"Dog Days Are Over" lyrics

  • Florence + The Machine Lyrics

Florence + The Machine - Lungs album cover


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Dog Days Are Over

  • Florence + the Machine


Lyrics submitted by x-orange-x , edited by Losin , jankopanko , jaybles22

Dog Days Are Over Lyrics as written by Isabella Janet Florentina Summers Florence Leontine Mary Welch

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, Downtown Music Publishing

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run for tour mother

I think it could possibly be the opposite. I think it's about someone who's so afraid of love that they run all the time and hide from it. To have feeling's for someone has hit them "like a train on a track". They kiss it and flee again because that's how close they're willing to get. Like when there's a room you're afraid to go in or don't know what's in it, you might push the door open and jump back before you look in. Or a kiss is all they're willing to give of themselves as they see loving someone as a weakness and leaves it all behind because they think that's how they'll survive in life. Just a thought.

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I absolutely agree with your thought. :)

Very nice..

The humdrum drudgery's done and the good times are here at last! But be quick! Grab it while you can and leave everything else behind.

So lets all dress up, go in to the woods and dance.

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none of these answers are right. On the radio she explained what the song actually meant. She said, "Before I became a singer me and my friend had to make a living by walking dogs. Until one day I was discovered and I finally made my dream job came true!"<br /> so yea that's what she said her self and i can see how that comes in the song like,<br /> <br /> stuck on a train track stuck still no turning back means now that she is famous she just can't quit because she would still have poparazzi with her or when she said<br /> <br /> leave your loved ones behind if you want to survive means that you have to leave your love ones at home if you want to become sucsessful<br /> <br /> dog days are over dog days are done means that she is glad that she is not doing that job any more<br /> <br /> it all makes scence when you think about it<br /> <br /> oh i am now learning how to play this song on my guitar cuz now i am chasing my dreams <br /> for when i am a grown-up

Actually 7thgradejd2468, Lucy_In_The_Sky is pretty spot on with the meaning. On the Florence + the Machine website, Florence said:<br /> "For me 'Dog Days' symbolizes apocalyptic euphoria, Chaotic freedom and running really really fast with your eyes closed."<br /> <br /> You can read it here:<br /> florenceandthemachine.net/news/0-6/florence-to-perform-at-the-mtv-vmas/0-6/

I think it has sense the fact that she used to work with the dogs before she became a singer. When I didn't know that reading the lyrics I imagined that the person the happiness came finally to her like the force of the train and once is into her is not turning back. Befooore, she tried to find it, or when she though was closed she scared run away from it, she drunk a lot to avoid the emptiness of her lack of happiness "she sank with her drink".<br /> <br /> I think the dogs is the representation of the dependence, and the horse the representation of freedom and courage. So for any reason those days of dependence are over and gone and the horses are coming, one can imagine the impression of the horses running towards oneself soo fast, as the happiness that is coming, the freedom, the change.<br /> <br /> Run fast (as the horses related to freedom and courage) for your mother, father, for your children, sisters and brothers (I imagine is the fact that one have to think finally for all the people that one love one have to love his life the same way, because of all that love that we have for those we love (are you following me? hahaha) A big risk and change, and decision on ones life needs to kill the dependence with family, home, nostalgic, friends, lovers.. if one decides something, we have to get involved on the decision we took in a very encourage way to be successful, feeling it from the very strong and independence attitude. The happiness has come so she just have to go straight to it without hesitating for all in her appreciated life.<br /> <br /> That's my opinion...

The phrase 'dog days' means a period of madness (originally because when it got too hot in summer all wine and milk would go bad, dogs and people would go nuts, you get the jist) from my understanding of the lyrics, its about running from something bad, it sounds to me like a girl with a violent or aggressive partner she loved to bits, 'she hid around corners and she hid under beds, she killed it wth kisses and from it she fled' i presume the happiness hitting her is the moment she realises she can escape the horrible life she has with this person who she may have been too frightened to leave before becuase she loved them.... 'Happiness hit her like a bullet in the head... Struck from a great height by someone who should know better than that' running for all the other members of your family is a way of remembering other people love you, being that florence has sang other songs about violent relationships i think this might be right. let me know what you think people iots been bothering me for weeks... btw.. beautiful song!!

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makes sense to me!

So you finally told them about me, eh? And I'll keep bothering you motherfucker because I'm motherfucking iots, and it's what I do, wooooo! (good song, I think it's about depression everybody is too hung up on relationships, except for shoobeedoowop because they can't get laid.)

spot on.. brilliant... perfect

This is interpretation is exactly how I have understood the song.

Dog days also implies EXTREME TEMPERATURES. In fact that's the only context I've ever heard it be used in.... After all, <br /> You don't hear about <br /> The "dog days" of WINTER. <br /> DO YA?

Lol<br />

@moople I think you're right on. I just got out of an abusive relationship and can completely relate to this song and the psychology behind it. <br /> <br /> To me, this song is about a woman who finally gets the courage to leave an abusive relationship, but then her abusive partner finds her and kills her. That's why the video's setting is in a heavenly place and happiness is "hitting her like a train on a track" and a "bullet in her back." She finally escaped, she knows he's going to come after her, and if he finds her, he's going to kill her, but she's willing to risk death to escape the abuse.<br /> <br /> She left, finally on her way to "happiness," but he found her and was "coming towards her." She knew it was too late to go back to him because of the consequences she would suffer. That's why she was "stuck and there was no turning back."<br /> <br /> When she was with him and he'd rage, she'd "hide around corners and under beds." She tried to pacify him with "kisses". She drank to numb the pain (physical and emotional) and cope "with every bubble she sank with a drink." She washed away the blood down the kitchen sink.<br /> <br /> The dog days (craziness) was over. He's the "horse" coming after her. I'm not sure what the meaning of the horse is. She "better run" because if he catches her, she knows she's dead.<br /> <br /> She left him because she knew her family loved her. She's running to a safe place "run fast for your mother". She ran for her children's sake; so she'd be alive for them. She still loves her abuser due to traumatic bonding, and she's lonely and misses him. She knows she must "leave her love and longing behind if she wants to survive." She knows if she stayed, he'd eventually kill her anyway.<br /> <br /> "And I never wanted anything from you except everything you had and what was left after that too." Abusers think that they aren't asking for much, and if the victim would just do what they wanted, they would have a perfect relationship. I heard this statement in my own personal life constantly. No matter what she does, he's never happy; he always expects more. They're never satisfied.<br /> <br /> When he finally catches up to her, he shoots her in the back. That's why happiness "hit her like a bullet in the back from a great height (he's taller than her) by someone who should have known better than that." <br /> <br />

I think it's a song about the apocalypse, but in a happy light.

Like, reaching the epiphany that all your problems, struggles, and fears were insignificant and useless. It's not a sad thing, though. It's a relief. None of the problems that you had could ever compare to this, and with everything coming to an end anyway, they don't matter.

With nothing left to lose, your dog days are over. Things can't get worse than this. You're free. And as soon as you realize that, your happiness hits you like a train on the tracks, like a bullet in the back. While other people in the world around you scream, panic, and run to wait for the end in the company of those they care for, you can stand apart to watch them. It's kind of funny, but not in a mocking way. More of an endearing one.

Something like that.

...I don't know where people got being in love out of this, though.

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i think it's alot like 'It's The End Of The World As We Know It'

Although I'm positive that most artists have something specific in mind when they write a song, the beauty of the art is that, when done right, the story is phrased in a way to make it accessible to many people. So, I think I have a general idea of the intent of the song, but to me specifically it tells the story of a woman who's in a relationship that she desperately wants to keep but that deep down she knows is doomed for one reason or another, and she willfully ignores that reality. She hides from the truth, she "killed it with kisses" meaning she used affection to overcome her doubts, and doesn't realize that happiness will only come when she's free of the relationship. I think the happiness is her getting dumped. It's unexpected, unpleasant, and unwanted (thus the bullet and train analogies), but in the end it's what's best for her. It's her chance at happiness. As such she needs to run and "leave all [her] love and [her] loving behind]. She'll never stop loving that person, but she needs to leave it in the past or she won't be happy. She won't "survive" the train/bullet (read: breakup) to discover that it was happiness in disguise.

The interesting part is when it switches form third person to first person for that brief verse:

"And I never wanted anything form you Except everything you had And what was left after that, too."

Which I think is the guy who dumped her speaking. Haven't we all been in a relationship where the other person seemed to take everything we had and gave nothing back, then acted like we were the one who came up short at the end? This person has been sucking the life out of her and she doesn't know it until she's free of it.

And the bullet striking her "from a great height/by someone who should know better than that" suggests this partner who's breaking her heart was a person who had the same thing done to them. Maybe a warning that if she doesn't do as the narrator advises and run for freedom and leave this hurtful love behind she may visit it upon the next person.

Anyway, that's my specific interpretation after a painful breakup that turned out to be the best thing for me. In a more general sense, the "dog days" of summer is a reference to the hottest days of summer. We generally think of summer as a good thing, but during unusually hot seasons it can be miserable. It can also be devastating to the land. So while we might mourn the end of any summer, the end of a "dogged" summer is a blessing. Wild horses are a common metaphor for freedom. Even domesticated horses, as their domestication gave mankind greater freedom to travel.

From all the comments on interpretations of this song, yours sums it all. I absolutely agree with you, thanks for posting this.

Very perceptive


@missme - Too right... I don't want to analyze this song, I just want to dance...

Here comes the story from my point of view : in some languages ,for example spanish a dog day (=día de perros) means a bad day, it may refer to the weather or the events in that day, so it might be about a girl who is through a bad period of her life. She might have been unhappy or even depressive during that period. But then , suddenly the truth hits her.(eg. Happiness, hit her like a train on a track) Saw saw that she had to leave everything she knew / loved behind to start over and be happy . she had to turn into a different person . (The horses are coming so you better run Run fast for your mother run fast for your father Run for your children for your sisters and brothers Leave all your love and your longing behind you Can't carry it with you if you want to survive) I believe the lyrics are actually a bit sad , but they give you the power to go on and they encourage you to make a change in your life. Ps. I think Florence and the Machine is an great band , they´re pure art. Soetmelodie

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This song is brillant. I love dancing to it.

I love it because it has so much meaning. Happiness really does hit you like a train after hard times.

"The dogs days" are the horrible things in life that happen and tramatise us, and at some point you have to let go to move on and change your own future. Ie: allow a person to love you and be happy, (life doesn't have to be loveless)

"Run back" run back repair the damage. The future is bright with the horses comming.

This song sums up my whole life and tells me to let go and move on to better and bigger things

As far as interpretation goes, I can't help but agree with kokostar.

"Leave all your longing and loving behind, You can't carry it with you if you want to survive."

It almost sounds to me like the speaker in the song is telling us how much ov an inconvenience love is in general, and how (rationally speaking) we'd be better off without it considering the pain that it can bring. Furthermore, happiness isn't usually compared to a "bullet in the head" which leads me to believe that the song is about running away from happiness that can so easily be taken away.

I also think that things seem too good to be true (to the speaker in the song), and so the solution is to run away. In running away while "the dog days are over" and happiness has struck, that happiness will be preserved; the speaker isn't there to witness things go bad. So the speaker "run[s] fast" for all her loved ones.

So yes. There you have it. My own two cents. =)

I agree with you, JuSTAMPlified , well said.

Ok, I'm late but I agree with you.

for me this song is about how real relationships should be and how everyone of us is searching for the so called true love, while happiness isn't like that at all. When she sings: she killed it with kisses and from it shes fled. she means that we kill our happiness with getting into abusive relationships that we think are right for us blinded by the so called love while ignoring the fact that if u really want to survive this life u can't carry any love or longing with u and that u have to run fast for ur father, mother, children and brothers. towards ur family and the things that matter in life not shallow meaningless drama that we create.

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  • Florence + The Machine

“Dog Days Are Over” by Florence + the Machine

by Amanda London · Published May 17, 2023 · Updated May 17, 2023

“Dog Days Are Over” harps back to Florence and the Machine’s debut LP, “Lungs”. More specifically, this track was released through Iamsound Records, Moshi Moshi Records and Island Records as the project’s second single on 1 December 2008, thus also making it the sophomore track in the band’s discography overall. 

At the time it came out, the Machine consisted of Rob Ackroyd, Christopher Lloyd Hayden, Isabella Summers and Tom Monger, led by Florence Welch, and all of whom, except for Hayden, are still part of the band of this writing.

There’s also a demo of this song that can be found on the deluxe editions of “Lungs”. Beyond that, a remix and live rendition is also featured on the album’s bonus disc, which is titled “Between Two Lungs”.

A Late Blooming Hit

This song has a strange performance history, in that it didn’t chart particularly well, most notably reaching number 6 on the Irish Singles Chart and number 9 on Billboard’s Hot Rock & Alternative Songs’ listing stateside. 

But as far as certifications go, the track has gone multi-platinum in both the US and UK, in addition currently enjoying septuple-platinum status in Australia. And those types of sales are usually reserved for songs that are also global chart toppers.

But to explain that anomaly, “Dog Days Are Over” didn’t really start to blow up until almost two years after its initial 2008 release, in September of 2010. This was after Florence + the Machine laid it down live at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles. 

That was when the track first managed to appear on the Billboard Hot 100, where it peaked at number 21. 

The band earned the right to lay this tune down at that globally-recognized venue because its video, which Georgie Greville directed, was nominated for five MTV VMAs that year. The video eventually took home the trophy in the category of Best Art Direction.

Some More Interesting Facts about “Dog Days Are Over”

With that said, here’s another interesting fact. It was another live performance of this song, as part of 2009/10 edition of  Jools’ Annual Hootenanny .

Additionally, the track was featured on a UK advertisement for a TV airing of  Slumdog Millionaire  in late 2009  which led to  it first charting in the United Kingdom in January of 2010, which is around the same time the song blew up stateside.

Also compelling to note is that later in 2010, the cast of  Glee  laid down their own rendition of “Dog Days Are Over”, which peaked at number 22 on the Billboard Hot 100. 

More recently, i.e. circa this writing in mid-2023, this song was utilized by the ever-relevant Marvel Cinematic Universe by making the soundtrack of the long-awaited  Guardians of the Galaxy 3 .  Accordingly, Florence Welch actually filmed herself watching the movie for the first time, and when this track was rocked  during the film’s post-credits , she was  overcome with emotion .

Dog Days Are Over

The Composers and Producers

This song was written by Welch alongside the aforementioned Isabella Summers, who co-founded the band with Florence. 

Its producer is James Ellis Ford, whom they’ve collaborated with regularly throughout the years. Also to note, Welch has pointed out that this track was recorded at Isabella’s London-based studio using very-sparse instrumentation.

The Lyrics of “Dog Days Are Over”

Florence Welch got the title of this song from a billboard in London she used to pass regularly while riding her bike. 

As generally understood, “dog days” is a term used to encapsulate a troubling era in one’s life. But as Florence was knowledgeable of the term, “dog days” also has something to do with astronomy and more specifically a certain season when Sirius, aka the Dog Star, is peculiarly visible. 

Said visibility also marks the advent of time of year when the summer’s heat is at its peak in places like the UK, thus explaining the well-known phrase “the dog days of summer”. 

Also that time, as noted by Welch, animals become lazy and are not fully revived until after its passing. So with all of that in mind, the phrase “dog days are over” would connote the ending of a difficult period.

And so it is with the featured narrative. However, they do not simply revolve around the vocalist celebrating the conclusion of “the dog days” per se. Rather as illustrated, the person who is experiencing this favor, i.e. the subject of the lyrics, is so reluctant to receive “happiness” in her life that she actually flees from it.

