Career Sidekick

45 of the Best Farewell Messages to Coworkers

By Priya Jain

Published: January 19, 2024

Workplace Culture & Morale

Priya Jain

Writer & Career Coach

Saying goodbye to a coworker can be a bittersweet moment. Whether they’re moving on to new opportunities, retiring after years of dedicated service, or simply embarking on a different path, a thoughtful farewell message can leave a lasting impression. 

In this article, we explore why farewell messages are essential and provide you with 45 farewell messages to coworkers to express your appreciation.

Why Farewell Messages Are Essential

Farewell messages are crucial in maintaining positive relationships and fostering a culture of respect and appreciation.

Here are some key reasons why farewell messages are important:

Builds Lasting Relationships

Personalized farewell messages show that the relationship was valued beyond a professional capacity. This personal touch can lead to lasting relationships, which is beneficial for networking and future collaborations.

Improves Employee Well-Being

Saying farewell with a heartfelt message acknowledges an employee’s contributions, making them feel valued and appreciated. This can have a positive impact on their self-esteem and overall emotional well-being.

For both the departing employee and those who remain, farewell messages offer a sense of closure. This can be particularly important in easing transitions and helping employees to move forward with a positive mindset.

Positively Impacts Company Reputation

Positive experiences, including how exits are handled, can contribute to the company’s reputation. Former employees are more likely to recommend the company to others if their departure is handled with respect and appreciation.

Current employees observe how a company manages departures. Seeing colleagues treated with dignity and respect in farewells can enhance their perception of the company, increasing loyalty and engagement.

How to Write a Farewell Message to a Coworker

Writing a farewell message to a coworker is an opportunity to express gratitude, acknowledge their contributions, and offer good wishes for their future.

Here’s how to write a farewell message:

Express Appreciation for the Departing Employee’s Contributions

Begin by acknowledging how their work is integral to the team’s success. Mention the qualities that made them a great coworker, like their teamwork, creativity, or reliability. For example, “Your ability to bring creative solutions to complex problems is invaluable to our team.”

Share your gratitude for their support or mentorship. Mention instances where their guidance or collaboration made a significant difference to you. “I’ve personally benefited from your insights and supportive nature, which I will greatly miss.”

Acknowledge Specific Achievements and Milestones

Identify specific projects or tasks where their contribution was particularly noteworthy. “Your leadership in the [specific project] helped us achieve new milestones and set high standards for future work”.

If you’ve witnessed their professional development, highlight this. “Watching you grow from [initial role or skill level] to [current role or skill level] is inspiring. Your journey is a testament to your hard work and dedication”.

Communicate Best Wishes for Their Future Endeavors

You can wish the departing employee success in their future endeavors. Be specific about the new role or challenge they are taking on. “I am confident that your new role at [new company or position] will benefit greatly from your expertise and passion”.

Offer your continued support. Let your employees know you’re there for advice, a reference, or just to catch up. “Remember, you’ll always have a supportive colleague in me, and I hope we can continue to stay in touch”.

Examples of Farewell Messages to Coworkers

Below are various examples of farewell messages to coworkers:

Short Goodbye Messages to Colleagues

Here are short goodbye messages to write to your colleagues:

1. Simple and Direct

I wish you all the best in your next adventure. You’ll be missed!

[Your Name]

2. Warm and Friendly

It’s a pleasure working with you. Best of luck in your future endeavors!

3. Professional and Courteous

Dear [Name],

Thank you for your contributions to our team. I wish you success in your next chapter.

4. Encouraging and Supportive

Hey [Name],

Keep shining, and best of luck in all that comes your way!

5. Appreciative and Grateful

Thanks for the memories, and all the best as you move forward.

6. Casual and Light-Hearted

So long, and thanks for all the fish! Stay in touch.

7. Sincere and Thoughtful

We’ll miss your presence. I wish you much joy & success in your new journey.

8. Concise and Heartfelt

Farewell! Your hard work and dedication were an important part of our team.

Touching Farewell Messages to Coworkers

Creating touching farewell messages to coworkers involves expressing sincere gratitude, acknowledging shared experiences, and wishing them well for the future.

Here are some examples:

9. Farewell to a Close Colleague

Dear [Colleague’s Name],

As you embark on this new chapter, I can’t help but reflect on the incredible journey we’ve shared. Your support, guidance, and unwavering dedication have not only been a driving force in our team’s success but have also left a lasting impression on my heart. I will miss our daily collaborations and the laughter we shared. I wish you all the happiness and success in your new endeavor. You will always have a friend in me. 

Warmest regards, [Your Name]

10.  Farewell to a Long-Time Colleague

Hello [Name],

It’s hard to believe the time has come to say goodbye. Through the years, your presence has been more than just a colleague. Your contributions have shaped our team’s success, and your positive attitude has brightened our days. As you move forward, remember that you leave behind a legacy of excellence and camaraderie. May your next chapter be filled with new adventures and challenges that bring you joy.

Best wishes,

11. Farewell to a Collaborative Partner

Working with you is one of the highlights of my career. Your unique perspective and innovative ideas have enriched our projects and inspired me personally. I have learned so much from you; I am forever grateful. As you move on to your next challenge, know that you leave behind a better team for knowing you. I wish you all the success in the world and hope our paths cross again.

12. Farewell to a Mentor

Dear [Mentor’s Name],

Your guidance and wisdom have been instrumental in shaping my career. You’ve taught me more than just job skills; you’ve shown me how to be a better team member and a more thoughtful individual. As you venture into your next adventure, know that your influence will remain in the lessons you’ve taught me. Thank you for everything.

13.  Emotional Farewell to a Departing Team Member

As you prepare to move on, I reflect on the incredible times we’ve shared. We’ll miss your laughter, enthusiasm, and passion. You’re not just a coworker but a valued friend. Remember, you always have a team here that cherishes you and your contributions. Here’s to your future – may it be as bright and inspiring as you are.

Farewell and best wishes,

Funny Farewell Messages for Coworkers

These humorous messages can lighten the mood and are a great way to bid farewell to a coworker on a cheerful note.

14. For the Office Comedian

Who’s going to keep our spirits up with bad jokes now? I’ll have to start laughing on my own. Good luck in your new job – they won’t know what hit them!

15.  For the Coffee Addict

Farewell to the only person with a deeper relationship with the coffee machine than their desk. May your new workplace appreciate your caffeine enthusiasm as much as we did!

16.  For the Team Foodie

Goodbye, and good luck! Without you, who will now lead our lunch expeditions? Your new team better have a great selection of snacks, or you might just starve.

Stay Hungry,

17. For the Always-Late Colleague

I’m sending this farewell message early so you get it on time! I wish you all the best in your new role. May your clock be forever in your favor.

Timely regards,

18. For the Desk Neighbor

Farewell to my favorite desk neighbor! Now, who will I stealthily roll my eyes at during meetings? Visit often, or I’ll send you my eye rolls via email!

19. For the Work Bestie

So, you’re leaving me to fend for myself in the wilds of [Company Name]? Traitor! Just kidding – knock ‘em dead. But remember, no one will ever beat our record for the longest coffee break.

20. For the Office Fashionista

Farewell to the office’s trendsetter! How will we ever keep up with the latest fashion without you? Don’t forget us when you’re famous!

Stylishly yours,

21. For the Tech Whiz

As you leave, can you first fix my computer? Just kidding! But seriously, your tech wizardry will be sorely missed. Best of luck in your new tech kingdom!

22. For the Happy Hour Enthusiast

It’s sad to see our happy hour hero go! Remember, you’re only a drink away. If your new job doesn’t work out, the barstool next to mine will always be open for you.

Farewell Messages to a Promoted Coworker

These farewell messages congratulate your coworker on their promotion while expressing your best wishes for their continued success in their new role.

23. For a Promoted Team Member

Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion! It’s a pleasure working with you, and I couldn’t be happier to see you reach new heights in your career. Your dedication and hard work have paid off, and I doubt you’ll excel in your new role. While we’ll miss having you on the team, we’re excited to see you shine in this new chapter. Here’s to your continued success!

Warm regards,

24.  For a Colleague Moving Up

Your promotion is a testament to your skills and dedication. While it’s bittersweet to say goodbye to a valued colleague, I am thrilled to see you move up the career ladder. Your leadership and expertise will undoubtedly benefit your new team just as they have benefited us. Keep reaching for the stars, and may your new role bring you even greater achievements.

25. For a Promoted Supervisor or Manager

Dear [Manager’s Name],

Your promotion reflects your exceptional leadership and your positive impact on our team. While we’ll miss your guidance and mentorship, we’re excited to witness your continued success. Your new team is fortunate to have such an inspiring leader. Thank you for all you’ve done for us, and we look forward to hearing about your future accomplishments.

26.  For a Friend and Colleague

I’m thrilled to hear about your promotion! It’s amazing to see your hard work recognized and rewarded. While I’ll miss our daily interactions, I’m excited to see you take on this new challenge. I have no doubt you’ll do great things in your new role. Don’t forget to celebrate your achievements along the way!

Warmest regards,

27. For a Well-Deserved Promotion

Your promotion is a testament to your dedication and expertise. I couldn’t be happier for you! While it’s tough to see you leave our team, I know you’re moving on to bigger and better things. Keep aiming high, and may your new role bring you the success you deserve.

Congratulations and best wishes,

Farewell Messages to a Coworker Moving Away

Here are some farewell messages to coworkers conveying appreciation for their contributions while expressing your best wishes for their new adventure:

28. For a Close Colleague and Friend

Saying goodbye to a colleague like you is not easy. You’re more than just a coworker. You’re my friend and confidant. Although distance may separate us, know that our friendship remains intact. I wish you all the happiness and success in your new adventure. Stay in touch, my friend!

29. For a Valued Team Member

Your departure leaves a void in our team that will be hard to fill. Your dedication and contributions are invaluable. We will miss your presence greatly. As you embark on this new journey, remember you’ve made a lasting impact here. May your new path be filled with exciting opportunities and adventures.

30.  For a Colleague and Mentor

Your guidance and mentorship have meant the world to me. You’re a wonderful coworker, teacher , and role model. Although you’re moving away, your lessons and influence will stay with me. I’m grateful to have known you, and I wish you all the best in your new location. Please keep in touch.

31. For a Friend and Coworker

We do not often find friends at work, but I’m grateful to have found one in you. Your departure is bittersweet, but I’m excited about your new adventures. No matter the distance, our friendship remains strong. Keep being amazing, my friend!

32. For a Respected Team Player

Your professionalism and teamwork are an inspiration. It’s tough to see you go, but I have no doubt you’ll bring the same dedication to your new workplace. Thank you for your contributions, and may your future endeavors be as successful as your time here.

Best regards,

33. For a Departing Colleague

I wish you all the best as you start this new chapter in your life. You’re a wonderful colleague, and your departure leaves a void in our team. Remember, you’re not just moving away; you’re moving forward. May your journey be filled with exciting opportunities and new experiences.

Farewell Messages to a Retiring Coworker

Here are some farewell messages to a retiring coworker for conveying warm wishes and appreciation while celebrating the start of their retirement journey.

34. For a Respected Colleague

Congratulations on your well-earned retirement! We’ll miss your presence, but your legacy of excellence will continue to shine. Enjoy this new chapter of your life to the fullest, and may it be filled with relaxation and joy.

35. For a Mentor and Friend

Your retirement marks the end of an era for us. Your guidance and friendship are invaluable, and I’m deeply grateful for your shared wisdom. As you move into this well-deserved retirement, may you find all the happiness and fulfillment you deserve. Please keep in touch, as we’ll always treasure your insights.

36. For a Team Player

I wish you a happy and fulfilling retirement! Your contributions to our team are remarkable, and your absence will be felt. Enjoy the leisurely days ahead, and may you discover new passions and adventures in this next phase of life. You’ve earned it!

37. For a Retiring Supervisor

Your leadership and guidance are essential for our team’s success. It’s a bittersweet moment as we bid you farewell, but we know your retirement is well-deserved. As you step into this new chapter, may you find relaxation, joy, and all the time to pursue your passions. Thank you for everything.

Warmest wishes,

38. For a Long-Time Colleague

Congratulations on your retirement! Your years of dedicated service have left an indelible mark on our team. We’ll sorely miss your wisdom and experience. Embrace this new adventure with open arms, and may every day be a celebration of your hard-earned retirement.

39. For a Friend and Retiring Coworker

It’s hard to believe the day has come for you to retire. Your friendship at work has meant the world to me, and I’ll miss our daily interactions. But I’m excited for you as you enter this new phase of life. I wish you all the relaxation and happiness in the world. Remember to send us postcards from your adventures!

Related Article: The Perfect Going Away Gifts for Coworkers

Farewell Messages to an Intern Leaving

These farewell messages convey appreciation for the intern’s contributions and offer encouragement for their future endeavors, whether continuing their studies, pursuing new opportunities, or entering the workforce.

40. For a Valued Intern

As your internship ends, I want to express how much we’ve appreciated having you on our team. Your dedication and enthusiasm have made a real impact. While this chapter may be closing, I have no doubt your future is filled with success. Best of luck in all your endeavors, and don’t be a stranger!

41. For an Intern Becoming a Colleague

Congratulations on completing your internship! It’s fantastic watching you grow and excel during your time here. We’re thrilled to have you join us as a full-time colleague. Your fresh perspective and energy will be a great addition to our team. Welcome aboard!

42. For an Intern Pursuing Further Studies

As you move on to your next academic adventure, thank you for your hard work and contributions during your internship. You’re a valuable team member, and your dedication has not gone unnoticed. Keep up the great work in your studies; we hope you return here soon!

43. For an Intern Leaving for New Opportunities

Your internship may be ending, but your journey is just beginning. Your enthusiasm and positive attitude are contagious, and we’re excited about the opportunities ahead for you. Keep chasing your dreams, and remember the valuable experiences you’ve gained here.

44. For an Intern Making Career Choices

Your time as an intern has been an incredible learning experience for you and us. As you choose your career path, remember that you have a supportive network cheering you on. Follow your passion, and you’ll achieve great things!

45. For an Intern Moving Onward

It’s a pleasure having you as an intern on our team. Your contributions and dedication have made a lasting impact. As you move onward, remember that you can achieve whatever you want. Best of luck in all your future endeavors, and keep in touch!

Dos and Don’ts of Farewell Messages

Farewell messages are an opportunity to express appreciation and goodwill. Keeping them positive, sincere, and respectful is key to meaningfully impacting the person leaving.

Here are some dos and don’ts of farewell messages:

  • Be Sincere: Your message should come from the heart. Express genuine appreciation and well-wishes for the person leaving.
  • Keep it Positive: Focus on the positive aspects of the person’s contributions and future endeavors.
  • Personalize: Include a personal touch or reference to shared experiences to make the message more meaningful.
  • Keep it Professional: Maintain professionalism in your message, especially in the workplace.
  • Express Gratitude: Thank the person for their contributions and acknowledge their impact.
  • Wish Well: Wish them success, happiness, and fulfillment in their future endeavors.
  • Keep it Concise: Farewell messages should be concise and to the point. Avoid overly long messages.

Do n’ts

  • Don’t Be Negative: Avoid negative or critical comments, even if you had disagreements in the past.
  • Don’t Make It About You : While expressing your feelings is okay, avoid making the message primarily about your emotions.
  • Don’t Be Inappropriate: Maintain professionalism and avoid humor or inappropriate comments.
  • Don’t Bring Up Past Conflicts: Leave any past conflicts or disagreements out of the farewell message.
  • Don’t Assume Their Future: Avoid making assumptions about the person’s plans or career choices.
  • Don’t Make It All About Work: While you can mention work-related achievements, acknowledge the person’s qualities and contributions outside work.
  • Don’t Rush: Take the time to craft a thoughtful message rather than rushing through it.

Priya Jain

About the Author

Read more articles by Priya Jain

The Future World of Work

40+ Farewell Messages & Quotes to Your Colleagues

Christina J Colclough

By Christina Colclough

Last updated: April 1, 2024

Saying goodbye at work can be a bit tricky. You want to be genuine and maybe even a little emotional. But figuring out the right words can be tough.

But don’t worry! This guide will help you write the perfect farewell message for your coworkers or your boss. We’ll cover what to say, what to skip, and how to ensure your message leaves a positive impact.


Whether they’re retiring, starting a new job, or just moving on, you’ll have all the tools you need to send them off with a heartfelt message.

In this article:

Why you need to say farewell.

business partners shaking hands

Saying goodbye to coworkers is more than just a ritual; it’s a genuine expression that holds significant importance in the workplace. Let us break down why it’s so crucial and how it affects you:

  • Strengthening Networks: Saying a heartfelt goodbye to your colleagues helps keep your professional connections strong. This means you’re more likely to stay in touch and work together again in the future .
  • Building Positive Reputation: Saying goodbye in a respectful and professional way shows that you’re a considerate person and valued team member. It leaves a good impression on your coworkers and boosts your reputation.
  • Smoother Transitions: Your departure can disrupt things a bit, but a nice farewell message helps everyone move forward smoothly. It ties up loose ends and helps maintain a positive atmosphere in the workplace.
  • Future Opportunities: Keeping in touch with your former coworkers can lead to new opportunities down the road. By saying a sincere goodbye, you’re keeping the door open for potential collaborations or job offers in the future.

How To Say Farewell To Your Coworkers

When bidding farewell to your coworkers, a little planning goes a long way. Take some time to think about what you want to say before your departure—it’s worth it.

Express your gratitude for your colleagues’ support and contributions. Let them know how much you’ve appreciated working with them and how they’ve made your experience better.

Personalize your farewell messag e. Avoid generic messages by being specific about what you’ve valued in your colleagues—whether it’s their skills, kindness, or memorable moments you’ve shared.

Lastly, don’t let the goodbye be the end. Exchange contact details to stay connected, whether it’s through phone numbers or LinkedIn. It’s a way of saying, “This isn’t goodbye forever.”

6 Ways To Send Farewell Messages

Saying goodbye at work can sometimes feel uncertain. Depending on your relationship with them and the situation, you’ll have options to choose from. Let’s explore these choices together, ensuring you can express your appreciation and well-wishes in the best way possible.

Say it in Person : A face-to-face farewell allows for genuine connection and appreciation. Take the time to express your gratitude and well-wishes directly.

Farewell Email or Message : If an in-person goodbye isn’t possible, a heartfelt email or message can still convey your sentiments effectively. Be sincere and personal in your words.

Farewell Video : Create a short video message expressing your gratitude and farewell wishes. It adds a personal touch and allows colleagues to see and hear your emotions.

Farewell Gift : A small token of appreciation, such as a handwritten note, a plant, or a gift card, can leave a lasting impression and show your colleagues how much you value them.

Throw a Party : Organize a farewell gathering to celebrate your time together. It’s a chance to reminisce, laugh, and create lasting memories before you part ways.

Social Media : Share your farewell message on social media platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook, where you can reach a wider audience. It’s a convenient way to express your gratitude and stay connected beyond the workplace.

Top 40 Examples Of Meaningful Farewell Quotes

Thank Someone For Their Time

Farewell Messages for A Retiring Coworker

  • “Congrats on your wonderful retirement! It’s been awesome working with you and soaking up your wisdom. We’ll miss you, but we’re excited for your next chapter!”
  • “Wish you a happy retiremen t! Thanks for all you’ve done for the company. Your positive vibes will be missed, but enjoy your well-deserved downtime!”
  • “Thank you for your dedication and countless memories to the company. Best wishes for a retirement filled with joy and relaxation!”

Farewell Notes for Moving Away

  • “It’s hard to say this, but I’m moving away. I’ll miss working with all of you, but I’m excited for this new chapter. Keep in touch and take care!”
  • “As much as it pains me to say it, my time here is coming to an end. I’ve loved every moment with you all, and I’ll miss our laughs and collaborations. Wishing you a glorious future!”
  • “It’s with a heavy heart that I announce I’m moving away. Working alongside you has been a blast, and I’ll treasure our sweet memories. Stay awesome, and let’s keep in touch!”
  • “Hey everyone, I have some bittersweet news—I’m relocating. Saying goodbye is tough, but I’ll carry the friendships and beautiful moments from here with me. Take care, and see you around!”
  • “Team, it’s time for me to bid farewell. Moving away is never easy, especially when leaving behind such an incredible group. I’ll cherish our time together and hope our paths cross again. Keep shining!”

Farewell Quotes for a Colleague Leaving Due to Health Reasons

  • “Hey [Colleague’s Name], your health is everything. Take all the time you need to focus on getting better. We’re all rooting for you to bounce back stronger than ever!”
  • “We’ll definitely miss having you around, but your health comes first. Don’t rush back until you’re fully ready. We’re all here supporting you!”
  • “Hey [Colleague’s Name], just wanted to send you some good vibes for a speedy recovery. We’ve got your back every step of the way. Take care!”
  • “Sending you tons of positive energy and good wishes for a quick recovery. Take it easy and take care of yourself.”
  • “We’re really going to miss you, but your health is what matters most. Take all the time you need to get better. We’ll be here waiting for you!”

Goodbye Messages for a Colleague Leaving Due to Personal Reasons

  • “We understand. Wishing you all the best in your personal journey ahead!”
  • “Thanks for your hard work. We respect your decision and wish you happiness!”
  • “You’ve been great to work with. Best of luck in your exciting future!”
  • “Sad to see you go, but we support your decision. Take care and reach new heights of success!”
  • “It’s been a pleasure. We’ll miss you, but we’re excited for what’s next for you!”

Goodbye Quotes for Employees Being Laid Off

  • “This news is tough. You’ve been valuable to our team, and I appreciate your dedication. Wishing you success in finding your next role. “
  • “It’s unfortunate to see you go. Your contributions won’t be forgotten. Hoping for a smooth transition and success in your future endeavors.”
  • “I’m disappointed about the situation, but I understand. Thanks for your hard work, and I’m confident you’ll land on your feet. Wish you a new amazing journey!”

Farewell Messages for Interns Leaving

  • “It’s been great having you with us! You’ve made great contributions and gained valuable experience. We’ll miss your enthusiasm and positivity. Best of luck in your future roles!”
  • “Thanks for all your hard work during your internship, [Intern’s Name]. Your fresh perspective was refreshing, and we know you’ll do great things in your career. Keep in touch!”
  • “Congrats on finishing your internship! You’ve been a valuable part of the team, and we’re excited to see where your journey takes you. Don’t be a stranger!”

Farewell Texts A Team Member Leaving the Team

  • “Best of luck in your new role, [Colleague’s Name]! We’ll miss having you around, but we’re thrilled for your new adventure. Keep us posted on how things go!”
  • “It’s a mix of emotions seeing you move to a new team, [Colleague’s Name]. You’ll rock it in your new role, and your presence will be missed here. Wishing you tons of success!”
  • “Congrats on the new gig, [Colleague’s Name]! Even though you’re off to new horizons, you’ll always be part of our team. We’ll miss your positive energy and jokes. Go crush it!”

Farewell Messages for Your Boss

  • We just wanted to say thanks for all your guidance and support . We’ve learned a ton from you, and we’re grateful for it. Best of luck with everything!”
  • “Thanks for being such a great leader, [Boss’s Name]. Your positive vibe and support mean a lot. Wishing you continued success in whatever comes next!”
  • “We’re sad to see you go! You’ve been a fantastic leader who has motivated and inspired our team to achieve great things. Heartfelt gratitude for everything and best wishes for a successful future!”
  • “Thank you for your leadership and vision during your time here. You’ve made a great impact on the company and all of us. We wish you a bright and prosperous future!”
  • “Your dedication to the team and the company has been truly appreciated. We’ll miss you. Enjoy your new chapter of life!”

