• 20+ Fun Things to Do On a Long Bus Ride
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2.1 1. I Spy
  • 2.2 2. 20 Questions
  • 2.3 3. License Plate Game
  • 2.4 4. Word Chain
  • 2.5 5. Two Truths and a Lie
  • 2.6 6. Charades
  • 2.7 7. Story Building
  • 2.8 8. Would You Rather?
  • 2.9 9. Sing-Along
  • 2.10 10. Bus Bingo
  • 2.11 11. Guess the Song
  • 2.12 12. Tic Tac Toe
  • 2.13 13. Hangman
  • 2.14 14. Pictionary
  • 2.15 15. Hot Seat
  • 2.16 16. Memory Game
  • 2.17 17. Alphabet Game
  • 2.18 18. Riddle Me This
  • 2.19 19. Never Have I Ever
  • 2.20 20. Thumb Wrestling Tournament
  • 3.1 1. Window Art
  • 3.2 2. Karaoke
  • 3.3 3. Travel Journal
  • 3.4 4. Knitting or Crocheting
  • 3.5 5. Photography
  • 3.6 6. Card Tricks
  • 3.7 7. Origami
  • 3.8 8. Reading
  • 3.9 9. Coloring
  • 3.10 10. Meditation
  • 3.11 11. People Watching
  • 3.12 12. Stargazing
  • 3.13 13. Snacking
  • 3.14 14. Crafting
  • 3.15 15. Chatting
  • 3.16 16. Sketching
  • 3.17 17. Daydreaming
  • 3.18 18. Puzzle Books
  • 3.19 19. Learning
  • 3.20 20. Planning
  • 4 Key Takeaways


There’s a myriad of ways you can entertain yourself and others on a long bus ride. Kids, families, and adults can pass the time in a fun way with ease. All you need to do is know what the perfect game options are for your journey. And options are what we have in store for you today! If you’re about to embark on a long bus ride and you’re looking for ways to enjoy yourself during the trip, we’ve got you covered!

Fun Games to Play on a Bus Without Electronics (For Kids, Family, and Adults alike)

It’s a common misconception that you need electronics on a long bus ride to keep yourself entertained. But this is not advisable for extended periods of time because looking at a screen for too long during your trip can cause nausea or tiredness. To stay perky and fresh and have a great time doing so, here are 20 alternatives to digital devices. Let’s get started!

The “I Spy” game is an old classic. Since we know that there’s a lot to see when you’re on a bus, and especially if you’re on a long journey, this is the perfect game to kick off the fun. One person in your group looks around the bus (either inside or outside it) and picks an object. They then say “I spy with my little eye something beginning with …”. This first letter is everyone else’s clue as to what they should be looking out for. They then have to guess what the observed object is. And the best part? It’s fun and easy!

2. 20 Questions

“20 Questions” is another classic and fun game of wits. One person starts by thinking of something. This can be a famous place, person, movie, animal, or anything else. Use your imagination! Once you’ve thought of your “thing”, don’t tell anyone what it is. They have 20 tries to guess using yes or no questions which they ask you. You answer until either their 20 tries are up or until they figure out what your “thing” is.

3. License Plate Game

This one is for those who love road trips. It’s about looking at the passing cars and spotting number plates from different states. When you see a new or a different number plate, you’ll call it out and then write it in a list. The person with the most unique number plates wins the game.

4. Word Chain

Word chain is another fun game that engages the mind. One person starts by saying a word. The next person needs to say another word that starts with the last letter of the previous word. The trick is that there should be no words repeated. This chain can go on for quite a while and it’s a great way of staying entertained on your long bus journey.

5. Two Truths and a Lie

This is a great way to get to know your traveling companions a bit better. Once again, one person starts by telling three stories. Of these, two are true and one is a lie. The trick is for the others to guess which of the three stories is a lie. Whoever guesses right can be the one to go next.

6. Charades

Often played at home with friends and family, this game has been around for decades and continues to entertain young and old alike today. Instead of keeping it confined to the comfort of your home, why not take Charades with you on the bus? You don’t need anything to prepare for it. All you need to do is act out a word without speaking. Now, it’s everyone else’s turn to guess what that word is. What makes this game extra fun is that it’s really entertaining watching people’s silent acting on a moving bus.

7. Story Building

Great for groups, this is also the perfect way to stimulate one’s imagination. The story-building game starts with one person beginning a story—-any story—-with a single sentence. Go around from person to person and each one adds their own unique element of imagination to the story. It can turn out funny, scary, serious, or plain old romantic. Let your imaginations go wild with this one!

8. Would You Rather?

Sparking cool debates, the “Would you rather…?” game is exactly what the name suggests. You pick two different alternatives to something and then discuss your answers. For example, you can ask your bus mates “Would you rather have wings or gills?” or “Would you rather be Batman or Superman?”. The options are absolutely endless and the discussions that ensue can be quite entertaining.

9. Sing-Along

Sing-alongs are a fun way to pass the time on a long bus trip, too. Simply pick a well-known song to sing along to and everyone joins in. It’s a fantastic way of creating joyful noise, even if the sound is quite off-key. Sometimes, that’s the best part about it.

10. Bus Bingo

For bus bingo, you’ll need a little prior preparation. But it’s not hard. You’ll simply need a few pieces of paper with things you may see on the road. You’ll then need to look out the window and identify the things outside that match your bingo card. The first person to spot all of them and get a line wins. And remember, your lines can be as long as you want; three is usually the shortest while you can go upwards of five for more complex bus bingo games. It all depends on your companions and what age group they’re in.

11. Guess the Song

This musical challenge can be an awesome way to have some fun while stimulating the brain. It takes careful listening and quick thinking. One person chooses a song and hums or whistles it. It’s up to everyone else to guess what the song is. The person who answers correctly the fastest can be the next one to choose a song to hum or whistle and so the game continues.

12. Tic Tac Toe

If you’ve brought a notebook with you, it’s time to take it out along with a pen for you and the partner you’re sitting next to on the bus. Draw the Tic Tac Toe grid on the paper. One person will be aiming to place Xs on the grid in a line of three while the other person will be aiming to place Os on the grid. Each person takes turns and the first one to get three in a row is the winner.

13. Hangman

You’ll once again need some paper and a pen for this game. You’ll need to think of a word and instead of saying it or writing it down, you’ll draw blank spaces on the page representing each of the letters. Everyone has a turn to guess one letter at a time. A right guess means that the letter is then written on the relevant blank space while a wrong guess leads to drawing a hangman.

14. Pictionary

Pictionary is fun to play and it can get as easy or as complex as you want. One person chooses a word and draws it on a piece of paper. Remember that there should be no letters or numbers on the picture drawn. Next, others have to guess what the word is based on the picture drawn. Although it can be easy to identify a rabbit, for example, some more complex words like “beautiful” can be harder to draw. That’s one of the reasons why this game is so much fun.

