Travel, Tourism & Hospitality

Tourism industry in Saudi Arabia - statistics & facts

Saudi arabia’s tourism revolution, entertainment and media fueling the tourism boom, key insights.

Detailed statistics

Total inbound tourist expenditure Saudi Arabia 2015-2022

Total inbound tourist expenditure Saudi Arabia 2021, by province

Share of tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by purpose

Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

Number of Hajj pilgrims in Saudi Arabia 1999-2023

Share of travel and tourism contribution to GDP in Saudi Arabia 2015-2032

Leading inbound travel markets from Middle East Saudi Arabia 2022

Further recommended statistics

Regional overview.

  • Basic Statistic Inbound visitor growth in the Middle East 2011-2025
  • Basic Statistic Outbound visitor growth in the Middle East 2011-2025
  • Premium Statistic Targets of international tourist arrivals GCC 2023, by country
  • Premium Statistic Expected revenue of hospitality industry in the GCC 2026, by country
  • Premium Statistic Expected revenue of hospitality industry in the GCC 2021-2026, by country

Inbound visitor growth in the Middle East 2011-2025

Inbound visitor growth in the Middle East from 2011 to 2025

Outbound visitor growth in the Middle East 2011-2025

Outbound visitor growth in the Middle East from 2011 to 2025

Targets of international tourist arrivals GCC 2023, by country

Targets for international tourist arrivals in the Gulf Cooperation Council as of 2023, by country

Expected revenue of hospitality industry in the GCC 2026, by country

Forecasted share of the hospitality revenue in the Gulf Cooperation Council in 2026, by country

Expected revenue of hospitality industry in the GCC 2021-2026, by country

Forecasted revenue of the hospitality industry in the Gulf Cooperation Council in 2021 and 2026, by country (in billion U.S. dollars)

Economic indicators

  • Premium Statistic Share of the GDP of the tourism sector in Saudi Arabia 2013-2028
  • Premium Statistic Total inbound tourist expenditure Saudi Arabia 2015-2022
  • Premium Statistic Outbound tourism expenditures Saudi Arabia 2018-2022
  • Premium Statistic Domestic tourist expenditure Saudi Arabia 2018-2022
  • Premium Statistic Distribution of inbound tourist spending Saudi Arabia 2022, by purpose of visit
  • Premium Statistic Outbound tourist spending Saudi Arabia 2022, by purpose of visit

Share of the GDP of the tourism sector in Saudi Arabia 2013-2028

Share of the GDP of the tourism sector in Saudi Arabia from 2013 to 2028

Total inbound tourist expenditure in Saudi Arabia from 2015 to 2022 (in billion Saudi riyals)

Outbound tourism expenditures Saudi Arabia 2018-2022

Outbound tourism expenditures in Saudi Arabia from 2018 to 2022 (in billion Saudi Riyals)

Domestic tourist expenditure Saudi Arabia 2018-2022

Domestic tourist expenditure in Saudi Arabia from 2018 to 2022 (in billion Saudi riyals)

Distribution of inbound tourist spending Saudi Arabia 2022, by purpose of visit

Distribution of inbound tourist expenditure in Saudi Arabia in 2022, by purpose of visit

Outbound tourist spending Saudi Arabia 2022, by purpose of visit

Expenditure of outbound tourists from Saudi Arabia in 2022, by purpose of visit (in billion Saudi riyals)

Types of tourism

  • Premium Statistic Distribution of inbound tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by purpose of visit
  • Premium Statistic Total inbound tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by purpose
  • Premium Statistic Number of leisure inbound tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2015-2022
  • Premium Statistic Total outbound tourist trips in 2022, by purpose and nationality
  • Premium Statistic Number of outbound leisure tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by country
  • Premium Statistic Total domestic tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by purpose

Distribution of inbound tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by purpose of visit

Distribution of inbound tourist trips to Saudi Arabia in 2022, by purpose of visit

Total inbound tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by purpose

Total inbound tourist trips in Saudi Arabia in 2022, by purpose (in millions)

Number of leisure inbound tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2015-2022

Number of leisure inbound tourist trips in Saudi Arabia from 2015 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

Total outbound tourist trips in 2022, by purpose and nationality

Number of Saudi and non-Saudi outbound tourist trips in Saudi Arabia in 2022, by purpose (in 1,000s)

Number of outbound leisure tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by country

Number of outbound leisure tourist trips from Saudi Arabia in 2022, by destination country (in thousands)

Total domestic tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by purpose

Total domestic tourist trips in Saudi Arabia in 2022, by purpose (in millions)

Inbound tourism

  • Premium Statistic Number of inbound tourists Saudi Arabia 2018-2022
  • Premium Statistic Total number of inbound tourists Saudi Arabia 2022, by region of origin
  • Premium Statistic Number of inbound tourists Saudi Arabia 2022, by country of origin
  • Premium Statistic Leading cities in inbound tourist arrivals Saudi Arabia 2022, by city
  • Premium Statistic Share of inbound tourists Saudi Arabia 2022, by accommodation
  • Premium Statistic Average length of stay of inbound tourists Saudi Arabia 2015-2022

Number of inbound tourists Saudi Arabia 2018-2022

Number of inbound tourists to Saudi Arabia from 2018 to 2022 (in millions)

Total number of inbound tourists Saudi Arabia 2022, by region of origin

Total number of inbound tourists in Saudi Arabia in 2022, by region of origin (in millions)

Number of inbound tourists Saudi Arabia 2022, by country of origin

Number of inbound tourists to Saudi Arabia in 2022, by country of origin (in millions)

Leading cities in inbound tourist arrivals Saudi Arabia 2022, by city

Number of inbound tourist arrivals to leading destinations in Saudi Arabia in 2022, by city (in millions)

Share of inbound tourists Saudi Arabia 2022, by accommodation

Share of inbound tourists in Saudi Arabia in 2022, by accommodation type

Average length of stay of inbound tourists Saudi Arabia 2015-2022

Average length of stay of inbound tourists in Saudi Arabia from 2015 to 2022 (in nights)

Outbound tourism

  • Premium Statistic Number of outbound departures from Saudi Arabia 2015-2022
  • Premium Statistic Total outbound tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by region and nationality
  • Premium Statistic Share of outbound Saudi tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by destination country
  • Premium Statistic Share of outbound non-Saudi tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by destination
  • Premium Statistic Share of Saudi outbound tourists Saudi Arabia 2022, by accommodation type
  • Premium Statistic Share of non-Saudi outbound tourists Saudi Arabia 2022, by accommodation type

Number of outbound departures from Saudi Arabia 2015-2022

Number of outbound tourists from Saudi Arabia from 2015 to 2022 (in millions)

Total outbound tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by region and nationality

Total outbound tourist trips in Saudi Arabia in 2022, by region and nationality (in millions)

Share of outbound Saudi tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by destination country

Share of outbound trips of Saudi nationals in Saudi Arabia in 2022, by destination country

Share of outbound non-Saudi tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by destination

Share of outbound trips of non-Saudi residents in Saudi Arabia in 2022, by destination country

Share of Saudi outbound tourists Saudi Arabia 2022, by accommodation type

Share of Saudi outbound tourists from Saudi Arabia in 2022, by accommodation type

Share of non-Saudi outbound tourists Saudi Arabia 2022, by accommodation type

Share of non-Saudi outbound tourists from Saudi Arabia in 2022, by accommodation type

Domestic tourism

  • Premium Statistic Number of domestic tourists Saudi Arabia 2018-2022
  • Premium Statistic Leading cities in domestic tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by city
  • Premium Statistic Number of domestic Hajj pilgrims in Saudi Arabia 1999-2023
  • Premium Statistic Share of domestic tourists Saudi Arabia 2022, by accommodation

Number of domestic tourists Saudi Arabia 2018-2022

Number of domestic tourists in Saudi Arabia from 2018 to 2022 (in millions)

Leading cities in domestic tourist trips Saudi Arabia 2022, by city

Number of domestic tourist trips to leading destinations in Saudi Arabia in 2022, by city (in millions)

Number of domestic Hajj pilgrims in Saudi Arabia 1999-2023

Annual number of domestic Hajj pilgrims within Saudi Arabia from 1999 to 2023

Share of domestic tourists Saudi Arabia 2022, by accommodation

Share of domestic tourists in Saudi Arabia in 2022, by accommodation type

Further reports

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Stephen Hiltner/The New York Times

The sculpted facade of a 2,000-year-old tomb glows in the late-afternoon sun at Hegra, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Crowds of Muslim pilgrims gather outside the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina.

Camels march through the desert on the outskirts of the Empty Quarter, the world’s largest sand sea.

For many years these Saudi Arabian scenes, including the lively open-air markets in Jeddah, were off limits to most travelers.

But not anymore. As it undergoes a profound transformation, Saudi Arabia is spending lavishly to lure tourists with its luxe new resorts ...

... its rich cultural heritage ...

... and its sublime natural beauty.

Can the Saudi government persuade would-be visitors to look past — or reconsider — its longstanding associations with religious extremism, ultraconservatism and human rights abuses?

