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Travel Advisory January 5, 2024

Cuba - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued with updates to crime information.

Exercise increased caution in Cuba due to  crime .

Country Summary:  Petty crime is a threat for tourists in Cuba. Also, violent crime, including armed robbery and homicide, sometimes occurs in Cuba.

Travel outside of the Havana area for U.S. Embassy employees requires a special notification process which may affect the Embassy’s ability to provide emergency assistance to U.S. citizens in Cuba.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Cuba.

If you decide to travel to Cuba:

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.
  • Do not display signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive watches or jewelry.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.

U.S. citizens should always exercise caution when traveling abroad:

  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Cuba.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

Must have six months validity at the time of entry.

Two pages are required for entry/exit stamps.

Yes. Travel to Cuba for tourist activities remains prohibited by statute. See 31 C.F.R 515.560 and OFAC's Frequently Asked Questions .

None. See CDC for recommendations.

U.S. credit and debit cards do not work in Cuba. You should bring U.S. dollars or Euros to Cuba and exchange them for Cuban Pesos (CUP) at authorized banks, CADECA offices, airports or hotels. Travelers should confirm alternative payment options before traveling, as policies concerning the use of U.S. dollars in Cuba are subject to change. The Cuban government requires that travelers declare cash amounts over the equivalent of 5,000 USD.

When departing Cuba, we advise U.S. travelers to spend or exchange CUP to a foreign currency well before reaching airport security checkpoints. Currency exchange houses in the departure area at airports are currently closed and Cuban pesos are not internationally convertible outside of Cuba.. International airlines flying to the United States include departure fees and taxes in the price of airline tickets. U.S. dollars are not accepted for payment of any additional products purchased at the airport. Under Cuban law, travelers may export up to the equivalent of 5,000 USD out of the country. Anyone wishing to depart Cuba with more than this amount of cash must demonstrate evidence that the currency was acquired legitimately from a Cuban bank.

Embassies and Consulates

U.S. Embassy Calzada between L and M Streets, Vedado, Havana, Cuba Telephone:  + (53) (7) 839-4100 (Monday- Friday 0830-1630, except holidays) Emergency after-hours telephone:  + (53) (7) 839-4100 and dial 1 to speak with the emergency operator Fax:  + (53) (7) 839-4247 Website:  https:cu.usembassy.gov

Email:   [email protected] (for concerns with U.S. citizens)

Destination Description

Learn about the U.S. relationship to countries around the world.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

Travel to Cuba from or transiting through the United States by persons under U.S. jurisdiction (defined as [BE1] U.S. citizens located anywhere, and anyone located in the United States regardless of citizenship and nationality) , is regulated by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.  All travelers falling under U.S. jurisdiction must comply with these regulations.  Individuals seeking to travel to Cuba are not required to obtain licenses from OFAC if their travel is covered under the 12 travel categories authorized by a general OFAC license.  If travel is not covered by a general license, you must seek OFAC authorization in the form of a specific license .  Travelers who fail to comply with regulations may face penalties and criminal prosecution.  For travel-specific questions, please see  31 C.F.R. 515.560  and  OFAC’s Frequently Asked Questions .

Visit the  Embassy of Cuba  website for the most current visa information.

Cuba requires visitors to have non-U.S. medical insurance, which is usually included in airline ticket prices on flights originating in the United States. If you do not have insurance, it can be purchased upon arrival to Cuba at an airport kiosk.  Asistur Medical Insurance is the official company that airlines contract.  Please confirm your coverage with your airline prior to arrival in Cuba and seek additional medical insurance if needed.

Cuba does not recognize the U.S. citizenship of Cuban-born U.S. citizens who maintain residency status in Cuba.  The Cuban government requires Cuban dual nationals to enter and depart Cuba using Cuban passports. Cuban-born U.S. citizens who maintain their residency status in Cuba will be treated as Cuban citizens and may be subject to Cuban restrictions and legal obligations.  

Some HIV/AIDS entry restrictions exist for visitors to and foreign residents of Cuba.  Foreign students on scholarships are required to test for HIV/AIDS.  Please verify this information with the  Embassy of Cuba  before you travel.

Information about  dual nationality , the  prevention of international child abduction , and  customs regulations  can be found on our websites. 

Cuban Requirements for Authorized Travelers:   Attempts to enter or exit Cuba illegally, or to aid the irregular exit of Cuban nationals or other persons, are prohibited.  Entering Cuban territory, territorial waters, or airspace without prior authorization from the Cuban government may result in arrest.  Immigration violators are subject to prison terms ranging from four to thirty years. 

Temporary Sojourn License:  Most aircraft and maritime vessels on temporary sojourn to Cuba are no longer eligible for an Aircraft, Vessels, and Spacecraft (AVS) License Exception.  See 15 C.F.R. § 740.15.  If you are planning to enter Cuba with a U.S. or foreign-registered aircraft or maritime vessel on temporary sojourn, you must meet the criteria set forth in 15 C.F.R. § 740.15. Please see the U.S. Department of Commerce’s  Bureau of Industry and Security website  for additional information. 

In addition, a vessel of the United States, as defined in 33 C.F.R. §107.200, may not enter Cuban territorial waters without advance permission from the U.S. Coast Guard.  The U.S. Coast Guard provides permission information at (305) 415-6920. 

Safety and Security

The security environment in Cuba is relatively stable and characterized by a strong military and police presence.  Demonstrations are infrequent but can draw violent responses from government forces.  Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational without warning.  Avoid demonstrations and maintain security awareness at all times. Demonstration Alerts are posted on the  Embassy’s website .  Review the  Cuba Travel Advisory .

The Cuban government has detained U.S. citizens suspected of engaging in activities perceived to undermine state security.  The Cuban government may detain individuals for activities that would not be considered criminal or offensive in the United States.

Crime:   With the recent influx of travelers, there has been an increase in the number of property crimes. Crimes of opportunity, such as pick pocketing, purse snatchings, and car break-ins, are on the rise. Exercise vigilance everywhere . Do not display large amounts of cash.  Do not leave your valuables unattended.  Carry money in your front pockets, hold your purse and cellular phone securely and be mindful of purses or bags when dining out. 

  • Do not leave a beverage unattended or accept beverages from persons unknown to you. 
  • Locations such as Habana Vieja, Playas del Este, Varadero, and other attractions tend to have a higher incidence of property crime than other parts of Cuba. 
  • Be wary of misdirection schemes where someone attempts to gain your attention while another comes from behind to steal your purse, wallet, or other valuable items. 
  • If confronted by criminals, do not resist, try to remain calm, clearly display your hands and do not make any sudden moves that could be interpreted as resistance. 
  • Carry a cell phone with Cuban cellular service for emergency communications and travel in groups if possible. 
  • Be aware of your surroundings, especially at night or when traveling in an unfamiliar area. 
  • While in your car, place valuables out of sight or in a locked trunk.  When unattended, avoid leaving items in the car, especially on the seat or in plain view.
  • Only use marked taxis. 
  • Carry a copy of your passport and secure the original. 
  • Beware of scam artists, who may speak English and appear friendly. 
  • When exchanging currency, use the state-run offices known as CADECAs or official banks.

International Financial Scams:  See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for information. 

Victims of Crime:   We strongly urge U.S. citizen victims of sexual assault to contact the U.S. Embassy for assistance.  Report crimes to the local police by dialing 106 and contact the U.S. Embassy at +53 7839-4100.  Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes. 

See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas . 

We can: 

  • help you find medical care 
  • assist you in reporting a crime to the police 
  • contact relatives or friends with your written consent 
  • provide general information regarding the victim’s role during the local investigation and following its conclusion 
  • provide a list of local attorneys 
  • provide information on  victim’s compensation programs in the U.S.
  • provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution 
  • help you find accommodation and arrange flights home 
  • replace a stolen or lost passport 

Domestic Violence:   U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence are strongly encouraged to contact the Embassy for assistance.

Tourism:   The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities do not commonly occur.  Hazardous areas/activities are not always identified with appropriate signage, and staff may not be trained or certified either by the host government or by recognized authorities in the field.  In the event of an injury, even basic medical treatment is typically available only in/near major cities.  First responders are generally unable to access areas outside of major cities and to provide urgent medical treatment.  U.S. citizens should maintain health insurance in Cuba.  If stays exceed 30 days, [CM1] U.S. citizens should purchase medical insurance when they process their visa extensions. 

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties:  You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities, prior to practicing or operating a business.

Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law.  For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the  Department of Justice  website.

Arrest Notification:  If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately.  See our  webpage  for further information.

Cuban penalties for the following are particularly severe: 

  • Possession, use, or trafficking of illegal drugs. 
  • Suspicion of assisting Cubans to leave the country illegally. 
  • Drivers involved in accidents that result in injury or death, regardless of fault. 
  • Importing weapons or ammunition. 
  • Photographing military or police installations or personnel, or harbor, rail, or airport facilities. 
  • Crimes against minors.

The Government of Cuba does not recognize the U.S. citizenship of Cuban-born U.S. citizens who maintain residency in Cuba and may not allow U.S. consular access to Cuban-American prisoners. 

Telecommunications:  Many U.S. mobile service carriers provide roaming services in Cuba.  Your U.S. mobile phone will work in Cuba if your mobile phone is capable of roaming in Cuba and your mobile service provider has an international roaming agreement with ETECSA, Cuba's state-owned telecommunications provider.  Currently AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, and T-Mobile have roaming agreements with ETECSA. Wi-Fi is often slow and unreliable. Be sure to confirm your carrier’s coverage before traveling.

SIM cards with a data plan can be purchased at Havana-José Martí International Airport (HAV) and local ETESCA telecommunications offices. To ensure family and friends can reach you in Cuba, check with your mobile provider about roaming options and cost or purchase a Cuban SIM card. See the  FCC Travel FAQs  for more information. 