15. Hot Seat

With the hot seat game, one person is chosen to be in the “hot seat”. They become the center of attention as others ask them a bunch of questions, which they are required to answer. It’s a great way to get to know others and your questions can be as simple as “What is your favorite animal?” to something more complex such as “What is your favorite subject at school and why?”

16. Memory Game

Good for stimulating your memory and strengthening your brain muscle, this game starts with one person saying “I’m going on a trip and I’m bringing…”. The next person repeats what the first person says and adds an item. The third, fourth, and subsequent person do the same. The last person needs to say every single item in the same order as it was said by trying not to forget any of them. It calls for attention, listening, and memory skills.

17. Alphabet Game

The alphabet game requires that you pay attention to what you see outside the bus. You start in alphabetical order and try to find objects that start with each letter of the alphabet. “A” may stand for airplane or apple tree, while “B” can be for bus. Go in order of the alphabet and try to see how many objects you can identify this way, aiming to get the highest number possible.

18. Riddle Me This

You’ll need to be prepared ahead of time for this one, but it’s a great brain teaser and a wonderful way to get the mind thinking out of the box. All you need to do is ask a riddle that everyone around you tries to solve. This is a classic brain teaser that stimulates creative thinking and can spark interesting conversations.

19. Never Have I Ever

Another fun way to get to know your traveling companions is to play the “never have I ever” game. Everyone playing the game holds up their fingers. One person starts by saying something they’ve never done. However, if others have done that thing, one finger goes down for each thing they have done. The person with the most fingers up is the winner.

20. Thumb Wrestling Tournament

The last one on our list is to play the thumb war. You may know the intro to this challenge as “One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war. Five, six, seven, eight, try to keep your finger straight”. Here, two people pair up and lock their thumbs. Each one tries to pin the other’s thumb down. Although it may be silly, it’s also an incredibly fun challenge.

20 Fun Things to Pass the Time on a Long Bus Ride

bus tour activities

Whether you are traveling solo or in a group, there are other things to do on a long bus journey than stay glued to a screen. Take a look at some of our top ideas below.

1. Window Art

If the creative streak runs in you, you’ll want to bring along some washable window markers. Use these to doodle or write messages on the bus windows. This is temporary art with a great view and it’s a wonderful way of keeping yourself occupied while getting the creative juices flowing.

You may think that you need a karaoke machine for this one but that’s definitely not the case. Simply start your sing-along session with your voices and a whole lot of enthusiasm. Let it spread through the bus and give it your all!

3. Travel Journal

For the introspective ones, traveling can be a great time to ponder more serious thoughts. You can use a travel journal to write about your journey or even sketch interesting sights you see. Note down your observations, thoughts, or even cool conversations you may have had with others on the journey as a keepsake to help you visit the moment later on.

4. Knitting or Crocheting

It doesn’t take a lot to learn knitting or crocheting and if you already have the skills, bring along your yarn and needles and get creative. From beanies to scarves, blankets and so much more, you really have a whole world at your fingertips and you can use a wide range of colors to create your next masterpiece.

5. Photography

Photography is an incredible way to capture special moments. As the passing scenery changes almost unnoticeably, you’ll be able to capture interesting sights and changing landscapes with your camera. You can even post your creations on social media to help your friends follow the journey with you.

6. Card Tricks

Are you someone who loves the magic of magic? If so, you’ll definitely have some tricks up your sleeve (probably literally). So, why not impress your fellow travelers with some card or other ticks you know? As a great icebreaker, it’s also a wonderful way for you to practice and get better at this skill.

If you are good at the art of origami or you’d like to practice, then taking the time available during your long bus journey is a great way to do this. All you need to do is get some paper beforehand and start folding it into beautiful shapes. You can always give your fellow passengers your creations so that you create a friendly and cheerful atmosphere.

Immerse yourself into another world as you dive into a short story or your favorite novel. For this reason, you’ll need to bring along a good book or a magazine to enjoy as the miles roll by.

9. Coloring

Did you think that coloring books were just for children? Think again! There are literally thousands of adult coloring books that you can choose from with a myriad of patterns for you to color in. Bring along your pencils and go wild. It’s an incredibly therapeutic exercise as well.

10. Meditation

Practicing mindfulness or meditation is a great way to stay focused on the present moment and absorb everything around you with no judgment or fear. All you need to do is close your eyes, breathe deeply, and observe your thoughts as your mind starts to slow down and relax. The hum of the bus can be surprisingly calming and you’ll enjoy the relaxed feeling after.

11. People Watching

People watching doesn’t have to only take place in public places. You can get highly creative on the bus as well. Let your imagination run wild as you make up stories about fellow passengers. Where do you think they’re going? What do you think their story is?

12. Stargazing

If you’re going on an overnight bus journey, you should take full advantage of it. You should look out at the sky and try to find constellations. If you’re lucky, you may even spot a shooting star to make a wish upon.

13. Snacking

Long bus rides often mean that you’ll have packed snacks for the trip. When feeling peckish, go ahead and snack on your treats. It may even be nice to share and trade with others on the journey. It’s a great way to foster a cheerful atmosphere of sharing and kindness.

14. Crafting

Another excellent way to stay occupied and entertained on a long bus ride is by engaging in crafts. Simple ones such as beading or making friendship bracelets can certainly be done on the move and you’ll not only love the result but so will the gift recipient.

15. Chatting

Whether you’re traveling in a group that you know or you are seeing unfamiliar faces on the bus shouldn’t worry you. There’s always something new to be learned about your fellow passengers and the best way to do so is by chatting with them and sharing stories and experiences.

16. Sketching

If you’ve got a creative flair, why not put your talents to good use? You can bring along a sketchbook and draw anything that catches your eye. This can include the scenery, people, or absolutely anything else.

17. Daydreaming

We often don’t have time to daydream anymore but this is a wonderful way of letting your mind wander. It’s amazing what interesting things you can come up with by simply letting your mind drift off in different directions. You can plan future events, go back in time and recollect the past, or simply let your imagination run free and see where it takes you. Some of your best ideas may be born out of daydreaming so it’s worth using the time you have in creative ways.

18. Puzzle Books

Puzzle books are another excellent investment in your long bus journey. You can do things like crossword puzzles, figure out the nine-line Sudoku, do word searches, or even scrambled letters to keep your mind engaged.

19. Learning

For those who like to make the most use of their time, why not use your time on the bus to learn something new? You can listen to a language course, practice a new skill, or do anything else that teaches you something you didn’t know before.

