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Morning news brief

by  A Martínez ,  Steve Inskeep

How Trump's guilty verdicts in N.Y. hush money case could alter other GOP candidates

by  Steve Inskeep

President Biden's son Hunter to go on trial on gun charges

by  Ryan Lucas ,  A Martínez

Broadband subsidies for rural Americans are ending and they won't likely be renewed

by  Sarah Jane Tribble

Napster -- the file-sharing service -- helped to disrupt the record industry

by  A Martínez

N.Y. Gov. Hochul takes up the cause of protecting children online

For the last month in ukraine, kharkiv has faced near-daily strikes from russia.

by  Joanna Kakissis

Ukraine tries to rally support in the Asia Pacific for a peace conference

by  Emily Feng ,  A Martínez

Step aside BMI, body composition tests are on the rise. Here's what to know

Maria Fabrizio hide caption

Shots - Health News

Step aside bmi, body composition tests are on the rise. here's what to know.

by  Allison Aubrey

Body composition tests are more useful than BMI

The rochester roosters are bringing back vintage ‘base ball’.

by  Catharine Richert

Amy Wilson, a conductor and artistic director of the Atlanta Philharmonic, suffered from brain cancer but isn't able to get Medicaid which makes it difficult to pay her hospital bills.

Amy Wilson, a conductor and artistic director of the Atlanta Philharmonic, suffered from brain cancer but isn't able to get Medicaid which makes it difficult to pay her hospital bills. Claire Harbage/NPR hide caption

We, The Voters

$30 too much a month keeps a cancer patient in georgia from cheaper care.

by  Obed Manuel ,  A Martinez ,  Milton Guevara ,  Adam Bearne


The view from flying the plane during the Weather Training flight with the Hurricane Hunters out of Kessler AFB out in Biloxi, Miss.

The view from the cockpit during a Hurricane Hunter training flight over the Gulf of Mexcio out of Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Miss., on May 28, 2024. Emily Kask/for NPR hide caption

Hurricane Hunters spread thin heading into Atlantic Hurricane Season

by  Debbie Elliott

Hurricane Hunters Stretched Thin

Influencers on social media have teenage boys trying cologne.

by  Hosts

Middle East

U.s. pressures hamas and israel to permanently end the war in gaza.

by  Daniel Estrin ,  A Martínez

Donald Trump’s New York criminal trial is over, but his legal odyssey is not

by  Andrea Bernstein ,  Steve Inskeep

The Americas

A historic first as mexico elects its first female president.

by  Eyder Peralta ,  A Martínez

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Trump Announces Nearly $53 Million Fund-Raising Haul After Guilty Verdict

Cash has been one of President Biden’s advantages so far in 2024, and post-conviction money will help Mr. Trump close the gap with the Democratic incumbent.

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By Shane Goldmacher

  • May 31, 2024

Donald J. Trump’s campaign announced on Friday evening that he had raised nearly $53 million in the 24 hours after his felony conviction, shattering online records for Republicans and raking in enough cash to help him close what has been a substantial financial gap with President Biden.

It is hard to put the enormity of the sum into proper perspective, but it would nearly match, in a single day, the $58 million that Mr. Trump’s main fund-raising arm raised online in the last six months of 2023, according to federal records.

The campaign first said on Friday morning it had collected nearly $35 million in the hours after the verdict. By Friday evening, the campaign had revised the figure up to $52.8 million in the 24-hour period following Mr. Trump’s conviction.

“This momentum is just getting started,” Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, two of Mr. Trump’s top advisers, said in a joint statement.

The figures will not be verifiable until the campaign committees and WinRed, the online processing platform for Republicans, make their filings with the Federal Election Commission in the coming months.

In addition, the campaign said on Friday morning that nearly 30 percent of the donors who gave online were new to WinRed, giving the former president an invaluable infusion of new people to tap for contributions as his campaign marches to November.

The one-day haul was significantly more than the $4 million Mr. Trump raised when his mug shot was released in 2023, after his booking in Atlanta for his indictment there.

Cash has so far been one of Mr. Biden’s advantages in the race. His main campaign committee entered May with $84 million, compared with $49 million for Mr. Trump.

The 24-hour fund-raising total could erase that edge entirely, though Mr. Biden has said his campaign has another $100 million spread across accounts that he shared with the Democratic Party. Mr. Trump’s campaign has not disclosed its total cash on hand with party accounts.

The Biden campaign has leveraged its cash to advertise in key battleground states since Mr. Trump emerged as the Republican nominee and as Mr. Trump has been absent from the airwaves.

The post-verdict total was far greater than the $26 million that the Biden campaign had announced four years ago in the 24 hours after he had named Kamala Harris as his vice-presidential pick .

In April, Mr. Trump’s operation, working in concert with the Republican National Committee, announced that it had raised $76.2 million, beating for the first time what Mr. Biden’s shared operations with the Democratic National Committee brought in — $51 million.

The conviction appeared to be driving Democratic donations, as well, though to a much lesser extent.

ActBlue, which processes online contributions for Democrats, registered three of its four biggest hours of donations in all of 2024 on Thursday evening in the wake of the conviction, topping out near $1.3 million in a single hour, according to its online ticker.

Rachel Shorey contributed reporting.

Shane Goldmacher is a national political correspondent, covering the 2024 campaign and the major developments, trends and forces shaping American politics. He can be reached at [email protected] . More about Shane Goldmacher

Our Coverage of the Trump Hush-Money Trial

Guilty Verdict : Donald Trump was convicted on all 34 counts  of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened his bid for the White House in 2016, making him the first American president to be declared a felon .

What Happens Next: Trump’s sentencing hearing on July 11 will trigger a long and winding appeals process , though he has few ways to overturn the decision .

Reactions: Trump’s conviction reverberated quickly across the country  and around the world . Here’s what voters , New Yorkers , Republicans , Trump supporters  and President Biden  had to say.

The Presidential Race : The political fallout of Trump’s conviction is far from certain , but the verdict will test America’s traditions, legal institutions and ability to hold an election under historic partisan tension .

Making the Case: Over six weeks and the testimony of 20 witnesses, the Manhattan district attorney’s office wove a sprawling story  of election interference and falsified business records.

Legal Luck Runs Out: The four criminal cases that threatened Trump’s freedom had been stumbling along, pleasing his advisers. Then his good fortune expired .

Ukraine-Russia war latest: Kremlin responds to claims Russia is targeting Olympics

After reports that Moscow is targeting the Paris Olympics with a disinformation campaign, the Kremlin has responded. Meanwhile, NATO only has two to three years to prepare before Russia regains its ability to launch a conventional attack on the alliance, Norway's top general has said.

Tuesday 4 June 2024 18:07, UK

Vladimir Putin at the Beijing Capital International Airport. Pic: Yue Yuewei/Xinhua via AP

  • Big picture: Everything you need to know about the war right now
  • Kremlin denies disinformation campaign targeting Olympics  
  • Russia could be ready to attack NATO in three years, Norway warns
  • Baby among seven civilians injured in overnight missile strike
  • Navalny's mother and supporters visit grave on his birthday  
  • Live reporting by Bhvishya Patel

We're pausing our coverage for today but we will be back tomorrow with more updates.

Here is a rundown of the key developments today:

  • Norway's top general said NATO only has two to three years to prepare before Russia regains its ability to launch a conventional attack on the alliance;
  • German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Ukraine's use of Western-supplied weapons to strike targets in Russia will not "contribute to escalation";
  • Microsoft made allegations in the New York Times that Russia was targeting the upcoming Olympics with a disinformation campaign;
  • The mother of Alexei Navalny and his supporters visited his grave to lay flowers and pay tribute to the late Kremlin critic on what would have been his 48th birthday.

You can scroll back through the blog to read all our updates from today.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said any foreign military staff training Ukrainian troops will not have any "immunity" from Russian strikes.

"Any instructors who train the Kyiv regime's troops don't have any sort of immunity," he said in a conference call with reporters today.

Reports have suggested talks are ongoing over whether French instructors could soon be sent to support training centres in Ukraine.

Ukrainian troops have been preparing to fire towards Russian positions on the frontline in the eastern Donetsk region.

Donetsk is one of the four provinces Vladimir Putin proclaimed as part of Russia in an illegal referendum at the start of the war and fighting here is particularly intense.

Russia's two biggest banks plan to open branches and offices in the regions of Ukraine that Moscow claimed to have annexed next month.

Sberbank chief executive German Gref said in Russia's upper house of parliament the bank would be "present throughout the whole country's territory".

VTB chief executive Andrei Kostin said they would open two offices in Luhansk in July and had plans to start serving clients in Donetsk and the port city of Mariupol by the end of the year.

For context : Vladimir Putin illegally annexed Ukraine's Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions in September 2022, after what Ukraine and its Western allies branded sham referendums. 

The move was condemned by many countries as illegal. 

Russian forces only partly control the four regions.

Manufacturers and distributors need to improve compliance with Russia-related sanctions, the deputy secretary of the US Treasury has said.

American companies in particular need to pay more attention to their supply chains to ensure they are not complicit with Russia's evasion of sanctions over Ukraine, Wally Adeyemo said in an interview with CNBC.

He said manufacturers of microelectronics and machine tools especially needed to step up compliance to help cut off supplies of "dual use" goods to Russia, including from Chinese producers. 

Freight forwarders and distributors need to do the same and financial institutions need to look at their relationships with small and medium-sized banks in "countries of concern" because Moscow is looking for ways around US sanctions, Mr Adeyemo said.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy's chief of staff has said that using Western weapons to strike inside Russia was a vital decision that would impact Moscow's tactical aviation and its offensive ability in border regions. 

"This will impact the conduct of the war, planning of counteroffensive actions, and will weaken Russians' abilities to use their forces in the border areas," Andriy Yermak said on Telegram. 

Russia has said the move would mark an escalation to the conflict and has threatened war with NATO if Western weapons are used in its airspace.

By  Ivor Bennett , Moscow correspondent

Dozens of Alexei Navalny supporters have visited his grave to lay flowers and pay tribute to the late Kremlin critic on what would have been his 48th birthday. 

The opposition leader died at an Arctic prison colony in February, prompting outrage from Western governments.

Nearly four months on, his family say the cause of his death remains unexplained.

His widow Yulia Navalnaya has accused Vladimir Putin of ordering his murder, and last week his allies called for additional sanctions to punish the Russian president's inner circle.

The Kremlin has repeatedly denied any involvement in his death. According to his death certificate, he died of natural causes.

Navalny's mother, Lyudmila, as well as his mother-in-law Alla Abrosimova, were among those who gathered at his grave in the Borisovskoye cemetery in southeast Moscow today.

Video posted by SOTAvision on the social media platform Telegram shows a memorial service led by Dmitry Safronov, a priest who was previously banned from clerical duties by the Russian Orthodox Church for presiding over a similar service in March, which marked 40 days since the activist's death.

According to the independent Novaya Gazeta newspaper, three police officers were on duty near the cemetery but they did not make any arrests.

Having been convicted of multiple charges, ranging from fraud to extremism, Navalny was serving sentences totalling more than 30 years when he died.

His Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) is outlawed in Russia, and has been accused by the authorities of having links to the CIA.

What remains of his team now operates in exile.

Polish farmers have resumed their protest blockade at the Ukrainian border crossing due to agricultural imports from the country.

Farmers in Poland have staged sporadic demonstrations at the border since last autumn.

The demonstrators are blocking trucks from leaving Ukraine.

Cargo vehicles heading to Ukraine are allowed to enter by 12 trucks per 12 hours and by four trucks with humanitarian aid per hour, the Ukrainian Border Guard Service said.

Other vehicles are continuing as usual.

"Representatives of Polish farmers demand reduced imports of Ukrainian crops to Polish territory from Ukraine," the Border Guard Service said.

Disputes over crop imports have strained the relationship between Warsaw and Kyiv, with both countries being major agricultural producers.

Polish farmers have complained that Ukrainian products create uneven competition, particularly since the EU lifted tariffs in 2022.

Poland banned the import of several products from Ukraine, including grain, corn, and rapeseed, in 2023.

In our last post, we brought you news that Microsoft had made allegations in the New York Times that Russia was targeting the upcoming Olympics with a disinformation campaign.

