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Runway Excursions

What is a runway excursion.

A runway excursion ( RE ) is a veer off or overrun from the runway surface ( ICAO ). These surface events occur while an aircraft is taking off or landing, and involve many factors ranging from unstable approaches to the condition of the runway. It is important that all parties involved (Pilots, Air Traffic Controllers, Airport Authorities, etc.) work together to mitigate the hazards that result in an RE . The FAA Runway Safety program is committed to reducing RE risk through analysis, awareness, and action.

The following web sites provide useful information and help provide a foundation to understanding REs and the factors that contribute to them.

  • Skybrary - Runway Excursion
  • Flight Safety Foundation – Reducing the Risk of Runway Excursions

Simple Flying

Why runway excursions happen & how they can be prevented.


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Runway excursion -related accidents and incidents are more common than we usually think. The 2021 ICAO safety report shows that in the year 2020, nine accidents occurred due to runway excursions accounting for 24 fatalities, 77 serious injuries, six cases of substantial damage to the aircraft, including a total of 3 hull losses. The recent Korean air incident adds to this.

What is a runway excursion?

A runway excursion involves an aircraft departing the end or the side of the runway surface. They can occur during both takeoffs and landings.

There are two main types of runway excursions. They are:

  • Veer-Off: A runway excursion in which an aircraft departs the side of the runway.
  • Overrun: A runway excursion in which an aircraft departs the end of the runway.

What factors lead to runway excursions?

During takeoffs.

Several factors lead to runway excursions during takeoffs. One of the most common factors that are found in many takeoff-related excursions is the use of incorrect takeoff performance.

When pilots underestimate the weight of the aircraft at takeoff, it gives pilots the option to take off from a runway intersection point without using the whole runway (the lighter the aircraft, the less runway that is required for a takeoff). This saves time as the pilots are not required to enter and backtrack the runway for the departure lineup.

As taking off from an intersection point reduces the total runway length, when weight is underestimated, the aircraft may run out of runway during the takeoff. This was allegedly what happened to Globus Airlines Boeing 737, which suffered from a near-runway excursion event in Moscow back in 2019.

The other factor involves pilots trying to stop the aircraft after the decision speed. Beyond this speed, the aircraft may fail to stop even with full braking. This happens most of the time due to poor decision-making, whereby pilots try to stop the aircraft when a failure occurs after reaching V1 speed.

The final factor is the most important, and this happens to very experienced pilots well. It involves an aircraft suffering from an engine failure right at the start of the takeoff where the rudder control is not effective enough to control the aircraft. The result is the thrust produced by the live engine causing the aircraft to veer off the runway. Practice and proper technique could prevent this from happening.

During landings

Runway excursions during landings occur not only due to pilot error. Environmental factors, runway conditions, etc., play a major role as well.

A lot of runway excursion-related accidents and incidents during landing are a result of pilots making unstabilized approaches. The inability to maintain a stable approach where the aircraft is at the correct speed, correct glide, correct heading, vertical path, etc., could lead to a runway overrun. Being too fast on the approach puts the aircraft in a high-energy state, which requires the pilots to use heavy braking . This braking might not be enough, causing the aircraft to depart the runway after touching down.

Excessive floatation over the runway can also cause a runway excursion. This often happens in an otherwise stable approach. The pilot maintains the aircraft perfectly stable during the approach but, in the end, due to his or her poor technique and, at times, due to poor judgment, the aircraft is inadvertently put in a float where it fails to touch down within the proper touch-down zone of the runway. When the touchdown eventually occurs, it may occur so far beyond the threshold that there simply is not enough room to decelerate the aircraft, leading to a runway excursion.

The common pilot errors found in such incidents and accidents include holding off the aircraft for a smoother touch down and late idling of the engine thrust.

Landing the aircraft in strong tailwinds can also cause a runway overrun. Airplanes are generally certified to a maximum landing tailwind component. When this limitation is exceeded, there is an increased chance of a runway excursion.

A lot of runway excursions also occur when pilots use the wrong runway conditions to calculate the landing performance. For instance, if the pilots calculate landing speeds and distance for a dry runway when it is wet , there is a chance of the aircraft not being able to stop in time.

In crosswind conditions, improper pilot actions could veer the aircraft off the runway. When in crosswinds, the aircraft nose is pointed to the direction of the wind while it tracks the runway center line. This is called a crab condition. Before the touchdown, the pilots kick out the crab by applying the rudder to align the aircraft to the runway centerline and, at the same time, bank the aircraft into the wind to prevent drift.

If the crab is kicked out too quickly, the aircraft may drift, and the aircraft may veer off the runway.

Research shows that the majority of the excursions are not caused by one single factor. It is usually a combination of many factors. For example, making an unstabilized approach to a wet runway in strong crosswinds puts the aircraft at a higher risk of a possible runway overrun or veer-off event.

How to prevent runway excursions

For both takeoffs and landings, nothing beats following proper procedures.

To prevent incorrect takeoff performance from being entered into the flight management system, the pilots should independently calculate the performance and do a comparison of each others' data. This prevents human error.

The pilots should never try to stop the aircraft after the decision speed V1, as this could easily lead to a runway excursion. The decision speed, V1, is to be always respected. If a failure occurs beyond V1, the pilots should get in the air and try to solve the problem in flight.

If an engine failure were to occur at a low speed, the pilots should idle the engine thrust immediately and use differential braking and small tiller movements to keep the aircraft on the runway. This should prevent a runway veer-off.

For landings, the pilots should always aim to make stable approaches. Trying to go for extra smooth touchdowns should be avoided, as this wastes the available runway distance. Any time, the approach gets unstable, or if the safety of the landing is jeopardized, a go-around must be initiated.

