Asylum Information Database | European Council on Refugees and Exiles

Asylum Information Database | European Council on Refugees and Exiles

  • Travel documents

greek travel document for refugees

Article 24 Asylum Code and Joint Ministerial Decision 10302/2020, [1] regulate the procedures for the issuance of travel documents for beneficiaries of international protection.

Recognised refugees , upon a request submitted to the competent authority, [2] are entitled to a travel document ( titre de voyage ), [3]   in accordance with the model set out in Annex to the 1951 Refugee Convention. This travel document allows beneficiaries of refugee status to travel abroad, except their country of origin, unless compelling reasons of national security or public order exist or where the person concerned is subject of proceedings for suspension, exclusion, revocation or cancellation of the status granted. [4] The abovementioned travel document is issued by the competent Passport Directorate of the Hellenic Police, [5] subject to a fee of approximately 84 € for the adults and 73 € for the minors. These travel documents are valid for 5 years for adults, as well as for children over 14 years old, and 3 years for children under 14 years oldand can be renewed. [6]

The same applies to beneficiaries of subsidiary protection or family members of beneficiaries of international protection , if they are unable to obtain a national passport, unless compelling reasons of national security or public order exist. [7] In practice, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection must submit to the Greek authorities a verification from the diplomatic authorities of their country of origin, certifying their inability to obtain a national passport. This prerequisite is extremely onerous, as beneficiaries of subsidiary protection may also fear persecution or ill-treatment from their country of origin. Furthermore, the issuance of this verification is at the discretion of the diplomatic authorities of their country of origin and depends on the policy of each country. The travel documents issued for beneficiaries of subsidiary protection are valid for 3 years and can be renewed. [8]

JMD 10302/2020 provides that the Passport Directorates of the Hellenic Police are the only competent authority for the issuance of travel documents. [9] In practice, after their recognition, beneficiaries of international protection must scan all the required documents (including the electronic administrative fee) and send them by email to the competent Alien’s Directorate in order to book an appointment for the submission of their applications in person. Travel documents are issued by the Passport Offices of the Hellenic Police. Beneficiaries of international protection are required to book an appointment, similar to the one for their residence permit (ADET). In case of travel documents, however, the payment of a fee is a prerequisite to obtaining such an appointment. [10] After the travel document is issued, they must regularly check the website of the Asylum Service for their scheduled deliverance appointment. [11] If they miss that appointment, they must book another one through the electronic platform of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, which may be scheduled months after the missed one. Travel documents may only be collected at the RAOs of Attica, Thessaloniki and Crete. This means that beneficiaries of international protection on the islands have to travel either to Athens or to Thessaloniki to collect their document. [12]

The same Ministerial Decision regulates the issuance of travel documents for children accompanied by one of their parents who de facto exercises on his/her own the sole custody of the child, but does not possess documents establishing the sole custodyof the child (e.g., divorce, court order on sole custody, death certificate). More precisely travel documents for childrencan be issued upon submission to the competent Passport Office of a declaration on oath before the District Court or a Notary [13] when the following conditions are met:

  • The child is granted refugee status and is present in Greece with one of his/her parent;
  • this parent is also exercising the sole custody due to facts or legal acts that have occuredin the country of origin (e.g., death of a spouse. divorce), and
  • this parent does not possess documents proving that he/she is exclusively exercising the sole custody.

However, Article 1(6) of JMD 10302/2020 does not apply to cases where the parent is exercising the sole l custody due to facts or legal acts that have occurred in a country other than the country of their origin. In this case, if no supporting documents can be provided, travel documents for children can be granted only by a court order pursuant to which the sole custody is assigned to the single parent. [14] The waiting period for the initial issuance of travel documents is not lengthy as it used to be before, as far as GCR is aware.

As regards the renewal of travel documents, beneficiaries of international protection have to follow a five-step procedure. In particular, the beneficiary: 1) submits a renewal application and a photo via email to the Asylum Service 2) sends to the Asylum Service a signed solemn declaration with a certified signature stating that he/she has not been convicted of several offences restrictively mentioned in the JMD 10302/2020 (see below) 3) the Asylum Service sends to the beneficiary’s personal email the reply to his/her application, 4) the beneficiary submits supporting documents to the competent Passport Office of the Police or the Passport Office of the Aliens Directorate and 5) the beneficiary receives his/her travel document from the competent Regional Asylum Office. [15]

The first step of the procedure often causes problems to beneficiaries of international protection who are technologically illiterate, as they have to fill in the application form electronically and send it correctly via their personal email. GCR observes that many beneficiaries of international protection, despite knowing how to use social media applications, do not know how to use an email properly and often do not even know if they have an email address. Thus, in many cases, beneficiaries seek assistance, often paying huge fees, in various photocopying centres in the centre of Athens or accounting offices, which, in many cases, do not send correctly said renewal applications.