Will the kingdom’s $800 billion bet on tourism pay off?

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Surprising, Unsettling, Surreal: Roaming Through Saudi Arabia

To witness the kingdom’s profound transformation and assess its ambitious tourism projects, a Times journalist spent a month on the road there. Here’s what he saw.

Stephen Hiltner

By Stephen Hiltner

An editor and photojournalist for the Travel section, Stephen Hiltner drove 5,200 miles and visited all 13 of Saudi Arabia’s provinces while reporting and shooting this story.

Wandering alone along the southern fringes of Saudi Arabia’s mountainous Asir Province, some eight miles from the Yemeni border, in a nondescript town with a prominent sculpture of a rifle balanced on an ornately painted plinth, I met a man, Nawab Khan, who was building a palace out of mud.

Actually, he was rebuilding the structure, restoring it. And when I came across him, he hadn’t yet begun his work for the day; he was seated on the side of the road beneath its red-and-white windows — cross-legged, on a rug, leaning over a pot of tea and a bowl of dates.

Two weeks earlier, on the far side of the country, a fellow traveler had pointed at a map and described the crumbling buildings here, in Dhahran al-Janub, arranged in a colorful open-air museum. Finding myself nearby, I’d detoured to have a look — and there was Mr. Khan, at first looking at me curiously and then waving me over to join him. Sensing my interest in the cluster of irregular towers, he stood up, produced a large key ring and began opening a series of padlocks. When he vanished through a doorway, I followed him into a shadowy stairwell.

This, of course, was my mother’s worst nightmare: Traveling solo, I’d been coaxed by a stranger into an unlit building in a remote Saudi village, within a volatile border area that the U.S. Department of State advises Americans to stay away from .

By now, though, more than halfway through a 5,200-mile road trip, I trusted Mr. Khan’s enthusiasm as a genuine expression of pride, not a ploy. All across Saudi Arabia, I’d seen countless projects being built, from simple museums to high-end resorts. These were the early fruits of an $800 billion investment in the travel sector, itself part of a much larger effort, Vision 2030 , to remake the kingdom and reduce its economic dependence on oil.

But I’d begun to see the building projects as something else, too: the striving of a country — long shrouded to most Westerners — to be seen, reconsidered, accepted. And with its doors suddenly flung open and the pandemic behind us, visitors like me were finally beginning to witness this new Saudi Arabia, much to Mr. Khan’s and all the other builders’ delight.

tourism rates in saudi arabia

Few countries present as complicated a prospect for travelers as Saudi Arabia.

Long associated with Islamic extremism, human rights abuses and the oppression of women, the kingdom has made strides in recent years to refashion its society and its reputation abroad.

The infamous religious police, which upheld codes of conduct based on an ultraconservative interpretation of Islam, were stripped of their power. Public concerts, once banned, are now ubiquitous. Women have been granted new rights — including the freedom to drive and to travel without permission from a male guardian — and are no longer required to wear floor-length robes in public or to cover their hair.

These changes are part of a broad set of strategies to diversify the kingdom’s economy, elevate its status in the world and soften its image — the last of which is a tall order for a government that has killed a newspaper columnist , kidnapped and tortured dissidents , precipitated a humanitarian crisis in Yemen and imprisoned people for supporting gay rights , among a number of other recent abuses .

Central to the transformations led by 38-year-old Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the kingdom’s de facto ruler, is a major push for international visitors. It represents a sea change in a country that, until 2019, issued no nonreligious tourist visas and instead catered almost exclusively to Muslim pilgrims visiting Mecca and Medina, Islam’s two holiest cities. In February, by contrast, my tourist e-visa was approved online in minutes.

Saudi Arabia has already transformed one of its premier destinations — Al-Ula, with its UNESCO-listed Nabatean tombs — from a neglected collection of archaeological sites into a lavish retreat with a bevy of activities on offer, including guided tours, wellness festivals, design exhibitions and hot air balloon rides.

Another project will create a vast array of luxury resorts on or near the Red Sea.

Still more projects include the development of Diriyah , the birthplace of the first Saudi state; the preservation and development of the coastal city of Jeddah ; an offshore theme park called the Rig ; and Neom , the futuristic city that has garnered the lion’s share of attention.

All told, the country is hoping to draw 70 million international tourists per year by 2030, with tourism contributing 10 percent of its gross domestic product. (In 2023, the country logged 27 million international tourists, according to government figures , with tourism contributing about 4 percent of G.D.P.)


At-Turaif, a UNESCO World Heritage site, was the birthplace of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is now the centerpiece of the $63 billion Diriyah project, a new center of culture just outside Riyadh.

Nujuma, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve on a remote island in the Red Sea, opened in late May. (A one-bedroom villa costs about $2,500 per night, excluding taxes and fees.) It is one of 50 properties scheduled to open in the area by 2030.

The preservation and development of Jeddah, a coastal city famous for its historic district built largely from blocks of coral, comes with a price tag of some $20 billion.

Al-Ula is a cornerstone of Saudi Arabia’s tourism ambitions. Part of the city’s Old Town, long crumbling in neglect, has now been painstakingly restored.

To get a sense of these projects and the changes unfolding in Saudi society, I spent a month exploring the kingdom by car. I traveled alone, without a fixer, driver or translator. Per New York Times ethics guidelines, I declined the government’s many offers of discounts and complimentary services.

Much of the time I felt I’d been tossed the keys to the kingdom. But there were moments, too, when I faced a more complicated reality, one epitomized by a road sign that forced me to abruptly exit the highway some 15 miles from the center of Mecca. “Obligatory for Non Muslims,” it read, pointing to the offramp.

To me, the sign broadcast the lines being drawn to compartmentalize the country, which is now marketing itself to two sets of travelers with increasingly divergent — and sometimes contradictory — expectations: luxury tourists at ease with bikinis and cocktails, and pilgrims prepared for modesty and strict religious adherence. It’s hard to know whether the kingdom can satisfy both without antagonizing either.

My trip began in Jeddah, where, after spending two days exploring its historic district, I rented a car and drove eight hours north to Al-Ula, a benchmark for the new Saudi tourism initiatives.

tourism rates in saudi arabia

Saudi Arabia

Reporter’s route

Dhahran al-Janub

tourism rates in saudi arabia

Wadi al-Disah

Red Sea Resort

The name Al-Ula refers to both a small city and a broader region packed with attractions: Hegra , the kingdom’s first UNESCO World Heritage site and its biggest archaeological draw, is a 30-minute drive north of Old Town, a maze of crumbling mud-brick buildings now partly restored. Between the two, and fanning out to the east and west, are several other archaeological sites, as well as a smattering of resorts, event spaces and adventure outfitters. Farther northeast, beyond Hegra, is the Sharaan Nature Reserve , a vast protected zone used for conservation efforts.

My first priority during my five-day stay in Al-Ula was a visit to Hegra.

Like Petra , its better-known counterpart in Jordan, Hegra was built by the Nabateans, an ancient people who flourished 2,000 years ago. The site contains more than 100 tombs that were carved from solid rock, their entrances adorned with embellishments. Most impressive among them, set apart and standing some 70 feet tall, is a tomb colloquially called the Lonely Castle.

Not long ago, visitors could hire private guides and wander the area on foot, climbing in and out of — and no doubt damaging — the many tombs. Not anymore: I boarded an air-conditioned tour bus and zipped past most of them, stopping at just four locations.

At the penultimate stop, we exited the bus and trudged several hundred feet along a sandy path to the front of the Lonely Castle. Even in the late afternoon, the heat was stifling. I craned my neck to take in the details of the sculpted facade, which emerged like a mirage from one side of a massive boulder: its four pilasters, the rough chisel marks near the bottom, its characteristic five-stepped crown. Ten minutes evaporated, and I turned to find my group being shepherded back onto the bus. I jogged through the sand to catch up.

A few miles north of Hegra, I hopped in the back of a Toyota Land Cruiser — accompanied by an Italian graduate student and his mother — for a drive through the sandy expanse of the Sharaan Nature Reserve.

The scenery was sublime: Slipping through a narrow slot canyon, we emerged into a vast, open desert plain, then settled into a wide valley enclosed by an amphitheater of cliffs. Occasionally our guide stopped and led us on short hikes to petroglyphs, some pockmarked by bullet holes, or to lush fields of wildflowers, where he plucked edible greens and invited us to sample their lemony tang.

Gabriele Morelli, the graduate student, had first come to Al-Ula a few years ago — a different era, he said, given how quickly the place had transformed. He described a version that no longer exists, rife with cheap accommodation, lax rules and a free-for-all sensibility.

Some of the changes, of course, have been necessary to protect delicate ecosystems and archaeological sites from ever-growing crowds. But several people I met in Al-Ula — Saudis and foreigners alike — quietly lamented the extent of the high-end development and the steady erosion of affordability. Many of the new offerings, like the Banyan Tree resort, they pointed out, are luxury destinations that cater to wealthy travelers.

These hushed criticisms were among my early lessons on how difficult it can be to gauge the way Saudis feel about the pace and the pervasiveness of the transformations reshaping their society.

