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Travel insurance for China (what you need to know)

Posted by Mike Cairnduff | Updated March 19, 2023 | Travel

Travel insurance for China (what you need to know)

Don’t leave for China without travel insurance.

The Chinese medical system is not the same as back home. Hefty medical costs may be required upfront, and English may not be spoken.

So, if something bad were to happen, would you be able to cope – both mentally and financially – if you didn’t have cover?

In this article, I’ll share information about China travel insurance, health and safety tips, as well as links where you can get a quote and buy an insurance plan.

Do I need travel insurance for China?

injured man seeking medical assistance china

If you’re not insured and you get injured, you could be up for thousands. Image by George Rudy on Shutterstock.

Travel insurance isn’t mandatory for China.

However, it’s recommended if you want cover for medical treatment while you’re there, which can be very expensive.

Accidents and medical emergencies happen all the time in China, and foreigners are not immune.

Whether you’re in Beijing or Shanghai, or somewhere off the beaten track, paying a little bit of money upfront for insurance can save you from potentially forking out thousands of dollars for medical care.

Hopefully you don’t need to use your travel health insurance in China. But it’s nice knowing it’s there if you do need it.

What’s the best travel insurance for China?

I recommend VisitorsCoverage when traveling to China.

With VisitorsCoverage, it’s easy to find, compare and buy the best travel insurance for your China trip.

For total peace of mind, a comprehensive plan is best for China. It’s especially recommended if you have any pre-existing conditions or if you’re elderly.

If you’re looking for basic coverage at an affordable price, a limited plan may suit you best.

It really depends on your personal circumstances (such as your health), how long you’re going for, and how much money you want to spend to look after you and your loved ones.

What’s the cheapest travel insurance for China?

If you want basic coverage and limited benefits, you can choose a limited plan with VisitorsCoverage . This is also known as a fixed benefit plan.

Just keep in mind that the cheapest plan may not include things like COVID-19 treatment or pre-existing conditions.

Whenever I travel to China, I take out comprehensive insurance and I’m relatively fit and healthy. I never scrimp and save when it comes to my health.

To keep your premium low, you can also choose a higher deductible no matter the plan.

Cover for COVID-19 in China

Do you want cover for COVID-19 treatment in China?

If so, simply choose a travel insurance medical plan with VisitorsCoverage that includes this benefit. You’ll find these plans clearly marked with a green tick.

You can also select a plan that doesn’t include COVID-19. Generally, these plans are a bit cheaper.

For me, it’s a no brainer. Cover for COVID-19 in China is a must-have!

Cover for medical evacuation from China

In the best interests of your health, sometimes you need to return home straight away.

Medical evacuation from China can be super expensive. That’s why it’s important to check that your insurance policy includes this benefit.

Sometimes it’s referred to as medevac insurance.

What are medical facilities like in China?

hospital surgery china

The quality of medical care depends on where you are in China. Image by Junrong on Shutterstock.

China has international-standard hospitals and medical services. However, treatment can be expensive which is why taking out travel insurance is recommended.

Some hospitals in the biggest cities, like Shanghai and Beijing, even have special departments for treating foreigners.

Outside major cities, however, the standard of medical care and the range of medications may be limited. Medical staff in rural areas may not be trained to the standard you’re used to.

Hospitals may ask for cash up-front before treating you.

Health and safety tips for China

family traveling in beijing

Take care while traveling in China. Image by Elizaveta Galitckaia on Shutterstock.

China is a safe destination for travelers.

Having said that, it’s always worth taking extra care when you’re traveling overseas. Here are some tips to help you.

There’s still a risk that you can get COVID-19 in China and become very sick. Try to avoid very crowded places if you can (this can be hard in China!).

If you test positive for COVID-19 and your symptoms are mild, you should rest in your hotel or hostel until you feel better.

However, there are no longer any legal requirements to self-quarantine, so you’re free to keep sightseeing if you choose. Just make sure you wear a mask to help protect others.

If your symptoms are more serious and you’re very sick, you should see a doctor straight away.

Food and drink

To minimize your chance of getting a tummy bug or food poisoning, eat thoroughly cooked food that has been prepared in hygienic conditions.

Please don’t drink the tap water in China. It’s unsafe to drink, even in hotels. You should drink bottled water instead, which is available everywhere.

It’s OK to brush your teeth with the tap water – just don’t swallow it.

Stay away from both domestic and wild animals in China as you can get sick or even die if you’re bitten.

For example, you could get rabies from a pet dog or cat. And, people have died from bird flu in China, so stay away from live poultry too.

Insect-borne diseases

Japanese encephalitis and malaria exist in southern China, particularly in rural areas in the warmer summer months.

Dengue fever cases have also recently risen sharply , especially in Guangdong. Risks increase during the wet season.

There are numerous vaccinations for China you should get, depending on which parts of the country you’re visiting and the time of year. You can also protect yourself from insects by using repellent and covering up.

Sexually transmitted diseases

If you’re going to have sex with a local, make sure you use protection. HIV/AIDS is a significant risk in China.

And, although prostitution in China exists, it’s actually banned and there are severe penalties if you get caught including fines and deportation.

Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly throughout your trip.

Public toilets in China can be unhygienic, and there is usually no toilet paper or hand soap. You’ll need to bring your own paper and hand sanitizer.

Chinese roads are busy and accidents happen all the time, so take care when crossing the road. Cars may not stop for you, even at pedestrian crossings.

If you plan on riding an e-bike or e-scooter in China, make sure your insurance plan covers these kinds of vehicles. And always wear a helmet!

High pollution in China is a big problem in many cities, particularly if you have pre-existing conditions or respiratory issues. Consider buying a face mask that blocks out pollution, and stay indoors on the worst days.

You can check this page for the latest pollution levels in the cities you’re traveling to.

Altitude sickness

Some regions in China , such as Tibet and Qinghai, are at altitudes of over 3,000 m (almost 10,000 ft). Altitude sickness is common among travelers to these areas.

Take plenty of rests especially if you have pre-existing conditions such as heart or respiratory problems.

Psst! A quick travel tip

tourist in china traveling with map

Download a VPN before you arrive in China. Image by Gemmy on Shutterstock.

You may not have heard that the Chinese internet is censored.

So, when using Wi-Fi, you won’t have access to your favorite sites and apps like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Gmail, Google and heaps more, unless you get a VPN before you arrive.

You can read my review about the best China VPN (or skip the review and go straight here ).

A summary of travel insurance for China

Too long, didn’t read? Here are the most important bits.

Although travel insurance isn’t an entry requirement for China, it’s recommended you get cover. If something bad were to happen to you in China, you could be up for thousands of dollars as medical care can be expensive there.

With VisitorsCoverage , there are two main types of medical insurance for China – comprehensive and limited.

Comprehensive gives the best level of protection. Just make sure it includes everything you need, such as COVID-19 and medical evacuation cover.

Although China is a safe place to visit, accidents happen all the time, and there are risks associated with other people, food, animals, insects, traffic, hygiene and pollution.

That’s why having travel insurance for China is so important.

Heading to China soon?

As well as getting medical insurance, make sure you’ve got the other essentials sorted:

  • Visa – if you’re only staying for a few days, you may be eligible for visa-free travel .
  • Payments – your credit card may not be accepted, so bring yuan or get Alipay .
  • Packing – knowing what to pack can be hard, so use the China packing list .

Have an amazing, safe time in China. And don’t forget your travel insurance!

Help in China

Here are some helpful, local phone numbers if you need help in China.

Emergency assistance

  • Medical – call 120
  • Police – call 110
  • Fire – call 119

Your insurer should have a 24-hour emergency number as well.

  • United States: +86 10 8531 3000
  • United Kingdom: +86 10 5192 4000
  • India: +86 10 8531 2500
  • Canada: +86 10 5139 4000
  • Australia: +86 10 5140 4111
  • Singapore: +86 10 6532 1115
  • Indonesia: +86 10 6532 5486
  • Germany: +86 10 8532 9000

You can look up your country’s embassy or consulate in China here .

FAQ about travel insurance for China

Is travel insurance required for china.

No, it’s not required to enter China. However, it’s recommended if you want to avoid paying potentially huge medical bills if something bad were to happen.

Why would I need travel insurance for China?

It’s worth getting travel insurance for China in case you get sick or injured while you’re there. A suitable insurance plan can cover big medical expenses if you end up in a Chinese hospital and require care. If you don’t have travel insurance and something happens to you, then you could be up for significant out-of-pocket costs, which you may have to pay upfront.

What’s China’s medical system like?

China has an advanced medical and hospital system, despite the fact that it’s still classed as a developing country. Medical facilities in the big cities like Beijing and Shanghai are better than those in smaller towns.

Is China a Schengen country?

No, China isn’t part of the Schengen area. This means if you’re traveling to Europe on a Schengen visa (with Schengen travel insurance) and China is included on the trip, then you wouldn’t be covered in China unless you took out separate insurance.

Can I take out Beijing travel insurance?

Not specifically. Your travel insurance plan would cover all of China, not just Beijing. This is actually beneficial as you make take trips to other cities in the country.

The China travel insurance information on this page is a brief summary only and does not take into account your individual circumstances. Please carefully read your policy wording for a full description of coverage, terms, conditions and exclusions. Coverage may not be available in your jurisdiction.


Get the peace of mind you need in China with VisitorsCoverage.

Main image credit: Humphery on Shutterstock.

Commercial relationship disclosure: The Helpful Panda has commercial arrangements with organizations that may appear on this page, such as affiliate links. See our terms for more info.

Mike Cairnduff

Mike Cairnduff

Mike has lived and worked in China, and has traveled extensively across the country. He loves Chinese food and has a keen interest in Chinese culture. You can follow him on X and LinkedIn .

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China Travel Insurance

Travel insurance for china.

Home to the Great Wall of China, a major tourist attraction for Americans. Tourists can also experience China’s multi-faceted cultures, history, and Asian cuisine.

Before you pack your bags to Beijing, Xi’an, Shanghai or other parts of the country, travel insurance is a valuable coverage that adds protection over your trip.

  • What should your Travel insurance cover for a trip to China? 
  • How does Travel Insurance for China Work?
  • Do I need Travel Insurance for China? 
  • How much does Travel Insurance cost for China? 
  • Our Suggested AXA Travel Protection Plan
  • What types of medical coverage does AXA Travel Protection plans offer?

Are There Any COVID-19 Restrictions for Travelers to China?

Traveling with pre-existing medical conditions , what should your travel insurance cover for a trip to china.

At a minimum, your travel insurance should cover trip cancellation, trip interruption and emergency medical expenses. When it comes to international travel, the US Department of State outlines key components that should be included in your travel insurance coverage. AXA Travel Protection plans are designed with these minimum recommended coverages in mind.

  • Medical Coverage   – The top priority is making sure your health is in order. With AXA Travel Protection, you can have access to quality healthcare during your trip overseas in the event of unexpected medical emergencies.    
  • Trip Cancellation & Interruptions  – Assistance against unexpected trip disruptions can dampen the mood, AXA Travel Protection offers coverage against unforeseen events.   
  • Emergency Evacuations and Repatriation   – In situations where transportation is dire, AXA Travel Protection offers provisions for emergency evacuation and repatriation.   
  • Coverage for Personal Belongings  – AXA offers coverage for your belongings with assistance against lost or delayed baggage.   
  • Optional Cancel for Any Reason  – For added flexibility, AXA offers optional Cancel for Any Reason coverage, allowing you to cancel your trip for non-traditional reasons.  Exclusive to Platinum Plan holders. 

In just a few seconds, you can get a free quote and purchase the best travel insurance for China.

How Does Travel Insurance for China Work?

Fortunately, China is a fairly safe travel destination, although small risks such as petty theft and pickpocketing have been known to occur in public spaces and on public transportation. If your passport or other identification ends up missing on the train from Beijing to the Gobi Desert, your AXA Travel Protection Plan will help you replace your documents. Here is how travelers can benefit from an AXA Travel Protection Plan:

Medical Benefits:

  • Emergency Medical Expenses: Should you fall ill or have an accident during your trip, your policy may offer coverage for medical expenses, including hospital stays and doctor's fees. 
  • Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation: In case of a serious medical emergency, your policy may include provisions for evacuation to the nearest appropriate medical facility or repatriation. 
  • Non-Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation : In non-medical crises (e.g., political unrest), your policy may cover evacuation or repatriation, subject to policy terms. 

Pre-Departure Travel Benefits: 

  • Trip Cancellation: You may be eligible for reimbursement if you cancel your trip due to a sudden illness or injury. 
  • COVID-19 Travel Insurance: Coverage is available for trip cancellation and medical expenses related to COVID-19, subject to policy terms and conditions. 
  • Trip Delay: If your flight faces delays due to unforeseen circumstances, you may have coverage for additional expenses such as meals and accommodations. 

Post-Departure Travel Benefits

  • Trip Interruption: In case of an unexpected event, you could be eligible for reimbursement for the unused portion of your trip.
  • Missed Connection: If you miss a connecting flight due to delays or cancellations, this coverage may help with expenses like rebooking fees and accommodations.

Baggage Benefits: 

  • Luggage Delay: If the airline delays your checked baggage, your policy might offer reimbursement for essential items like clothing and toiletries. 
  • Lost or Stolen Luggage: In the unfortunate event of permanent loss or theft of your luggage, your policy may offer reimbursement for its value, assisting you in replacing your belongings. 

Additional Optional Travel Benefits 

  • Rental Car (Collision Damage Waiver) : Exclusive to Gold & Platinum plan policy holders, this optional benefit gives travelers extra coverage on their rental car against damage and theft. 
  • Cancel for Any Reason: Exclusive to Platinum plan policy holders; this optional benefit gives travelers more flexibility to cancel their trip for any reason outside of their standard policy. 
  • Loss Skier Days : Exclusive to Platinum plan policy holders, this optional benefit offers reimbursement to mitigate some costs associated with pre-paid ski tickets that you or your traveling companion cannot use due to specified slope closures. 
  • Loss Golf Days : Exclusive to Platinum plan policy holders, this optional benefit offers reimbursement to mitigate the expenses linked to prepaid golf arrangements that you or your travel companion are unable to utilize due to specified golf closures. 

