• Industrie Hôtelière
  • Qu'est-ce que l'Hospitality Management ?

EHL Insights

Q : Qu'est-ce que l'Hospitality Management ?

Prenez le terme hospitality, qui désigne une industrie aussi diversifiée que les délices culinaires qui ornent les tables de ses établissements et dont le principe directeur est un état d'esprit axé sur le client. Ajoutez-y management, symbole de leadership et de responsabilité, et vous obtiendrez hospitality management. Mais qu'est-ce que l'hospitality management ? Où ce secteur pourrait-il vous mener en termes de carrière professionnelle ? Combien pourriez-vous gagner dans un métier de l'hospitalité ? Et qu'impliquerait un diplôme en hospitality management ?

Définition de gestion hôtelière et autres professions de l'accueil

L'hospitality management est un vaste domaine qui implique la supervision des activités administratives, opérationnelles et commerciales quotidiennes des entreprises du secteur hôtelier. Contrairement à la « gestion hôtelière » plus étroitement ciblée, l'hospitality management est un terme générique qui englobe diverses industries telles que la restauration, les voyages et l'hébergement et la gestion d'événements. Les services sous la direction d'un hospitality manager peuvent varier de la maintenance et l'entretien ménager aux spas, en passant par la conciergerie, la réception et bien d'autres encore.

L'hospitality manager – Quelles sont ses responsabilités ?

Les responsabilités qui incombent aux hospitality managers diffèrent selon le milieu professionnel dans lequel ils évoluent. Celles-ci peuvent notamment inclure les domaines suivants:

  • La comptabilité et la budgétisation
  • Les entretiens, la formation et la gestion du personnel
  • L'aide aux opérations quotidiennes
  • L'optimisation des performances de l'entreprise
  • Le traitement des réclamations et demandes des clients
  • Le soutien aux projets et démarches en matière de développement durable
  • La garantie de la conformité en matière de santé et de sécurité

Diplôme en business management par rapport à l’hospitality management

Tout comme un diplôme en business management, un diplôme en hospitality management offre un aperçu complet de la structure et du fonctionnement des entreprises et des organisations. Les étudiants apprennent les compétences de gestion concernées telles que le leadership et la délégation, le travail d'équipe et la communication, l'informatique, l'analyse, la pensée critique et la résolution de problèmes.

Le programme d'hospitality management, cependant, est adapté au secteur de l'hospitalité, qui incarne le service à la clientèle. Vous apprendrez l'importance de l'orientation client et comment traiter efficacement avec la clientèle, quel que soit le secteur.

" On se souvient facilement de ce que l'on a ressenti et de la manière dont on a été accueillis. C'est grâce à l'importance des émotions dans l'expérience client que nous construisons de grands souvenirs. L'état d'esprit de nos diplômés en matière d'accueil révèle tous les compétences non techniques (soft skills) qui mènent à l'humain. C'est bien cela qui leur permet de construire vos prochains souvenirs.

A l'EHL, nous pensons que la gestion de l'accueil va bien au-delà de la gestion d'une entreprise de restauration. Elle inclut certes le repas et l'hébergement, mais se concentre également sur la gestion d'événements et de divertissements ainsi que des expériences inoubliables. Nous croyons qu'il est primordial d'inclure l'humain dans ces expériences. C'est pourquoi nous les construisons pour vous. "

Stéphanie POUGNET ROZAN, Associate Dean Undergraduate School at EHL

Pourquoi les entrepreneurs étudient l'hospitality management

Les cours d'hospitality management constituent un vivier d'entrepreneurs. L'hospitality management offre aux entrepreneurs en herbe une occasion rare de suivre une formation à la fois pratique et théorique, connue sous le nom de modèle de formation en alternance, qui les prépare au succès entrepreneurial, en renforçant leurs compétences techniques et générales essentielles.

Bachelor en management hôtelier  Envisagez le monde des affaires avec la perspective client. Entrez dans ce  monde en leader  Nous vous apprenons à faire passer les autres en premier : la meilleure façon  de vous rendre irremplaçable  Plus d'infos

L'industrie de l'hospitalité et ses carrières

Bien que l'industrie de l'hospitalité mène à une variété de carrières exigeantes, mais enrichissantes   [en anglais],  elle ne correspond toutefois pas à tout le monde. Plusieurs types d'employeurs offrent des opportunités de carrière dans l'hospitality management , par exemple : les chaînes hôtelières, les centres de conférence et d'exposition, les salles de spectacle, les bars et les pubs, les restaurants et les établissements de restauration rapide, les compagnies aériennes ainsi que le secteur public.

Parallèlement aux domaines énumérés ci-dessus, les compétences en hospitality management peuvent ouvrir la voie à une carrière dans un large éventail de secteurs différents, notamment :

  • Marketing / ventes
  • Relations publiques
  • Ressources humaines
  • Service à la clientèle
  • Finance / comptabilité

Les prétentions salariales

Les salaires varient en fonction de votre lieu de résidence, du secteur de votre choix et de la taille et du statut de l'entreprise, entre autres facteurs. Cependant, ce qui est certain, c'est qu'un diplôme en hospitality management garantit des opportunités de carrière plus vastes dans des postes de direction, qui offrent généralement des fourchettes de rémunération plus élevées que les emplois de niveau subalterne.

Entre autres avantages d'une carrière dans la gestion hôtelière, citons :

  • La possibilité de rencontrer des personnes de cultures différentes
  • Des environnements de travail diversifiés et dynamiques
  • Les opportunités de voyage

Secteur hôtelier : marché de l'emploi

Alors que de nombreuses entreprises ont été frappées par des licenciements massifs en 2023, le secteur hôtelier ne cesse de croître , représentant ainsi une filière prospère en termes d'opportunités d'emploi, aujourd'hui et dans un avenir proche. Selon l'actuel Occupational Outlook Handbook du Bureau of Labor Statistics des États-Unis, le nombre d'emplois de directeur d'hôtel devrait augmenter de 18 % jusqu'en 2031 – une progression beaucoup plus rapide que la moyenne.

Diplôme en gestion hôtelière

Alors qu'un niveau d'enseignement secondaire suffit pour certains emplois du secteur hôtelier, un diplôme en gestion hôtelière facilite davantage l'évolution vers la fourchette de rémunération plus élevée de l'hospitality management. Un baccalauréat en gestion hôtelière vous permettra d'acquérir les compétences suivantes :

  • Analyse, pensée critique et résolution de problèmes
  • Communication
  • Travail d'équipe
  • Leadership et délégation
  • Outils informatiques et de gestion hôtelière
  • Mise en réseau

Idéalement, un diplôme en gestion hôtelière confère, d'une part, des compétences professionnelles et un savoir-faire en gestion et, d'autre part, une sensibilisation culturelle, des compétences linguistiques et une expérience de travail réelle.

C'est certainement le cas à l' EHL acclamée par la critique. Son baccalauréat en gestion hôtelière combine l'immersion dans l'industrie avec la théorie de la gestion et des projets commerciaux appliqués, vous offrant ainsi toute la formation nécessaire pour devenir un professionnel accompli, en plus d'être le tremplin idéal vers un programme de gestion supérieure ou une maîtrise.

Le sens de l’hospitalité et les compétences y afférentes sont transférables

Le sens de l'hospitalité et les compétences y afférentes sont connus pour leur caractère transférable à d'autres industries, en raison de la combinaison unique de l'expérience des affaires et des compétences acquises dans le cadre de la relation client.

" L'EHL m'a permis d'acquérir des compétences inestimables en matière de réseautage, de relations sociales et de prise de parole en public. Contrairement à de nombreux collègues et camarades d'autres écoles, l'EHL m'a offert de nombreuses opportunités de rencontrer des professionnels du secteur, facilitant ainsi les échanges entre étudiants et collègues internationaux. "

Alice GARNIER, Real Estate Investment Manager

Étudier pour obtenir un diplôme en gestion hôtelière étend vos perspectives de carrière à un large éventail d'industries différentes, notamment :

  • Le divertissement
  • La restauration  [en anglais]
  • La santé et le bien-être
  • La technologie
  • La gestion d'entreprise
  • L'hôtellerie
  • Real Estate [en anglais]
  • Marketing [en anglais]

La gestion de l'hospitalité : le choix incontournable de toute personne dotée du sens du service, d’une aptitude à la pensée critique, en quête de leadership dans un secteur professionnel diversifié.

La gestion hôtelière : Une carrière à votre mesure?

Une bonne formation et une réelle expertise en hospitality management débouche sur une carrière professionnelle passionnante et diversifiée que vous pourrez façonner selon votre personnalité et vos ambitions. Un diplôme en Gestion Hôtelière ouvre non seulement des portes vers une industrie florissante, mais permet d'élargir ses horizons et de trouver sa place dans divers secteurs d'activité bien au-delà du domaine de l'industrie hôtelière.

S'inscrire à l'EHL Hospitality Business School, c'est la garantie d'acquérir une vision globale et de développer ses capacités en matière de leadership tout en peaufinant ses connaissance en communication et résolution de problèmes. Un Bachelor en Hospitality Management fera de vous un professionnel complet et indispensable, capable de relever tous les défis.

Alors, êtes-vous taillés pour l'industrie hôtelière et les professions de l'accueil? Faites le test!

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Vous voulez étudier dans la meilleure école hôtelière du monde ?

Préparez-vous pour un Bachelor à l'EHL et découvrez un programme de gestion d'entreprise bien équilibré, avec un accent particulier sur l’hôtellerie.

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  • Bachelor in International Hospitality Management
  • Formations pré-universitaires
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  • Formation continue
  • Cours en ligne
  • Diplômes professionnels suisses
  • Certificats et ateliers culinaires
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  • Journées portes ouvertes
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  • Carrières en hôtellerie
  • Classements & distinctions
  • Réseau d'excellence EHL
  • EHL Hospitality Business School
  • Route de Berne 301 1000   Lausanne 25 Suisse

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© 2024 2023 EHL Holding SA, Suisse. Tous droits réservés.

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  • Galileo Global Education
  • Notre campus à Paris
  • Notre campus à Tours
  • Toutes nos formations
  • BTS Tourisme
  • Bachelor Tourisme
  • Bachelor Hôtellerie
  • Bachelor Restauration
  • Mastère Marketing du Tourisme Evénementiel
  • Mastère Management Hôtellerie & Restauration
  • Mastère Management des sites touristiques
  • L'ESG Tourisme et Parcoursup
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L'ESG Tourisme

est Hors Parcoursup

hospitality tourism management en francais

Qu’est-ce que l’Hospitality Management ?

Définition de  l’hospitality management.

Terme emprunté à la langue anglaise, l’Hospitality Management voit le jour en 2016. Il définit l’art de gérer les ressources financières, humaines, matérielles et informationnels d’un établissement hôtelier. Inspiré du secteur de l’hôtellerie de luxe, l’Hospitality Management consiste à développer les compétences nécessaires dans la gestion hôtelière afin de manager son propre établissement ou de rejoindre un groupe.

Ce concept a pour but de veiller au bien-être des salariés et de valoriser qualitativement et financièrement les prestations proposées sur les sites hôteliers pour garantir l’excellence des services, la satisfaction de la clientèle et la rentabilité de l’établissement.

