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Deskripsi Paket Tour New Zealand :

  • Paket tour New Zealand mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang menarik dan terkenal di Selandia Baru dengan gaya santai.
  • Destinasi wisata paket tour New Zealand : pemandangan alam, bangunan sejarah
  • Fasilitas paket tour New Zealand : Maskapai full service (in flight meal and entertainment), Akomodasi hotel bintang 3 sekamar berdua, Transportasi pribadi ( Mercedes Sprinter)
  • Jumlah peserta tour New Zealand minimal 10 orang dewasa, maksimal 15 orang dewasa. Jika Anda mempunyai group dengan jumlah minimal 10 orang atau lebih bisa disesuaikan destinasi, biaya dan durasinya.


Hari ini pada waktu dan tempat yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, para peserta berkumpul untuk melakukan penerbangan Auckland NZ untuk memulai paket tour New Zealand.

Hari 02 : AUCKLAND

Hari ini diperkirakan akan tiba di Auckland pada pagi hari, Setelah melalui proses imigrasi dan pengambilan bagasi selesai, Anda akan diajak untuk mengikuti Auckland city tour seperti Sky Tower dan Ikuti perjalanan perahu untuk menyeberang ke desa cantik Devonport. Selanjutnya Anda akan diantar menuju hotel untuk bermalam


Hari ini Anda akan diajak untuk mengunjungi Waitomo Glow Worm Cave untuk melihat larva yang dapat memancarkan sinar serta melihat stalaktit dan stalakmit. Dilanjutkan mengunjungi Te Puia untuk melihat Geiser Pohutu, Bubbling Thermal pool, Thermal Spring dan perkampungan suku Maori. Malam harinya Anda akan bersantap malam Maori Hangi dan Show Maori.


Pagi ini Anda akan diantar untuk mengunjungi Agrodome Farm. Dilanjutkan menuju Matamata untuk mengikuti “Hobbiton Movie Set & Farm Tour”, yang merupakan salah satu tempat pembuatan film The Hobbiton. Sore hari ke kota Auckland untuk bermalam.


Hari ini Anda akan melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Queenstown menggunakan pesawat, Setibanya Anda akan langsung diantar mengunjungi Arrowtown Gold Mining Village, dimana ditemukannya emas di Arrow River. Anda juga akan diajak menuju Kawarau Bridge. Anda dapat mencoba atraksi Bungy Jump (optional) dan aktivitas outdoor lainnya.

Hari 06 : TE ANAU

Te Anau adalah pintu gerbang ke Taman Nasional Fiordland dan ibu kota pendakian Selandia Baru. Fiordland menampilkan beragam satwa liar unik, termasuk penguin langka. Milford Sound merupakan perpaduan fitur spektakuler dengan air terjun yang mengalir hingga ratusan meter. Tebing fyord menjulang secara vertikal dan puncak gunung mengikis langit. Anda dapat bergabung dengan tur berpemandu ke Milford Sounds yang mencakup pelayaran alam di fjord. Kembali ke Queenstown untuk beristirahat


Hari ini setelah makan pagi dan check out, Anda akan diajak melanjutkan perjalanan menuju ke kota Dunedin, dalam perjalanan Anda akan diajak berbelanja di Mrs. Jones Orchard dimana Anda dapat membeli buah – buahan. Setelah itu Anda akan diajak untuk mengikuti Wildlife Tour dimana Anda bisa melihat hewan2 unik seperti Yellow Eyed Penguin dan New Zealand Fur Seal.


Hari ini Anda akan diajak untuk city tour dengan mengunjungi atau melewati The Octagon, Baldwin Street yang merupakan jalan tercuram di dunia, Train station and Otago University. Dilajutkan perjalanan menuju Mt. Cook yang merupakan gunung tertinggi di New Zealand. Anda juga dapat naik helicopter (opsional) untuk menikmati pemandangan dari atas (jika cuaca memungkinkan). Photo stop di Danau Pukaki yang indah.


Hari ini Anda akan diajak mengunjungi Lake Tekapo, yang merupakan danau yang berada di 707 meter diatas permukaan laut dan melihat Patung Anjing Mac Kenzie dan Church of the Good Sheperd. Dilanjutkan menuju kota Christchurch untuk bermalam


Setelah santap pagi, Anda akan diajak untuk city tour dengan melewati Hagley Park atau photo stop di Mona Vale, Botanical Garden, dan Cardboard Cathedral. Sebelum Anda diantar menuju ke bandara untuk melakukan penerbangan domestik ke kota Auckland.


Penerbangan kembali ke tanh air, diperkirakan kita tiba di Jakarta di hari yang sama dengan membawa kenangan indah, setibanya di Jakarta maka berakhir seluruh rangkaian tour New Zealand. Terimakasih atas kepercayaan anda bersama Kami . Sampai jumpa dengan program tour kami lainnya.

Biaya Termasuk : 1. Tiket pesawat kelas ekonomi PP 2. Bagasi 30kg + 7kg 3. Akomodasi hotel *3 sekamar berdua 4. Breakfast 5. Private transport 6. Tour Leader dari Jakarta

Biaya Tidak Termasuk : 1. Visa 2. Makan Siang dan malam 3. Tiket wisata berbayar 4. Tipping 5. Biaya keperluan pribadi 6. Biaya kelebihan berat bagasi


A. Paket tour New Zealand akan diberangkatkan jika jumlah peserta mencapai minimum 10 orang dewasa/group

B. Pendaftaran paket tour disertai dengan pembayaran :

  • Pembayaran ke 1 Uang muka sebesar IDR 5.000.000/peserta (Refundable) Uang muka akan dikembalikan 100% jika jumlah peserta tidak mencapai kuota dan rencana tour dibatalkan. Jika peserta tetap menghendaki tour berjalan akan dikenai penyesuaian biaya.
  • Pembayaran ke 2 50% dari total biaya (Jika sudah memenuhi kuota Group) Batas waktu keputusan kuota adalah 1 bulan sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.
  • Pelunasan dibayarkan paling lambat 20 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan

C. Dalam keadaan Force Majeure/terpaksa/tidak teratasi karena bencana alam, kerusuhan, rencana perjalanan dapat dirubah baik susunan maupun jadwalnya tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu, hal ini demi kepentingan dan keamanan seluruh peserta.

D. Demi kelancaran tour, acara perjalanan dapat berubah tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.


Pengunduran diri/ pembatalan, pindah tanggal/ pindah paket tour sebelum tanggal keberangkatan akan dikenai biaya pembatalan sebagai berikut :

  • Sebelum tanggal keputusan kuota group sebaiknya jangan dibatalkan untuk menghindari DP hangus
  • 29 – 06 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan : 50% dari biaya tour
  • 05 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan : 100% dari biaya tour


  • Kami akan berusaha memberikan pelayanan terbaik, dari berangkat hingga selesai tour
  • Entry Buana beserta agen-agen perjalanan tidak bertanggung jawab dan tidak bisa dituntut atas : 1. Kerusakan, kehilangan atau keterlambatan bagasi oleh pihak maskapai penerbangan, hotel dan alat transportasi lainnya 2. Kehilangan barang pribadi selama perjalanan 3. Segala fasilitas yang tidak digunakan tidak dapat diuangkan atau ditukar dengan yang lainnya 4. Perubahan atau penghentian dalam perjalanan transit pesawat udara
  • Kami berhak mengeluarkan peserta tour dari rombongan apabila peserta tour membuat kerusuhan, mengacaukan acara tour

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Paket Tour New Zealand Selandia Baru 6 Days by Qantas

Periode Keberangkatan 2023 / 2024 :

24 des 2023 peak season 21 Januari 2024 11 Februari 2024 17 Maret 2024 7 April 2024 Peak Season 12 Maret 2024 9 Juni 2024

Jadwal Acara

Day 1 : JAKARTA – SYDNEY | QF 42 CGK – SYD 19.00 – 06.10 + 1 Hari ini berkumpul di Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta untuk bersama-sama berangkat menuju AUCKLAND melalui Sydney. Bermalam di pesawat.

Day 2 : SYDNEY – AUCKLAND | QF 143 SYD – AKL 09.45 – 14.55 Selamat datang di New Zealand…. Setibanya, (Jika Waktu Memungkinkan) Anda akan diajak untuk city tour dengan melihat AUCKLAND WATERFRONT, MISSION BAY, PARNELL VILLAGE dan HARBOUR BRIDGE. Anda juga diajak untuk melihat MICHAEL JOSEPH SAVAGE MEMORIAL HOUSE yang merupakan monumen memorial bagi perdana menteri pertama di New Zealand. Bermalam di Auckland. Hotel Stay: Auckland City Hotel Hobson Street atau Setaraf

Day 3 : AUCKLAND – WAITOMO – MATAMATA – ROTORUA Setelah santap pagi, Anda akan melanjutkan perjalanan menuju kota Waitomo. Setibanya, Anda akan mengunjungi WAITOMO CAVE untuk menyaksikan GLOW WORM, yaitu sejenis cacing yang bersinar di dalam gua. Lalu, Anda akan diantar menuju MATAMATA untuk menikmati HOBITTON MOVIE SET TOUR yaitu lokasi shooting dari film karya Peter Jackson yang sangat terkenal “The Lord of The Rings”. Selesai tour, Anda diantar menuju Rotorua untuk bermalam. Hotel stay: Ibis Rotorua atau Setaraf


Day 4 : ROTORUA – TAUPO Hari ini, Anda akan diajak menuju RAINBOW SPRINGS yang merupakan tempat pembiakan ikan Trout serta burung Kiwi dan mengunjungi AGRODOME SHEEPS SHOW untuk menyaksikan pemotongan bulu domba. Kemudian, Anda juga akan mengunjungi TE PUIA yang terkenal dengan perkampungan suku Maori serta melihat Geyser Pohutu yang masih aktif. Melanjutkan perjalanan menuju TAUPO. Setelah itu, Anda akan diajak berfoto dengan latar belakang HUKA FALLS dan LAKE TAUPO. Bermalam di Taupo. Hotel stay: Lakeland Resort Taupo atau Setaraf