I got a taste of Al-Ula’s exclusivity — and of the uncanniness that occasionally surfaced throughout my trip — at a Lauryn Hill concert in an event space called Maraya . To reach the hall, I passed through a security gate, where an attendant scanned my e-ticket and directed me two miles up a winding road into the heart of the Ashar Valley, home to several high-end restaurants and resorts.

Rounding the final bend, I felt as if I’d stumbled into a computer-generated image: Ant-size humans were dwarfed by a reflective structure that both asserted itself and blended into the landscape. Inside, waiters served hors d’oeuvres and brightly colored mocktails to a chic young crowd.

The surreality peaked when, midway through the show, I left my plush seat to join some concertgoers near the stage — only to turn and see John Bolton, former President Donald J. Trump’s national security adviser, seated in the front row.

Where else, I wondered, could I attend a rap concert in the middle of the desert with a longtime fixture of the Republican Party — amid a crowd that cheered when Ms. Hill mentioned Palestine — but this strange new corner of Saudi Arabia?


The mirrored facade at Maraya, a vast event space in Al-Ula, warps and reflects the surrounding desert landscape.

The building is in some ways a precursor to the kingdom’s most ambitious architectural design: the project at Neom called the Line, a 106-mile linear city that will also feature a mirrored surface.

Lauryn Hill performing in front of a large crowd at Maraya.

After Al-Ula, I drove to another of the kingdom’s extravagant schemes: the Red Sea project, billed as the “world’s most ambitious regenerative tourism destination.” After weaving through a morass of construction-related traffic, I boarded a yacht — alongside a merry band of Saudi influencers — and was piloted some 15 miles to a remote island, where I disembarked in a world of unqualified opulence at the St. Regis Red Sea Resort .

I was chauffeured around in an electric golf cart — past 43 beachside “dune” villas and onto two long boardwalks that connect the rest of the resort to 47 “coral” villas, built on stilts over shallow turquoise water. Along the way, I listened to Lucas Julien-Vauzelle, an executive assistant manager, wax poetic about sustainability. “We take it to the next level,” he said, before rattling off a list of facts and figures: 100 percent renewable energy, a solar-powered 5G network , plans to enhance biologically diverse habitats.

By 2030, he said, the Red Sea project will offer 50 hotels across its island and inland sites. Citing the Maldives, he mentioned the kingdom’s plans to claim a share of the same high-end market.

Another prediction came by way of Keith Thornton, the director of restaurants, who said he expects the resort to legally serve alcohol by the end of the year. (While a liquor store for non-Muslim diplomats recently opened in Riyadh, the Saudi government has made no indication that it plans to reconsider its broader prohibition of alcohol.)

The hotel was undeniably impressive. But there’s an inescapable irony to a lavish resort built at unfathomable expense in the middle of the sea — with guests ferried out by chartered boat and seaplane — that flaunts its aspirations for sustainability.

Toward the end of my several-hour visit, I learned that every piece of vegetation, including 646 palm trees, had been transplanted from an off-site nursery. Later, reviewing historical satellite images, I found visual evidence that the island — described to me as pristine — had been dramatically fortified and, in the process, largely remade. Its footprint had also been significantly altered. It was, in a sense, an artificial island built where a smaller natural island once stood.

Something else struck me, too: The place was nearly empty, save for the staff and the Saudi influencers. Granted, the resort had just opened the month before — but the same was true at the nearby Six Senses Southern Dunes , an inland Red Sea resort that opened in November. Fredrik Blomqvist, the general manager there, told me that its isolated location in a serene expanse of desert — part of its appeal — also presented a challenge in drawing customers. “The biggest thing,” he said, “is to get the message out that the country is open.”

Since the country began issuing tourist visas, influencers have been documenting their experiences in places like Jeddah and Al-Ula, their trips often paid for by the Saudi government. Their breezy content contributes to the impression that the kingdom is awaiting discovery by foreign visitors with out-of-date prejudices. To an extent, for a certain segment of tourists, that’s true.

For many travelers, though, the depiction of the kingdom as an uncomplicated getaway could be dangerously misleading.

Speech in Saudi Arabia is strictly limited; dissent is not tolerated — nor is the open practice of any religion other than the government’s interpretation of Islam. In its travel advisory , the U.S. Department of State warns that “social media commentary — including past comments — which Saudi authorities may deem critical, offensive, or disruptive to public order, could lead to arrest.” Punishment for Saudi nationals has been far worse: In 2023, a retired teacher was sentenced to death after he criticized the ruling family via anonymous accounts. As of late 2023, he remained in prison.

Other restrictions are harder to parse. L.G.B.T.Q. travelers are officially welcome in the kingdom but face a conundrum: They might face arrest or other criminal penalties for openly expressing their sexual orientation or gender identity. As recently as 2021, an independent U.S. federal agency included Saudi Arabia on a list of countries where same-sex relationships are punishable by death , noting that “the government has not sought this penalty in recent years.”

When asked how he would convince a same-sex couple that it was safe to visit, Jerry Inzerillo, a native New Yorker and the group chief executive of Diriyah, said: “We don’t ask you any questions when you come into the country or when you leave.”

“Maybe that’s not conclusive enough,” he added, “but a lot of people have come.”

Female travelers might also face difficulties, since advancements in women’s rights are not equally distributed throughout the kingdom.

The changes were more visible in big cities and tourist centers. Ghydda Tariq, an assistant marketing manager in Al-Ula, described how new professional opportunities had emerged for her in recent years. Maysoon, a young woman I met in Jeddah, made extra money by occasionally driving for Uber. Haneen Alqadi, an employee at the St. Regis Red Sea, described how women there are free to wear bikinis without fear of repercussions.

Outside such places, though, I sometimes went for days without seeing more than a handful of women, invariably wearing niqabs, let alone seeing them engaged in public life or tourism. My photographs reflect that imbalance.

As an easily identifiable Western man, I moved through the country with an array of advantages: the kindness and cheery curiosity of strangers, the ease of passage at military checkpoints, and the freedom to interact with a male-dominated society at markets, museums, parks, restaurants, cafes. Not all travelers could expect the same treatment.

Roaming in the far north and south, I often found the earlier version of the kingdom — with lax rules and less development — that had been described to me in Al-Ula.

I trekked to the northern city of Sakaka to see an archaeological site promoted as the Stonehenge of Saudi Arabia: a set of monoliths called the Rajajil Columns thought to have been erected some 6,000 years ago but about which little is definitively known.

My heart sank when I pulled into the parking lot after a five-hour drive and found the columns blocked by a tall fence. Approaching on foot, though, I noticed that a section of the fence had been peeled back and that visitors were wandering freely among the stones, which protruded from the earth like isolated clusters of crooked teeth. I joined the small crowd, if hesitatingly, and was surprised to find no footpaths, nor anything to keep us a safe distance from the columns. In the end I wondered if our access had been officially approved or informally arranged.

My travel experiences were sometimes awkward in other ways, too.

Standing just outside the grounds of the central mosque in Medina, where the Prophet Muhammad is buried, I was detained by a stern member of the Special Forces. (Even after 2019, non-Muslim tourists remained barred from Mecca and Medina, Islam’s two holiest cities. The ban was relaxed in parts of Medina in 2021.)

The guard interrogated me and, after calling a colleague to confer, demanded that I leave the area. “Go,” he said threateningly. Another traveler who witnessed the encounter scurried away to avoid a similar fate.

The unsettling exchange cast a pall over my time in the city, which few non-Muslims have seen. As far as I knew, I’d abided by the rules by staying outside the grounds of the Prophet’s Mosque — a boundary line that I’d confirmed with tourism officials beforehand.


Peering through the perimeter fence — the boundary line for non-Muslims — at the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina.

The Mosque of Al-Ghamamah, one of the oldest in the holy city.

A sprawling maze of ramshackle residential buildings sits less than a mile from the Prophet’s Mosque.

A guide speaking to a group of visitors near the Hejaz Railway Museum, visible in the distance. (The museum was closed for renovations at the time.)

A group of young men, most of whose families emigrated from Sudan, playing soccer in a field just outside the center of Medina.

More than anything, family and friends wanted to know if I felt safe on my trip — and I did, almost without exception. Petty crime in Saudi Arabia is exceedingly rare. And while parts of the country are under a Level 4 “Do Not Travel” advisory , even my rambling itinerary was approved by a security expert.

Instead of fearing for my safety, I was often preoccupied with how I’d fairly portray a place that elicited such a range of conflicting emotions: joy and distress, excitement and apprehension, sincerity and doubt. So much lay hidden from public view — like the collective anguish over the war raging in Gaza . And so little was easy to categorize, in part because the warmth of everyday Saudis was strikingly at odds with the ruthlessness of their authoritarian government.

In Riyadh, a young man warned me not to speak openly with strangers. “People get arrested here for a tweet ,” he said. “Can you imagine?”

I could, actually. The Saudi columnist Jamal Khashoggi had chronicled his government’s increasingly draconian responses to criticism. “Repression and intimidation are not — and never should be — the acceptable companions of reform,” he wrote in The Washington Post in 2018, just months before he was killed and dismembered at his country’s consulate in Istanbul.