So it would appear that Florence is depicting the type of person who has grown so accustomed to depression that she fights, presumably subconsciously, to maintain it. In other words, even though out of nowhere her “dog days are over”, the subject is adverse to actually enjoying this unexpected fortune, perhaps not genuinely believing in it to begin with.

“Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers Leave all your love and your longing behind You can’t carry it with you if you want to survive The dog days are over The dog days are done Can you hear the horses? ‘Cause here they come”

But the choruses aren’t as easy to understand as the verses. For example, Welch’s confusingly-symbolic mention of “horses” somehow coming into the subject’s life upon the ending of her dog days has led to some colorful interpretations.

For instance, some analysts hold the position that this ‘coming of horses’ alludes to the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, of Revelations fame, whose presence marks the advent of the end of the world.

Others believe that the mention of these animals, in context, actually serves as a reference to the adage ‘wild horses couldn’t drag me away’, pointing to a person having unwaveringly made up their mind, as it appears with the subject at hand.

And such bold arguments are made possible by the fact that the title of this track for instance is also a reference to astronomy and things of the such, i.e. the song being openly-interpretable to begin with.

But thankfully, the bridge can be interpreted as verifying that the premise of this song is indeed based on the subject experiencing a completely-unexpected bout of exceptional luck. That is if we go out on a limb a bit by assuming that in this particular passage, the vocalist is taking on the role or personifying the subject’s good fortune. 

Then, when you combine the lyrics of the bridge with the subject apparently being advised to flee from her established life in chorus, what Florence may be getting at is there being some types of favor which a person must be all-in in order to receive.  

“And I never wanted anything from you Except everything you had And what was left after that too, oh”

In other words, it’s as if the subject is fated to undergo a holistically-gratifying transformation at this very point in her life. But in order for her to truly capitalize on that favor, she has to be willing to leave behind ‘everything she had’, i.e. that being the price of the gift, her willingness to recognize and prioritize its value over everything else.

Are you confused about the above?

If you answered Yes, you are not alone. But to understand the above, one would have have to use their imagination and pretend that in that particular passage, i.e. the bridge, the vocalist is personifying the lady’s luck, not speaking as a third party per se. 

It’s like Florence is portraying the role of the lady’s luck in the bridge and telling her that in order to fully enjoy it, she must be all-in to receiving it. That would then explain why in the chorus she is also being told to leave her family behind. Like she has to receive the favor by faith, if you will.

But again, that’s just one way of trying to make comprehensive sense out of all that’s going down in this piece. By the looks of things Welch never offered a concise explanation of this song, and even the aforenoted bridge has been reasonably interpreted in a completely-different way. 

But so it can be when you’re dealing with the works of Florence + the Machine, an outfit that seems to have an affinity for including esoteric references in their songs.

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Tags: Between Two Lungs Christopher Lloyd Hayden Dog Days Are Over Florence + The Machine Florence Welch Isabella Summers James Ellis Ford Lungs Rob Ackroyd Tom Monger

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Dog Days Are Over meanings Post my meaning

