowledge of the trip routes because you can still encounter minor errors with satellite navigation along the way.

2. Get loads of snacks

A hungry man is indeed an angry man. If you don't want your husband to be easily triggered, it's critical to get loads of snacks as you travel. It would help if you didn't rely solely on road-side restaurants to alleviate your hunger because you'd undoubtedly go hours before finding one. 

An intuitive tip is to get a portable car cooler if you prefer cold snacks. Cold drinks will help you cool off during the heat of the journey. 

You can also pack regular snacks that don't need any form of preservation, or perhaps some fruits. Don't pack heavy meals that may demand having bathroom breaks. Instead, pack snacks that are light yet satisfying enough to keep you on the trip.

3. Don't let the gas get beneath half full

The most important aspect of road trips is having enough gas to complete the ride. Running out of gas can ruin the trip's excitement, so it's critical to employ intuitive tips to prevent this from happening. The best way to avoid running out of gas during your trip is never to let the gas get below the half-full gauge. 

Visit the gas station when you notice it's getting to that point-mark. This process may entail more visits to the gas station, but it's a life-saving tip for couples . You want to avoid getting stranded at an unfamiliar place, requiring you to hustle for gas in unlikely conditions.

4. Plan some activities separately

The essence of a road trip for couples is to spend time together. However, it's somewhat impossible to agree on actions to do together. 

Your partner may have several hobbies that you don't find interesting, and to avoid ruining your trip, planning a different activity is critical. This process is a breather because it allows couples to spend time away, making time with one another more exciting and memorable. 

Your partner may prefer to go to the beach, while you may be excited to see an art gallery. If both of you can't go to these places together, you can go separately and have fun before coming together to spend more time.

5. Keep your phone away

It's insensitive to let your husband drive while you spend time on your phone either chatting, playing games, or merely whiling away time. The essence of a trip is to spend time together and build your relationship. Using your phone ruins any possible adventure and aggravates your partner towards a fight. Engage your partner with productive and intuitive conversations . 

You can also research fun car games that you can play during trips, especially when driving. These activities will stir up intimacy amid the trip, helping both of you make memories during your travel.

6. Involve your friends 

involve your friends

You can't call it a road trip for couples if you involve your friends. But, you can increase the excitement if you include your friends for only a few portions of the trip. Do you have a friend that lives along the route you're taking on your trip? You can plan a surprise visit to his place with your spouse. 

You can also invite him for any special occasion occurring on the trip. It could be a beach outing or a hiking adventure. You can incorporate activities with friends to make the trip more lively, as long as it doesn't interfere with your alone time with your partner.

7. Avoid bringing up difficult subjects

There's a big difference between productive conversations and difficult ones. Constructive discussions are the ones that help both partners get to know each other better and are fun enough to create memories and lighten up an environment effortlessly. Difficult conversations are the ones that are too sensitive to talk about anywhere and whenever you please.

You should schedule these topics when you and your partner have your freedom and aren't confined to a small and uncomfortable space without an escape. Try not to bring up sensitive subjects along the way to avoid ruining the journey and making the memories unpleasant. If you happen to remember them, write them down for future discussions.

8. Plan activities for the long, tedious hours on the road

It's inevitable to spend long hours on the open road, with little to no action to occupy the moment. Thinking of fun activities for you and your partner will prevent the trip from seeming boring for the most part. There are numerous fun activities for couples on road trips. However, researching activities before the trip will be helpful for partners. 

Some tips for whiling away time during those long hours include playing games, asking fun questions you've never inquired from your partner before, listening to a playlist of your favorite songs, listening to a podcast or an audiobook, or merely relying on the radio for entertainment.

9. Prepare for spontaneous events

Thinking everything will go as planned is the biggest mistake couples make when they travel . There's a likelihood it won't, which is why it's critical to prepare for unforeseen occurrences. 

Take this advice from a negative and positive perspective. There's a chance you'd meet an unexpected adventure that makes the trip more exciting than you panned. It could be a venue or occasion that's irresistible to overlook. 

You could end up spending extra time or money on this activity; hence, thinking about such possibilities beforehand a good call. You should also apply these tips for possible negative occurrences like having a flat tire, requiring extra time or money.

10. Incorporate date nights into your schedule

incorporate date nights into your schedule

Date nights are critical during a road trip because it helps couples relax and loosing up from the long hours of driving. It's the highlight of spending time as couples on a trip. Make a research of romantic venues to visit when you get to your destination or along the way. 

Use this tool to check whether he actually is who he says he is Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.

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This tool will do just that and pull up any hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more to hopefully help put your doubts to rest.

It could be something as simple as a walk on a beach, going to a movie theatre, or eating at a restaurant serving your favorite dishes. You can also consider exotic locations if you're making an expensive trip. Don't pick somewhere you've always wanted to visit personally that your partner won't enjoy. Ensure the date is indeed relaxing and satisfying for the two parties.

11. Add extra hours to the supposed trip-time

Many factors influence getting to your destination at a stipulated time. Factors like traffic, frequency of road-stops, the car's speed, and even weather conditions can determine how fast a person travels. It's prudent to add extra hours to your stipulated trip-time to avoid getting disappointed and putting unnecessary pressure on yourself to have a fast trip. 

Unforeseen or spontaneous activities could take up your time more than expected. To avoid being a joy-kill to the trip's fun, assign an extra two hours to unusual activities. This step will guarantee you have a truly memorable experience on your trip.

12. Support your partner

Traveling is a tedious process that requires more mental energy than physical. It's critical for partners to support each other to avoid getting drained out before reaching your destination. Don't let your husband drive all the way; you should offer to help. Be flexible when you need to; allow your plans to be interrupted when necessary. 

Try your best to avoid arguments because they can ruin the entire trip. Let negative feelings go so that both of you can have an enjoyable experience, and don't punish your partner for one bad mistake. Help with little activities like booking a hotel room, finding restaurants, and anything else that can make the trip convenient.

13. Plan for the weather

The climate is a crucial factor in a trip's duration and convenience. Bad weather is one thing that can make any trip terrible, so it's essential to pay ample attention to it and plan. 

This step will determine whether you need to carry sweaters or an extra blanket on your trip. It will also determine which route will be best to take, peradventure bad weather caused difficulties in accessing a standard way. 

Monitoring the temperature will give you a better picture of the best date to embark on your trip and what side activities you can engage in during your trip. There are numerous advantages to checking the climate , so we advise you not to neglect this step.

14. Plan your finances

Disagreements about expenses is a common thing for couples. It's critical to plan to avoid having arguments as you travel. Talk about all the costs you're likely to make on the trip and make preparations. Never make assumptions about your finances because it's the easiest way to run into problems. Categorize each portion of the trip and attach the stipulated expenses to each section. 

Think about car gas, the total cost for transportation throughout the trip, food, restaurant-stops, hotel bookings, and any possible way you could spend money. We also advise you to set aside substantial cash for unforeseen circumstances peradventure you forget something or things go wrong.

15. Pack with your vehicle in mind

pack with your vehicle in mind

More often than none, there's an over-packer in every association. While it's necessary to pack extra items just in case, it's critical to fill with your vehicle's trunk space in mind. You wouldn't want to stuff your vehicle or have to offload some items at the last minute due to lack of space. 

Having that extra space in the car also helps both parties feel less confined during the trip. You might want to fill your vehicle's back seat with additional items, but you may need it to rest your back during the trip, or perhaps, to pick up an extra passenger while on the trip.

16. Prepare your vehicle for the trip

A crucial aspect of any trip is the vehicle involved. Ensuring the vehicle is in good condition to take you to and fro on the trip will guarantee you a convenient and breakdown-free trip. You should check whether your vehicle is okay to hit the road in multiple ways. 

Visit a mechanic for servicing a day before, or do it yourself if you're good with cars. Do a little maintenance like washing in and out of the car, filling the vehicle with gas and oil, and perhaps, going for a ride if you rarely use the vehicle.

17. Stay charged and safe

There are two needs that partners need to cater to ensure their trip is worthwhile, which is their health and their phone's battery life. It's easy to forget about keeping your phone charged; hence, this step is vital. 

Ensure there are as many outlets in your vehicle to charge your phone and set reminders to check socket outlets to avoid leaving your chargers anywhere. A first aid kit in your vehicle will cater to emergency health care needs, while a mint gum will help prevent nausea and keep your mouth fresh on the road.

18. Take regular stops while driving

Driving for an extended period can create some tension between partners. 

You'll undoubtedly want to be free from a confined space at some point because it's too tiring. It's crucial to incorporate rest-stops in your trip's plan to avoid being in an uncomfortable space with your partner and having quarrels about where and when to stop. Always prepare where to stop on your trip even before you get tired of driving. 

Preparing helps partners avoid the common occurrence of wanting to stop but not having a place to stop. You can use some apps before the trip to find convenient spots to stop without a hassle.

19. Toiletries are useful hand-on tools on a trip

You might not acknowledge the importance of toiletries until the middle of a trip. Paper towel, in particular, is a useful hand-on tool needed in the vehicle for various activities. Apart from its use in the woods for bathroom breaks, it would help if you had paper towels to wipe messes and spills in the vehicle. 

You would also need other toiletries to freshen yourself after engaging in several activities. For example, a hand sanitizer and body freshener may come in handy after doing your business in the woods or to get rid of gas smells after filling your gas tank.

20. Try dual-climate control vehicles

try dual-climate control vehicle

The right temperature setting for a trip can cause disagreements between partners. A partner might prefer the drive to be cold, while another might prefer a warmer climate. The logical way to solve this problem is to dress according to your preferences, either with less or more clothing. 

However, considering a dual-climate control vehicle is prudent if you and your husband have different climate preferences. You can keep your seat warm while your spouse enjoys the cooling system on his side as he pleases.

21. Plan significant stops on your trip

Where you stop on a trip can make or break the trip. It would help if you planned out your major-stops to avoid getting confused or having arguments on the road with your spouse. It could be essential locations like a restaurant or luxury destinations like a beach. 

Make preparations together and create a budget that will suit your plans to avoid having disagreements. You should also leave a little room for spontaneous stops because this will keep the trip fresh and exciting.

A road trip for couples involves intricate planning to make the process more memorable. Plan activities to engage in while on the trip and locations you can visit for more adventure. Bring snacks, spend time as partners without technology, plan a date night, take a walk on beaches, and support each other physically and mentally.

The most challenging part of any trip is driving for long hours on the road. The drive's duration should depend on your physical tenacity and how long it'll take to reach your destination . The frequency of restaurant-stops, bathroom breaks, and will determine your driving duration, but we advise regular rest-stops to ease some tension.

Couples will naturally encounter challenges while traveling. Hence, it's crucial to wait for the association to mature before traveling in a car together. Experts suggest waiting up to seven months before taking a trip. This process allows the parties to get accustomed to their likes and dislikes first.

Planning is the most critical aspect of any road trip with a partner. Couples tend to fight about money more than most things, so it's essential to make preparations for your finances. Think about aspects you're likely to spend money on and plan. We also advise you to save money for unexpected occurrences as you travel.

You can make any trip special by spending time in the company of your travel partner. Actively engage in activities that will make the trip memorable. Find little fun activities to do during the trip, or go to a venue that suits your budget to make the moment special.

To Conclude

Did you enjoy this article on how to make a road trip memorable with your partner? Remember to sneak a little time away from your partner to do something you enjoy doing. This process will make time with your partner to have a fresh and exciting feel. Kindly leave a comment if you enjoyed this article, and share it with other lovebirds to read.

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This tool can help by uncovering hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more, potentially putting your doubts to rest.

road trip tips for couples

Sonya Schwartz

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21 Best Road Trip Essentials For Couples

road trip essentials for couples

From portable chargers and first aid kids, to entertainment and sweets, these are the best road trip essentials for couples.

One of my favourite things to do with my other half is hop in the car and go on an adventure! A couple’s road trip gives you complete control of your itinerary. From destinations and departure times, to routes and snack stops, you’re in charge!

Driving in Tinos

Rather than travelling directly from A to B, on a road trip you’re able to discover new places along the way. It can be hard to stick to a plan, and daunting to have so much choice. Some of you might also find it challenging to think of spending so much time in a small space with your partner!

But with good planning, an epic road trip can be fun, bonding, and create great memories. The journey really is as important as the destination! 

So, are you ready to start planning your next adventure? Coming up are lots of road trip tips and items to add to your road trip packing list!

Lonely Planet Guide – Great Britain’s Best Road Trips

Where are you going on your road trip adventure? If you haven’t set your route yet, you’re bound to find some inspiration in this Lonely Planet guide book. Reading a road trip planner, deciding on a route, and making a packing list are great ways to build up excitement for your trip!

Lonely Planet Great Britain's Best Trips

Country I.D. Sticker For Your Car

If you’ll be driving your own car outside of the UK, you’ll need a country identification sticker on the rear of your car. If a union jack is already included on your number plate, you’re fine.

If not, you’ll need to add a ‘UK’ sticker to your road trip list. This used to be a ‘GB’ sticker, but is one of the things that changed with Brexit. Make sure you’re up to date with this important change!

UK car sticker

Travel First Aid Kit

Although it’s not a legal requirement, it’s a good idea to keep a first aid kit in your car in case of an emergency. It’s one of those items that hopefully you won’t need, but hey, the scissors included in the standard emergency kit are always really useful!

First aid kit

Portable Car Safe

If you don’t like leaving your wallet, phone or car keys unattended, then a car lock box is a great addition to your list of road trip necessities.

They are also really useful if you’ve planned to meet your partner back at the car, but only have one set of keys! Simply leave them in the coded lock box so whoever is back first can get in.

Portable safe

In-Car USB Charger

The sat nav, music apps and camera mean your phone is likely to be the most used of your road trip items. This handy adapter plugs into the cigarette lighter. Then you can plug in your phone, a battery pack or charge up your gadgets as you zoom along.

When you’re packing for your road trip, don’t forget the correct USB charging leads!

USB car charger

Picnic Backpack

After a few hours driving, you’ll be thinking about taking a break. Stopping at restaurants or cafes for food every few hours can get expensive. One of the best ways to save money on a road trip is to pack a picnic.

There are a huge range of boxes, hampers and cooler bags available. However, my favourites are these easy to carry picnic backpacks. This one includes the cutlery, crockery and glasses for your meal!

picnic backpack

Find out which other picnic backpack sets I’d recommend.

Thermos Flask

Another of the top road trip essentials for couples is to pack a thermos flask. They’re ideal if you have a favourite tea or coffee, or have food allergies to consider. Some of them come with two cups, so you can both enjoy a drink along the way!

Thermos flask

Waterproof Picnic Blanket

You might also want to add a picnic blanket to your road trip packing list. There are some really practical options available with waterproof backs, which mean you can sit down even when the ground is damp or a little muddy.

I also had to include them on this list of road trip essentials for couples as there is something so romantic about cosying up on one of these traditional checked mats!

picnic blanket

Handheld Vacuum Cleaner

Coming back from exploring, you’re likely to bring twigs, dust or sand into the car.  If you’re on a long trip, the car will get dirty quickly.

If you like things kept clean, then consider packing a small handheld vacuum cleaner. They are also great for hoovering tents!

portable vacuum

Muddy Boot Cleaner

If you’ve stepped in mud (or worse!) then you’ll want to clean your shoes or boots before getting back into the car. Something like this Boot Buddy is a handy item to pack for those messy emergencies. You fill it with water or washing up liquid and then use the brush and scraper to clean off the mud.

boot buddy

Pop-Up Tent For Two

If you’re planning to stop along your road trip, how about investing in a long-lasting two-man tent? There are plenty of great options around, but the pop-up options are great for taking away the stress of following complicated instructions! No couples need to add a row over a tent into their road trip.

pop up tent

Car Air Freshener

Another road trip essential for couples is a car air freshener. There are lots of scents to choose from, all of which are better than smelly feet or other bodily smells! This one is great as it plugs into the car and creates a pleasant fragrance inside your car.

Car air freshener

I think we all have memories of being a kid and being offered a sugary boiled sweet, dusted with icing sugar, out of a metal tin. So, why not continue the tradition and buy some for your next journey!

They come in a range of flavours, from the original mixed fruit drops to strawberry and cream. I’d recommend buying a set like this so you can enjoy a variety!

Travel sweets

Microfibre Towel

Even if you’re not camping, swims or rainy days, mean you sometimes need to dry off. Microfibre towels take up less space than a regular cotton towel, and dry much faster. These are also road trip essentials if you’re travelling with a dog! 

microfibre towel

Another hygiene favourite to pop in your car or suitcase is a pack of wet wipes. Unfortunately, many in the shops aren’t eco- friendly, and take 100 years to decompose! I’d recommend adding some planet friendly biodegradable wipes like these to your road trip packing list.  

wet wipes

Personalised Refillable Water Bottle

Another green travel tip is to use a refillable water bottle rather than buying plastic bottles along the journey. With personalised versions available, a stainless-steel bottle is also a great gift idea for you both before you embark on your couple’s road trip!

personalised bottle

Polaroid Instax Mini Camera

The best way to remember your couple’s road trip forever is to document it! While you might want to snap a lot of photos on your phone, I’d recommend buying a Polaroid photo for a few special moments. Having physical pictures will mean you remember the trip forever!

Instax mini

Travel Scrapbook

Now you have photos from your couple’s road trip, how about adding them into a journal or scrapbook? Recording your experiences is a fun thing to do together, and bound to make you laugh when you look back years later!

travel scrapbook

Portable Mini Video Projector

How cool is this as a travel gift? This small projector is perfect for taking on your road trip. It connects to your phone or via a USB or HDMI cable. Then you can sit back and relax as your video is projected onto the nearest flat surface. You can power it using a portable charger too, making it perfect for road trips with no electricity, like camping.

portable projector

Road Trip Games

For more fun and silliness, how about discovering the best road trip games? You might remember some from car trips as a kid, but this set will make you realise there are plenty more to add your repertoire!

road trip games

Audio Books

Road trips are the perfect time for immersing yourselves in a good audio book. There is so much choice avaible now too, from sco-fi and horror to romance and comedy.

For an extra special touch, you could select an audio book that matches your trip or destination in some way.


I hope you’ve found these suggestions helpful and they lead to an amazing road trip with your partner. If you’re looking for more suggestions of items to pack, this guide has lots of handy t ravel gifts for couples .

Chloe Gunning

With a passion for food, fun and adventure, Chloe is the content creator behind one of the UK's top travel blogs Wanderlust Chloe. From volcano boarding in Nicaragua, to sailing around Sicily and eating her way around Japan, her travels have taken her to some of the coolest spots on the planet. Named Travel Influencer of the Year in 2022, Chloe regularly works with a number of tourism boards, producing inspirational travel content across multiple platforms. Find out more about Chloe here.

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Ticket 4 Two Please

Road Trip Tips For Couples

road trip tips for couples

If you’re considering a road trip with your significant other, this article is for you!

We have collated all of our essential road trip tips in one place so you can get the best experience possible from your next adventure as a couple. 

We recently embarked on our most ambitious road trip yet - a 5000+ mile (8000km) round-trip from Belfast (Northern Ireland) to Athens (Greece) and back again. The trip took us around 3 months as we ventured through 17 different countries along the way.  

We think it's fair to say that we’re experienced road trippers after that ambitious journey, which is why we have created this article to help you. 

So, let’s dive into: Road Trip Tips for Couples

Disclaimer - this blog post contains affiliate links where we can earn a commission, if you make a purchase through them (at no extra cost to you).

Useful Travel Resources For Planning Your Road Trip As A Couple

  • 🏠 Book your perfect stay with HostelWorld or
  • 🎡 Get more from your trip with activities from Viator
  • 🚘 Hire a car for more comfort via Rentalcars
  • 🎲 Buy some of the Best Travel Games For Couples to take with you on your trip

Road Trip Tips for Couples

Underneath, we have highlighted the best road trip tips we have collated over the years. As we mentioned, our most ambitious road trip was a giant 8000km drive across Europe, but these tips are equally important for a 3-hour journey as they are for a 3-month adventure. 

Although road-tripping as a couple is one of the best adventures you can have together, it can soon turn ugly if you don’t plan and devise some simple boundaries before the trip begins. 

Always remember that the best part of a couple’s road trip is spending quality time together and making lasting memories. Yes, things will go wrong and might not always go to plan, but just remember that you’re doing it with your best friend, so everything will work out for the best. 

So, let’s now jump into our road trip tips for couples. 

Listen to podcasts and audiobooks  

We start off with a relatively well-known road trip tip, but it’s still pretty vital - download some great podcasts and audiobooks to listen to on the road!

Road-tripping is all about having adventures and exploring new places, but there will be those long driving days when you simply want to get from point A to point B. 

During these days, we recommend downloading some podcasts and audiobooks to listen to. Audiobooks are a great option because you can start the book at the beginning of the road trip and challenge yourself to listen to the entire book before the end of the trip. 

With podcasts, perhaps you share different interests, so why not choose a different podcast per day? 

For example, on our road trip around the best places to visit in the Western Balkans , Orla chose for us to listen to the ‘ Katherine Ryan: Telling Everybody Everything ’ Podcast, whereas Ben chose the very different ‘ Guardian Football Weekly ’ podcast. 

Turns out that we actually enjoyed listening to both podcasts equally by the end of the trip.

Have plenty of snacks for the road trip  

We have a nice and straightforward couples road trip tip up next - bring plenty of snacks and drinks for the journey. 

Now, what you bring is entirely up to you guys. Perhaps you both love crisps (chips) and fizzy drinks (soda) and want to stock up as much as possible? Maybe you both want to go down the healthy route and have some fruit and water in reserve?

Whatever route you take, ensure you have plenty of supplies because you don’t want anyone getting hangry during the trip and causing unnecessary tension. 

Our go-to road-trip snacks are usually trail mix, granola bars and bananas, but you can choose whatever road-trip snacks suit you best as a couple.

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Plan the road trip together as a couple

This one is a pretty important tip because you want the road trip to be a combination of both your interests and ideas. 

Collaborate on the trip itinerary, including destinations, activities, and accommodations, to make sure both partners have input and feel excited about the journey.

You don’t want it to become one person’s adventure with the other simply ‘along for the ride’. It has to be a worthwhile, memorable experience for both sides of the couple!

Something that worked well for us during our road trip as a couple would be to alternate the days we arranged things - one day, one of us would plan where to eat while the other planned the accommodation/park-up spot, then the next day we would swap roles.

This road trip tip might not work for every couple, but it certainly worked for us. 

Pack light as a couple

It might sound silly and counter-intuitive that you can pack light as a couple because there are two of you, sharing a small space, but it definitely can be done.

Do you both need to bring your own toothpaste? Do you need 2 separate travel adapters? Can you share one blanket instead of packing 2 bulky sleeping bags?

Being savvy with your packing - perhaps by following our long-term travel packing tips - means you avoid unnecessary clutter and get more space.

There’s nothing worse than embarking on a road trip when your knees are buried in your chest because there are 3 big bags stuffed under the passenger seat because there isn’t enough room elsewhere. 

Pack light, pack smart, and you’ll be setting yourself up for success on your couples’ road trip.

Suitcases ready for a couples road trip

It’s unlikely you’re going to have room for a suitcase, so pack wisely ready for your road trip as a couple

Share the driving during the road trip  

Road trips are one of the best adventures you can have, but they can also become pretty tiring.

Particularly on those long point A to point B days, driving can become monotonous and boring. To avoid this happening, it’s essential to share the driving burden during the road trip. 

Not only does sharing the driving make it more enjoyable for both parties, but it also makes it safer because driving for too long can cause you to become tired and less observant.

Top tip: if one of you is a more confident driver, then perhaps they should do the driving in the cities and busier areas, while the other can do a lot of the driving on the motorways/highways to break up the journey a little. 

Be okay with silence every now and then  

We promise you that it’s okay to have some silence during a couple’s road trip. 

Especially when planning on going on an expansive, cross-country journey, you don’t need to be talking and laughing 100% of the time. Of course, the beauty of a road trip as a couple is that the majority of it is going to be spent laughing and smiling, but don’t worry about having a little quiet time during the in-between periods. 

Learning to be okay with silence shows how strong your relationship is and means you won’t get socially ‘burnt out during the adventure. 

Remember that you are spending an extended period in a very confined space with your significant other; at times, you are going to need the quiet to be able to relax and recharge your batteries fully. 

One of our top tips for hiking as a couple is learning to go at your own pace and give each other space if necessary - while we appreciate it’s tricky to give each other physical space when on a road trip, you can still give each other a little social space to be able to wind down and relax.

Play games during the journey  

Some of the best road trip activities for couples involve playing games and keeping each other entertained during those long journeys.

There are plenty of different road trip games you can play, ranging from those that don’t require any prior planning, all the way to games that require a board, cards and dice. 

Some of the best travel games for couples we like to play regularly during a road trip are Rummikub , Bananagrams and Mapominoes . 

It’s important to remember that all 3 of these require you to be stationary, so they are best played when you’ve parked up for the evening or even during a rest in the middle of a long driving day. 

Of course, there are plenty of games you can play while driving. Some easy go-to options are eye-spy, categories and the word association game. 

Anything to pass the time, like a trivia quiz or a guessing game, will help the road trip go smoothly. 

Travel Games for couples - perfect for a road trip

Our favourite travel games to bring on a road trip

Make sure you pack everything you need for the road trip

Our next road trip tip for couples requires you to do some forward planning and thinking - what are you going to need on your road trip?

Now, this answer to this question will differ massively based on a range of factors like where you’re road-tripping, how long you’re planning to be on the road, whether you’re sleeping in the car/van or a tent, etc. 

Regardless of your road trip style and itinerary, however, you need to make sure you pack everything you will need for the duration of the trip.

You don’t want to get a couple of days into the road trip, realise you haven’t packed a razor and spend half your day going into a town and looking around shops. This valuable adventure time should be spent creating memories on your couples’ road trip.

Top tip: it can be handy to create a packing checklist and manually tick each item off when you put them into the car/van, to make sure you don’t miss anything important.