Les missions d’un hospitality manager sont partagées entre opérationnel (60 à 80%) et fonctionnel (20 à 40%). Ces objectifs sont les suivants :

  • Maîtriser les enjeux de l’hôtellerie afin de gérer une entreprise dans ce secteur
  • Maîtriser les éléments de l’industrie hôtelière (Revenue Management, KPI, Food and Beverage…)
  • Mettre en œuvre des stratégies marketing et commerciales
  • Savoir communiquer en situation professionnelle
  • Connaître les différents métiers de l'hôtellerie
  • Disposer les compétences nécessaires en gestion générale (marketing, finance, ressources humaines, relation client)

Pour exercer dans le secteur de l’hospitality management, il est nécessaire de disposer de certaines qualités primordiales telles que l’écoute active et la communication afin de développer un bon relationnel avec ses clients et ses collègues. Dans un établissement hôtelier, un bon manager doit faire preuve de réactivité et d’adaptabilité, il est en perpétuelle veille sur les nouvelles tendances et sur les changements du secteur. Ce sont des personnes qui détiennent un certain sens du service tout en étant force de proposition dans le but d’anticiper les besoins.

Au sein de l’ESG Tourisme, vous avez la possibilité d’allier pratique et théorie afin de vous former au mieux dans le domaine de l’Hospitality Management. 

Si vous souhaitez vous former à ce domaine, rendez-vous sur notre page Mastère Management hôtellerie et restauration

De 17h00 à 19h00

De 10h00 à 17h00

La rentrée approche !  Prenez tout de suite un RDV d'admission accélérée.

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MSc - Hospitality Management

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MSc Hospitality & Tourism Management

Le MSc Hospitality & Tourism Management  en détail

Le Master of Science est destiné aux jeunes diplômés ou aux professionnels cherchant à développer une expertise dans un domaine spécifique.

Dans une industrie en constante évolution, la spécialisation Hospitality Management est conçue pour les étudiants souhaitant accéder à des postes de direction dans ces secteurs.

Dotés de compétences en gestion et de connaissances spécialisées de l'industrie, cette formation permet aux étudiants d'explorer de nouvelles approches de management qui influenceront l'industrie du tourisme et de l’hôtellerie à l'échelle internationale.

* Titre de Manager des hébergements touristiques délivré par ESGCV-MBA ESG, NSF 334, de niveau 7, enregistré au RNCP sous le numéro 38937 par décision du Directeur Général de France Compétences du 26/04/2024

Ambition du programme

L’objectif de cette spécialisation est de permettre aux étudiants de développer leurs soft et hard skills afin d’accélérer leur carrière dans les secteurs de l’hôtellerie et du tourisme.

L'accent est mis sur le développement des connaissances mais aussi sur les compétences en leadership et en présentation.

Points forts 

  • Interaction et participation à des événements professionnels
  • Une formation orientée sur l’acquisition de compétences en leadership et en communication
  • Rencontre et formation par les professionnels de l’industrie

4 000 étudiants

100 Enseignants permanents

107 Nationalités

18 846 Alumni

* Chiffres Paris School of Business 2023


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Mot du responsable de la spécialisation

hospitality tourism management en francais

« Dans un monde post-pandémique, l'industrie hôtelière a créé de nouvelles opportunités qui nécessitent un besoin de professionnels dans le domaine de la gestion d’hôtellerie. Ce MSc est conçu pour les étudiants qui souhaitent apprendre la gestion hôtelière d'un point de vue aussi bien international que français. »

Jean-Michel Chapuis, PhD, HDR Directeur du MSc Hospitality Management

Contenu académique du MSc Hospitality Management 

Enseigné par des professeurs ayant une grande expérience de l’industrie, ce MSc permet aux étudiants d’acquérir des compétences en gestion de tourisme et d’hôtellerie de manière théorique et pratique.

Il met l'accent sur trois compétences cruciales pour le secteur : leadership, analyse et organisation.

Paris étant considéré comme la capitale mondiale du tourisme, c’est l’endroit idéal pour rencontrer les leaders du secteur et acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour en devenir un.

En plus des cours communs à tous les étudiants, ils ont également la possibilité de choisir des cours optionnels pour développer leurs compétences managériales et stratégiques.

Grâce à ce programme, les étudiants apprennent  toutes les facettes des métiers de ce secteur , du recrutement de différentes catégories de personnel à la mise en œuvre de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises. Ainsi, ils peuvent comprendre véritablement la nature de la gestion dans l'industrie de l’hôtellerie et du tourisme.

Au-delà des connaissances théoriques, les étudiants apprennent beaucoup de leurs visites d’entreprises, des rencontres avec les professionnels du secteur et des voyages d'étude. Le programme met également l'accent sur les questions stratégiques qui se posent dans le secteur par le biais du marketing, de la finance et d'autres principes commerciaux.

Points clés :

  • Des mentors dévoués et un réseau de contacts au sein de l'industrie de l’hôtellerie et du tourisme
  • Paris, capitale des meilleures pratiques dans l'industrie

Le volume horaire de cours pour cette année est de 525h pour les étudiants avec un Bac +4 et 705h pour les étudiants avec un Bac +3.

Admissions au MSc  Hospitality & Tourism Management

La procédure d'admission au MSc Hospitality & Tourism Management est composée d'une étude du dossier de candidature, suivie d’un entretien de motivation .

Etude de dossier :

  • Le dossier de candidature complété avec une photo d'identité
  • Une photocopie de la pièce d'identité
  • Les relevés de notes et diplômes obtenus depuis le baccalauréat inclus
  • Un certificat de scolarité de l’année en cours
  • Une/des lettre(s) de recommandation émanant d'enseignants ou de professionnels
  • Un curriculum vitæ
  • Une lettre de motivation
  • Un test de langues (français), peut être demandé si la langue maternelle du candidat n'est pas celle de l'enseignement (TEF/DELF/DALF)
  • 100€ correspondant aux frais de dossier

Entretien individuel :  

Cet entretien a pour objectif d’évaluer la motivation et l'ouverture d’esprit du candidat. Il permet également d’appréhender l’adéquation entre sa personnalité, ses connaissances et l’enseignement dispensé à Paris School of Business.

Pour candidater, les étudiants doivent être en possession d’un bac+4. Il est possible d’intégrer le programme avec un bac+3 mais le candidat doit participer à un programme fast track de quatre mois qui lui permettra d’acquérir les crédits nécessaires à l’obtention du diplôme.

Nombre d'ECTS obtenus à la fin de la formation: 90 (bac+4), 120 (bac+3 + fast track)

Accompagnements personnalisés

Nous proposons des accompagnements personnalisés pour les personnes en situation de handicap ainsi que pour les sportifs, artistes et entrepreneurs.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre page dédiée .

Que faire après le MSc Hospitality & Tourism Management ?

Insertion professionnelle.

Après l’obtention de leur grade de master Hospitality & Tourism Management, les diplômés peuvent prétendre à un grand nombre de postes tels que : 

    Management d’Hotels & resorts     Organisation d’événements     Marketing touristique     Organismes touristiques gouvernementaux     Management de compagnies aériennes et de croisières

L'école ne propose pas de suite de parcours après l'obtention de ce diplôme.

élèves diplômés sur la période 2018-2020.

des étudiants en activité travaillent à l'international.

des élèves ont obtenus leur diplôme en 2020.

Indicateurs de résultats 2022

75% des étudiants en activité dans les 6 mois suivant leur diplomation son en CDI et la plupart ont des statuts de manageurs (60%).

des étudiants en activité ont créé leur entreprise.

Dans les 6 mois suivants l’obtention du diplôme, 60% des étudiants en activité travaillent en France.

Comment financer sa formation ?

Frais de scolarité.

La durée standard du programme est d’un an et permet d’obtenir 90 ECTS. Cependant, si l’étudiant est admis avec un diplôme Bac+3, il doit participer au programme Fast Track de 4 mois en plus du programme d’un an (90 + 30 = 120 ECTS).

Les frais de scolarité du programme MSc dépendent du niveau d’entrée, 90 ECTS (Bac+4) ou 120 ECTS (Bac+3 + fast track).

  • Candidats avec un Bac+4 : 14 500€ (90 ECTS)
  • Candidats avec un Bac+3 : 18 000€ (120 ECTS)

La pédagogie autour du MSc Hospitality & Tourism Management

Modalités d'évaluation.

Des épreuves sont organisées pour valider les connaissances et les compétences requises pour l’obtention du MSc Hospitality & Tourism Management.

L’organisation de la validation des compétences du référentiel s’articule autour des modalités suivantes :

  • Cas pratiques : des projets court évalués par des professionnels du secteur
  • Évaluations écrites et orales
  • Projets de consulting
  • Exercices de mise en situation professionnelle sous forme d’un jeu de rôle
  • Business Game : des études de cas d'entreprises via une plateforme numérique intitulée CESIM-Hospitality
  • Contrôle continu

Année scolaire en cours : 2023-2024

Les objectifs de compétences

La certification professionnelle (ou titre RNCP) préparée par le Master of Science Arts & Cultural Management de Paris School of Business est constituée de blocs de compétences. Pour valider leur diplôme et obtenir le titre RNCP associé, les étudiants doivent valider chacun des blocs de compétences du référentiel requis.

Si l'étudiant ne valide pas la totalité des blocs nécessaires à l’obtention de la certification professionnelle, mais qu'il valide l'ensemble des compétences relatives à un bloc, chacun de ces blocs de compétences lui sera acquis définitivement.

  • Concevoir une stratégie de développement d'un établissement hôtelier touristique en vue d'optimiser la rentabilité financière de l'organisme.
  • Concevoir et déployer la stratégie opérationnelle d'un établissement hôtelier touristique en élaborant le business plan et le plan d'action commercial correspondant.
  • Piloter l'organisation d'un établissement hôtelier touristique en définissant son fonctionnement opérationnel et en veillant à atteindre tous les objectifs de développement.
  • Optimiser la gestion financière d'un ou plusieurs établissements hôteliers touristiques afin d'en accroître la rentabilité.
  • Gérer une ou plusieurs équipes pluridisciplinaires afin de les accompagner dans la réalisation de leurs objectifs.
  • Concevoir et piloter la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de communication de l'entreprise en cohérence avec la stratégie de positionnement de l'établissement afin d'améliorer son image de marque.

Ce programme ne propose pas de passerelle avec une autre formation. 

Une correspondance de certification partielle est cependant possible (consulter la fiche du titre RNCP).

Par ailleurs, les expériences professionnelles peuvent donner lieu à une validation des acquis de l’expérience (VAE) sur demande transmise par mail à : [email protected]  

Pour plus d’informations sur le processus de VAE chez PSB, vous pouvez consulter la page suivante.

hospitality tourism management en francais


Chargé d'admission Programme MSc

[email protected]

Témoignages de nos étudiants

hospitality tourism management en francais

Melanie CANDAN MSc  Hospitality  Management

 I graduated from the Msc Hospitality and Tourism of Paris School of Business and I really appreciated that the school took good initiatives during the pandemic by accommodating to our educational needs.

The courses prepared us for a variety of roles within general business practices but the specialization courses allowed me to understand how the hospitality industry is different from other industries. Many of our professors were leaders of the industry, which allowed us to better understand the reality of the Tourism and Hospitality business .


Pour en savoir plus, téléchargez la Brochure

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Vos données seront conservées pour une durée de 3 ans ; Pour en savoir plus sur la gestion de vos données personnelles et pour exercer vos droits, veuillez consulter la politique de protection des données de l’école ou envoyer un mail à l’adresse [email protected].

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Rentrées décalées 2025

N'attendez pas septembre prochain pour faire votre rentrée.

Je découvre

  • Notre école
  • Accréditation
  • Vie étudiante
  • Faculté et recherche
  • Partenariat et réseaux
  • Démarche RSE
  • Programme Grande École Formation Post-Bac à Bac+5
  • Cursus en 5 ans
  • Spécialisations en alternance de la 4e année :
  • Masters en Finance
  • Masters en Management
  • Masters en Marketing & Data
  • Masters en Commerce & Entrepreneuriat
  • Bachelor Formation Post-Bac à Bac+3
  • Cursus en 3 ans
  • Spécialisations en alternance et en français de la 3e année :
  • Audit & Contrôle de gestion
  • Start-up & Business Development
  • E-commerce & Marketing Numérique
  • Marketing & Communication
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Hospitality & Hotel Management

Hospitality & Hotel Management

Documents of the same collection.