Moscow has now branded those accusations "absolute slander", with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov saying there is no substance to them.

Russia is widely accused of having waged disinformation campaigns over the years, often targeting elections in the United States, Europe and Britain.

Moscow has always denied it uses disinformation to influence public opinion. 

The Paris Olympics are being targeted by a Russian-linked disinformation campaign, according to the New York Times.

Since last summer, efforts have been under way by a hacker group named Storm-1679, the paper reports.

The campaign "began in earnest" when a documentary was released with a doctored International Olympic Committee (IOC) logo, along with an AI-powered impersonation of Tom Cruise's voice.

The hackers "are trying to cultivate an anticipation of violence", said Clint Watts, the head of Microsoft's Digital Threat Analysis Centre.

"They want people to be fearful of going to the Olympics."

Storm-1679 makes around three to eight disinformation videos a week, Mr Watts told the newspaper, many of which appear as if they come from media outlets such as the BBC or Al Jazeera.

Both Russia and Belarus have been banned from competing in the Olympics over the war in Ukraine, but some athletes from those countries will be allowed to compete as "neutral athletes", the IOC announced in March.

The Paris games will take place between 26 July and 11 August.

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2024 NBA playoffs bracket, schedule, scores: Mavericks will face Celtics in NBA Finals, Wolves ousted

It's boston vs. dallas for the 2024 nba title.


The Dallas Mavericks are heading to the 2024 NBA Finals, where they'll meet the Boston Celtics . The Mavs ousted the Minnesota Timberwolves 124-103 on Thursday to win the Western Conference finals in five games. Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving shined for Dallas, pushing the franchise back to the NBA Finals for the first time since 2011. 

The Celtics will host NBA Finals Game 1 on Thursday, June 6, after sweeping the Indiana Pacers in the Eastern Conference finals. Boston won the East for the second time in three years, and Jaylen Brown was named Eastern Conference finals MVP. 

The Mavericks are looking for their second title in franchise history and their first since 2011. The Celtics, meanwhile, have won 17 NBA titles, but none since 2008.

Regardless of which of the three remaining teams wins the 2024 title, the NBA will have its sixth different champion in six years -- something that has not happened since 1975-1980 .

The postseason field started with 20 teams, and now we're down to two. The Warriors , Kings , Hawks and Bulls were ousted in the Play-In Tournament before the Pelicans , Suns , Clippers , Lakers , Heat , 76ers , Bucks and Magic were eliminated in the first round. The Cavaliers , Thunder , Knicks and Nuggets were sent home in the second round with the Pacers and Timberwolves bowing out in the conference finals.

Here's a look at the upcoming schedule, as well as all the playoff scores. All games airing on ABC, ESPN and NBA TV are streaming on  fubo  (try for free).

Thursday's playoff scores

  • Game 5: Mavericks 124, Timberwolves 103 -- Dallas wins series 4-1

Below is a look at the complete playoff bracket:

2024 NBA playoff bracket


Upcoming NBA playoffs schedule

(All times Eastern)

Thursday, June 6 NBA Finals Game 1, 8:30 p.m., ABC/ fubo

Sunday, June 9 NBA Finals Game 2: 8 p.m., ABC/ fubo

Wednesday, June 12 NBA Finals Game 3: 8:30 p.m., ABC/ fubo

Friday, June 14 NBA Finals Game 4: 8:30 p.m., ABC/ fubo

Monday, June 17 NBA Finals Game 5*: 8:30 p.m., ABC/ fubo

Thursday, June 20 NBA Finals Game 6*: 8:30 p.m., ABC/ fubo

Sunday, June 23 NBA Finals Game 7*: 8 p.m., ABC/ fubo * if necessary

Conference finals scores

Celtics vs. Pacers Game 1: Celtics 133, Pacers 128 (OT) Game 2: Celtics 126, Pacers 110 Game 3: Celtics 114, Pacers 111 Game 4: Celtics 105, Pacers 102 (Boston wins series 4-0)

Timberwolves vs. Mavericks Game 1: Mavericks 108, Timberwolves 105  Game 2: Mavericks 109, Timberwolves 108 Game 3: Mavericks 116, Timberwolves 107 Game 4: Timberwolves 105, Mavericks 100 Game 5: Mavericks xxx, Timberwolves xxx (Dallas wins series 4-1)

Second-round scores

Celtics vs. Cavaliers Game 1: Celtics 120, Cavaliers 95 Game 2: Cavaliers 118, Celtics 94 Game 3: Celtics 106, Cavaliers 93 Game 4: Celtics 109, Cavaliers 102 Game 5: Celtics 113, Cavaliers 98 (Boston wins series 4-1)

Knicks vs. Pacers Game 1: Knicks 121, Pacers 117 Game 2: Knicks 130, Pacers 121 Game 3: Pacers 111, Knicks 106 Game 4: Pacers 121, Knicks 89 Game 5: Knicks 121, Pacers 91 Game 6: Pacers 116, Knicks 103 Game 7: Pacers 130, Knicks 109 (Indiana wins series 4-3)

Thunder vs. Mavericks Game 1: Thunder 117, Mavericks 95 Game 2: Mavericks 119, Thunder 110 Game 3: Mavericks 105, Thunder 101 Game 4: Thunder 100, Mavericks 96 Game 5: Mavericks 104, Thunder 92 Game 6: Mavericks 117, Thunder 116 (Dallas wins series 4-2)

Nuggets vs. Timberwolves Game 1: Timberwolves 106, Nuggets 99 Game 2: Timberwolves 106, Nuggets 80 Game 3: Nuggets 117, Timberwolves 90 Game 4: Nuggets 115, Timberwolves 107 Game 5: Nuggets 112, Timberwolves 97 Game 6: Timberwolves 115, Nuggets 70 Game 7: Timberwolves 98, Nuggets 90 (Minnesota wins series 4-3)

First-round scores

Celtics vs. Heat Game 1: Celtics 114, Heat 94 Game 2: Heat 111, Celtics 101 Game 3: Celtics 104, Heat 84 Game 4: Celtics 102, Heat 88 Game 5: Celtics 118, Heat 84 (Boston wins series 4-1)

Knicks vs. 76ers Game 1: Knicks 111, 76ers 104 Game 2: Knicks 104, 76ers 101 Game 3: 76ers 125, Knicks 114 Game 4: Knicks 97, 76ers 92 Game 5: 76ers 112, Knicks 106 (OT) Game 6: Knicks 118, 76ers 115 (Knicks win series 4-2)

Bucks vs. Pacers Game 1: Bucks 109, Pacers 94 Game 2: Pacers 125, Bucks 108 Game 3: Pacers 121, Bucks 118 (OT) Game 4: Pacers 126, Bucks 113 Game 5: Bucks 115, Pacers 92 Game 6: Pacers 120, Bucks 98 (Indiana wins series 4-2)

Cavaliers vs. Magic Game 1: Cavaliers 97, Magic 83 Game 2: Cavaliers 96, Magic 86 Game 3: Magic 121, Cavaliers 83 Game 4: Magic 112, Cavaliers 89  Game 5: Cavaliers 104, Magic 103 Game 6: Magic 103, Cavaliers 96 Game 7: Cavaliers 106, Magic 94 (Cleveland wins series 4-3)

Thunder vs. Pelicans Game 1: Thunder 94, Pelicans 92 Game 2: Thunder 124, Pelicans 92 Game 3: Thunder 106, Pelicans 85 Game 4: Thunder 97, Pelicans 89 (Oklahoma City wins series 4-0) 

Nuggets vs. Lakers Game 1: Nuggets 114, Lakers 103 Game 2: Nuggets 101, Lakers 99 Game 3: Nuggets 112, Lakers 105 Game 4: Lakers 119, Nuggets 108 Game 5: Nuggets 108, Lakers 106 (Denver wins series 4-1)

Timberwolves vs. Suns Game 1: Timberwolves 120, Suns 95 Game 2: Timberwolves 105, Suns 93 Game 3: Timberwolves 126, Suns 109 Game 4: Timberwolves 122, Suns 116 (Minnesota wins series 4-0)

Clippers vs. Mavericks Game 1: Clippers 109, Mavericks 97 Game 2: Mavericks 96, Clippers 93 Game 3: Mavericks 101, Clippers 90 Game 4: Clippers 116, Mavericks 111 Game 5: Mavericks 123, Clippers 93 Game 6: Mavericks 114, Clippers 101 (Dallas wins series 4-2)

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Personal Navigators: Disney Wish 3-Night Bahamian Very MerryTime Cruise from Port Canaveral – November 10, 2023

Personal Navigators, and other details from the Very MerryTime  3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Port Canaveral . The  Disney Wish  set sail from  Port Canaveral, Florida  on November 10, 2023. There are  additional  Personal Navigators from other sailings of this same itinerary for comparison.

Map Wish 3 Night Bahamian PCV NAS SEA

Day 1 – November 10, 2023 –  Port Canaveral, Florida

Guests Onboard : 3:45 pm Personal Navigator – Day 1

Attire : Cruise Casual

Drink of the Day : Captain’s Mai Tai •  Non-Alcoholic :  Princess Delight

Dinner Menus :

  • 1923 :  1923
  • Arendelle: A Frozen Dining Adventure :  Arendelle: A Frozen Dining Adventure
  • Worlds of Marvel :  Worlds of Marvel

Evening Entertainment :

  • Walt Disney Theatre Production –  Disney Seas the Adventure

Day 2 – November 11, 2023 –  Nassau, Bahamas

Guests Ashore : 9:30 am  Guests Onboard : 5:15 pm Personal Navigator – Day 2

Attire : Pirate or Cruise Casual

Drink of the Day :  Sunken Treasure  •  Non-Alcoholic :  Lava Smoothie

  • Walt Disney Theatre Production –  Disney The Little Mermaid

Day 3 – November 12, 2023 –  Castaway Cay

Guests Ashore : 8:30 am  Guests Onboard : 4:45 pm Personal Navigator – Day 3

Drink of the Day :  Stingray  •  Non-Alcoholic :  Coco Bali

  • Walt Disney Theatre Production –  Disney’s Aladdin – A Musical Spectacular

Wonderland & Never Land Cinema Movies

  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
  • Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
  • The Little Mermaid
  • The Marvels

Thank you  Dan Prietti  for sharing. If you have any navigators you would be willing to share, please send me an email. If you would rather upload the files you can use our  upload form .

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Fall foliage adventure.

Hop onboard an awe-inspiring fall foliage cruise to explore Canada, New England or the Caribbean this October or November.

Enjoy a romantic cruise to the east coast of Canada or New England to admire the fall foliage colors. Stroll around the charming cities, enjoy delicious fresh seafood and go hiking or kayaking in one of the magnificent national parks. Or perhaps you and your family would love sunshine and tropical adventures? Set sail to Perfect Day at Cococay, or explore lush rainforests and relax on postcard-perfect beaches in other parts of the Caribbean. With a fall cruise, you’ll enjoy the journey as much as the destination. 

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Book a Breathtaking Fall Cruise

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Canada Banff Mountain Landscape


Admire rugged mountains and revolution-era monuments or cruise to crystal clear turquoise waters and golden beaches. 

Boston Famine Memorial Historic Downtown, Boston, Massachusetts


Step ashore in Boston to explore one of America's oldest cities. Admire the city's skyline, walk the Freedom Trail or go kayaking on the Charles River. Hike on Portland, Maine's cobblestone streets and try the creative local food scene. Admire the six lighthouses, or bike along the ocean from brewery to brewery.

Quebec City Historical Building with Carriage


Travel back 400 years to the illuminated streets of Petit-Champlain and Place Royale in  Quebec City . Or enjoy the view from atop the funicular. Join the Quebecois and sample mouthwatering French specialties. In St. John, New Brunswick, take a scenic hike on the trails of Irving Nature Park or Rockwood Park.

Puerto Rico Yunque Forest


Cruise down to the  Southern Caribbean  for some tropical adventures. In San Juan, Puerto Rico's colorful capital, explore ancient fortresses and the El Yunque National Forest. Experience the blend of cultures in Philipsburg on St. Maarten. Then  cruise to St. Johns  on Antigua and Bridgetown on Barbados for white sand beaches, clear waters and fascinating cultures.

