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Pdc darts-wm 01.01. 13:30-17:30 01.01. 20:30-24:00 02.01. 20:30-00:30 03.01. 21:00-24:00, promi darts-wm 06.01. 20:15-00:15, premier league 01.02. 20:00-23:45 08.02. 20:00-23:45 15.02. 20:00-23:45 22.02. 20:00-23:45 29.02. 20:00-23:45 07.03. 20:00-23.45 14.03. 20:00-23.45 21.03. 20:00-23.45 28.03. 20:00-23.45 04.04. 20:00-23.45 11.04. 20:00-23.45 18.04. 20:00-23.45 25.04. 20:00-23.45 02.05. 20:00-23.45 09.05. 20:00-23.45 16.05. 20:00-23.45 23.05. 20:00-23.45, german grand prix 30.03. 23:00-01:00 31.03. 14:00-17:30 31.03. 18:30-23:00 01.04. 12:00-17:30 01.04. 18:30-23:00, baltic sea open 10.05. 13:00-17:00 10.05. 19:00-23:00 11.05. 13:00-17:00 11.05. 23:00-01:00 12.05. 14:00-17:00 12.05. 19:00-23:00, german champion­ship 30.08. 13:00-17:00 30.08. 19:00-23:00 31.08. 13:00-17:00 31.08. 19:00-19:30 01.09. 14:00-17:00 01.09. 18:00-23:00, flanders trophy 06.09. 13:00-17:00 06.09. 18:00-23:00 07.09. 13:00-17:00 07.09. 18:00-23:00 08.09. 14:00-17:00 08.09. 18:45-23:00, world series finals 13.09. 19:00-23:00 14.09. 13:00-17:00 14.09. 18:00-19:30 15.09. 14:00-17:00 15.09. 18:00-23:00, hungarian trophy 20.09. 13:00-17:00 20.09. 18:30-20:15 21.09. 13:00-17:00 21.09. 18:30-19:30 22.09. 13:30-16:55 22.09. 19:30-23:00.

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PDC European Tour 2024

European Tour 2024

[ Turniere ] [ Spielmodus ] [ Preisgeld ] [ Qualifikation für die ET ] [ Qualifkation Major-Turniere ] [ Rangliste ] [ TV-Übertragung ] [ Archiv ]

Im Jahr 2012 hat die PDC beschlossen, die European Tour noch ein wenig auszubauen bzw. im Gegensatz zu den vorherigen Jahren grundlegend zu verändern. Aus jeweils zwei Players Championships an einem Wochenende wurde ein größeres Turnier, für das die Top 32 der PDC Order of Merit automatisch qualifiziert waren. Ebenso wurde das Preisgeld auf £75.000 pro Turnier erhöht.

Neu war auch, dass die Events nun wesentlich zuschauerfreundlicher als vorher die PDC Europe Pro Tour Events gestaltet wurden. So fanden nun fast alle Spiele des Wochenendes auf der Bühne vor dem Publikum statt. Auch sorgte die PDC durch die Einführung der European & National Qualifier dafür, dass mindestens vier Spieler des Austragungslandes sowie acht weitere Spieler vom europäischen Festland sicher an den Turnieren teilnehmen können. Im Jahr 2013 wurde die European Tour noch einmal erweitert. Es gab ab diesem Zeitpunkt sechs Turniere (statt vorher fünf) und zwei Major-Turniere. Das Preisgeld wurde außerdem um knapp 25% erhöht, so dass der Sieger bei jedem Turnier £20.000 erhielt. Ein Jahr später, im Jahr 2014 hatte man den Modus erneut verändert, so dass alle Spiele auf der Hauptbühne stattfanden. Die Top 16 der PDC Pro Tour Order of Merit sind nun auch fix für den 2.Turniertag gesetzt. Seit dem Jahr 2014 sind nur noch 48 Teilnehmer pro Turnier dabei. Dadurch gibt es ausschließlich Bühnenspiele. Das Preisgeld wurde trotz der geringeren Anzahl an Spielern im Jahr 2015 auf 115.000 Pfund angehoben. Im Jahr 2016 fanden erstmals sogar zehn European Tour Turniere statt, also eins mehr als in den Jahren zuvor. Das Österreich-Turnier wurde in Schwechat (nahe Wien), also fast in der Heimat des damals so erfolgreichen Mensur Suljovic ausgetragen. Wieder im Programm mit dabei war Hamburg als Standort.

