Sand Tour


Scopri la Giordania, da Amman a Petra fino al Mar Morto. Vivi l’emozione unica di passare una notte sotto le stelle nel deserto.

1.265,00  € – 4.155,00  €

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Partenza da Milano Malpensa e Roma Fiumicino

Giorno 1:   Arrivo e accoglienza

Accoglienza ed Assistenza in arrivo all’aeroporto Internazionale Queen Alia, assistenza per le pratiche per il Visto e dopo partenza verso Amman. Check-in in hotel, pranzo, cena e pernottamento.

Giorno 2: Giro Città di Amman – Jerash – Ajlun – Amman

Dopo colazione partiremo verso Jerash, la Pompei dell’Est. Entreremo attraverso la Porta Monumentale Sud e ci ritroveremo dentro una città Romana. Cammineremo nella Piazza Ovale circondata da colonne, visiteremo il Teatro Romano e le Chiese Bizantine con la pavimentazione a mosaico. Vedrete di persona come i Romani costruirono le colonne antisismiche della strada colonnata. Dopo partiremo verso Ajloun, un castello Islamico militare usato dalle truppe islamiche di Saladino per proteggere la regione contro i crociati. Ritorno ad Amman per esplorare la capitale, città conosciuta da circa 100 anni, chiamata Rabbat Ammoun; visita de La Cittadella, le Rovine Romane e del Teatro Romanosituato nel centro attivo del Vecchio Souq. Pranzo in tour.

Cena e pernottamento in hotel ad Amman.

Giorno 3: Amman – Madaba – Nebo – Strada dei Re – Kerak – Petra

Dopo colazione partiremo verso Madaba, una delle chiese più spettacolari al mondo; la Chiesa di St. Giorgio dove si trova il pavimento decorato a Mosaico con la Mappa di Gerusalemme. Dopo andremo al Monte Nebo, il luogo dove Mosè venne sepolto. Se siete fortunati e il cielo sarà limpido, si avrà la possibilità di di avere una visuale straordinaria sulla Valle del Giordano, il Mar Morto e Gerico dall’altra sponda del fiume Giordano. Pranzo in tour. Continueremo verso la Strada dei Re per visitare Kerak, capitale delRegno biblico di Maob. Arroccato in cima ad una ripida collina, Kerak è una città a maggioranza Cristiana dominate dal castello crociato più grande e meglio conservato della regione. È un tipico esempio dell’architettura Crociata, con volte di pietra in stile Romanico, numerosi corridoi e forti porte. Dopo proseguiremo verso Petra per la cena e il pernottamento in hotel.

Giorno 4: Petra (giornata intera di visita)

Dopo colazione partiremo verso Petra. Non esiste una visita completa della Giordania, senza visitare la capitale dell’antico regno Nabateo, Petra. La città perduta di Petra,scavata interamente dall’uomo tra le montagne rosa-rosse, mette a dura proval’immaginazione. Le ricchezze naturali delle montagne, si combinano con la cultura e l’architettura Nabatea, che lavorarono i loro teatri, templi, facciate, tombe, monasteri, case e strade nella roccia rosa. L’UNESCO ha inserito la città nella lista del Patrimonio Mondiale, con il Siq, una gola profonda e stretta, dove alla fine appare il famoso monumento di Petra: al-Khazneh o il Tesoro. Potete riconoscerlo nella scena finale del film”Indiana Jones e l’ultima Crociata”. Ma il Tesoro è solo l’inizio… Pranzo a Petra. Rientro in hotel per la cena e il pernottamento.

Giorno 5: Petra – Piccola Petra – Wadi Rum (02 h 4×4)

Dopo colazione partiremo verso la Piccola Petra. A differenza di Petra, nella quale i Nabatei vivevano e seppellivano i propri morti, Piccola Petra fu pensata per ospitare le carovane provenienti dall’Arabia e dall’Oriente, che andavano sino in Siria ed in Egitto. Perpoterli far sostare dopo la traversata del Wadi Rum, i Nabatei scavarono prima delle piccole grotte nella roccia arenaria, arrivando poi a costruirne di grandiose per il numero dicarovanieri che vi sostavano. Pranzo in Tour

Proseguiremo verso il Wadi Rum, antico luogo di passaggio delle carovane che, cariche di merce preziosa, dalla penisola arabica si spostavano verso nord per raggiungere i porti del Mediterraneo. La sua bellezza è caratterizzata da montagne segnate dal tempo, da letti di antichi laghi oramai prosciugati e da altissime dune di color rosso intenso. In questi luoghi un ricercatore italiano, il professor Borzatti, ha ritrovato dei reperti del più antico alfabeto che si conosca, il Tamudico, che risale a 6.000 anni fa. Numerose inoltre sono le incisionie le pitture rupestri scolpite nelle rocce della famosa “valle della luna”. Possibilità di effettuare l’escursione in Jeep 4×4 per 2 ore. Partenza verso il campo tentato per vivere un’esperienza unica: una cena intorno al fuoco, una notte sotto le stelle in una comoda tenda con bagno privato: un’atmosfera magica da provare una volta nella vita. Cena e pernottamento in campo tendato.

Giorno 6:  Wadi Rum – Mar Morto – Amman

Dopo colazione partiremo verso il Mar Morto, il punto più basso della terra, con I suoi 423 metri sotto il livello del mare. Giornata libera sul Mar Morto che si trova sulla frontiera

occidentale della Giordania. L’acqua salata ed insolitamente ricca di minerali, fanghi e sorgenti minerali termali, sono la guarigione del corpo e dello spirito. Pranzo sul Mar Morto. Continueremo poi verso Amman per la cena e pernottamento in hotel.

Giorno 7:    Amman – Giorno Libero

Colazione in hotel. Giornata libera ad Amman. Pranzo, Cena e pernottamento in hotel.

Giorno 8: Amman – Amman Aeroporto

Dopo colazione incontro in hotel con i nostri assistenti che vi porteranno all’aeroporto internazionale Queen Alia per la partenza.

Il programma può subire variazioni senza modificare le visite proposte.


Hotels utilizzati o similari:

AMMAN – Hotel Monarch 4* o similare PETRA – Hotel Petra castle 4* o similare Campo Tendato 4* – Sun city or Similar – nel wadi rum

La quota include:

· Assistenza in Aeroporto in arrivo ed in partenza con personale parlante italiano · 7 notti di pernottamento in formula pensione completa negli hotel menzionati sopra o similari. · Trasferimenti effettuati con veicoli moderni con A/C · Guida locale parlante Italiano durante i 5 giorni di tour. · Safari Jeep di 2 ore al Wadi Rum · Entrata nei siti archeologici menzionati nel programma. · Visto per entrare in Giordania

La quota non include:

· Bevande · Mance 35 euro a persona (per autista, guide, facchinaggio, personale hotel) · Mancia obbligatoria per cavalcata a Petra dal Centro Visitatori fino al Siq · Attività personali ed escursioni facoltative · Eventuale adeguamento carburante

Passaporto:  necessario con validità residua di almeno sei mesi al momento dell’ingresso nel Paese. Per le eventuali modifiche relative alla validità residua richiesta del passaporto si consiglia di informarsi preventivamente presso l’Ambasciata o il Consolato del Paese in Italia.

Visto d’ingresso: incluso nel pacchetto, verrà consegnato all’arrivo in aeroporto di Amman

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The 13 best florence tours: wine, museums & more.

Enjoy delicious pasta, historic landmarks and the Tuscan countryside on these immersive experiences.

The Best Florence Tours

Mother and daughter on tour in Florence, Italy.

Getty Images

Beloved for its food, wine, art, rich history and alluring landscape, Florence, Italy, consistently draws travelers throughout the year. Seeing all of Florence's attractions by yourself can be daunting, so having a knowledgeable local guide show you around will help you make the most of your trip. U.S. News identified the following tours as the best available by analyzing both expert and traveler opinion. Whether you want a broad overview of Firenze  or a deep dive into a particular facet of the city (like its food), these tours have you covered.

Caf Tour & Travel – Chianti Authentic Experience

Price: Adults from 49 euros (about $52); kids from 21.50 euros (about $23) Duration: 5 hours

This daylong bus tour takes you to two Chianti wineries with views of the world-famous Tuscan countryside , where vineyards, olive groves, churches and castles pepper the landscape. Patrons laud the guides and drivers for their professionalism and insights. However, others note that the trip seems a bit rushed at times.

Tours depart the Piazzale Montelungo once or twice daily, year-round. (It runs on an abbreviated schedule in the winter.) If you want more privacy, you can also book semiprivate and private tours of the region with Caf Tour.

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CityWonders – Uffizi Gallery Semi-Private Renaissance Art Tour

Price: Adults from $68; kids from $63 Duration: 1.5 hours

No visit to Florence would be complete without a trip to the Uffizi Gallery to see works by masters like Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci. Taking CityWonders' guided tour of the museum allows you to bypass the entrance line and gain insights from experts as they lead you through the collection. Another bonus? You're welcome to stay in the gallery until closing after the tour concludes. Audio headsets are provided so you don't miss a word of the commentary. Tour-takers consistently praise the English-speaking guides for their passion and knowledge.

Tours depart at 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Tuesday to Sunday. Ticket prices vary depending on the season. Groups are limited to nine participants. CityWonders runs other tours in Florence, including a skip-the-line tour of the Duomo.

Fat Tire Tours – E-Scooter: Panoramic Tour of Florence

Price: From 65 euros (about $70) Duration: 2 hours

Highlights of this electric scooter tour include Piazzale Michelangelo, Piazza della Signoria , the Arno River and Santa Croce. Tour-takers describe this as a fun way to see the sights and say the guides are friendly and informative. What's more, reviewers appreciate that groups are capped at eight participants.

