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Full Time Explorer

Nepal Travel Blog

Tsho Rolpa Trek Route with Itinerary & Map

Nepal Itinerary , Trekking in Nepal / September 4, 2021 by fulltimeexplorer / 11 Comments

The Tsho Rolpa Trek seems to be a mystery when you try to find information online. While this trek is one of the best kept secrets in Nepal, it’s also one of the easiest treks to navigate. The Swiss Embassy is about to complete the trekking trails on this route, and they are the nicest trekking trails I’ve seen in Nepal. They’ve constructed even stairs and well-manicured trails that are so easy to navigate that it would be impossible to get lost. Therefore, this post won’t be full of “turn left at the tree then right at the monastery.” Instead, it’s meant to give everyone some info on what to expect each day and in each town. We honestly didn’t even know if we’d find teahouses before we left because there was so little info listed online.

Day 7: Kyalche to Chhetchhet to Singati Bazaar

Tsho rolpa trek overview.

Duration: 7 to 9 days

This trek can be done in 7 days if you take transportation there and back on hiking days. We chose to travel to and from the starting point on days when we didn’t hike, so it took 9 days.

Difficulty Level: Moderate/Difficult

Highest Altitude: 4,558 m (14,954 ft)

Permits: GCAP costs 3,000 rupees ($30 USD)

Tsho Rolpa Trek Route Map

Best time of year to visit tsho rolpa.

October, November, April, and May are the best times to complete the Tsho Rolpa trek. Since the trek isn’t popular yet, many teahouses close in the off-season. Teahouse owners told us that during monsoon they stay put in the village because the streams that look small in May become raging rivers and people have died trying to cross them. In the winter, many of the locals go down to areas around Kathmandu and close their teahouses for a few months.

342x342 Beach Chair

Things to Know in Advance

The Tsho Rolpa trek is almost entirely vegetarian. From Kyalche on, it is forbidden to kill animals. If you are a meat eater, this may not be the trek for you. If you are vegetarian or vegan, this is an ideal place to go trekking in Nepal as the animals in the area are only used for their poop which is used to fuel stoves (instead of wood) or as fertilizer for growing potatoes.

Gaurishankar Conservation Area

There’s a 3,000 rupee (about $30) entrance fee for the Gaurishankar Conservation Area , however you don’t currently need a TIMS cards to do this trek. You can buy the permit at the Nepal Tourism Board office in Kathmandu.

Tsho Rolpa Itinerary Daily Breakdown

Day 1: singati bazaar to chhetchhet to simigaun.

Altitude : Chhetchhet 1,398 m (4,586 ft) to Simigaun 2,000 m (6,561 ft)

Altitude Increase : 602 m (1,975 ft)

Walking Time : 2.25 hours (the jeep from Singati to Chhetchhet is an additional 1 hour)

Oxygen Concentration : 80% (compared to 100% at sea level)

Number of teahouses in Simigaun : 3

We stayed at : Sherpa Hotel

Price of room : 500 rupees (approximately $5 USD)

Price of vegetable dal baht :  300 rupees (approximately $3 USD)

Electricity : Yes, with outlets to charge in each room

Toilet Situation : Outhouse / squat toilet

Showers : Buckets of hot water available for a fee

NTC Service : Limited Cell Service

We decided to do a hike in the area prior to the Tsho Rolpa trek, so I haven’t included travel days in the itinerary. If you take the 6am bus from Kathmandu to Singati Bazaar , you’ll arrive around 2pm. From here, it’s another hour to Chhetchhet. If you begin the hike the same day, you can arrive to Simigaun by 5pm or 6pm. We spent a night at a friend’s house in Singati and went to Simigaun the following morning. The hotels in Singati aren’t very comfortable, so it might be best to begin the trek right away if you have the energy.

We hired a private jeep to take us from Singati to Chhetchhet in the morning although local buses stop there as well. Chhetchhet is a small highway town with no teahouses. We had a snack and tea there before taking on the steep climb to Simigaun. The shop owner in Chhetchhet told us that she only sees about 4 foreign trekkers a day during peak seasons, but she sees quite a few Nepali trekkers doing this route.

The path to Simigaun is straight up stairs. The Empire State Building has 1,576 steps. I’m guessing if you counted, this would be close in comparison or it might even be more steps. Luckily, a near perfect staircase was recently built. The even concrete steps make the climb bearable. We took it nice and slow as not to get out of breath and manage to reach the top in 2 hours. On the way we see a man carrying a telephone pole on his back. It weighs 135 kg (300 lbs) and he’ll receive about $90 USD for delivering it to Simigaun. I can’t help but laugh at the idea of weightlifting competitions where someone lifts this much weight for a mere 5 seconds and gets a prize.

You can read my Simigaun Village Guide for more info!

tsho rolpa lake trek

Day 2: Simigaun to Dongang

Altitude : Simigaun 2,000 m (6,561 ft) to Dongang 2,790m (9,153 ft)

Altitude Increase : 790 m (2,591 ft)

Walking Time : 8.5 hours including 2 tea breaks and a lunch break in Surmuche.

Oxygen Concentration : 72% (compared to 100% at sea level)

Number of teahouses in Dongang : 2 (but only one was open)

We stayed at : It currently has no name, but it’s the one by the river

Price of vegetable dal baht : 400 rupees (approximately $4.00 USD)

Electricity : No

Showers : No

NTC Cell Service : No

After leaving Simigaun, the trail is moderate with only slight ascents and descents. We stop for tea in the village of Uttise. This village seems to be just one small tea shop as far as I can tell. A little over an hour after Uttise is Surmuche. It’s a steady incline to reach Surmuche and we arrive fairly tired. We stop to have lunch there at the only teahouse in town. It’s possible to spend a night here, but we decide to move on as there’s two more villages ahead that we can stop at for the night. After lunch, it’s another hour to Kyalche which has a really nice teahouse. We stop there for some tea and a break but decide to continue on to Dongang to make the next day easier.

The route from Kyalche to Dongang is easy. It goes down in altitude with just a few ups and downs on the way. The village of Dongang is just two teahouses. One is closed and looks like it’s been closed for a while. On the way, we see an incredible eagle flying on the other side of the river. It sits perched there while we admire how big it is from afar. Overall, it’s a long day, but we stopped a lot for photos, breaks, and tea. It could definitely be done quicker or you could split it into two days.

You can read my Dongang Village Guide more info!

Day 3: Dongang to Beding

Altitude : Dongang 2,790m (9,153 ft) to Beding 3,721 m (12,208 ft)

Altitude Increase : 931 m (3,054 ft)

Walking Time : 5.5 hours including a lunch break in Thangding

Oxygen Concentration : 65% (compared to 100% at sea level)

Number of teahouses in Beding : At least 3 (possibly more)

We stayed at : Gaurishankar Himalayan Hotel & Lodge

Price of vegetable dal baht : 500 rupees (approximately $5.00 USD)

Electricity : Yes

Toilet Situation : Western toilet

We went on this hike at the end of May which is apparently off-season due to the lack of tourists on this trail. Most tourists go around October, so a few of the teashops were closed. In the morning, we walked about 2 hours before reaching Thangding where the teahouse was closed. We knew this might be an issue, so we ordered some hard-boiled eggs and chapatis to bring with us. Unlike other trekking trails in the country, this one has no shops. It’s important to bring snacks from home or Kathmandu, and plan a packed lunch before leaving your teahouse each day.

The walk to Thangding is gorgeous. We pass by several waterfalls and walk along the river (Rowaling Khola) almost the entire way. It seems that there is a mountain view in almost every direction, but the highlight today is seeing Gaurishankar which is 7,134 m (23,405 ft).

Shortly after leaving Thangding, we pass a holy temple. Locals tell us that a cow gave birth to a god here. Villagers come to the temple to ask Lord Shiva for his blessing before leaving on a journey. That way they’ll have safe travels. The signs nearby say that it’s forbidden to smoke or drink alcohol in the area. If you do, you’ll receive a fine and face Lord Shiva’s wrath.

From here, we end up in a mist of cold fog. After the temple is an old yak herder village that looks abandoned. You can see a large landslide from the 2015 earthquake and several of the old houses have caved in. With the fog, the area feels eerie and ominous. We try to pass through quickly, but the altitude starts to set in. Around 3,500m you can start to feel the effects, and it gets a little harder to breathe.

Beding is a surprisingly large village with two monasteries. There’s an old monastery set into the rocks that was closed after the earthquake. Despite that, you can still hike up there. When we arrived, it was cold and raining, but later that day we all suffered a minor case of altitude sickness. If you can, it’s best to hike up to the monastery and then back down before dinner. Going higher than you sleep is always smart for acclimatizing properly. If Thangding was open, we would have spent a night there to split up the journey. I’d also recommend having Diamox (altitude sickness medicine) with you in case you need it.

You can read my Beding Village Guide for more info!

Day 4: Beding to Na

Altitude : Beding 3,721 m (12,208 ft) to Na 3,943 m (12,936 ft)

Altitude Increase : 222 m (728 ft)

Walking Time : 5.5 hours with snack breaks

Oxygen Concentration : 63% (compared to 100% at sea level)

Number of teahouses in Na : 3 but only one was open

We stayed at : Na View Point Hotel

Price of vegetable dal baht : 600 rupees (approximately $6.00 USD)

Electricity : Limited Solar Power

The walk from Beding to Na is incredibly beautiful. We walked super slow and stopped regularly for snacks that we brought with us from home. Plus, we bought hard-boiled eggs in Beding to take with us. There’s several amazing waterfalls and another monastery set into the side of the mountain.

The best part of this day is seeing all of the yak herds, cows, and sheep roaming freely through the valley. Once we arrived in Na, we asked some of the locals about the animals. About 10 years ago Guru Rinpoche made it illegal to kill animals above Dongang. Previously, tourists would come camping and demand meat. Locals would kill the animals for business, but it’s a Buddhist area and Guru Rinpoche felt it was disrespectful. Five years later, he rescued 108 yaks and brought them to the area to roam free. Seeing the animals free and wild was pretty cool, not to mention that there were about a dozen baby yak which were beyond cute. One ran at me like a little puppy dog, and it was so sweet.

Note: These yaks are wild, so it’s best not to approach them. Take photos from afar and don’t disturb them.

You can read my Na Village Guide for more info or check out my post on the Yak Sanctuary !

Day 5: Na to Tsho Rolpa to Beding

Altitude : Na 3,943 m (12,936 ft) to Tsho Rolpa 4,558 m (14,954 ft) to Beding 3,721 m (12,208 ft)

Altitude Increase : 615 m (2,017 ft)

Walking Time : 2 hours up to Tsho Rolpa Lake and 3.5 hours down to Beding

Oxygen Concentration : 58% (compared to 100% at sea level)

The hike from Na to Tsho Rolpa Lake isn’t very long, but it’s difficult. Signs and locals say it takes about 3.5 hours, but even at a slow pace we made it in 2 hours. The path starts out super easy and flat, but right before the lake it turns into a steep staircase going straight up. Usually at this altitude, the trails are a series of hairpin turns and zigzags. Since stairs have been put in place, there is no gradual increase. Just up up up. After reaching the top, we spend an hour enjoying the view. You can walk around parts of the rim of the lake without much hassle.

The way down doesn’t take too long. We told the women running the teahouse in Na that we would be back for lunch, so they have it prepared when we arrive. If you have the time you can add a day to see Dudh Lake (Milk Lake). The path there isn’t well worn, and it’s another 3 hour hike up from Na. We were exhausted and decided to head back down.

Day 6: Beding to Kyalche

Altitude : Beding 3,721 m (12,208 ft) to Kyalche 2,810 m (9,219 ft)

Walking Time : 6 hours including a tea break and a lunch break

Number of teahouses : 1

We stayed at : Kyalche Lodge

Price of vegetable dal baht : 450 rupees (approximately $4.50 USD)

Toilet Situation : Outhouse / squat toilet (but very clean)

Showers : They have an open outdoor area with hot water. You can wash your hair with your clothes on.

Some people walk all the way to Simigaun to cut a day out of the Tsho Rolpa trek. We were tired, so we stopped in Kyalche. Kyalche was my favorite place we stayed during the entire trek. The teahouse was super clean including the squat toilet bathroom which looks like a sauna inside. They also had amazing blankets. The young girl who runs it can cook pretty decent Italian food. We had a mushroom macaroni which was made with dried mushroom and Italian sauce. I almost never order western food while trekking because tomato sauce is often just ketchup. I was very surprised with how great this dish tasted.

You can read my Kyalche Village Guide for more info!

Altitude : Kyalche 2,810 m (9,219 ft) to Chhetchhet 1,398 m (4,586 ft)

Walking Time : 3 hours with a tea break

Jeep from Chhetchhet to Singati : 1 hour

Number of hotels : At least 5, but they are not very clean

We stayed at : Chinari Hotel

Price of room: 1000 rupees (approximately $10 USD)

Electricity : Yes, but it cuts in and out a lot

Toilet Situation : Western toilet / private bathroom

Showers : Cold water in room, or hot water in shared bathroom

NTC Cell Service : Yes

Ncell Service : Yes

The walk down from Kyalche is a bit rough. Going down all the stairs is worse than walking up. Our knees were starting to hurt by the time we reached Chhetchhet. We had lunch in Simigaun on the way down. While waiting for lunch, we called that same jeep that dropped us off and arranged for them to meet us at the bottom of the hill so that we wouldn’t have to wait for them. If you leave early enough, you can get back in time to catch a bus back to Kathmandu, but it will be a long day of travel as the bus takes about 8 hours.

If you have a private vehicle hired to take you back to Kathmandu, I’d recommend going straight from here (or stopping in Charikot on the way back). Staying in Singati was a struggle for me. The hotels are not very clean. The Chinari Hotel was the best one we could find in town. To split up the long bus ride, we stopped in Charikot the following day and checked into the Charikot Panorama Resort which was a much needed break after roughing it for a week.

Have any questions about the Tsho Rolpa Trek Itinerary? Drop a comment and I’ll be happy to answer!

Looking for more on Tsho Rolpa? Check out my Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek Budget and Tsho Rolpa Packing List

Download my Tsho Rolpa Trek Guidebook!

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Writer at Full Time Explorer

I’m just your average New Yorker who quit her job in the fashion industry to explore the world. Come find out what it’s like to trade in five-inch heels for squat toilets.

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Reader Interactions

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December 17, 2019 at 9:39 am

In theory, the area above Beding is restricted, we are not allowed to trek towards Na and above without a Restricted Area Permit, which implies going with an agency and guide. This has been confirmed to me by the official at the Nepal Tourist Board. It seems there isn’t anyone checking the access on the ground, but beware trekkers could be arrested based on the information on your website.

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December 17, 2019 at 12:47 pm

Hello, I spoke with the officials at the Nepal Tourism Board as well and got all the required permits before going. I believe the special permit is for those who plan to cross the Tashi Lapsta Pass. I actually trekked the Tsho Rolpa route at the same time as the Nepali representative from the Swiss Embassy and no special permit was required above Beding. They will only be in trouble if they do the pass which isn’t marked, requires camping, and is dangerous without a guide.

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September 13, 2022 at 1:59 pm

Very nice to read your trek in the Rolwaling valley and your love for Nepal. I come in Nepal since 1978 for trekkiing, hiking and climbing almost every year. When did you do this trek? Was this in September 2019? Never visited that area. I planned to climb Ramdung and cross the pass to Thame, bu due to a lung problem I had to skip that.

September 14, 2022 at 2:40 am

Hello Tom, We went in 2019 but friends of mine went in 2021 using my itinerary and all of the information was still up to date as not much changed during lockdowns. Rolwaling is a lovely area. I hope you are able to visit one day!

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March 12, 2024 at 11:04 am

Namaste! I was referred to your site by Kim Bannister and many thanks for the detailed itinerary – plan to do this route with a group in November this year – perhaps the tea houses may have improved since you last went! Cheers and great blog..

April 12, 2024 at 3:49 am

Thank you so much! I think they may have built a few more teahouses in the last few years, so there may be more options to choose from. Have an amazing trip! This trek is really beautiful.

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Beyond The Limits Treks & Expedition Pvt. Ltd. Logo

Trip Details

  • Destination: Nepal
  • Trip Difficulty: Moderate
  • Trip Style: Trekking and Tour
  • Transport: Public Bus/Public jeep sharing
  • Food: Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Accommodation: Hotel + Teahouses + Lodges
  • Group Size: 2-16
  • Max Elevation: 4580m
  • Best Season: March to May - Sep to Dec
  • Trek through pristine landscapes that showcase the untouched natural beauty of the Rolwaling Valley, featuring lush forests, rugged terrains, and serene river paths.
  • Enjoy breathtaking views of majestic Himalayan peaks such as Gaurishankar and Melungtse, which provide a stunning backdrop throughout the journey.
  • Visit the tranquil Tsho Rolpa Lake, one of the largest glacial lakes in Nepal, offering serene beauty amidst the dramatic mountain landscape.
  • Immerse in the rich cultural heritage of Sherpa and Tamang villages, where you can experience local lifestyles, traditions, and warm hospitality, providing a unique cultural insight into the lives of the Himalayan communities.

About Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek


The Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek is an extraordinary journey into one of Nepal’s most pristine and untouched areas. Set against the backdrop of the magnificent Rolwaling Valley, the trek offers adventurers a unique blend of breathtaking natural landscapes and rich cultural experiences. As you navigate through remote trails, you’re rewarded with spectacular views of untouched wilderness, towering peaks, and the tranquil Tsho Rolpa Lake, one of the largest glacial lakes in Nepal. Unlike the more frequented paths to Everest or Annapurna, the Tsho Rolpa Trek remains an off-the-beaten-path adventure, perfect for those looking to explore the quieter corners of the Himalayas.

Beyond The Limits Treks offers remarkable treks to Tsho Rolpa Lake. Our experienced guides ensure a safe and enriching experience, highlighting the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the Rolwaling Valley. Discover the hidden gems of the Himalayas, creating memories that last a lifetime.


The Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek is a journey that weaves through the untouched beauty of the Rolwaling Valley, culminating at the stunning Tsho Rolpa Lake. Starting from Kathmandu, trekkers venture into the heart of Nepal’s rugged terrain, transitioning from bustling city life to the serene landscapes of the Himalayas. The trek is distinguished by its blend of cultural immersion and natural exploration.

Trekkers navigate through Sherpa and Tamang villages, gaining insight into local lifestyles and traditions, while the trail itself challenges and rewards with its diverse terrain. The path leads through lush forests, over suspension bridges, and past ancient monasteries, with the majestic Himalayan backdrop accompanying every step.

Tsho Rolpa Lake offers a serene respite, its glacial waters mirroring the awe-inspiring peaks. It is an exploration of Nepal’s hidden wonders, offering both a physical journey and a voyage into the heart of its mountain culture.

How Tsho Rolpa  Lake Trek is Unique?


The Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek takes you through the less-traveled Rolwaling Valley, offering trekkers an intimate experience with nature, away from the more crowded trails. It not only challenges adventurers with its rugged terrain and high altitudes but also rewards them with breathtaking landscapes and a deep cultural immersion.

✔ Remote and Pristine

The Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek takes you through some of the most remote parts of Nepal, offering a sense of solitude and untouched natural beauty that is becoming increasingly rare. The quiet trails, secluded villages, and pristine environments provide a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of popular trekking routes.

✔ Spectacular Glacial Lake

Tsho Rolpa, one of the largest glacial lakes in Nepal, is a highlight of this trek. The stunning turquoise waters of the lake, set against the backdrop of snow-capped peaks, create a mesmerizing and surreal landscape that captivates all who witness it.

✔ Rich Cultural Experience

Trekking through the Rolwaling Valley offers a unique cultural experience. The trail passes through Sherpa and Tamang villages, where trekkers can immerse themselves in the local lifestyle, traditions, and hospitality. This cultural richness adds a profound depth to the trekking experience.

✔ Diverse Ecosystems

The trek traverses through a variety of ecosystems, from lush rhododendron forests to alpine pastures and high-altitude landscapes. This diversity allows trekkers to experience a wide range of flora and fauna, including the chance to spot rare wildlife in their natural habitats.

✔ Adventure and Challenge

With its rugged terrain, high altitudes, and the need for proper acclimatization, the Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek offers a genuine adventure and challenge to trekkers. It tests physical endurance and mental fortitude, making the journey to Tsho Rolpa Lake a rewarding achievement.

Best Time for Tsho Rolpa Lake Trekking:

Choosing the right time to trek to Tsho Rolpa Lake is crucial for an enjoyable experience. The weather and visibility can greatly affect your trek, so it’s important to plan accordingly.

  • Spring (March to May): The landscape comes alive with blooming flowers, and the weather is warm, offering clear views of the mountains.
  • Autumn (September to November): It provides stable weather and excellent visibility, making it an ideal time for trekking.

Both spring and autumn offer the best conditions for the Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek, with minimal rainfall and clear skies, ensuring a memorable journey through the Rolwaling Valley.

Permits and Regulations:

Before considering Tsho Rolpa Trekking, you must obtain the necessary permits and be aware of the region’s regulations. These permits are essential for preserving the trails, supporting local conservation efforts, and ensuring the safety and sustainability of trekking activities in Nepal. Beyond The Limits Treks ensures compliance with local laws and support for conservation initiatives.

  • TIMS Card (Trekkers’ Information Management System): Essential for all trekkers in Nepal, the TIMS card helps with the safe management of trekkers by recording their routes and ensuring their security throughout the journey.
  • Gaurishankar  National Park Permit: Since the trek navigates through protected areas, this permit is required for entry, contributing to the conservation of the region's unique biodiversity.
  • Local Area Permit: Specific to the Rolwaling Valley, this permit is needed due to the area's special status, ensuring that trekkers contribute to local community funds.

Meals and Accommodation:

The Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek offers you a glimpse into the traditional lifestyle of the Himalayas, including the local culinary experiences and accommodation styles.

Throughout the Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek, trekkers enjoy meals that are a mix of traditional Nepali and typical trekking cuisines. Breakfasts often include Tibetan bread or chapati with tea, porridge, or eggs. Lunches and dinners provide energy for the trek with dal bhat (lentil soup), rice, vegetables, and occasionally meat dishes. The meals are not only nourishing but also offer a taste of local flavors and cooking practices, using fresh, locally sourced ingredients whenever possible.

  • Accommodation

Accommodation along the Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek is in teahouses or lodges, offering a cozy and authentic Himalayan experience. These establishments provide basic but comfortable rooms, usually with shared facilities. Staying in these teahouses allows trekkers to immerse themselves in the local culture, interact with hosts, and enjoy the warm hospitality of the Himalayan people. It's an opportunity to rest and recharge in a setting that feels like a home away from home amidst the stunning mountain landscapes

Tsho Rolpa Trekking with BTLT:

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek offers a remarkable journey through one of Nepal’s most stunning and untouched landscapes. It is an adventure that combines breathtaking natural beauty with rich cultural experiences, allowing you to explore beyond the well-trodden paths. From the serene waters of Tsho Rolpa Lake to the warm hospitality of local Sherpa and Tamang communities, each step unveils something extraordinary, promising memories that will last a lifetime.

Beyond The Limits Treks ensures a safe, enriching, and unforgettable Tsho Rolpa trekking experience. Contact us today and Book Your Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek .

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek Itinerary

Day 01 : arrival in kathmandu(1350m).

Your journey begins with your arrival in Kathmandu. Our representative will transfer you to the hotel where you have the rest of the day to either unwind from your travels or to start immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of culture, history, and bustling life of Kathmandu.

  • 2-3 star Hotel
  • 1350 meters

Day 02 : Kathmandu to Chet-Chet and Trek to Simigaun

Depart from Kathmandu to Chet-Chet by road, marking the start of your trekking adventure. The journey continues on foot to Simigaun, a welcoming village that introduces you to the verdant landscapes and terraced farms of the region, offering a first glimpse into the serene beauty and rural life of Nepal.

  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • 2,080 meters

Day 03 : Trek Simigaun to Dongang | 5/6 hrs

The trek progresses from Simigaun to Dongang, guiding you through rhododendron forests and alongside rushing rivers. The journey reveals the valley’s changing landscapes, from lush vegetation to more rugged terrains, as you gain altitude and delve deeper into the heart of the Himalayas.

  • 2,750 meters

Day 04 : Dongang (2800 m.) to Beding (3690 m.) | 5hrs

Ascending from Dongang to Beding, Day 4 challenges you with steeper paths while rewarding you with stunning views of the surrounding mountains. Beding, nestled within the Rolwaling Valley, offers a tranquil rest stop where you can observe the daily lives of the local Sherpa community amidst breathtaking alpine scenery.

  • 3,721 meters

Day 05 : Beding to Na | 2 hrs.

A shorter trek leads you from Beding to Na, a highland pasture where the landscape opens up to reveal panoramic views of snow-capped peaks. It’s a leisurely day that allows for acclimatization and exploration of the area’s natural beauty, including serene lakes and the valley's wide expanse.

Day 06 : Na to Tsho Rolpa Lake and Trek Back to Beding

The highlight of the trek, a journey to Tsho Rolpa Lake, awaits. Trek from Na to this immense glacial lake, whose turquoise waters reflect the grandeur of the Himalayas. Spend time absorbing the lake’s tranquil beauty before trekking back to Beding, carrying with you memories of one of Nepal's hidden gems.

Day 07 : Beding to Simigaon | 6/7 hours

Begin your return trek to Simigaon, retracing your steps while taking in the landscape from a new perspective. It’s a reflective journey, allowing you to appreciate the natural and cultural richness of the valley as you descend back towards civilization.

Day 08 : Simigaon to Chet- Chet and back to Kathmandu by road | 195 Km. | 7/8 hours

Day 8 takes you from Simigaon to Chet-Chet, where you'll transition from the tranquility of the mountains to the road back to Kathmandu.

What's Included

  • Pickup and drop from Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu
  • English Speaking license holder guide
  • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner during Trek
  • All accommodation 
  • All ground transportation as itinerary
  • Porter if required USD 22 per day (porter will carry 20kg of luggage)
  • Farewell Dinner
  • Certificate of Achievement

Useful Information

Beyond the Limits Treks and Expedition is a popular local trekking company in Nepal. we have 24 years of experience organizing this type of trip. we can depart on your demand date. if you like to follow our fixed departure please visit our fixed departure date.

This price is sharing Jeep Transportation Base if you like to Take private Transportation please contact us 

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Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek

tsho rolpa lake trek

Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is a beautiful trek in Nepal that takes trekkers to trek around the high range of Rolwaling valley located in the East-Central part of Nepal.

The major attraction of this trek is the Tsho Rolpa Lake. This lake is one of the biggest glacial lakes in Nepal . Behind the lake, you will get to see the beautiful scenery of the mountain.

The trek is near the Tibetan border, and you will get to know the traditional culture of the Tibetan. You will have the opportunity to visit the Brahmin, Chhetri, Tamang and Sherpa villages.

Also, you can learn about their lifestyle, culture, and traditions. There is also a legendary tales of the abominable snowman, known as the “Yeti” in the district.

We will start our trek from Shingati.

On the way, we will be seeing some rice and mustard fields and passing through Sun Koshi river. We will be exploring the Na village and the old monastery. We will head towards to visit the Tsho Rolpa Lake and get to admire the view of the lake.

There is a Great monastery called Bigu Gompa along the trek. There are more than hundred nuns there.

Besides going through alpine forests and rocky terrains, there will be a beautiful blue spot of ice-cold water sparkles like a charm in the middle of the scenic snowy mountains.

During Tsho Rolpa lake trek you hardly meet some other trekkers on the way. Its because of this trekking area is not as famous as other popular trekking in high altitude lakes such as Gosaikunda trek , Gokyo lake trek , etc.

For those who are looking for a less crowded area to enjoy the real beauty of Nepal from the remote villages, this trek is the best option.

The best time to do Tsho Rolpa trek will be in Autumn and Spring. Full of colorful rhododendron flowers will be growing in the forest. Enjoy nature as you trek up.