Bar Harbor Maine Fall


Step onboard one of the best fall cruises to discover breathtaking and thrilling, can’t-miss destinations in Canada, New England or the Caribbean. 

Maine Arcadia National Park Forest


Join a  New England  Fall Cruise and explore the cobblestone streets of Bar Harbor, Maine, or hike to the top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park. Discover Baltimore's rich maritime legacy at the historic Inner Harbor. Take a Baltimore Water Taxi, step onboard one of the spectacular ships and enjoy a plate of blue crab.

Nova Scotia Halifax Whale Tail


Cruise to Canada  in the fall to admire its bright autumn colors. Discover vibrant Halifax, Nova Scotia, with its citadel and historic architecture. Go whale-watching and snap pictures of the many lighthouses. Next, cruise to the pine tree-lined cliffs of Saguenay Fjord and stroll around the former mill town.

Perfect Day Coco Cay Up Up and Away Kids  Entering Helium Balloon


What about a fall cruise to the Caribbean in October or November? Getaway to a fantastically thrilling family adventure to Perfect Day at Cococay, Bahamas. You'll enjoy the Caribbean's largest freshwater pool with 13 waterslides and the exclusive Coco Beach Club. Also, visit picturesque  Labadee, Haiti , for some sun soaking and extra adrenaline rushes.

Whales Orcas Harbor, Victoria, British Columbia


Admire the fall foliage during a romantic getaway or enjoy a thrill-packed and relaxing tropical vacation with your family.

Bar Harbor, Maine Lush Landscape at Acadia National Park


Set sail on a memorable fall cruise to wonderful destinations in New England and Canada. Explore historic cities like Boston and Quebec City. Go whale-watching. Or strap on your hiking shoes in Bar Harbor's Acadia National Park or the Gros Morne National Park on Newfoundland.


Perfect Day Coco Cay Island Aerial Sunny Day


Step onboard the Oasis of the Seas for a thrill packed fall cruise from New York. With Perfect Day at CocoCay as your top destination, you and your family will have a vacation of a lifetime. Both exhilarating adventure and tranquil lounging is around every corner with attractions like Thrill Waterpark and Oasis Lagoon. This is how memories are made for the bold and for the kick-back-and-relax kind of crew.



Whether you’re taking a scenic fall foliage cruise or heading south to the warm Caribbean, make sure to pack the essentials. Bring a jacket and comfortable walking shoes for strolls along the cobblestone streets in the picturesque old towns in Canada and New England. If you're heading south, it's all about those layers. As you cruise closer to your destination you’ll be down to swimsuits and sunscreen.

Plan your tours ahead of time so you can savor each moment without having to worry about the next step. Onboard cruise activities, dining and shore excursions, can all be reserved once you’ve booked your fall cruise. Cruise Planner makes it easy for you to customize your trip, so you can have a one-of-a-kind adventure you’ll never forget.

The more, the merrier – especially with group cruises! Family or friends, traveling with groups can be an ambitious task. But when using a Certified Vacation Planner to book a group vacation, it’s smooth sailing. You can even pay with separate credit cards via the website!

Perfect Day Coco Cay Island Aerial Navigator Docked

Everything You Need to Plan a Perfect Day at Cococay

May 13, 2024

Planning on maximizing your experience at Perfect Day at CocoCay discover everything you need to know from record-breaking slides and rides, free kid-friendly attractions to delicious restaurants, and chilled out activities.

Perfect Day Coco Cay Tidal Wave Island Aerial

Weekend Getaways: Perfect Day at CocoCay, Bahamas [Infographic]

May 6, 2024

Perfect Day at CocoCay in the Bahamas gives you the best opportunity to create your own great weekend getaway the way you want to travel!

Family Enjoying the Beach at Perfect Day

Top Free Activities and Free Things To Do at Perfect Day at CocoCay

April 12, 2024

The best free activities and free things to do at Perfect Day at CocoCay®, Royal Caribbean's private island in the Bahamas.

Ovation of the Seas North Star

Top 10 Free Things to Do on Ovation of the Seas

Discover what’s included from dining venues with free food to free activities and entertainment, you’ll be amazed with a vacation on Ovation of the Seas.

Symphony of the Seas HP Jumbotron 1920 1080 FAM NF 2x

Top 9 Free Things to Do on Symphony of the Seas

Discover what’s included from free activities to dining venues with free food, you’ll be amazed when taking a vacation onboard Symphony of the Seas.

Odyssey of the Seas Pool Deck Aerial Close Up

Best Free Things to Do on Odyssey of the Seas

Your cruise fare includes so many great free things to do onboard. Discover the best free things to do onboard Odyssey of the Seas cruise ship.

Florida Beach Palm Trees Sunset

The Best Cruises From Florida

March 20, 2024

Discover some of the most amazing islands you can visit in the best cruises from Florida. Learn tips on how to maximize a few days before or after your cruise at this amazing departure port.

Perfect Day at Coco Cay Kids After Mat Racer Slides

Take Your Perfect Day at CocoCay® to the Next Level | Royal Caribbean Cruises

March 8, 2024

Who said you shouldn't mess with perfection? Visit a thrilling water park or a relaxing lagoon to make your Perfect Day at CocoCay® even better.

Perfect Day at Coco Cay Daredevil Peaks Family Running Towards Thrill Water Park

Traveling With a Toddler to Perfect Day at CocoCay | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Traveling with a toddler is easy when you book a cruise to Perfect Day at CocoCay. Read on for advice and tips for traveling with a toddler.

Camel in front of pyramids. Egypt.

Best Places to Visit in Ancient Egypt

There are so many great places to visit in ancient Egypt. Plan your vacation in Egypt from the wonder of its pyramids to the many temples and tombs.

Spectrum of the Seas Aerial Sailing

Best Restaurants on Spectrum of the Seas

Maximize your cruise vacation with the best restaurants when sailing on Spectrum of the Seas. Find the free places to eat as well as fine dining options.

sunset cruise deck sailing

Best Black Friday Vacation Deals

Make it easy to travel on a budget with the best Black Friday vacation deals for your dream getaways. Save big on Black Friday deals for vacation.

Sloth hanging on a tree and eating leaves at zoo. Florida.

Best Exotic Petting Zoos in Florida

Planning to visit the best petting zoos for exotic animals before your cruise vacation out of Florida? Enjoy insider details on these unique experiences.

the golden fountain of the Piazza de Spagna at sunrise. Europe.

Europe Vacation: Best Places to Visit

There's more to a European cruise vacation than just packing your bags! Plan the perfect trip on your travel getaway to visit the best places in Europe.

Enjoying macarons on vacation in Paris. France.

Best Desserts in the World

Discover the most delightful foods to enjoy on a sweet-lover's journey as you treat yourself to the best desserts in the world. Plan your foodie vacation.

Parent searching for Black Friday deals on a travel budget. America.

Best Black Friday Travel Deals

Find where to get Black Friday travel deals for big savings on your ideal family getaway. Get the best Black Friday travel deals when taking a vacation on a budget.

Conch shell on Sanibel Island. Florida.

Best Relaxing Beaches in Florida

Where are the best relaxing beaches in Florida? What is the quietest beach in Florida? Start your search for the most beautiful & secluded places to visit.

An unidentified local young man on the beach fishing in the shallow water of the Gulf of Mexico.

Best Fishing Trips in Florida

Where are the best fishing spots in Florida? What is the top location to plan a fishing trip before my cruise? Start your search for the ideal fishing getaway.

Shark Feeding and Diving in the Bahamas

Best Food in Nassau, Bahamas

A guide to the best food in Nassau, Bahamas. Discover new flavors in restaurants by the water or within the historic city of Nassau.

Wonder of the Seas Sunset Sailing

Best Cruise Restaurants Onboard Wonder of the Seas

With an abundance of onboard cruise restaurants and fine dining experiences discover the top cruise foods aboard Wonder of the Seas for a vacation sensation.

Kotor Montenegro Castle During Sunset

Best Mediterranean Cruise Destinations

Uncover 8 of the best Mediterranean cruise destinations while on your travel vacation. Adventure awaits those who seek it, enjoy a guide tailored to you.

Craft Beer Tap Bartender

The Best Craft Breweries in Alaska

For all the beer lovers planning an Alaskan cruise vacation, we’ve curated the ultimate zythophile guide to visiting 5 of the best craft breweries in Alaska.

France Paris Couple by Arc De Triomphe

The Best European Summer Vacations

Planning the best European summer vacations? We’ve curated the ultimate guide to visiting some of the most relaxing and legendary destinations to travel to in Europe.

Couple Strolling by the Beach, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Choose the Best Baja Mexico Cruise for You

Discover the best things to do on vacation as you enjoy numerous iconic destinations on your Baja Mexico cruise from Los Angeles including Ensenada and Cabo.

Best Pizza made with New York water in New York City, NY

Best New York Foods Using NY Water

Sample the best foods in New York with our guide to uncovering the top places for enjoying the secrets of NY water in bagels, pizza, and doughnuts.

Mexican Food Mix Colorful Background Mexico and Sombrero, Mexico

Five of the Best Mexican Food Dishes to Try

Discover local favorite foods including the best types of Mexican dishes to explore during your next vacation to Mexico for sampling its vibrant culinary history.

The Bathsheba Beach Rock Climbing, Bridgetown, Barbados

Best Cruises From Barbados

On the best cruises from Barbados, you can visit Trinidad, Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao. And some farther-flung destinations in Central and South America on longer itineraries.

Natural Bridge at Blackstone Beach, Oranjestad, Aruba

The Best Caribbean Ports to See on Your Cruise

Discover the best Caribbean ports to see on your cruise. These Caribbean ports are filled with sights to enjoy an affordable Caribbean vacation.

Perfect Day Coco Cay Zipline over Adventure Pool

One Day, Three Ways At Perfect Day At Cococay

Planning your time at the new CocoCay? If you want to unwind, head to Chill Island on the east side of CocoCay. Or visit the Oasis Lagoon or the Thrill Waterpark to get on the side of adventure.

Harmony of the Seas Royal Loft Suite Purple Living Room

10 Best Luxury And Standard Cruise Ship Accommodations

Explore the 10 best luxury and standard Royal Caribbean cruise ship accommodations from the luxurious 2-story Ultimate Family Suite with a dedicated concierge and VIP privileges to the less expensive Studio Stateroom designed for a perfect nights rest.

Perfect Day Coco Cay Oasis Lagoon Aerial

Ultimate Guide To Oasis Lagoon

The best Oasis Lagoon at Perfect Day at CocoCay insider Tips to discovering all the amazing things to do, family-friendly attractions and thrills you don't want to miss. Find cruise deals to Perfect Day at CocoCay.

Beach in Barbados, Southern Caribbean

Top 5 Southern Caribbean Islands to Visit

Cruise to the best Southern Caribbean Islands and explore the most beautiful destinations in the Caribbean from the white-sandy beaches in Aruba to the vibrant capital city of Puerto Rico. Here are the top 5 Southern Caribbean islands you don’t want to miss.

Sunny Day Miami Beach Skyrisers, Miami, Florida

Best Cruises From Miami

Cruise from Miami and start your vacation in one of the worlds best places to visit, then set sail from the Port of Miami to The Bahamas, Mexico, Puerto Rico and beyond on weekend getaway cruise or a longer Caribbean adventure. Here are the best cruises from Miami

Perfect Day Coco Cay Floating Bar Couple Enjoying Cocktails

Perfect Day Honeymoon Guide

Celebrate your newly-wedded bliss on a romantic Caribbean honeymoon cruise to Perfect Day at CocoCay, the best Caribbean destination for newly married couples. Find cruise deals to Perfect Day at CocoCay

Perfect Day Coco Cay Adventure Pool

The Ultimate College Spring Break Cruise Vacation

If you are looking for an all-out college spring break vacation filled with beach vibes, thrilling rides and amazing parties it doesn’t get any better than a spring break cruise to Perfect Day at CocoCay. Find cruise deals to Perfect Day at CocoCay

Manzanillo, Mexico Ceviche Tostada

16 Best Foodie Vacation Destinations

Sink your teeth into tender succulent seafood in Maine, crave-worthy curries in Jamaica, French-inspired flavors of St. Maarten and many more indulgent dishes at these 16 Best Foodie Vacation Destinations.