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Were we to travel only where we feel comfortable and unchallenged, we’d all be poorer for it. But the question of whether to travel to Saudi Arabia is thornier than that.

It’s easy to see one response, “No,” as yielding to closed-mindedness at the expense of ordinary people — like the kindly vendor Abdullah, who served me local honey at his shop in the southern mountains.

But it’s easy, too, to see “Yes” as an affirmation that might makes right, that amusement outweighs morality, that princely wealth can wipe a stained slate clean.


Sunrise over the mountainous village of Fayfa, some six miles from the Yemeni border.

Abdullah Ghaleb Zaid, a honey vendor, at his shop atop a mountain pass near the southern city of Abha.

Sunset near Jabal Soudah, the kingdom’s highest peak.

Ten days into my trip, I ventured to Wadi al-Disah, a steep-walled valley where I’d booked a tent at a campsite I found on Airbnb. For an additional 300 riyals ($80), my host, Faisal, led me on a four-wheel-drive tour, departing the paved road and weaving through a path along the bed of an ephemeral river. Continually jolted by the uneven terrain, we eased past thick reeds, lofty palms and small bands of visitors who’d nestled into clearings.

As we left, I met a group of young men gathered for a picnic, their sandals scattered around a carpet on which they were preparing their dinner. Delighted to meet an American with a camera, they asked if I’d take a group portrait, then exchanged information with me so I could send them a copy — a scenario by then so familiar that I hardly thought anything of it.

A full day later, some 200 miles away, I was cruising along a lonely highway near the Jordanian border when a Land Cruiser blew past me at an astonishing speed. I felt my compact car rock from its turbulence — and then I watched with a twinge of dread as the car abruptly braked, slowing hard in the left lane until our front ends were aligned. It held steady there.

For a moment I stared straight ahead, hoping to avoid a confrontation. When I finally turned to look, I saw a group of boys grinning wildly and waving through an open window. Then I realized: Improbably, it was three of the young men I’d met the day before. Somehow we’d all followed the same route. And somehow, in the split second it took them to fly past, they’d recognized me. I lifted my camera from the passenger seat and snapped a photograph.

The picture shows three young Saudis on a precipice: endearing, erratic, captivating. I have a sense of where they came from but no certainty about where they’re going. Two are flashing peace signs, and none appears to be wearing a seatbelt. No one is watching the road as their car drifts out of its lane, careening a little recklessly into a hopeful and uncertain future.

Stephen Hiltner’s recent work includes a photo essay about his childhood in Budapest , an examination of A.I.-generated guidebooks and an investigation into the deaths of Russian soldiers in Ukraine . You can follow his travels on Instagram .

Got a question about this story? Drop a note in the comments section. Got a tip? Send him an email .

Stephen Hiltner is an editor, writer and photographer for the Travel section of The Times. More about Stephen Hiltner

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Tourism Teacher

Tourism in Saudi Arabia 

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Tourism in Saudi Arabia has a lot of potential. But why is tourism in this area growing so fast and how should it be managed? Read on to find out…

Tourism in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, traditionally known for its vast oil reserves and as the custodian of Islam’s holiest sites, has recently embarked on a transformative journey to diversify its socio-economic landscape by investing significantly in the tourism sector.

This article offers an academic exploration into Saudi Arabia’s evolving role and aspirations within the global tourism arena. By dissecting its historical foundations, examining its strategic Vision 2030 initiatives, and analysing the socio-cultural implications of this shift, we aim to provide a nuanced perspective on the challenges and opportunities shaping the future of tourism in Saudi Arabia.

Geographical overview of Saudi Arabia 

Tourism in Saudi Arabia 

Saudi Arabia is a large country located in the Middle East, occupying most of the Arabian Peninsula. It covers an area of approximately 2.15 million square kilometers and is the 12th largest country in the world. The country is bordered by Jordan to the northwest, Iraq to the north and northeast, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates to the east, Oman to the southeast, and Yemen to the south.

The country is largely desert, with some mountain ranges in the west, and a few scattered oases. The central region of the country is known as the Najd, which is a vast plateau that covers most of the country’s interior. The eastern region, on the other hand, is home to the world’s largest oil fields and is also the location of the country’s major cities such as Riyadh, the capital, and Jeddah, the country’s commercial hub.

Saudi Arabia is also home to a number of important bodies of water. The Red Sea lies to the west of the country, while the Persian Gulf lies to the east. The country is also home to a number of important rivers, including the Wadi Hanifa, the Wadi al-Rummah, and the Wadi al-Batin.

The climate of Saudi Arabia is generally hot and dry, with temperatures often exceeding 40 degrees Celsius in the summer. Rainfall is generally scarce, and the country is prone to dust storms, particularly during the summer months. Despite the harsh climate, the country has a rich history and culture, with a number of important historical and archaeological sites located throughout the country.

The Tourism industry in Saudi Arabia 

Saudi Arabia is a country that has been traditionally associated with religious tourism, as it is home to the two most important Islamic holy sites, Mecca and Medina. However, in recent years, the country has been working to diversify its tourism offerings and attract more visitors from around the world. The government has launched a number of initiatives to promote tourism and improve the infrastructure for visitors.

One of the key initiatives is the “Vision 2030” plan, which aims to reduce the country’s dependence on oil and develop other industries, including tourism. The plan includes a number of projects to develop the tourism industry, such as building new hotels, resorts, and attractions, improving the transportation infrastructure, and promoting the country’s cultural heritage and natural beauty.

Some of the key tourism destinations in Saudi Arabia include the cities of Mecca and Medina, which attract millions of pilgrims each year, as well as the ancient city of Al-Ula, which is home to a number of important archaeological sites and rock formations. The country also has a number of beautiful beaches along its Red Sea coast, such as in the cities of Jeddah and Yanbu, as well as stunning desert landscapes, such as in the Rub’ al Khali or “Empty Quarter”.

To support these efforts, the government has also introduced new regulations and initiatives to make it easier for visitors to travel to the country, such as introducing e-visas and expanding the list of countries eligible for visa-free entry.

Overall, the tourism industry in Saudi Arabia is still in its early stages of development, but with the government’s commitment to promoting the sector and the country’s many natural and cultural attractions, it has great potential for growth in the years to come.

Statistics about tourism in Saudi Arabia 

Tourism in Saudi Arabia 

Here are 10 key statistics about tourism in Saudi Arabia:

  • In 2019, the total number of visitors to Saudi Arabia was 17.6 million, representing a 31% increase from the previous year.
  • The majority of visitors to Saudi Arabia in 2019 were from other countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), with 76% of visitors coming from these countries.
  • Religious tourism is a major component of the tourism industry in Saudi Arabia, with approximately 8 million pilgrims visiting the country each year to perform the Hajj and Umrah.
  • The tourism industry is expected to contribute more than 10% of Saudi Arabia’s gross domestic product (GDP) by 2030, according to the Vision 2030 plan.
  • The country has set a target of attracting 100 million visitors per year by 2030.
  • In 2019, the most visited cities in Saudi Arabia were Mecca, Medina, and Riyadh.
  • The number of hotel rooms in Saudi Arabia increased by 24% in 2019, with a total of 731 new hotels and more than 70,000 rooms added.
  • The Red Sea Project, a major tourism development project on the country’s western coast, is expected to attract one million visitors per year when completed.
  • The country’s first-ever Formula E race, held in Diriyah in 2018, attracted more than 60,000 visitors.
  • The Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage (SCTH) has identified five key tourism clusters in the country: the Two Holy Mosques, Riyadh and surrounding areas, the Red Sea coast, the Eastern Province, and the Al-Ula region

Most popular tourist attractions in Saudi Arabia 

Saudi Arabia has a rich cultural and historical heritage, and it is also home to some of the most important religious sites in the world, making it a popular destination for religious tourism. In recent years, the country has also been working to promote its natural beauty and other tourist attractions. Here are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Saudi Arabia:

  • The Two Holy Mosques – Mecca and Medina: These two cities are the most important religious sites in the Muslim world, and attract millions of pilgrims from around the world each year. Non-Muslims are not permitted to enter Mecca, but visitors can still explore the city of Medina and visit the Prophet’s Mosque.
  • Al-Ula: This ancient city is located in the northwestern part of the country and is home to a number of important archaeological sites, including the ruins of the ancient city of Hegra (also known as Mada’in Saleh), which was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2008.
  • Jeddah: Located on the Red Sea coast, Jeddah is the commercial capital of Saudi Arabia and is known for its beautiful beaches and historic architecture, including the Al-Balad historic district.
  • Riyadh: The capital city of Saudi Arabia is a modern metropolis that offers a mix of traditional and contemporary attractions, including the Kingdom Centre, the Masmak Fortress, and the National Museum.
  • The Red Sea Coast: Saudi Arabia’s western coast is home to some of the most beautiful beaches and coral reefs in the world, making it a popular destination for diving and other water sports. Some of the most popular destinations include Yanbu, Jeddah, and the Farasan Islands.
  • Edge of the World: Located near Riyadh, the Edge of the World is a stunning natural formation that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding desert landscape.
  • Asir Mountains: Located in the southwestern part of the country, the Asir Mountains offer a cooler climate and stunning natural beauty, including waterfalls and lush vegetation.
  • Diriyah: Located just outside of Riyadh, Diriyah is an historic village that was once the capital of the First Saudi State. It is now a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular tourist destination.
  • Al-Ahsa: This eastern province of Saudi Arabia is home to a number of historic sites, including the Al-Qarah Caves, the Al-Hofuf Oasis, and the Jawatha Mosque.