20. Planning

Our final tip for enjoying and making the most out of your long bus journey is to plan ahead. Use the time and space that you have to plan your activities once you reach your destination. Akin to an itinerary, you can decide where you’ll go, how long you’ll be there, and how you’ll travel while keeping interesting sights and sounds in mind so that you optimize your time on the bus.

Key Takeaways

Long bus journeys don’t have to feel long at all. Especially if you do fun and engaging things on the bus to keep your mind active and entertained. Whether you’re traveling in a group or solo doesn’t matter. You can always engage the other passengers to join in your suggested fun activity. From sing-alongs to guessing games, the options are almost limitless. Make new memories and friends on your trip because your bus journey just got a whole lot more fun and interesting. Not to mention unforgettable.

The Winding Road Tripper

17 Boredom-Busting Games to Play on a Bus

This post may include affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I (The Winding Road Tripper) earn from qualifying purchases.  Read more . 

A long bus ride can be one of the most iconic ways to experience a road trip, or it can be a tedious gauntlet through long hours with nothing to do. You can make sure your next bus trip is a blast with these games to play on a bus! 

You’ll not want to miss the bus on these 18 exciting games. 

1. Play I Spy

Alright, we know, this is one of those classic games to play on a bus that everyone has heard of, but have you ever really dug into it? 

I Spy has a lot of versatility. It’s not just that one-dimensional game you remember from your childhood. This is a game that you can mix up and cut loose with. Try adding time limits, creating I Spy themes, or just killing some time with a class road game. 

You probably know the rules, but all you need to do to play this game is pick something you and your friends can see and have them guess until they get it right. You’ll say, “I spy something that…” and add a clever clue that gives a subtle hint about what you’re looking at. 

The key to playing this game as an adult is to focus on those clever hints. That’s where the fun is! 

Was I Spy a little too basic? Let’s mix things up with some other road games. 

2. Exquisite Corpse

Exquisite Corpse doesn’t have the most appealing name, but it is an excellent game for stretching your artistic muscles when you’re stuck on a long bus ride. 

You play traditional Exquisite Corpse by starting part of a drawing and having your travel partner draw the next section. The goal is to create something together without compromising on your style. 

You don’t have to draw to play Exquisite Corpse. You can play this game with music, poetry, writing short stories, or any creative output. 

If you and your travel partner are artsy, Exquisite Corpse is the game you’ve been missing. 

3. Grab a Deck of Cards

There’s something about playing cards that just reminds you of the open road. They’re sold at every gas station and truck stop across the country—and you used to even get them for free as promotional items from travel companies! 

Playing cards unlock countless games. You can try Solitaire when getting some solo time, War or Slaps for something a little silly, or even play some poker with a friendly wager or two. 

It never hurts to have a deck of cards on hand. If you’re the spontaneous social type, a deck of cards is a great way to bring new travel friends into your circle. 

Are playing cards not high-tech enough for you? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. 

4. Try Out Some Nintendo Switch Games! 

The best games to play on a bus take advantage of the fact that you don’t have to keep your eyes on the road when riding the bus! 

The Nintendo Switch offers plenty of variety, including two-player puzzle games, action, and RPGs with compelling stories. You can even download classic Super Nintendo video games and enjoy nostalgia while on the road. The Switch has games for kids as well as adults, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to find the right game for you. 

5. 20 Questions 

 20 Questions is one of those games that just has plenty of versatility. Let’s look at a few ways to enjoy this game while riding the bus.

You play 20 Questions by assigning one person to be “it.” That person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and everyone else has 20 questions to narrow down their guess and get it right.

You can spice up 20 Questions by making it themed, personal, or romantic. It all depends on who you’re traveling with. 

Like many road games, this game is best played in short bursts. You want to mix up these classic road games so you don’t burn out on any one game. 

6. Would You Rather

Would you rather is another excellent game to play while riding on the bus with someone you know.

The goal of this game is to give someone a ridiculous and near impossible choice between two options. You can ask them to pick between their favorite hobbies, a million dollars or perfect health, or anything else you can think of!

This is also a great game for getting to know someone new. It’s the perfect icebreaker for couples and helps you explore topics that matter to the people you travel with. 

7. Mini Board Games 

Mini magnetic board games are fun games to play on a bus, but they are also adorable. They also make great keepsakes from your bus-based journey. 

This is another game that lets you take advantage of the fact that you’re not driving the bus. You and your travel companions can enjoy Scrabble, chess, checkers, or mini Monopoly.

There are travel-sized versions of just about every board game out there. Throw one of these in your bag, and you’ll hardly notice the extra space it takes up. Besides, it will generate way more fun than you might expect. 

8. Among Us

Some of the best travel games are ones that keep you connected to the people back home.

Among Us is an app-based game available for Android and iOS. While playing this game, you will need a steady data connection, but most buses now have Wi-Fi.

In Among Us, you take control of one of the residents of a space station. All of you have to complete your daily tasks, including keeping the space station repaired and operational. However, one of you is secretly a traitor looking to destroy the space station and everyone on it.

It’s a fun game of hijinks, tactics, and light-hearted fun. 

You can play with your friends if there’s just a handful of you together on the bus or if you are looking to stay connected with friends and family a world away. 

9. Travel Scavenger Hunt 

One of the most fun things you can do when heading out on your trip is to set up a scavenger hunt.

You need to do some planning ahead of time for this game. Think about some interesting or challenging items you and your travel companions can hunt down on the road together. 

These can be bus tickets, wrappers from regional snacks, or just about anything you might be able to scavenge up on a bus ride.

Here’s a tip for setting up a scavenger hunt. Come up with a low-stakes prize for the winner, which could be anything from a Starbucks gift card to a coupon for a free back massage. 

10. Trivia Apps! 

Playing trivia games on the road used to mean taking several decks of cards with questions and answers on them. However, now your phone is full of game apps to keep you entertained on your bus ride.

There are trivia apps like Popcorn Trivia, SongPop, and countless others. These let you play trivia games based on movies, music, and even history with your travel partner. 

Don’t get caught thinking these games are trivial; they are some of the fun games to play on a bus! 

Related Post: Best Road Trip Game Apps

11. Travel Bingo

Here’s another exciting game that takes a little preparation before you hit the road.

You can set up a travel bingo game for everyone you will be on the road with. This bingo game can be full of fun inside jokes, sites along the way, and all the ups and downs of traveling on a bus.

Travel bingo is a great way to add a little lightheartedness to some of the challenges of taking a bus ride. Why not lean into these awkward moments and add a square on your travel bingo card for awkward bus smells or sitting next to someone who snores?

The winner of travel bingo can get a little prize, but there’s no prize greater than the satisfaction of being the travel bingo champion. 

Related Post: Free Downloadable Road Trip Bingo Cards

12. Escape Room in a Box 

Escape rooms are all the rage, but you don’t have to travel to a physical location to play one. You can enjoy an escape room while you’re actively traveling.