Gastronomy & Food Services

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Msc in Hospitality and Tourism Management


Ce programme vous donnera la formation et les moyens dont vous avez besoin pour mener une carrière internationale réussie dans le secteur de l'hôtellerie et du tourisme.

Informations pratiques

  • École : ESCP Business School
  • Mode : Temps plein
  • Niveau d'entrée : BAC+3, BAC+4
  • Niveau de sortie : Bac +5 (Master 2, Ingénieur et titre de niveau 7)
  • Durée : 15 mois
  • Lieux : ESCP Business School Campus London, ESCP Business School Campus Madrid, ESCP Business School Campus Turin
  • Domaine : Management • RH • Conduite de projet • Qualité, Développement international, Hôtellerie • Restauration • Tourisme

Formations du même domaine et du même niveau

  • Directeur de Projet Digital / UX Manager
  • Double diplôme Data & Finance X-HEC
  • Executive Master in Future Energy
  • Executive Master in Industrial Transformation
  • Executive Master Manager dirigeant
  • Executive MBA
  • Grande Ecole - Master in Management
  • M.Sc Management of technology - Information systems
  • M2M HEC - YALE
  • Manager de la Performance Marketing et Commerciale
  • Manager de projet
  • Manager en ressources humaines
  • Manager en Stratégie et Gestion des Ressources Humaines
  • Manager en Stratégie et Gestion des Ressources Humaines - Formation en ligne
  • Manager en Stratégie et Gestion des Ressources Humaines - online
  • Manager Qualité Sécurité Environnement
  • Master en Management & Droit des Affaires HEC - Paris 1
  • Master Gestion de l’Environnement, parcours Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises et Environnement
  • Master Gestion des RH parcours Management et Développement des RH (MDRH)
  • Master Gestion des Territoires et Développement Local, parcours Analyse Economique et Gouvernance des Risques


Let’s start studying together with itsmi, teaching languages - en.

To introduce the students to the world of tourism and hotel management. This 24 Months programme inducts the students to the modern and technological ways of engaging and promoting the tourism culture. The course paves way for a stellar career in the hospitality management industry. An overall development of the student by focusing on analyzing, devising and decision-making skills are the cornerstones of this course. An eye for details and communication skills are required for this area. We offer a comprehensive programme that draws out the best in you for a promising career.

  • Introduction to Tourism & Hospitality
  • Tourism & Sustainable Development
  • Media & Communications
  • Business Intelligence
  • International Economics
  • Internship & Internship Report
  • English/French

Semester 2 & 3

  • Tourism & Sustainable Development (Advanced)
  • Brand Management
  • Mobile Marketing & Social Media
  • Tourism & Hospitality (Advanced)
  • Regional Integration of the EU
  • Internship Report

Baccalauréat or certified diploma of level IV minimum. Candidates selected following individual case study and interview. International students should have passport and visa.

Career Opportunities

Our students have been placed with the best in hospitality industries. Many have formed successful startups all over the world. They have found employment as Sales Managers, Human Resource Managers etc to name a few. The booming Tourism industry has no dearth of positions. Our alumni are working as Tourist guides, Tour Managers and set up their own companies that offer tourism based services.

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Masters in Tourism Management in France

Highlights of studying masters in tourism management in france.

France is the world’s top tourist destination and with 87 million tourists

90000 jobs in Tourism & hospitality

Tourism employment in Retail segment in France, registered a value of USD 40,307.23 Million in 2020

France is a world leader in both business and cultural tourism

Tuition fee starting at 10,000 EUR

Paid internships along with the course

Scholarships upto 6000 EUR

FREE 1 – 1 Unbiased Counselling by Certified Consultants

"overseas consultancy of the year 2020".

- Higher Education Review


Great Place to Work

GoFrance is a proud Great Place to Work®-Certified™ organisation, which is the ‘Gold Standard’ in identifying and recognizing high trust and high performance work culture. We represent Credibility, Respect, Fairness, Pride and Camaraderie.

Scope of Masters in Tourism Management in France

Various choices are available in Jobs after Masters in Tourism Management in France . Retail travel, currency exchange, tour operators, and tourist boards are the highest-paying employer. International students can make Careers after Masters in Tourism Management in France as Air cabin crew, Holiday representatives, Hotel managers, Tour managers, Tourism officers, Tourist information centre managers, and Travel agency managers. Salary after studying MSc in Tourism Management in France ranges from 12,500 to 92,200.

Why Study MSc in Tourism Management in France

Masters in Tourism Management in France is designed for students aspiring to leadership roles in these ever-changing sectors. Study Masters in Tourism Management in France to explore alternative management approaches that will influence the tourism and hospitality industry internationally. Masters programs in Tourism Management in France taught in English are designed for students who wish to train for management and leadership roles in tourism and hospitality organisations. Universities in France for Masters in Tourism Management prepare candidates with the experience and training required to hold managerial positions in the food, accommodation, and tourism industry.

Top Masters Programs in Tourism Management in France

Graduate Degree in Tourism Management in French furnishes a comprehensive study of tourism and hospitality management from theoretical and real-world perspectives, taught by academics with industry backgrounds and experience. Best Masters Courses in Tourism Management to Study in France qualify students to explore alternative management approaches and principles that will influence the tourism and hospitality industry on an international scale. Postgraduate courses in Tourism Management in France choose from various elective topics to help develop their managerial and strategic skills to succeed in a dynamic and transitional industry. Below is the list Top Masters Programs in Tourism Management in France

Tourism Management in France

Top Universities to Study Masters in Tourism Management in France

Universities in Paris for Masters in Tourism Management would develop a skill set that will allow them to take on current and future complex challenges. Graduates of Top Ranked Universities in France for Masters in Tourism Management will be capable of storing and accessing provides a comprehensive study of tourism and hospitality management from both theoretical and real-world perspectives, taught by academics with industry backgrounds and experience. The best Universities for MSc in Tourism Management in France are committed to education and innovative research resulting in personal and lifelong student success and serve as an intellectual catalyst for economic, social, and cultural transformation on a global, national, and regional scale. Best Universities for MSc in Tourism Management in France will furnish a broad basis in the skills and theory of data science, as well as the tools and experience to translate data into clear, innovative, and strategic wisdom. Colleges for Masters in Tourism Management in France curriculum enables graduates to fully understand the strategic decisions facing a hospitality manager in the ever-changing industry of memory and experience creation. Below is the list of Top Universities to Study Masters in Tourism Management in France

  • Skema Business School
  • Toulouse Business School
  • Rennes School of Business
  • Paris School of Business
  • ITSMI (Institute Technique Superieur du Management International)
  • College de Paris

Masters in Tourism Management in France In English

One of the most common queries among international students is whether a Masters degree in Tourism Management in France taught in English ? Yes, a Tourism Management Masters in France in English is available. There are over 300 Tourism Management Masters in France in English at French academies. English Masters programs in Tourism Management in France are perfect for students who prefer English-taught courses. The English Masters degree in Tourism Management in France also holds the same value and is internationally recognized. If you are interested in Masters in Tourism Management in France in English and have doubts, contact the experts at GoFrance.

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Masters in Tourism Management in France with Internship

Masters courses in Tourism Management in France with an Internship govern the market for qualified professionals in this field and provide students a competitive advantage in their professions. Masters in Tourism Management with Internship Courses in France for International Students is for twelve to fifteen months and provides support, guidance, and suggestions to the students. They bring the students face-to-face with their industrial partners, equip the student to create a relationship with a company and thus produce the professionals that the market needs. Below is the list of Masters in Tourism Management in France with Internship

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Admission Requirements to study for Masters in Tourism Management in France

A bachelors degree in the related field is one of the most fundamental Entry Requirements to study for Masters in Tourism Management in France . A fair number of backlogs (which varies by University) and a 60% aggregate score. Additionally, work experience in a relevant field can be beneficial and increase your chances of obtaining admission. The supporting documents are other Admission Requirements to study MSc in Tourism Management in France and Language test documents. French universities often require international students to clear the Admission Interview to study Masters in Tourism Management in France . In case of any required assistance with the Admission Requirements to study for Masters in Tourism Management in France , contact the experts at GoFrance.

Masters in Tourism Management in France without IELTS

Multiple top French academies have made Masters in Tourism Management in France without IELTS . The French government has allowed international students to study in France without IELTS. Global students can also apply for France study visas without IELTS. Multiple Alternatives To Study Masters In Tourism Management in France Without IELTS are applicable for the admission process and student visa in France. They are,

  • University interview
  • Studied in English language institute
  • University acceptance letter

English Language Requirements for Masters in Tourism Management in France

English Language Requirements for Masters in Tourism Management in France is a prerequisite. Multiple French academies accept IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE. However, the range of scores is subject to change. You must obtain the minimum IELTS score Requirement for MSc in Tourism Management in France . The minimum TOEFL score requirement for MSc in Tourism Management in France to get admission to any of the universities varies from each University. Below is the list of English Language score requirement for MSc in Tourism Management in France

Scholarships for Masters in Tourism Management in France

Considerable Scholarships for international students to study for Masters in Tourism Management in France are available at universities regardless of their courses. They waive tuition fees from 50% to 100%. Many scholarships can award significant money, such as 1000 EUR to 5000 EUR , for excellence and achievements in any field. Numerous colleges offer scholarships to talented students after authenticating academic success. The top scholarships can save you tuition fees and provide special recognition, but students are supposed to fulfil the requirements to receive a Scholarship in Tourism Management in France . Eligibility for scholarships to study for Masters in Tourism Management in France for different kinds of scholarships from diverse governing bodies differ and are revised with time. Below is a Scholarships for Masters in Tourism Management in France

  • Excellence-Major scholarships from the Agency for French Education Abroad and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs - Fixed allowance of 500 EUR per year and Tuition fees are covered up to a limit of Euro 5000 per year.
  • Charpak Exchange- Monthly stipend of Euro 700 and student visa and Campus France fee waiver
  • Charpak Master Scholarship - Euro 5,000
  • Eiffel Scholarship program - MASTERS COMPONENT of Euro 1,181 / month (a maintenance allowance of Euro 1031 plus a stipend of Euro 150 ). In addition, the following benefits are provided: International air travel, Train travel within France, Local transportation, health insurance, Supplemental health insurance ("mutuelle"), cultural activities, etc.
  • Studely Scholarship Program for international students - Euro 1,000

Cost of Studying Masters in Tourism Management in France

Tuition fees in universities for Masters in Tourism Management in France are crucial for global students pursuing education abroad. Cost of Masters in Tourism Management in France is moderately affordable compared to the needs of the course recently. The tuition fee for MSc in Tourism Management in France is pocket-friendly, and lucrative scholarships can waive tuition fees. Living Expenses during MSc in Tourism Management in France housing, food, travel, amusement, and supplementary educational costs. Living Expenses during MSc in Tourism Management in France are not significantly high, and students can use part-time jobs as a source to handle their expenses. The Cost of Studying Masters in Tourism Management in France may change following universities or colleges. Check the below table for tuition fee for MSc in Tourism Management in France. .

Who can apply for MSc Tourism Management in France?

hospitality tourism management en francais

If you have a relevant background or are good at design and looking for a job at Leading Tourism Management firms, universities, or consultancy companies, you can apply for MSc Tourism Management .

How much is the salary for a Tourism Management professional in France?

On average, Salary after studying MSc in Tourism Management in France ranges between 12,500 to 92,200 .

Will I get admitted for MSc Tourism Management in France?