Do I Need Travel Insurance for China?

While the Chinese government does not require travelers to purchase travel insurance , it offers valuable protection when you are far from home on an overseas trip. Unexpected issues are less problematic when you can rely on your travel insurance plan to help assist you with issues that may come up. Why? There are several reasons:

Trip Interruption: Severe weather, illness or another eligible event may disrupt your trip or cause you to end it sooner than you planned. Travel insurance may pay reasonable expenses according to the per-day limit and maximum benefit.

Lost Baggage: Airlines sometimes mishandle baggage, and the last thing you want is to be without your essentials in an unfamiliar place. Travel insurance offers to cover the cost of replacing necessary items, allowing you to continue on.

Missed Connections: Direct flights to China are available but some travelers may have connecting flights. If you miss a connection because of unforeseen circumstances, travel insurance can pay reasonable expenses up to a daily limit for meals, transportation and accommodations.

How Much Does Travel Insurance Cost for China?

In general, travel insurance costs about 3 – 10% of your total prepaid and non-refundable trip expenses. The cost of travel insurance depends on two factors for AXA Travel Protection plans: 

  • Total Trip cost:  The total non-prepaid and non-refundable costs you have already paid for your upcoming trip. This includes prepaid excursions, plane tickets, cruise costs, etc. 
  • Age:  Like any other insurance type, the correlation is rooted in increased health risks associated with older individuals. It's important to note that this doesn't make travel insurance unattainable for older individuals. 

With AXA Travel Protection, travelers to Spain will be offered three tiers of insurance:  Silver,   Gold  and  Platinum . Each provides varying levels of coverage to cater to individual's preferences and travel needs. 

Our Suggested AXA Travel Protection Plan 

AXA presents travelers with three travel plans – the  Silver Plan , Gold Plan , and Platinum Plan , each offering different levels of coverage to suit individual needs. Given that Argentina hospitals often do not accept U.S. health insurance or Medicare, we genuinely recommend travelers consider purchasing any of these plans, particularly for the crucial coverage they offer for emergency accident and sickness medical expenses.

Broader coverage is available under the Platinum Plan which is a good choice for China travelers who want additional coverage. For example, Cancel for Any Reason is an optional coverage that offers greater flexibility to travelers. The Collision Damage Waiver coverage is another option, and it covers collision, theft or damage to a car you rent for your China trip.

With over 500 golf courses to explore, China is a golfer’s paradise, and Lost Golf Rounds can pay up to $500 per day if you have to cancel a tee time due to weather or some other unexpected reason.

What Types of Medical Coverage Do AXA Travel Protection Plans Offer?

AXA covers three types of medical expenses: Emergency medical Emergency evacuation & repatriation Non-medical emergency evacuation & repatriation.

Emergency Medical: Can cover illnesses such as heart or breathing problems and injuries such as a broken arm or back pain.

Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation: Can cover your immediate transportation home in the event of an accidental injury or illness. 

Non-Medical Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation: Can cover evacuation expenses if you need to leave the country at the last minute due to a non-medical event such as an earthquake, fire or flood.

The People’s Republic of China requires travelers from the United States to present a negative COVID-19 test and they screen passengers for a fever via a scanner. Their entry and exit requirements and quarantine requirements are subject to change so check the U.S. Embassy & Consulates in China regularly prior to your trip.

Traveling with preexisting medical conditions can complicate your plans, but with AXA Travel Protection, we are here to support you during your trip. Our Gold and Platinum Plans offer coverage for pre-existing medical conditions.

The Platinum plan is our highest-offered choice for travelers who want our highest coverage limits and optional add-ons, What does this mean for you? If you have got a medical condition that has been hanging around, you can qualify for coverage under our Gold and Platinum plan with a preexising medical condition, so long as it is within 14 days of placing your initial trip deposit and in our 60-day look-back period. We are here to make sure you travel with ease, no matter your health situation.

1.Can you buy travel insurance after booking a flight?

You can buy travel insurance even after your flight is booked.

2.When should I buy Travel Insurance to China?

It is advisable to purchase travel insurance for your trip as soon as you have made your initial trip deposit (prepaid and non-refundable trip costs.) AXA Travel Protection offers coverage as soon as you purchase your protection plan. We can give coverage against unforeseen events before you leave for your trip. Additionally, our policies offer coverage for preexisting medical conditions and Cancel for Any Reason if you purchase your protection within 14-days of making your initial trip deposit.

3.Do Americans need travel insurance in China?

No, travel insurance is not currently required to visit China, although you may find it valuable.

4.What is needed to visit China from the USA?

If you are visiting China from the USA, all you need is a passport that is valid for at least six months. Be sure to carry it with you at all times.

5.What happens if a tourist gets sick in China?

If you become sick in China, travelers with AXA Travel protection can contact the AXA Assistance hotline 855-327-1442 . Contact information is typically provided within the insurance documentation. Please ensure to read through your policy details and information.  

Disclaimer: It is important to note that Destination articles are for editorial purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of a qualified professional. Specifics of travel coverage for your destination will depend on the plan selected, the date of purchase, and the state of residency. Customers are advised to carefully review the terms and conditions of their policy. Contact AXA Travel Insurance if you have any questions.  AXA Assistance USA, Inc.© 2023 All Rights Reserved.  

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China Travel Insurance Plans

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Safety Tips and Travel Insurance for Visitors in China

China is a hot new destination for world travelers and visitors in more ways than one. Travel here is booming. It is the 4th most visited destination in the world (after France , the United States , and Spain ). The country also ranks first in the world regarding the travel industry’s contribution to employment. And it’s a country on the cutting edge of cuisine, fashion, technology, and entertainment.

China wasn’t always so accessible. In fact, between 1949 and 1974, the tourism industry was closed to all but select foreign visitors. Today’s tourists are often playing catch-up when it comes to their knowledge about the country. Our guide to China covers Chinese travel insurance  and safety advice to help every traveler have the best possible trip.

Travel Insurance for China

When traveling to China, you will want one of two different types of coverage. Travel medical insurance plans cover medical emergencies and offer additional benefits like medical evacuation and trip interruption coverage. Your other option, trip cancellation insurance , offers the same benefits but covers the cost of your flight to Asia and other travel expenses.

Travel Medical Insurance Plans for Visitors

Comprehensive travel medical insurance is essential in China. Treatment at the best private hospitals is extremely expensive compared to the more basic public hospitals. If serious health services are needed in a remote area, expensive airlift services are required. It’s best to be prepared. Choose a travel insurance policy from a company that includes translation services, medical evacuation, and private hospitals to maximize your comfort. Both include cover for Covid-19 (Coronavirus).

For all nationalities (excluding Canada and Australia), the Atlas Travel Insurance plan is an excellent option.

WorldTrips Atlas travel insurance

  • Emergency medical, evacuation, repatriation benefits
  • Choose between the basic and more extensive coverage
  • Meets Schengen visa insurance requirements
  • 24/7 worldwide travel and emergency medical assistance

For US citizens, the GeoBlue Voyager plan is an excellent option.

BCBS Travel Insurance

GeoBlue Voyager Plan

  • For U.S. citizens up to age 95
  • Includes pregnancy coverage, baggage loss, trip interruption & more
  • 24/7/365 service and assistance

Trip Cancellation Insurance for US Citizens Traveling to China

We recommend Trawick Safe Travels Voyager – trip cancellation for US residents traveling to China.


Safe Travels Voyager

  • Comprehensive coverage for trip cancellation, trip interruption, emergency medical and post-departure travel coverage
  • Cancel for Any Reason available
  • Up to $250,000 in emergency medical coverage

Medical Insurance in China for Foreigners

If you are looking for health insurance for foreigners living in China, the Cigna Global Plan is a comprehensive, annual renewable plan. This plan provides an unlimited amount of coverage annually, and benefits include cover for doctor office visits expenses, prescription drugs, maternity, surgery, hospitalizations, diagnostic testing, lab work, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation, etc. This plan will cover your medical expenses all over the world – including China – and you can choose to include or exclude the US in coverage. Learn more about international health insurance plans.

Cigna Global Logo

Cigna Global Insurance Plan

  • The flexibility to tailor a plan to suit your individual needs
  • Access to Cigna Global’s trusted network of hospitals and doctors
  • The convenience and confidence of 24/7/365 customer service
Related: Expatriate Insurance Plans

General Travel Tips and Safety Advice for Visitors to China

China is larger and more diverse in ethnicity, geography, food, and tradition than most travelers realize. Regardless of where you visit, keep these tips in mind.

Work hard to break the language barrier. English language skills are growing rapidly, especially among young people and urban dwellers. However, knowing several basic Mandarin phrases is invaluable. Hire a tutor for the most efficient learning experience. Even a few hours of free online instruction will make a huge difference when you arrive. (And if you need extra motivation, note that a typical scam is taxi drivers who don’t turn on the meter. Ask your tutor for a phrase or two to use in this situation!)

As with travel to all major cities, please keep your wits about you. Pickpockets love large crowds and distracted foreigners. In addition, if you are worried about getting lost and are not sure you will be able to find your way back to your hotel, take a photo of the hotel’s business card (written in Mandarin) and a photo of the exterior.

Research the weather while planning your trip. The country is vast, with an equally significant amount of climate zones. Knowing what to expect will help you be more comfortable during your trip.

Make communication plans. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are officially banned in China. Make arrangements to keep in touch by email or invest in a VPN (a virtual private network).

Expect pollution and congestion. Air quality is poor to bad in many locations, and smog levels are notorious in China’s cities. The U.S. Embassy in Beijing and U.S. Consulates in Hong Kong, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Shenyang make air quality data available to travelers so they can prepare themselves prior to travel. Cigarette smoking is also widespread. Speak with your doctor before your trip if you are prone to asthma.

Also Read: Dept. of State Travel Advice for China

Vaccines Required for Visitors to China

Before any trip, check that your routine vaccinations are up to date. This list includes tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, chickenpox, polio, and influenza. Additionally, travelers to China should be vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B. In particular, Hepatitis B is widespread in China, with approximately 10% of the population infected.

The CDC also recommends travelers speak with their doctors about vaccines for typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, Japanese encephalitis, as well as a preventative treatment for malaria. Whether or not you’ll require these different forms of protection depends on where you’ll be traveling and what you’ll be doing.

Depending on where you are traveling to in China, the following diseases are common, so take normal precautions:

  • hepatitis A and B
  • tuberculosis

Diet, Water, and Medication Considerations

Tap water in China is not potable. Bottled water, soft drinks, beer, and hot coffee and tea are widely available. Identify safe street food vendors by a long line of locals eager to eat their fare. Look for a busy cook who continuously cooks to fill orders (and does not let food sit and cool). Treat undercooked or raw meat and eggs with serious caution.

Most cities, including those in Tibet, Qinghai, parts of Xinjiang, and western Sichuan, are at altitudes over 10,000 feet. Altitude sickness can be a problem, so take precautions.

Cash payment for services, including emergency cases, is often required prior to treatment. Travelers will be asked to post a deposit prior to admission to cover the expected cost of treatment. Hospitals in major cities may accept credit cards.

When with prescriptions or other medications, always check with the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China to ensure the medicine or drug is legal in China. Carry prescription medication, along with your prescription, in its original packaging. Many common drugs and medications are not available in China, and counterfeit, low-quality knockoffs are prevalent. If you try to have medications sent to you from outside China, you may have problems getting them released by Chinese Customs, and/or you may have to pay high customs duties.

Your packing list should always include sunscreen, a bug spray with 20% Deet, and a basic first aid kit. Prescription medication must be in the original packaging from the pharmacy, with the prescription label attached.

Emergency Assistance Numbers for Visitors

  • Emergency services Beijing: dial 999
  • Emergency services Shanghai: Dial 120
  • Fire department services: dial 119
  • Police services: dial 110

Note: Chinese ambulances can be slow to arrive and often lack modern medical equipment or trained responders.

Embassies in China

  • United States: 86 10 8531-3000
  • United Kingdom: 86 10 5192 4000
  • Canada: 86 10 5139 4000
  • Australia: 86 10 5140 4111
  • France: 86 10 8531 2000

Understanding the Chinese Medical System

Healthcare in China is a mix of public and private services. Nearly 95% of the population has some form of basic public health coverage. However, the public plan covers only a portion of the cost associated with personal medical treatment. The system is restructuring, in part, to shrink the coverage gap between rural and urban regions. Cities like Beijing and Shanghai offer Chinese hospitals world-class care and have excellent specialist services. However, rural regions may have basic or even non-existent health services.

Traditional medicine has been practiced in China for more than two thousand years. It is often practiced alongside Western techniques and treatments, though not always harmoniously. Few practitioners are equally competent in both fields. In rural areas, healthcare options are often limited to traditional medicine, including herbal remedies, acupuncture, and acupressure.

Resources for Expats or Visitors to China

  • What is the Cost of Living in China
  • List of Diplomatic Missions in China – Wikipedia
  • Living in China: A Guide to Moving to China as an Expat: Expat Info
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Travel Insurance for China: The Ultimate Guide


  • Expat Assurance
  • Publié le 30 November 2022

Choosing travel insurance for China during trips or expatriation is generally not the first concern when preparing for your stay.

However, it is a precaution not to be neglected because the local medicine and health system can make medical care quite complex.

Why Take Out Travel Insurance for China?

During a trip, there is a lot of travel, especially regarding China, which is not known for being a lazy destination.

Increased Risk of Accidents When Traveling

In China, the change of scenery is such that tourists prefer to take advantage of every second to discover a rich thousand-year-old culture.

As a result, the risks of accidents are multiplied, especially in a country where the infrastructures are not the same as in the US. The reflexes developed in the West can play tricks on travelers when moving in the street or taking transportation.

On the road, the habits and behaviors of the locals are very different, which can be confusing for an American tourist.

Public Health Systems Do Not Cover Foreign Travelers

China has made progress in terms of health coverage for its population. However, as a foreigner, you must be employed to benefit from the health insurance system.

To be covered, it is, therefore, necessary to have your travel insurance in China .

In addition, Social Security only covers health expenses abroad in exceptional cases, on request and upon presentation of proof.

In all cases, advance payment is necessary, and the traveler will probably have to pay the entire cost.