The second step of this procedure is also vital for the travel document renewal procedure since “ A travel document shall not be granted to a person who: a) has been convicted by final decision for forgery, forgery of certificates, embezzlement of documents, false deposition without oath or false declaration (articles 216, 217, 222 and 225 of the Criminal Code and article 22(6) L 1599/1986) where commission is related to the issuance, use, loss or theft of a passport, an identification document or any other document that may be used as a travel document or for criminal organisation, terrorist acts, abduction, slave trade, trafficking in human beings, child abduction, involuntary kidnapping, trafficking (articles 187, 187A, 322, 323, 323A, 324, 327, 351 of the Criminal Code) as well as the offences of Article 29(5), (6) and (7) and of Article 30(1) and (2) of [the Immigration Code]. The prohibition shall apply from the final convicting judgment for five years (5) as regards commission of the above misdemeanours and for ten (10) years as regards commission of a felony respectively, on condition that the sentence imposed has been commuted; b) has been the subject of a criminal charge for a felony or an offence of point (a) for the duration of proceedings …”. [16] The aforementioned condition also applies to the initial issuance of travel documents.

During the travel document renewal procedure, beneficiaries of international protection are asked to submit a solemn declaration pursuant to which they certify that they have not committed any of the above-mentioned criminal offences. This stage is vital because beneficiaries of international protection who have been convicted of travel document-related offences cannot renew or have travel documents issued. In addition, any false statements made in the solemn declaration constitutes a criminal offence. [17]

Decisions of RAO and AAU refusing the grant of a travel document may be appealed before the Director of the Asylum Service who takes a decision based on a recommendation of a three-member panel. [18]

All renewal applications are being processed by the Asylum Unit of International Protection of Beneficiaries ( Αυτοτελές Κλιμάκιο Ασύλου Δικαιούχων Διεθνούς Προστασίας ), which is extremely understaffed, as mentioned in the letter of Director of the Asylum Service dated 16.02.2024 (prot. no. 58515) in response to an intervention by 16 Non – Governmental Organisations of the Legal Working Group. [19] Specifically, according to the aforementioned letter, only two employees are in charge of processing all the travel document renewal applications in Greece. [20]   According to the National Register of Procedures, the travel document renewal procedure may last up to two months. [21] However, according to GCR knowledge, the procedure lasts approximately four months.

Contrary to the above, the beneficiaries of international protection for whom the competent authority is the Headquarters of the Hellenic Police, [22] have to appear in person before the competent Aliens Directorate for the renewal of their travel documents in order to submit their renewal application. GCR has noticed that, despite the provisions of JMD 10302/2020 for beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, according to which travel documents are valid for three years, the travel documents of beneficiaries of subsidiary protection are renewed for two years.

The Headquarters of the Hellenic Police, in response to GCR’s request, provided, among others, data on the renewal and initial issuance of travel documents. In particular, during 2023, in total 20.332 travel documents were issued and renewed by the Headquarters of the Hellenic Police. [23]

Moreover, according to a survey conducted by UNHCR from 01.02.2022 until 14.03.2024, 487 (48%) beneficiaries of international protection had received their travel documents, while 340 (33%) were waiting for their travel documents. [24]

It must be stressed that travel documents are a prerequisite for opening a bank account in Greece, as banks do not accept ADET as valid identification documents for beneficiaries of international protection who wish to open a bank account. Possession of a travel document is also needed for access to employment, since the Unified Social Security Fund ( Ενιαίος Φορέας Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης, EFKA ) does not accept ADET as a valid documentation. [25]

The issue of the link between possession of travel documents and the ability to open a bank account was already highlighted in a survey conducted by UNHCR from July 2022 – June 2023 with 424 beneficiaries of international protection. 43% of those interviewed reported that they had travel documents and only 42% had bank accounts. [26]

[1]  Joint Ministerial Decision 10302/2020, Gov. Gazette B; 2036/30.05.2020, available in Greek at: .

[2]  The territorially competent Aliens Police Directorate of the Hellenic Police is responsible for the submission of travel document applications and service of travel documents to the recognised refugees who have applied for international protection before the start of Asylum Service’s operation. The territorially competent Passport Offices of the Hellenic Police are responsible for the submission of travel document applications of the recognised refugees who have applied/apply for international protection after the operation of the Asylum Service. However, the competent authority for the service of these travel documents is the Asylum Service.

[3]  Article 24 Asylum Code.

[4]  Article 24(1) Asylum Code.

[5]  Article 24(2) Asylum Code.

[6]  Article 6(1) JMD 10302/2020 (in force since 30.05.2020).

[7]  Article 24(3) Asylum Code.