<p>Today we will take the early morning bus from Old Bus park at around 6 AM to Chechet. The drive follows the bumpy ride through the winding and dusty roads. The dusty ride with beautiful landscapes and blooming rhododendron flowers on the way make your long drive worth. </p><p>Along the way, we will cross Kharidhunga, Charikot, Singati, and Gongar. From Chechet we will take a short two hours of hike to Simi Gaon for overnight stay. </p><p></p><p>Accommodation & Dinner Included</p>

<p>Today after breakfast, we will begin our walk to reach Beding. The trail on the way is colorful and vibrant because of the blooming Rhododendron flowers, greeneries and white mountains sparkling at the top. After around three hours of walk from Simi Gaon, we will reach Surmuche village. And then further two hours of the trek takes us to Kyalche and than to Dongang.</p><p>On the way, the fantastic sound of birds and beautiful streams make our trek attractive. From Dongang the trail to Beding is the lonelier path, via the dense forests and beautiful vegetation, the uphill walk takes around 4/5 hours to reach Beding.</p><p></p><p>Accommodation, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included</p>

<p>Today after having early morning breakfast, we will start our trek to Tsho Ropla. Today's walk is a bit longer because we have to back at the same place tonight. The 2 hours of silent and peaceful trial walk, takes us to Na Gaon at 4,180 m. From Na Faon its around 2 and half hours of walk to Tsho Rolpa Lake. The beautiful spots of ice and greenish water, a reflection of blue sky shining like a jewel amid the panoramic snowy mountains welcomes us in Tsho Rolpa Lake. The enchanting view of Majestic Mountain Gauri Shanker can be seen from here. </p><p>Rolwaling Valley is also linked with the Everest region. Adventure challenger trekkers cross the Tashi Lapcha pass above 5700 m to go to Namche Bazar from Rolwaling valley. The Tashi Lapcha pass is also considered as the most challenging mountain pass of Nepal Himalaya. After spending some hours visiting around the Glacial lake of Tsho Rolpa, we will return to Beding again.</p><p></p><p>Accommodation, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included</p>

<p>Today we will be walking alongside the river Tamakoshi in the morning with the various bird's sounds (specially Danphe and Munal) and the view of the silver-shining mountains.</p><p>After two and a half hours of walk, you will reach Dongang and a further 1 hours of trek to Kalche.and then to Surmuche. We will be following the same trial our second-day trek. However, we can stay overnight at Simi Gaon or Chechet too, but it would be better to trek down to Gongar Khola to catch the first bus of Kathmandu.</p><p></p><p>Accommodation, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included</p>

<p>Today we will take a drive back to Kathmandu via the same route we drove before to reach Chechet, Its around 9 hours of journey to Kathmandu from Gongar Khola with the same dusty and bumpy road.</p><p></p><p>Breakfast Included</p>

Trip Cost Includes

  • Three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) during the trek.
  • Best available guest houses accommodation during the trek (mainly in twin sharing).
  • A local government licensed English speaking trekking guide during the trek.
  • Food, accommodation, salary, insurance, equipment, medicine and transportation for all our staff.
  • All necessary trekking permits, and fees.
  • All necessary land transport as per the itinerary.
  • Down Jacket, sleeping bag and a duffel bag(to be returned after your trek complete).
  • Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek Route map.
  • First aid medical kid.
  • Oximeter to check your pulse and oxygen saturation and heart rate.
  • All the Official expenses and government taxes.

Trip Cost Excludes

  • Hotel in Kathmandu.
  • Sightseeing in Kathmandu.
  • Your travel insurance.
  • International airfare and airport departure tax.
  • Nepal entry visa
  • Alcoholic, hot and cold drinks, laundry.
  • Personal trekking equipment.
  • Tips for trekking staffs(necessary).
  • Any others expenses which are not mentioned on the Price includes section.

Kathmandu is a city where you can find all category hotel from budget to high-level star hotels as well as bed and breakfasts too. We don’t want you to force stay on the hotels we are included in our package. Instead, you can choose your hotel to stay in Kathmandu according to your interest & budget. If you need any help in choosing a hotel in Kathmandu, Feel free to ask, we are ready to help you.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

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Gokyo Treks Nepal

Gokyo Treks Nepal

Nepal Trekking Agency

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Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek

Home » Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek

Based on 1 Reviews

Tsho Rolpa Lake trek

Tsho Rolpa Trek Summary

  • Tsho Rolpa Lake trek Duration: 9 Days
  • Trek Difficulty: Easy to Moderate Grading
  • Tsho Rolpa lake Altitude: 4,580m/15,027 feet
  • Trek Hours: 6 hours daily
  • Group-Size: 1 – 15 People
  • Best Time to Hike: March, April, May, October, and November
  • Trip Mode: Lodge Basis
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Transportation: Car/Bus/Jeep

The Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek is a remote wilderness trail in the Rolwaling Mountains of Nepal, leading to Tsho Rolpa, one of the country’s largest glacial lakes. Situated at an altitude of 4,580 meters in the Rolwaling Valley of the Dolakha District, Tsho Rolpa has significantly expanded over the past 50 years due to glacial melting in the Himalayas.

Moreover, researchers are now reassessing the state of Tsho Rolpa – located around 115 km northeast of Kathmandu in Dolakha District. One of the benefits of considering Tsho Rolpa is the accessibility of information on the lake’s evolution. Analysts Scientific started considering the lake in the mid-1990s when the lake’s high flood hazard was recognized.

This hike to Tsho Rolpa Lake follows a less-traveled path, offering an opportunity to explore the remote landscape. Additionally, this trek features impressive mountains like Gauri Shankar (7,145m) and Melungtse (7,181m).

Trekkers can walk through several scattered Sherpa villages near the Tibet border, with Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake just 114 kilometers from Kathmandu. It is a lesser-known route, and you will likely encounter few other tourists, even in peak season, but you can enjoy diverse flora and fauna.

Autumn and spring are the best times for Tsho Rolpa trekking, with bright rhododendron blossoms filling the forests. However, trekking to Tsho Rolpa can be challenging for beginners. Despite this, the Rolwaling Tsho Rolpa trek is possible year-round, offering a chance to appreciate nature in every season.

Rolwaling Trek in Nepal

How much is the Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek Package Cost/Price?

The cost of Tsho Rolpa lake trek package with a Gokyo Treks local Agency in Nepal ranges between US$ 625 to US$ 975. And certainly, the Tsho Rolpa Trek package price will vary as per the mode of transportation service you choose. However, this figure price includes transportation, a guide, porters, hotels and food accommodation and hiking permits, facilities.

However, we often arrange private trips in order to avoid group tours with strangers. A private tour gives you a better experience on your hikes. If you value personalization, flexibility, and in-depth experiences, a private trip customized to your personal needs will be the best option.

It’s a standard trip package price for 9 days hike in Tsho Rolpa route trekking in the Himalayas. If you are 2 tourists Tsho Rolpa Lake trek cost US$ 850 for 9 days trek as given plan. We can modify the Tsho Rolpa lake trek route and the prices according to your wishes also. Here is the price list for Tsho rolpa treks.

Price Per Person for 9 days Tsho Rolpa Trek for 2024 and 2025.

If you’re wondering to know about what is included and what is excluded from this trip price, kindly check on the cost given on a tab button.

Tsho Rolpa Lake trek itinerary details

Embark on the Tsho Rolpa 9-day itinerary, a multi-day adventure through the controlled region of Rolwaling. For those interested in longer hikes in the Rolwaling and Everest zones, consider following the Tashi Lapcha Pass Trek itinerary. The Tsho Rolpa route is perfect for world travelers seeking a quick yet fulfilling hiking experience. Alternatively, we can provide a tailor-made itinerary to suit your specific needs.

Upon arrival in Kathmandu, Tribhuvan International Airport, we will receive you in a private vehicle and drive you to the hotel in Kathmandu. All aspects of gear and conditions are discussed to make sure you’re fully prepared for the trip, and any last-minute questions are answered.

kathmandu world heritage sites tour

After lunch, we explore this antique heritage sites with the tour Guide Ammar. We visit Swayambhunath (a Monkey Temple) and Hanuman Dhoka Durbar Square, a historic square in Kathmandu, Nepal, known for its ancient palaces, temples, courtyards, and statues.

After exploring the old palace, we continue our journey to Thamel visiting the oldest markets of Nepal including the historic Asan Tole market. Our leader, Ammar Guni, will then brief you about the Tsho Rolpa Hike, introduce your trekking guide, and provide other necessary information.

Today, we will take the early morning Bus or Jeep transportation from Kathmandu to Chhetchhet, takes around seven hours. Our road ride journey finishes the uneven ride on the winding and dusty streets.

Simi Gaon, Rolwaling valley

Be that as it may, this dusty ride with wonderful scenes and sprouting rhododendron blossoms in transit make your lengthy drive worthwhile.

We cross Kharidhunga, Charikot, Singati, and Gongar along the journey. From Chhetchhet village, it requires a short climb about 3 hours to Simi Gaon for an overnight stay in a lodge.

Simigaon is a picturesque village in Nepal, situated at the gateway to the Rolwaling Valley and known for its stunning mountain views and traditional Sherpa culture. Leaving Simigaun, the path features a moderate grade that ascends over stone stairs with gentle climbs and descents.

Kyalche Village

Kyalche offers an open grassy area with a pleasant guesthouse where we stay overnight. The hike from Simigaun to Kyalche is relatively easy, passing through the forest and taking approximately six hours.

Today, after breakfast, we begin our trek from Kyalche to Beding village. Journey to Beding trail has vibrant and colorful due to the blooming rhododendron flowers, lush vegetation, and the white mountains, including Gauri Shankar, shimmering at the top.

Beding village

As we progress, the remarkable sound of birds and the beautiful streams make our journey enchanting through the dense forest and delightful scenery. Beding is a charming village that features a monastery and offers some fine lodges for tourists to stay overnight.

The best part of this day is seeing all of the yak herds, cows, and sheep roaming freely across the valley. We got to know that about 10 years ago Guru Rinpoche made it illegal to kill animals above Dongang.

Na village

Previously, tourists would come camping and demand meat. Locals would kill the animals for business, but it’s a Buddhist zone and Guru Rinpoche felt it was disrespectful.

Five years later, he rescued 108 yaks and brought them to the area to roam free. Seeing the animals free and wild Yaks were pretty cool but have in mind that the YAKS are wild, so do not touch or approach them.

Today, we have almost a top scenic trip to visit Tsho rolpa lake and Dudh Pokhari sacred lake. Hike to Tsho Rolpa lake from NA Lodge takes about three hours-long stretches gives you a great view of entire Tsho rolpa lake and as well as a rolwaling valley with some popular peaks.

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek

Note that Tsho rolpa lake is also popular as a Chhyugima Pokhari situated on the foothill of Chukyima peak. However, our excursion starts around 7AM after breakfast at NA village. First destination journey is to Tsho Ropla lake at 4,580 meters above the sea, later on, we continue with a glacial moraine trail to a sacred lake Dudh Pokhari at 4,700m possible to explore in a single day.

After a scenic lakeside tour, we follow the rough trail on the left side to reach Dudh Pokhari Lake, climbing 120 meters above Tsho Rolpa Lake. Visiting both lakes in a single-day hike from NA is possible and highly recommended. This spiritual journey makes visiting both lakes a sacred and fantastic experience.

Dudh Kunda, Rolwaling

The stunning spots of ice and greenish water, reflecting the blue sky like a gem amid the snow-covered mountains, welcome us to Tsho Rolpa and Dudh Pokhari Lake. Keep in mind that the mountain lake often gets cloudy, so check the weather for Dudh Pokhari and Tsho Rolpa 24 hours before setting out. Visitors can enjoy captivating views of the majestic Gauri Shankar mountain.

Additionally, the Rolwaling Valley is connected to the Everest region. Adventurous travelers can cross the high pass Tashi Labsta La (5,755m) to reach Namche Bazaar in Sagarmatha National Park. The Tashi Labsta pass is considered the most difficult high mountain pass in Nepal Himalayas.

Today’s hike from Na village to Dongang Lodge in the Rolwaling Valley is challenging yet rewarding. Starting at around 4,180 meters in Na village, the trail features rugged terrain with steep ascents and descents. Hikers are treated to stunning views of snow-capped mountains, including Gauri Shankar, and lush forests with rhododendron.

Dongang lodge

Although generally well-marked, the path can be slippery in wet conditions, so checking the weather forecast is essential. Proper acclimatization and hydration are necessary due to the altitude and elevation changes. Several rest points along the way provide breaks and scenic views. Upon reaching Lodge in Dongang settlement, trekkers can rest comfortably after the demanding hike, making this trail a memorable trekking experience in the Rolwaling Valley.

Today, we begin our hike alongside the Tamakoshi stream, accompanied by the diverse sounds of birds, including the Danphe and Munal, and views of the silver-sparkling mountains. After walking for over three hours, we reach Surmuche village for a lunch break.

Chhetchhet Village

Following a delicious meal, we trek downhill to Chhetchhet village, where we will stay at a guesthouse. Chhetchhet Waterfall, located near Chhetchhet Lodges, is a breathtaking cascade renowned for its serene beauty and the tranquil atmosphere it provides to trekkers and visitors. The next day, we will catch the first bus to Kathmandu.

Pack your gear properly and enjoy a delicious breakfast with a scenic view of an amazing waterfall just 150 meters away. The drive back from Chhetchhet to Kathmandu offers a scenic journey through the diverse landscapes of Nepal, transitioning from rugged mountain terrain to lush green valleys.

Kathmandu to Chhetchhet Jeep service

The route takes you through charming villages and picturesque countryside, providing glimpses of local life and culture. The approximately 7-8 hour drive ensures a memorable and visually enriching experience before reaching the bustling capital city. Trip finish.

Not satisfied with above plan?

Are you interested in planning a custom trip? this might take 2 to 3 minutes.

How much does the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek pckage price?

It’s a 9 Days Classic Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek price start at US$ 625 and might reach up to US$ 975 per person on double occupancy basis. Taking a private 4WD jeep to and from Chhetchhet saves your time and riding the bus minimize the tour expenses. Gokyo Treks and Expedition agency notify this express Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek Package price for 2024 and 2025 based on group size you are travelling with.

For the deluxe and luxury trekking tour plan, we add 4 to 5 star category hotel deluxe air-conditioned rooms in Kathmandu with the breakfast Plan. Likewise, Lodge accommodations along the journey. AND WE ARE OPEN TO CUSTOMIZING YOUR TOUR AND PACKAGES PRICE AS PER YOUR REQUIREMENTS.

Tsho Rolpa Lake trek package includes

  • Kathmandu International airport transfer with a private car on your arrival.
  • 1-night double bedroom accommodation in a Tourist standard hotel in Kathmandu.
  • 8 Breakfast serve with a cup of tea/coffee, 8 Lunch and 7 Dinner while on trek routes.
  • 7 Nights double bedroom Lodge accommodation along the Tsho Rolpa Lake trekking routes.
  • Kathmandu – Chhetchhet and Chhetchhet to Kathmandu transfer bothway by Bus/Jeep on a sharing basis as per above plan.
  • All required permits (Restricted Area Permit (RAP) + Gauri Shankar Conservation permit + TIMS permit for Tsho Rolpa trekking.
  • Fully escorted trek with English-speaking license holder mountain trek guide.
  • Professional porters (each 2 guest (12 kg + 12 kg) = 1 porter basis) to transfer guest’s baggage.
  • World heritage Sites [Swayambhunath Stupa and Hanuman Dhoka Royal Palace] in Kathmandu Tour Guide service.
  • Trekking equipment, Insurance, and other facilities for Nepali trekking staff.
  • Seasonal fruits like apples and pomegranates as a dessert after dinner for Tsho rolpa trekking.
  • Agency’s duffel bag (50 liters capacity), and trek poles if Necessary – return after the trek.
  • First aid medical kit including Oximeter to check your Oxygen level, Pulse rate to monitor every day to prepare for high altitude risk. However, in a worst case, help with all Helicopter Rescue and evacuation arrangements (but not the rescue bills).
  • Tsho Rolpa Trek map & trek completion certificate – keep them as a souvenir.
  • Nepal Government Tax, VAT, and as well as Company service charge.

What’s not included in the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek package cost:-

  • Lunch and Dinner in Kathmandu city.
  • Any kinds of battery charges, laundry service, phone calls, and hot showers during the trekking.
  • Tourist personal trekking equipment including clothes.
  • -10 comfort fresh Sleeping bag rental cost per piece US$ 2 per day.
  • Personal nature expenses, all types of beverage drinks.
  • Kathmandu city world heritage sites transportation, sport entrance fee and donations.
  • Travel Insurance which covers emergency rescue, evacuation, personal loss, or damage.
  • Gratuities for guide and porters [Tip is a culture, so they expect highly].

We can organize a private trek at Tsho Rolpa in a Rolwaling area if that starts on any date that works for you. So, please contact us for more information regarding Tsho Rolpa trail routes, weather, and price packages.

Question: Is pick-up service available on my arrival day in Kathmandu?.

Answer: Yes sure. Provide us with your flight information. Our representative will come to pick up you at Kathmandu international airport.

Question: Do I need the experience to hike Tsho Rolpa?.

Answer: While prior hiking experience is helpful, it’s not strictly necessary for Tsho Rolpa if you’re reasonably fit and prepared. However, due to its remote trails, it’s advisable to hike in a group, especially if it’s your first time in Nepal.

Question: Can I store my suitcase luggage/stuff in Kathmandu city?

Answer: Yes, you can leave your luggage at your hotel or at our office. Storing your stuff in the Gokyo Treks agency office for free.

Question: Is a hike to Rolwaling territory Safe especially for solo Trekkers?

Answer: Yes, this trek is widely regarded as safe for solo trekkers. Our team consists of honest and friendly guides who treat every trekker like a family member. We have been organizing treks for solo female travelers since our establishment, ensuring their safety and enjoyment throughout the journey.

Solo hikes at Tsho Rolpa is not advisable due to its remote wilderness trail. Often covered with forests and yak paths, which can make it easy for tourists to get lost. This can be particularly dangerous during the winter months. It’s better to travel in a group of at least two tourists to navigate the trail more easily and to save on accommodation costs by sharing rooms.

Question: What kind of accommodation and food can I expect on the Tsho Rolpa Lake Rolwaling trek?

Answer: We provide tourist-standard lodge accommodations along the trek route. However, we recommend bringing your own sleeping bag if you have one; otherwise, you can rent one in Kathmandu. During the Tsho Rolpa lodge trek, tourists will receive all meals at the homestay lodges.

The lodges typically serve vegetarian dishes such as pasta, tuna bakes, noodles, potatoes, eggs, bread, soups, and rice with seasonal vegetables.

Question: Will I have a hot shower along the lake Tsho Rolpa trek?.

Answer: Shower facilities along the Tsho Rolpa trek can be limited and vary depending on the lodges. Some lodges might offer basic shower facilities, often with cold water, and occasionally with hot water for an extra fee. It’s best to ask at each lodge about the availability and cost of a shower on the spot.

Question: How do I get drinking water Tsho Rolpa route?.

Answer: You can buy aqua tablets to purify the normal water as the normal water is available almost everywhere on the stream or in the lodges.

Question: Can I charge my digital camera or other batteries on my trip?

Answer: During the local lodges there will be more chances to charge the battery. We recommend you bring an extra pair in case. Remember to bring your adapters!

Question: Are there any communication facilities on a short trek to Tsho Rolpa?

Answer: Yes, only for some places but not for everyday hikes.

Question: When should I book my trip and what are the payment terms?

Answer: We recommend booking this Tsho Rolpa trip with us as early as possible. While we strive to accommodate last-minute bookings, a 15% advance deposit is required to secure your reservation. This deposit allows us to make all necessary arrangements for your trip however, the remaining payment can be settled upon your arrival in Nepal.

Question: Who will carry my luggage on Tsho Rolpa short trek?

Answer: We provide porters to transfer your luggage. As we are a responsible trekking tour operator agency, each of our porters carries a maximum of 24 kilos of your backpack which means 2 guests (12 kg luggage of each guest): 1 porter basis.

Question: How much distance do I walk each day?

Answer: On the Tsho Rolpa trek, you typically walk 5-7 hours each day, covering approximately 10-15 kilometers daily, depending on the specific route and your pace.

Question: Do I need walking poles?

Answer: It is better to hike with walking poles as you are going to Tsho Rolpa glacial lakes. Learn how to use trekking poles for balance and stability, whether on the sidewalk or on trails. Walking poles can help prevent slips and falls. They are just recommended but not compulsory.

Question: How much additional money do I need per day?

Answer: It depends on your spending habits, but you should budget approximately US$ 10 – 12 per day for purchasing bottled water, energy chocolates, and tea/coffee. Note that you’ll need to carry Nepali local currency, as ATMs are unavailable and credit card payments are not accepted along this Journey.

Tsho Rolpa Lake trek highlights

  • Investigate the world’s beautiful two high Gauri Shankar mountains and Melungtse (7,181m) in a line.
  • Remote area excursion – off-the-beaten path trekking experience
  • Impressive Tsho Rolpa Lake, Dudh Kunda Lake and its surroundings.
  • Over 60% of the route, You’ll trek alongside the cascading Rolwaling River.
  • Diverse in flora and fauna and rich in local cultural heritages of Rolwaling Himalayas.

Best time for Tsho Rolpa Lake Trekking

The best time for Tsho Rolpa Lake Trekking in Nepal is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons. These seasons offer the most favorable weather and optimal trekking conditions in the Rolwaling zone.

During spring, the temperatures are mild, and the rhododendron forests along the path come alive with vibrant blooms, creating a picturesque landscape. Skies are generally clear, and you can enjoy breathtaking views of the Himalayan peaks.

Autumn is another excellent time for Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek because of stable weather. Likewise, the autumn months offer excellent visibility, allowing trekkers to enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, including Gauri Shankar (7,145m), Melungtse (7,181m) and Rolwaling peaks.

Both spring and autumn are considered the very busy seasons for hiking in Nepal, including the Tsho Rolpa at Rolwaling territory. Usually, the trails are well-maintained, and there is a festive atmosphere in the high mountain villages due to various cultural celebrations.

It’s worth noting that while these seasons are generally ideal, weather patterns can vary from year to year. It’s always a good idea to check the latest weather forecasts time to time that your holiday adventure to ensure the best possible experience.

Trek difficulty level and require physical fitness!

The Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek is moderately challenging and requires good physical fitness. The trek involves rugged and uneven terrain, with some steep ascents and descents, making it essential for trekkers to have strong leg muscles and good core strength.

At an elevation of approximately 4,580 meters (15,030 feet), altitude sickness is a concern, so proper acclimatization is necessary. With your experience in trekking around the Everest Base Camp region, Frank, you’re likely well-prepared for the endurance needed—typically 5-7 hours of hiking per day.

Regular cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and hiking practice with a loaded backpack will help ensure you’re ready for the journey.

Proper hydration, nutrition, and pacing are crucial to maintaining energy levels and reducing the risk of altitude sickness. With adequate preparation, the Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek offers a rewarding adventure with stunning views in the Rolwaling region.

Notes for Tsho Rolpa Lake trekkers!

When hiking to Tsho Rolpa Lake, ensure you have the necessary trek permits, including the Restricted Area Permit (RAP) for the Rolwaling region. Proper preparation with appropriate hiking gear and a professional guide is essential.

The numerous small trails made by yaks can be confusing, making it challenging to find the correct path to Tsho Rolpa Lake and Dudhkunda. Hiking in a group is advisable to share accommodation costs and enhance safety.

Be ready for cold weather, particularly in winter, and carry sufficient food, water, and warm clothing. Acclimatize properly to prevent altitude sickness and ensure you have the necessary trekking permits. Hiring a local guide can also be beneficial.

However the Tsho Rolpa hike as stated above itineraries is subject to modification according to our guest’s request. This is a sample guideline showing tentative camp night stops. A physical, technical, and natural condition may change the above itineraries.

What makes Tsho Rolpa Lake trek trip special?

Tsho Rolpa Lake trekking holds a distinct appeal for hikers due to its unique blend of natural wonders and cultural experiences. Nestled in the serene landscapes of Nepal, this trek unveils breathtaking views of the Rolwaling Himalayas, treating hikers to awe-inspiring vistas throughout the journey.

Beyond the scenic beauty, the trek offers a glimpse into the local Sherpa and Tamang cultures, allowing travelers to immerse themselves in the rich traditions and warm hospitality of these communities. Moreover, the trek’s challenging yet rewarding trails provide a sense of accomplishment, making it a truly special and fulfilling experience for hiking enthusiasts seeking adventure amidst unparalleled natural beauty and cultural encounters.

We at Gokyo Treks and Expedition believe in quality services. Your safety and satisfaction is our concern. We are a team of professional, experienced, and licensed local guides who know the destination much better than others.

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek Review

Beautiful journey to tsho rolpa lake.

We are avid trekkers and recently we book our trip to TSHO ROLPA LAKE with a local Gokyo Treks Agency as this agency was highly recommended by one of my friends from western Berlin.

We started to make email and Whatsapp with Ammar, owner of the agency to make the best travel plan to hike just before the pre-monsoon in Nepal. All worked well they receive us in the airport and arranged the trekking gear, guide, and necessary gears quickly.

Driving to Chechet in a first day was quiet tiring because of the off road drive however the journey offers picturesque landscapes and the typical village and valley made us not boring. It was quiet and fantastic to walk along the valley with the sound of screaming birds and rivers.

Travelers get basic lodge accommodation and foods but often camps are little longer than expected that’s why bring some energy bars to maintain your energy and stamina.

All in all, Ammar and the agency did a great job, we absolutely very happy and recommend this company to anyone if planning a trip to the Himalayas.

Response from Gokyo Treks Nepal

Dear Mario Guenter, your wonderful review is deeply appreciated. We are thrilled that you had a fantastic experience with us. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority, and we cannot wait to have the pleasure of serving you on another remarkable trip to the Himalayas very soon. Thank you once again, and we eagerly anticipate your return.

From US$ 995

Tripadvisor award of Gokyo Treks

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Cost & Departures

Your Trip Your Style!

ITINERARY, COST, DEPARTURES, will adjusted according to your GROUP SIZE NEED TIME

Book with Confidence

  • Local Guides Company.
  • 18 Years in Business.
  • Lowest Price Guaranteed.
  • 100% Customizable Trips
  • Excellent Customer Service
  • Hassle Free Booking.
  • 90 % Repeated customers
  • Highly Recommended agency
  • Private/group tour options

Useful Information

  • Trek in Nepal Himalayas
  • Altitude Sickness
  • Foods on the Trekking
  • Trek Porters and Guides
  • Trek TIMS Permit
  • Trekking Equipment List
  • Trek Permits & Fees
  • Best Season for trek
  • Trek Difficulty/Grade
  • How to get Nepal Visa

Add on Safari Trip

  • Chitwan Jungle Safari
  • Bardia Jungle Safari
  • Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve

Extra Fun on Adventures

  • Mount Everest Flight
  • Everest Helicopter Travel
  • Bungy Jump Tour
  • Paragliding Flight
  • River Rafting
  • Experience Zipline
  • Wild Honey Hunting
  • Mountain Biking

Book My Trip

  • Booking Terms - Condition
  • How to make Payment

Trek & Return with Heli

  • Trek to Langtang with heli return
  • EBC Trek with a Heli return
  • Gokyo Trek with a Heli return
  • Trek to ABC with a Heli return
  • Tours by Helicopter in Nepal

Reference Contact

  • Germany : Klaus Kummer
  • Germany : Martin Aigner
  • Austria : Verena Laner
  • Austria : Dorothee Plunger
  • Chicago: Beth Pekol
  • Australia: Mark Panico
  • Zürich: Marta Blickenstorfer

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek

5 day Tsho Rolpa Trek – Highest Glacier Lake in Nepal

Hayden Rue

  • September 28, 2022

Tsho Rolpa Lake located at an altitude of 4,580m (15,030 ft) is the highest glacier lake in Nepal. The lake lies in the Rolwaling Valley of Dolakha District. The Tsho Rolpa Trek goes along the Rolwaling Valley trek and through the Gaurishankar Conservation Area. Tsho Rolpa Trek is categorized as a moderate trek that can be done by most beginners as it doesn’t require previous trekking experience. Moreover, the trek is also accessible to solo trekkers who can easily navigate the trek alone as there are tea houses available at various spots during the trekking route.

