Nuna sena aire Manual

  • Nuna Manuals
  • Play Sets & Playground Equipment

Nuna sena aire Manual

  • Instructions manual (23 pages)
  • Manual (15 pages)
  • page of 76 Go / 76

Table of Contents

  • Product Registration
  • Child Usage Requirements
  • Opening the Nuna Travel Cot
  • To Set up the Bassinet
  • To Set up the Travel Cot
  • Cleaning and Maintenance
  • Exigences D'utilisation Par Les Enfants
  • Enregistrement du Produit
  • Avertissements
  • Liste des Pièces
  • Ouvrir Le Lit de Voyage Nuna
  • Pour Installer Le Berceau
  • Pour Installer Le Lit de Voyage
  • Nettoyage Et Maintenance
  • Productregistratie
  • Vereisten Kindergebruik
  • De Mandenwieg in Elkaar Zetten
  • De Nuna-Reiswieg Openmaken
  • Onderdelenlijst
  • De Reiswieg Opbergen
  • De Reiswieg Opvouwen
  • Reiniging en Onderhoud
  • Anforderungen an die Nutzung mit Kind
  • Produktregistrierung Sämtliche
  • Warnhinweise
  • Korbwiege Aufstellen
  • Nuna-Reisebett Öffnen
  • Reisebett Aufstellen
  • SENA Aire Anweisungen
  • Registrazione del Prodotto
  • Requisiti DI Utilizzo da Parte del Bambino
  • Apertura del Lettino da Viaggio Nuna
  • Come Installare la Culla
  • Elenco Componenti
  • Pulizia E Manutenzione
  • Registro del Producto
  • Requisitos de Los Niños para Su Uso
  • Advertencias
  • Abrir la Cuna de Viaje de Nuna
  • Lista de Piezas
  • Montaje de la Cuna de Viaje
  • Montaje del Moisés
  • Limpieza y Mantenimiento


Available languages

  • ENGLISH, page 1
  • FRANÇAIS, page 12
  • ESPAÑOL, página 40
  • DEUTSCH, seite 26
  • ITALIANO, pagina 33
  • DUTCH, pagina 19
  • POLSKI, strona 69
  • 조선말/한국어, 61페이지

Quick Links

  • 1 To Set up the Bassinet
  • 2 Cleaning and Maintenance
  • Download this manual
  • Français 12
  • Italiano 33

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Summary of Contents for Nuna sena aire

  • Page 2 Designed around your life...

Page 5: Table Of Contents

Page 6: product information, page 7: warnings.

  • Page 8 NEVER use this product if there are any loose or WARNING Do not use more than one mattress missing fasteners, loose joints, broken parts, or in the SENA aire travel cot. Only use the base torn mesh/fabric. Check before assembly and mattress supplied by the manufacturer for use periodically during use.

Page 9: Parts List

Page 10: cleaning and maintenance.

  • Page 11 NEVER use the mattress without the boards installed. Once boards are installed in their correct slots, refasten the zipper. ©2018 Nuna International B.V. Nuna and all associated logos are trademarks. SENA aire Instructions SENA aire Instructions...
  • Page 12 CONSERVEZ CES Exigences d’utilisation par les enfants INSTRUCTIONS POUR Avertissements UNE UTILISATION Liste des pièces Ouvrir le lit de voyage Nuna FUTURE! Pour installer le berceau LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT Pour installer le lit de voyage Plier et ranger le lit de voyage Fixer le drap (sur certains modèles)

Page 13: Informations Sur Le Produit

Page 14: avertissements.

  • Page 15 Dès que l’enfant peut se mettre en position assise, le qui ne sont pas répertoriés dans le manuel du propriétaire. matelas du lit de voyage SENA aire doit être utilisé dans sa position la plus basse Qui est la position la plus sûre.

Page 16: Liste Des Pièces

Page 17: nettoyage et maintenance.

  • Page 18 N’utilisez JAMAIS le matelas sans les planches installées. Une fois les planches installées dans leurs emplacements corrects, refermez la fermeture éclair. ©2018 Nuna International B.V. Nuna et tous les logos associés sont des marques commerciales. Instructions pour SENA aire Instructions pour SENA aire...
  • Page 19 BEWAREN VOOR LATER Onderdelenlijst GEBRUIK. De Nuna-reiswieg openmaken De mandenwieg in elkaar zetten AANDACHTIG LEZEN De reiswieg in elkaar zetten De reiswieg opvouwen De reiswieg opbergen Het laken vastmaken (op bepaalde modellen) Reiniging en onderhoud SENA aire Instructies SENA aire Instructies...

Page 20: Productinformatie

  • Page 21 Pas de reiswieg NIET aan en voeg geen accessoires toe die niet worden vermeld in de handleiding. Niet-naleving van deze waarschuwingen en de instructies De NUNA SENA aire-reiswieg is NIET bedoeld voor kan ernstig letsel of de dood veroorzaken. commercieel gebruik. Voeg NOOIT een matras, kussen, Zorg ervoor dat het product volledig in elkaar is gezet deken of opvulling toe.
  • Page 22 SENA aire-reiswieg legt. mandenwieg. Stel de SENA aire-reiswieg NIET af terwijl uw kind erin zit. Tous les raccords de montage doivent toujours être Voeg niets toe aan de binnenzijde van de SENA aire- correctement serrés et que les raccords doivent être vérifiés...

Page 23: Onderdelenlijst

Page 24: de reiswieg opvouwen, page 25: reiniging en onderhoud.

  • Page 26 DIESE ANWEISUNGEN Anforderungen an die nutzung mit kind ZUM KÜNFTIGEN Warnhinweise NACHSCHLAGEN Teileliste AUFBEWAHREN! Nuna-Reisebett öffnen Korbwiege aufstellen SORGFÄLTIG LESEN Reisebett aufstellen Reisebett zusammenklappen und lagern Laken anbringen (bei bestimmten Modellen) Reinigung und Pflege SENA aire Anweisungen SENA aire Anweisungen...

Page 27: Produktinformationen

Page 28: warnhinweise.

  • Page 29 Sie kleinen Kindern nicht, unbeaufsichtigt in der Nähe der Kind darin liegt. Korbwiege zu spielen. Legen Sie nichts in das SENA aire-Reisebett, womit Ihr Kind Die Babyschale sollte in der fixierten Position verriegelt sein, herausklettern könnte; legen Sie auch keine Gegenstände wenn das Kind darin nicht beaufsichtigt wird.