[8]  Article 6(2) JMD 10302/2020.

[9]  Article 3 JMD 10302.

[10]  RSA and Stiftung Pro Asyl, Beneficiaries of international protection in Greece, Access to documents and socio-economic rights, March 2024, available at: , p. 18.

[11]  MoMA, Travel documents , available at: .

[12]  RSA and Stiftung Pro Asyl, B eneficiaries of international protection in Greece: Access to documents and socio-economic rights , March 2022, available at: para. 33.

[13]  Article 1(5) JMD 10302/2020.

[14]  Articles 1(6) and 1(7) JMD 10302/2020.

[15]  Ministry of Migration and Asylum, How to renew your travel documents , available at: .

[16]  RSA and Stiftung Pro Asyl, Beneficiaries of international protection in Greece, Access to documents and socio-economic rights, March 2023, available at: , p. 16 see also Art. 1(2) JMD 10302/2020.

[17]  Article 8 L.1599/1986 “ Whoever knowingly states false facts or denies or conceals the true facts with a written solemn declaration of Article 8 shall be punished with imprisonment of at least three months. If the person responsible for these acts intended to obtain pecuniary advantage harming others or intended to harm others, is punishable by imprisonment of up to 10 years.”

[18]  RSA and Stiftung Pro Asyl , Beneficiaries of international protection in Greece, Access to documents and socio-economic rights , March 2024, available at: , p. 18 . See also Art. 4(3) JMD 10302/2020.

[19]  Letter of Director of the Asylum Service, Renewal of identity documents of beneficiaries of international protection , prot. no. 58515/16.02.2024.

[20]  Ibid.

[21]  National Register of Procedures, Travel Documents Renewal for Beneficiaries of International Protection available in Greek at: .

[22]  Headquarters of the Hellenic Police is the competent authority for beneficiaries of international protection who have applied for international protection before the Asylum Service started its operation.

[23]  Reply of Headquarters of the Hellenic Police, Statistics – AIDA REPORT on GREECE 2020 , prot. no.: 1016/125-300109, 16 February 2024.

[24]  UNHCR, Greece Inter-Agency Protection Monitoring of refugees in Greece, Key Findings, 01.02.2022 – 14.03.2024, available at: .

[25]  RSA and Stiftung Pro Asyl, Beneficiaries of international protection in Greece, Access to documents and socio-economic rights, March 2024, available at: , p. 17. See also RSA and Stiftung Pro Asyl, Beneficiaries of international protection in Greece, Access to documents and socio-economic rights , March 2023, available at: , p. 16.

[26]  UNHCR, Key Findings: July 2022 – June 2023, Protection Monitoring of Refugees in Greece, August 2023, available at: .

Table of contents

  • Overview of the legal framework
  • Overview of the main changes since the previous report update
  • Types of procedures
  • List of authorities intervening in each stage of the procedure
  • Number of staff and nature of the first instance authority
  • Short overview of the asylum procedure
  • Access to the territory and push backs
  • Reception and identification procedure
  • Registration of the asylum application
  • Regular procedure
  • Admissibility procedure
  • Border procedure (airport and port transit zones)
  • Fast-track border procedure (Eastern Aegean islands)
  • Accelerated procedure
  • Identification
  • Special procedural guarantees
  • Use of medical reports
  • Legal representation of unaccompanied children
  • Subsequent applications
  • Safe third country
  • First country of asylum
  • Safe country of origin
  • Provision of information on the procedure
  • Access to NGOs and UNHCR
  • Differential treatment of specific nationalities in the procedure
  • Short overview of the reception system
  • Criteria and restrictions to access reception conditions
  • Forms and levels of material reception conditions
  • Reduction or withdrawal of reception conditions
  • Freedom of movement
  • Types of accommodation
  • Conditions in reception facilities
  • Access to the labour market
  • Access to education
  • Health care
  • Special reception needs of vulnerable groups
  • Provision of information on reception
  • Access to reception centres by third parties
  • Differential treatment of specific nationalities in reception
  • Grounds for detention
  • Alternatives to detention
  • Detention of vulnerable applicants
  • Duration of detention
  • Place of detention
  • Conditions in detention facilities
  • Access to detention facilities
  • Judicial review of the detention order
  • Legal assistance for review of detention
  • Differential treatment of specific nationalities in detention
  • Residence permit
  • Civil registration
  • Long-term residence
  • Naturalisation
  • Cessation and review of protection status
  • Withdrawal of protection status
  • Criteria and conditions
  • Status and rights of family members
  • Social welfare
  • ANNEX I – Transposition of the CEAS in national legislation

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Emergency travel document

bbdf4605-9533-4b15-99fc-63ec0f7ca807 460595 Προσωρινό ταξιδιωτικό έγγραφο

  • At a Glance

Basic information

Application, what you will need, requirements, digital steps, other information, legislation.