There is also nothing wrong with being a little conservative when calculating runway performance. If there are any doubts over the conditions of the runway (such as the braking action), the worst possible conditions should be used. This way, even if the runway conditions are better than the calculated ones, there would be no issues as this would only reduce the actual distances required.

What is the industry doing to prevent runway excursions?

Training is a key part of preventing runway excursions. Thus, pilot training has improved over the years to train the pilots to follow the standard operating procedures and teach them the importance of those procedures.

The training syllabuses have improved to include simulator takeoff and landing scenarios in the wet and contaminated runway to show the pilot the behavior of the aircraft in such conditions and how to react to them.

The Runway Overrun and Protection System (ROPS) by Airbus is an initiative to improve pilot awareness during landings. The system is a part of the aircraft avionics that uses the airport database in the aircraft Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS) to find the landing runway. This data is then used by the system to calculate an estimated landing distance that is required based on aircraft weight and prevailing weather conditions.

If the system finds that the runway is too short, it gives an aural and visual warning to the pilot to go around. Once the aircraft touches down, it transitions to the ground phase and again calculates the remaining runway distance. If the system feels that the runway is coming to an end, it can give callouts such as “MAX BRAKING” and “MAX REVERSE” if they are not already in use.

Ever been on board during a runway excursion? Let us know about your experience in the comments.

  • runway excursion

runway excursion presentation

​Global Runway Safety Action Plan   //

runway excursion presentation

The Global Runway Safety Action Plan, which was launched at the  Second Global Runway Safety Symposium , provides recommended actions for all runway safety stakeholders, with the aim of reducing the global rate of runway excursions and runway incursions. The Global Runway Safety Action Plan was developed in collaboration with the Runway Safety Programme Partners and is linked to the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan. The Second Edition of the Global Runway Safety Action Plan, was released in February 2024.

runway excursion presentation


Pilot’s Best Practices for the Prevention of Runway Excursions

Runway excursions pose one of the highest risks to commercial aviation.

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Runway excursions pose one of the highest risks to commercial aviation. Despite a decline of overall accident rates, the rate and number of runway excursions worldwide remained steady in the last decade. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) reported that between 2005 and the first half of 2019, 23 percent (283) of accidents in IATA’s global accident database involved a runway excursion. This was the most frequent end state. 

Managing the runway excursion risk is one of the best examples of how different aviation segments cannot achieve success alone. Runway excursion risk and resilience management rely on a system of tightly coupled factors for success. That system depends on a joint and coordinated effort of all the aviation players. The jointly owned risk requires joint solutions. This is why the industry came together, within a dedicated working group, to discuss and agree on the most important actions to address the runway excursion risk. The result is a list of recommendations and guidance material that represent the industry consensus on the best practices and intervention beyond simple regulatory compliance – the Global Action Plan on the Prevention of Runway Excursions (GAPPRE) .

Subject matter experts of the European Cockpit Association participated in the development of the GAPPRE which addresses organisations such as aerodrome operators, air navigation service providers, aircraft operators or manufacturers. From a pilot’s perspective, the recommendations and guidance material for aircraft operators should further improve procedures and investments in safety enhancing technologies. However, many best practices are generic enough to be already applied by flight crew even before specific operator guidance has been implemented. Therefore, this best practices document intends to enable flight crew’s contribution in the combined efforts to reduce runway excursion risks. 

As the GAPPRE aircraft operator’s guidance material comprises 60 pages alone, the following summarises all GAPPRE recommendations and guidance, which can be implemented by flight crew in their daily routines.

Caution : In case of a conflicting SOP or operating manual provision, flight crew should not apply a respective recommendation or guidance. Operator documentation remains primarily binding!

General Considerations

Within the scope of threat and error management (TEM) , flight crew should aim to gain complete awareness of threats to their operation. This avoids surprises, creates a common perspective of all crew members and allows to prepare alternatives. Be aware of and brief factors including psychological pressures (efficiency, punctuality, profitability) and physiological influences (tiredness, fatigue, dietary deficiencies). Flight crew should always apply risk-averse decision-making! This means to always plan and act defensively (conservatively), e.g. in departure or approach planning, even if this leads to delay. GAPPRE 2.2

Flight crew should report any SOP or operational pressure which contradict risk-averse decisions to their flight safety department. GAPPRE 4.1

Commanders should encourage and accept the pilot monitoring (PM) duties of the first officer and all qualified crew members on the flight deck. These involve speaking up and intervening in the commander’s aircraft handling and safety relevant decision-making at any time. GAPPRE 4.5

Flight crew should ask for opportunities to train demanding and complex take-off and landing situations in simulator training, e.g. gusty crosswind, contaminated or slippery runways, poor visibility etc. This allows to practice TEM regarding runway excursion prevention as well as the handling of such challenges. GAPPRE 2.3

Instructors should be role models in terms of defensive decision-making and creating an atmosphere which fosters PM’s assertiveness. They should create situations in simulators which require flight crew to react to changing environmental situations and to practice intervention techniques. GAPPRE 4.1

Flight crew should not accept Air Traffic Control (ATC) procedures and clearances which have the potential to decrease safety margins to an unacceptable level, increasing the risk of runway excursions. This could include factors such as the following: GAPPRE 2.4

-    Requests for immediate/rolling take-off or to expedite vacating the runway -    A late runway change, on both take-off or landing -    A late descent clearance, a tight base-turn or an instruction to keep the speed up -    Late handing over from approach to tower GAPPRE 2.4