New Orleans City Skyline Panoramic View

7 Best Cruises From New Orleans

Cruise from New Orleans to the Bahamas on affordable cruise vacations to the Caribbean with stops at Perfect Day at CocoCay, Cozumel, Roatan, Belize City, Key West, Nassau, and Costa Maya. Find cruise deals out of New Orleans

Royal Caribbean Karibik Kreuzfahrten

11 Fun Facts About the Best Caribbean Destinations

Discover 11 fun facts about the best Caribbean destinations. Plan your next visit to the Caribbean with around these surprising facts.

Mexico Costa Maya Woman Jumping into Cenote Azul

The Best Summer Vacation Cruises From The Northeast

Maximize your summer vacation with plenty of sun, underwater discoveries, street dancing and zip-lining on a Cruise from the Northeast to Bermuda, the Bahamas, Mexico and Perfect Day at Cococay.

Flow Rider Girl Weekend Cruise

Best Family Cruise Vacation on Allure of the Seas | Royal Caribbean Cruises

Are you planning your next family vacation? Check out these family cruise tips for maximizing your cruise on Allure of the Seas.

Ephesus (Kusadasi), Turkey, Celsus Library Close Up

10 Best Places to Visit in Turkey

Cruising to Ephesus soon? Here are the 10 best places to visit in Turkey, with something for every traveler.

Pleasure Pier Sunrise, Galveston, Texas

Best Cruises From Texas

Royal Caribbean offers plenty of great itineraries to choose from if you’re looking for an unforgettable cruise from Texas. Keep reading to discover the best spots.

City Skyline during Sunset, Los Angeles ,California

10 Best Breweries in Los Angeles

Craft beer lovers, come thirsty and hoist a pint in some of the best breweries in Los Angeles and beyond!

New York City Skyline at Sunrise, Cape Liberty, New Jersey

The Best Cruises From The New York Area

From the sun-dappled Caribbean to the quaint Canadian coast, you won’t believe how many incredible places you can sail to on a NY cruise. Here are just some of the fascinating places you can cruise from the New York Area.

New York, New York, Statue of Liberty

Best of NYC: Visiting The Statue of Liberty

Enjoy the best of NYC before or after your next cruise from the New York area. Spend the day visiting Lady Liberty before cruising.

Perfect Day Coco Cay Splashaway Bay Slides Brother and Sister Competing

Top 7 Most Thrilling Things to do at Perfect Day At CocoCay

Experience the top 7 most thrilling things to do at the Perfect Day at CocoCay from sliding down the tallest waterslide in North America to zip lining across the island and much more.

Family Staring at Dare Devil's Peak, Perfect Day at Coco Cay

Top 4 Insider Tips to Thrill Waterpark

Thrill Waterpark at Perfect Day At CocoCay top 4 insider travel tips uncovers free things to do, places to go and thrills you can share with friends. Find cruise deals to Perfect Day at CocoCay.

Perfect Day Coco Cay Snack Shack Hamburger Hero

Best Restaurants at Perfect Day At CocoCay

Explore all the restaurants on the Perfect Day at CocoCay island and discover all the complimentary dining venues that offers loads of food and drink favorites that will fuel you up in between adventures.

Perfect Day Coco Cay Son and Dad Kayaking

Guide To Chill Island at Perfect Day

Discover Chill Island insider tips to all the relaxing things to do from renting overwater cabanas with VIP services, snorkeling with the friendly manta rays to finding the best places to unwind and soak up the island vibes.

New York City Brooklyn Bridge

Best Summer Vacation Cruises From New York

Your guide to the best summer vacation destinations you can cruise from New York. Check some new vacation destinations off your bucket list on the perfect New York cruise.

Girl boy at ocean deck Square 1050 1050 FAM NF 2x

The Ultimate Kid-Friendly Vacation to Perfect Day at CocoCay

Set sail to the best kid-friendly destination in the world on a cruise from Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Orlando to Perfect Day at CocoCay and discover all the amazing family-friendly activities, award-winning shows, and record-breaking attractions.

Florida Orlando Lake Eola Fountain

Best Cruises From Orlando

Maximize your vacation on an adventures cruise from Orlando and experience translucent water caves in the Bahamas, water-soaked adventures at Perfect Day CocoCay and breathtaking views at every destination. Here are 10 amazing destinations you can cruise to from Orlando.

Lake Eola City Skyscrapers, Orlando, Florida

Best Cruises From Orlando, Florida

Looking for a great weekend getaway? Cruise from Orlando to the Western Caribbean islands on a 3 night Bahamas and Perfect Day Cruise or longer 7 night western caribbean cruise out of Port Canaveral. Find cruise deals from Orlando FL.

Perfect Day Coco Cay Island Aerial Navigator Docked

Amazing Family Friendly Summer Cruise Vacations

Enjoy your family summer vacation on a cruise to Perfect Day CocoCay and discover the private islands beautiful beaches, kid-friendly attractions, great restaurants and record-breaking water rides and activities for all ages. Find summer cruise deals.

Perfect Day Coco Cay Oasis Lagoon Cabana Woman Enjoying Cocktail

The 5 Most Relaxing Things to do at Perfect Day At CocoCay

Discover the most relaxing things to do on your luxury getaway to Perfect Day at CocoCay from the luxury CocoCay Overwater Cabanas to the most popular Chill Island Cabanas and much more.

Las Olas beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Best Cruises From Fort Lauderdale

Cruise from Fort Lauderdale to the Bahamas on a weekend getaway cruise or longer 7 Day Caribbean Cruise that takes you to Nassau, Perfect day at CocoCay, St. Maarten, San Juan, Cozumel and Falmouth. Find cruise deals out of Ft. Lauderdale

Woman on vacation taking a photo of the ocean landscape. California.

Best Mini Vacation Getaway Destinations

Envision your next travel trip, plan a short mini cruise to the Bahamas or a relaxing vacation getaway with a day trip in Oregon. Adventure awaits!

Stingray and reef fish swimming by at a Florida Aquarium. Florida.

Top 10 Best Aquariums in Florida

Plan a day trip before or after your cruise to make the most of your vacation travels from Florida with a visit to the top 10 best aquariums.

View of Beach in St. John. The Caribbean.

Best Things to Do in St. John

Find the best things to do in St. John along with the need-to-know on how to get to the small Virgin Island for your own travel vacation getaway.

Tiki Hut Over Water Beach, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Relaxing Weekend Caribbean Vacation Ideas

Envision your next weekend Caribbean vacation, plan a short cruise or quick getaway to the best travel destinations to visit. Adventure awaits!

Hot chocolate surrounded by churros.

Best Comfort Food from Around the World

Encounter the best comfort food from around the world including Belgian frites, Croatian ice cream, and more. Envision your next foodie vacation.

View of Big Ben over Westminster Bridge on a sunny day. United Kingdom.

Plan the Best London Day Trips Ever

Set sail on a getaway cruise vacation and discover the best things to do in London while enjoying your day trips. Experience history, Harry Potter, and more!

Couple Ready to go on a Tube Excursion. Belize City.

Best Belize Landmarks to Discover

Envision your next Belize vacation cruise, plan a long or short getaway to visit famous landmarks such as the mysterious Great Blue Hole. Adventure awaits!

Bougainvillea blooms in a botanical garden in Falmouth. Jamaica.

Best Botanical Gardens in Jamaica

Uncover the most stunning botanical gardens in Jamaica as you plan the best Caribbean vacation getaway. Enjoy the lush landscape & relaxing nature.

Voyager of the Seas Aerial Sports Court and Rock Climbing Wall Close Up

Family Cruises | Voyager of the Seas

Envision your next travel vacation, as you plan the best family cruise getaway while sailing onboard the Voyager of the Seas. Unexpected cruise activities.

Wonder of the Seas Aerial

Family Cruises | Wonder of the Seas

Envision your next travel vacation, as you plan the best family cruise getaway while sailing onboard the Wonder of the Seas.

Voyager of the Seas Stern Aerial

Best Cruise Restaurants | Voyager of the Seas

With an abundance of onboard cruise restaurants and fine dining experiences discover the top cruise foods aboard Voyager of the Seas.

Glass of amber-gold Caribbean rum in front a sunset. The Caribbean.

Local Insight: Best Caribbean Rums

What are the different types of rum? How can you tell good Caribbean rum? Enjoy our vacation guide to the best places to travel for distilleries.

Spoon pouring oil as a traveler chooses the best olive oil to use. Mediterranean.

How to Choose the Best Olive Oil

Uncover the secrets to having the best olive oil in the world as well as the know-how on all the many types and their uses. Enjoy a guide tailored to you.

Friends enjoy beer together at the best breweries in Northeast America.

10 Best Breweries in Northeast America

Uncover the best breweries in Northeast America to make the most of your vacation travels. Adventure awaits those who seek it, enjoy a guide tailored to you.

Freedom of the Seas Aerial

Best Cruise Restaurants | Freedom of the Seas

Planning to dine at the best cruise restaurants onboard the Freedom of the Seas. Remain in the know with the ultimate cruise dining guide to sailing with success.

Labadee Haiti Man Cliff Diving off a Cave Rock

Best Caribbean Adventure Vacations

Your guide to some of the best adventure vacations in the Caribbean for thrill-seekers, with activities like volcano hiking, ziplining, and more.

View of Where the Mountains Meet the Sea in St. Lucia. The Caribbean

Best Summer Vacation Ideas & Spots

Plan your escape from the winter weather with the best summer vacation ideas for spots to keep the sunny skies and warm ocean breezes alive year-round.

Sunrise view of fishing rod on charter fishing boat

Best Baja Fishing Trips in Mexico

Experience top Baja fishing trips on your next vacation. Plan the best travel adventure with expert precision and make unforgettable memories.

Amazing show of northern light ( aurora borealis ) above the mountains and fjords of Tromsø in the north of Norway

Best Places to See Northern Lights

On the hunt to travel to the best place to see the northern lights? From Alaska to Iceland to Norway, here's where, when, and how to see the northern lights.

Catarata del Rio Celeste, Azul, Tenorio National Park, Costa Rica

Best Costa Rica Waterfalls for Vacation

Experience the best waterfalls in Costa Rica on your next vacation. Our curated guide offers a range of breathtaking destinations and adventures.

Alaska Yukon Skaqway White Pass

The Best Alaska Cruises

Your Guide to the Best Cruises From Alaska. Learn more about the most stunning destinations you can visit on an Alaska cruise from Seattle or Vancouver.

Closeup view of Urquhart Castle.

Best Scotland Castle Tours

There are over 1,500 Scotland castle tours to choose from. We've narrowed down a list of the most; historic, cultural, famous, and royal significance.

Texas Galveston Pier Park Sunset

Vacation the Best Beaches in Galveston

Planning a Galveston beach vacation? From the best beach spots to hotels, restaurants, and shopping, your beach trip to Galveston starts here.

Adventure of Seas Sailing

Best Adventure of the Seas Restaurants

Uncover the best places to eat on a cruise onboard Adventure of the Seas from specialty restaurants and fine dining to complimentary place for free eats.


Cruise to Victoria, British Columbia, and stroll around the boat-lined Inner Harbour, admire the architecture and smell the flowers in Butchart Gardens. Stretch your legs on the Skywalk of Saint John, New Brunswick, and explore the trails of Irving Nature Park and Rockwood Park. Visit Charlottetown, the Victorian-era capital of Prince Edward Island with its intriguing historical sights and maritime heritage. Climb a lighthouse and enjoy some wild blueberry wine. In Corner Brook, Newfoundland, go hiking or paddling through the panoramic Humber Valley or the Gros Morne National park.