  • Digital Steps

At a glance

Points of service, digital provision points.

  • The service is not provided digitally

Number of required documents

Provided without cost

Estimated Time

Description, competent body, authority/public body’s unit responsible for the institutional framework of the procedure, provided to, related links, validity duration, last update, application type, submission by:, submitted by:, means of authentication, identification and signature.

Identification document, Any public document bearing the applicant’s photograph and details

Output & Results

Alternative titles, official title, languages supported, τype of procedure, trigger (submission method), life events.

The procedure concerns the issuing of emergency travel documents (ETDs) by consular posts to Greek citizens who are deprived of a valid travel document in exceptional cases and for humanitarian reasons, so that they can return to Greece or their place of permanent residence. 0.00 0.00 3 2 1 }} }} 5 days}}

Two (2) photographs

Relevant link:

Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person)

Submitted by: Persons

Relevant Procedure: MyPhoto for citizens

Document submitted under requirements: No

Police identity card, old expired passports, driving licence or any public document with bearing a photograph and details of the person concerned.

Notes: In the absence of an identification document, two witnesses with a valid passport or police identity card certifying the identity of the person concerned.

Confirmation from the nearest local foreign police authority that the loss or theft of the applicant’s Greek passport has been reported.

Document submitted under requirements: Yes

Document’s requirement: Administrative

A solemn declaration under Article 8 of Law 1599/1986 regarding the place, time and circumstances of the loss or theft of the passport.

Relevant link:

Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration

Notes: The procedure involves the person concerned issuing an electronic solemn declaration without needing to visit an administrative authority or a Citizens’ Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an electronic solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks or b) using your personal TAXISnet passwords (after logging in once with your web banking codes to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The electronic solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature and you can either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a solemn declaration pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86, and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document.

Document’s requirement: Other

Printed travel ticket.

A birth or family status certificate, issued by a consulate on behalf of an embassy

Relevant link:

Submission by: Ex officio (manual)

Notes: Infants and minors should first be registered in the Greek population registers. In such cases, the physical presence of both parents, or of one parent with the consent of the other parent, or of the person exercising custody or guardianship of the minor. For more information, please contact the locally competent embassy / consular authority or visit its official website. No emergency travel documents will be issued to non-registered persons or persons with a non-settled civil status. The usual registration procedure in the Greek civil registers should be followed before the passport is issued.

Document’s requirement: Administrative, Age

Description On the issuance of passports by the Hellenic Police and other provisions. ‘... The powers concerning ... emergency travel documents for the repatriation of Greek citizens and emergency travel documents continue to be exercised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.’

Legal references pdf=20030100023

Description Ratifying the decisions of the representatives of the governments of the Member States, meeting within the framework of the Council of the European Union regarding the protection of citizens of the European Union, on behalf of the diplomatic and consular delegations and on the establishment of the emergency travel document.

Legal references pdf=20010100280

Description On the organisation and operation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the World Council of Hellenes Abroad and on the arrangement of matters of international development cooperation and humanitarian aid and other provisions.

Legal references stadiodromias/organismos-ypex.pdf

Description On the procedure for the granting of travel documents to beneficiaries of refugee status, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and applicants for international protection.

Legal references pdf=20200202036

Description Establishing an EU Emergency Travel Document and repealing Decision 96/409/CFSP.

Legal references

Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

Description The official receives the application from the citizen.

Description The documents are received and, where necessary, photocopies are made for archiving.

Μethod of Implementation Inspection

Description The correctness of the required supporting documents is checked.

Description The official draws up the emergency travel document.

Description The official checks the correctness of the entries.

Description After the check, the official prints the document.

Description The official shows the drafted document to the person concerned for review and approval.

Μethod of Implementation Signature

Description After the consent of the person concerned, it is signed by them.

Description The photograph is affixed and signed by the official, and both the photograph and the official’s signature are stamped.

Description The official delivers the travel document to the person concerned and files the copy of the relevant supporting documents in the consulate’s archive.

  • Foreign authorities Foreign authorities

  • Your Guide to Greece – Travel documents Your Guide to Greece – Travel documents

  • Citizens and day-to-day life
  • Citizen’s identity information and identification documents
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  • Certificates
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  • How to Apply for a Schengen Visa
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Countries that allow visa-free travel with Refugee Travel Documents

visa free travel with refugee travel documents

  • Countries that require visas for visitors with the Refugee Travel Document (blue) issued under the 1951 UN Convention
  • Countries that DO NOT require visas for the visitors with the Refugee Travel Document (blue) issued under the 1951 UN Convention
  • European countries that you can travel visa free with a travel document
  • European countries that require a visa to travel with a travel document
  • List of countries that DO NOT ALLOW ENTRANCE for the visitors with the Refugee Travel Document (blue) issued under the 1951 UN Convention
  • List of countries that issue travel documents

How to Apply for a Visa

Please note that the information below changes regularly. For example, the UK leaving the EU may change the ability to travel visa-free to European countries. Therefore, you should always check the visa requirements of your country of destination before you travel.