Day 5 : TAUPO – WELLINGTON Dengan bus Anda akan melanjutkan perjalanan menuju WELLINGTON. Setibanya, Anda akan diajak berorientasi kota dengan melihat MT VICTORIA LOOKOUT, LAMBTON QUAY yaitu jantung dari pusat bisnis di Wellington, PARLIAMENT HOUSE dan BEE HIVE gedung parliamen Selandia Baru yang terkenal akan struktur bangunan yang mirip dengan sarang lebah, dan CATHEDRAL OF ST. PAULS. Selesai tour, Anda akan diantar menuju hotel untuk bermalam. Hotel Stay : Bay Plaza Hotel atau Setaraf

Day 6 : WELLINGTON – SYDNEY | QF 162 WLG – SYD 06.50 – 08.30 SYDNEY – JAKARTA | QF 41 SYD – CGK 13.50 – 17.30 Pagi ini, Anda akan diantar menuju Bandara untuk penerbangan kembali ke Tanah Air melalui Sydney. Pada hari yang sama Anda akan tiba di Tanah Air

—end of program—

Harga Paket Tour Per Orang (All In) : @Dewasa : IDR. 25.890.000/Pax @Anak (no bed) IDR. 24.590.000/Pax

Harga Peak Season Paket Tour Per Orang (All In) : @Dewasa : IDR. 27.890.000/Pax @Anak (no bed) IDR. 35.590.000/Pax

Harga Paket Termasuk : – Tiket pesawat PP JKT-Sydney-Auckland//Wellington-Sydney-JKT by Qantas – Hotel, Tour dan Makan sesuai jadwal acara – Tiket masuk objek wisata

Harga Pake Tidak Termasuk : – Driver/Guide Tips USD 42.00 per orang – Visa Rp. 3.750.000 – Item lainnya yang tidak termasuk

Prosedur Pemesanan dan Pembayaran : 1. Untuk booking, mohon diemail copy passport yang masih berlaku sampai 6 bulan ke depan dari tgl kembali. 2. Depoit 50% dibayarkan pada saat booking 3. Pelunasan pembayaran sebulan sebelum keberangkatan 4. Apabila Visa ditolak, DP Tour dikembalikan full, biaya visa tidak bisa refund

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Australia dan New Zealand menyimpan banyak sekali tempat-tempat wisata yang mengagumkan dan belum tentu dimiliki oleh pulau atau negara-negara lainnya. Salah satu pariwisata yang paling sering memikat para pelancong adalah wisata alamnya yang memukau. Banyak sekali tempat exotic yang sudah popular di kalangan wisatawan.

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Australia merupakan negara eksotis di dunia. Terbukti, salah satu destinasi wisata Australia masuk dalam daftar nominator New 7 Wonders of Nature dari 259 nominasi yang diajukan 222 negara. Berbicara tentang…

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Mungkin terdengar bias, namun Australia merupakan destinasi favorit bagi kami. Mulai dari kota dengan kopi dan makanan enak, metropolitan dengan kuliner dan bangunan tinggi, sampai liburan santai di pantai yang begitu bersih dilanjutkan dengan bintang bertaburan di langit malam. Masih ada lagi keseruan Australia dan New Zealand:

  • Wisata alam terindah, mulai dari ski dalam cuaca bersalju hingga berselancar di pantai musim panas.
  • Budaya kuliner yang sangat maju dengan banyaknya restoran dengan berbagai macam latar belakang yang berbeda, Asia maupun Eropa.
  • Lengkapnya liburan dari alam New Zealand yang refreshing, belanja di Sydney, sampai wisata kuliner di Melbourne.

Everyone got a story to tell, and different experiences that have been faced. Not only from our point of view, these travellers review about Australia & New Zealand tour is here to help us earn your trust.

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Pas ke New Zealand sih yang seru banget, beneran di sana kaya planet lain gitu, mulai dari nuansa kota sampe ke alamnya, tumbuhan-tumbuhannya, terus kaya indah banget gitu..Pantesan dah dipake banyak buat syuting film Hollywood!

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Trip was super worth it. Makanannya ga ada yang ga enak, terus santai gitu bawaannya di sana, beneran berasa gitu lagi liburan dan banyak pengalaman baru. Rileks tapi fun juga gitu deh!

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Aussie sih uda kaya kampung halaman kedua buat gue yang dulu kuliah di sini, tapi ke sini bareng keluarga dan bisa sekalian keliling NZ tuh asik banget sih, beneran kaya ngerasa feel belong banget gitu jadinya.

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Blog – InvestinAsia

The Market Entry Experts Indonesia

How to Travel to Indonesia from New Zealand: A Complete Guide

  • InvestinAsia Team
  • October 5, 2023

How to Travel to Indonesia from New Zealand (source:pexels)

When it comes to traveling to the exotic and vibrant destination of Indonesia from New Zealand, there are several factors to consider. From choosing the best time to visit to understanding visa requirements, navigating transportation options, and exploring the top attractions, this guide will provide you with all the essential information you need to plan a memorable journey to Indonesia from NZ.

Also read: Can I Go to Indonesia without a Visa?

Can New Zealand Citizens Travel to Indonesia?

Yes, New Zealand citizens can travel to Indonesia. Notably, Indonesia extends a warm welcome to New Zealanders by offering them a Visa on Arrival (VOA) option, making the travel process relatively straightforward.

Also read: Indonesia Travel Guide: Explore the Beautiful Archipelago

Indonesia Travel Requirements for New Zealand Citizens

How to Travel to Indonesia from New Zealand (source:pexels)

Before embarking on your Indonesian adventure, it’s essential to be well-informed about the travel prerequisites. Below is a comprehensive checklist for New Zealand citizens planning a trip to Indonesia:

Valid New Zealand Passport

Ensure that your New Zealand passport is valid for at least six months from the date of your intended arrival in Indonesia.

Visa on Arrival (VOA)

Upon arriving in Indonesia, you can conveniently obtain a Visa on Arrival (VOA) at the airport. The VOA grants you a 30-day stay in Indonesia, providing ample time to explore its wonders.

Also read: List of Airports with Visa on Arrival in Indonesia

Proof of Return or Onward Travel

Be prepared with evidence of your return or onward travel plans, such as a booked flight ticket or a boarding pass.

Proof of Sufficient Funds

Make sure to carry proof of sufficient funds for your journey. This could include a credit card statement or bank statement to demonstrate your financial capability while in Indonesia.

Completed Customs Declaration Form

Accurately and comprehensively fill out the Customs Declaration form to facilitate a smooth entry into Indonesia.

Also read: Indonesia Visa for New Zealand Citizens

Visa and Passport Requirements

New Zealand citizens are fortunate to enjoy the convenience of obtaining a Visa on Arrival in Indonesia , sparing them the complexities of a prior visa application. Here’s a quick recap of the key documents to remember:

  • A valid New Zealand passport with a minimum of six months validity from your intended date of arrival in Indonesia.
  • Proof of return or onward travel, which can be demonstrated through a booked flight ticket.
  • Proof of sufficient funds to cover your expenses during your stay, supported by a credit card statement or bank statement.
  • A completed Customs Declaration form for a hassle-free entry into Indonesia.

It’s important to note that if your Indonesian adventure extends beyond the 30-day Visa on Arrival limit, you will need to apply for a visa in advance. It is advisable to conduct thorough research and initiate the visa application process well in advance to ensure a seamless and enjoyable trip.

If you are looking for assistance with the  Indonesia visa application , you can rely to InvestinAsia’s visa services.

We have a group of professionals ready to provide you with assistance for the following:

  • Indonesia business visa application
  • Indonesia tourist visa application
  • Indonesia work visa / KITAS application
  • Indonesia investor visa / KITAS application
  • Indonesia spouse visa application
  • Indonesia dependent visa application
  • Visa on Arrival extension in Indonesia
  • Indonesia KITAP application

Chat with us now for a FREE consultation and receive an exclusive promotion!

Also read: Indonesia Travel and Entry Requirements 2024: Complete Guide

How to Travel to Indonesia from New Zealand

How to Travel to Indonesia from New Zealand (source:pexels)

There are two main ways to travel to Indonesia from New Zealand: by air or by sea.

There are several airlines that offer direct flights from New Zealand to Indonesia, including Air New Zealand, Garuda Indonesia, and Batik Air. Flights typically depart from Auckland Airport and arrive at Denpasar International Airport (DPS) in Bali, Soekarno–Hatta International Airport (CGK) in Jakarta, or Juanda International Airport (SUB) in Surabaya. The duration of the flight is roughly 9 hours.

Other airlines that offer flights to Indonesia from New Zealand include Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, and Qantas. These airlines typically offer connecting flights via their hubs in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and Sydney, respectively.

There are no direct ferry services from New Zealand to Indonesia. However, you can take a ferry from New Zealand to Australia and then fly or take a ferry from Australia to Indonesia.

Also read: Indonesia e-Visa: Requirements and How to Apply

Tips for Traveling to Indonesia from New Zealand

Here are some tips for traveling to Indonesia:

  • Book your flights and accommodation in advance, especially if you are traveling during peak season.
  • Consider acquiring travel insurance to safeguard against unforeseen circumstances.
  • Pack for hot and humid weather.
  • Bring a sun hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, and a hat.
  • Be respectful of local customs and traditions.
  • Learn a few basic Indonesian phrases.

Also read: What to Do Before Going to Indonesia: 16 Travel Tips

Traveling to Indonesia from New Zealand is relatively easy. With a little planning, you can have a wonderful and unforgettable trip.

If you have any additional inquiries, please feel free to initiate a chat with us!

