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dhanushkodi beach point

Southern Coast Route

Southern coast route: bike trip from bangalore to chennai.

Bangalore - Mysuru - Cochin - Madurai - Dhanushkodi - Pondicherry - Chennai

dhanushkodi ghost town

It shouldn’t take you more than 3 hours to cover the distance between Bangalore and Mysore, because the highway here is well-maintained and 4-laned. In Mysore, make a pit stop and take in the tourist attractions including the resplendent Mysore Palace and the museum that gives you a genuine taste of Karnataka culture. Mysore needs at least one day to cover its length and breadth, and once you are re-fueled and rejuvenated, your next stop is going to be a ride across state borders. Mysore to Wayanad is a 2-lane roadway, but from Thrissur, the roads open up to a wide 4-lane highway. Kerala’s Kochi is an international tourist favorite, and there is so much to see and do. You need to make a pit stop here for at least a few days to soak up the down-to-earth culture of the local people. Language might prove to be a barrier, but they are warm and make an effort to welcome you as a valued visitor. Ride up to the waterways to witness the unique fishing technique of Chinese fishing nets used by the fishmongers, making it one of the best places to visit in Kochi. The local cuisine is a typical coastal fare, consisting of fresh fish and an abundance of coconut, a widely cultivated crop. Your next stop along the Southern coast route is Madurai. But before reaching your destination, you can take a detour to neighboring Kodaikanal, an internationally known destination famous for its laid-back culture and chilly weather. Madurai is another major pit stop that needs some of your time to explore, especially if you want to visit their temples and experience Tamil Nadu culture. Madurai is famous for its religious monuments, including ISKON and the Madurai Temple Meenakshi. From Madurai, the road stretches to 4 lanes, with the weather being relatively cool, sporadic with winds and tougher to navigate with the sun overhead. Nevertheless, it is a smooth ride to Dhanushkodi, the closest point between India and neighboring Sri Lanka. Dhanushkodi itself is a ghost town, since the entire population was wiped out in a storm that ravaged the strip decades ago. You can navigate the road on a bike, though the number of tourists visiting the spot are limited to avoid overcrowding. Dhanushkodi beach is going to be your “lowest” point, so to speak, travelling through South India along the Southern Coast Route, but is totally worth the visit. Once you’ve had your photo-ops, take the highway that leads to French-influenced haven, Pondicherry. You will find a large number of foreign tourists, some of whom stay over for the long term. Pondicherry is known for its pristine white facades and east coast culture, so similar and yet completely not the same as that of its western cousin. Beaches here are a welcome respite from the long ride, so take your time taking in the sights, sounds and smells of this divine city. There are plenty of things to do in Pondicherry and places to visit in Pondicherry. Post Pondicherry, the East Coast Road or ECR is a smooth, straight ride over to your last pit stop, Chennai. 4 lanes of a wide highway make it for one of the most thrilling, freeing rides so far on your trip. The road literally heads alongside the coast, so expect a salty wafting breeze and sweltering afternoons. The road trip from Pondicherry to Chennai is also a spectacularly scenic one. Chennai is what you’d expect a bubbling Indian city to be. Heavy traffic and bustling civilization may take you aback for a while, but the city will soon grow on you. Whether its food, accommodation or any other re-fuelling staples, all are available at affordable prices. Making plans to head out soon and explore the best of India by road? Fill out the form below and let us know what you're looking for. We've got you covered!

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

Dhanushkodi... Road that ends beautifully

Photo of Pravin Panchal

Now a days reading many travelogues resulting in addition of some good places in my bucket-list. And from past one or two years the list kept getting bigger and bigger. So I decided to target atleast one from it, in my upcoming holidays. My wife decided to travel to her hometown in south, so there I grabbed my opportunity and I decided to go for solo bike trip.

Considering all situations, North India was not feasible in 5-6 days so radar was scanning some places from south-India and finally got locked down to Dhanushkodi, The ghost town, Dhanushkodi: as per the mythology, from this place lord Rama traveled to Srilanka and brought back his wife, Sita.

(But i was not in mood to do the same in my trip ☺️)

Though my destination was decided and planned but the trip was not... ☺️ There were some eyebrow raised questions for me:

Weather -summer and in south india?

Solo travel and that too on bike?

Why not some short trip?

Is it Safe place? ( @@ Being Indian I really hate this question..Yes India is safe to travel )

But anyway as per promise to my wife the plan was to stick with cruising speed of my RS200 along with all safety measures. And I left Pune around 5AM. Target was to cover 800+ km and try to reach as close as possible to Bengaluru.

I am from Konkan, so familiar with NH4 upto kolhapur. And definitely to trigger my escape velocity for this solo trip, i had to cross kolhapur. With frequent breaks, my major stop was at Goa ves hotel , Nipani.

My next break was targeted close to Hubbali which i managed and Bengaluru was looking in sight.

Hopes to reach Bengaluru by evening was continuously fluctuating due to the hot weather which was reducing my average speed further.

But once it was 5PM i tried to stretch to drove nonstop to reach Bengaluru by 7PM.

Looking at the clock my greedy mind was insisting to stretch further. But I opted out,because unavailability of staying option around bypass. I quickly had meal shortlisted hotel Blue Bell ( got quite good deal with ac room to have good rest!)and called off for the day with 500+kms closer to Dhanushkodi.

Summer special NH4

Photo of Pune, Maharashtra, India by Pravin Panchal

Day 1 break up

Photo of Pune, Maharashtra, India by Pravin Panchal

As per plan "wake up early, leave early" day started at 7AM, but got delayed since I was waiting for free breakfast...☺️(greediness again ). Anyway after having Idli-sambhar , my bike started towards Tamilnadu.

Earlier day NH4 smooth ride raised my expectations for my next destination and it began well.

Upto half point, Till SALEM it was good, but it started becoming dull/hot while moving besides Cauvery river, Trichy. Dry place makes bike-driving uncomfortable. This was expected in the May month. But it was also making things difficult to cover the remaining 200-300km. By now my body had adjusted to bad roads and I started to countdown for the remaining kilometers.

As soon as Ramanathpuram got closer, my mind started to ignore the ride discomfort :p

Since it was getting dark I skipped Pamban bridge stop and started to search hotels in Rameshwaram .

My first impression was due to holy places and other similar background the place is yet to be known for tourism, which makes it little difficult to find Budget rooms to stay and quality food as well.