Für das Jahr 2017 wurde die European Tour noch einmal auf zwölf Turniere aufgestockt. Als neue Spielorte rückten Mannheim, Saarbrücken, Leverkusen, Göttingen, Jena und Maastricht in den Kalender. Dafür mussten etablierte Städte wie Düsseldorf, Mülheim an der Ruhr oder auch München weichen. 2018 kam ein weiteres Event hinzu, so dass die European Tour mittlerweile 13 Turniere umfasst. In Zwolle fand ein weiteres Event in den Niederlanden statt, zum ersten Mal kamen die Stars der Szene auch nach Dänemark, Kopenhagen war hier der Austragungsort. Dafür wurden die Turniere in Mannheim und Jena gestrichen, München kehrte in den Kalender zurück. In 2019 wurde das Preisgeld leicht erhöht und es fand zum ersten Mal im tschechischen Prag ein Event statt, erstmals gab es in Wien/Schwechat und Graz/Premstätten zwei Turniere in Österreich, zudem kehrte Mannheim als Austragungsort zurück. Aufgrund des Coronavirus mussten 2020 einige Turniere verlegt oder abgesagt werden, auch 2021 kam es nur zu zwei Events. Seit 2022 ist man wieder im gewohnten Rhythmus unterwegs, in 2023 fehlte erstmalig das Event in Gibraltar, dafür gab es eine Premiere in Kiel und das Preisgeld wurde pro Event um 35.000 Pfund auf nun £175.000 erhöht. Bei den German Darts Championship in Hildesheim konnte Ricardo Pietreczko zum Abschluss triumphieren. In 2024 finden erstmals ein Event in der Schweiz und zwei in Belgien statt. Seit 2018 waren nur noch zwei Teilnahmen an West & South Europe Qualifiern bzw. Host Nation Qualifiern frei. Für mehr als zwei Teilnahmen an diesen Qualifiern für die European Tour war eine Beteiligung an der Q-School im Januar zwingend. Diese Regel wurde zur Saison 2023 gekippt. Tourcardinhaber dürfen seit 2019 nicht mehr am Host Nation Qualifier teilnehmen. Seit 2020 gibt es die Änderung, dass die beiden besten Host Nation Spieler, die nicht unter den Top 16 der Pro Tour Order of Merit stehen, automatisch für das Hauptfeld qualifiziert sind, aber ihr Auftaktspiel gewinnen müssen, um das Preisgeld für die Ranglisten zu erhalten. Für das Jahr 2024 gab es erneut Neuerungen im Qualifikationsformat. Neben den Top 16 der Pro Tour qualifizieren sich auch die Top 16 der Weltrangliste direkt. Der Tourcard-Qualifier wird auf zehn Spieler reduziert und der Associate Member Qualifier wird gänzlich gestrichen. Dafür gibt es wieder vier Host Nation Qualifier. Tickets für diese Turniere gibt es über die PDC Europe auf deren Homepage unter folgendem [ Link ]. Die Termine der Quali-Turniere findet ihr in unserem [ Turnierkalender ]

Turniere European Tour 2024:

Hier der Überblick über alle Turniere der European Tour 2024. Die Spielpläne, Ergebnisse und alle weiteren Informationen der einzelnen Events gibt es auf den jeweiligen verlinkten Turnierseiten:

European Tour 1: Belgian Darts Open  (BDO) 08. - 10. März Oktoberhallen, Wieze (Belgien) Sieger: Luke Littler [ zur Siegernewsmeldung ]

European Tour 2: German Darts Grand Prix (GDGP) 30. März - 01. April Zenith, München Sieger: Luke Humphries [ zur Siegernewsmeldung ]

European Tour 3: International Darts Open (IDO) 12. - 14. April WT Energiesysteme Arena, Riesa Sieger: Martin Schindler [ zur Siegernewsmeldung ]

European Tour 4: European Darts Grand Prix (EDGP) 19. - 21. April Glaspalast, Sindelfingen Sieger: Gary Anderson [ zur Siegernewsmeldung ]

European Tour 5: Austrian Darts Open  (ADO) 26. - 28. April Steiermarkhalle, Premstätten (Österreich) Sieger: Luke Littler [ zur Siegernewsmeldung ]

European Tour 6: Baltic Sea Darts Open (BSDO) 10. - 12. Mai Wunderino Arena, Kiel Sieger: Rob Cross [ zur Siegernewsmeldung ]

European Tour 7: Dutch Darts Championship (DDC) 24. - 26. Mai Autotron, Rosmalen (Niederlande) Sieger: Josh Rock [ zur Siegernewsmeldung ]

European Tour 8: European Darts Open  (EDO) 21. - 23. Juni Ostermann-Arena, Leverkusen Sieger: Dave Chisnall [ zur Siegernewsmeldung ]

European Tour 9: German Darts Championship (GDC) 30. August - 01. September Halle 39, Hildesheim Sieger: Peter Wright [ zur Siegernewsmeldung ]

European Tour 10: Flanders Darts Trophy (FDT) 06. - 08. September Antwerp Xpo, Antwerpen (Belgien) Sieger: Dave Chisnall [ zur Siegernewsmeldung ]

European Tour 11: Hungarian Darts Trophy  (HDT) 20. - 22. September MVM Dome, Budapest (Ungarn)

European Tour 12: Swiss Darts Trophy (SDT) 27. - 29. September St. Jakobshalle, Basel (Schweiz)

European Tour 13: Czech Darts Open  (CDO) 18. - 20. Oktober PVA Expo, Prag (Tschechien)

Spielmodus European Tour 2024:

Alle Turniere werden nach dem folgenden Modus ausgetragen: Seit 2014 steigen die Top 16 der Pro Tour Rangliste erst am Samstag in die Turniere ein. Am Freitag treffen die Gewinner der Qualifier-Turniere (Tourcard Holder Qualifier, East Europe Qualifier, Nordic & Baltic Qualifier, Host Nation Qualifier) und die 16 besten Spieler der Order of Merit aufeinander. Die Sieger dieser 16 Spiele treffen in Runde 2 auf die topgesetzten Spieler.