You’ve got plenty of options for picking up an escape room in a box. There are elaborate packaged escape rooms that cost hundreds of dollars and a travel-friendly escape room in box editions that can easily fit in your pocket.

Scale up your escape room in a box according to how many players you will have. Some smaller escape rooms in box games are an excellent choice for couples or people traveling with just a few adults. 

More Road Trip Entertainment Options: Best Attention-Grabbing Audiobooks for a Road Trip Best Podcasts to Help Time Fly on a Road Trip Road Trip Questions for Couples

13. Bus Stop Gourmet 

There are plenty of travel games about embracing the unique and sometimes weird cuisine you can find while on the road.

The goal of this game is to make the most of the limited culinary options you have at your average bus stop. Players should be given a budget and are challenged to come up with the most exciting meal they can think of.

Imagine you’re on a Food Network competition show, but all you can do is create a fine dining experience using a bus stop convenience store and a few fast food diners.

This is a great game to help people think outside the box and not get stuck snacking on the same pre-packaged chips for the entire ride. 

14. Fictionary  

We’re picking our next game from a time before buses even existed. 

Fictionary started hundreds of years ago with the Victorians in England. 

This word game is all about obscure words and the definitions that they “should” have. Play works like this. 

One player picks an obscure word that few people know, like “mycorrhizal” or “sozzled.” Everyone else writes down their made-up definitions. Whoever gets the most laughs wins!

16. The Blind Date Game 

Here’s one of the games to play on a bus that’s great for couples.

To play the Blind Date Game, you and your partner need to write down ten activities you would love to do during your bus ride together. Try to get an even number from each person.

Then, roll the dice to pick an activity randomly. You’ll take turns rolling the dice and crossing off activities as they’re completed.

This is a great way to share each other’s interests and hobbies. The Blind Date Game also ensures that both of you are getting a turn deciding how you spend this quality time together. 

17. Workout with Fitness Dice

You can feel a little cramped after getting stuck on the bus for too long, but this is where fitness dice comes in.

All you need to do is roll the dice and do whatever easy workout pops up. These are simple workouts like squats, jumping jacks, or push-ups. 

This is great for getting the blood moving and having a little fun when you reach the next bus stop. 

What Should You Play Next? 

Which of our games to play on a bus will be the first you break out on your next trip?

Are you going with the classic I Spy, or are you planning to bring all your mini travel games? Whether you’re a die-hard digital gamer or just your average couple looking to have something more to do on the road, these 17 bus games will make sure you never run out of fun on your next trip. 

If you’re on board with our travel games, check out our other articles for the best travel tips and tricks! 

Bus Tours & Trips in  the USA

Bus Tours & Trips in the USA

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10 best Coach / Bus USA tour packages

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7 day Southwest National Parks Grand Canyon Tour

Wild west – 5 days, magnificent west – 8 days, la to the bay (11 days), tastes and sounds of the south (10 days), rhythms of the south (11 days), best of the canyonlands (7 days), niagara falls, washington dc, philadelphia & amish country 4d/3n (from new york), wonders of the american west (classic, 10 days), highlights of the west adventure 7d/6n.

“We were a family of 8 ranging in age from teens to mid sixties of varying hiking ability and were all able to enjoy a wide range of activities.” Barry Pollack, traveled in August 2024

7 day Southwest National Parks Grand Canyon Tour

  • Coach / Bus
  • Sightseeing
  • Hike among Bryce National Park's hoodoos
  • Experience a Navajo guided tour in Monument Valley
  • Explore Emerald pools in Utah's National Park
“It was a good tour over all.” ALEXANDER ALROY LEIGHTON, traveled in September 2024

Wild West – 5 days

  • Christmas & New Year
  • Cruise under the Golden Gate in San Francisco
  • Experience Las Vegas' famous casinos and shows
  • Discover Yosemite's El Capitan and waterfalls
“I had a very good 8 days from 22nd of Jan till 29th 2024 with your team and literally suggest your company to all.” Pedram Samieyan, traveled in January 2024

Magnificent West – 8 days

  • Walk through Yosemite and see its famous falls
  • Discover the majestic Monument Valley by Jeep
  • Tour Las Vegas' iconic hotels and casinos
“Emily's attention to detail is impeccable in everything she does. I always felt safe in her care.” TianaJaneTurner, traveled in October 2022

LA to the Bay (11 Days)

  • Drive along the Route 66 & stroll the streets of Phoenix
  • Visit the famous 'Sin City' & experience its lively nightlife
  • Be stunned by the scenery of Grand Canyon & Yosemite
“The tour was so interesting as it was all about the history of music and the origins of country, blues, rock and soul.” Lisa Shaw, traveled in October 2019

Tastes and Sounds of the South (10 Days)

  • Pay homage to the King at Sun Studios in Graceland
  • Venture through the beating heart of America's Music City
  • Dance through the streets at the birthplace of Rock n Roll
“The optional tours were well worth visiting. Got a very good insight into the music scene.” Michaela Sowden, traveled in October 2018

Rhythms of the South (11 Days)

  • Revel in the pure beauty of the antebellum estates
  • Indulge in a typical Southern family-style breakfast
  • Dance the night away to old classics in Nashville
“Great tour of a vast part of our country.” Nick and Tamra Schardl, traveled in September 2021

Best of the Canyonlands (7 Days)

  • Experience Monument Valley and the Grand Canyon
  • Visit ancient cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde
  • Tour organic farms and enjoy fresh meals
“We experienced the scenic tunnels and Niagara fall look amazing!” JakeGibson, traveled in February 2019

Niagara Falls, Washington DC, Philadelphia & Amish Country 4D/3N (from New York)

  • Visit Washington D.C.'s major landmarks
  • Experience Niagara Falls by night and day
  • Tour Philadelphia's historic sites and Amish Country
“Accommodations were perfectly situated, and excursions were fun.” Joan Schnorbus, traveled in June 2023

Wonders of the American West (Classic, 10 Days)

  • See the ancient Cliff Palace of Mesa Verde
  • Indulge in a cookout amid majestic buttes
  • Savour a memorable dinner in Bryce Canyon

Highlights of the West Adventure 7D/6N

  • Gamble and tour the Las Vegas Strip
  • Explore Yosemite's majestic waterfalls

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GOGO Charters

10 Really Fun Games To Play On A Charter Bus

As you travel for your field trip, church retreat, sports event, or corporate team-building trip , you’ll understandably find yourself restless and bored during your time on the bus. The long hours, slow WiFi, and cramped seating can frustrate even the most patient of us, and if you’re traveling with children, the frustration can grow even more. At GOGO Charters, we prioritize your comfort and safety, so every bus is equipped with WiFi and plush seating, and every driver is trained to accommodate all necessary stops for your leisure and comfort. Still, no one is too old to enjoy a fun game—especially one that will engage your entire group.

a white charter bus with a "gogo charters" logo on it

Whether you’re traveling with a group of friends in New York City, admiring the skyline in Chicago , or taking your school group to a museum in San Francisco , you’ll want to see our quintessential list of games to play on your journey. Instead of listening to music or playing games on your phone, bond with your fellow travelers and stave off boredom with these 10 classic games.

