holland america cruises july 2023

  • Cruise Tips / Cruising

25 Things I Love About Holland America In 2023

by Prof. Cruise · July 7, 2023

A Holland America ship in the background with text that reads: 25 Things I Love About Holland America in 2023.

I present the top 25 things I love about Holland America here both to inform those who are booked on or considering a cruise on the line, but also for the big cheese at corporate (picture me staring you down as you read these words, Stein Kruse and Gus Antorcha) as a plea to retain these features and resist pressure from your peers to go bigger and splashier and to squeeze every last nickel and dime from the social security checks of your most loyal passengers. Because if there’s one thing I have in common with Holland America, it’s that we’re both unapologetically unhip. And that’s what makes us so great. Right? RIGHT?

I’ll interpret your sudden coughing fit as a yes and continue on to the top 25 things I love about Holland America in 2023:

1. Libraries

I’m going to start with libraries, because I literally wouldn’t be alive without them. Both of my parents started out as librarians. In fact they met and fell in love working at the library, so it’s no surprise that I spend more time (by an order of magnitude) pre-cruise selecting my books than I do packing anything else. And it’s no surprise that I LOVE libraries and really appreciate the Holland America ships that have large, comfy, well-stocked ones. And while pre-Covid many of us feared Holland America was doing away with traditional library spaces onboard, I was thrilled to see a dedicated and refreshed library space on the Westerdam recently. It was stocked with multiple copies of recent titles in a variety of genres that people may actually want to read and not tattered books written in a now extinct language about how to construct an earth oven or romance novels with questionable stains.

I’ve heard reports that quite a few other other HAL ships either have these new library spaces already or are getting them (please share to the comments if you’ve sailed on a ship with one recently). Here’s what the one on the Westerdam looked like:

A library onboard Holland America's Westerdam.

2. Promenade Decks

Two people walking the Promenade deck on Holland America's ms Zuiderdam.

My second favorite thing to do on a cruise is to walk laps around the promenade deck while listening to an audio book and stalking wildlife ( Fun Fact : That song Every Breath You Take by The Police was actually about Prof. Cruise and a whale). It’s a good thing too, because my first favorite thing to do on a cruise is eat like I’m building up a reserve of fat for a protracted winter hibernation.

While at 3 laps per mile, it would take me approximately 75,000 laps to avoid cracking the scale upon my return home, “ouch!,” it would be even worse if I didn’t get out there 2-3 times per day, sometimes early or late to avoid crowds and sometimes at peak hours to walk with a buddy or wave at the other regulars as they pass by me at what seems a sprinter’s pace, clearly having trained for this at the mall.

I’ve been sorely disappointed recently on several non-HAL ships with no promenade deck that wraps all the way around the ship and is fully open to the public. I know what you Holland America loyalists are thinking: “serves her right!” And on this point, you are correct. Because if you love walking the promenade deck and understand that a small track on an open upper deck is NOT the same, Holland America is the line for you (although the promenade decks on the newer Pinnacle Class HAL ships aren’t as nice…what a shame).

3. Fresh Flowers

Fresh flowers onboard Holland America's Westerdam.

I’ll save you the trouble, they’re real! Still, you’ll find them too perfect and spectacular and will doubt my credibility and grope them anyway: “OMG, they are real!” Holland America is known for having gorgeous fresh flowers onboard. It’s one of those small touches that really adds a lot to the experience and makes HAL unique.

4. Buffet Desserts

Boston cream pie at the buffet on Holland America's ms Eurodam.

While certain other lines, not naming names to protect the guilty (but it starts with a C and ends with an L and ranks as the number one cruise line for number of brawls and sunburned butt cheeks), display gorgeous looking cakes and pies that taunt your eyes but disappoint your buds, the small selection of pre-sliced and plated desserts available in the buffet on Holland America ships are just the opposite. While often not as impressive to look at, they will delight your tongue and may prompt you to recreate that famous scene from When Harry Met Sally : “I’ll have what she’s having!” And if that wasn’t enough, HAL buffets also offer a selection of hard ice cream, made-to-order crepes, warm bread pudding, and often a special dessert in the evening that would otherwise only be available in the dining room.

5. Live Music Venues

A screen showing the schedule for the Lincoln Center State onboard Holland America's Eurodam.

While I grieve for the intimate Lincoln Center Stage and for the B.B. King’s Blues Club (which still exists on some ships, but has been replaced with the, inferior in my opinion, Rolling Stone Rock Room on several others) and am on a one-woman crusade to bring them back, I still love the surviving music on HAL. Billboard Onboard and the 3rd Avenue West Band are among my favorites.

6. Mid-sized Ships

A Holland America ship in the ocean.

While I’ve never met a cruise ship I haven’t liked, for the same price, dates, itinerary, and departure port, I’d run faster than a well-caffeinated cheetah away from a mega ship and toward a small to medium-sized vessel, like those for which Holland America is known. HAL ships hold between (roughly) 1300-2700 passengers, which is the perfect range by my estimation.

Not so small that I’m identified as the ship eccentric before the anchor is even raised, “I hope I don’t get stuck at a table with her for dinner,” but not so large that it takes me 14 days of determined looking before I find the martini bar: “where can a gal find shaken vodka, chocolate liqueur, creme de cacao, and heavy cream around here?”

7. Unique Itineraries

The boardwalk in Homer Alaska.

While I’ll cruise anywhere at any time short of Iowa during a presidential campaign season (I know you can’t cruise to Iowa – I just wanted to vent that I find U.S. politics exhausting), I’m particularly fond of the itineraries available on Holland America. Three of my favorite cruises ever were a 14-night sailing to Alaska on HAL, visiting some very uncommon ports like Homer , Anchorage (proper), and Kodiak , a 10-night Sea of Cortez sailing on the Zuiderdam , again visiting some very uncommon ports, this time in Mexico: La Paz, Loreto, Guaymas, and Topolobampo, and a 16-night sailing around New Zealand on the Noordam.

