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Francorosso torna in uzbekistan.

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Le prime partenze del 2022 saranno il 26 agosto da Milano Malpensa e il 27 settembre da Roma Fiumicino

Francorosso , il Brand di Alpitour World da scegliere per vivere esperienze uniche e visitare luoghi straordinari attraverso tour e hotel esclusivi, torna dopo tre anni di assenza in Uzbekistan. Per scoprire il territorio, noto per le sue bellissime moschee, i mausolei e i luoghi legati alla Via della Seta, l’antica rotta commerciale che collegava la Cina al Mar Mediterraneo, Francorosso propone  il tour “La Terra di Tamerlano”,  otto giorni per lasciarsi incantare da questa meravigliosa destinazione.

Le prime partenze del 2022 saranno il  prossimo 26 agosto da Milano Malpensa e il 27 settembre da Roma Fiumicino,  in collaborazione con la compagnia di bandiera Uzbekistan Airways: voli diretti verso  Tashkent , capitale da cui parte il tour, e rientro dalla città di Urgench, ultima tappa dell’itinerario.

Il tour è un’esclusiva Francorosso e consentirà ai viaggiatori di percorrere le tappe più celebri  della Via della Seta :  Khiva , sito di valore universale protetto dall’Unesco;  Bukhara,  la città santa magnificamente conservata;  Samarcanda , ricca di preziosi monumenti dell’epoca di Tamerlano;  Tashkent , città moderna e affascinante. 

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Gli ospiti soggiorneranno in hotel di categoria quattro stelle e saranno accompagnati dall’Italia da un tour leader Francorosso per poi essere seguiti in loco da una guida parlante italiano per tutta la durata del viaggio, entrambi a loro disposizione per vivere l’esperienza in completa tranquillità.

“ Dopo tre anni, siamo pronti per tornare in Uzbekistan e riscoprire gli antichi tesori di questa meta; torniamo a lavorare con i nostri partner di fiducia, servendoci di collegamenti rapidi ed affidabili grazie a Uzbekistan Airways, delle migliori guide locali parlanti italiano e con la garanzia della sicurezza e della qualità di Francorosso. Da settembre abbiamo già diversi gruppi prenotati e, per il 2023, avremo un rafforzamento della programmazione tour verso gli stati dell’Asia Centrale, per permettere a tutti di conoscere questo angolo di mondo ” Ha dichiarato  Massimiliano Ceriani , Europe, Jordan & Central Asia Destination Manager per il Pillar Mainstream di Alpitour World.

Il tour La Terra di Tamerlano è disponibile a partire dalla quota di 1.690 euro a persona che comprende: volo intercontinentale, volo di collegamento interno tra Bukhara e Urgench, tour di sei giorni, soggiorno in hotel 4 stelle in pensione completa ed ingressi ai monumenti e attrazioni come da  programma .

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Francorosso torna in Uzbekistan con il tour la Terra di Tamerlano

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Uno scorcio di Khiva

Con il tour la Terra di Tamerlano, Francorosso torna dopo tre anni di assenza in Uzbekistan . Le prime partenze del 2022 sono previste per il prossimo 26 agosto da Milano Malpensa e il 27 settembre da Roma Fiumicino . Il viaggio è organizzato in collaborazione con la compagnia di bandiera Uzbekistan Airways : voli diretti verso Tashkent, capitale da cui parte il tour, e rientro dalla città di Urgench, ultima tappa dell’itinerario.

Il tour è un’esclusiva del brand mainstream di fascia più elevata di casa Alpitour e consentirà ai viaggiatori di percorrere le tappe più celebri della via della Seta: Khiva , sito di valore universale protetto dall’Unesco; Bukhara , la città santa magnificamente conservata; Samarcanda , ricca di preziosi monumenti dell’epoca di Tamerlano; Tashkent , città moderna e affascinante. Gli ospiti soggiorneranno in hotel 4 stelle e saranno accompagnati dall’Italia da un tour leader Francorosso, per poi essere seguiti in loco da una guida parlante italiano per tutta la durata del viaggio.

“Dopo tre anni, siamo pronti a tornare in Uzbekistan e a riscoprire gli antichi tesori di questa meta – spiega Massimiliano Ceriani , Europe, Jordan & Central Asia destination manager per il pillar mainstream di Alpitour World -. Torniamo a lavorare con i nostri partner di fiducia, servendoci di collegamenti rapidi e affidabili grazie a Uzbekistan Airways, delle migliori guide locali parlanti italiano e con la garanzia della sicurezza e della qualità di Francorosso. Da settembre abbiamo già diversi gruppi prenotati e, per il 2023, avremo un rafforzamento della programmazione tour verso gli stati dell’Asia Centrale , per permettere a tutti di conoscere questo angolo di mondo”.

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tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Francorosso torna in Uzbekistan con un nuovo tour

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Francorosso, Brand di Alpitour World, torna dopo 3 anni di assenza in Uzbekistan. Per scoprire il territorio, noto per le sue bellissime moschee, i mausolei e i luoghi legati alla Via della Seta, l’antica rotta commerciale che collegava la Cina al Mar Mediterraneo, Francorosso propone il tour ‘La Terra di Tamerlano’, otto giorni per lasciarsi incantare da questa meravigliosa destinazione.

Le prime partenze del 2022 saranno il prossimo 26 agosto da Milano Malpensa e il 27 settembre da Roma Fiumicino, in collaborazione con la compagnia di bandiera Uzbekistan Airways: voli diretti verso Tashkent, capitale da cui parte il tour, e rientro dalla città di Urgench, ultima tappa dell’itinerario. Il tour è un’esclusiva Francorosso e consentirà ai viaggiatori di percorrere le tappe più celebri della Via della Seta: Khiva, sito di valore universale protetto dall’Unesco; Bukhara, la città santa magnificamente conservata; Samarcanda, ricca di preziosi monumenti dell’epoca di Tamerlano; Tashkent, città moderna e affascinante. Gli ospiti soggiorneranno in hotel di categoria quattro stelle e saranno accompagnati dall’Italia da un tour leader Francorosso per poi essere seguiti in loco da una guida parlante italiano per tutta la durata del viaggio, entrambi a loro disposizione per vivere l’esperienza in completa tranquillità. “Dopo tre anni, siamo pronti per tornare in Uzbekistan e riscoprire gli antichi tesori di questa meta; torniamo a lavorare con i nostri partner di fiducia, servendoci di collegamenti rapidi ed affidabili grazie a Uzbekistan Airways, delle migliori guide locali parlanti italiano e con la garanzia della sicurezza e della qualità di Francorosso. Da settembre abbiamo già diversi gruppi prenotati e, per il 2023, avremo un rafforzamento della programmazione tour verso gli stati dell’Asia Centrale, per permettere a tutti di conoscere questo angolo di mondo”, spiega Massimiliano Ceriani, Europe, Jordan & Central Asia Destination Manager per il Pillar Mainstream di Alpitour World. Il tour La Terra di Tamerlano è disponibile a partire dalla quota di 1.690 euro a persona che comprende: volo intercontinentale, volo di collegamento interno tra Bukhara e Urgench, tour di sei giorni, soggiorno in hotel 4 stelle in pensione completa ed ingressi ai monumenti e attrazioni come da programma .

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Con nostri p rogrammi e itinerari di viaggi in Uzbekistan puoi scoprire l’ospitalità e l’eleganza del popolo uzbeko, la Via della seta dell’Asia centrale, il nono deserto del mondo – Kizilkum, città storiche come Samarcanda, Bukhara e Khiva. Ti aiutiamo a scoprire la ricca storia del paese, leggende, Algoritmo, Avicenna, Pahlavan Mahmud ,  Tamerlang , Ulugbek e altre persone famose. Andrai a visitare i monumenti storici – moschee, madrassa, mausolei, minareti, cupole.

Grazie ad uno dei nostri tour in Uzbekistan capirai il disastro del Mar d’Aral. Le tradizioni uzbeke come la festa di matrimonio, vacanze Navruz e Sharq Taronalari, gioco tradizionale KUPKARI-BUZKASHI con cavalli, cibi locali – palov, shashlik e somsa.

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tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso




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tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

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Francorosso torna in Uzbekistan

Di redazione

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Francorosso , il Brand di Alpitour World da scegliere per vivere esperienze uniche e visitare luoghi straordinari attraverso tour e hotel esclusivi, torna dopo tre anni di assenza in Uzbekistan. Per scoprire il territorio, noto per le sue bellissime moschee, i mausolei e i luoghi legati alla Via della Seta, l’antica rotta commerciale che collegava la Cina al Mar Mediterraneo, Francorosso propone il tour “La Terra di Tamerlano”, otto giorni per lasciarsi incantare da questa meravigliosa destinazione. Le prime partenze del 2022 saranno il prossimo 26 agosto da Milano Malpensa e il 27 settembre da Roma Fiumicino, in collaborazione con la compagnia di bandiera Uzbekistan Airways: voli diretti verso Tashkent, capitale da cui parte il tour, e rientro dalla città di Urgench, ultima tappa dell’itinerario. Il tour è un’esclusiva Francorosso e consentirà ai viaggiatori di percorrere le tappe più celebri della Via della Seta: Khiva, sito di valore universale protetto dall’Unesco; Bukhara, la città santa magnificamente conservata; Samarcanda, ricca di preziosi monumenti dell’epoca di Tamerlano; Tashkent, città moderna e affascinante. Gli ospiti soggiorneranno in hotel di categoria quattro stelle e saranno accompagnati dall’Italia da un tour leader Francorosso per poi essere seguiti in loco da una guida parlante italiano per tutta la durata del viaggio, entrambi a loro disposizione per vivere l’esperienza in completa tranquillità.

“Dopo tre anni, siamo pronti per tornare in Uzbekistan e riscoprire gli antichi tesori di questa meta; torniamo a lavorare con i nostri partner di fiducia, servendoci di collegamenti rapidi ed affidabili grazie a Uzbekistan Airways, delle migliori guide locali parlanti italiano e con la garanzia della sicurezza e della qualità di Francorosso. Da settembre abbiamo già diversi gruppi prenotati e, per il 2023, avremo un rafforzamento della programmazione tour verso gli stati dell’Asia Centrale, per permettere a tutti di conoscere questo angolo di mondo” Ha dichiarato Massimiliano Ceriani , Europe, Jordan & Central Asia Destination Manager per il Pillar Mainstream di Alpitour World.

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Il tour La Terra di Tamerlano è disponibile a partire dalla quota di 1.690 euro a persona che comprende: volo intercontinentale, volo di collegamento interno tra Bukhara e Urgench, tour di sei giorni, soggiorno in hotel 4 stelle in pensione completa ed ingressi ai monumenti e attrazioni come da programma.

Redazione è un web magazine b2b di approfondimento su turismo, business travel, marketing ed eventi: un punto di vista autorevole sui trend di settore e un utile strumento di lavoro per tutti i lettori. Il pubblico a cui ci rivolgiamo è prettamente professionale ed è composto da tutti coloro che lavorano nella filiera del turismo e degli eventi: gestori di hotel e di location, tour operator e agenzie viaggi, dmc e tmc locali, fornitori di servizi e agenzie di organizzazione eventi, trasporti e infrastrutture, attività di ristorazione e catering, divisioni marketing, travel, eventi ed hr delle aziende. Il nostro impegno è quello di fornire un’informazione puntuale su novità e trend del settore, raccontare case study e consigli utili per l’attività quotidiana, offrire uno spaccato del mondo del lavoro e notizie di attualità su business, marketing, bandi e gare di settore.