Tickets include use of an e-scooter and a helmet, as well as instruction for using the vehicle. Participants must be at least 14 years old. Tours depart at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Friday to Monday as well as Wednesday. Fat Tire also offers biking and walking tours.

Best Florence Tours

Courtesy of Taste Florence Food Tour

Taste Florence Food Tour

Price: From $119 Duration: 3.5 hours

These food-focused walks take participants around the city to sample local specialties like wine, cheese, bread and olive oil. Over the course of the tour, you'll stop at six or more locales, including the Mercato Centrale , for delectable bites. Food connoisseurs tend to appreciate both the quality of the fare provided and the knowledge and humor of the guides.

Tours depart at 9:45 a.m. nearly every day (except Sundays) during peak months. The company offers a limited schedule in the offseason. Tickets include food and beverage samples. If you're an oenophile, check out the sommelier-led wine tasting offered by Taste Florence.

Tuscany Bike Tours – Tuscany Bike Tour

Price: From 95 euros (about $102) Duration: 6 hours

Before climbing on a bike for a guided tour of Chianti, you'll depart Florence via van and view enchanting scenery. Then, you'll get a safety orientation followed by a bike ride. You'll also enjoy an olive oil tasting and a glass of wine, plus a light lunch (which takes place in a villa). Cyclists enthuse about both the glorious views as well as the helpful, personable guides.

Tours occur almost every day at 8:30 a.m. from March through November. The cost includes lunch and a glass of wine, as well as use of a bicycle and helmet. Vespa and e-bike tours of the Tuscany region are also available, as are private bike tours of Florence.

Walks of Italy – Florence in a Day with David, Duomo, Uffizi & Walking Tour

Price: From $126 Duration: 5 hours

If you only have a day to see Florence's top sights, consider this walking tour, which combines visits to Florence's must-see artistic and religious landmarks all in one outing. In between stops at the tour's main highlights, you'll see other top spots in the city like the Ponte Vecchio . You'll also get a break for lunch (at your own expense). Along the way, guides offer insights regarding the art and architecture on view. According to reviewers, the tour leaders are informative and personable.

Tour departure times and ticket fees will vary by season and day. Fees include skip-the-line access to the Galleria dell'Accademia (home of Michelangelo's David) and the Uffizi. Walks of Italy also offers food tours and a tour to Tuscany, among others.

Florencetown/Towns of Italy – Wanna Be Italiano: Florence Cooking Class & Market Tour

Price: Adults from 119 euros (about $128); kids from 101 euros (around $108) Duration: 5 hours

Travelers rave about this class, saying the recipes are spectacular and the teachers are capable and attentive. The experience starts with a trip to the Mercato Centrale, Florence's principal food market, to gather provisions for your meal. Once you've bought food, you'll make your way to the kitchen where a chef teaches you to make traditional Italian fare. Menus vary, but you'll likely prepare bruschetta, fresh pasta, sauces and a dessert during the class.

Experiences are offered daily, starting at 9 a.m. (Note: Mercato Centrale is closed Sundays and bank holidays, so classes on those days include additional instruction and food tasting instead.) The cost of class covers the food that will be your lunch as well as two glasses of wine per person. Keep in mind that fees are slightly higher during peak season. Still hungry? Florencetown offers a wine tour of Tuscany, as well as other cooking classes.

Best Florence Tours

La Bussola Free Tours – Morning Free Walking Tour

Price: Free Duration: 2.5 to 3 hours

While La Bussola's morning walking tour does feature some of Florence's major landmarks, it mainly focuses on the Medici family's influence and rise to power (it was the Medici family, after all, who owned, financed or commissioned many of Florence's landmarks). You'll also hear about Michelangelo and his works. Over the course of the 1 1/2-mile outing, guides share details of local history and tips for making the most of your Florence visit. Guides are regarded as informative, friendly and helpful.

Tours depart daily at 10:30 a.m. Tours are free, though tips for your guide are appreciated. La Bussola also conducts a slightly shorter evening tour, focusing on artistic greats like Donatello and Da Vinci.

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Grape Tours – Wine Time

Price: From 170 euros (about $182) Duration: 5.5 hours

Grape Tours' Wine Time excursion departs at 10:15 a.m. from Florence and proceeds to Chianti for visits to two family-owned wineries. You'll learn about the history of the region and the process of making Tuscan wine. At each stop, you'll taste three or four different wines; at the second winery you'll also enjoy lunch. Tour-takers report learning a great deal about the wine-making process from entertaining guides. They also say lunch is delicious.

Participants must be at least 16 years old to join. Tours take place year-round daily. If you like to pair cheese with your wine, try Grape Tours' Chianti and Cheese tour.

Tuscany Cycle – Tuscany Vespa Tour

Price: Drivers from 169 euros (about $181); passengers from 99 euros (around $106) Duration: 5 to 6 hours

Explore the Tuscan countryside in quintessentially Italian fashion with this Vespa tour, which earns enthusiastic reviews from travelers. Tuscany Cycle's tour departs Florence (via van) at 10 a.m. daily for an excursion through the Chianti region. After reaching Chianti, you'll be taught how to ride a Vespa and follow your guide through the region before stopping at a winery for lunch and wine. You'll also have plenty of photo opportunities along the way, according to reviewers.

The fee includes lunch, wine, use of a Vespa and round-trip transportation from Florence. You must have a valid driver's license, but no prior experience operating a Vespa is necessary. Tourgoers applaud the driving lessons from the guides and the overall safety of the experience. Tuscany Cycle offers a variety of Vespa tours in Tuscany, as well as bicycle tours.

Best Florence Tours

Walkabout – The Best of Tuscany Tour

Price: Adults from 135 euros (around $145); kids from 120 euros (about $129) Duration: 12 hours

After getting your fill of Florence attractions, take some time to explore the surrounding region of Tuscany. This tour combines a bus trip with walks through places like the medieval city of Siena and its art-filled Duomo, the hilltop town of San Gimignano and the Leaning Tower of Pisa . Guides, generally considered equally insightful and entertaining, provide information regarding the architectural, artistic and historical points of interest seen along the way.

Tickets include lunch and wine at a Chianti vineyard; if you'd like the tour without lunch and wine, you can get a discounted ticket. The tour departs Florence at 8 a.m. Walkabout offers a variety of other tours in and around Tuscany as well as day trips to Cinque Terre .

Italy on a Budget Tours – Pisa & Cinque Terre Day Trip

Price: From 139 euros (about $150) Duration: 13 hours

Visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa and three of the five villages comprising Cinque Terre on this tour. After a 90-minute stop in Pisa, the tour proceeds to Riomaggiore (where travelers may opt to buy lunch). The next stops are the seaside villages of Manarola and Vernazza, where, weather permitting, participants can swim or lounge on the beach. Tour-takers find this guided experience a great way to pack a lot of sightseeing in to a single day.

Travel between the destinations is by train. Tours depart Florence at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (and on Sunday from June through September). Know that Italy on a Budget gears its tours to participants ages 18 to 39, and is therefore not suitable for children. The company also runs various other tours in Florence.

Curious Appetite – Progressive Tuscan Dining Crawl of Florence

Price: From $149.50 Duration: 4 hours

Handmade pasta, Tuscan wines, gelato and the city's take on porterhouse steak, bistecca alla Fiorentina , are the focus of this leisurely culinary walk, which visits four eateries. Throughout the evening, experts offer commentary on regional cuisine, which participants describe as insightful and helpful. Some past patrons acknowledge that they wouldn't have found the visited restaurants on their own.

Tours depart Thursday and Sunday at 5:30 p.m. Sunday crawls are slightly more expensive than Thursday outings. Group size is limited to eight diners. In addition to its dinner crawl, Curious Appetite operates several other wine- and food-related tours in Florence.

Frequently Asked Questions

A guided tour can be a great way to orient yourself around Florence, especially if it's your first time visiting. A tour can also be helpful if you want to see areas around Florence without the hassle of having to drive yourself.

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Fearlessly Italy

16 Best Florence Tours for an Unforgettable Tuscany Trip

One of the favorite travel destinations in Italy and Europe, Florence has a huge amount of things to see and do. Even though the city center is pretty compact and easy to wander, the best way to delve deep into its heritage and culture is with one of the best Florence tours.

Skip the line in many of the most popular landmarks, learn about the history of the places that made Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance, drink in the narrow streets and alleys, and explore the old quarter of the city’s traditional workshops. With one of the best Florence private tours, you can experience the city more than with a stroll along the Arno River.

These tours are great especially if you are short in time and you have only two days in Florence . Or even only one day and arriving with a train from Rome to Florence to get off at Santa Maria Novella train station.

Table of Contents

The best Florence tours picked by us

Welcome to florence tour: evening city stroll & gelato.

In about 2 hours and a half, this Welcome to Florence Walking Tour will introduce you to the wonders of one of Italy’s most famous cities. Your expert guide will give you a broad knowledge of the city’s history as well as precious tips on where to eat, what to visit and practical information to enjoy the rest of your stay.

This Florence walking tour will start in the most touristy square, Piazza del Duomo, and will take you to other famous spots such as Piazza della Signoria, Ponte Vecchio bridge and Palazzo Pitti, as well as more local neighborhoods like Santa Croce and Oltrarno, the old quarter of traditional workshops and restaurants.

The whole walking tour in Florence will be enriched by historical anecdotes linked to the places you will walk by, the life of artists and writers like Michelangelo and Dante Alighieri and tips on where to eat and shop.

You will also sample free gelato at one of the best gelaterias, but as the walking tour in Florence ends around dinner time, you can directly stop at one of the best restaurants to round off your first day in Florence in the best way. This Florence guided tour will last 2.5 hours and the group is no more than people.