Goodbye Messages for a Boss: As You Move On

  • “Thank you for your leadership and guidance during my time here. I appreciate your support in helping me grow my professional success. Wishing you all the best in the future!”
  • It’s been a pleasure working under your leadership . Your clear direction and willingness to mentor have been invaluable. While I’m excited about my new opportunity, I’ll miss your guidance. “
  • “Thank you for creating a positive and supportive work environment. Your leadership style has been one I truly appreciate. Best of luck in the future!”
  • “I’m proud to have been a part of that success and grateful for your role in fostering a collaborative and driven environment. Wishing you continued success in your future endeavors!”
  • “I wanted to express my deepest gratitude for your leadership and mentorship during my time here. You’ve been a fantastic boss, and I’ll miss your guidance.”
  • “It’s hard to say goodbye, but I’m grateful for the opportunity to have worked under your leadership. Your wisdom and encouragement have been invaluable.”
  • “Working with you has been a pleasure. Your mentorship has meant a lot to me, and I’ll miss having you around. Good luck with everything!”

What To Note In A Goodbye Message To A Colleague

When you’re saying goodbye to a coworker, it’s important to be positive and respectful. Here’s what you should keep in mind:

  • Be positive: Don’t talk about bad stuff or gossip. Keep your message upbeat and focus on thanking your colleagues and wishing them well.
  • Stay professional: Even if you’re not happy about leaving, it’s best to be polite. You never know when you might see your coworker again, so it’s important not to burn any bridges.
  • Keep it work-related: It’s okay to share some memories but don’t go overboard with personal stuff. Stick to topics about work and say nice things about your colleagues.
  • Watch your jokes: While it’s okay to be funny, make sure your jokes are light and won’t offend anyone.
  • Don’t mention your new job: Unless everyone already knows where you’re going, it’s best not to talk about your new job. It might seem like you’re bragging or trying to make your current company look bad.
  • Be positive about leaving: Instead of complaining about your new job or bringing up old arguments, focus on the good things. Thank your colleague for their friendship and support.
  • Keep it simple: Don’t get too emotional or dramatic in your message. Just be sincere and say what you need to say.
  • Check for mistakes: Before you send your message, make sure there are no spelling or grammar errors. It’s important to be professional, even when you’re saying goodbye.

There you have it! With these tips in mind, you’re ready to write a farewell message that’s both heartfelt and professional. Remember, a thoughtful goodbye can strengthen connections and leave a positive lasting impression. So go forth, express your gratitude, and wish your departing colleague all the best!

Christina J. Colclough

Dr Christina J. Colclough is an expert on The Future World of Work and the politics of digital technology advocating globally for the importance of the workers’ voice. She has extensive regional and global labour movement experience, is a sought-after keynote speaker, coach, and strategist advising progressive governments and worker organisations.

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How to say farewell to a colleague: 35 ways to say goodbye

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Cultivating work relationships

Why is it important to say goodbye.

35 messages to say farewell to a colleague

What’s the best way to say farewell to a colleague?

For the future: Tips to consider when saying goodbye

Send them off on the right note

Finding the right words to say farewell to a colleague is never easy. You want to express your respect , sense of loss, and well-wishes all at once. 

Even if you weren’t close, saying goodbye to a colleague who is leaving and wishing them well on their new journey is a touching gesture that they’re sure to appreciate. 

Starting a new chapter in your professional life is exciting and scary, and your words can fill them with the self-confidence they need to march into their new adventure. 

Anyone can say goodbye, but few know how to deliver a carefully crafted farewell message that helps a valued colleague embrace their next opportunity. Here’s how to send your colleague off with integrity and care, whether they were your work bestie or a new coworker who you haven’t worked with closely.

Nothing makes saying goodbye to a departing coworker you’ve come to appreciate, or who has even become a great friend, any easier. You spend countless hours building good working relationships and teamwork skills, and then that person leaves. 

Even if your colleague’s next job is a dream come true and you’re excited for them, it’s normal to feel a little down when you’re losing a friend at work . But it’s a good habit and a compassionate move to say your goodbyes and put some thought into your message. 

Goodbye messages are a part of any work (or life) experience, and sending one is the perfect opportunity to wish your favorite coworker — or even the one who can be difficult to work with — your best as they embark on a new opportunity.

Everyone wants to feel appreciated and like they left a mark on a workplace before navigating the offboarding process and moving on to a new role . 

Aside from the importance of maintaining professional relationships , writing a coworker farewell letter gives a sense of closure, both to you and the colleague leaving. It’s here that you get the chance to express gratitude for everything this person has accomplished. This is your final opportunity to show how grateful you are for what they brought to the team — or to you personally. 

Studies have shown that a proper goodbye can be a motivator for continued success.  People who get a proper sendoff from their colleagues have an easier, more positive transition into their next position. Saying goodbye to friends at work , as it turns out, is actually one of the best things you can do to help them start a new job on the right foot. And you owe it to your colleagues to set them up for a bright future.

If you didn’t get a chance to give your colleague a proper goodbye on their last day, it’s not too late. Consider sending a message to their personal email address. It’ll brighten their day as they onboard into a new job .


35 messages to say farewell to a colleague 

When pondering how to say goodbye to coworkers, you don’t need to get too creative. These situations are all about expressing your feelings and wishing someone well, not showy gestures that overwhelm your colleague. Brevity can be more impactful in emotional situations. 

If you’re stuck, here are 35 example messages you can tweak for your departing coworker:

  • "I'm going to miss seeing you around the office. I wish you all the best with your new company and future endeavors!"
  • "Good luck with your new job! You were always such a great team member to have around and work with. I'll miss your positive attitude and funny stories."
  • "Thank you for being such an important part of our team these past few years. We couldn't have accomplished what we did without you!"
  • "Your new job is lucky to have such a hard worker like yourself. Your problem-solving skills taught me a lot about the industry and inspired me to improve my own. We will miss you!"
  • "Great leaders like yourself impact their workplace, and it's obvious that you’ve touched a lot of people. Thank you for your dedication and hard work."
  • "I'll never forget how patient and understanding you were with me when I first started working here. I appreciate your kindness throughout the years and your dedication to employee wellness . We will miss you!"
  • "Working with a team member like you was so eye-opening — I learned a ton. Good luck with your new position. I know you'll teach them many important things like you did here!"
  • "I'll always think of you when we have problems with Zoom because you were always the person to call for tech help! Thank you for being a wonderful presence. I wish you good luck moving forward."
  • "Great team members like yourself make working the overnight shift easier! Thanks for all your help."
  • "I'll miss you when I take my lunch breaks. You always knew how to cheer me up and keep morale high."
  • "You've been an incredible mentor to me this last year, and I'll always appreciate the time you took to help me understand things and grow. I'll miss you."
  • "Being desk buddies with you has taught me a lot! I'm grateful for your strong work ethic and inspiration. Thank you for all the great times."
  • "Keep up all the awesome work at your new job! I know you'll continue to motivate others to reach their goals and be a positive role model. We’ll miss your kindness."
  • "Your fearless leadership guided us through challenging moments, and you always ensured everyone was practicing self-care in and out of work. Thank you, and I'll miss you dearly."
  • “It’s hard to say goodbye to a colleague who has become such an essential part of our team. I hope your new coworkers know how lucky they are to have you. We will miss you!”
  • “Wishing you all the best in your new adventure. Thank you for being such an incredible colleague and friend.”
  • “I will miss your infectious energy and can-do attitude. It has been great working side-by-side with you these last few years. Thank you for everything.”
  • “I know you’re going to nail this new chapter of your life. You deserve all the best! Thank you for your hard work and always being there for the team.”
  • “You’ve been a great friend and confidante. We will all miss you and your incredible presence.”
  • “Though we haven’t always seen eye-to-eye, I always appreciated your commitment to teamwork. Good luck in your new job.”
  • “It’s difficult to express how much the team will miss you. Thank you for always bringing your A-game!” 
  • “I’m so excited about this new opportunity. You’ve earned it! Thank you for being such an inspiration, and good luck on your next adventure.”
  •  “I hope you know you’ve left an incredible impact on our team that we’ll feel long after you leave. Thank you for your hard work, thoughtfulness, and kindness.”
  • “Saying goodbye feels like losing a member of the family. It’s been an honor to work alongside you and learn from your work ethic, generosity, and passion. I know you’ll do great on your new journey.”
  • “You’re truly a special person. Your support and encouragement helped me in ways that I can’t express in words. Thank you for everything.”
  • “I wish we had more opportunities to work together. Best of luck with your new company!”
  •  “Sharing a cubicle with you made every day worthwhile! Thanks for always putting a smile on my face. We will miss you.” 
  • “Working with such a great leader has changed the way I look at my job. Thank you for illuminating the path. Good luck with this new opportunity.”
  • “You’ve been the best colleague and friend I could’ve ever asked for. I will always appreciate the kindness and generosity you showed me.”

How to say farewell to a colleague you weren’t close to

Just because you weren’t friends, or even acquaintances, with a colleague doesn’t mean you can’t bid them farewell. Here are some ways to address a coworker you didn’t know well:

30. “Although we weren’t able to work together as much as I’d liked to, I appreciate our time together. Best wishes in all your future endeavors.”

31. “While we didn’t get the chance to work together closely, I hope that this new opportunity is everything that you’re looking for. Best of luck!”

32.  “Thank you for being such a great leader. Your dedication to everyone’s success has been such an inspiration.”

33. "Take care of yourself. I can't wait to see what you do in the next chapter of your career! All the best."

34. “I hope your new promotion is everything you want and more! You deserve the best.”

35. “ Kudos on the new position! You’re going to do amazing.”

What is the best way to say farewell to a colleague?

People like to know hard work is appreciated. Whether delivering on a team project, displaying strong leadership skills, or going above and beyond on a specific task, these are things you should acknowledge. When thinking throug h what to say when someone leaves a job, recognizing what they’ve accomplished or how they’ve inspired you is a safe place to start.

Finding the best way to express your goodbye might seem overwhelming , but it doesn't have to be. Here are four ways to extend your farewell message that are both professional and moving:

1. Send a card or gift

A simple farewell card or gift says a lot. You have the opportunity to write a farewell note of your own or have other colleagues join in. It's also a nice keepsake for the coworker leaving. They can take it with them wherever they go next, and it'll remind them of their time at your company. A card or farewell gift is handy for colleagues who you might not know very well. It doesn't have to be ultra-personalized, but it still sends a message of gratitude — especially if your whole team contributes.


2. Say it in person

You want to say goodbye in person if the colleague is someone special to you. Sharing a farewell message to a colleague in private often reflects your relationship: it's personal. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and share how you feel about them leaving, but avoid making the conversation about you. This could be a difficult time for them. Don’t let your feelings overwhelm the exchange.

3. Throw a farewell party

Put together some decorations and order a cake or other treat. Get your colleagues together to laugh and reflect on this person’s time with the company. Unwind. Relax. And above all else, enjoy your time together. It’s these moments you’ll miss most when they’re gone.


4. Send an email or message

Remote work environments require you to get creative. Maybe you can't come together in person, but you can still wish your colleague the best. A farewell email or Slack message is a solid alternative to meeting face-to-face, but you can also arrange a video call if you’re close. You can also fire off a personal email. There’s nothing wrong with dropping a few paragraphs in someone’s inbox detailing what you enjoyed about your time together and what you’ll miss when they’re gone. It’s also a great way to exchange contact information to keep in touch.


For the future: tips to consider when saying goodbye

Saying farewell isn’t always easy. Colleagues often make meaningful contributions to your life , even if you’ve only known them for a short time. These are the people outside your immediate family or roommates that you spend the most time with, after all.

When wishing a colleague farewell, here are a few final considerations:

  • Keep your message personalized, positive, and uplifting
  • Exchange contact information, like phone numbers or LinkedIn profiles , to keep in touch
  • Don't craft a message that’s too long or off-topic
  • Don't be afraid to be vulnerable

On the flipside, if you’re the one leaving your current role or retiring, there are different tips for writing a strong goodbye email to coworkers on your last day. 

Regardless of what you say or how you say it, your soon-to-be former coworker will appreciate you taking the time to reach out on their last day. You’ll express your best wishes and give them the confidence they need to perform well in their next chapter, whether that’s taking time off or starting a new position. So don’t be shy — say farewell to your colleague.

Enhance your farewell messages

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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60 Examples of Heartfelt Farewell Messages

By Editorial Team on January 5, 2024 — 14 minutes to read

When it’s time to say goodbye to a coworker or employee, farewell messages are a thoughtful way to express your appreciation for their contributions, offer your best wishes for their future endeavors, and maintain a positive relationship.

  • Keep it genuine:  Make sure your message comes from the heart. Be sincere and avoid using cliches or generic phrases. What did you truly enjoy about working with this person? What did they bring to the team that will be missed?
  • Be specific:  Instead of just saying, “You were great to work with,” mention a particular skill or quality that you admired in your coworker, such as their enthusiasm, creativity, or professionalism.
  • Share a memory:  If there’s a memorable moment that you shared with your coworker, include it in your message. This could be a personal anecdote, a successful project you collaborated on, or even a funny in-joke that’s specific to your work environment.
  • Offer your support:  Let your coworker know that you’ll be there to help and support them as they move forward. Whether it’s by staying in touch, offering your assistance with their job search or providing a recommendation, make it clear that you’re available.
  • End on a positive note:  Close your message with an uplifting sentiment. This could be a simple “good luck” or “best wishes,” or a heartfelt expression of your confidence in their future success.

Examples of Short Farewell Messages

  • Sad to see you go, but excited for your next adventure!
  • Our team won’t be the same without you. Goodbye!
  • You’ve made a lasting impact here. Wishing you all the best.
  • May your future be filled with happiness and success.
  • Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors.
  • It’s been a pleasure working with you.
  • You’ll be missed! Don’t be a stranger.
  • Goodbye and good luck!
  • Farewell, may success follow you.
  • Keep in touch, and take care!
  • Best of luck in your new chapter.
  • Farewell, friend – wishing you the best.
  • Good luck out there, keep chasing your dreams.
  • Until we meet again, take care and farewell.
  • Thanks for the memories, wish you all the best.
  • Farewell and hope our paths cross again soon.
  • Wishing you a bright and prosperous future!
  • Cheers to your upcoming journey, we’ll miss you!
  • All the best in your new venture, goodbye for now.
  • Bon voyage, and hope to see you soon.
  • May good fortune always be on your side.
  • Your presence will be greatly missed. Farewell!
  • Sending you off with warm wishes and fond memories.
  • Farewell, stay in touch and keep us updated on your endeavors.
  • It’s been an honor to work with you, good luck on your journey.
  • May your new path be fulfilling and successful. Farewell!
  • Wishing you nothing but success in all that you do.
  • Here’s to new opportunities and exciting adventures!
  • Your next chapter is going to be amazing! Farewell and good luck!
  • We’ll miss you but are excited for the great things in store for you.
  • Despite our best efforts, we couldn’t convince you to stay. Goodbye!
  • You’re destined for greatness! See you later and good luck.
  • Your hard work and dedication will be missed. Farewell!
  • Looking forward to hearing about your new successes! Goodbye!
  • Your new team is lucky to have you. Best of luck in all you do.
  • Thanks for the laughs and great memories. Until we meet again!
  • Until our paths cross again, farewell and best of luck.
  • Wishing you a smooth and successful transition. Goodbye!
  • Your time here was special, farewell and best wishes!
  • It’s tough to say goodbye, but know you’re meant for bigger things.
  • May this goodbye be just a brief one. Keep shining!
  • Onwards and upwards! Wishing you all the best.
  • As you move forward, we hope you continue to thrive. Farewell!
  • Thanks for all the lessons and laughs, good luck in your new role.
  • Adios, amigo! We’ll always be rooting for you.
  • You’ll always be part of the family here. Goodbye for now!
  • Your positive attitude will be missed. Best wishes on your next endeavor!
  • Farewell and good luck! You’re destined for greatness.
  • Your dedication and creativity won’t be forgotten. Farewell!
  • Here’s to new beginnings and endless possibilities!
  • Farewell, and may your new journey be filled with joy.
  • Saying goodbye is never easy, but we believe in you!
  • To new successes and growth opportunities, goodbye for now!
  • Best of luck in your new adventure, and don’t forget us!
  • Thank you for your hard work! Here’s to the future.
  • Success awaits you, and we can’t wait to hear about it. Farewell!
  • May your new pursuit be fulfilling and prosperous. Goodbye!
  • Goodbye, and thank you for making a difference here.
  • Your presence will be missed, but your talent deserves to soar. Goodbye!

Tailoring Your Message

Consider the relationship.

When crafting your farewell message, think about the relationship you have with your coworker or employee. Are you close friends, friendly colleagues, or simply teammates? Your message should reflect the depth of your connection. For example, if you are close friends, you might use more personal and emotional language:

  • “I’ll miss our daily coffee breaks and laughs.”
  • “Our friendship means the world to me, and I’m so grateful we met here.”

If you have a more professional relationship, keep it courteous and focus on their positive attributes:

  • “Your dedication and hard work have always been an inspiration.”
  • “Thank you for your valuable contributions to our team.”

Reflect on Shared Memories

In your farewell message, it’s nice to reminisce about the times you shared with your coworker or employee. This not only adds a personal touch, but it also shows you genuinely cherish their presence. Think about the projects you worked on together, the challenges you overcame as a team, or any memorable moments. You can include one or two specific memories to make your message especially meaningful:

  • “Remember when we nailed that big presentation together?”
  • “I’ll never forget the team retreat we planned – it was a blast!”

Acknowledge Achievements

Take the time to recognize the achievements and contributions your coworker or employee has made. This will not only make them feel appreciated, but it will also show you respect their work. You can mention specific accomplishments to demonstrate your admiration:

  • “Your innovative ideas have truly transformed our department.”
  • “The way you handled that challenging client was nothing short of amazing.”

Writing Tips for Farewell Messages

Keep the tone positive.

When crafting a farewell message for a coworker or employee, always maintain a positive tone. Focus on their achievements, growth, and the good times shared together. Use this opportunity to express your best wishes for their future endeavors. A few ways to keep the tone positive include:

  • Reflecting on memorable moments and shared laughter
  • Praising their contribution and accomplishments

A heartfelt and genuine message goes a long way in conveying your true feelings. Avoid clichés and overused phrases, instead, try to be authentic in your writing. Some tips to keep your message sincere:

  • Mention specific moments or attributes that you truly appreciate about your coworker
  • Acknowledge the positive impact they have had on you and others in the workplace
  • Genuinely express your gratitude for their time and effort

Make It Personal

To create a lasting impression, it’s important to personalize your farewell message. Take a moment to think about the unique experiences you’ve shared and highlight those in your farewell message. Some ideas for making your message personal include:

  • Sharing a fond memory or inside joke with your coworker
  • Recalling a time when your colleague went above and beyond for you or the team
  • Mentioning their passions or hobbies and how they might help them in their future endeavors

Professional Farewell Messages

  • Wishing you the best in your new adventure, and we’re grateful for the time we spent working together.
  • Your dedication and hard work have tremendously impacted our team, and we’ll miss your presence around the office.
  • May success and happiness follow you wherever you go, and don’t forget to keep in touch!
  • It’s been a pleasure working alongside you, and we hope that your future is filled with great opportunities.
  • We’ve truly appreciated your contributions to our team, and your positive attitude will be missed.
  • As you embark on this new chapter, know that you’ll always have friends and supporters back here.
  • Farewell to an incredible coworker, and may your next endeavor be as successful as your time with us.
  • It’s been an honor to work with someone as talented and dedicated as you, and we wish you the best of luck in your journey.
  • Goodbye for now, but we hope our paths cross again. Your professionalism and kindness won’t be forgotten.
  • Your time here has made a lasting impact, and we look forward to seeing the amazing things you’ll accomplish in your new role.

Rather than focusing only on the loss, celebrate the person’s achievements and potential for future success. This will make your farewell message resonate with both the recipient and the entire team.

Farewell Messages for Retirement

Retirement is a significant milestone in someone’s life, and it’s important to send warm and supportive messages to your coworker or employee as they embark on this new journey.

  • Wishing you all the best in your retirement. You deserve it!
  • May your retirement be filled with new adventures, relaxation, and cherished memories.
  • We’ll miss your guidance and expertise, but we’re excited for you to start this new chapter. Enjoy your retirement!
  • Retirement only means it’s time for a new adventure. Sending you our best wishes!
  • You’ve earned every moment of your retirement. Relax and enjoy your well-deserved break! We’ll miss you.

As you say goodbye to a retiring coworker or employee, you can offer your support in their new journey, especially if you shared a close working relationship with them. Offer assistance with their transition, which can range from connecting them with new hobbies or interests to simply catching up after they leave the workplace. For example, you might write:

  • If you ever need someone for a round of golf or a coffee catch-up, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to stay connected!
  • Let’s make sure we keep in touch. I’m excited to hear about all the amazing things you’ll do in your retirement!

Farewell Messages for Career Advancement

Some examples of farewell messages to wish them well on their journey include:

  • Wishing you the best in your new role. Your hard work and dedication will be missed around here.
  • Congratulations on your new opportunity! I know you will excel in your new position as you’ve always done.
  • It’s been an honor working with you, and I’m excited to see where your talents will take you next.
  • May you find success and joy in your new position. We’ll miss your contributions to our team.
  • Every step you take in life is a step toward achieving your dreams. Good luck with your next adventure!

As you wish them well, reflect on the positive memories and experiences you’ve shared. For example:

  • I’ll never forget the time we tackled that tough project together. Your creativity and resourcefulness saved the day.
  • Watching you grow over the course of your time here has been a truly inspiring experience. You’ve come so far, and I know you’ll continue to achieve great things.
  • Ever since we became a team, you’ve impressed me with your dedication and commitment to doing great work. Keep striving for excellence.

Messages of Good Luck for New Ventures

As your colleague moves on to a new venture, it’s a great time to extend your supportive message and wish them good luck.

  • Wishing you all the success and happiness in your new journey. You’ve got this!
  • Good luck in your new adventure, and may it bring you all the joy and prosperity you deserve.
  • As you embark on this exciting new chapter, remember that you have what it takes to make it a success!
  • Your hard work and determination will surely lead you to great achievements in your new venture.
  • We believe in you and know you will do great things in this fresh start.
  • Best of luck as you pursue your dreams and embrace the opportunities that come your way.
  • You are definitely going places, and we can’t wait to see what you accomplish in your new role.
  • Your dedication and passion will no doubt propel you towards success in this new venture.
  • Embrace the challenges and remember we’re always here to support you if you need it.

Signing Off Your Farewell Message

Choosing the right closing.

Selecting the appropriate closing for your farewell message is vital to make sure it conveys the right tone and sentiment. Here is a list of examples you can use based on the kind of relationship you share with your coworker or employee:

  • Warm wishes,
  • Best regards,
  • See you around,
  • Best of luck,
  • Until we meet again,
  • Yours truly,
  • Farewell for now,

You might want to tailor these closings as per the specific circumstances or the bond you share with your colleague for more personalized touch.

Avoiding Common Mistakes in Farewell Messages

  • Making it about yourself : While you may feel a sense of loss with their departure, remember the message should primarily focus on the person leaving. Express your emotions, but don’t overpower your message with your own feelings.
  • Neglecting the reasons for their departure : Acknowledge why your coworker is moving on, whether it’s for a new opportunity, personal reasons, or retirement. Ignoring the reason can come off as insensitive or dismissive.
  • Including confidential or sensitive information : Be cautious about the level of detail you share about your coworker’s personal life or the organization itself. Keep sensitive information private to respect confidentiality and maintain professionalism.
  • Going overboard with humor : Light-hearted jokes can bring a smile to someone’s face, but don’t let humor hijack your message. Keep your jokes tasteful and appropriate to maintain a caring and professional tone.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some heartfelt sentiments to include in a farewell message to a coworker who is leaving.

You can express your gratitude for the time you’ve spent working together and mention the positive impact they’ve had on you and the team. Share a memorable moment or personal anecdote to evoke fond memories. You can say something like,  “I’ll always cherish our coffee breaks filled with laughter and insightful conversations. Your guidance has helped me grow professionally. I’m grateful to have had the chance to work with someone as kind and dedicated as you.”

Can you give an example of a brief and meaningful farewell wish?

Example of a short and sweet farewell message:  “As you embark on your new journey, I’m wishing you the best of luck. Keep shining and making a difference, just as you did here. You’ll be sorely missed!”