Furthermore, in the event of repatriation, it is not always guaranteed that Social Security or the American authorities will intervene.

Private or International Hospitals

To be treated in China, it is almost always necessary to go to the hospital because virtual treatment is non-existent.

Public hospitals do not generally meet Western standards and are often overcrowded.

One of the major problems that Americans may encounter in a public hospital in China is the language barrier. Indeed, most staff does not speak English, making communication almost impossible.

As a result, foreigners prefer private or international healthcare facilities. The latter offer more modern facilities and competent bilingual staff. Regular inspections impose strict hygiene rules and standards.

However, these facilities are often concentrated in large urban centers. It is not uncommon to transfer to another location in case of a specific pathology or an accident far from a large city.

The Cost of Healthcare in China

Private healthcare is expensive.

Healthcare is more expensive in the private sector and in what is called the VIP Service of public institutions.

To give you an idea, a consultation with a general practitioner in the private sector costs a little more than $27 to nearly $165, depending on the urgency and your condition.

Similarly, to consult a specialist in the private sector, prices vary between $82 and $288!

In the private sector, a night of hospitalization costs an average of $755.

Having Travel Insurance in China When Traveling: Mandatory Guarantees

Whatever the type of visa requested (tourist, family, business, etc.), it is mandatory to have travel insurance with well-defined guarantees.

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, this coverage is even more essential to travel to China. The country requires travel insurance with Covid mentioned. This insurance, in addition to the usual guarantees, covers the costs related to Covid (consultations, hospitalization, possible repatriation).

The insurance must cover the entire stay authorized by the visa.

The consular authorities require proof that the traveler has subscribed to repatriation assistance among the mandatory guarantees.

Best Travel Insurance for China

Bank card insurance: is the level of coverage sufficient.

Some credit cards offer travel insurance, which is why many people feel they do not need to purchase insurance.

Nevertheless, depending on the type of traveler’s credit card, the coverage level is not always sufficient.

Length of stay, reimbursement limit, deductible, and advance payment of expenses, the unpleasant surprises can add up.

As far as the duration of the stay is concerned, this is the cumulative duration of all the trips made during the year. A bank card covers the traveler for a maximum of 90 days.

In terms of the maximum reimbursement, the maximum is generally between $10,000 and $12,000. If the amount seems significant, it is insufficient in case of problems abroad.

For most bank cards, a deductible of between $50 and $75 applies to each claim.

The Expertise of International Insurance Companies

It is advisable for people wishing to benefit from travel insurance in China to turn to an international insurance company.

This will allow you to benefit from helpful expertise and specific advantages, such as

  • The ease of reaching advisors at any time from China
  • The use of mobile applications dedicated to the management of the contract and including useful tools (translators of medical terms, addresses of establishments).

These companies sometimes have partnerships with local health networks that provide optimal care.

Insurance from the 1st Dollar: for a Tailor-Made Contract

Among the possible solutions for travel insurance in China, the 1st dollar contracts are popular for their excellent value for money. Health expenses are covered from the first dollar spent, and many formulas exist on the market.

It is thus possible to benefit from more or less extensive coverage and various guarantees in addition to health guarantees.

Insuring your luggage or your plane ticket or benefiting from legal assistance are particularly interesting guarantees when traveling to a destination as far away as China.

Be careful, however: the compulsory health questionnaire at the time of enrolment may lead to exclusions of coverage or increases in premiums.

Health and Hygiene Precautions

Before going to China, it is essential to know what health and hygiene precautions to take.

Before Leaving: Recommendations and Obligations

As with any trip, knowing which vaccinations are recommended and mandatory to travel to China is essential.

Travelers must be up to date with their hepatitis A vaccine. If not, an injection 15 days before departure and a booster shot three or five years later are necessary.

However, no vaccine is mandatory in China.

Some vaccines are recommended depending on the type of stay:

  • Japanese encephalitis is present everywhere in China except in Xizang (Tibet), Xinjiang, and Qinghai. Vaccination is not recommended for trips limited to large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Kowloon, and Macau.
  • Tick-borne encephalitis: the vaccine is indicated for prolonged or repeated stays in rural or forest areas instead in the north of the country
  • Rabies: the vaccine is recommended for extended stays. As this disease is still very present in China and is increasing, especially in the southwest of the country, preventive vaccination is essential.
  • Typhoid: vaccine recommended in case of prolonged stay in precarious hygiene situations.

Health Risks in China

China is a vast country with disparities in sanitary conditions. Outside of the major cities, China remains a country with precarious hygiene.

Tap water is not drinkable anywhere in the country. Chinese people have always been used to drinking boiled water. It is, therefore, essential to favor bottled water.

Moreover, the famous Turista is frequent in China. Some precautions should be taken to avoid it: avoid raw vegetables, fruits, and vegetables that cannot be peeled, badly cooked meats, seafood, dairy products, and non-industrial drinks.

Finally, highly polluted areas expose travelers with allergies or asthma to respiratory problems.

What to Do in Case of Emergency?

In case of an emergency, the numbers to contact in China are the following:

  • 120 for the ambulance
  • 119 for the fire department
  • 110 for the police

Sometimes, the consulate of the concerned consular district can help you.

However, for any question related to health care, you should contact your health insurance company when traveling in China.

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Best Travel Insurance for 2024 | Guide & Reviews

January 14, 2024 By Josh Summers

Are you searching for the best travel insurance options for a trip or move you’re planning in 2024?  Whether you’re unsure if you need travel insurance, which ones offer coverage for Covid, or if you’re shopping around for the best recommendations, you’ve come to the right place. As somebody who has traveled the world for over a decade (and is still living abroad with his family!), I’d happy to share with you based on my personal experience.

Travel Insurance Comparison for 2024

**The following is a guide to the best travel insurance options . Even after reading this guide – and before you make any purchasing decision – please take the time to carefully read the terms and conditions of the policy you’re considering. Some links below are affiliate links, which means that at no extra cost to you I may be compensated should you decide to purchase coverage.**

Do I need travel insurance?

So your bags are packed, tickets booked, and you’re ready to head out the door on your adventure.

Yet while double-checking your travel packing checklist , you see you have yet to purchase travel insurance.

It’s natural to ask yourself “ Is purchasing travel insurance really necessary? ”

After all, if we take enough time to think about everything that can go wrong, assess potential risks and how to avoid them, why spend extra money on an insurance policy?

The problem is no matter how much time one takes in preparing for those scary “what ifs,” there are always external factors beyond our control that can derail even the most well thought out itinerary.

Dealing with the unexpected is a part of traveling. From an inconvenient mishap to a serious medical injury, it is smart to invest in an insurance policy that protects you from an unexpected circumstance threatening to drain your wallet .

Since 2010, I have witnessed and heard about a variety of accidents ranging from infectious wounds, stomach illnesses, dengue fever, concussions, medical evacuations to more minor issues like missing an international flight or getting an iPhone stolen.

Many of these folks lacked travel insurance.

They either had never heard of it or decided they did not want to pay for it…at least until they actually needed it.

This guide will help you understand the following:

Travel Insurance Table of Contents

  • What is travel insurance?
  • What does travel insurance cover?
  • World Nomads Review
  • Allianz Global Assistance
  • Final Thoughts

Having drawn information from numerous sources, this article will help you avoid spending time going from website to website looking up information on travel insurance.

What is Travel Insurance and How Does it Work?

What is travel insurance and how does it work?

What exactly is travel insurance exactly?

Surprisingly, I hear that question quite a bit.

Travel insurance is emergency care and services provided when unexpected things happen while traveling . It typically covers you from the time you leave home to when you come back or reach your final destination.

Depending on the policy you buy, it could help you in the following example situations:

  • When your luggage is lost or stolen at the Paris airport.
  • When you fall off a bike and get a concussion while riding around Beijing on  China’s bike share bicycles (perhaps one of falls apart on you?!).
  • When you get a parasite after eating exotic food in Vietnam.
  • When you need to cancel or cut your trip short because your grandmother passed away.

If you find yourself in a dangerous medical situation requiring surgery or evacuation, you can work with your provider to pay for the costs. For other incidents covered by your travel insurance policy, you pay up front and are reimbursed afterward.

To determine if you really need to purchase a policy, however, it is a good idea to understand what all of the best travel insurance policies covers.

What Does Travel Insurance Cover?

What does travel insurance cover?

Below is a quick rundown of what  can be covered by good travel insurance.

Please note: You’ll need to check each individual policy to determine what is specifically covered.

Emergency Medical Expenses

Now you may be thinking, “Hey, I already have health insurance. Doesn’t my policy already cover me when I am overseas?”

If you are traveling abroad, typically that is not the case and your policy may offer only limited coverage – if any at all.

Even if your home policy does provide coverage, you may still be charged outrageous fees on deductibles before your insurance company pays for your claim.

So in the event you need to seek medical attention, you may be on your own in covering the hospital bill without dedicated travel insurance.

Emergency Transportation

Insurance for an emergency

In the event that a medical evacuation becomes necessary, a good policy covers the cost of transporting you the nearest suitable hospital for treatment .

Some plans even cover transportation costs to send children home and a visitor to watch over you should you require hospitalization.

Coverage on emergency evacuation due to a political crisis or natural disaster is also available for purchase on some insurance plans.

Trip Delays, Cancellation and Interruption

Oftentimes, unforeseen circumstances may require you to delay or cancel your trip.

Some examples of how your trip could get delayed or cancelled could be:

  • Getting your passport stolen;
  • Inclement weather or natural disasters hitting your destination;
  • You lose your job all of the sudden;
  • You’re called in for military obligations;
  • You or someone at home gets sick or injured;
  • Your traveling documents or baggage is stolen or misplaced;
  • Civil unrest breaks out in your destination and it is deemed unsafe to travel there;

In the event you need to cancel or delay your trip, travel insurance can help with reimbursement for money already paid for bookings (i.e. flight changes, which can be costly!), fees charged for rearranging your travel plans or canceling them entirely.

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Help with Flight Changes

Flight delays can be a pain. Luckily, travel insurance makes them more bearable by covering unforeseen costs during a delay.

If your flight is delayed or canceled due to severe weather, mechanical breakdowns, or even a labor strike, travel insurance can cover hotel stays, meals, and local transportation costs.

In the event of a catastrophic flight disaster, insurance providers pay out benefits for accidental death and dismemberment. Obviously you hope that never happens!

Lost or Stolen Baggage

Waiting at baggage claim is always a pain. If baggage is delayed, many plans reimburse you for essential items you need while waiting for your bags to be returned.

When purchasing a policy, definitely read carefully the “essential items” part of your coverage. They may not reimburse you for a pair of Oakley sunglasses you need to visit the beach.

If baggage is stolen, your provider can both provide and assist you in getting compensation from responsible parties as long as you report the theft in a timely manner.

What is NOT Covered by Travel Insurance?

What isn't covered with travel insurance?

Travel insurance is pretty handy to have and covers a lot to get you out of a jam. It does have its limits, however, and you should be aware of what is not generally covered.

While each policy has different limitations, it is best to read the fine print to determine what is and is not covered by your insurance provider.

Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

Pre-existing conditions and travel insurance

Generally, pre-existing medical conditions are not covered. If you have a pre-existing condition, you must first get a quote to determine whether or not the condition will be covered.

While getting a quote, you need to disclose pre-existing medical conditions including recurring illnesses or injuries, on-going or lifelong conditions, previous surgeries and any conditions you are currently suffering from.

This information will then be used to determine if you need to pay any extra premium, a higher amount of money you pay towards a claim, or a medical related exclusion.

For policies where pre-existing conditions are not covered, you are covered for all the usual situations as long as they are unrelated to the medical condition you had or were aware of before you bought it.

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Dangerous or Unstable Countries

If you are planning a trip to Afghanistan to explore its beautiful scenery and rich culture, don’t automatically expect your trip to be covered by travel insurance!

Countries that already have government travel warnings are often not covered by travel insurance.

Your country of residence can also influence coverage in different countries. So it is also a good idea to inquire with your intended provider about which countries are covered under their plans.

They Don’t Cover Stupid

World Nomads puts this best by saying, “ deliberately putting your life in danger is not covered .” This means things like:

  • Picking fights with locals;
  • Racing your rental car;
  • Trekking across China’s Taklamakan desert with few provisions;
  • Or even picking up a sexually transmitted disease.

If you fancy risking your neck, it is likely you will be doing it on your own dime .

Accidents Resulting from Consuming Alcohol

When you are on vacation, it is understandable to cut loose and drink a bit…

…but there’s no coverage for overdoing it!

If you are involved in an accident resulting in consuming too much alcohol, your claim is likely to be denied.

These accidents can include anything from driving under the influence, being hit by oncoming traffic while crossing a street, and even stumbling off a cliff (see “They Don’t Cover Stupid” above).

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What Kinds of Plans are There?

Travel Insurance Plans

Coverage depends on the type of plan you purchase. Each insurance provider tends to offer a number of plans that range from basic to comprehensive.

Benefits can also vary depending on your country of residence. When you have a provider in mind that you are thinking you would like to purchase a policy from, it is best to get a quote for full details on benefits .

Coverage also differs according to where you travel. If traveling domestically , an insurance policy will be less comprehensive, usually cheaper and will supplement your current insurance plan.

Plans geared toward international travel have far more benefits and are more expensive than plans geared for domestic travel.

The information below offers a general picture on what to expect from insurance providers.

What Does a Basic Plan Look Like?

For Whom: the healthy traveler that will be gone less than a month.

Budget plans are generally intended for budget conscious travelers. In comparison with other plans, it includes the bare essentials such as:

  • Emergency medical coverage
  • Emergency evacuation
  • Travel delay
  • Trip interruption or cancellation
  • Baggage delay or loss
  • 24-hour assistance

The length of coverage is also limited to a short span of time such as a month. If you’ll be traveling longer than a month or need more coverage, consider the next step up.

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Looking at a Silver Plan

For Whom: the traveler who wants extended coverage for up to 180 days

If you feel like you need coverage that goes beyond what is covered in a basic plan, you can choose to opt for the next level, often referred to as a silver plan, or a more mid-range plan for your trip. Mid-range plans go beyond basic plans in terms of coverage.