Page 30: Teileliste

  • Page 31 - Umwickeln Sie die Einheit mit der Matratze, stecken Sie die Haken und Schlaufen durch die Ringe und befestigen Sie sie. (14) - Stülpen Sie die Tasche über die Einheit und ziehen Sie den Tunnelzug zusammen. (15) SENA aire Anweisungen...

Page 32: Reinigung Und Pflege

  • Page 33 ATTENZIONE Come installare il lettino da viaggio Come piegare e conservare il lettino da viaggio Come inserire il lenzuolo (solo in alcuni modelli) Pulizia e manutenzione Istruzioni del lettino da viaggio SENA aire Istruzioni del lettino da viaggio SENA aire...

Page 34: Informazioni Sul Prodotto

Page 35: avvertenza.

  • Page 36 Non utilizzare un secondo soffocamento o aggrovigliamento. materasso sopra questo. Pericolo di soffocamento. Non mettere il lettino da viaggio SENA aire vicino a un altro Tutti i raccordi di montaggio devono essere sempre serrati prodotto che potrebbe fungere da appoggio o costituire...

Page 37: Elenco Componenti

  • Page 38 - Avvolgere l’unità con il materasso, guidare il gancio e le cinghie negli anelli e fissarli. (14) - Infilare la sacca sopra l’unità e tirare i lacci per stringerli. (15) Istruzioni del lettino da viaggio SENA aire Istruzioni del lettino da viaggio SENA aire...

Page 39: Pulizia E Manutenzione

  • Page 40 LÉALAS DETENIDAMENTE Montaje del moisés Montaje de la cuna de viaje Plegar y guardar la cuna de viaje Colocar la sábana (en algunos modelos) Limpieza y mantenimiento Instrucciones del cuna de viaje SENA aire Instrucciones del cuna de viaje SENA aire...

Page 41: Informações Do Produto

Page 42: advertencias.

  • Page 43 No añada nada al interior de la cuna de viaje SENA aire que ADVERTENCIA Utilice únicamente el colchón que se vende permita al niño trepar, ni ningún objeto que pueda provocar con esta cuna de viaje, no añada otro colchón a este, ya que...

Page 44: Lista De Piezas

  • Page 45 (14) - Coloque la bolsa sobre el producto y tire del cordón al mismo tiempo. (15) Instrucciones del cuna de viaje SENA aire Instrucciones del cuna de viaje SENA aire...

