
Journey: 100% Achievements Guide

This guide will provide all the information you need to know to obtain every achievement Journey.

journey ps3 achievement guide

Reach on top of the mountain and complete the game, after watching the credits you will automatically receive this achievement.

journey ps3 achievement guide

Navigate the Underground Passage without being detected. This can be easily achieved by sticking close to the left-hand wall whenever a Guardian is present.

You will get this trophy when you first meet the leviathen creatures underground after sailing down the mountain and passing through some gates with the cloth creature that you (hopefully) freed in level 3.

The easiest way to do this is to stay to the “left” as much as you can. The right wall may also be a viable path. When you reach the end of a room it is a good idea to jump through the windows that are in the wall because it will give you a good view of the room to come.

journey ps3 achievement guide

This achievement requires you to complete the final section of the game alongside another player. This is the easiest of the multiplayer rewards to get. Once you reach the Summit, wait near the entrance until another player appears. Tag along with them through the final leg of the adventure to obtain the Trophy.

journey ps3 achievement guide

This achievement is a bit trickier. It requires that you complete a  “majority”  of the game alongside another player, however it is possible to join a companion as late as the Underground Passage and still get this achievement. They best way to do this is to hang around the beginning of the Underground Passage section until you spot another wanderer. Hang out with them for a bit to get a feel for how they play. If they try to run ahead of you, they probably aren’t interested in sharing the journey. Wait until you find someone who wants to keep up with you and tries to assist you. These are the kinds of players who are most likely going to stick around until the end. Make it from the Underground Passage to the top of the Summit to earn your reward.

The best way to do this is to hang around the beginning of the Underground Passage section until you spot another wanderer. Hang out with them for a bit to get a feel for how they play. If they try to run ahead of you, they probably aren’t interested in sharing the journey. Wait until you find someone who wants to keep up with you and tries to assist you. These are the kinds of players who are most likely going to stick around until the end. Make it from the Underground Passage to the top of the Summit to earn your reward.

journey ps3 achievement guide

You can find this flower in the Desert area of Journey, and in doing so, earn yourself the Mirage Trophy.

Once you spot the two lights that shoot out of the mountain, trace the second one back to near the start of the area. If you follow its path, you’ll eventually stumble upon a valley that contains a very familiar Hidden Desert Flower.

journey ps3 achievement guide

Just keep playing for a while. You may also quit the game and then continue your journey for a better chance at getting a new partner. This shouldn’t be too tough to accomplish, although you may not reach your goal until your second or third play-through of the game.

journey ps3 achievement guide

This Achievement is a bit of a crap shoot. You need to sit and meditate with another player for 20 seconds. To initiate this, just press SELECT. Your character will sit on the sand until you direct them to move. The easiest way to achieve this is honestly just waiting near the end of any level and sitting near the shrine. There’s a good chance that someone will come along, recognize what you’re doing, and help you get the Achievement.

Hint: If you are playing on keyboard, press  ENTER  in order to sit and meditate in game.

journey ps3 achievement guide

Finding all of the Symbols hidden throughout Journey will not only reward you with the Transcendence Achievement but will give you access to an incredibly powerful white robe with a regenerating scarf.

There are a total of 21 throughout the game, to know where we need one because at the end of each level where the area meditation there are squares some enlightened and others may not, those who are not enlightened are symbols that we skipped with that charge level and we will take. These are the symbols by level:

Glowing Symbol Locations: ===========================

Introduction Symbol 1 The first of the Symbols you’ll collect is immediately in front of you as soon as you begin the game. Grab it to gain your first scarf extension.

journey ps3 achievement guide

Intro The first of the Ancient Glyphs in Journey is found early on in the introduction. Once you grab the first of your Symbols, the game sort of ushers you to move forward. Instead, head right and continue over a sand dune to spot a small shrine that houses the Glyph.

journey ps3 achievement guide

Just don’t touch the game for a week you nerd.

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About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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In many video games, trophies (or achievements) are made to encourage players to try different things. Journey is an outstanding game, but trophies still will help you to learn more about it and find/search for the Easter eggs, etc.

You will get most of the Journey trophies by just playing and following an experienced Journeyer . It’s a joy for them to share and show you the Symbols and Glyphs , the Mysterious Creature in the tower, or just meditate with you.