Cuba-related Travel Transactions:  Only persons whose travel falls into the 12 OFAC approved travel categories or who have received a specific license from OFAC are authorized by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to travel to, from, or within Cuba.  Direct financial transactions with certain entities and sub-entities under the control of, or acting for or on behalf of, the Cuban military, intelligence, or security services are also generally prohibited. For more information see the Department of State’s ﷟ Cuba Restricted List .  Additionally, lodging, paying for lodging, or making reservations on behalf of others to lodge, at certain accommodations in Cuba are prohibited; for a full list of such accommodations, see the Cuba Prohibited Accommodations List .   For more information about licenses, visit OFAC’s  Cuba Sanctions website .   Additionally, lodging, paying for lodging, or making reservations on behalf of others to lodge, at certain accommodations in Cuba are prohibited; for a full list of such accommodations, see the Cuba Prohibited Accommodations List .   For more information about licenses, visit OFAC’s  Cuba Sanctions website . 

Licenses for Remittances:   In June 2022, OFAC published updated Cuba-related regulations .  The new regulations eliminated a cap on remittances to family members in Cuba, and authorized remittances to non-family recipients as well.  Certain Prohibited Officials of the Government of Cuba , Prohibited Members of the Cuban Communist Party , and the close relatives of these two groups, are not eligible to receive remittances.  For information on remittance authorizations, see OFAC’s  Cuba Sanctions website .

What May Be Brought Back From Cuba:  Importation of Cuban merchandise for commercial purposes is restricted, with very limited exceptions.  Certain imports of goods produced by independent Cuban entrepreneurs are authorized, as set forth on the Department of State’s  Section 515.582 List  (see 31 C.F.R 515.582).  There are no limits on the import or export of informational materials.  For more information related to imports, including merchandise entering the United States for personal use as accompanied baggage, please see the  CBP Public Notice .

Cuban law requires foreigners to obtain authorization to remove souvenir paintings and sculptures out of Cuba. Most authorized points of sale, such as galleries and art studios, should be familiar with this process and should provide the proper documentation at the time of purchase.  You can also apply for an export permit via the Cuban Fund of Cultural Assets. Travelers without a valid export permit may have their items confiscated at the port of departure. The U.S. Embassy cannot assist in these cases.  For more information, please contact the embassy of Cuba . 

Travelers may purchase alcohol and tobacco products while in Cuba for personal consumption in Cuba, but may not enter the United States with alcohol and/or tobacco products acquired in Cuba. Persons subject to United States jurisdiction may purchase or acquire Cuban-origin merchandise for personal consumption, including alcohol and tobacco products, while in a third country, but may not import such products into the United States.  For a complete description of what this general license authorizes and the restrictions that apply, see  31 CFR § 515.585(c) and (d).

Storm Season:  Tropical storms and hurricanes between May and November can produce heavy winds and rain. See our  page on disaster and crisis preparedness for more information.

Faith-Based Travelers:  See the following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report  – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report  – see country reports
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTI Travelers:  There are no legal restrictions on same-sex sexual relations or the organization of LGBTI events in Cuba, and on September 26, 2022 Cubans passed the referendum legalizing same sex marriage.

See   our  LGBTI Travel Information   page and section 6 of our  Human Rights report  for further details.

Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance .  Individuals with mobility issues are likely to find accessibility difficult .   Few facilities or services are available, and information is limited. Most roads and sidewalks are poorly maintained.

Students:   See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips .

Women Travelers:   See our travel tips for  Women Travelers .

Currency Restrictions:  Be advised that policies concerning the use and convertibility of U.S. dollars in Cuba are subject to change.  Obtaining U.S. dollar cash is nearly impossible through official channels.  The Cuban Central Bank prohibits certain U.S. dollar cash transactions, including conversion of U.S. dollars to Cuban pesos, the use of U.S. dollars for cash payments, including in government-run establishments such as hotels and restaurants, and the purchase of pre-paid debit cards.. U.S.-issued credit and debit cards do not work in Cuba.  Travelers should bring sufficient cash for the duration of their trip, and consider bringing multiple currencies, such as Euros.

For emergency services in Cuba, dial: 

  • 104 for an ambulance or contact the nearest  hospital  directly
  • 105 for fire 
  • 106 for police 

Ambulance services are

  • not present throughout the country or are unreliable in most areas
  • not equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment
  • not staffed with trained paramedics and often have little or no medical equipment

Injured or seriously ill travelers may prefer to take a taxi or private vehicle to the nearest major hospital rather than wait for an ambulance.

We do not pay medical bills.   Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas.  Hospitals and doctors in Cuba do not accept U.S. health insurance.  Most hospitals require payment up front before services are rendered.

Medical Insurance:   Ensure your airline ticket includes health insurance.  Cuba requires all U.S. airlines departing the United States to pay for health insurance for each passenger.  The health insurance from airlines is valid for 30 days upon your arrival in Cuba.  If you are planning to stay in Cuba for more than 30 days, you will need to extend your coverage before you can extend your visa.   It is important to keep a record of your arrival into Cuba, such as your airline ticket, so that the Asistur agency can coordinate with the hospital on payment MEDEVAC flights from Cuba are difficult to arrange, with costs starting at $15,000 U.S. dollars.  Visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas.

We strongly recommend supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation.

Ensure you have all medicine you require for your time in Cuba.  Medicine (prescription and over the counter) is not readily available in Cuba.  Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription.  Check with the embassy of Cuba to ensure the medication is legal in Cuba.  Note: This site is in Spanish only.

Diarrheal illness is common among travelers, even in luxury accommodations.  Travelers should wash their hands, drink bottled water, and avoid street and undercooked food.

The following diseases are prevalent: 

  • Dengue Fever 
  • Hepatitis-A 
  • Traveler’s diarrhea 
  • Chikungunya 
  • Typhoid 
  • Rabies 
  • Zika Virus 

Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information about Resources for Travelers regarding specific medical issues in  Cuba . 

Vaccinations:  Be up to date on all  vaccinations  recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC)

The U.S. Embassy maintains a list of doctors and hospitals  here .  We do not endorse or recommend any specific medical provider or clinic.

Pharmaceuticals:  Even the most common over the counter medications are unavailable in Cuba. Other medication, medical equipment or supplies are also unavailable on the island.  If you are able to find medicine, exercise caution when purchasing medication overseas. Counterfeit medication may prove to be ineffective, the wrong strength, or contain dangerous ingredients.  Medication should be purchased in consultation with a medical professional and from reputable establishments.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Food and Drug Administration are responsible for rules governing the transport of medication back to the United States.  Medication purchased abroad must meet their requirements to be legally brought back into the United States.  Medication should be for personal use and must be approved for usage in the United States.  Please visit the  U.S. Customs and Border Protection  and the  Food and Drug Administration  websites for more information.

Water Quality:  Tap water is not potable.  Bottled water is often unavailable for purchase and you should be aware that some restaurants and hotels serve tap water unless bottled water is specifically requested. Be aware that ice for drinks may be made using tap water.

General Health Issues

  • There are severe shortages of food, potable water, medicine, medical supplies, etc.  throughout Cuba.
  • Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information about  Resources for Travelers  regarding specific issues in Cuba.

Air Quality:  Air pollution is a problem in several major cities in Cuba. Consider the impact seasonal smog and heavy particulate pollution may have on you and consult your doctor before traveling if necessary. Visit  AirNow Department of State  for information on air quality at U.S. Embassies and Consulates.

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety:  Road accidents, many involving pedestrians and bicyclists, are Cuba’s leading cause of death.  Cuban authorities may prohibit drivers from leaving the country until claims associated with an accident are settled.  Drivers found responsible for accidents resulting in serious injury or death may receive long prison sentences.  U.S. citizen drivers are often found at fault for accidents they are involved in. 

Drive with extreme care.  Major streets are generally well-maintained, but secondary streets are not.  Major potholes and obstacles are common on all roads.  After heavy rains in 2022, several bridges collapsed.  Damaged bridges may not be well marked.  

Outside of major cities, avoid driving at night as many roads are unlit. Emergency lights or signals are rare, making it virtually impossible to detect hazards after dark.  Street signage is insufficient and confusing. Many Cuban cars are old, in poor condition, and lack reliable safety equipment.  Heed caution throughout the country as there are rolling blackouts which may leave streets dark and without traffic lights, even in major cities.

The principal Cuban east-west highway is in good condition but extends only part of the way from Havana to the eastern end of the island.  Hazards – including unfenced livestock and farm vehicles – are common. 

When traveling by road, you should carry a printed map of the area, as electronic (smartphone) maps frequently fail due to connectivity issues.

Traffic Laws:   Speed limits are sometimes posted and passengers in automobiles are required to wear seatbelts, if available.  All motorcyclists are required to wear helmets.  Traffic from major roads generally does not stop when entering roundabouts.  Use care at intersections: stop signs are often hard to see. 

Public Transportation:  Buses designated for tourist travel, both between and within cities, generally meet international standards.  

The public bus and rail system in Cuba is under-resourced and in poor condition.  Public buses used by Cubans, known as "guaguas," are crowded, unreliable, and are sometimes preyed upon by petty criminals. There is a heightened threat of pickpocketing on crowded buses and trains. Embassy personnel are advised not to use public transportation.

Avoid using informal taxis or hailing private vehicles for rides as they are unregulated, the vehicles are often in disrepair, and usually do not have normal vehicle safety equipment such as seat belts and air bags.  “Cocos,” smaller, yellow ball-shaped “tuk-tuk” style vehicles, are not safe, and the Embassy advises its personnel not to use them.

Rental car agencies provide roadside assistance to their clients as a condition of rental contracts.  Travelers should not permit unauthorized persons to drive their rental vehicles.

See our  Road Safety page  for more information.

Aviation Safety Oversight:   As there is no direct commercial air service to the United States by carriers registered in Cuba, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has not assessed the government of Cuba’s Civil Aviation Authority under its International Aviation Safety Assessment program (IASA) for compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards. Further information may be found on the  FAA’s IASA website.  The U.S. Embassy in Havana prohibits U.S. government personnel from using any commercial airline for domestic flights within Cuba due to safety concerns.  The Embassy does not authorize government personnel to travel via Cubana Airlines.

Maritime Travel:  The U.S. Coast Guard has concerns about the security practices in the ports of Cuba.  Until those concerns can be addressed, the Coast Guard advises that Mariners and passengers traveling through the ports of Cuba should exercise caution.  Mariners planning travel to Cuba should also check for  U.S. maritime advisories and alerts .  Information may also be posted to the  U.S. Coast Guard homeport website , and the  NGA broadcast warn ings .