Stanley Park Urban Greenspace, Vancouver, British Columbia

Vancouver, British Columbia

National Park Forest, Inside Passage, Alaska

Alaska Inside Passage, Alaska

Parliament Garden, Victoria British Columbia

Victoria, British Columbia

Bar Harbor, Maine Lush Landscape at Acadia National Park

Bar Harbor, Maine

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Red And White Lighthouse

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Gros Morne National Park, Corner Brook, Newfoundland

Corner Brook, Newfoundland

Mcnabs Island Lighthouse, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Quebec City, Quebec, City And Chateau Frontenac

Quebec City, Quebec

Saint John, New Brunswick, Reversing Falls

Saint John (Bay of Fundy), New Brunswick

St. John's, Newfoundland, Aerial View

St. John's, Newfoundland

The Louisbourg Lighthouse during a Beautiful Day, Sydney, Nova Scotia

Sydney, Nova Scotia

Nanaimo, British Columbia, Rocky Coastline

Nanaimo, British Columbia

Montreal, Quebec Cobbled Streets

Montreal, Quebec

Saguenay, Quebec, Fjord

Saguenay, Quebec


Exotic adventures on the horizon.

Cruise to Belize City in Belize  on the eastern coast of Central America to explore Caracol, a large ancient Maya archaeological site, and go snorkeling at the famous Great Blue Hole. In  Cozumel, Mexico , you'll also be amazed by the colorful reefs and schools of tropical fish and the impressive Maya ruins of Tulum. Or go rafting in one of Ocho Rios' rivers in Jamaica and try some of the local Jamaican cuisines.

Belize Blue Diving Hole


Head to  Oranjestad  on the small island of Aruba with its colorful Dutch colonial houses and sandy white beaches. Visit Willemstad on the Curaçao island next door for more rich history and natural scenery, such as Shete Boka Park and Christoffel National Park. Or travel to  Bridgetown  on the island of Barbados for a fascinating mix of tropical vibes and English heritage.


Young Boy Jumping inside Ocean after Kayaking

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Just Released: New Fall 2023 Ports and Itineraries

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  • Amadeus River Cruises
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Mini cruises & short breaks from Southampton in 2024, 2025 & 2026

Mini cruises from southampton are the ideal tonic for those in need of a short break. with cruises from leading cruise lines including p&o cruises, msc, cunard and fred olsen cruises a mini cruise from southampton can give you that quick break with some fantastic entertainment, dining and service., the best deals on mini cruises from southampton, short cruises from southampton.

Mini cruises from Southampton are a great short break to see some of the closer ports whilst getting some of the superb service from our leading cruise lines. 3 night cruises from Southampton may take you to places such as Zeebrugge from where you may visit the picturesque town of Bruges, St. Peter Port in Guernsey or perhaps Le Havre in France. A 3 day cruise from Southampton can be taken throughout the year - Christmas cruises could take you to some Christmas markets or just allow you to enjoy the festivities on a new year mini cruise.

A slightly longer 4 night cruise from Southampton could include an additional port of call in your cruise and of course take you a bit further afield. A 4 night cruise from Southampton could show you the city of Amsterdam where you can explore the canals, art museums and historical sights also perhaps with a call at the French port of Cherbourg. Of course we shouldn't exclude 3 night cruises from Southampton which call at some of the best ports in the UK such as Falmouth, Dover or Portland which we often discount to our own detriment.

Short cruises from Southampton are available on various cruise lines so the choice of cruise style is really yours. A short cruise from Southampton is often used as an ideal way to try out a different cruise line or for a first cruise. Try British favourites such as P&O Cruises or Fred Olsen Cruises, take up the Mediterranean flavours with MSC Cruises or perhaps choose something with a little more luxury with Celebrity or Princess Cruises.

UK cruises enjoyed a renaissance in summer 2020 thanks to Covid-enforced travel restrictions and,…

The home of Mary, Queen of Scots, the Loch Ness monster, J.K. Rowling and whisky, Scotland has so…

When most people think of travelling to Europe, they immediately think of countries such as Italy,…

Germany cruise holidays take passengers to a fascinating country, brimming with history, rich in…


Located on the North Sea, the pint-sized country of the Netherlands is known for its modern mega…

France cruises are the perfect way to experience the country of fine cheese, finer wine,…

A photo of the P&O Cruises operator

Explore car parking, hotels and directions with our guide to Southampton Cruise Terminal .

  • Cruises from Southampton
  • Caribbean cruises from Southamtpon
  • Mediterranean cruises from Southampton
  • Norwegian Fjords cruises from Southampton
  • Baltic cruises from Southampton
  • World cruises from Southampton
  • UK cruises from Southampton
  • All inclusive cruises from Southampton
  • Christmas cruises from Southampton

Cruises from Southampton by cruise line

  • Fred Olsen cruises from Southampton
  • Cunard cruises from Southampton
  • Saga cruises from Southampton
  • MSC cruises from Southampton
  • P&O cruises from Southampton
  • Royal Caribbean cruises from Southampton
  • Princess cruises from Southampton
  • Celebrity cruises from Southampton

Cruise from Southampton

Discover all cruises from Southampton

Cruise packing list template: What to take on a cruise holiday

Cruise packages: what’s included who has the best are they worth the money, british isles cruise tips: everything you need to know about cruising the uk, 10 smart ways to bag a cruise bargain, cruising solo tips: how to make the most of your cruise alone, discovery princess review: what's it like onboard the new princess cruises ship, your guide to a pre- or post-cruise stay in southampton – what to see, eat & do, what you need to know about p&o cruises, dress code for cruises: what you need to know about how to dress on a cruise.

3 night cruises november 2023

Cruise Routes (Interactive Map)

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Russia is again welcoming travelers!

  • A negative PCR test is all that's needed to enter Russia
  • Regular flights are now operating to / from Russia
  • Visas can be issues quickly (Volga Dream provides your invitation)
  • All Volga Dream personnel and guides are fully vacinated
  • Bookings are transferable without penalty for 12 months
  • Volga Dream arranges PCR-tests if needed for your outbound flight

Check our COVID-19 Policy page to learn more.

Lorem Ipsum

Luxurious river cruises in russia.

Explore authentic Russian cities. Enjoy premium service and engaging activities as you sail the Volga River.

Moscow. Red Square. St. Basil Cathedral

2022 Cruise Season

Join our signature small group journeys and cruise in luxury along the Russian Volga river!

St. Petersburg. Palace bridge

The Russian Odyssey

An extended 'South to North' view of Russia from Astrakhan to St. Petersburg through Moscow.

Kizhi Island

Explore Moscow, St. Petersburg and Russia’s Golden Ring in greater depth. Stay at gorgeous Four Seasons hotels. Enjoy special access to iconic cultural sites.

Moscow. Red Square

Lower Volga

Treat yourself to an unforgettable experience cruising the Volga river from Moscow to Astrakhan. The tour includes 2 nights in Moscow.

Yaroslavl. Local Church

Find Your Cruise

Select destination Moscow — St. Petersburg Moscow — Astrakhan Astrakhan — St. Petersburg

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A Volga river cruise is more than a geographical voyage; it’s also a journey through Russia’s rich and captivating history. No other experience takes you so completely to another place and time. The Volga is Europe’s longest and largest river; it meanders through the stories of Ivan the Terrible and his rise to power, the two historic ‘Greats’ Peter and Catherine, and then on into today. It’s a unique opportunity to see modern Russia in the context of its intriguing history, ably assisted by friendly and professional academics and tour guides. A Volga Dream Russian river tour promises to leave you with an unforgettable afterglow of fond memories.

St. Petersburg. Petehof

Moscow to St. Petersburg River Cruise

Moscow and St. Petersburg are Russia’s best-known cities, but the towns of Russia’s historic Golden Ring are delightful too. The luxurious Volga Dream offers a unique opportunity to visit these Russian gems by sailing gently along the Volga River on an unforgettable cruising experience. In small, exclusive groups you’ll enjoy preferential access to some of Russia’s most significant cultural sites.

Volgogard. Mamaev Hill

Moscow to Astrakhan River Cruise

Your River Cruise on the luxurious MS Volga Dream takes you from Moscow along Russia’s grand Volga River to the legend that is Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) and Astrakhan on the Caspian Sea. Along the way, you’ll discover the treasures of Yaroslavl, the oldest city on the Volga, medieval Nizhniy Novgorod and beautiful Kazan, the ancient Tatar capital. We plan our tour carefully to combine the very best of Moscow with a world-class Volga River cruise.

Discover Russia with MS Volga Dream - Click-through map

3 night cruises november 2023

We love hearing from guests about their time in Russia and one comment often hear is how surprised people are by the Russian capital. We can’t say for certain what people expected but we do know that it’s always far removed from what they imagined! It’s been called a modern metropolis, a cosmopolitan city, an historic gem, an architectural treasure and a cultural powerhouse, among other descriptions. Majestic Moscow has always surprised our guests and left them with lasting and fond memories.

Russia’s famous Golden Ring is an archipelago of historic towns surrounding Moscow. Uglich is one of the oldest and was founded under Igor, the last Varangian prince. It once resisted the Mongol invasion and its ancient walls saw the grisly murder of young Dmitri, son of Ivan the Terrible. The impressive Church of St. Dmitri on the Blood, with its classic onion domes and blood red walls, is a fine example of classic Russian architecture. The tour ends with an enchanting choral concert.

This, the oldest city on the Volga River, and now a UNESCO World Heritage site, boasts a wealth of ancient orthodox treasures. The impressive Transfiguration of the Savior, adorned with murals depicting St. John’s apocalyptic visions can be seen in the Spassky Monastery. The Church of St. Elijah the Prophet is decorated with an awe-inspiring selection of rich frescoes. For a real taste of pre-revolutionary Russia, visitors are entertained by a costumed reception at the Governor’s House.

Close to the shores of White Lake once were the ‘tsar’s fishing grounds’. It lies in a place so serene that ancient monks chose to build no fewer than three holy sites here, including the Ferapontov Monastery. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, its chapels boast magnificent frescoes by Dionysius, one of Russia’s most renowned icon painters. The Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery was a refuge for many nobles during tumultuous times and later a fortress that successfully repelled invading armies.

The Karelia region is a vast and naturally beautiful wilderness that spreads all the way from St. Petersburg to the Arctic Circle. The glorious island village of Kizhi consists almost entirely of the traditionally styled wooden buildings of ‘Old Russia’. Among them is the famous Transfiguration Church built in 1714. Remarkably, and in testament to the craftsmen of the time, not a single nail was used in its construction! Kizhi is one of the favorite stops on the river cruise to St. Petersburg.

A typical rural hamlet brought to life by warm and welcoming villagers. Volga Dream guests are invited into local homes to enjoy classic Russian fare, tea with jam and ‘pirozhki’ (pies). Enthusiastic hosts share Russian traditions and the appeal of village life while proudly showing off their scrupulously kept homes and kitchen gardens. The tour continues with a brief bus ride to see a unique World War II memorial and then, for a real glimpse of Russian life, a visit to a local primary school.

Nizhny Novgorod

This was once a wealthy city thanks to its proximity to rich eastern trading routes. During the Soviet era, the city was closed to outsiders because of its military importance. It’s also where many political prisoners were sent to live out their days in exile. The 16th-century Kremlin ramparts offer spectacular views and the city is known for its elaborately decorated churches. For Volga Dream cruise guests, the highlight of the day is an evening folk concert performed by local children.

Sailing along the Volga river, the riverbank gradually ceases to be dominated by Orthodox churches. Instead, beautiful mosques appear as the river crosses into Tatarstan where the first stop is scenic Kazan, the region’s capital. Inside the white walls of the citadel, the famous Kul Sharif mosque and the old Cathedral of Peter and Paul stand side-by-side symbolizing the two faiths’ long and peaceful coexistence in the region. A concert of traditional Tatar music ends the Volga Dream tour in Kazan.

Passing the Zhigulevskie Mountains offers wonderful views from the sundeck before touring the city. One of the key attractions is the fascinating Space Museum, which offers a revealing glimpse of how the Soviet Union pursued its ambitious journey to the cosmos. The town is also noted for its beautiful esplanade, perfect for a relaxed stroll beside the Volga river. This in turn leads to the Samara State Art Museum. Founded in 1897, it is home to a collection of more than 16,000 works of art.