Apart from the largest glacial lake, the Tsho Rolpa Trek provides spectacular sight seeing opportunities for Gaurishankar Himal. If the massive mountain wasn’t enough, the trek also weaves along the flowing Rolwaling River, which has beautiful waterfalls, pristine jungles and beautiful village settlements that are influenced by Buddhist culture.

The hike takes you right up to the Tibetan border, where you will have the chance to experience and learn about Tibetan culture. Moreover, you will be able to tour the villages of Brahmins, Chhetris, Tamangs, and Sherpas during the trekking route. You can also learn about their culture, traditions, and way of life. Additionally, in the region, there are legends of the abominable snowman known as the “Yeti” living there – see our Mystery of the Himalayas blog.

With so much to offer the Tsho Rolpa trek has something for everyone. From culture and heritage to folklore, and of course the breathtaking views of the lake and the mountains, Tsho Rolpa trek is a must.

Fast Facts Tsho Rolpa Trek

Tsho Rolpa is a less frequented trek but packs a punch in terms of scenery and access to cultural experiences. If you decide to see the frozen lake of Tsho Rolpa, a few things to know include:

Tsho Rolpa Trek – Itinerary

Let’s take a look at a normal itinerary for the trek and some other basic must know information.

Detailed Itinerary of Tsho Rolpa Trek

The trek can be completed in five days, starting from Kathmandu and arriving in Tsho Rolpa Lake in three days. With only a day trip to the lake, depending on how you are feeling you can spend even more time in the region, to take in the views of some of the world’s tallest mountains and a longer chance to experience the diverse culture in the area. 

The detailed itinerary of the trek can be found below:

Day 01: Drive from Kathmandu to Chechet and trek to Simi Gaon (1,900m) – 12 hours.

Simi Gaun Tsho Rolpa Trek

To start your journey, it is best to get an early start and to take the bus from Old Bus park in Kathmandu around 6 AM to Chechet. The bus ride is a bumpy and dusty journey that winds through the countryside of Nepal. Don’t let the roads get you down, as trekkers are rewarded with beautiful scenery covered with the national flower of Nepal – Rhododendron flowers.

The bus ride, which will take the majority of the day, will cross Kharidhunga, Charikot, Singati, and Gongar. From Chechet the short two hour hike to Simi Gaon will begin. Simi Gaon is the destination for the day where you will have your overnight stay.

Day 02: Simi Gaon to Beding (3,650m) – 7 hours.

Dongang village Tsho Rolpa Trek

The first day of major hiking will start with an early start along a trail filled with colorful and lush greenery with views of blooming Rhododendron flowers, green fields and trees and white mountains. After about a three hour hike from Simi Gaon, you will reach the village of Surmuche. After passing Surmuche it will take approximately two more hours to reach another village to rest in, which is Dongang. Finally, the last stretch for the day is marked with birds, beautiful streams, dense forests and beautiful vegetation. The final uphill hike to Beding will take around 4/5 hours to complete.

Day 03: Day trip to Tsho Rolpa Lake (4,183m) and back to Beding – 7 hours.

Tsho Rolpa Lake

Day three is the toughest out of the five days of hiking on the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek, as the journey will start and end in the same place. It is important to get an early start to make sure you have enough time to spend at the lake and for the return journey. The first two hours of hiking will get you to the first milestone for the day which is Na Gaon at 4,180 m. From Na Gaon it is only another 2 hours of trekking before the final destination arrives: Tsho Rolpa Lake! 

The lake is engulfed in the middle of snowy mountains, with the greenish water reflecting the blue skies from above. Take your time at this point and take in all the wonders the lake has to offer, including the Majestic Mountain Gauri Shanker.

After spending some time enjoying mother nature and all it has to offer with the Glacial lake of Tsho Rolpa, you will need to return to Beding for the evening.

Day 04: Beding to Gongar Khola – 6 hours.

Waterfall in Gongar Khola

Day four’s trek follows the Tamakoshi river down to lower elevations. If you are lucky, you will have the morning birds (usually Danphe and Munal) celebrating your trekking accomplishments with their beautiful songs.

While moving further away from the Himalayan mountains it will take about two and a half hours of hiking to reach Dongang. After Dongang, a short one to two hour hike will get you to Surmuche. Once you have reached Surmuche, you will follow the same trail as on the second day. You can choose to stay in Simi Gaon or Chechet if you want. However, many recommend pushing forward to reach Gongar Khola in order to catch the first bus back to Kathmandu in the morning.

Day 05: Drive back to Kathmandu(1,400m) – 10 hours.

The final day of the journey includes returning to Kathmandu via the original route. The drive can take upwards of 10 hours, especially if there is traffic or other issues along the road.

Ready to Hike? Tsho Rolpa Trek Ending Thoughts

Even though there are magnificent views and hidden mysteries around every corner, the Tsho Rolpa trek is still relatively unknown. Many hikers choose to go for some of the more well known treks such as Annapurna Base Camp , Everest, or even Mardi Himal. However, this makes way for less traffic and more personal experiences along the trek.

One thing to keep in mind is that since it is less traveled, many of the tea shops and places to stay close during the off season. Making it important to go during the months we highlighted (October, November, April, and May) to ensure everything goes smoothly. Need to know the Nepali months? Have a look at our Nepali Calendar tool to know the Nepali dates!

When in doubt, you can always use a trekking guide (don’t worry many tour guides speak good English!)to set up everything for you and to make the trip easy! No matter if you decide to go it alone, or with a guide, the trek will provide you with experiences for a lifetime!

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Radiant Treks

Tsho Rolpa Trek

  • Trek Duration 15 Days
  • Trek Distance 188 km
  • Avg Walking Hrs 6-7 hours
  • When to Go March to May, Sept to Nov
  • Transportation Public/Private Vehicle
  • Accommodations Hotel and Teahouses
  • Difficulties Moderate to Challenging
  • Viewpoint Tsho Rolpa
  • Max Altitude 4,580 m

Useful Info

The Tsho Rolpa Trek is an incredible trekking journey located in the Rolwaling Valley region. This off the beaten trek takes you to the magical turquoise lake of Tsho Rolpa (4580 m). The biggest glacier lake in Nepal remains located between Langtang and Everest mountain ranges.

The Rolwaling Valley is one of the seven hidden valleys according to various mythologies. The Himalayan rivers, mani walls, Rhododendron forests, terraced farmed hills, and serene waterfalls will spellbind you. Trekkers can observe magnificent views of Gauri Shankar (7145m), Melungtse (7181m), and other snow-capped mountains.

“Tsho” literally means lake and “Rolpa ” means Rolwaling valley in the Sherpa language. Protected by the Gaurishankar Conservation Area Project (GCAP), Tsho Rolpa lake is one of the most beautiful glacial lakes in the world. The swiss project constructed trails are well marked and have proper demarcations and information.

Moreover, there is also a beautiful Cantilever Bridge which is one of the main attractions of this trek. Tsho Rolpa trek itinerary requires 6-8 hours of walk a day . Hence, a basic level of fitness and proper training is essential for the trek . Acclimatization and hydration at regular intervals will help you immensely during the trek.

The trekkers also have the opportunity to explore the culture and lifestyle of the Sherpa and other communities. Their warm welcome and incredible hospitality will make you fall in love with the place. This exciting trek is available at a reasonable cost. Read further to know more about the Tsho Rolpa Trek itinerary and other relevant information in detail.

Significant Highlights of the Tsho Rolpa Trek

  • Breathtaking mountain views of Gauri Shankar (7145m), Melungtse (7181m), and other snow-capped mountains
  • Exploring beautiful turquoise Tsho Rolpa Lake (4580m)
  • Gorgeous sunrise and sunsets from various points along the trail
  • Exploring the culture, heritage, and tradition of the Sherpa community
  • Rare and endangered wildlife spotting along the trail
  • Bird watching opportunity along the trail
  • Tasting the delicious local cuisine
  • Incredible hospitality at tea houses along the trail

When is the Best Time for the Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek?

Autumn and Spring are peak seasons for trekking in Nepal. There are stable weather conditions in the region along with minimal rainfall in these seasons that make them ideal for a trekking adventure.

Autumn (September-November)

The months from September to November in Autumn are ideal for Tsho Rolpa trek. Similarly, there are moderate temperatures and less rainfall that makes it perfect for trekking. Besides that, Autumn is also time for complete cultural exploration as many festivals like Dashain, Tihar, and others fall in this season.

Spring (March-May)

March to May in Spring is another peak time for trekking the Tsho Rolpa Lake. Rhododendron and other wildflowers bloom all over the hills painting them red and pink. Moreover, the beautiful weather and ideal day time trekking temperatures are significant highlights of the trek in Spring.

Off-season treks in the monsoon and the winter season are incredibly challenging. Also, the slippery and leech-infested trails due to heavy rainfalls in monsoon is a significant difficulty.

Moreover, avalanches and landslides are also quite common in monsoon seasons. Heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures and frozen trails make Tsho Rolpa Lake trek challenging in winters. Hence, the best time for the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is Autumn and the Spring season.

How Difficult is the Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek?

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek is a newly built challenging trail in Nepal. Altitude is a major difficulty during the trek with a maximum elevation of 4580 m . This high altitude trek has the risk of altitude sickness. Therefore, proper acclimatization and regular hydration are essential. Besides, you should trek at a gradual pace and not hurry during the trek.

Moreover, the rugged trail includes a lot of stony steps, which are a challenge for trekkers. You will need to trek the narrow landscapes which make Tsho Rolpa Lake trek quite difficult. Hence, a good training regime with aerobic and cardiovascular activities is essential before the start of a trek.

Furthermore, the weather conditions remain unpredictable in the higher altitude region. Hence, you should check the weather updates before the trek. Similarly, you should also pack well for the trip with proper trekking gear and equipment. Overall, the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is moderately challenging but with proper preparation and packing, it is quite adventurous.

Food and Accommodation in Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek

The Tsho Rolpa trek offers you basic food and accommodation. You will stay in local community-run teahouses and will get a twin bed, a pillow, a clean mattress, and a warm blanket. Moreover, you should carry toiletries along with a sleeping bag as they are not provided in teahouses.

The food served in tea houses is basic too. The Nepalese dish of “ Dal Bhaat ” gets served twice during the day. You will get served steamed white rice, dal (pulses), vegetables, lentils, Gundruk, meat (with added price), pickles, and others. However, you should avoid meat as there are fewer chances of them being fresh at higher altitude regions.

Besides that, a limited variety of international cuisine including pizza, momo, burger, Chowmein, pasta, and others are also served in some of the teahouses. The beverages like Tea, Coffee, Mint tea, Rhododendron tea, Hot chocolate, Garlic soup are also available.

You can carry your own tea bags, coffee, and juice powder to save costs. However, you should not drink alcoholic beverages along trek as they might cause altitude sickness among trekkers. The accommodations in tea houses are not at all fancy. Hence, you will need to manage your expectations.

The Final Say

Tsho Rolpa lake located in Rolwaling valley between the Everest and Langtang mountain ranges is an incredible trekking destination. The off the beaten Tsho Rolpa trek is an opportunity for nature lovers to trek peacefully in beautiful natural terrains of Nepal.

Moreover, this trek gives you an opportunity to explore the cultural aspects of the region as well. The trek is challenging as well as exciting and will test you to the core. Contact us for more details and book with us for a safe and comfortable trekking experience!

Tsho Rolpa Trek Itinerary in Detail

Maximum altitude: 1350m

Drive duration: 6-7 hours

Tsho Rolpa Lake trek starts with a scenic drive from Kathmandu to Shigati. The journey continues through the serpentine roads of the Araniko highway . We drive alongside Bhote Koshi and Sun Koshi rivers observing majestic snow-capped mountain views.

We have our lunch and continue our drive with magical views of the terraced farmed hills. The drive moves along the pristine TamaKoshi River as we can observe a distant view of Mt. Gaurishankar (7134m). We arrive at Shigati after our 6-7 hours journey and stay overnight at a lodge.

Maximum altitude: 1440m

Trek duration: 5-6 hours

After having breakfast, we start trekking along a narrow trail. We then cross the Tama Koshi River through a suspension bridge and climb uphill. The trails pass through Suri Dhoban from where you can observe magnificent views of Gaurishankar (7134m).

We cross various Mani stones and prayer wheels on the trail to arrive at the Manthali village . After a trek of a few hours along the riverbank and crossing several suspension bridges, we will arrive at Jagat. We will spend the night at a teahouse in Jagat.

Maximum altitude: 1990m

Trek duration: 5 hours

After having breakfast, we start trekking downhill to the riverbank through the forested zone. We then cross a suspension bridge over a small river to arrive at Gonggar village.

The trail then takes you through the stone steps and we can observe the pristine waterfalls. We will then arrive at the vast fields at the Sherpa village of Chhetchhet. We continue our ascent through the terraced farmed hills.

The trail arrives at Simigaon from where we can observe Mt. Gaurishankar (7134m). The Buddhist Monasteries, Chortens, mani walls, and other religious landmarks of the region will spellbind you. We will spend the night at a teahouse in Simigaon.

Maximum altitude: 2990m

Trek duration: 6 hours

After breakfast, we start trekking from Simigaon downhill to a slope before climbing uphill through the majestic stone steps. We continue our trek through the forested trail to arrive at the Rolwaling River. The trail then ascends the cliff that leads us to the Gyalchen where we stay overnight at a teahouse.

Maximum altitude: 3,690m

Trek duration: 4 hours

We will have breakfast and start our trek passing through the forested trail that leads us to Nyamare. We have lunch and continue our trek on the trail to arrive at Bedding, the largest settlement in the Rolwaling region.

The magnificent views of the snow-capped mountains and the pristine waterfalls will enchant you. There is an ancient Gompa in the village entry. We will spend the night at a teahouse in Bedding.

Maximum altitude: 4180m

After having our breakfast, we start our trekking journey from Beding to Na Gaun. The trek starts with an uphill climb toward the right bank of Rolwaling River. We can observe an alternate view of the majestic Gaurishankar (7134m) before we arrived in Dhogre.

The trail leads us to the U-shaped valley and vast grasslands of the region . We pass through Mani stones covered in prayer flags along the trail. A large Bodhisattva painting on a rock will welcome you.

After trekking for a few hours, We will arrive at Na Gaon. Na Gaon lies below the snow-capped mountains and remains enclosed by stone walls to protect crops from harsh winds and wild animals. We will spend the night at a teahouse in Na Gaon.

We will have breakfast, and start our acclimatization and exploration tour of the Na village. A short hike will lead you to Ramdung from where you can observe the Gauri Shanker, Yalung, Menlung, and other mountains in Tibet. We also explore the Yalung Glacier camp. The snowy place will enchant you. We will stay overnight at a teahouse in Na village.

Maximum altitude: 4,588m

Trek duration: 7 hours

We will start our trekking adventure to the pristine Tsho Rolpa Lake after breakfast. The trail passes through beautiful landscapes to arrive at Tsho Rolpa lake.

We cross suspension bridges over the Rolwaling River and leave Na Gaon. The trail takes you through a challenging uphill path as we arrive at the vast green meadows. We then arrive at the two glaciers before entering the valley.

The trekkers need to cross rocky moraines of Rolwaling Glacier, to arrive at Tsho Rolpa Lake. The pristine Lake will overwhelm you with magical beauties. We explore further and spend the night at a tented camp or a teahouse.

We will start our Tsho Rolpa Lake tour after breakfast. The Tsho Rolpa Lake (4580 m) is the biggest glacial lake in Nepal. This turquoise lake surrounded by Himalayan mountains is breathtaking. You can observe the reflection of the mountains on the lake.

Furthermore, the lake is gradually growing in size due to global warming and the melting of glaciers in recent decades. We will explore and take incredible pictures of the Tsho Rolpa Lake. We will spend the night at a tent camp or a teahouse.

Maximum altitude: 4588m

We will start our trekking adventure from Tsho Rolpa Lake to Beding. We explore the magical glacial lake and take incredible pictures and trek back the same route.

We rest at Na Gaon lunch and then continue our trek towards Bedding following the Rolwaling River trail. After a trek of a few hours, We will arrive at Bedding, and spend the night at a teahouse.

Maximum altitude: 3976m

We will start trekking to the magnificent Daldung la pass from Bedding. The challenging uphill trek passes through the diverse biodiversity of the region. We will cross a huge suspension bridge over a deep gorge.

You will trek beautiful Sherpa villages while observing with snow-capped mountains. The temporary Yak shed called “ Yak Naka ” along the trail will enthrall you. After trekking for a few hours, you will arrive at the Daldung La pass and spend the night at a teahouse.

We will start trekking from Daldung la pass to Simi gaon after breakfast. The descending trail from Kyalche is quite challenging. We will arrive at Simigaun after a trek of a few hours passing through the stone stairs. We will spend the night at a tea house in Simi gaon.

Maximum altitude: 1900m

We will start trekking uphill on a snowy trail after breakfast. The beautiful trail passes through terraced farmed hills, waterfalls, and rivers. We cross suspension bridges finally arrive at Jagat after a trek of a few hours. We will spend the night at a teahouse in Jagat.

Maximum altitude: 1500m

We will start our trek from Jagat to Shigati After breakfast. After crossing suspension bridges we follow the river bank to arrive at the Manthali. We will then descend the trails covered in Mani stones and prayer wheels.

We will pass through the Suri Dobhan and observe the awe-inspiring views of Gaurishankar (7134m). We then follow the Tama Koshi River, the narrow trails, to arrive at Shigati.

Our Tsho Rolpa trek itinerary comes to an official end. We will start our driving journey from Shigati to Kathmandu. After a drive of 6-7 hours through the scenic Araniko highway, we arrive at Kathmandu.

Essential Tips for the Tsho Rolpa Trek

  • Carry necessary trekking gear and equipment
  • You should hire a local guide and porter for a safe and comfortable trekking journey
  • Start trekking early to arrive at the destination before dark
  • You should also carry mosquito and insect repellents creams
  • Acclimatize properly and hydrate regularly during the trek
  • You should carry water purifying tablets as water facilities are not safe
  • Get your travel and trekking permits in advance
  • You must carry anti-nausea medication like Diamox tablets
  • Get yourself good travel insurance with proper coverage
  • Carry snacks like granola bars, protein bars, chocolate bars, to munch on during the trek
  • You should book all your food and accommodation facilities in advance
  • Always check the weather forecast before starting on the trek
  • Carry an accurate Tsho Rolpa trek map during the trek

Packing List for Tsho Rolpa Trek

  • Trekking jackets
  • Pair of Trekking pants
  • Trekking trousers
  • Waterproof jackets
  • Woolen caps
  • Woolen socks
  • Half sleeve/full sleeve shirt
  • Trekking boots
  • Anti-nausea tablets
  • Water Purification Tablets
  • Sanitary napkins/ Tampons
  • Anti dehydration oral salts


  • Power Banks
  • Solar Chargers
  • Extra batteries
  • Tsho Rolpa Trek Map

Important documents

  • Travel permits

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Tsho Rolpa remains situated in the pristine Rolwaling Valley between the Everest and Langtang mountain ranges.

The Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek is moderately challenging. The difficulty level of trek also depends upon trekkers. A basic level of fitness is essential for trek hence a good level of training is essential.

Hence, good training that includes certain cardiovascular activities like hiking, swimming, cycling, jogging will help you immensely during the trek.

Autumn (September to November) and Spring (March to May) are ideal for trekking Tsho Rolpa Lake trek. You will get stable weather conditions and minimal precipitation during these seasons.

Altitude sickness is quite common among trekkers in high altitude treks. You should acclimatize well to tackle altitude sickness. Hydrating regularly along with proper rest is essential as well.

Trekkers should trek slow and steady and not gain more than 600m in altitude in a day. Trekkers should not rush to their destination. You should drink at least 5 liters of water while trekking. Besides that, you can also carry Diamox tablets to tackle altitude sickness prescribed by a medical professional.

Trekkers need to walk around 5-6 hours on a day depending upon their pace. You should not gain more than 600m altitude in a day. Early morning hikes help to avoid the midday heat, afternoon rains, and harsh winds and help to arrive at your destination early.

The tap water in Nepal is not safe to drink. You can boil or use water purification tablets to make your water clean. Bottled waters are also available along the trail but you should make sure that bottles have sealed bottle caps. Drinking water is essential to save yourself from dehydration and altitude sickness in high altitude regions.

Yes, travel insurance is a must in Tsho Rolpa Lake trek in Nepal. An excellent travel insurance package will cover all medical, theft, flight delays, and other emergency costs.

You should carry around $25 per day per person on average. The accommodation facilities cost around $2 – $3 per bed. Hot water showers, electronic gadgets charging, Wifi, and others will cost you extra bucks. Overall, around $25 is ideal for the Tsho Rolpa trek.

Yes, you can charge phones, tablets, cameras, and other electronic gadgets at an added cost. Solar chargers or power banks will help you save costs during the trek.

You can tip around $2 to $4 per day for porters and $5 per day for guides. If you trek in a group, you can tip around $5 per day for porters and $10 per day for guides. You can also tip based on your services and how satisfied you are with services.

A basic level of fitness is essential for the trek. You should get a good training regime that includes cardiovascular exercises, including hiking, jogging, cycling, swimming, and others. Besides that, you should get endurance training, strength training, and mental strength exercises before the trek.

Nepal is generally considered a safe destination for women travelers. However, Nepal has a conservative society and hence you should dress modestly as possible. Hence, you should avoid sleeveless and shorts to avoid unwanted attention. Also, female trekkers should not travel alone in the night and get a female guide if you are trekking alone.

The tourist visa cost for 15-day, 30-day, and 90-day is $30, $50, and $125 respectively.

You should get essential trekking clothing, accessories, first aid kits, and others during the trek. Besides that, other accessories like a camera, power banks, solar chargers, and others are also necessary.

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Altitude Himalayas

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek from Kathmandu

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek

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Trip Highlights

  • Rich cultural and natural exposure to the locals and their daily livelihood in the highlands. 
  • Biggest Glacier lake in Nepal - Tsho Rolpa Lake. 
  • Trek to the hidden valleys of Nepal Rolwaling Valley.
  • Mind Blowing landscapes throughout the trek to Tsho Rolpa.
  • Magnificent waterfalls and suspension bridges over high current rivers.

Trip Overview

The Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is one of the most underrated and short treks in Nepal which is easily accessible from Kathmandu. ‘’Tsho’’ translates to the lake in the native language, and the full name of the lake is Tsho Rolpa which means Lake Rolpa. This trek takes you to some of the most wonderful and scenic places you’ve ever been. Tsho Rolpa is the biggest glacier lake present in Nepal and the trail that leads to the ultimate destination is the most beautiful part. Nepal upholds some of the most fascinating and luxurious trekking experiences as it is the sanctuary of the highest mountain in the world Mt. Everest with a skyscraping height of 8848.86 m above sea level. The trail puts you through the lush rhododendron forest and warm people. Tsho Rolpa Lake lies inside the Gaurishankar conservation area also known as the Rolwaling valley. Rolwaling region is one of the hidden valleys of Nepal that lies in east-central Nepal along the Tibet border also close to the Solukhumbu region. The Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is the most rewarding as it takes you to beautiful villages, forests, and ultimately the biggest glacier lake in Nepal.

Spectacular Tsho Rolpa lake is below the beautiful mountains surrounded by glorious vistas. Situated at an altitude of 4,580 m above sea level the lake gives an absolute view of the surroundings and the entire valley. The trek takes you through scenic roads besides strong rivers and wonderful waterfalls all along the way. During the spring season, the forest blushes as the rhododendron blooms and sprinkles its vibrant color all over the place. The Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is one of the most adored treks by locals and tourists as it is also a gateway to an exclusive trekking experience in Nepal. This trek allows the more adventurous to access the Tashi Lapcha Pass (5,750m/18,875ft) which is one of the high passes in Nepal . This trek not only takes you to the stunning lake but also gives you insight into the tradition, lifestyle, and a new perspective on the beauty hidden in unexpected places. 

This trek is perfect for you if you want to explore a new place but have limited time and are new to trekking. You can complete this trek within just six to seven days from Kathmandu. This trek is relatively easy than other treks however, you need some hiking or trekking experience as you will go to higher elevations above 3,000m. Having some hiking knowledge will be helpful during the trek. It is a comfortable trek as you can find cozy local lodges with basic amenities such as warm beds, good food, clean washrooms, and awe-spiring vistas all along the trail. The Tsho Rolpa trek is unique and different from other treks in Nepal with mind-boggling landscapes and uncrowded trails. The region is mostly isolated and untouched by the outside world which provides raw and unfiltered experience into the wild.

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek Attractions

The trek is full of places and locations that will blow your mind with its raw beauty. This trek lies inside of the most beautiful and isolated valleys in Nepal - The Rolwaling Valley inside Gaurishankar Conservation Area (GCA). Nepal is home to numerous breathtaking mountains, valleys, and surprisingly lush plain land due to its unique geography and the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is a great example of unique landscapes. Starting from the bustling capital of Nepal, Kathmandu to isolated and peaceful villages is a journey to remember and cherish. Amazing place for monsoon treks as the place is filled with native flora and fauna thriving especially in the monsoon season. The Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is ideal for all seasons whether it's for a monsoon trek, winter trek, or spring. Tsho Rolpa Lake is an excellent stepping stone to other, more ambitious treks in Nepal since it provides an introduction to the country's wild beauty and achievable challenges.  

Hidden Rolwaling Valley

Nestled inside the Gaurishankar Conservation Area (GCA) also known as the Rolwaling Valley due to its high elevated mountains - Rolwaling Himal that includes Gaurishankar (7,134m) and Melungtse (7,181m) standing tall at an elevation of over 7,000m above sea level. The hidden valley lies inside the Dolakha district which is northeast of Kathmandu and is around 188 km far from Kathmandu city. To reach the starting point of the trek you will drive via Araniko highway to Charikot and end your drive journey to Chetchet/Choytchoyt. As you get closer to the valley the river gets clearer and the settlements get thinner and thinner. Far from the traffic lights and polluted city, you will get closer to the minimalistic and peaceful area. Once you enter into the valley you will get to see some of the most mesmerizing panorama and scenic waterfalls. Out of all the natural attractions you will see, waterfalls will be one of the highlights of this place. Hydropower, suspension bridges, lush green hills, and off-road are some parts of the journey you will surely enjoy.

Once you start going inside the valley you will be surrounded by the green hills and snow-capped mountains. Starting your journey from 2,000 m and finishing at an altitude above 4,500 m above sea level. Walking through villages such as Simi Gaun where you get to see the authentic village lifestyle, Dongang, and ultimately Na village with a mysterious yet self-explanatory place will keep you entertained and inspired. Along nature, you will get to see and observe the beast of the mountains such as yaks and highland cattle. People of this region have a strong belief system and are mostly Buddhist which you can tell by looking at large and vibrant murals on giant rocks and colorful prayer flags almost everywhere. Stone carvings and unique architectural designs are some of the many things to see and admire. As you are going to the highland of Nepal it is mandatory to mention the mountains that leave people breathless - quite literally. You will get a glimpse of Mt. Gaurishankar from Dongang and other peaks as you move forward.