How do you craft a sincere goodbye note to your team members?

Be genuine and focus on expressing gratitude for the collaboration, accomplishments, and growth you’ve experienced together as a team. Acknowledge each member’s contribution and the positive memories you’ve shared. A possible message could be,  “Working with such a talented and supportive team has been a true privilege. I have learned so much from each of you, and our time together has made me a better professional. Let’s keep in touch and continue to support one another in our future endeavors.”

What are some inspiring words to share in a farewell message when leaving a company?

Share your appreciation for the company’s culture, mission, and the opportunities you’ve been given. Offer words of encouragement for the continued success of the organization. For example, you can write,  “This company has inspired me to dream big and work hard. I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to grow and be challenged. Keep pushing boundaries and making a difference in the world. I’m excited to see where your journey takes you!”

How can I gracefully express farewell to my boss or a senior colleague?

Show your appreciation for their guidance, support, and mentorship. Mention specific examples of their positive influence on your career. A potential message could be,  “I’m thankful for your wisdom and support during my time at the company. Your steady guidance has played a crucial role in my professional development. I wish you continued success, and I hope our paths cross again in the future.”

Could you provide an example of a farewell letter that includes an introduction to the person who will be taking over the role?

Example of a farewell message that introduces your replacement:  “As I bid you all farewell, I’m happy to announce that [New Employee’s Name] will be taking over my role. I’m confident that [New Employee’s Name] has the skills, expertise, and dedication to excel in this position. I kindly ask that you extend your support and warm welcome to [New Employee’s Name] as they transition into their new role. Keep up the fantastic work, and I know this team is destined for great things!”

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75 Farewell Messages to Coworkers and Employees: A Guide to Making Goodbyes Meaningful

Saying goodbye is never easy, but it is an essential part of professional growth. Whether you are leaving to pursue new opportunities or the company is undergoing restructuring, it is crucial to acknowledge the contributions employees have made. By expressing heartfelt farewell messages, you can show appreciation for their hard work, dedication, and the positive impact they have had on the workplace.

Understanding the challenge of finding the right words, we have curated a comprehensive list of 75 impactful farewell messages for both employees and coworkers. Whether you are the one leaving the company or you wish to bid a proper goodbye to a departing colleague, our list has you covered. These messages have been thoughtfully crafted to encompass a range of styles, from concise and casual to longer and more elaborate, allowing you to choose those that best align with your company’s tone and culture.

farewell message to coworker: CHEERS TO YOUR NEW CHAPTER

What Is a Farewell Message?

Saying goodbye leaves a lasting and positive impression within the professional sphere as it fosters a culture of appreciation, respect, and emotional well-being. A heartfelt farewell message to coworkers and employees acknowledges their contributions, cultivates lasting connections and instills a sense of value within the organization. By bidding adieu with sincerity and gratitude, both departing individuals and those staying behind are encouraged to embrace change positively and maintain a supportive work environment, promoting growth and camaraderie.

Why Is It Important To Say Goodbye?

Best way to say goodbye to coworkers.

When the time comes to bid farewell to a coworker, there are several effective ways to create memorable moments.

  • First, send a card that encapsulates your shared memories, respect, and well-wishes for their future endeavors – a written token of appreciation always leaves a lasting impression.
  • Another powerful expression of goodwill is to give a gift. This could be something meaningful related to your workplace, or perhaps something you know they’ll love or use in their new chapter.
  • Furthermore, to celebrate their contributions and to mark this transition, you might also consider rallying the team to throw a farewell party. This not only creates a warm atmosphere for saying goodbye but also gives everyone the chance to express their feelings and create a cherished group memory.

Always remember, the goal is to make your coworker feel valued and appreciated for their time spent working alongside you.

Farewell Message To Coworkers & Colleagues

  • As I prepare to leave, I want to express my sincere thanks to each one of you. You’ve been more than just coworkers to me, but also friends and family. You’ve supported me during the highs and lows of my time here, and I’ll always cherish the memories we’ve shared. I’ll miss you all dearly.
  • It’s hard to believe that my time here has come to an end. I want to thank all of you for making it an amazing journey. I’ve learned so much from each of you, and I truly believe that I wouldn’t be the professional I am today without your guidance. I’ll always look back at my time here with fond memories.
  • Leaving is bittersweet, but I’m excited for the opportunities ahead. I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to all of you. You’ve welcomed me with open arms and made me feel like part of the family. I’ll miss the laughs, the inside jokes, and even the tough times. Thank you for everything.
  • As I get ready to say goodbye, I can’t help but feel a bit emotional. I’ve had the privilege of working with incredible coworkers and making lifelong friendships. Although it’s difficult to leave, I’m grateful for the experience and the relationships that were built through it. Thank you for being a part of my journey.
  • To my coworkers, my mentors, and my friends – thank you for the laughter, the stories, and the endless support. You’ve made my time here unforgettable, and I’m fortunate to have been a part of such an amazing team. It’s tough to send my goodbye message, but I’m grateful for the memories and the lessons learned. Keep in touch!
  • I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have worked alongside such amazing coworkers. Each of you has made an impact on me, and I’ve learned so much from your expertise and dedication. Thank you for being there for me during the good and the difficult times. It’s been a pleasure to know and work with all of you.
  • As I prepare to leave this chapter of my life behind, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of my coworkers. You’ve not only been wonderful colleagues, but also true friends and confidants. You’ve shown me kindness, generosity, and support, and for that, I’ll always be grateful. Let’s stay in touch!
  • They say that time flies when you’re having fun, and that has certainly been true during my time here. Working with such amazing coworkers has made the job feel like a joy rather than a chore. Thank you to each and every one of you for the laughter, the sweet memories, and the lessons learned. It’s been a true pleasure.
  • Although I’m sad to say goodbye, I’m also excited for the next chapter in my life. I couldn’t have gotten here without the help of my wonderful coworkers. You’ve been more than just coworkers to me; you’ve been mentors, advisors, and friends. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and for making my time here unforgettable.
  • It’s amazing how much can happen over the course of a few years. I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the most dedicated and talented individuals, and I’ll forever be grateful for the experience. Saying goodbye is never easy, but I’m looking forward to what the future holds. Thank you for the memories, my coworkers.
  • Dear colleagues, as I prepare to embark on a new adventure, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible journey we have shared together. Working alongside each of you has been an absolute privilege. The camaraderie, support, and laughter we have experienced will forever hold a special place in my heart. Though it’s difficult to bid farewell, I am excited for the opportunities that lie ahead for all of us. Thank you for making my time here truly memorable. Let’s stay in touch and continue to cheer each other on from afar!
  • To my amazing coworkers, the time has come for me to say goodbye, but before I do, I want you all to know how much I have valued each and every one of you. The dedication, talent, and passion you bring to your work is truly inspiring. The memories we have created together, both in and out of the office, will forever be cherished. As I venture into new horizons, I am filled with gratitude for the friendships we’ve built and the knowledge we’ve shared. Wishing you all continued success and happiness. Farewell.
  • To my fantastic coworkers, saying farewell is never easy, especially when you have been part of such an incredible team. The support, encouragement, and collaboration I have experienced here have been instrumental in my personal and professional growth. Each one of you has contributed to making our workplace feel like a second home. As I move on to new opportunities, I carry with me the valuable lessons learned and the fond memories we’ve made. Thank you for being a source of inspiration and for making work a joyous journey. Farewell, and may our paths cross again!
  • Dear coworkers, it is with mixed emotions that I write this farewell message. The time has come for me to bid adieu to this remarkable team that has become my second family. The bond we have formed, the challenges we have conquered, and the victories we have celebrated together have shaped me both personally and professionally. Your unwavering support, collaboration, and friendship have meant the world to me. As I embrace a new chapter, I carry with me the experiences and knowledge gained from each one of you. Farewell, and may we have the joy of meeting again!
  • To my incredible coworkers, the day has arrived when I must bid farewell to this remarkable group of individuals who have made every day a memorable one. The laughter, teamwork, and shared successes we have experienced will forever be cherished. Each one of you has made a significant impact on my life, both professionally and personally. I am grateful for the lessons learned, the growth achieved, and the friendships forged. As I embark on new endeavors, I leave with a heavy heart but also with immense excitement for what lies ahead. Farewell, and may your futures be filled with endless possibilities and continued success!

farewell message to coworker: YOUR IMPACT REMAINS HERE

Farewell Message To Mangers

  • Dear [Manager’s Name], working under your guidance has been a great experience. I thank you for all the support, encouragement and motivation throughout my journey with this organization.
  • Thank you so much for being a great manager and an incredible mentor to me. Your guidance has played a vital role in my personal and professional growth. It’s hard to say goodbye, but your teachings will always be with me.
  • It’s been an incredible journey with your support, and it’s heartwarming to work alongside you. I’ll always cherish the memories I’ve made with you and the lessons I’ve learned from you. Thank you for being an amazing manager.
  • Thank you for setting the bar high, and for pushing me to my limits to reach it. Your leadership style is commendable, and I learn a great deal about dedication and consistency from you. Goodbye, and thank you for helping me improve my skills.
  • To my incredible manager, thank you for being an inspiration to me and the whole team. Your positive attitude, motivational speeches, and continuous support made me a more confident and capable employee. Goodbye and all the best.
  • As you embark on a new chapter in your career, I want to express my deepest appreciation for your contributions to our team. Your dedication, expertise, and positive energy have been a true inspiration. Wishing you all the best and looking forward to staying connected!
  • Saying goodbye is never easy, especially when it’s to a valued colleague like you. Your professionalism, creativity, and teamwork have made a significant impact on our projects and workplace. Farewell, and may your next endeavor bring you even greater success!
  • It’s bittersweet to bid farewell to a manager who has become a friend. Your kindness, support, and laughter have brightened our office every day. Thank you for being an amazing manager. Wishing you the best in your future endeavors!
  • As you move on to new opportunities, please know that your hard work and dedication have made a lasting impression on our team. You will be greatly missed, but we’re excited to see the incredible things you’ll achieve. Farewell, and I hope to stay in touch!
  • Saying goodbye to a manager like you is never easy, but I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the invaluable time we have worked together. Your professionalism, expertise, and unwavering positive attitude have made a lasting impact on me and the entire team. It has been a privilege to learn from you and be guided by your exceptional leadership. As you embark on new endeavors, I wish you the very best of luck, and I am confident that your future will be filled with continued success and fulfillment. Thank you for being an outstanding manager.
  • Dear [Manager’s Name], as you embark on a new chapter in your career, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for your exceptional leadership and guidance. Under your supervision, our team has achieved remarkable milestones and grown both professionally and personally. Your ability to inspire and motivate us, coupled with your strategic thinking and decision-making skills, have made a lasting impact. We will always remember your open-door policy, willingness to listen, and genuine care for our well-being. Farewell, and may your future endeavors be filled with continued success and fulfillment!
  • To [Manager’s Name], as we say goodbye, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your invaluable contributions as our manager. Your leadership style, characterized by empathy, trust, and a commitment to excellence, has truly elevated our team. Your guidance and mentorship have helped shape our careers, and your belief in our abilities has given us the confidence to overcome challenges. Farewell, and may your journey ahead be filled with exciting opportunities and continued achievements!
  • As we bid farewell to our esteemed manager, I wanted to take a moment to express my deep appreciation for your exceptional leadership and the positive impact you’ve had on our team. Your dedication, expertise, and ability to bring out the best in each team member have been truly inspiring. Your support and guidance have been instrumental in our growth and success. Farewell, and may your future ventures be filled with fulfillment and joy!
  • Dear [Manager’s Name], it is with mixed emotions that we say goodbye as you embark on a new chapter in your career. Your leadership has been truly transformative, and your passion for excellence has set the bar high for all of us. Your ability to motivate, inspire, and guide us through challenges has been invaluable. Thank you for being an exceptional manager and mentor. Farewell, and may your next endeavors be filled with success and happiness!
  • To our remarkable manager, as we bid you farewell, we want to express our sincere appreciation for your leadership and the profound impact you’ve had on our professional lives. Your dedication, vision, and ability to create a positive work environment have been truly remarkable. Thank you for your guidance, support, and belief in our potential. Farewell and may your future be filled with continued achievements and fulfillment!

Farewell Message To Senior Employees

  • Dear [Senior Employee’s Name], as I prepare to embark on a new adventure, I want to express my deep appreciation for your guidance and mentorship throughout my time here. Your expertise and leadership have been invaluable. Thank you for your support, and I wish you continued success in all your endeavors.
  • To [Senior Employee’s Name], it’s with mixed emotions that I say goodbye. Your wisdom and expertise have made a significant impact on my professional growth. I am grateful for the opportunities and knowledge you have shared. Farewell, and I hope our paths cross again.
  • Dear [Senior Employee’s Name], it has been an honor to work alongside you. Your dedication, integrity, and passion have inspired me and many others. As I move on, I carry with me the valuable lessons I’ve learned from you. Wishing you continued success and fulfillment in your role. Farewell!
  • To our esteemed [Senior Employee’s Name], as I prepare to embark on new endeavors, I want to express my deepest appreciation for your invaluable contributions and unwavering support. Your exceptional leadership, guidance, and expertise have made a profound impact on me and the entire team. It has been an absolute privilege to work alongside you and learn from your wealth of knowledge. Farewell, I hope to stay in touch.
  • Dear [Senior Employee’s Name], as I bid farewell, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your leadership and inspiration. Your guidance has helped shape my career, and I am grateful for the opportunities you have provided. Wishing you continued success and fulfillment in your role. Farewell!
  • To [Senior Employee’s Name], it is with sincere gratitude that I say goodbye. Your mentorship and expertise have been instrumental in my professional growth. I will always cherish the knowledge and skills I have gained under your guidance. Farewell, and may you continue to thrive and inspire others.
  • Dear [Senior Employee’s Name], it is both a sad and exciting time as I bid farewell. Your dedication, vision, and perseverance have set a remarkable example for us all. Thank you for your guidance and for being a role model. Wishing you continued success and fulfillment. Farewell!
  • To our esteemed [Senior Employee’s Name], as I prepare to leave, I want to express my deepest appreciation for your guidance and support. Your expertise and commitment have been invaluable. It has been a privilege to work with you, and I will carry the lessons learned from you throughout my career. Farewell!
  • Dear [Senior Employee’s Name], as I say goodbye, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your mentorship and leadership. Your experience and insights have shaped not only my professional journey but also the success of the entire team. Wishing you continued accomplishments and fulfillment. Farewell.
  • To [Senior Employee’s Name], it is with a mix of gratitude and sadness that I bid farewell. Your exceptional leadership and dedication have made a lasting impact on the company. Thank you for your guidance and support. I wish you continued success and fulfillment in your role. Farewell!
  • Dear [Senior Employee’s Name], as I prepare to embark on new adventures, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your exceptional leadership and guidance. Your expertise and support have played a significant role in shaping my professional journey, and I am grateful for the opportunities you have provided me. I will always carry the valuable lessons learned under your mentorship. Wishing you continued success and fulfillment. Farewell, and thank you for everything.
  • To [Senior Employee’s Name], as I say goodbye to this incredible organization, I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation for your inspiring leadership. Your dedication and vision have been truly commendable, and I am grateful for the growth and opportunities I have experienced under your guidance. Best wishes for continued success. Farewell and please stay in touch.
  • Dear [Senior Employee’s Name], as I prepare to bid farewell to this wonderful company, I wanted to take a moment to express my deep appreciation for your remarkable leadership. Your strategic thinking and inclusive approach have created an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated. Thank you for your guidance and mentorship. Wishing you continued success and happiness. Farewell.
  • To [Senior Employee’s Name], as I prepare to say goodbye, I wanted to express my gratitude for your exceptional contributions and unwavering support. Your dedication has made a significant impact on my professional growth, and I am thankful for the opportunities you have provided. Wishing you continued success and fulfillment in your journey. Farewell, and thank you.
  • Dear [Senior Employee’s Name], as I prepare to embark on new endeavors, I wanted to express my heartfelt appreciation for your guidance and support. You have been an incredible leader, and your impactful presence has made a significant difference in my professional journey. Your expertise and mentorship have been invaluable, and I am grateful for the skills and knowledge I have gained under your guidance. Wishing you continued success and fulfillment. Farewell, and please keep in touch.

Farewell Message To The Entire Company

  • To the entire [Company Name] team, as I bid farewell, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible journey we’ve had together. Your dedication, collaboration, and support have been truly inspiring. Wishing you all continued success and fulfillment in your future endeavors. Farewell!
  • Dear [Company Name] family, it’s with mixed emotions that I announce my departure. Thank you for the extraordinary experiences and friendships formed. I leave with wonderful memories and deep appreciation for our collective achievements. Farewell, and may our paths cross again!
  • To my amazing [Company Name] colleagues, as I embark on a new chapter, I want to express my gratitude for the remarkable journey we’ve shared. Your passion and teamwork have been instrumental in our success. Wishing you all the best as you continue to thrive. Farewell!
  • To the fantastic team at [Company Name], it’s time for me to say goodbye. Thank you for the unforgettable experiences and the support you’ve shown me. I leave with a sense of pride in what we’ve accomplished together. Farewell, and may the future bring even greater achievements!
  • To all my colleagues at [Company Name], as I prepare to move on, I want to express my sincere appreciation for your dedication and collaboration. It has been an honor to work with such talented individuals. Wishing you all continued growth and success. Farewell!
  • To my [Company Name] family, as I say goodbye, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible memories and experiences we’ve shared. Your passion and dedication have made this journey truly remarkable. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors. Farewell!
  • Dear [Company Name] team, it’s with a mix of sadness and excitement that I bid farewell. Thank you for the support and collaboration that have shaped my time here. I leave with cherished memories and the utmost respect for each of you. Farewell, and may our paths cross again!
  • To the entire [Company Name] community, as I embark on a new chapter, I want to express my sincere appreciation for the opportunities and growth I’ve experienced here. Your commitment and teamwork have been inspiring. Wishing you continued success. Farewell!
  • To all my colleagues at [Company Name], it’s time for me to say goodbye. I’m grateful for the friendships, mentorship, and countless shared moments. I carry the lessons learned here with me. Farewell, and may our paths cross in the future!
  • To the exceptional individuals at [Company Name], as I prepare to leave, I want to extend my gratitude for the amazing journey we’ve had together. Your talent, creativity, and support have made a lasting impact. Wishing you continued growth and prosperity. Farewell!
  • To all my esteemed colleagues at [Company Name], the time has come for me to bid farewell to this exceptional organization. It has been an incredible journey of collaboration, innovation, and growth. Together, we have accomplished remarkable feats and created a legacy to be proud of. The bonds we have formed extend beyond the workplace, and I am grateful for the friendships and connections forged here. As I embark on new adventures, I take with me the lessons learned and the memories shared. Farewell, and may the future be filled with endless possibilities!
  • To the incredible team at [Company Name], as my journey with this company comes to an end, I want to express my deepest appreciation for the remarkable experiences we have shared. It has been an honor to contribute to the growth and success of this organization alongside such talented individuals. Together, we have faced challenges head-on, achieved breakthroughs, and built lasting relationships. The memories created and lessons learned will forever shape my professional path. Thank you for the unwavering support, trust, and collaboration. Farewell, and may our collective brilliance continue to shine!
  • To the amazing [Company Name] family, the time has come for me to bid adieu to this exceptional organization that has been my professional home. The journey we have undertaken together has been nothing short of remarkable. The support, mentorship, and opportunities for growth that I have received here have shaped my career in ways I could never have imagined. I am grateful for the incredible colleagues who have inspired me every day and the incredible accomplishments we have achieved as a team. As I step into the next phase of my career, I carry the spirit of [Company Name] with me. Farewell, and may success continue to shine upon us all!
  • To all the wonderful individuals at [Company Name], it is with a mix of emotions that I write this farewell message. The time spent at this extraordinary company has been a journey filled with growth, learning, and cherished memories. The support, collaboration, and camaraderie shared amongst colleagues have made this organization truly special. I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for making my time here invaluable. As I venture towards new horizons, I carry with me the experiences and relationships fostered at [Company Name]. Farewell, and may our paths cross again in the future!
  • Dear [Company Name] family, it is with a mix of emotions that I write this farewell message. The time has come for me to say goodbye to this extraordinary company that has become my second home. The experiences, friendships, and growth I’ve gained here are truly invaluable. Together, we have achieved remarkable milestones and weathered challenges with resilience. I am grateful for the opportunities, guidance, and trust bestowed upon me. As I embark on a new chapter, I carry the spirit of this incredible company with me. Farewell, and may our paths continue to intersect in unforeseen ways!

Farewell Message To Departing Employees

As we transition to messages aimed at departing employees, it’s important to note the shift in perspective. While many of the previous examples were crafted for when you’re the one leaving, this next section is designed for situations when you’re bidding farewell to a departing coworker. The key difference lies in the tone and content of the message; here, you’re not sharing your own feelings about leaving, but expressing appreciation for your coworker’s contributions and wishing them well on their journey. These messages can provide a meaningful closure and a sense of appreciation, enhancing the coworker’s departure experience. So, let’s dive into a collection of heartfelt farewell messages you can use to express your sentiments to your departing colleagues.

  • To our dear departing colleague, it’s bittersweet to say goodbye, but we are excited for the new chapter you are embarking on. Your contributions and presence will be deeply missed. As you venture into this bright future, we wholeheartedly wish you the best of luck and continued success!
  • As you leave our team, we want to express our sincere appreciation for your dedication, hard work, and positive attitude. Your contributions have made a lasting impact, and we are grateful for the time we’ve spent together. Farewell, and may your future be filled with happiness and fulfillment!
  • Saying goodbye to a valued member of our team is never easy. Your professionalism, creativity, and teamwork have been truly remarkable. We will miss your positive energy and the valuable insights you brought to our projects. Wishing you all the best in your new endeavors!
  • Farewell to an awesome colleague who has been a true asset to our team. Your exceptional skills, passion, and commitment have made a significant difference. While we will miss your presence, we are excited to see where your talents take you. Good luck and farewell!
  • Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Your positive attitude and willingness to go the extra mile have been a true inspiration to us all. We will miss your presence, but we know you are excited for the future opportunities that await you. Farewell, and we wholeheartedly wish you success and joy!
  • As you embark on a new adventure, we want to express our gratitude for your contributions to our team. Your expertise, professionalism, and friendship have made a lasting impact. Farewell, and may your next chapter be even more rewarding and fulfilling!
  • Saying goodbye to a colleague as talented and dedicated as you is not easy. Your hard work, passion, and positive spirit have been contagious. It’s been a pleasure working with you, and we wish you continued success and happiness in your future endeavors. Farewell!
  • Farewell to a team member who has consistently demonstrated excellence in everything they do. Your skills and dedication have been a true inspiration to us all. While we are sad to see you go, we are excited for the opportunities that lie ahead for you. Best of luck, and thank you for your valuable contributions!
  • Your time with us has been filled with hard work, laughter, and shared accomplishments. Your presence has made our team stronger, and we will miss your positive attitude and enthusiasm. Farewell, and may your future be filled with exciting times and new opportunities!
  • As you leave our team, we want to express our appreciation for the impact you’ve had on our organization. Your dedication, creativity, and professionalism have been truly outstanding. We are grateful for the time we’ve had together and wish you all the best in your next chapter. Farewell!
  • It’s with mixed emotions that I write this farewell message to a coworker who has become so much more than just a colleague. Over the years, we have shared laughter, challenges, triumphs, and growth. Your presence in the office has been a constant source of positivity, and your unwavering support and encouragement have been invaluable to me and many others. It’s difficult to imagine the workplace without you, but I am comforted knowing that your next chapter holds incredible opportunities and adventures. Please remember that you are leaving behind a team that respects and admires you, and we will always be here to cheer you on. Farewell, dear [Employee’s Name], and may your future be as bright as the impact you’ve had on all of us!
  • Today, as we say our goodbyes, I can’t help but feel a bittersweet mix of emotions. While we’re sad to see you leave, we’re also incredibly proud of the remarkable journey you’ve had with us. Your exceptional skills, dedication, and unwavering commitment to excellence have not only contributed to the success of our entire team but have also earned you the admiration and respect of everyone who’s had the pleasure of working with you. Beyond your professional achievements, it’s your genuine kindness, humility, and ability to make those around you feel valued that have left an everlasting impression. Farewell, dear [Employee’s Name], and may your future endeavors be filled with continued success, personal growth, and abundant joy!
  • As we gather here to bid you farewell, I can’t help but feel a sense of gratitude and admiration for the incredible journey we’ve had together. Your unwavering dedication, exceptional work ethic, and remarkable problem-solving abilities have made you an invaluable member of our team. Beyond your professional prowess, it’s your genuine kindness, empathy, and willingness to lend a listening ear that have touched the hearts of everyone you’ve interacted with. The positive impact you’ve had on our team’s dynamics and morale cannot be overstated. Though we’ll miss your daily presence, we find solace in knowing that you are destined for great things. Farewell, [Employee’s Name], and may your path be adorned with fulfillment, success, and endless joy!
  • As you prepare to bid adieu to our team, I want to take a moment to express my deepest appreciation for the incredible contributions you’ve made during your time here. Your unwavering commitment to excellence, relentless pursuit of innovation, and exceptional leadership have not only transformed our projects but have also left an indelible mark on our team’s culture. Your ability to bring out the best in everyone around you is a testament to your exceptional character and unwavering belief in our collective potential. Although it’s difficult to bid you farewell, we are excited for the new horizons that await you. Please know that you will always be cherished as an integral part of our team’s success story. Goodbye, [Employee’s Name], and may your journey be filled with extraordinary achievements and endless fulfillment!
  • As you prepare to embark on a new chapter in your professional journey, I find myself reflecting on the tremendous impact you’ve had on our entire team and the cherished memories we’ve created together. From your infectious laughter to your unparalleled expertise, you’ve consistently raised the bar and inspired us to reach new heights. Your unwavering commitment to excellence and your ability to tackle challenges with grace and resilience have left an indelible mark on our collective spirit. You have not only been a coworker but also a mentor, confidante, and friend. While we will miss your presence, we are excited for the opportunities that lie ahead for you. Farewell, [Employee’s Name], and may the future unfold with abundance, fulfillment, and endless possibilities!

