Travelling Alone or in a Group Essay

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Which option is better: traveling by yourself or with friends? This essay answers the question! It focuses on the benefits and drawbacks of solo travel.


  • Pros & Cons of Solo Travel

Different people have different opinions regarding their travel arrangements. Whereas there are individuals who prefer to travel alone, on the other hand, others are more comfortable travelling in a group. Regardless of the option arrived at there are various advantages and disadvantages associated with either of the two options.

There is need therefore to explore whether it is better to travel alone or with a tour group. The essay shall endeavor to compare and contrast travelling alone with travelling in a group and uncover the benefits and drawbacks associated with both of these two forms of travelling.

Travelling Alone or in a Group: Pros & Cons

Traveling in a group allows one to meet new friends and exchange experiences. This helps to add fun to travelling because of the many new ideas that the individual members of the group comes with. In addition, diversity in terms of the experiences of the travelers enables one to appreciate their unique cultural heritage.

On the other hand, travelling in a group denies one the chance of being alone because you are always surrounded by other people. As such, one cannot avoid annoying travelers and you have to learn how to deal with them. In contrast, traveling alone gives one the freedom to explore new experiences without restrictions. As such, can do what pleases him/her without fear that others will criticize him/her.

Travelling in a group also limits one’s chances of meeting new people because it is far much easier to approach an individual as opposed to a group. Travelling alone enables one to become flexible in terms of for example how you spend your day, or what you eat. However, there is the danger of boredom and you have no one to share your experiences with.

Travelling in a group is also beneficial in that it allows you to lower your cost of travelling. This is because there is the possibility of sharing such facilities as the guest room, splitting food and drinks bills, and travelling costs as well. For example, it is much cheaper for a group of 5 travelers to split the traveling cost of hiring a cab, as opposed o a single traveler who would be expected to pay a similar amount for the same distance.

On the other hand, travelling in a group could result in an issue of conflict when it comes to the issue of offsetting bills. For example, some members of the group may decline to pay the stipulated amount of money because in their opinion, they have not incurred the costs that they are expected to foot. In addition, travelling in a group also denies one the flexibility of choosing for example where to stay or what to eat because you have to reach a compromise with the rest of the group.

Travelling in a group therefore puts one in danger of falling prey to a “herd” mentality whereby one ends up agreeing with the wishes of the majority as opposed to saying exactly what you want. On the other hand, travelling alone gives one the needed freedom to choose what he/she wants.

Moreover, traveling in a group allows one to enhance his/her communication and personal relations. Consequently, one gets to learn how best to get along with others, and this ensures that throughout the trip, you are never lost for company. In contrast, there are individuals who do not generally get along well with others and as such, they prefer to remain alone. They are therefore better off traveling alone to avoid straining their communication and personal relations.

Whether one is traveling alone or in a group, there are various advantages and disadvantages associated with each of the two travel arrangements. Regardless of the choice that an individual traveler makes, one should always ensure that they settle on the option that will result in the most fulfilling experience.

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IvyPanda. (2018, August 15). Travelling Alone or in a Group Essay.

"Travelling Alone or in a Group Essay." IvyPanda , 15 Aug. 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Travelling Alone or in a Group Essay'. 15 August.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Travelling Alone or in a Group Essay." August 15, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Travelling Alone or in a Group Essay." August 15, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Travelling Alone or in a Group Essay." August 15, 2018.

Where The Road Forks

Solo Travel Vs Group Travel: Pros and Cons

By: Author Zachary Friedman

Posted on Last updated: May 7, 2024

Categories Solo Travel

Home » Travel » Solo Travel » Solo Travel Vs Group Travel: Pros and Cons

When planning a trip, one of the more important decisions you have to make is whether you’re going to travel alone or with a group. This choice depends on a number of factors including personal preferences, where you’re traveling, your budget, and more. There is no right or wrong way to travel. This guide lists the pros and cons of solo travel vs group travel to help you decide which type of travel is best for your trip. We’ll cover costs, the social aspect, safety, freedom, difficulty, and more.

I’ve been solo traveling for the past 12 years to over 65 countries. I’ve also taken a few group tours and traveled with friends. In this guide, I’ll share my experience with solo traveling and group traveling.

I’ve also made this YouTube video to outline the pros and cons of solo travel.

Pros and Cons of Solo Travel

Key Takeaways

– Solo travel gives you more freedom and independence. You can set your own pace and your own budget. You don’t need to find a travel partner. It’s easier to meet people while you travel alone. Solo travel is also adventurous. It builds character. – Group travel is safer. It’s also easier because you don’t need to plan everything yourself. It’s also less lonely. You’ll always have the group around. You’ll also have a tour guide to keep you on track. You can see more in less time. – Solo travel is the better choice for those who value independence, introverts, those seeking solitude, those who value flexibility and spontaneity, adventure seekers, those looking for cultural immersion, those on a tight budget, and digital nomads. – Group travel is better for social travelers, first time travelers, those with mobility issues, those who value convenience, those concerned with safety, and those who only have a limited amount of time to see everything.

Table of Contents

Solo Travel Pros

Solo travel cons.

  • Group Travel Pros
  • Group Travel Cons

A solo traveler standing on a hill

1. Solo travel gives you complete freedom and independence

When you travel alone, you are in complete control of your trip. There is no one there telling you where to go, when to go, or what to do. You don’t have to take anyone else’s preferences into consideration when choosing a restaurant, hotel, or itinerary. You have absolute freedom and independence.

For example, maybe you fall in love with a particular city and want to extend your stay. You can do that. Maybe you spot some interesting street food that you want to try. You can go try it. Maybe you don’t like museums. Then skip the museum and go to the beach instead.

There are no compromises in solo travel. You can be spontaneous. It’s your vacation. You make your own schedule. This feeling of absolute freedom is one of the best parts of solo travel.

2. You get to spend time alone

Introverts will love this point. While solo traveling, you don’t have to talk to anyone or interact with anyone if you don’t want to. You can sightsee and eat by yourself. During your downtime or while in transit, you can think, read, listen to music, or write. This allows you to really take in your destination and unwind. As an added bonus, you really get to know yourself when you spend so much time alone.

solo traveler walking down a street in Japan

3. You can travel at a faster or slower pace

As a solo traveler, you can see more in less time. The reason is that you don’t have to wait around for other people. For example, every time I travel with friends, I end up wasting time waiting for somebody to get ready. There is always a slow packer in the group. If one person gets sick, everyone has to wait until they get better. The more people in the group, the more slowdowns you’ll experience. This adds up to a lot of wasted time that could have been used for traveling and seeing the sites.

You can also slow travel when you’re alone. For example, maybe you really enjoy a particular city and want to spend a month getting to know it better. You can do this. For example, I spent a month exploring Mexico City alone last year. Maybe you’re just tired and you want to move more slowly. You can do this if you’re by yourself. On a group tour, you must maintain the pace of the group.

4. You can stick to your own budget

We all like to spend our money on different things. Maybe you prefer to spend money on nice meals than a fancy hotel room. Maybe you’d rather take a bus than fly to save yourself $100. You can also hunt for bargains and discounts. While solo traveling, you control exactly how you spend your money.

When you’re on a group tour, everything is already paid for upfront. You can’t adjust your spending as you go. When you’re traveling with a group of friends, you may feel peer pressure to spend more money. For example, maybe your friends want to eat at a fancy restaurant but you just want to eat street food. Of course, you don’t have to go with them but you may feel pressured to.

5. You don’t have to worry about finding a travel partner or having your travel partner flake out

If you don’t want to book a tour, finding someone to travel with is not easy. This is particularly true if you enjoy traveling to off the beaten path destinations. After all, how many of your friends really want to travel across Africa by bus ? Your travel buddy also needs to have the money to travel, similar interests, and a personality that you can get along with for weeks or months on end. Finding a suitable person to travel with can be a challenge.

If you do manage to find a travel buddy, there is a good chance that they’ll flake out on you before your trip begins. Some travelers end up not going on their trip simply because they couldn’t find someone to travel with. Solo travelers don’t have to worry about this. Of course, this point only applies if you’re traveling with friends. If you book a group tour, you don’t have to worry about this point.

6. You get to meet a wide variety of people

Every time you check into a hostel you meet a new group of interesting travelers from all over the world. Just walk into the kitchen or common area and chat some people up and chances are, you’ll have some new friends. You’ll also meet people while in transit, on day tours, and while out and about sightseeing.

As an added benefit, as a solo traveler, you’re also much easier for others to approach than a group. You may receive invitations to go sightseeing, go out to a bar, or even travel with others. Locals often approach you and strike up a conversation. While solo traveling, you’re rarely alone.

Group travelers, on the other hand, tend to stick to their group. They don’t meet as many people because they already have each other. When you’re on an organized tour, you’re pretty much stuck with the tour group.

If you’re worried about not being able to make friends during your trip, check out my guide: 19 Ways to Meet People While Traveling. 

a hostel dorm

7. Solo travel builds character, teaches you about yourself, and helps you develop as a person

Personally, I’m not a fan of the ‘travel to find yourself’ meme. Having said that, solo travel can absolutely make you a better person.

When you travel alone, there will be hardships to deal with. For example, you may have to deal with a language barrier and navigate bureaucracy. You may be discriminated against. You might even fall victim to a crime. During your trip, you will experience loneliness, depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and confusion. This is all part of the journey. These experiences build character. The way you deal with these feelings and situations can tell you a lot about yourself. You’ll also be better prepared to deal with similar situations back home.

When you solo travel, you become more independent, more adaptable, more confident, more courageous, more patient, and more accepting of others. These are all positive traits that make you a better all around person.

8. It’s easier to meet locals while solo traveling

One of the most rewarding parts of solo travel is making local friends. Chatting with locals is a great way to experience the culture and get to know the country better. For example, locals can recommend you different restaurants to try, cities to visit, and foods to try. They can show you the non-touristy sides of your destination and give you a local perspective of current events. If you’re lucky, you might even get invited into their home.

While solo traveling, you meet locals when going about your day to day life. For example, when you take public transportation, eat in a restaurant, shop in a market, or just walk down the street, you could make an interesting local friend. Because a single person is much less intimidating to approach and talk to than a group, local people are more likely to chat you up if you are alone. My favorite way to meet locals is through online dating. Couchsurfing is another great way to meet locals while traveling alone.

On a group tour, you’re kind of isolated with your tour group. The only locals you meet will be those working in the tourism industry. When you’re traveling with a group of friends, you’re less likely to be approached by locals.

9. Solo travel feels like an accomplishment

Solo travel is a personal challenge. During your trip, you’ll have to deal with adversities such as a language barrier, loneliness, getting lost, going outside of your comfort zone, dealing with new situations, etc. Something as simple as learning how to navigate a new public transportation system or ordering a meal in a foreign language feels like an accomplishment.

After crossing a continent by yourself, you’ll feel proud and accomplished. You will know what you are really capable of. You don’t get that feeling when you take a group tour because all of the difficult parts of traveling are handled for you.

10. You’re not stuck with the same people

If you grow tired of one of your new travel buddies or you don’t get along with someone at the hostel, you can just leave. Move to a different dorm, hostel, or go on to the next city. You never have to see or talk to that person again.

This isn’t an option when you’re traveling with a group tour or friends. You’re stuck with the annoying individual until the trip is over.

11. Random and unique experiences

Solo travel allows you to be spontaneous. You never know what kind of interesting opportunity will present itself. For example, while visiting the Omo Valley, I spent an afternoon with a woman from the Hamar tribe in Dimeka, Ethiopia. We spent the day walking around town, drinking, and eating. We didn’t share any language in common. In Addis Ababa, I spent a day hanging out with an Ethiopian con man. He explained his scams and introduced me to his girlfriend, who lived in the slums. I wouldn’t have had these wacky experiences if I was traveling on a tour.

Group tours are much more predictable. Every day is pre-planned. You don’t have time to stray too far from the group.

12. You can travel with others if you want

The whole trip doesn’t have to be done alone. If you meet a group of people and really hit it off, you can travel together for a while. You can even change your itinerary if necessary. If a friend wants to meet up somewhere along your journey, you can travel together for a time. It’s up to you how social you want to be. Solo travel doesn’t have to be lonely. For example, while traveling in Kenya, I met an Irish guy at the hostel. We ended up spending the next three months traveling to Cape Town together.

13. Solo travel is more adventurous

You have only yourself to rely on. If things turn south, it’s up to you to remedy the situation. Sometimes you feel like a pioneer or explorer when you’re out in the middle of nowhere all alone. It’s exciting. 

For example, when traveling across Malawi, the police detained the bus I was riding because they suspected it was carrying some kind of contraband. I ended up having to find a place to stay in the town of Mzuzu, Malawi in the middle of the night. I ended up staying in a nice hostel and spending an interesting day exploring the town before catching a bus the next night. This experience wouldn’t have happened if I was traveling on a group tour.

solo traveling in the wilderness

1. Solo travel is lonely

While solo traveling, you can be surrounded by other people and still feel lonely. This loneliness can make you depressed, homesick, isolated, and sometimes anxious. When you get feeling down, you have to be able to pick yourself back up.