Tsho Rolpa Lake

Tsho Rolpa Lake is located inside the Gaurishankar Conservation Area in the Dolakha district in Nepal. The massive glacier lake is located right at the catchment of the Rolwaling Khola (River). The total length of the lake is 3.5 km, covering an area of 1.6 km square with a maximum depth of 132 m. The Tsho Rolpa Lake is the biggest Glacier lake present in Nepal at an altitude of 4,580 m above sea level. To get to the top of the lake one must climb a steep trail which is quite challenging as it gets a bit windy past noon. As it is located at a high altitude it gives a spectacular view of the valley and mountains above 7,000m which include Gaurishankar (7,145m) and Menlungtse (7,181m). The lake is said to have risen steadily over the last five decades as a result of accelerated global warming. The lake itself is a big draw for hikers because of the serenity it brings to the mind and the soul. A loud whistle wind cuts through the stillness of the lake, adding to the water's natural beauty. It gets very windy past noon so you might as well carry yourself a warm clothing item. On top of the lake, you will find a teahouse where you can get yourself a warm cup of tea while you soak in the beauty. During the winter season, the lake is completely frozen which allows travelers/trekkers to walk over the lake and enjoy the view of the surroundings even more.

Majestic Waterfalls

Waterfalls are everywhere on this trek and it is another major highlight of the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek. From the start of your trek to the end, you will get to see mesmerizing natural waterfalls pouring in incredible locations. As you drive to the start point of the trek you are accompanied by beautiful waterfalls from a distance which you can capture on your phones and cameras. During the trek, you will walk past small ones where you can take a natural shower. You can see a waterfall every 200m distance as there are so many. The sound of the pouring water will take you on a journey of tranquility and peace into the wild far from the concrete jungle. During the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek, you will come across waterfalls that can be accessible and others that are just available for your eyes as some are located high in the hills presenting their beauty from far. There are suspension bridges over the fierce river and some waterfalls which you will certainly enjoy during your walk to the highlands. To see the true beauty and potential of the falls monsoon trek is ideal as you will get to see how immense they can get. If you are into waterfalls then this trek surely will fascinate and awe-inspire you. The trail is full of the celestial waterfall which looks like the water is directly pouring from the sky. The journey to Tsho Rolpa is not just about the lake but the things that lie on the way.

Flora and Fauna

The varied topography of Nepal, which includes high mountains, vast plains, and rolling hills, creates the ideal environment for the country's abundant plant and animal life to flourish. The Gaurishankar Conservation area is a sanctuary for numerous native animals and vegetation which are unique and hard to find in other regions of Nepal. The Gaurishankar Conservation Area connects the two major national parks in Nepal i.e. Langtang National Park (LNP) and Sagarmatha National Park (SNP). The Gaurishankar conservation was declared the official conservation in 2010 by the government. The vegetation includes 16 major vegetation types some of which are Pinus Roxburgii, Schima Castanopsis, Alnus forest, Pinus Wallichiana forest, Pinus Patula forest, Rhododendron forest, Lower temperature Oak, Juniperus, moist alpine shrubs and more. Along with vegetation, you can also get to see some of the rare animals which include the Red Panda, Musk deer, Snow Leopard , Pangolin, Assamese monkey, Clouded leopard, gray wolf, and other majestic creatures. Also, this area is home to birds such as Impeyan Pheasant and Crimson Horned Pheasant along with other beautiful birds. Try not to get lost in the beauty while walking as it will certainly draw your attention.

Celestial Villages During the trek

During this trek, you will walk past villages and small hamlets which are full of authentic experiences that you can only get while traveling to the mountains. From Simi Gaun (Village) to Na village it is a journey to fully experience an untamed beauty of its own. Simi Gaun is the biggest settlement you will come across during the trek, which is located on top of the hill at an altitude of 2000m giving you a spectacular view of the hills surrounding the area. Traditional homes and fields of seasonal vegetation line the trekking trails, and the entire community exudes an atmosphere of authentic village life. The village is surrounded by lush green forests and as you slowly make your way up the mountains where the thick forest fades with little vegetation. There is a very thin settlement throughout the trail with limited lodging options at specific points. Similarly, Dongang is a popular stop for trekkers as it has a comfortable lodge right beside the river making it a perfect place to rest.

Another popular place is Beding which is the second-largest village and the last place where you can have access to electricity. In Beding there is a monastery that houses around 300 monks learning Buddhist doctrines. Last but not least, Na Village which is the last place you'll visit before getting to Tsho Rolpa Lake. The scenery here is very different from everywhere else. Most of the land is pastureland with yaks and highland animals, and there is only a small amount of suburban vegetation. Stone carvings and colored prayer flags show the Buddhist culture of the area. The view is very special. There's no power, but the beautiful scenery will make you forget that.

Detailed Itinerary

Drive to chetchet, hike to simi gaun.

At. 07:00 AM: Get ready for a beautiful drive towards the starting point of your amazing trek to the biggest glacier lake Tsho Rolpa. Your driver and guide will pick you up from your hotel or given location and drive you to your today's destination - Chetchet (1,398m/4,586 ft).

The distance from Kathmandu to Chetchet is around 185 km, which you can cover in 6-7 hours depending on road conditions and traffic. You can have lunch on the way to restaurants and try local cuisines on the way. As the Tsho Rolpa Lake lies inside the Gaurishankar Conservation area you will enter your name before passing through the checkpoint for which your guide will help.

On the way, you will come across beautiful landscapes and waterfalls which will welcome you on the way. Once at Chetchet, you will start your trek to Simi Gaun (2,000m/6,562 ft). To access today’s destination you will have to cross a beautiful suspension bridge and climb steep stairs and a well-maintained trail. According to the season, you will see crops on the farmlands. Distance from Chectchet to Simi Gaun is just 2.5 KM which you can cover around 2-3 hours.

After you reach the local lodge you can rest your bags and explore the surroundings. Simi Gaun is a perfect place to do some exploring as the people are very approachable and the place itself is beautiful surrounded by the green hills. In the evening have dinner and rest well for the next day. Overnight at a comfortable local lodge.

Trek to Dongang

At 08:00 AM: Have breakfast at the hotel and get ready for a peaceful trek to your today’s destination Dongang . The Distance between Simi Gaun is around 9 KM which will take around 5-6 hours to cover. The trail follows uphill stairs and a distinguished trail beside the Rolwaling River . Throughout the way, you will listen to the peaceful sound of the river and birds chirping in the woods. Before you reach your destination you will come across a small waterfall where you can cool your body during the summer season.

Dongang is a beautiful place beside a gurgling Rolwaling river and a peaceful lush green forest. It is a popular stop for travelers, trekkers, and porters as this place provides an amazing vibe and a great place to rest. Once you reach Dongang, rest your bags at the lodges and rest. As mentioned the lodges are sited right beside the river giving you an amazing view and vibe. In the evening, have dinner at the local lodge and rest well.

Trek to Beding

At 08:00 AM: Wake up early and start your morning with a warm cup of water and a great view of the greenery. Before you move forward, have breakfast and start your trek toward the beautiful village of Beding . The trail is full of mind-blowing landscapes, peaceful trails, a few challenging stairs, and mesmerizing waterfalls. On the way, you will cross a few bridges over a powerful river marking its territory. As you get closer to Beding the landscape slowly changes with fewer trees and more open pasture land with giant hills surrounding you. You will cross a huge suspension bridge right before entering the Beding area, which is a unique experience to get.

The distance between Dongang to Beding is 10 Km which will take around 7-8 hours. As you get closer to your destination you will come to Rolwaling Sangag Cholig Monastery School . The monastery serves as a school and a religious site as it allows monks to study the doctrine of Buddhist teachings. In the morning you will get to see small monks rushing to the monastery in their traditional monk outfits. On the way to Beding, you will see giant scripture written in the region's native language on the wall / giant rock. Once you reach Beding, you will see beautiful small houses set under the massive hills and beside the beautiful river.

Rest your bags at the local teahouses and explore the area if you want to as the locals are friendly and approachable. However, do ask for their permission before taking any kind of photos and videos of the locals. Have dinner and rest well for the next day at a comfortable local lodge. Meal options are limited as it is a remote area but you can always enjoy the locally grown crops such as delicious organic potatoes.

Beding to Na Village, Explore Tsho Rolpa Lake

At. 07:30 AM: Today you will go to the most beautiful village in the entire trek and the final destination is the Tsho Rolpa Lake. Na village (4200 m / 13780 ft) is the most beautiful village that you will come across on this trek, the village is settled in a very unique landscape with mesmerizing views of the mountains.

Na Village is one of the most beautiful villages you will come across as the landscape is very unique with well-maintained trails and traditional houses along the beautiful pastureland. The path leading to the village is very peaceful and looks straight out of some magical movie. Along the way, you will be accompanied by small waterfalls and seasonal vegetation that includes vibrant flowers. Once you reach the settlement you will also get to see domesticated animals such as yaks and highland cattle grazing from a distance.

The distance between Beding to Na Village is 6 Km which you can come in around 2-3 hours as the trail is easy and enjoyable. Once you reach Na Village, rest your bags at the local lodge, have breakfast, and move towards the glorious Tsho Rolpa Lake (4,580m/15,026ft). The distance from Na Village to Tsho Rolpa Lake is around 6 KM which you can cover in 2-3 hours. You can see the base of the lake from a distance but it is quite far than it looks due to its twisted trail. Before you reach the lake you will have to walk through a steep trail which can be a bit challenging as the wind gets stronger pass noon. Watch your steps and be careful.

Once at the Tsho Rolpa Lake , you will witness one of the most beautiful lakes enclosed by giant mountains and mesmerizing views. You can also visit Dudh Kunda if you wish, which is around 4 km far from Tsho Rolpa Lake. The trek to Dudh Kunda is optional which is a small lake above Tsho Rolpa Lake. Soak in the beauty of the lakes and explore the surroundings, have tea beside the huge lake at the teahouse, and make your way back to the village just in time for lunch. Overnight at a comfortable lodge in Na village (There is no direct electricity facility in the village only solar-powered lights.)

At. 08:00 AM: Get ready and make your way back to Dongang but before that stop by Beding for breakfast. Today’s trail is more competitively easy than other days as you will follow mostly the downhill trail. The distance between Na Village to Dongang is around 16 km which you can cover in 5-7 hours as the trail is downhill and it's easier to descend than to ascend.

Once you reach Beding , rest your bags for a while and enjoy your breakfast. Move forward toward Dongang , you will return from the same trail as you first came from. You will cross through small hamlets and amazing waterfalls along the way. You may also encounter native flora and fauna which will surprise and amaze you with their beauty and rareness. The silence of monotonous walking is broken by the sound of chirping birds and crushing leaves under your feet. You might come across locals greeting you with a smile on their faces and warm charisma.

The landscape slowly changes as you get to the lower altitude from empty pastureland to lush forest. You will reach your destination just in time for lunch, rest your bags and explore the beautiful area and enjoy your leisure time playing cards, relaxing, and soaking up the peace. Overnight at the local lodge in Dongang.

Trek to Chetchet

At 08:00 AM: Today is the last day of your trek as you will walk up to the last stop of your trek which is Chetchet . Before heading to your destination, have breakfast at the lodge and start walking. Today's trail has both ascend and descend but mostly descend which makes today's trek relatively easier than before. You will pass through Surmuche and Simi Gaun as you walk downhill. The total distance between Dongang to Chetchet is around 12 km which you can cover in around 3-5 hours.

Start your trek after breakfast at the local lodge. Today's trek will lead you to ups and downs with breathtaking views of the surrounding. As you pass through the forest you will notice small streams and bridges on the way. Once you reach Simi Gaun you can stop for lunch and some rest before you move forward. From Simi Gaun it's all downhill/ stairs which you can cover in around 1-2 hours easily. At the end of the trek, there is a small waterfall where you can get refreshed and end your trek with a refreshing dip. What's more rewarding than a refreshing swimming session in a natural pool? Overnight at a comfortable local lodge. You can also choose to return to Kathmandu on the same day in the evening if you have a tight timetable or if you get to Chetchet more quickly which is optional.

Drive to Kathmandu

At. 08:00 AM: You can have breakfast at the local lodge or choose to have a better option of breakfast on the way to Kathmandu in Singati or Charikot. Your transportation will pick you up from Chetchet and drop you off at Kathmandu. The total distance from Chetchet to Kathmandu is 182 km which you can cover in 6-7 hours depending upon road conditions and traffic.

This ends your wonderful Tsho Rolpa Lake trek .

The information about the Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek from Kathmandu is in-depth; feel free to contact us 24/7. We will be available on WhatsApp to assist you instantly. You can write an email if this trip doesn't fit your vacation schedule and requirements. Altitude Himalaya aims to offer the best possible travel experience to customers. Depending on the needs of the visitors and the group size, we customize each vacation package. We will put together a bespoke itinerary just for your private group.

Travel insurance: Travel insurance is important before traveling to a new place especially when you are traveling for adventure. Travel insurance covers risks such as loss of personal belongings, and any unexpected expenses. Travel insurance also covers sudden medical emergencies such as accidents. It also covers high-altitude emergency evacuation in case of trekking. Travel insurance is not compulsory but highly recommended.

Medical emergency: If you face any serious medical emergency during your trekking program you will immediately evacuate the place through Helicopter Rescue which the traveler’s insurance company will cover. While trekking to Nepal's highlands, you may face minor health issues such as scratches, headaches, etc. For such a situation, your guide carries a well-equipped first aid kit, ensuring nothing happens to you.

High-altitude sickness: During the trek, you will walk through gorgeous valleys, traditional villages, and thrilling highlands above 3,000m elevation. Altitude sickness is unpredictable; it can happen to anyone despite being physically and mentally fit. As you gain altitude, the chances of getting altitude sickness also slightly increase. To avoid getting altitude sickness you should drink 5-6 lt water per/day and food with high carbohydrates. Strolling and acclimatizing decrease the chances of getting altitude sickness. Focus on your breathing and maintain your walking pace.

Do’s and Don’t:

Select the ideal time to travel.

Select a reputed trekking/ travel organization.&

Training and getting ready for any kind of situation are necessary.

Efficient packing is the key. ( Nepal trekking gear checklist )

Carry all the necessary paperwork. 

Maintaining body hydration is important while traveling to high elevations.

Having the proper personal gear makes your journey more enjoyable.

Respect the culture and people of the area.

Ask for permission before taking photos and videos of the locals. 

Travel for experience and not for the sake of traveling.

Don’t litter, put trash in its place.

Why with Altitude Himalaya: Altitude Himalaya is one of Nepal’s growing travel companies providing excellent service to its clients. We believe in providing quality experiences and memories. We are concerned about maintaining and following our own standard service that includes a private transfer, at least a 3-star hotel accommodation in urban areas, the best available lodges/tea houses at the trekking trails, and dedicated personalized assistance. Additionally, we also operate our trips in Bhutan and Tibet .

Frequently Asked Questions

Tsho Rolpa Lake also known as Chho Rolpa is the biggest Glacier lake in Nepal located in Rolwaling Valley, in the Dolakha district. The lake is located at an altitude of 4,580 m above sea level. It occupies a total area of 1.65 square kilometers and is still growing.

It takes 6-7 days to complete the trek from Kathmandu to Kathmandu. The distance from Kathmandu to Chet Chet which is the starting point of the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is around 188 km which takes 6-7 hours to cover. From Chetchet it takes 4-6 days to complete the entire trek and return to Kathmandu. You will cover 10 - 15 km per day which is 6-7 hours of walking daily. If you are an advanced trekker you can fish this trek in 3-4 days.

The Tsho Rolpa Lake trek lies inside the Gaurishankar conservation area in the hidden valleys of Rolwaling. It is a competitively bit remote area meaning your access to facilities such as accommodations is limited and you will get local lodges and tea houses with basic amenities such as comfortable bedding, hygienic washroom, and good food during the trek.

Yes, you can get electricity but once you pass the Beding you don't get electricity as there are no facilities for electricity. However, you can get solar-powered electricity from Na Village. You also get wifi at the local lodges which will cost extra as per the lodge policy.

The Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is easier than other treks as it is one of the short treks which is easily accessible from Kathmandu and can be completed in 4 days if you are an advanced trekker. The trail is well-maintained and easily distinguished, however, some hiking experience will be beneficial for beginner trekkers other than this trek is easy to moderate with few challenging stairs on some parts.

You will get Nepali staple food (Dal, Bhat, and Tarkari) that includes rice, lentil soup, and vegetables according to availability. You can also have tortillas, pasta, and other foods depending upon the teahouse which will be different from what you get at a restaurant. Besides that, you can buy some snacks at the tea houses such as candies, chips, instant noodles, and even local snacks such as dried yak cheese.

Packing is an essential part of any travel journey and during trekking it is very important what you decide to take and not. For trekking, you should get all your trekking gear such as a good pair of trekking shoes, quick-drying t-shirts, comfortable stretchable pants, a hygiene kit, warm clothes, and so on. Regarding the snacks you can buy at the tea houses, however, your options are limited and are a bit pricey compared to other places.

The Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is best done in two seasons which are spring and fall. Spring (March to May) when the entire trail is covered in beautiful rhododendron flowers makes the trek very enjoyable and special. Another best season is fall which is (September to November) this time of the year the lake is completely frozen and walking over the frozen lake is an exclusive experience you can get. Also the weather this time is spectacular and clear you will get an unobstructed view of the mountains and surrounding landscapes. Tsho Rolpa lake trek is also quite popular for monsoon trek as you get to see amazing waterfalls, and thriving flora, and fauna during the monsoon time.

You will start your trek from 1,400m (Kathmandu) and end at a maximum elevation of 4,580m (Tsho Rolpa Lake) above sea level. Although the altitude seems a lot you will acclimatize and get used to the high altitude slowly. You will stay at Simi Gaun which is at (2,000m) and then at Dongang (2,790m), Beding (3,721m), and finally in Na Village (3,943m) before going to Tsho Rolpa Lake. The chances of getting high altitude slightly increase above 2,500m but with proper acclimatization and other precautions it's rare to get altitude success.

High altitude sickness is unpredictable although you are physically and mentally fit and fine the chances are low but never zero. To avoid getting altitude sickness one should acclimatize before going to higher elevations, drink plenty of water (4-5 lt/day), avoid alcoholic drinks, and cigarettes, have high carbohydrate foods, and have a positive mindset.

Services Includes

A private transfer from Kathmandu to Chetchet and Chechet to Kathmandu. (4WD Jeep)

Local lodge or tea house accommodation during the trek.

Daily breakfast throughout the trip.

Lunch and dinner from trek start day to trek end day.

All necessary papers work. (National Park Entry Permits and TIMS Card)

An English-speaking, government-licensed, and experienced trek guide.

A well-equipped first aid kit (Carried by the guide). 

One local SIM card (returnable) during your stay.

All government and local taxes.

Guide’s salary, food, and accommodation.

Arrangement of emergency helicopter service which will be paid for by your traveler’s insurance company.

Sleeping bags, duffle bags, and trekking route maps – if necessary.

Services Excludes

Personal expenses.

Travel health insurance. (Highly Recommended)

Tips for the guide, porter, and driver. (Recommended)

Sweet things like dessert/chocolate.

All alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Hot showers/batteries charge/heater/mineral water during the trek.

Any other expenses which are not mentioned in the included section.

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Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek

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Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek

  • Duration 13 Days
  • Difficulty Level Challenging
  • Places to Visit Rolwaling Region
  • Max Altitude 4,183m/13,723ft.
  • Group Size 2-15
  • Starts Charikot
  • Ends Simi Gaun
  • Activity Teahouse Lodge Trekking
  • Best Season Spring/Autumn

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek Highlights

  • Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek offers stunning mountain views including Gauri Shankar (7,134 meters), Melungtse (7,181 meters), and many more.
  • Trek to the biggest glacial lake of Nepal at an altitude of 4,580 meters which is surrounded by stunning Himalayan scenery.
  • Takes you to a remote and less-touristy region of Nepal offering you an off-the-beaten-track experience.
  • Experience the authentic culture and lifestyle of the local Sherpa and Tamang communities.
  • Feel the real trekking challenge as you trek through the rugged terrain, steep ascents, rocky paths, and high-altitude landscape.
  • Enjoy diverse landscapes with dramatic forests, an alpine meadow setting, and a wide range of flora and fauna along the way.
  • Trek through remote and cultured settlements and interact with the locals to know the legends and myths.
  • Unlike Everest and Annapurna , the Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek doesn't have that rush hour with tourists so it offers serenity and solitude.
  • Experience local homestay hospitality and feel the genuineness and typical local environment.
  • The Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek is the adventure of a lifetime that allows you to connect with nature and enjoy your peace.

Tsho Ropa Lake - The Biggest Glacial Lake in Nepal:

Tsho Rolpa Lake is the biggest glacial lake in Nepa l, which is about 4,580 meters above sea level. Situated in the district of Dolakha in the valley of Rolwaling, it is the highest glacial lake in the region covering about 1.5 square kilometers. It is said that over the years the lake has grown significantly due to the rapid melting of glaciers over Global warming. The lake has also been a platform for research and studies for potential GLOF (glacial lake outburst floods) .

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek is certainly a very interesting adventure in the stunning and untouched valley of Rolwaling. This short but beautiful trek offers trekkers a great opportunity to explore pristine landscapes, remote villages, and the biggest glacial lake. The legend has it that the Rolwaling Valley is believed to be one of seven sacred hidden valleys among all that exist in the country. Besides, this secret valley is believed to shelter the mythical creature, Yeti.

If you are looking for a peaceful but at the same time challenging alternative to a popular Nepal trekking destination,  Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek will be the best pick. The trek takes you into the remote and very untouched valley of Nepal giving you the real off-the-beaten-path adventure. Since the region is less trodden by tourists the trail to the biggest glacial lake is certainly a challenge that would require a level of fitness and endurance.

The name of this beautiful secluded trek as Tsho Rolpa Trek comes from the Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake itself which is one of the primary attractions. As you get to the Lake, you will be amazed to witness scenery that is surrounded by breathtaking views of majestic mountains and pristine alpine landscapes.

The Legend of the Hidden Valley of Rolwaling:

One of the famous local legends associated with the Rolwaling Valley is the story of the ' Hidden Valley' or the 'Yak Cave'.  This legend adds an air of mystery that fascinates the travelers to visit the valley. No wonder the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is getting quite popular these days among trekkers.

According to local folklore, this beautiful valley of Rolwaling was concealed from the outside world. It was like a forbidden valley believed to be protected by a guardian spirit or a powerful deity. Since it was a hidden paradise the diety kept it away from the ordinary people and was never meant to discover.

It is believed that to protect the valley, the guardian spirit created an illusion that made the valley appear barren and infertile to anyone who visited the valley. Seeing this the nomads then would skip the valley and settle somewhere else.

The legend has it that once a yak herder accidentally saw the valley in its true appearance which was paradise. The valley was blessed with lush meadows, crystal-clear streams, and a serene atmosphere with abundant flora and fauna. Seeing this the yak herder was mesmerized. He too kept the existence of the valley secret fearing that the outside world would ruin its beauty if discovered. 

however, over time, with all the curiosity from the people over his frequent absence and his speedy prosperity he had to unwillingly reveal the existence of the hidden paradise.

The secret quickly spread, but all the approaching people were met with the guardian spirit illusion. To this, there rose a huge commotion - quarrels and fights among the people. All this angered the deity and she had to cast a spell to protect the valley.

Now it is believed that the valley will be opened to its true appearance only to those with pure intentions and a deep sense of respect.

This beautifully crafted legend of Rolwaling Valley continues to fascinate travelers and is getting popular these days. Certainly, Rowaling Valley is an adventure that takes you into the magical land with ancient tales and hidden secrets.

The Legend of  Yeti:

Rolwaling Valley has been popular to date due to its deep association with the stories and myths of the legendary YETI . Among the local communities, there are stories of Yeti, the Abominable Snowman that have been passed down for generations.

It describes this mythical being as a man-like creature, like a hybrid between man and bear, elusive, very tall, and ten times stronger than humans. They are said to shelter in the high-altitude wilderness and have been sighted in the Rolwaling Valley a couple of times.

In the 1950s, the Rolwaling Valley gained international attention when Eric Shipton , a prominent British mountaineer   reported discovering big footprints in the snow. In the same year and onwards, several expeditions were organized in search of Yeti's existence. However, there isn't much evidence to prove Yeti's existence but the people in the region have a deep belief in this elusive beast.

So to say the Trek to Rolwaling Valley blends adventure with local folklore.

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek Trip Profile:

This beautiful journey to Tsho Rolpa Lake starts with a scenic drive to the town of Charikot located 132 km east of Kathmandu. Situated at an elevation of 1980 meters this beautiful town is a busy district headquarters of Dolakha district. 

A drive to Charikot is 8/9 hours. Despite a long drive, the experience is overwhelming and we will stay overnight at Charikot town. Next morning we will take a 4-wheel drive and further drive to a beautiful settlement of Chhetcheet which will take about 3 hours. Most probably we will have our lunch at Chhetchhet and we will trek to Simigaon, our first day hike. This hike to Simigaon will be about 2/3 hours.

Our journey progresses gradually following the Tama Koshi River and entering the heart of the Rolwaling region. Gradually we will gain elevation as we leave Simigaon and trek to Dongang. Shortly we will be following the Rolwalikng River Valley where you will be treated to the most beautiful view of Gaurishankar Himal (7134 meters) . 

Our trail cruises through beautiful local settlements providing us previews of the lives of local communities. You will be amazed to witness how these different ethnic groups live in such great harmony. As you trek along this magical hidden valley you will witness diverse landscapes, including waterfalls, terraced rice fields, lush forests, alpine meadows, traditional prayer walls, etc. We will further trek to the villages of Beiding and Na Gaun. Since Na village is at 4100 meters we will require a rest day or acclimatization day to adapt ourselves to the high altitude environment.

The trek's highlight is the visit to Tsho Rolpa Lake, the biggest glacial lake in Nepal surrounded by majestic mountains. This glacial lake rewards trekkers with the most remarkable view and a serene environment.

The trek concludes by retracing our trail back to Chhetchhet and driving back to Kathmandu.