Pilots should report any such risks or hazardous situation, as well as any experiences which could have resulted in an unstable approach or runway excursion and how this was successfully avoided, to their safety departments. Such reports allow flight safety departments to analyse trends, exchange information and discuss areas of improvement with other stakeholders, e.g. ATC. It is important to always have in mind that ATC is responsible for the safe and orderly flow of traffic, but flight crew are ultimately responsible for the safe operation of their aircraft. GAPPRE 2.1

Flight crew should not conduct take-off or approach following any runway change until the appropriate set-up, planning, performance calculations (for multi-pilot operations this includes independent calculations and cross-checks by at least two pilots) and re-briefings are completed. Runway-excursion related TEM should be addressed in the briefing every time a runway change is expected, probable or actually occurs. The following universal checklist for (late) changes may serve as a supportive tool for pilots in such situations: GAPPRE 2.5

  (Late) Change - Checklist


Flight crew should request a more favourable runway for take-off or landing for any reason, that may affect the safety of the flight and advise ATC accordingly. Safety considerations which might reduce safety margins for flight crew’s departure or arrival procedures may include, amongst others:

-    Wind considerations, e.g. tailwind, crosswind or known turbulence -    Reduced visibility through rain shower, fog or sun blinding -    Runway condition status, e.g. during winter operation necessitating snow removal -    Available type of approach -    Engine-out or go-around climb considerations GAPPRE 2.6

Pilots should always feel free to reduce cross- and tail wind limitations based on the actual situation, e.g. weather, runway conditions, flight crew member’s state of alertness or experience. Manufacturer’s wind speed limits are demonstrated values flown by experienced test pilots and not to be regarded as normative goals. Equally, company limitations cannot always be achieved under certain local conditions or an individual’s abilities and experiences. The safest course of action should always be followed instead of pushing for published limits. GAPPRE 2.7

Flight crew should be aware of and brief the availability and utilisation of aircraft arresting systems such as engineered materials arresting systems (EMAS) . Such areas should only be used in abnormal situations to safely slow down the aircraft, e.g. when a runway overrun is inevitable. However, it may not be used during routine operation, e.g. for take-off, as an additional stopway or any taxi manoeuvre. GAPPRE 2.3  Case-Study

Take-off Performance Calculations

Pilots should report any wrong calculations, potentials for erroneous data insertions or ambiguous presentations related to performance calculation programs/tables to allow for a continuous improvement of applications and procedures. GAPPRE 3.1 Case Study

To allow flight crew to perform an effective briefing and conduct TEM, they should calculate preliminary take-off performance data based on expected values before the briefing. If such preliminary data is already inserted, cues should be used to remind flight crew that this is not the correct result of the final calculation. GAPPRE 3.1

Flight crew should ensure not being disturbed while performing load sheet crosschecks, performance calculations, data insertions or briefings. Allocate sufficient time and do not rush these tasks, even if this leads to delay. GAPPRE 3.1

All relevant information on the final load and trim sheet, plausibility of this data as well as the correct insertion in flight management systems (FMS) should be checked by all flight crew members in the cockpit. Data insertion should be done in a concerted manner as given per SOP, e.g. one pilot states the value and the other one enters it into the FMS. GAPPRE 3.1

Before doors closure pilots should always verify the correct final load numbers (passenger, baggage or cargo) and its agreed distribution with the responsible ground staff. GAPPRE 3.1

If possible, performance calculations should be performed individually by each crew member and crosschecked prior insertion. Suitable crosschecks with values calculated by independent sources should be performed (e.g. characteristic speeds such as the minimum clean speed calculated by the FMS versus the performance calculation tool). Additional references are provided in the IATA FMS Data Entry Error Prevention Best Practices . GAPPRE 3.1

Flight crew should have a comprehensive knowledge of the safety factors used and assumptions made by performance calculation programs/tables. They should always make conservative calculations based on their experience and local knowledge:

-    In headwind situations, flight crew may consider performance calculations based on zero wind -    In calm or variable wind situations, flight crew may use a minimum of 5 kts tailwind for their calculations -    If a variable range of wind direction is given (e.g. 330/5 300V360), flight crew should use the least favourable value for the given runway direction (for runway 28 => 360/5) -    In tail wind situations, flight crew should consider effects causing increasing tail winds (e.g. by incoming weather or land/sea wind effects) and keep in mind the maximum tailwind limits GAPPRE 2.12

Gross weight and temperature values used for calculation should reflect actual or realistic numbers at the time of break-release (e.g. actual take-off weight higher than load-sheet value due to short taxi-out. GAPPRE 2.12

When approaching the runway for take-off or nearing the final approach, flight crew should mention any relevant changes in the actual versus planned environmental conditions and consider if a recalculation is required. GAPPRE 2.12

Flight crew should include TEM principles in their departure briefing. The expected departure runway and a possible take-off intersection should be anticipated, briefed and calculated according to the most recent information available. The following checklist may help to identify threats affecting a flight. GAPPRE 2.2

Departure Threat/Hazard Awareness Checklist


Once the taxi clearance is received, the take-off position provided by ATC should be compared with the position used for calculation. Confirm that environmental conditions still reflect the calculated values (e.g. runway surface condition, wind or anti-ice requirements). GAPPRE 3.3

When approaching the take-off position, flight crew should always search for visual cues to verify (and possibly call out) that it matches the intended and cleared runway including correct intersection if applicable. Make sure to apply the line-up procedure (e.g. 90 degree) used during performance calculations. GAPPRE 3.3 Case Study

Flight crew should only report ready for departure, when all required tasks have been accomplished and the cabin crew report was received. GAPPRE 3.3

Prior line-up, ATC should be informed of any requirements influencing the time spent on the runway to allow for appropriate traffic spacing and avoiding any pressure. This may include scanning the departure sector for weather or traffic, required engine run-up or other reasons as deemed necessary by the flight crew. GAPPRE 3.3