Somehow i managed to find hotel with non AC room after much bargain at a cost which was for AC room in Bengaluru ????. No matter what I booked for the stay, was excited for tomorrow.

From the time I was in Tamilanadu, i was finding it hard to communicate with locals. By now I was using sign language and some keywords in hindi/English to communicate.

Somehow I preferred local food as I was not in mood to try north Indian dishes in South. One of the tasty dish was Iddyappam.

Photo of Bengaluru, Karnataka, India by Pravin Panchal

Somewhere in Salem

Photo of Bengaluru, Karnataka, India by Pravin Panchal


For what I drove 1400km, Dhanushkodi it was!


Target was to leave early morning for sunrise.. but I missed major opportunity. Nevertheless I started little late. Starting from hotel within 10 km it was feelings of some unknown lands.. roads looking empty, for few kilometers it was both sided palm or coconut trees.. it was the sign that I am leading towards the land which is last part of Indian land

I was enjoying ride with 40 km/ hr mark and sinking in the beautiful scenic place it was . Minute by minutes I was getting disconnected to India..its crowd... My last 2 days... Body fatigue... Emotions.. dehydration.. and many things. NEVERTHELESS HAPPY I WAS.

The drive on the newly laid road is what made me speechless. On My left side there was Bay of Bengal which is quite in nature and on right side much aggressive Indian ocean. I was totally lost in the view and difficult to explain its beauty unless you, yourself visit the place. After enjoying Ramsetu point, I moved to visit ruined ghost town.

I started imagining what the town went through few decades back.

There are some shopping stalls here, having some artistic products made by locals from sea shells.

Spending some hours to observe Dhanushkodi I was waiting for the local food/stalls to open as temperature began to rise and humid condition are indicating that you should leave the places as soon as possible.

Luckily one stall/hut was about to open, and (again using sign language) I manage to select fresh fish/prawn to prepare as fish fry. In no time the stall owner couple started cooking and within 10 mins it was ready. I will definitely say you should not miss this tasty fish if you are travelling here. The shop couple was curious about my bike and safety gears , with this , my bike started and I left Dhanushkodi with filled appetite and good memories.

Things to do:

Visit to ruined town

Rameshwaram temple

Things to taste:

Palm jaggery

Local fish fry

Local tea prepared by decoction method.

There was plan to explore Rameshwaram but suddenly all other places are looking super crowdy. Compared the emptiness at the heart of Dhanushkodi.

Having quick visit to Pamban bridge(with a lucky view of Train passing from the bridge),, I moved further towards Madurai. The surroundings are still Humid and hot plus drive was pretty lonely since the roads are not in good condition.

While searching restaurant for lunch I found one on the way. The restaurant was quite new and had humble owner. His emotions and expressions were telling that he was there to serve people not for money. In 80 rs unlimited thali, its " Shree meenakshi bhavan ". He himself is serving in the hopes that his son studying somewhere in Chennai will get kind treatment...

With another life lesson, I moved towards Madurai.

It was crowded in Madurai to drive so I parked my bike somewhere in the market and walked.

If you are visiting temples in south India keep in mind that temples are usually closed in afternoon. I was amazed by its huge structure and symmetry, 2 to 3 hours are less to experience it deeply.

I quickly had internal temple visit and moved for the drive. By now I am far from humid weather and also the roads are surrounded by hills and tree. While enjoying sunset was replying the surrealistic experience in my mind and feeling content.

There was twist in my bike trip: sunny climate changed to cloudy n thunderstorm, plus the place where i supposed to reach by 8PM has no staying options. Still it was 7PM in the clock, I decided to drove back to nearest town Karur and located+bargained+booked hotel and calmly slept for next days early morning start.

Last point, bike can travel

Photo of Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu, India by Pravin Panchal

Lost railway station

Photo of Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu, India by Pravin Panchal

Road bisecting two oceans

Photo of Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu, India by Pravin Panchal

Early morning view

Photo of Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu, India by Pravin Panchal

walkable land of RamSetu

Photo of Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu, India by Pravin Panchal

Pleasant Coimbatore madurai highway

Photo of Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu, India by Pravin Panchal

Talamalai R.F.

I was not here only to drive 3000 km to see Dhanushkodi. And also bike trip can not be completed without passing through forests and ghat roads.

Hence I decided to return Pune via Talamalai reserve forest. With routine breaks I reached Satyamangalam town which is base to Talamalai forest. Having a quick shopping from the last village of the Tamilnadu ,I was about to enter Karnataka.

The road towards Talamalai are scenic, that leads to passing from small villages, curious people, coconut plantation, lush green farmfields. Last night rain made the scene more clean and I could see nature's HD mode .

With many hairpin bends the ghat section takes you to 1000mtr above sea level in no time.

Once you are at the top you can either continue to BR hill road or Dzogchen monastery .

I took monastery road, which also provides a superb view with great drive for about 30km through forest.

Once you are in Karnataka, the road and scenery becomes dull and your mind will definitely ask you to take U-turn.

But to move towards Pune which was the priority and hence I visited monastery quickly and decide to join NH4 highways, by evening.

Talamalai ghats hair pin bend , total 27

Photo of Talamalai R.F., Tamil Nadu, India by Pravin Panchal

HD mode from nature

Photo of Talamalai R.F., Tamil Nadu, India by Pravin Panchal

Talamalai forest roads within Tamilnadu

Photo of Talamalai R.F., Tamil Nadu, India by Pravin Panchal

Dzogchen Monastery

Photo of Dhanushkodi... Road that ends beautifully by Pravin Panchal


Nothing special here since i was only targeting to complete remaining 600+ km. By 6pm i was back to Pune despite Maharashtra's hot n dry weather took some extra time.

Farm fields near hubbali

Photo of Dhanushkodi... Road that ends beautifully by Pravin Panchal

Domestic Packages

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

Further Reads

Photo of Visiting the Lost la

The Complete Guide to Dhanushkodi in Tamil Nadu

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

Photo by James Adaickalasamy/Getty Images


Visit Dhanushkodi, one of the top tourist destinations in Tamil Nadu , and you'll have reached the end of India. However, it's likely you'll feel that you've reached the end of the earth as well. Once a flourishing trade hub, Dhanushkodi is now an eerie ghost town. All that exists of it are the fragmented and windswept remains of a few buildings, stark and seemingly out of place in the severe yet serene landscape. This complete guide to Dhanushkodi will help you plan your trip there.