  • k + 21 Kelly0812 2011-07-06 17:55:57 Here's a more personal interpretation:. I think this song is, as many have said, about the hard times ("dog days") being over, but I think the bits where she says "she hid under beds" and "run fast for..." and especially "you can't carry it with you if you want to survive," all kind of indicate, for me, a sense that the happiness was resisted at first, ("from it she fled") Obviously it came on very suddenly (with all the images of horses and bullets and trains), but have you ever been in a situation where happiness is beckoning to you, but because of everything in your past, and bad experiences and memories, and fear of the situation going south, you resist going forward into it? I definitely have, and that's why I love this song so much. Florence nailed it. I think she has fallen in love very quickly, and is afraid to get too far into it because of her past negative experiences, but, "you can't carry [those] with you if you want to survive." In fact, she's sort of accepted it already, as she says "from someone who should have known better" and "can you hear the horses? Because here they come." This song is like the moment the dawn breaks. Add your reply
  • U + 19 Unregistered 2011-12-16 22:33:36 The speaker finally realizes that life has so much more meaning to pointless and fruitless unrequited love. She finds that she is able to move on - as painful as it is - and she finds true happiness. She still experiences moments of pain, but she realizes escaping from her failed love before it further hurt her was the best thing she could do. And now she's running through the sunlight and leaving it all behind because it's a burden she can live without. And she's looking to the horizon with a smile on her face and a song in her heart. Add your reply
  • U + 10 Unregistered 2012-06-11 18:08:22 The end is coming, so let go of everything. The four horse men of the apocalypse. But only the end of the world as we know it, the only way to survive is to find out what love really is, let go of pain, and the things you long for, let go of the ones you love and the things you love, and do it for them, because you love them. Run. And don't be held back by anything. It's for you. Add your reply
  • m + 7 MissN 2011-05-06 10:50:33 This song is biblical, but in a non-religious creative sense. Someone earlier mentioned dystopia, and yes, to a point you're correct. This song is about the obliteration of "sin" in Sodom and Gomorrah. First, Dog Days in ancient Egypt, were considered cursed, and also periods of ritualistic sacrifice to the "gods" to appease natural disaster. With this, Sodom and Gomorrah were noted in the Bible for significant sexual deviance and more notably, Idol worship. God tells Lot, before the destruction of the city, "I'm going to allow you and your family safe passage, because this place is going down. DO NOT look back, and don't doubt that you'll be punished if you do." The "Her" is Lot's wife, who very much loved her city. As they flee, she looks back with longing on a place she didn't want to leave, because she loved it too much. God kept his promise and transformed her in to a pillar of salt. The horses represent the Bible, and it's promise that God would send horses as a sign of warning to the end of days-Riders would lead these horses in and Hell would follow them over earth. Songwriters use Biblical reference, obscure or otherwise, to create great music. The Killers also did this with one of their most famous songs, U2 as well. It makes for some good writing, ironically. Add your reply
  • U + 6 Unregistered 2012-05-31 08:15:35 This song is about the collective spiritual renewal happening on the planet. The old corrupt patriarch system is dead. We're learning to be happy and free again. It is being lead through women and the reigniting of the goddess. The goddess is learning to get back up off her knees, stop hiding under the bed. But she warns its a bumpy road and you must cast aside living a life controlled by your desires and need for control if you and run with the flow of change sweeping the planet. This woman is a reincarnation of an ancient celtic priestess. She is very wise and speaks symbolic language like a genius. Add your reply
  • l + 4 Libby Peasley 2015-10-10 15:00:39 I think a lot of her music is to do with mental health struggles, even if she doesn't realize it, she seems to say a lot don't have meaning from what I've read so far. But she writes some of the most meaningful songs I've ever known! I think she perhaps suffers from codependency, it really explains a lot about her and her music, she's such a gorgeous soul! For me dog days is about coming out of a depressive state or breakdown, after leaving toxic people or a toxic partner behind, and embracing the overwhelming happiness, seems almost manic in its finest form :). Add your reply
  • U + 3 Unregistered 2012-07-18 18:25:55 "dog days" (latin: diē s caniculā rē s) are the hottest, most sultry days of summer. In the northern hemisphere, the dog days of summer are most commonly experienced in the months of july and august, which typically observe the warmest summer temperatures. In the southern hemisphere, they typically occur in january and february, in the midst of the austral summer. The name comes from the ancient belief that sirius, also called the dog star, in close proximity to the sun was responsible for the hot weather. - wiki. Add your reply
  • U + 3 Unregistered 2011-12-21 11:25:25 I think it is about a girl and her and her family didn't have the best life and she decides to escape that way of life. This is basically saying the bad days are behind you, you've made a good decision to leave now don't look back, don't sink back into that life style. Keep going for all of those who love you and let them escape that life style that they are stuck with through you. Add your reply
  • r + 3 russianpointe233 2011-04-25 04:22:55 I don't know. When I hear the song and see the video, I see escaping from a society that is collapsing in on itself. I have a strange, macabre fascination with dystopian worlds, so maybe I'm predisposed to thinking that way, but the lyrics fit. Happiness hit her like a train on a track--for people who like that genre of literature (think Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury or Anthem by Ayn Rand), these societies always have a false illusion of happiness, so the happiness could be the realization of how false it is. And when the protagonist in these novels run away from the society, they have to leave behind everything they have, which usually isn't very much, but it means a lot. There are a few mistakes in the lyrics. One verse says "leave all your love and your longing behind" but another says "leave all your love and your loving behind." I believe it's longing. Add your reply
  • m + 3 musicloverdd 2011-04-23 12:25:30 I'm facinated at the various interpretations of the lyrics. I do want to point out that feildmaster is right that it should be "Happiness hit her like a train on a track". Now relisten to the song and you will notice that the music is definately mimicing a train and her Wohoohoo is even mimicing the whistle. The music builds as the train would go faster. Its a facinating piece of music. I'd like to think its more about someone resisting falling in love and is mearly run down by it. But I think the interpretations about it being about an abusive love are worth considering. Add your reply
  • b + 3 BlueDiogenes 2011-04-07 07:54:48 I think Chillypepper is on to it. It's about an abusive relationship. "She's" running from "Happiness" because whoever it is that she's loving (ie happiness) is hurting her ("happiness hit her like a bullet in the back, struck from a great height, by someone who should know better than that"). The Dog Days were the good times, the horses coming is the impending doom of this abusive relationship. Because the drums, tone, and rhythm of the song seems to invoke that Native American theme I'd say the sounds of horses representing the whites coming to take everything from the Natives, thus ending the Dog Days is an apt observation. The chorus reveals the message of the song "Run for your mother, etc" is telling her that you can't hold on to an abusive love or it will kill you, go back to those who support and love you in a positive way (mother, father, etc). Not really a Christian song but as an outsider the basic message of Christianity has always seemed to me as being "Provide and seek positive and healing love to all your fellow man so that we may all overcome the pains of life and in that find and provide salvation to the world". I believe that message can be found in this song. Maybe I've got it, maybe not but I think we can all agree that this is one great song. 2 replies
  • j + 3 jomomma 2011-04-06 01:24:24 "She" is Babylon the Great or false religion hiding from "Happiness" or God on judgment day while he hunts her down with the 4 horsemen. She is drunk on the wine made of the blood of the nations that she's blessed the killing of through war by the governments she's in bed with. We are warned to take our family's and run for the hills leaving behind the "things" we love because we can't escape while burdened with material items. Revelation 18: 4 warns us to "get out of her (babylon the great) if we don't want to share in the plagues that will befall her". Add your reply
  • a + 3 autumnwank 2011-02-27 20:24:42 I agree with trueblonderocker. I just recently started reading the bible and am fascinated by Revelations and this song is very clearly biblical. According to Revalations, horses will wage war on those who are not "saved" on judgement day. The reference to family means stay close to and value family love because nothing else will go with you to the next level. Even if you've got the love is a cover, these two songs fit togther very well. Another song that I just realized references same scenario is War Pigs by Black Sabbath, always loved the song, but just now understand the reference to judgement day. Crazy to think Ozzy got that message before a saner person like myself did, hahaha. Add your reply
  • c + 2 cat3406 2015-01-20 01:24:18 I've read many of the interpretation on line and I have to say that I think many people are living in the dog days ie:a state of naivete and innocence. Many other fans I have asked agree that the song is about an abusive relationship; heroin addiction. I don't believe "Flo" when she says its random lines strung together to create poetry. Every word and image were very thoughtfully chosen. When realize "horse" is one street term for heroine the chorus makes perfect sense. Run for help fast! The horses will destroy you. To use some of the imagery from the video you will ultimately be into hell. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2013-10-05 00:49:17 Somehow this song reminds me of a serial killer, that standard horror movie sketch: a young girl is being chased all over. People want her dead. She tries to avoid them in many different ways, but in the end she kisses her friends and family good bye because she knows that they'll come for them next but she still needs to leave. It is also an example of how your world can turn upside down just like that. One minute she's happy, then the next she's on the run. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-07-14 18:15:00 It is about getting over a relationship. The dog days are over stands for the mourning period of a relationship coming to an end. That's why it is essential to leave all the love and longing behind. Because if you want to survive the aftermath of a relationship, you need to let go of past hurt, past good and bad, tell yourself that the dog days are over and run with the horses instead! Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-07-07 20:42:35 God has something far better than human happiness and love, and it will sweep over you if you allow yourself to believe he is real and loves you so much he died in your place to pay for your sins. Be warned, he will carry you away far beyond where you might have intended, but it is to prepare you for his marriage to you as his believing bride. When you repent of your sins, your own vein efforts to give life meaning, and accept him, the dog days will be over, for ever! Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-07-06 10:49:12 It's about facing an unexpectedly "real" love - an adult, more healthy relationship than previous ones (she 'killed with kisses' and 'fled' from them). But realizing finally what she has, she has an amazing moment of understanding that the 'dog days' (hard times in love) are over - she's found what she always wanted but hadn't yet achieved. "can't carry with you" the former doubts, mistakes in relationship, etc, that didn't work. She must be her authentic self, not needy, clingy but as a whole person meeting another in a new kind of relationship. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-06-17 04:21:16 I heard this song a long time ago but only recently actually thought about the lyrics, and it happened to be during a very difficult time, so to me it will always keen one thing- to me, it's about a daughter with an abusive father. She's just turned sixteen and is leaving and starting her own life, and that makes her incredibly happy, but she's at the same time leaving her mother and brother whom she loves. The little girl inside her wants to simply run and hide and disappear before her chance at happiness forces her to leave them behind. She doesn't want to forget what her life had been because the pain/sadness helps her know that it is real, but she has to leave all that she wished for and all that she loved behind her in order to survive. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-06-14 21:56:33 For me, it's like falling in love, and not being sure of yourself, or the relationship, but by saying the dog days are over, for it meaning that you no longer want to hide your love, and when the bullet hit her in the back, she realized the facade, and decided to see the truth and be happy, and allow herself to be consumed by love, and not the heartbreak that she had been putting herself through. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-05-29 04:57:02 She stuck in a relationship that she can't really get out of because she has no reason to leave other then she's not as happy as she could be. She's been with him for too long and hasn't had the happiness from her family and friends because she's stuck with this boy. Hearing the horses coming means your chance of freedom is coming and if you don't take that chance your stuck even longer. Leaving all or love and longing behind you means if you keep dwelling on the relationship she will never get passed her love for him, and won't live the life of happiness. Because she's been in a relationship for too long and she just isn't happy missing out on her family and friends. She's still a young girl with so much more happiness I front of her then in a relationship she's doubting and dwelling on. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-05-18 18:07:48 I think florence is writing about a person who works hard to achieve something, but never believes the work is done. This person "runs" from happiness because she believes that she doesn't deserve it or because she doesn't realize that her work is done. She is telling herself that the dog days are gone, but it's not something she wants to see. I don't think that happiness as a bullet is meant as a violent force, but as an awakening one. It's saying, "look, you are here, you have made it. Stop trying and look around you, the work is done. " That's my interpretation. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-05-18 16:07:24 No time left for sleeping. No more dog days. Too much resting leaves you wide open for any kind of happiness, good or hurtful, but it always hits and appears good at first. Happiness from the dog days hit her like a bullet by someone who should know better than to take advantage of her restfulness. The sleepy days are over. The platonic (white/dark) horses of runaway emotions are coming and she is in the way. Run away from the chaotic runaways to save yourself. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-05-17 09:20:34 I think that this song is about a girl who realizes that her love interest is no good for her, and how she gets out of her "dog days". In the first verse, I think the florence is referring to a love interest, which causes her to feel a roller coaster of emotion, from "happiness hit her like a train on a track" to "with every bubble she sank with her drink (alcohol which depicts depression)". "run fast for your mother, run fast for your father. Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers". Is like saying "you're family knows what is good for you, and they agree with you staying away from this person" "the horses are coming, so you better run" is saying that the love interest is going to try and drag you back into the chaos of the relationship, but don't falter. "leave all your love and your loving behind you, can't carry it with you if you want to survive" is basically saying that if you want to do well in the world, you can't rely on this person; you need to do what is best for you. "and I never wanted anything from you. Except everything you had. And what was left after that too, oh. Happiness it hurt like a bullet in the mind. Struck from a great height. By someone who should know better than that". The first two lines are from the point of view of the love interest, the first line being his words and the second being his unsaid intentions. And the last two lines depict the love interest shooting the girl in the head, and the florence is saying he/she should know better than to act the way they are. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-05-15 13:43:10 I don't know the meaning of the song, for all I know florence may be writing about getting over a hangover. For me the, at this moment, my marriage has ended, my wife left me for someone else, and yes I was crushed. But now I see how much stronger I am without her, I am no longer everything she blamed me for inside. I see I did nothing wrong. I left what love I had for her at the door and I am starting to live. She expected me to fail and I am not, I am building a better life because I left her behind. That is what this means to me. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-05-14 20:37:59 "dog days" (latin: diē s caniculā rē s) are the hottest, most sultry days of summer. In ancient rome, the dog days extended from july 24 through august 24, or, alternatively, july 23 through august 23. In many european cultures (german, french, italian) this period is still said to be the time of the dog days. The old farmer's almanac lists the traditional timing of the dog days as the 40 days beginning july 3 and ending august 11, coinciding with the ancient heliacal (at sunrise) rising of the dog star, sirius. These are the days of the year when rainfall is at its lowest levels. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-05-11 14:57:19 I think all of these examples are great (except when new posts pick on previous ones. Not necessary, really, let's enjoy the open forum and sharing and not be judgmental and condescending. I personally don't see christ in this song but someone else obviously does! And so be it! Why does the mention of christ and god freak people out or provoke a negative reaction? Those two words/names simply signify 'love', that's all.) anyhow. I say it's about a female or male who may have been in a bad way, has realized/tasted happiness and can not deny it any longer. She/he tried but now has to run with it. If the love and longings are not rewarded, leave them behind and find true love and longing won't exist. Then I read the 'bullet in the back. From someone who should know better than that' and I think 'well, now I don't know what to think? ' contradicts the previous thoughts. So, may be song writers sometimes go off on a tangent and write 'what ever! ' because it rhymes. That's it from me! The meanings of flo's songs fall in the 'too hard basket' for me but I do still love them. She's wicked. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-05-05 10:19:45 I think someone was in love but to scared to face it for fear of getting hurt. It could be she was in love with a dangerous person who could hurt the people she loves. Maybe she was at a point where she either had to run away with this person and save her family or stay with her family [maybe even endangering them]. It could also mean that she landed in some trouble and had to run away to save her family from harms way. "leave all your love and your longings behind you, can't carry it with you if you want to survive. ". Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-05-02 12:40:03 If you've been hurt by love and you run to avoid it, but aren't careful it will smack you upside the head. I hurt my wife and she is divorcing me, but she still loves me (and I her!). I am changing completely, for her, waiting for her, learning to love her. "dog days" are the hottest, most sultry days of summer. She still wants to be with me sexually. And when we are together it is an amazing, emotional connection. She tries to kill the pain with kisses. And for a moment, she is happy without a relationship. But then. Happiness hits her like a train on a track. Happiness hits her like a bullet in the back. S* with emotion. One can try to drown the pain, the memories, the emotions in alcohol. She should know better, falling in love is risky, scary, complicated. Love demands giving all, taking all. If you want to merely survive then you can't love with abandon, love brings joy as well as pain. If you don't want the pain, you have to avoid love. Run fast. But I am confident, it is coming for her and when it does. We will die to ourselves and live for the other person completely. My love is coming for you. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-05-01 23:47:51 She could be saying you carry love when you have to fight through hard times, once those days are over you need to run away from the past, don't carry it with you. You could interpret the bullet in the back after love hitting in the first line as someone taking advantage 'someone who should have known better' could well be the one who was supposed to lover her dragging her down, fighting through then that bullet represents the fact that this persons love is tainted and ferls negative. She fell in love, was taken advantage of, fought through the dog days, they're over so now run from the past. Whether that's run from the person or the resentment. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-04-25 22:49:43 Are you people kidding me. This woman is being used. "dog" backwards meaning "god". "days are over". "the horses are coming". I should not have to explain that one. Listen carefully to the music being put out. Shes another who made certain oath in return for fame. On the show "the voice" yesterday. She performed a song standing on a giant pyramid. People in black robes on each stepat one point. Pyramids all in the background. This is only just a scratch on the surface to this womans musical influence and symbolism in her music videos. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-04-24 01:38:50 I'm not a religious person (like seriously, I'm an atheist) but this reminds me of a passage of a holy book(can't remember what it's called) I vaguely remember learning about from a bartmitzvah. It had to do with running away from eygpt, but they couldn't carry anything with them unless they wanted to die, but if they ran they would be happy. The lyrics kind of remind me of this is the sense of "can't carry your love" I'm not sure if that's the meaning, but most likely a reference. Sorry if I got the info all wrong, like I said, I barley remember the story in depth ^_^" Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-04-22 23:39:18 It seems like she had a bad life before since happiness, hit her like a train on a track. But then she doesn't want happiness, she kind of wants to be miserable so she causes her own misery and runs away so she doesn't need to feel but she already knows what it's like. It's almost like she resents this new, wonderful life and just wants to live on the edge. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-04-18 22:06:10 Clearly, she was heartbroken at some point, and developed, perhaps a drinking problem, and we all know that when a guy is a disrespectful pig, we call them dogs, so now that someone has made her a little happy, she is being stubborn and doesn't want to give it a chance because she doesn't want to risk being hurt again, so she will run from it as long as she can, but my advice to her or anyone would be, you can't stop fate, you'll get tired of running after a while. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-04-16 21:12:44 She is coming from a bad break with a person that she loved very much. It left her depressed and sad. These where the "dog days. " but now, she has found happiness and it scares her, hence the drinking reference. The song is about getting over that past event and learning to let yourself be happy again. And if you had a bad day and belt this out in your car, it's very therapeutic! Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-04-14 11:57:42 Song starts by explaining that love crept up on her when she didn't want it to, from the sounds of it because she was already in a relationship, trying to escape her feelings towards the new person she showers love on her family and relationship she is in and distracts herself with drinking etc but she can't help but feel elated by the new person and is making a decision to leave the boredom of her current situation which is strangling her 'the dog days' and run with the 'wild horses' becoming free to love. Also could be alcoholism too as agree this works too and would make the song moe hopeful than this affair interpretation. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-04-14 11:50:31 I think it is about someone who has been in an unhappy relationship but doesn't want to admit it until someone comes along and makes her fall in love with them for real, about moving from drudgery and responsibility to more wild but dangerous days leaving her family behind her but she knows this may be wrong and it can't work if she allows herself to carry the guilt but moving forward even though it would mean leaving her family behind. So she either has to refuse romantic love or love she had before but which drags her down. 'leave all your love and longing behind you' sounds like she has decided to run on the wild side. - just my interpretation. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-04-07 04:40:07 The dog days refer to summer, especially the summers during childhood, which are childhood's strongest symbol. The happiness of her youth hit her hard and left her fast, and now she has to face the adult world. The horses are coming means that you have to adjust for the world, it won't change it's course for you and you'll only get trampled if you aren't ready. Her happiness in childhood has betrayed her by not getting her ready for this, so it "hit her like a bullet in the back". And now she has to leave the things and people she enjoyed (leave all your love and longing behind you) to be able to move on to her future. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-04-03 03:52:18 To me, it means something or someone happened in her life and it means so much that the dog days, or care free times, are forced to leave and she has to do what she must to take advantage of it for the better or she'll lose it. It means so much to her that she has to do what she must or it'll be lost. Anything valuable in life must be taken care of, so I take it as when that something comes along, you're gonna have to give up a lot to just even see if it'll work out in the end, at best. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-03-31 01:21:06 Given that florence usually has undertones of religion, it's not too difficult to place this under the same category of religion. She speaks of the horses coming. The four horse men of the apocalypse. And there is one of the more sensible meanings. To leave all love and longing is not a positive message except in the case of the rapture. The dog days are over could easily be a reference to salvation. The bullet that struck from a great height is regarding the heavens. We can try to escape our end, but it will come one way or another. That's just one take. It does take into account religion, which doesn't necessarily make this right, but it's a strong possibility. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-03-30 00:25:12 I happened to listen to this a lot when I was pregnant. It was so symbolic because my dog days were coming to a halt with the new baby and all. And happiness did seem to hit me like a train on a track when I had him. Oh ya. And I ran like hell to my mother to survive. I know this can't possibly be the true meaning of the song, but every time I hear it, all I think of is my son and how much harder and happier my life is since my dog days ended. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-03-18 14:01:56 For me, this song has a lot to do with finding happiness for the long run. I feel that the girl in this song is really caught up in living for the moment, not thinking about all of the lost time she'll have to make up for. Kind of like she is just realizing all of damage that she has done, not only to herself, but the people that love her. Its scary to find out that you have to pick up the peices from your past, and a lot of the time people choose to ignore the consequences of addiction, and decide to hide from the results of their actions. In a sense you have to "run fast" because you can't waste anymore time thinking about making yourself happy, and actually make it happen. "happiness hit her like a bullet in the back struck from a great height. By someone who should know better than that" this is my favorite line in the song, because i think its the girl telling herself that she knew better then whatever it was that she left behind for herself, and that the "great height" is the better her coming out, reminding her that things can get better, and that she'd wished she known the whole time. My apologies for rambling, the feelings I get from the lyrics are easier to think/feel about then actually sharing them when it comes down to it. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-03-18 03:41:24 I think the meaning of this song is the character found happiness herself I get this from (happiness hit her like a train on a track) and I think she tried to commit to somthing but didn't always keep her commitment because it said (she hid around corners and hid under beds) so she was practicly cheating on her promis to herself. And once she realized what she was doing her happiness fled. And I'm assuming it was about alcohol so she poorer it all out down the kitchen sink. And the dog days are over part means she done with being in the dog house with herself. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-03-05 01:04:02 Dog days" (latin: diē s caniculā rē s) are the hottest, most sultry days of summer. In the northern hemisphere, the dog days of summer are most commonly experienced in the months of july and august, which typically observe the warmest summer temperatures. In the southern hemisphere, they typically occur in january and february, in the midst of the austral summer. The name comes from the ancient belief that sirius, also called the dog star, in close proximity to the sun was responsible for the hot weather. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-03-04 17:12:21 "the dog days" is probably referring to the dog constellation; which is the hottest (and worst) days of summer. The horses are coming is probably referring to the 4 horsemen in revelations/apocalypse. I think the song is about her wasting her life trying to fight happiness and love; not understanding it, and not understanding how to love. When she finally figures it all out; its too late. "run fast" to escape the fact that its too late. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-02-24 19:44:58 Yeah, the plight of the american indian seems to be all throughout this song. Reservation life being nothing short of deplorable. The train or the "iron horse" as the indians called it. The dog days when they relied on dogs as beasts of burden, helping with hunting and even for food during harsh times. The introduction of the horse by the spanish changed everything. The "only" thing the white man wanted was their land, which was everything to the indians. Harsh tactics from people who apparently had both the technological and moral high-ground. Perhaps a girl who left the reservation looking for a better life and having to leave everything/everyone she knew behind and finding no happiness in adapting? Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-02-22 06:10:16 Ordinarily dogs are indicative of death and destruction while horses perhaps might represent hope in that they can carry you away from death. But I can't ignore that we're not talking about dogs in and of themselves, we're talking about "dog days" (dies caniculares) which is a phrase used first by the greeks and then later by the romans in relation to the star sirius (canis major meaning "large dog"). The term refers to the hottest days of summer. These were revered as dark times full of death and disease. As I said horses are commonly indicative of freedom, rescue, but also of war. There seemed to me to be a lot of war imagery in the music video. Also it seems to me that happiness is portrayed as the aggressor and the thing we ought to hide from. Much like "the gift outright" by robert frost I think the message of the song has something to do with war and with shedding of blood to be possessed by what we long to have our identity in. If not for ourselves then for our posterity. Fight for freedom because the time of evil is approaching dusk and with the dawn rides our rescuer to carry us to war. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-02-18 21:31:05 The 'dog days' is an expression that comes from the 'jours caniculaires' in french. It refers to days of extreme heat such as those in a drought, or possibly a great summer, depending on your interpretation. I take the song to mean that the days of happiness are over and are to be replaced with days of extreme darkness and that the horses are coming, I. E. The horsemen of the apocalypse. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-02-17 18:03:28 The relationship (another person, god, whatever) that entered her life was asking that she give up on the survivalist world of the family and society for something greater. She is running from the love and longing inside her in order to save the image of herself that she has always known. I see it as a song about our unwillingness to fight the fear inside and what we'll give up to that fight. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-02-15 13:08:01 The song obviously has a different meaning for each of us. My interpretation (relevant to my life) is that "happiness" hit me fast at one stage of my life, and whilst I thought it was the best relationship I could ever have, it actually turned out to be my most destructive one ever. So whilst I thought it was hapiness, it actually transpired to be dog days in hindsight, and now that the relationship is over. The dog days are over. "leave all your love and longing behind, you cant carry it with you if you want to survive" ties in with my meaning, as leaving all of that behind is what I need to do to be ok. That's my 2 cents :) love the song! Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-02-12 22:44:46 Well, I will assume a different view by saying that the "dog days" actually signify happiness. Seeing as how dogs are carefree and consumed with mirth. The abandonment of these happy days is the result of the crippling world which surrounds a person. The coming of the horses could be a biblical allusion to the "four horsemen" that brought about the plagues, sickness, war, and pain in the world. This would tie into my theory. In summary, the song/poem is about the fleeting nature of happiness in this human-diseased world we all live in :) Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-02-12 00:11:09 To me, these lyrics mean:. Hey, my relationship is over, but I still live for love that's everlasting, mothers, fathers, and brothers and sisters. Yeah, we broke up, but my family is here for me always. The days are over where I need to worry about someone else, i'll run toward new love. I'll leave my heartbreak, so I can open up to someone new, I can't expect to if I carry around bitterness. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-02-07 15:59:01 I think this song means that there was another woman who was scared of someone. The "i never wanted anything from you" part was the singer sort of apologizing for something she did that only made things worse. But now she is trying to help this woman again by telling her "run away, and leave everything behind because you have to start a new life. " the start is saying that the woman at first thought that she had found happiness, but "the dog days are over" means that the good times where she was happy are over. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-01-31 21:41:05 To me it means that we have nothing to lose, that every day it's a new beginning a new opportunity to do better. It's about realizing that we don't have to sit and wait for things to happen or to fall from the sky. That we have to deside what we want and go for it. If we are in a good place it can get better, and if we are in a bad situation, we should fight to get out of it. It's about life. And how we want to live it. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-01-26 03:29:06 I think this song represents someone freeing herself from a unreciprocated love so the horses mean she can run free like wild horses without a care in the world and happiness hitting her like a bullet in the back means it struck her that quickly without thinkin hard bout it, it just happened and run for your mother father children mean run fast like the horses without anything holding her back. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-01-24 23:48:04 Its about loving someone conditionally. She loved someone wanting him to give her everything and more. The song is a message about love and how it truley requires letting go of your desire to be fufilled by someone by anyhting outside of yourself. Once you know that no one can make you happy and that you find it from within, you liberate yourself and the dof days are over. No more searching for somthing when you already have it. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-01-19 20:10:58 I think the lyrics are talking about an old relationship in which her man was acting like a dog. He was a drunk and abusive, either physically or emotionally. After hiding for so long, she killed him after they had s** and ran. Before she left, she drank some of his alcohol and poured the rest down the drain. She then ran away from her family. But she has to leave her family behind in order to survive. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-01-19 05:30:12 I think that its about an abusive relationship and the girl runs away within an inch of her life and evem though she loved him and there were some great times she has to movd on in order to survive. She is constantly remimnded that the worst (dog days) are through with but is reminded that hes only going to come back stronger. And she feels foolish for wanting him to love her and care for her (all I ever wanted.) that's qhat I thimk anyway :) Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-01-16 22:32:44 I think she was madly inlove with someone who abused her but should haves known better so now she needs to move closer to her family cause they the ones who can help her recover if she doesn't shel die there in that place shes allready realy sic and alcohol is what shes turning to but she just needs to go and forget bout all the nostalgia shes leaving in that place it means start your life over I think this song can mean alot of different things to people mmm' I would like to know what it meant to the person who wrote it. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-01-13 20:07:45 To me, "happiness" is alcohol. She is hiding it everywhere, around corners, under beds, trying to flee from it and wash it down the kitchen sink. The dog days make peopel crazy. They are hot and endless, she is trying to run from her love of alcohol if she wants to survive, but she is hot and it is calling sweetly to her by the time we come to the bridge. "i never wanted anything from you except everything you had and what was left after that too. " Then "happiness" hits her like a bullet in the back. She is an alcoholic. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-01-13 18:02:08 It is quite profetic, seeing the current condition of our world and the prophecies of the word of god. The horses that are coming are the ones carrying the seven seals, the dog days would be the world of present since the horseman have already been released, and why we should run fast for our families it is because she is right they are the only thing we are going to be able to take with us. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-01-12 21:13:45 I think this girl once thought love was easy and she was just lazy about it, didn't think things through enough. It wasn't until it ended that she realized how much of her relationship she'd taken for granted and how lazy she'd been. I think the song was written about the point when she's in the middle of another relationship and she realizes, I'm done. Love is way too tough for me. She's running away from this tough love and she's warning everyone around her "run fast for your mother and fast for your father. " get away from this idea of a perfect relationship as fast as you can. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-01-11 07:53:45 Dogs in the song refer to those things we cling to, things we're used to be doing, or maybe people whom we used to love but no longer makes us happy and that we thought we could not let go but now these days are over. Time to let go, be free coz bigger things will come (the horses), better move fast because it will strike you fast coz you deserve to be happy. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-01-10 23:34:27 It means that the carefree & happy years of our lives are over, that from now on the only thing we should do if we want to survive is to run for our lives and work to death to make ends meet. It also reffers to the government and how they try to steal everything from you, your feelings, your dreams & aspirations. Only to transform you in a working maschine. As the says: leave all your love and your longing behind you can't carry it with you if you want to survive. You've got to be frozen and ruthless if you want t survive. This isn't a song about adolescents entering adulthood, it's about every single person of every age or nation. That's how I see it. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2012-01-10 20:04:24 I felt like it was about someone who enjoyed being alone and longing. She's avoiding happiness at the beginning with different methods: drinking, flirting, partying. And then the whole run fast for your mother parts could be her trying to avoid marriage. Then she says to leave all your longing behind you can't carry them with you if you want to survive because she can't have both her loneliness and companionship. Something better was out there and she might not have thought she could be happy, but that happiness found her. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-12-31 22:29:18 For me personally it represents freedom from a relationship that I didn't know was toxic until after I started to get away from him. Being happy again was a surprise after all that I had been thru with this person. It not only made me stronger but gave me vision as to what a relationship should be not what the one I had. The dog days are over. Whether I wanted them to be or not. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-12-23 18:28:07 She always had everything she wanted or needed, just didn't realize it. One day she realizes happiness comes from within, plain and simple. Too many people equate happiness with external things. You can even suffer abuse yet be happy, not about the abuse but about yourself. Happiness is not about the physical or even what you think about it, happiness is your being. Once you realize that, the physical world around you changes. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-12-22 16:42:40 "happiness hit her like a bullet in the back, struck from a great height by someone who should know better than that" someone triggered a revelation in her that set her free. The happiness is violent and sudden which suggests that she has been unhappy for so long that facing happiness so suddenly is shocking. The person who "shot" her probably didn't know the impact he/she did, but should have known that it would change her. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-12-15 03:23:51 I want to think it means the end of the eurozone uncertainty, stock market plunges, pakistan unrest, chinese manufacturing, you. S. Green initiatives, chinese pollution, iranian nuclear progress, israeli discrimination, atheist court victories, manger-scene removals, you. S. Economic downturn, obama, and finally cowardliness to stand up for everything that is good, bright and loving. Then again. I doubt that is what it means or if much of anyone is left to see things in the same light. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-12-14 19:00:18 I just was re-united with my deceased fathers family through his sister. I thought it would make me feel like I belonged to something after years of confussion and constant mystery surrounding my unknown history. I have longed for love and wholeness and a family although I never wanted to be in a relationship or have kids, when I tried to do what was right I have been left alone with a house to build into a home I never had. I have been overwhelmed with the knowledge that all the bitterness I felt was based on lies and deciet and have become everything I hate and loathed and ran from time and time again. Now I am left alone only with my thoughts and regret. I have recently after having been divorced for seven years found love and honest devotion in a long held friend and my youngest son was illegially taken from me by his absent father upon my disclosure that I was to wed and I have had a hurt that I never knew and can now understand what my father must have felt when my mother ran with us and told us he was dead only for him to be killed three years later. 24 years ago today my father died at the age of 24 and my aunt rose found me dec. 5th on my missing sons 6 birthday. The dog days are over~w. S. C. Ellashotzy@aol. Com. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-12-12 22:33:58 Its meaning is esoteric (for those in the know). It signifies the coming turmoil/tribulation period the world is entering. Leaving the dog days (time of freedom and play/happy days) behind. They're over and reference to the horses deals with the pale horse of the apocalypse, (book of revelation) which brings death and suffering. A time when you can only fend for yourself, no mum, no dad, nobody but you. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-12-03 01:39:03 Its about transitioning 'leave all your love and longing behind you"; the first words "happiness hit her"; she was fearful "hid around corners and under beds"; she "fled from it" meaning happiness with drinking champagne-"with every bubble she sank". And the dog days are over confirm she has control of her life and f the man who messed with her-. "never wanted anything except everything you had". The horses are the wild horses running free. Her energy on stage is amazing-micklog. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-12-02 07:02:58 I noticed in her other songs, a horse symbolizes, ones past mistakes and misfortunes. And "dog days" has a negative meaning. So I wonder if the song is about a pessimistic person who gave up on being happy or believing she would. And because being so negative hosts self destructive behavior she is unable to accept anything good. And although she tried to stay away from being happy, it suddenly found her but she is scared to take a risk because she is still use to failure and disappointments. The song is encouraging her to go for it in honor of whoever, her brother. Sister, mother etc. And to start fresh leaving all those feelings and thoughts behind, so by doing this,  there is no link to her past and that past (the horses) can't catch up to her. That's why it's asking her to run, meaning take the opportunity and enjoy it, don't let the past experiences/ thoughts poison her current happiness. It's like when you have a bad experience in a relationship and in your next one you are judging everything based on your previous experience, your setting yourself up for failure if you don't go into the new situation without previous baggage or horse.  just a thought. Love the song!   Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-12-01 22:33:25 Well I listen to the song before and never really listen to the lyric til now, base on how I am atm. Just letting my ex go. It talks about her falling in love and trying to leave it behind. For example "run faster for your mother for your father, run for your children for your sisters and brothers". I feel like she's telling you to leave, like don't waste time on it and just run. For your families, those who loves you and wouldn't want you to stay stuck and move on for the sake of them. In the line "leave all your love and your longing behind you, you can't carry it with you if you want to survive". Basically if you want to move on, let it go. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-11-28 20:23:06 It's music and beautiful lyrics. Whatever florence welsh means by it, it is for her alone. Only she knows what she means. Interpretations can be infinite. I just want to say to florence. You are an amazing and talented woman (beautiful as well!) I love your voice and the way you portray your thoughts. Just a music lover who wishes she was as talented as you. God bless you and please keep the music coming. I can pedal for 20 miles each day just listening to you. :) Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-11-28 07:18:06 Just so you guys know, the "dog days" refer to the star sirius (also known as the dog star) which is highest in the sky during the darkest longest days of winter, which are often worst for their bad weather and lack of crops and trade and general bad fortune. The greeks and romans used to call these days "dog days" in ancient greece and rome. . Just so you know. It's a pretty well known expression. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-11-19 20:41:59 Are you people blind? Do your research all songs and videos have different meanings and hidden symbolism. "the horses are coming" look into the four horsemen. Yes she has a beautiful voice but they're all pawns. Beautiful talented people to have a face behind the music. Start analyzing songs if you don't believe me. Lady gagas judas song and government hooker. This is songs young girls listen to! I don't know about you guys but when I hear " run fast for your sisters run fast for your brothers ... Leave all your love and longings behind you can't take it with u if u want to survive... The horses are coming" I hear of an apocalypse. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but horses have nothing to do wit love. Wake up people before its too late keep ur eyes open and become more aware. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-11-10 17:41:55 The more and more and more I read this. There are infinite interpretations. I'd love to hear what she has to say about it. Love can be scary. You're only gonna get hurt so when you feel that happy: run! Not the most positive upbeat message but people, like myself, get caught up in love and forget about themselves and it can be a scary thing. It talks about her trying to hide from it, the person "hitting her in the back" should've known better. Because she's not strong enough to endure something that isn't real love when she believes it is. So run, girl! Get s*t done for yourself. No more time to be lazy and depend on your love. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-11-10 17:36:00 I guess how I took this, and is true. Dog days are considered "the hottest days of summer" or periods of sluggishness or laziness. So I feel as though it means that, okay lady, you gotta get your life on track. Dog days are over. Forget about the bullshit and get yourself on track. Family will help ya out. I know obviously that the happiness bit will play into it somehow. But I think that sort of means that yeah, you might feel happy, but be f*****g careful! It can be over soon. So don't carry your love and longing with you if you are going to be a strong person and get through the shiiizzz! Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-10-19 11:01:32 My guess is since it has a lot of lines about drinking references like dumping it down the sink etc. Possibely she is singing about someone with an alcohol addiction or any addiction for that matter. And in order to get better and be happy you have to leave the people behind who bring you down and prevent you from getting better and being sober! Just a thought :). And possibely happiness hit her like a train on a track meant she is finally happy with out using alcohol or drugs and it shocked her she can be happy with out that :) Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-10-10 19:49:27 (continuing the fox hunting explanation because my computer messed up and sent the entry before I was done). I think it's very clever, because the she the song is about obviously doesn't think they deserve it yet had happiness find them anyway-. "happiness hit her like a bullet in the back. Struck from a great height. By someone who should know better than that". -so, essentially, she had run from it, but it hunted her down anyway, whether she thought she deserved it or not. Add your reply
  • U + 2 Unregistered 2011-09-23 17:41:13 Wooow. Pretty loopy analyses I'm seeing here. Shot in the back by someone who should know better? Killed it with kisses and fled. "Leave all your love and your longing behind, you can't carry it with you if you want to survive" says it all to me. It's just one more song about love and betrayal. Pretty simple if you've ever been through a rough breakup. This song and others helped me escape that kind of despair. Don't brood over things that are only dragging you down. The dog days are the hottest days of the summer, to some the most miserable days of the year. Getting past that period is a relief. The song's supposed to portray that. Maybe everyone sees it differently, but that's what I got out of it. Hell, it's a good song, awesome vocals, catchy beat. Doesn't have to mean anything for you to like it. 5 stars all the way from me. Add your reply
  • a + 2 auradiamond 2011-06-22 04:38:57 Quite simply, we've reached the end of days. Madness surrounds us so how could we possibly find happiness? We debate if we even deserve happines then explode when we bgin to feel the effervescent glow it creates. Our parents have seared into our souls that if we just try hard enough and play nice we'll have happiness. But it doesn't matter how hard we try (run) we can't survive the end unless we embrace it. Then we become one. Add your reply
  • t + 2 TruBlondeRocker 2010-11-30 03:16:53 Although florence hasn't expressed chritian beliefs in past songs (you've got the love is a cover) there are clear biblical images in this song. Revelations speaks of horses at the end of times which are also seen to be the begining of a better time. The return of christ and the opening of the "kingdom" which jesus oftgen states can only be reached when you let go of all your belongings "you can't carry it with you. If you want tosurvive"at the very least means a symbolic letting go of material happiness in favor of simple joy that comes from love of family and friends and maybe even A. Reunion with god. Add your reply
  • c + 2 Chillypepper 2010-11-28 21:41:35 For the Native American Indians, "dog days" refer to the time before the whites came to this country, before they had horses. The Plains Indians used dogs to pull their travois and their teepees when they moved following the buffalo. So when the horses came (stolen or escaped from their white owners) the Indians had a better way of life. The horses were better for hunting and warfare, etc. So from the native point of view, "the horses are coming" means change is coming, good days are coming. The "dog days" are over meaning your old way of life is over. Which is good in a way, but hard as well, because with the horses came the white man. Add your reply
  • m + 2 missbecky07 2010-10-04 22:30:58 Perhaps I'm farther off with my interpretation of this song. I feel as if she's talking about getting rid of an addiction such as drinking. She talks about washing it down the sink and running for you mother, father, sisters, and brothers which, to me, means to not turn back and to hold onto those important things in your life because the "dog days are over". The only way to overcome an addiction is to have love and support. That is her driving force and what's keeping her running and leaving all the negative (addiction) behind her. Add your reply
  • m + 2 melsiemonroe 2010-09-30 04:46:52 And also, I don't think this is a song about God. The lyrics are expressing hope of being free from a tough situation of loving someone and realizing that her happiness came when she left the situation she was in. If she wants to experience a happy life she will have to leave the one she love behind and spend time with those who make her the most happy. Dog days means the times she has with this love is over. Add your reply
  • m + 2 melsiemonroe 2010-09-30 04:39:26 The song is brilliant; none of what I never even heard of before! :) Her signing style is amazing! It sounds like a mixture of rock, classical (opera) and yoldeling, which is not done today, but makes this song very unique in our time of the usual pop, rock, and country thet you listen to on the radio today. Trust me, we need something different. I am tired of listening to the same topics in everyone's music: love, money, fame, stuff (materials), and the ghetto. Add your reply
  • m + 2 MysteryGirl1 2010-09-28 15:11:47 Gotta say, this song is a relief. Has lyurics that evoke thought and discussion, unlike most of what you hear on the radio anymore. I always heard the phrase "dog days of summer" meaning long hot days, and symbolizing hard times somehow. I wasn't far off the mark on that one; ljmack, thanks for thwe history of the phrase's meaning. I agree with met10. Funny thing is, I just went through a rough time in my life these past 2 months (and in summer, lol) but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel getting brighter, and so I can say that my "dog days are over." But, the rest of the lyrics confused me. Run from love? Run from your mother, father, sister and brother? During my rough time, it was the love and help of those people who got me through it! Oh well. I'm just talking about what the song means to me. That's the thing about music. It's a universal language and songs can have different meanings to different people. Add your reply
  • m + 2 met10 2010-09-21 20:06:26 I love this song. I think its a celebration to the ending of a sad and unproductive time in one' life. The woman hid from tried to find happiness in men, alcohol, and avoiding risks. She found true happiness when she stopped hiding and it "hit her like a bullet to the head" or "a train on a track". I like the contrast between "dog days" and the "horses". Horses are faster and stronger than dogs which illustrates the unproductuve time and the progressing happy time approaching. When she says "Run fast", I think that means "Live your life to the fullest". Live it to for your mother, father, sister, and brother. I also like the video as strange as it may be. It is a celebration of a fulfulling point in life. Add your reply
  • k + 2 KD410 2010-09-18 02:55:07 @Filth90 - Wow. I never even thought about that until you mentioned it. I went back, read all of the lyrics, and it makes complete sense. The entire song makes sense and goes along with what you are saying. You can look at it either way. She could be trying to put a message out there showing what Satan will do to you. Making you think God is not real. Run for your mother, father, sisters, and brothers. Leave all your love and your loving behind you. The dog days are over, can you hear the horses? Cause here they come. So creepy, but whether she is Satanic, or she is sending a message. I think you are right. Add your reply
  • f + 2 Filth90 2010-09-17 00:06:08 I do believe we are all one race it's human race no stupid feminism but beyond this have any of you ever picked up a bible this song sounds really satanic it's sayin the 4horsemen are coming and you can't have your loved ones and this may sound stupid to you but god backwards is dog I know I might seem crazy but I know this is satanic be careful and pay attention in life were headed for truble. Add your reply
  • l + 2 LiamNighthawk 2010-07-24 08:02:12 @Jasondfb; Why choose either Feminism or Male Supremacy? I'm a Peoplist, neither gender should have an advantage over the other. I treat everyone the same way no matter who they are. You're right that in the grand scheme what you and I say don't matter at all, but still the grand scheme has to start somewhere. It starts from the opinions of people who can see the big picture of the future, and feminism is not the future. It is just the same s*t we already have from a female viewpoint instead of a male viewpoint. Anyways, as a male I can really identify with the lyrics of this song, even though it is about a female I'd like to think that music & arts are left to ones own mind and inspire them to think for themselves, find their own meanings. To me the lyrics sing out about my current situation of being trapped without my consent and the only way I can get out of boring routines, I hate routines, is to leave everything behind. Add your reply
  • U + 1 Unregistered 2012-06-23 05:04:59 Let the dog days be over. Reach out for your happiness. Do it for your sister and your brother, your father and your mother. And most of all for your children. Do it for everyone who never could. Do it for all those who never had the courage to leave a life of misery and complacency to find their true happiness. Life is too short. I love this song because it inspires me to just run away from this life and go after what makes me happy! What my mother and my father, and my sister and my brother. Could never do. I wanna do this for all of you. But above all for me and my precious son! Please. Let these dog days be over! Despite the fact that my mother and my father, and my sister and my brother don't support me leaving behind these dog days and my life of privileged servitude. My dog days will soon be over! Add your reply
  • U + 1 Unregistered 2012-05-03 07:14:25 To me, it sounds like the dog days are referring to the suffering of our human lives on earth. I can't exactly speak for the "happiness hit her" lines, they have so many meanings that I can't even choose one. However, I remember a legend about the four horses of the apocalypse; war, famine, pestilence(sickness), and death. The line "can you hear the horses cause here they come" sounds like the four horses are coming, bringing with them the end to our days of suffering on earth. If you believe in heaven, her happiness could be referring to our paradise in heaven, but the other lines don't support this theory as much. I just thought it was an interesting connection. Add your reply
  • U + 1 Unregistered 2012-05-01 16:51:06 I have to agree that no one can be sure that they are deciphering the meaning to this correctly. Sea seems to me that you would have to ask the writer. Referring to happiness as a bullet in your back isn't normal. There must be personal meaning. That being said the term dog days comes from greek history known as a time on the year when the weather was so hot that there was a lot of misery. The term is still used today. I think to say that " dog" is a reference to "god" because theyre spelled the same backwards is totally ridiculous and laughable. Anyone who looks that much into the meaning of things must be depressed. Add your reply
  • U + 1 Unregistered 2012-02-03 21:04:12 I think my favourite interpretation is about a woman finally deciding to escape from her abusive relationship. In the past, she's tried ignoring her situation, hiding physically and emotionally from the trauma, and smothering it with her affection. But her relationship, the thing that was supposed to make her happy, continued to harm her ("like a train on a track"; "like a bullet to the back"). She realizes now that she can leave it behind her, and she is able to run to and for the people that truly care for her (her family). The dog days are over, and she needs to "leave all her love and her longing behind" to survive. Add your reply
  • U + 1 Unregistered 2012-01-28 12:02:29 The song is about not being able to take responsibility for your own life and the way you live it. The things that are happening to her are things she cannot deal with, because they are too overwhelming. She is used to running away from unknown situations, in stead of turning around and seeing what is truly there. It's a song about fear and the easiest way to deal with that fear is to run away. The line where it says: "by someone who should know better then that. " it's refers to losing control and not being able to let that be. It's hard to lose control and go with it. Add your reply
  • m + 1 maryana_85 2010-10-19 06:18:43 What I think about this song is totally opposite to what the mayority of the people have posted. For me the lyrics are about a crossroad in live, when something critical has just happened to you, like a death, a breakup or something, that you have to leave from a happy state (dog days) to pass to another, critical one coming foward in your live (the horses evoking sorrow and despair). Then is when she tries to reach back those happy days, but when she does that, the memories hurt her (Happiness, it hurts like a bullet in your mind) cause she no longer can have that in her life. Finally, the action of running is more like getting into a inner struggle to overcome the problems in which she is now, and she does it in order to not to hurt the people she loves more. Add your reply
  • r + 1 raven111379 2010-10-13 14:52:37 I think the song is about the end of the world. The Dog days were like the life of freedom and happiness that we have been living, and soon we will have to run for our lives. You can't take anything with you when you die, so leave all emotions behind if you want to survive. Can't you hear the horsemen cause they are coming is in reference to the four horsemen of the apocolypse, famine, death, etc. Add your reply
  • l + 1 ljmack 2010-09-20 17:36:38 Dog in this song does not mean God. The phrase, Dog Days, is an actual phrase. Florence and the Machine did not make it up. It is in the summer and dates back to Roman times when the Dog Star, Sirius, was visible. Dog Days were popularly believed to be an evil time "when the seas boiled, wine turned sour, Quinto raged in anger, dogs grew mad, and all creatures became languid, causing to man burning fevers, hysterics, and phrensies" I don't think she is sneakily trying to say that the God Days are Over. Add your reply
  • j + 1 Jasondfb 2010-05-09 10:20:33 I mean the 'typo' or misinterpretation of the lyrics is maybe a result of a still male-dominated society. (how could we publish lyrics with a woman singing in the first person about her own experiences?!) Before any 'haters' or 'rationalists' get involved I'm being tongue in cheek, even if what I said is the case even slightly it's still a tiny point in the great scheme of things, even in terms of feminism. Still, viva la revolution femanina! :) (And like I said yes I am male myself). Add your reply
  • U 0 Unregistered 2012-01-21 02:09:41 Finding joy in life, in particular through romantic love, can be a nuisance and troublesome. Many people, but in the case of this song, a young girl, spend their entire avoiding love & the happiness it brings, in order to conform, particularly to the wishes of family and culture, and to get ahead in a world both brutal and demanding. Never the less, happiness, especially in the form of romantic love for another, will come and, no doubt, upend your world, usually from someone who could be considered the most unlikely of sources, who has just the same amount of business being in romantic love as you are. Someone, who is, no doubt, as much caught up in the same web of romantic love that you are (with that someone). Add your reply
  • s 0 skyblue169 2010-10-12 19:23:49 This seems stupid now but when I read the lyrics (because until I read the lyrics the only word I knew was 'dog days are over'!) I thought of a woman that's killed her husband (maybe I've just watched 'Chicago' too many times). Obviously the word 'killed' started it and the more I read the more I thought of a victim of domestic violence killing her partner (Happiness, it hurt like a train on a track). 'Washed it away dowwn the kitchen sink' would be washing the weapon. Then shes saying 'The dog days are over' because her abusive partner is dead. The horses is the police. Shes running from her family because she doesn't want to get caught and get them in trouble. She can't take her love because if she wants to survive (basically, not go to prison)then she has to leave her love of her family and her family behind. The rest is pretty much self explanitary. The way the song sounds relates to her confusion. Just a thought like I said maybe I just watched 'Chicago' too many times. Add your reply