Traveling by yourself gets lonely at times. There is no avoiding it. During your trip, you may spend days on end without having a conversation with another person. You will spend countless hours on busses, trains, and walking around without speaking a single word. Sometimes you’ll check into a hostel and not meet anyone. You will eat alone and sightsee alone. This is just part of the solo travel experience.

The best way to deal with this feeling of loneliness is to find someone to talk to. If you’re a naturally social person, this is easy. There are friendly people everywhere. If you’re socially anxious, striking up a conversation can be a challenge.

To meet people while traveling, you can stay in a social hostel, use social media and online dating, go to a bar or club, join a day tour or walking tour, go couchsurfing, take a class, or volunteer. You can also call your friends and family back home.

2. Solo travel is more expensive

When you travel alone, you have to cover the full cost of hotel rooms, taxi rides, food, or tours by yourself. You can’t split costs with friends or take advantage of group discounts. As a result, solo travel ends up costing more than group travel.

The price difference depends on where you’re traveling. Some destinations are more suited to solo travel than others. For example, in Central America and Southeast Asia, there are hostels, shared busses, and street food. You can solo travel cheaply. On the other end of the spectrum, much of Africa is expensive to solo travel because there are few hostels. You must spend most nights in overpriced hotels. Costs add up when you have no one to split the room with.

There are always ways to cut costs when solo traveling. You can walk, hitchhike, or take shared busses instead of taking taxis or Ubers. Camping and couchsurfing are excellent ways to reduce your accommodation cost. If you adopt a minimalist lifestyle, you can travel with shockingly little money.

3. Solo travel is more dangerous

A single person is more likely to fall victim to a crime than a group. The risk of getting mugged, drugged, assaulted, scammed, or victimized in some way is higher when you travel alone simply because you are an easier target for criminals. After all, it’s much easier to trick or overpower an individual than a group of people.

When you travel alone, you also don’t have anyone you trust to help you out if you find yourself in a dangerous situation. For example, if you get sick, injured, or arrested, you don’t have any friends to take care of you or call your emergency contact. You’re pretty much on your own.

Of course, if you take some basic safety precautions, solo travel is a perfectly safe way to travel. Read up on the travel advisories of the country you’re visiting. Avoid wandering into sketchy neighborhoods after dark. Don’t carry valuables or dress too flashy. There is no need to be paranoid about safety while solo traveling if you’re cautious.

For more info, check out my guide Is Solo Travel Safe: Avoiding Crime, Scams, and Injury While Traveling Alone.

4. You have to eat alone and cook for one

Having to eat alone is one of the most difficult parts of solo travel. Probably because eating is such a social activity. When you’re eating your meal, you’ll feel lonely and homesick at times. It’s easy to feel self-conscious sitting in a restaurant alone. When you travel solo, you’ll have to get used to this feeling. You will eat alone regularly.

If you’re on a tight budget, you’ll probably want to cook some of your own meals. Unfortunately, it’s hard to motivate yourself to cook when you’re alone. Buying ingredients and cooking is a time-consuming and annoying little job. It’s tempting to forget about cooking and just eat something quick. This is less healthy and oftentimes more expensive.

5. You have to plan and arrange everything by yourself

Planning an international trip takes quite a bit of work. You must create a budget, plan a route, arrange visas, research transportation, book accommodation, research activities, and more. A complicated trip can take weeks or months to plan. When you’re in the country, you’ll have to research and book hotels, find restaurants, and figure out the public transport system. This takes quite a bit of time.

Some aspects of travel are tedious and annoying to deal with. For example, when you travel alone, you must research transport schedules and book tickets, navigate unfamiliar cities, negotiate prices, and more. You must take care of everything related to the trip by yourself. These little jobs get exhausting after a while.

When you travel in a group tour, you have a guide to take care of all of the planning and most of the annoying little jobs. When you travel with friends, you can delegate tasks so everyone has less work to do.

6. The friendships you make don’t last long

You will meet plenty of new people while traveling alone. It’s easy to form quick friendships with other solo travelers as well as locals. After spending a few days in a hostel, you may feel like you’ve known your new friends for years.

The problem is that these quick friendships fade quickly. After you move on to the next hostel, you’ll meet a new group of people and quickly forget about your previous travel buddies. When you return home and get back to your regular schedule, the friendships you formed during your trip will fade further.

7. Solo travel doesn’t suit all personality types

While solo traveling, you’ll spend many hours alone with your own thoughts. There’s no getting away from it. Sometimes there just isn’t anyone around to talk to. This is often the case while in transit. Sometimes you’ll check into a hostel and find the other guests to be unfriendly. If you’re an extrovert and you’re not used to being alone, this can be a challenge. For some, it can even be frightening to spend so much time alone with your thoughts.

8. You have to rely on yourself for everything

Coming to the realization that you are completely alone in a foreign country, can be anxiety-inducing. If you fall ill, get injured, get robbed, run out of money, lose your passport, or get arrested, you’re on your own to deal with it. There is nobody there to help you out.

In addition, you have to research, plan, and book everything by yourself. This realization can feel overwhelming and scary. In fact, some people may not be competent enough to solo travel. On the first day of my first solo trip, I wondered if I was in over my head. Luckily, I figured things out.

9. You’re more likely to get scammed

Scammers tend to target solo travelers. The reason is that it’s easier for them to trick an individual than a group of people. A fast-talking con man can approach you and swindle you out of some money. There are some elaborate scams out there. You can’t catch them all. Maybe you’re tired and you’re not thinking straight. For example, a scammer sold me a fake bus ticket in Ethiopia. That cost me $10.

For more info, check out my guide to 19 Common Travel Scams.

10. You’re more likely to get pickpocketed

Pickpockets often target solo travelers. The reason is that it’s easier for them to distract an individual than a group. After all, you only have one set of eyes to keep track of all of your belongings. A pickpocket can distract you while their accomplice steals your wallet, phone, or camera.

For some tips, check out my guide: How to Avoid Getting Pickpocketed While Traveling.

I’ve been pickpocketed twice in my travels. Once in Tanzania and once in Tijuana. In both cases, the pickpocket took my phone. Miraculously, I was able to get it back both times.

11. There is no one to share your excitement or suffering with

Humans are very social. Sometimes we want to experience the beauty of a destination or the absurdity of a situation with another person. While traveling alone, there is no one to share your comments or thoughts with. You have to keep your amazement to yourself. This makes the experience feel a bit less special. Visiting a major destination with a good friend makes it feel more memorable.

Sometimes you want someone else to commiserate with. Enduring an unpleasant experience is much easier if there is someone there to share the suffering with. For example, some of my lowest points while traveling have been during long night bus journeys. The loneliness becomes excruciating. While traveling with a friend, the same long bus journey becomes fun. You can joke around and chat to pass the time.

12. Sometimes you’ll feel like the third wheel

When going out with a group of other travelers from the hostel, you may be the odd one out as a solo traveler. This may happen when you spend time with a couple or group of friends. Hanging out with people who share a common language that you don’t speak can also be awkward. If they start speaking among themselves in their language, you’re left out of the conversation. The good thing is, if you’re not having a good time, you can just go off on your own or find another group of people to socialize with.

13. Solo travel can limit be limiting

There are some places that you might not want to travel alone. For example, you may not feel comfortable traveling too far off the beaten path by yourself out of fear of getting lost or stranded. You may choose to limit yourself to the tourist trail instead to be safe. I felt a bit nervous while visiting the Omo Valley alone because I was so far from a hospital and embassy. If something went wrong, I may have been in trouble. Some solo travelers may not feel comfortable going out drinking alone or visiting certain neighborhoods alone out of fear of getting drugged or robbed. With a group, you may not have these fears.

There may be some activities that you don’t want to do alone. This is often the case in romantic destinations. For example, you probably wouldn’t want to go for a gondola ride in Venice by yourself. You wouldn’t want to go to a romantic restaurant alone. You may not want to go hiking alone for safety reasons.

14. Sometimes you feel awkward

Going to a bar or restaurant alone takes some getting used to. Some tourist sites are best experienced with a friend. Even after solo traveling for years, I still don’t enjoy going out for a drink alone. I also hate taking selfies but do so anyway on occasion if there is no one around to take a photo for me. It can be an awkward and embarrassing experience sometimes.

15. You have to carry and keep track of all of your gear by yourself

When you travel alone, you must carry everything you need for your trip in your backpack or suitcase by yourself. There is no one else to help you carry gear. In addition, you have to keep an eye on your gear at all times to make sure it doesn’t get stolen. You cannot leave your gear unattended while you go grab a coffee.

When you travel with a group, you can share some items among the group. This way, everyone carries less weight. There are also more eyes to watch everyone’s gear.

16. People feel sorry for you

Occasionally, someone will ask you where your friends or family are. They may ask why you’re alone. Many people just don’t understand solo travel. In these cases, people may pity you or think you’re weird. To me, this gets kind of frustrating and depressing. Some people just can’t get through their heads that I’m traveling alone by choice. 

17. You have to take selfies

When you travel alone, it’s difficult to get a decent picture of yourself. Much of the time, your only option is to take a selfie. Unfortunately, selfies are often low quality and kind of cheesy. It’s hard to get a good shot of yourself.

Another problem is that some solo travelers feel self-conscious when taking selfies. Particularly when everyone around has a friend to take pictures of them. It can feel kind of embarrassing and awkward to take selfies.

There are some solutions. You can ask a stranger to snap a photo of you. You can also pack a tripod and use your camera’s timer to take photos of yourself. Still, your photos won’t be as good as if you had a friend helping you get the best angle.

Pros of Group Travel

a group tour

1. You develop a close bond with your travel group

When you travel with friends, you’ll grow closer to them. Even if you’ve known them for years. Overcoming hardships, navigating unusual situations, and viewing incredible sites together strengthens friendships. For the rest of your lives, you will share memories of your travel experiences together. You’ll always have an interesting travel story to reminisce about.

When you travel on a group tour, you spend the entire duration of your tour with your tour group. During that time, you will bond with your new friends. It’s not uncommon for lifelong friendships to form.

When you travel alone, it is difficult to form a strong bond with anyone you meet because you’re moving around so frequently.

2. Meeting people

When you take an organized group tour, you are guaranteed a built-in group of people to hang out with, travel with, explore with, and get to know for the duration of your trip. You never have to be alone. Organized tours also introduce you to like-minded people from around the world that you otherwise would never have met. You’ll meet a different type of travelers than you would meet when traveling alone.

Organized tours are also an excellent choice for shy travelers because they make it easy to meet people. You’re guaranteed to make friends with some of the people in your group because you are forced to spend so much time around them. It’s easy to strike up a conversation with someone you’re traveling with because everyone shares the same interest in the destination country.

3. Group travel can be cheaper

You can split the cost of hotel rooms, taxi and Uber rides, food, and tours with your friends. For example, if a taxi ride from the airport to your hostel costs $15, it only costs you $5 if you split it with two friends. If you want to hire a tour guide to show you around a site, you can split the cost with your friends. When you travel alone, you can’t split costs with anyone.

4. You can split work up amongst the group

Travel involves a number of annoying and tedious little tasks. Examples include looking up train schedules, negotiating the price of a taxi, cooking, and buying bus tickets. When you travel with a group, you can divide these little jobs among your group members. If one person gets sick and needs a break, the other group members can continue planning the trip. When you travel alone, you have to take care of all aspects of the trip by yourself.

5. Group travel is safer

As the saying goes, there is safety in numbers. When you travel in a group, you are far less likely to fall victim to crimes like mugging or assault. A criminal can’t overpower a group as easily as an individual. For this reason, bad guys are far less likely to target a group of travelers.

In addition, you’re less likely to get lost when you’re with a group because there are multiple minds navigating. If you get injured or fall ill, your group members can help you get to a hospital and call your emergency contact for you. When you’re on an organized group tour, the guide will make sure you only visit safe destinations. When you’re alone, you’re on your own.

6. The tour guide

Every organized group tour has a guide. The guide is usually a local with a deep knowledge of the region and training in hospitality. They can teach you about the sites you’re seeing, make sure you stay safe, translate the local language, help you navigate the culture, assist with immigration, and smooth out any bumps. The guide can also be your friend. A good guide can really make a group tour.

7. Sometimes you have no choice but to travel in a group

There are a handful of countries that prohibit independent travel. If you want to visit, you are required to be on a tour. Sometimes this requirement depends on your nationality. A few examples of countries with this requirement include North Korea, Iran, Bhutan, Turkmenistan, and Tibet.

In some cases, it’s simply easier to travel in a group. For example, many travelers choose to travel Africa on an overland tour instead of independently.

8. You can carry less gear

For some items, you only need one to share between the group. For example, you could get away with carrying only one water filter, tent, camp stove, and a bag of food for the whole group. Each person can carry part of the load. Everyone carries less weight as a result. When you travel solo, you have to carry everything by yourself.

