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Funen travel guide

Denmark’s central island of Funen (Fyn in Danish) is known as “the Garden of Denmark” for its natural beauty, flowered gardens, castles and manor houses. Here, too, lies historic Odense, the birthplace of author Hans Christian Andersen. South Funen and the island archipelago are a paradise for anglers and yachtsmen.

Funen is linked to Zealand by the mighty Store Bælt bridge and to Jutland by the Lille Bælt bridge, and the E20 runs straight across the island. However, the most satisfying way to appreciate Funen’s finer aspects is slowly, by the power of your pedalling feet. There are hundreds of kilometres of marked routes, allowing you to lean your bike beside one of the little whitewashed churches to take a look inside, and inhale the scent of the wild flowers that lie beneath roadside rose hedges.

Egeskov Castle, (photo by iStockphoto)

Places to visit in the Funen Archipelago

Nyborg slot.

Tel: 65 31 02 07


Nyborg is the first Funen town on the eastern coast; before heading north for Kerteminde and the Hindsholm peninsula, take a look at Nyborg Slot, which dates from 1170. It was built to defend the country from the Wends of north Germany and, during the Middle Ages, was the meeting place for the monarchy, nobility and clergy. However, in 1722, much of Nyborg Slot was demolished to provide building materials for Odense Castle. Part of the original ramparts and moat remain, and the castle has a fine interior of great echoing, empty rooms.

In the centre of Funen lies quaint but lively Odense, Denmark’s third-largest city (pop. 190,000). The Gothic cathedral, Skt Knuds Domkirke, is one of its most beautiful landmarks. It was named after King Knud (Canute) II, who was murdered in the town in 1086 by his rebellious subjects and later canonised by the Pope. It’s adorned with a gilded altarpiece made by Claus Berg in Germany in 1521. In the crypt lie the remains of Skt Knud.

Munkemøllestræde, west of the cathedral, is the cobblestone street where the storyteller Hans Christian Andersen grew up in the early 1800s. Northeast of the cathedral, on Bangs Boder, is the outstanding Hans Christian Andersen Museum (tel: 65 51 46 01; www.museum.odense.dk ). The museum’s collection is devoted to the writer’s life, with manuscripts and other personal belongings.

Denmark’s foremost composer, Carl Nielsen, spent his early years in the city, and the Carl Nielsen Museet (Claus Bergs Gade 11; tel: 65 51 46 01; www.museum.odense.dk ) is devoted both to his life and work and to that of his wife, Anne Marie Nielsen, a sculptor.

Den Fynske Landsby

Sejerskovvej 20

Tel: 65 51 46 01


Just south of Odense is a delightful spot, Den Fynske Landsby (Funen Village). It contains old farm buildings from different areas, with a vicarage, workshops, a windmill and watermill.

Egeskov Castle

Tel: 62 27 10 16


The unmissable Egeskov Slot, 14km (9 miles) north of Svendborg, is one of Denmark’s most famous historic sights, a moated castle set in magnificent Baroque and Renaissance gardens. Egeskov means oak forest – legend says that an entire forest of the trees was felled around 1540 to form the piles the castle stands on. The castle and grounds are filled with wonders, including a mysterious Wooden Man sculpture, the awesomely detailed doll’s house Titania’s Palace, three mazes, a tree-top walk and nine museums, including a Veteranmuseum (Veteran Motor Museum), containing a fine collection of vintage cars, aircraft and motor cycles.

You could spend a lifetime trying to visit all the islands of the Funen archipelago and still miss a few. Only 19 are inhabited permanently, and even the largest hold no more than a few thousand people. You can take day trips aboard wooden sailing ships or longer cruises through the archipelago. From Fåborg, it is a short trip to the most beautiful island of all, ærø. Hire a bike for the short ride from Søby to ærøskøbing, the main town of cobbled streets and brightly coloured houses, and on to the old naval port of Marstal. Cycling is easy, and the roads wind past fertile fields, thatched farmhouses, medieval churches and windmills.

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  • 5.2 By train
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  • 6.2 By bike
  • 6.3 By train
  • 6.5 By taxi
  • 12 Stay safe

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The capital of the island is Odense , birthplace of famous author H.C. Andersen. Funen is a picturesque area with sandy beaches and lush vegetation, traditionally known as the agricultural heartland of Denmark. As a term of endearment, Funen is known as Danmarks grønne ø ("Denmark's green island"). Funen is a convenient destination for travellers from mainland Europe, as both a major European highway as well as all transnational trains in Denmark cross the island and its capital.


  • 55.4 10.383333 1 Odense — The regional capital and Denmark's third largest city.
  • 55.2664 9.8968 2 Assens — A coastal town
  • 55.5642 10.0894 3 Bogense
  • 55.095 10.242222 4 Faaborg — A coastal town
  • 55.505833 9.730556 6 Middelfart — A coastal town by the Lillebælt bridge to Jutland
  • 55.309722 10.791667 7 Nyborg — A coastal town by the Storebælt bridge to Zealand.
  • 55.516667 10.4 8 Otterup
  • 55.236944 10.479444 9 Ringe
  • 55.059722 10.61 10 Svendborg — A port town with a bridge to 55 10.6 1 Tåsinge and 54.929722 10.778056 2 Langeland and a ferry to 54.883333 10.333333 3 Ærø

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Very much the "island in the middle" between Zealand and Jutland, it is mockingly said that Funen only exists to carry the highway between Copenhagen and Aarhus . The good-humoured locals, on the other hand, claim to harbour the best traits of both Jutland and Copenhagen. Easy-going Funen is a place for the good life, where you can find great food at reasonable prices. And the island does have one unrivalled claim to fame: Odense , the main city, is the birthplace of writer Hans Christian Andersen.

Danish is of course spoken by all inhabitants. Swedish and Norwegian are both somewhat understood, but English is more widely spoken amongst all inhabitants, except for very young children and the elderly over 70. German is taught in schools, but generally only spoken to a lesser degree. French is taught in some public schools, but few speakers can be found, those existing will be found mostly in Odense. In Odense, quite a few immigrants with some knowledge of either Arabic, Turkish or Persian can be found.

funen tourist guide

Funen is crossed by the major European highway E20, and is thereby connected to Zealand with the Great Belt bridge (tolled) and to Jutland with the Little Belt bridge (free).

The central rail station in Odense is a transit point for all trains from the European mainland towards Copenhagen, therefore it can be reached from anywhere in the country.

The small Odense Airport is located around 17 km from the city centre, but except for holiday routes to Southern Europe, it is only served by private charter flights, which are of course comparatively expensive.

Some major international airports nearby are Copenhagen Airport , Billund , and Hamburg .

A good road and motorway system connects all coastal towns with each other as well as Odense. A highway connects the capital Odense with Svendborg. Even rural roads are of high quality, as in the rest of Denmark.

Funen is very bike friendly, with only the centre of the island being hilly. Most roads in and from Odense have dedicated bike paths. Be aware of no cycling signs, though.

On Funen, there is service from Odense Central Station to Ringe and Svendborg, as well as the train line crossing the island, which also serves the cities of Middelfart and Nyborg. Other towns are served by bus.

All towns and small communities are served with high daily frequency. In Odense an extensive bus network serves all parts of the city as well as its suburbs. Fynbus includes regional bus schedules and a route planner.

Taxis are aplenty in towns at fixed rates, including a service charge. There are cab stands in some places, as cabs cannot usually be hailed on the street. Phoning a taxi company is advised instead, in Odense the cab will usually arrive in less than fifteen minutes. Pirate cabs are non-existent.

The island is home to the author H.C. Andersen, whose former residence located in the city centre of Odense has been converted to a museum. Just south of Odense, the village of Nørre Lyndelse includes the birthplace of composer Carl Nielsen; a museum tells the story of his life and work.

Svendborg and Kerteminde are both picturesque maritime towns with colourful houses and cobblestoned streets, though Kerteminde has a somewhat more untouched character, and is home to Fjord- og Bæltcentret , an interactive museum about ocean life, with mammals as the main focus. Both cities were traditionally fishing towns, and therefore quality fish restaurants are ubiquitous.

Odense is home to Den Fynske Landsby , a re-creation of the island's rural past, including only original houses moved from all parts of the island and carefully reconstructed to portray life as it was in the 18th and 19th centuries. Activities are spread across the year, and include milking, traditional harvests and manufacture of old-fashioned handicrafts and foods, where the visitors can participate.

In general, all of Funen has the potential for beautiful natural experiences, and almost all of its forests are open to the public for hiking and biking paths in the scenic surrounds. In the north, lush Langesøskoven forest includes a picturesque lake and wildlife.

Odense has a vibrant nightlife, and music can be experienced both at outdoor events and in clubs, especially Magasinet and Jazzhus Dexter, respectively venues for alternative rock and jazz.

Fishing in streams, rivers, lakes and the ocean is a popular activity for locals and tourists alike, and Odense River has a large and well-supported population of rainbow trout. All fishing requires a permit, obtainable at post offices and most fishing equipment shops. If in doubt, contact a tourist office, which will refer you to the nearest permit vendor. Hunting is also possible, but requires proof of hunting capability and a permit from the governmental wildlife agency.

Odense has a comparatively large shopping street as well as a few well-assorted malls, the largest of which, Rosengårdcentret, is located in the southeastern suburbs. Shops fabricating traditional handicrafts as well as modern applied arts items can be found in many of the island's cities. Beware of the difference between tourist shops and genuine artisans.

Odense has many restaurants, ranging from the usual American fast food chains, to traditional Danish restaurants like Carlslund or Boulevardkroen, and haute cuisine restaurantd. Especially worthy of mention is Restaurant Kvægtorvet. International cuisine is also prevalent, Italian, Greek, Chinese, American, Indian, Arabic and Vietnamese restaurants can be found. The former four types are mainly found in central Odense, whilst the latter three cuisines are represented at Bazar Fyn, located in the eastern suburbs of Odense, home to a number of ethnic minorities. There, the food is comparatively cheap and generally of good quality.

In general, food is expensive in Denmark, both from supermarkets and in restaurants, but low-budget travellers will appreciate the discount stores ubiquitous in all towns.

For traditional Funish fare, which is mainly fish ( fisk ) and other seafood ( skaldyr ), a trip to Kerteminde, Svendborg or Bogense is highly recommended. In Kerteminde, a somewhat expensive but worthwhile seafood restaurant, Rudolf Mathis, serves high-quality fish fare. If in doubt, ask a local; they will probably be able to point you towards a hidden gem with lovely, hearty dishes of local cuisine.

Some regional dishes:

  • Æggekage — Danish omelettes, most often topped with bacon, tomatoes and chives.
  • Jødetorsk — cod, sprinkled with curry powder and salt, simmered over a low heat in butter and onions.
  • Fynsk rygeost — cheese smoked over freshly-harvested oat or wheat straw.

Beer is the cornerstone of Danish beverages, and the local brewery Albani, located in Odense, produces lovely lagers and darker varieties. For even better microbrewery beer, look for the brands "Vestfyen" (brewed in Assens), "Refsvindinge" (brewed in the town of that name) and "Midtfyns Bryghus" (brewed in Brobyværk) on menus and supermarket shelves. The bar Christian Firtal in Odense serves these and other local products as well as English cask and bottled ales, and Belgian and German beers.