This question comes up when you are considering travelling to one of the European or Schengen Countries or another country. Once you have obtained refugee status, you may wonder where you can travel without the need for a visa.

If you are a holder of a Refugee Travel Document issued by the United Kingdom under the 1951 United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees , you can travel visa-free to a lot of countries. Different countries have their own travel restrictions and require you to have a visa even for short term visits like tourism, even if you have a Refugee Travel Document.

When you are travelling, you will need to make sure that you carry your valid UK residence permit confirming your refugee status together with the Refugee Travel Document.

greek travel document for refugees

N OTE: This list is subject to changes at any time . We recommend double-checking information on the current visa requirements with the embassy of your country of destination before making any travel arrangements or you can start an application with IaM and we can check for you. IaM is not liable for any immigration or other difficulties you may encounter based on the information on this page.

For countries with official sources, there will be a hyperlink, which will be highlighted in orange and underlined. You can click on it to view more information.

Countries that require visas for visitors with the Refugee Travel Document (blue) issued under the 1951 UN Convention:

  • Afghanistan
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina  
  • Czech Republic
  • Dominican Republic
  • Jamaica * (depending on the country of origin of the traveller)
  • Kazakhstan  
  • Norway * (1951 Convention travel documents issued by Malta, Ireland, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland have visa-free access to Norway )
  • Philippines
  • Saudi Arabia 
  • Thailand*  (depending on the country of origin of the traveller)
  • Turkey   (unless for official visit)
  • United Kingdom

Countries that do not require visas for visitors with the Refugee Travel Document (blue) issued under the 1951 UN Convention:

  • Liechtenstein 
  • Netherlands* (depending on the country of origin of the traveller)
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Switzerland
  • Tunisia * (depending on the country of origin of the traveller)
  • Vatican city

European countries that require a visa to travel with a travel document:

European countries that you can travel visa free with a travel document:.

  • Liechtenstein
  • Monaco* (To be confirmed after Brexit)
  • Netherlands* (Depending on your nationality)

List of countries that DO NOT ALLOW ENTRANCE for the visitors with the Refugee Travel Document (blue) issued under the 1951 UN Convention:

  • UAE – Dubai
  • Qatar – Doha

List of countries that issue travel documents:

  • Netherlands *
  • Republic of Ireland
  • United States of America

All the above countries issue refugee travel documents in one form or another. They allow you to leave the country that issued them and return with the same documents. Some countries allow you to travel to other countries without the need for a visa. Whereas, you may need to obtain a visa for other countries. These arrangements are usually due to agreements between countries.

Please note that in some instances, you may lose your refugee status if you travel to the country from which you sought refuge. You will need to check with the country that issued your travel documents.

greek travel document for refugees

Getting a Travel Visa

A travel visa is an official document, usually stamped or affixed into the bearer’s passport, that grants the right to legally enter, remain within, or leave a foreign country. A  Schengen visa , for example, allows you to travel to any of the  Schengen countries  as well as other  non-Schengen countries  that allow travellers to enter their countries with a Schengen visa.

Travellers without a valid travel visa will be refused entry into a country. And, if the individual enters the country through illegal means and is later discovered, may be punished and deported.

Each country has their own processes for applying for a visa. Generally, you will need to fill in an application form and submit any requirements that the consulate or embassy asks for, and some even require you to appear for an interview .

There are many factors that could add to your visa being approved or rejected by the consulate, and many find the process of applying for a visa stressful for this reason. You can choose to do this on your own, or get a service like IaM to help you either make the application or check the application that you filled out yourself.

If you want to make your own visa application to any of the Schengen countries , check out our blog posts for our detailed guides:

greek travel document for refugees

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For the latest visas & uk immigration updates..

Do you have a refugee travel document and plan on travelling? Comment below.

IaM  can help with your visa application to the United States, the UK & other countries

If you need help with a  US visa , a  UK Visa , or  visa to Europe , including help with appointment booking obligations,  IaM  can help. For more information and advice on US immigration, UK immigration law and US visa applications or if you need any help or assistance please, reach out to your Visa Coordinator at  IaM .

