The Ultimate Arctic Expedition Photography Guide

By Kristian Bogner | November 16, 2021

Related expeditions: Heart of the Arctic , Greenland & Wild Labrador: A Torngat Mountains Adventure , Iceland to Greenland: In the Wake of the Vikings , Greenland and Arctic Canada: High Arctic Explorer , and The Northwest Passage

Kristian Bogner holding camera large telephoto lens

© Kristian Bogner

1. Choose the Right Gear

It’s important to bring the right balance of gear to capture your whole experience, while only carrying the amount of weight you are comfortable with. As a professional photographer, I would bring at least three camera bodies and an assortment of lenses ranging from fisheye and 14mm wide-angle to at least 600mm, plus a few adventure cameras.

For most people, my kit would be way too much weight to bring. For those looking for something more compact, I recommend a camera like a Nikon Z6 II, which has high ISO capability, fast focusing, DX crop factor to extend the zoom of lenses, great video, and a lot more. Another more compact camera I would recommend is something like the COOLPIX P1000, which has a huge 3000mm zoom equivalent. Cameras like these can get some wonderful close-up shots of polar bears, whales, and birds.

When it comes to lenses, I would recommend taking a wider lens for shooting icebergs, villages, and interesting trips to shore, plus a long telephoto lens for capturing wildlife, birds, and ice up close. Whatever you choose for a main camera, make sure you are familiar with it and it feels good to you.

2. Bring Extras

Polar bear mother and cub on ice

Some days on board can be filled with non-stop visual surprises, from polar bear or whale sightings to incredible icebergs , unique birds , and more. One of the most common issues I see photographers experience is running out of battery power or memory card space before the day is done, causing them to miss out on opportunities to capture some of the magic.

I highly recommend bringing an extra battery or two for your camera—and don’t forget your charger! I also advise bringing several memory cards of large capacity and good speed. Look for cards of at least 64GB or 128GB cards; the costs of high-capacity cards have come down a lot in price over the past few years. Cards with a fast write speed are less likely to experience a write error and allow you to shoot video on your camera without dropping frames.

I also recommend bringing a backup camera just in case. It can be a smaller, less expensive camera or even a good cell phone, but you’ll be happy to have a backup option if something happens to your main camera.

3. Protect & Maintain Your Camera

Zodiac cruise around huge icebergs

On any Zodiac excursion , I use a lightweight waterproof bag to store my camera and protect it from sea spray. You can buy these at outdoor gear shops or camera supply stores. You can also get splash-proof and rainproof lens and camera covers.

I also recommend a waterproof memory card case to protect any extra memory you might take on a day trip. At least bring a double zipper-locking bag to put your memory card case inside, just in case.

On longer expeditions, I recommend a bit of ongoing camera maintenance to ensure that your camera performs at full capability throughout your trip. First, bring several soft or microfibre lens cleaning cloths to wipe your camera lens and screen. Fingerprints, water droplets, and dirt on the lens can all degrade your images. I always bring several of these and put a few in individual zipper-locking bags just so they stay dry.

Next, I recommend packing an emergency sensor cleaning kit. When you’re out on deck in the elements, sometimes dust can get on your sensor during a lens change. If it’s a big piece of dust, it could end up on all your images, and having the ability to do a quick sensor cleaning in the field can be really useful.

Lastly, wipe down your cameras and lenses each night with a towel and fresh water, just in case it got some salty ocean spray on it during the day’s adventures.

4. Master Your Settings

People taking photos on ship deck mountains

There are a number of in-camera settings that can help you get better images.

  • Picture Control : One way to get better images right out of your camera is to adjust your picture control settings. Set sharpening to about 6 (out of 10) and saturation to nearly the max if you are shooting wildlife and nature. If you are photographing people, set saturation to +1 so their faces don’t get too red.
  • Image Preview : Having image preview come on after each picture you take uses a considerable amount more battery, so I recommend turning that off and just previewing every couple of images, or whenever you change your lighting or settings. I also recommend setting your preview to display highlights so you can see flashing highlights that are blown out or overexposed and compensate for that if necessary.
  • D-lighting: If you are shooting with a Nikon you will have a D-lighting option. This is a great feature to help fill in your subject in the mid-tone range. I recommend this setting at Medium to help balance the bright icebergs and darker water, along with many other high-contrast situations.
  • White Balance: Another important in-camera feature is your white balance. Changing your white balance manually is like adding a warming or cooling filter to your camera. Auto white balance is fine for many situations, but by changing your camera to shade or cloudy setting you can warm up the shot. Use tungsten or other settings to cool it down. This can make for some really interesting and creative effects.

5. Shoot the Light

Blue iceberg pink water purple mountains

Though there are exceptions to this rule, generally speaking, early morning and late evening provide the lowest, warmest, and most unique and pleasing lighting situations to photograph outdoors. Try waking up and getting out on deck in the early mornings to capture that blue light time and sunrise. Also do your best to be on deck before, during, and just after sunset.

Remember, the Arctic’s famous midnight sun means that the light conditions can last long into the evenings. If possible, take a quick nap during the day to stay caught up on sleep. If you find the schedule a bit too much, then just pick the early mornings or late evenings to shoot, and get on a routine that allows it.

6. Use a Sharp Focus

Puffins birds in flight over water

I judge a lot of photo contests, and one of the things I love to see is nice, sharp focus on whatever the main subject or focal point of the image is meant to be. To get great focus, first make sure your camera is set to AF-C (continuous) instead of AF-S. This will ensure that when you sight that whale in your viewfinder and press the shutter, the camera will fire without delay, even if it thinks the subject isn't in focus.

Next, use a smaller selection of points and your joystick on the back of your camera to set where the camera is to focus. I personally use single point focus selection, but you may prefer a larger cluster of points or group point focus. For a razor-sharp focus when shooting wildlife, set the focus point in your image frame, pre-compose the image, then make sure that point is on the subject when it appears.

7. Get Steady Images

Humpback whale tail breaching water

Getting crisp, steady imagery can be challenging at the best of times, but while you’re on a moving ship or Zodiac, this skill becomes even more of an artform. Here are some tips for getting clear images without camera shake:

  • Adjust and lock your camera grip by using dynamic pressure. Push with the butt of your trigger hand while you hold and pull back on the tip of the lens with your other hand.
  • Shoot with a fast shutter speed (think 1/2000sec) wherever possible, especially outdoors where there is lots of light and when you are using a longer lens. Even with a wider lens, I advise shooting with a speed of at least 1/500sec. To make this easy, set your camera to Shutter Speed Priority or to Auto-ISO. On Auto-ISO, you can dial in the aperture and shutter speed you want, and the camera will compensate to give the correct exposure. With either of these settings, you can adjust the Exposure Compensation if you find that your subject is over- or under-exposed.
  • Lens Vibration Reduction can help you shoot up to two f-stops slower while avoiding vibrations and camera shake. When using this feature aboard a moving vessel, I recommend switching it to the Active option, when available. But be warned: under some circumstances using Vibration Reduction can actually make the shake worse, such as when you are on a moving ship, your subject is moving in the water, and the waves are moving in a different direction. In these circumstances, be sure to take a few test shots and zoom in to ensure your images are sharp.
  • Sometimes you’ll be on deck for a considerable amount of time, and that’s where a monopod or a light tripod are great to rest your camera on, yet still have it ready to shoot if wildlife appears. These tools can also help steady your camera and reduce shake considerably.

8. Level Out the Horizon

Towering iceberg clouds mountains

Most newer Nikon cameras have a feature called Virtual Horizon, which shows you if the camera is level. Personally, I like to go into my custom button settings and set the extra function button on my camera to toggle between exposure metering and virtual horizon. That way, once my exposure is set, I can have the camera viewfinder show me if the camera is level and quickly adjust accordingly. If you opt not to do it directly in your camera, be sure to make this easy edit during your post-processing.

9. Evaluate Your Images

Turquoise iceberg and sea spray

I encourage you to have a look at some of your images each evening when you are back in your cabin, either on computer or in your camera. See how you did and think about what you could improve on for the next day. Zoom in to your images, preferably to 100% zoom, and check if they are in focus, if there is any camera shake, and see what worked and what didn’t. This simple step can make a big difference and help you take your photography to the next level.

While you’re on board, attend any photo workshops that are being offered throughout the trip to get pro insights. If you notice any issues in your nightly evaluations, or if you want more tips for capturing unique subjects and situations you might encounter, ask the Adventure Canada photographers. They’re there to help you get your own spectacular images and will be happy to offer their expert advice.

10. Keep the Passion Alive

Woman holding camera mountains ocean

A childlike enthusiasm wins every time! An Arctic expedition is truly a spectacular opportunity to photograph. Stay positive and bring your wonder and enthusiasm to your photography each new day. Let your passion for capturing the amazing nature around you be your guide and help inspire your next photograph.

About the Author

Kristian Bogner

Kristian Bogner

Nikon Ambassador, Expedition Photographer

Kristian is a third-generation professional photographer, speaker, and ambassador for Nikon Canada, Broncolor, Lowepro, and Manfrotto. His work has received numerous awards, including Commercial Photographer of the Year with the Professional Photographers of Canada and Master Photographers International Commercial Photographer of the Year.

©Danny Catt

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Greenland Photography Cruises

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Svalbard & NE Greenland National Park

  • Explore Northeast Greenland NP
  • Find ancient Thule sites
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  • Spot charismatic Arctic wildlife

Arctic Cruise Adventure: In Search of the Polar Bear

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  • Explore Ny Alesund's and Monacobree
  • Hunt for Arctic polar bears
  • Sail the Denmark Strait to Husavik

Under the Northern Lights: Exploring Iceland & East Greenland

  • Search for iconic arctic wildlife
  • Wonder at the mountains and cliffs
  • View the amazing Aurora Borealis
  • Zodiac cruise to explore landscapes
  • Optional kayaking adventure

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Photo by: Ron Rosenstock Location: Nuuk Greenland

Photography tour, greenland photo tour.

Sponsored by Houston Audubon Society

  • Accomplished photographer and tour leader Kathy Adams Clark .
  • Tour limited to 11 passengers.
  • Five days to photograph icebergs, glaciers, and Inuit villages of Western Greenland .
  • Greenland Boat excursions with heated cabin and bathroom, to explore and photograph fjords, islands, and melting glaciers, calving before you into the sea.
  • One of these excursions will be an overnight Glamping experience, taking a pathway from the dock to your heated tents, under the stars, and one of your best chances for Northern Lights .
  • Evenings in Iceland may be added depending on changes to Nuuk Airport and airlines.


September 8-16, 2025, per person, double occupancy*.

*U.S. dollars based upon minimum of 6 participants. There is a small group surcharge of $300 if 5 participants. We try to accommodate travelers who request single accommodations, as well as travelers who are looking for a roommate. If a single room is requested (subject to availability), or if we are unable to find a suitable roommate, there is a single room surcharge of $745.

Tour Overview

Kathy is excited to travel with a group of like-minded fellow photographers who want to be at the right place at the right time.

The accommodations in Western Greenland are located in the center of Nuuk with choice of restaurants to walk to, and boat excursions in heated cabin with bathroom on board.

Greenland will also include one evening of ‘Glamping’. Your private boat will cruise along the fjords and end up at your glamping site in which you will overnight one evening under...

Greenland will also include one evening of ‘Glamping’. Your private boat will cruise along the fjords and end up at your glamping site in which you will overnight one evening under the stars.

There is a pathway from the dock to the tent site (see images) and an ATV is on site should someone need assistance. Anyone who is reasonably fit and able to handle their own gear will enjoy this once in a lifetime experience. We also highly recommend taking a collapsible walking stick should you decide to venture further afield.

*A new Nuuk Greenland airport is expected to open in November 2024 in which case there may be direct flights from the US & Canada to Nuuk. If this is the case, then the Iceland round-trip flight from Keflavik to Nuuk can be removed and deducted from the cost as well as two overnights in Iceland.

Pending any airport/airline changes Strabo has included in this pricing, the round-trip flight from Iceland to Greenland, which is approximately $1250 per person.

What to Expect

Enjoy five evenings in Greenland in very comfortable accommodations. Daily excursions as well as boat excursions in Greenland. Weather permitting, there will be two chances to photograph the Northern Lights, one from your Glamping overnight stay and the other in Nuuk. All participants need to be able to get in and out of boats with their camera gear in hand (which are easily accessible via docks) and go out on various walks during your stay. Strabo Tours will distribute information on recommended flights and if additional days will be required.

Be prepared for early morning and evening cold temps, with long hours outside each day. Given this information, you will be amazed by the landscape and imagery you capture in these beautiful, untamed settings. It’s a must see for all photographers.

Meals will be of the local variety, which will consist of seafood, and lamb, with limited meat and chicken while in Greenland. Notify Strabo Tours of any dietary restrictions. You may wish to pack specific snacks in your checked luggage.

It is fairly common for flights (domestic and International) to be delayed or even canceled for a day or more due to the Arctic weather. The flights to Greenland are limited and do not take place every day. For these reasons, we strongly encourage you to take out travel insurance, as Strabo Tours cannot be held responsible for Airline changes or cancellations.

Photo Leader

Kathy adams clark, photo gallery.

Nuuk Greenland photo tour northern lights Ron Rosenstoc Banner

Tour Itinerary

September 8: home.

It is likely you will need to depart home today on an overnight flight to Keflavik International Airport (KEF) outside Reykjavik, Iceland. (Meals on plane)

September 9: Arrive Keflavik, Iceland Airport

Flights typically land early in the morning to Keflavik Airport, and check-in is not until 2PM. We have blocked rooms at a hotel in Keflavik in order to obtain early check in at approximately 10AM. Everyone will need to take a 5-minute taxi ride to the hotel. Kathy will hold a brief introductory meeting this evening to prepare you for the coming days. OVERNIGHT KEFLAVIK ICELAND

September 10: Group flight Keflavik to Nuuk, Greenland

Depart the hotel this morning on a photographic tour of the Southwest of Iceland. Photograph the immense landscape, and hidden gems of this amazing country. The group will be returned to the airport at approximately 6PM, to be checked in for your tentative group flight to Greenland at 9PM. Upon arrival in Nuuk, there will be a transfer to your new home for the next 5 evenings. OVERNIGHT NUUK (B)

September 11-14: Nuuk Greenland

The day-by-day events can always change depending on weather, light, and the sea conditions. Your guides will take these factors into consideration as they plan the schedule for the next day.

11th: Your first morning in Nuuk is planned to start a bit later after breakfast, where you will have a day on foot. Kathy will notify you of the time to start, since you will be landing very late the evening before. There are locations for your walking tour of the architecture and scenes of Greenland, including the half mile long boardwalk along the sea. After additional photography you will return to the hotel for a group lunch, followed by time off to relax or work on your images. There will also be a photography talk either pre or post dinner, to discuss what to expect when aboard the boat, photographing the Northern Lights, and what to pack for the cruise outings, which start tomorrow. There will be a late evening excursion with transportation if there will be a chance for Northern Lights.

12th: The next day you begin your Ice fjord tour from 9AM to 3PM. You will photograph the immense landscape and may experience wildlife like whales, seals, birdlife, including white-tipped eagles. Since you will be at sea during lunch time you will want to purchase something to take with you the night before or early this morning.