Page 46: Limpieza Y Mantenimiento

  • Page 47 目錄 產品資訊 保固與售後服務 保固條件 聯絡我們 請妥善保存本說明書 適用年齡 以備不時之需! 警告 使用產品前請仔細閱讀本 紙箱內含物 說明書,並妥善保存說明 打開嬰兒床 書以便日後參考。 組裝吊床 安裝嬰兒床 收合和收納嬰兒床 安裝床墊罩(在特定型號上) 維護與保養 SENA aire 說明書 SENA aire 說明書...
  • Page 48 產品名稱: __________________________________________ 知您對Nuna產品的意見和建議。 生產日期: __________________________________________ 保固與售後服務 委 製 商: 巧兒宜國際股份有限公司 產品於保固期間內發生問題,請與零售商聯 進 口 商: 巧兒宜國際股份有限公司 絡;若零售商無法提供服務,他們會連絡當地 地 址: 台北市內湖區瑞光路431號2樓 的NUNA經銷商。請留意嬰兒床底部的的產品 電 話: 02-27973000 型號與生產日期序號。當有保固需求時,請提 統一編號: 52603333 供以上產品資訊。請至nuna.eu網站登記您購 買的產品。 適用年齡 保固條件 為防止跌落的危險,本產品專為以下小朋友設計: 保固始於產品購買日,我們提供維修服務,但 年齡:從新生兒開始 不提供產品退換。保固期限不會因零件更換或 維修而延長。Nuna有權利針對產品進行改善 身高:不超過86cm 設計,此前製造的產品則無更換義務。 體重:不超過15kg 相關保固資訊,詳見官網: 當小朋友能爬出嬰兒床時,請停止使用本產品。 SENA aire 說明書 SENA aire 說明書...
  • Page 49 500mm,將床墊置於吊床內時,床墊上表面 小朋友在嬰兒床內時,請勿移動嬰兒床。 到嬰兒床頂端的距離應不小於200mm。 請勿將本產品置於明火或其他熱源附近,如 警告:最低位置是安全的,只要孩子長到足 電爐、煤氣灶等。 以能坐、跪或站起,床鋪面總是應該處在最 每次使用本產品前,請檢查嬰兒床是否損 低位置下使用。 壞、零件部件是否丟失、是否有銳邊,並確 只能在嬰兒床內放置一張床墊,且只能搭配 認所有固定裝置都已正確安裝。請隨時檢查 Nuna原廠專門配備的床墊使用! 螺絲是否鬆動,因為小朋友的身體或衣服 (如繩子、項鏈、洋娃娃的絲帶等)會被夾 請勿讓小朋友爬出嬰兒床或把外袋當玩具玩 到,從而導致勒斃危險。 耍!!當小朋友能夠坐立、爬行或站立時, 請停止使用吊床。 若發現任何零件損傷、撕裂或遺失時,請立 即停止使用本產品。僅可使用Nuna原廠提供 只能在吊床內放置一張床墊,吊床只能搭配 Nuna原廠專門配備的床墊使用! 的零件維修嬰兒床! 本產品只能搭配NUNA原廠專門配件使用! 吊床未組裝到嬰兒床上時,請勿使用! 請勿在嬰兒床內放置任何可讓小朋友爬出嬰 無人看管時,請勿讓小朋友在吊床附近玩耍。 兒床、或可能導致窒息或勒斃危險的物品! 所有組裝連接固定件應正確的固定且必要時必 請勿將嬰兒床置於可讓小朋友腳踏或可以導 須定期對這些固定鍵進行檢查及重新固定。 致窒息或勒斃危險的物品附近,如繩子或窗 簾鏈子等! SENA aire 說明書 SENA aire 說明書...
  • Page 50 打開嬰兒床 紙箱內含物 1 - 打開嬰兒床時,鬆開床墊上的黏扣帶,並 使用之前請確保本產品有包含所有零件。產品 展開床墊。(1) 需成年人組裝。 2 - 將嬰兒床低的兩側向外推。(2) 工具︰不需要工具 3 - 穿過吊床按壓嬰兒床底中央,壓下嬰兒床 1 嬰兒床 3 外袋 內的底部收合塑膠。(3) 2 床墊 4 床墊罩 確保床架的底座有被完全推下至地面。 組裝吊床 1 - 安裝時床墊軟的一面須始終朝上,吊床安 裝完成。(4) 安裝嬰兒床 1 - 從吊床內移出床墊。解開四邊中間的鐵片 上的吊床固定鈕扣。(5) 2 - 解開四個角落布環固定的安全扣。(6) 3 - 拆下吊床,並且妥善保存。(7) 4 - 將床墊置入嬰兒床底時,請將床墊上黏扣 帶 穿過嬰兒床內的孔,並黏緊黏扣帶。(8) SENA aire 說明書 SENA aire 說明書...
  • Page 51 安裝床墊罩 5 - 將帶子穿過嬰兒床底部的孔,然後繞過管 件並扣合,其他幾個角重複以上步驟。(9) 警告 按壓床墊的四個角落,黏牢床墊與嬰兒床的 黏扣帶。 為防止窒息或纏繞危險,床墊罩有牢固的固定 在床墊上才可以使用。(16) 收合嬰兒床 1 - 將床墊罩套在床墊上,請確保床墊罩有牢 1 - 解開黏扣帶。將床墊從嬰兒床內取出。(10) 固地連接在四個角上。(17) 2 - 將嬰兒床底部的織帶拉起。吊床在嬰兒床 2 - 將裝有床墊罩的床墊放置在吊床內時,請 上時,可穿過吊床底部中間的開口,拉起 確保床墊罩上的四對黏扣帶有牢固地連接 織帶。(11) 在嬰兒床的四個角上。(18) 3 - 將嬰兒床四面向中間緩緩靠攏。請勿強迫 靠攏。(12) 收納嬰兒床 1 - 收納嬰兒床前,需先將嬰兒床收合。(13) 2 - 用床墊包住收合的床架,並黏合床墊上的 黏扣帶。(14) 3 - 將產品放入帶子內並拉緊繩子。(15) SENA aire 說明書 SENA aire 說明書...
  • Page 52 維護與保養 維護與保養(床墊) 可用沾上肥皂水的海綿擦拭嬰兒床。座布不可 清洗床墊前,需將拉鏈拉開,然後將床板抽出。 移除。請勿浸泡。請勿使用漂白劑或強腐蝕性 洗滌劑。 清洗床墊前請將拉鏈拉起來。可以用溫和的家 用肥皂清洗床墊並晾乾。不可使用漂白劑。 使用或收納本產品前,須使產品完全乾燥。請 勿將本產品曝露在熱源附近或陽光下。 重新安裝床 板,將床墊黑 吊床和外袋可用溫水和家用肥皂洗滌並晾乾。 色板上的數字 請勿使用漂白劑。 與床板上的標 對應安裝。 如圖,床板安 裝時數字要朝 上。 沒有安裝床 板的床墊不可 以使用。 將床板安裝到 正確的槽內後 拉上拉鏈。 ©2018 Nuna International B.V.Nuna及所有相關徽標皆為商標。 SENA aire 說明書 SENA aire 說明書...
  • Page 53 目錄 產品資訊 保固與售後服務 保固條件 聯絡我們 請妥善保存本說明書 適用年齡 以備不時之需! 警告 使用產品前請仔細閱讀說 有害物質限量要求 明書,並妥善保存說明書 紙箱內含物 以便日后參考。 打開嬰兒床 組裝吊床 安裝嬰兒床 收合和收納嬰兒床 安裝床墊罩(在特定型號上) 維護與保養 保修與售後服務 SENA aire 說明書 SENA aire 說明書...
  • Page 54 知您對Nuna產品的意見和建議。 生產日期: ___________________________________________ 請撥打服務熱線 86-21-53087553 保固與售後服務 製 造 商: Nuna international Bv 產品於保固期間內發生問題,請與零售商聯 地 址: De Beeke 8, 5469 DW, 絡;若零售商無法提供服務,他們會聯絡當地 ERP The Netherlands 的NUNA經銷商。請留意嬰兒床底部的產品型 生產企業: 明門(中國)幼童用品有限公司 號與生產日期序號。當有保固需求時,請提供 地 址: 廣東省東莞市清溪鎮銀湖工業區 以上產品資訊。請至nuna.eu網站登記您購買 郵 編: 523648 的產品。 電 話: 86-769-87733251 銷 售 商: 巧兒宜(中國)有限公司 保固條件 地 址: 上海市黃浦區徐家匯路610號 保固始於產品購買日,我們提供維修服務,但 日月光中心辦公樓16層01室 不提供產品退換。保固期限不會因零件更換或 郵 編: 200025 維修而延長。Nuna有權利針對產品進行改善設 計,此前製造的產品則無更換義務。 電 話: 86-21-53087551 傳 真: 86-21-53087552 相關保固資訊,詳見官網: 材 質: 塑膠、五金、布 執行標準: GB 29281-2012 《游戲圍欄及類似用途童床的安全要求》 質量等級: 合格品 SENA aire 說明書 SENA aire 說明書...