Outline Itinerary

  • Day 01: Arrive to Kathmandu (1400m/4593ft) Transfer to the Hotel
  • Day 02: Drive to Charikot (1,554 m / 5,101 feet) a big town at Dolakha District - Overnight Stay
  • Day 03: Drive to Chhetchhet (1398m / 4586 feet) and trek to Simigaon (2020m / 6627 feet)
  • Day 04: Trek to Dongang (2791m / 9,156 feet)
  • Day 05: Trek to Beding (3650 m / 11,975 feet) 5 - 6 hours
  • Day 06: Trek to Na Gaun - (4100 m / 13451 feet)
  • Day 07: Acclimatization Day - Explore Na Village
  • Day 08: Trek to Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake – (4183 m / 13723 feet) – and Trek back to Beding – (4100 m/ 13451 feet)
  • Day 09: Trek back to Dongang or Kyalche
  • Day 10: Trek back to Simi Gaun – (2020m / 6,627 feet)– 5 hrs
  • Day 11: Simi Gaun to Chhetchhet (1398m / 4586 feet) and Drive to Kathmandu
  • Day 12: Free Day in Kathmandu - Contingency Day - CITY TOUR
  • Day 13: Trip Ends - Transfer to International Airport

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek Detailed Itinerary

  • Arrive at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu.
  • You'll be welcomed by your Trekking Group Leader or our office representative and you will be transferred to your hotel in the city.
  • Your Hotel is located in the Center City of Kathmandu at THAMEL -- a vibrant colorful town, a tourist hub.
  • Check in at the hotel and have some rest to recover from your journey.
  • Welcome Dinner - get to know one another
  • Overnight in Kathmandu.
  • Altitude: 1400 m / 4,593 feet
  • Accommodation: 3 Star Hotel
  • Meals: Welcome Dinner
  • Distance: 6 km
  • Transport: Airport Pickup
  • After breakfast, embark on a scenic drive to Charikot, a major town and the headquarters of the Dolakha District.
  • Enjoy the beautiful landscapes along the way, with the journey taking approximately 7 hours.
  • Upon arrival, check in to your accommodation in Charikot.
  • Spend the evening exploring the town or relaxing at your hotel.
  • Overnight in Charikot.
  • Altitude: 1,554 m / 5,101 feet
  • Accommodation: Hotel
  • Walking Hour: 7 Hours
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Distance: 132 km
  • Transport: PRIVATE VEHICLE
  • After an early breakfast, drive for 2-3 hours from Charikot to Chhetchhet, the starting point of the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek.
  • Begin your trek from Chhetchhet to Simigaon, a charming village in the lower Himalayas.
  • The trek is relatively short, allowing you to acclimatize gradually to higher altitudes.
  • The trek takes about 2-3 hours and passes through terraced fields and forests.
  • Arrive in Simigaon and settle into your accommodation.
  • Enjoy the serene atmosphere of the village.
  • Overnight in Simigaon.
  • Altitude: 2020m / 6627 feet
  • Accommodation: Teahouse Lodge
  • Walking Hour: 2/3 Hours
  • Today's trek takes you from Simigaon to Dongang.
  • The trail will lead you through lush forests and picturesque landscapes.
  • Expect a moderate hike that will take approximately 5-6 hours.
  • Along the way, you will have views of the Gaurishankar Himal (7134m).
  • Arrive in Dongang and check in to your accommodation.
  • Rest and rejuvenate for the next day's journey.
  • Overnight in Dongang.
  • Altitude: 2791m / 9,156 feet
  • Walking Hour: 5/6 Hours
  • Begin your trek from Dongang to Beding, gaining altitude as you go.
  • The trail offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains.
  • The hike will take around 5-6 hours.
  • Arrive in Beding and check in to your accommodation.
  • Enjoy the serene environment and mountain views.
  • Overnight in Beding.
  • Altitude: 3650 m / 11,975 feet)
  • Today's trek takes you to Na Gaun, located at an altitude of 4100 meters.
  • The hike is shorter, allowing you to acclimatize to the higher altitude.
  • Spend the day exploring Na Village and getting accustomed to the altitude.
  • It's essential to rest and hydrate well at this elevation.
  • Overnight in Na Gaun.
  • Altitude: 4100 m / 13451 feet
  • Walking Hour: 4 Hours
  • Take a day off to acclimatize to the high altitude.
  • Explore the village of Na Gaun and its surroundings.
  • Visit the Na Gaun Monastery and learn about the local culture.
  • Set out on a trek to the stunning Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake.
  • Take in the breathtaking beauty of the glacial lake surrounded by towering peaks.
  • After exploring the lake, trek back to Beding.
  • The round trip will take about 5-6 hours.
  • Altitude: 4183 m / 13723 feet
  • Walking Hour: 6/6 Hours
  • Descend from Beding and make your way back to either Dongang or Kyalche.
  • The hike will take about 4-5 hours.
  • Arrive at your destination and check in to your accommodation.
  • Rest and enjoy the surroundings.
  • Overnight in Dongang or Kyalche.
  • Walking Hour: 4/5 Hours
  • Descend further as you trek back to Simi Gaun.
  • The trail will take you through forests and picturesque landscapes.
  • The hike will take approximately 5 hours.
  • Arrive in Simi Gaun and settle into your accommodation.
  • Overnight in Simi Gaun.
  • Altitude: 2020m / 6,627 feet
  • Walking Hour: 5 Hours
  • Trek from Simi Gaun to Chhetchhet.
  • Upon reaching Chhetchhet, embark on a drive back to Kathmandu.
  • Enjoy the scenic journey back to the capital city.
  • Check in to your hotel in Kathmandu.
  • Walking Hour: 8/9 Hours DRIVE
  • Meals: Breakfast & Lunch
  • This day serves as a contingency or a free day to accommodate any delays or changes in the itinerary.
  • You can also use this day to explore more of Kathmandu, visit cultural sites, or do some shopping.
  • CITY TOUR to two World Heritage Sites - Pashupati Temple and Boudhanath Stupa
  • Meals: Breakfast
  • Depending on your flight schedule, you'll have some free time for any last-minute activities or shopping.
  • Our representative will transfer you to the airport for your departure.
  • Bid farewell to the beautiful Himalayan region and return home with unforgettable memories.
  • Accommodation: Fly Back Home
  • PERMITS: All Essential permits required to trek in the region.
  • PICKUP AND DROPS: Airport pickup and drop facilities on both Domestic and International flights are included.
  • ACCOMMODATION : Three-star twin bed sharing hotel Accommodation in Kathmandu on a Bed / Breakfast basis.
  • WELCOME DINNER: Welcome dinner in a typical traditional Nepali restaurant.
  • SIGHTSEEING : Half-day guided city sightseeing to two most sacred World Heritage Sites with a paid entrance fee.
  • TAXES : All Government and Local tax.
  • GROUND TRANSPORTATION: All Ground transportation to and from the preferred destination as per the itinerary – PRIVATE VEHICLE.
  • STAFF TRANSPORTATION: All ground transportation for all staff as required.
  • EQUIPMENT: Fundamental trekking gear like a sleeping bag with fleece liners, Primaloft jacket, Rain Poncho, Yak-Track, Trekking Poles, etc.
  • LODGING: Local Tea-house or Home Stay accommodation on a twin-sharing basis – A single supplement is provided on request OVER MINIMAL COST, however, depends solely on the availability.
  • DRINKING WATER: Properly boiled hot water for drinking is provided every evening and morning – so it’s wise to have bottles equivalent to 3 liters or bottles along with a Rehydration Bag (camel bag).
  • GLORIOUS FOOD : All Meals (Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast with hot beverages) during the trek.
  • TREK LEADER : An accomplished Trekking Group Leader (Legitimate Guiding License Holder) and assistant guide.
  • STAFF INSURANCE & ALLOWANCES : All Ground Staff and their Allowances + their insurance.
  • SAFETY CONCERNS : Oxygen cylinders and an all-inclusive comprehensive medical kit on all trips.
  • COMPLIMENTARY TAKE AWAY : Take away the Nepal Pyramids duffel bag, T-shirt, Buff (multi-functional head-wear), and trekking Map.
  • NEPAL VISA: A fee of $50 that is levied on a 30-day Nepali visa.
  • INTERNATIONAL AIRFARE : The cost of all international flights.
  • PERSONAL EXPENSES : All personal expenses that may include Nepalese SIM card, internet, battery charging, hot shower, laundry, fizzy drinks, Alcohol, etc.
  • EMERGENCY : A medical examination of any kind, High Altitude Evacuation over any circumstances, Air Evacuation and Rescues.
  • DONATIONS : Donations of any kind.
  • STAFF TIPPING: Tipping is entirely a personal matter, however, it’s a trekking culture.
  • EXTRA NIGHTS : Extra night accommodation in Kathmandu on early arrival or Late departure.
  • SANCTIONS: Permits or the letter of Authorization that is required for special Filming, big Drones, and Filming Cameras.
  • INSURANCE: All-inclusive Travel or medical insurance is a must.
  • EXTRA PORTER: Over request Extra Porter or Assistant is provided that may include the cost of $25 per day.
  • OPTIONAL TOURS: Optional tours and sightseeing or any activities during free time.

Best Time to Trek to Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek:

In Nepal, the two best seasons considered ideal for trekking are Spring and Autumn. Similarly, Spring (March - May) and Autumn (September - November) are considered best for the Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek. However, these days Winter is getting pretty popular as due to global warming winter is getting more favourable for trekking in Nepal.

  • Spring Season, which runs from March to May, offers pleasant weather and clear skies. The days are longer and the temperature is milder.
  • Autumn Season, this season runs from September to November and is equally favorable where the weather is stable with clear skies. But these days due to the extended monsoon in Nepal until mid-September trekkers can expect rain showers and leeches (depending on the region you are trekking). Nonetheless, October and November will offer you fabulous weather and an ideal trekking atmosphere.
  • Winter Season : winter runs from December to February and can be extremely cold and can snow which can make trekking in Rolwaling challenging. Regardless of this, WINTER TREKKING in Nepal is getting very trendy among trekkers due to the promising weather it delivers due to the climate change effect. So to say, you can do Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek even in the winter but be equipped with winter gear. 

It is important to note that trekking in Rolwaling Valley during the monsoon season (June to August) is not recommended, as heavy rainfall can make the trails slippery and unsafe.

Permits required for Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek:

Required Permits:

  • Gaurishankar Conservation Area entry permit (GCAP):   USD 25 or equivalent to NPR 3000 for all foreign nationals and USD 8 or equivalent to NPR 1000 for SAARC nationals.
  • TIMS Card - Trekking Information Management System: USD 15 (NPR 2000) and USD 10 (NPR 1000) for SAARC nationals.

NOTE: As of now TIMS permit is not required to trek in any part of Nepal. The issuance of this permit was halted since COVID-19. However, it may be reinstated at any time which is still very uncertain .

if you are going over the Tashi Lapcha Pass then you would require additional permits and those are :

  • Sagarmatha National Park : The cost is NPR 3000 and
  • Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Rural Municipality Permit : The cost of this permit is NPR 2000.

Daldung La Pass (3976 m / 13044 feet):

This pass is OPTIONAL. It used to be popular at one time but it's been a while since trekkers have not used this pass trail to date. However, it can be done over request and requirements. Daldung La Pass is a hidden gem in the valley of Rolwaling. This high-altitude pass, situated at an elevation of (3976 m / 13044 feet), offers trekkers a unique and less-traveled route through the spectacular Rolwaling region.

The journey to Daldung La Pass takes you through pristine wilderness, dense rhododendron forests, and traditional Sherpa villages, providing a genuine glimpse into the local way of life.

As you ascend towards the pass, the landscape transforms, revealing jaw-dropping views of towering peaks. The phenomenal view includes Mt. Gauri Shankar (7,134 meters) and Melungtse (7,181 meters) and the glacially fed Tsho Rolpa Lake below. Daldung La Pass is a challenging but incredibly rewarding part of the Rolwaling Valley trek. It offers trekkers the chance to dissolve themselves in the raw beauty and tranquility of this remote Himalayan paradise.

Nepal Pyramids is here to craft your Nepal dreams into reality. We assure you a trip extraordinarily out of the world with quality service and value for money. We propose comprehensive flexible packages with unbeatable price - without any hidden cost.

Our team of local experts is the driving force behind our success. With their passion, experience, and commitment, our team of local experts ensures that we all are not just participants but integral contributors to the growth and well-being of the community we serve.

Safety is our foremost concern at our Travel company. We prioritize the well-being of our adventurers above all else. We provide top-notch equipment and conduct rigorous safety checks to ensure every trek is as secure as it is adventurous.

Sustainability is at the heart of our mission. We ensure that the beauty and integrity of the destinations we explore are preserved. We believe in responsible tourism that contributes positively to the environment and the livelihoods of the local people.

Nepal Pyramids takes pride in making your journey hassle-free from start to finish. With our efficient services, expert Group Leading, and attention to detail, you can leave the hassles behind and focus on creating lasting memories during your travels.

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tsho rolpa lake trek

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek- Cost & Itinerary

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek  in Nepal is peaceful off-the-beatan trekking . Affluent natural aesthetics, mountains, alluring alpine terrain, and a crowd-free trail make it the best trek. Have plans for the Tsho Tolpa Trek in 2024? Inquire us now!

Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake with beautiful mountain panorama on the backdrop

Tsho Rolpa Lake is in Rolwaling Valley and sits on the lap of Mt. Gaurisankhar , a 7,134-meter-tall mountain. Moreover, this beautiful lake sits close to the Langtang Himal range to the west. Mt. Melungtse , a 7,181-meter peak, is another elegant mountain you’ll see while trekking here. Also, on clear weather days, some faces of Mt. Everest and Lhakpa Dorje remain visible from several places en route to Tsho Rolpa.

More than for mountains and lakes, this off-beat trek also links to the legend of Yeti . Legends believe that  Rolwaling Valley , the home of Chho Rolpa Lake,  is among the seven valleys hidden in the Himalayas where Yeti live . The myth or truth of Yeti, living close to Gauraisankhar and Everest, fascinates trekkers.

Tsho Rolpa Trek Route- Altitude, Trek Time, and Distance

Tsho rolpa lake trek cost and availability- for the 2024 season.

Trekking to beautiful Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake has emerged as a beautiful trek destination in Nepal. This trek overall is an exquisite blend of nature, culture, elegant mountains, and a wholesome adventure. Hence, you might be interested in trekking to this beautiful destination.

Trekking here is not as expensive as Everest Base Camp Trek and Annapurna Circuit Trekking . Most of the amenities are decent to support your accommodation throughout the trek.

Here’s our Tsho Rolpa Trek Cost and Availability for the 2024 season .

Highlights of 7 days Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek

  • Trek to the largest and deepest glacial lake in Nepal, Tsho Rolpa Lake, at 4,580 meters.
  • Awe-striking glimpses of Mt.  Gaurisankhar, Dorje Lhakpa ,  Melungtse ,  Everest,  and other climbing peaks in the Rolwaling Range.
  • Walk through the beautiful Tamang settlements of Simi Gaun, Bedding, and Na Village.
  • Peaceful trek on the well-maintained trekking trails along the shore of the Rolwaling River.
  • Fewer trekkers, ideal for small group trekking.
  • Vibrant Rhododendron forest, countless waterfalls, truss bridges, lush vegetation, and inspiring landscapes.
  • Full guided service with experienced trek guides, porters, tailored itineraries, etc.

Quick Overview

Tsho rolpa glacial lake.

Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake is the largest dammed glacial lake in Nepal. It stretches to  3.5 km long  with an  area of 1.6 sq. km  with an  average depth of 55 meters ,  132 meters being the deepest . It sits on the catchment of the Rolwaling River, a prominent river in the Gaurishankar Conservation Area.

Trambau and Trakarding Glacier  are two  primary feeders of water  in this lake.

Being a glacial lake, instead of turquoise blue, the  watercolor  of this lake is  milky . Moreover, it  remains   frozen  for  five months , from December to April.

In the last two decades, the increase in global warming and significant melting of snow has increased the chance of outburst of this lake. Thus, to reduce the outburst possibility by 20%, GCAP constructed an open channel in 2000 AD to drain the water level by 3 meters.

Trekking to this beautiful lake has been popular recently. To help you plan better, we have a separate  Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek blog.  It gives you an idea of why it’s one of the  must-trek-to-best off-the-beaten trekking in Nepal in 2024.

Trek to Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake- A peaceful walk in the heart of biodiversity

The diverse vegetation throughout the Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake Trek Route awe-strikes you. The terrace farming of Singati and Simi Gaun is eye-pleasing. Locals in April and May grow potato and buckwheat as a primary crop in Bedding, making the terrain lively.

Rhododendron blossom during March April on the trek route from Simi Gaun to Surmuche make your walk pleasing. Also, in Spring, you’ll find ripped bayberries in the forest you can eat . The enchanting Cuckoo and chirps of various warblers undoubtedly construct the serenity.

Waterfall en route to Tsho Rolpa Lake

You’ll walk along the cascading Rolwaing River for more than 60% of the trek route.

Gaurishankar Conservation Area  is home to exotic & near the edge of extinction animals. The rarest  Snow Leopard ,  Arctic Fox ,  Weasel , and  Pikas  occupy the foot of Gaurishankar Himal. Further,  Ibisbill ,  Himalayan   Pheasant  ( Danphe ), feral Rabbit & Himalayan Thar are earliest to this region.

Tsho Rolpa Trek Itinerary

Day 1- arrival in kathmandu airport and transfer to the hotel.

NepTrek’s representative meets & greets you upon your land at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu. Our representative carries a nameplate with your name on it for concise identification.

Our representative drops at the hotel you've booked for your Kathmandu stay for rest and refreshment. It's a complementary service NepTrek offers to our clients joining the trekking team.

Our trek guide and tour manager deliver brief info about one-week-long Tsho Rolpa trekking in the evening. Also, if you don't know what trekking gear to buy, you can get help from the trek guide.

Day 2- Drive from Kathmandu to Chhet Chhet for 7 hours. Trek to Simigaun, 2019 metres, 3 hours

The magical journey to a week-long Tsho Rolpa trek starts with nearly a 7-hour drive from Kathmandu to Chhet Chhet, a 190 km ride. 

We head on the road after having a decent breakfast at the hotel in Kathmandu. The private/local deluxe buses for the trip to Chhet Chhet are trekkers' favourite. 

As we leave Kathmandu, we start viewing inspiring landscapes, rivers, and towns of the Sindhupalchok and Kavre districts. Our road trip halts at Sukute for a tea break. This place is famous for rafting and night stay among Nepalese and foreigners. 

The trip takes us to Mude, Khari Dhunga, and Charikot before lunchtime. After lunch at Charikot, we took a road trip 3 hours further to Chhet Chhet. The rushing Upper Tamakoshi River, a couple of waterfalls, and terrace farming keeps the trip entertaining. 

For foreigners, a Tsho Rolpa Trek Permit check is necessary before entering the Gaurishankar Conservation Area. Thus, before climbing to Simi Gaun, a prior permit check at Chhet Chhet is mandatory.  The hike to Simi Gaun is short and takes nearly three hours, but tiring. The stairs on vertical cliffs make the trek thrilling. But, there are multiple water taps where you can refill your bottles and wash sweat. 

The Buddhist village of Simi Gaun gives the sense of an unspoiled village lifestyle. The villagers often smile as they encounter any travellers here. There weren't many tea houses in Simi Gaun, but in recent times, tea houses are increasing to meet the trekker's demand. NepTrek ensures your meals and accommodation at the best tea house in Simi Gaun. 

Day 3- Trek from Simigaun to Dongang, 2,790 metres, 6 hours

The chirps of birds from the forest behind Simi Gaun wake us up in the early morning. The first glimpses of sunrise to the east hills from Simi Gaun start the day beautifully.

After some refreshments and breakfast, it's time for us to hike to Dongang. Dongang sits beautifully on the shore of the Rolwaling River with inspiring hills and waterfalls.

After leaving Simi Gaun, we hike a few minutes on flat trails before climbing steep stairs. Glimpses of Simi Gaun, farmlands, and surrounding hills from the hilltop are inspiring. From here, the trail follows a gradual descent until we reach a suspension bridge at Uttise, en route to Rigu village.

The trail from the bridge to Surmuche is a gradual climb. The trekking route is stone paved and well maintained, but hundreds of stairs are tiring. The lush forest with frequent waterfalls and culverts accompanies the hike to Surmuche. Surmuche is only a place for lunch on our second-day trek to Dongang.

After having a decent lunch and replenished energy, we further headed to Kyalje for three hours. The route follows a gradual hike but entertaining with the sublime glimpses of terrains. Small caves, truss bridges, and lush forests make the trek entertaining.

There's only a tea house at Kyalje. If needed, the team will stop here for some rest before heading to Dongang. Dongang is a one hour hike from Kyalje. Your heart dances as you glimpse the tea houses on the Rolwaling river's shore in Dongang.

Tea house-based meals and accommodation in Dongang provide us with complete rest.

Day 4- Trek from Dongang to Na Village, 3,943 metres, 8 hours

The serene sound of the Rolwaling River wakes you up in the early morning in Dongang. We have to start the hike early today as we have to reach Na Village at 3,943 metres.

After a decent breakfast at a tea house in Dongang, we first hike to Thandding Kharka via the shore of the Rolwaling River. The voluminous boulders and rushing sound of this river fade away as we start climbing to Thandding Kharka. It's also an ideal spot for a tea break and some rest before being back on the trail to Bedding.

Possibly, the route from Thandding Kharka to Bedding is one of the best trekking trails in the Himalayas. The change in vegetation and terrain gives us the sense of high-altitude trekking as we hike a few hours from Thandding. Snow-capped mountains on either side, the streaming Rolwaling River throughout, and alluring terrains make the landscape and hike serene. The remoteness and unspoiled aesthetics of the trekking trail give the experience of peaceful trekking.

Bedding, at 3,721 metres, is a final stopping place for lunch before hiking to Na Village. It sits on the left bank of Rolwaling River and beneath the towering snow-filled rocks. The traditional houses with vibrant colours, Buddhist monasteries, grazing yaks, everything ornate Bedding. Tea houses at Bedding offer fresh vegetables and decent meals to trekkers. The hike continues after some rest after lunch at Bedding.

Na from Bedding is a two and half hours hike. The trek to Na from Bedding is a relatively flat terrain of inspiring landscapes with mountains, alpine bushes, and decreasing lush vegetation. The well-organised tea houses in Na Village serve decent meals with warm accommodation.

Day 5- Trek from Na Village to Tsho Rolpa Lake, 3 hours, 4,558 metres - Hike down to Na, 2 hours- Trek to Bedding for overnight, 3 hours

We begin our Tsho Rolpa Lake hike from Na as the sun shines the next day. The overcast of clouds after 11 am obstructs the sightseeing otherwise.

Hiking early in the morning from Na gives us a picturesque window of viewing mountains around the lake. The scintillating Gaurisankhar on a bright sunny day makes the hike worthy. Besides, alluring alpine terrain, slopes, and flat lands entertain the hike.

The overall hike to Tsho Rolpa from Na is on a flat surface. However, the final section near the lake is a strenuous climb. The strong wind blows on this slope often make ascending and descending challenging.

The faint greenish milky-colored water of Tsho Rolpa Lake comes from the melted mountains and glaciers around it. Trakarding Glacier and Trambau Glacier are two major sources of water in this lake. You can also spend some time for photographs and sightseeing and descend to Na village for lunch.

We begin our return hike to Bedding after some rest and lunch at a tea house in Na. Many grazing yaks on pasture lands are a joy to witness en route to Bedding. Overnight at a tea house in Bedding replenishes the tired body for the next day's descent.

Day 6- Trek from Bedding to Simi Gaun, 9 hours

Our return hike to Dongang follows the standard Tsho Rolpa trekking route we hiked a few days ago.

In spring, the landscape becomes lush with fresh greenery and a clear outlook. The autumn colours on the landscapes make the whole viewing experience vibrant.

We start hiking down after breakfast at Bedding. Reaching Thandding Kharka takes us nearly three hours when we stop for rest and tea break. Another one-and-half-hour hike from Thandding takes us to Dongang, where we'll have lunch before heading for Simi Gaun.

The route to Kyalje from Dongang is the only tiring climb. Besides, the overall trek route to Uttise is ideal for a comfortable descent hike. Many trekkers hike down to Chhet Chhet the same day from Bigu Village. In doing so, struggle to get the vehicle back to Charikot. Also, the nine hours hike till the Uttise from Bedding already tires trekkers to some extent. So, to get proper rest and catch the next day's bus to Kathmandu, we stop at Simi Gaun.

Day 7- Trek from Simi Gaun to Chhet Chhet for two hours and Drive to Kathmandu for 7 hours

To catch the bus to Kathmandu from Chhet Chhet, we start our descent hike with an early breakfast at the tea house. The descent hike first follows the trails on the farmlands and later on the stairs. The tiring stairs ascending will now become ideal for a comfortable descent.

The bus from Chhet Chhet takes us to Charikot via beautiful settlements on the shore of the Upper Tamakoshi River. We'll stop at Charikot for lunch before the bus leaves for Kathmandu.

Our representative will pick you up from the bus stop and transfer you to the hotel. It marks the end of our amazing six days of Tsho Rolpa trekking in the Gaurishankar Conservation Area.

Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake Trek- Essential Info

Accommodation during the trek.

Tsho Rolpa Trek is a tea house-based trekking. Local Tamang people run these tea houses here, some of whom have summited Mt. Everest also.

The accommodation is similar at every tea house. You can  expect comfortable overnights  with  neat and warm blankets and mattresses . Moreover, you’ll get clean pillows and bedsheets, with an electricity-supplied room itself. Don’t expect heated rooms or hot showers.

You have to  accommodate twin sharing rooms , but they’ll be private. Don’t expect the attached bathrooms. But the toilets in the tea houses are hygienic and well equipped with hand wash and water.

Accommodation in Kathmandu is at your own expense. On request, we’ll manage the best hotels for you at the best deals.

Meals on the trek

You’ll get six breakfasts , lunches, and dinners during this trek.

Tea houses in Tsho Rolpa Trek Route are decent. Hence, the meals the tea house serves here are basic but offer great taste.

You can have porridge, noodle soup, pancakes, boiled eggs, omelets, cooked beans, fries, and chapati  for breakfast .

Lunch and dinner  meals primarily include the  Nepalese dish , Dal Bhat Tarkari. It consists of cooked rice and fresh vegetables with lentil soups. You’ll taste spinach, mushrooms, radishes, potatoes, and wild spinach.  Locally fermented pickles  with  Yak ghee  make the lunch/dinner mouth-watering. Apart from these, the menu items also include chapati curry, noodles, canned fish, etc.

Best time to trek Tsho Rolpa Lake

Tsho Rolpa trek becomes perfect in clear weather, stable temperatures, and mild humidity. These conditions are best in Spring, from  March to May , and Autumn, from  September to November .

The Rhododendron blossom in March, the picturesque landscape in April, and the magical walk in May make the trek wholesome. An awe glimpse of snow-occupied Mt. Gaurishankar, Langtang range, Mt. Everest, and several peaks give unmatched sightseeing. Also, the  Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake freezes in early Spring , which becomes a joy to witness.

September to November  is another  best time  for the Tsho Rolpa Trek .  Mesmerizing landscapes, greenery, clear outlook, and rain-free days are best in these months. These post-rainy days bring greenery over the magical landscape of mountains and boulder faces. Hence, the unmatched peaceful trek with a picturesque landscape on the backdrop overjoys you at every step.

Weather and Temperature in Spring and Autumn

The two seasons, Spring and Autumn, have stable temperatures and weather for the comfortable trek and the ultimate viewing experience.

March-April  marks the  rise in daytime temperature.  The average daytime temperature in March-April at Naa Village is 6˚C. But the lower regions start getting warmer as the daytime temperature rises over  16 °C  on average.  -8 to -10°C  is the  lowest average temperature  during Spring around the Tsho Rolpa trek route. However, places like Simi Gaun and Dongang remain warmer than others.

You may experience snowfall while trekking here in early Spring.

Autumn months shift the temperature of summer from warm to mild. The lower regions remain hotter and more humid. But Bedding and Na remain colder, and Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake freezing.

The unprecedented rain during September often creates snowfall, dropping the temperature.

The  daytime temperature  averages  18°C in September . The nighttime average temperature drops around freezing, to some extent bearable. A sleeve, cap, and sweatpants won’t make you sweat much. Also, a decent down jacket or a layered sleeping bag can keep you warm all night.


While trekking to Chho Rolpa Lake, you’ll gain altitude gradually . You’ll start the trek from Chhet Chhet, which is around 1,398 metres. You’ll gain 700 to 800 meters altitude on each day . Hence, with gradual altitude gain, your body acclimatizes during each day on the trek.

Off the beaten trail to 4,580 metres high glacial lake, Tsho Rolpa Trek is a comfortable to moderate grade trek . Stone-paved with a well-maintained route won’t be an issue for trekkers. But, the final ascend to Tsho Rolpa for half-hour becomes challenging due to the steep climb. Still, the route offers a comfortable hike.

Trek Difficulty and Physical Fitness Requirements

Tsho Rolpa trek is an  easy to moderate grade trek . Only the final climb to the lake is the arduous section. This trek is best for novice trekkers and trekkers with little trek experience.

Stone-paved routes with stairs,  truss bridges , suspension bridges, and  route maps with altitude charts  make navigating this route the best. Besides, there are no routes branched from the main trek route. Thus, trekkers can hike on the main trail throughout.

You must  be in ideal physical shape and mentally prepared  for this trek. The longer hiking hours and ascend on day two build fatigue. However, the altitude of over 3,500 meters here is more straightforward to walk.

For fitness,  cardio exercises are the best . We recommend you start a physical exercise routine a month before joining the trip with us. To name a few,  swimming ,  running , and  cycling  are  best for cardio . We highly recommend our clients have an ideal mind and body, ready to set out for the adventure.