8. Free Room Service

Coffee on a room service tray onboard Holland America's ms Eurodam.

My two favorite f-words combined: free and food. I’d even go so far as to use that other f-word (beep) to crudely celebrate the free room service on Holland America: f**k yeah! While many other lines have started charging for most room service items, it remains complimentary on Holland America (with the exception of a few premium selections). There is a room service menu AND as long as the dining room is open, you can even order any item from the main dining room menu through room service at no extra charge.

I had to laugh on our New Zealand cruise one night when I walked in on my husband in our cabin looking guilty as he gorged himself on a giant steak, some french onion soup, and an ice cream sundae that he ordered through room service after we’d already eaten in the dining room and been for our traditional after dinner pass through the buffet. I was like, “no shame, sir!”

9. Minimal Kids

A screaming, crying kid.

I mean, it’s bad enough that I have to cruise with the smell and scream of my own kid. But a bunch of other people’s kids? Don’t they have grandparents with doorsteps you can dump them off on as you skid out of the driveway yelling, “see you in a week, suckers!” Kidding, kidding (mostly). I generally love kids and deeply appreciate those who are kind and patient with my son when we travel. But I admit to enjoying the smaller number of kids on most Holland America sailings.

10. Full Service Buffet

Holland America crew offering service in the buffet.

While I actually toggle back and forth between loving and hating this, it’s something that, pre-Covid, was unique to Holland America (it’s like they saw Covid coming years ago and decided to be ready), so I decided to include it.

I’m something like a pig at a trough at a buffet. If I didn’t fear a lifetime ban, I’d stick my whole face in a vat of mac and cheese, coming up only for air and dessert. Maybe that’s what prompted Holland America to have staff serve most items at the buffet. And while I acknowledge the wisdom in trying to limit the spread of germs and cut down on food waste, sometimes this leads to longer waits and smaller portions than I’ve come to expect at a buffet: “another six scoops please, so I don’t have to wait in this line again for seconds and thirds and….”

On a wholly positive note, I love the drink service in the buffets on Holland. Instead of having to get your own drinks – leading to extra trips and an unintended Arnold Palmer when two guests wielding lemonade and iced tea collide – servers will come around to your table and offer you a variety of complimentary beverages (or bar service) and will refill your glass as necessary.

11. Explorations Central (EXC) and BBC Earth Experiences

The cruise director presenting an EXC talk on Holland America's Westerdam.

One of my favorite activities on my latest HAL cruise was the EXC multi-media lectures given by our cruise director. They were highly engaging, well-written, fascinating, moving at times, and many of them were specific to our itinerary. I also enjoyed the other EXC programming, including cultural talks given by local experts brought onboard at port and nature experiences.

A partnership with BBC Earth provides Holland America cruisers with theater screenings of BBC Earth programming as well as magnificent concert events that combine live orchestra music with dramatic footage from BBC Earth. I especially enjoyed “Alaska in Concert,” featured on my Alaska cruise aboard the Zaandam and “Planet Earth II” onboard the Zuiderdam .

12. Delft China

I love the signature blue and white Delft china on Holland America almost as much as the food served on it. No I don’t. Still though, it’s beautiful. And if you’re bored waiting for your food to arrive, you can play a “Where’s Waldo” type game with the bread plates called, “Where’s the HAL Logo?” See if you can spot it on this one:

A Delft plate on Holland America's Westerdam.

13. Memory Aids

A rug that reads "Forward"

The first rule of business? Know your customers. And it seems Holland America knows me particularly well. I almost never know what day it is, especially on vacation, and often find myself lost, wondering, “which direction am I walking?” And after a few drinks, sometimes I even forget which ship I’m on: “Well no wonder I can’t find O’Sheehans, I’m on the Eurodam !”

I love the “day of the week” rugs in the elevators (where do I get a set of these for my apartment?) and, while some lines have hallway carpet with fish swimming in the direction of the front of the ship, that’s far to subtle for me. I prefer “FORWARD” with a clear arrow.

14. Friendly, Kind Crew

The crews on Holland America ships are among the friendliest, most helpful, and professional of any line I’ve sailed. It’s always a pleasure to speak with them, learning more about their lives and home countries. And I truly appreciate how hard they work (usually to send money back home to support their families), going above and beyond to provide me with such a unique and wonderful experience. I always bring some extra $20 bills along to distribute on the last day to express my appreciation to my wait team, room steward, and the children’s programming staff (in addition to the automatic gratuity). I found these cute crew thank you cards on Amazon that I put the extra tip in along with a personal note of thanks:

holland america cruises july 2023

15. Art And Artifacts

Art onboard a Holland America ship.

You’ll find millions of dollars worth of art and artifacts throughout your Holland America ship. For example, HAL’s newest ship, the Rotterdam features pieces (photography, painting, sculptures, mixed media, illustration, and prints) by artists from 37 different nationalities that focus on themes of music, dance, and movement. The 2,645 piece collection is valued at 4.1 million dollars.

16. Elemis Bath Products

A photo of three different Elemis bath products on Holland America's Westerdam.

I can’t in good conscience recommend Holland America to split ends because complimentary high-quality Elemis bath products are provided in every stateroom category, including separate conditioner.

17. The Step One Dance Company

A member of Holland America's Step One Dance Company dancing.

The main theater onboard your Holland America cruise will feature several evening performances from the Step One Dance Company, six world-class dancers who will wow you with, at times pulsing and at other times moving, choreographic sequences coupled with dramatic projected video images. Their show entitled, “Humanity” remains one of my all-time favorite cruise ship production shows and I really enjoyed their newest show, “Move,” on my latest HAL cruise. Don’t miss them!

18. Extensive MDR Breakfast Menu

Eggs benedict on Holland America's ms Zuiderdam.

