Israel Tour Pictures: Photo Journal of the Holy Land

Photo Journal by Venice Kichura

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Dome of the Rock

Take a trip to Israel through this photo journal of the Holy Land by Venice Kichura.

A view of the Dome of the Rock and Temple Mount in Jerusalem taken from the Mount of Olives.

The Dome of the Rock, a plot of land on an elevated stone platform is located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This area is sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Jews believe the Exodus Israelites first sanctified the site. Earlier, Abraham brought his son Isaac to Mount Moriah to sacrifice him upon a rock that extended from the center of the platform.

Genesis 22:2 Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about." (NIV)

Temple Mount

The Temple Mount is the holiest of all sites to Jews. It is where Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers.

The Temple Mount is the holiest of all sites to the Jews. Since it was first constructed by King Solomon in 950 BC, two Temples have been rebuilt at the site. Jews believe the third and final Temple will be located here. Today the site is under Islamic authority and is the location of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. It was at this site that Jesus overturned the moneychangers.

Mark 11:15-17 When they arrived back in Jerusalem, Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out the people buying and selling animals for sacrifices. He knocked over the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those selling doves, and he stopped everyone from using the Temple as a marketplace. He said to them, "The Scriptures declare, 'My Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations,' but you have turned it into a den of thieves." (NLT)

Wailing Wall

The Western Wall of the Temple in Jerusalem is the Wailing Wall, a holy site where Jews pray.

Also known as, the "Western Wall," the Wailing Wall is the only outer wall of the Temple that remained after Rome destroyed the second Temple in 70 AD. This remnant of what was the most sacred structure for the Hebrews grew into a holy site for Jews. Because of the heartfelt prayers at the Western Wall, it became known as the "Wailing Wall" because Jews insert their paper-written requests inside the wall's cracks as they pray.

Psalm 122:6-7 Pray for peace in Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper. O Jerusalem, may there be peace within your walls and prosperity in your palaces. (NLT)

Eastern Gate

A view of the sealed Eastern Gate or Golden Gate in Jerusalem.

The Eastern Gate (or Golden Gate) is the oldest of the city gates and is located along the eastern wall of the Temple Mount. On Palm Sunday , Jesus rode into the city through the Eastern Gate. Christians contend the Eastern Gate, which has been sealed for nearly 12 centuries, will reopen upon the return of Christ .

Ezekiel 44:1-2 Then the man brought me back to the outer gate of the sanctuary, the one facing east, and it was shut. The LORD said to me, "This gate is to remain shut. It must not be opened; no one may enter through it. It is to remain shut because the LORD, the God of Israel, has entered through it." (NIV)

Pool of Bethesda

At the Pool of Bethesda Jesus healed a man who had been ill for 38 years.

Located just north of the Temple Mount, the Pool of Bethesda is one of the few Jerusalem sites in which there isn't any argument about the exact spot. It's here where Jesus healed the man who'd been ill for 38 years, as recorded in John 5. Helpless people laid at the pool, seeking miracles. At the time of Christ, the colonnades were visible, although the pool wouldn't be enclosed as it is today.

John 5:2-8 Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. Here a great number of disabled people used to lie-the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there ... he asked him, "Do you want to get well?"

"Sir," the invalid replied, "I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me."

Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." (NIV)

Pool of Siloam

At the Pool of Siloam, Jesus healed a blind man by putting a mud mixture on his eyes and then telling him to wash it out.

The Pool of Siloam, recorded in John 9, relates how Jesus healed a blind man by putting a mud mixture on his eyes and then telling him to wash it out. In the 1890s, a mosque was built next to the pool, which still stands today.

John 9:6-7 Having said this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man's eyes. "Go," he told him, "wash in the Pool of Siloam." So the man went and washed, and came home seeing. (NIV)

Star of Bethlehem

The Star of Bethlehem in the Church of the Nativity marks the spot where Jesus was born.

Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, the Roman Emperor, first marked this spot about 325 A.D. where it's believed Jesus Christ was born . Following her son's conversion to Christianity, Helena traveled to Palestine sites held sacred by the Christian world. The Church of the Nativity was later built over it in 330 A.D., on the site of the ancient inn where Mary and Joseph stayed.

Luke 2:7 She gave birth to her first child, a son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger  because there was no lodging available for them. (NLT)

Jordan River

The Jordan River is the site where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.

It was here at the Jordan River (which flows south from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea) that John the Baptist baptized his cousin, Jesus of Nazareth, earmarking the advent of Jesus' public ministry. Although it's not known exactly where Jesus was baptized, this is a spot that is designated as where the event may have taken place.

Luke 3:21-22 One day when the crowds were being baptized, Jesus himself was baptized. As he was praying, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit , in bodily form, descended on him like a dove. And a voice from heaven said, "You are my dearly loved Son, and you bring me great joy." (NLT)

Sermon on the Mount Church

Church of the Beatitudes is located near the site where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount.

It was close to this stunning site (just north of the Sea of Galilee) that Jesus preached his Sermon on the Mount. Built in 1936-38, the Church of the Beatitudes is octagonal, representing the eight Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount. Although there is no specific evidence that this church is on the exact spot where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount, it's reasonable to assume it's nearby.

Matthew 5:1-3, 9 Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them saying: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven ... Blessed are the peacemakers, or they will be called sons of God." (NIV)

Robinson's Arch

Robinson's Arch contains original stones over which Jesus walked.

Discovered in 1838 by American researcher Edward Robinson, Robinson's Arch is the large stone sticking out from the southern part of the Western Wall. Robinson's Arch is a Temple archway, which crossed over paved streets that held upstairs from the street to the Temple Mount. It's believed these are the original stones over which Jesus walked on his way in and out of the Temple.

John 10:22-23 Then came the Feast of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter, and Jesus was in the temple area walking in Solomon's Colonnade. (NIV)

Garden of Gethsemane

On the night he was arrested, Jesus prayed to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane.

At the foot of the Mount of Olives stands the Garden of Gethsemane . Filled with olive trees, the Garden of Gethsemane is where Jesus spent his last hours praying to his Father, just before the Roman soldiers arrested him. Pleading with the Father for a "Plan B," he humbly submitted to his Father's will, preparing for the cross, as his disciples fell asleep when he needed them to help him pray.

Matthew 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." (NIV)

Church of the Holy Sepulture

At the Church of the Holy Sepulture, the 12th station of the cross sits above the site where Jesus was crucified.

In fourth century AD, Constantine the Great, along with his Mother, Helena, built the Church of the Holy Sepulture. The cross with the crucified Christ hovers above the site where Jesus was crucified. In the bed-rock (beneath the altar) is a large crack caused by the earthquake when Jesus gave up his spirit.

Matthew 27:46, 50 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" ... And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. (NKJV)

This skull-shaped hill is only a hundred meters from a tomb located outside the Old City walls.

Discovered by British General Gordon on a visit to Jerusalem in 1883, Skull Hill is the hill that led Gordon to a tomb believed to be that of Jesus. Scripture relates how Jesus was crucified at Golgotha ("the place of the skull"). This hill depicts a skull-shape only a hundred meters from the site of the tomb located outside the Old City walls. It's considered by many to be a legitimate location for the Tomb of Jesus, as burial places were considered illegal within the city walls.

Matthew 27:33 They came to a place called Golgotha (which means The Place of the Skull). (NIV)

The Garden Tomb

The Garden Tomb is the location where Protestant Christians believe Jesus was buried.

The Garden Tomb, discovered by a British soldier, General Gordon in 1883, is the site where most Protestant Christians believe that Jesus Christ was buried. (Catholics and Orthodox Christians believe Jesus was buried only feet away from his crucifixion , in the Tomb of Christ located in the Church of the Holy Sepulture.) Located outside the Old City walls (north of the Damascus Gate), the Garden Tomb is considered an authentic burial site because of the skull-shaped cliff near the tomb.

John 19:41 At the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had ever been laid. (NIV)

St. Peter in Gallicantu Church

St. Peter in Gallicantu Church is located on the site where Peter denied knowing Christ.

Located on the eastern side of Mount Zion, St. Peter in Gallicantu Church was built in 1931 over the spot where Peter denied knowing Christ. It's also the site of Caiaphas ' palace where Jesus was brought to trial. The name, "Gallicantu" means "the cock's crow" and is taken from the event when Peter denied knowing Jesus three times, as the cock crowed each time.

Luke 22:61 At that moment the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Suddenly, the Lord's words flashed through Peter's mind: "Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me." (NLT)

Remains of Simon Peter's House

These are the remains of the house where Simon Peter lived in Capernaum.

Christians from the earliest of times have believed this was the house of Simon Peter, as the name "Peter" is inscribed on its walls. The house was expanded in the fourth century AD. Today the remains of the house may be the exact place where Jesus ministered to Peter's mother-in-law.

Matthew 8:14-15 When Jesus arrived at Peter's house, Peter's mother-in-law was sick in bed with a high fever. But when Jesus touched her hand, the fever left her. Then she got up and prepared a meal for him. (NLT)

Synagogue of Capernaum

This Synagogue of Capernaum beside the Sea of Galilee is believed to be a place where Jesus would have spent much time teaching.