High quality spirits are also available, and aquavit is traditionally a part of Danish lunches in general. Only a few brands are locally produced, though, and these are not widely available. Most are imported from the rest of Denmark.

In general Funen is very safe, and no violent crimes are commonly committed against tourists or locals. In general, although Denmark is comparatively lax on drugs, do not attempt to purchase any, as this will often involves interacting with gangs, which have engaged in a covert vendetta against each other. Police are visible in all cities, and Odense, Middelfart and Svendborg have hospitals, of which Odense and Svendborg hospitals have emergency rooms. Police, fire services and ambulances can be contacted by phoning 112, while non-emergency calls to the police should be placed on 114. English is spoken by emergency central operators.

  • Tåsinge : An island just across the strait
  • Langeland : An oblong island to the east of Southern Funen, can be reached by bridge from Svendborg ( Tåsinge ), has connections to Spodsbjerg on Lolland .
  • Ærø : A beautiful island in the Southern Funen Archipelago. Can be reached by ferry from Svendborg. The main towns are Marstal and Ærøskøbing

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Experiences on Funen 2024

On Funen you will find wonderful experiences for both children and adults - whether it is a trip to the zoo, the Funen cultural life or a good hike that you are looking for.

In this guide, we have gathered the best recommendations and tips for memorable experiences on Funen.

The capital of Funen 

Visit Odense

The largest city on Funen is Odense, and therefore it must be said to be Funen's Capital. The city is one of the oldest in all of Denmark, and if you are looking for culture and history, Odense is just the place for you.

There are experiences for both young and old when you visit Odense - We recommend that you make your way past Odense Zoo, and explore the old town, where you can follow in the footsteps of Hans Christian Andersen.

© VisitOdense

Free experience

Find His Cave Hand

Go on a troll hunt in Odense. The artist Thomas Dambo has created trolls from recycled wood, which are located around Denmark - The troll Hans Hulehånd lives in the middle of Funen's capital Odense. 

You can find a map of the trolls right here .

Main attraction

Visit HC Andersen's House

In the middle of Odense there is a small yellow house - Hans Christian Andersen's childhood home. Today, the house is decorated like a museum, where you can experience the birthplace of the famous poet. 

During the summer of 2021, a new HC Andersen's house will open, which consists of both architecturally beautiful indoor and outdoor spaces. 

Nature experience

Go hiking in the Funen countryside

When you move out into the Funen nature, you understand why it is said that Funen is fine. The Funen nature offers everything from hilly landscapes with unique views to flat beaches where you can take a dip or a rest.

Below we have collected some of the best hiking routes on Funen.

Main attraction for children

Take a trip to Odense Zoo

Odense Zoo is high on the list of the biggest attractions in Denmark. When you visit Odense Zoo, it is both possible to get very close to a number of the animals, but it is also possible to observe the impressive animals from the treetops.

In Odense Zoo, suspension bridges have been built at a height of 6-10 meters, which ensures a very special experience. 

© Ard Jongsma / Still Words

© Odense City Museums

Historical experience

Visit the Funen Village

Come for a walk in the countryside in the middle of Odense city. In the Funen Village live peasant wives, men and priests, all of whom help to create an authentic experience and story about how people lived in the 19th century.

At this open-air museum you can explore the history of Funen, and the place offers experiences for all ages.

Free nature experience

Denmark's biggest rock

Close to the southeastern Funen village of Hesselager is Denmark's largest stone - Damestenen.

The 10 meter high and 1000 ton heavy stone was brought here from Sweden by means of the ice during the last ice age, and with its large size, must be said to be an impressive sight.

Visit Egeskov Castle

Egeskov Castle contains a lot of history, which you can explore during the day.

When you visit the castle, you do not just enter a museum - the castle still functions as a private residence in the evening when it is closed to visitors. 

During the visit to Egeskov Castle, you can try to solve the treasure hunt Museums Mysteriet via the app USSEUM. 

Attraction for the whole family

Gorilla Park Svendborg

At Gorilla Park in Svendborg, the whole family is guaranteed to get one on the experience! A visit to the park is an obvious opportunity to try boundaries while having an active experience together.

The climbing park has 8 different courses, which vary in height and difficulty, so there is something for everyone regardless of age and courage.

© Gorilla Park Svendborg

© Steffen Stamp - stampreklamefoto.dk

Main attraction for the adventurous

Experience the Little Belt Bridge from above

At Bridgewalking Lillebælt you can feel the adrenaline and enjoy the spectacular view from the top of the Little Belt Bridge while you move around at a height of 60 meters. 

The trip up to the heights takes place with a guide, who along the way tells about the bridge and the history of the area,  and ensures that safety is top notch.

Danish Railway Museum

Stand in the cab of one of the old steam locomotives, experience how you once traveled in 1st class, or take a ride in the popular mini train with the kids. 

The Danish Railway Museum offers both play and history for both young and old, and therefore it is an obvious place to visit with the whole family.

© Ard Jongsma

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Denmark: The 6 best outdoor tips on Funen/Fyn

Updated: Jun 21

What can you do in Funen/Fyn in Denmark I wondered? After a week there I have an idea:

There are cozy coastal towns, culture and, above all, lots of nature. Here are my 6 best outdoor tips for the island of Fyn/Funen in Denmark: horse riding, hiking, kayaking, food & culture. Here's all information

By the way, something brand new: Since April, the South Funen Archipelago has been a UNESCO Geopark!

The water level rose dramatically 10,000 years ago due to climate change (luckily this was not man-made). What remained were 55 islands and islets that protrude from the Baltic Sea off the Danish island of Fyn. The best conditions for outdoor adventures - here are my tips for Fyn/Funen in Denmark:

1. Outdoor tip: Riding in Siberia - with Iceland ponys through the forests of Fyn/Funen in Denmark

No joke, the forest around the Naturkompagniet accommodation/riding center is called that. When I was there, however, it wasn't cold... On the contrary: pink foxgloves provided a splash of color in the lush green beech and pine forest.

Hector is the perfect camera horse. I can dismount and take photos as often as I want. The others can trot, tölt and gallop past me and he doesn't even bat an eyelid. He stands quietly next to me and I just have to make sure that he doesn't nibble on foxgloves out of boredom.

Speaking of tölt: Iceland ponys are famous for their tölt. Hector's gait between trot and gallop is so smooth that I can photograph him without any problem. You can tell that the horses have never experienced anything bad, they have complete trust and are very easy to ride - no wonder: Kristian used to be in the Guard Hussar Regiment.

Even those who come with their own horse can keep it with the Naturkompagniet.

2 hours of riding costs 70 €, 3 hours 90 €.

More information at https://naturkompagniet.com/

Unfortunately, the website is only in Danish. Brit and Kristian speak very good English. The best thing to do is call or email ( [email protected] , +45 29 84 62 65 / +45 29 44 73 87).

For overnight stays at the horse farm see my blog entry: Denmark: The 3 most unusual places to stay on Funen/Fyn online from 27.6

Ride in &quot;Siberia&quot; Iceland Ponies Forest

Various riding stables have joined forces in South Funen. Anyone who is interested and has their own horse can ride from accommodation to accommodation on the 75 km long riding trails.

More about trail riding at https://riderutesydfyn.dk/?lang=en

2. Outdoor tip Hiking - Øhavsstien

If you don't want to walk the entire 220-kilometer-long Øhavsstien long-distance hiking trail - also called the "Archipelago Trail" - you will find many exciting day trips, too.

Ditte Tvede Arentoft from Undervejs

Ditte Tvede Arentoft from "Undervejs" offers four two- to three-day hikes in a package and organizes everything from accommodation to transport. Her idea is to do these tours without a hiking app. For this purpose, she puts together individual little booklets that she gives to her guests. In them you will find analog hiking maps, loving descriptions of the route and the sights along the way, as well as practical tips. She finds:

The best conversations usually happen when you're hiking. And that's why I think it's important not to have your phone to distract you.

Unfortunately, her website is only available in Danish ( https://undervejs.com ), but Ditte speaks English very well. The best way to contact her is to call her or send her an email: [email protected] , +45 20 47 24 44

rest break on the jetty outdoor hiker sea happy

While hiking on Fyn, I admired the ancient beech and oak trees that stand right by the sea. It's also great that you keep passing beautiful castles.

GPS DATA: If you're a hiking app nerd like me, you can also view a beautiful 13km hike, which I did on Outdooractive and download the GPS data.

3. Outdoor tip: Explore the coast by SUP or kayak

Fyn/Funen and the offshore islands and islets, with their approximately 1100 km of coastline, are the perfect destination for an active holiday on the sea: whether by kayak or SUP board.

The area is ideal for kayaking because there are sheltered bays and creeks, shallow water and beaches where the boat can be easily pulled ashore.

stand up paddle SUP sea sunset

The South Funen archipelago is a Mecca for sea kayakers from home and abroad

You can order the sea kayak guide (in English) including map book and travel guide here . You can download the archipelago map here . On this page you will find a list of kayak rental companies .

If you stay at Villa Skovly ( See my blog entry: Denmark: The 3 most unusual places to stay on Funen/Fyn online from 27.6 ), you can rent kayaks and SUPs for free.

Unfortunately, I only had time to paddle from the beach in front of the villa to Lundeborg. But next time I want to explore the islands more intensively.

4. Outdoor tip: Survival training/nature safari with Thomas

Thomas Frederiksen was an expedition leader and survival guide for the US Army in Greenland. He came to the Arctic island and didn't like the service provided. So he returned the next summer and wanted to do better.

Thomas Frederiksen survival guide Denmark mushroom

He learned most of it from his mother. "In the Middle Ages, she would probably have been burned as a witch," he smiles. When he was sick as a child, she would go into the garden and collect camomile and other herbs. He thinks:

Once you have a feeling and interest for plants, it is only natural to look for things to eat in nature.

We walk along the beach and he digs up a wild plant (sorry, forgot the name 🙃 ) that tastes like cucumber. We collect dandelion leaves and rose hip and elderberry flowers grow on the bushes. In the dense beech and oak forest with ancient trees up to 400 years old, which stretches to the sea, we find a summer mushroom that tastes wonderfully nutty.

His company name is "Over ild", which translates as "Over the fire" , and that is exactly where he prepares our dinner. A cast-iron pot has been standing in the embers for a long time so that the bread is baked quickly, there are fried mushrooms with fried dandelion leaves and wild garlic. There is also a mixture of elderberry and rose tea.

Nature can taste so good.

Delicious Mushroom Burger Outdoor Kitchen

Thomas is an extremely cool guy. He is now a biology teacher. He tells us that he recently found a deer that had been hit by a car on the road and took it to school. He uses it to show his students what happens when you collide with a car. "They want to be cool and drive without helmets," he says. When they saw the deer's broken jaw and shattered legs, they were shocked. In Germany, such a blatant object lesson would be unthinkable. I find it very descriptive. At the moment, his students think that life after death, after the funeral, is simply over. He would have loved to put a deer in the school garden to show them what happens when a body decomposes. Thomas laughs and tells us that the only time his headmaster said was: "Oh no, Thomas, we won't do that."