This city is best known for its close associations with cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin. The Russian hero who achieved worldwide fame as the first man in space lived and studied here. Saratov used to be home to a large German community, a heritage that can still be seen in the local architecture. The Volga Dream tour visits the Radishchev State Art Museum, the first picture gallery in Russia outside Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Originally called Tsaritsyn, the city was renamed Stalingrad from 1925 to 1961 in honor of the USSR’s leader. During World War II, the city’s residents put up a heroic defense, repelling an advancing Nazi invasion. The battle for Stalingrad has gone down in history as a pivotal moment in the bloody conflict on the eastern front. The most ferocious and deadly fighting took place on Mamayev Hill, where an imposing memorial now stands close to the excellent Battle of Stalingrad Panorama Museum.

Saint Petersburg

If Moscow surprises, then St Petersburg delights. Peter the Great founded the city to showcase Russia’s newfound enlightenment. He wanted to show the modern world a cultured and advanced society. In short, he built the city to impress and in that he succeeded splendidly! The striking buildings were designed by some of the finest architects Europe had to offer and even now, the ‘Venice of the North’ never fails to enchant with its spectacular buildings and impressive canal network. It is a city of true grandeur.

Cocktails with the Captain

Commanding any ship is a complex role that calls for a long list of skills. Captains know their vessels inside out as well as well as the routes they sail and when things don’t go to plan, they have to make instant decisions. Above all though, the most important part of the job, underpinning everything they do, is to keep the ship and everyone aboard safe. The Captain’s cocktail party is a great and a wonderful opportunity for passengers and crew to get acquainted as the gets underway.

Matryoshka doll painting

There is nothing more typically Russian than a Matryoshka. It embodies the fact that there’s always something deeper to be found in every aspect of Russian life. Learning the traditional designs and techniques used to decorate these iconic dolls offers a pleasant diversion and some cathartic creativity!

Superb Service & Dining

Our restaurant serves the highest standard of international cuisine, freshly made by our Cordon Bleu Chef. Choose either a sumptuous buffet or set menu for lunch while dinner is always four or five courses with full service. High praise for the exquisite quality of meals is yet another constantly recurring feature in feedback from our guests.

Meet the Professor

From the Mongol hordes to Soviet times, Russia’s history is, like all of Europe’s, a complex web of political intrigue, war and peace, trade and treaties, as well as heroes and villains. Academics devote whole lifetimes to studying Russia’s long past and one of them presents a series of lectures shedding light on everything from Gorbachev to Chekhov, Khrushchev to Ivan the Terrible and of course, contemporary Russia. Our Professor is on board throughout the river cruise for informal conversation.

Beginner’s Russian

The Russian language can be rather beautiful and poetic and we know that many seasoned travelers enjoy trying their hand at different languages. Our onboard teachers provide an introduction to the riches of Russian, so guests can try out a few useful words and phrases on real Russians during the exciting river tours from Moscow to St. Petersburg or from Moscow to Volgograd!

Russian tea tasting

The drink we tend to associate with Russia is vodka, but tea, in fact, is the much more universal beverage of choice throughout the country. Guests will get acquainted with the Russian tea etiquette, a fundamental component of the country's social culture, and enjoy the traditional tea ceremony while cruising from St. Petersburg to Moscow or taking a Grand Volga river tour.

Russian Dinner & Vodka Tasting

All our dining is international but for Russian Dining night, the Chef includes a selection of traditional Russian dishes: Chicken Kiev, Kulebyaka and no Russian table is complete without Borsch. To add to the ‘Taste of Russia’ optional Russian dress, or at least a touch of Russian style, is provided along with enthusiastic help from our staff!

Russian Cooking Class

A plate of pelmeni might not look like much to the untrained eye, but it forms the heart of Russian cuisine and culture. Basically, it's a type of dumpling: small portions of meat and onion wrapped in a thin sheet of unleavened dough and boiled, a little like ravioli. Guests can join a Russian cooking class onboard the MS Volga Dream to learn how to cook this delicious Russian dish.

Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov Piano Recital

Some of the greatest classical music ever written comes from Russia. It’s hard to imagine a more fitting stage for a virtuoso solo recital by our resident concert pianist than the mighty Volga or a better backdrop than the heart of Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov’s own serene homeland.

Russian River Cruise Aboard Volga Dream

Moscow to St. Petersburg

Why Volga Dream

Kizhi Island

Family Owned & Operated

MS Volga Dream is Russia’s only family-owned river cruise ship. She can accommodate up to 100 guests, far fewer than most other cruise ships on the river making for a uniquely friendly and intimate atmosphere aboard.

Moscow. Four Seasons view

Five-Star Central Hotels

We at Volga Dream are completely convinced that, our guests should stay in great 5-star hotels in Moscow and St. Petersburg within comfortable walking distance of all the major attractions, theaters and restaurants, rather than having to waste time in traffic.

MS Volga Dream. Owner's Suite

Luxurious Accommodation

The MS Volga Dream is the most intimate and elegant 5-star cruise vessel in Russia. She boasts 56 cabins, all river facing, ranging from comfortable Standard Cabins to spacious Junior Suites and the luxurious forward facing Owner's Suite.

Yaroslavl. Local Church

Russian Cultural Experience

Explore Russia's past with the help of professional tour guides. Our on-board program includes fascinating talks on Russian history and politics, Russian language lessons, a festival of Russian cuisine (including vodka tasting!), and much more.

MS Volga Dream cuisine

Gourmet Dining

Our on board restaurant serves international cuisine to the highest standard, all freshly made by our Cordon Bleu Chef. For Russian Dining night, he prepares a selection of traditional Russian dishes: Chicken Kiev, Kulebyaka and Borsch.

MS Volga Dream bartenders

Tailored Service

All our service crew members are native Russians who are fluent in English and handpicked by the Owner. Proudly, the Volga Dream is famous for her hard working and very hospitable personnel who take care of every aspect of your life aboard.

Download Our Brochure

It's never been easier to plan your next holiday in Russia. Download our free brochure to learn more about authentic Russian river cruises.

Volga Dream Brochure

Escape the hassle and bustle and add a satisfyingly informative element to your trip and bring together a colorful mosaic of people, history, traditions,  religion, music and art. These are the many strands that time has woven into what is known today as Russia.

What people are saying

Jacqueline Lapwood

Great Britain

Rick Dowden

United States

Alexander Powell

Monique Verbrugge

Peter & Annemieke English

Philippa Calnan

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75% Off 2nd Guest

Enjoy 75% off your second guest’s cruise fare and get bonus savings on select dates.

November Cruises

Spend November at Sea With Celebrity

From the sun-soaked islands of the Caribbean to the unique biodiversity of the Galapagos and Europe’s historic cities, the world is yours to explore on a November cruise with Celebrity. Choose from an exciting selection of itineraries and destinations that bring you to warm weather ports with curated itineraries for all tastes while immersed in the world-class service and style that Celebrity is famous for.

Perhaps you prefer a short getaway to the laid-back Bahamas, or a leisurely voyage along the Mexican Riviera. November is a wonderful time to visit Asia, too, on an exotic journey through Thailand and Vietnam. Whether you’re looking to escape the November chill, or simply want to celebrate Thanksgiving on the high seas, this will be a holiday you’ll never forget.


Top november cruise destinations, spain & portugal.

Sail from Barcelona on a November cruise along the shores of the Iberian peninsula. You’ll visit Málaga, the birthplace of Picasso and the jumping-off point for Granada and the magnificent Alhambra’s Palace. Explore the intricate Royal Palace in Seville, and watch a mesmerizing flamenco show. Taste creamy pasteis de nata custard tarts on your visit to Lisbon, and learn how port wine is made in Porto. You’ll also visit historic Alicante and the buzzing city of Valencia, home of paella.

Southern Caribbean

November is a great month to soak up the sun in the far south of the Caribbean. The ABC islands—Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao—are known for their white sand beaches, teeming coral reefs, and colorful Dutch architecture. You could also join a longer voyage that visits Cartagena, Colombia, where cobbled streets are overhung with shocking pink bougainvillea, heading on to Panama and Costa Rica for rainforest adventures and wildlife spotting, and a visit to the extraordinary Panama Canal.

The Bahamas

Enjoy the dazzling light and technicolor shades of The Bahamas on a cruise in November. Snorkel in the warm, turquoise waters off one of Nassau’s white sand beaches, or snooze in a hammock on Blue Lagoon Island. Visit sleepy Bimini, where you can hand-feed stingrays at Honeymoon Harbor, or try your hand at thrilling sport fishing, as Hemingway did. See the writer’s former home in quirky Key West, too, and remember to try the famous Key lime pie while you’re there.

For extraordinary wildlife and rugged volcanic scenery in a place few are privileged enough to visit, sail to the Galapagos Islands. You’ll find luxurious accommodation and attentive service on small ships built especially for expeditions in this pristine place, with visits ashore and into the water led by expert naturalists. Enjoy Ecuador’s varied cuisine as well as international favorites, and spend time learning about the history and ecology of this astonishing archipelago.

Thailand & Vietnam

Discover the exotic scenery and dynamic cities of southeast Asia on a voyage between Hong Kong and Singapore. Bask on palm-fringed beaches on sleepy Ko Samui, and explore Bangkok’s shimmering temples and floating markets. Learn about Vietnam’s poignant history in Ho Chi Minh City, or hone your cooking skills in historic Hoi An. Discover the ancient Hindu temples at My Son, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and kayak or sail through the dramatic landscapes of Halong Bay.

View All November Cruises

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Russian River Cruises

History, review, itineraries, ships, deck plans, news.

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Russian River Cruises fleet

Ms pyotr velikiy, ms mustai karim, scenic tsar, viking akun, viking ingvar, ms general lavrinenkov, ms lunnaya sonata, viking truvor, ms yuri andropov, ms zosima shashkov, ms crucelake-lebedinoe ozero, ms leonid sobolev, ms mikhail sholokhov, review of russian river cruises.

CruiseMapper's "Russian River Cruises" hub provides detailed information on ships, itineraries, tours and prices on cruises along rivers and lakes in Russia. Here you'll also find concise info on the largest Russian cruise companies, including Vodohod , Mosturflot , Infoflot , Doninturflot-Orthodox , Imperial River Cruises Russia .

In the "Fleet" section you will find an extensive list or Russian cruise ships. By following each ship link you will find the ship's review, deck plans, scheduled itineraries and cruise pricing information. Live ship tracking is also provided on a digital map. It shows the vessel's current location, cruising speed and course.

In the "Itinerary" section you will find maps and day-by-day scheduled activities planned by Europe's largest cruise companies, also operating in Russia via chartered riverboats.

Russian flag - CruiseMapper

Volga River Cruises in Russia

Volga river cruising in Russia places you in another time. The longest and largest river in Europe stretches from Ivan the Terrible to Catherine the Great. Today, live along the central artery of Russia looks like it always has - the villages, the churches, the people, just like an old painting you have seen in a gallery.

The Volga flows through central Russia into the Caspian Sea and is often called the national river of Russia. 11 of the 20 largest cities of the country, including the capital Moscow, are in Volga's watershed. Some of the world's largest reservoirs can be found along the river, which has a symbolic meaning in Russian culture, referred to as Mother Volga (Volga Matushka) in Russian folklore and literature.

Explore the land of the Tsars while sailing down the historic Volga river, typically between Moscow and St Petersburg , the traditional homeports (of embarkation and debarkation). Tour landmarks are the Red Square and Kremlin in Moscow, the Hermitage and Catherine Palace in St Petersburg.

Russian River Cruises - CruiseMapper

Once unthinkable as a cruise vacation destination, Russia is today more accessible than ever, with stops along its largest European lakes and rivers. For river travel lovers accustomed to European itineraries, the Russian experience will be quite different. Russia has a special feel of uniquely designed riverboats. Built to handle larger lakes (Lake Ladoga for example, is the largest European freshwater body of water), these vessels usually feature larger size and capacity (up to six decks), deeper draft, and most of them are refurbished instead of being newbuild.

The itineraries offered are activity-intensive in Moscow and St Petersburg, with long periods of cruising and less ashore time in the middle. Smaller "Golden Ring" cities (so named due to their historic significance) are full of icon-riddled monasteries and Orthodox churches. Most cruise lines hire local experts and fill the days of sailing along the river with lectures on country's history, cooking demonstrations and language lessons.