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Australia, New Zealand & Indonesia

  • From AU$22,995
  • 18 Guided Tours
  • 3 Countries
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  • 2024 2025 2026
  • Auckland to Bali (Benoa) Bali (Benoa) to Auckland

Australia, New Zealand & Indonesia Map

Map of Australia, New Zealand & Indonesia itinerary

Oceanic Treasures & Island Charms

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Sail from Aotearoa to the Indonesian archipelago on a voyage through diverse cultures. Admire stirring Māori dances and discover Hobart and Sydney’s penal past. See Napier’s art deco glories, Wellington and Christchurch’s scented English gardens, and Dunedin’s Victorian treasures. Immerse in Brisbane’s cosmopolitan flair and the relaxed charms of Darwin. Explore Komodo National Park and Lombok’s artisan villages on this unforgettable journey.

Fly Free Sale

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Viking Inclusive Value

Pricing that covers everything guests need—and nothing they do not.

Map of Australia, New Zealand & Indonesia itinerary

To learn more about each port of call and our included as well as optional excursions, click on the individual days below.

Itinerary and shore excursions are subject to change and may vary by departure.

More features, services and excursions included

One complimentary shore excursion in every port of call

Free Wi-Fi (connection speed may vary)

Beer, wine & soft drinks with onboard lunch & dinner

24-hour specialty coffees, teas  & bottled water

Port taxes & fees

Ground transfers with Viking Air purchase

Visits to UNESCO Sites

Enrichment lectures & Destination Performances

Complimentary access to The Nordic Spa & Fitness Center.

Self-service launderettes

Alternative restaurant dining at no extra charge

24-hour room service

Onboard gratuities

Your Stateroom Includes:

King-size Viking Explorer Bed with luxury linen

42" flat-screen LCD TV with intuitive remote & complimentary Movies On Demand

Large private bathroom with spacious glass-enclosed shower, heated floor, anti-fog mirror & hair dryer

Premium Freyja® toiletries

Direct-dial satellite phone & cell service

Security safe

110/220 volt outlets

Ample USB ports

Pre & Post Cruise Extensions

More days means more to discover, with extension packages you can add before or after your Viking cruise or cruisetour. Enjoy additional days to explore your embarkation or disembarkation city, or see a new destination altogether with a choice of exciting cities. Pre & Post Cruise Extensions vary by itinerary and are subject to change.

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Pre: Auckland

From $1,399 | 2 Nights

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Pre: Auckland & Tongariro National Park

From $3,899 | 4 Nights

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From $1,799 | 3 Nights

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From $1,199 | 2 Nights

On this itinerary, your Viking Resident Historian is delivering the following iconic lectures:

  • - History of Australia
  • - History of New Zealand
  • - Pacific Exploration
  • - Indonesia
  • - Oceans in Context
  • - Islands in History

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Viking Resident Historian

As part of our onboard cultural enrichment program and commitment to destination-focused learning, our Viking Resident Historian faculty provides guests with lectures and roundtable discussions on the arts, architecture, music and culture of upcoming ports and various aspects of world history.

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  • Great Lakes
  • Longitudinal World Cruises



  • Prices are per person, in Australian dollars, based on double occupancy and correct at time of printing. Prices include all advertised discounts, and all offers are subject to availability and may be withdrawn at any time. All offers are only valid for new bookings and only on selected departures made between 01 August - 15 November 2024 unless sold out prior.
  • A partially refundable deposit of AU$1,000 per person (in the form of a future cruise voucher less a AU$100 cancellation fee) is required to secure a confirmed reservation within 3 days of booking otherwise reservation may automatically cancel.
  • Once final payment has been made, standard cancellation penalties apply. When booking airfares through Viking (including when taking advantage of a special offer that includes air travel), standard airline cancellation fees also apply.
  • Displayed prices indicate the lowest available pricing across all available sailings from 2024 to 2027 and may have different offers applicable from those advertised for the promoted sailing years. Pricing for each itinerary can vary at short notice as availability changes and sailings close for the current season.

Flexible Deposit Policy (01 April 2024 – 15 November 2024) Terms & Conditions.

  • Our flexible deposit policy applies to new reservations only made between 01 August 2024 – 15 November 2024 and is combinable with all other Viking offers available.
  • Under our flexible deposit policy, qualified guests can cancel their booking before final payment due date and receive deposit back in the form of a future cruise voucher less a $100 per person cancellation fee.
  • Guests will have 24 months to select their new date and use their Future Cruise Voucher to make a new reservation on any river, ocean, or expedition cruise.
  • When booking airfares through Viking (including when taking advantage of a special offer that includes air travel), standard airline cancellation fees will also apply. In some cases, airfares will be non-refundable. In the event of cancellation, these fees will be deducted from the deposit paid, and therefore the future cruise voucher issued.
  • The future cruise voucher can be used on any new Viking cruise and will be applied at booking and must be redeemed by the expiration date prior to final payment.
  • The future cruise voucher has no cash value and will be applied as a ’Booking Discount’.
  • Once the voucher is redeemed, it cannot be re‐issued or used towards another cruise, and any unused balance of the voucher is lost and has no cash value.
  • Valid future cruise voucher is non-transferable.


Companion Fly Free Economy Flights up to the value of AU$2300 when booking flights with Viking.

  • Companion Fly Free is economy flight(s) for one guest up to the value of AU$2300 to/from Australia/New Zealand.
  • If the flight cost exceeds AU$2300 for that guest, the guest will cover the difference.
  • If flights are cheaper than AU$2300 for that guest, the unused portion of the air funds will be waived and cannot be transferred towards any other portion of the booking or any other person.
  • Flight cost difference is to be paid at the time of flight booking.
  • A guest can use the AU$2300 to instead upgrade to business class or premium economy (booked through Viking) with AU$2300 off business/premium economy airfare, with the difference to be covered by the guest. Upgrade flight cost difference is to be paid at the time of flight booking.
  • Applicable if flights are booked through Viking and must be booked in conjunction with a selected 2025/2026/2027 Ocean or Expedition cruise.
  • Flights are Viking’s choice of airline for selected major gateways in AU/NZ: ADL/AKL/BNE/CBR/CHC/CNS/DRW/HBA/LST/MEL/OOL/PER/SYD/WLG.
  • Guests must return their air form to Viking within 14 business days of receiving request for flights, otherwise Viking reserve the right to remove the free air promo and apply the respective in lieu of flights discount.
  • Valid on bookings made between 01 August 2024 – 15 November 2024.
  • Guest may not request to change to flights included promotion post campaign end date of 15 November 2024.
  • Viking will reach out to you or your travel advisor once flights are in the date range, at this point you may nominate your preferred in / out dates.
  • Both guests must be on the same airline booking (PNR) and fly together in both directions.
  • Flight offers and the deposit amount varies for World Cruises, Longitudinal World Cruises and Grand Journeys. No flight offer applies for the Grand Australia Circumnavigation itinerary.
  • Please use code CFF23 to activate the Companion Fly Free offer when booking online or via the Contact Centre.
  • Companion Fly Free promo excludes the Grand Australian Circumnavigation itinerary.

Save AU$2000 and book flights independently.

  • Guest booking is eligible to get a total discount of AU$2000 per booking off the cruise fare at the time of booking in lieu of the Companion Free Economy Class flights.
  • Solo travelers will receive a dollar discount of AU$2000 per booking off the cruise fare instead of the free companion flights.
  • Guests book their own flights independently of Viking.
  • Valid on bookings made between 01 August 2024 – 15 November 2024, excluding the Grand Australia Circumnavigation itinerary.
  • Please use code CRD20 to activate the In Lieu of Flights offer when booking online or via the Contact Centre.

Terms & Conditions for Ocean Cruise Itineraries and Associated Offers

  • Australia & New Zealand price based on 16 December 2025 departure Veranda Stateroom (V1)
  • Empires of the Mediterranean price based on 27 December 2025 departure Veranda Stateroom (V2)
  • Greenland, Iceland, Norway & Beyond price based on 06 July 2026 departure Veranda Stateroom (V2)
  • In Search of the Northern Lights price based on 27 January 2026 departure Veranda Stateroom (V2)
  • Into the Midnight Sun price based on 17 June 2026 departure Veranda Stateroom (V2)
  • Jewels of Japan & China price based on 14 November 2025 departure Veranda Stateroom (V2)
  • Malta, Morocco & the Mediterranean price based on 17 January 2026 departure Veranda Stateroom (V2)
  • Mediterranean & Adriatic Sojourn price based on 01 December 2025 departure Deluxe Veranda Stateroom (DV5)
  • Mediterranean Odyssey price based on 05 January 2026 departure Veranda Stateroom (V2)
  • Mediterranean's Iconic Shores price based on 01 December 2025 departure Deluxe Veranda Stateroom (DV5)
  • North Pacific Passage price based on 14 September 2025 departure Deluxe Veranda Stateroom (DV6)
  • South America & the Chilean Fjords price based on 16 December 2025 departure Deluxe Veranda Stateroom (DV6)
  • Viking Homelands price based on 27 April 2026 departure Veranda Stateroom (V2)
  • Wonders of China & Tibet price based on 19 September 2025 departure Veranda Stateroom (V2)

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7 Day New Zealand Tours & Trips

7 Day New Zealand Tours & Trips

  • Choose from 50+ New Zealand tours
  • 400+ verified reviews from TourRadar travelers
  • 24/7 customer support

10 best New Zealand 7 day tour packages

Compiled by

New Zealand travel expert at TourRadar

Steff New Zealand travel expert at TourRadar

Southern Voyager

New zealand: best of the north island, northern voyager, coasts & culture tour, south island lick tour, new zealand west coast adventure, new zealand panorama (7 days), 7 day auckland to christchurch highlights tour, aoraki/mount cook & southern lakes gravel, great taste trail & beyond, bike, hike & sail.