I love cruise breakfasts and particularly enjoy a more relaxed and less chaotic experience in the main dining room. However, I also like lots of choices, particularly on long sailings, and sometimes find cruise line breakfast menus pretty limited (especially as a vegetarian). But the breakfast menu on Holland America is extensive and offers dozens of choices to satisfy both the egg on my right shoulder and the doughnut on my left shoulder, shouting at my brain to, “order savory,” “no, order sweet,” “savory!,” “sweet!” “Calm down, you two! I’ll order both the eggs benedict AND the croissant and bread pudding.” Plus, there’s vegetarian sausage (Morningstar Farms Veglinks), coconut milk yogurt, and vegan eggs available which I’ve never seen on another line. You can find the 2023 breakfast menu HERE .

19. Dive In

A burger, hot dog, and fries from Dive In onboard Holland America's ms Zuiderdam.

In my estimation, Holland America’s casual burger and hot dog joint, Dive In, is the best at sea. It’s so good I’d battle weekday traffic and pay $35 (Seattle prices) for “The Freestyle” portabella mushroom burger and a side of fries in a suburban strip mall on land. And I’m currently printing flyers offering a reward to anyone who can reverse engineer the recipe for Dive In sauce.

We ordered every burger and dog on the 2023 menu on our last cruise onboard the Westerdam. You should do the same on your next HAL cruise (you can tell them Prof. Cruise made you do it, they’ll understand) and let me know in the comments which was your favorite. And did you know that you can now order Dive In via the Navigator App to avoid waiting in line?

20. Fruit Crisps in the Main Dining Room

A fruit crisp served on Holland America's Westerdam.

You know HAL’s fruit crisps topped with vanilla ice cream must be exceptional because, despite being morally opposed to fruit in dessert, I order one every night! While the three photos above look almost identical, the fruit was different every night. Fruit crisps were another thing that went away for a time during Covid that I’m relieved are back.

21. Pickleball at Sea

A pickleball court onboard Holland America's Westerdam.

I’m among the few who did not like the addition of pickleball courts to HAL ships in the beginning. Why? It wasn’t because I didn’t like the sport. In fact, it looked like loads of fun (I’m was just too busy eating 23 out of 24 hours each cruise day to find out). No, it was because I frequently cruise with my 10-year-old son who is a huge basketball fan and the conversion of onboard basketball courts to pickleball courts for a portion of each day means one less thing to keep him entertained and his fingers out of my food. But when my HAL bread pudding is on the line, I adapt! So what did I do? I taught my kid (and myself) how to play pickleball and now it’s an activity we can enjoy as a family on our Holland America cruises.

22. Bed chocolates

A towel animal on Holland America's Westerdam with three small chocolates.

I love that Holland America still provides nightly bed chocolates. I always marveled at the willpower of the towel animals to not eat them until I noticed that they don’t have eyes.

23. Port Specific Menu Items

While many cruise lines have trimmed and streamlined their menus to cut costs, Holland America still includes special “port to table” menu items specific to a particular itinerary. As an example, here are the special Alaska-themed menus we enjoyed on our recent HAL cruise:

Holland America ALASKA Menus

In addition, HAL ships also offer special items from the line’s home port (also MY home port): Seattle! The Beecher’s mac ‘n cheese is my favorite and even though Beecher’s flagship store in Pike Place Market is located a block from my apartment, I still order it every day on my HAL cruises! Also look for Ivars clam chowder, Rainier cherries, and craft beer from Pike Brewing.

Beecher's mac 'n cheese

24. Taco/Nacho Bar

holland america cruises july 2023

I affectionately refer to this one as “Qdoba at sea.” I say “affectionately” because Qdoba is my favorite land-based fast food restaurant. This complimentary taco/nacho bar, with an extensive selection of premium toppings, is located near the main Lido pool and open for lunch on many HAL ships. Unlike Qdoba and almost any other food option on HAL, it’s self-serve, so you can construct your dream nacho tower and won’t have to keep asking for, “more cheese PLEASE!”

25. Sophisticated And Subdued

If you’re looking for a floating amusement park, you’ll never get back the time it took you to labor through the previous 24 points. Points you now realize are totally irrelevant because Holland America is clearly not the line for you. Sorry about that – I should have started with this one. But if you enjoy a certain level of sophistication or aspire to sophistication even though you laugh at the occasional fart joke and consider flip-flops appropriate formal wear (what, they’re comfy and easy to pack), you’ll love HAL. For her art, for her music, for her flowers, for her libraries, for her promenade decks, for her food, for her service, for her enrichment activities, and for the best dam ships at sea. And with that…

Class Dismissed.

Homework (10 points): What did I miss? Share your favorite features of Holland America to the comments.

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25 Responses

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We love HAL, too, for all the points you mention! I would add the attention to cleanliness, awesome medical staff, visibility and access to officers, superb enrichment programs on their Grand Voyages, and so much more! I recently sailed on a luxury ship and the buffet didn’t hold a candle to the Lido on any HAL ship. I was disappointed. We like HAL itineraries so much we’re doing another Grand voyage this fall, this time to Africa. I will be walking that wonderful promenade deck every day!

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Dive-In fries are the best In. The. World. (Even better than Five Guys!!!

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Yes! I agree!

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Thank you so much!! We have been on over 35 cruises and HAL (9 with HAL) is by far our favorite cruise line. We have 3 more booked for the coming season and are very much looking forward to each one.

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Being of a certain age and a bit claustrophobic as well as a food lover, I agree with all these points. Smaller ships, great food options, etc. I don’t remember chocolates or “Qdoba at sea” on my cruise in September. I can’t believe I missed food opportunities!

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Do you feel there is enough entertainment at night to not be bored? That and endless amounts of wheelchairs and scooters everywhere is what my wife has heard about HAL. I’m looking at the New Zealand cruise for Mar 2025 but my wife is afraid of HAL from what she’s heard from others. I loved your report of what you liked!