  • Page 55 警告 Nuna嬰兒床擁有專利,並符合國家安全標準 防止跌落的危險,本產品專為以下小朋友設計: GB 29281-2012相關規範。 年齡:從新生兒開始 請務必依照產品說明書和警告以避免導致嚴重 身高:不超過86cm 傷害甚至是死亡事件發生。 體重:不超過15kg !請隨時照看好您的小朋友,切勿讓小朋友單 當小朋友能爬出嬰兒床時,請停止使用本產品。 獨留在嬰兒床內而無人看護! !將小朋友放入嬰兒床前,請確保嬰兒床已完 全直立,所有鎖定裝置都已完全鎖定! !小朋友在嬰兒床內時,請勿移動嬰兒床。 !請勿將本產品置於明火或其他熱源附近,如 電爐、煤氣灶等。 !每次使用本產品前,請檢查嬰兒床是否損 壞、零件部件是否丟失、是否有銳邊,並確 認所有固定裝置都已正確安裝。請隨時檢 查螺絲是否鬆動,因為小朋友的身體或衣服 (如繩子、項鏈、洋娃娃的絲帶等)會被夾 到,從而導致勒斃危險。 !若發現任何零件損傷、撕裂或遺失時,請立 即停止使用本產品。僅可使用Nuna原廠提供 的零件維修嬰兒床! SENA aire 說明書 SENA aire 說明書...
  • Page 56 以能坐、跪或站起,床鋪麵總是應該處在最 !請勿在嬰兒床內放置任何可讓小朋友爬出嬰 低位置下使用。 兒床、或可能導致窒息或勒斃危險的物品! !只能在嬰兒床內放置一張床墊,且只能搭配 !請勿將嬰兒床置於可讓小朋友腳踏、或可以 NUNA原廠專門配備的床墊使用! 導致窒息或勒斃危險的物品附近,如繩子或 窗簾鏈子等! !請勿讓小朋友爬出嬰兒床或把外袋當玩具玩 耍! !請在水平地面上使用本產品。 !當小朋友能夠坐立、爬行或站立時,請停止 !本產品必須配合床墊使用。 使用吊床。 !請遠離小朋友組裝和收合本產品,收合後須 !只能在吊床內放置一張床墊,吊床只能搭配 存放到小朋友接觸不到的地方。 Nuna原廠專門配備的床墊使用! !無人看管時,請勿讓小朋友在嬰兒床附近玩 耍。 !吊床未組裝到嬰兒床上時,請勿使用! !為安全使用本產品,床墊長度和寬度應分別 !無人看管時,請勿讓小朋友在吊床附近玩 大於94cm和67.3cm,只有滿足此條件,床 耍。 墊和嬰兒床四周的空隙才不會超過30mm。 !所有組裝連接固定件應正确固定且必要時必 床墊的厚度須滿足以下條件︰將床墊置於嬰 須定期對這些固定件進行檢查及重新固定。 兒床底部時,床墊上表面到嬰兒床頂端的 距離應不小於500mm,將床墊置於吊床內 時,床墊上表面到嬰兒床頂端的距離應不小 於200mm。 SENA aire 說明書 SENA aire 說明書...
  • Page 57 耐干磨擦 ≥4级 耐唾液 (变色/沾色 ≥4级 ) 禁用 可分解致癌芳香胺染料 未检出 (≤20毫克/千克) 本产品 1.5 毫克/升 木制品 甲醛释放量 不适用 a 后续加工中必须要经过湿处理的非最终产品, pH值可放宽至 4.0~10.5 之间 。 b 对需要经洗涤褪色工艺的非最终产品,本色及漂白产品不要求; 扎染 、 蜡染 等传统的手工着色 产品不要求;耐唾液色牢度仅考核婴幼儿纺织产品。 本产品所有原料特性符合GB 29281的相关要求, 为了避免因使用不当 对消费者产生不利影响, 请勿让小孩啃咬本产品。 SENA aire 說明書 SENA aire 說明書...
  • Page 58 按壓床墊的四個角落,粘牢床墊與嬰兒 展開床墊。(1) 床的粘扣帶。 2 - 將嬰兒床低的兩側向外推。(2) 收合嬰兒床 3 - 穿過吊床按壓嬰兒床底中央,壓下嬰兒床 1 - 解開粘扣帶。將床墊從嬰兒床內取 內的底部收合塑膠。(3) 出。(10) 確保床架的底座有被完全推下至地面。 2 - 將嬰兒床底部的織帶拉起。吊床在嬰兒床 上時,可穿過吊床底部中間的開口,拉起 組裝吊床 織帶。(11) 1 - 安裝時床墊軟的一面須始終朝上,吊床安 3 - 將嬰兒床四面向中間緩緩靠攏。請勿強迫 裝完成。(4) (12) 靠攏 。 安裝嬰兒床 收納嬰兒床 1 - 從吊床內移出床墊。解開四邊中間的鐵片 1 - 收納嬰兒床前,需先將嬰兒床收合。(13) 上的吊床固定鈕扣。(5) 2 - 用床墊包住收合的床架,並粘合床墊上的 2 - 解開四個角落布環固定的安全扣。(6) 粘扣帶。(14) 3 - 拆下吊床,並且妥善保存。(7) 3 - 將產品放入袋子內并拉緊繩子。(15) 4 - 將床墊置入嬰兒床底時,請將床墊上粘扣 帶 穿 過嬰兒床內的孔,並粘緊粘扣帶。(8) SENA aire 說明書 SENA aire 說明書...
  • Page 59 用肥皂清洗床墊并晾干。不可使用漂白劑。 1 - 將床墊罩套在床墊上,請確保床墊罩有牢 重新安裝床 固地連接在四個角上。(17) 板,將床墊黑 2 - 將裝有床墊罩的床墊放置在吊床內時,請 色板上的數字 確保床墊罩上的四對粘扣帶有牢固地連接 與床板上的標 在嬰兒床的四個角上。(18) 對應安裝。 如圖,床板安 維護與保養 裝時數字要朝 上。 可用沾上肥皂水的海綿擦拭嬰兒床。座布不可 移除。請勿浸泡。請勿使用漂白劑或強腐蝕性 沒有安裝床 洗滌劑。 板的床墊不可 以使用。 使用或收納本產品前,須使產品完全乾燥。請 勿將本產品暴露在熱源附近或陽光下。 將床板安裝到 正確的槽內後 吊床和外袋可用溫水和家用肥皂洗滌並晾干。 拉上拉鏈。 請勿使用漂白劑。 ©2018 Nuna International B.V. Nuna及所有相 關徽標皆為商標。 SENA aire 說明書 SENA aire 說明書...
  • Page 60 뉴나 세나에어 사용 요건 경고 부품 리스트 뉴나 세나에어 트래블 콧(본체) 설치 방법 뉴나 세나에어 아기침대(요람) 사용 방법 뉴나 세나에어 트래블 콧(본체) 접기 및 보관 방법 124 커버 시트 장착 방법 청소 및 유지 SENA aire 지침 SENA aire 지침...
  • Page 61 품질 보증서비스가 제공됩니다. 연락 전 구매 증 아이가 뉴나 세나에어 아기침대에서 밖으로 스스로 빙자료, 모델번호 및 일련번호를 준비해 주십시 나올 수 있을 경우 제품 사용을 중단해 주십시오. 오. 품질 보증을 위해 방문해주시기 바랍니다. SENA aire 지침 SENA aire 지침...
  • Page 62 항상 평평한 바닥에서 제품을 사용해 주십시오. 하며, 각 모서리의 버클이 잘 끼워졌는지, 매트리 스가 잘 펼쳐졌는지 등을 꼭 확인하신 후 사용해 뉴나 세나에어 아기침대 트래블콧(본체)을 조립 주십시오. 하거나 접을 때, 항상 아이들로부터 멀리 떨어진 곳에서 진행해 주십시오. SENA aire 지침 SENA aire 지침...
  • Page 63 품이 깨졌을 때, 소재가 찢어졌을 경우 절대로 사 하지 마십시오. 용하지 마십시오. 아이가 제품에 올라가 있거나 앉아 있을 때는 뉴나 사용 기간 동안 정기적으로 본 제품을 확인하시 세나에어 트래블 콧(본체)을 이동하지 마십시오. 고 뉴나에서 승인한 제품만 사용해 주십시오. SENA aire 지침 SENA aire 지침...