Thomas can be booked for a campfire event with herb gathering and fishing. Best to contact him directly: +45 51368111

5. Outdoor tip Øhavsmuseet - Discover the magic of nature!

Harbor Museum Denmark Faarborg

Admittedly, a museum visit is not exactly an outdoor experience - usually. But the exhibition at Øhavsmuseet is as interactive and visionary as I would expect in a big city and not a small town like Faarborg.

Test result: I am 60 percent a forest person. I almost thought so, although I also love the sea...

The exhibition is about experiencing nature. There is hardly any text to read, but there is an audio guide that brings old legends and customs to life with different voices. The rooms are organized according to different themes and designed accordingly. Elves dance, waves break over us, we lie in a megalithic tomb and crawl barefoot under roots. After each theme, such as forest, darkness or sea, there is a self-test. Here you have to match smells and touches to a picture, for example. The whole thing is playful, but not childish.


Jakob Engmann artistic director of BaggårdTeatret

6. Outdoor tip: Theatre with nature as a stage - The Silence of the Sound (Sundets Stilhed)

At first I couldn't imagine what theatre in nature meant, not even when Jakob Engmann, the artistic director of the BaggårdTeatret, explained the concept to me:

“We call it invisible theatre”

he said. To do this, you have to download the BaggaardTeatret app , where you can then choose between four different audio walks (also in German and English), each costing 12€.

I took part" in the "performance" of Sundets Stilhed

The visitor does not sit still in a theater seat, but walks 6 kilometers from the Maritime Center at the harbor in Svendborg to the Brecht House at Skovsbostrand 8. Small red signs show the way. As soon as you approach one of the signs, the app starts an audio contribution. In it you hear the stories of six authors who all live or have lived in Svendborg. It is about South Funen as a place of refuge. Why did the writers come here? What did they do here, what did they see?

I see through their eyes, picking up stones and throwing them into the water in the same place. I sit on a swing and look at a spot they looked at in the sea.

Click on the first picture to start the photo gallery

The Silence of the Sun (Sundets Stilhed) Baggård Teatret Denmark Signpost Theater Outdoor Audiowalk

At first I find it difficult to get involved in the stories, but the longer I listen to them, the more they touch me.

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"What is your path in life, which decisions have you made yourself and which have you inherited? Are you ready to take the first step? Come on, let's go," Tom Wlaschiha (known as an actor from Game of Thrones) asks me and virtually takes me by the hand …

General information about the destination Fyn as well as accommodation, restaurants and activities also in German and English (language selection below) on the website https://www.visitfyn.de/

In Denmark, you pay with Danish kroner. One euro is equivalent to about 7.50 DKK


By train it is (normally) easy to get directly from Hamburg to Odense. If you are travelling by plane, you should fly to Copenhagen. From there, continue by rental car or public transport. The most important transport hub on Funen is the city of Odense.


You can find the timetables for all bus lines on the Fynbus website .

With a tourist card you can travel as far as you like by bus on Funen and Langeland during your Danish holidays.

Eating at Broholm Castle Denmark

In most areas you can order a shared taxi two hours in advance when there are no buses running, e.g. in the evenings, at weekends or during the summer holidays. Tel: +45 6311 2255. A ride costs between 25 and 40 DKr.

Read my blog post The 3 most unusual places to stay on Funen/Fyn online from 27.6  )

Broholm Castle looks very elegant inside and out, and I hardly dared to go into the restaurant in my hiking boots. The food is worthy of the elegant exterior. But the atmosphere is relaxed and the lunch is quite affordable.

The living quarters on the ground floor are definitely worth seeing - HC Andersen was a regular visitor here. The Stone Age collection in a separate building by the moat is also worth seeing.

If you want, you can also stay overnight here.

Jensen's Fish

Right on the harbor of Lundeborg. Here you can find traditional food like fish and chips, but also delicious ice cream.


Rosenhoj B&B

Those staying at this beautifully decorated Rosenhoj Bed & Breakfast are lucky enough to be served food by the owner, Trine Johnson , who spent many years as a chef in top London restaurants . Don't miss it!

See my blog entry: Denmark: The 3 most unusual places to stay on Funen/Fyn online from 27.6  )

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Denmark: The 3 most unusual places to stay on Funen/Fyn

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Travelmyne featureprint, funen - the fairy-tale island.

Funen looks like place out of a fairy-tale with its wonderful castles, idyllic castle gardens and historical half-timbered houses. The numerous child-friendly facilities, the harmonious landscape and the charming harbour towns make Denmark's third biggest island a dream come true for young and grown-up travellers.

Geography - Denmark's third biggest island

Funen (Danish: Fyn) is an island with an area of 2,985 km² in the south of Denmark . The fairy-tale island is the country's third biggest island after Zealand and Vendsyssel-Thy and is surrounded by several small islands (e.g. Ærø , Langeland , Tåsinge and Thurø). Its capital is the university city of Odense , which is also Denmark's third biggest city. Other significant cities and towns are Nyborg, Svendborg, Middlefart, Faborg and Assens . Funen's coast is almost 1,1000 kilometres long and borders on the Little and Great Belt as well as on the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat . Regarding the climate, mild to warm temperatures as well as changeable weather conditions are typical of the region.

Nature - Perfect harmony

Bright rape fields , green grassland and the deep blue sea water, accompanied by thick beech forests, long sandy beaches , small bays and exciting cliff coasts - Funen's landscape is harmonious and diverse at the same time. The interaction of vast meadows and forests , golden sand and the wonderful fruit gardens creates a breathtaking scenery for lovers of nature and artists.

Culture - Following the traces of Hans Christian Andersen

The storyteller and writer Hans Christian Andersen , who was born in Odense in 1805, once called Funen "fine". The island indeed looks like a place from a fictional story with its numerous fairy-tale castles and gardens , historical cities , churches, manor houses , paved alleys , beautiful half-timbered houses and the hollyhocks , which have been planted in many places. It is no wonder that the island inspired the inventor of Thumbelina. You can visit Hans Christian Andersen's birth place in the capital of Odense or the Tinderbox , which re-enacts the writer's stories with theatre performances, costumes, make-up and music. Travellers can also see his fairy tales on stage during the Hans Christian Andersen Festival Plays in July/August in The Funen Village (Den Fynske Landsby). The latter is an authentic open-air museum, which recreates the living conditions in Funen in the 18th and 19th century. Other interesting museum complexes on the island are the Danish Railway Museum in Odense, the Naturama (a modern natural history museum) in Svendborg, the Viking Museum in Kerteminde and the Oldtimer and Motorcycle Museum in Egeskov Castle . The impressive fairy-tale castle is one of Funen's main attractions as well as one of the country's most beautiful castles with its wonderful castle garden, the red brick walls and the pointy towers.

Experience - Fun for the whole family

Being a princess or a knight for a day, feeding giraffes , going for a walk in the treetops or building gigantic sandcastles - Funen is an eldorado for families . Countless facilities such as Odense Zoo , one of the best zoos in the whole of Europe , or the play forest at Egeskov castle, charming harbour cities and the wonderful landscape offer fun for young and grown-up visitors . In addition, there is a wide range of holiday homes and camping grounds , which promise relaxed family holidays . Many tourists are impressed by the variety of traditional Danish dishes and fresh natural products . Particularly popular delicacies are the island's delicious fruit from the local fruit gardens, the vitamin-packed fruit juices and the hearty smoked cheese .

Activities - Exploring Funen's nature on walks, cycling tours and sailing trips

The island of Funen offers excellent conditions for numerous leisure activities on the water and on shore. Hiking, cycling, sailing, diving, surfing and fishing are particularly popular on Denmark's third biggest island. In addition, you can go on whale-watching tours and seal safaris .


Due to its proximity to the mainland, Funen can be reached by ferry as well as by car or train . Several bridges connect the island with the mainland and neighbouring islands. In addition, you can take the plane to the national airport in Odense . May tourists, however, arrive at the international airport in Copenhagen or Billund before they continue their journey in a rental car or by train. The main tourist season are the summer months . Temperate to warm air and water temperatures make your holidays during this season as pleasant as possible.

Funen fascinates lovers of nature, culture enthusiasts and families . The historical castles and manor houses, colourful half-timbered houses and museums offer a lot to see, marvel at and experience for both young and grown-up travellers .

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Funen, or Fyn in Danish, is an island located in the central region of Denmark. It is the third largest island in the country and is connected to the mainland by the Great Belt Bridge. Funen is known for its picturesque villages, rolling hills, and stunning coastline. The island is home to the cities of Odense, Svendborg, and Kerteminde, which are popular tourist destinations.

Odense is the largest city on Funen and is known as the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen. It is home to a number of museums and attractions, including the Hans Christian Andersen Museum, the Funen Village Museum, and the Odense Zoo. Svendborg is a charming port city with cobblestone streets and a vibrant waterfront. It is a popular destination for sailing and fishing, and visitors can explore the city's historic churches and museums. Kerteminde is a picturesque fishing village located on the coast of Funen. It is known for its beautiful beaches and coastal walks, as well as its seafood restaurants.

Funen is also home to a number of beautiful castles and gardens, including Egeskov Castle, Valdemar’s Castle, and the Funen Botanical Garden. The island is also a popular destination for outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and kayaking. With its charming towns, stunning coastline, and abundance of attractions, Funen is a great destination for a holiday in Denmark.

Odense: River Cruise on the Odense River

Odense: River Cruise on the Odense River

Frequently asked questions about funen, what is the significance of funen in denmark, what are some popular attractions on funen, how is the cuisine on funen, what is the best time to visit funen, how is the transportation system on funen, locations in funen.

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Things to Do in Funen

After Copenhagen and after a visit to "Hamlet's Castle" in North Zealand, nearly all foreign visitors head for Odense, the capital of the island of Funen ( Fyn in Danish), lying to the west of Zealand. And rightly so. Hans Christian Andersen was born in Odense, and houses and memorabilia associated with him are the big attractions.

But there is so much more here, including the most fantastic island in Scandinavia, little old "time warp" Ærø of the southern coast. Hop gardens, Viking runic stones, orchards of fruit trees, busy harbors, market towns, swan ponds, thatch-roof houses, once-fortified castles, and stately manor homes invite exploration by car.

Funen has some 1,125km (700 miles) of coastline, with wide sandy beaches in some parts, and woods and grass that grow all the way to the water's edge in others. Steep cliffs provide sweeping views of the Baltic or the Kattegat.

Although ferryboats have plied the waters between the islands and peninsulas of Denmark since ancient times, recent decades have seen the development of a network of bridges. In 1934, the first plans were developed for a bridge over the span of water known as the Storebælt (Great Belt), the 19km (12-mile) silt-bottomed channel that separates Zealand (and Copenhagen) from Funen and the rest of continental Europe. After many delays caused by war, technical difficulties, and lack of funding, and after the submission of 144 designs by engineers from around the world, construction began in 1988 on an intricately calibrated network of bridges and tunnels.