This evening you will need time to pack an overnight bag with all your essentials (camera gear, medicines, all important documents, etc.). The rest of your luggage can remain in your Nuuk hotel room.

13th: The next morning you travel via the sea to your Glamping location. There will be plenty to photograph along the way, fjords, icebergs, landscape, and more. Arrive to your remote destination and get settled into your environs for the afternoon and evening. The terrain consists of a pathway to the tent site, and an ATV is available. There are uneven rocks all over the island, therefore if you wish obtain different vantage points, we suggest packing a collapsible walking stick. The destination is deep in the Nuuk fjord, with fantastic hiking opportunities, large tents with comfortable beds and a view you can enjoy. The place is completely out of internet range, so be prepared to be disconnected while enjoying nature and its silence. If you’d like, there will be an opportunity to get into a dry suit and go on a paddleboard or kayak in the fjord that often times has icebergs. The evening may be the best chance for Northern Lights as you will be far away from the city lights. There is a mess tent and bathroom tent close by.

14th: Return to Nuuk, arriving around 2PM. There will be additional photography in town. There is an excellent Greenland National Museum in town, and various other photo ops. Enjoy your farewell dinner this evening. OVERNIGHT 11, 12 & 14 NUUK HOTEL, GLAMPING 13TH (B, L; B; B, L, D; B, L, D) (don’t forget to pre-purchase your lunch for the 12th)

September 15: Group flight back to Keflavik, Iceland, overnight or connect home

There will be a transfer back to the Nuuk airport this morning. Where you will take your group return flight to Keflavik Iceland. Currently the Greenland flight arrives in Iceland at approximately 3:45 PM (Iceland time). We have included an overnight this evening at the Keflavik airport hotel. Should you not need to overnight this evening a refund will be provided. OVERNIGHT KEFLAVIK AIRPORT HOTEL. (B)

September 16: KEF - Home

Those that needed to overnight in Keflavik will walk back to the airport terminal and check-in for your flight home. Check out time is noon.

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At 5 am on February 24, Russia began the full-scale military invasion of Ukraine. They are violently trying to steal our country.

Russian forces have invaded Ukraine, confirming our worst fears. At this very hour they are attacking us on the streets of many Ukrainian cities.  We are at war.

Skylum was proudly founded in Ukraine, and our core development center is based in Kyiv. At this harrowing time, unfortunately we cannot guarantee the on-time delivery of updates to Luminar Neo. We strive for excellence in everything we do, and we will make sure to further develop and improve Neo and to keep you updated on any news. 

However, today we ask our community for help and support. Here are some details on what has happened and how you can support Ukraine in this difficult time.

!   At 5 am on February 24, Russia began the full-scale military invasion of Ukraine. They are violently trying to steal our country.

! Right now, there are missile strikes and bombardment of peaceful Ukrainian cities.   We must hide our families in bomb shelters and protect our land with weapons in our hands as part of the territorial defense forces.

! This disastrous and entirely unprovoked Russian war has already taken the lives of 198 civilians. 33 children have been injured, and 3 have been killed.

! The Armed Forces of Ukraine, young and brave heroes, are fighting all over the country not only for Ukraine but for Peace and Clear Skies in Europe. 

As we write to you from a city under attack, we want to be very clear: This war is not just something you see on TV. It is not happening in some distant lands. It is happening right now here in Ukraine, and the Russian forces who are invading our lands and threatening our families may come to your doorstep one day too if we do not stop them.

Sanctions that world governments are currently imposing are not enough. Russia must be completely isolated from all spheres of the civilized world: the financial system, technologies, sports, culture.  

Here is a list of simple actions you can take to help Ukraine. We MUST unite to quite literally save the world before it’s too late:

- Contact your local representatives and pressure them to provide more support for Ukraine and stricter sanctions on Russia. We need military and humanitarian aid and Russia must be cut off from SWIFT.

- Donate money to humanitarian aid organizations. Find a full list over here:  

- Follow the news from official channels. Avoid fake news and disinformation!



- Support the Ukrainian Army —  Official Account of the National Bank of Ukraine

We stand together

Please share this information with your community.

#Ukrainians #NATO #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine

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12 Day Greenland Photo Expedition

photography cruise greenland


This tour is now Sold Out.  New dates will be announced in our  Newsletter.

Visit Greenland on an incredible 12 day photography expedition. The world's largest island is a veritable delight for photography, with numerous opportunities to capture the spectacular landscapes and abundant wildlife that calls this Arctic wonderland home.

During autumn in Greenland, the nights are longer and the Northern Lights return to the night sky. We'll spend our time chasing the Aurora as we sail through the magnificent fjords of Scoresby Sound in East Greenland, in search of colossal icebergs of all shapes and forms.

Not only that, but we'll make landfall with plenty of shore landings via Zodiacs to explore the landscapes tinged with the colours of fall. Along the way, we'll keep our eyes open for Arctic hares, seals, sea birds, musk oxen and even polar bears.

This journey is "DRONE FRIENDLY", meaning that there will be opportunities to practice aerial photography using our Zodiacs as floating platforms for drone launches and landings. It's the perfect way to capture the extraordinary dimensions of the icebergs, glistening in the light and alluding to their size hidden below the depths of the deep blue water.

Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime in the beautiful surrounds of East Greenland. Check availability by selecting a date.



Daily itinerary

12 Day Greenland Photo Expedition - day 1

Day 1 - Arrival in Iceland

12 Day Greenland Photo Expedition - day 2

Day 2 - Fly to Akureyri

12 Day Greenland Photo Expedition - day 3

Day 3 - Sail to Greenland

12 Day Greenland Photo Expedition - day 4

Day 4 - Greenland

12 Day Greenland Photo Expedition - day 5

Day 5 - Greenland

12 Day Greenland Photo Expedition - day 6

Day 6 - Greenland

12 Day Greenland Photo Expedition - day 7

Day 7 - Greenland

12 Day Greenland Photo Expedition - day 8

Day 8 - Greenland

12 Day Greenland Photo Expedition - day 9

Day 9 - Greenland

12 Day Greenland Photo Expedition - day 10

Day 10 - Greenland

12 Day Greenland Photo Expedition - day 11

Day 11 - Back to Iceland

12 Day Greenland Photo Expedition - day 12

Day 12 - Departure

Good to know.

Information about the MS Freya:

With an engine power of 1360 hp, the highest ice class (1A), and certificates for unrestricted trade, MS Freya is without a doubt an excellent expedition ship for polar regions. With an experienced Swedish team and a captain that has made hundreds of expeditions on similar boats in Arctic waters, our voyage will be safe. Our Expedition Leader for this trip has been chosen for his extensive experience in the Arctic. Low vessel draft allows us to sail into fjords and bays that are closed for big cruise ships.

MS Freya is one of the best ships in the Arctic for Polar exploration and Photography. She is spacious and well suited for photography vessel. Two Zodiacs will let all clients land and explore at the same time.

The ship has 2 Single cabins with private WC / shower, 6 Twin cabins with private WC / shower and one Mini suite with a double bed and private WC / shower along with cabins for the crew and expedition staff. Bed linens and towels are provided. Food service will be at a designated time, but we intend to be flexible. The chef has a varied and tasty menu and European cuisine is tasty and various on board. You can always have tea, coffee and drinks from the bar.

We highly recommend that you get a travel and medical insurance. Your own domestic medical insurance and private health scheme will not cover you whilst you are overseas.

The tour will always dependent on weather, as the weather can be highly unpredictable.

Departure Schedule

This tour is now Sold Out. New dates will be announced in our Newsletter.

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Cruises to Qaqortoq, Greenland

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  • Qaqortoq Port Guide
  • Transatlantic Shore Excursions
  • Transatlantic Cruises
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Qaqortoq Cruise Port Guide

Qaqortoq, Greenland is a place teeming with thousands of years of Nordic history, soothing hot springs, and water activities like exploring on a sailboat. On a transatlantic cruise that stops in Greenland, you’ll find yourself far from the ordinary. Traveling in an Arctic climate requires a certain level of curiosity and adventure, but you never have to sacrifice comfort while you explore the region on one of our cruise ships. 

Only about 3,000 people live in Qaqortoq, which means it’s a cozy, tight-knit community. Take a dip in the hot springs of Uunartoq for complete rejuvenation and restoration. Discover the ruins of an ancient Viking settlement at Hvalsey Church. Experience authentic cuisine from the area, or simply walk around the colorful streets. On your Greenland cruise, this quirky colonial town will welcome you with open arms.

Recommended Sailing

Starting From

Avg. Per Person Taxes & fees included*

Qaqortoq Shore Excursions

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Top sights & attractions for cruises to qaqortoq, lake tasersuaq.

The majestic beauty of this artsy Greenland town is best experienced on foot. A hike around Lake Tasersuaq promises incredible views of Qaqortoq and the mountain just beyond.

Hvalsey Church

The last evidence of the Vikings in Greenland can be found at Hvalsey Church, where the best-preserved Nordic ruins in the area overlook the waterfront. The isolated, commanding ruins showcase thousands of years of Nordic history. Guided tours are popular, and it takes about 25-30 minutes via boat to reach the ruins of Hvalsey Church.

Qaqortoq Museum

The Qaqortoq Museum is an ideal stop for history buffs during a Greenland cruise. The museum is cleverly located within an old blacksmith workshop. Here, you’ll find artifacts of both the Inuit and Norse populations from thousands of years ago.

Learn More About Transatlantic Shore Excursions

Top things to do in qaqortoq, enjoy the arts.

Take a tour called the Qaqortoq Art Walk, where you’ll experience an interactive, open-air art exhibition featuring the work of nearly 20 Nordic artists. Each of the 24 sculptures carefully cradles the city of Qaqortoq. Called “Stone and Man,” it’s a can’t-miss experience for Nordic history buffs and art lovers.

Nature Walks

Qaqortoq is best experienced on foot, whether you’re taking a nature tour through the foothills or gallivanting through the center of town. Qaqortoq’s hillsides lead to stunning fjord views, dramatic landscapes, and rows of colorful colonial homes in red, orange, and green everywhere you look.

Top Food & Drink Spots Near the Qaqortoq Cruise Port

The food scene in Qaqortoq is minimal, so don’t expect to find chain restaurants lining every street corner downtown. Stop in for drinks and live music at Arctic Cafe. When you see a yellow VW peeking from the wall, you’ll know you’re in the right place. Restaurant Napparsivik is popular for morning or afternoon coffee, fresh meat and fish dishes, and regional eats. Inside the Hotel Qaqortoq, enjoy a drink at Mikisoq, a local pub.

Culture & History of the Qaqortoq Cruise Port

Surviving in the frigid climate was no small feat for early residents, who were Paleo-Eskimo populations, Norse Vikings, and later, the Dorset people. Most of Greenland is occupied by arctic ice caps, so most people who settle down to live in the country gather in coastal cities and towns. By the 20th century, Greenland had established strong trade ties with North America and Denmark. The economy relies on natural resources, from whaling to fishing.

Qaqortoq Port Facilities & Location

Once you arrive, there is a tourist office with helpful city maps and free internet. You can get your bearings here before heading out to explore. Local maps detail the area’s hiking trails and the most popular attractions you can choose from on a Greenland cruise to Qaqortoq.

Transportation in Qaqortoq

Qaqortoq is fairly walkable, and there’s a ferry service that connects the city to other parts of the country. You can head into the center of town after a short tender ride while on cruises to Iceland and Greenland.

Shopping Near the Qaqortoq Cruise Port

Shopping near the Qaqortoq cruise port is fairly minimal since the town has a population of 3,000 people. Qaqortoq Souvenir Shop is a popular place to shop for keepsakes like handmade goods and authentic souvenirs.

Local Currency & Tipping Customs

The official currency of Greenland is the Danish krone (DKK), but you’ll find British pounds and U.S. dollars are accepted in some establishments. Credit and debit cards are less likely to be used in smaller shops, so be sure to ask when you arrive before trying to pay with a credit card. A service charge is typically included in your bill at restaurants.

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Photography Tours & Expeditions

Photo tour landscape

Photo Tours & Expeditions

Extraordinary doesn’t come close , experience the most precious, untouched places in the world, with the best photography experts on one of our photo tours to the polar regions. .

Our Photo Expeditions to the Polar regions are for everyone, any ability. Whether you’re a fully-fledged photographer looking for unique opportunities, an enthusiastic amateur looking to develop your skills or new to photography, we have unique experiences for you.

small ship cruises to svalbard

Photography Destinations

Arctic & antarctic photo tours, our photography expeditions explore the most remote locations in the world.

Despite the harsh environment, we explore unique destinations that are teeming with diverse wildlife, flourishing flora, resilient communities, and quite literally breathtaking scenery—a true testament to nature’s astounding complexities and beauty. 

We’re confident you’ll capture spectacular images, but we know this experience will change your perception of the world and that’s the most magical part of our Photo Tours.

polar bear photography tour in svalbard

Svalbard offers amazing opportunities for wildlife and landscape photographers looking to capture the Arctic. Witness a variety of Arctic wildlife, including polar bears, dramatic landscapes, glaciers and sea ice.

floating iceberg in East Greenland Scoresby Sund

Explore the never-ending wilderness of Greenland with some of the largest icebergs on the planet. Greenland is suited to landscape photographers and those with a real sense of adventure.

south georgia photo and wildlife tour

  • South Georgia

South Georgia offers the wildlife photographer some of the highest concentrations of penguins and seals on the planet, with over 200,000 King Penguins at Saint Andrew’s Bay alone.

seal in antarctica

Antarctica offers amazing wildlife and landscape photography opportunities. 5 Penguin species, leopard seals and a variety of whales call Antartica their home. Explore frozen landscapes.

Get in Touch

We’re a team passionate about the polar regions with a wealth of  first-hand experience . Consider us your go-to source for genuine, expert advice and let us help you make your expedition a reality!

Expedition Micro Cruise

Vikingfjord photo tour expedition ship

Destinations: Svalbard & Greenland

Expedition Team: x2 Expedition Team & x1 Photography Expert Guide

Months: April – October

Days: 8-12 Days

Small Ship Expedition

Magellan Explorer photo tour ship

Destination: South Georgia & Antarctica

Expedition Team: Dedicated Secret Atlas Expedition Team & Photography Expert Guides

Months: August – October

Days: 10 – 17 Days

expedition micro Cruising

Find out more about our Expedition Micro Cruising concept and the benefits from choosing to explore in small groups

Why Secret Altas?

Founded, led and made for explorers, by explorers.

We want to share with you, as we see them, the breathtaking sights and stories of the world’s most beautiful, untouched places—undiluted by large cruise ships, crowds, and pollution. If you’re looking for a real expedition, prioritising your experience, freedom and connection to the wild then you’ve come to the right place.

What to Expect From Our Expedition Team and Photography Experts?

Paul Goldstein Photo Tour Guide

It’s the people who make our Photo Tours special. They’re not only experts but also passionate about what they do!

Running a successful expedition in the wild requires teamwork. While it’s true that capturing the perfect photo often comes down to being in the right place at the right time, our photography guides excel at ensuring you have those opportunities. They work hand-in-hand with the Expedition Team to position you for the best shots throughout your expedition. 