The site of Capernaum is on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee, about one mile east of the Mount of the Beatitudes . This Synagogue of Capernaum is believed to be a first-century synagogue. If so, Jesus probably would have taught here often. As Capernaum was Jesus' home base, it was here where he lived and ministered, as well as called his first disciples and performed scores of miracles.

Matthew 4:13 He went first to Nazareth, then left there and moved to Capernaum, beside the Sea of Galilee, in the region of Zebulun and Naphtali. (NLT)

Sea of Galilee

Much of the ministry of Jesus occurred around the Sea of Galilee, the place where he and Peter walked on water.

Fed from the Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee is actually a freshwater lake approximately 12.5 miles long and 7 miles wide. It is well-known for being a central location in the ministry of Jesus Christ. From this site Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount, fed the five thousand and walked upon the water .

Mark 6:47-55 When evening came, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. About the fourth watch of the night he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified.

Immediately he spoke to them and said, "Take courage ! It is I. Don't be afraid." (NIV)

Caesarea Amphitheater

This Amphitheater is located about 60 miles northwest of Jerusalem in Caesarea.

In the first century B.C., Herod the Great rebuilt what was then known as "Starton's Tower," renaming it "Caesarea" in honor of the Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar . It was here in Caesarea that Simon Peter shared the gospel with Cornelius, a Roman centurion who became the first Gentile convert.

Acts 10:44-46 Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the message. The Jewish believers who came with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles, too. For they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God. (NLT)

Cave of Adullam

This Cave of Adullam is the site where David hid from King Saul.

Originally, an underground cavern, the Cave of Adullam was near the town of Adullam. This is the cave where David hid from King Saul when Saul sought to kill him. What's more, it wasn't far from where David slew the giant Goliath , in the hills of Judah.

I Samuel 22:1-5 David left Gath and escaped to the cave of Adullam. When his brothers and his father's household heard about it, they went down to him there. All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their leader. About four hundred men were with him. (NIV)

Mount Nebo Memorial Stone to Moses

This Memorial Stone to Moses sits atop Mount Nebo in Moab.

This stone, atop Mount Nebo, is a memorial dedicated to Moses where he viewed the Promised Land. When Moses went up to Mount Nebo in Moab, the Lord let him see the Promised Land but told him he could not enter. Moab is also the land where Moses would die and be buried.

Deuteronomy 32:49-52 "Go up into the Abarim Range to Mount Nebo in Moab, across from Jericho, and view Canaan, the land I am giving the Israelites as their own possession. There on the mountain that you have climbed you will die and be gathered to your people, just as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his people ... Therefore, you will see the land only from a distance; you will not enter the land I am giving to the people of Israel." (NIV)

Masada Desert Fortress

The Masada Monastery was a desert fortress overlooking the Dead Sea.

Around 35 BC King Herod built the fortress of Masada as a refuge. Located on the eastern edge of the Judean Desert and the Dead Sea, the Masada became the last hold-out of the Jews against the Romans during the Jewish rebellion in 66 AD. Tragically, thousands of Jews bravely chose suicide rather than be taken captive by the Romans.

Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. (NIV)

Herod's Masada Palace

These ruins of Herod's palace stand at the top of Masada.

At his Masada palace, King Herod built three levels, all with spectacular views. His palace also contained defense walls and an elaborate system of channels that could funnel rain into 12 large cisterns cut into the Masada cliffs. Christians remember Herod as the killer of innocent children.

Matthew 2:16 When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi , he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. (NIV)

Golden Calf Altar at Dan

This Altar of the Golden Calf was one of two "high place" altars built by King Jeroboam.

King Jeroboam placed two altars--one at Bethel and another at Dan. According to archaeological evidence, bull images represented the gods or bearers of them. Israel's calf idols were destroyed when the northern kingdom of Israel fell in 722 BC. When the Assyrians went on to defeat the ten tribes, the idols were raided for their gold.

1 Kings 12:26-30 Jeroboam thought to himself, "The kingdom will now likely revert to the house of David. If these people go up to offer sacrifices at the temple of the LORD in Jerusalem, they will again give their allegiance to their lord, Rehoboam king of Judah. They will kill me and return to King Rehoboam." After seeking advice, the king made two golden calves. He said to the people, "It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt." One he set up in Bethel, and the other in Dan. And this thing became a sin ... (NIV)

Qumran Caves

Original manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible, the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, were discovered in the caves of Qumran.

In 1947 when a young shepherd boy threw a rock into a cave near Khirbet Qumran (about 13 miles east of Jerusalem), trying to drive out an animal, he was led to the first findings of the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls. Ten other caves in this abandoned area (along the Dead Sea) were found to contain other original scrolls. The scrolls, written on papyrus, parchment, and copper, were safely hidden in jars and preserved for two thousand years because of the region's arid climate.

Joshua 1:8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. (NIV)

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Israel Travel Secrets

Holy Land Pictures

Holy Land Pictures

I have put together a collection of my favorite photos of the Holy Land featuring some stunning images of Christian Holy Sites and Churches from Jerusalem, Nazareth, and the Sea of Galilee .

Our Favorite Holy Land Pictures

Did you know that over 400,000 people visit the Israel every year? Since the birth of Christianity over 2000 years ago in this ancient land, the Holy Land has constantly been a pilgrimage destination for Christians throughout the world, not to mention, people from all walks of life and religions. It is actually the considered to be the birthplace of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

Throughout the Holy Land, you will find important Christian shrines, from the north through to the south of the country and points in between.

In the Galil in the  north of Israel , you can ‘follow the footsteps of Jesus’ by visiting the  Sea of Galilee , known in Hebrew as the Kinneret. On the shores of the lake you will see the ancient synagogue of Capernaum where, according to the New Testament, Jesus miraculously healed, delivered, and spoke in the synagogue during his ministry.

So many wonderful photo opportunities in Israel and I have shared with you some of my true favorites.


We would also invite you to  share some of your favorites  with us.

Church of Mary Magdalena in Jerusalem by Israeltourism on Flickr

We hope you have enjoyed our photo gallery. As I said, Lisa and I are always discovering new places and things to photograph and we invite you as our guest to contribute to this page and our main Israel photo gallery as well.

Of course, that is not a substitute for visiting Israel l in the near future. With limitless things to do and see, you will find yourself wanting more and more.

Please see our top recommendations for  amazing tours , top places to stay , best tour guides ,  and invaluable travel tips to maximize your time and money.

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Israel Overview Tour of All Biblical Sites

Israel – God’s Chosen Land

Israel . . . Land of the Bible . . . Land of Faith . . . the Holy Land, revered throughout recorded history as the cradle of monotheistic religion.  For a person of faith whose beliefs are rooted in the Bible, there is no place on earth like the Holy Land.  In this narrow strip of land lies the source of religious belief of much of mankind.  Here, amongst the barren hills and fertile plains, man’s spirit learned to soar and from here a new message went out to all the world: “. . . and many peoples shall come, and say, “Come, let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord, to the House of the God of Jacob; that He may teach us His ways and that we may walk in His paths.  For out of Zion (Hill next to Jerusalem) will go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:3,4).

The unique factor about the Holy Land is its special location in the World. Situated as it is, straddling the divide between Africa and Asia, the area has almost always been a battleground. Wave after wave of conquerors poured into it, anxious to control the strategic trade routes linking the centers of the ancient world. It’s not by accident that it’s virtually in the center of the world. In God’s master plan of creation, He decided to place Israel exactly in the center of His creation. Located on a tiny land bridge between Africa and Asia, there is no other way to get between the two of them except through Israel. It’s located on the crossroads of the world.  Whoever wanted to trade between the two continents, or control the known world, had to conquer and control Israel. For this reason, there have been more wars and events that have taken place in Israel than any other country on earth. God positioned Israel in its unique location in order to influence the world and be on “Center Stage” so all of creation would know that He alone is God.

For nearly 2,000 years, Christian visitors from all over the world have come to the Holy Land, the land of their spiritual heritage. With Bible in hand, they have walked the places Jesus walked and prayed in the places He preached and prayed. For Christians, Israel is a place like no other. It provides them a one of a kind opportunity to experience the land of the Bible, to deepen their faith, and to be spiritually transformed for a lifetime.

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Death, Burial, Resurrection of Christ

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Temple & the Early Church

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The Upper Room

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Feeding the 5,000

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Judean Wilderness

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M oun t Nebo & Moses

Philistine Cities of Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gaza, Ekron, Gath

Qumran: Dead Sea Scrolls

Samaria (Sabastia)

Shechem: Jacob's Well

Shiloh: Center of Worship

St. George's Monastery (Wadi Qelt)

Timnah: Life of Samson

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Southern  Israel Sites

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Bethlehem Overview

Bethlehem:  Church of Nativity

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Bethlehem: Naomi, Ruth, Boaz

Bethlehem: Shepherds' Field

Dead Sea Area

En-Gedi: Living Waters

Exodus, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai

Tel Hebron Overview

Hebron Caves of Machpelah

Herodian   (Herodiu m) Fortress

Oaks of Mamre, Hebron

Kadesh Barnea

Mount Sinai

Sodom & Gomorrah

The Philistines & Their City Strongholds

Timna Park:  Tabernacle, Moses

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The current coverage of this web site includes archaeological sites and views in Israel, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Malta, Jordan, and Lebanon. About 10–15 images are being added weekly.  You are invited to register here for occasional announcements on image additions.