Extra caution and situational awareness are required during long backtracks. Such situations are connected with time pressure due to incoming traffic and can pose additional threats, e.g. forgetting procedural items due to distraction or even missing turning bays or the runway beginning. Backtracks should be prepared with TEM principles during briefing. GAPPRE 3.3

Especially during cross-wind take-offs on slippery runways, a smooth symmetrical thrust application is important. Both engines should be allowed to spool up evenly before applying full take-off thrust. In line with SOPs, it may be advisable to conduct a rolling take-off procedure to avoid engine surge in certain crosswind or tail wind conditions. GAPPRE 3.2   Close attention is essential during transfer of control, especially during rolling take-offs. If one engine fails at take-off thrust with a low aircraft speed, the rudder has no effectiveness to counteract the huge jawing moments. In such situation, the thrust immediately needs to be retarded to idle. GAPPRE 3.2

Forward pressure on the elevator control might be recommended on some aircraft types to increase nosewheel steering effectiveness. GAPPRE 2.8

During take-off roll, whenever doubts arise about the validity of the inserted take-off parameters, the take-off should be rejected or full thrust applied depending on the take-off roll’s progress. GAPPRE 3.2 Case Study

Landing Performance Calculations

Flight crew should verify in the preplanning stage that the dispatch landing performance calculations used realistic but conservative values, even at the price of reducing traffic loads. GAPPRE 4.1

Landing performance calculations should be performed during the approach preparation prior top of descent. Nevertheless, whenever more recent information with deteriorating conditions become available, calculations have to be updated accordingly. GAPPRE 4.2

-    In headwind situations, flight crew may consider performance calculations based on zero wind -    In calm or variable wind situations, flight crew may use a minimum of 5 kts tailwind for their calculations -    If a variable range of wind direction is given (e.g. 330/5 300V360), flight crew should use the least favourable value for the given runway direction (for runway 28 => 360/5) -    In tail wind situations, flight crew should consider effects causing increasing tail winds (e.g. by incoming weather or land/sea wind effects) and keep in mind the maximum tailwind limits -    Anticipate weather changes and associated runway surface conditions upon landing -    Use a conservative landing weight and recalculate, if necessary, when changes occur, e.g. due to shortcuts on approach GAPPRE 2.12/4.2

Using "canned decisions": calculating with deteriorating conditions to obtain limiting factors, until which a landing can be performed safely, e.g. maximum tailwind or a minimum runway condition code (RWYCC). GAPPRE 4.2

Go-around considerations should be included in performance calculations (e.g. engine out climb gradient) GAPPRE 4.2

As runway performance decreases, so do margins calculated by programs/tables. Flight crew should be aware that calculations do not always have precise input values. This necessitates to calculate and act accordingly. GAPPRE 4.2

To reduce landing pressures and extend options, flight crew should consider possible threats at destination in their fuel planning and carry extra fuel accordingly. These include, but are not limited to performance limited runways, unfavourable weather, no available 3D approaches, unreliable ATC, known tailwind ops or frequent runway changes. GAPPRE 4.1

The same thorough TEM preparation should always be performed, even when flying to an airfield frequently visited. Human factors and available type of approaches need to be considered. Flight crew should specifically prepare for 2D approaches and be aware that they are non-standard. The following graphic may help to identify threats affecting a flight: GAPPRE 4.1

Example of a safe arrival planning based on medium to large turbofan aircraft (e.g. A320/B737), adaptions for different aircraft types may be needed


Approach briefings should be finished before top of descent, whenever feasible. On very short flights, it might be useful to already complete parts of the approach briefing on the ground. Approaches should be delayed if not being fully prepared. Approach preparations should include the following:

-    A thorough threat analysis  -    Separate performance calculations using the latest available data -    A safe descent planning and briefing of the arrival procedure -    Type of approach, flying strategy and go-around -    Canned decisions for marginal conditions -    Latest touchdown position and deceleration strategy (e.g. autobrake setting) -    Intended runway exit including corresponding speed, any handover of controls if required and expected taxi-route GAPPRE 4.1

Flight crew should always choose the type of approach and landing runway which provide the highest level of safety and operational assurances. The flight crew’s status in relation to fitness, proficiency, airport and aircraft/variant familiarity as well as the individual work atmosphere in the cockpit should be considered. 3D approaches should be preferred over 2D approaches. Automation and workload should be managed based on any given situation. There are situations to practice manual flight and times when it is advisable to use maximum automation. GAPPRE 4.3

Flight crew should not conduct auto-land approach manoeuvres at airports when low visibility procedures (LVP) are not in force, unless:

-    the Instrument Landing System (ILS) critical and sensitive areas are protected, ATC has been informed and reassurance of ILS sensitive area protection has been received or -    specific precautions have been taken and risk analysis has been performed by the airline or  -    the aircraft is demonstrated as robust to non-protection of ILS sensitive area. GAPPRE 4.4   Case Study Auto-land approaches and associated procedures should be thoroughly briefed. Pilots need to be ready to react to unexpected influences causing unsatisfactory aircraft behaviour, e.g. beam disruptions. GAPPRE 4.4

Successful approaches are a collaborative effort between the pilot flying (PF), PM and ATC. Flight crew can achieve stable approaches by applying a conservative strategy in their energy management. This may include considering expected a lower descent speed, less headwind or tailwind at lower levels or anticipating anti-ice selection. Flying high speed below 10.000ft should not be planned. GAPPRE 4.1/4.5

Any qualified flight crew member on the flight deck should be allowed to address concerns and call for a go-around irrespective of rank or experience. The role of the PM (and supernumerary crew members) is crucial as the PF may become task-saturated or target-fixated more easily. GAPPRE 4.1/4.5