Freitag: 1. Runde: 1. Session: 8 Spiele der 1. Runde 2. Session: 8 Spiele der 1. Runde

Samstag: 2. Runde: 1. Session: 8 Spiele 2. Runde 2. Session: 8 Spiele 2. Runde

Sonntag: Finaltag: 1. Session: Achtelfinale 2. Session: 1/4-Finale, 1/2-Finale und Finale Gespielt wird bei jedem Turnier bis zum Halbfinale im Modus Best of 11 Legs (first to 6). Im Halbfinale beträgt die Spieldistanz Best of 13 Legs, im Finale wird nochmals auf Best of 15 Legs erhöht.

Preisgelder European Tour 2024:

Ausgespielt werden insgesamt £175.000 pro Turnier, der Sieger geht mit £30.000 nach Hause. Alle 32 vorqualifizierten Spieler über die PDC Order of Merit und Pro Tour Order of Merit müssen ihr Auftaktspiel gewinnen, damit ihr Preisgeld in die Ranglisten einfließt. Sollten sie ihr erstes Spiel verlieren, bekommen sie das Preisgeld zwar ausgezahlt, es geht aber nicht in die große PDC Order of Merit sowie die European Tour Order of Merit und Pro Tour Order of Merit ein. Sieger: £30.000 Runner-Up: £12.000 Halbfinale: £8.500 Viertelfinale: £6.000 Achtelfinale: £4.000 2. Runde: £2.500 1. Runde: £1.250 Gesamt: £175.000

Die Qualifikation für die PDC European Tour 2024:

Es sind 48 Spieler bei den Turnieren teilnahmeberechtigt. Die Top 16 der Pro Tour Order of Merit qualifizieren sich fix für die 2. Runde am Samstag, alle anderen 32 Spieler steigen am Freitag in Runde 1 in das Turnier ein. PDC Pro Tour Order of Merit: Die Top 16 der Pro Tour Order of Merit (Rangliste aller Pro Tour und European Tour Turniere) sind für den Samstag (2. Turniertag) fix gesetzt.

PDC Order of Merit: Die besten 16 Spieler der PDC Order of Merit sind für die Events fix qualifiziert. Diese Änderung wurde erst 2024 vorgenommen.

Tourcardholder Qualifier: 10 Spieler haben die Chance, sich über den Tour Card Holder Qualifier für das jeweilige PDC Europe Event zu qualifizieren. Spielberechtigt sind alle Inhaber einer Tourcard. East Europe Qualifier: Bei jedem Event wird ein Spieler aus Eastern Europe mit am Start sein. Spielberechtigte Spieler aus: Russland, Ukraine, Moldau, Weißrussland, Polen, Tschechien, Slowakei, Slowenien, Ungarn, Bulgarien, Rumänien, Kroatien, Bosnien & Herzegowina, Serbien, Nordmazedonien, Albanien, Montenegro und Kosovo Nordic & Baltic Qualifier: Bei jedem Turnier wird ein skandinavischer Vertreter über ein Qualifikationsturnier im Rahmen der Nordic & Baltic Tour ermittelt. Spielberechtigte Spieler aus: Färöer Inseln, Island, Norwegen, Dänemark, Schweden, Finnland, Estland, Lettland und Litauen Host Nation Qualifier: Damit weitere Spieler aus dem Veranstalterland dabei sind, gibt es bei jedem Turnier 4 Startplätze für Spieler aus diesem Land. Spielberechtigt sind: Spieler mit der Staatsbürgerschaft des Austragungslandes.

Wie man an so einem Quali-Turnier teilnehmen kann, sowie die genauen Spieltermine inkl. Meldeschluss usw., erfahrt ihr auf der Homepage der PDC Europe unter

Qualifikation über die European Tour Order of Merit 2024:

European Championship: Die Top 32 der European Tour qualifizieren sich für die European Dart Championship (seit 2016: Keine andere Quali-Möglichkeit für die EDC) PDC World Dart Championship: Seit 2017 gibt es die vier kontinentalen Startplätze für die vier besten Festlandeuropäer, die noch nicht anderweitig für die PDC-WM qualifiziert sind, NICHT mehr.

European Tour Order of Merit 2024:

  Stand: 08.09.2024 (nach der Flanders Darts Trophy - fixes zukünftiges Preisgeld bereits einberechnet)

TV-Übertragungen 2024:

2024 zeigt DAZN   alle Turniere der European Tour LIVE und in HD. Die Events können als Stream auf Smart-TV, Smartphone, PC, Laptop und Tablet verfolgt werden. DAZN zeigt alle Major-Turniere sowie die World Series und die European Tour . Es lassen sich verpasste Spiele jederzeit im Re-Live noch einmal anschauen. Wer sich nur für den Dartsport interessiert, kann das DAZN World Paket für 9,99 € (monatlich kündbar) im Monat buchen. Als Jahresabo sind es 6,99 € pro Monat, allerdings ohne monatlich kündigen zu können. Zur Bestellung: .

Des Weiteren wird Sport1 vier ausgewählte European Tour Events im Free-TV zeigen. Darunter der German Darts Grand Prix in München, die Baltic Sea Darts Open in Kiel, die German Darts Championship in Hildesheim und die Flanders Darts Trophy in Antwerpen.