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51 Responses

greek travel document for refugees

Great article Very informative Just one suggestion in title if you can add UK

greek travel document for refugees

Hello, Can I still travel to these countries visa free with a refugee travel document after brexit? Thanks

greek travel document for refugees

We are in the process of updating this post. Check with the embassy first to know where you want to go.

greek travel document for refugees

The French embassy has been ignoring my email enquiries and their visa centre as well. I am stuck and do not know if I can still travel to France visa free with my refugee blue travel documents with Brexit. Has anyone travelled during this year 2021? did you need to apply for a Schengen visa or did you travel visa free? That would help a lot if someone could share their experience. Many thanks

greek travel document for refugees

i tried to go to france but they send me back

Yes, on our list it says France requires visa.

greek travel document for refugees

Greece need a visa as the embassy confirmed

greek travel document for refugees

Hi all, I am currently stck in Georgia that entered the UK red list and in need for a buffer place to spend the ten days before flying back to the UK. I would appreciate any suggestions for a visa free destination.

Hi. You can check the UK amber list ( ) or green list ( ).

greek travel document for refugees

What type of visa do I need to visit a Switzerland for about 2 weeks to visit a friend. And can I travel to Switzerland from Sudan . I live in the uk and I have a refugee travel document. I’m traveling to Sudan in few days then if possible will travel to Switzerland.

You will need a Schengen visa to visit Switzerland to visit a friend. You can check the list above if you are required to apply for this visa.

greek travel document for refugees

Hi , I have a Uganda travel document the Geneva Convention 1951 July 28 If I travel Europe I need visa or not

Read the blog post above.

greek travel document for refugees

Can I still travel to Malta with a refugee travel document from the UK without a visa? I have contacted the relevant embassies but have not had any replies yet.

Hi. We have updated our list. You can check which countries you can travel to visa-free.

greek travel document for refugees

Hi CHesca , thanks alot for this information so i have read that Malta does not require visa for Blue refuggee TravelDocument . just some one stuck in Istanbul and have to go to malta to do the 10 days there . thanks

You’re welcome. Glad to help.

greek travel document for refugees

Hi , I have a Japanese travel document the Geneva Convention 1951 July 28 If I travel Europe I need visa or not

Check the list above or contact the embassy for more info.

greek travel document for refugees

Hi , thank you for this helpful article but can you please confirm about Turkey and Tunisia as I can see them in countries DO NOT require visas for the visitors with the Refugee Travel Document (blue) issued under the 1951 UN Convention. do you have any link to show this new update I checked Turkish official website and I think they still ask Refugee travel document holders to apply for visa. please let me know!

many thanks

You can check with the embassy to be sure if you will need a visa or not.

greek travel document for refugees

I,m a refugee in Namibia. I have acceptance status and my traveling document. I would like to visit Canada or Austria. Please how will I get the Visa.

Hi. You can start your application with us here: For Austria: For Canada:

greek travel document for refugees

Hi, I been in Portugal in June 21, could I still travel to Portugal with my travel document from UK? Thank you very much.

Check the article above.

greek travel document for refugees

Hi I live in the UK having travel documents. Can I travel to paris without visa please let me know Thanks

You can check the list above for France.

greek travel document for refugees

Hi Juan, can I check if your comment means you travelled to Portugal in June 2021 visa free? I have a flight to Portugal tomorrow and I was under the impression that I could travel without a visa with the same travel document mentioned in the article. Thanks

greek travel document for refugees

I would also be interested in this question in regards Portugal.

greek travel document for refugees

Has anyone with refugee travel document indeed travelled to USA WITHOUT a visa or do we actually need a visa to get in?

According to our list, USA requires a visa.

greek travel document for refugees

My first inquiry: HI, my UK Refugee Travel Documents will expire in 14/11/2021 (that is bit less than 3 months from now). Can I still use it to travel to Europe (Greece or Lithuania)?

My second inquiry: about a week ago I contacted Lithuania (by email) asking if I could visit Lithuania using my Refugee Travel Document (above) visa-free. They confirmed that I COULD! However, in the list above Lithuania is under the “Countries that REQUIRE visas for visitors with the Refugee Travel Document (blue) issued under the 1951 UN Convention”. Can you explain how this works please?

You need to make sure that your travel document is valid if you plan to travel. As we have put up in the notice, these restrictions can change at any time so we recommend you check with the embassy.

greek travel document for refugees

I hold a UN Convention Refugee Travel Document issued in the UK, and I am preparing to visit a country that does not require visa from me. I wonder if I need to present my Biographic Residency Permit Card (BRP) at the custom alonsige the travel document?

Yes you will need that to enter the UK.

greek travel document for refugees

I have refugee uganda refugee i need to visit canda how will i go there please help me.

greek travel document for refugees

Hello, I have a blue passport (1951) issued by Belgium, I live with in Brussels, I would like to go to south Africa, I would like to know if I need or apply for a visa to go there some days of vacation?.. Thanks

You can check our list above and/or check with the embassy to be sure.

greek travel document for refugees

Just been to the Portugal Consulate, Refugees now need a Visa to travel to Portugal.