On June 14, 1998, her majesty, Queen Margrethe II, cut the ribbon shortly before driving across the Great Belt Bridge. The project incorporated both railway and road traffic divided between a long underwater tunnel and both low and high bridges. (The rail link has operated since 1997.) Only some aspects of the Chunnel between England and France are on par with the staggering scale of this project.

Visitors can view exhibitions about the bridge at the Great Belt Exhibition Center (tel. 58-35-01-00 ), located at the entrance to the bridge and hard to miss. It's open July to August, Wednesday to Monday 11am to 4pm, and the admission is free.

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Knudshoved og Østerø Sø med fyrtårnet i det fjerne.

Autumn in Nyborg

En turist går på Nyborg Vold i det flotteste efterårsvejr

Culinary experiences

Nyborg Fyn Danmark campister


Outdoor i Nyborg

Nyborg is a real Funen host  

Nyborg is an idyllic coastal town - a hidden gem - a hub centrally located in the middle of Denmark. A historic royal city that hides a story beyond the ordinary. The old town center of Nyborg has a history that dates back to the early Middle Ages.

Today, Nyborg is an obvious meeting point across the country. Both because of the town's geographical location but also because Nyborg delivers world class hosting.

Nyborg is also a gateway to the cycling island of Fyn. Whether you come via the international cycle route or choose one of the many other cycle routes, Nyborg is in the heart of them all. 

Indian summer and sightseeing

With the darker days approaching, we are making the most of late summer and heading outdoors to enjoy the crisp autumn air. It is the perfect time for nature walks, and we have lots of suggestions!

Turister går tur på stranden ved Teglværksskoven

Walk along the coast

Kongshøj Mølle i alle efterårets flotte farver

Visit mills

To personer på vandretur på Nyborg Vold

Guided castle walk

Turist med hund går tur ved Knudshoved Fyr med udsigt til Storebælt

Explore the city of Nyborg

What does autumn have to offer in nyborg.

På cykeltur til Knudshoved Fyr tæt på Storebæltsbroen

Inspiration to greener experiences

Knudshoved Fyr ved Østerø Sø i solrigt efterårsvejr

Attractions in Nyborg

Experiences and activities in nature.

Experience the tranquility of East Funen's nature. Watch the sunrise from a shelter, cook over a fire, hop on a bike, sling a fishing rod over your shoulder or lace up your hiking boots and be one with the magnificent nature. With mapped cycle routes and footpaths, you will pass extraordinary nature, lookouts with great views over the Great Belt, and Nyborg offers more than 40 kilometers of coastline.


Explore Nyborg on a bike

Bål ved shelterplads

Sleep outdoors

Teglværksskoven i gule og orange efterårsfarver

13 green experinces

Tag på shelterferie med i Nyborg og vågn op til udsigten af Storebælt

Outdoor in Nyborg

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Fyn Denmark – 20 tips and things to do

Discover the best things to do in Fyn in Denmark, with tips for hikes, cultural activities, food and unique places to stay.

Do you like being in nature, hiking, visiting castles and small fishing villages and great food? Then I have the perfect destination in Denmark for you, Fyn, or Funen. Fyn is the third largest island, and is located between Zealand , the island of Copenhagen , and Jutland, the mainland. In this article you will find the best things to do in Fyn Denmark, with tips for outdoor experiences, hikes, cultural activities, food and unique places to stay.

Deborah on the beach - discover the best things to do in Fyn in Denmark, with tips for hikes, cultural activities, food and unique places to stay.

20 tips and things to do in Fyn in Denmark

Walk part of øhavstien – the archipelago trail.

It probably won’t surprise you when I tell you that Denmark is a great country to go hiking. One of the best things to do in Fyn in Denmark is to hike a part of the Øhavstien, or the Archipelago trail. With 220 kilometers of hiking trails, it is the longest hiking trail in Denmark. But of course you don’t have to walk the entire 220 kilometers. For example, I made a nice day hike from Falsled to Faaborg wich is about 25 kilometers.

One of the best things to do in Fyn in Denmark is to hike a part of the Øhavstien, or the Archipelago trail. With 220 kilometers of hiking trails, it is the longest hiking trail in Denmark.

You walk through forests, across fields, past charming farms with thatched roofs. Everything is in bloom in spring, especially the grain fields filled with yellow flowers are so pretty. It is nice that you actually walk through the fields and meet very few people along the way. During this walk you can enjoy the surroundings and completely unwind from daily life. Finish you hike with a drink on one of the terraces in Faaborg.

During Øhavstien, the Archipelago trail, you walk through forests, across fields, past charming farms with thatched roofs.

The above route is 25 kilometers long and suitable for anyone who enjoys walking. There are some slight ascents but most of the trail is flat. We walked the route in 6 hours, including stops. There are clear signs all around, so getting lost will be hard. The entire route runs along the South Fyn archipelago through Langeland, Siø, Tåsinge and South Fyn, from Falsled in the west to Lundeborg in the east and also across Ærø. Do bring enough food and drinks with you. There is nothing available along the way.

Go whale watching

I had no idea that you would be able to see whales up close in Fyn in Denmark. Lillebaelt Nature Reserve is one of the most densely populated whale-watching areas in the world. And there is a good chance that you will spot the porpoise here, one of the smallest whale species. The animals can be seen between April and September but are most common in the summer months. This is because of the large quantities of fish that can be found here in the waters and along the coast.

Good observation points for whales are the harbors of Middelfart and Fredericia. You can also make a special whale safari from Middelfart and try to spot the animals from the water. Be sure to visit the whale listening station in Middelfart, where you can listen to the sounds of the whales through an underwater microphone.

Visit Lillebaelt Nature Reserve

Lillebælt, or The Little Belt, is a strait between the island of Fyn and Jutland. This marine reserve consists of 200 km2, 70% of which is sea. 54% of this is a protected nature reserve due to the large population of porpoises that live there. You can go hiking, whale watching and even scuba diving. One of the hikes you can take is the Lillebaeltsti, a 12-kilometer trail along the coast. The walk is flat and easy, offering nice views of the sea and the coastal landscape. Start the walk at the bridge of Lillebælt or the shelter of Sobadet, also a place to spend the night (more about that later0. You then walk around in which you also visit the city of Middelfart.

One of the hikes you can take in Lillebaelt Nature Reserve is the Lillebaeltsti, a 12-kilometer trail along the coast.

Walk across a 60-meter high bridge

Are you looking for a bit of adventure? Then one of the things to do for you in Fyn Denmark is Bridgewalking . You walk here at a height of 60-meters on top of the Old Little Belt Bridge, which connects the island of Fyn with Jutland. One of the residents from the neighboring village Middelfart decided to introduce Bridgewalking to Fyn in Denmark, after his experience in Australia. It is the only place in Europe where you can do this.

View at the Old Little Belt Bridge, that connects the island of Fyn with Jutland.

Dressed in gray overalls and signed to the railing, you embark on your adventure. Once at the top you look far out over the Danish islands, villages and sea. And if you are lucky you will also spot the small whales here. You are 20 meters above the passing traffic, which in the case of a train is accompanied by a deafening sound. Along the way, the guides tell you about the area in an interesting way.

Are you looking for a bit of adventure? Then one of the things to do for you in Fyn Denmark is Bridgewalking. You walk here at a height of 60-meters on top of the Old Little Belt Bridge, which connects the island of Fyn with Jutland.

How adventurous is Bridgewalking? It is, because you will find yourself at a great height. But you are very well chained to the edge with a harness, while you move along the railings. The path is wide and the surface stable. The walk takes 2 hours and is one of the fun and adventurous things to do when you are in Fyn Denmark. Just don’t do this, if you are afraid of heights.

Spend the night in a shelter on Fyn in Denmark

Shelters can be found throughout Denmark, but most of them are located around Fyn. Booking one of these shelters costs just a few euros per night, making it an affordable option for you to stay. But it is the experience what really makes you want to do this. Shelters are simple huts, located in the middle of nature, where you can spend the night in a lovely setting. You will find them in different shapes and sizes, ranging from open-air structures with a roof above your head to quaint wooden cabins complete with a door. Often there is wood available for you to enjoy a cozy campfire and there is a clean toilet within walking distance.

A shelter is a place to sleep in the middle of nature, one of the best things to do in Fyn in Denmark.

Remember to bring your own sleeping mat, sleeping bag, drinks and food, which can be prepared over your personal campfire. The Book en Shelter website offers useful resources, including recipes that guide you through crafting your very own campfire pizza. Moreover, you’ll find tips on identifying mushrooms, plants, and elderberries that you’ll find during your hiking.

Debora at shelter, a place to sleep in the middle of nature, one of the best things to do in Fyn in Denmark.

An overview of shelters, facilities and a booking option can be found here.

Look for edible plants and food

If you enjoy the outdoors and good food, then a beach safari on Fyn in Denmark is one of the best things to do. And that is something very different from what you might expect. Accompanied by an expert outdoor guide, you’ll embark on a journey along the beach, searching for edible plants and herbs. During the safari, we were introduced to a variety of finds, including a beach cabbage with a distinctive flavor, plants with a taste of crisp cucumbers, and a remarkable leaf that possesses the essence of wasabi, wich has left numerous top chefs astonished. There is also an opportunity to go fishing.

If you enjoy the outdoors and good food, then a beach safari on Fyn in Denmark is one of the best things to do. And that is something very different from what you might expect. Accompanied by an expert outdoor guide, you'll embark on a journey along the beach, searching for edible plants and herbs.

However, the highlight of the beach safari is witnessing your hand-picked plants and herbs come to life on your plate. You will enjoy a delicious meal around the campfire after your tour. And you can of course assist in the preparations.

Picnic on Fyn in Denmark.

Interested in going on a beach safari? You can contact outdoor guide Lars Henriksen though [email protected] or +45 22121646 .

Hygge on Fyn in Denmark

Have you ever heard of Hygge? It is a Danish expression and custom that embodies the concept of coziness and creating a nice moment for oneself. Hygge can be found in the simple ways of life, and there are different ways to embrace and enjoy it. However, if you find yourself in Fyn, Denmark, and planning to spend the night at Falsled Strand Camping (about which more later), there’s a special hygge experience you can book. Owner Leonarda and team make your room completely hygge ready, including a foot bath with fresh herbs from the area, a bottle of wine and more goodies. The best way to get familiar with the Danish hygge.

Have you ever heard of Hygge? It is a Danish expression and custom that embodies the concept of coziness and creating a nice moment for oneself.

Helnaes Peninsula

On the west coast of Fyn in Denmark, near the town of Assens, you will find the Helnaes peninsula, consisting of a long coastline, meadows and fields. Around Bo Bakker, a hilly area, there are beautiful views to enjoy. The area is also recommended to go for nice walks. More information about the hikes can be found at the tourism office in Assens.

On the west coast of Fyn in Denmark, near the town of Assens, you will find the Helnaes peninsula, consisting of a long coastline, meadows and fields.

Danish wine

Did you know that Denmark produces wine? Since 2000, Denmark has been officially recognized by the EU as a wine-growing country and there are even several wine regions. This makes it the northernmost wine-growing area in Europe. And Fyn in Denmark can count itself as one of these regions. You can follow special wine routes that take you past vineyards and wineries. I recommend Stokkebye and Skaarupøre. Both produce organic wines and are the main suppliers to star restaurants in both Denmark and France. I myself did a small wine tasting at Falsled Strand Camping where owner Leonarda let us taste different wines from the region.