European Tour - Archiv:

An dieser Stelle haben wir alle Informationen zu den vergangenen European Tour Events zusammengestellt:

  • PDC European Tour 2023
  • PDC European Tour 2022
  • PDC European Tour 2021
  • PDC European Tour 2020
  • PDC European Tour 2019
  • PDC European Tour 2018
  • PDC European Tour 2017
  • PDC European Tour 2016
  • PDC European Tour 2015
  • PDC European Tour 2014
  • PDC European Tour 2013
  • PDC European Tour 2012

Foto-Credit: Jonas Hunold/PDC Europe

european tour darts termine

  • Major Turniere
  • PDC Pro Tour
  • PDC European Tour
  • PDC Challenge Tour
  • PDC Development Tour
  • PDC World Youth Championship
  • World Series of Darts
  • PDC Europe Super League
  • PDC Qualifying School
  • BDO/WDF Turniere
  • DDV Turniere
  • E-Dart Turniere
  • Sonstige Dart Turniere
  • Turnierkalender

european tour darts termine

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Latest comments.

  • medinabello 16-09-2024 Why's Mace worried about Taylor? Reach his level then you can talk.
  • richieburnettrocks 15-09-2024 It's very easy to explain. Once a match fixer, always a match fixer !
  • Mysstree 12-09-2024 Even the Hearns and the PDC have had to kowtow to the DEI brigade or lose sponsorship, the DEI activist base may be small but is very vocal and being cancelled is bad for business and profit. There is a glimmer of hope though as folk do now seem to be pushing back especially as Starmergeddon is waking a lot more people up.
  • richieburnettrocks 12-09-2024 It seems odd that at the World Championship they have dancing ladies in hot pants and pom poms and yet the walk on ladies who were much more elegantly attired get removed from the scene. I met Daniella at Silverstone when she was a grid girl in the F1 race and was very pleasant indeed. It is a massive shame when you lose the ability to earn or be in the public eye due to bullsheet politics.
  • ListerAnderson 09-09-2024 Another fantastic tournament. You can't beat the European Tour.

2024 European Darts Open draw & schedule confirmed

Gerwyn Price (Jonas Hunold/PDC Europe)

Gerwyn Price will begin his defence of the European Darts Open against Gabriel Clemens or Dirk van Duijvenbode, with the draw and schedule for this weekend's event now confirmed.

The Ostermann-Arena will play host to the year's eighth PDC European Tour event from June 21-23, as 48 players battle it out for the £30,000 top prize in Leverkusen.

Reigning champion Price could kick off his campaign against Van Duijvenbode in a repeat of last year's final, with world number one Luke Humphries and three-time World Champion Michael van Gerwen also in action this weekend.

Friday's first round - which will be broadcast through PDCTV, Viaplay and DAZN - will feature 16 matches across two sessions, as German World Cup star Clemens takes on 2023 runner-up Van Duijvenbode in his opener.

2023 World Champion Michael Smith will play ten-time TV title winner James Wade in another blockbuster tussle, while five-time World Champion Raymond van Barneveld meets Poland's number one Krzysztof Ratajski.

UK Open champion Dimitri Van den Bergh - a European Darts Open runner-up in 2022 - plays Ryan Meikle for a place in Saturday's second round, with 2023 UK Open champion Andrew Gilding up against in-form Swedish star Jeffrey de Graaf.

Former Masters champion Joe Cullen has been pitted against emerging youngster Owen Bates, Daryl Gurney faces Finland's Marko Kantele, while Mike De Decker and Luke Woodhouse collide in a crucial clash in the race for World Matchplay qualification.

The 16 seeded players will then enter the fray in Saturday's second round, as Price begins his title defence against home favourite Clemens or Van Duijvenbode.

Top seed Humphries will play 2012 champion Van Barneveld or Ratajski in his opener, while Van Gerwen opens his bid for a record-extending sixth European Darts Open crown against Jamie Hughes or Dylan Slevin.

Second seed Dave Chisnall has been pitted against De Decker or Woodhouse for a place in the last 16, while 2018 World Champion Rob Cross meets either Smith or Wade in a bumper second round tie.

Josh Rock - a winner at last month's Dutch Darts Championship - begins his bid for a second consecutive European Tour title against Meikle or Van den Bergh, as third seed Damon Heta faces either Radek Szaganski or Dom Taylor.

Germany's number one Martin Schindler gets his campaign underway against Karel Sedlacek or Matthew Dennant, with two-time European Darts Open champion Peter Wright up against Ritchie Edhouse or Jan Dueckers in round two.

Following Saturday's second round, the last 16 will take place on Sunday afternoon, before the tournament concludes with the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final in a bumper evening session.

NB: From the original list of entries, Gary Anderson, Luke Littler, Nathan Aspinall, Jonny Clayton and Ryan Joyce have withdrawn from the event, and have been replaced by Ritchie Edhouse, Kevin Doets, Dylan Slevin, Jamie Hughes & Ryan Meikle from the Reserve List, with Gian van Veen replacing Anderson as a seed.