“You know, you’re only as good as your last lecture, your last game drive, or your next game drive, or your next Zodiac ride. As for my motivation, the day when spotting a polar bear no longer quickens my pulse, I’ll find another passion. Until then, I’ll continue pursuing the thrill of the wild and sharing it with those who join me on these incredible expeditions.” – Paul Goldstein

Secret Atlas Photo Tour Leaders

Paul goldstein.

Paul Goldstein photo tour guide

Photo Tour Leader

A travel veteran of over 35 years and a multi-award-winning photographer with a following spanning six continents, Paul Goldstein has a broad and burgeoning bank of followers and indeed some even agree with him. He is also a big defender of persecuted species and has run 20 marathons including the fearsome Everest one last year in his now fabled tiger suit raising almost half a million dollars for his beloved Bengal cats.

View Paul’s Profile & Photo Tours

Amos Nachoum

Amos Nachoum Photography Guide Secret Atlas

Amos Nachoum, a renowned wildlife photographer and explorer, has profoundly impacted photography and wildlife conservation. Celebrated for his close-up underwater shots of large marine animals like whales, sharks, leopard seals, crocodiles, anacondas, and polar bears, he has earned numerous awards and global recognition. 

Beyond capturing stunning images, Amos passionately advocates for environmental conservation, using his work to raise awareness about endangered wildlife and natural habitats.

Lana Tannir

Lana Tannir photography guide secret atlas

As a National Geographic Explorer and Girls Who Click Ambassador, Lana Tannir has spent the past decade capturing the intricate relationship between humans and nature in the Arctic and marine environments.

Lana Tannir’s work has been featured in publications and podcasts to TV appearances. Some of her latest features include National Geographic Germany and Serbia, Terra Mater, Oceanographic Magazine, Wildlife Photographic, Sony Alpha Universe, Sidetracked Magazine, and Female Explorer. 

View Lana’s Profile

Virgil Reglioni

Virgil Reglioni Photo Expedition Leader

Expedition Leader & Photographer

Virgil has been an expedition leader in the polar regions since 2016. He is a professional photographer specializing in polar landscapes, with a particular focus on capturing the famous Northern Lights.

Virgil was awarded in several international photography competitions and was part of the 2021 & 2022 Best Northern Light Photographer of the Year collection, showcasing his powerful storytelling and unique impactful photography style. Following this accomplishment, he also made contributions to the European Space Agency, thanks to his renowned images. During late winters, he educates and teaches photography in Tromsø, Northern Norway, sharing his love for the untouched polar dark nights and remote locations.

View Virgil’s Profile

Piet van dem Bemd

Photo Guide Piet van den Bemd

During Piet’s childhood, he developed an intense fascination for nature and wildlife. Guided by his parents, he travelled to many different continents, experienced other cultures and became inspired by the wildlife he witnessed outside of his home country in the Netherlands.

Growing up with a father who was a professional photographer, Piet received his first camera at the age of 16 which cemented the path ahead of him into photography.

Inspired by the beauty, freedom and pure wilderness of the North, Piet is driven to share this through photography and create awareness and interest in this fragile environment. For him, it is important to keep moving forward to secure and conserve the future of the remaining “untouched” places in the world.

View Piet’s Profile

Roie Galitz

Roie Galitz photo tour guide

Professional Wildlife & Nature Photographer

Pushing both his creative and physical boundaries, Roie Galitz explores the most extreme locations worldwide in his mission to “raise awareness to the pressing environmental issues by taking pictures that were never taken before.”

Roie divides his passion between photography and his role as a Greenpeace ambassador, actively participating in global conservation efforts, earning recognition for his impactful presentations at venues like the United Nations HQ, NYC Climate Week, among other global conventions and expeditions.

View Roie’s Profile

Jean Paul De La Harpe Zubiaur

Jean Paul de la Harpe Z photo tour guide

Photography Expert

Jean Paul was born in Santiago, Chile. He is a biologist and a professional photographer. From his childhood, he was fascinated by nature and outdoor life. Since 2002, he has guided nature and photography expeditions in many Chilean environments, from the dry Atacama desert to the windy and cold Patagonia. He has spent the last 3 seasons in Antarctica, as an expedition photographer, documenting the breathtaking landscapes and the incredible wildlife that lives there.

View Jean Paul’s Profile

Polar Photography Tips

Virgil Reglioni taking photos of Northern lights Aurora borealis in Greenland

Northern Lights Photography – An Expert’s Guide with Top Tips

Join photographer Virgil Reglioni to capture the magic of the Northern Lights. Learn about camera…

photo tour Florian Ledoux Svalbard

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Juvenile polar bear in Svalbard by Chase Teron

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Reindeer in Svalbard by Chase Teron

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Photo Tour FAQs

The best time of year to join an Arctic photo tour depends on what you would like to see. Consider an early season trip in April or May to encounter the frozen wilderness of the Arctic in Svalbard. Consider a late season in trip to get the best light for landscape photography.

Find our more in our Best Time Time Visit Svalbard article.

The best place to photograph polar bears in the Arctic is in Svalbard. Polar bears are present in Svalbard all year round. Between April and September we regularly encounter them on our Arctic photo tours. To find out more please visit our Svalbard photo tours page .

Svalbard is one of the best locations in the Arctic for wildlife photography. Due to its relatively small size there is a high concentration of wildlife including polar bears, walruses, Arctic foxes and Svalbard reindeer making Svalbard one of our favourite Arctic photo tours destinations.

You can read about the wildlife in Svalbard in our guide .

Greenland, due to its larger size, means wildlife is spread out further making sightings less frequent.

Greenland is home to some of the most stunning landscapes on Earth framed by gigantic icebergs. Expect unlimited scenery, high granite peaks in the south, and remote fjords in the east.

Svalbard also offers fantastic opportunities for landscape photographers with 2,000 glaciers, frozen seascapes early in the season and beautiful colours in September.

The best time to visit Antarctica on a photo tour is between November and March. During the winter months it is not possible to reach Antarctica by ship.

The best time to visit South Georgia on a photo tour is between November and March. During the winter months it is not possible to reach South Georgia by ship.

Choose Your Photo Tour

Penguins on a beach in South Georgia south georgia cruises

  • 10 or 12 days
  • August & September

Antarctica wildlife and photography tour

  • South Georgia & Antarctica

Greenland northern lights secret atlas

  • 8 or 10 days
  • April & May

King penguins on the beach in the Falkland Islands

  • September—October

The heart of Greenland

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photography cruise greenland

Cruise Overview

Dramatic glaciers, deep blue fjords and untouched wilderness.

16-Day Expedition Cruise from Iceland to Greenland taking in Disko Bay

Explore the pristine west coast of Greenland as far as Disko Bay

State-of-the-art expedition ship takes you right to the heart of nature

16-day Expedition Cruise from Iceland to Greenland, taking in Disko Bay

Spectacular western Greenland

Sailing from Reykjavík, our state-of-the-art ship brings you to remote places few get to see. Join a traditional kaffemik with the Qaqortoq people, discover ancient traditions at Sisimiut, and take in breathtaking fjords, glaciers and wildlife as we reach a UNESCO wonder.

Beguiling Disko Bay

Experience the tranquil beauty of Evighedsfjord before we sail to Nuuk, Greenland’s photogenic capital. The stunning panoramas of Prince Christian Sound will stay with you forever. Look out for wildlife, such as musk oxen, white-tailed eagles and auks.

Know before you go

Practical information you need to know

  • Expedition Health & Safety
  • Travel Requirements & Medical Forms
  • What to pack?
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Life on Board

Health and Safety

Health & Safety Onboard

The safety of our guests, our employees, and the communities we visit is our top priority.  This is why we have partnered with leading experts in health and safety to design and implement protocols/procedures across our expedition fleet.

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We'll help you plan where to go, when to visit and how long to stay

photography cruise greenland

Cosmopolitan Reykjavík

Reykjavík is full of art, culture, and delightful history. It is definitely worth discovering, either before or after your cruise to Greenland.

Stroll along Laugavegur, filled with boutiques and outdoor shops, or head to the architecturally striking Hallgrímskirkja

church or the fascinating Reykjavík Art Museum. Why not book a Pre-Program with us? That way, you can discover the nearby waterfalls, hot springs, geysers, and national parks.

At Reykjavík Harbor, MS Fridtjof Nansen awaits you. After collecting your complimentary expedition jacket, take time to settle into your cabin. Your adventure has begun.

photography cruise greenland

Crossing the Denmark Strait

We sail to Greenland across the Denmark Strait, the route taken by Erik the Red, supposedly the first European to have settled there. Relax and explore the stylish onboard facilities of our hybrid electric–powered ship.

Your Expedition Team will explain the protocols of respectfully visiting wildlife habitats and indigenous Arctic communities. In the Science Center, learn more about Greenland’s geology, or join one of our Citizen Science projects. Then hit the gym, swim in the infinity pool, book a treatment in the wellness area, or enjoy a delicious meal in one of our three onboard restaurants.

photography cruise greenland

Culture and history in Qaqortoq

Our expedition cruise of Greenland begins in earnest in a town has been settled since prehistoric times. The colorful houses and lush scenery of Qaqortoq provide a beautiful backdrop for its rich culture.

Explore the local museum, which includes rare Inuit artifacts, or enjoy lush scenery on a walk to a nearby lake. Join an optional excursion to meet friendly locals and hear their stories at a traditional kaffemik social gathering.

photography cruise greenland

Explore Kvanefjord

Experience the sublime fjords of Greenland’s west coast as we reach Kvanefjord in Sermersooq, meaning 'Place of Much Ice'.

Have your camera ready for glistening icebergs and semi-submerged glacial ice, which is pure white with undertones of crystalline blue. These sculpted ice blocks are some of Arctic nature’s finest creations.

Few people venture into this remote fjord, making it even more special to spend the day exploring here. The Expedition Team will select places to venture ashore, where you will enjoy beautiful scenery on a nature walk. You could also head out in boats to scout for wildlife.

photography cruise greenland

Fascinating Maniitsoq

Today our expedition cruise reaches Maniitsoq. Nicknamed the 'Venice of Greenland' for its natural canals, the surrounding mountains deliver awe-inspiring views. You might even spot pods of humpback whales from shore.

Once a regional hub for trading reindeer hides, people have lived here for 4,000 years. Discover figurines carved from walrus ivory, traditional Greenlandic costumes, and many works of art in the local museum.

Maniitsoq has many hiking options with different viewpoints to discover. And don’t miss the chance to chat to the town's welcoming locals.

photography cruise greenland

Spectacular Sisimiut

We reach spectacularly situated Sisimiut, just 25 miles north of the Arctic Circle, where you'll experience the Midnight Sun at the height of summer.

Old traditions are alive and well here, and you can learn more about the ancient Saqqaq artifacts in the local museum. If you're looking for a special souvenir, pick up a scarf, hat or mittens made of qiviut, the inner wool of a musk ox, said to be 10 times warmer than sheep wool.

One of the best things you'll experience on your expedition cruise to Greenland with us is meeting the local communities in the places we explore—authentic interactions that make for fantastic memories.

photography cruise greenland

UNESCO-listed Ilulissat Icefjord

Our expedition cruise reaches Disko Bay, a haven for whales and seals. The Ilulissat Icefjord, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, regularly tops the list of things to see and do in Greenland. Today, you'll find out why. Enjoy breathtaking scenery as you walk to the ice fjord and the old Inuit settlement of Sermermiut.

Marvel at giant icebergs floating past in the deep blue waters, as they take on different hues of white, grey, and blue. Even amateur photographers will return to the ship with enviable images. Back in pretty Ilulissat, enjoy a hot drink by the colorful houses along the water.

photography cruise greenland

Go wild in Vaigat Sound

The rugged Vaigat Sound is our northernmost point. You may feel like the first person to explore it. We are at the hands of Mother Nature today and the Expedition Team will identify the best landing sites to explore.

If possible, we’ll take small boats (RIB) out for a shore landing or take an optional kayaking trip between icebergs. You may visit Camp Frieda, trek across the tundra, and get up close to a glacier and learn how it moves.

Have your binoculars and camera ready as wildlife sightings in Disko Bay can include orcas and bowhead whales, as well as harp, hooded, bearded, and ringed seals.

photography cruise greenland

Beguiling Evighedsfjord

Our expedition cruise now heads back south. Enjoy a day of exploration in the magical and imposing Evighedsfjord, near Kangerlussuaq. Until that day, we won’t have determined the exciting adventures that lie in store for you.

The 'Fjord of Eternity' is fed by an ice cap that calves huge icebergs into its waters, 2,300 ft deep. It is surrounded by misty mountains with beautiful white ridges, punctuated by crystal-blue ice caves.

Nature reigns here. The only settlements in this region are tiny fishing villages clinging to the shores. Like always, we'll be on the lookout for Arctic flora and wildlife, including whales and seabirds.

photography cruise greenland

Nuuk, Greenland’s capital

After several days exploring remote, idyllic icescapes, you’ll cruise into Nuuk, Greenland’s colorful capital. It has a population of 18,000 people and a striking mix of old and new buildings.

Compare the old buildings like the Hans Egede House and Nuuk Cathedral with the ultra-modern architecture of Greenland’s parliament building.

Visit the national museum and gain fascinating insight into life here 500 years ago. See the six Qilakitsoq mummies, or join a long nature walk through Paradise Valley and around Mt. Lille Malene as part of an optional excursion.

photography cruise greenland

Forgotten town

As you wander around the abandoned ruins of this ghost town, it’s hard to believe that Ivittuut, a former mining outpost, once played a pivotal role in the course of history.

During World War II, the US secretly stationed troops here to prevent rare cryolite, used to make aluminum alloys, from falling into enemy hands. Supplies were instead shipped to the UK to manufacture aircraft that fought in the Battle of Britain.

Here, you can walk among the area's deserted buildings. In what was once the last Viking settlement in Greenland, the only inhabitants you’re likely to see nowadays are musk oxen.

photography cruise greenland

Prince Christian Sund

We aim to explore the incredible waters of Prince Christian Sound, stretching 60 miles long. Sharp-peaked granite mountains provide a stunning contrast to the bright white glaciers. Look out for calving icebergs and colorful houses in the village of Aappilattoq.

Nature is abundant here. Keep an eye out for ringed and bearded seals resting on the ice and glaucous gulls and black guillemots soaring above. You may even spot minke and humpback whales.

If sea ice prevents us from entering the sound, we'll head to the jagged Cape Farewell, the southernmost point of Greenland.

photography cruise greenland

Reflections of Greenland

After exploring the ethereal beauty of western Greenland, we set our course back to Iceland. Enjoy two days at sea recapping highlights with the Expedition Team, learning about the delicate ecology of Greenland in the Science Center, and relaxing.

Out on deck, you might spot seabirds or whales that like to follow our ship. Our onboard photographer will share tips to capture them in action. You can even count the whales you see for our Happywhale Citizen Science project.

This might be the time to enjoy the panoramic sauna, the hot tubs on deck, or the heated pool. Why not book a treatment in our wellness area? You can also enjoy the company of fellow explorers over drinks in the Explorer Lounge &Bar.

photography cruise greenland

Return to Reykjavík

Your expedition cruise to Greenland will come full circle when you arrive back in Iceland's stylish capital in the early morning.

