SEVENTEEN Announces Dates And Cities For 2022 World Tour

SEVENTEEN Announces Dates And Cities For 2022 World Tour "BE THE SUN"

Updated June 23:

SEVENTEEN has announced the dates for their upcoming dome tour in Japan!

On June 23, Pledis Entertainment confirmed the dates for SEVENTEEN’s Japanese dome shows as part of the group’s “BE THE SUN” world tour.

SEVENTEEN will perform at the Kyocera Dome in Osaka on November 19 and 20, followed by the Tokyo Dome on November 26 to 27, and finally the Vantelin Dome in Nagoya on December 3 and 4.

seventeen japan tour 2022

This will be SEVENTEEN’s very first dome tour after their previous plans for a dome tour in May 2020 were  canceled  due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

SEVENTEEN is gearing up to kick off their “BE THE SUN” world tour this weekend with their first two concerts at Seoul’s Gocheok Sky Dome on June 25 and 26. Afterwards, they will perform in 12 different cities in the United States and Canada as well as four cities across Asia including Jakarta, Bangkok, Manila, and Singapore.

Check out the concert dates for the other parts of Asia below!

seventeen japan tour 2022

Source ( 1 ) ( 2 )

Original Article:

SEVENTEEN is heading abroad on a world tour!

On May 17 KST, SEVENTEEN officially announced their plans for a new world tour entitled “BE THE SUN.”

After kicking things off with two nights of concerts at Seoul’s Gocheok Sky Dome on June 25 and 26, SEVENTEEN will head to North America, where they will perform in arenas in 12 different cities in the United States and Canada.

SEVENTEEN will be performing in Vancouver on August 10, Seattle on August 12, Oakland on August 14, Los Angeles on August 17, Houston on August 20, Fort Worth on August 23, Chicago on August 25, Washington, DC on August 28, Atlanta on August 30, Belmont Park on September 1, Toronto on September 3, and Newark on September 6.

Although specific dates and cities have not yet been revealed for the remainder of their tour, PLEDIS Entertainment has announced that SEVENTEEN will also be embarking on an arena tour of Asia and holding six dome shows in Japan from November to December.

Stay tuned for more dates and cities!