Live coverage of all 2024 European Tour events will be streamed through Viaplay, and through DAZN for viewers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Coverage will also be shown on PDCTV (excluding Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and through bookmakers' worldwide. 2024 European Darts Open Ostermann-Arena, Leverkusen, June 21-23 Tournament Draw Bracket - Second Round Onwards (6) Danny Noppert v Owen Bates/Joe Cullen (11) Stephen Bunting v Benjamin Pratnemer/Kevin Troppmann (3) Damon Heta v Radek Szaganski/Dom Taylor (14) Chris Dobey v Jeffrey de Graaf/Andrew Gilding (7) Michael van Gerwen v Jamie Hughes/Dylan Slevin (10) Ryan Searle v Marko Kantele/Daryl Gurney (2) Dave Chisnall v Mike De Decker/Luke Woodhouse (15) Ricardo Pietreczko v Nico Blum/Kevin Doets (5) Gerwyn Price v Gabriel Clemens/Dirk van Duijvenbode (12) Martin Schindler v Karel Sedlacek/Matthew Dennant (4) Rob Cross v Michael Smith/James Wade (13) Peter Wright v Ritchie Edhouse/Jan Dueckers (8) Josh Rock v Ryan Meikle/Dimitri Van den Bergh (9) Ross Smith v Nico Kurz/Callan Rydz (1) Luke Humphries v Raymond van Barneveld/Krzysztof Ratajski (16) Gian van Veen v Andy Baetens/Nathan Rafferty

Schedule of Play Friday June 21 First Round Afternoon Session (1300 local time, 1200 BST) Radek Szaganski v Dom Taylor Karel Sedlacek v Matthew Dennant Jamie Hughes v Dylan Slevin Nico Blum v Kevin Doets Ritchie Edhouse v Jan Dueckers Jeffrey de Graaf v Andrew Gilding Andy Baetens v Nathan Rafferty Marko Kantele v Daryl Gurney

Evening Session (1900 local time, 1800 BST) Benjamin Pratnemer v Kevin Troppmann Nico Kurz v Callan Rydz Owen Bates v Joe Cullen Raymond van Barneveld v Krzysztof Ratajski Michael Smith v James Wade Mike De Decker v Luke Woodhouse Gabriel Clemens v Dirk van Duijvenbode Ryan Meikle v Dimitri Van den Bergh

Saturday June 22 Second Round Afternoon Session (1300 local time, 1200 BST) Gian van Veen v Baetens/Rafferty Stephen Bunting v Pratnemer/Troppmann Damon Heta v Szaganski/D Taylor Ryan Searle v Kantele/Gurney Chris Dobey v De Graaf/Gilding Dave Chisnall v De Decker/Woodhouse Ross Smith v Kurz/Rydz Ricardo Pietreczko v Blum/Doets

Evening Session (1900 local time, 1800 BST) Danny Noppert v Bates/Cullen Rob Cross v M Smith/Wade Gerwyn Price v Clemens/Van Duijvenbode Michael van Gerwen v Hughes/Slevin Martin Schindler v Sedlacek/Dennant Luke Humphries v Van Barneveld/Ratajski Peter Wright v Edhouse/Dueckers Josh Rock v Meikle/Van den Bergh

Sunday June 23 Afternoon Session (1300 local time, 1200 BST) Third Round

Evening Session (1900 local time, 1800 BST) Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Final

Sunday's games played in Draw Bracket order

European Tour

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Solheim Cup player ratings: Nelly Korda stars for USA, Charley Hull leads European fightback and where was Leona Maguire?

Lilia Vu struck the winning putt to ensure Team USA held off a Team Europe final-day fightback and regained the Solheim Cup for the first time since 2017; who impressed and who struggled during the week as we dish out our player ratings for the tournament?

Digital Sports Journalist @MegWellensX

Monday 16 September 2024 18:25, UK

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After Team USA held off a Team Europe final-day fightback to regain the Solheim Cup, we look at which players starred and who struggled through the week; as well as those who were surprisingly overlooked...

Team Europe

Charley hull - 3 points from five matches - 8.5/10.


Charley Hull's score is as high as it is purely because of her sensational 6&4 demolition of world No 1 Nelly Korda in the opening Sunday singles match.

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Hull was on fire with her putter and gave Korda no room for error, setting up the miracle that nearly was for Team Europe.

The win was Hull's largest victory in the Solheim Cup, her next best coming over 10 years ago in 2013.

She did suffer losses in the Friday foursomes and fourballs but came up against the unbeaten partnership of Korda and Allisen Corpuz while helping rookie Esther Henseleit along the way.

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Madelene Sagstrom - 2 points from three matches - 7/10


Madelene Sagstrom's first appearance at the 2024 Solheim Cup was in the Friday fourballs and she delivered, her and Anna Nordqvist's 6&5 demolition of Alison Lee and Lexi Thompson picking up Europe's only point of the afternoon session.

She could not add another point in her Saturday fourballs but was up against the pretty unplayable Alison Lee and Megan Khang. However she came out on top in the Sunday singles with a point that could have been crucial if Europe had been able to turn a few halves into full points.

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Celine Boutier - 2 points from four matches - 6.5/10

european tour darts termine

It is fair to say Celine Boutier had a mixed weekend at the Solheim Cup. She lost a foursomes and a fourballs match, picking up a win in another, then coming up clutch in her singles match against the retiring Thompson.

Rose Zhang, in particular, had the better of her across the weekend but when a huge point was on the line, Boutier stayed calm, did not falter under the pressure, and gave Team Europe a big slice of hope with a birdie putt for a full point on the 18th.

Georgia Hall - 2 points from four matches - 6.5/10

european tour darts termine

Georgia Hall is another plyer who had a very mixed Solheim Cup while being trusted to compete across a lot of the weekend.

She lost a fourballs and a foursomes match but then came out on top when paired with Hull in the Saturday fourballs.

In a crucial singles match she then delivered, beating Alison Lee in strong fashion to join Hull in putting a point on the board early.