Plan out your bathroom breaks efficiently  

Nobody wants to be caught short on a road trip, so schedule regular bathroom trips into your daily itineraries. 

Say, for example, you’re going to go on a hike one day, and you’re planning on being away from the vehicle for an extended period of time; make sure you drive somewhere that has a bathroom before you start the hike. Nobody wants to run off the trail in search of a sheltered bush or tree. 

If you’re fortunate enough to be driving a camper van during your couple's road trip, the van may even have the luxury of a portable toilet, which is excellent. 

Though any seasoned van lifer will tell you, the portable toilet is supposed to be for number 1s only. Arranging regular bathroom stops during your journey will allow you to conveniently take a number 2 without having to worry about the repercussions in a small, confined camper van. 

Road trips as a couple can be really romantic and enjoyable, but you’ve got to factor in the less romantic, more practical elements like bathroom stops too. 

Be prepared to get lost at some point during the road trip

Getting lost is just part of what is to be expected during a road trip, so don’t let it get in between you. 

You can plan for every eventuality, and then, somehow, Google Maps tells you to take a right when it should have been a left and suddenly, you’re in the middle of nowhere. 

One of our best road trip tips for couples is to embrace getting lost. Treat it as part of the adventure, and learn to be flexible. 

As long as you’re safe, getting lost is just another layer to the already incredible memories you’re creating. 

If you’re really lost, then try and retrace your steps by simply turning around and driving towards the last place you really remember. Alternatively, identify some notable landmarks up ahead (Mountain, river, etc.) and head towards them before you eventually find your way back to your intended route. 

Getting lost at some point during a road trip is bound to happen - embrace it and figure out the best plan together as a couple! 

Route 66 - a great place for a Couples Road Trip

Route 66 - a great place for a Couples Road Trip

Always bring some loose change - to avoid charges at tolls

One of the more practical suggestions we have on this list of road trip tips for couples, but nonetheless still a great little tip for avoiding unnecessarily stressful situations while on the road.

Regardless of where you’re driving in the world, you’re likely to find a toll booth that requires some change. You don’t want to be in that awkward situation where you’re both scrambling around the car/van, looking for any coins you can find in the door well or underneath the seats. 

Instead, plan to have a pot of change somewhere discreet in the vehicle so you know you always have something to use when you get to a toll booth.

Having loose change can also be handy on longer road trips when you pull up to a gas station, and they inexplicably charge you to be able to use the bathroom - this happened to us a lot during our road trip through Europe. 

We don’t think anyone should ever have to pay to use a bathroom, but that’s a discussion for another day!

Try not to be a backseat driver

We’ve all been there, right? When you’re concentrating on driving and somebody in the seat next to you or behind is constantly commenting on your driving abilities. 

‘Slow Down’. ‘You should have gone right there’. ‘Go into the left lane’. 

All of these little comments can be really distracting and can get particularly annoying during a long road trip. The last thing you want to do is upset your partner during a couples’ road trip, so try and keep those little opinions to yourself as much as you can. 

Obviously, it goes without saying that you’re more than welcome to comment when your other half is doing something genuinely dangerous, but for all those other little instances, it’s not worth creating friction.

Bring a pillow/blanket to make the road trip as comfortable as possible  

We appreciate that not everybody will have the luxury of driving a camper van during their couples’ road trip. Most road trips together will happen in a car, so you need to bring a few extra supplies to make it as comfortable as possible. 

Regardless of whether you’re planning to sleep in a hotel or not, you should always bring a pillow and a blanket on your road trip so you can get as comfortable as possible in between driving. 

It’s a great feeling when the other one is driving, to be able to snuggle up in a blanket in the passenger seat and catch up on a few hours of sleep before it’s your turn to drive again. 

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Take lots of photographs of each other (and together)

A scenario that no couple wants after their epic road trip together, is to get back from the trip without a single photo of each other to show for it. 

Living in the moment during the adventure is really important, so we certainly don’t recommend spending your entire trip looking through the lens of a camera but do be mindful enough to take the occasional photo together to remember the trip in years to come. 

Top tip: one of the best gifts for travel couples is a gopro and during a road trip they come in handy because you can attach them to your dashboard and record hours and hours of footage of the journey, ready to be transformed into an amazing road trip video later on down the line. 

Reflect on your Couples Road Trip together  

Our final tip for a successful road trip as a couple comes in handy at the very end of your trip - once you’re settled back into your routine at home, you should take some time to reflect on the road trip together. 

What parts did you both love? Which aspect of the trip did you both find tricky? Do you even want to go on a road trip as a couple again? 

Answering all of these questions while the journey is still fresh in your memory will serve as an excellent resource for the next time you plan a trip together as a couple. 

Bonus tip: it’s a great idea to create a scrapbook of all the tickets/photos you’ve collated along the way, it will be a great thing to look back on in years to come.

Road Trip Tips for Couples: Final Words

So, there we have it, folks. A conclusive round-up of all the road trip tips for couples that we have learned and perfected along our countless journeys over the years. 

Just remember that the most important aspect of a couples' road trip is spending quality time together and creating lasting memories. Flexibility and a positive attitude can help you navigate any unexpected challenges that may arise during the adventure.

You can find even more travel tips for couples on our website to help you make the most of your next trip together.

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Road Trip Tips For Couples

A conclusive round-up of all the road trip tips for couples that we have learned and perfected along our countless journeys over the years.

road trip tips for couples

Ben Lloyd is the creator, editor and one half of Ticket 4 Two Please. Our website is designed to help adventurous couples travel together on a budget around the world. We have handy destination guides from countless destinations, as well as useful seasonal job resources for summer camps and ski seasons.

Gap Year Ideas For Couples

Hiking tips for couples.

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Nova on the Road

The 21 Ultimate Road Trip Essentials for Couples

road trip essentials for couples

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Road trip essentials for couples you are going to need on your trip.

Some of the best memories are made on a road trip with your significant other. The things you get to see, the moments you get to enjoy, and the problems you get to solve, will bring you closer together and make your trip unforgettable! And with these road trip essentials for couples, you will have the trip of a lifetime!

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road trip ideas

Table of Contents

Preparing for a road trip together

Before going through the road trip essentials, it’s important that you know how to prepare for your road trip. So here it goes.

Clean your car inside and out

You don’t want to start off your trip with a mess in your car. You will need all the room and even the tiniest of spaces for your stuff. And it just gives you a great feeling if the car’s tidy before you go.

The same goes for the outside, just wash your car , to start off your trip with a clean slate.

best road trips for couples

Organize everything

Starting off your trip with a clean and tidy car is a must. All you need to do after that is trying to actually keep it tidy.

Organizing your car will help you a lot on your trip, you won’t spend precious hours trying to find something and then figuring out you left it at home. You’ll save a lot of time knowing where everything in your car is and keeping it tidy.

You should get some boxes or pouches to keep all your stuff where it belongs.

Get the right supplies

And of course, what this post is all about. Getting the right supplies for your road trip is a necessity. Without the right supplies and things, you could get in trouble, and end up spending way too much, or anything else.

These road trip essentials are there to help you on your trip. To help you save precious time, money, stress, and trouble.

Now without spending more of your time, here are the best road trip essentials for couples!

The ultimate road trip essentials for couples

Nutritious snacks.

The first and most important essential is nutritious snacks. I mean, you’ll always need snacks on your road trip, but try to get some that are healthy or filled with nutrients.

I know for a fact that I can react heavily to too much sugar or caffeine, and sometimes it leads to arguing with my boyfriend. And we always find afterward that it was actually the sugar and caffeine talking instead of me.

Yes, delicious snacks aren’t always nutritious, and you should take these as well, but try to take some nutritious snacks with you as well, like fruit, nuts, veggies, eggs, protein bars, dates, raisins, or anything else.

Road trip essentials for couples

Water and other drinks

Staying hydrated is so important. You’ll need to drink enough water or other drinks, to stay healthy and hydrated. Most people go on a road trip in summer, which makes it even more important to keep water in your car.

Especially in emergencies, your car may break down in the middle of nowhere and you may need to spend some hours or a day in that place. Water will keep you hydrated and alive, for that matter. Of course, the chances of this happening are small, but you never know.

This article mentions your favorite hats at super low prices. Choose from same-day delivery, drive-up delivery or order pickup.

And make sure not to use plastic bottles, but take some reusables with you. You can fill them up almost everywhere for free, it’ll save you money and save the planet.

Easy picnic gear

Eating out when you’re on the road will set you back a lot. Even just getting a sandwich at the gas station is super expensive. That’s why you should go picnicking!

road trip games for couples

What’s more romantic and memorable than picnicking on your road trip? Just take a break from driving, find a nice spot, and enjoy eating your meal on a cozy blanket with your loved one.

And as if the vibes aren’t enough, picnicking is cheap and super easy! Enjoying your meal in the best way possible won’t cost you much time, so you’ll be hitting the road again in no time!  

A paper roadmap

Another authentic thing I love on a road trip is using a paper map!

I love the idea of not needing your phone for everything, and with a paper roadmap, you won’t need to use google maps. And you can draw exactly which roads you took.

Using a paper roadmap on your road trip is a fun and authentic way of navigating, one you should definitely try!

Road trip essentials for couples

I mean, what’s a road trip without fun games? There are plenty of quiz games you can play while driving.

Buying a game is always an option, but inventing your own game will keep you busy for hours as well.

And don’t just go for quiz games, you can easily spend the evenings in your accommodation playing card games, poker, or anything else!

Fun games are a road trip essential!

First aid kit

A road trip together can be fun, but there’s the possibility of unfortunate events happening. Sometimes you can’t prevent these things, all you can do is be prepared!

Keeping a good first aid kit in your car is a must for your road trip. It may be lifesaving.

I hope you won’t need a first aid kit, but please keep one in your car. Be prepared!

Roadside emergency kit

Another thing I hope you won’t have to use but you need to keep in your car anyway is a roadside emergency kit.

Accidents or breakdowns can always happen no matter how good your car is. And you’ll feel much better knowing you are prepared.

Road trip essentials for couples

For only $40 you can buy a roadside emergency kit, check it out below.

Portable car safe

I can imagine that you might not have a good feeling about leaving your stuff in the car. Phones, cash, credit cards, identification, it’s all the stuff you don’t want to have stolen. So get a portable car safe!

And I know what you’re thinking; portable means they can just take the entire safe and crack it open. But that’s why you should buy one like the one below. This car safe has a cable, so you can lock it to something sturdy.

This portable car safe will make it a lot harder for thieves to steal your important stuff, definitely a road trip essential!

A car phone charger

If you’re not as authentic as I’d like to be, you’ll need your phone for everything. For navigating, music, instagramming, texting home, reservations, and even more. So you don’t want it to run empty.

Having a phone charger in the car is simply a must!

Cozy blankets

If you plan on camping in your car or van, having some cozy blankets is the best way to enjoy the chilly evenings outside.

And it’s so romantic, together wrapped up in a blanket drinking some wine while it’s getting dark. I’m already melting just thinking about it 😉

Cozy blankets are definitely a road trip essential for couples!

Road trip essentials for couples

Cleaning wipes for EVERYTHING

For your face, body, your car’s dashboard, textile, just name it! Cleaning wipes will save you so much trouble. Even if it’s just for freshening yourself up real quick, a cleaning wipe is the way to go.

And to keep your car clean, just take some car cleaning wipes with you. Easy peasy!

Garbage can

I’ve tried keeping our van tidy with just garbage bags, but even using just a garbage bag isn’t enough to keep your car tidy. These bags will ALWAYS be in the way and things may fall out, the bags will rip, and it’s just so messy.

Since we bought a garbage can for our van, we stopped having these problems and now we can just throw away everything without making a mess!

Don’t underestimate the power of using a garbage can instead of bags.

Make a super fun playlist and download it

Everyone needs a ‘’road-trip playlist’’ for their trip. Just making a playlist with every good vibe song you know. It’ll make the time fly when you’re listening to fun music.

And make sure to also make a playlist of sing-along songs, you’ll have so much fun singing in the car together!

You do need to download these playlists, you won’t always have wifi or 4G/5G on the road.

Road trip essentials for couples

When going on a road trip, you’ll need to keep your camera close. You’ll find the most scenic views from your car and it’d be a shame if you didn’t take a good photo of it. Having a camera near you will allow you to make the most wonderful photos from the car.

And just for stopping at a spot, you won’t have to search your entire car for your camera if you just keep it close at all times!

Neck pillow

Sometimes you just have to drive for hours and you may get a bit tired. Sleeping in the passenger seat will give you some energy to take over the wheel when the driver gets tired.

I know we do this all the time. Driving, and whenever you get tired, switching drivers and getting some sleep in the passenger seat so that you can drive again in a few hours.

Keeping a neck pillow close to you will help you get some better rest!

A spare tire

Have you ever been in a situation where your tire needs to be changed? Well, I’ve only been on a few road trips so far and we’ve had to change the tire 2 times (of different cars).

Tire problems can and will happen to everyone. You don’t know when it’ll happen, but just that it could happen anytime. So keeping a spare tire in your trunk or under your car is a must!

And make sure you don’t just have a spare tire, but also the right tools to be able to change your tire. Because in some situations you can’t just go to a garage or let someone come to you, you have to know how to change your own tires.

going on vacation


Let’s say you’ve actually come into a situation where your tire needs to be changed, but it’s dark and there are no street lights. A flashlight or headlight will help you in so many emergencies.

When we went to Norway we bought headlights, but I never knew we’d use them that much! Not just for camping, but also for visiting caves, and like everything dark! I can’t recommend getting a headlight enough!

Hands-free phone mount

As I’ve said before, you’ll be needing your phone for everything from navigating to texting home. But especially for using google maps, a hands-free phone mount is something you simply need. It’s super easy to be able to see your navigation without having a phone in your hand.

In the car, you won’t always be talking, playing games, singing together, or anything else. Sometimes it’s just good to set the music to a low volume, grab your E-reader, and just take a little ‘’me-time’’.

Going on a road trip together is super fun, but you should be able to withdraw at times. Don’t forget yourself and do something that you want, instead of something you both want. Because if you’re in the car for 14 hours and you’re constantly doing something together, problems are bound to happen.

So take an E-reader with you, it’s small, easy, and it allows you to have some ‘’me-time’’ on your road trip.

I guess this speaks for itself. Sometimes the sun will be in your face all the time and your sunshade won’t block the sun from your view. Sunglasses will help you drive safely, so make sure you keep some in your car!

romantic vacation with your boyfriend

Whenever there’s something wrong with your car, use duct tape. Is something wrong with your camping table? Duct tape. Is your hiking boot falling apart? Duct tape. Is your girlfriend annoying? Don’t use duct tape, just be more annoying to her.

But the thing I’m trying to tell you is that duct tape will help anything that’s falling apart. I can imagine that you don’t want to buy a new camping table or chair when you’re on vacation, so just use some duct tape to make sure your equipment survives at least til the end of your road trip.

So just keep a roll of duct tape in your car, you may or may not need it.

Final thoughts on road trip essentials for couples

So now that you know which things you need to take with you on a road trip together, you will be fully prepared! Prepared for long hours of driving, emergencies, car trouble, and anything else!

Where are you going on your road trip? Let me know in the comments below!

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The 15 Ultimate Road Trip Essentials for Couples

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12 Most Romantic Road Trips for Couples in the US

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If you’re wondering what some of the most romantic road trips are for couples in the United States, you’re in the right place! This post covers twelve of the most picturesque and charming road trips to take with your partner! With routes in Minnesota, North Carolina, Florida, and California, you can find a route in this post no matter where you are in the states!

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Romantic Road Trips for Couples in the US: An Overview

Before we dive deeper into some of the nitty-gritty details each route offers, here is a general overview of the most romantic road trips for couples we’ll cover today! This post will include information on total mileage, the best time to go, places to stop, and where to stay!

12 Most Romantic American Road Trips for Couples

Now that you’ve got a general sense of some of the road trips we’ll be covering, we can discuss why you might want to choose one of these routes! Let’s get into it!

The Pacific Coast Highway is one of the most romantic road trips for couples in the US

1. Pacific Coast Highway – California

Total Miles : 656 miles   Best Time To Go: Late Spring – Early Fall

Pacific Coast Highway, also known as State Route 1, follows the majority of the Pacific Coastline in California. It is the second-longest state route in the United States and is arguably the most romantic on the list! This road trip is romantic for its excellent beachline, beautiful mountains, and exemplary treetop views.

The consensus is that the most scenic section of the Pacific Coast Highway in California is from Los Angeles and San Francisco. Therefore, the places to stop in this post are between those two popular metropolitan areas. Starting from north to south, here are the places that make great pit stops! 

Starting in Los Angeles , some popular destinations are the Santa Monica Pier and the Hollywood Sign . Next, drive up the coast to Santa Barbara , where luxury meets relaxation! We recommend checking out the Funk Zone art district and some of the city’s museums. Once you’ve explored the area, continue driving to San Luis Obispo to see Bubblegum Alley. We also recommend spending some time in Morro Bay.  

Next on the list on this route is Big Sur . This part of the road trip is breathtaking for its redwood forests, dramatic mountains, and dreamy beachlines. Check out some of the natural beauty at Pfeiffer Beach or McWay Falls . After Big Sur, check out Cannery Row in Monterey – a shopping strip with gift shops, unique bars, and fantastic seafood restaurants.

As you continue, consider stopping at the Tide Pools at Half Moon Bay to witness the diverse sea life. You can find numerous spots along the coastline to see for yourself. To conclude this romantic road trip, your trip will end in San Francisco . Of course, you can’t experience San Francisco fully without seeing the Golden Gate Bridge !

Where To Stay

If you’re looking for some recommendations on places to stay, some hotels and inns along this route include:

  • Hotel Californian in Santa Barbara – This beautiful hotel is in a prime location. It’s in the Funk Zone and near popular restaurants and bars!
  • Deetjen’s Big Sur Inn – This historic and funky inn is in the redwoods in cute log cabins that offer great food and service!
  • Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo – This world-famous hotel is known for its unique guest rooms, great restaurants, and day spa.

Route 66

2. Historic Route 66 – Chicago to California

Total Miles: 2,448 miles Best Time to Go: Late Spring – Early Fall

Historic Route 66 was one of the very first highways in the United States Numbered Highway System and is a fantastic road trip route for couples. There are cultural and historically rich places to stop on this route, so it’s great for couples who love to learn. This route goes between Chicago, Illinois, and Los Angeles, California.

If you’re in the Midwest and looking for a way to get to the West Coast, look no further than Route 66. Starting in Chicago , Illinois, some top tourist destinations are the Navy Pier , Millennium Park , and Willis Tower . You’ll head south and hit the Gemini Giant in Wilmington, Illinois. It’s a 30-foot statue of a 1960s-era “muffler man” landmark outside the Launching Pad restaurant. Head to Missouri and visit St. Louis before stopping to see the biggest commercial cave in the state – the Meramec Caverns . 

Now that you’re in Oklahoma, explore Tulsa . The city is known for its art-deco architecture and historical sites. Next up is Pops 66 – a historic diner and gas station landmark with hundreds of sodas to try. Directly west, you’ll enter Amarillo , Texas. Check out Cadillac Ranch – an eccentric public art installation with graffitied Cadillacs half-buried into the landscape. 

After driving through Texas, Albuquerque , New Mexico, is a great place to stop for its modern downtown with fascinating Native American History. After, the Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona is a must-see for the outdoor-loving, national park enthusiasts couples! Continue west into California, where you can find great attractions such as the Hollywood Walk of Fame and Venice Beach .

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road trip tips for couples

There are great places to stay along this 2,400+ mile road trip, but let’s go over some of the best spots en route!

  • Wagon Wheel Motel in Cuba, Missouri, is the oldest continuously operating hotel along Route 66, and this charming motel is within walking distance from some great eateries!
  • The Mayo Hotel in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is a grand hotel standing iconically tall in the middle of the Art Deco district in a prime location!
  • Big Texan Ranch Motel in Armadillo, Texas, is a great place to stay after visiting Cadillac Ranch and gives laid-back vibes with great amenities.
  • The Santa Monica Proper in California is the only luxury lifestyle hotel near Santa Monica Beach with great food, amenities, and customer service in a prime location.

UP NEXT > 10 Scenic Drives in West Virginia

Utahs Scenic Byway is in my opinion one of the best national park road trips for couples

3. Utah’s Scenic Byway 12

Total Miles: 123 miles Best Time to Go: Spring or Fall

If you’re looking for a road that will take you through some of southern Utah’s most beautiful sites, the Scenic Byway 12 should be your go-to route. It’s a great way to experience some of Utah’s state and national parks. It connects Capitol Reef National Park with Bryce Canyon National Park and offers plenty of outdoor recreation opportunities to enjoy!

The Scenic Byway in Utah is 123 miles long, so it’s on the shorter side for a road trip, but there is plenty to see and do along the way. Starting from the north, you’ll begin your road trip at Capitol Reef National Park . This park is known for its domes, cliffs, and long monocline. The area has phenomenal camping, hiking, scenic drives, and historic orchards. 

After visiting Capitol Reef, continue south towards Escalante . There are exciting places to explore, starting with the Escalante Petrified Forest State Park . It’s a great camping area for its petrified wood and immense natural reserve. After exploring the state park, head to the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, a beautiful natural landscape where you can hike, fish, and hunt. 

Follow Highway 12 to your next stop: Kodachrome Basin State Park near Cannonville . This state park displays the red rock structures Utah is known for and has 67 monolithic rock spires. Next up, my personal favorite – Bryce Canyon National Park . This park has fantastic overlooks, intriguing hiking trails, and unlimited photo ops. You’ll finish your road trip in Red Canyon, where there are a handful of trailheads to explore the rusty red hoodoo rock formations.

Here are some places to stay as you experience Utah’s Beauty near some of the parks:

  • The Capitol Reef Resort is at the entrance of Capitol Reef and has different accommodation options to satisfy the type of stay you’re looking for!
  • Escalante Yurts near Kodachrome Basin State Park provides the luxury of a comfortable bed and great amenities with the freedom of camping outside!
  • Bryce Valley Lodging offers charming log cabins for you to stay in on your way into Bryce Canyon National Park, and they’re affordable, too!

Overseas Highway

4. The Overseas Highway – Florida

Total Miles: 113 miles  Best Time to Go: Late Fall – early Spring

The Overseas Highway in Florida is truly a unique take on a road trip as it crosses over 40 bridges over the open water from Key Largo to Key West. It is a romantic trip for couples looking for an oceanside, beachy vacation. Just ensure you’re both comfortable driving over the ocean the entire way!

Since the mileage is so short, you could make this road trip in around two hours. However, we recommend taking it slow to see some fantastic attractions along the way! Starting in Key Largo , begin your vacation by checking out John Pennekamp’s Coral Reef State Park . They offer snorkeling and glass-bottom boat tours! 

Once you take to the open waters, visit the Rain Barrel Artisan Village to see outdoor sculptures, paintings, pottery, and gifts for purchase. After grabbing some fantastic food, stop at the Dolphin Research Center to watch dolphins and sea lions! Close to the research center is Curry Hammock State Park, where you can take your partner, relax on the beach, and dip your toes in the water.

Next, stop at the tropical-themed seafood shack Mangrove Mamas. They offer breakfast, lunch, and dinner with immaculate outdoor beach vibes. After getting a bite to eat, you’ll find your way to Key West , the end of your road trip on the Overseas Highway. Make sure to check out the Southernmost Point Monument and Duval Street !

If you’re looking for places to crash, here are some great options: 

  • The Key Largo Bungalows are a charming and cozy accommodation option to consider at the start of your trip. It’s a luxury, all-inclusive, and adult-only resort.
  • The Islander Resort is an ideal place to stay on your journey to Key West in Islamorada. It’s great for couples and families!
  • Opal Key Resort and Marina is an eloquent resort just a block away from Duval Street in Key West and is right on the water! Opals has a sunset deck and outdoor pool.

The Western US was one of my favorite places to road trip as a couple

5. Western National Parks – Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona

Total Miles: 1,209 miles Best Time to Go: Fall

The Western United States undoubtedly offers spectacular scenery, especially in its designated national parks. If you and your partner want to check some national parks off your bucket list while experiencing some breathtaking scenery, this road trip from the northwest to the southwest is a fantastic way to do it. Starting from Montana and making your way down to Arizona, this western national park route covers over 1,200 miles of pure outdoor bliss.

Starting strong, you’ll begin your road trip at the first designated national park in the United States: Yellowstone! Popular attractions include the geyser Old Faithful and Yellowstone Lake . Driving south out of Yellowstone, you’ll enter Grand Teton National Park. We recommend checking out Jenny Lake . You can hike around it, or in the summertime, you can rent a boat to reach the canyon for other spectacular hiking opportunities! 

Next, you’ll make your way south to Utah, but there’s a long stretch here, so we recommend stopping to explore the city of Salt Lake . Afterward, visit Arches National Park to experience its pinnacles, natural arches, and rock fins. Make the short drive to Canyonlands National Park to see the famous Island in the Sky flat-top mesa!

Your last stop in Utah is the well-known and loved Zion National Park. If you’re up for a challenge, consider hiking the Narrows! If you’re more of a waterfall type of couple, visit the Emerald Pools . Lastly, you’ll end your trip in Arizona at the Grand Canyon . This national park is famous for its world-class geological history, layered rock, and fantastic overviews.

For a longer route that goes into California, check out this 11-destination Western US Road Trip next!

Here are places to stay near some of the main attractions:

  • The Brandin’ Iron Inn is a welcoming, family-owned hotel near the entrance to Yellowstone Park in West Yellowstone! It’s great for families and is close to local restaurants and gift shops.
  • The Gonzo Inn in Moab is a unique and chic boutique hotel with condo-style rooms. Each room has its personal touch and is affordable.
  • The Bright Angel Lodge is on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. It features log cabins around a lodge with beautiful views overlooking the canyon.