It's better together: Normally players are very keen on showing the Trophies, most get all the Symbols on every Journey and some even visit the Glyphs "just because". If you recognise that your Companion tries to help you and you are able to follow them well, most Trophies just come through journeying.

Playstation and Steam versions have achievements, but Epic Games and iOS versions do not have a Trophy feature . Some Achievements are still fun to work on or show others, even though you don't get any in-game recognition for it.

Trophy List [ ]


Threshold [ ]

Level: Broken Bridge Value: Bronze Description: Cross the Broken Bridge without completely rebuilding it.

Encourages players to fly smartly.

This Trophy is rewarded when you reach the platform with the Shrine .


Level: Pink Desert Value: Bronze Description: Find the hidden desert flower.

This is for finding an Easter Egg referencing another ThatGameCompany Game: Flower.

When you touch the flower it makes a sound, like it would in the game Flower.

This Trophy is rewarded after you chirp at the flower.


Explore [ ]

Level: Pink Desert Value: Bronze Description: Discover all cloth creatures in the desert.

This means you have to find and help all Carpets out of their cage by activating their big Banner. The other Carpets will lead you to the next Carpets. If they fly away, just follow them or wait for a short time because they sometimes come back to charge your Scarf, calling them/singing may help too.

This Trophy is rewarded when you exit the level.


Adventure [ ]

Level: Sunken City Value: Bronze Description: Pass through 15 gates while surfing through the Sunken City.

  • Not all gates count, only those that look like those in the Trophy icon/picture. [1]
  • Gates are all over the level, not just the first part!
  • If you "brake" - hold move-button backwards / the left stick down - you slow down, this helps with aiming at the gates. Although other people say it helped with aiming when being faster...
  • If you are trying hard to get the Trophy: you can enter the menu and choose " Chapter Select ". In that level: choose the building that leads to the Sunken City level to try over and over again.

This Trophy is rewarded soon after you cumulatively pass through the 15th gate.

Adventure correct gates ignis 1.png

Level: Underground Value: Bronze Description: Sneak through the underground passage without tearing your Scarf.

This Trophy will help you to learn which machines come to life and where they fly, as well as how to hide from them or avoid being seen.

Hints: A really easy way to get this one is to stay to the left through the Unfriendly Tunnels. Some people also fly through the windows, mostly those on the left side, instead of taking the straight path.

This Trophy is rewarded as you leave the level.


Ancestors [ ]

Level: Tower Value: Bronze Description: Find a mysterious creature hidden in the temple.

This is another easter egg, referencing ThatGameCompany's Game Flow. This creature only appears when the goo reached the highest level.

This Trophy is rewarded after interacting with the flow creature.


History [ ]

Value: Bronze Description: Uncover all 10 Ancient Glyphs. We intend to add the locations of the glyphs to each level article, in spoiler tags.

This is to help you with putting the pieces of the storyline together. As mentioned above, Companions will often hint to them, and if you explore just a bit over the course of a few Journeys , you will easily find them.

For more information, see Ancient Glyphs .

This Trophy is rewarded after activating the last glyph.


Crossing [ ]

Value: Bronze Description: Reach the summit with a Companion and return to the beginning.

Walk into the light with a Companion and wait until the end of the credits.

This Trophy is rewarded on the Companions Met Along the Way screen.


Rebirth [ ]

Value: Bronze Description: Finish the game and return to the beginning.

Play through the game and wait until the end of the credits.


Companion [ ]

Value: Silver Description: Finish the game with the same partner for the majority of the Journey and return to the beginning.

This Trophy is to encourage you to stick with another player for as long as you can. This might help in general: Problem: Losing Companions . It's like a life lesson: sometimes it's hard to keep a friendship alive, but if you put some effort into it, it's not that hard and the reward is a wonderful time with your friend/companion.

Most of the Journey: If you just go straight to the Mountain level from the Hub area and meet your companion in this level, then technically you will spend the most time with this companion. But note, if your companion met some other player and finished 2+ levels with him, then you will not be the one he spent the most time with. In this case, none of you will get this Trophy. On the other hand, if you start together earlier (Tunnels or Temple), then it will be almost guaranteed that you get this Trophy if you finish together. [2]

Arrange a Journey with a specific person: Advert on one of those or get in contact with former Companions, Guide to arranging a meetup .


Reflection [ ]

Value: Bronze Description: Sit and meditate with another player for more than 20 seconds.