For example, basic plans offer coverage of around $100,000 for medical evacuation. But for a mid-range plan, your coverage is extended to up to around $500,000 .

The length of coverage is also extended by a significant margin, around 180 days for some plans.

Checking out the Gold Plan

For Whom: the nomad who spends the majority of their time traveling.

If you are a traveler who tends to spend much time overseas and you cannot find a plan that covers you for the entire length of your trip, consider purchasing a “gold plan” or comprehensive travel insurance coverage .

Many comprehensive plans offer up to 365 days of coverage and are suitable for travelers without a primary insurance plan or a primary insurance plan with little or no coverage overseas.

The benefits offered on these plans are marginally higher than basic and mid-range plans. For example coverage for medical evacuation can be as high as $1 million and your plan may feature additional coverage on items such as sports-related injuries, higher compensation for loss to more serious items like accidental death and repatriation of remains.

Frequently Asked Questions

Travel Insurance FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about the best travel insurance.

Hopefully what you find here will answer your particular question but if not, feel free to leave your question in the comment section below.

Riskier adventures can include activities like trekking, skiing and boarding, surfing, scuba diving, mountain biking, rock climbing and other activities that are more prone to medical injury. While these “risky” activities can offer an incredible experience during your time abroad, unfortunately, they are not usually covered by general insurance plans. Don’t despair, though! They can be purchased as part of your policy or as a policy upgrade. When looking for coverage for riskier activities, look for “adventure travel coverage” or “adventure plus packs” on insurance websites.

Yes, there are some travel insurance policies that cover rental cars…for an extra cost. Many providers offer separate policies or upgrades on insurance plans. If purchasing a more expensive plan, rental car insurance may even be included. Coverage generally covers collision, damage, and loss. Check the benefits of the policy you intend to purchase to determine if car rental insurance is included.

Yes there is! Insuring your electronics is offered either as a separate policy or as a policy upgrade. I have met so many travelers whom have had their iPhone, iPad, laptops, cameras or other important valuables stolen and it was a shame that most of them did not have coverage for their stolen gear. When traveling to another country it is easy to become a target of professional pickpockets and insuring your gear allows you to get compensated the value of your electronics in the event of theft. In addition to theft, many plans also cover damage to your items such as your camera or mobile phone. Some even cover water damage.

Luckily purchasing travel insurance is quick and often results in immediate coverage. Even if you leave buying travel insurance to the last minute before your trip, it is still quite easy to purchase a plan and then get out the door. If you are currently abroad and are considering purchasing travel insurance, this is also possible. There may be special conditions that you need to consider, though. If you are currently overseas it is best to ask your intended provider about these conditions and how they can affect your coverage.

Best Travel Insurance 2024 Compared

What is the best travel insurance for your trip?

Below is a quick overlook on some of the most popular travel insurance providers followed by a brief review of each.

Prices in the table reflect an insurance quote for a single, 30-year old traveler visiting China for a month who intends on spending $6,000 for the trip and is interested in a platinum insurance policy.

Based on our research, for the average traveler it seems that  World Nomads offers strong travel insurance that covers a tremendous amount of activities. It’s always worth comparing quotes, though, which is why we also suggest you look at Travelex as well.

If you are a senior or have pre-existing conditions, it is possible that   Allianz Global Assistance offers the best option. If you feel that we are missing a quality service that deserves mentioning, please introduce it in the comments below.

* Pricing based on a single American traveler planning a 30-day trip to China with full coverage.

Travel Insurance Plans Reviewed

Below I’d like to go deeper into each of the various travel insurance options I’ve presented in the table above.

While these reviews aren’t comprehensive (because everybody’s situation is different), it should hopefully provide you with a good starting point.

Option 1: SafetyWing Review (*Recommended)

SafetyWing has established themselves as the go-to travel insurance for those between the age of 18-40 years old.

Part of what makes SafetyWing so attractive is the simplicity of their offerings.

Instead of confusing customers with loads of different products and product tiers, they basically have two travel insurance products to choose from: Nomad Insurance and Nomad Health .

The difference between these two is essentially just length of stay overseas. If you’ll be traveling for a month or less, you’ll be looking at their Nomad Insurance while the Nomad Health plan is geared more toward those remote workers or long-term expats who live outside the US.

Explanation of coverage is easy to understand (another big benefit of using SafetyWing) so you don’t have to read through pages and pages of insurance jargon.

Bottom Line: Start with a quote from SafetyWing. Chances are it’s the best option, but you can compare the coverage with others on this list.

Option 2: World Nomads Review

World Nomads is among the most reputable travel insurers and is partnered with National Geographic, Rough Guides, Intrepid Travel and Lonely Planet.

It also has a large base of customers and covers people from 150 different countries.

After getting a quote, you are presented with two plans: Standard and Explorer . While their standard plan is pretty comprehensive, the explorer plan will cover you for more risk-prone activities such as rock climbing, snorkeling, and cliff diving.

Regardless of whether you purchase the standard or explorer plans, you are covered for all the typical things you look for in a policy including coverage for over 100 adventure sports and activities.

From my research, what makes World Nomads different from other insurance providers is the ability to easily extend your travel insurance if your plans change as well as being able to purchase it overseas.

It’s also unique for its coverage of “adventure activities;” you can do an incredible amount of things on a World Nomads plan from shark cage diving, skydiving, elephant riding, ice climbing to more low key sports like yoga and get coverage in the event of a medical mishap.

Their coverage for digital items like smartphones, tablets, and SLR cameras also stand out as a reason to choose World Nomads. They are also a family friendly provider and insurance plans can provide coverage up to seven dependent children under eighteen.

I only have two gripes about World Nomads: 1) it does not offer coverage to travelers over 70 years old and 2) they do not cover any pre-existing conditions. Other than that, World Nomads looks like a great option for travel insurance.

Bottom Line: Great option for those looking to do high-risk activities on your trip. Offers coverage to residents of 150 different countries.

Option 3: Travelex Review

Travelex is another top-notch travel insurance provider you can choose from. If you are not a U.S. citizen, you can still purchase coverage for your trip from Travelex if you are a US resident after speaking to their staff by phone.

Check out Travelex as a travel insurance option.

Their insurance is divided up into four plans: Travel Select , Travel Basic , Flight Insurance , and Flight Insurance Plus .

Each plan has its own perks with options for numerous upgrades such as rental vehicle coverage, adventure sport coverage, and additional medical coverage.

Travelex can be an ideal option if you are looking to travel with your family. One thing that distinguishes its service is that dependent children under the age of 18 can be covered at no cost as long as they travel with an adult family member.

Seniors are also eligible for their own coverage with Travelex. What’s more is among the upgrades you can purchase is Cancel for any Reason. With this upgrade, you can cancel your trip for any reason “no questions asked” and be reimbursed 75% of the insured trip cost. Other insurers provide trip cancellation, but this upgrade streamlines the process.

Bottom Line: Great for customers who would like to tailor their own insurance policy. Covering dependent children under the age of 18 and allowing customers to cancel for any reason distinguish them from competitors.

Option 4: RoamRight Travel Insurance Review

Review of Roam Right Travel Insurance

RoamRight offers a number of insurance plans to suit different kinds of travelers. What really distinguishes RoamRight from its competitors is the various levels of coverage that fits a variety of travelers.

These plans include the “Essentials”, the “Preferred”, the “Elite”, and the “Pro” coverages.

Essentially, RoamRight gives you various options that allow for different types of coverage based on what you find most important.

For example, perhaps you’re most worried about delays at the airport and want to choose a plan that pays out most for this contingency. Or maybe you’re most concerned about dental coverage while you’re traveling abroad. There’s a plan that emphasizes this.

The truth is that a lot of this can get pretty complicated and I hate looking at tables and trying to figure out what would be paid out in situation x versus situation y.

If you feel the same way, the great thing about RoamRight is their customer support and sales. Just give them a call and tell them what you’re looking for. They’ll give you a quote and there’s no obligation to buy.

My only complaint with RoamRight is their murky explanation of what constitutes a “pre-existing condition”. They do cover pre-existing conditions, they say, but there are limits that don’t seem very clear.

Bottom Line: RoamRight offers an excellent array of options for coverage and is worth getting a quote for comparison.

NOT Recommended: Allianz Global Assistance Review

UPDATE: While I used to recommend Allianz as a reputable option, the COVID-19 epidemic has shown that they really are a profit-first company and not a people-first company. So while I’m going to keep this former review here, I have removed all links to their website and no longer recommend them.

Boasting a long history, Allianz Global Assistance is used to be one of the top leaders in travel insurance. For Americans, Allianz offers numerous travel plans covering domestic travel, international travel, cruises, multiple trip, and rental cars.

Under their international coverage, three plans are offered: Basic, Classic and Classic with Trip+ . If you have a pre-existing medical condition, Allianz may be a good fit for you as all three international plans offer coverage of select pre-existing conditions. Their top two plans also offer coverage for children under 17 making Allianz another family friendly option. Seniors are also eligible for coverage on all three plans.

One of the main drawbacks for Allianz is they exclude high-risk activities from their coverage. So if you intend on participating in more adventure prone activities, I suggest getting insurance with an alternative provider. Their coverage for emergency medical incidents also only amounts to $50,000 on their most expensive plan. For a similar rates, other providers offer as much as $500,000 for emergency medical coverage.

Bottom Line : Despite it’s former reputation, the Covid-19 pandemic has shown Allianz’s true colors. Don’t work with them unless a pre-existing condition makes them an only option.

Final Thoughts | Best Travel Insurance 2024

Before heading out on your journey overseas, you should seriously consider purchasing a travel insurance policy. A strong policy can let you relax instead of thinking about all the things that could go wrong on your trip. As you have seen, there are many options for travel insurance and you can even find more here.

My final advice is when purchasing a plan, be sure to read the entire policy cover to cover – or at least have an agent walk you through it.

Knowing your policy will help you make smart decisions while traveling, especially if you are in a more high-risk environment. Wishing you good luck and good health on your journey!

Further Reading & Resources

Reasons you need travel insurance

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About Josh Summers

Josh is the founder of who has been living in China with his family since 2006. Over that period of time he has traveled by plane, train, car, motorcycle and even camel to explore almost every corner of the country.

Reader Interactions

Avatar for Josh Summers

April 5, 2019 at 7:11 pm

as someone who has had insurance with these companies and travelled continuously for years on end i have some thoughts. The exclusions are pretty rifE on belongings. You mention losing your phone in the article, but maybe you are covered if a pick pocket gets it, only maybe. If you lose it, bad luck. if it is stolen from your room or a safe in your room and there is no physical evidence that the room or safe was broken into, you are out of luck. so for instance if it is stolen by hotel staff or a clever thief who knows how top open a door without brute force, i.e. every hotel thief, you are out of luck. robbed at gunpoint, you may be ok! well as far as a new phone goes.

watch out for the fine print, for example per item tech coverage, buy the extra per item cover. for example a camera and lenses and tripod and all associated camera gear are considered one item with a single per item limit, say $3000, even though you may have 2 lenses that cost $3000 each and a camera that cost $3000, total value $9000 you will only get $3000. there are so many exclusions for your stuff that making a calim is really complicated, requires often extremely hard to obtain local authorities documentation etc.

that said, the medical side is really where its at. That is where you should focus. Honestly lose your stuf you are probably out of luck. Need to be medi-vacked or spend a few days in hospital, thank god for the coverage and just as importantly the assistance. so make sure you are covered for the crazy stuff you like to do. I have claimed for medical with nomads and it was pretty easy. (although i was surprised to see that ‘terrorist event” is not covered so wandering the streets of london and a bomb goes off, tough. that i think is a bit rude. wandering the streets of london seems a pretty standard tourist activity! trip interruption can be tricky, lots of paperwork to get from an offending airline when you are frantically trying to rebook but still you can probably pull it off. especially get admission in writing of why your carrier left you stuck. this really is a case where you should read the fine print, don’t just click ok liek we all usually do. often there are exclusions that would make you choose the cheaper plan because the way in which you are actually likely to lose your gear for instance wont be covered. or their are as mentioned in the article, additions you really should purchase because of activities or special gear specific to your trip.

Avatar for Josh Summers

June 3, 2019 at 6:41 am

Here in the Netherlands it is much cheaper to go for a local travel insurance. I pay just €90 each year around for a full service insurance.

Avatar for Josh Summers

June 3, 2019 at 2:00 pm

That’s great, Marc! Every country is a bit different, but I would caution you to make sure that you’re getting everything you need out of that insurance – specifically coverage for major accidents and repatriation. This is what my UK friend faced – his insurance didn’t cover the high costs to repatriate him for all the health care he needed in the UK and wouldn’t cover what was needed in China. So he and his family were stuck with a MASSIVE medical bill before they would release him (they had to pay out of pocket for these expenses and the repatriation).

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Best Travel Insurance For China

Best Travel Insurance For China

Traveling to China is an amazing experience, but it’s important to have adequate protection in case of an unforeseen emergency. That’s why getting the best travel insurance for China is essential for any traveler. There are many different types of insurance available, so choosing the best one can be a challenge. It’s important to understand what coverage is available and how it works so you can make an informed decision.

When looking for travel insurance for China, start by understanding the different types of coverage. The most common types are comprehensive, medical, and accidental death and dismemberment. Each of these offers different levels of protection, so it’s important to read the policy carefully and understand what’s covered and what’s not. It is also important to find out what types of activities are covered, such as travel, hotel, and car rental.

When getting travel insurance for China, it’s important to make sure the policy covers all of your activities. For example, if you plan to go on a sightseeing tour, you need to make sure your policy covers the cost of the tour, as well as any emergencies that may occur while you’re on the tour. Additionally, items such as passport and currency should be included in the policy.

Best Travel Insurance For China

It’s also important to check the exclusions on the policy before you purchase it. Exclusions may include activities such as dangerous sports or activities that may subject the individual to high risk. Some policies may also exclude certain locations, such as Tibet. Be sure to thoroughly read all the exclusions before purchasing a policy.

Traveling to a country like China also means that you need to be aware of the local laws and customs. This is an important factor to consider when shopping for travel insurance. Make sure the policy covers any local medical costs that might arise. Additionally, be aware of vaccination requirements and what is covered by your travel insurance policy.