On the night of Dec. 22, 1964, a ferocious cyclone hit Dhanushkodi at an estimated 280 kilometers (170 miles) per hour and forever changed the town's fate. Most of the town, a passenger train, and nearly 2,000 people were wiped out. The rest of was submerged under sea water. Such was the magnitude of the damage that the government declared Dhanushkodi to be a ghost town, unfit for habitation.

Prior to this disastrous event, the British had developed Dhanushkodi into an important port of trade between India and Sri Lanka (then named Ceylon). As it was the closest point between the two countries, it provided a vital connection for boats transporting both goods and people. Passengers were able to take a train all the way from Chennai (then named Madras) to Dhanushkodi, board one of the regular ferries to Talaimannar in Sri Lanka, and then get another train all the way to Colombo.

In addition to its own railway station, Dhanushkodi had a customs office, post office, schools, hospital, church, hotels, and shops. It was a thriving community that had grown rapidly.

However, Dhanushodi's history can be traced much further back than the British era, to the time of Hindu mythology. A submerged chain of limestone shoals, known as Adam's Bridge, extends all the way from the furthermost tip of Dhanushkodi to Talaimannar. According the great Hindu epic "The Ramayana", this is where Lord Ram and Lord Hanuman's army of monkeys built a rock bridge to Sri Lanka, to rescue Ram's wife Sita from the evil clutches of demon king Ravan.

The bridge, Ram Setu, is said by some to have stood above the ocean until a cyclone destroyed it in the 15th century. Others say that Lord Ram destroyed the bridge himself, with the end of his bow, after victoriously returning to India to prevent anyone else from using it. He also marked the spot where the bridge was to be built with an end of his bow. This gave rise to the town's name, Dhanushkodi (meaning bow's end). Regardless, Hindus believe that the shoals are the remnants of Ram Setu.

In 2004, the Indian Ocean Tsunami caused the sea off the coast of Dhanushkodi to briefly recede more than 1,000 feet, exposing the submerged part of the town. Some of the rocks from Adam's Bridge were also found washed ashore.

Encouraging tourism to Dhanushkodi has been a government focus in recent years. This is being facilitated by a new road that runs all the way through Dhanushkodi to the land's end at Arichal Munai (Erosion Point) near Adam's Bridge. The road opened in 2017.

Dhanushkodi is situated just off the coast of Tamil Nadu in South India, on Pamban Island's elongated southeastern sand spit. It's about 20 kilometers (12.5 miles) from Rameshwaram, on Pamban Island and about 30 kilometers (18.5 miles) from Talaimannar in Sri Lanka. The choppy Indian Ocean is on one side and the calmer Bay of Bengal on the other.

How to Get There

The new road has made Dhanushkodi much more accessible. Before it was constructed, the only way to reach the town was to take a private mini bus or jeep across the sand, or walk along the seashore. It was totally cut off from civilization. Now, you can drive there directly in your own vehicle.

The road is an extension of National Highway 87, which runs from the mainland to Pamban Island and Rameshwaram. Previously, it ended at Mukuntharayar Chathiram but now continues 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) from Mukuntharayar Chathiram to Dhanushkodi, and a further 4.5 kilometers (2.8 miles) from Dhanuskhodi to Arichal Munai (Erosion Point). The final stretch is strictly controlled by India's Border Security Force. Entry is only permitted from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. (although it's possible to remain there until 6 p.m.).

Travel time from Rameshwaram to Dhanushkodi is about 30-45 minutes. If you don't have your own car or motorcycle, there are various options available depending on your budget.

The cheapest option is to take the state government bus (Route 3) from the bus stop near Agni Theetham in Rameshwaram. The frequency of buses is approximately every 30 minutes and tickets cost 30 rupees per person, one way. The last bus returns just before 6 p.m. However, the drawback is that you won't be able to stop at other tourist spots, such as temples, along the way. Taking an auto rickshaw is an alternative option. Expect to pay about 800 rupees for a round trip. If you hire a taxi or car and driver, the cost will be about 1,500 rupees.

Rameshwaram is well-connected to other cities on the mainland by bus and train. Crossing Pamban Bridge is a highlight. It's recommended that you experience it by train, in at least one direction, as the railway line lies spectacularly close to the sea.

What to Do There

While the stone remnants of Dhanushkodi are the main attraction, the best thing to do is simply soak up the soul-stirring and sometimes haunting atmosphere. As you wander around what's left of the town, you'll come across structures in various conditions. The best-preserved ones are the church, post office, and railway station. Railway tracks are also buried under the sand.

The only inhabitants are local fisherfolk. They live harsh lives in makeshift thatched huts with no electricity or running water.

After you've finished exploring Dhanushkodi, continue all the way along the road to Arichal Munai (Erosion Point). It's a magical scene, with the straight strip of tarmac enclosed by the sea on both sides. A solitary pillar of Ashoka, the national emblem of India, stands at endpoint where you can look out across Adam's Bridge. Don't be surprised if your cell phone automatically connects to Sri Lanka's network if your settings allow roaming!

Plan to spend a couple of hours there at least. It's really worth getting up early to beat the crowds and catch the bewitching sunrise.

Facilities are limited but there are a few restaurants serving up fresh seafood, and stalls selling products made from shells.

Kothandaramaswamy temple, located off the highway about 10 minutes before Dhanushkodi, is of interest too. It's dedicated to Lord Ram, and notably is the only building in the area to have survived the cyclone that destroyed the town.

Depending on the time of year, you may also be able to see flocks of migratory flamingos standing together in the shallow sea water looking for food. It's an amazing sight! The birds are usually there between January and March.

Check out these things to do in Rameshwaram as well.


You'll need to stay in Rameshwaram, or elsewhere on Pamban Island, as there are no accommodations in Dhanushkodi.

If cost isn't a concern, the Hyatt Place Rameswaram is the most luxurious hotel, with double rooms from about 5,500 rupees per night. Daiwik Hotel and Hotel Ashoka are popular mid-range choices. Rates start from about 3,000 rupees per night for a double room. Alternatively, Blue Coral Cottage is perfect for budget travelers. Double rooms cost about 1,400 rupees per night upwards.

Those who prefer relaxed boutique beach accommodations can select from Cabana Coral Reef or one of the two Quest Expeditions properties, Kathadi South and Kathadi North . Kathadi South is rustic, with beach huts and tents. Kathadi North is upmarket, with cottages that have open-air bathrooms and gardens. Both offer kite surfing lessons in season.

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Complete guide to visit Dhanushkodi

A complete guide to visit Dhanushkodi – the last point of India!!