The PM should intervene early enough in the descend before an unstabilised situation arises. Soft intervention techniques such as the following may be used: GAPPRE 4.5


The later in the approach, the more direct interventions must be used. Towards ATC: “Unable” and towards the other crew member: “I feel uncomfortable/concerned”. Whenever hard interventions are required, the published callouts must be used such as “Speed”, “Glideslope”, etc. and ultimately “Go-around” or “I have control”. GAPPRE 4.5

A go-around is always the favoured option instead of taking over control (e.g. by the pilot-in-command) to force a landing. GAPPRE 2.8 Case Study

Go-around execution should neither be delayed nor discussed and any go-around should be applied immediately. Once initiated, a go-around must be completed! GAPPRE 4.6

A go-around should always be considered before starting a approach, e.g. if weather permits the standard missed approach routing. No approach should be started without a valid go-around strategy. GAPPRE 4.1

Flight crew should brief and be mentally prepared for a go-around at every stage of the approach, especially in situations which are less often trained, e.g. when still being above the published go-around altitude or in case of a balked landing. GAPPRE 4.6

No change of plan below the stabilization height, e.g. deciding on a different final flap setting or conducting abnormal procedures. Approaches have to be stable until touchdown within the touchdown zone. A go-around is always possible (until selection of reverse thrust) and required whenever the approach or landing becomes unstable, meteorological conditions are out of limits, failures occur, ATC instructs a go-around, any crew-member feels uncomfortable or the landing becomes too long. GAPPRE 4.6 Case Study

When expecting challenging environmental conditions (e.g. cross- or gusting winds, rain showers or low ceiling), a stabilised landing configuration should be established early to be able to monitor environmental changes and concentrate on tracking. It is recommended to disconnect the autopilot early enough to achieve a good sensation of the present conditions prior landing. GAPPRE 2.8

Landings following an unstable approach or a long landing beyond the touchdown zone should be reported to be analysed under just culture principles to learn from such events. GAPPRE 4.5

Flight crew should be aware of the runway length, associated touchdown zone and available margin beyond the calculated landing distance required. Margins of less than 400m may not allow using the full touchdown zone during flare. For instance, the touchdown zones of runways with a length of 2.400m or more, are 900m long. However, landing calculations assume a touchdown at approximately 500m (depending on ground speed during approach). Consequently, whenever the required landing distance results in less than 400m margin, the flight crew must be aware not to use the full touchdown zone anymore but abort a long flare sooner and go-around. This point is called touchdown-point-limit (TPL) and should be briefed in advance. Flight crew should discuss and brief which visual cues are available to determine the TPL, e.g. on airport moving maps, satellite pictures, etc. GAPPRE 4.2 and GAPPRE 4.7 Case Study

Pilots should not intentionally land short or long (e.g. to minimise runway occupancy time) but always land within a runway’s touchdown zone, latest at the previously briefed TPL if applicable. This prevents hard landings or long flares. GAPPRE 4.7 Case Study

In case of a bounced landing, a go-around should always be the priority instead of trying a second touchdown further down the runway. This is especially valid with decreasing landing distance available. GAPPRE 4.8 Case Study   A firm touchdown is recommended, in particular on wet or contaminated runways to minimise the risk of aquaplaning. When touching down with a residual crab angle on a dry runway, the aircraft automatically realigns with the direction of travel down the runway. This does not happen on a wet or contaminated runway. GAPPRE 2.8

When the status of a runway is uncertain or possibly slippery wet, a swift use of all deceleration means available including full reverse is important. Reversers or speed brakes should not be sowed and braking efforts maintained until a safe stop is assured. GAPPRE 4.2 Case Study

The intended use of all deceleration means should be briefed to enable the PM to thoroughly observe correct activation and to intervene if the deceleration rate is unsatisfactory. GAPPRE 4.2 Case Study

Autobrakes aim for a deceleration rate. Selecting reverse thrust on a dry runway allows to optimize wheel brake energy. On slippery runways, the target deceleration associated with the selected autobrake level may not be achievable with braking alone, which is why reverse thrust is essential for stopping the aircraft even with autobrake. GAPPRE 4.2

Landings on runways with RWYCC 2 (pilot report “Medium to Poor”, e.g. standing water or ice) or less should be treated with reluctance. If required, using full and symmetric reverse thrust is essential. GAPPRE 4.2


Pilots should be aware they may not be used to full braking or full reverse. They should plan accordingly and be prepared to ignore environmental restrictions (e.g. noise) when required for safety. GAPPRE 4.2

In the event that a lateral control problem occurs in strong crosswind landings, flight crew might have to reduce reverse thrust to reverse idle and release the brakes to correct back on the centreline. This will minimise the reverse thrust side force component and provide the total tyre cornering forces for realignment with the runway centreline. Pilots should be aware that these measures may lead to a significantly increased landing distance. GAPPRE 2.8

Whenever the PF may not exit the runway, e.g. due to lack of steering capabilities or company procedures, the timing and aircraft speed at handover of control should be agreed and briefed. The type of exit as well as the surface state of runway and taxiway should be considered. The handover of controls should preferably be accomplished in the low speed regime and when taxing straight ahead. GAPPRE 4.9


ATC               Air Traffic Control EMAS           Engineered Materials Arresting System FMS              Flight Management System ILS                Instrument Landing System PF                 Pilot Flying PM                Pilot Monitoring RWYCC         Runway Condition Code SOP              Standard Operating Procedures TEM              Threat and Error Management TPL               Touchdown-point-limit

This Best Practices document is an abstract of the Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions (May 2021), coordinated by Eurocontrol and the Flight Safety Foundation. Any recommendations and guidance should not be applied if it contradicts a flight crew’s standard operating procedure or operating manual. Operator documentation remains primarily binding.