Finally, make sure the policy you choose offers adequate coverage in case your trip is cancelled or delayed. You should also check the coverage for lost or stolen items. Knowing what is covered in your policy can help you protect your investment and avoid any unexpected costs.

Price Considerations

Getting the best travel insurance for China doesn’t have to be expensive. Many policies offer a range of options that can help you find the right level of cover at an affordable price. Shop around and compare policies from a variety of insurance companies to find the best deal.

Best Travel Insurance For China

When comparing travel insurance policies, look for a policy that offers all of the coverages you need. Be sure to read the policy details carefully and compare the costs of different policies to make sure you get the best value for your money.

Comparing policies can help you find one that best suits your travel needs and budget. Don’t forget to read any reviews of the policies you’re considering to make sure you’re getting the best deal.

Find an Expert

If you’re having trouble finding the best travel insurance for China, consider consulting with an insurance expert. An expert can help you find the right policy for your needs and guide you through the process. Many experts specialize in travel insurance and can provide valuable advice.

When working with an insurance expert, make sure to ask questions and find out all you can about the policy. Ask about coverage limits, exclusions, and what to do if you need to make a claim. With expert advice, you can make sure you get the best travel insurance for your trip to China.

Important Considerations

Best Travel Insurance For China

Before purchasing travel insurance for China, make sure to consider your individual needs and budget. Research different policies and compare the costs and coverage to make sure you’re getting the most out of your policy. Don’t forget to read the fine print and ask questions so you know exactly what is included in your policy.

Finally, make sure to understand local laws and customs, as well as any vaccination requirements. This can help you make sure you’re getting the best possible coverage. With the right policy, you can enjoy peace of mind when you travel to China.

Alternative Insurance Options

Another option for travelers to China is to purchase international health insurance. International health insurance is a type of insurance that covers medical expenses incurred outside your home country. It can provide coverage for medical costs, emergency evacuation, repatriation, and more. International health insurance is an attractive option for many travelers, particularly those who are going to be away from home for an extended period of time.

International health insurance can be purchased separately or as part of a package with other types of travel insurance. Many insurance companies offer different packages to suit your needs, so it pays to shop around and compare policies before committing to a policy.

Best Travel Insurance For China

Finally, make sure to research any additional services or benefits offered by the policy. Some policies will cover costs for lost luggage or emergency legal assistance, while others may not. Knowing what’s included in a policy can help you make the best decision for your needs.

Additional Resources

In addition to travel and health insurance, there are a number of other resources available to travelers to China. Make sure to look into visa requirements and other considerations related to entering China. Additionally, consider any safety concerns and make sure you follow the applicable laws. With research and planning, you can make sure you’re prepared for your trip to China.

When searching for the best travel insurance for China, research is key. Shopping around and doing your due diligence can help you find the right policy for your needs. With the right policy in place, you can enjoy peace of mind while on your trip.

Bernice Sorrells

Bernice Sorrells

Bernice A. Sorrells is a freelance journalist and travel writer from the United States. She has written extensively about China, covering topics such as culture, history, politics, and economics. Bernice has traveled extensively throughout China, visiting many of its provinces and cities.

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How to Choose Your Travel Insurance for China (and why you need it)

health insurance in china

Note : If you are only interested on getting a free quotation for a travel insurance, then we recommend World Nomads (click here to get your free quotation) .

Travel Insurance for China – Index

Why do i need an health insurance when i travel to china, hospitals in china, privacy at the hospital in china, what insurance do we recommend, what should a good insurance cover, travel insurance for people over the age of 65, what should i do when i need medical assistance, frequently asked questions.

When I decided to go to China for the first time, finding an affordable and comprehensive health insurance was one of my first concerns, as I knew that, while in my country I was covered by the welfare system, in China I was on my own. This also applies to short-term travelers: unless you have international insurance, you won’t be covered while traveling around Asia.

Health insurance isn’t compulsory when you travel, so you can still go to Asia without any insurance and hope to never get sick, have an accident, lose your luggage, or having your flight canceled by a storm.

However, I won’t do it myself. It’s too risky. Especially when you consider that a good travel insurance only costs you a couple of USD per day.

Chinese hospitals are business-oriented and they won’t help you unless you can pay cash in advance or they can verify that you’re covered by adequate medical insurance.

I repeat, if you can’t pay nobody will help you. Also, international hospitals in China (where doctors and nurses can speak English) are often more expensive than hospitals in the U.S.

I’ve heard plenty of horror stories of western tourists or expats that were left to die or lose a foot in an Asian hospital because, after being a victim of an accident or bad food poisoning, they didn’t have insurance or enough cash to pay for the emergency treatments they needed. Can you afford to pay 5,000 or 10,000 USD cash?

If you can’t, then I suggest you get a quality travel medical insurance before going to China, Thailand, or wherever you are going.

In China there are mainly two kinds of hospitals:

1) The public hospitals where nobody speaks English, and where you’ll have to wait for ages, you won’t have any privacy, and where the hygienic conditions are somewhat dubious (there are exceptions but in this case, the prices are usually higher).

2) The international hospitals , where doctors and nurses can speak English, the service is faster, you’ll get privacy conditions similar to the ones that you find in the west and the overall hygienic conditions are usually better.

If you don’t speak Mandarin, you want to end up in an international hospital, especially if you are seriously sick. Because of this, when in 2010 my former boss explained to me that I was going to get an insurance that was going to only cover my expenses in a public hospital, I chose to purchase private insurance by myself.

travel insurance in china

I took the above pic in one of the best public hospitals in Hangzhou (a metropolis neighboring Shanghai) in 2011: my girlfriend was discussing her case with a doctor and several patients gathered around her looking at her problem and even giving advice to the doctors regarding the treatment. I was amazed by the complete lack of privacy. Chinese people aren’t bad. They just don’t know what the word “privacy” means.

For traveling o short-term stays, we recommend World Nomads because it’s quite flexible (you can choose the duration of your policy), it covers you almost worldwide (so you won’t have to subscribe to a new policy if you live in China and decide to take a holiday in Thailand), it can easily be extended online, you can buy it online even if you have already left your country, its price is quite cheap for the value it offers, it gets consistently good reviews and it comes recommended by Lonely Planet, Rough Guides and many more.

Also, besides covering you in the case of sickness and injuries, it provides emergency medical evacuation, it covers you if you have to cancel your trip due to unforeseeable events outside of your control, and it covers your gear (laptop, smartphone, camera, etc) if it gets stolen or damaged whilst traveling.

However, note that if you’re going to move to China – or another Asian country – and stay there for a long period of time, let’s say more than 6 months, you may want to check other (more expensive) insurance companies ( click here to learn more ). The reason is that World Nomads, if you have a severe health problem, will send you back to the country where you enjoy national health coverage (for instance to the UK, if you’re a UK resident and are covered by NHS).

Thus, if you’re giving up your coverage in your former country of residence because you’re moving out for long periods of time, World Nomads may not be the most appropriate choice.

In my opinion, the basic requirement you should have is that your insurance covers you for medical expenses, hospitalization, and treatments, medicines, and emergency transport or repatriation.

Another important point is to make sure that the insurance covers you for personal liability. This means that if you hurt somebody, you can settle for monetary compensation instead of going to jail. You don’t want to pay the compensation yourself, do you?

Also, as already said, there are a lot of nice bonuses you can get such as trip cancellation or interruption reimbursement, extreme sports coverages, stolen or lost personal effects reimbursement, and so on.

Regardless of the insurance plan you choose, before purchasing it, I do recommend that you check by yourself what your policy will cover and what situations will be excluded by the coverage.

Just to give some examples, if you’re already sick before purchasing the insurance, you won’t be covered for that particular sickness; and if you get drunk, start to punch people on the street, and end up in jail, you’ll be left on your own as well. Just read the policy before buying anything!

Click here to check the prices and benefits of World Nomads health insurance.

If you’re aged 65 or above, it can be difficult to find an insurance company that’s willing to cover you. However, there are a few options available in the market, and where the International Medical Group (IMG) is one of the biggest companies.

The company was founded by Dr. Ian Clarke who is a missionary, physician, philanthropist, and entrepreneur, born and educated in Northern Ireland. He has resided in Uganda since 1988 where he started the company and has run it ever since.

Let’s review one of their most popular options for senior travelers and that can be used if you’re a US citizen or permanent resident. If you have any other recommendations, feel free to contact us or write a comment below.

GlobeHopper Seniors Single Trip travel insurance

As mentioned, GlobeHopper Senior travel insurance is provided by IMG and it’s suitable for US citizens and US permanent residents who are aged 65 or above.

Worth mentioning is that the insurance offers flexible protection to travelers who purchase an annual plan to cover multiple trips over a 12-month period. Each trip can be a maximum of 30 days during this period, this is also something you should have in mind before buying the insurance.

The plan starts from as little as USD 114, depending on the deductible and max coverage option, and can be used for persons who are 65. The eligibility and requirements to get this insurance is listed below:

  • The insurance is only valid for medical expenses outside the US
  • You have to be a US-citizen or US permanent residents
  • You have to be qualified for Medicare and enrolled in Medicare Parts A & B
  • Enrolled in a Medigap Plan or Medicare Advantage Plan
  • The plan is secondary to Medicare, a Medigap and/or a Medicare Advantage Plan (Medicare supplement insurance)

The features, on the other hand, are beneficial and provides you the following:

  • Maximum limits starts at USD 50,000 – USD 1,000,000
  • Only one deductible within each 12 months coverage period
  • No maximum age limit at all!
  • You get reimbursed for both emergency and non – emergency care expenses
  • Gives immediate access to care and reimbursement for medical expenses
  • Ability to choose a hospital or doctor or your choice
  • No coinsurance
  • Offers pre-existing conditions coverage

The insurance is used for:

  • Vacations / Holidays
  • Visitors / Immigrants
  • Employers / Business Travelers

IMG also has other travel insurance options for seniors who wish to travel to China. For more information, you can request a quote by clicking the link below.

[Disclaimer: We don’t work for an insurance company and these are just general guidelines. You should always talk with an operator of the insurance company from whom you purchased a policy to be sure of what to do].

First of all, I suggest you have your insurance provider’s emergency phone number and policy number (you’ll get the info as soon as you purchase a health insurance plan) saved on your phone.

If you can call your insurance company yourself – for instance, in the case you’re the victim of food poisoning – then do so before going to the hospital because, if you go to the “wrong” hospital, the insurance may not cover your expenses. Also, some hospitals will only accept cash.

It’s not a big deal: just call an operator and tell them your name, policy number, the nature of your problem, and any other useful information and they will redirect you to the nearest hospital that accepts coverage by your insurance company.

You should also keep this information in your wallet in case you can’t call yourself (for instance in case of a bad incident that lets you faint or can’t speak).

Download, fill out and print this simple form

We prepared a simple file to fill out, print, and keep in the wallet to always have the necessary information available.

The goal is twofold:

  • When you show up at a clinic or hospital, you will have all the necessary information in a single file
  • If you have a serious accident and you are not able to communicate, the person that will help you will most luckily find and use the information to help you

Click here to download the Word version (or Open Office), which you can fill out on your pc before printing it.

Click here to download the PDF version (if you prefer, print and fill it out by hand).

Here’s how to fill out the form:

  • Information for taxi drivers : Note that depending on your health insurance policy, you might not have access to all hospitals in your city. So I recommend that you discuss this with your insurance company before choosing a hospital (or risk them not reimbursing you);
  • Personal data : Insert your name, date of birth, passport and visa number, address, and telephone number in Asia. They’ll ask you for this during the hospital check-in, so you should have it handy;

Emergency contact : Name and telephone number of the person to contact in the event of an emergency. Note that putting your mother’s name who lives in another part of the world won’t help you much. Insert the name of a person you trust who lives in your city and if possible, speaks the language of the country you’re in;

If you’ve just moved to Asia and know almost no one, you could put the name and number of your boss, teacher, or anyone you think could help you in case there’s a need. I recommend that you ask for their permission before putting someone down as your emergency contact;

  • Your insurance company’s information : At a minimum, you have to enter the name of the company, your policy number, and the number to call in case of an emergency. In any case, I recommend that you contact your insurance company to ask them what information you should insert;
  • Your consulate information : If something really serious happens, it could be useful to have the emergency number of your consulate so that they can advise your family and, when possible, help you;
  • Language : As you’ll see the form contains two pages, one in English and one in Chinese. If you’re in China, I suggest that you fill out and print them both, front and back.

Once you have filled out and printed the form, keep it in your wallet, purse, or wherever is most convenient for you, together with a copy of your passport and insurance policy.

We additionally recommend that you don’t travel around without a telephone and make sure that it’s connected to the internet (4G, for example), so that you can use the maps , etc.

To conclude, we always suggest that you carry a little cash with you (even just for a taxi).

The price is usually the same unless you’re traveling to the United States (those traveling to the United States pay more since American hospitals are the most expensive on the planet).

Moreover we recommend keeping a copy on your smartphone, in the form of a PDF document or screenshot.

*For Canadian and US residents, unfortunately, due to financial services laws, World Nomads cannot provide a discount. This promotional code cannot be used with any other discount offer, including World Nomads Members’ discount for travel insurance policyholders.

Photo Credits: Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

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Sapore di Cina

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Travel Insurance for a China Vacation (2024)

with our partner, Faye

travel health insurance china

Tori Addison is an editor who has worked in the digital marketing industry for over five years. Her experience includes communications and marketing work in the nonprofit, governmental and academic sectors. A journalist by trade, she started her career covering politics and news in New York’s Hudson Valley. Her work included coverage of local and state budgets, federal financial regulations and health care legislation.

Sabrina Lopez

Sabrina Lopez is a senior editor with over seven years of experience writing and editing digital content with a particular focus on home services, home products and personal finance. When she’s not working, Sabrina enjoys creative writing and spending time with her family and their two parrots.

icon with check mark

Here’s a breakdown of how we reviewed and rated the best travel insurance companies

When planning a trip to China, travel insurance is essential. After spending thousands of dollars on an overseas trip, the last thing you want is to lose your investment due to a change of plans or inclement weather.

The best travel insurance plans will help you recoup losses from delayed and canceled flights, cover medical expenses and reimburse you for lost personal belongings. Doing so will give you peace of mind that you are fully covered should you need emergency assistance on your trip.