9. It’s easier because there is no research and planning required

When you book a group tour, the tour company takes care of all researching, planning, reservations, and logistics for you. You don’t have to worry about reading hotel and restaurant reviews, making bookings, or looking at transport schedules. You pay one fee then you can relax and enjoy your trip. It’s easier. The guide can help you navigate the language barrier if there is one.

10. No wasted time

Most people have a limited amount of time to travel. Usually 1-2 weeks. When you take an organized tour, the company sets the pace and makes sure that time is utilized wisely. There is a rigid itinerary that the tour sticks to. You will visit all of the major attractions and a few hidden gems. You won’t miss any major sites when you take an organized tour.

When you travel alone, it’s easy to get lazy and miss out on some sites. You also have to waste time taking care of boring tasks like finding a restaurant or researching a bus schedule.

11. Someone is always there to help you out

If you catch malaria or sprain your ankle, your friends are there to take you to the hospital or carry your backpack for you. If your debit card gets stolen and you run out of money, your group members can lend you some cash so you’re not stranded. It is comforting to know that someone you trust is there and willing to help you out if you need it. You don’t have to rely on yourself for everything.

12. Falling victim to a scam is less likely

Scammers don’t approach groups as often. The reason is that it’s more difficult to trick a group of people than an individual. Chances are, someone will identify the scam before it takes place because are multiple minds analyzing everything. Of course, a group can still get conned. There are some shockingly elaborate scams out there.

13. Theft is less likel y

It is also harder for pickpockets to steal from a group because there are multiple sets of eyes watching everyone’s gear. You can also ask your group members to keep an eye on your gear while you go to the bathroom or into a shop.

14. Someone is always there to experience the moment with you

When traveling with friends, you always have someone there to share the beauty or misery with. Sometimes you just want to complain about the situation or comment on your surroundings. Sometimes you want someone to appreciate a site with. If you’re all alone, you don’t get to do this. Some destinations are best experienced with friends by your side.

15. You can travel further into the middle of nowhere

When you’re alone, you have to consider how you will get back to civilization in the event of an unexpected accident or event. When you have friends with you, someone can go for help if the worst happens. For example, imagine if you fell while hiking and broke a leg. If your friend is there, they can carry you or find help. You may not feel comfortable wandering as far by yourself. 

16. No Experience Required

You don’t need any skills or travel experience to travel in a group. The guide takes care of all of the difficult parts of the trip for you and helps you stay safe. You can travel wherever you want. Also, some people just aren’t suited for solo travel.

For some destinations, you may need some travel experience if you want to visit alone. For example, most people wouldn’t feel comfortable traveling to Nigeria or Afghanistan on their first solo trip.

17. You’ll get better travel photos

When you travel with a group, there is always someone there to take pictures for you. You don’t have to bother with selfies. You can also take group pictures. It’s fun to look at pictures with your new friends together. At the end of the trip, you can swap photos with your group members. If you’re lucky, you’ll get some awesome candid shots of yourself as well.

Cons of Group Travel

a group tour in Prague

1. You have to make compromises

When you travel with a group, you can’t always get your way and do what you want to do. For example, maybe your travel group wants to go to the beach and you want to go to a museum. Maybe one person wants to eat at a fancy restaurant and you want to eat street food. Everyone has their own preferences.

When disagreements occur, you must negotiate and compromise with your group members. You don’t get to do what you want all of the time. When you travel with a group, it’s not your trip. It’s the group’s trip. This can be difficult to accept.

When solo traveling, there is no compromise. You make all of your own decisions and do whatever you want.

2. You have less freedom and independence when traveling in a group

When you travel on an organized group tour, the itinerary is already set. You don’t get to choose which hotel you stay at, which restaurant you eat at, when you wake up, or when you go to sleep. You follow the pre-planned itinerary. There is very little freedom or independence.

When you travel with a group of friends, you have a bit more freedom but you still must follow the group. If all of your friends want to fly to your next destination but you want to take the train, you’re out of luck. You could go off on your own but then you’re not really traveling with a group.

When you travel alone, you have absolute freedom to control every aspect of your trip. You can be as spontaneous as you wish.

3. There will be arguments and disagreements

Traveling in a group can be a real test of your patience and relationships. Disagreements and arguments will happen. it’s inevitable. Even if you’re traveling with your best friends.

Arguments are common for a number of reasons. First, travel gets stressful. For example, maybe you’re running late for a flight. Some people become snappy when they get stressed. Travel is also exhausting. For example, you may get a poor night of sleep while taking a night bus across a country. Some people get cranky and argumentative when they’re tired. While traveling, you are also forced to spend a great deal of time in close proximity to your group members. Sometimes different personalities don’t mix well.

All of this makes for a perfect environment for disagreements and arguments to happen. A tense atmosphere is uncomfortable for everyone in the group. If arguments aren’t resolved and the relationship between your group members turns toxic it could ruin the trip. Friendships can even end.

If you get in an argument with one of your group members, try to distance yourself from them for a while. Give yourself and your group some space and let things cool down if possible. Don’t be afraid to apologize if you made a mistake.

4. It can be difficult to make decisions

When you travel with a group, you have to take everyone’s preferences into consideration and make sure everyone is content with every decision. The more people in the group, the more difficult it becomes to make a decision. Everyone has an opinion. You can’t make everyone happy.

One problem that can arise is that one group member takes the role of the leader. This is often the group member with the strongest personality. This person may try to take over the trip and make your decisions for you.

If this happens, you must make sure that your voice is heard. Speak up and tell the group what you want to do. This can be difficult if you’re a passive perosn. If you take the leadership role, you must listen to your group members and consider their desires. You need to be a team player, listen, and sometimes compromise.

5. You may dislike your group members

When you travel on an organized group tour, you don’t get to choose who you’re traveling with. You won’t know who is in your group until you meet everyone when the tour starts. An average-sized group tour has 10-20 people. It is highly likely that you won’t get along with at least one of them.

There are plenty of reasons why you may not get along. For example, maybe one of your group members is always complaining. Maybe someone is rude to the locals. Maybe you have nothing in common with your group members. Whatever the case, traveling with someone you don’t like can be awkward and annoying. It could even ruin your trip. This is a major risk of booking yourself on a group tour.

There are a couple of ways to reduce your chance of getting stuck in a bad group. First, you can book yourself on a small tour. The fewer people there are, the less likely that there will be an annoying member. You can also book yourself on a tour that fits your age and personality. For example, if you’re young and active, book yourself on a tour that is designed for backpackers. Don’t book yourself on a tour for retirees.

Of course, you could also find that you don’t get along with your group if you’re traveling with friends. Some people behave differently when abroad. Some people just don’t travel well. In this case, you could go off on your own.

6. No privacy or alone time

When you travel with a group, chances are you’ll be sharing hotel rooms, eating together, and taking the same transport as your group members. You don’t get any privacy or time to yourself. Spending so much time in such close proximity to your group can be a challenge. Particularly for travelers who are more introverted.

When you’re traveling with friends, you can usually split up from your group for some time. Maybe you spend a day exploring by yourself then meet up with your group for dinner. When you’re on an organized group tour, you may not have this luxury. Generally, the itinerary is so tight that you’re with your group for the entire duration of the tour.

7. Meeting other travelers is harder

When traveling in a group, you tend to stick to your group. There is less incentive to socialize. You’re not lonely. You already have friends and don’t need to make new ones. When on an organized group tour, you’re staying in hotels instead of hostels so you’ll have fewer opportunities to meet other travelers. Other travelers are also less likely to approach you or invite you out for meals, sightseeing, or activities because it is intimidating to approach a group. As a result, you’ll meet fewer people. You may miss out on a new friendship or relationship.

8. Finding a group to travel with can be a challenge

It’s not that easy to find a group of people to travel with. Friends often flake out at the last minute. Many people don’t have enough money. Some have different interests. If you decide that absolutely have to travel with a group, you may end up not going at all. Finding a suitable person to travel with is a challenge. 

Of course, if you really want to travel with a group but you don’t have any friends that want to go, you can always book yourself on a tour.

9. You don’t get to explore an area in detail

Most group tours just hit the main sites. You might only stay in a city for 1-3 days before moving on to the next destination. You miss out on the smaller tourist sites. The tours move at a fast pace as well. You don’t have any time to stop and smell the roses. You’ll encounter the same problem when traveling with friends. Chances are, they’ll want to keep moving.

When you travel alone, you can spend as much time as you want in each city or country. If you fall in love with on place, you can spend a month there and explore it in detail.

10. Group travel can be more expensive

When you travel on a group tour, you are paying the tour agency to plan the trip for you. They take care of all logistics, bookings, and maybe even visas. You are also paying for a guide for the duration of the tour. Both of these costs are baked into the price of the trip. At the end of the trip, you’ll also be expected to give the guide a tip if they provided a good service.

Prices are also locked in. You are paying for all of your food, accommodation, transportation, and activities at the time of booking. You can’t eat street food or stay in a cheaper hotel to save money because you have already paid for everything when you booked.

When you travel alone, you can cut corners, bargain hunt, and adjust your budget as you go. If you’re frugal, solo travel can be cheaper than group travel.

11. Your group can slow you down or rush you

With more people, more problems come up. For example, someone could get food poisoning on a travel day. That means you lose a day waiting for them to get better. Someone could have their phone pickpocketed. That means you have to spend time going shopping for a new one. While traveling in a group, it seems like there is always a crisis. This slows everyone down .

Your group can also rush you. For example, maybe you’re a not a morning person but your group likes to start the day early. You may feel rushed. Maybe you like to spend 6 hours in museums but your group rushes through in an hour. You’ll feel like you missed out.

12. Group travel is less adventurous

When your friends are around, it just doesn’t feel like an adventure. It’s just too familiar. There is always someone there to rely on and talk to. It feels more like you’re just hanging out. You don’t have to deal with the loneliness or struggles of solo travel. As a result, you won’t really grow as a person or learn as much.

13. Meeting local people is more difficult

When you travel on an organized group tour, you probably won’t meet many locals. The locals that you do meet will be those who work in the tourism industry. The reason is that group tours tend to stick to touristy areas that regular locals avoid. You stay in hotels and eat in restaurants that are frequented by tourists. When you travel from one destination to the next, you’ll sit next to a group member or take private transport. You are somewhat isolated from regular locals when you travel on a group tour.

Local people may also be less likely to approach you to chat when you’re traveling in a group. It can be intimidating to approach a group of foreigners.

When you travel alone, you encounter locals while in transit, while eating, and while out walking around. Solo travelers are also much easier to approach. You also have the freedom to seek out local friends.

My Experience

I have been traveling, off and on, for the past 10 years. The vast majority of this time has been spent solo traveling. I prefer it for a number of reasons. First, solo travel just better suits my personality. As an introvert, I prefer to spend most of my time alone. When I want to socialize, I can always meet some fellow travelers in the hostel. I also value having the freedom to do what I want without compromise.

On the few occasions that I have traveled with a group, I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Group travel is great in small bursts. For a short trip, I may even prefer group travel. After a while, I inevitably grow tired of my travel buddies. That’s just what happens if you spend too much time in such close proximity to another person.

In my experience, the first 2 weeks of each solo trip can be a bit rough. It takes time to get into the solo travel mindset. Living in close quarters in hostels, spending long hours on buses, and navigating unfamiliar places alone takes some getting used to.

During this time, I sometimes think to myself, why do I do this? After that rough couple of weeks ends, I’m back into the swing of things and don’t want to travel any other way. The absolute freedom of solo travel is addictive.

travelling alone or in a group essay

Final Thoughts

Solo travel certainly isn’t for everyone. It’s lonely, more difficult to plan, and slightly riskier. With that said, it’s definitely something that everyone should try at least once. It’s one of those things that you just never know whether or not you’ll like unless you give it a try. After my first solo trip, I was hooked.

Having said that, sometimes group travel is the better choice. A short trip with friends can be an excellent bonding experience. Group tours are a great way to visit difficult or dangerous destinations safely and easily. Group travel is also a bit safer and less stressful. Even if you’re a hardcore solo traveler, consider giving a group tour a try.

In the end, this decision comes down to personal choice. There is no best way to travel. Hopefully, this guide helps you decide which style of travel is best for your next trip.

Where do you stand on the solo travel vs group travel debate? Share your experience in the comments below!

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travelling alone or in a group essay

More from Where the Road Forks

  • ls Solo travel Safe? Avoiding Crime, Scams, and Injury While Traveling Alone
  • Solo Travel Tips: Save Money, Stay Safe, and Make Friends While Traveling Alone
  • How to Plan a Round the World Trip
  • How to Provide Proof of Onward Travel: 8 Options Including the Fake Ticket Method
  • Summer Travel Tips: Beat the Heat, Avoid Crowds, and Save Money
  • Am I Too Old for Hostels?
  • How to Make an Accurate Budget for Long Term Travel

Zachary Friedman

Zachary Friedman is an accomplished travel writer and professional blogger. Since 2011, he has traveled to 66 countries and 6 continents. He founded ‘Where The Road Forks’ in 2017 to provide readers with information and insights based on his travel and outdoor recreation experience and expertise. Zachary is also an avid cyclist and hiker. Living as a digital nomad, Zachary balances his professional life with his passions for hiking, camping, cycling, and worldwide exploration. For a deeper dive into his journey and background, visit the About page. For inquiries and collaborations, please reach out through the Contact page. You can also follow him on Facebook.