The best part? Pen, paper, cards, or your imagination are all you need to play with your group. Whether you’re reading this before or during your bus trip, you will find a game here for every kind of traveler.

You’ll need a deck of cards to play this classic, easy game. With a coach’s comfortable seating, you can spread out as needed.

Never played War before? We’ve got you covered. Here are the basic rules:

  • The goal of the game is to eventually win all of the cards. The rankings of the cards are as follows: A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2. Ace trumps all and 2 trumps nothing.
  • Mix it up a bit; shuffle the cards to get an even play.
  • Split the cards in half between you and your partner. Make sure the cards are faced down. Neither you nor your partner should be able to see your cards.
  • One, two, three… flip over the card that is on the top of your deck. The player with the higher card wins the round and takes both cards to add to their hand.
  • Have the same card when you flipped it over? This means war. Place three more cards face down on your seat out of your deck. Flip over a fourth card. Whoever has the higher card wins all cards from the round. If you do not have enough cards to play War, the player must turn their last card face-up.
  • Play until one of you wins the entire deck.

#2. I Spy, We All Spy

This classic game will be an excellent way to pass time. Look out the expansive windows of your coach and pinpoint something to describe. Say, “I spy with my little eye… “ And watch your group scramble to catch what you described! As the bus drives past, your group will feel especially pressured to identify the item before it disappears.

Spice up the game by keeping score. Whoever gets it right will be the first to step off the bus every time you make a stop.

#3. Tic Tac Toe

How many X’s and O’s can you get in a straight line? Paper and pen are the only things you need for this game. Play 5 to 10 rounds and keep score with a friend. Add some stakes by betting that the loser will buy ice cream once you arrive to your destination.

#4. Would You Rather

Need to break the ice between you and the person next to you? This is a game you can play with a stranger or a friend you have known for years, but it’s equally fun every time!

Choose a partner and ask each other a series of questions where you must pick between two different scenarios. For example, you might ask, “Would you rather eat a rotten egg or jump in a pool full of worms?” The grosser, the better. Not answering is not an option.

#5. License Plate

A slower, more relaxing game, this one will appeal to the more mellow members of your group. The rules are simple: Gather a partner, look out your coach’s window, and note the license plates that drive by.

With this game, you have the freedom to make your own rules. For example, you and your partner might look for plates that begin with a certain letter, end with a certain number, or hail from a specific state. Another alternative is to see if you can gather all 50 states. Compete and see who manages to do it first!

#6. Say Your ABC’s

Start with “A.” Look out the window and search for a sign, building, landmark, or item that begins with that letter. Move through the alphabet until you reach “Z.” This game will keep your mind engaged while you enjoy the scenery.

#7. Hangman

Though you’ll be surrounded by technology during your ride, why not try an old-fashioned game of Hangman? All you need is a partner, a pen, and a piece of paper for this tried-and-true game. Here are the rules:

  • Think of a word or phrase. Draw the number of empty slots required to write that phrase.
  • Your partner will try to guess the phrase letter-by-letter. Each time your partner guesses wrong, add a line to your hangman.
  • If your partner doesn’t guess correctly by the time your hangman is hanging, they lose!

It may sound simple, but it can get competitive. Add some stakes by betting on snacks or drinks. Whoever loses has to buy their partner their favorite snack upon arrival at your destination.

#8. Name that Tune

Rocking out to your favorite tunes is essential to a successful road trip. To master this game, play a song on your phone or computer and try to stump your group. Whoever guesses correctly will get their turn playing an unknown song. Try and see if you’ll guess it correctly!

Sharing music isn’t only a fun way to enjoy your time on the bus–it’s also a way to showcase your interests and musical taste. Warning: this game is extremely fun and may cause impulsive dance moves.

#9. Geography Lesson

Ready to test your geography skills? Impress your group with your geographic knowledge and prowess. List the capital of every state in the U.S, then move on to countries around the world.

Want to spice it up even more? If you’re traveling across multiple states, try and name all the cities in the current state you are in. Good luck!

#10. Tell me a Story, Please

To play this game, gather a group of four or five friends on the bus. Have a person start off a story with 4 words. The next person adds 4 more words. Then the next person after that. Add some pressure by adding a time limit during each turn. Set parameters to the story to heighten the stakes; the story might have a theme, be set in a specific place, or occur in a certain time period.

Your game could look something like this:

Person 1: “Once upon a time…”

Person 2: “…we went to the…”

Person 3: “…Grand Canyon and we…”

Person 4: “…sang many campfire songs…”

Don’t be shy and ramp up the creativity. See how long you can go before someone gets stumped!

Games for Any Type of Group

Whether you’re diving into one of these 10 activities or playing a more modern game such as Cards Against Humanity , take full advantage of your time on the bus by engaging with your fellow travelers. A charter bus, shuttle, or minibus rental from GOGO Charters will ensure that you have enough space and comfort to play these games, so call us today at 1-855-826-6770 for a free, no-obligation quote and for live customer support.

Need to Rent a Charter Bus?

Start with our complete guide to charter bus rentals to find out more about the bus services we offer. If you’re planning a wedding, field trip, corporate convention, or other event , resolve the logistics and transportation with a charter bus or minibus rental. Our team would be thrilled to help find the perfect bus for you!

Whether you’re traveling in Washington DC , Boston , Atlanta , Houston , Los Angeles , or any other city in the United States, GOGO Charters is fully equipped to match you with a clean, up-to-date coach for your event or trip. Call our team at 1-855-826-6770 for a personalized quote!

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  • The Benefits of Shuttles for Healthcare Workers
  • Top 30 Offsite Locations for Large Groups in Washington, D.C.

GOGO Social

Do you need to rent a charter bus, do you need a long-term shuttle service.

We offer contracted shuttle services for businesses, schools, hotels, and more. Contact our experts at 1-844-897-5201 to discuss your long-term transportation plans.

Overall Rating : 10 out of 10 from 417 unique reviews

bus tour activities

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Guided Bus Tours

  • Things to Do

Tunnel View is a picturesque stop on the Valley Floor Tour.

See it All, Guided by Experts

Yosemite Guided Bus Tours are the best way to experience all the wonders that the park has to offer. Our expert tour guides will share their knowledge about this remarkable place, with tours that focus on natural history, indigenous peoples, the first non-indigenous settlers and wildlife.