“Absolutely amazing! The group were amazing and this trip will be one of the biggest highlights of my year living in New Zealand!” Molly stephenson, traveled in November 2023

Southern Voyager

  • Sightseeing
  • Christmas & New Year
  • Cruise through what is considered the 8th Wonder of the World, Milford Sound.
  • Hike, heli or climb New Zealand’s steepest glacier, Franz Josef Glacier.
  • Hike the Hooker Valley for up-close views of New Zealand’s highest peak.
“Our mandatory fun activities were incredible and pushed me to do things I wouldn't otherwise (surfing).” Felicia Holzgrefe, traveled in December 2019

New Zealand: Best of the North Island

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Sail on New Zealand's largest lake
  • Learn to surf at a famous beach
  • Kayak to hidden spots in Raglan
“Amazing experience! So smooth and fun! Amazing people! Only downside is most of the activities are not included.” Russell Zingler, traveled in April 2023

Northern Voyager

  • Discover the enchanting Waitomo glowworm caves by foot or by tubing.
  • Experience the real Middle Earth and step into The Shire at the Hobbiton Movie Set.
  • Venture through the gateway to Narnia to picturesque views of Cathedral Cove on the Coromandel Coast.
“Very relaxing and you could easily spend time with others or go off alone if you needed space.” AlvinParker, traveled in December 2019

Coasts & Culture Tour

  • Go whitewater rafting down Kaituna River
  • Enjoy the best of Wellington
  • Hike the famous Tongariro Crossing
“I loved it!! I immediately made new friends! We had only seven days, but we've been to so many places in this short time!!” MichelleKohnen, traveled in January 2020

South Island Lick Tour

  • Take one of the world's most scenic train journeys.
  • See the awe-inspiring Franz Josef Glacier.
  • Get your adrenaline pumping with activities galore!

New Zealand West Coast Adventure

  • Hiking & Trekking
  • Explore Hanmer Springs' natural hot pools
  • Watch gold panning with bearded miners
  • Walk around Lake Matheson's mirror waters

New Zealand Panorama (7 Days)

  • Visit the glowing Waitomo Caves
  • Explore Queenstown's vibrant lakefront
  • Cruise on Lake Wakatipu aboard TSS Earnslaw

7 Day Auckland to Christchurch Highlights Tour

  • Coach / Bus
  • Enjoy a traditional Maori dinner and performance
  • Cruise through the majestic Waitomo Glow Worm Caves
  • Embark on a Napier City Whirlwind tour
“The tour group was very good. What more could you ask for?” James Michael Cousins, traveled in March 2024

Aoraki/Mount Cook & Southern Lakes Gravel

  • Road Cycling
  • Cycle the Summit Road with volcano views
  • Discover Central Otago's Rail Trail
  • Ride past historic sites and turquoise lakes
“We really enjoyed the balance of cycling and hiking and also the less strenuous activities. This was a great way to explore the north coast of the South Island.” Sarah Rawlins, traveled in March 2020

Great Taste Trail & Beyond, Bike, Hike & Sail

  • Taste wines at Riwaka River Estate Winery
  • Cycle through historic Spooners Tunnel
  • Ride and ferry to Rabbit Island

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Kayaking on Lake Wanaka in Otago, New Zealand.  Photo courtesy of Tourism New Zealand / Miles Holden

Ultimate Adventure Tour in New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji

Customers rate Zicasso's travel referral service  4.9  on a scale of 1 to 5 based on  1587  reviews on Trustpilot

We match you with top tour companies that specialize in the trip you want,  whether it's a customized private tour or a group tour.

  • Trip Overview

This is a sample itinerary to inspire a personalized trip designed with your travel specialist

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Countries Visited

Places visited, suggested duration.

Experience New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji on the ultimate 25-day adventure that highlights the cities, natural sanctuaries, and breathtaking coasts of each stunning destination. Discover the magnificent cities of Auckland, Christchurch, and Melbourne. Explore the remote regions of Rotorua, Mount Cook, and Queenstown. And live like a local as you explore Wanaka, Kangaroo Island, and Nadi. This itinerary spotlights the best of the South Pacific.

Customizable Itinerary

Auckland - fine dining and wine welcome on waiheke.

Auckland, the pearl of New Zealand’s North Island, is a postcard-perfect metropolitan nestled between two massive harbors. Superyachts flood the marinas, towering skyrises twinkle in the sunshine, and visitors descend upon glossy neighborhoods. You will acclimate to the bustling atmosphere from your accommodation, then travel by ferry to Waiheke Island for gourmet dining and wine. Taste New Zealand’s top vintages as you slurp fresh oysters from Te Matuku Bay, sample a selection of artisanal foods, and admire views of Auckland at sunset.

What's Included:

Rotorua - Gaze Upon the Glow Worms of Waitomo

You will travel off the beaten track this morning, transferring to Waitomo en route to Rotorua. Beneath Waitomo’s rolling green hills lies an intricate network of caves concealing the dazzling New Zealand glow worm. A boat tour through the web of caverns will reveal the magnificent luminous display of thousands of glow worms covering the roofs of the caves. Your knowledgeable guide will discuss the historical and geological significance of the system as you gaze up at the galaxy of glowing worms illuminating the caves. You will continue to Rotorua afterward, where you will check into your accommodation for the evening.

Rotorua - The History of Rotorua’s Geothermal Region

Rotorua is a gateway to the geothermal reaches of New Zealand and a region with a rich Maori heritage. After breakfast, a guide will escort you across the volcanic landscape, where colors shift from grays to yellows, oranges, and reds. You will watch the massive eruptions of Lady Knox Geyser, listen to the hissing fumaroles, and swim in the sizzling silica terraces of the geothermal wonderland. In the evening you will visit a Maori village in the Tawa forest to view traditional performances, learn about the ancient culture, and tuck into a Hangi feast cooked underground on boiling stones.

Rotorua - Experience Middle-earth in Matamata

New Zealand’s countryside is spectacular and its cinematic environments have featured as the backdrops for iconic silver-screen movies. In the township of Matamata, you will discover one of the most memorable slices of the countryside, made famous as the home of the Hobbits in The Lord of the Rings . Known as Hobbiton, the former set-turned-landmark reveals the history of the movie against images of the emerald hills. You will explore the tiny homes carved into the hillside, sip specially brewed Middle-earth beverages, and admire views of the Kaimai mountains.

Christchurch - Discover the Charms of Christchurch

After breakfast, you will transfer from New Zealand’s North Island to the largest city on the South Island, Christchurch. With a charming English heritage, neighborhoods beautifully reimagined after dramatic natural disasters, and access to the breathtaking rural regions of the South Island, Christchurch is a beautiful place to visit. You may spend your afternoon absorbing its pleasures on quiet walks. With each passing moment, you will discover more to admire about the charming cityscape. You may wander lush parklands, view architecture steeped in history, and dine at award-winning restaurants at sunset.

Christchurch - Uncover the City’s Beauty and Highlights

Today you will join your guide to tour the city’s highlights. There are many unique ways to experience Christchurch and your tour will begin at the Christchurch Gondola meeting point in Heathcote Valley. A gondola will whisk you up the slopes of Mount Cavendish, where you can relish panoramic views of the city while soaring in a glass-walled cabin. Returning to the city afterward, you will take the Christchurch Tram to the banks of the Avon River. Relax on velvet seats in a small boat during an unmissable punting on the river, culminating at the Christchurch Botanic Gardens.

Mount Cook - Trace the New Zealand Countryside

Beneath the soaring summit of Mount Cook, New Zealand’s highest mountain, you will discover breathtaking farmlands with modest villages and charming hamlets. Among these, you will find cozy accommodation overlooking the lush countryside and imposing peaks of the mountain. Your travels to Mount Cook this morning will showcase these landscapes in all of their glory. From the shamrock-green pastures of the Canterbury Plains to the glistening sapphire waters of Lake Tekapo and beyond, you will snapshot impressive photography on your scenic trip to Mount Cook.

Mount Cook - Heli-Hike on New Zealand’s Largest Glacier

Today you will explore the region’s largest glacier on a thrilling heli-hike to untouched parts of the snowy peak. The views from the helicopter will be spellbinding, revealing the remarkable icy formations from unique perspectives and showcasing the solitude of this sparse and frozen region. You will traverse the glacier to viewpoints overlooking the immense snow-white landscape, feel the ice formations as you find areas rarely traveled, and enter ice caverns that cascade the cliffs. A spectacular scenic flight back to camp will complete your riveting tour of Mount Cook’s unforgettable glacial wonderland.

Wanaka - Snapshot the Surreal Wanaka Tree

You will continue your thrilling adventure in the remote reaches of New Zealand this morning on a trip to Omarama, passing Peter’s Lookout to witness the most magnificent photography spot, with views of Mount Cook. The road to Wanaka climbs scenic passes that rise and fall through the countryside, sharing moments to spot red deer and alpaca, explore lush meadows, and visit historic sites in the farmlands. The journey concludes at the Wanaka Tree, a lonely willow surrounded by the southern waters of Lake Wanaka.

Wanaka - The Remarkable Rob Roy Glacier Hike

Wanaka is a gateway to more of New Zealand’s most majestic places and today you will tour the natural paradise of Mount Aspiring National Park. Regarded as one of the best hikes in New Zealand, trails will guide you across the Rob Roy Glacier to admire the astonishing landscapes that compose the unspoiled region. You will navigate the alpine rainforest across swing bridges to fiords and waterfalls, crystal-clear streams, and glaciers that cling to the cliffs. You will spend every second of this experience immersing yourself in the natural wonders.