Hall showed her class under pressure but, like a lot of Team Europe, left it too late.

Anna Nordqvist - 2 points from four matches - 7/10


If there is someone who showed how experience can work wonders it was Anna Nordqvist who was competing in her ninth Solheim Cup.

The Swede was on fire with the putter all weekend, particularly in her demolition job in Friday's fourballs, but then fell short in Saturday's fourballs and in the singles.

She was in a key match against Corpuz and just could not find the rhythm she had earlier in the weekend, Corpuz clinching a vital point as Team USA edged towards victory.

Emily Pedersen - 2 points from five matches - 5/10


A fourballs loss, a fourballs win, a foursomes loss, a foursomes win and a singles loss. Talk about a mixed bag!

Emily Pedersen was really missing consistency across the Solheim Cup, all her victories being pretty tight, and then it came home to roost as she went out second on Sunday and could not deliver against Khang.

She was thoroughly beaten and was unable to follow Hull in keeping Europe's momentum going as they hunted for a miracle.

Esther Henseleit - 1.5 points from three matches - 6/10


Rookie Esther Henseleit came up with some really pivotal moments for Team Europe, especially her pitch shot on the 18th in Saturday's foursomes, adding a crucial point when Europe were floundering.

However, the pressure cooker of the singles was tough and what could have been a full point was halved as Andrea Lee kept coming at her and it finally paid dividends on the 18th, her shot this time not the best.

A solid enough weekend for a first Solheim Cup.

putt off

Maja Stark - 1.5 points from four matches - 6/10

Solheim Cup golf.

Maja Stark was part of the pairing with Pedersen that picked up Europe's only point in the opening session on Friday but then could not add a full point from then on.

She did have opportunities to win her singles match against Team USA rookie Lauren Coughlin but credit has to be given for her insanely pressurised putt for par on the 18th that halved the match and kept the Solheim Cup going.

Leona Maguire - 1 point from two matches - 7/10

Form is temporary, class is permanent 💪🏼🇪🇺 🦁 — Leona Maguire (@leona_maguire) September 15, 2024

It was a very quiet Solheim Cup for Leona Maguire and she has made no secret of the fact she would have liked to have played more.

Maguire and Hall suffered a heavy loss to Korda and Khang in Friday's fourballs and then we did not see Maguire again until Sunday's singles where she showed her class and experience to secure a big point for Team Europe against Ally Ewing in the penultimate match.

She made her point with her point.

Carlota Ciganda - 1 point from four matches - 5/10


Carlota Ciganda loves matchplay golf, especially the Solheim Cup, and was the hero in 2023 on home soil but could not find those breakthrough moments in 2024.

She helped pick up a big point in the Saturday fourballs as her and Pedersen defeated Ewing and Thompson 2&1 but was then beaten very convincingly by Zhang in the singles as Team USA moved 1.5 points away from their first win since 2017.

Albane Valenzuela - 0.5 points from two matches - 6/10


Like Maguire, it was a quiet weekend for rookie Albane Valenzuela.

She lost alongside Boutier in the Friday foursomes and then we did not see her again until the singles in which she battled really hard for half a point but did not have the ability to close the door when she went ahead.

A tough moment for her though as Lilia Vu's experience showed as she kept bringing herself back in the match and then ultimately was the player to hole the putt for victory for her country.

Linn Grant - 0 points from four matches - 3/10

european tour darts termine

It certainly was a weekend to forget for Linn Grant who could not get a point on the board for Team Europe.

Grant was trusted across the majority of the weekend but could not deliver, losing in both fourballs and foursomes on Friday, fourballs again on Saturday, then singles against Jennifer Kupcho on Sunday in the anchor match.

There was a scenario that could have unfolded where, if some ties were turned into full points, Grant's singles match would have been crucial and her role as the anchor would have potentially been put under the microscope.

How did Team USA fare?

United States' Nelly Korda, left, is celebrates with teammate Allisen Corpuz after sinking a putt on the 10th hole during a Solheim Cup golf tournament foursome match at Robert Trent Jones Golf Club, Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024, in Gainesville, Va. (AP Photo/Matt York)

Overall, it was an absolutely phenomenal weekend for Team USA, getting themselves ahead early and then bringing it home when the pressure started to boil over.

It was only the second time in Solheim Cup history that four USA players went undefeated, Zhang (4-0-0), Khang (3-0-0), Coughlin (3-0-1) and Andrea Lee (2-0-1) delivering in particular.


Korda also had a weekend to shine despite her singles defeat to Hull, leading her team out in every session and bringing the atmosphere at the first tee, her undefeated partnership with Corpuz still one to be reckoned with.

Even those who struggled in certain aspects of the weekend performed when it mattered, Vu keeping herself in her singles match then slotting home the winning putt.

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The 2025 European Tour calendar is set – 14 darts events across Europe for the first time

Volle Hallen: Die European Tour füllt Hallen in ganz Europa, wie hier beim European Darts Grand Prix in Sindelfingen

Records, thrills and unforgettable atmosphere: this year’s European Tour does once again delight thousands of fans in the arenas and in front of the TV screens.The 2024 tour has not even finished yet, but the dates for the 2025 darts calendar have already been finalised.