Important Information | Bus & Tram Options

Important Bus & Tram Information

A tour reservation does not include a park entrance reservation, you will need to ensure you also obtain a Peak Hours Plus entrance reservation for the date of your bus tour. Further information can be found at https://www.nps.gov/yose/planyourvisit/reservations.htm .

For bus & tram options, tour availability and reservation information, please view below.

Yosemite Grand Tour

This tour is currently pending, please stay tuned for an announcement on dates.

The full-day Yosemite Grand Tour combines Yosemite Valley, Glacier Point and the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias for a memorable day in Yosemite National Park. Bring your camera for numerous photo opportunities! 

Tour Information

Tour pricing, glacier point tour.

Glacier Point Tour will run from June 15 - October 15, 2024.

Virtually every visitor who comes to Yosemite National Park spends at least some time at Glacier Point, drawn to the breathtaking views. On this four-hour tour, you’ll go from Yosemite Valley to Glacier Point—a 3,200-foot elevation gain.  Be sure to bring your camera to capture awe-inspiring photos of Yosemite’s famous waterfalls and the distant High Sierra mountains. 

Tour Information:

Tour pricing:, yosemite valley floor tour.

Available year-round, the Yosemite Valley Floor Tour is approximately 2 hours long and can be enjoyed during the warm months in an open-air tram, and during the colder months from the comfort of a heated motor coach with panoramic windows. Led by park rangers and Yosemite Hospitality naturalists, you’ll get to see all of the highlights at Yosemite, as you learn about the history, flora, and fauna throughout the Park.

Yosemite Valley to Tuolumne Meadows Hikers Bus

2024 Operating Dates: June 20 - September 15 (conditions permitting)

Ticket Retrieval 

Tickets will need to be retrieved at the Yosemite Valley Lodge Front Desk at least 15 minutes prior to your tour departure time. Traffic and parking can be challenging in Yosemite Valley during the summer season, so we recommend allowing extra travel time as the tours leave promptly at the scheduled time.

The Hiker's Bus stops at many locations in Yosemite Valley and at all major trailheads along Tioga Pass, and can be flagged for pickup at any trailhead as long as the bus has enough room to pull over. Please indicate your desired pick-up location when making your reservation. If you do not see your desired drop-off location in the list of available tickets, please select the nearest available trailhead and inform the bus driver of your preferred drop-off location upon boarding.

We offer a few easy ways to book:

  • Click the " Check Rates " button in the upper-right hand corner of your browser
  • or Call  888.413.8869

Cancellation Policy

24 hour cancellation notice required to receive full refund. Cancelling within 24 hours of tour departure will forfeit full value.


  • Cashless Ticketing. All Major Credit Cards Accepted.
  • Toll Free: 800-362-1811
  • 504-207-6200
  • Manage My Booking

Newly designed logo representing City Sightseeing New Orleans tour services.

  • 1-Day Hop-On Hop-Off
  • 2-Tour Experience Package
  • 3-Tour Unlimited Package
  • 1-Day Hop-On Hop-Off & St. Louis No. 1 Cemetery Combo
  • 2-Day Hop-On Hop-Off & 2 Guided Walking Tours Combo
  • 3-Day Hop-On Hop-Off & Walking Tour Combo

depicting one loop on the City Tour CQ during sunset at City Sightseeing

  • Paddlewheeler Creole Queen Historic Daytime Cruises
  • Paddlewheeler Creole Queen Evening Jazz Cruise

exterior of the Solomon Victory Theater with a U.S. flag flying prominently, as part of the City Sightseeing

  • National World War II Museum - Campus Pass
  • National World War II Museum with 4D Film
  • Destrehan Plantation Tour
  • Houmas House & Gardens

Striking Vue Orleans exhibit in a museum of City Sightseeing attractions.

  • Vue Orleans
  • Jamnola™ (Joy, Art, Music Nola)
  • Audubon Aquarium Tour by City Sightseeing New Orleans
  • Audubon Insectarium
  • Audubon Zoo: A Highlight from New Orleans City Sightseeing

A spectral image of a man, subtly blurred, on a historical sightseeing tour of New Orleans

  • Yellow Fever Ghost Tours
  • Villains & Vixens True Crime Tour

a mother and child on a swamp tour with City Sightseeing New Orleans, set in the lush environment of a swamp.

  • Jean Lafitte Swamp Tour

Spectacular NOLA view from the bus at City Sightseeing New Orleans


City Sightseeing New Orleans - Tc Inverted Bf Logo L 2024 Rgb

City Sightseeing New Orleans: Your Gateway to the Best City Vibes!

See you on the top-deck, ticket packages.

Tourists Enjoying Their Time Onboard


  • 3-Day Hop-On Hop-Off Tour
  • Stops Near All Major Sights
  • Live Guide in English
  • Guided French Quarter Walking Tour
  • Guided Garden District Walking Tour

Red City Sightseeing Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Parked By The Side.


  • 2-Day Hop-On Hop-Off Tour

Red City Sightseeing Hop-On Hop-Off Bus.


  • 1-Day Hop-On Hop-Off Tour


Private tours.

City Sightseeing New Orleans Hop-On Hop-Off Bus


City Sightseeing New Orleans is the most entertaining, informative, and fun City Tour you can find that offers transportation approximately every 30 minutes on an exhilarating open-top, double-decker bus!

HOP-ON! and in a single 1-hour 30-minute loop, experience a complete City Tour — 3 centuries of history, architecture, and culture narrated live in English by your very own Tour Host – see the Garden District, French Quarter, and CBD.

HOP-OFF! at any stop along the way and explore New Orleans most popular neighborhoods, attractions, and shopping districts – or – take advantage of our Guided Walking Tours in the Garden District and French Quarter, included in the 2-Tour and 3-Tour Package or sold separately.

See the city at your own pace, the next bus is less than 30 minutes away!


Tour at your own pace, live guided city tour, buses visit each stop, every 25 minutes, daily tours, french quarter walking tours, garden district walking tours, deals and discounts along the way, bus tracking app, sightseeing attractions.

Passengers Entering The City Sightseeing Hop-On Hop-Off Bus.


Hop-On Hop-Off tour buses operate from 9:30am to 5:30pm, 7-Days a week. First Service at each stop will be between 9:30am and 10:00am. Board by 4:00pm from Any Stop for Full Loop tour.

Tour service closes at 5:30pm – You should board around 4:00pm if wanting to return to a particular stop.

Yes, on a few days each year, city-wide street closures impact our route and we are unable to operate. Here are the upcoming 2022 and 2023 Black Out Dates:

  • Mardi Gras – No Tours on the 5 Daytime Parade Days (two Saturdays, two Sundays, and Mardi Gras Tuesday).
  • Mardi Gras – Limited Services are provided on the 5 Parade Nights where streets are closed to vehicles between 3pm and 4pm .