Making Lasting Impressions

When it comes to bidding farewell to your colleagues, taking the time to craft thoughtful messages is truly worthwhile. Whether you’re penning a heartfelt farewell letter, designing a touching farewell card, or sending a thoughtful farewell email, the right words can make a lasting impact. It’s always best to take the high road and stay positive. Leave behind any frustrations or criticisms you may have had and instead, focus on expressing your heartfelt appreciation to your awesome colleagues, favorite coworkers, true leaders, and beloved friends.

If you’re looking for an awesome way to show your gratitude, consider accompanying your heartfelt messages with farewell gifts from Toasty. By treating them with kindness and honoring the time you’ve shared together, you can make the farewell experience even more meaningful for everyone involved. Sign up or book a demo now!

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Wishing you all the best on your new journey..

Farewell! When someone you care about is moving on to something new, whether it's a new job, new city, or new adventure, it's important to let them know how much they will be missed. A heartfelt farewell message can make all the difference and help ease the transition. In this message, you can express your good wishes for the person's new journey, letting them know that you're thinking of them and wishing them all the best. This message can be especially powerful when written on a greeting card that the person can keep as a reminder of your support and well-wishes. So whether you're saying goodbye to a colleague, a friend, or a loved one, remember to send them off with a message that shows how much you care.

It was a pleasure working with you.

You will be missed!When a colleague is leaving your workplace, it's important to let them know how much you appreciated their contributions and how much they will be missed. This message can be a great way to express your gratitude for their hard work and dedication, while also letting them know that their presence in the workplace will be missed. By acknowledging their positive impact on the team and expressing your appreciation for their efforts, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, don't forget to thank your colleague for their contributions and let them know how much they meant to the team.

Thank you for the memories and the laughter.

Farewell!When saying goodbye to a friend or loved one, it's important to acknowledge the memories and experiences you shared together. This message can be a great way to express your appreciation for the good times you had and the laughter you shared, while also wishing the person well on their next adventure. Whether you're saying goodbye to a close friend, a family member, or a significant other, expressing your gratitude for the memories you created together can be a powerful way to show how much you care. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the good times you shared and express your appreciation for the memories you created.

Good luck on your next adventure.

We'll miss you!When someone is embarking on a new adventure, whether it's a new job, a new city, or a new life chapter, it's important to wish them luck and let them know that you'll miss them. This message can be a great way to express your support for their new endeavor while also acknowledging the impact they had on your life. Whether you're saying goodbye to a friend, a colleague, or a loved one, expressing your good wishes for their next adventure can be a powerful way to show that you care. So when writing your farewell message, don't forget to wish the person luck and let them know that they will be missed.

farewell message new journey

You made a difference here, and you will be missed.

Farewell!When someone is leaving a workplace, it's important to acknowledge the impact they had on the team and express your gratitude for their contributions. This message can be a great way to let the person know that they made a difference and that their presence will be missed. By acknowledging their positive impact and expressing your appreciation for their efforts, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's contributions and express your gratitude for their efforts.

It's hard to say goodbye to someone who has been such a great part of our team.

Best of luck!When a colleague is leaving the team, it's important to acknowledge the impact they had on the workplace and express your good wishes for their future endeavors. This message can be a great way to show your appreciation for their contributions while also letting them know that they will be missed. Saying goodbye to someone who has been an important part of the team can be difficult, but by expressing your support and wishing them the best, you can help make the transition easier. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's impact and express your gratitude for their contributions, while also wishing them luck on their next adventure.

You have been a true inspiration to us all.

Farewell and best wishes!When someone is leaving the workplace, it's important to acknowledge the positive impact they had on the team and express your gratitude for their inspiration. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their hard work and dedication were appreciated and that they inspired others around them. By acknowledging their impact and expressing your support for their next adventure, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's inspiration and express your gratitude for their contributions.

We will miss your energy and enthusiasm.

Goodbye and good luck!When saying goodbye to someone who brought energy and enthusiasm to the workplace, it's important to acknowledge the positive impact they had on the team and express your appreciation for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their presence will be missed and that their energy and enthusiasm were appreciated. By expressing your support for their next adventure, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's energy and enthusiasm and express your gratitude for their contributions.

May your next chapter be as fulfilling as this one was.

Farewell!When someone is leaving a job or workplace, it's important to acknowledge the fulfillment they found in their work and express your support for their next adventure. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their contributions were valued and that you wish them the same fulfillment in their next chapter. By expressing your good wishes and support, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's fulfillment and express your gratitude for their contributions.

You have been a valuable asset to our company.

Thank you and goodbye!When someone is leaving a workplace, it's important to acknowledge the value they brought to the company and express your gratitude for their contributions. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their efforts were appreciated and that they made a difference. By expressing your thanks and appreciation, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's value and express your gratitude for their contributions.

It was an honor working with you.

Farewell and best of luck in your future endeavors!When saying goodbye to someone who was a pleasure to work with, it's important to acknowledge the honor you felt working with them and express your support for their next adventure. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their efforts were appreciated and that you have confidence in their future endeavors. By expressing your good wishes and support, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the honor you felt working with the person and express your gratitude for their contributions.

Your contributions to this team will not be forgotten.

Farewell and take care!When saying goodbye to someone who made important contributions to the team, it's important to acknowledge the impact they had and express your appreciation for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their contributions will be remembered and that they made a difference. By expressing your support and encouraging them to take care, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's contributions and express your gratitude for their efforts.

It's tough to see you go, but we wish you nothing but success.

Goodbye and stay in touch!When someone is leaving, it can be tough to say goodbye, but it's important to acknowledge their decision and express your support for their future endeavors. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their presence will be missed but that you have confidence in their success. By expressing your good wishes and encouraging them to stay in touch, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to acknowledge the difficulty of saying goodbye and express your support for the person's success.

We will miss your positive attitude and your smile.

Best wishes on your next adventure!When saying goodbye to someone who brought positivity and joy to the workplace, it's important to acknowledge the impact they had and express your appreciation for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their positive attitude and smile will be missed and that you wish them the same joy in their next adventure. By expressing your good wishes and support, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's positivity and express your gratitude for their efforts.

Your hard work and dedication have been an inspiration to us all.

Farewell and good luck!When saying goodbye to someone who demonstrated hard work and dedication, it's important to acknowledge the impact they had and express your appreciation for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their hard work and dedication were inspiring and appreciated and that you have confidence in their success. By expressing your good wishes and support, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's hard work and dedication and express your gratitude for their efforts.

Your presence here will be missed, but your impact will be felt for a long time to come.

Thank you and goodbye!When saying goodbye to someone who made a lasting impact, it's important to acknowledge their presence and express your appreciation for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their impact will be remembered and appreciated and that you are grateful for their contributions. By expressing your thanks and appreciation, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's impact and express your gratitude for their efforts.

You have been a great friend and colleague.

Farewell and stay in touch!When saying goodbye to a friend and colleague, it's important to acknowledge the relationship you shared and express your appreciation for their presence in your life. This message can be a great way to let the person know that you value their friendship and that you hope to stay in touch. By expressing your gratitude and encouraging them to stay in touch, you can help ensure that your relationship continues even after they leave. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the friendship you shared and express your appreciation for their presence in your life.

Your kindness and generosity will never be forgotten.

Best of luck on your next chapter!When saying goodbye to someone who demonstrated kindness and generosity, it's important to acknowledge the impact they had and express your appreciation for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their kindness and generosity were appreciated and that you wish them the same in their next chapter. By expressing your good wishes and support, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's kindness and generosity and express your gratitude for their efforts.

Your leadership and guidance will be missed.

Farewell and thank you for everything!When saying goodbye to someone who provided leadership and guidance, it's important to acknowledge the impact they had and express your appreciation for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their leadership and guidance were valued and that you are grateful for their contributions. By expressing your thanks and appreciation, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's leadership and guidance and express your gratitude for their efforts.

You have left a lasting impression on all of us.

Goodbye and best wishes!When saying goodbye to someone who made a lasting impression, it's important to acknowledge the impact they had and express your appreciation for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their impact will be remembered and appreciated and that you wish them the best in their future endeavors. By expressing your good wishes and support, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's impact and express your gratitude for their efforts.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!When saying goodbye to someone who was a pleasure to work with, it's important to acknowledge the honor you felt working with them and express your support for their next adventure. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their efforts were appreciated and that you wish them the best in their future endeavors. By expressing your good wishes and support, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the honor you felt working with the person and express your gratitude for their contributions.

Your talent and hard work will take you far.

Farewell and stay in touch!When saying goodbye to someone who demonstrated talent and hard work, it's important to acknowledge the impact they had and express your appreciation for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their talent and hard work were valued and that you hope to stay in touch. By expressing your gratitude and encouraging them to stay in touch, you can help ensure that your relationship continues even after they leave. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's talent and hard work and express your gratitude for their efforts.

You have been an integral part of our team.

Thank you for everything and goodbye!When saying goodbye to someone who was an integral part of the team, it's important to acknowledge the impact they had and express your appreciation for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their contributions were valued and that you are grateful for their presence on the team. By expressing your thanks and appreciation, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's impact and express your gratitude for their efforts.

You have been a true professional and a pleasure to work with.

Farewell and good luck!When saying goodbye to someone who was a true professional and a pleasure to work with, it's important to acknowledge the positive impact they had on the team and express your gratitude for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their professionalism and pleasant demeanor were appreciated and that you have confidence in their future success. By expressing your good wishes and support, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's professionalism and positive impact and express your gratitude for their contributions.

It's been an honor to work alongside you.

Farewell and best of luck in your future endeavors!When saying goodbye to someone who was an honor to work alongside, it's important to acknowledge the respect and admiration you had for them and express your support for their next adventure. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their efforts were respected and appreciated and that you have confidence in their future success. By expressing your good wishes and support, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the honor you felt working alongside the person and express your gratitude for their contributions.

Your passion and commitment will be missed.

Goodbye and best wishes on your next chapter!When saying goodbye to someone who demonstrated passion and commitment, it's important to acknowledge the impact they had and express your appreciation for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their passion and commitment were valued and that you wish them the best in their future endeavors. By expressing your good wishes and support, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's passion and commitment and express your gratitude for their efforts.

It's been a pleasure working with you.

Thank you for everything and farewell!When saying goodbye to someone who was a pleasure to work with, it's important to acknowledge the positive impact they had on the team and express your gratitude for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their presence was appreciated and that you are grateful for their contributions. By expressing your thanks and appreciation, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's positive impact and express your gratitude for their contributions.

Your sense of humor and positive attitude made work enjoyable.

Farewell and take care!When saying goodbye to someone who brought humor and positivity to the workplace, it's important to acknowledge the positive impact they had and express your appreciation for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their sense of humor and positive attitude were appreciated and that you wish them well in their future endeavors. By expressing your good wishes and support, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's humor and positivity and express your gratitude for their efforts.

You have been an important part of our team and will be missed.

Goodbye and best of luck in your next adventure!When saying goodbye to someone who was an important part of the team, it's important to acknowledge the impact they had and express your appreciation for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their contributions were valued and that they will be missed. By expressing your good wishes and support, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's importance to the team and express your gratitude for their efforts.

Your creativity and innovation will always be remembered.

Farewell and good luck in your next chapter!When saying goodbye to someone who demonstrated creativity and innovation, it's important to acknowledge the impact they had and express your appreciation for their efforts. This message can be a great way to let the person know that their creativity and innovation were valued and that you wish them the best in their future endeavors. By expressing your good wishes and support, you can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. So when writing your farewell message, take a moment to reflect on the person's creativity and innovation and express your gratitude for their efforts.

In conclusion, a well-crafted farewell message can leave a lasting impression on the person who is leaving and can help ensure that they leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment. LettrLabs' personalized direct mail service provides the perfect opportunity to express your gratitude and appreciation through a handwritten note. With these 30 different ways of saying farewell messages, you'll be able to find the perfect message to show your support and convey your good wishes. So, take the time to reflect on the person's contributions, and craft a thoughtful and sincere message that they will always remember. LettrLabs is here to help you create the perfect farewell message that is both personalized and memorable.

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Farewell Message to a Colleague: 50+ Examples & Tips on How to Write It

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Table of Contents

Although the “ great resignation ” is winding down, millions of people are still leaving their jobs. So, how do we say goodbye to our departing colleagues or bid farewell to our teams when we decide to go?

Whether you’re the one leaving or you want to say goodbye to a coworker who is, a professional and polite thing to do is to write a farewell message.

In this blog post, we’ll give you ideas and examples of the best farewell messages. We’ll also go over how to write a farewell message and what to include in it.

Let’s start!

How to say goodbye - cover

  • Example of a best farewell message to a coworker: “Thank you for being the best coworker. Farewell, and here’s to your exciting new chapter!”
  • Example of a best farewell message to a colleague leaving: “Congratulations on your new job! Best of luck to you!”
  • Example of a best farewell message on your last working day: “It’s been a great time with all of you. Thank you all and goodbye!”
  • Example of a best farewell message to a manager: “I will never forget the lessons you’ve taught me. Thank you for that. All the best!”
  • Example of a best farewell message to an employee as a boss: “Thank you for your help during all these months/years! On behalf of the company, I wish you all the best in your career!”
  • Example of a best short farewell message to a colleague: “It was great having you as a colleague. I wish you all the best!”

Why is it important to say goodbye to a coworker?

Writing a farewell message or saying goodbye to a coworker is both a polite and a shrewd thing to do. 

Namely, you never know when your paths will cross again, so it is in your best interest to stay on good terms with everyone. 

Here’s how and why you should do that:

  • Feel free to organize a farewell dinner or a night out with close coworkers to signal future hangouts and nurture the relationships you’ve created .
  • Send a thoughtful farewell message to colleagues, clients, or managers, to leave a lasting positive impression . 
  • Leave your contact or phone number — that way, it is more likely that your former colleagues will call you for potential future collaborations . 
  • Ensure a smooth ending by tying up any loose ends to make the transition easier and to be able to focus on new challenges .

Best farewell messages to a coworker

“Wishing you all the best on your next adventure! Your positivity and hard work will be greatly missed. Farewell, and stay in touch!”
“Your dedication and hard work have been invaluable. It’s tough to see you go, but I know you’ll do great things. Good luck!”
“Saying goodbye is never easy, especially to an incredible coworker like you. Your contributions have been outstanding. Farewell, and best of luck!”
“Your presence made our team brighter. Wishing you all the success in your future endeavors. All the best in the future!”
“It’s been a pleasure working alongside someone as talented and as dedicated as you. Your absence will be felt. Goodbye!”
“Farewell, and may this new journey bring you joy and fulfillment. Stay amazing!”
“Thank you for being the best coworker. Farewell, and here’s to your exciting new chapter!”

Above are some versatile and heartwarming farewell messages you can send in almost any situation.

Here’s another example of a great farewell message to a colleague:

farewell message new journey

Now, let’s go over some examples of farewell messages for specific situations.

Farewell message to a colleague who is leaving

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that during October 2023, quits accounted for 3.6 million of job separations . So, you have probably experienced a colleague or two leaving your team.

Therefore, we prepared a few farewell messages you can send to a coworker who’s leaving:

“Congratulations on your new job! Best of luck to you!”
“Please accept my warmest congratulations and best wishes for future success!”
“I wish you the very best in the next phase of your career! Congratulations!”
“Good luck on your new journey! It was a pleasure having you as a colleague!”
“It was great having you as a coworker and mentor! All the best for the future!”
“I know how much you wanted the position you got, congratulations on that! Thank you for all the help you provided when I needed it! I hope we will stay in touch. All the best my friend!” 
“Congratulations on your new job, you deserve it! Thanks for being there for me whenever I needed you, you truly are a great person. I hope we’ll stay in touch!”
“It was great having you here by my side all these years. You kept me motivated and eager to learn more. Best of luck for the future, hope to see you soon!” 

Above are examples of farewell messages to both colleagues whom you were close to, and to those whom you were less personally close with. 

The professional ones use more formal communication and offer a polite way to end your working relationship — a crucial aspect when leaving a company.

On the other hand, the more emotional messages can be a starting point for you to personalize them further with jokes, greetings to family and friends, or any other shared sentiments.

Here’s how Maya said goodbye to a coworker and included a humorous remark to lighten the mood:

farewell message new journey

💡 Pumble Pro Tip

If you want to learn more about the importance of staying in touch with your professional contacts and how to do so, read our blog post:

  • How to Stay in Touch Professionally

Goodbye message on the last working day

No matter whether you like your job or not, it’s important to say goodbye to your colleagues and send a so-called “ last-day email ” to the team.

You don’t have to send a touching farewell letter to colleagues — just a simple farewell message in your team’s group chat will do.

Here are our top suggestions:

“Thank you all for your cooperation! All the best in the future!”
“It’s been a great time with all of you. Thank you all and goodbye!”
“I am grateful for the chance you gave me. Thank you all and best of luck in the future!”
“I have enjoyed my time here, but it is time for a new challenge. Thank you all and goodbye!” 
“I will be forever grateful for the opportunity you gave me. Also, thank you all for your great cooperation! Wish you all the best!”
“Thank you all for being nice to me and for letting me grow as a professional. Thanks to you I got the opportunity in [name of the company] that I dreamed of. Here is my [contact info/LinkedIn profile/phone number]. I hope to stay in touch with you all! Cheers!”  

You never know where your career journey will take you.

The examples of farewell messages above will leave the doors open for you should you ever cross paths with your colleagues again. 

If you’ve made the decision to resign, you can break the news via a resignation letter. To learn more about why resignation letters are beneficial, and how to write one, follow the steps in our guide:

  • How to Write a Resignation Letter in 2023 (With Templates)

Farewell message to a manager, supervisor, or boss

“Dear boss, thank God I won’t have to see you again!” 

We know that some of you might want to send something like this to your boss.

However, we strongly advise against it. It is impolite, and, after all, who knows if you will see each other again.

Therefore, if you did not have a particularly good relationship with your boss, or if you simply did not talk to them that much, stick to one of the short but respectful messages. 

On the other hand, you may have had a good manager /boss/supervisor who created a positive work environment and helped you develop your professional skills. Hence, those people deserve a huge Thank you .

Here are the farewell messages you can send to people in higher positions: 

“Thanks for your cooperation! All the best in your future endeavors!”
“Congratulations and all the best in the future!”
“Congratulations on getting a new job! Best of luck for the future!” 
“I will never forget the lessons you’ve taught me. Thank you for that. All the best!”
“Thank you for letting me grow, helping me correct my mistakes, and making me a better person and professional! All the best in your career!”
“You were a tremendous mentor, I learned so much thanks to you! Wish you every success in the future!”
“Thank you for being an excellent leader! You helped me grow and become the professional I am today! All the best, dear boss/manager/supervisor!”

Maintaining professionalism during a departure is vital, regardless of past grievances.

Free team communication software

To send professional farewell messages to your coworkers quick and easy every time, have your team use Pumble.


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Farewell message to an employee as a boss

Finding the right words to say goodbye to an employee who has found a better job or just wants a career change is never easy — but a good leader needs to do it. 

Here are our suggestions on what to say to someone who is leaving a job in your team:

“Thank you for all the efforts you invested and everything you have done for our company! All the best in the future!”
“Thank you for your help during all these months/years! On behalf of the company, I wish you all the best in your career!”
“Your contribution was colossal to the growth of our company! Therefore, thank you for your help, and good luck!”
“You were a wonderful asset to our company! Wish you all the best in your career and personal life!” 
“If you ever decide to come back, the doors will always be open for you! Thank you for your great cooperation, and best of luck!”

By using the messages above, you avoid difficult conversations and ensure a good relationship in the future between you and the departing employee.

Farewell message to a colleague retiring

Retirement is a huge step for every person. 

There will be no more daily grind, tough bosses, or workplace politics.

However, it is highly possible that after some time, a retiree will start missing their job and the people they worked with. 

Here are some memorable farewell messages that you can use to say goodbye to coworkers who retire:

“Working with you was a huge privilege. I wish you all the best in your retirement!” 
“I wish you all the best in the future! I learned a lot from you, and it was a real privilege to work with you. Happy retirement!”
“The office will never be the same without you. Thank you for all the advice you shared with us and happy retirement!”
“Unfortunately, I worked with you briefly. Still, it was an honor to have you by my side. Thank you for everything, and I hope to see you again!”
“Now is the time to take care of yourself, go fishing, and enjoy time with your family/dear ones! You earned your retirement. Congratulations!”

In a lot of cases, older colleagues are great role models for younger generations. 

Therefore, it is good to write a respectful message — and perhaps even emotional. 

Naturally, the tone of a farewell message depends on the relationship you have with a retiring colleague. 

In any case, thank you and farewell messages to colleagues who retire provide valuable memories of you and your time together in the company. 

If you want to make better connections with your older and younger colleagues, check out our article:

  • How to Improve Communication Across Generations at Work

Farewell message when you are retiring

The time has come for your retirement. That is wonderful news! 

Here are our ideas of what you could send to colleagues to say goodbye to them: 

“Thank you all for making this corporation a wonderful place to work! All the best in the future!”
“I know I am leaving my second home in safe hands! Thank you all and goodbye!”
“We may not have changed the world, but we have done some extraordinary things together. I will miss you all!”
“Memories I have made in this company will last forever! Is it okay for me to stop by from time to time, am I allowed? But seriously, thanks. See you soon!”
“May you all have personal and professional success! I hope I will see our company grow further, and become stronger every day! I will miss you all!”

Your farewell message will be an acknowledgment to your former colleagues. They will be happy to see that they have had a positive impact on your career, as well. 

Moreover, thanks to one of these touching messages, they will always remember you.

And that is one of the biggest satisfactions for every retiree, isn’t it?