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Compare China Travel Insurance Companies

Before selecting travel insurance for your upcoming trip to China, compare costs and coverage across top providers in the table below

Do I Need Travel Insurance for China?

Travel insurance is not mandatory to enter China , but traveling uninsured poses a significant risk. No matter how you spend your time in China, you should have a travel insurance plan that will provide coverage for delayed or canceled flights and other concerns.

Mainland China is a popular vacation destination for travelers looking for adventure. Activities like hiking the Great Wall of China, seeing the terracotta warriors and exploring the Forbidden City will excite the culture-inclined. Foodies can enjoy delicacies like Peking duck, Chinese Hot Pot and traditional Char Sui. Meanwhile, cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing offer a metropolitan escape.

Your trip to China could be canceled due to a disease outbreak, or you could require medical coverage if you become ill during your trip. Likewise, U.S. exit bans can be enforced without warning, which could leave you stranded if you don’t have insurance coverage.

The following sections will tell you about the different types of coverage you can purchase when traveling to China and the benefits that they offer.

Cancel for Any Reason Coverage

Cancel for any reason coverage (CFAR) is typically an add-on provided by most insurance companies. It will allow you to claim back any pre-booked expenses for your trip if you need to cancel for a reason that is not covered in basic travel insurance plans.

For a China trip, you might want CFAR to cover the following:

  • COVID-19 concerns, should restrictions change
  • Safety risks, such as natural disasters or political unrest like the Hong Kong demonstrations
  • Pre-existing medical conditions (standard medical coverage will often have exclusions for pre-existing conditions should you choose to cancel your trip)
  • Personal and professional obligations that mean you can no longer travel to China
  • Travel delays affecting your planned trip

Be aware that CFAR often needs to be purchased two weeks before your travel date, and to be reimbursed you will need to cancel your trip 48 hours prior to your departure date. Always check your travel insurance policy and contact your travel insurance company, as they will have different restrictions.

Gear Theft Protection

Gear theft protection covers valuables like laptops and cameras if they are damaged or stolen on your trip. It is usually included in travel insurance plans up to a certain amount, but this may not fully cover the cost of your belongings should they be damaged.

Consider what items you will take on your trip before you purchase travel insurance. You may want to insure expensive gadgets individually. Consider leaving certain valuables at home.

Medical Emergency Insurance and Emergency Medical Evacuation

Medical emergency insurance will cover you should you find yourself in need of emergency medical care. Chinese healthcare can be expensive — the best treatment is available from private hospitals, so having medical coverage protects you from paying treatment costs out of pocket.

You may also find yourself in need of emergency transport to a medical center. While this won’t be too difficult in cities like Chengdu and Xi’an, this could cost significantly more or take longer in a rural area.

Travel insurance plans can have exclusions regarding the medical treatment of pre-existing conditions. However, some travel insurance companies will provide specialized coverage, so it is worth shopping around.

Emergency medical evacuation involves returning travelers to their home country for medical treatment if they cannot receive it in China. Having health insurance will cover these costs, and most policies will include medical repatriation in the insurance plan if you pass away while abroad.

Rental Car Protection

Car rental in China can be a challenge. China does not recognize foreign licenses, but if you plan to rent a car, you can apply for a temporary provisional license for your stay. You will need a valid visa in order to be eligible for car rental as well.

Rental car protection can be added to your travel insurance plan, or you may be able to purchase extra coverage from your rental car provider.

Trip Cancellation Insurance

With any trip, there is a chance that things won’t go as planned. In this event, having travel cancellation and trip interruption insurance will protect you from sunken costs should you need to cancel your trip.

Trip cancellation insurance is included within most travel insurance plans, but they are subject to exclusions which can vary depending on your insurance provider and chosen policy. You should check with your credit card company, as they may offer this coverage if you purchase your airline tickets with them.

Valid reasons for trip cancellation typically include:

  • Death of traveler(s) or family members
  • Illness or injury preventing travel
  • Military deployment
  • Subpoena to appear in court
  • Other legal responsibilities that prevent you from traveling

Trip cancellation will typically be included in a policy up to a certain amount. It is worth checking multiple insurance providers to see how much you can be reimbursed.

How Much Does China Travel Insurance Cost?

The cost of travel insurance will vary depending on the individuals traveling. Cheaper travel insurance options will provide less cancellation and personal effects reimbursement, whereas higher-end insurance provides more robust coverage in all categories.

We requested quotes from ten travel insurance companies for their most affordable plan for a trip to China. The below quotes are for a 30-year-old traveler from Florida, traveling to China for ten days in September 2024, with a total trip cost of $4,000. Policies include coverage for cancellations, interruptions, delays, medical care and evacuation.

These quotes were collected in April 2024 for a trip in September 2024.

Overall, insurance plans with higher costs will offer more medical coverage and reimbursement for your belongings. Most providers will offer 100% of your trip cost in their cancellation coverage, but premium plans will reimburse you for much more. This can be seen in the Explorer Plan from World Nomads , which offers up to $10,000 in cancellation coverage, whereas others will only reimburse the total trip cost.

How Do I Get Travel Insurance for China?

The first step when you buy travel insurance for a China trip is to compare policies from multiple providers. Consider companies you have used previously, as you may be eligible for rewards or extra add-ons.

If you are planning multiple trips, it could be worth getting multi-trip insurance, also called annual travel insurance , which covers all trips you take for one year. This is also applicable if you are stopping in nearby countries like Thailand and want more comprehensive coverage.

Many insurance companies will have an online tool to get a quote for your insurance plan. Be sure to compare coverage for all aspects of your trip. For example, injuries from certain sports or activities may not be included in your medical coverage.

Once you find a quote that suits your budget and needs, you can usually purchase it online. Be sure to keep a printed copy with you when you travel should you need to provide your insurance details.

China Safety Tips

While China’s top procuratorate says that violent crime rates have dropped in recent years , the country does have significant risks that should be considered when traveling. The U.S. State Department has issued a Level 3 travel advisory for China , highlighting arbitrary enforcement of laws and wrongful detentions as reasons to reconsider travel. Travelers should also anticipate petty crimes like pickpocketing in crowded areas. Be aware that the quality of health care may also be lower than in the U.S., even in major cities, and the State Department advises that English-speaking travelers frequently encounter difficulties .

Crime and Safety

Though uncommon, tourists can expect to be targeted by pickpockets and should remain vigilant when traveling through busy areas. Keep all personal belongings on your person and never leave your valuables where someone could easily take them. You may also be targeted by scams in markets selling counterfeit goods, so always make purchases carefully.

Traveling through China is not without its risks, and travelers from the U.S. are particularly vulnerable due to short-notice travel bans and wrongful detentions. Many officials will only speak Mandarin and may limit your contact with the U.S. Embassy, so have their contact details readily available.

You could also be detained for sending private messages that the Chinese government considers critical of them. Similarly, taking part in demonstrations or protests is considered illegal, so tourists should remain clear of these activities.

Day Trips, Tours and Excursions

China has many sights that you would be hard-pressed to fit into one trip. When taking part in excursions or tours, you should choose guided tours over self-led ones, as these are much safer and also tend to provide a better and more insightful experience.

Guides for places like the Forbidden City and the Great Wall of China will be able to tell you more information on your tour and will be better equipped to handle crowds and keep you safe. Be sure to book with trusted and established guides to avoid scams.

Public transport is generally a safe option when taking day trips within China, but be mindful of illegal taxis as they are not licensed and may overcharge you.

COVID-19 is still a concern in China, and the U.S. Embassy in China posts updated requirements for travelers. As of May 2023, travelers may choose to take antigen tests, rather than nucleic tests like PCR, within 48 hours of boarding. While airlines won’t check pre-departure testing results, they will need to declare their negative test result to Chinese Customs.

Face coverings remain mandatory on public transport, and other COVID guidelines should be adhered to while in the country. Though not required, it is recommended that you travel with your COVID-19 vaccination documents, as well as other vaccination papers should you require medical treatment.

Is Travel Insurance for a China Vacation Worth It?

Travel insurance coverage may not be mandatory when traveling to China, but most travelers will find it to be a valuable purchase. Coverage for cancellations and baggage delays gives you a safety net for your flights, and travel medical insurance can help you pay for any treatment you might need while you are abroad.

Travel insurance is worthwhile since it alleviates some of the financial risks associated with traveling to China and will allow you to enjoy your trip with peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions About Travel Insurance in China

How much compensation am i entitled to if i cancel my trip.

Compensation will vary depending on your policy, but you will be reimbursed for all non-refundable deposits made before the trip commencement date. This could include your flights, accommodation plus other expenses like rental cars or extra baggage allowance.

Learn more: How To Claim Compensation for Delayed and Canceled Flights

Is healthcare free in China?

There is free public healthcare in China for permanent residents, but this does not extend to foreign travelers. In fact, cash payment for services may even be required up-front . If you are planning an extended trip, it is worth having medical coverage as medical bills can be expensive.

What documents are required for travel to China?

When traveling to China you will need a valid visa and passport within six months of expiration. These should be kept on you at all times should you find yourself in an emergency situation, as these are required by local regulations.

Will travel insurance cover me if I get coronavirus?

You will be covered for medical expenses incurred from COVID-19 as long as your chosen travel insurance has COVID-19 inclusions. This is highly recommended for travel to China and should be selected as an add-on if not covered in the basic plan.

If you have feedback or questions about this article, please email the MarketWatch Guides team at editors@marketwatchguides. com .

travel health insurance china

MarketWatch Guides may receive compensation from companies that appear on this page.
The compensation may impact how, where and in what order products appear, but it does not influence the recommendations the editorial team provides. Not all companies, products, or offers were reviewed.

Travel Insurance China

Travel Insurance China

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Travel Insurance China You Can Count On

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International Health Insurance


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Travel Insurance China  offers travel insurance online to citizens of China and travellers to China. Get a quote now and purchase travel medical and evacuation coverage online via a secure server. Our travel insurance plans are great for Chinese nationals immigrating to the USA, Canada, Europe and beyond! In fact, most of our plans are available to citizens around the world. We are a premier supplier for travel insurance for people going to and from China.

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International Health Insurance for Expatriates in China

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International Health Insurance for Chinese Expatriates

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EXPAT FINANCIAL & Design is a registered trademark of TFG Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. Note: Some of the products and services described or advertised on this site may not be available to residents of certain jurisdictions, depending on regulatory constraints, including Canada and the U.S. Please contact TFG Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. for more information about your specific jurisdiction. If you or your company requires a policy that is billed to the USA, please contact us and we will refer you to a broker located in the USA. The policies we offer via TFG Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. or its related web sites are not available to citizens currently residing in the USA when taking out the policy.

TFG Global Insurance Solutions

  • US citizens overseas
  • Travel to China

Travel insurance for China from USA, Travel insurance China

Travel insurance quote form, do you want to insure trip cost as well as the health of the traveler, please click here to buy travel insurance for quarantine coverage, travel insurance for u.s. citizens with trip protection coverage - highlights, trip cancellation.

Reimbursement for loss of pre-paid, non-refundable payments.

Medical evacuation

Transportation to or between hospitals as needed.

Reimbursement of food and lodging expenses due to delay in travel.

Lost baggage

Pays sum for lost or delayed luggage by airline.

Medical expenses

Covers cost of treatment for sickness or injury during your vacation.

Travel medical insurance with no trip protection - Highlights

Health care expenses.

Covers medical costs for sickness or accidents during travel.

Doctor visit

Covers cost of clinic or doctor visit.

Pharmacy drugs

Expenses from doctor prescribed eligible medications.

Repat of remains

Return of moral remains to home country or local burial.

Travel insurance from USA to China

China has changed most dramatically in the recent past. Just 50 years ago, it was pretty much fully closed to the outside world, but today having opened its doors to the world it is the third most visited nation in the world, arousing both curiosity and amazement. Over 2 million Americans visit China annually to see not just the amazingly huge cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and Guangzhou, but also other cultural sights. Xian for its army of terracotta soldiers, Guilin for its dramatic limestone landscapes, cruises along the Yangtze river to see the Three gorges dam, China has much to offer international tourists.

Travel insurance for China from USA

International tourists to China however should take precautions while visiting the country. The food and weather are very different from the United States and can take a toll on one’s health. Since US domestic insurance and Medicare provides little to no coverage outside the United States, it is vital for international travelers to buy good travel medical insurance. Travel insurance is highly recommended for US citizens traveling to China. Finding the best China travel insurance from USA on American Visitor Insurance is very easy.

Travel insurance China typically includes medical coverage for illnesses or injuries, trip cancellation or interruption coverage, baggage loss or delay coverage, and emergency assistance services. Compare different international travel insurance for China plans on American Visitor Insurance and choose one that best suits your needs. Having travel insurance for China from USA ensures that you can enjoy their vacation with peace of mind, knowing they are financially protected and have access to support services if needed.

American traveler insurance including trip cancellation coverage

US citizens should consider buying trip protection insurance especially if traveling outside their home state. The travel insurance plans are designed for US vacationers with coverage for insuring the health of the traveler as well the trip expenses cost. Some examples of coverage benefits are trip cancellation, trip delay, Covid quarantine travel insurance , medical evacuation, injury of family member, travel companion or pet, theft of passport, traffic accident, inclement weather resulting in delay or cancellation of common carrier.

  • Non refundable cost of the trip.
  • Unexpected medical expenses of the traveler.
  • Loss or damage to the insured’s possessions.

Following are the best trip insurance plans:

IMG Trip insurance

The trip insurance offered by IMG is a three-tiered series of plans: Travel Lite , Travel SE and Travel LX . These plans offer coverage for unexpected medical expenses dues to accident or sickness as well as insure your trip expense investment in case of a trip cancellation or delay.

Travel LX insurance has 'Cancel for any reason' benefit included and provides coverage up to $100,000. The Travel SE and Travel LX plans offer Trip Delay benefit up a maximum of $2,000 per person and $2,500 per person respectively which satisfy many countries Covid travel insurance quarantine requirements.

Safe Travels Trip protection insurance

Safe Travels Trip protection insurance plans for trip cancellation expenses from Trawick International offer coverage for non refundable trip expenses incurred when a trip is cancelled. These are popular plans for trip related expenses.