seventeen japan tour 2022

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  • ※公演内容、開場・開演時間、出演者等は急遽変更になる場合がございます。
  • ※その際のチケットの払戻しはいたしませんのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • ※当日はご入場時に、会員様のご本人様確認を行います。詳しくは注意事項をご確認ください。
  • ※よくあるお問合せに関しては本ページの「FAQ」に記載していますので、合わせてご確認ください。
  • ※VIP席の一般販売予定はございません。
  • ※3歳以上要チケット。3歳未満は入場不可。
  • ※別途プレイガイド手数料がかかります。
  • ※大阪公演の「注釈付き指定席」には、バルコニー席(ビスタルーム)が含まれます。下記注意事項もご理解とご了承の上、お申込みください。
  • ・入場後は、飲食物の売店・喫煙所がございません。再入場はお断りいたしますのでご注意ください。
  • ・バルコニー席への移動の間、控え室がございますがそちらの部屋・設備等は管理上一切ご使用いただけません。万が一破損などがあった場合、実費弁償していただく場合もございますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  • ※現在メールのお問合せはかなり混み合っており、確認、ご返信までにお時間を要しております。何卒ご理解賜りますようお願い申し上げます。
  • ※VIP席と指定席は申込みページが異なります。お間違いのないようにお申込みください。
  • ※1会員様1公演につきVIP席と指定席に各1回までお申込みいただけます。
  • ※VIP席と指定席の両方にお申込みいただいた場合でも、ご当選は1公演につき1席種までになります。
  • ※ご当選後に席種の変更・キャンセルはできません。
  • ※先着順ではございません。受付期間内にお申込みいただいた全ての方を対象に厳正なる抽選を行います。
  • ※SEVENTEEN Japan official site内の”CARAT”にてログイン後、 TICKET ページより諸注意事項をご確認いただいた上で、お申込みください。
  • ※必ず事前にログインが可能かご確認ください。土日祝・夏季休業期間・その他事務局所定休業日はお問合せの返信を行っておりませんのでご注意ください。
  • ※公演当日はお申込み時の会員番号で会員様のご本人様確認を行います。SEVENTEEN Japan official fanclub "CARAT"を退会されると、同じ会員番号での再入会はできませんので、参加される公演日まで退会されないよう、ご注意ください。
  • ※公演当日までに会員期限を迎える方は、必ず更新手続きを行ってください。
  • ※氏名・住所・電話番号などの会員情報は最新の内容に更新の上、お申込みください。会員情報とお申込み時にご入力いただいた内容に差異があった場合、落選対象となります。現在のご登録内容はSEVENTEEN Japan official fanclub "CARAT"のマイページよりご確認いただけます。
  • ※SEVENTEEN Japan official fanclub "CARAT"はお手続き完了後、システムへの反映や新規登録完了メールの送信までに2日程かかります。余裕をもってお手続きください。
  • ※チケットのお申込みには、会員サイトへのログインが必要です。 お手続き完了後~2日以内にログインに必要な会員番号を記載した入会完了メールをお送りいたします。
  • ※なお、入会完了メールは【受信設定・メールアドレスの入力間違い・メールボックスの容量不足】等により、届かない可能性があります。お手続き前に設定内容をあらかじめご確認いただき、お手続きの際にもお間違えの無いようご注意ください。
  • ※お手続き完了後~2日以内に入会完了メールが届いていない場合は、SEVENTEEN Japan official fanclub "CARAT"運営事務局へお問合せください。ただしお問合せの返信にはお時間をいただき、申込受付期間内に返信できない場合がございます。その場合お手続きのキャンセルや返金はいたしかねますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  • ※チケットのお申込者様・同行者様ともにSEVENTEEN Japan official fanclub "CARAT"会員のみお申込み可能。
  • ※VIP席は1公演につき1回までお申込みが可能です。同じ公演にお申込者様と同行者様を入れ替えてのお申込みや、他のお申込者様・同行者様と一緒に別口でお申込みされた場合、落選対象になります。ご注意ください。
  • ※同行者設定をする場合は、必ず同行者の許可を得てからお申込みください。同行者含めVIP席の受付は各公演1回のみのお申込み制限がありますので、事前に相談した上でお申込みください。申込の回数制限を超えている場合はエラーとなり、お申込みを完了することはできませんので、あらかじめご注意ください。また、代表者と同行者を入れ替えてのお申込みもできませんので、ご注意ください。
  • ※ご自身でエントリーしていないにも関わらず「申し込み制限回数を超えています」といったエラーになる場合、どなたかの同行者として既に該当公演にお申込みが完了されている可能性がございますので、お心当たりの方にご確認ください。
  • ※サウンドチェックイベント入場時に、チケットのお申込者様・同行者様全員のご本人様確認を行います。必ず 会員証と写真付き身分証明書 をご持参ください。
  • ※万が一、公演当日までにお手元に会員証が届かない場合や会員証をお持ちではない場合、SEVENTEEN Japan official siteにログインしていただき、「マイページ」をご提示ください。
  • ※同行者は非会員の方でも可能です。(ただし、同行者様も身分確認をする場合がございます。)
  • ※当日はご入場時に、ランダムで会員様のご本人様確認を行いますので、必ず 会員証と写真付き身分証明書 をご持参ください。
  • ※たとえ複数当選・購入されても、ご本人様(チケットの印字された氏名)以外の方のご入場はお断りさせていただきます。また情報の変更、チケットの取消、払戻し、返金等も一切できません。
  • ※お申込み期間終了後の情報変更・お申込みキャンセル等は一切お受けできませんので、ご注意ください。
  • ※新型コロナウイルス感染拡大予防対策として開催ガイドラインに沿った収容人数にて開催を予定しております。場合によってはお連れ様と座席が離れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。
  • ・開催公演に関しては理由の如何を問わず、チケット購入後のキャンセル・変更・払戻しは一切できません。あらかじめご了承ください。
  • ・最優先でチケット販売枠を確保しておりますが、多くのお申込みをいただいた場合、抽選の結果チケットをご用意できない可能性もございます。また、抽選のため後方のお座席になる場合もございます。あらかじめご了承ください。
  • ・全てのチケットは紙チケットにて発券させていただきます。紙チケット発券に関する詳細は、各チケット受付サイトをご確認ください。
  • ・感染症対策のため、ご購入時に入力いただいた皆様の個人情報をお預かりさせていただきます。
  • ・お預かりします個人情報は、感染経路追跡のため行政機関と共有させていただく場合があり、購入時にお預かりできない場合はご入場時に必ずお預かりさせていただきます。また、お預かりした個人情報は公演終了後1ヶ月を目安に適切に破棄させていただきます。
  • ・上記の内容に同意いただく方のみ先行抽選受付にお申込みいただきますようお願いいたします。
  • ※身分証明書は、上記7点以外はいかなる場合でも不可になります。公演当日までに必ず上記7点のうちいずれか1点をご持参ください。
  • ※身分証明書をコピーしたものや期限切れのものは不可になります。必ず現物をお持ちください。
  • ※VIP席と指定席の両方にお申込みいただいた場合でも、ご当選は1公演につき1席種になります。
  • ※SEVENTEEN Japan CARAT mobile “カラモバ”へログイン後、 TICKET より諸注意事項をご確認いただいた上で、お申込みください。
  • ※会費のお支払いから会員番号の発行までのお手続きに数分かかりますので、お時間に余裕をもってお手続きください。
  • ※公演当日はお申込み時の会員番号で会員様のご本人様確認を行います。SEVENTEEN Japan CARAT mobile "カラモバ"を退会されると、同じ会員番号での再入会はできませんので、参加される公演日まで退会されないよう、ご注意ください。
  • ※氏名・住所・電話番号などの会員情報は最新の内容に更新の上、お申込みください。会員情報とお申込み時にご入力いただいた内容に差異があった場合、落選対象となります。
  • ※チケットのお申込者様・同行者様ともにSEVENTEEN Japan CARAT mobile "カラモバ"会員のみお申込み可能。
  • ※サウンドチェックイベント入場時に、チケットのお申込者様・同行者様全員のご本人様確認を行います。必ず デジタル会員証と写真付き身分証明書 をご持参ください。
  • ※当日はご入場時に、ランダムで会員様のご本人様確認を行いますので、必ず デジタル会員証と写真付き身分証明書 をご持参ください。
  • ※ファンクラブ先行で既にご当選された方はSEVENTEEN Japan CARAT mobile "カラモバ"会員先行で同一公演にお申込みいただいても落選対象になります。ご注意ください。
  • ・多くのお申込みをいただいた場合、抽選の結果チケットをご用意できない可能性もございます。また、抽選のため後方のお座席になる場合もございます。あらかじめご了承ください。
  • ※支払方法はクレジットカード決済・キャリア決済のみになります。
  • ※当選時即時決済されますので、コンビニでの入金手続きはございません。 各公演発券期間になりましたら、お近くのローソンまたはミニストップにてチケットを発券してください。
  • ※氏名・住所・電話番号・メールアドレスなどの会員情報は最新の内容に更新の上、お申込みください。会員情報とお申込み時にご入力いただいた内容に差異があった場合、落選対象となります。現在のご登録内容はSEVENTEEN Japan official fanclub "CARAT"のマイページよりご確認いただけます。
  • ※ファンクラブ先行・モバイル先行で既にご当選された方は本先行受付で同一公演にお申込みいただいても落選対象になります。ご注意ください。
  • ※SEVENTEEN Japan CARAT mobile “カラモバ”へログイン後、 TICKET ページより諸注意事項をご確認いただいた上で、お申込みください。
  • ※氏名・住所・電話番号・メールアドレスなどの会員情報は最新の内容に更新の上、お申込みください。会員情報とお申込み時にご入力いただいた内容に差異があった場合、落選対象となります。
  • ※詳細は受付サイトにてご確認ください。
  • ※予定枚数に達し次第、受付終了いたします。