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  • → Artist: F
  • → Florence + The Machine
  • → Dog Days Are Over lyrics

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  • k + 21 Kelly0812 Here's a more personal interpretation:. I think this song is, as many have said, about the hard... Read more →
  • U + 19 Unregistered The speaker finally realizes that life has so much more meaning to pointless and fruitless... Read more →

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More Florence + The Machine lyrics

  • Kiss With A Fist
  • Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)
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  • My Boy Builds Coffins
  • Drumming Song
  • Bedroom Hymns
  • Shake It Out
  • Never Let Me Go
  • Seven Devils
  • All This And Heaven Too
  • Jenny Of Oldstones

Full lyrics and meanings of Dog Days Are Over performed by Florence + The Machine

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Dog Days Are Over

Florence + the machine.

run for tour mother

About Dog Days Are Over

"Dog Days Are Over" is a song by English indie rock band Florence and the Machine from their debut album Lungs (2009). It was originally scheduled for release on 24 November 2008 through Moshi Moshi Records in the UK as the album's second single, but was later pushed back for release on 1 December 2008. A day later on 2 December 2008 the single was released in download and seven-inch vinyl format through IAMSOUND Records in the US. The B-side to the single is a cover of "You Got the Love" by The Source featuring Candi Staton which later was confirmed as a track on their debut album and the band's fifth single. The single reached the top 30 in Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. A demo version of "Dog Days Are Over" is featured on disc two of the deluxe edition of Lungs. A six-minute, forty-second-long Optimo remix of "Dog Days Are Over" has also been made available. An acoustic version of the song was performed live on BBC Radio 1's Big Weekend. The track has been performed at a great number of high-profile festivals through 2008 and 2009, including the Reading and Leeds festivals. The band also performed the song on the Mercury Prize 2009 awards show and BBC Introducing. The song appeared in the finale of the 2023 film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and re-entered some charts almost 15 years after its release.   more »

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Florence and the Machine are an English indie rock band that formed in London in 2007, consisting of lead singer Florence Welch, keyboardist Isabella Summers, and a collaboration of other artists. more »

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Written by: Florence Leontine Mary Welch, Isabella Janet Florentina Summers

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

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  • #1 Only If for a Night
  • #2 Drumming Song
  • #3 Cosmic Love
  • #4 Breaking Down
  • #5 Never Let Me Go
  • #6 Try a Little Tenderness
  • #7 No Light, No Light
  • #9 What the Water Gave Me
  • #10 Dog Days Are Over
  • #11 Shake It Out
  • #12 Landscape
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run for tour mother

  • Dog Days Are Over

Florence + The Machine

Happiness hit her Like a train on a track Coming towards her Stuck still, no turning back

She hid around corners And she hid under beds She killed it with kisses And from it she fled

With every bubble She sank with a drink And washed it away Down the kitchen sink

The dog days are over The dog days are done The horses are coming So you better run

Run fast for your mother Run fast for your father Run for your children For your sisters and brothers Leave all your love and your longing behind You can't carry it with you if you want to survive The dog days are over The dog days are done Can you hear the horses? 'Cause here they come

And I never wanted Anything from you Except everything you had And what was left after that too, oh

Happiness hit her Like a bullet in the back Struck from a great height By someone who should have known better than that

The dog days are over The dog days are done Can you hear the horses? 'Cause here they come

Run fast for your mother Run fast for your father Run for your children For your sisters and brothers Leave all your love and your longing behind You can't carry it with you if you want to survive The dog days are over The dog days are done Can you hear the horses? 'Cause here they come (here they come)

The dog days are over The dog days are done (here they come) The horses are coming So you better run

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Dog Days Are Over by Florence + the Machine

run for tour mother


  • This was the second single to be released by Florence + the Machine, the recording name of London-based alternative pop artist Florence Welch and her back up band.
  • This paean to the inevitability of happiness was inspired by a giant text installation (of the same name) by the artist Ugo Rondinone, which Welch used to see every day riding her bike over Waterloo Bridge. Florence told Mojo magazine April 2012 about the rainbow-hued text: "It was plastered over the south Bank in London for six months and I rode past it on my bike every day. It's a reference to the dog star, Sirius: when it was closest to the Earth, all the animals would get languid and sleepy; when it moved away, they'd wake up. I've tried to get in touch with him to say thanks."
  • Welch told CultureDeluxe that most of the sounds on this song, "came from a tiny Yamaha keyboard." Also the percussion sound was "hands on the wall while hitting a drum underneath it at the same time and the beat was really accidental." She added to BBC Newsbeat : "It was just a song that I did at my friend's studio in Crystal Palace [south London]. We didn't have any instruments and we were in a studio the size of a loo."
  • The song was used in an episode of the Channel 4 teen drama Skins .
  • The song failed to reach the UK Top 75 after its initial release in December 2008. However, following a performance on the New Years Eve edition of the Jools Holland show and its use in an advertisement for the TV debut of Slumdog Millionaire , this charted for the first time in January 2010.
  • Welch told the NME January 10, 2010 that the song's music video is her favorite one to date. She explained this was not only "because it was our first, but also because of the people involved. I just made it on a whim. We went down to the woods and we only had one camera. I got my dad to put a clown costume on and my friend's nephew to dress up as the baby clown while we decorated the woods. Dog walkers gave us the weirdest looks. It was really fun."
  • Before she'd ever recorded any music Welch met Isabella Summer, an aspiring hip hop DJ from the Suffolk seaside town of Aldeburgh. Summer had access to a studio in Crystal Palace, south London and the duo began working together, challenging each other to write a song in ten minutes, or make music that didn't involve guitar, bass or programmed beats. The first songs they co-wrote were this one and " Between Two Lungs ."
  • Welch told MTV News about the song's music video: "I wanted it to be as artistic as possible. It wasn't about being pretty. I wanted something that was striking and made me look a bit scary."
  • The song featured during the trailer for Julia Roberts's Eat Pray Love movie and also in commercials for USA Network's spy drama Covert Affairs .
  • The song debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 dated September 25, 2010 after Florence + the Machine played the tune on the telecast of the VMA awards.
  • Welch recalled to Mojo how this became the breakthrough song she was looking for on her first album: "I was working with a lot of guitarists, and trying to record the beginnings of the first record. And nothing sounded right. It wasn't until I went, just for fun, to Isabella's (Summer's) studio, and we recorded 'Dog Days Are Over…' I did it without any guitar, and it was the first thing that I'd composed myself. There was no motive, or ego. And when I heard it without any guitar, and it was the right sound. It became this big kind of layered opus . And it sounded exciting. The label who were trying to sign me were very confused when they heard it. They said, 'what is this?'"
  • "Dog Days Are Over" takes center stage in the climactic finale of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 . In this pivotal scene, Rocket Racoon (Bradley Cooper) takes hold of Quill's (Chris Pratt) Zune, and with a swift scroll, he lands on Florence + the Machine's iconic track. As the music starts playing, the Guardians unite in a joyous dance, savoring what appears to be their well-deserved happily ever after. The song returned to the Top 40 of the UK Singles Chart in the week following the release of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 .
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Comments: 4

  • Bay Valley Dance & Gymnastics from Bay City Michigan We use Dog Days for our dance class warm-ups! Love the energy! 3 and 4 year olds up to adults. We move around 4 cones placed at the outer corners of the studio- March, skip, Chasse,... and everyone anticipates “Run for your mother...“ because we take off in a full run! Perfect song for heart rate staging! Blessings to you and your life! Thank you!
  • Markantney from Biloxe Jan 2017, I liked/loved the song the first time I heard it. I'm shocked it didn't chart in 2008.
  • Megan from Stevenson, Al This song is sooo cool! Love it!
  • Zeech from West Palm Beach, Fl This song is awesome. It makes you want to just step out and do it.