The crowd on HAL definitely trends older, but that doesn’t bother me and you’ll still see a wide range of ages (less when kids are in school, of course). In terms of nightlife, there are bars, music venues, the usual shows in the main theater, and the “orange party.” If you’re into dance clubs, lots of theme parties, gameshows, a dedicated comedy space (there are comedians that perform in the main theater on HAL, but not dedicated comedy clubs), you probably wouldn’t love HAL.

As it happens, I’m doing a New England/Canada cruise on HAL in August, so I’ll report back on that one!

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We’re doing the ten and eleven day Canada/New England cruises in September. The seven-day Montreal-Boston/Boston-Montreal is our favourite because we don’t have to fly. (We’re an hour from Montreal.) We’ve done it ten times. Also, Ed’s Books in Sydney. Lobster ice cream in Bar Harbor.

I’ll definitely check out Ed’s Books in Sydney on my upcoming New England/Canada itinerary. And my mom will love the lobster ice cream in Bar Harbor (I’ll pass on that one…lol). Thanks for the awesome tips!

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We just got off the Nieuw Amsterdam after an Alaska cruise tour- had an amazing time. Loved the naturalist talks! FYI- I asked about the Dive In sauce, it’s ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise, though I don’t know the proportions

Ooooooh! Good to know! I’ll have to experiment and see if I can recreate it. Thanks! So glad you had a fabulous cruise tour! HAL does Alaska so well.

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Recent cruise on Nieuw Statendam: no library, bed chocolates once in 16 days, pickleball hats to play because set up was on sports court with little kids around us. No partitions so quite windy. And then with the demise of Lincoln Center Stage, the reason HA was our first choice, we are probably going to change cruise lines.

I’m very sorry to hear that – sounds like a pretty disappointing experience. I know a lot of people are upset about Lincoln Center Stage (including me). Hopefully if enough of us speak up about it, they’ll consider bringing it back.

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One thing not mentioned was there are religious services on holland american cruises weekly. I find this important and have cruised on 21 cruises consisting of 5 cruise lines and never had them offered on any other cruise lines.

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Only cruise line that offers catholic masses

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We absolutely agree with you! I’d also add that the overall ship layout is wonderful (you can walk straight through the entire ship on one level (unlike N@$@n where you have to take detours and elevators to get from Stem to stern. Also the wide spacious walkway area between the Lido food stations and the short wall separation of the dining tables in the Lido are well-planned. As you mentioned, the wait staff helps with drinks which is a truly practical and enjoyable feature. The entire crew is focused on polite customer service. #weloveHAL

Yes! I love all those features too!

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I love all of these and more. On my next cruise on the Nieuw Statendam, I’ll be able to cruise in the ocean view solo cabin which i am super excited about! I traveled on another line but their solo cabins were all inside. I look forward to my next tile as I am a 3 Star mariner and hope to get to 4 star very soon. I truly enjoy sailing with HAL!

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I will be taking my 5th HAL cruise in December 2023. Will be sailing roundtrip Sydney to New Zealand this time. Really enjoyed the size of HAL cruise ships. Been on the larger cruise ship and find it so crowded and chaotic. Looking forward to earning my 3rd star Mariner!

I would like to hear how you liked that NZ cruise with HAL as looking at that one also…

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We were on 2 B2B cruises on HAL in May . The Zuiderdam on a Transatlantic and then the Nieuw Statendam for Norway. While the Z is an older ship, she had an extensive library. On board the NS, I went looking for the library and found NONE! Much to my surprise. What a disappointment. One of the newest ships in HAL’s fleet with NO library! I understand they will be installing a library at the next refit, and getting rid of some business spaces. Thanks, HAL.

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I also liked the pizza. I hated the reminders of what say it was because it make me feel that the cruise was ending too fast.

So I’m looking at 2 options for Aust/NZ for Feb 2025: HAL-Westerdam or Crown Princess My biggest concern is limited entertainment on HAL but feel their enrichment sessions might be good. I’m guessing that food is comparable? Any recommendations?

[…] of the recycle bin and join up! And I’m going to add this new onboard credit benefit to my List of Things I Love About Holland America! And with […]

[…] out of the recycle bin and join up! And I’m going to add this new onboard credit benefit to my List of Things I Love About Holland America! And with […]

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About Prof. Cruise

holland america cruises july 2023

Given name Sarah, but also answers to Prof. Cruise. Retired after 10 years as a college professor to focus full-time on her primary research interest: travel. With a concentration in cruising.  Home port: Seattle.  Mom of a shaggy-haired dog and a shaggy-haired human.  Lover of books and dessert.  Fancies herself a bit of a comedian – you’ve been warned.

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Holland America Line cruise July 2023

Holland America Line

Cruise to the spectacular Northern Europe with Holland America Line in July 2023.  From the British Isles to incredible Northern Lights and the magnificent Norwegian fjords and Scandinavia, via the Baltic States and Russia, cruising becomes a unique experience, sailing past enchanted castles and glaciers under the midnight sun, between some of the most fascinating cities in the world. Cruise all the way to the mythical Cape North, separated from the North Pole only by the Svalbard Islands, in the Arctic Sea. Experience all Europe has to offer with Holland America Line in July 2023 with destinations to Norway Fjords, Baltic Sea, Scandinavia and more on Northern Europe Cruises. Easily find and compare all Holland America Line cruises in July 2023.

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Nieuw statendam, holland america line.

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Date: July 29, 2023

Ports of Call: Amsterdam, Bergen, Molde, Akureyri, Isafjordur, Reykjavik, Reykjavik, Lerwick, Invergordon, Edinburgh, Amsterdam; View Itinerary

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July 2023 Update HAL Dry Docks, Charters & Groups Onboard


By VMax1700 , July 1, 2023 in Holland America Line

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5,000+ Club

Here is the latest update to the Dry Docks, Charters & Groups information.