If you want to discover more, join our optional Post-Program to the south of Iceland before you head home. Or simply extend your stay to enjoy more of Reykjavík and its surrounding geothermal attractions.

photography cruise greenland

What's included

Expedition Cruise

  • Stay in a cabin of your choice
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, including beverages* in the Aune and Fredheim restaurants
  • Fine-dining À la carte restaurant Lindstrøm is included for suite guests
  • Complimentary tea and coffee
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi on board
  • Complimentary reusable water bottle
  • English-speaking Expedition Team who organize and guide activities, both on board and ashore
  • Range of included activities

Onboard activities

  • In-depth lectures and discussions hosted by experts on the Expedition Team
  • Full use of our Science Center, extensive library, and advanced biological and geological equipment
  • The Citizen Science Program allows guests to contribute to ongoing scientific research projects.
  • Our onboard professional photographer will give photography tips and teach techniques for capturing landscape and wildlife photos.
  • The ship has hot tubs, an infinity pool, a sauna, an outdoor and indoor gym, and a running track
  • Join informal gatherings with the crew for daily briefings.

Landing activities

  • Escorted landings with small boats (RIBs)
  • Loan of boots, trekking poles, and all equipment needed for the activities
  • Complimentary wind- and water-resistant expedition jacket
  • Expedition photographers will be on hand to assist you.
  • All planned activities are subject to weather and ice conditions
  • Excursions and activities are subject to change
  • Please ensure you can meet all entry and boarding requirements.
  • No gratuities are expected

What's not included

International flights

Travel protection

Baggage handling

Optional shore excursions with our local partners

Optional small-group activities with our Expedition Team

Optional treatments in the onboard wellness and spa area

Included Programs

It's a mixture of adventure activities for individuals of all ages

photography cruise greenland

Onboard Science Program

Our Science Program has one goal: to increase your curiosity, knowledge and interest of the areas you are sailing to.

Our expedition ships serve as the perfect platform for scientific research; with access to remote regions of the world and onboard experts, we can provide invaluable data to the scientific community—with help from our guests!

We invite our guests to participate in science activities, developing a greater understanding of the region in which they travel, becoming true ambassadors, and returning home to champion the protection of our planet's most fragile ecosystems.

The core of the Citizen Science programs

Delivery of our own lecture program.

Interacting with guests in our Science Centers to reinforce the lecture program with practical hands-on guest experiences.

Citizen science program involving guests in programs for third-party organizations.

Carrying scientific equipment for sample collection on behalf of research institutes.

Hosting scientific personnel on board to conduct collaborative science programs.

Examples of Scientific Research Onboard

Seabird Distribution with the Antarctic Site Inventory  — Surveys throughout the Antarctic Peninsula help scientists understand how seabirds are using different habitats and provide valuable information about their life cycles.

Cloud Observations with the Globe Program  — By observing and recording cloud cover timed to NASA satellite fly-overs, guests can help scientists understand how surface and air temperature are affected by cloud cover, and how clouds will respond to a changing climate.

Happywhale  — We assist in tracking individual whales throughout our world’s oceans by harnessing the power of whale watching enthusiasts - our guests - expanding our scientific knowledge of their behavior and distribution. 

Sea Leopard Project  — A non-profit study aimed at a better understanding of the behavior, ecology, and population dynamics of leopard seals on the Antarctic Peninsula to promote their conservation and safe human-seal interactions.

Fjord Phyto  — Study phytoplankton to better understand how they respond to water temperature changes in the polar regions, providing a key to help mitigate future environmental impacts. 

Science Center

Join the Expedition Team here for a range of lectures, photography workshops, and Citizen Science Projects. The area also features scientific and educational equipment, such as microscopes and interactive maps.

Lecture Hall

In-depth talks on history, climate change, sustainability, wildlife, Earth science, culture, and other topics specific to the destination you are visiting are held here. Learning more about each subject is certain to enhance your expedition experience.

Webinar: Science Program

Our Science Program has one goal: To increase your curiosity, knowledge and interest of the areas to which you are sailing. 

In this webinar you can learn more about:

What the Science Program is about 

Learning from the experts on board

Facilities, equipment and activities

Citizen Science research projects- and how you can contribute

Speaker: Verena Meraldi

Excursions & Activities

Learn more about what you can experience when going with us

INCL-KVA1 - Kvanefjord - 059 - Espen Mills 1200x675px

Kvanefjord / Nigerlikasik - Kvanefjord Exploration Day

Experience a day of pioneer-style exploration, and discover the beautiful scenery and wildlife.


Maniitsoq - Maniitsoq Community Visit

Enjoy a visit to this small remote town and learn about its peoples’ traditions and culture.


Sisimiut - Sisimiut Community Visit

Enjoy a visit to this beautiful town in Greenland where traditions are kept alive.

Pre-post programs


Reykjavik and Golden Circle Tour (Pre)

Discover glaciers, waterfalls, volcanoes, and hot springs on Iceland’s famed Golden Circle tour.


Discover Iceland’s South Coast (Post)

Explore the black sand beaches, mountains, and waterfalls along the south coast of Iceland.


Icelandic Highlands for Nature Lovers: Kerlingarfjöll and Reykjavík (Pre)

Hike among the beauty and drama of Iceland’s famous volcanic highlands in Kerlingarfjöll on this four-day tour.

Related cruises

Discovering Greenland – From Reykjavík to Nuuk

Discovering Greenland – From Reykjavík to Nuuk

MS Fridtjof Nansen

Grand Greenland – The Icy Giants of Disko Bay

Grand Greenland – The Icy Giants of Disko Bay

Grand Greenland – Mythical Lands of the North

Grand Greenland – Mythical Lands of the North

Penguins perched on the ice of Cuverville Island, Antarctica. Credit: Espen Mills / HX Hurtigruten Expeditions

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Visit Greenland

Photo tours in Greenland

Photo tours in Greenland add new dimensions to landscapes and culture, wildlife and natural phenomena, by exploring the destination through a lens.

Narrative Art

Images are about the art of telling stories to create emotions, and about bringing out the narrative in dramatic seasonal changes, people and culture, the northern lights, the living ice cap, and whale migrations. Photo tours in Greenland are a unique way to explore the country, and when working with a camera you apply a distinct vision to the destination. Traveling photographers tend to become creative explorers for whom image making becomes an expressive passion. Photographers tend to be both lone wolves and gregarious at the same time. They like to work on their own but often travel together in small groups, sharing experiences and learning new photographic techniques along the way, while looking for inspiration from tour leaders and peers.

' title=

Photo tours in Greenland are a unique way to explore the country

Package Tours

Secret Atlas: Northern Lights Photo Tour in Scoresby Sund

Secret Atlas

Northern Lights Photo Tour in Scoresby Sund

Capture the Northern Lights over the majestic Scoresby Sund with our expert Photo Guide Virgil Reglioni, on a 12 Guest Micro Cruise

Greenland Tours: Northern Lights & Icebergs

Greenland Tours

Northern Lights & Icebergs

4 days in Ilulissat incl. dog sledding & Northern Lights tour

Greenland by Topas – Summer tour: Disko Island, Icebergs and Eqi Glacier

Greenland by Topas

Summer tour: Disko Island, Icebergs and Eqi Glacier

Experience Disko Island’s glaciers, Disko Bay’s huge icebergs and legendary whales, then further north, Eqi Glacier's deafening calving events.

Arctic Hiking and Expeditions: The Icefjord Trek

Arctic Hiking and Expeditions

The Icefjord Trek

Experience the Sermelik Fjord where the Helheim glacier calves icebergs at an enormous rate. Enjoy the calmness of this beautiful area.


We know from photographers we meet in Greenland that the majority are looking for landscapes and wildlife; they like to explore the subtle colors of the destination and move from tiny details in rocks and ice to sweeping panoramic stories and back.

Light is a key tool for any photographer and it can be harnessed to create drama, contrasts, and to bring out emotions in the story of the image, which is why photo tours are always a combination of timing and location.

In Greenland, locations define our rough, mountainous and contrasting land, which is sparsely populated in small local communities, dominated by the enormous ice sheet, and shaped by the Arctic climate.


The night holds a special place in Greenland, both because the bright summer nights provide golden hour lighting conditions for hours, and because in late summer and throughout the winter season the dry climate and lack of light pollution bring out the northern lights and stars on the night skies.

The northern lights, or aurora borealis , are the obvious attraction of the night, especially at latitudes around and just south of the Arctic Circle, such as Tasiilaq, Sisimiut, Nuuk, and Maniitsoq, where the northern lights are particularly bright from September until April.

The real gem, however, is Kangerlussuaq on the west coast, which delivers clear skies more than 300 nights a year, and where you can go on northern lights trips with World of Greenland Arctic Circle .

The darkness also brings out other adventures, both nature based and photographic, adding perspective and depth to the experience, and for many photographers night photography is a way to combine exciting challenges with an almost therapeutic activity.

A diversity of locations

East Greenland is an established photo tour destination, and in the backcountry around Tasiilaq, the combination of alpine landscapes, ice fjords, the neighboring ice sheet, and small local communities makes this a popular place for adventurous photographers. They tend to use the logistical expertise of Travellodge Greenland and Red House Tasiilaq for small group travel, and the primary season is in August and September when the harsh summer light fades and becomes more manageable.

In North Greenland , in Disko Bay around the main town Ilulissat , and at the UNESCO world heritage site by the ice fjord Kangia, photographers take advantage of a concentration of locations which give access to icebergs, whales, local hunting and fishing communities and the volcanic rocks on Disko Island, all neatly tied together by a network of boat routes between towns and settlements.

South Greenland is a farming landscape set on a backdrop of sharp peaks, ice fjords, flower fields, and colorful coastal towns in a region known for its well preserved norse settlement ruins and Atlantic feel.

Other locations on the west coast of Greenland offer semi-urban cultural experiences and fjordscapes, while the far north offers Arctic desert, extreme seasonal differences, and unique lighting conditions for explorers of light who like expedition-style adventures and new challenges.

Let the camera be your tool for seeing Greenland in new ways, and feel free to share images and experiences with us at [email protected].

Local providers

Sarfaq Ittuk cruising in the Disko Bay outside Ilulissat ice fjord in Greenland. Visit Greenland

Arctic Umiaq Line

Explore related articles, offers and tour providers:.

  • All destinations
  • Ittoqqortoormiit
  • Kangaatsiaq
  • Kangerlussuaq
  • National Park
  • Natural Experiences
  • Photo tours
  • Qasigiannguit
  • Qeqertarsuaq

photography cruise greenland

By Visit Greenland

Behind Greenland's largest travel site is the Visit Greenland that is 100% owned by the Government of Greenland, who is responsible for marketing the country's adventures and opportunities for guests wishing to visit the world's largest island

Editors' pick

A view on Tasiilaq. Photo by Chris König

A Journey into East Greenland: Iceberg, Glaciers, and Local Life

From Kulusuk we leave in the direction of Tasiilaq and almost the first things we see are the massive icebergs floating around.

  • #Boat Tours
  • #Cultural Experiences
  • #Culture vs Nature
  • #East Greenland
  • #Meeting Greenlanders
  • #Natural Experiences
  • #Things to do & About
  • #Tiilerilaaq
  • #Towns & settlements

Nuuk Aiport inside image. Photo by Greenland Airports

New flight schedule makes Greenland more accessible

Big changes for Greenland tourism: Nuuk’s new international airport opens Nov 28, 2024, with two more until 2026.

Photo workshop under the glacier. Photo by Norris Niman - Visit Greenland

Discovering the Ancient: East Greenland’s Ultimate Ice Cave Expedition

Equipped with crampons and a helmet, we crunched over the ice and into the mouth of the cave. Our torchlight illuminated the otherwise pitch-black surroundings, revealing a grand expanse.

  • #Photo tours

Tasermiut in winter. Photo by Mads Schmidt Rasmussen

Discover the Raw Beauty of Tasermiut Fjord in Winter

Unlike other places in Greenland, South Greenland is mainly known for its green scenes, agriculture and sheep farming. But what about wintertime?

  • #South Greenland

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  • Things to Do

Browse culture and nature (outdoor, hunting, fishing, cruises) related activities, as well as combination of both types.

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Plan your trip

Read about practical information on how to get to Greenland, how to get around, when to travel or where to stay.

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  • Destinations

Explore the regions and towns around Greenland and dig deeper into the experiences in each destination.

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About Greenland

All about art, music, history, as well as animals, climate change and other interesting information about Greenland.

Visit Greenland

About Visit Greenland

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Skiing among remote peaks in East Greenland near Kulusuk

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Aurora Expeditions™

Stretching approximately 2,800 kilometres (1,750 miles) from north to south and approximately 1,000 kilometres (625 miles) from east to west, Greenland is the world’s biggest island. Some do claim that Australia is a bigger island, but according to international definitions, Australia is regarded as a continent. East Greenland is just a short flight from Iceland, but its culture and landscapes are a world away. In a land dominated by the Ice Cap and impossibly steep mountain ranges, 3,500 people have made it their home. Their culture is born from myths and legends, often expressed in bone and rock carvings, but at the same time it is a globally connected culture with strong hunting roots and an everyday spirit of adventure. Discover Scoresbysund where you can paddle and Zodiac cruise along one of the world’s longest, largest and deepest fjord systems. At Ittoqqortoormiit, visit Greenland’s most remote settlement, home to approximately 450 mostly Inuit, people.South Greenland lives up to its name as it is truly a ‘green land’. It is a land of jagged mountains and green pastures where sheep farms directly border ice fjords, and Norse settlement history intertwines with modern fishing and hunting communities. Natural hot springs on a remote island, big wall climbing, and fjord kayaking abound in South Greenland.

Greenland’s capital, Nuuk, located in West Greenland is an arctic metropolis with a small-town feel, shaped by nature and known for its cultural diversity. While Nuuk is the colourful heart of this nation, the smaller communities of Paamiut south of the capital and Kapisillit in the Nuuk Fjord, are places to kick back and spend time in the outdoors. From the Disko Bay area in central West Greenland to the polar extremes of the far north, the scale of North Greenland is hard to fathom. Along a coastline stretching thousands of miles lie small communities based on hunting and fishing, in a land ruled by the Polar Night in winter and the summer’s Midnight Sun. From the strange volcanic rocks along the hiking trails on Qeqertarsuaq, the constant flow of massive icebergs from one of the world’s fastest flowing glaciers in Ilulissat Icefjord, a UNESCO World Heritage Listed site, the diverse landscapes and superb whale and bird-watching opportunities in Disko Bay, makes West Greenland an ideal place to experience an expedition cruise.

At Aurora Expeditions, we have many Greenland cruises for you to explore Greenland in-depth, including West Greenland Explorer as voted by you! Explore the real world.

Greenland Cruises & Expeditions

Home > Destinations > Greenland Cruises & Expeditions

Greenland Cruises

Embark on a cruise adventure to the remote coastal regions of Greenland, where you will experience a pristine natural environment that is uniquely Arctic . Situated between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, east of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and a part of the Arctic Circle, Greenland is an exciting destination for adventurous travellers.

Aurora Expeditions’ cruises are made for rugged explorers who are excited to experience the magic of the Greenland wilderness. Our Expedition Team provides Greenland tours for those with a keen sense of adventure and a desire to immerse themselves in the natural environment.