⇒ Click here for more info and to check the price

VIP David & Florence Duomo Tour

One of the favorite Florence walking tours, the VIP David & Duomo Tour takes you to visit Michelangelo’s David in the Accademia before the crowds and to climb the Duomo with a skip-the-line entrance.

This VIP Florence tour will also give you special access to the Baptistery where all Florence residents were once baptized and the Duomo’s museum to admire the original facade and artworks from Donatello and Michelangelo.

Your expert guide will also take you on a special tour of the Duomo where usually visitors aren’t allowed and to the Duomo Terrace to best admire the wonderful dome by Filippo Brunelleschi. This Florence private tour lasts around 3 hours and the group is a maximum of 15 people.

Best of Florence Walking Tour With David & The Duomo

With this 3 hours and a half best Florence walking tour, you will walk to the top Florence attractions such as the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore , Michelangelo’s David at the Florence Accademia and Piazza della Signoria, you will learn the history linked to the powerful Medici family and of Ponte Vecchio bridge.

An expert art and historian Florence private guide will reveal to you the working methods of the great Michelangelo, the stories behind the building of the Duomo and of the doors of the Baptistery in the same piazza.

A big part of this Florence walking tour is precisely to wander around its streets and gape at the city’s wonders, squares, and palaces that made its history.

Skip-the-line Uffizi Tour in Florence

Any art lover on a trip to Florence can’t leave without visiting the Uffizi Gallery, and this tour by Take Walks is perfect if you want to see the main masterpieces of this huge museum without wasting time looking for them and going straight to the paintings you’ve always wanted to see.

This is a 3-hour art tour of Florence with the important Palazzo Vecchio included. So if you have a limited time, you can still afford to visit this important and gorgeous gallery to see the paintings of world-famous artists such as Botticelli, Leonardo Da Vinci, Giotto, Caravaggio, and Michelangelo among others. Very importantly, included in the walking tour of Florence is also a fast-track entrance to the Uffizi.

Florence in a Day with David, Duomo, Uffizi & Walking Tour

This 1-day tour will show you all the main highlights of Florence in a day. It lasts a little more than 7 hours and it’s perfect if you are in Florence for very little time or if you want to have a broad glimpse of the art and history sights and spend the rest of the time enjoying the local food, shopping or just walking around the palaces and the streets that have made the city the birthplace of the Renaissance.

With the help of an expert Florence local guide, you can visit the compact center of the city and learn about the main landmarks in a day. Included in the Florence one-day tour, are the skip-the-line tickets to some of the most important places such as the Uffizi Gallery and the Accademia for Michelangelo’s David.

Among the sites you will visit are also Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria, the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo), and obviously Ponte Vecchio bridge. This is a favorite among the best Florence tours and is especially recommended if you are short on time but still don’t want to miss out on the world-famous works of art and historical places the city has to offer. Overall it’s one of the best day tours in Florence Italy.

Half-Day Florence Tour with Uffizi & Accademia Tickets

In this half a day tour, Take Walks will take to two of the most popular highlights of Florence. With a skip-the-line entrance to the Uffizi Gallery, you will have plenty of time to see the masterpieces of artists such as Botticelli, Giotto, Cimabue, Leonard, Tiziano, and Michelangelo, while at the Accademia you can admire Michelangelo’s famous David, the masterpiece that was originally in Piazza della Signoria.

From outside, you will also walk by places such as the Duomo of Santa Maria del Fiore and its gorgeous piazza which also include the Baptistery and Palazzo Vecchio.

You will start your tour quite early in the morning, so before the crowds fill the first two galleries you are going to visit. As this tour is only for half a day, you can ask your local guide for tips on what else to visit, how to enjoy the city, where to eat and where to shop. If you can’t see Florence on a day tour, this half-day guided Florence tour is an excellent alternative.

Early Entry Skip-the-line Uffizi Tour & Palazzo Vecchio

In little less than three hours, you will visit the Uffizi Gallery to admire the masterpieces of artists such as Botticelli with its famous Primavera and Birth of Venus, Michelangelo, Tiziano, Leonardo, and many others, and learn how the history of art developed in the centuries.

Your expert Florence guide will also take you to Palazzo Vecchio to learn about the powerful Medici family that ruled Florence for centuries and that counts among its members Lorenzo Il Magnifico, a clan that played a crucial role in the world of art and in the Florentine and Italian history.

Hop-on Hop-off Florence Bus Tour

Explore Florence comfortably sitting on a double-decker bus on your terms and pace in this Florence bus tour. You can enjoy the city from the bus as much as you like, get off wherever you want, and use both routes of the bus for unlimited travel.

You can purchase a 24, 48, or 72-hour ticket depending on how long you are staying in Florence and see the places you want along the routes. Included in the tickets are multilingual audio and free WIFI on board. These bus tours in Florence are wheelchair accessible and have an easy full refund cancellation policy.

Three-hour Segway Tour of Florence

Instead of walking to Florence’s main landmarks, with this tour, you will be traveling across the city center by riding a segway. One of the favorite Florence tours, you will save much time to go from one place to the other so you will likely manage to see many of the city’s highlights.

Some of the places you will visit with your Florence tour guide are the Uffizi Gallery, Piazza della Repubblica, Brunelleschi’s Dome, and Santa Croce.

⇒ Tip: If you’d rather book online only the entrance tickets to skip the line instead of a whole tour, click here for the Uffizi Gallery and here for the Accademia with Michelangelo’s David .

Food Tours in Florence

Dine around florence wine and food tour – an authentic evening.

Just like every other place in Italy, also Florence and Tuscany are famous for their food and especially wines. One of the very favorite food and wine tours in Florence is Dine Around Florence by Walks of Italy. You will discover the best bars and restaurants where you can taste the delicacies of each place with a local Florence city guide.

In some 3 and a half hours you will tuck into the best local specialties like cheese, olive oil, focaccia, meat, and the delicious Tuscan truffles in the most popular as well as lesser-known neighborhoods and you will experience them in the Florence way, with aperitif and dinner in the places where local residents go, but only after a tour to a wine cellar. Round off a great dinner in the best and only way, with gelato.

This Florence food and wine tour will not only give you the chance to sample the local food but also learn about the history and the tradition of such dishes.

The Other Side of Florence Food Tour

In this 4-hour Florence food tour organized by Eating Europe Food Tour, you will discover the Florentine and Tuscan cuisine through plenty of tastings, including their typical cold cuts, and many stops at authentic local eateries in the traditional Oltrarno neighborhood.

Visiting families that have run restaurants for several generations, you will learn how to make the typical Tuscan cookies “cantucci” and what are the secrets of this delicious and old culinary tradition.

Authentic Florence Cooking Class Tour

One of the very best food tours in Florence and one of the most popular too with high-rated customer reviews is the Authentic Florence Cooking Class run by Eating Europe Food Tours.

In this food tour of Florence, not only you will learn how to make some easy Italian dishes with a professional chef, but you will also go grocery shopping with the chef and buy herbs and all the ingredients necessary to prepare your delicacies from local shops and markets.

You will be learning and cooking at the chef’s own home and after the home-cooking class, you will enjoy lunch and wine to round off a perfectly authentic Italian experience.

Sunset Florence Food Tour

In this Florence food tour, you will experience an evening fully Italian style. How? Wandering the cobblestone streets of the Oltrarno traditional quarter in the lookout for the perfect place for an aperitif among some of Florence’s best restaurants and bars.

You will sample some tempting traditional treats like truffle cheese and cold cuts all paired with a glass of the right wine and you will also observe a live demonstration on how to make the perfect “bistecca alla Fiorentina”, the famous, huge, Florentine steak, which you can then taste.

Alongside plenty of food tastings, you will also explore the quaint neighborhood, visit some great deli shops and learn where to find proper artisan food, enjoy a great Negroni cocktail after watching its making, and learn the history of the place as well as bits of the local food culture.

Florence Artisan Food Tour

Booking this food tour in Florence will take you to explore the Oltrarno quarter, traditionally the neighborhood of Florentine artisans, and this involves both handicrafts and food. Historically, it’s in the “botteghe”, workshops, of Oltrarno that many of Florence’s famous artists learned their craft.

And in fact, in this Florence tour, you will also discover the local crafts of leather smiths, carpenters, tailors, and printmakers as well as look at their creations famous all over the world.

Food-wise, you will sample plenty of savory and sweet delicacies as well as taste local wines. You will try Florence street food and make your own Italian sandwich, enjoy an Italian breakfast with coffee and pastry, visit some workshops, and even see how the famous cantucci cookies are made.

Best day tours from Florence

There are several day trips from Florence you can take to explore more of the beautiful Tuscany region both in its towns and countryside, as well as other regions in central Italy. Some of the most popular are a day trip from Florence to Siena , to Chianti or a day tour to Pisa from Florence .

Here are some other great expeditions.

Tuscany Day Tours From Florence With Chianti, Siena and San Gimignano

Without diminishing the historical and artistic overload Florence has been carrying for centuries, we should also admit that Tuscany has many other wonderful places to visit.

In this 10-hour Tuscany day tour, you will explore the lovely medieval walled city of Siena where you will visit the stunning cathedral and the piazza where the famous Palio takes place twice a year, you will stare in awe at the views of the Tuscan countryside, you will enjoy a local meal in the Chianti region that includes also a tasting of their famous wines, and you will have the chance to visit the little gem of San Gimignano.

After exploring new towns, sightseeing, enjoying a delicious meal and also having some free time to enjoy on your own, you will get back to Florence just in time for dinner.