The Safe Travels Voyager insurance and SafeTravels Armor have an optional benefit that is the ' Cancel for any Reason ' which is available as a rider at an additional cost.

The Safe Travels Voyager insurance and Safe travels Explorer insurance is quite popular as it offers Covid19 quarantine accommodation coverage.


Trip Protector Preferred insurance

  • Available for US citizens and residents traveling outside the United States
  • Includes $2000 in travel delay benefits for Covid quarantine/lodging.
  • Trip cancellation up to $50,000/Trip interruption up to 200% of trip cost
  • Offers $500,000 medical for sickness and injury/$1,000,000 medical transportation

Seven Corners Trip Protection Insurance Plans

The Trip Protection Series by Seven Corners offers plans with good, better, best plan with Trip Protection Basic and Trip Protection Choice . There is an additional cost for the number of days which exceed 30 days, but you can have a trip last up to 180 days.

Trip Protection Elite from Seven Corners offers cancel for any reason for residents of Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania and Washington travelling in the United States /internationally. you can have a trip last up to 90 days.

There is also the optional coverage for loss of ski days and equipment and lost golf rounds and rental. Note that insuring a trip for $0 to $500 gives the same, lowest rate available.

Travel Insurance Services Trip Protection Insurance Plans

Travel Insurance Select Insurance and Trip Care Complete Insurance from Travel Insurance Services, offers choice of three options to meet your needs and budget: Elite, Plus, and Basic. These plans includes coverage for trip cancellation, trip interruption, trip delay, medical expense, emergency evacuation, and baggage loss/delay coverage. Each option includes different features, benefits, and coverage limits.

Travel Insurance Select Plus and Elite plans offers "Optional cancel for any reason benefit" if purchased within 21 days of the date initial payment/deposit is received. (not available to residents of NY) and Trip Care Complete Insurance also offers "Optional cancel for any reason benefit" up to 75% of Trip Cost.

International travel health insurance from USA

Trip cancellation insurance.

Travel insurance for trip cancellation, baggage delay, trip interruption, unexpected medical expenses traveller and related emergencies.

Cancel for any reason(CFAR)

Optional benefit offered by travel insurance protects some insured trip costs for cancellation of trip due to any reason.

Rental car collision

Travel insurance for rental car if it is stolen or damaged due to collision, theft, vandalism, natural disaster, or a cause beyond your control.

US citizen annual travel insurance

US citizens and resident who are business people and working professionals travel overseas quite often and it is good to have international travel health insurance.

Best travel insurance coverage for theft gear

American travel insurance coverage for theft gear often include coverage for lost, stolen, or damaged personal belongings, which can include gear such as cameras, laptops, sports equipment, and other valuables. At American Visitor Insurance best travel insurance coverage for theft gear is offered by popular comprehensive plans from top rated insurance providers.

U S citizen travel insurance for emergency medical evacuation

Travel insurance that includes emergency medical evacuation coverage is essential for travelers, especially when visiting countries with limited medical facilities or participating in activities that carry higher risks. Emergency medical evacuation coverage is an important component of many travel insurance policies, especially when visiting countries with limited medical facilities or participating in activities that carry higher risks. This coverage can provide crucial assistance and financial support if you need to be transported to a medical facility or back to the United States due to a serious illness or injury. Best travel insurance for medical evacuation covers the cost of transportation to the nearest appropriate medical facility if adequate care is not available locally.

American travel insurance for canceled flight

Flight cancellations can be a significant inconvenience, but having travel insurance can help mitigate the impact. When dealing with a canceled flight, it’s important to know your rights and how to claim compensation or seek reimbursement. Travel insurance can provide coverage for canceled flights, which is particularly useful if you encounter unexpected disruptions during your trip.

Best Trip cancellation insurance for China from USA

Annual vacation that is once in a lifetime experience could be very expensive. Planning a vacation involves expenses from booking air tickets, cruise reservations, hotel bookings which is done months in advance. As life is not certain, we cannot predict what can happen in the future which can resulting in cancelling an expensive vacation or trip or making other trip arrangements.

Sometimes while on a trip an emergency medical situation may arise which can result in hospitalization and huge medical bills. Other risks involved maybe baggage loss, flight delay, trip interruption, loss of passport which can cripple your life savings. Buying Trip protection insurance for China can be a life and money saver which will cover most of the trip investment expenses and expenses arising from emergency travel and medical expenses.

Cost of best travel insurance from USA 2024

The cost of travel insurance for US citizens can vary depending on several factors like the age, trip duration, the coverage maximum, and any additional add-ons or options you select. On average, travel insurance costs for a US citizens can range from $50 to $200 for a week-long trip, which is between 5% to 8% of the trip cost. It is recommended to compare US citizens travel insurance quotes from different insurance providers on American Visitor Insurance.

Atlas International Insurance

$50,000 - $1,000,000

  • WorldTrips Atlas International is an Ideal for US citizens traveling outside their home country,excluding USA.
  • Atlas International insurance underwritten by Lloyds, London and rating AM Best Rating: A++ (Superior) Standard & Poor’s Rating: AA-.
  • Policy maximum options available are $50,000, $100,000, $250,000, $500,000, $1,000,000 and $2,000,000.
  • Deductible options available are $0, $100, $250, $500, $1000, $2500 and $5,000.
  • Covers acute onset of pre-existing conditions up to chosen maximum limit aged up to 79 years (excludes chronic and congenital conditions).
  • This plan covers trip interruption up to $10,000 (not subject to deductible or coinsurance).

Atlas Travel Insurance Brochure Links

Patriot international lite insurance.

$50,000 - $2,000,000

  • Patriot International Lite form IMG is available US citizens traveling outside their home country,excluding USA.
  • This plan is underwritten by Sirius International Insurance Corporation and rating “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best.
  • Policy maximum options available are $50,000, $100,000, $500,000, and $1,000,000
  • Deductible options available are $0, $100, $250, $500, $1000, and $2500.
  • Covers acute onset of pre-existing conditions up to chosen maximum limit aged up to 70 years
  • Covers lost luggage benefit up to $50 per item, $500 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible.

Patriot International Lite Travel Brochure Links

Diplomat international insurance.

  • Global Underwriters Diplomat International plan is available for people traveling outside their home Country excluding USA.
  • Underwritten by C&F Cayman SPC for and on behalf of ITI SP and rating AM Best Rating: "A" (Excellent)
  • The policy maximum options available are $50,000, $100,000, $500,000, and $1,000,000
  • The deductible options available are $0, $100, $250, $500, $1000, $2500 and $5,000.
  • Covers unexpected recurrence of a pre-existing condition up to $20,000; ($2,500 for age 65 and older)(US Citizens only)
  • Covers interruption of trip up to $5,000 and coverage for lost buggage up to $50 per article; up to a maximum of $250.

Diplomat Longterm Insurance

$500,000 - $1,000,000

  • Global Underwriters Diplomat LongTerm plan is available for people traveling outside their home Country excluding USA.
  • Policy maximum options available are $500,000 and $1,000,000
  • Minimum enrollment of 3 months.
  • Underwritten by C&F Cayman SPC for and on behalf of ITI SP and rating AM Best Rating: "A" (Excellent).
  • Covers unexpected recurrence of a pre-existing condition up to $20,000; ($2,500 for age 65 and older)(US Citizens only).

Safe Travels Outbound Insurance

$50,000 - $500,000

  • Safe Travels Outbound from Trawick International is available for US citizens and US residents traveling outside of the US.
  • Underwritten by Crum & Forster SPC and rating “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best.
  • This policy provides the medical maximum options of $50k, $100k, $250k, $500k.
  • Covers pre-exiting conditions after 6 months of waiting period.
  • Covers trip interruption up to $7,500 and coverage for lost buggage up to $1,000 ($250/item, $500/combined limit for valuables).

Voyager Essential Insurance

  • Applicant's home country must be the US
  • Underwritten by 4 Ever Life and rating
  • The deductible options available are $0, $100, $250, $500.
  • Pre-existing conditions are covered with a 180-day exclusion.

Intermedical Insurance

$50,000 - $150,000

  • Intermedical insurance form Travel Insure is available US citizens traveling outside their home country,excluding USA
  • Underwritten by Lloyds, London and rating AM Best Rating: A.
  • Policy maximum options available are $50,000, $100,000 and $150,000
  • Deductible options available are $0, $250, $500 and $1000.
  • Covers acute onset of pre-existing conditions up to chosen maximum limit.
  • Covers trip interruption up to $5,000 and coverage for lost checked luggage Up to $500.

iTravelInsured Travel LX Insurance

  • IMG iTravelInsured Travel LX Insurance is available for US Residents on domestic and worldwide trips
  • Underwritten by United States fire insurance company and rating “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best.
  • Pre-existing condition exclusion waiver is covered if purchased within 24 hours of final trip payment.
  • Maximum trip duration is 180 days.

Safe Travels Single Trip Protection

  • Trawick International Safe Travels Single Trip Protection available for US residents traveling within the US or abroad.
  • Underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and rating AM Best Rating: “A (Excellent)”
  • Pre-existing condition exclusion waiver is included with this plan.
  • Coverage for a maximum of 90 days

Safe Travels First Class Trip Protection

  • Coverage for a maximum of 30 days

Safe Travels Armor

  • Trawick International Safe Travels Armor plan is available for US residents traveling within the US or abroad.
  • Pre-existing condition exclusion waiver is included if purchased within 14 days of initial deposit.
  • Maximum trip length is 90 days.

Safe Travels Rental Plus

  • Trawick International Safe Travels Rental Plus is available for US residents traveling within the US or abroad.
  • Pre-existing condition exclusion waiver is included if purchased within 21 days of initial deposit.
  • Maximum trip length is 30 days.

Safe Travels Voyager

  • Trawick International Safe Travels Voyager Insurance is available for US residents traveling within the US or abroad.
  • Maximum trip length is 180 days.

SafeTravels Flex

  • Trawick International Safe Travels Flex is available for US residents traveling within the US or abroad.

Trip Protection Choice

  • Seven Corners Trip Protection Choice is for U.S residents and U.S citizens who wish to travel within the U.S or travel overseas /internationally.
  • Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company and rating A (Excellent) by AM Best.
  • Pre-existing condition exclusion waiver is included if purchased within 15 days of initial deposit.

Trip Protection Elite

  • Seven Corners Trip Protection Elite is for for residents of New York and Washington travelling in the United States /internationally.

Trip Cancellation Insurance

Cancel for any reason

Compare travel Insurance with cancel for any reason benefit.

Trip Delay

Best trip cancellation insurance with quarantine coverage.

Rental car damage

Rental car Insurance for damage, theft, repair of rented cars.

Trip Cancellation

Trip cancellation insurance for trip expenses if the trip is cancelled.

Trip Interruption

Trip interruption insurance for travel expenses when a trip is Interrupted.

Baggage Loss

Travel insurance coverage due to lost, damaged, delayed or stolen luggage.

Medical Evacuation

Emergency medical evacuation travel insurance coverage.

China - General Information

Popular tourist destinations in china.

Travel insurance for West Lake

The focal point of a visit to Hangzhou is beautiful West Lake surrounded by hills and old temples.

Travel insurance for The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China

One of the iconic symbols of China, the Great Wall is the longest wall in the world, and it is one of "the New Seven Wonders of the World".

Travel insurance for Longmen Grottoes

Longmen Grottoes

The Longmen Grottoes are densely dotted along the Xiangshan and Longmenshan mountains in the eastern central part of China.

Travel insurance for Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

It is the first national forest park in China and is part of the Wulingyuan Scenic Areas With weird-looking peaks, wildlife and abundant sub-tropical vegetation.

Visa free travel countries for US citizens

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Travel health insurance china for us citizens, short term travel medical insurance.

  • For short term travel vacations ranging from a few weeks to few months (less than a year).
  • This covers all catastrophic health care expenses, but does not include coverage for preventive care and has limited cover for pre-existing conditions.

Long term health Insurance

  • Ideal for expats working overseas and for US pensioners living outside the US.
  • These plans offers comprehensive coverage for preventive-care, pre-existing conditions, mental health, dental and vision benefits.

US expatriate insurance

Health insurance for U.S. expats is essential for providing access to quality healthcare while living abroad. Expatriates often need coverage that goes beyond what their domestic U.S. health insurance provides because most U.S.-based health insurance plans do not cover medical expenses incurred outside the United States.

Travel insurance for US seniors with Medicare coverage

US senior citizens with Medicare need international travel insurance as Medicare offers limited or no coverage outside USA. Traveling overseas involves risks especially for older travelers and costs of medical evacuation and health care outside the United States is expensive. Buying Medicare Supplemental international Travel insurance coverage for older US travelers is strongly recommended.

Indianapolis based International Medical Group (IMG) offers GlobeHopper Senior travel health insurance as affordable overseas travel medical insurance for US senior citizens and US permanent residents 65 years and older.

The GlobeHopper Senior plan is available either as the GlobeHopper Single-Trip plan for coverage from 5 days to 365 days, or as a GlobeHopper Multi-trip plan which covers 12 months with a maximum of 30 days per each overseas trip. The GlobeHopper Senior plan is very popular since it provides coverage of $1 million up to the age of 79 years and $100,000 for travelers more than 80 years old. The plan includes $2,500 cover for sudden unexpected recurrence of a pre-existing condition and $25,000 for emergency medical evacuation.

Visitor medical Insurance for Chinese speaking customer

Travel insurance to china from usa - faq's, 01. which is the best travel medical insurance fo china from usa.

Excellent question and we work hard to find the best answer to this question! Given the unique needs of different US travelers there is no single China travel insurance plan that always works best for everyone. If you are a traveler with concerns about an existing medical conditions, then you will be looking at different plans as opposed to a different traveler without any life-threatening pre-existing condition.

We endeavor to give US travelers as much relevant information as possible so they can find the best medical coverage when traveling in China. Our Travel insurance for China from US quote comparison tool helps US travelers compare different German visa travel insurance plans based on price and coverage in an objective manner. If you want some more guidance, our licensed agents are here to help you with your choice!