We can analyse your profile and give you the possibilities for admission.

Is there a special Visa for Tourism Management professionals in France?

Currently, there is no special Visa consideration, but the profession is listed under the Critical occupation skill list.

Related Programs

Masters in Event Management in France

Masters in Event Management in France enables the student to acquire the theoretical knowledge, field expertise and competencies required to take up positions in the Event sector. Talk to our Experts to get admitted to the top universities in France.

Masters in Business Intelligence in France

Business Intelligence in France equips business professionals with an in-depth understanding of the core aspects of cyber security in our current, rapidly-evolving technological landscape. Talk to our Experts to get admitted to the top universities in France.

Masters in Hospitality Management in France

Hospitality Management in France furnishes students with a solid foundation in general management and specialist knowledge in new venture creation, lifestyle hospitality management, brand design, and innovation management. Talk to our Experts to get admitted to the top universities in France.

Masters in Aviation Management in France

Aviation Management in France provides you with the in-depth knowledge, skills, and expertise you need to succeed in the exciting air transport business. Talk to our Experts to get admitted to the top universities in France.

More Information about France

Bachelors in France

BS in France renders a plethora of job opportunities across various sectors like research, laboratory technician, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, food science, and many more. Talk to our Experts and get admit to the top universities in France.

Masters in France

Masters in France can be a good option if you want to enjoy the perks of a cheaper tuition fee, IELTS waiver, easy admission process and scholarships on tuition fee as well as housing. Talk to our Experts and get admitted to the top universities in France.

MBA in France

Studying MBA in France helps you understand the French workforce's diversity and let the student successfully enter the job market as a leader. Talk to our Experts and get admitted to the top universities in France

Phd in France

Seeking a doctorate in France will allow a global student to develop artistic understanding and build a strong network of contacts that will help in kick-starting their dream career. Talk to our Experts and get admitted to the top universities in France

Scholarship in France

French public institutes and the Erasmus+ programme offer a large number of scholarships for foreign students to help them finance their studies in France and Europe. Call us now!

MIM in France

MIM in France combines advanced skills in business and administration with real-world exposure to prepare the students and opens doors to a whole new world of opportunities. Talk to our Experts to get admitted to the top universities in France.

Management in France

Management in France prepare people for leadership roles or managerial positions at corporations. It allows students to acquire leadership skills such as decision-making, team building, and communication. Talk to our Experts to get admitted to the top universities in France.

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  • Master Tourisme

Master parcours Management of International Tourism

120 crédits


Institut de recherche et d'études sup. du tourisme (IREST)

Langue(s) d'enseignement

Diplôme éligible à la vae, présentation.

The Management of International Tourism (MIT) Master’s Degree 2 provides international students with in-depth and interdisciplinary knowledge of the international dimension of tourism exchanges, and skills that are highly valued by specialist public institutions and tourism operators. The MIT Master 2 is a one-year course with classes held between September and January (30 ECTS) and an internship and research paper between January and September (30 ETCS). It sets out to address the current needs of international and private actors regarding the international development of tourism. Good governance of tourism destinations requires an understanding of the changes brought about by new technologies and disintermediation, as well as the issues of market access and competitiveness.

In this regard, the MIT Master 2 training program focuses on issues of tourism destination attractiveness and coordination of public and private actors by addressing questions related to: • Management of factor endowments, particularly cultural and natural ones (CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISM) • Attractiveness and destination strategies (INTERNATIONAL TOURISM AND ATTRACTIVENESS OF TOURISM DESTINATIONS) • Funding incentives, impact, and development strategies in the hotel sector (HOTEL INVESTMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES) • Tourism governance in the context of metropolization and globalization (GLOBAL METROPOLISES AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISM).

Download the course catalogue

The MIT Master 2 leads to professional opportunities in tourism sectors with an international focus, especially for managers and project managers working in international organizations that are tourism-oriented or in which tourism plays a major part: UNWTO, UNESCO, OECD, WTTC, European Commission, World Bank, etc. It also aims to train managers for big international tourism operators: airlines, tour operators, international consulting firms, consultants, financial operators, etc.

Les + de la formation

Interview with allison strickland, graduate student of the master program mit - management of international tourism, interview with alex jeffries, graduate student of the master program mit - management of international tourism, organisation, membres de l’équipe pédagogique.

IREST Director

Head of the programm

Administrative Officer MIT Master 2

Please copy both e-mail addresses

Find out the IREST teaching juries for the current academic year

The MIT Master 2 is a one-year course with classes held between September and January (30 ECTS) and an internship and research paper between January and September (30 ETCS). It sets out to address the current needs of international and private actors regarding the international development of tourism. Good governance of tourism destinations requires an understanding of the changes brought about by new technologies and disintermediation, as well as the issues of market access and competitiveness.

Sélectionnez un programme

Master 2 indifférencié management of international tourism, ue1 : cultural and natural heritage & international tourism, conception et montage de projets culturels, gouvernance et mise en tourisme du patrimoine mondial, stratégies de dévelop. & financement des institutions cult., ue2 : international tourism & attractiveness of tourism dest, le tourisme vu par l'europe, les politiques de coopération internationale, political ecology of tourism, stratégies des destinations touristiques, tourisme international et réduction de la pauvreté, ue3 : hotel investments & development strategies, droit international public et privé, anglo-saxon du tourisme, financement des entreprises hôtelières, intermédiation et e-tourisme, ue4 : global metropolises and international tourism, city branding, construction territoriale et toursime, métropolisation, globalisation et tourisme, politiques d'attractivité - tourisme et territoire national, ue5 : langues et méthodologie, méthodologie de la recherche, ue1 : mémoire, mémoire, ue2 : stage.

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15 crédits

Conditions d'admission

Entry requirements for the Master 2 are a Bachelor’s degree in economics, management, economic sciences, applied foreign languages, or social sciences (geography, sociology, anthropology, information and communication sciences).

Find out about IREST's admission committees for the current academic year

Modalités d'inscription

For students whose country of residence is listed by "Etudes en France" ( check the countries concerned ), the application is to be made via the website of this organization . The procedure is entirely on-line.  Be aware that the application deadline depends on the Country of residence. We encourage you to check with the office of your Country for the applicable dates. 

For EU resident students the application process is done via the e-candidat portal of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

Check the application periods on the IREST website

  • Fiche complète
  • Course catalogue MIT

Vous avez formations et cours sauvegardés

hospitality tourism management en francais

Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Tourism Management (Program entirely in English)

Prerequisite : High school diploma (or equivalent) Language of instruction : English Duration of the program : 3 years State Quality Certified Program 

hospitality tourism management en francais

French State recognition leading to AIM’s Bachelor degrees. Holders are officially entitled by this recognition as: Manager en hôtellerie internationale de luxe (RNCP-Niv. 6) . In other terms: Manager for International Luxury Hotels. State approved renewal process of recognition: June 28, 2024

hospitality tourism management en francais

The Bachelor in Hotel and Tourism Management program is designed to develop students’ management skills by simulating real-life situations enabling them to learn how to manage a team, work in a group, etc.

In addition to their coursework, students undertake projects, role plays, case studies, etc., or participate in workshops that reflect the reality of working in the hospitality and tourism sector.

hospitality tourism management en francais

  • Organization of Bachelor of Science studies over 3 years
  • Academic calendar

Three years of intensive, specialized higher education to train tomorrow’s operational managers for high-level positions in the luxury hospitality and high-end tourism sector. After the first semester, students have the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned in operational or management internships undertaken in hotels in France or abroad.

Bachelor of Science 1 st year

Christmas holidays: 2 weeks in accordance with the Academy of Paris calendar Winter holidays: 2 weeks in accordance with the Academy of Paris calendar * Internship (work experience) in a company: 4 months minimum

Bachelor of Science 2 nd year

Students in Europe, ending their 1 st or 2 nd year Bachelor studies in Hospitality can apply for our second year.

Christmas holidays: 2 weeks in accordance with the Academy of Paris calendar Winter holidays: 2 weeks in accordance with the Academy of Paris calendar * Management training: 6 months in France, up to 8 months outside France

Bachelor of Science 3 rd year

* Management Training: non-compulsory, but obligatory if the student wishes to continue to the 2 nd year of the Master of Science.

With the exception of the first year, students’ schedules should permit paid work to be carried out up to a limit of 20 hours/week.

True Excellence in Culinary Arts Training (Optional)

True Excellence in Culinary Arts Training (Optional) - école de cuisine Alain Ducasse

Nota: Academic standing is taken into consideration in the case of 20 or more candidates due to limited kitchen capacity.

Courses with professional certification

hospitality tourism management en francais

1 st year of Bachelor

The 1 st year subject options and course structure facilitate the development of an ability to analyze and summarize, key attributes when learning how to make decisions in an ever-changing and complex environment.

  Areas of expertise with professional certifications

  managing bar & beverage operations.

Managing Bar & Beverage Operations

This course lays the groundwork for a basic understanding of beverage operations by explaining the beverage service process, describing the types of positions commonly found in beverage operations, and focusing on such beverages as beer, spirits, and wine. Included in the course are instructions on responsible alcohol service, supervisory techniques, and procedures for entry-level beverage service positions. 


  • The Basics of Beverage Service
  • Beverage Service Responsibilities
  • Serving Alcohol With Care
  • Leadership and Supervision
  • Bar Operations
  • Bar Marketing and Sales
  • Wine Fundamentals

  Financial Accounting I

Training in the main financial accounting methods used in the hospitality industry.


  • Accounting for Business Transactions

  Hospitality Industry Essentials

Complete overview of the hospitality industry.

Participants undertake a detailed study of each angle of the industry, in particular from a management perspective and analyze the problems faced on a daily basis.

  • Travel and Tourism Industry
  • Hotel Organization and Management
  • Restaurant Organization and Management
  • Club Management
  • The Cruise Line Business
  • Gaming and Casino Hotels
  • Managing Human Resources

  Housekeeping Management

Optimization tools for day-to-day “Housekeeping Management” with a broad overview of general problems and technical solutions.

  • Planning and Organizing the Housekeeping Department
  • Managing Inventories
  • Controlling Expenses
  • Safety and Security
  • Managing an On-Premises Laundry

  Managing Beverage Operations

Detailed procedures to be implemented in ensuring the smooth running of a bar .

  Rooms Department / Front Office Management

In-depth analysis of how the reception service operates and its relationship with the hotel’s management and other departments.

  • Reservations
  • Registration
  • Front Office Responsibilities
  • Front Office Accounting
  • Check-Out and Account Settlement
  • The Front Office Audit

  SPA Management

Training for a career in the wellness sector , including historic and cultural studies into how spas evolved as well as industry terminology and essential principles for implementing a high-quality service in this area.

  • Philosophy of Spa
  • History of Spa and Spa Cultures
  • Contemporary Spa
  • Trend Analysis: Predictions and Possibilities
  • The Spa Service Experience
  • Traditions, Treatments, and Terms
  • Financial Organization of Spas
  • Spa Careers, Vocations, and Professions
  • Leadership and Ethics

2 nd year of Bachelor

  convention management.

Full training in conference and events management including the use of information technology and promotional materials to ensure effective communication during meetings.

  • Developing Marketing Plan
  • Organizing for Convention Sales
  • Selling the Corporate Meetings Market
  • Selling to the Meetings Market
  • Advertising to the Meeting Planner
  • Negotiations and Contracts
  • Preparing for the Event

  Financial Accounting II

Application of principal financial accounting methods in the hospitality industry.

  • Financial Statements

  Human Resources Management

Professional training for candidates seeking to work in the Human Resources departments of major hotels.