Altitude Sickness

Getting altitude sickness during the Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek is likely. Most who develop altitude sickness experience minor symptoms past Thanding Kharka. Minor altitude sickness symptoms like headaches, nausea, shortness of breath, vomiting, fatigue, etc.

To prevent altitude sickness, we request you  eat plenty  and  drink 3 liters of purified water with oral rehydration solution . Carrying  Vitamin C tablets ,  chocolate bars , and some  medicines for headaches and nausea (paracetamol)  can relieve stress. We discourage you from consuming caffeinated drinks like coffee and alcohol. They cause dehydration and prompt altitude sickness symptoms.

If you get  seriously sick , you’ll need a  helicopter evacuation . But for this, you must have a valid travel insurance policy.

Travel Insurance

We strongly urge you to get travel insurance before joining our Tsho Rolpa Trek in 2024. Notably, travel insurance becomes most important if you get severely injured or altitude sickness.

At such events, you may need helicopter evacuation. You can get helicopter evacuation, compensated by your travel insurance, for free if you have decent travel insurance. When you have travel insurance, it becomes easy for a helicopter to come to the rescue. Moreover, travel insurance pays for medication bills and hospitalization costs.

Internet and Communication

Communication  in Tsho Rolpa trekking  is possible  at places like Simi Gaun, Kyalje, Thandding Kharka, and Bedding. You can get the Nepal Telecom’s signals at some places en route. 3G internet services are also possible in these places. A tea house in Dongang has a satellite telephone with which you can communicate with people.

It will be best to  bring a satellite phone if you wish to remain in touch with your family back home.

There are  no internet and wifi facilities  at tea houses throughout this trekking. We recommend you enjoy the picturesque nature more and use mobile devices less for the internet and communication. After all, trekking means being away in the Himalayas to escape hustle-bustle for some period.

Drinking water and electricity

Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower has now supplied electricity to Bedding village. It powers every settlement in the region except Naa Village.

There’s no need to worry about hot drinking water throughout this trek.

You can fill in your water bottles from the running water tap. If you like carrying the water purification tablets, you can put them in your backpack. If not, your trekking guide gives the purification tablets for you.

For hot drinking water , you may have to pay Rs. 100-200 per litre .

Trekker’s safety and security

We focus on your safety and security during the trek. Also, we equally value the safety of our trek guides and porters. We assure you 100% health safety, gear security, and personal belongings.

On unforeseen health issues, a helicopter evacuation takes you to a safe place and hospital, if needed. We practice safe trekking with a 100% success rate.

Tipping for trek guides and porters

We encourage groups joining Tsho Rolpa trekking to tip their trek guides and porters some satisfactory amount at the end of the trek. There’s no hard and fast rule for tip culture, but usually, trekkers tip USD 150 for guides and USD 100 for porters.

Trek porters and guides care for you throughout this trek to make it successful. On top, trekking porters become part of your group for a week. Hence, to put a smile on their face and respect their job throughout the trek, tipping is an encouragement factor for them.

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We aspire to elevate your travel experience in Nepal with wholesome treks and tours. All our tours and trekking are operated by professional licensed trekking and tour guides with years of profound experience.

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15 Days Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek

tsho rolpa lake trek

Trip Details

  • Destination: Nepal
  • Trip Difficulty: Moderate
  • Trip Style: Camping Trek
  • Transport: Public Vehicle
  • Food: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Accommodation: Lodge & Camping
  • Group Size: 2 - 16
  • Max Elevation: Tsho Rolpa Lake (4588m)
  • Incredible mountain vista including Gauri Shankar (7145m), Melungtse (7181m), and others 
  • Observing the beautiful turquoise Lake Tsho Rolpa (4580m)
  • Gorgeous sunrise and sunsets from various points of the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek
  • Various mani walls, prayer flags, and monastery along the trail 
  • Exploring the culture, tradition, and lifestyle of the Sherpa community
  • Spotting rare wildlife along the trail
  • Fantastic Bird watching opportunity along the trail
  • Scenic drive on the Araniko highway
  • Tasting the delicious local cuisine
  • Incredible hospitality of the local people  


Tsho Rolpa Trek is a lovely off the beaten trek located in the Rolwaling Valley region. This hidden trek takes you to the pristine turquoise lake of Tsho Rolpa (4580 m). The gorgeous lake lies between the majestic Langtang and Everest mountain ranges. It is one of the biggest glacier lakes in Nepal .

According to legends, the Rolwaling Valley is one of the seven hidden valleys and home of the mythical creature Yeti. The terraced farmed hills, mani walls, Himalayan rivers, rhododendron forests, and serene waterfalls will enchant you. The views of the Gauri Shankar (7145m), Melungtse (7181m), and other snow-capped mountains are breathtaking.

Tsho Rolpa lake falls under the Gaurishankar Conservation Area Project (GCAP). “Tsho” means lake and “Rolpa '' denotes the Rolwaling valley in the Sherpa language. The trails constructed by a swiss project are well marked with proper information and marks. It is also famous for having a beautiful Cantilever Bridge. 

Moreover, our long-duration Tsho Rolpa trek itinerary allows you to acclimatize and explore the region in a relaxed manner. You will have to trek for around 6-8 hours; hence a good level of fitness is essential for the trek. A good training routine at least two weeks before the trek is essential.

You will also get to explore the culture and heritage of the Sherpa and other communities. Their incredible hospitality and a warm welcome will make you fall in love with the place. We are offering this exciting trek at a reasonable cost. Read further for the Tsho Rolpa trek itinerary and other information in detail.

15 Days Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek Itinerary

Day 1: drive from kathmandu to shigati.

Drive duration: 6-7 hours

Our Tsho Rolpa Lake trek journey starts with a drive from Kathmandu to Shigati. The scenic drive takes us along the winding roads of the Araniko highway. We can enjoy the beautiful views of the Bhote Koshi and Sun Koshi rivers. The breathtaking mountain views will welcome us on our 6-7 hours journey.

We then take a break to have our lunch and continue our drive observing the picturesque views of the terraced farmed hill and villages. The drive moves along the TamaKoshi River as we observe the distant view of Mt. Gaurishankar (7134m). We will finally arrive at Shigati village after a few hours and stay overnight at a local lodge.

  • Meals: Lunch & Dinner
  • Accommodation: Lodge
  • Altitude: 950m

Day 2: Trek to Jagat

Trek duration: 5-6 hours

After breakfast, we start our trek following a narrow trail along the Tama Koshi River. We then cross the pristine river through a suspension bridge and take an uphill climb. The trails then lead you to the beautiful Suri Dhoban from where you can observe the majestic Gaurishankar (7134m).

We cross several suspension bridges, various Mani stones and prayer wheels along the trail to arrive at the Manthali village. After a trek of a few hours along the riverbank, we will arrive at Jagat. We will stay overnight at a teahouse in Jagat.

  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Accommodation: Teahouse
  • Altitude: 1150m

Day 3: Trek to Simi Gaun

Trek duration: 5 hours

After breakfast, we start our trek with a descent to the riverbank by passing through the forested zone. We then cross a small river through a suspension bridge to arrive at Gonggar village.

The trail then ascends through the stone steps and we can encounter the pristine waterfalls. We then walk through the steps that lead us to the vast fields until we arrive at the Sherpa village of Chhetchhet. We will then cross a suspension bridge and ascend through the terraced farmed hills.

The trails then lead us to the beautiful Chorten as we arrive at Simigaon from where we can observe the majestic views of Mt. Gaurishankar (7134m). We will also explore the Buddhist Monastery and other significant religious landmarks of the region. Finally, after a long trek, we will stay overnight at a teahouse in Simigaon.

  • Altitude: 1990m

Day 4: Trek to Gyalchen

Trek duration: 6 hours

After breakfast, we start our trek from Simigaon by descending to a slope before climbing the majestic stone steps. We then enter the forest and climb the up and down trail to arrive at the beautiful Rolwaling River.

The trail then leads us to the forest from where we can observe the Gaurishankar Himal (7134m). We then ascend the cliff that leads us to the Gyalchen. We will stay overnight at a teahouse in Gyalchen.

  • Altitude: 2990m

Day 5: Trek to Beding

Trek duration: 4 hours

After breakfast, we start the trail by passing through the forest that leads us to the Nyamare village. We have our lunch at the village and continue our trek on the up and down trail to arrive at the Beding, which is the largest settlement in the Rolwaling region.

We take a break to observe the beautiful views of the snow-capped mountains and the pristine waterfalls of the region. At the village entry, we can find an ancient Gompa. We stay overnight at a teahouse in Beding. 

  • Altitude: 3690m

Day 6: Trek to Na Gaun

After breakfast, we will start our trek from Beding to Na Gaun. The trek starts with a gradual climb toward the right bank of Rolwaling River before we arrive in Dhogre. We can observe an alternate view of the majestic Gaurishankar (7134m).

The trail then opens gradually towards the U-shaped valley and vast grasslands. We also pass through the Mani stones along the path that gets covered in prayer flags. There is also a large Bodhisattva painting made on a large rock.

We will arrive at Na Gaon after a trek of a few hours. Na Gaon village lies below the magnificent range of mountains and remains enclosed by stone walls. We will stay overnight at a teahouse in Na Gaon.

  • Altitude: 4180m

Day 7: Explore Na Gaun Village

After breakfast, we will start our acclimatization and exploration of the Na village. We can take a short hike to Ramdung from where we can observe the beautiful mountain vista, including the Gauri Shanker, Menlung, Yalung, and other Tibetan mountains.

We also visit the famous Yalung Glacier camp. The incredible beauty of the place will enchant you. We will return and stay overnight at a teahouse in Na village.

Day 8: Trek to Tsho Rolpa Lake

Trek duration: 7 hours

After breakfast, we will start the most beautiful part of our trekking adventure that is the trek to the pristine Lake of Tsho Rolpa. The trail leads us to the beautiful landscapes to finally arrive at the incredible glacial Lake of Tsho Rolpa.

We leave Na Gaon and cross several suspension bridges over the Rolwaling River. The trail then gradually leads on an uphill path until we arrive at the beautiful green meadows. The trail then leads us to the two glaciers as we enter the valley.

We walk through the rocky moraines of Rolwaling Glacier, to arrive at the breathtaking Tsho Rolpa Lake. The mesmerizing beauty of the Lake will overwhelm you. We explore the region and stay overnight at a tented camp or a teahouse.

  • Accommodation: Camp
  • Altitude: 4588m

Day 9: Explore Tsho Rolpa Lake

After breakfast, we will start our exploration tour of the beautiful Tsho Rolpa Lake. The biggest glacial lake in Nepal is at the height of 4580 m. This majestic turquoise lake has snow-capped mountains all around, and you can observe the reflection of the silver mountain on the lake.

Furthermore, the locals believe that the lake has grown significantly over the last few decades due to global warming and the melting of glaciers. We will take incredible pictures and explore the Tsho Rolpa Lake. We will stay overnight at a tented camp or a teahouse.

Day 10: Trek to Beding

After breakfast, we will start our return trek to Beding. We take some great pictures of the magnificent glacial lake and trek back the same route that we had taken earlier.

We take a short break at Na Gaon to have lunch before continuing our trek to Beding following the Rolwaling River trail. We will arrive at Beding, after a trek of a few hours, and stay overnight at a teahouse.

Day 11: Trek to Daldung La Pass

After breakfast, we will start the trek to the Daldung la pass from Beding. The uphill trek passes through the diverse flora and fauna of the region. We will cross a deep gorge through a huge suspension bridge.

You will then pass through the beautiful Sherpa village with incredible mountain views. You can also observe the temporary Yak shed called “Yak Naka” if you trek in a particular season. Finally, you will arrive at the Daldung La pass after a trek of a few hours and stay overnight at a teahouse.

  • Altitude: 3976m

Day 12: Trek to Simi Gaun

After breakfast, we will start our trek from Daldung la pass to Simi gaon. The descending trek down from Kyalche is quite challenging. We will pass through the stone stairs to arrive at Simigaun after a trek of a few hours. We will stay overnight at a tea house in Simi gaon. 

Day 13: Trek to Jagat

After breakfast, we will start our trek with an uphill climb on a stony trail. The trail then leads us to beautiful landscapes with terrace farmed hills, and pristine waterfalls. We cross the suspension bridges over the Himalayan rivers. We finally arrive at Jagat after a trek of a few hours and stay overnight at a teahouse.

Day 14: Trek to Shigati

After breakfast, we will start our trek to Shigati from Jagat. We will cross a suspension bridge and follow the river bank to arrive at the Manthali village. We will then descend the Mani stones and prayer wheels covered trails to arrive at the suspension bridge.

The trails then pass through the Suri dobhan from where we can observe the majestic view of Gaurishankar (7134m). We then follow the narrow trails along the Tama Koshi River to arrive at Shigati.

Day 15: Drive to Kathmandu

After breakfast, we will start our drive from Shigati to Kathmandu as our Tsho Rolpa Lake trek gets completed. It takes around 6-7 hours of drive to arrive at Kathmandu through the scenic winding roads of the Araniko highway.

  • Meals: Breakfast & Lunch
  • Altitude: 1320m

What to Expect

Cost includes.

  • Airport Pickup and Drop
  • Round Trip Local Bus (Kathmandu and Shigati)
  • Teahouse and Camping Accommodation with ( Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) 3 Meals per day 
  • Guide, Porter, and Helper including their food, accommodation, salary, transportation, and insurance
  • Use of sleeping bag & Duffel bag (if you don’t have your own, To be return after trip completed)
  • Daily seasonal fresh fruits after dinner 
  • A first aid kit carried by the guide (Oximeter to measure your oxygen and pulse in high altitude)  
  • All Necessary Trekking Permits
  • All Government & Local Taxes 

Cost Excludes

  • International Flight Ticket and Nepalese Visa Fee
  • Hotel & Meals in Kathmandu
  • Personal expenses (WiFi, Phone calls, Laundry, Bar bills, Battery Recharge, Water, Shower, and Tea / Coffee)
  • Other costs not mentioned in 'Cost Includes' section
  • Travel and Rescue Insurance
  • Tips for Guides, Porters, Helpers and Drivers
  • Private Jeep Kathmandu to Singati USD $450 Per Transfer 
  • Private Jeep Singati to Kathmandu USD $450 Per Transfer 
  • 3 Star Hotel in Kathmandu Twin Sharing on BB USD 60$ Per Night 


Before departure to the trip, there will be a group meeting with the trekking guide at the office. He/She will answer all the queries that you have on your mind.

Meeting Location:  Mount Mania Treks & Expedition P. Ltd., Samarpan Marg, Banasthali, Kathmandu, Nepal

Note: If you find difficult to come to our meeting location, send us the hotel details via email. Our guide will come to meet up with you individually. 

Useful Information

When is the best time for the tsho rolpa trek.

The peak season for trekking in Nepal is the Autumn (September- November) and the Spring (March-May). The stable weather conditions and the minimal precipitation in these months make the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek a great adventure in these seasons.

Autumn (September- November)

The Autumn months from September to November are a great time for the Tsho Rolpa lake trek. You will get moderate temperatures in the daytime that are perfect for trekking. The minimal rainfall is another advantage of the trek in this season. Besides that, you will also get the complete cultural experience of the local community in Autumn. 

Spring (March-May)

Spring months of March to May is another exciting time for the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek in the region. The wildflowers, including Rhododendron, bloom all over the hills painting the hilly landscapes, red and pink. The spring months provide us beautiful weather and ideal trekking temperatures for trekking.  

Off-season Tsho Rolpa trek in the monsoon and the winter season are quite challenging. The monsoon season brings heavy rainfall in the area, which leads to slippery and leech-infested trails. 

Moreover, there are also risks of avalanches and landslides in the region. Winter season brings heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures in the region. Hence, the Autumn and the Spring season are the best time for the Tsho Rolpa trek.  

How Difficult is the Tsho Rolpa Trek?

Tsho Rolpa Trek is a moderately challenging trek in Nepal. Beginners might find this newly built trail quite challenging. Hence, a good amount of training before the trek is essential. Altitude is one of the significant factors of difficulty during the trek. 

The maximum elevation during the trek is 4580 m. This high altitude Tsho Rolpa Lake trek brings the risk of altitude sickness among trekkers. Therefore, acclimatization and regular hydration is a must while trekking. Besides that, you should also trek at a gradual pace and not hurry to reach the destination.

Moreover, the rugged trail goes up and down a lot and also comes with lots of stone steps, which are a challenge for trekkers of all skill levels. You will need to walk around the narrow landscapes around the cliffs. Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek is thus tricky in these aspects. 

Another difficulty factor of the trek is the weather conditions. Weather remains unpredictable in the higher altitude region. Hence, you should check the weather condition before you start on the trek. You should also pack trekking gear and other essentials during the trek. 

Overall, the Tsho Rolpa trek is moderately challenging, and with proper preparation, you can complete the trek with ease. 

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This is a great opportunity to visit a pristine natural wonderland, get away from the crowds, and venture to an isolated region of Nepal. Tsho Rolpa Lake (4580m) is in the Rolwaling Valley located between two massive mountain ranges - Langtang and Everest and near the Tibetan border. It is claimed to be the biggest glacier lake in Nepal.

Tsho Rolpa lake trek has an average depth of 55 meters and has fewer visitors thus ensuring solitude and a time to reflect on the majestic snow-clad peaks of Gaurishankar (7134m), Lang Tang Ri (7205m) and the panoramic views of the Everest ranges. Tsho Rolpa Lake, with its pristine turquoise water, is the feature of this great adventure.

The Tsho Rolpa Lake has so many memorable features, such as exquisite in-your-face views of massive peaks, incredible landscapes, and enhancing spiritual wellbeing as you witness the peaceful and tranquil Tibetan Buddhists as they go about their daily routine.     Nearer the Tibetan border, there are predominantly Tibetan Buddhists. However other castes, such as Brahmin and Chhetri peacefully coexist.  Throughout the Rolwaling Valley, you will be exposed to the peace-loving Sherpas and their rich spiritual culture. The trail takes you through numerous villages, for example, Chetchet, Bedding, and Na.

Sherpa Expedition and Trekking has been organizing tours for more than forty years and has an unblemished reputation. This trek can be tailored to suit your needs.

Highlights of Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek

  • Tibetan Buddhist culture and traditions.
  • Explore Tsho Rolpa Lake and surrounding incredible scenery.
  • Close-up views of massive snow-covered peaks 7000m plus.
  • A diverse range of birdlife and other animals.
  • Explore the Sherpa Village and witness their survival and peaceful nature.
  • Traveling along the Araniko Highway.
  • Trek through the vast and remote Rolwaling Valley in the Gaurishankar Conservation Area (GCA).

Day 1 : Arrival at Kathmandu transfer to hotel.

Upon arrival at Kathmandu Airport you will be met by Sherpa Expedition and Trekking staff and transported to your hotel, followed by a short briefing concerning your trek.

Day 2 : Drive from Kathmandu to Jagat (1,400m) Duration: 8-9 hours.

This morning we head off on a nine-hour jeep ride to the quaint village of Jagat situated in the Dolakha district We will stay here in a hotel for the night.

Day 3 : Trek from Jagat to Simigaon (2,020m) Duration: 5-6 hours.

Today we head off on a five to six-hour trek and firstly go to Chetchet Village where we will stop for a lunch break. After lunch, we follow the trail crossing a suspension bridge over the Tamakoshi River and then have a steep climb to Simigaon Village where you have views of the cultivated terraced fields. Tonight we will stay at a tea house.

Day 4 : Trek from Simigaon to Dongang (2,790m) Duration: 5-6 hours.

Today the trail leads us into Rolwaling Valley passing through stunning rhododendron and bamboo forests. The trail then ascends to Kyalche Village (3300m) following alongside the Tamakoshi River. We finally arrive at Dongang Village after around six hours, where we will stay overnight in a guest house.

Day 5 : Trek from Dongang to Beding (3,690m) Duration: 5-6 hours.

Today we head further up the valley where there is a notable change as we head into tropical vegetation. As we head higher the views become more spectacular. From Beding we may have some fantastic views of Mt. Melungtse I (7181m), the highest mountain of the Rolwaling Himal. Beding is a small village that is frequented by climbers on their way to tiny settlement; well known Mt.Everest.

Day 6 : Trek from Beding to Na Gaon (4,180m) Duration: 6-7 hours.

Today’s trek is about six to seven hours along the banks of the Rolwaling River until we get to Kharka in Dhogre (3963m) locality. From here we have some magical views of Mt. Gaurishankar (7134m). Continuing on we head to Na, a tiny village only inhabited during summer and happens to be the last village on this trail. We will stay in a guest house here overnight.

Day 7 : Acclimatization day at Na & trek to the highest glacial Tsho Rolpa Lake (4580m)

This is the big day when we acclimatize before heading to higher altitudes. It is recommended by health professionals that you should stay active during the day. We will then head to Tsho Rolpa Lake with plenty of time to explore the surrounding foreshore and take in the natural beauty of this turquoise blue lake. The surrounding hills are arid, whereas looking higher we can see snow-covered peaks reflecting off the lake’s surface. This is an excellent photo opportunity as the mountain superimposes itself on the lake. This is a very soothing and relaxing location where you can sit in awe of nature. We then head back to Na Gaon where we will stay the night.

Day 8 : Trek from Na Gaon to Beding (3,690m) Duration: 5-6 hours.

The trail today ascends on the same route we took climbing to Tsho Rolpa Lake and should take about six hours before we reach Beding where we will stay overnight.

Day 9 : Trek from Beding to Dongang (2790m) Duration: 6-7 hours.

We have a five to six-hour trek ahead of us today following the same route we took climbing up to Tsho Rolpa Lake. We will descend through rhododendron and pine forests and then reach Dongang where we will stay the night.

Day 10 : Trek from Dongang to Simigaon (2,020m) Duration: 5-6 hours.

A five-hour trek downhill today will bring us to Simigaon where we will stay the night. It is an easy trek but you will still have to exert some energy as you keep your balance.

Day 11 : Trek from Simigaon to Chetchet & drive back to Kathmandu; Duration: 8-9 hours

Today is the final day on the trail as we head back to Chetchet Village situated on the river bank. From here our transport will be waiting to take us back to Kathmandu. We will stop for lunch along the way. On arrival at Kathmandu, we will take you back to your hotels.

Day 12 : Free day in Kathmandu.

Today you can do as you please! You may wish to put your feet up and relax or wander around Thamel to do some last-minute shopping. 

Day 13 : International departure & homeward bound.

Today Sherpa Expedition and Trekking will take you to the airport about 3 hours prior to departure. You will take with you some unforgettable memories of Nepal and on your flight home thinking about your next journey into the amazing Himalayas.

Costs included in your package.

  • Airport picks up and transports by private Car/Jeep.
  • Three night’s standard twin sharing Hotel in Kathmandu with breakfast.
  • Three meals a day (Breakfast, lunch, and dinner) during the trek.
  • Fresh fruit every evening after dinner.
  • Trekking Lodge (Tea House) accommodation during the trek.
  • All necessary paperwork (Tims and Permit)
  • Transportation from Kathmandu to Jagat and Chetchet to Kathmandu by Bus
  • A highly experienced, helpful, knowledgeable, friendly, English speaking well trained, Government license holder guide with all his salary, food, drinks, accommodation, transport and insurance.
  • Strong, helpful Sherpa porters with proper safety equipment and walking equipment, his salary, food, accommodation, and insurance (one porter for two people).
  • Comprehensive medical supplies (first aid kit will be available).
  • Arrangement of emergency helicopter service (paid by your Travel Insurance Company).
  • Use of sleeping bag, down jacket, duffel bag and walking poles (if you don’t have your own, to be returned after trip completed).
  • Sherpa Expedition and Trekking T-shirt
  • Government taxes and official expenses.
  • Oxygen meter to check your pulse and oxygen saturation and heart rate twice daily (Very useful to check Altitude Mountain Sickness(AMS) symptoms) which will ensure your health during the trek.
  • Assistant guide for groups of 8 or more people.

Costs Exclude

  • Meals whilst you are in Kathmandu - lunch, and dinner.
  • Nepal entry visa fee (easy to obtain the visa on arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport – Kathmandu). $30 USD for 15-day, $50 USD for 30 Days, and $125 USD for 90 Days visa.
  • Personal travel and medical insurance.
  • International airfare.
  • Your personal expenses.
  • All the alcoholic and nonalcoholic, soup, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, cocoa, mineral water, extra food, cold and hot drinks on trek ( i.e. those you choose to purchase along the way and during evenings in the tea houses)
  • All desserts & sweet things like chocolate, cake, pie, pudding.
  • Hot shower and battery charging at the tea houses.
  • Tips for the guide, porter, and driver (tipping is expected)

The following information will give you some idea about what you need to bring for the trek. It is important you do not forget the essential items, as this will determine your comfort and safety on the trek. Equally important is that you do not burden yourself with unnecessary equipment on the trek.

  • All season sleeping bag and down Jacket (we can provide if you need it,  but has to be returned after the trek)
  • Duffle bag ( Sherpa Expedition & Trekking provide duffle bag during the trek but has to be returned after the trek)
  • A wind and waterproof thin layered jacket (a must-have for morning and evenings above 3,000m)

Upper Body- Head / Ears / Eyewear

  • A pair of half gloves
  • A warmer hat that covers the ears
  • Sunglasses 
  • Sunscreen (35 to 60 SPF)
  • Headlamp and an extra set of batteries
  • A pair of half gloves for walking poles(if you prefer)
  • Warmer shell gloves and liner
  • long sleeve t-shirts
  • Thermal tops
  • wool jacket or pullover
  • Sports bras for women and girls
  • Water and windproof shell jacket 
  • Thermal underwear (especially trousers)
  • windproof and waterproof trousers
  • warmer trousers
  • Comfortable trekking pants
  • Extra casual sport pants
  • A pair of good waterproof trekking boots
  • Pair of sandals
  • 4-5 pairs of woolen socks
  • Sock liners
  • Light shoes and sneakers
  • First Aid Kits and Medicines
  • Assorted adhesive bandages (fabric preferred)
  • Blister treatment cream or similar
  • Insect / anti-itch ointment
  • Ibuprofen or other pain-relief medication
  • Diamox (125mg to 250mg tablets for altitude sickness)
  • Warps, splints, and wound coverings butterfly bandage
  • Water purifying pills

(Note our company guide will carry the medicines and first aid kits during the trek. However, we recommend you bring your personal first-aid kit as well)

Miscellaneous - but must useful on the trek

  • 4  passport size photos with original passport
  • Water bottle & filter
  • Flight details (please make a copy and leave one pic at our office in KTM because in case you want to change your flight date)
  • Bathroom kit (conform, should be included toilet paper, plastic bags, hand wipes, towel, and soap, etc.)

Extra things

  • Comfortable trekking poles
  • Quality energy dry foods (up to you)
  • Power bank and music players 
  • Camera (memory card, chargers, and extra batteries)



You will be accommodated in 3-star hotels in Kathmandu. During the trek, we will be staying at lodges/ teahouses. You may not find comfort and better quality teahouses -During the   trek, We sleep in the very simple tea house/tent and our guides will pick the best Camping site with a nice view of the Himalaya.

Meals during the trek

In Kathmandu, your hotel includes breakfast, whereas all meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) will be provided during the trek. A staple food of these mountain regions are potatoes, oats, buckwheat, Sherpa stew and Tibetan bread. Sherpas started farming potatoes when the first seeds were introduced to the region in the early 90s. There is a limited choice of food at higher elevations and except many potato dishes. Potatoes are high in carbohydrates – an excellent source of energy needed at high altitudes.


We use a private car for sightseeing and for the airport to hotel pick and drop off. We do not have to use public transportation or local buses during the trek. Transportation from Kathmandu to Jagat and Chetxhet to Kathmandu by Bus

Physical fitness

Tsho-RolpaLake Trek is a challenging trek where you often have to walk 6-7 hours a day. You need past experience of hiking or trekking but if you have done any kind of trekking activities then it is always a plus!. We have met people from all walks of life, shapes and sizes who have completed the trek. The only difficult part is when altitude sickness strikes and the effect that it can have on your body. Before leaving for Nepal it is good if you can prepare yourself physically by increasing your stamina and oxygen intake. 