Blue Ridge Parkway

6. Blue Ridge Parkway – Virginia, North Carolina

Total Miles: 469 miles Best Time to Go: Late Spring – Early Fall

The Blue Ridge Parkway is a national parkway in the Appalachian Mountains that goes through Virginia and North Carolina. It’s a romantic road trip because the scenic mountains and sweeping vistas allow you to slow down and enjoy the ride. This scenic drive offers plenty of time to relax in the company of your partner while enjoying some gorgeous views.

The Blue Ridge Parkway begins near Afton, Virginia, and ends in Cherokee, North Carolina. The route has state and national parks, popular destinations, and scenic drives. To start, you’ll explore the magnificent Shenandoah National Park . There is plenty to see here, but the most popular hike is to the top of Old Rag . There is also the Skyline Drive through Shenandoah that you can take for more scenic views on the road. 

As you continue your road trip, we recommend stopping at some of the towns that catch your eye. Then, stop at Natural Bridge State Park near Lexington, Virginia, to check out the bridge-shaped gorge! Once in North Carolina, stop at Blowing Rock . This landscape gets its name from an overhanging Gorge!

As you head towards Asheville , stop to see the historic Biltmore Estate . Known as “America’s largest home,” this 8,000-acre estate is a must-see before sightseeing the artsy city of Asheville. End your trip at the Great Smoky Mountain National Park , famous for its diversity of flora and fauna and ancient mountains.

Here are some places to stay in the Blue Ridge Mountains on the parkway.

  • Love Ridge Mountain Lodging is a romantic getaway in Lyndhurst, Virginia. The log cabins are in the heart of the outdoors.
  • The Bierly Hill Bed and Breakfast in Lexington is a relaxing and quiet hotel great for unwinding after a long drive. They offer great amenities in a prime location.
  • In Blowing Rock, the Alpine Village Inn is rated highly for its cleanliness, customer service, and fantastic views. It’s also extremely affordable!
  • The Asheville Cabins of Willow Winds offers 25 luxury cabins on a beautiful 40-acre property near Asheville’s best attractions.

Oregons Coast Highway

7. Oregon’s Coast Highway

Total Miles: 363 miles Best Time to Go: Fall or Winter for wildlife viewing

US Route 101 is another coastal road trip option spectacular for couples. It goes from the border of California to the Washington state line, showing the entire Pacific coast in Oregon. This road trip features dainty beaches, dunes, dramatic cliffs, and adorable towns.

Starting from the California border, your first stop on the coast is the Samuel Boardman State Scenic Corridor . It’s a breathtaking forested coastal park with outdoor opportunities like hiking and picnicking. On your way to Arch Rock State Park , stop at the Natural Bridges for arguably one of the most beautiful pictures of Oregon’s coast!

After checking out the overlook at Arch Rock , and hopefully seeing the bioluminescence in the water, head to Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area . This spot will take you away from the coast and into a sandy wonderland filled with great hiking, camping, and off-roading opportunities. If you’re willing, go off course for more great scenery at Cape Meares State Scenic Viewpoint and their 1890s lighthouse! 

After returning to Route 101, head to Ecola State Park near Cannon Beach for its exceptional seven-mile trail with lighthouse views and secluded beaches. If you want to learn what the sealife is like on the Pacific coast, head over to the Seaside Aquarium next in Seaside! 

The final stop of the trip is Astoria – AKA brewery heaven! To unwind from the long and romantic road trip, stop for a cold one and choose between Buoy Beer, Astoria Brewing , or Fort George Brewery. I told you it was a beer lovers paradise!

If I were to do this road trip, these would be the places I’d want to stay:

  • The Beachfront Inn in Brookings features calming rooms, easy beach access, and a great breakfast!
  • The Hallmark Resort in Newport has beach access, a welcoming atmosphere, and exceptional amenities.
  • Cannery Pier Hotel and Spa is a luxury hotel and spa on the Columbia River with private balconies and complimentary breakfast.

Beartooth Highway

8. Beartooth Highway – Montana, Wyoming

Total Miles: 69 miles Best Time to Go: Late May – Late September

The Beartooth Highway is a motorcyclist’s dream route. It starts in Red Lodge, Montana, dips down into Wyoming, and ends at the entrance to Yellowstone National Park. Even if you drive instead, this “Highway to the Sky” is a short but gorgeous road trip through the Northern Rockies. This road is closed in the winter, so plan your trip in the warmer months!

You’ll start your trip in Red Lodge , Montana, and should plan on exploring this city. Then, continue your journey towards Rock Creek Vista – the first prominent feature on the route! This scenic overlook shows you a great panoramic view of the Beartooth Mountains that you’ll traverse in no time. Have you ever heard of a summer ski area? At Beartooth Basin , you can shred the mountain during the summertime since the mountain is over 10,000 feet in elevation. 

After skiing or snowboarding, check out the next best overlook – Beartooth Pass ! This pass is the highest elevation within the Beartooth Mountains. You won’t want to miss this vista! Continue winding through the beautiful forested mountains until you reach the next stop, the Yellowstone Overlook . There is also a short trail there to look over Yellowstone National Park.

 Before your final destination in Yellowstone, Cooke City is four miles east of the park entrance. You’ll want to get gas here, and if you haven’t eaten, check out one of the few eateries in town! It’s known as one of the smallest towns in Montana. Lastly, you will end in the historic national park that is Yellowstone . This volcanic hot spot is known for its wildlife, geysers, and expansive fields.

Here is where to stay on Beartooth Pass:

  • The Pollard Hotel in Red Lodge, Montana, is close to the city’s dining, shopping, and nightlife. They have exceptional customer service with clean rooms.
  • In Cody, Wyoming, the Chamberlin Inn is a renovated historic hotel with a bar onsite. The Chamberlin Inn offers many different accommodation options within a private courtyard.
  • If you go through Yellowstone, the Hibernation Station Cabins in West Yellowstone are cute log cabins in a great location with friendly staff.

Kancamagus Highway in WV

9. Best of New England – Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont

Total Miles: 629+ Best Time to Go: Fall

New England is a special place to visit and is romantic if you go with your loved one. There’s plenty to do, but since the states are small in New England, you can complete a lot in one trip! This road trip covers places to see in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, although you could include Massachusetts and New York if you wanted to!

Starting in Maine, you’ll begin in the adorable coastal peninsula of Portland . The Old Port has fantastic shopping and eateries. You should also visit the Portland Head Light lighthouse and Fort Williams Park ! You’ll make your way up to Camden , Maine, where you will stop to see its historic district and Opera House before heading to Acadia National Park . 

Head west towards New Hampshire. Here, you and your partner will be amazed by the beauty of the White Mountains! You’ll take the scenic Kancamagus Highway near Conway. Plan on stopping at Lower Falls Overlook , Rocky Gorge Scenic Area , and Sabbaday Falls if you’re up for a hike. At the end of the highway, you’ll find yourself in Woodstock. Continue west to hit Vermont.

 Head towards Stowe, Vermont, and drive down the beautiful Vermont Route 100. You’ll want to check out the quaint town of Waterbury , where you can get some delicious ice cream at the Ben and Jerry’s factory . Stop at other adorable cities, including Moretown, before you head home!

Here are a few places to stay in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont:

  • After visiting Acadia National Park, stay at the Acadia Hotel in downtown Bar Harbor!
  • After driving the Kancamagus Highway, stop at Launchpoint Lodge for easy check-in, great ambiance, and a great location in Lincoln.
  • Stop at the Weston Inn in Vermont for a homey and tranquil stay.

For a 7-Day New England Itinerary, read this post next !

Road to Death Valley

10. California to Nevada

Total Miles: 726 Best Time to Go: October – April

While there isn’t necessarily a designated route from California to Nevada, it’s frequently said to be one of the most scenic and romantic road trips you can take. I’m sure it’s because both California and Nevada have spectacular landscapes with endless attractions and exploring to do. This route will cover all the must-see places.

You’ll start in southern California and visit Joshua Tree for an unforgettable desert scene under the stars. Then, head towards the ocean where you can spend a few days discovering the treasures of San Diego . After that, you’ll head to Los Angeles for great entertainment in the metropolitan area! 

After a few days in the cities, you’ll head north towards the dramatic Death Valley National Park . This national park is known as the land of extremes for the heat and steady drought that the Mohaje desert brings. This national park has an unusual landscape, and I’d recommend sightseeing!

This road trip truly is the best mix of city and nature exploration because, after Yosemite and Death Valley , you’ll head to Vegas for some fun. Stay as long or as little as you’d like because your next and final destination is Valley of Fire State Park , one of my favorite parks in the US!

Here are a few places you can stay in California and Nevada:

  • Near Joshua Tree, Mojave Sands is a cute lodge with an outdoor patio in a prime location just outside the park!
  • In Yosemite Valley, the Ashwahnee is a classic hotel with artsy decor and high ratings near the national park.
  • There are plenty of places to stay in Vegas, but my family always went for the Luxor – a casino on the strip! It’s not the most luxurious but it’s decently priced.

As a local Minnesotan, the North Shore Drive sure is one of the most romantic road trips for couples

11. North Shore Drive – Minnesota

Total Miles: 154 miles Best Time to Go: Spring, summer or fall

As someone who grew up in Minnesota and went to school in Duluth, I strongly agree that the North Shore Drive is a beautiful road trip to take with your partner. The entire stretch from Canal Park in Duluth to the Canadian Border is full of breathtaking places to stop and take in the views. You’ll get familiar with Lake Superior and what it has to offer.

This scenic drive starts in Duluth , and I might be biased, but I’d recommend spending some time in this eloquent city. Afterward, make your way north past Two Harbor (but stop at Betty’s Pies first) and make your first stop at Gooseberry Falls State Park . Check out the beautiful trail towards the waterfall and the gift shop inside. Then, continue to the Split Rock Lighthouse State Park for panoramic views of Lake Superior. 

Continue along the route until you reach Silver Bay. Once you’re there, check out the famous Black Sand Beach . It’s a picturesque beach along the shore with the dark-colored sand unique to this road trip. As you continue, you’ll be within the Superior National Forest . The parks in this section include Tettegouche State Park , Temperance River State Park , and Cascade River State Park . All of these parks showcase Minnesota’s northern beauty.

Consider hopping on the Superior Hiking Trail in one of these regions to experience one of the most utilized trails on the North Shore! You can drive up to the Canadian Border and stop at other destinations en route.

Here are my and my family’s favorite places to stay along the North Shore:

  • In Duluth, consider staying at the Canal Park Lodge for access to downtown and the lake walk.
  • Breezy Point Cabins on Lake Superior are log cabins you can rent and are loved by many for their cozy feel and amenities in Two Harbor.
  • The Bluefin Bay on Lake Superior is in Lutsen, Minnesota, and has high reviews for couples! It’s near Temperance River State Park and is facing the lake.

St Simons

12. Golden Isles – Georgia

Total Miles: 112 miles Best Time to Go: Spring & Fall

Last but certainly not least, we have a beautiful road trip for couples to the Golden Isles in Georgia! The Golden Isles on the Atlantic Coast goes between Savannah and Jacksonville, Florida. It’s specifically known for its beautiful beaches, marshlands, and handful of islands that comprise the area.

Starting in Savannah , this is a destination in and of itself. Spend some time getting to know the southern charm of Georgia before starting your trip! Once you get going, there are plenty of places where you can get off the interstate near the coast to explore. The first place I’d recommend is Fort McAllister State Park . Fort McAllister is a historical Civil War site with oceanside recreation opportunities and camping. 

From Brunswick, take I-95 to the arguably most famous place in Golden Isles: St. Simons Island ! St. Simons is a cute coastal city with great restaurants, island activities, and quaint neighborhoods. Take a detour afterward to the next island – Jekyll Island, off of State Road 520. There are fantastic walking and biking paths to experience the scenery here. 

Afterward, head to Shellman Bluff . It’s a small fishing village that is both peaceful and picturesque. As you head south, visit Cumberland Island and hike or bike to Safford Beach. Safford Beach is a very secluded and beautiful area that not many visitors know about!

It can be hard to pick where to stay in the Golden Isles because there are many good options! Here are a few worth checking out:

  • The JW Marriott Savannah Plant Riverside District is a romantic place for couples to stay in a prime location for the city’s nightlife right along the river.
  • The Village Inn and Pub in St. Simons is a historic hotel in downtown St. Simons with a swimming pool and terrace, an English pub, and modern design.

Image from one of the road trips for couples we took back in 2022

FAQs: Road Trips for Couples

Now that we’ve gone over twelve romantic road trips for couples in America, we can dive deeper into some of the most frequently asked questions! Let’s go over them now.

Are road trips good for couples?

Road trips are valuable for couples. Experiencing new places together creates lasting memories and allows you to learn more about one another. It’s a great bonding experience and can open your mind individually and in partnership.

Where is the best place for couples to travel?

The United States is a fantastic place to road trip as a couple because there are many different places to explore. The West Coast is always a great option, but New England also has fantastic routes. You can find a scenic route essentially anywhere in the US!

What to do on a road trip with your boyfriend?

A road trip can be an opportunity to spend time with your partner. You’ll want to collaborate on fun things you’d like to do together. Some ideas include hiking, tours, trying new restaurants, visiting museums and attractions, attending sports games, and more.

Where can I go on a spontaneous road trip?

There are road trips anywhere you are! Many states have scenic byways or routes for road trips. Start there, or brainstorm a list of places you’d like to visit and plan your route!

Photo from one of the road trips we went on for couples

Wrapping Up: Romantic Road Trips for Couples in the United States

There you have it! Twelve romantic road trips for couples in the United States! Whether you’re looking to take a week-long road trip or only a few days, you can use these routes to plan a trip for you and your partner. Buckle up and enjoy the open road!

The Hombody Tourist Logo- USA, dog-friendly road trips

100 Questions to Ask on a Road Trip: Couples Edition (FREE Printable Inside!)

Ready to add some fun to all those hours in the car?! Here are 100 Road Trip Questions for Couples!

I love love love road trips for the adventures they bring, the slower pace of life, and the opportunity to bring my pup along on the adventure. With this being said, road trips can also get a bit long and boring on those flat freeways. This is an ULTIMATE list of fun questions to ask on a road trip for couples!

100 questions to ask on your next road trip for couples.

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Psssst: There’s a FREE printable copy of these 100 questions to ask on a road trip! It’s a super cute mini book to collect all your awesome memories! It’s at the end of the post!!

Table of Contents

Childhood Questions to Ask on a Road Trip for Couples

  • What is your favorite childhood memory?
  • What was your favorite vacation as a child?
  • What movie did you watch the most growing up?
  • Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
  • What memory do you have from elementary school?
  • Where was your favorite place to spend time when you were a child?
  • What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in school?
  • How many different schools did you attend?
  • What was your favorite thing about high school? Least favorite?
  • What did you want to be when you “grew up” (as a kid)?
  • What pets did you have as a child?
  • What did you like about having siblings/being an only child?
  • What was your favorite holiday as a kid? Why?
  • Did you ever get in trouble in school? What did you do?
  • Did you ever get in trouble at home? What did you do?
  • Did you break any bones as a child?
  • Did you have to get stitches as a child?
  • Who was your celebrity crush as a teenager?
  • What was your irrational fear when you were growing up?
  • What is your favorite sport (or any team/club) memory?

road trip tips for couples

Present-day Road Trip Questions

  • What is your favorite vacation memory as an adult?
  • Least favorite vacation memory?
  • What is the scariest thing you have ever done?
  • What are you the most scared of?
  • Where are your top 5 bucket list locations?
  • Top 5 bucket list experiences?
  • What is your most stressful travel memory?
  • What is your most embarrassing moment as an adult?
  • What would you tell your younger self?
  • What do you love most about yourself?
  • What do you like most about your current job?
  • What is something new you have learned in the last year?
  • What is your favorite way to relax?
  • What are your three favorite hobbies?
  • What would your perfect Saturday look like?
  • Do you have any hidden talents?
  • What talent do you wish you had?

Tip::: Do you still need help planning your road trip?? Be sure to check out this ULTIMATE road trip planning guide first!

Future Questions to Ask on a Road Trip For Couples

  • Where do you want to be in 5 years?
  • What would be your perfect retirement life?
  • What is your perfect job?
  • How many kids do you want to have? Girls? Boys?
  • What do you want to name your kids? Why?
  • If you could live anywhere for the rest of your life, where would it be?
  • What does your dream home look like?
  • What does your dream yard look like?
  • What scares you about the future?
  • What are you most excited for about the future?

Couple in the car on a road trip.

Relationship Questions to ask on a Road Trip

  • What did you notice about (your partner) first?
  • What is your favorite thing about (your partner)?
  • What is your favorite date that we have been on?
  • What would be an ideal date?
  • What is your biggest pet peeve about me?
  • Where would be your perfect honeymoon?
  • What kind of wedding do you want to have? Outdoors? Church? Destination?
  • What three words would you use to describe me?
  • What is your love language?
  • When have you felt the most loved?
  • What are you the most thankful for in our relationship?
  • What are you looking forward to the most in our relationship?
  • If you could live in one of the spots we have vacationed, where would it be?
  • Why did you decide to initially ask me out? (or vice versa)
  • What memories do you have of the first time we met?
  • What song best describes our relationship?
  • What movie/show best describes our relationship?
  • What do you think has changed from when we first met/started dating?

Looking for more road trip fun? Check out this list of 201 TRIVIA QUESTIONS (all USA road trip related of course!)

Random Questions to ask on a Road Trip

  • If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
  • What is your favorite color? Why?
  • What is the significance behind your favorite number?
  • If you had 1 million dollars, what would you buy?
  • If you could live forever, would you?
  • If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be?
  • If someone were to make a movie about your life, who would play you?
  • What three things would you bring with you to a deserted island?
  • What time period would you most like to experience for a day?
  • If you were invisible, what would be the 1st thing you would do?
  • If you were given 100,000 dollars to help others, what would you do with it?
  • If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • You have been gifted a cabin stay for one week. There is no internet, TV, or phones. How will you spend your time?
  • What is your funniest drunk memory?
  • If money wasn’t an issue, what new hobby would you try?
  • What would your plan be in a zombie apocalypse?
  • Have you ever met or seen a celebrity?
  • Do you believe in ghosts?
  • If you could switch places with anyone for a day, who would it be?

Road through the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Would you rather Questions to ask on a Road Trip

  • Would you rather have no arms or no legs?
  • Would you rather be Spiderman or Iron Man?
  • Would you rather live in a castle or a small cabin in the woods?
  • Would you rather be a lion or a bird?
  • Would you rather be president or be a movie star?
  • Would you rather give up your smartphone or all sweets?
  • Would you rather have the power to turn invisible or to fly?
  • Would you rather have super-strength or elastic arms?
  • Would you rather have three legs or three arms?
  • Would you rather have unlimited money or live forever?
  • Would you rather time travel to that past or the future?
  • Would you rather visit outer space or travel to the future?
  • Would you rather live in the mountains or near the ocean?
  • Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly will the birds?
  • Would you rather have a live-in maid or a live-in chef?
  • Would you rather be able to talk to animals or aliens?

Road Trip Inspiration

Are you looking for the next opportunity to ask your partner all these fun road trip questions?? Look no further… 🙂 Check out these awesome (and super affordable) itineraries and start planning your next epic road trip!

Texas to Colorado

On this road trip, you will visit a state park (with a lighthouse rock formation), marvel at the Garden of the Gods park, take a Gondola across the Royal Gorge, and slide down the massive dunes at Great Sand Dunes National Park.

New Mexico Tour

The highlight of this trip is of course White Sands National Park, buuuut New Mexico is full of hidden gems. You will take awesome hikes, stay in unique airbnbs, and explore the COOLEST interactive museum.

Minnesota North Shore

If you find yourself way up north, do not miss taking this scenic trip! Beginning in Duluth, MN you will pass lighthouses, hike to waterfalls, and have amazing views of Lake Superior the entire way!

Southeastern USA

Plan this trip in October and you will be met with magical fall colors. Throughout your drive, you will find the most beautiful state parks (with amazing waterfalls), a quaint German village, apple orchards, and so much more!

100 Questions to ask on a road trip for couples free printable.

Let’s BE FRIENDS! Follow me on Instagram for more insider tips, USA road trips, and dog-friendly ideas!

Hey hey! I'm Jordan, a full-time elementary teacher with a side of freelance writing/travel blogging. As much as I LOVE to travel, I also enjoy routine, being home, and sleeping in my own cozy bed. Anyone else?  Enter...weekend getaways! I'm hoping you find this to be your one-stop-shop to plan your next USA weekend trip (with or without your pup).

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Couples Road Trip tips (& how to still be talking at the end!)

Couples road trip tips- advice for travelling with a partner on a road trip

Are you planning a road trip with your partner, spouse or significant other? Are you worried about what to talk about, how it will go or how not to argue?

Never fear, dear reader. In this post, I’ll share all our best tips and advice for couples on a road trip together- and how to still be talking at the end of it.

Don’t forget to grab your FREE road trip checklist below to help you plan your perfect trip.

*We work hard to make this the best motorhome travel blog and road trip website possible, full of helpful content for you. The website is supported by our readers, so if you buy through links on this site we may earn a commission- at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain our own .

If you find this post useful, you can also treat us to a coffee – we promise to enjoy it while creating more useful content like this- we might even indulge in a biscuit (or two!)


Couples Road Trip Advice- our story

Before buying a motorhome and touring almost fulltime, my husband and I lived on boats for 15 years.

Some very VERY small boats.

To say that we’re good at living together in a small space without committing murder (or getting divorced) is possibly an understatement- but I don’t want to imply that we’re one of those magical couples who never argue.

Oh boy, do we argue. Seriously, we’re both stubborn, strong-willed Type A personalities who hate to lose and refuse to back down, even when we’re fairly sure we’re wrong.

So how the heck have we survived 19 years and counting?

How to quit your job and travel


Our biggest secret- and probably the hardest thing to master (sorry!) is communication. Mr WB was deployed for a lot of our early relationship (which is another great tip for a long-lasting relationship: get them to live in a different country for a while! )

Yes, yes I’m joking. Sort of.

Sorry, I digressed. What those early years taught us was how to communicate well. Shrugs and a half-hearted ‘I’m fine’ were useless over a phone or email. Instead, we got really really good at getting to the heart of the problem quickly- and learning how to talk about it without upsetting the other one.

(TOP TIP: Use the words ‘I feel…’ rather than ‘you’re really pissing me off…’ A small change, but it does work!)

Another thing we do well is learning how to let the small things go. When you only get to talk for a few minutes every once in a while, it really focuses the mind on what’s important- and what’s not REALLY that big a deal.

Living in a small space with someone holding a grudge, or sulking when you don’t know what’s wrong is no fun at all, so figuring out how to say ‘I feel angry/ sad/ frustrated because…’ is a huge step towards being able to work out how to fix the issue.

(And yes, it’s perfectly ok to say ‘I’m mad at you and I have no clue why so I’m gonna go for a long walk and get some space for a while’.)

It’s ok to want some YOU time

It’s also really important to SAY when you need space. Even in a small van, it’s possible to avoid each other for a few hours while you read a book or draw or listen to music (or, in my case, watch the F1/ Rugby/ NFL highlights.)

Couples Road Trip- Avoid the ‘Big 3’ fights

In our experience, the biggest fights while travelling are caused by the following:

  • Storage/ space
  • Getting lost /feeling out of control

Now, of COURSE there are other issues. We’re currently having the annual ‘debate’ about family and Christmas (oh joy!) But the MAJORITY of fights can be traced back to the three things above. So, let’s start with those.

Road Trip checklist

Set a budget for your couples road trip

Like it or loathe it, you’re going to need to talk about money with your partner. It’s essential that you’re both on the same page before your trip even starts.

Here are some questions to ask your partner whilst planning the trip:

  • Where do you want to stay? (eg: Campsites/ Hotels/ Wild Camping/ with friends or family)
  • Do you want to take the fast route (which often have tolls) or the slower but pretty route
  • How long do you want to go for/ how far do you want to travel (fuel costs money!)
  • What activities do you want to do? (Do you need to book tickets in advance)
  • Do you want to cook, or eat out each night (or a mix of the two)

Once those questions are answered and agreed, you can work together to start planning your road trip.

Sharing space together

The next biggest fight of couple van life is caused by trying to fit two (or more!) people into a small space together, especially if you’re living in a motorhome or campervan.

Our biggest tip for this is to share the storage space as equally as possible- which is often not as easy as it sounds.

For example, I have more clothes onboard than my husband. We each have a locker for underwear and t-shirts, another one for jeans/ hoodies/ etc and we share the shoe locker. But he wants more wardrobe space (he usually carries with shirts and clothes for work, in case he has to fly last minute to visit clients etc), so he has more space there and I grabbed an extra locker for… stuff (more t-shirts, jeans and another 3 of my favourite Wandering Bird hoodies – they’re so warm and snuggly ?)

The trick is to find a compromise that works for you both/ all. Don’t forget to consider your motorhome payload – just because you have a space to fill, doesn’t mean you have the payload to use it!

Also, don’t forget to use the interior of cushions to store scarves/ winter gear/ blankets/ socks and other soft things- it’s amazing how much you can fit into a couple of those! You can see all our best storage tips for campervans and motorhomes here.

Don’t forget, you can also get a motorhome storage box on the back of your van to increase space if needed.

couples road trip advice

Couples Road Trip- Stop Feeling out of Control

If you had unlimited time/ money/ fuel, getting lost or taking the wrong turn probably wouldn’t bother you much.

For most of us, the worry starts because we feel the campsite or hotel will close and we won’t get there in time, or we’re going to miss an event, or we’re going to run out of fuel, or daylight or… something.

Play to your strengths

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. I LOVE planning motorhome road trips . Mr WB hates it and is very rarely involved in any planning at all- unless he wants to do something specific. Instead, he trusts me to figure it all out and he just goes along for the ride.