  • Employment Laws and Applications
  • Job Analysis and Job Design
  • Planning and Recruiting
  • Training and Development
  • Evaluating Employee Performance
  • Negotiation and Collective Bargaining
  • Turnover, Discipline, and Exits

  Managing Service in Food & Beverage Operations

How to provide a high-quality restaurant service , create added value, ensure customer loyalty and maintain excellent standards .

  • Food and Beverage Operations
  • Select Food and Beverage Staff
  • Select Hotel Food Service Staff
  • Select Beverage Service Staff
  • Menu Development
  • Food Service Supplies and Equipment
  • Facility Design, Deco
  • Sanitation, Safety, Security, Health, and Legal Issues
  • Labor and Revenue Control
  • Banquets and Catered Events
  • In-Room Dining
  • On-Site Food and Beverage Operations

  Strategic Sales & Marketing

Study of the various “types” of customer ; the starting point of this training. Analysis of the particularities of the “4Ps” (product, price, promotion, publicity) in relation to the hospitality industry.

  • Market Segmentation
  • Positioning in Line with Consumer Preferences
  • The Channels of Distribution
  • Technology and Marketing
  • Pricing Strategies
  • The Hotel/Unit Marketing Plan
  • The Corporate/Multi-Unit Marketing Plan


Development of specific skills allowing future hospitality managers to step into a professional role immediately.

  • Effective communication
  • Recruitment & Selection Procedures
  • Managing productivity & controlling labor costs
  • Performance appraisal
  • Managing conflict
  • Time management

3 rd year of Bachelor

  cost control in food & beverage operations.

Study and analysis of all of the latest control procedures used by international catering companies in particular with regard to monitoring costs.

  • Menu Engineering
  • Operations Budgeting and Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
  • Determining Food and Beverage Standards
  • Purchasing and Receiving Controls
  • Storing and Issuing Controls
  • Production and Serving Controls
  • Calculating Actual Food and Beverage Costs
  • 10 Control Analysis, Corrective Actions and Evaluation
  • Revenue Control
  • Preventing Theft of Revenue
  • Labor Cost Control

  Financial Accounting III

Continuation and final part of the hospitality accounting course . Full training in the latest formats as published by the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry .

  • Corporate Accounting

  Hospitality Law

In-depth study of the rights of hoteliers , the responsibilities enforced on them by law as well as the consequences of failure to fulfill legal obligations .

  • The Hotel keeper and the Law of Contracts
  • The Hotel’s Liability for Loss of Property of Persons
  • Fraud Committed Against Hotels and Crimes of Trespass
  • General Laws Regarding Food
  • Laws Relating to Alcoholic Beverage
  • Wage and Hours Laws Applicable to Hotel Employees
  • Laws Against Discrimination in Employment
  • Consumer Protection Laws Affecting Hotels
  • Public Health and Safety Requirements
  • Fire Safety Laws
  • Legal Issues Involving the Internet
  • The Impact of Terrorism on Laws Governing Hotels


Course description:.


Widely accepted in all leading business schools as the ultimate experience-building methodology, case studies constitute the core of the Marketing and Sales course for Master of Science and BS 3rd year students.

Students are expected to have previously become familiar with the key foundations of strategic and operational marketing plans. Contrary to a lecture-based approach, the whole program will be dedicated discussing many real-life situations in the hospitality industry. Students have a unique chance of sitting “in the driver’s seat” to identify, analyze and recommend solutions amongst a large variety of challenging situations in hotel management, restaurants and the tourism industry at large.


The key benefits to the students will be:

  • Acute development of analytical skills . In real life, when it comes to making an important decision, we often find that we do not have enough information, or too much, or not enough time. Case studies teach how to rapidly identify the key stakes in any given situation and focus on bringing effective creative solutions.
  • Development of an effective working process methodology . Students have to analyze the situations, the alternatives and their recommendations by themselves, first. Then, they share points of views with their respective learning team and eventually expose their views to the whole class, following a suggested, logical, 6 steps process. This methodology has proved immensely beneficial in terms of giving students a framework they can easily replicate in their future professional life, when they will integrate larger working groups or will have to manage them.
  • Significant improvement of communication skills . Of course, being able to analyze and recommend on a given situation is great. But convincing others that what we suggest is what should be implemented is a whole new game. Like in “real-life”, the discussion in class is a democratic process where no one can be totally certain to possess the truth, but nevertheless has to fight to try and impose his/her point-of-view. And many people fail by lack of proper mental structure or self-assurance. The case discussions will make students aware of eventual shortfalls in those areas and allow them to significantly improve their level of confidence and communication skills.
  • A comprehensive survey of the industry . The case studies chosen explore many facets of the hospitality industry, reviewing actual situations that occurred across the world, amongst individual hotels, groups, restaurants, or the travel industry. These examples constitute a unique chance to be exposed, reflect upon and recommend on such a large sample of diversified experiences and provide a valuable accelerated learning process.

N.B. : The organization of certain management courses may be modified depending on the schedule of certain visiting professors.

See all courses

hospitality tourism management en francais

Teamwork for real projects, with rigorous planning requiring in-depth knowledge, all provided during the program.

  • A solid international career

  • Language Lab

Thanks to the free membership to the CIUP Library provided by AIM, students have the opportunity to develop their skills in a foreign language of their choice from a catalog of more than 26 languages.

Language acquisition and development for 26 foreign languages

Campus Langues

The Languages Area provides instruction in:

French English Spanish Italian Portuguese Turkish Arabic Hebrew Chinese Farsi Urdu Dutch Japanese Korean Armenian Hindi Russian Greek

Language Lab – CIUP

  • Professional certifications

AIM benefits from a partnership with the AHLEI to provide certification that AIM’s courses meet the highest international standards in higher education.

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute

These internationally recognized professional certifications are accessible to all our students during their studies.

Particularly intended for professionals wishing to broaden their skills, they enable our students to accelerate access to jobs at international level depending on their profile.

An exclusive partnership in France between AIM and the American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI).

The AHLEI is internationally recognized for its consultancy services and implementation of the best management tools in major international hotel chains.

To cite just one, the Uniform System of Accounts for Hotels , an accounting system for the hotel industry that it designed and published, is used by all major establishments, both in France and internationally.

hospitality tourism management en francais

CCI Paris Ile de France

Accueil / Tests and Diplomas / Diplomas in French for Professions / Diploma in French for Tourism, Hospitality, Catering

Diploma in French for Tourism, Hospitality, Catering

Diplôme de français professionnel Tourisme, Hôtellerie, Restauration

The Diploma in French for Tourism, Hospitality and Catering assesses the level candidates have attained in comprehension and expression, both written and oral, by evaluating their performance of professional tasks: reservations, advising clients, or giving guided tours.

Who is it for?

This diploma responds to a need for training and certification in professional French among the staff of restaurants, hotels, or travel agencies who are not native speakers of French, in view of their engagement with French-speaking clientele, or their advancement in a French-speaking market.

This diploma is intended for professionals in the hotel, tourism and food service sectors whose tasks include receiving customers. Some examples might be receptionists, station attendants, travel agents, tour operators, tour guides, activity leaders, servers, and headwaiters.

Examples of activities and topics covered

Activities: Taking an order, greeting a customer, responding to guest comments on a forum, presenting a plan for a guided tour, writing promotional copy for a touristic offer, explaining a map and providing advice to a client.

Themes: Gastronomy, tourism, hotels, travel

Detailed description of Diplomas by level

We offer three Diploma for Tourism, Hospitality, Catering from level A2 to B2 .

Tourism - Hospitality - Catering A2

The Diploma in French for Tourism-Hospitality-Catering A2 certifies elementary skills in French: the holder of this diploma can understand and express themselves to carry out very simple communication tasks in the most familiar social and professional situations.

Skills evaluated

Understanding and processing information : The candidate can understand the essential elements of administrative documents (passport, identity card) and messages from clients.

He/she can fill in standard professional documents and write simple e-mails in response to requests for information, confirmation or cancellation, in predictable situations. The candidate can understand the essence of simple requests and short, predictable messages, face to face or on the telephone in the commonest reception situations.

Communicating orally :

The candidate can welcome a client, describe a tourist product and exchange factual information in a simple manner in a limited number of practical, common situations.

Total duration of evaluation: 1 hour 15 minutes  

Tourism - Hospitality - Catering B1

The Diploma in French for Tourism-Hospitality-Catering B1 certifies ability in French at an independent level , enabling the user to understand and express him/herself in normal social and professional situations.

The holder of this diploma can communicate in professional situations in a normal or unforeseen context.

Understanding and processing information : The candidate can understand the essential elements of professional documents aimed at clients (menus, brochures, plans, activity programmes, descriptions of tourist facilities) and messages from clients. He/she can complete standard professional documents and write made-to-measure proposals, particularly in response to requests from clients for services, and provide personalised responses to comments from clients. The candidate can understand the essence of requests and messages from clients or service-providers, face to face or over the telephone, in both common and unforeseen situations.

Communicating orally : The candidate can present a tourism product in a personalised and well-argued manner, and start a guided visit by announcing the programme.

Total duration of evaluation: 1 hour 55 minutes

Tourism - Hospitality - Catering B2

The Diploma in French for Tourism-Hospitality-Catering B2 certifies ability in French at an independent level , enabling the user to communicate effectively in a wide range of professional situations .

The holder of this diploma can carry out, both orally and in writing, professional communication tasks , in all the standard situations found in his/her working environment, including those that involve managing a certain degree of unpredictability.

Understanding and processing information : The candidate can understand specialised information relating to tourism (guides, specialised press, specialised books: history, geography, architecture, etc.) He/she can understand and respond to complaints and provide a personalised solution. He/she can write promotional text for a tourist product.

Communicating orally : The candidate is able to present information in a structured, attractive and original manner, in order to persuade and captivate his/her client or audience.

Total duration of evaluation: 2 hours 35 minutes

Candidate guide

hospitality tourism management en francais

Vatel is ranked 1 st school in France in the “Hospitality and Leisure management” subject.

We are very happy to learn that Vatel is ranked 1st school in France in the “Hospitality and Leisure management” subject, by the prestigious QS World University Rankings. We dedicate this 1st place to our students, teachers and alumni.

The French art of hospitality, a benchmark for the rest of the world.

Hospitality stems from the History of France. In the Middle Ages, young gentlemen traveling the world, diplomatic emissaries and princes stayed in the most beautiful residence in town and the most important people fought for the honor of being able to host them.

Human values were the ones that gave it this reputation for excellence.The French art of hospitality is mainly founded upon guest satisfaction. Hosts must thus possess specific qualities that Vatel strives to develop for its students during their schooling: respect, discretion, an open mind towards other cultures, a desire to please others and create an emotion, knowing how to be a good listener, how to warmly welcome others, having a sound general culture, etc.

French, an international language

French, an international language

After English, French is the most widely studied language in the world. And together with English, it is the only language spoken on all five continents. Being able to speak French is very important for an international career in hospitality.

Paris, the mythical capital

Paris, the mythical capital

The Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Palais du Louvre, the Sacré Coeur, the Champs-Elysées Avenue with its legendary boutiques… Paris is only three hours from Nîmes by high-speed TGV train, and students in France get great reductions on train fares.

An economic powerhouse

An economic powerhouse

France is the one of the world's leading economic power. It is a country of culture, history and diplomacy. France is home to leading international corporations such as Accor, Airbus, Total, Orange, L'Oréal, Chanel, Renault, Danone, and more.

French food & wine

French food & wine

Périgord truffles, strawberries and asparagus from Nîmes, olives from Nyons, wines from Bordeaux and Châteauneuf-du-Pape, and Roquefort cheese are among France’s many culinary delights. As part of its academic program, the school runs wine and cheese tasting trips in southern France.

Reasonable cost for studies

Reasonable cost for studies

Attractive tuition fees compared to the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia.