Remember – The better prepared – the more enjoyable your trek!



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Where is the tsho rolpa lake trek located.

The Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is located in the Rolwaling Valley of Nepal, in the Dolakha district. It lies northeast of Kathmandu, near the border with Tibet.

How long is the trek?

The Tsho Rolpa Lake trek usually takes around 13-15 days, depending on the specific itinerary and the pace of the trekking group.

What is the difficulty level of the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek?

The Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is considered to be a moderately difficult trek. It involves steep ascents and descents, as well as some challenging sections. It is recommended for experienced trekkers or those with a good level of fitness.

What is the best time to do the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek?

The best time to do the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons. These times offer stable weather conditions and clear mountain views. However, the trek can also be done during the winter months, with proper preparation for cold temperatures.

Are there any altitude-related risks on the trek?

Yes, as the trek reaches high altitudes, there is a risk of altitude sickness. It is important to acclimatize properly and take necessary precautions, such as drinking plenty of water, taking rest days, and ascending gradually. It is also recommended to consult with a doctor before embarking on the trek.

What permits are required for the trek?

For the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek, you will need to obtain a TIMS (Trekkers' Information Management System) card and a Gaurishankar Conservation Area Permit (GCAP). These can be obtained in Kathmandu or at the entry point of the conservation area.

What is the accommodation like on the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek?

Accommodation on the trek is typically in teahouses or lodges along the trail. These are basic but comfortable, with facilities such as beds, blankets, and shared bathrooms. It is advisable to carry a sleeping bag for added warmth and comfort.

Is it possible to hire a guide and porter for the trek?

Yes, it is possible to hire a guide and porter for the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek. A guide can provide valuable information about the route, culture, and local customs, while a porter can help carry your backpack, allowing you to trek with less weight.

What should I pack for the trek?

Some essential items to pack for the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek include a good pair of hiking boots, warm clothing, a waterproof jacket, a hat, gloves, sunglasses, a water bottle, a first aid kit, and a good quality backpack. Additionally, you should carry snacks, sunscreen, insect repellent, and a camera.

Is it possible to customize the itinerary of the trek?

Yes, it is possible to customize the itinerary of the Tsho Rolpa Lake trek according to your preferences and time constraints. You can discuss your requirements with a trekking agency or guide, who can help create a personalized itinerary for you.

Latest Traveller’s Reviews

Travel experiences of our clients who recently returned from their trips..

Based On 4 Reviews

Corine Beck

December 19, 2023, a journey to remember.

Our recent trek to Thso Rolpa Lake with Sherpa Expedition was an experience we will never forget. From the moment we arrived in Nepal, the team at Sherpa Expedition took care of every detail, ensuring that our journey was seamless and enjoyable. Our guide was extremely knowledgeable about the area and provided us with valuable insights into the local culture, history, and natural surroundings. He made sure that we were comfortable throughout the trek and tailored the itinerary to suit our preferences. The trek itself was breathtaking. The views of the majestic Himalayas were simply awe-inspiring. We were treated to panoramic vistas of snow-capped peaks, lush valleys, and crystal-clear lakes. Each day brought new adventures and surprises, as we hiked through diverse landscapes and encountered unique flora and fauna. The teahouses along the way were cozy and welcoming. The friendly staff provided us with delicious meals and warm hospitality. We felt right at home after a long day of trekking, enjoying hot cups of tea and engaging in conversations with fellow trekkers. The support of our porter was invaluable. He carried our heavy backpacks with ease, allowing us to fully immerse ourselves in the beauty of the surroundings. His cheerful demeanor and willingness to help made the trek even more enjoyable. Overall, our journey to Thso Rolpa Lake with Sherpa Expedition was everything we could have hoped for and more. The professionalism, expertise, and friendliness of the entire team made the experience truly memorable. We highly recommend Sherpa Expedition for anyone looking to embark on a trekking adventure in Nepal.

Virginia Akers

October 4, 2023, a journey worth recommending.

Our trek to Thso Rolpa Lake with Sherpa Expedition was an incredible journey that exceeded all our expectations. From the moment we arrived in Nepal, the team at Sherpa Expedition took care of every detail, ensuring that our trek was comfortable, enjoyable, and filled with unforgettable moments. Our guide was not only knowledgeable about the area but also incredibly friendly and approachable. He shared fascinating insights into the local culture and history, making the trek even more enriching. His expertise and guidance were invaluable, and we felt safe and well taken care of throughout the entire journey. The trek itself was a feast for the senses. The stunning views of the Himalayas, the serene lakes, and the diverse landscapes left us in awe at every turn. Each day brought new adventures and challenges, and we marveled at the beauty that surrounded us. The teahouses along the trail were cozy and comfortable. The staff treated us with warm hospitality, providing us with delicious meals and a welcoming atmosphere. It was a pleasure to unwind in the evenings, sharing stories with fellow trekkers and enjoying the camaraderie. We were fortunate to have a porter who not only carried our belongings but also brought a sense of joy and positivity to the trek. His strength and resilience were admirable, and his presence made the journey even more enjoyable. In conclusion, our trek to Thso Rolpa Lake with Sherpa Expedition was an experience of a lifetime. The professionalism, expertise, and friendliness of the entire team made it a journey we will always cherish. We strongly recommend Sherpa Expedition for anyone seeking a trekking adventure in Nepal.

Ruth Negron Rosario

November 6, 2022, an unforgettable adventure.

I had the pleasure of trekking to Thso Rolpa Lake with Sherpa Expedition, and it was truly an unforgettable adventure. From the moment I set foot on the trail, I was captivated by the stunning natural beauty that surrounded me. Our guide was exceptional, providing us with valuable insights into the local culture and ensuring our safety throughout the trek. His knowledge of the area was impressive, and he took the time to explain the significance of the landscapes and landmarks we encountered along the way. The trek itself was challenging but incredibly rewarding. Each day brought new landscapes and breathtaking views. From dense forests to alpine meadows, I was constantly in awe of the diversity and grandeur of the surroundings. The highlight, of course, was reaching Thso Rolpa Lake itself. The pristine, turquoise waters were a sight to behold and made every step of the journey worthwhile. The teahouses along the trail were comfortable and cozy. The friendly staff welcomed us with open arms and provided delicious meals that fueled us for the next day's adventure. It was a joy to relax in the evenings, surrounded by fellow trekkers and sharing stories of our experiences. I cannot speak highly enough of the porter who accompanied us. His strength and endurance were truly impressive, and his friendly nature made the trek even more enjoyable. Knowing that he was there to support us allowed us to fully immerse ourselves in the experience. In conclusion, my trek to Thso Rolpa Lake with Sherpa Expedition was an incredible experience. The professionalism, expertise, and genuine care of the team made it a journey I will cherish for a lifetime. I highly recommend Sherpa Expedition to anyone seeking an adventure in the Himalayas.


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Sherpa Expedition and Trekking is one of the pioneers of Trekking, tour and expedition in Nepal which was established on January 07, 1977, with a motto: ‘Enhancing Tourism possibilities across the Globe’. Sherpa Expedition and Trekking is proud to be recognized as the fifth Trekking and Adventure company authorized by the Tourism Board of Nepal.

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Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek (High Glacial Lake in Rolwaling Valley), 10 Days

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  • Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek (High Glacial Lake In Rolwaling Valley), 10 Days

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek (High Glacial Lake in Rolwaling Valley), 10 Days

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Days: 10 / Difficulty: 3 of 5 (Moderate to strenuous) Min Group Size: 1 / Max Group Size: 8

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek is one of the least visited trekking routes located in the Rolwaling region which takes you to the largest glacial lake in Nepal , Tsho Rolpa. Although a neighbor to the most famous trekking destinations, Everest region, Tsho Rolpa remains remote and serene in all its glory. Apart from the pristine lake Tsho Rolpa itself, the trek features a continuous panorama of Gaurishankar Himal (7134m) adding beauty to the trek. The remote trek to Tsho Rolpa Lake may be challenging, but it is full of amazing facets of nature to make it a trip worth heading for. 

The Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek begins from Dolakha, near Charikot, an eight-hour drive from Kathmandu. The trail moves along the Tama Koshi River for the most part of the trek and also follows Rolwaling River on the upper regions. Throughout the trek, you will have a spectacular vista of Gaurishankar Himal (7134m) as you walk through the small settlements of Rolwaling valley. The highlight of this trek, Tsho Rolpa Lake, is located between small hills and the surrounding mountains that make the view appear surreal. Also, the tranquil environment around the lake makes the trek worth it. Since the route takes you to the Tibetan border side, a huge influence of Buddhism can be seen in the area. However, we can see the culture and lifestyle of Brahmin, Chhetri, and Sherpa people. The trek allows the trekkers to experience the Sherpa culture of Rolwaling valley as it reaches the villages like Chhetchhet and Beding. The trail is mostly waterfalls, rivers, Mani walls, rice fields, and meadows working together to make the trek a memorable journey.

Swiss Family Treks and Expedition, for the last 15 years, has been organizing various tours and treks in different parts of Nepal . Our team has crafted the itinerary in such a way that you do not miss any aspect of Nepal : cultural or natural. Our guides are very friendly and are usually from the local region, but also fluent in English to help you make the most out of your trip. We accommodate you in the best lodges available and provide you with a private land cruiser for off-road drives. So, remember us for a journey in the Himalayas.

tsho rolpa lake trek

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Itinerary Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu Welcome to Nepal! You will be greeted by our representatives at Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu, and will be transferred to the hotel. Overnight at a 4-star hotel in Kathmandu. 

Day 2: Drive from Kathmandu to Chhetchhet 1377m via Dolakha 1660m/7-8 hours by private vehicle and trek to Simigaon 2020m/2-3 hours After breakfast, we drive to Dolakha on our private vehicle. Along the way, we can enjoy the views of Sunkoshi and Bhote Khosi rivers. We stop by a place called Mude for lunch and enjoy the picturesque villages and amazing mountain views as we continue our drive to Chhetchhet. The whole trip takes about 7-8 hours. Cross a suspension bridge and ascend into the forest and through the fields. Continue passing the Chorten to reach Simigaon, where Mount Gaurishankar (7134m) rises over the valley. Explore the Buddhist Monastery and other areas in the evening. Overnight at a lodge in Simigaon.

Day 3: Trek from Simigaon to Dongang 2791m/5-6 hours Leave the village from the Gompa of Simigaon, and descend to a slope and go around the edge by ascending to the vertical stone steps. Enter the forest and walk through the up and down trail to reach Rolwaling River. Then, climb uphill through the forest along with the view of Gaurishankar (7134m). Ascend uphill till the trail becomes flat and smooth to reach Dongang. Overnight at a lodge in Dongang.

Day 4: Trek from Dongang to Beding 3690m/5-6 hours The trail today passes the forest along with ascents and descents until reaching Nyamare village. Here we have lunch and rest for a while. After lunch, we walk to the distant and the largest settlement in the Rolwaling region, the Sherpa village of Beding. Enjoying the view of the snow-capped mountains and the waterfalls en route, we reach Beding. There is an ancient Gompa at the entry gate of the village. Overnight at a lodge in Beding.

Day 5: Trek from Beding to Na 4180m/4-5 hours We start with a slow ascend on the right bank of Rolwaling River until we reach kharka in Dhogre. We can see the magnificent Gaurishankar (7134m) looking different because of the different angle. After walking further, the valley slowly opens and becomes a U-shaped valley and grassland. Then, we pass huge Mani stone wrapped with prayer flags and a large rock on which the image of Bodhisattva is painted. Finally, we reach Na Gaon enclosed by stone walls. Na Gaon is at the foot of a huge series of mountains. Overnight at a lodge in Na Gaon.

Day 6: Explore to Tsho Rolpa Lake 4540m/4-5 hours The most unforgettable and vital moment of the trek finally arrives on this day as we walk from Na Gaon to reach the well-known glacial Lake of Tsho Rolpa. Early morning, we leave Na Gaon and pass the bridge over Rolwaling River. We ascend uphill to see several kinds of edelweiss growing in the meadows. Walk between two glaciers and enter the valley and then walk to Tsho Rolpa Lake. Walking on the moraines of Rolwaling Glacier, we arrive at the mesmerizing Tsho Rolpa Lake. Tsho Rolpa is the biggest glacial lake in Nepal. The amazing natural beauty, located at over 4500 meters of altitude, will amuse the explorer in you. The turquoise lake is surrounded by bare hills and snow-capped mountains, which when reflected on the surface of the lake make it a breathtaking sight. We will enjoy the calm moment, explore the lake, take amazing pictures, and treasure the moment spent around Tsho Rolpa Lake. Then we walk back to Na Village. Overnight at a lodge in Na Gaon. 

Day 7: Trek from Na Gaon to Dongang 2791m/7-8 hours After an unforgettable journey in the glacial lake of Tsho Rolpa, we retrace our route back following the same track to Dongang. We start walking to Beding following the trail of Rolwaling River. Once you arrive at Beding, you shall rest at leisure and explore the village. We descend through the forest with a view of Gaurishankar (7134m) until reaching Dongang. During the trek, we walk through many up and down trails. Overnight at a lodge in Dongang.

Day 8: Trek from Dongang to Chhetchhet 1377m/6-7 hours After breakfast, we continue through the same route which we had taken before climbing up the trail. We pass through several up and down trails as well as many suspension bridges. We walk passing some small villages before we reach Chhetchhet. Overnight at a lodge in Chhetchhet.

Day 9: Drive from Chhetchhet to Kathmandu by private vehicle 7-8 hours After a breakfast, we bid goodbye to the Rolwaling area as we drive towards Kathmandu. We drive along the countryside road enjoying the view of surrounding hills, rivers, and villages. On arrival in Kathmandu, you will be taken to the hotel. Overnight stay at a 4-star hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 10: Final Departure from Kathmandu The farewell day! Today we bid you goodbye and drop you at the airport a few hours before the scheduled flight time.

Pricing for Group Size Basis: (Private Trip) All inclusive Trek Price for individual/solo trekker; USD 1585 All inclusive Trek Price for 2 trekkers basis; USD 1050 per person All inclusive Trek Price for 3 trekkers basis; USD 970 per person All inclusive Trek Price for 4 trekkers basis; USD 860 per person 

Join with Us on a  Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek in 2024/2025.

Customize Your Trek: This is a general itinerary, which can always individually be “tailormade”. The trek package can be redesigned or redeveloped as per your taste, For more information please e-mail us at [email protected]

NOTE : In case of emergency during the trip, Helicopter will be arranged by Swiss  Family Treks & Expedition GmbH. The charges must be paid by the clients themselves.

Our Trek Package Cost Includes: * Airport / Hotel / Airport pick up & transfer by private vehicle. * 2 nights deluxe accommodation in single/double/twin bed sharing basis with breakfast at 4* Kathmandu Guest House in Kathmandu. * Meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with Tea & coffee and hot water during the trek. * Lodge/Guest-house accommodation during the trek. * 1 experienced, helpful and friendly English speaking guide, porters (1 porter for 2 peoples and carry 25KG), their food & accommodation, salary, equipment & insurance. * Down Sleeping Bag (Minus 20-30 Degree Celsius), Duffel Bag, LifeStraw Water Filter for drinking water and trekking map. * All land transportation by private 4W vehicle. * Gaurisankar Conservation Area Pemit. * All necessary permits. * First Aid Medical Kit. * Office Service charge. * All government tax.

Our Trek Package Cost doesn't include: * Any meals (Lunch and Dinner) in Kathmandu other than breakfast. * Travel insurance. * International air fare to and from Nepal. * Nepal Tourist Visa fee. * Items and expenses of personal nature. * Any kind of alcoholic drinks, cold drinks, laundry, phone call, Internet, Battery Charging and Hot Shower. * Personal Trekking Equipments like down jackets (can all be hired in KTM). * Emergency Evacuation (Helicopter Rescue). * Any costs which arise due to a change of the itinerary, because of landslides, political disturbance, andstrikes etc. * Any other costs whatsoever, that is not mentioned in the cost included. * Horse renting and additional porters due to natural calamities during the trek. * Tips for guide, porters, driver...                                                     Tipping is expected but it is not mandatory.


Swiss Family Treks & Expedition GmbH, Switzerland Swiss Himalayan Family Treks & Expedition P. Ltd

Address Ganeshtan-6, Pharping Kathmandu, Nepal Phone +977 4710390 Cell +977 9803200543 Stephan Cell +977 9849193453 Ashta Email [email protected]

Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek (High Glacial Lake in Rolwaling Valley), 10 Days

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Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek – 14 Days

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Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek – 14 Days Overview

Tsho Rolpa  Lake Trek  set out on a remarkable journey across the remote valleys and towering peaks of Nepal. Nature lovers and ardent adventurers will find this hike, located in the captivating Rolwaling Valley , a dream come true. The trek promises an experience unlike any other. Its pristine natural beauty, breathtaking scenery, and cultural immersion amaze everyone.

Be ready to witness the unmatched splendor of blue glacial lakes, lush woods, and flowing waterfalls as you embark on this thrilling tour. The Tsho Rolpa Lake , a gem in the middle of the walk, is a monument to the magnificence of nature. The calm blue seas and towering snow-capped hills will leave you in awe of their picturesque scenery.

As you travel the varied terrain of the trek, you will immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Nepal’s cultural legacy. Discover secluded Sherpa settlements that uphold long-standing customs and extend a sincere welcome to trekkers. Interact with the welcoming inhabitants and discover their distinctive way of life. You also get to take in the brilliant colors and rituals of the Sherpa community ‘s traditional festivals.

Panoramic vistas of magnificent Himalayan peaks like Gauri Shankar and Melungtse will reward your efforts. The trek provides people looking for a challenge with breathtaking natural scenery, cultural exploration, and an exhilarating adventure. The walk is appropriate for experienced hikers wishing to test their boundaries because of its moderate difficulty.  You will also pass through rocky terrains, and ascend stunning altitudes.

Lodging options along the Tsho Rolpa Glacier Lake Trek range from inviting tea houses to adventurous camping excursions. You can enjoy rich regional cuisine and awaken to the cool mountain air. Furthermore, you get to drift off to sleep beneath a starry sky while surrounded by the peace of nature.

Explore stunning landscapes and the serenity of nature’s hidden gem.

Highlights of Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek – 14 Days

  • Offers stunning views of the Rolwaling Valley and snow-capped peaks.
  • The pristine beauty of the Tsho Rolpa glacial lake and the surroundings is a visual delight for trekkers.
  • Opportunity to interact with the local Sherpa and Tamang communities, experiencing their unique culture and way of life.
  • Visit traditional villages, monasteries, and witness their warm hospitality.
  • Discover various species of birds, including the colorful Himalayan monal.
  • Observe and spot some elusive wildlife like the snow leopard and musk deer.

Outline Itinerary

  • Day 1- Arrival at Kathmandu
  • Day 2- Kathmandu to Shigati
  • Day 3- Shigati to Jagat
  • Day 4- Jagat to Simi Gaun
  • Day 5- Simi Gaun to Gyalchen
  • Day 6- Gyalchen to Beding
  • Day 7- Beding to Na Gaun
  • Day 8- Na Gaun to Tso Rolpa Lake
  • Day 9- Tso Rolpa to Beding
  • Day 10- Beding to Daldung La Pass
  • Day 11- Daldung La Pass to Simi Gaun
  • Day 12- Simi Gaun to Jagat
  • Day 13- Jagat to Shigati
  • Day 14- Shigati to Kathmandu (Drive)

tsho rolpa lake trek

Best season to visit

The best season to trek Tsho Rolpa is spring (March-May) and autumn (September- November) . During this season the temperature is very favorable and you can see a clear view of mountains, green forests, and colorful Rhododendrons.

The monsoon and winter season is risky because of heavy rainfall and snowfall. During winter many people leave their homes and come to Kathmandu or lower altitudes due to extreme cold. Many teahouses are closed in off-seasons.

Safety and fitness

The Tsho Rolpa Glacier Lake trek is certainly among the most difficult ones . You have to walk for 6-7 hours per day . It is mandatory to have a high level of fitness so that you can enjoy your journey without any difficulties. You need to practice light exercise, running, jogging, and building your muscle strength before your journey starts.

The rugged trails to Tsho Rolpa often go up and down and are also filled with stone steps. You have to walk in narrow landscapes and around the cliffs which makes this trek comparatively more risky than others. Tsho Rolpa lies at an altitude of 4580m, which increases the risk of altitude sickness.

You have to stay hydrated throughout your journey, eat nutritional food, check your oxygen level from time to time, and walk slowly so that you can adjust to increasing heights. If you ever feel any symptoms of altitude sickness like nausea, increased heart rates, breathing difficulties, etc. you need to talk to your guide, your friends, or anyone near

Other requirements

Travel Insurance

You can always purchase your Travel insurance . It usually costs around 150$(15000 NRS) good for 30 days. It is important to mention or cover high altitudes since trekkers sometimes really need to be evacuated by helicopter. Travel Insurance depends on the details you have provided that’s why it’s important to notify them earlier about the altitudes you will be reaching.

Visas/ passports

Foreigners other than Indians need to have valid visas and passports before visiting Nepal. The passport must hold a minimum of 6 months of visa validity from the date of arrival. They can have a Nepalese visa at Tribhuwan International Airport .

Packing List

 Clothing and equipment

Payment and Cancellation

Policy regarding Payment and Cancellation Payment:

1) A deposit equal to 30% of the total price is required to confirm a reservation. 2) If the payment is made online, the remaining balance is due 10 days before the Tour, Trekking, Peak Climbing, or Expedition begins. If the payment is made in cash, it can be made after arrival. 3) If the booking is made within 30 days of the expedition beginning, full payment must be made at the time of booking.


1) A full refund of the deposit will be given if a Tour, Trek, Peak Climbing, or Expedition is canceled more than 60 days before the start date. 2) The deposit will not be refunded if a Tour, Trek, Peak Climbing, or Expedition is canceled within 30 days of its start date. 3) A tour, trek, peak climbing, or expedition will not be refunded if it is canceled prior to or on the start date. 4) All participants should strongly consider purchasing travel insurance to cover any unforeseen cancellations or other occurrences.

Note: We reserve the right to modify or cancel any trek in the event of a natural disaster, political unrest, or any other unforeseen circumstances beyond our control. A full refund or an alternative option will be provided in such cases.

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Frequently asked questions, booking details.

  • A detailed certificate from Marvel Treks and Expedition  (after accomplishment)
  • A complimentary raincoat to shed you during the rainy season. (returnable)
  • A Complimentary Duffel Bag throughout the trek from our company. (returnable)
  • A warm complimentary Down Jacket during the entire trek on behalf of Marvel Treks. (returnable)
  • A complimentary sleeping bag for your icy trek. (returnable)
  • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner throughout the trek.
  • The essential climbing gear like mountain axe, trekking sticks, etc, for your need throughout the trek. (returnable)
  • Delightful complimentary Authentic Nepali cuisine as dinner to embark on your arrival and departure
  • Critical complimentary First Aid Service (in times of need)
  • An informative trekking map for you to cherish on behalf of our company
  • Trendy Sunhat and t-shirt as souvenirs on behalf of Marvel Treks and Expedition.
  • All the crucial services about airport transfer to and from the hotel via a private tourist vehicle ($40)
  • TIMS (Trekkers’ Information Management Systems )($10)
  • National park entry fees / ACAP permits / Conservation entry fees. ( $30)
  • All essential local tax and, office service charges Gov tax ($100 )
  • 2 nights accommodation in a Kathmandu (Kathmandu hotel or similar) ($40)
  • Miscellaneous ($40)
  • Porter Guide ($520)
  • Marvel Treks and Expedition won’t be responsible for all the Lunch and dinner in Kathmandu.
  • Extra nights in any city that’s not accommodated in the itinerary of Marvel Treks and Expedition.
  • All the International flight checks and airfares.
  • Marvel Treks and Expedition won’t be responsible for alcoholic/ non-alcoholic liquors.
  • Additional porter fees along with tips for guides and porters.
  • Electronic gadgets like chargers, and headphones.
  • Individual costs like a hot shower, phone calls, laundry, and souvenirs.
  • Travel coverage and emergency evacuations.
  • Tips for our staff’s drivers.

Price: US$ 870 per person

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tsho rolpa lake trek

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Rolwaling Trek | Rolwaling Valley - 10 Days

Tsho Rolpa Lake , Gaurishankar Himal view on Rolwaling Valley Trek

  • Duration 10 Days
  • Difficulty Level Moderate
  • Max Altitude 4665m
  • Group Size 1 - 20 Person
  • Start City Kathmandu City
  • End City Kathmandu City
  • Trip Type Private and Group Joining
  • Activity Trekking and Hiking
  • Best Season March - June and September - November
  • Sherpa, Tamang, and Braman lifestyle and their culture.
  • Bedding Village.
  • Very old Monastery.
  • Mesmerizing sunrise view on Mt. Gaurishankar.
  • Tsho Rolpa Lake.
  • Waterfalls along the way
  • Quietness and untouched nature.

Rolwaling trek is the best trek with an outstanding view of The Himalayas that lies along the north-east of Kathmandu valley . This trek forms the northern border of a wild, beautiful, and seldom-frequented valley below a string of some 50 peaks all over 6000m . It is crowned by the awesome two peaks of Gaurishankar (7,145m) on the border and Other peaks of Melungtse 1(7181m) and II (7023m) in Tibet China. This valley lies in between the Langtang Himalayan range and the Khumbu Himalayan range .

Rolwaling trek contains several small villages, the largest at Beding, and is fed by the Rolwaling Khola and its numerous tributaries. This area was declared as the Conservation area in 2010 as Gaurishankar Conservation Area . This conservation area covers  2179 square Kilometers . It is home to about 60,000 people , the largest group being Tamangs followed by Sherpas and Chhetris.

Our 12-day Rolwaling trek begins from Kathmandu with a scenic drive passing rolling green hills and views of white shimmering mountains along the 106km friendship highway towards Singati. This trek starts from here with footpath undulates, often steeply, between broad ridges and river crossings to link picturesque Chhetri, Tamang, and Sherpa villages. There are lots of suspension bridges across impressive gorges that shorten the climbs. The Rolwaling Trekking trail follows the beautiful rhododendron forest, oak trees, and pine forests interspersed with terraced fields around the villages. The top of the Daldung La (3900m) Offers magnificent views of Gaurishankar and its satellite peaks.

Beyond Na, the last kharka is the magnificent Tsho Rolpa . This, Tsho Rolpa lake is a very good example of the global warming effect in the Himalayas. Before this lake, it used to be a glacier and by the time it malted, and become a huge ice lake . Melting glaciers could cause the moraine to burst: causing havoc downstream. The government has to permanently dam the lake and a siren has been added in every village for pre-information of bursting the lake. After visiting this beautiful Rolwaling valley we head down to the Singati by following the same trail to Singati and driving back to Kathmandu.

Rolwaling trek is possible throughout the year, but Spring (March to May) and Autumn (September to November) provide the best weather.  During the Spring, there is a bit more color and the rhododendrons are blooming, and in the Autumn months , the skies are generally clearer. The Rolwaling Trek requires moderate fitness and acclimatization to avoid acute mountain sickness. Breeze Adventure arranges the trek with complete management. Please contact us to finish your Rolwaling trek with our ranger team.

Welcome to Nepal! A representative from Breeze Adventure will welcome you to our hotel.  We will prepare you with information and gear for your trek. Overnight at hotel.

  • Max Altitude: 1400m
  • Accommodation: 2-3 Star Hotel
  • Meals: Breakfast
  • Transport: Car/Van

We start our Adventure by taking a jeep from Kathmandu to Jagat, passing beautiful green hills and views of white shimmering Himalayas that keep you enjoying all along the way. We can stop and visit Dolakha Bhimeshore Temple along the way. About an hour’s drive after the temple visit, we will reach our destination on the bank of the Tama Kosi River. Overnight at a local teahouse.