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Runway Excursion Risk Reduction (RERR) Toolkit

The toolkit, a product of the efforts of the Runway Safety Initiative members and a joint effort of FSF and the International Air Transport Association (IATA), provides an in depth analysis of runway excursion accident data, a compilation of significant risk factors, and provides recommendations for operators, pilots, airports, Air Traffic Management, Air Traffic Controllers and regulators to assist in addressing this challenge.

After reviewing all areas of runway safety over the past 14 years, the RSI group focused on runway excursions as they discovered that 97% of runway accidents were caused by excursions. They also found that over the past 14 years, there had been almost 30 excursions per year for commercial aircraft (over 25% of all accidents). The study also noted that although the percentage of excursions that included fatalities was low, the sheer number of excursions still meant that there were a high number of fatalities. Independent of the FSF effort, IATA’s Safety Group had identified runway excursions as a significant safety challenge to address.

The final report of the Foundation’s RSI effort, titled “ Reducing the Risk of Runway Excursions ”, was released in June of 2009 and provides data on runway accidents, notes the high risk areas, and provides interventions. This report is included, along with other valuable information and presentations, in the Runway Excursion Risk Reduction Toolkit.

runway excursions

Runway Excursions

Oct 21, 2014

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Runway Excursions. Runway Excursion 2000. RSIPP. Worldwide, runway excursions are the highest single occurrence category of all accidents for commercial & general aviation operations information campaign on runway excursions in Canada Runway Safety and Incursion Prevention Panel.

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Runway Excursion 2000

RSIPP Worldwide, runway excursions are the highest single occurrence category of all accidents for commercial & general aviation operations information campaign on runway excursions in Canada Runway Safety and Incursion Prevention Panel

Canadian Business Aviation Association Canadian Owners and Pilots Association National Airlines Council of Canada NAV CANADA Transport Canada Transportation Safety Board of Canada RSIPP Background Air Canada Pilots Association Air Line Pilots Association Air Transport Association of Canada Air Traffic Specialists/ Local 2245 CAW Canadian Airports Council Canadian Air Traffic Control Association

Definition of a Runway Excursions A runway excursion occurs when an aircraft fails to confine its take off or landing to the designated runway. This may occur during the take off roll if the aircraft leaves the runway other than by becoming fully airborne or if an attempted landing is not completed within the confines of the intended runway.

Top Risk Factors • Take off Excursions • Rejected take off at a speed greater than V1, loss of pilot directional control, rejecting take off before V1 • Landing Excursions • Go around not conducted, touchdown long, landing gear malfunctions and ineffective breaking

Pieces of the puzzle • Flight operations • Air Traffic Management • Airport • Aircraft manufacturer • Regulator

Flight OperationsRisk Control Measures • Stabilized approach criteria • No fault go-around policy • Training • Decision making

Airports Risk Control Measures • Runway design, markings, condition, maintenance • Availability of RSC Reports • SNOW and ICE Plans • Defined criteria for closing a runway • Runway safety area • Aircraft Rescue & Fire-Fighting • Visual means for flight crews to determine runway distance

Air Traffic Management Risk Control Measures • Awareness of the importance of stabilized approaches • descent clearances or approach speeds • Selection of runway appropriate to wind • Accurate and timely weather reports • Accurate and timely runway surface condition reports

Transportation Safety Board of Canada High level recommendations from the TSB: • In bad weather, pilots need to receive timely information about runway surface conditions. • Airports need to lengthen the safety areas at the end of runways or install other engineered systems and structures to safely stop planes that overrun.

RSIPP Actions for RE Campaign • Create a Runway Excursion database • Continue to provide an awareness program to aviation stakeholders • Share industry best-practices to reduce the risk of Runway Excursions

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Runway. x. x. Slow Tax Engine Start with Marshallers Movement to parking area with Marshaller. x. x. x. x. x. x. Inbound Wait Here. Tent.

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Runway Safety

Runway Safety

Runway Safety. Airport Operations & Collision Avoidance. Pacific Aviation Directors Work Shop. Chris Diggons. March 14, 2012. Points of Contact. AWP Runway Safety Field Operations Program Manager (Acting) Chris Diggons [email protected] Western Service Area Runway Safety Manager

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Cycloidal Excursions

Cycloidal Excursions

Cycloidal Excursions. by Alexander Tir a nd John de St. Germain. What is the path followed by a point on a wheel as it rolls along a straight line on level ground?. Answer:. It’s a cycloid curve!.

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Airconditioned bus from and b ack to your hotel. BUS EXCURSIONS. The price is return ticket. EXCURSIONS – MONEY EXCHANGE – SAFE BOXES CAR & BIKE HIRE – APARTMENT/STUDIOS FOR RENT - INFORMATION HOTELS - FLIGHTS.

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Excursions. I max. First of all we had the bus trip. I sat next to Sam and we played games on our netbooks for most of the time. When we weren’t playing games we were looking for cool cars.

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Excursions. Canterbury. Canterbury. British Museum. Wicked. Globe Theatre. The View at the top of St Paul Cathedral. Hampton Court Palace. Hampton Court Palace. Experts’ Report. Picnic lunch on excursion days. Briefing after lunch.