HOWEVER, if you feel anxious about not knowing, make sure you are involved in the planning of the trip. Just knowing how far there is to go, and what route to take, will make you feel much better. You’ll know how long you can stop for lunch, or for a walk around a pretty village and you’ll feel much less anxious. You can also download and use some of these best road trip apps to help your journey run smoothly without the stress.

You can grab your FREE printable road trip planner here .

Allocate tasks accordingly

Mr WB is an awesome driver and will happily take the motorhome and trailer down any stupidly small road I point him at, whereas I would be much more cautious.

On the flip side, I can navigate us anywhere, while he… struggles. It’s not that he can’t read a map or sat-nav, but he gets distracted easily and therefore misses a junction- usually when the next one is 7000 miles away.

So he mainly drives and I navigate. Other couples prefer to split the driving. Similarly, he will prepare the outside of the van for driving, whilst I do the inside jobs. It’s all about finding whatever rhythm works for you.

Allow for mistakes

But most important is to allow for mistakes- especially if you’re fairly new to road tripping together. It’s highly likely that your partner won’t know what you know and vice versa.

Be kind to each other, especially when parking the motorhome, or trying to figure out how things work. I guarantee something will go wrong on your road trip- something always does. It’s how you deal with it that matters most.

Road trip survival kit

More Couples Road Trip Advice

Here are some more tips to help things go smoothly

  • Stop regularly for breaks and to stretch your legs- tiredness does not help in a happy road trip
  • Keep a supply handy of easy-to-eat road trip snacks – hunger is also not your friend. If you’re in a van, be sure to grab one of these cute motorhome mugs to make your partner smile when they see it.
  • Make sure you have an epic road trip playlist to pass the time. Now is NOT the time to bring up sensitive issues. Being trapped in a small space can make things really awkward. Wait until you are either outside and can walk away if you need to, or ideally until your trip is over!
  • Alternatively, have some fun road trip games or questions to ask your partner, such as the ones in our Road Trip Survival Kit . Be warned- these can get competitive!
  • Be honest about when you need some space. Your partner is not a mind reader and doesn’t know when you’ve had enough and need a break. I usually make it really obvious by grabbing the dog and walking out the door, but there have been plenty of times where I’ve drawn the curtain across the van and put in my noise cancelling headphones… just for a break. (Trust me, those things are a godsend!)
  • Write in a road trip logbook , so you remember all your adventures in the future

I hope that helps you feel more confident about your upcoming couples road trip. If you have any other tips, feel free to share them below so we can all benefit. And feel free to share a copy of this with your partner before your road trip, so they can be on the same page as you.

Just print it out and leave it casually laying around. Sellotape it to the back of the toilet door. Or staple it to their forehead. Whatever works… 😉 Good luck!

Next steps- useful posts to help you further:

  • How to plan the ULTIMATE UK road trip
  • 100+ awesome road trip quotes
  • How to quit your job and travel (yep, for real)

See all our road trip planning tips and advice here

Kathryn Bird

Kat never planned to buy a motorhome. She also never planned to quit her job as an air traffic controller, go touring around Europe in said motorhome, start one of the UK’s largest motorhome travel websites… or get a cocker spaniel.

Find out how she went from stuck in the rat race to being a digital nomad and inspiring thousands of people to have their own epic adventures here.

If you’d like to connect with Kat, send her an email or follow her adventures on social media.

Sharing is caring!

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Plan, Ready, Go®

Essential Road Trip Tips for Couples

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Taking a road trip with your significant other can be a thrilling way to explore new destinations and strengthen your bond. It’s the ultimate adventure, combining travel flexibility with many other benefits. But road-tripping with your partner can also present some unique challenges. Here are my top tips for couples going on a road trip together.

A couple in a small convertible on a winding road at sunset.

This post includes affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.  See disclaimer.

Plan together

When you’re thinking about taking on a road trip with your spouse, planning your trip together is not just necessary, but also part of the fun! It’s a great idea to approach your itinerary and preparations as a team.

Discuss and decide on destinations , routes, and sites you both are excited about. Be upfront about your budget limits and make sure to carefully plan for expenses like gas, lodging , and food.

Open communication is essential for choosing your list of places to stop and activities to do. Don’t forget to account for each other’s travel style. Maybe one of you likes museum stops, while the other prefers nature and hiking. Incorporate both so that everyone’s happy.

TIP: Keep track of all of your important travel details with a digital travel planner like this .

Share driving duties

Sharing driving responsibilities with your road trip partner prevents fatigue and it keeps both of you engaged in the trip. A well-rested driver is safer and more alert. This is especially important for road trips with longer driving days.

Hubby truly enjoys driving, and I’m not the biggest fan of driving in unfamiliar areas. I’m always willing to drive when Hubby needs me to on our road trips, but in actual practice, I almost never do the driving.

For many couples, splitting driving duty will work well.

  • Discuss and agree on a driving schedule that suits both your driving preferences and energy levels. Perhaps you’re a morning person and your partner thrives in the evening; use that to your advantage.
  • While sticking to a plan is helpful, be ready to adapt if one of you needs a break. Keep communication open and honest about how you’re feeling physically.
  • Switching drivers can also make the trip more enjoyable, as both of you get the chance to sit back and admire the scenery.

Have a plan for driving breaks

Don’t forget to plan for driving breaks to prevent fatigue and enhance your overall road trip experience. It’s a great idea to set a routine that keeps both of you fresh and alert. Aim to stop every two hours or so.

Stretch your legs, take in some scenery, or grab a quick snack. Or even better, you might align your breaks with specific landmarks or points of interest so your stop is about more than just taking a driving break. It’s a simple way to make each break seem like a mini-adventure in itself.

over-the-shoulder view of a woman writing and sketching in a travel journal in the back of a car, her feet up on the side window

Use GuideAlong

When you’re planning a road trip, having an audio guide can enhance your trip significantly. GuideAlong is an app that offers audio tours, including many popular options for exploring U.S. National Parks .

We’ve used many GuieAlong tours , and each one has been a wonderful addition to our driving and exploring. They’re really a lot of fun!

Pack plenty of drinks and snacks

What’s a road trip without road trip snacks? That’s just a car ride. A boring car ride.

For lengthy road trips from home, we bring our cooler along to keep our food and drinks cool while on the road. For road trips where the drives between stops might be on the shorter side, a couple of ice packs and an insulated re-usable grocery shopping bag might be enough.

Hubby has some strict dietary restrictions because of his celiac disease, so we have to be careful about what we pack. Check out some of our favorite gluten-free road trip snacks .

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial on a road trip. It can keep your energy levels up and help you stay alert at the wheel. Remember to drink water regularly. We always keep our water re-usable water bottles handy and refilled.

Find great things to talk about

Engaging in good conversations can be one of the joys of a road trip with your partner. To make sure you’re never at a loss for topics, use these prompts to kick-start your conversation.

Or try a fun road trip trivia game like this .

Two girls traveling by car near the water.

Embrace the silence

When you’re on a road trip, it’s natural to want to prevent silence, filling every moment with conversation, audiobooks, podcasts, or music. But sometimes, the quiet spaces are exactly what you need. So, instead of fearing the silence, welcome it as an opportunity to appreciate each other’s company without the need for words.

It’s a chance to soak in the scenery, reflect on your journey so far, and gather thoughts for the next adventure ahead.

Spend more time exploring than driving

When planning your road trip as a couple, prioritize the destinations you most want to experience, rather than just covering long distances behind the wheel.

Do you have a travel bucket list ? Can you check any of those items off your list on your road trip?

Plot out the sights, landmarks, and attractions that you’re both interested in seeing. I also recommend that you set a maximum amount of time you’ll spend driving each day and leave room in your schedule for some spontaneous stops or exploring.

With a flexible schedule, you’re also less likely to feel rushed and can truly soak in each place you stop.

Romantic couple is standing near green retro car on the beach.

Managing expectations

When you take a road trip with your partner, managing your expectations for the trip is important. Discuss what each of you wants out of the trip. Be clear about your desires and limitations (whether financial or otherwise).

  • List your must-see destinations and activities. Discuss them with your spouse to find common ground.
  • Consider time constraints and distance. It’s better to have a comfortable pace than to rush through attractions.
  • Acknowledge that you both may have different ideas about spending and activities. Establish a travel budget that respects both of your financial comfort zones.

Be patient and understanding

Patience is key to a harmonious road trip with your partner. Staying level-headed during delays or mishaps allows you both to tackle challenges together. Easier said than done, right? Fortunately, for me and Hubby, when one of us is upset or stressed the other is usually pretty calm.

Unexpected events are part of road tripping: a flat tire, a wrong turn, or a surprise road closure. These moments test your team spirit, but facing them together is part of why you’re road-tripping together.

We’ve also found that it helps to acknowledge each other’s strengths and contributions to the trip. A ‘thank you’ or a ‘good job’ to the other goes a long way during the long days on the road.

back of a car packed for a summer road trip

Avoid overpacking

When road-tripping, it’s easy to assume that you might need every conceivable item. Plus, you have a whole car, so why not fill it with everything you own? However, overpacking can lead to a cluttered car (yuck) and added stress. Who wants to drag a car’s worth of stuff into and out of each hotel room every time you stop? Not me!

I’ve said it 12 million times, and I’ll say it again: pack versatile clothes that can be mixed and matched and layered. You don’t need dozens of outfit options per day. Trust me on this.

Find more packing tips

  • How to avoid overpacking
  • Strategies for maximizing the space in your suitcase
  • Pack light for your next trip

Oh, and make sure you’re disposing of your trash at each stop…in an appropriate trash can.

Bring a physical map or road atlas

While technology offers convenience for finding your way from stop to stop, there’s something reassuring about having a physical map or road atlas on your road trip. Paper maps are your reliable backups when technology fails . A physical map doesn’t require a battery or signal, so you won’t have to worry about losing your way even if your devices do.

Woman sitting in the driver's seat of a car looking at a paper map.

Keep devices charged

Maintaining a full battery on your devices can make or break the convenience of your road trip experience.

Get yourself a multi-port car charger . This allows you and your travel buddy to charge multiple devices at once without fighting for the lone outlet.

Bring along extra-long cables if you can. The added length means you can use your phone freely while it’s connected, regardless of where the outlet is in your car.

Consider purchasing a portable power bank . They come in handy when exploring all day outside the vehicle, so you’re never without a power source. Of course, you just need to make sure your power bank is fully charged before you set out.

Keep essentials within easy reach

While on the road, it’s wise to have key items readily accessible.

  • Begin by packing a reusable water bottle for each of you and keeping filled and always them close by.
  • Keep lunches and snacks within arm’s reach so you don’t need to stop to grab a quick bite unless you want to.
  • Spare charging cables
  • Paper maps or a road atlas

The bottom line

Going on a road trip with your spouse can be a wonderful experience filled with great memories. Remember to communicate openly and pack your patience. Stay flexible and open to the unexpected adventures that may arise.

More articles about road trips

  • New to road trips? Get the best tips for your first road trip
  • Road trip pros and cons
  • Find great gluten-free snacks for your road trip
  • Things to do while you’re on a long road trip
  • Road trip trivia game
  • Spark great conversation with these road trip questions

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Darcy Vierow is a busy professional and travel planning expert with years of experience maximizing travel with limited time and on a less-than-average salary. Her tips have been published by Forbes,, Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Finance, Aol, Newsbreak and GOBankingRates. Read more about Darcy Vierow .

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Happily Ever Adventures

Ultimate Guide to a Road Trip for Couples – Without Fighting!

Love · Relationship Advice · Travel · Travel Tips

Today’s post on a road trip for couples is sponsored by Boulder Canyon Foods .

Road trip for couples

Today we are sharing our ultimate guide to a road trip for couples! Traveling is one of our absolute favorite things to do together. We love going new places together and exploring new things. It helps keep our relationship fun and exciting.

Whenever possible, our favorite type of travel is a couples road trip. Whether that means just getting in the car and heading out without a pre determined destination or renting a car in a foreign country and traveling around, following our own path when we travel means road trips!

We love that we can stop whenever and wherever we want to explore. It gives us full control over our itinerary and we can stop in little towns that we never would’ve discovered otherwise. 

Besides just being a great way to travel, we think a road trip for couples are such a great relationship booster! It’s an amazing time to bond together. When else do you have so much uninterrupted time together?

We find that a couples road trip always gets really interesting topics of conversation going for us. We bond in such a meaningful way. That being said, road trips for couples aren’t always easy!

They are also a good test to your relationship since you’re spending so much time together and things can go wrong.

Here’s our ultimate guide to a road trip for couples, including a checklist of things to take with you, road trip games for couples, fun things for couples to do on a road trip, road trip questions for couples, and how to maximize the trip for the ultimate relationship boost. 

The Ultimate Guide to a Road Trip for Couples – Without Fighting!

Road trip for couples

Fun Things for Couples to Do on a Road Trip

The best part of a road trip for couples is the journey and not just the destination! Here are some of our favorite fun things for couples to do on a road trip. 

Road trip for couples

Isn’t the best part of any road trip the snacks? A road trip for couples is no different! We probably give more thought to packing our food for a couples road trip than we even do our travel bag #priorities. We love bringing along a mix of sweet, salty, and crunchy options and try to keep the options as healthy as possible. Feeling gross after eating a ton of junk food is NOT a fun thing for couples to do on a road trip.

One of our latest favorite couples road trip snack finds are chips from Boulder Canyon . They provide that hearty crunch we crave with chips, but it’s a smarter choice in snacking. Boulder Canyon chips are made from simple ingredients, no trans fats, and are cooked in oils like avocado oil, olive oil, and coconut oil. My favorite flavor is the sea salt and cracked pepper made with avocado oil and Bassam’s favorite is the malt vinegar and sea salt. They recently re-branded and their new message is, “follow your path and take Boulder Canyon with you”. We absolutely love that because we feel like when we go on a couples road trip, it’s all about us following our path and we love taking Boulder Canyon along! Check out their new redesigned packaging that celebrates their 25th anniversary and is inspired by their heritage in the Flatirons of Colorado. 

2. Listen to a podcast on shorter couples road trips

I love listening to podcasts on my own and I’ve recently gotten Bassam into listening to them with me when we go on a a romantic road trip. Our absolute favorite is How I Built This , a podcast that follows the story of various entrepreneurs and brands. It’s super inspiring and we love learning how our favorite brands got there start. We have a full list of podcasts for couples here .

Podcasts are especially great for shorter couples road trips, because you can binge listen to a few of them by the time you get to your destination.

For extra bonding on your road trip for couples, spend some time in between episodes discussing your favorite takeaways. We usually find that we each pick up on different things and it leads to great conversation. It’s also interesting to see how you may each interpret what you listened to differently. It’s a great way of learning more about how your partner thinks and processes information.

3. Listen to an audio book on a longer road trip for couples

One of our favorite fun things for couples to do on a road trip is listen to an audio book. Picking one together before we leave on our couples road trip helps us get excited for the trip and we usually pick something that we know we will both enjoy.

We tend to stick with mysteries and thrillers. We also like choosing books that are set wherever we are traveling. 

Tip: download a few before you leave, that way if the first one you try doesn’t interest you both you can switch to another. Give it at least an hour or two before switching, as sometimes audio books can take some time to get into. You might also want to try increasing the speed.

Here are a few audio books we’ve recently loved on our road trip for couples:

  • Project Hail Mary by, Andy Weil
  • The Last Thing He Told Me by, Laura Dave
  • Robert Gailbraith series
  • Fair Play by, Eve Rodsky
  • Everything is Figureoutable by, Marie Forleo
  • The Scribe of Siena by, Melodie Winawer

4. Play road trip games for couples

Fun things for couples to do on a road trip

Couples road trip games are so much fun for us! We will often take a listening break from podcasts of audio books on our couples road trip to play some games together. We have a full list of road trip games for couples in the next section of this post. 

5. Ask each other road trip questions for couples

We love asking each other road trip questions for couples while we are on a couples road trip. It’s such a great way to have new and fresh conversations while learning more about each other. We can get really into some of the questions and have really long conversations that we wouldn’t ordinarily have. Such a great way to spice it up! We have a list of road trip questions for couples further down in the post.

7 Road Trip Games for Couples

We absolutely love playing couples road trip games! It’s such a great way to make the time pass faster, have fun together, and get a little silly with each other. Here are some fun road trip games for couples!

1. Guess that flavor

Road trip for couples

As we mentioned above, we love taking tons of snacks along on our road trip for couples. A fun road trip game for couples is to have the passenger feed the driver snacks, without the driver looking at what they are being fed. The driver then has to guess what the snack is or what the flavor is. We especially love doing this with Boulder Canyon chips since they come in so many great flavors like sea salt, malt vinegar and sea salt, Hickory BBQ, sea salt and cracked pepper, buffalo ranch, etc. If I REALLY want to test Bassam’s foodie skills, I’ll have him guess what type of oil is used in that chip! Olive oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil. 

You can do this with anything though! Jellybeans are another fun one! We just really love taking Boulder Canyon chips on our couples road trips!

2. The License Plates Game

A classic, but it’s a classic for a reason. We actually play this road trip game for couples all the time and not just when we are on a couples road trip.

The way we play it, we start over each day but technically rules state that you carry on the plates you’ve seen from the whole road trip. The first person to see an out of state license plate calls out the name of the state and lightly punches the other person. S

ince this is a road trip game for couples, we suggest replacing the punch with something like a kiss or a caress, but whatever floats your boat!

3. Relationship 21 Questions

Update a classic game of 21 questions by having all questions revolve around your relationship. You can choose things like a favorite date spot, where you got engaged, who introduced you, first movie you saw together, etc. It’s a fun way to take a little trip down memory lane.

Another way we’ve updated this class road trip game is by doing “future” 21 questions. We pick things like a place we want to travel together, a bucket list activity we want to do together, etc. To make it easier, we tell the other person the theme at the start. It’s a great way to get to know more about each other while playing fun road trip games for couples.

4. Pick up a “hitchhiker”

Road trip for couples

This is one of the best road trip games for couples who have been together a long time! Spice things up a bit by pretending to be strangers. The driver will pretend they’ve picked up the passenger as a “hitchhiker”. The passenger will need to make up a story about who they are and where they are going. Over time, the conversation gets flirty and you take it from there!

Alternatively, if you don’t want to pretend to be someone else, just pretend you’ve just met and this is a first date. Break out your most charming first date conversations and flirtations. Sometimes a little novelty like this can add a lot of spark to a long term relationship!

5. Make up stories on your road trip for couples

One of our favorite road trip games for couples is to make up stories about other cars passing us by. We’ll dream up lives for them, create personalities for them, and more.

You can get really creative with this! Like maybe they are a group of international spies and they just mistook your car for villains they are on the hunt for! Creative activities like this are a great way to boost your bond together and get a little silly together!

6. Would You Rather questions for couples

Would you rather questions for couples

Would You Rather is a classic road trip game, but road trip games for couples like this one help you learn more about each other. We’ve been together for over 17 years, but we still learn more about each other when we play games like this! For Would You Rather questions for couples, try picking outrageous questions, gross questions, serious questions, steamy questions, or questions of things you’d like to know each other or do in your relationship. There are so many ways to take this game! This is one of the few road trip games for couples that we’ll play for hours before getting tired.

Would You Rather Questions for couples:

  • Would you rather eat Boulder Canyon BBQ chips or Sea Salt and Cracked Pepper?
  • Would you rather lose the ability to lie or believe everything you’re told?
  • Would you rather only vacation by the beach or in the city?
  • Would you rather have three kids and no money or no kids but unlimited money?
  • Would you rather have a morally questionable job and make tons of money or help people in your job and make very little money?
  • Would you rather die in 5 years with no regrets or die in 20 years with lots of regrets?
  • Would you rather travel 5o0 years into the future or 500 years into the past?
  • Would you rather give up Google or social media?
  • Would you rather give up your phone or your car?
  • Would you rather lose all your memories from birth or not be able to make any new memories?
  • Would you rather be happy with your achievements and not accomplish a lot or accomplish a lot but never be happy with your achievements? 
  • Would you rather be hated for doing a good thing or be loved for doing a bad thing?

7. Adult Mad Libs

This is a fun blast from the past turned road trip game for couples. Download an Adult Mad Libs app and have the passenger ask the driver for the parts of speech needed. At the end, you’ll have a funny Mad Libs story to read!

10 Road Trip Questions for Couples

Road trip for couples

We love road trip questions for couples because it helps us learn so much more about each other. The best part of a road trip for couples is that you get to bond more, have great conversations, and learn new things about each other.

Asking each other road trip questions for couples is a great way to get the conversation flowing and open up topics of conversation that you may never have talked about. Take turns asking each other your own questions or try our suggestions for enlightening road trip questions for couples.

Road trip questions for couples

1. If you could know the date you’d die, would you want to know?

2. If you were going to die in 5 years, what would you do with the rest of your life? Why aren’t you doing those things right now ?

3. If you could be any character in a TV show or in a movie, who would you choose?

4. If you could only eat two foods again for the rest of your life, what would they be?

5. What are your favorite things about yourself?

6. What are your favorite things about me?

7. What is your favorite date we’ve been on?

8. If you could go anywhere in the world with me, where would you want to go?

9. What are your core values? ( Check out this post for a step-by-step guide to figuring out your values )

10. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?

How to minimize fights on a road trip for couples

Road trip for couples

While road trips for couples are a great way to bond, they can also lead to some fighting and arguments. Here are a few ways to minimize arguing on your couples road trip and just have a great time together!

1. Bring snacks for your couples road trip

Couples road trip

Sounds silly, but we tend to notice that we bicker the most on couples road trips when we are hangry. Make sure you’re well equipped with snacks for when hunger strikes. We love Boulder Canyon chips because they are hearty enough to quell hunger, made of simple ingredients that we can feel good about, and deliver a satisfying crunch for any salty cravings!

2. Minimize FOMO on your couples road trip

One thing that always leads to fighting for us is a feeling of FOMO while on a road trip. I always want to see EVERYTHING and feel stressed when I feel like we are going to be missing out on things. When I get into a FOMO state of mind, I can get easily irritated and a bit grumpy. It has been important for me to work on not having FOMO to minimize fights during our couples road trips. 

Here’s what works for me:

  • I figure out my TOP things that I absolutely must do on the trip to make it feel like a success for me
  • I accept that no matter what, we aren’t going to be able to see and do everything
  • I remind myself that if we really love it, we can always plan a return trip
  • I try to remember that if I’m having FOMO, I’m just wasting time from being able to enjoy the moment
  • I try to enjoy the moment. The more I’m enjoying the moment and am focused on the moment, the more I’m able to let go of the things we don’t have time to see and do

3. Have an idea of where you want to go, but don’t plan too much

One of our favorite parts of a couples road trip is being able to be a little spontaneous. It adds excitement and adventure to the trip, which in turn adds excitement to our relationship. The best way to be able to be spontaneous during a couples road trip is by not over planning it. We try to know overall what our itinerary will look like, approximately what the route will look like, and a few proposed rest stops.

If we aren’t traveling during a busy season, then we won’t pre-book any hotels. This gives us the freedom to be able stop wherever we like or change our route if we find something interesting. If we are traveling during high season then we aren’t able to do this, but we love the flexibility it gives us when we can do it!

You’ll also want to do what works best for your individual personalities here. If too much spontaneity tends to stress you out and lead to fights, then you might want to plan a little more. Know yourselves and do what works best for you two. 

Road trip for couples

4. Set a budget

Finances are often a huge source of tension for couples. Figure out a budget for your couples road trip and stick to it. You may want to know exactly how much you can spend in a day and factor in padding in case things go wrong or you end up having to spend a little more in some situations. 

To make your budget as realistic as possible, do a little research before you leave on what prices are like for fuel, food, admissions, hotels, etc where you’ll be road tripping through.

5. Have a go with the flow attitude

Consider having a “go with the flow” attitude. Whatever happens, consider it part of the adventure and just go with it! This will help many tense moments go by smoothly and help you potentially enjoy parts of the trip that you wouldn’t have otherwise.

6. Consider switching off driving responsibilities

While Bassam usually always wants to drive, I convince him to switch off with me for a longer road trip for couples. We find that when we switch up who is driving every few hours, we both get tired less quickly and it keeps things less boring. This allows us to drive for longer stretches of time without feeling tired.

7. Choose priorities

If you’re anything like us, then you may have different travel styles and preferences than each other. Bassam and I usually want to see and do completely different things when we travel. To make sure we are both getting to do what we want to do, we each choose our top 3 things that we want to do on the trip. We prioritize doing each of our top 3 things before adding anything else. This helps minimize any disagreements about what to do because we both know that we are going to be able to do our top things.

8. Be prepared

Make sure you have everything you need, like car insurance. Make sure the car’s maintenance is up to date, for example tires and oil change. We often like to rent a car for our couples road trips, but do whatever works best for you here. Make a packing list before leaving and make sure to take everything. You can also follow our road trip checklist for couples, further down in the post.

How to use a couples road trip to bond

Couples road trip

1. Set an intention for your couples road trip

Before going on any trip, we share with each other what our intention for the trip is. We try to have at least one thing that’s geared towards our relationship and one thing that’s not. We find this to be really helpful so that we go about the trip with mindfulness and we can get out of the trip what we were looking to get. At the end of the trip, we discuss whether or not we felt we accomplished our intention. It’s also a great thing to think about during rocky moments of the trip. 

2. Re frame mishaps as an adventure on your couples road trip

Mishaps are bound to happen on a road trip for couples. You can choose to let it ruin your trip and fight over it or you can choose to see it as part of the adventure. Keep in mind that years from now, it’s going to be a great story and not feel as terrible as it does in the moment. Try to think of it from that perspective so that you can enjoy it NOW.

3. Take rest stops during your road trip for couples

It can be easy to try to avoid rest stops to get to your destination quicker, but a big part of an enjoyable couples road trip with maximized bonding opportunities is enjoying the journey. You never know what you mind find at a rest stop! We’ve found some of the most interesting places while on a road trip for couples because we pulled over for a rest stop.