Queenstown - Unearth the Gold-mining Heritage of Arrowtown

After breakfast you will transfer to the historic gold-mining town of Arrowtown. The gold-rush village boasts a fascinating history as you tour museums and exhibits memorializing Arrowtown’s heritage. You will then continue to Queenstown, check into your accommodation, and set off on the Skyline Gondola to see the town from the sky. The dauntingly steep but incredibly safe cable car takes you 1,476 feet above sea level to the summit of Bob’s Peak. Here you can enjoy spectacular views and partake in thrilling luge rides down the scenic race track.

Queenstown - Explore the Region Your Way

You will welcome a free day to explore Queenstown, in which there is much to see and do. You may experience the action-packed Shotover Jet boating trip through the canyons, past craggy cliffs to sensational fiords. You may escape to the flourishing grape fields surrounding Queenstown to see what the region’s wine has to offer. Other tours include cycling around the countryside to viewpoints overlooking the breathtaking landscapes and glamorous fine dining following a cruise on the historic TSS Earnslaw from Steamer Wharf to Walter Peak High Country Farm.

Te Anau - En Route to the Fiordlands

You will travel deeper into New Zealand’s fiordlands this morning as you transfer from Queenstown to Te Anau. On the borders of Fiordland National Park and Milford Sound, Lake Te Anau and its surrounds offer some of the best sightseeing in the country. You will arrive at an accommodation overlooking the immaculate scenery and spend the day unwinding in the peaceful region. You can explore on foot, walking from your accommodation to viewpoints on the lake’s borders, and listen to birds singing from the beech forests, while tucking into a picnic as the sun drifts beyond the horizon.

Te Anau - Marvel at the Milford Sound

Milford Sound is New Zealand’s premier fiord and you will explore its unending beauty this morning on a coach and cruise tour. You will begin to uncover the breathtaking region along Milford Road as your guide shares stories of how the fiordlands came to be. At Milford Sound, you will board a boat and set sail across azure waters in the shadows of looming summits. The boat will bring you to points where you can jump off and wander floral forests that flank the reflective waters.

Sydney - See Sydney Scenes From Above

Today you will return to Queenstown to catch a flight to Australia. Your plane will arrive in the bustling capital of New South Wales, Sydney. From the moment you step foot in Sydney, you will discover what makes the cosmopolitan city such a sought-after destination. The silhouette of the Sydney Opera House rises above the harborfront, cruise ships glide in and out of Darling Harbour, and neighborhoods bubble with smiling strangers that gather at boutiques and chic bars. The excitement will be palpable and beauty unrivaled as you see Sydney from above on the spectacular Harbour Bridge Climb before dinner.

Adelaide - Transcontinental Crossing on the Indian Pacific

You will have a small window this morning to explore more of Sydney before you transfer to the train station to catch an epic overnight transcontinental crossing, the Indian Pacific, to Adelaide. Staff will welcome you aboard and show you to your cozy cabin, offering top-class service for the duration of your trip. The journey across Australia is breathtaking and you can look out from the windows while enjoying sumptuous food in the dining cart or relaxing in the lounge. You will view the mighty Blue Mountains, sparse desert outback, and vast stretches of wilderness en route to Adelaide.

Adelaide - Arrive in South Australia’s Coastal Capital

This morning you will arrive in Broken Hill, a mining town with a rich history and thriving artistic culture that captures the spirit of the outback. Exploring the Pro Hart Gallery and more landmarks, you will learn about the deep connection artists have to the desolate desert region. Stepping back onboard, you will continue your trip to Adelaide and notice how the landscape's colors shift from oranges and browns to greens and blues as you approach the lush coastal capital of South Australia. Here you will spend the evening exploring the vibrant cultural precinct or historic Hahndorf or Barossa Valley.

Kangaroo Island - Admire the Art of Adelaide

You may spend your morning in Adelaide wandering the landscaped lawns across the banks of the River Torrens. Incredible art galleries and fascinating museums fringe the river, inviting you to unpack Australia’s rich indigenous history. You may explore the colorful markets, tour the vibrant valleys, and take the tram to unique landmarks before you pack your things and head for Kangaroo Island. A short ferry from Adelaide, Kangaroo Island is a wilderness sanctuary just off South Australia’s coast. Here you will spend a few days enjoying the pleasures of Australia’s spellbinding natural paradise.

Kangaroo Island - Witness the Island’s Unique Wildlife

Nature takes center stage on Kangaroo Island as wildlife flourishes across the unspoiled destination. You will enjoy breakfast, then head off along the country track to view koalas hanging from Eucalyptus trees, spot brightly-colored honeyeaters swirling through the canopy, and hear cicadas buzzing from the leafy bush. You will continue through more of the coastal bushland in search of wallabies, kangaroos, and rare plant life that thrives on the island. After lunch a guided tour of Seal Bay Conservation Park will spotlight massive Australian sea lions playing on the sandy shores.

Kangaroo Island - Discover the Dramatic Coast

Today you will learn more about the local wildlife and landscapes, beginning with a trip to the Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife to discover the threats of environmental damage to the resident creatures. Your ecological experience of Kangaroo Island will continue at Flinders Chase National Park after lunch, where the impressive Remarkable Rocks steal the show. The signature landmark born from 500 million years of erosion displays the tremendous power of Mother Nature that extends down the craggy coast to wind- and wave-battered shores that are home to the Admirals Arch coastal grotto.

Melbourne - Find the Hidden Gems of Victoria’s Capital

Melbourne is a magnificent coastal city in Victoria that is as modern as it is historic, inspiring as it is thrilling, and glamorous as it is modest. After you arrive you will discover its hidden gems on a tour of secret lanes and arcades. You will wander down narrow alleys where the smells of freshly baked goods billow from charming eateries. You will follow the fragrances past fashion boutiques and quaint art exhibits that showcase local style. Touring the street art, architecture, and historic tales of Melbourne will typify your stay in the Victoria capital.

Nadi - Welcome to Viti Levu, Fiji

From Melbourne to Fiji, you will transfer to the stunning resort city on the main island of Viti Levu to spend the final leg of your vacation embracing tropical seaside splendors. Nadi is a South Pacific pearl, with plenty to see and do as you come to discover more of the gorgeous sun-washed island. You will be greeted with views of a shimmering, baby-blue sea and rolling forest that stretches as far as the eye can see as you arrive and transfer to your accommodation.

Nadi - Uncover the Traditions of Fiji

Discover the beauty of Fiji on an ecological and cultural tour of Nadi’s forested region. You will cruise across the Sigatoka River on a safari jet boat with a knowledgeable guide and visit authentic Fijian villages that display the ancient traditions of the local people. You will explore their culture through song and dance performances, traditional meals shared with families and friends around the table, and more experiences unique to the indigenous people. Your tour through the Fijian wilderness will fill you with great respect for the local way of life, while sharing memorable moments to photograph.

Nadi - Cruise in Style Across the Pacific Ocean

Today you will explore the seas surrounding Fiji in style on a lavish cruise ship that takes you across the glimmering sapphire waters to lagoons, beaches, and hidden coves. You will tuck into an assortment of delicious treats and sip cocktails on the deck while gazing across the seascape and relishing some time in the sun. You may snorkel at colorful reefs that cascade the seafloor, kayak against the coastal coves, and relax on this glamorous voyage over the Pacific Ocean.

Nadi - Farewell New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji

Having spent 25 days on an ultimate adventure across New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji, it will be a bittersweet morning in Nadi. On one hand, you will be eager to return home with fabulous memories of your travels. On the other hand, you will be missing the marvelous South Pacific region from the moment your plane lifts off. Be sure to spend your last moments soaking up the splendors as you browse Nadi for beautiful crafts and items to memorialize your great escape to New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji.

Trip Highlights

  • Enjoy fine wines and gourmet dining on Waiheke Island, overlooking the sparkling cityscape of Auckland
  • Enter the underwater caves of Waitomo to gaze upon the dazzling glow worms that illuminate the massive caverns
  • Cross the untouched geothermal region of Rotorua and explore Maori traditions at a local village in the Tawa forest
  • Explore Middle-earth’s magnificent Hobbiton in Matamata and admire the natural beauty that envelops the valleys of the Kaimai Range
  • Discover the charms of Christchurch on a city tour that highlights the revival of its magnificent districts and beautiful surroundings
  • Trek across the largest mountain in New Zealand on a thrilling glacier heli-hike in the Mount Cook region
  • Travel to the glorious Wanaka Tree to witness its peculiar beauty in the middle of the southern reaches of the vast blue lake
  • Traverse the icy formations and lush forests that flank the Rob Roy Glacier on an exhilarating hike through the remote region
  • See the surreal scenery of the Milford Sound on a coach and cruise tour in New Zealand’s remarkable fiordlands near Queenstown and Te Anau
  • Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge to capture panoramic city views atop the mesmerizing landmark
  • Set off across the Australian outback and countryside on an overnight Transcontinental Crossing on the Indian Pacific train to Adelaide
  • Explore the natural beauty of Kangaroo Island on guided walks in the wilderness to the beautiful coasts where wildlife thrives
  • Experience local Fijian culture on humbling tours from Nadi into the jungle and across the sun-soaked South Pacific seas

Starting Price

$30,500  per person (excluding international flights)

What's Included

  • Accommodations
  • In-country transportation
  • Some or all activities and tours
  • Expert trip planning
  • 24x7 support during your trip

Your final trip cost will vary based on your selected accommodations, activities, meals, and other trip elements that you opt to include.

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Reviewed By  David F.

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2024-2026 OCEAN CRUISE AND AIR FARES:  Offer applies to bookings made from September 1-30, 2024. Terms & conditions for select promotions may vary. $25 deposit is applicable to all itineraries except World Cruise products. Special fares plus up to FREE roundtrip airfare valid on select departures of Canada & New England Scenic Shores; Eastern Seaboard Discovery; Grand Hawaii & Polynesia; Hawaiian Islands Sojourn; Panama Canal & Central America; Panama Canal & the Pacific Coast . Airfares may vary on other gateways & departures. Airfare does not have to be purchased to get cruise\cruisetour offer. All prices are in US dollars and for US residents only. Additional restrictions may apply. 2024 : Pay in full by September 30, 2024 or at time of booking if within 120 days of departure. 2025 : Pay in full by October 31, 2024. 2026 : Pay in full by April 30, 2025. Offer may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. Offers Expires September 30, 2024.