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on X (formerly known as "Twitter") and Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in Cuba .  For additional IPCA-related information, please see  the International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act (ICAPRA)  report.

Travel Advisory Levels

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Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Check passport expiration dates carefully for all travelers! Children’s passports are issued for 5 years, adult passports for 10 years.


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Authentic Cuba Travel Help

Do US travelers need a license for traveling to Cuba?

Traveling to Cuba for tourism or recreational activities or free time in excess is not allowed for US citizens. The US embargo remains in place. The US travel restrictions to visit Cuba remain in place for American citizens. US travelers can go to Cuba legally only if traveling under the provisions of the General License or Specific License.

There are two license options for Americans looking to travel to Cuba- General and Specific licenses.

Here, we will explain both options.

General License

A General License for US travel to Cuba is created through a do it yourself process rather than by submitting an application and awaiting approval. Fast, free and convenient, a General License simply requires you to prepare all of your own documentation in a way that meets all OFAC guidelines. You must have the license with you when traveling to Cuba and must present it to US Immigrations officials upon departure (if flying directly to Cuba from a US airport) as well as upon return if asked.

After the publication of the new amendments to the Cuban Assets Control Regulations on June 9, 2022, the General License remains in place for the 12 Categories of permitted travel to Cuba such as the General License for Support for the Cuban People, the General License for Educational Activities, the General License for Professional Research, the General License for Religious Travel, and others.

Specific License

The specific license is much more complex and much lengthier and must be submitted to OFAC. Persons subject to U.S. jurisdiction who wish to engage in any travel within the 12 categories of activities specified in the CACR that does not meet the requirements of a general license will need to apply for a specific license from OFAC. Approval is dependent on the response received from Washington, and the wait can take anywhere from six weeks to months or even years.

For further information, please visit our How to Travel to Cuba from the USA page.

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Entry to Cuba: Visas & Travel Requirements

Traffic by the Capitol building, Havana

Photo: Shutterstock

Stay updated with the latest travel information for your trip to Cuba!

Embarking on a journey to Cuba? Here's your guide to the latest visa requirements and travel protocols. Whether you're coming from North America, Europe, or elsewhere, we've got you covered.

travel to cuba general license

Cuba visa application form

What are the visa and entry requirements to Cuba?

US Citizens

Planning a trip to Cuba as a US citizen? There are special regulations you need to be aware of. While tourism trips to Cuba aren't yet authorized, general licenses have been issued for a variety of travel categories. If you meet the requirements of the general license under which they plan to travel, you won't need to apply for another permit from the OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Treasury Department) for your trip.

However, it's important to note that the US Embassy in Havana and the State Department in Washington D.C do not process visa applications for trips to Cuba. If you need to apply for a visa or have any questions regarding your specific case, you should contact the Cuban Embassy in Washington D.C.

And remember, certain activities may not be allowed, so it's best to check with the US embassy for information on organizations or businesses in Cuba that U.S. citizens are not allowed to engage with due to economic sanctions or other legal restrictions.

Canadian Citizens

As a Canadian citizen, you'll need a valid passport for the duration of your stay in Cuba. Make sure your passport's expiration date isn't near to avoid any travel hiccups. Depending on your trip's purpose, you may need different types of visas. If you're traveling as a tourist, you'll need a tourist visa, which can be obtained from tour operators, airlines, or a Cuban government office in Canada.

European Citizens

If you're a European citizen planning to travel to Cuba, remember that visa protocols can vary depending on your country of residence. For most European citizens, a valid passport is required during your stay in Cuba. Some countries, like Spain, require the passport to be valid for at least 6 months.

It's also important to note that if you plan to travel to the United States after visiting Cuba, you'll need a visa. This is because the electronic system for travel authorization (ESTA) is not sufficient for those who have traveled to Cuba before. This visa must be obtained at the Consulate General of the US Embassy in your place of residence.

Given the varying requirements, it's a good idea to contact your tour operator or travel agency to understand the specific visa requirements for your travel.

Latin American Citizens

For Latin American citizens, a valid passport is required during your stay in Cuba. You'll also need to obtain a tourist visa or tourist card for your trip. This can be processed at tourism agencies or airlines, which usually handle its issuance.

The visa is generally issued for about 90 days and can then be extended. It's also important to note that you should have travel insurance with medical coverage. 

Visa Costs: What to Expect

Visa costs can vary depending on where it's issued. Generally, prices range between $20 and $80. If you apply online, additional charges may apply, and prices can range from $110 to $150.

travel to cuba general license

Jose Marti International Airport in Havana

What items can I bring to Cuba?

When packing for your trip to Cuba, you can bring personal effects, including personal phones and computers, free of charge. The range of objects you can bring to Cuba is quite wide, from musical instruments to televisions. However, some items may be subject to charges depending on Customs regulations.

Some items can be brought into the country without having to pay any import taxes. These include used personal objects, art and literature books, music discs, manufactured pharmaceutical products, and wheelchairs, among others.

However, it's crucial to be aware of prohibited items. While some of these, like explosives, drugs and narcotics, and blood derivatives, may seem obvious, others might surprise you. For instance, literature, articles or objects that are considered obscene, pornographic or that attack the general interests of the nation are also prohibited.

If you attempt to bring into the country articles that are not allowed for import, the General Customs of Cuba can exercise administrative sanctions. This means that Customs can seize those imported articles whose entry is prohibited in Cuba, as well as products that have been entered with a fraudulent declaration.

travel to cuba general license

Travelers on a beach in Varadero

Photo: Unsplash

Health and Vaccinations

Before you embark on your journey to Cuba, it's important to ensure you're up to date with routine vaccines. This includes vaccines against chickenpox, tetanus, influenza, rubella, and polio. In the current climate, being vaccinated against COVID-19 is also essential.

Additionally, consider getting vaccinated against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. If your trip to Cuba includes exploring nature or venturing into rural areas away from the city center for activities such as outdoor camping, the rabies vaccine is also recommended. Travelers are also advised to consider the typhus vaccine.

Can I bring my pet to Cuba?

If you're planning to bring your pet to Cuba, there are a few requirements you need to meet. Make sure your pet has the necessary vaccines and an official health certificate. You'll also need to request a travel certificate for your pet from the Consulate or Embassy of Cuba in your country.

Written by Teresita Padrón .

Published July 2023.

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  • Application for authorization to travel to Cuba under a specific license. (Should your travel be authorized pursuant to a general license, do not submit an application for a specific license.)
  • Application for the release of a wire transfer blocked at a U.S. financial institution
  • Application for a specific license or interpretive guidance in all other circumstances (“Transactional”)
  • Application to export agricultural commodities, medicine, or medical devices to Sudan or Iran pursuant to the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 (TSRA)
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  • All required fields are marked by a red asterisk: *
  • Help is available on each page by selecting the link in the bottom left corner.
  • Upon application submission you should see a confirmation page. If you do not see a confirmation page, please resubmit your application or contact OFAC.

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Yes, Americans Can Still Travel to Cuba. Here’s How

Is it legal for u.s. citizens to travel to cuba what types of travel can they take and what are cuba tourist cards here’s what you need to know about visiting cuba..

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A classic 1950s car outside row of two- and three-story pastel-colored buildings

Havana, Cuba’s capital city, is known for its vintage cars and historic architecture.

Courtesy of Spencer Everett/Unsplash

Cuba is a beautiful Caribbean island with a complex history and rich culture. But for decades, it’s been just beyond the reach of many Americans. In addition to several difficult years involving devastating hurricanes, pandemic-era travel restrictions, ever-changing U.S. State Department travel advisories, and frequently updated trade and tourism regulations , it’s not surprising that many Americans may be confused about whether and how U.S. travelers can legally visit Cuba .

As of early 2024, the short answer is: Yes, you can travel to Cuba as a U.S. citizen. There are, however, some hoops you’ll need to jump through, because (technically speaking) travel to Cuba for pure vacationing isn’t allowed. For U.S. citizens interested in planning a trip to Cuba, here’s what you need to know before you go.

Can you travel to Cuba?

The relationship between the United States and Cuba has been tumultuous, to say the least. Following the Cuban Revolution during the 1950s and the subsequent rise of Fidel Castro’s regime, diplomatic ties between the two nations deteriorated rapidly. In 1960, the United States imposed a trade embargo on Cuba, effectively severing most economic and political connections.

In the time since, travel between the two countries has been heavily restricted by the U.S. government, which has implemented various policies to discourage or prohibit its citizens from visiting Cuba. Making matters more complex, those policies often changed with each presidential administration. The island nation was more accessible during the Carter, Clinton, and Obama years and more closed off during the G.W. Bush and Trump years.

In 2014, it became significantly easier for Americans to visit Cuba after President Obama announced a series of measures aimed at normalizing diplomatic ties and loosening travel restrictions to allow Americans to visit for certain purposes (more on that later). Additionally, in 2016, commercial flights between the United States and Cuba resumed for the first time in more than half a century.

However, the Trump administration made it significantly harder to visit Cuba. During his time in office, President Trump enacted more than 200 measures against Cuba , which included limiting what Cuban airports flights from the U.S. could fly into, banning cruises from stopping in Cuba, and eliminating the most common visa category under which U.S. citizens planned legal visits to Cuba (known as “people-to-people” travel).

Then in May 2022, President Biden’s administration announced it would undo many of the Cuba-related restrictions enacted under Trump and would work on expanding authorized travel. Under the new order, regular passenger and charter airplanes are again allowed to fly to any Cuban airport (and airlines announced new flight paths ). And officials said that the “people-to-people” category of travel, under which many tours and organized travel companies bring U.S. travelers to Cuba, will ultimately return, though there is no timeline on when that will happen.

Several musicians on the street in Cuba in front of a turquoise building

Cuba’s music scene is also a big draw.

Photo by Shutterstock

How to travel to Cuba as an American citizen

U.S. law states that those who want to go to Cuba need to qualify for a “general license” based on one of 12 approved categories.