Get to know Danish cuisine

I had high expectations about culinary delights in Denmark, especially with renowned restaurants like Noma, known as one of the best in the world. However, I was surprised to discover that great dining experiences can be found everywhere. In Fyn, numerous restaurants boast their own vegetable gardens and greenhouses, emphasizing their commitment to working with fresh, local ingredients. Moreover, with an abundance of fish options on the menu, dining in Fyn Denmark becomes even better for a fish lover like myself.

Get to know Danish cuisine.

Cultural things to do in Fyn Denmark

Faaborg is one of the oldest and most beautiful market towns in Fyn in Denmark. You can walk around the narrow streets, past old merchant houses, the characteristic clock tower and take a seat on one of the nice terraces. Are you interested in modern art? Then visit the Faaborg museum, one of the things to do in Fyn in Denmark if you are interested in art. Here you will meet a number of important artists from the region.

Faaborg is one of the oldest and most beautiful market towns in Fyn in Denmark. You can walk around the narrow streets, past old merchant houses, the characteristic clock tower and take a seat on one of the nice terraces.

Learn more about yourself and nature

Do you have energy left after one of your walks? In the Øhavsmuseet in Faaborg, you learn how you relate to nature. There are spaces that are dedicated to the forest, the sea, the mountains and the dark, presenting different audio stories. There are also experiments for you to participate, giving you an insight into how you absorb the environment around you. Your senses will be fully stimulated.

Do you have energy left after one of your walks? In the Øhavsmuseet in Faaborg, you learn how you relate to nature.

Fish at Faaborg Rogeri Café

If you like fish, a lunch at Rogeri Café in Faaborg should not be missed. This small restaurant is located in the harbor of Faaborg and serves freshly smoked fish from its own smokehouse every day. There are dishes with salmon, shrimps, mackerel or mixed dishes. Simple but oh so tasty.

If you like fish, a lunch at Rogeri Café in Faaborg should not be missed. This small restaurant is located in the harbor of Faaborg and serves freshly smoked fish from its own smokehouse every day.

Castle Egeskov

Fyn in Denmark is home to 123 castles, including Egeskov Slot, said to be one of the best-preserved Renaissance castles in Europe. This old moated castle is located 35 kilometers from Odense and it is one of the interesting things to do in Fyn in Denmark. Even if it is because of the castle gardens, which have won several international prizes. It is also possible to visit the castle and its palace halls itself. The castle is still inhabited by Count Ahlefeldt and his family, but is open to visitors on a daily base.

One of the cultural things to do in Fyn in Denmark is to visit Egeskov Slot, said to be one of the best-preserved Renaissance castles in Europe.

Visit Odense on Fyn in Denmark

Odense is the third largest city in Fyn in Denmark’s and is the birthplace of the Danish writer, Hans Christian Andersen, known for Disney successes such as The Little Mermaid, and Frozen. In Odense you can follow in his footsteps and visit his museum. The H.C. Andersen Hus is partly underground and is an innovative interactive museum that takes you on a journey through his fairy tales through installations with light and sound. Moreover it is also nice to stroll through the characteristic old streets in Odense and have a something to eat at the popular street food market, Storms Pakhus.

Odense is the third largest city in Fyn in Denmark's and is the birthplace of the Danish writer, Hans Christian Andersen, known for Disney successes such as The Little Mermaid, and Frozen.

Do you want to learn more about the history of Odense? You can book an interesting walking tour here.

Explore Svendborg with the invisible theater tour

Svenborg in Fyn in Denmark has a small-scale character and a peaceful atmosphere. One of the things to do if you want to learn more about Svendborg is to go on the Invisible Theater tour. With the special tour app, you walk a route and listen to stories from local writers along the way. Personally, I have always found it interesting to delve into the lives and works of local artists when I travel. It provides a deeper understanding of the country and culture.

Svenborg in Fyn in Denmark has a small-scale character and a peaceful atmosphere.

During the silence of the sounds tour in Svendborg you will listen to poetry and stories by contemporary authors such as Josefine Ottesen, Mikael Josephsen, Jesper Wung-Sung. You also dive into history with Karin Michaëlis, Tom Kristensen and Bertold Brecht. What they have in common is Svendborg, as a current or former place of residence. The walk ends at Bertold Brecht’s house where he lived in exile for five years and is said to have written his best pieces.

Deborah in Svendborg.

You can download the BaggaardTeatret App via google play or in the app store. Turn on your GPS so that you can receive notifications about the route. Other routes include the town of Faaburg through stories by Hans Christian Andersen. You can purchase the different tours for a small fee.

Mini Travel Guide Fyn Denmark

Hotels on fyn in denemark.

Fyn in Denmark offers countless accommodations: From campsites to small authentic hotels and glampings. It is recommended to choose a combination of accommodations during your visit, providing different experiences. Here are some tips.

Falsled Strand Camping

Do you want to go camping in a comfortable way? Then book a stay at Falsled Strand Camping , offering one of the most romantic cabins, less than 100 meters from the beach. The small houses are nicely decorated and fully equipped. There is electricity, a heater, running water, a small sitting area and comfortable beds. Outside you have a covered terrace with a small kitchen. And at night, you can make your own campfire in front of your terrace. You have to walk a short distance for the shower and toilet, but that makes for the camping feeling.

Do you want to go camping in a comfortable way? Then book a stay at Falsled Strand Camping, offering one of the most romantic cabins, less than 100 meters from the beach.

Hotel Ærø is located on the waterfront of Svendborg. It is a small atmospheric hotel that fits perfectly in the atmosphere of the authentic town. The rooms are comfortable and well maintained. On the terrace of the associated restaurant you can enjoy meat and fish dishes, while overlooking the harbor.

Hotel Ærø, located in Svendborg.

Do you want to spend the night at Hotel Ærø? Check the latest prices and availability here. Looking for more hotels in and around Svendborg? You will find a comprehensive overview here.

Shelter Søbadet

For a real back-to-basic experience in nature, book a shelter. One of the shelters you can book in Lillebaelt Nature Reserve is Søbadet. Here, you sleep on the water’s edge, beneath the open sky, in close proximity to the Old Little Belt Bridge. Søbadet comprises four wooden structures for you to lay out your sleeping bag and mat, a picnic table, and a designated spot for a cozy campfire. The shelter provides a rustic setting where you can reconnect with nature. Firewood is provided, giving you the opportunity to prepare your own meals.

Deborah at shelter Søbadet, a shelter is a place to sleep in the middle of nature, one of the best things to do in Fyn in Denmark.

Do you also want to spend the night in a shelter? An overview of shelters, facilities and a booking option can be found here .

More hotels in Fyn Denmark

Are you looking for more hotels on Fyn in Denmark? This is an overview of hotels, campsites and other accommodations.

Tours in Fyn Denmark

Looking for more things to do in Fyn in Denmark. Check out the next tours:

How to reach Fyn in Denmark

Are you traveling by plane? Then it is best to fly to Denmarks capital Copenhagen . At Copenhagen airport or in the city center you can easily rent a car and start your journey through Denmark. Fyn can be reached from Copenhagen within 1.5 hours, traveling over the Great Belt Bridge.

Discover the best things to do in Fyn in Denmark, with tips for hikes, cultural activities, food and unique places to stay.

Want to learn more about Copenhagen? In the next article I’ll tell you everything you want to know about Denmak’s capital, including tips for things to do, cool neighborhoods and hotels.

Need a rental car for your trip to Denmark? Use  Rental Cars  to search and compare your car rental options. A quick and easy tool and no need to have up multiple tabs trying to figure out which company is the most affordable. They also have great discounts and cancellation policies. 

More hotels in Denmark

Denmark is a wonderful destination with a wide range of accommodations. And everywhere there is attention for comfort, quality and service. From stylish boutique hotels, glampings, to authentic hotels and cottages in nature. It is nice to choose a combination of places to stay during your visit, and gain different experiences. Discover the best and nicest hotels in Denmark, including tips for unique places to stay in a natural setting in the next article.

More about Denmark

Did you enjoy reading this article with tips and things to do in Fyn in Denmark and do you want to read more? Check out the website VisitFyn  or follow the region on Instagram . Curious about more Passport the World tips for Denmark and Scandinavia? Check out the next articles.

  • Best things to do in Denmark
  • Things to do in Copenhagen Denmark
  • Zealand & Mon in Denmark – a full travel guide with tips and things to do
  • Unique places to stay in Denmark – 10 hotel tips
  • Things to do in Bergen Norway

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Legoland is a very famous attraction for kids in Denmark

See our guide for Denmark ↓

Welcome to Denmark

Denmark has clean air, a beautiful landscape, and charming historical towns, and Denmark is bike-friendly and is lovely to visit if you like to see beautiful castles, amazing beaches and great restaurants.

Denmark has clean air, a beautiful landscape, charming historical towns, and is bike-friendly.

The Danes have a very ordered but happy lifestyle and are always in the top 3 in the world with one of the happiest populations.

So, don’t just go to Copenhagen but explore the coastlines, the small cities, and the beautiful national parks. There is much to see and do, and we recommend travelling beyond the capital. 

This travel guide to Denmark can help you plan your trip and make the most of your time in Denmark.

Heritage sites in Denmark

Top destinations in Denmark

About the happy Danes

Weather in Denmark

Hotels in Denmark

What is Denmark famous for

Denmark is most well-known for its Danish design, Nordic cuisine and Viking Unesco heritage sites .

Denmark's territory incorporates the Jutland Peninsula,  and around 406 islands and 80 are inhabited.

Geographically, the country consists of the peninsula of Jutland, Funen and the islands of Zealand.  The capital is Copenhagen in Zealand, which offers a fantastic array of museums, beautiful architecture and gourmet restaurants.

Denmark has a wide variety of attractions and destinations. Because the sea surrounds the country, there are plenty of wide-open  sandy beaches . With a 7400 km coastline, almost the same as Brazil, you are never far from a beach in Denmark.'

Denmark consists of more than 400 picturesque islands and the peninsula of  Jutland . On the island 'Of Zealand', you find the capital,  Copenhagen , known for many  historical attractions  and the amusement park  Tivoli . From Copenhagen, you can take the bridge to Malmø in Sweden.

Denmark has a beautiful, soft, harmonic landscape, enchanting islands and wide sandy beaches.

The country also has a great  Viking history . It is renowned for its old castles and palaces, art museums, beautiful endless beaches and adventure parks for kids, as  Legoland  in Billund, the same town where the production of Lego bricks started in 1949.

Danish design and architecture

Danish design and  architecture  have been world-renowned for decades, and if you are interested in architecture, Denmark and Copenhagen are worth visiting. Danish design is clean lines, graceful shapes, and functionality. The Danish competencies in design have also allowed for big businesses such as iconic brands such as  Bang & Olufsen ,  George Jensen  and  Royal Copenhagen.  

Destinations in Denmark

Funen (Fyn) and the principal city here,   Odense , is home to Hans Christian Andersen, who is renowned for his many fairytales. Still, Funen also offers sandy beaches and very cosy villages.