$3 off Adults/Senior/Military

Use Promo Code: BESPOOKY at Checkout

Valid on 2-Day & 3-Day Hop-On Hop-Off tickets only – Adult, Senior, and Military tickets.

Promo ends 10/31/2024

Make Your Reservation

Book your adventure.

  • Location: Search All Lodging Maswik Lodge Thunderbird Lodge Kachina Lodge Bright Angel Lodge & Cabins El Tovar Hotel
  • Nights: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  • Adults: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • Kids: 0 1 2 3 4 5
  • Promo Type Select Type Booking Code AAA
  • Promo Code:
  • Enter Membership

*Do not check this box if you have an Annual Pass.

Plan Your Stay at Phantom Ranch

Enter the Phantom Ranch Lottery Search Current Phantom Ranch Availability

Interagency Access Pass

Guided bus tours.

Travel Advisory Shuttle schedules have been modified as follows: Our partners at the National Park Service have decided to cancel shuttles on the Purple route for the foreseeable future. The other shuttles are running modified schedules. Learn more on the NPS website here .

Board one of our comfortable environmentally friendly buses and experience a guided interpretive tour through one of the most beautiful places on earth, Grand Canyon! Let our skilled drivers take the stress out of navigating the park roads or finding a place to park while you relax and enjoy the spectacular views of the Canyon.

Choose a tour that fits your schedule and interests. There are several different options. Take the time to learn some of the captivating history and geology of this timeless location. All In-Park tours feature a trained driver-guide, who will provide an informative and captivating narrative throughout your tour of the park.

Desert View Tour

Covering 52 miles in just under four (4) hours, this tour focuses on the natural beauty of the East Rim. From here you can see the Colorado River as it emerges from the depths of the inner gorge. This tour stops at various spectacular viewpoints along the East Rim Drive. There will be plenty of time at viewpoints to take photos and enjoy the amazing views.

While on this tour you will have the opportunity to explore Desert View, an outpost 25 miles from Grand Canyon Historic Village. Here, you will find the Watchtower, a significant example of Mary E.J. Colter’s visionary architecture.

Tour length is approximately 3.5 hours. Stops may include Yaki Point, Moran Point, Lipan Point (seasonally), Navajo Point and the Desert View Watch Tower.

The cost of the tour is $92.00 per adult (age 17 and older) and $46.00 per child (age 3 to 16). Children 2 and under are free.

This tour departs from the Bright Angel Lodge at 7:00 a.m. and from the Maswik Lodge at 7:10 a.m.

Please note: Rates are subject to change without notice.

Hermits Rest Tour

Explore the beauty of the West Rim of Grand Canyon with a comfortable and unique guided tour. Travel sixteen miles, round-trip along the West Rim Road, originally an old wagon road built by the Santa Fe Railway.

Stops along the West Rim include several spectacular overlooks, with glimpses of the Colorado River rapids below. Highlighting the tour is a stop at Hermit’s Rest, an exquisite Mary E.J. Colter design built in 1914.

Tour length is 2 hours. Stops may include Mohave Point, Pima Point, Trail View #2, and the Hermits Rest viewpoint and gift shop.

The cost of the tour is $54.00 per adult (age 17 and older) and $27.00 per child (age 3 to 16). Children 2 and under are free.

This tour departs daily from the Maswik Lodge at 9:00 a.m. and from the Bright Angel Lodge at 9:10 a.m.

Sunrise Tour

Viewing a Grand Canyon Sunrise is both peaceful and exhilarating. It combines the quiet of the morning with the brilliant change in colors. Enjoy this spectacular time of day as the sun rises over the ramparts of the Desert. It’s an inspirational way to begin a day of activities and to share this natural wonder with people from all over the world. Tour length is 1.5 hours. Stops may include Trail View #2 and Hopi Point.

The cost of the tour is $39.00 per adult (age 17 and older) and $19.50 per child (age 3 to 16). Children 2 and under are free.

Pickup times for the Sunrise Tour vary seasonally.

Sunset Tour

Grand Canyon Sunsets are famous around the world and should not be missed. Enjoy this spectacular time of day as the sun sets quietly in the west. The color palette can be exceptional and very inspirational. No two sunsets are the same. The opportunity to view an Arizona Grand Canyon sunset will leave you with lasting memories for a lifetime.

Tour length is 1.5 hours. Stops may include Pima Point, Trail View #2, and Mohave Point.

Pickup times for the Sunset Tour vary seasonally.

Combination Tour

Enjoy the breathtaking Desert View tour along with any rim tour (Hermits Rest, Sunset or Sunrise) at a special price combination. These tours can be taken in any order or even on different days to best suit your plans while staying at the Grand Canyon.

The cost of the tour is $117.00 per adult (age 17 and older) and $58.50 per child (age 3 to 16). Children 2 and under are free.

To book a Combination Tour please call 1-303-297-2757 or toll-free within the United States at 1-888-297-2757.

bus tour activities

Perth to Broome 10 Day Activity Sightseeing Tour


Taxes and fees will be calculated at checkout

Jump on our strong bus 'Rangaroo' and enjoy the real Western Australia. Your guide is a good person and will cook, drive and organise for you to be in the best places at the best times. From the ancient spiritually connected past to the modern now, we safely take you to all of the awesome sights between Perth and Broome town. Adventure!

Ticket Options

1 Option Available

Perth to Broome 10 Day Activity Sightseeing Tour: $2000

Ticket Information

  • Mobile or paper ticket accepted
  • One per booking

What's not Included

  • 3rd Party tours along the way.

Cancellation Policy

  • If you cancel at least 6 full day(s) before the scheduled departure time, you will receive a full refund.<br>If you cancel between 2 and 6 day(s) before the scheduled departure time, you will receive a 50% refund.<br>If you cancel within 2 day(s) of the scheduled departure, you will receive a 0% refund.

Additional Info

  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Infants are required to sit on an adult’s lap
  • Not recommended for travelers with spinal injuries
  • Not recommended for pregnant travelers
  • Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health
  • Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness

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As one of the largest travel agencies in North America, we have a wealth of recommendations to share! Browse our articles and videos for inspiration, or dive right in with preplanned AAA Road Trips, cruises and vacation tours.

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  1. 20 Fun Games To Play On The Bus (All Group Sizes)

    1. Movie Game. Players: A group of 2 or more. Family Friendly: Yes. Supplies: Just you and a friend! How To Play: The first player comes up with a movie. The second player must then name an actor/actress in that movie. The next player then names another movie that the actor/actress is in.