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Florence + the Machine : Dog Days Are Over Meaning

Album cover for Dog Days Are Over album cover

Song Released: 2008

Covered by: glee cast, dog days are over lyrics, 1 top rated.

I do not view this as a happy song at all. It annoyed me for a long time hearing this at weddings. I think the overall sound is deceptive (F+M is good at that) and the energy can be interpreted as urgent. Paired with some of the nicer lyrics it seems “happy”. However what it feels to me is urgent. Urgency is conveyed in the chorus when she talks about running. Musically it gives an urgent feel as well. The pacing is very quick and alert. She is running from something she doesn’t want. She is running for her life and possibly the lives of others. To me it describes a toxic or even abusive relationship. The relationship was quick (bullet in the back) and surprising. But also violent, so she runs (again chorus) for her life. Near the end where she talks about all she wanted was everything is referring to how many victims do have real and complicated feelings toward abusers. So it conveys that is what she did want, but also she has realized to have that is impossible because it will likely destroy her. Regardless it is beautifully performed and I have been fortunate to see it performed live twice now (saw her in Dallas recently for the second time). Just not a wedding song in my eyes.


I first heard Dog Days in Glee (yeah, I know...) but thanks to the show I discovered the beautiful wonderful world of Florence and the machine. Anyway, when I first heard Dog Days, I thought it was this happy giddy freedom song. You see in the Visayas Region of the Philippines (we are a 3rd World country), we have a saying "ting bitay og iro" which means "[it's the time of the year] to hang dogs"... Because a long time ago, when families literally had nothing left to eat, they'd kill stray dogs and have them as a meal. That's a long time ago, but the expression stuck with everyone. Business people here use it to refer to the slower and harder days (or months) of the year when small enterprises (and even large ones) barely earn any income. So when I first heard of the song, I thought it was about the bad days being over. I thought about how happiness was here and the horses brought with them something new. I thought that the first line "Happiness hit her like a train on a track" was about how strong happiness is coming for her. That was before I dissected the lyrics (I'm a beat and sound kind of girl). Now that I've read and reread the lyrics to the song. My interpretation has changed. Considering most of the band's songs are about abuse, violence and empowerment, I now think this song is about domestic violence (or battering). My new perspective about Dog Days changed when I read that universally, 'dog days' are referred to as happy days. So if you put that to the context of the song its easy to see how its about abuse. The first stanza: "Happiness, hit her like a train on a track Coming towards her, stuck still no turning back She hid around corners and she hid under beds She killed it with kisses and from it she fled With every bubble she sank with a drink And washed it away down the kitchen sink" Technically, one looks for a lover to find happiness. When you're in a relationship with someone, he or she stands as your happiness. In the song, Her happiness hurts her- he hits her. But she can't leave him (stuck still no turning back). She's afraid of him so she hides and she repays his aggression with kisses... To forget the pain, she starts drinking... The next line which is the chorus just means that her happy days are over, it's gone now and you should run away and leave him (horses are coming) or else... This line: "Run fast for your mother run fast for your father Run for your children for your sisters and brothers Leave all your love and your longing behind you Can't carry it with you if you want to survive" For me this line means that if you can't leave him because you love him, then do it for your parents who raised you will.. do it for your children, do it for your family... That part about "leave all your love and longing behind you, can't carry it with you if you want to survive" - is why I realized this song is about domestic violence. The victims of domestic violence, most of them women, can't leave their husbands or partners because of this belief that if she stays he will get better or that she loves him too much etc. or she has this irrational fear that she'll be nothing or nobody without him. This song tells us to leave those thoughts behind, leave this guy you 'love', whatever 'longing' you have, leave it too. Leave it all if you want to survive. And the last line that cements my new interpretation: "Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back Struck from a great height By someone who should know better than that" The writers want to clearly tell us that this girl never expected to be hurt or beaten (bullet in the back). This guy (the batterer) is probably someone you wouldn't expect to do any harm (someone who should know better than that). So there, my new perspective! Now that I see this song this way, I love it even more and I appreciate Florence & The Machine so much more.


I think this song, much like Vienna Teng's "Stray Italian Greyhound", is about falling in love without realizing and being surprised and confused by it, maybe even a bit afraid for not knowing how to deal with it. The songwriter starts by plainly stating the subject was about to be a victim to happiness, something she had no control over, no power to avoid or stop: [Happiness hit her like a train on a track / Coming towards her, stuck still no turning back] Despite it being clearly pointless (being that it was something so powerful and ruthlessly coming for her), she tried her best to avoid this unfamiliar, scary situation by hiding; maybe hooking up with other people or treating it like something of a purely sexual nature, refusing to even think about those emotions; she got drunk trying to forget about it and tried to purge it from her: [She hid around corners and she hid under beds / She killed it with kisses and from it she fled / With every bubble she sank with her drink / And washed it away down the kitchen sink] And then the song goes on to definitely state that it's all over: the dog days, which are heavy days associated with bad luck, lethargy, drought and tiredness, are gone because happiness is upon her; it's coming at her like a band of wild horses running at high speed: [The dog days are over / The dog days are done / The horses are coming / So you better run] At this point, the narrator backs up the subject's feelings and advises her that she's gotta run faster if she's so terrified of it, run for all that she holds dear, run for her life -- because if she doesn't, she'll succumb to that happiness she's so scared of, it's gonna get her. And the way to do that is to not feel, to kill her love and her longing because they'll hold her back, be her downfall; if she clings to those feelings, then she's done for, because then she will be lost in love (something only we, from the outside, know would bring happiness) which we also know she sees as something unknown and scary: [Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father / Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers / Leave all your love and your longing behind / You can't carry it with you if you want to survive] Then there's a part which, for me, is about the subject trying to deny her feelings, but it soon turns into a confession of the ruthless, thirsty love she is supressing underneath: [And I never wanted anything from you / Except everything you had / And what was left after that, too] The narrator then states how it finally got her, how she lost the battle -- caught by surprise by that love and happiness while she had her back turned to them because she was trying so desperately to run from them. And then the narrator says she was finally "defeated" by someone who should be more considerate than to disregard all her reservations and limitations and give her no room to escape, knowing that she was so terrified and that she maybe considered falling in love a bad thing, something she didn't want and resisted with all her might. [Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back / Struck from a great height / By someone who should know better than that] I'm sorry if it my train of thought gets a bit confusing at times, I tried my best!

I definitely believe this song to be a reference to the end of times as we know them now, all that she sings about are in Revelations in the Bible.

I might be mistaken, but in horse riding or something similar, didn't they used to have dogs run first (don't ask me why I don't know enough about horse riding), but it made me think maybe initially it was just running from dogs, and it was difficult, but she managed. But now she's running from horses, and if she doesn't run for her life, she's going to die. I interpret it as running from an abusive relationship that she clung to for too long. "leave all your love and your longing behind, you can't carry it with you if you want to survive"

Reading these interpretations, I am stuck with the subjectivity that art has. Depending on your mind, your heart and your individual experiences - the song will mean different things. Once reading all the different things taken from this song and trying to listen to it uniquely, I can definitely see the underlying domestic abuse references. On the other hand, part of me feels that this is connected to dreams and hopes of this woman. Specifically, how she discovered them but must run from them, hide them, to survive. That they will be put to the side for all else. But then eventually, the ignorance and pacification of these hopes - these dreams- leads her to depression. I don't know if I'm the only one to recognise this, but I believe that this powerful song revels your heart and your struggles that you may not have been aware of. Thank you.

"The God days are over...." - oh. I'm sorry did I say God? Hmmm. Must be a habit I picked up from Tori....I digress. Dog. The dog days. Happiness, hit her like a train on a track. --- (Like some say when you die, there's a bright light...and to 'go' towards it?) Well, if I had to guess how it would all go down for me, it very well could just be a light from an ONCOMING TRAIN. "Coming towards her, stuck still no turning back" Key word: STUCK. in limbo. Lost soul, possibly fractured. You can't turn around and go back anywhere. Your dead. (She)... and if she's hiding, [all over the place apparently], from death or the fact that she is denying her presence and validity of herchoices in the End Of Days, whether it be men (kisses), alcohol (washíng the pain down the sink) or simply running (fled)from the truth. The 'good' days, the 'God'days or 'Dog'-pick whichever, the point she's trying to make is THEY'RE DONE.GONE. Bueno. They have left the building..... ....and now you better get your shit together,And Pronto!Take all your things-wait--- (except What....was..?? EXCEPT YOUR LOVE! Geniuses. How many soldiers in WAR do you see with a rifle in one hand and a dozen roses in the other? Or Mad Max and the Thunderdome? Remember any Post Apocalyptic animal shelters or Sunday chicken dinners at g-mas in the movie? Fuck NO-THEY WERE TRYING TO SURVIVE. For the other interpretations, of this song, I'm not trying to say that my perception is right or yours is wrong, or that dv isnt horrible, /and/or break-ups for that matter.....but in all my years I can't recall any of those situations referencing HORSES. And the kind of running spoke about, ? Is anyone hearing the desperation and finalization (as in: no other option),in her..... I'd rather say 'warning' than words as ßhe sings,???? Horses are coming people. Horses have arrived, they might have passed that last train leaving ...( Full of dogs and Gods and good 'ol days, I digress.)These aren't your Budweiser Shelton's pulling the Christmas carriage in the old beer commercials.....these are the four freaking horsemen's horses... This is where you might stop and tàké a few minutes and skim over the book of revelations-no pressure-just if you got time and all)back to the topic at hand. just like today's present-time killers/thugs sporten /representing their 'colors' THESE Biblical Gangsters Riding theses beasts are No JOKe. (Ask Katy Perry) Red, black. White , again irrelevant. And referred to/ or addressed by they're {means of death} you know, how they're gonna wipe out strategic parts of the world, with specific instructions. famine...plagues, ect. irrelevant. ###Fast. Key word.and ###Horses, and these mf's have been told to "Get 'Er Done". Toss that heart outta the window,you can't and won't be using it Might wanna write that down, along with ..scratch that.. I'm gonna have to finish this another time. To be continued. I haven't gotten even 3 lines into the song and I'm exhausted. It's time to wake up sheeple. Songs like these are your ALARM CLOCKs...hitten the snooze button days are gone as well, sorry to tell you. Peace out

I think the video is about revelations. The final fight against good and evil. There are people dressed as Neanderthals and they represent mankind's past and the choir its present and the blue hue dancing girls its future. The four horses line represents the final fight to take place against evil.

Finally I Find someone have the same feeling on this song... I agree on everything. I continue to write because my words are too few for posting my comment. Awesome review, and awesome song too

I think it’s about someone, in this case a girl, who has never been happy and is afraid of this new feeling that actually makes her happy for maybe the first time in a very very long time. So she pulls away from it any way she can but it can’t be denied. She’s doing everything she can to sabotage it, using every mechanism of denial and escape that she’s used before but it’s just not going to work this time. The way the inner turmoil of this dichotomy is verbalized by the sung lyrics is one of those perfect instances where words and music both convey they same idea.

I think you either fall into the "it's about beginnings" or "it's about ends" camp, and I think it's about ends. The end of a relationship, the end of addiction, the end of abuse, whatever lense you choose to view your life, and therefore the song, through. The song says as much: the dog days are over. To me, this is written from the perspective of someone having been dumped, or ending a relationship they don't realize is bad or dangerous at the time. Abuse? If you choose to believe that, but this song isn't about any attacker, it's about her own journey. For once, it's about her. Happiness, hit her like a train on a track/Coming towards her, stuck still no turning back Getting hit by a train sucks, it hurts, sometimes making a decision that will eventually result in happiness hurts in the moment you have to make it. Leaving someone you love hurts, but it can also be the best decision of your life. It can make you happy. The second line may imply it wasn't her decision, or maybe that this was inevitable. She hid around corners and she hid under beds/She killed it with kisses and from it she fled/With every bubble she sank with a drink/And washed it away down the kitchen sink Shes hiding from the reality that this is the right thing to do, the right decision to make, trying to repair feeling permanently broken with "kisses", or even clinging too tightly and only making things worse. Drinking is a bad way to cope, but it sure feels right in the moment, and "washing it away" could imply a desire to cover up the disarray. The dog days are over/The dog days are done/The horses are coming so you better run Whatever thing that has ended, whatever thing she's lost, it better that it's gone and it's time to move on. Run fast for your mother run fast for your father/Run for your children for your sisters and brothers The trickiest lines to reconcile. "Run" shouldn't necessarily be interpreted as running from or to something or someone physical as much as forward momentum in life. Some serious forward momentum after a period of stagnation caused by whatever bad situation "she" was in previously. When you're in a bad place, you're constantly searching for things to keep you going. Often times the thing that has kept you going is that thing you have to give up, drinking, a drug, a bad relationship, they just hold you in place. Family, or the idealized roles of mother, father, child and sibling (being ones of love, kindness, support and stability) represent reasons to move forward. F+M are telling you to run "for" these things, as in champion these people or ideals above the ephemeral joys of addiction or unhealthy relationships. I see these lines being about an urgency or need to move forward and reestablish what life is worth living for. Leave all your love and your longing behind you/Can't carry it with you if you want to survive Just good advice. Love isn't always the right emotion to trust. Love can guide you to amazing places but it can also destroy you. Longing is what happens when your separated for that which you love. I believe there lines to convey the idea that if you want to move forward ("survive") you have to shed these emotions when they are born from unhealthy desires. The dog days are over/The dog days are done/Can't you hear the horses/'Cause here they come There are varying opinions of weather "dog days" are good times or bad times, but in order for this interpretation to work, the phrase refers to the later. And according to the lyrics, unrefutably they are over. Horses are often used as a symbol of freedom. Wild horses and the like: purist freedom. If the horses are coming for you, it may be a way to say that freedom they represent is coming for you. And I never wanted anything from you/Except everything you had/And what was left after that too, oh. I think this is a really succinct way convey how quickly things can spiral out of control when it comes to addiction. How something that feels like an innocent love affair can suddenly become a situation where you get all your joy from one person or one thing: you're addicted. Honestly, a bad relationship can sometimes feel like an addiction, which is why so many artists have written about one as a metaphor for the other. That is what could be happening in this line. Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back/Struck from a great height/By someone who should know better than that These are the last lines of the song before it starts repeating. And while the first line is a reprise of the first line of the song, the last two are where things fall apart. The lines imply a sentience to whatever ales our main character. Drugs can't "know better than that", someone breaking up with her for their own health and happiness isn't something to "know better than", and her doing the breaking-up isn't really an external figure striking her down. Personally I dislike the line as it is the only line explicitly not about "her" and removes all her agency and ownership over her own story and her own experience. The best interpretation of the last line and therefore the whole song is that of an abusive relationship. Sure, that's all fine and dandy, but my own interpretation has helped me through a very hard time in my life. And isn't that the point? The true interpretation is vague, as most songs of this nature are. They're stories with just enough details that you can project your own world view on to them and cry silently at your desk at work, or maybe in the milk cooler while you pat yourself on the back for being strong in the face of addiction or heartbreak or abuse and moving forward. I had heard this song years ago and liked it, but it didn't mean anything to me until just recently. Happiness hit me like a train on a track. Yes, I think you either fall into the "it's about beginnings" or "it's about ends" camp, but in reality, as Semisonic once said "every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." And hopefully it brings something better.