The Empty Quarter: This vast desert region covers much of the southern part of Saudi Arabia and is one of the largest sand deserts in the world. Visitors can explore the desert by camel or 4×4 and experience the unique culture and traditions of the Bedouin people who call this region home.

Most popular types of tourism in Saudi Arabia 

Tourism in Saudi Arabia 

  • Religious Tourism: As the birthplace of Islam, Saudi Arabia is a popular destination for Muslims from around the world who come to perform the Hajj pilgrimage to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. The country also attracts many visitors who come to perform Umrah, which is a non-mandatory pilgrimage to Mecca that can be performed at any time of year.
  • Cultural Tourism: Saudi Arabia has a rich cultural heritage that dates back thousands of years. The country is home to many ancient historical sites, such as the Nabatean city of Madain Saleh, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Visitors can also explore traditional souks (markets), museums, and other cultural attractions.
  • Adventure Tourism: Saudi Arabia has a diverse landscape that includes deserts, mountains, and coastline, making it a great destination for outdoor adventure activities. Popular activities include hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking, and diving.
  • Business Tourism: Saudi Arabia is a major business hub in the Middle East and attracts many visitors who come for business purposes, such as attending conferences and meetings.
  • Wellness Tourism: Saudi Arabia is also known for its luxury spas and wellness centres, which offer a range of treatments and services aimed at promoting relaxation and well-being.

These are just a few of the many types of tourism that Saudi Arabia has to offer. With its diverse offerings and rich history, the country is increasingly becoming a popular destination for travellers from around the world.

Economic Impacts of Tourism in Saudi Arabia

Tourism is a rapidly growing industry in Saudi Arabia and is expected to play an increasingly important role in the country’s economy. Here are some of the economic impacts of tourism in Saudi Arabia:

  • Job Creation: The growth of the tourism industry in Saudi Arabia has led to the creation of many new jobs, particularly in sectors such as hospitality, transportation, and retail. According to the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage, the tourism sector is expected to create around 1.2 million jobs by 2030.
  • Increased Revenue: Tourism is a significant source of revenue for the Saudi Arabian economy. In 2019, the country’s tourism industry generated over $12 billion in revenue, and this is expected to increase significantly in the coming years.
  • Infrastructure Development: The development of the tourism industry in Saudi Arabia has led to the construction of new hotels, airports, and other infrastructure projects, which not only support tourism but also contribute to the overall development of the country’s economy.
  • Increased Foreign Investment: The growth of the tourism industry in Saudi Arabia has attracted significant foreign investment, particularly in the hospitality and real estate sectors. This investment helps to create jobs and contributes to the overall economic growth of the country.
  • Diversification of the Economy: The development of the tourism industry in Saudi Arabia is part of a larger effort to diversify the country’s economy away from its traditional reliance on oil. By developing new industries, such as tourism, the country is working to build a more resilient and sustainable economy for the future.

These are just a few of the many economic impacts of tourism in Saudi Arabia. As the industry continues to grow, it is likely to have an increasingly important role in the country’s overall economic development.

Social Impacts of Tourism in Saudi Arabia

Tourism in Saudi Arabia 

Tourism can have both positive and negative social impacts on a destination, and Saudi Arabia is no exception. Here are some of the social impacts of tourism in Saudi Arabia:

  • Cultural Exchange: Tourism can promote cultural exchange by providing an opportunity for visitors to learn about and experience the local culture and way of life in Saudi Arabia. This can lead to greater understanding and appreciation between different cultures and can help to promote tolerance and respect.
  • Employment Opportunities: The tourism industry in Saudi Arabia provides employment opportunities for local residents, which can help to improve their quality of life and contribute to the overall economic development of the country.
  • Preservation of Heritage: The development of tourism in Saudi Arabia has led to increased interest in preserving the country’s cultural and historical heritage. This has led to the restoration and conservation of many historic sites, which not only benefits tourists but also the local community.
  • Overcrowding and Strain on Infrastructure: The increase in tourism can lead to overcrowding in popular destinations, which can put a strain on local infrastructure and services. This can lead to social problems such as traffic congestion, noise pollution, and increased crime rates.
  • Cultural Conflicts: Tourism can sometimes lead to cultural conflicts when visitors do not respect local customs and traditions. For example, the dress code for women in Saudi Arabia is very conservative, and visitors are expected to dress modestly. Failure to do so can cause offence and lead to social tensions.

These are just a few examples of the social impacts of tourism in Saudi Arabia. It is important for the tourism industry to be developed in a responsible and sustainable manner to ensure that the positive impacts are maximised, and negative impacts are minimised.

Environmental Impacts of Tourism in Saudi Arabia

Here are some of the environmental impacts of tourism in Saudi Arabia:

  • Water and Energy Consumption: The tourism industry requires a significant amount of water and energy to operate, particularly in the hospitality sector. This can put a strain on local resources and lead to increased energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Land Use and Development: The development of tourism infrastructure such as hotels, resorts, and airports can lead to the loss of natural habitats and wildlife. It can also lead to increased pressure on land and water resources, particularly in arid regions such as Saudi Arabia.
  • Waste Generation: The tourism industry can generate a significant amount of waste, particularly in the form of plastic waste from single-use items such as water bottles and food packaging. This can lead to increased pollution and damage to the local environment.
  • Carbon Footprint: Tourism activities such as air travel can have a significant carbon footprint, contributing to global climate change. This can have long-term environmental impacts on the destination and the world as a whole.
  • Damage to Natural and Cultural Sites: The increase in tourism can lead to damage to natural and cultural sites, particularly in areas that are not well managed. This can lead to the degradation of the environment and the loss of cultural heritage.

These are just a few examples of the environmental impacts of tourism in Saudi Arabia. It is important for the tourism industry to be developed in a sustainable and responsible manner to ensure that the negative impacts are minimised, and the positive impacts are maximised.

Tourism in Saudi Arabia 

FAQ’s about tourism in Saudi Arabia 

Now that we know a bit more about tourism in Saudi Arabia, lets take a look at some of the most common questions on this topic:

What are the visa requirements for tourists visiting Saudi Arabia?

Tourists must obtain a visa prior to their arrival in Saudi Arabia. The visa application process can be completed online or through a Saudi embassy or consulate in the visitor’s home country.

What is the dress code for tourists in Saudi Arabia?

Tourists, especially women, are expected to dress conservatively in public places. Women are required to wear an abaya, a loose-fitting cloak, while in public. Men are also expected to dress modestly.

What are the most popular tourist attractions in Saudi Arabia?

Some of the most popular tourist attractions in Saudi Arabia include the ancient city of Mada’in Saleh, the historic city of Jeddah, the Al-Ula archaeological site, and the modern city of Riyadh.

What is the official language of Saudi Arabia?

The official language of Saudi Arabia is Arabic.

Is it safe to travel to Saudi Arabia as a tourist?

Saudi Arabia is considered a safe country for tourists. However, visitors should be aware of the local customs and laws, exercise caution, and remain vigilant.

What is the currency of Saudi Arabia?

The currency of Saudi Arabia is the Saudi Riyal (SAR).

Is alcohol allowed in Saudi Arabia?

The consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited in Saudi Arabia.

What is the best time of year to visit Saudi Arabia?

The best time to visit Saudi Arabia is during the winter months from December to February when the temperatures are cooler.

What is the local cuisine in Saudi Arabia?

The local cuisine in Saudi Arabia is influenced by Middle Eastern and Arab cuisine, and includes dishes such as kebabs, rice-based dishes, and falafel.

What are the transportation options for tourists in Saudi Arabia?

Transportation options for tourists in Saudi Arabia include taxis, buses, and rental cars. However, women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia, and public transportation is not available in all cities.

To conclude- Tourism in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, traditionally revered for its spiritual significance, is embarking on a new chapter as a budding travel destination. As the Kingdom unveils its diverse landscapes and rich history to the global audience, it’s crucial to approach tourism’s evolution with care and insight.

By managing this growth sustainably, Saudi Arabia can showcase its multifaceted heritage, ensuring that its tourism narrative complements its profound cultural and spiritual roots.

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Saudi Arabia - Tourism and Culture

Updated: June 4, 2024

Saudi Arabia has recently commenced a transformation of its image, incorporated cultural diversity and encouraged tourism sector. This changeover has been mainly catalyzed by the Vision 2030 program, which aims to expand the nation's economic base and cultivate a progressive society. Saudi Arabia has passed through a considerable path in elevating its tourism endeavors. Moreover, the kingdom has placed significant emphasis on the preservation of its rich cultural heritage through the organization of festivals and cultural events, restoration of historical landmarks, and patronage of traditional arts and crafts. Through these endeavors, Saudi Arabia aspires to assert its distinctive cultural identity and entice visitors from across the globe.