02. Do US citizens need travel insurance for China from USA?

The regular US health insurance including Medicare provide little to no health insurance coverage outside US borders. International travel insurance provides health coverage and financial protection in case of unexpected events such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations or interruptions, lost baggage, or travel delays typically. Given that travel insurance usually costs only around 5% of the total trip cost, it is very logical for US citizens traveling overseas to buy the best travel insurance for China. Healthcare costs can be high in China, and travel insurance ensures that you have medical evacuation if needed and access to good medical assistance and treatment.sed on price and coverage in an objective manner. If you want some more guidance, our licensed agents are here to help you with your choice!

03. What does international travel insurance to China from USA cover?

The travel insurance coverage will vary depending on the policy and insurance provider, but it typically includes

  • Medical expenses: Coverage for emergency medical and dental treatment, hospital stays, and medical evacuation.
  • Trip cancellation or interruption: Reimbursement for non-refundable expenses if the trip is cancelled or cut short due to covered reasons, such as illness, injury, or unforeseen circumstances.
  • Baggage loss or delay: Compensation for lost, stolen, or damaged baggage, as well as reimbursement for essential items if your baggage is delayed.
  • Travel delays: Reimbursement for additional expenses incurred due to delayed flights or other travel disruptions.
  • Emergency assistance: 24/7 travel assistance services, including access to a helpline for emergencies, coordination of medical services, and help with lost documents.

04. How much does China travel insurance from USA cost?

The cost of travel insurance can vary depending on several factors, including the duration of your trip, your age, the level of coverage you choose, and any additional add-ons or options you select. On average, travel insurance for a US citizen visiting China can range from $50 to $200 for a week-long trip, which is between 5% to 8% of the trip cost. It is recommended to obtain quotes from different insurance providers on American Visitor Insurance to compare prices and coverage options.

05. Are pre-existing medical conditions covered by travel insurance to China from USA?

Coverage for pre-existing medical conditions can vary depending on the insurance policy. Some travel insurance plans offer coverage for acute onset of a pre-existing conditions, while others may exclude them. It is important to carefully review the policy details and any exclusions or limitations related to pre-existing conditions using the comparison facility available on American Visitor Insurance.

06. Is travel insurance mandatory for travel to China from USA?

Travel insurance is not mandatory for US citizens visiting China. However, even if not mandatory, travel insurance for China is highly recommended so as to have adequate coverage in case of unexpected travel or health related emergencies. Without travel insurance, you may be personally responsible for covering the costs associated with medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or lost belongings, which can be significant.

07. How do I choose the right holiday insurance for my trip to China?

When choosing travel insurance for your trip to China, consider the following factors

  • Coverage: Look for a policy that provides comprehensive coverage for medical expenses, trip cancellations, baggage loss, and travel delays.
  • Policy limits: Ensure that the policy limits are sufficient to cover potential expenses, such as medical treatment or emergency evacuation.
  • Exclusions: Carefully review the policy's exclusions and limitations, particularly regarding pre-existing conditions and high-risk activities.
  • Cost: Compare the prices of different insurance providers while considering the coverage and benefits they offer.
  • Customer reviews and reputation: Research the insurance provider's reputation, customer reviews, and claim handling process to ensure reliability and customer satisfaction.

When buying travel health insurance for China, it is important to compare travel insurance policies from multiple providers to find the best coverage at the best price. This is achieved with ease at American Visitor Insurance, where prices and benefits of the different plans are displayed in an user friendly comparison tool. As a traveler, you should also carefully review the policy's brochure and understand the exclusions that are not covered.

Best International travel insurance to China

Medical evacuation travel insurance for traveling to china.

Travel insurance for China who need coverage for expenses arising from international security evacuation, medical evacuation and repatriation can buy Medical evacuation insurance commonly called “Medevac insurance”.

The Atlas Medevac insurance from World Trips covers emergency medical evacuation for US citizens.

Travel health insurance for China cost

The cost of China visa insurance depends on the following:

Age of the traveler

The travel insurance price is directly proportional to the age of the traveler. The older the traveler and higher is the cost of the travel insurance.

Type of travel insurance

Comprehensive travel insurance which provide exhaustive coverage are more expensive. Traveler can select between single trip or multi trip travel insurance.

Medical maximum coverage

The price of travel health insurance is directly dependant on the maximum medical coverage and inversely dependant on the deductible of the plan chosen.

Region of coverage

Travel insurance depends on the coverage region. The cost for travel health insurance in some countries (USA …) is more expensive than others.

Duration of travel insurance

The longer the duration of visitor medical insurance required, the higher will be the cost.

Any add on benefits

Additional add-on benefits like adventure sports coverage … will increase the cost of coverage.

Steps to buy Travel insurance for China online

  1: finding the available international travel health insurance plans.

Complete the travel insurance quote form by providing traveler details and the insurance requirements.

  2: Compare the different travel insurance options

Compare price and the benefits of the different travel insurance options to identify what fits your needs best.

  3: Buy the holiday insurance USA you like best and review documents

Buy the plan that fits your needs and budget by using a credit card and completing the online application.

  4: Review the travel medical insurance plan documents received by email

Review the travel insurance policy documents received by email for coverage details and relevant contact numbers.

China travel insurance

Overseas travel insurance for US residents

Best travel insurance for cruises.

Going on a cruise vacation is truly exciting, however one must take suitable action to ensure that the cruise vacation is not a disappointment. Vacationers are likely to book for the cruise well in advance of the actual travel dates, and it is possible that one is not able to make the cruise as planned.

Best Cruise trip insurance ensures that vacationers can vacation investment should there be a disruption and one cannot make the cruise. Most cruises offers Cruise protection, but that is not the same as trip insurance for cruises.

A cruise protection usually gives vouchers for the traveler if they miss the cruise, but getting money back is not the norm, which is what trip insurance for cruises offer.

trip cancellation insurance for cruise

Cruise Holiday Insurance

Cruise tourist insurance for pre-existing conditions, trip vs travel health coverage vs global medical insurance.

Confused whether to buy trip, travel or global health insurance? Understand the differences

Group Travel Insurance

Quite often groups travel overseas together. The groups could be traveling for varied reasons such as employees on training, groups of tourists holidaying, members of a missionary organization, groups of students attending a sporting or academic event. Since the regular domestic health insurance will usually not cover you outside your home country you can buy cheap Group travel health insurance for visiting China. The group travel plans are cheaper when compared to individual travel medical insurance. There is usually a discount of about 10% or more in group travel policies when compared to individual visitor health insurance for the same destination.

group travel insurance

Family travel insurance

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Annual travel insurance

Compare and buy Travel insurance for Annual multitrip

Cheap travel insurance to China from USA links

Travel medical insurance for china faq.

FAQs about cheap insurance for China travelers.

China Travel medical Insurance Blog

Blog about travel health insurance China travelers.

Travel Insurance to China Forum

Customer Queries for USA travelers to China travelers.

International travel insurance USA from China

Us visitors insurance providers.

You can find reliable US insurance providers like International Medical Group(IMG), Seven Corners, WorldTrips, Global Underwriters, Travel Insure, GeoBlue, HTH Worldwide and INF insurance.

Travel insurance resources

You can find different sections of insurance types.

  • Travel tips for international travelers
  • Global travel destinations

More US Citizen international travel insurance categories

Travel Insurance for US Citizens

Travel insurance for Quarantine coverage

Senior Citizens travel insurance over 65

Long stay Europe visa insurance

US citizen expatriate insurance

International travel medicare coverage

US citizens traveling outside USA Forum

US citizens traveling to Europe Blog

US citizens traveling outside USA Blog

Travel insurance FAQs for US Citizens

GlobeHopper Senior Insurance

Travel insurance for US citizens visiting USA

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  1. Health Insurance for China

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  2. A Quick Guide to Understanding Travel Insurance

    travel health insurance china

  3. An Easy Guide to Expat Health Insurance in China (2023)

    travel health insurance china

  4. Health Insurance for China in 2023

    travel health insurance china

  5. Travel Insurance Coverage & Coronavirus Trip Cancellations Explained

    travel health insurance china

  6. Health Insurance for China (With images)

    travel health insurance china


  1. Thailand Healthcare Insurance

  2. International Health Insurance vs Travel Insurance Policy in USA by tech knowledge

  3. How to buy health insurance in China।।Self and partial funded International Students

  4. Uganda's scandalous health care

  5. Navigating Tranquil Terrains: The Importance of Travel Insurance in Japan

  6. Travel Health Insurance


  1. Travel Insurance To China

    Travel Insurance To China - Free Online Comparison. Avoid Costly Suprises! Compare 2024's Best Travel Insurance For Asia. Get Yourself Peace Of Mind!

  2. 10 Best Traveler's Insurance

    Accidents Happen. Get Travel Insurance Protection. Worldwide Coverage. Compare Plans. Expert Reviews & Analysis. Ratings Updated September. Trusted by Over 1,000,000 Customers

  3. Travel insurance for China (what you need to know)

    Learn why travel insurance is recommended for China, how to compare and buy plans, and what to do if you get sick or injured. Find out about COVID-19 cover, medical evacuation, and health and safety tips for China.

  4. Travel Insurance for China

    Learn why travel insurance for China is recommended and compare plans, coverages, and prices for your trip. Find out how to exchange currency, use mobile payments, and travel by different modes of transportation in China.

  5. Travel Insurance for China: Our Best Options in 2024

    Trip coverage: Decent. Includes attractive coverage for lost or stolen belongings, adventure and sports activities, transport cancellation, and many others. Customer support: FAQ, live chat, phone support. Pricing range: USD 45 to USD 160 /traveller /month. Insurance underwriter: Tokyo Marine HCC.

  6. Travel insurance for China

    World Nomads offers travel insurance plans for China with cover for medical, trip cancellation, baggage, and adventure activities. Compare plans, get a quote, and buy online before your trip.

  7. Travel Insurance for China| AXA Travel Insurance

    AXA Travel Insurance offers plans for China with medical, trip cancellation, evacuation, baggage and optional benefits. Learn how to get a free quote, compare plans and protect your trip to China.

  8. Travel Insurance: USA To China Trip

    Travel Insurance: USA To China Trip

  9. Travel Insurance for Visitors to China Safety Advice for Travelers

    Compare and buy travel insurance for visitors to China, including medical, trip cancellation, and health insurance. Find safety tips, vaccination advice, and travel medical assistance for your trip.

  10. How to Pick the Best Travel Insurance for Your China Trip

    Learn why travel insurance is necessary in China and how to choose the best plan for your trip. Compare different insurance companies, coverage options, costs, and exclusions for your China travel.

  11. Travel Insurance for China

    Trip insurance for China is designed to safeguard your non-refundable travel expenses and investments. This type of coverage protects various aspects of your trip, including airfare, accommodations, excursions, tours, and more. By insuring these prepaid, non-refundable costs, you can receive compensation if your travel plans are disrupted or ...

  12. Travel Insurance for China: The Ultimate Guide

    Having Travel Insurance in China When Traveling: Mandatory Guarantees. Whatever the type of visa requested (tourist, family, business, etc.), it is mandatory to have travel insurance with well-defined guarantees. ... However, for any question related to health care, you should contact your health insurance company when traveling in China. Expat ...

  13. Best Travel Insurance for 2024

    Learn what travel insurance covers and how to choose the best policy for your trip or move abroad. Compare different providers and plans based on personal experience and expert recommendations.

  14. Travel Insurance in China: Coverage and Considerations

    Learn about the benefits and costs of travel insurance for China trips, whether you need it, and the best plans to choose from. Compare quotes from top insurers like GeoBlue, Allianz, IMG, and more.

  15. Best Travel Insurance For China

    Learn how to choose the best travel insurance for China based on different types of coverage, price considerations, and local laws. Compare policies from various insurance companies and find an expert to guide you through the process.

  16. Travel Insurance to China

    This Travel Insurance to China offers compensation for loss, breakage, or damage caused directly by theft, robbery, burglary, accidents, or mishandling by carriers during the insured person's journey. To qualify for coverage, the loss must be reported to local authorities or carriers within 24 hours. However, it's important to note that ...

  17. TravelGap China Travel Health and Travel Medical Insurance

    TravelGap® China travel medical insurance is A-rated by notable insurance carriers. View a DEMO of our Global Health & Safety Services. Visit today or call our toll-free Customer Service line: 888.243.2358

  18. Compare travel insurance for China

    Compare Travel Insurance for China

  19. How to Buy an Affordable and Comprehensive Travel Insurance for China

    The plan is secondary to Medicare, a Medigap and/or a Medicare Advantage Plan (Medicare supplement insurance) The features, on the other hand, are beneficial and provides you the following: Maximum limits starts at USD 50,000 - USD 1,000,000. Only one deductible within each 12 months coverage period.

  20. China Travel Insurance

    The only way to get reimbursed for those big medical bills is by having a proper China travel health insurance plan. Trip Cancellation Insurance for Travelers in China - FAQs. For some, traveling to China will mean a flight - or maybe several flights - halfway around the world. It's a long journey, at significant expense.

  21. Travel Insurance for a China Vacation (2024)

    The below quotes are for a 30-year-old traveler from Florida, traveling to China for ten days in September 2024, with a total trip cost of $4,000. Policies include coverage for cancellations ...

  22. Travel Insurance China Offers Travel Insurance Online

    Find the best travel and health insurance for your trip to or from China. Compare and buy online from a secure server with various options for medical, evacuation, and international coverage.

  23. Travel insurance for China from USA, Travel insurance China

    When buying travel health insurance for China, it is important to compare travel insurance policies from multiple providers to find the best coverage at the best price. This is achieved with ease at American Visitor Insurance, where prices and benefits of the different plans are displayed in an user friendly comparison tool. As a traveler, you ...

  24. Travel health Insurance for China Visits

    VISITORS CARE INSURANCE. $31 / mo For age 45 year with $50,000 plan and $100 deductible. Plan maximum limits ranging from $25,000 to $100,000. Deductible options of $0, $50, $100 (varies by age) Coverage for Hospitalization, ER, Urgent Care, Dr. Office Visits, Prescription Drugs, Covid-19.

  25. Best Travel Medical Insurance Of 2024

    Compare the best travel medical insurance policies for visitors from other countries who need health insurance in the U.S. See ratings, costs, benefits and coverage limits for different plans.