  • Expeditions

Destination Highlights

photography cruise greenland

Wild Landscapes of West Greenland

USD $ 18,876.00

photography cruise greenland

Southern Greenland: On the Trail of the Vikings

USD $ 15,676.00

Zodiac Cruising at Tay Bay, Canada, Richard I'Anson

Traversing the Northwest Passage

USD $ 38,636.00

Aurora borealis, Northern Lights, Lofoten islands, Norway

Northern Lights Explorer

USD $ 15,836.00

Zodiac cruising to observe sea ice at Croker Bay in Canada's Northwest Passage

Northwest Passage

USD $ 20,396.00

Arctic Zodiac cruise

Jewels of the Arctic

USD $ 15,805.75

Why Join a Greenland Expedition Cruise?

As one of the best known Arctic islands, Greenland is a remarkable destination that leaves its imprint in ways not entirely explainable. Whether you’re exploring the East, West or South, our Greenland Expeditions reveal the beauty of the world’s largest island.

Many people still have misconceptions about this alluring Arctic nation. For one, despite being almost completely covered by the Greenland Ice Sheet, there is more to Greenland than glaciers and ice. It is a nation with layers of culture and history that will unfold before you. Greenland has one of the world’s smallest populations, with approximately 56,500 inhabitants. Today, 88% of Greenland’s population is Inuit (predominantly Kalaallit) or a mix of Danish and Inuit. The remaining 12% are of European descent, mainly Danish.

A trip to Greenland takes you to one of the planet’s last great wildernesses, a remote land of ice and snow. Offering remarkable landscapes, exceptional wildlife, iceberg-filled fjords, majestic peaks, vast tundra, Viking history and contemporary Inuit culture, Greenland is truly unlike anywhere else in the world. The fjords and mountains of Greenland are where life is concentrated. Summer is the best time to visit Greenland – when wildflowers are in full bloom, birds start breeding and wildlife sightings are most common. If you’re lucky you can observe bands of caribou, musk oxen, Arctic foxes and polar bears. Seals, walruses and many species of whales including humpbacks, orcas and white belugas also gather near its shores.

In Greenland, tiny, isolated communities are scattered among the fjords, accessible only by small plane (or helicopter when there is no room for a runway), boat, kayak, afoot or by dogsled in winter. Discover this fascinating country’s hidden secrets as you traverse its waters and embark on unforgettable adventures.

Greenland Wildlife Encounters

Greenland is a biodiversity hotspot, and wildlife encounters are expected throughout the cruise. The rugged terrain and sea ice you’ll enjoy panoramic views of throughout our Greenland Arctic expedition provide a unique habitat for the wildlife that lives here. Our Expedition Team includes onboard naturalists that will educate and guide you through your wildlife encounters both on land and at sea.

A largely remote wilderness, Greenland’s unique natural habitats provide a home for a plethora of captivating wildlife. Some highlights for lucky travellers include polar bears, Arctic foxes, reindeer, Arctic hares, humpback whales, blue whales, fin whales, narwhals, ringed seals, countless Arctic bird species and one of the largest populations of muskoxen.

Visit Greenland on an Aurora Expeditions cruise for whale watching, opportunities to see the majestic polar bear and much more.

Unique Greenland Experiences

Being polar expeditions, our Greenland tours include truly once-in-a-lifetime experiences. A cruise in the Arctic Circle around Greenland provides a rare opportunity to take a polar plunge, embark on Zodiac cruises through the ice sheet, and observe unique geological formations and breathtaking scenery on trips ashore.

Our Greenland expedition experts can also take you on optional excursions via our comprehensive activity program . You might want to try an unforgettable journey on our sea kayaks, rock climbing the rugged cliffs of one of the national parks or scuba diving in the polar regions of the Arctic. If you would like to learn more about the included or optional activities, please contact us , we’re here to help!

Greenland Tour Regions

Greenland zodiac cruise

East Greenland

East Greenland is one of the most isolated areas in Greenland and offers fantastic possibilities for big adventures. In East Greenland jagged mountains rise from the sea and giant white and blue icebergs float in deep fjords. Only 120 years ago, there was no connection between West and East Greenland. Therefore, culture and traditions are different to the ones in the west and it is also why East Greenlanders speak a different language. Discover the fascinating geology of the Skaergaard Intrusion, enjoy Zodiac cruises among icebergs and hike through one-of-a-kind tundra.

Prince Christian Sound, Greenland

South Greenland

South Greenland travel also provides opportunities for adventure. Temperatures in southern Greenland are higher than in the rest of the country, sometimes even reaching up to 20° Celsius during summer. The landscapes are greener and the ground more fertile, with many farms along its coast. The area is full of contrasts between the green shades of the landscape and the myriad of blues that paint the ice. The region is popular for those keen on an adventure. Experience hiking tours or go kayaking to see whales and other wildlife. It is easy to take individual trips because the settlements are close to each other with great boat connections. See for yourself when you cruise Prince Christian Sound (Prins Christian Sund), flanked by imposing mountains, where the Viking ruins of Erik the Red still stand from the Middle Ages.

Nuuk, Greenland's capital

West Greenland

West Greenland is the most populated region of the country, containing the nation’s capital, Nuuk, the starting point for most travellers’ on their Greenland adventures. Here, you can visit the largest ice cap in the northern hemisphere, Ilulissat Icefjord. This UNESCO-listed 55km-long natural sculpture park boasts countless jaw-dropping icebergs. Explore untamed nature on foot or from water level in a kayak or Zodiac. Stop at remote villages along the West Greenland coastline to learn about the traditional lifestyle. Historically West Greenland was known for its fishing and hunting industries, which are still an integral part of the local way of life.

West Greenland is also home to Disko Bay, a large and significant bay on the west coast, steeped in history. Its nutrient-rich waters have made it the perfect home for a wide range of species. Disko Bay is a great place for whale watching and kayaking, with a number of different species of whales visiting the bay during the springtime. Disko Bay also attracts migratory seals that use the teaming waters of the bay to feed.

Passenger marvelling at the Northern Lights from the deck of the Greg Mortimer ship in Greenland

North Greenland

North Greenland is home to the harsh realities of the Arctic Islands. It’s the land of the polar nights in the winter and of the midnight sun in the summer. The midnight sun is a natural phenomenon in the Arctic Circle where the sun remains visible throughout the night and day. During the winter months however, North Greenland is one of the best places to see the Northern Lights because of the long nights, with the dark skies making the perfect backdrop to showcase the lights in all their colours. The area is also known for its dog sledding which is common amongst the locals and a fun experience for tourists.

Greenland Expedition Cruise Activities

Visit Greenland with Aurora Expeditions and our Expedition Team will take you on excursions unique to the High Arctic, fully included in the cost of your expedition. For those interested in a little extra excitement, there are optional activities* designed to get you closer to the action.  Our Greenland expeditions provide a mix of comfort and adventure; for those willing to explore this incredible Arctic destination the memories will last a lifetime.

Bird Watching


Polar plunge

Trips ashore

Whale and mammal spotting

Zodiac cruises

Lecture on wildlife, our environment, history and destinations

Add-on Activities

Sea kayaking in the Arctic

Sea Kayaking

Sea Kayaking is one of the most exhilarating ways to experience Antarctica, the Arctic and beyond. Sea kayaking holidays in the humbling…

*Optional add-on activities are available on select voyages. They are listed on each itinerary page and additional fees apply. 

Greenland Cruises FAQs

The cost of a cruise to Greenland with Aurora Expeditions varies based on factors such as the duration of the expedition, the type of stateroom chosen and the specific itinerary. Prices generally start from US $17,595 per person – please check our expeditions listed above for more pricing information. Each expedition includes various inclusions like meals, excursions and expert guides, adding value to the overall experience. Plan and explore our expeditions to find a cruise that suits your preferences and budget.

The duration of a cruise to Greenland with Aurora Expeditions varies depending on the specific itinerary chosen. Expeditions to Greenland typically range from 13 to 17 days, allowing travellers to immerse themselves in the breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife of the region. Our itineraries are carefully crafted to include highlights such as fjords, glaciers and cultural sites, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of this enchanting Arctic destination. For precise information on the duration of a specific cruise, we recommend that you refer to our detailed itineraries on our official website or contact our friendly team directly.

For a Greenland cruise with Aurora Expeditions, packing essentials include layered clothing for varying temperatures, waterproof outerwear, sturdy and comfortable walking shoes, gloves and a hat. Remember essentials like sunglasses, sunscreen and a camera for capturing the stunning Arctic landscapes. Packing formal wear for onboard events and considering bringing binoculars for wildlife observation is advisable. Check our guide here on what to pack for a trip to the polar regions. Aurora Expeditions also provides a detailed packing list for each specific voyage, so it’s recommended to check their guidelines. Additionally, packing adaptable clothing for the dynamic weather conditions ensures a comfortable and enjoyable experience while exploring Greenland’s unique and remote environments.

A Greenland cruise with Aurora Expeditions features Arctic landscapes, colossal glaciers and vibrant wildlife that offers a once-in-a-lifetime experience. These expeditions provide opportunities for close encounters with polar bears, whales and other unique species. Aurora Expeditions ensures expert guides, immersive cultural experiences and comfortable accommodations on ice-strengthened vessels. The carefully crafted itineraries showcase Greenland’s awe-inspiring beauty, including fjords and historical sites. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, adventure seeker, or cultural explorer, a Greenland cruise promises an unforgettable journey, making it a truly worthwhile and enriching expedition into one of the world’s most pristine and captivating destinations.

Depending on your chosen voyage, there are several starting points for our Greenland expeditions, including Norway, Iceland and Canada. Be sure to check each specific expedition for more information.

The optimal time for a Greenland cruise or expedition is during the Arctic summer, generally from June to August. This period offers milder temperatures, wildlife activity and optimal conditions for exploring Greenland’s stunning landscapes. The midnight sun ensures extended daylight hours, enhancing the overall experience. While each month has its unique charm, early summer may provide access to more ice-covered areas, while late summer showcases vibrant flora. Aurora Expeditions carefully plans its itineraries to align with the best seasonal conditions, offering an unforgettable adventure during the warmer months when Greenland’s beauty is in full bloom.

Travellers visiting Greenland should consider several health factors . Consult with a healthcare professional before the expedition to ensure vaccinations are up-to-date. Cold temperatures and potential exposure require appropriate clothing and gear. Travel insurance covering medical evacuation is advisable. Aurora Expeditions prioritises passenger safety and their experienced team guides health and safety measures. It’s crucial to disclose any medical conditions to the expedition staff for proper assistance. Ultimately, thorough preparation and adherence to recommended health guidelines contribute to a safe and enjoyable journey to Greenland.

Featured Articles

photography cruise greenland

Thinking of Travelling to Greenland? 10 Facts You Need to Know

You’ve probably heard that Greenland isn’t that green, but did you know it once was? Or how the name came

photography cruise greenland

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photography cruise greenland

Sea Kayaking in Greenland

Experience the raw power of the world’s largest island when you go sea kayaking in Greenland. Explore its coastline from

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Privacy Overview

photography cruise greenland

Experience Greenland’s untamed wilderness with the elegant 12-passenger ship M/S Balto, designed to explore the most remote fjord systems, visit isolated Inuit settlements and take you to secret anchorages. Greenland’s spectacular coastline offers some of the most remarkable nature experiences. The Arctic landscape is dominated by ice-filled fjords, majestic peaks and vast tundra. You can enjoy Zodiac cruises amongst icebergs in all shapes and sizes, admire glistering glaciers, take a dip in a hot spring and head out on refreshing hikes. The wilderness is also home to a rich and diverse wildlife, including whales, Arctic foxes, seals, polar bears and the iconic musk ox.

  • All departures

No departures

The mighty fjords around Sermilik 2024

Disko Bay to Uummannaq 2025

Ilulissat to Narsarsuaq 2025

Narsarsuaq to Tasiilaq 2025

East Greenland 2025

Experience our trips to greenland.

Iceberg, Greenland

Greenland, known as Kalaallit Nunaat in local Inuit language is the world’s largest non-continental island with a size equal to about half the size of Europe and a just under a fourth of the total surface area of the of the United States. It stretches over more than one climate zone, from the 83rd parallel in the north to the 59th parallel in the south and due to its large amount of complex costal fjord systems, has a total longer than the equatorial distance around the planet.

Situated in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, surrounded by a complex current system, the island is one of natural contrast, hosting all from deep fjords, glaciers, hot springs, grassy meadows and towering mountains. The island is also home to the Greenland Icesheet, the second largest ice sheet in the world after the Antarctic, the world’s longest fjord system and National Park.

Aside from almost otherworldly natural beauty, what really sets Greenland apart is the warm and welcoming Inuit population, the proud people that calls this amazing island their home.

photography cruise greenland

The first people to inhabit Greenland was indigenous Inuit people from Arctic Canada, who crossed the then frozen Thule strait. No less than 6 different Inuit cultures have immigrated to Greenland from the west, over a period of several thousand years and the Greenlanders on the island today are descendants from the last Inuit immigration, the Thule people, in 9th centaury AD.

Around the same time, the first Norse settlers arrived in the southeast part of the island. Erik the Red, exiled for three years from Island sailed east and explored the southern parts of Greenland. Upon his return to Iceland, he called for settlers to join him in creating settlements on this new island, which he referred to as Greenland. The Norsemen settled on the island and lived in small settlements scattered on the south coast for a period of a few hundred years. Why the settlements of Norsemen vanished from Greenland is not fully known but theories from a change in climate to altercations with Inuit population and changed trading opportunities exists.

In the mid 1700 hundreds Danish-Norwegian rule claimed the territory and colonized the island. The island remained colonized under what later become the sole Danish crown, until 1953 when Greenland instead became a constituently of the Danish Kingdom. In 1979, Greenland home rule was established and in effect till 2009 when a Greenland self-government replaced the home rule government.

Although considered remote in world geography, Greenland also played an important strategic role during WW2, where several weather monitoring stations were established throughout the island and stations established where planes for the allied forces could refuel. Today, a large American airbase and radar monitoring station is still operational in Thule and remains of older stations are still visible around the island.

photography cruise greenland

The total population in Greenland is a mere 56,000 people, mainly concentrated on the west coast and in its capital city Nuuk, home to roughly 20,000 people.

The 16 small towns and 60 small settlements scattered along the Greenlandic coastline is home to those not living in the capital city.

The population is, to a large extent (88%) Greenlandic Inuit and a small part of the population are Europeans, mainly Danish. Much of the people in Greenland speak the Inuit language of Kalaallisut, also known as West Greenlandic, whereas in the east and far north, variations of the language are spoken.

The east coast of Greenland is still home to many Inuits living as traditional hunters whereas life in the towns of the west is becoming more urbanized with more education and work opportunities.

Although living in a harsh and landscape, Greenlandic people are amongst the most warm and welcoming people in the world, a people with strong traditions and pride in their heritage as well as much curiosity of the outside world.

photography cruise greenland

Glaciers & pack ice

There is no wonder the Greenlanders have over 50 different words for snow and ice. Contrary to what the name suggests, Greenland is by 84% permanently covered under ice, namely the Greenlandic Icesheet. This is the world’s second largest freshwater reservoir, locking in just under 10% of all the world’s fresh water. On the east coast, several rocky mountains- known locally as “Nunataks” protrude the icesheet which at its deepest reaches a thickness of over 3000 meters. All around the coast, the ice from the icecaps spills over in glaciers which drain the ice from the icecap into the ocean, in calving lose large pieces of ice, icebergs. It is widely accepted that the large iceberg which sank the Titanic calved from the Kangia glacier in Western Greenland, which also was the area in which the largest recorded calving in the world occurred in 2012, when an area equal in size to that of Manhattan, broke of the glacier.