Promoting Tourism and Culture

In 2024, Saudi Arabia experienced notable improvements in both tourism and culture. The nation has actively promoted travel and has seen a surge in tourists. By investing in infrastructure, creating new tourist sites, and easing visa requirements.

Some of the notable examples of tourism in Saudi Arabia are explained in detail below.

Preserving Cultural Heritage

Amid modernization, Saudi Arabia remains committed to preserving its cultural heritage. A rich and varied cultural heritage that dates back thousands of years may be found in Saudi Arabia. The medieval Diriyah neighborhood of Riyadh presents a holistic archaeological site, the ancient Nabatean city of Al-Ula, the archeological site of Mada'in Saleh, and the breathtaking rock art of Jubbah are just a few of the notable heritages. These locations give tourists a look into Saudi Arabia's interesting past by showcasing the nation's history, architecture, and creative traditions.

Modern Architectural Marvels

The kingdom is no stranger to architectural innovation. The increase of cultural events and festivals, as well as the opening of new tourist sites like the futuristic city of NEOM, and The Qiddiya Entertainment City, are few of the major developments. The nation has also put in place a number of programs to conserve its rich cultural legacy. These futuristic developments promise immersive experiences, ranging from high-tech entertainment hubs to eco-friendly resorts.

Rise of Entertainment and Festivals

Entertainment options have significantly expanded, with international artists and performers gracing stages across the country. Festivals celebrating music, film, and art have become vibrant platforms for cultural exchange and creativity. In Saudi Arabia, there are numerous tourist attractions that are of seeing.

Eco-Tourism and Natural Wonders

Saudi Arabia's diverse landscapes, from the Red Sea coastline to desert oases, have captured the attention of eco-conscious travelers. Efforts to promote responsible tourism and protect fragile ecosystems are yielding positive results. The gorgeous Red Sea coastline, the ancient city of Jeddah, the energetic capital city of Riyadh, and the breathtaking landscapes of the Empty Quarter are a few of the more well-known ones. These locations provide a variety of modern attractions, cultural experiences, and scenic landscapes.

Culinary Adventures: A Gastronomic Journey

The Saudi culinary scene is undergoing a renaissance, blending traditional flavors with contemporary twists. Food enthusiasts can savor a fusion of tastes, from aromatic spices to modern gastronomic delights.

Evolution of the Hospitality Sector

The hospitality industry has witnessed remarkable growth, with international hotel chains establishing their presence. This expansion caters to the influx of tourists seeking luxurious and comfortable accommodations. Over two million people are expected to be accommodated in the hotels in Qiddiya while 12 million people will benefit from the project’s commercial sector.

Digital Transformation in Tourism

Technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing visitor experiences. Mobile apps, virtual tours, and augmented reality are being used to provide informative and engaging insights into historical sites and cultural landmarks.

Women in Tourism

Empowerment of women has taken center stage in Saudi Arabia. Women are making significant contributions to the tourism sector, from leading tour groups to managing hospitality establishments.

Spiritual Tourism: Umrah, Hajj and Holy Practices

Saudi Arabia's significance as the birthplace of Islam continues to draw millions of pilgrims for the annual Hajj pilgrimage. Beyond Hajj, efforts are being made to develop religious tourism sites that offer unique spiritual experiences.

Cultural Exchange Programs

The nation's commitment to cultural exchange is evident through international collaborations and programs. This exchange fosters mutual understanding and promotes a global dialogue of art, music, and ideas.

Art, Music and Traditional Crafts

Art galleries and music festivals are proliferating, providing platforms for local and international artists to showcase their talents. This cultural renaissance is contributing to the enrichment of Saudi Arabia's artistic landscape. Crafts are also gaining prominence, as local artisans are revitalizing traditional crafts, producing intricate handmade goods that reflect Saudi Arabia's rich cultural heritage. These crafts are not only souvenirs but also a testament to the nation's artistic legacy.

Sustainable Practices and Initiatives

With a growing emphasis on sustainability, Saudi Arabia is implementing eco-friendly practices in its tourism infrastructure. From reducing plastic waste to promoting renewable energy, the country is striving to be a responsible tourist destination.

Saudi Arabia: Tourism & Culture in Facts, Figures and Statistics


Infographics by GO-Globe Saudi Arabia

  • Forecasts for 2024 predict Saudi Arabia's Travel & Tourism sector to accumulate a substantial US$4,335.00 million.
  • Projections indicate an annual growth rate of 2.58%, aiming for a market size of US$4,800.00 million by 2028.
  • The Hotels segment leads the market, with estimates suggesting a volume of US$2,930.00 million by 2024.
  • Anticipated surge in hotel patrons, reaching 10.09 million users by 2028.
  • User penetration rate in the Saudi Arabian Hotels market poised at 28.2% for 2024, with a projected increase to 29.1% by 2028.
  • Expected average revenue per user (ARPU) to reach US$410.80 by 2028.
  • Significant forecast indicates 86% of total revenue in the Saudi Arabian Travel & Tourism market to derive from online transactions by 2028.
  • On a global scale, the United States projected to dominate, with revenues of US$199 billion in the Travel & Tourism market for 2024.
  • Rapid expansion of Saudi Arabia's tourism industry driven by robust infrastructure development, cultural heritage sites, and a focus on luxurious travel experiences.
  • The Kingdom accomplished a new achievement within the Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI), marking the 33rd position globally
  • Revenue in Saudi Arabia is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027) of 3.87%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$4,446m by 2027.
  • In the Hotels market, the number of users in Saudi Arabia is expected to amount to 9.1 million people by 2027.
  • User penetration in Saudi Arabia is 25.9% in 2023 and is expected to hit 27.4% by 2027.
  • The average revenue per user (ARPU) in Saudi Arabia is expected to amount to US$398.70.
  • In the Travel & Tourism market, 85% of total revenue in Saudi Arabia will be generated through online sales by 2027.
  • Employment opportunities within the rapidly expanding Saudi tourism sector is increasing due to tourism, which now offers 880,000 jobs countrywide.
  • NEOM is estimated to worth US$500 billion to complete. a business and tech canter, expected to contribute US$48 billion to the kingdom's gross domestic product and create 380,000 jobs.
  • Qiddiya, The New Entertainment City, planned for completion in 2035, is going to stretch over an area of 334km.
  • Qiddiya City is expected to create more than 57,000 jobs for the residents and expatriates by 2030.
  • Qiddiya is expected to contribute up to SAR 17 billion of GDP to the economy.

As Saudi Arabia continues to evolve, its tourism and culture sectors stand at the crossroads of tradition and innovation. The nation's commitment to preserving its heritage while embracing modernity has led to a thriving industry that offers something for every traveler. From historical sites to futuristic marvels, Saudi Arabia's journey is a captivating blend of the past, present, and future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Is Saudi Arabia safe for tourists in 2023?

A: Yes, Saudi Arabia has taken extensive measures to ensure the safety and comfort of tourists, making it a welcoming destination.

Q2: What are some must-visit cultural festivals in Saudi Arabia?

A: The Janadriyah Festival and the Red Sea International Film Festival are highly recommended for experiencing Saudi culture.

Q3: Are women travelers welcomed in Saudi Arabia?

A: Absolutely, Saudi Arabia has made great strides in welcoming women travelers and providing them with enriching experiences.

Q4: How can I learn more about Vision 2030 and its impact on tourism?

A: To learn more about Vision 2030 and its influence on Saudi Arabia's tourism industry, you can visit the official website at .

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Saudi Arabia boosted its tourism credentials in 2021: mega-projects and music festivals

A number of hotel openings, new direct flights and large-scale events are heralding in a new era for the country's hospitality industry.

Hegra After Dark. Photo: RCU Commission

Hegra After Dark. Photo: RCU Commission

From music festivals and mega-projects to hotel openings and new direct flights , 2021 has been a year of new beginnings for Saudi Arabia.

The kingdom has spearheaded a raft of new developments over the past year and is all set to continue in the same vein in 2022.

While the kingdom was once best known for its religious tourism or for business travel to Jeddah and Riyadh, destinations such as AlUla are presenting a whole new side to the country.

Part of the country's ambitious 2030 plan to bring Saudi Arabia to the world, historic AlUla, home to the country’s first Unesco heritage site at Hegra, continues to expand its offering, with experiences such as Hegra After Dark and art events such as Desert X AlUla 2022 .

A new experience in AlUla called Hegra After Dark is now ongoing. All photos: RCU Commission

A new experience in AlUla called Hegra After Dark is now ongoing. All photos: RCU Commission

The 52-hectare ancient city in the north-western part of the country welcomed its first direct flight from Dubai in November , opening up options for a whole new generation of intrepid travellers. Saudi airline flynas now runs three direct flights a week from Dubai into AlUla International Airport.