Not much activity since the April update, but there are a few gaps in sailing schedules so I have included most of them as 'Possible Charter' until more information can be found.

For any errors, I apologise in advance!

As usual, if you can provide any information on upcoming Dry Docks, Charters or Groups, then please post to this thread and I will update the information in the next file.

New information since last update is shown in RED.


Nieuw Amsterdam 02 December 2023 – 16 December 2023

Nieuw Statendam 09 November 2023 – 26 November 2023

Oosterdam 08 October 2023 – 20 October 2023


  CHARTERS  (i.e. full ship charters)

21 September 2024 – 28 September 2024 : Alaska : Olivia Charter

26 October 2024 – 02 November 2024 : S Caribbean : Legendary R & B Cruise

Koningsdam :

28 October 2023 – 04 November 2023 : Mexican Riviera : Legendary R & B Cruise

Nieuw Amsterdam :

28 October 2023 – 04 November 2023 : S. Caribbean : Malt Shop Cruise

04 November 2023 – 11 November 2023 : Gulf Coast : The Big Easy Cruise

11 November 2023 – 18 November 2023 : W. Caribbean : Gaither Homecoming Cruise

13 January 2024 – 20 January 2024 : Caribbean : Sandy Beaches Cruise

20 January 2024 – 27 January 2024 : W. Caribbean : Country Music Cruise

27 January 2024 – 03 February 2024 : Caribbean : Soul Train Cruise

17 February 2024 – 24 February 2024 : Caribbean : Supercruise 16 th Music Festival

09 March 2024 – 16 March 2024 : Caribbean : JoCo Cruise

02 March 2025 – 06 April 2025 : Caribbean : Unknown Possible Charters

Nieuw Statendam :

14 January 2024 – 21 January 2024 : E. Caribbean : Possible Charter? TBC

28 January 2024 – 04 February 2024 : W. Caribbean : Legendary R & B Cruise

24 November 2024 – 08 December 2024 : Far East/Japan : Possible Charter

Oosterdam :

30 April 2024 – 07 May 2024 : Egypt & Holy Land : Dave Koz Group Charter

07 May 2024 – 14 May 2024 : Egypt & Holy Land : Dave Koz Group Charter

14 May 2024 – 21 May 2024 : Egypt & Holy Land : Dave Koz Group Charter

18 August 2024 – 25 August 2024 : Greek Islands : All Star Irish Cruise

Rotterdam VII :

26 January 2025 – 02 February 2025 : Caribbean : Possible Charter

Zuiderdam :

13 April 2024 – 20 April 2024 : Mexican Riviera : Olivia Cruise Charter


01 July 2023 – 08 July 2023 : Alaska : Insight for Living Ministries Group

08 July 2023 – 15 July 2023 : Alaska : World Help Global Impact Group

15 July 2023 – 22 July 2023 : Alaska : Turning Point Ministries Group

02 September 2023 – 09 September 2023 : Alaska : Continuing Education Group

09 September 2023 – 16 September 2023 : Alaska : Quilt Group

23 September 2023 – 30 September 2023 : Alaska : Quilt Group

20 July 2024 – 27 July 2024 : Alaska Explorer : Continuing Education Group

17 August 2024 – 24 August 2024 : Alaska Explorer : Quilting Group

31 August 2024 – 07 September 2024 : Alaska Explorer : Sport Horse Group

08 July 2023 – 15 July 2023 : Alaska : Continuing Education Group

15 July 2023 – 22 July 2023 : Alaska : Continuing Education Group

08 June 2024 – 15 June 2024 : Alaska : Continuing Education Group

22 March 2025 – 29 March 2025 : Mexian Riviera : Continuing Education Group

Nieuw Amsterdam : 

13 August 2023 – 20 August 2023 : Alaska : Continuing Education Group

10 February 2024 – 17 February 2024 : Caribbean : Gospel Music Celebration Group

02 July 2023 – 09 July 2023 : Baltics : Continuing Education Group

12 July 2023 – 26 July 2023 : Midnight Sun : Knitting Group

09 August 2023 – 23 August 2023 : British Isles : Knitting Group

01 October 2023 – 15 October 2023 : Holy Land & Ancient Kingdoms : Knitting Group

27 December 2023 – 07 January 2024 : E. Caribbean : Turning Point Ministries

07 January 2024 – 14 January 2024 : E. Caribbean : Zach Williams Group

21 January 2024 – 28 January 2024 : W. Caribbean : Mercy Me at Sea Group

11 February 2024 – 18 Februrary 2024 : E. Caribbean : Continuing Education Group

25 February 2024 – 03 March 2024 : Tropical Caribbean : Continuing Education Group

12 November 2023 – 26 November 2023 : Australia & New Zealand : Road Scholar Group

13 January 2024 – 27 January 2024 : Australia & New Zealand : Road Scholar Group

22 February 2024 – 09 March 2024 : Australia & New Zealand : Knitting Group

09 March 2024 – 23 March 2024 : Australia & New Zealand : Road Scholar Group

23 March 2024 – 06 April 2024 : Australia & New Zealand : Quilting Group

07 July 2023 – 14 July 2023 : Adriatic Dreams: Mark Steyn Group

29 July 2023 – 12 August 2023 : Northern Isles : Quilt Group

Westerdam :

16 July 2023 – 23 July 2023 : Alaska : Behold Israel Inspiration Cruise

30 July 2023 – 06 August 2023 : Alaska : Kosherica Kosher cruise.

13 August 2023 – 20 August 2023 : Alaska : The Nation Group

04 August 2024 – 11 August 2024 : Alaska : Focal Point Ministries Group

30 March 2024 – 13 April 2024 : Solar Eclipse & Mexican Riviera : Sky & Telescope Group.

02 September 2023 – 09 September 2023 : Canada & New England : Road Scholar Group

16 September 2023 – 23 September 2023 : Canada & New England : Road Scholar Group

03 January 2024 – 11 May 2024 : 2024 GWC : Road Scholar Group

If anyone has any further information, please post it here and I will include it in the next update.