Montalcino, Pienza and Montepulciano full-day wine tour from Florence

Another great day tour from Florence including plenty of food and wine is this one on “Get Your Guide” to Montalcino, Pienza and the famous Montepulciano wine region.

On this pretty cheap tour from Florence, you will explore the gorgeous Tuscan countryside, you will taste the famous wines Brunello di Montalcino and Nobile di Montepulciano, will visit Val D’Orcia and stare at its wonderful landscape, and obviously sample some traditional foods.

Why You Should Visit Florence With A Tour

Visiting Florence on a private tour is more interesting than wandering by yourself. While you are going to be able to see most of the Florence sights independently, you might miss the history and interesting historical events that took place. If you are still not sure whether to visit Florence with a private tour or not, keep reading these top Florence tour reviews.

It’s time-saving

Regardless of when you visit Florence, it will be packed with tourists. This causes queues to buy the tickets as well as queueing to enter Florence’s historical sights. Without guided Florence tours you can expect to spend anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours waiting in the lines to get a ticket for Florence sights such as the Accademia Duomo, Uffizi, and Palazzo Vecchio.

But going with a skip-the-line private Florence tour, your ticket would be already taken care of and you will have private entrance access to cut out the crowds. Therefore, you won’t be wasting time waiting outside in the heat or cold and you can see more especially if you are spending only one day in Florence .

But that’s not all. Booking a private Florence tour will eliminate the confusion on where to start or where the most important art masterpieces are kept. So, again, you will be saving time and avoiding headaches. Even if you plan your trip independently with our Italy travel guide , you can still book one of the best Florence tours for a day or a couple of hours.

It’s more interesting

Walking for an hour inside a 3 or 4-store building can get frustrating and boring if you don’t know what you are looking at, where to start and where the popular artwork is kept. Going without an expert Florence city tour guide, you also wouldn’t know the interesting facts about most works of art preserved in the galleries.

It’s even worse when the art information board is occupied by other tourists. Booking one of the Florence Italy tours will speed up the process, eliminate any confusion, and make it way more interesting than walking on your own.

You can see and learn more

As you wander through Florence’s streets and piazzas, you’ll discover masterpieces on every corner. And if you want to see as many places as possible, you will need experienced Florence tour guides who know every inch of the city.

They know which road to take and what to see first, second, and so on. Although you can walk around without a Florence tour, you might miss many interesting facts on the road. Each building has a history and interesting facts which are only possible to know if you are led by top Florence tour guides.

Final Word on Private Tours of Florence, Italy

We recommend you join one of these tours in Florence to experience the city of your dreams. These top Florence guided tours are designed completely around your requirements.

They include the best wine tours in Florence Italy, Florence food walking tours, day tours from Florence and more. All you need to take care of is a charged camera with plenty of empty space to take pictures because those landmarks are breathtaking.


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Free Self Guided Walking Tour of Florence Italy: One or Two Day Itinerary

If you’re visiting Florence, Italy for just one or two days – or you want to get to know the main attractions of the city quickly – this free self guided walking tour of Florence is perfect for seeing Firenze by foot.

You’ll find two versions of our suggested Florence walking tour itinerary in this post, plus some food and gelato recommendations.

The first itinerary is for doing Florence in one day on a low budget (no entrance fees and cheap food).

The second Florence itinerary is still for budget travelers, but it includes visiting a couple museums and other places of interest . If you don’t go into the museums, this itinerary can also be done in a single day, however, it’s more manageable spread out over two days.

These itineraries and Florence walking routes are based on my previous study abroad experience in Florence; our recent visits together in Fall 2017, 2019, and 2022; and – of course – lots of research online!

If you’re an independent budget traveler like us, these are the top things to do in Florence that we would recommend. Buon viaggio!

Updated: January 2024. Published: Sept 2017.   

Florence walking tour map

sand tours firenze

This map includes our one day walking tour of Florence Italy in blue , plus optional attractions and places to eat for a two day visit in brown .

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you book through one of our links, we may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.

A. Il Duomo: Top Florence Attraction

Building | Self-Guided Florence Walking Tour

You don’t have to start here, but this is an absolute must see and it gets crowded quickly , so we recommend heading there first thing.

Tip: For crowd-free photos in peak season, 7am is best (though you won’t be able to go inside until later).

Building ceiling | 1 Day Walking Tour Florence Italy

Note that a dress code is enforced – knees and shoulders must be covered and hats removed – and visitors are expected to be respectful and quiet.

Want to dive deeper? Book a Duomo complex tour with a guide >

B. Mercato Centrale – Food, Shopping, and Culture

If you’ve had an early start to see the Duomo, you might be ready for an Italian espresso ( caffe ) or cappuccino and some snacks.

We enjoyed our morning coffee at the Mercato Centrale in the typical Italian way: standing in front of the coffee bar.

Drinks | Self-Guided Florence Walking Tour

From 9am to midnight, you can visit the Mercato Centrale on the second floor (or European “first floor”) for a wide variety of eateries . 

Vegetables | 1 Day Walking Tour Florence Italy

On the streets surrounding the building are outdoors stalls with leather goods, jewelry, clothes, and souvenirs. If you’re looking for souvenirs in Florence , you have plenty of options at both the indoor and outdoor market stalls.

If you’re here around lunch or dinner, check out our food recommendations below for some delicious places to eat in the market.

You can also gather fresh fruit, meat, and cheese for a picnic – just note that only the vendors are allowed to touch the produce in Italy.

C. Piazza della Republica

Belts | Self-Guided Florence Walking Tour

Little remains of the Piazza della Republica’s historical significance as the old market and forum. It’s not necessarily worth going out of your way to see, but since it’s central and on the way of our tour, we’re including it here.

Grab a bench to watch the street performers and tourists if you need to rest your feet. There’s a carousel and several cafes around this hub of activity in downtown Florence.

D. Piazza della Signoria

One of the most famous pieces of art in Florence is The David by Michelangelo. This impressive, biblical statue is now housed in the Accademia (included in Walking Tour #2 below), but a replica can be found at the statue’s original location – Piazza della Signoria.

For those of us on a budget or who don’t have time to wait in line for museums, a free viewing of the replica in this grand square can be just as good.

Building | Self-Guided Florence Walking Tour

E. Uffizi Gallery Courtyard

Building | 1 Day Walking Tour Florence Italy

With limited time and budget, you can always enjoy walking through the long courtyard, Piazzale degli Uffizi, for free. It’s a short, scenic way to get from Piazza della Signoria to our next stop: Ponte Vecchio.

Want to visit inside Uffizi Gallery? Save time with a skip-the-line Uffizi Gallery ticket or take a guided tour .

F. Ponte Vecchio

River | Self-Guided Florence Walking Tour

Above the shops, you’ll notice a passageway with windows. This is part of the Vasari Corridor , an elevated passageway that connects the Palazzo Vecchio to the Pitti Palace. It was constructed in 1565 so Duke Cosimo Medici could move securely between his home and “office.”

G. La Strega Nocciola Gelato – Artisanal Gelateria in Florence 

Let’s take a gelato break! By now, you’ve probably seen countless gelaterias on your journey, but not all gelato is the same . We’ll talk about this more in the gelato section below – yes, it deserves its own section.

For now, delight your taste buds at La Strega Nocciola. If you like hazelnut, or  nocciola , it’s their signature flavor. Out of this world creamy!

Building | 1 Day Walking Tour Florence Italy

H. Piazzale Michelangelo Scenic Viewpoint

On the south side of the Arno River is a large square with panoramic views of the city: Piazzale Michelangelo.

You can reach it via the rose garden or by walking up from Porto San Niccolo. The square has some bronze copies of Michelangelo’s statues, but the real draw is the view.

City | Self-Guided Florence Walking Tour

We suggest walking up via the stairs that follow the rose garden – you can pop into the garden for a breather – and taking the Piazza Poggi stairs back down, past the tower of San Niccolo.

Lay Over in Florence / Day Trip Walking Tour Notes

By the way, if you have just a few hours to spend (if you’re doing a layover or day trip in Florence), you can use our self-guided walking tour itinerary to see the highlights of the city in a very short time. 

Click here to access our self-guided Florence walking tour map > Book a highly rated guided walking tour of Florence here >

From the Santa Maria Novella train station, you could walk to points A through G on our map and return to the station within an hour or two , if you’re in decent walking shape and set your mind to it.

Add another 45 minutes to an hour to include the viewpoint of Piazzale Michelangelo (point H), as it’s an uphill climb.

Read on for additional Florence sights, plus transportation options to and from Florence airport.

Additional Stops for a 2 Day Itinerary in Florence

The first version of our walking tour was completely free – with the exception of food along the way. Of course, you can expand your self guided walking tour if you have more time or your budget allows for attractions with a price tag.

Here is a suggested two-day itinerary for Florence with more info on the optional activities below.

1. Il Duomo

2. Visit Galleria dell’Accademia

3. Lunch at Mercato Centrale

4. Piazza Santa Maria Novella

5. Take out dinner from La Spada

6. Picnic on the river or Piazza della Republica

7. Piazza della Signoria

8. Visit Uffizi Gallery

9. Ponte Vecchio

10. Palazzo Pitti and Boboli Gardens

11. Picnic dinner at Piazzale Michelangelo

* Access our Florence walking tour map here *

Palazzo Pitti and Boboli Gardens

Palazzo Pitti, or Pitti Palace , has been home to the wealthy Medici family, other ruling families, and was even a base for Napoleon.

It is now a giant museum of royal apartments, modern art, silver, porcelain, costume jewelry, carriages, and more. Many visitors also enjoy visiting the expansive Boboli Gardens behind the palace.

Book your Pitti Palace ticket in advance or enjoy this top rated guided tour of the Palace, Boboli Gardens, and Palatina Gallery .