If you need help writing your official retirement letter, we are here to help. Check out our blog post:

  • How to Write a Retirement Letter With Examples

Short goodbye message to a colleague

If you want to keep your farewell message short, here are some examples:

“Wishing you success on your new journey. Farewell!”
“I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!”
“Your positive energy made an impact. Farewell, and good luck!”
“Your contributions were exceptional. Farewell, and best wishes!”
“I will cherish the memories and friendships I made here. I’ll keep in touch!”
“It’s bittersweet to leave. Wishing you all the best!”
“It was great having you as a colleague. I wish you all the best!”
“I’m grateful for the lessons and memories. Thank you!”
“Thank you for the special moments with special colleagues. Farewell for now!”

Here’s how an employee responded to a manager’s leaving announcement with a short farewell message:

farewell message new journey

As you can see, short farewell messages don’t always have to be emotionless and cold. You can send heartfelt farewell wishes even in a few words.

Emojis can go a long way in making a short message more personal. In fact, 91% of people agree that emojis make it easier for them to express themselves. To find out more interesting statistics about the use of emojis in professional communication, read our post:

  • Statistics on Emoji Use in Business Communication for 2023

Components of a farewell message to a coworker

Every person requires a specific approach when it comes to farewell messages. Hence, every farewell message is different. 

Nevertheless, there are a few general rules you need to bear in mind when writing goodbye messages to coworkers.

Rule #1: Make a long story short and pleasant 

A long essay is rarely a solution in the modern business world. 

Therefore, keep your messages effective and write a maximum of one or two paragraphs . 

Avoid any negativity and show gratitude to people who gave you the opportunity or helped you in any way during your time in your former company. 

Rule #2: Reminisce about the old days 

Although getting too sentimental rarely does any good, we recommend you add a personal touch to the farewell message to coworkers . 

Namely, a sentence or two about the good old days will raise a few smiles around the office for sure. 

However, be careful not to lament over the old days too much because you don’t want to make your former colleagues cry.

To learn more about the use of emotive language in the workplace, check out this article: 

  • Emotive Language in Business Communication: Definition, Examples, & More

Rule #3: Leave contact information

Bear in mind that when you or your colleague leave the company, you will not be able to communicate via work email or team channels .

Therefore, we recommend you always leave your contact information — such as your LinkedIn profile or phone number — to former colleagues or bosses, so that they can stay in touch with you. 

If your colleague is leaving and you are wondering how to ask for their contact, this post will help you:

  • How to Ask for a Contact Number Professionally

Other ways of saying farewell to your colleagues

There are also alternative ways of saying goodbye to your coworkers. 

Let’s take a look at some ideas. 

Idea #1: Send a goodbye card

A farewell card is an old-fashioned way of saying goodbye to your colleagues. 

If you are the one who’s leaving, feel free to send a farewell card to the office instead of sending a message via email or team collaboration apps . 

On the other hand, if you send a farewell card to a departing colleague, your coworker will have memorabilia of their time in your company — something nice to help them reminisce about the past. 

Feel free to use any of the aforementioned messages in your farewell card. 

Idea #2: Send a gift 

Who doesn’t like gifts? 

A farewell gift will prove that there is a strong bond between a departing person and former company colleagues. 

The best farewell present would be a thing one can use in their new role or something associated with their interests or hobbies. 

Coming up with an idea for a farewell gift and buying it together as a team can be a great team-building activity . 

Idea #3: Throw a farewell party

Do you want to organize a farewell in style? If the answer is “ Yes” , we have a solution for you!

Instead of touching farewell letters to colleagues, throw a farewell party. It can be a proper team-bonding party, a night out, or a lunch at a restaurant. 

In addition, if you have spent a lot of time in a company and have a plethora of friends there, contact your company’s HR department and see how they can help you with the party. 

We’re sure they would at least spread the message to people you want to invite. 

Say goodbye to your team via Pumble

Sending a farewell message to your team is an easy task with Pumble. 

You can send your farewell message to the team group chat, as a direct message, or write it in the thread below the announcement.

farewell message new journey

Pumble is a team collaboration app that allows you to seamlessly communicate and work together with your team via handy features such as:

  • Direct messages,
  • Channels and threads, 
  • File sharing, and
  • Audio and video calls.

If you want to try Pumble, you can create a free Pumble account right now and start chatting with your team members.

How are you going to send your farewell messages to your coworkers? Try Pumble, for better team communication.


Luka Kovac is a communication author and researcher at Pumble. His work is based on his knowledge of various communication methods, team-working ethics, and psychology. Since he is an experienced remote worker, his articles provide valuable insights into some vital strategies for successful communication and teamwork. When he’s not writing, he’s probably trying new interaction techniques and skills.

What's on your to-do?


with Pumble

farewell message new journey

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GreetPool Blog

100+ Best farewell messages to coworkers leaving in 2023

Best Farewell messages to coworkers

The best memories at work are the fun times we spend with our colleagues. Whether its going on coffee breaks together, gossiping after that hectic meeting, solving problems as a team, nailing office presentations, or fun at office parties, many of our coworkers become our friends and we form special bonds with them. So when these special colleagues decide to move on to a new opportunity, finding the right words to wish them goodbye and goodluck can be difficult. In this article, we will share some great examples of heartfelt farewell messages to coworkers and colleagues that you can say or write for a memorable sendoff.

Table of Contents

Farewell group ecards for office coworkers that multiple people can sign as a group - greetpool

Turn last impression into a lasting impression

Needless to say, it is important to end the co-working journey on a positive note. Weather its your best friend at work, your boss, someone who you barely knew, or even someone with whom you had a bad experience – it is crucial to bid a heartfelt goodbye.

The important thing is to express yourself and show that you care.

Appreciation the coworker with the right goodbye message will make them feel valued and special and leave a lasting memory of the time they spent with you at work. It boosts the working relationship among team members and boosts the overall company culture as well. Proper goodbye will strengthen your professional ties, and will come in handy in case you end up working together again in the future. 

While there is no right or wrong way to say goodbye to coworkers, a carefully chosen parting words can turn the last impression into a lasting impression.

Best way to say goodbye to a coworkers who is leaving the company

Not all farewells are the same. Based on the connection you had with the person who is leaving the team, or how long you have known them you can choose from different modes of saying goodbye.

A farewell group card

When it comes to expressing your emotions and sharing memorable greeting, nothing beats greeting cards. A goodbye card by yourself is great, but a group card from the whole team can be the perfect memento for a going away present. Encapsulate all the best moments of working together in the form of meaningful greetings and messages, and make the recipient feel like the awesome teammate they were. Everyone can collectively write farewell messages to coworkers leaving the company and present it as a parting gift.

At GreetPool, we make Farewell Cards for coworkers a breeze. Skip the trip to the store and choose from hundreds of card designs with a few clicks. Send them directly to your colleagues to sign online and collaborate together. Add GIFs, stickers, and images of your choice to personalize it further. The recipient will receive this bundle of joy at a scheduled time set by you.

sending farewell wishes and messages to coworkers as a group

A farewell gift

Well, who would not like receiving gifts on their last working day? A goodbye gift is a great way to say farewell to the colleague leaving the company. The gift does not have to be expensive or big, even a simple note with a thing your colleague likes can do the wonders for you. If you are close to a colleague who is leaving, deciding on a  perfect farewell gift i s difficult. Therefore, you can gift them something that they can utilize and be a part of their work-life. Its a memento that the leaving colleague will remember and cherish forever.

A sendoff party

Throwing a nice farewell party is a great way to wish them well and say goodbye. A small get-together in a cafe or restaurant or a goodbye lunch at the office is easy to organize and manage. It does not matter if you throw a big or small party, the focus must be on making it memorable. If the team has remote coworkers, throw a zoom virtual group party to bring everyone together and share parting messages for the colleague right infront of them. You can also play some virtual games and participate in some fun activities as a team.

Here are some more Creative Ways to Bid Goodbye to a Colleague and our team has also compiled a list of Best Office Farewell Party Ideas .

What to write in a farewell messages to coworkers?

The most important thing is to support the departing coworker and their career choice. Congratulate them, bid farewell and wish for a successful future ahead. Additionally, you can acknowledge their contributions to the team and simply say thank you on your farewell letter. If you don’t know the leaving coworker that well, a quick note is still better than a no note.

In this article, we share 100+ sample farewell wishes that are suitable for various types of situations. You will find a wide variety of greetings to inspire your next farewell card. However, if you want to truly create an original, personalized message and learn the framework for it, check out How to write the perfect farewell message . Its a visual guide with illustrated steps to craft the perfect wording.

Farewell GIFs by GreetPool via GIPHY

Short Farewell Messages to Coworkers

Short goodbye wishes and farewell notes are a great way to express your feelings in a concise manner. They work the best for employees and colleagues who you did not interact with as much during your time together. Here are some example short farewell messages to colleagues :

  • It has been a pleasure working with you. My best wishes for your future endeavors.
  • Best of luck with your next opportunity. I know you are going to excel wherever you go. Please stay in touch.
  • We wish you a fond farewell and all the best in your future endeavors.
  • You will be missed by all of us here, but we are glad that you are moving on to new opportunities.
  • Goodbye and best wishes for your new journey.
  • We will miss your positive attitude and contributions to the team. All the best for your next role.
  • Congratulations! I wish you boundless success and wish you good luck with your next exciting opportunity.
  • We appreciate everything you have done for us and we will miss you.
  • Great work on a job well done! Congratulations on the new opportunity. You are going to kill it at your next position.
  • We’ll miss your daily dose of sarcasm. Thanks for always keeping the office entertained.
  • We’ll miss your sense of humor (and your ability to make everyone else look good).
  • Working in this office without you will be not be the same anymore. Goodbye friend.
  • Hope your new company comes with as awesome coworkers as we were 😉
  • It was a pleasure working with a colleague like you these past few years. I will miss working with you.

short and simple farewell messages

Meaningful Farewell Messages To Colleagues

If you want to stand out, ditch the generic, short common farewell wishes and consider writing something beyond the superficial goodbye. Here are some examples of meaningful messages to bid them farewell:

  • Thank you for always supporting me. You have been a mentor to me. I hope we’ll stay in touch. All the best in your professional life! I will remember our sweet memories! You have been a great help and motivation to the team.
  • We cannot still believe that you are leaving us! I am sure we will stay in touch wherever you work. You have been my favorite colleague and I feel really happy for your next opportunity and success.
  • Congratulations for your new job. It was a great time working with you. good luck and have an excellent time. I know you will have a bright future ahead. All the best for your continued and boundless success!

Farewell GIFs for coworkers by GreetPool

  • Thank you for bringing happiness and productivity to this workplace. Your laugh was infectious. I hope our paths cross again in the future. Best of luck!
  • I am going to miss the best member of our team. You have been an amazing colleague and always kept us motivated. I hope you would continue to do the same at your new job.
  • You have always been my go-to person in the office. I hope we have this bond in the future also and stay in touch. Good luck keep it up.
  • It was a pleasure working with you and I’ve learnt a lot from you. I hope you have an exciting time and an amazing professional career. Long way to go!
  • Work won’t be the same without you. I will remember you as the best colleague but mostly as a dearest friend whom I could trust for anything. You are a wonderful person. May you get success in your new job role.

Goodbye Message for Remote Coworker

Out of sight doesn’t mean out of mind. Remote coworkers are essential part of team and their goodbye card messages should reflect the contributions and efforts they added to the team. Sending farewell message to a colleague who works remotely should be part of the leaving ceremonies. Here are some examples :

  • I’m so grateful to have had a chance to work with you, even if it was from afar. You were always just a Zoom call away and helped us through so many tough times. We will miss you a lot.
  • I cant believe its already been [X] years! It feels like just yesterday we were all working in the same office. Congrats on the new job and I wish you the best.
  • 2 years of working together remotely, but i feel so comfortable and easy working with you. Thank you for being an awesome buddy and making this virtual work a pleasant experience.
  • For all the challenges remote work had brought, I can definitely say that working with you was the silver lining. You were such a wonderful colleague and your positive attitude and hard work was evident even beyond the screen lol.
  • Had such an amazing time with you in person at the team offsite. We ate cake, drank wine, and celebrated team achievements together. Cheers buddy, I will miss seeing you through the screen.
  • The dedication and productivity that you demonstrated in the last 2 years of working remotely are a testimony that remote work can work with the right dedication and perspective. It was an inspiration to all the team members and now we are just sad to loose you.

Send farewell messages to coworkers and colleagues using group ecards

Farewell Messages to Boss

Relationships with bosses can be tricky. Some people really hate their bosses, while others are incredibly successful because of good bosses. Either ways, its important to have a professional relationship with them, and maintain the connection even when they are leaving. Here are some samples that can be added to your farewell card messages:

  • A good boss is difficult to find, and harder to let go. Thank you for all the guidance, mentorship and professional support during all the projects.
  • Great leaders make a change wherever they go. Your guidance has affected me professionally. Thanks for the support and kindness. I am sure you would be amazing at your new job. Good luck!
  • You were the Michael Scott of this Office – protecting us, guiding us, leading us, and making everyday fun to work! Thanks for everything.
  • Dear boss, Thank you for everything. I have learned so much from you and your leadership has been an inspiration to me. I am sad that you are leaving but I know that this is the right decision for you. Best wishes for the future.
  • Goodbye boss! Give me a call if you are hiring at your new workplace 😉
  • I say goodbye to you with a heavy heart, boss. You have been a mentor and friend to me over the years, and I will miss you dearly. I know that you will impact more lives and reach greater heights of success in your next role.
  • It has been an honor and a privilege to work with you. Thank you for your leadership and mentorship over the past few years. I wish you all the best for your future endeavors.
  • Thank you for your leadership and guidance over the years. I am grateful for the opportunity to work in your team.
  • We are sorry to hear that you are leaving the company. We wanted to let you know that we appreciate all that you have done for us. Thank you for your leadership and guidance.
  • You have been a great leader and an inspiration to us all. Your guidance and leadership will be sorely missed.Thank you for everything.
  • We’re going to miss your strategic thinking and managerial skills. However, your motivational quotes and speeches will continue to guide us.

farewell messages to boss who is leaving

Funny farewell messages to colleagues

The “best friends” at work are the ones who hurl abuses at your when you decide to move on, leaving them behind. Add humor to your work bestie’s farewell card message with these funny farewell wishes to colleagues :

  • Goodbye.. goodluck.. yada.. yada.. Dibs on your chair!!
  • Goodluck finding better colleagues than us.
  • WTH man! I will have to do all your pending work now :/
  • Hey wait! How can you leave before me..
  • Take me with you please?
  • All the best. Don’t come back as our boss now okay?
  • So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye!
  • Finally, you can put your out-of-office email reply to good use!
  • It’s been nice knowing you, but I’m glad I’m finally getting out of here!
  • I’m going to miss seeing your face every day, but I’m sure I’ll get over it.
  • Goodbye and good riddance!
  • Did you resign or was this cost cutting? Come on, tell us truth
  • Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find someone else to annoy. I’m just glad I won’t be around to witness it.
  • Can we reject your resignation? I’m gonna start a petition.
  • You will miss awesome colleagues like us. Good luck and Farewell!
  • Hope your new coworkers tolerate all your nonsense. If not, just come back you know 😉

funny farewell messages for coworkers

Checkout some special Funny Farewell Cards

Simple goodbye wishes for a colleague leaving the company

Here are some sample short and simple goodbye messages to colleagues who are not very close to you, or with whom you did not work on a day to day basis.

  • We are sad to see you go, but we are happy that you are moving on to new opportunities. Goodbye and Goodluck!
  • Cant believe we are loosing you to another company. Projects and deliveries were fun working with a wonderful colleague like you.
  • You have been a valued member of our team and we are sad to see you go. You will go a long way in your career and I hope to stay in contact.
  • You were not only an awesome teammate, but also a great friend. Don’t become a stranger now and stay in contact.
  • You made working in this office fun and entertaining. Thanks you for the good times!
  • This was a sudden news to me and I still can’t believe you’re leaving. I will miss my colleague and best friend.
  • It was truly an honor to work with a coworker like you. You are so professional and dedicated to your work, and it is always a pleasure to see you in action.
  • You are an excellent role model for all of us here at the office, and I know that we all appreciate your hard work and dedication.
  • I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to work with you, and I hope that we can continue to collaborate in the future.
  • Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Its hard to say goodbye to a wonderful colleague like you.
  • You were an integral part of our team. Goodbye and good luck.

Farewell message for an employee

When sending goodbye wishes as a representative of a company, or a brand, make sure to maintain professionalism and treat the message with respect. Here are some example farewell messages for your employees:

  • Farewell and best wishes on your new adventure! You will be missed but we know you will do great things.
  • You were such a valuable member of the team and an efficient employee. Your presence will be sorely missed by the team. Thanks for your years of service and dedication.
  • Young, ambitious, and full of potential – You were an integral member of the team and we would like to thank for a coworker like you. Farewell!
  • Thank you for your invaluable contributions to our team.  Your insights and hard work have helped us achieve our goals, and we are truly grateful for your dedication.
  • Your commitment, dedication and hard work was an inspiration to your teammates and we will miss having you around a lot. Good luck with your next chapter of life.
  • You have always given your 100% for the company. You’re an inspiration to everyone who knows you. Goodbye!
  • We are grateful for your dedication and hard work during your time with the company. Thank you and farewell.
  • Thank you for making this place better throughout your years of service. We look forward to hearing about your successes in the years to come.
  • Thank you for being an excellent employee and team member. Good luck in all your future plans.
  • Your unmatched work ethic and professionalism will be sorely missed around. We wish you the best in your new role.

For a retiring coworker

Saying goodbye to a retiring coworker can be emotional and difficult, but it’s important to show appreciation and gratitude for their years of service. When composing a farewell message, it’s best to keep it heartfelt, genuine, and personal. See the following farewell messages to colleagues who are retiring:

  • The knowledge that you shared with us really helped. You have been a true leader to us. Your next team is going to get an amazing coworker. May the success bestow upon you! You have earned this retirement.
  • I was lucky to work alongside someone like you. I have learnt a lot from you and have fond memories of our time together. Hope we stay in touch even if you are moving to a new job. Good luck and happy retirement! Enjoy the rest and relaxation.
  • Thank you for your years of service and dedication. You were an awesome colleague, a caring mentor, and a great friends. It is difficult to say goodbye and I will always remember the memories that we shared together. Farewell amigo!
  • It feels so amazing to work with a person with a good sense of humor. I wonder how good times fly so early. I wish you good luck and exciting times ahead. Your expertise has helped me in many ways. Happy retirement!
  • You were not only a great asset to the whole department but also my true friend at work. As you embark on a new journey, the fun has begun. Enjoy every minute of your retirement and keep collecting wonderful memories.
  • Coming to work every day and not seeing you might hurt. It is hard to see your favorite coworker go. But I am happy that you have found your dream job. Hope you get success in life. We will stay in touch.
  • Retirement is the beginning of a new chapter of life. It can be challenging to unwind and let go, but i’m sure a smart and curious person like you will find new passions and embrace the change in pace with open arms.
  • As I write a farewell message, all the good times of us working together are coming back to mind and I am so grateful to get a chance to be in same team as you.

retirement messages for coworker card

Writing farewell letter or email to coworkers when you are leaving

When you are leaving a team, it is important to take the time to say goodbye to your colleagues. This can be a difficult task, especially if you have worked with them for a long time. Here are some messages that you can include in your farewell email or say it out loud when you are saying goodbye in person.

  • It’s been a great time working with you all and making memories every day. I hope to cross path with you and work together all again. Thank you for being a great team and wonderful colleagues.
  • Dear colleagues, working with you all here has been an incredible journey for me. Goodbye to all and my best wishes will be with you. Thanks for being true friends, lunch buddies, supportive professionals, and influential work partners.
  • Its hard to acknowledge and thank all you amazing people in this goodbye email but you have immensely helped me learn and grow. For that, I am eternally grateful and I will cherish the fond memories of all the time we have spent working together.
  • I am all set to go on to the next phase of my career and I feel your support had a significant impact on my journey here. Now that I am going to pursue my dreams, I will always appreciate what I have learned from here and from you all. Thank you and Goodbye!
  • Sitting next to you all and learning every day was one of most favorite things that I have done last year. As it is time that I am moving to a new place and with great opportunities, I will cherish your memories.
  • It was an amazing experience to collaborate with you all work on challenging project together. I hope I can get team mate like you in the future too. Thank you all for your immense support and guidance.

Goodbye GIFs by GreetPool

Tips for the Right Farewell Message to a colleague

Writing a farewell message to a colleague can be both emotional and challenging. To ensure that your message strikes the right balance, consider these tips. Firstly, personalize your message by including specific memories or experiences you had with your colleague. This will show that you sincerely value the time you spent together. Secondly, express your appreciation for their contributions and highlight their unique qualities and strengths. Be specific in your praise, focusing on their professional achievements and the impact they had on the team or organization. Thirdly, wish them well in their future endeavors and offer your support. Let them know that you believe in their abilities and are confident in their success. Finally, keep the tone positive and uplifting. Share a heartfelt goodbye but remain professional and avoid overly emotional language. Remember, a good farewell message should leave a lasting impression and convey your genuine appreciation for your colleague’s presence in your professional life. 

Here is a visual guide on how to write the perfect farewell message that may come handy as well 🙂

tips on writing a memorable farewell messages to colleagues or friends

Shop farewell cards to say goodbye to someone

Saying Farewell to a coworker is a bittersweet occasions that allow us to show appreciation and gratitude towards our departing friends or colleagues. Make their farewell feel extra special with a thoughtful farewell card. In fact, a personalized farewell card, especially one with heartfelt words inscribed inside, is the perfect addition to any farewell gift. To assist you further, here are 6 tips for crafting the ultimate group farewell card.

We hope this extensive list of farewell messages for coworkers provides you with enough ideas and inspiration to make your next farewell card truly memorable. At GreetPool, you can choose from a stunning selection of farewell greeting cards. Pick the one that best encapsulates your appreciation and fondness for the departing individual and make their farewell a truly unforgettable occasion.


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100+ Best Heartfelt Farewell Messages for your Employees

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Farewell Messages

It has never been easy to bid goodbye to your hardworking and dedicated employees, but farewell messages help ease this process. Good send-offs and heartfelt farewell messages for your employees convey that the organization cares about them.   

The famous quote by Dr. Seuss accurately captures the emotions that employees go through when they bid adieu : “ Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened. ”  

There are a plethora of methods by which organizations can show that they value their workforce even when they decide to exit the organization . HR teams can host a send-off party, arrange for gifts , or send personalized farewell messages to employees.    

Why send farewell messages to your employees?  

Farewell messages for employees will help you:  

  • Show gratitude for the value they have added to the organization’s success so far.   
  • Motivate them to deliver top-quality work wherever they go in the future.   
  • Create an opportunity for them to stay in touch with the organization even after their last working day.   
  • Ensure they leave the organization in a positive frame of mind.    

It is essential to have the right intent and tone behind your farewell messages. The following is an extensive list of heartfelt farewell messages for your employees who you deeply care about. This list covers:  

General farewell messages  

Farewell messages for employees by managers  .

  • Farewell messages for employees by HR  

Farewell messages for colleagues who are friends  

Farewell messages with inspirational quotes  .

These simple yet thoughtful farewell messages will help you lift their spirits in times when they are switching to a new work environment or probably figuring things out:  

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These generic messages are meant for all. Be it a manager who wants to wish farewell to his/her team member or be an employee who wants to send it to their colleague/manager.  

1. If you ask me, I can always vouch for your commitment to work. It’s been a great joy ride working with you, and we know that only the sky is the limit!
2. You’ve been a delight to work with. Have an amazing time ahead. On behalfof everyone on the team, I wish you good luck in your future endeavors.
3. We were glad that you were a part of our organization for so long and have contributed so much to its growth. I only wish you all the happiness and success going forward.
4. You shouldn’t be saddened for leaving a place because you are taking back so much from all over these years you’ve spent with us. Good luck and all our best wishes to you.
  5. envy the organization that managed to rope you in. They are getting fortunate, and we should be worrying about it. Farewell!