*$25 DEPOSIT:  For itineraries 35 days or less, a $25 deposit applies to February 2025 & onward departures; for itineraries greater than 35 days, a $25 deposit applies to April 2025 & onward departures; World Cruise products excluded; call for details.

GENERAL RESTRICTIONS:  Cruise fares listed are cruise only in U.S. dollars, per person, based on double occupancy. Single supplement savings are off applicable rates. Cruise fares listed are valid for U.S. residents only. All fares and offers are for new bookings only and are subject to availability, may not combinable with other offers except Viking Explorer Society Travel Credits and Viking Referral Rewards, are capacity-controlled and may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. Special fares are based upon published full brochure fares; cruise fares do not include pre-paid charges, optional facilities, and personal charges, as defined in the terms and conditions of the  Passenger Ticket Contract  which may be viewed elsewhere on this website. Full brochure fares may not have resulted in actual sales in all stateroom categories and may not have been in effect during the last 90 days. Promotional fares may remain in effect after the expiration date. Air promotion applies to roundtrip flights only from select Viking Cruises U.S. gateways and includes airport-to-ship or hotel transfers, air taxes and air fuel surcharges. Roundtrip airport transfers are included when air is purchased with a cruise or cruisetour package; if air is not purchased from Viking, transfers may be purchased separately. All transfers must be in conjunction with a Viking-purchased cruise, cruisetour, land extension or extra hotel nights. Viking reserves the right to correct errors or omissions and to change any and all fares at any time. For up-to-date prices, please call Viking or your Travel Agent. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Complete terms and conditions may be found in the  Passenger Ticket Contract .

AIR UPGRADE:  Upgrade to Premium Economy air from $999 per person or Business Class air from $3,499 per person based on select gateways and dates. Premium upgrades may not be available on all departures. Additional airline-imposed baggage charges may apply; for more information visit  Airline Luggage Restrictions  . Air prices are per person based on cruise/cruisetour check-in date and include transfers plus all government taxes/fees of approximately $160 and air fuel surcharges. Air seats are limited; airfares are subject to change and are not guaranteed until full payment of air is received. For more information about customized air services and US gateways, visit the  Viking Air Plus

NOTE:  International flights depart the U.S. one day prior to check-in date. Paid Business or Premium Economy Class may require travel in economy on flights within North America or Europe. Premium economy is limited to specific airlines and we may not be able to accommodate based on aircraft type and availability. Roundtrip airport transfers are included when air is purchased with a cruise or cruisetour package; if air is not purchased from Viking, transfers may be purchased separately. All transfers must be in conjunction with a Viking-purchased cruise, cruisetour, land extension or extra hotel nights.

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Mexico Family Holiday

7 days | get beyond the beaches on a family-friendly yucatan adventure.

Travellers swimming in hate Cenotes, Mexico

Take the kind of tropical holiday your kids will talk about for years on this 7-day Yucatan adventure that takes you from the sunny beaches to lush cenotes, lost ruins and bustling cities along the way. Discover the culture and history of the Maya at Chichen Itza and Tulum; take a dip in the turquoise waters of a cenote at Yokdzonot; try your hand at tortilla-making with a Maya family and watch the flamingos paint the sky pink at the Celestun Bird Sanctuary. There’s so much more to Mexico than beaches and palm trees, and this family-friendly trip gets you to all of it.

Trip overview

  • Revel in the beach vibes of Playa del Carmen.
  • Explore ancient Maya ruins and pyramids at Tulum and Chichen Itza.
  • Discover the charm of Merida’s leafy plazas, captivating museums and vibrant city streets.
  • Meet local Maya families and learn how to make your own tortillas and dine on a pibil feast baked underground.
  • Swim in the crystal-clear fresh waters of a cenote, one of many that some say were formed by the same asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs.
  • Mexico's tropical climate can get really hot and humid. Wear loose clothing and always carry plenty of water with you and stay hydrated, especially on walking tours.
  • Try to learn as many Spanish words as you can. Locals are very friendly, but also shy, so you'll need to make plenty of effort to break the ice. Attempting to communicate in Spanish is a great way of showing you care.

View the itinerary for departures between 01 January 2024 - 31 December 2024

Welcome to Playa del Carmen, Mexico! A great destination for families, you may like to arrive early and explore the local area and some of the many activities on offer. Go snorkelling among the mangroves, relax on white sandy beaches or perhaps take a ferry across to Cozumel to experience some of the fantastic diving on offer. At 5pm you'll meet your group leader for an important welcome meeting at the hotel before heading to a nearby restaurant for an included dinner and the opportunity to get to know the other families travelling in your group.

  • Hacienda Maria Bonita or similar (1 night)

It’s very important that you attend the welcome meeting as we will be collecting insurance and emergency contact details for each member of your family. If you are going to be late please let your travel agent or hotel reception know. Ask reception or look for a note in the lobby for more information on where the meeting will take place.

Today, you’ll head down the coast for a daytrip to the Tulum archaeological site, the sprawling walled grounds of a well-preserved ancient Maya city backed by the Caribbean Sea. Tulum was one of the last cities built and inhabited by the Maya and stood at the height of its progress during the 13th and 15th centuries and stood for about 70 years after the Spanish occupation began. Get the lay of the land on a guided tour with your leader in the morning, and then spend the afternoon either at the beach or stay in town to perhaps rent some bikes and explore. Return to Playa del Carmen later in the day for a free evening to spend how you’d like.

  • Tulum - Archaeological Site (incl. entrance & national park fee - no guide)

Today’s driving time is approximately 2 hours total.

Head inland today to Izamal, stopping first at Laguna Chabela where you’ll meet a local Maya family with deep roots in this small town. On a tour of their farm, you and the kids will see what they grow and learn how they live off the land. You’ll even get the chance to learn how to make Coba-style tortillas and enjoy a traditional lunch.

Onwards to Izamal, you’ll pretty quickly understand why some call it the City of Yellow as you arrive among the many yellow ochre buildings. Take in the town on an orientation walk with your leader and enjoy some free time to explore the town further or have a swim at the hotel.

  • Hotel Tuul or similar (1 night)
  • Laguna Chabela - Mayan homestead visit
  • Laguna Chavela - Tortilla making demonstration
  • Laguna Chavela - Home cooked lunch
  • Izamal - Leader-led orientation walk

Today’s driving time is approximately 3.5 hours.

Today it's onwards towards Merida, the vibrant capital of the state of Yutacan.  Merida bridges very different cultures, which can perhaps be best absorbed from the city’s focal point – the Plaza de la Independencia. Here you are surrounded by colonial-era buildings, many of which were built with stones from the Maya temples that were here before. Join your leader for an orientation walk and stop to buy some sweet marquesitas from a street vendor. Native to Merida, this crepe-like pastry is filled with caramel, jam, chocolate or cheese and rolled up like a taco. Delicious! This rest of the day is free for you to enjoy as you like. 

  • Hotel Dolores Alba or similar (1 night)
  • Merida – leader led orientation walk

Today’s driving time is approximately 1 - 1.5 hours.

After breakfast, we travel west to the Gulf of Mexico coast and take a boat ride to visit the Celestun Bird Sanctuary and Biosphere reserve, home to vast flocks of flamingos and herons. The area is well-known as the first stop of the migratory path of birds heading from North to Central America. If visiting at the right time, you're likely to witness thousands of flamingos painting a pink streak across the landscape. A truly magnificent sight especially with the coconut trees lining the shore of the beachhes nearby. Once you return to Merida, you’ll have some free time to relax. Perhaps take a swim in the hotel pool or embark on one last walk around the town.

  • Merida - Celestun Biosphere Reserve tour

December to March is the best season to observe flamingos.

Today’s driving time is approximately 3 hours total.

This morning we say farewell to Merida to make the return to Playa, but not without a stop at Chichen Itza, UNESCO World Heritage Site and possibly the most famous Maya temple site in all of Mexico. Marvel at the temple of Kukulkan standing high over the ruins, then explore the nearby ‘ball court’. Disputes were typically settled here by way of a ball game that only used the elbows, hips and wrists – stone carvings depicting violence suggest that it wasn’t a casual or friendly sport.  After your visit, you will get to know a local family over a special lunch in the town of Piste. Here you will enjoy a pibil feast, a traditional Maya style of cooking that involves wrapping food in banana leaves and barbecuing it underground.

Today you will also get the chance to cool off and swim in one of the many hidden cenotes – natural sinkholes created when underground limestone collapses and exposes the groundwater beneath, which are dotted all over the Yucatan peninsula. It’s believed that the peninsula’s vast network of sinkholes responsible for these cenotes is a result of an asteroid that crashed here over 66 million years ago, the same one also believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs. What makes the cenote we visit so special, apart from the lush greenery that surrounds it, is that it was developed by a group of local Mayan women as a sustainable and communally owned source of employment for people in their local community. 

  • Chichen Itza - Home-cooked pibil lunch
  • Yokdzonot - Cenote visit and swim
  • Chichen Itza - Archaeological site (entrance fee, no guide)

Today’s driving time to Chichen Itza is approximately 2 hours, and onwards to Playa del Carmen approximately 2.5 hours.

Today marks the final day of your Mexico adventure and you’re free to depart with your family at any time. If you need another day by the beach, consider booking additional accommodation. Alternatively, the airport in Cancun is approximately a 1-hour drive away and we can pre-book a departure transfer for you and your family.

6 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 1 dinner

Private Mini Bus

Hotels (6 nights)

Dates and availability

Important notes.