Dhanushkodi is the last land or as it’s fondly called the “ Land’s end ” on the Pamban Island, the Island in South India that connects to the mainland Tamil Nadu via the famous Pamban Bridge. Also, Pamban Island hosts the town of Rameswaram – one of the most important Hindu Pilgrimage destinations in India, one of the Char Dhams . But more on Rameswaram later. Today, we will provide you a complete guide to visit Dhanushkodi which is emerging as one of the most popular tourist destinations in India.

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

Table of Contents

History of Dhanushkodi – a ghost town of India

Historically, Dhanushkodi is the place where Sri Rama instructed Hanumana to construct the “ Ram Setu ” bridge to Sri Lanka.

Dhanushkodi is the second ghost town in India that we have visited. The first one being the ghost town of Kuldhara on our trip to Jaisalmer , Rajasthan. Once upon a time, it was a flourishing town and an important trade center in India, just 24 kilometers north of Sri Lanka. But in 1964 when a strong cyclone hit Rameswaram and Pamban Island, the residents of Dhanushkodi were forced to abandon their houses. And move further inland. Since then, Dhanushkodi remains an uninhabited town.

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

At the time when Dhanushkodi was a prosperous town, it had beautiful temples, houses, a lighthouse, it’s own school, hospital, church, hotels as well as shops and even a railway station with the rail tracks reaching literally upto the southern most point of India!! People traveled here by rain from Chennai and then took ferries to Sri Lanka from Dhanushkodi. There are ruins of all these places in the ghost of town of Dhanushkodi as of today. A testimony to the past. And a reminder that nothing is static. In fact, a visit to Dhanuskhodi reminded me of my visit to the Kadaikudi houses on my trip exploring the Chettinad region of Tamil Nadu . Which narrates a similar story. With abandoned and empty houses from a flourishing past era, telling numerous stories.

Things to do in Dhanushkodi – how to go about exploring Dhanushkodi

Lets start our complete guide to visit Dhanushkodi with a list of things to do in Dhanuskhodi. Until I myself visited Dhanuskhodi, I thought visiting the Dhanushkodi beach was the only thing to do here. But when I finally visited here, I came to know there are so many things to do in Dhanushkodi. You should definitely set aside at least half a day to spend in Dhanushkodi.

Driving through the Rameswaram – Dhanushkodi Road

A complete guide to visit Dhanushkodi

A drive through the Rameswaram – Dhanushkodi Road is definitely one of the most picturesque drives of India . And it is also one of the most exciting drives. For the last 10 kilometers of this drive, you drive through a road with hardly any land on either side. The road is flanked by the turquoise blue Indian Ocean on one side and the blue – green Bay of Bengal on the other side. Until it comes to an end on the Dhanushkodi Beach at Arichal Munai (Erosion Point), with no land beyond – only water on all three sides !! So, driving through to the Dhanushkodi beach is definitely the top thing to do as per our complete guide to visit Dhanushkodi.

Exploring the ghost town of Dhanushkodi

Nearly 5km before the Dhanushkodi beach lies the Ghost town of Dhanushkodi. As per our complete guide to visit Dhanushkodi, this is a must visit spot. Afterall, when you have come so far, you must visit the ruins of the old town of Dhanushkodi once. On our own trip to Dhanushkodi, we first drove straight through the Rameswaram – Dhanushkodi road to reach the Dhanushkodi beach. Then, on our way back from there, we stopped by the Dhanushkodi ruins.

We parked our vehicle by the road side. And then went on foot to explore the ruins of Dhanushkodi. There is not much left here. The first sight that you see is that of the old railway station. It is visible right from the road.

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

As you move further behind it, there are many huts in the area, of local vendors and local people. Couple of them host temple of Sri Rama. One of the temple has the famous floating Ram Setu stone to see.

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

After visiting these temples, we proceeded beyond them, to find the ruins of the original old Dhanushkodi Temple and some of the old houses of Dhanushkodi in dilapidated condition.

There are a few houses and temples by the beach as you continue watching. And the ruins of the old church But, it was the evening hours, almost sunset time. And there was hardly a soul here. However, I did encounter a lot of beautiful peacocks roaming around freely in this area, which was a delight to the eyes!!

A complete guide to visit Dhanushkodi

Near the road, there are some stalls selling items made of sea shell and local handicrafts. Overall, within 15-20 minutes I was able to explore the whole area and be back in my car.

Interesting Fact: Many parts of the ghost town of Dhanushkodi remain submerged under the sea. In December 2004, when the sea had receded around 500 meters, a lot of these submerged ruins could be seen from the roadside! Even the wreckage of the half submerged Rameswaram – Dhanushkodi train lies here. This train was hit by the same cyclone that turned the town of Dhanushkodi into a ghost town.

Dhanushkodi Beach

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

One of the most unique beaches in India, the Dhanushkodi beach is the last beach of India. It is surrounded by water from all 3 sides. This is where you can see the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean meeting together. While one side is calmer, there are huge waves crashing against the shore on the other side. And the uninterrupted wind is insanely strong.

You can cross the boulders and reach the fine sand beach. But it is not advised to go in the water here. For, the sea gets suddenly deep here. And also, the weather is very unpredictable here, you can expect strong waves anytime.

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

Viewing of Sri Lanka from Dhanushkodi

Yes, it is possible to get a glimpse of Sri Lanka from Dhanushkodi on a clear day. And also there are vendors with telescopes setup where at a nominal cost you can get a very good view of the Sri Lankan mainland, which is just 24 kilometers from Dhanushkodi!!

Enjoy seafood in Dhanushkodi

As you approach the Dhanushkodi town and Dhanushkodi beach, you will see numerous stalls on both sides of the road selling sea food. Although being a vegetarian, I can’t comment on the quality and taste. But I have heard good things about the food here from my friends. So, we put enjoying the sea food in Dhanushkodi as one of the main things to do in our complete guide to visit Dhanushkodi. Do time your visit in such a way that you can stop here for lunch.

Visit The  Kothandaramaswamy Temple

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

The Kothandaramaswamy Temple is located on the way to Dhanushkodi, at a little deviation of around 250meters from the main road. Located amidst the sea, this temple is the only structure that remained intact during the 1964 Rameswaram cyclone. The idle of God Rama inside this temple holds a “ Kothandam ” which literally means a bow. And hence the temple is named the Kothandaramaswamy Temple.

This temple is believed to be over 1000 years old. It is said that as per Ramayana, this is the place where Vibhishana, the brother of Ravana, took refuge and surrendered to Rama.