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  • 20/07/2022 10:49

Alpitour: Francorosso rilancia con i tour nell'Uzbekistan

Alpitour: Francorosso rilancia con i tour nell'Uzbekistan

L’ Uzbekistan torna nella programmazione di Francorosso dopo tre anni di assenza. Il brand di Alpitour World rilancia la destinazione con il tour ‘La Terra di Tamerlano’ con due partenze già fissate per il prossimo 26 agosto e 27 settembre, con partenze rispettivamente da Milano Malpensa e Roma Fiumicino con voli Uzbekistan Airways . “Dopo tre anni, siamo pronti per tornare in Uzbekistan e riscoprire gli antichi tesori di questa meta - spiega Massimiliano Ceriani , Europe, Jordan & Central Asia Destination Manager per il Pillar Mainstream di Alpitour World -; torniamo a lavorare con i nostri partner di fiducia, servendoci di collegamenti rapidi ed affidabili grazie a Uzbekistan Airways, delle migliori guide locali parlanti italiano e con la garanzia della sicurezza e della qualità di Francorosso. Da settembre abbiamo già diversi gruppi prenotati e, per il 2023, avremo un rafforzamento della programmazione tour verso gli stati dell’Asia Centrale”. Si tratta di un’esclusiva Francorosso e consentirà di effettuare tappe a Khiva, Bukhara, Samarcanda e Tashkent .

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11 Proposte di viaggio

L’Uzbekistan è il paese più ricco di storia fra tutte le repubbliche dell'Asia centrale. Bellissimi i paesaggi; nella Valle dello Zeravasan sorse la prima civiltà fluviale. La natura si fonde alla storia… ma la storia e le tradizioni sono anche negli aspetti più quotidiani: nelle piccole botteghe dove si lavorano i tappeti o gli arazzi di seta o nei laboratori dove si impara a costruire liuti di legno. Affascinante la vista del mausoleo di Gur-e Amir, nella romanzesca Samarcanda: i mosaici e le decorazioni creano un emozionante impatto visivo. Il paese annovera alcune delle città più antiche del mondo, molti dei principali centri sulla Via della Seta e la maggior parte delle bellezze architettoniche di quest'area geografica.

Uzbeskitan, quando andare?

L’Uzbekistan ha un clima essenzialmente continentale: freddo in inverno (nel mese di gennaio la temperatura scende spesso sotto zero), e molto caldo in estate (a luglio può raggiungere anche i 46 gradi centigradi). La temperature variano notevolmente, con escursioni termiche diurne, soprattutto tra i deserti e le zone montuose. Con l’approssimarsi della stagione estiva il clima risulterà piuttosto caldo; le temperature oscilleranno tra i 25 e i 30 gradi di giorno, più fresco nelle ore notturne. Consigliati abiti di cotone comodi, non succinti, un copricapo per ripararsi dal sole durante il giorno. I condizionatori possono risultare agli occidentali alquanto antiquati e rumorosi.

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Introduzione all’uzbekistan.

ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 4 partecipanti 8 giorni/ 6 notti L’Uzbekistan è di gran lunga il paese più ricco e straordinario dell’Asia centrale. Culla di civiltà da oltre due millenni, l’Uzbekistan può vantare un sug...

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Alla scoperta dell’Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan, sulla via della seta.

UZBEKISTAN Sulla via della seta 2024 ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 4 partecipanti 9 giorni/ 8 notti Date di partenza 2024: ogni venerdì L’Uzbekistan è di gran lunga il paese più ricco e straordinario dell’Asia centr...

Uzbekistan, sulla via della seta con Termez

ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 4 partecipanti 11 giorni/ 10 notti L’Uzbekistan è di gran lunga il paese più ricco e straordinario dell’Asia centrale. Culla di civiltà da oltre due millenni, l’Uzbekistan può vantare un s...

UZBEKISTAN Sulla via della seta ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo con accompagnatore dall’Italia Partecipanti: Min 4/Max 10 9 giorni/ 8 notti Data di partenza: 25 ottobre 2024 L’Uzbekistan è di gran lunga il paese più ricco e s...

Uzbekistan, sulla via della seta con Fergana

ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 4 partecipanti 11 giorni/ 10 notti  L’Uzbekistan è di gran lunga il paese più ricco e straordinario dell’Asia centrale. Culla di civiltà da oltre due millenni, l’Uzbekistan può vantare un ...


Essenza del Turkmenistan e Uzbekistan ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 4 partecipanti 10 giorni / 9 notti Date di partenza 2024: ogni mercoledì File lunghissime di animali carichi di merci, dune sabbiose spazzate dal ven...

Uzbekistan e Tagikistan

Date di partenza 2024: da aprile a settembre: ogni martedì ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 4 partecipanti 12 giorni/ 11 notti L’Uzbekistan è di gran lunga il paese più ricco e straordinario dell’Asia centrale. Culla di...

ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Viaggio di gruppo con accompagnatore dall’Italia minimo 10 partecipanti 11 giorni / 10 notti   L’Uzbekistan è di gran lunga il paese più ricco e straordinario dell’Asia centrale. Culla di civiltà da oltre due mil...

Tour Kazakistan, Kirghizistan e Uzbekistan

ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE Date di partenza 2024: ogni venerdì Viaggio di gruppo – minimo 6 partecipanti 13 giorni / 12 notti Un viaggio emozionante ed insolito a contatto con i paesi dell’ex Unione Sovietica, situati nell’Asia Centrale. Paes...

La valle di Fergana

Estensione nella valle di Fergana: Estensione al tour base Uzbekistan, sulla Via della Seta



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Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan (2022)

On this Page

When most people land here, they have no idea what to expect. By the end of their stay, they don’t want to leave. This is the ultimate tour of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

Everywhere you look in this region there seems to be the most beautiful snow-covered mountain range or the most mesmerizing lakes, the most dramatic gorges and beckoning deserts. Wandering through ancient cities full of pulsing energy, you’ll soak up the history. Traveling along dirt roads into hidden valleys, you’ll soak up the serene nature. Spending time in small towns and villages, you’ll understand why this region is considered one of the friendliest in the world.

This trip takes you to the heart of the Silk Road, where being welcomed into local homes for tea is as common as could be. There’s the colorful non-touristy markets, traditional crafts, unique regional cuisine and several activities that will leave your heart warm, your smile wide and your days unforgettable.

As we travel through these wonderful lands, you’ll stay in traditional yurts, warm guesthouses and even with local families. And you’ll dine in homes, with nomads and at some of the best eateries around.

In reality, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are two countries that few travelers reach. But for those who do travel here, they quickly become two of their favorite destinations on the planet.

Book with Confidence

To reserve your spot on a tour, a $500 deposit will be required. However, you can book with complete peace of mind as this deposit will be refundable – minus a 3% transaction fee – for 30 days. For our complete payment/refund policy, please READ HERE .

If you make a deposit for a tour within 90 days of the tour start date, the deposit is non-refundable.

Arrival day

Included: Dinner

Upon arrival at the Bishkek International Airport, you'll be picked up by our private driver and taken to our hotel in the city center. Once everyone has arrived we'll have an evening orientation followed by a great local dinner.

Highlights: Walking tour of Bishkek

Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

After breakfast we'll embark on a full walking tour of Bishkek, heading through the center of this planned city, with its endless monuments and grand plazas. From colorful markets to the public ping pong parks, into hidden neighborhoods that are home to a mix of the modern and traditional, you'll get an excellent feel for this peaceful city that maintains an appealingly positive vibe. We'll also enjoy lunch at one of Bishkek's most famous local eateries.

Highlights: Lake Issy-Kul, dramatic Ala-Too Mountains, Skazka Canyon

Included: Breakfast, Dinner

Off we go towards the majestic Ala-Too Mountain Range, with a journey that will take us along the second largest mountain lake in the world. Backed by towering snow-covered peaks, Lake Issy-Kul is a gorgeous destination, with scattered villages, towns and nomadic communities near its shores. We'll stop for a walk through the gorgeous Skazka Canyon and will arrive in the little-known town of Tamga in the late afternoon. We'll then check in to our wonderful family-run guesthouse. (Total driving time to Tamga can be 7 hours including all stops, but it’s a gorgeous drive!)

Tamga / Jety Oguz

Highlights: Soviet sanatorium, incredible nature, yurt camp

After a home-cooked breakfast from our hosts, we'll explore Tamga with a nature walk that leads straight to Lake Issy-Kul. We'll also pay a visit to the old Soviet sanatorium near town for a 'step back in time' experience like no other! In the afternoon, we'll take the 1 hour drive to Jety-Oguz, a beautiful area of mountains and valleys. After exploring Jety-Oguz, we'll head to our yurt camp where we'll spend the night. *This night includes shared accommodation at the yurt camp. We will have 3 yurts with 4 beds in each and the group will share the yurts.

Yrdyk / Karakol

Highlights: Jety-Oguz region, incredible nature, yurt camp

A short drive will take us to the village of Yrdyk, home to Dungan people (Muslim Chinese people of Hui origin). We'll meet our local hosts and have a traditional lunch of Dungan dishes in their home. After lunch, we'll head out with our guide for a walk around this unique village to learn about their culture and gain a deeper understanding of this seldom visited area. In the mid-afternoon, we'll continue to the town of Karakol and check in to our accommodation.

Highlights: Walking tour of Karakol

After breakfast, we'll head out for a complete walking tour of this friendly, traditional town. With its Orthodox wooden church, picturesque neighborhoods and many local craft markets, we'll explore at a leisurely pace, always flexible to the local experiences that will pop up along the way. We'll also visit local workshops and taste some excellent regional cuisine, while meeting local people who will be excited to interact with foreign visitors.

Karakol » Chon-Kemin Valley

Highlights: Sunday Animal Market, Chon-Kemin Valley, family-run guesthouse

Waking up early will be worth it today as we stop by the traditional Sunday morning Animal Market on the outskirts of Karakol. Once we tour this bustling market that is probably unlike any other market you've ever seen, we'll begin our journey around the north side of Lake Issy-kul. Our destination is the beautiful Chon-Kemin Valley where we'll visit a local farm village. We'll go for a short hike through the valley, meet local farmers and then enjoy an excellent dinner and overnight at a local family-run guesthouse. (Total driving time to Chon-Kemin can be 5 hours, but it’s another gorgeous drive on a different route!)

Chon-Kemin Valley » Bishkek

Highlights: Burana Tower, return to Bishkek

After a leisurely breakfast, we'll leave the valley and head back to Bishkek. Along the way we'll stop at the Burana Tower, an impressive and ancient minaret located in the Chuy Valley. We'll arrive back in Bishkek in the afternoon, and you'll have some free time to relax before one last Kyrgyz dinner experience.

Tashkent (Uzbekistan)

Highlights: Flight to Tashkent, orientation tour of the city

With a short 1.5 hour flight to Tashkent this morning, we'll be in Uzbekistan before you know it! After transferring to our hotel in the city center, we'll head out with our guide for an afternoon wander that takes in the mix of modern and Soviet-era architecture. Once our walk is over, we'll enjoy dinner and evening views over the city from the Tashkent Tower.

Highlights: Main bazaar, evening in beautiful Samarkand

Today's morning walking tour will take in more of Tashkent's highlights, including the main bazaar (Chorsu market) full of local products, food, crafts and more. After lunch we'll take a 4 hour drive to the city of Samarkand, an ancient site along the Silk Route. We'll take an evening orientation walk to soak up the great atmosphere of this picturesque location before sitting down for a local dinner in the heart of the old city.