  • Page 64 경고! 세나 에어에서 제공되는 매트리스만 사용하시기 다! 후드 티에 있는 줄이나 노리개에 달린 줄 등 바라며, 질식사 위험으로 인해 세나 에어 매트리스 이 아기 목 주변에 위험할 수 있는 제품을 절대로 외의 추가 매트리스는 사용하지 마십시오. 놓지 마십시오! SENA aire 지침 SENA aire 지침...
  • Page 65 (요람) 사용 방법 1 - 매트리스를 올립니다. 아기침대(요람) 설치 가 끝났습니다. (4) 뉴나 세나에어 트래블 콧 (본체) 설치 방법 1 - 아기침대(요람)에서 매트리스를 제거합니다. 트래블 콧(본체)의 양끝에 있는 버클 4개를 풀어 아기침대(요람)을 제거합니다. (5) SENA aire 지침 SENA aire 지침...
  • Page 66 닥 부분이 잘 고정되었는지 확인하시기 바 보관 방법 랍니다. 1 - 세나 트래블 콧(본체) 프레임을 보관하기 위 해 프레임을 접습니다. (13) 2 - 매트리스를 말아 밸크로를 링에 걸어 붙입 니다. (14) 3 - 뉴나 세나에어 보관용 가방에 넣습니다. (15) SENA aire 지침 SENA aire 지침...
  • Page 67 2 - 시트가 장착되면 트래블 콧(본체)안에 매트 성세제로 세탁 가능하며 건조대에 걸어서 건조시 리스를 두시기 바랍니다. 4개의 밸크로가 시 켜 주시기 바랍니다. 표백제를 사용하지 마십시 트에 잘 부착되었는지, 트래블 콧(본체) 각 오. 모서리에 안전하게 장착되었는지 확인해 주 십시오. (18) SENA aire 지침 SENA aire 지침...
  • Page 68 숫자가 위로 올 라오게 설치하 셔야 합니다. 절대로 매트 리스를 보드 없 이 사용하지 마 십시오. 슬롯에 맞게 보 드가 들어가면 지퍼를 잠가 주십시오. ©2018 Nuna International B.V. Nuna 및 모든 관련 로고는 상표입니다. SENA aire 지침 SENA aire 지침...
  • Page 69 Instrukcję należy zachować Ostrzeżenia 133-136 do wykorzystania Lista części w przyszłości! Rozkładanie łóżeczka Nuna Montaż łóżeczka dla noworodka Czytaj uważnie Montaż łóżeczka turystycznego Składanie łóżeczka turystycznego Przechowywanie łóżeczka turystycznego Nakładanie prześcieradła Czyszczenie i konserwacja SENA aire instrukcja SENA aire instrukcja...
  • Page 70 Wzrost: 86 cm Wszystkie produkty zawierają numer modelu oraz serii produktu, które znajdują się pod spodem łóżeczka. Te dane Zaprzestań korzystania z łóżeczka turystycznego SENA aire będą potrzebne na wypadek roszczenia gwarancyjnego. wówczas, gdy dziecko zaczyna samodzielnie się wspinać. Aby zarejestrować swój produkt odwiedź stronę internetową:
  • Page 71 OSTRZEŻENIE Używaj łóżeczka dla noworodków tylko dla jednego dziecka naraz. Niedostosowanie się do poniższych instrukcji może Nie umieszczaj łóżeczka SENA aire w pobliżu innego spowodować poważny uszczerbek na zdrowiu, a nawet produktu, który może stanowić zagrożenie uduszenia jak śmierć. sznurki, zasłony itp.
  • Page 72 Nuna. Używanie grubszego kołyski. materaca lub materaca o innych rozmiarach może OSTRZEŻENIE Upewnij się, że łóżeczko SENA aire jest spowodować, że główka dziecka dostanie się pomiędzy w pełni rozłożone i wszystkie mechanizmy blokujące są materac i bok łóżeczka, co w rezultacie może spowodować...
  • Page 73 - Umieść materac na dole łóżeczka turystycznego. (8) - Przełóż taśmy przez odpowiednie otwory na rogach łóżeczka. Zapnij haczyki. (9) Naciśnij na każdy z czterech rogów materaca, aby upewnić się, że materac jest dobrze zamontowany na dnie łóżeczka. SENA aire instrukcja SENA aire instrukcja...
  • Page 74 UPEWNIJ SIĘ, że prześcieradło jest dobrze zabezpieczone z każdej strony. (17) - Kiedy prześcieradło jest nałożone na materac, umieść go w łóżeczku. UPEWNIJ SIĘ, że 4 haki i pętle naprześcieradle są zamontowane do 4 rogów łóżeczka. (18) SENA aire instrukcja SENA aire instrukcja...
  • Page 75 NIGDY nie używaj materaca bez zainstalowanych desek. Kiedy deski zostały zamontowane w odpowiednich miejscach, zapnij zamek. ©2018 Nuna International B.V. Nuna i wszystkie powiązane loga są zastrzeżonymi znakami towarowymi. SENA aire instrukcja...