  • Max Altitude: 1250m
  • Accommodation: Teahouse
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

After breakfast, we begin the day. About two and a half hours after leaving our campsite, we leave the valley and continue to the east. The path steeply ascends to Simigaon, a village inhabited by Sherpa and Tamang people. Before reaching there, we pass through picturesque terraced hills and villages. In Simigaon, there is a Tibetan Buddhist monastery perched above the houses with spectacular views of Gauri Shankar. Overnight in a local teahouse.

  • Max Altitude: 2025m
  • Time: 5 Hours
  • Walking Distance: 9km

After having a delicious breakfast at a local teahouse, we pass through bamboo and rhododendron forests and begin trekking through the Rolwaling Valley. Climb up towards Gyalche and then back down to the river. Our camp will be next to the Rolwaling Khola (River). Going to sleep with the sound of flowing water gives us an inexplicable feeling of peace. Overnight in a local teahouse

  • Max Altitude: 2800m
  • Time: 6 Hours
  • Walking Distance: 12km

After breakfast, we move uphill through a forest, still admiring the mountains peering around each corner. Upon our arrival at Bedding, we see Melungtse I (7181m), the highest summit in the Rolwaling range. Here, you can try chyaang (barley beer) and salted yak butter tea, some local favorites. There is also an old Buddhist Monastery in the center of the village, which is cool to explore. We set up a camp along the bank of the river in Beding for an overnight stay. Overnight in a local teahouse.

  • Max Altitude: 3690m
  • Walking Distance: 11km

Follow the river from Beding nearly all the way to Na. Admire the pristine glacial lakes, reflecting the crisp mountains in the still water. Nested right below the Tsho Rolpa Glacier, Na provides amazing views of Chobutse (6685m), Chugimago (6259m), and Yalung Ri (5630m). This is a campsite to remember. Overnight in a local teahouse.

  • Max Altitude: 4185m
  • Walking Distance: 10km

We have set aside another day to acclimatize. We break a sweat quickly as we climb the dam that holds the Tsho-Rolpa lake. The Tsho Rolpa Lake is a huge glacier lake situated at an elevation of 4580m from the sea level. We visit this lake and head down to Na village for lunch. After lunch, we can explore around Na village. Overnight at a local teahouse.

  • Max Altitude: 4650m
  • Time: 4 hours
  • Walking Distance: 6km

After having a great time in the very peaceful Na village we start to head down to Donga via Beding village.

  • Time: 7 Hours
  • Walking Distance: 15km

After breakfast, our trail leads us to Jagat via Simigaun. We stop at Simigaun for our lunch and continue to a little beautiful village Jagat.

Our beautiful Rolwaling, Tsho Rolpa valley trek will finish at Jagat We have our breakfast and continue to Kathmandu by jeep/bus.

  • Meals: Breakfast and Lunch

Transfer to Tribhuvan Airport. Thank you for choosing Breeze Adventure as your trekking guide! We look forward to your next adventure with us.

This 10-day Rolwaling Valley Trekking itinerary is designed by our years of experienced local mountain guides. It is a tested and successful itinerary for beginner and regular hikers. If you are planning for the Rolwaling Valley Trek with your kids or senior family members, we can design a special itinerary with less distance camp and more days acclimatization days for you as your desired, travel durations.

  • Pick up and drop from the Airport.
  • Sharing Land transportation during the trek.
  • Experienced and license holder guide
  • Guides and porter Insurance and their food, accommodation.
  • Accommodation in the local teahouse.
  • 3 Meals a day during the trek.
  • All the permits with government tax.
  • Two nights 3-star rated hotel in Thamel with Breakfast.
  • Personal Insurance
  • Personal expenses
  • All the beverages.
  • Meals in Kathmandu beside breakfast.

Enhance Your Rolwaling Valley Trek with Exclusive Services:

Solo Travelers: Elevate your experience with a $200.00 single supplement fee. Private Porter Service: Opt for a private porter at an additional $100.00 cost. Private Jeep Service: Opt for a private jeep to and from Singati instead of a shared jeep at an additional $ 150.00 cost one way.

If you are not able to join us on this given departure date or if you are planning for your  Rolwaling Valley Trek, we can organize your trip on your suitable dates.

Essential Information


The Rolwaling Trek Package includes accommodation in the cost.  This accommodation is included only during the set itinerary.  While in Kathmandu, we provide a 2/3-star hotel for you.  During the trek, we will spend our nights in local teahouses with local people. our guides will pick the best lodge for you to stay in based on their experience as well as room availability.  During high trekking season, you may have to share a room with a same-sex trekker from another group.  Our company provides you with a sleeping bag for this trek. 

Nepal has a wide variety of food and it is easy to cater to your needs.  If you are a vegetarian/vegan, gluten or lactose-free, we are able to work around that if you let us know ahead of time.  During your time in the hotel in Kathmandu, your breakfast is included.  Lunch and dinner must be covered on your own.  On the trek, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided in the local teahouse. The food from the mountain is very fresh and hygienic. All the vegetable is grown in their garden without using any antibiotic, grown with the fresh Himalayan Breeze.

Guide & Porters

A government-licensed guide will lead our Rolwaling Trek. our guides have tremendous experience on the trails and are passionate about the trekking industry.  Our guides and porters are dedicated to making your experience of trekking in Nepal a memorable one.  If there is any worry during your trek, our guides will address it.  Your safety is our number one priority.  For groups of more than six people, there will be two guides. For teahouse treks, there will be one porter for every two trekkers.


As many of our treks lead us high into the Himalayas, it is necessary to let our bodies sufficiently get used to the altitude.  These treks have two acclimatization days built into the itinerary.  It is best to take it slow to prevent altitude sickness.  The level of fitness necessary for our treks varies depending on the trek.  On average, expect to walk an average of 5-6 hours per day while on the trial.  Generally, the treks can be done with an average level of fitness.  More important than fitness or experience is one’s personal determination and positive attitude toward finishing and enjoying the trek.

Travel Insurance

We strongly recommend having travel insurance before going on a trek.  We do our best to take care of you, but something can happen that is out of our control.  In case of a medical emergency, leading to a helicopter evacuation, it is best to have insurance.  You are unable to obtain medical insurance in Nepal and must do so in your home country.  Be sure that your insurance covers accidents abroad and high in the mountains. 

Best Time to Travel

The peak seasons for traveling in Nepal are during the Spring (March to May) and the Autumn (September to November).  These times provide the best scenery and clearest skies, but of course, they are a little more crowded than the off-season.  It is possible to trek during the Winter (December to February), but you will face cold temperatures.  It is also possible to trek during the monsoon season (June to August), though the views will likely be covered by clouds and there is a high chance of rainfall.

  • Best Price Guarantee
  • Private and Group Join Trip
  • Guaranteed Departure
  • Free and Customizable Itinerary
  • Instant Confirmation of a Booking

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Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek


Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek

Total Cost:

Before booking a trip

  • Nepal Travel visa information
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Why Trek with us
  • Nepal Trekking Gear
  • Trip Overview
  • Includes/Excludes
  • Duration: 10 Days
  • Best Time: Autumn, Spring and Winter
  • Max Elevation: 4,545
  • Group Size: Min 2
  • Trip Grade: Easy

Tsho   Rolpa  lake trek is in Nepal lies between Langtang Himalayan range and Everest Himalayan range and the side of both Mt Everest and  Langtang  are the highest peak of this trek and located in the eastern part of Nepal. Is one of the best trekking destinations among the travelers as it is one of the least explored areas in lying in the  Gaurisaangkar  region. This  Tsho   Rolpa trek has been one of the attractive destinations, as the route is attached with another popular trekking called Tsho Rolpa  and Dudh-Kunda lake which northern east from Kathmandu capital city of Nepal.

Ethnic group People of  Tsho Rolpa Lake

During the Trekking to this area tourist makes one can really enjoy with the scenic views of the majestic Himalayas; including world highest peak Mt. Everest (8,848 m) and the highest peak of this area Mt. Gauri Shankar 7,145 m. The   Trekking   route is nearby Tibet border side so that one can understand a little about Tibetan culture too. This area is mostly used Buddhist people but we also can see Brahmin,  Chhetri  and  Tamang  and major cat are Sherpa peoples and their lifestyle. The  Tsho  Rolpa Lake Trek trail take the courses of River TamaKosi on the way to  Simigaun  add more thrills to the trek.  The  major Sherpa village is  Simigaun , Rolwaling valley, and Bedding this trek ending point is  Kaliksthan  the famous Temple for Hindus and Buddhist both are coming from Kathmandu domestic tourist for while short vacation.

This is also called  Araniko  high way first   Everest   trekking trail  Jiri  also goes to from this high way; and still now very famous trekking trail in Nepal for Trekkers who loved to a long trek. A major Mountain seen is from this trek Mt Everest, Mount  Gaurishankar , Mount  Dorji   Lakpa , and many other mountains. The Trek destination is until  Naa  village which is on 4,184 m above sea level and after those  Tsho   Rolpa  lake main attractions. That region a major Local festival is   Sherpa   Lo  Shar  for Sherpa community and Dashin and Tihar for Bharimn; the community they celebrate together even they are a different cast and religion.

Where the Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek leads

This trek you will find totally different with challenge other trekking trails. This is the really remote region, and the hotel is Small home stay types you will see. This company  Great Panorama Treks  also lead if you want to volunteer here for teaching student at School. This also we will manage well. After This  Tsho  Rolpa Lake there one best trekking trail get to Mount Everest region  Khumbu   valley; after  Tashi  Laptsha Pass this trek also makes you more interesting. If you have time you can do continue without team member and you will get back to Kathmandu Fly via World Dangers Airport  Lukla .

The  Tsho   Rolpa  Lake Trek Highlights

  • Famous Lake Tsho Rolpa touch by your foot.
  • Mountain View including the closest
  • Sherpa Village Monastery on the way with the cultured animal on the trail with bird watching
  • Waterfall and riverside mount Everest Climber Sherpa’s village
  • Driving on Araniko highway
  • Famous Trekking spot Kalinchok

Day 1 Arrival Kathmandu.

You arrive here Kathmandu today for Tsho Rolpa Lake trek from Great Panorama Treks and Expedition. Your guide or our representative will pick you up from the airport and take you to your hotel and make pepper work and payment for the trek. Your guide will check all your trekking gear and will give you some suggestions on what to take for this trek.  

Day 2 Drive to Chetchhet from Kathmandu

Early morning drive to Chetchet 2,020 meters, from Kathmandu almost 5-6 hours drive by bus, Jeep and trek to Simigaun overnight at simigoun.  

Day 3 Trek to Dongang

Trek to Donggang  2,790 meter trekking 5-6 hours overnight at a guest house. 

Day Trek to Beding, 5 - 6 hrs.

Trek to Bedding Sherpa village 3,690 meter beautiful valley of Rolwaling. 

Day 5 Trek to Naa village

Trek to Naa village 4,180 meter. After crossing the Rolwaling river, walk alongside the valley overnight at the guest house lodge.  

Day 6 Excursion on Tsho Rolpa Lake and back to Naa.

The Tsho Rolpa lake walk starts early in the morning and back to Naa village. We have to start to walk early in the morning from the hotel and back to the same hotel in the evening after the lake excursion.   

Day 7 Trek down to Dongang, 5 - 6 hrs.

Trek back to Dongang. 

Day 8 Trek to chetchet

Same way back to Chetchet for the next day catching Bus or jeep to Kathmandu.  

Day 9 Drive back to Kathmandu

Drive back to Kathmandu if you are traveling with a group then you will drive with your group otherwise there you can get a local bus everyday from Chetchet to Kathmandu.  

Day 10 Departure or own destination.

Departing your own destination.

Trip Includes

  • Government license holder Trekking guide.
  • Trekking porter for carrying bag (2 clients, 1 porter).
  • Trekking permit all necessary for the region.
  • All meal during the trek (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Tea coffee).
  • Kathmandu hotel accommodation 2 night with B/B plan.
  • Sleeping bag, down jacket and duffel bag.
  • Great panorama Treks T-shirt.
  • All ground transfer by private van.
  • Emergency rescue service pay by your travel insurance.
  • Airport picks up and departure.
  • Trekking map and Trekking poll.
  • Sim card provides (not-balance).

Trip Excludes

  • Nepal Visa fee.
  • Meal while staying in Kathmandu.
  • Tips for staff, driver and hotel, restaurant.
  • Travel and medical insurance.
  • Personal gear like Bar bill, laundry bill & telephone bill.
  • Overstay in Kathmandu after the trek.

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Select Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua & Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia & Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Myanmar/Burma Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic Dominica Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France French Guiana Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Great Britain Greece Grenada Guadeloupe Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel and the Occupied Territories Italy Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Republic of Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Moldova, Republic of Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Korea, Democratic Republic of (North Korea) Norway Oman Pacific Islands Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Reunion Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent's & Grenadines Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovak Republic (Slovakia) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Korea, Republic of (South Korea) South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor Leste Togo Trinidad & Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks & Caicos Islands Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United States of America (USA) Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands (UK) Virgin Islands (US) Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

[datetime* arrival-date class:form-control date-format:mm/dd/yy time-format:HH:mm placeholder "Planned Arrival Date"]


Ojos del Salado Pool is on the southeast face of Ojos del Salado, the highest active volcano on the border between Chile and Argentina. I was notified of this lake in 2007. Andes has a nice picture of this pool at the link below: http://www.andes.org.uk/peak-info-6000/ojos-del-salado-info.asp

Andes reports that Ojos del Salado Pool is 100 meters in diameter. If the lake is circular, this measurement means that the surface area is 0.785 hectares. That is why I classified this lake as a "pool"; according to my definition on the home page , a true "lake" must occupy at least 1.0 hectares.

That figure of 100 meters is probably an estimate. I would love to promote Ojos del Salado Pool to "lake" status, but we need an accurate measurement of its size. If you plan to climb Ojos del Salado, here's what you need to do: Pace around the edge of the lake, and count your number of steps. When you get back to a measuring tape, measure ten of your strides. I will calculate the surface area from that, and post your results here. It will also be helpful if you can estimate how close the pool is to circular.

Updates from March 2014: Chris Goulet supplied some additional information on Ojos del Salado Pool. This lake is located at 27.1195 south latitude, 68.5354 west longitude on the south-southeast slopes of Ojos del Salado. I have determined its elevation from the closed contour line at 6400 meters on Google Maps. The imagery from Google Earth shows the lake to be snow-covered, making it difficult to estimate the size. Nevertheless, I have estimated Ojos del Salado Pool to be 35 meters in diameter using satellite imagery. Probably the size varies with snowmelt.

SummitPost has a good photo of Ojos del Salado Pool (click to zoom to the 3.5MB photo): http://www.summitpost.org/nacimiento-from-the-summit-of-ojos-del-salado/739292 Note that Cerro del Nacimiento is 19.5 km south by south-southeast of Ojos del Salado. If you plot a visual line-of-sight from the summit of Ojos to Nacimiento, lake 6408 falls just to the left (east) of the line.

Updates from September 2015: There are two features appearing on satellite photos that could be high-altitude lakes. They are both on the southeast slopes of Ojos del Salado at an altitude of about 6,400 meters. The screen shot below (from Google Earth) shows them both near the summit.

Day 14: Trek to Lake Camp (6,100m). Today we hike up the aptly named Magic Highway. This is an unlikely river of moraine that flows right through the middle of the treacherous ice pinnacles of the East Rongbuk Glacier. The route is surprisingly easy walking, although the altitude makes it hard work! The re-appearance of Everest is a pleasant distraction, and we can now see the whole of the North East Ridge, from the Raphu La to the summit. This is an immense mountain! The Highway finally drifts in toward the east ridge of Changtse, where a lake often forms. We camp here below the final steepening which leads to advance base camp.
More problems. A huge glacier lake has formed down the valley and is preventing the yaks from getting up to us. The Sherpas, Russell [Brice] and I walk down to Changtse Base Camp to see if we can drain it or bypass it. The lake is really beautiful. It's where the glacier from Changtse has joined our glacier, and the 100-foot ice sails are clustered around the new lake like some sort of Arctic Cowes week. There are lots of yaks waiting on the other side. Soon the British T.A. guys join us; like Russell they have always helped with these joint endeavours, unlike most of the other expeditions. We try making a causeway of rocks, but the water is about 3 metres deep. Eventually we cut a new trail into the mountainside using pickaxes and shovels. There was talk of getting explosives from the villages below to blow a gap in the ice retaining wall, but apparently Semtex is regarded as profane by the holy men in the monastery in the valley below, a problem we don't have in our country.
26th May - Day 60 As if Russ [Brice] hasn't got enough on his plate, news reaches us that a glacial lake has filled in behind us about a quarter of the way between ABC and BC. This means that yak trains cannot get through. Russ leads a team of 15 to go down and dig a metre wide yak trail skirting the lake for several hundred yards to give safe passage. The worry is that the water will continue to rise too fast! 28th May - Day 62 - D1 of Summit Attempt 2. Meantime down in ABC Russ wrestles with the lake at the Changtse glacier which is worse, is now swamping the new trail and is still filling. We hadn't thought of bringing a boat on the expedition inventory! Russ coordinates with the Tibetan Mountaineering Association and the British Army on a solution.

Thanks to Chris Goulet and Guillaume Ceyrac for bringing this lake to my attention in March 2014. Location : 27.2306 south, 68.5648 west Size : 200m x 90m Area : 1.8 hectares

To say a general comment about crater lakes, I think they are very common in the Andes. I got the feeling that about every volcano with crater and elevation higher than 5500 meters (and not permanently ice covered), has also lake. Sairecabur (5970m) next to Licancabur has also lake - on the flank crater, summit crater is degraded. My photos somewhat underexposed from that climb, so it's not in my web page. Also a volcano next to El Tatio geysir field (don't know the name) has a lake. The small linkphoto on my homepage frontpage is from that volcano.
I wouldn't like to estimate any numbers, but if I say it was 10-15 m at its long axis it can't be far from right. You can get some idea from the photos, but not from the swimming photo which is taken with 16 mm fisheye and makes the lake look much larger than it is. I got photos also from the other end of the lake, I put them there when I get them scanned.

Thanks to Chris Goulet and Guillaume Ceyrac for bringing this lake to my attention in March 2014. Location : 27.0457 south, 68.8144 west Size : 218m x 152m Area : 3.3 hectares

Read the "Tres Cruces, Tres Cumbres" expedition trip report by Guillaume Ceyrac, January 2013. Click for more photos and discussion of Tres Cruces Norte Lake at SummitPost.org.

Chris Goulet found green algae and red bugs swimming in the lake in 1993: http://www.nucleus.com/~gouletc/07-Exhilarating_Freedom_in_the_Andes.htm

As long as those crater lakes don't dry up, I would look at them as genuine lakes (or pools, whatever the term). Acamarachi had algae, so it probably stays wet all year round. Aquas Calientes and Chiliques had no life to be seen at least with naked eye, but they are such big lakes that there is no doubt about them staying wet year round. If I say Aquas was about 40 meters at its long axis I won't be lying too much. I feel uncomfortable to give these figures, who knows how wrong they would turn out?
Funny thing about Chiliques lake is that in January 2001 satellite detected hot spots in the volcano, on flanks and crater meaning magma is just below the surface. So we went up there in 2002 and expected to see some indication of elevated temperature. The lake was deep frozen! The ice was thick as what! So much for the hot spot. Two years earlier only week or two later [in the season] it was all liquid.
In the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, at the altitude of 4883 meters (16,020 feet) lies the lake Suraj Tal. This lake is just below the summit of famed Baralacha pass. The river Bhaga originates from this lake. One of the most adventurous roads in the world, Manali to Leh and Ladakh, passes along this lake.

Borkar determined the lake elevation from the Geological survey of India. Additional links: http://www.himachalworld.com/himachal-geography/lakes-in-himachal.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suraj_Tal

Lewis Tarn is the only one that exceeds one hectare in surface area, therefore Lewis Tarn is the highest lake in Africa. Harris and Simba are "pools" by the terminology defined on the Highest Lake home page . Nonie Hodgson went swimming in Lewis Tarn on 15 June 2014 as part of her adventure to swim the highest lake on every continent.

Hi, A month and a half ago I was desperate to find some info on the high lakes of Pakistan. I did not find anything anywhere but I did find your site and the definitions of a lake!!! I have just returned from my trip and have some info for you (would love to send photos but dont know if your hotmail account will take it!). My trip was to windsurf high lakes and I did just that, now only if Guinness will approve my record:). 1. Sheosar Lake (Blind Lake) 4142m (Approx Length 2.3km Width 1.8km and average depth 40m) Lat N 34deg 59' 30.35" Lon E 75deg 14' 43.42" 13:17:08Z on the 15th of July 2003 2. Karambar Lake (High Point Lake) 4272m (Approx Length 3.9km Width 2km and average depth 52m) Lat N 36deg 53' 03.26" Lon E 73deg 42' 44.03" 08:35:09Z on the 27th of July 2003 3. Sirkhan Jui (Red Lake) 3786m (Approx Length 2km Width 0.8km average depth 28m) Lat N 36deg 52' 59.19" Lon E 73deg 25' 49.68" 13:52:29Z on the 29th of July 2003
Sheosar is in the Deosai Plains - nearest known major town SKARDU Karambar is in the Ishkoman Valley - nearest known major town Gupis - GILGIT Sirkhan Jui is at the top of the Ishkoman Valley on the border with Afghanistan at the Wakhan Corridor. (Overlooking the famous Oxus river).

On 21 May 2013 Australian Nonie Hodgson continued her quest to swim in the highest lake on every continent ("The Seven Splashes"?) by taking a swim in the Lake of the Sun and the Lake of the Moon. Nonie reports:

I have just returned from going to Mexico to swim in the highest lake in North America. I went to Laguna del Sol and Laguna de La Luna. I swam in both as it turns out that Lake of the Moon is higher than Lake of the Sun. I have checked on Google Earth which confirms this. Laguna de La Luna is 4217 m and Laguna El Sol is 4207 m. I walked into Laguna de La Luna until I could touch no more with my arm up stretched. So it is also definitely at least 2 m deep. And also qualifies by size being more than 100m across perpendicular widths. The temperature of the lakes was 12.6 and 12.5 degrees [Celsius] where I measured and the pH 8.5 and 8.
Hello Carl, Thanks for your email. I was climbing Puncak Jaya as part of my Seven Summits Millennium Expedition and yes, the base camp we used was on the south side. It was quite difficult to get to. The lakes are at about 4200m and I have no idea how deep they are! In size no more than a quarter mile long by a few hundreds wide. And they are beautiful and emerald in colour. I think I have a slide or two of them taken from high up on the mountain looking down but they are not particularly good, we had quite poor visibility and there was a lot of low cloud and rain. Typical for that region. All the best in your research, Gavin Bate

Lake of Lovers is a high alpine lake on the southern slope of Mt. Elbrus, in the Caucasus mountains of southern Russia. Lake of Lovers is the highest lake in Europe, using the crest of the Caucasus mountains as the watershed divide between Eastern Europe on the north and Asia on the south. Nonie Hodgson of Australia discovered this lake and told me about it. Nonie supplied the elevation and the exact location (43.27932 degrees North, 42.442932 East). Marina, her travel guide from Pyatigorsk, told her the local name of the lake. Nonie plans to swim in the highest lake on every continent! We will follow her adventures with great interest.

On this map from elbrus.org , Lake of Lovers is northwest of Azau, in the left-center of the image.

Analyses of six different organic pollutants highly resistant to breakdown, (known as POPs - Persistent Organic Pollutants), were undertaken for Greenpeace on fish out of lake Schwarzsee ob Soelden which is located 9183 feet [2800 meters] high up in the Oeztal Alps in Austria. This lake is the highest mountain lake in Europe in which fish are found. It is far away from local sources of pollutant and draws its water solely from the neighbouring mountain tops. The pollutants found in the water enter almost entirely from the atmosphere.
A small lake at 550 m elevation on the uppermost Koettlitz bench, 0.5 mi E of Blackwelder Glacier in Victoria Land. Named in recognition of the glacial geomorphological work done in the Koettlitz Glacier area by Troy L. Péwé (Péwé Peak, q.v.) of the University of Alaska. It was near this lake that members of the VUWAE, 1960-61, found a note left by Péwé, reporting observations on glacial erratics. Named by the VUWAE party.

Péwé passed away on October 21, 1999. He was a world expert on permafrost. Lake Pewe has the following lat-lon coordinates: -77.944464° South, 164.279475° East . The lake is blue in satellite photographs, not white, and this coloration confirms that it once was liquid water. Lake Pewe is 57 km from McMurdo Station and 6 km from the coast. The lake is 408 meters long and 320 meters wide. Google Earth agrees with the surface elevation of 550 meters. Here is a screen shot:

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Hazard and Risk: Perception of Glacial Lake

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Glacier lake outburst floods (GLOFs) have claimed numerous lives and have inflicted high costs in destroyed infrastructure and property in Hindu Kush-Himalaya region (HKH) region. Few commendable studies indicate glacier retreat, a possible cause of GLOF; but these work are confined to certain regions and are based on short observations, limited temporal data on hydro-meteorology and the indirect evidences. The process of climate warming further complicated the impact by developing potentially dangerous glacial lakes within the HKH region. It is clear from case studies that proactive decision making to prevent possible disaster is imperative. Glacial lake outburst flood risk is a reality in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya region and can be reduced by implementing various structural and non-structural measures. Studies on GLOFs in HKH region have so far concentrated on an inventory of glacier lakes, documentation of previous GLOFs and largely qualitative descriptions of glacier lake properties. The strategy towards GLOFs discussed in this paper is to provide a detail background of the formation of dangerous Glacier Lake Outburst Floods in the HKH region as a result of global climate change, with direct impacts on terrestrial change and human vulnerability and adaptation. An understanding of the hazard advances, effective warnings should reach every person at risk in a timely manner. There is a need to accelerate intergovernmental collaborative integrated research on glacial hazards and GLOF risk management. Hence proactive responses to threats from glacial lake outburst floods are essential for countries in HKH region where the risks are high and likely to increase due to glacial retreat as the climate changes. Introduction Global climate change and the shrinkage or retreats of glaciers throughout the world are hot topic of discussion and debate among scientific community in 21 st century. High altitude ice cores reflect significant increases in temperature over the last few decades, resulting in glaciers and ice caps disappearing altogether in some places (Schubert, 1992). The global change in temperature results in the potential danger of increasing the frequency mountainous hazards and accelerating human activities. Mountain hazards are commonly landslide,

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  20. The Highest Lake in the World

    Day 14: Trek to Lake Camp (6,100m). Today we hike up the aptly named Magic Highway. This is an unlikely river of moraine that flows right through the middle of the treacherous ice pinnacles of the East Rongbuk Glacier. ... lies Tsho Rolpa lake (2.6 km long, 0.5 km wide, 132 m deep): a giant liquid time bomb of 70 million m3 of water." http ...

  21. Changes in Imja Tsho in the Mount Everest region of Nepal

    Potentially drained volume from Imja Tsho versus lake surface elevation. 2 . 3 . 4 . ... 2014; Watanabe et al., 1994) and studied Tsho Rolpa in the Rolwaling area (Shrestha and Nakagawa 2014;Sakai ...

  22. Hazard and Risk: Perception of Glacial Lake

    People's risk perception of glacial lake outburst flooding: a case of Tsho Rolpa Lake, Nepal. 2011 • Khila Dahal. Download Free PDF View PDF. International Journal of Water Resources Development State-of-the-art review: designing urban water tariffs to recover costs and promote wise use PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE.

  23. PDF Original Paper

    The Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake is the largest and most potentially dangerous glacial lake in Nepal. In addition, a numerical model has been also developed for computing the characteristics of glacial lake out-burst due to moraine dam failure by seepage and water overtop-ping. The numerical model is tested for the flume experimental