Hi Baba, is this with the 1951 travel document??

Is this with travel document and valid biometric card?

greek travel document for refugees

Hi I have Uk travel document (black) I want travel Eastern Europe do I need visa or just buy ticket and travel also if not which country accept it ?

Check the list above.

Do I Require visa with UK travel Document and biometric card for Portugal? I am Albanian citizen, but I reside in the UK.

Hi Eduart, Albanian citizens do not need a Schengen visa to travel to Portugal or any Schengen countries.

greek travel document for refugees

You forgot to mention Canada in your list of countries that issue travel documents. Here’s the details about how to get a Canadian travel document:

greek travel document for refugees

Hi, Anyone been able to travel to Italy recently? I tried to go from Birmingham to Milan with Ryanair and they denied me boarding even though I printed embassy website and consulate email confirming that visa is not required. Ryanair’s handling agent at Birmingham Airport, Swissport use IATA TravelCentre to check for visas

greek travel document for refugees

Hi I am a Zimbabwean national who holds a UK refugee travel document and I just wanted to check if South Africa definitely does not require a visa as the last time a friend travelled there about ten years ago they did require one. At that time it did state that we needed one on their website but this is no longer stated so am guessing this has changed. Checked with the embassy but referred me to vfs global.

Regarding my earlier enquiry just got an email from VFS global South Africa desk and the agent stated that a visa would need to be applied for prior to travel if I hold a UK refugee travel document as a Zimbabwean national.

greek travel document for refugees

Hi , I have a uk travel document the Convention of 28 july 1951 and i wanted to check if i need a visa to travel to belguim. Thanks

greek travel document for refugees

Belgium is listed above in one of the countries that you need a visa. Check out how to apply for a Belgium visa .

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  • Information

Travel Documents in Greece

How to renew your travel document, faq - travel documents.


  1. How to renew your Travel Document

    greek travel document for refugees

  2. Travel Documents in Greece

    greek travel document for refugees

  3. Travel Documents in Greece

    greek travel document for refugees

  4. 'Qualifications Passport' for refugees in Greece

    greek travel document for refugees

  5. Registration

    greek travel document for refugees

  6. Refugee Travel Document Explained

    greek travel document for refugees


  1. Traveling to Greece Amidst the Covid 19 Pandemic

  2. 44 Essential Greek Travel Phrases for English Speakers / English to Greek / Conversation Style

  3. 🇬🇷 Greek refugee camps suffer from surge in migration

  4. Looking for Greek destination ?

  5. Greece travel tips!

  6. Greek Travel Agents FTW!!🧿🇬🇷📿 #greek #comedy #travel #lol #greece


  1. FAQ

    If you want to travel, you need to apply to renew your Travel Document at least six months before it expires. Other countries, European and Schengen countries included, have specific regulations regarding the visa requirements for Refugee Travel Document holders. Ireland and Serbia, for example, require visas for refugees with Travel Documents.

  2. Travel Documents in Greece

    Travel Documents cost €84,40 (euros) for adults and minors over 14 years old and €73,60 (euros) for minors under 14 years old. How to pay the renewal fees. You can pay the fees for the renewal of your Travel Document through the so-called e-paravolo online platform(all information on this platform is in Greek).

  3. Ταξιδιωτικά Έγγραφα

    Travel documents are individual.Ιn order to apply for travel documents you have to be a recognized refugee or an alien with Subsidiary Protection.; Αν είστε δικαιούχος καθεστώτος πρόσφυγα, τα ταξιδιωτικά έγγραφα τα δικά σας και της οικογένειάς σας διαρκούν πέντε (5) έτη από την ...

  4. PDF How to apply for Travel Documents

    Travel documents are individual. Travel documents for recognized refugees who are adults or minors of fourteen (14) years of age or older, are valid for five (5) years. For minors under fourteen (14) years of age they are valid for three (3) years. How to apply for travel documents: You have to apply to a Passport Office of the Greek Police (or ...

  5. How to renew your Travel Document

    To renew your travel document, you need to take the following 5 actions/steps: First, you apply to the Asylum Service by email. You send Solemn Declarations by post or via email to the Asylum Service. You receive an email reply from the Asylum Service with instructions on steps 4 and 5. If you cannot find this email, check your SPAM folder.

  6. PDF How to renew your Travel Document

    In order to renew your travel document, you need to take the following. 5 actions/steps: First, you apply to the Asylum Service by email. You send Solemn Declarations by post to the Asylum Service. You receive an email reply from the Asylum Service with instructions on steps 4 and 5. You submit documents to the Passport Office of the Greek ...