  • ※CARAT・カラモバ会員様と同行者様は、別々でのご入場も可能です。ただし、会員様と同行者様のチケットを逆にお持ちいただきますと、会員様のご本人様確認が取れるまでご入場いただけませんのでご注意ください。
  • ※下記の画像はサンプルです。
  • ※チケットの左下と半券の右上にある数字の最後の3桁(赤色の四角部分)をご確認ください。

seventeen japan tour 2022


  • 1. ご入場時の検温で、37.5℃以上の発熱があるお客様
  • 2. 咳、のどの痛み、風邪症状、倦怠感などの症状があるお客様
  • 3. 新型コロナウイルス陽性判定を受けた、もしくは濃厚接触者として自宅待機指示を受けているお客様
  • 4. その他、新型コロナウイルスに感染している可能性があるお客様
  • 5. 係員の案内に従っていただけないお客様
  • ※ご入場いただけなかった場合にも、チケットの払戻しはいたしませんのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • ・咳エチケット、マスク着用、手洗い・手指の消毒の徹底をお願いいたします。
  • ・マスクは必ず常時着用をお願いいたします。マスクを着用されていない場合は、ご入場をお断りさせていただきます。
  • ・場内での水分補給以外の飲食は禁止させていただきます。
  • ・入場時、会場内、退場時等での混雑状況における周りの方との「ソーシャルディスタンス」にご配慮いただき、常に一定の距離を保つよう心掛けてください。合わせて場内、ロビーなどでのご歓談は自粛をお願いいたします。
  • ・時間に余裕を持ってのご入場にご協力ください。終演後は規制退場を行いますので、係員の指示があるまでお席でお待ちください。
  • ・公演中はご自身のお席でご鑑賞いただき、歓声は禁止させていただきます。拍手・手拍子にてお楽しみください。
  • ・厚生労働省が提供する新型コロナウイルス接触確認アプリ(COCOA)の登録を推奨いたします。
  • ・上記事項を遵守いただけない場合や係員に従っていただけない場合は、ご入場のお断り、公演の一時中断・中止とさせていただく場合がございます。ご注意ください。


  • ・当選されたチケットは、いかなる場合においてもキャンセル・変更は一切できません。
  • ・お席に関してのお問合せには、一切お答えできません。
  • ・返金・クレームおよび座席の振替は一切お受けできません。
  • ・公演日、開場・開演時間、出演者、公演内容等は急遽変更になる場合がございます。その場合のチケット代金等の返金はいたしかねますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  • ・悪天候の場合、公演中止、または内容が変更になる場合がございます。公演が実施された場合は、天災等によりご来場いただけなかった場合も払戻しはいたしかねます。あらかじめご了承ください。
  • ・会場までの交通費・宿泊費は各個人の負担になります。
  • ・チケット紛失・チケット忘れの方は、いかなる理由であってもご入場いただけません。また再発行もできませんので、ご注意ください。
  • ・公演当日、映像および写真撮影のカメラが入ります。お客様の様子が写真・映像に映りこむ場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  • ・禁止行為および会場スタッフの業務妨害になる行為などは、会場の秩序を保つため、録音および撮影する場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。
  • ・出演者へのお花・差し入れ等の贈り物はお断りさせていただきます。
  • ・(9/30追記) お客様有志による会場内および公演中の企画などは、公演の運営・演出に支障をきたす可能性がございますので、禁止いたします。
  • ・公演中のジャンピング行為は、ドーム周辺の建物へ影響がございますので禁止されております。
  • ・アーティスト来日時の空港での出待ち、入待ちは禁止されております。
  • ・SEVENTEEN Japan official fanclub "CARAT"およびSEVENTEEN Japan CARAT mobile "カラモバ"に明記されている会員規約および注意事項を必ずお守りください。
  • ・本注意事項に反する行為をされた場合、SEVENTEEN Japan official fanclub "CARAT"およびSEVENTEEN Japan CARAT mobile "カラモバ"会員の方は、退会扱いになることもございます。その場合の入会金および年会費などの払戻しも一切行いませんので、十分にご注意ください。
  • ・お身体の不自由な方や車椅子で来場される方は、公演開催前日までに【公演に関するお問合せ】までご連絡ください。 購入者、同行者含め、上記事項に同意の上、チケットをお申込みください。

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SEVENTEEN “BE THE SUN” World Tour: Cities And Ticket Details

Kay Sesoko , Kpopmap Editor

2 min to read

SEVENTEEN “BE THE SUN” World Tour: Cities And Ticket Details

PLEDIS Entertainment

SEVENTEEN will finally be going to meet fans all over the world with their “ BE THE SUN ” world tour! Starting in Seoul, they will meet CARAT around the world with 12 arena shows in North America, an arena tour in Asia, and 6 dome shows in Japan from November to December. The Seoul show will have an online option, too. You don’t want to miss it!

If you are interested in getting tickets, check out the details below.

Find out where you can see them perform in front of you!


June 25, Saturday – Seoul (Gocheok Sky Dome)

June 26, Sunday – Seoul (Gocheok Sky Dome)

September 24, Saturday – Jakarta (Indonesia Convention)

September 25, Sunday – Jakarta (Exhibition (ICE) BSD Hall 5-6)

October 1, Saturday – Bangkok (Impact Challenger Hall 1)

October 2, Sunday – Bangkok (Impact Challenger Hall 1)

October 8, Saturday – Manila (SM Mall of Asia Arena)

October 9, Sunday – Manila (SM Mall of Asia Arena)

October 13, Thursday – Singapore (Singapore Indoor Stadium)

North America

August 10, Wednesday – Vancouver (Rogers Arena)

August 12, Friday – Seattle (Climate Pledge Arena)

August 14, Sunday – Oakland (Oakland Arena)

August 17, Wednesday – Los Angeles (The Kia Forum)

August 20, Saturday – Houston (Toyota Center)

August 23, Tuesday – Fort Worth (Dickies Arena)

August 25, Thursday – Chicago (United Center)

August 28, Sunday – Washington DC (Capital One Arena)

August 30, Tuesday – Atlanta (State Farm Arena)

September 1, Thursday – Belmont Park (UBS Arena)

September 3, Saturday – Toronto (Scotiabank Arena)