As well as glacier ice, pack ice is prominent in the waters around Greenland in the winter and spring months. Down the east coast, large areas of the cost and fjord systems can be impenetrable due to sea from the Arctic Ocean, well into the early summer months.

photography cruise greenland

Wildlife & nature

Greenland is home to seven species of terrestrial mammals, most notably polar bear, muskox and Arctic fox, as well as six species of seal which can be found around its costal regions. The waters are home to several species of whales, most commonly humpback, fin and minke whales.

The landscape is much varied between the three main regions of Greenland.

The east coast is jagged with dramatic mountains plunging steeply into narrow fjords, often filled with icebergs from calving glaciers. The area is remote with only a handful of small colorful settlements, home to Greenland’s highest peak of over 3000 meters, Mt Gunnbjörnfjeld, and the world’s largest national park, The Northeast Greenland National Park. The northeast is the main home to polar bears and muskox.

On the contrary, the western part of Greenland is considered relatively flat with enormous outlet glaciers which produce the largest icebergs in the northern hemisphere, home to several fishing settlements and Disko island, a volcanic island different to the rest of Greenland, outside of Ilulissat, the city of Icebergs.

The south of Greenland is home to much varied terrain with narrow fjords and jagged mountains but also to much Arctic shrub vegetation and wildflowers. This is a popular area for muskox and Arctic fox and it is also the area of Greenland with the most European historical sights, remains form the Norse Culture.

Birding in Greenland is not something to be taken for granted. Although an impressive list of 235 species is recorded, about two thirds of such have only been recorded once. Main species normally observed includes fours species of gulls, the northern fulmar, great shearwater and some species of geese.

photography cruise greenland

Winters in Greenland are long, dark and cold and the whole landscape is blanketed under a thick layer of snow and ice. Northern Lights are seen most nights as the weather is often clear and stable, with the occasional “Piteraqs”, catabatic winds with windspeed of up to 80kmph, generated from the gigantic ice sheet. Temperatures can easily creep down to negative 20 /30C dry cold. In the deepest of winter months, the sun doesn’t rise over the horizon and its constant polar night.

When spring arrives in March early April the days are getting longer and the temperatures milder. Sea ice is still locking most of the eastern coast but in the west, it starts to loosen its grip. The low sun makes for beautiful sun sets and sunrises, bathing the landscape in golden and purple colors.

As spring turns into summer, the unglaciated costal landscape turns green and especially in the south low shrub bush and Arctic flowers bloom. Temperatures are a comfortable 10-15C and days are long with usually stable calm and clear water.  With the warming temperatures come increased calving of icebergs and fjords such as Sermilik fjords in the east and Kangia in the west, are littered with icebergs in all different shapes and sizes.

As autumn approaches, the vegetation turns orange and often the higher mountain peaks are dusted with the first winter snow. Temperatures are dropping and days are getting shorter. From September it is possible to see northern lights dancing in the sky above.

photography cruise greenland

The relatively small coastal area of Greenland that is ice-free is home to a variety of almost 500 types of vascular plants, grasses and lichens. In summer, especially south of Greenland lives up to its name. Lichens in yellow and orange are common sights on the gray or black rocks and in late summer and autumn much of the vegetation turns into red carpets on the mountainsides.

Our ships in Greenland

M/S Balto offers a relaxed luxury accommodation for 12 guests in 7 outside cabins, all with private facilities and lower beds. During 2019-2022, she has been totally refurbished and is now one of the roomiest and most elegant small polar expedition yachts in service. To explore Greenland with this beautiful ship is a unique experience.

Gerard Baker

Gerard Baker is a seasoned polar veteran having spent the past 30 years working in polar environments, including four over winters in Antarctica.

Gunilla Lindh

Nilla started her career as a guide as her love for the white, remote and pristine places of the polar regions became too strong to materialise into anything but a lifelong passionate career as a polar guide. When not guiding expeditions, she is fond of skiing and photographing wildlife.

Henry Páll Wullf

Henry is a dedicated polar enthusiast whose profession has taken him around the world. He is born in Germany, but an Icelander at heart. Nowdays he lives in the Karapatna Mountains in Romania. With a passionate interest in the cryosphere and its distinct ecosystem, he is convinced that only through understanding the tightly interconnected environment will we be able to protect it.

Karin lived in Longyearbyen for nine years and during that time she studied the fascinating Svalbard flora, gave birth to two children and founded the company FatBike Spitsbergen. Today she earns her living as a freelance guide in Svalbard and Greenland and is proud to be at home with her kids in between her working periods.

Magnus Danbolt

Marin biologist Magnus's work has taken him to many places around the world, all the way from the tropics to the polar regions. He has surveyed penguins in the Sub-Antarctic, Monk seals in Africa and has been researching blue whales in the seas surrounding Iceland and Greenland.

Zet Freiburghaus

Zet is a former successful member of the Swedish national kayak team who after his active career gained a Master's degree in Molecular Biology. His passion in life is to travel and when he is not guiding for us, or working as a kayak guide in Antarctica, he is planning his next travel adventure.

Future departures to Greenland

photography cruise greenland


  • Vacation Packages
  • Tour Planner
  • Northern Lights
  • Iceberg & Icefjord
  • Whale Watching
  • Airplane & Helicopter
  • Glacier & Icecap
  • Kayak & SUP
  • How to get to Greenland
  • From the US
  • From Iceland
  • From Denmark
  • Kangerlussuaq
  • About Greenland
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Photo Tours

Photo Tours

Browse or search for your perfect photo tour to Greenland. Join our professional photographers who will help you capture spectacular images of your holiday and teach you the best techniques for photographing Arctic landscapes and wildlife. Icebergs, glaciers, wildlife, small colourful settlements, and dramatic landscapes await – depending on which vacation you choose.

Showing all 5 results

photography cruise greenland

Guided tour in Nuuk with UTV (Utility Terrain Vehicles) | Nuuk

photography cruise greenland

Arctic Nights Photography Workshop | Ilulissat | Disko Bay

photography cruise greenland

East Greenland Photo Exploration | Tasiilaq

photography cruise greenland

East Greenland Explorer Micro Cruise | Scoresby Sund

photography cruise greenland

Photo Excursion | Disko Bay and Uummannaq | 8 days | Guide to Greenland

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photography cruise greenland

Iceland Greenland photography tour horses

The 'best time' to visit Iceland and Greenland depends on exactly what you want to see. From our point of view, we've very carefully picked July as it should give you the most diverse experience possible, the best weather, long summer days, midnight sun in Greenland, and the environment being at it's most lush and green. During July in Iceland many of the highland roads open up giving us access to some more remote areas usually closed during the colder months and it's also the best month to photograph the puffins returning with fish in their beaks! We needn't be worried about harsh lighting ruining our landscapes and waterfalls as Iceland is conveniently cloudy 90% of the time anyway. In Greenland, July is also the best month as the waterways will have only just opened up for boat travel (June the sea is still frozen solid), whales should be swimming past the shores, icebergs and glaciers are very active, and the springtime flowers and plants should all be out adding colour, and the climate is generally mild, with the weather often fine with clear blue skies for long spells at a time.

We're always trying to secure you the highest standard in accommodation on our Iceland & Greenland photo tour, however, to get to a couple of the most amazing photography destinations in Iceland require that we travel to some rather remote locations with sometimes very limited accommodation options (ie, just one 2-3 star guesthouse). Where it has been possible, we've always found you the most amazing accommodation available. In Greenland we're spending 3 nights at the most northerly 4-star hotel, then at amazing luxury eco-chalets. However, in just one or two more remote locations, we are limited to what is available. All accommodation will of course be clean and comfortable, but we ask that you keep things in perspective and realise why we are there for those two nights in sub-optimal accommodation. We'll survive. =)

Weather in Iceland can be highly variable. Temperatures in July range between 8 - 13 degrees Celsius with cloud cover for 90% of the time (makes for great soft lighting for waterfalls etc!) and a 63% chance of rain on a typical day. In Ilulissat, Greenland, temperatures range between 6 - 12 degrees Celsius, with 24hr daylight (i.e. the sun never sets). There is cloud cover 72% of the time with a 36% chance of rain on average. You'll therefore need to make sure you have clothes that'll keep you warm and good quality rain gear for yourself and your camera equipment. As the beautiful, golden 'evening lighting' extends right up to (and beyond) midnight, some of our days in Greenland go very late, but we usually compensate by allowing a bit of a ‘morning’ sleep-in where possible. Of course weather is outside of our control and while we do our very best to re-work itinerary to try and keep in as much as possible in the advent of bad weather, in the end sometimes it can't be helped and we will not be held responsible or provide any refunds or compensation for anything we are forced to miss out on.

Most of this tour is physically quite easy – mostly driving up to locations which then involve only a small walk, with a few notable, optional exceptions: Puffin Cliffs, Iceland: We’ve driven almost all the way to the Puffin Cliffs, except for a final 150m walk up a steep soft sand dune to get to the top plateau (after that it’s flat), and the guide will provide hiking poles if needed. Don’t worry though, you can take your time and we’ll wait for everyone at the top before continuing along the rim to view the puffins. Landmannalaugar, Iceland: To reach the most photogenic locations in this spectacular national park you need to walk along a well-used trail, with your camera, for about 3 hours (return) at slow pace with plenty of photographic stops on route (it would otherwise only be an hour or so), and much of it is quite flat, save an initial unavoidable slope, and some other optional ones. If you don’t think this is possible for you, don’t worry, as there are plenty of other photographic opportunities close by that can entertain you while others walk. You’re also welcome to walk as far as you’re comfortable with, then either wait around or start to head back on your own - no pressure. Also, in Iceland we hire two off road 4WD vehicles with high ground clearance, and getting in and out of these vehicles involves a high step up and down. It’s certainly manageable, but please be careful when stepping down and make sure you hold onto the handles provided. In Greenland, you’ll need to be confident getting on and off the various charter boats that we use, and this can sometimes involve big steps to get from the boat to the wharf. However, there are numerous guides on hand to assist if needed and we are happy to help. When we vist the remote Ilimanaq village in Greenland, you’ll need to be capable of carrying both your own camera bag and your small overnight duffle bag off the boat and up a steep series of stairs and path to your accommodation yourself. Please email us if you have any questions or concerns about fitness for this trip we can provide photographs and additional information about these more challenging sections.

We created our Iceland & Greenland photo tour to be - in our eyes - the perfect travel experience. When I travel, I don't want to be stuck with loads of other people (especially when we've got nothing in common), or be taken to the regular, over-crowded tourist attractions or waste half my time in an amazing country just relaxing by some pool. I want to get the most out of it - I want to see as many different animals as I can, I want to travel through different landscapes and be shown hidden gems off the beaten path, I want to experience the culture, taste the food, meet new friends with similar interests, enjoy some luxury and importantly, I want to have the time to take some beautiful and unique photos of it all. It's not enough for me to spot a distant lion, tick it off and move on - I wan't to have the option to try and get closer, on the correct side for best lighting and even wait for him to lift his head and stare directly down the barrel of my lens - or to move on when I'm done - I want flexibility. I want the inside tips for the best location to be ready when the sun rises over the horizon and spills across the bay onto those boulders - and if I can't quite get my shot to work, it'd be awesome to have a friendly pro-photographer right there to offer advice (not one who'll stand in front of you to get the best shot themselves!). If there's a seal colony out on an island nearby, then I'd want to charter a boat out there just with my friends onboard so we can spend as much or as little time as we want to get the shots without being crowded on a regular sight-seeing trip. If the seal colony was a bit of a tourist attraction on a local beach then I'd want to wait for the crowds to leave, and go down onto the beach after hours - just us, and a private ranger guide to photograph them at our leisure in beautiful evening lighting. You don't even need to be a photographer to love this style of holiday - who wouldn't like a bit of extra patience from their tour leaders, or to be given the opportunity to fly over the migrating herds of Africa in a doors-off plane or over a beautiful coastline in a doors-off helicopter for some epic views? Stay on a private island, learn some new skills with your photography, make some new friends and have an unforgettable, unique holiday - all at the same time! Sound good? Well, there's a reason more than half of our guests come back again, and again!

We've become one of the world's premiere photography tour companies for a reason: We offer the highest quality, small-group, unique operations focused on providing the access and luxuries the others don't - such as exclusive charter of ships, planes & helicopters (doors-off for better photography) along with off-road & special access permits to get you closer - so we can give you what we know you want. For example, while other operators might book you a spot on a busy, regular scenic cruise, we'd privately charter the whole boat, relaxing the pace, giving you plenty of space and modifying the route for the best photogenic locations and timings. We delight in welcoming you to beautiful accommodation and providing fantastic local seafood and other luxuries to ensure the tour is as much a wonderful holiday as it is a photographic experience. Unlike most, we're fully accredited and insured, obtain all the proper permits, respect and give back to the communities and environment, and employ industry best-practices such as holding your payments in a trust-fund and have been awarded the tick from the Accredited Tourism Business Australia (Australian national symbol of tourism quality). We don't waste your time with 'rest-days' or surprise you with hidden costs. Perhaps one of the key differences our guests keep saying is how we - unlike so many other operators - always put YOU and YOUR photos first, always there to help out with any issues or check your images and suggest ways you could improve - never getting in your way or even taking any photos ourselves unless every single guest is content. Our friendly pro photography guides are all energetic and up-to-date and are a pleasure to be around. Our goal is to help YOU have the best experience possible, improving YOUR photography, and helping YOU take the best photos! If you're still not convinced, then ask anyone who's come on a photo tour with us - our repeat guest rate speaks for itself: We've had entire photo tours sell-out solely with repeat guests, and if you'd like we can put you in touch with a guest who's already been on the tour your considering to ask their opinion.

Absolutely not! We have many non-photographers (and partners of photographers) enjoy our tours! As one guest said "It didn’t matter that I’m not a photographer - I used my iPhone. Just experiencing all these amazing locations at a relaxed pace, in comfort and without the crowds was wonderful!" . The expert photography tuition is a bonus - the incredible access to experience the most wonderful places in a tiny group is the main thing! If you're traveling to take photos, or just as a holiday - in the end, it's all about seeing as many of the amazing animals as possible, experiencing the local food and culture, admiring the landscapes, breathing the fresh air and enjoying the whole unforgettable experience with a small group of friends. Whether or not you put a camera in front of your face doesn't really change this. We've had many non-photographers come on our tour, enjoying just spotting animals, identifying them, or watching their behaviour and by the end of the trip many of them do start picking up a camera (or borrowing one of ours) and start getting excited about photography too! Some have later gone on to become full-on photographers, to the delight of their partners! Either way, they have a ball and often come on another photo tour with us again and again. Most photography guests are beginner to keen-enthusiast level - so don't stress that your photography may not be good enough - the whole point of our photo tour is to improve your photography, no matter what your level! Our photo tours are enjoyed by everyone from non-photographers, iPhone and happy-snap photographers right up to serious professionals. We start each tour with a quick photography crash-course, and our expert photography guides are there to help you throughout the whole photo tour. There is no better way to improve your photography than spending a solid week or two practicing, surrounded by amazingly inspiring subjects, with a small, friendly group of like-minded people. You will be amazed how much your photography will improve. We're there to offer as much or as little assistance as you'd like, at whatever level of complexity you're ready for.