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Wednesday 28th of September 2022

T love this. I enjoy solo traveling due to its flexibility. You can enjoy anywhere you choose for as long you want. However, I sometimes dabble into group travel because this enables us to split the cost of travel.


Saturday 13th of July 2019

Great read. I agree everyone should at least try traveling solo to see if it's for them. I'd probably also agree that I prefer solo travel although there are pros to having company.


Yeah, there are definitely benefits to having company. Particularly during a long bus or train ride. Overall, I really enjoy traveling alone.

Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

20 Pros And Cons Of Traveling Alone

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When deciding whether to travel solo or with a group, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons of traveling alone .

The desire to travel solo is particularly prominent among women, who are increasingly interested in experiencing new cultures and meeting new people without waiting on their friends or family.

Remember that time when your friend or significant other backed out of a trip at the last minute, so you ended up missing out, too? Well, when you travel solo, you can go anywhere at any time without needing to wait for anyone.

Still on the fence about whether you should take the leap and venture out on your first solo trip? Check out some pros and cons of traveling alone that may make it easier for you to decide. These are based on my own experiences traveling the world solo.

Additionally, you’ll see why so many people recommend solo travel, while also understanding how to realistically prepare for potential setbacks.

Quick tip: When traveling solo, it’s smart to pack travel safety essentials . One top pick is the She’s Birdie Personal Safety Alarm , which is TSA-approved and can help scare away potential attackers. Other recommendations include Clever Travel Companion Pickpocket-Proof Garments and Speakeasy Travel Supply Hidden Pocket Scarves .

Table of Contents

Travel Solo With Confidence [Free Course]

But first, before we discuss the pros and cons of solo travel , I invite you to grab a seat in Jessie’s  free Savvy Solo Traveler E-Course .

The 6-day course is designed to help you feel confident about booking your first solo trip and exploring the world alone.

learn the pros and cons of traveling alone in this free solo travel course

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Lessons include:

  • Common solo travel fears (like flying alone for the first time ) and how to overcome them
  • How to choose your perfect solo trip
  • How to tell loved ones you’re hitting the road solo
  • Mentally preparing for your solo journey without losing your mind
  • Essential steps for staying safe on a solo trip
  • How to take amazing solo selfies

Once you’ve  grabbed your seat , read on to dive into our solo female travel guide .

The truth is, there are so many different solo travel pros and cons . Whether someone wants to make a case for why you shouldn’t travel alone or chooses to focus on the numerous advantages of traveling alone, they easily can.

Ultimately, though, it’s up to you to decide what is right for you, which this list can help you do.

That being said, please stick around until the end, where I give my opinion on what it’s like traveling alone as a woman (or man).

Spoiler: It’s pretty darn empowering, which leads us perfectly into…

#1 Pro – Finding Empowerment In Traveling Alone

Many people find empowerment in traveling alone — which is one of the biggest benefits of traveling solo . It gives you a sense of control and independence, which can be empowering in and of itself. 

One of the major points for women who travel alone is to get out of their comfort zone and into the unknown.

(Real talk: is that maybe what’s scaring you and you’re unsure how to address it? )

A solo travel trip is a one-of-a-kind lifetime experience that you’ll cherish for the rest of your life.

Consider this:

What do you have to lose by stepping outside of your comfort zone?

Worst case scenario, you won’t enjoy it and will continue to travel with others.

Best case scenario, you’ll develop solo-travel-fever ( yes, I totally made that up ) and won’t be able to get enough of the growth, opportunities, and empowerment you’ll experience.

A woman feeling empowered walking down a street at night.

#1 Con – The Increased Risks of Traveling Alone

One of the major cons of solo traveling and why many are scared to travel alone , is that it increases your chances of being in dangerous situations.

If something goes wrong, you’ll be on your own and may not have anyone to help you — so be prepared for the unexpected when traveling solo and arm yourself with some travel safety tips and potentially even some travel safety gear .

On a recent trip to Puerto Rico , I was exploring San Juan’s famous Old Town on my own when I realized my phone was about to die (which is what inevitably happens when you spend hours using Google Maps and snapping travel photos).

As my unfortunate luck would have it, I was also in a shadier section of the city and it was getting dark.

Thinking on me feet, I decided to quickly look up my hotel name and address as well as how to ask for directions in Spanish and the actual map directions so I would have a general idea of how to get back.

After getting lost twice and asking for directions three times, I finally made it back to my hotel — where I prompty kissed the floor (not really, but I wanted to!) and recharged my phone before heading back out to explore.

It was a scary situation that I had to navigate fully on my own, though luckily everything ended up okay.

By the way, if you’re searching for a portable battery bank click here to see the one I use . It has a cute paw that shows you how much energy is left in the battery bank. I recommend always carrying one of these in your bag so you never end up in the situation I just described.

#2 Pro – Flexibility With Travel Plans

Is traveling alone fun ? Absolutely — and you get to choose exactly how to have fun, too.

Another one of the major pros of traveling alone is having the ultimate freedom to explore destinations at your own pace without worrying about someone else’s schedule. This can lead to an unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime experience that is 100% designed by and for you.

Remember last time you traveled with someone else? Your heart was set on visiting that one specific location; however, you had to compromise and didn’t end up going.

As a single traveler, you have the freedom to choose your own itinerary and really maximize your time on the road.

Despite the joy of spending time with family and friends when traveling, wouldn’t it be nice to have the freedom to go anywhere you want, whenever you want? No compromises, no arguments, no when’s and buts. I know that for me this is a major advantage of traveling solo.

Are you a business owner who wants to get back into traveling for more work-life balance? Check out my article on how to plan your time around doing both . Because, yes, you can have your cake and eat it too!

A woman with a backpack crossing a road in a big city.

#2 Con – It Can Get Lonely

Traveling alone has both pros and cons, but one of the biggest cons of traveling solo is the feeling of loneliness .

Especially when going away for more than a weekend, you miss your loved ones. This may be particularly depressing if you’re in a new and unfamiliar setting — possibly even in a new country.

This may also be a significant factor for introverted travelers who have a hard time making friends or talking to strangers. If this is the case, consider joining travel Facebook groups, Meetup groups , or CouchSurfing forums — all of which can help you reach out to other women who live in that area or who are traveling there to meet up.

For many, this is probably the most impactful con when considering the pros and cons of traveling solo.

#3 Pro – Meeting New People

Worried about making friends while traveling solo ?

One huge pro when it comes to solo travel is that you have the opportunity to meet new people from all over the world.

Whether you’re looking for new friends, to interact with locals , or to find someone to share your experiences with, traveling alone gives you the chance to make connections with people from all walks of life.

And who knows? Maybe you will meet a new travel bestie, discover new business or employment opportunities, or even find love on the road !

A close up photo of a group of three women laughing together.

#3 Con – Travel Expenses Can Be Higher

“ Why is it more expensive to travel alone? ” is a question many solo travelers wonder as they frustratingly find themselves paying yet another solo supplement or shelling out the cash for a hotel room with nobody to split costs with.

One of the major cons of traveling solo is that you have to budget for your own expenses .

A great benefit of traveling in a group or with another person is that you get to share costs. Expenses can quickly add up depending on your chosen destination and activities — which is definitely a disadvantage of traveling alone.

When traveling on your own, this may mean that you have to spend a bit more on food and lodging; but, on the plus side, it also means that you’re in charge of your own travel plans and can make the most of your time and money — making it possible to either spend more or less on activities or choose locations where your dollar stretches further.

#4 Pro – A Healthy Tech Break

For better or for worse, our phones are truly the remote controls of our lives. And after the last few years of endless Zoom calls and virtual workplaces, we have moved even further into the digital age than ever before.

On the one hand, it’s great that we can connect with people from all over the world virtually and instantaneously.

But on the other hand, it can be challenging to take a break from our screens and disconnect from reality.

This all being said, when considering technology use while weighing the various traveling alone pros and cons , this really may be an overall pro in your life.

When traveling solo, you have more opportunities to disconnect from technology and simply relax in your surroundings — whether you’re taking a long walk in nature, exploring your destination, doing a new activity, or just reading a book in your room.

Traveling on your own can take away the temptation of being on your laptop, phone, and social media, especially as you won’t have a travel partner constantly posting on Instagram or asking you to co-star in their TikToks.

I recently went on a solo trip to Stockholm — which, by the way, was absolutely gorgeous — and I made it a point not to post any travel photos or videos while I was there.

Instead, I waited until I was back home to look through all of the photos I had taken to carefully choose specific pictures I wanted to share on social media.

If you’ve never tried this, let me tell you that it’s pretty humbling to realize how dependent we are on social media, feeling the need to share everything right away instead of fully enjoying our experiences. 

I highly recommend that you maximize the benefits of solo travel by taking a tech break to truly immerse yourself in your trip.

Office desk with a laptop, notebook, glasses and gold lamp.

#4 Con – No One To Share These Experiences With

While one of the primary benefits of traveling alone is that you don’t have to think about anybody else’s schedule or demands, you also miss out on sharing any memorable experiences.

Those exciting and unbelievable “Hey, check this out!” moments become reduced to a photo that will be emailed later.

So, while solo travel offers extensive freedom, it can also make it challenging to have such experiences without someone to share them with.

This one is linked to the biggest disadvantage of the pros and cons of traveling alone, which is being lonely.

At this point, you may need to consider how imperitive it is to share these moments with someone or if they’ll still have value to you if you experience them on your own.

On the flip side, traveling in a group also means enduring all of the disadvantages of traveling with others in exchange for these moments.

#5 Pro – Change Your Perspective Of The World

When you travel by yourself, you have the unique chance to experience the world from an entirely different perspective than you would otherwise.

Seeing how wealthy nations live may help you develop sympathy and empathy for individuals in less fortunate countries who may be suffering from poverty or who lack access to basic necessities.

On the contrary, seeing how people in rich countries live can make you want more from life. This form of travel may help you extend your viewpoint and better understand the world around you.

Moreover, beliefs and ideas that seemed strange when in your home country may make more sense, or at least become more understandable, once you hear them from the source.

Basically, when you learn about other people’s lives you may find yourself changing your own values and priorities.

A woman hiking in the mountains.

#5 Con – You Come Back A Different Person

As noted in the previous point, when we travel a part of us changes, whether it’s your thought process, views, values, or even priorities. 

So, it’s not only that your perspective will change, but so will you. 

When looking at the various solo travel advantages and disadvantages , it can be hard to distinguish whether something is truly positive or negative. After all, this may also be a pro.

You may have learned new information that you can share with others, but you may also have changed in ways you are not totally comfortable with.

This is a valuable experience that may transform your life for the better. Still, it’s crucial to be aware of the possible implications before beginning this adventure.

This is especially important if you live in a culture with strictly-defined values; yet, your values may have changed as a result of seeing and experiencing something new.

woman enjoying the advantages of solo travel

#6 Pro – Solo Travel Can Help You Discover Your Purpose

This is a big one — especially for me.

Traveling can help you find your purpose in life. It can show you what you’re meant to do and how you can best use your time and energy.

You may also find yourself changing your priorities due to this journey, which means that you have adjusted your views on who should be and shouldn’t be in your life.

Personally, it showed me that my life’s purpose involves so much more than just working and living for my career.

It can even happen that you lose a little touch with reality and redesign your whole life. If you can go on your own somewhere else, who says you can’t do anything else you put your mind to?

Becoming so absorbed in a specific experience, culture, or country may just help you find purpose in your life, career, or relationship again.

And isn’t this what makes life worth living for; the experiences that change you?

A woman holding a cup of coffee in her hand and admiring the views of a lake.

#6 Con – Limited Space & Carry-Ons

While you divvy up who brings what when traveling with others, taveling alone means that you need to be more mindful of your packing and storage.

You also need to be prepared for situations where you can’t bring everything with you. This also includes hostels, small airlines, or even losing your big suitcase and being left with just your carry-on.

It’s happened to me before when my flight was canceled last minute, which caused my suitcase to be delayed as it was already packed on the original plane. Because I was traveling solo, I didn’t have anyone to borrow clothing or toiletries from.

Luckily, I had all my essentials packed in my carry-on ; therefore, waiting two days for my large suitcase to be returned wasn’t as catastrophic as I thought.

To help you plan for this, check out this article sharing my travel must-have’s — including a giant backpack that will fit under every airline seat (yes, Spirit and Southwest included).

I highly recommend that when traveling solo you pack two-to-three days worth of basics in your carry-on so that you’re always prepared.

#7 Pro – Get To Know Yourself Better & Reflect

Getting lost in your own thoughts or emotions while traveling alone is a common occurrence.