There are two ways to sit, quickly or by activating the Screensaver (and deactivating it, to see yourself sitting. See Controls .

This Trophy is rewarded once you've been sitting together for 20 seconds.


Value: Silver Description: Meet 10 or more unique travelers.

Just play the game several times. On the Journey discord server we got a channel for ingame-meeting to have arranged Journeys , this might help you too. Most players consider having a Companion a gift, and in general, it would be rude to disconnect from someone just to try to meet someone else, just for the Trophy. Also, many players will wait around to see if someone who's AFK will start moving again, so just sitting around and waiting for a few hours isn't likely to help.

  • Travel as Red Cloak , because White Cloaks and first-time players cannot meet each-other, and most of the players playing the game are on their first playthrough.
  • Idling / AFK: Winter 2021 the topic of "you do not connect to a Companion, while being afk/Screensaver mode" was brought up. It was tested and it seems, that under circumstances you do not connect. Information about Screensaver should be gathered here: Screensaver Tricks .

This Trophy is rewarded as soon as you connect to your cumulative 10th companion, so it can also be a prompt to try and find the other player when it pops up.


Value: Bronze Description: Start the Journey again after a weeklong break.

Many players consider this Trophy painful. It can help to think of it not as 'punishment' for leaving the game, but as either a reward for coming back even after something takes you away, or an encouragement to expand your horizons and let Journey be only one of the things that brings you joy in your life.

This Trophy is rewarded as soon as you reopen the game after a week has passed in the system clock.

A good opportunity for this, would be the Event Journey Anew .


Transcendence [ ]

Value: Gold Description: Collect all unique glowing symbols across one or more Journeys .

This is not just so you know where the symbols are.

This Trophy is rewarded after you collect the last cumulative symbol.

Links to external guides, with more info [ ]

As there are already many existing help pages on how to get the "official trophies", here are some links, those provide also links to YT tutorial on how to do the trophies.

Trophies aren't this hard to collect in Journey after playing a little while. Especially if you meet companions that helps you on this path, or arrange a Journey with them. However, if you feel like you need some help anyway, you can read these guides.

The unofficial trophies , are things you achieve for yourself. Like learning to master certain flying , faceplanting or chargeboosting at difficult places! Journey is full of special places, minigames, tricks and challenges. See also --> Challenges

  • Steam-Guide, in pictures, but very well explained:
  • English:
  • German:

Steam version, Meditation Trophy quicker than 20 seconds [3] [ ]

Investigations show, that players on the PC version get the achievement earlier then 20 seconds. In the tests 11 to 15 seconds were observed.

Additionally, several players said that their Companion sat down for the achievement and stood up, before 20 seconds past. They still chirped happily, as if they got it. This confirms the tests.

What is the reason? Only for PC versions?

Possible causes may be:

  • FPS related , since the seconds until the achievement pops up seem to vary. Think of it as: Journey runs quicker on the PC version and it was not taken in consideration when the game was ported. "But it won't be 5 seconds, it's too long for a small FPS difference. Even if one player has 20 FPS and the other 200. [4]
  • "If difference there is between platforms, it's more about the time the API result comes to you depending on their architecture. The difference won't be in the way the game calculates. The difference will be in the time the API takes it into account and display the unlock (Steam / console / etc.). When you unlock an achievement, you ask Steam server to validate it. The time it does that is the time that will change between your platform." [4]
  • "At the end, you don't know if there is a delay between the pop-up and the actual unlock. Maybe the pop-up is delayed by 1 or 2 seconds." [4]
  • Conclusion: the reason stays a mystery :)

Tests on PlayStation versions are yet to be done. Trophies can not be deleted (?), thus it makes it hard to find players that can do that test and then it will be only one chance to count the seconds. PS3 most likely works as inteded, while PS4 may be slightly quicker.

See also [ ]

Recommended How to play guide for Journey   •   Chirp / Scarf   •   Tandem Flying   •   Dusting / to dust / Common Behaviors   •   Companions Met Along the Way (CMATW)

Frequently Asked Questions   •   PC Version FAQ   •  

References [ ]

  • ↑ This is confirmed not only by many players, but also by this video: . It directly shows, which gates the game counts and which not. Note: The player has an Invisible scarf .
  • ↑ This information was shared by Scuba (thank you!) and tested November 2021 on PS3. It should work the same way on Steam. Information was taken from here:
  • ↑ Tests for the Wiki were done by Ignis, Ravingmadness and Juest in May 2022. They deleted the achievement several times and sat down together, used a timer.
  • ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Ignis, in a private talk with ravingmadness. May 2022
  • 2 How to play guide for Journey
  • Journey Trophies
  • Journey News
  • Walkthrough

Journey (PS3)

Journey (PS3)

  • 13 want to boost

Journey (PS3)

Journey (PS3) Trophies

Full list of all 14 Journey trophies - 11 bronze, 2 silver and 1 gold. It takes around 6-8 hours to unlock all of the trophies on PlayStation 3.