For each of our photo tours, we've carefully prepared (and keep updated) a detailed information booklet covering everything including our recommendations for what kind of camera & lenses we'd consider well suited for that trip, as well as also everything else like clothes, what type of power plug, what currency, what the climate is like, language tips and plenty of other information to help answer all your questions! We'll send you a copy of this information booklet when you book, or you can email us for one in advance. We also have a selection of lenses including telephoto lenses for hire, please email us in advance if you're interested.

We do have a selection of lenses (including macro, wide and telephoto lenses, for both Canon and Nikon) available for hire. Please just ask us about this if you're interested during your booking. Don't feel like you need amazing camera gear though to enjoy our tours - some guests come as non-photographers or just with an iPhone camera and still absolutely love the experience of small-group, luxury and relaxed-pace travel to these very special places. It's up to you how serious you want your photography focus to be, and we do provide an information booklet for each photo tour including our recommendations for what kind of camera & lenses we'd consider best suited to maximise your photography for each trip. We'll send you a copy of this information booklet when you book, or you can email us for one in advance.

Don't worry - more than half of our photo tour guests travel solo. To help you make friends before you even leave and to be reassured and aided by the advice of your fellow-travellers (and those who have gone before you), we've created an interactive Facebook group for our CBP Voyager Club members (that's anyone who's been on, or is going on any of our tours, which also gives them 10% OFF any future tours!). You can find out who's coming from your area, perhaps even meet up beforehand or fly together. This is a great resource and we encourage you to make the most of it if you're on Facebook! Anyone can read the CBP Voyager Club Facebook page , but you can only interact once you've paid your deposit. We recommend that you book your flights and travel insurance with our dedicated, friendly travel agent Brenda as she can try and put you on the same flights and accommodations as your fellow travellers pre/post tour. Before you depart you'll be told exact details for who will be meeting you at the airport, holding what sign, and also give you contact phone numbers to call in the unlikely event that you are delayed or plans need to change. And don't worry that most accommodation is twin-share - we're good at pairing you up with a roomie who you'll get along with - it has been the start of long-term friendships for many! We can't guarantee that we'll always be able to have you sharing with someone of the same sex - it depends on the gender split, but we do our best. You can request to purchase a single supplement (a room to yourself) if you really need to (subject to availability) though keep in mind that you're usually only in your rooms to sleep as we fill your waking hours with plenty to do, and the couple of times we have had guests request rooms to themselves, they end up regretting it when they see the amazing friendships that form between the other roomies.

Of course we can - even in places like Kenya we've successfully catered for vegan, gluten-free, lactose-intolerant and vegetarian guests, and all have had a wonderful time.

Our cancelation policies are in line with other leading tourism operators, and you can read all about them here in our Booking Terms and Conditions . We are proud to employ industry best-practices such as holding your payments in a trust-fund and have been awarded the T-QUAL tick (Australian Government's national symbol of tourism quality).

The Voyager Club is our photo tour loyalty program! As our photo tours apparently can be very addictive (we've had guests come to more than half a dozen of our tours!), we created the Chris Bray Photography Voyager Club, giving repeat guests 5% OFF future tours with automatic Silver Membership , and then 10% OFF as Gold Members after their fifth tour with us.

Either click the 'Book Now' button above and fill in your details, or simply contact us and let us know which tour you're keen to join us on, and we'll send you a deposit invoice to secure your spot, along with the tour information booklet and our Booking Terms and Conditions .

Our tour starts in the early evening when we meet at the Hotel Óðinsvé in Reykjavík. After a quick photography refresher course and briefing, we’ll head out for dinner, sampling some of the fine local cuisine before setting your camera batteries on charge, formatting memory cards and getting some sleep, ready for the adventure to begin tomorrow!

After a hearty breakfast at the hotel, we’ll depart for the steaming geothermal area just outside Reykjavík in our 2 exclusive, modified 4WD vehicles. From there we’ll drive to the south of Iceland and head for the Þjórsárdalur Valley. This is an amazing landscape full of stark contrasts - flourishing birch woods, black sandy lava fields, rivers, lush vegetation, numerous springs, bizarre rock formations and home to Iceland’s second tallest waterfall ‘Háifoss’ – one of our favourite waterfalls in the world and delightfully hidden from most tourists! Tonight we stay in the Hotel Hotel Hrauneyjar .

Today we’ll be driving to Landmannalaugar – boasting the most colourful mountains in Iceland. Being a volcanic hot-spot, the landscape varies from black lava flows with red and green mountains, to orange sandy deserts and vibrant green lake-filled valleys. From here we can walk slowly (3hr return walk) to the base of the sulphur mountain – Brennisteinsalda. The name in English means: sulphur wave. This multi-coloured, 855m tall formation is a mixture of green mosses, red iron from the earth and black/ blue from the lava flows. This volcanic mountain is still visibly active, and we’ll see hot sulphur springs and vapour venting from its sides! In the late afternoon we’ll make our way to our ‘home-away-from-home’ for the next 2 nights, the family owned and run hrifunes guesthouse .

It doesn’t get any better than this! Today we’ve chartered a helicopter to come all the way from Reykjavík and land beside our Hrifunes Guesthouse to commence a series of 2hr doors-off helicopter flights to photograph the many spectacular colours, patterns, mountains, glaciers, craters, river deltas and waterfalls in the highlands of Iceland! Aerial photography is an absolute treat in Iceland and we’ve organised the best possible route with Volcano Heli! We’ll take the doors off this R44 helicopter so we can have 3 photography guests shooting at the same time, each at an open door for 2hrs. Depending on the weather, we’ll fly over the painted mountains of Landmannalaugar, the azure lakes and green moss of Veidivötn and Langisjör, the crater rim of Lakki and even one of Iceland’s icecaps! While the others are up photographing and you’re waiting, our expert photography guides will sit down with you for a private one-on-one photography session where they’ll go through some of your photos to identify areas you can improve on and provide feedback etc.

After checking out, we’ll drive east to the ice-filled Fjallsarlon Lagoon before visiting the even better Glacier Lagoon. Dozens of arctic terns will be diving for fish around the blue icebergs of all shapes and sizes moving and jostling towards the river mouth, some washing up on the beach beside us. These blue icebergs can almost appear to glow against the black sand, and we’ll have an amazing time here with longer shutter speeds etc., - a photographer’s paradise. But wait - there’s more! The highlight for the day will be travelling out to Ingólfshöfdi Cape - an isolated headland on the East coast, fronting the Atlantic Ocean. Here, thousands of seabirds, especially Atlantic Puffins, Guillemots & Great Skuas all come to nest! The only way out to this nature reserve across the tidal black sand flats is to enlist the help of the local farmer (doubling as a guide) who’ll take us on his hay cart behind his tractor! Awesome! After managing the short but steep, sandy 100m track onto the cliff top, we’ll arrive at the best vantage point to photograph the 100s if not 1000s of puffins that nest here on the various edges of the headland! Over half of the world’s population of Atlantic Puffins breed in Iceland, somewhere between 3 – 4 million pairs each year! Here we can get amazingly close to these charismatic birds (often only 3 or 4 feet away!), and at this time of year the puffins should be fishing out at sea, returning to their nests with their beaks brim-full with fish. It’ll be an absolutely amazing experience, but don’t worry if you don’t nail that perfect shot tonight, because we knew you’d all want a second try, so we’ve organised to get you back out there again very early tomorrow morning. Tonight we are staying at the nearby Fosshotel Glacier Lagoon to minimise driving and maximise sleep!

We’ll be waking up early this morning for a second attempt at the bird colony bathed in early morning light at Ingolfshofdi Cape. The farmer will again take us out on his tractor and we’ll all hopefully capture some more iconic shots of cliff-side puffins. Don’t forget to photograph the nesting Great Skuas and Guillemots too! This’ll certainly be one of the highlights and that’s why we have scheduled to do it twice! After visiting the cape we’ll return to our home away from home - the Hrifunes Guesthouse, for the next 2 nights - travelling via the Svinafell Glacier, where a short walk takes you to an amazing viewpoint over the glacier. This is the backdrop for many well-known TV and Hollywood movies like Game of Thrones, James Bond, Batman Returns, Jackie Chan etc.

Another day in landscape photography heaven: Today we’ll be travelling the Oldufell Mountain Range following alongside the Holmes River to Fjallabak Nature Reserve, where we’ll photograph a huge green pyramid mountain rising dramatically from the black lava sands. We’ll be stopping along the way to photograph Axararfoss and other secret cascading waterfalls while also stopping to photograph the brilliant green mosses and black volcanic sand dunes interwoven by azure blue streams. This really is the road less-travelled and another real highlight. Tonight is the last night at our Hrifunes Guesthouse home.

After checking out of guesthouse, we’ll start to make our way back to Reykjavík Airport (using just the one ten seater mini van and trailer). We’ll say goodbye to our local driver-guide and thank him for what has been an exceptional week exploring Iceland before our afternoon departure to Greenland! Even the flight to Greenland will leave your jaw dropping as you look outside your window as we cross Greenland’s rugged, iceberg-filled East coast and over onto its great Icecap, scattered with electric-blue glacial melt pools and streams. It’s one of the most amazing passenger flights we have ever been on. At last we’ll start our descent down into Ilulissat on the west coast in the afternoon - a classic Greenland village: Every house seemingly a different colour, all nestled in front of steep mountains with a huge glacier beside it pushing out an endless parade of icebergs which then bob theatrically past the coastline. Located 350km north of the Arctic circle, this picturesque village’s claim to fame is the UNESCO world heritage listed Ilulissat icefjord (AKA Jakobshavn Glacier) literally right beside the village. It’s the biggest glacier outside of Antarctica and also the most productive glacier in the northern hemisphere, producing the majority of Greenland’s icebergs - likely including the one which sank the Titanic. The glacier flows out at an astonishing rate - approx. 30 metres/day (one of the fastest in the world) producing around 20 billion tons of ice every year - it was also the feature of the recent ‘Chasing the Ice’ documentary. Sadly, it’s also one of the world’s fastest retreating glaciers. Once we arrive, we’ll check into our wonderful accommodation at Hotel Arctic (the world’s most northerly 4-star hotel) where you’ll be staying in their well-appointed Umiaq rooms which all feature beautiful views out over the ever-shifting mosaic of icebergs in the bay. After dinner we’ll head out on our exclusively chartered boat for a ‘midnight-sun’ cruise in and around these beautifully sculpted icebergs, glowing in the non-stop golden evening lighting - all the while keeping a look out for humpback whales too! The sun will never set, so it’ll likely be 1AM by the time we get you home, but you can enjoy a sleep in tomorrow.

After a late breakfast, our local guide will pick us up from the hotel and take us to some of the town’s most photogenic locations, like the church perched on a hill of daisies and arctic cotton blooms, overlooking a bay where huge chucks of Ice continually drift past. There’s also an excellent vantage point we’ll visit to get a view of all the colourful houses in Ilulissat. Next we’ll walk along a beautifully maintained boardwalk meandering through the UNESCO world heritage site, before a set of stairs take us to what we think is one of the most breath-taking yet accessible views of the ever changing Icefijord. After lunch we have arranged an exclusive photographic opportunity with a Greenlandic dog musher and his team of beautiful sled dogs! Ilulissat has over 2000 Greenlandic dogs (the Greenland dog is one of the oldest breeds in the world and it’s been proven that the first dog reached Greenland with the Saqqaq people 4000 years ago). The dog sled is still considered to be the safest and most secure way to travel distances around Greenland in the winter. After a great day of exploring Ilulissat, we’ll head back to Hotel Arctic for a delicious dinner. We’ll then give you time to prepare for tomorrow’s adventure to Ilimanaq!

Today we’re relocating to the remote town of Ilimanaq (population 54 people). This is not your usual transfer, though! This morning we’ll be travelling via the harbor on our private Targa. Keep an eye out for whales and stunning icebergs to photograph as we make our way towards Ilimanaq. Upon arrival we’ll enjoy lunch at Ilimanaq lodge before checking into our rooms. These brand new Eco chalets in Ilimanaq boast incredible views over the Ilulissat Icefjord. This afternoon we’ll explore the settlement of Ilimanaq on a private tour. This village, with its colourful painted homes, is incredibly unique. The people here still live a very self-sufficient, hunter-gatherer lifestyle. You’ll find an abundance of fish and skin drying racks (and even more sled dogs) to photograph, which make for some amazing images!

You’re in for another highlight today! Photographing Eqip Sermina – a calving, tidewater glacier – is a must in Greenland, so today we’ve arranged an exclusive boat tour. After breakfast at the lodge, we’ll be transported by boat along the ice-filled coast, passing Bredebugt, the settlement of Oqaatsut and the big fijord system called Pakitsoq where whales and seals often are seen. Further on we’ll pass through Ataa Stright, surrounded by steep mountains with birdlife and waterfalls. Our boat will then drift silently in front of the glacier, waiting for some ice to calve dramatically in front of us – an amazing experience. Seeing the glacier this way gives us unhurried and unparalleled access. You’re going to love it! After a full day soaking in the wonder of this amazing place, we’ll head back to the lodge in Ilimanaq, keeping our eyes out for more whales, seals and beautiful snow capped mountains as we weave through the ice-filled mouth of the Ilulissat icefjord. We’ll enjoy a wonderful dinner together at the lodge before getting some shut-eye, ready for more excitement tomorrow!

Are you ready for yet another amazing experience? This morning our chartered helicopter will arrive and land on the grassy heli pad area next to Ilimanaq’s small lake for our incredible scenic helicopter flight. This helicopter is huge with 14 seats and is used for tourism as well as rescue missions! 8 of the seats on the helicopter are window seats so you’ll all get incredible views of this amazing landscape. Once we’ve boarded the helicopter, we will have the amazing experience of flying inland towards the Jakobshavn Glacier, looking out for Musk Ox and Arctic Hare on the way! We’ll even land next to the glacier, enabling us to get out of the helicopter and take photos from this amazing (and private) vantage point. We’ll then fly back to Ilimanaq in time for one last lunch at the amazing Eco lodge, before catching our Targa transfer back to Ilulissat. Once at Ilulissat, we’ll check back into Hotel Arctic for one last night. But don’t worry - it’s not over yet! A local company owns a beautiful turf hut overlooking the Ilulissat Icefijord and will provide an amazing farewell BBQ dinner exclusively for our group as we reminisce about all the incredible experiences we’ve shared and photographed together during the last two action-packed weeks. The perfect way to end.

Well, that’s all folks – after breakfast we’ll be offering airport transfers for those heading home from Greenland, although some of you may well choose to hang around for a few more days relaxing, photoculling or exploring further afield. Thank you all very much!