The 12 categories currently authorized by U.S. government, for travel to Cuba are:

  • Family visits
  • Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations
  • Journalistic activity
  • Professional research and professional meetings
  • Educational activities
  • Religious activities
  • Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions
  • Support for the Cuban people
  • Humanitarian projects
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes
  • Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or informational materials
  • Certain authorized export transactions

Licenses are self-qualifying, meaning that when you purchase your airline ticket, you’ll be asked to state your category in a signed affidavit before checkout.

When former President Obama first eased travel restrictions to Cuba , the move allowed leisure travelers to pursue self-led trips under the “people-to-people” educational activities category. Today, the “support for the Cuban people” category is the most popular because it’s the broadest.

What the “support for the Cuban people” license entails

To adhere to the requirements for independent travel under “support for the Cuban people,” travelers must first declare the category (when prompted) while booking flights and lodging. As part of the license, travelers are also expected to prepare an itinerary outlining how their trip will fulfill the category’s terms and contribute to Cuba’s local economy. (This itinerary could be—but isn’t always—requested on arrival to the country.)

An appropriate “support for the Cuban people” itinerary could including staying in casa particulares (locally run guesthouses), visiting Cuban-owned businesses, going on tours (like classic car rides or architecture walking tours) run by Cubans, visiting independent museums and galleries, partaking in cultural dance and music classes, and eating at locally owned restaurants and markets. (For specific recommendations and local resources, check out AFAR’s Cuba Travel Guide .)

Travelers can visit independently under that category, though it’s important you keep a record of your itinerary and your receipts: The U.S. government can ask for them up to five years after the trip.

Can you still travel to Cuba with organized tour operators?

Even though the Trump administration’s tightened restrictions on travel to Cuba prohibited organized “people-to-people” tours entirely, many tour companies have switched their approach to adhere to the “support for the Cuban people” license, according to Tom Popper, president of U.S.-based tour operator InsightCuba . Other tour providers that offer “people-to-people” trips, such as GeoEx Adventure Travel , Flash Pack , Intrepid Travel, and G Adventures, have similarly transitioned their program itineraries in order to offer legal trips to Cuba that comply with the regulations.

Challenges and considerations for travel to Cuba

Despite the easing of restrictions, traveling to Cuba as an American still presents some challenges. For example, there are limited banking services available to U.S. visitors, and American credit and debit cards are not typically accepted (as noted on the website for the U.S. embassy in Cuba ), so it’s important to bring plenty of cash. Similarly, internet access in Cuba is limited —expect connections to be patchy .

How to get a Cuba Tourist Card

Cuban Tourist Card with blue pen

The terms Cuba Tourist Cards and Cuban visas are sometimes used interchangeably.

Courtesy of Easy Tourist Card

Regardless of the license under which you travel to Cuba, you’ll still need to organize a few important documents before you go.

The Cuban government requires that all travelers entering the country provide a valid passport and proof of travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and evacuation by air. In addition, all U.S. travelers—adults, children, and infants—must purchase a Cuba Tourist Card , which grants visitors a maximum stay of 30 days on the island. Tourist Cards are valid for 180 days after purchase, which means you will need to travel within six months of obtaining the document. Note that the terms Cuba Tourist Card and Cuban visa are sometimes used interchangeably; they’re the same thing.

There are several ways to buy a Cuba Tourist Card: Many U.S. airlines with direct service to Havana—among them United Airlines , JetBlue , American Airlines , Delta , and Southwest —offer Tourist Cards either online or at the gate; prices and purchase locations vary among carriers, so it’s important to check in advance.

Websites like Easy Tourist Card allow travelers to apply for and purchase Tourist Cards online with two-day international shipping. Those who plan to fly to Havana directly from the United States will need to purchase a pink Tourist Card at a rate of $100, while those departing from non-U.S. airports can purchase a green Tourist Card for $37, even with a U.S. passport.

“U.S. travelers should note that travel to Cuba has been regulated since 1963 and has changed under each presidential administration since that time,” states Popper of InsightCuba. “Cuba travel has always been a hot political topic, and you never know when the rules are going to change. I always tell people to go now—while you can.”

This article was originally published in 2018. It was most recently updated on March 21, 2024, to include current information.

A panoramic view of a beach sotted with people and umbrellas, with buildings, a ferris wheel and a pier in the distance in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.


How to Travel to Cuba Legally from the US

Updated February 2024

Here we explain how as an American you can travel to Cuba legally in 2024 under the present rules for the different authorized travel categories.

All of our Cuban Adventures Cuba tours are legal for Americans, but some are more optimal than others .

"Tourist Vacation" vs "Meaningful Visit"

You’ve heard that tourist travel to Cuba is illegal for US travellers, and that’s true, but that doesn’t mean you can’t visit Cuba and book a trip with a responsible travel company like us! You just have to fit your “tourist” travel under one of the 12 categories of general license so the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), the embargo enforcers, know that your time in Cuba has a “meaningful” purpose.

Who do these rules apply to?

  • US citizens living in the US or abroad
  • Foreign citizens living in the US
  • Foreign citizens transiting through the US

No Prior Approval Needed

None of the general license categories require any prior government approval, if you follow the rules of the license you selected, you are automatically considered “authorized”. No one category is more “legal” than another.

You just need to be able to state your category to any one that asks (e.g. the airline or a border agent) and document what you do and spend while in Cuba. You must save the documentation for 5 years. We also recommend that you carry an affidavit with you, because sometimes it helps to show paperwork even if it’s not required. If you are on a tour with us, we will send you an affidavit.

The general license is not the same as the tourist card/tourist visa which is a requirement of the Cuban government.   

Support for the Cuban People (SCP) is the easiest category to qualify under. If you don’t feel SCP is right for you, contact us for more information.

How To Travel With the General License for Support for the Cuban People (SCP) (515.574)

This is the best category for tourists taking tours, cruises, or traveling independently. Here is a summary of the 5 requirements:

  • Use privately owned businesses (e.g. private restaurants, private shops, private taxis, etc.)
  • Stay in privately owned accommodations.  Staying in hotels is not permitted if they are on this prohibited accommodations list and with few exceptions, every hotel is on the list.
  • Maintain a full schedule  (considered 6-8 hour daily) of meaningful interactions that: "Enhance contact with the Cuban people, support civil society in Cuba, or promote the Cuban people's independence from Cuban authorities and that result in meaningful interactions with individuals in Cuba" These activities are similar to what you would do on a People to People tour. Here are some suggestions that industry-wide are considered acceptable: - Supporting local artists by visiting galleries and/or purchasing art - Conversing with your hosts at your casa particular - Volunteering - Taking lessons (dance, language, music, sport, etc) - Shopping in privately owned businesses - Eating at privately owned restaurants - Taking guided cultural/historical tours
  • Avoid transactions with Cuban Government entities on this Prohibited List . For tourists the most important entities to avoid are the hotels and shops listed. For example, most 5-star hotels are prohibited so you wouldn’t want to make purchases there.
  • Document your activities and transactions in a ledger or travel journal and maintain the records and receipts for 5 years

With SCP you are not required to be on a tour, but it is highly recommended because time spent with our local tour guides counts towards “meaningful interaction” and “promoting independence”.  A guide will help you engage more with the culture and people and avoid the hassles and frustrations that independent travellers face. Cuba is safe, but not easy. Besides, even our customers who insist they are “not-a-tour-person” say our tours are really fun !

That’s it! Do all this and you’re traveling legally to Cuba.

Want to go straight to the source? Read the OFAC's examples of SCP activities and the  OFAC FAQ

Returning to the US from Cuba

Don’t expect any problems leaving or returning to the United States; few people are ever questioned about their trip to Cuba or their general license. You can read about what our travellers have experienced in their own words . If these rules start being enforced, it will be done by the Office of Foreign Assets Control after you are back home, not by Customs and Border Patrol. The punishment for violation, which hasn’t been levied in many years, is usually a fine. There is no need to worry that you will be prohibited from entering the US, put in jail, or have your passport revoked.

Cuba Tour Options for American Travelers

Cuban Adventures offers several options for legal travel to Cuba:

  •  Premium Tours -  Our premium-style Cuba tours are "SCP-ready" meaning that we specially designed them for compliance with the Support for the Cuban People (SCP) category. They include a full educational and cultural activity schedule that meets SCP requirements. These tours are a wonderful way to make your trip hassle-free without sacrificing an authentic Cuban experience. You also benefit from having more included, so your local expenses are much lower than on our original-style tours.  
  • Other Tours & Services - For those who prefer a more independent style of travel, we offer Cuba tours and services that do not include activities paid for and arranged in advance; instead, you get to decide locally what you’d like to do. These are equally legal for US travelers (except beach hotel stays) because they use private businesses and encourage meaningful interaction with locals, but since we don't know what you'll be doing with your free time, they aren't “SCP-Certified". To make your vacation SCP compliant, you just need to use your free time following the SCP rules. It's very easy to do using the suggestions on this page, but if you're uncomfortable determining your own activities, choose premium instead.  
  • Custom Tours - We offer custom tours that meet the requirements for SCP or P2P. For these tours you can decide the date, inclusions, and itinerary. Contact us for a quote. 

General License for People to People (P2P) (515.565 b)

This category is a subset of the general license for Educational Activities (515.565) to allow for non-academic educational travel. Individual People to People travel (515.565b) was eliminated by Trump but group people to people travel was brought back by Biden in May 2022.  However, we believe that SCP remains a better category so we only offer P2P tours on private or custom tours .

Legal Cuba Travel for Cruise Passengers

As of June 5, 2019 cruise travel from US to Cuba is no longer permitted. If you are on a Cuba cruise with a foreign company, we suggest our excellent Havana day tours to help you meet SCP requirements.

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Everything you need to know about traveling legally to Cuba

Brendan Sainsbury

Sep 3, 2019 • 7 min read

travel to cuba general license

Though it will require some extra work, Americans can still travel to Cuba © Getty Images

Despite a well-publicized announcement by the Trump administration in June 2019, it is still relatively easy for Americans to travel legally to  Cuba . All that’s required is a little bit of background reading and some careful post-trip accounting.

Aerial view of the Old Havana skyline at sunset, Cuba

How to qualify for travel to Cuba?