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6. It was an honor to work with a coworker committed to their success and their coworkers’. Warmest congratulations to you, and best wishes for the future, buddy!  
7. We will always remember your contribution and will cherish your work. Good luck with the new ride, Farewell!
8. You will be dearly missed around here. Wishing you all the best in this next phase of your career! I am confident it is only going to be an upward journey.
9. I will forever cherish the time spent with you learning the work during the initial days. Sending you all the best!
10. During your time here, even though short, you were nothing but reliable, encouraging, and supportive. Having you as a colleague was a marvelous experience. You truly deserve a new awesome phase of your career and more. Good luck!
11. It was an honor to work alongside you. Your hard work and contributions will not be forgotten. Best of luck for your future mate!  
12. I am sorry to see you go and hope that we will meet again. All the best for your future endeavors {employee’s name}.
13. You were sure to create an impact in your time here with us. We will miss working with you. Sending all the wishes your way. Goodbye!  
14. I wish you continued success in all your future endeavors, even though it pains me to bid you farewell as you start a new phase of your career. Farewell.  
15. I pray for you to find more opportunities, success, and good luck along the way of your dreams. Goodbye, colleague!
16. You will forever be remembered for your glorious achievements here. You did something that makes our organization proud. We hope, wherever you go, you will do the same as you did here. Goodbye.
17. I don’t think this goodbye should be tough, for it is not final. We shall see you soon. Au revoir!  
18. I must tell you that you have a very inspiring aura. Your contributions to our organization have been immense. I hope you keep up the excellent work in your next job as well. It was a pleasure working with you. Goodbye!  
19. You have always been the seeker, the go-getter, the achiever. I know about your dreams, and I am certain you will achieve them all. Good luck with all your future endeavors. Farewell!  
1. Good luck for all that the future holds for you. I am confident that you are going to do just as great as you have done for us.  
2. We are sad to lose someone as dedicated and hardworking as you, but we also know that what you are going to do next is taking you closer to your goals, and we can’t be happier!
3. Bid Adieu! But it’s only goodbye; our doors are always open for you. May you excel at everything you do next.  
4. It is going to be a challenging task to find someone as competent and reliable as you are. I was sad to know that you are leaving the organization, but I also understand your career aspirations and goals, and I can only wish the best for you!  
5. Everyone knows that you have set a new benchmark in terms of reaching high monthly targets. We will miss having one of our most hardworking employees. Farewell!  
6. With a very heavy heart, we bid goodbye to you, but we also know that everything happens for the best. I am sure that you have made the right decision, so good luck for the future. May it shine brighter than ever.  
7. We will miss all the learning and fun we had with you in your time with us. But that does not stop us from wishing that you have more amount of learning and double the fun wherever you go.  
8. Please feel free to drop by anytime you want to. Our doors are always open for people like yourself. It has been our honor working with you for a good amount of time. As you move onto your next role, I hope we continue to stay in touch.  
9. From the day you stepped into our firm as a shy yet determined intern to today, when you leave it as a director, it has been a joyride to work with someone as wonderful as you. Remember, all our wishes are always with you.  
10. Ever hit the jackpot? We did when we hired you, and so did your next workplace. We feel a mix of emotions bidding you off. Farewell!  
11. You know more than anyone what is best for you. I am as elated as I am saddened by your decision. And I will always support you. Farewell!  
12. We will surely fall short of awesome colleagues with you gone. You were a core part of our team and always did an impeccable job. You’ll always be missed. Farewell!  
13. Hopefully, this I s not goodbye; it’s just see you again. Enjoy your new job! I am sure you are going to do just as well.  
14. Your last day is literally one of the saddest happenings in our work life. Your cheerfulness and innovative nature will make you a very successful person one day. We are glad to have contributed to your professional life, hopefully. Do well!  
15. We hate to call this your last working day with us. Oh, how we are going to miss your bad jokes but incredible work! Your new organization is lucky indeed. Goodbye and Goodluck!  
16. Bigger and better things are surely coming your way. This was a tough decision to make, and we hate to bid you goodbye, but it is only for the best. Farewell!
17. Sending all the Goodluck and good wishes your way. May you perform to the highest of your capabilities and thus reach where you want to. It was a joy ride working with you. Goodbye!  
18. Leaving the company does not suggest that you are leaving us. Stay in touch with the team. We look forward to what the future holds in store for you. All the very best!  
19. Wishing you all the success on your new adventure, we are sure you will sail through it like a pro. Keep meeting us, Farewell!  
20. To begin somewhere, you must end somewhere. And the good news is that this is not even an end. Our doors are always open for the employee who displayed grit and versatility in all their work possible. Oh, how we will miss you! Goodbye.  
21. You are leaving us in a quandary for who is going to lead the team meetings? Who is going to drop the most stupid jokes? Who is going to throw random parties? We will miss having the heartbeat of the team with us. Farewell.  
22. Goodbyes are told to people who you might never meet again, but we, for a fact, know that we are seeing you soon again. Work cannot be the same without you gone.  
23. If there’s one word to describe you it has to be ‘TRAILBLAZOR’. We feel fortunate to have worked with you on some of the most amazing projects. Thank you for all your contributions and Goodbye!  
24. Having you known you for some time now I know even the sky is not the limit for you. You are made to reach the stars. All the best for everything, see you.  
25. It is incredible how you treat even y our juniors with the same respect and dignity as your seniors. That quality of yours will take you a long way. Farewell!  
26. I truly understand now that age is just a number. At such a young age you’ve achieved so much and that is something to be proud of. Keep doing great things buddy. Farewell!  
27. Please feel free to drop by anytime you wish for this is as much your company as ours. It is going to be indeed painful to come to work and not see your enthusiastic face. You shall be missed. Goodbye!
28. Today isn’t a very good day as the most brilliant and kind individuals of our team says a goodbye. I am just hoping that it is not final. Farewell, dear colleague.  
29. Wish I could persuade you to stay back for a little while longer at our company, but I also know how much the next job means to you. I wish you all the best for your future. Farewell {employee’s name}!  
30. I will be grateful to this org since I got an opportunity to work with a brilliant mind like yours, and that too very closely. You are also the kindest person I know here. Goodluck for everything, you deserve it!
31. It would be wrong if I asked you to stay back in the org and discuss new terms because once the decision has been made one should really stick by it. And knowing the kind of person you are, I know that once you set your mind to something, you leave it only when you achieve it. Goodbye!  
32. I do not like your next org because it is taking away from us our most reliable employee. But for you, I feel happy because you are going to take a more challenging role and create a larger impact. Farewell!  

Farewell messages by HR

1. This might be the end of your time with our company but it’s definitely not the end of new learning as you seek new and more opportunities. On behalf of [company’s name], we’d like to bid you a heartfelt goodbye and wish you lots of good wishes in all that you will pursue going forward!  
2. On behalf of the entire organization, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the dedication you have put into your work while with us. We hope that you had a meaningful stint with [company’s name]. Do write to us if you’d like to share any last thoughts with us. Good luck and Farewell!  
3. Have goodbye s ever been easy? Most certainly not. We’re happy though that you chose to work with our organization and added so much value with your time here. We are sure you will continue to do so wherever you go in the future also. Farewell from the entire HR team at [organization’s name].  
4. We are so often so lost in our everyday work that we forget to appreciate people around us for the amazing work they do. Now that you are leaving, we are reminded of the wonderful work you’ve done, and we hope you continue to do so in the future wherever you go. Goodbye!  
5. On behalf of the entire HR team at [organization’s name], I would like to wish you all the success as you embark on your new adventure. I am confident that you are going to achieve greater things!  
1. In addition to being a reliable colleague, you’ve also been a great friend. We are going to miss having you around. Farewell and Good luck!  
2. We’ve learnt a lot from you over the years and we are sure that all those learnings will help us tackle problems in the future. We wish you all the luck in this world for the new adventure that awaits you.
3. Every new beginning requires you to leave something behind. As for you, you are leaving a legacy behind my friend! We hope to walk in your footsteps and take this organization to newer heights. On behalf of the entire organization, here’s wishing you lot of luck and blessings for your new venture.  
4. It has never been easy to bid goodbye to someone who has been a friend, a mentor and a confidant. The next place you work at is indeed lucky to have you join them. Only up and up my friend!  
5. Farewell mate! The office will not be the same warm place without you in it. As much as I hate to send you off, I cannot be happier to see what you will accomplish next.  
6. We will miss you is an understatement. Nothing can truly describe what we feel when bidding one of our most hardworking employees a farewell. Good luck my friend!  
7. I wish I could tie your legs to your cubicle when you are not looking so that you can never leave us. But that will not stop you, will it? Goodbye.  
8. Farewell to a hardworking colleague during meetings and a joyful maniac during lunch breaks. Work will not be the same anymore. Goodbye!  
9. I am wondering whom I will approach for asking my silly doubts and for hanging out during lunch. It is going to be hard to find someone like you. With that said, I am very proud of you for taking the leap of faith to advance your career trajectory. Farewell!  
10. Although you worked only for a little while with us, it feels like we have known you forever. All the fresh ideas and perspectives you bring to the table will be missed. Goodbye and keep in touch.  
11. Work won’t be the same without you. Always remember, I’m just a text message away. Enjoy your new job!  
12. I cannot believe that this is your last day at work. Collaboration with you is an integral part of my work and it will take time to get accustomed to it. Good luck my friend!  
13. There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will forever be in our memories. Farewell!  
14. This is more a ‘Thank you’ than it is a ‘Goodbye’. We want to thank you wholeheartedly for all the novel ideas and contributions you have brought to the organization. We will miss you buddy.  
15. As sad this goodbye is, it is happy too for I know what you are all set for. To conquer the world! It is just a matter of time before you will have reached your most cherished goal!  
16. I’m just wondering if the office hours will seem longer without you, they will for sure. I have to tell you how utterly impressed I am by your amazing personality and work ethic. These are going to take you so far in your life my friend. Goodbye and Goodluck!  
17. On this Goodbye, which is not final, I wish you all the best for your career. May you reach the sky and achieve all that you are working so hard for. Onwards and upwards only, Farewell!  
18. Bidding Adieu especially to someone whom you see every day, who makes work fun and who is as funny as it gets is so much more difficult than I expected it to be. May you get everything you ever wished for. Goodbye!  
19. If there is one thing, I know for sure is going to change once you leave the firm is that it is going to be tough coming to work every day. You have been the closest friends I have here. Just imagining the fact that you will not be here to solve my work problems aches my heart. But I am happier than sad about the decision that you’ve made. Farewell.  
20. You might not be my coworker now, but you shall always be my friend. I have learnt a great deal from you. Seeing you leave is saddening but I am happy you have decided to take the next big step towards your dream. May you find success in all that you do. Goodbye.  
21. When everything was unknown and unfamiliar, you were the first person to give me strength and hope. From that moment, you’ve not only been a helpful colleague but also a good friend of mine. Now you are leaving. I wish you the best of luck.  
22. I always wondered how you managed to get so much work done in so less time. You must be a genie and now that you are leaving, I’d like to know that secret of yours. Will you tell me? I wish you all the success going forward my friend!  
23. Saying farewell to an employee is like saying goodbye to a family member. The bond that we have built over the years is a testimony to our camaraderie. Farewell, we shall miss having you around.  
24. All I would be missing is your endearing presence, constant support and motivating words. Farewell, all the best to the best.  
25. I am not lying when I say that this office will be a lonely place without you. We are fortunate to have worked with you on multiple projects and reached numerous milestones over the years. Farewell to the best.  
26. There is no doubt that you were one of our finest employees. In your time here with us, you managed to create a lasting impact and that is commendable. I hope you continue to do so wherever work takes you next. Farewell, dear friend.  
27. There is only one good thing about your leaving, you don’t have to worry about deadlines anymore. On a serious note, we will always be indebted to you for what you have done for the firm since its very inception. We are deeply saddened to bid goodbye to one of the oldest people in our firm, not by age of course. Farewell mate!  
28. I must say not everyone has the guts to give up the work they are comfortable at. It takes a solid heart to chase your dreams and I am extremely proud of you for that. With the determination that you have, your dreams are not far away, my friend. Goodluck!  
29. On the outside, I may be smiling while I wish you farewell. But on the inside, I am desperately praying for you to stay and not bid a goodbye. But then reality hits. Farewell.  
30. I don’t intend to feel so emotional but how can I not! You weren’t just a coworker, after all, you were my dearest friend. Finding someone like you will indeed be tough for our org, they hit a jackpot with you. Farewell!  
31. On your last day with us, I want to thank you for all the support that you’ve given me right from the beginning and for treating me like your own. I will miss everything about you. Farewell!  
32. I find myself extremely lucky to have met such an incredible person like you. You are one of the most brilliant people I know at work and coming to the office without you is going to be boring. Work won’t be the same anymore. Farewell!  
33. Our team will be forever indebted to you for always standing tall and taking all the problems up first by yourself. Even when you don’t stay, you will always be a part of this team. Good luck and farewell friend!  
34. It is unimaginable how many deals we secured because of your hard work. I will never have the right words to express my gratitude to you. You deserve a grand farewell my friend. All the best for your future.  
35. Your new team isn’t even aware that they are inviting the most dedicated, the kindest and the most hardworking person into their team. I can always vouch for you, my friend. Create wonders, farewell! 
1. Every end is a new beginning, an opportunity to grow beyond limits. You are capable of so much more. I am sure you will succeed at everything you do!
2. Growth can be achieved if you persevere and keep at it. We know that a change of company will only help you grow more and more. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to work with someone as talented as yourself.  
3. In words of Paulo Coelho, if you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello. I am sure that more rewards and opportunities are waiting for you out there!  
4. Only when you have to leave behind something or someone do you realize their value. We will have some urgent work to do to find someone as responsible and reliable as you.  
5. Nothing lasts forever. Hence, your time with us too. Your time with us is testimony to your hardwork and grit. We are shattered to lose such a person. Nevertheless, here’s to new beginnings!  
6. Change is the only constant. Being a firm believer of this fact, I am proud of the decision you have made. There is so much that awaits you, my friend! See you.  
7. Every good thing comes to an end. Similarly, every good thing must begin somewhere. I stand by you in your decision to move onto a more challenging role. We are going to miss working with you.  
8. I am so proud of you for having taken this decision. Although risky, it will brighten up your future for risks make life worth living. Farwell!  
9. If I was given an opportunity to bid goodbye to the most hardworking colleague of mine, there’s only this way I would do it, Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends. – Richard Bach. Farewell!  
10. A wise man once said, When best friends say goodbye to each other, what they are really saying is ‘Hold that thought, I will be back soon’ So I will hold my thought until you return to hear the rest. You have been more of a friend than a colleague. I shall miss you dearly. Farewell!  
11. Goodbyes are a part of the journey. We should accept this fact now. And in the most cliché way, think to ourselves, let’s not cry it is over, smile because it happened. Farewell best bud!  
12. Well, the journey comes to an end, only to begin somewhere. I will pray to get the chance of working with you again in the future. You shall be missed at work and at our fun sessions. Goodbye mate.  

Your workforce is your biggest asset that drives your organization. Sending farewell messages to your employees will propagate a good word about your company culture and how it empowers people even when they are no longer its part.   

Sending these messages to your colleagues when they bid adieu to your company will make them feel valued and cared for. This small gesture of gratitude will brighten up their whole day. These farewell messages for your employees have been drafted keeping in mind that they are not just your coworkers but also your dear friends.   

You may want to tweak these farewell messages to make them more personalized. A touch of customization can add to the authenticity and beauty of these handwritten notes. Send them and keep spreading positivity!  

On the other hand, if your organization is looking to send fewer farewell messages and increase employee retention, then you may want to know how Darwinbox can help you in this regard.   


Recommended Reading

What is employee self-service all you need to know, your comprehensive guide to employee experience journey mapping [with template], unveiling darwinbox engage: listen, decode, act, speak your mind.

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75 Goodbye Quotes to Say Farewell to Someone

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Goodbye can feel so final, like the end of a good book or the terminus for the train. It’s the last chapter, the last stop. And when the destination for two people differs, it could be the last time you see them.

That’s a sad thought. And one that many of us have faced on more than one occasion.

But amidst the sadness, it’s important to find reasons to smile . Whether the farewell is forever or just for now, remember the good times. Remember the warmth.

And know that your connection to each other will never really be lost.

Table of Contents

Why Are Goodbyes So Hard?

Our journeys are all unique. Some people will be there from the beginning. And others will join the path along the way.

Some will be there to guide you, and others, to break your fall. There will be good days, great days, and years of happiness.

And there will be times of sadness, of lost hope, and goodbyes.

These are the moments we all try to hide from. We’d rather not face the heartache of saying farewell. Or feel the emptiness that’s left behind.

But the reality is, we must. Not everyone can stay in our lives forever. From our mentors and friends; from loved ones and even our pets, goodbye is at times, unavoidable.

Our paths will all differ. But what makes them truly special is the time we spend together, even if it may be limited. It’s during these moments that we have the opportunity to create the most beautiful memories. And take meaningful footsteps, hand in hand.

Yes, goodbyes are hard. But think back to when you laughed at each other until your bellies ached. Remember the places you’ve seen standing side by side. And the conversations you’ve shared over everything and nothing.

Allow the sadness to be eased by clutching onto that lifetime of smiles. Those smiles, those incredible adventures shared with the people you care about, will fill your heart and make it even more whole.

Remember, ‘Goodbye’ may be a fork in the path; a crossroad that leads you in separate directions. But it can’t take away the memories you create along the way.

So let's cherish and appreciate the here and now. Because it’s with these precious moments that our entangled lives live on together.

Now, let’s take a look at these goodbye quotes.

  • “Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, though somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends.” – Unknown
  • “You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing.” – E.B. White
  • “Saying goodbye doesn’t mean anything. It’s the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.” – Trey Parker
  • “We’ll meet again, Don’t know where, don’t know when, But I know we’ll meet again, Some sunny day.” – Vera Lynn
  • “I will always cherish all those moments we spent together, all those laughter we shared, all those stories we told. Farewell, my friend!” – Unknown
  • “You can kiss your family and friends goodbye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you.” – Frederick Buechner
You can kiss your family and friends goodbye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you.” – Frederick Buechner
  • “Goodbyes make you think. They make you realize what you’ve had, what you’ve lost, and what you’ve taken for granted.” – Ritu Ghatourey
  • “Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful.” – Buddha
  • “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Our memories of yesterday will last a lifetime. We’ll take the best, forget the rest, and someday will find that these are the best of times.” – Styx
  • “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Semisonic
  • “I have to say goodbye to you now but always keep in mind that we will meet again soon. You will always be in my heart!” – Unknown
  • “You may not always end up where you thought you were going. But you will always end up where you are meant to be.” – Unknown
  • “I thank you for your part in my journey.” – Unknown

farewell messages | farewell messages to colleagues | farewell quotes

  • “You and I will meet again, When we’re least expecting it, One day in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won’t say goodbye my friend, For you and I will meet again.” – Tom Petty
  • “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” – Helen Keller
  • “Good friends never say goodbye. They simply say ‘See you soon.’” – Unknown
  • “It’s sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life, starts with goodbye.” – Carrie Underwood
  • “Adios, friend! We may not meet every day, but you will always be in my thoughts!” – Unknown
  • “It feels right. But it’s emotional. Saying goodbye to anything you’ve done that long is hard.” – Angela Ruggiero
  • “I have learned along my journey that letting go doesn’t mean loving less.” – Alex Elle
  • “Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.” – Richard Bach
Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.” – Richard Bach
  • “We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.” – Tim McGraw
  • “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – A.A. Milne
  • “Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means I’ll miss you until we meet again.” – Unknown
  • “Saying goodbye is the hardest solution of any problem. But sometimes it’s the only choice we have…” – Anurag Prakash Ray
  • “Saying goodbye feels hard, for sure, but I am confident that it is a door through which we walk to bring us to another good chapter in our story together.” – Claudia Quigg
  • “Our friendship has taken me on a magical journey which will never come to an end. Even though you are going away, we will never stop being friends. Goodbye.” – Unknown
  • “We laughed until we had to cry , we loved right down to our last goodbye, we were the best.” – St. Elmo’s Fire
  • “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss

good-bye quotes for friend | goodbye friends message | goodbye love quotes

  • “At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life.” – Unknown
  • “It always is harder to be left behind than to be the one to go…” – Bodie Thoene
  • “So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good.” – Helen Keller
  • “It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.” – Ernie Harwell
  • “Even if we can’t be together in the end, I’m glad that you were a part of my life.” – Unknown
  • “I will force myself to say the word goodbye, but my heart will never mean it. Goodbye.” – Unknown
  • “I can’t remember all the times I told myself to hold on to these moments as they pass.” – Counting Crows
  • “Why can’t we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn’t work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say goodbye. I hate goodbyes. I know what I need. I need more hellos.” – Charles M. Schultz
Why can’t we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn’t work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say goodbye. I hate goodbyes. I know what I need. I need more hellos.” – Charles M. Schultz
  • “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is even if we are apart, I’ll always be with you.” – A. A. Milne
  • “Life is a journey that lets you befriend many people on your way. But only a few are capable of staying in your heart forever. Goodbye my friend!” – Unknown
  • “The two hardest things to say in life is hello for the first time and goodbye for the last.” – Moira Rogers
  • “For Sayonara, literally translated, ‘Since it must be so,' of all the goodbyes I have heard is the most beautiful.” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh
  • “It’s hard to accept that the crossroads of destiny is making us part. I will miss you! Take care.” – Unknown
  • “Remember me and smile, for it's better to forget than to remember me and cry.” – Dr. Seuss
  • “It's so hard saying goodbye… it's hard saying good bye to all the things that one has held dear for weeks, months, sometimes years.” – Saqib Saleem
  • “It’s not the days in life we remember, rather the moments.” – Walt Disney

goodbye message | farewell message to colleague | farewell message to colleagues

  • “Sadly enough, the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained.” – Jonathan Harnisch
  • “The only reason I am happy saying goodbye is that I know that life will find a way to bring us back together again. Farewell.” – Unknown
  • “The last thing I say on most phone calls is not, ‘Goodbye,' but, ‘Thank you.'” – Marshall Goldsmith
  • “You never really leave the place you love. You take part of it with you and leave part of you there.” – Unknown
  • “Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say goodnight till it be morrow.” – William Shakespeare
  • “May we meet again on distant shores.” – Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff
  • “Man’s feelings are always purest and most glowing in the hour of meeting and of farewell.” – Jean Paul Richter
  • “Anyone with a heart, with a family, has experienced loss. No one escapes unscathed. Every story of separation is different, but I think we all understand that basic, wrenching emotion that comes from saying goodbye, not knowing if we'll see that person again – or perhaps knowing that we won't.” – Luanne Rice
Anyone with a heart, with a family, has experienced loss. No one escapes unscathed. Every story of separation is different, but I think we all understand that basic, wrenching emotion that comes from saying goodbye, not knowing if we'll see that person again – or perhaps knowing that we won't.” – Luanne Rice
  • “I think that you're supposed to know when it's time to say goodbye.” – Judy Sheindlin
  • “Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.” – Flavia Weedn
  • “You’ve changed me forever. And I’ll never forget you.” – Kiera Cass
  • “Goodbye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart is the memory and there you will always be.” – Disney
  • “Thank you for listening. Thank you for abiding me. And now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, I bid you goodbye and take my leave.” – Frank Deford
  • “Sometimes you have to say goodbye to the things you know and hello to the things you don't.” – Steve McQueen
  • “Remember me and smile, for it’s better to forget than to remember me and cry.” – Dr. Suess
  • “It takes a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye.” – Unknown

farewell quotes for friends | good bye quotes | goodbye friends quotes

  • “No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth.” – Robert Southey
  • “If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” – Paulo Coelho
  • “If you never stop when you wave goodbye you just might find, if you give it time, you will wave hello again.” – John Mayer
  • “This is not a goodbye, my darling, this is a thank you.” – Nicholas Sparks
  • “Could we see when and where we are to meet again, we would be more tender when we bid our friends goodbye.” – Ouida
  • “The easiest way to find out how you feel about someone. Say goodbye.” – Phil Knight
  • “With every goodbye comes a new beginning and we can look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead. When we part ways, we can take comfort in knowing that life was good.” – Rolf van der Wind
With every goodbye comes a new beginning and we can look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead. When we part ways, we can take comfort in knowing that life was good.” – Rolf van der Wind
  • “Farewell has a sweet sound of reluctance. Goodbye is short and final, a word with teeth sharp to bite through the string that ties past to the future.” – John Steinbeck
  • “True friends don’t say good-bye, they just take extended leaves of absences from each other.” – Unknown
  • “So long, see you around, but never a final goodbye.” – Fred Flagler
  • “There was something unfinished about not saying farewell, like a door left open in the chill night.” – Julie C. Dao
  • “There should have been a better farewell. But in the end, there never is. And we take what meager scraps we can find.” – Richard K. Morgan
  • “Goodbye is the hardest thing to say to someone who means the world to you, especially when goodbye isn’t what you want.” – Unknown

Final Thoughts on Saying Farewell

Goodbye may be the end of the chapter, but the story will go on. The memories created will find a special place in your heart. And the footsteps you took together will always be visible.