This might take you down routes you would never have imagined feasible if you weren’t accompanied by another person.

By being open-minded and exploring different interests, you may find new passions and hobbies you’d otherwise never explored or tried.

This is because you have more time to think about your ideas and emotions when you travel alone, as well as more opportunities for self-reflection and development.

Think: of out of sight, out of mind.

This can also mean processing past experiences and feelings, current issues, and maybe even tricky decisions about the future with a free mind.

Consider journaling, which is a great way to both process and appreciate your solo trip. Bonus: you can grab this free printable travel journal with 65 prompts !

Woman sat in the middle of the desert.

#7 Con – Increased Anxiety & Overwhelming Moments

Traveling as a whole may help you feel more peaceful and relieve built-up tension; however, traveling alone in an unknown place can also raise your anxiety levels.

It is also possible to have periods of feeling overwhelmed or as if you are unable to do many tasks on your own.

Honestly, this is one of the reasons I generally stay out of grocery stores and instead opt to have them delivered.

As you can imagine, not every destination offers grocery delivery. When this is the case, I seek out open-air places like farmer’s markets, which don’t make me feel anxious.

The lesson: if you know you’ll be taken out of your comfort zone, consider creating alternative plans or learning coping mechanisms for these moments before you leave home. Just know yo may need to test and tweak your approach to find what works best for you.

Here is something else to remember:

Fear and excitement are both arousal emotions. Keep this in mind when traveling solo and stepping out of your comfort zone. When your palms start sweating, you can do an “anxiety reappraisal” and swap that “I’m so anxious!” with “I’m so excited!”

#8 Pro – Become A Pro In Problem Solving

One of the great benefits of traveling alone is that you get to learn how to solve problems on your own.

In fact, solo travel allows you to truly see just what you are capable of — because when forced to solve a problem or navigate a situation, you’ll have no choice but to figure it out yourself.

This may come especially in handy when you are back home and can suddenly get around without Google Maps, communicate with others who speak a different language, or keep everyone calm when something unexpected derails your plans.

Going back to my story above where I said my phone died while I was exploring San Juan solo, while it was an uncomfortable situation, I ultimately learned to depend on myself and formulate a plan.

Here are 2 problem-solving skills that I learned, specifically from this situation:


I’m not fluent in Spanish, but this scenario forced me to quickly memorize a few sentences on how to go back to my hotel. This is something I will likely not forget either — panic is a great teacher, ha.

You’ll have to learn to read maps if you don’t already know how. It’s one thing to rely on Google Maps for directions, but what if you, like me, find yourself in a position where your phone dies? All you’ll have left is the map provided by the hotel, which you need to be able to read — S, yes, always take those, even if you think you won’t need it.

A woman walking down a street in Malaysia.

#8 Con – Language Barriers

One of the biggest challenges and disadvantages when traveling solo is that you may not be able to communicate with locals.

This can be a problem if you are trying to authentically experience a culture — but can’t express yourself or understand other others when they share things with you.

For example, during a solo trip to Mexico I wanted to see the Maya ruins. Unfortunately, I couldn’t speak Spanish and didn’t know how to get there. Thankfully, some people were willing to help me out, and we went together.

While I was grateful for them, you can’t always assume you’re going to meet other helpful travelers. Instead, it’s wise to empower yourself to make things happen.

My strategy for this is to make sure I always have a working phone so that I can use a translator app (like iTranslate Translator) or even just Google how to say something.

Pro tip: Google Fi and T-Mobile both offer excellent unlimited cell phones plans for abroad, though you can also purchase a local SIM card in your destination.

#9 Pro – Gaining New Independence

One of the great things about traveling solo is that you gain a level of independence and freedom as you become fully reliant on yourself. Don’t be surprised if this also gives you a huge confidence boost ( another advantage of solo travel !).

Additionally, this allows you to discover a new part of yourself without feeling any guilt from others that may question your decisions.

Right now, you have possibly gotten so used to spending all of your time with your partner, roommate, or parents that you have forgotten how to be independent; but, going on a solo trip can help you remember.

Here is a personal story:

When I first started traveling solo, I was in a relationship where I was more codependent than I’d like to admit.

But, solo travel helped to strength my confidence and self-worth as I began to take on new challenges and everything else the world threw at me, all on my own.

This may seem like a far-fetched aspiration, but the experiences you gain exploring the world solo will change you and make you realize your full potential.

Honestly, out of all the traveling alone advantages and disadvantages on this list, this is probably my favorite pro.

A woman posing for a photo witha historic building background.

#9 Con – Photography Is A Challenge

One of the biggest challenges that solo travelers face is getting great photos that they’re actually in.

It’s not easy to take great photos without someone else to help you out. This is even more complicated when you don’t know the language well enough to ask others for help and you haven’t brought a tripod (which can be annoying to travel with).

On the plus side, if you don’t mind not being in all of the photos, are okay with taking selfies, or are a master at self-portraits, this won’t be an issue.

And, in all honesty, this con really isn’t a huge deal and shouldn’t be the reason you miss out on a potentially life-changing solo trip.

#10 Pro – Work Through Your Fears & Challenge Yourself

One of the great things about traveling solo is that you have the freedom to explore your fears.

When you’re traveling by yourself, you can be more daring and take on new challenges that would be too risky or uncomfortable to try with someone else around, or that they wouldn’t be interested in trying.

This can lead to unique experiences and mental and physical growth.

Personally, I doubt I would have taken on one of my wildest travel adventures to date, rapelling down a 250-foot cliff in Puerto Rico, if I hadn’t been solo without friends to talk me out of it. Instead, I was able to focus on what I wanted to get out of my trip.

A woman contemplating a mountain view at sunset.

#10 Con – Culture Shock 

One of the biggest challenges that solo travelers face is culture shock , which occurs when you’re in a new place without any familiar landmarks or people.

For some it’s exciting , while for others it’s frightening.

Culture shock can be especially difficult to handle when you’re not used to the local language or the way of life — or when it’s your first time traveling alone and experiencing unease on the road.

Luckily, there are ways to help combat culture shock, the most important of which is researching the culture, customs, beliefs, and local area of the place you’re visiting so you know what to expect.

You should also look up local scams and issues to be aware of so you can avoid them, as well as how to behave so you don’t receive negative attention.

Here is another tip:

Accept that culture shock is a thing and welcome it as something that comes along with traveling solo to a new place.

Realize that with the discomfort comes chances to learn and experience new things, and that as you explore the destination and become familiar with it the negative feelings will go away.

Final Thoughts On The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Traveling Alone

While traveling alone can be intimidating and even scary, it may just be the best thing that has ever happened to you.

As you read above, there are many pros and cons of traveling alone to consider; however, with this knowledge, you can make the most of your single travel experience and enjoy yourself to the most extent possible.

As you can see, if you know what the potential challenges are ahead of time, you can plan accordingly and find a solution to them.

For instance, whenever I find myself interested in going to a place that is viewed as unsafe for women, I put additional effort into my research; I hunt for blogs or even Facebook groups led by women who have been there and can share their first-hand experiences.

Now, this whole idea of traveling solo may still be giving you anxiety. And you may be wondering:

What’s the worst thing that could happen if I choose not to embark on a solo trip?

Let me tell you: restlessness.

The likelihood is that you will develop an intense desire to try new things on a regular basis. Perhaps this is already your justification for wanting to go on a solo trip? 

If this is the case, I highly recommend heading out on a solo travel adventure and seeing just how incredible it can be.

Because remember: you can always book a flight home early if you truly hate it; but, if you never try in the first place, you might always wonder what could have been.

A woman with a backpack walking down a narrow street in Varenna, Italy.

Is It Safe To Travel Alone As A Woman?

Absolutely! As long as you research your destination and keep everyday safety tips in mind — like never leaving your drink unattended at a bar, not walking alone in areas that aren’t well-lit at night, and keeping valuables hidden (or better yet, in the hotel room safe) — you can absolutely have a safe and fun trip as a solo female.

Not only that, but as you now know, there are many benefits to traveling alone . You truly can have ultimate freedom over your itinerary while growing your relationship with yourself and becoming a more confident and independent person.

This isn’t to say that there are no dangers of traveling alone; however, as you can see from reading the countless solo female travel blogs that exist online — including this one — traveling alone is a common activity and most trips are enjoyed without any safety issues.

Travel Insurance For Solo Travel

This all being said, you should still prepare for issues to arise, just in case! This is why it’s wise to get travel insurance before embarking on a solo trip.

One of the  best travel medical insurance for travelers  is SafetyWing as they’ve got a large network and offer both short-term and long-term coverage — including coverage if you’re traveling for months as well as limited coverage in your home country).

Additionally, SafetyWing is budget-friendly and offers $250,000 worth of coverage with just one low overall deductible of $250.

Click here to price out travel insurance for your trip in just a few clicks .

Woman walking to Tomb of I’timād-ud-Daulah, Agra, India.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Traveling Alone FAQs

Q) what are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling alone.

Some of the advantages of traveling alone include the flexibility to do exactly what you want, meeting new people, and becoming more independent and empowered. Some of the disadvantages of traveling alone include higher travel expenses (since there’s no one to split them with) and loneliness.

Q) Is traveling alone enjoyable?

Absolutely. Traveling alone can be just as enjoyable, if not more so, than traveling in a group or with friends. When you travel alone, you get to do and see what you want, when you want. What’s better than that?

Q) Is it risky to travel alone?

Not necessarily. While there are some added risks of traveling alone, as detailed above, solo travel itself is not risky. Just be sure to take some common sense precautions and do research in advance.

Bonus Solo Travel Benefits Resources:

14 Benefits Of Traveling Alone + Tips To Make It Happen

An Open Letter From The Father of A Female Solo Traveler

An Open Letter From The Mother Of A Female Solo Traveler

Black Solo Female Travel: An Eye-Opening & Empowering Guide

Tips For Convincing Loved Ones To Let You Travel Solo

How To Travel Solo Successfully: 31+ Important Tips

What pros and cons of traveling alone would you add to this list?

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About Anna Dykeman

Anna Dykeman is a travel blogger and digital nomad who loves exploring the world solo - and with her service dog, Novah. She loves helping people explore more while spending less and traveling smarter. You can read her travel tips on her blog, The Tatted Nomad .

Jessie Festa standing in front of grafitti wall

Hi, I’m Jessie on a journey!

I'm a conscious solo traveler on a mission to take you beyond the guidebook to inspire you to live your best life through travel. Come join me!

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Nice post. Solo travel can be rewarding, and I have enjoyed it at times, however I prefer a mixed solo/shared travel.

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Travelling alone can be one of the most liberating experiences of your life. It completely changes your outlook on everything you do when you travel on your own.

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It is a great experience to travel alone, it is a good moment of reflection and to find oneself, you just have to be encouraged.

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Very informative. Alone time can lead to self-discovery and personal growth as you navigate unfamiliar situations on your own.

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Rocky Travel

Solo Travel vs Group Travel: The Pros And Cons

Michela Solo Female Travel Tours 1

Advantages and disadvantages of Solo vs Group Travel

Any travel has pros and cons. As a solo travel advocate, I can draft a long list of benefits for travelling alone as a woman. However, there are also disadvantages, but these vary depending on the circumstances and level of individual experience.

So I’d instead say that pros and cons can change if you dig deeper into a specific situation; you will see that advantages can turn into disadvantages too, and vice-versa. To explain this a bit better, these are crucial things to consider when deciding to travel by yourself or join an organised group tour.

Pros and Cons of Solo Travel

Here are the 5 main benefits for travelling solo as female traveller.

Cost of Travel

You can evaluate all this from different perspectives. Depending on the level of expertise and experience you have as a solo traveller, the pros and cons can significantly impact your decision to go alone or with a group.

The disadvantages of travelling alone

If you take a closer look at each point, you will see room for a more in-depth investigation. There are disadvantages of travelling alone that pop up only in specific situations, whereas some advantages may be more prominent in others.

Here they are:

Keeping the cost of accommodation down

Missing out on adventures.

If you like hiking and being active in the outdoors, being on your own can be rewarding, as long as you know what you are doing and where you are going! Forests and Mountains can be quite tricky because environments are different. Overseas trips can be challenging; that’s where a group can be a good idea if you want to explore new places without worrying too much. I

Lack of Confidence

Not feeling safe, group travel pros.

Here are five significant benefits of taking guided group tours.

  • A tour creates a ready-made group of fellow travellers —no need f to look for a companion.
  • Going on a tour is safer than going alone. In a group, everyone takes care of each other, and you will feel safe.
  • A guided tour is the fastest way to learn about a place and the local community.
  • An organised trip uncovers many things about places that you will not quickly find out on your own.
  • It’s an opportunity to socialise, improve social skills and make new friends, and become a better team-player.

If you are starting to dive into the solo travel world and are unsure of what you can and want to see and do, here is a list of everyday situations and tour ideas that you can consider for your travels.

The disadvantages of Group Travel

As much as group travel may sound simpler to you, it does have drawbacks. And it does require proper evaluation all the time.