September 6, Tuesday – Newark (Prudential Center)

– Ticket Sales –

Seoul / North America / Jakarta ( 24th / 25th ) / Singapore / Bangkok ( sold out ) / Manila ( sold out )

SEVENTEEN “BE THE SUN” World Tour: Cities And Ticket Details

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Seventeen confirm dates for their Japan dome tour with official poster

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Seventeen confirmed the dates for their upcoming Japan dome tour. On June 23 KST, Pledis Entertainment stated, "The 'Seventeen World Tour [Be The Sun] - Japan' has been confirmed." They also revealed a poster for the 'Be The Sun' concert tour, where Seventeen will be touring three cities including Osaka, Tokyo, and Aichi. Seventeen will perform for two days in each city from November to December. In particular, this will be the first time Seventeen will hold a dome tour in Japan. Seventeen's dome tour in Japan was previously scheduled to be held in May 2020, but was unfortunately canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, many look forward to Seventeen's first dome concert.

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SEVENTEEN to take over Osaka, Tokyo, and Nagoya with 'BE THE SUN THE CITY'

SEVENTEEN to take over Osaka, Tokyo, and Nagoya with 'BE THE SUN THE CITY'

SEVENTEEN   are transforming Japan.

In celebration of the  'HOT'  act's successful  Be The Sun tour, HYBE JAPAN  will be hosting SEVENTEEN BE THE SUN THE CITY,  turning Osaka, Tokyo, and Nagoya into a "concert play park" ahead of their dome tour in Japan .

Taking on the theme of SEVENTEEN's  Be The Sun  tour, the project will see an array of immersive fan experiences throughout the three cities centred around the group's concerts including an exhibit, a landmark stamp rally, a themed-ferris wheel, light shows, and more. 



SEVENTEEN will perform at Kyocera Dome Osaka on 19-20 November, Tokyo Dome on 26-27 November,  and Vantelin Dome Nagoya on 3-4 December. 

The group are also set to release their first-ever Japanese EP,  DREAM   on  9 November . 

This comes as the latest installment of HYBE's  THE CITY project, which launched earlier this year with BTS' Permission To Dance in Las Vegas   concerts series that transformed the city into BORAHEGAS .

Listen to SEVENTEEN's '_WORLD' here. 

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Each stop will be accompanied by immersive fan experiences from exhibitions to light shows

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SEVENTEEN – Photo: Courtesy of PLEDIS Entertainment

K-pop stars SEVENTEEN have announced some exciting immersive experiences to take place around their upcoming Japanese dome leg of their “BE THE SUN” world tour.

The attractions, dubbed “The City,” will turn each stop on the tour into a “concert play park,” allowing fans to take part in different events in each location.

The tour will begin at the Kyocera Dome Osaka on November 19-20. In that first city, SEVENTEEN fans – known as Carats – will be able to take part in a digital stamp rally across 18 landmarks, including the HEP FIVE Ferris wheel, which will be covered in SEVENTEEN graphics, from November 12. “Rapi:t” express trains will also be wrapped in the band’s graphics starting October 27.

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The next stop is Tokyo Dome on November 26-27, where a SEVENTEEN-themed light display will be presented in collaboration with Tokyo Skytree. It will be lit up in orange – the group’s theme color for the tour – and “Rose Quartz & Serenity,” their official color, every weekend from November 19 to December 4.

The tour will conclude at Vantelin Dome Nagoya on December 3-4, where a light display will also be part of the activities brightening up Sakae, alongside a photo exhibition about the tour.

“SEVENTEEN WORLD TOUR [BE THE SUN]” will continue with the newly-announced dates across Southeast Asia later in December. The 13-member boyband will visit the Philippines and Indonesia for the additional shows.

Meanwhile, the group recently received their first nomination at the American Music Awards , with a nod in the Favorite K-pop Artist Category. They are also in the running for three MTV European Music Awards nods for Best New, Best Push, and Best K-Pop, after taking home their very first Moon Person earlier in August at the 2022 MTV Video Music Awards for PUSH Performance of the Year.

HYBE, the parent company that owns SEVENTEEN’s label Pledis, launched “The City” initiative at BTS ’ “Permission To Dance On Stage – Las Vegas” shows in April 2022, continuing it at the band’s recent “YET TO COME in BUSAN” one-off concert earlier this month.

Listen to the best of SEVENTEEN on  Apple Music  and  Spotify .

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SEVENTEEN Sells Out Their First Japan Dome Tour, And S.Coups Predicted It Years Ago

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Following the release of SEVENTEEN ‘s first Japanese mini-album DREAM , the group is preparing to go on a completely sold-out dome tour in Japan for the first time.

seventeen japan tour 2022

As fans expressed excitement for SEVENTEEN selling out 270,000 seats in Japan for  BE THE SUN , some noticed that S.Coups had actually predicted it would happen years ago.

seventeen japan tour 2022

In a behind-the-scenes clip from 2019, S.Coups was asked to draw a picture of what he thinks SEVENTEEN’s future will look like. Without hesitating, he said, “ Our Tokyo Dome debut! ”

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S.Coups then drew a big stage with all thirteen members standing on it. He also drew the whole dome filled with Carats holding their lightsticks.

Little did they know, they would actually make their “ dreams come true ” years later. From performing at Tokyo Dome to selling out every seat, S.Coups’s prediction for SEVENTEEN’s future came true. And they ended up selling out the Tokyo Dome twice for both days of their concert.

With their Tokyo Dome concerts happening next week, S.Coups is getting closer to that “ happy day ” he predicted.

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Eunice , Kpopmap Editor

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SEVENTEEN is set to captivate audiences worldwide with their groundbreaking "FOLLOW" tour, inviting fans to secure their tickets for the highly anticipated live viewing event.

Tickets are on sale now for the "SEVENTEEN TOUR "FOLLOW" TO JAPAN: LIVE VIEWING", offering fans the chance to witness the group's electrifying performance live from Fukuoka PayPay Dome in Japan. This tour marks a milestone as their largest-scale dome tour since their debut, promising a celebration of music, energy, and hope for a brighter tomorrow.