Allow yourself to be sad. But know that this is only possible because the trip was so incredible. And it will continue to be incredible as you take on the next part of your journey.

For more inspirational quotes, be sure to check out these blog posts:

  • 85 Empowering Divorce Quotes About the End of a Marriage
  • 121 Smile Quotes to Make Your Day a Little Happier
  • 79 Powerful Compassion Quotes About Showing Empathy

Finally, if you want to use these quotes to make a lasting change to your life, then check out and recite these 57 affirmations for success .

goodbye quotes | good bye quotes | goodbye friends quotes

50 Perfect Farewell Messages to Coworkers Leaving the Company

Here are 50 perfect farewell messages to coworkers that will remind them of how much they will be missed.


You’ve been so dependable, supportive, encouraging, and honest during your time here. Your new place is incredibly lucky to have you. Keep doing great things.

Thank you for all the support and goodwill you have shown to me over the years. The sweet memories of working with a coworker like you will be hard to forget. Farewell, mate.

Take care of yourself in your new job. I wish I could be your coworker there too. The people you’re going to work with are in for a real treat. Goodbye, and keep in touch.

Thanks for all those times when you helped me in the tasks I wasn’t able to do on time. It will be difficult to fill the void created by your absence. I am really going to miss you. Best of luck.

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Others stay awhile, make footprints on our hearts and we are never, ever the same.

Your decision-making skills are an asset that have always inspired me to be like you. I appreciate all your words of encouragement and everything I have learned from you. Farewell, sir.

This is such an exciting opportunity for you, but we still can’t believe you’re leaving. Please keep in touch.

It’s time to move on and scale new heights. But we wish that you don’t forget the old friends who have loved you always.

Thanks for training me. I’ll do my best to make sure I uphold the work ethic and commitment that you’re known for. Thanks for the motivation and for the on-the-job training I have received from you. Goodbye, mate.

Thank you for your help and kindness. I wish you the best of luck and continued success wherever you may find yourself.

You’ve been a friend, colleague, and mentor whom I have treasured so much. However, you’re bound for bigger and better things. Goodbye, mate.

Thanks a lot for all your support and encouragement. You are the best colleague I have ever met. Bye, and keep in touch.

The troubles of miles of commute was undone by your one smile. Do well.

Your resignation is a cruel reminder that all good things in life must come to an end. You may have stopped being a colleague, but you’ll always remain my friend. Farewell.

The most difficult and trying part of you leaving will be adjusting to a new boss who likely won’t be half the leader that you are.

You may no longer be my coworker, but you’ll continue to be my friend. Good luck at your new job.

It has been an honor working with a wonderful colleague like you these past years.

Saying goodbye to a true friend is really tough. But I bid you goodbye with the hope that we would meet again one day.

Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me. You’re a wonderful boss. It’s so sad to hear that you’re leaving. I’ll never forget you. Farewell, boss, and I hope to see you again soon.

You decided to move to greener pastures, but your departure will leave our grounds barren and dry. Farewell.

It has been a pleasure working with a boss like you. Thank you for making the workplace a fun place to be. I hope for your success in your new role. Good luck, and farewell.

You’re moving away; this office is going nowhere. However, if you need someone to help proofread your work, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Here’s wishing you the best of goodbyes.

It didn’t take long for me to see you as my friend, rather than my colleague. I’m lucky to have worked with you, and I’ll miss you. Let’s keep in touch.

I’ve learned a lot working with you these past years. I know you’ll be successful in your new position. Thank you and farewell, friend.

While you might no longer work here, let’s keep working on our friendship. I’d love to stay in contact with you.

I’m seriously going to miss you here. Best of luck in your new endeavor. See you soon.

I’ll miss you and think of you. Thank you for the good times and sweet memories that we shared together.

I will miss my colleague and best friend, but the sweet memories we shared together will stay in my heart forever. You are the best staff I have ever worked with. Bye.

While it pains me to bid you farewell as you start a new phase of your career, I sincerely wish you continued success in all your future endeavors.

I want to hunt down the head hunter who hunted you and tell him that he has scored his best hunt ever. Farewell.

We wish you boundless success wherever you go.

I like the feeling of finding it difficult to say goodbye to someone because it only means that I have found a true friend.

Working in this office without you will be so boring. We’ll miss having a wonderful colleague like you. Good luck in your future endeavors.

I know that you are going to get an awesome salary in your new job but there is no guarantee that you will get awesome colleagues like us too. Do you still want to go? Farewell.

I hope the next place that you work will rival the joy that you’ve had working here.

Wishing you much joy and happiness as you begin a new chapter in your life.

I hope that your new place is full of fun and happiness. Take care, and wishing you all the best.

Every once in a while, you meet a person that you instantly click with. You’re definitely one of those people for me. I’m so happy that we got to spend the time we did together. Enjoy your new position.

Our teamwork hasn’t been the same since you left the office. We’re really missing your valuable contributions.

You were the best colleague that I have ever worked with. I wish you all the best for your future. Farewell.

Dear officemate, you are an exceptional staff member dedicated to promoting excellence and making the workplace a fun place to be. We will definitely miss you, and we hope you will keep in touch with us from time to time.

I’ve really enjoyed working with you. Good luck at your new job.

Go ahead, enjoy your new job. We are friends forever!

Good colleagues are the kind of people you can rely on, generally get along with, share a joke or two, and ask for help. You’re definitely all of these things. I’m sure your new coworkers will think the same about you as well.

Having awesome colleagues is a bad habit, because it’ll be impossible to work with someone else now that you’re leaving. Goodbye.

Wishing you the best in this next phase of your career. Congratulations, and best of luck.

Having fun and being happy here won’t be as easy without a wonderful person like you around. The whole workplace will miss you. Goodbye, and all the best.

Having the privilege of working with you has been the highlight of my time here. Best of luck in your new position.

Monthly targets and performance appraisals will come and go, but the memories of working with a colleague like you will stay in my heart forever.

Let me take this moment to acknowledge the deep gratitude I have for your many kindnesses and unwavering support during all of the years that I worked with you. I wish you all the best. Goodbye.

Having you as a partner at work was one of the best professional experiences in my career. Farewell.

I hope you enjoyed these great farewell messages to help inspire you to find the right words for your own unique message.

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60 Farewell Messages to Boss: Best Wishes on an Exciting New Journey

Writing farewell messages to your boss can be both a daunting and exciting experience. Whether you are announcing that you are leaving the company or wishing your manager well on their new journey, it is important to choose your words of goodbye carefully. A farewell message should express gratitude for having worked with the boss, appreciation for lessons learned, wishes of luck in upcoming projects and farewell wishes.

A goodbye message is a way to bid farewell, however long or short the relationship was, and to acknowledge the impact that your boss had on your professional development. It should be respectful of the departing manager’s contributions and serve as an appropriate goodbye to someone in a position of authority. It is also important not to forget the farewell message to your boss, as this will be a lasting impression on the company relationships.

Choosing farewell messages to your boss can be a difficult task because you want to choose something meaningful and appropriate. It should speak directly to their impact on the team while remaining professional and courteous. With 60 messages to choose from, you can find the perfect goodbye quote to help you and your boss say goodbye in the best way possible. From humorous to meaningful farewell wishes, this blog post will help find the words that come straight from your heart.

Let’s take a look at some heartfelt farewell messages to bid farewell to your manager with grace and gratitude.

Farewell Quotes for Boss: Saying Goodbye with Deep Affection and Respect

Saying goodbye to your boss is a little more challenging. You definitely don’t want to burn any bridges with a poor taste in humor, but you don’t want to come across as too cliché either.

  • Dear Boss, I am so grateful to have had you as a manager and mentor throughout my tenure here. Your guidance, enthusiasm and support have been invaluable and I’m sure your forthcoming projects will be just as successful. Best farewell wishes!
  • It has been an absolute pleasure to have you as my manager. You are the most supportive, understanding and helpful boss anyone could ask for. It’s a bit sad hearing farewells, but I’m sure you will continue to inspire and lead many more teams. Good luck in all your future endeavors!
  • It has been a great privilege to have had the opportunity to work with such an amazing boss like you. Your leadership, vision and dedication have been inspirational and I will miss you dearly. All the best for your future endeavors!”
  • It was one of the best decisions of my life to join this team and working with you has made it even more rewarding. Thank you for your guidance and mentorship over the years – I was so lucky to have such an admirable and respectable boss!
  • This farewell message is long overdue, but I want you to know how much I appreciate all that you have done for me. You have been an incredible leader and mentor whose support has allowed me to grow immensely. I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors!”
  • It’s been such a great experience working with you as my manager. You have provided me with the opportunity to learn and grow in such a fantastic team, for which I will always be grateful. I have no doubt that you will continue to achieve great things – best of luck to an exceptional boss!
  • I have learnt so much under your guidance and mentorship, for which I am extremely thankful. I will always cherish the memories we made and look back on this period fondly. Farewell to a great leader!
  • Thank you for the opportunities and support you have provided me throughout my time here. It has been such a rewarding experience working with you and I will always be grateful for the help. I wish you all the best in your upcoming endeavors – farewell to a fantastic boss!
  • I have finally decided to move on to a new job and am bidding farewell to you as my manager. Thank you for all the help, guidance and support over the years. It has been an incredible journey, and I wish you success in all the new adventures you may embark on!
  • Dear Boss, it’s been an absolute pleasure working with you. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve under such a helpful and supportive manager. Wishing you a good life ahead!
  • Farewell to my wonderful boss! All the support you’ve given me over the years has been invaluable and I will always remember it. Stay in touch!

An image with a beautiful woman boss saying farewell to her colleagues in a sunny office.

Funny Goodbye Messages to Boss: Fun Ways to Say Goodbye!

If you’re looking for a way to end your time with your boss that’s both memorable and light-hearted, consider sending off humorous goodbye messages. Demonstrate your appreciation for their mentorship with a goodbye message that’s funny and sincere. Here are some of the funniest farewell messages to boss that you can use to make your farewell memorable!

  • Goodbye, boss! I won’t forget all the lessons you taught me. And I won’t forget the lessons you didn’t teach me, either!
  • Goodbye, boss! I’m off to explore the world… or at least start my own business.
  • Remember me as the employee who never gave you a hard time – except that one time. Goodbye!
  • Goodbye, boss! It’s been a pleasure learning from you. Now I’m ready to take on the world!
  • Farewell! It’s been an honor and a privilege to work for you. But I must go now – there are bigger and better things in store.
  • Thanks for the good times – and the bad ones too! It’s been a wild ride, but farewell!
  • My goodbye message to you is this: You were the best boss I ever had. Goodbye!
  • Goodbye! I’ll miss your inspirational leadership and guidance. Now, if only you could teach me to make a good cup of coffee…
  • It’s been a long and wild ride – thanks for putting up with me all these years! I’ll never forget the lessons and opportunities you gave me – farewell!
  • Goodbye boss! I’m off to greener pastures, so farewell and farewell again!
  • Goodbye boss! I’m sure you’ll find another minion to do your bidding, but none of them will ever be as awesome as me!

Also check our  Goodbye Messages for a Friend That’s Leaving the Country

Inspirational Goodbye Notes to Boss: Expressing Gratitude for a Valuable Relationship

Farewell messages to boss should express gratitude for the relationship, admiration for them and capture the sentiment of missing their conversations and working together. You can add additional details to them if you wish, such as mentioning specific positive qualities of your boss. Regardless, farewell messages should be heartfelt and genuine. To make sure that yours is, be sure to express yourself in a way that is true to your relationship with them.

  • You have been an amazing mentor, leader and manager throughout my time here. I appreciate all the assistance you have given me in my professional journey and wish you all the best for your future projects.
  • Thank you for all of your guidance and support throughout my time here. You have been such a strong example of leadership and I will never forget it. Good luck to a truly exceptional boss!
  • It has been an honor to work for you and I’m thankful for the opportunities you provided me. As I embark on this new adventure I will always cherish the memories and lessons learned while working with you and your team.
  • It has been a pleasure working with you – your guidance, support, and friendship will forever remain deep in my heart. Goodbye boss and farewell!
  • Thank you for the amazing opportunities that you have given me during our time together. I will surely miss your leadership and support. Best of luck!
  • It has been a pleasure working for you these past few years. I have finally decided to pursue other opportunities and am writing to let you know I am leaving. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, and wish you all the best. God bless you!
  • I will always remember the great lessons you taught me. Thank you for being such a great teacher and showed me the ropes of this industry. Goodbye
  • It’s been a genuine pleasure working for you. I’ll take the lessons I’ve learned from you into the next chapter of my life with a lot of gratefulness.
  • I’ve been stubborn at times. I’ve been difficult to work with on some days. But at the end of the day, I had the highest respect for the way you managed. I hope my next manager is as patient and understanding as you’ve been.
  • Leaving the company was a very difficult decision for me. One of the biggest reasons is that it was an absolute pleasure working for you. Thank you for helping bring me to the next level in my career.
  • Dear boss, throughout my time here, your leadership has been a stabilizing force within our department. I owe a lot of my personal success to the way you’ve managed our team. There are lessons I’ve learned from you that I’ll never forget.
  • Leaving my position is a gamble for me. One of the reasons is that you’re one of the best managers I’ve had the privilege of working for. Thank you for all the guidance and support!
  • You’ve helped make a very difficult job a lot more manageable. I know I haven’t always been the easiest person to manage, but you always knew that my heart was in the right place. Thank you for everything you’ve done.
  • Thank you for helping me turn a job into a career. In a lot of ways, I owe this move to you. It’s not something I’ll forget anytime soon.

Farewell and Best Wishes: Saying Goodbye to a Retiring Boss

Writing farewell wishes to a retiring boss can be both an exciting and bittersweet experience. It is the perfect way to show your gratitude for their guidance, as well as wishing them the best of luck in their future endeavors. Expressing farewell wishes for a retiring boss can also be used to reflect on the relationships you’ve developed and the fond memories of times together.

  • Wishing you farewell as you embark on this new chapter of your life.
  • I have been fortunate enough to work with you over the past few years and you have been such a great teacher and exemplary boss. It has been a pleasure to work for you and I wish you all the best for the future. Farewell!
  • It has been a real honor working under your leadership. You have been a great mentor and such a role model to me throughout my career. I will miss working with you, farewell!
  • Thank you for all the guidance and support you have given me over the years. I am forever grateful for all that you have done for me and my career. Farewell!
  • You have been a true leader and an inspiration to me throughout my professional journey and I will always be grateful for our association. Wishing you all the best for your retirement. Best of luck!
  • Working with you has been an absolute pleasure and I am thankful for all the help and advice you have provided me. I wish you all the best in your retirement. Farewell and God bless you!
  • You have been such a great boss and you will be truly missed. Wishing you the best of luck in your retirement, farewell!
  • 8. Your guidance and support has been invaluable to me throughout my career. I am very thankful for everything you have done. Wishing you all the best in your retirement. Best wishes!
  • It has been a great learning experience working with you, and I thank you for all the opportunities you have provided me. Wishing you all the best in your retirement, farewell!
  • Thank you for being a great mentor and leader. Best of luck in your retirement journey. farewell!
  • Dear boss, as you embark on a new journey in retirement, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know how much I’ve admired your leadership and commitment over the years. You have been such a role model to me, inspiring me with your passion, dedication and ambition. I am truly sad to see you go but I can’t wait for you to enjoy your retirement and all the exciting adventures ahead. I am thankful for all your guidance, support and encouragement over the years – it has really made a difference in my life. Happy retirement!

Farewell Messages to Boss: Short and Sweet Wishes for a Smooth Transition

Writing farewell messages for your boss should feel sincere and authentic, but also professional. Here are some of the best farewell messages to get you started:

Take care and good luck in all your dreams. You have been an amazing boss and a great leader. You will be greatly missed!

  • Your kindness and dedication will always be remembered, farewell boss!
  • Goodbye, boss! I hope our paths cross again someday. Until then, farewell and farewell!
  • It’s been a great experience working under the leadership of such a fantastic boss – thanks for the guidance and support! Cheers – goodbye!
  • It’s time to part ways, but the memories and all the inspiring advice will remain! Best of luck with everything – farewell!
  • So long, farewell! I’m off on my next adventure – thanks for believing in me and helping me to start a new chapter in my professional life.
  • It’s been a pleasure working for you, boss. I’m going to miss your energy and enthusiasm around the office. So until we meet again, farewell!
  • Thank you for everything you have done for me, boss! You have been the best mentor and I’m sorry that I have to go. I hope you don’t forget me, and I wish you farewell with a hug!
  • Thank you for all the support, advice and guidance you have provided me over the years. I will never forget your encouragement – or your jokes! Goodbye, and all the best!
  • Thank you for your mentorship and guidance. Your leadership has been such a blessing, and I am grateful for the time we have worked together. All the best in all your dreams!
  • Thank you for being such a wonderful boss and great mentor. I will never forget the lessons and experiences you have shared with me during our time together. Goodbye and good luck!
  • Best wishes to your future job! I will surely miss our conversations and working together and hope someday our paths will cross again. Best of luck!

If you enjoy this article, you might want to also check our  40 Welcoming Messages to Greet Your New Boss

Farewell Sample Emails to Boss

Goodbye email for boss expressing gratitude.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all the support and guidance you have provided me throughout my time here. You have been an inspirational boss and I had such a good time working under your leadership.

Your professionalism, kindness, and dedication have been a great source of motivation for me. I will always remember your inspirational and motivational words and advice as I move forward in my career.

I wish you the absolute best in all your future endeavors and thank you again for being such a good boss.

Best wishes,

Emotional Farewell Email: Saying Goodbye to an Inspiring Leader

When I think about what to write to say goodbye, one phrase comes to mind: “Thoughtful and strong leader” Throughout our time working together, I have been consistently impressed and inspired by your dedication, leadership, and positivity. You have been both a leader who has always had my back and a human being who has shown kindness and understanding in difficult times. Your support has been invaluable in helping me become a better professional, and even more importantly, a better person.

I am so lucky to have had the chance to work under you, and I will never forget the lessons you have taught me. Goodbye to an amazing, supportive and helpful boss!

Thank you for everything.

Best regards,

Writing farewell messages to boss can be both emotional and exciting as it should express gratitude for the time spent together, appreciation for lessons learned, farewell wishes and good luck in their future endeavors. No matter the circumstances, this may be the last chance to express your emotions in a meaningful way and make sure that you part ways with respect and admiration for each other.

We hope this blog post has given you some useful ideas for respectful farewell messages to say goodbye to your manager with grace and gratitude. Farewells are never easy, but they can be heartfelt and memorable if done right! Good luck!

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60 Farewell Messages to Boss : Best Wishes on an Exciting New Journey

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Yiannis Kalliantas (He/Him) has worked for more than 15 years in the hotel industry, organizing all kinds of social events like birthday parties and wedding receptions.

He has an MBA in Tourism, and is an avid city photographer. His recent work on street photography in Athens, Greece can be found on his website .


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Vanna White sends tearful farewell to Pat Sajak on 'Wheel of Fortune': 'I love you, Pat!'

farewell message new journey

Vanna White is bidding a tearful farewell to her "Wheel of Fortune" co-host Pat Sajak.

White, 67, taped an emotional message played in front of Sajak, 77, and the "Wheel of Fortune" audience, which airs Thursday ( check local listings ), one night before Sajak's final broadcast as host after a 41-year partnership.

"I can't believe tomorrow is our last show together," White said, managing a smile in the video. "I don't know how to put into words what these last 41 years have meant to me. But I'm going to try. Eight thousand episodes went by like that."

White praised Sajak for helping her overcome the stage fright she endured when starting the show, her first TV job.

"You made me feel so comfortable, so confident," said White, who has gone onto global "Wheel of Fortune" stardom. "You made me who I am. You really did."

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"What an incredible and unforgettable journey we have had," White said, holding back tears. "And I've enjoyed every minute of it with you."

She took a deep breath and continued.

"As this chapter comes to an end, I know you'll still be close by," said White. "You're like a brother to me, and I consider you a true lifelong friend who I will always adore. I love you, Pat."

'Oh my," Sajak said watching the video from the "Wheel of Fortune" set next to White. The two embraced on the stage.

White will continue as co-host and letter-turner on "Wheel of Fortune" in Season 42 with new host Ryan Seacrest. Sajak will give his own farewell speech in Friday's final episode.

Pat Sajak farewell His final 'Wheel of Fortune' episode after more than four decades

Sajak was originally against hiring Vanna White: 'She was so nervous'

Sajak finds it hilarious that he was originally opposed to hiring White when original co-host Susan Stafford left in 1982, while the show still aired on NBC. "Wheel of Fortune" creator Merv Griffin conducted a talent search for the spot, which came down to three young women, including White. The model and Georgia beauty pageant runner-up was not Sajak's choice.

"She was really sweet and seemed like a really nice person. But she was so nervous," Sajak said in his only farewell interview w ith his daughter, Maggie Sajak. "Her lips were trembling and she was perspiring. I thought (Griffin) was never going to hire her. Merv is smarter than I am. He saw something in her and knew the nerves would go away."

Griffin turned out to be correct. White became such a star on "Wheel of Fortune" that fans named their daughters Vanna at the peak of the game show's worldwide popularity. "I shudder to think how life could have been different," Sajak said. "She is just a sweetheart and has made my life fabulous."

Are Pat Sajak and Vanna White really friends?

The stars of "Wheel of Fortune" have a close relationship off the set that has endured for decades. Maggie Sajak talked about the family friendship she and her brother Patrick had with White's family.

"We grew up hanging out with Vanna's kids Nikko and Gigi," Maggie Sajak recalled. "Me and Patrick were always at their house or they were at ours."

"As much fun as we had on camera, those life events we shared with our families outside of the studio are my favorite," White said in her video. "We've watched our children grow up together. We've traveled around the world together. We have laughed. We've cried. We've celebrated."

farewell message new journey

Watch Pat Sajak thank “Wheel of Fortune” fans in farewell message: 'It's been an incredible privilege'

Ahead of his final show on Friday, the longtime "Wheel of Fortune" host shared a heartfelt goodbye to the audience.

We'd like to solve the puzzle, Pat... as soon as we stop crying.

As fans of Wheel of Fortune brace themselves for Pat Sajak 's final episode tonight, the longtime host has released a message of gratitude to his devoted audience.

"Well, the time has come to say goodbye," says Sajak, standing on the Wheel set in a new clip. "It's been an incredible privilege to be invited into millions of homes night after night, year after year, decade after decade. And I've always felt the that privilege came with the responsibility to keep this daily half-hour a safe place for family fun. No social issues, no politics, nothing embarrassing, I hope — just a game."

Watch his full video message above.

Related: Wheel of Fortune contestant who guessed 'Right in the butt' says he'd never used phrase before game show

When WOF returns with new episodes in the fall, American Idol 's Ryan Seacrest , who was named as Sajak's replacement last year, will host. Seacrest will be joined by Sajak's longtime cohost, Vanna White , who shared her own goodbye message for the host on June 6, one day before his final show. "I can’t believe that tomorrow is our last show together," White said in a video. "I don’t know how to put into words what these past 41 years have meant to me, but I’m gonna try — 8,000 episodes went by like that.”