This song could be about a toxic relationship like a lot of songs mention. She's going through relationship abuse, but doesn't want to leave him. A lot of people in love often make stupid decisions. Love is blind, I tell you

Okay so I'm young and dyslexic so if there is bad grammar that's why lol. Anyway on to my interpretation on this song! So I think this song is about sexual abuse or just abuse.... Reason 1: it talk about killing someone with kisses that could mean it's about having to kiss someone even though you may not want too. Reason 2: it also talks about hiding under beds and other places, I think that they could be running from someone. Reason 3: it says that you can't carry it with you if you want to survive, and I think this could be talking about the people who have to leave there homes during the night so they can't take things with them. That's it lol. I couldn't find anyone who felt the same way so maybe I'm wrong. Anyway have a awesome day!!

i think its friggin fascinating how people interpret the meaning of this song. It just proves we are all such unique thinkers and music can provoke many varied emotions based on what we hear the meaning to be... obviously a big part of that is based on what we are going though at the time. Which brings me to my interpretation... the only thing the song could possibly mean. The beginning keyboard and the pained voice literally makes me cry in sadness...but then as the build comes, i feel empowered and celebratory, and the tears become more of happiness... because its behind me now.... I believe she is the voice in my head (with that angelic voice) reminding me of my days of addiction. As someone that had never drank or did drugs in my life, at the age of 47 i decided to try something, and it hit me like a freight train i instantly fell in love. I hid it and kept my new love a secret from everyone... i lived in the dark for many years... things got dark and heavy. when i stopped (all on my own cuz it just wasnt fun anymore)... "clouds" lifted and my family and friends were there. So i consider Florance telling me Those Dog Days Are Over, shes reminding me they are behind you... but the horses are coming meaning the partying is always gonna be chasing me wanting me to get caught up in it again...but her screaming, "the dog days are over" in a celebratory tone keeps me on track and reminds me to run to my family .... they are always there... to keep you strong. i truely believe this song keeps me out of those dark dog days, so thank you Florance... even if its only my interpretation.... thats all that really matters.

There are so many interpretations on here. It has been said that in order to be art it must have different meanings to different people. That the song has inspired so many different meanings is a testament to the artistic quality of the song. I personally have never really "gotten" this song but after reading the myriad interpretations I'd have to go with the abusive relationship. And the Christian references I'd also agree with though I think they are more of a reflection of the writer's upbringing than overt references. However, this is only how I experience it and whatever this song means to you, you are right.

To me this song is about political changes happening in the UK. It is about the change from a relatively rough, but Equalitarian, social order into one ruled by upper class capital (symbolised by the horses). I think Florence is saying that in order to survive you're going to have to shut off your emotions for a while and run, cos it's not going to be a good thing.

Dog days is an idiom that means the hot days between July and August. It also means stagnation. She is surprised by the end of the hard period in her life. That's why she hides. She doesn't know how to deal with happiness and the new energy.

I think it’s about the holocaust. I think it’s about a girl running from a camp after breaking free. She is happy to finally get away. She can turn back cause she’s running for her life. She’s hiding around corners and under beds from the nazis She has to leave all her family behind if she wants to live. And the horses are nazis chasing after her so she has to run. And she realizes that the dog says are done as she runs. All thought the song sounds happy I think it’s about something dark and urgent

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This week’s tune is a song about finding happiness and getting past the negative points in our lives. As a thought leader in the team building industry, the focus is on creating positive change and supporting employees in finding happiness and navigating challenges, coinciding with the dog days are over meaning. By prioritizing employee well-being, resilience can be cultivated, leading to a harmonious workplace culture benefiting both the company and individual employees.

A Song About Finding Happiness

“Dog Days Are Over” – by Florence + The Machine

Dog Days Are Over Meaning

Florence and The Machine is an indie rock group from London, England. The band consists of the main vocalist, Florence Welch, Isabella Summers on the keyboard, and Rob Ackroyd on the guitar.  Since the formation of the band in 2007, they have won various awards and recognition for their unique blend of music styles. The hit single “Dog Days Are Over” has been used in a variety of television series and films around the world including, Gossip Girl, Skins, and Eat Pray Love . The catchy tune is a song about finding happiness and realizing that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. No matter what hardships we are facing we will reach a point when the “dog days are over,” and the struggles will all be in the past. It’s a great song that encourages the listener to run towards happiness and leave all of the hardships behind.

“…The horses are coming so you better run”

Connection to Team Building

Finding happiness.

Happiness and well-being strongly impact employee engagement, performance, and productivity. Research shows that there is a strong correlating between happiness and creativity contributing to long term organizational success. The dog days are over meaning of finding happiness and leaving behind negative experiences resonates with many of the goals of team building . Team building activities aim to create a positive and supportive environment where employees can find happiness in their work and building stronger relationships with their colleagues.

Overcoming Challenges

The Dog Days Are Over lyrics suggest that the struggles we face will eventually come to an end. This message can be applied to a team atmosphere as well, emphasizing the importance of perseverance in overcoming challenges as a team and in your professional life. By promoting a culture of support and encouragement, team building efforts can help employees navigate difficulties and find solutions together.

Cultivating Resilience & Creating a Harmonious Workplace Culture

The “run fast for your mother, run fast for your father” line can be interpreted as a call to action, urging individuals to be proactive in pursuing happiness and leaving behind negativity. Similarly, in team building, it is important for team members to take initiative, support one another, and work together towards a common goal. By prioritizing employee well-being, team building initiatives can contribute to a positive and inclusive work environment where individuals feel supported, motivated, and engaged.

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Dog Days Are Over Lyrics

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Dog Days Are Over Songtext von Florence + the Machine

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Dog Days Are Over Songtext

Writer(s): Florence Leontine Mary Welch, Isabella Janet Florentina Summers Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com

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Q&A: Tom Tykwer, Franka Potente on the frenzy of ‘Run Lola Run’ and its theatrical re-release

This image released by Sony Pictures Classics shows Franka Potente in a scene from "Run Lola Run." (Bernd Spauke/Sony Pictures Classics via AP)

This image released by Sony Pictures Classics shows Franka Potente in a scene from “Run Lola Run.” (Bernd Spauke/Sony Pictures Classics via AP)

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Lola’s red hair might have been a mistake. Not the color, mind you. Franka Potente’s electric locks in “Run Lola Run” are as intrinsic to the adrenaline rush of her sprint through Berlin as the film’s heart-racing electronic score. Given the choice now, however, Potente would say no to bleaching her hair three times in one day.

Still, regrets are few about the film and the whirlwind frenzy of its life-changing success. And when you’re 22 and making an experimental indie with like-minded, convention-defying peers, hair damage is not top of mind. It was just part of the reckless fun of making this wild film about a woman who has 20 minutes to try to collect 100,000 Deutschmarks to save her boyfriend’s life.

For its 25th anniversary, Sony Pictures Classics is sending a beautiful 4K restoration of “Run Lola Run” to theaters nationwide this weekend. Filmmaker Tom Tykwer even got to fix some of the tiny problems that have bothered him over the years.

“It’s now the pristine and super nice ‘perfect’ version of a still beautifully imperfect movie,” he said.

The AP spoke to Potente and Tykwer about the wild ride that was “Run Lola Run,” its impact and influence. Remarks have been edited for clarity and brevity.

FILE - Honoree Nicole Kidman speaks during the 49th AFI Life Achievement Award tribute to her, Saturday, April 27, 2024, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. The tribute will air on TNT on Monday. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello, File)

AP: This is embarrassing, but I kind of became aware of the movie because I saw a photo of Natalie Portman dressed as Lola at a Halloween Party.

POTENTE : She told me that she did that! I was like, oh my god. Tom has stories like that too. Even today these cool little things surface. Didn’t Gregory Peck’s widow say that Gregory Peck saw and loved “Run Lola Run” before he passed? Those were moments ...

TYKWER: I remember we were already shooting “The Princess and the Warrior,” and we were in a hotel in Wuppertal, Germany, and sleeping and the reception calls and says, “I have Dustin Hoffman on the phone.” I’m like “ha ha ha, I’m sleeping.” It was the middle of the night, and he had just seen the movie and was completely flipping out, like “I want to be in your next movie.” I said, “We’re already shooting.” And he’s like “Where are you? I’m coming.” “But it’s German language.” “I don’t care.”

POTENTE: Six months later he was in Berlin, and I drove him around in my car that had tons of cigarette butts and trash and he loved it. He was like oh my god this is an adventure, like with these little punks. I was driving a Saab 900, so many cigarette butts and red bull cans.

TYKWER: I made a movie with him seven years later (“Perfume: The Story of a Murderer”).

AP: Lola has been so referenced in pop culture, a Bon Jovi music video, an episode of the children’s show “Phineas and Ferb.” Have you seen many? Do you have a favorite?

TYKWER: “The Simpsons” one is great. It was funny because no one ever asked, and I suddenly saw it watching television. I was like, you even took our music. It was probably better than any awards we could have ever got. Now forever we are in “The Simpsons.”

I’ve actually even been in talks about a TV series. If the concept is interesting, why not do it? Either it reminds people of how good our film is or people will be like “that’s a good variation.” Quoting and remaking and rethinking and reinventing is also what I do as a filmmaker. So, I like it. Even if it fails, I like it.

This image released by Sony Pictures Classics shows Franka Potente in a scene from "Run Lola Run." (Bernd Spauke/Sony Pictures Classics via AP)

AP: What’s it like watching it on the big screen again?

TYKWER: I never watch my movies again. Once they’re done, I’m done. The most incredible thing about it is that for any film that you make, there comes a time when you suddenly are really able to watch it as the audience and not as the person that was there all the time. It emancipated from you. I’m just older. I’m not the guy anymore who made this film. And I watched it as if I was the audience. It’s so nice. I so enjoyed Franka, who’s so energetically enigmatic and, in this new transfer, glowing in a way.

AP: Where do you think “Run Lola Run” fits in cinematic history?

TYKWER: In the end of the ‘90s there were some quite important films, and I’m happy to say maybe we were one of them. There was stuff like “The Matrix” and a movie like “Man on the Moon,” this really great, strange film that Miloš Forman did with Jim Carrey.

At the time, at the turn of the millennium, filmmaking strategy went through a renewal and I think we were a tiny part of this. The reinvention of television, I think it was ignited by cinema and by the new ways of storytelling. We’re just one — not irrelevant — spark in there.

AP: What was the frenzy like around the time of its release?

POTENTE: It’s comparable to, in my mind, what a musician’s life might be like, like a rock star or a stereotyped idea of what that would be like. And that’s what it was like for probably a year or two. By the time we got an MTV Award, I was like, I’m done. I’m not even going. I didn’t even go and pick it up. I couldn’t. It was just I was like, I’m going to be on the couch. It’s crazy. Why didn’t I go? I should have gone.

AP: Were you surprised that it caught on like it did?

TYKWER: You have to remember it was a small, super independently financed film. It got lots of head-scratching from those people who brought money in, like “it starts three times, that doesn’t make a movie.” One of the things I loved was that it seemed like an action movie, but with a strong emotional center and quite a lot of structural and philosophical substance underneath. I thought you can bring all this together in a movie. It’s why I was mentioning “The Matrix” which was like the big scale sibling to us. That’s how we all got to know each other, we both reached out and were like “who are you and what are you trying?” That’s what the energy was.

We never imagined the voyage the movie would take. It was a nerdy, quirky movie that we only made because we loved making it. We were really innocent kids. Maybe that’s part of the beauty and the energy of the film and why it’s so delightful. I could never do it now. I’m not that person anymore unfortunately.

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Breaking news, mom of 2 boys killed by la socialite rebecca grossman decries sentencing, believes judge ‘lumped’ kids together.

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The heartbroken mother of the two young boys whom an LA socialite killed in a hit-and-run crash said it felt as if she was “stabbed in the heart” when she learned the murderer’s fate.

Rebecca Grossman was sentenced on Monday to 15 years to life in prison for killing brothers Jacob, 8, and Mark Iskander, while prosecutors demanded she receive the maximum sentence of 34 years to life in state prison.

Nancy Iskander said Grossman’s sentence was painful to listen to as Superior Court Judge Joseph Brandolino gave a lighter sentence, believing he “lumped” the two boys together in the ruling.

Nancy Iskander said Rebecca Grossman's sentence was painful to listen to as Superior Court Judge Joseph Brandolino gave a lighter sentence, believing he "lumped" the two boys together in the ruling.

“The 15 to life was a stab in my heart,” Iskander told KABC . “In two different ways: The first way was that he lumped both boys as if they were one. And they were not.”

“If you ask any parent, they will tell you their kids are not the same person. They’re different. They have two different personalities,” she added. “Especially kids who had their whole lives in front of them. You can’t count them two for one. It’s extremely unfair.”

The two boys were killed on September 29, 2020 , when they were crossing the street in Westlake Village with their mother and younger brother, Zachary.

As the two older boys stepped into the crosswalk, a Mercedes GLE 43 AMG driven by Grossman fatally crashed into them before fleeing.

Rebecca Grossman was sentenced on Monday to 15 years to life in prison for killing brothers Jacob, 8, and Mark Iskander.

“Had (Grossman) been maybe a little less drunk or maybe paying attention a little bit, she could’ve avoided one of them,” Iskander said. “Jacob only needed one step, one more step exactly to survive and not be hit by her car.”

Prosecutors, who were seeking the maximum 34 years to life for Grossman, say the socialite was out drinking with her then-lover, former Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Scott Erickson, before the two raced each other, reaching speeds up to 81 mph before the fatal crash.

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Grossman spoke directly to the grieving Iskanders during her sentencing hearing on Monday.

“If I could just bring Mark and Jacob back, I would give my life. I am so, so sorry. I’ve wanted to talk to you for so long. I’m sorry that did not happen. I didn’t flee. My car turned off. My pain is nothing compared to your pain. I’m so sorry for what happened to you.”

Iskander slammed Grossman's apology as fake, which made her want to get up and leave the courtroom.

Iskander slammed Grossman’s apology as fake, adding it made her want to get up and leave the courtroom.

“I’ll first tell you what made me leave my seat. I expected her to be her: not genuine, not true, not sorry.”

Iskander said she remained in her seat when Grossman begged her to stay, with the mother thinking something changed in her son’s killer.

A Mercedes GLE 43 AMG driven by Grossman fatally crashed into the two boys before fleeing the scene on Sept. 29, 2020.

“As soon as she started talking, it was exactly what I expected. It was not real. It was not ‘I’m sorry I killed them.’ It was ‘I’m sorry for your loss,'” Iskander said.

Grossman, 60, is eligible for parole in nine years and was also ordered to pay $47,161.89 in restitution.

Iskander faulted Grossman for killing her boys — and a part of her.

Iskander faulted Grossman for killing her boys -- and a part of her.

“When your child dies, you die. I have no doubt: Part of me is dead. And it’s dead because of her. And I have to function and take care of little kids while I’m half-dead.”

Iskander described the sentencing as the “hardest day of the whole trial.”

“I would compare Monday to September 29, 2020, almost to the same extent of pain,” she told KTLA . “All I can say about that is that I hope nine years is enough time for her heart to change. I’m not sure.”

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Nancy Iskander said Rebecca Grossman's sentence was painful to listen to as Superior Court Judge Joseph Brandolino gave a lighter sentence, believing he "lumped" the two boys together in the ruling.



Georgetown’s Call Your Mother bagel shop may get shut down

Luke Lukert | [email protected]

June 12, 2024, 8:47 AM

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You may see long lines stretching out of the vibrant pink corner house in D.C.’s Georgetown. They are patrons of Call Your Mother, a jew-ish deli, but they may not be able to visit in the future because the popular shop faces closure.