The "FOLLOW" tour promises an exhilarating experience, showcasing SEVEN

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Seventeen to take over Osaka, Tokyo, Nagoya with ‘The City’ project 

K-pop group Seventeen will be holding their first dome tour in Japan in November and December and to mark it, Osaka, Tokyo and Nagoya will be turned into “concert play parks.”

HYBE Japan will be hosting the “Seventeen Be The Sun The City” to celebrate Seventeen’s upcoming concerts in Japan.

seventeen japan tour 2022

The project will light up the three cities with immersive fan experiences built around Seventeen’s shows.

Seventeen will perform at Kyocera Dome Osaka on Nov. 19-20, Tokyo Dome on Nov. 26-27, and Vantelin Dome Nagoya on Dec. 3-4.

In Osaka, a digital stamp rally across 18 landmarks—including the Hep Five ferris wheel covered in Seventeen graphics—is set for roll out on Nov. 12, and “‘rapi:t” express trains wrapped in Seventeen graphics will run through the city starting Oct. 27.

In Tokyo, a Seventeen-themed light display presented in collaboration with Tokyo Skytree will be lit up in orange, the theme color of the concert tour, and Rose Quartz & Serenity, the band’s official color, every weekend from Nov. 19 to Dec. 4.

A light display will also be a part of the excitement in Nagoya brightening up Sakae, alongside a photo exhibition about the tour.

HYBE’s “The City” project, first launched for BTS’ “Permission to Dance on Stage-Las Vegas” in April 2022, is being held in multiple cities for the first time for Seventeen.

Seventeen returned to the concert stage in June with two sold-out shows, the largest show in the city with a live audience since the pandemic, in Seoul.

After 12 shows in North America and seven shows in Southeast Asia to be followed by the Japan leg and two additional shows in Southeast Asia, the band is slated to present a total of 29 shows in 21 cities for their “Be The Sun” tour.

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SEVENTEEN announce encore leg of 2023 and 2024 ‘Follow’ Asia tour

Featuring shows in South Korea and Japan

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K-pop boyband SEVENTEEN have announced their ‘Follow Again’ tour, the new encore leg of their ‘Follow’ Asia tour.

  • READ MORE: Upcoming K-pop concerts, tours and music festivals in Asia

Today (January 29), SEVENTEEN announced the encore leg of their tour, titled the ‘Follow Again’ tour. It’ll feature six shows in March and May this year, in the East Asian cities of Incheon, Osaka and Yokohama.

“We have prepared the encore tour as a token of gratitude towards Carat, who have shown love for the band,” their agency PLEDIS Entertainment said in a press release, per Korea JoongAng Daily . “Please look forward to the band’s best performance at the concert.”

The newly added shows follow the conclusion of SEVENTEEN’s original 20-date ‘Follow’ tour across Asia. From July 2023 to January 2024, the boyband held concerts in South Korea, Japan, Bangkok, the Philippines and more.

More details about SEVENTEEN’s newly announced ‘Follow Again’ Asia tour are expected in the coming weeks. Keep tabs on this page for the latest information.

The dates for SEVENTEEN’s 2023 to 2024 ‘Follow’ Asia tour are:

JULY 2023 21: Seoul, South Korea, Gocheok Sky Dome (FINISHED) 22: Seoul, South Korea, Gocheok Sky Dome (FINISHED)

SEPTEMBER 2023 06: Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo Dome (FINISHED) 07: Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo Dome (FINISHED)


NOVEMBER 2023 23: Satiama, Japan, Belluna Dome (FINISHED) 24: Satiama, Japan, Belluna Dome (FINISHED) 30: Aichi, Japan, Vantelin Dome Nagoya (FINISHED)

DECEMBER 2023 02: Aichi, Japan, Vantelin Dome Nagoya (FINISHED) 03: Aichi, Japan, Vantelin Dome Nagoya (FINISHED) 07: Osaka, Japan, Kyocera Dome Osaka (FINISHED) 09: Osaka, Japan, Kyocera Dome Osaka (FINISHED) 10: Osaka, Japan, Kyocera Dome Osaka (FINISHED) 16: Fukuoka, Japan, Fukuoka PayPay Dome (FINISHED) 17: Fukuoka, Japan, Fukuoka PayPay Dome (FINISHED) 23: Bangkok, Thailand, Rajamangala National Stadium (FINISHED) 24: Bangkok, Thailand, Rajamangala National Stadium (FINISHED)

JANUARY 2024 13: Bulacan, Philippines, Philippine Sports Stadium (FINISHED) 14: Bulacan, Philippines, Philippine Sports Stadium (FINISHED) 20: Macau, China, Olympic Sports Center Stadium (FINISHED) 21: Macau, China, Olympic Sports Center Stadium (FINISHED)

MARCH 2024 30: Incheon, South Korea, Incheon Asiad Main Stadium (NEW) 31: Incheon, South Korea, Incheon Asiad Main Stadium (NEW)

MAY 2024 18: Osaka, Japan, Yanmar Stadium Nagai (NEW) 19: Osaka, Japan, Yanmar Stadium Nagai (NEW) 25: Yokohama, Japan, Nissan Stadium (NEW) 26: Yokohama, Japan, Nissan Stadium (NEW)

In other touring news, K-pop girl group  ITZY  have announced the dates and venues for their upcoming 2024 ‘Born to Be’ world tour , featuring concerts in North America, Europe, Asia and more.

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K-pop group Seventeen is rivalling with Taylor Swift and making history in the UK. Here's why they're so popular

The members of Seventeen pose for a photo wearing preppy outfits.

Who's the most popular music act in the world right now?

While most would assume it's Taylor Swift, by at least one metric it's actually a confusingly named Korean pop band you might never even have heard of.

Seventeen — the 13-member group who are the biggest thing in the K-pop genre right now — had the biggest-selling album in the world last year, FML, according to data from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry.

Demonstrating K-pop's ever-broadening appeal, this week they have become the first Korean act to play at the iconic Glastonbury Festival in the UK.

So who are Seventeen, how did they get so popular and why do they have so many members?

What is K-pop?

K-pop draws on a range of popular music styles and genres and is characterised by highly trained and polished artists and their immaculate synchronised dance routines.