  • Trophy View View Image view List view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc
  • 4 Online Mode
  • 10 Online/Offline
  • 10 Single Player
  • 4 Cooperative
  • 4 Community
  • 1 Main Storyline
  • 1 Story Completed
  • 2 Collectable
  • 1 Cumulative +
  • 1 Time/Date
  • What are trophy flags? Click to find out Apply

Cross the broken bridge without completely rebuilding it.

Find the hidden desert flower.

Discover all cloth creatures in the desert.

Pass through 15 gates while surfing through the sunken city.

Sneak through the underground passage without tearing your scarf.

Find a mysterious creature hidden in the temple.

Uncover all 10 ancient glyphs.

Reach the summit with a companion and return to the beginning.

Finish the game and return to the beginning.

Finish the game with the same partner for the majority of the journey and return to the beginning.

Sit and meditate with another player for more than 20 seconds.

Meet 10 or more unique travelers.

Start the journey again after a week long break.

Collect all unique glowing symbols across one or more journeys.

  • How many trophies are there in Journey? There are 14 trophies in Journey - 11 bronze, 2 silver and 1 gold. You can view the full list of Journey trophies here .
  • Is Journey on PlayStation Plus? No, Journey is not currently available on any PlayStation Plus tier.
  • When did Journey release on PlayStation? Journey was released on March 14th, 2012.
  • How long does it take to complete all the trophies in Journey? It takes between 6 and 8 hours to complete the trophies in Journey.


  • Feb 25, 2021

Journey - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Updated: Nov 9, 2021

journey ps3 achievement guide

Difficulty: 2/10

Duration: 6 hours Offline trophies: 10 Online trophies: 4

DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 + some cleanup Number of missable trophies: None, you have level select

Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Journey is an easy game in terms of trophies that combine offline with online trophies:

Complete all the chapters and find the 10 ancient glyphs and the 21 glowing symbols

Chapter 2: Cross the broken bridge without completely rebuilding it.

Chapter 3: Find the hidden desert flower, Discover all 7 cloth creatures

Chapter 4: Pass through 15 gates while surfing

Chapter 5: Sneak through the underground passage without tearing your scarf

Chapter 6: Find a mysterious creature

Any Chapter: Sit and meditate with another player for more than 20 seconds

Chapter 8: Reach the summit with a companion and return to the beginning (by doing this with chapter select will also net you the Companion Trophy)

Meet 10 or more unique travelers: keep playing the levels till you get this

Last trophy that you need is to start the game again after 1 week: you can either wait 1 week or change the time from console settings

Threshold Cross the broken bridge without completely rebuilding it. Can be done in Chapter 2 - The Bridge. Check the video for a complete guide on how to cross it without fully rebuild it.

Mirage Find the hidden desert flower. Can be found in Chapter 3 - The Desert. Check the video for a complete guide on where to find it.

Explore Discover all cloth creatures in the desert. There are 7 cloths that can be found in Chapter 3 - The Desert. Check the video for a complete guide on where to find them.

Adventure Pass through 15 gates while surfing through the sunken city. Can be done in Chapter 4 - The Descent. Check the video for a complete walkthrough on how to pass through 15 gates in the sunken city.

Trials Sneak through the underground passage without tearing your scarf. This can be obtained in Chapter 5 - The Tunnels. Avoid getting hit by the patrolling Guardians during this level. Check the video for a complete guide on how to avoid them and obtain this trophy.

Ancestors Find a mysterious creature hidden in the temple. Can be found in Chapter 6 - The Temple Check the video for a complete guide on where to find it.

History Uncover all 10 ancient glyphs. There are 10 Ancient Glyphs - Chapter 1 - 1 - Chapter 2 - 1 - Chapter 3 - 2 - Chapter 4 - 2 - Chapter 5 - 1 - Chapter 6 - 1 - Chapter 7 - 2 Check the video guide for a full walkthrough collecting all the ancient glyphs.