Piazza di Santa Maria Novella and Piazza di Santa Croce

Poster | 1 Day Walking Tour Florence Italy

Depending on which side of town you find yourself on, check out either of these two church squares . Browse the shops, people watch, grab a snack, and pop into the church if you’re up for it.

Florence Museums: Accademia or Uffizi Gallery

Art is a central part of Firenze’s history and it is said that the city is home to nearly one third of the all the world’s art treasures.

We typically don’t visit many museums in our travels, to be honest. (We’re more about the local life, not to mention keeping costs low.) But as a student, I visited both of these famous galleries, and most visitors to Florence will try to see one or both.

From May through September, be sure to book your Accademia and Uffizi museum tickets in advance to avoid waiting in hours-long lines. Or go with a guide on this top rated 4-hour tour of the Uffizi and Accademia (entry tickets included).

A pre-booked ticket does involve choosing a date and time for your visit in advance, as well as an extra booking fee. The Accademia – featuring the original David and other works by Michelangelo, Botticelli, etc. – is 16 euros booked in advance.

The Uffizi Gallery – the most visited museum in Florence, home to 2200 works of art – costs 20 euros online.

Both museums are open Tuesday through Sunday from 8:15am to 6:50pm (closed on Mondays).

If history is more up your alley than art, then perhaps you’d prefer museums like Palazzo Vecchio , Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Vasari Corridor (temporarily closed), or the Natural History Museum .

P.S. State museums like the Accademia, Uffizi, and Pitti Palace are free to the public on the first Sunday of the month!

Where to Eat in Florence on a Budget

It’s no surprise that food is a huge part of Italian culture, so eating is definitely something to look forward to in Florence!

A Note About Traditional Florentine Foods

We used some left over frequent flyer points to book a street food tour for the first day of our trip. We learned that regional foods particular to Florence include:

  • Bisteccha alla Fiorentina (thickly cut steak, served mostly rare),
  • cantucci con vinsanto (almond biscotti dipped in sweet “holy wine”),
  • finnochiona (salami with fennel seeds),
  • black and white truffles,
  • balsamic vinegar (exclusively made from grapes originating in Modena),
  • chicken liver pate,
  • lampredotto (the second part of the cow’s stomach, much like tripe) and
  • pecorino cheese served with honey.

Book your Florence street food tour here >

Pasta is, of course, a staple of the nation. And though pizza is ubiquitous, our guide emphasized that it was not a Florentine dish and recommended eating pizza in its birth place of Naples.

I did some careful research on where we could enjoy good food in Florence without overspending.

Generally, it’s not too hard to find reasonably priced meals – especially with fixed price menus at some restaurants – though the cost of eating out can still add up quickly. We countered this by doing grocery store breakfasts in our Airbnb apartment.

Below are some of our recommendations for eating on a budget in Florence, starting with the cheapest options and going up in price.

See all these recommendations on our Florence map >

Restaurante La Spada take out

Restaurant | Self-Guided Florence Walking Tour

Around the side of the restaurant, on Via del Moro, is the take out counter where you can order rotisserie chicken, lasagna, and roast vegetable sides to go (cash only).

After 13 years of being away, I tried my luck ordering our student special, “speciale di Bruno,” and it worked! I walked away with a foil dish of juicy rotisserie chicken and heavily seasoned roast potatoes, plus an extra side of vegetables – all for 5 euros. Jedd and I split the meal, which was just as tasty as I remembered.

Lampredotto Stands

Food stand | 1 Day Walking Tour Florence Italy

Lampredotto comes from cow stomach – originating from the cuisine of the poor, back when it was financially essential not to waste any part of the animal. This savory meal is hit or miss for people, depending on whether you’re an adventurous eater. But being street food, it’s not expensive (4 euros).

Mercato Centrale

As mentioned earlier, Mercato Centrale is not only a good place to pick up fresh picnic supplies, it also has an abundance of little eateries as well.

Remember, the ground floor produce market is open 7am to 2pm Monday through Saturday. The eateries upstairs are open from 9am to midnight.

Pasta Fresca – Must Try at Mercato Centrale

Pasta Fresca cheap food at Florence market

Order your meal from the window by choosing a noodle and a sauce. Eat standing at the little counter or take it out with you for a picnic.

We were blown away by the rich, savory walnut sauce (salsa di noci) on ravioli for 6 euros. We made sure to stand in line right at 11am when they open, and it was still as fantastic as the first time.

Food court | Self-Guided Florence Walking Tour

Upstairs is a newer food court area with lots of options, ranging from classic Italian to sushi and Chinese dumplings. Order and pay at a restaurant stall, then sit down at the communal tables where wait staff come by to take your drink order separately.

We loved the wood fired margherita pizza at La Pizzeria Sud (8 euros). For something unique, try the loaded Popeye veggie burger at the Veg & Veg cart (8.50 euros).

La Prosciutteria

If you’re looking for somewhere with more of a restaurant atmosphere that’s still budget-friendly, try La Prosciutteria on Via dei Neri.

Check out the menu on the wall and order a panino, salad, or prosciutto and cheese board from the counter.

Seating is limited and there is no table service, so you’ll grab your own napkin, forks, and pull a drink from the fridge – or order wine from the bar.

Fiaschetteria Nuvoli

For more casual dining with good quality food and wine, look for an osteria or fiaschetteria . 

Fiaschetteria Nuvoli was a stop on our guided food tour. Although very central, prices are still reasonable and locals still frequent this place for simple, traditional meals. Head down to the cellar to order plates of meats, cheeses, wines, and more.

Panini at Antica Porchetteria Granieri 1916

This tiny shop features roast pork sandwiches. The meat is carved straight from the roast, bread toasted fresh, and then wrapped up in paper to go. Sandwiches are 5-8 euros each, with beer and house wine also available for take out.

We enjoyed the Assi-sano sandwich with porchetta, fresh tomatoes, lettuce, and balsamic glaze. 

See all these recommendations on our Florence map

Aritsanal Gelato in Florence

Gelato shop | 1 Day Walking Tour Florence Italy

Gelato (the Italian word for ice cream) is typically made with less egg than other ice creams, and it’s churned more slowly to give a denser, creamier texture.

We learned that the artisanal shops are fresher and use better ingredients. While heaping piles of gelato on the counter looks tempting, it’s a sign of low quality – look instead for gelato that’s displayed in smaller tins . This means it’s made daily in smaller batches.

You can typically order your gelato in a cup or a cone at varying sizes. Trying out a few samples before choosing your order and getting two flavors in one is usually allowed. Prices for a small tend to be around 2.50 or 3 euros.

Gelato | Self-Guided Florence Walking Tour

La Strega Nocciola

We mentioned this one in our walking tour above, and it’s a personal favorite. It’s on Via de’ Bardi, close to Ponte Vecchio on south side of river, open from 11:30am-10:30pm. Their namesake gelato, nocciola (hazelnut), is truly wonderful.

Gelato Neri

This old-fashioned gelateria is on Via dei Neri, open 10am-midnight. They also serve espresso and granitas.

Gelato Vivoli

Another great artisanal gelateria if you’re in the Santa Croce area is Vivoli on Via dell’Isola delle Stinche, open 7:30am-midnight.

Make your own gelato in Florence!

If you love gelato as much as we do, consider treating yourself to this Gelato Making Class . Learn all about Gelato and get hands-on experience in making your own flavor from scratch.

Check price and availability for the Gelato Making Class here >>

Food Tour in Florence

If you love pasta and gelato, you’ll enjoy this 2.5 hour food tour in Florence with a local foodie. Explore city cuisine that range from fresh pasta and truffles to gelato and pastries.

Check price and availability for this food tour here >>

Where to Stay in Florence Italy

I personally aim to stay between the train station and the Duomo , for convenience when using the train to come in and out of town.

There are cheaper places on the outskirts but it will require taking a public bus or walking into town – on top of all the walking you’ll already be doing.

Here are a few highly rated accommodation options in central Florence:

Hotel del Corso – $$/$$$ – Just two blocks from the Duomo, this place has a friendly staff and nice extras. There’s even a “maisonette” with kitchen available, great for families. Check photos, price, and availability for Hotel del Corso >>

Florence hotel in historic center

Helvetia&Bristol Firenze – $$$$ – Five minutes walk from the Duomo and Ponte Vecchio. Elegant 19th Century palace decor, on site restaurant and bar; breakfast included in some packages. Check photos, price, and availability for Helvetia&Bristol >>

Quick Florence Travel Tips

Getting to Florence Italy

Florence has its own small airport right outside of town. The next closest, larger airport is Pisa. From Pisa to Florence is about an hour by train. Rome, with its two airports, is also within a half day’s journey by train.

FLR Florence airport tram station

The tram is 1.70 euros and about 20 minutes one way.

You can purchase tickets on the platform with credit card or euro coins (we saw folks having trouble with euro bills). Be sure to validate the ticket with a time stamp via the machines inside each tram.

It appears the dedicated airport bus is no longer running.

Note that Florence has two train stations. The one in the center of town is Santa Maria Novella station (sometimes denoted Firenze S.M.N. ), so that is where you will most likely want to book any train tickets in and out of.

Crowds in Florence

Florence is an extremely popular destination. We’ve visited in “shoulder season” before and after the pandemic. The crowds can still be overwhelming in the touristy parts of town.

Your best bet for quiet, crowd-free experiences are at 7am. 

For museums and galleries, you may also wish to purchase skip-the-line tickets in advance, to avoid wasting hours of valuable time waiting in long lines.