IMPORTANT - Ensure you have read our Tour Booking Conditions prior to booking. A copy will be sent with your deposit invoice, and must be signed and returned to us (an emailed scan/photo of your signed copy will suffice), before we accept and confirm your booking. The document covers everything from your rights, inclusions and payment schedule, to our cancellation policy and extent of liability. A non-refundable, non-transferable € 1,000 EUR booking deposit is required to secure your place on this photo tour. Price includes all meals and accommodation. Price does not include flights from your home town to Reykjavík in Iceland, nor your flight back home from Ilulissat Greenland to allow you to stay longer in Greenland if you wanted. The tour does however include the flight from Iceland to Greenland. After you book, we will email you an extensive information document telling you everything you need to know from what camera gear to bring, currency, power plug types, etc. We do not loan out our own camera equipment for this trip. We will bring a spare camera just in case but... be prepared to be self sufficient regarding your camera gear - however we do have some gear available for hire - book ahead. CBP GOLD Voyager Club members receive 10% OFF loyalty discount. CBP SILVER Voyager Club members receive 5% OFF loyalty discount.

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Moscow and Kyiv swap prisoners of war as Ukraine marks independence anniversary

It comes as as Ukraine marks third Independence Day since Russian invasion.

KYIV, Ukraine -- Russia and Ukraine exchanged over 100 prisoners of war each on Saturday as Kyiv marked its third Independence Day since Moscow's full-scale invasion.

Ukraine said the 115 Ukrainian servicemen who were freed were conscripts, many of whom were taken prisoner in the first months of Russia’s invasion. Among them are nearly 50 soldiers captured by Russian forces from the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol .

The Russian Defense Ministry said the 115 Russian soldiers had been captured in the Kursk region, where Ukrainian forces launched their surprise offensive into Russia two weeks ago. The ministry said the soldiers were currently in Belarus, but would be taken to Russia for medical treatment and rehabilitation.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a post on X that the United Arab Emirates had again brokered the exchange, the 55th since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of its neighbor in February 2022.

Photos attached to Zelenskyy’s post show gaunt servicemen with shaven heads and wrapped in Ukrainian flags.

“We remember each and every one. We are searching and doing our best to get everyone back,” Zelenskyy said in the post.

Officials from the two sides meet only when they swap their dead and POWs, after lengthy preparation and diplomacy. Neither Ukraine nor Russia discloses how many POWs there are in total.

According to the U.N., most Ukrainian POWs suffer routine medical neglect, severe and systematic mistreatment and even torture while in detention. There have also been isolated reports of abuse of Russian soldiers, mostly during capture or transit to internment sites.

Last January, Russia and Ukraine exchanged hundreds of prisoners of war in the biggest single release.

Five people were killed and five others wounded on Saturday in Russian shelling of the center of the city of Kostiantynivka in Ukraine's partially occupied eastern Donetsk region, local officials said.

In the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson, Russian shelling killed two people and wounded four on Saturday, including a baby, officials said.

Two people were killed in a Russian drone attack, and one further person in shelling, in the northeastern Sumy region.

Ukraine’s air force said it had intercepted and destroyed seven drones over the country’s south. Russian long-range bombers also attacked the area of Zmiinyi (Snake) Island overnight with four cruise missiles, while the wider Kherson region was also struck by aerial bombs.

In Russia, the Defense Ministry said Saturday that air defenses had shot down seven drones overnight.

Five drones were downed over the southwestern Voronezh region bordering Ukraine, wounding two people, regional Gov. Aleksandr Gusev said. Ukraine’s Military Intelligence Directorate claimed to have blown up a warehouse storing 5,000 tonnes of ammunition in the region's Ostrogozhsky district. News outlet Astra published videos appearing to show explosions at the ammunition depot after being hit by a drone. The videos could not be independently verified.

Two people were wounded in a drone attack in the Belgorod region, also bordering Ukraine, regional Gov. Vyacheslav Gladkov said. Local authorities did not report any casualties in the Bryansk region, where the fifth drone was intercepted.

In the Kursk region, regional Gov. Alexei Smirnov said Saturday that three missiles were shot down overnight and another four on Saturday morning.

Russian air defenses shot down two more drones on Saturday morning, Russia’s Defense Ministry said — one over the Kursk region and one over the Bryansk region.

Ukraine marked its 33rd Independence Day Saturday as its war against Russia’s aggression reaches a 30-month milestone. No festivities are planned and instead Ukrainians will mark the day with commemorations for civilians and soldiers killed in the war.

Speaking at a ceremony marking the anniversary, Zelenskyy announced on Saturday that Ukraine has successfully used a new domestically produced drone for the first time against Russian forces.

“Today, we had the first and successful combat use of our new weapon — a completely new class of weapon, the Ukrainian missile drone ‘Palyanitsa,’” Zelenskyy said.

He did not give further details, but added that “the enemy was struck,” and thanked the developers and manufacturers.

Zelenskyy also said that Ukraine's offensive in the Kursk region was a “preventive strike” that made it possible to avoid encirclement of part of Ukraine's Sumy region.

Polish President Andrzej Duda arrived in Kyiv by train early Saturday in a symbolic show of support from one of Ukraine’s key allies.

Videos posted by his office showed him being greeted by Ukrainian officials and later paying his respects in a ceremony at the Wall of Remembrance of the Fallen for Ukraine.

Duda’s visit to Kyiv, his fifth since February 2022, sends a message that Warsaw’s support for Ukraine remains strong as the war drags on for the third year.

Poland, located to Ukraine’s west, has donated arms and become a hub for Western weapons destined for Ukraine. It has also welcomed tens of thousands of Ukrainians who fled the war. It hosts the most Ukrainian refugees outside of the country after Germany.

A trade dispute over Ukrainian grain that dragged down ties last year, and historical grievances between the two countries, sometime provoke bad feelings, particularly among Poles who remember a World War II-era massacre by Ukrainian nationalists.

Morton reported from London. Associated Press writer Ahmad El-Katib in Beirut contributed to this report.

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Ukraine threatens attacks on Moscow and St. Petersburg to push Russia to negotiate - The Guardian

U kraine wants Western approval to use long-range Storm Shadow missiles to target objectives deep within Russia to pressure Moscow into negotiating a ceasefire, according to The Guardian.

According to The Guardian, Ukrainian officials are contemplating the use of Anglo-French Storm Shadow missiles in a demonstration attack to illustrate to the Kremlin that military targets near the Russian capital could be vulnerable to direct hits.

A senior Ukrainian official suggested that Russia might only consider negotiating if it perceives a credible threat to Moscow and Saint Petersburg. However, this strategy involves high risk and is not currently supported by the United States.

"Ukraine has been lobbying for months to be allowed to use Storm Shadow against targets inside Russia, but with little success. Nevertheless, as its army struggles on the eastern front, there is a growing belief that its best hope lies in counter-attack," The Guardian reports.

The Guardian recalls President Zelenskyy’s Independence Day speech in which he promised retaliation against the aggressor state for missile attacks on civilian areas.

"Our enemy will also know what the Ukrainian retaliation means,” the president said. “Worthy, symmetrical and long-range. They will know that, sooner or later, a Ukrainian response will reach any point in the Russian Federation that is a source of danger to the life of our state and our people," President Zelenskyy said.

According to The Guardian, Kyiv believes that demonstrating the Ukrainian military's capability to strike deep into Russia might prompt the Kremlin to reassess its strategy.

"Storm Shadow missiles were developed primarily by an Anglo-French collaboration and are made by European joint venture MBDA, which also has an Italian partner. But because some of its components are supplied by the US, the White House also has to agree to its use inside Russia. It has so far refused to do so, fearing an escalation of the conflict," The Guardian writes.

American officials told Politico that they believe Storm Shadow missiles and other long-range systems might lack precision over extended distances. They noted that Russian fighters, which have launched glide bombs into front-line areas of Ukraine, were mostly stationed outside the missile's range as a precaution.

"Although it can be argued that the drone attacks are a substitute, one strand of thinking in Kyiv is that by showing Russia it can strike deep inside the country with missiles, it could prompt a reassessment in the Kremlin. However, few believe President Vladimir Putin is interested in calling a halt," The Guardian notes.

The Guardian also reminds us that Ukraine has received the export version of Storm Shadow missiles from the UK and France, known in France as SCALP. These missiles have a range of about 190 miles (approximately 305 km), while both the UK and France possess domestic versions with double the range.

Moscow is located approximately 300 miles (about 482 km) from Ukraine’s northern border.

Permission to strike Russia with Western weapons

Politico notes that the US is reluctant to jeopardize its security for Ukraine. Granting permission for Ukrainian forces to strike deep into Russia could undermine any potential reset in relations between Washington and Moscow.

Earlier, the Pentagon stated that Ukraine has the right to strike Russian territory but only in specific border areas being shelled by Russians and within a limited distance.

For the past month, the US has not allowed Ukrainian forces to use Storm Shadow missiles against Russian territory.

For insights into what to expect from the Ukrainian counteroffensive in the Kursk region and its potential impact on the war, see the RBC-Ukraine article.

Photo: Storm Shadow long-range cruise missile (Getty Images)

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River Cruise on Luxurious Radisson Boat

Equipped with ice-breaking technology, these huge fancy yachts are the only river cruisers running all year around. The round trip journey takes two and a half hours and floats past all the big sights like the White House, Novodevichy monastery and the Kremlin. There’s a large open air observation deck up top, while the main body of the ship houses a restaurant with a dance floor for a romantic post dinner dance. For a particularly romantic experience take one of the evening boats and admire the bright lights of the city skyline at night.

The most relaxing and picturesque tour that Moscow can offer: a great way to see the city center and its main attractions. This is a perfect alternative to exploring the city by car, if you only have time to do sightseeing during weekday rush hours.

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The cost of an excursion with a personal guide for 1 person

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Government Headquarters ("the White House")

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Monument to Peter I

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Moscow Kremlin

St.Basil's Cathedral

Novospassky Monastery

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Moscow, Kyiv swap prisoners of war as Ukraine marks independence anniversary

photography cruise greenland

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russia and Ukraine exchanged over 100 prisoners of war each on Saturday as Kyiv marked its third Independence Day since Moscow's full-scale invasion.

Ukraine said the 115 Ukrainian servicemen who were freed were conscripts, many of whom were taken prisoner in the first months of Russia’s invasion. Among them are nearly 50 soldiers captured by Russian forces from the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol .

The Russian Defense Ministry said the 115 Russian soldiers had been captured in the Kursk region, where Ukrainian forces launched their surprise offensive into Russia two weeks ago. The ministry said the soldiers were currently in Belarus, but would be taken to Russia for medical treatment and rehabilitation.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a post on X that the United Arab Emirates had again brokered the exchange, the 55th since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of its neighbor in February 2022.

Photos attached to Zelenskyy’s post show gaunt servicemen with shaven heads and wrapped in Ukrainian flags.

“We remember each and every one. We are searching and doing our best to get everyone back,” Zelenskyy said in the post.

Officials from the two sides meet only when they swap their dead and POWs, after lengthy preparation and diplomacy. Neither Ukraine nor Russia discloses how many POWs there are in total.

According to the U.N., most Ukrainian POWs suffer routine medical neglect, severe and systematic mistreatment and even torture while in detention. There have also been isolated reports of abuse of Russian soldiers, mostly during capture or transit to internment sites.

Last January, Russia and Ukraine exchanged hundreds of prisoners of war in the biggest single release.

Drone and artillery attacks continue

Five people were killed and five others wounded on Saturday in Russian shelling of the center of the city of Kostiantynivka in Ukraine's partially occupied eastern Donetsk region, local officials said.

In the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson, Russian shelling killed two people and wounded four on Saturday, including a baby, officials said.

Two people were killed in a Russian drone attack, and one further person in shelling, in the northeastern Sumy region.

Ukraine’s air force said it had intercepted and destroyed seven drones over the country’s south. Russian long-range bombers also attacked the area of Zmiinyi (Snake) Island overnight with four cruise missiles, while the wider Kherson region was also struck by aerial bombs.

In Russia, the Defense Ministry said Saturday that air defenses had shot down seven drones overnight.

Five drones were downed over the southwestern Voronezh region bordering Ukraine, wounding two people, regional Gov. Aleksandr Gusev said. Ukraine’s Military Intelligence Directorate claimed to have blown up a warehouse storing 5,000 tonnes of ammunition in the region's Ostrogozhsky district. News outlet Astra published videos appearing to show explosions at the ammunition depot after being hit by a drone. The videos could not be independently verified.

Two people were wounded in a drone attack in the Belgorod region, also bordering Ukraine, regional Gov. Vyacheslav Gladkov said. Local authorities did not report any casualties in the Bryansk region, where the fifth drone was intercepted.

In the Kursk region, regional Gov. Alexei Smirnov said Saturday that three missiles were shot down overnight and another four on Saturday morning.

Russian air defenses shot down two more drones on Saturday morning, Russia’s Defense Ministry said — one over the Kursk region and one over the Bryansk region.

Independence Day commemorations

Ukraine marked its 33rd Independence Day Saturday as its war against Russia’s aggression reaches a 30-month milestone. No festivities are planned and instead Ukrainians will mark the day with commemorations for civilians and soldiers killed in the war.

Speaking at a ceremony marking the anniversary, Zelenskyy announced on Saturday that Ukraine has successfully used a new domestically produced drone for the first time against Russian forces.

“Today, we had the first and successful combat use of our new weapon — a completely new class of weapon, the Ukrainian missile drone ‘Palyanitsa,’” Zelenskyy said.

He did not give further details, but added that “the enemy was struck,” and thanked the developers and manufacturers.

Zelenskyy also said that Ukraine's offensive in the Kursk region was a “preventive strike” that made it possible to avoid encirclement of part of Ukraine's Sumy region.

Poland's president joins the commemorations in Kyiv

Polish President Andrzej Duda arrived in Kyiv by train early Saturday in a symbolic show of support from one of Ukraine’s key allies.

Videos posted by his office showed him being greeted by Ukrainian officials and later paying his respects in a ceremony at the Wall of Remembrance of the Fallen for Ukraine.

Duda’s visit to Kyiv, his fifth since February 2022, sends a message that Warsaw’s support for Ukraine remains strong as the war drags on for the third year.

Poland, located to Ukraine’s west, has donated arms and become a hub for Western weapons destined for Ukraine. It has also welcomed tens of thousands of Ukrainians who fled the war. It hosts the most Ukrainian refugees outside of the country after Germany.

A trade dispute over Ukrainian grain that dragged down ties last year, and historical grievances between the two countries, sometime provoke bad feelings, particularly among Poles who remember a World War II-era massacre by Ukrainian nationalists.

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  24. Moscow and Kyiv swap prisoners of war as Ukraine marks independence

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    River Cruise on Luxurios Radisson Ship with a guided excursion: time to relax and soak in the gorgeous Moscow landscape. Our guide will accompany you and reveal the details behind the structures on the river banks around you.

  26. Ukraine launches 45 drones targeting Russia; mayor says 'largest' drone

    File Photo by Alexei Druzhinin/Ria Novosti/Kremlin Pool/EPA-EFE ... the Ukraine Air Force saying its air defenses had shot down 50 of 69 the "Shahed" Iranian-type drones and one Kh-59/69 cruise ...

  27. Moscow, Kyiv swap prisoners of war as Ukraine marks independence

    KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russia and Ukraine exchanged over 100 prisoners of war each on Saturday as Kyiv marked its third Independence Day since Moscow's full-scale invasion. Ukraine said the 115 ...