Enjoy birdwatching in the bird sanctuary on way to Dhanushkodi at Gulf of Mannar

There is a bird sanctuary called “Gulf of Mannar” on the shallow lands besides the Bay of Bengal where you see a lot of local and migratory birds while driving to the Dhanushkodi beach. It is a feast to the eyes. Not just the birds sitting on the shallow land, waiting to catch a fish. But at times, you even see huge batches of birds gliding through the clear skies above the sea!! Some of the birds include flamingoes, curlew, gulls, terns, sandpipers, plovers, reef herons and egrets.

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

Try your hands on some excellent photography in Dhanushkodi

I will not be exaggerating if I say Dhanushkodi is a photographer’s dream. Anywhere you turn your head, you see picture perfect scenes. I myself stopped my vehicle and jumped out at least 5 times to take photographs while on my way to and from Dhanushkodi at random spots. Apart from the endless effort to capture the beauty of the beach itself. See some of the pictures below and you will understand what I am talking about.

One of the beautiful boats on the Dhanushkodi beach

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

A sight of horses on the beach side – resonates with something you would expect to see in Leh & Laddakh!!

A beautiful sunset at Dhanushkodi 

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

Apart from the above things to do, you can do a lot of things on your trip to Dhanushkodi. For example, you can get an instant photo printed from one of the many photographers flocking the beach. Or, enjoy a snack of fruit salad or “jhal murhi” or other Indian snacks from one of the street vendors lining the sides of the beach. Or, just sit on one of the spots with beautiful views of the ocean and relax. (That would be my personal favourite thing to do in Dhanushkodi)

How to reach Dhanushkodi

The Rameswaram – Dhanushkodi road is an excellent road connecting the town of Rameswaram to Dhanushkodi. Dhanushkodi is located almost 19.5 km from Rameswaram. And the Dhanushkodi beach is located almost 5km further. You can reach Rameswaram, located on Pamban Island by both road and rail. The famous Pamban Railway Bridge connects Pamban Island from Ramnathpuram in Tamil Nadu mainland. Lots of trains comply from Madurai. By road, NH 87 connects Madurai to Rameswaram and is in excellent condition. It takes around 3 hours to reach Rameswaram from Madurai by road. And if you are coming from far, you can fly into Madurai and then take either the rail or road from there.

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

On our own trip, we drove from Bangalore to Madurai on day 1 and then from Madurai to Rameswaram on day 2. After reaching Rameswaram around 2:30pm and checking-in into our hotel, we proceeded to Dhanushkodi on the extension of NH 87 , on the Rameswaram – Dhanushkodi road.

Where to stay near Dhanushkodi

The town of Rameswaram has several hotels and hostels of all budget range to stay. We have personally stayed in the Daiwik Hotel on our first visit to Rameswaram. And in S S Grand hotel on our second visit. Both the hotels were comfortable with good food options. And both of these are located right on the main highway as you enter the town of Rameswaram. There are also some hotels and resorts near the beaches in Rameshwaram that you can try. Here’s a list of hotels for you to browse through in Rameshwaram.

Where to park on Dhanushkodi beach

When visiting Dhanushkodi, you can park by the side of the road as you reach Dhanushkodi beach. There is no large parking space as such given there is no land only!  My advise, park a little further to the beach because as time passes, the space near the beach gets super crowded. And it takes a lot of effort to navigate through the crowd. When we arrived at Dhanushkodi beach around 5 pm in the evening, it was already crowded. So, we parked on the side of the road, almost the beginning of the line. And then walked around 500 meters to the beach.

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

What to wear when visiting Dhanushkodi

There is no dress code as such to visit Dhanushkodi. But given it is mostly hot here all through the year, wear comfortable breathing cotton cloths and comfortable walking beach appropriate slippers. Have your sunglasses with you and wear sunscreen generously. Also carry a water bottle with you and keep yourself hydrated.

What is the best season to visit Dhanushkodi

Although the region is hot and humid all through the year, best time to visit will be from November to February when it is moderately hot. When we visited Dhanushkodi in the third week of February, the temperature was hovering between 26 – 30 degrees celcius. Which was hot, but bearable.

Over the years, this region has started seeing frequent cyclones in December and sometimes in January. So, be aware of the weather conditions before you plan your trip. On our first trip to this region, we couldn’t visit Dhanushkodi as it was raining like crazy. While we visited the temples of Madurai , the Ramalingeshwara Temple in Rameswaram, Brihadeeshwara temple in Tanjore and Karaikudi Tourist places on our year end trip, we couldn’t visit Dhanushkodi. Because that one afternoon it rained insanely. We still took an attempt to drive to Dhanushkodi beach, but nothing was visible. And we had to turn back when we were half way through. Little did we know then that we will come back here within an year!!

What is the best time to visit Dhanushkodi

As per our complete guide to visit Dhanushkodi, Morning and evening hours are best time to visit Dhanushkodi as per our complete guide to visit Dhanushkodi. As, it is an excellent spot to see both sunrise on one side and sunset on the other side. If you want to visit at a time when there is almost no other soul on the beach, visit in the morning hours. While if you want to enjoy the buzzing beach, visit in the evening hours around 4:00pm. You can as well pack a picnic bag and enjoy a day here if you don’t mind the sun that much!!

The official Dhanushkodi visiting time is 6:00am to 5:00pm.

Also, there is an INR 20 entry fee to Dhanushkodi per vehicle.

Hope this complete guide to visit Dhanushkodi helps you plan your own successful trip to Dhanushkodi!!

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chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

34 Best Stops Between Chennai (Madras) and Rameswaram

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Navigate backward to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

How long is the drive from Chennai (Madras) to Rameswaram?

The direct drive from Chennai (Madras) to Rameswaram is 348 mi (560 km) , and should have a drive time of 7 hrs 34 mins in normal traffic.

If you’re going on a road trip from Chennai (Madras) to Rameswaram, we did the research for you and compiled some great stops along the way — with Pondicherry , Mahabalipuram , Tiruchirappalli , and Thanjavur , as well as top places to visit like Arignar Anna Zoological Park and Dakshina Chitra Heritage Museum, or the ever-popular Shirdi Sai Baba Temple.

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

Top cities between Chennai (Madras) and Rameswaram


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Best stops along chennai (madras) to rameswaram drive, shirdi sai baba temple.

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

Arignar Anna Zoological Park

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

Dakshina Chitra Heritage Museum

The madras crocodile bank trust and centre for herpetology.