Road Trip Checklist for Couples

Here’s a road trip checklist for couples for the most important things you’ll need to take on your couples road trip!

Road trip checklist for couples

By now you probably know we love Boulder Chips for our couples road trips. Find snacks you love that taste great, satisfy cravings and hunger, and are also healthy so you don’t end up feeling terrible on your couples road trip. Besides Boulder Canyon Chips , we bring along cut up fruits and vegetables, popcorn, dried fruit and nuts, and bars. Bringing your own snacks is also a great way to stick to your budget!

You never know what might happen on your couples road trip and it’s always best to be prepared. We suggest bringing along some blankets and pillows just in case you can’t get a hotel that night and need to sleep in your car. You’ll be able to make the backseat comfy and it’ll all just feel like part of the adventure.

3. Offline map

Yes, most of us have navigation on our phones or in the car, but what will you do if you don’t have phone connection during parts of your road trip? We always download an offline option of Google Maps before road trips. During a road trip through Alaska , we brought along a paper map. 

4. Fun things for couples to do on a road trip

To keep your road trip for couples fun and exciting, bring along a few fun things to do. You may want to bring music, pre download podcasts or audio books, or bring road trip games for couples.

5. Spare key

Just in case! You never know and don’t want to be stuck!

6. Wet wipes, napkins, hand  sanitizer, toilet paper

These come in handy when on the road! Plus, you never know how equipped or not rest stop bathrooms with be!

7. All the practical stuff

The practical stuff is all self explanatory and a no brainer, but they can still be easy to forget! Since forgetting something like this can be a big deal and often not easily replaceable, make sure you have all of these items on the road trip checklist for couples.

  • Car registration
  • Car insurance
  • Driver license 
  • Car user manual
  • First aid kit
  • Car charger for your phone

We hope this guide to a road trip for couples was helpful for you! Wishing you an amazing journey wherever your path takes you! If you’d like to take Boulder Canyon along on your couples road trip, check it out here !

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The Ultimate Guide to a Road Trip for Couples. Tips to prevent arguments and make your couples road trip improve your relationship. Plus, tons of fun things to do on your couples road trip like road trip games for couples and road trip questions for couples, plus a road trip packing checklist

March 6, 2019 at 8:30 am

These pictures are awesome!! Did you use your tripod for these?? So impressed, if so! And yum to the snacks! They look delicious.

Katherine |

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March 6, 2019 at 4:54 pm

Hi Katherine, thank you so much! Yes we did! The in the car ones didn’t come out exactly as I envisioned, but it was challenging with a closed car and tripod. Yes, LOVE Boulder Canyon!

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July 11, 2019 at 6:52 am

These are super fun tips. I need to figure out how to take car pictures because we road trip a LOT. We love podcasts, snacks and we have been reading The Chronicles of Narnia on our long car trips.

July 15, 2019 at 8:20 pm

Love you two road trip a lot! Which podcasts do you like to listen to together?

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June 18, 2020 at 6:51 pm

I wonder if this was sponsored by boulder chips

June 26, 2020 at 1:15 pm

There’s a disclaimer stating it up top! I hope you still found the information useful!

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March 18, 2021 at 3:09 am

Much needed suggestions. Thank you.

May 7, 2021 at 4:56 pm

So glad it was helpful!

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401 Couples Questions for Road Trips That Your Partner Will Love (30+ categories, Games and Podcasts)

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Are you looking for the best   couples questions for road trips ? We’ve got you covered! Whether you’re looking for fun travel questions for couples or road trip questions for married couples , you’ll find them in this post!

Eric and I have been dating for years and we’ve lived in four different countries together. We’ve experienced many  different date ideas  from fun beach dates to hiking dates ! But romantic road trips are definitely one of our favorite things to do as a couple. From road tripping along the BC coast to road tripping across Arizona and Utah , we’ve spent hours on the road, which can sometimes feel a bit boring!

So to spice up your road trips together, we’ve put together some of our favorite questions for couples on a road trips. These will help you connect better and enjoy your adventure together even more! Note that we organized all these road trip questions by category for ease of use.

***Some of the links in this post are affiliate links meaning we earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. This does not change the fact that we only recommend products, stays, activities and attractions we are satisfied with and all opinions expressed here are our own

Us in the gorges in Crete while on our romantic road trip to pink beach

Why do you need the best couples questions for road trips?

The beauty of the best couples’ questions for road trips lies in the opportunities they provide. As you and your partner embark on the open road, these questions can serve as important tools to shape your journey in meaningful ways.

New couples questions for road trips

At the start of a relationship, you might find these questions useful for triage. They offer great conversation starters , potentially turning an awkwardly quiet car ride into a lively discussion filled with laughter and discovery. It’s a wonderful way to delve deeper into understanding each other and examine whether your core values align, which is essential for deciding whether to continue dating or not.

Long term couples questions for road trips

As your relationship matures over the years, these questions maintain their relevance, helping to keep your connection fresh and exciting. There’s always a chance to uncover something new about your partner , as people continually evolve over time. It’s equally important to understand your partner’s current perspectives and perhaps learn about things they might do differently now. Engaging in real, meaningful conversations on couples road trips can strengthen your bond and make it easier to navigate potentially difficult topics.

Pass time for an interesting road trip

Beyond the deep insights and shared laughter, these questions also provide a fun way to pass the time during long drives. We always recommend road trips as a good date idea whether that’d be in the morning or evening. Road trips are amazing in helping us disconnect from screens and phones and reconnect with ourselves. That’s especially true if you decide to road trip date along the beach for example as the proximity to the sea always provides relaxation. But these trips can be long and driving can get boring if no conversation is going. Those couples questions for road trips are a great remedy to this problem and will make the longest road trip enjoyeable.

Twist the rules

As a twist on the usual format, consider asking your partner what they think your answer would be to a question. It’s a fantastic way to see how well you know each other and to add a playful touch to the game.

Deeper connection and quality time together

Ultimately, the best road trips for couples are not just about admiring stunning landscapes or sharing romantic sunsets. They are about feeling connected and being fully present with your partner, both physically and mentally. This is where the value of couples’ road trip questions truly shines through. We recommend using these questions to enhance your travel experience, making your journey as rewarding as the destination itself.

Couples questions for road trips: Favorite cuisines

  • What’s your favorite dish to eat and why?
  • If you could only eat one cuisine for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • What’s the most unusual food you’ve ever tried?
  • Do you enjoy spicy food?
  • Do you have a favorite restaurant?
  • Which country’s cuisine do you find the most appetizing?
  • What’s your favorite dessert?
  • Is there any food that you absolutely dislike?
  • Do you prefer eating out or home-cooked meals?
  • What’s your favorite dish to cook?
  • What’s your favorite dish to eat?
  • Do you prefer sweet or savory foods?
  • Do you enjoy trying new foods and recipes?
  • What’s your favorite comfort food?
  • Do you prefer home-cooked meals or eating out?
  • What’s a food you disliked as a kid but enjoy now?
  • Do you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions?
  • What’s your favorite meal of the day?

Couples questions for road trips: Future goals

  • What are your personal goals for the next five years?
  • Where do you see us in ten years?
  • Do you have any unfulfilled dreams or ambitions?
  • How do you plan to achieve your goals?
  • What’s the biggest goal you’ve achieved so far?
  • What would you like to change about your current life?
  • Do you believe in setting New Year’s resolutions?
  • How would you like to grow personally in the coming year?
  • Is there any particular skill or hobby you would like to learn?
  • Are there any life milestones you are eager to reach?

Road trip quizzes for couples: Communication techniques

  • How do you handle conflicts?
  • What’s the best way for me to express that I’m upset with you?
  • How do you prefer to resolve disagreements?
  • Do you think it’s important to always be honest, even when it might hurt the other person’s feelings?
  • How would you like me to show support when you’re going through a tough time?
  • Do you believe in taking breaks during an argument?
  • How do you feel about discussing our relationship with others?
  • What’s one thing you think we could improve in our communication?
  • How important is it for you to express love verbally?
  • How would you let me know if something I do bothers you?

Couples questions for road trips: Parenting style

  • What values would you like to instill in our children?
  • How would you handle disagreements regarding child-rearing?
  • What are your views on discipline and rewards?
  • How do you feel about balancing work and family?
  • How involved would you want to be in our child’s school activities?
  • How would you approach our child’s education?
  • How would you handle it if our child was going through a difficult phase?
  • How important is it to you to have family traditions?
  • What is the one thing you wish your parents did differently that you want to implement in our parenting?
  • What kind of relationship would you want our child to have with their grandparents?

One of the best couples questions for road trips

Car ride questions for couples: Ideal date nights

  • What would your perfect date night look like?
  • What’s your favorite last minute date we’ve done?
  • Do you prefer a cozy night in or a fun night out?
  • Is there a particular movie or show you’d love to watch on a date night?
  • What type of restaurant would you choose for a romantic dinner?
  • How do you feel about surprise date nights?
  • Would you like to take turns planning date nights?
  • Do you think it’s important to keep dating even after years of being together?
  • How often do you think we should have date nights?
  • What are some date night activities you’d love to try?

Travel questions for couples on a road trip

  • What’s a destination on your bucket list and why?
  • What would be your ideal vacation?
  • Is there a particular culture or country you’re interested in?
  • Which city resonates with your personality the most and why?
  • Would you prefer a relaxing beach vacation or an adventure-filled vacation?
  • Would you rather fly or cruise with unlimited international first class?
  • Would you consider eloping?
  • Would you rather elope in California or Montana ?
  • Would you rather elope in Ireland or California?
  • Do you have a favorite travel memory?
  • Are there any landmarks or world wonders you dream of seeing?
  • If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  • What type of accommodation do you prefer on a vacation?
  • Have you ever stayed at a luxury hotel room?
  • Would you prefer road tripping Portugal or road tripping Ireland ?
  • What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
  • Would you rather stay at a cute cabin like in Oklahoma or at luxurious Greek suites?
  • Do you enjoy camping and spending time in nature?
  • Would you prefer staying at a vintage hotel on Route 66 or going glamping in Ireland ?
  • What’s one travel memory you keep close to your heart?
  • What’s the most challenging hike or climb you’ve ever done?
  • Name three things you can’t forget on your packing list?
  • Do you like exploring new places on your own or with a group?
  • What are two travel tips you wish you’d known before traveling together?
  • What’s the most spontaneous adventure you’ve ever embarked on?

Couples questions for road trips: National Parks

  • If we could visit any National Park in the world tomorrow, which one would you choose?
  • What National Park do you think best represents your personality and why?
  • If we were to have a dream vacation in a National Park, which one would it be and what activities would we do?
  • If you could choose a National Park to live in for a year, which one would it be?
  • Which National Park do you think offers the most thrilling adventure activities?
  • If we were to take a week-long camping trip in a National Park, which one would you prefer?
  • If we could get married in any National Park, which one would it be and why?
  • Which National Park do you think best represents our relationship and why?
  • If I were a National Park, which one do you think I’d be?
  • What’s one National Park you’ve always wanted to visit but haven’t yet?

Couples questions for road trips: US states

  • If you could live in any U.S. state for a year, which one would you choose and why?
  • Which U.S. state do you think best represents your personality?
  • If we were to plan a road trip across one U.S. state, which one should it be and what places would we visit?
  • What U.S. state do you think offers the most diverse cultural experiences?
  • If you could retire in any U.S. state, which one would it be and why?
  • Which U.S. state do you believe has the best cuisine?
  • If you were to compare our relationship to a U.S. state, which one would it be and why?
  • If I were a U.S. state, which one do you think I’d be?
  • Which U.S. state have you always wanted to visit, but haven’t had the chance to yet?
  • If we could get married in any U.S. state, which one would it be and why?

Couples questions for road trips: Cleaning responsibilities

  • How important is cleanliness and organization to you?
  • How do you feel about sharing household chores?
  • Do you prefer to clean as you go or set aside a specific day for cleaning?
  • Is there a household chore you absolutely hate doing?
  • How would you handle it if one of us is not pulling their weight with the household chores?
  • How often should deep cleaning tasks (like cleaning the oven, washing the windows) be done?
  • Who is responsible for yard maintenance or other outdoor chores?
  • How would we divide chores if both of us are working?
  • Would you be open to hiring professional help for cleaning?
  • How would you feel about a messy or cluttered room?

Fun couple car questions?

In this section, we share some fun road trip questions for couples that are different from questions that would naturally come to you. Check out these couple questions fun guaranteed!

  • If you could teleport us to any place in the world right now, where would it be and why?
  • If you could pick any fictional character to join us on this road trip, who would you pick?
  • What was the most memorable road trip you ever went on before we met?
  • If we had an unlimited budget for this trip, what’s the first thing you would upgrade or add?
  • If you could learn any new skill or hobby during this road trip, what would it be?
  • What’s your dream road trip snack if calories didn’t count?
  • If you could switch roles with one celebrity for a day, who would you pick and why?
  • If our road trip had a theme song, what would it be?
  • If you could add any car feature to improve our road trips, what would it be?
  • What’s the weirdest or most out-of-the-box road trip destination you would want to go to?

Couples questions for road trips: Family traditions

  • What’s your favorite family tradition from your childhood?
  • Is there a tradition you would like to carry on with our family?
  • What new traditions would you like to start?
  • How important are holidays and celebrations to you?
  • How do you feel about splitting holidays between our families?
  • What’s the best family vacation you’ve ever had?

Couples road trip questions: Fitness and health

  • How important is regular exercise to you?
  • What are your favorite ways to stay active?
  • How do you maintain a balanced diet?
  • Is there a sport you’ve always wanted to try?
  • How would you encourage each other to stay healthy?
  • What are your thoughts on joining a gym or fitness class together?
  • Do you believe in mental health days?
  • How do you handle stress and maintain mental wellness?
  • What are your thoughts on alternative medicine?
  • How important is it to you to have regular medical check-ups?

Couples questions for road trips: Hobbies and interests

  • What is your favorite pastime activity and why?
  • Is there a hobby you’d like to pursue?
  • What is something you enjoy doing that you could teach me?
  • How would you feel about trying out my hobbies?
  • What hobby do you wish you had more time for?
  • Is there a book, film, or music album that significantly influenced you?
  • Do you have a hobby or interest that you think is unique?
  • How important is it to have shared hobbies in a relationship?
  • How would you feel about taking up a new hobby together?
  • Is there a hobby that you used to enjoy but no longer do?

Questions to ask on a road trip couples will like about career goals

  • What does your dream job look like?
  • What motivates you in your current job?
  • Is there a career you’ve always wanted to pursue?
  • How do you handle work stress?
  • What are your career goals for the next five years?
  • How important is work-life balance to you?
  • If money wasn’t a factor, what job would you do?
  • How do you feel about potentially relocating for work?
  • What skills or experiences do you want to gain in your career?
  • How would you handle it if you weren’t happy in your job?

Couples questions for road trips: Personal development

  • What’s one thing you’d like to improve about yourself?
  • How do you handle criticism?
  • Is there a habit you’d like to break?
  • How do you approach learning new things?
  • What’s a life lesson you’ve learned that you hold dear?
  • How do you step outside of your comfort zone?
  • What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of?
  • What’s a challenge you’ve overcome?
  • How do you stay motivated when things get tough?
  • How important is self-reflection to you?

Road trip couple questions: Friendships

  • Who are your closest friends and why?
  • How do you handle conflicts in friendships?
  • How important is it for your friends to get along with me?
  • What qualities do you value most in a friend?
  • How do you maintain long-distance friendships?
  • How often do you think we should socialize with friends?
  • Do you believe in having separate friends or shared friendships as a couple?
  • What’s the best way to support a friend going through a tough time?
  • How do you feel about making new friends?
  • How important is it for you to have a close group of friends?

Couples questions for road trips: Education

  • How important is education to you?
  • Would you consider going back to school or pursuing further education?
  • What was your favorite subject in school and why?
  • How do you feel about the education system?
  • What’s one thing you wish you had learned in school?
  • Would you consider homeschooling our kids?
  • What skills do you think are important for kids to learn in school today?
  • What’s the most interesting thing you learned in school?
  • What role should parents play in their child’s education?
  • How important is continuous learning to you?

Questions for road trips couples will like on personal beliefs

  • What’s a belief you hold that others might find surprising?
  • How do you handle it when someone challenges your beliefs?
  • How have your beliefs changed over time?
  • How important is it for your beliefs to align with mine?
  • How do you feel about discussing politics?
  • What role does faith or spirituality play in your life?
  • How do you feel about controversial topics like abortion or capital punishment?
  • How do you approach ethical dilemmas?
  • What’s a cause you’re passionate about?
  • How important is it to you to stay informed about current events?

Couples questions for road trips: Finances

  • How do you approach budgeting and saving?
  • What are your financial goals for the future?
  • How important is financial stability to you?
  • How much do you think our wedding should cost?
  • How much do you think our home should cost?
  • Would you prefer renting our home or buying one?
  • What’s your biggest financial fear?
  • How much do you think an engagement ring should cost?
  • How do you feel about making large purchases?
  • Between one million dollars for your loved one and a mansion in Idaho for yourself, what would you pick?
  • How would you handle it if we were facing financial difficulties?
  • What’s the best financial advice you’ve ever received?
  • How do you feel about joint bank accounts?
  • How important is it for you to support charitable causes?

Best road trip questions for couples about entertainment preferences

  • What’s your favorite movie or TV show and why?
  • Do you have a favorite book or author?
  • What type of music do you enjoy listening to?
  • What’s your favorite way to relax after a long day?
  • Do you enjoy attending concerts or theater performances?
  • Are you into sports, either watching or playing?
  • What’s a guilty pleasure you enjoy?
  • What’s the best live performance you’ve ever seen?
  • How do you feel about video games?
  • Do you have a favorite artist or painting?

Another one of the top couples questions for road trips

Couples questions for road trips: Pet preferences

Questions for a car ride with a date or partner should definitely include some questions about pet preferences! Here are some we suggest to get you started.

  • Are you a dog person or a cat person?
  • What’s your favorite animal and why?
  • Have you ever had a pet?
  • What’s the best pet you’ve ever had and why?
  • Would you ever consider getting an exotic pet?
  • How do you feel about adopting pets from shelters?
  • What responsibilities are important when caring for a pet?
  • What qualities make for a good pet owner?
  • What’s the most unique pet you would want to have?
  • How would you handle a pet-related disagreement?

Couples questions for road trips: Home preferences

If you’re in a serious relationship, we recommend including some questions for car rides about home preferences to see if you and your partner have the same vision for your future home.

  • What’s your dream home look like?
  • Do you prefer living in the city, suburbs, or country?
  • How important is it to have a space of your own in our home?
  • What home improvements or projects would you like to take on?
  • How often do you think we should update or redecorate our home?
  • What’s the most important room in the house for you?
  • How would you describe your interior design style?
  • Do you enjoy gardening or outdoor home projects?
  • How do you feel about hosting parties or gatherings at our home?
  • What’s your favorite part of our home and why?

Couples questions for road trips: Lifestyle

  • Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  • Do you prefer a busy schedule or a more relaxed pace of life?
  • How important is it to have time for yourself?
  • How do you like to start your day?
  • What’s your favorite weekend activity?
  • What’s the best way for you to unwind after a long day?
  • How do you feel about social media and technology?
  • Do you prefer spontaneous plans or a set schedule?
  • How important is it for you to keep up with fashion or trends?
  • What’s one lifestyle change you’d like to make?

Couples questions for road trips: Personal heroes

  • Who do you look up to and why?
  • Who has had the biggest influence on your life?
  • Is there a celebrity or public figure you admire?
  • Have you ever met anyone famous?
  • Who’s a historical figure you admire and why?
  • Who’s your favorite fictional character and why?
  • What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned from your heroes?
  • If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
  • How have your heroes influenced your values or choices?
  • Who would you say is your biggest role model?

Couples questions for road trip: Views on ageing

  • How do you feel about getting older?
  • What do you look forward to most about aging?
  • What worries you most about aging?
  • How do you plan to stay healthy as you age?
  • What are your views on retirement?
  • How do you feel about your parents or grandparents aging?
  • What’s one thing you want to do before you get old?
  • How would you handle it if one of us became ill in old age?
  • What does a good life look like to you in old age?
  • How important is it for you to maintain a youthful outlook?

Couples questions for road trips: Personal fears

  • What’s your biggest fear and why?
  • How do you handle fear or anxiety?
  • Have you ever overcome a significant fear?
  • What’s a fear you think is irrational?
  • How would you help me face a fear?
  • What was your childhood fear?
  • Do you have any phobias?
  • Have you ever done something even though it scared you?
  • What’s something that scares you about the future?
  • How do you feel about scary movies or thrillers?

Couples questions for road trips: Relationship expectations

  • What’s the most important quality in a partner for you?
  • How do you handle disagreements in a relationship?
  • What do you think is the secret to a lasting relationship?
  • What’s a deal-breaker for you in a relationship?
  • How important is physical affection to you?
  • How do you feel about public displays of affection?
  • What’s the best relationship advice you’ve ever received?
  • How do you think we’ve changed since we first started dating?
  • What’s something you think we do well as a couple?
  • What’s one thing you wish people knew about our relationship?

Couples questions for road trips: Music taste

  • What’s your all-time favorite song and why?
  • Who’s your favorite musical artist or band?
  • If you had to be one type of music, which would you be?
  • Would you rather listen to rap or pop for the rest of your life?
  • What’s a song that always makes you happy?
  • What’s a song that can always make you emotional or nostalgic?
  • Do you enjoy going to concerts or music festivals?
  • Do you play any musical instruments or would you like to learn?
  • What’s the first album or song you ever bought?
  • What’s your favorite genre of music and why?
  • What’s a song or artist you love that others might not know about?
  • How important is music in your daily life?

Couples questions for road trips: Experiences growing up

  • What’s your favorite childhood memory?
  • How would you describe yourself as a child?
  • What’s something you miss about being a kid?
  • How have your experiences growing up influenced you as an adult?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you received from your parents?
  • How would you describe your hometown?
  • What was your favorite family vacation as a kid?
  • Did you have a childhood hero or someone you looked up to when you were young?
  • What were your favorite activities or hobbies as a child?
  • How do you think growing up in a different time or place would have changed you?

Couples questions for road trips: Books

  • What’s your favorite book and why?
  • Who’s your favorite author?
  • Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?
  • What’s a book that had a big impact on you?
  • What’s the last book you read and did you enjoy it?
  • Do you enjoy reading books before they’re turned into movies?
  • What’s a book you loved as a child?
  • Do you have a favorite genre or type of book?
  • What’s a book you’d love to see turned into a movie?
  • Do you prefer physical books, ebooks, or audiobooks?

Couples questions for road trips: Volunteering and charities

  • Have you ever volunteered or done charity work?
  • What causes are you passionate about?
  • How do you think we can make a difference in our community?
  • Have you ever considered joining or starting a nonprofit organization?
  • How do you feel about making donations to charity?
  • Have you ever participated in a charity event or fundraiser?
  • What’s an issue you think doesn’t get enough attention?
  • How do you feel about doing volunteer work together?
  • What’s the most rewarding volunteer experience you’ve had?
  • How important is it to teach kids about charity and giving back?

Couples questions for road trips: Environmental responsibilities

  • How important is it for you to live a green or sustainable lifestyle?
  • What are some ways you try to reduce your carbon footprint?
  • How do you feel about renewable energy sources?
  • Do you believe in global warming and climate change?
  • How do you feel about recycling and composting?
  • What’s one change you could make to live more sustainably?
  • Do you believe it’s important to teach kids about environmental responsibility?
  • Have you ever participated in any environmental conservation activities?
  • How do you feel about the use of plastic and other non-biodegradable materials?
  • What’s your opinion on fast fashion and its impact on the environment?

Couples questions for road trips: Romantic memories

  • What’s your favorite memory of us together?
  • What was your first impression of me?
  • Do you remember our first kiss? How was it?
  • What’s the most romantic thing I’ve done for you?
  • What’s a trip or date we’ve had that stands out to you?
  • What’s something I did that made you feel loved and appreciated?
  • When did you realize you were in love with me?
  • What’s a song, movie, or place that always reminds you of us?
  • What’s a moment when you felt really proud to be my partner?
  • What’s an everyday moment between us that you cherish?

Road trip questions for married couples

  • What is the one thing you would absolutely want to pack for our dream road trip?
  • What kind of roadside attractions are you most interested in stopping at during our road trip?
  • How do you imagine us spending our evenings during our road trip?
  • If we had to live a road trip from a movie, which would it be?
  • If we had to pick one album to be our road trip soundtrack, what would it be?
  • If we could take a road trip to any city or landmark in the world, where would it be?
  • What is the one road trip snack you can’t do without?
  • What’s your most memorable road trip experience from before we met?
  • If we had to live in a campervan for a year and travel across the country, where would you want to spend the most time?
  • What’s the funniest or most surprising thing that has happened to us on a road trip?
  • How has our shared experience of road trips strengthened our relationship?

Deep road trip questions for couples

  • If you could choose any destination for us to understand each other better, where would it be and why?
  • How do our travel styles reflect our personalities, and what does it say about our compatibility as a couple?, one of the questions to ask your husband on a road trip
  • What is the one thing you’ve learned about me during our road trips that surprised you the most?
  • How have our road trips helped us grow as individuals and as a couple?
  • How would you handle a major disagreement or conflict during a road trip?
  • How would you feel about incorporating more spontaneity into our road trips? What impact do you think that could have on our relationship?
  • Is there a place you’ve always wanted to visit but have been too afraid to tell me? Why haven’t you shared this before?
  • If we could go on a road trip with any couple, fictional or real, who would it be and why?
  • If we could time travel on our next road trip, what period of our lives would you want to revisit and why?
  • How do our shared experiences on the road align with our dreams and goals as a couple?

Road trip conversation starters for couples

What do couples talk about in the car? A lot of things! But if you’re struggling to find topics to talk about, here are some conversation starters that will get you both going.