It first became popular in Korea in the 1990s with US-influenced acts like Seo Taiji and Boys.

In the 2000s, artists like PSY, whose hit Gangnam Style was the first to get a billion views on YouTube, and BTS introduced the genre to new audiences worldwide.

According to Sarah Keith, a senior lecturer in media and music at Macquarie University, K-pop is much more than just a style of colourful and upbeat music.

"K-pop describes this way of creating music and artists [being identified] with talent spotting, then training and the packaging of the group, and the marketing," Dr Keith said.

Who is Seventeen?

Seventeen were first brought together in 2012 by Korean talent agency and record label Pledis Entertainment for a live-streaming show, Seventeen TV.

The show's two-hour episodes, which primarily featured the members practising their singing and dancing in their studio, were a big hit and went on for five seasons.

Audiences were able to catch a glimpse into the member's lives and work, creating a sense of closeness and giving them time to develop favourites, or "biases".

Financial difficulties at Pledis delayed the group's launch by two years, but in 2015 they finally made their formal debut in a showcase on one of Korea's biggest TV stations.

While the group initially had 17 members, in line with the name, over the course of the television show, members came and went and by the time they launched they only had 13.

The group is divided into three "sub-units": Hip-Hop (rappers), Vocal (singers), and Performance (dancers).

So with their name already being cemented with the fanbase, they developed a new rationale — with 13 members, and three sub-units coming together as one, they made Seventeen.

All the members have different roles, even if in some they might only sing for a few seconds.

Unlike most manufactured K-pop outfits, the members of Seventeen write and produce much of their own music.

Their first five-track EP, 17 Carat, peaked at number 13 on the Billboard US World Chart.

Their biggest hits, like Super, have racked up 212 million views on YouTube and they have multiple songs in their discography with more than 100 million views.

In 2022, they went on their third world tour, which was made possible through their efforts to promote themselves aggressively abroad, especially in places like Japan, where they cemented a loyal fan base.

By releasing at least 10 songs every year since 2015, in Korean, English and Japanese, they have relentlessly marketed themselves to appeal to more people, while consistently putting out new content for their older fans.

Korean pop-stars dancing on stage

Why do they have so many members?

Even 13 people in a band might seem like a lot but that's not unusual in the K-pop genre.

Other big K-pop groups like Stray Kids have eight, and NCT has even more, with 26 members.

Many of these groups, like Seventeen, have sub-units that allow the members to have their turn in the spotlight, and give the management company the opportunity to play with group dynamics.

"Ultimately, there's not much difference in launching a four-member group to an eight-member group in terms of investment and work, but the eight-member group will give you more value because there are more members for people to enjoy and form connections with," Dr Keith said.

"It also gives the audience more hooks to get into the group."

Why are Seventeen so popular?

Jen, who runs a local Seventeen fan community in Melbourne, told the ABC that she only got into K-pop recently.

"I grew up listening to Fall Out Boy, and then things like EDM [electronic dance music] and didn't think that I liked K-pop," she said.

"During COVID, I was searching through Spotify and getting ads with sounds that I liked and I would shazam it — and it was K-pop."

For many people, K-pop is synonymous with catchy songs with colourful music videos like Gangnam Style and BTS's Butter, but Jen said that it was much more diverse than that.

"I was always into EDM sounds and I listened to [Seventeen's] song Don't Wanna Cry, which has EDM elements, and I was like, 'Where has this been all my life?'" Jen said.

Jen said Seventeen often interacted with their fans directly and were extremely responsive to what their audience wanted, as well as popular music trends, and produced songs accordingly.

"They'll tap into actual music trends as well like, dance music, or they listen to Blink-182 or now Charlie XCX and are aware of what's trending," she said.

Because Seventeen wrote their own music, fans felt a greater connection to the lyrics, she said.

Movie theater with people holding lights and posing for a picture

Why do K-pop bands do so well in album sales?

Colourful CD's with faces of Asian singers.

Seventeen's FML sold 6.4 million units worldwide in 2023, more than double Taylor Swift's 1989 (Taylor's version), which sold 2.8 million units, according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) Global Album Sales Chart.

But Seventeen are far from the only K-pop act doing well on the albums charts.

Nineteen out of the 20 highest-selling albums globally last year were K-pop groups.

"Some fandoms and fans collectively organise to purchase K-pop albums so that their artist performs well in the charts," Dr Keith said.

Colourful CD and cards with photos of K-pop artists.

Companies also release "lucky draw" albums which each include a random photocard out of a set so fans have to purchase multiple copies to either get the photocard they want, or even the full series.

Fans also trade photocards of their favourite group members, or "biases".

Some of these cards go for up to $3,000 on the secondary market, with fans creating communities to buy and sell cards alongside other merchandise around the world.

While artists like Taylor Swift are now being talked about for actively engaging with her fans through the release of multiple versions of her albums, Dr Keith said she was adopting strategies used in the K-pop industry for years.

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Thai Film ‘How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies’ Reaches $27 Million in Southeast Asia Rollout – Global Bulletin

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‘How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies’


The family drama “ How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies ” has become the highest-grossing Thai film of all time in The Philippines, distributor Westec Media claims.

The company, which released the film, does not quantify the receipts or the record. But there is little doubt of the film’s hit status across Asia. It has garnered THB1 billion (approximately $27 million) and achieved 10 million admissions, according to producer GDH559 .

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The film’s emotional depth has sparked a social phenomenon in Southeast Asia, with audiences flooding social media with tearjerking reactions. The response has been so overwhelming that SM cinemas in the Philippines began providing tissues to moviegoers, a testament to the movie’s profound impact. Currently in its fifth week, “How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies” continues to draw large crowds, maintaining its strong performance at the box office.

“How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies” is set to release in Australia and New Zealand on July 18.


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Irish-U.K. production company Forty Foot Pictures , which produced the Netflix hit “I Used to Be Famous,” has launched a co-production arm, hiring Searchlight U.K.’s former head of post production Diarmuid Hughes to lead new business and partnerships.