Locking in your Time

Higher cost of travel, not meeting the expectations., lack of authenticity, travel companions versus solo travel tours.

People travel for many different reasons . Travel can change you, your mind and your values, as well as your approach to others. While there are advantages and disadvantages to travelling alone as a woman , the best is to find your way and mould different ways of travel into your style.

No matter what your solo travel style is and how you prefer to explore the world, at some stage, you may not know where to travel alone, are likely to start looking for a travel companion and wanting to join a small group of like-minded travellers.

And there is nothing wrong with it. On the contrary, choosing to go on guided tours and finding travel companions can do wonders. It can become an incentive to travel more alone, spark up new ideas and adventures. It finally contributes to creating and perfecting your travel style and balance too.

But, hey, I know, it’s not easy to find travel companions that share your values and travel with the same purpose. There are way too many things that must fit to make it work.

Here, you can read more on how to choose the best guided tours .

Pin it for later!

First published in 2018, last updated in Jan 2023

If you find this article helpful for your trip, I’d appreciate it if you could support Rocky Travel and book your tours, accommodation, rental car, or purchase my book using the links in the box below. Thank you!


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Michela Fantinel

→ Michela Fantinel

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Ryan Biddulph August 15, 2018 @ 7:43 pm

Nice breakdown Michela. Big fan of couples travel with wifey. We’ve freedom as we’re usually onboard with the same idea yet avoid the yolk of group travel. Going solo for a few trips and also, when my wife sticks around the house, does open me up to more meeting and greeting. Solo travelers are more approachable for whatever reason, making for more chats.

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Solo Travel vs Group Travel: Why Alone is Better 8/10 Times

In my 28 years of life, I’ve spent 2 years travelling alone, 1 year vacationing with family, 6 months with tour groups, another 6 months on couples getaways and 3 months holidaying with friends. 

And after all that time spent on the road, I have a decisive answer to the question: is it better to travel alone or with someone?

Below, I compare solo travel vs group travel vs travelling with someone (i.e. family or friends). You can judge which style of travel is best for you based on your personality.

Nomadic Yak has 100s of tips if it’s your first time travelling solo !

  • Is it Better to Travel Alone or in a Group?

Solo Travel vs Group Travel vs Travel With Friends

  • More Solo Travel Tips

Is it Better to Travel Alon e or in a Group ?

When it comes to solo travel vs group travel vs travelling with someone, I recommend that 8/10 people should travel alone (or travel alone at least once in their lifetime).

It is better to travel alone if you are adventurous and independent. Solo travellers have total freedom when planning their itinerary and budget. They also have more opportunities to make new friends, immerse themselves in authentic cultural experiences and develop self-confidence.

It is better to travel with a tour group if you are hesitant about travelling alone for the first time or visiting a potentially dangerous destination. Organised tours make it easy for solo travellers to plan and budget for their trip – all you have to do is choose a destination and find a tour that takes your interest. 

It is better to travel with someone (i.e. family or friends) if you are concerned about your health, safety or social skills. Whilst you won’t get to enjoy many of the benefits that come with travelling alone or joining a tour group as a solo traveller, you will get to make fond memories and build stronger relationships with your family or friends.

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Should I travel alone? A female solo traveller canoes down a river.

The battle between solo travel vs group travel vs travel with friends can be broken down into 10 categories. 

Looking over these categories, you can decide whether it is better to travel alone or with someone.

Flexibility and freedom

Solo female traveller in a hammock by a waterfall.

Winner: Solo travel

Travelling alone provides you with the freedom to set your own itinerary and the flexibility to make spontaneous decisions. 

Travelling with a tour group means you will have a set itinerary and dates that you must stick to. However, you may have some free days to do some exploring alone.

Travelling with friends or family means you have to compromise with them when creating an itinerary and choosing your accommodation, activities, eateries, etc. This can be difficult if you have different budgets or interests.

My experience: I find it better to travel alone because I’ll often befriend other travellers and want to travel with them. Together, we’ll decide to stick around town for another day, head in the same direction or go our separate ways.

Self-discovery and personal growth

A woman practicing yoga and meditating in Bali

Travelling alone forces you to be independent and overcome challenges on your own. You become more socially skilled and self-confident having to meet new people each day. Solo travel also gives you time and space to think about your life (e.g. your career, relationships, etc.)

Travelling with a tour group gives you some independence. You still have the challenge of befriending people on the tour. And you can find some alone time each evening for reflection or journaling.

Travelling with someone (friends or family) means that you can rely on others to help you. This may be better if you have fear and anxiety about travelling alone . However, you won’t experience as much personal growth because you will be less independent.

My experience: During my first solo trip in South East Asia, I had to make new friends every day, got lost on my first night in Bangkok, had my phone stolen in Phuket and had my motorbike tyre pop three times in rural Vietnam. But these challenges brought me out of my shell and made me more self-confident!

Worried that solo travel will be awkward? See the tips in my article, is travelling alone weird ?

Immersion and authenticity

Tribesman in Bali, Indonesia.

Solo travel is the most adventurous form of travel. Because you do not have to worry about the safety or interests of others, you can stray away from tourist traps. This allows you to have more genuine interactions with locals and enjoy authentic cultural experiences. 

Organised tours can be touristy or adventurous. If you want to join a tour, try to book one that takes you beyond the popular tourist traps to remote villages and sights. Also, try to find a tour that benefits the local community and gets them involved in tourism (I have found that  G Adventures does an excellent job of this).

Travelling with friends or family often means that you stick to comfortable and crowded tourist traps. You have fewer interactions with the locals and the cultural experience is less authentic.

My experience: When I travel alone, I have friendly interactions with the local people almost every day. Although I may not speak their language, they’ll often invite me to visit their homes, meet their families and dine with them. This has happened all over the world, in places like Vietnam, Morocco and Spain.

Safety and support

Tour group canoeing in Son Doong Cave, Vietnam.

Winner: Group travel

Travelling alone involves taking risks. You should take extra precautions and follow these solo travel safety tips . For more information on the dangers of solo travel, see my article: Is it safe to travel alone ?

Joining a tour group is safer than travelling alone. If you choose an accredited tour company, you will travel under the protection of a professional guide. The guide is responsible for your safety and should only let you partake in safe activities.

Travelling with someone (friends or family) is also safer than travelling alone. You have people around you to help, comfort and support you if something goes wrong. However, no form of travel is perfectly safe. Even group travel comes with dangers.

My experience: After years of travelling alone, I feel confident in taking responsibility for my own safety. Solo travel means I do not have to worry about the safety of others. But if I am visiting a particularly dangerous destination, I will still travel with a tour group.

Friendships and romance

Female travel friends walking through sunflowers.

Travelling alone forces you to interact with strangers. You will befriend many like-minded travellers who are looking to meet people as well. You quickly become socially confident and a master at making new friends. And along the way, you may even encounter a few romantic partners (and enjoy more sex than the average person ).

Travelling with a tour group means you only have to befriend the people on your tour. You don’t need to befriend new people each day.

Travelling with someone familiar means that you don’t have to leave your social bubble. Most of the time, you’ll only interact with your family or friends and won’t bother to meet new people.

My experience: I was nervous about having to make new friends during my first solo trip. But I didn’t need to be – it was dead easy because everyone shares travel as a common interest. To break the ice, simply ask about people’s travel plans. I share 12 more tips in my guide to solo travel for introverts .

Blossom into a social butterfly with my 9-Step Guide to Making 100s of Friends While Travelling Alone !

A pile of international currencies in cash.

Solo travel allows you to determine your own budget. You can plan your whole trip around how much you want to spend. And you can extend your trip by reducing your daily travel costs.

An organised tour will have a fixed cost and you will pay for the trip upfront. This is good if you have a budget in mind. However, be aware of added costs (e.g. optional day trips and private room surcharges).

Travelling with friends means you will have to compromise on your budget. You have to make a group decision on how much you spend. This may mean that you end up spending more or less than you wanted to.

My experience: When I travel alone, I like to travel as cheaply as possible and avoid the hidden costs of solo travel . I stay in comfortable but affordable hostels, take the train or coach because it is cost-effective and avoid fancy restaurants. This means I can travel longer for less.

Attractions and sightseeing

Female scuba diver with a turtle.

When you travel alone, you can choose which attractions you visit, when you visit and for how long you visit. You also have the option of visiting by yourself, joining a day tour or getting together some of your travel buddies from the hostel.

Travelling with a tour group means that you will only visit the attractions laid out on the itinerary. You will not have much say over how long you get to spend at each attraction. However, some tours may provide you with free time during which you can explore as you like.

Travelling with someone (friends or family) means that you have to compromise with others regarding which attractions you visit and when. You’ll likely end up paying for attractions that you don’t necessarily want to visit.

My experience: When I travel alone, I will often go sightseeing with some new buddies I have just met in the hostel. This gives us something to bond over and we often return with a few funny stories. Other times, if no one else is interested in tagging along, I’ll visit the attraction myself and do it at my own pace.

Planning and organising

Solo traveller planning their trip.

Solo travel means that you will have to plan the trip by yourself. This is beneficial because you can tailor your trip to your interests and budget. However, it can take a few days of work.

An organised tour makes trip planning easy. All you have to do is pick a destination, choose a reputable tour, pack your bags and buy your flights. 

Travelling with friends means that you share the burden of planning (although, one person is often left to do it all by themselves). You will have to compromise when making decisions on accommodation, attractions, transport, etc. This can make it difficult if everyone has different interests and budgets.

My experience: I find it easier and more enjoyable to plan my own trips. Solo travel saves me from having to send countless messages and bank transfers to my friends or family. However, I will join a group tour if travelling to a dangerous or difficult destination.

Solo travel isn’t always exciting. But is solo travel boring ?

A hostel dorm room with bunk beds

Travelling alone means you have flexibility when choosing your accommodation. You can either enjoy the privacy of a single room or give up your privacy in favour of a more affordable shared room (e.g. a hostel dorm).

Travelling with a tour group means that you will have almost no choice concerning accommodation. You will likely have to share a room with another group member. However, provide the option of paying a surcharge for a single private room.

Travelling with someone often means that you will share a room with your family or friends. You have little privacy. You’ll almost always be with someone during your trip.

My experience: When I travel alone, I split my time between dorms and private rooms in hostels. I will stay in a dorm if I’m wanting to save money or meet new people. I will stay in a private room if I’ve already spent a few days in a dorm and need some time alone.

Worried that solo travel is lonely? See my 30 tips on how to travel alone and not be lonely !

Travel friends riding camels in Sahara Desert.

Winner: Tie

Solo travel is an adventure. You return home with exciting tales and stories that your family and friends weren’t there to experience. They are special to you and you alone.

Travelling in a tour group means that you will share your memories with a new group of friends. Although you will all go your separate ways after the tour, you will likely stay in touch and may even travel together again.

Travelling with friends or family allows you to create lifelong memories. You will be telling these stories around the dinner table for years to come.

My experience: I have fond memories of travelling alone, travelling in tour groups and travelling with my family and friends. Each is special in its own way.

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Disadvantages and problems of travelling with friends and family

Summary: Is it Better to Travel Alone or With Someone?

Tour group paddling down river in Vietnam.

Solo travel is better if you are adventurous and willing to challenge yourself. You can set your own itinerary and budget, make new friends and enjoy authentic cultural experiences.

Group tours are great if you want to travel alone but are still hesitant. You can choose a set itinerary that interests you, make new friends and enjoy the safety of a professional guide and other group members.

Travelling with someone else (family or friends) is better if you are concerned about the risks and challenges that come with travelling alone. You will have someone else with you to look out for your safety, emotional needs and health.

Still not sure what to do? Consider all the advantages and disadvantages of travelling alone .

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Find more first-time solo travel tips on Nomadic Yak!

Nomadic Yak helps solo travellers to plan journeys that are adventurous and authentic.

Every article is written by me, Harry Dale . I’ve travelled to 40+ countries over the last 5 years – alone.

You’ll find 100s of solo travel tips on how to save money, make more friends, build a social media following and much more.

Plus, you can use my solo travel destination guides to discover international sights and attractions that few other travellers get to witness.

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Creator of Nomadic Yak

At age 22, I had never travelled overseas. Six years later, I have travelled alone through 35 countries and work wherever I like as a freelance writer.

Intrepid Travel Blog

Why adventure is as much about the people as it is about the places

traveling solo in a group

The first time I went on an Intrepid Travel trip – exploring India from Delhi to Goa  –  I was late for the welcome meeting.

Sure, I was exhausted, having arrived from Ottawa via London earlier that same day and the hotel bed felt amazing after two days of plane seats and airport benches. But my sluggishness wasn’t just jetlag. As I fumbled around in my hotel room, battling my bedhead and desperately trying to freshen up, some tiny mechanism deep in my subconscious was slowing me down, procrastinating, delaying the inevitable.