To accommodate the anticipated influx of tourists, several new hotels will open in the area next year, to cater to the growing number of visitors attending events and festivals such as Winter at Tantora. Luxury eco resort Habitas is the latest to open, resting in an ancient oasis in the desert canyons of the Ashar Valley, surrounded by sandstone cliffs and palm groves. The resort adds a much-needed 96 guest rooms to AlUla’s inventory.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by HABITAS AlUla (@habitasalula)

Oliver Ripley, co-founder and group chief executive of Habitas, says direct flights mark a milestone moment for travel to AlUla and will allow the destination to be discovered by international tourists. However, there is still some work to do to shift traditional perceptions of Saudi Arabia as a destination, he says.

“International perception of Saudi Arabia is shifting steadily, but there is still a lack of awareness of the cultural highlights and historical heritage Saudi Arabia offers. It is steeped in surprising culture and history of global significance, dating back to historic trade routes and the pilgrimage to Mecca.”

Global hotel chains are investing heavily in the country, fuelled by its newfound openness and the fact tourist visas can now be secured online for many nationalities. This year, Marriott signed a number of agreements for new properties in the country, including the world’s largest Aloft, The Jeddah Edition, and JW Marriott Riyadh.

Hilton, too, has major expansion plans in the country. This year, Hilton Garden Inn launched in Riyadh’s Financial District and a further three openings are scheduled for 2022. Jochem-Jan Sleiffer, president, Middle East, Africa and Turkey, at Hilton, says with international tourism new to the kingdom, the world is “excited” to see what the country has to offer.

“We currently operate 15 hotels, with another 46 under development and plans to expand our operations to more than 75 properties in the next few years, including the introduction of new brands such as LXR Hotels & Resorts, Curio Collection by Hilton, Canopy by Hilton, and Embassy Suites by Hilton. This makes our development pipeline in the kingdom Hilton’s biggest across the Middle East.”

The company also plans to recruit 10,000 people in Saudi Arabia in the next 10 years, half of which will be Saudi nationals, representing a huge boost to the economy.

Food and beverage operators, both regional and international, are also recognising the potential of the country. Michelin-lauded chefs, celebrity brands and home-grown concepts are all carving a space for themselves in the kingdom.

In AlUla, Britain’s celebrated chef Jason Atherton, owner of numerous Michelin-starred restaurants globally, launched his latest project, Maraya Social , on the rooftop of the extraordinary Maraya Concert Hall, the world’s largest mirrored building.

Jason Atherton's Maraya Social restaurant in AlUla. Photo: Maraya Social

Global brand Roka opened in Riyadh this year, signalling the arrival of a new wave of luxury restaurants in the country. The London-born Japanese spot has won accolades around the world and has branches in major cities such as Dubai, New York, Rome and now Riyadh.

Dubai's Mohalla, an Indian restaurant in Dubai Design District, is opening its second branch this month, in Riyadh. Panchali Mahendra, managing director of Atelier House Hospitality, says the popularity of Indian food in the kingdom made this an obvious next move.

“The Saudi Arabian food and beverage market is new, hungry and open,” she says, while acknowledging that progress is needed when it comes to skilled manpower, resources, visas and accessibility. “I envision Saudi Arabia will be a country to watch out for in the next five years, depending on the liberalisation and relaxation of certain rules and regulations in the country."

Prospects are bright. Saudi Arabia established itself as a leading dance music destination with the XP Music Conference and Soundstorm festival in December. Held back-to-back, both events featured an array of performances and discussions by star DJs. Modelled similarly to the Amsterdam Dance Event, the three-day XP Music Conference began in Riyadh on December 13, gathering leading figures from the dance music industry at the Jax District for panel sessions during the day, followed by concerts at night.

The event acted as a precursor for Soundstorm, a mammoth four-day music festival held in the outskirts of the Saudi capital in mid-December. With more than 150 artists performing across six stages, including popular DJs David Guetta and Afrojack, the event welcomed more than 700,000 people, according to organisers.

“The future of dance music is bright in Saudi Arabia,” Afrojack told The National. “There is genuine desire in building the genre here and to play to such an excited and knowledgeable crowd is a beautiful thing to see.”

Other major cultural events that took place recently in the kingdom include Jeddah's inaugural Red Sea International Film Festival , for which stars from across the world descended on the city, plus the first Diriyah Biennale in Riyadh, which marks Saudi Arabia as significant player in contemporary art, and brings together works by 63 artists from the kingdom and abroad.

The country’s intentions continue to be made evident through the launch of ambitious mega-projects. Last week, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman launched the master plan for Jeddah Central Project , formerly known as New Jeddah Downtown. The 75 billion Saudi riyals ($19.9 billion) project will involve the development of 5.7 million square metres of land overlooking the Red Sea.

Jeddah Central Project masterplan will cover 5.7 million square metres of land overlooking the Red Sea. All photos: Jeddah Central Project

Jeddah Central Project masterplan will cover 5.7 million square metres of land overlooking the Red Sea. All photos: Jeddah Central Project

The project will be anchored by four key landmarks: an opera house, museum, sports stadium and oceanarium, in addition to 17,000 residential units and 2,700 hotel rooms, as well as a marina, beach resorts, restaurants, cafes and retail facilities.

The waterfront project is 9.5 kilometres long and is flanked by a promenade and 2.1km beach. Open spaces and public services account for 40 per cent of the project’s footprint, with the provision of plenty of walking areas. The project will be completed in three phases, the first of which is due for completion by the end of 2027.

Another major project to keep an eye on in 2022 is the Red Sea Development Project . Chief executive John Pagano calls it “one of the world's most ambitious regenerative destinations … pioneering a new relationship between luxury travel and the natural environment with multi-dimensional offerings across nature, adventure, culture and wellness”.

The airport at the Red Sea Development Project will serve an estimated one million tourists per year with a schedule of domestic and international flights and a peak of 900 passengers per hour. Photo: The Red Sea Development Company

Pagano is confident it will create a thriving tourism ecosystem that will advance the domestic economy. More than 800 contracts have been signed to date, worth nearly Dh20 billion. “Our first phase of development remains on track to welcome our first guests by the end of 2022,” he says.

Upon completion in 2030, the site will host 50 hotels offering up to 8,000 keys and about 1,000 residential properties across 22 islands and six inland sites. Looking ahead, the future is exciting, he says. “We are also developing an international airport that will be accessible by 80 per cent of the world’s population in less than eight hours and expected to serve up to one million passengers per year by 2030.”

Abu Dhabi AI university's first PhD graduates want to improve cancer diagnosis

Saudi Begins Developing Towns as More Affordable Tourism Spots

Josh Corder , Skift

June 6th, 2024 at 10:12 AM EDT

Yanbu is being developed as a new leisure destination, offering prices well below those expected at the giga-projects.

Josh Corder

Saudi Arabia is now developing towns with stays below the five-star price range.

“For a lot of people from the outside, it may look expensive in Saudi Arabia, but you can already afford it,” said Stefano Lopez, senior product director at Baheej Group.

Baheej is a Saudi developer specifically building up Saudi towns and communities for mid-market tourism and leisure. It is already working on a destination called Yanbu, a coastal port city around two and half hours from Medina.

Baheej is partly owned by the Public Investment Fund, Saudi’s sovereign wealth fund also building the giga-projects.

Recently, Baheej announced the development of the waterfront area of Yanbu. The project will cover an area of 32,000 square meters and features three leisure assets including a “Beach Escape”, a “Tourist Activation Center,” and a hotel. Additionally, the project will feature a fourth component to be announced at a later stage.

“Let’s use Italy as an example,” Lopez said. “You have Almafi Coast and it’s a top-selling destination. If you go there in summer, 90% of tourists are foreigners. [Italians] go to places you barely hear about, that’s where you find all the locals and some of the spill-over tourists who don’t want to spend so much in the centers.”

Lopez believes the idea Saudi is too expensive comes down to marketing. “The misconception is Saudi is working only towards luxury. Naturally, because of how long it takes to build those crown jewels, so far, the notion is that’s the only focus.”

“Of course, Neom is launching a clear message, same with Red Sea. But the World Cup [might be] coming, the Expo, the Formula 1. These things will bring so many tourists, so secondary destinations must be inclusive for them, for people who want different offerings.”

“In our case, we have other destinations in the pipeline. Our hotels come up faster than the giga-projects, so we’re working behind the scenes on a lot of launches.”

Right now, Baheej has just one hotel confirmed, a Cloud7 property from Kerten Hospitality. For reference, the Cloud7 in Saudi’s AlUla site costs around $270 a night.

At the Arabian Travel Market in Dubai, the CEO of Saudi Tourism Authority told Skift that the country expects 80% of travelers to choose affordable accommodations.

Dubai Did it First

Lopez says Saudi’s strategy to hit the market with luxury developments won’t last forever, and affordability should follow suit, just as seen in Dubai.

“Outsiders hear Saudi and they hear Neom with that. It worked. It is the intent to send a message. It’s a little bit like what Dubai did. 20 years ago, people wondered what tourism would be in Dubai. Now it has the highest rates and is a haven for hotel operators.”

“People who bet against Dubai are now surprised. Saudi is announcing a lot of very visionary projects and they will be surrounded by other offerings to complement the flashier developments.”

Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 Is Too Expensive For Tourists – And Everyone Knows It

Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 Is Too Expensive For Tourists – And Everyone Knows It

Fancy a stay in the heart of Arabia? It’ll cost you.

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Photo credit: Riyadh's Kingdom Cener. Used for illustrative purposes. Credit: Unsplash. The Baheej Company

View from the Al-Faisaliah  (Globe) tower, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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Saudi Arabia

If there is a final frontier of tourism left, it's Saudi Arabia. The birthplace and spiritual home of Islam, Saudi Arabia is rich in attractions and stirring symbolism. For Muslims, the cities of Mecca and Medina, rich in Prophetic significance, have no equal, while the carved temples of Madain Saleh, known as the second Petra, and the sophisticated rock art at Jubbah are the Kingdom's greatest pre-Islamic treasures.


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A handout picture provided by the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah on October 4, 2020, shows Saudis and foreign residents circumambulating the Kaaba (Tawaf) in the Grand Mosque complex in the holy city of Mecca, as authorities partially resume the year-round Umrah for a limited number of pilgrims amid extensive health precautions after a seven-month coronavirus hiatus. (Photo by - / Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umra / AFP) (Photo by -/Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umra/AFP via Getty Images)

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The number of visitors marks a 56% increase in tourists since 2019.

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Scene Now Saudi

Saudi Arabia Welcomes Record Breaking 100 Million Tourists in 2023

Saudi Arabia achieved a significant milestone in its tourism sector by welcoming over 100 million tourist visitors in 2023, marking a 56% increase compared to 2019. This achievement, accomplished seven years earlier than projected under Vision 2030, underscores the country's emergence as a prominent global tourism destination.

Of the total visitors, around 77 million were domestic travelers, while approximately 27 million were international tourists. Their spending amounted to over USD 67 billion, according to data from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

The Saudi Tourism Authority acknowledges the accomplishment as a reflection of the nation's rapid growth in the tourism sector. Efforts to improve connectivity and infrastructure aim to enhance accessibility for international visitors, opening up new opportunities for the travel trade industry.

The country strives towards its goal of welcoming 150 million tourists by 2030.

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Saudi Arabia Showcases Transformative Investment Opportunities at the 46th Annual NYU International Hospitality Investment Conference

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NEW YORK — The Saudi Ministry of Tourism is participating in the 46th Annual NYU International Hospitality Investment Conference, highlighting the Kingdom’s exceptional progress and vast investment opportunities within its booming tourism sector. This conference presents a unique platform for Saudi Arabia to share its transformative journey towards becoming a premier global tourism destination while diversifying its economy.

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Saudi arabia showcases transformative investment opportunities at the 46th annual nyu international hospitality investment conference back to video.

At the forefront of the conference, Mahmoud Abdulhadi, Deputy Minister of Tourism Destination Enablement, delivered a keynote speech to the attendees. He discussed the abundant opportunities in Saudi Arabia, providing insights on investing in tourism to develop new destinations. Mahmoud emphasized how international investors can benefit from the opportunities created, underlining the Kingdom’s commitment to becoming a leading global tourism destination.

Complementing the keynote, the “Invest Saudi & Prosper in Tourism” Networking Lunch, hosted by the Ministry of Tourism, offered a deep dive into Saudi Arabia’s investment potential under Vision 2030. The event featured speakers from the Saudi Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Investment, focusing on the transformation and development in the market, sector performance, and investment opportunities. The government’s support for investors through the Tourism Investment Enablers Program (TIEP), which focuses on enhancing the ease and cost of doing business in the tourism sector, provides incentives, and opens up this untapped market, was also discussed in detail.

The TIEP is designed to lower investment barriers, reduce government fees by 22%, and offer significant incentives. The program includes the flagship Hospitality Investment Enablers (HIE) initiative, which aims to generate USD 11.2 billion in private-sector investments and create 120,000 jobs in identified tourism destinations with high potential. These initiatives make Saudi Arabia an attractive and lucrative destination for investors.

Mahmoud Abdulhadi, Deputy Minister of Tourism Destination Enablement, said, “Saudi Arabia stands at the threshold of an unprecedented transformation in its tourism sector, offering unparalleled opportunities for investors. Our commitment to Vision 2030 is not just a blueprint for development; it’s an open invitation for global partners to be part of a historic journey. By investing in Saudi Arabia, you are investing in a future where innovation, culture, and hospitality converge to create extraordinary experiences. The Tourism Investment Enablers Program and the Hospitality Investment Enablers initiative are designed to provide you with the support, incentives, and reduced barriers needed to succeed in this thriving market. Together, we can build a world-class tourism destination that benefits not only our economy but also the global community.”

As part of the Ministry of Tourism’s participation at the event, Gloria Guevara Manzo, Chief Special Advisor at the Ministry of Tourism, Saudi Arabia, took part in a fireside chat titled “The Travel and Tourism Trends Driving the Market.” The session examined the trends that hospitality investors and other stakeholders need to consider to drive their strategies, providing valuable insights into the evolving landscape of global tourism.

This discussion underscored Saudi Arabia’s significant strides in its tourism sector, notably attracting 100 million international visitors in 2023, seven years ahead of schedule. This success sets the stage for the Kingdom’s new target of 150 million tourists, reflecting its growing global appeal.

Further highlighting its success, Saudi Arabia rose nine places to 41st in the World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Development Index 2024, demonstrating the impact of its strategic investments and robust regulatory framework. Recognized as one of the safest countries to visit in the Middle East, the Kingdom’s appeal to international investors continues to grow.

With an investment of USD 800 billion into its tourism sector, Saudi Arabia is creating 1.6 million job opportunities and adding 500,000 hotel rooms. These investments are driving the Kingdom’s economic and social transformation, focusing on developing cultural sites, sports venues, theme parks, and nature reserves. Additionally, the Ministry of Tourism’s efforts to simplify the e-visa process for 66 countries further boost tourism inflows and investment opportunities, making the Kingdom more accessible to international visitors.

*Source: AETOSWire

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    Corporate and religious tourism has significantly underpinned growth in Saudi Arabia's hospitality key performance indicators in the year to September 2023, compared to a year earlier. Over this period, across the Kingdom, average occupancy rates are 5.9% higher, average daily rates sit 18.4% higher and the average revenue per available room ...

  22. Saudi Arabia

    Forecasts for 2024 predict Saudi Arabia's Travel & Tourism sector to accumulate a substantial US$4,335.00 million. Projections indicate an annual growth rate of 2.58%, aiming for a market size of US$4,800.00 million by 2028. The Hotels segment leads the market, with estimates suggesting a volume of US$2,930.00 million by 2024.

  23. Saudi Arabia boosted its tourism credentials in 2021: mega-projects and

    From music festivals and mega-projects to hotel openings and new direct flights, 2021 has been a year of new beginnings for Saudi Arabia. The kingdom has spearheaded a raft of new developments over the past year and is all set to continue in the same vein in 2022. While the kingdom was once best known for its religious tourism or for business ...

  24. Saudi Begins Developing Towns as More Affordable Tourism Spots

    Saudi Arabia is now developing towns with stays below the five-star price range. ... the CEO of Saudi Tourism Authority told Skift that the country expects 80% of ... Now it has the highest rates ...

  25. Saudi Arabia travel

    Saudi Arabia. Middle East. If there is a final frontier of tourism left, it's Saudi Arabia. The birthplace and spiritual home of Islam, Saudi Arabia is rich in attractions and stirring symbolism. For Muslims, the cities of Mecca and Medina, rich in Prophetic significance, have no equal, while the carved temples of Madain Saleh, known as the ...

  26. Saudi Arabia Welcomes Record Breaking 100 Million Tourists in 2023

    Scene Now Saudi. Saudi Arabia achieved a significant milestone in its tourism sector by welcoming over 100 million tourist visitors in 2023, marking a 56% increase compared to 2019. This achievement, accomplished seven years earlier than projected under Vision 2030, underscores the country's emergence as a prominent global tourism destination.

  27. Saudi Arabia Showcases Transformative Investment Opportunities at the

    Join us for live Q&A on Bank of Canada's rate cut today at noon Register now >> Join us for live Q&A on Bank of Canada's rate cut today at noon Register now >> Sections. Search. ... With an investment of USD 800 billion into its tourism sector, Saudi Arabia is creating 1.6 million job opportunities and adding 500,000 hotel rooms. These ...

  28. Saudi Tourism Authority and Taiba Investments sign MoU to boost ...

    TOURISM. Taiba Investments, a leading hospitality and real estate company, announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Saudi Tourism Authority (STA). Taiba Investments and STA will collaborate to enhance Saudi Arabia's position as a leading destination for Chinese travelers while also boosting their travel and stay ...

  29. Saudia Group Eyes Expansion and Collaboration with ...

    At the CAPA India Aviation Summit 2024, Saudia Group's Director General, Ibrahim Alomari, highlighted the group's goal to escalate flight frequencies and foster collaborative efforts between Indian and Saudi airlines. The new MRO facility, set to be fully operational next year in Saudi Arabia, aims to service various aircraft, including A320 ...