Other Tips for Intentional Travel in Florence

  • Try to make a local connection , whether it’s meeting a friend-of-a-friend you find through social media, staying with locals, or hiring a local guide
  • Learn essential Italian phrases , like “Do you speak English?” and use Italian whenever you can.
  • Shop at locally owned, independent businesses rather than familiar chains like Starbucks. This is where the espresso originated, so try it locally!
  • For more guidance, see:  how to have authentic, meaningful travel experiences in touristy areas and our simple rules for intentional travel series .

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What travel restrictions and rules are in place in Italy? Find post-pandemic travel updates for Italy here: What you need to know about Italy travel right now

Read next: Hidden Gems on Tuscany’s Etruscan Coast Lucca Italy Day Trip Guide & Self Guided Walking Tour Best Castles to Visit or Stay in Tuscany Best Tuscany Beaches

(Disclosure: These are affiliate links and we will get a commission on your booking, at no additional cost to you.)

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Free walking tour map and self guided one- and two-day walking tour itineraries for Florence Italy | Intentional Travelers

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If you’re like us, finding the best small town destinations and off-the-beaten-path gems is a big reason why we love working remotely. Since becoming digital nomads in 2014 and trying out various places to live and work abroad, we’ve learned an important lesson: Some of the big “digital nomad hubs” are not really our style….

How to Plan A Road Trip Using Pinterest and Google

How to Plan A Road Trip Using Pinterest and Google

This is a guest post by fellow intentional traveler, Alyssa Padgett, who shares her master road trip planning skills with us. Alyssa and her husband, Heath, took an RV to 49 States (and flew to Hawaii) while filming their documentary, Hourly America, on their honeymoon. A Guide to Planning Road Trips With Pinterest + Google…

Hello, I’m planning a trip in May. I went last year for a day, from Rome and that wasn’t enough. planning on staying in Hotel. I’m a bit intimidated by the B&B places. what do you suggest?

Still waiting for my interactive map? Great post! Il lampredotto is made by the part of the cow’s stomach. La Bistecca fiorentina comes from Chianina cows, weighs at least 1 kg.

Thanks for these notes, Karen! My records show that the map email was delivered to you on October 1. Have you already checked spam and promotions folders? It would be coming from michelle [at]

These are awesome photos! It captures Florence’s beauty very well. I will have to read more on Italy articles before I make a trip there in the future!

Great photos. In our last trip, we had only a day to explore Florence, and missed a lot. Love your suggested itinerary and restaurants recommendation. I will just add Galileo’s house on the list 🙂

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Walkinkg City Tours

"Experience Florence through the eyes of those who truly love and know it. Join us for a Walking City Tour that transforms your visit into an unforgettable experience!"

What to Expect :

Carefully Selected Itineraries: From Piazza del Duomo to the Uffizi Gallery, our routes are designed to immerse you in authentic Florence, revealing fascinating stories and iconic landmarks.

Expert Guides: Our local guides are passionate experts in Florentine history and art. They will be your connection to the past, sharing anecdotes and curiosities that make each stop unique.

Small Groups: To ensure an intimate and personalized experience, we maintain small group sizes. This allows every participant to fully enjoy the atmosphere and ask questions in a welcoming environment.

Priority Access: Thanks to our partnerships with major attractions, you'll have easy access to the most famous destinations, saving valuable time and fully enjoying every moment.

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Small Group Accademia Gallery Guided Tour With Skip The Line Tickets

During your vacation in Florence, don’t miss out on meeting one of the most famous and eclectic artists in the world: Michelangelo.

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VIP Duomo Tour

Small Group Vip Duomo Tour, Brunelleschi's Cupola & Secret Terraces Including 72 Hours Access To Duomo Complex

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Best of Florence Walking Tour

Immerse yourself into the two thousand year old history in the “Cradle of the Renaissance,'' through the eyes of an expert, local guide, who will take you on an unforgettable journey to discover the most beautiful squares and monuments of Florence.

This is a service description

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Best of Florence Walking Tour & Accademia Gallery

Start your morning with a vivid tour of Florence among art, magnificent squares, and Renaissance masterpieces.

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Skip The Line: Florence Duomo Cathedral Small Group Guided Tour

Admire the magnificent Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in the company of an expert guide.

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Small Group Bike Tour Of Florence

Discover Florence’s most fascinating and famous sites in the least amount of time! Joyfully ride through the streets on a bike led by a professional guide.

Small Group Uffizi Gallery Guided Tour With Skip The Line Ticket

Discover one of the most precious art galleries in the world, the UFFIZI GALLERY with a professional guide.

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Exploring Florence with a Guided Tour

There are so many things to see and do in Florence that everyone visiting the city can find it a challenge to decide which ones to visit, what to see and do! There are many museums, churches, piazzas and bridges to visit and explore, artisans workshops, boutique shops and local markets to buy a souvenirs to take back home and much more. A month-long holiday in Florence wouldn't be enough to discover all its wonders.

The best solution to this "problem": join a guided tour of the city to help you visit a selection of the city's best attractions and sights, making sure you do not miss the best of the Cradle of Renaissance!

You can book a guided tour of many of the city's museums, but particularly of the Uffizi Gallery , to better enjoy the marvelous works of art in the museum considered to be one of the most important in the world, skipping the long lines you always find at the entrance. See the best of Florence in a "highlights" or "best of" tour in walking guided tours and learn interesting details about the history of the city. If you prefer to tour the city with a little less walking, you could enjoy a eco-friendly electric cart tour or the flexibility of the hop-on, hop-off double-deck buses. How about a cooking class where you can learn to make pasta and then enjoy it as lunch? Food tours, wine-tastings, bike tours ... there is something for everyone , no matter which one you'll choose, it will make your time in Florence unforgettable !

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Visit the Uffizi Gallery with a Guide

With over 1,5 million of visitors every year, the Uffizi Gallery in Florence is the most visited museum in Italy. Avoid long lines and enjoy your visit to the Uffizi with a tour guide that will explain and place into context the beauty and wonder of the masterpieces in the Uffizi.

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Top Guided Tours in Spring Starting in Florence Italy

Step up your game while in Florence this April, May or June and add one of our top tours for spring to your itinerary. We reviewed the list & offer you a selection of the best tours for exploring the city and its museums as well as beyond the walls into Tuscany, with a departure point in Florence.

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Guided Tour of the Accademia Gallery

Why consider a guided tour? Because it makes your visit to the museum to see Michelangelo's David fun and interesting! Plus, there is more to see than just the David , visiting with an expert guide makes discovering the rest of the artwork inside

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Small group Cooking Class & Market Tour

Try something new in Florence: learn how to make fresh pasta, have some fun while doing it and then enjoy the delicious food you've helped prepare! Then once back home, you can make it again for family and friends, adding both the experience and recipes to your repertoire of yummy homemade dishes.

Top Experiences in Florence

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Wine Tastings in Florence & Chianti

Whether you have an hour or an entire day, don't leave Florence without doing some wine tasting! You can join a class in town on Tuscan wines and taste or go on a half or full day tour into neighboring Chianti or as far as Montalcino or Montepulciano to get your chance to taste great Tuscan wines.

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Walking Tours of Florence

One of the best ways to see Florence, especially if you're short on time, if to join a walking tour to see the highlights of the city and get an insider's view on local history. Then go back to the spots you enjoyed to spend more time there!

sand tours firenze

Bike in Florence and Surrounding Hills

Ride the hills of Florence in the company of expert cyclists Piero and Elena and see the city from unique vantage views! Easy, moderate routes through the hills will make your ride fun and a dream come true.

sand tours firenze

7 Tours for Family Fun with Kids in Florence

The best way to keep the family & kids engaged while exploring the beauty of Florence? Include one of our 5 tours for family fun. They are adventurous & exciting, but most of all a great opportunity to create unforgettable vacation memories.

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Wine Tasting and Dinner in Florence

Want to do wine tastings of the best Tuscan wines right in Florence? At the Piazza del Vino wine bar/shop/restaurant you can enjoy a great late afternoon aperitivo and taste Tuscany's great wines: Chianti, Brunello di Montalcino, Nobile di Montepulciano and Bolgheri wines.

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Cooking Classes in Florence

Want to bring back home a special taste of Tuscany as souvenir of your holidays? Learn how to prepare typical Tuscan dishes and traditional recipes to try then back home with your family and friends and taste whenever you want the original flavours from Tuscany. Enjoy one of the many cooking classes organized in Florence, there are many that vary depending on the duration time and prices, take a look at our proposals below.

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Why visit Florence in the low season?

There are many reasons, including being more budget-friendly and enjoying less crowded sights! Read our article for more reasons why visiting Florence in its low season is a good idea.

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Museum Tickets and Tours

Florence's Uffizi and Accademia Galleries are among the most visited museums in all of Italy and this means long lines. Save money and time by booking your tickets ahead of time! Or better yet, get the most of these museums with a guided tour that will make the best use of your limited time as well as present the artworks in the best way possible.

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A Day Tour to Cinque Terre

If you have to absolutely go visit the Cinque Terre from Florence, we highly recommend this group day tour: travel faster by bus to have more free time in each town and then go on an absolute must, the boat ride!

sand tours firenze

Twilight Itineraries: Florence Charm at night

Under the stars and the light of the moon, these 3 itineraries are best enjoyed as a relaxing stroll with no specific goal in mind. The summer sun can burn you out too fast & winter gets dark so fast, but these twilight itineraries can be rewarding and particularly romantic - even on your own.

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8 Ways to Enjoy Florence when it is Hot

Aimlessly wandering the summer streets of Florence can prove to be a bit much if you don’t like the heat. These are our top 8 choices for keeping it cool with an organized tour while on holiday in the beautiful Renaissance City.