E & O.E.

1 July 2023


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Here is the file if you wish to download it:

HAL (ship-date) dry docks July 2023.docx

Gail & Marty sailing away

Gail & Marty sailing away

Thanks for the info ..

10,000+ Club

Thanks for all of your efforts in compiling this.  It is greatly appreciated by those who book far into the future.

45 minutes ago, Crew News said: Thanks for all of your efforts in compiling this.  It is greatly appreciated by those who book far into the future.

It is nothing compared to the effort you put into keeping us all informed about menus, etc.

Thank you for doing this. It's probably one of the most difficult tasks of which I can think.


Thank you for the info. 😘  

  • 3 weeks later...


Does anyone know what type of improvements will be done on the  Nieuw Statendam?

Also, where do you get your group information?  Is it available for all cruiselines?

1 hour ago, Iamthesea said: Does anyone know what type of improvements will be done on the  Nieuw Statendam?   Also, where do you get your group information?  Is it available for all cruiselines?

Fingers crossed for Starlink. We are on shortly after drydock.

Thanks for the update.

50+ Club


We are almost certain the NA is being chartered on Dec 9-16, 2023. We say this because the ship is unavailable for booking on any site. While we didn't book, we planned to take this cruise this year. Any idea who is chartering the NA this December, or are we mistaken?

2 minutes ago, friendswithdave said: We are almost certain the NA is being chartered on Dec 9-16, 2023. We say this because the ship is unavailable for booking on any site. While we didn't book, we planned to take this cruise this year. Any idea who is chartering the NA this December, or are we mistaken?

You may be right. There are quite a few people on our HS roll call for the 2nd week in December who are NA "refugees."


29 minutes ago, friendswithdave said: We are almost certain the NA is being chartered on Dec 9-16, 2023. We say this because the ship is unavailable for booking on any site. While we didn't book, we planned to take this cruise this year. Any idea who is chartering the NA this December, or are we mistaken?

She is in dry dock from 12/2to 12/16.

2 hours ago, POA1 said: Fingers crossed for Starlink. We are on shortly after drydock.

We are booked on her for August 9 - 23 so will try to discover as much information about Starlink and other upgrades during the dry dock.

4 hours ago, Iamthesea said: Also, where do you get your group information?  Is it available for all cruiselines?

If this question was directed at me, then I just sit for a couple of days trawling the internet looking for information.  I have a base search of about 50 weblinks as the groups and charters mostly are repeat business and tend to stay with one or two cruiselines.  Also searching for information about gaps in ship's sailing schedules can be interesting as sometimes I get really interesting 'hits' from some search engines.

Thank you.  Anytime I am interested in a cruise, I do a search to see if there is a group on board, or a "special" cruise.  I have had no luck finding information, lately.  There used to be a group sight that I would frequent, though I cannot remember the name.


Regarding the Oosterdam and the dry dock listed for October 8th through the 20th, 2023 - We were onboard the O for 17 nights this past March/April.  During the captain's Q&A, a passenger asked when Oosterdam's next dry dock would be, and he stated that it would be in 2025.  This concerned me because I am scheduled to embark on October 20th.  I am curious as to where you found the information about the ship going into dry dock on October 8th.  Thanks!

2 hours ago, Taters said: Regarding the Oosterdam and the dry dock listed for October 8th through the 20th, 2023 - We were onboard the O for 17 nights this past March/April.  During the captain's Q&A, a passenger asked when Oosterdam's next dry dock would be, and he stated that it would be in 2025.  This concerned me because I am scheduled to embark on October 20th.  I am curious as to where you found the information about the ship going into dry dock on October 8th.  Thanks!

I believe that someone posted on a previous thread.  Also there is no cruise listed for that period and I cannot find any charter.  It may be a charter, but will probably only know after October 8th when I can check location on the tracker apps.

1,000+ Club

Does anyone know if the Nieuw Statendam will get a Club Orange makeover during drydock?  It would be nice if it was updated to be like the Rotterdam.



25 minutes ago, KAKcruiser said: Does anyone know if the Nieuw Statendam will get a Club Orange makeover during drydock?  It would be nice if it was updated to be like the Rotterdam.

The Club Orange on NS is very nice already.

But the Rotterdam is nicer.  It was carpet on floor and very comfortable seating.



Thank you @VMAX1700 for the time and effort it takes to post this. I always find it interesting. 


Thank you for doing the research for all of us!

I am so worried about being on a cruise with the "Knitting Group" - I can imagine skies of yarn everywhere, women armed with knitting needles at the buffets, and the like!   Chaos for sure!!!!!


17 hours ago, CNSJ said: Thank you for doing the research for all of us!   I am so worried about being on a cruise with the "Knitting Group" - I can imagine skies of yarn everywhere, women armed with knitting needles at the buffets, and the like!   Chaos for sure!!!!!

I would be more concerned with 'Sleeping Beauty Syndrome' if I should happen to touch a spinning wheel onboard (just like the one on the HAL website so often 🤪 )

Beach Basket

On 7/17/2023 at 8:36 AM, Iamthesea said: Does anyone know what type of improvements will be done on the  Nieuw Statendam?   Also, where do you get your group information?  Is it available for all cruiselines?

According to Captain Eric this past month he said November 2023.  She looks pretty good other than the carpet in our stateroom and carpet in the Lido. 

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July Update: Where in the World Are the Holland America Line Ships?

  • July 28, 2023


The Holland America Line fleet is currently offering summer cruises in different parts of the globe, including Alaska, where a total of six ships are sailing.

Here are the locations and itineraries of every HAL ship as of July 28, 2023:

Rotterdam Year Built: 2021 Capacity: 2,660 guests Location: Northern Europe

Spending the summer in Northern Europe, the Rotterdam is currently offering different itineraries to the Norwegian Fjords, the British Islands and Iceland. Sailing roundtrip from Amsterdam, the 2021-built vessel is also set to visit destinations in the Baltic before repositioning to North America in early October.