Highlights: Full tour of Samarkand, hammam experience, free time, local dinner

The full tour of beautiful Samarkand today will include Registan, the heart of the ancient city and home to some of the most spectacular architecture in the country. We'll visit the Bibi-Khanum mosque, Ulugh Bek observatory and you'll have a chance to visit an ancient hammam/bathhouse for a scrub and massage. You'll also have some free time before we meet up for an evening visit with a local family who will cook us a traditional regional dinner.

Nurata Yurt Camp

Highlights: Tour of Nurata, Yurt Camp in the Kyzylkum Desert

Highlights: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

After a 3 hour drive through the Uzbek steppes, we'll reach Nurata, where we'll take a short tour through this historical town before having lunch with a local family. From here we'll continue into the Kyzylkum Desert where we'll arrive at our yurt camp near Aydarkul Lake. This is where we'll spend the day and night, interacting with nomadic families, doing some light hiking, admiring the scenery and hanging out with the camels. At night, we'll settle into our traditional Uzbek yurts for a peaceful sleep experience out in nature. *This night includes shared accommodation at the yurt camp. We will have 3 yurts with multiple beds in each and the group will share the yurts.

Highlights: Travel to historic Bukhara, evening out in town

Leaving our yurt camp in the morning, we'll drive to Bukhara, often considered the most beautiful city in Uzbekistan! It's beyond stunning and we'll spend time exploring the ancient mosques, caravanserais, local neighborhoods, monuments and more. Once evening comes around, we'll out into town for a local night time experience in this magical destination!

Highlights: Walking tour of the ancient city, free time

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Our walking tour today will take us straight inside the old city walls where you'll be awed by the Kalyan minaret, Bolo Haus mosque, traditional bazaar and the local crafts and jewelry market. That's not to mention the incredibly friendly people who are bound to strike up conversations, invite you for tea and most likely to meet their friends. With free time in the afternoon, you'll be able to wander around to the areas you like best and to really feel as if you are in an ancient land that not many visitors reach.

Highlights: High speed train back to Tashkent, farewell dinner

Breakfast, Dinner

After a free morning in beautiful Bukhara, we'll board a high speed train to Tashkent in the early afternoon. The trip back to Tashkent takes 3-4 hours. Upon arrival, we'll check in to our hotel. In the evening, the group will meet up for an excellent dinner as you share your favorite experiences from the past 16 days in this fascinating part of the world!

Departure Day

Included: Breakfast

Today you'll be picked up at the hotel by our private driver and taken to the airport in time to catch your departing flight.

Included / Not Included

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Physical Level: Medium

While the tour itself is not very strenuous, please note that it can involve the following: somewhat long days, walking tours in the cities, being outside in potentially warm temperatures, a couple of long journeys, early morning wake-ups and other similar scenarios.


On this trip, accommodation ranges from great guesthouses and mid-range hotels to traditional nomadic yurts! You can always expect comfortable accommodation on this trip. *Yurt Camps will involve sharing a tent with other tour participants and have shared bathrooms. Prices are based on twin-share rooms. There are 4 single rooms available at an extra charge. For twin share, solo travelers of the same sex will be placed together in a room with two beds.

During the trip, we'll travel in comfort with our private van. Our van offers plenty of space for each guest while giving us access to areas that larger vehicles simply can't go. We'll also have one flight from Bishkek to Tashkent and one high-speed train journey in Uzbekistan.

Breakfast every day, 5 lunches and 12 dinners are included. With included meals, some will be served family style and other times you will be able to order anything you wish from the menu. All dietary restrictions can be accommodated with prior notice.


As with all of our trips, we aim to offer as sustainable an experience as we can. Trash is recycled where possible and we avoid mass tourism activities that cause harm to the environment and/or do not benefit local communities.

Small Groups

This tour requires a minimum of 8 participants and has a maximum of 12 participants in order to ensure the best small group tour experience. With such a small group, you'll be able to enjoy unique, rewarding activities that would not be accessible with more people. That's the kind of trip we love to offer!

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

$ 1750 – $ 2450

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Deals of the Week   Wildlife Wonders   Up to 50% OFF

Highlights of Uzbekistan

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Fully Guided

Traveled in August 2023

Places You’ll See


  • Explore Samarkand's stunning Silk Road sites
  • Visit Chashma Complex and ancient ruins
  • Stay overnight in a traditional yurt camp
  • Tour the historic city of Bukhara on foot
  • Discover Khiva's blue mosaic domes and minarets
  • Introduction
  • Day 1 Tashkent
  • Day 2 Tashkent/Samarkand (1B)
  • Day 3 Samarkand (1B)
  • Day 4 Samarkand/Aydar Kŭl Camp (1B, 1D)
  • Day 5 Aydar Kŭl Camp/Bukhara (1B)
  • Day 6 Bukhara (1B)
  • Day 7 Bukhara/Khiva (1B)
  • Day 8 Khiva (1B)
  • Day 9 Khiva/Tashkent (1B)
  • Day 10 Tashkent (1B)

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What's Included

  • Accommodation
  • Additional Services

Where You'll Stay

Alpha Plaza Hotel and SPA

Zarina Hotel

Yurt Camp Stay Aidarkul

Hotel As-Salam

Hotel Muso To'ra

Customer Photos

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

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G Adventures

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12 to 90 years old

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less than 1 hour

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G Adventures gives you the opportunity to explore interesting and unusual places at a great price. The G Adventures reviews show high ratings from satisfied customers for all aspects of the trip, so you can be assured that you will be in good hands. If you have any questions at any time during...

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Customer Reviews

  • Overall Rating Excellent 4.8
  • Itinerary Excellent 4.6
  • Guide Excellent 4.9
  • Transport Excellent 4.7
  • Accommodation Excellent 4.3
  • Food Excellent 4.3
  • Tour Operator G Adventures 4.7
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G Adventures

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  • Monday 23 Sep, 2024 Wednesday 2 Oct, 2024 English Sold Out €1,615 See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Wednesday 25 Sep, 2024 Friday 4 Oct, 2024 English Sold Out €1,615 See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Friday 27 Sep, 2024 Sunday 6 Oct, 2024 English Sold Out €1,615 See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Monday 30 Sep, 2024 Wednesday 9 Oct, 2024 English Sold Out €1,615 See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Friday 4 Oct, 2024 Sunday 13 Oct, 2024 English Sold Out €1,521 See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Monday 7 Oct, 2024 Wednesday 16 Oct, 2024 English Sold Out €1,521 See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Wednesday 9 Oct, 2024 Friday 18 Oct, 2024 English Sold Out €1,521 See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • 6 Other Unavailable Departures
  • Friday 11 Oct, 2024 Sunday 20 Oct, 2024 English Almost Sold Out €1,521 Confirm Dates
  • Monday 14 Oct, 2024 Wednesday 23 Oct, 2024 English Sold Out €1,521 See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Friday 18 Oct, 2024 Sunday 27 Oct, 2024 English Almost Sold Out €1,521 Confirm Dates
  • Get Instant Confirmation Friday 21 Mar, 2025 Sunday 30 Mar, 2025 English Multiple Room Types €1,521 0% Interest Instalments Confirm Dates Hold space for 48h
  • Get Instant Confirmation Friday 28 Mar, 2025 Sunday 6 Apr, 2025 English €1,521 0% Interest Instalments Confirm Dates Hold space for 48h
  • Get Instant Confirmation Friday 4 Apr, 2025 Sunday 13 Apr, 2025 English Multiple Room Types €1,521 0% Interest Instalments Confirm Dates Hold space for 48h

What our customers ask about this tour

After booking, complete the necessary forms at your earliest convenience to receive travel vouchers.

You will receive a notification from us once the local operations team confirms all components of your tour.

You can confirm your booking by selecting the 'book now' button on the website, which will check availability.

It is mandatory to have emergency medical travel insurance, and you should ensure it covers your travel dates.

If you arrive late at night, we will notify the hotel to prepare for your late check-in.

Yes, travelers may share with another solo traveler of the same gender at no extra cost.

Transportation will mainly involve private vehicles, and there’s a domestic flight included on Day 9.

Breakfast is included in the accommodation, along with some dinners.

Yes, the cost for extra nights before or after the tour is $65 USD per night.

All departures are guaranteed, even for solo travelers. However, availability is subject to change.

Good to Know

  • Currency UZS Uzbekistan Sum Uzbekistan

As a traveller from USA, Canada, England, South Africa you will need an adaptor for types C, E, F, I. As a traveller from Australia, New Zealand you will need an adaptor for types C, E, F.

  • These are only indications, so please visit your doctor before you travel to be 100% sure.
  • Typhoid - Recommended for Uzbekistan. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.
  • Hepatitis A - Recommended for Uzbekistan. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.
  • Tuberculosis - Recommended for Uzbekistan. Ideally 3 months before travel.
  • Hepatitis B - Recommended for Uzbekistan. Ideally 2 months before travel.
  • Rabies - Recommended for Uzbekistan. Ideally 1 month before travel.
  • Unfortunately we cannot offer you a visa application service. Whether you need a visa or not depends on your nationality and where you wish to travel. Assuming your home country does not have a visa agreement with the country you're planning to visit, you will need to apply for a visa in advance of your scheduled departure.
  • Here is an indication for which countries you might need a visa. Please contact the local embassy for help applying for visas to these places.
  • For any tour departing before 3rd November 2024 a full payment is necessary. For tours departing after 3rd November 2024, a minimum payment of 20% is required to confirm your booking with G Adventures. The final payment will be automatically charged to your credit card on the designated due date. The final payment of the remaining balance is required at least 45 days prior to the departure date of your tour. TourRadar never charges you a booking fee and will charge you in the stated currency.
  • Some departure dates and prices may vary and G Adventures will contact you with any discrepancies before your booking is confirmed.
  • The following cards are accepted for "G Adventures" tours: Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, American Express or PayPal. TourRadar does NOT charge you an extra fee for using any of these payment methods.
  • Your money is safe with TourRadar, as we only pay the tour operator after your tour has departed.
  • TourRadar is an authorised Agent of G Adventures. Please familiarise yourself with the G Adventures payment, cancellation and refund conditions .
  • Insurance Unless otherwise mentioned, TourRadar does not provide travel insurance. We do however recommend purchasing it through our tried and trusted partner, World Travel Nomads .
  • Accessibility Some tours are not suitable for mobility-restricted traveller, however, some operators may be able to accommodate special requests. For any enquiries, you can contact our customer support team , who are ready and waiting to help you.
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Small Group Uzbekistan Tour 2024-2025

Uzbekistan Tours

Uzbekistan Tours

Uzbekistan Group Tours

Discover Uzbekistan's wonders in the company of like-minded travelers. Join our small group tours to Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva, exploring the Silk Road's treasures together.

Classic Uzbekistan Group Tour in 2024 and 2025 with Guaranteed Dates

Classic Uzbekistan Group Tour 2024-2025

Our most popular escorted tour of Uzbekistan in a small group will acquaint you with the most famous ancient cities in Uzbekistan: Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand, as well as the modern capital, Tashkent.

Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand

Details 8 Days | Spring, summer, autumn from US$ 1,160 per person

Uzbekistan Relaxed Group Tour 2024-2025

Uzbekistan Relaxed Group Tour 2024-2025

The Uzbekistan Relaxed Group Tour 2024-2025 allows you to experience the very best of Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara, Gijduvan and Samarkand at a laid-back pace that will not leave you feeling tired, rushed or overwhelmed.

Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara, Gijduvan, Samarkand

Details 10 Days | Autumn US$ 1,390 per person

Private Tours in Uzbekistan

Craft your dream journey through Uzbekistan with a personalized touch. Our private tours offer flexibility, privacy, and a tailored itinerary, perfectly matching your preferences.

Uzbekistan Cultural Tours

Uzbekistan Classic Tour: Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent

Uzbekistan Classic Tour

Explore Uzbekistan, with its welcoming people, blue-domed minarets, mausoleums full of history, and local cuisines that have become inseparable from the cultures of Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva. Feel the charm of the East for yourself!

Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva

Details 8 Days | All year round from US$ 1,110 per person

Uzbekistan Tour from Tashkent to Samarkand

Uzbekistan Tour from Tashkent to Samarkand

Join our 8-day Uzbekistan Classic Tour from Tashkent to Samarkand. Discover Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara, and Samarkand. Experience vibrant bazaars, UNESCO sites, and breathtaking architecture in Uzbekistan's most iconic cities.

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Uzbekistan Muslim Tour: Islamic Art and History

Uzbekistan Muslim Tour

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Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara

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8-day Sufi Tour along Uzbekistan: Tour in Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent

Sufi Tour in Uzbekistan

This 8-day tour of Uzbekistan will introduce you to the Sufi holy places of Tashkent, Samarkand, and Bukhara. See a Quran, said to have been owned by the third Caliph, Uthman, and then head to the many mosques and mausoleums of Samarkand and Bukhara.

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Central Asia on Silk Road Tour

Central Asia on Silk Road Tour

The Central Asia on the Silk Road Tour is the best tour to visit the five countries of Central Asia, as you take 18 days to discover Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Learn about the roles that cities in Central Asia played on the ancient Silk Road, and about their modern lives as urban centers.

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan

Details 18 Days | Spring, autumn

Central Asia Destinations Tour

Central Asia Destinations Tour

Take this two-week tour through Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan and discover the diversity of the region: ancient cities, endless deserts, high mountains, beautiful valleys, and welcoming people. For the best tour to get to know this part of the world, try the Central Asia Destinations Tour for your next vacation.

Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan

Details 15 Days | Spring, autumn

Uzbekistan Mountain Tours

Chimgan Mountains - Gulkam Canyon: Tours to Uzbekistan

Gulkam Canyon

From mid-May until mid-September, Uzbekistan’s mountains appear in front of travellers in all their splendour. Take a day trip out of the city to visit Chimgan and the Gulkam Canyon, admire the dramatic canyon scenery and enjoy a relaxing picnic near the famous waterfalls.

Details 1 Day | mid-May to mid-September from US$ 90 per person

Yangiabad – the Jewel of Uzbekistan’s Mountains

Yangiabad – the Jewel of Uzbekistan’s Mountains

The Yangiabad Mountains are a real treasure for trekkers. With their pure air, rich with the scents of pine trees and flowering herbs, the Yangiabad Mountains enchant with their untouched nature and light blue skies.

Yangiabad tourist lodge, Pigeon gorge and waterfall, Chilten river etc.

Details 2 Days | Spring, summer, autumn from US$ 220 per person

Short Uzbekistan Tours

Tour to Nukus: the Museum of Art named after I.V. Savitsky

Tour to Nukus: the Savitsky Museum

This cultural tour takes you through the Savitsky Museum, with one of the world’s largest collections of Russian avant-garde art and Central Asian applied art. Take extra time for sights in and around Nukus.

Savitsky museum, Mizdakhan Necropolis, fortress Gyaur-Kala

Details 1 Day | All year round from US$ 65 per person

Two-day Bukhara & Samarkand Tour

Two-day Bukhara & Samarkand Tour

Double your fun with a two-day trip to two of Uzbekistan’s best cities. This is the best Uzbekistan tour for those who don’t want to miss any of the biggest monuments, but who are also short on time.

Bukhara, Samarkand

Details 2 Days | All year round from US$ 365 per person

Uzbekistan Adventure Tours

2 Day Jeep Tour to Aral Sea from Nukus

2 Day Aral Sea Jeep Tour

This the best tour to introduce you to the Aral Sea and its surroundings, with stops at the Ustyurt Plateau, the ship graveyard in Muynak, the Mizdakhan Necropolis, and other sites.

Muynak, Ustyurt Plateau, Aral Sea, Kurgancha Kala, Sudochie lake, Kungrad, Mizdakhan, Gyaur-Kala

Details 2 Days | All year round from US$ 300 per person

Tour to Aydarkul Lake

Tour to Aydarkul Lake

Travel to the edge of the Kyzylkum Desert, to Aydarkul Lake. See the religious and cultural sights of Nurata, and then spend a night in a yurt, where you can ride a camel and experience nomadic life for yourself.

Nurata, Yurt Camp, Aydarkul lake

Details 2 Days | Spring, summer, autumn from US$ 170 per person

Train Tours in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan Train Tour: Tours to Bukhara and Samarkand

Uz-1 Train Tour

Travel by train to Bukhara, and return to Tashkent via Samarkand on the train. See the best of these historical cities, plus the broad deserts between them.

Details 4 Days | All year round from US$ 600 per person

Uzbekistan Train Tour 2: Tours to Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand

Uz-2 Train Tour

Combine a high-speed train trip to Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand, and Tashkent with tours to famous sights and independent exploring.

Details 8 Days | All year round from US$ 1,040 per person

Samarkand Tours and Day Trips

Day Tour to Samarkand from Tashkent by Train

Day Tour to Samarkand from Tashkent

Take a day to discover the beauties of the Pearl of the East. Visit the Gur-Emir Tomb, Registan Square, Shakhi-Zinda Necropolis, and other sights of Samarkand, and return to Tashkent by the evening.

Gur-Emir Mausoleum, Registan Square, Bibi Khanum Mosque, Shahi-Zinda Necropolis, Ulugbek Observatory, etc.

Details 1 Day | All year round from US$ 175 per person

Samarkand City Tour: one-day trip and excursion

Samarkand City Tour

This Samarkand City Tour takes you to the main destinations in the historical center of one of the world’s oldest cities. Samarkand retains its imperial atmosphere and many impressive buildings.

Ulugbek Observatory, Shakhi-Zinda Necropolis, Registan Square etc.

Details 1 Day | All year round from US$ 90 per person

Tashkent Tours and Day Trips

Tashkent City Tour

One Day Tashkent City Tour

Learn about the old and the new of Uzbekistan’s capital, Tashkent. This guided city tour will take you all around in one day.

Khast-Imam Complex, Chorsu Bazaar, Applied Arts Museum etc.

Details 1 Day | All year round from US$ 75 per person

Tashkent Layover Tour: one-day trip in capital of Uzbekistan

Tashkent Layover Tour

The Tashkent Layover Tour is the perfect way to make the best of a few hours of layover in Uzbekistan’s capital. Explore the new and old parts of the city, and buy traditional sweets and ikat scarves at Chorsu Bazaar.

Khast-Imam Complex, Chorsu Bazaar, Independence Square etc.

Details 1 Day | All year round from US$ 125 per person

Bukhara Tours and Day Trips

Bukhara City Tour: one-day trip and excursion

Bukhara City Tour

Visit some of the many medieval madrassas, mosques and mausoleums on this Bukhara City Tour. From the stout Ark Fortress to the graceful curves of the Lyabi-Hauz Ensemble, see the best of Bukhara in one day.

Lyabi-Khauz Ensemble, Magoki-Attori Mosque, Chor-Minor Madrasah, trade domes etc.

Bukhara Vicinity Tour: one-day excursion to Jeyran Ecocenter

Excursion to Jeyran Ecocenter from Bukhara

Get closer to the wild nature of Uzbekistan, even if just for a day with this trip to the Jeyran Ecocenter. The center is home to many threatened and endangered species that are native to Uzbekistan, and the nearby salt lakes are good for seeing wildlife in their native habitats.

Ecocenter “Jeyran”

Details 1 Day | All year round from US$ 110 per person

Khiva Tours and Day Trips

Khiva City Tour: one-day trip and excursion

Khiva City Tour

Spend a day learning about this open-air museum, an ancient Silk Road oasis in the Kyzylkum Desert. The Khiva City Tour will cover all the main sights and beauties of this unique city, all in one day.

Kunya-Ark Citadel, Tash-Khovli Palace, Mukhammad Aminkhan Madrasah etc.

Details 1 Day | All year round from US$ 70 per person

Karakalpakstan Tour: Ancient Khorezm Tour

Ancient Khorezm Tour

Take a short tour back two thousand years with a day trip to the ruins of Ancient Khorezm’s fortresses. Climb the remnants of the walls, walk among the ruins, and enjoy breathtaking views of the Kyzylkum Desert.

Kyzylkum Desert, Ayaz-Kala, Toprak-Kala, Kyzyl-Kala

City Tours in Uzbekistan

Tour to Shakhrisabz from Samarkand

Tour to Shakhrisabz from Samarkand

Visit the hometown of Amir Timur with this day Tour to Shakhrisabz from Samarkand. See the Dor-Us Siodat Memorial Complex, the Ak-Saray Palace, and the Kok-Gumbaz Mosque.

Ak-Saray Palace, Kok-Gumbaz Mosque, etc.

Termez City Tour: one-day trip and excursion

Termez City Tour

This Termez City Tour will take you to the archaeological sites of Buddhist monastery complexes, teach you about the impressive Islamic heritage of the region, and let you enjoy views of the Sukhan Oasis, all in one day.

Fortress Kyrk-Kyz, buddhist archaeological sites of Kara-Tepa, Fayaz-Tepe

Details 1 Day | All year round from US$ 85 per person

Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan Tours

Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan Tour - 1: Tours to Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Bishkek, Son-Kul, Cholpon-Ata, Issyk-Kul

Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan Tour - 1

Get to know Central Asia on this trip to these two neighboring countries on the Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan Tour 1. With stops in Uzbekistan’s biggest cities and Kyrgyzstan’s natural treasures, this 12-day tour is a real treat for adventurers.

Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Bishkek, Son-Kul, Cholpon-Ata, Issyk-Kul

Details 12 Days | from mid-May until September from US$ 2,090 per person

Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan Tour - 2: Tours in Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand, Kokand, Fergana, Rishtan, Margilan, Osh, Bishkek, Issyk-Kul

Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan Tour - 2

Visit more cities, attractions, and interesting places on this two-week Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan Tour 2. Alongside visits to popular places like Samarkand, Bukhara, and Lake Issyk-Kul, explore crafts workshops in Rishtan and Margilan, and walk the streets of Silk Road cities like Khiva and Osh.

Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand, Kokand, Fergana, Rishtan, Margilan, Osh, Bishkek, Issyk-Kul

Details 14 Days | All year round from US$ 2,320 per person

Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan Tours

Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan Tour

Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan Tour - 1

Go from the ancient to the modern and back again with this Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan Tour. Learn about the ancient histories and modern developments of these two countries.

Tashkent, Khiva, Kunya-Urgench, Dashoguz, Ashgabat, Mary, Merv, Bukhara, Samarkand

Details 10 Days | All year round from US$ 1,890 per person

Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan Tour - 2

Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan Tour - 2

This 13-day combined tour goes in-depth into the biggest sights of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, with stops at the must-see cities and excursions off the beaten path.

Tashkent, Khiva, Nukus, Kunya-Urgench, Darvaza gas crater, Ashgabat, Mary, Gonur, Merv, Bukhara, Samarkand

Details 13 Days | All year round from US$ 2,390 per person

Uzbekistan-Tajikistan Tours

Uzbekistan-Tajikistan Tour - 1:Tours to Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Shakhrisabz, Termez, Dushanbe, Khujand

Uzbekistan-Tajikistan Tour - 1

Cover two countries in one trip with this special combined Uzbekistan-Tajikistan Tour. See the most famous sights of both countries, and get a little taste of local flavor as you travel.

Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Shakhrisabz, Termez, Dushanbe, Khujand

Details 13 Days | All year round from US$ 1,760 per person

Uzbekistan-Tajikistan Tour - 2:Tours to Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand, Shakhrisabz, Termez, Dushanbe, Khujand

Uzbekistan-Tajikistan Tour - 2

This big 16-day tour takes you to the stop UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Immerse yourself in the history and culture of Central Asia with visits at some of the most monumental sights in the region.

Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand, Shakhrisabz, Termez, Dushanbe, Khujand

Details 16 Days | All year round from US$ 2,120 per person

Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan Tours

Day Tour to Otrar from Tashkent

Day Tour to Otrar from Tashkent

A short trip to the Kazakh steppe to the ruins of the ancient city of Otrar. You are waiting for stories about the life of the city and its significance on the Great Silk Road.

Shaulder village, Otrar

Details 1 Day | All year round from US$ 185 per person

From Tashkent to Turkestan

From Tashkent to Turkestan

Travel from Tashkent to Turkestan, a historical and cultural center in southern Kazakhstan. Visit the Khoja Ahmed Yasawi complex, ancient palaces and temples, and learn about the 1,500 years of history here.

Shaulder village, Otrar, Khodja Akhmed Yassavi Complex etc.

Details 2 Days | All year round from US$ 360 per person

Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan Tours

Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan Group Tour

Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan Group Tour

Dive into a 17-day mesmerizing journey across the gems of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. From nights in traditional yurt camps to the surreal landscape of mud volcanoes, this Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan Small Group Tour promises a rich tapestry of culture, history, and unforgettable experiences.

Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan

Details 17 Days | All year round

Uzbekistan-Azerbaijan Tour

Uzbekistan-Azerbaijan Tour

10-day tour to Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan will open up the ancient cities on the Silk Road, modern capitals, natural beauties and delicious cusine. The tour outstands with contrasting combination of sights from major cities to small dwellings.

Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Baku, Shamakhi, Sheki, Lahich

Details 10 Days | All year round

Uzbekistan and Georgia Tours

Uzbekistan and Georgia Group Tour

Uzbekistan and Georgia Group Tour

Discover two distinct areas of Central Asia and the Caucasus as you explore the historical, scenic, and cultural highlights of both Uzbekistan and Georgia on this 17-day small group guided tour.

Uzbekistan, Georgia

Details 17 Days | Spring, summer, autumn

Uzbekistan and Georgia Small Group Tour

Uzbekistan and Georgia Small Group Tour

Discover the enchanting allure of Central Asia and the Caucasus with the 14-day Uzbekistan and Georgia Small Group Tour. This tour is not just a trip; it's an unforgettable tapestry of culture, history, and natural beauty.

Details 14 Days | All year round

Helicopter Tours in Uzbekistan

Helicopter Sightseeing Tour to the Pulatkhan Plateau

Helicopter Tour to the Pulatkhan Plateau

The Pulatkhan Plateau is a unique place in the mountains of the western Tien Shan, far from civilization, where mountain tourists go for several days. And you can get there in just an hour and enjoy the breathtaking views of kilometer-long cliffs!

Pulatkhan Plateau

Details 1 Day | April-October from US$ 500 per person

Helicopter Sightseeing Tour to the Lake Urungach

Helicopter Tour to the Lake Urungach

A flight to Lake Urungach is an unforgettable journey from Tashkent to the mountains, to the pearl of the western Tien Shan. By car, you would have to drive for more than 4 hours, sometimes on a bad road, and you can easily fly directly to the lake in 40 minutes! And in flight you will have magnificent views of the mountain ranges and the Charvak reservoir.

Lake Urungach

Details 1 Day | April-September from US$ 640 per person

Aral Tours from Khiva

Tour to Muynak from Khiva

Tour to Muynak from Khiva

Informative tour from Khiva to Muynak, to the cemetery of ships. Along the way you will see the fortresses of Ancient Khorezm, visit the city of Nukus and its famous Savitsky Museum of Art.

Toprak-Kala, Chilpyk, Nukus, Savitsky Museum, Muynak, Mizdakhan, local History Museum

Details 2 Days | All year round from US$ 280 per person

Aral Sea Tour from Khiva

Aral Sea Tour from Khiva

A rich tour from ancient Khiva to the coast of the Aral Sea. You will make a long and exciting journey through the fortresses of Ancient Khorezm, the city of Nukus with a museum of avant-garde painting, the city of Muynak with a cemetery of ships. And the peak of the tour will be an unforgettable sunrise on the Aral Sea.

Nukus, Muynak, Usturt Plateau, Aral Sea, Kurgancha Kala, Sudochie lake, Kungrad, Mizdakhan, Gyaur-Kala

Details 3 Days | All year round from US$ 500 per person

Uzbekistan Special Interest Tours

Uzbekistan Archaeological Tour: from Ferghana Valley to Kyzylkum desert

Uzbekistan Archaeological Tour

Discover ancient Central Asia with this 13-day Uzbekistan Archaeological Tour. Visit ancient cities and archaeological excavations that tell about the different historical epochs of the region, as well as exploring the more modern sights of Uzbekistan.

Tashkent, Fergana, Kuva, Margilan, Rishtan, Termez, Samarkand, Nurata Mountains, Bukhara, Paykent, Ayaz-Kala, Khiva, Urgench

Details 13 Days | Spring, summer, autumn from US$ 1,920 per person

Uzbekistan Food Tour

Uzbekistan Food Tour

This 10-day Uzbekistan Food Tour will introduce you not only to the flavors of Uzbek national dishes, but will also teach you how to cook them. Enjoy the wines of this sunny land while visiting Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva.

Tashkent, Samarkand, Gijduvan, Bukhara, Khiva

Details 10 Days | All year round from US$ 1,600 per person

Uzbekistan Tours from Dubai

4-day Uzbekistan Tour Package from Dubai/Abu Dhabi

Uzbekistan Tour Package from Dubai/Abu Dhabi

Embark on an unforgettable 4-day Uzbekistan tour package from Dubai/Abu Dhabi to the enchanting landscapes of Uzbekistan. Start your journey in the historic city of Tashkent. On the second day, board a high-speed train to the mesmerizing city of Samarkand. The final day offers a respite amid nature's bounty, as you journey to the scenic Chimgan Mountains.

Tashkent, Samarkand, Chimgan mountains

Details 4 Days | All year round from US$ 320 per person

4-day Uzbekistan Tour Package from Dubai/Abu Dhabi - 2

Uzbekistan Tour Package from Dubai/Abu Dhabi - 2

Embark on a mesmerizing 4-day Uzbekistan Tour Package from Dubai/Abu Dhabi - 2, first touching down in Samarkand, the jewel of Uzbekistan. Board a high-speed train to Tashkent, where you'll explore the historic Khast-Imam Complex. A return train journey takes you back to Samarkand before the next day's exploration of Shakhrisabz, where you'll discover the Dor-us Saodat Memorial Complex.

Samarkand, Tashkent, Shakhrisabz

Uzbekistan Tours from UK

Golden Road to Samarkand 10 Days Tour from UK

Golden Road to Samarkand from UK

Look with your own eyes at the great Samarkand, sung in the poem by the British poet James Ellroy Flecker. Along with this, you will see other magnificent cities of Uzbekistan: Bukhara, Khiva, Shakhrisabz and Tashkent.

Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara, Gijduvan, Samarkand, Shakhrisabz

Details 10 Days | All year round from US$ 1,330 per person

Uzbekistan Food Tour 10 Days from UK

Uzbekistan Food Tour from UK

The most delicious trip to Uzbekistan from the UK! You will have 10 days to taste a variety of Uzbek dishes, including regional recipes. And along the way, for a better appetite, you will see the best monuments of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva!

Uzbekistan Tours from USA

Silk Road from Fergana to Khiva Tour from the USA

Silk Road from Fergana to Khiva Tour from the USA

From the bold patterns of wool carpets to the intricate designs of ceramics to the grandiosity of tiled mosques and madrassas, see the best of Uzbekistan’s master craftsmen and applied artists.

Tashkent, Kokand, Fergana, Margilan, Rishtan, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva

Details 10 Days | All year round from US$ 1,480 per person

Uzbekistan Tour: Tashkent, Nukus, Muynak, Khiva, Bukhara, Sentyab village and Samarkand

Exotics of the East Tour from the USA

After a long flight from the USA, immerse yourself in an exciting adventure imbued with the romance of the East. Two weeks of travel will give you magnificent views of ancient cities, peaceful landscapes of mountains and deserts, acquaintance with the hospitable Uzbek people. As a Westerner, discover the appeal of the East.

Tashkent, Nukus, Muynak, Khiva, Bukhara, Sentyab village, Samarkand

Details 15 Days | Spring, summer, autumn from US$ 1,760 per person

Uzbekistan Tours from Australia

Uzbekistan Train Tour from Australia

Uzbekistan Train Tour from Australia

During interesting modified tour of Uzbekistan by train, you will visit the Ferghana Valley. Upon arrival from Australia, you will begin to get acquainted with the culture of the Uzbek people and highlights of the eastern part of Uzbekistan.

Tashkent, Ferghana Valley, Bukhara, Samarkand

Details 8 Days | All year round from US$ 1,150 per person

Amazing Ancient Cities of Uzbekistan Tour from Australia

Amazing Ancient Cities of Uzbekistan Tour from Australia

Go to Uzbekistan’s ancient cities - and beyond. Visit the sights and wonders of Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand, and then spend a night in a yurt in the desert, the same way nomads have lived for centuries in the steppes.

Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara, Nurata, Samarkand

Details 10 Days | Spring, summer, autumn from US$ 1,330 per person

Uzbekistan Tours from Qatar

Tashkent and Chimgan Tour from Qatar

Tashkent and Chimgan Tour from Qatar

An ideal option for a first introduction to Uzbekistan or for those with only 3 days to travel from Doha. Explore the modern capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, and the scenic mountains of Chimgan.

Tashkent, Chimgan

Details 3 Days | All year round from US$ 350 per person

5-day Uzbekistan Tour from Qatar

5-day Uzbekistan Tour from Qatar

An ideal tour for exploring Uzbekistan, featuring the medieval monuments of Tashkent and Samarkand, along with their modern lifestyle. The tour concludes with a comfortable trip to the picturesque mountains of Uzbekistan.

Tashkent, Samarkand, Chimgan

Details 5 Days | All year round from US$ 720 per person

Private and Group Tours in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan tours take you to the greatest cities of the Silk Road: Samarkand, Khiva, and Bukhara. Old parts of these cities are intact versions of ancient Silk Road cities, where you can wander through alleyways and monuments and see these cities as they looked centuries ago. Recognizing their impressive architecture, atmospheres, and value to humanity, UNESCO has designated them to be World Heritage Sites.

As part of our Uzbekistan tours and holiday packages we offer a wide range of activities in addition to visiting historical sites: you can ride a camel in the Kyzylkum Desert, stay in a yurt, taste (or even cook) the best pilaf, or meet master-craftsmen as they make silk fabric in Margilan or pottery in Gijduvan. If you prefer an active holiday, visit the mountain resorts of Chimgan and Beldersay, or head to the Aral Sea for a unique opportunity for adventure seekers, photographers, and ecologists. Alternatively, spend some time in the Nurata Mountains, to see untouched nature and everyday village life while supporting local ecotourism.