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Carl Rasmussen

Dr. Rasmussen is Professor Emeritis of Biblical Studies at Bethel College (MN). Prior to coming to Bethel in 1980 he was Dean of the Institute of Holy Land Studies in Jerusalem for seven years. He has been teaching and guiding academic groups in the Middle East since 1973. For the past forty years he has been guiding and teaching academic groups in Israel, Jordan, Turkey, Greece, Italy, and Malta for about two months each year. During these trips he has been constantly adding to his digital archive, and those images form the basis of this site.

He has his Ph.D. in Ancient Near Eastern Studies, and also Th.M., B.D., and B.A. degrees. He is the author of the award-winning Zondervan Atlas of the Bible and the history, archaeology, and geography editor for the new, revised, version of Halley's Bible Handbook .

Dr. Rasmussen provides both the textual and photographic content of the web site.

Jesse Gavin

Jesse Gavin is a 2001 graduate of Bethel College (MN). He has creatively developed and continues to maintain the web site on a volunteer basis! He currently works as a Senior Software Developer at Dow Jones. His creative and technical abilities have made this site into a joy to use.

Invitation to Submit Your Images

If you posses digital images of sites not included in we would invite you to submit them for possible inclusion in the database. This would be a great way to increase our coverage and to make your best images available to the public.

If you have some images that you would like to submit, feel free to contact Dr. Rasmussen. There is no remuneration for this, but we would of course credit you as the provider of the image.

For a sample of an image provided by a "contributor to the site" click here .

Special thanks

To the Bethel Alumni Association for a series of grants to help defray some of the costs involved in the construction of this site.

To the Regents of Bethel College and Seminary for providing the faculty with time for sabbatical learning and growth.

To the Jerusalem University College for maintaining a fine academic institution in Jerusalem.

The images in this collection, and the text, were produced by Dr. Carl Rasmussen - Professor of Biblical Studies at Bethel College. These Web pages were designed, and are maintained, by Jesse Gavin

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Israel Tourism Consultants │ Holy Land Tours Photo Gallery

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Catholic Holy Land Tour Group

The Holy Land

Picture from group our Lady of Grace Roman Catholic Church with guide Jerry Lepre

Where it all Began Holy Land Tour

September 2018 Egypt, Jordan, Israel tour.

Israel and Jordan Holy Land Tour

Discover Petra on our Israel & Jordan tour.

Christian Tours to Holy Land

Visiting the burning bush and touring Where it all Began.

Holy Land Church Group

Tour the Holy Land with your church.

Trip to Egypt, Jordan, and Israel

Travel to Egypt and the Holy Land and see the pyramids of Giza.

Kiss the Sphinx

Group tours to the holy land, where it all began.

Where it All Began Egypt, Jordan, and Israel Christian tours.

Touring this early September on our "Where it All Began" #holylandtour and stopping at Moses' Well.

Wadi El Raha

While in the Sianai our tour guest stay at Wadi El Raha in St. Catherine Village, it truly is a Biblical site to behold with views of the Monastery.

Jordan River Baptism

Reverend Ho baptizing in the Holy Land.

Garden Tomb

Taking time to read from the Bible in the Garden Tomb.

Footsteps of Christ Tour

Footsteps of Christ tour to Israel September 2018.

Holy Land Tour Group

Christian tour group traveling on our Footsteps of Christ Holy Land Tour.

Our Lady of The Rosary

Our Lady of Rosary Holy Land tour group on February 2017.

Holy Land Egypt, Jordan, and Israel Tour

Pastor David Mateo accompanied with his mother on our En Los Pasos de Moises Holy Land tour.

Group Touring in the Holy Land

Taking time to enjoy dinner in Wadi El Raja.

Holy Land tour to Egypt, Jordan and Israel.

Taking time for a picture during our Footsteps of Christ tour.

Christian Israel Tours

Footsteps of Christ tour in Jerusalem.

Jordan River

Baptism during a Church group in the Jordan River.

Church Group Tour

Christian Church group to the Holy Land.

Christian Church Group

It was a privilege guiding Ministerios Marantha from Tucson, Arizona to the Where it all Began, this November - December 2018 trip.

Holy Land Travel

Touring in the Red Sea in the Holy Land.

Our amazing Where it all Began Egypt, Jordan, Israel Holy Land tour.

Church Group

Christian group travel, israel tour, sea of galilee.

Boat ride on the sea of galilee

Visiting Masada on our Holy Land tour.

Baptism in the Jordan River

Christian Travel

Ten day holy land tour.

Footsteps of Christ Israel Tour

Holy Land Group Tour

Holyland group tours to Israel

Empty Tomb, Jerusalem

Holy Land Journey

Pyramids of Giza.

Holy Land Tour

10 day Holy Land Israel tour

Burning Bush

Sinai, St. Catherine Monastery

Pyramids Egypt tour

Church of beatitudes.

Church group

Holy Land Church Groups

Community church in israel.

Baptism in the Jordan River.

Red Sea group photo

St. Katarina Mt. Sinai

Church of Nativity Bethlehem

Footsteps of Christ Tour visit to Bethelhem

Footsteps of Christ Holy Land tour

Christian Holy Land group tour

Footsteps of Christ tour visiting the Jordan River

Church groups

Where it all began.

Where it all Began Chrsitian Holy Land tour

Group church in Israel

Where it all Began church group

Footsteps of Christ

Holy Land group tour

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Highlights of the Holy Land Best Experience - 8 Days

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Fully Guided
  • Coach / Bus
  • Sightseeing

Traveled in February 2023

Places You’ll See

Tel Aviv

  • Introduction
  • Day 1 Sunday - Welcome to Israel and Transfer to your hotel
  • Day 2 Monday - Tel Aviv / Beer Sheba / Negev capital / Masada Park & Dead Sea
  • Day 3 Tuesday - Jerusalem / Yad Vashem / Israel Museum’s Shrine / Bethlehem / Church of the Nativity / Ein Karem
  • Day 4 Wednesday - Jerusalem / Via Dolorosa / Western Wall / Church of the Holy Sepulchre / Garden of Gethseman / Mount of Olives
  • Day 5 Thursday - Beit Shean / Golan Height / Galilee / Israeli wine country experience
  • Day 6 Friday - Nazareth / Sea of Galilee/ Jordan River / Tabgh/ Tiberias / Capernaum / Mount of Beatitudes
  • Day 7 Saturday - Acre / Haifa / Baha'i Shrine / Mount Carmel / Caesarea / Tel Aviv / Jaffa
  • Day 8 Sunday - Departure and Transfer to Ben Gurion Airport

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  • MC Michelle · 14th May 2023 We had the most amazing guide Leah Dor and the best driver Hassan they both was so lovely, accomodating and went out their way to be so helpful and gave us some extra nice suprises throughout the tour. Everything was a good pace, never rushed and saw so... Show more Trip date: April 2023

Highlights of the Holy Land Best Experience - 8 Days reviewer 2

  • ML Mary · 24th April 2023 Enjoyed it a lot. I will come again to Israel in the next 2 years again. Trip date: April 2023
  • AT Aline · 24th February 2023 Yariv our tour guide was very informative. Gave us a positive vibe inspite of the cold and rainy weather. Trip date: February 2023
  • OI OMOLARA · 19th January 2023 Well organised Coach transfer was excellent Knowledgeable guide Metropolitan hotel could have been better/ poor service but other hotels were excellent Trip date: January 2023
  • NH Natalya · 8th December 2022 It was wonderful experience! Our tour guide, Boaz, was awesome and very knowledgeable. Trip date: November 2022
  • NT Nerissa · 8th November 2022 Great tour. Knowledge guides - Destizna was excellent. We also saw a great variety of things. The pace was intense; adding another day to the tour with the same amount of sites would’ve been better. The hotels were below expectations except for the... Show more Trip date: October 2022

Highlights of the Holy Land Best Experience - 8 Days reviewer 8

  • EF Emma · 31st October 2022 At one point we had 39 people on our tour not the maximum 35 you state. It was too many. It was crowded. The hotels were great but the food in the hotel in the evening was repetitive. Our guide mark was great but the tour was very busy but we saw what... Show more Trip date: October 2022
  • KH Kay · 22nd September 2022 Good guide, good hotels, very interesting Trip date: September 2022

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The supplement for the third adult in a triple room booking is $1,788 plus an additional $140 for dinners.

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If you are 6 adults and one infant, you need to book the tour for 6 travelers and there will be a supplement for the infant which is US $280.

The tours we offer do not include international airfare. You will be responsible for booking your own flights to meet at the starting city of your tour.

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What Sites Should Be on Your Holy Land Tour Itinerary?

What sites should be on your holy land itinerary

You’ve decided to start planning for a Holy Land Tour. You’re looking at different tour groups, their leaders, and their itineraries. They look the same, with a few differences here and there. You can’t decide because you want to know what sites should be on your Holy Land Tour itinerary.  

What sites should be on a Holy Land tour itinerary?

  • In Galilee : Nazareth, Capernaum, the Sea of Galilee, Tagbha, and the Mount of Beatitudes.
  • In Jerusalem : the Temple Mount, the Israel Museum, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Mount of Olives, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, The Western Wall, the Western Wall tunnels, the Southern Steps, the Via Dolorosa, and the Garden Tomb.
  • Around Jerusalem : Bethlehem and the Judean Wilderness.
  • In the Rift Valley ; Jericho, the Dead Sea, Masada, Qumran, and the Jordan River.