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

Ekambaranathar Temple

Kailasanathar temple, mahabalipuram shore temple, group of monuments at mahabalipuram, krishna's butter ball, vedanthangal bird sanctuary, gingee fort, matrimandir, arulmigu manakula vinayagar devasthanam, promenade beach.

chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

Paradise Beach Puducherry

Thillai nataraja temple chidambaram, gangaikonda cholapuram, aagaya gangai water falls, brahmapureeswarar temple, thanjavur maratha palace, brihadeeswara temple, sri ranganatha swamy temple, srirangam, thiruvanaikovil arulmigu jambukeswarar akilandeswari temple, sri thayumanavar temple, karpaga vinayagar temple, sri arulmigu ramanathaswamy temple, pamban bridge, dhanushkodi beach, top searches in rameswaram, other popular road trips from chennai (madras), explore nearby places.

  • Dhanushkodi
  • Devipattinam
  • Ramanathapuram
  • Karaikudi Taluk
  • Nattarasankottai
  • Kanadukathan
  • Kilinochchi
  • Wilpattu National Park
  • Pudukkottai
  • Eppodumvenran
  • Thiruparankundram
  • Virudhunagar
  • Tiruchendur
  • Thiruchendur

All related maps of Rameswaram

  • Map of Rameswaram
  • Map of Dhanushkodi
  • Map of Devipattinam
  • Map of Ramanathapuram
  • Map of Mannar
  • Map of Karainagar
  • Map of Jaffna
  • Map of Karaikudi Taluk
  • Map of Karaikudi
  • Map of Nattarasankottai
  • Map of Vembar
  • Map of Sivaganga
  • Map of Kanadukathan
  • Map of Kilinochchi
  • Map of Wilpattu National Park
  • Map of Kalpitiya
  • Map of Pudukkottai
  • Map of Oddakkarai
  • Map of Vedaranyam
  • Map of Tuticorin
  • Map of Eppodumvenran
  • Map of Vavuniya
  • Map of Madurai
  • Map of Puttalam
  • Map of Thiruparankundram
  • Map of Manganur
  • Map of Virudhunagar
  • Map of Mannargudi
  • Map of Vaduvur
  • Map of Tiruchendur
  • Map of Thiruchendur

Rameswaram throughout the year

  • Rameswaram in January
  • Rameswaram in February
  • Rameswaram in March
  • Rameswaram in April
  • Rameswaram in May
  • Rameswaram in June
  • Rameswaram in July
  • Rameswaram in August
  • Rameswaram in September
  • Rameswaram in October
  • Rameswaram in November
  • Rameswaram in December

Looking for day-by-day itineraries in Rameswaram?

Get inspired for your trip to Rameswaram with our curated itineraries that are jam-packed with popular attractions everyday! Check them out here:

  • 1-Day Rameswaram Itinerary
  • 2-Day Rameswaram Itinerary
  • 3-Day Rameswaram Itinerary

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i drive from chennai (madras) to rameswaram.

Yes! You can drive from Chennai (Madras) to Rameswaram.

How far is Rameswaram from Chennai (Madras) by car?

The drive from Chennai (Madras) to Rameswaram is 348 miles (560 km).

How long does it take to drive from Chennai (Madras) to Rameswaram?

Driving from Chennai (Madras) to Rameswaram should take you 7 hrs 34 mins in normal traffic.

How much would gas cost from Chennai (Madras) to Rameswaram?

Gas from Chennai (Madras) to Rameswaram would cost around $31 to $71 , depending on your vehicle's fuel efficiency.

Where should I stop on the way from Chennai (Madras) to Rameswaram?

You could check out Arignar Anna Zoological Park and Dakshina Chitra Heritage Museum, or the always popular Shirdi Sai Baba Temple!

What are the best cities to visit between Chennai (Madras) and Rameswaram?

People love visiting Pondicherry, Mahabalipuram, and Tiruchirappalli, among others.

What's the weather like in Chennai (Madras)?

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in Chennai (Madras) in January
  • Weather in Chennai (Madras) in February
  • Weather in Chennai (Madras) in March
  • Weather in Chennai (Madras) in April
  • Weather in Chennai (Madras) in May
  • Weather in Chennai (Madras) in June
  • Weather in Chennai (Madras) in July
  • Weather in Chennai (Madras) in August
  • Weather in Chennai (Madras) in September
  • Weather in Chennai (Madras) in October
  • Weather in Chennai (Madras) in November
  • Weather in Chennai (Madras) in December

What are some other road trips from Chennai (Madras)?

There are plenty! Below you'll find links to all the road trips we've assembled for Chennai (Madras).

  • Chennai (Madras) to Bengaluru drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Mumbai drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Pondicherry drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Hyderabad drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to New Delhi drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Mysuru (Mysore) drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Kochi (Cochin) drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Jaipur drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Munnar drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Ooty (Udhagamandalam) drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Tirupati drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Agra drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Kodaikanal drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Pune drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Kolkata (Calcutta) drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Kathmandu drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Udaipur drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Madurai drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Thekkady drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Hampi drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Panjim drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Visakhapatnam drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Kalpetta drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Rameswaram drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Ahmedabad drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Yercaud drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Varanasi drive
  • Chennai (Madras) to Kanyakumari drive

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How To Reach Dhanushkodi

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chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

How to Reach Dhanushkodi

How to reach dhanushkodi by flight.

Travelling by air may be a slightly tedious option since there are no airports very close by. However, if you plan to visit from a distant place, then the nearest airport is Madurai, which is about 198 km away from Dhanushkodi. If direct cabs or buses aren't available, then you will need to come to Rameshwaram and take another mode of transport from here.

Nearest Airport: TUTICORIN - 142 kms from Dhanushkodi

Search for flights to TUTICORIN

How to reach Dhanushkodi by road

While travelling by road, getting to Dhanushkodi is quite simple. Regular buses are available from Rameshwaram and other major areas. Rameshwaram has an extensive bus network, so even if no direct bus is available, you can always come to Rameshwaram and hop onto a Dhanushkodi bound bus.

How to reach Dhanushkodi by train

The nearest railway station is Rameshwaram. Being a major town, Rameshwaram sees trains coming in from nearly every corner of Tamil Nadu and even far off places. The station is about 18 km away and getting a ride is very easy.

Local transport in Dhanushkodi

Nearby places.

Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu

Dhanushkodi Photos

Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu

Places To Visit In Dhanushkodi

Dhanushkodi Beach

Dhanushkodi Beach

Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park

Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park

Adam's Bridge

Adam's Bridge

Pamban island

Pamban island

Church and Station Ruins

Church and Station Ruins

Ramar Patham temple

Ramar Patham temple

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chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

5 Must-Visit Eco-Conscious Places In Tamil Nadu

Top 5 eco-friendly places to visit in tamil nadu.

Tamil Nadu is a state that is known by its rich culture and heritage and vibrant landscapes. The place also has some of the eco-friendly travel destinations in India. From serene hill stations, pristine beaches to lush forests, Tamil Nadu offers diverse sustainable travel options for those who are nature conservationists. This article will delve into top eco-friendly travel places to visit in Tamil Nadu where nature thrives harmoniously with responsible tourism practices.

1. Kodaikanal

Kodaikanal is a beautiful hill station located amidst the picturesque Palani Hills of Western Ghats known for its tranquility as well as environmental consciousness. Visitors can experience mountain forests, hiking trails and unsoiled lakes while practicing ecotourism activities such as trekking on foot or by bike and boating. Solar Observatory at Kodaikanal indicated town's commitment to sustainable energy since it uses solar power for scientific researches . Moreover, there are environment friendly hotels and locally sourced cuisine which makes it possible for travellers' not leave behind much waste hence creating least pollution.

Furthermore, situated amidst Nilgiri Hills, Coonoor provides an opportunity to have some peace within the nature through tea-gardens that spread all over this place ,waterfalls pouring down from rocks and panoramic views around you. When visiting Sim's park or Highfield Tea Factory one supports sustainable farming methods and preservation of bio-diversity present in this area . Ecolodges and farmstays provide more traditional experiences while promoting responsible approaches towards tourism thus making it ideal for rejuvenation lovers of the outdoors in tune with the environment.

3. Auroville

Besides Puducherry lays an international township Auroville based on sustainability principles , community living principles ,and spiritual harmony . Here visitors engage themselves into eco-friendly activities like organic farms visits, tours of the eco-homes and holistic wellness practices while immersing into multi-cultural milieu of the township . Auroville is an example of sustainable community living as it has a demonstration site for renewable energy, waste management and conscious consumption encouraging visitors to adopt eco-friendly habits during and after their visit.

4. Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary

For those who like wildlife and need an ecologically friendly trip, Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary will provide them with an adventurous journey through its flora and fauna. It stretches across Western Ghats and Nilgiris hills is home to endangered species such as Bengal tiger, Indian elephant or Nilgiri tahr . Visitors can go on guided safaris, nature walks or birdwatching trips that help in maintaining the balance in this sanctuary. Eco-lodges' and eco-tourism agencies' services within this sanctuary support sustainable tourism which enables wilderness experience to be made responsibly.

5. Marina Beach, Chennai

One among the longest urban beaches globally is Marina beach at Chennai endowed with golden sand, vibrant life at sea side till sun sets across horizon. Whilst taking leisurely walks along the shore or enjoying local gastronomy vacationers can also be involved in certain eco-friendly activities such as beach cleaning up events or environmental conservation sensitization drives . Sustainable resorts alongside these shores are good examples of responsible tourism that love marina so much but care for its fragile environment.

Eco-friendly destinations in Tamil Nadu are aimed at allowing travelers to explore the beauty of the place without spoiling or destroying it in the process. These include serene Kodaikanal hills, community-oriented Auroville and Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary that is rich in biodiversity. There are many options for eco-conscious travelers aiming to experience sustainable tourism in Tamil Nadu, such as helping local initiatives conserve natural resources, and respecting indigenous cultures among other things.

Eco-friendly Places to Visit in Tamil Nadu


  1. Chennai to Dhanushkodi Bike Ride || Rameswaram Tourist Places || Pamban

    chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

  2. Chennai to Dhanushkodi

    chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

  3. Bike Trip to #dhanushkodi

    chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

  4. Drive to Dhanushkodi from Chennai

    chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

  5. Dhanushkodi

    chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip

  6. Drive to Dhanushkodi from Chennai

    chennai to dhanushkodi bike trip


  1. Road Trip to Dhanushkodi

  2. Dhanushkodi ❤️| #tamilnadu #rameshwaram #roadtrip #tamizhan #youtubeshorts #viral #trending

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  5. Chennai to Dhanushkodi

  6. Dhanushkodi bike ride. Drone shots❤️ #shorts #trending #viral #bikers #drone



    I drive my yamaha fzx bike from Chennai To Dhanushkodi,best road trip for bikers.#tamilvlog #travellingnadodi #roadtripFollow Me On:Instagram & Facebook - @T...

  2. Chennai to Dhanushkodi road trip.

    Engaged an auto from the hotel to Dhanushkodi. Left by 4pm and were back by 6pm. Very beautiful. All one can see is the sea. Very cool and breezy. the ruins of the Church, Railway station etc. from the 1964 floods are worth stopping for. There is a bus service from Rameshwaram Temple to Dhanushkodi. he road is along the sea coast and is very good.

  3. Chennai to Dhanushkodi Bike Ride || Rameswaram Tourist Places

    Chennai to Dhanushkodi Bike Ride || Rameswaram Tourist Places || Pamban Dhanushkodi || Riders TroopSiva Boating Timings:Timing: 6 AM - 5:30 PMPrice: 100/- Pe...

  4. Bike Trip to South India (Dhanuskodi- Kanyakumari

    Dhanushkodi. Dhanuskodi Sea Drive: we started around 5.30am towards the abandoned town its dhanuskodi. From dhanuskodi we need to drive to dhanuskodi-point its around 24km from the dhanuskodi town. The best part of this road it was covered by sea both side of the road. It will look like this below image.

  5. Southern Coast Route: Bike Trip From Bangalore To Chennai

    Bangalore - Mysuru - Cochin - Madurai - Dhanushkodi - Pondicherry - Chennai. It shouldn't take you more than 3 hours to cover the distance between Bangalore and Mysore, because the highway here is well-maintained and 4-laned. In Mysore, make a pit stop and take in the tourist attractions including the resplendent Mysore Palace and the museum ...

  6. A Drive To Dhanushkodi.. A 4 Day Itinerary

    The rail and roadway constructed, serves as the main connection to this island. The rail-tracks laid pass through the sea and used to terminate at Dhanushkodi, until the cyclone destroyed it. Sunset overlooking the bridge is beautiful! #Tip, wait for one of the trains to pass and it calls for an Insta moment! Day 3.