  • What’s the most unusual or interesting thing you’ve ever seen on a road trip?
  • If you could listen to only one song or album during our entire trip, what would it be and why?
  • If we were to write a book about our road trip adventures, what would the title be?
  • What’s your favorite road trip snack and why does it hold that spot?
  • Can you share a favorite memory from a childhood road trip?
  • If you could plan a surprise detour on our route, where would you take us?
  • How would you describe the perfect road trip day?
  • Is there a location you’ve seen in a movie or read about in a book that you’d love to visit on a road trip?
  • If you could choose any person from history or fiction to join us for a leg of our road trip, who would it be and why?
  • If we could take a road trip in any type of vehicle, no restrictions, what would you choose?

Would you rather questions for road trips couples

It’s always a good idea to have some Would You Rather questions for long car rides to pass time! In this section, we’ve included a mix of fun and serious Would You Rather road trip questions.

  • Would you rather have unlimited snacks for our road trip but no music, or have your favorite music but no snacks?
  • Would you rather take a detour to see a fascinating landmark or continue driving to reach our destination earlier?
  • Would you rather camp under the stars or stay in a comfy hotel during our road trip?
  • Would you rather explore a bustling city or a peaceful countryside on our trip?
  • Would you rather have perfect weather on a road trip but a flat tire, or imperfect weather but a smooth ride?
  • Would you rather share a sunset or a sunrise with me during our road trip?
  • Would you rather spend the road trip listening to love songs or engaging in deep conversations about our relationship?
  • Would you rather we recreate our first date in every city we visit, or create new unique memories at each stop?, one of the fun questions to ask your spouse on a road trip
  • Would you rather spend our trip trying to rekindle old memories or create new ones?
  • Would you rather have a romantic picnic in every place we stop or try a romantic new cuisine at every location?
  • Would you rather write a love letter to each other at every stop or capture our love story through photographs throughout the trip?
  • Would you rather go on a spontaneous adventure or plan a romantic surprise for me during the road trip?
  • Would you rather take the scenic route with a slower pace but more beauty or the fast route that gets us to our destination quicker?
  • Would you rather hold hands or share kisses at every traffic light we stop at during our road trip?
  • Would you rather share your deepest secret or your biggest dream with me during the road trip?
  • Would you rather have a road trip where we only eat local food or only fast food?
  • Would you rather drive the entire trip without using GPS or navigate without using any maps?
  • Would you rather have an unlimited fuel supply but no air conditioning, or air conditioning but have to stop frequently for fuel?
  • Would you rather spend a day at a national park or a day at a beach during our road trip?
  • Would you rather have a luxury car for our road trip but bad roads or an old car but excellent roads?

Road trip games for couples questions

We have shared our favorite road trip couple games before but here are a couple that we can recommend in this post.

  • 20 Questions: This classic game is always fun. One person thinks of something, and the other person gets to ask 20 yes-or-no questions to figure it out. It’s a great way to learn more about your partner’s thinking process.
  • License Plate Game: Try to find a license plate from every state. If you want to up the ante, try to spot license plates from different countries. This can be a fun ongoing game throughout your entire road trip.
  • Truth or Dare: This is one of the easiest games to play when on a road tip with your partner. You can use our truth or dare questions for couples to kickstart the game.
  • Would You Rather: Come up with challenging scenarios and ask your partner, “Would you rather do X or Y?” It’s a great conversation starter and can lead to some hilarious debates.
  • Desert Island: A classic game where you each choose five items that you would bring if you were going to be stuck on a desert island. This game can lead to interesting conversations about priorities and survival skills.

Podcasts for couples on road trips

There are many many podcasts out there that are great for relationship talks and to listen to with your partner during a road trip. Here are some that we personally like:

  • Love life with Matthew Hussey: Matthew Hussey calls himself a relationship expert. You may know him for having dating singer Camila Cabello for a bit. Though we don’t always agree with every one of his takes, he does provide some good insights and tips on better communication and interaction in romantic relationships.
  • Shagged, Married, Annoyed by Chris and Rosie Ramsey: This podcast goes over all the quirks, fun times and less fun times of married life. It’s a good one to listen to if you want to listen to a fun podcast that feels more like a conversation but still learn a thing or two!
  • Pretty Basic Podcast by Alisha Marie and Remi Ashten: Though this podcast isn’t focused on relationships and dating, Alisha and Remi actually bring up the topic quite often. While Remi is in a long term relationship, Alisha isn’t set on a special someone yet so the conversations gets quite interesting and focus on a range of topics from dating to living with your partner. Because it doesn’t fully focus on relationship, it’s also a good one to listen to on a road trip for entertainment with topics like YouTube behind the scenes, brand trip behind the scenes, growing up stories and more.

Road trip questions for friends

  • What’s the most memorable trip we’ve ever taken together, and why?
  • If we started a band, what would our band name be?
  • Which friend in our group would be the best to be stuck on a deserted island with, and why?
  • What’s the funniest thing that ever happened at a gathering we were at?
  • If we had the chance to meet any celebrity during this road trip, who would you hope it would be?
  • What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do with our friend group, but haven’t yet?
  • If we were going to create a tradition within our friend group, what should it be?
  • What’s your favorite shared memory involving all of us?
  • What’s the best thing you learned from our friendship?
  • If we could teleport right now to any place in the world as a group, where would we go?, one of the road trip questions funny style

Road trip questions for family

Here are some additional road trip questions for adults in your family.

  • What’s your favorite family tradition, and why?
  • If you could change one thing about our family vacations, what would it be?
  • Which family member are you most similar to and why?
  • What was the most memorable family event we’ve had?
  • If our family were a sitcom, which characters would we be?
  • What’s your favorite dish that we often have on family gatherings, and why?
  • If our family had a motto, what do you think it should be?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received from a family member?
  • What was your favorite family vacation and why?
  • If you could choose a superpower for our family to have, what would it be and why?

Final thoughts: Couples questions for road trips

Couples questions for road trips are an incredible tool for fostering connection, understanding, and deepening your relationship. They provide an opportunity to explore each other’s thoughts, dreams, and perspectives in a relaxed and distraction-free environment.

The journey offers an intimate setting, allowing you and your partner to dive into meaningful topics that might not surface in everyday conversations. Additionally, these questions can often lead to lighthearted laughter, shared memories, and new insights about your partner, enhancing your bond. So, whether it’s a quick day trip or a long excursion, these questions can truly make your journey as rewarding as the destination.

The best couples questions for road trips FAQs

Good couple questions foster deeper connection and understanding. They can include “What are your life goals and how do you envision achieving them?”, “How do you handle conflict and what can we do to improve our conflict resolution skills?”, or “What are some shared experiences or adventures you’d like us to have together?”

On a road trip with your boyfriend, you could discuss shared interests, plans for the future, or even play a game of ‘would you rather’. You might also share favorite memories, talk about your favorite things about each other, or debate light-hearted topics like “Is a hot dog a sandwich?”.

While going on a road trip, couples often talk about their shared experiences, the scenery, the places they are visiting, and their dreams and aspirations. They may also play games to keep the conversation lively, share personal stories, discuss their relationship, or simply enjoy the comfortable silence while appreciating the journey together.

Some fun couple car questions include questions about quirky topics like teleporting, record breaking and more.

Any questions on the best couples questions for road trips?  Drop them in the comments or  on insta   @twolostexplorers  and we will get back to you asap.


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Mary and Eric

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home.

We are Mary and Eric, the founders of Be Right Back, a blog dedicated to romance around the globe and at home. With over 10 years of experience in dating and traveling to romantic places, we share our favorite date ideas and romantic destinations to help couples level up their relationships. Having lived in and traveled through the USA, we also share our favourite things to do in the States.

With 70,000 monthly readers and 16,000 followers on social media, Be Right Back is your go-to resource for romantic trip ideas and couple activities at home and abroad.

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30+ Best Road Trips for Couples Around the World

car off road during a vivid sunset

When you travel on a road trip, you have more flexibility and the opportunity to see more hidden gems.  It can also be a fun way to connect with your partner and collect special memories.

If you are looking for a romantic vacation, why not try a road trip? You can take your time and enjoy each other’s company. It’s one of the best ways to travel together.

The question is where? I’ve reached out to my travel blogger friends to compile a list of the best road trips for couples around the world.

Note: This post contains affiliate links.  Please see disclosure for more information.

map for road trip and a red toy car

Best Road Trips for Couples in Europe

Best road trips for couples in north america, best road trips for couples in south america, best road trips for couples in australia and new zealand, best road trips for couples in africa and middle east, best road trips for couples in asia, can a road trip be a romantic vacation, expert tips for a couples road trip, best road trips for couples.

You are not short on options when it comes to romantic road trips! I received recommendations from around the world.  Whether you are looking to explore the mountains, coastline, river valley, desert, quaint villages, or iconic spots, there is something for you on this list.

While this list is aimed for couples, many of these road trips would also be fun for families, groups of friends, or even solo travelers.  It is organized by region to help you find a road trip in the area you plan on visiting.

Once you have chosen the route to take, be sure to check out our guide on how to prepare for a road trip and grab our free traveling planning checklist .

#1 Iceland Ring Road

Recommended by Suzanne from Meandering Wild

iceland ring road

The ring road of Iceland is an iconic road trip that you don’t want to rush.  It is possible to complete the road trip in 5 days, but this is a huge amount of driving with very little time to explore. Taking your time and doing it over 10 days to two weeks makes it much more enjoyable and allows you to enjoy the spectacular landscapes and magical moments.

This romantic road trip starts and finishes in the capital city of Reykjavík and follows Ring Road 1 all the way around the country. The main stops in the south are the various waterfalls on the Golden Circle as well as the geyser that erupts every few minutes at Haukadalur Geothermal Area. From here the next large stop is the black sand beach at Vík and onwards to the Diamond Beach and Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon. This is a special place with huge diamond shaped icebergs that wash up on the black sand beach.

diamond beach in iceland

The north of the island has a large geothermal area and some beautiful geothermal pools. These are much quieter than the Blue Lagoon in the south and have stunning views out over the sea from the water. The north is also the place to go whale watching and spend time on the sea with these spectacular creatures.

On a road trip like that there are many places to stay, but looking for remote vacation rental properties and staying away from the larger hotels makes it both cheaper and a more intimate road trip.

#2 Romantic Road Germany

Recommened by Diana from Travels in Poland

Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany

As one of the most well known road trips in Germany and one of its most popular, the Romantic Road Route is an absolute must for couples. Blazing across small villages and picturesque towns, the beauty of the countryside paired with the historical castles and some spectacular views prove that this road trip is one for the books.

The total route is a bit over 350 km and begins in the town of Wurzburg. As a good first stop, Wurzburg has a beautiful baroque style, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Schonborn as well as an array of vineyards that make it a picture perfect stop for couples who are wine lovers and enjoy tasting local varieties of wine.

One of the most beautiful small towns on the route is also one of the most mentioned towns to visit in all of Germany, Rothenburg ob der Tauber. This fairytale town truly romanticizes the beauty of Germany showcasing medieval architecture as well as walkways and splendid views from taller structures. A visit here is sure to last beyond one night, and s great place to stay is the Hotel Reichskuchenmeister Das Herz von Rothenburg .

Other fantastic spots along the route include visiting Dinkelsbuhl a town with an intact city wall, Weikersheim with a Renaissance palace and Burg Harburg, a castle that rises from a hilltop with amazing views.

The Romantic Road comes to an end at Germany’s most famous castle, Neuschwanstein Castle. The view from St. Mary’s Bridge provides the perfect picture opportunity and tours of the inside of the castle are available at specified time slots. If staying nearby, you can choose a property close to the castle such as Hotel Weinbauer or a bit further out.

The Romantic Road Route is a great mix of vineyards, castles, charming towns, and lovely picturesque walks. It’s a beautiful adventure and a wonderful way for couples to experience the history of Germany.

#3 Moselle Valley Roadtrip

Recommend by Derek and Mike from Robe Trotting

koblenz germany

One of Europe’s most romantic road trip routes is the enchanting journey along the Moselle River Valley. The Moselle River flows out of the Vosges mountains into northeastern France, Luxembourg and a gorgeous stretch through western Germany. The most romantic stretch is from the city of Koblenz to beautiful Trier.

Beginning in Koblenz, couples can admire the meeting point of the Moselle and the Rhine. There, the views are simply breathtaking and they can be enjoyed by riding one of the cable cars that criss-cross the river junction below. One of the most scenic lookouts is Ehrenbreitstein Fortress, a defensive site that’s over 2,000 years old.

From the starting point of Koblenz, couples can make a stop at Burg Eltz, a romantic hilltop castle. With a short hike through the forest, it’s the perfect afternoon stop as you continue to Cochem, Germany , a quaint river town with a medieval castle and wine making legacy.


In fact, as you drive along the river you’ll be surrounded by steep hills with row after row of wine-producing grapes. A wine tasting in Cochem is one of the most romantic things you can do in the Moselle Valley. It’s also a perfect reason to stay overnight in the lovely town of Cochem.

As you make your way towards Trier, the oldest city in Germany, stop for lunch in another river town, Bremm. This picturesque stop along the river road has some of the steepest wine hills and prettiest restaurants.

As you make the final stretch to Trier, you will be floored as you enter the ancient Roman gates, Porta Nigra. Besides the Roman architecture, Trier Cathedral has Gothic, Romanesque and Baroque influences. All of these architectural elements make Trier a beautiful final stop on this romantic road trip through the Moselle River Valley.

#4 Provence Road Trip in France

Recommended by Nadine from Le Long Weekend

road trip tips for couples

There are few places more romantic than the South of France, especially when witnessed during the golden light of spring and summer. The region of Provence is brimming with historical attractions, bucolic villages, creative cities and breathtaking beauty at every corner.

To sample the best of the region, take a circular road trip from Avignon (where you can get the TGV direct to/from Paris). Spend a couple of days staying in the cultural city, touring the historical centre with its pedestrian streets, covered daily market and cosy cafe terraces.

Then head east towards the magical Luberon Valley. Be sure to stop in the antiques capital of L’isle-sur-la-Sorgue, before carrying onto Gordes and the stunning Abbey de Senanque nearby. Take a stroll through Roussillon with its rust-coloured buildings, and pause for a romantic dinner with a view at Bistrot le 5 in Menerbes.

Continue your journey to the Valensole plateau, where, in summer, you’ll find a heavenly scene with lavender fields stretching out as far as the eye can see. Stay a night under the stars of Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, and be sure to take a drive through the dramatic Verdon gorge. Head south through wine country to Bandol, before calling into Cassis for a night or two and hiking (or a boat tour) through the calanques.

Continue up to Aix-en-Provence, one of the most beautiful places in France , where you’ll find evidence of Cézanne’s legacy in the galleries and museums before continuing to les Alpilles and St-Remy-de-Provence with its pale stone buildings and bustling market. Treat yourself to a night at the Chateau des Alpilles and visit Les Baux de Provence and the interactive art show at Carrieres de Lumineres before finishing your road trip back in Avignon.

 #5 Burgundy Road Trip

Recommend by Norbert from the France Bucket List

Cote de Nuits Vineyards

The Route des Grands Crus in Burgundy France is a great road trip for couples who love wine. This road trip from Beaune to Dijon (or vice versa) is the ideal itinerary for some relaxing days of sightseeing, delectable regional food, and wine tasting. Along the way, you are going to explore the vineyards of some of the world’s best wines and also visit small towns, wine museums, and chateaus.

For this Route des Grands Crus we recommend a minimum of 4 days but of course you can make it longer by spending an extra day at Beaune or Dijon. Both places also have wine museums so you can learn more about the Burgundy wines.  Then, explore some small towns like Nuits-Saint-Georges, Chevrey-Chambertin and the Château Clos de Vougeot.  

If you don’t have your own car, you can take the train from Paris to Dijon and rent the car in Dijon to avoid the crazy traffic in the capital. Also, you have more chances to find better deals in Dijon than in Paris.

To make the road trip more romantic, stay in a chateau instead of a hotel. Along this route, there are many private chateaus with beautiful grounds working as hotels and they usually have a restaurant on-site. These chateaus are not much more expensive than the best hotels and they are definitely more romantic. A stunning place to stay is Chateau de Challenges near Beaune but there are many more.

#6 Chateaux Road Trip in France

Recommended by Elisa from World in Paris

The Palace of Versailles in France

This road trip in northern France explores some of the best palaces and fairytale castles near Paris. This circular road trip from Paris, takes a minimum of 3 days – more if you want to spend a lazy day in one of the suggested hotels – and it is perfect for couples who love sightseeing, romantic chateaus, and good food and wine. For a more romantic experience, add a couple of romantic days in Paris before hitting the road.

Day two of this road trip explores the Château de Chantilly and its beautiful grounds. Also, take the time to visit other interesting sights like the Stables of Chantilly and the old town. For the second night of this road trip, book at the romantic Château-hotel d’Ermenonville , it’s a 25-minute drive from Chantilly.

Day 3 visits Château de Fontainebleau, the true home of the French Kings. Visit this impressive château, its magnificent gardens, and learn the history of the French Kings who lived in it. Finish this French road trip in style by flying over Fontainebleau on a hot air balloon. The point of departure is just out of the château and there are private options for couples, but you will need to book well in advance.

#7 Italy Road Trip: Venice to Rome

Recommended by Pamela from Directionally Challenged Traveler

sweeping views from the tower in San Marino

Winding country roads dotted with villas and wineries is the scene of one of the best road trips for couples. Driving from the floating city of Venice to the eternal city of Rome is a dream come true. A road trip through Italy is a must-do for any couple looking for a mixture of history, delicious food, and wonderful views!

You can drive from Venice to Rome in 3 to 4 hours – but take your time. Ten to fourteen days allows you to make some stops to explore. Starting from Venice, head three hours down the Adriatic coastline to visit San Marino . Spending a night in the micro country San Marino is recommended so you can enjoy all the wonderful sights and views.

The next day head east through Bologna, to the picturesque Cinque Terre for a night or two. Continue south to the Tuscany region for a silly photo at the tower of Pisa before continuing to Florence. Stay at the Hotel Bigallo for incredible views of the Duomo.

On your way to Rome, you can stop in the towns of Siena or Orvieto – or pop in for a dip at the Saturnia hot springs. Rome will delight couples with history, delicious foods, and an intoxicating personality. Don’t forget to visit Vatican City while in Rome!

A road trip through Italy is one of the best destinations for couples – from small towns boasting delicious local food to larger cities with rich histories – Italy has it all.

#8 Cotswolds Road Trip

Recommed by Lucy from Explore the Cotswolds

lower slaughter in cotswolds in england

Explore the quintessential English countryside of the Cotswolds on this two-day circular road trip which takes in some of its most scenic countryside and prettiest towns and villages. With beautiful gardens, thatched cottages and plenty of country pubs to cosy up in, it makes a great romantic road trip for couples at any time of year.

Start your trip in the village of Broadway with a night at the Lygon Arms , a 16th-century coaching inn packed with character, with four-poster beds, beamed ceilings and log fires. The next day, walk up to the Broadway Tower, a hilltop folly that looks like Rapunzel’s tower and has views out across the Cotswolds.

Then head south along the ‘Romantic Road’ through the storybook village of Stanton. Stop off in Winchcombe to visit Sudeley Castle, once the home of Henry VIII’s last wife Katherine Parr who’s buried in the castle church.

Carry on south past Cheltenham, with panoramic views from Cleeve Hill along the way, to the historic wool town of Painswick to admire its stunning honey-coloured stone buildings and take a stroll through the Rococco Gardens.

Then travel southeast to Bibury where you’ll find Arlington Row, a row of weaver’s cottages that’s one of the most photographed streets in the Cotswolds . It’s a popular spot but you can have it almost to yourself after hours by staying in the Swan Inn , a charming four-star hotel set on the banks of the River Coln.

The next morning, travel north through Bourton-on-the-Water , known as the Venice of the Cotswolds – it might not have gondolas but it does have the picturesque River Windrush running through it. Just north of Bourton are the quaint twin villages of Upper and Lower Slaughter, connected by a mile-long walk along the river and through flower-filled meadows. Then finally, travel back towards Broadway, calling into the historic market town of Chipping Campden where you’ll find the beautiful Hidcote Manor Gardens.

Note: If you have not driven in the UK before, please be sure to read our guide to driving in the UK .

#9 Scotland Road Trip

Recommended by Maggie from The World Was Here First

Cairngorms National Park in Scotland

If you’re searching for the ultimate road trip for couples, then you really cannot go wrong with hitting the open road in Scotland. Known for its ample road trip opportunities, one of the best routes you can take in the country is to drive from Edinburgh to Inverness , the capital of the Highlands.

There are few places in the world more romantic than Scotland and this road trip will take you by some of the most iconic sites in the entire country. Some of the best places to stop along the way include St Andrews, Stirling, Glasgow, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, the incredible Glencoe and the charming towns of Fort William and Oban, the gorgeous Cairngorms National Park and even to the mystical Loch Ness before reaching the lovely city of Inverness.

This road trip can take you however long or short your itinerary allows, just make more or fewer stops along the way. While you definitely need to ensure you spend time in Edinburgh and Inverness on either end of the road trip, stopping off in cities like Glasgow for a night or two or even in a town like Fort William or Aviemore can be an excellent idea.

All in all, if you’re looking for an incredibly picturesque, historic and ultra-romantic road trip, then make sure to hit the road in Scotland.

#10 Ring of Kerry in Ireland 

Recommend by Anisa

Where to Stay when driving the ring of Kerry

The Ring of Kerry is a 111-mile circular drive in the southwestern part of Ireland known for the dramatic natural scenery and quaint towns.  While it is possible to do this romantic road trip in one day, I suggest staying in the area for longer to fully appreciate its beauty.

Start your journey in the town of Killarney and head counter clockwise.  The Gap of Dunloe should be your first stop.  The landscape is rough, but it’s a good spot to get out, stretch your legs, and take in the fresh mountain air.

Next it’s on to the scenic coastline.  It’s worthwhile to take a ferry to Valentia Island and also make a stop at the Kerry Cliffs.  If you visit in the summer, plan ahead, and get lucky with the tides, you can take a side trip to the mysterious Skellig Michael, which has been featured in Star Wars movies.  The remains of the monastery and most of the island became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. 

The road trip comes to a close in Killarney National Park.  Here you must visit Muckross House, Ross Castle. and Muckross Abbey.  You could also go for a hike to the Torc Waterfall or a romantic kayak ride on one of the lakes.  It would easy to spend a full day exploring Killarney National Park .

It is a popular road trip especially in the summer months, so aim to do it during the shoulder season (i.e. April or October) to avoid the crowds.  It will also be easier to find an enchanting place to stay along the Ring of Kerry .

#11 Trip Along the Bay of Kotor in Montenegro

Recommend by Emily Lush from Wander-Lush

perast in montenegro

Montenegro is one of the most underrated countries in Europe and perfect territory for a romantic road trip. A route along the iconic Bay of Kotor will lead you to some of Montenegro’s most beautiful cities and towns , including the historic Venetian ports of Kotor and Perast.

Start from Podgorica, the capital, or from Tivat on the bay. Both cities are serviced by international airports and have plenty of car rental companies to choose from. You have the option to finish in Herceg Novi near the border with Bosnia, or to loop back to your point of origin.

The road along the main part of the bay is just 55km so while you could easily complete the drive in as little as three days, it’s recommended to budget five to seven days and take it at a slower pace. There are dozens of secluded coves and beaches to stop at along the way.

The UNESCO-Listed walled city of Kotor is a must-see. Walking winding cobbled streets, exploring stunning churches and enjoying the multitude of outdoor wine bars and cafes are among the most romantic things to do. Don’t miss climbing up to the fortress for an unreal view over the bay.

Smaller towns such as Perast and Risan are similarly beautiful and less crowded. Both have a range of apartments and bed and breakfasts to choose from, many with cute terraces overlooking the water, including Conte Hotel in Perast .

Spending the night gives you an opportunity to take an evening stroll after the day trippers have gone home – there’s nothing more romantic than watching the sun go down over the Bay of Kotor with a glass of Montenegrin wine in hand.

#12 Balkan Road Trip: Slovenia, Bosnia, Croatia

Recommended by Maggie from The Fourty Mag

scene from a Balkan road trip

For the couples who like everything from mountain hikes to sunset dinners on the beach, this road trip through Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina covers it all.

Start the loop at the charming Dobra Vila Inn in the town of Bovec, Slovenia. Surrounded by the Julian Alps and adjacent to Triglav National Park, Bovec is where lovers of hiking, waterfalls, and whitewater rafting will find their peace. The brave may also want to take a dip in the brilliant turquoise green—but icy cold!—Soca River.

Continuing south, couples could choose 3.5 hours to Pula or 6.5 hours to Zadar in Croatia; both of which will provide the opportunity for a seafood dinner overlooking the Adriatic at sunset. The route continues down to Dubrovnik where a walk on the city walls at the Golden Hour or a private boat rental for snorkeling and a secluded lunch at Bowa on the Elafiti islands provides the perfect backdrop to a romantic trip.

The loop makes it way back north via Bosnia-Herzegovina. Travelers should set aside a whole day so as to take in a walk across the famed Ottoman Mostar Bridge and a leisurely drive through the Bosnian Mountains before being ready for a rest at the Best Western Premier Hotel Astoria in Zagreb .

Continuing the loop is a choice depending on if there’s time for some relaxation in Zagreb or Ljubljana. Nevertheless, no romantic couples road trip through The Balkans would be complete without a row boat ride around Slovenia’s Lake Bled and a ring of the bell at the church on Bled Island.

#13 Romania Road Trip

Recommended by Sean from Living Out Lau

romania road trip

A road trip in Romania is perfect for couples that love the outdoors, stunning landscapes, and idyllic little villages.

The typical route starts from Bucharest (where flights and rental cars are cheapest) and ends at Cluj-Napoca, the capital of a region known as Transylvania. Along the way, travelers will pass through some of the famed attractions in Transylvania, namely Bran Castle (allegedly Dracula’s Castle), the legendary views of the Carpathian Mountains, the world’s best driving road At Transfagarasan Highway, and medieval cities such as Sibiu and Braşov.