This is a long list. For a ten-day excursion, it’s almost too long, but it can be done. The problem with this list is that it barely touches the surface of what the Holy Land has to offer. But it covers most of the important sites in Jesus’s ministry and the period in which he lived.

Note: All Bible verse links go to

Before I begin, let’s talk about the concept of tradition . In the Old Testament, Moses routinely marks places where God interacted with His people. Often, he built a stone pile that contrasted the landscape. They were tangible reminders of spiritual events.

Though the tradition of placing a pile of rocks seems to have died with him, establishing a tradition of commemoration did not. Throughout history, both Jews and Christians have sought to commemorate significant events in the relationship between God and His people.  Because communities and cultures rise and fall, sometimes these locations are forgotten. Or tribal knowledge inadvertently shifts the location where an event happened. Or commemoration was delayed because of political and cultural influences.

These questions don’t mean that tradition in the absence of definitive knowledge weakens the significance of an event. We must remember that the location is just a tangible reminder of the event. We visit the Holy Land to immerse ourselves in the place where God interacted with His people. And where His Son, Jesus, walked among His people.

During your tour, you will come across many archaeological digs which provide evidence of biblical places. You will also visit numerous sites that lay claim to the same event.

There are TWO Gardens of Gethsemane!! There are between TWO and FIVE sites, which claim to be the location where Jesus was born.  Archaeologists have argued for decades over where Golgotha is.

The thing to remember is that competing claims do not lead to a flimsy argument for the existence of God. All these sites have strong arguments in favor of their claims. The arguments have never been over the legitimacy of the events. Rather, they have been over where the pile of rocks should be placed.

Almost every Holy Land tour hits Galilee first. It’s too important for Christians to miss, so it’s usually front-loaded in case scheduling problems arise.

Galilee is important because the majority of Jesus’s ministry happened here. Almost every site you’ll visit has had a church or some kind of worship center built on it. You may feel robbed of an authentic experience because of this. Just think of it as the modern-day version of a pile of rocks.

Nazareth is a thriving city, so there isn’t much to see historically. However, the Church of the Annunciation is where you will most likely go. It’s a beautiful structure, both inside and outside. The church sits on top of the plot of land in which tradition believes the angel Gabriel informed Mary she would give birth to Jesus.

Just to the north of Nazareth is Kanna , better known in the Bible as Cana. John 2 tells the story of Jesus’s first miracle, the turning of water into wine, during a wedding feast at Cana. The Wedding Church in Kanna is the usual tourist stop.

Mount Precipice is on the south side of Nazareth and offers a fantastic view of the Jezreel Valley. Luke 4:29-30 tells the story of when the people of Nazareth seek to throw Jesus from “the brow of the hill on which the town was built.” But he passes through them and disappears. Mount Precipice is the traditional site of this event.

There is no hiking required as the parking lot is right next to the lookout. This is an easy site to visit and can offer a serene atmosphere for an early morning prayer service.

What you will probably miss in Galilee.

The Wedding Church at Cana is nice. But to the northeast of the town of Kanna is something far more interesting. A mound that archaeologists think is the first-century location of Cana sits hidden in the small hills. Ostraca and shards of pottery bearing the name of the city have been found there. Once funding is obtained and approval granted, biblical historians and archaeologists will descend on the site to excavate it.

The site is difficult to get to at the moment. It is off the beaten path and requires a mile hike along a dirt road through some farmland. The road eventually ends, and you’ll have to make your own path to the top of the mound.


There’s nothing of particular importance on top, but you can say you possibly visited the ‘real’ Cana .

Sepphoris was a town near Nazareth and the capital of the Galilee region in Jesus’s time. Under Herod, the city underwent a good amount of construction going. Although not mentioned in the Bible, Sepphoris is a place of interest because of its first-century building projects.

Biblical historians have suggested that Joseph might have worked there as a carpenter. He may have even taken Jesus with him to learn how to build.

The archaeological remains at Sepphoris have been well preserved and offer great insight into life in the first century.

The Sea of Galilee.

Otherwise known as Lake Gennesaret, the Sea of Galilee is home to several important sites.

If your group takes a boat ride on the sea , you’ve chosen wisely. If you’re lucky, you’ll get dropped off in Tiberias next to the Jesus Boat Museum . Inside, the preserved hull of a first-century fishing boat is on display. The boat was found encased in mud off the nearby shore of the lake in the mid-1980s. It will give you an idea of the boats Jesus and the Disciples sailed in.

To the north, Capernaum was the home of Peter and the headquarters of sorts for Jesus’s ministry. At the site, you’ll find a fourth-century synagogue and the ruins of some first-century housing structures. One of the homes is believed to have been Peter’s.

Above the ruins is a church built as a memorial to Peter. Pews are situated around the outside of the sanctuary. The center of the sanctuary floor is glass so that visitors can see the ruins below.

Tabgha is the traditional site of the feeding of the Five-thousand ( Matt 14 ; Mark 6 ; Luke 9 ; and John 6 ). Nothing exists in terms of ruins because the event took place in a field. However, today the Church of the Multiplication stands as a memorial to the event.

The Sermon on the Mount ( Matt 5-7 ) is one of the most famous passages in the Bible. It also occurred on an undeveloped plot of land. Tradition and the Bible, place it on the slopes of the Chorazin Plateau overlooking Tabgha and Capernaum. A Roman Catholic church has adorned the landscape of the plateau since the 1930s.

If you chose a good tour group, you will walk along a trail leading away from the Mount of Beatitudes Church down to Tabgha.

What you’ll probably miss at the Sea of Galilee.

To the west of Tabgha is a site that was discovered more recently than the ones above. The name of the town was Magdala . The town of Mary Magdalene, or rather Mary of Magdala. The site is small, but archaeologists have been working on it fervently. A worship center has been built at the site to memorialize the women of the Bible.

The list of Christian holy and historical sites in Jerusalem is vast. However, the majority are situated in and around the Old City. Because of this, your time in Jerusalem will be spent walking a lot. So be prepared.

  • Israel Museum . Don’t miss the model of the Old City.
  • Mount of Olives. Your tour bus will take you there. But if you can hike up for a sunrise alone or with your spouse, you’ll thank me.
  • Kidron Valley. Stay with your group!
  • Church of All Nations (Garden of Gethsemene)
  • Dominus Flavit. Traditional site where Jesus wept.
  • Western Wall
  • Western Wall Tunnels. Fascinating. You’ll see part of a first-century sidewalk and stones the size of half a football field.
  • Temple Mount. A must-see.
  • Via Dolorosa. It can be cliché to carry the cross through the stations of the cross. But if that’s on your list, own it and never look back.
  • The old City Market. Check out Zak’s for some decent antiquities.
  • The Garden Tomb. Probably not THE tomb, but it provides a great look at how first-century tombs looked.
  • The Upper Room. The traditional site where Jesus and the disciples had the last supper. ‘Traditional’ is the operative word here.
  • The Southern Steps. Here you’ll find pieces of the original temple wall and some original mikvahs.
  • Church of the Holy Sepulcher. A church built over the traditional site of the tomb Jesus was placed in. Get in line to see the stone bench. Stay for the door ceremony at the end of the day.
  • Church of Saint Anne. Located next to the pools of Bethesda, the Via Dolorosa starts here.
  • Mount Scopus Lookout. Another lookout of the Temple Mount from the North East.

What you will probably miss in Jerusalem.

The City of David archaeological dig ( Official Website ) is something relatively new. At least in the last decade. For centuries the site was covered by houses. As land opened up, archaeologists have been able to dig and uncover parts of the original city from the time of David. The dig is across the street from the Southern Steps.

One of the fascinating finds was the original city wall about halfway up the slope from the Kidron Valley. Even more fascinating is another wall just a little higher up than the main wall. Archaeologists have determined this to be Nehemiah’s Wall .

In the book of his namesake, Nehemiah leads a building campaign to rebuild the wall. The Israelites accomplish the feat in 56 days. Though the book does not say how they built it so fast, because the wall was higher up, its perimeter is shorter.

Hezekiah’s Tunnel ( 2 Kings 20 ). When the Assyrians invaded Jerusalem in 701 BCE, King Hezekiah had a tunnel carved that lead from the Gihon Spring to the Pool of Siloam. Known as Hezekiah’s Tunnel, tourists can walk through it from the City of David to the pool. If the tunnel is on your itinerary, wear sandals or shoes you don’t mind getting wet. And be prepared for a few tight spaces.

Around Jerusalem.

One site I recommend you put on your ‘must-see, no compromises’ list is the Judean Wilderness . There are a couple of lookout points that are frequented by tourists. It doesn’t matter which one you choose. What you’ll see is miles and miles of untamed wilderness. The exact same wilderness Abraham, David, and Jesus saw.

Some tours skip the lookout points because they can be a bit of a detour. If it’s not on your itinerary and you have a day off in Jerusalem, I recommend finding a way to get out there. The lookouts aren’t far. The whole trip might take an hour or two at most. Your quiet time with God will thank you.