Nieuw Statendam Year Built: 2018 Capacity: 2,660 guests Location: Northern Europe

Sailing from Copenhagen, the Nieuw Statendam is also cruising in Northern Europe this summer. In August, the 2,660-guest ship is set to offer seven- to 14-night itineraries to Norway, the British Islands, Iceland and more.

Koningsdam Year Built: 2016 Capacity: 2,660 guests Location: Alaska

The Koninsgdam is Holland America Line’s largest ship in Alaska this summer. Based in Vancouver, the vessel is sailing a series of seven-night itineraries to Ketchikan, Juneau and Skagway that also include scenic cruising at the Glacier Bay National Park and the Tracy Arm Fjord.

Nieuw Amsterdam Year Built: 2010 Capacity: 2,100 guests Location: Alaska

The Nieuw Amsterdam is also part of Holland America Line’s six-ship program in Alaska. Through late September, the 2010-built vessel is scheduled to continue to offer open-jaw cruises between Vancouver and Whittier that visit popular destinations in the region, including Skagway, Juneau and Ketchikan.

Eurodam Year Built: 2008 Capacity: 2,100 guests Location: Alaska

The Eurodam is offering Holland America’s “Alaskan Explorer” itinerary. Sailing roundtrip from Seattle, the seven-night cruise feature visits to Victoria, Ketchikan, Juneau, Sitka and Icy Strait Point, in addition to scenic cruising at the Glacier Bay National Park.

Noordam Year Built: 2006 Capacity: 1,900 guests Location: Alaska

Another Holland America Line ship in Alaska this summer, the Noordam is offering open-jaw cruises between Whittier and Vancouver. Named “Glacier Discovery,” the ship’s seven-night itinerary include stops in Ketchikan, Juneau and Skagway, as well as scenic cruising at the Glacier Bay National Park and the Hubbard Glacier.

Westerdam Year Built: 2004 Capacity: 1,900 guests Location: Alaska

Sailing roundtrip from Seattle, the Westerdam is also spending the summer in Alaska. Through early October, the 2004-built ship repeats a seven-night itinerary that features visits to Victoria, Ketchikan, Sitka, Juneau and the Hubbard Glacier.

Oosterdam Year Built: 2003 Capacity: 1,900 guests Location: Mediterranean

The Oosterdam is currently cruising in the Mediterranean. Covering different parts of the European inner sea, the ship’s program features itineraries to Albania, Italy, Spain, Malta, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Cyprus and more.

Zuiderdam Year Built: 2002 Capacity: 1,900 guests Location: North Atlantic

Sailing roundtrip from Boston, the Zuiderdam is currently offering a 35-night cruise to Europe . Named “Voyage of the Vikings,” the month-long itinerary includes visits to Greenland, Iceland, the British Islands and the Netherlands.

Zaandam Year Built: 2000 Capacity: 1,440 guests Location: Canada & New England

The Zaandam is offering a summer program in Canada & New England. Extending from April to September, the ship’s season in the region features open-jaw cruises between Montreal and Boston, in addition to a 25-night roundtrip voyage to Greenland and Iceland.

Volendam Year Built: 1999 Capacity: 1,440 guests Location: Alaska

Sailing roundtrip from the Canadian port of Vancouver, the Volendam is offering week-long cruises to Alaska. The ship’s regular itinerary features visits to Ketchikan, the Tracy Arm Fjord, Skagway, the Glacier Bay and Juneau.

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Saint Peter’s Basilica from a tour of Rome and Naples

Cruises from Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy

temple of athena in athens, greece

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The port of Venice, Italy visited by Holland America Line cruises

Cruises From Trieste (Venice), Italy

statue seen in an italian art museum

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Santorini, Greece

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Cadiz (Seville), Spain

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Santa Cruz (Tenerife), Canary Islands

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  2. Volendam Cruise Ship Arriving Corner Brook Newfoundland

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  4. Holland America Oosterdam Leaves Day Late Due To Port Closure; Over 200 Passengers Nearly Miss Ship

  5. Nieuw Statendam, Holland America Line Ship Visit in DOVER, UK



  1. Find Cruises

    Explore all destinations through our many itineraries with Holland America. Find the cruise that suits your expectations. Book now for a voyage of a lifetime.

  2. Alaska Land & Sea Journey Cruisetours

    Alaska Cruisetours. An Alaska cruisetour is our award-winning cruise through Alaska's Inside Passage paired with a scenic train ride into Interior Alaska, plus up to 3 nights at Holland America Denali Lodge, our immersive lodge at the gates of Denali National Park. If you choose, continue the journey into the Yukon on your Alaska cruisetour.

  3. Find Cruise Packages for Holland America's Award-Winning Cruises

    Travel Is Our Tradition. Since 1873 Sailing 150 Years. Find your cruise vacation today with Holland America Line on one of our award-winning cruises to Alaska, Europe, Caribbean, Hawaii, Mediterranean, and more.

  4. Holland America

    For comparison, NCL Norwegian banned smoking in November 2014, Royal Caribbean - in 2011, Carnival Cruise Line - in July 2014. Holland America Alaska cruisetours (land-and-sea packages) ... "2023 Grand World Voyage" and "2023 Grand South America and Antarctica Voyage") range from 71 to 127 days and visit destinations across 6 continents. All ...

  5. 25 Things I Love About Holland America In 2023 · Prof. Cruise, Ship

    A blog post by a cruise expert who shares her personal preferences and opinions about Holland America Line, such as libraries, promenade decks, fresh flowers, buffet desserts, and live music venues. The post does not mention any specific cruises or itineraries for July 2023.