In Jutland (Jylland), the most significant cities are Aarhus

and Aalborg , which we recommend you visit when you are in Denmark.


Why visit Denmark

Denmark offers many  Viking attractions  and  Royal castles  and is one of the oldest kingdoms in the world. Some Vikings' sites are heritage centres such as  "Kongernes Jelling".

Denmark is a green country with rolling farmlands – ideally suited for cycling and active holidays. For families with children, Denmark has world-class theme parks and family attractions with fun and learning for all the family, such as Djurs Sommerland and Fårup Sommerland. 

See 12 reasons to visit Denmark

See popular cities in Denmark

About Denmark

Denmark shares a border with Germany to the south with an 86-kilometre land border. Regarding language and culture, Denmark is more related to the Nordic countries as  Sweden  and  Norway .

Denmark is the bridge between northern Europe and  the Nordic countries  like Norway and Sweden. The Danes are relatively liberal and progressive and are, in general, good at speaking English.

It is easy to get around in Denmark because Denmark has a well-developed transportation system. The road network connects all parts of the country; railways and air links provide fast transport, while ferries and many bridges connect the islands.

The politics of Denmark take place within the framework of representative parliamentary democracy, a constitutional monarchy and a decentralized unitary state in which the monarch of Denmark, Queen Margrethe ll, is head of state. 

Denmark is a prosperous and thriving nation of 5.7 million people – and as an independent country since the late 10 th  century, it is also one of the oldest countries in Europe. Denmark's political system is a constitutional monarchy, allowing it to combine its nearly 1.000 years of history and tradition with all the features of a modern democratic state.

What is the meaning of "hygge"

The warm glow of candlelight is 'hygge'. For Danes, ' hygge' is sitting around a table, discussing life's big and small things with good friends or family. The word comes from another Nordic country, Norway - and here, it means 'well-being'. In essence, 'hygge' means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people.

See more about Danish hygge

Famous companies from Denmark

Denmark is a developed and industrialized country with a market economy, and many of the largest companies are household names worldwide. 

Perhaps you already know some of the other companies coming from Denmark:

  • Carlsberg Beer
  • Lego® 

Denmark is renowned for its design, high quality, and innovative products. See more:   Danish brands and shopping

Nordic New Cuisine

Denmark is known for its beautiful design and architecture, but today, Denmark is equally famous for its food called  Nordic New Cuisine  and the world's best restaurant, Noma in Copenhagen.

Like the Danish design and architecture, the world-famous new Nordic cuisine is known for simplicity, elegance, and style. Denmark has some of the world's best restaurants with NOMA in front, but you can also find many other restaurants from the Michelin Guide in Denmark. But visiting some of the high-quality casual and traditional Danish restaurants is also worth visiting.

In general, Denmark is a culinary treat. Fresh Danish Baked goods and open-face sandwiches, locally called 'smørrebrød'. Denmark has some of the best gourmet restaurants in the world, with an impressive collection of more than twenty  Michelin Stars restaurants.

  Denmark is also famous for "Nordic Noir"

Nordic Noir refers to the crime fiction genre known as Scandinoir or Scandicrime. Best known in the rest of the world are the Killing, Borgen and the Bridge,

Denmark has a rich history of films and TV series that audiences love and have received many international awards.

In Denmark, you find many great architects, actors, musicians,  ballet dancers, opera singers, and others who enrich Danish culture.

See more about Nordic Noir  

  Denmark - a green nation

Denmark has a long tradition of ambitious energy and climate policies based on consensus in the Danish Parliament. The environment often played a role when they built a new building in Denmark. Denmark has introduced a clear vision of becoming independent of fossil fuels by 2050 as one of the first countries in the world. 

Denmark is also one of the world's largest exporters of wind turbines, and the most famous company is Vestas.

Denmark is a biking country with more than 10,000 km of biking routes . More than 40 per cent of Copenhagens residents bike to work every day, and it is one of the best capitals in the world to discover by bike.

Danish lifestyle and traditions 

Danes are the most satisfied and happy people in the world. The Danish people appreciate an addition to the daily work to have a high quality of life where there is time for family, friends and leisure activities.  Visit Denmark and take your time at a cosy café or restaurant, meet the Danes, get notice of the country's history by visiting the many attractions or visit the beautiful, clean, soft Danish nature. Denmark is great for  biking , and where ever you go, you meet people riding their bikes; for transport, fun or the sports of it. Denmark is one of the countries where bikes are the most widely used.  It also means that facilities for biking are good in Denmark, making it more convenient and safe than many other places in the world.

Most Danes have excellent language skills and speak more languages. They are taught English in elementary school, and it is easy for the Danes to deal with other countries, travel or work, and may explore the world as tourists.

  The weather in Denmark

Despite the country's northern position, Denmark's weather is not extreme. Denmark is in the temperate climate zone, and the country has mild weather due to west winds and the seas that surround Denmark.

January is the coldest month and August's warmest month, although the warmest summer nights are in July. Average daytime temperatures range from 2°C (35.6°F) in January to 20°C (68°F) in August. Rainy days are likely all year round, while snowfall only happens occasionally during winter.

Rainy days are likely all year round, while snowfall only happens occasionally during winter.

Because of Denmark's northern location in Europe, daylight hours vary significantly. During winter, sunrise is about 8 am and sunset is at 3:30 pm, whereas a summer day starts at 3:30 am, and sunset is as late as 10 pm.

Greenland and the Faroe Islands

Greenland and the Faroe Islands belong to the Kingdom of Denmark

The Faroe Islands and  Greenland  in the North Atlantic have autonomous self-rule but belong to the Kingdom of Denmark.

The Faroe Islands' Home Rule is from 1948, and Greenland's home rule was made in 1979. In 2005, a new self-government arrangement came into force in the Faroe Islands, and in 2009 a self-government arrangement for Greenland replaced the Greenland Home Rule Arrangement.

Summer music events and festivals

The biggest festival in the Nordic countries and perhaps the most famous worldwide is the Roskilde rock festival in the city of Roskilde, 30 km from Copenhagen. The most beautiful festival in Denmark is the Smukfest in Skanderborg, nearby Aarhus.

The Jazz Festival is one of the most significant music events in Copenhagen. In Aarhus, it is the Northside Festival, and outside the big cities, we can recommend the Tønder folk music festival or the Riverboat Jazz Festival in Silkeborg.

See here for information about more  festivals and events  in Denmark.   

More facts about Denmark

Denmark's political system is a constitutional monarchy, allowing it to combine its nearly 1.000 years of history and tradition with all the features of a modern democratic state.

Greenland and the Faroe Islands are parts of the kingdom of Denmark, but both Greenland and the Faroe Islands enjoy extended self-rule.

Denmark's coastline is 7,314 km. It corresponds to almost one and a half metres of coast per inhabitant. The official language is Danish, and the currency is the Danish Kroner.

Denmark includes several islands, such as Zealand (Sjælland), Funen (Fyn), Bornholm and Jutland. The terrain is low and flat to gently rolling plains.

Today, Denmark is a modern, prosperous nation. The country has a market economy, and the Danes enjoy a high standard of living. They have a good welfare system and are members of the European Union (EU) and the  Schengen agreement .

The country has a high-tech agricultural sector and world-leading companies in pharmaceuticals, maritime shipping and renewable energy.

Administratively, the country is divided into five regions, and 98 local authorities, called 'kommuner. Denmark is an urbanized country, with around 85 per cent of the population living in cities. Copenhagen is the capital, and the region has approximately 625.000 inhabitants. Aarhus is the second-largest, with 338.000 inhabitants. 

In Denmark, 64 per cent is under cultivation, and deciduous or coniferous forests cover 12 per cent.

 Facts about Denmark

Health care is free

Education is also free

Denmark is the longest-uninterrupted monarchy in Europe

Denmark is the world's leading producer of windmills

Some of the best restaurants in the world are in Denmark as 

Significant Languages Danish, Faroese, Greenlandic, German; note: English is the predominant second language Religions Evangelical Lutheran 74.7%, Muslim 5.5%, other/none/unspecified 19.8%

Time Difference UTC+1 (6 hours ahead of Washington, DC, during Standard Time)

Daylight saving time (summertime) +1hr begins last Sunday in March and ends last Sunday in October

Potable Water Yes

International Driving Permit Suggested Road Driving Side Right

Electricity/Voltage/Plug Type(s) 230 V / 50 Hz /

Plug type(s): C, E, F, K

Telephone Code: 0045 

See more facts about Denmark 

What to See and Do in Denmark

Most Popular Attractions

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The Brave Vikings

The Brave Vikings

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Top 9 Museums

Top 9 Museums

In The Footsteps of Hans Chr. Andersen

In The Footsteps of Hans Chr. Andersen

Heritage in Denmark

Heritage in Denmark

Best Season

Best Season

Getting to Denmark

Getting to Denmark

Must see cities in denmark.


Popular Regions in Denmark

North Zealand

North Zealand


South Jutland

East Jutland

East Jutland

North Jutland

North Jutland

South Zealand

South Zealand

Discover the cosy denmark.


The King's Garden in Copenhagen

The Deer Park

The Deer Park


The Funen Village Museum

Tivoli Gardens Copenhagen

Tivoli Gardens Copenhagen


The Old Town Museum


The Latin Quarter in Aarhus

Tivoli Friheden

Tivoli Friheden

Top viking attractions.

The Viking Ship Museum

The Viking Ship Museum

Vikingmuseum Ladby

Vikingmuseum Ladby

Trelleborg Viking Fortress

Trelleborg Viking Fortress

The Jelling Monuments

The Jelling Monuments

The Museum Ribes Vikinger

The Museum Ribes Vikinger

Ribe VikingeCenter

Ribe VikingeCenter

Lindholm Høje - The Vikings in Aalborg

Lindholm Høje - The Vikings in Aalborg

Viking Museum in Aarhus

Viking Museum in Aarhus

The National Museum

The National Museum

Bork Vikingehavn

Bork Vikingehavn

Visit the royal castles.

Amalienborg Palace

Amalienborg Palace

Christiansborg Palace

Christiansborg Palace

Rosenborg Castle

Rosenborg Castle

The Danish Riviera

The Danish Riviera

Kronborg Castle in Denmark

Kronborg Castle in Denmark

Frederiksborg Castle

Frederiksborg Castle

Fredensborg Palace

Fredensborg Palace

Nyborg Castle

Nyborg Castle

Egeskov Castle

Egeskov Castle

Amazing danish architecture.

National Aquarium Denmark

National Aquarium Denmark

The Royal Playhouse

The Royal Playhouse

The Royal Danish Opera House

The Royal Danish Opera House

The Tietgen Students' Residence

The Tietgen Students' Residence

Bølgen (The Wave)

Bølgen (The Wave)


The Black Diamond

Aros Art Museum

Aros Art Museum

LEGO® House

LEGO® House

Amazing nature in denmark.