Bethlehem is a bit of a dump these days, but it’s a must-see for any Holy Land tour. You’ll stop at the Church of the Nativity and the Shepherds Field . Both have some kind of claim as the birthplace of Jesus. Beware of the so-called ‘tour guides’ that will bombard you at the Church of the Nativity. They aren’t tour guides, nor is the price worth it.

What you’ll probably miss around Jerusalem.

The Herodian is a palace complex built into a hill. Although Herod was a horrible person, one of the things he did was commission several epic engineering projects. The Temple rebuild was one; another was the port at Caesarea. For the Herodian, his engineers carved out the center of a hill and constructed a fortified compound inside.  

Herod knew he was not liked. So, he built several fortified palace compounds where he could escape to during a revolt. The Herodian is replete with all the amenities a rich ruler could want. Including a small theater so he could entertain his Roman guests.

The Rift valley.

The journey east can often be accomplished in a day if done right. The sites you’ll visit are the 1) dig site at Jericho, 2) Qumran, 3) the Dead Sea, and 4) Masada.

Also known as Tell es-Sultan, Archaeologists first dug the ancient city of Jericho up in the 1800s. In the 1950s, Kathleen Kenyon uncovered a great amount of detail, including the Tower of Jericho.

Qumran is where the Dead Sea Scrolls were unearthed in 1948. To date, ten caves have been discovered. The Essenes were a monastic culture that lived and worked at Qumran. They maintained strict rules making new copies of scrolls and properly disposing of old ones.

The Dead Sea needs no introduction. Every tour stops at one of the many tourist swimming spots. Make sure to have your suit and your sandals ready to go. Most places will have gift shops where you can buy Dead Sea mineral lotions as well.

Masada is a mountain fortress built by Herod’s engineers for him. The compound sits on top of a mesa overlooking the Dead Sea. The engineers designed it to be self-sustaining. An intricate labyrinth of gutters and cisterns replenish and hold water year-round. It even had fields for growing crops and tending to farm animals. In 73 CE, a small band of Jewish rebels led by Josephus barricaded themselves on top.

For nine months, the Tenth Roman Legion laid siege to Masada. Jewish slaves built a ramp to the top. Twigs, branches, and grass matting were used to create stabilizing layers as dirt piled up. The weaved vegetation gave structure to the ramp and made it sturdy. The ramp still exists today. If the bus drops you off on the west side of the park, you get to walk up the ramp!

What you’ll probably miss in the Rift Valley.

Ein Gedi ( 1 Samuel 24 ) is where David and his band of marauders hid from Saul. We don’t know which cave David hid from Saul in. Today, there is a tourist stop where travelers and city dwellers can cool off in the natural springs. A trail leads from the main pools into a ravine. It’s a short little hike and can give you a great idea for how David and his men possibly lived during exile.

Final Thoughts.

The list above is not exhaustive by any means. And I didn’t even get to Southern Israel or Samaria. Both areas have interesting and significant sites you should see someday.

It’s probably a good idea for you to set some expectations for your tour right now.

If you think this is all you’re going to get, focus on the experience over the site list. Make sure you get a good group leader and group. Any tour with a good leader will make sure you hit the good sites.

The desire to go on a tour of the Holy Land is a great desire to have. Whether this trip will be your only trip or the first or one of many, God has you on the right path. Like the debates about where the pile of rocks should go, you don’t need a hard point to interact with God. he will meet you wherever and whenever He wants. He may even wait until you’re home to have that interaction.

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Holy land pilgrimage with jordan and petra tour – 12 day.

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  • The Importance of a Holy Land Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land – Pilgrimage to Bethlehem and Jordan with Petra Tour

Catholic Journey’s new Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Jordan with Petra Tour will reinvigorate your faith.  On this Catholic Pilgrimage, you will walk in the Footsteps of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and the Apostles, visiting and celebrating daily Mass in the most important Shrines and Basilicas of Christianity.  This Holy Land Pilgrimage and Petra Tour visits the Basilica of the Annunciation, where the Angel of the Lord appeared to the Virgin Mary, and Mary professed her Magnificat. You will visit Bethlehem and celebrate the birth of Christ at the Church of the Nativity .  You will have the opportunity to renew your baptismal vows at the Jordon River and your wedding vows in Cana, where Jesus performed His first Miracle. You will spend two days around the Sea of Galilee where Jesus began His ministry, preaching to thousands as He gave His sermon on the Mount of Beatitudes, and miraculously fed the multitudes with fish and loaves of bread. The highlight of the Holy Land Pilgrimage Tour will be in Jerusalem where you will pray in the Garden of Gethsemane and experience the Lord’s Passion along the Via Dolorosa , on the way to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre which marks the place where Jesus was put to death on Calvary, and was buried and rose again! Visits to Mount Tabor,  Sepphoris , Bethany, and Jericho are just some of the other places that you will visit on this Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Petra Tour.  This Catholic pilgrimage tour visits Petra, where the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was filmed.  It is stunning.  Why don’t you go ahead and book the Catholic Holy Land Pilgrimage with Jordan and Petra Tour for 2025 today?

Prices start at $3,195 for land only — $3,995 with airfare from most major airports in 2025!

“To go on pilgrimage is not simply to visit a place to admire its treasures of nature, art or history. To go on pilgrimage really means to step out of ourselves in order to encounter God where he has revealed himself, where his grace has shone with particular splendor and produced rich fruits of conversion and holiness among those who believe. Above all, Christians go on pilgrimage to the Holy Land, to the places associated with the Lord’s passion, death, and resurrection.”  

~ Pope Benedict XVI Visit To The Cathedral Of Santiago De Compostela; Address Of The Holy Father Benedict XVI; Nov. 6, 2010.

Details of the Holy Land Pilgrimage with Jordan and Petra Tour

Departure & return location.

Your  local airport of choice  —  Or you can choose land only and make your own flight arrangements.

Departure Time

Arrive for Check-in 3 Hours Before Flight Time

Price Includes

  • Air fares - Round trip airfare listed below Airfare is included for most major airports
  • 1 Checked Bag with the Airlines
  • Hotel Accommodations - First Class 4 & 5 Star Hotels with Porterage
  • Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Daily Bottled mineral water with dinners
  • Tour Guide - Professional English Speaking Guides -- always Catholic
  • Sightseeing and admissions fees as per itinerary Whisper Headsets where needed
  • All transportation in destination location
  • Entry visas for Jordan for US citizens only

Price Excludes

  • Travel Insurance - optional but recomended
  • Gratuities for Guides and Drivers
  • Baggage Fees, if applicable
  • ETA-IL application fee - REQUIRED
  • Fees for Seat Assignments or upgrades, if applicable
  • Private airport transfers when selecting Land Only and arranging your own flights.
  • Any Personal Expenses


  • Name and Luggage tags
  • Neck Wallet
  • Average group size is 21 for Holy Land and Petra Pilgrimages

Itinerary for Holy Land Pilgrimage with Jordan and Petra Tour

Day 1 depart usa.

Your Holy Land pilgrimage begins by meeting at the airport and boarding your flight to Amman, Jordan.

Day 2 Amman - Jordan

Harir Palace Hotel in Amman jordan holy land pilgrimage tour with petra

Day 3 Kerak - Petra


Next, we drive down the King’s Highway to Petra, the Rose City, the capital of the Nabateans, carved out of the red rock of the mountain. Walk through the Siq, a narrow passage to the first monument – the Treasury Temple. Visit also the Monastery, House of Justice, the Royal Tombs, and the Theater. The walk includes a visit to the Petra Museum. The Museum holds numerous artifacts from the Neolithic period of Nabataean history. The museum also contains architecture from the Romans as well as, a Byzantine chapel. Petra was immortalized in the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.  Lunch at the archaeological site. Dinner and overnight in Petra.

Day 4 Mount Nebo - Madaba - Jordan River - Dead Sea

River Jordan Holy Land Pilgrimage tour with petra

Continuation to Madaba, a city famous for its Byzantine mosaics, for a visit to the St. George’s Greek Orthodox Church where the ancient map of the Holy Land is kept. Lunch. Visit the site where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist along the Jordan River for the renewal of the baptismal promises. Free time for bathing in the Dead Sea. Dinner and overnight along the Dead Sea.

Day 5 Gerasa aka Jerash - Cana

gate at jerash Jordan holy land pilgrimage tour

In the afternoon we travel to Israel.  We drive to Cana, where according to St. John, Jesus performed his first miracle, changing water into wine at the wedding.  This is also where we remember the vocation of the apostle Bartholomew aka Nathanael of Cana, of whom Jesus said, admiringly, “Here is a true Israelite.”We celebrate Mass here at the Wedding Church, and married couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows.  Overnight in Nazareth.

Day 6 Basilica of the Annunciation - San Guiseppe - Ancient Village - Mount Tabor

Mount Tabor holy land jordan with petra pilgrimage tour

We will visit the Church of San Giuseppe, aka St. Joseph.  Ancient Village, and Synagogue.  We will celebrate mass in the Basilica of the Annunciation. Lunch. In the afternoon climb Mount Tabor. Visit the sanctuary of the Transfiguration where Jesus was transfigured and conversed with Moses and Elijah. Return to the hotel. Dinner and overnight.