Hughes’ credits include Yorgos Lanthimos’  “Poor Things,” Martin McDonagh’s  “The Banshees of Inisherin” and Raine Allen Miller’s  “Rye Lane . “ He has previously worked across production and post at Warner Bros., Big Talk, and Working Title.

“We want to capitalize on our unique position as a genuinely dual Irish/UK company and enable producers in either territory to get their projects over the line,” said Forty Foot founder/producer Collie McCarthy . “Co-producing with us will feel like a domestic partnership creatively whilst gaining access to another set of incentives, funding options and facilities. I’m delighted Diarmuid is going to spearhead it for us, he brings a wealth of industry experience and post production expertise to the team.”

Hughes added: “I’m thrilled to join Forty Foot Pictures at such a pivotal time. The opportunity to help drive the company’s growth alongside collaborating with talented producers both domestically and internationally is incredibly exciting.”

The addition of Hughes follows the hiring of development exec Lois Gration from Netflix last year to build out Forty Foot’s film and television slate. The company’s debut feature “I Used to Be Famous” starring Ed Skrein was Netflix’s fourth most watched film globally in its opening week in September 2022. Their next feature, Irish mockumentary “Fran The Man,” is currently in post-production.


National Theatre and Empire Street Productions announce that  “Prima Facie,” the most watched National Theatre Live title to date, will return to U.K. cinemas from Sept. 12. The film is a 2022 recording of Jodie Comer ’s one-woman performance of  Suzie Miller ’s stage play which has been watched by nearly half a million people worldwide.

Directed by  Justin Martin  (“Stranger Things: The First Shadow”), Comer plays a young, brilliant barrister who has worked her way up from working class origins to be at the top of her game; defending; cross examining and winning.

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These retro-styled, interactive boomboxes, located in Edinburgh (June 22), London (June 29 and 30) and Manchester (July 6), play iconic music from the original 1984 “Beverly Hills Cop” film, creating a nostalgic connection between the new movie and the classic 80s hit.

The new film sees Foley back on the beat. After his daughter’s life is threatened, she ( Taylour Paige ) and Foley team up with a new partner ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt ) and old pals Billy Rosewood ( Judge Reinhold ) and John Taggart ( John Ashton ) to turn up the heat and uncover a conspiracy. It is directed by  Mark Molloy from a screenplay written by  Will Beall .


BBC Studios has expanded its content offering in Japan with the signing of three new supply deals, with Disney (covering Dlife & Disney Junior), NHK and Warner Bros. Discovery ’s Animal Planet.

“Secrets of the Jurassic Dinosaurs” will premiering in Japan on Animal Planet , and see Liz Bonnin investigate a mysterious dinosaur graveyard in Wyoming. “Attenborough and the Jurassic Sea Monster” will air in Japan on NHK and Animal Planet. “A Perfect Planet” will air in Japan on Animal Planet. “Dinosaur Apocalypse” will premier in Japan on Animal Planet. “The Great British Bake Off S13” and “Junior Bake Off S3 and S4” will premiere in Japan on Dlife . Kids show “Hey Duggee S4” airs on Disney Junior .

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    seventeen japan tour 2022

  2. SEVENTEEN sell out 60k seats for 2022 Japan fanmeeting 'Hanabi'

    seventeen japan tour 2022

  3. SEVENTEEN sell out 60k seats for 2022 Japan fanmeeting 'Hanabi'

    seventeen japan tour 2022


    seventeen japan tour 2022

  5. [CHECK DESCRIPTION] 220508 SEVENTEEN 2022 'Hanabi' Japan FanMeeting

    seventeen japan tour 2022

  6. SEVENTEEN Announces Dates And Cities For 2022 World Tour “BE THE SUN”

    seventeen japan tour 2022


  1. SEVENTEEN celebrating their 9th year anniversary at NISSAN STADIUM (DAY1 MOMENTS)

  2. 【セブチ/Vlog】JAPANツアー初日!!最高すぎた!!

  3. Mingyu hyping up minghao 😭🤏🏼#seventeen #shorts


  5. Seventeen teasing Mingyu for his side bow during MAMA😭#seventeen #shorts

  6. [4K] 170221 요코하마콘 뷰티플 + 사랑 쪽지 일본어ver. (원우 직캠) Yokohama Beautiful + Love Letter JP ver. WW Focus


  1. SEVENTEEN Announces Dates And Cities For 2022 World Tour "BE ...

    Updated June 23: SEVENTEEN has announced the dates for their upcoming dome tour in Japan!. On June 23, Pledis Entertainment confirmed the dates for SEVENTEEN's Japanese dome shows as part of the ...

  2. SEVENTEEN Japan official site

    <movie>『seventeen tour 'follow' again to japan』ビハインド映像を公開! 2024.6.27 release jeonghan x wonwoo 1st single album「this man」official merchandise 2次予約販売スタート! 2024.6.27 carat <photo>『seventeen tour 'follow' again to japan』ビハインドカットを公開! ...



  4. SEVENTEEN unveil dates and venues for Japan leg of 2022 world tour

    The dates and venues for SEVENTEEN's forthcoming world tour are as follows: June 2022. 25 - Seoul, Gocheok Sky Dome. 26 - Seoul, Gocheok Sky Dome. August 2022. 10 - Vancouver, Rogers Arena ...


    SEVENTEEN WORLD TOUR [BE THE SUN] - JAPAN[Date/Venue][Osaka] KYOCERA DOME OSAKANovember 19, 2022 (Sat) November 20, 2022 (Sun) [Tokyo] TOKYO DOMENovember 26,...

  6. SEVENTEEN "BE THE SUN" World Tour: Cities And Ticket Details

    PLEDIS Entertainment. SEVENTEEN will finally be going to meet fans all over the world with their " BE THE SUN " world tour! Starting in Seoul, they will meet CARAT around the world with 12 arena shows in North America, an arena tour in Asia, and 6 dome shows in Japan from November to December. The Seoul show will have an online option, too.