Despite recent bans on cruise liners and ‘people-to-people’ trips, US citizens can still apply for a ‘general license’ to travel to Cuba under 11 different categories listed by the US Department of the Treasury. These range from public performances to athletic competitions to humanitarian projects. Independent travelers with no specific affiliations are best off qualifying under the ‘support for the Cuban people’ category, a relatively open classification which states prospective visitors should:

‘engage in a full-time schedule of activities that enhance contact with the Cuban people, support civil society in Cuba, or promote the Cuban people’s independence from Cuban authorities and that result in meaningful interactions with individuals in Cuba.’

General licenses are self-qualifying and require no long-winded paperwork. To avoid any legal ramifications when returning to the US, you are advised to draw up a detailed trip itinerary before you go and to keep all receipts and addresses of places where you stayed and visited for five years after your return.

Essential bedtime reading for all aspiring Cuba travelers is the regularly updated Department of the Treasury Cuba fact sheet . Fair warning, the language may seem a little daunting, but it’s not nearly as scary as it sounds.

How did we get here?

  • Trump administration bans cruises to Cuba
  • Impact of newest Trump regulations on travel to Cuba

Getting there

With cruise ships no longer calling at Cuban ports, airplanes are the only option for Cuba-bound travelers. Scheduled flights from the US, reintroduced by the Obama administration in 2016, continue to run from a half a dozen US airports with Miami being the main gateway. Cooperating airlines include JetBlue, American, Delta, Southwest and United.

Airlines should provide you with the necessary Cuban tourist card before you embark (double-check when booking). Prices range from US$50 to US$100 depending on which airline you fly with.

Where to stay

The Trump admin restrictions prohibit Americans from staying at any hotel run by the Cuban government’s military arm, Gaviota (see a full list of banned places here ). Thankfully, this as a blessing in disguise. Cuba’s state-run hotels aren’t its best accommodation options.

You’re far better off staying in one of the country’s thousands of safe, homely casas particulares (private homestays). Here, you’ll not only get better food and service, but you’ll also receive a candid and uncensored view of Cuban life and, in doing so, be engaging in ‘meaningful interactions with individuals in Cuba.’

You can book private accommodation in Cuba in advance with a credit card through Airbnb or Booking.com. Most casas particulares cost between US$25 to CUC$45 per night.

Getting around

The best way to get between major towns in Cuba is either with Viazul , the national bus company or by colectivo (shared) taxi. Safe albeit slow buses run regularly between all main Cuban towns, but colectivos are faster, friendlier and more adept at delivering you door-to-door. Casa particular owners can usually organize colectivo taxi service at relatively short notice. Most taxis are technically private, meaning you’ll also be giving all-important support to the Cuban people.

Despite optimistic political rhetoric, US credit cards still don’t work in Cuba. It is thus necessary to come armed with plenty of cash. US dollars can be readily exchanged in Cuban banks, albeit with a 13 percent commission. Cuban convertibles ($CUC) are pegged 1:1 with the US dollar.

Cuban musician with a beard, wearing a Panama hat and colorful shirt standing against a closed yellow store shutter, playing a trumpet outdoors; Cuba

Traveling throughout Cuba

To avoid interactions with Gaviota businesses, circumvent the state-run sector as much as possible and stick to the private sphere. Private enterprise has blossomed in Cuba since the easing of business restrictions in 2011, meaning there are plenty of attractive options to choose from.

Where to go

For a trip of two weeks or less, kick-off in the capital, Havana before branching out west to the green tobacco fields of Viñales and then looping back east via Cienfuegos to Trinidad . After basking for a day or two in Cuba’s famous stuck-in-time sugar town, head back to Havana with quick stops in the gritty city of Santa Clara and the emerging art nexus of Matanzas along the way.

Havana is celebrating its 500th anniversary in 2019 meaning its fabulously restored old town (a Unesco World Heritage Site) has never looked so beautiful. Check out the freshly restored Capitolio Nacional (a close copy of Washington’s Capitol building), along with the city’s growing stash of creative private restaurants and its deep well of cutting-edge art galleries. A visit to the Gaudi-inspired street art project of Fusterlandia is a must.

Fine places to stay include Casa 1932 in the congenial ‘hood’ of Centro Habana where your host, Luís Miguel, a connoisseur of art deco, runs superb architectural-themed city tours in old American cars. For the perfect marriage of music and art, head to the truly revolutionary Fȁbrica de Arte Cubano where for just US$2, you’ll get six hours of cultural education (and entertainment).

For back-to-the-roots Cuban food, look no further than Doña Eutimia near Havana’s baroque cathedral (the picadillo is highly recommended). For cool fusion and potent cocktails, hit the roof terrace at El del Frente .

A fog covers a rural valley in Vinales, Pinar del Rio, Cuba

In Viñales, private guides can take you by foot or on horse-back around verdant tobacco plantations and oxen-plowed eco-farms. At Vega Quemada de Rubi in nearby San Juan y Martínez, you can even undertake a few days of voluntary work nurturing the crops of Hector Luís Prieto , one of Cuba’s finest cigar producers.

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  • Cuba beyond the capital

Ignored for nearly a century after its high watermark in the 1850s, Trinidad remains one of the best-preserved colonial towns in the Americas. Stay at the 200-year-old house of Julio Muñoz , a horse whisperer and published photographer who runs an equestrian center and often brings his beautiful horse, Luna de Miel, into his living room. Señor Muñoz has recently branched into gastronomy, opening a town center tapas bar where you can fuel up on everything from lobster to homemade tres leches cake.

Santa Clara is a city that pays homage to Che Guevara – his much-visited mausoleum sits on the outskirts of the city – but it’s primarily a university town with a unique nightlife full of spontaneous surprises. For the best action, head to Club Mejunje , a wonderfully diverse cultural venue hosted in a converted ruin where LGBTQ  shows alternate with thrash metal gigs.

The town’s finest food can be procured on the palatial patio of Restaurant Florida Center where the lobster and prawns in a ‘secret’ tomato sauce can be enjoyed in an atmosphere of refined sophistication.

A statue of Jose Marti and Liberty stand in the middle of main square in Matanzas; legal travel Cuba

On the way back to Havana, divert your private taxi to Finca Coiincidencia near Matanzas where farmer turned ceramist, Hector Correa has turned his rustic domain into an eco-conscious sculpture gallery. Under the bottle-green mango trees, you can enjoy a cup of farm-grown coffee sweetened with honey from Hector’s bees and sipped from a mug that the owner made himself.

It’s a fitting end to a trip that will not only put you in touch with Cuba’s hard-working cuentapropistas (private businesspeople) but will also uncover the genius that this buoyant, sophisticated, eternally beautiful country can offer both America and the world.

Tours from the US

Although the Trump administration ended group people-to-people trips in 2019, several US companies have continued to offer licensed Cuba tours by re-registering under the 'support for the Cuba people' category.

These include:

Cuban Adventures : Australian-based company specializing in Cuba travel that also runs licensed trips for American travelers.

Cuba Travel Services : Great source of general travel information for US travelers. They also arrange flights, accommodation, car rental and travel packages.

Insight Cuba : A well-established registered Cuba operator serving American travelers. Insight's trips include a one-week jazz-themed excursion and a trip to run the Havana marathon in November.

GeoEx : Runs luxury people-to-people trips of six to eight days duration from the US, plus opportunities to build your own custom trip. Tours can include everything from meeting diplomats to delving into Cuba's complex religious rites.

Road Scholar : The largest non-profit provider of learning adventures in Cuba, with six trips including birdwatching, community art projects and organic farm visits.

Updated Sept. 2019

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Divergent Travelers

Can Americans Travel to Cuba? A Decoded Guide

One of the hottest questions in travel is can Americans travel to Cuba? The answer is yes, but it’s a long one and it’s complicated. But don’t fret just yet, we’re here to walk you through the process.

From the day we first decided to go and announced our trip, people have been asking us how it is possible for Americans to visit Cuba.

Many people also seemed confused about travel to Cuba from the US and whether Cuba is even open for Americans right now or not.

There also seems to be mass confusion on what the recent change in the General License process really means for Americans trying to visit Cuba independent of a licensed tour.

It is our hope that this article will answer some of your questions and provide some clarity about the current situation of Americans traveling to Cuba and whether or not you are able to if you are considering a trip for yourself.

2022 UPDATE:  As of November 2017, President Trump  announced changes  in travel rules for Cuba. You can no longer travel under the  People To People  category as an individual. You are also prohibited from spending money at military-owned businesses. However, traveling independently under  Support For The Cuban People  is still allowed.

Can Americans Travel to Cuba?

Table of Contents

The short answer here is no . It is still illegal for Americans to vacation in Cuba. However , there are two ways for Americans to travel to Cuba legally .

If you qualify or book a trip to Cuba in one of these two ways, then you will be traveling to Cuba legally as an American.

Support for the People Tour: This is the most popular way for Americans to visit Cuba. There are many agencies in the United States that are now licensed by the US Government to run culturally orientated tours for American citizens to Cuba.

You can search for these online and book them just like you would any other group tour package. These usually allow you to fly via a charter from Miami or New York and give you a great option for seeing the real side of Cuba during your visit.

Not sure what agency to use for your Support of the People tour?  If you’re looking for an experience unlike any other in Cuba, we can highly recommend booking a tour sold by or operated by the lovely folks at Your Cuba Travel .

They run the government-approved trips to Cuba for Americans and do a stellar job.

General License Travel: The other way to see Cuba is through the new General License. If you qualify under one of the 12 sections of the US government-issued General License, then you may purchase tickets and travel to Cuba independently.

This is still not a free for all to sit on a beach and sip mojitos, but it does offer some flexibility in designing your own itinerary and being able to see things away from the group tour.

Foreign Gateways to Cuba: In addition to traveling legally, we wanted to note that Americans have been traveling to Cuba illegally for years.

While we do not endorse this nor promote it, a simple Google search can typically give you all the information you could possibly want on how to do this.

Thousands of Americans visit Cuba through a foreign gateway annually without any issues, just know that it is illegal.

This means if you get caught or questioned and have spent time in Cuba, you could be facing some serious fines and/or revocation of your passport upon your return to the USA.