Day 7 Tiberias - Capernaum - Mount of Beatitutdes - Boat Ride on the Sea of Galilee

chapel on the Mount of Beatitudes holy land jordan with petra pilgrimage tour

Day 8 Bethlehem, Yad Vashem

church of the nativity bethelem holy land jordan with petra pilgrimage tour

Day 9 Jerusalem

church st. peter denied lord holy land pilgrimage tour

Day 10 Jerusalem - Western wall - Stations of the Cross - Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Holy Sepulchre Church found on Holy Land Jerusalem Pilgrimage

Day 11 Jerusalem - Old Port of Jaffa - St. Peter's Church - Tel Aviv

old jaffa port boats holy land jordan with petra pilgrimage tour

Day 12 Return to USA

This morning you will arrive back in the USA.

Extra content about the Jordan segment of this pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

Map of Holy Land Pilgrimage with Jordan and Petra Tour

Photos for Holy Land Pilgrimage with Jordan and Petra Tour


Dates, Pricing, Booking for Holy Land Pilgrimage with Jordan and Petra Tour

Travel insurance for holy land pilgrimage with jordan and petra tour.

Travel Insurance is available for Israel and Jordan and – is recommended.

Click here for insurance plans including Cancel for Any Reason Coverage for a pilgrimage to Israel.


FAQ for Holy Land Pilgrimage with Jordan and Petra Tour

Harir Palace Hotel in Amman

Do you have hotel information?   Click here for Hotel Accommodations for the Holy Land Pilgrimage with Jordan and Petra Tour

Do I need an electrical adapter in Israel and Jordan?   Yes, you will need an adapter for both Jordan and Israel.

Is a Holy Land Pilgrimage important?  For additional information for pilgrims to the Holy Land please click here.

Have the Bishops said anything about a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land?   For Holy Land Pilgrimage Guidelines from the United States Bishops click here.

Are your guides Catholic?   All of our guides are Roman Catholic!  Absolutely!  We are the only pilgrimage tour agency with a  Roman Catholic priest on staff!

New Visa Application for Americans!

ETA-IL is now required .   It is easy to do.

If I make my own flight arrangements, how do I meet up with the group? 

Arrival times vary between dates and within pilgrimages.  If you make your own flight arrangements, we can arrange a private transfer from the Queen Alia Amman Jordan airport to the group hotel for $50 per person.  From the group hotel to Ben Gurion Tel Aviv airport in Israel for $100 per person.  We recommend using our airport transfer service because they are known and trusted drivers.  As soon as you have your flight information, email Marcelle .

Do you have other pilgrimage tours to the Holy Land?  Yes.  We have our classic Holy Land and Jerusalem Pilgrimage Tour and the new premium Holy Land Food Pilgrimages to Israel featuring Foodies Tours and now on sale the Holy Land Pilgrimage with Bethlehem Stay.   The Bethlehem Stay Holy Land Pilgrimage is our lowest-cost offering.

Do you have FAQs for airlines, passports, vaccinations, travel insurance, tipping, packing, mobility, and others?   Yes. FAQ for all Catholic Journeys Pilgrimage Tours

Would you like to lead your parish or group on this Holy Land Pilgrimage?   Click Here to get started.

Can I obtain Cancel for Any Reason Coverage for a pilgrimage to Israel?  Yes! Click here for insurance plan details — see the Select Plan with CFAR upgrade.

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Holy Land pilgrimage tour

Pilgrimages to the Holy Land are always a Blessing, specially when they are directed by great priests like Fr. Noelker. I enjoyed everything on this pilgrimage to the Holy Land! My prayers go to all of the people of those wonderful and holy places we visited last September and their families, thanks to you for making these Holy Land pilgrimages that are so important for our Faith growth possible.

In Christ, Jessica

The trip went well, my only complaint is that they rearranged the schedule. The guides were very knowledgeable, they almost threw to much at you. The guide in Jordan had everything down to a system. Told us when we had to be on the bus what we were doing and how much walking for that day. The guide in Israel left it up to Father to inform us of what time and what we were doing. All in all it was a great trip. Oh one more thing you do need to let people know that there is a lot of stairs and hills and lot of walking.

The food was good, with delicious chicken, rice, hummus, pita bread. The breakfasts were good, they gave a good selection of items. The hotels were good. The best 2, one was, sorry I can’t remember the name of the one, but it was an old village, the rooms were like caves, it was very cool, I think it was in Petra, the second was the Holiday Inn at the Dead Sea, unfortunately we did not have enough time to thoroughly enjoy that one! LOL! But all in all the food and accommodations were very good.

Carol and Bob K

Amazing Pilgrimage, our Jordan and Israel guides were outstanding! Great bus drivers. Wonderful accommodations. Carol and Bob Kolar

Fr. Desmond Ndikum

The pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Jordan was wonderful. It was a different experience leading a group after having gone a few years ago as a Deacon. I just took it all in. The tour guides in both Israel and Jordan were exceptional. I look forward to my next pilgrimage tour!

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Experience a life-changing spiritual journey to sacred lands around the world.

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Get the Complete Experience

Holy Land 360 offers immersive tours and spiritual pilgrimages, providing spiritual, historical, and cultural context often overlooked by other tours. Learn from locals and spiritual guides, sample the food (and prepare it!), and experience the rich history, sites, and sounds of lands immersed in cultural and religious enchantment.


Peace pilgrimage, to the holy land.

Embark on a peacemaking pilgrimage to explore what it means to find peace in the midst of cultural and spiritual conflict.


Holy Land 360 aims to create immersive travel experiences that illuminate and broaden one's understanding of sacred places around the world and their spiritual, historical, and cultural foundations. With our on-the-ground partners, we are passionate about providing an experience that challenges one's faith, deepens one's understanding, and encourages spiritual transformation.

Partake in a journey of a life-time. See the sites, the smells, the sounds, and immerse yourself in three ancient cultures. Make unlikely friendships, and learn that we are more alike than different.

Explore the historic sites and sounds of the sacred lands. Walk through the cobblestone streets, explore museums and historical sites, partake in exotic and delicious cuisine, and encounter ancient cultures, people, and faiths.

Gain a deep understanding of the cultural and historical events that have shaped these lands, The current conflicts, and challenges that lie ahead. Learn from humanitarians and peacemakers as they share their hope for future peace and justice.

Nothing integrates you more into the fabric of society than working together, hand-in-hand on community-based projects. Collaborate and bond with locals as you work together to make a healthier society.



We were part of a group of about 26 people from all over the globe. Building little relationships with these people was completely organic and nothing felt forced. It was just a pleasure to meet everyone, and we gelled incredibly well. I have certainly made friends for life amongst the group including organisers. Overall, the team organised a seemingly seamless and perfect trip. Thank you Holyland 360. You come highly recommended.

- Jacqueline Paul


“This pilgrimage has left me with lifelong memories and will be something that I cherish for the rest of my life as I reflect back fondly and with so much joy on how God called me to the Holy Land to be moved and to be sent back to my home so that I can be a better witness to Christ and all the wonderful things He has done for us.”


“My own Christian faith has been deepened from my experience. I have more hope for the region from having met so many incredible people.”

Lauren Brownlee  USA 


"This program gives you a truly extensive immersion experience across The Holy Land. The community projects, the family visits, and access to policymakers sets this program apart from all the rest.”

Marcus Owtram  UK 


“From a group of individuals, with varying motivation, we left as friends, not only with each other but with the people we met along the way and felt united as a group, bound by the shared and varied experiences which Holy Land Trust had given us. It was exhausting and amazing in equal measure, but above all, a once in a lifetime experience.”

- St. Peter Churcho.


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Wayne Stiles

8 Tips to Maximize Your Holy Land Tour

How to make your journey magnificent..

Picture of Wayne Stiles

In my previous post, I offered some suggestions for how to prepare for a Holy Land Tour. After all, you’re investing a lot of money and significant time for this journey. It makes sense to prepare yourself beforehand so that you get the most from your experience in Israel.

8 Tips to Maximize Your Holy Land Tour

(Photo: Western Wall and Temple Mount, courtesy of Pictorial Library of Bible Lands )

But after you arrive in Israel, there are a number of ways you can ensure you get the most from your Holy Land tour.

The following 8 tips include both practical and spiritual ways to maximize your experience every single day you’re there.

1. Take Pictures of People, not Just Places

Going to Israel is about places, to be sure. After all, there’s nothing like learning the Word of God right where it happened. But the trip is more than places.

  • Get people pictures. Each time the motor coach stops, you’ll be tempted simply to snap pictures of the places you see. That’s fine, but you can buy those kinds of pictures (and they’ll be much better than those you’ll take). What kind of pictures can’t you buy? Pictures of YOU in the Holy Land. Ask someone to take pictures of YOU and of those traveling with you. People also give scale to pictures.
  • Create a system to label your photos. You think you’ll remember the place names and stops, but you won’t. You will take hundreds of pictures. I suggest you read two great posts by Mark Hoffman about how to take pictures in the Holy Land . Great advice.
  • GeoTag your photos . If you bus has Wi-Fi, and you have a Smart Phone, be sure to make your last picture at each site one you snap on the bus—connected to Wi-Fi. That way your final photo GeoTags the site. On the go, you can use the Google Maps app to find your location. I love doing this. (Just make sure you’re only accessing the Web via Wi-Fi and not over an expensive overseas network.)
  • Enjoy the folks you meet. Some of my family’s dearest friends are those we have met on tours and stayed in contact with through the years. We’ve even stayed in each other’s homes. You will meet people on your tour who may end up being friends for life. Stay open to that. God may have more for you in Israel than pictures and places.