For those who love the arts, the Fergana Valley, with its rich and colourful textiles and other handicrafts, is ideal. Intricate skills in embroidery, pottery, carpet-weaving and blacksmithing have been handed down through families for six or seven generations. Another option is to head to Nukus, which has one of the best art collections in the region, including the world's second-largest collection of Russian avant-garde art. In Tashkent, attend a ballet or opera performance or dine at one of Uzbekistan’s finest restaurants.

Book an Uzbekistan tour with us if you love ancient history, mesmerizing architecture, exotic legends, applied arts, warm hospitality, rich pilaf with crispy bread, and abundant fruits and vegetables grown naturally under the bright sun. We’re pleased to offer both escorted small group tours and private trips, and can even design a tailor-made travel package just for you! Whichever option you choose, by the time your trip ends, you’ll have an extra piece of baggage and many unforgettable memories to take home!

Premium Uzbekistan

10 days | discover the ancient silk road riches of uzbekistan.

KFPU - Exploring the historical city of Bukhara, Uzbekistan with Intrepid Travel

Journey back to the days of the Great Silk Road on a 10-day Premium adventure through Uzbekistan. Explore the cosmopolitan capital of Tashkent, marvel at glorious architecture in Samarkand, discover the holy sites of Bukhara and visit the ancient monuments of Khiva. Encounter a friendly welcome at every turn, join a local family for a traditional cooking class and get to know the ins and outs of a traditional Uzbek village. From medieval cities to charismatic communities, Uzbekistan has so much to uncover.

Trip overview

Our best 4-star accommodation and the highest level of service

All must-see locations plus authentic experiences exclusive to Premium

Trips led by our most experienced and highest-rated local leaders

  • Travel with a local leader who will share the magic of Uzbekistan's ‘holiest city’ in Bukhara, tell the ancient tales of historic Khiva and guide you through the extraordinary architecture of Samarkand.
  • Uncover Tashkent’s Soviet legacy and its contemporary culture. Explore the vast Chorsu Bazaar and embrace the hustle and bustle of one of Asia's oldest markets.
  • Stay within the walls of Uzbekistan’s history during a historical Feature Stay in an old Jewish house converted into a boutique hotel in Bukhara.
  • Understand local life through food by joining a local family in Samarkand for a cooking class, where you’ll learn about the popular Central Asian rice dish of plov. Then, enjoy a taste of Khorezmian culture during a family cooking class in Khiva.
  • Dig into Samarkand’s cultural heritage on a visit with a local artisan – one of the few people in Central Asia who continues to produce paper using a 1000-year-old method. Then, indulge in a few drops at the Bagizagan winery, considered the best wine producer in Uzbekistan.
  • As there are a couple of long travel days, plenty of time spent on your feet and days can be hot and dusty, you'll need to be reasonably fit to get the most out if this trip.
  • The Central Asian diet relies heavily on meat-based dishes. Dietary restrictions, such as vegetarian and gluten free, are not well known in Uzbekistan, and may have very limited options.
  • Our accommodation is all carefully selected, but keep in mind that the standard in Uzbekistan does not always live up to the Western expectations you might be used to. Rooms can be small, water pressure can be unreliable, and some amenities might not always be available.

View the itinerary for departures between 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2024

Xush kelibsiz! Welcome to Uzbekistan. Your adventure begins in the largest city in Central Asia, Tashkent. The mix of Russian and Uzbek style is an indication that for many years, it was a key city of the USSR. Extravagant mosques, both ancient and new, sit alongside modern highways and Soviet monuments. When you arrive at the airport, you’ll be met by a local representative and be transferred to your hotel. You’ll have a welcome meeting at 6 pm tonight to meet your local leader and fellow travellers. If you arrive early, maybe take a walk to see some of the contemporary architecture that sets this city apart from many other Silk Road destinations. After your meeting, join your group for a welcome dinner at an excellent local restaurant serving traditional Uzbek food such as laghman noodles, norin noodles and fried dumplings.

  • Hotel Inspira-S or similar (1 night) (1 night)
  • Tashkent - welcome dinner
  • Tashkent - State Museum of History of Uzbekistan - UZS50000
  • Tashkent - Art Gallery of Uzbekistan - UZS20000
  • Tashkent - Museum of Applied Arts - UZS25000

It’s very important that you attend the welcome meeting as we will be collecting insurance and emergency contact details at this time. If you are going to be late, please let your travel agent or hotel reception know. Ask reception or look for a note in the lobby for more information on where the meeting will take place.

Explore Tashkent on a city tour with your leader. First, make your way to the Khast Imom Complex, which includes the Barak Khan medressa (a college for Islamic instruction), the Kaffal Shashi mausoleum, the Quran Library and the Mosque, which holds one of the oldest and holiest Korans in the world. Then, leave behind the spiritual world and venture into the Chorsu Bazzar – one of the largest and oldest markets in Central Asia. Wandering through this giant marketplace is a fantastic way to see locals going about their daily lives. Uzbeks are some of the friendliest people in the world and with your leader on hand to bridge any language gaps, you’ll soon find yourself chatting to many locals. Your leader will show you some of Tashkent’s beautiful metro stations, then you’ll finish the tour at Amir Temur Square. With your free afternoon, you may like to visit the striking Kukeldash medressa.

  • Tashkent - Chorsu Bazaar
  • Tashkent - Amir Timur Square
  • Tashkent - Khast Imom Complex & Moyie Mubarek Library Museum
  • Tashkent - City tour
  • Tashkent - Metro tour

Early this morning, take a high-speed Afrosiab train to the ancient Silk Road hub of Samarkand. The city has long been a centre of artisans and traders as well as the prize for many a conquering army, leaving behind a rich and complex history. When you arrive, stop by the gorgeous remains of the Ulugbek Observatory – built by a Muslim prince, your leader will explain how this unpopular ruler had a controversial passion for astronomy. After, explore the Afrosiab Museum – home to a treasured 7th-century fresco of the Sogdian King Varkhouman. Then, head to the workshop of a local artisan in Konigil to discover one of the few people in Central Asia who continues to produce paper using a 1000-year-old method. This village is home to the Meros paper mill, founded by well-known masters, the Mukhtarov brothers. Thanks to their efforts, the local factory revived an ancient tradition based on old Samarkand technologies. You'll also see a ceramics workshop, then you can enjoy a free evening to explore Samarkand at your own pace.

  • Hotel Royal Samarkand or similar (1 night) (1 night)
  • Samarkand - Bibi-Khanym Mosque
  • Samarkand - Handmade paper workshop
  • Samarkand - Afrosiab Museum
  • Samarkand - Plov cooking demonstration & family visit
  • Samarkand - Ulugbek's Observatory

Your travel time today will be approximately 2 hours.

Today you’ll dig deeper into Samarkand’s fascinating cultural heritage with your leader. First, visit the holy Shah-i-Zinda complex – the so-called ‘Town of the Dead’ necropolis, with more than 20 beautifully decorated unique buildings. Then, head to the Gur Amir Mausoleum. Your leader will tell you all about the mighty ruler Timur, as this is his final resting place. Stand on the iconic Registan Square with three mosaic-adorned madrassas towering over you, then explore the Siob Bazaar, full of bustling stalls and friendly local traders. This afternoon, head out of the city to the Bagizagan winery, considered the best wine producer in Uzbekistan. Get a special insight into the production of Uzbek wine and try a few drops for yourself. In the evening, you’ll have the intimate Uzbek experience of joining a local family for a cooking demonstration on the traditional meal ‘plov’. Uzbek men pride themselves on their ability to prepare the most unique and delicious plov (a tasty rice dish cooked over an open flame in a traditional cauldron) and you’ll sit down to share some over dinner.

  • Samarkand - Uzbek Bagizagan winery visit and tasting
  • Samarkand - City tour
  • Samarkand - Gur-e-Amir Mausoleum
  • Samarkand - Shakh-I-Zinda
  • Samarkand - Registan Square
  • Samarkand - Siob Bazaar

This morning, you’ll make your way to the holy and historic city of Bukhara on a high-speed train. A UNESCO World Heritage-listed site, Bukhara is widely regarded as Central Asia’s holiest city and is home to monuments dating from the 8th to the 18th century AD. When you arrive, you’ll take a tour of some of the sites with your leader. Head out to see some of the monuments – the meticulous restoration of many of the mosaic and majolica decorations gives you a true sense of how these buildings looked in their original glory. Visit the Ismail Samani Mausoleum, the Chashma Ayub Mausoleum and the Bolo-Khauz Mosque. After, head to your Feature Stay in a converted Jewish House. Historic and authentic, these houses are interestingly decorated and there’s much to explore here. This evening, head out to dinner at a local restaurant, then you’ll enjoy an Uzbek folklore and music performance at one of the city’s madrasses.

  • Converted Jewish House (feature stay) or similar (1 night) (1 night)
  • Gijduvan - Ceramics workshop
  • Shofirkon - Uzbek village and silk suzane making family visit
  • Bukhara - Folklore & music performance
  • Bukhara - Bolo Hauz Complex
  • Bukhara - Chashma Ayub Mausoleum
  • Bukhara - Ismail Samani Mausoleum

The hotels that you stay in tonight may be different from the typical Premium class hotels and the rooms can be quite small, given they are in historic buildings. They are, however, comfortable, well-located in the old part of the city and family-owned and operated heritage properties.

There are three different Jewish Houses that your group may be staying in, all of which are of a similar standard. Please be aware however, that your group may be split up tonight.

This morning, you’ll continue to explore Bukhara with your leader. After breakfast, visit the ruins of the 5th-century Ark Fortress and the imposing Poikalon complex. Taki Zargaron and the trading domes near here still offer a colourful array of goods including embroideries, jewellery, spices, handicrafts and all manner of Silk Road treasures. This is the place to test your haggling skills and share a joke or two with local craftsman and merchants. Visit the central Lyabi-Hauz complex and its surrounding areas, which you may want to revisit during twilight hours. Then, you have the rest of the afternoon and evening free to explore at your own pace – your leader will always be on hand with great recommendations.

  • Bukhara - Ark Fortress
  • Bukhara - Bolo Hauz Mosque
  • Bukhara - Chor Minor
  • Bukhara - Kalon Minaret & Mosque
  • Bukhara - Taki Zargaron Trading Dome
  • Bukhara - Lyabi Khauz Complex
  • Bukhara - City tour

After a leisurely morning in Bukhara, visit Sitorai Mohi Hosa – the summer Palace of Alim Khan, Uzbekistan’s last emir. Your leader will share stories of the emir’s extravagant lifestyle as you explore the luxuriously decorated compound. Then, say your goodbyes and drive to Khiva. You’ll travel through the Kyzyl-Kum (Red Sands Desert) – the largest desert area in Central Asia that has long been inhabited by various nomadic people. Along the way, you’ll stop for photos, lunch and a walk in the desert to learn about the unique flora and fauna of the region. Stop at a few viewpoints along the way, then arrive in Khiva in the evening, where you’re free to rest and recharge after a long travel day.

  • Arkanchi Hotel or similar (1 night) (1 night)
  • Bukhara - Sitorai Mohi Hosa Palace

Your total travel time today will be approximately 7 hours.