  6. Holland America Line cruise July 2023

    Holland America Line cruise July 2023. Cruise to the spectacular Northern Europe with Holland America Line in July 2023. From the British Isles to incredible Northern Lights and the magnificent Norwegian fjords and Scandinavia, via the Baltic States and Russia, cruising becomes a unique experience, sailing past enchanted castles and glaciers under the midnight sun, between some of the most ...

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  8. Holland America Line Launches Special Offer for 2023 Cruises

    Book early and save on 2023 cruises to various destinations with Holland America Line. Enjoy low fares, onboard credit, shore excursions, beverage package and more until September 30, 2022.

  9. Holland America Line Entices Guests With New Deal for 2023 Cruises

    Holland America Line launches its best deal of the year for departures in 2023 with savings, onboard credit, and more. ... over the 2022 holiday period and cruises in 2023. The offer is valid from ...

  10. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Holland America Board's Future Cruise Listing Updated

    HOLLAND AMERICA BOARD'S FUTURE CRUISE LISTINGUpdated July 21st, 2023 We all love to hear what cruises you are booked on. I post the Bon Voyage threads 7 days before sailing so, to be included in this: Post 3 weeks in advance so you aren't missed. 1st cruise, anniversary, special celebration? ... JULY 2023 Zaandam - 22-Jul-23 ...

  11. 7 Night Viking Sagas Cruise from Amsterdam

    CallFor Price. CallFor Price. CallFor Price. $4,774 per person. View. See details and pricing for the Rotterdam 7 Night Viking Sagas Cruise sailing July 22, 2023 from Amsterdam. Book Holland America Line online or call 1-800-427-8473 - iCruise.com.

  12. 2024-2025 Award Winning Cruises to Alaska

    Explore Alaska's glaciers, wildlife and national parks on award-winning itineraries. Find your perfect cruisetour or Alaska cruise from Seattle or Vancouver and enjoy exclusive perks and programming.

  13. Holland America Cruises for 2024, 2025 & 2026

    A large contingent of Cruise Specialists clients were among the travelers who came from all over North America, plus Australia and The Netherlands, to take part in this global adventure. ... View Holland America Cruises upcoming sailings. Over 500 cruises from 38+ ports. Book with us and get exclusive amenities & special rates on HAL cruises!

  14. Rotterdam

    The July 29, 2023 cruise on the Rotterdam departs from Amsterdam, Netherlands. On this 21 Night Northern Isles & Norse Legends sailing, the ship will visit a total of 19 different cruise port destinations, including its departure port. The Rotterdam sets sail on a Saturday (July 29, 2023) and returns on a Saturday (August 19, 2023).

  15. I tried a Holland America cruise to Alaska. Here's what it's like to

    Holland America's Eurodam isn't going to be the first ship you hear about when you start looking for cruises.It's a little older now. And it's not flashy. ... How a Holland America Alaska cruise is different from other cruise lines. Holland America Line 28 July 2023. Holland America Line Ships By Age — Newest to Oldest (2024) ...

  16. July 2023 Update HAL Dry Docks, Charters & Groups Onboard

    Holland America Line ; July 2023 Update HAL Dry Docks, Charters & Groups Onboard Add Cruise Critic's Community Forums to your iPhone's Home Screen! ... Behold Israel Inspiration Cruise. 30 July 2023 - 06 August 2023 : Alaska : Kosherica Kosher cruise. 13 August 2023 - 20 August 2023 : Alaska : The Nation Group. 04 August 2024 - 11 August ...

  17. Zuiderdam

    Zuiderdam - July 2, 2023. The July 2, 2023 cruise on the Zuiderdam departs from Rotterdam, Netherlands. On this 20 Night Viking Passage sailing, the ship will visit a total of 16 different cruise port destinations, including its departure port. The Zuiderdam sets sail on a Sunday (July 2, 2023) and returns on a Saturday (July 22, 2023).

  18. Canada & New England Cruises

    Canada & New England Cruises. Our New England and Canada cruises glide past incredible scenery (hello fall foliage) and stop into historic ports and cities, some well-traveled, some hidden jewels. Enjoy quick 6- to-8-day getaways with convenient Boston departures to the culturally rich Montréal or Québec City.

  19. Nieuw Statendam

    The July 26, 2023 cruise on the Nieuw Statendam departs from Copenhagen, Denmark. On this 14 Night Best Of Norway sailing, the ship will visit a total of 15 different cruise port destinations, including its departure port. The Nieuw Statendam sets sail on a Wednesday (July 26, 2023) and returns on a Wednesday (August 9, 2023).

  20. July Update: Where in the World Are the Holland America Line Ships?

    The Holland America Line fleet is currently offering summer cruises in different parts of the globe, including Alaska, where a total of six ships are sailing. Here are the locations and itineraries of every HAL ship as of July 28, 2023: Rotterdam Year Built: 2021 Capacity: 2,660 guests Location: Northern Europe

  21. Holland America Westerdam Cruise: Expert Review (2023)

    4.5. Very Good. Overall. Dori Saltzman. Contributor. Holland America has been in the midst of a change for several years and Westerdam is a perfect example of the line's new, younger persona ...

  22. 27-Day Panama Canal & Historic Sea Of Cortez

    27-Day Panama Canal & Historic Sea Of Cortez - hollandamerica.com

  23. Europe Cruises

    from. $ 859. Taxes, Fees & Port Expenses. See Details. 1 OF 3. | Mediterranean Cruises | Northern Europe Cruises | Scandinavia & Baltic Sea Cruises | Transatlantic Cruises. Explore the best of Europe on our cruises along the continent. Book now for a European adventure filled with diverse cultural and historic discoveries.

  24. Mediterranean Europe Cruises

    Explore ancient glories, modern delights and stunning beauty on an unforgettable Mediterranean cruise vacation. From Rome, Italy's legendary Colosseum to trend-setting Barcelona, Spain; every day is filled with iconic cityscapes and landmarks, flaxen beaches, and remote coastal villages. Choose from an array of carefully curated itineraries ...