Truthfully, I was a little anxious about what was to come next. This was my first solo trip with a group, and I was about to meet my travel companions for the next 14 days – the ‘mystery people’ as I had come to think of them. Who were they? Would they like me? Would I like them? Would spending two weeks with strangers ACTUALLY be fun? I was stepping far out of my comfort zone, and these questions, which had seemed so abstract and inconsequential when I booked my trip, now seemed all too real and very consequential.

It was blistering hot outside, but suddenly I had cold feet.

Two weeks later, one of the best experiences of my life came to a close. India was incredible. I was awestruck by the Taj Mahal, and I was thrilled to dip my toes in the warm Arabian sea at Goa – a place that had been on my wishlist for years.

traveling solo in a group

Another highlight of the trip: Udaipur

But perhaps my warmest memory of the entire trip was the evening I spent drinking Kingfisher lagers on a rooftop patio overlooking the pastel city of Udaipur with a couple from Britain – a pair with a wild streak that, on a whim, had traded in a conventional vacation to instead trek through India. And when the trip was all over, that goodbye was particularly hard. I had expected India to be epic and iconic, but I hadn’t expected that.


As it turned out, friendships forged on dusty Delhi streets, on sunrise hikes to Hindu temples, on crowded overnight Indian trains had become surprisingly strong, fast.

I had uncovered the best-kept secret of group travel. I was hooked.

traveling solo in a group

My Intrepid group in India

Why travel anyway?

There are so many reasons why people travel . To break out of our daily routines. To see beautiful landscapes and iconic sites. To experience life lived elsewhere. To learn and to challenge ourselves. To fulfill dreams and feel alive. I am no different. Going somewhere – anywhere – is exciting, challenging, new, and expands your own world. Group travel makes it easy.

But at least for me, now there’s something else. What I came to realize on that trip to India is this: the adventure is as much about the people you are with as it is the places you go. Discovering who your travel companions are – sharing experiences, sharing perspectives, sharing laughs – is woven into every step of your journey, and when you get back home, you can’t help but feel richer for having shared a small slice of life together.

traveling solo in a group

Think about it. When you travel with a group, you are setting out on a social adventure. You are on the road with a motley crew. You would likely never cross paths with these people in your daily life. They may not even be anything like your friends at home. Now, don’t get me wrong: we cherish the people that fill our lives on the regular, but isn’t different what you are looking for?

travelling alone or in a group essay

Scenic spots in Morocco

Still, despite the newness, the hint of the unknown, something binds you together – after all, you are all there, in that one place, ready to go. You are all wanderers. You are all like-minded souls. That is powerful common ground.

The best of the best

Looking back on that first day in India, I really need not have been anxious at all, and science seems to back that up. Research suggests that there are three important conditions for making friends: proximity, opportunities for spontaneous and recurrent interactions, and a setting that encourages people to let their guard down and confide in each other. And this is what groups travel is all about.


Fast forward to my next Intrepid Travel trip one year later, this time to see the Best of Morocco . Was I late for that kick-off meeting? Absolutely not. I could hardly wait for the adventure to begin.

traveling solo in a group

Marrakech, with new Intrepid friends

The group was (self-described!) the best: two couples from Canada – one from Vancouver on an epic retirement journey across multiple countries, the other from rural Ontario, the kind of people you’d want by your side if you were ever lost in the woods; a foodie couple from India with high-end tastes; two solo women from big American cities, one from Las Vegas with a bit of the wild west in her blood, the other a straight-talking New Yorker with an insightful mind and a heart of gold; a 20-something man from the U.S. who hadn’t really been home in years; an unflappable German woman whose quiet energy was limitless; and me, a suburban mom of two boys. How lucky was I?!

Three days into the trip, we had outlasted the locals at the neighbourhood couscous restaurant in Fes. The tone was set.


And the connections were as stellar as the experiences – in fact, they were one and the same. Imagine being out on the sand and under the stars in the Sahara, huddled under camel hair blankets, talking and laughing the night away with a kindred spirit while everyone else was asleep in the tents.

traveling solo in a group

Awestruck in the Sahara

Or, sharing a breathless moment as you and your friend are pulled to safety by a local vendor when a fight breaks out in the Essaouira fish market where you’ve decided to go for lunch. Then at last, drinking ridiculously expensive but brilliantly mixed cocktails at the Royal Mansour in Marrakech with your girl squad, getting teary-eyed at the thought of the trip coming to an end. All true stories, and when I think of them, the memories are so good.

Now, back home months after Morocco, I sometimes find myself recalling snippets of conversations, or considering how a particular person might react, when something comes up in my life, and I see this as a testament of how meaningful and influential these compact friendships are, at least to me. Even if I never see the squad in person again, that’s alright. Those ladies left their mark on me – in fact, everyone did in their own way.

I’m ready for the next adventure.

Ready for your next adventure? Check out Intrepid Travel’s top trips in 120+ countries.

(All images courtesy of author Lani Innes and taken on her adventures with Intrepid Travel.)

Feeling inspired?

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A Canadian, Lani Innes works as a policy analyst in the federal public service. She resides in Gatineau, Quebec with her two sons, their dog and their budgie. A visit to Costa Rica in her late teens sparked a wanderlust that took her to the Caribbean, Mexico, Peru and Spain in her younger years, and later to the United Kingdom and France through work. Her favourite cities – so far! – are London and Miami, and going forward, she has firm plans to fill every page in her passport.

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JuliaSomething | Travel Blog

Travel Alone or in a Group? [Pros and Cons]

“Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group?” Don’t let anyone tell you what to do. Live the life you love. Alone travel vs group travel!

Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? How do people prefer to travel? Do they like traveling alone, or do they like traveling in a group? Here’s what travelers say.

I am always curious about the people I meet and I like to talk about travelling. This is the first question from the 6 question interview I’ve asked some friends I’ve met in my travels or from home.

I believe it points out how we all are unique and how that is perfectly ok. Don’t let anyone tell you what you should do. Embrace your uniqueness and live the life you love.

Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group?

Before showing you what other travellers answered, I will start by stating my opinion on the solo travel vs group travel topic.

My first question was, “Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why?” I will also answer briefly.

I used to be terrified of being on my own, and that’s why I was used to always have people around me. And later on, I realized that my fear of being alone was holding me back. It took a lot of courage to start traveling solo.

I discovered that I love traveling alone . Solo traveling brought me a lot of benefits . And I’m so grateful for each solo trip I did.

I’m not saying that traveling alone should be the only kind of travel you do, but that it’s a necessary part for anyone who wants to start the journey of personal development .

travel alone or in a group

There are only two ways you can travel: alone or with a group. If you’re a single traveler, then you need to read what other travelers are saying. And let’s get this straight. Yes, you can travel alone as a woman.

Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why?

Disclaimer: Please take note that these answers are real, from real people, and they express their personal choice of traveling. The answers regarding traveling alone or in a group do not consider any sort of world crisis.

Matei is a 26-year old, and he is living in Bucharest, Romania.

Does he prefer to travel alone or in a group? This is what he said:

I have always preferred to travel in a group. I think that’s because I’m an extrovert. Sometimes, I get bored traveling alone, even though I enjoy single moments as well.

Piotr is a 34-year-old from Poland living in California.

I used to travel alone (both vacation and business). Now, on holidays, I travel with my girlfriend. When you travel alone, local people are more welcoming and helpful to you. When they see a group, they don’t mind. Group can always somehow take care of themselves. However, when they see a single person travelling, it seems unusual to them. This person is away from home, doesn’t know the neighbourhood, doesn’t know where to go or how to behave and as all cultures are welcoming, they try to help the individual in the “struggle” of travel. They give advises on what to and where to go (also what not to do and where not to go) and it even may happen, that they will welcome the individual to their home. Of course, the traveller should initiate the conversation. When you stand alone and mind your own business, people don’t want to bother you. It’s a common courtesy. Therefore don’t be afraid to start conversations, ask for directions, recommendations for restaurants, etc. Sit at the bar (not at the table) and start talking with other people at the bar. This will help you meet new people and some of them may later turn into friends.

I have to say that I agree with Piotr on starting the conversation. It will take some courage from your side, but the returns are worth it. I explain it in this post about solo travel benefits .

Pilar is a traveler living in Madrid.

I met her in Berlin during one of my solo Europe travels . She sees each travel differently.

Quite hard to answer. I kinda like it better when I’m on my own. I do have all the freedom to decide where should I go, what should I see or where should I eat. At the same time, is kinda nice to have someone around to share all that you are experimenting with. I have never believed in coincidence so I think some trips are just meant to be like that. Sometimes you are off to travel by yourself, might be the right time to do so. But other times are meant to travel with friends or family.

Jan is a Dutch traveler.

I met Jan in Bucharest, but he is living in Austria. He prefers to keep his travel plans flexible.

I prefer to travel alone. You are more flexible. If you like it, you stay a bit longer. If not, you continue your route. It will require some Investigation upfront or during your travel, as within a group, people will have more information about the area where you are. Together you have more ideas for a possible plan. On the other hand, you need to make compromises as you all have different priorities. Travelling alone you should take the time to talk to locals to find out about the “hidden gems” and to learn to know new people. You will see a lot of people are willing to help. On the other hand, you need to make compromises as you all have different priorities. Travelling alone you should take the time to talk to locals to find out about the “hidden gems” and to learn to know new people. You will see a lot of people are willing to help.

Lettice is a British blogger.

Lettice is also a vlogger and works as a volunteer in China. I met her during my volunteering experience in Austria .

I prefer travelling alone because I can do what I want when I want. When I’m travelling I have limited time and money so I only want to do the activities that interest me. Also, I like to take my time when I’m visiting an attraction. My slow pace, for example spending 4 hours at one museum, might bore other people. I also like the flexibility that comes with travelling alone. Recently I was travelling in South China and I’d made a schedule outlining the activities I wanted to do each day. One day I woke up and didn’t feel like doing the activity I had planned so I reorganised my schedule. Because I was travelling alone it meant I could change my schedule as much as I liked without upsetting anyone. Also, travelling alone comes with a huge sense of personal achievement. Every time I negotiate the price of a tour, find a hostel in an obscure location, or order food in another language I feel awesome because I did it all by myself. #GirlPower

I can totally relate to that feeling of freedom you get when you’re travelling alone. I wrote countless travel blogs about solo travel benefits , solo travel to Europe and how to plan your trip when you’re travelling alone for the first time .

Bogdan is a Romanian blogger.

Bogdan is living in Bucharest and he is more into adventure travel. This is his perspective on solo travelling vs group travel.

Most of the time, I travel in a group. But on my last trip, I felt the need to do it solo. Because I simply wanted to see how is it to be only with my thoughts, test my limits, discover new territories and be the only one out there. It was amazing. But due to safety reasons, I prefer travelling in small groups. Why? Because I love to have fun too. And I do meet new people even if I’m in a group. I kinda do all the crazy things, from following a snake to record it on camera in a jungle to go on the longest zip line in the world or a helicopter ride. These kind of activities are more enjoyable when you have at least a friend with you. Also, you can save money by travelling in a group. I love renting cars and stuff when I go abroad and experience things and places that might not be very popular with regular tourists, so I have to reach them somehow. Also, you can save money by travelling in a group. I love renting cars and stuff when I go abroad and experience things and places that might not be very popular with regular tourists, so I have to reach them somehow.

Bogdan has a more practical approach when it comes to travelling and he advocates that group travelling helps him save money and travel more cheaply. I understand that and I have to agree with him. Budget is always a concern and I believe that choosing cheaper destinations is always a good idea. Here’s a list of the cheapest countries in Europe you have to consider when you start planning your Euro trip .

As you can see, we are all different and we all have different perspectives and priorities when it comes to travelling. That’s why there’s no one-plan-fits-all kind of travel guide because each person has different needs and expectations when it comes to travelling. We don’t all dress the same so why would travelling be any different?!

Travel alone benefits

I’ve gone travelling solo many times, even after I met m boyfriend. Why? Because that’s what pulls me out of my comfort zone the most and is the most powerful catalyst for personal growth. That’s the core reason for transforming my blog into a travel blog while using travel experiences for self-discovery.

That’s why I want to briefly state some of the benefits of solo travel.

Benefits of solo travel

  • You have time to know yourself
  • It pushes you to step outside your comfort zone
  • You feel less stressed
  • You get to decide what to do
  • You don’t have to compromise any plans
  • You get to meet lots of new and interesting people
  • You get to improve your language skills
  • You get a confidence boost
  • Helps if you have a problem with decision-making
  • You can spend your budget however you want

That’s why I strongly advise you to take into account the advantages of traveling alone next time you’re planning a trip. It just might be the much-needed step out of your comfort zone that will change your perspective on life.

Benefits of group travel

  • You always have someone to share your experiences with
  • You can split expenses for accommodation and more
  • You meet like-minded people
  • Someone else does the planning (or at least does some research)
  • It’s easy to join for anyone
  • Groups have a planned itinerary and usually get you to the best spots
  • Organized group travel tends to be safer because the guides know very well the places
  • It gets you to places you wouldn’t have gone on your own (unless you also practice solo traveling)
  • Group travel allows you to see more of a country (and faster)

These are some of the advantages of solo travel and group travel off the top of my head.