  7. SEVENTEEN announce Japan dome concerts, here's everything you need to

    SEVENTEEN are heading to Japan.. SEVENTEEN bring the heat with 'BE THE SUN' Seoul concerts — gig report. As part of their upcoming BE THE SUN world tour, the 'HOT' hitmakers will be performing all across Japan this November. SEVENTEEN will be holding concerts in Osaka, Tokyo, and Nagoya. [#SEVENTEEN JAPAN NEWS]『SEVENTEEN WORLD TOUR [BE THE SUN] - JAPAN』 開催決定!

  8. SEVENTEEN World Tour 2022: Dates, cities and all we know so far

    More dates to be added in SEVENTEEN's 2022 World Tour 'BE THE SUN' ... group will be holding multiple arena shows in Asia and six dome concerts in Japan from November 2022 to December 2022 as part ...

  9. Seventeen confirm dates for their Japan dome tour with ...

    Posted by jieun-im 17 pts Thursday, June 23, 2022 . ... Seventeen's dome tour in Japan was previously scheduled to be held in May 2020, but was unfortunately canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic ...

  10. 「Seventeen World Tour [Be the Sun]

    2022年12月4日(日) 15:00上映開始. seventeenの日本で初となるドーム・ツアー「seventeen world tour [be the sun] - japan」12月4日(日)の愛知 バンテリンドーム ナゴヤ公演を日本全国の映画館にてお楽しみいただける、ライブビューイングの開催が決定!

  11. SEVENTEEN to take over Osaka, Tokyo, and Nagoya with 'BE THE SUN THE

    Last updated: 25 October 2022. SEVENTEEN are transforming Japan. In celebration of the 'HOT' act's successful Be The Sun tour, HYBE JAPAN will be hosting SEVENTEEN BE THE SUN THE CITY, turning Osaka, Tokyo, and Nagoya into a "concert play park" ahead of their dome tour in Japan. Taking on the theme of SEVENTEEN's Be The Sun tour, the project ...

  12. SEVENTEEN Confirms Dates For First Japan Dome Tour

    June 23rd, 2022. According to Pledis Entertainment, SEVENTEEN has confirmed the dates for their long-awaited Japan dome tour. The poster revealed the dates to be November 19-20 in Osaka, November 26-27 in Tokyo, and December 3-4 in Aichi. In particular, this is the first time SEVENTEEN has held a Japanese dome tour.

  13. SEVENTEEN Concert Setlist at Tokyo Dome, Tokyo on November 27, 2022

    SEVENTEEN Gig Timeline. Nov 20 2022. KYOCERA DOME OSAKA Osaka, Japan. Add time. Nov 26 2022. Tokyo Dome Tokyo, Japan. Add time. Nov 27 2022. Tokyo Dome This Setlist Tokyo, Japan.

  14. SEVENTEEN To Bring 'The City' Project To Japanese Dome Tour

    The tour will begin at the Kyocera Dome Osaka on November 19-20. In that first city, SEVENTEEN fans - known as Carats - will be able to take part in a digital stamp rally across 18 landmarks ...

  15. How SEVENTEEN turned a Japan tour into city-wide extravaganzas

    How SEVENTEEN turned their Japan tour into buzzy city-wide extravaganzas. From express trains to Ferris wheels and cafe menus, K-pop artists turn cities into their very own playgrounds with The ...

  16. SEVENTEEN Japan official Youtube

    This YouTube channel will be merged with the Official SEVENTEEN YouTube channel( as of Tuesday, March 22, 2022.All cont...

  17. List of Seventeen live performances

    Following multiple tour cancellations as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Seventeen's first return to touring was the Be The Sun tour, commencing following the release of Face the Sun in May 2022. The first announcement included stops in Seoul , Canada , and the United States , [39] with further stops in South-east Asia and Japan announced later.

  18. SEVENTEEN Sells Out Their First Japan Dome Tour, And S.Coups ...

    Following the release of SEVENTEEN 's first Japanese mini-album DREAM, the group is preparing to go on a completely sold-out dome tour in Japan for the first time. As fans expressed excitement for SEVENTEEN selling out 270,000 seats in Japan for BE THE SUN, some noticed that S.Coups had actually predicted it would happen years ago.


    Tickets are on sale now for the "SEVENTEEN TOUR "FOLLOW" TO JAPAN: LIVE VIEWING", offering fans the chance to witness the group's electrifying performance live from Fukuoka PayPay Dome in Japan. This tour marks a milestone as their largest-scale dome tour since their debut, promising a celebration of music, energy, and hope for a brighter ...

  20. Seventeen to take over Osaka, Tokyo, Nagoya with 'The City' project

    A light display will also be a part of the excitement in Nagoya brightening up Sakae, alongside a photo exhibition about the tour. HYBE's "The City" project, first launched for BTS' "Permission to Dance on Stage-Las Vegas" in April 2022, is being held in multiple cities for the first time for Seventeen.

  21. SEVENTEEN Schedules Japan Dome Tour

    SEVENTEEN TOUR 'FOLLOW' TO JAPAN will be held in Aichi (November 30) and Osaka (December 10). There will be a live viewing screen of the performance in Fukuoka (December 16).

  22. Seventeen Tour 'Follow' to Japan: Live Viewing

    Broadcast live from Japan's Fukuoka PayPay Dome, SEVENTEEN TOUR 'FOLLOW' TO JAPAN: LIVE VIEWING comes to cinemas across the globe! In their largest-scale dome tour since their debut, witness SEVENTEEN's electrifying blend of dynamic performances and enchanting melodies live on the big screen with CARATs all around the world.

  23. SEVENTEEN 2023 and 2024 'Follow' tour: tickets, dates and more

    The newly added shows follow the conclusion of SEVENTEEN's original 20-date 'Follow' tour across Asia. From July 2023 to January 2024, the boyband held concerts in South Korea, Japan ...

  24. K-pop group Seventeen is rivalling with Taylor Swift and making history

    In 2022, they went on their third world tour, which was made possible through their efforts to promote themselves aggressively abroad, especially in places like Japan, where they cemented a loyal ...

  25. Thai Film 'How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies' Is Pan ...

    BTS and Seventeen Concert Films Head to Rakuten ... The film is a 2022 recording of Jodie Comer's one-woman performance of Suzie Miller's stage play which has ... BBC CONTENT EXPANDS IN JAPAN