It all begins on March 7 in darts-mad Wieze, Belgium, where none other than shooting star Luke Littler celebrated his debut on the European Tour in 2024 and won the title with a 9-darter in the final. In addition to the traditional venues such as Munich, Hildesheim and Sindelfingen, the legendary European Tour will also make stops in Leverkusen, Kiel and, for the first time since 2018, Göttingen. Players and fans can expect a year full of darts.

‘The anticipation for the upcoming tour is huge. For the very first time, we are going to stage 14 European Tour events. So the fans in Europe can expect more darts than ever before. We are very happy that our darts family is not only growing rapidly but that it is also becoming more and more international every year,’ said Werner von Moltke, President of PDC Europe.

Seven of the fourteen events will be held in Germany while the other half will be played across Europe in Hungary, Czechia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland.

european tour darts termine

The 2025 PDC calendar features over 190 days of darts from January to October, creating unforgettable moments.

As part of the Women’s Series, 24 events will be played at venues in the Netherlands and the UK. Places for TV events including the 2025/26 World Championship will be up for grabs. For the fourth time a Women’s World Matchplay will also be held at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool.

After the conclusion of the 2024/25 World Championship, the focus will be on the Qualifying Schools, which will take place from January 7th to 12th in Great Britain and Germany. At both venues, the winners of the first stage will progress to the final stage where the coveted PDC Tour Cards will be awarded.

All details regarding registration for the 2025 Q Schools will be published in due course.

The first TV event of the new darts year is the World Series tournament in Bahrain, which takes place from January 16th -17th.

The Premier League starts on February 6th in Belfast and culminates with the play offs in London on May 29th.

The UK Open returns to Butlin’s Minehead Resort, where the popular annual darts festival will be held from February 28th to March 2nd.

The World Cup of Darts takes place in Frankfurt from June 12th to 15th, before the world’s top stars head to Blackpool for the World Matchplay from July 19th to 27th.

Amsterdam will once again host the World Series of Darts Finals from September 12th to 14th.

The World Grand Prix Champion will then be crowned in Leicester from October 6th to 12th.

The European Tour will conclude from October 23th to 26th in Dortmund, where the 32 best players of the European Tour Order of Merit will compete for the title of European Champion.

PDC Chief Executive Matt Porter said: “The European Tour has continued to go from strength to strength this year, and we’ve already enjoyed eight hugely successful tournaments and some thrilling matches. The additions of a new event in Switzerland and a second visit to Belgium this year have also been very popular and we’re delighted to grow to a record 14 events in 2025.”

The pre-sale for the European Tour events starts in November. Tickets are available here .

Sign up now for our newsletter and find out before anyone else when tickets for the European Tour 2025 are available.

Dave Chisnall wins in his 100th European Tour event and is the first winner of the Flanders Darts Trophy

PDC Europe, Results - 08. September 2024

Snakebite strikes back and wins his 9th European Tour Title in Hildesheim

PDC Europe, Results - 01. September 2024

Panini and PDC Partner on Multi-Year Deal, Celebrating the Best of Darts with Official Collectibles Collections

PDC - 28. August 2024

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  1. Darts 2024 European Tour Live Stream

  2. Darts 2024 European Tour Live Stream


  1. European Tour 2024

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  2. European Tour Darts Events, Darts Tournaments

    Dave Chisnall celebrated his seventh European Tour title with a battling 8-6 victory against Ross Smith in Sunday's European Darts Open final in Leverkusen. PDC Europe is staging 13 European Tour Events in 2018 which will feature 48 players. Make sure you come and watch one our European events.

  3. Tournaments

    All upcoming events of the European Tour 2024. 27. - 29. September 2024 St. Jakobshalle Basel/SWI. Tickets & Infos. European Tour 2024. 24. - 27. October 2024 Westfalenhalle Dortmund/GER. Tickets & Infos. European Tour 2024. Find us on ... Our Partners & Sponsors. Payment Methods. PDC Europe. Contact; FAQ's; Press;

  4. Darts-Termine

    Darts1 bietet eine stets aktualisierte Übersicht nationaler und internationaler Steel- und E-Dart Termine. Alle Veranstaltungen der PDC und PDC Europe, des DDV, der WDF und BDO, des DSAB und der EDU. ... Darts-Termine 2024 / 2025. September. 01.09.2024 PDC European Tour 9, Hildesheim 06.09.2024 PDC European Tour 10, Antwerpen, ...

  5. Tournament Calendar

    Paddy Power World Darts Championship. 15 December 2024 - 3 January 2025. Alexandra Palace, London. TICKETS. * Where UK television coverage is available this is detailed above. Coverage of televised events is also available through the PDC's worldwide broadcast partners and at PDCTV-HD. European Tour events, Players Championships and UK Open ...

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    Die Termine der Quali-Turniere findet ihr in unserem [Turnierkalender] Turniere European Tour 2024: ... European Tour 8: European Darts Open (EDO) 21. - 23. Juni Ostermann-Arena, Leverkusen Sieger: Dave Chisnall [zur Siegernewsmeldung] European Tour 9: German Darts Championship (GDC) 30. August - 01.

  7. European Darts Grand Prix 2024

    The European Darts Grand Prix returns to Sindelfingen in 2024, and you can follow the latest results and schedule of play here. The fourth of 13 European Tour events this season sees 48 players competing for £175,000 in prize money at the Glaspalast from April 19-21.