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nuna sena aire travel cot instructions

Nuna Sena Aire travel cot review

nuna sena aire travel cot instructions

  • Katie Banks

In a nutshell

A sleek, premium travel cot offering excellent airflow and easy assembly with a centralised pulley system – but it is on the heavier side at just under 10kg

What we tested

  • Highly breathable sides and mattress, easy to assemble and pack down, organic cotton sheet included, stable with skid-proof feet
  • Heavy, higher price point 

Showing item 1 of 6

nuna sena aire travel cot instructions

Part of a collection by Dutch designers, the Nuna Sena Aire is a slick piece of high-quality kit for the top end of the travel cot market. It's one of the easiest travel cots to assemble, with a super nifty centralised pulley system.

With safety in mind, the Nuna Sena Aire also boasts an advanced air design – with a 360° transparent mesh around the crib – which means there’s maximum airflow and you can easily keep an eye on your baby, too. The foldable mattress also has 2 different levels of ventilation with a triple-layered mesh to keep your mind at rest.

Katie used the cot with her 3-month-old son. She tested it on overnight stays at friends’ houses in the UK (pre-Covid).

What were your first impressions of the Nuna Sena Aire?

I was really impressed that the Nuna Sena Aire could be assembled in a matter of seconds after pulling it out of the box, with no tools required. It looks sleek and substantial and the soft grey 'Frost' colour is very restful.


What age is it suitable for?

The cot can be used from birth until 15kg. There is also a warning to discontinue using the cot when your child is able to climb out.

How does it work as a crib and cot?

The travel cot works well as 2 separate products. The crib is perfect for my 3-month-old son and would definitely suit newborn babies. The deeper cot is ideal for toddlers and gives parents the additional opportunity to use it as a play pen.


How does it compare to other travel cots?

In comparison to the other popular travel cot brands, the Nuna Sena Aire is at the top end of the market price-wise at £180. The cheapest travel cots, such as the Red Kite Sleeptight Travel Cot , start at around £30 (available on Amazon ). But, it's worth remembering that with the Nuna Sena Aire you are buying a substantial piece of kit which is reflected in the quality – for example it has extensive padding and it’s raised off the ground with wide, skid-proof feet.

Keep in mind that the crib weighs just under 10kg, making it one of the heaviest compared to its competitors – the Littlelife Featherlite Travel Cot weighs just 3kg for example.

Most tend to sit in the 6-8kg weight range, such as the the BabyBjörn Travel Cot Light (£199.94 on Amazon ) which weighs 6kg. I have used the BabyBjorn Travel Cot Light and I find the Nuna Sena Aire easier to assemble as it has a centralised pulley system, whereas with the BabyBjorn you have to assemble all the legs individually. Also, the BabyBjorn isn’t as raised up from the ground.


How easy is it to see your baby when they’re in the Nuna Sena Aire?

It’s very easy to see my baby from every side, thanks to the grey mesh on all sides of the travel cot.


How easy is it to access your baby in the cot?

The cot is simple to access as both a crib and cot, and it offers a wide, comfortable space for my baby to sleep in.

How portable is the Nuna Sena Aire?

The cot is easy to put away by pulling up on the central hub and folding it away into a travel bag, which is included. I have also moved the cot around my house when it was fully assembled.

As the product is nearly 10kg, I think I would struggle to carry it over long distances as I’m quite small. Many customer reviews on Very and John Lewis were mainly written by grandparents, who kept the cot assembled for when their grandchildren visit.


How do you fold/unfold it?

To unfold the travel cot, you pull on the short sides of the frame and reach through the bassinet to push down on the central hub at the bottom of the travel cot.

The crib is attached by 4 clips in the corners of the travel cot and it is easy to convert from cot to crib.


How large and heavy is the travel cot when folded and unfolded?

The cot folds into an easy size to carry, although I do find it quite heavy. The unfolded cot is sizeable but can still be lifted. You can also drag it on its wide skid-proof feet without damaging any wooden floors!


How breathable is the mattress?

The foldable mattress has 2 different levels of ventilation with a triple-layered mesh, so it’s very breathable. You can even remove the plastic boards in the mattress to hand-wash it if you have an accident which is handy.


How durable does the Nuna Sena Aire feel?

The cot feels very sturdy and durable with an 8-leg frame. The material is thick and excellent quality. It definitely feels like a good investment that you could get years of use from, and it also has a free 2-year guarantee.

How easy is the Nuna Sena Aire to clean?

It's quite simple to clean. Nuna recommends spot-cleaning the cot with a sponge and mild soapy water as the covering material is not removable. You can remove the plastic boards in the mattress to hand-wash that.

What’s in the box?

  • The cot/crib
  • Organic cotton sheet for the mattress
  • Instruction manual

What would you have wanted to know before buying the cot?

I would have wanted to know the weight of the product as it is on the heavier side. It’s something to consider if you’re looking to carry the cot as hand luggage.

What's your favourite design element?

The ability to assemble the cot using one hand is particularly brilliant. There is absolutely no stress involved. Like many new mums, I have suffered from problems with my back and I love being able to use the crib as I don’t have to reach down as far to pick up my baby.


Does it offer good value for money?

The crib is priced at £180 from retailers such as John Lewis. Although it is one of the more expensive travel products on the market, you get amazing quality, design and peace of mind, so I feel it’s worth the investment. It’ll also take you through from newborn to toddler.

Are there any additional items you can buy?

As an add-on, Nuna offers a changer accessory (£50) so you can change your little one’s nappy on the cot and the brand also sells insect nets (£25) .

Where can I buy the Nuna Sena Aire?

It's available from Nuna , John Lewis and Very .

MadeForMums verdict:

The Nuna Sena Aire travel cot is a high-end, luxurious product – well worth the investment if you are a regular traveller. Enabling you to have a cot, crib and play area for your child, it is also extremely easy to set up and fold away, with a sleek and safe design. I found the cot to be quite heavy, which is its only disadvantage, but overall it is an impressive piece of kit.

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Nuna Sena Aire Travel Cot Review

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Nuna Sena Aire Travel Cot

‘It's easy to use and delivers a great night's sleep.’