1. Please note that these trips are for adults and children travelling together and there must be at least one child under 18 with you. 2. Minimum age: 5 years old. Please note that anyone aged under 18 must be accompanied by (and share accommodation with) a parent or legal guardian. 3. A discount of 10% applies on this trip to children 17 or younger at the time of travel.

Want an in-depth insight into this trip? Essential Trip Information provides a detailed itinerary, visa info, how to get to your hotel, what's included - pretty much everything you need to know about this adventure and more.

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Travel Bestie

19 Sep 2024 - 6 min read

Tips Berlibur dan 2 Zona Waktu New Zealand 

New Zealand atau yang juga dikenal dengan Selandia Baru adalah salah satu negara kepulauan yang dikenal memiliki pemandangan alam yang sangat memukau. Berkunjung ke negara ini tentunya membuat Anda tidak akan kehabisan spot wisata dengan panorama alam yang luar biasa. Tak heran jika New Zealand menjadi tujuan wisata favorit banyak wisatawan.

new zealand tour indonesia

Sebelum berkunjung ke negara ini, baiknya Anda mengetahui zona waktu New Zealand terlebih dahulu, ya. Ini akan memudahkan perjalanan Anda selama di sana. Yuk, simak artikel berikut ini.

Zona Waktu New Zealand

Seperti yang dikatakan sebelumnya, New Zealand merupakan salah satu negara kepulauan. Negara ini terbagi menjadi 2 pulau, yaitu Pulau Utara dan juga Pulau Selatan. Selain itu, terdapat kepulauan lain yang letaknya sekitar 800 km dari kota Christchurch, yaitu Pulau Chatham.

New Zealand sendiri terbagi menjadi dua zona waktu, New Zealand Standard Time (GMT+12) dan juga Chatham Standard Time (GMT+12.45). Pulau Utara dan Selatan masih masuk ke dalam zona waktu New Zealand Standard Time. Sedangkan kepulauan Chatham menggunakan zona waktu Chatham Standard Time.

Namun, pada bulan-bulan tertentu seperti minggu terakhir September hingga minggu pertama April, New Zealand memiliki aturan waktu tersendiri, yaitu Daylight Saving Time (DST). Zona waktu ini diberlakukan dengan menyesuaikan waktu menjadi satu jam lebih awal.

Perbedaan Waktu New Zealand dan Indonesia

new zealand tour indonesia

Mengetahui perbedaan waktu New Zealand dengan Indonesia tentunya dapat membantu Anda saat merencanakan perjalanan ke negara ini. Selain itu, ini juga penting untuk diketahui jika Anda akan berkomunikasi dengan teman maupun keluarga yang sedang berlibur maupun tinggal di New Zealand.

Indonesia sendiri memiliki tiga zona waktu yang berbeda. Jika Anda berada di bagian barat Indonesia dengan zona Waktu Indonesia Barat (GMT+7), maka waktu di New Zealand, khususnya pada Pulau Utara dan Selatan lebih cepat 5 jam. Sedangkan di Pulau Chatham, perbedaan waktunya yaitu lebih cepat 5 jam 45 menit.

Tips Berlibur di New Zealand

Bagi Anda yang baru saja akan mengunjungi New Zealand untuk pertama kali, tentunya memerlukan beberapa tips yang akan memudahkan selama perjalanan. Berikut beberapa tips yang bisa membantu Anda mulai dari sebelum berangkat hingga selama berada di Selandia Baru.

Perencanaan Sebelum Berangkat

Selama di Selandia Baru

Tips Tambahan

Daftar Aktivitas Seru Selama di Selandia Baru yang Bisa Dicoba

Selain pemandangan alamnya yang memukau, New Zealand menawarkan sejumlah aktivitas seru yang akan membuat liburan Anda semakin berkesan. Mulai dari mendaki, bermain air, hingga menjelajahi kota-kota, Anda bisa menikmatinya di negara ini. Berikut beberapa aktivitas seru di New Zealand yang bisa Anda coba.

1. Hiking dan Trekking

Selandia Baru terkenal dengan keindahan alamnya yang masih perawan. Salah satu cara terbaik untuk menikmati keindahan ini adalah dengan melakukan hiking atau trekking. Ada beberapa jalur yang populer antara lain:

Tongariro Alpine Crossing merupakan jalur lintas alam yang menawarkan pemandangan gunung berapi yang menakjubkan. Tak hanya itu, jalur ini juga menawarkan pemandangan menakjubkan lainnya seperti danau warna-warni, hiingga lanskap vulkanik yang unik. Tak heran jika jalur ini menjadi lokasi syuting dari beberapa adegan di trilogi The Lord of the Rings!

Namun, jalur ini terbilang cukup menantang karena memiliki turunan dan tanjakan yang cukup curam. Jika Anda ingin menikmati jalur ini, pastikan sudah mempersiapkan fisik dengan matang sebelumnya, ya.

Milford Track adalah salah satu jalur trekking terindah di dunia, melewati hutan hujan, danau glasial, dan fiord yang dramatis. Selain akan disuguhi pemandangan yang memukau, hutan hujan di sekitar jalur ini menjadi rumah dari berbagai jenis flora dan fauna seperti burung kiwi dan burung kakaktua kea.

Sama seperti Tongariro Alpine Crossing, jalur Milford Track terbilang cukup menantang. Pastikan Anda menyiapkan fisik hingga peralatan mendaki yang lengkap. Selain itu, Anda perlu melakukan pemesanan dari jauh-jauh hari jika ingin mendapatkan izin trekking.

2. Petualangan Air

Dengan garis pantai yang panjang dan banyak danau, Selandia Baru adalah surga bagi para pecinta olahraga air. Beberapa aktivitas air yang bisa Anda coba adalah:

Menjelajahi sungai dan danau dengan kayak atau kano adalah cara yang menyenangkan untuk menikmati alam. Anda bisa menyewa kayak atau cano yang banyak disewakan di sekitar sungai maupun danau.

Selani menikmati keindaha sungai maupun danau, Selandia Baru memiliki banyak spot snorkeling dan diving yang menakjubkan, seperti Pulau Great Barrier. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mengagumi keindahan bawah lautnya, ya.

3. Olahraga Ekstrim

Bagi Anda yang mencari sensasi yang lebih menantang dan mendebarkan, Selandia Baru menawarkan berbagai macam olahraga ekstrim yang bisa dicoba, seperti:

Bungee Jumping merupakan salah satu aktivitas menantang di Selandia Baru yang bisa Anda coba. Dianggap sebagai tempat kelahiran bungee jumping modern, tentunya menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri jika mencobanya.

Terdapat beberapa tempat bungee jumping yang bisa Anda coba, seperti Kawarau Bridge Bungy, Nevis Bungy, Taupo Bungy, dan masih banyak lagi. Tempat-tempat tersebut tentunya tak hanya menawarkan olahraga ekstrem, namun juga memiliki pemandangan alam yang sangat memukau.

Jika Anda sudah familiar dengan arung jeram, jet boating di Selandia Baru ini menawarkan pengalaman yang hampir mirip. Namun, tidak menggunakan perahu karet, jet boating menggunakan perahu cepat yang dilengkapi dengan jet propulsion.

Dengan perahu cepat, serta arus sungai yang deras dan berkelok-kelok, tentunya menjadikan perjalanan Anda akan semakin menantang. Ini bisa menjadi aktivitas ekstrem yang tak terlupakan selama Anda berada di Selandia Baru.

4. Melihat Fauna

Selain aktivitas-aktivitas yang menguras tenaga, Anda juga bisa melakukan berbagai aktivitas santai seperti bertemu langsung dengan fauna khas New Zealand. Selandia Baru memiliki banyak hewan unik yang tidak bisa Anda temukan di tempat lain. Beberapa di antaranya adalah:

Burung kiwi merupakan burung nasional Selandia Baru yang tidak bisa terbang. Memiliki bulu berwarna cokelat kehitaman yang lebat, paruh panjang dan melengkung, serta tidak memiliki ekor, tentunya burung ini terbilang cukup unik. Selain itu, burung ini hanya bisa Anda temui di Selandia Baru, lho!

Ada banyak jenis lumba-lumba yang bisa Anda temui di Selandia Baru. Beberapa di antaranya yang sering ditemukan adalah lumba-lumba hector, lumba-lumba dusky, lumba-lumba orca, hingga lumba-lumba hidung botol. Anda bisa melihat lumba-lumba di berbagai tempat di Selandia Baru, terutama di Kaikoura.

5. Menjelajahi Kota

Selain alamnya yang indah, Selandia Baru juga memiliki kota-kota yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Berjalan-jalan menikmati kota tentunya bisa menjadi alternatif liburan santai di Selandia Baru. Anda bisa menjelajahi kota-kota seperti:

Kota yang dikelilingi oleh pegunungan Alpen Selatan, terkenal dengan aktivitas petualangannya. Kota ini sendiri terletak di Pulau Selatan. Ada banyak bar, restoran, hingga toko-toko yang menjuual berbagai macam suvenir.

Auckland merupakan kota terbesar di Selandia Baru yang menawarkan berbagai macam atraksi budaya dan kuliner. Kota ini juga merupakan kota multikultural yang ditinggali penduduk dari berbagai latar belakang. Tak heran jika Anda akan menemukan berbagai jenis kuliner, festival, hingga kesenian di kota ini.

Itulah informasi terkait zona waktu New Zealand, hingga tips dan aktivitas yang bisa Anda coba selama berlibur di sana. Jika ingin berkunjung ke negara ini, Anda bisa pesan tiket pesawat melalui Traveloka. Selain itu, terdapat pula berbagai paket wisata hingga tiket hiburan yang bisa Anda dapatkan dengan mudah. Yuk, download aplikasi Traveloka sekarang juga!