In the heart of europe

Located in the center of Europe

France has a great location in the heart of Europe, offering numerous opportunities, a great climate, and outstanding natural beauty. Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Madrid, Dublin – with your student resident card, you can visit 25 European countries and enjoy all the cities that you have always dreamed of visiting.

World-class ski resorts and water sports

World-class ski resorts and water sports

Enjoy proximity to the Alps or the Pyrenees for high altitude adventures, plus a wide range of equally tempting activities, such as water sports, by the Mediterranean Sea.

Arrow down

  • Manager en Hôtellerie Internationale (1)
  • European Bachelor of Management in Hospitality & Tourism (2)
  • Directeur d’Hôtellerie Internationale (1)
  • European MBA in Hotel & Tourism (2)


  • 17 classrooms
  • 100-seat amphitheater with audio and video equipment
  • Virtual Library
  • Accommodation search assistance
  • Part-time jobs assistance
  • Active student council
  • Sport, culture, leisure events


  • Four-star Vatel Hotel with 42 rooms and four suites
  • Vatel brasserie
  • Reception and banquet halls holding up to 300 people
  • Training kitchen
  • Pastry kitchen


  • Residence with 200 individual en-suite rooms and free Wi-Fi
  • Cafeteria open every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Choice of cold starters, hot main courses, dairy products, pastries and fresh fruits.


The fees are indicative and subject to an increase of between, 3 to 5 % each year.

HEALTH INSURANCE: All EU and non-EU students are covered under the French social security system which ensures minimal coverage of up to 60% of the medical expenses. However, a complementary students’ medical insurance can be purchased for a 100% coverage upon arrival.

CYBERLIBRIS: Access to the Vatel Virtual Library and to the Vatel portal. Every student is given a personal email address.

FULL BOARD: 3 meals a day, 7 days a week on campus during the academic semester. During the internship, duty meals are provided by the hotel.

LODGING FEES: Include the rental of accommodation in a single/double room on campus. During the internship semesters, accommodation is generally provided by the hotel. The cost between semesters is at the expense of the student.

Options, once picked and paid for, are final and cannot be reimbursed at a later date during the academic year. The fees are indicative and subject to an increase of between 3 to 5 % each year.

Lifestyle on campus

Vatel is the only hospitality school in France to bring together in the same space, student accommodation, a 4 * hotel, a brasserie, a convention center and reception rooms. This translates tangibly into experimentation in our practical training facilities, alternating with theoretical classes.

At Vatel in France, you get your French title and European degree in 3 years for under 50,000 €. It is one of the least expensive school in France.

Vatel offers at very reasonable cost and within the school a cafeteria and secure, comfortable double or single rooms.

Lifestyle on campus

Vatel is ranked 1st in France in the “Hospitality and Leisure management” subject, by the prestigious QS World University Rankings 2023.

Verónica Ugarte (MSc Hospitality Tourism) - ESCP Business School Madrid Campus

Verónica Ugarte

Admissions & Recruitment Book an appointment Tel: +34 911 719 016 [email protected]

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Master of Science (MSc) in Hospitality & Tourism Management - ESCP

MSc in Hospitality & Tourism Management

Entry Level:

A Master degree or a Bachelor degree (previous work experience recommended)

15 months (Full time)

Language of instruction:


Cornell University School of Hotel Administration (USA)

Where you study

  • Programmes & Training
  • Masters of Science

MSc in Hospitality & Tourism Management

  • Fees & Financials
  • The Cornell Experience

Master of Science (MSc) Hospitality & Tourism Management Pursue an international and fast-moving career.

This specialisation in Hospitality & Tourism Management is part fo the Master Degree (DEAMIE)* This life-changingMSc will give you the training and tools you need to have a successful and international career in the hospitality & tourism sector.

The  MSc in Hospitality and Tourism Management combines 3 main goals:

  • To provide sound knowledge and tools from a Top Tier business school
  • To enrich strategic and operational insights of the hospitality and tourism world
  • To train participants to act and manage in a global and multicultural environment

This specialisation offers a first-class business education for young professionals wanting to pursue an international and fast-moving career in the hospitality and tourism industry and even beyond.

Key aspects of the specialisation

  • A specialisation of the Master Degree (Diplôme d'Études Avancées en Management International des Entreprises (DEAMIE)) *.
  • A multicampus programme that brings together leading professional perspectives and intercultural experiences
  • Specialisation modules in Cornell University School of Hotel Administration (NYC - USA)
  • A “learning by doing” programme to develop your professional skills, network and career
  • A personalised experience with a world-class faculty, professionals and staff members

Participants’ background

  • Hospitality & Tourism Management: 62%
  • Business Management : 27%
  • Economics: 7%
  • Civil & Enviromental Engineering: 6% All academic backgrounds are welcome!

unique nationalities

22 average age

Lorena DIAZ-SANTOS RAMIREZ – MSc in Hospitality & Tourism Management - ESCP

Enhance your profile

This multicampus (Madrid & Turin or London) structure with two concrete specialization tracks (Sustainable Hospitality Management & Hotel Development) combined with our “learning by doing” curriculum, International Consultancy Project (ICP) and the Professional Development Programme at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, will most definitely enhance your profile, and provide you with an added value that will help you develop a successful career in the sector.

Scientific Director

Prof. Dr. Jaime LUQUE, Associate Professor, Madrid Campus - ESCP Business School

Alejandro RUIZ

Teaching Professor in the Management Department

Forestry Engineering by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) Areas of expertise: Business strategy management, digital transformation and project management

Executive Director

Ramón FISAC - ESCP Business School


Permanent Affiliate Professor in the Department of Sustainability

PhD in Industrial Engineering by the Tecnical University of Madrid (UPM) Research areas: Sustainability, CSR, entrepreneurship, innovative business models. 

About the Master Degree (DEAMIE)*

« Diplôme d'Études Avancées en Management International des Entreprises » (DEAMIE) Joining this full-time Master of Science corresponds to the determination to pursue a defined professional project and gives young graduates and young executives a combination of high value skills sought by recruiters. This programme provides academic expertise and presentation of the best professional practices. Our goal is to train experts who will be rapidly able to progress in a globalised world. Students will obtain 1 degree: the French Master degree (DEAMIE) and 1 diploma: MSc in Hospitality & Tourism Management.

* This is a university level specialisation leading to an official degree in France.

Ali Rahal and Tamás Márkus

Online Info Session

Tuesday, 28 february 4:00 p.m. (cet - gmt+1).

EDUNIVERSAL Ranking Best Masters in the field of Hospitality Management - ESCP Business School MSc in Hospitality and Tourism Management ranked 7 in the world

Students of this Master who obtain the Cornell PDP Certificate will also become part of the Cornell Hotel Society alumni network*. * The annual dues are to be paid separately.

In the fourth part of the programme, participants are enrolled in the “Professional Development Program” (PDP) at Cornell University School of Hotel Administration  (NYC – USA) which is regarded as the world leader in this field. Participants have the opportunity to choose concentration modules and get the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration PDP certification in specialized fields as Hospitality Human Resources Management, Strategic Marketing for Hotel and Restaurants, Hotel Revenue Management and Strategic Innovation and Change Management. .

Academic Partners

Logo Accor

Master of Science (MSc) Hospitality & Tourism Management Curriculum

Our programme targets your expertise.

This full-time specialisation offers in-class sessions including individual and group study and professional development activities The MSc offers you the option to acquire a specialisation in Sustainable Hospitality Management  or Hotel Development.

This full-time program takes place over 10 months (15 months including internship and thesis) and is divided into four terms. You have to be proficient in English to follow these courses .

Professional development activities

The MSc is designed both to help you enrich your knowledge of the hospitality industry and question your professional path. You benefit from unique opportunities to interact with hotel professionals and experts, discover diverse and innovative business models and reflect on career goals that match your own talents and the right professional environment. This includes:

  • International Consultancy Project
  • Guest Speakers' Lectures
  • Live Case Studies
  • Career Workshops
  • Company Visits

NOTE: ESCP is committed to delivering the curriculum as is, unless external circumstances (such as the COVID-19 pandemic) are in the way, in which case(s) we will develop alternatives to deliver the programmes’s learning objectives.

A full-time programme.

The programme begins in October and is organised as follow:

CORE COURSES - TERM 1 Jul-Sep: Candidates with < 240 ECTS previous degree (or equivalent)

These six modules are compulsory only for candidates with less than 240ects (or equivalent).

They run in an online format between July and September prior to the campus terms. Candidates may be exempted from attending these modules based on their previous working experience (3 years required). See Admission Tab for more information.


  • Economics                                                        
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Statistics for Management

COURSE MODULES- TERMS 2 & 3 Oct-Dec: Madrid campus| Jan-June:  Madrid, London or Turin & Ithaca, NY

The courses address both theory and real-life applications with a practical approach to project management. They are taught from October to July by ESCP Faculty and successful professionals.

Students will also take a compulsory seminar on Ethics, Enviromental, Social & Corporate Governance.

Term 2 Oct – Dec (Madrid)

Core courses.

  • Tourism and Global Economy
  • Strategy for Hospitality and Tourism Services
  • Introduction to Finance and Financial Accounting
  • Marketingfor Hospitality and Tourism Services
  • Building a Sustainable Strategy: Innovation and Master Plan
  • Technology Innovations in Hospitality

Sustainable Hospitality Management

  • Destination Management
  • Toursim Product Conception
  • Hotel Development
  • Real Estate Finance & Investments
  • Software Technologies in Real Estate
  • Career Development
  • Project Management for International Consultancy Projects (I)

Term 3 Jan– March (Madrid)

Core courses.

  • Hospitality Consulting
  • Hostel Operation Management
  • Smart Cities and Urgan Planning
  • Live Case Study (I): Sunset Hospitality Group
  • Culture, Heritage and Real Estate
  • Online Research Seminar
  • Sustainability Management
  • Project Management for International Consultancy Projects (II)

Sustainable Hospitality Management

  • Entrepreneurship in Hospitality & Tourism
  • Sustainability for Hospitality & Tourism 
  • Sustainability Certification in Hospitality
  • Real Estate Investment Funds
  • Hotel Mergers & Acquisitions

Expert Talks

  • Conferences with Industry Leaders

Term 3 April- June

Sustainable hospitality management turin campus (may).

  • Online Analytics
  • Food & Beverage
  • Yield Management

Hotel Development London campus (May)

  • Advanced Real Estate Development
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Capital Markets
  • Advanced Real Estate Finance

International Consulting Project (ICP) - All over the World

  • Students work in small teams (minimum 2 - maximum 4 team members) as “external junior consultants” full time on real projects commissioned by companies for a period of 5 weeks

The Hotel School Cornell SC Johnson College of Business

  • Courses online + in class = 4 courses on Hospitality Management in order to obtain PDP (Professional Development Program) Certification - Cornell School of Hotel Administration

Students of this Master who obtain the Cornell PDP Certificate will also become part of the Cornell Hostel Society alumni network.  


  • Professional Thesis

PROFESSIONAL MISSION- TERM 4 Jul-Dec: A professional mission of 4 months minimum anywhere in the world

From July to end December, you must complete an in-company internship of at least 4 months (though often lasting for 7-8 months). ESCP assists you in locating internship opportunities and networking with companies. The internship is an opportunity for practical application of the theoretical concepts learned from courses, with an eye to establishing a career. In many cases, corporate employers consider the internship as a trial period for a permanent position.  

The Corporate Relations Department

The Company Relations Department is dedicated to gather placement offers from many companies. The department also organises a series of fairs involving firms, giving you many opportunities to make contact.