The attractions in Romania are unquestionably spectacular, but what makes this road trip so romantic is just the peaceful and gorgeous Romanian countryside. Imagine driving down long stretches of road surrounded by nothing but wide-open views of lush greenery and mountains, all while the colors of the sunset dance in the background.

Roll down the windows (or pull the top down if you have a convertible) and just feel the refreshing wind blow against your face. Autumn is the best time to visit Romania if you want something more romantic, as the colorful autumn foliage will make Romania look like a fairytale!

Along your romantic road trip are several cities that make the perfect base for exploring your surroundings. These are Sibiu, Brasov, Bucharest, and Cluj-Napoca, and they are the perfect places to stay for your Romania road trip!

#14 Crete Road Trip

Recommended by Chrysoula from Travel Passionate

chania in crete

Crete is by far the largest Greek island which makes it an excellent destination for a road trip. Whether you enjoy countryside walks, beach relaxation, ancient history, or traditional tavernas, Crete has you covered.

While you can just base yourself in one city or resort from which to explore the island, it can be fun to take a road trip, stopping off at different destinations along the way. This also gives you the chance to stay at a range of different boutique hotels, soaking up the individual atmosphere of each.

Start your Crete itinerary in the city of Heraklion (staying at the GDM Megaron, Historical Monument Hotel ), a hub of beautiful Venetian architecture, ancient history, and traditional dishes to whet your palette. From there you can take a trip inland to the archaeological site of Knossos and the nearby Archaeological Museum.

Next, travel east to Agios Nikolaos to soak up sea views and even more history while exploring the ruins of the former leper colony located on Spinalonga Island.

Your trip continues with time spent in the city of Rethymno from where you can discover the Venetian Fortezza, the Argyroupoli Springs and Ancient Lappa, the Arkadi Monastery, and the gorgeous Preveli Beach before moving on to Chania. In each of these cities, you have the option of staying in some stunning boutique hotels like Rimondi , Veneto , and Splanzia .

The last few days can be spent relaxing at the Balos Lagoon and Elafonisi Beach or hiking in the stunning Samaria Gorge.  

The best time of year to take a romantic road trip through the island of Crete is April/May or September/October as you can enjoy the best of the weather while also missing the majority of the crowds.

#15 Andalucia Road Trip

Recommended by Joanna from Andalucia in My Pocket

andalucia road trip scenery

Andalucia is one of the most beautiful parts of Spain, with so many romantic cities and white villages, but also stunning nature, gorgeous beaches and delicious food. You could drive for months in Andalucia and not see everything. However, for a start, a road trip around the historical towns of Andalucia would give you a taste of what this autonomous region of Spain has to offer.

The circular road trip around Andalucia starts in Malaga and follows the coast, towards the town of Tarifa and then Cadiz. Turning back inland, the road reaches Jerez de la Frontera, Seville, Cordoba and Granada , before getting back to the coast, to Malaga.

Each of the cities on the route has something special, and in all couples with find romantic things to do. The first stop, Tarifa, is the southernmost point of Europe, where the Mediterranean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean. One romantic thing to do in the town is walk on the promenade that divides the two bodies of water.

Next, Cadiz, offers the most stunning sunsets overlooking both the city and the Atlantic Ocean. Here couples can enjoy romantic dinners and taste the most fantastic fish dishes in the entire county. 

Then head to Jerez de la Frontera, the hidden gem of this trip. Here is where the flamenco was born and, couples will enjoy for sure a passionate performance of the most traditional form of art in Andalucia.  Seville is romantic by default, with its gorgeous Plaza de Espana where couples can admire the Moorish architecture on a slow rowing boat ride on the river along the square.

In Cordoba, there is romance floating in the area in the old gardens of the Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos. The last stop of this road trip is Granada, with its famous Alhambra . To experience everything the city has to offer, you need to spend at least two days in Granada . One of the romantic things to do in the city is experiencing a session at the hammam, where both of you can relax your muscles, after a fantastic trip with plenty of walking.  Stay at the Five Senses Hotel and enjoy their rooftop pool.

#16 Algarve Road Trip in Portugal

Recommended by Linn from Brainy Backpackers

Ponta da Piedade in the Algarve in Portugal

An Algarve road trip from Faro to Lagos is the perfect adventure for couples. Though it’s not a long distance, there are so many things to do along the way and mesmerizing places to see so you can easily spend a week with a few stops on the way.

Start your road trip in Faro, explore the old town and visit Algarve’s oldest museum, Faro Municipal Museum. In Faro you can spend the night at Lemon Tree Stay . Then continue your road trip to Albufeira and spend a night in Orange Terrace Hostel . Explore Albufeira’s old town which is perfect for a romantic dinner. You can go on a couple’s kayak trip to secluded beaches that you can only reach from the ocean.

Continue your journey to the tiny coastal village of Carvoeiro, where you can stay at Quinta Das Amendoas . Explore the cliffs along Carvoeiro boardwalk and Algar Seco or do the unforgettable coastal hike to the most beautiful beach in Portugal, Marinha Beach. Here you can walk through a tunnel in the rock side and find a tiny secluded beach. If you’re lucky, you get it all for yourself and can enjoy a romantic swim. But you can also stop by Benagil Beach on the way and rent a paddle board to see the famous Benagil Cave.

Next and final stop is Lagos. Stay at Casa Praya Mar for a romantic apartment with pool by the beach. In Lagos, you can go on a boat trip to see Ponta da Piedade, which might just be the most beautiful spot on the Algarve. You can walk hand in hand along the boardwalks on top of the cliffs and take the trip to the famous cliffs of Sagres. Here you’ll also find astounding beaches where you can take surf lessons.

The whole scenery in Algarve is perfectly set for a romantic road trip as there’s nothing like sharing such memories with your better half.

#17 LA to Lake Tahoe Road Trip

Recommend by Nicole from Bucket List Lists

lake tahoe

Looking for one of the BEST road trips for couples? Then look no further than the Los Angeles to Lake Tahoe Route. This drive is truly romantic because you get to experience incredible nature in California. While Lake Tahoe is a top USA bucket list destination, the entire drive there is absolutely stunning.

The total distance between cities is just under 7.5 hours with a lot of incredible stops. You can decide if you want to make the day and drive straight thru or you can plan to go half way and stay overnight to explore some of the incredible destinations on the way.

One of the coolest stops is to see Mammoth Lakes and Devil’s Postpile National Monument.

Yosemite National Park is definitely the most romantic place to stop between locations. If you visit during the spring when the waterfalls are gushing and hit an epic sunset, it will blow you away.

Other fun stops include: Topaz Lake and Mono Lake.

Once you arrive in Lake Tahoe, you will not want to miss Sand Harbor Beach. It is known for being crystal clear blue and you can see the boulders in the water, assuming you visit during warmer months. In the winter you will want to take advantage of the skiing and snowboarding opportunities and snuggling by the fire.

One of the best hotels in Lake Tahoe to check out is the Grand Residences by Marriott . 

#18 San Francisco to Seattle Road Trip

Recommended by Margie from DQ Family Travel

smith rock state park in oregon

One of the best road trips for couples is driving from San Francisco to Seattle and checking out much of the Pacific coastline, national and state parks, and Pacific Northwest. There is so much to explore, experience, and eat!

San Francisco is filled with highly rated restaurants and tourist sites that could keep you entertained for days. Some of the romantic things you could enjoy are picnicking at Golden Gate Overlook, eating fresh seafood at Fisherman’s Wharf, taking a tour to Alcatraz , and walking through Lover’s Lane at the Presidio. Next, stop at Mendocino and go kayaking through sea caves, biking along the Big River Trail, and stay at the beautiful Glendeven Inn .

Then, head to southern central Oregon to go zip-lining, biking, and white water rafting on the Rogue River. Crater Lake National Park is nearby and you could stay in the historic lodge overlooking the lake and hike some trails. Bend, Oregon is an outdoor lover’s dream town. It is filled with hiking opportunities with nearby state parks and public lands. It is also well known for its many breweries, trendy restaurants, and a very walkable downtown area.

Afterward, head towards the coast to enjoy the scenic drive, ride ATV’s on the Oregon coast sand dunes, and stay in Yachats with a room overlooking the water in Overleaf Lodge & Spa . A visit to Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach during low tide is a great activity and then head towards Portland to explore the city’s food/wine/beer scene.

Finally, the last leg of the road trip is a drive up to Seattle. Couples could enjoy walking through Pike Place Market, having a meal at the top of the Space Needle, and visiting the many museums the city has to offer.

#19 Florida Keys Road Trip

Recommended by Camila from Travel Cami

beach in the florida keys at sunset

The road trip from Miami to Key West is, by far, one of the most romantic drives in South Florida. The trip can take as long as you want to: the distance is about 165 miles, but the options to stop along the way are many. If you chose to drive it straight, it will take around 3 hours and a half on a regular day.

The most romantic thing about this road trip is the amazing views of the Gulf of Mexico that you will get to contemplate. The entire Overseas Highway has gorgeous panoramic views of the ocean that already make the drive worth it.

If you have the time, there are many places where you can choose to stop on your way from Miami to Key West. Some of the best include the Everglades National Park, Islamorada Beer Company, Robbie’s for tarpon feeding (I swear it’s a thing), Turtle Hospital, and the Dolphin Research Center.

It is recommended to drive during the day and spend the night in Key West, the last of the Florida Keys, once you get there. Some of my favorite hotels on the island include the Ocean Key Spa and Resort , Margaritaville , and Marquesa Hotel .  The next day (or two) you can explore Key West before heading back to Miami.

#20 Loneliest Road in America

Recommend by Bettina from The Next Trip

the loneliest road in america

If you are looking to go on a Southwest American road trip and spend some alone time with your other half, the Loneliest Road in America is exactly what you are looking for. The Loneliest Road in America is exactly what the name suggests – lonely. But what this route lacks in civilization, it more than makes up with beautiful scenery, historic ghost towns, and incredibly romantic hot springs.

A road trip on the Loneliest Road in America takes you back in time as you make your way from west to east, visiting some of the best sights in Nevada. Start your road trip in Carson City near Lake Tahoe after spending a few days at the lake. Make your way east through Fallon and make sure you fuel up as it is the last bigger town for a while.

Your first stop is Sand Mountain Recreation Area which is a beautiful sand dune in the middle of nowhere and perfect to watch the sunset over Nevada. The next few days will take you through mountain ranges and ranchland providing you with incredible mountain scenery, to Austin, NV, a historic ghost town which could be from a movie set, and to one of Nevada’s many “secret” hot springs.

bartine hot springs in nevada which is shaped like a heart

Nevada has more hot springs than any other state and more than 300 of them occur naturally. The most romantic of them all is called the Bartine Hot Springs and is a natural hot spring in the shape of a heart. Make sure to plan a stop and enjoy the peace and quiet while appreciating the view of snow-capped mountains in the distance.

Finding a place to stay along the Loneliest Road in America can be a challenge. If you enjoy camping, this is the perfect road trip to bring your camping gear along. There are a few campsites along the way or you can camp anywhere on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land. For anyone who prefers a proper bed, stopping in Fallon, Austin, or Eureka for the night are your best options.

#21 Michigan M22 Road Trip

Recommended by Sherry from Traveling Michigan

northport marina in Michigan

M-22 is an incredibly picturesque road trip that follows the west coastline of Michigan. This 116-mile state-designated scenic highway begins just north of Manistee and weaves past sparking lakes, rivers, soaring dunes, harbor towns and fruit orchards. It concludes in The Cherry Capital of the World, Traverse City. This road trip is perfect for couples as it is filled with heart pounding adventure, romantic vistas, and photographic opportunities.

A favorite stop along the way is the Arcadia Overlook. After climbing to the viewpoint, couples will be rewarded with outstanding views of Sleeping Bear Dunes and the crashing waves of Lake Michigan. It’s a great spot for photos to remember your adventures.

Note that there is a weekly visitor’s fee per vehicle while visiting. The pass can be purchased at the entrance to the dunes or online with the National Park Service at

Be sure to visit Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore for a chance to climb the dunes and snap photos of the incredible views of Lake Michigan. A notable drive at the dunes is Pierce Stocking Drive, a curving roadway featuring a romantic covered bridge, picnic spots to have some quiet time with your significant other, dune hikes, and dune overlooks.

Glen Arbor is a quaint village, home to Cherry Republic, a cute store and restaurant offering everything cherry, including wine! A romantic hotel in Glen Arbor is The Homestead. The hotel boasts incredible water views and a pool. If you and your sweetheart wish to camp, the Platte River Campground has some secluded and quiet camp sites.

The following day, visit the fishing town of Leland, fondly called Fish Town, and wander the marinas and quaint downtown areas of Northport and Suttons Bay.

#22 Drive the North Shore of Lake Superior, Minnesota to Canada Border

Recommend by Tom from MN Trips

high falls in grand portage minnesota

If your idea of romance is sharing the solitude and beauty of nature, you can’t beat the drive along Highway 61 on the north shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota . Start in Duluth, about a two-hour drive north of the Twin Cities, and catch the iconic Highway 61 (made famous by Minnesota native Bob Dylan) heading north.

Your first stop on the 150-mile drive to the Canadian border is the most visited waterfall in Minnesota, Gooseberry Falls. Gooseberry is the centerpiece of one of the eight Minnesota State Parks that line the north shore, all of which feature waterfalls on rivers which descend from the Sawtooth Mountain range to the world’s largest freshwater lake.

You have your choice of any of the state parks that have well maintained hiking trails that will take you up into the hills for waterfalls, and often also for vistas of the big lake below.

Some of the waterfalls are very close to the highway. Gooseberry Falls and Cascade Falls, for example, are only a couple hundred yards from the parking lot. Others, like the Devil’s Kettle at Judge C.R. Magney Park, will cost you a couple miles up a steep path, but will reward your effort with a view of a split falls, one branch of which falls into a hole, seemingly never to emerge.

If you make it all the way to the Canadian border, there you’ll see the high falls at Grand Portage on the Pigeon River, which actually forms the border between Minnesota and Ontario. It’s the highest falls in Minnesota, and the most easily reached by a paved and boardwalk path that is wheelchair accessible. It’s a lingering romantic idyll well worth the drive.

As for places to stay, there are dozens of lodges and motels along Highway 61. The small towns of Two Harbors, Tofte, and Grand Marais also have several choices of places to eat. If you happen to be going during fall leaf season, be sure to make reservations early, because it gets pretty crowded in late September and early October.

#23 Ice Fields Parkway Canada

Recommended by Christina from Travel 2 Next

icefields parkway in Canada

One of the most stunning road trips in Canada is the Icefields Parkway, which is a stretch of road in the province of Alberta from the town of Jasper in Jasper National Park to Lake Louise in Banff National Park. The Icefields Parkway is an incredibly scenic driving route, with glaciers, lakes, waterfalls, and forests to stop and explore along the way.

This Canadian Rockies drive is breathtakingly beautiful at any time of the year and is incredibly romantic in winter when the natural attractions are a white winter wonderland. Attractions along the way include several impossibly romantic spots such as Columbia Icefields, Bow Lake, Peyto Lake, and the Glacier Sky Walk. Bow Lake is a good stop for views of mountains and glaciers, while Peyto Lake is the most photographed and is a picture-perfect spot for couples to escape.

What better way to propose than by a beautiful lake or while kneeling on a glassed floor platform 918 feet above the Sunwapta Valley? Another must-see spot is Athabasca Falls, which gush forcefully and there are several viewpoints from which to admire the waterfall.

Wildlife-loving couples will not be disappointed when driving the Icefields Parkway, as the area is home to an assortment of animals such as moose, black bears, and grizzly bears. So, keep your eyes peeled for wildlife! There are plenty of hiking trails along this drive to suit all fitness levels, from easy boardwalks to mountain trails where couples can get away from the holiday crowds.

#24 Baja California Whale Watching Road Trip

Recommend by Isabella from Boundless Roads

empty road in baja calfornia in mexico

What I love the most about Baja California are the infinite roads disappearing into the horizon among green cacti and red boulders in the rocky desert.  Then out on the water, you can experience the thrill of whale watching.  A two week Baja California road trip is perfect for couples that enjoy seeing wildlife, taking things at their own pace, and having total freedom.

When I started this Mexican roadtrip, I picked up a car at Los Cabos international airport and drove through Santiago, where I stopped for a hike in the Sierra de La Laguna and then continued south to Cabo Pulmo for some great snorkeling. That’s where I had my first encounter with whales. Two humpback whales, flipping out of the water right before my eyes, a mother whale with her baby, an incredibly emotional experience.

All my road trip was focused on whale-watching as I wanted to check out all the places where you could see them from a boat.  In fact, I drove all the way to Lopez Mateos, where I did two boat tours to see the grey whales, the friendliest among all. 

tail of a whale out of the water

I continued to Loreto while admiring the spectacular views of the rugged coast on the turquoise Sea of Cortez.  I joined a tour to spot the blue whales, hanging out around Loreto Bay from December through March. And in fact, I saw many of them swimming in and out of the water at their usual and predictable rhythm with such graceful movements that seem impossible for such an extra-large creature.

Seeing the blue whales was not the only surprise of the day. We were blessed by the largest pod of dolphins I have ever seen in my life. There must have been hundreds of them flipping freely around our boat and scattered all over the entire bay. It was such an emotional view I was almost crying for joy.

The tour continued as I drove up to Guerrero Negro where Baja California Sur ends and back to San Ignacio, Loreto again, and ended in La Paz. I had a blast but the highlight of the entire trip was the seeing all the wildlife free in their natural environment, as it should be. We were only little humans graced by the opportunity to watch them.

#25 Domican Republic Road Trip

Recommend by Chris from Punta Cana Travel Blog

Dominican republic road with a view

The Dominican Republic is an awesome and underrated road-trip country with many possible itineraries. My favorite road-trip for couples starts in the capital Santo Domingo, leads up to the north through the impressive Dominican mountains, goes all along the beautiful north coast and ends on the Samaná Peninsula with its pristine beaches and gorgeous landscapes.

On the departure day, you can head back from Samaná to either Santo Domingo or Punta Cana Airport. It’s suitable for a week but can be extended easily if you have more time.

Santo Domingo is perfect for couples as it combines the historic charm of the colonial old town with some of the most romantic places to eat and drink, such as restaurants at Plaza España or bars in historic courtyards. Make sure to book your accommodation in the Colonial Zone.

The first stop after leaving the capital city should be Jarabacoa, where you can do various outdoor activities and enjoy the impressive mountain area.  From Jarabacoa, it’s a 2-3 hour drive to the North Coast, where you have charming villages like Punta Rucia, Cabarete, Rio San Juan and Cabrera.

While Punta Rucia is perfect to explore the hidden gem of Cayo Arena, Cabarete is a must-see for bar and beach lovers, as the local restaurants and bars are all directly at the beach. Cabarete is also well-known for its young surfer vibe. On the other hand, places like Rio San Juan or Cabrera are more laid back and perfect for couples seeking tranquility.

beach with clear water in the Dominican Republic

The last stop is the gorgeous Samaná peninsula, which counts for endless options of exploring. Pristine beaches, local fishing villages, lush vegetation and several activities such as ziplining, whale watching, ATVs or national park tours should make every couple happy. I recommend staying in Las Terrenas or Las Galeras.

On your last day, head back to either Santo Domingo (2 hour drive) or Punta Cana (4 hour drive) to end this fantastic Dominican Republic road-trip itinerary . 

#26 Sacred Valley Peru Road Trip

Recommended by Clotilde from a Princess Travelling With Twins

steps up to a church in Chichero Peru

Driving through the Sacred Valley in Peru is an adventure that is a safe and easy experience to organize.  Just imagine, two people side by side watching the sun set as the road flows between lush and sparsely inhabited valleys, the romance of the open road…. well often too open, watch out for potholes.  Still it’s pleasant to drive as there is little traffic.

From Cusco you can embark on a 3-day road trip, to independently discover this culture rich in history and tradition.  On the first day, head to Pisac where, after wandering between the pleasant market and the hippy village, climb up to the archaeological site, where you can admire enchanting views over the cultivated terraces.

From Pisac drive to Chinchero, another village that hosts a colourful market.  You can also climb the long, steep staircase to a peaceful esplanade with a gracefully ancient colonial church, ruins, and a breath-taking view of the valley.  The day ends with a stop for the night at the enchanting Tambo del Inka hotel , a touch of luxury in the midst of the Sacred Valley.

On the second day drive to visit the impressive salt flats of Maras and the ruins of Moray before heading to Ollantaytambo. Ollantaytambo is a very pretty village, but also a touristic one used by many as a base for visiting Machu Picchu. The site here is impressive and vast, so spend the afternoon exploring before an early night for the following day.

On the third day get up early, but leave the car parked because today is destination Machu Picchu (don’t forget to buy the entrance tickets well in advance), which can only be reached by train. Whether you decide to try for a souvenir photo of the sunrise in Machu Picchu or you’re more relaxed, this unforgettable visit will take all day. Upon returning to Ollantaytambo, the most melancholy part of the journey awaits, the drive back to Cusco.

#27 Ecuador La Ruta del Sol Road Trip

Recommended by Deb from the Visa Project

salinas ecuador

For anyone who loves beaches, the route of the sun or La Ruta del Sol in Ecuador would make for a fantastic road trip. Whether you are celebrating your anniversary or simply planning on a romantic vacation, come to this amazing country and hit the beaches. While living as a digital nomad in Ecuador , I did this road trip a few times with my girlfriend and it is totally worth it.

It is a gorgeous coastal route that starts from Salinas and continues until Esmeraldas up north. It passes through various small beach towns, villages, and cities as well as the stunning Chongón-Colonche coastal mountain range.

In Salinas, referred to as the Miami of Ecuador, you can paraglide, surf, jet ski, and water ski in the warm waters of the bay.  Many of the beaches on this route are popular for surfing. If you are surfing enthusiasts, Montañita is a definite stop. It is a premier destination for surfers from all over the world and is a popular party town as well.

But if you are looking for a more intimate destination, Los Frailes and Isla De La Plata are two of the most amazing untouched beaches where you can lay beside each other to the sound of the gentle waves crashing. And the small villages like Olon and Ayampe are great to watch sunsets together.

There are many places to stay, starting from budget hostels to big resorts. I can definitely recommend the Punta Hills hotel in Montañita.  If you don’t want to rent a car, you can take buses to do this whole route as the public transport system is pretty inexpensive and connects all the stops.

#28 Great Ocean Road

Recommended by Vicki from GreatOceanRoadGuide

great ocean road in australia

The Great Ocean Road is one of the most iconic road trips in the world – and is perfect for a romantic weekend escape.  Starting in Torquay (about 90 mins South West of Melbourne), the Great Ocean Road winds along the coast for 243km (151 miles) to Allensford, passing through multiple National Parks and cute seaside townships along the way.

There are lots of different things to see and do along the route: from Koala spotting in Kennet River, to chasing waterfalls in Cape Otway National Park, not to mention the incredible limestone stacks of the 12 Apostles Marine Park. And when it comes to beaches and stunning views – you literally only have to gaze out of the car window as you drive along the road!

Rather than do the whole road in a day (which is just about possible, but means you miss out on a lot) many people choose to stay overnight around the popular towns of Apollo Bay or Lorne – but to really kick up the romance, we recommend staying in the smaller villages of Wye River or Skenes Creek. Here you’ll find lots of amazing elevated cabins that sit high on the hillside with balconies offering panoramic views of the ocean – perfect for a night sitting under the stars listening to the waves below you. 

#29 Australia East Coast Road Trip

Recommended by Pauline from Beeloved City

whitsunday islands

When it comes to road trips, Australia is one of the best destinations in the world! If you are looking for a romantic route, the East Coast will be the perfect choice.

You will be starting your road trip in Brisbane and drive all the way up to Cairns. Ideally, you’ll need at least 2 weeks to complete this 1700 km long road trip.  Along the way, you will discover beautiful towns and national parks such as: Noosa, Rainbow Beach, 1770 and Mission Beach.

But the true beauty of this trip is the islands! For an adventurous trip, head to Fraser Island from Hervey Bay. It’s the biggest sand island in the world!

Fraser Island

For romance and wellness, visiting the Whitsunday Islands are an absolute must do! You can go on a cruise, discover the stunning Heart Reef, walk up to Hill Inlet to admire the views over Whitehaven Beach, and stay in one of the best resorts in the world on Hamilton Island.

Once you reach Townsville, make sure to go on a day trip to Magnetic Island as well.

Finally, a road trip along the East Coast of Australia wouldn’t be complete without seeing the Great Barrier Reef. To do so, you can either go on a cruise, diving trip or book a scenic flight from Cairns or Airlie Beach.

You will find a lot of campsites along the way. Make sure to download the Wikicamp App to find them. If you want to treat yourself to a romantic getaway, the Beach Club on Hamilton Island or Daydream Island resort will be ideal.

Although this road trip is popular amongst backpackers, it is also extremely romantic. Watching the sunset on the islands, swimming at the beautiful waterfalls, eating breakfast on the beach… it has it all!  

#30 Western Australia Roadtrip: Broome to Perth

Recommended by Karen from Smart Steps to Australia

The road trip from Broome to Perth is an unforgettable experience for a couple.  My husband and I drove from Sydney to Port Douglas on the east coast of Australia, then flew to Broome to begin our West Coast adventure. We collected a motorhome in Broome for our one-way journey down the coast.  It was so wild and the colours of the landscape were so vibrant.

On the trip, you can discover some of the world’s best beaches including the unique Shell Beach, a snow-white beach made up of billions of tiny, beautiful shells, and Coral Bay, the kind of lazy lagoon beach where you could lay and watch the turquoise water all day long.

We came face to face with so much wildlife – watching turtles lay eggs at Exmouth, observing dugongs and sharks at Shark Bay, being followed around camp grounds by wild emus, and snorkelling with sharks and turtles at the amazing Ningaloo Reef.