Crossing - Online Reach the summit with a companion and return to the beginning. For this trophy, you only need to use level select and start directly from Chapter 8 - The Summit. Wait until you find a companion and complete that chapter with him, staying close to him always so you don't lose it.

Rebirth - Story Finish the game and return to the beginning. Obtained after completing Chapter 8 - The Summit.

Companion - Online Finish the game with the same partner for the majority of the journey and return to the beginning. For this trophy, you only need to use level select and start directly from Chapter 8 - The Summit. Wait until you find a companion and complete that chapter with him, staying close to him always so you don't lose it.

Reflection - Online Sit and meditate with another player for more than 20 seconds. You need to press the start button so you can sit and meditate. I have done this trophy at the start of a level, sometimes you might get lucky and find idle players who meditate, or maybe you can find someone who understand what you try to do and when he sees you meditating, he will also do it.

Wonder - Online Meet 10 or more unique travelers. I didn't get this through normal gameplay. You will most probably have to keep replaying the levels, meeting more and more companions, until you unlock this trophy.

Return Start the journey again after a week long break. You can either wait 1 week or change the time from console settings. Start a new game and you will get this trophy.

Transcendence Collect all unique glowing symbols across one or more journeys. There are 21 Glowing Symbols - Chapter 1 - 3 - Chapter 2 - 3 - Chapter 3 - 4 - Chapter 4 - 3 - Chapter 5 - 4 - Chapter 6 - 4 Check the video guide for a full walkthrough collecting all the glowing symbols.

Trophy Roadmap

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

3 Glowing Symbols and 1 Ancient Glyph

Chapter 2 - The Bridge

Threshold - Cross the broken bridge without completely rebuilding it.

Chapter 3 - The Desert

4 Glowing Symbols and 2 Ancient Glyphs

Mirage - Find the hidden desert flower.

Explore - Discover all cloth creatures in the desert.

Chapter 4 - The Descent

3 Glowing Symbols and 2 Ancient Glyphs

Adventure - Pass through 15 gates while surfing through the sunken city.

Chapter 5 - The Tunnels

4 Glowing Symbols and 1 Ancient Glyph

Trials - Sneak through the underground passage without tearing your scarf.

Chapter 6 - The Temple

Transcendence - Collect all unique glowing symbols across one or more journeys.

Ancestors - Find a mysterious creature hidden in the temple.

Chapter 7 - The Mountain

2 Ancient Glyphs

History - Uncover all 10 ancient glyphs.

Chapter 8 - The Summit

Rebirth - Finish the game and return to the beginning.

Reflection - Sit and meditate with another player for more than 20 seconds.

Crossing - Reach the summit with a companion and return to the beginning.

Companion - Finish the game with the same partner for the majority of the journey and return to the beginning.

Wonder - Meet 10 or more unique travelers.

Singleplayer (after 1 week)

Return - Start the journey again after a week long break.

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  • Trophy Guide

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Journey – Guide and Walkthrough

Playstation 3 ios (iphone/ipad) pc playstation 4.


Guide and Walkthrough (PS3) by ScrawlKnight

Version: 1.03 | Updated: 03/18/2012 Highest Rated Guide

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  1. Journey Trophy Guide & Road Map

    Step 1: Complete the game (optional, highly suggested) This is the most important step. Do not read the trophy guide, heck don't even read the trophy descriptions. Simply play the game, and explore as much as you can. Pretend for a few hours that games are made to enjoy.

  2. Trophy Guide

    Trophies Obtainable During Your First Playthrough. During your first run through the game, you should be able to gather all 10 of the Ancient Glyphs, as well as at least 19 of the 21 Symbols. The ...

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    Journey Trophy Guide. By MrSwagtwiceover. PS3. A short, simple guide to help you in obtaining all of the trophies in Journey. This is a peaceful, relaxing, and interesting game with an easy trophy list developed by thatgamecompany. 88 User Favourites 15 Ratings 35,909 Views.