Marielyst Beach

Marielyst Beach

Rubjerg Knude

Rubjerg Knude

Blåvand Beach

Blåvand Beach

Stevns Klint Experience

Stevns Klint Experience

Hornbæk Beach

Hornbæk Beach

Bellevue Beach

Bellevue Beach

Amager Beach

Amager Beach

Løkken Beach

Løkken Beach

Møns Klint

Shopping in Denmark

Shopping in Copenhagen

Shopping in Copenhagen

Shopping in Odense

Shopping in Odense

Shopping in Aarhus

Shopping in Aarhus

Shopping in Aalborg

Shopping in Aalborg

Shopping in Vejle

Shopping in Vejle

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Nyhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark

©Frank Fischbach/500px

Chart-topping contentment and quality of life, blockbuster dining and design, and a cheerful emphasis on hygge – explore (and envy) what makes Denmark tick.

Best Time to Visit

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Kronborg castle, Helsingor, Denmark

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Rosenborg Slot

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AARHUS, DENMARK � JULY 15, 2015: Panoramic walkway created by Danish Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson, in the rainbow colors on the roof of the art museum in Aarhus on July 15, 2015; Shutterstock ID 299623619; Your name (First / Last): Emma Sparks; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Best in Europe POI updates

ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum

Inside the cubist, red-brick walls of Aarhus’ showpiece art museum are nine floors of sweeping curves, soaring spaces and white walls showcasing a…

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From being a little-known, little-understood country wedged between mainland Europe and the rest of Scandinavia, Denmark has morphed into an international cultural powerhouse with multiple Michelin-starred restaurants and raved-about hit TV shows. But this international renown doesn’t make the country any less thrilling to navigate on the ground and on a budget.

Where to go in Denmark

Denmark fact file.

Food-wise, you’d be hard pressed to find better butter, bacon and beer anywhere around, with some mean cheeses and pastries to boot. But don’t expect this health-conscious people to sit around feasting all day: a bunch will have jogged past your table before you can say smørrebrød, and cycling is ubiquitous. With agriculture its primary industry, technological innovation and a focus on green energy is a big part of the economy of daily life. Culturally, too, it hits the high notes. Expect impeccable design and great musical offerings (especially jazz) at every turn. What’s more, an ultra-efficient transport infrastructure makes Denmark one of Europe’s most enjoyable countries to explore.

The nation has preserved its own distinct identity, exemplified by the universally cherished royal family and the reluctance to fully integrate with the EU (the Danish rejection of the euro was more about sovereignty than economics). There’s also a sense of a small country that has long punched above its weight: it once controlled much of northern Europe and still maintains close ties with Greenland, its former colony.

Geographically, three main landmasses make up the country – the islands of Zealand and Funen and the peninsula of Jutland, which extends northwards from Germany. Most visitors make for Zealand (Sjælland), and, more specifically, Copenhagen , an exciting city with a beautiful old centre, an amazing array of museums and a boisterous nightlife. Funen (Fyn) has only one real urban draw, Odense , once home to Hans Christian Andersen; otherwise, it’s renowned for cute villages and sandy beaches. Jutland (Jylland) has two of the sprightliest Danish cities in Århus and Aalborg , as well as scenery alternating between lonely beaches, gentle hills and heathland.

Discover more places in Denmark


  • The Faroe Islands Travel Guide

Population 5.6 million

Language Danish

Currency Danish krone (kr)

Capital Copenhagen

International phone code : t 45

Top image: Mykines lighthouse, Faroe Islands © Smelov

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updated 26.04.2021


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Denmark Travel Guide: Sailing South Funen

Aron underway from the side, South Funenm Denmark

When you’re never more than 32 miles from the coast, Denmark is truly a hidden gem in the sailing world. Tucked into the shelter of the Baltic Sea, with some 444 islands to explore, sailing in Denmark is much more accessible than you might think. A few members of the VentureSail team joined Aron of Svendborg for five days, island hopping the South Funen archipelago. Here, our Operations Manager Naomi shares her ultimate Denmark travel guide.

Denmark Travel Guide: UK to Svendborg

Our Denmark travel guide begins in the UK. With flight times to Denmark sitting at under two hours , we awoke in the UK and fell asleep to the gentle waves of the Baltic Sea! Most major UK airports ( Gatwick, Heathrow, Stansted, Bristol, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham ) fly to Denmark’s capital Copenhagen. A number of UK airports also fly to Billund, which is another simple route to reach Svendborg. It’s worth checking both locations to see what works for you. We chose to fly in and out of Copenhagen to allow for a short break in the capital!

As we were travelling to meet Aron in Svendborg, on the island of Funen, there were different route options to consider. The most direct route from Copenhagen was a one change train through to Odense and then onto Svendborg. You won’t need to book separate tickets, just pop Copenhagen > Svendborg into the DSB site and it will find the route for you. Odense isn’t a huge station so changing trains is straight-forward and there are plenty of display boards to help find which track you’ll need to be on!

Hailing from Cornwall, our team were a little dubious about public transport being on time to make a connection. However, Denmark runs like clockwork, making the travel to and from the boat surprisingly relaxing and an enjoyable part of the adventure . The train journey is about 2.5 hours so it was time to sit back and enjoy the green countryside landscape roll by. DSB Standard class is similar to the UK’s First Class – another example of the Danes really doing things well!

Denmark Travel Guide: Joining Aron in Svendborg

Denmark svendborg

Svendborg is a bustling harbour town and our first impression was of how clean and well-kept everything is. The marina is a stone’s-throw from the train station, less than 5 minutes down the street and across the road. If you have some time to spare, there are plenty of coffee shops around the station or benches by the marina to watch the comings and goings. 

Usually Aron moors on the main marina edge, so you’ll spot her on the stroll down from the train station! Once aboard, we met our fellow guests and had our cabins allocated. After a brief chat over a coffee we made our way on deck for a safety briefing.

The makeup of guests on board varies, on our trip roughly half the guests were British, and half were Danish, which was a nice dynamic. The skipper, crew, and other Danish guests spoke excellent English so communication and instruction on board was predominantly English. The other guests and crew were quick to confer in Danish if they were searching for an English word to share with us!

Aron guests on deck

Skipper Helene used to teach sail training, so armed with her chalk pot, she gathered us all on the fore deck. Here, Helene drew out how the wind direction would affect sail hoisting and who would be standing where, and pulling what ropes. Her instruction was so clear and simple, everyone just seemed to pull together, quite literally at the right time. We had assumed some guests on board were experienced sailors – but it turns out they’d never sailed a traditional ship before. Under Helene’s guidance, everyone was able to quickly learn the ropes and join together in sailing this beautiful ship.

Denmark travel guide: Island Hopping in South Funen

As a general rule, Aron does not anchor in the Danish archipelago of South Funen, instead opting to moor on the islands themselves. This is due to the shallow waters and shifting sand bars found at anchor. We found mooring up on the islands is a far better option, as you explore at your own pace. As we waited for dinner, some walked to the island centre and some stayed on board, chatting or napping. The mornings mirrored this as early risers walked to catch the sunrise. Some of us went for a swim – even in September it was surprisingly warm, and those that preferred were able to have a lie in.

Aron interior saloon seating

Aron does have a shower onboard but actually, none of us used it. The promise of onshore showers made us a little hesitant with memories of typical British shower blocks. But how wrong we were! To not use the Danish marina facilities would have meant missing out. The facilities were spacious and really clean with full working taps, showers and dryers – not a push button in sight. An abundance of hot water and of course, some were so efficient that we had sensor showers. So in the words of Gorm the skipper “ as long as you keep dancing, you can keep the water coming ”.

funen tourist guide

The sleepy island of Lyo was our first stop. The island is home to only about 80 inhabitants and a handful of cars. You can hire a bicycle to explore or just take a walk, it’s relatively flat to navigate. There’s a small local produce shop and artisan cafe in the “village centre” (about a 15 minute walk from the marina) selling the local honey made on the island. Traditional farmhouses nestle between the island’s five ponds , and ducks and chickens roam the tracks. The whitewashed 17th century church sits in the only circular graveyard in the whole of Denmark. Aron’s skipper Helene says the island is like stepping back in time for the Danish – beautiful to wander through and almost like being in a film set.

The weather forecast wasn’t “great” so a decision was made to Gorm and Helene’s hometown Troense on the island of Tasinge for some shelter. The weather was classically British on this day, with a bit of rain and some wind. However all this meant was full waterproofs and some excellent sailing!  

Landscape of Troense, Denmark

Manicured cottages line the waterfront of Troense with a blend of sensitively restored 17th century architecture and ancient apple trees . Electric cars glide around and some sparsely populated locals all pass with beaming smiles. There’s a real sense of an enriching life here, a community spirit with a strong sustainable approach to everything . Dotted around Troense were free apple boxes, local honey and produce traded over from the nearby islands.

Aron’s skippers and owners Helene and Gorm both grew up here and are keen to network local trade between the islands. For this they offer their small cargo hold on board for free produce swaps. They don’t do this for financial gain but to give back, working with the local population to enrich the lives of the community for generations to come. Troense also offers brilliant harbour facilities which we made full use of. There are open-fronted cabins with comfortable benches, communal BBQs and even a sauna!

By this point we were a well-oiled machine with everyone hoisting sails, coiling ropes and taking turns on the helm . We set sail from Troense to reach the fairytale  island of Aero. On the East of the island is Marstal , the official home port of Aron, where she was built in 1906! 

Inside Marstal musuem Denmark

The town is, by Danish standards, livelier than the other islands, with some coffee shops, waterside restaurants and artisan cocktail bars. The highlight of the island for any nautical lovers is certainly the self-funded Marstal Maritime Museum . Spread over a few buildings, it’s a time capsule of local maritime history , from the very first wooden cargo ships built in Marstal quay, to the advance of steam power and evolving cargo trade history. 

The entire museum has been curated by retired seaman and their families, and is still run by a team of volunteers. It’s a beautifully put together display of artefacts, photos and paintings with a large collection of Jens Erik Carl Rasmussen, a popular 19th century Danish maritime painter. The owners of Aron can organise a discounted group ticket so if it’s something you’re interested in, just let them know! 

We had time to explore the town too – with some lovely shops. Seeing the sensitive curation of Danish design was a real joy. You really start to understand the slow paced, relaxed living notion of hygge that the country is famous for. 

Another morning of good sailing and lunch underway. Some of the guests sat and read a book, some climbed the rigging to the top of the mast! 

We explored the island of Skaro and it’s one we were most looking forward to. In the summer months there’s a small bustling campsite and tiny marina for small boats, but in September it’s very peaceful. 

Skaro Denmark

The island has a declining population of about 30 people, and probably a similar ratio of chickens and sheep. Remarkably the island of Skaro is famous in Denmark for their ice cream factory, made using natural sugars from birch trees and seaweed. They export the ice cream across Denmark, supplying local hospitals and diabetes centres. They have a small cafe in the centre of the island and you can watch the ice cream being made and of course, the bit we were most looking forward to – trying it first hand!

Our last morning took us on a slow sail back to Svendborg. Helene made us a traditional Smørrebrød (originally smør og brød, “butter and bread”) underway and we sailed back into the harbour. Another round of coffee and cake as everyone chatted about the voyage. All of us felt inspired to slow down, consider our sustainability and dream about more sailing . We all said our goodbyes and trundled back to the train station.