Call Your Mother has operated at the corner location since July of 2020. Since then, neighbors have complained that large crowds hamper the neighborhood.

Some neighbors in nearby row houses have also reported the patrons of the bagel shop will grab their bagel and then go sit on their stoops.

The bagel shop has been allowed to operate in this primarily residential area because it received a zoning variance that allows them to sell prepared food. Corner stores are often zoned for residential neighborhoods, but need to receive a variance from the zoning board to sell prepared food.

Last week, after a meeting, the Advisory Neighborhood Commission for the area sent a formal letter to D.C.’s Board of Zoning Adjustment to rescind the variance for Call Your Mother.

In the letter ANC 2E Chair Gwendolyn Lohse wrote, “the large crowds that critically cannot be contained within the establishment create a routine objectionable condition. The applicant (Call Your Mother) has made attempts and promised plans to address these crowds and the detrimental impact they have, but these attempts have not and will not succeed without a fundamental shift in shop operations.”

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In documents submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustment , owners of Call Your Mother state that they have posted signs asking customers to eat off site and away from neighboring property.

They also store trash in their basement and offer no outdoor seating for their mostly pedestrian customers.

One neighbor, though, is happy the bagel shop is in the area.

They wrote an email to the board stating: “We live near Call Your Mother in Georgetown and support it. We do not believe it creates objectionable noise, traffic, etc. it does not cause problems. It’s been great for the neighborhood.”

D.C’. s Board of Zoning Adjustment is holding a variance hearing Wednesday.

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Since joining WTOP Luke Lukert has held just about every job in the newsroom from producer to web writer and now he works as a full-time reporter. He is an avid fan of UGA football. Go Dawgs!

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Rebecca Grossman gets 15 years to life for murder of boys killed in crosswalk

Rebecca Grossman, left, and her daughter, Alexis, walk into court in February.

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A judge on Monday sentenced Rebecca Grossman to 15 years to life in prison for the murders of two brothers she struck while speeding through a Westlake Village crosswalk four years ago, saying her actions were “reckless and unquestionably negligent.”

After hearing Nancy Iskander, the mother of 11-year-old Mark Iskander and 8-year-old Jacob Iskander, angrily ask for the sentence to reflect the deaths of both her boys, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Joseph Brandolino sentenced the philanthropist to two concurrent terms, plus another concurrent three years for fleeing the scene of the fatal crash.

“She is a coward,” Iskander said of Grossman.

But Brandolino said Grossman is “not a monster as the prosecutors portrayed her to be.”

Appearing in court with her hair pulled back in a ponytail and wearing a brown shirt over a white T-shirt and slacks, Grossman, 60, agreed to pay $47,161.89 in restitution to the Iskander family. Her lawyers say the co-founder of the Grossman Burn Foundation had already donated $25,000 for funeral expenses.

Dr. Peter Grossman leaves a Van Nuys courthouse with his two children, Nicholas and Alexis.

“I never saw anyone,” Grossman said during sentencing. “I would have driven into a brick wall. ... I don’t know why God did not take my life.”

She said she went into a state of denial after the collision and shut down.

Looking at Nancy Iskander, she said tearfully, “My pain is a fraction of your pain.”

VAN NUYS, CA - FEBRUARY 14: Rebecca Grossman, left, and daughter heads to Van Nuys Courthouse West Van Nuys, CA. (Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times)

No new trial for Rebecca Grossman. Judge cites booze, speed, warning in upholding murder conviction

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Attorney Ryan Gould said the prosecution was disappointed with the outcome. “We don’t think the judge gave a sentence that was appropriate, in light of everything that Ms. Grossman continues to do,” he said.

The sentencing ends a nearly four-year criminal saga in which prosecutors say Grossman refused to accept responsibility for the boys’ deaths and tried to manipulate the case from behind bars even after her conviction.

After a six-week trial filled with dramatic testimony, Grossman was convicted in February of two counts of second-degree murder, two counts of gross vehicular manslaughter and one count of hit and run with fatality in the September 2020 killings of the two children.

The boys’ mother testified during trial that her older children had been walking ahead of her and her youngest son in the marked crosswalk on Triunfo Canyon Road when she heard engines roaring. Two sport utility vehicles were barreling toward them.

Iskander dived for safety, grabbing her 5-year-old son. Her next memory, she said, is of Jacob and Mark crumpled on the roadway.

Grossman was driving behind Scott Erickson, a former Dodgers player , who earlier in the day had been drinking cocktails with her at a nearby restaurant. She was driving as fast as 81 mph and traveled another half-mile after slamming into the children, according to evidence presented at trial.

Nancy Iskander and her husband, Karim, talk with media.

Prosecutors Gould, Habib Balian and Jamie Castro wrote to the judge last week that Grossman showed no remorse : “The defendant’s actions from September 29, 2020, through today show a complete lack of remorse and narcissistic superiority that leads to only one conclusion, that she is not deserving of any leniency.”

On Monday, more than a dozen of the Iskanders’ friends and family members came before the judge to describe the hole left after the boys’ deaths and ask that Grossman receive a lengthy prison term.

Pastor Chamie Delkeskamp of Ascension Lutheran Church in Thousand Oaks said the fatal crash scarred the entire community, noting that many children are now scared to go into a crosswalk. Probation for Grossman “would be a slap in the face of justice,” Delekeskamp said.

Mark and Jacob Iskander

Former babysitter Natalie Nashed noted that the “senseless crime ... took two innocent souls.”

Sherif Iskander, the boys’ uncle, said Grossman — whom he described as self-centered and entitled — “tried to get away with murder.”

“To this day, she never apologized to our family,” he said.

Joyce Ghobrial, the boys’ grandmother, told the court: “I am just living the rest of my life to die grieving.” As her voice faltered, Nancy Iskander stood and touched her mother’s back to comfort her.

When Bodie Wallace, who was Jacob’s best friend, spoke, Grossman buckled over in her seat, sobbing. The 13-year-old said the song “10,000 Reasons” makes him sad now because he wonders about the “10,000 reasons why Ms. Grossman did not say ‘sorry’ right away.”

VAN NUYS, CA - FEBRUARY 14: Rebecca Grossman, second from left, with her husband, Dr. Peter Grossman, left, and daughter heads to Van Nuys Courthouse West Van Nuys, CA. (Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times)

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Grossman’s attorneys, led by James Spertus, had argued that the mother of two, who had no prior criminal record, should be spared prison time. They asked the judge to consider probation with a suspended sentence or a shorter prison term.

Her lawyers painted a far different picture of Grossman as a “humanitarian” who worked to save female burn victims and victims of domestic violence.

While saying the Iskanders’ loss is “incalculable,” Spertus wrote in a sentencing memorandum last week that the Grossmans have experienced a different loss: the loss of a mother to her two children, and Grossman herself has lost her purpose in life and “bears overwhelming sadness, despair and regret for her role in the tragedy.”

He attached several letters from Grossman’s family and friends, including one from Grossman’s son, Nick, who said, “Nothing compares to what the Iskanders are going through, but ever since the accident, it’s just felt like the world hates my mom and everyone is against our family.”

On Monday, he addressed the court, saying: “My mother is not the bad person the media has painted.”

Grossman’s legal team played a 30-minute video that began with her husband, Dr. Peter Grossman, saying: “We don’t compare our pain to theirs.” The video included daughter Alexis relating how her mother had been abandoned by her father and molested by her own mother’s boyfriend, suffering “every kind of abuse by the age of 13.” Nick described his mother as a “very spiritual person.”

Grossman dropped out of college because she couldn’t afford it, her husband said, and became a flight attendant before starting her own medical device business. He also recounted the story of a badly burned girl from Afghanistan who was 10 when they took her into their home.

“I give my heart and love to Rebecca,” the now-adult burn patient, Zubaida, said in the video. “She is my mother.”

But Nancy Iskander rejected the case for Grossman’s compassion. She said when she was in the hospital and a doctor outside the emergency room asked her about disconnecting Jacob’s life support, she saw Grossman there.

“She looked me in the eye,” the grieving mother said, with tears in her eyes and steel in her voice. “That was the moment to say something.”

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VAN NUYS, CA - FEBRUARY 14: Rebecca Grossman, left, and daughter heads to Van Nuys Courthouse West Van Nuys, CA. (Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times)

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Richard Winton is an investigative crime writer for the Los Angeles Times and part of the team that won the Pulitzer Prize for public service in 2011. Known as @lacrimes on Twitter, during almost 30 years at The Times he also has been part of the breaking news staff that won Pulitzers in 1998, 2004 and 2016.

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Television June 10, 2024

‘deadliest catch’: tensions run high in season 20 cold open (exclusive clip).

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The stakes are higher than ever on “Deadliest Catch,” as the show marks its 20th-season premiere!

The captains and crews are competing in a sudden death-style form of crab fishing called a derby with a $30-million prize.

In an exclusive look at the cold open, Captain Sig Hansen says, “Time, we all think we have time,” just before we see him and the Northwestern team racing to save Clark when he goes overboard.

After the tense moment, Sig can be heard saying, “King crab is back, but it is derby-style. Those kids, those fisherman in there, they think they know what a derby is. They are as young and dumb as we used to be. They have no idea.”

Sig continues, “A derby is a race against time. The experienced guys who have been through it prepare for months. We look at the surveys, make our battle plans.”

Hinting at what is to come, Hansen says, “There are no rules, there is no sleep, and there are no guarantees. There is $30 million on the line. It is you versus nature versus everyone else.”

The competition is said to be cutthroat, and Sig and his competitors will also have to contend with a rare super El Niño weather pattern.

Watch the two-hour premiere on Tuesday, June 11, at 8 p.m. on Discovery Channel.

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    The Lyrics of "Dog Days Are Over". Florence Welch got the title of this song from a billboard in London she used to pass regularly while riding her bike. As generally understood, "dog days" is a term used to encapsulate a troubling era in one's life. But as Florence was knowledgeable of the term, "dog days" also has something to ...

  9. Florence + The Machine

    And washed it away down the kitchen sink. The dog days are over. The dog days are done. The horses are coming. So you better run. Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father. Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers. Leave all your loving, your loving behind. You cant carry it with you if you want to survive.

  10. Florence + The Machine

    For example "run faster for your mother for your father, run for your children for your sisters and brothers". I feel like she's telling you to leave, like don't waste time on it and just run. For your families, those who loves you and wouldn't want you to stay stuck and move on for the sake of them.

  11. Dog Days Are Over

    'Cause here they come Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers Leave all your love and your longing behind You can't carry it with you if you want to survive The dog days are over The dog days are done Can you hear the horses? 'Cause here are they come The dog days are over The dog ...

  12. Florence + the Machine

    The horses are coming so you better run. Run fast for your mother run fast for your father. Run for your children for your sisters and brothers. Leave all your love and your longing behind you. Can't carry it with you if you want to survive. The dog days are over. The dog days are done. Can't you hear the horses.


    Happiness hit her Like a train on a track Coming towards her Stuck still, no turning back. She hid around corners And she hid under beds She killed it with kisses And from it she fled. With every bubble She sank with a drink And washed it away Down the kitchen sink. The dog days are over The dog days are done The horses are coming So you better run. Run fast for your mother Run fast for your ...

  14. Dog Days Are Over

    The dog days are over. The dog days are done. The horses are coming. So you better run. Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father. Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers ...

  15. Dog Days Are Over by Florence + the Machine

    We move around 4 cones placed at the outer corners of the studio- March, skip, Chasse,... and everyone anticipates "Run for your mother..." because we take off in a full run! Perfect song for heart rate staging! Blessings to you and your life! Thank you! Markantney from Biloxe Jan 2017, I liked/loved the song the first time I heard it. I'm ...

  16. Dog Days Are Over Lyrics by Florence And The Machine

    With every bubble she sank with her drink. And washed it away down the kitchen sink. The dog days are over. The dog days are done. The horses are coming. So you better run. Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father. Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers. Leave all your loving, your loving behind.

  17. Florence + the Machine

    [Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father / Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers / Leave all your love and your longing behind / You can't carry it with you if you want to survive] Then there's a part which, for me, is about the subject trying to deny her feelings, but it soon turns into a confession of the ruthless ...

  18. Dog Days Are Over Meaning by Florence+ The Machine

    The "run fast for your mother, run fast for your father" line can be interpreted as a call to action, urging individuals to be proactive in pursuing happiness and leaving behind negativity. Similarly, in team building, it is important for team members to take initiative, support one another, and work together towards a common goal.

  19. Florence + the Machine

    And washed it away down the kitchen sink. The dog days are over. The dog days are done. The horses are coming. So you better run. Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father. Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers. Leave all your love and your longing behind. You can′t carry it with you if you want to survive.

  20. Q&A: Tom Tykwer, Franka Potente on the frenzy of 'Run Lola Run' and its

    Lola's red hair might have been a mistake. Not the color, mind you. Franka Potente's electric locks in "Run Lola Run" are as intrinsic to the adrenaline rush of her sprint through Berlin as the film's heart-racing electronic score. Given the choice now, however, Potente would say no to bleaching her hair three times in one day.

  21. The 50 Best Songs of 2024 So Far

    39. Babehoven: "Ella's From Somewhere Else". The most epic track from Babehoven's latest album, Water's Here in You, is one of my favorite songs of the year so far. "Ella's From ...

  22. Mom of 2 boys killed by LA socialite Rebecca Grossman decries

    The heartbroken mother of the two young boys whom an LA socialite killed in a hit-and-run crash said it felt as if she was "stabbed in the heart" when she learned the murderer's fate ...

  23. Georgetown's Call Your Mother bagel shop may get shut down

    Call Your Mother has operated at the corner location since July of 2020. Since then, neighbors have complained that large crowds hamper the neighborhood. Some neighbors in nearby row houses have ...

  24. Celebrate Mom this Mother's Day: A Gift Guide For the ...

    When in doubt, give the gift of donuts from Dunkin'! Show up on mom's doorstep this Sunday with a box of sweet treats and her favorite coffee. This Mother's Day Weekend (Saturday and Sunday), Dunkin' Rewards members will earn 3x points on orders of half dozen and dozen donut orders, and 25 or 50-count Dunkin' MUNCHKINS® Donut Hole ...

  25. Flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia : r/vexillology

    601K subscribers in the vexillology community. A subreddit for those who enjoy learning about flags, their place in society past and present, and…

  26. Rebecca Grossman gets 15 years to life for murder of boys killed in

    By Richard Winton Staff Writer. June 10, 2024 1:27 PM PT. A judge on Monday sentenced Rebecca Grossman to 15 years in prison for the murders of two brothers she struck while speeding through a ...

  27. THE BEST Things to Do in Bykovo

    Things to Do in Bykovo, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 274 traveler reviews and photos of Bykovo tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in February. We have reviews of the best places to see in Bykovo. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  28. THE BEST Things to Do in Elektrogorsk

    Fort Wayne Children's Zoo Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library Marineland Majorca Stonecrop Gardens Al Rudaf Park Sea Girt Beach and Boardwalk Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute Chung Dam Spa & Fitness Accra zoo Detroit-Windsor Tunnel Private tasting in the Douro (1 to 6 people) on a Yacht just for you Helicopter Tour Cartagena - Ciudad Perdida(Lost City) Washington DC Segway Night Tour Grand ...

  29. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Cities near Elektrostal. Places of interest. Pavlovskiy Posad Noginsk. Travel guide resource for your visit to Elektrostal. Discover the best of Elektrostal so you can plan your trip right.

  30. 'Deadliest Catch': Tensions Run High in Season 20 Cold Open ...

    Discovery. The stakes are higher than ever on "Deadliest Catch," as the show marks its 20th-season premiere! The captains and crews are competing in a sudden death-style form of crab fishing ...