Can Americans Travel to Cuba? We booked our flights to Cuba with CheapAir and can recommend it.

Can Americans Travel to Cuba? How the General License Works

There has been a huge relaxation in the issuing of Cuba licenses to American citizens to travel to Cuba.

The categories are still the same, however, it used to be that you had to apply in advance for a US government-issued Cuba License before you would be allowed to legally travel to Cuba.

Without this license in hand, your travel was considered illegal.

When the Obama administration relaxed the qualifications on the Cuba license, they created a new General License that has made it easier for Americans to travel to Cuba.

Now, instead of having to apply and be approved for a Cuba License, you just have to sign an affidavit that you qualify under a category of the General License, provide support documentation if asked and you can travel to Cuba legally.

This is a big change in the process and our government’s way of allowing more people into Cuba.

However, it is not free for all and people need to remember that the embargo has not been lifted and it is still not legal to vacation in Cuba.

If you qualify under one of these General license categories, I urge you to consider a trip to Cuba soon as the change is on the horizon for this island nation.

The new structure of the General License gives you an opportunity to visit Cuba independent of a group tour, giving you more opportunities to work within your license category.

Before your visit, you should plan an itinerary that pertains to the license you are claiming and be able to justify your travels through Cuba if questioned.

Generally, any American traveling to Cuba under a General License should plan on keeping detailed records of their time in Cuba and how it pertained to the license you claimed.

In short, don’t claim that you are visiting for religious reasons and then book in a week at an all-inclusive resort in Varadero.

Travel to Cuba from the US – Do You Qualify?

In order to travel independently to Cuba as an American, you must qualify under one of the 12 General License categories. The categories are as follows:

  • Family visits
  • Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations
  • Journalistic activity
  • Professional research and professional meetings
  • Educational activities
  • Religious activities
  • Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions
  • Support for the Cuban people
  • Humanitarian projects
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes
  • Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or information materials
  • Certain export transactions that may be considered for authorization under existing regulations and guidelines.

You can visit this US Government FAQ sheet to get detailed information on each one of the General License categories and what is required of you if you choose to claim that license for independent travel to Cuba.

Again, if you sign up for the US-approved Support of the People tour of Cuba, you don’t need to worry about anything . The company has already obtained the necessary license for you to travel to Cuba.

You just need to show up and enjoy your tour. We can highly recommend booking a tour sold by or operated by the lovely folks at Your Cuba Travel .

Can Americans go to Cuba? We booked our flights to Cuba with CheapAir and can recommend it.

How Did We Visit Cuba Legally?

Thanks to this blog and a number of publications that we do freelance work for, we qualified under the Journalistic Activity category of the General License for our travel to Cuba from the USA in 2016.

Being able to travel independently of a group gave us the opportunity to dig a little deeper into the life of Cuba, photograph the many aspects and find unique stories to share with our readers and other publications.

Additionally, in 2017 we revisited Cuba on a Support for the People tour operated by Your Cuba Travel. Both of our visits were legal.

Flights to Cuba from the USA: We booked tickets from Miami to Havana via Panama City online with our US credit card through CheapAir.com .

While we had the option of booking a direct charter from Miami to Havana, it was $160 cheaper to travel with a connection than fly direct on the charter flight.

When we checked in with Copa Airlines in Miami, they confirmed with us that our final destination was Havana.

There was no problem with this but before they would issue our tickets we were required to complete and return a General License affidavit stating which section of the General License we qualified under.

While I already had these printed and on us for re-entry into the USA from Cuba, the airline had us fill out another one for their records.

Our second visit: In 2017 we led a photography tour to Cuba in partnership with a government-approved Cuba tour operator. It was a completely different style of trip than our first visit in 2016.

Traveling on a group Support of the People license, we dove even deeper into the culture of Cuba, met some amazing people, and learned so much about the countries history.

For this visit, our group flew directly from Miami to Havana on American Airlines.

We got our passports stamped and when we returned to the states, flying Santa Clara to Miami again on American Airlines, we had no issues with immigration.

Be sure to check out all of our Cuba Articles: Cuba Travel Guide

Visa & Itinerary

How to Get a Cuba Visa for Americans: Another reason we decided to fly with a connection was the visa cost.

Had we decided to fly on the direct charter from Miami to Havana, we would have had to obtain a Cuban Visa from a US-based Cuban travel agency to the tune of $85 per person.

By traveling through a foreign gateway city, we were able to purchase our Cuban Tourist Visa from the gate counter before boarding our flight to Havana.

The cost was $20USD per person, significant savings from trying to obtain a visa in the USA.

Cuba Itinerary: While in Cuba we maintained an active itinerary that was on point to the way we travel when producing content and photography for this blog and other publications.

We planned that schedule around the various destinations we wanted to visit. We traveled independently by using the local bus system and staying in Casa Particular home stays throughout Cuba.

Check out our Two Week Cuba Itinerary

Returning to the USA: This part was surprisingly easy. Despite being prepared with our signed affidavits and having bright pink Cuba stamps in our passports, we were never questioned about our travels in Cuba.

Had we been, we were prepared with the necessary documentation to prove our qualifications under the General License we selected.

So there you have it, there are legal ways for Americans to travel to Cuba. We highly recommend that you check the country out sooner than later.

The Cuban people are looking forward to a progressive new future and things might be changing in the months to come.

More on Cuba:

  • Survival Tips for Independent Travel in Cuba
  • Havana Tours by Classic Car – Intimate Exploration in Cuba
  • 29 Cuba Photos Reveal Vibrant Diversity
  • Horseback Riding & Tobacco Farms in Viñales Cuba
  • How to Travel by Viazul Bus in Cuba
  • Hiking in Cuba – Top 5 Places to Hike
  • The Perfect Cuba Itinerary: Two Weeks in Cuba
  • Cuba Drone Rules – Can I Bring a Drone to Cuba?
  • Ultimate Trinidad Cuba Guide

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Travel planning resources, about lina stock.

Lina is an award-winning photographer and writer that has been exploring the world since 2001. She has traveled to 100 countries on all 7 continents. Member: SATW, NATJA, ATTA, ITWA

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Travel to Cuba

U.S. government restrictions on travel to Cuba require that all travelers to Cuba from U.S. institutions travel under specific licenses or categories. Most Cornell travelers to Cuba fall under two categories: educational tours or professional research or conferences. We can help you navigate the shifting restrictions and legislation surrounding Cuba travel. It will take a little more time and care, so plan early to help ensure successful travel to Cuba.

Key Steps in Planning Your Trip to Cuba

1. Ensure your travel falls under permitted travel category (see below). If you are a Cornell student, faculty, or staff, you must meet the qualifications to be eligible for travel to Cuba. 

2. Apply for approval to travel.  Send an email to the Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs at  [email protected] , with a copy to the Export Controls Office at  [email protected] . Please allow at least one month for processing the approval and getting the appropriate paperwork in place, especially if your trip involves the import/export of technology. In addition to this application, international students, scholars and employees may be required to apply for visas to Cuba in their home country.

Include the following information in your email: 

Your full name and NetID.

Your status (faculty, staff, undergraduate student, or graduate student; full-time or part-time; and temporary or permanent).

Dates of travel in Cuba (from [date] to [date]).

The relevant paragraph that describes the purpose of your travel from the list of qualifying activities below.

A brief description (or file attachments) of your intended business in Cuba.

Name and address of the hotel/lodging. 

You’ll be notified once you’ve received approval to travel to Cuba. For record keeping purposes, the Vice Provost for International Affairs will issue an official memo for your trip, stating the basis for the travel. No other member of the University community, including chairs, deans, or department heads, may provide a verification letter for travel to Cuba.

3. Complete Cuba Travel Certification Form for insurance purposes. Download the form  here  (Cornell NetID required) and email the completed form to   [email protected] . Please allow at least two weeks for processing.

4. Register your travel. All students, staff, and faculty   are  required  (per Policy 8.5) to add their Cornell-related international travel plans to the  Cornell International Travel Registry . 

5. Prepare to travel.  Be sure to bring the following with your passport/travel documents: Official OVPIA letter, a detailed agenda/itinerary for the entire stay in Cuba, and visa (if required).

6. Upon return, keep your receipts. OFAC regulations state that travelers are responsible for maintaining a record of their trip receipts and financial documents for at least 5 years. Before engaging in Cornell travel to Cuba, read the  "Records and recordkeeping"  requirements set forth under the Office of Foreign Assets Control Recordkeeping Requirements (31 C.F.R. §501.601 and §501.602) and General Cuba license, 31 CFR 515.565(a).

Permitted Activities - Cuba General License for Educational Activity

The general license (published by the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control as part of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations) authorizes accredited U.S. graduate and undergraduate degree-granting academic institutions to engage in Cuba travel-related transactions incident to certain educational activities. 

If you are a Cornell student, faculty, or staff, you must  meet   the  qualifications outlined in  31 CFR §515.565 Educational Activities   or § 515.564 Professional research and professional meetings in Cuba  to be eligible for travel to Cuba.

To meet the qualifications, your travel to Cuba must be under the auspices of Cornell University. In addition, it must be related to at least one of the following:

Participation in a Cornell-sponsored, structured, educational program in Cuba as part of a course offered for credit. 

Noncommercial academic research in Cuba specifically related to Cuba and for the purpose of obtaining an undergraduate or graduate degree. 

  • Participation in a formal course of study at a Cuban academic institution, provided the formal course of study in Cuba will be accepted for credit toward your graduate or undergraduate degree.
  • Teaching at a Cuban academic institution if you are regularly employed in a teaching capacity at Cornell University. 
  • Sponsorship of a Cuban scholar to teach or engage in other scholarly activity at Cornell University (in addition to those transactions authorized by the general license contained in § 515.571).
  • Sponsorship or co-sponsorship of noncommercial academic seminars, conferences, symposia, or workshops related to Cuba or global issues involving Cuba, and attendance at such events by Cornell faculty, staff, or students.
  • Establishment of academic exchanges (on behalf of Cornell) and joint non-commercial academic research projects with universities or academic institutions in Cuba.
  • Provision of standardized testing services—including professional certificate examinations, university entrance examinations, language examinations, and related preparatory services for such exams—to Cuban nationals, wherever they are located.
  • Provision of internet-based courses—including distance-learning and Massive Open Online Courses—to Cuban nationals, wherever located, provided that the course content is at the undergraduate level or below.
  • The organization of, and preparation for, activities described above by employees of Cornell.
  • Facilitation by an organization that is a person subject to U.S. jurisdiction, or a member of the staff of such an organization, of licensed educational activities in Cuba on behalf of Cornell, provided that: (1) the organization is directly affiliated with Cornell; and (2) the organization facilitates educational activities that meet the requirements of one or more of the general licenses set forth in §515.565(a)(1) through (3) and (6).