Take pictures of people

(Photo: My friend Todd and me at Tel Megiddo)

2. Take Pictures with Your Heart

I’ve gone on tours with pilgrims who saw the whole tour through their lens. One guy I think literally videoed the WHOLE experience.

Yes, take pictures. But not just with your camera.

  • Be sure to stop and drink in the wonder. On your tour, time is always measured, of course. But your guide and Bible teacher should leave some time after their teaching/devotional for you to take a deep breath and ponder the significance of the place.
  • When you stay at the Sea of Galilee , get up before everyone else and watch the sunrise over the Golan Heights .
  • In Jerusalem , keep in mind you’re in the city where the universe was redeemed. Where YOU were redeemed. Be sure you remember to stand for a few full minutes of silence and just gaze on the panorama of the city. Drink it in with your heart. Pray with your eyes wide open.
  • Make it happen if it’s not scheduled. If for some reason, you find you’re not getting time at these stops to drink it in, try this. Ask your tour leader if he or she minds if at the next stop or two you walk off by yourself during the teaching time (but don’t wander too far). Taking pictures with the heart is an essential part of your Holy Land tour.

Sea of Galilee sunrise

(Photo: Sea of Galilee sunrise)

3. Remember, You’re More than a Tourist (You’re a Christian)

Remember you’re still a Christian, even though you’ve paid a lot to be there. Go with the expectation to receive a wonderful experience, yes—but don’t go with a spirit of entitlement. Remember:

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. . . . If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. —Galatians 5:22–25

These are God’s expectations of you—even in the Holy Land.

  • Think of each of these qualities in connection with being a good traveler—especially patience and kindness.
  • Determine each day that you will be an encourager, not a complainer. (Remember what happened to those who grumbled in the wilderness wanderings? See Numbers 14:27 and 1 Peter 4:9.)
  • Remain a servant. Let others go first. Be nice, even if others aren’t .

Remember, You’re More than a Tourist (You’re a Christian)

(Photo: Even tourists can be kind!)

4. Stay Sensitive and Strategic about Evangelism

You’re a Christian, not just a tourist—that is true. Your compassion naturally will go out to your Israeli guide and bus driver, if they are unbelievers.

  • Stay sensitive. You may know ahead of time who your Israeli guide and bus driver are. Sometimes you do; sometimes you don’t. Obviously, they will be polite and listen to you (think: tips). But don’t take advantage of their good nature. I’m not saying don’t share the gospel with them. (In fact, Cathy and I had the privilege to lead our bus driver to Christ one time.)
  • Surprise them by modeling Christianity. Realize they have probably heard the gospel many times from many tourists. What they likely haven ’t experienced is genuine Christianity: servanthood, love, kindness, patience, etc. One guide I have worked with came to Christ because of the LOVE he experienced from pilgrims.
  • Be strategic. Show them the gospel before you ever speak it. Remember, you’re more than a tourist—you’re a Christian.

5. Determine to Keep Up (and Stay Hydrated)

The sun doesn’t stand still over Gibeon any longer. When a group moves slowly, and time runs out, you have to start dropping sites from the itinerary.

Every tour has stragglers. I’ve seen two types.

  • Some lag behind because they’re physically unable to climb stairs, walk briskly, or navigate uneven terrain. If that’s you, it would be a good idea to connect with your leader at the beginning of your Holy Land tour and ask what sites are physically demanding. For those places, it would be courteous of you to remain with the bus.
  • Other people straggle because it’s a personality trait or they’re simply self-absorbed . They simply don’t realize keeping up boils down to common courtesy.

The tour can only move as fast as its slowest person. Don’t be that person.

Our pilgrims at Masada

(Photo: Our pilgrims at Masada)

Also, in a land where water is life, you will need to drink a lot. It will keep you healthy and give you energy. Get your body used to being hydrated before the trip.

  • On the tour each day, carry a fistful of dollars on the bus and make it a habit to buy water from your driver every time you get on and off the bus. He will keep his refrigerator stocked full. To me, this is more convenient than carrying a water bottle, though some prefer to do that.
  • Israel is very tourist-savvy and restrooms are at (most) every stop. You’ll have more energy and stay healthier if you drink lots of water.
  • Did I mention you should drink a lot of water?

6. Review the Itinerary for the Day Beforehand

In my previous post, I mentioned how to prepare spiritually for your Holy Land tour . One of these tips suggested that you use your daily itinerary as your quiet times—both before the trip and on it.

  • As I mentioned, get a good devotional book with an index where you can look up the sites, read a devotional about them, and look forward to the truths you’ll experience that day.
  • Because you know your itinerary, you can plan your quiet times ahead of time. If you look over the day’s sites, you’ll have a greater expectation of them. You can pray about them.

7. Ask Questions

Your guide and Bible teacher love questions. They know their stuff. Ask them questions!

  • Ask about the sites. Likely, you’ll hear this anyway. But if something doesn’t click, ask about a site’s history and geography—and record your thoughts in a journal.
  • Ask about insights. Ask your Bible teacher for a devotional insight and for the site’s biblical significance. Write it down.

Hopefully, you’ve chosen a Holy Land tour that connects the Bible and its lands to life! But even then, you may have questions.

Be sure and get the most from your trip—and ask questions.

Journal Every Day

(Photo by Heinrich Böll Stiftung from Berlin, Deutschland. CC-BY-SA-2.0 )

8. Journal Every Day

You will glean many spiritual insights from your Holy Land tour—more than you can imagine beforehand. You will process it better if you’ll journal daily.

Every single day.

  • Carry your journal with you. Many people carry a notepad with them for the day and jot down thoughts at each site. This is a great idea. Include the date.
  • What to journal? Write your expectations, surprises, lessons, and disappointments. Write what God is teaching you. Write your prayers down. Don’t write to be read by others. Write for you .
  • Make journaling part of your routine. Like brushing your teeth. You could do it first thing in the morning, or perhaps, each night before you turn out the light. I did this on one of my first trips to the Holy Land, and it proved very beneficial.

If you determine you will prepare ahead of time for your Holy Land tour—and also apply these 8 tips while you’re there—you will maximize your experience.

You are in for a tremendous journey. You will never be the same!

Bonus: After your trip be sure and follow this advice so that you don’t lose what you’ve invested in.

Tell me what you think: What other tips would you suggest to maximize a Holy Land tour? To leave a comment, just click here .

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Scripture Pictures of the Holy Land

By dr. ogle hall.

Scripture Pictures of the Holy Land is an illustrated tour of Israel that consists of two parts.  The first two/thirds of the book covers the life of Jesus as He lived and moved throughout the land.  The last one third is a tour of the sites normally seen as pilgrims travel in Israel.  It contains over two hundred and twenty color photographs chosen from over six thousand taken during Dr. Hall's tours of the Holy Land.

When reading the Scripture we get a mental picture of the story portrayed.  The image of people or places is never the way we envisioned them once we actually see them.  Dr. Hall had that experience when he saw and retraced first hand the steps that Jesus took in the Land.

  • In Scripture Pictures you see much of the Land as it was during Bible Times
  • Social History
  • Economic Structure
  • Political Atmosphere
  • Day by Day Life trail of Jesus


Book Review and Signing

Monday May 24th 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM Word Outreach Church 1921 New Salem Road Highway 99 Exit 80 to the West Murfreesboro, TN  37128 New Harvest Sanctuary


Monday March 29th 6:00 until 9:00 PM Christ Church 15354 Old Hickory Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37211

Books now available at :

Davis Kidd Booksellers Inc. Green Hills Center

Cokesbury Bookstore 301 8th Ave. South Nashville, TN 37203

Scripture Pictures of the Holy Land is a valuable find for anyone seeking a deeper and better understanding of this placate, this country we call "The Holy Land."  For me, I will use it as a companion to my studies for my homilies, and as a teaching aid.  What a unique concept. - Rev. Rex Chambers, St. Alban's Episcopal Church


"Bible study leaders and students of the Word will delight in this up-close-and-personal look at the Holy Land which Dr. Hall brings into sharp focus - not just with his Scripture Pictures, but also with his words" - Deeanne Gist, best selling author of A Bride in the Bargain.

Scripture Pictures of the Holy Land is an excellent primer for our trip to Israel." - Lee Synnott, Former CEO Ingram Books

© 2010 Dr. Ogle Hall - Scripture Pictures of the Holy Land :: Lionzone

"For the LORD your God is bringing you into a good land" Duet, 8:7

   +91 9324087580

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09 sep to 20 sep 2023, blessed land tour.

(JORDAN ISRAEL & EGYPT) 11 Nights / 12 Days

14 Oct to 25 Oct 2023

In the footsteps of jesus, 08 nov to 19 nov 2023, classical holy land tour.

We are a leading Christian Pilgrimage Tour company based in Mumbai, India with an experience of 18 years in arranging Pilgrimage tours to Israel, Egypt & Jordan. We are first in India to introduce exclusive Christian pilgrimage tours to Greece and Turkey. Our Tour programs are designed keeping YOU in mind and they provide a Bible oriented journey. Our knowledge and expertise of the Holy Land and a focus on providing great customer service offer you an all together enjoyable and care free trip to the holy land hence making the Bible come alive. Our amazing guides help you discover this spiritual land and carefully selected hotels make your pilgrimage comfortable and enjoyable.