Take a full day to explore Khiva with your leader. This city is well preserved and perfect for exploring on foot, with impressive walls that mark the boundaries of the Old City. Your leader will guide you through the ancient monuments, including the turquoise Kalta Minor Minaret, the Khan museum, the 17th-century Juma Mosque and the Islom-Hoja Minaret and Medressa. Visit the Kuhna Ark, which was the main fortress, and look over the city from the hill of the Ak-Sheikh Baba observation platform. Finish with the tranquil 19th-century Tosh-Hovli Palace. Later, head to one of the city’s roof terraces for a glass of champagne as you watch the sunset. Tonight, join a cooking class and learn the secrets of Khorezmian cuisine. Make traditional dishes like shivit oshi (green noodles) and tuhum-barak (egg dumplings) then tuck into your creations for dinner.

  • Khiva - Islom Hoja Minaret & Medressa
  • Khiva - Juma Mosque
  • Khiva - Tosh-Hovli Palace
  • Khiva - Kunya Ark
  • Khiva - Kalta Minor Minaret
  • Khiva - Sunset drinks
  • Khiva - Muhammad Rahim-khan Medressa
  • Khiva - Muhammad Amin-khan Medressa
  • Khiva - Khorezmian cuisine cooking class

Transfer to the airport in the morning for a flight to Tashkent. Admire the facade of the Navoi Theatre, named for one of the nom de plume’s of Ali-Shir Nava’I – a 16th-century writer and mystic. The multi-arched building was partially constructed by Japanese prisoners of war. Next, take a walk down the buzzing Broadway Alley, where there’s always something happening. Take some time to wander the street lined by shady trees and works from local artists. Tonight, join your fellow travellers for a final dinner and say farewell to this spectacular Silk Road country.

Your travel time today will be approximately 1.5 hours.

Your adventure comes to an end after breakfast today. If you would like to spend some more time in Tashkent, just get in touch with your booking agent ahead of time to organise additional accommodation.

9 breakfasts, 5 dinners

Private vehicle, Metro, High-speed train, Plane

Hotel (7 nights), Feature Stay (2 nights)

  • Arrival airport transfer
  • Tipping for accommodation, activities and transport
  • Luggage transfer
  • Daily breakfast and signature local meal experiences
  • 24/7 on-ground support

Dates and availability

Important notes.

1. A complimentary airport arrival transfer is included; valid if you are arriving on Day 1 or if you have booked pre-tour accommodation through us. You must provide your flight details to your booking agent at least 14 days prior to travel. 2. A single supplement is available if you’d prefer not to share a room on this trip. The single supplement applies to all nights of your trip and is subject to availability. Please speak to your booking agent for further information.  3. This trip includes a domestic flight from Urgench to Tashkent. The luggage allowance is 20kg for check in luggage and 5kg for carry on. 4. Due to changes to the airline’s flight schedule, on some departures the domestic flight to Tashkent on Day 9 will be in the afternoon instead of the morning. All included activities will remain unchanged.

Want an in-depth insight into this trip? Essential Trip Information provides a detailed itinerary, visa info, how to get to your hotel, what's included - pretty much everything you need to know about this adventure and more.

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Uzbekistan and the Silk Route

12 day escorted tour.

Central Asia's cradle of culture for millennia, Uzbekistan's place at the heart of the ancient Silk Road has attracted architects, scientists and mathematicians for centuries, as well as marauding conquerors intent on plundering the riches within. Explore the rich and fascinating history of this welcoming country with tours of its stunning mosques, immense citadels and breath-taking mausoleums and discover the huge influence it has had on the world in everything from mathematics to military tactics.

  • Explore Uzbekistan's cosmopolitan capital Tashkent
  • Visit the colossal Kalta Minor Minaret
  • Discover Bukhara, Central Asia's holiest city
  • Delight in a Khoresmian Folk show with dinner
  • Visit the ruins of Ak Saray Palace in Shakrisabz
  • Enjoy a delicious wine tasting at the Khovrenko Winery
  • Follow an ancient trading route across the Kyzyl Kum desert
  • Gaze in awe at Registan square
  • Enjoy a cookery class with a local family in Samarkand

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Depart UK on your scheduled flight to Tashkent

On arrival into Tashkent, you will be met by a local guide and transferred to your hotel. You will have a few hours to refresh and then just before lunch you will head out to enjoy a cultural tour of Tashkent starting with Hast Imam Square. Built on the tomb of known scientist, scholar and craftsman Hazrati Imam, the square is the religious centre of Tashkent and home to a number of beautiful mosques, monuments and madrasas. A madrasa is a centre of Islamic learning and there are some excellent medieval examples here such as the elegant blue-domed Barak-Khan Madrasa with its imposing, but no less elegant gateway, as well as the Muyi Muborak Madrasa with its intricately carved ceilings and ancient manuscripts, including the Osman Koran, considered to be the oldest copy of the Koran in the world. As a contrast to these 16th Century sites, you'll then visit the Chorsu Bazaar and experience the hustle and bustle of everyday Central Asian life as everything from spices, grains and fruits are sold. This is followed by a visit to the Alisher Navoi Opera and Ballet Theatre Square built in neoclassical style by famous Russian architect Alexey Shchusey. Finally you'll pay a visit to Mustaqilik (Independence Square) home to the country's senate and government buildings.

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Morning at leisure before catching your flight to Urgench for your transfer to Khiva. You will have an afternoon at leisure.

Breakfast & Dinner

An important trading post on the Silk Road for centuries due to its position halfway between China and Rome, Khiva is a colourful treat for the eyes and a UNESCO-listed treasure that feels more like an open-air museum than a functioning city. Today, you'll get the chance to wander its ancient streets and discover a millennium of history on a fascinating guided tour. Gaze up at the imposing mud-brick walls of Ichan Kala, Khiva's inner city; explore the 12th century fortress of Kuhna Ark and wonder at the intricately tiled Pahlawan Mahmud Mausoleum, built in honour of the brave Uzbek hero Pahlavan Mahmoud.

After breakfast, board a coach or minibus and enjoy the vastness of the Uzbekistan Desert views from Khiva to Bukhara. Upon arrival, you will have time to explore the local area.

One of the most ancient cities in Uzbekistan, Bukhara is over 3000 years old and dates back to nearly a thousand years before Alexander the Great's conquest of Central Asia. Like most historic cities in Uzbekistan it was an important trading post along the Silk Road, but is probably better known throughout the Islamic world as a being a great centre of learning and has even been referred to as Central Asia's holiest city. Today, you will get the opportunity to explore some of its many architectural wonders on a guided tour of the city. The formidable Ark citadel was initially built in the 5th century and was the fortified residence of the rulers of Bukhara for centuries, containing palaces, temples barracks and even a prison. It has been destroyed and subsequently rebuilt many times, including by Genghis Khan who ransacked Bukhara in 1220 AD. Your tour guide will escort you around the various minarets, mosques, madrassas and mausoleums of the city before leaving you to explore this architectural wonder at your own pace.

Today is at leisure to wander this fabulous city, exploring its bazaars, stone pools and ancient streets without a guide.

After breakfast, depart for Samarkand stopping en route at the 'green city' of Shakhrisabz. With a well-groomed, green and modern appearance it's hard to believe the city is over 2700 years old. The centre of the city has been declared a UNESCO world heritage site and contains an exceptional collection of monuments, including the gleaming white Ak Saray Palace built for Amir Timur or Tamerlane, famous warrior Khan, military tactician and founder of the Timurid Empire. Born in a neighbouring village, Tamerlane turned Shakrisabz into his residence after assuming power and ordered his architects to build a series of intricate mausoleums and stunning mosques, the ruins of which can still be explored today. Leaving the Timurids 1st city behind you'll continue onwards to the 14th century capital of their empire, Samarkand.

Samarkand is the epitome of a journey along the Silk Road. The name alone conjures up romantic, almost mythical images of vast tiled squares; huge blue domes sparkling in the sun and patterned minarets reaching into the sky. A trip to Registan, the city's Timurid heart and Central Square proves this to be a reality and showcases the fine work of Tamerlane's master craftsmen and builders, acquired from throughout his sprawling empire. A wide mosaicked square is backed by three immense madrasas, beautifully adorned in intricate blues green and violet patterns, each one a monument to the city's place as the intellectual capital of the region. During the middle ages the city attracted the greatest scholars, architects and scientists around, which can be seen first hand on your visit to Ulugbek's Observatory. Grandson of Tamerlane, Ulugbek was a famous astronomer, scientist and architect whose observatory helped him to produce the most comprehensive catalogue of stars since the 2nd century and greatly advance the world's understanding of the solar system. You can pay your respects to both him and his famous conquering grandfather at the sumptuous Gur- Emir, the ornately decorated mausoleum of the royal family. Once a marvel of the east, its influence can be seen in the style of the great architectural tombs of the Mughal dynasty of North India such the Taj Mahal in Agra. Before dinner, visit the Khovrenko Winery and sample a range of Samarkand wines.

This morning, you'll visit the Koni Ghil Paper Mill renowned for making paper of such exquisite quality that only sultans, emirs and viziers could afford it. This 'royal' paper has been exported along the Silk Road for centuries and many 9th and 10th century Arabic and Persian manuscripts were written on it. After this you'll explore one of the treasures of Samarkand, the Bibi-Khanym Mosque built in the late 14th century as a tribute to Tamerlane's wife as well as his victory in Delhi. It is one of the best-known architectural wonders of Central Asia. You'll have a chance to do some shopping at the local Siyab bazaar, before having the rest of the day at leisure to explore this UNESCO listed city at your own pace. This evening you will have the chance to experience a little modern Uzbek culture by enjoying dinner with a local family who will provide a master class in cooking Pilav, a famous rice based dish in Uzbekistan

Take the morning at leisure, you can spend more time shopping in Siab Bazaar or relax with a coffee in the boulevards around Registan Square. Take a train to Tashkent where you can enjoy a festive farewell dinner to round off this unforgettable trip.

Enjoy a leisurely breakfast, before transferring to the airport for your return flight to the UK or onto your chosen extension.

This tour can be booked by calling 0330 818 8907

Sorry we cannot book this tour online at the moment.


tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Tour Reviews

Some muddle up with hotels, asked for a double bed rather than twin beds. A bit more free time would be good and the overall pace on the tour was good for an older group. Excellent guide.

Nigel Tompkins

Most hotels were very good with the exception of the Area Hotel in Samarkand which didn't meet the standards of the others.

The hotels were good especially Arkanchi Hotel and Malika Hotel. This was a fantastic tour from start to finish. The excursions were brilliant and the tour rep Shirin was excellent. She was so knowledgeable about Uzbek history and the social changes in her country. The Ubekistan Airways was also good. I would recommend this tour to other people as a wonderful experience.

The hotels were on the whole good but the Asia group had extremely hard beds. The Asia Tashkent was also not so good with the breakfast. All the others were excellent.

D Patterson

The guide and driver were amazing they thought of everything.

Best hotel was where we could meet informally as at Bukhara but all hotels clean and service fine

Brian Sheffield

City Palace was by far best standard and comfort. All hotels were in great central locations

Excellent service from start to finish. Outstanding guide and driver.

Anne Dunbar

All the hotels were in good very central locations

Jill Spencer

Nice size rooms. Clean and comfortable. All very handy for sight seeing

Philip Mansfield

All hotels were well located and of the expected standard. The Tashkent hotel being particularly good.

Standard hotels suitable for short stays on tour

Extend Your Tour

tour uzbekistan 2022 francorosso

Uzbekistan and the Silk Route with Fergana Valley Extension

Important information.