Baca juga: KBRI Selandia Baru: Lokasi, Kontak, dan Jenis Layanan

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See the very best of Indonesia on a guided tour with Wendy Wu Tours. Choose from escorted group tours, private tours or short breaks, and everything from classic introductory Indonesia tours to luxury adventures guided by our experts.

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The Republic of Indonesia is the largest country in southeast Asia and is comprised of over 16,000 islands and 34 provinces spread over five main islands and four archipelagos.

The largest islands – Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua – are nestled among thousands of smaller islands, including the ever-popular Bali known for its natural beauty, holistic lifestyle, and welcoming locals.

Indonesia has one of the most diverse cultures in the world, with each region having its own distinctive cultural characteristics, local language (over 700 of them), dance, custom and costume. If you’re a budding volcanologist, there are 147 volcanos to visit in total with the most active found on Java.  

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  3. How to Travel to Indonesia from New Zealand: A Complete Guide

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  1. Paket Tour Selandia Baru

    Paket Tour Selandia Baru, <p>Memiliki ibukota di Wellington, Selandia Baru menawarkan wisata alam yang lengkap, mulai dari pegunungan indah, gletser, deburan ombak pantai, serta hutan-hutan dengan pepohonan yang menjulang. Selain wisata alam yang mempesona, berbagai aktivitas yang menantang adrenalin juga dihadirkan di negara ini, seperti bungee jumping dan abseiling.&lt;/p&gt;

  2. Paket Tour New Zealand 10 Hari

    Deskripsi Paket Tour New Zealand : Paket tour New Zealand mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang menarik dan terkenal di Selandia Baru dengan gaya santai. Jumlah peserta tour New Zealand minimal 10 orang dewasa, maksimal 15 orang dewasa. Jika Anda mempunyai group dengan jumlah minimal 10 orang atau lebih bisa disesuaikan destinasi, biaya dan durasinya.

  3. Paket Tour New Zealand Selandia Baru

    9 Juni 2024. Jadwal Acara. Day 1 : JAKARTA - SYDNEY | QF 42 CGK - SYD 19.00 - 06.10 + 1. Hari ini berkumpul di Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta untuk bersama-sama berangkat menuju AUCKLAND melalui Sydney. Bermalam di pesawat. Day 2 : SYDNEY - AUCKLAND | QF 143 SYD - AKL 09.45 - 14.55. Selamat datang di New Zealand….

  4. Paket Tour ke Australia & New Zealand

    021 422 3838. 021 422 3888. atau online form yang kami sediakan melalui tombol dibawah ini. CONTACT US. paket tour ke australia & new zealand,Indonesia leading tour and travel agency, travel agent in Jakarta providing domestic Indonesia and international airlines tickets, hotels, tours arrangements, incentives, corporate travel, visa and ...

  5. Australia, New Zealand & Indonesia

    Encounter a boisterous colony of fur seals and enjoy a taste of fine New Zealand wines. Shore excursions vary by itinerary and are subject to change. Sail from <i>Aotearoa</i> to the Indonesian archipelago on a voyage through diverse cultures. Admire stirring Māori dances and discover Hobart and Sydney's penal past.

  6. Australia, New Zealand & Indonesia

    Cruise Australia, New Zealand & Indonesia Sail from <i>Aotearoa</i> to the Indonesian archipelago on a voyage through diverse cultures. Admire stirring Māori dances and discover Hobart and Sydney's penal past. See Napier's art deco glories, Wellington and Christchurch's scented English gardens, and Dunedin's Victorian treasures.

  7. How to Travel to Indonesia from New Zealand: A Complete Guide

    2) Indonesia Travel Requirements for New Zealand Citizens. 2.1) Valid New Zealand Passport. 2.2) Visa on Arrival (VOA) 2.3) Proof of Return or Onward Travel. 2.4) Proof of Sufficient Funds. 2.5) Completed Customs Declaration Form. 3) Visa and Passport Requirements. 4) How to Travel to Indonesia from New Zealand. 4.1) Air Travel.

  8. Travel agent in Jakarta, Indonesia

    Golden Rama Express Tour & Travel. Golden Rama. Jl. Tanah Abang II No 73-75., Jakarta, Indonesia. Sejak 1971, kami menyuguhkan liburan yang memperluas cakrawala dan memberikan pengalaman baru yang tak terlupakan. Dikenal karena kualitas dan harga yang memberikan nilai tambah. Berliburlah bersama Golden Rama!

  9. Australia, New Zealand & Indonesia

    From 29,992. Save 1,244. Cape Town to London Passage. 33 Days Cape Town London. Operated By: Viking. From 25,475. Save 520. Book online and enjoy exclusive savings on Viking's 31 Day Australia, New Zealand & Indonesia beginning your journey in Bali and travelling through to Auckland. 1000-25 season departures.

  10. Australia, New Zealand & Indonesia

    Cruise Australia, New Zealand & Indonesia Sail from <i>Aotearoa</i> to the Indonesian archipelago on a voyage through diverse cultures. Admire stirring Māori dances and discover Hobart and Sydney's penal past. See Napier's art deco glories, Wellington and Christchurch's scented English gardens, and Dunedin's Victorian treasures.

  11. 10 Best 7 Day New Zealand Tours & Trips

    Northern Voyager. New Zealand: Best of the North Island. Coasts & Culture Tour. South Island Lick Tour. New Zealand West Coast Adventure. New Zealand Panorama (7 Days) Queenstown to Wellington Highlights - 7 Day Self Drive Tour. 7 Day Auckland to Christchurch Highlights Tour. Milford Sound Spectacular - 7 Day Self Drive tour.

  12. Ultimate Adventure Tour in New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji

    Suggested Duration. 25 Days. Experience New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji on the ultimate 25-day adventure that highlights the cities, natural sanctuaries, and breathtaking coasts of each stunning destination. Discover the magnificent cities of Auckland, Christchurch, and Melbourne. Explore the remote regions of Rotorua, Mount Cook, and Queenstown.

  13. Australia, New Zealand & Indonesia

    Australia, New Zealand & Indonesia From $14,298 | 31 Days | 18 Guided Tours ... *Free airfare on select departures of Grand European Tour, Capitals of Eastern Europe, Lyon Provence & the Rhineland, Paris to the Swiss Alps, Cities of Light, London, Paris & D-Day, Rhine & Main Explorer and European Sojourn, plus select Panama Canal, Hawaii ...

  14. Multi-day tours & packages

    There's also New Zealand tour operators that you can work with to create a New Zealand tour based on your interests. Receive advice on where to go, things to see and places to stay. They'll also make the bookings for you. When you're here, there are tours you can arrange on the day and isite visitor centres are on-hand for advice and bookings too.

  15. Perfect Experience

    PT. Panorama JTB Tours Indonesia Panorama Building Jl. Tomang Raya No. 63 Jakarta Barat Indonesia, 11440 For assistance, please call PATSY call +6221 2556 5151 mail [email protected] WhatsApp PATSY

  16. Discover New Zealand Tours

    With over 350 New Zealand tours, Discover NZ offers an unrivaled selection of North Island, South Island & nationwide tours, NZ self drives, vacations, coach tours and holiday packages. Call us in New Zealand 1833 749 1647. Call us in New Zealand 1833 749 1647. Australia Travel Partners;

  17. Avia Tour

    Avia Tour provides tours to many countries such as New Zealand, Australia, America, Europe, Asia and also Indonesia. We can also customise your request. Our office is located in Bungur Besar street no. 45, Central Jakarta, 10610, Indonesia and we are one of the best travel agent in Indonesia which provide the best services for our products.

  18. Mexico Family Holiday Tour

    Revel in the beach vibes of Playa del Carmen. Explore ancient Maya ruins and pyramids at Tulum and Chichen Itza. Discover the charm of Merida's leafy plazas, captivating museums and vibrant city streets.

  19. Tips Berlibur dan 2 Zona Waktu New Zealand

    Jika Anda berada di bagian barat Indonesia dengan zona Waktu Indonesia Barat (GMT+7), maka waktu di New Zealand, khususnya pada Pulau Utara dan Selatan lebih cepat 5 jam. Sedangkan di Pulau Chatham, perbedaan waktunya yaitu lebih cepat 5 jam 45 menit.

  20. Indonesia Tours 2024/2025

    Search for your perfect Indonesia tour. Our award-winning, fully inclusive, escorted tours of Indonesia visit all the main sights and more! ... Private and Tailormade Tours to Asia and Moderate Tours to South America from New Zealand, Australia, and the UK. Offices in Auckland, Sydney, London, Shanghai and Xian. ©2024 Wendy Wu Tours, All ...

  21. Stargrazing in New Zealand

    Welcome to New Zealand. Get official travel information, maps, itineraries, best time to travel & things to do to help you plan your next holiday to New Zealand.

  22. Indonesia

    Air Travel Indonesia has experienced a number of air safety incidents, the most recent being in January 2021 when a Sriwijaya Air domestic flight from Jakarta to Pontianak crashed into the Java Sea shortly after take-off, with no survivors. ... New Zealand Embassy Indonesia. Street Address Sentral Senayan 2, 10th Floor, Jl Asia Afrika No 8 ...

  23. Discover unforgettable travel experiences

    PT. Panorama JTB Tours Indonesia Panorama Building Jl. Tomang Raya No. 63 Jakarta Barat Indonesia, 11440 For assistance, please call PATSY call +6221 2556 5151 mail [email protected] WhatsApp PATSY

  24. Indonesia Tours

    New Zealand Australia United States Canada India. Indonesia Tours. The Republic of Indonesia is the largest country in southeast Asia and is comprised of over 16,000 islands and 34 provinces spread over five main islands and four archipelagos. The largest islands - Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua - are nestled among thousands ...

  25. Stargrazing in New Zealand

    Welcome to New Zealand. Get official travel information, maps, itineraries, best time to travel & things to do to help you plan your next holiday to New Zealand.