Clever design


Pricey but an investment buy

Why you can trust GoodtoKnow. Our experienced Consumer Editor & parent reviewers spend hours testing products to help you make the best choice. Find out how we test and review products.

Darryl Baker and her 10-month-old daughter Cole tested the Nuna Sena Aire Travel Cot to see if it was worth flying off with.

The Nuna Sena Aire Travel Cot is as impressive as it sounds: clever design, multi-functional and with an emphasis on comfort. ‘My baby was on cloud nine – quite literally – in this cot,’ said Darryl, who reviewed it for our travel cots buying guide. 

The cot comes with two levels: a higher, newborn insert which means you can easily lift very little ones in and out, while the lower level works for older children or as a playpen.

Luxury was certainly in mind and the travel cot has a slick design and a thick, padded mattress. While Darryl found the cot to be quite heavy and thought it would be difficult to use if you were lacking in space in your car boot, she believes it's worth it's £200-plus price tag. It’s ‘the Rolls-Royce of travel cots,’ she said.

Nuna Sena Aire Travel Cot

VIEW AT VERY | £249.99

Weighs: 10kg | Age Range: Birth to 3 years

Unlike others on the market, the Nuna Sena Aire Travel Cot is genuinely easy to pop open and fold away again. This is because of its zig-zag leg design, which means it pushes into place and can be folded away with one hand. 

‘Anyone who's ever had a fight with a travel cot will appreciate how superior this function is,’ said tester Darryl. The sides have a stylish black/grey mesh design so your baby is always easy to see while also being cocooned.

The mattress that comes with it is lovely and padded, which again sets it apart from the hard surfaces many babies sleep on with other travel cots. 

The finishing touch? An organic cotton sheet is included which is soft and gentle, especially on allergy-prone skin. The only downside that our tester found was how big this travel cot is. ‘Its large size and considerable weight will cause issues if you have limited space or are travelling alone,’ she said. ‘A large duffle-like bag is provided, but I found it quite heavy and had my husband handle it.’

Comfort and features

The standout feature of this travel cot is that it has a smaller bassinet upper section which is perfect for newborns and means you don’t have to bend down into the cot. Darryl thought this idea was ‘genius’. When your baby gets bigger – or if you want to use it as a playpen – this upper section can be removed.

In terms of comfort, our tester could not find fault. Using a travel cot can often mean broken sleep even when the baby is sleeping through, but not with this cot and its emphasis on comfort really pays off. 

‘This really is luxury; in fact, my toddler looked on with a hint of envy when she had to sleep on a sofa bed during a recent night away,’ she said. ‘The Air design claims to provide "unparalleled relaxation" and if my 10-month-old could talk, she'd agree.’

Value for money

At just under £250, the Nuna Sena Aire sits in the premium travel cot category and Darryl joked that, if you’re off on holiday, ‘this luxury product deserves a luxury destination!’

It is a really clever and comfortable travel cot though, and it has a price that reflects this. Darryl said that it would suit parents for whom budget and space isn’t an issue and who need a great bed for their baby while away from home. The fact that the newborn insert can be removed and it can be transformed into a playpen for older children means that it can be used when you get home from your travels too.

You might also like to read our Joie Kubbie Sleep Travel Cot review – it’s our pick of the best travel cot overall, according to our parent reviews. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our baby product reviews .

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Charlotte Duck is an award-winning lifestyle and parenting journalist who writes who regularly writes for Tatler, the Evening Standard, Yahoo, and Hello Magazine about everything from royal hairstyles to fixed-rate mortgages. She was previously Kidswear Editor at M&S and worked in-house at Boden but, while she loves writing about beautiful children's clothes, she has three children who refuse to wear them. 

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nuna sena aire travel cot instructions

Nuna Sena Aire Travel Cot

Colour: charcoal.

  • Charcoal selected

Product code: 31503059

Put up. Put down. Transform any room into baby's room in seconds with the Sena Aire from Nuna. Whether it's a family get-together or baby's first holiday by the sea, SENA series is your indispensable travel companion.

Its clever zigzag leg design pops open easily into a soft, sturdy dreamland, and then refolds with just one hand for a quick getaway the next morning. Its revolutionary design is also evolutionary: growing beyond newborn through toddlerhood, and even doubling as a playspace. PLus, this cot comes complete with the mattress and even organic cotton sheets so you have everything you need right from the start.

Key Features:

  • Sets up and folds easily with one hand
  • The only cot whose upper cot folds with the frame
  • Above-ground base keeps baby draft-proof
  • Skid-proof feet keep sleep quiet and still
  • Unique zigzag frame pops cot open quickly and easily
  • Mesh sides, floor and mattress combine to create the advanced air design™, allowing air flow from every angle
  • Mattress's zip-off design is machine washer and dryer safe
  • Ventilated mattress pulls away both heat and humidity
  • Ventilated mattress panels easily remove for deep cleaning
  • No extras needed—even the organic sheet is included
  • Chic look—perfect for home and away
  • Travel bag included with easy carry handle

Suitable from birth to approximately 3 years (15kg).

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  1. SENA™ aire User Manual

    SENA™ aire User Manual Click the link/s for a printable version of the user manual. Nuna_SENAaire_IMG_0013I_ae3b.pdf 9 MB; Related articles. SENA™ User Manual; Nuna SENA™ vs SENA™ aire travel cot and playard; SENA™ aire: Sleep tight day & night | Travel Cot and Playard; LEAF™ User Manual;

  2. PDF Read all instructions BEFORE assembly and USE of product.

    Product Set Up 1 4. - To open the play yard frame, unfasten hook and loop straps from the mattress and unfold. - Pull the short sides of the play yard frame outward. - Reach through bassinet and push down on the center hub at the bottom of play yard. MAKE SURE bottom of play yard is pushed all the way to the floor.

  3. SENA™ User Manual

    Click the link/s for a printable version of the user manual. Nuna_SENA_GL_IMG_0023G_6247.pdf 9 MB; Related articles. SENA™ aire User Manual; Nuna SENA™ vs SENA™ aire travel cot and playard; SENA™ aire: Sleep tight day & night | Travel Cot and Playard; LEAF™ User Manual; TAVO™ next User Manual;


    Page 6 86 cm and that fittings should This product complies to EN16890:2017+A1:2021 If a sheet is used with the pad, use only the one provided by Nuna be checked regularly and Discontinue use of the SENA aire travel cot when the or one specifically designed to fit the dimension of the pad.