  • Know more about the Company Relations Department

PROFESSIONAL THESIS -TERM 4 Jul-Dec: Writing and defending a professional thesis

The thesis is an applied research project in consultation with an academic advisor based on the International Consulting Project (ICP) . It is a chance for you to synthesise learned material through analysis of a particular corporate issue by using clear, detailed argumentation. The thesis marks the culmination of the degree and is orally presented to a committee at the end of the programme. It represents 30 of the total of 120 ECTS credits earned over the year.

During this time, students will also participate in a mandatory Research Seminar held by an ESCP professor. This seminar represents 3 ECTS credits of the total 120 earned over this academic year. 

Stathis ALEXOPOULOS – MSc in Hospitality & Tourism Management


Stathis ALEXOPOULOS Sales Executive at YES! Hotels Group

“The first and best business school in Europe! Well it's absolutely true! In My ESCP journey, I met with great professionals from the Tourism and Hospitality industry, traveled to three different countries, went to one of the best schools in the world-Cornell University, visited many companies and organizations- and learned from the best! What is more, I know have contacts all over the world and a great career in front of me! I couldn't be thankful enough!”

Master of Science (MSc) Hospitality & Tourism Management Careers

Placement report.

100%   are employed

were employed before graduation

were employed 3 to 6 months after graduation

have a job with an international dimension

€38,925  average annual salary

€7,490  average annual bonus


other (design/cosmetics/pharmaceutical)

Students - ESCP

Career opportunities

  • Sales Executive
  • Marketing & Communication
  • Revenue Management
  • Luxury Tourism
  • Hotel Management
  • Advertising
  • Travel Distribution
  • Event Manager
  • Entrepreneur
  • Hospitality & Tourism Startups
  • Real Estate Development for Hospitality

Industries Hiring

Resorts – Travel Companies – Sustainable Tourism Projects & Consulting – Events Centers – Entertainment & Leisure – Food & Beverage – Cruise Lines

Maria Cristina DOPAZO – MSc in Hospitality & Tourism Management - ESCP

Maria Cristina DOPAZO Revenue Analyst at Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group

“ The ESCP MSc in Hospitality & Tourism Management changed my professional life. The International Consultancy Project in Africa opened and reinforced my network and ways to think about tourism; my professors helped me find my passion in Hospitality Revenue Management and my classmates gave me a multicultural perspective. ESCP, a lifetime experience. ”

Master of Science (MSc) Hospitality & Tourism Management Admissions


  • A Bachelor or Master degree in any discipline, preferably in business, science, architecture or engineering: - Minimum 240 ECTS previously acquired at a Higher Education institution; or -Minimum 180 ECTS for some candidates who add value to the group. We will only consider under this derogation students from prestigious institutions and/or excellent academic performance and/or first professional experience.
  • TOEFL IBT: 95
  • TOEFL written: 600
  • TOEFL computer based: 250
  • Cambridge: C1 level

Note: Due to accreditation regulations, students starting with less than 240 ECTS will need to obtain an additional 30 ECTS at ESCP Business School. The school will offer additional course options for those students. The corresponding fee for these ECTS is 3,200€

*If your bachelor’s degree was taught entirely in English, you do not need to take an English exam, but send a certificate from your university stating that your bachelor’s was taught entirely in English.

Applications are examined in the order of their arrival; they must be submitted as early as possible. We have rolling admissions and limited seats available in each programme. After the application package has been reviewed by the Admission Committee, the candidate will be notified whether he/she will be invited for the final interview.

Step 1: Application form

Applications are made online . Please ensure that you take plenty of time with this form and answer all the questions there in as fully and thoughtfully as possible.

The main elements of the application include:

  • A copy of a Bachelor or Master diploma OR certificate of enrollment for current Bachelor studies (English or Spanish).
  • A copy of your grade transcripts covering all years of university study or the years done so far (English or Spanish).
  • Copy of passport
  • An updated CV in English
  • Motivational letter in English
  • Two recommendation letters (English or Spanish). At least one must come from a professional background.
  • Official English certificate (if applicable). Exemptions may be granted if you have studied fully in English for three or more years. If your studies were not in an English-speaking country, please apply with a medium of instruction confirmation letter from your university to be considered for exemption.
  • If you do not have an official English certificate obtained within the last 2 years, you will be invited to take the ESCP English Proficiency Test , which is completely online.

Remember that you need to submit all the required documents , including English test results, before the application deadline, so if you need to take the ESCP English test , make sure you send your application well before the application deadline to have enough time to complete it.

Please ensure that all required supporting documents are scanned and uploaded during the online application process.

Please note: for full details of the application requirements, please see the online application. An application fee of €130 is required to cover the processing of the application.

Step 2: Personal Interview & Exam

Students holding an official English score (taken within the last two years) are waived to take the ESCP English Proficiency test and must submit a copy of the result of these tests in their application file.

Candidates whose written application is accepted will be invited for an individual interview, which plays an essential role in assessing the abilities and motivation for joining the program. Interviews take place from November to September each year.

Step 3: Confirmation

Admission decisions are sent out by email and post within two weeks of the Admissions interview. From the moment of the notification, students have a maximum period of 10 days to pay the registration fees and thus, confirm their place.

Admission Calendar

Admissions for the  Academic year 2024-2025  will open in  November 2023 .

We have admission sessions every month as is indicated below * :

(*) only available for candidates with at least 4 years of previous studies or more (minimum 240 ECTS or equivalent). Due to the time required to obtain the Student visa, these admission sessions are only available for European students or those who have a European passport.

Master of Science (MSc) Hospitality & Tourism Management Fees & Financials

Fees intake 2025.

  • Application fee: €130
  • Tuition fee: €28,500*
  • Term 1 (for candidates with less than 240 ECTS credits): €3,300

* Service fee & PDP Certification at Cornell University School of Hotel Administration are included (mandatory seminar). Travel and accommodation expenses are not included.


Escp has been committed to recognizing and enabling the most talented international students to pursue their studies and invest in their future career..

The MSc programmes offer  20 partial scholarships of €3,000 over the tuition fees based on financial needs and academic merits .

In order to apply for a scholarship, you must be admitted and enrolled in the program first and you can’t apply for more than one partial scholarship.

The scholarship of €3,000 is compatible with the early bird scholarship, if applicable, and will be deducted from your tuition fees.

Eligibility : Scholarships are open to all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality or background who have been admitted and enrolled to one of our MSc programmes and are able to demonstrate academic merits and/or financial needs.

Process : The candidates who have been admitted and enrolled to one of our MSc programmes and are interested in a partial scholarship must complete a scholarship form (that will be sent by the Student Service Department when the process is open) and send the following documents *:

  • A personal statement outlining in detail why they should be awarded our scholarship. The scholarship request can be in any format (video, essay, art, etc.), but it clearly needs to outline your academic achievements and/or current financial situation.
  • Last three payslips. If you are currently unemployed or you are not the person financing the program, you will need to send the last three payslips of the person who will be financing the program.
  • Annual income tax return from the past two years from the person financing the program.
  • Updated CV.
  • Official university transcripts.
  • Any other official documents certifying your academic excellence or other merits.

* All documents must be sent in English or Spanish . If the original is not in any of these two languages, you must send a sworn translation.

Deadline: Results from this scholarship will be announced in the middle of June by email from the Student Service Department, and the deadline to apply is on 2 June 2024 .

Loans & Bursaries

Bbva: offers two loan options for escp students, option 1: master and courses loan.

  • Loan holder: student or parent
  • Maximum amount: up to €75,000
  • Interest rate: Euribor + 4%
  • Repayment period: up to 8 years
  • Fixed Opening Commission: 1,50%

Option 2: Master Blue Loan

  • Maximum amount: up to €50,000
  • Interest rate: First 6 months (Euribor + 0%), rest period (Euribor + 6%)
  • Repayment period: up to 10 years
  • Total lack of capital and interests: up to 24 months

More information

Banco Sabadell

Highlights of the ESCP´s agreement with Banco Sabadell offers two ways of financing our degrees:

  • Tuition loan. Interest-free, short -term loan up to €18,000, to be repaid in 12 months
  • Loan. Long-term loan to be repaid in a maximum of 10 years following the loan applications.

Bank Sabadell reserves the right to refuse the loan if, at the time of submission of the loan application, any circumstances pertaining the person(s) applying for the loan come to light that could alter decision regarding whether to grant the loan.

FUNED Financing 

Provide complementary financial aid and scholarships for Mexican students who wish to pursue their master ́s degree abroad in top ranked universities.  Students obtain: FUNED Financing + ESCP Scholarship . 

This Scholarship-Loan Program, reserved to talented Colombian students, finances the costs of graduate studies around the world up to a maximum of US$25,000 per year and for a maximum two year stay abroad. Students obtain: Colfuturo Scholarship-financing  + ESCP Scholarship . 


ICETEX promotes the educational and cultural development of Colombia, particularly through educational credits up to US$25,000.  Students obtain: ICETEX Financing + ESCP Scholarship . 

Scholarships and loans for Panamanian students who wish to pursue their master ́s degree abroad in top ranked universities.  Students obtain: IFARHU + ESCP Scholarship . 

Conditions and requirements are set by each bank and/or institution; students are responsible to go over them directly with the bank/institution. ESCP does not guarantee that the loans or scholarships will be granted nor thoes it have all the information regarding the requirements.

Note: The information contained herein is subject to change.

Master of Science (MSc) Hospitality & Tourism Management The Cornell Experience

Throughout the programme, MHM students embark on a journey to Ithaca (New York), immersing themselves in the Professional Development Programme (PDP) at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration.

This experience not only provides an opportunity to obtain the PDP certification but also to connect with industry professionals, expand their network, and live a unique experience.

The experience in images

hospitality tourism management en francais

They lived the experience

Paul Donot – MSc in Hospitality & Tourism Management - ESCP

Paul Donot Assistant Revenue Manager

“ During my time in the MSC in Hospitality Management, I had the great opportunity to experience courses at Cornell University. I cannot express how what the professors shared there was inspiring and refreshing. From their methods to the content of the courses, everything was made to be captivating. More than that, it was great to share those last ESCP moments with my classmates and professors, and I believe Cornell and Ithaca were great places for that matter. ”

Adriana Romano – MSc in Hospitality & Tourism Management - ESCP

Adriana Romano Luxury Hospitality, delivering memorable Customer Experience, Innovation Driven

“ Attending Cornell University was a transformative experience. I connected with esteemed hotel industry professionals, including managers from top global hotels, fostering valuable networks. The program offered an innovative approach to studying, with in depth case studies and testimonials. The high caliber professors created a professional and academic environment, leaving an indelible mark. Studying in the USA was an unforgettable opportunity, providing a new pers pective and enriching my life journey. ”

Alain Aboud Zeid – MSc in Hospitality & Tourism Management - ESCP

Alain Aboud Zeid Student at Cornell University NY

“ My seminar trip to Cornell University with ESCP colleagues was an enriching experience. The hike to Taughannock Falls was a highlight, offering breathtaking views and fostering team camaraderie. The natural beauty and tranquility created the perfect backdrop for insightful discussions, making our journey both educational and enjoyable. Cornell's commitment to academic excellence, combined with the memorable outdoor excursion, made this trip truly unforgettable. ”

hospitality tourism management en francais

Romane Bertrand Marketing & Communication at Collection Maisons Particulières

“ Our European travels brought us to Cornell, renowned as the world's premier Hospitality School. Thrilled to study there, we aimed to absorb extensive knowledge. The dynamic curriculum unveiled hospitality intricacies, while real-world case studies enriched our understanding. Organizing a global manager cocktail sparked impactful discussions on our shared purpose. Surrounded by experts, we embraced a vision for the future of Hospitality. This trip not only bonded us as a class but also as a family, creating enduring memories. ”


Hospitality Management Program

hospitality tourism management en francais

Are you dreaming of joining a hotel establishment? Are you attracted by the luxury sector?