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6 of the Best Tours This Fall

With the onset of cooler temps, Florence offers many new opportunities to explore both inside & outside the city. And the best thing of all? You don’t need to do it on your own. These professionally organized tours are great additions to your itinerary

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Top Winter Tours: Organising your Vacation in & around Florence

The winter weather shouldn't interfere with your holiday plans, especially when there are so many exciting things that can be organized in & around Florence with the help of a professional guide and tour agency. Here are our top ideas to jump-start your winter vacation.

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Join an exclusive tour of Florence's cathedral

Be sure to see it all! This private tour with an exclusive visit to the Rooftop Terraces of the Duomo in Florence is perfect. With this tour you can skip-the-line with your personal guide into the cathedral and to the terraces, then climb the rest of the way to visit the cupola, then the Bell Tower, Baptistery & Duomo Museum on your own.

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Walking Food Tour: Small Group Tour of Food & Art in Florence

Art and food are the perfect mix in this guided tour organized in Florence: enjoy a walk through the streets of Florence with a local expert guide to learn cultural and historical trivia while also tasting its wine and food specialties of the city along the way with stops at wine shops, the San Lorenzo market, delis and gelato shop!

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What to see at the Uffizi? A guide can help you!

Have limited time to visit the Uffizi? A visit with a guide can help you make your way through the museum’s main rooms so you don’t miss any of the most important masterpieces by Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and more!

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🍷 The 7 Best Chianti Wine Tours From Florence [2024 Reviews]

Whether you’re a fan of Chianti wine or simply know of it due to its notoriety in a certain film, if you’re in Florence we highly recommend you check out where it originates from.

The famous dry, red wine can only be produced in this region of central Tuscany, with its cool hills and rich soil. While you could definitely rent a car and explore it on your own, if you want to maximize the experience we recommend a tour.

We’ve done the research for you, bringing you tours that are worth your time and money yet are varied enough that you have a nice selection to choose from. If that sounds like fun to you, then check out these awesome Chianti wine tours!

Be sure to see our reviews of Full Day Tuscany Day Trips, Florence Wine Tours and Cinque Terre Tours.

Best Chianti Wine Tours From Florence

Quick answer: the 7 best rated chianti wine tours for 2024.

  • Best Adventure Tour: Chianti Safari – Tuscan Villas, Cheese, Wine and Lunch from Florence
  • Best Half-Day Tour: Private Half-Day Chianti Tour & Wine Tasting From Florence
  • Best Small Group Tour: Small Group Chianti at Sunset Wine Tasting Tour from Florence
  • Best Private Tour: Private Tour in Siena, San Gimignano and Chianti Day Trip from Florence
  • Best Value Tour: Chianti Wine Tour with Lunch, Visit S.Gimignano, Organic Wineries and Much More
  • Best Luxury Tour: Private Chianti Wine Tour Leaving from Florence
  • Best Budget Tour: Chianti Vineyards Escape from Florence with Two Wine Tastings

Chianti Wine Tour Reviews

1. best adventure tour: chianti safari: tuscan villas, cheese, wine and lunch from florence.

  • Duration: 9 hours
  • Departure:  Piazza dei Cavalleggeri, 50122 Firenze FI, Italy or hotel pickup and drop-off
  • Departure Time: 9:00 AM
  • Includes:  Transport by air-conditioned 4×4 vehicle, professional guide, 9 samples of wine, 2 samples of olive oil, food tastings, lunch

Let’s start things off on the right foot with the Chianti Safari: Tuscan Villas, Cheese, Wine and Lunch from Florence . Who thought that safaris and off-roading would work so perfectly with cheese and wine?

This tour is so seamlessly-organized and melds adventure with relaxation and appreciation for the finer things in life wonderfully.

Start out by meeting your guide and the rest of your group at 9:00 am in the center of Firenze in the Piazzi dei Cavalleggeri. You’ll then be escorted onto the awesome 4×4 minibus that’s impossible to miss!

This bus is made for fun, yet ensures you’re comfortable with air conditioning, spacious seats, and large windows.

Why use a 4×4 vehicle?

Because you’re going to go off-roading, meaning you’ll get to see parts of Chianti that the vast majority of visitors don’t.

Stop first at Villa le Corti, owned by one of the most prominent Italian families. This gorgeous estate is located over a hillside and offers incredible views, but the real star of the show is the wine tasting!

Taste 3 of their wines meticulously paired with cured meats and 2 types of olive oils after taking a guided tour of their legendary wine cellars and olive mill by means of underground tunnels.

Next up it’s time to really buckle up and get ready for 4×4 fun over ancient woodland and those iconic Tuscan hills until arriving at Località Rignana where you’ll try even more tasty food and wine!

With your personable, knowledgeable tour you’ll be able to learn a lot in a way that’s unpretentious and welcoming.

Travel further into the hills and enjoy the vast countryside as you head to a smaller, more quaint winery called “Poggio Torselli”. By new means is this breathtaking place tiny, however!

These premium Tuscan ateliers will teach you all about their ancient traditions combined with innovation result in their award-winning wines.

More Information & Tour Booking

100% refund for cancellations within 24 hours of tour experience, other florence experiences you may enjoy:, 2. best half-day tour: private half-day chianti tour & wine tasting from florence.

  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Departure: Hotel pickup and drop-off included
  • Departure Time: 2:45 PM
  • Includes:   English speaking driver, p rivate vehicle at your disposal for a maximum of 4 hours, h istorical Chianti winery visit with wine tasting of five fine wines accompanied by local snacks

There are plenty of fantastic tours available on our guide, but not everyone has the availability for a full-day option. If that sounds like your situation, then check this next tour out.

The From Florence: Private Half-Day Chianti Tour & Wine Tasting is a 4-hour adventure that will take you through the beautiful Tuscan countryside and into some of the most respected vineyards in the world.

Limited to just 7 participants, this is a very small group tour where you’ll get plenty of one-on-one time with the guides and be able to ask any questions you may have.

This tour starts off by your guide/driver picking you up at your hotel in a private vehicle. The vehicles are always comfortable, with air-conditioning and plenty of room to stretch.

As you head along your journey, your driver will offer an introduction and educational commentary about each location and attraction that you pass.

The Montecchio winery is your first stop, where you’ll learn about their delicious Chianti Classico red wines. This historic estate is beautiful on its own, but you’ll get to try 5 amazing wines, including one first made back in the 13 th century as a white wine!

Aside from your tour of the winery, you’ll also get to see plenty of thick woods, olive groves, medieval villages, Roman churches, classic farmhouses, and much more.

It’s hard to believe that so much majesty can be fit into a 4-hour tour, but thanks to supreme organization and obvious care for their customers, they manage to pull it off.

Search For Other Top Rated Florence Experiences You May Enjoy:

3. best small group tour: small group chianti at sunset wine tasting tour from florence.

  • Duration: 4.5 hours
  • Departure:  Piazza dei Cavalleggeri, 50122 Firenze FI
  • Departure Time: 4:00 PM
  • Includes: Comfortable air-conditioned car or minivan – max 8 persons, expert English-speaking driver, visit to a typical wine estate and wine tasting, 4 wines, oil, cheese with marmalade, chocolate vineyard tour, dinner in restaurant is an available option

Next, we have the Small Group Chianti at Sunset Wine Tasting Tour from Florence . If you have a busy schedule during the daytime or are looking for another shorter tour, this is one to keep on your list.

Lasting 4.5 hours, you’ll try and learn about plenty of top-rated wines and tour through the Tuscan countryside.

In the afternoon, you’ll meet your driver/guide at the Piazza dei Cavalleggeri in the heart of Firenze which is easily accessible from anywhere in the city.

Set off in a comfortable vehicle and head along one of the most beautiful routes in the world: the Via Chiantigiana scenic route lined with cypress trees, extensive vineyards, medieval villages, and more. The first stop along the way is one of those medieval villages called Greve-in-Chianti.

Known for its triangular-shaped square, it was used as a meeting spot and location of their Saturday market for literally hundreds of years.

Stroll around these classic streets and marvel at the lovely construction, and local boutique shops. Head towards the main destination, taking a photo stop at Montefioralle.

Once you arrive to the vineyard, you’ll learn about their traditional techniques in their cellars, trying 4 of their top wines including the Chianti Classico and other “Super Tuscans”.

These tastings are so that they line up perfectly with the golden hour right before sunset, so you can snack on some delicious bruschetta and cheese while watching the light set over the vineyards.

After you get back in the vehicle, you’ll have time to stop in the charming village of Badia a Passignano for more photo ops, and learn all about its interesting history.

4. Best Private Tour: Private Tour in Siena, San Gimignano and Chianti Day Trip from Florence

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Departure Time: 9:30 AM
  • Includes:  Private luxury minivan, bottled water, onboard Wi-Fi (on request at reservation)

Next, we have another crowd favorite: the Private Tour in Siena, San Gimagnano and Chianti Day Trip from Florence .

This 8-hour tour is one of the most comprehensive of its kind, where you’ll see some of the most beautiful highlights of Tuscany.

This private tour allows for you to see more than the average traveler, and have your guide to yourself to ask questions and focus on what interests you most.

Start the tour off by meeting your guide at your hotel lobby around 9:30 am. You’ll then be escorted into the air-conditioned vehicle for the day, which will vary depending on the size of your group.

If you’re just going with a significant other or a couple family members, you may just go in a car or SUV while larger groups may go in a minivan.

Your first destination of the day is Siena, which is ever-popular due to its stunningly well-preserved medieval architecture which has earned it a UNESCO World Heritage title.

Rich in history and art, you’ll get to see some of its most famous landmarks such as the conch-shaped Piazza del Campo and 13 th -century cathedral. Aside from that, take time to browse around the local shops or enjoy some local dishes at one of their many restaurants.