Professional research and professional meetings may be permissible travel purposes in certain circumstances – please contact the Export Controls Office for information about this requirement or other types of qualified travel. 

Note that the US Treasury Department’s  Office of Foreign Assets Control  sets the rules and restrictions which govern travel to Cuba, and  specifically prohibit all   tourist-oriented activities in Cuba.  In special circumstances and if the activity qualifies, Cornell University may consider applying for a specific license for proposed educational or research activities.

These guidelines apply to all students, faculty and staff at Cornell University  regardless of whether they hold dual citizenship or are nationals of countries that do not restrict travel to Cuba.

For your reference, you may want to visit the United States Department of the Treasury's "Resource Center" on Cuba sanctions:  Guidance Regarding Travel Between the United States and Cuba.

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  • Best Hotels in Cuba
  • Why Visit Cuba
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  • Meet the Cuban People
  • Why Candela?
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  • Meet Our Team
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  • You Are Family
  • Social Impact
  • How to Get to Cuba
  • Cuban Souvenirs: What You Can Bring Back
  • The Ultimate Cuba Packing List
  • Food in Cuba
  • Cuba and the Art of Tobacco
  • Money in Cuba

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Travel To Cuba In 2020: Support For The Cuban People Travel In 3 Easy Steps

Yes, you can still travel to cuba in 202 0.

by Chad Olin

Here’s how:

Travel to Cuba must comply with one of twelve authorized travel categories. The most popular category of travel is “Support for the Cuban People.” Your travel under “Support for the Cuban People” is authorized by general license . This means you do not need to request permission from the U.S. government or obtain any physical document from the U.S. government at any time. A general license is based on the honor system, however the U.S. government reserves the right to audit your travel, meaning they can request that you provide your legal itinerary and receipts (more on that below).

travel to cuba general license

How to travel to Cuba on your own using the “Support for the Cuban People” general license

Step 1: Have a full-time schedule of “Support for the Cuban people” activities

Step 2: Engage in meaningful interactions with the Cuban people

Step 3: keep a copy of your itinerary and receipts for five years, step 1: have a full-time schedule of “support for the cuban people” activities.

What it means for the average traveler:

  • Buy services from Cuban entrepreneurs, such as home rentals (Airbnb), meals (private restaurants called paladares ), transportation services (taxis) and cultural activities (Airbnb experiences)
  • Participate in enriching cultural activities of your choosing from 9am – 6pm daily
  • Avoid sitting on the beach all day—you must engage with the local people of Cuba

For self-guided travelers, we recommend that you book a rental home on Airbnb because that automatically qualifies as supporting a Cuban entrepreneur (the homeowner). Then, we recommend that you eat two meals per day (lunch and dinner) in privately-owned restaurants called paladares . When traveling around Cuba, use taxis operated by Cuban entrepreneurs.

To create your daily schedule of cultural activities, book Airbnb experiences—most are culturally enriching activities provided by Cuban entrepreneurs. Through these experiences, you will naturally engage in meaningful interactions with Cuban individuals in Cuba, a requirement of “Support for the Cuban People” travel. To be extra cautious, send a message to your Airbnb experience host and ask that he or she confirm that he or she is a cuentapropista (Cuban entrepreneur). Ask each restaurant to confirm that they are a privately owned paladar , and ask each taxi driver to confirm that he or she is a cuentapropista (Cuban entrepreneur).

Example of a full-time schedule under “Support for the Cuban People”

Example Date: Monday, March 21, 2021

Number of Cuban private businesses supported: 7

travel to cuba general license

Other examples of Cuban entrepreneurs you may encounter and support during your trip to Cuba using the “Support for the Cuban People” general license

  • Taxi services provided by Cuban entrepreneurs
  • Convertible classic cars operated by Cuban entrepreneurs
  • Privately owned stores run by Cuban entrepreneurs, such as Clandestina and Dador
  • Music lesson provided by Cuban entrepreneur
  • Cooking class provided by Cuban entrepreneur
  • Photography tour provided by Cuban entrepreneur
  • Cultural cycling tour provided by Cuban entrepreneur
  • Afro-Cuban cultural tour provided by Cuban entrepreneur

The Cuban people are some of the world’s most warm and welcoming. By following the full-time schedule mentioned above, you will most certainly and naturally engage in enriching cultural encounters with the Cuban people.

travel to cuba general license

At the end of every day, spend a few minutes writing down the time of each activity that you experienced, along with a short description of the services you purchased from each Cuban entrepreneur. This is your record of the “Support for the Cuban People” activities you completed in Cuba. When you return to the U.S., email a copy of this itinerary to yourself with a simple subject line like “Support for the Cuban People Itinerary March 20 – 24, 2021.”

This electronic record in your email history will be easy to find, in the unlikely event that the U.S. government asks for proof of how your travel is compliant with the “Support for the Cuban People” travel category.

travel to cuba general license

Ask each Cuban entrepreneur to provide you with a receipt for services rendered. Receipts for Airbnb lodging and Airbnb experiences will automatically be saved in your Airbnb account and email history. Meal receipts are typically provided by all privately owned restaurants in Cuba.

Keep all of the local receipts in your wallet and at the end of your trip, lay your receipts out on a table and take photos of them with your phone. Include these receipt photos in the itinerary email you send yourself.

You should now have a record of your legally compliant itinerary, along with a copy of all receipts saved in your email history, easy to reference should you ever receive questions about your trip to Cuba. We are not aware of any individual travelers being audited by the U.S. government during the Trump era.

travel to cuba general license

What else do you need to know about Cuba travel?

Now that you know how to travel with the “Support for the Cuban People” category, there are three other important things to remember to ensure that your travel is legal. First, you are not allowed to spend money at Cuban government-owned businesses listed on the Restricted Entity List . This includes restricted hotels, such as the Manzana Kempinski and Iberostar Grand Packard. Review the restricted list here and bring a printed copy with you to be safe. Restricted Entities are easy to avoid.

Secondly, your schedule of activities must not include “excessive” free time or recreation time. Your purpose of travel is to support the Cuban people and you must have a full-time schedule of engaging with Cuban entrepreneurs and supporting their businesses by buying services from them. The Cuban entrepreneurial community has become exceptionally vibrant, with approximately 600,000 Cubans engaged in entrepreneurship. Opportunities to support these entrepreneurs can be found on every street corner of Havana. Take pride in helping their businesses thrive and grow.

Lastly, “tourism” to Cuba is prohibited under U.S. law. At this time, you are not allowed to travel to Cuba and lay on a beach at a government owned resort. You must engage with the local culture. If you follow the steps described above, you will have a fantastic experience that is legally compliant, culturally enriching and socially conscious.

But it is important to remember that you are not traveling to Cuba as a tourist. Your purpose of travel is to support the Cuban people, and you are doing so by buying the services of these Cuban entrepreneurs.

travel to cuba general license

Booking a flight to Cuba is very easy

Simply go online and purchase your flight as you would to any other destination. All major U.S. airlines including JetBlue, Delta, American and United fly nonstop service to Havana , Cuba. You may be asked for your purpose of travel before completing the booking. Your purpose of travel is “Support for the Cuban People.”

The Cuban visa is very easy to obtain

There is no process, nothing to submit or do in advance. Simply buy the visa directly from your airline on the day of departure, or order it from your tour company. The visa is a blank form with several lines to complete. It takes less than one minute and can be filled out on the flight to Cuba.

Want to do your own research on the official Cuba travel rules for Americans?

Want to know more about the details behind the U.S. travel rules? Feel free to do your own research and read the license requirements under §515.574 Support for the Cuban People directly in the Code of Federal Regulations. Above, we have highlighted the items most relevant to the average traveler, but there are other legal ways to travel to Cuba with the “Support for the Cuban People” general license. Each self-guided traveler must take responsibility for reading the rules and understanding the requirements.

Looking for assistance in planning your legal trip to Cuba?

Cuba Candela specializes in legal travel to Cuba, providing tailor-made tours and a full suite of services including travel documents, luxury accommodations and unique experiences. For assistance in planning your legal trip to Cuba, please see our US Travel Rules information page , or reach out to us directly at [email protected].

travel to cuba general license

1.     Do I have to travel with a tour group for “Support for the Cuban people?”

No. Self-guided individuals can travel without a company or tour group using the “Support for the Cuban People” travel license.

2.     How do I get to Cuba?

Book a flight directly to Havana’s Jose Marti International airport.

3.     Do I need to purchase international health insurance to visit Cuba?

No, not if you are traveling directly from the U.S. to Cuba. All direct flights from the U.S. to Cuba include Cuban health insurance. Your boarding pass serves as proof of insurance.

4.     Is Cuba cash only?

Yes. U.S. credit cards and debit cards will not work in Cuba.

5.     Does Cuba have WIFI?

Yes. Speed and connectivity have improved significantly over the last several years. WIFI in Cuba is strong enough to reliably send and receive emails.

6.     Will my U.S. cell phone work in Cuba?

Yes, all major U.S. carriers offer roaming in Cuba. Data roaming is very expensive and should be carefully avoided by turning off data roaming in your phone settings. Text and voice roaming can be great options to touch base with family back home or fellow travelers in Cuba.

7.     Can I bring back cigars and rum?

No. On September 23, 2020, the  Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)  announced that U.S. travelers will no longer be allowed to take home “Cuban-origin alcohol and tobacco products”

8.     What happens at U.S. Customs and Border Protection when I return from Cuba?

You may be asked for your purpose of travel to Cuba. Simply state your authorized purpose of travel is “Support for the Cuban People.” We are not aware of any additional questions being asked of travelers. You may return to the U.S. using Global Entry.