Sign up for  Entertainment Weekly 's free daily newsletter   to get breaking TV news, exclusive first looks, recaps, reviews, interviews with your favorite stars, and more.

Sajak's final weeks at the Wheel have included some typically viral moments, including a contestant's NSFW guess and a premature celebration for an answer that turned out to be wrong. Through it all, the host retained his famous composure and understated wit .

Though he could probably use a v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n, Sajak has already booked his first post– Wheel gig, in a stage production of the 1962 play Prescription: Murder .

Read the original article on Entertainment Weekly .

Pat Sajak says goodbye as the host of 'Wheel of Fortune'

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Brann's Steakhouse & Grille

Owner Johnny Brann Sr., who opened the steakhouse and grille in 1974, announced the site plans in a press conference Friday morning alongside his wife Sandy, son Johnny Jr., and longtime employee Melissa Pupliss. (Photo/Skyla Jewell-Hammie) Skyla Jewell-Hammie

GRAND RAPIDS, MI — Big changes are coming to Brann’s Steakhouse & Grille on Leonard Street NW, with the longtime restaurant slated to be demolished and replaced with a mixed-use development that its owner says will serve as a “gateway to the Westside.”

With the landmark restaurant scheduled to close for good on Friday, June 7, owner Johnny Brann Sr. is remembering the neighborhood eatery as a “labor of love and dedication.”

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130+ Best Farewell Messages and Wishes To Boss

In most of our professional lives, when our bosses announce they are leaving their position, it can be a heartbreaking moment. They may be retiring, moving to another employer, or even taking a position in another department of the current company. But whatever the reason, you should wish him/her a happy farewell in a thoughtful way. That will help to keep valuable professional contact. A well-worded note will express your appreciation for his or her support and encouragement over the years. Here are some farewell wishes for your boss who has always guided, inspired, encouraged, and motivated you.

Farewell Messages To Boss

Happy farewell dear boss! It was wonderful working with you. We will miss you so much.

Happy farewell, boss! I am abundantly thankful for the patience and guidance I have received from you!

Dear boss, I am immensely grateful for your unwavering support and guidance. Wishing you abundant health and prosperity. Your kindness will always hold a special place in my heart. Farewell and best wishes!

short farewell message to boss

It hurts so much to say goodbye to my mentor and inspiration. Your leadership has helped me succeed and it will be very missed. Thank you for everything. May God bless you.

It has been wonderful to have you as our leader. All the best for your upcoming life. Happy farewell.

Working under your guidance has been a great pleasure, Sir! Wishing you luck in your future endeavors.

Your principles and your lessons shall always remain with us. Farewell, boss! We will miss you!

Working with a supportive boss like you is like a dream come true. But, sometimes we have to give up on one thing to get another. No matter what, I’ll forever cherish the moments with you.

All I want to say is thank you for being such a great mentor. All these years, I have genuinely enjoyed working with you and learned a lot of things. You will be missed, dear boss.

Dear boss, your inspirational and motivational words of advice will push me to do my best for the rest of my life. Thank you for being such an amazing human being. Farewell.

Best of luck on the new chapter of your career; we will miss you so much here. Surely I can say that our team would not have been so successful without you and your guidance. Good luck!

farewell messages to boss

I never thought of having such an amazing boss in my first job. I consider myself extremely lucky because I got to work with you. You’ll forever be my best mentor, sir!

Other bosses give orders, you gave us direction. Other bosses give targets, you gave us a vision. Other bosses lead by authority, you have always led us by respect. Farewell to a boss, like no other.

I hope your last working day with us remains ingrained in our memories, always. I wish you the best of luck, boss!

Having to bid farewell to you is an incredible loss for the office! We wish you the best for your future!

Farewell, boss. You may not stay a part of this place anymore, but you’ll always stay a part of our hearts.

It is really hard to say goodbye to someone who became a part of your everyday life. Congratulations on your retirement. Thank you for everything you have taught me. May God bless you.

Your positive spirit is contagious to your people. I enjoyed working with you. I will miss your presence and leadership, boss. Best wishes.

There may be another boss who will replace you, but no one can fill the shoes of a good leader like you. Thank you, boss .

Boss, your contribution to the company has been magnificent! We will remember you!

I’d like to thank the boss for being the constant support behind all of our efforts. You contributed greatly to the company. We will miss you terribly.

I have learned the principles of business not from a book but from an encyclopedia that walks and talks – my boss, who I hate to see leave. Goodbye.

Farewells are sad and giving farewell to one of my favorite mentors is more depressing. It has been an amazing journey working with you. I hope your future is as joyful as your personality, sir!

Farewell, Sir! Your compassion for this field is irreplaceable. You’ll do wonder no matter what!

We’re lucky to have got the chance to work with you and the lessons you’ve taught us will always be remembered.

last working day message to manager

I would like to express my gratitude to you for being such a role model and an inspiration. Thanks for teaching me so much. I will miss you having me around in the office. Best of luck in the future.

So sorry to see you go, boss, and we’ll sure miss you. We wish you all the best for the future.

On your last day, we thank you for being a great mentor. You have guided us at work in ways that no other manager has done. May you always be the guiding star in whatever path you choose.

Great leaders never leave the hearts of their subordinates! Your farewell is just a temporary “bye”. I hope we will meet again, for greater things to come.

While the other bosses gave out orders and targets, you gave us directions and visions. You will always be remembered because of your good behavior and deeds. We will miss you so much.

It is really heart-aching to see you leave for the new branch; definitely, they are getting lucky to have a gem like you. You will be missed so much. Hope we get you back anytime soon.

Related: Welcome Messages for New Boss

Short Farewell Wishes To Boss Who is Leaving

Farewell boss. You’re a fantastic leader and can inspire people to do their best.

All of your teachings, advice, and fond memories will keep us going, sir. Farewell.

Working with you people has been a truly beautiful experience and I will miss you all.

Farewell, boss! Stay blessed and have a prosperous new journey! Respect to you, always!

I’ve never had a better boss than you. I will forever keep the lessons that you taught me, sir.

Have a great new journey, boss! But do remember us also! Farewell!

You did a great job of managing us, sir. On your last day, I wish you all the success ahead.

I will miss your presence and aura among us, boss! Farewell and best wishes!

Short Farewell Wishes To Boss

You’ve always been a great leader, a friend and a mentor. You’ll be missed, boss!

Your assistance and mentoring helped me in all my work. With a heavy heart, goodbye dear boss!

I’ve enjoyed working under you, and I’m thankful that you were my mentor. I will miss you, boss!

Take care, boss! My blessings and support for you will stay forever!

Farewell, boss. Your contribution to this company has set the bar too high for the rest of us.

You have been such a great asset to this company, and this place will not be the same without you.

Your presence has always been an enormous source of inspiration for us and it hurts to see you leave.

farewell message to boss who is leaving

I envy the employees of your new company because they are going to have the best boss ever!

Dear boss, it’s time for you to take a well-deserved break! We will forever cherish your guidance and advice!

Farewell, boss! Your leadership and personality shall prevail forever!

I wish you farewell with a heavy heart but also with loads of blessings, boss!

Thank You Message for Boss Farewell

Thank you Boss for all the help and efforts you have made for me while I have worked for the company. Your assistance will help me to brighten my skills in my future job. Thanks and good luck.

Thank you for keeping this office lively and full of positivity. This place will feel empty without you.

Boss, your presence has always been a source of encouragement for us. Thank you for your efforts!

Thank you for your assistance and direction, which led us to our goal. I will miss your encouragement and kind words that used to motivate me every day. Goodbye, sir!

I have gained so much knowledge while working with you, and I want to express my gratitude for all the things you have done for me. Thanks for motivating us every day.

As our time working together is coming to an end, I want you to know that I will forever be grateful to you for your kind words. Wishing you all the very best for your future.

We treasure your support and guidance in our careers. Thanks for the wonderful memories and support. Wishing you all success in your life!

This is a note to thank you for all your hard work and efforts that you provided to make me a better employee. Without your assistance, it couldn’t have been done. Thanks for being such a great boss.

Farewell Thank You Messages for Boss

Thanks for being the BRAINS of boardroom meetings, the HANDS of workplace policies, the LEGS that take the team forward and the LIFE of office parties!

Goodbye, boss. Thank you for the lessons you have taught us and the joy you have brought us.

Working with a boss like you has been a true blessing. On your farewell, know that you’ll always be remembered. Thank you, sir, for your exceptional guidance and support.

Since you are bidding farewell to us, please know that your legacy will forever remain deep in our hearts. Thank you for being a great leader, friend and supervisor.

Most bosses teach their subordinates how to be more efficient at work. You taught us what was more important – how to be happier at work. Thanks and Farewell.

Honestly I’m so sad about your leaving our office. We’ll surely miss you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the inspiring advice and thus showing what “hard work” is all about. Thanks and all the best!

Thank you very much for your nice words that motivate us every day. I’m grateful you were my first boss. Thanks for appreciating and all your encouraging words.

Farewell Messages for Boss on Transfer

We’d like to express our gratitude for all of your kind words and actions that lead us to our best versions. For now, goodbye. I hope you will be the best in your new place too!

You taught me so many things, and you have led me to a better life. wishing you the best of luck as you go. Goodbye, sir. May God bless you!

Good luck to a wonderful Boss. It was wonderful working with you. We’ll miss you and wish you well. Really feel envious of the new team you are going to take care of at the new workplace.

Farewell Messages for Boss on Transfer

Dear Team leader, our branch has lost one of the most efficient staff due to your transfer! All the best in your new position!

Dear manager, a warm farewell to you and good luck with your new role! Your work ethics and planning were truly motivational for the team.

Honestly I’m so sad and lost in words about your leaving our office. We will surely miss you. I just wanted to say that it has been a great honor and pleasure to have you as my boss.

No team outing will be as fun as it used to be without you around. Never mind wishing you all the best with the new workplace’s responsibility. Best of luck for the future, boss.

Dear boss, I want to be half as good as you are. It hurts my heart that we won’t be able to work together anymore. I wish you all the best in your new work.

This workplace will be boring without you when you leave. We appreciate your leadership and guidance. Good luck with your upcoming future!

Thank you for your positive vibes and for seeing the good in people. It has inspired so many of us to work harder than we could ever. Best of luck with your new adventure, Farewell Boss.

Farewell Wishes for Boss on Retirement

Wishing you a wonderful retirement! Good wishes for your health, wealth, and well-being. I hope you continue to bring success to your life. May God bless you.

It is truly saddening to see you retire, boss! We wish you a wonderful retirement and joyful days ahead!

Your guidance has helped me to grow and develop as a professional a lot. As you leave the company for retirement, I really hope the journey ahead will bring you joy and opportunities.

The experience of working with a boss like you is a blessing to me. No one can ever fill your place for me. Thank you for all the good and bad experiences. Congratulations on your retirement.

Your hard work and dedication are sure to earn anyone’s respect. Hope you keep shining, even after your retirement!

Dear Sir, you were the roof over our heads. Thank you for your long years of service to the company! Happy retirement.

Farewell Wishes for Boss on Retirement

We convey a warm farewell on your last working day. It has been a privilege to have a mentor like you! Now, enjoy your retirement.

Working under your direction has been one of the best experiences in my career. Even though you are leaving, we will always keep you in our hearts. Goodbye, boss!

Read More: 80+ Retirement Wishes and Messages For Boss

Farewell Speech For Boss

A great teacher is not necessarily a great mentor. A great mentor is not necessarily a great leader. A great leader is not necessarily a great teacher. But you have been a great teacher, mentor, leader, and boss – all rolled into one. You taught us to be the best at work, guided us along the way, and you have treated us like a friend. We will never forget that. We really wish you the best in your career, health, and family. Farewell.

Bidding goodbye to the best boss we could have ever asked for. We will always be thankful for all your guidance and support. Thanks for being such an amazing leader and the alpha of our pack and making everything so effortlessly easy. Best wishes for your future days. Please keep in touch, dear boss.

My wonderful boss, it aches my heart to say goodbye to you. All I can say is, thank you for everything. Thanks for the precious memories that we will lock in our hearts forever. We sincerely regret any mistakes we may have made. Wishing you all the best on your new journey!

Farewell to a good boss! I understand how your family needs you and that you finally decided to leave your job. Please do visit us again here at the branch, your home for all these years. I wish good health to you and your family. Having worked under a great professional like you was a lifetime opportunity. On your farewell, I would like to tell you that you have left a legacy that would be cherished till eternity. May you succeed in your endeavors.

My wonderful boss it aches my heart

A decade of working with you is such a blessing to me. I want you to know sir/mam that you have inspired me in so many ways. You are a hardworking person and by that, I have learned what the essence of working hard is. Thanks a lot, sir/Mam! I pray for your more successful journey in your new life.

I’m a little bit sad hearing that you will no longer be our boss but on the other hand, I’m happy to know that for sure you will be a good set of examples in your new office as what you have shown to us. I won’t suck up to you by lying and saying that you are perfect in every way. But your support is the reason why I look forward to work every day. More power and God bless you!

Boss, as you bid adieu from the organization, we appreciate your hard work in the company over the years and extend my thankful wishes for all the support. We also give our best wishes for your better future. This company has been our pottery wheel, you have been the potter and we have been a pot in the making. Farewell, to the boss who is the best in every way.

Boss… there have been many times when your bossy ways have made us frown and complain. But after the dust settles, we’ve always admired your persistence to push us again and again. Today as you leave the office and let go of the helm of our team, we wish you the best and hope that your new job fulfills all your dreams. Miss you.

You empowered us With the power of knowledge. You motivated us With the best tutelage. You helped us move ahead With unending motivation. As a leader and a human being, You are a true inspiration. Best of luck boss. You will have a new workplace and meet new people, but I hope you will cherish the people you will leave behind and the friendship that we built. Good luck!

Even though you’re leaving this workplace, people here will forever keep you in their hearts. People will come and go but no one can take your place, boss. Saying farewell to one of our favorite mentors is very difficult. If we could, we would never let you go!

In the journey of life you meet several people who are hard to forget. I am glad to meet a person like you. I hope the path ahead is smooth for you and you reach your goal without a fuss. Happy Farewell.

Your effort in every sector you touched was tremendous. Thankful to God for allowing me to work with you so closely and learn many things. Thanks for continuously motivating us with your optimistic attitude. Hope there’s no bound in your happiness and success, dear boss. Best wishes for the future thriving like there’s no tomorrow.

Goodbye Message To Boss When You’re Leaving

Bidding farewell feels like closing a chapter of life. Thank you, boss, for giving me such a fruitful experience!

This workplace is remarkable and so are the people in it. Even though we have to part ways, each of you will stay close to my heart.

Working with a fantastic team and under an incredible leader has been the best experience in my career. I am truly saddened to take my leave!

It has been an honor to develop my skills under such a firm mentorship! I appreciate your kind efforts, boss!

Thank you for the care and support, boss! Looking back at my working days, the challenges of daily tasks were my favorite!

goodbye message to boss when you are leaving

This team has never felt short of a family! I humbly appreciate the positive work environment; thank you, boss!

It’s truly my loss as I’m leaving the company because I would never find another boss as cool as you. It’s a privilege to work with you. May we cross paths in the future and greet with a smile.

Even though I’m leaving the company, the lessons I have learned from you- I would carry throughout my life. Let’s keep in touch, boss. Thanks for being so amazing.

I have learned so many things from you and working under your guidance will help me in my future job. Your advice, assistance, and expertise will lead me to my goal. Goodbye, sir!

Dear boss, you were the mentor I have always dreamed of. Thanks for my guidance and for making sure I was not struggling. Please keep me in your prayers.

I will miss your energy around, boss. Thanks for being such an inspiration. It’s an honor to work under your supervision. Thanks for being an amazing boss and friend.

Also Read: Goodbye Messages When Leaving The Company

Farewell Message To Manager

Don’t forget us and the memories you have shared while working with us! You have always been supportive and caring towards us. Wishing you all the best for your upcoming days!

You’ll be gone, but I’ll forever keep in mind the advice you have given me. Thanks for being my manager, and for your mentorship. You are one of the greatest managers!

Sending you all my warm wishes on your new journey. May you keep thriving, but remember you always be our “Dear Manager”.

The company has been lucky to have your leadership and everything that you have done for it. May you get blessed with tremendous blessings as that’s what you deserve. Well wishes, Sir.

May the next chapter be full of new challenges that surely be conquered you. Thanks for the amazing service, dear manager.

On your last working day, I reminisce about the memories you created with us in this office. I wish you happiness, blessings, and success in your future work.

farewell message to manager

Thanks for supporting me in all my work and pushing me to go beyond my expectations. I respect you a lot for inspiring me. Good luck with your future.

There are few people who get the best mentor for themselves, and I include myself among them since I’ve learned under your leadership. Goodbye for now and thanks for everything.

I am extremely sad that you are leaving. It is hard to have such a friendly manager like you. You have made every moment enjoyable working here. We will miss you a lot.

Wishing you success on wherever you go, dear manager. Thanks for being an asset and a great friend in need. Best wishes.

What an absolute run! A manager like you is what we had dreamed of for the company. Thanks for fulfilling your work so gracefully. Best of luck with your future establishments.

Farewell Quotes for Boss

“The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last.”

“It was such a privilege to have your support and guidance. My heartfelt respect and best wishes for you.”

“Saying goodbye doesn’t mean anything. It’s the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.” – Trey Parker

“It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.”

“Saying goodbye doesn’t mean anything. It’s the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.”

“Goodbyes make you think. They make you realize what you’ve had, what you’ve lost, and what you’ve taken for granted.” – Ritu Ghatourey

Goodbye and Good Luck Wishes for Boss

“Your encouragements have helped us find our true potentials. My best regards to you.”

“Having an awesome boss is a bad habit, because it’ll be impossible to work with someone else now that you’re leaving. Goodbye.”

“Your farewell marks the end of the glory days that our team has seen. Because you are the best boss there could ever have been. Goodbye.”

“Thank you for everything that you’ve accomplished so far, and good luck to everything you will in the future.”

“Goodbyes make you think. They make you realize what you’ve had, what you’ve lost, and what you’ve taken for granted.”

“It’s sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life, starts with goodbye.” – Carrie Underwood

“On the last day of your job, we would all like to express our heartfelt gratitude for all your kind gestures. Goodbye for the future, stay blessed!”

“This farewell from us is our expression of utmost gratitude to you for the things that you have done for us these years! Thank you, boss! You are a great leader!”

Related: Farewell Messages for Colleagues

It’s always hard to say goodbye to a boss who is a great mentor and means a lot to us. When an amazing boss leaves the company forever or retired or leave for another branch it’s a great loss and a heart-wrenching moment for all his colleagues, subordinates or employees. But it is a usual process that no one stays forever. Bidding farewell to your boss could be aching but you should make it with great respect and gratitude. Take these simple and formal ideas to write a great farewell message to your boss. Let him know that he will be missed and you are so thankful for all his contribution. You may put an inspirational leadership quote on a farewell card or can include some motivational words in your farewell speech. Think wisely to make your farewell wishes different from others which could melt his/her mind and will leave with great feelings.

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Pat sajak says goodbye to ‘wheel of fortune’ after 41 years in emotional speech: ‘what an honor’.

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Pat Sajak’s “Wheel of Fortune” hosting duties are drawing to a close.

The 77-year-old’s last episode of the game show airs Friday, with him making an emotional speech in the first look at his swan song.

“Well, the time has come to say goodbye,” he said on the ABC set in a video released hours before the Season 41 finale. “I have a few thanks and acknowledgments before I go, and I want to start with all watching out there.”

Pat Sajak

Sajak called it an “incredible privilege to be invited into millions of homes night after night, year after year, decade after decade” since 1981.

“I always felt that the privilege came with the responsibility to keep this daily half-hour a safe place for family fun,” he continued. “No social issues. No politics. Nothing embarrassing, I hope. Just a game. But gradually it became more than that.

“A place where kids learned their letters, where people from other countries honed their English skills, where families came together along with friends and neighbors, and entire generations.”

Pat Sajak

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Sajak concluded by expressing his gratitude over being “allowed” into fans’ lives, gushing, “What an honor to play even a small part in all of that.”

The Daytime Emmy winner announced his retirement in June 2023, with Ryan Seacrest subsequently being tapped as his replacement .

“Well, the time has come,” Sajak tweeted at the time. “I’ve decided that our 41st season, which begins in September, will be my last. It’s been a wonderful ride, and I’ll have more to say in the coming months. Many thanks to you all. (If nothing else, it’ll keep the clickbait sites busy!)”

Pat Sajak

As for Vanna White, who has starred on the show alongside Sajak since 1982, the former pageant queen plans to stay on air.

When she does retire, however, she believes her colleague’s daughter, Maggie Sajak , would be a “good” choice to take over .

White, 67, teared up while saying her goodbyes to Pat in Thursday’s episode.

Pat Sajak and Vanna White

“I can’t believe that tomorrow is our last show together,” she said in an emotional video. “I don’t know how to put into words what these past 41 years have meant to me, but I’m gonna try.”

After saying “8,000 episodes went by like that,” White said, “You made me who I am. You really did.”

Choking up, she finished, “Oh, gosh, what an incredible and unforgettable journey we’ve had. And I’ve enjoyed every minute of it with you. As this chapter of our lives is coming to an end, I know you’ll still be close by.”

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Pat Sajak



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  21. 60 Farewell Messages to Boss for an Exciting New Journey

    Wishing you farewell as you embark on this new chapter of your life. I have been fortunate enough to work with you over the past few years and you have been such a great teacher and exemplary boss. It has been a pleasure to work for you and I wish you all the best for the future. Farewell!

  22. Pat Sajak finale: Vanna White cries in 'Wheel of Fortune' video

    Vanna White is bidding a tearful farewell to her "Wheel of Fortune" co-host Pat Sajak. White, 67, taped an emotional message played in front of Sajak, 77, and the "Wheel of Fortune" audience ...

  23. The ultimate TV spinoff: Pat Sajak says goodbye to 'Wheel ...

    Pat Sajak says goodbye to 'Wheel of Fortune' after 8,000 episodes. Story by Jonathan Edwards. • 1h • 4 min read. Pat Sajak hosted his final "Wheel of Fortune" episode, saying farewell ...

  24. Watch Pat Sajak thank "Wheel of Fortune" fans in farewell message: 'It

    When WOF returns with new episodes in the fall, American Idol's Ryan Seacrest, ... Vanna White, who shared her own goodbye message for the host on June 6, one day before his final show. "I can't ...

  25. "Class of 2024: Where the Journey Ends, a New Chapter Begins. Farewell

    360 likes, 2 comments - __infoenix__ on June 7, 2024: ""Class of 2024: Where the Journey Ends, a New Chapter Begins. Farewell and Best Wishes!" .... #mitm #farewell #endofengineering".

  26. Historic Grand Rapids restaurant says goodbye, touts journey as ...

    But come 2026-27, the 401 Leonard St. NW location will be demolished and replaced with a new, 4-5 story mixed-use building featuring up to 102, apartments, retail, and a concept restaurant. Grand ...

  27. 130+ Best Farewell Messages and Wishes To Boss

    Goodbye.". "Your farewell marks the end of the glory days that our team has seen. Because you are the best boss there could ever have been. Goodbye.". "Thank you for everything that you've accomplished so far, and good luck to everything you will in the future.". "Goodbyes make you think.

  28. Newsroom

    United Airlines - Airline Tickets, Travel Deals and Flights If you're seeing this message, that means JavaScript has been disabled on your browser, please enable JS ...

  29. Pat Sajak says goodbye to 'Wheel of Fortune' in emotional speech

    00:00. 00:47. Pat Sajak's "Wheel of Fortune" hosting duties are drawing to a close. The 77-year-old's last episode of the game show airs Friday, with him making an emotional speech in the ...