By choosing a hospitality management course, you will discover all the aspects of hotel management and will have all the cards in hand to build your professional project within a sector that is once again growing rapidly, whether in France or abroad.

FERRANDI Paris offers a comprehensive range of programs designed to prepare students for successful careers in the dynamic and ever-evolving hospitality industry. Whether you are looking to start your journey with a bachelor’s degree or advance your career with a master’s degree, our hospitality management courses provide the knowledge, skills, and hands-on experience necessary to excel in various roles within the sector. Our courses are crafted to cover all aspects of hospitality management, from food and beverage operations to hotel administration and luxury brand management, ensuring that our graduates are well-equipped to meet the demands of the industry.

Programs in Hospitality Management

Photo : ©VincentNageotte - bachelor food & beverage - Hotel Lutetia

Bachelor in Food & Beverage and Hospitality Management | FERRANDI Paris

©The Peninsula Paris

Master of Science (Msc) in Hospitality Management | FERRANDI Paris

Why choose our hospitality management classes.

Our hospitality management programs at FERRANDI Paris are renowned for their excellence and ability to prepare students for successful careers in the hospitality industry. Whether you pursue a bachelor in hospitality management or a master in hospitality management, our programs offer a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

Comprehensive Hospitality Management Courses

Our hospitality management programs cover a wide range of topics including hotel operations, food and beverage management, luxury brand management, and customer service excellence. These courses are designed to provide a deep understanding of the hospitality industry and to develop the essential skills required for management roles.

Study Hospitality Management in Paris

Studying hospitality management in Paris offers a unique opportunity to learn in one of the world's most vibrant hospitality hubs. Paris is home to numerous luxury hotels, renowned restaurants, and a rich cultural heritage, making it an ideal place to study hospitality management.

Join FERRANDI Paris and take the next step in your hospitality career with our exceptional hospitality management programs.

With the Master of Science in hospitality management join the operational or sales departments of international groups or independent hotel organizations.

FERRANDI Paris - The most for your career

Sign your resume with ferrandi paris.

  • The best in hospitality and management: FERRANDI Paris X ESCP Business School
  • Broad international exposure: internships and academic exchanges worldwide; possible 100% English-taught programs
  • A personalized journey: training offered in student status or executive (for working professionals), Career Center, coaching (booster center)
  • A high-level faculty: teachers exclusively from the professional world of the sector
  • Experienced speakers, trainers, and lecturers with top-level expertise
  • A global network of alumni and partner hotel groups
  • Look up in Linguee
  • Suggest as a translation of "hospitality"

Linguee Apps

▾ dictionary english-french, hospitality noun —, hospitalité f (often used), hospitality noun as adjective —, de l'hôtellerie, hospitality industry n —, hospitality sector n —, hospitality management n —, hospitality business n —, warm hospitality n —, hospitality room n —, gracious hospitality n —, hospitality costs pl —, genuine hospitality n —, generous hospitality n —, great hospitality n —, kind hospitality n —, vip hospitality n —, international hospitality n —, legendary hospitality n —, welcoming hospitality n —, fabled hospitality n —, hospitality shown n —, hospital ward n —, teaching hospital n —, general hospital n —, hospital stay n —, local hospital n —, hospital facilities pl —, hospital management n —, hospital department n —, research hospital n —, eye hospital n —, hospital facility n —, hospital equipment n —, rehabilitation hospital n —, hospital site n —, hospital system n —, hospital use n —, hospital doctor n —, hospital network n —, animal hospital n —, hospital practice n —, hospital sector n —, hospital community n —, hospital complex n —, hospital group n —, main hospital n —, special hospital n —, inflatable hospital n —, hospital train n —, hospital context n —, hospital pharmacists pl —, hospital centre be n —, hospital staff n —, countryside hospital n —, hospital n —, ▸ wikipedia, ▾ external sources (not reviewed).

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  • The translation is wrong or of bad quality.


  1. Hospitality & Hotel Management

    hospitality tourism management en francais

  2. Bachelor Management du Tourisme

    hospitality tourism management en francais

  3. C’est quoi l’hospitality management ?

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    hospitality tourism management en francais

  5. Hospitality and Tourism Management Study Notes

    hospitality tourism management en francais

  6. Tourism and Hospitality management. What is it really?

    hospitality tourism management en francais


  1. algerian hospitality, l hospitalité de cet algerien

  2. FIU Hospitality & Tourism Management grads in Tianjin, China

  3. B.Voc (Hospitality & Tourism Management) 2nd sem Previous paper2021BHTM-07 Components of tourism PU

  4. Stage opérationnel à l'international : The Europe Hotel & Resort

  5. French Vocabulary: At the Hotel

  6. Stretching


  1. Qu'est-ce que l'Hospitality Management ? Votre guide complet

    Pourquoi les entrepreneurs étudient l'hospitality management. Les cours d'hospitality management constituent un vivier d'entrepreneurs. L'hospitality management offre aux entrepreneurs en herbe une occasion rare de suivre une formation à la fois pratique et théorique, connue sous le nom de modèle de formation en alternance, qui les prépare au succès entrepreneurial, en renforçant leurs ...

  2. hospitality and tourism management

    De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "hospitality and tourism Management" - Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises.

  3. Qu'est-ce que l'Hospitality Management

    Terme emprunté à la langue anglaise, l'Hospitality Management voit le jour en 2016. Il définit l'art de gérer les ressources financières, humaines, matérielles et informationnels d'un établissement hôtelier. Inspiré du secteur de l'hôtellerie de luxe, l'Hospitality Management consiste à développer les compétences ...

  4. hospitality and tourism Management

    Hospitality and Tourism Management est un chef de file à l'université Ryerson en matière de récompenses et de bourses. cthrc.ca. cthrc.ca. Prof. Marion Joppe, director of the ... Wendy Swedlove was recently honoured with the Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM) Industry Award at an award ceremony held at the Le ...

  5. tourism and hospitality Management

    Many translated example sentences containing "tourism and hospitality Management" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations.

  6. MSc

    MSc - Hospitality Management. Pré-requis. Bac+4 (ou bac+3 avec fast track) Diplôme délivré. « Manager des hébergements touristiques » de niveau 7*. Durée de la formation. 1 an, rentrée en Septembre ou Janvier. Langue d'enseignement. 100% anglais.

  7. Hospitality & Hotel Management

    The "Bienvenue en France" label Discover; L'accueil des étudiants internationaux; ... Hospitality & Hotel Management. Flag this item. Updated. June 2023. Tourism Gastronomy Tourism and Hospitality - Food Service. Programs in English. Degrees. Educational guidance. French. Fichier PDF, 148.99 KB. Spanish. Fichier PDF, 155.16 KB.

  8. Msc in Hospitality and Tourism Management

    Accueil. Éducation. Trouvez la formation qui vous ressemble ! Msc in Hospitality and Tourism Management. Ce programme vous donnera la formation et les moyens dont vous avez besoin pour mener une carrière internationale réussie dans le secteur de l'hôtellerie et du tourisme.

  9. MS Hospitality & Tourism Management

    The Hospitality & Tourism fields have undergone a revolution in recent years: the Ms Hospitality & Tourism Management is dedicated to these new challenges. Digital, innovation and international development are the core of our training program. The program is punctuated by special activities in order to get a practical experience of the business ...

  10. MBA

    This 24 Months programme inducts the students to the modern and technological ways of engaging and promoting the tourism culture. The course paves way for a stellar career in the hospitality management industry. An overall development of the student by focusing on analyzing, devising and decision-making skills are the cornerstones of this course.

  11. Traduction de "Hospitality & Tourism Management" en français

    Traductions en contexte de "Hospitality & Tourism Management" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : Bachelor in Hospitality & Tourism Management, Porto, Portugal 2019. Traduction Context Correcteur Synonymes Conjugaison. Conjugaison Vocabulaire Documents Dictionnaire Dictionnaire Collaboratif Grammaire Expressio Reverso Corporate.

  12. Traduction de "hospitality management" en français

    Traduction de "hospitality management" en français. Enter the fascinating world of hospitality management. Entrez dans le monde fascinant de la gestion hôtelière. We look forward to welcoming you to our special college of hospitality management. Nous sommes impatients de vous accueillir dans notre collège spécial de gestion hôtelière.

  13. Masters in Tourism Management in France

    Colleges for Masters in Tourism Management in France curriculum enables graduates to fully understand the strategic decisions facing a hospitality manager in the ever-changing industry of memory and experience creation. Below is the list of Top Universities to Study Masters in Tourism Management in France. Skema Business School.

  14. Master parcours Management of International Tourism

    The Management of International Tourism (MIT) Master's Degree 2 provides international students with in-depth and interdisciplinary knowledge of the international dimension of tourism exchanges, and skills that are highly valued by specialist public institutions and tourism operators. The MIT Master 2 is a one-year course with classes held ...

  15. Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Tourism Management

    State approved renewal process of recognition: June 28, 2024. The Bachelor in Hotel and Tourism Management program is designed to develop students' management skills by simulating real-life situations enabling them to learn how to manage a team, work in a group, etc. In addition to their coursework, students undertake projects, role plays ...

  16. Traduction de "hospitality and tourism management" en français

    Traductions en contexte de "hospitality and tourism management" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Sunway College. Traduction Context Correcteur Synonymes Conjugaison. Conjugaison Documents Dictionnaire Dictionnaire Collaboratif Grammaire Expressio Reverso Corporate.

  17. hospitality and tourism management translation in French

    hospitality and tourism management translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'hospitality industry, corporate hospitality, hospital, hostility', examples, definition, conjugation

  18. Diploma in French for Tourism, Hospitality, Catering

    Level. The Diploma in French for Tourism-Hospitality-Catering A2 certifies elementary skills in French: the holder of this diploma can understand and express themselves to carry out very simple communication tasks in the most familiar social and professional situations.. Skills evaluated. Understanding and processing information: The candidate can understand the essential elements of ...

  19. International Hospitality & Tourism Management School ...

    Vatel Hospitality School Nimes France. CONTACT. Mr. Ritam DHAROD. Email: [email protected]. Tel.: +33 (0)4 66 62 57 65. Whatsapp: +33 (0)6 79 82 99 83. 140 rue Vatel, Nîmes, France. DEGREES OFFERED BACHELOR. Manager en Hôtellerie Internationale (1)

  20. Traduction de "Hospitality & Tourism" en français

    Traductions en contexte de "Hospitality & Tourism" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : Bachelor in Hospitality & Tourism Management, Porto, Portugal 2019. ... Hospitality & Tourism Management, gestion des achats ou en administration des affaires peuvent être admis directement dans la troisième année du programme de premier cycle.

  21. Master of Science (MSc) in Hospitality & Tourism Management

    The MSc in Hospitality and Tourism Management combines 3 main goals: To provide sound knowledge and tools from a Top Tier business school. To enrich strategic and operational insights of the hospitality and tourism world. To train participants to act and manage in a global and multicultural environment. This specialisation offers a first-class ...

  22. International Hospitality Management Program

    Bachelor State Diploma. 3 years. Compulsory internships in France and abroad (3 to 4 months in the 1st year and 5 to 6 months in the 2nd and 3rd years) The FERRANDI PARIS Bachelor in F&B and Hospitality Management prepares students for different roles in the hospitality and food & beverage sectors. Hospitality Management.

  23. hospitality

    Many translated example sentences containing "hospitality" - French-English dictionary and search engine ... such as tourism, and hospitality. cprac.org. cprac.org. Nous mettrons également en place la ... des divertissements ou avantages de représentation et peuvent garder des cadeaux ou des prix qui leur sont remis en reconnaissance de ...