Next up is Castello Monteriggioni: a 13 th -century walled city perfectly preserved, making you feel like you’ve been transported back to the Middle Ages. Here, you and your group will stroll around after lunch at one of the delicious local restaurants.

There’s an option to also have lunch at a farm or winery at Castellina In Chianti instead of extra time in these villages, where you can partake in wine tastings.

Then, your guide will lead you around the walled medieval town of San Gimignano located on rolling hilltops. Also known for its well-preserved architecture, their skyline is unlike any other in the world with tower houses emerging from said hills.

5. Best Value Tour: Chianti Wine Tour with Lunch, Visit S.Gimignano, Organic Wineries

  • Duration: 7 hours
  • Departure: Via Curtatone, 9, 50123 Firenze FI
  • Includes:  Transport by air-conditioned confortable minivan Lunch Wine tastings A visit of two wineries Wine cellar and vineyards tour Live commentary on board A guided visit of San Gimignano A visit of Michelangelo Square

If you’re looking for a tour that will fit into a tighter budget, we’ve just the thing. The Chianti Wine Tour with Lunch, Visit S. Gimignano, Organic Wineries is a full-day tour that will show you all around the Chianti wine region.

This is a fantastic way to get to know the area more in-depth without having to spend multiple days there. Start off by meeting your guide at 9 am in front of Café Gamberini in the center of Firenze, where you’ll board a spacious minivan.

These minivans are very comfortable, with air-conditioning, plenty of leg room, and large windows to offer unobstructed views of the beautiful Tuscan countryside.

Once you arrive at Fattoria Poggio Alloro, you’ll be taken on a fascinating guided tour of their cellars where you’ll learn about how they make theirs. Later, try a wine tasting of 4 to 5 wines with olives, cheeses, bruschetta, and more.

Then, try their extra virgin olive oil and learn about what makes a good one before heading out to pet some of the animals on their farm.

After, head over to San Gimignano where you’ll venture through the medieval architecture and stop at the 13 th -century little museum, main squares, and learn about its history. Then, try some of the world-class gelato while taking in amazing 360 views of this iconic place.

Once at Tenuta Torciano, you’ll focus more on the traditional chianti wine, how they make it, and what makes it so special. After, enjoy a tasty 3-course meal with guided wine tastings of around 8 different types.

We particularly enjoyed trying their 30-year aged balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil! We can’t forget the Piazzale Michelangelo, which is undoubtedly one of the most breathtaking places in all of Europe.

Overlooking the infamous renaissance city of Florence, you’ll see a replica of Michelangelo’s Statue of David located in the center of the square.

6. Best Luxury Tour: Private Chianti Wine Tour Leaving from Florence

  • Departure: Check with tour operator
  • Includes:  Transportation on comfortable Mercedes Vclass minivan, fuel surcharge, 1 Wine tasting, driver/guide, private tour

Next up, is the Private Chianti Wine Tour Leaving from Florence . This is one of the best tours for wine lovers, as you’ll be spending the day heading through the Tuscan hills to medieval villages and legendary wineries.

If you have an entire day available, do yourself a favor and sign up for this educational, beautiful excursion!

This tour starts out at 9:00 am, where you’ll be picked up from your hotel or other accommodations. Focusing on comfort and luxury, transport will take place in a Mercedes V-Class minivan, with large windows for viewing and a smooth ride.

Take a short ride over to the countryside, until you reach the medieval village, Montefioralle. Come down the hill to Greve in Chianti, which is known for its triangular-shaped square that’s been used for important local events for hundreds of years.

Named for the river that runs through it, this lively market town is filled with fun shops and famous for being the capital of Chianti wine. The driver will take you to the central square, where you can explore it all!

Next, pass through the small village of Panzano, where you’ll visit a winery and have a guided visit of their cellars and vineyards. After, the owner will offer a tasting of their 3 most popular wines. If you’d like, you can choose to eat a relaxing lunch at that winery or at one of the best trattoria’s nearby.

Rocca di Castellina in Chianti is another must-see, where you’ll take some time for a relaxing stroll and let that delicious food digest.

There are some great wine shops here, though you’ll also be seeing another winery in town where you can compare and contrast their wines with the others you tried earlier in the day.

7. Best Budget Tour: Chianti Vineyards Escape from Florence with Two Wine Tastings

  • Duration: 5 hours
  • Departure: Piazzale Montelungo, Firenze FI
  • Departure Time: 8:30 AM & 2:30 PM
  • Includes:  Round-trip journey by fully-fitted GT coach, multilingual escort, visits to two different wine estates with tours of wine cellars and vineyards, sampling of up to 3-4 Chianti wines at each winery, extra-virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar

We wouldn’t be able to bring you the best tours while leaving out our next tour. The Chianti Vineyards Escape from Florence with Two Wine Tastings is simply incomparable if you’re looking for a budget-friendly option.

This is one of those “best bang for your buck” tours where you can escape the noisy city and learn all about traditional Chianti wines.

This 5-hour tour is also great if you have plans earlier in the day. Meet your guide at Piazzale Montelungo kiosk at the bus terminal. You’ll then board a luxe, fully-fitted GT coach and travel in style out to Tuscany’s rolling hills.

As you guys drive on, your guide will offer fascinating commentary on the history of the area, Chianti wine, and some fun anecdotes.

You’ll then arrive to your first rustic wine estate located right in the heart of the famous wine region. The first is a more quaint family winery, where the owner will tour you around the vineyards and cellars.

As you walk and explore, you’ll learn about how they came to be one of the most prominent producers of Chianti wine and what sets them apart from the competition before partaking in a wine tasting.

The next estate is much larger, though both are located on serene hilltops for top-notch views. Here, learn about their wine and compare them to the other vineyard’s as you try 5 different types.

We really enjoyed the pairing with local products like extra virgin olive oil, balsamic, and an array of cheeses. Then, you can take time to walk around the majestic landscape and bring along a glass of wine to accompany you on your stroll!

Planning Your Chianti Wine Tour From Florence

Can you do a chianti wine tour from florence.

A wine tour in Chianti from Florence is a great idea if you looking to spend a day exploring the beautiful Tuscan countryside and taste some of the world’s most delicious wines.

The trip to Chianti from Florence is part of the experience itself. As you leave Florence and start seeing the picturesque hills of Tuscany and taking in the stunning scenery you will know why you came here! The rolling hills are covered in lush vineyards, olive groves and medieval towns that are frozen in time.

You’ll want to visit some of the region’s incredible wineries. Chianti is famous for its wine of course, especially its red wine made from the Sangiovese grape.

There are so many wineries it’s hard to know where to start! Each has unique wines and a tour you can do. Some of my personal favorites include Castello di Verrazzano , Fattoria di Montemaggio , and Castello di Brolio .

Of course Chianti is more than just wine. Make sure you take some time to explore the towns and villages that dot the landscape. Greve in Chianti is a particularly lovely town. It has a bustling market square and some fantastic restaurants serving up local specialties like wild boar ragù and pappa al pomodoro. Once you fall in love with the food, you should take a Tuscan cooking class in Florence .

Of course you can’t visit Chianti without taking in the breathtaking views. One of the best places to do this is from the Castello di Brolio. This medieval castle has been transformed into a winery and one of the most unique in Tuscany.

What Can I See on a Wine Tour in Chianti? (With a Sample Itinerary)

Chianti is in the heart of Tuscany is well known for its vineyards, medieval villages and of course its Chianti wine. If you only have one day to explore you can still see plenty!

9:00 am – Start with a visit to the Castello di Brolio it’s a magnificent castle that has been owned by the Ricasoli family since the 12th century. Take a quick tour of the castle and the vineyard. You’ll also have the opportunity to taste some of the Ricasoli family’s award-winning wines.

11:00 am – Next, head to the charming town of Greve in Chianti. Check out the market and look for some souvenirs. Greve has some fantastic restaurants, try stop for a bite to eat. Try La Cantina del Gallo Nero for some delicious local cuisine.

1:00 pm – After lunch, drive to the Fattoria di Montemaggio, a family-run winery that produces some of the best organic wines in Chianti. Here you can take a tour of the vineyard and learn about how they make their wines.

3:00 pm – Head to the hilltop town of Radda in Chianti, which boasts stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Take a stroll through the town’s narrow streets and visit the Museo del Chianti.  It houses an interesting collection of artifacts related to the history of the region’s wine.

5:00 pm – End your day with a visit to the Castello di Verrazzano, a beautiful castle that dates back to the 12th century. Take a tour of the castle and its wine cellars, then do a tasting of their award winning wines.

There are so many things to see and do in Chianti that you could spend several days exploring the region. This one day itinerary will give you a small taste of Chianti.

What is the Best Way to do a Chianti Wine Tour From Florence?

Guided tour : The most convenient way is by taking a guided tour. We recommend the Private Tour in Siena, San Gimagnano and Chianti Day Trip from Florence . However there are many tour operators offering day trips to Chianti and they typically include transportation, wine tasting and a visit to a few hilltop towns.

Drive : You can rent a car and drive through the winding roads of Chianti. Be sure to bring a map and a good GPS. The roads can be quite confusing and are not well marked. Keep in mind the wine tastings might make driving back to Florence a bit challenging. Be careful you don’t indulge too much!

Bike or Vespa : If you’re feeling adventurous, you can take a Vespa tour around the vineyards or rent a bicycle and explore the region on two wheels.

No matter how you choose to explore the region, you should end your day trip with a delicious meal at a local restaurant. Chianti is famous for more than its wine there are plenty of restaurants to try! If you have the opportunity go to the Bistecca Alla Fiorentina!

Tour Guides

The Chianti Safari: Tuscan Villas, Cheese, Wine and Lunch is our Editors Choice for the best Chianti wine tour from Florence.

Robert Baker

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