Our Mission is to make sure that your tour to the Holy land is not an ordinary journey like any other but the journey of a lifetime. Our ultimate goal is that you return back home from the Holy Land not only with mere souvenirs or memories but with a double portion of blessings and in turn you become a blessing to your family, church, friends and society on the whole.


We thank the LORD Almighty for giving us this great responsibility of taking our Christian friends to visit the Holy Land and in turn enhance their faith and their walk with our Lord Jesus Christ. Our aim is to be a connecting bridge between Christians around India and the Holy Land. Our vision is that our pilgrims will come more close to GOD and grow in their faith through their visit to the Holy Land. Our goal is that Christian believers should renew their relation with Israel and with the Word of GOD.


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3, Parnakutti, Datta Mandir Road, Vakola Pipeline, Santacruz (East) Mumbai-400055 India

Phone : +912226680089 Mobile : +919324515751 / +91 9324087580 Email : [email protected]

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  2. Ten Day Holy Land Travel Tour │ Holy Land Tours

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  3. Visiting The Holy Land

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  6. Ten Day Holy Land Travel Tour │ Holy Land Tours

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  1. Israel Tour Pictures

    Take a trip to Israel through this photo journal of the Holy Land by Venice Kichura. A view of the Dome of the Rock and Temple Mount in Jerusalem taken from the Mount of Olives. The Dome of the Rock, a plot of land on an elevated stone platform is located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This area is sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

  2. 10 Day Holy Land Tour Photo Gallery

    10 Day Holy Land Tour Photo Gallery. Join us to an amazing, inspiring, life-changing experience to the Holy Land. Here are just a few photos from our Signature Footsteps of Christ 10 day Holy Land Tour to the Land of the Bible. 1 2 3. Christian Holy Land tours travel packages.

  3. Most Amazing Holy Land Pictures

    Please see our top recommendations for amazing tours, top places to stay, best tour guides , and invaluable travel tips to maximize your time and money. More Israel pictures from Israel Travel Secrets. The most amazing Holy Land pictures and other Christian holy sites including beautiful churches in Jerusalem, Nazareth, Mount Tabor and other ...

  4. 12 Day Holy Land Tour Photo Gallery

    12 Day Holy Land Tour Photo Gallery. Join us to an amazing, inspiring, experience of a lifetime to the Holy Land. Here are just a few photos from our Signature Footsteps of Christ Israel and Jordan 12 day Holy Land Tour to the Land of the Bible. 1 2. Christian Holy Land tours travel packages.

  5. Bible Tour of Israel, the Holy Land: See All the Sites

    See all the outstanding major holy sites (over 55) in Israel, the Holy Land in 4K and with a Drone. Amazing, clear footage with a biblical overview of each site. See amazing and interesting facts about Israel, the Holy Land. Videos, maps, books, talks, archaeology, Bible teachings, history, walls, gates, people, and language of the people and places in Israel.

  6. Holy Land Photos

    Alalakh - Tell Atchana. Alalakh (Tell Atchana/Aççana) is a 54 acre [22 ha.] mound that is located in the southern portion of the Amuq Plain approximately 12 mi. [20 km.] east of Antioch on the Orontes and 30 mi. [47 km.] east of the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. This important site was excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley and more recently by K ...

  7. Holy Land Photos

    Free photos of the holy lands at high resolution quality. Images of Israel, Turkey, Greece, Jerusalem, Athens and more. ... Tour — In the Footsteps of the Apostles - May 2025; Recent Additions; ... Prior to coming to Bethel in 1980 he was Dean of the Institute of Holy Land Studies in Jerusalem for seven years. He has been teaching and ...

  8. Israel Tourism Consultants │ Holy Land Tours Photo Gallery

    Holy Land Photo Gallery. Join us on an experience of a Lifetime to the Holy Land where you'll be guided with amazing insight throughout your journey. "Great tour, great value," said Michele P. our Holy Land tour guest. We offer amazing tours that include almost everything lead by certified expert tour guides.

  9. Heritage Of The Holy Land Tour

    Skip the hassle of planning your own transfers, accommodation, and tours on an 8-day tour of Israel's most significant Christian sites. You'll cover top Holy Land attractions such as Bethlehem; Tiberias and the shores of the Sea of Galilee; Nazareth and Cana; Jerusalem, where Jesus was allegedly betrayed, crucified and resurrected.

  10. Highlights of the Holy Land Best Experience

    With the In-depth Cultural tour Highlights of the Holy Land Best Experience - 8 Days, you have a 8 days tour package taking you through Tel Aviv, Israel and 21 other destinations in Asia. Highlights of the Holy Land Best Experience - 8 Days includes accommodation in a hotel as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more. Expand All.

  11. 10 Day Christian Holy Land Israel and Jordan Tour

    The hotel in Amman is based on a 3 star hotel, and the Bedouin Camp on a standard tent. If you would like to upgrade, please contact us! From. $2,326 /person. Our 10 day Christian Holy Land Tour of Israel and Jordan is a great value touring option, including tons of important sites and experiences. Book now!

  12. 9 Day Christian Holy Land Israel Tour

    Our 9 Day Christian Holy Land Israel Tour is the trip of a lifetime. Walk Jesus' footsteps in the Galilee and ancient Jerusalem. Touch the crucifixion and resurrection sites with your own hands. Pray in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. You've been reading from scripture for years - now's the time to bring the words of the Bible ...

  13. What Sites Should Be on Your Holy Land Tour Itinerary?

    What sites should be on a Holy Land tour itinerary? In Galilee: Nazareth, Capernaum, the Sea of Galilee, Tagbha, and the Mount of Beatitudes. In Jerusalem: the Temple Mount, the Israel Museum, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Mount of Olives, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, The Western Wall, the Western Wall tunnels, the Southern Steps, the Via ...

  14. 20,556 Holy Land Stock Photos & High-Res Pictures

    Browse 20,556 authentic holy land stock photos, ... Antique travel photographs of Jerusalem and surroundings: Pool of Hezekiah. old testament map - holy land stock illustrations. Old Testament Map. palestinian flag fist - holy land stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images.

  15. Holy Land Pilgrimage with Jordan and Petra Tour

    Dates, Pricing, Booking for Holy Land Pilgrimage with Jordan and Petra Tour. Make a Deposit to reserve your place. Prices start at $3,195 for Land Only. No credit card fees. Single Room Supplement: $899.00 unless otherwise specified. See the airports that we serve.

  16. Holy Land Tours

    Get the Complete Experience. Holy Land 360 offers immersive tours and spiritual pilgrimages, providing spiritual, historical, and cultural context often overlooked by other tours. Learn from locals and spiritual guides, sample the food (and prepare it!), and experience the rich history, sites, and sounds of lands immersed in cultural and ...

  17. Holy Land

    Click the link below that says Play and Holy Land to see tour times on those days. You can also tour the Holy Land ALL YEAR LONG on every day but Sunday with a specialized guided tour. Advanced reservations are required for non-Play day tours. Call 800-882-7529 for reservations or click the link below! Purchase Tickets to Just the Holy Land.

  18. Photos

    Dead Sea and Edom Mts. Floating in the Dead Sea. Masada: Cable Car and Snake Path. Masada: Herod's 3-Tier Palace. Masada: Herod's Warehouses. Beersheba: Abraham's Well. Beersheba: Overview of Ruins. Valley of Elah. Jerusalem: Panoramic View.

  19. 8 Tips to Maximize Your Holy Land Tour

    But after you arrive in Israel, there are a number of ways you can ensure you get the most from your Holy Land tour. The following 8 tips include both practical and spiritual ways to maximize your experience every single day you're there. 1. Take Pictures of People, not Just Places. Going to Israel is about places, to be sure.

  20. Scripture Pictures of the Holy Land

    Scripture Pictures of the Holy Land By Dr. Ogle Hall. Scripture Pictures of the Holy Land is an illustrated tour of Israel that consists of two parts. The first two/thirds of the book covers the life of Jesus as He lived and moved throughout the land. The last one third is a tour of the sites normally seen as pilgrims travel in Israel.

  21. 8 Day Christian Holy Land Israel Tour

    Our 8-Day Christian Holy Land Israel Tour is the best way to experience the highlights of the Christian sites in Israel. From the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem to the winding nature of the Galilee, all the way to the crucifixion and resurrection sites in ancient Jerusalem, you'll walk in the footsteps of the life of Jesus Christ.

  22. Shalom Holy Land Tours

    CLASSICAL HOLY LAND TOUR. (JORDAN ISRAEL & EGYPT) 11 Nights / 12 Days. Read Itinerary. We are a leading Christian Pilgrimage Tour company based in Mumbai, India with an experience of 18 years in arranging Pilgrimage tours to Israel, Egypt & Jordan. We are first in India to introduce exclusive Christian pilgrimage tours to Greece and Turkey.

  23. 7 Day Christian Holy Land Israel Tour

    Photos of 7 Day Christian Holy Land Israel Tour Close. Starts in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem & Ben Gurion Airport Available every Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday. ... Our 7-Day Christian Holy Land Israel Tour is an amazing opportunity to experience the highlights of the Christian sites in Israel. Walk Jesus' footsteps in the Galilee and ancient ...