  7. Last Road Of India

    in this video i am going share my bike riding experience in last road of india dhanushkodi.#bikeride #yamahafzx #travellingnadodiFollow Me On:Instagram -http...

  8. Dhanushkodi... Road that ends beautifully

    My wife decided to travel to her hometown in south, so there I grabbed my opportunity and I decided to go for solo bike trip. Considering all situations, North India was not feasible in 5-6 days so radar was scanning some places from south-India and finally got locked down to Dhanushkodi, The ghost town, Dhanushkodi: as per the mythology, from ...

  9. The Complete Guide to Dhanushkodi in Tamil Nadu

    Dhanushkodi is situated just off the coast of Tamil Nadu in South India, on Pamban Island's elongated southeastern sand spit. It's about 20 kilometers (12.5 miles) from Rameshwaram, on Pamban Island and about 30 kilometers (18.5 miles) from Talaimannar in Sri Lanka. The choppy Indian Ocean is on one side and the calmer Bay of Bengal on the other.

  10. A complete guide to visit Dhanushkodi

    Historically, Dhanushkodi is the place where Sri Rama instructed Hanumana to construct the " Ram Setu " bridge to Sri Lanka. Dhanushkodi is the second ghost town in India that we have visited. The first one being the ghost town of Kuldhara on our trip to Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. Once upon a time, it was a flourishing town and an important ...

  11. Chennai to Dhanushkodi for the weekend

    Since '02 xBhp is different things to different people. From a close knit national community of bikers to India's only motorcycling lifestyle magazine and a place to make like-minded biker friends.

  12. Dhanushkodi

    The history of these temples dates back to 7th century and the giant size monolithic idol of Hanuman standing under an open sky invites all his devotees to shower his blessings in abundance. With an amazing backdrop and a majestic fort Namakkal is a must visit place on your way to Dhanushkodi. View At Dhanushkodi. Image Courtesy: Gururaj Bharathi.

  13. Hi Guys, I am planning for a bike trip to...

    Dhanushkodi Beach Point, Rameswaram: "Hi Guys, I am planning for a bike trip to..." | Check out 8 answers, plus see 1,580 reviews, articles, and 1,871 photos of Dhanushkodi Beach Point, ranked No.3 on Tripadvisor among 52 attractions in Rameswaram.

  14. Dhanushkodi Tour Packages From Chennai

    Rs 27,490. Dhanushkodi Tour Packages From Chennai - Book your Dhanushkodi tour packages from Chennai at best price with Yatra.com. Click now to get exclusive deals on Dhanushkodi holiday packages from Chennai with airfare, tour guide, hotel and sightseeing. Get amazing offers and deals on Dhanushkodi tour packages at Yatra.com.

  15. 34 Best Stops Between Chennai (Madras) and Rameswaram

    Some structures missing on cost when I visited first time in 1998. After Tusnami 2004 some changes to protact the temple. U can visit from chennai , by a car or some tour package by bus, every hotels also tour package information.This is one day tour of Mahaballipuram see so many site , this is a historical site , so interested persons must visit.

  16. Chennai to Dhanushkodi

    What companies run services between Chennai, India and Dhanushkodi, India? Indian Railways operates a train from Chennai Egmore to Rameswaram twice daily. Tickets cost $3-18 and the journey takes 10h 25m. Alternatively, Parveen Travels operates a bus from Koyambedu Omni Bus Stand to Rameswaram once daily. Tickets cost $8-18 and the journey ...

  17. Chennai to Dhanushkodi Ep 1 |Bike Ride |in Tamil |With ...

    #wecritic #chennaitodhanushkodibikeride #ecr #tamilnadutourism7 of us went on a bike trip to Dhanushkodi from chennai -620 kms.Episode 1 -Chennai -Puducherry...

  18. How to reach Dhanushkodi, Flights, Buses and Taxi to Dhanushkodi

    How to reach Dhanushkodi by road. While travelling by road, getting to Dhanushkodi is quite simple. Regular buses are available from Rameshwaram and other major areas. Rameshwaram has an extensive bus network, so even if no direct bus is available, you can always come to Rameshwaram and hop onto a Dhanushkodi bound bus.

  19. Chennai to Dhanuskodi day trip

    A-day trip to Dhaanushkodi seem very tight. You may need more than a day to commute Chennai-Madurai-Chennai by air and drive Madurai - Rameshwaram - Dhanuskhkodi - Rameshwaram - Madurai. As suggested, you will need to take 06:00 hrs flight from Chennai and 21:25 flight from Madurai to Chennai. It is not impossible though. CarLink. Edited: 8 ...

  20. A solo Dominar ride to Dhanushkodi

    For the uninitiated, Dhanushkodi is a beach at the tip of Rameswaram island, where the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal merge at a place called Arichal Munai in Tamil. Dhanushkodi was a vibrant town till it got wiped away by a cyclone in 1964. It is now a ghost town.

  21. Kochi

    Kochi - Dhanushkodi - Mahabalipuram Road trip advice. Hi, I am planning to have a 4 day roadtrip with my partner from Kochi, Kerala starting next Thursday. The plan is this: Day 1: Kochi to Dhanushkodi via Theni, Bodi ( If possible a quick stop at Madurai for a distant view of Madurai Temple ) Day 2: After watching sunrise at Dhanushkodi, leave ...

  22. Chennai Central Station to Dhanushkodi

    Indian Railways operates a train from Chennai Egmore to Rameswaram twice daily. Tickets cost $3-18 and the journey takes 10h 25m. Alternatively, SETC operates a bus from Chennai-Pt Dr. M.G.S to Rameswaram 3 times a day. Tickets cost $7-16 and the journey takes 12h 15m. Airlines.

  23. 5 Must-Visit Eco-Conscious Places In Tamil Nadu

    5. Marina Beach, Chennai. One among the longest urban beaches globally is Marina beach at Chennai endowed with golden sand, vibrant life at sea side till sun sets across horizon.

  24. Kochi

    Kochi - Dhanushkodi - Mahabalipuram Road trip advice. Hi, I am planning to have a 4 day roadtrip with my partner from Kochi, Kerala starting next Thursday. The plan is this: Day 1: Kochi to Dhanushkodi via Theni, Bodi ( If possible a quick stop at Madurai for a distant view of Madurai Temple ) Day 2: After watching sunrise at Dhanushkodi, leave ...