While travelling in a group might seem safer and more convenient, there’s a lot that you’ll be thankful for after you start travelling alone? Is traveling alone worth it? Yes, it is! I have a blog post that explains in more detail all the great benefits of solo travel .

If you’re a traveler in the process of planning a trip to Europe , check out this Solo Europe Travel Guide for the best tips for traveling alone. It’s packed with practical tips and suggestions from my best solo trips.

Whatever kind of traveler you are, just make sure you have the best time and you fully embrace the experience. Safe travels!

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Iulia Vasile

Iulia is a travel expert, blogger, engineer, freelance copywriter, and a curiosity-driven personality. She sees travel as the ultimate tool for self-improvement and personal growth, and that's the main topic of her blog,

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  • Solo Travel Vs Group Travel : Which Is A Winner?

Cover Image Credit: Pxhere

Travel by choice is the new trend! People like to travel in certain ways, mostly two ways – solo and group. Some people love to travel in a group of two or more while others travel solo. While some people may travel in groups for completely different reasons and solo travelers for completely different, both kinds still keep one thing in common – travel. If you think which is better – solo travel vs group travel, there is no winner. Both the travelling ways have their own highlights. Let’s see what are those.

Taking Solo Travel Tours

Check out the best experiences purveyed by the solo travel tours:


Some people love to travel for nothing but freedom. They see travel as an escape from the crowd. To them, it feels liberating and alive. There are no worries, responsibilities or liabilities during a solo travel. You are free to choose a destination, make changes midway, adjust at places or simply loiter around. There is no restriction to travel anywhere you always wanted to. You can be as crazy as you want during your venture. Feel like going to that waterfall on a starry night? Absolutely!

Must Read: Solo Travel In Singapore: A Guide To Relish The Best Of The Gateway Of Asia

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2. Spend Your Own Time

Spend Time In Your Own Company1

When you are traveling solo, you can do whatever you like – read, write, dance, play a little music or just sit and stargaze. This is not possible when you are in a group because at some point you have to compromise with your personal preferences. Travelling solo reveals a lot about your own self. You start accepting yourself and gradually appreciate your own company. You realize it’s more peaceful sitting by the window pane, lost in your own thoughts.

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3. Stick To Budget

Stick To Budget

Image Source

It is easy to manage your own budget and modify it whenever you travel solo. You may either choose to stay in a luxury accommodation and eat cheap or the other way round. You may choose to hitchhike or take public transport without having to worry about anyone else. Also you can save a lot of money this way. Bargaining is also easier when you travel solo, especially while shopping.

Suggested Read: A Letter To All The First-Time Solo Female Travelers

4. Unique Experiences

Unique Experiences

Travelling solo opens a lot of opportunities. You get to meet several people on your way, get to know them and may be, befriend them after certain interactions. You do not have to be bound by the societal boundaries and norms. You get to stay as low-key as you want or go ahead and join a random group of people out there just for the sake of fun.

Suggested Read: 3 Best Places To Visit Near Rochor On A Solo Trip To Singapore

Choosing Group Travel Tours

Following are the best things about group travel tours:

1. Tour Guide

Tour Guide

A tour guide is the best way to enjoy an organised travel. While traveling to a place unknown, you might need a person who already knows about the place. It is safe and secure, and there are less chances of getting tricked by locals. During a group travel, everything is well-organized with precautionary measures. If you ever get lost or feel lonely, your tour guide has always got your back. Also, you will get additional information about a place you otherwise might not know during a solo trip.

Suggested Read: Sri Lanka Group Tours: An Economical And Fun Way To Travel And Explore

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Travelling alone can often be risky, especially if you are travelling to a foreign country. There are chances that you might get thugged or run in a trouble. And if you are alone, you cannot immediately reach out for help. On the other hand, group travel offers you safety and immediate help. You can reach out to your tour guide or co-travellers if you run into trouble. If you fall sick while traveling, a helping hand will always be there for you.

Suggested Read: Singapore Group Tours: The Smartest Way To Get Around & Experience The City At Its Best!

3. Accommodation And Restaurants

Accommodation And Restaurants1

During group travels, you do not have to worry about finding the best accommodation or restaurant. The tour company that you pick will do that for you. You would receive various quotes with a number of stay options to choose from. In some cases, you may customize your packages as per your needs. You will also save a lot of time and money. Several tour packages also provide you exclusive facilities such as cab transfers and goodies.

Suggested Read: Hong Kong Group Tours: For A Pocket-Friendly & An Incredibly Fun Holiday

4. Activities/Itinerary


If you are running short on time or you have no idea about an ideal itinerary to enjoy a place, tour packages are the best options. A set itinerary with major attractions and exclusive facilities included, will be provided to you. You will be able to utilize your time wisely and get ample time to enjoy your vacations. Group tours are tested, tried and fun.

Further Read: Dubai Group Tours: A Smart Choice For The Modern Traveler

Now that you have gone through the greener side of both the travel types, you have a clear idea to decide which one to choose. Whether on solo travel vs group travel, you know what to look out for. If you still have any apprehensions, be assured there are customizable tour packages for both (group and solo travel) that will let you do nothing but enjoy!

Disclaimer:  TravelTriangle claims no credit for images featured on our blog site unless otherwise noted. All visual content is copyrighted to its respectful owners. We try to link back to original sources whenever possible. If you own the rights to any of the images, and do not wish them to appear on TravelTriangle, please contact us and they will be promptly removed. We believe in providing proper attribution to the original author, artist or photographer.

Please Note:  Any information published by TravelTriangle in any form of content is not intended to be a substitute for any kind of medical advice, and one must not take any action before consulting a professional medical expert of their own choice.

Frequently Asked Questions About Solo Travel Vs Group Travel

Why should one go for a solo trip?

Solo trips are full of adventure and that’s why many of us prefer going on solo trips. You are free to roam alone, and also can maintain your budget.

What are the benefits of traveling in a group?

Whether you are traveling with friends or family, you can stay safe at an unknown place. Besides that, if there is anyone in your group who works as a tour guide, you can be free from any tension.

Which are the best places in the world to enjoy solo trips?

You can visit any place alone. But, there are certain places where you would like to meet the new you. Such places are Thailand, Dominica, Stockholm, Belfast, etc.

Which are the best places to travel with your friends?

There are certain places around the world where you can enjoy your experience only with your friends. Such places are Toronto, the Bahamas, Nashville, Bermuda, Cinque Terre, and more.

What are the benefits of traveling alone?

Though many people find it awkward, still there are lots of others who find it ecstatic to travel alone. By traveling alone, you can know yourself better and it will also enhance your confidence.

How to stay safe while traveling alone?

If you prefer to travel alone, you have to be more cautious about your safety. You have to stay alert and always be in public. Never get into any trouble and avoid any unwanted help from strangers.

How to plan your trip while traveling with your family?

If you are in-charge of your group, you need to take good care of each member of your group. Plan in a way so that kids won’t get bored.

What kind of documents do you need to carry while traveling?

Whether you travel alone or in a group, you should never forget to carry your passport, identity card, proof of relationships, etc.

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Neenaz Akhtar

Neenaz has 3 years of experience in content and copy writing. A writer by passion, she exercises her creativity to come up with ideas full of wit and humor. When not at work, she just loves to sleep and eat. (And travel, of course!)

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What is IELTS Score?

IELTS score between 1 and 9 for each part of the test – Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. You can score whole (e.g., 5.0, 6.0, 7.0) or half (e.g., 5.5, 6.5, 7.5) bands in each part. Universities often demand an IELTS score of 6 or 7. They may also demand a minimum IELTS score in each of the 4 sections.

IELTS scoring system and band scale

The IELTS scoring system is very unique composed of 9 bands, measured in consistent manner and is internationally acclaimed and understood. The IELTS score ranges from 1 to 9 for each part of the test. The individual result from these four parts will produce an overall band score ... more →

How long does it take to do the IELTS test?

IELTS has four parts – Listening (30 minutes), Reading (60 minutes), Writing (60 minutes) and Speaking (11–14 minutes). The total test time is 2 hours and 45 minutes. The Listening, Reading and Writing tests are done in one sitting.

Is IELTS valid for 3 years now?

The IELTS Test Report Form (TRF) is valid for two years. At present, IELTS score is valid for a three year period for Australian General Skilled Migration (GSM) applications.

Is there any pass or fail in the IELTS exam?

There is no pass or no fail in the IELTS exam. Generally, when you take any test or exam then there can be the possibility of getting passed or failed. But here in this case, you will not get failed but you may be disqualified to continue your higher education in choice of college or university.

Home → IELTS Writing Task 2

Ielts writing task 2 – traveling in a group.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

( 272 Words , 18 Sentences, 4 Paragraphs, Band 9)

Traveling is the best way to relax, leave one’s troubles behind and enjoy the beautiful moments. Some people prefer to travel alone. However, other people prefer to take a tour. I think that these options have their own benefits. In the following paragraphs I will give my reasons to support my answer.

First of all, traveling in a group led by a tour guide gives one the opportunity to meet new people, communicate, have a great time in the company. Second of all, one does not have to spend his time looking for historical places that he wants to visit. A professional guide leads group from one place to another. Also, it is very interesting to hear from a guide about historical events that took places there. In addition to these benefits a group led by a tour guide does not feel uncomfortable because of a foreign language. All the tourists need they can ask their tour guide. So, this allows to avoid difficulties to communicate with dwellers of that country.

From the other hand, sometimes people like to explore countries without the help of a guide. They like to make their own discoveries, be independent, feel freedom and stay in one town as long as they need. Personally, I think it is a great feeling. Sometimes I want to be alone to contemplate about my life, to forget all troubles that bother me and just relax.

To sum up, I believe that it is really up to a person how he or she prefers to travel. Some people even like to alternate traveling alone with traveling in a group led by a tour guide.

( NB: Follow the above writing structure for getting higher IELTS band score in the examination. This sample answer can be an example of good writing out of many possible approaches.)

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 340 - the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide..

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IELTS Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which one do you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

Write at least 250 words.

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🤩 Sample answers

Model essay #1:, some people like to travel with a companion. other people prefer to travel alone. which one do you prefer.

Some people prefer to travel with a companion, while others like to travel alone. Both options have their own merits, but I personally prefer to travel alone. There are several reasons for this preference.

Firstly, when traveling alone, I have the freedom to make decisions without having to consider someone else's preferences. I can choose where to go, what to see, and how long to stay at each place according to my own interests. This independence allows me to fully immerse myself in the experience without any compromises.

Secondly, solo travel provides an opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. When I am alone in a new environment, I am forced to step out of my comfort zone and interact with new people, navigate unfamiliar places, and handle unexpected challenges. This builds my confidence and adaptability, helping me to become more independent and self-reliant.

Moreover, traveling alone often leads to more meaningful interactions with locals and other travelers. When I am not with a companion, I am more approachable and likely to strike up conversations with new people. This has led to some of the most memorable and enriching experiences during my travels.

In conclusion, while some people may prefer the company of a companion when traveling, I believe that the benefits of solo travel outweigh the advantages of having a companion. The freedom to make independent choices, the opportunity for personal growth, and the potential for meaningful interactions make traveling alone my preferred choice.

Model Essay #2:

While some individuals may prefer to travel alone, I personally enjoy traveling with a companion. There are several reasons for this preference.

First and foremost, traveling with a companion allows for shared experiences and moments of joy. Exploring new places and trying new activities with someone else can enhance the overall enjoyment of the trip. Whether it's sharing a beautiful sunset or trying local cuisine together, having a companion to share these experiences with can create lasting memories.

Additionally, traveling with a companion provides a sense of security and support. In unfamiliar environments, having someone by your side can offer reassurance and comfort. It also means having someone to rely on in case of emergencies or unexpected situations, which can reduce stress and anxiety during the trip.

Furthermore, traveling with a companion can lead to deeper connections and stronger relationships. The shared experiences and challenges of travel can strengthen the bond between companions and create a sense of camaraderie. It also provides opportunities for meaningful conversations and the chance to learn more about each other in a different setting.

In conclusion, while solo travel may have its benefits, I believe that traveling with a companion offers the advantages of shared experiences, a sense of security, and the opportunity to strengthen relationships. For these reasons, I prefer to have a companion when embarking on new adventures.

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The similarities between travelling alone and in a group

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IELTS says that you should write a minimum of 250 words in writing task 2. If you go under word count you will lose marks in task response.

A very long essay will not give you a higher band score.

Aim for between 260 to 290 words in writing task 2. This will ensure a concise essay and will be realistic in terms of time management. You have only 40 minutes to write the essay and you need around 10 minutes of planning time, so you will not be able to write a long essay in 30 minutes.

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    A very long essay will not give you a higher band score. Aim for between 260 to 290 words in writing task 2. This will ensure a concise essay and will be realistic in terms of time management. You have only 40 minutes to write the essay and you need around 10 minutes of planning time, so you will not be able to write a long essay in 30 minutes.