  7. Travel Document Q and A

    According to policy, if you hold a Greek Travel Document, you don't need a visa to go to EU countries that have signed the Schengen Treaty. ... European and Schengen countries included, have specific regulations regarding the visa requirements for Refugee Travel Document holders. Ireland and Serbia, for example, require visas for refugees ...

  8. Travel Document

    Travel Document. Once you receive refugee status or subsidiary protection in Greece, you can apply for a Travel Document. You don't have to wait until you get your Residence Permit.. If you have refugee status, your Travel Document will look like this:. If you have been granted subsidiary protection, you can use your national passport.But if you are unable to get a passport from your country ...

  9. FAQ

    *The following process also applies to Ukrainian nationals that have been rejected and haven't obtained the Temporary Protection status. You can use this article to find basic info on the rights ...

  10. My rights and obligations as a Recognized Refugees

    You have the right to apply for travel documents . You will have access to work, education, social welfare and medical care under the same terms and conditions as Greek citizens. If you are granted refugee status, you can apply for family reunification under certain criteria. Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection do not have this right.

  11. Travel documents

    Article 24 Asylum Code and Joint Ministerial Decision 10302/2020, regulate the procedures for the issuance of travel documents for beneficiaries of international protection. Recognised refugees, upon a request submitted to the competent authority, are entitled to a travel document (titre de voyage), in accordance with the model set out in Annex to the 1951 Refugee Convention.

  12. How to renew and replace lost, damaged or expired documents

    For more information about the procedure, please contact the Refugee.Info team. 🔵Travel Documents Renew Travel Documents. To renew your travel document, you need to take the following 5 steps: Step 1: First, you apply to the Asylum Service by email. ... Take the document to the Greek Police and say your travel document was lost or stolen ...

  13. Travel Documents for Refugees and Stateless Persons

    Both the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1954 Statelessness Convention define travel documents as a distinct right for refugees and stateless persons to travel internationally.. In practice, in some countries restrictions often apply or exit fees and other procedures are in place that might limit refugees' and stateless persons' ability to travel.

  14. Travel from Greece

    If you have a travel document after receiving refugee status in Greece, you can normally travel to every country in the world, except your country of origin. If you received subsidiary protection, you will not get a travel document, but you will be allowed to travel with your Greek residence permit and a passport from your country of origin.

  15. Έτοιμα Ταξιδιωτικά Έγγραφα

    Greek and homework support for refugee children aged 4-17; European and International Immigration Policies; Residence of E.U. citizens and family members; Immigration to Greece; Administration & Contact; ... Search for your travel documents using your case number. 13.09.2024: List of Travel Documents that are ready-Pick up at Regional Asylum ...

  16. Emergency travel document

    No emergency travel documents will be issued to non-registered persons or persons with a non-settled civil status. The usual registration procedure in the Greek civil registers should be followed before the passport is issued. Document submitted under requirements: Yes. Document's requirement: Administrative, Age.

  17. Countries that allow visa-free travel with Refugee Travel Documents

    My first inquiry: HI, my UK Refugee Travel Documents will expire in 14/11/2021 (that is bit less than 3 months from now). Can I still use it to travel to Europe (Greece or Lithuania)? My second inquiry: about a week ago I contacted Lithuania (by email) asking if I could visit Lithuania using my Refugee Travel Document (above) visa-free.

  18. Greece

    Thanks for visiting Refugee.Info! On the Refugee.Info website, you can find info on topics such as the asylum process, legal rights, healthcare, education, work and many more, including services available in Greece by organizations that offer assistance and support. Our goal is to address the information gap that often exists for refugees ...

  19. Refugee travel documents

    The idea of refugee travel documents dates back to Fridtjof Nansen. Appointed as the League of Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in 1921, Nansen promoted the idea of travel documents for refugees and from 1922 issued the first version ("the Nansen passport") through the League of Nations.

  20. Protocol for Arrivals in Greece

    Travellers, who decide to fill out the simplified form, will receive the PLF with their unique Quick Response (QR) code via email (the QR code will be provided in a link in the email). The PLF can also be found on the Visit Greece app and at It is strongly recommended that all visitors download the Visit Greece app (GDPR ...

  21. Apply for Asylum

    The travel documents issued are uploaded here every Friday. You can use your asylum case number to check if your travel documents are ready. If you miss the appointment uploaded by the asylum service, you can contact them for a new appointment through this platform. Find more info: Travel documents. ⬜ FINGERPRINTS

  22. Note on Travel Documents for Refugees

    The 1951 Convention Travel Document for Refugees. 8. Article 28 of the 1951 Convention provides that: "1. The Contracting States shall issue to refugees lawfully staying in their territory travel documents for the purpose of travel outside their territory unless compelling reasons of national security or public order otherwise require, and the ...

  23. Travel

    This website is for general information purposes only and does not contain legal advice.