Aron guests eating

If this Denmark travel guide has inspired you to start your own adventure in South Funen, why not take a look at our sailing holidays on board Aron of Svendborg? Aron’s voyages range from a few days short break island hopping, to week long summer sailing adventures, and are perfect for solo travellers, couples, families and friends.

Ready to set sail?

Short Break Tall Ship Sailing Holiday in Denmark

Short Break Tall Ship Sailing Holiday in Denmark

  • 16 May 2025, 3 days
  • Vessel: Aron of Svendborg
  • Port: Funen, Denmark
  • Board type: Full Board

Tall Ship Sailing around Sweden

Tall Ship Sailing around Sweden

  • 5 July 2025, 7 days
  • Port: Sweden
  • 4 October 2024, 3 days

Tall Ship Sailing from Copenhagen

Tall Ship Sailing from Copenhagen

  • 23 June 2025, 5 days
  • Port: Copenhagen, Denmark

Hands-on Sailing in Denmark; Bornholm to Copenhagen

Hands-on Sailing in Denmark; Bornholm to Copenhagen

  • 16 June 2025, 7 days
  • Port: Denmark

Tall Ship Sailing in Denmark; Nyborg to Svendborg

Tall Ship Sailing in Denmark; Nyborg to Svendborg

  • 23 August 2025, 7 days

Tall Ship Sailing from Copenhagen to Sweden

Tall Ship Sailing from Copenhagen to Sweden

  • 28 June 2025, 7 days
  • Port: Denmark/Sweden

Tall Ship Sailing & Island Hopping in Denmark

Tall Ship Sailing & Island Hopping in Denmark

  • 8 May 2025, 4 days

Hands-on Sailing in Denmark

Hands-on Sailing in Denmark

  • 1 May 2025, 4 days
  • 12 May 2025, 4 days

Sailing holidays in South Funen

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Ultimate Juneau Travel Guide: Top Excursions and Must-Know Tips

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Juneau , the capital of Alaska , is a destination brimming with stunning landscapes, storied history, and abundant wildlife. As the only state capital not accessible by road, its uniqueness extends way beyond its geography.

This unique city is a must-visit for anyone cruising to Alaska, offering a perfect blend of adventure, culture, and nature, for first-time visitors and seasoned travelers alike. From glaciers to gold rush history, to encounters with majestic whales, Juneau promises experiences you won’t soon forget.

Planning Your Trip

funen tourist guide

To fully appreciate Juneau’s attractions and natural beauty, it’s important to outline your time in port carefully. You’ll want to make sure your schedule aligns with the best excursions, giving you a true taste of Alaska’s wilderness and cultural history.

Shore Excursions Group offers a variety of tours to suit every interest. Planning your trip with the right timing, transportation, and activities tailored to your preferences will ensure that your Juneau experience becomes the highlight of your cruise.

Best Time to Visit

Juneau enjoys a short but breathtakingly beautiful summer season. The best time to visit is between May and September , with July and August offering the warmest temperatures, typically ranging from 55°F to 65°F. However, with this warmth comes an increased chance of rain and mosquitoes, so pack accordingly.

If you’re wanting to spot the Northern Lights , plan on visiting in the late fall or early spring , especially in March , when longer, darker nights prevail.

If you’re hoping to see whales, mid-summer is prime whale-watching season . The longer daylight hours also allow for more time to explore the natural beauty that surrounds this Alaskan city.

How to Get There

Most visitors to Juneau arrive by cruise ship, as it is a prominent stop on Alaska cruise itineraries. The Juneau cruise port in the beautiful Gastineau Channel is centrally located, making it easy to disembark and jump right into exploring.

On average, cruise ships spend about 7 to 13 hours in port (depending on daylight and your ship’s schedule), so you’ll have plenty of time to take in the sights before heading back to your ship.

Getting Around in Juneau

Once you’ve docked, getting around Juneau is relatively simple. The downtown area is walkable, and many of the key attractions such as the Alaska State Museum and the legendary Red Dog Saloon are accessible by foot.

For excursions that take you farther afield—such as the Mendenhall Glacier or whale-watching tours—organized transportation is typically included. Taxis and rideshare services are also available, but booking through Shore Excursions Group ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Essential Travel Information

funen tourist guide

Before stepping off the ship, it’s important to be aware of a few essentials. Understanding entry requirements, local currency, and health and safety precautions can help avoid unnecessary surprises and keep your focus on enjoying all that Juneau has to offer.

Entry Requirements

Since Juneau is a U.S. city, U.S. citizens won’t need a passport to disembark. However, if you’re traveling internationally, you should carry your passport just in case. It’s always a good idea to check with your cruise line for specific recommendations; for most travelers, your ship’s ID card will suffice while exploring Juneau.

Juneau, like the rest of the United States, uses the U.S. dollar. Credit cards are widely accepted, and ATMs are available if you prefer cash. Keep in mind that Juneau is a tourist town, so it’s always wise to have small bills on hand for tips or small purchases, especially if you’re venturing into more remote areas.

Health and Safety

Juneau is generally a safe city for tourists, but it’s always smart to stay aware of your surroundings. Be mindful of wildlife and use a good quality insect repellent, especially on outdoor excursions.

Emergency services are available, and many tour operators provide safety briefings before embarking on more adventurous activities like hiking or whale watching.

Top Excursions and Tours

Juneau offers an abundance of excursions, and the variety ensures that every traveler can find something to enjoy. Whether you’re looking for a leisurely scenic tour or a thrilling outdoor adventure, Shore Excursions Group has you covered.

Whale Watching and Wildlife Tours

funen tourist guide

Juneau is one of the best places in the world for whale watching, and Shore Excursions Group offers premium, small-group tours that guarantee sightings. The Exclusive Whale Watching Cruise brings you up close to humpback whales, sea lions, and other marine life while enjoying a more intimate experience, as compared to larger cruise line tours.  

For an unforgettable combination, the Whale Watching & Salmon Bake Combo is the perfect way to experience both Alaska’s wildlife and cuisine. Snap breathtaking photos of majestic humpback whales from the boat’s railing, then unwind in Alaska’s tranquil rainforest while savoring freshly grilled wild salmon. Check it out.   

Glacier Exploration

funen tourist guide

The Exclusive Juneau City and Mendenhall Glacier Tour takes you on a journey through Juneau’s gold rush-era history before exploring the awe-inspiring Mendenhall Glacier . You’ll stand in awe of the blue ice wall from the various walking trails that take you close to the glacier’s face. Nature lovers will also enjoy a stop at an Arctic Tern nesting colony.

For those seeking a more adventurous take, the Mendenhall Glacier Float Trip combines glacier views with the thrill of rafting down the Mendenhall River . Board a raft and set off downstream for views of playful otters, sunbathing seals, and black bears roaming the riverbank amongst thrilling stretches of Class III rapids under the steering of your expert guide.

If you’re feeling even more adventurous, try the Helicopter Icefield Excursion where you’ll land on a glacier and explore its icy expanse up close. Soar over the jagged mountains and icefalls of the massive Juneau Icefield, then feel the excitement as you step out of the helicopter, strap on your snowshoes, and hear the glacial ice crunch beneath your feet. You won’t want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Gold Rush History and Culture

funen tourist guide

For a dive into Alaska’s gold rush history, the Gold Panning and Gold Creek Salmon Bake is a must-do. Channel your inner prospector as you pan for gold and enjoy a delicious salmon bake after your historical adventure. Take home any gold you discover, along with a souvenir gold claim certificate and the thrill of mastering historic mining techniques. 

The Historic Gold Mining and Panning Adventure is another fantastic option for those eager to uncover more of Juneau’s past. Follow in the footsteps of ancient prospectors as you pan for precious metals in Gold Creek or at a nearby waist-high trough. This family-friendly tour is perfect for all ages and offers a fun, hands-on way to experience what it was like searching for riches in the wilds of Alaska during the gold rush.   

Travel Tips and Tricks

With only one day in Juneau, you’ll want to make every moment count. Knowing what to pack and understanding local customs can significantly enhance your experience.

Packing Essentials

Juneau’s weather can be unpredictable, so layers are key here. Even in the summer, temperatures can vary throughout the day, and rain is common, so a waterproof jacket and sturdy walking shoes or hiking boots are a must. Don’t forget sunscreen, as the sun reflecting off glaciers can intensify UV exposure, even on cooler days.

Language and Communication

English is the primary language spoken in Juneau, so communication won’t be a challenge for most visitors. Locals in Juneau value friendliness and politeness, so offering a warm smile and a friendly greeting can go a long way in building connections with the welcoming community.

Cultural Etiquette

While Juneau is a tourist hub, respecting local traditions and wildlife is important. Always follow the guidelines set by tour operators, especially on nature excursions. Avoid feeding or approaching wild animals, and keep noise to a minimum to preserve the peaceful environment.

Discover Juneau: A Perfect Blend of Nature, Wildlife, and History

funen tourist guide

Juneau offers you an unparalleled blend of natural beauty, adventure, and history, making it one of the most exciting cruise stops in Alaska. Explore breathtaking glaciers and wildlife with our top-rated Juneau shore excursions , designed for an unforgettable Alaskan experience. Let us help make your Juneau experience unforgettable.


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  13. Fyn Denmark

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  15. Funen, Denmark

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  16. Funen

    The island of Funen holds for guests a lot of nature and relaxation, but also numerous attractions in the city of Odense. Here you can find the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen, which is now part of a brand new museum. Outdoor enthusiasts can go hiking, biking, fishing or kayaking on Funen. The Egeskov moated castle with its unique park is exciting for children and adults alike. In the ...

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  19. Odense travel

    Odense. Denmark, Europe. Pronounced o-thn-se (or ohn-se if you're local), Funen's millennium-old hub is Denmark's third-biggest city, a buzzing place undergoing a very major revamp. The birthplace of fairy-tale writer extraordinaire Hans Christian Andersen, there's a profusion of Andersen-related attractions, including museums, a children's ...

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    This travel guide to Denmark can help you plan your trip and make the most of your time in Denmark. See more. Heritage sites in Denmark. Top destinations in Denmark. ... Funen (Fyn) and the principal city here, Odense, is home to Hans Christian Andersen, who is renowned for his many fairytales. Still, Funen also offers sandy beaches and very ...

  21. Complete guide to Denmark

    History. Denmark now has social distancing drive-through concerts. Romance. This elderly couple meet for daily coffee dates at the closed Danish-German border. Sustainable Travel. Copenhagen aims to be carbon-neutral by 2025 - here's what that means for travellers. in partnership with getyourguide.

  22. Denmark Travel Guide

    Funen (Fyn) has only one real urban draw, Odense, once home to Hans Christian Andersen; otherwise, it's renowned for cute villages and sandy beaches. Jutland (Jylland) has two of the sprightliest Danish cities in Århus and Aalborg, as well as scenery alternating between lonely beaches, gentle hills and heathland. region. Click to activate ...

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    Ultimate Juneau Travel Guide: Top Excursions and Must-Know Tips. Juneau, the capital of Alaska, is a destination brimming with stunning landscapes, storied history, and abundant wildlife. As the only state capital not accessible by road, its uniqueness extends way beyond its geography. ... Travel Tips and Tricks. With only one day in Juneau ...