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Runway Throughput

Runway Throughput

Runway Throughput . Daric Megersa SYS 461. Runway Throughput . Key Terms Maximum Throughput Capacity (MTC) Runway Occupancy time (ROT) Simultaneous Runway Occupancy(SRO) Inter_Arrival separation

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Runway Capacity

Runway Capacity

Runway Capacity. Runway Capacity. Ability to accommodate Departures Arrivals Minimize delays Computational models Minimum aircraft separation FAA Handbook. Basic Concepts. Time. δ ij. A-A δ ij (mi). v i. γ. v i. δ ij. v j. v j. Entry Gate. Basic Concepts. Time. t ij. δ d.

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Excursions. Two days. Day one Friday 25 th of june Ocean park. Depart Kowloon hotel at 10.00 AM Walk to metro(MTR) ( 1 minute walk) Take MTR – red line from TST to Admiralty and alight.

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Runway Incursions

Runway Incursions

Runway Incursions. Runway Incursions. What Airways are doing to help prevent these serious events. Presented at the NZ Airports Association Conference, Palmerston North, 15 October 2009 by John Wagtendonk, Policy and Standards, Airways New Zealand. Runway Incursions .

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EXCURSIONS. Hi!!!We are the group that did this work. The names of the components are Loretta,Imma,Riccardo and Giacomo. SIGHSEEING HOLLAND. We did four differents excursions in this days. We visited Gorinchem, Woudrichem, Leerdam and Utrecht. GORINCHEM. WE WENT TO GORINGHEM

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AIRPORT RUNWAY. Runway. Rectangular-shaped, paved surfaces on an airport, designed for the landing or takeoff of airplanes. Runways may be a man-made surface ( often asphalt concrete , or a mixture of both) or a natural surface ( grass , dirt , gravel , ice , or salt ). Runway.

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Runway Overrun

Runway Overrun

Runway Overrun. Learjet 60, N999LJ Global Exec Aviation Columbia, South Carolina September 19, 2008. History of Flight. Departure before midnight Back-taxied length of runway Captain misstated rejected takeoff (RTO) criteria Initial takeoff roll normal First officer made airspeed call

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Winery Excursions

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Winery Excursions.

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Bayahibe Excursions

Bayahibe Excursions

If you are looking for a great tour on the south coast of the Dominican Republic? Visit Saona island tours and make the tour this visit memorable and highly exciting. Saona Island is one of the best destinations for tourist. It is the largest island in the Dominican Republic. There is an option for diving and much more. There is also a resort town known as Punta Cana, which is facing the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

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Bermuda excursions

Bermuda excursions

Owned and operated by Dean Grant together with a professional experienced team, enhances your Bermuda excursions experience by offering all inclusive services for maximum enjoyment. Plan a trip with us today. For more info, visit our website

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Marrakech Excursions

Marrakech Excursions

Enjoy your excursion to Marrakech at best prices at Clickexcursions .Book your excursion experience online exclusively here!We provide fast and easy booking with best selection of excursion trips.For more details please visit our website-

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Using Data to Reduce The Risk of Runway Excursions

Using Data to Reduce The Risk of Runway Excursions

Using Data to Reduce The Risk of Runway Excursions. Jim Burin Director of Technical Programs. Participants. Airbus Embraer ACI IATA ERA Eurocontrol AAPA US NTSB AEA Honeywell ALPA. EASA CANSO IFALPA FAA/CAST LVNL Boeing DGAC France

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Marmaris Excursions

Marmaris Excursions

Book your excursions online with Marmaris Excursions World

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Rakkh Resort in Palampur although has many activities to keep you occupied within the resort, we encourage our guests to explore the beautiful destination we are in. Kangra district has a lot to offer people of all interests and inclinations. We arrange for exhilarating paragliding sessions at Bir to toy train rides Bajinath, from the meditative atmosphere of Norbulingka Institute at Dharamshala to the bohemian brotherhood of McLeod Ganj, from the tea experience of Palampur estates to the ancient rock cut temples of Masroor, and so much more, all within short driving distance to Rakkh Resort for wholesome holiday in Himachal.

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  5. What is an airplane runway excursion?

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  1. Runway Excursions

    A runway excursion ( RE) is a veer off or overrun from the runway surface ( ICAO ). These surface events occur while an aircraft is taking off or landing, and involve many factors ranging from unstable approaches to the condition of the runway. It is important that all parties involved (Pilots, Air Traffic Controllers, Airport Authorities, etc ...

  2. PDF Runway Excursion Accidents

    Runway Excursion Detailed Implementation Plan. 4 • In 2021, the Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions (GAPPRE) was published. This is a guide with over 100 recommendations for preventing runway excursions • Pilots can incorporate practices into their flying routine to prevent runway excursions, including but not limited to:

  3. PDF Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions

    global accident database involved a runway excursion. This was the most frequent end state, followed by Gear-up landing/Gear collapse (15%) and Ground Damage (12%). Managing the runway excursion risk is one of the best examples of how different aviation segments cannot do it alone. Runway excursion risk and resilience management

  4. PDF Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions

    database involved a runway excursion. This was the most frequent end state, followed by gear-up landing/gear collapse (15 percent) and ground damage (12 percent). Managing the runway excursion risk is one of the best exam-ples of how different aviation segments cannot achieve success . alone. Runway excursion risk and resilience management rely

  5. Why Runway Excursions Happen & How They Can Be Prevented

    Runway excursion -related accidents and incidents are more common than we usually think. The 2021 ICAO safety report shows that in the year 2020, nine accidents occurred due to runway excursions accounting for 24 fatalities, 77 serious injuries, six cases of substantial damage to the aircraft, including a total of 3 hull losses.