We made so many incredible memories on that road trip including star gazing in the desert and watching the sun set at Cable Beach.

Traveling in a motorhome gives you total flexibility, but it gets hot in summer so you’ll want to be able to hook up to use the air conditioning at campsites and they can get booked up in peak summer. Remember that water is a precious resource in Western Australia, so make sure you fill up the water tank when you get the chance, and likewise fill up with fuel when you can as petrol stations are few and far between on the long drives!

#31 New Zealand South Island 

Recommended by Trisha from Try Wandering More

the road to Christchurch from Mt.Cook/Tekapo

The New Zealand South Island road trip is simply epic. Traveling as a couple, you will be charmed by spectacular landscapes, awed by natural wonders, soak in thermal pools, visit vineyards, take strolls by lakes and beaches, dabble in adventurous activities, see the milky way come to life, and cosy up in the mountains.

Depending on where you’re coming from, this route can be one way or circular. If arriving from North Island on a ferry, you’ll start at Picton. In other caes, you’ll start and end at Christchurch, South Island’s largest city. On this route, you should stop at the following locations:

  • Kaikoura for whale watching and epic walks
  • Hanmer Springs to relax in the thermal pools
  • Hokitika for art and beaches
  • Franz Josef Glacier to glacier heli-hike or take a chopper ride through the Southern Alps.
  • Wanaka to visit vineyards, lavender fields, do epic hikes and stroll by the lake
  • Arrowtown, for a day trip that will transport you to the gold rush days.
  • Queenstown to tandem bungee jump and have a romantic private candle-lit soak at Onsen Hot Pools. The town is beautiful too.
  • Milford Sound to cruise through mighty fjords.
  • Glenorchy for a splendid short drive that will blow your away
  • Mt.Cook Village to cosy up, with New Zealand’s highest peak as your backdrop, and watch the starry sky in this Dark Sky Reserve.

Most locations are 1-4 hours away from each other so you can make multiple stops midway at viewpoints, lakes, waterfalls, etc. Don’t miss having some picnics in these picturesque spots.

If you’re traveling by campervan, you can book holiday parks that are at superb locations. If traveling by car, look for a vacation rental .

#32 Namibia Road Trip

Recommended by Emma from Wanderlust and Wet Wipes

namibia landscape

Namibia is often overlooked as a destination in favour of more popular African countries such as South Africa and Kenya but it is a hidden gem of the continent. It is relatively uncrowded and very unspoilt.

Because of its location in southern Africa – Namibia shares borders with Angola, Zambia, Botswana and South Africa – there are several possible routes to take to explore the many wonders it has to offer. Most international flights (excluding flights from neighbouring countries) arrive in the capital, Windhoek, and, as such that is where the majority of tourists start and end their journeys. However, people also combine a trip to Namibia with one to one of the other countries, particularly Botswana and South Africa.

Namibia has many amazing places to visit including:

  • Kalahari Desert which boasts lots of wildlife, the breathtaking Fish River Canyon and the ghost town of Kolmanskoop
  • The vibrant red sand dunes and bleached white clay pans near Sesriem in Sossusvlei and Dead Vlei
  • The shipwrecks littering the Skeleton Coast and the remarkable sand dunes falling straight into the sea at Sandwich Harbour, near Swakopmund and Walvis Bay
  • Namibia’s first UNESCO Heritage Site with prehistoric rock carvings at Twyfelfontein and the desert wildlife in Damaraland
  • Etosha National Park and its spectacular wildlife viewing opportunities
  • The completely different landscape, lush vegetation and wildlife in the Caprivi Strip

There is a wide variety of accommodation to suit all tastes and budgets. Many people choose to do a self-drive safari in Namibia and hire 4x4s with tents on the top – there are campsites in all of the main areas to stay. For those not wanting to camp, there are bed and breakfasts, guesthouses, and luxury lodges.

Namibia is a place where couples can get away from it all and disconnect. It is a place to share an adventure, to gaze at the stars together in a way that can be done in few other places on earth, and to experience seeing some of the planet’s most majestic species with each other.  

#33 Garden Route South Africa

Recommended by Rose from Where Goes Rose

scenic view on garden route in south africa

The Garden Route makes a fantastic road trip in South Africa. There are beaches, hikes, quaint towns and plenty of opportunities for safaris and wildlife-spotting.

The best place to begin your road trip to Cape Town. From here, you can rent a car and begin the drive, stopping first in Mossel Bay, a lovely beach town. Here you can take the St. Blaize hike spotting dolphins from the trail.

Other fantastic places for your Garden Route itinerary include Wilderness known for its beaches and outdoor activities like kayaking, Plettenberg Bay where you can snorkel with seals and hike in Robberg National Park, and Storms River, a peaceful town well connected to Tsitsikamma National Park.

The Garden Route makes for a romantic road trip because there are no big cities or distractions. You’ll spend quality time together surrounded by beautiful scenery and share new experiences from safaris to hiking. Romantic places to stay along the way include Teniqua Treetops hotel near Knysna and Views Boutique Hotel & Spa , a treat-yourself venue beside a private beach.

Romantic, bucket list experiences along the Garden Route include wine tasting at Bramon Wine Estate, overlooking the lagoon at Knysna Heads (and sampling local oysters) and if you’re adventurous, ziplining and bungee jumping near Storms River! You’ll go home with memories for life. 

#34 Jordan Road Trip

Recommend by Lindsay from Step into Jordan

petra in Jordan

If you are looking for an epic road trip for couples, look no further than 7 days in Jordan . You can choose a circular route starting and finishing in Jordan’s capital, Amman, or you can do one way, ending in the south in Aqaba at the Red Sea and then taking a ferry to Egypt or crossing overland to Israel.

Seven days gives you time to see all of the highlights, without having to rush. If you have time for more, opt for 10.

There are three MUST stops on the way, those are the Dead Sea, Petra, and Wadi Rum. So many people come just for Petra , but they do not realize that there is so much more to see in Jordan. Roadtripping is best, as there is not good public transportation all over the country.

If you want a romantic stay in the Wadi Rum desert, splurge for a Mars dome tent at one of the many camps. Hasan Zawaideh Camp is a good choice and accessible by car.

Another epic place to visit that most people skip is to spend a night at Feynan Ecolodge , one of the top eco-lodge in the world. Lit with only candles, you get a real take on life for Bedouins in the desert and can watch the stars in Dana Biosphere Reserve without any light pollution.

Jordan is getting more and more accessible, with low-cost airlines flying into Aqaba. Aqaba is the perfect place to get away from Europe’s winter if you are looking for a long weekend getaway as well!

#35 Dubai to Khasab Oman Road Trip

Recommended by Yutki from Travel with Me 24×7 Blog

scenic road to oman

Enjoy the beauty of nature offering stunning coastal views, sighting dolphins while driving to Khasab from Dubai, UAE with your partner. Khasab, a small coastal city located on Oman’s Musandam peninsula, is blessed with stunning fjords. It’s earned the nickname of the Norway of the Middle East with its rugged landscape contrasting with its blue waters.

This road goes through the Jabal Jais mountains with hairpin turns and a zig-zag road. Though the drive is mountainous after you cross Oman border it is worth doing it for all stunning scenes and viewpoints. It will take about two and a half hours to drive the 200 kms to Khasab, making it a perfect weekend trip from Dubai . Just remember since you are going to another country you will need an Omani tourist visa.

It is an ideal trip for couples as the route is very romantic and peaceful too. In between there are many stops on sidelanes to stop by for view of water, especially a turns or junctions. The route from Oman border becomes very stunning and mostly the view of water comes on left side when you drive from Dubai to Oman direction.

In between there are no hotels as the route is perfectly scenic and full of nature. When you reach Khasab then you can stay at Atana Khasab Hotel or Atana Musandam hotel. I would recommend Atana Khasab as it is located on cliff and with view of Persian Gulf from your room. The hotel can arrange a romantic set-up for couples too. 

#36 Road Trip: Delhi to Ladakh

Recommended by Rachita from Meanderwander

mountains in Ladakh in India

A Delhi to Ladakh road trip is one of the most exciting road trips in India that attracts all kinds of travelers from around the world. Why so? Well, for the simple reason the journey is as beautiful as the destination.

This road trip starts from Delhi covering places like Manali, Keylong, Baralacha La Pass (4890 m), and Tanglang La Pass (5328 m) on the way to Leh in the Ladakh region. While in the area, you can travel to places in the Ladakh region such as Nubra Valley, Pangong Tso Lake, Han Le, Tso Moriri, and then head back to Leh.

From Leh, you head back to Delhi from the same route or via Srinagar and end your epic road trip in North India. When you are driving from Delhi to Leh, make sure to stop on the Atan Tunnel (the longest highway tunnel in the world) and Suraj Tal Lake too. 

This road trip is perfect for adventurous couples and those who love the mountainous landscapes. The temperature is usually cold in these parts which gives you an added advantage of snuggling with your significant other and enjoying some hot beverages.

Moreover, you get to share the awe that you feel when you look at the unique mountains in the Ladakh region with someone you love. Trust me, a night stargazing in Ladakh while being surrounded by mountains with nothing to disturb you is priceless and too magical to describe in words.

To ensure that your trip doesn’t become hectic, you can plan your stays in Manali, Keylong, Leh, Nubra Valley, Pangong Tso, Han Le, and Tso Moriri during your road trip. Apart from Manali and Leh, you will not find hotels in the other destinations and will have to make do with luxury camping or just a homestay in the more traditional places. Overall, this is one road trip that you will never forget and will cherish forever.

#37 Mumbai to Goa Road Trip

Recommended by Mayuri from Fernwehrahee

quiet beach scene

Mumbai to Goa is an approximately 580 Kms trip that passes through the beautiful mountain range of western ghats. This trip is all about roads and not the actual destination- Goa! The best time to take this road trip is from September to March when the weather is at its best. If you are newlywed and want to enjoy the mountains along with beaches this is the best road trip you will take in your lifetime!

Basically, there are two routes for Mumbai to Goa Road trip via NH4 and the other is via NH 66.

If you take the NH4 route, you will pass through the famous Mumbai Pune expressway and then to Satara and Kolhapur. If you are taking this Mumbai to Goa road trip towards the end of September or October, you can visit Valley of Flowers Kaas Plateau in Satara and halt for a night there. Satara and Kolhapur are good pitstops for p the journey and you can visit Rankala Lake, Panhala Fort, and the Jyotiba Temple, etc.

After this, you can pit stop at Belgaum, before the remaining three hour journey to Goa. You can find many hotels and small restaurants along the way for food.

If you travel via NH 66, it is a 20 km shorter route than NH 4 but the drive is scenic with paddy fields and coconut trees along the way. One can stop at Ganpatipule for a night which has lovely beaches that are less crowded. There are many hotels along the beach.

You can also visit Chiplun and Ratnagiri (famous for its mangoes) on the way. If you love food, this route serves the best seafood. Once in Goa, you can enjoy the endless blue beaches of Goa. The Roadtrip takes 12-15 hours total but you should stop over for at least one night on the way.

Yes! I think anytime you have quality time together, it can be romantic.  While you are driving, you can get to know each other better.  When you stop, take time to enjoy each other’s company.  As you can see from this list, there are a lot of road trips that offer memorable experiences.

Have you done a road trip with your partner?

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open road in the desert with text overlay "30+ best road trips for couples"

  • Choose a destination that offers activities and attractions that you will both enjoy.
  • Share the driving if possible.  The person not driving can be responsible for navigation and music.
  • Make sure you have insurance that will cover your travel.  Research different options here .
  • Watch out for rental car hidden charges.  Get more information about rental car fees and insurance here .
  • Be sure to understand the road rules of the country where you are traveling.

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Last Updated on March 21, 2023

About the Author

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Anisa is an experienced international traveler with extra pages in her passport and stamps from 41 different countries across 5 continents (and counting). She was born and raised in Texas. After a 13 year stint in NYC, she moved to England to live with her husband.

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177 Fun Road Trip Questions for Couples to Kill Boredom

Are you planning to go on a road trip with your loved one and looking for ways to kill boredom on that long drive? Then check out these road trip questions for couples that will inspire fun and deep conversations.

I love road trips! There is something about packing your bags and driving away while playing music that brings out all the excitement! 

And it becomes even more fun when going with a loved one! Talk about excitement mixed with romantic feelings! 

But however much in love you are with your loved one, sometimes boredom kicks in especially if you’re on a long road trip!

So to help you kill boredom while road-tripping with your loved one, I’ve compiled a list of the best road trip questions for couples should those road trip blues kick in!


To help make navigation easier for you, I’ve categorized these questions about road trips for couples into fun questions for road trips, deep road trip questions for couples, romantic/relationship questions, and other general questions for road trips.

So if you’re planning to go on a road trip with your significant other, make sure that you bookmark this page to have access to all the fun road trip questions for couples you can ask each other not only to kill boredom but also to get to know each other more! 

And, as you plan your road trip , make sure that you don’t leave behind these road trip essentials and read these road trip mistakes you should avoid for a fun trip on the road.

If you complete all these car ride questions for couples, you can also check out these road trip games to play to stay entertained.

Road Trip Questions for Couples to Stay Entertained

Without any further ado, here are the best road trip questions for couples!

Dating/Relationship/Romantic Questions for a Road Trip

Road Trip Questions for Couples

Here are the romantic or dating questions for couples on a road trip that will be perfect conversation starters.

1. What do you love about me?

2. What was your worst date?

3. What did you think of me when we first met?

4. How would your romantic night out look like?

5. What is the lamest pick-up line you’ve ever been told (or you told)?

6. Are you happy with me?

7. Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship?

8. What silly thing do I do that you like about me?

9. How did you envision your boyfriend/girlfriend before you got one?

10. When was your first kiss?

11. What’s that one thing you’d like to see me do that I don’t currently do?

12. Would you relocate for love?

13. Who is your celebrity crush?

14. Why did you break up with your ex-girlfriend/ boyfriend?

15. What do you find most interesting about me?

16. What do you find the most annoying about me?

17. What is your relationship deal-breaker?

18. What’s your favorite memory of us?

19. If we were to redo our first date, how would you want it to go?

20. Did you think you’d date me after our first date?

21. Which kind of guys/girls do you usually date?

22. How could we improve our relationship?

23. What did you think of me when we first met?

24. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received from me?

25. What three words would you use to describe me?

road trip questions for couples

26. What do you consider cheating in a relationship?

27. If we could spend a day anywhere in the world, just the two of us, where would it be?

28. What song reminds you of our relationship?

29. What is a dream date that you would like to have with me?

30. What do you think is the most important ingredient in a successful relationship?

31. What’s your favorite way to spend a lazy Sunday with me?

32. What is the most meaningful gift I have ever given you?

33. What makes our relationship unique, according to you?

34. What small things do I do that make you feel loved?

35. What do you think is our greatest strength as a couple?

36. What are some ways we can keep the romance alive in our relationship?

37. How has our relationship strengthened over time?

38. How do you feel we complement each other?

39. What is something new you would like to try together?

Road Trip Questions for Couples About the Future

Road Trip Questions for Couples About the Future

If you want to know what your future holds, then these car questions for couples will come in handy!

40. How many kids would you love to have in the future?

41. If we end up buying a home, do you prefer an open house concept or a closed one?

42. What are your plans for the future?

43. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

44. Where do you see our relationship in 5 to 10 years?

45. How do you envision our retirement years?

46. What are the values you want to instill in our future children, if we decide to have any?

47. What financial goals should we set for our future?

48. Are there any hobbies or activities you would like to pursue together in the future?

49. How can we ensure that we grow together, not apart, in the years to come?

50. What kind of home do you dream of living in together?

51. How would you like to celebrate our future anniversaries?

52. If we were to start a business together, what kind of business would it be?

53. Are there any traditions you’d like to start or continue as a couple?

54. What are some ways we can invest in our relationship to make it stronger?

55. What are your thoughts on joint financial planning for the future?

56. How do you envision us handling conflicts or disagreements in the future?

57. How can we support each other’s personal growth and aspirations?

Would You Rather Road Trip Quizzes for Couples

Would You Rather Road Trip Quizzes for Couples

These would you rather will make the perfect couple’s road trip questions!

58. Would you rather vacation in an all-inclusive resort or plan your own trip?

59. Would you rather spend the day hiking or on a beach?

60. Would you rather go camping or glamping and why?

61. Would you rather go backpacking or flashpacking and why?

62. Would you rather buy a house and settle or travel the world?

63. Would you rather go to Paris or Rome?

64. Would you rather live in a beach town or a big city?

65. Would you rather live in an apartment or in a house?

66. Would you rather take a scenic route with many stops or get to our destination as quickly as possible?

67. Would you rather listen to podcasts or music during our road trip?

68. Would you rather have a detailed itinerary or go with the flow?

69. Would you rather drive during the day or at night?

70. Would you rather dine at local eateries or make your own meals during the road trip?

71. Would you rather take a road trip during the summer or winter?

72. Would you rather have a quiet, peaceful trip or a more adventurous, active one?

73. Would you rather visit historical sites or natural landmarks?

74. Would you rather have a week of short road trips or one long extended trip?

75. Would you rather end our road trip with a romantic dinner or a relaxing spa day?

Fun Couples Questions on a Road Trip

Fun Couples Questions on a Road Trip

For a good laugh, these fun and funny road trip questions for couples will definitely do the trick.

76. What’s the funniest myth you’ve ever heard?

77. If you won a lottery of 500k USD, what would you spend it on?

78. Do you prefer summer or winter? Why

79. Which language would you love to learn?

80. Do you prefer romantic comedies or psychological thrillers?

81. What’s your favorite romantic movie? And why?

82. What’s the best book you’ve read before?

83. Which food do you hate but is loved by most people?

84. Who is the most influential person you’ve ever met in your life?

85. What is the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done?

86. How long can you live without your phone?

road trip questions to ask your spouse

87. What thing do people do in public that nags you the most?

88. What guilty pleasure(s) do you have?

89. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?

90. What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

91. What TV show are currently obsessed with?

92. If we could have a theme song for our relationship, what would it be?

93. If we were characters in a TV show, which show would it be and why?

94. If we could instantly learn a new language together, which one would it be?

95. What’s the funniest or most unusual roadside attraction you’d like to visit?

96. What’s the quirkiest thing about our relationship?

97. If we were to write a book about our adventures, what would the title be?

98. If we could take home any animal we spot on our road trip as a pet, which one would it be?

99. What’s the most interesting or unusual souvenir you’d like to bring back from our road trip?

100. If we could plan a road trip based on a movie, which movie would it be?

101. If we could choose any era to travel back in time to, where and when would we go?

Road Trip Couple Questions That Show How Much You Know About Each Other

Road Trip Couple Questions That Show How Much You Know About Each Other

Here are more questions to ask your partner on a road trip to know how much they know about you!

102. What’s my favorite song?

103. Who is my favorite musician?

104. What’s my favorite comfort food?

105. Who is my favorite person in the world?

106. Which city/town am I from?

107. What is my favorite road trip snack?

108. Can you name a place we visited that left a lasting impression on me?

109. What is my preferred style of accommodation when we travel?

110. What’s one thing that can always lift my mood?

111. What’s my go-to beverage – coffee, tea, or something else?

112. What’s one travel habit of mine that you’ve noticed during our road trips?

113. Can you name a movie that always makes me cry?

114. What’s one talent or skill that I wish I had?

115. What’s my favorite season of the year, and why?

116. What’s a hobby or activity that I enjoy doing in my free time?

117. What’s a pet peeve of mine?

118. What’s my go-to comfort food?

119. What’s an achievement or milestone in my life that I’m really proud of?

Travel Related Road Trip Questions for Couples

Travel Related Road Trip Questions for Couples

Here are some cool travel-related road trip conversation topics for couples!

120. What’s the weirdest scenario you’ve ever found yourself in while traveling?

121. What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten and where?

122. What made you fall in love with travel?

123. How old were you when you first traveled abroad?

124. If never been abroad…how old were you when you took your first trip?

125. What is the most adventurous activity you’ve ever done before? …If you haven’t done any, then you can check out my crazy adventurous bucket list to inspire you.

126. What is the most adventurous activity you’re scared of doing but still can’t wait to do?

127. Which destination have you been to that surprised you the most?

128. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where you go?

129. If you could relocate anywhere in the world, where would it be?

130. Which place/destination have you been to but you think is so overrated?

131. Which place/destination have you been to but you think is so underrated?

132. What is the worst travel experience you’ve ever had?

road trip conversation topics for couples

133. What’s your favorite country in the world?

134. Have you ever been on an African safari ?

135. Which place have you traveled to and felt like home?

136. Do you know of a tradition from a country that you found interesting?

137. What’s that one travel memory you’d love to recreate?

138. What has been your favorite road trip so far?

139. What destination do you want us to visit next?

140. If you could only visit one destination, where would you go?

141. What’s your favorite go-to food when traveling?

142. What is the most memorable meal we’ve had while traveling?

143. What’s the most breathtaking natural scenery we’ve witnessed together on our trips?

144. Is there a festival or event in another country that we should plan to attend on one of our trips?

145. If we could take a year off to travel, where would you want to go first?

146. What’s a place you visited that taught you something new or gave you a fresh perspective?

147. If you could volunteer abroad, where would it be and what kind of work would you want to do?

Real life/ Deep Road Trip Questions for Couples

Real life/ Deep Road Trip Questions for Couples

For deeper conversations, you can use these couple road trip questions!

148. Do you believe in fate and destiny?

149. If you were to change anything on your body, what would it be?

150. What do you love the most about yourself?

151. What was your childhood like?

152. Were you a happy kid?

153. Are you truly happy in life?

154. What’s your greatest achievement in life?

155. Are you close to your family?

156. What are you most thankful for in life?

157. Are you a religious person?

158. What scares you the most in life?

159. Do you get scared or excited about change?

160. How did you imagine your life would be by the time you turned your current age?

161. What motivates you to keep going?

162. What did you want to be when you were a kid?

163. What negative thing has happened to you that actually turned out to be for the best?

Best Gifts For A Road Tripper

164. If everything was possible, who would you become?

165. What advice would you give to your teenage younger self?

166. What are some life lessons that you’ve learned that have profoundly affected you?

167. How have your goals and dreams evolved over the years?

168. What does success mean to you?

169. What are some personal barriers or fears that you’re working on overcoming?

170. What are some values and principles that are non-negotiable for you in a relationship?

171. What steps do you take to ensure you maintain your individuality and personal growth while being in a relationship?

172. Can you tell me about a time when you faced a significant challenge and how you handled it?

173. Can you share a moment that significantly shifted your perspective on life?

174. If you could change one aspect of your past, what would it be and why?

175. What are the core values that guide your decisions and actions?

176. What’s your philosophy when it comes to giving back to the community or helping others?

177. Are there any dreams or aspirations that you haven’t pursued yet but would like to in the future?

Final Thoughts on the Fun Couple Questions for a Road Trip

Road trips don’t have to be boring or all about looking in the window! So I hope that you’ll have fun with these road trip questions and get to know more about each other as a couple as you drive away to your destination.

What’s your favorite part about road-tripping with your loved one other than asking yourselves questions? Let me know in the comments below. And of course, I hope you found these couple road trip questions useful!

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Skowhegan Craft Brew Festival set for Saturday

The celebration of local beer and other products is expected to draw people from around the country to sample beverages from 24 Maine producers.

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road trip tips for couples

A crowd gathers Sept. 2, 2023, along the Kennebec River, behind Water Street businesses, for the Skowhegan Craft Brew Festival in downtown Skowhegan. Morning Sentinel file

SKOWHEGAN — Beer lovers from around the country are expected to head to Skowhegan on Saturday for the town’s annual Labor Day weekend brew festival.

The Skowhegan Craft Brew Festival is set to feature more than 100 Maine-made craft beers, wines, ciders and spirits from 24 beverage producers, along with local food vendors and four musical acts, according to an announcement from the event’s organizer, the nonprofit organization Main Street Skowhegan.

The festival, which began in 2016, is expected to draw people from Maine, 13 other states and Canada, according to the announcement. So far, people from as far away from Texas, Arizona and Nevada have bought tickets, the organization said.

“We’re thrilled to draw people from near and far to Skowhegan for our annual brew festival,” Kristina Cannon, president and CEO of Main Street Skowhegan, said in the statement. “Not only do events showcase our growing community and all that we have to offer visitors, but they also bring people to town who spend money at our locally owned businesses. Brew fest, in particular, brings people back again and again to our community.”

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Tickets are required to attend the brew festival, and can be purchased online at . A $50 general admission ticket includes unlimited beverage samples from 3 to 7 p.m. and a souvenir tasting glass. “Designated driver” tickets for those who do not wish to drink alcohol are $10.

Ticket prices increase by $5 the day of the festival, so organizers suggest buying tickets by 6 p.m. Friday. Advertisement

A “VIP hour” at 2 p.m., featuring free food samples, other goodies and live entertainment, is sold out.

The brew festival is to be held along the Kennebec River in downtown Skowhegan, where the event moved last year from its previous location on Water Street .

Skowhegan Craft Brew Festival draws hundreds of beer drinkers to new location

Organizers said last year that the move was intended to help promote ongoing economic revitalization efforts along the town’s waterfront, including the planned River Park. Other events, such as the annual River Fest in August , are intended to achieve that goal, too.

With a contractor on board and the permitting process in its final stages, construction of the in-river whitewater park portion of the overall development is expected to begin in spring 2025 , Cannon said recently.

Construction of Skowhegan whitewater River Park delayed until 2025

Main Street Skowhegan uses proceeds from the brew festival to support its ongoing economic development efforts, according to organizers. The event is sponsored by more than a dozen local businesses and organizations.

The festival is expected to take place no matter the weather. As of Thursday, the National Weather Service was predicting mostly cloudy skies in Skowhegan on Saturday, with high temperatures in the mid-70s, and a 50% chance of rain showers after 2 p.m.

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