Most of the tours offered by the companies sailing along Volga River are identical, so customers choosing between the different itineraries should look at how the river ships spend the time within Moscow and St. Petersburg. Some lines have their guests stay onboard, which can be as far as 1 hour out of both cities. Others put their clients up at hotels near the center of the city, with several meals at customer's expense.

Compared with other river routes, Russia features a short season, between early May and late October, with high season in June (known as White Nights because of the endless daylight), July and August. Even if the weather is chilly, there are some advantages to sailing early or late: you'll beat the crowds which can make a visit to the Hermitage a bear. Most Russian museums lack air-conditioning, and while the climate is generally temperate, in the summer Moscow often experiences high humidity heat waves.

Remember to think about your Russian visa at least 2 months before your voyage, to have enough time to fill out the paperwork, including a lengthy online application. And don't forget that the Russian language uses the Cyrillic alphabet. Even in the cities, you'll rarely find signs in English, so learning some letters and a few phrases will help you get around.

Doninturflot-Orthodox Cruise Company

Orthodox Cruise Company operates a fleet of USSR-design large river ships and serves mainly foreign tourists. The parent company Doninturflot (established in 1992) is the shipowner and manages the fleet.

  • Doninturflot started operations with the ships MS Maxim Litvinov, MS Mikhail Sholokhov and MS Sergei Dyagilev.
  • Since 2002, Docturflot charters Akademik Glushkov (currently MS Igor Stravinsky) owned by OOO Rosflotinvest.
  • In 2004 was acquired MS Anton Chekhov from Yenisei River Shipping Company (Russia).
  • In 2006 were acquired MS Peter Tchaikovsky and MS Ivan Bunin from the Moscow-based cruise shipping company "Passenger Port".
  • In 2008 was bought MS General Lavrinenkov from "Ukrrechflot" (Ukraine).
  • In 2011 was bought MS Marshal Koshevoy (from Ukrrichflot, Ukraine) but in April 2013 the ship was sold to Viking Cruises (now operates as Viking Akun ).
  • In 2016, was purchased MS Tikhi Don from the UK-based Grand Circle Travel company. In 2017, the ship started operations for Orthodox Cruise Company serving international tourists.

Imperial River Cruises Russia

"Imperial River Cruises Russia" was founded in 1992 and operates on inland waterways in both Russia and Ukraine. Company's chartered ships navigate on the rivers Volga, Don, Neva, Svir, Dnieper (also on the Danube) and the Russian lakes Onega and Ladoga.

The most operated itineraries are between Moscow and St Petersburg (visiting Uglich, Kostrom, Yaroslavl, Goritzy). Specially designed itineraries visit Vladimir, Suzdal, Zagorsk, Solovki Island. Also offered are itineraries Moscow-Volgograd and Moscow-Rostov, roundtrips from Kiev, and even grand voyages connecting two seas - Baltic and Black. Also offered are themed cruises - especially on food and music, with live performances by grand orchestras and choirs.

Imperial River Cruises Russia has an exclusive partnership with "Orthodox Cruise Company" - one of Russia's largest tour operators. As their names suggest, both companies target mainly foreign tourists - booking in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia. Ships' capacity varies between 180-250 passengers. English (or German) speaking licensed tour guides are provided on all excursions. The daily onboard entertainment program offers live musical performances, folk shows, enrichment lectures.

Russian river cruise deals

  • Departure port (dock/berth), check-in, boarding and landing times are indicated on the company's website and on passenger boarding passes. Ship's exact departure time is clarified on the website the day prior departure.
  • Kids discount ticket prices are offered for children up to 14 years of age (14-yo including), the age being fixed on departure day.
  • Kids from 2 to 5 years of age (5-yo including) travel free of charge, but without providing an additional bed (if there are no free beds in the cabin). Shore excursions are also free of charge.
  • Toddlers (kids under 2) travel free of charge, but the bed, food, and tour services are not provided. Extra beds in staterooms (baby cribs, cots) are not available on the ship.
  • TWIN (double cabin) single supplement rate is 75%.
  • Ticket prices are inclusive of 3 meals a day. Onboard dining includes Breakfast (buffet style, drinks - cocoa, milk, juices, hot-cold dishes), Lunch (buffet style) and Dinner (waiter-served, 1 Starter, 1 Main course (choice of 3 / meat-fish-vegetarian), 1 Dessert (choice of 2 or fruits). Water in pitchers is always provided. Tea/coffee is served.
  • On embarkation day and disembarkation day (at the end of the voyage) meal times depend on landing times. If a land tour coincides with a meal time (lunch), passengers are provided with complimentary food at a local restaurant (cafe) or given "dry rations".
  • Ticket price inclusive onboard events are Welcome Aboard ("bread and salt" ceremony), Welcome Cocktail (complimentary 1 glass of champagne or juice per person), "Tea Ceremony" (with traditional pies), "Vodka Show" (blini and vodka tasting), Cocktail Party (once per cruise, complimentary 1 cocktail per person), Captain's Dinner (gourmet menu, once per cruise), mulled wine or ice tea (weather-depending / upon returning from excursions), complimentary Coffee Station (coffee, hot water, packed tea, milk, cocoa, cookies), 1 bottled water (0.33l pp per day in cabins). Tickets are also inclusive of foreign language speaking guide services, onboard entertainment (language class, singing lessons, live music, nightly dancing music, Wheelhouse tour).
  • Complimentary excursions are detailed in the ship's cruise itinerary program. Optional tours are available for onboard booking. For excursion services, foreigner passengers may be charged with additional fee pp per day (varies by cruise tour length).
  • Cruise tickets don't include land transfers (excepting foreign travel agency bookings), beverages and snacks (in onboard bars-lounges), phone calls, sauna visits, optional excursions, travel insurance, gratuities, personal spendings. Ticket prices include 18% VAT.
  • Smoking on the ship is allowed only in designated areas (marked with "Place for smoking" signs). Smoking is prohibited in all interior spaces and on open decks (except at designated areas).
  • On most ships are available health gymnastics and morning exercises (led by a certified physician/ship's doctor), oxygen cocktail, dietary food.
  • On most ships are provided (free of charge) the following medical services - emergency medical care (assistance required for sudden acute illnesses, conditions, exacerbation of chronic diseases), measurement of blood pressure and body temperature, primary treatment of wounds.
  • Boarding starts 2 hours prior to departure. All passengers must be boarded at least an hour prior to departure. Late passengers missing their cruise tour are not refunded.
  • Russia's main river cruise departure ports are Moscow , St Petersburg , Astrakhan , Nizhny Novgorod , Perm , Samara , Kazan , Volgograd , Rostov-on-Don , Saratov .

Russian cruise ships

Currently, in Russia is operated a huge fleet of over 200 river cruise ships. All these vessels were built during the USSR (Soviet Union) times, roughly in the period between 1950-1990. Depending on class and series, these boats differ in terms of size, equipment (different engine designs), passenger capacity, onboard facilities and venues, cabins (types and number). Amenities additionally differ by shipowner (cruise company).

Russian river cruise ship

All these old-design Russian ships were completely refurbished and rebuilt for their new shipowners, Some of these ships are operated (via partnerships or under charter) also by foreign companies (like Viking, CroisiEurope, Uniworld, AMAwaterways, Grand Circle, Nicko). During their multi-million-dollar drydock refits, vessels passenger capacities were considerably reduced to improve travel comfort and safety.

Most boats are of the following classes:

  • "Rossiya" (Project 785, 36 vessels built 1952-1958)
  • "Baykal" (Project 646, 15 units built 1953-1956)
  • "Rodina" (Project 588, 49 vessels built 1954-1961)
  • "Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya" (Project 26-37, 14 units built 1957-1962)
  • "Dunay" (Project 305, 47 vessels built between 1959-1964)
  • "Kuybyshev" (Project OL400, 9 units built 1975-1983)
  • "Vladimir Ilyich" (Project 301, 22 vessels built between 1975-1983)
  • "Dmitri Furmanov" (Project 302, 27 vessels built between 1983-1991)

Regardless of their age, all these motor ships undergo regular drydock refurbishments , machinery and safety checks, scheduled repairs (including annual surveys). Drydocks are every 5 years and include repairs, hull inspection, propulsion-steering inspection, general maintenance works.

Each ship is equipped with life-saving appliances (lifeboats and rafts) in amounts exceeding the boat's max passenger and crew capacity. Each cabin is equipped with lifejackets with illustrated instructions in several languages. All ships are equipped with modern fire-fighting systems. Crew and staff are experienced and highly professional certified employees.

Itinerary of Russian River Cruises

CruiseMapper's "Russian River Cruises" itinerary section provides information on itineraries and ports of call offered by the largest Russian and European river cruise companies - Vodohod, Viking, Uniworld, Scenic, CroisiEurope. Each foreign company has a partnership with a local company and operates as a joint venture one or more Russian ships.

For detailed itinerary information (routes) visit our pages of the following departure ports - Saratov , Volgograd , Samara , Perm , Nizhny Novgorod , Cheboksary , Rostov-on-Don ,  Kazan , Astrakhan , Moscow , St Petersburg .