  6. PDF Reducing the Risk Runway Excursions

    417, or 97%, were runway excursions. The number of runway excursion accidents is more than 40 times the number of runway incursion accidents, and more than 100 times the number of runway confusion accidents (Table 2). Over the past 14 years, there has been an average of almost 30 runway excursion accidents per year for

  7. Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions (GAPPRE)

    Because of the complexity of the risk factors, preventing runway excursions requires coordination and commitment among numerous industry stakeholders. The Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions, or GAPPRE, was developed over a two-year period by an international team of more than 100 aviation professionals from more than 40 ...

  8. PDF Runway Safety Programme Global Runway Safety Action Plan

    Runway Excursion and Runway Incursion Top Contributing Factors The following tables present the top contributing factors for runway excursions and runway incursions. In 2017 the RSAP-WG identified these contributing factors by reviewing available data and information provided by RSP partners as well as through expert assessment.

  9. PDF Runway Safety Programme Global Runway Safety Action Plan

    Runway Excursion Runway Incursion →High number of incidents →1 incident report per day →High fatality risk. 2 September 2021 9. Recommended Actions ... PowerPoint Presentation Author: Philbin, Anthony Created Date: 9/2/2021 1:41:43 PM ...

  10. Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions (GAPPRE)

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  11. Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions (GAPPRE

    Recommendations, Guidance and Explanatory Material. This document contains Part 1 and Part 2 of the Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions (GAPPRE). Part I contains the agreed recommendations to the following civil aviation organisations: aerodrome operators, air naviu0002gation service providers (ANSPs), aircraft operators ...

  12. Pilot's Best Practices for the Prevention of Runway Excursions

    Date of publication. 21/01/2022. The Global Action Plan on the Prevention of Runway Excursions (GAPPRE) aircraft operator's guidance material comprises 60 pages alone, the following summarises all GAPPRE recommendations and guidance, which can be implemented by flight crew in their daily routines.. View publication. Join SKYbrary.

  13. Global Runway Safety Action Plan

    The Global Runway Safety Action Plan, which was launched at the Second Global Runway Safety Symposium, provides recommended actions for all runway safety stakeholders, with the aim of reducing the global rate of runway excursions and runway incursions.The Global Runway Safety Action Plan was developed in collaboration with the Runway Safety Programme Partners and is linked to the ICAO Global ...

  14. Understanding why runway excursions occur can help prevent accidents

    Runway excursions, including runway overruns like the one that occurred at LEX in 2002, are one of the most common causes of aircraft accidents. A Flight Safety Foundation study titled "Reducing the Risk of Runway Excursions" found 30 percent of accidents from 1995 to 2008 were related to runways. Of those, 97 percent involved excursions ...

  15. PDF Runway Safety Action Team (RSAT)

    Runway Excursion: A veer off or overrun off the runway surface. • Surface Incident: Unauthorized or unapproved movement within the designated movement area (excluding runway incursions) or an occurrence in that same area associated with the operation of an aircraft that affects or could affect the safety of flight.

  16. Preventing runway excursions

    Runway excursions - when aircraft unintentionally veer off or overrun the runway on arrival or departure - are one of the most serious risks in aviation, and comprised 23% of accidents between 2005 and the first half of 2019 according to IATA (International Air Transport Association) data. To tackle this problem, EUROCONTROL and the FSF ...

  17. New Guidance on Preventing Runway Excursions Released by FSF, Partners

    BRUSSELS — Flight Safety Foundation today released new guidance and industry best practices aimed at preventing runway excursions - the most frequent type of aviation accident and a continuing risk for large and small aircraft. The guidance, best practices and explanatory material are contained in an expanded version of the Global Action ...

  18. PDF Prevention of Runway Incursions and Excursions

    Definitions. ICAO defines a runway incursion as: "Any occurrence at an aerodrome involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take-off of aircraft.". 2.2 ICAO defines a runway excursion as: "A veer-off or overrun off the runway surface".

  19. Pilot's Best Practices for the Prevention of Runway Excursions

    Operator documentation remains primarily binding. Pilot's Best Practices for the Prevention of Runway Excursions, ECA 2022. Runway excursions pose one of the highest risks to commercial aviation. Despite a decline of overall accident rates, the rate and number of runway excursions worldwide remained steady in the last decade.

  20. Runway excursion

    A runway excursion is a runway safety incident in which an aircraft makes an inappropriate exit from the runway. Runway excursions include runway overruns, which occur when an aircraft is unable to stop before it reaches the end of the runway. Runway excursions can happen because of pilot error, poor weather, or a fault with the aircraft. [1]

  21. Runway Excursion Risk Reduction (RERR) Toolkit

    The final report of the Foundation's RSI effort, titled "Reducing the Risk of Runway Excursions", was released in June of 2009 and provides data on runway accidents, notes the high risk areas, and provides interventions. This report is included, along with other valuable information and presentations, in the Runway Excursion Risk ...

  22. PDF Runway Overrun Prevention System Airbus

    Conclusion and Perspective. ROPS is a realistic solution to respond to worldwide safety agencies requests to mitigate runway excursions. Available for Airbus FBW aircraft Accessible for all other TAWS-equipped types. Human Factors and technical requirements have been rigorously tested.

  23. PPT

    Runway Excursions. Runway Excursion 2000. RSIPP. Worldwide, runway excursions are the highest single occurrence category of all accidents for commercial & general aviation operations information campaign on runway excursions in Canada Runway Safety and Incursion Prevention Panel.

  24. Landing attempt during strong crosswinds led to 2021 lateral runway

    Today, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) released its investigation report into the 2021 lateral runway excursion involving a Beechcraft King Air B200 in Sanikiluaq, Nunavut.On December 17, 2021, the aircraft, operated by Keewatin Air LP, was on a medical evacuation flight from Winnipeg, Manitoba to Sanikiluaq, Nunavut, with two flight crew members and two medical staff on board.