The order of events and sightseeing may vary according to local conditions or for operational purposes. The schedules of the domestic airlines in country are subject to frequent changes. For this reason, we have indicated approximate times only. Your local guide will inform you of any schedule changes as they are informed of them. Some road construction &/or weather conditions may lengthen the driving times. Our intention is to adhere to the day-to-day itinerary as printed; however, order of events and sightseeing may vary according to local conditions.

If booking more than 12 weeks before departure a deposit of £295.00pp will need to be paid at the time of booking with the full amount payable at 12 weeks prior to departure. The deposit applies to adults and children. If you are within 12 weeks of travel then the full balance of the holiday will be payable.

If you’re visiting Uzbekistan, your passport should have an ‘expiry date’ at least three months from the day you arrive and at least two blank pages.

A visa is not required for your trip to Uzbekistan. You must register with the local district OVIR (Department of Foreign Travel and Exit) within three days of your arrival. Saturdays and Sundays count as part of the three-day period. If you’re staying in a hotel, you’ll be asked for your passport at check-in. Hotel staff will complete the registration paperwork and return your passport. If you do not register within 3 days of arrival in the country, you get fined for each day you are late so it is important to ensure that it is done to avoid any issues when leaving the country. Upon departure, you may be required to show proof of registration, so it's essential to keep your registration slip/s safe. Further advice should be sought from the applicable tourist authority for other nationalities and for general queries. We strongly advise you check your destinations’ Tourist Board or Embassy for the most up-to-date guidelines regarding passport validity.

Please note that final flight details will be confirmed on your e-ticket and final documentation which will be sent to you approximately 21 days before departure. Weight restrictions will be finalized on your final documentation. Should you wish to take additional luggage you will need to pay extra at check-in. Check-in should be at least 3 hours before departure. If you wish to arrange Airport car parking or accommodation at preferential rates, we recommend you book this in advance with Holiday Extras on 0871 360 2000, quoting HX313.

IMPORTANT: A printed E-ticket is no longer required at check-in, all you need to do is present your passport to the staff at the desk and your boarding pass will be given to you. Please note that you should carry your invoice with flight details on it as you will need to show this at the airport.

We strongly recommend that you and all members of your party are suitably insured as soon as you book your holiday. It is a condition of booking that you must have suitable travel insurance. It is important that you purchase travel insurance that suitably covers your participation in whatever activities you may undertake at the time that you make your booking. To assist you with this, we have arranged travel insurance in partnership with Holiday Extras. To arrange your travel insurance with Holiday Extras, please call 0800 781 4237 and quote 'WK830' for preferential rates. Please ensure you provide us with the name of your insurer, policy number and their 24-hour emergency contact number as soon as possible. Mercury Holidays will not be liable for any costs incurred by you due to your failure to take out suitable travel insurance from the date of booking.

It is your responsibility to check any health and vaccination requirements applicable to your booked arrangements. We can only provide general information about this. Health and hygiene facilities and disease risks vary from country to country. You should take health advice about your own needs as early as possible and in good time before your departure. Sources of information include; , , , your General Practitioner or a specialist clinic.

This tour is accessible to most people with an average level of fitness and normal mobility. It involves moderate days of walking on uneven paths and small hills, and getting on and off coaches. This tour is not suitable for anyone with walking difficulties.

The currency in Uzbekistan is the Uzbekistani Som (UZS), and that is the only currency we recommend you use on the tour. We recommend that you exchange your currency before you leave the UK. Visa and Mastercard, debit and credit card are accepted in main tourist areas but are not always reliable and smaller areas and establishments only accept local currency in cash. ATM’s are also available in large cities and tourist areas. All foreign currencies can be exchanged in major banks, but the preferred currencies are US Dollars and Euros (new dated notes in best condition).

As normal practice you may be asked for your credit card details on check-in at the hotel in order to cover any extras incurred during your stay. If you do not have a credit card, you may be asked for a cash deposit. MasterCard and Visa are widely accepted in hotels as well as American Express.

You will need to take some extra money with you to cover any meals where these are not mentioned on your itinerary and personal purchases, such as souvenirs, drinks and snacks. Approximately (£400-500) per person should be sufficient for the duration of your tour.

Tipping It is at your customary to tip both your driver and guide. we would recommend approximately $5 per day for guide and $3 per day for each driver. Tipping of hotel staff and porters is estimated at $1-$2 per service and restaurants is 5-10% of the bill. Tips are accepted in the local currency, however it is asked that if you do not tip in the local currency that you only pay with notes, as coins cannot be exchanged.

The minimum number of travellers in your group will be 10, and the maximum will be 35. If in the unlikely event there are less than 10 people booked on your tour date, we will endeavour to reduce any disruption to your holiday and try to operate your tour with lower passenger numbers. If we are not able to operate your departure date then you may be asked to change to a different date and a full refund will be made available to you should this alternative not be suitable

This is an escorted tour, meaning you will have the services of an English speaking guide throughout your tour ensuring that you have first-hand knowledge at all times.

For Private Tours or groups 4 and lower, you will be accompanied by a Driver and Local Guides on excursions. These Local Guides will be available to you during all scheduled sightseeing.

Your accommodation is selected for convenience, location, comfort or character, and can range from business hotels to leisure hotels. Hotel accommodation is generally rated as local three to four-star standard, but please note there is no international classification system for hotels, and differences in facilities and quality do exist compared to what you might expect in the UK. All group tours hotels have private bathroom facilities and air-conditioning, where needed. Rest assured that all accommodation used by Mercury Holidays is regularly inspected by our staff and partners to ensure that standards meet your needs.

Breakfast is always western style and served in the hotel each morning. Lunch and Dinner (when included) will be taken in local restaurants or at the hotel. A variety of restaurants are visited giving you the chance to experience a range of dishes and flavours. Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten-free options available, please request prior to departure. Please contact Customer Experience for questions about other dietary requirements or allergy information.

It is not recommended to drink the tap water, even in developed countries water may contain unfamiliar elements that can cause upset stomachs. In less developed countries water is not filtered in the same way. Bottled water will be available at shops and hotels.

Uzbekistan is a predominantly Muslim country and very conservative. It is expected for everyone to dress modestly. Woman – cover shoulders, midriff and legs to below the knees. Men – shorts are acceptable but working around shirtless is not. When visiting mosques, mausoleums, and other religious sites avoid revealing or tight fitting clothes, covering shoulders and knees and women may consider brining a scarf to cover your heads. Comfortable slip-on shoes are ideal for easy removal when entering religious buildings.

On arrival in Uzbekistan, you should clear customs and immigration and go out of the airport through the Arrivals Hall. Directly outside you will be met by the representative from our local agent, Dolores Travel Group (please note the rep. cannot enter the airport). This representative will be holding a sign displaying “Mercury Holidays” and will then escort you to your transfer vehicle. Your guide will be able to answer any queries you may have.

If you need to contact your representative during your stay, the details are: Dolores Travel Group 104A, Kichik Beshagach str. Tashkent, 100025, Uzbekistan Telephone Number: 00998 78 1208883 (office working hours 09:00-18:00)

Emergency contact information: Please find below the emergency contact details for Dolores Travel Group Ms. Anna: 0099899 858 88 94 E-mail: [email protected]



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    inTour 2022 | Francorosso | Catalogo Sfogliabile ... ...

  12. Alpitour: Francorosso rilancia con i tour nell'Uzbekistan

    L'Uzbekistan torna nella programmazione di Francorosso dopo tre anni di assenza. Il brand di Alpitour World rilancia la destinazione con il tour 'La Terra di Tamerlano' con due partenze già ...

  13. Francorosso: ogni viaggio, un mondo

    Ogni viaggio, un mondo. Feel Different. Feel Red. Per molti il rosso è il colore dell'amore e della passione. Per alcuni è anche il colore delle emozioni più belle, di viaggi straordinari, di destinazioni uniche. Benvenuti nel mondo Francorosso, dove i vostri desideri prendono la forma di vacanze indimenticabili.

  14. Asia Centrale

    Tour Kazakistan, Kirghizistan e Uzbekistan. ESCLUSIVA VIAGGI DELL'ELEFANTE Date di partenza 2024: ogni venerdì Viaggio di gruppo - minimo 6 partecipanti 13 giorni / 12 notti Un viaggio emozionante ed insolito a contatto con i paesi dell'ex Unione Sovietica, situati nell'Asia Centrale.

  15. Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan (2022)

    By the end of their stay, they don't want to leave. This is the ultimate tour of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Everywhere you look in this region there seems to be the most beautiful snow-covered mountain range or the most mesmerizing lakes, the most dramatic gorges and beckoning deserts. ... -Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan (2022) quantity + Sold Out.

  16. Highlights of Uzbekistan by G Adventures with 56 Tour ...

    Highlights of Uzbekistan, a 10 days tour from Tashkent to Samarkand, Nurota and 3 destinations. Best Selection - Best Price - Trusted Payments. Shop 2,500 operators. 4.5 stars on (6,753 reviews) 24/7 customer support. ... Trip date: September 2022. Review collected by G Adventures. A.

  17. Best Uzbekistan Tours & Holidays 2024/2025

    Premium Uzbekistan. Denise · Traveled June 2024. Highly recommend travelling to Uzbekistan. The country is fascinating, safe and not yet overcrowded with tourists. Good for solo female travellers. Intrepid's premium tour offers a mix of all the main sights with local connections. A mix of walking, exploring and authentic hotels but still ...

  18. Best Uzbekistan Tours & Vacations 2024/2025

    Tashkent to Ashgabat. Marjorie · Traveled June 2024. The Tashkent to Ashgabat trip was amazing, such a different country with strange rules and many entries in Guinness Book of Records and large monuments. The guide was great and the people we met were very friendly. A country that you really should visit for a different and wonderful experience.

  19. Uzbekistan Tours

    from US$ 1,160 per person. Uzbekistan Relaxed Group Tour 2024-2025. The Uzbekistan Relaxed Group Tour 2024-2025 allows you to experience the very best of Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara, Gijduvan and Samarkand at a laid-back pace that will not leave you feeling tired, rushed or overwhelmed.

  20. Discover Uzbekistan

    Essential Trip Information. Reviews. Journey back to the days of the Great Silk Road on a 10-day Premium adventure through Uzbekistan. Explore the cosmopolitan capital of Tashkent, marvel at glorious architecture in Samarkand, discover the holy sites of Bukhara and visit the ancient monuments of Khiva. Encounter a friendly welcome at every turn ...

  21. Oceano e Safari 2022

    Oceano e Safari 2022 | Catalogo Sfogliabile| Francorosso ... ...

  22. Cataloghi Sfogliabili

    Chiamaci dal Lunedì al Venerdì dalle 8.30 alle 20. Sabato dalle 9 alle 18 al costo di una chiamata nazionale (festivi esclusi) Cataloghi Alpitour, Francorosso, Bravo Club, Turisanda, Viaggidea e Presstour: sfoglia i cataloghi e inizia a sognare la tua prossima vacanza.

  23. THE TOP 10 Uzbekistan Tours & Excursions

    Price varies by group size. Khiva Day Tour from Tashkent. 4. Authentic Cultural Experience: Khiva offers a chance to immerse oneself in the local culture and traditions of Uzbekistan. The city's narrow streets, bustling markets, and vibrant handicraft workshops showcase the daily life of its residents.

  24. Uzbekistan and the Silk Route

    12 Day Escorted Tour. Uzbekistan, Central Asia. 24 Meals Included. 8 Excursions. Intermediate Pace. Central Asia's cradle of culture for millennia, Uzbekistan's place at the heart of the ancient Silk Road has attracted architects, scientists and mathematicians for centuries, as well as marauding conquerors intent on plundering the riches within.