Ready to travel to Cuba?!

Transportation In Cuba: How To Get Around Safely

Transportation In Cuba: How To Get Around Safely

Travel Medical Insurance: Preparing For Your Trip To Cuba

Travel Medical Insurance: Preparing For Your Trip To Cuba

How To Connect To The Internet In Cuba

How To Connect To The Internet In Cuba

Privacy overview.

31 CFR § 515.574 - Support for the Cuban People.

(a) General license. The travel-related transactions set forth in § 515.560(c) and other transactions that are intended to provide support for the Cuban people are authorized, provided that:

(1) The activities are of:

(i) Recognized human rights organizations;

(ii) Independent organizations designed to promote a rapid, peaceful transition to democracy; or

(iii) Individuals and non-governmental organizations that promote independent activity intended to strengthen civil society in Cuba; and

(2) Each traveler engages in a full-time schedule of activities that:

(i) Enhance contact with the Cuban people, support civil society in Cuba, or promote the Cuban people's independence from Cuban authorities; and

(ii) Result in meaningful interaction with individuals in Cuba.

(3) The traveler's schedule of activities does not include free time or recreation in excess of that consistent with a full-time schedule.

Each person relying on the general authorization in this paragraph must retain specific records related to the authorized travel transactions. See §§ 501.601 and 501.602 of this chapter for applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

Staying in a room at a rented accommodation in a private Cuban residence ( casa particular ), eating at privately-owned Cuban restaurants ( paladares ), and shopping at privately-owned stores run by self-employed Cubans ( cuentapropista ) are examples of activities that qualify for this general license. However, in order to meet the requirement for a full-time schedule, a traveler must engage in additional authorized Support for the Cuban People activities.

(b) An entire group does not qualify for the general license in paragraph (a) of this section merely because some members of the group qualify individually.

(c) Certain direct financial transactions restricted. Nothing in paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section authorizes a direct financial transaction prohibited by § 515.209, with the exception of transactions on behalf of a non-governmental organization.

(d) Certain travel-related transactions restricted. Nothing in paragraph (a) of this section authorizes the lodging, paying for lodging, or making any reservation for or on behalf of a third party to lodge, at any property on the Cuba Prohibited Accommodations List (CPA List) to the extent prohibited by § 515.210.

(e) Specific licenses. Specific licenses may be issued on a case-by-case basis authorizing the travel-related transactions set forth in § 515.560(c) and such other transactions as are related to support for the Cuban people that do not qualify for the general license under paragraph (a) of this section.

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The .gov means it’s official.

Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site.

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The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.

New Cuba general license and guidance

The Office of Foreign Assets Control has issued and posted on its website a general license for visits to close relatives in Cuba in response to section 621 of the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009.

This general license reinstates the authorization for family travel to Cuba that existed prior to the June 16, 2004 amendments to sections 515.560 and 515.561 of 31 CFR chapter V. It authorizes persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to travel to Cuba to visit close relatives for an unlimited period of time once every 12 months and to engage in travel-related transactions at the "maximum per diem rate" in effect at the time of travel, as established by the State Department.


  1. How To Get A General License To Travel To Cuba

    travel to cuba general license

  2. Americans traveling to Cuba today need three things: a passport, a

    travel to cuba general license

  3. General License To Travel To Cuba

    travel to cuba general license

  4. Fillable Online Cuba Travel Affidavit Form General / Specific Licensing

    travel to cuba general license

  5. The most popular travel licenses for U.S. Citizens going to Cuba

    travel to cuba general license

  6. Fillable Online Cuba Travel Affidavit Form General/ Specific Licensing

    travel to cuba general license


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  5. Cuba informa sobre documentación obligatoria para entrar a la Isla #cuba #dviajeros #aduanadecuba


  1. OFAC License Application Page

    Travel to Cuba . You may not need to apply for a specific license. Before applying for a specific license, please review the information about Cuba travel and the 12 categories of general licenses related to Cuba travel found in the Cuba Assets Control Regulations (31 CFR part 515). To the extent that your proposed travel falls within the scope ...

  2. Traveling to Cuba

    Individuals who meet the regulatory conditions of the general license they seek to travel under do not need to apply for an additional license from OFAC to travel to Cuba. The 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba are: family visits; official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations ...

  3. Cuba Sanctions

    Effective June 9, 2022, OFAC amended § 515.564(a) to include a general license authorizing, subject to conditions, travel-related and other transactions incident to attendance at or organization of professional meetings or conferences in Cuba. This general license authorizes persons subject to U.S. jurisdiction to travel to Cuba for purposes ...

  4. Cuba Sanctions

    Related to Travel Between the United States and Cuba. ... Revision to the general license for certain publishing activities; 70 FR 9225-05 - 2005 Cuban Assets Control Regulations - Amendment to clarify the term "payment of cash in advance"

  5. Cuba International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

  6. Do US travelers need a license for traveling to Cuba?

    A General License for US travel to Cuba is created through a do it yourself process rather than by submitting an application and awaiting approval. Fast, free and convenient, a General License simply requires you to prepare all of your own documentation in a way that meets all OFAC guidelines. You must have the license with you when traveling ...

  7. Entry to Cuba: Visas & Travel Requirements · Visit Cuba

    While tourism trips to Cuba aren't yet authorized, general licenses have been issued for a variety of travel categories. If you meet the requirements of the general license under which they plan to travel, you won't need to apply for another permit from the OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Treasury Department) for your trip.

  8. OFAC

    Instructions. Applicants must first select the type of application that will be submitted from the following choices: Application for authorization to travel to Cuba under a specific license. (Should your travel be authorized pursuant to a general license, do not submit an application for a specific license.)

  9. The rules for Americans visiting Cuba in 2022

    The 12 categories of travel licenses for US citizens. US law states that US citizens can only travel to Cuba on a 'general license' based on one of 12 different approved categories, which include family visits, educational and religious activities, public performances and exhibitions, and the vague sounding 'support for the Cuban people.'Licenses are self-qualifying (there's no long ...

  10. Is it Legal for U.S. Citizens to Travel to Cuba?

    U.S. law states that those who want to go to Cuba need to qualify for a "general license" based on one of 12 approved categories. The 12 categories currently authorized by U.S. government, for travel to Cuba are: Family visits. Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations.

  11. How Americans Can Finally Visit Cuba: A Step-by-Step Guide

    " Travel [to Cuba] for tourist activities is not permitted." - U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control. There are currently 12 general licenses Americans can travel to Cuba under without needing to apply for any additional licenses or approvals. The 12 general license categories for American travel to Cuba are: Family visits

  12. Cuba travel rules

    General License for People to People (P2P) (515.565 b) This category is a subset of the general license for Educational Activities (515.565) to allow for non-academic educational travel. Individual People to People travel (515.565b) was eliminated by Trump but group people to people travel was brought back by Biden in May 2022.

  13. 31 CFR 515.560 -- Travel-related transactions to, from, and within Cuba

    Account(s) authorized by this general license may only be accessed while the account holder is located in Cuba for travel authorized pursuant to this part. The account(s) may not be accessed or utilized by the account holder unless the account holder is located in Cuba and is engaging in authorized transactions.

  14. Everything you need to know about traveling legally to Cuba

    Despite recent bans on cruise liners and 'people-to-people' trips, US citizens can still apply for a 'general license' to travel to Cuba under 11 different categories listed by the US Department of the Treasury. These range from public performances to athletic competitions to humanitarian projects. Independent travelers with no specific ...

  15. U.s. Department of The Treasury

    Persons subject to U.S. jurisdiction who are traveling to or from Cuba pursuant to a general license under one of the 12 categories of travel listed in section 515.560 of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations, 31 C.F.R. part 515 (CACR), or under a specific license from OFAC may be transported between the United States and Cuba.

  16. Can Americans Travel to Cuba? A Decoded Guide

    When the Obama administration relaxed the qualifications on the Cuba license, they created a new General License that has made it easier for Americans to travel to Cuba. Now, instead of having to apply and be approved for a Cuba License, you just have to sign an affidavit that you qualify under a category of the General License, provide support ...

  17. Travel to Cuba

    Permitted Activities - Cuba General License for Educational Activity. The general license (published by the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control as part of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations) authorizes accredited U.S. graduate and undergraduate degree-granting academic institutions to engage in Cuba travel-related transactions incident to certain educational activities.

  18. 695

    695. What are the general travel authorizations in the Cuba program? Travel-related transactions are permitted by general or specific licenses for certain travel related to the 12 categories of activities identified in 31 CFR § 515.560 (a). Those travel-related transactions permitted by general license, subject to specified criteria and ...

  19. Travel To Cuba In 2020: Support For The Cuban People Travel In 3 Easy

    How to travel to Cuba on your own using the "Support for the Cuban People" general license. Step 1: Have a full-time schedule of "Support for the Cuban people" activities. Step 2: Engage in meaningful interactions with the Cuban people. Step 3: Keep a copy of your itinerary and receipts for five years.

  20. 31 CFR § 515.574

    (a) General license. The travel-related transactions set forth in § 515.560(c) and other transactions that are intended to provide support for the Cuban people are authorized, provided that: (1) The activities are of: (i) Recognized human rights organizations; (ii) Independent organizations designed to promote a rapid, peaceful transition to democracy; or

  21. Cuba Sanctions

    31 CFR § 515.564 (a)(1) contains a general license that authorizes, subject to conditions, travel-related transactions and other transactions that are directly incident to professional research in Cuba. Among other things, this general license authorizes, subject to conditions, professional research in Cuba relating to a traveler's profession, professional background, or area of expertise.

  22. Cuba

    You cant provide proof of having an actual physical license. The license applies to everyone. Your itinerary, receipts, photos, and all other records you have the show you met the conditions of travel to Cuba would be 'proof of your license' if you are ever asked about it, which you likely never will be.

  23. New Cuba general license and guidance

    The Office of Foreign Assets Control has issued and posted on its website a general license for visits to close relatives in Cuba in response to section 621 of the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009.. This general license reinstates the authorization for family travel to Cuba that existed prior to the June 16, 2004 amendments to sections 515.560 and 515.561 of 31 CFR chapter V.