  2. Group Games to Play on Long Bus Rides

    The opposing team can ask the person 20 different questions, but the person can only answer by saying yes or no. Whoever guesses correctly gets a point. Word Games. These games can be played with just about any size of group on any kind of bus rental. They require no preparation and no paper, just enthusiasm.

  3. 20+ Fun Things to Do On a Long Bus Ride

    9. Sing-Along. Sing-alongs are a fun way to pass the time on a long bus trip, too. Simply pick a well-known song to sing along to and everyone joins in. It's a fantastic way of creating joyful noise, even if the sound is quite off-key. Sometimes, that's the best part about it. 10.

  4. Group Games to Play on a Charter Bus: 15 Fun Activities for Long Bus

    Don't worry, there's no actual treasure to find during this group game for bus tours - but it does involve a lot of searching. ... 15 Fun Activities for Long Bus Rides. You've got a bus full of unruly impatient children and a long ride to get to your field trip destination. This is the sort of scenario that keeps teachers and counselors ...

  5. 17 Boredom-Busting Games to Play on a Bus

    The Blind Date Game. Here's one of the games to play on a bus that's great for couples. To play the Blind Date Game, you and your partner need to write down ten activities you would love to do during your bus ride together. Try to get an even number from each person. Then, roll the dice to pick an activity randomly.

  6. THE 10 BEST United States Bus Tours

    1. DC National Mall Night Tour with 10 Stops, Reserved Entry Tickets. 1,896. Bus Tours. 3 hours. Experience Washington DC lit up at night during this 3-Hour Washington DC Guided Moonlit Tour of the National Mall and Monuments…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 90% of travelers. $69.

  7. 10 Best Coach / Bus Tours in USA 2024/2025

    Bus Tours & Trips in the USA 4.5 stars on (6,767 reviews) View Tours Choose from 250+ USA tours ; 7,300+ verified reviews from TourRadar travelers ; 24/7 customer support ; 10 best Coach / Bus USA tour packages Compiled by. Nadine USA travel expert at TourRadar. 7 day Southwest National Parks Grand Canyon Tour ...

  8. Fun Bus Travel Games to Pass the Time on Your Next Trip

    The Rule Game. The Rule Game can be pretty fun if you're the one who makes the rule, and quite a challenge if you're the one trying to guess what the rule is. The rule-maker chooses a real or imaginary place name consisting of one to three words. "Green Grass Valley," is an example. The place name indicates the rule.

  9. THE BEST Yekaterinburg Bus Tours (with Prices)

    Casa Luis Barragan The Kapani (Vlali) Market The Florida Mall Istanbul Akvaryum Big Spring Albert E. Sleeper State Park Tampa Premium Outlets John Deere Tractor & Engine Museum The Centurion Lounge Kahalu'u Beach Park Rafting in Bistrica River, Albania Tours 15 min from Saranda (ARG) 2-Day Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon, Monument Valley and ...

  10. THE 10 BEST Yekaterinburg Tours & Excursions

    Yekaterinburg Tours. 1. Ekaterinburg Red Line. Very nice idea, download map from internet and off you go. Eclectic collection, from a concrete QWERTY keyboard to a... 2. Tatyana Tunis Glass-Blowing Studio. 3. Travel123.

  11. THE 10 BEST United States Bus Tours

    Wonderful, amazing bus driver and tour guide. Very knowledgeable about the area. We got to see so many sights and we heard multiple times about the mispelling at the Lincoln Memorial. The bus driver made sure everyone got back on and even picked up people who missed their ride from another tour.

  12. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Yekaterinburg (Updated 2024)

    Рядом с храмом есть памятники царской семье.The temple was built on the site of the Ipatiev house. The family of the... 3. Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts. 225. Art Museums. The Museum of Fine Arts, Ekaterinburg is the largest art museum in the Urals. The Museum was founded in 1936, but its collection dates ...

  13. See all our Bus Tours for Charter Bus Trips with Diamond Tours

    Boston, Salem & Cape Ann. Our group bus tour to Boston combines patriotism with a world-class cosmopolitan city and the beauty of the surrounding Atlantic coast. Read more. San Antonio. Capture the essence of Texas on our San Antonio bus tour. Read more. New Orleans. Lively French-infused culture awaits your group on this bus tour to New Orleans!

  14. 10 Games to Play with a Group on a Charter Bus

    If you're traveling across multiple states, try and name all the cities in the current state you are in. Good luck! #10. Tell me a Story, Please. To play this game, gather a group of four or five friends on the bus. Have a person start off a story with 4 words. The next person adds 4 more words.

  15. Guided Bus Tours

    All bus and tram tours depart from Yosemite Valley Lodge, under the covered driveway. It is recommended that you and your entire party are ready to board the tour no later than 15 minutes prior to your scheduled departure time. Summer months are the busiest time in Yosemite National Park and entrance gates can have long wait times, especially ...

  16. Join a Bus Tour, Motorcoach Vacations Departing Near You

    The tours include the bus, hotels, breakfasts and suppers, and step on guides on location, so other then lunch and souvenirs, the price is paid before the trip even starts." Rose J February, 2024 "We use Diamond Tours for 6-7 trips a year.

  17. Atlanta 5-Hour Sightseeing Bus Tour 2024

    See the highlights of Atlanta on a 5-hour bus tour that includes stops at key sites such as the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park. Your guide shares commentary throughout the tour as you travel to Krog Street Market, Ponce City Market, Centennial Olympic Park, Atlantic Station, and more. Have time to purchase lunch at the CNN Center, and enjoy a drive through the Buckhead ...

  18. Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tours with City Sightseeing New Orleans

    City Sightseeing New Orleans is the most entertaining, informative, and fun City Tour you can find that offers transportation approximately every 30 minutes on an exhilarating open-top, double-decker bus! HOP-ON! and in a single 1-hour 30-minute loop, experience a complete City Tour — 3 centuries of history, architecture, and culture narrated ...

  19. Guided Bus Tours

    Guided Bus Tours. Board one of our comfortable environmentally friendly buses and experience a guided interpretive tour through one of the most beautiful places on earth, Grand Canyon! ... It's an inspirational way to begin a day of activities and to share this natural wonder with people from all over the world. Tour length is 1.5 hours ...

  20. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Yekaterinburg (2024)

    9. Weir on river Iset. 876. Bodies of Water. By saronic. Next to it is the Monument to the City's Founders, unveiled in 1998. By the city pond are stalls selling ice cream or... 10. Wonder Park Galileo.

  21. Perth to Broome 10 Day Activity Sightseeing Tour

    Jump on our strong bus 'Rangaroo' and enjoy the real Western Australia. Your guide is a good person and will cook, drive and organise for you to be in the best places at the best times. From the ancient spiritually connected past to the modern now, we safely take you to all of the awesome sights between Perth and Broome town.