Volga River cruise ports highlights

  • St Petersburg (Russia's second-largest city - after Moscow) was built by Tzar Peter the Great in 1703. It is located in the Neva River delta (Gulf of Finland's east coast). Saint Petersburg includes the territories of more than 130 islands interconnected by over 300 bridges. The city has a huge number of cultural and historical sights, architectural landmarks, museums, magnificent palaces (Russian Tsars' former residences), grand parks, wide avenues, bridges, numerous monuments. Among its most famous tourist attractions are the Hermitage museum (housing over 2 million pieces of art). Two days is never enough to see everything in this remarkable city. However, passengers will usually visit the Hermitage, admire the city's 19th-century architecture during a canal cruise tour, take in a cultural performance, visit one of the Versailles-style palaces in St. Petersburg's countryside (Pushkin or Peterhof).
  • Moscow (Russian Federation's capital and largest city) was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. The city was destroyed several times - by the Mongolians, Napoleon, the Nazis. The heart of the city lies in the Red Square, which contains Lenin's Tomb, St Basil's Cathedral, and GUM Department Store. Kremlin's red walls also border the square. Inside the fort are the Armoury (containing the Faberge eggs) and 9 onion-domed churches. Art-fans can seek out Pushkin Gallery or see a show at Bolshoi Theatre.
  • Yaroslavl is one of the Golden Ring cities of Russia, and the largest city to visit during the middle of your Volga cruise. The town is famous for its gorgeous churches. It also offers several pedestrian-only streets full of shops and cafes, as well as a lovely embankment used as a park.
  • Uglich has a provincial setting. It was found in the 10th century and was a scene of some of medieval Russian history's most remarkable events. Here were exiled the Ivan Terrible’s 7th wife and her son Tsarevich Dmitry. Soon after, Tsarevich was mysteriously murdered here. Soon after, a dedicated to this event church ("Church of St. Demetrius on the Blood") was erected. Within the Uglich Kremlin walls is the town's oldest building - "Prince’s Palace". Other attractions are St. John’s Church and the Transfiguration Cathedral.
  • Astrakhan was founded at the end of the 13th century and is located on the Volga's left bank. Port’s activities extend 100 km downstream and over 300 km upstream along the river. The city is a major trading center and its main business is freight shipping (coal, timber, salt, food, industrial products). Astrakhan is not linked to the railroad network. Cargoes are transferred by floating cranes from river ships to seagoing vessels.
  • Goritsy is a small village on River Sheksna, famous for its Resurrection Convent, At approx 4 ml (7 km) from Goritsy is Kirillov - a pilgrimage site with many historical and architectural monuments. Among those are the Kirillo-Belozerski monastery, Ferapont monastery (UNESCO site), 12 churches, 25 civil monuments.
  • Kizhi Island (Lake Onega) is located approx 70 km (40 ml) to the northeast of Petrozavodsk. The island has two onion-domed churches. Also here is the 17th-century-built 22-domed church - constructed without using a single nail. Its "Church of the Transfiguration of our Savior" and "Church of the Intercession" were rebuilt several times and are preserved in their original 17th-century design.
  • Mandrogi (Mandroga) is a small village on the Svir river recently created as a tourist attraction. It features small wooden log cabin houses. Its “town of masters” is a market for hand-made Russian art craft, including paintings, painted wooden dolls, embroidery, pottery. Other attractions are the elk nursery and the quail farm, horse-riding tours, food tasting (pastry), vodka tasting (museum of Russian vodka).
  • Kostroma is also one of the Golden Ring cities, and once was one of Russia's 3 largest cities - after Moscow and Yaroslavl, It is located at the confluence of the rivers Volga and Kostroma. Among the attractions are the St Ipathy monastery, an open-air museum (traditional wooden architecture- izbas, mills, churches are gathered in one place).
  • Kizhi is famous the whole world over. It has become the symbol of the grandeur of unique Russian culture. Visiting the Kizhi Islands gives a great chance to appreciate the enchanting medieval atmosphere and get acquainted with the customs and free spirit of men living in a spacious area with a rigorous climate
  • Kazan. The largest port in the Volga basin, it transships cargoes transported by water alone or by water and rail. The port receives coal from Kuznetsk Basin for Kazan's heat and electric power plant, food and industrial products, and ships out products of city's enterprises and Siberian timber. The port includes Tsentral’nyi, Kama, and Volga cargo areas, as well as a number of landings, the biggest of which is Naberezhnye Chelny and Chistopol’. The basin of the Tsentral’nyi Cargo Area and passenger area are protected by a breakwater.
  • Novgorod (Nizhniy Novgorod) is an ancient stronghold founded by Gran Prince Yuri as a frontier post, is now the 5th largest city of Russia as well as one of the main centers of river tourism in the country. In the 19th century, Nizhniy became the trade center of the whole state as it was the place of the biggest fair in the Russian Empire. A proverb of that time says: "Moscow is the heart of Russia, St. Petersburg is its head, and Nizhniy Novgorod - its pocketbook". The city was renamed "Gorky" in Soviet times, in honor of the writer Maxim Gorky, born there. Until 1990, Nizhniy Novgorod was “closed” to foreigners as USSR protected its military secrets. Nizhniy Novgorod is included in the UNESCO list of 100 cities constituting world cultural and historical value.
  • Samara - during the Soviet period the city was named Kuybyshev, in honor of the Soviet party figure Valerian Kuybyshev. The shortest ways from Central and Western Europe to Kazakhstan, Siberia, and Central Asia run through Samara. The city has a rich cultural heritage: Alexey Tolstoy spent his childhood and youth there. Maxim Gorky started his literary career in the city - he worked in "Samara Newspaper". The Czech writer Yaroslav Gashek also worked in Samara, during the Civil war. Famous artists like Ilya Repin, Ivan Ayvazovsky, Vasily Surikov, lived in the city. During the Great Patriotic War, the Seventh Symphony of Dmitry Shostakovich was performed in Samara for the first time.
  • Tver - the White Trinity Church (1564) is the sole ancient monument of Tver as in 1763, there was a great fire after which the city was rebuilt in Neoclassical style. There are also a lot of buildings of Catherine the Great. Tver State University is highly rated in the region. In 1931, Tver received the name Kalinin, in honor of the Soviet leader Mikhail Kalinin. The city was occupied by the German army in 1941. Only 2 months later it became the first big city in Europe liberated from the occupation.
  • Ulyanovsk is located on the right bank of the Kuibyshev Reservoir. Port's activities extend 90 km downstream and 100 km upstream along the Volga. The port unloads mineral construction materials, food, and industrial products for the cities of Saransk and Uljanovsk, and ships out coal from Kuznetsk Basin, automobiles, foodstuffs. Its passenger area was rebuilt in 1969 and includes a large number of landings, the biggest being Melekess and Sengilei. The basin of the port of Ulyanovsk is protected by a breakwater.
  • Saratov (founded in 1590) is the capital city of a huge province that as size equals the territories of Albania, Belgium and Switzerland combined. In the late 19th century, Saratov became a center for industry and trade, Among the city's attractions, are Moskovskaya street (Europe's longest straight street), one of Europe's longest bridges (2,8 km long), children’s theater, puppet theater, Russia’s oldest circus, musical conservatory, beaches, Art Galleries, Lipki Park, two large casinos.
  • Volgograd (currently Stalingrad) was founded in 1589. This is a major port and shipping hub linking Donets Basin with the Urals and Upper Volga Region. It ships grain, coal, food, and industrial products upstream and receives mineral construction materials and timber. The port’s districts are situated within the cities of Volzhsk and Volgograd (Tsentral’nyi). Kamyshin is the biggest landing belonging to the port. Among Volgograd's attractions is the Mamayev Hill with numerous sculptures devoted to the WW2 victims and topped with the world’s largest freestanding statue “Mother Russia” (height 52 m / 171 ft). Adjacent is the "Museum of the Defense" (war artifacts, weapons, uniforms).

All ships listed here operate on Russian waterways. To this long list should be additionally added the following boats, which are currently listed in the fleets of their own companies:

  • Scenic Tsar (company Scenic Cruises )
  • River Victoria (company Uniworld )
  • Viking Rurik , Viking Akun , Viking Helgi , Viking Ingvar , Viking Truvor (company Viking Cruises )

Viking River Cruises in Russia - Itinerary "Waterways of the Tsars"

Viking's itinerary is named "Waterways of the Tsars" (13-day cruise) inclusive of:

  • all transfers and port charges
  • Riverview stateroom
  • 10 guided tours (audio headsets provided)
  • all onboard meals (including 12 breakfasts, 11 lunches, 12 dinners, Welcome Cocktail Reception, Gala Dinner)
  • complimentary beverages (wine, beer, and soft drinks with all dinners and lunches)
  • complimentary Wi-Fi
  • visiting four UNESCO World Heritage Sites
  • enrichment events (onshore live music and dance performances), onboard Russian language lessons, history-themed lectures, Russian cooking workshop, Russian tea time).
  • Viking's Russian cruise fares are between USD 5,100 - 5,600 PP. Prices are inclusive of international airfare from 30 USA airports.
  • Airport transfers (meet & greet) are included only when flights are purchased through Viking Cruises.

Optional (additionally priced) extensions are:

  • (pre-cruise) 2-night Moscow hotel package (Radisson Royal Hotel or similar), with included 2 breakfasts, Moscow Subway guided tour, Viking host services.
  • (post-cruise) 3-night Helsinki hotel package (Radisson Blu Plaza or similar), with included 3 breakfasts, guided walking tour, Viking host services, train travel (St Petersburg to Helsinki), all hotel and ship transfers.

Itineraries are two: northbound (Moscow to St Petersburg) or the reverse southbound (St Petersburg to Moscow).


  • (Day 1) Moscow arrival, airport to ship transfer, onboard dinner
  • (Day 2) half-day Moscow tour (Bolshoi Theater, Red Square, St Basil’s Cathedral, GUM Department Store, Moscow Metro)
  • (Day 3) free time full-day Moscow touring, or an optional morning tour to Tretyakov Gallery Russian fine art museum). Other optional tours are in the afternoon (Cosmonaut Museum, Jewish Moscow) and in the evening (Moscow by Night).
  • (Day 4) Moscow tour to Kremlin (Tsar’s Canon, Tsar’s Bell, 2 cathedrals), scenic Moscow Canal cruise (after lunch) as the ships departs the city.
  • (Day 5) Uglich arrival (after lunch), disembarkation for a guided walking tour (Kremlin of Uglich, Church of St Dmitry on the Blood, tea at a local family home), before dinner departure
  • (Day 6) Yaroslavl arrival in the morning, guided tour (covered food market, handcrafted souvenirs shopping), free time, ship lunch, departure.
  • (Day 7) Kuzino morning arrival, tour to Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery (guided walk- wooden chapels, Assumption Cathedral, museum), children’s school, ship lunch, afternoon departure.
  • (Day 8) Kizhi Island (Lake Onega cruising) afternoon arrival, walking tour (Open Air Museum of Architecture- wooden houses, windmills, churches, Preobranzhenskaya Church), evening departure.
  • (Day 9) Mandrogy (Svir River cruising) afternoon arrival (Vodka Museum, handmade Russian craft shopping, optional banya / Russian bathhouse visit, optional tour (matryoshka doll making workshop), Lake Ladoga cruising to Neva River.
  • (Day 10) — St Petersburg (Neva River cruising), early morning arrival, onboard breakfast, guided tour (Winter Palace, Hermitage Museum), onboard dinner and evening live Russian ballet performance.
  • (Day 11) St Petersburg tour to Pushkin district (Catherine Palace), ship lunch, city tour (St Isaac’s Cathedral, Peter and Paul Fortress, Nevsky Prospekt), optional evening folklore performance.
  • (Day 12) free time St Petersburg touring (optional morning tour to Peterhof Palace, optional afternoon kommunalka tour, optional St Petersburg canal cruise from), onboard lunch and dinner.
  • (Day 13) St Petersburg - onboard breakfast, ship disembarkation, ship to airport transfer for the return flight.

Uniworld Cruises in Russia - itinerary "Imperial Waterways of Russia"

The 13-day long itinerary is named "Imperial Waterways of Russia" and operated by the ship River Victoria. Uniworld's Russian cruise fares range between USD 5,200 and 9,900 PP (depending on cabin category.

  • Day 1 – Moscow (Sheremetyevo Airport arrival, ship transfer, embarkation)
  • Day 2 – Moscow (city tour, metro tour, Arbat Street) - Bolshoi Theatre, Red Square, St Basil’s Cathedral, Russian lunch included, onboard Captain’s Welcome Reception, Gala Dinner
  • Day 3 – Moscow (Kremlin, Armory Museum)
  • Day 4 – Moscow (leisure day)
  • Day 5 – Moscow Canal and Volga River cruising to Uglich (walking tour)
  • Day 6 – Yaroslavl (Lake Rybinsk cruising) - city tour
  • Day 7 – Goritsy (Lake Onega cruising) - monasteries, St Cyril of the White Lake Monastery, Children’s Arts and Crafts,
  • Day 8 – Kizhi Island (Lake Onega cruising) - Open-air Museum of Wooden Architecture
  • Day 9 – Svir River cruising to Mandrogi, Lake Ladoga cruising - Mandrogi walk tour (picnic lunch)
  • Day 10 – St Petersburg (city tour, canal cruise, Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, ballet performance at Alexandrinsky Theatre)
  • Day 11 – St Petersburg (Catherine Palace, Pushkin Park)
  • Day 12 – St Petersburg (Winter Palace - Hermitage Museum, Captain’s Farewell Reception, Gala Dinner)
  • Day 13 – St Petersburg (disembarkation, transfer and return flight).

Scenic River Cruises in Russia - itinerary "The Imperial Wonders Of Russia"

The itinerary is operated by Scenic Tzar and named "Imperial Jewels of Russia". Its duration is 15-day, along Volga and Svir rivers. Scenic Cruises deals are inclusive of:

  • Scenic Enrich - handcrafted, Scenic passengers exclusive tour experiences (private shows, family meals prepared by local hosts)
  • Scenic Sundowners - exclusive cocktail events
  • all onboard meals (including complimentary wine, beer and soft drinks with lunches and dinners)
  • onboard doctor
  • onboard entertainment
  • in-cabin room service
  • Wi-Fi internet (Mac mini infotainment system via the cabin's TV)
  • all gratuities
  • Scenic's Russian cruise fares are USD 11,500 PP.

Day-by-day itinerary info: Day 1 (Moscow), Day 2 (Moscow, Sundowners canal cruise), Day 3 (Moscow - Kremlin), Day 4 (Moscow - Cosmonaut meeting), Day 5 (Moscow - Tretyakov Gallery), Day 6 (Uglich), Day 7 (Yaroslavl - city tour), Day 8 (Goritsy - Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery), Day 9 (Kizhi Island - Church of Transfiguration), Day 10 (Mandrogi - Museum village), Day 11 (St Petersburg - Hermitage), Day 12 (St Petersburg - Peterhof Palace), Day 13 (St Petersburg - Private Ballet performance), Day 14 (St Petersburg - canal cruise), Day 15 (return flight).

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