  4. PSNProfiles • PSN Trophy Tracking, Stats, Guides & Leaderboards

    Learn how to get all the trophies in Journey, a beautiful and emotional game. Find helpful guides, videos, and tips on

  5. Journey Trophies •

    36.9% Rare. 51.67% Common. Companion Finish the game with the same partner for the majority of the journey and return to the beginning. 5.6% Very Rare. 13.65% Rare. Reflection Sit and meditate with another player for more than 20 seconds. 10.5% Very Rare. 20.21% Uncommon. Wonder Meet 10 or more unique travelers.

  6. Journey Collector's Edition

    Even so, at first it might be kind of confusing when reading the descriptions to each of the trophies, so instead of looking around the Q&A or the Board, I thought I'd just make a quick guide here to all the trophies. Some of the trophies require finding the secret flowers, which are pretty easy to get, just consult coloureffect's Secrets Guide.

  7. Journey Achievements for PlayStation 3

    For Journey on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 14 trophies.

  8. Trophies

    Find a mysterious creature hidden in the temple. Uncover all 10 ancient glyphs. Reach the summit with a companion and return to the beginning. Finish the game and return to the beginning. Finish ...

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    #Journey #AllTrophies #WalkthroughWelcome to Journey - All Trophies Guide - All Glyphs/Symbols Location And Trophies Walkthrough bought to you by Trophy Hunt...

  10. Journey (PS3)

    Check out all the Journey (PS3) trophies, latest news, previews, interviews, videos, screenshots and review from your number one PlayStation 4 resource site. Trophies . PlayStation 5; ... Trophy Guide; Leaderboards; Review; Screenshots; Videos; Forum; News See All. Journey and The Unfinished Swan Coming to PS4. Tuesday, August 12, 2014. by Lee ...

  11. Journey: 100% Achievements Guide

    Published on: June 22, 2020 by Robins Chew. This guide will provide all the information you need to know to obtain every achievement Journey. Rebirth. Rebirth. Finish the game and return to the beginning. Reach on top of the mountain and complete the game, after watching the credits you will automatically receive this achievement.

  12. Journey for PlayStation 3

    Description. The pioneers that brought you the award-winning PlayStation Network titles flOw & Flower are back with another title that challenges traditional gaming conventions. With Journey, thatgamecompany (TGC) continues its tradition of delivering simple gameplay and accessible controls in a rich interactive environment that invites players ...

  13. Trophies

    In many video games, trophies (or achievements) are made to encourage players to try different things. Journey is an outstanding game, but trophies still will help you to learn more about it and find/search for the Easter eggs, etc. . You will get most of the Journey trophies by just playing and following an experienced Journeyer.It's a joy for them to share and show you the Symbols and ...

  14. PSNProfiles • PSN Trophy Tracking, Stats, Guides & Leaderboards

    Learn how to get all 14 trophies in Journey, a beautiful and emotional adventure game, with this detailed guide from PSNProfiles.

  15. Journey (PS3) Trophies

    How long does it take to complete all the trophies in Journey? It takes between 6 and 8 hours to complete the trophies in Journey. Full list of all 14 Journey trophies - 11 bronze, 2 silver and 1 gold. It takes around 6-8 hours to unlock all of the trophies on PlayStation 3.

  16. Journey

    Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide. Journey is an easy game in terms of trophies that combine offline with online trophies: Complete all the chapters and find the 10 ancient glyphs and the 21 glowing symbols. Chapter 2: Cross the broken bridge without completely rebuilding it. Chapter 3: Find the hidden desert flower, Discover all 7 cloth creatures.

  17. Journey Collector's Edition Achievements for PlayStation 3

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  19. Threshold

    Threshold - Journey Guide - IGN. This trophy is obtainable in the second level of the game. If you have already beaten the game you may skip directly to that level at any time by pausing, hitting ...

  20. About the Wonder trophy… : r/JourneyPS3

    To grind, warp to the hub, and follow the normal path into the bridge level. Camp on the bridge level by one of the large scarfs needed to repair the bridge, knowing that normal players would have to pass by to complete the level. (Do not repair any of the bridge yourself.) From here, let the game sit on the screensaver for 15-20 minutes at a ...

  21. Journey

    without it. Before you even start the game, go to the settings menu of your PS3 and. move the clock foward seven days. Then start a new game in Journey to get. [RETURN]. Feel free to adjust your clock back whenever. Firstly, print out the collectables guide above and keep it by your side. We're.

  22. Journey Trophies

    How many Journey trophies are there? There are 14 Trophies to unlock in Journey. Of these trophies, 1 Gold, 2 Silver, 11 Bronze.