  8. CALENDAR: This is when and where the PDC European Tour ...

    PDC Calendar for 2022 released: More than 150 days of darts scheduled. European Tour but especially in Germany. Of the thirteen tournaments that have now been announced, seven will be played in Germany. The first three European Tour tournaments of the season in Riesa, Hildesheim and Munich, all take place in German cities.

  9. PDC Europe

    The 2025 European Tour calendar is set - 14 darts events across Europe for the first time. News. Dave Chisnall wins in his 100th European Tour event and is the first winner of the Flanders Darts Trophy. PDC Europe, Results - 08. September 2024.

  10. 13 Euro Tour Events!

    12 November 2021 — PDC Europe. The 2022 PDC calendar will see over 150 days of darts played from January to October, including a return to a full programme of European Tour events and an expanded Women's Series. Following disrupted 2020 and 2021 campaigns, the European Tour will enjoy a return to 13 events across the continent in 2022 ...

  11. PDC European Tour expanded to 14 events with 2025 dates confirmed

    Tickets for the 2025 PDC European Tour and European Championship will go on sale from November through PDC Europe. 2025 PDC European Tour. ET1 - Belgian Darts Open - Wieze, Belgium, March 7-9. ET2 - German Darts Open - Göttingen, Germany, March 21-23. ET3 - International Darts Open - Riesa, Germany, April 4-6.

  12. PDC European Tour

    The PDC European Tour is a series of darts tournaments held across Europe organized by the Professional Darts Corporation. Starting in 2012 with five events, the number of events has steadily risen with eight held in 2013 and 2014, nine in 2015, 10 in 2016, 12 in 2017, 13 in both 2018 and 2019. ...

  13. European Tour Tickets

    The 2023 European Tour will take place from February to October at venues across Europe. ... ET10 - Interwetten European Darts Matchplay June 30-July 2, Arena Trier, Germany. ET11 - Interwetten German Darts Open September 8-10, Sparkassen-Arena, Jena, Germany. ET12 - Hungarian Darts Trophy

  14. Draw, Live Scores and Schedule of Play

    International Darts Open 2024 | Draw, Live Scores and Schedule of Play. The International Darts Open returns to Riesa in 2024, and you can follow the latest results and schedule of play here. The third of 13 European Tour events this season sees 48 players competing for £175,000 in prize money at the SACHSENarena from April 12-14.

  15. Dave Chisnall wins Flanders Darts Trophy in Antwerp

    England's Dave Chisnall secured his second European Tour title of 2024 with victory in the inaugural Flanders Darts Trophy. The 43-year-old, affectionately known as 'Chizzy', defeated German ...


    European Tour Event und ist der erste Gewinner der Flanders Darts Trophy . ... Dave Chisnall siegt bei seinem 100. European Tour Event und ist der erste Gewinner der Flanders Darts Trophy. PDC Europe, Results - 08. September 2024. Peter Wright findet zurück zu alter Stärke und gewinnt die German Darts Championship in Hildesheim.

  17. "Let's go win it then": Dave Chisnall marks 100th European Tour event

    Dave Chisnall has won the first edition of the Flanders Darts Trophy.Chizzy beat Ricardo Pietreczko 8-6 in the final at the Antwerp Expo. For Chisnall it is already the second tournament victory on the European Tour this year, after winning the European Darts Open.. For Chisnall, it was his eighth tournament victory of his career on the European Tour.

  18. 2024 European Darts Open draw & schedule confirmed

    Gerwyn Price will begin his defence of the European Darts Open against Gabriel Clemens or Dirk van Duijvenbode, with the draw and schedule for this weekend's event now confirmed. The Ostermann-Arena will play host to the year's eighth PDC European Tour event from June 21-23, as 48 players battle it out for the £30,000 top prize in ...

  19. 2024 European Darts Grand Prix

    The 2024 European Darts Grand Prix was the fourth of thirteen PDC European Tour events on the 2024 PDC Pro Tour.The tournament took place at the Glaspalast, Sindelfingen, Germany from 19 to 21 April 2024. It featured a field of 48 players and £175,000 in prize money, with £30,000 going to the winner. Rob Cross was the defending champion after defeating Luke Humphries 8-6 in the ...

  20. PDC Europe

    The Machineseeker European Darts Championship was the first Major event in Germany in 2008 and set standards for the future. After the return of the PDC Europe major event to Dortmund in 2022 the legendary Westfalenhalle will be the venue again in 2024. The best 32 players of the European Tour Order of Merit (after the 13 ET events) will then ...

  21. Solheim Cup player ratings: Nelly Korda stars for USA, Charley Hull

    Watch the LPGA Tour and Ladies European Tour this season live on Sky Sports. Stream the LPGA Tour, Ladies European Tour and more sport with NOW . Get the best prices and book a round at one of ...

  22. PDC Europe

    The 2025 European Tour calendar is set - 14 darts events across Europe for the first time 29 August 2024 — PDC Europe Records, thrills and unforgettable atmosphere: this year's European Tour does once again delight thousands of fans in the arenas and in front of the TV screens.The 2024 tour has not even finished yet, but the dates for the ...

  23. World Series of Darts Finals 2024

    European Champion Peter Wright, who returned to the winner's enclosure on the European Tour a fortnight ago, aims to continue his superb resurgence by overcoming two-time major winner Daryl Gurney. ... World Series of Darts Finals 2024 Day Three Schedule. All times BST (local time +1 hour) Sunday September 15. Afternoon Session (11.45am-4pm)