  5. PDF Read all instructions BEFORE assembly and USE of product

    e long strap from the loop on the play yard.4 - Remove the bassinet from play yard.5 - Place the mattress on the bottom of the Travel Play Y. rd by feeding the straps on the corners through the slits in the bottom of play yard.6 - Pull. trap through slits in the bot.


    - Once the sheet is attached place the mattress inside the travel cot. MAKE SURE that the four hook and loop patches on the sheet are securely attached to the four corners of the travel cot. (18) SENA aire Instructions SENA aire Instructions... Page 11 NEVER use the mattress without the boards installed. Once boards are installed in their ...

  7. Manuals

    CARI™ next Carry Cot User Manual; PEPP™ next User Manual; TAVO™ next User Manual; ... Travel & In-Home LEAF™ User Manual; SENA™ aire User Manual; SENA™ User Manual; ZAZZ™ User Manual; LEAF™ grow User Manual; CUDL™ User Manual; About Awards ...

  8. How to Set Up a Nuna SENA Aire Travel Crib

    Uncompromised air flow, easy folding and unfolding, and a sleek modern look -- this travel crib is a beaut. Ryan shows you how to set it up! 0:20 How to set ...

  9. PDF Read all instructions BEFORE assembly and USE of product

    SENATM aire. This product is suitable for use from birth with children who meet the following requirements: Weight: up to 30 lb (14 kg) maximum Height: 35 inches (890 mm) Discontinue use of the bassinet when child can push up on hands and knees (approximately 3-5 months) or weighs more than 15 lb (6.8 kg).

  10. How to Set Up a Nuna SENA Travel Crib

    How do you set up a Nuna SENA? We show you how step-by-step.*Note: This is a 2016 model. The Nuna SENA aire is the 2019 model. Here's a video on how to set u...

  11. PDF Read all instructions BEFORE assembly and USE of product.

    10 SENA aire mini instructions SENA aire mini instructions 11 Fall Hazard To help prevent falls, do not use this product when the infant begins to push up on hands and knees or has reached 15 lb (6.8 kg), whichever comes first. Strangulation Hazards Strings can cause strangulation! Do not place items with a string around a child's neck, such as

  12. Manuals

    DEMI™ grow Carry Cot User Manual; MIXX™ Carry Cot User Manual; MIXX™ next User Manual; ... TRIV™ Carry Cot User Manual; PEPP™ next User Manual; See all 8 articles Travel & In-Home CUDL™ User Manual; ... SENA™ aire User Manual; SENA™ User Manual; LEAF™ User Manual; Facebook YouTube Twitter Pinterest Instagram

  13. Nuna Sena Aire travel cot review

    In comparison to the other popular travel cot brands, the Nuna Sena Aire is at the top end of the market price-wise at £180. The cheapest travel cots, such as the Red Kite Sleeptight Travel Cot, start at around £30 (available on Amazon). But, it's worth remembering that with the Nuna Sena Aire you are buying a substantial piece of kit which ...

  14. SENA™ aire: Sleep tight day & night

    ZAAZ™ High Chair: Join the table & enjoy. SENA™ series: Sleep tight day & night | Travel Cot and Playard. SENA™ aire: Sleep tight day & night | Travel Cot and Playard. CUDL™ baby carrier: Keep them close | 4 positions. CUDL™ Baby Carrier: Keep them close | Demo | 9 months & older.

  15. Nuna SENA™ aire

    Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. $380.00. Out of stock Shop Local. Compare. Overview. A good night's sleep is in the palm of your hands. The SENA™ aire™ opens with just that—in seconds. Its Advanced air design™ provides 360° of ventilation for ultimate airflow and super-fresh, deep sleeps.

  16. PDF Read all instructions BEFORE assembly and USE of product.

    10 SENA™ aire instructions SENA™ aire instructions 11 Fall Hazard To help prevent falls, do not use this product when the infant begins to push up on hands and knees or has reached 15 lb (6.8 kg), whichever comes first. Strangulation Hazards Strings can cause strangulation! Do not place items with a string around a child's neck, such as

  17. Nuna Sena Aire Travel Cot Review

    Darryl Baker and her 10-month-old daughter Cole tested the Nuna Sena Aire Travel Cot to see if it was worth flying off with. The Nuna Sena Aire Travel Cot is as impressive as it sounds: clever design, multi-functional and with an emphasis on comfort. 'My baby was on cloud nine - quite literally - in this cot,' said Darryl, who reviewed ...

  18. SENA™ aire Features

    RECOMMENDED USE: Birth to 15 kg. Complies with European standard: EN 716. Factory certified ISO 14001 ISO 9001 OHSAS 18001. SIZE: L 103 x W 76 x H 73 cm. Folded: L 30 x W 24 x H 86 cm. Nuna_SENAaire_IMG_0013I_ae3b.pdf 9 MB. A good night's sleep is in the palm of your hands. The SENA™ aire opens with just that—in seconds.

  19. Comparison: SENA™ vs. SENA™ aire Travel Cot & Playard

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  20. Nuna Sena Aire Travel Cot

    Buy Nuna Sena Aire Travel Cot from our Travel Cots range at John Lewis & Partners. Free Delivery on orders over £50. ... Care instructions Please see instruction manual. Composition Metals, plastics and soft goods. Country of Origin China. Dimensions H73 x W76 x D103cm. (Folded: 30 x 24 x 86cm) Fitting Method Freestanding.

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    Less indoor air pollution. Less risk for chemical exposure. Healthier environment for all. Transform any room into baby's room—in seconds. SENA aire bassinet and play yard is your go-to travel companion. A unique zigzag leg design pops open easily and has a quick one-hand fold with or with or without bassinet. SENA aire's revolutionary ...

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    Conveniently hangs from the SENA™ aire™ for storing when not in use. Product specifications. Recommended use: Bassinet: Birth to 15 lb (approx. 5 months of age) Play yard: Birth to 30 lb or 35 in height. Changer: birth to 24 lbs (approximately 0-12 months) Playard dimensions. L 41.3 in.

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